HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 454-5A; PD 07-08; MARBELLA SLOPE STABILIZATION; 01-07~RADING NOTES (IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIREMENTS Of CHAPTER 15.16 or THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE.) . ·. · 29. THE Ov.ttEls/APPLICANT SHALL INSURE THAT ALL CONTRACTORS SHALL COORDINATE TI,£ WORK OF THESE GRADING PLANS l'llTH THAT SHOY,1,1 ON BOTH THE LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PLANS AND TJ,E IIIPROVEMENT PLANS AS REQUIRED FOR THIS WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LANDSCAPE MANUAL TIME REQUIREMENTS. 1. lHIS PLAN SUPERSEDES ALL OTHER Pt.ANS PREVIOUSLY APPRO~ BY lHE CITY QF CARLSBAD REGARDING GRADING SHOl'hl ON lHIS SET QF Pt.ANS. 2 •. APPROVAL QF THIS PLAN DOES NOT LESSEN OR WAIVE: ANY PORTION OF THE 30. STORl,I DRAIN PIPE SHALL BE REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE 111TH A MINIMUM CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE, RESOLUTION Of" CONDI.TIONAL APPROVAL, CITY D-LOAD OF 1,350. FOR PRIVATE STORI.I DRAIN PIPES, UP TO 15' PVC MAY BE STANDARDS OR OlHER ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS LISTED HEREON AS THEY MAY UTILIZED PROVIDED DEPTH IS LESS THAN 15 FEET AND BACKALLED 111TH 3/4" PERTAIN TO JHIS PROJECT. THE ENGINEER IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE SHALL ROCK PER SDRSD S-4 TYPE 'C' AND PIPE MEETS ASTM STANDARD 3034 FOR REVISE THESE PLANS 111,EN NON-CONFORMANCE IS DISCOVERED. SOR 35 SOLID WALL PIPE. 3. i'.llK APf~~ALRg;,~/J?ES F~~T ~~u6~RE~~ON~LO~~;o~: {N~,~~SSl~S 31. WHERE AN EXISTING PIPE LINE IS TO BE ABANDONED AS A RESULT OF THE DISCOVERED DURING CONS=ucllON. ALL PL"' REVISIONS SHA" B~ PRO"Plt.Y GRADING OPERATION, IT SHALL BE REMOVED WITHIN Tl',ENTY FEET OF BUILDING '" N' ,.. ~ .• OR smEET AREAS AND REPLACED 111TH . PROPERLY COMPACTED SOILS. IN OTHER SUBMITTED TO THE CITY ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL · AREAS THE PIPE WIU. BE PLUGGED WITH CONCRETE OR REMOVED AS APPROVED BY 4. A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT FROt.4 THE CITY ENGINEER lllLL BE REQUIRED FOR ANY THE CITY ENGINEER. WORK IN THE PUBLIC RICHT Of" WAY. PRIOR TQ PERMIT ISSUANCE, A •-AC 11cs CERTIACAl? Of" INSURANCE AS 'Mcl.L AS ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSEMENT MUST BE 32. THE CONTRACTOR SHAU. VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL EXIST!,,~ f ILi a ALEO NAMING THE CITY Of" CARLSBAD AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED ON THE ( ABOVE GROUND ANO UNDER GROUND ) 111THIN THE PROJECT SITE SUFACIENTLY PERMlffiE°S POLICY IN THE MINIMUl,I AMOUNT OF $1.000,000.00 FOR EACH AHEAD OF GRADING TO PERMIT THE REVISION OF THE GRADING PLANS IF IT IS OCCURRAINCE OF LIABILITY. Il1E INSURANCE COMPANY \',lllTINO )HE POLICY MUST FOUND THAT THE ACTUAL LOCATIONS ARE IN CONFL!Ct 111TH THE PROPOSED HAVE A RATING OF "A-• OR BETTER AND A SIZE CATEGORY Of" CLASS V OR BETTER WORK. AS ESTABLISHED sr "BESTs" KEY RATING GlJID~ · • . 33. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY /\FTECJEI) UTILITY COMPANIES (SEE BELOW) AT ~) • 1 · N U LDING CODE, LEAST 2 FULL WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO STARTING GRADING NEAR THEIR 5. UNLESS EXEMPTED BY SECTION 301. b 5 OF THE U !FORM B 1 · FACILITIES AND SHALL COORDINATE THE WORK IIHH A COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE. RETAINING WALLS OUTSIDE Of" PUB. IC RIGHT OF WAY REQUIRE SEPARATE PERMITS FROM THE BUILDING DEPARlMENT. UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 800 422-4133 6. NO WORK SHALL BE COMMENCED UNTIL ALL PERMITS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED FROl,I ~ii}Tc BELL ggg g~~=ir1i lHE CITY AND OTHER APPROPRIATE AGENCIES. TIME WARNER CABLE 760 438-7741 7. APPROVAL Of THESE PLANS BY THE CITY ENGINEER P<lES NOT AUTHORIZE ANY COX COMMUNICATIONS 760 806-9809 WORK OR GRADING TO BE PERFORMED UNTIL THE PROPERTY 01\t;ER•s PERMISSION · CITY OF CARLSBAO(STREETS & STORIII DRAIN) 760 434-2980 HAS BEEN OBTAINED AND A VALID GRADING PERMIT HAS BEEN. ISSUED. 'CITY OF CARLSBAD(SE'M::R.WATER & RECLAIMED WATER) 760 438-2722 8. NO REVISIONS WILL BE MADE TO lHESE PLANS WllHOUT THE WRITTEN APPROVAL 'SAN DIEGUITO WATER DISTRICT 760 633-2650 OF 1H£ CITY ENGINEER, NOTED \\ITHIN lliE Rf;VISION BLOCK, ON THE 'LEUCADIA WASTEWATER DISTRICT . 760 753-0155 APPROPRIATE SHEET OF lHE PLANS AND THE TITLE SHEET. 'VALLECITOS WATER DISTRICT . 760 744-0460 •. TY . TY PON BENO 'OU"vt:NHAIN WATER DISTRICT 760 753-6466 9. ORIGINAL DRAWINGS SHALL BECOME THE PROPER OF lHE Cl U 1 '6UENA SANITATION DISTRICT 760 726-1340 SIGNED BY THE CITY ENGINEER, . 'AS APPROPRIATE 10. THE ORIGINAL DRAlllNG SHALt BE REVISED . TO REA.ECT AS-BUILT CONDITIONS 34, PERMIT COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS: BY THE ENGINEER-Of'-1'/0RK PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE Of" THE WORK BY THE A. FOR CONTROLLED GRAPING _ THE APPLICANT HIRES A CIVIL ENGINEER, · 11• ~blJe:ss FOR ARE AND OTHER Et.4ERGENCY VEHICLES SHALL BE MAINTAINED To so1Ls ENC1NEER. AND/OR GE0LoG1sT To GIVE rrcHN1cAL ADVICE~ · ~E· PRO ~er SITE AT ALL Tl"ES DURING CONSTRUCTION. . OBSERVE AND CONTROL THE WORK IN PROGRESS 115.16.120 A.B1 on = '" 1' CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE. 12. Wl-iERE TRENCHES ARE lllTHIN CITY EASEMENTS, A SOILS REPORT COMPRISED Or: (Al SUMMARY SHEET, (B) LABORATORY .WORK SHEETS AND (Cl COMPACTION CURVES SHALL BE SUBMITTED BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER Of JHE STATE Of" C AUFORNIA. PRINC JP ALL y. ' DOING BUSINESS li'l 1H£ · flEW OF APPLIED SOILS MECHANICS. THE SOILS REPORT WILL BE SUBMITTED TO lHE CITY ENGINEERING INSPECTOR 1'11THIN TIIQ WORKING DAYS Of THE COMPLETION OF FIELD TESTS. 13. A SOILS COMPACTION .• REPORT ANO COMPLIANCE VERIFICATION REGARDING B. PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL OF A GRADING PERMIT -THE FOLLOWING REPORTS MUST BE SUBMlffiD TO THE CITY ENGINEER V+A THE PROJECT INSPECTOR {15.16.120 A.10J CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL COO£: (1) FINAL REPORT BY SUPERVISINO GRADING ENGINEER STATING ALL GRADING IS COMPLETE. ALL EROSION CONffiOL, SLOPE PLANTING AND IRRIG~TION ARE INSTALLED IN CONFORMANCE 111TH CITY CODE AND TJ,E APPROVED PLANS ( OBTAIN SAMPLE OF COMPLIANCE LETTER FROM CITY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT). (2) AS-BUILT GRADINO PLAN. (3) REPORT FROM THE SOILS ENGINEER, WHICH INCLUDES RECOMMENDED SOIL BEARING CAPACITIES, A STATEMENT AS TO THE EXPANSIVE QUALITY Qt THE SOIL. AND SUMMARIES Of" OWNER'S CERTIFJCATI I ( WE ) HEREBY CERTIFY 11-IAT A REGISTERED SOILS ENGINEER OR GEOLOGIST HAS BEEN OR 'MLL BE RETAINED TO SUPERVISE OVER-ALL GRADING ACTIV+TY AND ADVISE ON THE COMPACTION AND STABILITY OF THIS SllE. I (WE) UNDERSTAND lHAT THE CHECK OF PROJECT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS BY TI-IE CITY OF CARLSBAD DOES NOT RELIEVE THE ENGINEER(S) or V.ORK OF RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PROJECT DESIGN. I (WE) UNDERSTAND THAT THE APPROVAL OF THIS PLAN BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DOES NOT tONSTITUTt APPROVAL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ANY STRUCTURE OTHER lHAN THOSE SHOl'hl ON THIS PLAN. I (WE) UNDERSTAND THAT PRIOR TO THE APPROVAL Of PLANS AND/OR PERMITS FOR SUBSEQUENT DEVELOPMENT Of" TJ,E Silt, ADDITIONAL GEOTECHNICAl. ANO GEOLOGIC FIELD LYSIS, AND REPORTS BE REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. PHONE (l(No/"C1~"1e/l-Jr (#>"',, , V.e.. . DATE SITB ADDRESS 2431 LA COSTA AVE. CARLSBAD, CA 92009 PROJECT LOCATION 1M' ~e~> i THIS PROJECT IS LOCATED WITHIN ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER(S) 216-240-55 THE C AUfORNIA INDEX Of" THIS PROJECT IS: N 1976 E 6252 LEGAL DESCRIPTJO!i CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 73-7 BEING A SUBDIVISION Of LOT 206 Of" LA COSTA SOUTH UNIT 3 IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. APN 216-240-55 SOURCE or TOPOGRAPHY TOPOGRAPHY SHOWN ON THESE PLANS WAS GENERA TED BY FLOl'.N PHOTOGRAMMETRY METI-IODS FROM INFORMATION GA THEREO ON 5/13/2005, BY R.J. LUNG AND ASSOCIATES. TOPOGRAPHY SHOWN HEREON COMFORMS TO NATIONAL MAP ACCURACY STANDARDARDS. BASIS or BEARING TJ,E BASIS OF BEARING FOR THIS SURVEY IS THE CALIFORNIA COORDIANTE SYSTEM -19B3, ZONE VI, 1991.35 EPOCH, NORTH AMERICAN DATUM OF 1983 (NAD83). REFERENCE DRAWINQS -GRADING Pl.AN F286 PROJECT NO. 74-13 DWG NO. 176-6 -MAP NO. 7921 DWG NO. 73-7 -GRADING PLANS FOR mACT 75-7 PROJ NO. 76-4 DWG NO. 1B3-9 -DWG NO. 296-SHEETS 189, 199. 200 -GRADING Pl.ANS FOR LOT NO. 206, DIii, NO. 169-7A-1 -CITY QF CARLSBAD RETAINING WALL DWG NO. 437-7 -GRADING PLANS FOR MARSELLA INTERIM LANDSLIDE STABIUZATION DWG NO. 437-1A EN~ll'IEER'S UTIUTY NOTB ADHERENCE TO RECOl,tMEl'lDATIONS OUTLINED . JN THE SOILS REPORT IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE Of" A BUILDING PERMIT. Al,L CONTROLLED GRADING SHALL BE DONE UNDER THE DIRECTION Of" A. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER Of" THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA PRINCIPALLY DOING BUSINESS IN THE FIELD OF APPLIED SOILS MECHANICS. ALL ALL OR FUTURE ALL AREAS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY Of" CARLSBAD . STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS ANO THE • EARTJ,WORK SPECIFICATIONS ' · ATTACHED TO THE PRELIMINARY SOILS INVESTIGATION. DAILY FIELD COMPACTION REPORTS 1"11-L BE SUBMITTED TO 11-IE PROJECT INSPECTOR. 14. A PRECONSTRUCTKlN MEETING SHALL BE HELD AT JHE SITE PRIOR TO THE AELD ANO LABORATORY TESTS. THE REPORT SHALL ALSO INCLUDE A STATEMENT BY THE SOILS ENGINEER THAT THE THE LOCATIONS OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOl'hl HEREON ARE BASED ON ABOVE GROUND GRADING WAS DONE IN ACCORDANCE WllH lHE REQUIREMENTS AND STRUCTURES AND RECORD DRAWINGS PROVIDED TO THE SURVEYOR, LOCATIONS OF UNDERGROUND BEGINNING OE WORK AND SHALL BE ATTENDED BY Al L REPRESENTATIVES RESPONSIBLE FOR CONSTRUCTION,, INSPECTION, SUPERVISION, TESTING AND ALL OlHER ASPECTS OF THE ll«lRK, THE ~ONTRACTOR · SHALL REQUEST A PRECONSTRUCTIOl'l MEETINO BY CAWNG lHE INSPECTIOl'l LINE .AT (760) 438-3891 AT LEAST f!VE(5) WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. THE ',ONTRACTOR \\ILL lHEN BE CONTACTED BY THE PROJECT INSPECTOR TO COORDINATE A DATE AND TIME FOR THE PRECONSffiUCTION MEEllNG. APPROVED DRAWINGS MUST BE AVAILABLE PRIOR TO SCHEDULING. THE GRADING PERMIT WILL BE PROVIDED BY THE PROJECT INSPECTOR AT THE MEETING. 15. Ai L INSPECTION REQUESTS OTHER )HAN FOR PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING WILL BE -T . 4-38-3 E UEST UST BE T · D PM. TJ,E DAY BEFORE THE INSPECTION IS NEEDED. INSPECTIONS WILL BE MADE THE NEXT WORK DAY UNLESS YOU REQUEST 0THER\\1SE. REQUESTS MADE AFTER 2:00 P.M. WILL BE SCHEDULED FOR TIIQ FULL WORK DA~ LATER. 16. lHE OWNER AND/OR APPLICANT lHROUGH TliE DEVELOPER AND/OR CONTRACTOR SHALL DESIGN, CONSTRUCT ANO MAINTAIN ALL SAFETY DEVICES, INCLUDING SHORING,. AND SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR CONFORMING TO ALL LOCAi., STATE A~D FEDE:RAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ST/\NDARDS, LAWS AND REGULA.TIONS. 17. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFORM TO LAIBOR CODE SECTION 6705 BY SUBMITTING A DETAIL PLAN TO THE CITY ENGINEER AND/OR CONCERNED AGENCY SHOWING lHE DESIGN Of" SHORING, BRACING SLOPING OR OTHER PROVISIONS TO BE MADE OF IIORKER PROTECTION FROM THE HAZARD OF CAVING GROUND DURING lHE EXC AVA TIOl'l Of" sue H mENC H OR TRENCHES 0~ DURING THE PIPE INSTALLATION lHEREIN. THIS PLAN MUST BE PREPARED fOR ALL TRENCHES FIVE FEET (5') OR MORE IN DEPlH AND APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER . ANO/OR CONCERNED AGENCY PRIOR TO · EXCAVATION, It Il1E PLAN \/ARIES FROM lliE SHORING SYS)l:111 STANDARDS EST BUSHED BY THE CONSffiUCTION SAFETY ORDER Tilt. 8 CAUFOR S ATIVE COD lHE SHALL BE PREPARED BY A I G EER AT O TORS' EXP . A COPY Of THE OSHA EXCAVATIO~ PERMIT MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE INSPECTOR PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. 18, NO BLASTING SHALL BE PERFORMED UNTIL A VALID BLASTING PERMIT HAS BEEN OBTAINED FROM lHE CITY Of' CARLSBAD, SUBMIT APPLICATION FOR BLASTING PERMIT ll{LL IN ADVANCE OF THE SCHEDULING or BLASTING OPERA "f\ONS. 19. IF A Y ARCHAEOLOGICAL ESOURCE ARE DISCOVERED WITHI A Y DURI CONSTRUCTICN, O ER 110 S C EDIATE Y, A D THE PERMITTEE lllLL NOTIFY THE CITY INEER. OPERA.TIO S \\ILL OT RESTART UNTIL THE,. PERMITTEE HAS RECEIVED WRITTEN AUTHORITY FROM THE CITY ENGINEER ro DQ: ~o. . • 20. ALL OPERATIONS". CONDUCTED ON THE SITE OR ADJACENT lHERETO, INCLUDING WARMING , UP, REPAIR. ARRIVAL, DEPAR]\JRE OR OPERATION Of" TRUCKS, EARTHMOVING EQUIPMENT, CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT ANO ANY OTHER ASSOCIATED GRADING EQUIPMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE PERIOD BET\\UN 7:00 A.M. ANO SUNSET EACH QAV, MONDAY lHRU FRIDAY AND NO EARTHMOVING OR GRADING OPERATIONl) SHALL BE CONDUCTED ON 11{(:KENDS OR HOLIDAYS, (A LIST OF CITY HOLIDAYS IS AVAILABLE AT THE ENGINEERING DEPARlMENT COUNTER.) 21 AL!._OFF-SITE HAUL ROUTES SHALL BE SUBMITTED BY THE CONTRACTOR TQ IHE • CHY ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL TWO FULL V.ORKING DAYS PRIOR TO BEGINNING Of WORK. 22. IMPORT MATERIAL SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM. AND WASTE MATERIAL SHALL BE DEPOSITED AT, A SITE APPROVED BY JHE· CITY ENGINEER. JHE CONlRACIOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEBRIS OR DAMAGE OCCURRING ALONG D:1E HAUL ROUTES OR ADJACENT SffiE£TS AS A RESULT OF lHE GRADING OPERATIOlt 23. BRUSH SHALL BE REMOVED ONLY 1'11THIN TJ-iE AREA TO BE GRADED. NO ffiEES ARE TO BE REMOVED UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOITO ON THE PLAN, . 24. ALL AREAS SHALL BE GRADED TO DRAIN. GRADING RESULTING IN THE PONDING Of WATER IS NOT PERMITTED. ALL EARTHEN SWALES ANO DITCHES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM ONE PERCENT SLOPE. 25. THESE PLANS ARE SUBJECT TO A SIGNED AND APPROVED SET Of" EROSION CONTROL PLANS. EROSION CONTROL SHALL SE AS SHOl'hl ANO AS APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER OR AS DIRECITD BY THS PROJECT INSPECTOR. 26. ALL SLOPES SHALL BE TRIMMED TO A FINISH GRADE TO PRODUCE A UNIFORIJ . · SURFACE AND CROSS SECTION. THE SITE' SHALL BE LEFT IN A NEAT ANO ORDERLY CONDIT10N. ALL STONES, ROCTS QR OTHER DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED ANO DISPOSED Of" AT A SITE APPROVED Of SY THE CITY ENGINEER. 27. ALL SLOPE~ SHALL BE IRRIGATED, STAIBILIZEO, PLANTED AND/OR HYDROSEEDEO .. WlHIN TEN (10) DAYS Of lHE TIME Wl-iEN EACH SLOPE IS BROUGHT TO GRADE AS SHOl'hl ON THE APPROVED GRADING PLANS. 28. LANDSCAPING SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED ON ALL SI.OPES AND PADS AS REQUIRED BY THE RECOMMENDATIONS OUTLINED IN THE PRELIMINARY SOILS REPORT UTILITIES\STRUCTURES MAY VARY FROM LOCATIONS SHO'M'i HEREON AND ADDITIONAL BURIED ANO ANY SUPPLEMENTS THERETO. UTIUTIES\STRUCTURES MAY BE ENCOUNTERED. AMERICAN GEOITCHNICAL MAKES NO CLAI\I AS (4) RCPORT WITH AS-BUILT GEOLOGIC PLAN, IF REQUIRED BY THE TO THE ACCURACY OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. CITY. . EARTHWORK QUANTITIES 35. UNLESS A GRADING PERMIT FOR THIS PROJECT IS ISSUED WITHIN ONE (1) CUT: 1 625 CY YEAR AFTER THE CITY ENGINEER•s APPROVAL. THESE PLANS MAY BE REQUIRED TO BE RESUBMITTED FOR PLANCHECK. PLANCHECk FEES WILL BE REQUIRED FOR ALL: 1.625 CY ANY SUCH RECHECK. o 36, THE SOILS REPORT Tilt.ED LANDSLIDE TREATMENT RECOMMENDATIONS, IMPORT: --"---Cy PREPARED BY AMERICAN GEOTECHNICAL , DA 1ED 05118/07 EXPORT: 0 CY SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS A PART OF THIS GRADING PLAN. RE"EDIAL•. o c y ALL GRADING SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE •• RECOMMENDATION$ ANO SPECIFICATIONS CONTAINED IN SAID SOILS REPORT. EARTHWORK QUANTIES SHOWN ARE FOR BONDING AND PERMITTING PURPOSES ONLY. ACTUAL 37, IN ACCORDANCE 'MTH TI,£ CITY SUSMP, ALL STORM DRAIN INLETS 1NDICA1ED SHALL INCWDE QUANTITIES MAY VARY \\!TH SHRINKAGE, LOSSES DUE TO CLEARING OPERATIONS, REMOVAL & · "STENCILS'" BE ADDED TO PROHIBIT WASTE DISCHARGES DOl'INSTREAt.4. STENCILS SHALL RECOMPACTION, SEffiEMENT, ETC •• CONTRACTOR SHOULD VERIFY QUANTITIES PRIOR TO BIDDING. BE ADDEO TO THE SATISFACTION Of" THE C !TY ENGINEER. "DECLARATION or RESPONSIBLE CH.ARQE" I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM THE ENGINEER QF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT, THAT I HAVE EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OVER THE DESIGN or THE PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 6703 Of THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE, AND lHAT lHE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT VJITH CURRENT STANDARDS. I UNDERST ANO TH,6, T THE C HEC ~ OF PROJEC T DRAWINGS ANO SPECIFIC AT IONS BY THE CITY Of" CARLSBAD DOES Nor RELIE'/1:: ME, AS ENGINEER Of" \\ORK, OF MY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PR0-1;:CT DESIGN. ARM: ADDRESS: CITY, STATE: AMl;RICAN GEOTECHNICAL 227.250LDC RBALIN TELEPHONIEE1•~(--1.1-! BY: C.E. .: REGISTRA llON EXP IRA Tl --DA TE::_L/i,o:ty~lt42<4'-""--"0"'---- SOILS ENQI.NEER'S CBRTIFICATB VICINITY CITY or OCEANSIDE '• MAP 0 ~ CITY or VISTA P AC IFIC OCEAN o's'~' '1-i'.---"""o~, '-i--_,,.-r ~,~'? BENCH MARX DESCRIPTION: CLSB-020 SET ROD DRIVEN TO REFUSAL WITH CAP. LOCATION: 220 FT WEST OF AOMERIA ST. ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF LA COSTA AVE. AND 5 FT BACK OF CURB. RECORDED •• · _ __,_R_,,_.0"'."'S,..,.M.,.AP=-..,N0,,_.'-'1"-7=27""1~--~------ ELEVATION:._..,1.,.04o.c..2.,,5~•---------'□~AscTU~M~:_..,N~G~V~D~2=9 ENGINEER or WORK GREGORY W. AXTEN 111!11 American l&iil Geotechnical, lno. 22725 Old Canal Road, Yorba Linda. CA 92887 PHONE: (714) 685-3900, FAX: (714) 685·3909 SITE · CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL. THE LANDSCAPING PLANS FOR lHIS PROJECT, . DRAWING NO. 454-51. AND/OR AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY ENGINEER OR PLANNING DIRECTOR. . --·--~ ." 1 .. ----------------------- ·-·-· -··--··-•-·•-•··•-•·•···C•'·'"T~~~--, ;_, ~-•, .,j ·. • • • • EASEMENTS SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COIIIPANY RECORDED SEPTEMBER 18, 1973 AS ALE PAGE NO. 73-26,1546 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. UNDEFINED IN DEED AND UNPLOTTABLE. 1o' WIDE DRAINAGE EASEMENT DEDICATED TO SAN DIEGO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT BY DEEDS RECORDED 8-17-70 AS f/P 74-0062230, O.R. 10' WlDE DRAINAGE EASEMENT DEDICATED TO SAN DIEGO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT BY DEEDS RECORDED 8-17-70 AS f/P NO. 146256, 6.K. 1970, O.R. & 4-30-71, AS F/P NO. 88923, BK. 1971, D.R. 1o' SE11£R EASEMENT DEDICATED TO COUNTY Of" SAN DIEGO ON MAP NO. 6533. SHEET NO. 1. SHEET ll'IDEX DESCRIPTION TITLE SHEET, GRADING NOTES GENERAL NOTES ANO SPECIFICATIONS TREATMENT PLAN 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. CROSS SECTION TIEBACK ANCHOR BLOCK ANO FOUNDATION UNDERPINNING DETAILS EXCAVATION PLAN EROSION CONTROL PLAN AND NOTES TREATMENT PLANS .FOB LA COSTA DE MARBELLA SLOPE ST.ABWZATION AND FOUNDATION UNDERPINNJ.NQ 2403-2413 LA COSTA AVE, CARLSBAD WORK TO Bl DONE THE GRADING WORK SHALL CONSIST OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF ALL CUTS AND FILLS,· REMEDIAL GRADING, DRAINAGE FACILITIES, EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES, AND PLANTING OF PERMANENT LANDSCAPING AND PREPARATION OF AS-BUILT GRADING PLANS, AS-BUILT GEOLOGIC MAPS ANO REPORTS, ALL AS SHO'M'l OR REQUIRED ON THIS SET OF PLANS ANO THE CITY STANDARDS, SPECIFICATIONS, REQUIREMENTS, RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES CITED ON TJ,ESE PLANS. . • ' lHE GRADING IIQRK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH lHE FOLLOWING / DOCUMENTs, CURRENT AT THE TIME or CONSTRUCTION, AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 1. CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE 2. CITY Of" CARLSBAD ENGINEERING STANDARDS 3. lHIS SET Of" Pl.ANS 4. lHE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSffiUCTION (GREEl'l ' BOOK). , 5. SOILS REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS BY: AMERICAN GEOTECHNICAL DATED 05/18/07, REVISION DATED 08/22/08 6. lHE SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWINGS AND AS MAY BE MODIAED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD STANDARDS. 7. tTfii:i ~~~~-':.°~~UTIO~~RE~~~~~ ~ ~i~:~~~~_A-~~~~ _N0}~13-!:<;Ml,.~--- 6. STORI.I WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (SWMP) PREPARED BY 11!!8.IYclL!J!'IJl_l,¥9_//f,_sNGll/fifil$__ DA ITO _opggfp_l_______________ SWMP 08-16 9. THE CALIFORNIA STORM WATER QUALITY ASSOCIATION (CASQUA), STORM WATER BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE, CONSTRUCTION HANDBOOK ANO STATE Of" CALIFORNIA, DEPT. Of" TRANSPORTATION, CONSTRUCTION SITE BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMP) MANUAL. LEGEND DESCRIPTION DWQ.NO, EXISTING CONTOUR ............................................................................... . EXISTING CURB AND cumR .............................................................. . EXISTING FIBER OPTIC LINE ........... ,, .................................................... . EXISTING WA TtR LINE ................................... , ...................................... _ EXISTING SE\\£R LINE .......................................................................... - EXISTING DRAIN INLET , ......................................................................... . EXISTING STORM DRAIN •••••.• , ••.. ,, ........................................................ , •• EXISTING POWER POLE ......................................................................... . [)(!STING STREET LIGHT ....................................................................... . EXISTING UTILITY VAULT ....................................................................... . EXISTING ELECTRIC LINE ........................................................... ,, ......... . EXISTING WATER METER ...................................................................... . EXISTING WATER VALVE ...................................................................... . EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT ...................................................... , ............... . EXISTING SE'M::R MANHOLE .................................................................. . EXISTING VARIOUS TREES ..................... , .... , .. :., ... , ................................ . EXISTING SPOT ELEVATIONS ................................................................ . EXISTING StGN ...................................................................................... . EXISTING POST ...................................... ,, ............................................. . EXISTING RETAINING WALL .......... , .. , ..................................................... . EXISTING BENCH .................................................................................. . EXISTING FENCE ................................................................................... . EXISTING WALK ........................... , ... , .................................................... ,. SURVEY CONTROL POINT ..................................................................... . PROPERTY LINE .................................................................. 8 ............... . EXISTING CONCRETE SWALE ................................................. b.!!.~} .... . EXISTING 12' STORM DRAIN (PVT) ...................................................... . EXISTING AC PAVEMENT ...................................................................... . GRADING LIMITS .................................................................. $.b.~m,} ... . EXISTING CONTOUR .................. , ....................................................... , ... . EXISTING SPOT ELEVATIO~ ................................................................... . EXISTING 24•)(24' CATCH BASIN ........................................................ . OIREC TION OF DRAINAGE RUl'l-OfF (TYP) .......................................... . CLEANOUT .......................................................... , .... , ............................ .. APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF LANDSLIDE .................................. $.b..~~/.i/ ..... . APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF CROSS-SEC TIONS ............... ;f./J.!11/l.J. ..••• APPROXIMATE LOCATION Of TIEBACK AND ANCHOR BLOCKS ........... . NEW CONCRETE SWALE ....................................................................... . INLET SITNC !LS ................................................................. .§.b.~tl ... . NOTE: SYMBOL = -•-_,_ • l:t a -•- • a • ------ -x- '\~ ._, -·~-··- E=IJ) \ 92.00 m ~ X Ill -@] , , QUANTITY A LlD fl,' ~' \ ~:-.. "'\.-... -... -... -... -... -....... t,.-, .. ·;.:i 115 L.F. ' 1-X '. 5, 'i,!~ .... ............................ r. .. ...." QUAN TIES SHO'M'l ARE FOR BONDING & PERMITTING PURPOSES ONLY, ACTUAL QUANTITIES MAY VARY. CONffiACTOR SHOULD VERIFY QUANTITIES PRIOR TO BIDDIN SUSMP PROIECT PRJORl1Y1 . ji,~}~,.., 1-----1---4-----4----+---l----+---I\ '[TI CITY OF CARLSB ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DATE INITIAL DATE DAii INITIAL TREATMENT PLANS FOR: LA COSTA DE MARSELLA SLOPE STABILIZATION / FOUNDATION UNDERPINNING 2403-2413 LA COSTA AVE .• CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ~=------,,,-,-. 10/1, /o i DEPUTY CITY ENGINEER PE 33081 EXPIRES 6 30 10 1 DATE ENGINEER OF \\ORI< REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHcR APPROVAL C ITV APPROVAL D B • I PROJECT NO. I DRA'MNG NO CHKD B·Y~ PD07-08 454-5A RVWD BY:~. \ . ·1· . ' i 1. J :,. -~ .,_ -. l " . 1 . :; ' . .l-- .r -' j ' '( \, ;,} -~ '.\, -L ' ~ ' t . I 111208 I,' I ' ' I I I ' I ' I ' ·( I I i i I I I i I ii -1: " ii " :: ' I ENGINEERS' GENERAL NOTES ANO SPECIFICATIONS A. GENERAL 1. An workmanship and materials and other aspects of construction shall conform to the minimum standards of the latest editions of the Unifor~ Building code, _ACI 318, the "Green Book.• Standard SpecificaUons for Public Works Construction ~d the County of San Diego, ASTM test standards, EMA standard plans, and the requirement. of the City of Carlsbad. 2. Unless cletailed, specified, or Indicated otheiwise, construction· shall, be as indicated in the applicable typical details and general notes. In the event of any ambiguity; uncertainty; or contradictions, the most restrictive criteria $hall govern.: American Geo- technic~ (the project engineer) shall be responsible for any lnterpretatjqn required. Such interpretation by the project engineer shal not result in any claimed extras by the contrac- tor. ' · 3. Any changes to the plana and specifications dictated by the s~e conditione and/or requested by the contractor must be approved in writing by the project engineer and the City. n required, prior to implementation. Any credit or extra charge a~lated with changes shall be negotiated expeditiously, but In no case shall such negotiation result in delay by the contractor in Implementing such changes and otherwise ciOntinuing with the projeel. 4. The contractor and any subcontractors selected fat the design and COnstruction shall be licensed with the State of California as a general contractor (9lass A ltcense) or hold appropriate speciality contractor licenses. 5. contractor shall verify all dimensions and existing conditions prior to starting work and notify the project engineer of any discrepancies or inponslstencie~ After receipt of such notification. the project engineer shall be responsible for clariftcation of disGrepanciea or Inconsistencies In the strUctural plans and specifications, but shall not be responsible for claims or back charges. 6. Do not scale structural plans or details. Only written dimensions shall be used. 7. Notes and details take precedence over general notes and standard details. 8. Al work not specificany detailed or noted shall be constructed the same as other similar work shown In the detaOs. In the event of any uncertainty, refer to general; A2.. 9. The structural drawings represent the finished product and do not indicate the method of construction. The contractor shall take all measures necessary to protect the site and structures during construction. Such measures may include, blA are n,ot neces- sarily limited to providing the design, materials, and fabrication of all temporary bracing and shoring for a.II structural members including the installation of tiebacks on temporary construction slopes. Toe contractor shall Immediately notify the p'roject engineer of any condition which. in his opinion, might endanger the stability of property or stn.icture(s) or might cause distress to property or stn.icture(s). 1 o. Toe contractor shall be responsible for the safety and security of the site untl satisfactory completlon of the project as determined by the project engineer. 11. Observation visits to the site by the fiEHd represe.ntatlve of lhf project engineer shall not include observation of the safety methods or bracings or construction methods/techniques. 12. Observations, by the project engineer should not be considered a substitute for inspections by the contractor and/or governing agency, 13. Toe contractor shall procure and maintain insurance coverage under portcies of commercial general liability, automobile liability, and workers' compe~tion and employol's Tiabilit~ during the entire progress of the work, and comnwrcial general liability unUI ten (10) rears after the final notice of completion for the work has been recprded. The details o such insurance shall be to the satisfaction of the owner. · 14. Toe contractor shall obtain all necessary permits and be reimbursed for permit costs in connection with the work to be completed. 15. Any property or improvements dafTlaged by the actlvity(s) of the colltractor or his subcontractor{s) during the course of construction shall be the responslbllity of the contractor to replace or _repair {like, kind, and quality l,K,O) as recommended by tho project engineer. If additional design, plans, spocificatio_ns, and/or permits are required. the contracitor will be responsible for the respective cost$. 18. At the compleUon of the work, contractor shall provide detailed as-built drawings of all installatlons and locatlons. The contractor, project engineer, and City official shall Walk the colf1)1eled project and a check list prepared of final items for the contractor to correct. B. DEMOLITION 1. Toe contractor shall be responsible for all demolition required to properly execute the plans and speciftcafions. Temporary barriers and security devices as needed shaft also b& th& responsibility of the contractor. 2. During construption the contractor shall be responsible for the control, safety and security of all conslruciion areas. 3. Disconnect, remove and cap, as needed, utility services within the demolition areas. Mark: and recor(J an disconnected utilities. As n~essary, the contractor shall consult with the utility companies regarding fllrther ab8.11donment. relocation, and/or reconstruction {If requl~d) of utllities. C. GRADING AND EXCAVATIONS 1. To facilitate the Installation of tiebacks, grading will be required in the form of excavation below grade to facilitate anchor block constrµction in slope areilS, The contrac- tor shall remove the minimum amount of sol required tQ facilitate the installation. Al grading shaU be ln accordance With the Uniform Building Code, good construction prac- tlC&t and the recommendations of the project engineer. 2. AR excavation shalr proceed under continuous observation by a representative of the project engineer. The contractor shall be responsible for the stability of all temporary. construction excavations. 3. As approved by the project engineer, sol excavated should be placed/stockpiled In such a manner that it wiU not surcharge the acUve landslide. 4. On completion of tieback anchor block constru.,::tion, the are1l$ below and adjacent shaft be filled and contoured per the plans. Care shall be taken not to create any new, adverse drainage conditions. 5. Areas to receive fill shall be reviewed by the project engineer. Upon acceptance by project engineer, the con!racto, shall be responsible for surveyin1;1 rough excavation· elevations for inclusion into the as-built plan. 6. Where subdrains/backdrains are required by the plans. !he contractor shalt prepare the grade or review and acceptance by the project engineer. Thereafter, lhe contractor shall place gravel, pipe and geofabric as dictated by the plans and have invert elevations surveyed for inclusion into the as·built plan~ -,--- 7. Following acceptance by the project engineer of areas to receive fill, the exposed surfaces shaJI be thoroughly scarified Jo a depth of about six inches, moisture conditioned to near optimum moisture. and then thoroughly compacted to at least 90 percent of tha laboratory maximum density as determined jn accordance with ASTM method of test D1557. 8. Fill placement !$hall proceed in loose lifts not exceeding six inches thickness. E.wh tifl shall be thoroughly compacted by mechanical means to at least 90 percent of the laboratory maximum density as determined in accordance with ASTM method of test D1557. 9. Fill material shall be free of debris and oversized material, rock and similar irreducible material greater than six Inches In maximum dimension. 1 o. Where geogrid soi reinforcement is required by the plans. it shall be placed as specified, anchored to fix its location, then carefully covered with a thin layer of fill to protecl the geogrld from dama98 resulting from earth movlng and compaction equipment. 11. Any slope face steeper than 2:1 (horizontal to vertical} shall be constructed by overfilling. thoroughly compacting lhe overfillad areas by mechanical compaction in horizontal lifts, and then cutting back to the compacted lnnef core. The minimum amount of overfilflng shall be one foot verlical or greater as dictated by field conditions and as recommended by the project engineer at the time of grading. 12. For slopes at 2;1 or flatter. slope face compaction may be attempted by conven- tional filling. compacUon, backrolUng, and gridrolling techniques. Conventional, horizontal compacUon shall extend to the planned line of slope. Backrolling shall be thoroughly employed at intervals not exceeding four feet vertical. The conlractor shan generously overlap backrolling sequences. Following acceptance of backrolling by the project engi- neer, the contractor shall thoroughly grldroll slopes unUI accepted by the project engineer. During fiR compaction, backroning and gridrolling operations. the contractor shall be responsible for adjusting sol! moisture to nea.r optimum conditions. Where conventional backromnQ and gridrolfing techniques faR to achieve the uniformly compacted conditions to at least 90% of the laboratory max.im'-lm density o.e. 01557), lhe contractor shall remove the failed areas as identified by the project engineer followed by rebullding utilizing overtill· Ing aod cutting back techniques. D. TIEBACK CONSTRUCTION 1. The tieback specifications hereirt shall be considered minimum performance, criteria for tiebacks designed, detailed, COIJ::itructed, and tested by the contractor. Con- tractOJ shall be responsible for all testing (tiebacks, grouting, and shotcrete). 2. The minimum bonded length of th& tieback$ shall be 80 feat. 3. The tieback service load requlrement{s) and lengths are as noted on the plans. The tieback roads indicated on the plans assume an installation angle of 20 degrees downward from horizontal. Special drilling methods such as double head rotary drilling method, shall be used for the tieback construction to obtain accurate angnment. 4. AR tlebacks shall be tested under continuous observation by the proj&ct engineer. All tieback& shaU be tested to 150% of the plan service loads. All tiebacks shan be locked off at 110% of the service loads. Al least 48 hours prioT to actual testing. the contractor shall provide to the project engineer specifecatlons on a! of the testing apparatus to the satisfaction of the project engineer including curre~ calibrations on all jacking equipment 5. AR tieback grout shall develop a minimum compresslve strength of 4500 psi at 28 days and include type V cement and·a maximum water/cement ratio of 0.45. The contrao- tor shall have cast not less than three test cubes par tieback and have tested sufficient cubes to demonstrate to the satlsfaCtion of the project englneer conformance with this specification. Sampling for the cubes should be such that representative number$ of samples are obtained for each phase of grouting (I.e., low pressure vs. high pressure, post grouting). Grout cubes may be cast by the contractor while under continuous observation by the project engineer or alternatively the cubes may be cast by a representative of the projec1 engineer. Special concrete deputy inspection is not a requirement. 8, AU tiebacks shall be detailed with double corrosion protection. The entire length of pre--stresslng strands from anchor plate to the end of Ueback shall b& protected from corrosion by encasing the pre-stressing strands in a corrugated plastic tube/sheathing with cement grout filling the voids between Iha tube and the pr&-stressJng strands and the tube and the soil. The cement grout between the son and the plastic sheathing shall be a minimum of 1/2 inch thick and shal extend the entire length of the tieback. a smooth plastic sheath shall encapsulate the entire unbonded length. The sheath shall have a minimum thickness of 0.05 inches. A grease film compounded lo provide corrosion inhibiting and lubricating properties shall be placed between the sheath and the pre- stressing strands. The grease film shall have a minimum thickness ol 0.010 inches. 7. Contractor shall submit grot.rt design mix and shop drawings to the project engl• neer for review and acceptance two weeks prior to placement 8. Multi-strand pre-stressing tiebacks shall be at least 0.60 inch diameter (0.217 in.2) strands, grade 270, in accordance with ASTM M 16 low relaxation. The contractor sha.11 provide to the engineer ultimate strength test results from an approved laboratory verifying tensile capacity of cable samples representing not less than 5% of the tieback anchors instafied (Le. one break for every 20 tiebacks). 9. Contractor to submit complete tieback shop drawings with details stamped by a California licensed engineer two weeks prior to placement. 11. All tieback bonded zones shall be post grouted under high pressure within 24 hours of initial grouUng. The contractor shall have a grout pressure pump capable of delivering at least 1,000 ps.l gauge pressure at the he8:d of the tiebacks. 12. Toe project engineer shall observe on a continuous basis all aspects of the tieback construction. Special concrf;!te deputy Inspection Is not required during anchor grouting. Any variation from the structural drawings shalt be approved and verified in writing prior to proceeding with construction. E. TESTING OF TIEBACK ANCHORS 1. Each soil anchor shall be tested in accordance with ~Recommendations for Prestressed Rock and Soll Anchors' by Post-tension_ing Institute, Third Edition, 1996. 2. Minimum two anchors (one per row) shall be creep tested, and 5% of the remain- ing anchors, shall be performanc~ tested. The-remaining anchors shall be proof tested. Prior to creep tests, adjacent anchors on both sides in the sal1)8 row shall be proof tested · and lockecJ.off. during creep testing, the adjacenl anchors shall be monitored for any loss of tensile load. In the event of any unsatisfactory test results, additional creep tests/performance tests will be required as directed by the project engineer. 3. The contractor shall keep a record at the job site of all test loads and total anchor movements and shall certify their accuracy. 4. All of the anchors shall be tested to 150% of their design loads. 5. In the ~enl lhat the stated Umits in def/action are exceeded, the project engineer will provide recommended reduced loading values and supplementary anchors may ba required, at the contractots expense. 8. After satisfactory testing, each anchor shall be locke_d off at 110% of design load. For the first three tiebacks and 5% of the remaining anchors, the lock-oft load shal be verified by rechecking the load In the anchor. Jf the locked-off load varies by more than 10%, the load shaU be reset until the anchor is locked-off within 10% as af>Proved by the project engineer. In the event ol variance of more than 10%, additional anchors will ba specified by the project engineer lock•off load verification. 7. Toe contractor shan supply to the satisfaction of the project engineer current certifications from an approved testing laboratory required for the calibration of the hydrau- lic rams at least 48 hours prior to tensioning of anchors. Contractor should be aware that speciality loading jack may be necessary for the anticipated large tendon elongations during testing. 8. The contractor shaH provide for acceptance by the project engineer a detailed tieback testing protocol no less than 24 hours before the start of actual testing. F. ANCHOR BLOCK CONSTRUCTION 1. Anchor block construction shall be continuous along the row(s) of tiebacks over vertical heights as dictated by the plans. The tieback rows will be spaced at vertical height separations as dictated by the plans. 2. If the contractor wishes to construct anchor blocks in sections, the contractor shall supply to the project engineer for acceptance proposed joint details ... G. CONCRETE 1. All concrele construction, including bending of bars, shaK comply with AC.I., Building COde Requirements for Reinforced Concrete• (AC.I. 318--latest edition). 2. All concrete, shotcrete and tieback grout utilized in the construction shall have a minimum ultimate compressive strength of (fc') 4500 psi at twenty-eight {28) days unless otheiwise specified. Continuous special deputy inspection is required for concrete and shotcrete placement 3. A minimum of seven sacks per cubic yard of type V cement shall be utilized in all concrete. shotcrete. and tieback grout mix designs with amaximum water/cement ratio of 0.45. unless otherwise specified. A water reducing agent ma)' be utilized in the concrete mix design to increase the workabllity as needed and as approved by the project engineer. 4. AJI concrete, unless otherwise noted, shall be regular weight hard rock typa (150#/cf)_ aggregates shall conform to ASTM C-33 with proven shrinkage characteristics of less than 0.005. aggregate size shall not exceed 1• unless otherwise approved by the project engineer. Pea gravel concrete shall not be us~d. 5. concrete mix design shall be prepared by an approved testing laboratory and submitted lo the projed engineer fOT review and acceptance prior to proceeding with concrete placement. 8. Curing of concrete shall be accomplished by mainlaining concrete in a moist condition for a minimum of seven days after placement. Alternate method$ may be approved if satisfactory performance can be assured. 7. Where concrete placement does not require placement by a pressure pipe, concrete shall not free fall more than six feet. 8. Location of construction joints not specified shall be approved by the project engineer prior to placement. 9. Construction joints shall be approved by the project engineer in all cases. Con,. slruction jolnls for concrete less lhan one week old shall be lhoroughly cleaned of /aitance, wetted, and slushed with a coat of neat cement immediately before placing new concrete. older concrete shall be cleaned as above, after which a suitable epoxy bonding agent (e.g., Sika producl) approved by the project engineer shall be applied per the manufacturer's specifications. 1 0. Prior to placing concrete reinforcing steel, other embedded items shall be well secured in position. The project engineer and the inspector shaH be notified for inspection of reinforcement prior to the placement of any concrete. 11. Concrete cover and reinforcement shall be as follows; a. Surfaces not exposed directly to ground, weather or water after form removal.. ........ 1 'l./2". b. Concrete placed dire~tly against ground .......... 3•. c. Surfaces exposed to ground, weather or water after form removal. .•.••.•.. 2!'. d. Minimum cover .......... 1 ". e. Reinforcement shall be placed within a tole,ce of plus or minus 114• of positions specified. 12. Only one grade of concrete shall be allowed on site aJ one time. H. SHOTCRETE (SEE ALSO G1, 2 AND 3) 1. The proportions of water to cement shall be accurately controllecl so as to produce thorou!ilh and uniform hydration of the concrete which, when placed, will form a homogeneous mass containing neither sags nor dry sand for1Tl8tion. An aocurately calibrated pressure gauge shalf be provided in the water line. The wata, shall have a minimum pressure of 60 psi plus an additional 5 psi for each \en feet of rise in elevation between lhe pressure gauge and the nozzle. 2. The cement and aggregate shall be mixed without a~ded water In a batch mixer for not less than one minute and shall be discharged completely before the mixer is recharged. Other types of mixing equipment may be used wtjen approved by projacl engineer. Nozzles used to place concrete for structural purposes shall have a maximum size of 1 5/8 inches. 3. Shotcrete shall not be placed where the stream from the nozzle cannot directly impinge on the surface on which the concrete is to be placed! Where shooting conditions are difficult, tha proper results shall be obtained by maintainirlg normal alr pressure and water ratio and reducing supply of material. 4. Whenever possible, except when enclosing reinforcing steel, the nozzle shall be held at right angles to the surfaces and at a cf1Stance of not more than three feet. 5. Any deposits of loose sand or rebound shall be care~ully removed rrom the surface before applying additional concrete. When enclosing· reinforcing steal, the nozzle shall be held so as to direct the material around the bars. E~ch bar shall be shot from at least two directions. A second experienced person equipped with an air jet shall attend the operators whenever reinforcing steel is J)eing encased ar)d shaft carefully precede the nozzle and blow out all rebound and sand. 6. Placing of shotcrete shall be started at the bottom of the section and the top surface shall be held at a minimum of 45 degrees from hortzQntal to facilitate removal of rebound. Pneumatic concrete shall be applied to beams fro/'fl the side to permit removal of the rebound. 7. The air pressure at the machine end of the hose sh~I be not less than 45 psi for hose lenglhs of 100 feet or less and shall be increased 5 psi for each additional 50 feat or fraction thereof for hose lengths in excess of 100 feet. In addition, the air pressure shall be Increased 5 psi fOf eact"I 25 feet or fraclion thereof of vertical rise, 8. Shotcr8te shall be kept constantly damp for a period: of not less than 14 days after being depos/tec:I, unless olhar approved melhods are specifi~ on the stamped plans. 9. Rebound, pockets, sags, sloughing and other defects occurring in the work shall be cut out and replaced. 10. A minimum of three cores shall be taken for each 150 cubic yards, or fraction thereof, of shotcrete deposited. A suilable steel reinforcing detection technique shall be employed to verify that steel reinforcement will not be cul by lhe coring. core extraction shaft be conducted to the satisfaction of the project engineer. The cores shat be tested 28 days from the date the shotcrete is deposited and the tests shall show a 28 day strength of at least 4,500 psi. A minimum of seven sacb per cubic yard ol type V cement with maximum water/cement ratio of 0.45 shall be utilized in the construction. 11. Toe project engineer may approve cores taken from a representative test panel made at the same time and under the same conditions as the concrete being deposited. 12. The application of all shotcrete shall be continuously inspected by the project engineer and registered deputy inspector approved by the city. 13. The main reinforcing steel shall be securely tied in place In a manner that prevents any movement during the shotcrete installation. 14. Shotcrete mix design shall be prepared by an approved testing laboratory and submitted to the project engineer for review and acceptance prior to proceeding with, shotcrete placement. 1 S. Shotcrete construction for anchor blocks may be spliced approximately at the midpoint between tieback locations. At temporary termination locations, the shotcrate shall be wood floated at a neat 45 degree angle from the alignment ol the facing such to provide a positive connection with the next phase of construction. Prior lO placement of new shotcrete, the exposed temporary termination surface shall be thoroughly cleaned, exposing shotcrete aggregate and cement paste as approved by the project engineer. I. REINFORCING STEEL 1. All detailing, fabrication and placing of reinforcing bars, unless otherwise noted, shall be in accordance with the Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures AC.I. -315, latest edition. · 2. Reinforcement steel shall be deformed bars conforming in quality to the require- ment of the specifications for deformed billet-steel bars for concrete reinforcement, ASTM designation A-615, Grade 60. 3. Bars shall be clean of rust. grease or other materials likely to impair bond. Field bends shall be made cold. No field bends shall be made for bar sizes greater than No. 6. 4. Bar supports and spacers shall be provided in accordance with A.C.I. recommen- dations. 5. Stirrup support bars shall be provided between ends of top bars as required, 6. Toe minimum length of taps for splices shall be for class UB0 laps In accordance with AC.I. 12.15.2. 7. As an alternative, bar connectors can be utilized. AU bar connectors shall be full development capacity. Only I.C.B.0. approved bar connectors may be utillze(I. 8. Reinforcing bars and accessories shaft not be in contact with any metal parts embedded In concrete. J. EPOXY SET DOWELS AND RODS 1. Epoxy or resin adhesive shall be used in all locations where either all-thread rod or rebar are b~ing embedded into existing concrete as tension rod or shear elements. 2. Contractor shall mix and install resin and hardener par manufacturer's specifica- tion. All epoxy set threaded rods shall be set undBf special deputy inspection. 3. Holes in concrete may be drilled with rotary hammer drill. Size shall be per manufacturer's recommendation. lmme<fiately before applying adhesive, holes shall be reamed with a circular wire brush attached to a drill motor and then blown out with oU-frea compressed air. 4. Adhesive for downward holes may be either non•sag or liquid type, normal set Hol"gontaJ or ovethead holes shall be non-sag 1ype (gel type), normal set. Liquid epoxy shall be poured slowly into the hole to avoid air entrapment. Non•sag epoxy shaD be injected with a caulk gun with an extension nozzle fitted to reach the bottom of the hole. In both types, the hole should be filled approximately half full. The contractor shall submit proposed grout products and specifications to the project engineer for acceptance prior to use. 5. Bar or rod shall be slowly inserted and turned a minimum of one rotation. Do not pull up and down on the dowel or rod when installing. Remove any adhesive from around hole before it has set. 6. _ Existing reinforcing required to remain shall not be cut or damaged unless permit• led in writing by the project engineer. I. MASONRY 1. Concrete block units shall have a minimum compressive strength (fm) of 2000 PSI. All concrete block construction shall be sortd grouted and conform to U.B.C. Stan- dards. 2. Mortar shall be Type "M• and shall be proportioned in conformance with U.B.C. standards. Mortar shall develop a minimum compressive strength of 2500 psi at 28 days. 3. Grout shall be proportioned in conformance with U.B.C. Standards. Grout shall develop a minimum compressive strength of 2500 psi at 28 days. 4. Concrete block construction shall conform to the latest U.B.C. Standards. At the ends and intersections of an walls. there shall be a minimum of two #5 vertical jamb bars. Dowel concrete block walls wilh bar1 of the same size and spacing as vertical steel called out In block waits. 5. Al the time of laying all masonry, units shall be free of excessive dirt and dust 6. All reinforcing shall be in place and secured prior to grouting. Reinforcement shall be placed and secured in conformance with U.B.C. 7. Block walls shalf have a minimum of #4 @ 24" o.c. horizontal steel, unless noled otherwise on plans. See details for vertical reinforcing. 9. Unless specifically detaITed or noted otherwise, vertical control joints shall be provided in all concrete block wans and spaced at a distance of 16'-o• o.o. nor greater than 40' o.c.) Control joints shall extend the fuH height of the wall. Control joints shah not be required when the wall length does not exceed 1.5 times the wall height L SPECIAL INSPECTION AND STRUCTURAL OBSERVATIONS 1. Special inspections and structural obseIVations are required during different stages of the proposed construction. These construction stages include but not limited to the following: a. Tieback instanation and testing (to be provided by the project engineer; concrete deputy inspection is not required). c. Steel, concrete, and shotcrete placement for structural elements (lo be provided by licensed, concrete deputy inspector in addition to observations by the projecl: engineer). 2. American Geotechnical will provide geotechnical ,1nd structural observations for tieback instaHatlon and testlng and steel placement. A deputy inspector shall be respon- sible for the continuous inspection of concrele and shotcrele placement and steel place- ment. The deputy inspector does not need to be on-site during grouting operations for the tieback anchors. A dally written report by the deputy inspector will be submilted to the project engineer and building inspecto, at the end of each day and construction stage. The project engineer shall prepare a final report and submit it to the buITding official at the completion of the project. 3. A pre--conslruction meeting is advised This meeting shan include but not ba limited to the American Geotechnical staff respansible for geotechnical and structural observations, the contractor, deputy inspectors and the building official. The purpose of the meeting is to identify and clarify the essential elements of the construction and to review scheduTing of the required observations for the project's structural systems. 4. Toe project engineer shall be notified in case of any deficiencies observed during construction. Upon receipt of such notification, the projed: engineer shall evaluate the circumstances and make any necessary recommendations. : GEOTECHNlt AL I STRUCTURAL: AMERICAN <')EOTECHNICAL 22725 Old C~I Road, Yorbe Linda, 92687 PHONE: (714 685-3900 FAA : (714 685-3909 ' Project engin~ar Project geolo~ist Struciuraf deslgn ! :Greg Axten, GE 103 ;Kevin Rogers, CEG 2425 ;Arumugam Alvappillal , ACE 53887 I ., ' ENGINEER OF WORK .. . ~~'J· , 11 ----G;::R;::E::G::O:::RY=w:-. AX=T::E:::lt;-------,-;--,-, American / • Ni 22725 Old ;a::::~i::•CA 9288,t; , V:1;_~:i~! PHO~E~(.7.1.4) 685-3900, FAX: (714) 685-.~~,J f.i\, ~f ~_', , '-'....,..,..t.€1!1 IA. . " "I ~-'ll t ,, . . ' ' "' .. ' ! ' . _\}!i ,. ,<-~~'.: • . _. ;I As\~ 'ij"••t ' wl(T ~(: ;.-.'~• .,:{/j e ,, &'.'El... ,,...., , \---:·A;·t,:.i ~~~ '.,'s't ,.,r:::..J: · t /__ ..,:,..•,,..~!i. :. ··!.•:,• .. :.,;<·' ~ .........,__......... .·· . . . ,, !(., ' ~· . . '. ·. ·.,· . R:;_..1/..b:14.o \. •,. '.:. '4/~'I ~ . , ~ I f·l ,c . . ' ii· , •~ 7 · ' DATE <{!ff · a. All cells shalf be filled' solidly with grout Grout shall be a workable mix sU1labla lor : -;,:: 'ef · · 1v pumping Without segregation and shall be thoroughly mixed. Grout shall be placed by I '.'. '. ···•.: .. · ', .,-, . [ •.•• '. • .•• ,~~t. ;,~ ·.~-R .. m-_v .. ·• .. · ... · •.. E .. _fJ~·.-~~--·.:."".·· .. •:'':~·.:' ... · ·. . -t,.•':; ... / •.. · pumping or an approved alternative method and shall be placed before inilial sat or . ; , , . .., "' · ,. · ... . , · s:··:/i~ !tJ. hardening occurs. The conlractor shall take appropriale slaps to assure proper grout \'>I)~~ --LL-- consolidation (e.g., vibratory methods) while taking care not to segregi~~ ··~~-~~i-::.-::.-::_-::_-::_i-::_-::_-::_-::_-::_-::_-::_-::_-::_-::_-::_-::_-::_-::_i' -::_-::_-::_-::_-::_-::_~-::_-::_-::_-::_-::_-::_-::_-::_-::_-::_-::_-::_-::_-::_-::_ir:.-::_-::_-::_-::_-::_i-::_-::_-::_-::_-::_i-::_-::_-::_i;;':.'. :i,fl_.T'II-. ~• ~~~{1·~11·:t;;J~~-~:~•;;;,~· ::::::;l,:::l:;~;S;P;E;t~T;:□::R::':;,,:;·_· ·;;. ',.2,~::;: ·=· ~ .;;· =·;:;;;:;;::::;;;;::;:::;:="~-~'.:;~·~!>;:/\::'::f!;:•=· :::;:;-1 I (/ ·•. . ' , fsi=iml CITY OF CARLSBAD I SHE7ETS I t---1--+------+! ---------+--+---+--+--..-!~ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ' TREAMNT PLAN FOR: IA COSTA DE MARBELLA SLOPE STABILIZATION/ FOUNDATION UNDERPINNING ! 2403-24131.A COSTA AVE., CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA I APPROVED: DAVID Pf iiA~:.E~ /t,/13'/6t DEPUTY CITY ENGINEER PE 3J081 EXPIRES 6/30/10 DATE DA TE IN111AL ENGINEER or WORK REVISl9N DESCRIPTION DA TE lf'ollllAI. INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL Dm, BY: I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. CHKD BY~ P007-08 454-5A RVl/,0 BY:~ ' .. --_i. j' / ' 1 ' ' . ' , , -.. , . . ~- r ,, i· ',, ' ' ' . ·. i ; I I J ' \ I i i I ! I . '·' 111208 N N 0 SCALE : J" : 40, 10 20 40 60 -. Topographic m ap was adopted f . rom Burkett & W ong grading plan fo M r arbella. ENGINEER OP WORK W.AXfEN II GREGORY American Geotechnlcal I , no. 22725 Old C al PHONE: (71: 68:oad, Yorba Linda, CA 92887 -3900, FAX: (714) 685-3909 L_ ) ~-=j-) t1 DAlE !t-llT!AL ,NGINEER Of WORK Explanation lJnits demolished Approximate limits of A recent landslide ----i 20 --pproximate lim·t is of pos 'bl -~ aoA Approxin1ate location s1 e ancient landslide lil -pproximate locaf of pre-development to -i-----A ion of existing to pography 3 , pproxlmate local' pography .... _. --...1, A -. ion of tieback pprox1mate location of cross s::~nchor blocks 3 I • • DATE z/~ () PE 33;81 EXPIRES /0 prjd, 6 30 10 ' PROJECT NO DATE DA TE Jt-4ITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVM. CITY APPROVAL PD07 -()8 • I DRA WINO NO 454-5A -·-:-711111w·11ti· 1,: <i ' ' ,I, ;\, ' . , l-- I 1 . AGl·B 200 (pmjected West = 20'} Repaired A.O. Roads 4 N14°W Storm drain inlet in concrete v-dltch-~-----, Existing topography Pre-del/elopment natural topography Lot 229 Torrejan Pl. 1' 200 ( Repaired graded slOpe 1 ' ;:::::::..I-uG-=---_----j Fill __ - --? 160 120 AGM {destroyed) (Demolished garage) (Demolished condo unit) AGl-4 {destroyed) AGB-3A A.C. Roads 2429A Fill / _,,,,, -I ----~-JI ---/ -----/ ::-----/ ----. 80 Emergency I-beam retaining AGS-2A AGl-2 (destroyed) wall repair by Stoney Miller Consultants---,_ ---0405 r:;J_.l-L:f'""~-,f ry ----- s' .. ------'-., .-· Possible buried ancient landsride? -_. · Pre-clevelopmellt Based on aerial photo analysis. Pre-development natural topography 40---1------ ---- FiU La Costa Ave _c . ,, '-----1-Recenl: landslide np surface natural topography Santia90 Fm. Claystone & st.TST 60' bonded lengch 2o" .....,_..--One row ol tie_backl 160 120 80 40 One row " tiebacks 250 kips each 220 kips each @ 1 O' o.c. 0-'--------------------------------~0!!!_c7-~~~o~.•~-~S~m~a;,l.!M~l~ll~~C~oa~s~una,,!;!!!te'!_ ___________________________________________ _LO 2 200 160 I 120 80 La Costa Ave 40 ----- Cross Section 1 -1' Scale 1" : 40' 4 N23°W Existi~ topography Storm drain inlet Pre-development natural topography Loi 220 In concrete v-dilch-~--l--- - AGl-5 (projected ,,,7' East} AGl-3 (destroyed) 24098 Santiago Frn. Mudstone/SLTST A.C. Roads AGI-B .2425 E (pmjected •1s· East)1 A...l.-L...........a_,,, Fill --,-a==+=-_J ¥ ~o 9121/06 (after 48 hrs. Santiago Fm. Mudstone/SLTST jH,09/20/06 (afte<24 hn,.) 'j/ H,O 9fl0/06 ,.,::::_ Fill/ /2---' -----7 c_ __ --..,1 -I ---,-. - -----7:.._J Torrejan PL 2' 200 160 120 80 40 60' bonded length L::~""~~one row of llebacks O-'-----------,----------------------------------------...::C22=!o~•~il)~•.!:•!!!•c:!!h~@~1~o~·oc:.•::.· _____________________________________ j_ 0 3 200 160 120 La Costa Ave AGl-8 Cross Section 2 -2' Scale 1 " : 40' N3°E J Storm drain inlet in concrete v-dilch Pre-development natural topography Existing topo~phy lot 230 ---- -Fil (projected:::: 125'Easl) ~ J // .;. 1 /~ /// AGl-7 (pfot8Cted • 20' East) Santiago Fm. Cta.ystone & SLTST A.C. Roads 2431.,_S-/ J.J.~1" __,. I ¥ HaP 9/22/06 Ancient Landsli ? ::r? --1'/ '---- . -.,,..: / -Possible burled ancient landslide? ill ? 'l ,..... _ '\__,,,,.. Based on aerial photo analysis. ----,.--Ancient Landslide ? Santiago Fm. Claystone & SLTST Torrejan Pl ---- ? 3' 200 160 120 80 40 0-'-------------------------------------------------------Lo Cross Section 3 -3' Scale 1" : 40' ENCINEER or WORK GREGORY W. AXTEN !liBI American ILiJI Geotechnical, Inc. 22725 Old Canal Road, Yorba Linda, CA 92887 PHONE: (714) 685--3900, FAX: (714) 685-3909 ._, _,_,.,. -, i---t--+--------+-l---1--+--l~ CITY OF CARLSB l----t--1---------------1---+--l--+--.J ~ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT TREATMENT PLAN FOR: DA TE INITIAL EH<,NEER Of 'l«)RK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATe: INITIAL DA Te: INITIAL OlHER APPROVAL C ITV APPROVAL LA COSTA DE MARSELLA SLOPE STABILIZATION/ FOUNDATION UNDERPINNING 2403-2413 LA COSTA AVE., CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVED: DAVID~ lo)r/1Jt DEPUTY CITY ENGINEER PE 33081 EXPIRES 6 30 10 DAlE : PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO CH~D BY~ PD07-08 454-5A RVWBY:~ t; •~~i• ,J,i 't \ \ ·/:'; ,'_'! 1' __ , ' :·-,, ,j ' "} t ' · .. ···' ,'1 j :.1 , ' ! \ I ! • I ', ' ,,, ' . -' ,:1 .. _;)' ·t ' t· ' ' -, ,, ---' li"illll ' I ! .. -,.----~---- ' Concrete or shotcret cap per contractor ~,./ 8' \ ~~ Note: Tieback horizontal spacing @ 1 O' o.c. Tieback service load = 220 kips Provide performance tiebacks; Contractor is responsible for design, detail and construction per minimum criteria provided. ical Section @ Tieback/ Anchor Block 1 N.T.S. =111-111-111-Til-iIT-iTt=lll=,;I JI 7@ 12' o.c. I I I ~, ' 'I{,~, -.....:1;:: 'f' .. # 8@ 12' o.c.--.: Trumpet min. 3' Cir. atbottom ~= - Note: Concrete for anchor block construction shall have minimum compressive strength of 4500 psi and max. water to cement ratio of 0.45. Minimum Type II (l'ype V preferred) cement shall be used in all concrete construction. # 4@ 12' o.c. Concrete or shotcrete cap upon final tieback tensioning min. 3' cover to all metal surfaces, Design I Detail by contractor with approval by engineer. Add su~able erosion control material as accepted by engineer. ~ :... :... :... /Repface irrigation and landscape to original condition. t'}-,,.---'-..,,, j Finished ~lope surface to existing gradient ' ! v--Bearing plate ~"--'' min. 12"x12' New fill c9mpacted to min. 90% relative compaction. -,- .,I .. ::::J1i -11!~ -II'· 3' . ,~--=-ITU ~,~ ·•,.. Cir. Tieback, min. S"iti Note: Tieback horizontal spacing @ 10' o.c. Tieback service load = 220 kips _111=111 actual design by other11. 20' shotcrete or concrete Provide performance tiebacks; Contractor is responsible for design, detail and construction per minimum criteria provided. Anchor Block Detail N.T.S. - ----T Chimney drain or equivalent drainage blanket (e.g. miradrain), max. 30' spacing. Anchor block Horizontal drain, min. 4"; perforated Sch. 40 PVC, wrapped with min. 3 Cu/R. gravel and suitable geofabric (e.g. Mirafl 140N) around gravel; min. 2% gradient to outlet pipes, use one drain pipe. in each bench. ' Outlet pipe, 2% gradient, 4"~ solid PVC, Sch. 40,. max. 100' spacing between outlets, project 12' out of slope face. Slope Reconstruction with G~ogrid 3 ENGINEER OP WORK • American Geotechnical, Inc. 22725 Old Canal Road, Yorba Linda, CA 92887 PHONE: (714) 685-3900, FAX: (714) 685-3909 N.T.S. - ! ' DATE z/,~ 0 J/2~/;; llATE i-----t----t---------+---1---1----1---1 ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT r DA 1E ltilTIAL ENGlNtl:R or l'A'.lRK REVISION DESCRIPTION OAlE INlnAL DAlE 1~11\AL OTHER N'PROV/>I. CITY APPROVAL TREATMENT PLANS FOR! LA COSTA DE MARSELLA SLOPE STABILllATION I FOUNDATION UNDERPINNING 2403-2413 LA'cosTA AVE., CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT NO. PD07-08 DRAWING NO 454-SA . I I i ' i i . : i I I . i i 1 I ' I '. j j: ',! ·i r ' ,,_1 ' . ! .'I J ' " " ' ,;-~- ' .. ; ,: . ' :: ' ~·--~---------- I i I I ' I I I .. '' . ------ "' I r--., I I I I " I "' I ......,.,.,.,.,..,,........,.._ 1. All SfORM OR.'JN INI.ElS AND CATCH BASINS WITHIN THE PROJECT AREA SHALL HAVE ~ SfENCII. OR TILE PLACED WITH PROHIBffiVE LANGUAGE (SUCH PS: "NO DUMPING -THIS OR.'JN TO OCEAN) AND/OR GRAPHICAL ICONS TO OISCOU~GE ILLEGAL DUMPING. 2. LEGIBIUlY flf STENCILS, TIL£S AND SIGNS MUSf BE MAJNmNED ANO TILES MUSf BE PLACED FLUSH WITH THE TOP Of CONCRETE TO REOUOE TRIPPING BY PEDESfRIANS. ED BMP STENCIL PLACEMENT NO SCALE 20 10 0 20 40 60 SCALI DC rm l inch .a 20 fl 1'-0fESS10 ., ,_ ti "' --z " "' ~ !; * CAI-'~ , RCE 44976 ENGINEER OF WORK: burkett ~ &wong~ engineers & surveyors 3434 fourth ave. san diego ca. 92103-5704 • (619) 299-5550 r-ir•or DATE ,J;,::}1:;i, ifj" DA TE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORt< NOTE: , 1. UNDERPINNING OF' STRUCTURES PER SEPARATE CITY OF' CARLSBAD BLDG PERMIT NOT PER THIS SHEET 2. TIEBACKS SHOWN ON THI$ SHEET ARE SHOWN TO AVOID STORM DRAIN CONF'UCTS SEE SHEET 3 FOR TIEBACK SEPARATION i DATE INlllAL DATE INlllM. DCH D 8.Y: ~ t< 1 EVISION DESCRIPTION i---=c-=-i-=:;~....:;;.;;;:.....,_::.::.:.::.;=-l K : OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVM. RVWD BY: \ BLDG 2401 95.6 X I /-tf/u11 ~KP-0,/-,,1/'10 . /:ATJ . 1 . PROJECT NO. PD07-08 .. . -__ -,-.~ DRAWINO NO. 454-5A I ;, ' . . ' ' ' • 1'" [·:1 ,' ',;:-' J;. ;-• f:: .f. I, • . ; . .: : { • , [111208 i-. ·_i I ~]ITT).' •,' II ' , I 1. I,, I , ) TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ALL PfWNT AMJ IDIPOIINl'I' EROSION aJN1IIClt PLWrllC AMJ /RIIICATION S/W1. BC INSTALLED AMJ -NNED AS IICQIJfl£D IH SECTION 212 AMJ J08 OF 1H£ sr.- SP£CIFICA110NS, CASll'I ctJNSl1!IJC110H ,_ -1H£ FOtlOIIING: A HrDROS£EI/IIIG SHAU. BC N'PtEJ) 10: I. ALL 51.0fU TH4T Ni£ GIWIED 6:1 (HORIZONTAL 11) 1£1111CAL) OIi SIEEPER JIHEH 1HEY Ni£: o. 7lfiff FffJ OIi IIOII£ IH l£JGHT AMJ NJJlaNT 11) A Pll8UC 1WL OIi S111£D. b. ALL SI.OPES 4 FffJ OIi IIOII£ IN HEJCHT. 2. Al!fAS G1W1ED FlAmR Tl/NI 6:1 111D -OF 1H£ fOOJJlfllNG CONDfOONS DI/ST: a. IIOT saEDtUD FOR IIIPfKN£IIENIS(CONSTl!tJCTION OIi GENERAL WlBN'IHG) llfflfll 60 !MIS OF ROUGH GIWJINC. b. IOEH1FE) BY 1H£ PARKS AMJ RU:RfJ,TION Oll£CTOII AS HICHI..Y Ifill£ 7l) TH£ PfBJC. c. H41£ -SPft'MI. CONIXIION IOEH1FE) BY THC art ENGINEER TH4T ~ .wEDl47!: llff,IJIIEIII'. 8. HYDROSUDCD Al!fAS SHAU. BC /lilllGlllD IN ICCCIIIJNiC£ 1111H THC FOU.OIIIHC CRl1UM: I. ALL SI.OPES TH4T Ni£ G1W1ED 6:1 OIi SIW'£R AM) IHIT Ni£: a. T>fl££ 11) EIGHT FffJ IH 1£/GHT SHAU. BC IRl1/GA1lD BY INlJ b. •-,-QUICK COll'lf7iS/lt05 185 OIi A ~ SlSlBI OF 11111 Pllfl:PITATION ~ IE/IDS -IDIX ~ QlfAro! Tl/NI 8 FffJ 1H IDMT SHIil BC *IEIEI BY A CtJINEJITION-AL SlSlBI OF 11111 /lllfl:AT~flOII -.El! /EADS Pl'iOIIIIIIII'; IDIX COIElWE . 2. Al!fAS SUJP£D LESS Tl/NI 6: I SH4I.L BC IRl1/GA1lD AS APfflOVfD BY 11£ art EJIGIIIEDI. l¥IIOII 11) HrllllOSEIDIHC. 11£ IEED'El1 SHIil Sl.8IT A PROl'OSED SCHfJIC ro PRCMO£ IRl1/GATION ro TH£ art CNGIIEIR. THC PROPOSAL SHAU. BC SPrnFIC REGARIJING TH£ NUIIBCRS,Tll'fS AMJ COSl5 OF 11£ fLDl£NTS OF TH£ PROl'OSED SlSJElj_ J. IRl1/GATION SHAU. -All/ TH£ IIOISTIJRf I.fin OF 1H£ SOI. AT 11£ Of'TMM I.fin FOR TH£ GIIOWIH OF THC IMJROSEHED GIIOWIH. C. IIYDROSE£DING Ill< SHAU. CONSIST OF ALL OF TH£ fOI.LOI/IING: I. SEID Ill< SHAU. CONSIST OF IIO LESS Tl/NI: a. 20 .,._ Pfll /CR£ OF 1/0SC CU1'£II b. 20 k PfJI /CR£ OF ZOIIRO F£SCIJC c. J k PfJI /CR£ OF £ SClffl. CM ~ d. 4 ""'· PER /CR£ OF ACHUEA l«J£FOUI •· J k PER /CR£ OF ALl$UII (CIIIPET OF SN<lft) f. I /2 I>. PER ACRE OF DltlOIIPHOILCA g. Tl£JIS c,d,1, AMJ f OF 1H$ Sll8SECTIOII IMY BC OWT1fI) ON LOCA110NS IIIO£ TH£ NifA 1D1G HYllllOSC£IIE1) IS IIOT Ifill£ ,- UTIIER A PfBJC STll£Er OIi /l£SIDENIML ~ h. 1ID1 a OF 1HS Sll8SECTIOII IMJST BC l'tOCt.lAllD 1111H A NITROGCN RXWG !MClE1IM AMJ N'PtEJ) Dirr U1IIER BY /llll.LIHG OIi -IIO'IJII£ HrllllOSEIDIHC. L ALL SEID IMlll!WS SHAU. BC 1'li4HSl'!lfl1l 7l) THC JC8Sl1£ IH UIIOl'EJ/ED CC#TNNERS=~lll1H TH£ ~ DEPARTIIENT OF FOCO -mna wrlfUTION TAG ATTN:HCD 11), OIi PIIIN1ED ON SW CONTNHCRS. j. IION-PHrTD-TDXIC ll£11N1 AGEN1S !MY 11£ IIIDfl) ro TH£ lllf1liOSEID SI.Uoil!Y AT 11£ DISCIIETION OF TH£ CON1IIACll)I!. 2. TrPf I IIUI.CH APPtED AT TH£ 11A1!: OF IIO LESS Tl/NI 20()() ,,_ PfJI AC/If. TrPf 6 IIUI.CH (STRM) IMY 11£ SUBS111V1lD, ALL OIi PN(T, FOR ~y ll'PUED Ff!£R IMIERW. JIHEH ~ IS USED fT IMJST fl£ NICHOllfIJ 7l) 71£ SI.OK BY lo£CHWCII.LY PUNCHIHC IIO LESS 11WI 50:f OF 11£ Slll41' INTO TH£ SOIL J. F£RTIUZER CONSIST/HG OF AM«JIMM PHOSPH#,1!: SVtFATE, 16-20-0, 1111H 15X SUt.PHUII APPUED AT 11£ 11A1!: OF 500 Ibo. PfJI AC/If. D. £ F. G. H. -. ro B£ HYDROSUDCD SHAU. B£ PIIEPNl£l} PR1011 ro 11YDROSE£D1NG BY: I. ROUGH£NMG TH£ SI/Rfli:C ro 11£ PWIIEl) BY -OIi A ~TION OF: a. 11IACK NMIXIHG SI.OPES S1EEPER 11WI 6:1 b. HNIROltlNG Al!fAS 6:1 OIi FlAmR TH4T Ni£ SUfflCENTLY FIIIA/I£. c. RIPP/HG ARE;AS TH4T 111.L IIOT llllfAK UP IJSIHG Tl£JIS a OIi b AIIOI£. 2. COND/OONING 11£ SOII.S SO IHIT fT IS SUfTA/11.£ FOR PLWrllC BY: a. ADJUST/HG THC SI/Rf/CE SOIi. IIOISTIJRf ro PRCMO£ A DtWP Bllr IIOT SAll/RAllD SEID l/£D. b. 11£ AOOITION OF SOI. AM£NIJIIEli1S, PH Allll/STl/£Nr, /LIIClfHC OIi CMRN; SAUNE S011.S ro Pfill\1IIED IM£ COHOfflONS FOR GIIOWIH. HYllllOSC£IIE1) Al!fAS S/W1. fl£ liNNTA/H£D 11) PRCMO£ A -..S GIIOWIH IJNll 11£ PIIOJEl:T IS PET!tlN,(NTLY IJNDSCN'f1) OIi, FOR Al!fAS IIIO£ HrDROS£EI/IIIG IS 11£ PCWNT I..JNOSl:N'IIK; IJN1l TH£ PROJfCT IS IXlllPl.£7ED AMJ ALL IJOHl)S RfifASE). FIB£R 8WIKfTS S/W1. 11£ 8IOOEGRAIWII£ (RfCP) AMJ INSTALLED PfJI SS-7 OF TH£ CALIIWIS STOl!JI !Mill! OUAIJIY HANCllJOOl(S COHS11lfJCllOH sm: BEST MANAGCJJ£NT PIIIICTICES -.ML Ff!£R lllNIKUS SHAU. 11£ INSTALLED 10: I. ALL SI.OPES IHIT Ni£ GIWIED 6:1 (HORIZONTAL ro l'E1ffiCAI.) OIi SIEIP!.R IIHEN IHEY NI£: a. JllllrC-.,ar OIi IIOII£ IH IDMT AM) NJJlaNT ro A PfBJC IMU. OIi SIAiit b. ALL SI.OPES 4 FffJ OIi IIOII£ IH 1£/GHT. Ff!£R IVNKCT SHOW) Nltll' IGUATION ro fl£ ESTAIJU9ED ON SI.OflEJ) NifAS. SEID 11£ NifA IJ£F(JII£ IVNKC1 INSTALLATION FOIi EIIOSIOH aJN1IIClt AM) R£\GUATION. ffilTl.lZ£ AMJ SEID IH NXXIIIDNiCE 1111H HrDROS£EI/IIIG SPE.clFICAIIONS IIHEN IJSIHG .ME IMTJM; ON A saD£I) NifA, N'PI.Y -IRY HALF TH£ SEID IIO'IJII£ IA!Ni 11£ IMT AMJ 11£ REINIOfR !FTCII IA!Ni TH£ IMT. 11£ PR01£CM IM17WG CNI fl£ lAl) OVER Al!fAS Jlf£R£ GRASS H4S BCE/I PWIIEl) AMJ THC SffDUNGS H41£ £MERGED. LEGEND DIISCIUPTION DWG.NO. E1/7 GRAIIEL BAGS .....•.....•.... E2/7 SILT FENCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E3/7 SlRAW ROUS. •............... SEE NOlES SHT 7 FlBER BLANKET. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AND HYDROSEED AREA SI.OPE DRAIN ...... c~1;r~~~s. ~S;-!1 .. . DR ET SC-10 TYPE 3 STORM AIN INL . . . . . . . . . . . . • . PROlECTION STOCK PILE MANAGEMENT •.... ~.-.3 ... TC-1 STABILIZED CONSlRUCTION ENlRANCE ...... . NOi!:: SYIIBOL Oc::.o --••- FIi 111111111111 C9 nn APPROXINAT-: QUuilTIIS 720 640 LF 1900 LF 8350 Sf 80 LF 4 EA LF 960Sf QUANTl1JES SHOWN AR£ FOR BONDING & PERt.1/roNG PURPOSES 0NL Y. AC/UAL QUANTITJES MAY VARY. CONTRACTOR SHOULD 1£RIFY QUANTITIES PRIOR TO BIDDING. r I t ( EROSION CONTROL NOTES I. IN CASE EllE1lCENCY ~ IS IICQIJflf/Jt CONT/Cf ,.MSIJtj l.£lllS AT (PHONC MMJfRJ (760) 505-lll/15 2. EQUIPIEJIT MID ~£RS FOR EJIERCENCI' ~ S/W1. BC l640C AIIAIIA&'.E AT ALL 111B OORJIIG Tl£ fWrr SfASON. ALL NEC£SSNrr IMIDiWS S/W1. 11£ SlDCKPfl.ED ON sm: AT caN£Jt/fNT LOCATIOHS ro FACILITA1!: IW'IO CONSl11UCIION OF TEJIPORNrY DmCES WH£N l1A/H IS EIIIH£Nr. J. DmCES SHOl'N ON PlANS S/W1. IIOT 11£ l«MD OIi II/JOlfl£D IIT1HOUT 1HC APf'liOVAL OF TH£ £HG/H££RfllC INSPf.CIOR. 4. 11£ CONTl1AC10R SHW. R£SroRf ALL E110S10H CONrROL omas ro l'ORl<JHG OlllJCR ro 11£ SATISFICTION OF 11£ art EJIGIH£ER !FTCII EICH RUH-OFT PROOUCIIIG _.ALL 5. TH£ CONTl1AC10R SHAU. INSTALL NJOm<iNAL EROSION COlffllOL llfASUR£S AS IMY 11£ REOUlllfD BY TH£ art ENGINEER DU£ 11) UNCOlll'lETED GRADING OKl1A110NS OIi UNFOIIESEIN CIICWSTAI/CfS JIHICH IMY NI/SE. 6. THC CONTl1AC10R SHAU. fl£ R£SPONS/fll£ AMJ SHAU. TNCf N£C£SSNrr PR£J:NJTKJNS ro /IRCV£NT Pl!IU'.; Tlif5PASS ONro Al!fAS Illa£ IIIPOIJNOED IMlll!S C1/fA7!: A HAlNlfXJUS CONIXIION. 7. ALL EROSION aJN1IIClt llfASUR£S Pfill\1IIED Pfll 11£ APfflOVfD Gl1NJING Pl,W SHW. 11£ IHCalf'ORAllD IEREON. 8. GIWIED Al!fAS lll()IM) TIE PRO.£CT PEJllllCIEJ! 1111ST DRNN AIIMY ,-TH£ Fli:C OF SI.OK AT 11£ COHCWSION OF 00, IIOIIJUMl !MY. 9. ALL l'OPflfl.C Plft)JH:1M llEl!l:ES SIIOllfll SHIil 11£ IH PUCE AT TIE EMI OF EICH 11!1i111W1 IMY IIHEN TH£ FWC (5) !MY -PRCaallY FCJR£r.AST c:xcm>s FORTY l'f1ICOIT («Ill). Sl'.T AM) UTID OfllTIS SHIil IE ll!MMJ IIFTER 00/ _.ALL. 10. ALL QIIIE. 811:s SIWJ. 11£ IUUP TrPf 1111H J/4 IHCII -.Al AOGllm'MIE II. STNJllll£ ALL SM£5 MEIMIRY. SEID AMJ I/ULCH SM£5 AT A SI.OK OF LESS 11WI 5 P£RCElfl. 12. sa: CM:JIWIS STOl!JI !Mill! OUAIJIY HNalOO«S COHS11lfJCllOH sm: BEST W'fAGEIEJ(f PIIIICTICES - FOIi l1'l'ICAI. DETM.S IIOT SIIOllfll ON Pl,W IJ. TH£ /NfOIIIIAOON ON 1l£SE ~ Ni£ ACCIN!A1!: FOR IMl!:R POU.IIIION aJN1IIClt PURFOSES Otll.Y. 14. TH£ INfOIIIIATION ON 1H$ Pl,W IS INTD«D ro 11£ USED AS A GIMlflJN£ FOR THC CONTl1AC10R NID SVBCON111i1Cmt! ro INSTALL *Ill! POUUTION aJN1IIClt DE\olCfS AT GENE1IAI. LOC4110NS THROUGHOUT 11£ SIT£ 1l£SE DfMlll'«lS Nif 7l) 11£ USED IH <XJNA/CTION 111111 TH£ -IM SCCTION OF TH£ !Mill! POU..1/00N aJN1IIClt Pl,W (IIPCP) Al.SO LA8£l£D AS THE -AMJ 1H£ CALJlWIS CONSTRUCTION SfTl: BEST ,ww;a/£NT PIIIICTICES IW«W. IS. FELD CONIXl10NS IMY N£CESSITA1!: I/OIJIFICA110NS ro 1l£SE DIMill',GS. 16. oorwa/OU1lll 1'1£ IMS/I P£R CALIIWIS n:-J, LOCITION ro BC Df;1El!lllNED BY CONTIIAC10R. GRA 'lf:L BAGS O'lf:RLAP ONTO CURB llHERE OCOJRS RUNOFF ~-__c_:::.:.::_:_...,_. I : LA; CO .· I GAP BETWEEN BAGS ACTS AS SPILLWAY 1HREE LAYERS ~ GRAI/El. BAGS WITH ENOS IMRLAPPEI) 1. SET POSTS 00 EXCAVATE A 4 BY 4 IN (10 BY 10 CII) lRENCH UPSLOPE FROM AND ALONG THE LINE ~ POSTS. ----- 3. ATTACH THE FL TER FABRIC TO THE '<IIIE FENCE AND EXTEND IT INTO THE lRENCH. GRAVEL BAGS NOSCAU 2. STAPLE '<IIIE FENCING ll) THE POSTS. 4. BACl(fllL Nil COMPACT THE EXCAVATED SOL i I 20 10 0 20 40 eo - --- ICU•■nn 1 iDoh -20 ft. NOTE: 1. SlRAW ROLL NSTALLAllON REQURES THE PI.ACOIENT AND SECURE STAKING ~ THE ROLL IN A !RENCH, 3•-5• (75-125mm) DEEP, DUG ON CONTWR. R\JN<ff MUST NOT BE ALLOIIED TO RUN UNDER OR AAOOND ROLL. SEDIMENT, ORGANIC MA Tl[R, AND NATI'lf: SEEDS ARE CAl'llJR[I) BEHIND THE RW.S. J"-5" (75-12!imm) , f • X f • Su4KE (25 X 25mm) C:i)~-:.-:.-:.1.-:.-:.-:i1:..-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.s-:.1 L-:.T-:.-:.~-:.E-~_-:_LE-_E7+---_-_,+---_--f1----_--f_-_-_:J-;::::;:;;;;;;;;:;-;:::;;;;;;;;;:;:::;:;;;;::::~~:;;;;;::N;:;o~sc~A;:;LE~;;:;i v,!>fESs1 1----1---l----------+--+-+--+-----I L!JI CI~ ~~~AD II TI ~--1--+---------------+--+---+--+----t mllllll>II CvlliWiL l'IAII IOI: ENGINEER OF WORK: ,. r " l, ., --% ~ C44178 f:: .. ., tr . 3-ll-1 * CIV\\. e;.t_\t , RCE +4976 '·'Z-(·lif' DAlE burkett &wong engineers & surveyors 343-4 fou,tt, av,. aan dlego ca. 92103-5704 * (619) 299-5S50 LA COSTA DE MARBELLA SLOPE STABLILIZATION / FOUNDATION UNDERPINNING 2,403-2-413 LA COSTA AVE., CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA IAPPRCMIJ:DA\10 A. H~_,( _,,!,ii!• I t::::j::::t:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::~~===~====~===~ DEPUTY QTY ENGINEER PEJiielm ..--30--10 DAlE IMl1E 111W. IMl1E 111W. IDili BY:. 11 PROJECT NO. I DRA1111NG NO. ~-;;;;;;-;,,;;:,;;_;;;;'-ir,;ar~f-_;-~~~-=g~,"'!(j, ·-PD07-08 _ 454-SA IMl1E 111W. EMGlu,t 0,wrlll( REIIISION DESCRIPTION