HomeMy WebLinkAbout1438 SWEETBRIAR CIR | 1440 SWEETBRIAR CIR; ; 85-605; Permit~ I ~ ~ I hereby attlnn that I am licensed under o [ provlalona of Chapter 9 (commencing with t Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business en z 0 ;:: ◄ IIC j 0 Ill 0 c and Professions Code, and my license Is In ~ lull force and effect. Z l.Jt No _____ Class ____ _ 8 IIC Ill 0 ... 5 I Ill z 3 0 z 0 ~ en z Ill tL 2 0 0 !,I) IIC Ill "' IIC 0 3 I hereby afhrm that I am exempt from the Con· ~:c::t;~~=!::~1~,~1~~~1~ county wtuch requires a pemu1 to COt'IStl'\JC, .1lter, improve, demolish. or (epalr any ,tructure, pnor 10 ,ts issuance ,also requires he applicant fOf sueh pennd lo hie • $lllnecl stalemenl Iha! he IS hc:en-pUrs.,_,I lo lhe P,OWISIOl'IS of lhe Con-tractor's License Law (Chapter 9 commencing w1t'1 Section 7000 ol o,v,slon 3 of !tie Busoness and Pro-less,ons Code/ or that ,s exempt lhe,efrom and tile w•s lor Ille alleged exemplion Any YJOl.alJOn of Sec;toon 7031 5 by an appl1can1 lor a perm,1 sub1ec:1s tne appliearl:t to a c1v1I penalty oi not m0<e than live huncln,d <1011.afs ($500) 0 I. as owner ol Ille pr()l)erty 0< my employees *ilh w~s as ttttm ~e compensat,on, w,11 do the WOii<, and the s1ruc1ure os not ,n1ended o< ottered lo, sale iSec 704-'. Bus,...ss and Professions Code The"Contractor·s Ucense La..-does not apply to~ owner of property who builds or improves thereon and wr.o does such w0f1t. h1m,e1t Of through n1s own employees pr()'li(jed th.a such 1mproveme;its .-e not 1n1eocte-; Of offered fOf uie If, ho-Mever, lhe bo1ld1ng o, impro"ement 1s sold w1th1n one yea, of completion, the owner-builder will have the burdeft or ~Ing that he dtd not butkS Of improve lo, lhe purpose ol sale~ □ I. as owner ot the property. am exc1us1'llely contracf,ng with lfCensed contr.::tors to construct !tie PfOll!ci (Sec 7044, Bus,ness and Proless10ns Code-The Contractor's License Law does 001 apply to an owner of proper,~ •ho t>uilds or Improves ~=i~~ ~~n':'~~!~~ ~~~,!'~~~~::-: LICeflse Law~ 0 I am exempt un<le< Sec ___ , 8 & PC 10< 1h1s reason 0 I hereby afhrm lhal I haw a cer1Jltate ol coosent to self-msure, or a cer1,hca1e of Wortce,s· CompenS,illton Insurance. or a cert1f1ed capy thereof :ic~A°,f.s°1 /3S t_'2.!f COMPA~-~Ql~..z;{,,_: O Copy ,s hied w,uf.ne e,1y □ Cert1t1ed COPY 15 hereby lurn1shed CERTIFICATl OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This sec:tion need nol be completed 11 1he permit Is f01 one hundred oonars ts 100) or less) O I certify that In the pertormance ot the wont tor wtuch th1$ permit Is issued, I shaJI not employ any person m any manner so as lo become sut>,ec1 to the Wot1cers-Compensation Laws of Ca1tfornia NOTICE TO APPLICANT 11. alter malun~ 111,s Cen,- lteate of Exemption. you snou1d t>ecome subJect t"J the wooers Compenwtron prov,s,ons of the Labot Code, you mu~t tor1hw1th comply with .such prov1s1ons Of' tt11s permit Shall be deemed revoli.ea O I neteb)' alf11m thal tttere ,s a conslruchon ler'\d1ng agency to, lhe perlmmance al lhe w~ tor wn,ch 1h15 permit 1s ,ssue<J (Sec. 3097 C,v,I Code) Lenoer s Name __________ _ Lender's Addtess _________ _ USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1200 Elm, Carlsbad, California 92008 (714) 438-5525 CENSUS TRACT GP LANO use FIEOEVELOPMENT AREA v□ QTY. EACH GAS SYSTEM I TO 4 OUTLETS BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3-15 HP EACH GAS SYSTEM 5 OR MORE METAL FIREPLACE t----+------------------+-------t-----~ EACH INSTAI,. .• ALTER. REPAIR WATER PIPE VENT FAN SINGLE OUC ~ WATER SOFTNER EACH ROOF DRAIN (INSIDE) TOTAL PLUMBING QTY. SOLAR -ISSUE NEW CONST EA AMP 'SWT,Bl<R COLLECTORS I PH 3 PH STORAGE TANKS EXIST BLOG EA AMP/SWT/BKR ROCK STORAGE I PH 3 PH REMOOEL 'ALTER PER CIRCUIT TEMP PO LE 200 AMPS OVER 200 AMPS TEMPOCCUPANCY l300AY~ TOTAL ELECTRICAL TOTAL SOLAR APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS. • APPLICATION & PERMIT BUSINESS LICENSE ti PERMIT NUMBER BLOG USE COOE STANDARD PLAN# BUfLDtNG SO. FOOTAGE r 1141 ,; 935 000 1 6 lt'IU/ 6 Not Valid Unkss ti.chine Certilitd 0 Ct) Ct) Q) Ct) Ct) <{ I ~ .Q ai >- rn Ct) Q) 0 0 ct .,, iu 0 Q) 0 C .,, C LL C Q) ~ (!) 0 0 Q) a. Ct) C FINAL e'UILDl~G INSPECTION PLAN CHECK NUMBER: 5-605 DATE: 9-5-86 PROJECT NAME:------------------------------- PROJECT NO.: _______ UNIT NUMBER: _______ PHASE NO.: ______ _ TYPE OF UNIT: -=-n....,e____,d.,....w .... e ...... J~J~i~o=r ~du...,pf-'--J....,F! ..... x..__ __ N uM BER oF uN 1Ts: l CONTACT PERSON: __ L..:p~"""u ..... ]L-..1,L .... a..,.d,.,_,d'-------------------------- ALL DEPARTME1 TS ~y~PECTED~~ ~NAST~ECTED: (0\\ 5 \ 80 \ APPROVED X DISAPPROVED INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED COMMENTS: -r-------------------------------- ,1 k { 1 ~ Rev. 1/86 WHITE: Suspense ANARY: Utilities PINK: Planning GOLD: Fire • • • .. ,t FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION PLAN CHECK NUMBER: 85 -605 DATE: _9_-_5_-_8_6 ___ _ PROJECT NAME:---------------------------- ADDRESS: 1438 Sweetbriar Circle 1 '-/ ~ D Sk)ee➔br,A ~ Ci~ PROJECT NO.: _______ UNIT NUMBER: _______ PHASE NO.: ______ _ TYPEOFUNIT: One dwellinq duDlex NUMBER OF UNITS: CONTACT TELEPHONE: ___ 4....,3'""'8_-...,$8 .... 6 ... iL--___________________ _ ALL OEPARTMD!TS INSPECTED BY:-----,------ INSPECTED BY: ________ _ DATE INSPECTED: ___ _ DATE INSPECTED: ___ _ APPROVED .X DISAPPROVED __ APPROVED __ DISAPPROVED __ APPROVED __ DISAPPROVED __ COMMENTS: -,--......,.. __________________________ _ c_,, ., }Y...--. L 0sta Real_ Mu~icipal Water District I :£0~:::;;· ......... (61 ~) 438-3367 1s .4"2>2>.-e'Ess ca~? t1//J1r ALJ?.e7llJY • {)(J(!f/f}/€2>. /440 IS ~ ~s,Q. ~ Rev. 1/88 WHITE: Suapense GREEN: Engineering CANARY: Utilities PINK: Planning GOLD: Fire FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION PLAN CHECK NUMBER: 85-605 DATE: 9-5-86 ADDRESS: 14 8 Sweetbr1ar Circle CONTACTTELEPHONE: ___ 4.r..,3..,8,,_-....,.5'-"'8""6 .... i( ______________________ _ ALL DEPARTMENTS INSPECTED \}~ DATE 9-J S APPROVED /DISAPPROVED BY: INSPECTED: INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED COMMENTS:------------------------------- r.A)a ~ • Rev. 1/86 WHITE: Suspense GREEN: Engin PINK: Planning GOLD: Fire J I APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONNECT TO CITY SEWER SYSTEM. CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 438-5541 FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN BUILDING ADDRESS OWNER MAILING ADDRESS CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS NEW BUI LOI NG EXISTING BUILDING LEGAL DESCRIPTION -REMARKS: LATERAL LOCATION ..,: (/) ST. LATERAL NO, _______ INSTALLATION OATE----------1 SE 2730 ISSUED BY ____ ..:....;._.::.,.~~.=.;..:.:.... _______ _ DATE ISSUED--___.:.~..::.:...L:::=..!..!...~--------- VALIDATION • LATERAL CHARGE COMPUTATION STANDARD 4" (Max. H. 30', V. 10') _________ _ OVER 30' H. ___ @_,,L· ___ FT. _________ _ OVER 10' V. @ FT. _________ _ STANDARD 6" (Max. H. 30', V. 10') _________ _ OVER 30' H. ___ @,__ __ FT, _________ _ OVER 10' V. @ FT, _________ _ TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST---------- SERVICE CHARGE (REPAVING ETC.) _________ _ TOTAL LATERAL CHARGE _________ _ LINE COST DATA ASSESSMENT DIST. NO,-------------- FRONTAGE ____ COST PER FT. ___ TOTAL __ _ OTHER ___________________ _ CONNECTION FEE PUMP STATION FEES NO. UNITS ___ COST PER UNIT ___ TOTAL--- WHITE: Engineering GREEN: Finance YELLOW: Sanitation PINK: Building GOLDENROD: Permltter ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE on .. SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 560· 14(>8 JURISDICTION: LAr~L6 BAO D APPLICANT @JURISDICTION 0 PLAN CHECKER 0 FILE COPY OUPS PLAN CHECK NO: $~-kz II TL PROJECT ADDRESS: L Jl,U .. l I: 0 DESIGNER PROJECT NAME: □ D □ • □ D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdicti on 's buil ding codes when minor deficien- cies identified _______________ are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck . The check list transmitted herewith is the jurisdiction's copy for your information . The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for r echeck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: Telephone# _________ _ REMARKS: __________________________ _ BY:,d U;vdJr,P ESGIL CORP0RATIO . 11/27 . . ENCL: _______ _ r ·- ·:: : ~ •. :, =·-:: .· ~ ·• • I'-• DATE \"?._-<o-8~ Enclosures: _________ _ PROJECT ADDRESS: ~;h)a::;,:ro.C:. I ~R.. L I e.LLE'- TO: ,._p p L\ C P",)J: Date plans received by jurisdiction __ _ Date plans received by plan checker )l-Z,J-&"> Date witid plan check c0111pleted 12.-1....e, by btrfJ."f .Sl:u::t\10 FORWARD: PLEASE READ Plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plum.bing Code, Oniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the handicapped. The plan check is based on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Depart:nent. You may have other corrections l>ased on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. · The items circled below need clarification, =edification or change. All circled items have to be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. The approval of the plans does not per111it the violation of any state, county or city law. .A. ~ l. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, to: L .4.e..L~BA-0 au\ L01tJG. Def'.'-1 B:Cmct'!C" 2. To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each circled item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this check sheet with the revised plans. "!>. ,~~ F'O~o~Lo l""f~~ i<.t::.--r'hAIH f'.eDM f"117'1A-L fl.AN «.r..v, au . ,,,, '2. 0 Pt.AN CBEClt NO: &-5-~06 .II:.. D APPLICANT COPY D JURISDICTION COPY D PLAN CHECXER COPY D FILE COPY 417U '...,"t., ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DH .. SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO. CA !>2 123 (61 !)) 560· l 4(i8 DATE: Dl;fOf!;ER 17 I ¥3~5 QAPPLICANT ii) JURISDICTION 0 PLAN CHECKER 0 FILE COPY QUPS JURISDICTION: ----'™-=-L~~e=~~o'---------~--- PLAN CHECK NO: __ __,S-~~-=ta:£='------------0 DESIGNER PROJECT ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: □ D ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ The plans tr.ansmi tted h erewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes . The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified _______________ are r esolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is the jurisdiction's copy for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been compl eted. Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: Telephone# _________ _ REMARKS: ----------------------------- BY, A • a.,~ ESGIL CORPORATION ENCL: ________ _ ·I ·! I ~itp of ~arI.5ba?l .1URISOICTION: LML.b eiAO DAT!! JO· I]-$~ PRo.JECT ADOll?SS , 14 ?& · 1 ~1P $u;u::[S(l tA:(2. TOI ,9,PPt,_ICAHT PLAN C'OP..R=roN s~ SINCU! !'A.'1!LY Al/0 OUPC.U c~r~ Plan Check No. Z:i-l.oo'5 ~•to phns received by jurisdiction l Cl ::l -BS: :late plan• received by plan 'c:heclcer l Q -II-S S"' O.te initial plan check c:oa,pleted.)0•'7~~ r,yj,,.JrfB !'ORE:1-/CIRO: PLUSE RUD Tel. (61 ~) '40-1•4') Plan check is lL,iited to technical requir-nts contained in the Uni!or:,i Building Code, Onitorm PlWllbing Code, Uni!o= Mechanical Code , National Electrical Code and sbte la~ regulating energy conserv,tion, noise attenuation and access tor the h.andic:apped. The plan check i s based on regulation• enforced by the Building Iru~i0t1 Department. You .,.,y have other c,;,rrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Oe;,.rc-nt, engineering Oep<irl:lMnt or other dep<irtllents. The iteNs circled belov need clarification, ■odification or change. All circled ite:as hav. te be sati sfied before the plans will be in confonoance with the cited cod•• and regulation■• Per Sec. 303 (cl, ~ni!orm Building Code, \"\~2... the •~proval of the plans do•• not permit the vlolation ot any state, county or city law. 0 ~ Pl•••• 11&ke all corrections on the original tracings and submit t"<3 nev ••t s ot prints, anJ any original plan ••ts that 11&y have been returned to you by th• jurisdiction, tc., C 11Y Of , A:illt3AQ I,\ 'To facilitate rechecking, pl•••• identity, V nex~ to each circled lteN, the 1heet ot the plans upon which each correction on this 1heet haa been 11&de and return tl'lia check aheet with the r■viaed plans. f'":'\ Indicate on plane the na-of the legal V o--ner and na-of p.r1on re1ponaible for the pr■paration if the plans. Se,;. J0l(bl D APPLICANT COPY D CITY COPY D PLAN CHECKER COPY 0 SubNit fully dimensioned ptoc plan drawn to scal e sho--ing loc3c1on ai:e, and u1e of all existing and proposed ■tl"\lcture• on the lot. Identify prop.rty line• and show lot di-nsiona and all ea•-nt11. Show location ot all cu: or !ill slopes and approxi:aate finiah !loor alavationa tor all •tructurea and shov elevation• at all corn•r•. Sec. l02(bl7. 0 Indicate di11tanc• !roa center-line ot str .. t or alley to property l i ne and dist ance froa curh to property line. Sec. J02(bl7 0 Plana, 11peci:icacions and calculation■ 1hall be signed by a Cali!orni4 State licanaed enqin .. r or architect. (California 8uaineu and Profusions Code) CJrl fu01Nb D#,1Co,J~ D. YtR~ PROT~!O~ Q Walls closer than l feet to property lines V shall be one-hour firo-rat.sd construction, hav~ no openings, and shall have 30 inch parapet2 when tho building floor area exceeds 1,000 aquare foet on 4ny !loor. (Table 5-A Sec. l709(al 11" APPL\~°2,U:: Q Projections, including eavas , :nay not extend V 1110re t.'\an l l i nches in::o tlle 3 foot setback fros the prcpercy line. Sec. 1710 and Sec. 504(bl ,.,:: A-Pi>Llt-Ae.Le Q Projections, including eaves.shall be one- \::.:; hour fire-re2istive c,;,nstruction, heavy timber or of n0n-=l>u2tiblo saterial if they project into the l' setback area troa the property lino. Sac:. 1710 It" APPUL-1'18~ f.":"\Show loc2tion of ?C.r-t~nently wired smoke Vdctcctor. Sec. l2l0 ~tl!OI WIA'l e~ u~c() ~ SU:E~1tJG.-~1-\<il.LI .S. D A""i' ~rul)Y C. ROOM SI:!:S r LICR't' r V!!N"!'!LATICNS Al(!) C-..A%INC f· Ono room mu.st c:cntain a aini~u:o o! 150 square teec of .superficial floor area. Sec. 1207(bl 'f· Habitable rooms, oth .. r than kitchens, shall cont ain at least 70 square feet of floor ~rca. Sec. l2~7(bl C\~indow are4 must Le at lea1t 1/10 of the Vfloor area and a minimum of 10 1quare feet per Sec. l207(al. Appears to b,t doficient in j/.tTLIH2r-> -5l\oW ::n,6( lnMnlblll Wb).L_ Eecw~w KrrL~/p,~1t.1te ,~ 'k cRetJ 0 L.:ib LA~1t-ers Prlbav~ lOUNfiR:) Openable wind-area must be l/20 of t~e floor area and a minimu~ of 5 1quare feet. In bathro0<0a, laundry rooa,s and 1i■ilar roo••· Minimwa is 1.S aq.!t. ($ec.l205(a) ~-tt:-1.,, 2,9. Cne-hal! o! all requir.d windov aru 111,ut / be openable in ____________ _ r· Provide ~•chanical ventilation capable ot provldinq f ive a ir chanq•• per hour in bathrooaa, watar clo••t co-,1Mrt1Mnts, laundry room, and similar rooaa l f required windova an not provided. Sec. 12051a) ':,~ ~ 1..9 No habitabl • rooa, other than• kitchen, ■hall be l••• than 1•0• in any dl-naion. Sec. ll07(cl Show that ceilin9 hei~ht for habitable rooaa 1• a •inlaua of 1•,•, Sec. l:lQ71al ~ ' I I I I \ I I I '/J· ~how ceiling height :or laundry :ooms, hallways, cor=~dors, and bath=ooms is a minimum of 7'0". St1c. 12071,1) ~ Provide l0" clear. ,..,idth Eor wate= closet V comoar:~ents and 24~ clearance in ,-ooc of ~ater c~oset. Sec. l7ll(bl ts. ~o cooking room shall be used for sleeping purposes, unless complying as an efficiency living unit. Sec. 1208 (:\Specify safety glazing for glazing in hazardous V loc.1tions such as glass doors, glazing adjacent to such doors and glazing adjacent :o walking sur:aces. Sec. 5406 Q, Glazing in showe::-and tub enclosures V (including windows) shal_l be tempered, Iam1nated or approved plast~c. -r- D. 4 7. 41a. Sec. till (fllgl Sleeping rooms shall have a window or excerior door !or emergency exi~. S411 height shall not exceed 44" above the t;oor. The window must have an openable area oc at least 5.7 square feet wi th the minimum openable width 20" and the minimum openable height 24". Sec. 1204 .SW'l.1l (l:IMPui'W\.ll..t Eaves a-nd cornices may not project into a =equired yard more than 2 inch7s !or each foot of yard width if required windows open into the yar d. Sec. l206(dl A mezzanine is an intermediat e ~loor and may not have a floor area exceeding JJ l/J per cent of the total !loor area in the room below, and the mezzanine floor must have a clear height ~f 7 feet, a bove a nd below.and must have 65, of the long side open to the room below. The loft you show does not comply as a mezzanine floor and is, by Building Code definition, a story _______________ _ EXITS, STAIRWAYS, AND RAILINGS :loors above the second story shall have not less than 2 exits. Sec. J3021al ~equired exit doo~..,ays shall be not less th.1n 36" in width and not less than 6 '-8" in heioht, and shal l be capable of opening at least 90 deg=ee~. Sec. 3303Ce) ocr,f "51~ ?rovide 36" high protective railing ~or porches, balconies, and open sides of landings. Maximum opening between railings shall be less than 9". Sec. 1716 Show how guardrail connection details are adequate to support 20 ~ounds per lineal foot at a right angle to the top rail. Table 23-a Provide stai~..,ay and landing details. Sec, l3051bl , (cl a. b. c. Maximum rise e• and minimum run is 9". Minimum head room is 6 "-6 ". MinimWII width is 30". sj- 12 . ~- ,6. ;· H.1ndrails sha ll satisfy· the fo°l lowing: a. Provide ha ndrail for stai~..,ays over 30" high when serving a single dwetling . Title 24, Sec. T25-22(b) b. Hand:sil shall be 30" to 34" above the nosing of treads. Sec. 3J05(j ) c . Handrail projecting f rom a wall shall have a space not less than l l/2" between the wall and the handrail. The hand grip portion of handrail shall be not less t han l l/4" nor mo re than 2~ in cross-sectional .di~ension. Sec. 3J0SljJ (see at:achedl Every stai~..,ay landing shall have a dimension, measured in the direc~ion of travel , ac least equal to the stair..,ay width. Sec. 330Slgl A door may open over a stsi~..,ay landing provided the door, in any position, does not reduce the clear area o: the landing, in the direc~ion of stairway t:avel, to less than one-half the required width of the stsir..,ay. Sec. 330Slgl A door may open inward at the top step of a stairway provided the top step is not more than; l /2" lower than the !loor level. Sec. l30J(i)2 Provide details of winding stairway. a. Minimum tread is 6 inches at any point and minimum 9 inches at a point 12 inches from the side of the stairway. b. Maximum rise is 9 inches. c . Minimum width is 30 inches. Sec. 330S(dl (see attached) Pro•,ide spi=a l stairway deta, ls: a. Minimum run is 7 1/2 inches at a point from where the tread is the narrowest. b. Maximum rise is 9 l /2 inches. c. Minimum headroom is 6 feet 6 i nches. Sec. 3 3 0 5 I f I (see attached) Sprial stairways may not be used for required exits when the area served is greater than 400 sq. ft, Sec. 330Slf) Spiral stai~~ays must have a clear wal~ing space of 26 inches between the column and handrail. Sec. J305(fl Provide I.C.B.O. Reasearch ~ecort and ~umber for metal stair•..,ay, or subml.t. plans and calculations and approved fabricator register ed with the ~uilding Department or note that the stairway fabrication shall be done under special inspection per the approved fabrication plans. Sec. 3061al48 and Sec. 3061f) In buildings over 2 stories in height, provi~e 3/4 hour fire-rated assemblies for a l l openings in the exterior wall below or with1n l0 feet horizonta lly of an exterior sta1r- way. An exit balcony with 2 separat ed stairways is ex~mpt. Sec. 3)05 Exterior stairways s hall not project i nto the 3 foot setback from the property lines. Sec. 3J0S(n) ·. ,. . r· 7fl. 1/. 7he walls and •of!its of :he ~nclosed useable space under lnte~!or sc31rs s~~ll ~e ~~ocec~ed en :~e ~~closed 1ide ~s =equ1red for one-hour f1re-res1st1ve constr·Jc<::on. Sec. JJ0S!ml ~i~~~um construction speci~ic3t~ons shdll be made a par: of the approved plans. (See attac~edJ · ROOFING Speci!y roof pi:ch. Roof pitch is not adequate for roof cype •pecified. Specif, minimum pitch oc _____ _ ~A~ roofl'f',!~;lial and~licacion.tt>R_ ~£f::" Speci:yA-r>!c.~":'!t:'"""a?~~dPa·1 um';e~ !or roof materials r.oc covered in UBC. Specify roof slope for drainage o r design to supper: accumulated water. Sec. J207(aJ Show roof d.raill,S a~d overflows . Sec. 3207(a) M l'iu1L,-uP Rc:o.;.. ~ 1:,"1)11.l I...DC.A'flolS),6 ~rov1de skylight decails to show compliance with Sections 3401 and 5207 or ~rovide ICBC approval n~mber. · Y,· ~rovide plastic roof panel details co show compliance with Section 5206 or provide 0 !CBO number. Show attic ventilation. Minimum vent area is 1/150 of attic area or l/300 of atcice area if at least SO\ of che required vent fl. r· fa. Pf· 9/.. 9/2. G. is at least 3 feet above ceiling joists. Sec. 3205(cl MASONRY Provide· fireplace construction details or note construction co be per atcached fireplace standard drawing. Sec. 3707 Show veneer su9port and connections comply with Sec. 3002, 4,5,6, and Sec. 2516(aJ regarding ties and #9 wire in horizontal joints or note construction to be perattached sheets 30-l or 30-2. Show height and construction details of all masonry walls. Chapter 24 Note that cleanout openings shall ~e·9rovided at the bottom of all cells to be grout filled over 4' in a single 9our. Cleanout shall be sealed before grouting, after ins?ection. Sec. 2415 Show floor and roof connections to masonry walls. Connection shall resist 200 9ounds per lineal foot or the actual design load, whichever is greater. Sec. 2310 Provide material specifications for morear, grout, masonry and reinforcing •teel. Sec. 2403 Show how masonry house walls retaining earth are to be waterproofed. Provide detail. Note that special inspection of ~he masonry will be required for ______________ _ GARAGE AND CARPORTS 1/0.Garaqe requires one-hour fire protection on the garage side of walls and ceilings common to the dwelling. Table 5-3 Sec.;03(bl lfl.All elements supporting floor above garage to have one-hour fire-r~sistive protect~on on the garage side. Sec. 503. Beams and posts, not within the wall or ceiling ~on- struction, must comply with UBC, Table 43-A, or be minimum 6" dimension beam and minimum a• by a• post. fl. Show l )/8" solid core •el:-c~osinq door for openings between garage and dwelling. Sec. SO 3 ( d J Car3g~s are not perm~e:ed :o open inco a room used for s ~e.eping p_ur?oses. Sec. ll 0 4 Openings between carport and residence require self-closing doors and stationary windows. Sec. 1214 Show garage framing •ec:ion, si:e of header over garage opening, laceral cross bracing at plate line and method of bracing garage front. Chapter 23 NOTE: Minimum plY"ood diaphragm ratio is 3 1/2 to l or 2'8". Table 24-! Doors between dwellings and at':ached garages may swing in either direction provided the difference in floor elevation between the d•..,e 11 ing and garage does not .axceed 7 l /2 inches and provided the door is not used as the ?r1mary means of egress from the building. If the difference in floor elevation exceeds 7 1/2 inches, or if the door is used as the primary means of egress from the building, additional ste9s or landing must be provided in accordance w1t.h stair~ay cequirements, and the door must not swing over the depressed level. (see 3303(i)2 and 3305 (g). Provide ta· raised p lac:orms for any ,AU, water heater, or anv och~r device which may generate a flame or spark. Note that continuous fire wall protec-:ion shat~ be installed behind raised olatform(s) prior to framing plat!orm. • FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS t/9. Note on clans that".>. soils enqineer shall eva1uate.any unanticipated un~ompacted fill or expansive soil or other soi~ problems 8 disclosed during construction•. Sec.)06(a)l2. Submit soils classification determination by a licensed engineer or architecc based on observation, tests, borings, or excavations, and containing comments on the degree of ex9ansiveness, compressibility and bearing value. Sec. 2905 Note on the c lan the •oils c lassification, whether or not the soil is expansive, and note :he allowable bearing value. Sec. 2905 The foundation plan does not comply with the soil report recommendation for this project ___________________ _ Provide notes on the foundat ion plan listing the soils report recommendations !or foundations. slab and building pad preparation. Note on the foundation plan that "Prior to che Contractor requesting a Building Oepar~~ent foundation inspection, the soils engineer shall advise the Building Official in writing that: l. the building pad was prepared in accor- dance with the soils repor:: 2. the utilit, trenches have been properly backfilled and compacted, and: 3. the foundation excavations, forming and reinforcement comply with the soils report and approved plan.• Provide spread footings !or concentrated loads designed for 1,000 ?Sc soil bearing or per bearing value as determined by an engineer or architect. Chapter 29 : · . .. . ·! . :: ··. ·-: :~ 3how heiqhc of all toundacion walls. Chapcer ZJ Show heiahc of retained earth on all coundacion walls. ~hapcer ;3 ff9. Shew d1s~3nce •of !oundat1on to ~dqe o f cue or :ill 3lopes and show sceep~~ss and heigh~t o: cu~s~nd :ills. Chapcer 29 e ~.fceA.~~~f-l~~~c wood shat l be 6" above finish grade.· Sec. HI ;(cl 7. Noce on olans chat surface wacer will drain awav :ro~ building and show drainage ?actern and-~ey elevacions. Sec. 29051:) Dimension foundation per Tabl e 29A. TABLE NO. 29-A-FOUN0 ATIONS FOR STUD BEARING WALLS-MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS DEPTH Of FOUNDATION WIDTH THICXHUS BUOW NUMBER THICXN(SS Of Of Of NATUAAl Of FOUNDATION WALL fOOTINC FOOTING SURFACE STORIES (IACOU) tlnchH ) (lncnu1 Of GROUND AND FINISH UNIT CIUOE CONCRETE MASONRY (lncllul ---1 6 6 12 6 12 2 8 8 15 7 18 3 10 10 18 8 24 :--OTES: \Vhen" unusu;il condition~ or frost conditions :ire founJ. foorU'lgs ,i.n<l foun,btions (h:·dl be as re-quirt'<! in S.,;~ion :907 (aJ. Th~ scround under the floor may be u:c;ivated to the l·le,·,uion of th~ top of the footmt:. ~2. 1/3. 8 1/s. Show foundacion sills to be pressure treaced, or equal. Sec. 2517(0) J. Show foundacion bolt size and spacing. Sec. 2907(e) Specify size, ICBC number and manufacturer of power driven pins. Show edge and end distance and spacing. Sec,. 306(f) Show size, imbedrnent and location of hold down anchors on foundation plan. Sec. 2Jl2(f) Note on pl an that hold down anchors muse . 1/6· be tied in place prior to foundation inspection. Sec. 2312( f) y,1. 1}a. y9. if.a. tJ 1. 112. Show adequate footings under all shear walls. Sec. 2Jll(e) Show stepped footings for slopes steeper than l :lO. Sec. 2907(0) Show minimum ta• clearance from grade to bottom of floor joists and minimum l2" clearance to boccom of girders. Sec. 2S17 Show pier size, spacing and depth into undisturbed soil. Table 29-A Show minimum under !loor access of ta•x 24". Sec. 25 l 7 Show minimum under floor ventilation equal to l l/2 sq. ft. for each 25 lineal feet of exterior foundation with openings as close to corners as practicable ~o provide cross ventil ation on ac lease two approximate- ly opposite sides. Sec. 2517 I FRAMING 0 Show all joists, rafters, beams, and posts ~ 2" to 4• thick to be No. 2 Grade Douglas Fir-Larch or better. All posts and beams 5" and th1cker shall be No. l Grade Douglas Fir-Larch or better. (':'able 25-A-l) e Show wall bracing. Every exterior wood stud wall and ma1n cross pa rtition shall be braced at each end and at least every 25 feet of length with lx4 diagonal let-in brace or equiva lent. Sec. }5l8(gl5 '5~ M ~~ 1'£EA -fwJT - AlJ~ -s,o~✓,~vJ ~oce crass bridging or blocking. Ploor joists and raf:ers more than 12" in dept~ and spannLnq more ~~an 8 Eeee shall be supported laterally by bridging at 1ncer~als noc exceed1~g a feet. Sec. :S06 ig l t/J. Show blocki~g at ends and at supports of :loor joists,.and for raf~ers 3t excerior walls . Sec. 2506(g) W Show solid blocking at ridge line and V ac exeeriar wa lls on t;ussed coaf3 i(s. Sec. 25061g) Show double joists. rloor joists shall be doubled under bearing partitions running parallel with the joists. Sec. 2Sl8(dl 5 Show rafter ties. Ra fter ties shall be spaced not ~ore than 4 !e~e on center where rafters and ceiling joists are not parallel. Sec. 25181h) t/i. Show raf:er purlin braces to be not less chan 45 dearees co t~e hori:on:al . Sec. 2 S l 8 C n) Q Show l /2" minimum clearance bet~een top V place or interior partitions and bottom 1J:..: 42v 3 v chord of trusses. (To ensure loading will be as designed.) Show double too ola te ,.,i th minimu:11 48 • lap splice. S~c: 25l8 (g )4 Show nailing will be in comoliance with Table 2s-Q · Provide fire stops bet~een stories, bec~een top story and roof space. ac ceili ngs and floor levels in interior and exterior wall s, in mansard roof or evebrow so no concealed or furred space iS qrea ce~ chan 10' horizontally or vertic ally, bet',,leen stair stringers at top and bott om and becween studs along and in Line with stair run adj oining stud wal ls and partitions, at perimete r of sliding door ?OCket~. bec',,/een chimney and wood frame using mecal or incombustibl es for che fire stop and at other ?laces that could afford ?assage of flame. Sec. 2Sl7(f ) Show stud size and spacing. Maximum allow- able stud heighcs: 2"x4"~ 16" is l4'; l"x4"&2"x6"1 l6"o .c. is 20'. Sec. 2Sl8(g)2 Note an A.I.T.C. Certificace of Comoliance for glued lamina:ed wood members shall be given to the Building Inspector prior to erec~ion. Sec. J06(f) Detail all post to beam and post ~o foocing connections. Sec. 2Sl7(c) 4 Specify nail size and spacinq for all shear walls, floor and roof diaphragms. Indicate required blocking. ~alntai n maximum diaphragm dimension ratios. (Tables I,.J,KI. Show J•x4• or 2"x6• studs in first story of three story building. Sec. 25l81fl Provide t:uss details and truss calculations. Provide roof framing plan. Sec. J02 (a)7 Provide !raming sections through · I r,.'tJ, le:D;. W1Al\156@ roEroe1:;:e:, MIO A:TIAthOOari2~ Section 302(.i) 7 LJ!t(,-(~ ~?) Specify all header sizes for opening over 4' wide. Sec. 2518(g) 7 Provide calculations for __________ _ Section J02(a) 7 In areas subject to water splash and in exterior loc~tions, wood columns and ~osts shall be sappor~ed by piers proJecting at least 2• above the finished grade and shall bear on a metal base plate or treated wood unless the columns or oosts are foun- dation grade redwood or cedar. Sec. 25l7(cJ4 l .. Show locacio n of attic ~ccess with minimun si=e 22" x 30". Sec. 3205 Show dr3ie separ3tion ~or attic ~rea~ .l j Q exces• Ot l 000 &C-'• i IQ J JQ'i 6c.1 Wl:EU uru ,-.-~ -Ar-t?Afi'..1'4 w~t.L., AtJn G:.AeAi.e Show dr3it 3eOa.t"'.icion !or spa.c!: :fe""f:.ueen droooed ceil1ngs and ;loor above in excess of i".ooo sq.:-:. Sec. 2517 Specify plywood qraqe and panel indenci- fication 1ndex. Taole 25-J When roof pi':=h is less th3n 3:12, design r idqe as a .:ieam. Sec. 2 S l 8 ( h l Wood shear ,..,alls shall not be used to resist hori=ont3l forces cont:ibuted by masonry in build1ngs over one story in height. Sec. 25l6(bl Gypswn lath and ?laster, gypswn sheathing board and gypsum wallboard shall not be used in vertica l diaphr39ms ':O resist forces imposed by masonry or concrete construction. Table 47-! !! cripple wall studs are less than 14", framing shall be solid b~ocking. Sec.2518(gl6 Crioole wall studs exceeding 4 ~eet in height shall be 3 inch by 4 in=h or 2 . inches by 6 inches when supporting 2 stories. Sec. 2518(gl6 i)2. Show ply,.,ood sheathing over expo~ed eaves, or ot~er *eather exposed areas, is exterior grade. Sec. 25l7(gl l Q Show a weep screed at the foundation elate V line on all exterior stud walls to be· stuccoed. Sec. 4706(el Provide an approved waterproof building paper under wood siding. Sec. l70l(al Specify an approved flashing for exterior openings and parapet walls. Sec. 3208 Show corridor width to be minimwn 36". Sec. ll04(b) Specify truss layout for JO " x JO" attic access. Ridges, hips , and valleys shall be at least one size larger than supported rafte:s. Sec. 25l8(hl l Provide metal st:aps across ridge beam and rafters. J. MECHANICAL All heating, ventilating, and cooling systems and appliances shall comply with the Uniform ~echanical Code. 2i/4. Show the size, location and type of all /-heating and cooling appliances o~ systems. ij1. Show source of combustion ai~ for furnace 2}2. will comply with Chaper 6, U.M.C. Every dwelling unit shal l be provided with heating facilities capable of maintain· ing a room temperature of 70° f. at 3 feet above the floor in all habitable rooms. Show basis for compliance. UBC Sec. 1211 Show minimum 30" deep unobstructed working space in front of furnace. Note on olans,clearances to be turers listing. Sec. 704 LJMC per manufac· Furnace shall not be installed under any stairway. Sec. 704 UMC Furnace shall not be installed in any bedroom, bathroom, closet, or in confined space with access only :hrouqh such room, unless speci!ied as direct vent appliance, enclosed furnace or electric heating appliance. Sec. 704 UMC Show rcso approval for prefab fireplace and provide approved installation instructions at job site. 0 Show access to the attic or under !loor V furnace to be minimwn 30 inches by JO inches. Sec. 70d • 709 ~~c e 2/2· IL Noce t~ac ~assageway ~o ~~e ~ttic fu:nace shall be unobsc:uc~ed and have concinuou5 solid floorinq not :ess than 24 inches wide . Sec 70S UMC Show oe=anent electric:.il outlet and lighting :ixture controlled by a switch for the attic furnace. Sec. 709 UMC Show details to comply with Section qo9 !or furnace under the floor, Section 708 for attic furnace, or Sec~ion 710 for roof or oucs.:ade !urnace. Note on plan, gas vents and non-combustible piping passing through three floors or less shall be effectiwely draft stopped at each floor or ceiling. UBC Sec. 1706(a)6 ELECTRICAL (National ~lectric3l Code) All wiring shall comply with the National Electrical <, e. Note on the plan the amperage of elec-:rical, 6 , . ....,,._ ~rvJce~~. 0 11.JL .. '1 a..Je-SeYc..1.11£.Q. n£R .__ r':t:i!'!'i~1e'i'e~.:-ical installation is more than 200 amperes, show ?anel location and provide a s1ngle line diagram and load calculations including: a. Wiring method employed. b. Sizes of all conductors, switches, circuit br~ake:s, fuses, and conduits. c. Approximate length of service feeder3. d. Provide ploc plan showing services, all oanel locations, circuit arrangement and load distribution on panel busses. e. Provide typical panel schedule(sl. Dwellings req~ire minimum 100 amp service. Show location of all electrical receptacles. Electrical receptacle locations and/or spacing is not adequate in _________ _ 2J6 At least one receotacle shall be installed i · outdoors, in base;ents and attached garages, other than laundry o utlets. Art. 210·2S(b) Q Show minimum dwelling lighting (NEC V Art. 2l0·26(a) and GfI'S in garage, baths and outdoors. NEC Art. 210·8(a). Note "UFER" ground to be provided (NECl . Art. 250-81 h PLUMBING (Unifonn Plumbinq Code) All plumbing shall comply with the Unifrom bing Code. Show water heater size, type and location on plans. Show method of providing combustion air to fuel burning water heater. Sec. 1307 Fuel combustion water heater shall not be installed in bath or bedroom or in a closet opening into bath or bedroom. Sec. 1309 Provide adequate barrier t o protect water heater from vehicle damage. Sec. 1~10 Show T and? valve on water heater and show route of discharge line to exterior Sec. l007 (el Set.I.HZ "5,n.,2Afce: ArJ'O foAf EflL'llUP Provide dryer vent to outside. UMC Sec. 1903 Note on the plan that hose bibbs and lawn sprinkler systems shall have approved backflow prevention de-,ices. Sec. 1003 Shower stall shall accomodate a )O"circle and have a minimum floor area of 900 sq.in. UPC 909(dl .,: .. B !:. 8 G ~O1S£ ::,sut.,:.T!CN I0Ul't..!:X'P.:S l ihaw .!a'!~i i s :,{ ~uplex =:l'l'lftan • p.&r~·,1 ._Jl l s ~nd :~cor. :a1l~na ~•s~mol 1as !~ Jc~1•v• J 3ound 7r~n~mL~~•~n ~:~•3 '.~7~1 r~c1nq 1.n •4• l t ~ ot '\,1 d ect.ul ,~~ 1.nd Jn :mo•c'! tn:.uJ..ac&.cn ...:i••:1 t c:\.:l :-.Jc 1nq o n t lauc. C■llLnq of ~o J...:iol•~-Tl:l • 25 Shew ~ow ?■nec:ac1on ol ••••-ali•• '.er p1p1nq. alac~:1cal cavie••• :aceaa■<I c~a.1.n■cs , ~acnc~oa, sct!a:s, or haacinq vanc1l•c.1.nq. or ••nauac ju~• ,nall be •••lad. l Lnad. or Lnsul.1clld co ,u.1.ncia.1.n rttql>irad ,cund cnn-uucn rac1nq. T1cl• 25 ~\aZ A'T1"t=IL.H-et> ~rov1d■ 1n■ul•c10n "' ,,.al ls &11d ealll.nq ca acn1■ve STC o f ,o b■~n qaraq■ and livinq· ar•• 1t qaraq• us• 1s nee eoncrol lad by r■■.1.d■nc T1cla 25. DVICY CONSz.RYATIONt Plea,oe q_,,.d N-Staca Handac■d R■qulacion■ (Cali!. Ad!ltin. Cod■I becaae ■t!activ• June 16. 1983 and r•quira thac th• design sat.1.sfy on■ ol the alcarnaciv■ energy packaq■s Is•• acuehed pack.aq■■ A. B. c. I, 2, J, 4 and AB 1631. Th• law also requires thac many :nandacory eonsurv,1,c10n 1tei:ns be sat.i.sfied. _______ ., in Zone ____ • Copias of th■ R■sid■ncial Energy Cons■rvacion Manual may be obuined from, Publi cac1ons Unic, Calitorni• £nargy Colftlllission, 1111 How• Av■, 115-50, Sacramenco, California 95825, (Tel. 19161 920-62161). Calitorni• Building Officials also ma1ncain • c■lephcna "hocl in■• bacween 10:00 A.H. and !loon and 1:00 P.H. to 4:00 P.H. at (916) 456-3123. Show on th• title sheet ot th■ plan■, th■ alt■rnacive ■narqy pacug■ that vaa selected La. A, B, C, l, 2, 3, 4, or AB 163 to show c011plianea, and provi de calculacions and other d•~ approprl.ac■ to that s■laeted paeuge. Th• responsible deaiqner should !l_gn • st•tement, on the ala" •'•1• aR••~• "Th■ design sublllitted subacantially conforms to the £n■rqy Regulation■ for Rasidant.1.al Building■•, Show th■•~• value for th■ walls and c■1ling and r■laced ar■a■• Nata thac the insulation used shall comply with Californ1a Quality Standard■• Note the insulation installer shall pest a s1qnad certificate, in a conspiciou■ place in the building, s,cating th■ in■ulation ccmpli■s with Title 24, Chapter 2-51 and Title 20, Chapter 2, Subchaptar 4 • Ar1:.1c:le 3. Note doors and windows, including skyliqht■, between cond1t10ned and non-conditioned space snail b■ fully weatherstripped. Note on th■ framinq plan that w■ath■r­ str1pp1ng, caulking or sealants muet be used to limit filtration in the buildinq envelop■ ac the following locationa1 Exter10r Joints around window• and door fraaas: between wall sole plates and floor■, •nd ~~t•••n ~•t•rlor w•1 1 p•neis; p■n■trat1ons in walls, c■1linqs , and floor• for plwnb1nq, electr1c1ty, and qas l,n~•: op~n•nqs Ln atcie floors: and Jll other openings ln the building env~ lO(ili.!. Not• tnat doors and windows to be certified and l•o■led as comply•nq with the Energy llegulauona. Mota f•n• exhaust1nq •1r to have back drat t daap■rs. Not~ •t the exterior w•l ! fireplace •r,r~ptace to hava ~1n1mum t i• square inches of outside air: to hav• qlaaa or metal door covering th• entire open.1.nq of the f~rebox: to have t1gnc-f1ccing damper with readily accessible control and should not have a continuous burning pilot liqhc", Note duets shall comply with Chapc■r 10, 1976 UMC and shall b■ tiqhcly sealed ~ith mast1c ar tapa. Nate at the ~•t•r hea ter locat.10n •water heater to hava wrap of R-12 external insulation•. Note, where wacar heater i s in unconditioned space, the firsc five f■at of outlet ~ip■ to have R-J wrap. Noto all eireulacing hot water pipe• in uncondicion■d spaces shall be in■ulatad. Neta Chae all gas fir~ heating and 8 cooling appliances, showers and fauc■ta shall comply with th■ Energy Efficiency Standards. Show, at bath and kitchen, thac th■ qaneral l i qhcing shall hava an et!iei■nc:y of not less than 25 l11111ens per wact e i .e. !larescent. Note that heatinq or cooling syst-■ (cxccpc h■ac p11111psl shall have an aucoaati~ th■rmostac w1th mechanism which eian be 11■nually proqrall'Gl■d to aucomacieally set back the thar1110scat sac points for at leaac two p■rioda w1 thin 24 hours. Show th■ size, type and locacion ct th■ space heacing (or cooling) ay■t- and provide en■rqy calculation• it t.~• au:puc BTU/Hr. ••e■■cta 45,000 ITU/Hr. oucpuc. Show -k• and model for '"U and -c•r heet:ar ar■ Oft Stat■ appr..-llat. Oucdoor pools ~icn !0a■11 !uel ~••cars req,,.1.r• pool covers aa -11 •• ocner •n•rqy 1av1n• device■ sucn •• C.:Je c!ocxa, ■cc. -:'l0-l~06 MISC':::!.:..\ITT'!CUS Show a mi~imu:n 2• ai: space and !!ashi ng cec~een planter and bul.lding walls . 9 e Sae. 2517(e l Speei!y macerial co~• used ~nder cha shower eile. See. li07(al Spaei!y lat h and plascer co comply wi c~ Chapcer 47, UBC. 304. 305. e Two J/4" eoppar pipes ~ust ~• Installed from ~acer heater Locac~on to convenien~ loeacion ot !ucu:e •cl ar ?•nels (Cicy Ord. I Prov1de sleeves l:oct Jac~s l i n roe! !or two !ucure 3/4· copper Pl?eS :o c~nvenien~ location of !u:~re solar ~anal s (Ci:y Ord. I Noce =~ac solar ~a:~r ?l ?lnq LS to be ~nsulaced 1n areas ~~a~~,~ ~oc ~e&ted or ~coled . { Ci cy Ord. I 0 Bu1ld1ng plans are aubatanci ally eorrecc and complete. By, __________________ _ Oat■1 __________________ _ 0 Buildinq plans would b■ substantially corracc •nd complete is minor e0rr•e~10na •r• mad• AC counter. By, _________________ _ Data: __________________ _ ■ Bu1ldinq plans require ma3or corr■ct iona and complete plan racn■ck, by plan cheek ■nq 1n■■r , 11 required. By,~~ Af_)~ 0Ate I OLIDB(fl , , , I~ es I! you have any qu■ation■ regarding thu plan check, pl■u• call G,A-e.Y ■t Sid)-,:4-wB w■ would alao be pleased t o -•t with you, at no charge, 1t additional aaaiatance 1■ needed. ~ .. PenJ\D~ ~LI B 0 1A' lvTffi\ ON M,I( "Ttul ~ 6 ~ "t7'l <,,fP,-.,M ~ nJMP, \Al~ L .-,._ -•-~ r-'..ll... t\"1/J ",/\1 ~K. s mi.A-¥ e -t l)n.l II!., - - ' ~ -----.. ···---- • CITY OF CARLSBAD Table 7. Alternative Component Packages, Climate Zone 7 Building Me.:isure INSULATION R-VALITT: MINIMUM Ceiling Wall "Heavy" Wall "Light Mass" Wal.!. Slab Floor Perimeter Raised Floor ATTIC) GLAZING Maximum U-Value Maximum Total Area 7. Maximum Total Nonsouth Area /4 Minimum Total South Area 7. s HADING COEFFICIENT South-facing Glazing West-facing Glazing North-facing Glazing East-facing Glazing T HERMAL MASS EQUIVALENT % Slab Floor Exposed 71. 8 NFILTRATION CONTROL Continuous Barrier lectrical Outlet Plate Gaskets I E A s ir-To-Air Heat Exchanger PACE HEATING SYSTE.'1 Gas Furnace Seasonal Efficiency 7. Heat Pump ACOP Electric Resistancell s PACE COOLING SYSTEM A/C or Heat Pump SEER ATER HEATING SYSTEM Gas, Heat Pump or Solar with Any Backup Solar with Gas Backup C-70 ACP A B I C 19 30 l9 11 11 11 2.5 2.5 2.5 4.0 J.5 J.5 NR 7 NR 11 11 11 NR NR NR 1.1 .65 1.1 NR 14 14 9.6 NA NA 6.4 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 50 NR NR NR· NR. NR NR NR NR NR NR NR MIN MIN MIN 2.5 2.5 2.5 NO NO NO REQ REQ REQ Package Designatiun D E l z I 3 JO 30 JO 19 JO 11 11 11 11 11 NA NA 2.5 2.5 2.5 NA NA NA NA NA NR NA NR NR NR NA 19 NR NR 19 REQ REQ REQ NR REQ ' .65 .65 .65 1.1 .65 20 20 20 24 20 NA NA NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR .36 .36 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 25 5 25 25 20 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR MIN MIN MIN MIN MIN 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 NO NO NO NO NO REQ REQ REQ REQ REQ 4 19 11 2.5 NA NR 19 NR 1.1 24 NR NR NR NR NR NR 15 NR NR NR HIN 2.5 NO REQ s ·LL JO 19 11 11 2.5 2.5 NA NA 7 NR 11 11 NR NR .65 .65 NR NR 8.4 9.6 5.6 6.4 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 50 NR NR NR NR NR NR YES YES REQ REQ Appendix B B-9 I • Table 17. Notes for Tables 1 through 16, Page 1 of 4 LEGEND: NR •Not . required, N/A • Not applicable, REQ • Required, 'MIN• Minimum efficiencies required regulation. NO• Heating system type system type allowed. by Section 2-5306 of the not allowed, YES• Heating 3. Whenever an attic is required, it must cover at least three-quarters (3/4) of the ceiling area over conditioned space and be vented. 7. In alternative component packages which require thermal mass (other than Package A), the specified percentage of mass must be directly exposed to the conditioned space. To determine the floor area directly exposed to the conditioned space. To de termine the floor area, count only the first floor in conditioned areas. Uncarpeted first floor areas, such as linoleum or tiled entry ways, kitchens, bathrooms, and utility closets may all be counted .towards this requirement. 8. Thermal mass required for Packages E,1,2,3 . and 4 must be either equivalent to a slab floor covering one-fourth (25 percent) of the floor area with a thickness of at least 2 inches and a volumetric heat capacity of 28 Btu/ft3 °F (see below for surface area of materials examples) or provide the minimum total mass capacity listed in Table 17 of Appendix A (use the Point System to calculate the mass for other materials). 11. 4" brick Concrete block 90 pcf Concrete block 140 pcfl Climate Slab exposed block density, block density, solid Zone Floor % one side grouted grouted 4" 6" 4" 6" 15 21 18 17 14 13 20 28 24 22 18 18 7 25 35 30 28 23 22 . - For Packages 5 and shall have two or unit. 6 electric resistance and radiant heating systems more separately controlled zones in each dwelling : l I Date 1 )0~\1 ,f1' Prepared bys htds':f Arvt..a. Jur-isdiction LML~ l?>AQ VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE □ Bldg. Dept. O Esgil PLAN CHECK NO. g,~ -&Jo!::' BUILDING ADDRESS -~'➔~2~S----1~4f~o __ ~_w_a;rr13 __ ,_/fr_e.. ___________ _ APPLICANT/CONTACT $,Jgqy I NIJa1Qt'<. PHONE NO. 43£3, 5".9 4 7 K'-3 IM DESIGNER PHONE -------BUILDING OCCUPANCY TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION v'-~ CONTRACTOR PHONE ------ BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER I tJHJl... Ml.EA 'L1.6D ~ ,sg-( '2.,1) c:::;rv1 r-~A-1 _,-::-43, .m 14--C:.112. ff\o,.. 1-1 I /d'l tlJ s c:::I) f3fd,t::, Air Conditionin~ Commercial @ ,. Residential n _c:;n 111 @ 1...4-o 54a.o Res. or Comm. Fire Surinklers @ Total Value 14ZBG\9 fee Adjusted To Re fl ect 0 Energy Regulations (Fee x 1.1) O Handicapped Regula lions (Fee x 1.065) 8 uildin g Perm it Fee $ ___________ __: _______ _....$ _ ___,.5~__:;40=...:•...::=5:::.=0'---_ Plan Che ck r ee--=S:....._ ___________________ $:.....__-=35=-.;._I .:....' '3.::......:.3 __ CO H HEN TS._·------------------------------ 8/4/82 I / . -- I I I _PLAN CHECK HUMBER 85::-,60.:(ADDRESS /q3!Jµ</<I; ~ DATE /o-7-9~ PLANNING: TYPE OF STRUCTURE _ _._a-.... ~~,_..._,, _________ _ ZONE: ----- - SCHOOL FEES: SAN DIEGUITO --"-----ENCINITAS ------ NUMBER OF UNITS CARLSBAD ~ ---SAN MARCOS ------- REQUIRED SETBACKS -----Q BUILDING HEIGHT ________ _ FRONT --------/n 9_ FENCES/WALLS _________ _ SIDE -------- a:: w.l THO CAR GARAGE ----------REA R -------- ~ ~ ccr'iMENTs = ~-.,<e,, ~ A'\f\ :\-o MQf t{\ce c'c!)W1 M¾(1L ~ ef,>Jl~· Q: = \~ \ ~ -t-t0if) '1\~ °""' ees, ,o'"" ,,0 ~ W rr-c~\ .JL. Ll:< · Q\C!'M4 Jo.f G (K •• p U> t'f p ~ □ REDEVELOPttENT A~?~OVAL REQUIRED: ii 0-· . ---------------- 8~ 18:1 LANDSCAPE PLAN COr-flENTS: ------------------- rnv rnc;-;;.;ENTAL RC:QUIREP: --------------------- J!.DDI TIOilA!. COMi~ENTS_: ___________________ _ cl; 0~ TO !3SUE:::'.:i,& ____ DATE: ___ _ ~¥ HIGINEETTING ~LEGAL DESCRIPTION VERIFIED? -A.P.N. CHECKEO?f ~ P.F.F. ~ PARK IN LIEU -~-.,~.....,_.(A _____________ _ ~ R.O.W: ~ IMPROVEMENTS: ~t!/i'"~"'-'--~fd:~_.,__ ______ _ -~---------~--- "' -------------:-E.O.U: ........,_/2___,_@=-L/-=--------~ SEWER: se~-2-n<t.v~;M,) LATERAL: 4/" .2.J ~ -DRIVEWAY: ,.p.~~Ci~~~~-- a:: @~.SITE"i-.cx~ ! • GRAD I~ PERMIT: o 6A:'P---f ~O'e-- -t.w O£/flNA,t.::: P'l.2,81, 31 :> ,-ti 2.1 'Z..-> M>~.4£, No D1,,V'6, ~ ~ORA I NAGE: JJEEP.srre: HU:rroel • -oK !i,! □ EASEMENTS:~~ AOD~nONAL COlt'IENTS: • ~8 n__ ugp;:> $ITg-P¼!rt:J-~~Jh.ekr k-,ii-:kMf:tnv, ~~ IJ}\:12:a:1:~?YL~~ fL.ANo g~ 9 OK TO ISSUE: ~ OATE:-L./.::;~~-Z:.::'..3:~0:=:;~:.-------- * ENGINEERING INS~: ________ 7 _______ _ PUBLIC lo!ORKS INSPECTOR: _____________ ,. ____ _ FINAL OK: ----------DATE: ______________ _ * IF THIS ITEM IS NOT CHECKED, BUILDING DEPARlt1ENT WILL MAKE ALL INSPECTIONS (DRIVEWAYS, CURB CUT, DRAI NAGE, ETC.) .- DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dear Property Owner: (ttp of (arlsbab 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008-1989 (619) 438-5525 An application for a building permit has been submitted in your name listing yourself as the builder of the property improvements specified. For your protection you should be aware that as "owner-builder" you are the responsible party of record on such a permit. Building permits are not required to be signed by the property owners unless they are personally performing their own work. If your work is being performed by someone other than yourself, you may protect yourself from possible liability if that person applies for the proper permit in his or her name. · Contractors are required by law to be licensed and bonded by the State of California and to have a business license from the City of Carlsbad. They are also required by law to put their license number on all permits for which they apply. If you plan to do your own work, with the exception of various trades that you plan to subcontract, you should be aware of the following information for your benefit and pro- tection. If you employ or otherwise engage any persons other than your immediate family, and the work (including material and other costs) is $200 or more for the entire project, and such persons are not licensed as contractors or subcontractors, then you may be an employer. If you are an employer, you must register with the state and federal government as an employer and you are subject to several obligations including state and federal income withholding, federal social security taxes, workers' compensation insurance, disability insurance costs, and unemployment contributions. There may be financial risks for ou if ou do not carr out these obli. ations and these risks are es ecfa11 serious wt respect to wor ers compensat on nsurance. For specific information about your obligations under federal law, contact the Internal Revenue Service (and, if you wish, the U.S. Small Business Administration). For more specific information about your obligations under state law, contact the Department of Benefit Payments and the Division of Industrial Accidents. If the structure is intended for sale, property owners who are not licensed contractors are allowed to perform their work personally or through their own em~loyees, without a licensed contractor or subcontractor, only under limited conditions. , A frequent practice of unlicensed persons professing to be contractors is Jo secure an "owner-builder" building permit, erroneously implying that the property Oi"Ji>er is providing his or her own labor and material personally. Building permits are not required to be signed by property owners unless they are performing their own work personally. Informa- tion about licensed contractors may be obtained by contacting the Contractors State License Board in your community or at 1020 N Street, Sacramento, CA 95814. PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN THE ENCLOSED OWNER-BUILDER VERIFICATION FORM SO THAT WE CAN CONFIRM THAT YOU ARE AWARE OF THESE MATTERS. THE BUILDING PERMIT WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL THE VERIFICATION IS RETURNED. Very truly yours, Building Department City of Carlsbad ATTENTION PROPERTY OWNER: -An "owner-bull der" bui 1 ding permit has been applied for in your name and bearing your signature. Please complete and return this information in the envelope provided at your earliest opportunity to avoid unnecessary delay in processing and issuing your building permit. No building permit will be issued until this verification is received. 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and m terials for construction of the proposed property improvement (yes or no)_....,~..__. 2. I (have/have not) --~,:.;<..:.'-"-"~,.,=---signed the a lication for a building permit. 3. I have contracted wi the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction. Name~ Address~------------ Ci ty fw~ Phone _7~rz~-~3:...(/:.:..7.:..;?J~---- Contractors License No. ____ _ 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinat:::?pervise and provide the major work. Name ( ~«$~ Phone 4.§i,Y-i5 ~ b,e::, Address·_____________ Contractors License No; ----,.. City ____________ _ s. I will provide some of the work but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated: Name Address Phone Signed: Property Owner ~h~ ~ ~ Social Secur~Number Date: ~ l f f'{f/1- Type of Work (/ EACH SUBCONTRACTOR WILL BE INSTRUCTED TO OBTAIN A CITY OF CARLSBAD BUSINESS LICENSE AND FURNISH A CERTIFICATE OF WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. Initials RESIDENTIAL VALUATION CHART EFFECTIVE 7/1/85 SFD & DUPLEXES c:2;)..s--o X $ APT. HOUSES & ATTACHED MULTI-FAMILY UNITS X GARAGE X CARPORT Cf.~1 X COVERED PORCH Lho X • COVERED PATIO X BALCONIES/STAIRS/DECKS X RETAINING WALLS X POOLS X SPAS (GUNITE) (VALl,JATION $4,500) * SPAS (PLASTIC/FACTORY MADE) (VALUATION $2,050) AIR CONDITIONING X MOBIL OR MODULAR HOME ON SINGLE-FAMILY LOT (1/2 OF BUILDING PERMIT FEE) ______ _ * POLICY: TOTAL VALUATION PLAN CHECK FEE 58.00 46.00 14.00 10.00 5.50 5.50 9.00 11 . 00 23.00 2.40 $ /3o,Soo ) lj_) 370 ggo $ /3.s: 76"D $ 339, 1S"' IT IS OUR POLICY TO CHARGE A BLANKET PERMIT FEE OF $75.00 FOR A FACTORY-MADE PLASTIC SPA. THIS FEE COVERS ALL WORK INCLUDING PLUMBING AND ELECTRIC. THIS PERMIT FEE APPLIES TO AN IN-THE-GROUND, PERMANENTLY INSTALLED, FACTORY-MADE PLASTIC SPA NOT TO EXCEED 400 GALLONS IN CAPACITY. THE PLUG-IN TYPE SPA IS AN APPLIANCE AND DOES NOT REQUIRE A PERMIT.