HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-08-16; Economic Development Subcommittee; ; Supporting Carlsbad Non-Profit OrganizationsEconomic DevelopmentSubcommittee
Meeting Date:
August 16, 2021
Economic Development Subcommittee
David Graham, Chief Innovation Officer
Supporting Carlsbad Non-Profit Organizations
~ (._City of
Discuss and provide comments/recommendations regarding city support for non-profit organizations.
Based on the April 27, 2021 City Council motion directing staff to return to the City Council with
information for a discussion on supporting non-profit organizations. Currently, Council Policy 51
describes how the City may provide funding for community activities. Depending on subcommittee
discussion and potential comments/recommendations, staff can return to the subcommittee with
additional information, docket an item for City Council discussion, or pursue any other course as
recommended by the subcommittee.
Staff has evaluated the types of support that a non-profit organization may seek which include but are
not limited to:
• Official support, partnership or endorsement by the city
• Financial resources
• In-kind resources
These types of supports could be provided on a case-by-case basis or programmatically. An example of a
ca~e-by-case approach would be the requ~st from the Carlsbad Charitable Foundation to provide an
official endorsement or partnership with their organization to assist in raising money to distribute to
non-profit organizations impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. In discussions with staff the
organization's leadership believed that an official city endorsement could increase the money they could
raise and distribute to other non-profit organizations. When this request was brought to the City Council
direction was given through a motion to refer the discussion of potentially supporting non-profit
organizations to the economic development subcommittee.
An example of a programmatic approach to supporting non-profit organizations is the City's Community
Arts Grants, which is a program that supports projects and activities that provide quality arts and
cultural programming within Carlsbad. Funds are available for organizations, schools and individuals
through a competitive application and review process. In the Community Arts Grant 2020/2021 cycle
$88,000 was available for distribution. The city operates other grant programs like the Community
Development Block Grant program and has Council Policy 51 which provides process for funding
community activities. If the subcommittee wishes to pursue the development of a grant program for
non-profit organizations a comprehensive evaluation of all existing programs will need to be conducted
and gap analysis should be completed.
Aug.16,2021 Item #3 Page 1 of 7
Economic Development Subcommittee -Staff Report
August 16, 2021
Page 2
This item provides the opportunity for subcommittee discussion and potential comments and
recommendations on whether the city should develop a way to support non-profit organizations beyond
its current approach. Should the subcommittee be interested in pursuing the development of an
approach to supporting non-profit organizations staff would evaluate feasibility, develop
recommer:idations, and return to the subcommittee with additional information for its consideration
with the ultimate goal of making a recommendation to the City Council. Should the subcommittee not
wish to pursue an approach to supporting non-profit organizations beyond the city's current approach,
staff can docket an item for full City Council discussion and consideration.
Fiscal Impact:
Depending on the subcommittee's comments and recommendations, a non-profit organization support
program could have a fiscal impact on the City's general fund. If the subcommittee recommends
pursuing an approach to supporting non-profit organizations beyond the city's current activities, staff
will develop a fiscal impact estimate for any new programs and return to the subcommittee for
1. Council Policy 51-Community Activity Funding
Aug. 16,2021 Item #3 Page 2 of 7
Policy No. 51
D. Community Spirit Grants: An organizer/organization may receive no more than one (1) grant
per year for an event which reflects community pride or community spirit to help others
within the community as defined below.
3. The organization cannot receive money, or donated city services from other city sources
(including CDBG) for the current fiscal year to receive one of the above noted grants.
4. All awarded grants will be disbursed on a reimbursement basis only, and will be subject to
compliance with an agreement or letter of agreement approved by the City Manager or
designee. The reimbursement shall be based on actual costs with receipt and proof of payment
required from the applicant.
5. Community Activity Grants -Criteria and Process
A. These grants provide funding for enrichment programs for the community and/or for
physical or other neighborhood enhancements within Carlsbad, with the exception that the
following will not be eligible: 1) social service programs; 2) programs sponsored by
educational institutions; and 3) a program that conflicts or is in competition with a city
B. City funding shall be awarded to fund approved program/project costs only. The City funds
shall not be used for operational reserves for the applicant or for future year
programs/projects. The City funds received by the applicant may also not be used for
donations to other organizations.
C. The City Council will annually determine the amount of funds to be budgeted for
Community Activity Grants. This amount shall include the interest earned on the initial $1
million set-aside for said fund, but may also include additional general funds at the
discretion of the Council.
D. Once the budget is adopted by the Council, interested groups will be notified of the
application process to request said grants.
E. The application process will consist of the following:
i. Completion of city application for funds.
ii. Review by city staff and a Citizens' Advisory Committee.
iii. Recommendations submitted by Advisory Committee to City Council.
iv. Action by City Council to approve, modify, or disapprove the request.
F. The City Council will establish a review panel comprised of citizens and city staff to evaluate
the applications, and make recommendations to the City Council. The review panel will be
comprised of the following: one representative from each quadrant of the city, one member
of the Senior Commission, the Library Board, and the Parks & Recreation Commission.
G. The review panel will consider the provision of matching funds from other sources in
evaluation of the applications. Every effort should be made by the applicant to leverage the
city funds to develop a long term funding plan for the proposed project/program; this effort
shall be evaluated by the advisory committee in evaluating the funding priorities for these
6. Special Event Grants -Criteria and Process
A. These grants provide city funding for startup costs related to new Special Events (as
defined below) held within the city that have a citywide interest; and shall be available to a
recognized 501(()(3) non-profit organizations, or to an organized all-volunteer, Carlsbad-
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Aug. 16,2021 Item #3 Page 4 of 7
Policy No. 51
based group on a reimbursement basis of actual costs only.
B. For the purposes of this grant, a "special event" shall be defined as set forth in Chapter 8.17
of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (Special Event Ordinance), with the exception that the
following "special events" shall not be eligible for this grant:
i. Events hosted by a commercial enterprise for profit and/or fund raiser purposes.
ii. Regularly offered programs, activities or events.
iii. Any event held for primarily a political or religious benefit or other similar purpose,
which in the opinion of the City Attorney constitutes an unlawful use of public
C. Special fundraising events shall be eligible if:
i. The event is hosted and coordinated by an all-volunteer, Carlsbad-based
organization, and provided further that City grant funds are used only for direct
costs of the event and no staff of the organization is paid for working the event,
other than short-term consultants or contractors that are directly necessary for
holding the event;·and
ii. The event is held to raise funds for a Carlsbad-based (located) organization with a
community-wide benefit and no cash funds are provided directly to individuals or
families; the benefit must be to an organization providing services to the larger
Carlsbad community.
D. Such grants can be requested any time of the year, and may not exceed $10,000 for a single
grant in a year.
E. Grant requests for cash assistance shall not exceed 20 percent of the total estimated event
cost; total estimated event costs shall not include valuations for volunteer hours for
planning or implementing the event or in-kind city services, and may not i11.,clude payment
or reimbursement for applicant-provided resources, such as office space, staff and other
operational expenses. Total costs shall include expenses to be paid directly by the organizer
to third party vendors.
F. A "new event" is defined as an event that has been newly established and has been initially
developed within no more than three years of the date of the first grant request to the City.
A change of location does not classify the event as "new" for the purposes of eligibility for
this grant.
G. Grant applications shall be submitted no less than 60 days prior to the event to allow for
adequate processing time by the City.
H. All approved grants will be funded from the City Council's contingency account. An annual
appropriation maximum shall be set by the City Council at its discretion.
I. The City Manager, or designee, is authorized to approve grants up to $5,000, and the
Finance Director shall be authorized to appropriate said funds from the City Council's
general fund contingency account. The City Council shall approve grants over $5,000.
J. The application process will consist ofthe following:
i. Completion of a permit application for the special event (if applicable).
ii. Completion of a Special Event Grant supplemental application.
iii. Administrative review and tentative support/approval of special event by special
events committee (if applicable).
iv. Approval of grant by City Manager, or designee, if the grant request is $5,000 or
less. Approval of grant request and appropriation of funds by City Council, if the
grant request exceeds $5,000.
7. Winning Teams Grants
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Policy No. 51
A. These grants provide funding to youth teams to offset the cost of travel expenses to
national championship competitions. To be eligible for these grants, the team(s) must
advance through a series of competitive levels, earning the right to compete at a national or
international level. Exhibition only or non-competitive events are not eligible for this grant.
Additional eligibility requirements are provided below.
B. Such grants can be requested any time of the year.
C. Grant requests should not exceed 20 percent of the team's total travel cost; team costs
may include participants and coaches. Eligibility does not extend to the family members or
other individuals accompanying the team. Eligible travel costs include: airfare, lodging, entry
fees, and food for the team.
D. These requests will be funded from City Council's contingency account.
E. Eligibility requirements are:
i. The participants are all 18 years of age or under.
ii. The group or team is an organized non-profit corporation or unincorporated
iii. The request for funding must be made prior to the date of the national or
international event.
iv. At least 90 percent of the participants in the team or group are residents of
Carlsbad; or, if the team is participating on behalf of a local school, the private or
public school shall be physically located within the boundaries of the City of
F. The application process will consist of the following:
i. Written request to the Housing and Neighborhood Services Director.
ii. Administrative review by the Housing and Neighborhood Services Director, or
designee to determine the eligibility for a grant.
iii. Consideration and approval of grant by the City Manager, or designee, if the grant is
$5,000 or less. The teams approved for an administrative grant will be recognized by
the City Council at a public meeting following the competitive event.
iv. Consideration and approval of grant request funding by the City Council if the grant
request exceeds $5,000.
8. Community Spirit Grant
A. These grants shall provide city funding for events that contribute towards a vibrant
community and strengthen the residents' quality of life by demonstrating community pride
or spirit to help others or celebrate the community.
B. Grants to be utilized for in-kind city services only, ineligible costs include: operations,
ongoing projects and capital costs; no cash assistance available under this grant program.
C. Recognized non-profit or donor driven charitable organizations are grant eligible. Activities
include: parades and charitable initiatives directly benefitting Carlsbad residents.
D. Fund raising events are not eligible for this grant.
E. Such grants can be requested at any time of the year, one grant per organization per year.
F. All approved grants will be funded from the City Council's General Fund contingency
G. The·application process will consist of the following:
i. Written request to the Housing & Neighborhood Services Director.
ii. Administrative review by the Housing & Neighborhood Services Director, or
designee, for grant eligibility and confirmation of a special event permit application
(if applicable).
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Policy No. 51
iii. Consideration and approval of grant funding (for in-kind/city services only) by the
City Manager, or designee, if grant request is for $5,000 or less.
iv. Consideration and approval of grant funding (for in-kind/city services only) by the
City Council if grant request exceeds $5,000.
9. This policy may be amended as necessary and appropriate by the City Council.
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Tammy Cloud-McMinn
Matt Sanford
Monday, August 16, 2021 10:09 AM
Faviola Medina
Subject: FW: August 16, 2021 Economic Development Sub-Committee Meeting Comments, Item
Follow Up Flag:
Flag Status:
Matt Sanford
Economic Development Manager
City of Carlsbad
Follow up
C: 760-607-2923 I E:matt.sanford@carlsbadca.gov
From: Paige DeCino <pdecino@hotmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, August 15, 20211:24 PM
To: Business <Business@CarlsbadCA.gov>
All Receive -Age nda Item # 3
For the Information of the:
Date ~ CA .,,,-cc _.:::
CM .!'.'.:_ACM L DCM (3)..:::::
Subject: August 16, 2021 Economic Development Sub-Committee Meeting Comments, Item 3
Please read the following into the public record at the meeting.
Mayor Hall and Council member Bhat-Patel,
Item 3 on your agenda addresses how the city can support local non-profit organizations. This is a laudable endeavor.
The Carlsbad Community Gardens Collaborative (CCGC) was formed 10 years ago to foster the formation of community
gardens in our city. As a partner with the city, our all-volunteer organization maintains the waiting list of over 320
people, helps with garden organization, and performs community outreach which lightens the load of city employees
while promoting the sustainability of these wonderful gardens. During COVID, we worked with the city library to
provide over 1500 seed packets to library patrons and distribute more than 50 luffa plants t school gardens.
Over the last decade 2 community gardens have been created, the latest, Pine Ave, in 2018, and the CCGC appreciates
the effort that went into these by Park & Rec leaders Chris Hazeltine and Kyle Lancaster. Each of these gardens required
more than two years of planning and construction. Because the long wait list shows a clear need for additional gardens,
the process to find a viable site should begin soon. Working to establish a new garden is a clear way to support our non-
profit in a way that clearly benefits the city and its residents while allowing us to carry out our mission to sustain and
expand our community gardens, increase food security and strengthen community involvement.
Thank you.
Paige DeCino
Secretary Carlsbad Community Gardens Collaborative
Tammy Cloud-McMinn
Follow Up Flag:
Flag Status:
Matt Sanford
Economic Development Manager
City of Carlsbad
Monday, August 16, 2021 11 :16 AM
Faviola Medina
FW: Comments on # 3 Support for Non-Profits
Follow up
C: 760-607-2923 I E:matt.sanford@carlsbadca.gov
From: Diane Nygaard <dnygaard3@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2021 8:23 AM
To: Business <Business@CarlsbadCA.gov>
Subject: Fwd : Comments on# 3 Support for Non-Profits
Please read these comments at the meeting-thank you. Diane
Mayor Hall and Council Member Bhat-Patel,
There are probably many non-profit organizations like ours that have a long history of working with the city. Our all-
volunteer non-profit organization, Preserve Calavera, has worked with staff from many departments on projects
ranging from studies to map roadkill and wildlife movement, leading hikes, and conducting clean-ups to helping acquire
more open space like the Buena Vista Creek Ecological Reserve and Village H.
Over the last three years we have worked with the Center for Natural Land Management (CNLM) on a restoration
project at Rancho La Costa Preserve to return a small area to native grassland. CNLM has helped with creating plant
palettes, removing invasive plants and picking up green waste. For our part, we use volunteers monthly on invas ive
removal and occasional plantings so there is no expense to the city. A successful restoration is limited by water
availability. The diverse ways listed in the staff report to support non-profits could definitely help with this restoration
by providing periodic delivery of water for the native seedlings or a hook-up to the nearby water line.
Many of the city's hard line preserve lands are not managed to the standards of the HMP because full funding was not
provided for when the preserve was established. SANDAG committed years ago to address this$ 28 regional shortfall in
conservation funding, but it is almost 20 years and we are still wa iting. Our work, and that of other non-profits, helps fill
that gap. Supporting these efforts will actually help reduce the long term costs to restore these lands. It is a cost
effective investment for the city to make.
We encourage you to consider a broad range of potential ways the city could help non-profits carry out projects that
enhance our natural open spaces as part of your economic development plan for non-profits.
Thank you.
Diane Nygaard
On behalf of Preserve Calavera
Tammy Cloud-McMinn
Monday, August 16, 2021 1 :51 PM
Faviola Medina
Subject: FW: Financial Assistance for the Special Events Sector
Follow Up Flag:
Flag Status:
Follow up
This is non-agenda public comment.
Matt Sanford
Economic Development Manager
City of Carlsbad
C: 760-607-2923 I E:matt.sanford@carlsbadca.gov
From: Sandi Cottrell <scottrell@artwalksandiego.org>
Sent: Monday, August 16, 20211:49 PM
To: Business <Business@CarlsbadCA.gov>
Cc: Matt Sanford <Matt.Sanford@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: FW: Financial Assistance for the Special Events Sector
All Receive -Agenda Item# {]d)-~
For t he Information of the:
Dat~4'fal CA v cc ✓
CM _ACM i/ DCM (3) ./
This email pertains to the special meeting tomorrow to discuss budget items.
ArtWalk is part of the San Diego Event Coalition, a nonprofit org that has been working to help those
in the special events sector. We were the first business sector to close and the last to re-open during
Covid. ArtWalk Carlsbad has had to cancel both 2020 and 2021 festivals that would normally be held
in September. These cultural, festive and free events bring a thousands of people to Carlsbad while
supporting the work of such groups as NGAN, San Diego Visual Arts Network, and many arts-related
We have worked with the County Supervisors on various financial relief programs which have led the
County to waive fees for event planners. The City of San Diego, through our efforts, made a small
business grant available, with earmarks for event planners.
We are asking Carlsbad to consider a similar program. It could be through city fee waivers or through
a grant program earmarked for special events.
These programs have really helped all of us, and we are asking all the cities in San Diego County to
Learn more about the Coalition: www.sandiegoeventcoalition.com
Best regards, Sandi
Sandi Cottrell
Tammy Cloud-McMinn
Monday, August 16, 2021 2:31 PM
Faviola Medina
FW: Financial Assistance for the Special Events Sector
Non-agenda public comment for Economic Development Subcommittee meeting
Matt Sanford
Economic Development Manager
City of Carlsbad
C: 760-607-2923 I E:matt.sanford@carlsbadca.gov
From: Curt Brooker <Curt@artwalksandiego.org>
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2021 2:28 PM
To: Business <Business@CarlsbadCA.gov>
Subject: Financial Assistance for the Special Events Sector
This email pertains to the special meeting tomorrow to discuss budget items.
Because of COVID 19 the events industry has been hit the hardest. Our industry was first to close and last to
reopen. Other industries also received special consideration and were able to operate at reduced capacities. Events
have received none of these considerations and have been forced to close down 100%. ArtWalk Carlsbad in particular
has had to cancel both 2020 and 2021 festivals that would normally be held in September. As you can imagine, not
being able to operate has been devastating. We have only been able to survive because of the Federal, State and City
grants that have created to help small businesses.
We have worked with the County Supervisors on various financial relief programs which have led the County to waive
fees for event planners. The City of San Diego, through our efforts, made a small business grant available, with earmarks
for event planners.
We are asking Carlsbad to consider a similar program. It could be through city fee waivers or through a grant program
earmarked for special events.
These programs have really helped all of us, and we are asking all the cities in San Diego County to help.
Best regards,
Curt Brooker
ArtWalk San Diego
M: 619-972-1115
Connecting Creative Communities
Tammy Cloud-McMinn
From: Business
Monday, August 16, 2021 3:08 PM
Faviola Medina
Subject: FW: Financial Assistance for the Special Events Industry
Follow Up Flag:
Flag Status:
Follow up
Non-agenda public comment for economic development subcommittee.
Matt Sanford
Economic Development Manager
City of Carlsbad
C: 760-607-2923 I E:matt.sanford@carlsbadca.gov
From: Rick Bauer <rickbauer4@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2021 2:56 PM
To: Business <Business@CarlsbadCA.gov>
Cc: Rick Bauer <rickbauer4@gmail.com>
Subject: Financial Assistance for the Special Events Industry
This email pertains to the special Economic Development meeting today to discuss budget items.
Kennedy Faires, who manages the Carlsbad Village Street Faire on behalf of the Carlsbad Chamber
of Commerce, is part of the San Diego Event Coalition . We are a for profit organization assisting the
Chamber as a non profit organization and we have been working to help those in the special events
industry. We were the first business sector to close and the last to re-open during Covid . The
Carlsbad Faire had to cancel both events in 2020. These cultural , festive and free events bring
thousands of people to Carlsbad.
We have worked with the County Supervisors on various financial relief programs which have led the
County to waive fees for event planners. The City of San Diego, through our efforts, made a small
business grant available, with earmarks for event planners.