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1515 SUNRISE CIR; ; CBR2018-1487; Permit
' (City of Carlsbad Residential Permit Print Date: 02/11/2019 Permit No: CBR2018-1487 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: # Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: 1515 Sunrise Cir BLDG-Residential 2070213800 $0.00 Work Class: Lot#: Reference#: Construction Type: Bathrooms: Orig. Plan Check#: P/M/E Status: Applied: lss~ed: Permit Finaled: Inspector: Closed -Finaled 06/22/2018 06/22/2018 MColl Plan Check#: Final Inspection: 2/11/2019 9:49:55AM Project Title: Description: LINGENFELTER: REPLACE TUB ANO FIXTURES AT MASTER BATH MANUAL BUILDING PERMIT FEE PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, AND MECHANICAL PERMIT Total Fees: $235.DO Owner: TRUST LINGENFELTER ROSEMARY REVOCABLE TRUST 07-13-10 1515 Sunrise Cir CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Total Payments To Date: $235.00 Contractor: TREEIUM INC 6440 Lusk Blvd, D209 San Diego, CA 92121-2758 855-833-8733 Balance Due: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. $0.DO 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 I 760-602-2700 I 760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov $65.00 $170.00 {cicyof Carlsbad RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION B-1 Plan Check Cb~201~ fYf> J Est. Value PC Deposit --------- Date lR-U-(6 CT/Project#: _________ Lot#:. ____ Fire Sprinklers: yes/ no Air Conditioning: yes/ no BRIEF DESC!{IPTION OF WORK: r if la C( _f.)£r'.stoy -hrb I r .e.n10'/~ ~YrJiJ11f ~// ,<-flc2.1rli111dud,, J/~u) iej) l1Jnks 1...ey11(µ,(1l ~, t-11 bt<--hv1;D111, ;Jew ·/)),'-2-t-JJ'i,.,,L- □ Addition/New: _____ New SF, ___ Deck SF, ___ Patio SF, ___ Garage SF Is this to create an Accessory Dwelling Unit? Yes/ No New Fireplace? Yes/ No, if yes how many? __ ~Remodel: "5lc SF of affected area Is the area a conversion or change of use ? Yes/ No D Pool/Spa: ____ SF Additional Gas or Electrical Features? ___________ _ □ Solar: ___ KW, __ Modules, ___ Mounted, Tilt: Yes/ No, RMA: Yes/ No, Panel Upgrade: Yes/ No, Battery Yes/ No D Reroof: ___________________________________ _ D Plumbing/Mechanical/Electrical Only: ________________________ _ □ Other: fJM1uw11 r,ny;/4£ aJ,l l APPLICANT (PRIMARY) . ~~OPERTY OWNER Name: R OJ~n1a.rg, L;?t,?{e !'fer Address: 1015 khn.K, Cir. City: C f.,.l1 IJ bad State:&, Zip: qu,7) 6 Phone: -JrvD -cSIX-R/00 Name: {5,t:9 i<J1 d~ILf 1m' Address: '-1-7/5 (p(Jlh Jt:: 'D r,. City: ,'-, state: L er Phone: (YI ci) 9<R t -,3 & 1:>o Zip: 'f2; 1/5"° Email: _________________ Email: ___________________ _ DESIGN PROFESSIONAL Name: 1( ..e .e i £,t,n 1 Address: /lf//it fo.,JMJ Jli;{. City: J)l,,'W ":'.i: St;te: Qi_ Zip:qdt.l,e':{ Phone: ( O/ Cf · L/1J f ---9.Jit ) Email: {'tl.fCL1lt{1n fi)/f.1e1~/J1, C,'W, Architect State License: __________ _ CONTRACTOR BUSINESS Name: ~ 1(.f.e1u111 Address: _________________ _ City: _______ State: ___ .Zip: _____ _ Phone: __________________ _ Email: __________________ _ State License: (R(f-t-f X Bus. License: i& 0 I "I ~ i.P& (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he/she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's license Law {Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code} or that he/she is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.S by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500}), 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 Email: Building@carlsbadca.gov B-1 Page 1 of 2 Rev. 06/18 ( OPTION A): WORKERS'COMPENSATION DECLARATION: I hearby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the Jo/lowing declarations: 0 I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work which this permit is issued. 'a'.Yhave and will maintain worker's compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for th performance of the work fpr which this permit is issued. (M~ workers' c~pensation i1;syran5e carrier and policy number are: Insurance Comizanv Name: _:,,_,c.L_=CL"-l-e.r..:=--._~_,_.:::::,lc..1uC'-L::=,_ __________ _ PolicyNo. /{OD ,1-;'L ExpirationDate: \.Rr1JIII.J'K . , □ Certificate of Exemption: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, l shall not employ any person in any manner so as to be come subject to the workers' compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000.00, In addition the to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, ::::;:;::·:;~::TURE: Juz~A /~l/~, □AGENT DATE: 0/zi,j; f:: ✓ ( OPTION B ): OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION: I hereby affirm that I am exempt from Contractor's License Law for the Jo/lowing reason: □ I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). □ I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project {Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). □ I am exempt under Section ________ Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. 0 Yes □ No 2. l (have/ have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name address/ phone/ contractors' license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name/ address/ phone/ contractors' license number): 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name/ address/ phone/ type of work): OWNER SIGNATURE: □AGENT DATE: ______ _ --------------------------- CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY, IF ANY: I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work this permit is issued (Sec. 3097 (i) Civil Code). Lender's Name: ______________________ Lender's Address: _____________________ _ ONLY COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SECTION FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS ONLY: Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? □ Yes O No Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? □ Yes □ No Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? □ Yes O No IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES ANO THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION: I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representative of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS TH£ C11Y OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT.OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0' deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of~ days (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). APPLICANTSIGNATURE:~t,t,1,h~/..,[. DATE: ({l/2·2 /! J / 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 8-1 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 Page 2 of 2 Email: Building@carlsbadca.gov Rev. 06/18 PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY REPORT (CBR2018-1487) Permit Tiype: BLDG-Residential Application Date: 06/22/2018 Owner: Work Class: P/M/E Issue Date: 06/22/2018 Subdivision: Status: Closed -Finaled Expiration Date: 05/06/2019 Address: Scheduled Actual Date Start Date 10/29/2018 10/29/2018 10/31/2018 10/3112018 11/0712018 11/07(2018 02/11(2019 02/11/2019 February 11, 2019 IVR Number: 12102 Inspection Type Inspection No. BLDG-24 074516-2018 RoughfTopout Checklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency BL0G-17 Interior 074768-2018 Lath/Drywall Checklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency BLDG-84 Rough Combo(14,24,34,44) 075572-2018 BLDG-Final Inspection Checklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency BLDG-14 Frame-Steel-Bolting-Welding (Decks) BLDG-34 Rough Electrical BLDG-44 Rough-Ducts-Dampers 083471-2019 Checklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency BLDG-Plumbing Final BLDG-Mechanical Final BLDG-Electrical Final Inspection Status Primary Inspector Passed Michael Collins COMMENTS New tub, mixer and shower riser. See card for electrical. Passed Michael Collins COMMENTS Hardibacker at tub walls Passed Michael Collins COMMENTS Bathroom ceilng Double check new exhaust fan termination Passed Michael Collins COMMENTS CO and smoke detectors ok, GFCI ok. Wall sconce lighting in bathroom is existing. TRUST LINGENFELTER ROSEMARY REVOCABLE TRUST 07-13-10 PARK MANOR# 1 1515 Sunrise Cir Carlsbad, CA 92008-3648 Re inspection Complete Complete Passed Yes Complete Passed Yes Complete Passed Yes Yes Yes Yes Complete Passed Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1 of 1 SITE INFO: ADDRESS: 1515 Sunrise Cir. Carlsbad CA. 92008 A.P.N.: 207-021-3800 EXISTING USE:. Single Family Residence PROPOSED USE:. Single Family Residence ORIGIONAL YEAR CONSTRUCTED: 1970 GE18ALOOTES: BA!BvENT AN) 9..EEPtG ROOM; TO ~VE EGRI:$ wtOOW OR EXTERIOR ()()01 FOR EM:RGe.CY ESCAPE MEt.G T1-E Fa..L0wt.G RECXIIEt.,ENTS: N 5.7 SO. FT. ~ t-ET Q.EAA OPOOBLE N'€A BJ 24" ~ t-ET Q.EAA OPOOBLE H3GHT CJ 20" ~ t-ET Q.EAA OPOOBLE WDTH DJ BOTTOM a= T1-E Q.EAA OPe-N3 9iALL OOT EXCEED 44" H,OVE T1-E A..OOR. 2 ALL rev GLAZt-¥3 ffiESTRATiaSI 9iALL BE I-STALLS) WITH A CERTFYNS LABEL ATTATOID, g.()wt,G T1-E "\J" VALi£ 3. ALL rev GLAZt-¥3 ffiESTRATJaSI 9iALL ~VE A MN "U FACTOR" a= 0.32 & 9-ISC a= .25 4. ALL WWOWS AN) 9..tf.G GLA$ DOORS TO BE OOAL GLAZED llNOl 5. PROVOE 5/f!," TYPE X GYPSlM BOAID A..OOR TO ROa= Sl£Alrt.G IOR TO AN) N'.:LI.Ot6 CH.t-GJ I!' C~ WALLS BETWEEN GAAAGE N-0 LIVt..G N'€A N-0 lMlER STARS WH:RE STORAGE OCQRS. PROVDE 5./3 IDi lYPE X GYPSM BOAID ON GAAAGE SOE a= T1-E A..OOR/CH.t-G ASSEMlL Y &.PPORll.G HABITABLE ROOM; ABOVE T1-E GAAAGE 1-.flM.M V2 IOCH GYP9.M BOAID IS REOLm) TO PROTECT T1-E STID:Tl.RAL ae.ENTs &.PPORTt-¥3 TtE A..OOR/Cat-G ASSEMlLY. 6. ALL WEATI-ER EXPOSED 9.RFACES 9iALL ~VE A WEATI-ER resistent BAim TO PROTECT T1-E NTBIOR WALL COVER!t-G AN) ALL EXT8clOR Of>e-»GS 9iALL BE A..ASfED N $Dl A MAltER AS TO MAKE TfEM WEATI-ERPROa=. 7. EXralOR DOORS MAY OOT SWt.G OlJTWAID \WEN TlERE IS GREA 1tR TfWl A V'l' ORO'. 3. PAPER FACED Nll.ATION IS PROHlllTED N ATTIC OR 0TI-ER VENTl.ATED !PACES. SKYLIGHT SPECIFICATION SKYLIGHT SHALL BE AS Mm.FACTI.RED BY VELUX AM:RICA, INC., GREENWOOD, SC. SKYLIGHTS SHALL BE C~ tv10LNr SKYLIGHT THAT CONSISTS OF SIX INTEGRATED COM'OI-ENTS -AN INTERIOR COt-DENSA TION DRAINAGE GASKET. AN INSU.A TING GLASS lNT. AN INTERIOR RIGID POLYVINYL CI-LORIDE IPVCJ WHTE MAINT8'l.ANCE-FREE FRAM: AND SASH, EXTERIOR STRUCTI.RALL Y GLAZED, ROLL -FORtvED ALlMN.Jvl SASH AND FRAlvE COLMER FLASHNG WITH ASA CORNER KEYS. GLAZING OWNER INFORMATION: Rosemary Lingenfelter 1515 Sunrise Cir. Carlsbad CA. 92008 THE PROJECT SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING BUILDING CODES 2016 CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE (CRCJ AND/OR CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE (CBCJ AS APPLICABLE WHICH ADPOTS THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL REs1DENT1AL coDCity of Carlsbad 2015 uN1FoRM MECHANICAL coDE Building Division 2015 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE JUN 2 2 2018 2015 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE BY APPROVED :_-----=:-------~--- SCOPE OF WORK ISSUED BY: -+t-\=-~----- 1. REPLACE EXISTING TUB FOR NEW 2. NEW TUB FILLER, SHOWER HEAD AND MIXING VALVE 3. REMOVE EXISTING WALL AND FLOOR FINISHES 4. NEW TILE FINISH OVER BACKER BOARD AND SHOWER WALLS 5. NEW FLOORING 6. NEW CASEWORK 7. NEW TOILET AND SINKS 8. 3-NEW LED LIGHTS; REPLACE EXHAUST FAN; NEW GFIC OUTLET AREA OF WORK· 56 SO. FT. SHALL BE VB INCH 13.2 tvlv1J THCK CLEAR LOW-E3-COATED TEM'ERED GLASS LITE OUTBOARD, A SHEET OF 7 /32 INCH 15.6 tvlv1J THCK LAMNATED GLASS LITE INBOARD AND A STAINLESS STEEL SPACER SYSTEM FOR AN CBR2018-1487 1515 SUNRISE CIR OVERALL THCKNESS OF 5/8 INCH PER U.E.S. EVAll.A TION REPORT ~R 199 14168 Poway Rd., Suite 104, Poway, CA. 92064 www.madesionino.com 1760l 390-0007 Lingenfelter Bath Remo 1515 Sunrise Cir. Carlsbad CA. 92008 LINGENFELTER REPLACE TUB AND FIXTURES AT MASTER BATH 2070213800 6/22/2018 CBR2018-1487 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a. Pllt..6'6 toTES: t,EW WATER QOO:TS SHALL UlE to 1-.aE TlWl 128 GALLa-.s PER FLlS-i N-0 SHALL ME PERFOOMtCE STN-OAIDS ESTABLMD BY TIE AM:OCAN NATIONAL ST N-OAIDS t.STITUTE ST N-OAIDS Alr2.~ .2 H & S COil: !EC. 17921.'.l(bl ALL EXISTtG WATER QOSETS TO CCM'LY. N roWERS N{) TUI roWER COMINATOS. CONTROL VALVES MST BE PRE8rua: BALAICID OR llfRM)STATIC Mxt.G VALVES. PER CPC g;(TK)t,s 408, 409 N-0 40. PERtvWENT VACllM MEAKER$ SHALL BE tO..IDED WITH ALL teN ~ B&s. PROVDE MAX. 15 6PM FLOW ON LAVATORY FAOCETS N-0 17 AT ITTOfN FAOCETS. roWER I-EADS TO HAVE A MAX. 2 GPM FLOW. STATE fE.ALTH & SAFETY Ca:-E !EC. 179219 8ml TIE UlE OF CH.ORINATED POL YVNYL CH..OIDE ICPVC) & CROOl.N® POL YETlfL YN IPEX) FOR MERIOR WATER-9.PPL Y PPI\G. ALL t,EW Pll.Mllt-.G RXTlRES MST BE t.6TALL8) WITH A BACKWATER VAL VE ASSEMlL Y. ALL ABS N-0 PVC Pffl3 N-0 RTTtGS SHALL BE 0CLQS8) WI~ WALLS N-0 FLQOO; COVERED WITH '1YPE ")(' GYP. BOAID" OR SM...AR Am.fi.ES THAT PROVDE TIE SAM: LEVB.. OF Fla: PROTECTIOO PROTECTlON OF tvfMlRAtE Pa-ETRATIOt-S IS toT REOt.m>. 9. PLLMIN3 RXTlRES MST MATOJ TIE CIRRENT 201.J CPC g;(TIC'tl 402 WATER-Cas:RVN& RXTlRES N-0 RTTN&S. D. ro'M:R Ca.f'ARTM:NTS N{) BATHTU!S WITH t.STALLID roWER I-EADS SHALL BE FN!ffi) WITH A toWl9'JRBANT SW:ACES THAT EXTEN)S TO A fEIGHT toT LESS TlWl 6 FEET ABOVE TIE FLOOR. n A LKBm) PLLM!tG 8-Qm SHALL ll:SGN TIE WATER Cot-S.M'TION LN..ESS: N LEU OF TIE CALOl.ATOS. WATER LSAGE SHALL BE ll:9GND PER TABLE 4.303.2 PRQV[)t,,G RXTlRES THAT ME A 20'/. REDOCTlON N WATER UlE. 14168 Poway Rd., Suite 104, Poway, CA. 92Cl64 www.madesigning.com (760) 390-0007 RXTlRE TYPE MAX FLOW RATE AT 20'/. L "°"rTnlJ roWERfEADS 2 6PM l!' 80 PSI LAVATORY FAOCETS. 15 6PM l!' 60 PSI 2 RESa:NTlAL KITOfN FAOCETS 18 6PM l!' 60 PSI GRAVITY TAN::-TYPE waterclosets 128 GALLa-.s/FllS-i 1 I Nl.l.00 !la.E /ID CX.W. R.l&i WATER QO!ETS \\lTH AN EFFECTIVE R.l&i CJ' 12a GALLOO OR LESS. -fH3LE R.L&i TCtiTS -TIE EFFECTM: R.l&i VQlM ~ tOT EXCEED 12a GALLOO 14.8 UTERSI TIE EFFECTIVE R.l&i VQlM IS TIE A'8N:£ R.l&i VQlM ~ TESTED N ACCOONU. Vt11H f.SvE. All2.l9.233.2 -rA.W. R.l&i TOLETS -TIE EFFECTIVE R.l&i VQlM ~ tOT EXCEED 128 GALLOO (4.8 UTERSl TIE EFFECTIVE R.l&i VQlM IS TIE A'MA<c£. R.l&i VQlM ~ TESTED N ACCOONU. WllH f.SvE. A112.19.2 NO f.SvE. All2.19.14. l2. 2 LAVATORY FAl.CETS !}W.L tOT KJ.VE AR.OW RATE LESS 1HAN 0.8 GPM AT 20 I'& FOR ALL t,EW HOT WATER PPNG: 3/4" OR LARGER IS REOJR8) TO BE t.ST ALLS) PS FOLLOWS; T' PPE gzE OR LESS-T' THO( t.Sll.A T10l-t LARGER PfE gzEs REOlH: 1 vr THO( Mll.ATIOO tolE IN ACX)(~ TIE V2" gzE HOT WATER PfE TO KITOfN SNC IS REOt.m> TO BE t.Sll.A TED. IES 150.0 1,P'll 13. BELOW GRADE HOT WATER Pffi& IS REOt.m> TO BE t.6TALL8) NA WATERPROOF N-0 t-OH:Rl.6ABLE SLEEVE OR CAf'N3 THAT ALLOWS FOR REl'LACBvENT OF BOTH TIE PPI\G N-0 t.Sll.A TIOO ES 150.0 ljl 14. TEM'ERA TIRE LMTtG DEVICE SHALL BE PROVOED AT TIE SOAKN3 TUlS N COlf-ORWIO: WITH TIE 201.J CPC g;(TICJN 414.5, 414.5 LIMTATION OF OT WATER N BATHTU!S N-0 WHRLPOOL BATHTU!S. TIE MAXMM HOT WATER TEMPERAM: oo:::HARGN3 FROM TIE BATHTUl N-0 WHRPOOL BATHTUl ALLER SHALL BE LMTED TO 00 ll:G. F. 149 ll:G CJ BA DEVICE THAT Ca-FORM, TO~ 070, STN-OAID FOR WATER TEMPERAM: LMTtG DEVICES. OR CSAB 125.3, STN-OAID FOR PLLM!tG RTTtGS TIE WATER HEATER TIERM'.)STAT SHALL toT BE caamo A CONTROL FOR MEETtG THS PRO~ 16. PERtvWENT VACCLM MEAKER$ SHALL BE tO..IDED WITH ALL t,EW ~ B&s. Lingenfelter Bath Remodel 1515 Sunrise Cir. Carlsbad CA. 92008 Plot Date: 6-18-18 Scale: 1/ 4"=1'-0" A-2 ? nf 5 2016 Low-Rise Residential Mandatory Measures Summary NOTE: L-residenlial buildings subje<I to the E.ne,gy Stondlltlls must comply trill .n appicable mlltldalo,y meas,ns, regardless of the complance approech used. Rewew the respe<livo sedion for more inlormaliol1. 'Exceplions moy apply. 11 .-rlJlcll U01£U IDI Building Envelope Measures: § 110.6(a)1: p(i Leakage. -ed tenestation, exterior door~ and exlorior pet doors must lmit air leakage ID 0.3 clmlft' or less ~!>en tested po< NFRC-400 or ASTM E283 or AAWVNOWJCSA 101~.S.2/A440-2011. • § 110.S(a)S: Labeing. Fenestation produc1s must have a label meeting Iha requternents of§ 10-11 l(a). § 110.6(b): Fiekl fabricated exterior doors and feneshtion products mud use U-laclDrs and solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) valJes tom TABLES 110.6-A and 110.6-8 for comolance and must be caulked imlor wealh .. siinMd. • § 110.7: p(i Leakage. Al ;o;,ts, penetrations, and other openi'lgs in !le buiking envebpe that are potential sources of at leakage must be caubd, oasl<eted or weather m"""". § 110.S(a): Insulation Certification by Manufaclu'ors. Insulation speoified or inslallod must meet Standards for Insulating Material § 110.8(g): Insulation Requhments for Heated Slab Fbors. Heated slab fbors must be insulated per Iha requtemenls of§ 110.B(g). § 110.8(Q: Roofing Products Solar Reflectance and Thermal Ermt!nce. The lhormal emittance and aged solar renect.ance valJes of the roofing material must meet the nriim11"ements of Ei 110.8fil when the installation of a cool roof is soecified on the CF1 R. § 110.8G): Radiant Barrie<.A radianl barier must have an emittance of0.05or less and be oortified IDlho Department of Consumer Affairs. Ceiing and Rafi« Roof Insulation. ~ R-22 Insulation In wood.frame ceiing; or the weighted average U-faclDr must not exceed 0.043. Mnirmln R~19 Of weighted averar,Je U-ractor of 0.054 ot '85.s in a rafter roof alteration. Attic access doors must have pennanentt, attached § t50.0(a): msulation using adhesive 01' mechanX:al fasteners. The attic access must be gasketed to prevent ai leakage. Insulation must be i"lstaled in drect contact with a continuous roof or ceilng which~ sealed to imttinlilration and exfillration as speoified in§ 110.7, including but nollmited to nbr.Jnn i'1sulation either abow or bebw lhe roof deck or on IDo of a ""'"al ceili'1o. • § 150.0(b): Loo....iil Insulation. Loose fiU insulation must meet lhe maiufacll.l'er's requred density for the labeled R-11akle. WaH Insulation. Mnl.mum R-13 insulation in 2x4 irr..h wood taming wall or have a U-laclDr of 0.102 or less (R-19 in 2x6 or U-lacbr of 0.074 or § 150.0{c): less). Opaque non-tamed assembles must have an overa8 assembi'f U-lactor not exceeding 0.102, equivalent ID a, installed valJe of R-13 in a wood tamed assemblv.' § 150.0(d): Raised-&or Insulation. MnimllTI R-19 insulation in raised wood tamed fbor or 0.037 maxinum U-laclDr. • § 150.0(Q· Slab Edgo Insulation. Slab edge insulation must meet al of the folowing: have a walel absorption rate, for the mutation material a~ne v.ithout facings, no greater than 0.3%; have a wat.r vapor permeance no greater lhai 2.0 penMnch; be prol!cted tom physical damage and W lghl deterioration; and, "'1en irlstaled as oartof a heated slab floor, meet the reouiremen1s of 6 110.6101. § 150.0(g)1: Vapor Rel.Yder. In Clmate Zones 1-16, Iha earth fbor of unvenled crav-1 space must be covered with a Class I or Class II vapor retarder. This r"""•emenl also •nohs ID contoled ventilation criM1 soace for buiklirl<ncomnlvmn with the excention to & 150.0ldl. § 150.0(g)2: Vapor Retarder. In Cimate Zone, 14 and 16, a Class I or Class II V"!>O' retarder mud be i'1staled on the conditioned space ~de of aft insulation in al exterior walls, vented attics and urwented attics with air-oe1meab)e Insulation. § 150.0(q): Fttnestation Products. Fenestration, inclJdi'lg skylghts, separating conditioned space from unconditioned space or outdoors must ha-,e a maxinum U-laclDr of 0.58· or the weiohted aver>ne U-laclDr of al mnesl'ation must not exceed 0.58. • Fireplace., Oec:oritive Gas Appliance,, and Gas log MeH ures: § 150.0(e)1A: Cb sable Doors. Masorvy or factory-0uil frap laces must have a cbsable metal or glass door covering the enlie opening of the firebox. § 150.0(e)tB: Combustion Intake. Masonry or ractory-buil freplaces must have a combustion outside alr intake, which is at least six sq\Ja'"e ilc:hes in area and is eouipoed with a reacitv a.:x:essiblo, OMlablo, and lioht-littina d-•er or combustion-air control device.• § 150.0(e)1C: Fue Camper. Masonry or factory-0uilt freplaces must have a flie damper •ilh a readi~ accessible cont.I.' § 150.0(e)2: Pibt Lighl Continuous bl.ming pibt lghts and the use of indoor at for cooing a li'ebox jacket. ""1en that indoor ar is venled ID the outside of the buildinQ, are orohibtted. Space Conditioning, Water Heating, and Plumbing System Measures: § 110.0-§ 110.3: Cor1ffica1ron. Heating, ventilation and ar conditioning (HVAC) equipmen~ water heat.rs, showorheads, fauce1s, and an other regulared aooiances must be certiood bv the manufacil.J"« to the EnenJV Commissiol'I: § 110.2(a): HVAC Efficiency. Equipment must meet the applcable effic~ncy requi'ements in TABLE 110.2-A through TABLE 110.2-l<.' Controls for Heat Pumps with Supplementary Electric Resistance Heaters. Heat pumps with supplementary electric resistance heaters § 110.2(b): must have contols that p,evenl supplementary hea'.er operation "'1en the heating bad can be met by the heat pump alone; and i'1..tuch the cut-on temperalu'e for compression heating is higher than the cut-on temperalu'e for supplementary healing, and the cut-off temperalu'e for COmrl'ession heatinti is hiaher tha.1 the cut-off temoeratLre for SU"nlAmAnf~ hea1ino. • § 1 f0.2(c): Thermostats. Al unitary healing or cooing syslllms not contoled by a cenl'al energy ma,agement cont.I system (E!£S) must have a se1back thermostat• Water Heating Reci'culation Loops Servi'1g MJltiple Oweing Units-Wat., heating reci'culation bops serving multiple dwelng unit, must § 110.3(c)5: meet the ai' release vM, backfbw prevention, pump primilg, p1.mp isolation vat1e, and rDCfculation bop connection requiements of§ 110.3fcl5, § 110.3(c)7: lo,lation Vat,es. Instantaneous water heaters with a, ir4>ut rating i,eater than 6.8 kBTUhlr (2 kW) mus1 have isolation valves with hose bibbs or other fittinas on both cokl water and hot water Ina, of water he....,, .,stems ID alow for water tank flishiM "'1en Iha va~es are cbsed. § 110.5: Pibt Lights. Conlinooust,, bl.1Tli'1g pibt lghts are p,ohibited for nalu'al gas: fan.lype cental maces; househokl cooking applances (app► ances without an elecmcal SU""" vo•= connection will ~bt loh1s that consume less Iha, 150 Btuhlr are exe=tl; and ;,;,,,, and soa heaters.• Building Cooing and Heating Loads. Heating andlor cooing bads are cai:ulated i'1 acoordance with ASH RAE Handbook, Eq~ment § 150.0(h)1: Volime, Applcations Volirne, and Fundamentals Voklme; Sl.'ACNA Residential Comfort System Installation Standa-ds Maroa!; or ACCA Maooat J u~na desion conditions •""""-d i'16 150.""''2. ------------------· ···-··----· ... ----- § I50.0(h)JA: aea.anc::es. lnstaled ai c:onditi:>ner and heal pl.mp ouibor" oondenslng units must hate a dearanoe of al least 5 teet from ttie ouUet of artJ drvervenl § 150.0(h)JB: liquid line Drier. lnstaled air condiOOner and heat pump systems must be eq~ with liqui:f tale filer driers ir required, as specified by manufacture(& inslrucfuns. § 150.0(j)1: Storage Tank lnsulaOOn. Unfired hot water tank&, such as storage tanks and backup storage tanks for solar water-Mating syslems, must have R-12exterM ln!ulatbnor R-16 internal Nulalx>nwhere lhe internal inslAal.ion R-value is ildca!edon the exterior of the tri. Waier pt)ing and cooling system line insiJation. FOl domesti: hot water system ~ng, Yr'hether buried°' unburied, al of the folowing must be inWate:d axording to the requirements ot TABLE 120.3-A: the first 5 feel of hot and oold wa!er p~s from the storage tank; al piping will\ a § 150.0(J]2A: nominal diameter ol 3/4 inch or IMger; aa Wing assoc'3ted Mh a domestic: hot water recircwtion sys!em reg.artless of the pipe diameter; pipilg from the heating $0Urtie to storage lank or between tanks; p~ing buried below grade; and al hot water Pl)es from the heating source lo kitchen fixttns. • § I50.0(j)2B: Wat.er p1)ing and ooomg system line inst.Ution. Al domesti:: hot wa!ef pipes that are boned below grade must be inslaled in a water proof and non-crushable r.M.inn or sleeve: § I50.0(j)2C: Water p~ and o::ding system line inst.tit.on. P1)e for cooling system lines must be illt.lated as s.pecifed in§ 150.0(j)2A. Olstrbubon ... :...:..... for steam and huAnv.ic: hea'jM .wstems or hot water s~tems must meet the rMuiremenls 11 TABLE 120.3-A: § 150.0())3. Insulation Protection. lnsijation must be protected from damage, irdudlng lhal: due lo stni}ht, moisture, equ~menl maintenance, and wind. Insulation Protection. Inst.Calion exposed to weathef must be instaled With a CO'ler subble for oukbor seivk:e. For examp{e, prolected by § 150.0(J)JA: aluminum, sheet metal, pa!nted ca/l'ia.s, or plastic CO'o'ef, The cover must be water relaidant and provide shielding from sdar r.-:tiation lhat can cause dMradalon of Iha ma!erial. § 150.0())36: lnswtion Pro1ection. lnstAati.,n c:overir,g citied water p~ing and refrigerant sldion p~ing k:icated oWi:ie the condili)ned space must ~ea Oas.s I or Class II VilDDf retarder. G.n or Propane Syste!Tl,$. Systems using gas or propane water heate!i to serve iMivldual dNeling units must indOOe all of the folowing: a § I50-0(n)1: 120V electrical receptade within 3 feel of the water healer; a Category Ill or IV vent, or a Type B vent with straight pipe between the outside terminalbn ard the space where thewa:et hea::er is instaled; a condensate drain that is no more than 2 inches hgher than the base olthe water l'lea~r, and alows natural drainM wfthoul oumoassisfance; and a aas S'"'....., line with a ,..__,_,ih, of al least 200,000 Btu/hr. § 150.0(n)2 Recirculating Loops. Recil'CUating loops seiving ml.ltipte dweling units must meet the requirements of§ 110.3(c)5. § 150.0(n)3-Sota-Wa!er~ating Systems. Soar water-healing systems arri colecltn mus! be certified and rated by the ~ar Rating and CertificaOOn Comara!ion tSRCC\ Of' bv a list...,. -~ that is aooroved bv the Executt.'e Director. Ducts and F1n1 Measures: § 110.8(d)3: Oucts. lnsi.Aa~ion inslaAed on an existir,g ~a-;e--cordiboning duct mUS,t comply with§ 604.0 of the California Mechanical Code (CMC). If a contractor installs the instAation, the contractor must certifv to lhe cuslomer, n wrilioo, thal lhe instAation meets this reauirement CMG Colll)liarce. Al air-dislri>ution system ducts and pk,nums must be inslafted, seaed, and inslJaled lo meet the requirements of CMG §§ 601.0, 602.0, 603.0, 604.0, 605.0 a.'ld ANSIISMACNA-0J6-2006 HVAC Ouct Construction Stardords Metal a,'ld Flexible 3rd Ed!on. Portiol\S of supply-air and return-air ducts and plenums must be insula!ed 10 a minimum hstalled levef of R-6.0 {or h9her ~ required by CMC § 605.0) or a minimum installed level of R-4.2 when enhrety in conditioned space as confinned through field verifa:;ation and diagnostc testing § 150.0(m)1. (RA3.1.4.J.8}. Connections of metal ducts and inner core of ftexibte di.x;t, must be mechanic:at, fastened. Oper\ings musl be sea6ed with ma.stic, tape, or otherduct-dosure system that meets the appbcable requirements of UL 181, UL 181A., o; UL 1810 or aerosol sealant that meets the requtrements of UL 723. If mastic or tape is used to seal openings greater than ¼ inch, the combination of mastic and either mesh or tape muSI be used. Bulding cavities, suppor1 platforms for air harders, and plenums designed or constructed with materials other than sealed sheet metal, duct board or llexble duct must not be used for conveying condfoned air. Bulcfing ta'lities and support platforms mav con!a'.n ducts, Ducts inslaled in cavities and suooort clatfoons must nol be comores.sed to cause reductions in the cross-secticmal area ot the docts: Factory-F aboc.ated Oucl Systems. Factory.fabricated duct systems must co~ with applicable requirements for doct construcoon. § 150.0(m)2. connections, and closures; joints a!ld seam& of duct systems and their components must not be seated with cloth brl nbber adhesflle did 1-Q unless such t-is used n combination with mastic and draw bands. § 150.0(m)J. Field-Fabricated Duct Systems. Field-fabricated duct systems must comply with applicable requirements for pressure-sensitive iapes, mastics sealants and other tf!1111N'ements VHl!t".ified for duct construction. § 150.0(m)7. Backdraft Damper,. Al fan ,ystems that exchange air between the condiooned space ard the outside of the buldlng mus! ha.-e backdraj or automatic: damtlf!ts. § I50.0(m)S: ~ity Ventlation Da~. Gra,ity ventlafing systems $e1Vlng oondwned space must have either automatic Of readt,, accessible, manualv ooeraled d~, ..... rs in al ,.,..,.;,.,..,,, to the outside, exceot combustion ire! and ootlet a1r ooenMs and etewltor shaft vents. Protection of Insulation. Insulation must be protected from damage, induding that ti.le to sln'ght, moisture, equipment maintenance, aod § I50.0(m)9: wind. lnslAation exposed to 'Weather must be suit_. for outdoor service. For exampk!, protected by aluminum. sheet metal. painled caruas. or plastic 00\ler. CeUular foam l'lstAalion mus! be protected as WX/1/e or painted with a coating that is water retardiVII ard provides shiekting from sofarradiation. § 150.0(m)10, Porous Inner Core Flex a~t Porous iMer core flex duel must have a nor.-porous layer between the inner core and outer vapor barrier. § I50.0(m)11: Di.cl System Sealing and Leakage Test When space conditioning systems use forced air dvct systems lo .si4Jply condJ10ned a1c to an occupiable space, lhe ducts must be sealed and duc1 leakage tesled, as oormrmed through field verifua1Jon and diagnostic 1e~;ng, n accordance with§ 150.0(mH 1ard Reference Residential AOOll!ndix AA3. Air Filration, Mechanical systems that supply air lo an occupiab'e space through dlJCt'WoB: exceed;r.J 10 feet n ~ngth and through a thermal § I50.0(m)12c condition!f9 componen~ eiccepl evapora!Ne coolers, must be provided with air filer devi::les !hat meet lhe deSIIJ/\ instalafon, efficiency, oressure drnn. and labelPM ll'!l'IUiremenls of 6 150.otm\12. Lingenfelter Bath Remodel Plot Date: 6-18-18 Scale: 1/ 4"=1'-0" A-3 14168 Poway Rd., Suite 104, Poway, CA. 92064 www.madesianina.com (760) 390-0007 1515 Sunrise Cir. Carlsbad CA. 92008 ,) nf 5 --·-----. -·--·---·--·-----···-··-----. ···---------······-· R Resid • I Mand M s Dud Sy~.em Sizirg and Aw Flt<r Grae Sizing. Space cordlk>nirg oysrems Iha! use foroed air ducts to supply oooting to an oa:upiable space musl hcwe a hole for the placement of a slate pressure probe (HSPP), or a permanenlty' inst.iled static pressure probe (PSPP) in the § 150.0(m)13c si.ppfy plernm. The apace concfti)nl'lg system must also demot'l$lrale ai1low ~ 350 CFM per ton of nominal c:oofrlg capdy through the retum gr lies, and an air-hancJirg uni Ian eff,cacy s 0.58 WICFM as oomrmed by field ve<ili:alion and diagnostic testing, In accordance wilh Reference Residential Appendix RAJ.3. This applies 10 both single zone central fOf'ced air systems ard ever, mne for mnally oontroled central fon:ed a, svstems: Ventlation ror Indoor Ai' Q1Jality. Al dNelll'lg units must meet the requirements of ASI-RAE Stardard 62.2. Nether wildow operation l'IO( §150.ll(o)c continuous operation of central broed ai' ,yslem air hardera used n central fan integrated venliation systems are pemus$tie methods of nrovidim whole-buldim ventiad:Dn. --------·--------·--····-· --·-··--·-1 -------------····-· § 150.0(k)2J: lr\lelllr SWitches and Controls. In bathrooms, garages, laundry rooms. arw:t ulJity rooms, at least one lumnaire in each of these sp.-;:es must be oontroled bv a vacancv sensor. § 150.0(k)2K: lnteOOr SWkhes and Controls. Oimrneri or var;arq sensors must oonlrof al lumnaires required to have light sources co~ianl with Reference Joint .ll.n ... ndix JA8 exceol: llfflinaites in dosets less than 70 ..,,,_ feet and tuminaires in 1u11&r.ws: § 150.0(k)2l Interior SWEhes ard Controls. Undercabinel lighting must be switched separatet,, from oCher lighting systems. Residential Ouldoor L9htlng. For sr,gle-famly residenti;A bulding&, oul-l,ihling permanenlly mounted lo a residential buidirg, Pr to olhor 2016 L Rise Resid . IM M s § 150.0(o)1Ac Aeld Verificaton and Diagnostic:: T esbng. Whole-buiding ventlation aiftcM mus.I be confifTned thro1.9h field verification .n:t diagnostic lest.nn in acoord.n::e with Reference Reskientiaf Aooendix RA3.7. § 150.0(k)3A-buldingson the iame lot, mtm meet the requirimenl i, item§ 150.0(k)lAI (ON an:f OFF switch) and the requirements i, eaher ilem § 150.0(k)3Ai (pholooell ard motion sensor) or lem § 150.0(lr)3Aii (pholo control and aulomaUc time switch conlrol, aslmnomioal time clod<, or Pool and Spa Syttem, and EquipmentMe11ures: Certflcation by ManlAacturers. Arrt poot or spa heatilg system 01 equi>ment mus! be certified k> have aa of lhe tillowing: a thermal efficiency § 110.4(a)c tha! co"°"'ie:s with the Appliance Efficiency RecJtAalions; an on-off swit::h mounted outside of the heater that alows shoffinrJ off lhe heater without adjusting lhe thermostat setti'g; a pennanent weatherproof plate or ca:d with operati,g ilslruction&; and must not use etectB; resistance he:atirri ... § 110.4(b)1c Piping. Ar,y poot or apa heating equipment must be instaHedwith atleilSI 36 i'dles of pipe be!Ween the filer aoo lhe heater, ordeduted suclion and ret11m lines, or bull-in or bull-uo connections to aJow for Mure solar he.ati!'NJ. EMCS\. Residential Outdoor lighting. For low-rise '™'lifamt,, resktential buldings, ouldoor lighting fof prNale pn>s, enlraras, b8':::onies, § 150.0(k)3Bc ard porches; and ouldoor lighting for residenlial par1<i,g lots and residenti;A carports wilh l<ss than eight vehicles per site musl co~ with eilho< & 150.(){k\JA orwilh !he -"'cable mouiremenls in && 110.9, 130.0 130.2. 130.4, 140.7 ard 141.0. § 150.0(k)3C: Residential Ouldoor Lghtlng. For lovHise residenlial buldng, wilh ro .. or moo, -ling unils. o-lighting no! regLAaled by & 150.otk\3B pr & 150.ll(k\30 musl co'"""' wilh lhe .,,,,cable moulrements in &6110.9, 130.0, 130.2. 130.4. 140.7 ard 141.0. § 150.0(k)30: Residential Outdoor UJhting. OUtdoor lghting for residential parkilg lots and reiidential ta!J)Orts with a total of eiJh! or more vehi:les oer s.ie mostNVnO!vwilh !he Mnlcable reoui<ements in && 110.9, 130.0 130.2 130.4 140.7 and 141.0. § 110.4(b)2 Cover.. Outdoor pools or spas that ~e a heal pump or gas heater must ha'lfl a cover. § 110.4(b)3: Oirec:001\2' ir«'ls and line a witches. for pool&. Pools must have diledional inlets that adequately mix the pool wa!er, and a time switch that wl albw al,..,,..._ ID be sel or n:nnra-nmed to run NW durinoolf-oeak eAectric demand oeri>ds. § 110.5: P~1 Ughl Natural go; pool ard >pa healers mus! nol have a cor<inuouslf b"nil'9 piol l9hl. § 150.0(p): Poot Systems and Eq~ment ln5lalation. Resoenlial pool systems or equ~menl must meel the specified requirements for pump sizirq, now ra!e, nin.M, filers, and vaNes.'" § 150.0(k)4c lntemaly luminaled address signs. lnlen'\al¥ luminated address signs must cofll)fy with§ 140.8; or must consume no more than 5 watts of rit:N#'.f as determined aooorom to 6 130.0l'cl. § 150.0(k)5c Residenti.4 Garages fDf Eighl or More Vehides. lighting lot reiidenlial parxing garages for eight or more vehides mus! oompfy w~h the -'icable rMUh'emenls for nonresidential oaraaes in 66110.9, 1JO.O 130.1 1J0.4 140.6 and 141.0. lnteOOr Common Areas of~ Mlit..f amly Residential Butdings. In a low-rise mtAtifamt; resoential buldiog where the lolaf inter.Jr § 150.0(k)SA: common area in a slng!e buldirq equ• 20 peroent or len of the noor area, permMaenty instaled fghting for the interior common areas In tl\al: buidina must be hDh i,ff'i,,,-, I~ and conlroled bv an OCCL.Oant sensor. Lighting Mcttures: Interior Common Areas of l..CJw.rise MlA~amiy Resklential Buldings. In a low-rise m\Alifamty resoential buldM'lg where me total lnteOOr § 110.9, lightirg Cortrofs and Components. Al lightilg oontra devx:e5 and ays!ems, balasts. and luminaires must meet the applcable requirements 016110.9.' common area in a single buldi1"9 equals more lhan 20 percent of the loor .vea. permane~ inst-1 lighting n that buiding musl § 150.0(k)6Bc l Compfy with lhe appli:able requirements in§§ 110.9, 130.0, 130.1, 140.6 ard 141.0, ard § 110.9(e)c JAB Hgh Elf,cacyli!l!>I So<KCO~ Toquaf;fyasaJABh9hefficooylghtsour<e lorco~ancev.ith§ 150.0(k), a residenliallghlsouroe must be certified lo lhe Enerw Commissi:>n acoordlll(I to Reference Joint Af'lDll!rv:tix JA8. iL LQhtiog inslaled in oorOOOrs and stairNels must be controlkd by occupant sensors that reduce !he lghti~ power in each space by at ~as.I 50 oeroenl. The OCCUP~I senSOI'$ must be caoable of tumffl. rhe rJIJh! flJtt on and off from all desKlned oaths of inc)reH ard eoress. § 150.0(k)1Ac luminaire EfflC«,"f. All l'\Slaled lumina'.res must be hi}h efficacy in axordance with TABlE 150.0..A, Solar Read-j Buildings: Blank Electreal Boxes. The number of electrtal boxes that are rrore than 5 feel above the finished lloor and do nol contain a lumina1'8 or § 150.0(k)!Bc other devK:e must be no grealer than lhe number of bedrooms. These electri;al boxes mus! be served by a dimmer, vacaq sel'\IOr oon!rol, or Single Family Resoo>...nces. Single tamiy residences loca'.ed in subd'¥'i-'Kms w«h \en or more single farniy resDences and where the § 110.IO(a)I· application for a tentative subdNisk>n map for the residences l\as been deemed complete b')' the enforoemenl agency must compty with Intl fan s~ controt reooirements of & 110. tll(bt tlvoooh & 110.1otel. Reoessed Oownlighl Lumina!re, in Ceings. lummires recessed ink> cei~s must meet al of the requirements foc ils!Aali>n contact (IC) § 150.0(k)IC: labeling; alf leakage; sealing; malntenanoe; and sockel and 19hl source as descrbed in§ 150.0(k)tC. A JAS-2016-E light source ra:ed for elevated temoerall.Ke must be instaled by fin~ in..'UW':tion ,n all recessed dnr.i..rrmht lumir\aires in eel~. § 150.0(k)IO: Seclronie Ballasts. Balasts for flU01escenl lamps ra:ed 13 Mtls or greater mvst be ~n:>nic and muil have an output frequency no less than 20 kHz. Night lighls. Permanently ilstalled night lighls and night lights integral lo iMtaled luminaire, 01' exhaust fans must be rated tooonsume no § 150.0(k)IE: more than 5 waits of power per luminaire or exhaust fan as determined fl accordance with§ 130.0(cJ. Night lights do not need 10 be conlroled bv v-~ sensors. § 150.0(k)1Fc lighti1"9 Integral lo Exhaust Fans. LIJhling integral lo exhaust fans {except when instaled by the manufa::lurer i'l kitchen exhaust hoods) must meet the aool~ ,.,,·11irements of~ 150.0<k): Screw based lumina1res. Screw based lumina1res mus I not be recessed OOWl'liglt klminaires in ceihngs and must contain la~ !hat compty § 150.0(k)1Gc with Reference Joint Append~ JAS. lnstad lamps must be marred with 'JAS-2016" or· JAS-2016-E' as specified in Reference Joint Appendix JAB.' § 150.0(k)IH: Endosed lumi\aires. UJht souroes d'l$1afted in enclosed luminaires mu-st be JAB compliant and must be marked with· JAS-2016-E." § 150.0(k)2Ac Interior Switches and Controls. Al forwartt phasec!Adimmers us,d wilh LEO lg!i sources m"'t comply with NEIi.A SSL 7A. § 110.10(a)2, Low-rise M~ti-lamiy Buiding• Low<ise m~J\.famt,, buldings m"'t comply w!h !he req~remenlS of§ 110.10(b) lhroU<Jh § 110. IO(d). Mmum Area. The solar zone must have a minimum tolal area as descrbed ~.v. The solar zone must corf1)ty with aa::ess, pathway, smoke ventlalbn, and spacing requirements as specified in Title 24, Part 9 Of other Parts of Ule 24 or in arrf requirements adopted by a local juriscl:ctic>n. The solar zone Iota' area must be comprised of areas thal have no dimension tess than 5 feel and are no less than 80 square feel each for buidings with roof areas less than or equal lo 10,000 square feel or no less than 160 square feel each for buildings with roof areas § I 10.10(b)1c greater than 10,COO square feel For stngle famiy residences the solar zone mus! be k>ca:ed on the roof or overhang of the buiding and have a total area no less than 250 square feel. For bw-<ise m!Jti-famiy buldings 11\e solar zone must be located on !he roof or overhang of the buidlng, or on !he roof or overhang of anotl\ef structure localed within 250 feel of !he bulding, or on covered part(ing inslaled with the buttlr.;t project, and have a total area no less lhan 15 nercenl of the total roof area of the buldiM eKdud1m arw slrvl:"'ht area.• § 110.10(b)2 Orientatbn. All sec6ons of the solar mne bc.a!ed on steep-61oped roofs mus! be oriented betv.<een 110 degrees and 270 degrees of true north. § 110.10(b)3A, Sha::liog. The 50lar mne must not contaffl aTP( obstructbns, iac:luding bu1 rot limited lo: vents, chimneys, architectural feallires, and roof moun!ed ..,.,,...,menL • Sha::t(ng. Art( obstruclion located on the roof or art; other part of the bulijing that projects above a sdar zone roost be loca!ed at least tMce the § 110.10(b)3Bc dis!MC.e, measured in the horizontal plane, of the height difference between the hw;1hesl point of the obstruction and the horizontal projectKln of § 150.0(k)2B: lnleriof Switches and Contrtlts. E:c:hausl tans must be switched separa:efy from lghting systems: § 150.0(k)2C: Interior Swilches and Controls. Luminaires must be switched ...th read., accessi:,le controfs thal permit the lumlnaires to be manuatj switched ON ard OFF. § 150.0(k)2Dc Interior S\l.'itches and Controls. Controls and equipment mus.I be ffllalled i"I a::cordar.:e with manufacturer's instn.ctions.. § 150.0(k)2E: Interior 5"',Che:s and Controls. No control must bypass a dirmler or vacarc, sensor flKlction if lhe control is inslaled to ex,~ wtil { 150.ll(k). § 150.0(k)2Fc Interior Switche5 ard Conlrob. Lghilng oonlrOls mus! oomplywilh !he applcable requremenlS of§ 110.9. the nearest Mint of the solar mne, measured l'I the vertcal plane.• § 110.10(b)4c Shuctura Design loads on Conslructbn Documents. For areas of the roof desigl\ated as solar zone, the structural des~n loads for roof deaf load and roof live loa::I must be c:lea.1v indica!ed on the construcoon documents. lnterconneciiln Pattr.vavs. The construction documents must indica.'e: a b:::ation for inverters and melering equ~ment and a patl'M'.r; for § 110.IO(c)c routing of condu!I from !he solar zone lo the poill of inleroonoection 'Mth the eiectrbl service (for single farnly residences the polltof interoonnecti:>n Yioil be the main sel\li::e n.,....r.; and a""'~ for ...... .tmof olumbino from the solar mne lo the water-heatino svstem. § 110. 10(d), Documentaton. A copy of lhe constnr;tiondocuments or a comparab'e c:bcumertl indicating !he iifo<maloo from§ 110.10(b) through • 110.lotc\ mus! be omviled kl !he oo:uoanl Interior Switches and Conlrols. An energ)' management control sy,tem {EMCS) ffii1'f be ~ lo comply with dinmer requirements I it § 150.0(k)2G: functions as a dwnmer acconf.ng lo§ 110.9; meets !ho lnstallationCertiflcot< "'!Uirements ol§ 130.4: meets !ho EMCS requirements of§ 130.5/fl: and meets al other reQuirements in & 150.M<\2. lritelllr Swilches and Controls. An EMCS may be used to compt,/ wCh vacancy sensor requirements in§ 150.0(k) if it meets afl of lhe § 150.0(k)2Hc folowing: it functions as a vacancy sel'\&Or accordirq t> § 110.9; the lnstalationCertificate requirements of§ 1l'.J.4; the EMCS requirements of§ 130.5m: and at other requkements ins 150.0tkl2. § 110. IO(e)I Main Electrical Service Panel The main electrical service panet musl hatte a mnmtlm busbar rating of 200 amps. Main Bectrical Seivice Panel. The main elecil'A service pa'lel must have a reserved space lo alk>w for !he instalation of a dovb6e pole circui1 § 110.10(e)2. breaker bra future sotaraedric instabtion. The reserved spooe must be: po&iooned at !he oppos~e (1oa:1) end from !he input feeder location or main circuit location; and oennanen!N ma!ted as •For Future Solar Beciric'. § 150.0(k)21. lnleror Switches ard Controls. A m~ne progranvnable oontder ma; be used lo compty with dimmer requirements in§ 150.0(k) J ii provides !ho luncti>MOV of a dimmer acoordiM lo & 110.9, ard"'"""~• with al other..,,.,__ reauremeni. n& 150.0lk\2. 6-18-18 Lingenfelter Bath Remodel 1/ 4"=1'-0" A-4 14168 Poway Rd., Suite 104, Poway, CA. 92064 1515 Sunrise Cir. Carlsbad CA. 92008 /760) 390-0007 L1 Af "i SCOPE OF WORK 1. REPLACE EXISTING TUB FOR NEW 2. NEW TUB FILLER, SHOWER HEAD AND MIXING VALVE 3. REMOVE EXISTING WALL AND FLOOR FINISHES 4. NEW TILE FINISH OVER BACKER BOARD AND SHOWER WALLS 5. NEW FLOORING AND WALL FINISHES 6. NEW CASEWORK 7. NEW TOILET AND SINKS 8. 3-NEW LED LIGHTS; REPLACE EXHAUST FAN; NEW GFIC OUTLET 7'-1" (E) WINDOW D LED 50 o~CFM 1/ ~I '1a~ ~ . 00 CQ'I 1 '::Of J:O:::'. n , 1 , FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/ 4" = l'-O" 14168 Poway Rd., Suite 104, Poway, CA. 92064 www.madesigning.com (760) 390-0007 Lingenfelter Bath Remodel 1515 Sunrise Cir. Carlsbad CA. 92008 ELECTRICAL LEGEND X 0 lQl 0 FL. ~ VP ¢) t GFCI WPJGFCI r ( $ $3 ® © .., " CEILING FAN LIGHTING FIXTURE CAN LIGHT PENDANT LIGHT FLORESCENTTUBE LIGHT INDICATED FLORESCENT EXHAUST FAN VAPOR PROTECTED STANDARD OUTLET 220 OUTLET GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER WEATHER PROTECTED G.F.C.I. GAS STUB GAS KEY SWITCH 3WAYSWITCH SMOKE DETECTOR CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR PHONE CABLE Plot Date: 6-lcHB Scale: 1/ 4"=1'-0" A-5 ~ of 5