HomeMy WebLinkAbout1570 SUNRISE CIR; ; 68-763; PermitApplication BUILDING Permit CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMEN~ 729-1 181 -Ext. 36 _____ F_o_r_A....,i.,l_ic_a_n_t _t_o_F_il_l _ln __ /;_tP_.,,_~ .. Building Permit Fee Owner'sNome Richard E. Ge y er Moil Addrest -~6~9.L.:,!.O'--E"'--')_.,mll-..c.A:,._V:,u:e ..... o-LUl!..1:P:;....._ ____ _ Contractor __ .:,::B:,.:e,:_e!:::__...cc,,_,.e'--"e"---"C...,o,LJ_Jn__.::s,.___.__t~_..c_._aL.---- Con tr. Address P • 0 • BOX 2 7 7 To Const. 0 To Add 0 To Alter 0 Convert 0 To Move From ------------------ Type of Const. _ _;_F_,_r_,a,,_m,_,_,__,,e.___ ___________ _ Frome, Masonry, etc. To Be Used For 4-bedfoom dwe) I iog Kind of Foundation Cooc No. of Storie Floor Spoco (Sq. Ft.) )654 (Sq. Ft.) Attached 422 Goroge Floor Spoce Detached Legol Description Lot Block Subdivision Park Manor Unit No. ____________ _:__;_c-=-.;__----:..._ or Section ,.. l ~ '._ .••,.1 No. oni?xhti*g llJirding ----------~-,-,..-- Will this consl!_~~+ion include -o~y pj'c;,;;Jing inst~lloti9n or olter- ,otion?,! ''Yes ·□·· No O ' Signature of Applicant I ACKNdWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AG.R&E TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY AND STATE LAWS REGULATING BUILDING. __ -- \~ --I CJ;:~T-j;FY THAT I AM PROPERLY REGISTERED AND/OR LICENSED AS REQUIRED BY CITY OF CARLSBAD AND STATE OF CALIFORNIA OR THAT I AM THE L.1;:GAL OWNER OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED 1;tf;.SJD6NTIAC" PROPERTY. -c •J'lti.;, ,n:, ,l_.-•·-+ •.i..i.qr, • --s1o=TQ"~.... ~ •. OF PERMITTEE ---------------- St. Neor Park Drive Set Bock 20' Bldg. Voluotion ? 4 478 Front P.L. Moin BldQ. Side P.L. Goroge Rear P.L. Other Group Zone Approved by 1-J R-1 reg Contractor City Bus. Lie. No. ---S,__,3\c2&'a5>--------- Woter Meter City Sewoge Disposal System City Inspection Record Utility Company Notified -Date _______ By ____ _ Finol If a c heck is ;endered for pdyment for the obove fee ond the check is not honored when presented for payment, your building permit will be immediately revoked. C ity of Carlsbad Building Dept. Permit void if wor~ is not commenced within 60 doys of issuance. ,:; : \ ' i itJ •• -T , r i . l •. 'i CONSTRUCTION LENDER IDENTIFICATION CALIFORNIA STATE CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE SECT ION 1193 (J) name of lender address or lender -signature or applicantd ··at·e-------19 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 729-1181 -Ext. 36 PERMIT NO. ~-"'f.zJ TOTAL FEE $ :P..il 50 or ppl ,can 0 I n UI g e n F A I" t t F'II I Application for ELECTRICAL Permit B ·1Mrc m-~uf~0 1?92******20.)0 PERMIT FEES: Each Fee Item R ecpt. Sw. BUILDING ADDRESS: J.'>?0 Q J' ' ~~ :'JtC ,, --1 ., ~ Lighting fixtures w/ballast for each 10 $ 1.00 - St. Near Elec. Ranges, Clothes Dryers, Water flunters .50 ,J \. OWNER: (i? ,H~-A ciec. Space Heaters Dishwashers, Garbage (/ '- )isposers, Auto. Washers, Sta. Cooking Units .50 /,cJO ADDRESS: MOTORS: Per ooch motor H.P. 0 to 1 $ .25 CITY: 1 to 2 $ .50 2 to 5 $ 1.00 TELEPHONE NO. 5 to 15 $ 1.50 State City Business 15 to 50 $ 2.50 License License 50 to 200 $ 5.00 SIGNS: Group Zone By No. trans. Ea. $ 1.00 No. lamps over 50 ea. $ .50 I nspect1on Record: SERVICE: 0 to 150 AMPS $ 10.00 /0,(1) ('b.~J ~1 -~~ For each additional 100 Amps. $ 2.00 , Temp. Power Pole, 100 AMPS or LESS $ 3.00 For Each add"! Meter, over one per service $ 3.00 ISC: Approvals Date By: SUPPLEMENTARY PERMIT FEE: S 2.00 Conduit ~6{ Temp. Power TOTAL: R. Wirinq Fixtures S.D. G. & E. I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY FINAL: WITH ALL CITY AND STATE LAWS REGULATING ELECTRICAL WIRING. I CERTIFY THAT I AM PROPERLY LIC£NSED BY THE cm o, CA,CS~ '"' ""' o, CAUeOR"A OR THA. ' AM THE LEGAL ow 'R',ove OSSCR,S,O RSS,. DENTIAL PROP ,~ / SIGNATURE OF "...,/~_.,,,.,. _,/.h_,,, PERMITTEE: . ,, , ,.