HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 369-5L; CT 91-07; LA VERCIA CONDOMINIUMS; 01-06~&IE&JL~JEAJD)9 ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ IFcRIGA TION eFECIFICA TIONS, Gen«"al: I. All lrrl9at1on ll'l&tallatlon, matsralle, and proc:edurse wit conform to ths CARL.56AD LANDSCAPE MANUAL. 2. Contractor to &dii!ldule prs-c:onet.ructlon meetln9 with ths Clt!:I lnepsctor (160) &IS-6108. Scops, I. Ths 111ork. lncludsd 1n these epecirrcat1on1 w II cont 11t1 of ths f'urnllhln9 of all labor, tool1, matsr1al1, 1?.9rmlt1, al=)l:)llan.:e&, taxse, and all other c::oet& nscesear!:I for the Tnetallatron or a •P.rlnk.lsr Irrigation &!:l&tem In an acc9F'table opsratlonal condition a1 herein epec::lflea and lliown on ac::eompan!:lrn9 drawrne•- 2. Ths 1rr19at1on contractor w II bei reeponelble for f'ull cov•ae• or eprrnk.ler covera9e. &!:l&tem and &hall add &ueh head• If necee•a~ to ac::c::omplleh full Materials, 1. Automatic:: valve, : A All automatic:: control valve& wll be of ths t!:jp• and r,f:z:e ae desrenated on ths Irrigation i:,lane . Rsfsr to manufacturer for corrsc::t operation andmalntenance. 2. Automatic:: Controller• , A All automatic c::ontrollere eha II be of t.hs !.!:IF'8 and r,l:z:e ae dse19nated on ths 1rr1~at1on plan,. 1-!efer to manufacturer for correct oi:,eratlon and maintenance. 3. valve eaxee, A U.e l!l!'>'xl0-l/4' round box for all ball valve&, careon lnduetrlee ~10-126 or ai:,i:,roved 9C1ual. Extension sleeve ehall be pvc-6' minimum el:z:e. e. Uee '3-ln' x 16' x 11' rsctaneular box for all elec::trlcal control va Ives, careon lndultrle& 1412'3-12b Ill/ lock.ln9 cover or al='!='roved ec:iua I. 4. Control Wlrlf1S: A C.:innec:tlon bet111eeri the automatic:: controllers and the automatic:: control valvee wll be mads with direct burial wire AUJ:::i,-UF f>t!X') volt. Uee black for prlot w11re and white for the common wlrs. Install In aeeordanee 1111th manuraeturer'e 1psc1nc::at1one and wire chart. In no ca&e Iha II wire el:z:e be lee& than no. 14. e. Wirtn9 wll oceup!:I the eame trer,eh and &hall be ll'l&talled alon9 the eame route ae pressure marn-llne. c. llhre mors than one (I) wire i:,laeed In a trench, the w1r1n9 &hall be taped to9ether at Interval& of ten (lei!'>) feet. D. All epllc::ee &hall be made with Seoteh-Lok. no. 3&11 comec:tor 1eallng pac:k, Pen-tits wire connsctor, or ai:,proved 9C1ual. lnet.a Ila tr on, 1. Maln-line In the •!:l•tem wll be capped and preeeure te&ted In the presence of the Land1eape Arehltec::t or tJie own• at IS0 p.&.1. for a period or four ( 4) hour&. An!:j leak.a found eha II be correc::ted bl.I removtn9 ths le,alc.ln9 pip• or flttln9 and 1netall1n9 neUJ materral1 Tn tt'e place. 2. eaek.1'111 materlale ehall be api:,roved eoll. Uneuttable material• lneludln9 CIQd& and roeka over one (1/2) inch In elze &hall be removed f'rom the premise& and dlepo1ed or le9all!:1 at no coat to the owner. 3. All malnllni!I plpln9 &hall be lnet.alled ae f'ollowe, Malnllns Covsr -18 lnc::he& minimum. Cla&& 3IS for 2' and lar9er, Schedule 40 for 1-112' and emaller. <~plc::al). lANDSCAPE CONSTRUCl~ON PLANTING 5PECIFICATIONS, General, I. All of the provlelone of the i:;ien•al condition& and ths •P.ec:lal condition& of the •peclflcauone aha II a'ppl!:j 1111th the eame force ana effect& ae though 111rltten In full herein. Materla Ir,, I. Plant material• &hall be &!:lfflmetrrcal, t!:li;)Teal for the varli!lt!:I and epeeree, eound health!:!, v19oroue, free f'rom plant dleeaee and peete. 2. Plant material& ehall be &!:lfl:lmi!ltrleal, t!:lplcal for ths varlet!:I and epscle&, eound hea lth!:j, vt9oroue, f'ree f'rom plant dfee,aee and &ha II have hea lth!:j normal root eyeteme. Flant material& ehall not be pruned prior to dellver!:j, nor i::)e topped arr. -4. If a eandy earl re not preeent In t.he bottom or the plant1n9 hols, four < 4) wsep hole& eha II be aueured In the bottom or the pit to a depth of 48' and rllled with eand. S. Set the i:,lante In center of the plte, In a vertleal poeltlon ea that cro111n or or plant• will be levsl with the flnleh 9rade. 6. Sar,11'16: All plante &hall be eet In a 111aterl~ baeln which &hall bs 4'-0' In diameter for treee over 6'·!1!'>' tall, and 2•-~• In diameter for trese and shrub& lsee than 6'-0' tall. Thie basin &hall be !i to 4 lnehee deep. The bottom or the baeln shall be at eurroU1'1dln9 nnrlh 9rade. 1. All vlnee shall be removed from the 1tak.9&, untied, and e..:ure~ raetened In an approved manner to the wall, fencee, or other eurface next 1.o Ulhleh the!:j are planted. 3. Plant materlale not api:,roved are to be reimoved f'rom the erte rmmedlatelgind replaeisd 1111th &ult.able plant,. The Land1cape Arehlteet and or ths owner reeerve1 the r19ht to reJsct the entire lot& or plante repreeentect. b!:I dsfectlvs eampl••· Plant Tabl=t& -Plant Tabl=te &hall be A9rlform 21 9ram. Provide the follo1111n9 ratee, 4. 8ub1tltut1one far the lndlc::ated r:,lant material& w1ll be permitted P.rovlded the &ubetltut.ed materfale are app. In advance b!:I the Landeeape Arehlteet and ths Clt!:I lnep. and the eub6tltutrone are mads at no addltlonal coet to the owner. Except for the variation& ea aut.horl:z:ed, all eubetltute plant material& ehall conform to the requlreiment& af thoee Indicated or epeclfled. (5ubetltutlone are 'dlec::oura9ed1 ~ Clt!:j lnepsctor. Ground Preparation and Ftnl&h Giradln9, I. Exr,unr;:i condition& or feature&, the contractor ehall eheelc. or loeat.e sx1etln9 etructurSII, eleetrleal eable1 or c::ondu1t1, utrl11.!:I line&, and other exlet1n9 reaturer, or c::ondltlone above or below the 9roUl'1d level that m19ht be dama9ed ae a result of hie operation. The contractor ehall be rs•pon&Ibls for repair or rsplacement at no coat to the owner, or feature• of condition• dama9eo th-augh fallure to compl!:j with the the abQve procedure&. 2. Topeoll If rec::iu1red, eha II be lmi:,orted fertile, f'rlable loam, /'res f'rom roc::ka, &tlc::ka, obnoxious weede, roote, or eesde, toxic: amoUl'lte or srth6r acid or alkalll'ls i::hemleal& or other rore19n material&. 3. All plant1n9 area& flnl&h gradsr, shall be one (I) lneh belo111 flnl&h 9rade or adJac::ent pavsd eurraces U1'1leee othsr111les noted on draw1n9e. Sort Preparation for Flant1n9 Area,, I. Wesd1n9, Ths erte 11 to be 111atered for fifteen (IS) da!:le prior to herb1c1dsapj:?lteat.1on1. 'Round-Up' herbicide or t!lt:?I:>, ec:iual to be &P.ra!:led on weed& onl!:I per manufacturer'& dirsctlone. T1110 (2) applleatlOl'I& wlll 0e rec::iurred. Plant1n9 to commence twelve (12) da~e after laet appllcatron. Contractor to verlf\l that Owner to rncluds thle 'Wesd Kill' In hie &c::heduls. 2. Non elope areae -lee& than 4,1 elope 9radlant. All plantln9 areae shall beec::arlfled (rtp or rotot.llled) to a depth af elx (6) lnc::hee bislow grade with the 1paelng or the ripper teeth no great.er than t111elve (12) lnc::hee on center prior to plaelng eondltlonere ana fsrtlll:z:ere. All roi::ke al'ld dsbrle lar9sr than two (2) tnc::nse In diameter w II be removed f'rom ths &Its. 3. Slo~e areae -greater than 4, I 1lope 9rad1ant. The land•cape contractor &hall remove alfexlet1n9 vei:;ietatlon, traeh, cl!pP,ln~e, and other debrle f'rom the site and dlei:,oee at It at an ai:;,provis<:I dle~&al elte. Addltlonall!:j the contraetQr •hall rake and fins 9rade all area& to be planted prior to the commenc::ement of 1;>lantln~ operation•. Ths contractor ehall thsn appl!:I elx (6) pounde ro 16-T-12 plu1 Tron fertllrzer to all planttne areae ana rake Into the top two (2) lndhee of eoll. 4. In all ~lanttn9 arsae the followl"9 apP.llcatlon& ehall be made per 1,000 ec:i. ft. of areas and ehall be tharoughl!:I cultivated In two dlrsc::tlone Into the top er9ht (8) rnchee of &oll, and area& 111atered down. A. !, C::U,!:jard or nitrogen etabll!.:isd 111ood ehavtnga. 6. 200 lbe. Gro-Power plue eoll conditioner fertfll:z:er. C. other amendment& per eoll anal!:lel1 reeulte. 5. Fr9F'ared eon mix for bac::kf'lll In i:,rte for tree&, ehrube, and vrnee &hall eone.l&te of the followrn9 amounts per ten (lei!'>) eu. !:lard. Flat erxe plant materrale -1/2 tablet I 9allon r::ontalnsr i:,lant material• -I tablet S 9allon container plant material• -2 tablet& JS 9a lion cont.a Insr plant materla le -3 tablet& 24' box container plant materlale -5 tablet& Flant.rn9 Ground Covere, I. Fite for flat& &l.:isd r:,lante to be at lsaet 6'x 6'x 6'. Giround cover areas ehall be 1110Jetened prior to planttn9. No flat plant& &hall bs planted rn dr!:I &OIi. 2. Set plante 1n center or pit& eo that crown of i:,lante w1ll be level 1111th the flnl•h 9rade after eettled or eorl, then bac!<.1'111 and"water. 3. Flatted plant& 1hall be 111sll rooted with runner& at lea1t 4' lon9 but not more tHan 6 • In length. Sodded turf, I. Cultivate all turf area& to a depth or elx (6) 1nc::he1. Rooke and debrle lar!.ler than one (IJ Inch In diameter lllhleh are broU9ht to the 1urfaee b!:j curtlvatlon eha II be removed from the 11te. 2. Areae to be planted In turf 1hall be r1n11hed to emooth to prseent a neat and unrrorm 9rade prior to lnetallatlon of eod. The turf areae ehall be lner:,ected b!:j th= L.:andecape Architect. or the owner to determine the eurtabfllt!:j for plantln9 prior to eoddln9. 3. All eodded areo!I" •hall be thorou9hly watered. Turf area& to be kept eontrnuouel!:I molet b!:I waterln9 ae on.en ae required. 4. All eodded areae ehall be roll=d with a 200 lbe. roller. All depreeelone In the flnleh grade or &ad areae ehall be fllled to conform to adJacent 9rade. S. A"!:! turf areae that do not &how prompt catch of turf ehall be rs-eodded at ten (lc:!'>J da!:I lntervale until an ac::c::eptable etand of turr re achieved. Trse 8tak1n9, I. St.o!lke a II ne111 t.rsse per t.rss etak.1n9 dst.a I I. Plant new trss In the i:,rer:;,ared hole and &take If!' Into &olld ground. Plant the trss ae c::loee lo (he stake ae poe1Tble 111Tt.hout dama9lng the roote. Fa•ten the trss• to the upper end or the etake In at lea&ttlTse (3) placee ueln9 'cinch tie&'. 2. All tree& planted In the turf area ehall havs 'Trse 6oote', 'Arbor Guard', c::,r 9C1Ual. Guarantee& and R.9i:,lacement1, I. All shrube, vfnsr,, and around cover& ehall bs euaranteed b!.j the contractor a1 to 9ro111th and health for a period or nlnet!:I (9tt)J dayt after eompletlon or th= 11peclffed maintenance period, and or final ac::c::9F'fancs b!:I ths Landeeape Architect or the owner. 2. All trese wll be guarantesd b!:I the contractor ae to growth and health a period or ans (I) !:lear after completion or the epeclfled maintenance period, and or final aec::eptance b!:I the Landscape Arc::hlteet or the owner. Ma rntenanee, w :::) z w > cs: ~ 0 cs: ~I :::& I cs: 1- U) 0 C") Non-pree•urlxed latera le 12' cover -c::laee 200 51sevsd llnS11 -24' cover -&dii!ldule 40 4. 6P!'lnk.ler line& wll be teeted In l?laee before baek.f'lllln9 for a period or not lee& than one (I) hour, and &hall 1how no le,aka9e of prse•urs. A. 1 cu.. !:lard of native on elte eoll. e. !i cu.. !:lard or nltro9en etab!IJ:zsd UJOod ehav1n9e. C. 11 lb&. Gro-Po111er plue &oil eondltloner fertill:z:sr per cu. !:lard mix. D. Other amendment& i:,r earl anal!:lele reeulte. I. Mo!!lntenanc::e period eh.!111 be 30 da!:j& after complellon or lnetallatlon and aec::e~tancs b!:I the Landec::a1:1e Architect Qr tlis 0111nsr. At ths Sl'ld of the 30 da!:j& F?.erloc:f a II areae not a~ed by the Landecape Arehttec::t, or ths owner ihall be removed and replaced b!:I the contractor at hie own expsnee. 5. The contractor to notify OUJner/landecai:,e arehlteet of el9nlfleant dleerspanc::lee bi!lt111esn plane and exlef.ln9 flsld condition&. lrrt9atlon over1pra!:I on UJalle, 111alka, and drtvewa!:I• wfll not bs permitted. Contractor to verlf\l ex1et1n9 1tatle preeeure at point or eonnscuon. 6. u.t.i ths lrrlgatfQn &!,l&teim le c::omi:,leted, the contractor ehall i:,«form a c::overa9e test rn l.he pre1er1ee of the Landeeape Architect. 6. Soll pr9F'aratrone and plant backfrll mrxee for the above Jteme are for bldalng purpoee onl!:I. The landeeape contractor &ha II take and revle111 eon te&t ana i!:161& b!:I eertrrred eon teat laborator!,I, the reeultl of the eorl teet and an!:l rscommendatlone nsed to be apF.roved E>!:j the Cll!:j and theee re11commisdat1one need to bs rncorparatea Into the plan&. 2. Hall'ltaln all 9round cover area, b!:I waterrn9, weed!~, eulttvat1n9, replantrn9, and other nec::eeeary o~erattone, keep tnsm free from weed&. Fertilize prior to completlon 01' 30 da!:j& maintenance period 1111th Gsro-Fo111=r plue eall condltlonsr fertilizer at ths rate of 2S lb1. per 1,000 eq. rt. 3. All turf areae eh.!! II be mowed at ths 1-..Tght of I 1/2' with a rot.an.:, DECLARATION OF RESPON616LE CI-IA~E I hereb!:f declare that the de&l9n or the lmprovemente ae ehown on t.heee plan& c::omplle& with the profe&&lonal &tandard& and praetlee&. A& the Land&c::ape Architect In reeponelble charge of the dea19n of the&e Improvement&, a& defined In Sec::tlon l\7t:i,l\ of the 6uelneee and Froi'e&&!on& c::ode, I ae.e.ums full rs&pon&lblllt!:j for &uch ds&l9n. I under&tand and ac:lcnowled9e that the plan ehec::k. of these plan& b!:f the Clt!:j of carl&bad I& a review for the llmlted purpo&e of eneurln9 that the plane c::ompl!:j with the Clt!:j'e proc::eduree, and other appllc::able pollc::lee and ordlnanese.. Ths plan ehselc.. le not a dst,srmfnatlon of the tecmlcal adeciuac!:I of the dee19n of the Improvement&, Such plan ehsc::k. doe& not, therefore, relleve ms of m!:j ree,pon&lbllft!:j for the dsel9n of these Improvement.&. STEVE l-4UTTER -LAND6CAPE A~ITECT6 Firm STEVE 1-!UTTER Landeca~e Architect 212& Collier Ave. San Diego CA Addreee 61-!EET6 L-2, L-4 2 CAR GARAGE DRIVEWAY Lic::sne,s No. (61g) 283-4421 Fhon,s 2 CAR 2 CAR GARAGE GARAGE I October 12, 1998 Date 61-iEETS L-:3, L-S UNIT 2 2 CAR GARAGE MAT LINE DE61GNATE6 PLANTING/~ lfii!Fi!IGATION AREAS ~ SITE PLAN / Sl-lEET LEGEND fit LA Vl:RCIA CONDOMINIUMS Sl-4EET INDEX TITLE SI-IEET / IRRIGATION I PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS IRRIGATION FLAN (1) L-1 TO LO& i ANGELE& , 1-!, TO &.AN IRRIGATION FLAN PLANTING FLAN ('2.) L-2 (3) L-3 (4) L-4 (SJ L-S (6) L-6 VICINITY MAP PLANTING FLAN IRRIGATION I PLANTING LeGseND/DET AILS Sten Hutter landscape Architects 2126 Colller Avl!!IIW &an Dl~o, ca ~116 Tsl/l'ax: (6~ 2&3-.... 21 NO SCALE "AS BUILT" RCE ____ EXP. ___ _ 61TE DATE Ir the covera9e le lneomplete and lnadt9C1uate, the contractor shall be resi:,onerble to ensure complete eovera9e per Clt!:I IMpector and Lalid&cai:,e arehlteet'e rscommendatl0/'16. 1. The prepared &oil &hall be uniformly blended In an area adJaeent to the plam.lni:;i 111ork. and &hall be ac::c::urafel11 proportioned using a 1ultable meaeurlii9 container. Llnu•ed exeava£ed eoll ehall be cleaned up and dlepoeea off the proJsc::t eJte. Protect the mix f'rom 111ater until It hae been placed In backfill around the plant.I. mower before It reaehee 2' In he191it. Colleet a II clli:,i:,1n9 dur1n9 mo111lng operation and remove f'rom the proJsct 11te. ~j:?ly Gro-Fo111er plue eoll conditioner fertlllzer prior to eompTetton or 30 oa!:I& maintenance period t--:-----1----,"1---,,.........._,........,,~____.J---1- at the rate of 2S lbe. per 14>00 eq. ft. !:MAIL, lada&Igr,411• AOLCOl'I REVIEWED BY: Guarantss, I. The entire Irrigation •~•t..am &ha II be 9uaranteed b!:I the contractor to 91ve complete and"'eat.refactor!:j eervtcs ae to matsrlale and 111orkman&h1i:, for a i:,erfod of one (I) !:lear from ths date of the nnal aec::eptance or \.he work b!:I the owner or the Landecape Arehlt.ec::t. 2. ehould any trouble develop• 111lthln the •Pec:lned i:;iuarant.ee i:,erlod, In the OP.lrilon of the owner, le dons to Inferior matiirrale and workmanehlp, the trouble wll be corrscted, 1111t.hout delay, b!:I the contractor to the •atl•fac::Uon or and at no expense to tne owner. Site Obeervatlone, I. The Landeeape contractor ehall rt9C1ueet elte obeervatlone f'rom Clt!:I lnei:,ec::tor and arehltsct no le&e than rort!:1-el9ht (48) houri In advance cf t.hs time of rec:tulred vlelt. Note, lnetall Checlc.. Valves ae neieded to prsvsnt 10111 head dra1na9s. Plant1n9 Trest,, SITube, and Vine&: I. Po11t1on plant• In plant loeatlOl'I& Indicated on the draw1n9e and eecure api:,roval before excavating the pit hole1, malc.lng neeeeear!:I adJuetmente ae rndleated. 2. All plte for plant& &hall be dU9 equare with bottom level, the len9th or eldsr, equal to t1110 (2xJ tlmee t.hlli diameter of the plant& and the pit bottom shall be elx (6) lnehee below ths ball. Fite ehall be bac::ktllled with 'prepared backfill eorl' to the bottom or the tree ball and the balance of the pit flllsd 1111th 'prepared bac:kflll' thc::rou9hl!:j b!:j UJatsr appt1eauon. 3. If uneurtable earl 11 encountered In excavation, eueh 1011 or mater1al1 ehl!I II be removed and eurrrerent al='l='roved 10!1 for Jneta llln9 plant matsrlale ehall be provided. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. DRAWN APPROVED JOB NO. DATE BCALB B.H. B.H. 98-0117 10.12.98 1"-e·-0· INSPECTOR DATE 1------+--+-----------+--+---f-----+------t~ CITY OF CARLSBAD I SHbEETS I L!...._J PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WOR REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL TITLE SHEET/ SPECIFICATIONS FOR: LA VERCIA CONDOS 305.TAMARACK AVENUE /-13-'77 ASSISTAN DATE DWN B'f:_-,,. __ PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY, __ _ RVWD BY: C.T. 91-07 369-SL • Cl • ;: • :::e I. Tl-IE CONTRACTOR 5l-lALL NOTIFY CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT 48 l-lOUR5 PRIOR TO 5T AR71N0 WORK 50 Tl,,IAT INSPECTIONS MAY eE PROVIDED -TELEPl,,IONE NO. (11&0) 81&-1&108. 2. Tl-IE ADDITIONAL FOLLOWING INSPECTIONS A~ ~QUl~D: A. INSTALLATION OF ALL SLEEVING: 6. UPON INSTALLATION OF F.O.C. I 6ACKFLOW PROTECTION (CMWD eack.flow et:,eclallet. t.o Api::,rove Location -438-2122 x 11&2) C. UPON INSTALLATION AND TESTING OF MAINLINE D. UPON INSTALLATION OF VAL vee AND LATERAL LINEe E. A COMPLETE OPERATION TEST OF ENTIRE SYSYTEM AT FINAL 06SERVATION. 3. IRRIGATION FLAN IS SCI-IEMATIC, Wl4E~ POSSl6LE LOCATE MAINLINE IN PLANTER AREAS. 4. CONTRACTOR TO ADJUST SPRINKLERS TO ELIMINATE OVERSPRAY ON TO SIDEWALKS, PATIOS, DRIVEWAYS, WALLS, AND FENCES. eee SI-IEET L-I FOR IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS. 5EE &l-lEET L-1& FOR IRRIGATION LEGEND AND DETAIL$. I I I I S. INST ALL POP-UPS WITHIN 10' OF ALL PEDESTRIAN USES. (TYP) .---wee AAINeUJITCM OVERRIPE . I I 51.54\C = =f= =FX. 12" P.V.C. STORM ~ @~8%:::::::::::: __________. fCROYIDE 1-!ARD CCI I E,..t L1NE1- 6ETWEEN METER AND BACKFLOW I -/' --.... v, I j EXISTINal 3/4' WATER METE ~----,~~~kl~~~~~ I ~I ~ I z ~ c( :w: 0 ca: = c( :E c( f- en •-Cf) I A-1 111 13 " -~ -4,~ 51.01tw retainin wall LOCATE 6ACKFLOW Ft-aevENTER OUT OF ROW, 13UT WITI-IIN 24' OF ROW ~4 UNIT 1 2 CAR GARAGE ----RAINB1Fi0 ESF-12 STATION CONTROLLER 'A'-WALL MOUNT ON GARAGE. VERIFY LOCATION WITI-I Oll.NER. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE 120 VOLT ELECTRICAL SERVICE • 2 CAR GARAGE 2 CAR GARAGE 2 CAR GARAGE 11u A-4 A-E; I ••. , 3 1 &h I' HAINLINE (1:Z::P) ,. . z.,q' -1,.1 . ., HAI 0 8 16 24 SCALE IN FEET II)' ' u -lo' l • ,. ~~-~~~,;~ --¥i-1~.~c~'-'.:!_':.-~~ --"'"-"'"-~--_:}L. ..u""~c:,...--::-r ... ••• I~ l Ql C: ·-c: i D catv .. -- APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING -S34"33'00"E IE DRAWN S.H. Steve Hutter Landscape Architects 212& Collier Averue &an Dl~o. ca ~116 Tel/f'ax, (6~ 283-4421 l!MAIL, ladalgn-4u•~ REVrED BY: 1---:;;.--i::::· ~_...,a~~~--/ · 3} · OtJ INSPECTOR DATE IRRIGATION PLAN FOR: LA VERCIA CONDOS 306 TAMARACK AVENUE =APP~R:O~VB=D=======S~-H~--=---=--=---=t+--=--=---jtf---=--=---=--=---=--=---=--=---=--=---=--=---=--=-:=--=---=--=---=--=---=-=----1~_-=--=-:=t+--=--=---~tl---=--=---J"=-_-=--=-----1~ '=>S=AP=s=~==:'A=VE=NT=D==p=~=-~N~l;_G:;~-="0::1=-=R=E=c=TO~R;;;;;;;~/:-".-l.=~=DA=ZTE=f== ci JOB NO. 98-011'7 ~ • :.::.=;...:.=;__ _ ___;:c:....:"'-'-l--+------1f---------------l---+----l~___.---I OWN BY: ---PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. 3:: DATE 10.12.98 DATE INmAL i--=DA=TE__,_=INmAL'-'=-.J...-!"DA=TE'--'--'IN=mAL::.:....i CHKO BY:___ • REVISION DESCRIPTION C T 91 07 369 5L -.c: L-------------------------------------------------~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;d...,:sc~ALB;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;' -~-a~·-~o~· :EN;Gl;:NE:ER:o::; ;:wo:R:::=:::::==::::::==:=::::;=:==o:fH;ER:AP;P;ROV:i<,1.=:;clTY=l'PP=R=ov;,',1.:!:R\l'NO=::BY:: ;::;:::::::·=· =:=:=::::::;::=:=:!J 0 L-2@) 2 CAR GARAGE I. Tl-IE CONTRACTOR SI-IALL NOTIFY CITY OF CARLSBAD fl.,ANMING, DEPA~TMENT 48 I-IOU~S ~10~ TO er AfiaTING WO~ eo TI-IAT INSPECTIONS MAY 6E PROVIDED -TELEFI-IONE NO. (76e>) ti IS" -h7ob 2. Tl-IE ADDITIONAL FOLLOWING INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED:A', 1~,.._~ e'f A. UPON INSTALLATION OF F.O.C. I 6ACKJ=LOW ~OTECTION ,6-U.., ",.ie&VI/'¼• e. UPON INSTALLATION AND TESTING OF MAINLINE C. UPON INSTALLATION OF VALVES AND LATERAL LINES D. A COMPLETE OPERATION TEST OF ENTIRE 6Y6YTEM AT FINAL oeeEp;ay ATION. 3. l~IGATION FLAN 15 SCI-IEMATIC, WI-IEfii?E POSSIBLE LOCATE MAINLINE IN PLANTER AREAS. 4. CONTRACTOR TO ADJUST SPRINKLERS TO ELIMINATE OVERSFRAY ON TO SIDEWALKS, PATIOS, DRIVEWAYS, WALLS, AND FENCES. A-6 111 12.S UNIT 2 A-1 UNIT 3 A-9 PATIO 1-112' HAINLINE {TYPICAL) A-11 1 " le>.2 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. SEE SI-IEET L-1 FOR l~IG:ATION SPECIFICATIONS. SEE SI-IEET L-6 FOR IRRIG:ATION LEGEND AND DETAILS. ORAWN APPROVJlll JOB NO, DATE SCALE 53.86tw I' HAINLINE UNIT 5 PATIO PATIO UNIT 4 0 8 IRRIGATION FREsetlfii!E Loe& CALCULATIONS I VAL YE A-f! (1' SIZE W/ 143 GFM • .3it> F&I) I STATIC Flo!E&eufiS AT MSTEfit • ee> Fel FfoSeeu,e Loee TMfiii!JJ 6ACKFLOW FfiSvaNTER FfoSeeu,e Loee TMRU Ffi556. Fi!EOOLATOR FfiS&eu!E LOee TMfiii!JJ 225' OF 1-1/2' MAINLINE FfiS&eu!E LO&& TMfiii!JJ 1' VALVE Ffi566U!E LO&& TMRU at>' OF LATERAL& (COMB) TOTAL FREeeu,e Loee. &T ATIC r=Fie&eufle AT FAfitTME&T MEAD • 16 24 -9.& F&I -1.3 F&I -2.IJ FSI -12 PSI 2.3.& FSI SCALE IN FEET Steve Huttar Landscape Architects 212& COiiier Averus &an 01~. ca 92116 Tel/Fax, <6~ 283-4421 EMAIL, lad!ll!Jl<4u• AOL.CCl'I "'AS BUILT" INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD I SHEETS I 1----+---+--------------+-------t----;------t----"_.____._... L___2_j PLANNING DEPARTMENT fo 1----+---+--------------+-------t-----i------t----"_.____._... IRRIGATION PLAN FOR: LA VERCIA CONDOS S.H. 305 TAMARACK AVENUE S.H. APPROVED /-1$-yz. ASSISTANT Pl.A DATE 98-0&7 10.12.98 0.-.TE INITIAL 1 """"e·-o" ENOINEER 01' WOR REVISION DESCRIPTION IDWN BY: ?ROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL 0.-.TE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL C11Y APPROVAL CHKD BY: C.T. 91-07 369-SL RVWD BY: L-3 • Cl • 3'; • ~ • (j © 4 TYPICAL FOR ALL PLANTING AREAS - FLATS MYOFORUM FARVIFOL IUM PROSTRATE MYOFORUM FLANT e 24" O.C. TRI. SFACINC;i MARA Tl-lON I le FE5CUE LAUJN SOD LAWN I 51.54lc -+-1----1~1!'" -= =h :±Ex._1_2· P._v.c_. ST_oR_M D_RA_IIN @_15_.0B%-+.-+ -----i (";;\ 2S COFR05MA REFEN5 'VARIEGATA' ~ --=-s-G:-:A:-:--L--t-:-M-::-IR=~=-o=-=R=-=FL:--A:--:-N=r----------L,----+-+-~~ 51.01\w I ® 13 FITT05FORUM 'Wl-lEELERI' S GAL DWARF MOCK ORANGE 8 RAFI-IIOLEFIS INDICA 'CLARA' S GAL INDIA I-IAWTI-IORN 0 STORM DRAINS (TYFJ::::::®== lb DIETES VEGETA 0 ,------+-'---'--'---------V I GAL FORTNIGHT LILY b GREWIA CAFFRA u'\J'OO-vv S GAL LAVENDER ST ARFLOWER ret ining wall 53.68\w NANDINA DOME5TICA Q;) j EXl&TINCs 2' WATER METE S GAL 1-lEAVENL Y BAMBOO ~---- 1 ~I I UNIT 1 2 CAR GARAGE LAUJN 2 CAR GARAGE LIRIOFE MU5CARI ~ C 2 CAR GARAGE 20 FITT05FORUM TOBIRA 'VARIEGATA' 0 S GAL VARIGATED MOCK ORANGE 112' ESCALLONIA FRADESII S GAL E5CALLONIA 24'BOX ~~ ~ I I I I I 2 CAR GARAGE 0 NOTE, ALL TREES WITI-IIN !:>' OF PAVING 51-!ALL RECEIVE 'DEEP ROOT' ROOT BARRIERS (TYF ). NOTE: SEE ENGINEER'S FLANS FOR 51TE GRADING AND DRAINAGE (TYF). 0 I GAL BIG BLUE LILY TURF <C ~ a:Fi'ii,.L:IJ=Cip-tiiBf'.ii:rrLIFrio:C[rna:JJ_:f9bl © <I. <I. L--7! 14 4' FOTS cc: <C :E <C I- Lt) 0 ~ 3: 'b N ;... ~, Cl) FELARGONIUM PELT ATUM 'BA CON' IVY GERANIUM rS'----, ----tt--::,,~~ I I I 3' 60RDER (TYF) t. I ' ~ ' <I. I ' ' -,J ' I ! r+ ' I ~ ' ' ' L ' ' ,.....L 3' 60RDER (TYF) 12 BEGONIA RICHMONDEN515 I GAL BEGONIA <RED/FINK -MIXJ ~ ' µ_ ' I µ_ f- ' µ_ µ_ r ' I tu w I ~ er AMFED CONCRETE I w~ A&l-lLAR &LATE FATTEf.!N ou.NER TO 6ELECT COLOR I ~ I 5 I ~ 0 8 24 I I I SCALE IN FEET 34 0 IGAL I-IEMEROCALLIS I-IYBRIDS S FI-IORMIUM TENAX 'MAORI MAIDEN' S GAL NEW ZEALAND FLAX DAYLIL Y (YELLOW) .___2_2 --+-A_G_A_F_A_N_T_I-I_U_5_A_F_R_I_C_A_N_U5 __ f");;',.@f'.A\ !GAL LILY-OF-Tl-lE-NILE v::y'O S CUFI-IEA I-IYSSOFIFOLIA S GAL FALSE I-IEATHER ALL PLANTING AREA5 51-lALL RECEIVE 3' LAYER OF 3 I-112'' CTI-I I-8' CTH I-I&' CTI-I !:>' FT I-IT. PERIMETER WOOD FENCE FER DETAIL 1-l/L-io JACARANDA MIM051FOLIA S ARECA5TRUM ROMANZOFFIANUM QUEEN FALM CTI-I = CLEAR TRUNK I-IEIGHT JACARANDA 3-24' B 2-IS GAL 51-!REDDED WALK-ON BARK APPROVED FOR PLANTING Steve Hutter Landscape Architects 212& Collier Av1n1e San Dl~o. ca '32116 Tel/tax, (61\1) 2&3-4421 EMAIL, ladeelgn-4u• AOL.cct1 REVIEWED BY: L.-.~ INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD I SHEETS I 1-----l---+-------------+----+---t-----t----t L.i..J PLANNING DEPARTMENT {.g J--+---1---------------+----+-----+---t------l PLANTING PLAN FOR: AVAILABLE FROM : AND IRRIGATION ONLY, DRAWN S.H. AJ ECOLOGY -1io!Z>-144-!Z>S42 INCLUDING PRECISE APPROVED S.H.i--+----1-------------t------ic-----t---t-------tl-A-PP=ROVE-=-D ---+-~-+<=.½,,.://~dJ/"'=/:.:..__ __ ...:_/-l3-99 . --============t===±===t=====================j====t==j~==~===! ASSISTANT PLAN'-i¥£cTOR DATE 0 LA VERCIA CONDOS 305 TAMARACK A VENUE SUBMIT $AMPLE TO CITY INSPECTOR FOR LOCATION OF PLANTING JOB NO. 88-087 °>- L ______________________ ...:A:F:F:R:0:V:A:L:F:R:[0:R:T:0:£3:U:L:K:D:E:L:1:V:E:R:Y:T:0:$:[T:E:. =---...:====~~~=~~•=====~-;DA;TE;:::::::10 ;_ 1 ~ 2 ..:::_;: 8 :..:. 8 ;~ 0:i.=T£~;~1N::ITIAL~=-~f-=-=_=_=_=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=_=_=_=~t§-:-:DA~=T£g-=:t=1:::NITIAL~==j~~=D~A::T£~i~-:::1=N=ITIAL~;1:::~0=8 BY=Y:: -~;_:::=-;====P=R=OJ=EC=T=N=O·==D~RA=Wl=NG=N~o.?1~ OF REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWO BY: C. T. 91 -0 7 3 6 9-5 L ...c. SCALE 1"'-a·-o·· ENGINEER WOR • u L-4 w 6' ...0 I "' ,- ® 0 24 S GAL INDIA HAWTHORN ~FHIOLEFIS INDICA 'CLA~' lb NANDINA DOMESTICA S GAL I-IEA YENL Y BAMBOO 0 IS 1 GAL DIETES VEC::TA FORTNIGHT LILY --ir.-- 33 SEGONIA RICHMONDENSIS 1 G!AL 6EG!ONIA (RED/FINK -MIX) 35 FITTOSFORUM 'Wl-4EELER'6 DWARF' S G!AL DWARF MOCK ORANGE 0 2h HEMEROCALLIS HY6RID5 I G!AL DAYLIL Y (YELLOW) I I b FHORNIUM TENAX 'MAORI MAIDEN' S GAL NEW ZEALAND FLAX ---~--- NOTE: SEE ENGINEER'S FLANS FOR SITE G~DING AND DRAINAGE (TYF ). NOTE: ALL TREES WITI-IIN 5' OF PAVING: 51-1ALL RECEIVE 'DEEP ROOT' ROOT BARRIERS <TYF ). 2 CAR GARAGE --_____r- llJ I d) _J a I- <,( r: MARATI-ION lie FESCUE SOD LAWN S Hl615CU5 ROSA-SINENSIS 'HULA GIRL' S G!AL TROPICAL Hl615CU5 LIRIOFE MU5CARI BIG BLUE LILY TURF UNIT 2 LAUN PATIO 2 CAR GARAGE UNIT 3 .32 CUFHEA HYSSOFIFOLIA S G!AL FALSE HEATHER 2S LAUN 2-24' 60X ~t-lz.t:::; l-Ctl\11-<T. 3-IS G!AL UNIT 5 b 18 F'ATI UNIT 4 IS G PATIO C lb AGAFANTI-IUS AFRICANU rJ::\ '--.;;;;._-...,;...;.;;;;_..;...._ ______ -+-_ 6 I GAL LILY-OF-TI-IE-NILE ESCALLONIA F~DESII H1«,1JoU/c ~DI STENOCARFUS SINUATUS • 24' 6 FIREWHEEL TREE \.(H,U,~ ' 0 4 GREWIA CAFF~ v\J""OO"\J\J S GAL LAVENDER STA!vLOWER s SOLANUM JASMINOIDES ~ S GAL POTATO VINE ALL FLANTING AREA5 51-!ALL RECEIVE ~• LAYER OF SHREDDED WALK-ON BARK AVAILA6LE FFWM : AJ ECOLOGY -160-144-0'342 SU6MIT SAMPLE TO CITY INSPECTOR FOR AFFROVAL FRIOR TO 6ULK DELIVERY TO SITE. MYOFORUM FARVIFOLIUM FLATS PROSTRATE MYOPORUM 8 PLANT e 24' O.C. TRL SPACING TYPICAL FOR ALL PLANTING AREAS 16 24 SCALE IN FEET Steve Hutter "AS BUILT" &' FT I-IT. PERIMETER UJOOD FENCE & GAL ESCALLONIA 0 Landscape Architects 212& COiiier Aven.ie ~-M----. 1/1.dfao FER DETAIL 1-1/L-6 san Dteao, ca 92116 Tel/FaX: C 6~ 2&S-4421 EMAIL, ladstlgi>l\l• AOI.CG'M ~ 6 SJ'f?. EXP. ♦/ti tot DATE ARECASTRUM ROMANZOFFIANUM ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD I SHEETS I 81 CTH QUEEN PALM 1----.J...-------1--------------,--t-----+---r----a L_':2_j PLANNING DEPARTl.tENT (a CTH = CLEAR TRUNK HEIGH;.:...T _________ --, l---+---+-------------j--t------t---t--4 PLANTING PLAN FOR: APPROVED FOR PLANTING LA VERCIA CONDOS 305 TAMARACK AVENUE AND IRRIGATION ONLY, DDIM~WN!!!.._ __ _,.:!S~.H-t-----7~--f-~--------,-,,~,. = 1----.J...-------1--------------,1----t-----+---r----a APPROVED INCLUDING PRECISE _il'_PR_OVE_D ___ s_.H.1-----1----1-----------+--+--+--+----i l.,.,=:-:-:=-:-d::i:~~~--__,:_/_;-/ J "97 ci ASSISTANT P DATE • LOCATION OF PLANTING ;zo;:n~N;o.=====;aa;-0~11:7 ~===~==1=====================~~:;;;==;~~~;~~~~;;;~ DWN BY:___ PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. 3t DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: __ • l----------------------------------------------~::::::~A~R~E~A~S~·::::::::~l 0~-'-TE~;;~10~·1~2·9~5 !::::::::::=~==R=EVl=S=IO:N:::DES=CR=IP::Tl:O:N==::±:o: .... :...,:::·"=,_=,,.,±:c:1TY:APP:R:~:IIL=fffll=D=BY=: ====C.=T=. =9=1=0=7==3~6=9=5~L~~(.). SCALE 1 •-s•-o• ENGINEER OF WOR onL" "' .,v.,,~ L-5 IRRIGATION LEGEND SYM MANUFACT. MODEL NO. DESCRIPTION REMARKS • wcs ® HAMMOND 867 ® WILKINS 500 SERIES ~ FEBCO 875-Y RAINSWITCH OVERRIDE BALL VALVE PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE 1-1/2" -REDUCED PRESSURE -PROVIDE STEEL MESH BACKFLOW PREVENTER ENCLOSURE (GREEN) LINE SIZE IF REQUIRED. LOCATE IN PLANTING AREA OUTSIDE OF R.O.W. RIANBIRD ESP-MC SERIES AU TOMA TIC CONTROLLER WALL MOUNTED 112' l"'VC 61 N!l! I SU.: WI Ta"LON l"'VCTSO!tl!LL 112' l"'VC &TJll:l:l:T SU. U/1 TEfLdN TAP'!! f"YCLA~LINI'! ®-PO_P_-_U_P_S_P_R_IN_K_L_ER ___ _ PLANTING TABLE TS -ALL PLANTS SHALL RECEIVE A GR IF ORM PLANT TABLETS PLACED BELOW GRADE : 2 -21 GRAM TABLETS FOR ONE GALLON PLANT 3 -21 GRAM TABLETS FOR EACH :I GAU.ON PLANT 1 -21 GRAM TABLETS FOR EACH 6" Of TREE BOX SIZE IBJ WATER METER II-POINT OF CONNECTION FO~ oAUCEFi! WITI-I !' CONTINUOUS RIM NON-TUf,;F AFi!EAS ONLY TOP OF ROOTSALL ...,.,<,,_,,,-1'A60vE FINl!I-IED GFi!ADE PLANT TA6S .....__ MOUND SL IGI-ITL Y AND COMPACT 2 X FtOOTSALL DIAMETER ® SHRUB PLANTING Br-------NOT TO SCALE 12 STATION CONTROLLER IN STAINLESS STEEL ENCLOSURE 3/4" WATER METER BR.45SNIFFLE TTFE 'K' ---.. COi I EP.: LINI: @ REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTOR AND PRESSURE REGULATOR WALi(, CUFi!a, ETC. ,,----GlJICI( COUPLER 12' MAX _,,.....,,---3' AeovE CiRAPE IN c:.RIOlNDCOVER LOCKING VALVE eox ,,----F.G. ;UJ~tl;::=t--~ el":166 NIPPLE <m.wcim i:.;aH-t:::: (2) GALV. 6TRAP6 -CLAMF TOOL 'FAST-LOCK'~ EGlJAL _.----112' X l!iZI' C.ALV. F'IFE &TAKE ~-p.-c: Ff.Ee&URE LINE "-----l"VC ELL ~ TEE '-----(2) ReD en1ee 9TREET ELL& '-----Re0 eRAee CJ..oeE NIPPLE -----!ED en•e& ELL L IRRIGATION LEGEND SYM DESCRIPTION MANUFACT. MODEL NO. NOZZLE PRESSURE RADIUS G.P.M • • SHRUB BUBBLER RAINBIRD 1800-1402 1-2'F' 30 PSI 1-2' .5 (D SHRUB SPRAY -RAINSIRD 1806 15'0 30 PSI 15' .90 e SHRUB SPRAY RAINBIRD 1806 15'H 30 PSI 15' 1.85 e SHRUB SPRAY RAINBIRD 1806 ' 15'F 30 PSI 15' 3.70 w LA~~SHRUB SPRA' RAINBIRD 1806 12'Q 30 PSI 12' .65 'fl! LA~~::.HRU1:1 SPRA RAINBIRD 1806 12'H 30 PSI 12' 1.30 w LA~{SHRUB SPRA RAINBIRD 1806 12'F 30 PSI 12' 2.60 [I] SHRUB SPRAY RAINBIRO 1806 10-QLA 30 PSI 10' .39 8 SHRUB SPRAY RAINBIRD 1806 10-HLA 30 PSI 10' .79 -a-END STRIP RAINBIRD 1806 15EST 30 PSI 4'X14' .60 ,e. SIDE STRIP RAINBIRD 1806 15SST 30 PSI 4'X28' 1.21 0 QUICK COUPLER RAINBIRD 33 DRC SEE DETAIL BELOW s AUTO. VALVE RAINBIRD PEB-PRS SERIES (PRESSURE REGULATING VALVES) -•• -!MAINLINE CLASS 315 -2" and larger -Schedule 40 for 1-1/2" or smaller - LATERALS CLASS 200 ---SLEEVES ---SCHED. 40 -W/ 24" COVER UNDER VEHICLE PAVING, 18" COVER UNDER PEDESTRIAN PAVING (MAINS Ile WIRE) , 12" COVER FOR LATERALS NOTE: HEADS SHALL BE 4" POP-UPS IN LAWN AREAS AND 6" IN SHRUB AREAS.(TYPICAL) 1 --+-__ CONTROLLER/VALVE" i---....-~ SEQUENCE --G.P.M. (MAX) ~---VAL YE" SIZE 2' X 6' TOI" AAIL I' X 4' l"LANT-dN ~-1• Xe• cai:>Al't l'l!NCQol& ------.. ~ CONCRETE MOW aJRB / (l'RADIU6) trF. Sl-lfiaJ6 BED NOTE• I.FO&T& AND AAIL& CGIN&T. 1-EAf'il" N!J;)IJIOOP !"LANT-GIN c IXe FeNCINCii &I-IALL 1Ni caPAl'l 4' 6GI. l"OeT& • ·•4• 0~ ALL NAILS ANO PA&TENl!lll8 81 I 4LL es MOT Dl...-.0 <iALV.oNltEP. WALL. &MALL 1111! l"AINTl!D WI FLAT EXTERIOR LATliX f'AIKT -CIUNEl't TO eELECT COLOR ® WOOD FENCE H----- 2?<4' 151.,0CIC:Jl,tt---f-l . " PLANT 90 THAT TOP OF lli100T eALL I! Ev15N WITH THE FINl&I-IEP GRAPE LOCATE TIE AT LOWE!T LEYEL At WHICH ~E CAN eE SUl'"PORTEP. <MAX. TIE HEIGHT AT SI.of. HEIGHT OF ~EJ ® QUICK COUPLER Er--------@1---C_O_NR_E_T_E_M_O....;;_W ___ C.;;;;.._;U;;;_;_R..;;.;;;;;B---__ _ TJli!EE TIE! 'FIGUF<E EIGHT' CINCM TIE A! MANUFACTUF<Ec> 6Y Y.I.T. CO. 0~ AP!=ROVED EQUAL 2'xl12>' LODGEPOLE PINE mE:E---h. STAKES AT ROOT6ALL EPGE c>~lv15N <MIN 3°12>') FIFit11. Y INTO 8UEIGRADE FRI~ to 6Ad<l=ILLINcis LOCATE ONE TF<EE STAKE ----1 ON WINOWA~ !lc>E OF TF<EE FLANTTAee------,.lolaiffjiW,,"i"r;;'+'of-ib'+-- NATIVE !OIL e!ACl<J=ILL--........,"'""HH=cttt. .. :~l~~Te .-. rn~ =Ill= _·•:• µ111111 11 lffil 11 111 11 11 . I I I 111 m m~ 1 ~~ALL! NOTE, ALL ~ES WITHIN ~• OF PAYINcis !HALL f.ECEIVE 'DEEP ~T• ROOT eA~I~ (TYP). @ TREE PLANTING NOT TO SCALE DIAMETER 2 X~TeALL PIAMETER ,......., .... TRIM er AKE! 2 • AeOVE T~E TIE 2' MULCH 3' WATERING BASIN NON TU!lif' AF.EA& ONLY FINleHEP GRAPE PLQUJ CONTAOL IQ,I()&--, ELECTRIC RSMIOTE---. CONTROL VALVS FINl&M G!tAOE -2' eEL~ VAL.VI! eox IN 61-f;!Ue ~ \ l"VC ELL c 6EE~FOl'II 1"11"1: P'lal"Tl"'--J PVC l"IIIEeelJl'<S LINE ~-vALw eox 111/Loc:KIN'Jo CO'Ai!Oit ~--WIIRS COl+IECTOR& WAL.I(, CUle OR AeFt-lAL T F'AVI~ 8!T eox L!\l!!L ON &T~ARO elOit!C.K euF'1"0f<l'a .::a:=r-:--l"VC LA~ '----&' l"l!A Gllt.All1!L NOTE, L TAl"E ~ WIRE& TO MAINLINE Iii!'' O.C. 2. U6S TEFLON TAl"E ON ALL ~A0EO JOINT& ® AUTOMATIC CONTROL VALVE F------DRAWN APPROVBD J'OB NO. D/,.TE Bc.u.B APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS BUILT" AND IRRIGATION ONLY, □ □ Steve Hutter Landscape Architects INCLUDING PRECISE 2125 COiiier AvertJS LOCATION OF PLANTING san Dl~o, ca ca2116 RCE EXP. DATE □ □ Tsl/Fax, (6 } 2&3-4421 B'IAIL, l.l"-lgr,411• AOLcot1 REVIEWED BY: AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE 1 szrr I CITY OF CARLSBAD 1 szETS I Pl.ANNING DEPARTMENT IRRIGATION / PLANTING DETAILS FOR: LA VERCIA CONDOS S.H. 305 TAUA~A_CK AVENUE S.H. APPROVED ~ ~ --: /;~~--/1 l-13-z.z. ASSISTANT P"""NING DlRE""'OR / DATE 98-057 DATE INITIAL DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. 10.12.98 OAlE INITIAL OAlE INITIAL CHKD BY: 1•-e• o· ENGINEER OF WORI REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL Cl1Y APPROVAL RVWO BY': C.T. 91-07 369-SL • Q • 3; • • ____________________________________________________________ .,;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=====================:Ju L-6