HomeMy WebLinkAbout1043 LORETTA LN; ; CBR2021-1034; PermitPrint Date: 05/07/2021 Permit No: CBR2021-1034 Building Permit Finaled Residential Permit Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel #: Valuation: Occupancy Group: 1043 LORETTA LN, CARLSBAD, CA 92008-3595 BLDG-Residential 2061204405 $0.00 Work Class: Lot #: Project #: P/M/E Status: Applied: Issued: 04/14/2021 04/15/2021 Finaled Close Out: #of Dwelling Units: Track #: Plan #: Closed - Finaled TKers Plan Check #: Inspector:Orig. Plan Check #:Bathrooms: Final Inspection:05/07/2021 Bedrooms:Construction Type: Occupant Load: Code Edition: Sprinkled: ADD AC COIL & CONDENSER (E-REVIEW)Description: Project Title: Contractor: OAK ISLAND HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING INC 1250 PACIFIC OAKS PL, # STE 103ESCONDIDO, CA 92029-2908 (760) 839-8383 AMOUNTFEE PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, AND MECHANICAL PERMIT $175.00 Total Fees:$175.00 Total Payments To Date:$175.00 Balance Due:$0.00 Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 ï 760-602-2700 ï 760-602-8560 f ï www.carlsbadca.gov Building Division Page 1 of 1 {"Cityof Carlsbad CBR2021-1034 4/14/21 ('atyof Carlsbad RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPUCA TION 8-1 Pl;!') Check ______ _ £st. Valu• PC Deposit ______ _ Date ______ _ Job Add™• I O 4 3 Lo te.t±a Lane. Sulte.: ___ _,.l'tl:.~. ________ _ Cf/Prof.a#:: ______________ ,Lat#· Year Built: _______ _ '1re Sprinkle,s,{)m() NO Ab Conditlo<urc:() 'tESQ NO Ei.<tricol Pan<l u..,.io:QVES() NO 8ltlU~Pi10N~WOflX, AJUJ Ai c cai I Zc c.ondwt-& 0 Add itiOfl/New: ____ ,Llving $F, ___ Occ.k $F, __ ...JPatio SF, __ __:Gara&e Sf __ _ ls this to create JnAccessor, OwillfngUnit? Q Y QN New meplace? Q YON ,if y~ how many? __ 0 R.fflkldeC:, ____ s,: of affected area I$ the atH a convt-,slon or change: of use ? OY O N Addltlonal Ga.sor E1Kt,1calFulUres? _________ _ QSolar: __ -'KW~ _ _,Modules,~:OaoolOGro<nl, n1t:OY0,., RMA:0v0>1, 8ott•,v:Ov ON. Pon•I Upg,1de:OVON 0 Rerwt, ____________________________ _ ~ Plumbing/Mechsnlcal/!lectrlcal 0 Only. Other: l'hll pemir a t.o be iswtd 1n u..,.. of the Prop«ty ~ • OwMt~. licet\Sed ~.aor °' AlJtbofbed AtiMt of tht OWMf O' c.o.m-adot. ~ oe,sott lta'a:I as; rN AprJli,ct;h( belawv. ... bC' * moitt poim qf cor.tD(:C C/tfOU9ltOut Q pt:m:Jlt prora;$. IDENTIFY WHO Wlll PERFORM THE WORK BY COMl>l.ETING (OPTION Al OR (OPTION 8) snow, (OPTION A): llC£NSEQ CONTRACTOR DfCU\RATION: ( t:-erel,y affirm vndcr PCl'JGftY of rx-rjt1ry th(tl I om lkt!r•SeC mrd~ prol/J.OOIJS of Chaprer 9 fcomtMndng wi:h Section 7000) Uf !misiM 3 ol:~ 81J•~int:$..'> end Pmjl'f",,.•;joM cocc, of'ld my tiCCt:$~ i s in ,~1 fotce or:.d eff€ct.; o/so o{f11m <Jnd11r p1:nc¥ty <Jf pPtjwyo11e of the JtJlk>,vmfJ dt!dc:c,aom.· 01 11,-,-:,iad W\ll m~io ~.~llfiiJit< of<:~ to $,llf•illS11'1! 10<' WOdters' ~,,,ptr·,,.~o.,n r.l'tM~r,, ~on 37t0d tttc l~bor Cud!!, for tile s.o=,kolm&n<it ()( ~111! wtl~ w"h:Ch !ti$. p,ttmlrios. luUCG. 1'011,:V No, •• ______ _ ~l h.,,·t ¥'d WII INintul wntl.u'i com:c~ ~, re.:1111!-ed by ::«111.'fl )100 ol lhl! l,)b(:,,'(:QCI!', rc,, l'M p,:c,ormitnr.c, r.i t!IC wlXI( ~f"\lo1lldl thb ;:;,mllit 1) iuu.l!d, W11w,:,rkcr1' :::=~i:m i11111r.sx\! e»1ii.!q1•"1ii,of,cyrn.,M1!W ,l(~: lnwnraa:Company Na.,w. sewn ty NIA:f t QY) a I PoticyNo . ~C::f323f7l:z [ic:l)i~'ti()nDiote: l-J-2,Q-Z'i 0 (l'~'II ~f r.:-vwo: 1 ('@;Qly tl!111 in r~ ~Mrm11n1J1. ct in11 -.US( fw,.'hldl ~ ~mit A' lm t1$6, , ''"'II I\Ol @~ ~ ~1'$M 1" -'t'lf m~nr.cr w ~ tit be~ .sllbjce to me -.,:,!Illus· ~•ti;m l.l:IWJ Qr C¥1iklttii,, WAJINlfl"(;: t •iluff to $,Oi;llfC wortt.cn. c«I\PC:~Ol'I cover~ b u.,lp."1.1' 11nd ,._. ~jll<t .ltl cmptcycr 10 -(:,n11ofWt Pf'll'l<\lt.iK .llld cMl' t;ac,; v.o to $100,000.00. in 3<fdltlb:I die to the COit of WlftP!l•S.l)c)il,di\ ...... ,ei: .U. prOllidcd kit In section 310Gof ;he Lobor ~ lnte1estaid"ffl0tlle'/Jfen. (ONSIBUCTIQN lENOIN,G ..... ~G.ffi.CY, IF ANY; I ll~{tO"J' i\lrl'llHII~ tl'ICl'C Is 3 UlllttNl:tlOII !Qridmi: ~):Ca..'Y fof tl'.le' 1/'tlfQttnin(-! QI ~ wnlY ~l'lk ptml'll ls ~e,J fSOC; 'mi' fl! (M (oo.:~), tcndcr'sNa,~ec_ __________________ ,1.endU sAddn:t-5: _____________ _ DATE: _4~/---'9'-11-'I 1.~l coNTRAcroR PRINT: Ja CL>b Youf'.I~ SIGN:~ (OPTION 8): OWNER"8Ul~OS:R OEC~!'-TION: I itetd,y offitm rhot J_ om exempt from Contrpcto,,~ i.it;cn$e tow for the following r~soo: D'-u QWni:r d. me ~ro~rtvoi my l!~l!!!J wilh ·•~t,ri 4i th~, sQ5! ~i:i<n~ wlll co tN: .,-.:,ik \lC>d :he iw<Wft iS !lot ;,,,1@114,,1 ce r1e•for~ fer s:ilc (Sec. '11.'U, OI-A~~ .,,,., P.()tf$!-,)1'<1i (',<Id,-: TM <:ntttr~~ l.lo:AY.! ~dou 11« ciplf w .,,. ....,.,~, ol ~f)(:l'l'/ -.tlo b:.i~ or tmpn,yes the•,1:m. :,11(1 ...-Nido-.< ~,h work ~ or tl'll'llllf ll nt. (;/f,'(J cm_:,):r~s. ~IQ\~ th,l wt.II c'l'l/1(<1•~ ,mt Mr lnt~nc!CI! ,croff«:I!!! ftlo1 )¥It, I(. h.i-E-•, '\JI~ ll,,,il!lil)t OI impte,Y:mcllth ~otd w!lml 0~ -,w (,I" (~i(lfl, ?h:t O'NIICr .tt..acef .. \U l'l:flC the l:,J:;'0$! o1 111q/l,,t. !NI he, d~ nQI bart or IIN!l'C\~fo, U!I! llllr!ICXC !J( i:i lcl, 0 1, l,), C,W/li!(" lht ~,. :,m ~~~ Wl'.h li(\!:,wlf ~..,,,,,,,.,:<1Ni 10 CO~MXt tile ~~ (Sec. /0-M, OJJ~ ,, .. ..u ""~-<CO<lc: The CMtl'f.<:tor'~ I.I~ 1.,,w does 11()\ ~1'( ~ ;in tw111t:r ot l)tol)(ll'tV -.tio wilo t'I 1mp-U'\.'d t1,,e,,eoo1, illd ¢'.Im= ,or :.u:n 11~)e(%s with w'l*t,~toiM I~~ 011m1itn1 in 1hP: C'.t1mr.1mr'1 lltunK-t.:.twl. 0 1 ~rn cit-:mct ~ lluslM» ,n:.1 v«.ifl!We". ~ ()<vi:s,.c)fl 3. CNg)'M"!J, ~ ::i fo: th~ ri::w,i; Sy111v.1iu.m1rel:dow hrd.m;,w~e@IJl ... 1,, @~I'll Jolrtnypu,n,-,al =~Cl'l:U l!Wtllld,1 !l!VSI 11~,e,e,si(I~ f,Y ,\T ltc:.<.HIIIC -~, ~t'KII tc<.vm11hfti\,'fl Cl (hi> "'p•q~l' (()Vllrlld b'f ~ o:,m:t, I ,::in11~ k;t:,ll'f ,sd ll WV(l.vf@ IN,t ! hwr>c bll!lt :u 11n Olf,TCI bu1kk,J If ii~ <,c,I ~i!n (~Vllrn'r! in r.i cnt11e.:y Uf lr.l!t•i..-d (;.,)l!tl'~ctl:4', ( :JJ'l'k15-.'r;r,f/ (J'l'I tt ((}pf t;f .,~ (l()(l,i~~...,,.,, SC,.."l',Wl r.JU cf r/w tk,f;,"f'>)-W IWJ/f'f-{<·r;,a Ca.~ is 0).\,-f',::i~ WO, >'flM'SI wl~ lhii cpr,.lalrM if )~Jt.¢ er o: rbc Jpl,'odff!IJ w.:,o ff"..:!: ,mp,//vnw,.ftt:,11J,ftt.C().t)l)~/(<A, .. ~.ttrrn(. OWNER PRI NT: _________ _ SIGN: _________ DATE: _____ _ ~L!.CANJ,£filmHCATI0N.! S.IGNAfURE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF SU&MITI'AL Sy my "i!,VICl!ln' bdow, I U l tify lt)qt· I~ rhe-prep~ owr:cr-ct Sw:e-Of C<m/omk.r (fC,t,nt'Q Cor.ff'()'ct:,r w otith<m¥ed to 00 M CfM' (J(Opt:J"QI ow,ier l)r (.C(l:rn:«,~f bf.Wi,'{. I etNt.fy :fxn Jhi:Wi! rcwi £he ~,»kotJCII Cl'ldstQrli dtot m(!c~ N'lj«nt<ltiM is W tlt'a and fhm tile mformof>'moo riic p(r.t1f. i\· mnnck. I 09(1!:li: w COO?O.ly with (I/} City Oldfru:t>«:S o!fd Sto~ icw.S (mtmf:I {() t)wldi.'lg "'1'1$t/UC:iM. I helttJy (J.!Jtftorltt rep,cw,~1i"'1 of tile Q:<f of UJ!b.bo:i to Miff V{)()II rr.e ~ ,ni:11:JtJncd P.'Opdrt fol ~ pi.,:i;oses. I ~SO A(;Hi.t ro .~V(. 11>'DfiM1WF't ,vi() Kl!P HA,Ri\l1USS7i-fE OTY OF CARJ$MO-Al'>AJNS1 ALL lillB!UnCS, ~ ~ A~O ~PfNStS WJ.iJCH MAY }II ANY WAY~ AGIUNSTS/\iO CITY !H CI:XYS8Jtlf.HQ Of' THt (jKANflHG OF THIS P!Jl.MIT. OSHA'. Alt OSHA J)('tmlt CS ttu;,Jirt:o f ot ~d"O\'l:S Olltf 5'0' I/NP tp,d d>mt'll!tlm'I llf l'Ao'l.~dki/7 of l trur.U.rd-tNttl 3 .s.tOlff'S hi ltefgJl;, APPLICANT PRINT, Julia zotarez. SIGN:~ Fl\:700.tiJl 1n1 ~:,x: 1eo-«IHSS8 ' REV. 03,'i1O Building Permit Inspection History Finaled PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBR2021-1034) BLDG-Residential 04/14/2021Application Date:Permit Type:Owner: P/M/E 04/15/2021Work Class:Issue Date:Subdivision: 04/15/2022Expiration Date:Status: IVR Number: 32750 Closed - Finaled 1043 LORETTA LN CARLSBAD, CA 92008-3595 Address: Scheduled Date Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Status Primary Inspector Reinspection InspectionActual Start Date 05/07/2021 BLDG-43 Air Cond./Furnace Set 156806-2021 Scheduled Tim Kersch Incomplete COMMENTS PassedChecklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency No BLDG-Final Inspection 156807-2021 Passed Tim Kersch Complete COMMENTS PassedChecklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes BLDG-Plumbing Final Yes BLDG-Mechanical Final Yes BLDG-Structural Final Yes BLDG-Electrical Final Yes Friday, May 7, 2021 Page 1 of 1 {cityof Carlsbad