HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-11-18; San Diego County Water Authority Second Refund to Member Agencies (Districts - All); Gomez, PazTo the members of the:
Date 1JllmlcA ./cc ~
CM _21af _____v0cM (3) L
CMWD Board Memorandum
Nov. 18, 2021
To: Carlsbad Municip ·strict Board of Directors
From: Paz Gomez, Depu r, Public Works
Vicki Quiram, Gene
Via: Scott Chadwick, Ex er
Municipal Water District
Memo ID# 2021212
Re: .....,..,,__,_, .. hority Second Refund to Member Agencies (Districts -All)
This memorandum provides an update to a previous Board Memorandum dated April 8, 2021,
regarding a refund of $1,692,236.88 that the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) received
from the San Diego County Water Authority (Water Authority) (Attachment A).
On April 8, 2021, staff provided a Board Memorandum on the refund that represented CMWD's
share of funds awarded to the Water Authority for contract damages and interest from the
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD). The Water Authority received a
second award from the MWD for the same legal challenge and will be refunding the CMWD an
additional $1,362,940.86, bringing the total refund awarded to the CMWD to $3,055,177.74.
Both refunds are a result of the Water Authority's lawsuit with the MWD for unlawful rate
charges assessed between the years 2011 and 2014. On May 11, 2021, the CMWD Board
adopted Resolution No. 1653, authorizing use of the first refund to offset the rates that the
CMWD pays the Water Authority for water supply, which will result in offsetting customer rate
increases (Attachment B).
On Oct. 28, 2021, the Water Authority announced a plan to distribute the second refund to its 24
member agencies (Attachment C). The CMWD will receive a second distribution in the amount of
$1,362,940.86, bringing the total refund to $3,055,177.74. While the damages and interest
award are important, particularly to the CMWD's rate payers, the judgment will also discourage
future overcharges and thereby minimize future disputes. The Water Authority and the MV\/D are
seeking to resolve remaining issues outside of court as they work together on the many water
issues affecting both agencies now and in the future.
In addition to the damages and interest, the rate case lawsuits generated other benefits
including increasing the Water Authority's preferential rights to MWD water and affirming the
Water Authority's access to MWD programs that support development of local supplies and
water efficiency measures.
Carlsbad Municipal Water District
5950 El Camino Real I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-438-2722 t
Board Memo -SDCWA Second Refund to Member Agencies (Districts-All)
Nov. 18, 2021
Page 2
Next Steps
Within the next few months, staff from the CMWD and the Finance Department will return to
the CMWD Board with information on options for use of the second refund of $1,362,940.86,
which the CMWD will receive, likely next week, from the Water Authority.
Attachments: A. CMWD Board Memorandum dated April 8, 2021
B. CMWD Resolution No. 1653
C. News Release dated Oct. 28, 2021
cc: Geoff Patnoe, Assistant Executive Manager
Celia Brewer, General Counsel
Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services
Robby Contreras, Assistant General Counsel
Ryan Green, Finance Director
Kim Riboni, Senior Accountant
Shoshana Aguilar, Senior Management Analyst
To the members of the:
Date i.t-/'l l'-1 CA_L CC ✓
CM ✓ ACM _jf___ DCM {3) .:L
CMWD Board Memorandum
April 8, 2021 . . (\
To: Carisbad Municipal Water ~tri' t Board of Oirectors
From: Paz Gomez, Deputy City Mana · , Public Works
Vicki Quiram, General Mana er --.
Municipal Water District -
Memo ID #2021075
Vi.;i: Scott Chadwick; Executive ~~~ 1
\. _ _ _
Re: San Diego County Water Authority RE:?fuhct to Member Agencies (Districts -All)
This memorandum provides information on the $1,692,236.88 refund from the San Diego County
Water Authority (Water Authority) to. the Carlsbad Municipal Water bistrict (CMWD), which
represents CMWD's share of contract damages awart:led from the Metropolitan Water District of
Southern California (MWD) to the Water Authority.
CMWD is one of the Water Authority's 24 member agencies. lh the Water Authority's effort to
ensure water reliability, it has contimied to diversify the regi.on's water supply portfolio, reducing
its reliance on MWD to 11% of its water supply. The. WaterAuthority·fiied lawsuits between 2010
and 2018 challenging MWD's water rates and charges as they were imposed on the Water
Authority member agencies and their ratepayers. Attachment A summarizes past ant:! present
litigation issues.
On Jan. 13, 2021., the San Francisco Superior Court entered a final judgment entitling the Water
Authority to $44,373,872 (hereafter reforrecl to as "$44.4 million") in damages and interest in
addition to recovery of attorney's fees and costs in the first two lawsuits that challenged the
rates and charges.set by the MWD.
The $44.4 million Judgment represents an award of contract damages for rate charges that had
been unlawfully assessed to the Water-Authority between 2011 and 2014. Specifically, the MWD
overcharged its water *iwardShip rates; Which account for the MWD'strarisport of the Water
Authorit(s independent waterthrough the MWD facilities; The attorney's fees and costs have
not yet been determined. This final Judgment caps a 10-y·ear effort by the Water Authority _Board
of Directors on behalf of San Diego County ratepayers. While the damages and interest award
. . . .
are important; the judgment will also discourage future overcharges and thereby minimize
future disputes. ·
On Feb. 25:, 2021, the Water Authority Board voted to refund each member agency its
proportionate share of the $44.4 million received from the MWD for damages and interest. The
news release is included as Attachment B.
Cai"l$bad IVluhicipal Water District
5950 El Camino Real I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-438-272? t
Board Memo -SDCWA Refund to Member Agencies (Districts -All)
April 8, 2021
Page 2
The Water Authority calculated each member agency's refund based on the amount of municipal
and industrial water each agency purchased from 2011 to 2014, when the MWD overcharged the
. Water Authority. On March 4, 2021, the CMWD received a one-time payment of $1,692,236.88.
To put this ih context, the CMWD total projected revenue for fiscal year (FY) 2020 -21 potabl.e
water is approximately $40 million. Attachment C contains the MWD rate case total refund
allocations of the $44.4 million.
Member agencies, including CMWD, have worked with their attorneys to analyze options for the
use of the refunded money as Proposition 218 limits how each agency can use these funds. A list
of surveyed agencies, and their respective intended use ofthe refunded money is presented in
Attachment t. Of 18 agencies surveyed, 13 intend to use the refund to offset future rate
increc!ses. Other options mi:ly include dedicating the funds to the water Capital lnwravement
Program (CIP) or refunding customers directly. A direct refund to customers would present a
heavy and perhaps infeasible administrative burden for CMWD staff since billing records are not
available and maintained from the full span of the refunded period, 2011-2014, and customers
Ii ave changed due to moves since thattJme. While the office of CMWD's General Counsel
provided CMWD staff with preliminary advice on the matter, no written opinion has been issued
on the use of this refunded money. Accordingly, if the office of CMWD's General Counsel
concurs, the Board staff report will include options for use of the $1,692,236.88 refund but Will
recommend that the refund be used for offsetting future rate increases.
In their efforts to narrow other un'-finalized lawsuits, th.e Water Authority's attorneys continue to
work with the MWD to resolve fhe remaining legal issues. The Water Authority will distribute the
attorney's fees and charges once the amounts are resolved.
The Water Authority is working collaborativeiy with the MWD member agencies across the
MWD' s six-county service are.as to update its long-term water resource and financial planning.
The MWD's Integrated R.esources Plan, known as the IRP, will be its roadmap for the future~
factoring in updated data and plans by many MWD member agencies to develop local water
Next Steps
Within the next few months, staff from CMWD and the Finance Department Will return to the
C:MWD Board with information on options for use of the $1,692;236.88 refund that CMWD
received from. the Water AtJthority.
Attachments: A. Fact Sheet-Water Authority/MWD Litigation
B. News Release dated Feb. 25, 2021
C. MWD Rate Case Rebates and distribution of $44,373,872 for Local Water
Board Memo -SDCWA Refund to Member Agencies (Districts -All)
April 8, 2021
Page 3
cc: Geoff Patnoe, Assistant Executive Manager
Celia Brewer, General Counsel
Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Adrnini.strative Services
Robby Contreras, Assistant General Counse.1
Ryan Green, Finance Director
Kim Riboni, Senior Accountant
Shoshana Agµilar, Senior Management Analyst
O ur Region's Trusted Water Leader
San Diego County Water Authority
What's been decided so far?
a. MWD breached Exchange Agreement by charging its WSR 2 on transportation (2011-14)
Damages+ interest = $48 million (appx.3)
Suspension of collection ofWSR (2018-2020) $45 million
b; MWD could include current SWP costs in its transportation rate (no damages awarded)~
c. MWD miscalculated preferential rights, about 100,000AF rights per year awarded to Water Authority5
d. MWD's RSl6 clause illegal
Damages (restitution) TBD {stiil pending; see below)
What's still pending?
a. MWD breached Exchange Agreement by charging its WSR on transportation (2015-17)7
Damages+ interest -$32 mi/lion
b. Restitution for RSI years (2011-2017)8
Damages+ interest =
c. Offsetting benefits of wheeled water supplies9 (2011~2020; $250/AF I.ow estimate)
Damages+ interest =
e. WSR on supply purchases (2018~2020)1Q
Damages+ interest =
e. Attorney's fees/costs =
$64 million
$660 million
$24 milllon
$.15 million
1 MWD's 998 offer proposes that the Water Authority agree to an amendment of the Exchange Agreement; however, no
amendment 1s at issue Tn the litigation, and thus is not shown here.
2Water Stewardship Rate.
3 All dollar numbers are approximate.
4 The W:;iter Authority had already paid the disputed .rates.
5 This i's not a damages issue; MWD has corrected its calculation ofpreferential rights. As a comparable for valuation of the 100,000
AFY of water; the Carlsbac;l Desalination Project cost ai:,out $1 l:iilHon to produce up to S(;i,000 AFY. ·
6 Rate Str'Licture Integrity.
7This issue was decided against MWD in the 2011-20i4 cases but MWb claims it now has a new administrative recqrd and therefore
wants to try the issue again.
8 Represents the difference between the Water Authority share of payments to fund WSR projects and benefits received with WSR
payments to Exchange Agreement netted outforthe.period indicated; does not include Wat~r Authority's claim for subsidies for
Carlsbad, though such LRP funding could be an alternative valui:!: for the same period. Overall, prior to adjustment for damages and
recent LRP contrai;:ts, the Water Authqrity to date has paicj $170 mi/lion more to fund iNSFfprograms than it has received in
9 The wheeling statute requires MWD t.o calculate offsetting benefits bl.Jt MWD refuses to do so even though the Court of Appeal
applied the wheeling statute to the Exchange Agreement.
10The claim forWSRon ?upply charges for2015~2017 is dupiicatiVe of the (b) restitution claim and so is not listed separately.
Our Region's Trusted Water Leader
San Diego County Water Authority
4677 OverlandAvenue,San Diego, CA 92123
News Rel ease
Ed Joyce
(949).276-1675 cell
$44.4 Million in MWD Overcharges Being Returned to Local Water Agencies
Rate c;ases move closer to ·closure with damages payment by MWD
Febmaty 25, 2021-The San Diego Cou~1ty Water Authority's Board of Directors today
announced a plan to distribute a rebate of $44.4 million to its 24 member agencies across the ·
region after receiving a check for that amount from the Los Angeles-based Metropolitan Water
District ofSoutheri1 California to pay legal damages and interest.
The money resulted from the Water
Authority's decade-long rate case
litigation in state Superior Court
. seeldng to compel MWD to set legal
rates and repay overcharges. The Water
Authority won sevetal critical issues in
cases covering 2011-2014 and was
deemed the prevailing party; which
meaiis the. agency is also owed legal
fees and charges in addition to the
recent damages and interest payment
The com1 rulings will also help avoid
future overcharges and thereby
minimize future disputes .over MWD's
•ithis day has been a lc,ng time coming. We
never wanted tQ litigate these issues -but
if we had not had the courage to do so,
MWD would still be collecting the illegal
fees and we would not have money to give
back to local ret;;ailwater agencies across
the region."
■ Gary Croucher, Board Chair
San Diego Cou.nty Water Authority
unlawful Water Stewardship Rate for tra11Sportfr1g the Water AuthQtity' s independent water
supplies through MWD facilities. Those charges ~ ifthey had continued -would have cost San
Diego County residents more than $500 million over the life ofthe Water Authority's watet
delivery contract with MWD.
"This day has been a long time coming," said Water Authority Board Chair Gary Croucher. "We
never wai1ted to litigate these issues -but if we had i10t had the coutage to do so, MWD would
still be c.ollectiilg the illegal fees and we would not have tnoney to give back to local retail water
agencies across the region.''
Per today's decision by the Water Al.).thority's Board, the $44.4 inillion will be returned to
membel' agencies in proportion to their ovetpayme11ts between 2011-2014. the Water Authority .
does rtot have a say in how member agencies use the refunds. The amount of legal fees .and costs
owed to the Water Authority is yet to be determined.
In addition to damages and interest, the rate case lawsuits generated other substantial benefits,
such as requiring an increase in the Water Authority's preferential rights to MWD water by
approximately 100,QOO acl'e-feet a yeai:, eqµivalent to about twice the annual production of the
$1 billion Carlsbad Desalination Project.
In February 2020, the Water Authority's Board of Directors voted to dismiss certain issues from
the litigation after securwg more than $350 milli_on in local prqject subsidy benefits for the San
Diego region. In doing so, tbe Water Authority acknowledged the MWD Board action to stop
imposing its Water Stewardship Rate for transportfog the Water Authority's independent
supplies, thµs tesolving for now that issue in future rate years. ·
As the laws.uits wind down, the Water Authority is working collaboratively with MWD m:ember
agencies across Southem Califomia to update MWD' s long-te1m water resource and financial
plans. MWD's Integrated Resources Plan, known as the IRP, will be the agency's roadm1:1-p for
the future. The Water Authority is advocating forincl:usion of updated data and plans by many
MWD member agencies to develop iocal water suppiies such as the Water Authority and its
member agencies have done over the past two decades and will continue to do in the future._
The San Diego County WaterAuthority sustains a $245 billion regional economy and the quality
of life for3.3 million residents through a multi-decade water supply diversification plan, major
infrastructure investments and foiward'-fhinking policies that promote fiscal and environmental
responsibility. A public agency created in 1944,. the WaterAuthority delivers wholesale water
supplies to 24 retail water providers; including citfes, special districts ancl a military base:
11dltg'llll"'WWW. instagram .com/sdcwa
.·www.twitter.com/sdcwa @sdcwa
You{lj www.youtube.com/SDCWAvideo
.. . .. . .
Agency Refund Amount Use of SDCWA Refund Payment
Carlsbad MWD $1,692,236.88 To be determihed
Del Mar, City of $108,025.65 Water Fund Contingency
Escondido, City of $1,754,022.94 CIP
Fallbrnok PUD $909,412.67 . Offsetting future rate increases/local supply
Helix WD $2,847,389.34 Offsetting future rate increases
Lakeside WD $348,005.17 Capital Improvement Reserve Fund
Oceanside, City of $2, 351,413.99 Offsetting future rate increases
Olivenhain MWD $2,039,332.40 Offsetting future rate increases
OtayWD $3,162,939.58 Offsetting future rate increases
Padre Dahl MWD $1,157,551.53 Offsetting future rate increases
Pendleton Military Reserve $4,958.08 To be determined
Poway, City of $1,167,915.01 Offsetting future rate increases
Rainbow MWD $1,343,382.03 Offsetting future rate increases
Ramona MWD $596,663.83 To be determined
Rincon Del Diablo MWD $630, 780.62 To be determined
San Diego, City of $17,676,521.64 To be determined
San Dieguito WD $368,002.42 Offsetting future rate increases
Santa Fe ID $748,699.93 Offsetting future rate increases
Sweetwater Authority $874,367.74 To be determined
Vallecitos WD $1,590,62j,74 Offsetting future rate increases
Valley Center MWD 1,332,471.26 Offsetting future rate increases
Vista ID $1,571,006.35 Offsetting future rate increases
Yuima MWD $98,149.47 Rate Stabilization
WHEREAS, on March 4, 2021, the Water Authority ref1.mded the CMWD an amount of
$1,692,237; and
WHEREAS, this amount represents CMWD;s share of cqntract damages awarded from the
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California {MWD) to the Water Authority for stewardship rate
charges that MWO unlawfully assessed to the Water Authority between 2011 and 2014; and
WHEREAS, the CMWD Board of mrettors {l}oard) pf the City of Carlsbad~ Caltfomia has
determined it necessary and in the public interest to appre>ve the use of the Water Authority refund to
offset the rates the CMWD pays the Water.Authority for water supply, which will result in offsetting
future customer rate increases.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE iT RESOLVED by the ·soard of Directors of the Carlsbad MunidpalWater
· DistrJct of the City of Carlsbad, California, as fo.llows:
1. That the above recitations are true and correct.
2. That the San Diego County Water Authority refund in the amount of $1,692,237 be used
to offset the rates the CMWD pays the Water Authority for water supply, Which will result in offsetting
future customer rate increases.
May 11, 2021 Item #3 Page 5 of 10
PASS~D, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Special Meeting of the Bo.ard of Directors of the
Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City ofCarlsbqd; California on the 11th day pf May, 2021; oV
the following-vote, to wit
May 11, 2021
Hall, Blackburn, Acosta, Bhat-Patel; Schumacher.
~~ Tu,'Wllll'~ Tu<
Item #3 Page 6 of 10 .
Our Region's Trusted Water Leader
San Diego County Water Authority
4677 Overland Avenue, San Diego, CA 92123
News Release
Ed Joyce
(949) 276-1675 cell
$35.9 Million More in MWD Overcharges Being Returned to Local Water Agencies
Final settlement of litigation now in reach
Editor's Note: A table of distributions by agency follows the release.
October 28, 2021 -The San Diego County Water Authority's Board of Directors today
announced a plan to distribute $35.9 million to its 24 member agencies across-the region after
receiving a fund transfer from the Los Angeles-based Metropolitan Water District of Southern
California to pay legal damages and interest.
Combined with a similar payment in
February, the Water Authority has
distributed more than $80 million to its
member agencies in 2021 as a result of
its successful rate litigation against
MWD. The two parties are seeking to
resolve the remaining issues outside of
court as they partner on water supply
reliability, conservation, affordability,
and climate change issues challenging
Southern California.
"The Water Authority is leading efforts in
San Diego County to maintain a reliable
and affordable water supply."
■ Gary Croucher, Board Chair
San Diego County Water Authority
"The Water Authority is leading efforts in San Diego County to maintain a reliable and
affordable water supply," said Water Authority Board Chair Gary Croucher. "While the rate
litigation was necessary to protect our ratepayers, we fully embrace the new spirit of
collaboration at MWD under General Manager Adel Hagekhalil and Board Chair Gloria Gray as
we focus onthe challenges ahead with a united front."
The payments approved by the Board today resulted from the Water Authority's rate case.
litigation in state Superior Court asking MWD to set legal rates and repay overcharges.
The Water Authority won key issues in cases covering 2011-2014 and was deemed the
prevailing party by the Comi, which means it is also owed legal fees and charges in addition to
the recent damages and interest payment from MWD. In February, the Water Authority sent
. checks totaling $44.4 million to its member agencies after it received a check for that amount
from MWD to remedy overcharges from 2011-2014.
Per today's decision by the Water Authority's Board, an additional $35.9 million will be returned
to member agencies in proportion to their overpayments between 2015-2017.
The court rulings will also help avoid future overcharges and thereby minimize future disputes
over MWD's rates charged to transport the Water Authority's Colorado River water supplies
through MWD facilities. Those charges -if they had continued -would have cost San Diego
County residents more than $500 million over the life of the Water Authority's water delivery
contract with MWD.
In addition to damages and interest, the rate case lawsuits generated other substantial benefits,
including an increase in the Water Authority's preferential rights to MWD water by
approximately 100,000 acre-feet a year, equivalent to about twice the annual production of the
$1 billion Carlsbad Desalination Project.
Another outcome of the lawsuits affirmed the Water Authority's access to MWD programs
supporting development of local supplies and water-efficiency measures. Since the court ruled it
was illegal for MWD to prohibit the Water Authority from accessing these programs, the Water
Authority has secured almost $500 million in local project benefits for the San Diego region.
The San Diego County Water Authority sustains a $253 billion regional economy and the quality
of life for 3.3 million residents through a multi-decade water supply diversification plan, major
infrastructure investments and forward-thinking policies that promote fiscal and environmental
responsibility. A public agency created in 1944, the Water Authority delivers wholesale water
supplies to 24 retail water providers, including cities, special districts and a military base.
www.twitter.com/sdcwa @sdcwa
O www.facebook.com/SanDiegoCountyWaterAuthority
You[mm, www.youtube.com/SDCWAvideo
$ 8!0 ., .24,M.,+ Com ib,i ne·d Disb 1ur:se 1men;t
•~=-='M~Jn~r oo~ng_~_.!)n:~1bj.b!!lt9JlllJ =
Carllsbad M. W. [), $1,692.1136. 88.
Del f.liar,. City of $1081.025.65
IEsioondf!do, Cijty of $1., 7541022. 94
IFaUbrook RU.-0.. S909ilt2..67
HeHx W~D. Sl.:;847 1389.34
11..akesfde w. D. S34181005 .17
Ocei3ilflSijde, C11ty of . $2.,351 1413. 99
Oliv-enhain il\1\.W.D . S.2,039,332.40
otay,w:o.. Si3,162,93'9.5iB
Padrr,e fDam M. W. D. $1.11 157, 551. 53
Pendl,eton Mii'lilary Reserve $41 95,8.. 08
.Pov1ay, City of · · $1,1671915.IJ1
1Rai1nbow .M. W. D,. . $il, 3-43:,.382 .• 03
Ra1:mona M. W. D... $5961663. 83
lfti neon Del Dfab[o N1. W.D. $6301780. 62
:SanD1,ego, City of St?,,6,761 521.64
San Dieguito W.D~ $3681002.42
:Santa IFe I .D. $7 -48,699. 93
:Sv1eetvr.rater Authority $874,.367. 7 4
VaUecitos w. D. $1 ., 5901,62.3. 7 4
Vatley Cie11te:r .M.. W. [t. $·1, 3:321,417·1 . 26,
Vista ll.D. S,·1.,571':t006.35
Yuoma M.w.o. . $981149.47
Jo1~1. ---~•-c_,_ = ~ __ = $+.f ,3,?3,,,~I?:~.2i
@o_ u-• .r~siion'~ Tt'II~.'•. d. ;.~~r ;~11d~~
.S,ar, D1'ogc C'.aµrntY· w.....-Aurtiftartiy
·, ' ~~~•;{, ~~~--,~ ·: :_
J)J5-tui~lln_o_n #7 ..
:St,362, 9'-40.86
'S1 ,29'1 ,896.32
(-.:.,625 .,250. 63
$1~.425 ,22:8. 87
$237, 8i68.80
$1, 938,202..,!55
St ,.622,584.51
$837, 14-9.50
$908, 19R96
$3;619, 1,81 ,..59
$1.4,990 ,247 .2 9
$3;6,6, 6,59. 60
$646,4114 . .28
· :$1,ID70,9·.3:L 27
$1,248, 828..17
'$1 ,22.7,642. 91
'$85, 129 .. 98 .s 3-~-' -~.71, .1. 513.~.?0
mot aif
~ m~tri~y~~:q[t.~,
$3-10'.55, 177.74
$.196, 384-. 50
$3:J'045, 919 .26
$1 r 534,663.30
5_51212, 618-.21·
$3/661, 916;91
55 ,1688,.88-4 .08
s2,004, Oo9. n
$~~()05, 064,. 51
$'965, 845 .42
St.1098, 847. 32
$3211666, 76,B .93
s :134,66,2.02
$1:r,395, ~ 14-.211
St1'945, 2 99 .01:
.'S.80;,;?45 ,025 .. 9'~