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Eternia Inc., 31461 Riverside Drive, Suite B14, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 August 18, 2021 Attention: Mr. Wilson Subject: Final As-Graded Soils Report Home Expansion 7953 Sitio Vaquero, Carlsbad, CA 19-2110 Reference: 19-2110 Limited Geotechnical Report for Wilson Home Expansion, June, 17, 2019 Mr. Wilson, In accordance with your request and authorization, Eternia Inc. has provided geotechnical engineering observation and testing services on a part time basis at the above subject site. REMOVALS The onsite soils were over-excavated following soil report recommendations to the following depths in the following areas: 2 foot minimum of engineered fill under home footings and 18 inches under home slabs. The over-excavation extended 4 feet outside the footing and slab footprint where feasible. FILL PLACEMENT The current grading operations conducted between November 19, 2020 and December 2, 2020, consisted of over-excavation and placement of engineered fills within the subject site. The fill consisted of native silty sand and imported silty sand material approved by Eternia for use as engineered fill. The fill was placed in thin, loose lifts, moisture conditioned as necessary, and compacted with a vibratory plate attached to an excavator. Field density tests indicated that a minimum of 90 percent of relative compaction for native material was achieved at the tested locations. LABORATORY AND FIELD-TESTING PROCEDURES A total of six tests were conducted at the subject site within the above-mentioned proposed areas. All field in-place density tests were performed in conformance with ASTM D 1556 (sand cone method) and ASTM D6938 (nuclear gauge method) at random locations and various time intervals. All results were compared to laboratory tests conducted on the same soil types. Soils were also probed between test locations. The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content was determined in accordance with ASTM D1557 (Five Layer Method). DESCRIPTION OF SOILS The backfill soils consisted of on-site sandy silt and silty sand materials. CONCLUSIONS Based upon the results of our testing and observation, the compacted fill material placed for the subject site meets the minimum required relative compaction. The minimum required relative compaction, based on ASTM Test Method D 1557, was 90 percent for the native and import • Originally Distributed December 8, 2020 compacted fill. Imported material was spread evenly over area and was not placed in just one area. CLOSURE Based upon the results of our observations and testing, the engineered fill placed at the subject site is considered suitable for the intended purpose. Soil conditions encountered during grading operations and the earthwork performed were in general accordance with the project soils report. Positive site drainage should be maintained at all times. Water should be directed away from foundations and not allowed to pond and/or seep into the footing area. Our field testing was performed at random locations and at various time intervals during the fill placement operation. We did not actually sample or test every portion of the fill material placed at the site. While our tests are considered representative of the compacted fill in general, variations in material properties, relative compaction and moisture condition should be expected in lateral and vertical directions. Should you have any questions regarding this letter please feel free to contact Eternia Inc. Sincerely, Lee Bainer Construction Manager Jerry Michal Consulting Geotechnical Engineer Distribution: Emailed to Addressee • c9~c£~1.~ Jerry L. Michal Geotechnical Engineer GE 2515 (Exp. 3-31 -22) Eternia Inc. Phone: 858-380-8906 Project Name: Date Test No. Test Type Location Elev. of Test Field Moisture (%) Dry Density (pcf) Optimum Moisture (%) Max (pcf) Relative Compaction (%) 11/24/2020 1 NG B.3-3.5 -2.5 16.2 103.5 14.5 112.1 92 11/24/2020 2 NG F.5-3.8 -2 16.8 102.4 14.5 112.1 91 11/30/2020 3 NG B.2-4.5 -1.5 16.9 102.8 14.5 112.1 92 11/30/2020 4 NG C.8-3.4 -1.5 16.5 103 14.5 112.1 92 12/2/2020 5 NG E.5-4.5 -.5 9.9 115.5 9.8 123 94 12/2/2020 6 NG C.1-4.1 Sub 8.5 114.6 9.8 123 93 12/2/2020 7 SC B-4.4 Sub 9.7 117.1 9.8 123 95 NG - Nuclear Gauge FG - Finished Grade SG- Subgrade BG- Basegrade Elevations of test are depth below proposed subgrade SC - Sand Cone TABLE 1 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Wilson Home Expansion Project Number: 19-2110 *Appx Locations, Grid From Foundation Plan • 7 I ----+-L i---------i------- I - I' I I J - J -i--------- l I r---- j I ' -- J j l I ' . --l - j j I J ' j I I ' -J -i------- J t= r---- - --+- l ' r--r---- j ,--- ' -- J - I j I j i-------~ l =±==r-- ' --+- j l I l l I l ' -r--r----- I ~ l L J j Appx. Test Location Date:Figure 12/8/2020 Drawn By:7953 Sitio Vaquero, Carlsbad, CA 92009 L.B. P-1Compacion Test Locations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 □ -, r---------: : I I : : I I : : J -, : : I FOUNDATION PLAN ,4"G()NGam!~~Ml,lriDI!: '1118• C,Ow;.,~K,\TO'/ltt 1•~ .... .., ....... ,,""""' IWIIIIE'RO¥Dl r ~ IIIN«L t-""""' NP'WA.&f IOLS ~ • ---0 ---@ --© ---® -© ---© ---@ -® • SOIL MAXIMUM DENSITY Test Method: ASTM D1557 B Maximum Dry Unit Weight (pcf) Optimum Water Content (%) Oversize Fraction, retained on 3/8 (%) Bulk Specific Gravity of Oversize Fraction Rammer Type: Mechanical Specimen Preparation: Moist Tech: Job Number: na14.5 112.1 na Uncorrected Corrected B-1, 0'-5' Bulk Material Description: Location: Dark Olive Brown Sandy Clay na <5 Figure 19-2110 L.B.Wilson Residence Home Expansion C-4 Project Name 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0Dry Unit Weight (pcf)Water Content (%) 2.75 2.70 2.65 2.60 Proctor Corrected Proctor ' ' ----1----, i ' ' ' I SOIL MAXIMUM DENSITY Test Method: ASTM D1557 A Maximum Dry Unit Weight (pcf) Optimum Water Content (%) Oversize Fraction, retained on #4 (%) Bulk Specific Gravity of Oversize Fraction Rammer Type: Mechanical Specimen Preparation: Moist Tech: Job Number: na9.8 123.0 na Uncorrected Corrected Over Excavation Area Material Description: Location: Imported Brown Silty Sand na <5 Figure 19-2110 L.B.Wilson Home Expansion P-1 Project Name Tested on:12/2/2020 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0Dry Unit Weight (pcf)Water Content (%) 2.75 2.70 2.65 2.60 Proctor Corrected Proctor • ' ' , 1 ' i ,,~, : " '"-,, ' !, '•f:::::::-.. 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