HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-11-16; City Council; ; South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail Update and Direction on Pursuing the Project’s Design, Public Engagement and DevelopmentMeeting Date: Nov. 16, 2021 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Tim Selke, Parks Services Manager tim.selke@carlsbadca.gov, 760-434-2857 Subject: South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail Update and Direction on Pursuing the Project’s Design, Public Engagement and Development District: 2 Recommended Action Receive a project update and provide direction to staff as to whether or not the city should further pursue the design, public engagement and development of the South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail Project within only the Hub Park Lease property. Executive Summary Staff provided an update on the initial design and public engagement for the recreational trail and related amenities along the south shore of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon in the Hub Park Lease property at the June 15, 2021, City Council meeting, (Exhibit 1). Carlsbad has leased the 96 acres known as the Hub Park property from SDG&E since 1975. The terms of the lease allow the city to use the land for park and recreation purposes. The city has been working with SDG&E and state agencies on the trail project since 2019. Based on input from San Diego Gas & Electric, the underlying property owner, the scope of the project had to be greatly reduced to stay within the limits of the Hub Park property. After receiving public comments and discussing the item, the City Council adopted the proposed resolution, and directed staff to return with additional information on several aspects of the project, including potential parking for trail users, construction mitigation requirements and habitat area restoration and management costs. Specifically, the meeting minutes (Exhibit 2) reflect that the City Council: 1.Adopted Resolution No. 2021-148, directing staff to pursue the design, public engagement and development of the South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail Project within only the Hub Park Lease property 2.Directed staff to return with a project update in the fall of 2021 This staff report provides that update, with the information on the project requested by the City Council. Since the previous report was presented, SDG&E representatives confirmed their prior position that the trail must stay within the boundaries of the Hub Park property. In Nov. 16, 2021 Item #14 Page 1 of 15 addition, SDG&E representatives will not allow the proposed trail to be located on the existing dirt utility access roads, which significantly increases the estimated project costs. Discussion Trail patron access and parking opportunities Soon after the June 15 City Council meeting, staff contacted the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation’s chief executive officer and inquired about the possibility of using the parking lot at the foundation’s Discovery Center for trail parking. Staff were subsequently told the foundation’s board of directors had voted against this proposal because of conflicts with the various groups attending education programs at the Discovery Center. Staff met with SDG&E representatives about two weeks later and asked them to further consider allowing for trail parking at the adjacent Carlsbad Strawberry Company parking lot, property that is also owned by SDG&E, as well as access from that parking lot to the proposed trail, at the western boundary of the Hub Park property. The SDG&E representatives declined to approve both the requests. In addition, in October 2021, the SDG&E representatives confirmed their prior position that the trail must stay within the boundaries of the Hub Park property. SDG&E representatives indicated they are willing to continue to discuss these requests with city staff, but are unable to make any commitments at this time. Construction requirements and revised costs The project team has developed the 30% design, grading and revegetation plans, and associated wetlands and uplands impacts assessment for the South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail, Capital Improvement Program Project No. 4085. Using that work as a foundation, a trail construction cost estimate was prepared (Exhibit 3). The total estimated construction costs alone represent a greater than six fold increase from the total estimated project costs included in the City Council approved Trails Master Plan of $450,000. This increase is largely attributable to the fact that SDG&E representatives are indicating they will not allow the proposed trail to be located on the existing dirt utility access roads, as was originally anticipated in the drafting of the Trails Master Plan. With this new SDG&E direction, the trail system is now designed to avoid the existing utility access roads, which results in the significantly higher construction and habitat mitigation costs shown in the table below. Habitat mitigation program requirements and costs On Aug. 5, 2021, the project team presented the conceptual plan for the trail to the California Coastal Commission, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service during the regularly scheduled Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan coordination Estimated construction costs - South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail Trail construction $1,736,800 Construction management and inspection staff, contractual services $347,360 Insurance, bonding, overhead $521,040 Construction contingency $173,600 Estimated total $2,778,800 Nov. 16, 2021 Item #14 Page 2 of 15 meeting. According to the Habitat Management Plan, a portion of Hub Park is designated as a proposed hardline preserve, areas specifically delineated on planning maps to be spared from development in perpetuity. That means that upon completion of the trail construction, the city is required to manage that preserved land to the plan’s standards. The presentation was focused on the anticipated biological impacts to the existing habitat on the Hub Park property. The proposed trail would impact a potential total of .45 acres of the area dedicated as a preserve by the Habitat Management Plan, and impact a total of 1.66 acres outside the preserve. A Habitat Mitigation Program cost estimate (Exhibit 4) was prepared, based upon 0.45 acre of wetland and waters mitigation and 4.24 acres of upland coastal sage scrub mitigation. The table below outlines the estimated costs for mitigation of habitat impacts that would be required if the trail is constructed. Long term habitat management requirements and costs During the Aug. 5, 2021 meeting, the project team also discussed the long-term management of the Hub Park property under the standards of the Habitat Management Plan. SDG&E currently provides the environmental monitoring and management of the entire parcel and wishes to continue in the role of sole manager of the habitat areas on the property. Upon completion of the trail development, the city would likely be required to either assume long-term management of the habitat mitigation areas along the trail, or of the entire Hub Park property A final determination as to the city’s scope of responsibility would ultimately be made by the resource agencies during the project’s entitlement and permitting phases. The table below outlines the estimated costs for annual management of the habitat under each requirement. Site visits and input of local tribal communities On July 2, 2021, the city’s consultant sent an informal notification letter on the project to the main local tribes, on behalf of the city’s Planning Division. The following tribes were notified: • Mesa Grande Band of Diegueno Mission Indians • Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians • San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians Estimated habitat mitigation program costs - South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail Wetland mitigation $201,831 Upland mitigation $469,247 Estimated total $671,078 Estimated annual habitat management costs - South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail Management of the mitigation areas along the trail only $6,500 Management of the entire Hub Park property $39,000 Estimated total $6,500 - $39,000 Nov. 16, 2021 Item #14 Page 3 of 15 • The Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians • Pauma Band of Mission Indians The notification letter offered site visits to interested representatives of the tribes were offered to. On July 29, 2021, a site visit was conducted with two members of The Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians. On Sept. 23, 2021, a site visit was conducted with members of the Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians and the Pechanga Band of Luiseño Indians. After those visits, the representatives expressed that the Hub Park property is of significant value to the tribal communities and there is a strong desire to preserve the landscape in its current form. Public engagement The public engagement program would move forward if the City Council directs staff to further pursue this trail project. If that direction is provided, staff anticipate the solicitation of public input on the trail amenities would begin by March 2022. Options Given the information noted above, staff are now seeking the City Council’s direction on whether or not the city should further pursue the design, public engagement and development of the South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail within only the Hub Park property. Staff provide the following options for the City Council’s consideration: 1. Direct staff to continue pursuit of the South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail within only the Hub Park property, taking into account the constraints and concerns noted above Pros: • Meets the desire of the community for a trail within the Hub Park property • Increases recreational opportunities for the community • Partially satisfies the intent of the trail identified within the Trails Master Plan • Adds 1.4 miles of trails to the citywide trails inventory • Provides for controlled use of the bluff tops along the south shore of the lagoon Cons: • Does not meet full extent of trail distance or connectivity desired by the community • Results in approximately a mile less distance and less trail connectivity than the anticipated trail identified within the Trails Master Plan • Provides limited access to the trail, at a less convenient location than identified • Does not provide for trail patron parking opportunities at the trailhead • Increases impacts to habitat due to SDG&E not allowing use of utility access roads • Does not align with tribal communities’ desire to preserve landscape in current form • Use of the property would be for an unknown duration, the initial 60-year term of the lease agreement with SDG&E expires in 2035 • The estimated costs to just construct the trail is more than six times greater than the total estimated project costs originally included in the Trails Master Plan Nov. 16, 2021 Item #14 Page 4 of 15 2. Direct staff to cease pursuit of the South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail Pros: • Project’s funding and staff could be reallocated to other high-priority projects, such as Veterans Memorial Park, Village H South Off Leash Dog Area and Trail Connector, Robertson Ranch Community Park and the South Carlsbad Boulevard Realignment Cons: • Does not meet the community’s desire for a trail within the Hub Park property • Potential for increased costs in the future, should the trail project be reconsidered 3. Direct staff to continue pursuit of the of the South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail within only the Hub Park property by reengaging on the noted constraints and concerns with the representatives of the applicable entities in an effort to gain greater flexibility Pros: • May result in greater flexibility on noted constraints and concerns of the entities • May result is a trail system that is less costly to construct, has less habitat impacts and thus less habitat mitigation, and fulfills a portion of the community’s desire Cons: • May not result in greater flexibility on noted constraints and concerns of the entities • Project’s resources could not be reallocated to other high-priority projects Fiscal Analysis Option 1 Sufficient funding is available to further pursue the design and public engagement program associated with option 1. However, additional funding would be required to pursue the construction, the habitat mitigation program, the long-term habitat management and the routine maintenance of the trail. The table below outlines the project’s total appropriations and expenditures to date, and estimated costs and appropriations needed. If so directed and funding is available, staff would include a request for the additional appropriations in the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Capital Improvement Program Budget for the City Council’s consideration. South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail, CIP Project No. 4085 ONE-TIME COSTS Total appropriations to date $755,500 Total expenditures and encumbrances to date $264,060 Total funds available $491,440 Total estimated construction and habitat mitigation program $3,449,878 Remaining design and environmental contractual services $254,987 Total costs for project completion $3,704,865 Remaining balance (total project costs - total funds available) ($3,213,425) Additional appropriations needed for one-time costs $3,213,425 ANNUAL COSTS Estimated annual long-term habitat management $6,500-$39,000 Estimated annual trail (including amenities) maintenance $7,000 Total estimated annual habitat management and trail maintenance $13,500-$46,000 Ongoing appropriations needed for annual costs $13,500-$46,000 Nov. 16, 2021 Item #14 Page 5 of 15 Option 2 The project’s available funds of $491,440 could be reallocated to other high priority projects. Option 3 There is no direct fiscal impact associated with this action other than staff time. Next Steps Staff will act in accordance with the City Council’s direction regarding this trail. Environmental Evaluation The Trails Master Plan has been reviewed in keeping with the California Environmental Quality Act. On Aug. 27, 2019, the City Council adopted a mitigated negative declaration and a mitigation monitoring and reporting program, which analyzed the Carlsbad Trails Master Plan at a broad, programmatic level. Staff anticipates performing additional project-level CEQA review for the South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail if directed to further pursue the project. Public Notification This item was noticed in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and it was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. City Council staff report – South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail, dated June 15, 2021 2. City Council meeting minutes, dated June 15, 2021 3. South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail construction cost estimate 4. South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail Habitat mitigation program cost estimate Nov. 16, 2021 Item #14 Page 6 of 15 Exhibit 1 City Council staff report – South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail, dated June 15, 2021 (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) Nov. 16, 2021 Item #14 Page 7 of 15 CITY COUNCIL Minutes June 15, 2021, 3 p.m. CALL TO ORDER: 3 p.m. ROLL CALL: Hall, Blackburn, Acosta, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. Council Chamber 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pro Tern Blackburn led the Pledge of Allegiance. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONCURRENT MEETINGS: None. INVOCATION: None. PUBLIC REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Special Meeting held April 27, 2021 Minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 4, 2021 Minutes of the Special Meeting held May 6, 2021 Minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 18, 2021 Motion by Mayor Pro Tern Blackburn, seconded by Council Member Bhat-Patel, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0. PRESENTATIONS: Proclamation in recognition of Pride (LGBTQ+) Month Council Member Schumacher read the proclamation. Pride by the Beach representatives Lisa Nava and Butterfly Luv Hugz said a few words. ANNOUNCEMENTS: None. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following individuals called into the City Council Meeting and voiced their comment for the record: Charles Lehr spoke regarding Site 13 to create awareness and express his concerns. Owner of Phoenix Sports Douglas Goldfein expressed his concern with the city's Parks & Recreation fees. Christine Davis, representing the Carlsbad Village Association, thanked the city for the support and resources provided to businesses throughout the pandemic. Noel Breen spoke regarding the right to free speech. Exhibit 2 Nov. 16, 2021 Item #14 Page 8 of 15 June 15, 2021 Carlsbad City Council Regular Meeting Page 2 Tamara Dixon expressed her concerns with critical race theory being taught in schools. Mary Lucid expressed her concern with how funds received by the federal government will be allocated in order to benefit residents. CONSENT CALENDAR: Motion by Mayor Pro Tern Blackburn, seconded by Council Member Bhat-Patel, to approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 1 through 5. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0. 1. GROUND LEASE AGREEMENT WITH NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED BETWEEN CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE AND GRAND AVENUE-Adoption of Resolution No. 2021-142 approving and authorizing the execution of a ground lease agreement with the North County Transit District for property located between Carlsbad Village Drive and Grand Avenue, commonly known as the Depot Building and Parking Lot. (Staff contact: Curtis Jackson, Real Estate) 2. AGRICULTURAL LEASE AGREEMENT WITH REY RIVER FARMS, INC. FOR A PORTION OF CANNON LAKE PARK-Adoption of Resolution No. 2021-143 authorizing the City Manager to execute a one-year agricultural lease agreement with Rey River Farms, Inc. for a portion of APN 210-090-17, commonly referred to as the Cannon Lake Park. (Staff contact: Curtis Jackson, Real Estate) 3. RENEWAL OF THE CISCO SMARTNET MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT ENDING JUNE 30, 2022 WITH LOGICALIS, INC. -Adoption of Resolution No. 2021-144 authorizing the City Manager to execute documents necessary to procure Cisco SmartNet maintenance and support services through June 30, 2022 from Logicalis, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $113,883 (Staff contact: Maria Callander, Administrative Services Department) 4. PROGRAMMING OF ROAD MAINTENANCE AND REHABILITATION ACCOUNT FUNDS TO THE PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AND CONCRETE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM, CIP NOS. 6001 AND 6013-Adoption of Resolution No. 2021-145 authorizing the programming of Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account funds to the Pavement Management Program and Concrete Replacement Program, CIP Nos. 6001 and 6013, for Fiscal Year 2021-22. (Staff contact: Hossein Ajideh, Public Works) 5. AGREEMENT WITH UTILIQUEST, LLC TO PERFORM DIGALERT UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT MARK-OUTS FOR TRAFFIC SIGNALS -Adoption of Resolution No. 2021-146 authorizing execution of an agreementwith Utiliquest, LLC to perform DigAlert underground service alert mark-outs for traffic signals in an amount not to exceed $183,894. (Staff contact: Fred Gaines . Jr., Public Works) ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: None. ORDINANCE FOR ADOPTION: None. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. Nov. 16, 2021 Item #14 Page 9 of 15 June 15, 2021 Carlsbad City Council Regular Meeting Page 3 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 6. ANNUAL CARLSBAD SISTER CITY PROGRAM UPDATE -Receive the annual update on the programs, relationships and finances of Carlsbad's Sister City Program as required by City Council Policy No. 77. (Staff contact: Sheila Cobian, City Manager Department) City Manager's Recommendation: Receive the update. Assistant to the City Manager Sheila Cobian and Carlsbad Sister City Ambassador President Tom Hersant presented the report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Council received the update. 7. SOUTH SHORE AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON TRAIL UPDATE AND DIRECTION ON PROJECT - Adoption of Resolution No. 2021-147 directing staff to pursue the design, public engagement and development of the South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail Project within only the Hub Park lease property. (Staff contact: Tim Selke, Parks & Recreation) City Manager's Recommendation: Receive the update and adopt the resolution. Parks & Recreation Director Kyle Lancaster, Park Services Manager Tim Selke, and Park Planning Manager Kasia Trojanowska presented the report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). In response to an inquiry from Council Member Acosta, Park Services Manager Tim Selke explained that San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) was concerned about environmental and operation issues. Park Planning Manager Trojanowska further explained that SDG&E would prefer the project steers away from their easements and towers. Parks & Recreation Director Lancaster added that communication lines would be kept open with SDG&E. In response to an inquiry from Mayor Pro Tern Blackburn, Parks & Recreation Director Lancaster explained that the strawberry fields occupy a portion of the Hub Park lease property and the original trail alignment would infringe upon the Carlsbad Strawberry Company's current farm area. Director Lancaster added that the revised alignment does not occupy a portion of the strawberry fields. In response to an inquiry from Mayor Hall, Parks & Recreation Director Lancaster explained that the entrance to the trail would be just west of the Cannon bridge between Grand Pacific Drive and Faraday Avenue. In response to an inquiry from Mayor Hall, Park Planning Manager Trojanowska explained that approximately 0.4 acres and 1.6 miles of impacts were within the Habit Management Plan. Park Planning Manager Trojanowska also added that encroachments would happen in order to avoid SDG&E easements and other major improvements, and that this project will require California Coastal Commission approval. Nov. 16, 2021 Item #14 Page 10 of 15 June 15, 2021 Carlsbad City Council Regular Meeting Page4 In response to Mayor Hall's inquiry, Parks & Recreation Director Lancaster explained that the Parks & Recreation Department would bring back another update to City Council after speaking to the Coastal Commission and wildlife agencies. The following individual called into the City Council Meeting and voiced their comment for the record: Diana Lincoln expressed her concern with the staff report and the SDG&E lease agreement. In response to an inquiry from Council Member Acosta, Parks & Recreation Director Lancaster explained that he is not aware of any type of agreement with SDG&E allowing the placement of the Agua Hedionda trail location. In response to an inquiry from Council Member Acosta, Deputy City Manager of Community Services Gary Barberio added that the lease has a clause that requires the lessee to consult with SDG&E regarding any proposed improvements. Council received the update. Motion by Council Member Acosta, seconded by Council Member Schumacher, to approve Resolution No. 2021-148 and directed staff to return with an update in Fall 2021. Motion carried, 3/2 (Hall, Blackburn -No). Mayor Hall declared a recess at 4:34 p.m. Mayor Hall reconvened the meeting at 4:42 p.m. 8. ANNUAL UPDATE ON THE REAL ESTATE STRATEGIC PLAN, WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES AND ACQUISITION OF OPEN SPACE PARCELS -Receive the third annual update on the overall implementation of the adopted Real Estate Strategic Plan, the city's management of its Wireless Communication Facility license agreements and acquisition of open space parcels. (Staff contact: Curtis Jackson, Real Estate) City Manager's Recommendation: Receive the update. Real Estate Manager Curtis Jackson presented the report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Council received the update. 9. FORMATION OF STANDING CITY COUNCIL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBCOMMITTEE - Adoption of Resolution No. 2021-148 authorizing the formation of a standing City Council Economic Development Subcommittee. (Staff contact: David Graham, Administrative Services Department) Nov. 16, 2021 Item #14 Page 11 of 15 June 15, 2021 Carlsbad City Council Regular Meeting . Page 5 City Manager's Recommendation: Adopt the resolution. Chief Innovation Officer David Graham presented the report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). In response to Council Member Acosta's inquiry, Chief Innovation Officer Graham explained that the vast majority of the subcommittee's work is with small business owners. Motion by Mayor Pro Tern Blackburn, seconded by Council Member Bhat-Patel, to approve Resolution No. 2021-148. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0. 10. MAYORAL APPOINTMENT OF TWO MEMBERS TO THE BEACH PRESERVATION COMMISSION 1) Adoption of Resolution No. 2021-149 appointing one member to the Beach Preservation Commission; and 2) Adoption of Resolution No. 2021-150 appointing one member to the Beach Preservation Commission. (Staff contact: Tammy McMinn, City Clerk Department) City Manager's Recommendation: Adopt the resolutions. The following individuals called into the City Council Meeting and voiced their comment for the record regarding their interest and qualifications to serve on the Beach Preservation Commission: Lisa Stark; James Revell; Julie Gibbs. , Mayor Hall nominated Robert Ingersoll and Lisa Stark to serve on the Beach Preservation Commission. Motion by Mayor Pro Tern Blackburn, seconded by Council Member Bhat-Patel, to adopt Resolution Nos. 2021-149 and 2021-150 appointing Robert Ingersoll and Lisa Stark to the Beach Preservation Commission. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0. 11. APPOINT ONE MEMBER TO THE CARLSBAD GOLF LODGING BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ADVISORY BOARD -Adoption of Resolution No. 2021-151 appointing one member to 'the Carlsbad Golf Lodging Business Improvement District Advisory Board. (Staff contact: Tammy McMinn, City Clerk Department) City Manager's Recommendation: Adopt the resolution. Mayor Hall nominated Brian Hughes to serve on the Carlsbad Golf Lodging Business Improvement District Advisory Board. Motion by Mayor Pro Tern Blackburn, seconded by Council Member Bhat-Patel, to adopt Resolution No. 2021-151 reappointing Brian Hughes to the Carlsbad Golf Lodging Business Improvement District Advisory Board. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0. Nov. 16, 2021 Item #14 Page 12 of 15 June 15, 2021 Carlsbad City Council Regular Meeting Page 6 COUNCIL REPORTS AND COMMENTS: Mayor Hall and the City Council Members reported on activities and meetings of some committees and subcommittees of which they are members. Minute Motion by Council Member Schumacher, seconded by Council Member Bhat-Patel, requesting staff to bring back an item regarding raising the intersectional Pride Flag for the month of June beginning in 2022. Motion carried, 3/2 (Hall, Blackburn -No). Minute Motion by Mayor Hall, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Blackburn, to place the acquisition of the historical Culver-Myers-Capp house on a future agenda for discussion and direction to staff. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Hall announced that the City Council Members will be participating in a ceremonial event to mark the demolition of Carlsbad Fire Station No. 2 on Tuesday, June 22 at 9:30 a.m. at 1906 Arenal Road, Carlsbad, California. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: Assistant City Manager Geoff Patnoe announced that in-person City Council meetings will be discussed at the next meeting. CITY ATTORNEY COMMENTS: None. CITY CLERK COMMENTS: None. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Hall adjourned the duly noticed meeting at 5:32 p.m. . \kwd?mLm~ Tamara R. McMinn, CPMC, CMC Senior Deputy City Clerk Nov. 16, 2021 Item #14 Page 13 of 15 Client:City of Carlsbad Job No.12821.0000 Project:South Shore of Agua Hedionda Lagoon (Hub Park) Trail Imp Estimator:SMB Submittal:30% Design Checker:NR Site:Cannon Road & Car Country Drive Cost Index: Total Total Item Item Description Qty Unit $/Unit Net Cost $ General Requirements 316,900$ 1 Mobilization/Demobilization (10%)1 LS 157,890$ 157,890$ 2 Clearing and Grubbing 1 LS 130,000$ 130,000$ 3 Traffic Control 1 LS 6,000$ 6,000$ 4 Potholing 3 EA 1,000$ 3,000$ 5 Prepare and Implement Stormwater Requirements 1 LS 20,000$ 20,000$ Sitework 842,900$ 1 Grading - Export 2105 CY 120$ 252,600.00$ 2 6" Decomposed Granite 60000 SF 10$ 576,780.00$ 3 6" Gravel Shoulder 537 CY 25$ 13,430.00$ 4 Redwood Header Board 29000 LF 2.50$ 72,500.00$ Concrete 15,000$ 1 20'Lx12"W Precast Bridge 1 LS 15,000$ 15,000 2 Storm Drain Headwall 5 EA 6,592$ 32,970 Storm Drain 31,900$ 1 18" HDPE 194 LF 100$ 19,500$ 2 24" HDPE 23 LF 140$ 3,210$ 3 Rip Rap Slope Protection 50 CY 183$ 9,150$ Planting & Irrigation 530,100$ 1 Site Prep 677371 SF 0.30$ 204,120$ 2 5-gallon Container Plants 30 EA 31.64$ 950$ 3 1-gallon Container Plants 235 EA 16.57$ 3,900$ 4 Plant protection cages (CSS Plants Only)235 EA 3.01$ 710$ 5 Seeding (Hydroseed w/ soil amendments and fertilizer)677368 SF 0.20$ 136,080$ 6 Fiber Rolls and Final Stabilization 1 LS 1,525.00$ 1,525$ 7 Irrigation System 1 LS 37,977.87$ 37,980$ 8 Plant establishment maintenance 20 month 3,515.54$ 70,320$ 9 Mobilization/Demobilization 1 LS 5,022.20$ 5,030$ 10 Contingency (15%)1 LS 69,399.01$ 69,400$ Total 1,736,800$ Exhibit 3 Nov. 16, 2021 Item #14 Page 14 of 15 Table 1. Estimate of Probable Cost for the Hub Park Trail Mitigation Program (Upland and Wetland) Task No.Quantity Unit Unit Cost Estimated Cost 1.Preparation of Conceptual Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan Wetland Areas (CHMMP Report)1 Lump Sum $9,500 $9,500 2.Wetland Mitigation/Revegetaation Installation (0.45 ac. = 19,602 sq. ft. )19,602 sq. ft. $2.50 $49,005 3.Wetland Mitigation Maintenance (120-days)4 Month $3,000 $12,000 4.Construction Implementation Monitoring (Installation thru 120-days) (Wetland area only)5 Month $1,500 $7,500 5.5-Yr. Maintenance (0.45 ac. Wetland area only)5 Year $8,500 $42,500 6.5-Yr. Biological Monitoring and Reporting (0.45 ac. Wetland area only)5 Year $10,000 $50,000 7.Final Resource Agecny Sign-off Coordination 1 Lump Sum $5,000 $5,000 Subtotal $175,505 Contingency (15%, rounded-up)$26,326 Total Wetland & Waters Mitigation:$201,831 Total cost per acre for Wetland Mitigation = $201,831 / 0.45 acres = $448,513 / ac. 1.Preparation of Conceptual Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan Upland Areas (CHMMP Report)1 Lump Sum $8,500 $8,500 2.Upland Mitigation/Revegetation Installation (4.24 ac.)184,694 sq. ft. $1.50 $277,041 3.Upland Mitigation Maintenance (120-days)4 Month $2,500 $10,000 5.Construction Implementation Monitoring (Installation thru 120-days) (Upland Mit. Areas)5 Month $2,000 $10,000 6.5-Yr. Maintenance (4.24 ac. Upland area only)5 Year $10,000 $50,000 7.5-Yr. Biological Monitoring and Reporting (4.24 ac. Upland area only)5 Year $10,000 $50,000 8.Final CCC/City Sign-off Coordination 1 Lump Sum $2,500 $2,500 Subtotal $408,041 Contingency (15%, rounded-up)$61,206 Total Upland Mitigation:$469,247 Total cost per acre for Upland Mitigation = $469,247 / 4.24 acres = $110,671 / ac. Grand Total Wetland and Upland Mitigation:$671,078 Total cost per acre for Wetland and Upland Mitigation = $671,078 / 4.69 acres = $143,087 / ac. Task Description Wetland and Waters Mitigation: Work assumes 0.45 acre (19,602 sq. ft.) of Wetland and Waters mitigation area (0.15 acre of impact @ 3:1 mitigation ratio), implemented onsite. Mitigation would meet City, CCC and resource agency requirements. Assumes wetland permitting being cost out separately. Wetland Mitigation Cost Projections Upland Mitigation Cost Projections 8/24/2021, revised (based upon 30% grading and revegetation plans and associated GIS wetlands and uplands impacts assessment). Upland Mitigation: Work assumes 4.24 acre (184,694 sq. ft.) of upland CSS mitigation area (2.12 acres of impact @ 2:1 mitigation ratio), implemented onsite. Mitigation would be designed for compliance with CCC and City of Carlsbad Requirements. Assumes that the upland CSS mitigation would be accomplished as part of the general onsite revegetation effort, but a specific location within the site would be designated for active monitoring and tracking. Installation costs are included in the overall cost estimate, and preparation of an CHMMP and maintenance and monitorng costs are included herein. Exhibit 4Nov. 16, 2021 Item #14 Page 15 of 15 So. Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail Update Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director Kasia Trojanowska, Parks Planning Manager Parks & Recreation Department Nov. 16, 2021 {city of Carlsbad TODAY’S PRESENTATION •Background - Summary •Prior Review and Direction •Parking and Access to Trail •Construction Requirements •Habitat Mitigation Program •Long Term Habitat Management •Local Tribal Communities •Public Engagement •Options and Fiscal Analysis ITEM 14: SO. SHORE AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON TRAIL { City of Carlsbad RECOMMENDED ACTION Receive a project update and provide direction to staff as to whether or not the city should further pursue the design, public engagement and development of the South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail Project within only the Hub Park Lease property. ITEM 14: SO. SHORE AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON TRAIL { City of Carlsbad •1975: City leased 96-acre Hub Park property from SDGE Initial period of 60 years with extension options to 2074 •Aug. 27, 2019: Council adopted the Trails Master Plan •Sept. 17, 2019: Council added a CIP Project for this trail ITEM 14: SO. SHORE AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON TRAIL BACKGROUND - SUMMARY { City of Carlsbad 2.4-mile passive recreational trail Loop around the Strawberry Fields and open space Connection to both west side and east side of property Connection to south side via Cannon Road underpasses ITEM 14: SO. SHORE AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON TRAIL BACKGROUND - SUMMARY { City of Carlsbad •June 15, 2021: Council received an update on initial design Scope of project reduced to stay within property, per SDGE Encroachment into SDGE transmission corridor minimized Use of existing SDGE access roads as a trail minimized ITEM 14: SO. SHORE AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON TRAIL PRIOR REVIEW AND DIRECTION { City of Carlsbad •Length of trail shortened from approx. 2.4 to 1.4 miles •Trail must encroach upon habitat preserve in a few areas •Pedestrian access to trail limited to Cannon Road only •Trailhead cannot include a parking lot; no vehicles at site ITEM 14: SO. SHORE AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON TRAIL PRIOR REVIEW AND DIRECTION { City of Carlsbad ~ Proposed South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail as instructed by the property owner ''-• Antitciapted South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail, Segent 7C per Trails Master Plan, 2019 0) Hub Park Boundary (Source: City 9/2020) POTENTIAL VIEW POINTS ITEM 14: SO. SHORE AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON TRAIL POTENTIAL VIEW POINTS ITEM 14: SO. SHORE AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON TRAIL •Council directed staff to further pursue phases of the trail •Council directed staff to return with project update in fall To include parking, construction mitigation requirements, and habitat area restoration and management costs ITEM 14: SO. SHORE AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON TRAIL PRIOR REVIEW AND DIRECTION { City of Carlsbad •Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation declined to allow city use of the Discovery Center parking lot as a trailhead •SDGE declined to allow city use of the strawberry fields parking lot as a trailhead and as a pedestrian access ITEM 14: SO. SHORE AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON TRAIL PARKING AND ACCESS TO TRAIL { City of Carlsbad •Total estimated construction costs represent a greater than six-fold increase from the total estimated project costs Design revised to avoid existing utility access roads, which results in higher construction and habitat mitigation costs ITEM 14: SO. SHORE AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON TRAIL CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS { City of Carlsbad ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Trail construction $1,736,800 Construction management and inspection $347,360 Insurance, bonding, overhead $521,040 Construction contingency $173,600 Estimated total $2,778,800 ITEM 14: SO. SHORE AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON TRAIL •Part of property designated as proposed hardline preserve Preserves are to be spared from development in perpetuity City to be required to manage land to the HMP’s standards •Trail to impact .45 acres of preserve and 1.66 acres adjacent ITEM 14: SO. SHORE AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON TRAIL HABITAT MITIGATION PROGRAM { City of Carlsbad ESTIMATED HABITAT MITIGATION COSTS ITEM 14: SO. SHORE AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON TRAIL Wetland mitigation $201,831 Upland mitigation $469,247 Estimated total $671,078 •SDGE provides environmental monitoring and management SDGE wishes to continue in role of sole manager of habitat •City likely to assume long-term management of the habitat mitigation areas along the trail, or entire Hub Park property ITEM 14: SO. SHORE AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON TRAIL LONG TERM HABITAT MANAGEMENT { City of Carlsbad ESTIMATED HABITAT MANAGEMENT COSTS ITEM 14: SO. SHORE AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON TRAIL Management of mitigation areas along the trail only $6,500/yr. Management of the entire Hub Park property $39,000/yr. Estimated total $6,500 -$39,000/yr. •Sent notification letter on the project to main local tribes •Conducted site visits with reps from three of the local tribes Property is of significant value to the tribes and there is a strong desire to preserve the landscape in its current form ITEM 14: SO. SHORE AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON TRAIL LOCAL TRIBAL COMMUNITIES { City of Carlsbad •Would move forward if directed to further pursue the trail March 2022: Commence solicitation of input on amenities ITEM 14: SO. SHORE AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON TRAIL PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT { City of Carlsbad 1.Continue pursuit of trail within only the Hub Park property, taking into account the constraints and concerns noted 2.Cease pursuit of trail, taking into account the above, which could reallocate resources to other high priority projects 3.Suspend pursuit of trail within only the Hub Park property, and reengage with the entities to gain greater flexibility ITEM 14: SO. SHORE AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON TRAIL OPTIONS { City of Carlsbad 1.Appropriations needed for one-time costs: $3,213,425 Appropriations needed for ongoing costs: $13,500-$46,000 2.Funds reallocated to other priority projects: $491,440 3.No direct fiscal impact other than the staff time used ITEM 14: SO. SHORE AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON TRAIL FISCAL ANALYSIS OF OPTIONS { City of Carlsbad RECOMMENDED ACTION Receive a project update and provide direction to staff as to whether or not the city should further pursue the design, public engagement and development of the South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail Project within only the Hub Park Lease property. ITEM 14: SO. SHORE AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON TRAIL { City of Carlsbad Thank you ITEM 14: SO. SHORE AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON TRAIL QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION { City of Carlsbad