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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAMEND 2017-0012; LA COSTA MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT; LA COSTA MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT AMEND 2017-0012; 2020-12-02LA COSTA MASTER PLAN Amendment AMEND 2017-0012 Prepared by Planning Department City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Planning Department Staff: Michael Holzmiller, Planning Director Don Neu Assistant Planning Director Eric Munoz, Senior Planner (760) 602-4600 Van Lynch, Senior Planner (760) 602-4613 Information Supplied by: KSC Development 2111 Costa del Mar Road Carlsbad, CA 92009 Amendment MP 149 (R) Information supplied by Ladwig Design Group, Inc. Bob Ladwig 2234 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: (760) 438-3182 Fax: (760) 438-0173 LA COSTA MASTER PLAN MP-149 (MP-6) 2900 acres, located east of El Camino Real and northerly of Olivenhain Road (La Costa Land Development Co.). ADOPTED BY: City Council Ordinance # 9322, September 5, 1972 AMENDED to delete an indicated school site shown westerly of El Fuerte Street in an area known as La Costa Estates North (CT 73-10, SP 112) APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution # 1019, December 11, 1973 City Council Ordinance # 9376, January 15, 1974 *** MP-149(A) Referred back to Planning Commission for partial amendment to allow for “continual” (concurrent) processing of Rancheros De La Costa, La Costa Vale Unit #2, Green Valley Knolls, and Santa Fe Knolls while a new PC zone was being developed. The processing of the remainder of the Master Plan area was delayed until adoption of the PC zone. No formal action by City Council. APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution # 1253, May 19, 1976 *** MP-149(B) Repealed Ordinance # 9376. Adopted an interim Master Plan for La Costa area. Referred to new exhibit for type of development which reflected La Costa’s plans for more single family development and less condominium development. Established a circulation plan, school site plan, park site plan, and development standards for Santa Fe Knolls, Rancheros De La Costa, La Costa Vale #2, and Green Valley Knolls. ADOPTED BY: City Council Ordinance # 9469, November 2, 1976 *** MP-149(C) No action taken *** MP-149(D) Deletes 45 acres from MP-149(B). Deleted property is located generally east of El Fuerte on both sides of the extension of Alga Road (Hidden Meadows, Meadow Crest, and Meadowlark areas). APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution # 1567, November 14, 1979 City Council Ordinance # 9546, March 18, 1980 *** MP-149(E) Amended the La Costa Master Plan to provide for conformance with the newly revised General Plan Elements for Parks and for Public Facilities. APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution # 1719, City Council Ordinance # 9570, December 16, 1980 *** MP-149(F) Deleted 4.5 acres from the La Costa Master Plan. Property deleted was located on Centella Street south of Levante. APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution # 1757, City Council Ordinance # 9579, March 17, 1981 *** MP-149(G) Revised the Land Use Plan of the La Costa Northwest area and made minor administrative changes to the Master Plan text and maps on property …located generally east of El Camino Real and north of Alga Road. Changes to land use included the golf course which was reduced in size from 105 acres to 85 acres, increased unit count by 100, and increased area of proposed park from 21 to 23.5 acres. APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution # 1954, City Council Ordinance # 9628, June 29, 1982 *** MP-149(H) WITHDRAWN on August 31, 1981, with no action taken. *** MP-149(I) Minor amendment to the La Costa Master Plan to allow for separate development of neighborhood SE-13. ADOPTED BY: Planning Commission Resolution # 1935, March 24, 1982 *** MP-149(J) Revised the Land Use Plan of La Costa Southeast and made minor administrative changes to the Master Plan text and maps on property generally located at the intersection of Rancho Santa Fe Road and future Camino de Los Coches. APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution # 2011, City Council Ordinance # 9647, October 19, 1982 *** MP-149(K) Changed Master Plan designation of a parcel from RLM to RMH on property generally located on the northeast corner of El Camino Real and Levante. APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution # 2083, City Council Ordinance # 9676-9677, dated April 5, 1983 *** MP-149(L) WITHDRAWN on June 27, 1983. No action taken. *** MP-149(M) Amendment to change densities and land uses on property generally located in the southwest portion of La Costa Master Plan. The Planning Commission recommended denial of the amendment (P.C. Resolution # 2277). Amendment was WITHDRAWN before it was heard by City Council. *** MP-149(N) Amendment to request land use change from C to RM on property generally located on the southeast corner of Rancho Santa Fe Road and future Camino de Los Coches. WITHDRAWN on August 9, 1985. No action taken. *** MP-149(O) Elimination of any reference to the area previously known as Southwest (Arroyo La Costa), and stipulation that updated EIRs and new Master Plans be required prior to future development occurring in the Northwest and Southeast areas of La Costa. APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution # 3028, June 20, 1990 City Council Ordinance # NS-123, September 4, 1990 *** MP-149(P) Submitted for the La Costa Town Center Project on August 31, 1993. WITHDRAWN on January 12, 1996. No action taken. *** MP-149(Q) An amendment to remove portions of the Northwest and Southeast areas (including the Rancheros) from the plan. The areas removed are subject to the Villages of La Costa Master Plan. APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution #5012, September 5, 2001 City Council Ordinance #NS-604, November 6, 2001 *** MP-149(R) La Costa Town Square Project An adjustment to the neighborhood boundaries separating the local shopping center and residential land use in neighborhoods SE8, SE13 and SE14 (La Costa Town Square) APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution #6579 on July 15, 2009 City Council Ordinance #CS-051 on August 18, 2009 *** MP-149(S) An amendment to remove the La Costa Resort and Spa properties from the plan. The area removed will be subject to the La Costa Resort & Spa Master Plan, MP 03-02. APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution # 5701, August 4, 2004 City Council Ordinance # NS-721, September 21, 2004 *** MP-149(T) An amendment to change the underlying zoning of commercial neighborhoods (SE-13, SE-14, SE-15, and SE-17) from “C-1” (Neighborhood Commercial) and “C-2” (General Commercial) to the new zone “C-L” (Local Shopping Center) for those properties with the “L” (Local Shopping Center) general plan designation. This amendment changes Table III-2 and text in paragraph III.E.1 (Land Use and Development Standards). APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution # 5922, June 15, 2005 City Council Ordinance # NS-767, August 9, 2005 *** MP-149(U) An amendment to delete from the Master Plan (MP-149), a 0.5 acre vacant city owned site (Assessor Parcel 223-617-24) at 7201 Rancho Santa Fe Road approximately a half mile south of San Elijo Road in Local Facilities Management Zone 11. Subject site is proposed Fire Station No. 6. APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution No. 6156, August 16, 2006 City Council Ordinance # NS-818 *** AMEND 2017-0012 An amendment to change the General Plan Land Use designation and underlying Zone for Neighborhood SE-13B of the Master Plan to reflect a land use change to the property approved as part of the city’s comprehensive General Plan Update (City Council Resolution 2015-243, dated Sept. 22, 2015). For Neighborhood SE-13B of the master plan, this amendment changes the General Plan Land Use designation from Office (O) to Residential (R-23, 15-23 du/ac) and the underlying Zone from Office (O) to Residential Density-Multiple (RD-M). This amendment changes Table III-2 and makes several text changes throughout to clarify and distinguish the development process for Neighborhood SE-13B versus SE-13A. APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution No. 7390, December 2, 2020 City Council Ordinance No. CS-393, March 16, 2021 *** i TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE I. INTRODUCTION A. Purpose .............................................................................................................. I-1 B. General Provisions ............................................................................................ I-2 C. Location ............................................................................................................ I-2 D. Legal Description .............................................................................................. I-3 E. Legislative Background .................................................................................... I-3 F. Existing and Approved Development ............................................................... I-6 II. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS A. Tentative Map Approval .................................................................................. II-1 B. Grading Permit Issuance .................................................................................. II-2 C. Building Permit Issuance ................................................................................. II-3 III. LAND USE & DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. Overall Design Concepts ............................................................................... III-1 B. Development Review Process........................................................................ III-2 C. General Neighborhood Development Standards ........................................... III-3 D. Special Neighborhood Development Standards ............................................ III-4 E. Community Core and Local Shopping Center ............................................... III-5 F. Recreational Storage Parks ............................................................................ III-7 G. Homeowners’ Associations ........................................................................... III-8 H. General Grading Guidelines .......................................................................... III-8 I. Noise Attenuation .......................................................................................... III-8 J. Fire Suppression Standards ............................................................................ III-9 K. Affordable Housing ....................................................................................... III-9 L. Individual Neighborhood Development Regulations .................................. III-11 IV. OPEN SPACE A. Introduction. ................................................................................................... IV-1 B. Dedication ...................................................................................................... IV-1 C. Improvements ................................................................................................ IV-2 V. PUBLIC FACILITIES AND PHASING A. Introduction ..................................................................................................... V-1 VI. SIGN PROGRAM A. Purpose ........................................................................................................... VI-1 B. Sign Categories and Locations........................................................................ VI-1 C. Design Standards ............................................................................................ VI-3 ii LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit Page Exhibit Title Number Number Legal Map ........................................................................ I-1............................................** Zoning Map ...................................................................... I-2............................................** Master Plan Vicinity Map ................................................................................................. I-8 Topographic Map .............................................................II-1............................................** Land Use ........................................................................ III-1............................................** General Grading Guidelines ........................ III-2 thru III-16.................... III-13 thru III-21 Noise Attenuation Guidelines .................... III-17 thru III-21.................... III-22 thru III-24 Open Space Plan ............................................................ IV-1............................................** Two-Way Bikepath on Separated Right-of-Way ........... IV-2........................................ IV-6 Sign Plan ........................................................................ VI-1............................................** Sign Design Guidelines.................................................. VI-2........................................ VI-4 **On file in the Planning Department LIST OF TABLES Table Page Number Number General Neighborhood Development Standards La Costa Northwest (DELETED) .....................III-1 .............................................. La Costa Southeast ...............................................III-2 ...................................... III-6 Phasing Schedule Northwest .............................................................V-1 ........................................ V-1 Southeast ..............................................................V-2 ........................................ V-2 I - 1 I. INTRODUCTION A. Purpose This Master Plan constitutes an amendment to the La Costa Master Plan first adopted by the City Council on September 5, 1972 (Ordinance #9322). This Master Plan is intended to comply with the requirement for a Master Plan contained in the Planned Community Zone Ordinance and, therefore, provides the basis for further decisions by the City on future land use for the La Costa community. Historically, the La Costa community was divided among three local governmental agencies of general jurisdiction: the City of Carlsbad, the County of San Diego and the City of San Marcos. Approximately 5,287 acres, consisting of both developed and undeveloped lands, of the La Costa community are within the City of Carlsbad. Of this 5,287 acres, 3,200± already have been developed or approved for development. The historic La Costa community also includes an additional approximately 240 acres in the City of San Marcos and approximately 157 acres in the unincorporated area of the County of San Diego. This Master Plan is not applicable to the portion of La Costa in the City of San Marcos or the unincorporated area of the County of San Diego. The portion of the historic La Costa Master Plan located within Carlsbad can be divided into four portions. 1. Old La Costa consisting of approximately 2,888 acres centered around the La Costa Golf Course. Most of this area has been built out. Any remaining development will basically be infill development of the few remaining vacant lots. Properties in this area have a variety of different zonings. All future development in this area will comply with the requirements of Chapter 20 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. (See also the La Costa Resort and Spa Master Plan, MP 03-02, adopted by City Council September 21, 2004.) 2. The Southwest Area consisting of approximately 529 acres is located south of Levante Street, east of El Camino Real and west of Rancho Santa Fe Road. All development within the Southwest Area of the La Costa Master Plan shall comply with the requirements of MP 88-1, the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan. 3. The Southwest Area consisting of approximately 1,121 acres is bisected by Rancho Santa Fe Road and San Marcos Canyon. The Southeast Area also includes the Rancheros estate area located east of El Fuerte Drive. 4. The Northwest Area consists of approximately 744 acres and is located north of Alga Road and east of El Camino Real. The Northwest Area is bisected by the northern extension of the La Costa Golf Course. I - 2 B. General Provisions 1. Nonvesting of Rights Individual development projects shall be governed by the specific land use and development standards set forth in this Master Plan and by applicable provisions of the Carlsbad Municipal Code including, but not limited to, Title 20, Subdivisions, and Title 21, Zoning. Where a conflict in development standards occurs, the most restrictive and limiting regulation and standards shall control. Approval and construction of a development project pursuant to this Master Plan shall not vest any rights to construct any other development projects nor create any vested rights to the approval of any subsequent development projects. 2. Amendments to the Master Plan Approval of this Master Plan indicates acceptance by the City Council of a basic framework for development of the subject property. It is part of an on- going planning process and is subject to amendment in the future by the City. Said amendments may be initiated by either the City Council or the land owner at any time. 3. Availability of Public Services Approval of this Master Plan does not constitute any guarantee that individual development projects within the Master Plan area will be approved nor that the availability of public facilities and services will necessarily coincide with the developer’s timetable for construction. The adopted Citywide Facilities and Improvement Plan and the Local Facilities Management Plans for Zones 6, 10, 11, and 12 address adequacy of public facilities. Availability of public services will be evaluated in the context of subsequent approvals of individual development projects as well as compliance with the City of Carlsbad’s Growth Management Program and all other policies or ordinances in effect at the time of approval. 4. Dedications All dedications to the City of Carlsbad of land and/or easements required by this Master Plan and the adopted Local Facilities Management Plan for Zones 6, 10, 11, and 12 shall be granted to the City without cost to the City and free of all liens and encumbrances except (a) nondelinquent taxes and (b) liens and encumbrances in favor of public agencies. C. Location The historical La Costa community, within the City of Carlsbad, comprises 5,287 acres of land located 2.6 miles inland from the Pacific Ocean at the easterly end of Batiquitos Lagoon and approximately 6.5 miles southeast from the commercial center of Carlsbad. It is located approximately 7 miles south of the City of I - 3 Oceanside, 5 miles southwest of the City of San Marcos, 10 miles west of the City of Escondido and 30 miles north of downtown San Diego. The property is bounded on the west by El Camino Real, on the south by Olivenhain Road, and bisected by Rancho Santa Fe Road. It is bounded on the east by the City of San Marcos and on the north by the Bressi Ranch property. D. Legal Description The historical La Costa community, which is located in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, is as shown on Exhibit I-1 [on file in the Planning Department] Legal Map, and described as follows: Fractional Section 23, Fractional Section 24, Section 25, portions of Section 26 and 35, Section 36 and a portion of Lot A of Rancho Agua Hedionda, Map No. 823 on file in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, State of California, all in Township 12 South, Range 4 West, of the San Bernardino Meridian; Fractional Section 1, a portion of Fractional Section 2, Lots 1, 2, 3 and 10 of Rancho Las Encinitas, Map No. 848 on file in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, State of California, all in Township 13 South, Ranch 4 West, of the San Bernardino Meridian; portions of Section 19 and Section 29, Section 30, Fractional Section 31, a portion of Section 32, all in Township 12 South, Range 3 West; and Fractional Section 6, Lots 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 of said Rancho Las Encinitas, all in Township 13 South, Range 3 West, of the San Bernardino Meridian. E Legislative Background The following, in chronological order, represents official actions pertaining to those areas covered by this Master Plan or adjacent areas thereto: August 1, 1972 Pre-annexation of changes of zone (ZC-26) with a Specific Plan, adopted by Carlsbad City Council Ordinance #9318 on 1190 acres. September 5, 1972 City Council adoptions of pre-annexation change of zone (ZC- 26) to Planning Community Zone on 2900 acres by Ordinance #9323. September 5, 1972 Adoption of Master Plan (MP-6) for 2900 acres subject to annexation by City Council Ordinance #9322. September 5, 1972 Annexation of East Carlsbad Annexation #2.12 to City of Carlsbad, composed of 4090 acres, by adoption of City Council Ordinance #1147. May 15, 1973 Pre-annexation of change of zone (ZC-106) to Planned Community for Rancho Ponderosa, 124.5 acres, adopted by City Council Ordinance #9351 June 5, 1973 Pre-annexation change of zone (ZC-105) to Planned Community for El Camino Glens, 311 acres, adopted by City Council Ordinance #9354. I - 4 August 7, 1973 Adoption of Master Plan (MP-128) for 717 acres on property generally located north of Alga Road, east of El Camino Real, known as Kratter property (La Costa North), by City Council Resolution #3183. August 7, 1973 Annexation of East Carlsbad Annexation #2.16, Kratter property (La Costa North), 717 acres, adopted by City Council Resolution #3184. August 8, 1973 Annexation of East Carlsbad Annexation #2.15 by City Council Resolution #3185, El Camino (Ayres) (Weigand), 435.5 acres, of which 311 acres is a La Costa annexation and 124.5 acres is a Ponderosa annexation. August 21, 1973 Pre-annexation change of zone (ZC-124) to Planning Community of 717 acres (Kratter property) by City Council Ordinance #9359. September 4, 1973 Amendment to General Plan (GPA-16) for property generally located north of Alga Road, east of El Camino Real, known as Kratter property (La Costa North), by City Council Ordinance #3207. October 2, 1973 Pre-annexation change of zone (ZC-116) to Planning Community for La Costa Northeast, 182 acres, adopted by City Council Ordinance #9361. January 15, 1974 Amendment to Ordinance #9322 by adoption of a revised Master Plan (MP-149) for the La Costa area (2900 acres), by City Council Ordinance #9376. March 16, 1974 Annexation of East Carlsbad Annexation #2.19 by City Council Ordinance #1167 (La Costa Northeast), 182 acres. October 16, 1974 Amendment to the Carlsbad General Plan (GPA 28-A) by adoption of a revised Land Use Element for entire City by City Council Resolution #3527. March 23, 1976 Annexation of uninhabited territory designated as South City (Byron White, et al.) Annexation No. CA 74-30 to the City of San Marcos by San Marcos City Council Ordinance #76-358. The amount of La Costa lands annexed to the City of San Marcos is approximately 240 acres. April 27, 1976 Carlsbad City Council certification of Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR-307) for the La Costa Master Plan (MP-149(A)) and General Plan Amendment (GPA-38). May 4, 1976 Amendment of Land Use Element Text and Plan and Circulation Element of the General Plan (GPA-38) by City Council Resolution #3896. June 15, 1976 Revision of the P.C. (Planned Community) zone by City Council Ordinance #9458. November 2, 1976 Adoption of an interim Master Plan (MP-149-B) for La Costa area by City Council Ordinance #9546. I - 5 March 18, 1980 Change of zone (ZC-206) from P-C to RD-M-Q on approximately 134 acres in La Costa Northeast area and deletion of that portion of the rezoning covered by a Master Plan (MP-149(D)) by City Council Ordinance #9546. December 16, 1980 Adoption of MP-149(E) for the La Costa area by City Council Ordinance #9570. March 17, 1981 Adoption of MP-149(F) deleted 4.5 acres from the La Costa Master Plan as amended MP-149(E). Property deleted was located on Centella Street south of Levante in La Costa. Concurrent zone change (ZC 225) was processed changing the zoning on the above property from C-2 and PC to RDM, Adopted by City Council Ordinance #9579. June 29, 1982 Adoption of MP-149(G) revised the Land Use Plan of the La Costa Northwest area and made minor administrative changes to the Master Plan text and maps on property located generally east of El Camino Real and north of Alga. Changes to land uses included the golf course, which was reduced in size from 105 acres to 85 acres, increased unit count by 100, and increased area of proposed park from 21 to 23.5 acres. Adopted by City Council Ordinance #9628. August 31, 1981 MP-149(H) was withdrawn on August 31, 1981, with no action taken. March 24, 1982 Adoption of MP-149(I) a minor amendment to the La Costa Master Plan. Allowed for separate development of neighborhood SE-13. Adopted by Planning Commission Resolution #1935. October 19, 1982 Adoption of MP-149(J) revised the Land Use Plan of La Costa Southeast and made minor administrative changes to the Master Plan text and maps on property generally located at the intersection of Rancho Santa Fe Road and future Camino de Los Coches. This changed the land use designation from TS to C [see GPA 64(A)]. Amended Ordinance #9570 as amended by Ordinance #9628 and MP 149(E). Adopted by City Council Resolution #7030 and City Council Ordinance #9647. April 5, 1983 Adoption of MP-149(K) changed Master Plan designation of a parcel from RLM to RMH on property generally located on the northeast corner of El Camino Real and Levante. This amendment was consistent with the existing General Plan land use designation of RMH on the property. This was formerly part of SP-171, which had provided for lower intensity land uses for this parcel along with 98 acres to the east to accommodate the Green Valley Knolls Development. The parcel had been the site of 6 model homes for the 98-acre development to the east. Adopted by City Council Ordinance #9676-9677. June 27, 1983 MP-149(L) was intended to change 14 acres of office and 37 acres of commercial to 34 acres of RMH and 17 acres of commercial located on the northeast corner of future La Costa Avenue and Rancho Santa Fe Road. Withdrawn on June 27, 1983. No action was taken. MP-149(M): Amendment was to change densities and land uses on property generally located in the southwest portion of the La Costa Master Plan. The Planning Commission recommended denial to the amendment to the City Council (Planning Commission Resolution #2277). The amendment was withdrawn before it was heard by the City Council. August 9, 1985 MP-149(N): Amendment was to request land use change from C to RM on property generally located on the southeast corner of Rancho Santa Fe Road and future Camino de Los Coches. Withdrawn on August 9, 1985, with no formal action taken. September 4, 1990 MP-149(O): Elimination of any reference to the area previously known as Southwest (Arroyo La Costa), and stipulation that updated EIRs and new Master Plans be required prior to future development occurring in the Northwest and Southeast areas of La Costa. Approved by City Council Ordinance #NS-123. MP-149(P): Submitted for the La Costa Town Center Project on August 31, 1993. Withdrawn on January 12, 1996, with no formal action taken. MP-149(Q): An amendment to remove portions of the Northwest and Southeast areas (including the Rancheros) from the plan. The areas removed are subject to the Villages of La Costa Master Plan. Approved by City Council Ordinance #NS-604. MP-149(R): An amendment to adjust the neighborhood boundaries separating the Local Shopping Center and residential landuse in neighborhoods SE-8, SE-13 and SE-14 (La Costa Town Square). MP-149(S): An amendment to remove the La Costa Resort and Spa properties from the plan. The area removed will be subject to the La Costa Resort & Spa Master Plan, MP 03-02. MP-149(T): A City-initiated amendment to change the underlying zoning of commercial neighborhoods (SE-13, SE-14, SE-15, and SE-17) from “C-1” (Neighborhood Commercial) and “C-2” (General Commercial) to the new zone “C- L” (Local Shopping Center) for those properties with the “L” (Local Shopping Center) general plan designation. Approved by City Council Ordinance #NS-767. MP-149-U: a City-initiated amendment removing a 0.5 acre parcel, identified as Assessor Parcel No. 223-617-24, from the La Costa Master Plan (MP-149) to allow for the approval of proposed Fire Station No. 6 approved by City Council Ordinance NS- 818. AMEND 2017-0012:An amendment to change the General Plan Land Use designation and underlying Zone for Neighborhood SE-13B of the Master Plan to reflect a land use change to the property approved as part of the city’s comprehensive General Plan Update (City Council Resolution 2015-243, dated Sept. 22, 2015). For Neighborhood SE-13B of the master plan, this amendment changes the General Plan Land Use designation from Office (O) to Residential (R- 23, 15-23 du/ac) and the underlying Zone from Office (O) to Residential Density-Multiple (RD- M). This amendment changes Table III-2 and makes several text changes throughout to clarify and distinguish the development process for Neighborhood SE-13B versus SE-13A. F.Existing and Approved Development (See note at end of Section F) I-6 The areas that previously have been developed or committed to development consist of the La Costa Plaza area, La Costa Resort and Recreation area, including golf course, La Costa Valley Condominiums, and developments of various types of living units, such as single family, duplexes, cluster developments, condominiums, and homes of all types from luxury to more modest homes. The area already developed within old La Costa can be generally defined as located from El Camino Real on the west, Alga Road on the north, Levante on the south and Rancho Santa Fe and Melrose Drive on the east. Outside of the Master Plan area, an industrial park has been constructed east of Rancho Santa Fe Road in the City of San Marcos. In the Southwest Area of the Master Plan, Neighborhoods previously designated SW 5 and SW 4 have been developed with single family homes. In the Southwest Area of the Master Plan Neighborhoods SE 20 and SE 21 have been developed with Single Family Homes. Neighborhoods SE 12 and SE 23 have been developed with apartments. Neighborhoods SE 10, SE 16, SE 18, SE 19 have been approved for development with single-family homes. Neighborhoods SE-13A, SE 15, and SE 17 have been developed as local shopping centers. No development has been approved in the Northwest portion of the Master Plan. Except as otherwise specifically indicated in this Plan or exhibits hereto, nothing in this Master Plan shall be deemed to regulate or prohibit the development, redevelopment or rehabilitation of any area in the Master Plan (see Exhibit I-2 [on file in the Planning Department], Existing Zoning). The following eleven areas are zoned P-C but have already been developed or are in the process of being developed and the documents governing such development are described in Section III, Land Use and Development Standards. 1.Existing 27-hole golf course and San Marcos Canyon 2.Estates North 3.Rancheros de la Costa 4.Vale 2 & 3 5.Vale 4 6.Corona La Costa 7.Spanish Village 8.Green Valley Knolls 9.Santa Fe Knolls 10.Santa Fe Glens 11.SMCWD Reservoir Other than the eleven areas listed above, there exist areas within the 3,200+ acres zoned other than P-C. The development of such areas (see Exhibit I-2, Existing Zoning [on file in the Planning Department]) shall be governed by the applicable zoning. Note: The above information for historical purposes only. See Map on Page I-8 for existing remaining areas of the La Costa Master Plan after the approval of MP 149(S) and adoption of the La Costa Resort and Spa Master Plan MP 03-02. I - 7 I - 8 II - 1 II. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS The following mitigation measures were identified in the conditions of approval for MP- 149(B) and were developed from EIR-307 for La Costa. They shall be implemented when applicable and apply to each neighborhood unless otherwise noted or unless superseded by a subsequently certified EIR. All development within the southwest portion of the La Costa Master Plan shall comply with the mitigation measures of the Arroyo La Costa Environmental Impact Report EIR 86-2. A. Tentative Map Approval 1. Additional Review Prior to approval of neighborhood development within the Master Plan, the applicant shall submit the following reports as part of the Initial Study. Said reports may cover more than one neighborhood. a. Detailed soil and geologic investigations. b. Detailed archaeological investigations. c. Detailed biological surveys. d. Mitigation measures and alternatives for all areas which have significant resources. e. A discussion of impacts attributable to the individual developments which have not been adequately assessed in the Master Plan EIR-307. f. Detailed drainage reports based on the Master Drainage Plan. 2. Maximization of Open Space Future developments within the Master Plan area shall maximize open space areas based on the following criteria: a. All riparian habitats and floodplains defined in EIR-307 shall be preserved. b. All areas with significant numbers of rare plant species shall be preserved or mitigated to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. c. All archaeological or historic areas which cannot be satisfactorily salvaged shall be covered or preserved as open space. II - 2 d. All areas with extremely unstable soil conditions (as identified in detailed soil and geologic investigations) shall be preserved as open space. e. Development in areas of twenty-five (25) percent or greater slopes 15’ or more shall be designed to maximize hillside integrity. 3. Preservation of San Marcos Canyon The preservation of San Marcos Canyon has been addressed in the Villages of La Costa Master Plan (MP 03-02). 4. Accommodation of Public Transit All major cultural, commercial and recreational facilities shall accommodate public bus systems in their design. 5. Street Lighting All new street lights in the Master Plan shall be of a type which conserve energy. Maximum spacing of street lights shall be utilized consistent with City standards and subject to the approval of the City Engineer. B. Grading Permit Issuance Prior to the issuance of grading permits for the various neighborhoods, provisions to the satisfaction of the City Engineer shall be made for the following: 1. Construction Timing All construction in the project area shall occur during normal daytime working hours. 2. Protection of Batiquitos Lagoon The following conditions are designed to reduce impacts of grading, siltation and water pollution on the Batiquitos Lagoon: a. Grading shall be limited to the minimum areas necessary to accomplish the planned development. Where impacts are excessive, alternatives (such as less intensive uses) shall be considered. This requirement shall be met to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. b. Vegetation clearing operations shall be made no more than 2 weeks in advance of grading unless clearing is required because of bird nesting restrictions. c. All grading shall be completed in accordance with an approved grading plan per Carlsbad Grading Ordinance, Carlsbad Municipal II - 3 Code, Chapter 15. (Note: See current Municipal Code for grading restrictions window.) d. All drainage facilities shall be constructed concurrent with grading activities. e. All graded surfaces shall be watered and rolled to form a compacted cap of soil. f. Surfaces shall be graded to direct runoff toward planned drainages and, wherever possible, away from cut and fill slopes. g. Ground cover shall be planted on all slopes upon completion of any grading activities. This ground cover shall be irrigated to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. h. During construction, City Building and Engineering Inspectors shall attempt to ensure that all waste chemicals (especially paints, fuels and lubricants) are properly contained and transported off-site where they can be recycled or destroyed. 3. Additional grading guidelines are detailed in the section on General Grading Standards, Section III-H. C. Building Permit Issuance Prior to the issuance of building permits for the various neighborhoods, provisions to the satisfaction of the Planning Director shall be made for the following: 1. Undergrounding of Utilities All utilities, including provisions for cable television, shall be placed underground. 2. Use of Native Landscaping Native landscaping shall be used wherever possible in the project area. 3. Energy Conservation All future developments within the Master Plan area shall utilize, wherever possible, the following energy-saving techniques: a. Architectural design which reduces window and door openings and takes advantage of winter sun and summer shade. b. Insulation for all structures according to State standards. II - 4 c. Solar heating for both space and water heating. d. Landscaping using deciduous trees (to shade in summer and allow sunlight in winter) and windbreaks. III - 1 III. LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. Overall Design Concepts 1. Areas of existing development (see Section I.E.) zoned P-C shall be governed by the following previously approved actions. If desired, amendments in these areas can be accomplished by only amending said actions. No amendment to this Master Plan shall be necessary. If desired, amendments in these areas require a General Plan Amendment, and the area is to remain in the P-C zone, this Master Plan shall also be amended to incorporate the approved changes. a. Existing 27-hole golf course and San Marcos Canyon: MP-6, Ordinance #9322, 9/5/72 MP-149, Ordinance #9376, 1/15/74 MP-149(B), Ordinance #9469, 11/2/76 (Removed – See La Costa Resort & Spa Master Plan (MP 03-02) b. Estates North: SP-169, Ordinance #9435, 8/19/75 CT 75-4, Resolution #3709, 8/5/75 c. Vale 2 & 3: SP-38, Resolution #3128, 6/5/73 SP-159, Ordinance #9405, 10/1/74 CT 72-20, Resolution #3129, 6/5/73 d. Vale 4: SP-176, Ordinance #9462, 7/6/76 CT 76-3, Resolution #3925, 6/15/76 e. Corona La Costa: PUD-7, Resolution #4081, 2/1/77 CT 76-17, Resolution #4080, 12/1/77 f. Spanish Village: SP-37, Ordinance #9339, 1/2/73 CT 72-24, Resolution #3031, 12/19/72 g. Green Valley Knolls: SP-171, Ordinance #9447, 1/6/76 SP-171(A), Ordinance #9476, 2/1/77 CT 75-7, Resolution #3809, 12/16/75 CT 76-10, Resolution #4033, 11/16/76 h. Santa Fe Knolls: SP-178 withdrawn (processing allowed by MP-149(B)) CT 75-9, Res. #4072 & #6200, 1/4/77 & 6/3/80 i.Santa Fe Glens: SP-116, Ordinance #9409, 12/3/74 CT 73-2, Resolution #3547, 11/19/74 j.SMCWD Reservoir: PDP-3, Resolution #6080, 2/5/80 2. Areas of existing development (see Section I.E.) zoned other than P-C shall be governed by applicable zoning. B.Development Review Process 1.This Master Plan provides for two alternative processes that may be utilized in the submission and review of individual neighborhood development proposals: the Standard Review Process and the La Costa Development Plan Review Process, hereinafter referred to as the Development Plan. Process selection shall be at the discretion of the applicant as provided herein. 2.The Standard Review Process shall utilize the requirements as set forth in Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and any other applicable zone and development type for neighborhoods developed under this process are set forth in Tables III-1 and III-2 of this Master Plan. The Standard Review Process may include the utilization of Chapter 21.45 Planned Development Ordinance at the discretion of the applicant. The Standard Review Process shall not be applicable to Neighborhoods SE-10, SE-12, SE-14,SE-16 or SE 23, identified in this Master Plan as the Community Core, or to SE-13A, SE-15 and SE-17,designated as a Local Shopping Center. 3.The La Costa Development Plan Review Process shall require the submission of a Development Plan, which shall be subject to the general and special development standards, and regulations as set forth in this Master Plan. The processing procedures set forth in Chapter 21.06 Q Qualified Development Overlay Zone shall apply to the Development Plan Review Process of this Master Plan except that: a.A tentative subdivision map, if required by the Subdivision Map Act, shall be submitted in conjunction with the Development Plan. b.The Development Plan shall be acted on by the same decision- making body that acts on the tentative subdivision map. If the City Engineer approves the map for a project, then the Planning Commission shall approve the Development Plan. c.The Planning Director shall be authorized to approve minor amendments to approved Development Plans providing such amendment shall not increase the approved densities or boundaries of the site development plan, permit a new use or group of uses not III - 2 III - 3 shown on the approved Development Plan, rearrange the uses within the neighborhood or change more than ten percent of the approved yards, coverage, heights, open space, landscaping, parking or other development standards. d. The hearings for the Development Plan and tentative subdivision map shall be duly noticed public hearings. e. Notwithstanding the above provisions, development processing in all neighborhoods for which the C-L (Local Shopping Center) zone is shown in Table III-2 as the zoning reference for the Standard Review Process shall follow the standards and process established by Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.31, Local Shopping Centers. Chapter 21.31 calls for processing a Site Development Plan for local shopping centers pursuant to Chapter 21.06 Q Qualified Development Overlay Zone, but with certain changes, including a provision that the City Council shall approve the Site Development Plan. C. General Neighborhood Development Standards 1. Tables III-1 and III-2, General Neighborhood Development Standards, designate neighborhood zoning standards, development types and open space requirements applicable when utilizing the Standard Development Process alternative provided by this Master Plan. 2. Neighborhood development applications provided by this Master Plan shall have residential densities as established in the General Plan Land Use Element. 3. Neighborhood development applications utilizing the Development Plan Review Process alternative provided by this Master Plan shall be guaranteed, as minimum, those residential densities set forth in 2 above, except as may be reduced by environmental constraints and provided all other applicable requirements of this Master Plan have been met, and may achieve but not exceed the maximum dwelling units indicated in Tables III-1 and III-2 except as provided in Section III.K. 4. The locations designated in this Master Plan of neighborhood boundaries, area boundaries, school sites, park sites, library sites, fire station sites, open spaces, major and secondary arterial alignments, and other facilities and improvements are approximate. The precise location will be established through the approval of the individual neighborhood development projects. A variation of up to but not exceeding ten (10) percent in such locations as shown on the Master Plan or in the boundaries or area of individual neighborhoods shall be considered consistent with this Master Plan. To provide flexibility in the design of each neighborhood, open space areas as set forth in Tables III-1 and III-2 may be reduced up to but not to exceed ten (10) percent and such reductions shall be considered consistent with this Master Plan. 5.There shall be permitted as part of a tentative subdivision map approval for any residential neighborhood, a model home area containing up to four (4) product types subject to the provisions of Section 21.60.030 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The Planning Director may approve more than four units subject to adequate agreements guaranteeing the removal of said units if the subdivision map does not record within the time period allowed by law. 6.The Planning Director may accept neighborhood development applications below the required minimum densities in neighborhoods SE- 10 and SE-16 and where significant environmental impacts which cannot be reasonably mitigated would otherwise result. D.Special Neighborhood Development Standards Neighborhood development applications utilizing the Development Plan Review Process alternative provided by this Master Plan shall be subject to the following special standards in addition to the Individual Neighborhood Development Regulations of Section III-L and all other applicable requirements of this Master Plan: 1.There shall be permitted in all RL and RLM neighborhoods: single family attached and detached housing including condominiums; accessory structures and buildings incidental to permitted uses; maximum building heights not to exceed thirty five (35) feet; a minimum of two (2) off-street parking not less than one (1) space per dwelling unit. 2.A Development Plan shall be submitted for all L and TS neighborhoods designated on Table and III-2. 3.Development standards, other than those identified in this Master Plan, may be modified by the Development Plan if such modification is found to be consistent with this Master Plan, the General Plan, protection of the environment and the public welfare. All uses, and development standards not addressed in the Development Plan, shall be established per the applicable zoning standards identified for each neighborhood in Table III- 2. Note: Table III-1 is no longer applicable and has been deleted. E.Community Core and Neighborhood Commercial 1.Neighborhoods SE-10, SE-11, SE-13A, SE-14, SE-15,and SE-16, are designated in this Master Plan as the Community Core. Prior to development of these neighborhoods, a Site Development Plan shall be III - 4 approved. Subsequent development shall be subject to said plan. For neighborhoods SE-10, SE-11, SE-14 and SE-16, the Site Development Plan shall be developed and approved pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 21.06, Q Qualified Development Overlay Zone, and for neighborhoods SE-13A and SE-15 it shall be developed and approved pursuant to Chapter 21.31, Local Shopping Center Zone of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. For neighborhood SE-13B, it shall be developed and approved pursuant to Chapter 21.24, the Residential Density-Multiple (RD-M) Zone of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 2.Preparation of all neighborhood development plans within the Community Core shall insure compatibility with adjacent neighborhoods particularly regarding the placement of open spaces, selection and location of landscaping material, continuity of pedestrian and bike paths, siting of structures for view opportunities and architectural harmony. 3.The Development Plan for neighborhoods SE-13A and SE-15 shall set forth designated land uses pursuant to Table III-2, external and internal traffic circulation, a landscaping plan, building bulk, height and location, exterior architectural style and signing, in addition to other standards of this Master Plan. Also refer to the Individual Neighborhood Development Regulations of Section III.L. 4.The preparation of Development Plans for neighborhoods SE-10, SE-11, SE-12, SE-14, SE-16 and SE-23 shall be governed by the Individual Neighborhood Development Regulations of Section III.L in addition to other standards of this Master Plan. III - 5 Note: The area described in Table III-1 below is for reference only and is removed MP 149(S) and by inclusion in MP 03-032. TABLE III-1 General Neighborhood Development Standards LA COSTA NORTHWEST Note: This chart does not comply with current City Policies and Growth Control Points. It is for illustrative purposes only. TABLE III-2 General Neighborhood Development Standards LA COSTA SOUTHEAST *Dwelling unit count shown on this table represents the potential maximum number of dwelling units under ideal planning conditions. Refer to Sections III.C, III.D., and III.L. **See Sections III.B., III.D. and III.E. III - 6 Neighborhood General Plan Neighborhood General Plan 2.a. (p. III-11) 2.a. (p. III-11) SE-10 RM RD-M**Clustered Multi-Family 100 10 -2.b. (p. III-11) SE-11 OS (STA) SE-14 RM (STA) RD-M**Single Family Detached 47 9.96 1.9 2.f. (p. III-11) C-L**Local Shopping Center -6 -2.g. (p. III-11) RD-M**Clustered Multi-Family 270 27 -2.h. (p. III-11) SE-17 L C-L Local Shopping Center -6 1.6 2.i. (p. III-12) SE-18 RLM R-1 Standard, Detached Single Family 116 29 -2.l. (p. III-12) RD-M**Clustered Multi-Family 140 7 -2.o. (p. III-12) Totals 2,530 549.7 90.2 Zone Zone and Development Type for Standard Review Process Individual Neighborhood Development Regulations NW-14 OS O-S Golf Course -85.0 85.0 1.a. (p.III-13) Max. * D.U. Open Space Gross Acres Open Space Gross Acres Zone and Development Type for Standard Review Process Max. * D.U. Gross Acres Open Space Individual Neighborhood Development Regulations Zone Gross Acres Open Space Individual Neighborhood Development Regulations Zone SE-8 SE-8A RLM RLM Standard; Detached Single Family R-1 R-1 484 64 113 24 34 3.4 O-S**Public Park -28 28.0 2.c. (p. III-11) RD-M** Clustered Multi-Family 540 27 -2.d. (p. III-11)SE-12 RMH (STA) SE-13 A SE 13B Local Shopping Center Clustered Multi-Family -41.58 7.14 CL** RD-M 3.7 2.e. (p.III-11) 2.e.(p.III-11) L R-23 SE-15 (L) (STA) SE-16 RM (STA) 204 51 3.2 2.j. (p. III-12)204 51 3.2 2.j. (p. III-12) SE-19 RLM R-1 Standard, Detached Single Family 172 43 2.3 2.k. (p. III-12) SE-20 RLM R-1 Standard, Detached Single Family 212 53 10.2 2.m. (p. III-12) SE-22 RL R-E Rural Estate S.F.100 67 1.9 2.n. (p. III-12) SE-23 RM (STA) SE-21 RLM R-1 Standard, Detached Single Family III - 7 F. Recreational Storage Parks 1. Prior to the recordation of the first final subdivision map in the Southeast area of this Master Plan, there shall be an approved comprehensive recreational storage park plan to accommodate recreational vehicles including horse trailers, campers, boats, mobile homes or similar equipment which are restricted from being stored on home sites by the various neighborhood covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&Rs). A proposed plan shall be submitted with the tentative map for the first neighborhood and it shall utilize one of the following approaches: a. Provision for an ultimate site location or locations with necessary improvements which shall serve the projected needs of all neighborhoods within the Southeast area, individually or collectively; or b. Provision for an ultimate site location(s) together with only those improvements necessary to serve the initial neighborhood included in the final subdivision map together with a phasing program for completion of improvements in conjunction with subsequent submittal of future neighborhood development proposals; or c. Provision for an interim site location(s) and only those necessary improvements to serve the initial neighborhood together with a program for ultimate relocation of this interim park facility to a permanent site(s) in conjunction with a phased program of future neighborhood development. Reuse of the interim site(s) shall be in accordance with development standards set forth in this Master Plan for the neighborhood in which the interim site(s) is located. 2. Standards shall be established as part of comprehensive recreational storage park plan or plans for the Southeast area collectively or individually which shall be periodically revised to reflect economic, energy or other factors which alter ownership and use patterns and have an impact upon demand for and location of recreational storage space needs. 3. This comprehensive recreational storage park program shall include the concept of phasing of improvements in recognition of changes in demand over time and shall also include the concept of transferability from interim to permanent facilities as development phasing of various neighborhoods warrant. Nothing herein shall require transfer or ownership of such improvements or sites. 4. Provision shall be made for the maintenance and operation of the recreational storage parks in the CC&Rs. III - 8 G. Homeowners’ Associations 1. The essential design characteristics of the La Costa residential communities will be adhered to as set forth in this Master Plan in and through the use of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) to be established by the developer. These CC&Rs shall provide regulations known as Architectural Committee Rules and Guidelines which shall be administered by an Architectural Committee. The essential design characteristics of the La Costa residential Communities will be adhered to as set forth in the respective Master Plans (Southeast, Northwest and Southwest (Arroyo La Costa and Villages of La Costa) through the use of covenants, conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) established by the Developer and subject to the approval of the Planning Director. This Committee’s responsibility shall only be in matters more restrictive than the minimum standards allowed by this Master Plan and the City. This Committee’s approval shall be required on all building plans prior to review by the City unless the Planning Director determines there are extenuating circumstances that would allow the City to accept the plans without the Committee’s prior approval. The City shall not participate as a member of this committee. 2. The CC&Rs shall incorporate by reference this Master Plan, and shall state expressly that the declarations are subject to the provisions of this Master Plan and that the City shall have the right to enforce the provisions of this Master Plan through its normal enforcement procedures if the City Council determines such enforcement is necessary to protect the public welfare. 3. CC&Rs for subsequent developments shall be submitted to the Planning Director for his approval as to consistency with the paragraphs 1. and 2., above. H. General Grading Guidelines Exhibits III-2 to III-16 inclusive, in addition to those standards set forth in Sections II.B. and C. above and in Title 15 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, shall be utilized when reviewing Development Plans for each of the neighborhoods in this Master Plan. I. Noise Attenuation 1. Purpose There shall be incorporated into the development of the areas included in this Master Plan physical designs which insofar as practical attenuate the adverse impact noise has on residential neighborhoods, schools, parks and other recreational areas and open space. III - 9 2. Physical Design Standards a. Suitable mitigating measures shall be taken to minimize the effects of noise generators such as prime, major and secondary arterials on residential areas, schools, parks and other recreational areas and open space areas. b. Where opportunities exist, street, school and active park and other recreational areas shall be designed to achieve a depressed elevation separation from adjacent areas requiring noise attenuation. c. Where opportunities for depressed elevation design do not exist, berms and/or noise attenuation walls shall be used where space permits to provide noise attenuation to adjacent areas. d. Dense evergreen landscaping shall be considered for supplementary noise attenuation purposes to all of the above physical design standards. e. Example of various installations are shown in Exhibit III-17 through III-21 inclusive (See pages III-25 to III-27.) J. Fire Suppression Standards 1. There shall be continuously maintained firebreaks of at least thirty feet or greater between structures and native vegetation areas as may be required by the Fire Marshal. Responsibility for maintenance of these firebreaks shall reside with the appropriate homeowner’s association or owners. 2. Clearance of heavily vegetated open space areas containing concentrations of volatile fire fuels shall be cleared for fire suppression purposes as required by the Fire Marshal commensurate with appropriate protection of sensitive environmental habitats. 3. There shall be provided adequate accessibility to open space areas for fire suppression purposes as required by the Fire Marshal through fire vehicle roads or other forms of special access easements. 4. Natural or manufactured slopes shown in Exhibits III-8 through III-16 inclusive which have been cleared and replanted shall be irrigated by a homeowner’s associations, rather than individual property owners, wherever practicable. K. Affordable Housing Section III.L. of this Master Plan has identified those neighborhoods that would be suitable for low or moderate income housing because of their accessibility to necessary services such as shopping and public transit. During the development III - 10 review of any of these neighborhoods, the developer and the City should consider the feasibility of developing affordable housing consistent with the Housing Element of the Carlsbad General Plan. Densities of affordable housing projects may be approved above the maximum densities established by this Master Plan through the approval of a Development Plan as described in Section III.B. and if found consistent with the Housing Element of the Carlsbad General Plan. The conditions of approval for such a project shall include provisions that guarantee the ongoing availability of the units to low and moderate-income persons. Mobilehome park development should also be considered within the following neighborhood of this Master Plan: SE-18. When considering mobile-home parks in the RLM areas, the allowable densities may be twice the amount established by this Master Plan. Said mobilehome parks would be processed per requirements established by the City and must be consistent with the Housing Element of the Carlsbad General Plan. A requirement of The City of Carlsbad’s General Plan Housing Element is to provide sufficient affordable housing. The Housing Element sets forth goals, policies, and a variety of methods to meet this General Plan requirement, however, specific programs to meet the goal are a product of the continuing development process Citywide. As a part of this process, The Fieldstone Company or successor in interest has agreed to enter into a “Housing Element Agreement” as follows: 1. The City of Carlsbad shall develop a definition of affordable housing using, but not restricted to, the options set forth in the City’s Housing Element, which shall include, among other things, the estimated “fair share” of affordable housing which should reasonably be required of all La Costa Master Plans. If it is determined that a fair share contribution to Affordable Housing is to be calculated with reference to the amount of an applicant’s property approved for development, the Southeast area of the La Costa Master Plan shall all be included within that calculation. This calculation shall be determined prior to approval of future Master Plans for the Southeast portion of La Costa. Said Master Plans shall require developer’s agreement to provide the specified ratio of affordable housing within the Master Plan areas. 2. The City of Carlsbad, with the assistance and cooperation of the Developer, shall compile an inventory of affordable housing units within the City consistent with the definition of affordable housing to be established in Item 1 above (preceding paragraph). This inventory is necessary to determine future need. 3. All of the foregoing shall be documented in an Agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the Developer. This Agreement shall be recorded as a lien on the Developer’s Southeast Master Plan Property to insure compliance. L.Individual Neighborhood Development Regulations The following individual neighborhood development regulations shall apply when neighborhood development proposals utilize the Development Plan Review Process alternative provided by this Master Plan. 1.Individual Regulations for the Northwest Area (See La Costa Resort and Spa Master Plan (MP 03-02). 2. Individual Regulations for the Southeast Area a.(SE-8) Development should: utilize standard detached single family housing oriented to maximize eastward and westward views; minimize grading due to underlying rock conditions; utilize step pads above and below the streets with turn-in driveways or other techniques to minimize grading. A Site Development Plan shall be processed pursuant to Chapter 21.06 (Qualified Development Overlay Zone). b. (SE-10) Development should: utilize multiple dwelling unit development in two cluster; provide access to adjacent Stage Coach Park and open spaces; provide neighborhood entrance/exit from Camino de Los Coches. This area is suitable for low and moderate-income housing. Minimum number of dwelling units for this neighborhood shall be 40. Also see Section III.E. c.(SE-11) Previously developed. d. (SE-12) Previously developed. e.(SE-13 A & B) See Section III.E. above. f.(SE-14) Development shall: utilize single family detached development. See Section III. E. g.(SE-15) See Section III.E. above. h.(SE-16) Development should: utilize careful grading due to potential archaeological sites; provide dense landscaping and berms for noise attenuation from Rancho Santa Fe Road; utilize view orientation eastward into open space area; provide open space links to Stage Coach Park. This area is suitable for low and moderate-income housing. Minimum number of dwelling units for this neighborhood shall be 108. Also see Section III.E. III - 11 III - 12 i. (SE-17) Development should: carefully plan access from Rancho Santa Fe Road and Camino de Los Coches at locations which will minimize traffic congestion and hazards. j. (SE-18) Development should: utilize standard, detached single family housing on 7,500 square feet and attached single family housing on lots to a minimum of 4,000 square feet with zero lot lines; utilize turn-in driveways to reduce set-backs and minimize grading. k. (SE-19) Same as j. above. l. (SE-20) Previously developed. m. (SE-21) Previously developed. n. (SE-22) Same as j. above. o. (SE-23) Previously developed. 3. Individual Regulations for the Southwest Area See Chapter IV of the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan MP 88-1. III - 13 III - 14 III - 15 III - 16 III - 17 EXHIBIT III-9 III - 18 III - 19 III - 20 III - 21 III - 22 III - 23 III - 24 IV - 1 IV. OPEN SPACE A. Introduction This Master Plan for La Costa designated 228 acres to be set-aside as open space prior to the various amendments, which have removed areas from the plan. These open space areas, as shown on Exhibit IV-1 [on file in the Planning Department], Open Space Plan, provide buffers between residential areas and roads and commercial and public areas as well as define neighborhoods. A system of pedestrian trails will traverse these open space corridors to connect schools, parks and the community core with the housing areas. These trails may connect to a broader citywide circulation system. This Master Plan also includes the improvement of two public parks totaling 51.5 acres. (See the La Costa Resort and Spa Master Plan (MP 03-02) for updated references to the golf course.) The open space trails requirements of this chapter shall be applicable to all areas of the La Costa Master Plan except for the southwest area which has its own detailed open space/trails program delineated in the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan and the Villages of La Costa Master Plan. B. Dedication Approval of development of each neighborhood shall include the dedication of an open space easement over its respective open space area as shown on Exhibit IV- 1 [on file in the Planning Department]. Approval of development of each neighborhood containing a portion of the pedestrian trail shown on Exhibit IV-1 [on file in the Planning Department] shall include an offer to dedicate a public access easement covering that portion of the pedestrian trail located within that neighborhood. This offer to dedicate shall provide that the pedestrian trail shall not be open for public use unless and until the City accepts the offer to dedicate and assumes liability and maintenance responsibility for the pedestrian trail. Adjoining areas, including but not limited to slopes, shall not be included in this offer to dedicate. If the City does not accept this offer to dedicate by a recorded written instrument within five years from the date of recordation of the final map for each neighborhood, the offer to dedicate shall expire and the owner shall have no further obligation to offer to dedicate or dedicate a public access easement and the use and maintenance of the property shall be governed by the CC&Rs. The width and location of the open space corridors shall be as shown on Exhibit IV-1 [on file in the Planning Department]. A deviation of ten percent (+/- 10%) shall be allowed when determining said width and location. The minimum width allowed shall be twenty feet. Additional open space areas may be required within each neighborhood development. IV - 2 C. Improvements 1. Landscaping and Grading The landscaping in the open space corridors will be Undisturbed Native Vegetation, Restored Native Vegetation or Fire Control Vegetation as described below. Efforts shall be made to retain existing natural landforms. Wherever grading is necessary the general grading guidelines in Section III shall apply. a. Undisturbed Native Vegetation Areas of native or naturalized vegetation to be left in their natural state, as described in Section III. 1) No installation 2) Maintenance a) Litter control b) Firebreaks 3) No irrigation b. Restored Native Vegetation Areas of native and naturalized vegetation disturbed by construction or grading should be restored to their natural state. Replanting of species like those naturally occurring or which are adjacent with provision to install slope stabilization procedures until permanent plants become established, as described in Section III. 1) Installation a) Temporary irrigation system that would be salvaged or abandoned b) Erosion prevention measures c) Ground cover d) Trees and shrubs 2) Maintenance a) Litter control b) Firebreaks c) Irrigation repair until removed d) First year fertilization 3) Irrigation System For areas of restored native vegetation the use of “rain for rent” type Rainbird sprinklers with aluminum pipe are recommended. With this system, the natural areas are not IV - 3 trenched and removal of the system leaves the area in a natural condition. Another alternative would be to install permanent systems to assist in additional fire prevention and control. These systems would be used only during emergency periods or extreme drought. c. Fire Control Vegetation Areas shall be 30’ or greater as may be required by the Fire Marshal between structures and the natural areas, as described in Section III. 1) Installation Plant material usage can vary according to the desired effect. It is recommended that plants selected be representative of the natural existing material as far as form, color and texture are concerned. Specific plant varieties should be selected for their fire resistant quality. a) Generally preferred are shrubs of low growth habit and fuel volume which have low heat output when they burn, can be easily established, and will grow under native site conditions. b) Some low volume and low profile native shrubs that are recommended for the conditions of the site include: Salvia sonomensis, Creeping Sage Atriplex gardneri, Gardner’s Saltbush Atriplex cuneata, Castlevalley Saltbush Atriplex canescens, Fourwing Saltbush Other low growing plants introduced from other countries that are also suitable to reduce fire hazards include: Cistus albidus and C. crispus, hybrid rockrose; Galenia pubescens, green galenia; Mesembryanthemum edule, iceplant; Artemisia caucasica and Atriplex ssp., saltbushes, other than the above. c) Pelargonium peltatum, gazania uniflora, Osteospermum fruticosum, iceplant varieties, and Vinca major may be used for color accent. IV - 4 2) Maintenance a) Litter control b) Irrigation repair c) Fertilization d) Weed and pest control e) Pruning and aborculture f) Irrigation water g) Electricity h) Turf mowing 3) Irrigation System Complete sprinkler systems. All areas shall receive a moisture sensing override at the controller to avoid over- watering and provide plant material with the proper soil- moisture relationship required in the root zone. All sprinklers having potential “run-off” from a higher elevation of sprinkler heads should be supplied with check valves to avoid erosion and wasted water run-off. Systems should be designed to operate in the hours 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. Drip irrigation for any area, using the proper system, should be considered if designed correctly. It is recommended only as automatic irrigation and each area, by its merit, should be determined for drip potential. This is the irrigation designer’s role in pursuing alternative methods. 2. Bikeways and Bikepaths All of the arterial streets within this Master Plan shall provide on-street bikeways as required by the City Engineer. Off-street bikepaths shall follow the standards contained herein. The everyday use of the bikeways and other trails as an alternative mode of transportation shall be encouraged through the review of each subdivision. Bicycle racks and related facilities shall be provided in the community core, parks and similar areas to encourage the use of this transportation mode. Bikeways shall be improved in accordance with the standards established by the California Department of Transportation unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. A typical cross-section of an off-street bikepath is shown on Exhibit IV-2 3. Pedestrian Trails Pedestrian trails shall be provided within the open space corridors as shown on Exhibit IV-1 [on file in the Planning Department]. The trails shall consist of compacted soil cement, suitably compacted native material or decomposed granite four feet in width. The trails shall IV - 5 have a constantly curving alignment and shall follow the contours or switch back where required to prevent grades exceeding fifteen percent (15%). Rest stops for relaxation and picnicking shall be located at significant points along the trail or bikepath, such as a viewpoint. They shall consist of areas of approximately two hundred (200) square feet of suitably compacted native material by the topography, small retaining walls. Trees not requiring irrigation shall be incorporated where feasible to provide shade. Rest stops shall be provided along the trails approximately as shown on Exhibit IV-1 [on file in the Planning Department], Open Space Plan. 4. Standards Common to Bikepaths and Pedestrian Trails Construction of the bikepaths and pedestrian trails have several standards in common. Both shall be constructed to provide good drainage. A cross slope shall be maintained with a minimum two percent (2%) grade, with berms and ditches utilized to prevent washouts of cuts and fills. Neither cut nor fill slopes shall exceed 2:1. Signs displaying the symbol of a pedestrian for pedestrian trails and a bicycle for the bikepaths shall be spaced approximately every 1,000 feet. Trail entrance signs shall be posted at trail entrances and street crossings. For any trail crossing a roadway, a crossing sign warning motorists is to be set 300 feet before the crossing. 5. Uses in General All uses and improvements within the open space corridors shown on Exhibit IV-1 [on file in the Planning Department] shall be governed by the Open Space Zone (O-S) development standards. Streets may cross open space areas where required to provide internal and external neighborhood access. 6. Maintenance Prior to issuance of building permits for development within the Master Plan, there shall be established a homeowners’ association(s) which shall include provision for the maintenance of land and improvements by the association(s). This association(s) shall be created through the CC&R process and be subject to review and approval by the Planning Director as required in Section III.G. IV - 6 V - 1 V. PUBLIC FACILITIES AND PHASING A. Introduction The following represents the public facilities and services required to support development in those areas subject to this Master Plan. The Public Facilities and Phasing proposed by the La Costa Master Plan have been superceded by the City of Carlsbad’s Growth Management Program and the Local Facilities Management Plans for Zones 6, 10, 11 and 12. All necessary public facilities shall be provided per the requirements of these plans. Note: This chart does not comply with current City Policies and Growth Control Points. It is for illustrative purposes only. See also the following Master Plans: 1. Villages of La Costa (MP 98-01) 2. Rancho Carrillo (MP 139 as amended) 3. La Costa Resort and Spa (MP 03-02) TABLE V-1 NORTHWEST PHASING SCHEDULE PHASE NEIGHBORHOOD MAX DU’S ARTERIALS PARK SITES SCHOOL SITES PUBLIC SITES OPEN SPACE & TRAILS I NW-14 -- ½ of Alga Road & ½ Carrillo Way -- -- -- Private golf course V - 2 Note: This chart does not comply with current City Policies and Growth Control Points. It is for illustrative purposes only. TABLE V-2 SOUTHEAST PHASING SCHEDULE PHASE NEIGHBOR- HOOD MAX. DU ARTERIALS PARK SITE SCHOOL SITES PUBLIC SITES OPEN SPACE & TRAILS I SE-17 -- ½ of Rancho Santa Fe & ½ of Mision Estancia -- -- -- Trail & corridor SE-18 204 ½ of Rancho Santa FE & ½ of Camino de Los Coches -- -- -- Corridor SE-19 172 -- -- -- -- -- SE-20 116 -- -- -- -- Trail & corridor SE-21 212 ½ of Rancho Santa Fe -- 10 Ac. -- SDG&E Easement SE-10 100 ½ of Camino de Los Coches -- -- -- -- SE-11 -- -- 28 Ac. -- -- -- SE-12 540 ½ of Camino de Los Coches & ½ of La Costa Ave -- -- -- -- SE-13 -- ½ of Rancho Santa Fe & ½ of La Costa Ave -- -- -- -- SE-14 -- ½ of Rancho Santa Fe -- -- -- -- V - 3 Note: This chart does not comply with current City Policies and Growth Control Points. It is for illustrative purposes only. TABLE V-2 - continued SOUTHEAST PHASING SCHEDULE PHASE NEIGHBORHOOD MAX. DU’S ARTERIALS PARK SITE SCHOOL SITES PUBLIC SITES OPEN SPACE & TRAILS I SE-15 -- ½ of Rancho Santa Fe & ½ of La Costa Ave -- -- -- -- SE-16 270 ½ of Rancho Santa Fe -- -- -- -- SE-23 140 ½ of La Costa Ave. -- -- -- -- II SE-8 SE-8 A 484 64 ½ of Rancho Santa Fe ½ of La Costa & ½ of Melrose Ave. -- -- -- Trail, corridor SDG&E easement SE-22 100 -- -- -- -- Corridor VI - 1 VI. SIGN PROGRAM A. Applicability The provision of Chapter 21.41 (Sign Ordinance) shall apply to the La Costa Master Plan area. City of Carlsbad Council Policy #65 will also apply for signs on public property.