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1515 SUNRISE CIR; ; CBR2018-1127; Permit
{City of Carlsbad Residential Permit Print Date: 06/12/2018 Permit No: CBR2018-1127 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: # Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: 1515 Sunrise Cir BLDG-Residential 2070213800 $0.00 Work Class: lot#: Reference#: Construction Type: Bathrooms: Orig. Plan Check#: P/M/E Status: Applied: lssued: Permit Finaled: Inspector: Closed -Finaled 05/09/2018 05/09/2018 PBurn Plan Check#: Final Inspection: 6/12/2018 9:35:42AM Project Title: Description: LINGENFELTER: MINOR KITCHEN REMODEL TO ADD 4 NEW LED LIGHTS, REPLACE EXISTING LIGHT FIXTURES AND INSTALL GFCI OUTLETS PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, AND MECHANICAL PERMIT Total Fees: $170.00 Owner: TRUST LINGENFELTER ROSEMARY REVOCABLE TRUST 07-13-10 1515 Sunrise Cir CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Total Payments To Date: $170.00 Contractor: TREEIUM INC 6440 Lusk Blvd, D209 San Diego, CA 92121-2758 855-833-8733 Balance Due: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing In accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. $0.00 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 I 760-602-2700 I 760-602-8560 f I www.car!sbadca.gov $170.00 ( . ( City of Building Permit Application 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 78CMIOM719 Fax: 760-602-8558 email: bulldlng@carlsbadca.gov www.carlsbadca.gov Plan Check No. C/21Rd.<J J <t ✓ JLl 1 Est. Value Carlsbad Plan Ck. Deposit Date 5/C/ //X JOB ADDRE\SSS 15 · SuYlYI ~.Q. SUITE#/SPAC E#/U NIT# IAio:\--02. \ -~ -00 CT/PROJECT# I LOT# l PHASE# I# OF UNITS # BEDROOMS # BATHROOMS I TENANT BUSINESS NAME I CONSTR, TYPE I OCC. GROUP DESCRIPTIONOFWORKa lncludeS~r~••(s)1Hxv\oct~ • t-t,~\eu,Jl, {\ l<W\-tS ( Ii~ i'Vl ~•nq~ L,£1) \iq\trtS (4 ~ b\FIC... oui-kt.S . -\ EXISTING USE I PROPOSED USE GARAGE (SF) PATIOS (SF) I DECKS (SF) ! FIREPLACE IAIR CONDITIONING IFIRE SPRINKLERS YES □ #~_ NO □ YES □ NO □ YES □ NO □ APPLICANT NAME (P,lma,y Contact) 1 .e, r r I.{ HO n+-t I IO ADDRESS "'t=t 1'5 (0 On, St." PROPERTY OWNER NAME 12-0Ul'vl,a,y Li ~.(.hf-t,/f-!,y ADDRESf 5 iis Svviris.e.. ci? · --- CITV ~at-i D{eq O STATt;ft z3rz.,l/5 PHONE IFAX MAIL DESIGN PROFESSIONAL NAME \..I\ ~-e.s 1.Gi\ V"\ ~ ~\'()t ft-ih:Ji CONTRACTOR BUS. NAME \ V u.,(IJW\. -C.nt,. ADDR'rs<\-\ (t ~ Tow~ l2o{. # 1 0 4-•oos,5'6S'2. l,,{l;lJ V".(A c.,'i 'A 'o\vd,. CITVt'OV-4 Ct,v\ STAT(AI\ o,'pz..o"'4-.. cirr\JQ\(~~ \llciq ~ STATE (.,~ ZIP°'\ ~o,.- PC-t(o o) 3~ o -o oot [FAX p~ o soi-=t-0 ~oo I FAX E IL EMAIL I STATE LIC. # (Sec. 7031.5 Business and P_rofess1ons Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to. construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, pnor to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such per_m1t to file a si~ned statement that he rs licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, comme_nd1ng with Section 7000 of Div1s1on 3 of the B_usmess and Professions Code} or fuat he is exemP.t therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any v1olat1on of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a cIvII penalty of not more than five hundred dollars \$500)). WORKERS' COMPENSATION Workers' Compensation Declaralion: / hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations· □ I have and will mainlain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the Work for which this permit is issued. 'C)li'have and will maintain wor s' comp ns lion s WI e by lion 3700 of the Labor Code, for the_performar,,fft;e )lqri'Jqr w_.bt::~~ Pi'jlit is issued. My workers' compenfl,t~n i ur,rce rri r policy number are: Insurance Co._i':;f.1J~f::C,._il_<UQ_ ll'}".J.-1-!_ _________ Policy No. _=.i~~f_V_V __ ..,,~~0~~ £..~---Exp1rat1on Date _,.,,,.,.-j'----j'--'-''-'-- This section need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) or less. □ Certificate of Exemption: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compe awful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines p to one undred thousand dollars (&100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as c,o1ridelllb, f the ode, interest and attorney's fees . ..Ji$ CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE I hereby affirm that I am exempt from Contractor's License Law for the following reason: □ I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale) □ I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's license Law does not apply lo an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor{s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law) □ I am exempt under Section _____ Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement □ Yes □ No 2. I (have/ have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work 3. I have contracted with the following person {firm) to provide the proposed construction {include name address I phone/ contractors' license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name I address I phone I contractors' license number)· 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name I address/ phone/ type of work): _6$ PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE □AGENT DATE l "OMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS ONLY Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley"Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? □ Yes D No Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? □ Yes □ No Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? □ Yes □ No IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES ANO THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there 1s a construction lending agency for the performance of the work this permit 1s issued {Sec 3097 {1) C1v1I Code) Lender's Name Lender's Address APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify th at I have read the application and state that the above lnfonnation is correct and that the Information on the plans Is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I he,.by au~onze ,.presentative ol lhe Cfy of Carlsbad to enter upon ~e-e mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMrT. OSHA: MOSHA permit is required for excavations over S'O' deep and demolition or construction of strucll.lres over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building Official und e provisions of this e shall expire by limitation and become null and void IT the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permit or IT the build. work orized such suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commen for a peri of 180 days (Section 106.4.4 Unifoon Building Code). ,/1$ APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE c.,c......-DATE 5 ',0 4 JY " ,'7 ' , "fr , ' ~,::·•~~/ , ,_:,, 1,, PERMIT INSPECTION HISTOR¥ REFtQRT (CBR2018-1127) Permit Typ<1· BLDG-Residential Application Date: 05/09/2018 Owner: TRUST LINGENFELTER ROSEMARY REVOCABLE TRUST 07-13-10 Work Class: P/M/E Issue Date: 05/09/2018 Subdivision: PARK MANOR# 1 Status: Closed -Finaled Expiration Date: 11/26/2018 Address: 1515 Sunrise Cir Carlsbad, CA 92008-3648 IVR Numbar: 11268 Scheduled Actual Reinspectlon Complete Date Start Date Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Status Primary Inspector 05/23/2018 06/23/2018 BLDG-84 Rough 068818-2018 Falled Paul Burnette Reinspection Complete Combo(14,24,34,44) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency No BLDG-14 No Frame--Steel-Bolting-Welding (Decks) BLDG-24 Rough-Topout No BLDG-34 Rough Electrical No BLDG-44 No Rough-Ducts--Dampers 05/29/2018 06/29/2018 BLDG-84 Rough 059186-2018 Passed Andy Krogh Complete Combo(14,24,34,44) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-34 Rough Electrical Yes 06/12/2018 06/12/2018 BLDG-Final 060748-2018 Passed Paul Burnette Complete Inspection Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes BLDG-Plumbing Final Yes BLDG-Mechanical Final Yes BLDG-Structural Final Yes BLDG-Electrical Final Yes June 12, 2018 Page 1 of1 SITE INFO: ADDRESS: 1515 Sunrise Cir., Carlsbad, CA. 92008 A.P.N.: 207-021-3800 EXISTING USE:. Single Family Residence PROPOSED USE:. Single Family Residence ORIGIONAL YEAR QQNSTRUCTED: 1970 GBBALIOlES \ 8A.'B.B4T NO 9..8:ffG ROO£ TO iji.W, EGleS wtrx:1# <l! ElC11:IQ DOCAI rol e.&GBCY ec.'1E t.EETtG 1lE F<l.LO'l!IG IIECllllEMNra IJ 57 ~ FT. f.tMM IET ClfMI a>BWl.E NE.A 8124" f.tMM IET ClfMI a9M.E IS;HT 0 'X1' t.H.tM IET ClfMI Cl'BWll.E Ytl>lH DI BOTTCM ~ 1lE ClfMI <l'8IG 9W.l. IOT EXC8:D 44" lil:H'e. 1lE R.oat 2. IU tEW GLAZtG fBBT'RA11CHll 9W.l. BE fBTM.18) Vt11H A CER1FYt6 LJE. ATTATOEI>. 90MG 1lE 11' VH..lE ~ IU tEW GLAZtG fBBT'RA11CHll 9W.l. iji.W, A t.fi 11 FACT<'.r ~ 0.32 & H5C ~ .25 4. ALL MOOWS NO UtG Gt.A$ DOa!S TO BE ll.W. GLAZB) IIKOl !i PRO'tU: 5/~' TYPE X G'l1'SM 80.W R.oa! TO ROa' ffAlHtG a TO NO Nl.ll»G CB.JG! l' ~ WALLS l!ETYtHN G~ NO LJ\tG NE.A NO I.NB STARS 'MEIE STa!AGE OCOIS. PRO'tU: 5/& tCH TYPE 'X' G'l1'SM BOAi> ()j ~ ll ~ 1lE R.Oa!/CB.JG >.mtl..Y !ll'POOlG IW!ITABI.E ROO£ lil:H'e. 1lE GMNdE t.H.tM V2 tCH G'l1'SM BOAi> E IIEQIB) TO PROlECT 1lE STROC1I.IW.. ae.eas !ll'POOlG 1lE R.Oa!/CB.JG Am.tl.Y. 6. ALL ~'IIB EXPCm> 9.IFACES 9W.l. iji.W, A ~'IIB rNllenl &fJIB TO PROlECT 1lE NlBIICA! WIU CXM:IIH3 NO ALL ElC11:IQ Cf8fGS 9W.l. BE RnED ti mi A t.Wta M TO t.w:E 111M ~TIBfl!Oa=. 7. ElC11:IQ DOa!S ~y IOT SWlG CXJTWAI!> ~ nBE E GREATS! lWH A VT~. a PN'ER FACB> NU.A~ E PRCH/TED ti ATOC <l! O'IIB \1:Nll.ATB> !PACES. MADESIGN & DRAFTING SERVICES 14168 Poway Rd., Suite 104, Poway, CA. 92064 www.madesigning.com (760) 390-0007 OWNER INFORMATION: Rosemary Lingenfelter 1515 Sunrise Cir., Carlsbad, CA. 92008 TIE PRO.ECT SHALL COM'L Y WITH TIE FOLLOWING BULDING CODES 2016 CALIFORNA RESIDENTIAL CODE (CRC) .MO/OR CALIFORNA BULDING CODE (CBC) AS APPLICABLE WHICH ADPOTS THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE 2015 LNFORM tvECHANCAL CODE 2015 LNFORM PLIJv'BING CODE 2015 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 0--.... ~' :Ji ~ .:;....-,-~-£ PROJECTSCOPE: ____ ....__ ~Zf-d t REPLA~~QINlWOPS ~ 2 MNOR DRYWALL PATCHNG AS REOURED. 4. PROVIDE teN LED LIGHTS ~ ~-Af.O COLMERS. ' · . .,r, City of car\sbad Building Division MA't O 9 20\8 APPROVED BY: ~ = ~ Lingenfelter Kitchen 1515 Sunrise Cir., Carlsbad, CA. 92008 V4"=r-O" Pl.lMllG tole tEW WATS! Q.OES 9W.1. UE to MlE TIWj 12& GM.1.CH 19 R.lBl NO 9W.1. MET P8fOt,WCE STNO.WS eITAl!UHI) BY TIE N.SC.N4 ~'IDW.. STNO.WS NmT1JTE STNOMD. AJJ.'fl:J. H & S COO: !EC. V92l3lll Ml. EllE11«; WATS! Q.OES TO co.fl.Y. 2 N 90NERS NO lll HlYIB CCMINJ.TICMi, comn Vil\£! MBT BE PIIES9.IIE 8AI.HC8) ~ nm.al'Alx:: tAXtG Vll\S 19 C1C E1KH QIC//N04D. 3. 19.WfNT VAOIM BIIEN:ERS 9W.1. BE Kl.lllD Yt1lH Ml. tEW IOE eeBs. 4. PRO'oU ..WC. 15 Gl'M R.OW 0. LAVATOO FMXES NO 17 AT ITT09 F.tLCETS. 5. 90¥B ~ TO ~\1: A ..WC. 2 Gl'M R.OW. 6. STATE IEAL TH & SAFETY COO: !EC. 179219 BNf> TIE UE CF Ot.C~lB> Pa. Y\tffl. Ol.alE IO'YQ & CROOl.NH> Pa. 'tETlfl. lN fElO ~ NIEIQ WATER-91'Pl.. Y PftG. 7. Ml. tEW PllM!N3 RXTIIES MBT BE NSTH..l.8) Yt1lH A BAO:WATB! Vll\1: A.m.tl.Y. I!. Ml. >l,S NO PVC PftG NO RTTN36 9W.1. BE eo..09:D Ytfflfj WM.LS NO R.oalS 00\mD Yt1lH 'Til'E "'t' GYP. 80Nri' ~ ~ >SIM!I..ES ™T PRO'oU TIE W.E t.ea CF FIIE PROTECTKJ( PRO~ CF MM!RNE PBETRATKH IS toT IEQllID 9. PLIMIG RXTIIES MBT ~TOI TIE Cl.lRM 20D C1C ~ 4CYl WA~ RXTIIES NO RTTN5S. 0. HlYIB CCM'~ NO BATH1111S Yt1lH NSTH..l.8) HlYIB ~ 9W.1. BE FNHD Yt1lH A~ !UFACES ™T ~TOA HBlT toT LE$ TIWj 6 FEET 1'IINt. TIE R.OC1 I A Lx:a&D PLIMIG 8am 9W.1. ll:9GN TIE WATS!~ lN..6& N LBJ CF TIE CM..01.ATICMi, WATS! lf1AGE 9W.1. BE teEla> 19 TAll.E 4n2 PRO\UG RXTIIES ™T MET A 20',< ~ N WATS! llE RXTI.IE 1YPE IMX R.CY# RATE AT 20¾ ~ 111:rlrlr.J ~ 2 6PM "l!O pg LAVATOO FIOCETS. 15 GfMI' ilJ pg 2 ll8IBffi'l ITT09FMXES 16 GfM II ilJ pg GRA'ffl TN«-lYPE waim.ta 12& G>UCH/R..19l I I Nl.m IIG..E NO llW. fUlH WATER Q.aETS Yll1H NI lffEC1M: R.lltl CE 121& GIUCJI at I..E!I. -9Gl£ FUSI Ta.ETS -TIE Eff£C1M: FUSI \O..IM: IW..l lOT El«:EB> 121& GIUCJI 1431.J181Sl TIE Eff£C1M: FUSI \O..IM: B TIE AVSN:E. FUSI YCl.1M: Y1191 TBITID H ~ Yll1H t,M Ar.l.P.23.\2 -OW. FUSI Ja.ETS -TIE EffECTM: FUSI \O..IM: 9W.l. t«>T EXaB> 12& GIUCJI 143 U18ISl TIE EffECTM: FUSI YCl.lt,E B TIE AVSN:E. FUSI va.tM: Y1191 TBITID H ~ Yll1H f,M MJ:92 NO f,M A12P.M 2. LAVAT<%r FHCETS 9W.L t«>T ~W: A R.OW RATE LSI 1IWl 06 6l'M AT 20 !'a l2. ~ Ml. tEW IOT WATS! PftG: 31< ~ I.JillGER 6 IEQIIED TO BE NSTH..l.8) AS F<l.LOWQ r Pl'E SZE~ LESH 1l«X NU.AQ I.JillGER Pl'E SZES IEQIE 1 VT 1l«x NU.ATIOO tolE: N ~ TIE VT SZE IOT WATS! Pl'E TO ITT09 HIS IEQIIED TO BE NllA18). B 1500 Ip.I \l BELOW GRAil: IOT WATS! PftG El m.llB) TO l!E NSTH..L8) NA WATElfROa= NO IOHJISA8LE !l.EE\1: ~ CA.'IG ™T llLCY#S ~ R8'LAC0.ENT CF 80TH TIE PftG NO NU.ATIOO ES 150.0 IJ. 14 TB.f8Al\lE L.MltG IEOCE 9W.1. BE PROYD3) AT TIE OOmG 1IIIS N CXNCaW«:E Vlffil TIE 20D C1C ~ 414.5. 414.51.MTA~ CF OT WATS! N BATHTIIIS NO Wlll.POCl BATHTI.BS. TIE MW.tM IOT WATS! TB.f8Al\lE IJlCINGtG FI0.4 TIE BATHl\.8 NO VHfOCl. BATHl\.8 Rl.81 9W.1. BE LM18> TO 00 [B;. F. 149 Cffi Cl 8 A IEOCE ™T COfilMi TO Nii£ 0 70, STAN>.W ~ WATS! TB.f8Al\lE L.MltG IBW ~ CSA8 ?25.3, STNl>AII> ~ PLIMIG RT1tGS TIE WATS! IEATB! nm.al'AT 9W.1. toT BE CCHIBED A comn ~ M:E1IG THE~ 16. 19.WfNT VACOM BIIEN:ERS 9W.1. BE Kl.laD ~ Ml. tEW IOE _, Lingenfelter Kitchen Plot Date: S-9-18 V4"=T-O" A-2 1515 Sunrise Cir., Carlsbad, CA. 92008 2 of 5 2016 Low-Rise Residential Mandatory Measures Summary liQlf; Low-nso ...iden~o/ buicfngs suljod to tho fnolVY standatds mu,t comply lrih II appkab/e mandeloty measure,, repc/lo$, of the compllfllCO ~ UHd. Reo'iew the respective section for mae information. "Exceptions may apply. uncuna: uou.u 10 Sulk.Ing Enwlope Musu,ea: § 110.6(a)1: Al' Leakage. Marnlac:tured fenestraOOn, exteriof doors, aM exlerbr pet doors must l1mil air leakage to 0.3 dm"1:1 or leis 'Nhen tested per NFRC-400 0< ASTM E283 or AAWNIOMAICSA 10M.S.2/A440-201 I.• § 110.6(a)5: Labeling. Fene,tralion products mu,t hiwo alabol meeting lhe ,equiremonts ol § 10-11 l(a). § 110.6(b~ Fietd fabricated exleri:>r door, and fenestration products must use lJ-tact>B and sciar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) values from TABLES 110.6-A and 110.6-8 for oomoliance and must be cailked andlof weathers!-'----_ _._· § 110.7: Ar Leaka;ie. Al jomls, penetrations, and other openings in lhe buiding envek,pe that are potential sources of air ieakage must be cat.lked, naskeled or wealher stlYll'lf'!l1 § 110.B(a): lnsdation Certffica!Qn by Manufacllf'ert. l~utation specified 0t instaled must meet Standards for lnsiAating Material § 110.B(g): lnslAation Requirements for Heated Slab Flooi>. Heated ~ab ftoOB must be inslAated per tho requirements of§ 110.8(g). § 110.8(Q· Roomg Products Solar Reflectance and Thonnal Ernillanoe. Tho lhennai emittance and aged solar rellectance values ol the roofing material must meet the ,_,;,...ments of 6 110,8/11 when the i'lstalaOOn of a oool roof is c~ on the CF1R. § 110.8(j): Radiant Barner. A radiarll bwrief mus! have an emttanoe of 0.0501' ~sand be certled to the Department of Consumer Affairs. Celing and Rafter Roof lnsi.-aoon. Minimum R-22 iostJcltion in wood-frame ceai,g; or the weghted average lJ-factor must not exceed 0.043. Minimt.m R-19 or weighted a1erage IJ-fa::;tor of 0.054 or less i'I a rafter FOOf att.eration. Attic a::oess doors must have permanently atta::hed § 150.0(a)· instlaO:in using adllesive or mechanical fasteners. The attic acoes.s must be gasketed lo prevent ai-teakage. lnsWIOOn must be installed in direcl oonfaci: with a continuous roof or ceiling whkh is sealed to lmil infitration and exfitration as specfted n § 110.7, ina1xl!ng but not lfflited to nlacM inslAatDn either above or below the roof ~k or on m of a dl'IIWal celino. • § 150.0(b)· Loo,e.fil lns!Aation. Looser• inst.lawn musl meet the manufacturer's reqli.red density for the labeled R-value. Wal Insulation. Minimum R-13 insulation in 2x4 ilc:h wood framng walor have a U-factor of 0.102 or less (R-19 in 2x6 or U-faciorof 0.074 or § 150.0(c). less~ Op~l.l! noMl'amed assemblies musl h.r1e an ClYerall assem~ U-factor not exceeding 0.102, equr.'alenl lo an ilstaledvalue of R-13 in a wood framed .,..,,,,.,_. § 150.0(d)· Raised-floor lnsulal:On. Minimum R-19 i"lsulatDn in raised wood framed ftoof or 0.037 maximum U-faclor. • § 1so.o,:n: Slab Edge lnsLAaOOn. 5'ab edge inslAaoon must meet al of the foloWWlg. have a water .bsorption ra:e, fer the insiAation material alone withoV: facings, no greater than0.3%; have a wa!er vapor permeance no greater than 2.0 perm/inch; be protected from pl"Tfsical damage and W light deteri:lratorr and, when instaled as bartof a lleated slab floor, meet the -•h'ements of Ii 110.'11"\ § 150.0(g)l: Vapor Retarder. In Climate Zooes 1-16. the earth Goof of l.lffl'en~ crawl space musl be covered with a Class Io, Class II vap:,r retarder. This -•iremenl atso "'""'ies to controlled velltla!Dn cf'cl!M S",.,... for bul:foas coml'llvino wth the e1C~tion lo 6 150.nl"'. § 150.0(g)2: Vapof Relarder. In Climate Zones 14 ard 16, a Class I or Class II vapor retarder must be installed on the conditioned sp3::e side of ;ii irutiatr>n 1n al ederiot wals, vented atti::s and unven!.ed attics with air-""'rmeable ifflUa!ion. § 150.0(q): FenestratDn Products. Fenestrati>n, n:::fuding skyligh!s, sep.ara~ conditioned space from uncond~ioned space or outdoors must have a maximum U-factor of 0.58; or !hf! wei'lhted itief--Wactor of ail fenestration must no! exceed 0.58. • Fireplaces, Decorative Gu Applianct1, and Gu Log Measures: § 150.0(e)IA· Closable Doors. Masoruy or factory-bull fireptaces must have a cfosab4e meta or gms door coverilg the entire opening of lhe frrebolC. § 150.0(e)IB: Combusli>n Intake. Masonry or fado,y-buit fireplaces must h.Ne a combusfon outside a"r intake, which is at le~ six square inches in area and is eouiooed with a re-a., accessble ODP.rab6e, and Mht-fittiM damMr or combuSOOn-air colllrot device.· § 150.0(e)IC: Aue Oam;,er. Masonry or hlclory-buit fireplaces musl ~ a flue damper with a readly accessible control• § 150.0(0)2: Pilot l'ght. Continuous burning plot lights and the use of indoor a:r for cooling a firebox jacket. when that irdoor al/' is venled to the outs De of the bukJif'lf\ are orohblted. Space Conditioning, Water Heating, and Plll'nblng System Meaaures: § 110.().i 110.3: ~~~n.m:t~~e;!t!~~ m:;:::r"!ig ~H\J'~r?w ~=~=:er heaters, showerheads, faooets, ard all other reglAa!ed § 110.:l{a): HVAC Efl,;;~ncy. Eqv\)ment must meet the applicable efficiency requirements ~ TABLE 110.2-A through TABLE 110.2-K." Control• for Heat P11np, with Supplementary Elec:trk: Rt1i,tanca Heattra. Keat pump, with aupplem,ntary etecbic rHiatance heat.era § 110.2(b): musl h.r.te oorirols that pre-(ent supplementary hea:eroperation IA/hen the hea'jng load can be met by the heat pump abne; ard fl whd, the cul-on temperature for comptession heating is hfJher than the cut-<:>n temperature for supplementary heatir9, and tile cuk>ff temperature for comflreSSDll heat1na Is tmher than the cut~ le"'"""ra!Ure for su"""--me,..,.,.. heatinq.• § 110.:l{c): Thermostats. Aft 1.t1itary heating or cooling systems not contn::69d by a central energy management control system (EMCS} must hM a setb.-::k thermostat.· Water Heating Recireuation Loops Serving Mit~ Dwelling UnlS. Water heating recin::tAation loops serv.-g mllt.,ie dweli,g units must § 110.3(c)5: meet tile air release valve. backftow preventi:ln. puflll priming, pump __,.arion valve, and recmJ!ation loop oonnecfon requirements of§ 110.31c"'. § 110.3(c)7: Isolation VaNeS. Instantaneous water heaters with an ~ rating greater than 6,8 kB TU/hr (2 kW) must have lsolalDn v.t,es with hose bibbs or other ~ on both ootd waler and hot water lines ol water heam-t svstems to m-H lor water lank ftushina when !he v.lves are dosed. § 110.5: Plot l.iJhls. Contiooousl/ burning plol lgt-b aie prohl>ied for nan,al gas: fan-type cen!Jal furnaces; household cooking ap!)iiances (appll- ances without anelectric:a s•IN'ill vd1---connection with Mil JW'lhts that const.me ~ss than 150 Btu/hr are exemnt\; and ~-i and sna healers.· Buiding Cooing and Healing Loads. Healing andlo< cooling loom are cact.lated ~ oo:otdanoe wih ASHRAE Handboo~ Equipment § 150.0(h)l: Volume. Appllcatons Volume. and Furdameotafs Volume; SMACNA Residential Comlort System in,talalion Standards Manual; 01 ACCA Manual J ..• ~ de,on oondition, ·-ified ~ • 150.<Vh\2. •v ,v -v•• ,,,...,.,. ,~.,....,,_.,.,,,. .... --•-••--•-• ···----· --••••• J T § 150.0(h)JA. Cll,ar.n:as. IN!alled 1111' conc,oonef and heet llUTll ouibor condensmg Iris rrusl hive a dealance of at least 5 fNI tom lhe outlet ol W"f ~--§ 150.0(h)JB: u:p.id Lftl Oriar. lnsialed If condklner Wld heal pJIT1l sys,.,,_ rrust be ~ wilh licJid line Nter ciierl d ra<p,'ed, as spec:ified'rY'/ manulaC'lllW's nstrucbons. § 150.0(j)I· Sknga Tri lns\ialion. Unlred hot W!I« lanks. such as storage tanks aid bile~ st>rage tanks b Sl:U' water-heatng syslems, nut have R-12 exll!tmaf qtJa!ion or R-16 lnt8mal in&I.Aat!OO whare lhe wwetnal ils!Aation R-vabt is incicaled on the ex:18rioc' of the lank:. WU P4)ng and cooing system ine iislbnon. For cbres6c hol water Syslem ~. whelhsr buned or trbuied. al of tie lol:,wing mus.I be instAaled aoc:.ordl'Q lo hi teqt.iret!W\ts of TABLE 120.3-A: h tnt 5 leel of hot &nd cold waler pipes from the storaQI!! tank; al~ witl a § 151l.0j)2A. mrTin8' dametar of 314 lnr;h or larger; al~ a$$0Cii:edWllh I d:>meslic: bJt water recin:t.u:ion system regardess ol the pipe dameler; plpirw;i lrom !he Mating SOI.ml ti 1tJrage tank or between ianb; pipil'Q buried below grade: ard al hot water pipes tom the heating IOIJ'te 10 kii::henfixlUres.' § 151l.Oij)2S Waler~ Wld cooing system h inSlJab')(\. /JJ d:wnule hot water ppes tiat are btried below grade must be mtaled in a water proof and nc,n..aushable .. ,..;..,., or sieeve." § 151l.0ij)2C· Water P4)ng and ceding syst.am me llS(Mton. Pl)e fc, coofirg syslffll Ines rrust be instAa!ed as 599cified in§ 150.0(j)2A Disri>ution ,......., br steamand .... ~.:..ic L-' 1 svstems or hot water ~stM'IS nut meel h ..,,..,.ements in TABLE 120.3-A.' § 150.0ij)J• lnslbOOO Prolectron. lnsaation nu! be protecled fromdamaOs, Including NI due ro~l rrdstin. ~t ~. andwnd. lnsu3tion Protection. lrwbtK>n exposed~ ... ~ must be ilstaledwllh • CtN8f slitabl& bl' outb'll' Servte:e. For eUJ1ll6t, prolecledby § 150.0li)JA. all.mlU1\ sheet me!al, painted earwas, ot pbsoc (;(M'Jf, The CCNflf must be waler retardant and proviri, shiet:ing from solar radation Iha! can cause -'-adation of the material. § 150.0li)JS lnslJa~ PTolection. l"ISW!ion COYemg chilled water~ and refrveranl sucnon ~ localed otJt5Kk the eoncllioned space must have a Class I or Class 11 ·--· retarder. Gas or Propane Sys!sms. Systems using gas or propane water hea!911 b SefVe ~ CM'eling units must inc:lud9 al of the folowng a § 150.0(n)I. 12fN ~ receptacle witbn 3 feel of lhe W3tl!l< hea:tr, a Ca:egory II Of rl ~ 0f a Tp B vent wrth stra!ght ~ bet#een lhe outside terminaXIO and tht space where lhe waler hea* is inslalled, a condensate d-ain flat is no more lhan 2 lnc:hes hqher than twt base of h, w;i:M heat« andalows na:u-al ....._,i.v. without ~-a~stMce; arda m1,,_.., n wllh a canacitv of at least 200.000 Btu.ti. § 150.0(n)2. Reeirr:!Jalng Loops. RecarclAating bops serving~ d«ellng units rrusl meet the reqnaments of§ 110.J(c)S. § 150.0(n)J ~wa~=~;!:"b~~!-=~:V"'!.eet>l~~~~aOOraledbflheSola.-Ratr,garctCertflcaoon Ducts and Fans Me.nurts: § 110~(d)3 Ducts. ln.\tJalion iisu6td on., existng space-cord boring d.lcl must C001)fy with§ 604.0 of the caifomia MechaNCal Code (CMC). If a contractor installs the mulaton lhe eontracbr must certit.l to tie cusbmer, I\ wnlm, lhal tie mlAabon meets this rAn1.ll'temer1L CMC C~. Al air-dstrbution sysl8m OJCts and pleruns roost be inslaled, sealed, rd 11\SIM!ed to meet lhe reql.irements of CMC §§ 601.0. 602.0, 603.0, 604.0, 605.0 and ANSIISMACHA-006-2006 HVAC Duct Construcbon St5rdards Metal and Ae.oole 3rd Edioon. PortlOOS of sl.4lPIY■a!f ard rellm■ai" dJclS and pleooms must be insWllld t, a minim.lTI installed level of R-6.0 (or~ if rtqJi'ed by CMC § 605.0) 01 11 l'l1l"1fflffll instaled level of R-4.2 WMr'I enllrely il concftioned space~ confvmed tfyoogh f..eld verification and cia9005tic lesting § t50.0(m)1 (RAJ. Comections ol metal du:b and i'lner core of nextlle <lJCIS mt41 be mecharic:aly faslened. Openings must be sealed with mastic. tape, orolherli.lckloSIH systemthalmeelSthe~le requi,..,-ienis o1 UL 11!1. Ul 181A,orUL 1818oraerosol :.ealanl lhiJI meeb lhe reqi.,.remants of UL 723. tf mastic or tape is used to seal operings greater lhan 1/, 11eh. the oorroination ol masbc and eilher mesh or lap8 rrust be used. Buildino eavibes. Sl.worl pb!lorms tor air hentl!rs. and plentms designed or construcled 'Mth materials other "8n sealad sheet metal, duel board or ftexcle Ckl rrust nol be used for COfl'Mying corollooed ar. Bui:ino cavit<e:S and si.wc,rt platfo,ms may contail clclS. Ducts installed in ca,,itie, and s•........,rl obtklrms nut not be CMYWessed 10 cause red.Jc:lions m the cmss-&ecOONII area of the ducts: Faclocy-Fabnca!ad 011:t Systems. Factoty..fabrica:adcb:tsystems rnJSICOOV, withapplicabll!I nK1,IU'ements for cb:loonstrucbon, § t50.0(m)2 comerebons, and dostns, joints and seams of ciJct systems and ll'MNr oo~ roost nol be sealed With doth back rtH>er achesive OJCI •--s lriess wch •~ IS used 11 corrbinlltion with m&StX: and draw bands. § 150.0(m)J fleld-fabncated Duct Systems. Field-labric:ated cb::t systems Ill.ISi C0l'l1)ly wJh apphcabh, ~ts for pres.st69-68nsi!MI !ape$, masbc:s s.ealanlS end other r-1rements vw-i1wt fly lid oonstru:::oon. § 150.0(m)I-Backdra'I 0aflll01'1. Al fM syst9ms Iha! exchange air between the c:ordooned S()aCe and the oolsd! of the buting rrusl have baclcaaft °' automatic.....___, § 150.0(m)a. Gra'llry Ventlalion Oalrpers. Gnrlity vanlilating systems servilg eondil!Oned space nvJSI h.1'18 eith91 automatic or reac9, accessti&, man··-•• -rated #M-rs in al ,.,...nirv,5 to he outside exr.-. corrbustioo inlet and ouSet Mr ---and eteYator shaft vents. Prot«:ion ol lnstialion. )r\s(jation musl be proBCled tom damage, nt:uing Iha! liJe b Slright, fflCIShH, ~ment mai'lleniric:e, and § t50.0(m)9 wn:i. tnstAalion exi,osed lo weather m.isl be mlable fot oo~ serw::e. F°' exarrple, protected by aurirun. sheet metal, pa,nted canvas, or pwbC CtN8f. CdlAar loam IOS\Aation nut be protected as above°' painted wii\ a coating Iha! tS water retardant and provd&s shielding tom --""' § 150.0{m)l0· Porous Inner Cor9 Aex Duel Porous imer core tk11C ctJct must ha'.e a~ layer be~ the inner core and OU1er vapor bamer. Duct System Seaing and Leakage Test When space oondiboning systems use lorced •r m.1::1 syslems lo S,t4lPl'f conciboned ail' ban § 151l.0(m)11 occ~ $p,)Ce. the ducts mus1 be sealed an::I CUI '8ak1Qe les'8d. as eonfrmed fvru9h field vemcabon and dagnoslic 19.stng, in accordance wifh t. 1so.rvm111ard Relererce Residenbil •;_rd• RAJ. AM Fltration. Mechani:al syslems !hat~ air to an occupiable space trt0Ui1h d.Jct.wort &1oeecing 10 feet in lenglh and ilrough a thermal § 150.0(m)I~ eord:liontng ~ exc:ept evaporative cooler,. mtBt be pr<Md9d with• filer devices lhat meet Iha de$1gn, ll\$talalion, erfiaen::y, ress1.n ...-......, .-ld ,_.,_i:_ -'....:rements of 6 150.0(ml12. Lingenfelter Kitchen Plot Date: 5-9-18 Scde: V4"=T-O" A-3 14168 Poway Rd., Suite 104, Poway, CA. 92064 www.madesigning.com (760) 390-0007 1515 Sunrise Cir., Carlsbad, CA. 92008 3 of 5 •v '" ~v...,.-,,,.., ... ,, ... ..,,.,.,..,,., .. , .. , .. , ... -•-• ,.,..., ___ , __ --••••••-• Y Duct System Slli,g and NI FIiter Grile Sizir9. Spooe concflioring systems 1hat use to«:od or <11.<b., ~ ""'1,g kl ., =4]iablo space must have• ho6e b the p6lcemenl of a 1tak p,esw-e probe (HSPP), or• permanenty Ntaled stalk: pressure probe (PSPP) in t,e § t50.0(m)13· ~ ploo<.m. The ,pace~ 1yslem ....... domonsh!O-• 350 CFMper m al noninalcooli,gcapacily lvoogh lho ,otum gr9e:s, and an air-hancling lnt'-1 efficacy s 0.58 WK;FM as conflrmiid by ftMd verk85cn md dagmstie 18.sti,g, in~ will Roloronce-.i~RAJ.3. This IA)io,k>bollsinglozooocon•olto«:odairsyslemsandfNOf'/ZOOO br zonalyc:onlrolodconlnll b'cedair .wstems.· Ventil:ion for indoor As Oualit,. Al <Melog urits roost meet lhe ~ts of ASHRA.E Standard 622. Neither wincb.w operabon noJ §150.0(o) con1inoous ~ion of eenlral forced a, syslem air hard!n used In cenltal fan iniegraled ventilation sys lams are permintis methcds of nrovidM ~...:.......__.,_,.-..,_venliation. § 150.0(o)1A· Ao4dVonblionandlliagnoobc Tnling. ~vontialion,,_ muslboeonfimlodtlro.q,fieldvorificationand<iognosbc IM'M in OCOOffl8llCOwi1fl Roforonce Resid,nliaf •-;_.• RAJ.]. Pool and Spa Systems and Eq11lprnent Mtnuret: c...-t,v Manufactln<s. An/pooi 01 spa heal"'J sy,tem01 _,..,.,, rro,1bo cerotied., t-aw olal Iha toaowrv. a therlnal olldency § 110.A{o) Iha!~ with the Appiara Efficlency RegtJation&; an on-off switch l'llWll8d outslda of the heater lhat abvs gtujr,g off ha healer w:1,out ~ting the thennostat ~: a penrananl wealhe(pfoof plate or c,rd will operating ~,stn.ict,oos, and must not use el!K:n: § 110.4(1,)1. resistance heatina.' Piping. kft pod or spa heatng ecppman! nut be instaledwilh al least J6 inches of~ between lie fil1er and the heater, or dtdcated si.ction .id rell.Jnlines or blAl-il<X ... ~ .. ·-connectiom lo alow brtuture solar heatm. § 110.','b)2 Covers. Outbor pools or spas t'lat have a hsal purrp or gas heatll must ha-1e a fXN8f. § 110.4(1,)3: Di;ecbonal Hats and tme switches to,, poets. Pools nus! have drectional inlets Nt adeq:Jattily /TU: lhe pool walM, and a time swit:h tiai wl allowttl --s i) be selor-l"IITVT'l9dt> n.nf'XWA,.....,. ,.,,1_,_,.k electrl:demandMtl0Ci5. § 110.5: Piot Ughl NaU'af gas pool and spa hea'.eu must not Mva a contiooously btming piol lght. § 150.0(p): Pool Systems and Ecµpment lnstalla:ion. Res:dential pool systems or eq.J41ment '1"051 rneel the specified ,eqhements for PurTll sizing, flow rate A:........ fillsrs, and valves.' Ughti"i MeHUfU: § 110.9: Lighting Controls .-d Coff1>on,ents. Al ighwig control devices and 1ystems. baDasts, and k.mnai'es ITIJSI meet the-appllc.able req,namsnlJ 01• 110.9: § 110.9{e)· JA8 High Efficacy Light 50IXCfl. To qualify as a JA8 high efk:a..-y light SOl.l'Ce fOf COl11)iance w!th § 150.0{k), a re5iden5al ~I souu must be certified to tie c: ........... Corrrnissittl acconinn ti Reference Joint -'--rdx JAS. § 150.0(k)1A. Lun:naire Er.'lcaicy. IJ Nlaled l..mw\ans nut be hlgl'I efficacy in accordance ,.;th TABLE 150.0-A Blank Electrical Boxes. The l'UTk" ol •~ bow thal are more lhan 5 Met aboY9 fie finished ftoof and Ii:> not con1a:n a IOOlinaire or § 150.0{k)1B. o~ device mJ&t be no grea'.er than t"l9 rurtier of bectooms. These electncal boxe.s must be served by a dl'TWT181, vacll<'C'y sensor cootol, or fan ·~" control Recessed Oowntghl Luminaires il Celrgs. LIM'l"linaires recessed into oeiti'9s must meet al of the: ~!:s tor: il'ISlUlion contact (IC) § 150.0{k)1C. laberlg, at leakage; seaing, maintenance; and socket a.-d lghl source as descrbed tn § 150.0(k)1C.AJAa.2016-E light soll'Ce ra:ed br ekWated1~w nus! be instaledhv final:..----in al f9C8ssed_.......,, I uri~ in eeihnns. § 150.0(k)1D: E'8cb'onic Ball&ts. Balas!s for lkosscenl ~ra:ed 13 watts« grea:errrust be electronic and must have anOUl;)U lreqJetleyno W lhan 20kHz. NiQhl lqlts, PCIITM08nt,' Ntaltd n9nt ighl! and night lights integral b lm!aled b'rinaies or exhaust fans rrosl be rated ID consorri8 no § 150.0(k)1E: more than 5 watts of power per lurni\ai!'e ore~ fan as tht&mlned l'I accordance w:th § 130.0(c). Night lghts do not need ID ba controhd b.,,,,.,.,.._,sen50I'$. § 150.0(k)1F Lighting lnle(µ to Exhaust FMU. Lightng integral lo exhaust rans (e~cept when Ntaled by the manufactt.-« in lrilchen exhaust hoods) rrusl melt! the_......,_,,~ --.;,_,.,Is of & 150.otkl.' Screw based 11.rnireres. Scf'eW based k.minaires must nol be recused oownlighl uninair&S In c:eiklgs and must contain lanf>s lhal corr¢1 § 150.0(kJ1G: witL Reference Joni Apperm JM. In.staled larT4)S mu:sl be marked With· JAS-2016" or· ~2016-E" as specified in Reference Joint Apperdx JAB.' § 150.0(~1H. Erdosed Llll"IK\l'.rel. lqht soutees nstaled in erdosed kmr\llru l'l'Ut be JAB ~t and l'llJSI be marked with" JA&-2016.f." § 150.0{k)2A: lnterio< Swili:hes and Cor<rol$. Al folwanlpha,o cut<invrels usedw.th LED light IOlJlto< ""5l"""""'wittl NEMA SSL 7A. § 150.0(k)2B: tnienor Switches and Controls. Exhaust fans ITIJSI be swithed separa~ from •glli,g syslems." § 150.0(k)2C. tnterior Switches and Controls.. l.i.Jnvlares trXJSI be S"Mthed wrth readit,i accuslble COMOb: l'lal pem'fl the: lminattes to be manuat,' switched ON and OFF. § 150.0(k)2D klteriol' S111,11Ches and Coolrol$. Contots. and ecµpmsnt IT'llsl be Ntaled ii accordance with marufacbser's insru:bor'I&. § 150.0(k)2E: lnteriof Switches and Conlmb. No controt roost bypess e dmmef or vaca,qi sensor foocbon I Ile oonrol is mtaled ID COfTl)ly with '1SOOIH_ § 150.0(k)2F lnterio< SOlll:hes and Controk. lqlting con(n,jg """"""""' with Iha applcalllo _..,,.nb of§ 110.9. lnterio< S.,t,:hos ,nd eo.-. An""""1/-conlrol system {EMCS) may ........ ccn-.,lyd dmme, roqwement, I~ § 150.0(k)2G· fln::b:)ns asa cirm'1er accordng lo§ 110.9: meets lhe lnslala'torlCettifica!e reqtirBmsntJol § 130.4; meets d'le EUCS ,._rements of§ 130.fJn; m meets al olher rN1llirements in, 150.l'Vkl2. kl~ Swilchts and Convob. An EMCS may be used t, con1)ly will vaarcy sensor ffq.liernentl fl§ 150.0(k) if it meals al of !he § 150.0(k)2H ---~1unotlonsasavaconcyaensorac<OIOOQ kl§ 110.9, llolns!olat>oneertlble -bof§ 130.•; t,o EMCS ~ot§ 1305,m. and al Olher---_,.._ts in & 150.0lk\2. § 150.0(k)~: lnteriof Switches and Conb"ols. A. ITllbtceneprograrrvnable controller may be used ID ton1)1ywilh tlnm9f re,cµremants in§ 150.0(lq ifit ---'""""sthsf1.nc6::r"'-•ofadfM'l«accordMlo& 110.9 anc:1----swi!halolherMVW'.MW!r-~tsin& 150.Nkl.2. •v 1v •v••-,,,.,. ... ,,..,.,., ..... ,,., .. , ... ..,,, __ .,_, J' •------· ----······ § 150.0(k)2J lnll!rior Swit:hes and Ccntrt:u. ., baOvooms, gM8§19S, wdy rooms, and UCiry l'OOl'l"ll, al leas! one 1tJri'laire in each of lhese spaoes must be controlhd tw a·-·--sensor. § t50.0(ij2K: tn1erior Swit:hes and Conlrols. Oinvnerl or Vacanc/ aenscts nut control al mnnaires reqt.ired kl haYe ~ sources ~t m Refann::e Joint A---...;.. JM A-----1 l.lnw'lain,s in closets less lhan 70 ... , ... , feel and kJminatJes il hah-.· § t50.0(k)2l: lnerior SWit:he$ and Conids. Unde«;abinet l~ rrul be swikhed 5BP1rately from other IOhtino systems. Ro....,lial ~~-For s,igio-tamily roaidontiolbuldng• """"°' lghling pennar,onJli mo,J111edlo ar..-lialbuildr,g, or lo- § tSO»{k)JA: bltings on t,o ...-. bl. ""51 moo I"'° ~ In item § 150.0{k)JAi (ON and OFF swilell) and Iha'°""'"""" In oilhor itam § 150.0(ijJAi~andmolionsensor)or;,,m§ t50.0{k)3Ail(pholooonlroland-OmoSWJIClloonlrol, ostror,Jmicalbmoclock, or EMCSI. Restdeinllal Outdxw ~-F« law-rise m.ffl~ r~ buildings. Olidx)r l,ghlng b prr1als patios, entrarces, balconles, § 150.0{ijJB and porches; and oullbor lighllng l>r 111sidenlial per'"',j bis and,_., carports will \ess lhan 09" velliclos po< •le""''"°"""'""" eiihef'& 150.im,i-u or with the~ r--ts Sit& 110.9 130.0 130.2 130.4, 140.7 m 141.0. § 1SO»{ijJC: Resid&nbl outcbor ~ For law.rise ntsidenbl buidngs vr1th bl Of n-cre aM!inrJ lnls, outdoor ighing not regtMled by & 150Dlk138 or& 150.Dlk\3D ,_,-wilhlho ~~~ -•remen~in&& 110~ 130.0, 130.2 130.• 140.7 •"' 141.0. § 150.0(t)JD Rosidenlial 0...-l.¢'ir<I. Out<b>r lghbng for rosidonlial parkirQ ~~ ard roodenliol carport, w,th • lolol al 09" or more vel'ides,_sitemust~•wfththe.drat>ler-wementsln&& 110.9, 130.0 130.2 130.4 140.7 and141.0. § 150.0{t)4. lntemalyluminatedactl"ess signs. ln:amalylllmnallldad:tess sipmust~witl § 140.8; or must consume no more than 5 watts of -•asdelermined~·bE 130.0(cl. § 150.0(ijS: Residental Garages for Bght or More Vetides. Ughtng for res:denbal parking garages for eight or more vahides mmt CCJl'llll'I with h --t:.. .. lJ.o. -~rernsna for nonresidential=--' in Ui 110.9 130.0. 130.1 130.4 140.6 and 141.0, ln!Bnor ColfrnOll Areas of Low-nse Mtlti.farriy Resrdantal St.tings. In a kJw..fi.se nd!famly residantial buicing where 1h11 1o!al in:erior § 1SO»{t)SA: common area il a si,gle tddng eq,iab 20 percent Of less of h loor area, peimanent, iostaled ~h:ng b" t,e interor eorrvron areas 11 lhal bu)dnn fflJSlbe hm effr--tumina!res and controledhvan ............ .,tseosor. lntenor Con'l'non ArN$ of Low-rise Milti.famly Residential Butiings. In a low-rise m.lifariy residanbal buiding where lhe to:al interior oomrnon area in a sirde bold~ ~ mxe than 20 percent ot the loor area, permanenOy instaled l,ghllng il that bl.ikfng nut § 150.0(k)oB. i. ~wit.happicabter~ementsil§§ 110.9, 1~.o. 130.t, 1-40.6and141.0,and i. Lightng nslalsd il corridors and statrwels roosl be controlled by ooct4)ant san.,oo Iha! reci,ce Che ltghtilg power m each space by~ le.as! 50 A---n1. The: -----1 senson must be .. ~ ol ".......,. ths iahl Mtion andortfromaB d,sW'lred .. ,.lh& of """ress and.:_. . Sol.Ir Re~y Bulklin"1: Single Famt; Re.sidenoes. Single family resdences localed in slbdNis«m with ll!ln °' more single famit)i residences and whMe lhe § 110.10{•)1: awl::cabon tor a tenta:iw sLbdMston map tor the res1deras has been deemed cOfTl)lete by the enforcemenl agaocy rrvst COOl)lv 111,ith h ....... ,remanaot& 110.tM.' -.., .... 1-i, 110.1ore1. § 110.10{a)1. Low-rise M<Ab-famit/ Bui<ir\QS. Low-rise -~ buidrqs ..,., cOITl>iY wiO\ lhe r,qiroman~ of§ 110. 10{b) 11,-ough § 110.10(d). Mininx.m NU. The solar zone nu! ha\'e a rr1ni'num IOtal area as desctt>ed below. The: solar zone: must cOfTl)ty wi1h acceSI, pa!hway, simke wntiation. and spacilg reqwements as soecified in Tr.le 24, Part 9 or other Parts of Title 24 or in •rf'f req.iiements ~ by a local jurisdiclion. The $001' zone total area must be co~ of are:tS that haw no dmens,on less than 5 feet and are no less than &O sq..1re feet saeh for builcirqs wilh roof areas less than or e(JJlll b 10,000 sq.we feel Of no less than 160 14-1are feel aact, for~ will roof areas § 110.10(b)1: grta!SI' lhan 10,000 s<fJilf9 feel FOf singM, !amity residences tie solar zone must bit loca!"1 on tie roof or overhang of t.e buiklng and hlr,e a total area no leu lhan 250 sqJare feet For bw-<i:se nuu-tamily bui:ings !hit soar zone mus! be located on #'le roof or 0Yethat'9 of the buikiog. or on the rool or CMtrtiano of arother s~ttre loca:ed within 250 faet ol the bllling, or on covered paru'19 f'lstal!ld wifl the buiding project n:l have a Dt,I area rt) les.s then 1S-•ntoflhltbtalroofareaof lheb•M'M:,v,, ex""',......., _,shAiffltarea.• § 110.10(b)2. Onentaion. Al seciions of the sdar z.one bca:ed on steep-~ roo.'t must be oriented between 110 dllgraes and 270 ~ of .-ue north. § 110.10{b)JA: Shading. The solar zone mJil rot conlam a!Pf obstn.cllol'ls, inc:Ldng bul rel ~ml&d to: vents. chimeys. arehils::lural fean.ns, and roof mounted--"---AL' Shading. Mt obstn.cilon k>cated on the roof or ar-,, olher par1 ol Iha ht.ting Iha! proiect& above a solar mne rrmt be k>ca'.ed al least tMCfl lhe § 110.10(b)JB: cl.stance, measi.nd il lhe horizontal P'ane, of the heighl<fflererce between lhe hqhesl pollt of h obsln.Jctlon .id tie horizontal pro;action of theneares1:--'-'otthl!solarz.one.~illheve<dca!Dlane.• § 110.10{b)4. SIN:tl.nl Oes9l Loads on Conslruction Ooct.ments. Fot weas of the roof designated as so&ar zont, the stn.cual dl'Jsign loads for roof tNd bad and rool INe bad rrusl be eten irdcated on lhe coostru::bon docunents. lnteroonneclliOn Palhwa)'s. The eonslruction docl.lnlllllts nust irdcale· 1 loca'Xln lot i'IYerters and melemg ~~ asx:l a pattT~ for § 110.10(c)· routing of concUt from lhe adat zone ID lhe poo,I of intercoMectlOn with the: electrical service (br • tamiy residl'Jnces the l)Ofll of in!erconnecllon wil be 118 matt SeMC8 ,..,.....11, and a .,,....,_., b rouina of ..... _._,._A kom the &Olar mne 1:0 the wa:er-heati--·stem. § 110.10(d): Docunontalion. A C<Y;I/ of h, conslrucl>On doclJmont, o, 1 C""l"I--inricalino Iha inlormalion loo\§ 110. IO{b) O\IO\q\ s 110.1ruc'1NJstbe_;__.,_,,_ .. 10tht-n...t § 110.tO(e)t Main Bectrical Service Panel The ma!n e!actrcal se.'Vice panel Ml.JS! have a mri'nl.m blJsb¥ rating of 200 ffl1)S. Main E6ecn:al Service Panel The main eieclrical service panel rT'llSI IVlt a r8S8Mld space to alow for lhe nstalation of a c:b.til pole cirtuit § 110.10{0)2 breaker b a lllure soCar eieC1ric ins!alalion. The reaer.ied space: roost be: positioned at the opposite (bad) end from the ~ leedel' kicalx:ln or main cm.ii location and..,....,._,,,.., marked as 'For Futln Solar Elacbic'. Lingenfelter Kitchen Plot Date: 5-9-18 Scde: V 4"=T-O" A-4 14168 Poway Rd., Suite 104, Poway, CA. 92064 www.madesigning.com (760) 390-0007 1515 Sunrise Cir., Carlsbad, CA. 92008 4 of 5 PROJECT SCOPE: 1 REPLACE CABlf'ETS FOR tEW, WllH tEW COLNTBHOPS. 2 MNOR DRYWALL PATCHNG AS REOt.lRED. 3. PROVIDE ~W PNNT & R.OORING lHROUGHOUT. 4. PROVIDE tEW LED LIGHTS AfO GFIC OUTLETS AfO COLNTERS. 10'-0" :oROW ,II O II o II GFCI ~~ 0 0 0 PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN SCALE V 4" = f-0" 14168 Poway Rd., Suite 104, Poway, CA. 92064 www.madesigning.com (760) 390-0007 ~ d- b ·' co Lingenfelter Kitchen 1515 Sunrise Cir., Carlsbad, CA. 92008 ELECTRICAL LEGEND X CEILING FAN 0 LIGHTING FIXTURE a CAN LIGHT 0 PENDANT LIGHT FLORESCENT TUBE LIGHT FL. INDICATED FLORESCENT ~ EXHAUST FAN VP VAPOR PROTECTED .. STANDARD OUTLET • 220OUTLET GFCI GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER W'JGFCI WEATHER PROTECTED G F C.L T GAS STUB { GAS KEY $ S'IIHCH r 3WAYSWITCH ® SMOKE DETECTOR © CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR .., PHONE 'ii CABLE Plot Date: 5-9-18 Scde: V 4"=T-O" A-5 5 of 5