HomeMy WebLinkAbout1410 SWEETBRIAR CIR | 1412 SWEETBRIAR CIR; ; 81-388-1; Permit/-/.. Cl) z 0 ~ a: < _, 0 "' a IC I[ 0 0 IC "' a .j 3 ~ "' z 3 0 z 0 ~ z "' ... :IE 0 0 "' a: "' ><: IC 0 3 I[ 1¥1 0 ~ 8" 0 ~ hereby ~ chat I am licensed under provisions of ~ter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) _. • Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license Is In full force and effect. Lie No _______ Class I hereby affirm t,,.t I am exempt trom tP>e Con• ¥:~<~:'i~~~=:: ~w ~,~r:,~~c:Yer~~r coonty wtuch requires a pemut to construct alter. improve, demolish, CH' repair Nly structure. p,10, to ,ts issuance also requires the applicant tor such pemut to hie a signed statement that he ,s hcenMd pursuant to the provisions of the Con- tractOf's License Law (Chapter 9 commencing -Ntth Sectk>n 70X> of Otv1s1on 3 of tM Busmess and Pro- fess,ons Code) or that 1s exempt the,efrom and the basis tor the alleged exemptK>n Any v10lahon of Sect.on 7031.5 by an ap~•eant '°' a permit subJects tne apphc.nt to a c1v1I penalty of not mo,e than hve hundred dolla,s ($500) 0 I, as owner ot the property o, my employees wr.1th wages as their sole compensation, will dO the work, and the structure ,s not intended Of offered tor sale (Sec 7044, Business and Profess,oos Code The Contractor's License Uw does not apply to an ow~ of property who builds 0< improves thereon and who does such wOftl himself or through his own employees. proYtded lhat sucn improvements are not mtende-1 or offere<i tor sale II, howeve,. the butlding or improvement 1s sold w1tt11n one year ol I 6r;;fc;:.1~i~~ :~r:;1 ~1~ 1! ~~r~r: ~r~ I purpose of sale~ I □ I, as owner ol the property. am exclusively I f~1 ~~, ~ 11~~~ucs~;~t~ 1~r~f:s~,~~ I ~· 1::~:~::;:rt~c!~S: ~:d~~ ~~::: I thereon, and who contracts 10< each pro1ects with a I contractorts) license pursuant 10 lhe Contractor's I ~c~:: e~:pt unde< Sec _ ~---· B & PC I IOf this reason _______ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ I --I I ....,_I, hereby affirm that I ha1t-e a cert1f1cate of consent I ~elf-insure, or a cert1f1cate of Workers· Compensation Insurance. or a cert,l .. •ed capy thereof I (Sec 3800, ul>Or Code) POLICY NO~ -,1/c)?-_? -~ COtPA~ _ -;z:;,,..~~ ..r;f-<!. ~y IS hied w,th the city L14l __. 0 Cert1hed copy 1s hereby lurn1./t'F CERTIFICATl OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS" COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section neec1 not be completed ,t the permit ,s tor one hundred dollars {$100) or less) D I cert,ty that in the per1ormance of the wo°' fOf which this perrrul 1s issued. I shall not employ any pe,son 1n any manner so as to beeome sut>1ec1 10 the Wo"'e.rs' Compensation Laws of Cahforn1a NOTICE TO APPLICANT If, after makm~ lh1s Cert, ticate ot E.llemp11on. yoo should beeome sut>1ec1 t'J the W()l1(ers· Compensation prov,s,ons of the Labor Code. you must forthwith comply with such provisions Of th,s perm,1 shall be deemed revoked 0 I hereby affirm that !here 1s a construction 1• lending agency tor the perlOfmance ot the wor1( tor which this perm11 ,s issued tSec 3097. C1v1I Code) Lenders Name ___________ _ Lenoer s Address ___________ , USE BALL POINT PEN OJLY & PRESS HARD ' ~.--C-A-R-LS_B_A_D_B_U_I L-D-IN_G_D_E_P_A_RT-M-EN_T __ ---:".\L APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA t.,~ OECLARATIONS APPLICATION & PERMIT • -1200 EljJl, Carlsbad, California 92008 (714) 438-5525 JOB ADDRESS "' 'l/-f -v . /4/('; ~i_ i=F=7 J~l?-JA-,e (E.JR (" J....I:.. A~i_T., DA; ;;;;;TtONI BUSINESS LICENSE # VALUATION f , -r PERMIT NUMBER -~ ~~=~ ~~ ~ .-3:?-_;, °<' NE# z, ~</ f ~ OWNER'S NAME · \ j OWNER"S PHONE l.s'L~D/9N L.A/-:r-.15 -<~/a ./2 /'1.ss rv ~3f?-.-33 t, 0 I PRIME CONTR~R 77.. · 5 :c,.,, N ....L....,,./7.R.1 n,;::: /1 ~$/CA.I · '~(,. C ----o LICENSE NO. . I & C. PL,,t.O. # E - 1 7)1-3 ~~ BLOG USE CODE ~ OWNER"S MAIL,NG AODRESS '? 0, ,&_,_ I. ?ff'; UAR/4..513/; o CONTRACTOR"S ADO RESS ~ ..2t' (' k.-L ✓-=~ /R,E/~ _2-;:::, LOT BLOCK sus 1v1s,0N ASSESSOR PARCEL i:io. · 0Es1GNER STATE ucENSE # STANDARD PLAN# eutLDtNGZFOOTAGE _..;i./,.;;2 -~·..J.r(!.,) -;;z 3 J • /. o cR1PT10NoFwORK ...<. t 1-:. /Ve.-N.l:: iC .L -'<:! T C',N',l.!.:'E_ ..z>v p~ a. .X. ..zJ✓<J /.:,,(_ <, /;,,/ <!,. <!!:' .Jt-0-E-:--:SC-CIG""N-c-E R""'',...S_A_O_O_R_E_SS---.....,:;;,,...--.:5,--·,4-✓)-S ___ ...v'.....,....,,,....-+----,...,..-------------~-~--------1 6c--S Gi:::~cA.la ·ccD Sr .·~r-1 ~__L, 1~/.l~~//',;2z) .S{' r°/ /5·/)C/.f~ F/P FLRELEV. ST~~ES • E~ y ~c 'L. v□ NO -' -I,/' I iJ,ARKING SPACE OCC LOAD FIRE SPR I 0/c.9/81 oS? ~oc:;. ~l: CENSUS TRA(/r I GP LANO USE l.J-4-J VI GRADING 1:ERMIT ISSUED YO ND I REOEVELOPMENT AREA ~ v0 N~ l!l vb{N□ Not Valid Unlffs Machine Ctrtifi«i ""T QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT· ISSUE /;6() QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT· ISSUE 3.{)(') EACH FIXTURE TRAP I I I INSTALL FURN. DUCTS UP TQ 100,000 BTU~ EACH BUILDING SEWER I +--------l----+-----------------1- E AC H WATER HEATER AND/OR VENT A 7 EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 TO 4 OUTLETS EACH GAS SYSTEM 5 OR MORE I I I METAL FIREPLACE l ~ wv ~ ~ EACH INSTA~ .. ALTER, REPAIR WATER PIPE VENT FAN SING ~ D EAC, "'""" '""" I I I "'" """'~000:ff'!ll d_j r WATER SOFTNER RELOCATION/Jill FU~NAE/~ EACH ROOF DRAIN (INSIDE) I II I / ~ ·~· ~ I TOTAL PLUMBING -r QTY. ELECTRICAL PERMIT -ISSUE NEW CONST EA AMP/SWT BK R 1 PH 3 PH EXIST BLDG EA AMP/SWT/BKR 1 PH 3 PH ~ REMODEL/ALTER PER CIRCUIT TEMP PO LE 200 AMPS OVER 200 AMPS TEMP OCCUPANCY (30 DAYSI t---~--------------- TOTAL ELECTRICAL l TOTI.( MECHANICAL .::2-rY'l QTY. SOLAR· ISSUE COLLECTORS STORAGE TANKS ROCK STORAGE PUMP PLAN CHECK FEE TOTAL SOLAR ~ SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER BUILDING PERMIT SIGN PERMIT PLAN CHECK TOTAL PLUMBING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME MOBILEHOME PARK INSP SOLAR STRONG MOTION FIRE SPRINKLERS PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ~ BRIDGE FEE SCHOOL FEE -DISTRICT ~OM~ Carlsbad Encinilas San D1eguilo San Marcos TOTAL FEES PAYABLE I ~(;;d---.,. ~7:l .ldiJ / ... r. 3-h fooJ:--g}J I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED '"APPLICATION AND PERMIT' AND 00 HEREBY Expiration Every perm,t 1ssuedbytheBu1ld1ngOll1c1al undertheprov1s1onsofth1s CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE Code shall exp,re by tim,tahon and become null and void If the building or work DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT IS authorized by such permit Is not commenced w1th1n 180 days trom the date of such ISSUED· TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY COUNT" AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON permit. or ,I the bu1td1::11 or work auth0fized by such permll II suapended or * AN OSHA PE"'11T IS REOUIMD FOR EXCAVATIONS OVER 5· O"' DEEP AND OEMOUTION OR CONSTRUCTION OF STRUCT\JRES OYER 3 STORIES IN HEIGHT STRUCTION. WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND abandoned 11 an time I er the work ,s commenced for a r,od of 180 a KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES. JUDGMENTS, COSTS ANO APfLICANT"S S~GNAT RE If-( 9wNEA EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF T~ j • . ,J_.,,, . , GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. _.p..-,,,re~<-_ .. -'t. '>~. ,t//./.l..t.<L.l-"(-z..__, BY PHONE 0 I APPRO:n:= ...... ..l. ,. .J. liv9/t; ·I ,,/ -L,...._. / u 0 Cl c "' -~ C. C. <( I -"" "" a: 0 <I) <I) Q) <I) <I) <( I 3: .2 cii ~ <Ji <I) Q) 0 0 a:: "' ~ 0 §: Q) 0 C "' C u: :s C Q) ~ Cl 0 0 Q) C. <I) C ~ .c ~ INSPECTION TYPE T DATE INSPECTOR .81 -:~gg ..., I I . BUILDING FIELD INSPECTION RECORD FOUNDATION t . . REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES R&INFORCED STEEL I INSPECTION REO IF INSPECTOR'S DATE MASONRY CHECKED APPROVAL - GUNITE OR GROUT SOILS COMPLIANCE FLOOR & CEILING SUB FR AME PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSP SHEATHING STRUCTURAL CONCRETE FRAME OVER 2000 PSI EXTERIOR LATH lNSULATION PRES TRESSED ~ CONCRETE INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL ~.\~~ ~ POST TENSIONED CONCRETE PLUMBING I ~( . -... FIELD WELDING .. /', SEWER AND BL/CO HIGH STRENGTH ~ 0 ~ '' ---PLUMBING UNDERGROUND BOLTS PLUMBING TOP OUT SPECIAL MASONRY .... ~-• . ,. ' TUB AND $HOWER PAN ' I GAS TEST I PILES CAISSONS ELECTRICAL : TEMPORARY POWER I ' ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND I ROUGH ELECTRIC : . ~. ELECTRIC SERVICE I ' ·, .. I ~ BONDING A I I G. F. I. -SMOKE DETECTOR. ,. I . ,,\ MECHANICAL . L •· \ DUCT & PLEM., REF. PIPING . ... HEAT -AIR COND. -SOLAR SYSTE~S -' VENTILATING SYSTEMS ~ CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE .... ITEMS ABOVE HAVE BEEN APPROVED. -. ' . JOB SITE FINAL ~ "~ ., r / •. ' PLUMBIN.G ..... /~~----- ELECTRICAL ~ ~~ ./ ,,.,. - MECHANICAL /' ~ ~,.,ICYY-,/ --\ GAS 1-i ~,~, c;--"' - BUILDING U' ~\ \ -' -. SPECIAL CONDITIONS V ...... CERT OF OCCUPP. ;ISSUED I ,., I -... J ' '--. ... 1-... r C\: en z 0 ~ IIC ,c ., <.> w 0 IC I[ 0 u IIC w 0 ., 5 ~ w z 3 0 z 0 ;: ,c en z w ... :I 0 <.> en a: w ~ IIC 0 3 I[ 0 I hereby ... ,rm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license Is In full force and effect. ltc No ______ Class _____ _ I hereby affirm that I .am ••empt from the Con-~~~·~::~;::~~,~~:'~~~~.~ county which requires a permit to construct alter, improve, Oemohsh, Of repair any structure, pr,o, to ,ts issuance also requires the applicant tor such permit to hie a signed statement that he 1s hcen,sed pursuant 10 the prov1st0ns of the Con- tracto,'s Ucense Law (Chapter 9 commencing with Section 7(XX) of 01v1s1on 3 of the Business and Pro- fessions Code) or that 1s exempt therefrom and the bas•S tor the alleged elemphon Any v1olat1on of S.Cuon 7031 5 by an apphew1t '°' a penmt sub1ects tne .apphcant to a c1v11 penalty of not more than five hundred doll..s ($500) 0 I, as own<1r ol the property, or my employees ,.,u, wages as their sofe compensation. w1t1 do the WM. and the structure ,s not intended°' offered fOf' sale (Sec 70W, Business and Professions Code The Con1raictof's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who bu1tds or improves thereon and who does such woo himsell or through his own employees. provided that such 1mproveme:its are not mtende1 or offered fOf sale 11. however. the building or imp,ovement 1s sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden ot proving that he did not build or ,mprove tor the purpose of sale~ □ I, as owner of the property am exclusively contractin~ with licensed contractors to construct the prOject (Sec. 70U. Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds Of improves thereon, and who contracts for each pro1ects with a contractor(s) license pursuant to the Contractor's. License Law) D I am e,i:empt under Sec _____ , B & PC for ttus reason D I hereby affirm that I have a cert,hcate of consent to self-insure, or a certificate of Workers· Compensation Insurance. or a cen,hed copy thereof (Sec 3800, Labor Code) IY ·Jr/jy' >y IS hied With the City f" r Cert,hed copy ,s hereby furnished CERTIFICATl OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not be completed ,t the permit 1s for one hundred dOllars ($100) or less) 0 I certify that m the performance of the work lor wtuch this pem,11 1s issued, I shall no1 employ any person in MlY manner so as lo become sub1ect to the Wor1(ers· Compensation Laws or Gallforn,a NOTICE TO APPLICANT II. alter mal<1n; 1h1s Cen< ftcate of Exemption. you shOuld become sub1ec1 10 theW()f1(ers· Compensation prov,s,ons ol 1he Labor Code, you must fonhw,fh comply w+th such prov1s1oos or this pefm11 shall be oeemed revokeo D I hereby affom that there 1s a conslruction 1end1no agency tor lf\e per1ormance of the work tor wruch this perm,1 ,s issued (Sec 3097. C1v11 Code) Lenoer s Name ___________ _ Lenders AOdress __________ _ USE BALL POINT PEN ~-~ \.,._&_P_R_ES_S_HA_R_D _________________ _: APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA A~ lECLARA TIONS. CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1200 Elm, Carlsbad, California 92008 (714) 438-5525 APPLICATION & PERMIT -----JOB ADDRESS AV. ST. DATE OF APPLICATION BUSINESS LICENSE # VALUATION PERMIT NUMBER RO. Vi'.,o -/¥t~ OWNER'S NAME 1,._~4,,,J '11JI' ~~de,,A& C!ne.£..I-IL ~ , o~ n~{ID;,/ I J./-3;w_~·3b~ II.& ~ I :;;:~~::~, ~Ms~£:f3g:;;LJ I ZONE fl-33f-!lf ~~~s~ :o;;;l ~,dAo CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS LOT BLOCK ~BDIVISION l ASSESSOR PARCEL NO. DESIGNER DESCRIPTION OF WORK DESIGNER'S AOORESS l-L-----::::;:~~~-V,,,..,,-8-/A/_Q,.._~~-----:---__ ~J F/P F LR ELEV. vO NO CENSUS TRACT I GP LANO use I PARKING SPACE I RES UNITS I GRADING ~ERMIT ISSUED YO ND l REDEVELOPMENT AREA vO NO QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT· ISSUE 7e II QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT· ISSUE /7' EACH FIXTURE TRAP I ? ~I I INSTALL FURN. DUCTS i.JP TO 100,000 BTU I y EACH BUILDING SEWER I -~ I OVER 100,000 BTU EACH WATER HEATER AND/DR VENT -I ~ BOILER/COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP y EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 TO 4 OUTLETS I -~ I BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3-15 HP EACH GAS SYSTEM 5 OR MORE I I I METAL FIREPLACE EACH INSTAl .. ALTER, REPAIR WATER PIPE VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT EACH VACUUM BREAKER I I I MECH EXHAUST -HOOD /DUCTS WATER SOFTNER RE LOCATION OF EA FURNACE/HEATER EACH ROOF DRAIN (INSIDE) TOTAL PLUMBING -r Zj/i/:~U TOT,t;L MECHANICAL QTY. ELECTRICAL PERMIT · ISSUE QTY. I SOLAR · ISSUE NEW CONST EA AMP/SWT/BKR COLLECTORS 1 PH 3 PH STORAGE TANKS EXIST 8 LOG EA AMP/SWT /BK R ROCK STORAGE 1 PH 3 PH PUMP REMODEL/Al TER PER CIRCUIT PLAN CHECK FEE TEMP PO LE 200 AMPS OVER 200 AMPS TEMP OCCUPANCY (30 DAYSI TOTAL ELECTRICAL l TOTAL SOLAR NO STORIES TYPE CONST LICENSE NO STATE LICENSE" DESIGNER'S PHONE OCC GP EDU PLAN 1.0. # BLOG use CODE STANOARO PLAN # BUILDING SQ. FOOTAGE I 1/05/Slt .. ;t;:1 00012°3 If I 1!05/ 81 49. 265. OCC LOAD FIRE SPA vO NO Not Valid Un~s Machine wrtififfl SUMMARY~CCOUNTNUMBER BUILDING PERMIT SIGN PERMIT PLAN CHECK TOTAL PLUMBING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL MOBILEHOME MOBILEHOME PARK INSP SOLAR STRONG MOTION FIRE SPRINKLERS PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE BRIDGE FEE SCHOOL FEE · DISTRICT Carlsbad Encinitas San D1eguito San Marcos 44::.,;.--- TOTAL FEES PAYABLE l #~ * AN OSHA PERMIT IS REOUIAED FOfl EXCAVATIONS OVEII S' O" DEEP ANO OEMOUTION OIi CONSTI'IUCTION Of STflUCTUAES OVEII 3 STORIES IN HEIGHT I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED "APPLICATION AND PERMIT" AND DO HEREBY CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT IS ISSUED: TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY. COUNT'f.,AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON- STRUCTION. WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND '-:'=0 z:l-v"J-f~~~~~':f::=:T:.==e!!.~C~:;;;;~~~t:¥:!...!.!!!1..l!.UL--:::,~~""""""""'"-------------------~ KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES. JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND ....,~~,£'4,.,...,C~!llf-~;:al~~~~~ , APPROVED BY ~ DATE@; EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE -///_ GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT .:>''-..il-C--111. I , }~'?/ ..., ~ ii: >, m 0 a. E Q) t- i 'O 0 CJ c "' .E 1°g: <( I ~ C ii: 0 "' "' Ql "' "' <( I 3: .2 Qi >- ui "' Ql 0 0 a: "' <ii 0 ~ Ql 0 C "' C ii: C Ql ~ CJ 0 0 Q) a. "' C ~ .c ~ INSPECTION TYPE I DATE INSPECTOR 8-f ---3iS -I r . BUILDING FIELD INSPECTION RECORD FOUNDATION REl NFORCED STEEL -REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES INSPECTION REO. IF INSPECTOR'S DATE MASONRY I CHECKED APPROVAL GUNITE OR GROUT SOILS COMPLIANCE FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME I PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSP SHEATHING STRUCTURAL CONCRETE FRAME OVER 2000 PSI ~.2,1 -~ ~VT"f PRESTRESSED EXTERIOR LATH lNSULATION CONCRETE INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL POST TENSIONED CONCRETE ! PLUMBING ' FIELD WELDING ' rS', 17~ I>...,-~ --SEWER AND BL/CO HIGH STRENGTH PLUMBING UNDERGROUND BOLTS -- PLUMBING TOP OUT I SPECIAL MASONRY I I ' TUB AND $HOWER PAN ' GAS TEST : ' PILES CAISSONS ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY POWER ' ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND I .. -· ROUGH ELECTRIC r I I ELECTRIC SERVICE ,... ... ' ., BONDING A i . . G. F. I. -SMOKE DETECTOR. I t MECHANICAL I DUCT & PLEM., REF. PIPING HEAT -AIR COND. -SOLAR SYSTEMS ,.. • VENTILATING SYSTEMS ~·. CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE HA VE BEEN APPROVED. - JOB SITE FINAL ~'i:7' / ~ PLUMBIN.G -~-----,_ .. ELECTRICA L C \. 1-r>"\. '\ ~ • C ' . r}{,£,/ ""'~v 1 ...,, , MECHANICAL . . -. GAS ~~ r., :'.:I'\ ' . BUILDING L -- SPECIAL CONDITIONS CERT OF OCCUP('CY ISSUED .... { ~ -.. l J -. "" ) Ill z 0 .= C IIC C -' 0 Ill Q IIC I[ 0 0 IIC Ill Q -' 5 I Ill z ~ z 0 ~ z Ill IL ~ 0 0 Ill i,c Ill "' IIC 0 3 f 0 I hereby ... ,.m that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with S.Ctlon 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license Is In full force and effect. lie No _______ Class _____ _ I hereby atfmn t~t I am exempt from the Con· ~~<f~~;~== ~ ~f~~l~l~c!l.~~!~ county which requires a permit to construct alter, 1mprow, demofish, or ntpa11 any structure, pnor to ,ts ,ssuance also requires lhe applicant for such perm,t to flle a signed statement tha1 he 1s hcensed pursuant to the provisions of the Con- tractor's Lic•nse U.w (Chapter 9 commencing with Sechon 7000 ol D1v1s~ 3 of the Business and Pro- less.ons Code) or that ,s e,cempt 1herefrom and the O.sis f<>< the alleg4Mj exemptt00 Any v1olallon or 5ec:hon 7031.5 by an apphunt to, a pemut sut)Jects tne ac:,phcant to a c1v1I penalty of not more than hve hundred dollar$ (S.500) D I. as owner ot the property, o, my employees -.,th wages as their sole compensation. will do the WQl"I(, and the structure ,s nor intended or offered tor sale (Sec 7044, Business and Professions Code The Contractor's License Law does not apply 10 an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and who does such wOOI. himself or through his own empl0)'MS, provKled tllal such improvements are not 1ntende1 or offered tor sale. If, however. the building or ,mp,oyement ,s sold wIth1n ooe year of comp~t1on. the owner•bu1lder will have the burden of prOYmg that he d1d not build or improve tor the purpose ot sate). C I, as owner of the property, am exchJS1Yely contracting wrth hcensed contractors to construct the protect (Sec 7°"". Business and Professions Code: The Contractor·s License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for each pro1ec.ts with a contractor(s) hcense pursuant to the Contr~tor·~ License Law) 0 I am exempt under Sec _____ , 8 & PC tor this reason ___ _ 0 I hereby affirm that I hai"e a certificate ol consent to self.insure. or a cert1f1cate of Workers· Compensation Insurance. or a cen,tied copy !hereof (Sec 3800. Lal>O< Code) POLICY NO CO~NY t1" Copy IS filed With the c,ty ~ □ Cen,t1ed copy Is Mreby furnished CERTIFICATl OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not be completed 1f the permit Is tor one hundred dollars ($100) or less) 0 I certify that ,n the performance of the wo,1,t tor which this permit 1s ,ssued. I shall not employ any person 1n any manner so as to beeome sub1ect to the WOl"kers· Compens.at1on Laws ot ca1110,ma NOTICE TO APPLICANT If. after makm~ tnIs Cert, hcate of Exemption. you should become subIect t'J the Worti.ers· Compensation provIsIons of the labor Code. you must forthwith comply w11h such p,ov1s10l'IS °' lh1s permit shall be deemed r#e-..oked 0 I hereby atlum that there Is a const,uction lending agency tor tne perfOf'mance of the wortc. lor which th,s perm11 1s issued (Sec 3097 C1v11 Code) Lendef s Name ___________ _ Lender's Address __________ _ u,;,1.u"1.1.rv1n1rLn \r# L_GrnL"'"'''""., ~, ....... ,_._ .. ,., ••• _., ___ , •.. ~.-·········-·---····-·--·---~--·-·------11 ' CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT l..Ji APPLICATION & PERMIT -, 1200 Elm, Carlsbad, Calllornla 92008 (714) 438-5525 JOB ADDRESS <" A~·i_T. IDATE OF A:LJ~IONI BUSINESS LICENSE # VALUATION PERMIT NUMBER 1~10-/·1.-...., ;:ih,/3ar~,A~ 0✓~-<-.e::!... /1/~/ct'I I ~----..______ , OWNER'S NAME .,.,A I OWNER'S PHONE PRIME COi:,tTRACTOR , , CONTRACTORS PHONE• ZONE Pl-3~f c ~"''°/HV 7 vza~/41,() /~~1 ~aK-336: s_z: ,1--1. i:;sL:r;;~t';,r;,; ';§;~ ;r;;;;?z;;;✓.;,{ ~~ LICENSENO. PLANI.D.# BLDGUSECOOE LOT BLOCK I SUBOIVISION I ASSESSOR PARCEL NO. DESIGNER STATE LICENSE# STANDARD PLAN# BUILDING so. FOOTAGE DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1-----------------------------------0 DESIGNER'S ADORESS DESIGNER'S PHONE /~/.:.(!!.-,€./Cj.,d,(,., ~----------+-----~ l l /l2 /Bl2B11 47.or ---· _L---/ F/P FLR ELEV. NO OCC GP EDU STORIES vO NO -- CENSUS TRACT I GP LANO USE i PARKING SPACE I RES UNITS i GRADING f'.ERMIT ISSUED I REOEVELOPMENT TYPE occ LOAD FIRE SPR AREA CONST r D N O vO NO vO NO Not Valid Unlt!Ss Machine Cutifi«f QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT -ISSUE ~.~('\ QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT-ISSUE ~ f'V:') SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER EACH FIXTURE TRAP r --INSTALL FURN. DUCTS UP TO 100.000 BTU BUILDING PERMIT EACH BUILDING SEWER OVER 100.000 BTU SIGN PERMIT EACH WATER HEATER ANO/OR VENT BOILER/COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP PLAN CHECK , • / -\ EACH GAS SYSTEM I TO 4 OUTLETS BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3-15 HP TOTAL PLUMBINGi\A'--"'__,.~ ~, /Qf J.-r?/ I'/ "";;:+-<S° :::--j EACH GAS SYSTEM 5 OR MORE -4-----------l-METAL FIREPLACE ELECTRICAL ~ / / '°,r'°.,A ~ EACH INSTAl .. ALTER. REPAIR WATER PIPE VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT MECHANICAL EACH VACUUM BREAKER MECH EXHAUST · HOOD/DUCTS MOBILEHOME WATER SOFTNER RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE/HEATER MOBILEHOMEPARK INSP • ___ ___, ________ _. EACH ROOF DRAIN (INSIDE) SOLAR TOT.t.L MECHANICAL STRONG MOTION -----------------+-----------! TOTAL PLUMBING J FIRE SPRINKLERS PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE QTY. ELECTRICAL PERMIT -ISSUE ::J. ~ QTY. SOLAR -ISSUE _ BRIDGE FEE / NEW CONST EA AMP/SWT /BK R /0 4 /I II Ps,. ~ ,l.,,(} COLLECTORS SCHOOL FEE -DISTRICT 1 PH 3 PH STORAGE TANKS Carlsbad EXIST BLOG EA AMP/SWT/BKR ROCK STORAGE Encinitas I PH 3 PH PUMP San D1egu1to REMODEL/ALTER PER CIRCUIT PLAN CHECK FEE San Marcos TEMP POLE 200 AMPS OVER 200 AMPS TEMP OCCUPANCY (30 DAYS) • -~ 1 TOTAL ELECTRICAL [ -£"' ;;)-~ TOTAL SOLAR TOTAL FEES PAYABLE I L/ 7 q:g,_ I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED "APPLICATION AND PERMIT" AND DO HEREBY Exp1rabon Every per_mll ,_ bylhe Butlding Official under tne provia,ons of this * AN 06HA PERMIT IS IIE0UIAEO FOR EXC,\YA T10NS 0Y£R CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE Code shall expire by hm_,tat,on and become null 8"d ,o,d If the building or work 5· O" DEEP ANO DEM0UTION Of11 CONSTAUCTION OF authOf'IZed by such permit as not commenced within 180 days from the date of such DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT IS permi~ 01 ,f the building 01 work authorized by tuch pertJlit 11 ._<led or STAUCTUAES OYER l STORIES IN HEIGHT ISSUED: TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY. COUNTY AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON• L~•;ban;;;:doned~~ll~a;n:••~h;:me~•=ller~lheZ"~•or2!!k_!!ll!_!C:.!,O!!!!!!......-~~=fo=•itii~r,£,iVf"2od~of=1~80~~"•u~•:-:--;::;-,rt=~~~~--------~;:-::~-:----"1 STRUCTION. WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT .. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND APP S s1nNATURE ..__ '\ • IJ C f!I O APPROVED BY D?i.T KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS. COSTS AND ·7 -· ~ . ~ _;:::, ,..o~ llio ~ O_;_.l_RAC:TOR #-r EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEOUENCE OF THE -7 r ,-r./\. A _ · • , BY PHONE □ I 1 ,// M GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. '\.. Yod.,, ---~r-::7' -~ --. // I 2 u:: ~ co 0 a. E Cl) .... I -0 0 -0 i: co .~ a. a. ~ I .:,:. C a: 0 rt) rt) Cl) rt) rt) ~ I ;;:: _Q a> >- ui rt) Cl) (.) 0 0: co cii 0 fi Cl) (.) C co C u:: C Cl) Cl) c'5 0 0 Cl) a. rt) C .! .t::. 3 I INSPECTOR , <g ,--~8%-/ & INSPECTION TYPE DATE . BUILDING ' FIELD INSPECTION RECORD FOUNDATION ' REfNFORCED STEEL REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES INSPECTOR'S INSPECTION REQ. IF DATE MASONRY . CHECKED APPROVAL ~ GUNITE OR GROUT SOILS COMPLIANCE FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSP SHEATHING STRUCTURAL CONCRETE FRAME OVER 2000 PSI PRES TRESSED EXTERIOR LATH lNSULATION CONCRETE INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL POST TENSIONED CONCRETE PLUMBING ! FIELD WELDING SEWER AND BL/CO ; HIGH STRENGTH PLUMBING UNDERGROUND BOLTS - PLUMBING TOP OUT I SPECIAL MASONRY . TUB AND ~HOWER PAN I ! GAS TEST PILES CAISSONS ELECTRICAL I TEMPORARY POWER --' . ' , --ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND I ROUGH ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SERVICE . C ~·-...... - BONDING A 1 ' ' . ~ \. J G. F. I. -SMOKE DETECTOR. ' , MECHANICAL j DUCT & PLEM., REF. PIPING HEAT -AIR COND. -SOLAR SYSTE~S -, I • \ VENTILATING SYSTEMS ,. CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE I TEMS ABOVE HA VE BEEN APPROVED. V -JOB SITE FINAL ---,/ / PLUMBIN'G ,, , ~ . .. -1.ioo"'" -"'"~~ ELECTRICAL -~ .... ~ r ~--_ MECHANICAL -• I '\ Y~ •O - '. GAS l'))ill'-"'" I, ~ \ . -. BUILDING -- SPECIAL CONDITIONS CERT OF OCCUPC 'CY ISSUED --' -; ...,, .... j -c- . -, ~v- i ~~\_.j~ ~~,J6t ~ ~~ \M\~t,-....J -,~~ ~ ~S" ~~~ ~c:::, 4e-~ ~ eYZ f"\. T, ~~ ~~ 1 ~~ --v ~~) \~ \~ c~~~ 71::> A, ~~~ D~~ c..~~~ ~b ~~ ~~~~ ~~\4~ Uk ~tv~ w~~ ~\~liN ~ t~ l ~-~'\:)~ NM ~ ~~~~B C-\~ I \N W~-n-,~) v\2 ~1 ~~ . ~~ ~~ ~\~ \~ ~ ~0-W~ .. ~~ ~~~ w~ ~~ ~T"' ~\iBL-CS, ~~ ~ "--t6 ~ ~€ .. I tt \- I l I / X AJa~A&AA~AAMAAIAJAAMIA~AAAJAAIA IA~~JA/~ . ./AA& ~ X ~ ----t j a:1-rttftratr nf ®rnq.rn11rg E ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ ~ ~ ~ This Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 306 t ~ of the Uniform Building Code certifies that at the time of issuance ~ ~ this structure complies with applicable ordinances of the City ~ j regulating building construction use. t ~ » 3 U Cl ·f· . Duplex 8 81-388-1 ~ se ass, 1cat1on_________________ ldg. Permit Na,_______ V Group _____ Type Construotion _____ Fire Zonc ______ Use Zone______ ~ ~ Occupant Load---;,;---,---:;:---:---~-~;--;---------=--------------~ ~ 0 FB .1d. Sudc,m Interior Mission.,,d P. 0. Box 1398, Carlsbad }> A wner o u1 •n~ " ' =Aa ress _ __,.'""""':::--,-:::-1:,-=-""-~..;._...------~ ?ll,.,.10 ·-&--··14·12 s,-1eetbr1·a-r. Carlsbad, CA 92008 ~ ~ Bu ilding Address · 'f . "' • : ,Circle .. .1..ocality . • , ~ 3 . l o . •" . " .~:e; ~ r j . . . o,.. 8 _ 18-8 2 . . . E ~ NOTE: Alterations, changes, add1t1ons or chon·gos of occupancy null1f1es this cert1f1cate. ~ ~ (Post in conspicuous ploce) ~ )'{-~~ ~~rwww~!WWWW~'f W~~w""~wwnwwx (. .. APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONNECT TO CITY SEWER SYSTEM. CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 438-5541 FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN BUILDING ADDRESS OWNER ~ILING At'JDRESS CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS NEW BUILDING LEGAL DESCRIPTION REMARKS: EXISTING BUILDING ._£.XE:.-BLDG S ,, 2 \ [;--4 / I tr\J L 1/ LATERAL LOCATION ST. LATERAL NO, _______ INSTALLATION DATE--------1 812 ISSUED BY --------'------------ DATE ISSUED--------......a.--:.......:.....:....----- VALIDATION • LATERAL CHARGE COMPUTATION STANDARD 4" (Max. H. 30', V. 10') _________ _ OVER 30' H. ___ @,,.·'--___ FT. ____ ~----- OVER 10' V. @ ___ FT. "15:. STANDARD 6" (Max. H. 30', V. 10') \ ,;= OVER 30' H. ___ @, ____ FT. ~ I OVER 10' V. @ FT.---='--------- T OTAL CONSTRUCTION COST---------- SERVICE CHARGE (REPAV ING ETC.) ________ _ TOTAL LATERAL CHARGE _________ _ LINE COST DATA ASSESSMENT DIST. NO.-------------- FRONTAGE ____ COST PER FT, ___ TOTAL __ _ OTHER ___________________ _ CONNECTION FEE NO. UNITS+/-,,,..) __ COST PER UNIT ~ /) TOTAL-c.,:;...;:'-'-'- PUMP STATION FEES NO. UNITS ___ COST PER UNIT ____ TOTAL--- WHITE: Engineering GREEN: Finance YELLOW: Sanitation PINK: Building GOLOENfjOD: Permilter !~:-"-,--,:z:,,.-w,-::1r: ...... ,')20 C';°\• ...,,J.,•~..:. ... n i. ,.:. • .;::1·~ 122 :,.v,. DlY:~. 1J:..;rr,-,..,l.1.. 9.2UJ ---~ ....... __ .., Phone ( 711~) 560-ll!-68 p•pr.,.t-~;i, A,T;J CAi•AC_ii c-.,+,.:.! t-::: e;.::; ,r:, A. ~~ill J,UIZ\G' -n,,_12,·t~ {2.0r'\O Job Addr••• (::,'b)~?) ~o. Stodu, ____ •_/ ________ _ wn•r• ~.,.. ;:jl}/.J~]A/ /1/1, t,fJS'r, Ploor ¼~--------------- J>l~ Check t-io • ______ -______ Va.luat.io:"I, ________________ _ Oecu,.ancy 1?.-':, (Ou:0).<?--1) fyl><' Con,tn,ctlor.~ ~ Y\I\ Pirc 2.on., ___ ..___ __ -________ _ Ca.lcul.a't.«<1 Plt.n Chec'c Poe-, __ ,,....-___ _ Re&lU"k••-------------------------------- Lia te planl'I rrco1v~d co:;,pl•te in City \ .. ~ ~ \ by ~:1':,\l~f""'f-= Dato pllLlla onllabh to :;3~:U. :J:\l: ':\ \ I S"" by •I Date plan• plckod u;,/recoiv•d by !.::;:;r~ :[U 9\ I<;; by--:::J--?-'---~---- Dato rir~t plan ch•cl. o•riro co-.;,J.e~d by ES~I:.?@ t 9/1r by '-~ D•t• applicant not1!ied oI c orrect.ion~ n,:edt-d ______ by ______ _ lJctthttd us•d 'to nC'tlty 1!pp1.icJJint ,..._~. ___________ by, ______ _ Da.1.e appl.1c..u,t aubm1 t.tad <;Ot"i"ec.t.-.d pl..J..ns by, ______ _ Dau roch•ck 1t~1--ie1.1 ccmpleUd by E.;cn. by ______ _ Dau wi;bsta<ntbll,y c<,<>p.l•t.e plo:i• d•llv~red t-o City ___ by ______ _ Ad~it.lon;,,l chronoloK)' rasa.r~~• tDfZf2J2CT1D ~.l;;,~_f2c.l.tr:W' Tej 81.;Ct-t~~ I c,r,(.,t.eT2. -:!}(:-p;,-:5, ,,-,.-,J ;-:.J--f/ HH-Yt~TC-O.r.,t.r~c'-G7Jt')NS. C~Jt:::. Fir 731_..,Q/4,. '7)t:P71 Coe.;~ '2:!._C:. •7 '-"'Z, I ✓ r 3 b " "5. ::;'° Z, S'° -- C0rrect.loru1 ch"c~•4 Wl.o• a:.r• 1.o M J).:ld• on Th• a;,,p,t'"o-,11.l of pl&.11• and apa-e1!1ca-:loni. do a any •&-ctJ.on or the Ru.ilc1lng Ccnh1, or oUter fti:.,TrJ The tollowl~ list dott» not rn,ce,:n.rlly i ..t•:Y._.; all errot""l!I 11.nd Or::>.\sts1ona. Sttft Sec~ )02(c) or th• 19? Un.\!o=::a E:t.1ilc.'t\~3 ~oJ~. Pl!\n.s r e,quire co:-rectio,,c aa l ndicat.•d by clrcl.-. ~ -._ '~►5-~~ca_~1ssu•<1.i. ne ' ah•e't ,:,J, ~ correct.ed p~~. -y-----=--~ • T?.F,}~ _ • .:JTA1::--~iCt?~~!i\~ :i.~ ;:1_s~ J_r~~';'lrr, ~r;_~x7 _.:o _F~C~ .. ~!R~T,E~ l':EM.._!Ja~n..io,;); TH:. ~.-~:.:.T C: T;..::. _.....,._,_, 1..:. -·• ttrl .. C., 1,-:.:. .,c,;l .. .=. .. flun HA.,j !.--.:.:.,~\QE;· B. ~ ...._ ___ ,,._,,_.,. ~dicat. on plans th!! na.:tfl' ot tl-ie legal o\.ffl.er a.NS nue··or p,n,on ,....--.responsible for th~ pr•paratio~ or t~e pl n1s. (S~c. JOl) /'2:. S~bnil t fully d.lr.,en~io?":ed. plO''t pl.a.n draw;, 1.-0 3,:-a).e flho,,.,ing loc::.ition ei:.e. a.nd u:ie of all ex.i~tjnl! and. propo~ed strJctur~a on th& lot.. Jdentl:ry p:-opert:y lintl'.s and t1:"lot1 lot dici~nslonn and all l:'a:u-ru:nt11. Show l ocatlon of all c1.1t or :!ll alo~a a.t'l4t i:;>;:itox.ioate j'in..\ah f loor f!levativr.a :o-r al.l l'lt:'"uct uree u.nd ,s:hOw olevationa ».t all lo~ cornert1. (Sec, J0lb7) /y:" lndica:t .. di• ta.nee %'1""0• ct:ntu·-l ln• of »trt:.t't or Al.lay to p.ropc-r1:)' ling and cll11'U.nc• !re~ cur'b to p::-o;:,e:ey line. >'.AA• all correc:"::).ons on ori~L".al tracingzs ~fore ro.9ubJ.i t-t.ing to th& l.n.spe_.s.tion Ot'p.&rt:::surt :for rrdil!'c:C. Return 'bto i,eUJ o! corr,:c t.eG pl41Lt\lil a.nd '-ae;S,or ori~ina.l. pl~~~ u,ed for plan ch~ck. The own~r or de&ipHH" :::iuat e lpl 't't:'O tcopi!!'ll or t.h• a'tUC-l'led 101.ni.N\..""a corutruction s~ci.fJ .. cation:s to t-v~d9nce havln'! received t.he l n~tructiona , a.nd agreoin~ ~o equa..l or excr~d the apec.l!ic~'ti.on,. ~ Provid~ fully di.:1umsionat {::,~~ation pl:;u1 dra-,, t.o 11c&lo. ~ ~::i:: ~~i; ~t:::t:~:: !i::~J!~ ~:: : :::i:: /,Y:-fTovid.e cottpl ~t.• fra::.i.¥ ,cbt.J.ile to oho• ho»" tl,i, propotSe~ u-.::ruc't.urR will t>e !r.am~p a..nd ~o-cl~a~n":JI will be conn•ct•d . ..,...l:0-:-Plana and ttpttci!'ic:•tic:::a: aha.l.l be sig;nd by • Cal1:Cornia SUt.U __ ~icen'!led en,.«ineer ar a:eht~~c-:.. ~ Calcul.a.t.1om• sipll'<l by • Ca.ll.:orn1a Su.t.e llcena~d ~nglnoor or a.rc~ltect. __ uhUl be provided ror _ _,~-~-----,--• • /~ Pl.t..n.4 a..c-o no!. le1tlbl•-i.l':s-:::.:::iit l•r.i'bl • p~. /.>· f.•••r•c: plan.a a-, no"t. t,,, ta~d. F.ea.utX\it. aheu-1r¼S n.ct::i.'11 cc:,n!'lB""l:"~t.1011 to b.-bl.Li.11.. 'I. 11 Cl.-:A-t2. I \:' '-( \ 4 4 'Z--\ 44,-4 1\) CITI:::-7) '::s) () ~ y}t.(TT"" Qt.~ 1,/, -r; 1'=1--~SU-N\\:;" I:; • A' 71-,d'IJ, C \....A.-Q,.\ P ~(. / 100. Si\o;r nll jo1at;s, rafta;rt1. ~f.l:10. -.nd poat.3 2"' to 4• t.hid;: \o b.a No. 2 Cr.-de-Ooulf.las P.lr-1..a:rcl\ or bctur. A.l.l. post• a.11d l>itoa 5• a.,)d t..,1-ll t,}1all be tio. l CrAd• Dougl;u. Yir--Lu-clt or boti.cr. ~ Sho-r, wall br•clna. ~ve-ry ~xt •rlor wood' stud uall a.nd 1a.al.n c-roiie J>a.r'tltion 1;1htll b,: braced at each ~nd 11ncl at laastov•ry 25 fl'~t of l enttth with l :<. l>di"gon:a.l l@-t-ln brac:.•11 or equlvaltn't. (Se-c. 2.SlS~ ~ t,ou cro1u 'brldl'!iflg. F.loor jolatai ond rafter-& ~or• t.h-.n 12"' in d•;,1 &nd np."u\J'\1ng uore t.ha.n 6 f eet ehail. b• auvr..ort.e<l latMnt..l.ly by brid3,J at i nterva.la n'lt exc•edin,J 6 f•1tt.. (Soc4 2506c) ~-Sho"' block1.ng at. .-nd• a.ntl a.t svp,S,O:rt.s r:.r rloor joi»ta.. knd f or ra.!h ..-··a t exterior '-'3...ll". (Sec. 2506g) . _....l-0'~. Show blocking At ~nd» and ftv;,por'tlil of rattora nore t~&.n B• in d•?~\4 ~ Show aol1d block.in«-at :,:-idJ~ lln• and at. oxur\or "'a.l.l..b on t:"u.aqO TOO!&. _...l,,!70:" Sho" clovbl• jol11U. Floor .,1olaU uh~ll lJ4-<1oubl•d un<hr boeu-in.g J>"Ttltion■ rurmin,g p.>rulol wlt~ th• Jol•t&. (S•c. 2}l8d5) ~Sr,o,.. r"'-!'ter purlin 'brace• to be not. lu•• uuv1 4S dwr:r••• 1~ th1t horJ (Sec. 2518h) l0t. Sho• rart.er t.iea. R~ter t iva ahi.11 b.-a;,,ac&>·6 not. ..or• t.ha.n 4 ftrot -._,-.._ J cen~r where r :\.fte-n, a..""ld c:11:ll.in~ j oi at.Jt. IL.re, not p.u-~ll•L (Sec. 25 )~Sho,,. ?"'" tinl>\.:11 c:lea.r:..nc• ~l"W•«:1 t.a p pl..a't.# of l.nt.r-r1or pe.rt..ltlontt: -~ -'t:-ot'-0:t chord or t-.-u••~•. -.--...1.~•1..., Snow do~blr top pla~• w1th J:tln1~u.. 48• l•p aplico. (Soc. 25l0g~) Sno• na.illf'\.! wlll b. ln C0!:3;>,lianc• vi t."1 t.abl• 2,5--P. rTovJd~ !irt" •top• t>e~re," storl••· b+t.~•*n top •t.or-y L~d roo! B~e at cc1lint'• a..nd floor l •"el• 1n i ntt·rlor a..'"ld e:tt..orit,r wa.U11. i r, ~.a..""I r oof or eyebrow no r.o conct>a.l11d O!"' :urred aJ1-1c• 1• ("Tt-•t.•r Uu,.1\ 10 · i>e;,t.n c-t' hor1i.ont.a.l.ly or vert.1c..all)'. b-e~een aulr ■t.rlnr•rfl at. top a...~O bot':: Poundatlon •nd bet_,e.,r: •'t\Hh alon,; 11:,d lr. line-w\~"\ •uair J'"'-'n a~j.oL"\1:"1( at-..,d v Thlc'r.n~•~ e Pout\,<btlo~ •tll (lnchr.,; •ldth c-: Poo~1 nc ( J nc.h••) Thickn•t,:, or 1'oot1.n.r ( lnchc8} Lele,. L~d ~titio:·u1. at p,rrlo~ur-of ial1dtnf door-J'OC:ke~. t>.~••n cltb.."'l 1,aturAl and •ood f r~• u.1n, c~Ul or 1nc co'eu11~bh•s for t.h• !'ir• atop a..~ Surface 0th•!"' J',la.ee• tiu,t c;,uld fi\!'!ord pa1t•a.tt' o~ fh,.;a.•. o: C:-ouiid ~-Show "t.'\Jd!!o. l n on• or two at.ory ~ulidln~•· a \utb f or •llt~r1or W"1t..U And ¥1n~ah l 11t.erlor b~tari ,v w--all• a hall 'be no\ l••• -:.Ma.n 2 :a a. at 15· o.c. S4: Crade t o:-1nt..ai·1or nont>.iar1n,; p&rt.1t1o:,a -.,.y t-.. 2 x ) •~ 16 o.c. S\"'4• 2 f----+-----J.----}------ir-------1~LillQ! -~-thic\. a,nO z· -~· -.,i,h a.nd r.o't •orft 'than 8 t••t l on~ •h•l l t... l 6 6 12 6 12 •■t\.ld r,r•de· Pou,tl.a• }'jr-1..a.rch c::r b4t1.•r vh•n •uv;,ort1r..& not •o,-. ;:.1t-- 1..k.30r.r)' 2 e B l~ 7 l b ~n• f loor ano ._ ::-oor. (S.c. 25:.~1,:). ~ ) 10 l8 e ,..--.__.l,~,... ot.• 11n A.I.!'.C. C•rt1!1CJ1t.. o~ Con.!o~c• for ttlu.-.d l &Aln-at..ct woo l0 2l. ~~"--•••b.ra "h•ll b,e, riv~n "'lo t.h• !:~ldt.~ l.n.11~c'\..Or p.r ior \.0 •r•cUo.n. '/ ( ~ ~ C.ul l all r-o•t 'to t..•;;vi. and i.-->•t to !'oot\~ conn"et.10,u. ' ..,,,,.~ -· Sp.c1ry r..all al1.• and •J'lllC1.ni t or •ll ah•..r .... u. •. floor ..n6 roar ?._ \ 'S-:), L. Q.;;:-;? ?!'.JI('_ I,. ( ~\ ILv ..... <:;. h ~·, 1 (.)\..1.'.: H 1;:-D r, J , CXo!. \i-1:?121 ,;, cy ~: :;~_:;~ ~ .. : ~:'.··to r,qulrrd bl~ckl"I'-k•lnt .. ln .... 1~-di>;-,.,., -· :j\\;T)uj '"")~ ... ·\-\'°'\\t.::,.. \'"\\\,;\_) \"lf'J .. \\..:;,;,/.:.,, ro,,~.( ..-_.t,_")•,ft""'. ~!.,ho-,.. "01\d "l••-:.h1n, o n 75< of lln♦-..r l•r.('t.n o! f1r,'t •t.ory •.&:t.:"tc ..---all• 1n \Yo ■t.ory t1..U .. dt.ni-C~.-c. 2_51!'!) u.., \~-\ \\ ... (..,. ~()\ L. VJ=\->ot: .. r"' ,...ll--Sho• )· • ti· or 2· Jt 6 · atud• 1n t1n•t aw ry of 1/\r•• •~o ry t--\.1.ll,O.:.r "" (!.•c. 2.)l!:r) _.;..,~~•;'14C\!'y ,ru•• u~·•11.1f•cturt>r Lnd tr\.lu 1N1•ntlflc•t1~. _....J7,-:--_lTo•dO♦ • rco!' !r ttaln,; p\a.n. /7~ _}-ro•ld " fr•.:.1rr ••ctlon. t.•,rc.,...ir,."'i, ____ -.--.-:-T-:--:--------- ' ✓·':'~ :;.-c.1~)' a ll h-•d•f' alu·• f '!J:" q-.n1n4 o ... •r ...,, -lo •. ~J-r,,t ld• c •lculat.ic..n• f o r ___ -·----____________ _ ,, ---------------------------- a.r••» • ,,,!•e:~ tn W111:"t-.r "';>l•..-h ar .. J )n •tT-•r\:>r-lo,-iilUon•. "'°bC\ c,,:.~ a,,.-, J ."'14-l h .. 111uv;,,;rh,'1 t:1 ;,!•r• i.rQj-.ct1~~ ~\ l•iut Z"' above t••e ♦" -"~"'" r ,.q,-ft.1,1 ~tu1\.l War t-"'I ""'•~l ~•• i,)a~ or He-.·h•U "'>()d 1. .. 1 .. 11• '"'lit rolWM'\"' or ro•Ut ~r• !'3\lnd•':.1on fr.ada r•d--oi;>d o.· t' .. d.f.l.r. •· -....__ ('"". 2H7<'-) ) ~~.,-J: !.iho"' l or.tt1on o!" •t.~lc acuttl" v!t."I .-1n.1.._.,_ a\1• 22· :& JO'", (Ste. )20.S . r__:. !;no• draft. ••;,,"r~t1on tor atUi: ar••• ln •xc •• ,. of JOOO &Q, !t. (Sec. J20j) ,, 7. f.ho-dr•!'t ••f.-il:-at.lon for •;..-"'c• Mt-.•en dro;,p.1 c•111ng, And floor 17> ~xc•s~ oC 1000 sq. ft. ($ec. 2j!7) :.i1. SJ)frc1t'y plywood ~11J• •nd J.-n•l ld•nU!ic-.Uon .1.ndo.c. (t11,bl." 25-J) l)'l--:'"-;:n("n root pitch la l•ara 1..h&.I\ )1U, d••l!V'I r1t1~• •• 11 vort.lcJU. lo,.,d rarry1n~ oe~b.r. (S~c. 25lCh) •..)Y-'-Wood nh••r .,.,alla 11ha.ll not be ua,d to r-••l•t h,d .sontal fort.;e"Jo cont.i·1llvt~d ~:t.-•aoonr.r ln b~ildini~ over ~n• ot<>ry ln h•lp,t. lS•c-2516b) ;~-r--tyr,tu::. lath L"'\d pl•ster, ICfV•..,_ V•athin~ bu.rd and r::,pt1\,J,,(fj •'lll~rc\ · eh;1-11 n1>t. bw u,u·d in vc1~t.ic1U. ~!a,,u·•1.to• 'to i•efllio't tore•• L.1pn:.ad l'r'J b1&onry or concrct• con6tructl~~. ------~------------------'· ~,· ,~._1.::_:...:r.\~ "Y'.j~S::,V"l'I l'•-:....!.la,, 1.•f (;1.1Jll ,, ,. .on (tJ .. r~) ~-a!.l .. Ll'..d flour/c•ll: ,. .. ~••,..:a~lie■ lO achlr '<f ~ :,,our.d 'lr,._.-,,.,:,\9:a\:n.:.1, ... ('..,.!"":) ro\U.,"C !., •All• of 50 a11:;lb1""l, -.n,1 tan l~•p.~t l:-<\ut.a"";J.cn Cl•"' (t-:-e) 1a'ti:.t; er1 floo:-/e~ll\nt o:" jJ i.!•:;l ... ..:1¥. tr ~si.ni t•u..ll aheet !r~; rJ~.:tio1J. ,lrcl• ~ppll~abl• detall3 tor t~1• ;,.coJ•c~ • 1--. r·'.Zu~~Alli.:! ___ z __ ..o..;..,,. Sutnilt t,..-o cops ... or t!l• ~•3hhnt.1U !::J'l.-r'q' 1-alw St'l.\r°".;n't c., Pl,..,:, Con!'or.)~c• co.AjU•t .,., n.:,1 al,a•d. ~ .Sr.,e,clty ineulatltm P v41.lut-a !CJ:-w•lls. roo:-a.:,d-celling. J. y;~;CttA!tICAL J.ll h■l:ltinil".• Vf"ntilating Md cooli.-& ey!lt.c'•9-and r .. ~\iane..:-:;i shAl.l ccripl)' r.l'tt\ t~• l976 edition o: the Unlror. llec.'l..ru.c.u Cod,. 170. Show location and 't'ype: of ~.u he-At.l.J,tf Nkl c<>OllJ\!' appl.i-.nc-•a c,r synteJUI. • 171. Sho.., 12inlctu:s 30· dL-ep unol,a,"=l'uc't-i-d workin~ •~c. .. 1n f'ront of 1°W'7'H\~5. 17:?. SnoW' turn:aic e BpAC* ::Li.nla1S u· .-!.dtr tl"IAn fur-'\.ac~ or per lle'U.rlg. (Sec. 704). l7J. Sho,r l:lllnl:at=t 3• c;lea.r m>t"°lt~ r:p.a.c• alori,1 th2 aid••• b,,lc'W:: Iii.,~ 't.('lop ot ~urnact or cho.rMce ptt l.btl"!;. (Soc. 704) 174. Furnace shall not. bs it,-tall•d t.md•r any et-'l\lnt-,.y. (Sec. ?01)) 175,. Purnac• :,:hAll not b• in.st•ll--4 1n ar.:y b•d.rooliA. ba":.."-\ropa. clo;.;151'1 or 1n con!'inttd ■p,-'C• with ace••• only t.Vo..i~, B\lch rC'OM.\D'\leaa •~ei.ti:Al aa dlr•et vent: llp;,Uance. •ncl=--a4 fl.lnlllc-" or •l•c.trlc h•at..ln« applla,,c•. (Soc. 704) 176. Attic ru:rn&co lnot.a.lled in a "y,co 1-u 'tllM 5 hi!l> ah..U b-, l.buo.1 tor auch ir~u..11:ation. (5ec. na) ln. Show lCBO •?J'.X'O"'tl tor prct.-.b ti.Npl,!.co i1.M p:ro!>""lo,approv-4 ln•tu..ll\iln"-1natruct.1on.a. I!:. :;ucnm:.u. All w1rln, ahall co,,ply •1th th• 19711 l<at.lonal l'..loe-::.-ica.l. Cod•. ~ l'lot.e on pla.n u~ra,t ot el•c:1C..U ,1n-vlco. . ~ hot• on plan t.hat ~->,. -~ ......,.._a~ uo~ :au'\.'t yeot.oct\on 11ha.l l b-. p:-ovl ded ,,■ e:a..,....,..~,e•te• 0,--~'!:-c..-' G,+::.~1 C..o\.JV•.1 ~1 l.S,2":' >tot.• o:, pl.-.n t."lolt kl t.chen 1'1,C::-iea..l rt,,;tp~-:l•• .hw l>., ir1J1"t"J..U11,a pttr ..-attachM•nt. ( EC-202) l-ef. ttot.e on p..1-.n that d••llln(; rll'cP;>t.a.cle ■p.,c1r-..,s !!:hall coo11p..\y with a.io.1uU1.1 -..,.__.....rrqutr .. ••nt..1 ahown on a"tt.ai:-J\.a~r,.t. (?(: ... 203) . l~. !:l•CUlcal. 1..'"\$t.■.llationo o: :.or• 'tha.n 200 a.a~r.ia, Mo• pa.n•l l~cat.1on and pro•id• a 1ln,gl• l ino di~~ a.nd loa4 c.a..lc~tiona inelud.1.~• a) ~!r1~« ••~~od ~~ploy~d. b ) S1t•• o: a.ll conductor■• •"!~••• clrcul':" l-r•U•rs. /UJtos a.nd condu1 t..a. c ) Ap;ll'o.d~t.. l c-n~ of ••rYic• a.nd fc,oara. d ) JTovlde plo't J>l-.,., :iihow1r.& aervlc••· A.ll p,.nel l oc.a't1oNI, cir~l'?. a.r'ra.tu·• .... -:~ and load d..\.•t:-!hu-:.ion on ps.nol bv••••--e) Provld• 'typical. J>an•l ech•d"lo(a). 1~5:'" Sho ... l oc• !.ion o! all •l•ct:rica.l ~"tttcl••· .~~_.....-,1.cu-ical r•cept.u:l• l ocatJon.. , or •~c\.n,-la r.01: a.Je,q1.ut.o i n .. -122_. J-'Tnv1o• 1:u~ . .:.;111~ 100 a:::ap ••r-vJ c•. Condoad.n.L\,,:11• T...qulr• loo a.::ap •"rvl eo. ~ At. l•••t on• r~re;,tacl• ahall bo 1.n.su.ll•d ouu,;oo:, a.nd 1n ~bid••· t-ot• o:, plL-. ~"lat 'th• elect.rlc.a.l •Y•'h:» 11h•ll he-r.r-otindet.1 t,y a ~!!er C.:our.d·. Clt)' o! C"-l"l..abe.! .i•ct.1.on l8.l2.2l'-O. i',Zoo_;C::3-E:C , ?rhH~l .. V IOL-~Te I {\1t , Sc0'nt..14~0)I.) ~ 0 ;.u:.ti!!li \ q -rq . All pl..-b1n, wh-.l.l coaply wl th th•~ •d1 tio1' ot tt,• lmiZora Plu•b""4 Cr,do. ~~ l'tlou.. burr1er1t. h•at\n,. •1•,...n-:... and awl t.c::.he• or -,;l'.\t•r h•A'-"N •~ll be w. H:• •DO"• r-..rar• floor. (S«c. l)lOJ h.lU T:Jp. •atl'r clo•et.• •h•U b:t St.at<> appro••d lrn, tl,--'•h tr?"1 J} Ci-'K. ~ Sho• waii..r h•at.o1rr type a n4 loca<tion on pl.an... ,,1t')': Sho• ••ti,od o: rcro•ldln.a c0tt~•Uon al.r t..o fu•l bu:rn1n.& wa.t.T h••t..r. C5•c. 1)0?) .,.'n~:: Sho• wat.•r hu,t•r cl•-.r•nce trc:. coa~u•tl bl• wall , CS•c. 1)03') -.]J.;. 1"\al ca-bi.ut.lon ..->t~r h••t •r a h.all hot t,,. J.n..ta.lloa 1n 'bfttll or h,e,t\roo. ...,,-or l n clo1t•t. o;:,,,,nlnr lnt.o hltt.1'1 cir Ntroo.. (S,-c. 1)09) .,;> . l-'ro•ld• •d..-11.at• ~ler to protf'c\ water h•at."r rro. ••hlcl• ~ o.-....,.. (;.•e. 1 )101 · JTO"ld• f}CN control d•vlce11 on J1.1'\o•t'r-•. l••.a1ory r,n,c•t• ..-M aln• ' f•vc .. t.• t.o l!•~t t ot. .. l. rlo"' t.«> 1. -..a.JU•~ or 1hr•• pJ.lono p,e,r --~ •1riwt•. (!"ttJ• 2!.) :1 ~Sho ... T .,-id P vat v• on w•t..T hir.at..r a.nd •ho• rout.. or cU•ch"V"8• lln-,. ·""·,..,L..,,,. 11tat.•r 1'1•1'\.•r •J\•tl not bf' luc•t•J t-t-lo• •t•\~)" or l •n.dl,u. ~~ t,o.._,.. or. :,le-• tJ\at • ••"4-r J\I°•"'•-:• rti"\.Jlat11r 1D r c.-qulr•d 1r •!t,-,,l"'t rr .. 311t.1.r• i• o..,.., .. f-0 p.a .1, (:•tt. l:'•C"]) • ; J r.11.,11.•t• ;,ot. v••.-:-llru•. / J-rovlo• Clr)tr v,nt \.o nut•16., ~ }ToVld,. ca.lcu).at.lons Jv:tt.l!"y!.na lncr-e.lslr~ nir..,::lc, F,lAi.ed r.rta t•y1..-::-i :>O.' ot floe:-a.re• tf•kyllgnt ar-aatt a.hould, k,,c, t1ultJ.;>lied t.y l.6 to ft.\ ~ •~ulv•l~nt el~~lei 1:l:;u.,e a.C"ea ). ,--., • _ Specl fy o:, pla.na to t.,l ,;roa-a flour hl •• ., o:-h•at.•J ,. one:, n.r,d ~o'UU ..,....--,:l;a.i.•<l aroan {;:,:.:lti;:ly ■ln~l• "'"'!l !:Qllf.~'t A.reas by 1.6). ;>c:.. S"o-.. d~-:..a.ll•d cH::,an-, .'. ?·tttd "all. roo! e.""ld/or-cel llnp. 11.a~tb~lJ 'to ' -••m~part :,. t~rnat.e ch ·dp c;ilcul:i~lon•-~f. S;4cl!"y that. t-xt.i•1c,r 1Jwir:.g!ntdo0ra anrJ •!...,C:,ow, vll\ le '-"•"-ti'!:""~--.:·i1-p,,.t~ /~'Sl-l-Jul .. ~.~-t ,_.-..j.:;\ !.~., k .... , 1,-. • ..,,_~ cl.<;>.,_,;.;,,--.,.+ I....._./' L.1 -':'-e. C<.t c:..L<!. co~~ ,-, ,,:. t-.) ')~ '\ .;-,.•:-.., I'::. ' ~ti, 1::>,.VPt-\'--r''2>L.lo0 C.\'r-' 1\-\ $'<\J'+-) J:V vu c:;;..v ... ~~Ae-.h vi.-1:>rN on; V\..O}".: \)\..,~ D ~ . \111\.CJO t ~-1 __ _ n -h> t:;L.Law ;, ;_;~, ~• pl.&rut ,.,~r• r e ,..lrwr-4 b;,••d o!"l ti\• 1.Jl.!o:-aaUc,,n aho ... :-1 on thet rJ-.w-.e.;.._ U 't.-:. • ;,,l.a.n.s .-.r• i n error. o:--c:han••d ~urlr..t co~ t:"'UC. t..1 on. 'th• p,ral. t 11--o,.ildl cont.act t.h• City ot Ca:lab:a~ !or r••l.,.,., a.rid •r,pro•a..l. □ D~ld!ng pl~"Uf Lf",l •ubsl.JL."1tJ . .-.ll..y correc 't a.nd co,aplou. (1>7, _______________ da'tM, _________ _ ~,-.-,-o-,-, ---.-,=.c-:.:-:-~ V""r • • • ;i .., .. -n' -. Prepared by 1 0-6,,-VALU,\'!'ION A:lD PL·\N C:i:·:SY. o ':;lsf:. D 2sgil P LAil CHECK NO. R 1-~f? !? EUILDING ADDRESS u,';2.o5(°?) i../:k/1~1(::r '772t:7F"/2o, APFLICANT/CON TAC T 114ut-J.. A ??-?HOtl E NO. L/3-~---3-3_4'_0_ EUILDDG OCCUPANCY J2 ... ~ DrJ(J/p-«:_o_s D:-"".S}r.NER f'H ONE{;>l,3)5??13').) . 1' I 1 ' TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION ~..EL---COWfRAC'!'OR PHONE -----PM~ Pill? Ahr a,m /J.t re s; rt, , , 1 $ Pur 1-1 "( r1t:::.ek!.l1 5UILDING PORTION BU ILDING ARE,\ VA LUE · V,\ LUATTON t,)UL't'TPLTE!~ t'14 ti ,------L..-,-v-,-, ,-~-,--;i-o_t9 ______ ¥-_Z. ~ tW oOB I f-----{-;;...;;...i-.f.....:....1-2..-----.1~---'-_t/ t'f-------1.-~-==========~----i PJ c I I I.P t:>-, ~o >-----.,---------+---------!---- --- ,, 13 '' /~7.4-t.t-2. ~~ '1 () °2;)0 S '-J'IL __ .11!;)'__ ! ~851 Mooe,/ ,/ t1il-£ 6,_ ____ 3 5 2d I I ~~~~ I ---I I PfkM I '/4 PL,~ii:: (a'SG.IL. ?.~-r. 0 '2.. \ 4,-,:4@ , - 4 "!i (. I "° \ 89 ,l.S t .~ Air Condi tionin~ I ,oo "1..C.. ,80 . ,; ,-;c.@ .~ Commercin l e ·ic.4-,00 'l.. "!> c,. ·'-0 41, ~'?. <!, Res i d ential " -tot, 2.•0 Q ~'-1 .90 5'3,'SC.@, Fi r e Sorinklers Va l u e . 1200 ELM AVENUE · CARLSCJAD, Cl\l!FORNIA 92008 Building Ce?a~tme nt ·.. Qt{tp · of <1:adzuau ~DEW]AL ENERGY· DES IGN CERTIFICATION .. Permit No. . TELEPHONE: '714) 129-118 1 .• • . --------- · Issue Date. -- . . t"CDTIFICAIE oi:· car,~0LI "~JCE1-\•1-lTij Q.tERr,Y. CO~·ISER\f/\TJQ0.j n-r.=-c-1Gn DCQLJIDCT,(i(:'f,rrs .·V-f\l . L . I.. ... , if.. n: .. -( _ I U\ \.., ,. ,tll. I ~ . ~ ilL . 1\Ci ,w 1, ffiNTAINED IN ARTICLE 1, PART 5, TillE 24, CALIFO~~IA AU-1. CODE ... . I,·.~ -~_-• hereby certify that I am familiar wi·th the stat e ehergy_ conservation standard~ mandate d in . . . . .. . .. . ·.· CAC Tit·le 24, Se ct.ion .T20-1401 through T20 ~1 406, and that th e _-p 1 ~ n s and· othe r ·. do cum e n t s · s ~ b mi. t t ~ d i ~ s up port of the a p p:1 i cat ·j o ~ .· ~( '. foi• .a building Her nii t at l;;;i.t0.S:-~~~ -~ ~'., . . · · · . · Address · 7. . ~I .. ~Al cx_Q ~o -~o ~-· ~-·i ··; . . ft Assessor's Pa rce l No. .-Dated 1· : • I . . . comply with. all current requirements of these regul a tions. . . . . :Signature .State Licens e or Certificate No. • --------------- 0 ate c2JY-~/·· 17? /. . -' . . . . Submit to the Building Department with pennit a_pplic.ation.· • . . . •• . . ,. form 78-101 y \ \ -~ I f l JOHN VERNON & ASSOCI~ 1859 S. ESCONDIDO BLVD. ESCON0.100. CA 92025 TEL. (7 14) 743-8808 '"O'IIITY OfVHO,i11u,n fNGIN([RS c.,,.u ,~cr ••.,.G • )01\ \res,,,-.,.,• )u•vr ,..,...,r. GRADING REPORT Name of Permittee ___ ~---""'~~~-/ __ L,;..z;.aq__,,~__,'d""_.__ _______________ _ Grading Permit No. ____ 2_/.:_,;?..___-___,S ______________________ _ A. COMPATIB ILITY WITH GRADING PLAN AND PERMIT 1. Was the compacted fill placed only in the approximate lo- cations designated on the i;rading plan as areas to be filled? ~H"' 6-H~~ S~,:::,~~ 2, Did the quantity of fill material placed approxi mately conform to the grading plan? J . Did the toe of fill or the top of cut appear t o meet the prescribed property line setback (1 ,5' for fill; J.0 ' for cuts)? 4 . Were the finished fill slopes equal to or less than 2 hor- izontal t o 1 vertical? 5. If the fill material was obtained by cuts on the site, were the cuts made in the proper location and to the proper sloP-e AP.sroximately, as shoWJJ., on the approyed gra.ding plan? ut/4'//d /:'e'<l'v✓r~a"" a,e:,dt; s:. ,r;~ i!l,-r crr,vl' 6. Were orow ditciifes constructed a~proximately as shown on the grading plan? B. LOCATION AND AMOUNT OF COMPACTION TESTS Yesl::::::No_ Yes V No_ Yes~No_ YesL--No_ Yes~No __ Yes~No_ 1. Have you attached a sketch and data showing the location Yes~ No __ and relative elevation for all compaction tests? 2. Was a compaction test made so that there is at least one Yes.J::::: No __ test in each 2 ' thick lens of compacted materi al. J. As indicated by inspections, observations and compaction Yes-1:::::No __ test results, was the fill, excluding the top 1.0", compacted to at least 90% of maximum dry density? C. QUALITY OF FILL COMPACTION OPERATION 1. Was the area to receive fill properly prepared in terms of Yes V No_ brush removal, benching, wetting, removal of nonc ompacted fill or debris and related items? 2 . Wa s all detrimentally expansive soil placed in the fill at Yes.J::::::: No __ J ' or more below finish grade? Duplicate of DPL #73 Rev. 3-7-79 ( 1 ) · ) .. Have you attached a copy of your curve showing the rela- tionship between optimum moisture content and maximum density? YesJ::::::-No_ 4. Was all material used as fill (earth, rocks. gravel) Yes~ No_ smaller than 12" in size? 5. Are all areas of the fill suitable for support of Yesk No structures? 6. Were all existing fills on the site recompacted in accord-Yes1::=::_ No ance with the provisions of the grading ordinance? D. STATISTICAL DATA . 1. Dates the grading work was performed, 8--/9 zf:2 9-'$/.-8/ 2 . Dates your representative was on site and numb e r of hours on site f or each date, and name of representative, t"'!f-/9 /o 9-;r ~h'/S "<? W~a%:'.n: E. AS-BUILT DATA 1. I f the fill placement was not in accordance with the approved grading plan, did you notify the permittee to obtai n approval f or deviation from the plan before pro- c e eding wi~dditional fil~ment? Yes~ No Yes V No 2. If the approve~C'ad~ptif aoes~t reflect t he actual l ocation, depth and type of fill , have you su bmitted for review and app r oval a n as-built plan ? REMARKS: ~ ~~Pf _:,--~c;:.'."v# ,?dvef z .#-4 bq,s ~/a✓mV.-'22 uqtJr /~ 4-«<C ~e .,Ce;? ,z /,..-c::2 / S:Qou/c/ &!/bre~ ~~.so~ CERTIFICATI ON I hereby c ertify, und e r penalty of perj ury , t hat the information provided i n this c ertifica tion is true to the b@st of my knowl ~~r~ and belief. .·\ '.'it" J . CI\J\'-~ /-<: l~\,\<:,_1/ ~ Duplicate of DP L #7 3 Hev. J -?-79· :i i,~r,a :•Jr~/4 $/~ Date9-A6-8/ R.C.E . 2 21 PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS JOHN VERNON & ~CIA'I'ES 1869 S. F.acondido Blvd. ( 2) F.acondido, CA 92025 7"'3-8808 RELATIVE COMPACTION TEST REPORT JC»tN VERNON 8 ASSOC. ...... " ll¥'IILOllllllf ··••nt , -I. IICNllll O a'9YQ,.IICGNOIOO, CA 11015 .,..,.,101 INmAL WEIGHT OF SAND ~IGHT OF RESIDUE WEIGHT OF SAND USED SANO DENSITY VOL. OF HOLE 8 CONE VOL . OF CONE VOL. OF HOLE EXCAVATED SAMPLE: WET WEIGHT DRY WEIGHT WEIGHT OF WATER o/e MOISTURE DATE: 8'-/9-Bt TESTED BY IN PLACE ~ GR S./t:J ~~ Cit ~2 GR L.o LI TEST• / FG -/P OG + ~ /~~LB ,.,,./5;?2 LI KP LI $2';:S LB/cF .@tf CF • ~ Cf . CJ~6 C, OPT. MOISTl.fiE ~ CM ~:55 GR ¢5 GR /O IN PLACE WET DENSITY N PLACE DRY DENSITY t._2 j.. S LB/~f IMPACT TEST DATA= OPTIMJM WET DENSITY OPTI~ ~STURE % OPTIMUM DRY DENSITY RELATIVE COMPACTION: Lf"'Z.:? LI/CF /:J'4LB/CF /0 ..,.___ / 2, Z., LI/cf I 9Z %1 REMARKS= __________ _ I -,,. .. RELATIVE COMPACTION TEST'#: 2- FG -::; OG + '!5 TEST REPORT JOiN VERNOO 8 ASSOC. NONIITY Drftl.Oflalff ...... Ill · 1819 I. llCCNNDO aLV0..IICCJNCMDO, CA 12025 N,·eeoe SAND VOLUME DATA= INITIAL WEIGHT OF SAND Vt£1GHT OF RESIDUE WEIGHT OF SAND USED SAND DENSITY VOL. OF HOLE a CONE VOL. OF CONE VOL. OF HOLE EXCAVATED SAMPLE= IN PLACE WET WEIGHT DRY WEIGHT WEIGHT OF WATER % MOISTURE IN PLACE WET DENSITY IN PLACE DRY DENSITY IMPACT TEST DATA= OPTIMUM WET DENSITY OPTIMJM ~STURE % OPTIMUM DRY DENSITY ~~ GR 45"5 ~ ~S GR /o RELATIVE COMPACTION: /~ZL LB ~48 LB 9./JO LB 3~S LB/cF .(/7'. CF ,c:;J"f'O CF · M9 CF OPT. MOISTURE '7, ~Z, LB ,SCJO GR /2'2,, LB/cF /// LB/CF ~~ GR £5" GR /'J"'7 LB/CF /Z, 12z LB/cE I 91 % I REMARKS= __________ _ -------- RELATIVE COMPACTION TEST1t5 FG -4 OG +9 TEST REPORT JOiN VERNON a ASSOC. ,ttOfllllTY DCVILOl'laNT ...... Ill DATE: 8-~-31 · ... I. tlCWO aLYO..HCOIGDO, CA HOU N,-eeoe TESTED BY SAND VOLUME DATA= INITIAL WEIGHT OF SAND ~IGHT OF RESIDUE WEIGHT OF SAND USED SAND DENSITY VOL. OF HOLE a CONE VOL . OF CONE VOL. OF HOLE EXCAVATED SAMPLE: IN PLACE WET WEIGHT DRY WEIGHT WEIGHT OF WATER % MOISTURE IN PLACE WET DENSITY IN PLACE DRY DENSITY IMPACT TEST DATA= OPTIMUM WET DENSITY OPTIMJM ~STURE % OPTIMUM DRY DENSITY 6~0 GR q'45 ~ S5 GR /~ RELATIVE COMPACTION= /~~ LB 1:f2 J LB '7.b'/ LB ;;'$,~LB/cF ,/0£ CF -~ CF ,Q6'j CF OPT. MOISTURE 8, S6 L.8 ~c:::, GR /2<.r LB/CF //~4 LB/CF ~ GR 5S GR 137 LB/CF /2, ......,__ __ /2Z, LB/cf I <fl %J REMARKS= __________ _ RELATIVE COMPACTION TEST• ~A FG -~ OG +<o TEST REPORT DATE: 8---~/-g/ . '811 I. HCOIINDO ILVQ..IICONOIDO, CA 12oz, N,-eeoe TESTED BY LOCATION= ~/~ .#;?;3 ,,t:)-; SAND VOLUME DATA= INITIAL WEIGHT OF SAND \\£1GHT OF RESIDUE WEIGHT OF SAND USED SAND DENSITY VOL. OF HOLE a CONE VOL. OF CONE VOL. OF HOLE EXCAVATED SAMPLE= WET WEIGHT DRY WEIGHT WEIGHT OF WATER % MOISTURE IN PLACE WET DENSITY IN PLACE DRY DENSITY IMPACT TEST DATA = OPTIMUM WET DENSITY OPTl~M ~STURE % OPTIMUM DRY DENSITY IN PLACE ?Ot:' GR 4$ ~ 4:6GR /cl ► ~ ~ z I.I.I 0 7,S~ //Z /~'2, LB /~:ftp LB :S::'2<2 LB 4"t?O LB yz,,~LB/cF I /Cl.5 CF . CZ~ CF ,CJ6S CF OPT. MOISTURE ~~ GR 4:i'S GR 66:S GR /5 LB/cF LB/CF /z_g;-LB/cF t:S (/ I LB/cf RELATIVE COMPACTION= ,___~--% MOISTURE I 9~ %J REMARKS= __________ _ RELATIVE COMPACTION TEST'4t -'f FG -7 OG + 5 TEST REPORT DATE: $-~/-B'I . '819 I. HCWO ILVO,.IICONCMDO, CA HOZS N,-eeoe TESTED BY LOCATION= ~d~ ~;..Y~ ~/s~d/ SAND VOLUME DATA= INITIAL WEIGHT OF SAND \\£1GHT OF RESIDUE WEIGHT OF SAND USED SAND DENSITY VOL. OF HOLE a CONE VOL . OF CONE VOL. OF HOLE EXCAVATED SAMPLE: WET WEIGHT DRY WEIGHT WEIGHT OF WATER % MOISTURE IN PLACE WET DENSITY IN PLACE DRY DENS IT Y IMPACT TEST DATA= OPTIMUM WET DENSlTY OPTIM.JM ~STURE % OPTIMUM DRY DENSITY IN PLACE ~GR ,£4:5 ~ >6° GR /~ RELATIVE COMPACTION: 6 6-o l/'f' > /07 LB /'f{ 'z¥ LB 7 ./3-Le Z~ LB ?";?, 5" LB lcF ,?2'f5 CF ,t:24'2 CF , OS$: CF OPT. MOISTURE ~ GR 4'.?!5 GR 66' GR /$ LB/cF LB/CF /2?LB/cF /5 /// LB/cf ~ %1 REMARKS= __________ _ ---------------------- RELATIVE COMPACTION TEST1t 6' FG -3 OG + 9 TEST REPORT JOiN VERNON 8 ASSOC. DATE: ~-~-&'I . •-I. HCGIIDIDO ILV0..IICONOl>O, CA HOU .,..,.eeoe TESTED BY LOCATION= ~/PW ~s~~~ SAND VOLUME DATA= INITIAL WEIGHT OF SAND \\£1GHT OF RESIDUE WEIGHT OF SAND USED SAND DENSITY VOL. OF HOLE 8 CONE VOL. OF CONE VOL. OF HOLE EXCAVATED SAMPLE= WET WEIGHT DRY WEIGHT WEIGHT OF WATER % MOISTURE IN PLACE WET DENSITY IN PLACE DRY DENSITY IMPACT TEST DATA= OPTIMUM WET DENSITY OPTIMJM ~STURE % OPTIMUM DRY DENSITY /d??'P LB • 6¢,{ LB :7'p,6, LB ?r4.s' LB/cF ,tJRS CF < ~?'°O CF '(2~:5 CF IN PLACE OPT. MOISTURE ~ GR 6,~z_, LB ~ GR 44S ~ 4¢$ GR :S:5 GR 5-:; GR /Z /-Z-- /23 LB/cF //0 LB/CF /'34 LB/CF /2,, ~--1zo LB/cE RELATIVE COMPACTION= <j:e % I REMARKS= __________ _ RELATIVE COMPACTION TEST REPORT ... I. HCCIDDO ILY0..IIC0NDIDO. CA 12025 Nl·HOI DATE, 8 ,u;-t!f'/ TESTED BY LOCATION= S~,/ffi~f~ ~a,-6-N✓ SAND VOLUME DATA= INITIAL WEIGHT OF SAND v.£1GHT OF RESIDUE WEIGHT OF SAND USED SAND DENSITY VOL. OF HOLE a CONE VOL. OF CONE VOL. OF HOLE EXCAVATED SAMPLE= IN PLACE TEST• 0 FG -z OG + /0 /~ LB £~? LB ZtkZ LB %ZS-LB/cF , /,tJS CF CF CF OPT. MOISTURE WET WEIGHT ~~ GR 7';(?y LB ~ GR DRY WEIGHT WEIGHT OF WATER % MOISTURE IN PLACE WET DENSITY IN PLACE DRY DENSITY IMPACT TEST DATA= OPTIMUM WET DENSITY OPTIMJM '-OSTURE % OPTIMUM DRY DENSITY ~<?6 ~ 5S GR /Z ► t= en z "' 0 RELATIVE COMPACTION= //f7 LB/CF /C/5 LB/CF 4Z:[ GR 6$ GR /~ /// LB/cf ----%MOISTURE I 9s %1 REMARKS= __________ _ RELATIVE COMPACTION TEST-.t: 7 FG -/ OG +/~ TEST REPORT DATE: 3---Z'r-8/ 1819 t. llCWO IL.V0..ll00NOIDO • CA HOZS N1·HOI TESTED BY LOCATION= ~~ /#;,;~,,~ SAND VOLUME DATA= INITIAL WEIGHT OF SAND \\£1GHT OF RESIDUE WEIGHT OF SAND USED SAND DENSITY VOL. OF HOLE a CONE VOL . OF CONE VOL. OF HOLE EXCAVATED SAMPLE= l~:F? LB ~K4: LB 9!6i: LB ?Z,S LB/cF • //7 CF . 0 9:0 CF ~ 07? CF . OPT. MOISTURE WET WEIGHT IN PLACE feO GR #6$ ~ ~99 LB ~ GR DRY WEIGHT WEIGHT OF WATER % MOISTURE IN PLACE WET DENSITY IN PLACE DRY DENSITY IMPACT TEST DATA= OPTIMUM WET DENSITY OPTIKJM ~STURE % OPTIMUM DRY DENSITY 3'"7 GR 8 RELATIVE COMPACTION= /(k LB/cF /tJ7 LB/CF ~$ GR ~ GR /o /Z:5 LB/CF /0 ..,.__ __ //~ LB/cf I 9~ %1 REMARKS= __________ _ RELATIVE COMPACTION TEST'#:8 FG -:s OG + JO TEST REPORT JOiN VERNON 8 ASSOC. NONIITY NVIL--NT 11-Uftl ... I.HCWOILY0..HC0NDl>O,CA HOZS ,..,.eeoe DATE: 8 -2!-r, 81 TESTED BY LOCATION: 5P✓~ /»,,;,_I'~~ ?~/~/4?/' SAND VOLUME DATA: INITIAL WEIGHT OF SAND Yt£IGHT OF RESIDUE WEIGHT OF SAND USED SAND DENSITY VOL. OF HOLE 8 CONE VOL. OF CONE VOL. OF HOLE EXCAVATED SAMPLE= WET WEIGHT DRY WEIGHT WEIGHT OF WATER % MOISTURE IN PLACE WET DENSITY IN PLACE DRY DENSITY IMPACT TEST DATA= IN PLACE 54:,:, GR -7,~ 4?-'5' ~ '25 GR ;'5 /L/ /06 LB /4;,5~ LB S.95 LB 5?!JiJ:f LB ~'!S°' LS/cF , 1()9: CF •OQ.Q CF • 064-CF OPT. MOISTURE ~ GR ¢S'S GR '1-5 GR c..o LB/CF LB/CF / 25'LB/cF /o OPTIMUM WET DENSITY OPTIM.JM ~STURE % OPTIMUM DRY DENSITY ~--//9 LB/cf RELATIVE COMPACTION= I 78 %1 REMARKS= __________ _ _. . RELATIVE COMPACTION TEST• 9 FG -3 OG + 4 TEST REPORT ~/t~ JOiN VERNON 8 ASSOC. DATE: 8rt9 --~1 ... I. HCGIIDIDO ILV0..IICXINOIDO, CA HOZ5 ro·eeoe TESTED BY LOCATION= ;;r~/$~~ ~4-~ SAND VOLUME DATA= INmAL WEIGHT OF SAND \\£IGHT OF RESIDUE WEIGHT OF SAND USED SAND DENSITY VOL. OF HOLE a CONE VOL. OF CONE VOL. OF HOLE EXCAVATED SAMPLE= WET WEIGHT DRY WEIGHT WEIGHT OF WATER % MOISTURE IN PLACE WET DENSITY IN PLACE DRY DENSITY IMPACT TEST DATA= OPTIMUM WET DENSITY OPTIMJM K>ISTURE % OPTIMUM DRY DENSITY IN PLACE S°e,o GR 4~$ ~ 4-5 GR /G) ► t:: en z II.I 0 RELATIVE COMPACTION= /~J-'? LB ~'22< LB /(2.'l(O LB 1 £2,~ LB/cF I /3; CF . G2s?a CF , t29/ CF OPT. MOISTURE /t},2,3 LB z::~ GR 4.$ GR '15 GR /(2 //'2-,1 'S LB/cF /t}Z, ;J LB/CF '---------%MOIST URE /ZS LB/cF /0 //4 LB/cf • REMARKS= __________ _ ... RELATIVE COMPACTION TEST REPORT DATE: 'o ;,' Z'?-8 I . ·-I.HCWO ■LVO..H00NOIDO,CA noz, T•n·Hoe TESTED BY LOCATION= Sp/~ /Jt/S-S/Cff ?a,/464'c/ SAND VOLUME DATA= INITIAL WEIGHT OF SAND Yt£1GHT OF RESIDUE WEIGHT OF SAND USED SAND DENSITY VOL. OF HOLE a CONE VOL . OF CONE VOL. OF HOLE EXCAVATED SAMPLE = IN PLACE TEST-.t /0 FG -/ OG + S ~ca,,.-t /4,CJJ' LB 2:~7 LB 9. t)i) LB "g,Z,~ LB/cf • I Qc;, CF ,0<70 CF · t)bc; CF OPT. MOISTURE WET WEIGHT ~ GR ff. S '5 LB '!5'0o GR DRY WEIGHT WEIGHT OF WATER % MOISTURE IN PLACE WET DENSITY IN PLACE DRY DENSITY IMPACT TEST DATA= OPTIMUM WET DENSITY OPTIMJM ~STURE % OPTIMUM DRY DENSITY 440 ~ 6o GR .It/- ► t: en z LU 0 RELATIVE COMPACTION : / 2/ LB/cF /()b LB/cF 4 55 GR 4-S GR /0 /Z-5 LB/CF /0 ....,.___ (/4-: LB/CF ~---'--- •1. MOISTURE I Y3 %1 REMARKS= __________ _ -------------------------- . '• .,,. '! ·1,- Application for Grading Permit CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1200 Elm Avenue 438-5541 PE NO.--'-·_~_/, __ Validation by Finance Department Building Permit Plan Check No. ______ _ FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN Site Address Surety Company Bond No. Subdivision Name .. r1or Miulon Re Date Filed Rec'd by Ppone erior M1.es1on Inc. · 60 Cash deposit $ - Rec'd by Date filed ") Owner's Adc;lress Plans by Civil Engineer llo Address >th Ave, ld Soi I Engineer tian R.C.E, ) Grading Contracwr c.277.938 Addr~ss i.do Party responsible for overall supervision Proposed use of grad~ site R.C,E. Phol)_e I Phone Phone 92008 .5255 -4544 ·, .3:310 The following documents are required and shall become a part of the grading permit when they are approved. Grading plans Soil report Drainage structures Compaction report Specifications Geologic Report Other SPECIAL CONDITIONS WHICH ARE MADE A PART OF THIS PERMIT 1. Authorized hours of operation: 7:00 AM to Sunset, Monday -Friday. 2. Haul routes are to be approved by City Engineer. Fi ,ish 5. All fills to be compacted to at least 90% of optimum Proposed Schedule of Operations (dates) Start "une l ~' l Alt , I ' density unless noted otherwise. -=-----,~----------------------- I hereby acknowledge that I have read the application and state that the information I have provided is correct and agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws regulating excavating and grading, and the provisions and conditions of any permit issued pursuant to this application. Under City Code Sec. 11.06 170 this grading is: {Q REGULAR GRADING -City inspector will make inspections listed below. Signature of Permittee 0 CONTROLLED GRADING • Private grading engineer shall observe work, coordinate tests, make reports. INSPECTION DATE INSP. SIGNATURE Owner or authorized agent ___:u~th=o=::r:-=1=-=:.=---=a,c=en==-t=------- 1----------------------------ilnitlal -site prep. Date __.:.:=-.;.1~1-"--s I_ ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE - EIA Log No. ,..., By f:/k)J/)/t.-- Grading permit fee $ i;q ~ Plan check fee$ > 0 ~ Permit )ssued I ------------Date by Permit Expiration Date ntn .. t. I ~ ( C Rough -prior to drains Final -slopes planted Compaction reports rec'd. Private engr. cert. rec'd. Copies: White-Office; Green-Building; Yellow-Inspector; Pink-Permittee; Goldenrod-Finance THIS FORM WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IS A PERMIT TO DO THE WORK DESCRIBED THIS PERMIT IS VALID FOR A SIX (6) MONTH PERIOD I