HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 361-6M; CT 96-02; THE TERRACES AT SUNNY CREEK; 01-10-·; --""----~fl;'<~~ KEY MAP m NORTll +- ···-::_ ( . ·-/ J ·--... . -....._ -._ ----.................... --.. .. NO. -+- 0 --lo 0880 Oo t REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAL TH ENGINEER. ASST. PLANNING DIRECTOR & DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD. DISTRICT APPROVED CHANGES IJE8GRIPTION APPROVED DA TE o+ CJ + 0 + 0 .o . +- i j . i + EXISTki mvATI: WATER LINE FM-1 HETER TO IRRIGATI~ P.OC. DEVELOPERiil NAME: Tl-IE TERRACES AT SUNNY CREEK, LLC 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RP .. 11\13 ADOffE58: __ '" -~~~~~~=~~~==----CARLS6AD, CALIFORNIA 92012'6 TELEPHOIE: 161Z>.':l3l.8181 DATE PLJ\N PREPARED: 3 FE6 2000 BY: SM AI-ILES BENCH MARK DESCRIPTION ___ _ LOCATION ______________ _ IBXlAD FROM ___ _ ---+-----< ELEVATION ---~----DAT\.M _____ _ DATE Steven M. Ahles LANDSCAPE ARCf-llTECT P;,Q,JECT t,.,O 1 APR 0121 @1211219 MITIGATION PLANS THE TERRACES AT SUNNY CREEK C.T. 96-02 CARLSBAD 1 CALIFORN'A DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I HEliiE6'r DECLAF<!E TI-IAT I AM LANDSCAPE AFOC:1-!ITECT Cf THE Ul?l<l< FOi'! THl5 PROJECT, TI-IAT I f-lAVE EXERCl5ED RE5FON6IBLE CHAl'<GE OVER THE DE61GN Cf Ti-116 FROJECT A5 DEFINED IN 61:CTION E> 103 Cf THE ElOOINESS ~SSION5 CODE AND THE DE&IGN 15 CON&l5TENT WITf-1 CURRENT STANDARDS. I UNDEReTAND TI-IAT THE CHECK Cf l"!'lOJECT D!'lAWIN6& AND 5FECIFICATION5 6'f THE CITY Cf CARLSBAD AND THE SAN DIEGO COUNT'f DEFART1'1ENT Cf ENVIRONMENT AL HEAL TH 15 cot,flNED TO A REVIEW ONL 'r AND DOES NOT RELll:YE ME. A5 LANDSCAPE AlsallTECT Cf IOC)RK, OF M'T' fi!c5f'Qsl51BILITll:5 FOi'! PROJECT DESIGN. Ti-E61: FLAN5 1-!AVE BEEN PREFAliiED IN SU65T ANTI AL CONFOl<MANCI: WITH Tl-II, A~D LANDecAPI: CQ,ICEFT FLAN, WATER CON5f=RYATION FLAN, Fff,1E SUFFFi!c6510N FLAN, AND ALL CONDITIONS Cf AFFl<OVAL RELATED TO LANDOC:AFO>& STEVEN M. AHLE&, LANDSCAPE AFOC:1-!ITECT c%l AQ LANDlciFE ARCHITECT FD. eox t.62, CARDIFF, CA 92001 ADDliiES5 VICINITY MAP 2538 LICEN5E NO. 4 FEB 21l/OO DATE CITY OF OCEANSIDE HIGHWAY la DRAWING INDEX MET • CONTENTS ----------- TITLE SI-JEET, PROJECT INFO!s:MATION 2, 3 PLANTll\l:::i PLANS 4, 5, 6, 1 PLANTING DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS B, 9 IRRIGATION PLAN 10 IRRIGATION DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS fsJ:J11;="--foF-~°' W'/fN Mlfl1'.'.,.+\TL?N ~A --0~ 01-/s ?u:,; -,,f'<. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PORTION Cf LOT '13' RANCf-10 AQUA I-IEDIONDA PORTION REMAINER PARCEL 11242 PROJECT SITE CITY OF ENCINITAS . -· .. ·······------- l~A'i'f :NITIAL llAII INITIAL NGIN!" (R :)I WORK Rb:VISfON DESCRIPTION C"i"~F"R A:::iPR'.""l\.1A: APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. MITIGATION PLAN FOR: L-1 "AS BUILT DATE TITLE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE SHEETS 10 THE TERRACES AT SUNNY CREEK CT 96-02 DATE INITIAL cry A~PROVAL \, .. ·.·•·•.· .. ,· . - .. \ t \ . •, 0 I GRAPHIC SCALE 20 40 80 I I I ( IN FEET ) 1" ~ 40 fl '·· RIPARIAN WOODLAND 0.64 ACRE ~ ........... .I!:_OOOLfNE ·- ........... 160 I -........ ........... ........... ........... -........ -........ ........... ........... ........... ·--.., '',. ..... ,. r' .. :-,···s-;"""......_;6,, LEGEND • + + • ' • • • + • • • Riparian Woodland 1.04 Acre + • • • • • ":',;.,!"'.-· .-,-,,,.'.1" )ti)l1;fj Oak Woodland 0.80 Acre :f<f?f ~'if,; ~l?nting Plan [Exhibit 5] GLENN LUKOS ASSOCIATES DESCRIPTION. CENTERLINE WELL MONUMENT LOCA no,1.. STlITTDFrJ,J7+"iJ4··rc CAMINO REAL, Ti/:o"MTLTS' • ..... RECORDED £LEVAi/ON. NORTH OF iNTERSFCTIO '/ ... ·•.··· ..... -·-.·.· .... -.. -·-··---· .. ···· , ....... ~~'=''-'c'-'"'--'-". . ..... N ... 11/ PALOMAR AIRPORT RO. COUNTY OF SAN Ol[GO . --· -·---·---- 90.20 --..... . ---------··· ............... ·-··-··-·-··-DA /UM.N.G.V.D. 29 Regulatory Services "AS BU I LT" P.E. ___ EXP. --··-- REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR ' DATE DATE APft20'/f:!7ftf-fl.Mfrl"-ty ,--t----t----------+---------+--+--~--l I SH~ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ if'JD lt:fk'¥mOtJ t\J~ ~=.,..='--'====PL=:A=:N'::"Nl:=:NG===:D=:EP::::A:::R::::TM::::E:::N::::T=:=:::'..'.::LJQ_j==:0=::! 11-JQ...V~N{q rl2-fC,~ MITIGATION PLAN FOR: t.oc~tJ Cf ftAMt1 ~ t----------t--t----------~-+--1-.--------t----.l THE TERRACES AT SUNNY CREEK .PLANTI' G .. PLAN ~- DA TE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL DATE INITIAL CITY APPROVAL APPROVED OWN BY:~-- CHKD BY: --~, RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. CT96-02 DATE DRAWING NO. 361-6M ·\ ... , ·-~ \ 't·:.f~ ; \ ,i/t-8: \ '· , ... _ ''t ~:s£tr~ \ .... 1,...-, .,,_..,.1\,, ... .l:~"o';;l;'.~,c(, ·-~'PP-· '}'f.i~,-,_ f--------1-~=m~ '~~itJ:i~l(~, Ji~,,~~;_,..;_.<~J.ii:. ·, ~~._.,. ,<..•~,y ... tr,:~. clit&J~~~,}tify; ~ 1,'\t.·"f·:£;:-,} .ti,~, ••1t..:·•.., t •rt.,-.?· . •l (l;:::~,itJ-\'; ?~" ' (; ~· ' ,j.. ~ ~-.,;"~<'' : >< ,t )II>< w )f ~L ,. " ,. ,. w .f/ .I,: I( X X X .I< I< }?' >< Ill :ii;><" 1'! ll \i:~ " I{ w y _r·· w )j' )t " "' ]f J[ " II ~-.\__ >, ~,....,~ RIPARIAN WOODLAMD 0.16 ACRE . . ' ' . " " " " ' " " \ \ \ "" " "' ,. ~:-g. "' w ...... ···-...... ... --~/ ./ ,./ ,/:,__- \ \.., '•·.., ......... ........ ·- \ \ -. \_ \ \ . \ \ \ \ \ \ -·~--- \ CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL ·-.... SLOPE REVEGETATIONfEROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS --" ···-.,, "·, '•, ...... --------- " '•, ..... ,'-... ------ ' ., ·-'• ... "-...!.. ·-- ......... ,.'-... '•·, .. _ --'•,, ·-...._ w E.3-1 E 3-1 1 r 3-1.2 E.3-1.2.1 3-1 22 SLOPE PLANTING SLOPE PLANTING STANOAROS Slopes requ1rin_g erosion control measures as specified herein shall be treated with one or more of the following planting standards· a Standard #1 -COVER CROP/JUTE MESH Cover crop shall be a seed mix typically rnade up of quick germinating and fast covering grasses, clovers, and/or wikJ flowers. submit the specific seed mix for City approval prior to application. The cover crop shall be applied at a rate and manner sufficient to provide 90% coverage within thirty (30) days . Type or jute mesh shall be as approved by the City and staked to the slope ~s recommended by the manufacturer. Jute mesh shall be required when planting occurs between August 15 and April 15. During the remainder of the year. the cover crop and/or jute mesh may be used- b. Standard #2 -GROUND COVER One hundred ( 100%) percent of the area shall be planted with a ground cover known to have excellent soil binding characteristics (planted from a minimum size of flatted material and spaced to provide full coverage within one year). c. Standard #3 • LOW SHRUBS Low spreading woody shrubs (planted from a minimum of 2 3/4 inch liners) shall cover a minimum of seventy (70%) percent of the slope face (at mature size). d. S1andard #4 -TREES AND/OR LARGE SHRUBS Trees and/or large shrubs shall be (planted frorn a minimum of 1 gallon containers) at a minimum rate of one (1) plant per two hundred (200) square feet. AREAS OF APPLICATION (PLANTING) SLOPES -6:1 or steeper and: a. 3 feet or less in vertical height and are adjacent to pub!ic walks or streets require a minimum Standard #1 (cover crop and juted). b. 4 feet to 8 feet in vertical height require Stanoarcts #1, 112. and #3, c. In excess of 8 feet in vertical height require Standards #1, #2, #3 and #4 SPECIAL CONDITIONS Areas graded flatter. than 6:1 require Standard #1 (cover crop) when they have one or more of the following conditions: a. Sheet graded pads not scheduled for improvements within 6 months of completion of rough grading b. A potential erosion problem as determined by the City. c. Identified by the City as highly visible areas to the public or have special conditions that warrant immediate treatment LEGEND • • • + + • Riparian Woodland 1.04 Acre + • • • • • • • • c.r ·I.::<.:,.~• l ,'s.!~ Yf't ·::..:,""':T"~· Oak Woodland 0.80 Acre :"~ . .''.:"'-: :~if_:.;t :'-'(-~¼:.;,;,_:;. ·. '.;,.""-..:1.,· -.;•"'0.f::. ,,',~ ;._, ,, '· .... ,, . -~·· . . .... . .. , ., .. . . -. . ... -- GLENN LUKOS ASSOCIATES ~~] 23441 South Ponte Dr.• Suite 150 • Laguna HIiis, CA 92653 Regulatory Servioes ~·1.:111~~1~--.. ~n a~m::~r.c, Plantin Plan Exhibit 5 "AS BUILT" OAK WOODLAND 0.06 ACRE O[SCRIPTION CE:NT[RUNE W[LL MONUMENT LOCA noN. · srATToN-591+04 EL CAIJ!liKrRH-EA-c-, -1-_4~s~M~1L~1::=s~- ~ RfCOROfO· [L[VA no~,- ____ t-LQF<.TH OF 'iNT£R5£C[!QN W7i5Ji[OMAR Al{?PQBL_B.Q,. COUNTY OF SAN 0/[GO 90.20 .... ______ DATUM: NG. VO. 29 P.E. ___ _ EXP. ___ _ DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE I S~TI -w CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING OEPARTMENT D MITIGATION PLAN FOR -A~.JtJ) ~,~-l-----i---1--------------------l---,1-------+----i------l ANP WiftcW:JotJ ~i, THE TERRACES AT SUNNY CREEK PLANTING PLAN . . r-culPI~ ~l',if ~ l-----l-----+------~----l---------1------l---+------1 I APPROVED 4dj} if-;27_c:JZ) l,rx:An?N Cf f'[J>.tJTf r-8 1-A½~~m,,.-,-mr-=-m-"""1t-t;'""'~-=n=12=R:1t>_,..,.1'1=,----__,__ tiAfe --- .U..-. ,.,,-, DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. r ~ DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY 3 U • ENGINEER oF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION o1HER APPROVAL c1rY APPROVAL RVWD BY;---CT.Q6-02-61-6m 36" ® Top shall be secured to prevent entry 30 x 36 inch galvaniied chicken wire protective screening #4 X 48" Steel stake or rebar Root crown 1-inch above finish grade Mulch 9.3 oz (1 teaspoon) Osmocote 14-14-14 fertilizer Backfill planting hole with amended backfill material Berms made from excavated basin soil. :. 30" I\ l ~ 3" Original finish grade CONTAINER STOCK WITH PROTECTIVE l SCREENING (For Sambucus and Leymus container stock) MAINTE:\'ANCE SCHEDULE GUIDELINES Maiilftnance Tnsk Yc~t' Year Year Year Ye.a,- 1 2 3 4 5 Plant Inspei:;:t1on Bi-weekly first Monthly Quarterly Quarkrly Quarterly I month; through 18th rr1on1hly month: thereafter quartedy therei:dtc1 l rrigatio11 System We1ckly 1st Monthly As re:qu1red As required As requncd lnsptcr1011 month, monthly thereafter Trash & Debris Monthly Monthly Ql1anerly Quanerly Qu:mcrly Rernov<-il ...• r-• Weed Control Ui-inonthlv Bi-,monthly .\t1011thly Monthly Ouanr:rlv ---,~·-··"· Pest Control Mon(hlv !3 i" month! v 0~1ano:dv Ouai-tcrlv Ouartcrlv l'lhi.111 Rcpl1Kcmcnt At end of 120-Annually Anmially Annually Amwally day period; then during fall or w1nt(;r -Fc:rtilintion A11nually Ann1.1:,1lly Nil\. NIA NIA (11' rJi.:("essarv) MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE GUIDELINES " ~"-~ 12" © 12" J r 30" Berms made from excavated basin soil. Mulch Seedling Root crown oneainch above original finish grade 0.3 oz (1 teaspoon) Osmocote 14-14-14 fertilizer Backfill (See Specs) 3" $ Original finish grade 'CONTAINER STOCK INSTALLATION TFor all container stock ot: ,er than Sambucus and Leymus) RECOMMENDED WEEKLY IRRIGATION SCHEDULE Month Hours of Irrigation per Week Coast Live Oak Woodland Riparian Woodland FIRST YEAR IRRIGATION -November -April (twice weekly) 6 8 Mav 5 7 June 1-12 July -Auousl 15 20 Seotember 12 15 October ~ November 7 7 SECOND YEAR IRRIGATION ''" November -Aoril As reauired As required May 4 5 Ji.me 7 9 Julv • Auoust 10 14 .. ---,.,.-~ .... September 8 10 October · November 4 5 THIRD YEAR IRRIGATION November • April None anticipated None anticipated May 3 3 June 4 5 July· Auoust 6 8 Seolember 5 8 October -November 4 5 FOURTH AND FIFTH YEAR IRRIGATION . I None antlcoated --- . IRRIGATION SCHEDULE G) - --- ____ , -· , ____ _,_ ' ' ~ ' ,._ •ffl~n-- Riparian Woodland Plant Palette (1.04 acres)1' Bot;mic,.11 N..ime Common Name Stack Plant No. Percent Total Typo Spacing per Plant/Seed Acre Container Stock Quan~!!!)'_ ,.,~- Overstory Jugians cafifor'!}_ca California walnut 1 gal 20' o.c. 10 2 10 Plat(]m,1s racemosa West1;,rn svcamore 1 aal 20· o.c. 99 14 103 Poou/11s fremont1i Fremont cottonwood 1 aal. 20' o.c. 46 5 48 _ Salix ex1ftua Sandbar willow 1 oal 10'o.c. 100 15 104 Salix raeviaata Red willow 1 oal 10' O.C 210 31 218 Salix fasioleois Arrovo willow 1 aal 10' O.C. 220 33 229 58f __ .. ,oo 112 " Understory Baccharis salicffo!itJ Mule fat 1 cal 8' o_c_ 310 50 322 Ros!J cafifomica * Califomia w~d ~ose 1 oal. 6'o.c. 170 28 177 Rub1,1s urslnus* Califomia blackberry 1 aal 6' O.G. 135 22 140 615 100 639 Total Container Stock 1351 . Seed Stock ... Ainbrosia o/J;Jostachva Western raoweed Seed 4Ibs 8 4.2 lbs Artemisia doug/asiana I Mu.9.wort Seed 4Ibs 8 4.2 lb$ Arlemisia dracuncufus Tarraaon Seed 3Ibs 4 3.1 lbs ~----~ Oenorhera efata ssp. hookeri Eveninq primrose Seed 3Ibs 4 3, 1 lbs Plantago insufaris' Plantain Seed 40 lbs 76 41.6 lbS Total Seed 52Ibs 100 56 2 lbs ~ .. ---.. ~·-~ rtosa and Rubus will be planted in clus:tcrs of five or m: This non-native, non,invasivc :species is included to provide fas! cover for ('rosion c()nlrQL ;RIPARIAN WOODLAND PLANT PALETTE t -~-.~ Coast Live Oak Woodland Plant Palette (0.8 acre) ,. ---Botanic..-! N;ams ! Cammon Nams Stock Plant No .. Percent Total ' Typ@ Spacing per Plant/Seed ' I Acre Quant!tx~,: ContalmH Stock ,---~ Overstorv . ~(/s._californica ~ California black walnut 1J!81 20' O.C 75 17 GO I ,,,Qye,-cus agr;f':?!l?'., •.. Coasfi'fveo3Jt 1 ~•I 20' O.C. 175 40 140 I Ouf!rcus dumosa Nuttall's scrub oak 1 cal 15' o.c. 100 23 80 ' ....; 'r---Sclr!1bucus m_exicana Blue ,el_,:j_erber'X. ____ 1 aal 72' o.c. Bo 20 68 _.,J 435 100 348 -· Understorv Neteromeles ::irbutifofia Tovon 1 aal 20' O.C. 50 8 40 Levmu.s condertsarus Giant wild f'ye 1 gal 5' O.C:. 80 14 64 Ribes sDec1osum~ Fuchsia-flowered gooseberrv 1 aal 6' O.C. 100 18 80 Rosa calilornica' California wild rose 1 oar 8' o.c. 180 32 144 -·--Rubus ursinus~ California black.berrv 1 n;;il. 6' O.C. 160 28 128 '"~··-~--~-~~· '"~·•·-·-~ ••u~••'"' 570 10G 456 Total Contaioer Stock 8()4 ~·~----Seed Stock -·--·~·~ =•"'"'"''' Ambrosie os;Jostachve Westem r'anweed Seed 6 lbs 9 4.8 lbs ,.,, ... ,,e.~,.-,.~,~ Artemis.if! dooafasiam.i M0aworl Seed 4lbs 6 3,'.? lbs lsoconrn men,4iosii Co,:,1stal qoldenbush Seed 6Jbs 9 4,8 lbs Levmus cond1;msalu$ Giant wild~~ Seea 2!bs 4 1,6 lbs --..ll!f!.!!J.!!.L~if9!or Mrn1alure lupine Seed 31bs 4 24 lbs Phacelia remosis.s.ima· Phc:1cella Seed 3 lbs 4 2.4 lbs Plem1aoo inwlaris Plantain Seed 20 lb$ 29 16 lbs --.,. SiSYffid1ium b~ Btue-f'>ved arass Seed 4 lbs 6 i 3.2 lbs Crim5on claver Seed 20 lbs ""·-·--r--Tri/a/turn 1r1Carnalum 29 , 16 lhs To!,1! Seed 10[) 54.4 lbs =·""·-·~~ R1bes, Rosa, and Rubus will he planted III clusters of six. 'these 1\0n-nat1ve, f"1(1n-inv.isi,..e specie:;; arc indudcd to provide fast cover for erosion control COAST LIVE OAK WOODLAND PLANT PALETTE I SH~-°.J CITY TlF CARLSEfAD II SHEETS I +-----1 'T PLANNING DEPARTME;;NT ID r----t----ic----..----• MITIGATION Pl-AN FOR THE TERRACES AT SUNNY CREEK PLANTING DETAILS APPROVl:D f----;cc=+cc=c-+'"'-'----------------1--lL ___ --+----+----I DAlt INITIAL DA.TE INITIAL 0,A.T[ j lNl~l. PROJECT NO -:21~Q_cy I ORAWlNG NO I n,c,••cER or-• REVISION DE~,CRIPTION r;.r< •• nv K ' OTI-11;'.R APPROVAL CtT'i' APF'R(NAL CT96-02 361~6M GENERAL CONDITIONS I. Intent of Plans and Specific-tions The intent .of the Speci ftca:ions ,s to prescnbe the details for the construction and completion of the Wotk 111 which the Contractor undertakes to pcrfom1 ,11 accordance with the terms of lhc Contract. Where lhc Plans or Specillc~itions de.scribe portion:; of the Work 111 gcncr;-tl tc_rms, but not 1n co1nplete ?et,;1il, it is understood that only the best general praclICe is to pievail and tha~ only nmtcnals and workmanship of'the first quality arc to he used. Unlc.ss ?therw1se sncc1ficd, the Contractor shall furnisl1 all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and 111c1dentals, and do all the work involved in executing the Cont!'act in a satisfactorv and workmanlike manner. ~ II. Final Cleaning Up A. Refore final 1nspection of the Work, the Contractor shall clean all constructiotl sites and all ground occ-upied by him m connection with the \.Vork of all rubbish, cxce:=is materials falscwork, tenwo1·,·,ry structures and equipment. All parts of the \Votk shall be left 111 'a nc<ll and prcscutable condn:on. lll. Changes A. The Owner or the Owner's Designated Representative resecves the right to make such a_l1er~1t1ons, ~1cviations, additions to or dtle:tions from the Plans and Specifications, including the nght to mn~ase or decrease the quant1•y of any item or portion of the Work or to delete any llcm or portion of the Work as may be deemed by the Owner or Owner's Designated Representative to be necessary or 2dv1sablc, and to require such extra work as mav he determined by the Owner to be !'cqu1rcd for the propn completion or construction~ of the whole Work conternpl;ited. IV. Control or Work A Ths Owner or the Owner's Designated Representative shall decide all questions which may arise as to th:: quality or acceptability ofmatenals furnished and work performed and as to the manner of perfonnance and rate of progress of the Work; all questions which may arise as to the interpretation of the Plans and Specifications, all questions as to the acceptable fulfillment of the Contract on the part of the Contractor; and all questions as to compensation. His decision shall be final and he shall have authority to enforce and make effective such dec1s1ons amcl orders which the Contractor fails to carry out promptly. V Plans and Drawings A The Contract Plans furnished consist of general drawings and show such details as arc necessary 10 give a comprehensive idea of the construction contemplated. All authorized alterauons affoct111g the requirements and information given on the Contract Plans shall he ln \..\lflllllg VI. Inspection Vil. VIII. IX. X. XI. A The Owner or tt:,:,, ',..Jv, .,,: ~ Designated Representative shall, at all times, have safe :iccess to the Work during <ts cores.ruction and shall be furnished with every reasonable facility for c.tsccrtaining that the l1li.Herials and Lhc workmanship arc in accordance with the requirements and intc11t!o111s or these Specificn1io11s ;ind the Plans. All work done an(i ;1ll 1natcrials furnished shall be subJcct to his/l~cr 111spcction. B. The Conlrnctor shall obtain, coordinate, and pay for any and oil agency inspections required. Rejected and Unauthorized Work B. All work \v!l'!1c.h has been reJcct.cd shall be remcdicdi or removed and replaced by the Contrncwr man acceptable manner at the Conlractor's expense. Any work ,.J,onc bcyono the lines ;:ind grades s)m\vn on the Plans or est('lblished by the Owner's Designate<! }<.cprescn1:::i11vc, or any cxtr;1 work done wilhout written authority will be considered as unm U1on7.ed work and will not be pai<.1 for. Upon order of the Owner, unauthorized w,>rk shall he remedied, removect, or replaced at the Contractor's expense Materials /\.. The Contractor shali furnish all materials required to complete the Work, except materials that are desiginted in the Spec, fications to be furnished by the Owner. R. Only rnntcri~ls (u1·1f·orrrnng to the requirements of the Sriecifications shall be incorporated into the Work. C. Materials l\JI be ,,sed Ill the Work wiil be subject to ,nspcction and tests by the Owner or his Designated Representative. The Conmictor shall lttmish without charge such samples as may be required. D. The Contractor snc1ll be rcsponsi,lt for all materials rurrnshed to him, and shall pay all dcmurragc and storage charges. Materials lost or damaged from any cause whatsoever shall be replaced by t1·1e Contractor at his expense. Storage of Mace rials A. Articles or inatenals to be incorporated in the Work shall be stored in such a manner as to insure the preservation of their quality and fitness for the Work, and to facilitate inspection. Legal Relations and Responsibility A The Contractor ,ha!! keep himself fully informed of all existing and future State and Federal laws, and County ~n<l Municipal ordinances and regulations which in any manner affect those engaged or employed m the Work, or the materials used in the Work, or which 1n any way affect the co11duc, o I the W<>l'k, and of" all such orders and decrees of bodies or tribunals having any juri.sd1ct1on or authority over the same He shall a1 all times observe and comply \Vlth, and shall cause all his agents and employees to observe and comply with all such e.xisting an<l future laws, ordinances, regub.tions, orders and decrees of bodies or tribunals havmg any jur!.:;dictron or authority over the: Vv'ork_ B A 11 work and matern:i.1s_ shall comply with governing codes, safety orders, and regulations and meet the minimum reqta'rements of the Unifoim Building Code (UBC), latest edition. 'California Deputment of Fish an,1 Game Streambed Alteration Agreement 'A. N~ equipment shall be operated 1:1 poi1ded or flowing areas. .n. (' Water containino -n ·f ::;"ii ti II J I o I m, 1 c, or o lc_r po ulanl_s s El l nol be allowed to enter a nowing strcJm or placed in locations thal may be subJectcd to high storm nows. The perimeter of the work site shall be adequately flagged to prcv(:nt damage to adjacent riparian habitat XII. XIII. XIV. xv. XVI. Cl. StJg1ng a11d/or storage areas for equipment and matcn.als shall be located outside of the stream. E The Owner shall comply with all litter and pollution laws. All contractors, subcontractors and employees shall also obey these laws and it shall be lhe responsibility of the Owner to ensure compliance. r-. ~o debris, soil, silt, sand, bark, slash, sawdust, rubbish, cement or concrclc or washings thcrcor, otl or petroleum products or other organic or earthen material from any constructton, or as.sociared activity of whatever nature shall be allowed to enter into or placed where ii may be washed by rainfall or runoff into, waters of the State. When operations are completed, any ex_cess matcdals or debris shall be removed from the work area. No rubbish shall be depoS<tcd w1thm I 50 feel of the high water mark of any stream or lake. G. No equipment maintenance shall be done within or ,1car any stream channel where petroleum products or other pollutants from the equipment may enter these areas under any tlow. 1-1 The 01.vncr shall provide J copy of the Strcambcd Altcrnlion Agreement to all contractors, subcontractors, and the Owner's project supervisors. Copies of the Agreement shall be rcadilv available at work sites at all times during periods of active work and must be presented to any~ CDFG personnel; or personnel from another agency upon demand. I. The C'ontracto1· shall maintain a copy of the "Agreement Regarding Proposed Stream or Lake Allcration" provi<lcd hy the Owner or the Owner's Designated Representative, on the project site during all periods or active work. The Contractor shall present a copy 01this Agreement to any Department 01 Fish and Game (CDFG) personnel, or personnel rrom another agency upon demand. The Contractor shall read, understand, and abide by all pe11inent provisions of the Agreement. a,1d shall consult with the Ow,1cr or Owner's Designated Representative regarding all matters related to the content or intent of the Agreement. Use of Pesticides A B. C The Contractor shall comply with all rules and regulations of the Deparlment of Food and Agriculture and the Department of Health, the Department of Industrial Relations, and all other agenc1es which govern lht use of pesticides required in the performance of the Work on the Contract Pesticides shall include hut shall not be limited to herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, rodenticides, germicides, ncmatoc1des, hactcricidcs, tnhibitors, fumigants, defoliants, desiccants, soil sterilants, and rcpellants. Any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, repelling, mitigating, or destroying weeds, insects, diseases, rodents, or nematodes and any substance or rnixture of substances intended for use as a plant regulator, defoliant or desiccant shall be considered a pesticide Permits and Licenses C The Contractor shall procure nil pcrnrns :.ind licenses, pay all charges and fees, and give all notices necessary and incident to the due a,1d lawful prosecution 01 the Work and they shall be obtained in sufficient time to prevent delays to the Work If the Owner has obtained permits, licenses, or other authonzations, applicable to the Work. in conformance with the requirements in the Environmental Quality Act, the Contractor shall comply with the provisions of said pcrn1ils, licenses, and other authorizations /\II Contractors shall be licensed in accor<lancc with the laws of the Statlc of California. The Contractor shall possess a state of California Landscape Contractor "C.27" License. Cooperation A. B. Should construction be under way by other forces or by other contractors within or adjacent to the limits of the Work specified, or should work of any other nature be under way by other fore.es w1th111 or ad_p1ccnt to said \irnits, the Contractor shall cooperate with all such other contractors or other forces to tlic end that any delay or hindrance to their work will be avoided. The right is reserved to perform other er additional work at or near the site al anv time, by the use of other forces. • (hv11er reserves the right but is not required to have ;:rn0the1· contractor or contractors commence other work prior to completion of all Work hy Contractor. Owner also reserves the right to have other contractors commence work on other portions of the site prior to completion of Work by Contractor. Contractor shall allow any such contractor(s) reasonable opportunity to store equipment and materials at the jobsite, to have reasonable access, and to execute and perfom1 their contracts. Contractor shall properly connect and coordinate the Work with that of such other contractor(s). Insurance A. The Contractor shall obtain and keep in force public liahility and property damage insurance as required by all applicnble codes and regulations during the period of the Contract. Liability for Damage A. The Contractor shall be liable for damage to all utilities, construction. irrigation, and planting clements, cxisti11g or new, marked or· unmarked. and shall repair or replace damage iii a manner acceptable to the Owner. XVII. Liability for Loss A The Contractor shall be responsible and liable for any loss to equipment, parts, and materials on thts project until completion, and uiitil acceptance of the Job in wntmg by the Owner XVIII. :Suhcontracting A. The Contractor shall give his personal attention to the folfillment of the Contract and shall keep the Work under his control. B. No Subcontractor will be recognized as such, and all persons engaged in the work 01 construction will be recognized as employees of the Contractor, and he will be held responsible for their work, which shall be subJCCt to the provisions or the Contract and Spcc1 fie at ion~. C. D St1bcontrncts shall include provisions that the Contract between the Owner and the Contractor is parl of the Subcontract, and that all terms and provis,ons of said Contract are incorporated nl the Subcontract. Subcontracts shall contain cet't1 ncation by the Subcontractor that said Subcontractor is experienced in and qualified to do, and knowledgeable abou\, the ~;_1bcontractcd work. Copies or Subcontracts shall he available to the Owner upon written request, and shall be provided lo the Owner or Owncr11, Designated Representative, Before work is sta1ic:d on a Subcontract, the Contractor shall file wilh the Owner a written statement showing the work to be subcontracted. the names of the Subcontractors and the description of each pol'tion of the Work to be so subcontracted. E. \\,,'hen a por_tion of the Wor_k which has been subconlractcd by the Contractor is not being prosecuted ma manner sausfactory to the Owner or the Owner's Designated Representative, the _Subcontr;ictor shall he removed immediately on the requisition of the Owner and shall not again be employed on the Work. XIX. Required Notification /\.. The Contractor shall notify the Owner a minimum of three (3) days of the start of any work which i.s stated herein as requiring the presence of the Owner or the Owner's Designated Representative. All such work shall be perforn1ed only in the presence of the Owner's Designated Representative unless prior approval has been granted to perform such work in his/her absence. Work which has been performed m the absence of the Owner's Designated R~presentative without prior approval, or work which is not performed in strict compliance with the procedures set forth in these Specifications will be subject to rejection. XX s;!e Utilities /\.. The Cormactor shall verify the location and depth of all underground utilities prior to the start of work. B The Contractor shall coordinate temporary water service with Owner and any other Contractors on job site C. The Co,1trac1or shall apply for and pay all costs incurred for all temporary utility hook-ups such as water, sewer, electrical power, and gas required for project construction XXL Surveys, Reference Points, and Elevations A. The Contractor shall be responsible for establishing all surveys, reference points, and elevations shown on Plans or otherwise required for proper execution of landscape con.struction. XXII. Preservation of Property A. Existing trees and plants that are not to be removed shall be protected from lllJury or damage resulting from the Contrat.t()r's operations. Only trees and plants that arc designated or marked for removal s.hall be removed_ B. Costs incurred due to the repair or replacement of existi11g trees and plants which arc not designated for rcnloval and which arc danrngc:-d as a result of the construction opcra(ions shall be the responsibility ol" the Contractor. C Replacements shall be at least equal to the conditioos when Contractor entered upon the Work, and shall match them in finis.hand dimensions. Plant material shall be replaced with lhe same species, St,e, and m tile ortg,nal location unless designated otherw;sc bv Owner's Designated Representative. " XXIII. Adjacent Property /\. Contractor shall not c11tcr onto prope,iy adjacent to the JOhsite for any purpose without first obtaining the pcnnission to do so from the Owner and owner of such adjacent property. XXI V. Contr-actor·'.s Schcdu le A. The Contractor is required to submit a critical path method (CPM) project schedule to Owner and Owner's Designated Representative within three (3) calendar days following receipt of lhc Notice of Award of the C,intract. B. This schedu_le is subject to the review and approval of the Owner and/or Owner's Designated Representative The schedule shall show a complete sequence of all construction activities. XXV. Status Meetiugs A Contractor shall have the project superintendent attend a weekly status meeting with Owner's Designated Representative to be held at the site in a location to be detem1ined bv Owner. Owner may also request the attendance of the soils engineer, civil engineer, su~eyor, city inspector, and whomever else Owner designates to be al said meetings, At Owner's request, Contractor shall have a principal (1 e., executive, owner, responsihle managing partner) attend the \.veekly status meeting. XXVI. Required Notification A. The Contractor shall notiry the Owner a minimum or three (3) days oflhc start of any work which is stated herein as requiring the presence of the Owner or the Owner's Desionated ' 0 Representative. All such work shall be performed only in the presence of the Owner's Designated Representative unless pnor approval has been granted to pcrfonn such work in his/her absence. Work which has been perfonned in the absence or the Owner's Designated Representative without prior approval, or work which is not perfonned in stnct compliance with the procedures set frn1h m these Specifications will be subJect to rejection. MATERIALS I. Control of Materials: A. Materials, parts and equipment to be furnished by the Contractor shall be new, unless otherwise specified in these Specifications. The materials shall be manufactured. handled, and used in a workn,an-likc mannc1·. B. All materials shall he subject to inspection and ir, in the opinion of Owner's Designated Re.prescntut1vc, the sarnc do n.ot comply with the contract documents, said materials shall he rcJected and immediately removed from the premises at the expense of the Contractor. 'C. Y1anufacturcrs warranties, guarantees1 inslructions sheets and parts lists, which are furnished with certain articles or materials incorporated 111 the Work, shall be delivered to Owner prior lo acceptance of the Work. 11. III. IV, V. VI, Soil Amendments A. Soil _Amendment shall t,e a wood or bark product. treate,! •o absorn water quickly, or a relat,vcly dry organic compost derived from sewage sludge or nee hulls; shall be friable and pass a one inch ( t ") S<eve and shall comply with the requirements ,n the Ca!rforn1a Fo,id and Agricultural Code. · B. Rice hull compost shall not contain livrng vegetation, dirt or other objectionable material, pathogenic Vlruses1 Oy larvae, insecticides, herhicidcs, fungicides nor po1sonous chemicals that would inhibit plant growth. : C. All soil amendment shall be packaged so that compliance can be readily detennined, or shall be accompanied by a Certt ficatc of Compliance Mulch A Unless otl1eiwise specified, mulch shall consist of wood chips, tree hark, or shredded bark, or any combination thereof, at the Contractor's option. Mulch materials produced from p,nc trees grown in Ala1ncda1 Monterey, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, or San Mateo counties shall not be u:sc<l. . Fl. Wood chips shall he manufactured from clean wood. The particle size of the ch,ps shall be between one-half inch (2") and three inches (3") in length, and not less than 3/8-inch in width and I /I 6 inch in thickness Chips produced from tt'ec tnmmmgs which contain leaves or i small twigs will not he accepted. : C. Tree hark shall have a parlicle size between one-hair inch (2") and one and one-half inches ( 12") and shall be free of salt and foreign materials such as clods,. coarse objects, sticks, rocks, weeds or weed seecls. : D. Shredded bark shall be a mixture of shredded bark and wood; shall have a particle size between 1/8-mch and one and one-half inches (12") in thickness a11d one inch (I") to eighl inches (8") m length; and shall be free of salt and deleterious materials such as clods, coarse objects. and rocks. Mycorrhizal lnoculum A B Seetl 8. F F. i G i ipJants A. Mycorrhizae shall not be stored in temperatures greater than 90°F and no less than 32°F or 111 dtr·cct sun_ Mytorrhizae which has become wet or moldy Qr otherwise damaged hy extrernc tcmpcrnturcs shall be reiected. Mycon_hizal inoculum shall be ordered at least two weeks in advance of application to ensure ava1labilrty. The Contractor is responsible for the purchase ofmycorThizae. It is the !'cspon:sibilily of the Conlr.aclor to arrange for and rinanc:c delivery of the mycorrh11.ac Myconhi:n1I inoculum may be purchased in the form ofTurboStart (or equivalen1 commercially available fonn of endomycorrhizal inoculum) from Albright Seed Company, 487 Dawson Dnve, Bay 5S, Camarillo, California, 93012. Contact Paul Albright, telephone (805) 484 055 I. fax (805) 987-902 I, email ccpaul@albrightseed.com> The seed has been previously collected by Albright Seed Company. The Owner has paid for the seed cosl Contractor shall utilize seed c.ollcctcd by Albright Seed Company. The Contractor shall pay lor any and all specified seed trcatmcnts1 including acid scarification and mycorrhi1.al inoculurn. - Replacement seed must be purchased from Albright Seed Company and must originate from the same collection sources as the original material. If additional material, beyond that avadahlc from the nurscty, is required. then arrangements shall be made with the seed company and the Owner's Designated Representative 10 secure the material in a timely manner. The Contractor should be aware that as many as 12 months lead time may be reqwred to secure custom-collected seed. Seed required to be labeled under the California Food and Agncultural Code shall be labele<l by the vendors supplying such seed. Seed specified without a purity or gennination requirement shall be labeled to include the name, date (month and year) collected, and the name and address of the seed supplrer. Said seed, al the time of sowing, s:hall hi.:: from the previous or current year's harvest All shipments of seed not accompanied by s1 valid California Nursery Stock Certificate shall be reported to the County Agricultural Commissioner at the point of destination for inspection and shall he held until released by the Com,nissioncr, Seed shall be labeled and furnished in sealed standard containers. The seed shall not contain more than 0.5 percent weed seed by volume. Seed which has become wet, moldy, or othetwise damaged will not be accepted. Seed in broken or damaged containers ·will be rejected. The seed is available at Albright Seed Company, 487 Dawson Drive, Bay 5S, Camarillo, California, 93012. Contact: Paul Albright, telephone number (800) 423.8112. Please refer to Sunny Creek Terraces Project and Glenn Lllkos Associates when identifying th<S pro1ect with the seed company. · The contain~r stock specified on the Plans has been purchased by the Owner and is provided by Tree of L,fe Nursery. No other nursery may be utilized. Contractor shall coord1natc all deliveries of container stock and pay for any associated costs for delrverics. . MITIGATION PLAN FOR THE TERRACES AT SUNNY CREEK Fl. C E. F. Q_ Replaccmen~ material must be pt~r~,ha$ed frorn the same nursery and must origin.ate from the same collect1011 sources as !lie ongmal material. If additional material, beyond that available from the nursery, ts required, then arrangements shall be made with the nursery and the Owner's Designated Representative to secure the material in a timely manner_ The Contractor should be aware that as many a~ 12 monlhs lead time may be required to secure custom- collected propagulcs and seed. Plants shall be of the variety and size specified on the Contract and shall confonn to the requirements of these Specifications. Any substitutions shall be approved in writing by the Owner or the Owner's Designated Representative and may require approval of the California ~epartment of Fish and Game. The Owner's Designated Representative shall notify the Contr~ctor 11f any changes at least 72 hours prior to Contractor taking delivery of plant material. "lo phnl shall be transported to the plantmg area the'\ 1s not thoroughly wet throughout 1l1e ball of carthsurround111g the mots-Any plant that, in the opinion of the Ow11er's Designated Representative, has a damaged root hall, OJ' 1s dry or in a wilted condition when delivered to the planting area will not be accepted and shall be replaced by the Contractor at his expense_ Plants shall be healthy, v1.gorous, free from plant ci,seasc, insect pests or their eggs, excessive abrasions or other objectionable disfigmcmcnts, and shall have healthy, normal root systems, well-filling their containers, but not to the point of being root-bound_ Tree trunks shall be sturdy and well hardened CJ ff Plants shall not be pruned or topped prior to delivery. Fach plant shall be handled and packed i11 the apnrovcd manner for that species or variety, and all necessary precautions shall be taken lo insure that the plants will arrive at the site of the Work in proper condition for successful growth. Trucks used for transporting plants shall be equipped w;th covers to protect plants from windburn. Plant5 shall be Individually tagged or t3gged in groups by species or variety. H. All plants shall comply with Federal and State laws requiring inspection for plant diseases and mfestat1~11s. Inspection certificates required by lo.w shall accompany each shipment of plants, and certificates shall he delivered to the Owner's Designated Representative I. The Contractor shall obtain clearance from the County Agricultural Com.rnissioner, as required hy la\v, before planting plants delivered from outside (he County in which they are to be planted. Evidence that such clearance has been obtained shall be filed with the Owner's Designated Representative_ I Root condition of plants in containers will be determined by 1·emoval of earth from the roots of not less than 2 plants of each species or variety nor rnorc than 2 percent of the total nurn.ber of plants from each species or vanety. 'T"he root condition will be inspected by thE" Ownerts Designated Representative prior to transportation to the planting area. K. The Contractor shall notify the Owner's Designated Representative when plants arc to be shipped to the project site Such notification shall he given not less than 14 days prior to the actual shipment date. L The container stock is available at Tree of Life Nursery, 33201 Ortega Highway, San Juan Capistrano, California 92693 Co1\tact: Elana Benge, phone oumber (949) 728 0685 Please refer to Sunny Creek Terraces Project and Glenn Lukos Associates when identifying this proJect with the nursery. VIL \Vatcr A Water shall be of such quality that it will promote germination of seeds and growth of plants. VII L Pesticides A. fl C D L F The C1mtracto• shall obtain recommendations for the use of all pesticides from a licensed Pest Control Adviser (PCA) in accordance with the requirements of the California Food and Agricultural Code, and these Speciflcatwns. P:sticidc recommendations shall include, hu! not be hilllcd to, the pesticides to be used, rates of app!1cat1on, methods ofapplicat1011, and areas to which pesticides ~ire to be applied The Owner's Designated Representative shall approve in writing the Pest Control Adviser's rec 0. 111 mend at ions. Pes_ticides shall be mixed 1n accordance with the instructions provided on the applicable registered labeL Prior_ lo mixing any pesncide, a copy of the registered label for the pesticide to be mixed shall be given to the Owner's Designated Representative, or when such copy 1s unavailable. the Owner's Designated Representative shall be pennitted to read the label on the container. Pesticides for weed control shall be ~ppliccl wtth a photosensitive dye which will produce a contrast,ng color when sprayed upon the ground. The c.olor shall disappear between 2 and 3 days after being applied. The dye shall not stain any surfaces nor inJure plant or animal life, \\'hen apphcd at the manufacturer's recommended application rate. Whc,·: eontrol_o_fnon-nativc vegetation is required and 1hc use orhe:rhic1des is necessary1 nnd there 1s a poss1bd1ty that the herbic.1des could come mto contact with water, the PCA shall employ only those herbicides, such as Rodeo7 (Glyphosate), which arc approved for aquatic use. If surfactants are required, they shall be restricted to non-ionic chemicals, such as Agri- Dex®, which are approved for" aquatic use EROSION CONTROL L Geuernl A. B C. Once tl1c Contractor receives the Notice to Proceed, they are responsible for all erosion control until final acceptance of all phases hy the City of Carlsbad and the: resource agencies. f'he Contractor is also responsible for erosion control during lhe maintenance period, Al the time_ofissuancc ofNot,cc lo Proceed, cc11ain erosion control measures may have been previously 111stallcd by the grad111g contractor or Ow11cr. It shall be the responsibility or Contractor to maintain/or repair these i:::rosion tcntrol measures until the completion of the maintenance period. The Con.tnactor 1s responsible to implement erosion control measures sufficient to protect "in progress" or "completed work" such that silt shall not exit project boundaries, silt shall not tl_ow onto native undkturbed area, and standing water conditions exit for no longer than forty- f'1ght (48) hours. These ,:,:rosion control measures shall be completed in accordance with the City of Carlsbad, Department of Public Wol'ks. Any adverse temporary drainage or erosion condition shall be acted on immediately by the Contractor_ Contractor is responsible for erosion control \complete) until project is finished and accepted ln its entirety. Failure to respond shall result in Owner action immediately at the Contractor's expense. D E_ Equipment and workers for emergency work shall be made available at all times during the rainy season. All necessary materials shall be stockpiled on site at convenient locat1ons to facilitate rapid construction of temporary devices when rain is imminent. The Contractor shall restore all erosion control devices to working order to the satisfaction of the City Engineer after each run-offproducmg rainfall_ The Contractor shall install additional erosion control measures as may be required by the City Engineer due to uncompleted operations or unforeseen circumstance:::. which may arise. All removable protective devices shall be in place at the end of each working day when the five (5) day rain probability forecast exceeds forty percent (40%). Silt and other debris shall be removed after each rainfall. All gravel bags shall be burlap type with 314-inch maximum <~ggregate. F. Prior to final inspection and acceptance of the work, the Contrnctor will be required to repair slopes to remove all ruts and rivulets that exceed four (4) inches in depth. Tile cost of all the \VOt'k designated in this section shall be included in the lump sun, price. STAGING AREA I. General A_ The Owner will provide to the Contractor approximately a half~acre site, an existing parking lot at horse stables, to be used as a staging area for office, parking, storage, etc. The Contractor is to fence the area completely and provide a locked gate. There shall be no $tOrage ofhaz~rdous mate'rials af any kind in the staging area_ Once the Contntctor no longer needs the staging area, 1t 1s to be cleaned and graded, if necessary, to restore the site to as near as possible, its original condition. SITE PREPARATION I. General II. III. IV. A. Prior to the cornmcncemcnt of any site preparation, all contractors who will complete some aspect of the plan will meet at the site with the Owner's Designated Representative who will review all aspects of the plan which concern the Contractor including site protection, mainlcrnmce inspections, landscape procedures, and monitoring. The Owner's Designated Representative will supervise all aspects of the Plan including install.at ion and mainten;.incc. B_ Finished grading and installation Jfthe irrigation mainline will be completed prior to any planting The irrigation system will be functioning properly prior to the installation of plant material. C Prior to plant installation, the Owner's Designated Representative will provide an addendum to _these Speciflcatio11.s indicating required amendments and/or soil treatments, if required per soil labfm.1.tory's rec◊mmendat1ons. Materials A_ Materials shall conform to the provisions 111 these Specifications_ Preparing Planting Areas A_ B. Preparation of planting areas shall include, but is not limited to, clearing, soil testing, preparing trench.es, amending soil, insrnllat101, of undc1ground irrigation components, and doing any other work necessary to make ready the area for planting as specified in these Plans and Specifications_ Clearing shall consist of removing trash and debris, and clearing and controlling weeds as specified in these Specifications. Loose rocks, larger than 2 2~inches in maxinwm dimension, and debris shall be removed and disposed off-site_ Exotic Vegetation Control A_ B. C D. E_ F. G_ J. K. Exotic plants shall be removed according to these Specifications_ Eradication of weeds shall be p_erfo1111ed by hand, by the use of pesticides, or by other methods approved by the Owner's Designated Representative Non-native vegetation that becomes established following grading and prior to planting will be removed by manual clearing or by the use ofan approved herbicide_ The Contractor will eradicate all undesired exotic plants prior to irrigation installation, planting, and seeding The Owner's Designated Representative will determine if, at any time, chemical control is to be utilized The type, quantity, and method of herbicide application will be detennined bv a Califort11a licensed Pesi Control Adviser (PCA) who will inspect the site and write projec 0 t r?commendat1ons and submit !,amc for npprovul to the Owner's Designated Representative. A licensed Pest Control Operator (PCO) may work under the supervision of the P(:A_ The Owner's Designated Representative will direct the PCA and Contractor regarding the selection of target weed species, their location, and the timing of weed control operations to ensure that native plants are avoided to the extent possible. No herbicides or pesticides shall be used on native vegetation or where Threatened or Endangered species occur. The Contractor shall coordinate with the Owner's Designated Representative to determine the presence of Threatened or Endangered species. The Contractor shall notify the Owner's Designated Reprcscntntivc at least 24 hours prior to each apphcat,on of pest1c1de and shal I i 11dicate the hours of application No application of pest1c1dcs shall be made on Saturdays, Sundays, or legal holidays, unless otherwise approved by Owner's specified representative. Pesticides shall not be applied when weather conditions, including wind conditions, are unsuitable for such v-.1ork Any new or existing plants which have been damaged by the applicatioli of the pesticides shall be replaced by the Contractor at his expense as determined by the Owner's Designated Representative. \Vhcnever possiblei invasive species shall be removed by himd rather than by chemical means. Non-native vegetation to be controlled lncludes, but is not limited to, Arundo, cocklebur, tree tobacco, castor bean, and giant cane. ~II exol1c plant matc,-ial wiH be removed oil-site in a legally acceptable 111anner by the Contractor lo a locat1011 which prevents its n.>cstablishme:nt. V. Soil Testing A_ After finish grading. soil samples shall be taken from a minimum of four locations to represent an adequate cross section of conditions as determined by the Owner's Designated Representative. B. Soil tests shall be perfonned by an approved soil testing laboratory such as Wallace Laboratories, 365 Coral Circle, El Segundo, CA 90245, telephone number (310) 61 5. o 1 I 6, contact Garn Wallace. The test shall indicate, but not be limited to the following: C D ]_ Organic matter content; N, P, K; pH; EC; soil texture Ci-e-, silt, clay, sand); recommendations for amendments. leaching, and maintenance fertilizations The results and recommendations of soil tests shall be incorporated into the plans prior to the start of construction and shall become part of the approved plans. A copy shall be provided to the City Inspector. Products spcci fled by product nmnc by the soil test mg laboratory in the reco1nrncndat1o11s may be substituted with equal products approved by the Owner's Designated Representative. VL Soil Amendments A. B- The addition ~fsoil amendments will be based on the results of the soil analysis and on the recommendation of the Owner's Designated Representative. The approved recommendations for amendments shall be incorporated into the Plans prior to the start of construction and shall become part of the approved Plans_ IRRIGATION SYSTEM I. General A. B_ C [)_ PLAl',TING lrrig_ation is to be used solely for the purpose of cstablishmg the plants at the mitigation s11c and 1s of~ temporary natur?. The irrigation main line shall be installed below ground. All other portions of the 1mgat1on system shall be installed above ground for ease of removal and inspection. The ahove ground portion of the irrigation system will be removed when so determ111ed by the Owner's Designated Representative. The C_ontractor is re.sponsible for applying sufficient irrigation to adequately establish plant matenals, and germ1~atc and establish the applied seed. It is the Contractor's responsibility to mamtam adequate sot! moisture for all plantings on the site The Contractor shall coordinate with the Owner or the Owner's Designated Representative concerning an irrigation schedule. Irrigation water application shall not promote nor create erosion_ I. General A B. C, D L Pbnti1_1g work shall consist of incorporating soil amendments, installing above ground 1rri~alton syst~m, preparing planting holes, planting container stock, instal!mg predsition devices, applying mulch, and hydrosccding with mycorrhizal moculum. No plantmg shall be done in any area until the area concerned has been prepared in accordance with these Specifications and presents a neat and unifonn appearance satisfactory to Owner'5 Designated Representative. All pbnting shat I take place between March I, 2000 and April 30, 2000 to take advantage of the winter rainy season. Planting before or alter this period requires authorization by Owner's Designated Representative Owner's Designated Representative will review the site preparation and rnust 1nd1cate approval to the Contractor before planting or seeding may commence. The Contractor must give Owner's Designated Representative at k:ast 72 hours notice before a site review Contractor shall give Owner's Designated Re1,rescntative a minimum of five (5) working days notice prior to the_ completion of planting operations. Owner's Designated Representative will review final location of all plant matrnals at the completion of installation. 11. Contract Growing Operations A The plant supplier shall harden•off all plant materials in full sun and out from under mi sling system~ at le~st two weeks prior to planting. The Contractor is responsible for notifying O,,,nt:r s Designated Representative and the plant supplier of the proposed date of installation to ensure proper hardening-off or plants. B. The grower shall ship plant materials as directed by the Contractor upon one week advance notice_. The Contractor shall provide the grower with a delivery schedule for all plant materials. The Contractor 1s responsible for arranging and financing all deliveries of plant materials. IIL Planting of Container Stock A B. C_on~ainer stock ~ill be laid out in a natural configuration, mimicking native plant d1stnbut1on, withm planting areas. Pnor to plant installation, individual plant locations in the field wdl be flagged with 21-inch pin flags by the Owner's Designated Representative_ The flags w1H be color_eoded as to species. A list of plant species with their appropriate color code, will b~ provided to_the Contractor prior to plant installation. The Owner's Designated Represcnta11ve shall furnish all labor, materials, and transportation required to adequately md1cate the various plant locations. Planting holes may be excavated by hand digging or by drilling. Water shall not be used for the excavation of planting holes. Avoid creating smooth, vertical walls in the planting hole. C D_ E_ F G 1-1 I J_ Planting holes shall be large enough to receive the root ball, backfill, arnendments and fertilizer if required_ Where rock or other hard material prohibits holes from being excavated to the depth specified, new holes shall be excavated and the abandoned holes shall be filled with the excavated material_ Planting done in soil that 1s too wet or too dry or not properly conditioned, as provided in these Specifications, or in a condition not generally accepted as satisfactory for planting will not be accepted. No more plants shall be distributed in a plnnting area than can be planted and watered on that day. Trees and shrubs to be planted in areas to be seeded shall be planted before seed is applied Plants shall be set in the backfill material in nat bottomed holes, to such a depth that, after the backfill has settled, the so,l shall be even with the top of the root b11ll as shown on the Plans. If the_ backfill material settles below the top of the root ball after planting and watering, add11.tonal soil shall be added to bring the backfill even with the top of the root ball as shown on the Plans. With _the palm of the hand covering the open end, upend the plant container Carefully tap the container so the plant rests upside down on the hand leaving the rootball completely mtact. Examine the plant for a healthy root system_ If there are signs of girdli11g, scarify the root ball Before placing the container plant on the backfill, work the soil around the roots so that they are not compressed into a tight mass. but are spread and suppol1ed by the soil beneath them_ Set rootba!I atop backfill so the root crown is one-inch above finished grade K. Plants shall be removed from their containers in such a manner that the hall of earth surrounding the roots is not broken_ Plants shall be planted a11d watered as here111aftcr specified immediately after removal from their containers. Plant containers shall not be cut prior to delivery of the plants to the planting area. L-fill remaining po1iion of planting hole with backfill_ Be sure the crown is still slightly above grade_ M. Construct a three inch (3") high, hand-compacted earth berm, approximately 36 inches (36") in diameter, for a watering ha.sin_ N. Wrap a precut, appi-oximately 30-inch x 36-inch, piece of galvanized chicken wire to form a wire protective screening cage around blue elderberry (Samburns mexicana) and giant wild rye (leymus condensalus)_ The diameter of the protective cage shall be a minimum of 14 inches. Insert two steel stakes or__r~b~r through the wire to secure in pl~cc, 0. Apply 3 to 4 inches of mulch as top dressing within the entire irrigation basin. Mulch shall be of the size and type as specified in these Spec1 fications. Mulch shall not be placed directly against the main stem of the plant_ IV. Watering A. B All plants and seeds shall be hand watered immediately after planting Water shall be applied unl1 I the backfill soil around and below the roots or ball of earth around the roots of each plant is thoroughly saturated. Where water is applied with a hose, a water disbursement device or pressure reducing device approved by Owner's Designated Representative shall be used. Under no circumstances shall the full force of the water from the open end of a hose be allowed to fall within the basin around any plant Water shall be applied to plants ,is often and 1n sufficient amount as conditions may require to keep the plants in a healthy, growing condition during the life of the Contract HYDR:OSEEDING WITH MYCORRHIZAL INOCULUM I. General H C D. ' ;p The Contractor shall subcontract with a licensed hydroseed installer (hereinafter referred to as the Subcontractor) for hydroseed operations. The Contractor shall ensure that the Sub~ont1:aclor \Vil I apply _seeds, compost, mycorrhi1.al 11wculu1ri, and stahilizing compound conforming to the following !'cquircmc:nls_ Seed and other add1t.1ves shall be uniformly applied to those planl111g areas as specified in the Plans and Spec, fl cations- Hydroseeding will proceed after the Owner's Designated Repr.:sentativc has cc1iified that the hydrosecd site preparation work has been completed_ The Contractor will coordinate installation of the Irrigation System and the container plant stock with the Subcontractor to ensure that no damage will occur during hydrosccding of the site Planting areas will be hydroseeded afler the installation of irrigation components and conta111er stock as specified m the Plans and Specifications. The Owner's Designated Representative will be on-site during hydrosccding operations anrl will rel,'~Y any concerns regarding proper· performance olthe Specification directly and 1mmed1ately to the Contractor, verbally and in writing_ II. Compost for Hydroseeding A. ll Compost shall be derived from green materials (chipped, shredded or ground vegetation or clean processed recycled wood products), straw, peat moss, and livestock manure, as required by US EPA, 40 CFR, pal1 503c regulations, or a combination of green material and exceptional quality biosolids compost. The compost shall be processed or completed to reduce weed seeds, pathogens, and deleterious material and shall not contain paint, petroleum products, herbicides, fungicides, or other chemical residues that would be harmful to plant or animal life. t--_---t ... -_-_-_---t_;_-_-_-_-_-_-_--:_-_-_-_-_=_-_-____ =--=----======t===±===i===j::=:jl := =::::::c_l :c=C;::;IT=:X=A=NS=,F=NG=£=¾=AR=R'=~=E=~=TA;::;D=:--'=S;::;H=:tt=T~S ~---•-----,-----,-+---------·------------+---+---+----·+----<I MITIGATION Pl.AN-·foR l-------i--------t-----------------+---+------1-----1-----l THE TERRACES AT SUNNY CREEK SPJ;CIFICATIONS l----+-·--·--t-----------------+--+-------1------l------l APPROVED ~ -·----t---t--,,-//<,-------------------j~--+--+---+------1 .d.c.<'.]""""'N~ f------ao::-,aon:c-1-,::::N:;, "c:.c-,+'""-'---------------------1-D-.-T(-1-,-N-ITI_A_L -l--------1-,-__J OVJN ' BY: ,.,~, .. , __ _ DATE INI A.L CHKD SY: ,·-~······- OTHl:R APP"'JVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWQ 8Y; EN(;.JN£(R O!C" WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION -· . . [cf95No2 C r· F A rninimum intem.:1. ,..:mperature Qf 135°F shall be ma111tained for at lea..s;t 15 continuous days Juring the compostmg process. The compost shall be: thoroughly tumed a minimum of five times dunng the comr-' .... "t1ng process and shall go through a minimum 90 day curing period afier the 15 day thermophilic compost process has been completed. Compost shall be screened through a minimum 1/4-inch screen. The moisture content of the compost shall not exceed 25 percent. Moisture:: content shall be determined by California Test 226. Compost products with a higher moisture content may be used pro·::dcd the weight of the compost is increased to equal compost with a maximum moisture content of25 oercent. One Earth Compost \Or cq11ivalent) may be purchased from Albright Seed Company, 487 Dawson Drive, Bay 5S, Camarillo, California, 93012. Contact Paul Albright, telephone (805) 484.0551. email <paul@albnghtsced.com> Application A. The materials and quantities thereof to be mixed with wHter, shall conform to the followmg: I A minimum of l gallon µer acre ofrnycorrhizal inoculum, or approximately 10 pounds per acre, shall be 1111xed and ;:ippl1ecl ·vith lhc seed_ 2 A minin:1un1 of 45 cubic feet per aci-c of compost mixed with 500 pounds or paper or wood fiber applied in the second application of the hydrosecding operation Or mix in the tank with the required quantity of water the ratio of four cubic feet compost to one 50-poum! bale of paper or wood fiber (equivalent to 1,500 lbs per acre compost) B. The quantity of water shall be as needed for application, except that when stabilizing emulsion is specified, the ratio of total water to total stabilizing emulsion in the mixture shall be as recommended by the manufacturer of the emulsion. C. Mixing oi'matcnals for application with hydrosccding equipment shall be perfonned in a tank with a built-in continuous agitation system of sufficient operating capacity to produce a hnmogenous mixture and a discharge system which will apply the mixture at a continuous and uniform rate. The tank shall have a minimum capacity Qf 1,000 gallons. The Owner's De.signaled Representative may authorize use ofcquiprncnt of smaller capacity ifit is demonstrate-d such equiprncnt is capable of perfonrnng all operations satisfactorily, D. A dispensmg agent may be added to the mixture provided the Contractor furnishes evidence that the additive is not ham1fuL Any 1naterial considered harmful, as determined by the Owner's Designated Representative, shaH not be used. E. Any mixture containing stabilizing emulsion shall not be applied during rainy weather or when soil temperatures are below 40 ° F. Pedestrians or equipment shall not be permiHcd to enter areas where mixtures containing stabilizing emulsion have been applied. SITE CLEANtlP I. General A. Once initial planting is completed, the Contractor will remove from the mitigation site all trash, plant containers, and excess soi I. Contractor shall repair all scars and ruts caused by \.vork operations. The area shall be left ma neat and orderly manner. POST-INSTALLATION MAINTENANCE PERIOD L General IL A. fl D E G, Unless stipulated otherwise by Owner, ,he Post-Installation Maintenance Period shall be for I 20 days after written noti fl cation of accc~\ance of the installation by the Designated Rcprcsenrntivc of Owner. C:ontractc)r shall provide all labor, material::; itnd equipment to perforrn work during the Post- I11.5tal!atio11 Maintenance Period, as specified :"J.erein, including but not limited to, adequate watering of plant material, replacing unsu:tabk plant materials, and controlling weeds, insect infestations 111d other pests. !'"he Owner's Designated Representative \vi\l mu ,,1it!l 1nai11L::nancc personnel 111 order to ,dentify proper malntenancc proccdure:s All nm,:·.,cnancc personnel will be supervised by a · ·-1fessional with experience and knowledge 111 nat:ve plant habitat creation/enhancement . ',ii nt~~:-a ·ice Contractor shall maintain the project on a continuous oasis from the first day after the planting 1s complete, until the acceptance of the Work. Costs incurred due to damage or replacemc:'lt during "·;(.; Post-Installation Maintenance Period, shal I be the re<.. ,.,.,,nsibi l 1 ty of the Contractor fhc Posl-ln:)~,u,,· . .iion Maintenance Period may be extcnucJ by Owner if the project is . ::1properly mamtained, appreciable replacement is required, or other corrective work becomes 1 iccessary. Contrnctor shall ·equest an inspection within the las1 uvc (5) working days of the Post- Installation Mamtcnancc Period for acceptance of the Work performed in accordance with the Contract Documents. The request shall be made to Owner's Designated Representative a minimum of five (5) working days prior to the date of the inspection. The Contractor shall be notified of satisfactory completion of the Post-lns1allation Maintenance Period in wnting by Owner's Designated Rcprcscntali ve, A. T1.c following tasks to be performed by the Contractor as General MJ1ntcnancc duties include, but arc not limited to: I. 2. 3 4 5 (, Plant inspection J;;--igation water volume and frequency Trash and debris removal V./ ced control Pest ( ;rol Plan lacement B. C. D E F (j H The Contractor and Owner's Designated Representative will inspect the plants within the rcvcgetation areas weekly for the first month, and every other week for the next two months I. The Owner's Designated Representative shall prepare a written memorandum after each monitoring site visit list.ing problems and recommended remedial measures. This memorandum shall be sent to the Contractor for implementation. 2. All plants shall be maintained in their natural shapes. No prunmg is necessary or desirable All dead wood must remain on the plant or where it has fallen. 3. All basins around plants shall be maintained at constructed depths during the Post• Installation Maintenance Period, unless otherwise directed by Owner's Designated Representative. The mulch within each container planting basin shall be maintained at no less than three inches (3") unless otherwise authorized by Owner's Designated Representative. 4. Staking of trees is to be avoided unless determined necessary by the O\vncr's Dcsign:-itcd Representative. The Contractor is responsible for supplying sufftc1cnt irngation to adequately establish new plant materials, and gen111natc and establish the applied seed. I. Any erosion or slippage of soi I caused by the Contractor's inadequate maintenance or operation of 1mgatior1 facilities, as determined by the Owner's Designated Representative, shall be repaired by the Contractor at his expense. All ntcas oi'the restoration site shall be kept clean and free of weeds, lillcr, and debris during the PosJ,lnstallation period. Contractor is responsible for avoiding impacts to plantings during trash reinoval activiLies. Conlractor shall notiry Owner's Designated Representative regarding vandalism or dumping of trash immediately upon detection by Contractor. I. Inorganic dehris will be removed during routine maintenance visits Weed debris shall be removed from the project area and disposed of as permitted by law. 2. Dead limbs and tree fall shall be iefi in place in the revegetation areas. Weed eradication will occur bi-weekly to minimiz.e competition that could prevent the cstablish1nent of native species. Maintenance personnel will be trained to distinguish weed species from native ve:ge:tation. I. During the Post-Installation Mai11tenance Period, weeds shall be manually removed before they can attain a height of two inches (2"). Herbicides shall not be used during this period unless approved by Owner's Designated Representative. Contractor is responsible for monitoring trees a11d shrubs for signs of disease and/or insect famagc and treating as necessary, The Owner's Designated Representative will be consulted _,n any pest control measure to be implemented. /\II plants tcnninally diseased or dead, as determined by the Ow11er's Designated Repr~scnlative, will be replaced hy the Contractor within two weeks for 120 days after initial ;>lanting. The replacement plants will be of the same species, spacing and size as spec1ftcd for ,olants being replaced. Seeded areas showing less than 30 percent surface coverage rate at 120 days, as determined by Owner's Designated Representative, and showing no signs of vandalism or erosion, will be reseeded hy the Contractor at the Contractor's expense. Such reseeding shall be performed by hand broadcasting unless failure exceeds greater than 25 percent of the project site, in which case repealed hand broadcasting of seed may be required as detennincd by Owner's Designated Representative. GENERAL MAINTENANCE PERIOD L General 13 C D E . F. G H. J. K Unless stipulated otherwise by Owner's Designated Representative, the General Maintenance Period shall be for five (5) years, commencing from the time of written acceptance by the Designated Representative of Owner's Designated Representative followrng the Post- Installation Period Maintenance inspection. At the end olthc Gcncrnl ~faintcnancc Period, the Contractor shall provide written notice to the Owner ancl Owner's Designated Representative that he has completed the required maintenance and that any fmiher maintenance will he the: rc5ponsibility of Owner_ Contractor shall provide all labor, matenals and equipmenl lo perform all required work dunng the General Tvla1ntenance Period, as specified herc:in_ The O\\,mcr's Designated Representative will meet wtth maintenance perso1111el in order to identify proper mamtenance procedures. All maintenance personnel will be supervised by a professional with experience and knowledge in native plant habitat creation/enhancement maintenance The Contractor shall maintain the project 011 a continuous basis from the first day until ltnal acceptance of the Work by Owner's Desig11ated Representative. Any day the Contractor fails to adequately water or perfonn work detem1ined lo be necessary by Owner's Designated Representative will not be credited as a part of the General Maintenance Period. The Contractor will not be held liable for death or damage to plant matenal due to vandalism, floods, fires, or other damage beyond the Contractor's control. During the General Ylaintenancc Period, any plants indicating weakness or probability of dying due to Contractor negligence shall be teplaced by the Contractot' at his own expense. The Contractor will not be held liable for death or damage to plant material due to vandalism, floods, fire, or other damage beyond the Contractor's control. The Contractor shall be available within 0vc (5) working days of request by Owner's Designated Representative for rc:planting, irrigation system adjustments or rep.airs, or any other maintenanc~ activity work determined to be necessary by Owner's Designated Representative. Contractor shall request an inspection within the last 20 working days of the General Maintenance Period for acceptance of the Work perforn1ed in accordance with the Contract Documents. The request shall be made to Owner's Designated Representative a minimum of five (5) working days prior to the date of the inspection. The Contractor shall be notified in writing of satisfactory completion of the General Maintenance Penod by Owner. All plants must survive and grow for at least two years without supplemental water for the restoration phase of the project for acceptance by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. IL _Revegetation Areas A. The following tasks to be pcrfom1ed by the Contractor as general maintenance duties include, but are not limited to the following. I. Plant inspection 2. Irrigation water volume and frequency 3, Trash and debris removal 4 Weed ccmtrol 5. Pest contro I 6. Plant rep iacement B, The Contractor and Owner's Designated Representative will inspect the plants monthly through the I 8th month after initial planting. Thereafter, the plants shall be inspected on a quarterly basis. C D. E. F. 2 The Owner's Designated Representative shall prepare a written memorandum after each morntoring site visit listing problems and recommended remedial measures. This mcmorandun1 shall be sent to lhe Contraclor for implementation. All plants shall be maintained in their natural shapes. No pruning is necessary or desirable. All dead wood must remain on the plant or where it has fallen. 3. All basins around plants shall be maintained at constructed depths during the General Maintenance Period, unless otherwise directed by Owner's Designated Representative. The mulch within each container planting basin shall be maintained at no less than three inches (3") unless otherwise authorized by Owner's Designated Representative. 4, Staking of trees is to be avoided unless determined necessary by the Owner's Designated Represcntati vc. The Contractor is responsible for supplying sufficirnt irrigation to adequately establish new plant materials, and germmate and establish the applied seed I. Irrigation shall be provided for a period of at least two years from planting. 2 Irrigation shall be phased out during the fall/winter of the second year unless unusually severe conditions threaten sur ... '1\1a] of plantings, as determined hy the Owner's Designated Representative. All areas of the restoration site shall be kept clean and free of weeds, litter, and debris dunng the Post-Installation period Contractor is responsible for avoiding impacts to plantings during trash removal activities_ Contractor shall notify Owner's Desig11atcd Representative regarding vandalism or dumping of trash immediately upon detection by Contractor. L 1I1organic debris will be removed during routine maintenance visits. Weed debris shall be removed from the project area and disposed of as permitted by law. 2. Dead wood shall be Id\ on trees or where it has fallen in place 1n the revegctation areas_ Weed eradication shall occur at least four times durir,g the spring/summer season, and at a lesser rate thereafter as determined by the Owner's Designated Representative. Maintenance personnel will he trained to distinguish weed species from native vegetation. I, Weedy species occuJTing on site include, but are not limited to castor bean, eucalypt.L1s, tree tobacco, sweet fennel, cocklebur and giant cane 2. During the General Maintenance Period weeds shall be manually removed before they can attain a height of two inches (2"). Contractor is responsible for monitoring trees and shrubs for signs of disease and/or insect damage and treating as necessary. The Owner's Designated Representative will be consulted on any pest control measure to be implemented. Al! plants tcnnin;.1lly diseased or dead, as dctcnnincd by the Owner's Designated Representative, will be replaced by the Contractor. The replacement plants will he oftht same species, spacing and siz:c as specified for plants being replaced. I. Any replacement tree or shrub stock shall be obtained from Tree of Life Nursery. 2 Any replacement planting which is required shall be done following the first wetting rains during the period from October I and March I as deten11incd by the Owner's Designated Representative. 3. Any reseeding necessary to improve sparsely cover areas will be conducted following the sarnc procedures described in these Specifications. PLA.l\'T.REPLACEMENT A. Plants that. show signs of failure to grow at any time, or which are so inJured or damaged as to render them unsuitable for the purpose intended, as determined by Owner's Designated Representative, shall be removed and replaced. Unless otherwise permitted by Owner's Designated Representative, the Contractor shall complete replacement of unsuitable plants within 2 weeks after Owner's Designated Representative marks or otherwise indicates that such plants shall be replaced for 120 days after installation. Plants, thereafter will be replaced by the Contractor on an annual basis as determined by the Owner's Designated Representative after the annual mo111 taring of the mitigation si tc. B. Replacement planting shall conforn1 to the species, spacing and size requirements specified for the plants being replaced and shall be purchased from Tree of Life Nursery. C. Replacement plants shall be furnished and planted by the Contractor at his expense D. E. The Contractor will not be held liable for death or damage to plant material due to vandalism, floods, fire, or other damage beyond the Contractor's control. A 11 container stock plantings shall have a minimum of 80 percent survival the first year and I 00 percent survival thereafter and/or shall attain 75 percent cover after three yearS and 90 percent cover after five years for the life of the project. LIMITATIONS ON REPLACEMENTS L One-Time Replacement of Damaged or Destroyed Plant Materials A. The I 74 acre project site is subject to flooding and inundation. Flood, fire and other calastrophic events arc: beyond the control or the O-v.1ncr. Appropriate limitations are therefore placed <.1n the requirement to replace plantings that are i1Teparably damaged or destroyed due to such catastrophic events. The Owner shall be responsible for a one-time replacement of plant materials irreparably damaged or destroyed by catastrophic events clearly beyond the project sponsor's comrol and sub.1ect to the following stipulations: 2. The irreparable damage or destruction occurs within 18 months follo""'ing completion of the initial planting; and More than 60-perccnt of the total acreage of plantings at the mitigation site is ineparably damaged or destroyed. C The Owner shall not be responsible for replacement of plant111gs if L The catastrophic event occurs more than 18 months following the initial planting, or 2. lf60,percent or less of the total acreage oiplantu,gs at the site is irreparably damaged or destroyed D Further, if a catastrophic event occurs that affects GO-percent or less of the acreage al the mitigation site, or occurs more than 18 months after the mitial planting, the performance standards for cover shall no longer apply to the areas damaged or destroyed by the catastrnphic event. REVIEWS L General A. Reviews specified herein shall be made by Owner's Designated Representative. The . Contractor shall request Reviews in advance of the time that Review 1s required as specified herein. Required Revfows A. Reviews by Owner's Designated Representative shall be required at the following rnmplclion stages of the Work: 1. At the completion of site pre:paration operations Owner's Designated Representative shall rcv1C\V the Work. 2 Acceptance and written approval shall commence the beginning date for the Post- lnstal lation Maintenance Period . 3. Owner's Designated Representative shall review the site at the completion of Post- Installation Maintenance Penod Acceptance and written approval shall commence the beginning date for the General Maintenance Period. 4, Final review shall take place at the completion of the General Maintenance Pcnod. !-----+-----+---------------·-··----+---+-----;---,-----, THE TERRACES AT SUNNY CREEK ~----+--•---+--------------------.. -,~---+-----+-----+-----< ' ' .. ' ~ ...__ 31 3/ .... __________ ---------------=----------- PRESSURE LOSS CALCULATION 6YS1EH NO, M-2 6Y&1EH GFM, 25.9 STATk, I ; ;eu.i;, ns <• Ir.I.) l'E1El'il ELEVATiai, 84 LA~SYSTS"l& FIFE FIFE 'C' 5ECTION FACTO!< I N 2 l5e 3 N -4 151P !; l5e ' if) FIFE TTFE • A TOTAL LA1a!AL SYSTB1 L06E MISCS.l.ANEW! Loe6ES WA'IERl'ETE!il ~ l"l'IMNIER I,' NO.I a= 2 PIPE PIPE ACCUM. SIZE LE~TH (;f'M 314 "' 3.1 I "' 1,4 1-112 "' RJ 1-112 "' 14B 1-112 "' .s 2 "' 2!;.9 MAN.I'£ FIFE TYFE FIFE SIZE FIFE LE~HT 6PM ==== ~==== RTTN:il& 6A'IEVAI.E 8CII -46 6111.. 2' l2ilN'I 25.9 Q. Hi 2' l2ilN'I 25.9 COIIR:ll. VAL\/E I' IEAD Loe& TO fllC:il&T IEAD a TOTAL MISC. L066E& c;. TOTAL SYSlE'I Ul!eE& P. PESllrt-l CIFER411NG PIIESUE E ~ l<El:UIIED AT PD.C. EXa56 IPB'ICTTJ ~ --~==~ llllll PFIE5FAJIE lilE't.ilJLATOR 9ET AT 15 1"61 ~ IPS'ICIIJ I ! CSME PSI L055 8.43 lf')_,0 •• 0.14 112-4 lf'):J.lf') lb 5 I'll/ L055 61) ,. OJ 1'£GLIGISLE 41) If') 10 " 40 0 20 ·--~--I I " GRAPHIC SCALE 40 80 ( IN FEET ) 1" /40 ft ........ A..OODLINE --~==---.. -.. ---------- 172 171 IRRIGATION LEGEND IRRIGATION !-lEAD5 760 I .............. ............ -.. ----- 170 169 SrMBOL MAKE MODEL FGS-ADY RS0-3hV P6P-ADV NOZZLE ; FSI GA"! R ARC DETAIL DESCRIPTION C!) (l) CT) 1-R.NlER ± OTHEF<? EQUIPMENT SYMBOL MAKE E::::::.il MTROL E:::!I ~IN6R:l C FEl'lCO WILKENS 0 RAIN61~ @ RAIN61RD M Kel -- -' -4tl 18 :If> ADJ M-9 8 -4tl 3.1 :If> 31,e, ..J,.. ; 4tJ 1.8 :If> ADJ F,t-9 MOD~_b SIZE DESCRIPTION MC FLUS 16 STA. 60XHOlNTco.l1ROI.LER RAINCI-IECK AUT"1ATIC RAIN 51-UT CfF 825Y 1-1/2' 6ACKFI.OIII ~R !il0Y 1-1/2' Fli£5UFiiE REGULATE!i! FE6-PR5-6 FER KEY ca.nm. VAL.Ill: 440NF 611.J 5ERIE6 a. 31!:> (X~ STATICN N.t1l£R _j}-VAL \IE KEY" \__ X J::-VAi. \iE SIZE -----~-VAL.YE GFM I' LINE 51ZE 2' GIJICX ca.f'lEli! VAi. \iE 'TIU LNla-i' 6Al.L VAL \IE Pill: FRESSIR HAIN.INE RISERSF'RAY ..J,.. POP-IP Sf'RAY DETAIL/SHEET A/l.-9 6,t-9 C/L-9 DA.-9 E,t.-5' ..._ ---------- S0-140 FERA.AN Pill: LATERAL LAlERAl.6 TO 13E LAID '1>i GRADE M,11) 5TAKED S0-140 l/2'a-lL y PYC LATER<\I. 50-IW ......... --.....___ ·---..,,,,,,....,. ' y ---------- ---------- E 2X LINE 2' PYC !ll.EE\/1: ] pye ELECTRICAL 6LEEYE · 6lfEYE6 TO l3E 3h N. DEEP l3ENEA rn ROAD Cfi!0561t«'i NOTE: !ll.EEEYE DEPlll6 FER 5FECFICATl'1>i NGIE, EXTEND ALL el.EE\IE5 r1' e.EYOID EDGE ClF PA~ SEE IRRIGATION NOTES AND DETAILS THIS IS A POTABLE WATER SYSTEM -- DAr[ INlrlAL CNGIN((R or WORK 0 IRRIGATION PLAN W FT. NORT~ 5CALE DATE INITIAL OATF ' ' \ \ \ -\ f ·I ' I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ;l ! ' . ' ; ' -i ' } i ; I I "1 \ . . I ::J o;,--. __J ' :r: t-o ttl I I-J5 <Cw ~~ APPFOVED FOR PI.ANTlt'-G AND IRRGA TIQ\J ONLY, lf\CLUDING PREOSE LOCATrn o= PLANTING AFEAS. ... Steven M Ahles LAND5CAFE ARCI-IITECT P.O. Box &82 Cardiff, California 92007 L-8 "AS BUILT" DATE TITLE REVIEWED BY. INSPECTOR DATE w crTrLA~lrG D~P1~1~TBAD ~ INI IIAI MITIGATION PLAN FOR: THE TERRACES AT SUNNY CREEK CT 96-02 APPROVED . 71/Jf 4./ ASSISTANT PLANNING QIR[CTOR RF.VTSJON DESCRIPTJON orHFR APPROVAL c1rY APl'ROVAL DWN BY, [ . PROJECT NO CHKD BY: --CT 96-02 RV'MJ BY; [ DRAWING NO 361-6M 1/ I I I I I I ;114 JJ I I ' ,_ " X :::r: w ow, I I-J5 <:( w \ ~m ~ POINT OF CONNECTtON TIE INTO PRIVATE LINE _ 6EE Sfa:T L-1 FOR CM11.P METER LOCATION AND IDENTIFICATION O 0 ir-------.-L CONTROLLER ELECTRICAL P.O.C. BY OUNER 0 0 ,--PRIVATE WATER LINE :" APffiDXIMATE LOCATI~ -~ '(•>. 5EE 5I-IEET L -I FOR 5ERVICE AND 11: I ER fN'9,!-MATIOO _, 40 ---. _ FIELD ADJJ5T MANLINE LOCATIOO \ P5 NECES5ARr TO AVOID IMPACT TO mEE ~ \ \ \ \·,~~ ~: \ \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ " \ \ ...... ' ' ...... "" ..._ ' ' ' ' ...... '-..._ ..... ..._ .......... \ \ ' ' ' ...... ' ...... ...... ' ' ------ G 20 ' ' ' ' ' ·----- .... GRAPHIC SCALE ' 40 ' ( IN n:r:T ) l" = 40 fl. I / /, ' ' ' ' ' -' -' _, -, 150 --' -, / ' / ,_ .... .... -:--/ ' / ' / ' / V I I I I. DATE INIIIAI ENGINEER OF WORK IRRIGATION NOTES I. ALL IFi!R!GiATION i-lEADS, VALVES, ETC. ARE Dlii?AUN DIAGRAMMATIC: ALL y:1 lt-:RICiATION CONTRACTOR &1-!ALL ADJUST TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE COVERAGE AS fii!:QUIFi?ED DUE TO MINOFil SITE DRAWING DISCREPANCIES. 2. IRRIGIATION PLAN 15 DIAGiRAMMATIC:1 LOCATE ALL lt-:RIGATION LINES, EQUIFMENT AND AFFURT'ENANCES WITHIN I F<x.)I Erffi' LINES AND OJTSIDE Cf PU61..IC: RIGMT Cf WAY. 3. CONTRACTOR 51-!ALL OOAF1ANTEE TWE ENTIRE SYSTEM TO 6E l"Fi!EE Cf' DEFECTS IN WOi;a(MAN&l-!IP AND MATERIALS FOR A PERIOD C1f, ONE YEAA FROM FINAL ACCEPT ANGE. 4. CONTRACTOR e!-IALL VERIFY WATER FRESSIJRE AT P.O.C PRIOR TO eEGINJIIING 1.UORKt NOTIFY LANDSCAPE Afi:Cl-!ITECT IMMEDIATELY Cf ANY DISCM:P ANCIES. !:i. CONTRACTOR'S POINT Cf CONNECTION 51-!ALL 6E DOIINSTREAM a= WATER METER PIPE BETIUEEN METER AND 6ACK FLOW FREVENTER e!-IALL 6E 5CI-EDULE K I-IARD COPPER &. ELECTRICAL P.O.C. &1-!ALL 6E SPLICE TO 111Zl V Fa.lER PROVIDED 6Y OUN:R ADJACENT TO CONTROLLER LOCATION. 1. FRE661.lfi£ MAINLINES &1-!ALL BE INST Al.LED EIGI-ITEEN <18') INCI-IES DEEP AND LATERALS PLACED ON GRADE AND STAKED WITI-I Fi!EBAR 4 FT. o.c. 8. CONTRACTOFc 51-iALL INST ALL TI-IRJST BLOCK5 <I CUBIC FOOT a= CONCRETE> AT EACI-I CI-IANG:E IN DIRECTION a' F'RE55UF!E MAINLINE. ~ FRESSIJIQE TEST MAINLINE FOfii 24 1-lOURS AT 12!:i P.5J. I-IAYE INSPECTED AND AF'F'ROVED BY LAND. Afi:Ci-1. i CITY INSPECTOR FRIOR TO 6ACKFILL. lfD. AUTa-lATIC: VALVES Afii!: TO BE IN PLASTIC: VALVE BOXES WITI-I ONE CU61C FOOT OF PEA GRAVEl LNDER EACI-I VALVE. II. CONTRACTOR &1-!ALL PROVIDE EXTRA Wllii!: TO FURrWEST VAL YE IN EACJ-1 VALYE CLUSTER 12. c.oNTJiW:TOR 51-iALL PROVIDE BALL VALVE IN PLASTIC: OOX TO SEPARATE VALVE C:LUSTEfiii! FFi?OM MAINLINE. 13. LOCATE VAL YE OOXES, ETC. IN 5l-lfaJB PLANTING AREAS Wi-lE!ii!: PO&SIISLE. 14. PLACE QUICK COJPLERS NEAR VALVES AND SEPAAATE l'J<Dl1 MAINL 1NE WITI-I 6ALL Y AL VE. IS. CONTRAGTOR 51-!ALL PROVIDE LINE SIZE CWECK VAL.YE PEFii! FLAN AND AS !EQUIF!ED TO FFlEVENT LOW I-IEAD DRAINAGE. 16. LOCATE I-IEADS 3' MIN. FRQ1 C:Uli!6& AND WALK! AND 6' MIN. f'Fi'a'1 BUILDINGS AND WALLS. 11. FLUSI-I ALL PIPE PRIOR TO INSTALLING i-lEADS. 18. CONTRACTOFi! &1-!ALL ADJUST i-lEADS TO FROVIDE EYEN COVERAcie AND AVOID TI-IROWING WATER ON BUILDINGS, WALLS AND PAVEMENT . l':l. 06TAIN AN lt-:RIGIATION COYERAcie APPROVAL l'J<Dl1 LANDSCAPE ARCI-IITECT FRIC/fiii! TO PLANTING. CONTACT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND CITY IN6PEC:TOR AT LEAST 24 1-lOURS IN ADVANCE OF INSFECTION. 211'). RISERS TO BE GRAY SCI-I. 81Z1 P.V.C. NO II.I-UTE PVC• &I-IRJ6 fiii!ISERS TO 6E 18' ABOVE FINISI-I c;.RADE, BUBBLE!e 6'. 21. AT 3t/ AND A4AIN AT ':ltl') DAYS AFTER COMPLETION Cf PLANTING, CONTRACTC/fiii! 51-!ALL ADJUST CClNTROLLER ~5 TO WATEfiii! AT A HOPE CONSERVATIYE RATE. 22. OUNER 51-!ALL AGAIN ADJUST WATERING RATE DOUN ONE YEAR fRCll I COMPLETION DATE. 23. lt-:RIGIATION CONTRACTOR 51-!ALL MAINTAIN TI-E SYSTEM FOR A PERIOD OF NINETY (';ltl')) DAYS OR LNTIL FINAL PLANTING ACCEPTANCE (WI-IICI-IEVER 15 ""1.1:ATER> AND WATEfiii! AS fiii!EQUlfiii!ED . Steven M Ahles LANDSCAF'E AF<Q-IITECT P.O. Box 682 Cardiff, California 92007 PfOJl:.CI MJ• 1 AFR /Zl0 (Z)(Z)t,?)'3 THIS IS A TEMPORARY IRRIGATION SYSTEM (EXPECTED LIFE 3 YEARS) UTILIZING POTABLE WATER. MAINLINES SHALL BE BURIED, LATERAL LINES PLACE ON GRADE IRRIGATION PLAN 40 WFT. NORT~ OAT[ INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHFR ArrROVAL L-9 AAJFOVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRGA TION a-.JL Y, INCLUDI~ PFECISE LOCATON OF Pl.ANTI~ AREAS. "AS BUILT" TITLE REVIEWED BY DATE INl3PECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD I SHios I ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT ::==:::...:::::====---====-===:::::; MITIGATION PLAN FOR. THE TERRACES AT SUNNY CREEK CT 96-02 --+-------1 APPR--0----=v-c=o-==::22-===y;==::::::0-=--'2 l-dz> · 1 ASSISTANT p~· DIRl:.CIOR . DWN BY· ]~I =~P==Ro=J==Ec==T=N=o=~1 ~o==RA=w==1N==c=N~o D~Tc INIIIAI Ci TY APPROVAL CHKD llY· CT 96-02 361-6M RVWD BY NalE, llll5 15 A FOT AllLE 5YS113'1· i;ECYCLW 5FECIFICATla-lS DO HOT ,lft'L Y IRRIGATIGN SYSml f'ARII-~ II DE!!CRIPTIGN A Wl<K W.UOED, IRRl:,ATll)I SYSTEM 5HalN 1)1 DRAlllt<,5 AND !if'ECIFED fa!fll ca-ruTE IN Fl.ACE, 1E5TEP, ~. WlfD(I(', BUT NOT NECE55ARIL Y LIMITED TD. L CONJ,{C[IGN Cf SYSTEM TO EXIST!.'.; lllill:R i:lffl. Y l. l<EYISU Cf UTILITY FVH& ~ OTHER UNO~ UTILITIE& l Ti<ll'0411G AND 6ACK Ali 4. DRIP ,liO 5F'l<AY l~k>ATll)l 5Y5TEM 5. AUTCMATIC CCJNTROLI.ER AND i.a-totE Cll(lRll.. VAL\IES b. llCl)ENT AL W1<K NOT 5HalN OR !if'EC!'!ED ~IC!l CAN ~ Y EIE ~ ~ f'ART OR AND~ TO m)VIDE A cctlR.ETE AND OFERAB1..E SYSTEM. B. RELATED Wl<K DOCltfNTS ~!.'.; Wl<K Cl' 1Hl5 !eClll)I IIQ.UDE, 8UT A'<E NOT NECE55Ai<IL Y Ll11TED TO GOO:l<AL ru!DITIGW AND OTIIER 5ECTI06 Cl' Tl£5E 5FECW'ICATIGNS. U Fffl11T5, FEES AND C/JllE5 A OBTAIN ALL rutllT5 AND PAY REQ.Jft,tp FEES TO Alff GO\IEffl'flITAL ~ l!AYIIG JUl<ISDICTlOL 1)1 mruTIGN Cl'~ f'RESENT SATIS:ACTORY EVIDENCE TO LIHP5C.AF£ AA'J-llTECT 1HAT Wl<K 15 N AecoliiD,lNCE llllH Cfl!JINANQ: AND CODE fiiEGll~. ~ FOR H5FtCTla-lS Fil:Glllli:fD 6Y LOCAL 001,i,lNCE Mt6 CGNSTROCTlru 6. roRlla'I WITH ,lft'LICABLE C/JllE5, 5TAND.lm5, l.Allli AND fi£6llATIGNS. NOlllllG IN ~IIGS OR !iF!:CflCATIGNS 5MALl. E1E CGNSTRUED TO ffil'!IT Na.I ~!IC, lllOlil(. !IWl.D CGNSlm:TIGN DOC!HNT5 OR INSTROCTla-lS VA!<Y l'IUt ~IONED ~ AND fi£6llATICl'l6, HOTIFl' lMD. Al<CHITECT, Allll,IT D'fin;oc111)15 llEFOlsE P!ilXEED"6 Ullll .1/fECIED IOOfi!I(_ 13 SAFETT'CRDEl<S MAINIAIN IWINIIG 5~. flAl<RIE!i\S, ~IIG fiiEGlllfiiED 6Y Loc,lj. ~INAIICI: OR otl£I< ,i;,ecy_ L4 GIJALITT AS6IJRANCE A. USE ADEQJATE NUl1$! Cl' et:ILLED ~ 1HGmr,HL Y Tl<AINED, EXffi1IEIICEll IN NECESS,,li<Y CRAFTS AND ca-ruTEL Y FA'"IILIA'< Wlll4 5F'.Cfk: Fil:Glllli£tENT5 AND l'ETHODti tefDED FOR PROF£R ~ Cl' um. 6. ALL HATERIAL5 5MALl. EIE ~W AND IN )£AA F'El'll'l:CT ru!DITIG1'16. DECISIGl'I Cl' LAND5CJff Al<l:HITECT 15 FNAL IN DEim-tNATIC!-l Cf GIJALITY Cl' MA1ERIAL5, EG!JlfttNT, ~If' ffi EXISTflt'.j SITE Ca-lDITla-15 A ACG:IJ,,lfNI SW lllTH ALL SITE ru!Dml)l5. 3lOJI.D UTILITIES HOT 5HalN a-I FlAN5 ElE FO.Nt> DUtsl)I', EXCAVATla-l!i, ~LY NOTIFl' LAND5CJff Al<l:HITECT FOR INSTROCTll)l5 FOR R.lf<tltR ACTlai FAILLlsE TO DO 50 Ulli MAl:E CCNTl'lACTOR LIAllLE FOR ANY AND ALL D,6J11(£ !HEfiiETO A!<ISIIG Fm'! OffRATla.5, ell6SEGIJENT TO Dl5COV8'1'!' Cf 5UOl IITILITIES t.t,r !i(l.lN 1)1 [)(,i.<ljflf1'1:;S_ 6. MAKE MINOR ADJJS11'ENTS TO 5F'l<INKI..ER 5YS1EM LAYOJT ~ MAY E1E fiiEGlllfiiED, AND um WNP EXISTIIC, (:Oj&'fR.t.TIGN AT IC NCli£A5E IN COST TO O\INER l6 DELM:lrr, ST~ AND HANDLflt'.j FR01ECT um AND MATERIALS LhPEI< llll5 5ECT11)1 f!;Ctt D,W(,E DllRl)ks CGNSTR.t.TIGN ,Ii() STOAA,E FCI. Y VIM'l1.. CHLORIDE (f'\'C) PIFE AND FITTK,5 s...lLL E1E ESFECIALL Y Pl<l:llECIED l'IUt DlfiiECT 51.NLIGIII' l1 5UEI& 11TllTI06 IC DEYIATIGNS fm15FECIFIED EGIJIFl"fNT OR INSTALLATll)I f'RCCEPI.IFitS 5MAU. EIE ALLOWED WllHOJT ~TIEN /Jff'fi!{}/AL Cf LANDeCAF!: Ai<CHITECT AND CITY IN5PECTOR 1.8 ~ITTAL5 A. RECORD D~ Fffi'Al<E GN 81.UELINE mil~ DEYATIGNS l'IUt 61D DOOl1:Nt& MADE DUm:, CGNSTROCTla-1 .1/fECTflt'.j MAil LNE f'lflc, ~ LOCATIGNS, VAL "1:5 AND 5mllKl.l:i< llEAD&. Fil:CCfllJ Df1Allflt'.j5 5IIALl llE DELl'IERED TO LAIOSCAA: ~TECT llEFORE ANAL ACCEf'TAN!:E. B. ooeMIT FOR F£vlE1U A LIST CJ ALL l~Tia-1 EQJ/R'1ENT TO E1E U6ED. i'WtfACTl.llsER'5 ~. MAINtENANC!: M.INUA!.5, ~5. AND OffRATll)I IN5'fR.t.TIGN6 Pl<IOR TO START Cl' um l9GUAAAll1EE A ~ ALL um FOR CM '!EAAl'IUt ACCEf'T~ DATE t6AIN5T~ ~ HATE!i!IAL EGllff'l'IENT AND IJ.t!;l<MANSlllf'. Gl.lAl<All!EE SMALL ro,£11 DAMll,f fiiEF'AIR TO ANY FART Cf f'fiiEMISl:S Fil:5UL 1"6 ~ lt<IK.& OR DER:CTS IN MA1ERIAL, EQJlftlENT, IJ.t!;l<MANSllfP TO 5A TI5FACTIGN Cl' LANDSCAF'lc A,lil'.;HITECT. B. m:t1F11. r MAKE fiiEf'All'!f> UFa-1 NOTIFICATIGN 6Y LAND5C,,\ff ,ll;O!fTECT AND AT NO COSTTOOOER FARll-mJDUCT5 lJ PIFE A f'LA511C PIFE L ll5E FCI. T YNYL CllORIDE (PVC! TYFlc 120-ll21l PIFE LNI..E55 01161U5E INDICATED lN l'!.AN5. MAllt.lNE SMALL llE soa:<JlJ: 40 f'\'C FOR SllES 1-112' AND S'1ALLER aA55 35 FOR SIZES 2' AND LARlER LATERAL LNES CLA55 31S f'\'C FOR 112' SIZES, CLA55 200 FOR LARlER SIZES, SLfl:YIIG SCH. 40 IBEATH f'EDES'!lelAN PAYIIG, SCH. Ill'! BENEATH l'E~lalLAI< PA~ 2 FITTM'iS, SCHEDULE 40 f'\IC FITTIIGS l 50L \1J'IT Cl:MEi'/t, ~ lsEcattNDED 6T PIFE MWACTIJ;fR AND Cl-f1\t,ffi,: aNIISIDCT. MAiit.NE ca1ENT SIIAli EIE A 1W STEP ~ ~5& 6. R!'CLAl'IED IUI\TEI< SYSTEM& PIFE 5IIALL BE Rffl..E COLOR 6'1' ALERII.N' OR PACIFIC CAL I'll'!:. 22 RISER A. Fa' Uf' IIEAil5e U5E 5CHEDULE 80 f'\IC Nffl.E5 llllll 51fiiEET Ell !!lllMG JOINTS l'!:R DETAILS. B. Rlf>Sl< llEAD&• ll5E tlF1AY 50-tDULI: Ill'! f'\'C Nlf'FI..E5 WITH 5Wflt'.j JOINTS EIELOW IJRADE Ffl;: DETAILS. MEMlJlil: Rl5EI< 1£IGIII' ~ FINl!'J-4 Ciil<ADE 10 TOP Cf Rllil:l<. 1<151:R DIAl'fTEf'l 5l!ALL BE 112', EXCEPT ILltlsl' l£AD INl.ET 15 l.A.'Ui< IN ~ICH CASE Rl5EI< llll MATO. INLET SIZE, l}U55 O'flmllllil: Nll1ED ~ DRAllllll'.',5. C. 51.0l'f ~ STAKE RISERS OF IMPACT AND GEA!< DRIVEN HEADS a-151.0FES lllTH NO. 6 51EEL fiiEIN'OF1(;flt'.j EIAA, seaff lllTH ADJUSTABLE 5TAIIU55 STEEL~ Cl.AMF. D. DRIP EMITIDi RISER&. U5E GRAY SDEDllE Ill'! f'\IC Nim.ES Fffi DETAILS. 23 5f'l<INKLER HEADS A m)VIDE SPliilNQ.ER HEADS 51ml C!-l l~TIGN I..EGEIID. B. fiiECI.AIMED IUI\TEI< SYSTEMS, !£AD& &IWJ. llE 51'1:CFICALL Y MADE FOR lsECLAll"ED IUI\TEI< /lf'f'l.lCATIGl'I WITH RfflE COLOR COD~ AND IN1E6RAL om< VALVE 2.4 VALVES A flAli VAL\IES! ffi'.NIDE 125 P!I RATED VAL\IES (LINE SIZE! l'!:R l.E6a() AND DETAILS GN D~. 6. Gl.110< CaJFLEI< VALVE5, R<l:MDE 1'1:1' ~ AND DELIVEl'\l TO~ Ila! ,lft'LICA91..E, L 1W m5 FOR LOGl(l:D CAP 2. 1W OOJPI..Ef'l5 3. 1W fl05E 5UlvEL5 C. AilTOMATk: AND MANlJAL ~ VAL \/ES, m)VIDE FEfil l.EGEND AND DET AL6 GN Dfi!AW~ D. fiiECI.All"ED IUI\TEI< SYSTK vALvE 511ALL llE 51'1:CW'ICALL Y MADE FOR fiiEQ.Aft'ED IUI\TEI< /lf'f'lk:ATla,i, lllTH lsEYEl<5ED lHR!'ADM. QJIO< caJFI..EliS, RfflE COLOR CODl6 AND DIRTY IIIA"!ffi ' ~ rot!ROL VAL ';!:6. 2~ DRIP ll<fi!IGATll)I lb B.ICK 11.0W ~55Ufi£ (;£&ATOR A m)VIDE B.ICK FLOW PREYl:N'1Efil 5HalN GN l.EGEND ,liO HST ALL F£1;: DETAIL lN DR,<lliH;6. B. INCORF'ORATJ: f'RE5aJfii!: fiiE(,ULATOR lffi FILTEI< DEVICE IN ASSl:H6I. Y 1'1:1' DETAILS AND Dfi!Alllflt'.ja 2.1 AUTOMATIC~ A m)VIDE ~ !'J.40J.N GN UGa() lN llf'llllllkle. l"f/l?YOE Ali MllNT~ EGl.llftlENT All() HAl<CllllAAE REGlllfiiED FOR f'EDESTAL OR 11111.L MlOOING ~ INDICATED. B. i::c::wn.oL WlfiiES l4 VOLT SOLID UL~ FOR Di,£CT llURIAI. N GmID. BLACI( '14 DlfiiECT LEAD AND ~11E '12 If CCffilN Gfii(Ut), LIU55 OTl£lllll6E NOTED lN DAAIJflt'.j6_ lil OTHER HA TERIAl.e A. 6ACK Flli· LOCAL SOIL, CUAN, FfiiEE Cf IU!811>4 AND l'ilXIG MR 2 110a Dltn!ER 6. PLASTIC VALVE 80)(!:5, PLASTIC VAL';!: 60l<ES W11H LIDS FOR 6ALL V,11.VES (f<O,J,IDJ AND AUTOMATIC Cll(lRll.. YAL\IES !2 mt 60X MAXll1l1J. FI..ACI: &' DEPTH FEA ft,\ (jf/A,1.cl. AT EWE Cl' OOXE5. FOR fiiECl.Al"ED IIIATEI< /lf'f'l.lCATll)I, LIDS SMALL EIE RfflE COLO!s C. om< VAL VE5a m)VIDE ~ IN-LINE Oll:CK YAL\IES !LINE 512E/ FERR.A', AND ~ l'EallfiiED TO FREvOO LCIII IEAD DRAINAGE. D. fiiECLAIMED IU,\TEI< 5YS1t'l1&c m)VIDE 5l1E AND COll1'0l..l.ER S~ A5 INDICATED GN Dl<AIUIIGS. E. ffi'.lYIDE OTHER MATERIALS NOT eFECFICALL r DE5Cl<IEIED 8UT fiiEGIJlfi!SD FOR A ca-ruTE INST ALLATI(), ~ mcTED 6T CGN1RACTOR SlBJECT TO Af'FftlYAL OF LAND5CAF'E A,lil'.;Hl1ECT PART 3 -EXEQITIGN 3J alifACE CCNDITll)l5 A. VEl'\llFY FINl!!H tiRADE5 AND su.FACE DRAINU lll1H I..ANDSC,,ll'E AR::HITECT fflO!s TO CO"MEtttMl:NTCfllm. B. EXA'"IDI!: A',f,15 AND CCNDrtla-15 lNDER lfljfCll ~ ULL BE ~-CCfflCT Ca-lDITIGNS DETRJl'ENTAL TO TH"a. T, f1i<)ffil COMFLETI(), Cl' l1t)f;K DO NOT~ OOIL IJNSATISFACTOl<Y ru!DITION.5 A/if G<ffiCTED. 32 FELD ~ MAl:E 1'ECl:SSAl<Y ~ ll FIELD, EN64.lfiiE f'RECISE FIT Cl' 11EJ1i IN AecoliiD.IIU WITH DESIGN. 33LAYOJT A LAYOJT IOCfl( ~ ACClli1ATELY 115 l'05516LE TO~-~. THal'.lll CARN.LY DRl'liN. Ai<E ~ T DIAGfi!Al'NATIC TO EXTENT 1HAT i!IIJll(j JOINT5, CfF5ET5 AND ALL FITTIIGS A'<E NOT 6HalN 511E COOITION.5 IULL NOT ALIIIAT5 rutllT LOCATll(j PIFl!,I,, VAL\IES AND f£ADS ii-ERE !'J.4aiN. 1Hl5 5111JATll)l 511ALL llE er.l:'.llllllT TO mEDIATE ATTEN11GN Cl' LANDSCAFE AF1CHl1ECT AND fiiELOCATIGN Dl:'Tm11NED IN JOINT CMRENCE. CGITf1ACTO!s 15 ~161..E FOR R!'LOCAT~ ANY l1El'l5 INST AU.ED WllllOJT Fll<ST OOTAINIIG LAND6CAff ARCHITECT'S ~AL AND 5IIALL fiiEH0\11' AND fiiELOCATE SOCH l1EJ1i AT alN EXF!:NSE IF 50 DlfiiEC1tll 61' ~ Al10illl:CT. 6. 11.lffi PIPflt'.j 15 5llCIIN GN ~ TO BE !KIER PAYED A',f,15 611T ~ f'Afi!Al.l.EL AND ADJACENT TO PL.wli6 ~. THI' IN'fEt,(lfa-115 TO INSTALL PIPllr, IN PLilNTEO Ai<EA C. MINOR CH.6m!:5 N LaJIFl'ENT LOCATIC!-l ~ 1HAT Sf(X1N a. DRAIIIIIG6 5MAU. EIE MADE ~ DIRECTED 13Y LANDOCAl'E A~TECT AT r.::> ADDITIGNAL COST TO alNeR, ffi::MDflC, SOCH Cl-l<\l>t,I: 15 Cfl!JER!:D 6EfOF!: CO'ii'aal'ENT Cf~ OR um DllilECTL Y ~. AND NO ADDITIGNAL MAlERIALS Al<E fiiEGllll<ED. 3.4 ~IIG AND 6ACK Ali A FflifCfiM ALL EXCAVATll)l5 ~ fiiEGlllfiiED FOR INSTALLAT(l)j OR W1<K INCl.llDEll LN!lEI< 1Hl5 !eClll)I, INCI.UDl)t; 51-(lfi!f)t; CJ EARTM BM<& TO MvENT CAVE INS. lsESTOfiiE ALL SlffUS. EXISTIJ.l; IINDER1MND INSTALLATION.5, ETC. DAMAIEJ OR cur A5 A Fil:llT Cf EXCAVATla.5 TO Ol<IGINAL ro!Drtla.5 IN MAIIER ~ 6Y LAND5C,lff Ai;ollTECT AT r.::> ADDITIOW. C05T TO O\INER B. ~6 SIIALL BE MADE lllllf eai,H TO ALLOW A MINM Cf 4 IN. EIE11lml PAl<ALLEI. PA: LDl!:5 AND 5IIALL BE SifflCla,rt DEF1H5 TO m)VIDE 11£ MNll1l1 CO'-t!fil FiUt FINl&M c;RADE A5 Fruai&, L 18 IN. MINn111 ro,£11 OVER MAllLNES l.E55 THAN 3 IN. IN SIZE TO f<l:M01E COl'1ROI. VAL\IE5, 2. 24 IN. MINl1ll1 COYER O\IERMAllLINES 3 IN. ORGREA11:R N SIZE TO lsEl"01f COOrol. VAL';!:S, 3. 12 IN. MIN11111 COYER OVER LATERAL LDl!:5 TO I-EADS, 4 3h IN Hllll1l1 ro,£11 ~ "1:MICULAI< DRI\IES, PAAKING ~. Ols Fl:lADS. c. f'J<CAVAlE FOR fflGATIGN SY51EM5 6Y mal~. WllH SIDES~ Y VERl'ICAL A5 F'C6516Lt ACall<ATEL Y GRAl:lE THE 60TTOM TO m)VIDE UNIFOR'I ~ FOR LINE. D. 51J.'.JRT 5ECTIGN6 OF TliEOI MAT EIE 11HEL.ED IF, N L,!ND5CAf'I: A~ITECTS OPINIGN, LINES CAN BE INSTALLED 6A9:LY AND 6ACK Fill CAN BE CGl'll'ACTED F'l<Ol'fi;t Y. E. R!'M0\11' eal.DE1<5 AND OTHl'I< ~ re.J=CTS, B.ICK Fili VOID$ Fil:tlAINl)t; lf1ER REMOVAL a oa.ECTS F. ffiOTECTla. Cf ff"5(),15 AND ffi,f LFiil 1 , L 6A~CADE AND OFEl<AlE IIAl<t,flt'.j LGl15 fm1 DiJ:iK TO DAIIN AT OPEN MOLES, 1FfNCle AND DEPRE551""6 ~ A5 FART Cl' 11m al~ ADJACENT TO 01s IIITHIN Ra..lC ACCE55 2, mTECT 5~, UTILITILS, SIDElllAU<, FAvEl'EMT AND OTl6! FACILITIL5 Ff<Q'I Dil"IU CAl.6ED 6T SETTLEl"ENT, LATEl<AL l"Kl'.1:t'M, IIIA5MCIII, OTHEfil ~ CREATED 6Y um l 00 NOT 1JiSIICll ilNDEI< DRIP LIN!:5 (lF EXl5Tlf't, n.m;_ G. DO NOT 6/CK Fili 1FfNCle OOIL f<EQJffiiED ~ AND LL1¥"6E 1E5T5 HA\>E llUN ~. AND lfflll. SYSTEMS~ INSTALL.ED roRlla'I TO !ll'!:CIFICATla-15. fl FRIO!s TO 6ACK Fili~. f<EM0\11' Ali 51ETl6 OR ~ L 6ACK FILL FOR ALL TJ;fNCME5 AND EXCAVATIGN!i 5IIALL BE c.OMPACTED TO~ DENSITY. J. 6ACK Fili TO LEVEL Cf ADJACENT El.EYATICNS, Al.UXlli'tl FOR SETTLit,t; AND CO'lf'ACTl1J< 35 IN5TALLATll)I Cf PIPll6 A. f'lf'll,I, DEP!l4c INST ALL PIPING WITH AT LEAST 11£ ~ D!!!"IH Cl' ro,£11- f'VC MAllLNE 3 IN. DIA OR Gl<EA11:R· 24 n-k:Ml'5 f'\IC MAllLNE l.E55 THAN 3 IN. DIA-18 INCHES P\IC LAlER,,!1.-~ NCIES ADJACl:NT TO F!OADS OR PAW IIIALKS, GN <!RADE El.96£ e. f'lf'll,I, UNDL!< PAvEl'EMT, ill..EEl'E PIFl-6 u-vER FAYED ~ ~ INDICATED lN ~- EXTEND 51..EEYIIG ~• EIEYGl'ID a:GI' Cl' FAm:., alREIS.11111.LS ETC. C. IN5PECTIGN Cf MATERIALS, CA1sERU T IN5FECT Flflc AND RTTIIGS $ORE INSTALLATIQl, ~ ALL DIRT. SCALE AND Ellll<R5, REA'116 ~ lsEGIJlfiiED. INSTALL I'll'!: Wlll4 M~ 11P FOR V15UAL IN5f'ECT1ai D. f'LA5TIC /f"ICJ PIFE I. EXfl,l'.;f5E CAfiiE IN flANDLft.r;, LOADll6, IN.OADll6 lffi STOFi!ll'6 PL~TIC 1"IFE AND FITTIIGS, AJ STOfiiE LNDL!< CO\ll'fil ~ DlfiiECT 51.NLIGIII' LNTIL Ff/lDY TO INSTALL B.J 1RAN&f'CRt GNL Y 1)1 VEHICLE Wl1l4 BfD LCN. ENar;H TO ALLOW f'lflc TO LAY FLAT, TO AVOID LN:lUE BENDIIG AND CC!otEN11i1ATED ~ LOAD. 2 REPAIR DENIED AND DAMA6ED PA: 6Y cum-i", Git. Y AND Dl5CAl<DIIG DENTED OR DAMA6ED 5ECTIGNS, fiiEJOINIIG lll1H A CG\IFl.11-6. l ll JOINll(j, U5E GNL T 51'1:CFll:D 50L\11'1T, MAKE JOINTS N ACCOfliD..ta Wllll ~ fiiEattlENDATICNS. PIFE AND FfTTll(j5 5fW.L BE 1HCJRtllGl Y CI.EANBJ (lF DIRT, DUST, t'Ol5TU"1' llEFORE 4Ff'I.. 1'"6 50L VENT. CLEAN CfF EXCESS 50L VENT. ALLOW !OL VENT IEI.D6 AT LE~T 15 MINUTE5 Sl:T If' Tl1E 68'0fiiE l10'-lll6 OR UAN!)Lflt'.j AND l-1 M1Uli D~ TIHE $ORE FllillG lll1H IIIATER 4. ~ LINES FiUt SIDE TO SIDE N TliEOI TO ALLOW FOR EXPi!N51GN ,v,t> c.ol1fi!ACTIGN. ~-FOR PLASTIC TO 11:TAL CotlECTla-l!i• AJ~ HETAL WN:CTIGN6 FIRST. ElJ ll5E 1-0l H,,lf,Wjflt'.j F'R: D<n GN mADED ~TIC TO HETAL CCfffCTICNS. CJ U51: GNL YA LIGHI" 11.fflCH FJilE55UfiiE. DJ L1iE JONT ~a.GALVANIZED ~ FITTIIG5. E. f'lm OR C,,l,f Ali CffNt«lS UFal LNE INSTALLATIGN TO PFil:vEllt ENtRAln Cf MATERIALS 1HAT Mt,f!T 06511<11CT PIPE. LE.4VE N f'LACI: LNTIL l<l!f'10VAL 16 NECE~ FOR CGWL.ETIC1'1 CJ IN5TALLATlai F. ~ Y FLU5M Ali LNES, ~ ~TATIC 'fSTft,t; Fffi P~ llELCUI 3!1 INSTALLATIGl'I C:1' LaJIFta/1 A PCP 11P SPRAY MEADS L NSTALL HR!: INDICATED 1)1 ~ N ACG00,1/il Ullll DETAILS ,liO HWACnftfil fiiEcattNDATIGN A5 AFFROv1:D 6'1' LAND5C.<lFE ,ll;O!flJ:CT. l. LOCATJ: PCP 11P 3' ~ FlcDESTFJAN PAY!.'.; a•~ AllTOMO!llll' 'IRlil'IC lflTHCUt aJR65, &'~AUTO. 'fWJflC 111TH CIIRB6 AND I,' l'IUt ALL Elllll.Dflt'.j AND WALL r-ootllGS IM.E55 HOTED OTJ.ffll5E. 5ET l£AD5 FLU5M TO ADJACM PAYIIG Ols <!RADE El.EYATIOL 3. lro.f LINE 1E5Tflt'.j cafl.ETll)I, COMFLE1E A66l:l"a Y, ADJJST ~ MEADS FCR ffiOf'lcl< Dl5~611fllli B. RISER !£ADS l INST ALL IN F'LANti6 ,IRf.A5 l1IOE INDICATED 1)1 ~- 2. LOCATJ: i<ISEI< l£AD5 NOT WITMIN II!! FEET Cl' FfDESlRIAN PAYIIG, AND ~• ~ AIJTctlc.elll' 'IWfflC WITHOJT t::UfsEl5, 1,' ~ AUTO. 'fWJflC U1H aJR65 AND I>'~ ALL EllllLDll6 AND WALL F'OOTIIGS lM.E55 NOTED OTlffllJl5E 5ET 51-R5 llEAD& Ek'li-!IEl!'I !Ill'! fl,0£6 A60vE FNl!'J-4 GfilADE UNl.1'56 N01EJJ OTHmllSt (Sf'E DETAILS). l U'CN ue TESTflt'.j ca-1PLE11Ql, ca1FLE1E 45SLM6I. Y, ADJJeT 6FRl+:I.L!< HLAD5 FOR FROl'!:R Dl5'!1e1WTl1J< C. YAL\IES, NSTALi flAli VALi-ES AND QJICK caJR.EI< VAl.\lES Fffi Dfi!AIUltlS. FM1V1DE flAli YAL\IES TO 5El'Al<A1E QJIO:: COJ>LEFlli AND~ VALYE CLU51ER.S l'IUt HAINLINE. D. W!1RO!_ VAL VE5, INST ALL IIISIE Simi C!-l D~. LoCATIJ.l; IN CU!ilL!<S IN Fl;!NT(I(', ~ IIH:fiiE Pl<ACTlCAL PLACE NO CLOSL!< THAN O' AND PilRALLEL TO IIIALK LDG1!5, Elllfl.Dflt'.j5 AND WALLS . .aJ5E N VALVE OOXE5 Ullll TOPS 5ET FU.!',11 TO GRADE. 5Ef' Al<A 11: CLUSlEFlli l'IUt MAllLINE Ullll 6ALL VAL VE F. 6ACK FLOW ~ INSTALL IIISIE INDk:ATED lN ~ AND IN Aecofi!DANCE Wlll4 ALL PL!<TINLNT CODES, lsEGIILATla.5, AND HWAC11JfiiER'5 f<ECGttaiDATICN5 ~ APPIDIED 6Y 11£ LIHP5C.AF£ Ai;olllECT All() CAf;l__!l6AD HUNICIPAL IUI\TEI< Dl511<1CT. G. AUTCMA TIC ca-11Rll..i..ER L INSTALL~ 5llCIIN C1'I [)(,i.<ljflit65, IM.E55 01\fflllSE DlfiiECTED 6Y LAND5CAF£ M'a!ITECT, l. CCfffCT i<S'I01E Cll(lRll.. vAL\IES TO WltM..l.ER IN 5EQJENCI: c.ot\ff6POIDIIG TO 1HAT INDICATED GN Dl<,IJllll55, Wf6!f 1W OR t-m VAL';!:6 HAYE SAl'E ~ 11.lfif TOClfm AT~ DO t.t,r <R:IJF DRIP AND SPRAY~ a-I SAl'E STATll)I, l El.ECTl<ICAL M't'L T TO FOINI Cl' ca+lf:CTllN 9HALL BE 6Y OTMEf!S. m)VIDE 'llARD WIRE' 5Fl.lCE NTO EXISTflt'.j JIH'.:Tla-1 60X NEAi< WltM..l.EI! LOCATIGN. ll AUTCMATIC ~ Wll<ltti, L IN5TALL COOrol. IUl,£5, IFl<IGATla-1 HANS AND LATERALS IN~ Tmi:::IES UIENE'tfR F'C6516Lt 2. INSTALL COOrol. Ulll<E5 AT Ll'AST 18' ll8.CW FNISH 6RADf AND LAY TO SIDE Cl' MAllLINE IIISIE P095BLE. Wll<ES 51-w.L EIE A MIN111J1 I' ~ ANY PIFE OR FIT1116 EXCEf'I' AT IDl"IINAL FOINIS FF!OVIDE LOOl'!:D 51.ACK AT VAL\IE5 AND ~ Uffi IN 1R!'NCM TO ALLCIII FOR CCN'!leACTllN Cf llflfi!E. TIL Wll<E IN aNDI..E5 AT 10' INTER,'AL5 IIITM PLASTIC El.EClRICAL T AF£. 3. 11.lRE Sf'LICI:& Ulli 61' ALLOWED GNL T 1)1 1<1Hi MGlsE THAN 500 FEET. CRIMP U111<E5 TOOEll-EI< WITH ~ WM: ro-NECIOR AND SEAL Clll'IECTll)I PLACE ll A60YI: c;RADE RJLL 60X Fffi SAN Dll:00 fiiE61GNAL ST ANDARIJ Dl<AIIIIIG ~-15. 4. m)VIDE 5Ef'AR41E ol.l:EYltt; l'IUt IRRIGA!fl)I LIN!:5 FOR Cll(lRll.. Wll<ES EIENEA1H PAYIIG, WAU.5, ETC. ~-Wll<ES iiHPU llE PLACE ll GRAY 5QE)tU ll/l/ f'\'C El..EC1RICAL ill..EEl'E FiUt 18' BEL.CW GRAl:lE TO ~AT~ LOCATIGN. 6. P(;l;)VIDE AN EXTRA IIIIE fm1 ca/fflLL!< TO RRtleT VAL\>E IN EACH DlfiiECTll)I ~ EACll rot!ROl..l.ER l l 1E5Tf)t; AA? INSFECTla-1 A DO NOT ALLOW OR CAll5E tllY' um Cf llll5 5ECTll)I TO EIE c.o.mD OR 8'1:1.05ED INTIL IT HAS llEEN N5TALLLD.1E51tll. Al"ffl,vE[) 6Y L.AND&::AFE Pl'OIITECT All() CITY INSFECTOR lsEQJEST INSffi:Tll)l5 AT Ll'A6T ~-1:IGHT ('18/ MC(ff<5 IN ADV~ H(U!:6 N ADVANCE Cl' 1E5Ti1'6. B. FUJ5H Plff llB'OfiiE 6ACK FILL!t; HAllt.lNI:, WllH cam.oL VAL\IL5 PLACED llllT f9l!"oi.l: LATERAL LNES ARE Clm:CTED, cctlR.ETEL r FU.!'ill AND lEST MAINLINL L Fil:PAII< LE,!K,S. 2. FLUSH OUT EACH !!ECTll)I Cf LATERAL PIFE $ORE~ fEAD& A'<E ATTACI-ED. C. 1E5Tnt;, l MAKE ~CESSAR'I' m)Vl&fllll TO ~ r 61.l:ED LINL Cl' Alf'! AND DE6111S 2, A9EI< VALVES MA';!: BWI INSTALLLD, 111&1 uaol:D PLASTIC JOINIS ll.41/t: CUfiiED FOR 24 M1Uli, lEST MAIN IIIATE!i! LNES FOR LE,!K,S AT fff58JfiiE Cl' 125 P61 FOR FERIOD Cf 24 MC(ff<5 Wlll4 calPLIIGS EXl'OSl:D AND f'IFE 6ECTIGN6 CLNTEI< LOADED Wlll4 511flCILNT 6ACK Fili TO Pi<EVENT A~ OR 51.ll'Plt. LNDLI< f'Rl:561.R. LA11:RAI. LIN!:5 5MAU. EIE 1E51ED, lllTH 1<15Eli5 CAPml, FOR 1W M1Uli LNDLI< tm1Al. STATk: PfiiE55UfiiE. 3. Ff10VIDE fiiEGlllfiiED 1E5Tt6 EQJIR1LNT AND FEli!.SCN'a.. 4. fiiEF'AIR LEAKS, fiiETE5T OOIL ACCEPTANCE 61' L~lt Af;l::MflECT AND CITY IN5FECTOR D. FINAL INSFECTlct. CLEAN. AD.IJ&T, B.ALANCE ALL SYSTEMS. \IERIFY, l I-EADS Al<E FRa'ER Y AD.IJ&TED FOi< RADIU5 AND /Iii[; a ~ l. INST ALL.ED SYSTEM 15 ~. CLl:AN, EITICIEHT. t RECL411ED IUA11:R 5T51EH5, ffi'.lYtDE Cl1D5S WIECTll)I, CO',£i<Al;E, OTHEfil ,STDt, lsEQJffiiED er l£AL TH DEf>ARll'ILNT OR IIIATEI< D15fflCT (SEE RECLAIMED N01E5, HET L-1 l l91NSTl<llCTfa-15 A ATTACH TYl'!:IIRITTEN I..E6END IN5IDE EACH COll1'0l..l.ER DOOli( 5TAT!t,t; AFil:A& COl6ED 6T EACll VALVE m)VIDE fiiEDIJCED. LA'11NA1ED, COLOI< CODED MAP Cl' AfiiEA IRRl:,AlED 6'1'~ e. JFtL!< 6YS1EM 1W BEEM cctlR.ETED, 1E51ED, IN5fWED AND Al"m'.MD, INST1<11CT ClJNEfil Ols MAINlENANCI: ~ IN OFERATION AND MAli-!1Eflll,,NCE Cf SYSTEM. 3.1111 MAIN'tel<INCE MAINIAN SYSTEM FOR FERIOD NDICATED N ~k,ATllN N01E5, OR IM,111 Cf FIJl,l1lli MAINILNltU FL!<IOD, ~IGl-£YL!< 15 GREATER END Cl' 5ECT1lN ----& IN. DIAl1ETl:I< A.ASTIC VAi. 'it: OOX UV COYER ~--------2M4'1<DW5TAKI: I --------WICK WJA.ER VAL';!: if ---l'INISI-I GRADE ~~.,....-=!fl~~~~ !!I-., I' DIA i.AA\/1:l. ~ -..:, , STANI.E55 STEEL h'05E CLA'"IF !2! ii !~ ~!!;! ~~ -- I-.:. .rt11=tt"------i---I' 5Cll IJf) PVC "'5ER· ~• I¥;;!/--+---I' 5CI-+ -40 PVC ~ Ill rFIPTl<flFTJ 'L"±:1'---1,,,,,,...--I' ~ StmT ELL <MIPTld'IPTJ PVC MAINLINE '---5Cll -40 PYC TEI: !Sx&x I' 5) I' SCll W PVC NIF'f'LES @ QUICK COUPL'.ER VALVE rm ~------Eo' ~ A.ASTie VAl.'A: OOX UV ro.1:1< ---FINISI-I GRADE 1r======i11~-- 3/4' DIA. i.AA't£1., MIN. ~• DEEP @_) BALL VALV~ ~-----PAva-erT, WALL, FENCE OR CUf'l6 J----SEE SP!:CS. ~ Oil-ER Cff5ET i.EQJfli<SMEIIT6 'I, 3' MIN.~-M~ POP·IJP 5Pfi!AY HEAD FLUSI-I WI GRADE NOTE, LATERAL LINE6 5HAU. BE T1sEIC!ED Hl<E FOF'llPl.fEAD&Al<E&M00-1 ,,------3. In' ~ StmT Ill !MIPTld'IPT) ,_,,, ___ USE OOTTa-1 INLET FOR SAM MEAD6 ----pye LATERAL "--L,;;1111,,-~-__J W f'YC Nm..E ~-----5Cll -40 f'YC S.SXT TEI: OR ill NOTE, ALL 511111G JOIN! ~5 SHALi. EQJAL MEAD INLET SIZE ® POP-UP SHRUB SPRAY ~----If) FT. MN. DISTANCE l<EaJltsED FRa'f PIDESrnAN U8I: Al<!'A & IN. MIN. SEE SR:CIFICATla,,fS ,.,,,--------5J.lliiU6 HEAD OR ElJElBI..EI< ..----f'AVDII:., IIPU. FENCi: OR CIJf<B 2 ,.--iJ,Jlv--!TAIN..E55 STEEL 5Cf<EW CLA11P ~ ,.---SCll. W f'YC f'llel:R Sil'!: F1:1< HEAD INLl:T ~ Ht---"3 fo!:B.AR 30' LOO i PVC LA'll:l<AL LINE --~~"""""""'J,, 1 ~:::::_:5Cll~. -40 PVC TEE Of< ill 15 x 5 x FJ -I ______. lllllilli'lllll~III~!! II FIN15HGRADE TiJO • w STR!'ET ill (M X F) (§) SHRUB RISER L-10 CATE Steven M. Ahles LANDSCAPE ARC~ITECT P.O. Box 6B2 Cardiff, California 92007 PROJEC I MJ., 7 APR 00 000':l NOTE· ALL Ufil<l)l(j 5HAl.L BE FER LOCAL CODE AND NE.C. • Gm>ECT WIRDII:. WllH 'FEN TITE' 111A TJ:F1Fl<OQ= CIN,IECTOl<S ~----ro.tJ;!DLLER Fl:I< L=Gl:ND. HCIIM TO ENCL05URE lllALL FER MANIFACTlJl<Ei<'S SFECflCATION --,.-------~===~7 ,..---J.NcTla.l 60XE5 rw v. MlfR AND GmW TO ~IZ) V. f'CIIER Si.lPFl Y f'YCC®UIT 6A5E !'El< OOX MANL!'ACTU!iiER FNl5Hr,fi!ADE C(),(ClsETE SLAB, 4' DEPTH DIRl:CT MIAL WIRE TO VALVES 2' DIA rvc: ~ 5CI-+ 811! SUELP Ill ([) BOX MOUNTED CONTROLLER l>«?TE-INSTALL ffR CMIP STD. DUIS. I\IJ-21Z), W-12 ,--------6RA5e lli5 I NIPFL.L5, TYPICAL ~-6Aall.all PF1EvENtER FlcR 1.E6END NTS f'l<ESSUl<E l<EGULATOI< PEI< LEGEND ~----"-6l<A56 El.LS l NIPPLES Cclf-+---BRASS I.Nia.I FINISI-IGAADE --_ ... ,_ = = ~~-m"""_III -IIIIIIIII.__,;..,= FVC MAINLINE !tall OCi-100 rflPTx5! PVC ADAPTOR ~-COf'F'ER Si.lPFl Y LINE FRa'f MElJ:R ll' X 12' X ~• Ca.lefo!:ll: NOTE· NO CLOSE NIFFU:S 5HAl.L BE Al.LOI.ED ® BACKFLOW PREVENTER NT5 ~-----FNl5HGRADL ---f'YC LATEl<Al. TO I-IEAD$ ~-SCH -40 PVC MALE ADAPTER ~-14'xl':!' A.ASTie VALVE OOX UJn. covt:R ~----REMOTE COOl'it)L VAL'A: _,..._,,..,,,_...,..._ lllA1ER PROO° UJll<E caNECTl()lfS f"""J;i....;."f:=~lil!!!.~~ WI 10 112' WIRE 1:XPANSIOI COIL.$ ~----lll+++++=cfftj/-SQl lJf) f'YC l.t,ff(J{ ,------ll""'H-Ht-""c,.. SCH ll/l/ f'YC NIF'f'l.E hll=ffl1t"-SCH 40 PVC WELL IL>-,'-'< r.n '-f-r""f'-IJil"s"""i-Y-IHt==--314' (ji,!,\\'EL, MIN ~• DlcPTll .fl-+-=aaa:ttt,t--5Cll W f'YC NIFFU: APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATIO'J ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LCCA TION OF PLANTING AREAS. +------l I S7i~T MITIGATION Pl.AN FOR: "AS BUILT" TITLE REVIEWED BY INSPECTOR DATE DATE THE TERRACES AT SUNNY CREEK CT 96-02 APPROVED 4~7~ NT5 ASSISTANT RANNI .... _DIRECTCR / +---------- DAT[ INITIAL IJ.'\lf llllllAI ~ NG Nf_l_R er WORK REVJSION DESCRIPTION 0 II ILi~ Af-'Pl~OVAI. DAT[ INl-1/\L CITY APPROVAL ~: ~ D s;~ ---·-/ I -~io 9 ~-1 6 c-. T-N- 0 o- 2 -- Rvwo 8Y, ~ - DRNI/ING NO. 361-6M