HomeMy WebLinkAbout1170 HARBORVIEW LN; ; CBR2021-0130; PermitPrint Date: 02/12/2021 Permit No: CBR2021-0130 Building Permit Finaled Residential Permit Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel #: Valuation: Occupancy Group: 1170 HARBORVIEW LN, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BLDG-Residential 2061401100 $0.00 Work Class: Lot #: Project #: P/M/E Status: Applied: Issued: 01/14/2021 01/14/2021 Finaled Close Out: #of Dwelling Units: Track #: Plan #: Closed - Finaled PDrei Plan Check #: Project Title: Inspector:Orig. Plan Check #:Bathrooms: Description:ADD (1) NEW 3 ZONE MINI-SPLIT AND (1) NEW 220V CIRCUIT (E-REVIEW) Final Inspection:02/12/2021 Bedrooms:Construction Type: Property Owner: SCIORTINO MICHAEL AND WALKER MARNI 1170 HARBORVIEW CARLSBAD, 92008 Contractor: OAK ISLAND HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING INC 1250 PACIFIC OAKS PL, # STE 103 ESCONDIDO, CA 92029-2908(760) 839-8383 AMOUNTFEE PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, AND MECHANICAL PERMIT $175.00 Total Fees:$175.00 Total Payments To Date:$175.00 Balance Due:$0.00 Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 ï 760-602-2700 ï 760-602-8560 f ï www.carlsbadca.gov Building Division Page 1 of 1 {"Cityof Carlsbad CBR2021-0130 1/14/21 • (Cityof Carlsbad RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION B-1 Pb.n C;hedc _____ _ Est. V•lu• _____ _ PC Deposit _____ _ oatc _____ _ ,.._,, 1110 Har bor \Hew k11 Sulto. ___ , _________ _ cr/....,._..__ ___________ _,. .. .,,~ ___ Y_luih: ______ _ F'"" SpWd<Ns,~ NO Nr eo..dili, . .0 'l'llQ 110 Slll(f 0ESCRIP'IW)N Of WORK: Add I rie,w 3 Z.OY1e, I new 22o v irCA tl f- 01ett-Ddd. □Po<Ats... ___ s, -Q<o,Oca,k>l<-....s? ________ _ 0-,,. __ KW~_Modules.-◊11oof0Ground. Tolt:{)\'()N, RMA:0YQN, 11-.y()y<)M.,-Upg,ado:0,0,, D -.. ________________________ _ Ql~al 0 0nlr.Od-. ' . ThiJ~ .................. otthe ,,....,,., OWftetas~ ,.a~e.. b-..d CMICl9CIOrM~~ olW ~•""""actor. Thf,pmr;,nl$tcda,:thl-~bdow--ktlw..,,.,o,,(qfGMC11Ct~Np,tm,if ,nicm.. (IW'· t rn e :s u ,_ 1 -·- IOENTIF'V WHO WIU. PER.FORM THE WORK 8Y CO MPUTING {OPTION A) OR {OPTION 8) BUOW: (OPTION A): llCENSEO CONT!tACJQB D(ClARATl<m: I hereby <J/firm cmder penoltyof perjury !hot I om li(;cn~ vnder prcwislons o{Ch<Jpte, 9{('ommenc.ing with S-eaton JOOO)of Divi$iQn J of the BUSitle$$(Jf'l(J Professions Code, and my liCeN.I! i$in /1,1/1 force ond effeu.1 also aff,rm ufldcr penolzyof perjury one of the folkYwitt(J d(:(lqttJtiont: , 0 l'Clttlc.~ <Ji EKO'Tl/lr.k,n: l ~ thn in !,t,e ~t of tt-.e WI>« tot wlli(h ltiiS pe,IM: OS !$:;ucd, I :111111 noT """'0¥ ~ iwrwn Ill 1:1w, m11nrocr :.o 11~ to~~ ~1 to th@ WO"'~~-<~n lllW:Cil(;lltf<,)~. W~ING; ~ to K<l,ftW(>t.b::n; co,'1'1.,.__;o..~~ bunbwful llnd $~$~11 .. ~lllpic,yttto ~ pcn;iltlc:, IIM cMI fl~ .... ~$100,000.00, in .;dltlott the ti:> ffie tc£t (II <~"Mltion, dt~e :n Ol'O\'IOed 10f' 111. ~ 3)'06 of the h~ CO<k, I..U~l Md -.w,....,,n. ~ ~NSTRUCTIQN \§NOIN(i AGE~.()'. IF ANY: I 11(!1~ affirm th.11 d'l,'11" h • (OIISV...C:QOfl ltndl"II ~ to, thl> Pffklnl'l~,C, of~ wO,I( th!$ peiml! l\ ~ (So,c. W,)1 (0 (Ml (ode), ~.-,~me:: ----------____ _.IAMH'i Ad~;- CONTRACTOR PRINT: ,llli:.Qh Young SIGN: ~c (OPlK)N B): OWNF.R-8UILOER OE-CLARAT"ION__; I he-feby tJ/fitm thut I om exempt ftomCOl'luoaor's (kense tow for Che fof!Owillg rffion: DATE: _1:..:./...c.1 L_,_/ 1..:;;;_;_1 _ 0 '-11s Owll(lfe/tM f)tOfll:fly-0, ,.,,.,mi:(OVttSwllhw~;is tf\,(!l,':<oll!t-O'"p,:n~::nlorl, •••llldo the~ ~~Stl\ottwrels notlrMefl!le!l rw otl(,ICo to, s.11t~. 7().M, f)udn(!:n .~ l'tolt'$Slofl$ ((ld,c,: lh(): (,ontf.MAor'l l k ,:~ I l,w OOC,: "°~ Ot>plv to~ O'-.e, ()( l)(~l'f ~ tlul'dS Ot IMl)rOW!S, 11,eroon, Jirld -.11o de,($ M h-.,o,k hiM}tll ()r tllt(kll(II II~ t,ff, CIT"1'1cl/e8$; t>tO'Y!OeO 11\11 su(h lmpn)';tm,int\ .,,. flot ol"ltt ll\leO vt (lf'cf'Cd'. for s;:1le, If, !WI_,.,, thllJ buildlf'lt Ot lmP,(M:.,.IC!nl Is lllkl ~thifl OfKI y,i;:,,, of (Olt!Oitt•', tho!: OWllC'II builde1 wll h;lw, 1111> Ill•'""""' Ol 11<""'"8. ~ he d id rm WIii M .-rlpf(m!' lo, th,: Pl.I~ of ~le). 01, ilS (hW>,ilt ul tloe ll!Olll-"tv, ;)Ill c~dUl~• 00111/Ktif'le will, !kc~cd con1rlltt0~ tl>~ua ~ p l)j,:tt {~c:. i'tkW. 81J~nc~~ :.t>d Pi'Ol'"(lof'IS (~ th,: Ct'"tr.mo(s t la:11:c lll'W ~ 110t 11pa}ly t-0 ~ owner of Dl'Oocrtv ""'ho~ o, imp,~ the•-, .-.cl wl'!Wru ti:. sua-PM{l>US Ml.h(il'Wtrktoiis) l1tc1m:a PJl'WlllllllOtl!IIJ(Qnt~'>ti-1.¥,¥). 01 .im ~u~,&.«~,lllC, P,Of~(.odcVll,~;\.~l)fQf'),M'ti~ )$orthii.rN~OI': D-ow<>er (lultd",co'~k~-lt Md,_-il'".C-..N)o\ fo,m"' mGt,cc,,,,C,edout,l~ilnd l;l~t~he<ltvthG;,CJdlatlcw, 0 ~i "'~Accnt ~ hi!.\ ~r.~ ovc. }~;ind imllOledtotni': 11pplic.lt',o(lft~(lw,:~ofJfhortryro«i:oin fht;Jtl#ol(()n t1Jt:OWIJC'I"'= bcr,oi/. &v my licn:.,tu,: bcbW I ::1d,:r1e1...,tc~ ~ t'>l'"PC rur my i:,,er-ONI ~e irl whi(h I M~ "'-1<:!Sde,:Uor 11t lclla ~ yu,-prio, to u,o,11111:'tion ohhc lmP,OYCmOllts (<l'lr¥e4 l)y tlliS !)e1mit, I a nllO'I q;ll>/!)(ll 11 $lM 1!Jl''e t"-t 1 "-bull! le 111'1 OWI\Ct bo.nC11'1'. 1' h~S l'l(lt bttncomb'ucted In ~ entitt(y"" 5(~ (Qtll/aitto~ 1 v,11hnror,d tfiar o tc?/<-j r~ or,r,.o;c~ Iv,,,, Srtdtm 11),U of me e--~-~ ()NI Pr()fe$1Jom ( odit, is a-.~·,~ U(J(JI) 1eo11~r wJo,:ri U1il ~olffln .e s11tltll,TI~ Of Ot tM ~"'0 \'Vt'.!, 'Ski!: htttJ':/Jw-,r«,M/0.tt,,rp,,/to<Pw,J,tmJ. OWNER P1!1NT: ________ _ SIGN: _________ DATE: _____ _ APPLICANT CERTIFICATION: SIGNAT\JRE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF SUB~ 8'I my Sig(»!J.Jf~ beluw, t ctrtify rhot:: # om t1te IJf'Opri!rty oWM.r or State ()j Ct,,1Jjon,i() UCe/tSltd Con:rortor or outhorlled ro o« on tM 111opr:tty owner "1 c.ol'Jtl'~Of"s oe110!{.1 ceitify tbot J how; rr:od the' opp;korkxl t111d 1tate thor rht; oOO~ Mform0.W11 i$ corrt"<t o,id rhot the Jrifom,otk,;t o,i lhe p/atl'$ hi aa.vrott:. I Ot)ft:e co (ompfy wi.th oll Cify ordmOfl«:S 0"'1 Srou UJw$ tdaUfl9 ro buildir,g «MSt.flJ«IM. lhc,ct)y<n,V>Otll~ftv;d~.:nta:iw:ofrlw:OryojCl)IISbtJdU>mlt:1.upootheOOO\'t'~fJ(~fo,}mp«OQnpt,lf'fX«;$,IAl:SOAGMCTOSAV!, t.V/XMNIIY /tNQ KUP HMNUCSS THE Cl1Y Of' (AR19JAO AGAINST AU t IA/Jtt.(1){,S, JV00-.,'1(/1/Jl, (t)SJS ;WI> EX/>iNStS IVHJCH AMY IN AM' Wl,Y AiXl«X AGAINST $A.ti) (IYY IN (t)N.5{®(11(£ OI THE (i/V.NYING (}f rn,s PCRM11. <.>S,l,IA: An OSHA Pet"'it ;s lf:tllJitcd /Or Cl!«IVOtkm$ (Mtl $'0' 6ttll <,rid tk,t\Oliti-Ott or t-orutruakm of W v«(.lfes O<ttr' J .ito,ie$ m hcigfl(. APPLICANT PRINT: JUiia Solare.z. SIGN: t!f2,~ l63S r-.-111lqlwct ~~O,U.9~$ Ph:70060? 211<Jh,t;7~-8SS$ DATE:.--'-!/ l-"-/2'-i/c..::z_::..,/_ Building Permit Inspection History Finaled PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBR2021-0130) BLDG-Residential 01/14/2021Application Date:Permit Type:Owner:COOWNER SCIORTINO MICHAEL AND WALKER MARNI P/M/E 01/14/2021Work Class:Issue Date:Subdivision:HARBOR VIEW 08/11/2021Expiration Date:Status: IVR Number: 31015 Closed - Finaled 1170 HARBORVIEW LN CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Address: Scheduled Date Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Status Primary Inspector Reinspection InspectionActual Start Date 02/12/2021 02/12/2021 BLDG-43 Air Cond./Furnace Set 150434-2021 Passed Peter Dreibelbis Complete COMMENTS PassedChecklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency No BLDG-Final Inspection 150435-2021 Passed Peter Dreibelbis Complete COMMENTS PassedChecklist Item BLDG-Mechanical Final Yes BLDG-Electrical Final Yes Friday, February 12, 2021 Page 1 of 1 {cityof Carlsbad