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5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS; ; AS140322; Permit
City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit Permit No: AS140322 5600 AVENIDA Job Address: Status: APPROVED ENCINAS Permit Type: SPRINK Applied 12/17/2014 Parcel-No: 2100905000 . Approved: 12/30/2014 Lot #: 0 . Reference No.: Issued: 12/30/2014 PC #: Inspector: Project Title:. AVENIDA ENCINAS NEW FIRE SPRINKLER PLANS FOR THE MEZZANINE S WITHIN BUILDINGS AND B. Applicant: • • Owner: INDUSTRIAL FIRE SPRINKLER CO INC MART-CARLSBAD L L C 3845 IMPERIAL AV • 221 15TH ST •, SAN DIEGO CA • DEL MAR CA • 619-266-6030 619-266-6035 . Fees ($) Add'I Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 210 0. 21.0 0 As t cl3~-2- - 1IHydréu1 ic Surnm.anj Job Number: 1 Group II -. Report Description: Ordinary Job Job Number • Design Engineet 1 Kira Sandage Job Name: State CerIMJsonnoNumber Drawingi Address 1 514.1 Address 2 Job SitolBuilding Address 3 Droning Name CALC MODEL MEZZ System RenoteArea(s): . Most Deoronding Sprrslder Data 8 K-Factor 25.00 at 9.766 Oouupurruy Ordinary Group II Job S.M. Hose Allowance At Sosase Density. 0.200g pm/ft2 Arm of Aitpbcasefl 1500.00ft2 (Actual 1656.89112) 0.00 Additional Hose Supplies Number Of Soriulde,s Calculated - Conenage Per Sponider 100.00ft2 Node Flow(onm) 16 AstoPoek Results: Pressure For Remote keats) Adjutant To Most Remote Area Right: 73.107 Total Hose Streams 0.00 System Flow Demand Total Woter Required (Including Neon Ailuwneoo) 443.27 443.27 Mnoimum Pressure Unbalance In Loops 0.000 Mudmum Velocity Above Ground 24.75 between nodes 704 and 708 Monimum Actually Under Ground 5.29 between nodes 15 and 17 Volume sapndtyol Wet Rpm Volume capacity otDry Pipes 5541.03ga1 Supplies Hose Flow Static Residual Flow Available , Total Demand Required Safety Margin Node Name (gpm) (psi) (psi) (gpm) (psi) ' (9pm) (psi) (psi) 1 I Water Sup y I I 84.000 I 72.000 I 1070.00 I .__8i649 I 4427 73.107 L 8.542 Tlit.su i)illlS 112%'C heel) reviewed 101 tlPPlll1i Cotilpilaltee sviih the lurrelli 2pplicahiC codes alid slzljl(lar(Js in force in lhlurihciilrn. The owner or cllllirleior niav uiilw.e ll1ir lCIu%i in suppi_vll ill tIll tlppitetllllIll fora hIliltIltIC pertlin ii iih life eflrCss undersiandlnU dial this review - in it wal, relic Cs file (1WllCl or eollir.ieiltr or ihir l)ltlC551ttil1I ellgilteer I t tiivltiici lou Sole iespisitrihiliiv for lull lunpilallee iviilt taid codes :11111 siandirds. itcluuIiiit ilic IvuIjidure Code or for any responsihIiv for deficiencies. errors. omissions 01 negligence in ihe PlIl1ilt vhetIier (tI not noted in this review. I)aie: leviewer: RECOMMEND API°ROVAI. Rr RECOMMEND APPROVAL.. AS NOTED Contractor ContrastorNumbor ContoctNuere ContustThle Phone Subsume Name of Contractor: • Address FAX Address 2 E.etall Address 3 Web-SOn &©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 31AutoSPRINK@VR11 12/12/2014 3:27:560M Page 1 01 HIM, ii1G'h Job Number: 1 Renort Descrintion: Ordinary Groun I Water Supply at Node I 100- 90- Static Pressure 84.000 801: 73 107N p72.000 70- 60 0 CL 50-- 40 - System demand curve- 30 20- 10- 0_'I1II1i.i.I.I.I.LI.LIIIIIIII Ilitlilil IllIllIll 111111111 IllIltIll IIII'IIIII liii liii 50 500 750 1000 1250.. 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 Water flow, gpm HyGpt. Water Supply at Node 1 Static Presmae 84.000. RdauI: Petaae 72.000 @ 1070.00 Available P,eW,o at Time of Test 81.649 @443.27 System Domond 73.107 © 443.27 System Demand (Indadleg Hose A[Immmce at Sososo) 73.107 @443.27 - (,© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. @11 AutoSPRINK®VR11 v1 12/12/2014 3:28:30PM Page 1 Fill- Summary Of Outfiowing Devices _______________________________ Job Number 1 Report Description: Ordinary Group II Device Actual Flow (gpm Minimum Flow (gpm) K-Factor (K) Pressure (psi) Sprinkler 1705 31.11 20.00 8 15.125 Sprinkler 1706 29.18 20.00 8 13.305 Sprinkler 1707 28.23 20.00 8 12.452 Sprinkler 1708 29.10 20.00 8 13.229 _Spnnkler 1730 Sprinkler 1731 Sprinkler 1732 30.03 - 28.16 28.11 20.00 -20.00 20.00 _8 8 8 14.089 12.388 12.342 Sprinkler 1733 27.80 20.00 8 12.073 Sprinkler 1738 28.68 20.00 8 12.849 Sprinkler 1739 26.88 20.00 8 11.290 Sprinkler 1740 26.83 23.00 8 11.248 Sprinkler 1741 26.53 25.00 8 11.001 Sprinkler 1764 27.03 20.00 8 11.420 Sprinkler 1765 25.33 . 20.00 8 10.024 Sprinkler 1766 25.28 23.00 8 9.987 c> Sprinkler 1767 25.00 25.00 8 1 9.766 c Most Demanding Sprinkler Data ,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRlNK®VR11 v1 12/12/2014 3:28:42PM Page 1 ~jjjjftde Analysis I Job Number: 1 Report Description: Ordinary Group II Node Elevation(Foot) Fittings Pressure(psi) Discharge(gpm) I 4-6 S 73.107 443.27 1705 8-31h Spr(-I5.I25) 15.125 31.11 -1706 8-3Y4 Spr(-13.305) 13.305 29.18 1707 8'-3'h Spr(-12.452) 12.452 28.23 1708 8'-3% Sp-l3.229) 13.229 29.10 1730 8-3% Spr(-14.089) 14.089 30.03 1731 8'-31h Spr(-12.388) 12.388 28.16 1732 8'-3% Spr(-12.342) 12.342 28.11 1733 8'-3% Spr(-12.073) 12.073 27.80 1738 8-3% Spr(-12.849) 12.849 28.68 1739 8-3% Spr(-11.290) 11.290 26.88 1740 8-31h Spr(-11.248) 11.248 26.83 1741 8'-3% Spr(-ll.00l) 11.001 26.53 1764 8'-3Y4 Spr(-ll.420) 11.420 27.03 1765 8'-3Y4 Spr(-lo.024) 10.024 25.33 1766 8-3Y4 Spr(-9.987) 9.987 25.28 1767 8-3% Spr(-9.766) 9.766 25.00 12 4-6 T(33-5Y2) 66.379 14 4-6 C\/(55-31A) 66.075 15 4-6 T(51-10) 65.810 17 -3-6 E(17-7Y4) 65.600 18 -3-6 T(42-11Y4) 66.869 216 7-1% P0(37-8%) 60.366 239 7-1% P0( h) 51.724 240 7-11/2 !P.(ZY!) 48.936 241 7-1'.6 PO(6-7Y2) 47.045 558 T-1% P0(5-0) 38.170 559 7-1% P0(5-0) 38.010 _560. 7-1% P0(57%) 37.493 643 7'-1Y2 1(5-0) 15.328 704 7-1Y2 P0(12-0) 32.321 708 7-1% P02) 19.572 710 7-1% PO(6-0) 17.310 711 7-1% P0(5-0) 16.248 713 7-1'h P0(5-0) 15.910 717 7-1Y2 T(50) 16.283 718 7-11/2 1(5-0) 14.392 - 720 7-1Yz T(5-0) -14.342 721 7-1% 1(5'-O) . 14.042 739 7-1% T(50) 14.906 740 7-1% j5-0) 13.170 741 711..4 T(5-0) 13.124 742 71h/, 1 T() 12.849 ,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK®VR11 vll.0.30.0 12/12/2014 3:29:02PM Page 1 ~jjjjHydrauiic'.M.AyS1s Job Number: 1 Report Description: Ordinary Group I Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length jPressure Eq. Length Total Length Summary Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Upstream wo ••." Route 1•"•• SP 1.0490 25.00 9.28 120 0.196637 11'-1% 2'-0 13'-1% Pf 2.585 Pe 0.498 Pv 1767 8'-3'h 25.00 8 9.766 , Sprinkler, 742 77-1'/2 12.849 E(2'-O) BL 1.5300 51.53 8.99 120 0.119285 19-0 Pt 1.193 742 721 7'-1Ya 7-11h 26.53 -, 12.849 14.042 Flow (q) from Route 2 10-0 Pe Pv BL 1.7280 79.33 10.85 120 0.146483 1 4-9 8'-0 12'-9 Pt 1.868 Pe Pv 721 7'-11h 27.80 14.042 Flow (q) from Route 8 713 7'-l'h 15.910 PO(8'-O) CM 2.7050 108.43 6.05 120 0.029445 11'-6 11'-6Pv Pt 0.339 Pe 713 7'-l'h 29.10 15.910 Flow (q) from Route 13 711 7'-1Y2 16.248 CM 2.7050 216.88 12.11 120 0.106167 10'-0 10'-0 Pt 1.062 Pe Pv 711 7-1',4 80.22 16.248 Flow (q) from Route 3 710 7-1% 17.310 CM . 2.7050 326.42 18.22 120 0.226199 10'-0 Pt 2.262 710 708 7'-1Y2 7'-11h 80.37 17.310 19.572 Flow (q) from Route 10-0 Pe Pv CM . 2.7050 443.27 24.75 120 0.398420 20'-O Pt 12.749 708 704 7'-1'..4 7'-1/2 85.74 19.572 32.321 Flow (q) from Route 7 P0(12-0) . 12-0 32'-O Pe Pv Cj1 2.7050 231.92 , 12.95 120 0.120195 110-6 Pt 14.724 704 241 711,4 7'-11h 32.321 47.045 PO(12'-O) 12-0 122-6 Pe Pv CM 2.7050 296.29 16.54 120 0.189091 10-0 Pt 1.891 241 240 7'-1%64.36 7'-1Y2 47.045 48.936 Flow (q) from Route 17 1 ) 10-0 Pe Pv CM 2.7050 365.50 20.41 120 0.278835 1 10'-0 Pt 2.788 240 239 7'-1Y2 7-1% 69.21 48.936 51.724 Flow (q) from Route 19 10-0 Pe Pv CM 2.7050 443.27 24.75 120 0.398420 15-8% Pt 8.642 239 216 7j1/ 7'-l'h 77.77 51.724 60.366 Flow (q) from Route 18 E(6-0) 6-0 21'-8Y4 Fe 0.000 Pv BL 6.3570 443.27 4.48 120 0.006211 15'-7Y2 Pt 0.628 216 17 71h/2 -3'-6 60.366 65.600 PO(37'-8%) fE(12'-7), 2E(17'-71h) 86-6 101'-1Y2 Pe 4.606 Pv UG 5.8500 443.27 5.29 140 0.007000 29'-10% Pt 0.209 17 15 -3'-6 -3'-6 65.600 65.810 . 29-10% Pe Pv UG 6.4000 443.27 4.42 140 0.004519 3-4 Pt 0.265 15 14 -3'-6 4-6 65.810 66.075 CV(55'-3Y2) 55-3Yz 58'-7% Pe Pv .UG 5.8500 443.27 5.29 140 0.007000 1 6-8% Pt 0.305 14 12 -3'-6 4-6 66.075 66.379 PIV(3'-41h), T(33'-51/2) 36'-9% 43'-6% Pe Pv UG 7.8500 248.16 1.65 140 0.000572 770'-1Y4 Pt 0.490 12 18 4-6 4-6 66.379 66.869 2E(22'-l), T(42'-11%) 87'-1% 857-2% Pc Pv UG 7.8500 . 443.27 2.94 140 0.001672 78'-9Y4 63'-9% 142-7 Pt 6.238 Pe Pv 18 4-6 195.12 66.869 Flow (q) from Route 21 1 4-6 73.107 4LtE(15'-11Y2), BFP(-6.000), S - 0.00 Nose Allowance At Source 1 . 443.27 =...... Route 2 . - SP 1.0490 26.53 9.85 120 0.219546 1'-l% Pt 1.350 1741 742 8-3% 7'-11h . 26.53 8 11.001 12.849 Sprinkler, T(5'-O) 5'-0 1 Pe 0.498 6'-l% Pv - ......Route 3 SP 1.0490 25.28 9.39 120 0.200749 11'-1% Pt 2.640 1766 741 8'-3'h 7'-1'/2 25.28 8 9.987 13.124 Sprinkler, E(2'-O) 2-0 13'-l% Fe 0.498 Pv BL 1.5300 52.11 9.09 120 0.121770 1 10'-0 Pt 1.218 741 720 7-1% 7-1% 26.83 13.124 14.342 Flow (q) from Route . 10-0 Fe Pv BL 1.7280 80.22 10.97 120 0.149524 4'-9 8'-0 12'-9 Pt 1.906 Pe Pv 720 7'-1'/2 28.11 14.342 Flow (q) from Route9 711 711% 16.248 PO(8'-O) Route ..... SP 1.0490 26.83 9.96 120 0.224102 . 1'-l% Pt 1.378 1740 741 8-3% 7'-l'/. 26.83 8 . 11.248 13.124 Sprinkler, T(5'-0) 5'-0 6'-l% 1 Pe 0.498 1Pv ,© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRlNK®VR11 12/12/2014 3:29:13PM Page 1 Job Number: 1 Report Description: Ordinary Group II Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Eq. Length Total Length Pressure Summary Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Upstream Route 5 • • SP 1.040 25.33 9.40 1Z0 0.201443 11-1% Pt 2.649 1765 740 8'-3% 7'-1',4 25.33 8 10.024 13.170 Sprinkler, E(2'-O) 2-0 13-1% Pe 0.498 Pv BL __1.53OQ 52.21 9.11 120 0.122189 io'-O Pt 1.222 - 740 718 71h/. 7-1% 26.88 13.170 14.392 Flow (q) from Route 6 1O'-O Pe Pv BL 1.5300 80.37 14.02 12 _0271388_ 1 4'-g 1 Pt 2.917 718 710 7-11'll 7-1% 28.16 14.392 17.310 Flow (q) from Route 10 PO(6'-O) 6'-0 101-91p: P Route 6 ..... SP 1.0490 26.88 9.98 120 0.224871 1'-i% Pt 1.383 5-0 Pe 0.498 6'-l% Pv 1739 8'-3Y4 26.88 8 11.290 Sprinkler, 740 711h 13.170 T(5'-O) ..... Route 7 ..... SP 1.0490 _27.03 10.04 _120_0.227257 11'-1%Pt 2.988 1764 739 8-3% 7'-1 'A 27.03 8 11.420 14.906 Sprinkler, E(2'-O) 2'-0 13'-1% Pe 0.498 Pv BL 1.5300 55.71 9.72 120 0.137783 1 10'-0 Pt 1.378 739 717 7'-1'h 711h 28.68 14.906 16.283 Flow (q) from Route 12 10'-0 Pe Pv BL 1.5300 _85.74 1496_120 0.305902 4-9 Pt 3.288 717 708 7'-i'A 711,4 30.03 16.283 19.572 Flow (q) from Route 15 PO(6'-O) 6'-O 1O'-9Pv Pe Route 8 ..... SP 1733 721 1.0490 8-3% 7'-1Y2 _27.80 10.32 27.80 8 120 0.239259 12.073 14.042 Sprinkler, T(5'-O) 1-1% 5'-0 6'-l%Pv Pt 1.471 I Pe 0.498 __ Route 9 ..... SP 1.04 28.11 10.43 120 0.244195 1'-l% Pt 1.501 1732 720 8'-3% 7'-l'h 28.11 8 12.342 14.342 Sprinkler, T(5'-O) 5-0 6'-1% Pe 0.498 Pv Route 10 ..... SP 1.0490 28.16 10.45 120 0.245029 1-1% N 1.507 1731 718 8-3% 7-1% 28.16 8 12.388 14.392 Sprinkler, 1(5-0) 5'-0 6'-l% 1 Pe 0.498 Pv =. ..... Route ll ..... SP 1.0490 28.23 10.48 120 0.246194 6-4% 7-0 13'-4% Pt 3.299 Pe 0.498 Pv 1707 8'-3% 28.23 8 12.452 Sprinkler, 711 7'-1 1/2 16.248 E(2'-O), PO(5'-O) Route 12..... SP 1.0490 28.68 10.65 120 0.253457 1 1'-1% Pt 1.558 1738 739 8'-3% 7'- 11/2 28.68 8 12.849 14.906 Sprinkler, T(5'-O) 5'-0 6'-1'll Pe 0.498 1pv =. ..... Route 13 ..... SP 1.0490 29.10 10.80 120 0.260379 1'-i% Pt 1.601 1708 643 8-3% 7i h/2 29.10 8 13.229 15.328 Sprinkler, T(5'-D) 5'-0 1 Pe 0.498 6'-l% Pv BL 1.4080 29.10 6.00 120 0.062099 2-9 Pt 0.582 643 713 7'-1'h 7'-l'A 15.328 15.910 P0(6-7%) 6-7'h Pe 9'-4% Pv Route 14 ..... SP 1040_29.18 10.83120 _0.261758 6'-4% N 3.507 - 1706 710 8-3% 7'-i',4 29.18 . 8 13.305 17.310 Sprinkler, E(2'-O), P0(5-0) 7'-0 13-4% Pe 0.498 Pv =. ..... Route 15 ..... SP 1.0490 30.03 11.15 120 0.275990 1 1'-l% Pt 1.697 1730 717 8'-3'/4 711A 30.03 8 14.089 16.283 Sprinkler, T(5'-O) 6-0 1 Pe 0.498 6'-l% Pv Route 16 ..... SP 1.0490 31.11 11.55 120 0.294722 6'-4% 1 Pt 3.949 1705 708 8-3% 711/2 31.11 8 15.125 19.572 Sprinkler, E(2'-O), PO(5'-0) 7'-O Pe 0.498 13-4% Pv Route 17 ..... BL 17280 64.36 8.81 120 0099498 80'-O Pt 9.552 560 241 7'-l% 711/2 211.35 37.493 47.045 P0(8-0), Flow (q) from Route 20 PO(8'-O) 16'-O Pe 96'-0 Pv Route 18 ..... CM 2.7050 146.98 8.21 120 0.051696 10'-O 10-0 Pt 0.517 Pe Pv 560 7'-1% 211.35 37.493 Flow (q) from Route 20 559 7'-l'A 38.010 ,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRlNK®VR11 v1 12/12/2014 3:29:1313M Page 2 ~jjljHydraullc Analysis I Job Number: 1 Report Description: Ordinary Group II Pipe Type Diameter Flow VelocitL HWC Friction Loss Length Eq. Length Total Length Pressure Summary Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Upstream 2.7050 77.77 4.34 120 0.015922 10-0 1 10'-O Pt 0.159 Pe Pv 559 7-1,4 38.010 558 7-1'/2 38.170 BL 1.7280 77.77 - 10.64 120 0.141196 1 80-0 1 16-0112e 96-0 Pt 13.555 lPv 558 71'/2 38.170 PO(8'0) 239 7'-1Y2 51.724 PO(8'-0) = Route 19 BL 1.7280 69.21 9.47 120 0.113810 80'-O Pt 10.926 559 - 7'-1Y2 240 7-1% 38.010 48.936 P0(8-0) PO(8'-0) 16-0 96-0 Pe Pv ..... Route 2O CM 2.7050 211.35 11.80 120 0.101216 304 Pt 5.172 704 7'-1% 560 7-11h 32.321 37.493 PO (17-0) 2fE(4-3%) 20-7Y4 51-1% Pe Pv Route 21 UG 7.8500 195.12 1.29 140 0.000366 1229'-6'/4 Pt 0.490 12 4-6 18 -3'-6 - 66.379 66.869 E(22'-1), 2T(42'-111h) 107'-11% 1337'-6 Pe Pv Equivalent Pipe Lengths of Valves and Fittings (C=120 only) ( Actual Inside Diameter 487 - Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Inside Diameter / - Factor C Value Multiplier Value Of C 100 Multiplying Factor 0.713 130 140 150 1.16 1.33 1.51 ,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. Fil AutoSPRlNK®VR11 v1 12/12/2014 3:29:13PM page i !llHvdraulic Analysis Job Number: 1 xeport Eq. Pipe Type Legend Units Legend Fittings Legend AO Arm-Over Diameter Inch ALV Alarm Valve BL Branch Line Elevation Foot AngV Angle Valve CM Cross Main Flow gpm b Bushing DN Drain Discharge gpm BalV Ball Valve DR Drop Velocity fps BFP Backflow Preventer DY Dynamic Pressure psi BV Butterfly Valve FM Feed Main Length Foot C Cross Flow Turn 900 FR Feed Riser Friction Loss psi/Foot cplg Coupling MS Miscellaneous HWC Hazen-Williams Constant Cr Cross Run OR Outrigger Pt Total pressure at a point in a pipe CV Check Valve RN Riser Nipple Pn Normal pressure at a point in a pipe DelV Deluge Valve SP Sprig Pt Pressure loss due to friction between points DPV Dry Pipe Valve ST Stand Pipe Pe Pressure due to elevation difference between indicated points E 90° Elbow UG Underground Pv Velocity pressure at a point in a pipe EE 45° Elbow Eel 11W Elbow Ee2 22W Elbow Flow Device Id Flex Drop FDC Fire Department Connection fE 90° FireLock(TM) Elbow fEE 45° FireLock(TM) Elbow fig Flange FN Floating Node IT FireLock(TM) Tee g Gauge GloV Globe Valve GV Gate Valve Ho Hose Hose Hose HV Hose Valve Hyd Hydrant LtE Long Turn Elbow mecT Mechanical Tee Noz Nozzle P1 Pump In P2 Pump Out PIV Post Indicating Valve P0 Pipe Outlet PRV Pressure Reducing Valve Pry Pressure Relief Valve red Reducer/Adapter S Supply sCV Swing Check Valve Spr Sprinkler St Strainer T Tee Flow Turn 90° Tr Tee Run U Union WirF Wirsbo WMV Water Meter Valve Z Cal) ,© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. idill AutoSPRlNK®VRll vll.0.30.0 12/12/2014 3:29:13PM Page 4