HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 15-08; CARLSBAD RANCH PA 5 MARBRISA RESORT PHASE III; FINAL SOILS REPORT; 2018-11-05AS-GRADED SOILS REPORT Marbrlsa Resort Phase II! 1594 Marbrisa Court -1500 Cook Drive Carlsbad,California Prepared For: Grand Pacific Resorts, Inc. 5900 Pasteur Court, Suite 200 Carlsbad, California Prepared By: MTGL, Inc. 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C San Diego, California 92121 Project No. 1916B11 Log No. 18-3104 November 5, 2018 Geotechnical Engineering Construction Inspection Materials Tes ting Environmental Geotechnical Engineering I Construction inspection I Materials Testing I Environmental LOCATIONS MTGL Project No.: 1916811 18~3104 SAN DIEGO 6L9S Ferris Squ.ire Suite C San Diego, CA 92121 TeL 858.537.3999 Fax:858.537 3990 ANAHEIM 1992 E. Lil Palrnil Avenue Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax:7M 632 2974 November 5, 2018 Grand Pacific Resorts, Inc. 5900 Pasteur Court, Suite 200 Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Subject: Mr. Houston Arnold AS-GRADED SOILS REPORT Marbrisa Resort Phase Ill 1594 Marbrisa Court-1500 Cook Drive Carlsbad, California MTGL Log No.: EL.SEGUNDO Dear Mr. Arnold: 222 N Sepulveda Boliieva,d Suite 200 We are pleased to present this report summarizing the results of geotechnical testing and El Segundo, CA 90245 observation services provided for Marbrisa Resort Phase II! in Carlsbad, California. The purpose of TeL 310 364 5213 our observation and testing services was to obtain information on which to base our professional rax, :no.364 s201 opinions regarding the conformance of earthwork construction with the approved project plans and specifications. Our service during construction covers observation and testing performed for the R;vrns1or mass grading operations between March 18, 2016 and June 5, 2018. 14467 Meridian Parkway Building 2A Raverside, CA 92518 rel: 951.653 49S<J Fax:951.6$3 4666 ANAHF!M / RIVERSIDE DISPATCH 800 49l.2990 SAN DIEGO DISPATCH 888 844 5060 www.mtglinc.com M/WRE ISBEJ DBf ICBfi DIR 1000006646 ) This report serves as the final compaction report of the conclusion of construction activities for the Phase Ill project, to document the earthwork activities. It follows the building pad certification letters for the Sheraton Hotel 4 report dated March 20, 2017 and the pool house dated February 7, 2017 (References, Appendix A}. A soils technician was provided whenever requested or scheduled by your site representative. Summary of Grading Operations In general, the project consists of construction of six villa buildings that range from two to four stories {Villas 64, 75 through 79) two four-story hotel buildings, a one-story restaurant/lobby/meeting building, two one-story maintenance/outbuildings, a swimming pool automobile parking, concrete hardscape and underground utilitles. Grading operations at the site consisted of remedial grading for the new buildings and pool, remedial grading for general hardscape areas, construction of CMU, concrete and anchor retaining walls and remedial grading of slopes. Remedial grading consisted of removal of au undocumented fi!! and overexcavation of formational material to a maximum depth of five feet {S') below building pad grades and below the swimming pooL Grading at the site included forming cut slopes and re-construction of fill slopes with a maximum height of approximately twenty-five (25') feet. All previously placed undocumented fill materials were removed to expose dense formational soils. The slopes were then constructed in general accordance with the project plans and specifications at a slope ratio of approximately 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) or flatter. At the base of the fill slopes, fill keys were constructed parallel to slope toe by excavating into the existing formational materials a minimum width of eight feet and minimum depth of two feet below lowest adjacent grade. The slopes were then constructed and included benching into the existing slopes at vertical intervals of two to four feet. Fill slope faces were generally overfilled and cut back to grade. The new slopes also included construction of eight anchor retaining walls. Grading of the site was performed by Trinity Grading using scrapers, dozers, loaders, water trucks and compactors. Grading plans also included installation of temporary shoring to protect adjacent structures. The shoring consisted of soldier piles and wooden lagging. Elliot Drilling Services, Inc. constructed the Geotechnical Engineering I Construction Inspection I Materials Testing I Environmental temporary shoring. Elite Concrete constructed the CMU and concrete retaining walls in accordance with regional drawings. MTGL Inc. observed the foundation excavations for the retaining walls. Grading also included backfilling of utility trenches, preparation of pavement and hardscape subgrades and placement of asphalt concrete. FIii Materials Fill soils used during construction consisted of clay (CH) mixed with silty sand (SM), silty sand {SM), dayey sand (SC), sandy silt (Ml}, dayey silt (Ml), granular base material and asphalt concrete. Oversized materials, greater than four inches in size, were not placed within the fill materials. Representative soil samples were collected throughout grading operations. laboratory testing consisting of maximum dry density and optimum moisture content was performed on these samples, in general accordance with the test procedures outlined in ASTM 01557. The results of the laboratory testing are presented on Table 4. Field Density/Moisture Testing In-place moisture and density tests were performed in genera! accordance with ASTM D 6938 for soils and aggregate base. The results of these tests are tabulated in Table 4. Field density testing was performed at random locations and elevations. The approximate locations of the field density test are shown on the Test location Plans (Figures 1 through 8). Geotechnical Evaluation and Conclusions !n our opinion, remedial grading, slope construction, utility backfill and wall backfill were performed in substantial conformance with the compaction criteria of 90 percent of the maximum dry density. Pavement subgrade was placed in substantial conformance with the compaction criteria of 95 percent of the maximum dry density. Asphalt concrete was placed and compacted in substantial conformance with the project documents and Caltrans specifications. The conclusions contained herein are based on the observations and testing performed between March 18, 2016 and June 5, 2018. No representations are made as to the quality and extent of materials not observed. Our services were performed using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances, by reputable soils engineers and geologists practicing in this or similar localities. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the conclusions and professional advice included in this report. Our firm is not responsible for work not observed by us or for any changes that may occur outside of our purview, or after our inspections. The samples taken and used for testing, the observations and the in-place field testing performed are believed representative of the project; however, soil and geological conditions can vary significantly between tested or observed locations, We appreciate the opportunity to be of continued service. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Attachment: Appendix A -References Figures 1 through 8-Test Location Plan Table 1-Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content Test Results Table 2 -Expansion Index Test Table 3 -R-Value Test Table 4-Density Test Results Geotechnical Engineering i Construction Inspection I Materials Testing I Environmental APPENDIX A REFERENCES Excel Engineering {2016). Grading Plans for: Carlsbad Ranch, P.A. No. 5 (Marbriso Phase Ill), PUD 15- 16/SDP 03-0lA/CDP 03-04A/CUP 03-0lA, Project No. CT 15-08, Drawing No. 428-9H. 27 Sheets, February 11. MTGL, Inc. (2015), Geotechnical Investigation, Morbrisa Resorts-Phase Ill, Grand Pacific Resorts, Carlsbad, California, MTGL Project No. 1916A11, MTGL Log No. 15-1063, April 24. MTGL, !nc. {2017), Building Pad Certification -Pool House, Marbrisa Resorts -Phase !I!, Grand Pacific Resorts, Carlsbad, California, MTGL Project No.1916B11, MTGl log No. 17-473, February 27. MTGL Inc. (2017). Building Pad Certification -Hotel 4, Marbrisa Resorts Phase Ill, Grand Pacific Resorts, Carlsbad, California, MTGL Project No. 1916B11, MTGL Log No. 17-480, March 20. \ \ \ I , I I 0 z w Cl lJJ _, z -<t "' _, a n. 1 C z < 0 oc ;::: ii" !$ <t < () ~ q '" I-@ "' ,, u.; I- 0 z UJ CJ w z :s a.. z 0 ~ 0 g ti w f- 0 z w 0 w _j z ::i CL z 0 f-<!'. () 0 -" f-(f) w f- ,ii " s (;' < ~2 cl. w C < , " Q , I, I I ' I ' I I <.. --· I \ \\' I o o I ~~ --1 ' (\\ ':2! I_ "%: .. ___ _, .. , 1"!'_!_."}!t' ~ .. ,. n to .r,~ • •40~,.( ') -ll.&~-~ ~ ,.n ., -,';'~ SASINaic;: , .. 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LOCATION •• • "f I I : ~-.. \.. .. -:-~, ,~ ~n 'J'IG. f-¢ •2f-~ J 1 • I 1': ' I ( fl I , -----------------~ ~ sci1c..~, :· .. ~ ;-~ -;;; ;.--;; • I i r --J'.J__ l .. <,; ... ~~.,. .. AIAT0/1.INE' ~ SHEET 12 Es'iGlNEE.R OF WORK rmD~ -Q.--~--!..11'0 K,UIM%' • [M)?.{c,n;,; • !'LJ'li'Yf'rW~' u:; ;r~it" oll!.-$(.:f. ~'JCvt1>.--..~. ~ "lCN A1 P't.QJ::!~;",-a 11.0, rt.:, t7«'F~~ -i~ ~~•M• ioo(" ~ ""'""' . .... , .... -l~J.',_~ ("~ ~~~-•.~S BLJ'L 7"' '"'---TEST LOCATION PLAN 1916B11 MARBRISA PHASE 11! FIGURE 5 ' 1 \ \ ·, '? ; ' ' ' " ' ''.s?' / I 0 z w (~ ':':J .......... "".' ..... 0 ill 0 Ll./ -I : ' z <t ' n.... z 0 f-<t 0 0 -' t:; w I- Cl z LU (') ':J z < _J CL z 0 !;;: () 0 ..J ti LU f- :::-: \aJ 0 $ C ~ C 0 cc < ' a 0 a Geotechnical Engineering I Construction Inspection I Materials Testing I Environmental TABLE I MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY Al'il) OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT TEST RESULTS (ASTM D 1557) Dry Optimum Lab No. Description Density Moisture (pd) (%) 6 Silty Sand (SM) Orange~brown 124.5 10.1 - 41 Silty Sand (SM)-Brown 132 8.6 61 Clayey Sand (SC) -Orange-brown 127.7 10.2 72 Class 2 Recycled Base 123.2 10.4 - 74 Asphalt Concrete 145.8 NIA ~ - 85 Clayey Silt (ML) M Light brown 122.8 11.6 121 Silty Sand (SM) -Brown 126.6 10.3 122 Silty Sand (SM) -Brown 131.3 8.5 - 124 Silty Sand (SM) -Brown 129.3 9.3 125 Silty Sand (SM) -Brown 125.8 8.9 149 Clayey Sand (SC) -Mix brown 115.7 13.6 152 Sandy Silt (ML)-Yellow 106.0 14.4 155 Clay (CH) mixed with Silty Sand (SM) -117.6 13.3 Greenish gray~brown ·- 218 Sandy Silt (ML) -Tan 117.4 13. l 434 Base Material -· Gray 128.4 8.8 555 I Silty Sand (SM) -Brown 129.8 8.1 - Geot.echnical Engineering l Construction Inspection ! Materials Testing I Environmental 569 Class 2 Recycled Base .. _ Gray 580 Asphalt Concrete 600 Silty Sand (SM) -Tan 632 Class 2 Recycled Base -· Gray 569 Class 2 Recycled Base -Gray 580 Asphalt Concrete Test No. 149 155 Test No./Location #602/Balboa Circle - South End of South Driveway #603/Balboa Circle - North End of South Driveway TABLE2 EXPANSION INDEX TEST (ASTM D4829) Description Clayey Sand (SC) -Brown C lay (Clll With Silty Sand -Greenis -1!.raV brown TABLE3 R~ VALUE TEST (CAL TEST 301) Description Clayey Sand (SC) Orange- Brown Lean Clay (CL) Brown 114.3 13.6 148.4 NIA 124.1 8.5 123.0 l0.6 114.3 13.6 148.4 NIA Expansion Index 29 (Low) 134 (Very High) R~Value 24 -By Equilibrium 5 TABLE4 MTGL ProJect No. 1916B11 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Log No. 18-3104 Test Test Elevation/ Location/ Soll Max. Dry Moisture Dey Relative Required Retest No. Date Depth Station Type Density Content Densily Compaction Compaction Number [ft] lpcij [¾J [pc!] {%} [%} 1 3121/2016 189 stormdrain trench 121 126.6 11.0 119.8 95 90 2 3/21/2016 189 stormdrain trench 121 126.6 11.4 119.6 94 90 3 3/21/2016 188 stormdrain trench 121 126.6 11,2 122.2 97 90 4 3/21/2016 188 stormdrain trench 121 126.6 11.6 122.6 97 90 5 3/23/2016 183.5 stormdrain trench 124 129.3 8.7 118.5 92 90 6 3/23/2016 185.5 stormdra!n trench 124 129.3 9.2 117.9 91 90 7 3/23/2016 187 stormdrain trench 124 129.3 8.7 118.3 91 90 8 3/23/2016 187 storrndrain trench 124 129.3 8.6 1 i8.1 91 90 9 3/23/2016 183 stormdrain trench 121 126.6 10.8 115.0 91 90 10 3/23/2016 184 stormdrain trench 124 129.3 9.4 119.6 92 90 11 3/23/2016 186 manhole 124 129.3 10.3 121.9 94 90 12 3/23/2016 187 villa 77 123 131.0 8.8 122.2 93 90 13 3/2312016 187 villa 77 123 131.0 83 123.0 94 90 14 3/23/2016 187 villa 77 123 131,0 8.9 125.5 96 90 15 3/23/2016 188 vi!!a 77 123 131,0 10.4 123,8 95 90 16 3/23/2016 188 villa 77 123 131.0 9.6 124.8 95 90 17 3/23/2016 188 villa 77 124 129.3 10.4 117.7 91 90 18 3/23/2016 188 villa 77 124 129.3 9.5 118.6 92 90 19 3/23/2016 189 elev pit villa 76 124 129.3 9.9 119.4 92 90 20 3/23/2016 190 e!ev pit vii!a 76 123 131.0 93 121.7 93 90 21 3/23/2016 191 elev pit vi!!a 76 123 131.0 9.6 123.0 94 90 22. 3/24/2016 189 villa 77 124 129.3 10.0 120.8 93 90 23 3/24/2016 189 villa 77 124 129,3 8.9 120.1 93 90 24 3/24/2016 189 villa 77 123 131.0 9.6 124.4 95 90 25 3/24/2016 189 villa 77 123 131.0 9.3 122.6 94 90 26 3/24/2016 193 vdla 76 123 131.0 8.9 123.4 94 90 27 3/24/2016 193 vma 76 123 131 .0 98 124.7 95 90 28 3/24/2016 193 vil!a 76 123 131.0 96 124.2 95 90 29 3/24/2016 193 vma 76 123 131.0 99 123.5 94 90 30 3/24/2016 190 villa 77 123 131.0 9.9 125.3 96 90 31 3r241201e 190 villa 77 123 131,0 9.7 124A 95 90 32 3/24/2016 190 villa 77 123 131.0 9.4 126.6 97 90 33 3/24/2016 190 villa 77 123 131.0 93 126.3 96 90 34 3/2412016 190 vil!a77 122 131,3 9.6 1282 98 90 35 3/24/2016 190 vi!la 77 122 131,3 10.3 123.4 94 90 36 3/24/2016 194 villa 76 122 131,3 10.2 122.4 93 90 37 3/24/2016 194 vi/!a 76 122 131.3 10.1 122 4 93 90 38 3124/2016 194 villa 76 122 131.3 8.7 126.5 96 90 39 3/24/2016 194 vma 76 122 131.3 8.9 1262 96 90 40 3/24/2016 194 villa 76 122 131.3 10.7 124.9 95 90 41 3/24/2016 195 villa 76 122 131.3 10.1 125.8 96 90 42 3/24i2016 195 vi!!a 76 122 131,3 10.4 126.8 97 90 43 3/24/2016 195 villa 76 124 129 3 9.8 121,7 94 90 44 3/24/2016 195 villa 76 124 129.3 10.3 123.4 95 90 45 3/24/2016 195 vi!la 76 124 129.3 94 120.1 93 90 46 3/24/20i6 191.3 villa 77 123 131.0 9.0 125.4 96 90 47 3/24/2016 191.3 villa 77 123 131.0 9.5 123.6 94 90 48 3/24/2016 191.3 villa 77 123 131.0 9.4 124.1 95 90 49 3/24/2016 191.3 villa 77 123 131.0 89 126.8 97 90 50 3/24/2016 191,3 villa 77 123 131.0 9-1 125.0 95 90 51 3/24/2016 191.3 villa 77 123 131.0 9.0 124.5 95 90 52 3/24/2016 195 villa 76 123 131.0 8.8 124.4 95 90 53 3/24/2016 195 vi!la76 123 131.0 9.2 123.3 94 90 54 3/24/2016 195 vil!a '76 123 131,0 9 1 123.7 94 90 TABLE 4 MTGL Project No. 1916811 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Log No 18-3104 Test Test Elevation/ location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Dry Relative Required Retest No. Date Depth Station Type Density Content Density Compaction Compaction Number [ft] [pcfj {¾J [pcf] [%] [%1 55 3/24/2016 195 villa 76 123 131.0 8.7 123.1 94 90 56 3/2512016 196 villa 76 123 131.0 9.0 119.8 91 90 57 3/25/2016 196 villa 76 123 131.0 9.2 119.6 91 90 58 3/25/2016 196 vi!Ja 76 123 131.0 8.3 121.6 93 90 59 3/25/2016 196 villa 76 123 131.0 8.8 118.6 91 90 60 3/25/2016 196 villa 76 121 126.6 1 i .2 116.8 92 90 61 3/25/2016 196 villa 76 121 126.6 10.8 116.6 92 90 62 3/25/2016 197 vma 76 123 131.0 10.3 123.1 94 90 63 3125/2016 197 villa 76 123 131,0 9.7 121.0 92 90 64 3/25/2016 197 villa 76 123 131.0 8.7 119.2 91 90 65 3/25/2016 197 villa 76 123 131.0 9.4 121.7 93 90 66 3-/2512016 197 villa 76 122 131.3 9.2 127.1 97 90 67 3/25/2016 197 villa 76 122 131.3 10.5 124.0 94 90 68 3/25/2016 197 villa 75 121 126.6 11-2 120.0 95 90 69 3/25/2016 197 vilfa 75 122 131.3 8.6 126.4 96 90 70 3/25/2016 198 villa 75 121 126.6 9.7 122.7 97 90 71 3125/2016 198 villa 75 122 131.3 9.0 125.1 95 90 72 3/25/2016 199 villa 75 122 131.3 9.4 124 8 95 90 73 3/25/2016 199 villa 75 122 131.3 9.6 124,3 95 90 74 3/25/2016 197 bioretent pond 3 123 13i .0 99 119 2 91 90 75 3/2512016 198 bioretent pond 3 123 131.0 9.3 121.3 93 90 76 3/25/2016 199 bioretent pond 3 123 131.0 9.6 119.8 91 90 77 3/25/2016 199 pond 3 keyway 122 131.3 89 127.0 97 90 78 3/25/2016 198 pond 3 keyway 122 131.3 84 126.2 96 90 79 3/28/2016 200 villa 75 122 131.3 10.0 124.3 95 90 80 3128/2016 200 villa 75 121 126.6 10.9 119.9 95 90 81 3/28/2016 201 vi!!a 75 122 131.3 10,0 121.7 93 90 82 3/28/2016 201 villa 75 125 125.8 10.3 117.0 93 90 83 3/28/2016 201 vllla 75 122 131.3 10.7 122.9 94 90 84 3/28/2016 201 villa 75 121 126.6 95 120,7 95 90 85 3/28/2016 202 pkng villa 76 123 131,0 99 121.6 93 90 86 3/2812016 202 pkng villa 76 123 131.0 9.0 123.8 95 90 87 3/2-8/2016 202 villa 75 123 131.0 8.9 124.2 95 90 88 3/28/2016 202 villa 75 123 131,0 8.9 123.1 94 90 89 3/28/2016 202 vi!!a 75 122 131,3 10.6 123.3 94 90 90 3/28/2016 202 villa 75 '!22 131.3 10, 1 123.7 94 90 91 3/28/2016 203 villa 75 122 131.3 10.2 123.8 94 90 92 3/28/2016 203 villa 75 122 131.3 95 125.5 96 90 93 3/28/2016 203 villa 75 122 131.3 9.4 123,3 94 90 94 3/28/2016 204 pkng vma 76 122 131.3 10,5 123.4 94 90 95 3/28/2016 205 pkng villa 76 122 131.3 10.4 122,8 94 90 96 3i28/2016 204 pkng villa 76 122 131.3 10-5 122.3 93 90 97 3/28/2016 204 villa 75 122 131.3 10.3 122.6 93 90 98 3/28/2016 204 vi!!a 75 122 131.3 10.4 124.0 94 90 99 3128/2016 204 villa 75 122 131.3 10.3 123.1 94 90 100 3/28/2016 204 villa 75 122 131.3 94 125.4 96 90 101 3/29/2016 205 villa 75 125 125.8 9.9 118.7 94 90 102 3/2912016 205 villa 75 122 131,3 10.3 123.6 94 90 103 3/29/2016 205 villa 75 122 131.3 92 121.4 92 90 104 3/29/2016 205 villa 75 122 131.3 8.7 126.6 96 90 105 3129/2016 205 villa 75 125 125.8 8.7 119.9 95 90 106 3/29/2016 206 vi!la 75 122 131,3 9.2 122.4 93 90 107 3/29/2016 206 villa 75 122 131.3 8.8 125,6 96 90 108 3/29/2016 206 villa 75 121 126.6 96 118.7 94 90 109 3/29/2016 206 villa 75 121 126.6 10.9 119.4 94 90 TABLE4 MTGL Project No. 1916811 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Log No. 18-3104 Test Test Elevation/ Location/ Soi! Max. Dry Moisture Dey Re!alive Required Retest No. Date Depth Station Type Density Content Density Compaction Compaction Numbef [ft] [pcij f%J [pciJ (%] [%J 110 3/29/2076 206 villa 75 122 1-31.3 8.9 123.8 94 90 111 3i29/2016 207 pkng villa 76 122 131 .3 10,0 125.3 95 90 112 3/29/2016 207 pkng viUa 76 122 131.3 9.8 125.6 96 90 113 3129/2016 207 pkng vilra 76 122 131.3 10-2 124.4 95 90 114 3/2912016 207 villa 75 122 131.3 9.7 122.5 93 90 115 3/29/2016 207 villa 75 122 131.3 10,3 126.0 96 90 116 3/29/2016 207 villa 75 122 131.3 10.1 122.7 93 90 117 3129/2016 207 vi!!a 75 122 131.3 10.0 124.2 95 90 118 3/29/2016 207 villa 75 122 131.3 9.4 124,7 95 90 119 3/29/2016 204 pkng dvwy imp3 122 131.3 9.0 126.8 97 90 120 3/29/2016 205 pkng dvwy imp3 122 131.3 99 125_0 95 90 121 3/29/2016 206 pkng dWly lmp3 122 131.3 9,2 126.1 96 90 122 3/29/2016 207 pkng dvwy imp3 i21 126.6 10.8 118.8 94 90 123 3/29/2016 208 pkng dvwy lmp3 121 126.6 11.2 119.1 94 90 124 3i2912016 209 pkng dvwy imp3 121 126.6 11.0 118.5 94 90 125 3/30/2016 210 pkng dvwy imp3 123 131.0 8.9 119.8 91 90 126 3/30/2016 210 pkng dvwy imp3 123 131.0 8.2 119.6 91 90 127 3/30/2016 210 pkng dvwy lmp3 123 131.0 8.3 1222 93 90 128 3/30/2016 211 pkng dvwy imp3 123 131.0 9.0 123:7 94 90 129 3/30/2016 211 pkng dvwy imp3 123 131.0 8.2 119.3 91 90 130 3130120'16 212 pkng dvwy imp3 12.3 131.0 89 i 19.6 91 90 131 3/30/2016 209 keyway pool area 123 131.0 10.0 121.3 93 90 132 3/30/2016 209 key,.vay pool area 125 125.8 10.6 115.1 91 90 133 3/30/2016 208 keyway pool area 125 125.8 9.4 119.4 95 90 134 3/30/2016 207 keyway pool area 125 125.8 98 117.7 94 90 135 3/30/2016 205,4 keyway pool area 125 125.8 9.5 118.3 94 90 136 3/30/2016 206.5 keyway pool area 125 125.8 9.6 117.6 93 90 137 3/30/2016 209.2 keyway poof area 125 125,8 10.1 116.9 93 90 138 3/3012016 210 keyway pool area 123 131,0 96 122,6 94 90 139 3/30/2016 209 keyway pool area 125 125.8 91 118.5 94 90 140 3/30/2016 210 keyway poo! area 123 131.0 9.4 119.5 91 90 141 3130/2016 208 keyway pool area 123 131.0 86 119.7 91 90 142 3/30/2016 209 keyway pool area 123 131.0 8.8 122.1 93 90 143 3/30/2016 205 pool restrm 123 131.0 8.9 123.5 94 90 144 3/30/2016 207 pool restrrn 12.3 131 .0 9.2 121.4 93 90 145 3/30/2016 209 pool restrm 123 131.0 9.4 123.6 94 90 146 3/30/2.016 211 pool restrm 123 131.0 9.3 122.7 94 90 147 3/30/2015 213 pool restrm 124 129-3 9.2 120.6 93 90 148 3/30/2016 214 pool restrm 125 125,8 10,6 118.7 94 90 149 3/31/2016 203.9 balboa circle 149 115.7 11.6 111.6 96 90 150 3/31/2016 204 balboa cirde 149 115.7 11.1 112.5 97 90 151 3/31/2016 205 balboa circle 149 115.7 13.1 112.4 97 90 152 3/31/2016 205.3 balboa circle 149 115,7 12.3 111.4 96 90 '153 3/31/2016 214 slope 123 131.0 102 124_3 95 90 154 3/31/2016 215 slope 123 !31,0 94 124.1 95 90 155 3/31/2016 214 pkng dvwy lmp3 123 131.0 10.9 122.0 93 90 156 3/31/2016 214 pkng dvwy imp3 123 131.0 10.1 122.0 93 90 157 3131/2016 214 pkng dvwy imp3 125 125.8 8.6 118.6 94 90 158 3/31i2016 215 pkng dvwy imp3 '122 131.3 10.4 121-7 93 90 159 3/31/2016 215 pkng dWly imp3 122 131.3 10.2 122.1 93 90 160 3/31/2016 215 pkng dvwy imp3 122 131.3 10.8 123.9 94 90 161 3/31/2016 212 pool 125 125,8 9.4 115.9 92 90 162 3/31/2016 212 pool 125 125.8 9.3 116, 1 92 90 163 3/31/2016 212 pool 125 125.8 96 116.8 93 90 164 3/31/2016 213 pool 123 131.0 88 122.1 93 90 TABLE4 MTGL Project No. 1916811 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Log No. 18~3104 Test Test Eleva lion/ Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Dry Reiative Required Retest No. Date Depth Station Type Density Content Density Compaction Compaction Number !81 [pcfJ [%j (PcfJ [%1 !%J 165 3i31/2016 213 pool 123 131.0 8.6 124.3 95 90 166 3/3i/2016 213 pool 125 125.8 10.7 116.7 93 90 167 3/3112016 213 poo! 125 125.8 10.2 117.9 94 90 168 3/31/2016 214 pool 125 125.8 10.6 t 19.6 95 90 169 3/31/2016 214 poo! 125 125.8 9.6 120.6 96 90 170 3/31/2016 214 pool 121 126.6 10.B 119.0 94 90 171 3/31/2016 214 pool 121 126.6 9.5 118.7 94 90 172 4/1/2016 215 pool 122 131.3 10.0 120.3 92 90 173 4/1/2016 215 pool 124 129.3 "10.3 120.9 94 90 174 41112016 215 pool 121 126.6 92 120.1 95 90 175 4/112016 215 pooi 125 125.8 9.2 119.4 95 90 176 4/1/2016 216 pool 125 125.8 95 118.6 94 90 177 41112016 216 pool 125 125.8 9.7 119.0 95 90 178 4/1/2016 216 pool '125 125.8 10.4 116.8 93 90 179 4/1/2016 216 pool 125 125.8 10.1 118 1 94 90 180 4i1!2016 216 pool 125 125,8 9.6 117.8 94 90 181 4/1/2016 216 pool 125 125 8 10.3 117.0 93 90 182 4/1/2018 214 slope 125 125.8 94 119.4 95 90 183 4/1/2016 216 slope 125 125.8 9.3 117.1 93 90 184 4/112016 217 stope 125 125.8 10,5 118.6 94 90 185 4/1/2016 219 slope 125 125.8 10.8 117.1 93 90 186 4/1/2016 214 slope 125 125.8 10.3 118.6 94 90 187 4/1/2016 216 slope 122 131,3 10.1 120.9 92 90 188 4/1/2016 218 slope 125 125.8 10.2 118.4 94 90 189 4/1/2018 220 slope 125 125.8 10.3 117.8 94 90 190 411/2018 219 poof 124 129.3 10.1 119,5 92 90 191 4/112016 218 poof 122 131.3 9.7 123.0 94 90 192 4/1/2016 218 pool 122 131.3 10.1 123.7 94 90 193 4/1/2016 217 pool 124 129.3 10.5 119.1 92 90 194 4/1/2016 217 pool 121 126,6 10.0 117.2 93 90 195 4/1/2016 217 pool 121 126.6 9.8 117.6 93 90 196 4/1/2016 217 poof 125 125,8 10.1 116.5 93 90 197 4/1/2016 217 poo1 125 125.8 10.2 118-0 94 90 198 4/4/2016 218 pool bldg 124 129.3 10,7 122.0 94 90 199 4/4/2016 218 pool bldg 121 126.6 10,5 118.7 94 90 200 4/4/2016 218 pool bldg 125 125,8 95 115.9 92 90 201 4/412016 218 poof bldg 121 126.6 10.4 119.7 95 90 202 4/4/2016 218 pool bldg 124 129.3 10.3 121.7 94 90 203 4/4/2016 218 pool bldg 124 129.3 10.9 120,6 93 90 204 4/4/2016 218 slope 125 125.8 10.5 116.0 92 90 205 4/4/2016 217 slope 123 131.0 9.7 121.1 92 90 206 4/4/2016 217 sfope 124 129.3 10.1 120.2 93 90 207 4/4/2016 215 pool restrm 122 131.3 96 124.8 95 90 208 4/4/2016 216 pool restrm 121 126.6 10.4 119.4 94 90 209 4/4/2016 216 pool restrm 121 126.6 10.1 1212 96 90 210 4/4/2016 217 poo! restrm 122 131.3 10.6 122.8 94 90 211 4/4/2016 217 pool restrm 121 126.6 10.0 119.9 95 90 212 4/5/2016 218 pool res!rm 125 125.8 9.8 114,7 91 90 213 4/5/2016 218 pool restrm 125 125,8 9.2 116.0 92 90 214 4/5/2016 218 pool restrm 122 131.3 94 122,5 93 90 215 4/5/2016 218 poo! restrm 125 125.8 9.6 116.9 93 90 216 4/512016 218 pool restrm 125 125.B 10.1 118.2 94 90 217 4/5/2016 218 pool restrrn 125 125.8 9.8 117,4 93 90 218 4/5/2016 218 pool restrm 125 125.8 10.4 115.5 92 90 TABLE4 MTGL Project No. 1916811 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Log No. 18-3104 Test Test EievatiM/ Location! Soi! Max. Dry Moisture Dey Relative Required Retest No Date Depth Station Type Denslty Content Density Compaction Compaction Number [ft] [pcfj [%] [pcfj [%1 [%1 219 4/512016 218 pool res!rm 122 131.3 93 122.4 93 90 220 4/5/2016 218 poo! restrm 122 131.3 10.3 123-4 94 90 221 4/5/2016 218 poof restrm 122 131.3 10.1 121.8 93 90 222 4/5/2016 219 poof restrm 122 131 .3 9Jl 123.7 94 90 223 4/5/2016 219 pool restrm 125 125.8 97 116.6 93 90 22.4 4/6/2016 219 pool restrm 152 106.0 14.3 103.7 98 90 225 4/6/2016 219 poo! restrm 152 106 0 14.8 102.1 96 90 226 4/6/2016 219 pooi restrm 152 106.0 14.6 103.3 97 90 227 4/6/2016 219 pool restrm 152 106.0 13.9 101-8 96 90 228 4/6/2016 220 pool restrm 125 125.8 9.7 118-2 94 90 229 4/6/2016 220 pool restrm 125 125.8 10.6 122.9 98 90 230 4/6/2016 220 pool restrm 124 129.3 98 123.3 95 90 2.31 4/6/2016 220 pool restrm 124 129,3 98 121.2 94 90 232 4/6/2016 220 pool restrm 124 129.3 10.2 120.2 93 90 233 4/6/2016 221 pool restrm 124 129.3 9.5 121.7 94 90 234 4/6/2016 221 pool restrm 124 129.3 10.8 120.3 93 90 235 4/6/2016 221 pool restrm 124 129.3 9.6 121.0 94 90 236 4/6/2016 221 pool 124 \29.3 10,3 120.3 93 90 237 4/6/2016 221 pool 124 129.3 98 120.9 94 90 238 4/6/2'016 210 bldg NE hotel 3 152 106.0 13,8 104,3 98 90 239 4/6/2016 210 bldg NE hotel 3 152 106.0 14.1 102.4 97 90 240 4/6/2016 210 bldg NE hotel 3 152 106.0 14.0 101.8 96 90 241 4/6/2016 210 bldg NE hotel 3 152 106.0 13.9 103.1 97 90 242 4/6/2016 211 bldg NE hotel 3 124 129.3 9.8 119.5 92 90 243 4/6/2016 211 bldg NE hotel 3 124 129.3 10,8 120.8 93 90 244 416/2016 212 bldg NE hotel 3 124 129.3 9.9 119.7 93 90 245 4/6/2016 212 bldg NE hotel 3 124 129.3 9.3 120A 93 90 246 4/6/2016 212 bldg NE hotel 3 124 129.3 10.1 120.7 93 90 247 4/6/:2016 213 bldg NE hotel 3 124 129.3 10.3 121.4 94 90 248 41612016 213 bldg NE hotel 3 124 129.3 10.0 120.6 93 90 249 4/6/2016 214 bldg NE hotel 3 124 129.3 95 121.5 94 90 250 4/6/2016 214 bldg NE hotel 3 124 129.3 10.4 122.6 95 90 251 4/7/2016 215 bldg NE hotel 3 125 125.8 9.7 117.2 93 90 252 4/7/2016 215 bldg NE hotel 3 125 125,8 98 118,3 94 90 253 4/7/2016 216 bldg NE hotel 3 125 125.8 10.1 118.7 94 90 254 4/7i2016 216 bldg NE hotel 3 124 129.3 99 120.0 93 90 255 4!712016 217 bldg NE hotel 3 124 129.3 10.4 122,3 95 90 256 4/11/2016 217 bldg NE hotel 3 124 129.3 10.2 119.6 92 90 257 4/11/2016 217 bldg NE hotel 3 124 129.3 11.2 122.7 95 90 258 4/11/2016 217 bldg NE hotel 3 122 131.3 10.3 123.0 94 90 259 4/11/2016 218 bldg NE hotel 3 122 131.3 10.8 123.2 94 90 260 4/11/2016 218 bldg NE hotel 3 122 131.3 10.0 122.7 93 90 261 4/11/2016 218 bldg NE hotel 3 124 12R3 10.1 119.3 92 90 262 4/11/2016 219 bldg NE hotel 3 122 131,3 10.1 122.9 94 90 263 4/11/2016 219 bldg NE hotel 3 124 129.3 9.7 121.1 94 90 264 4/11/2016 220 bldg NE hotel 3 124 129.3 11.0 121.5 94 90 265 4/11/2016 221 bldg NE hotel 3 124 129.3 10.7 120.4 93 90 266 4/11/2016 221 bldg NE hotel 3 124 129.3 10.1 119.1 92 90 267 4/11/2016 222 bldg NE hotel 3 124 129.3 10.7 120.8 93 90 268 4/11/2016 212 parking 155 117.6 17.2 108.4 92 90 269 4i11/2016 212 parking 149 115.7 16.6 105.9 92 90 270 4/11/2016 212 parking 149 115.7 16.2 1062 92 90 271 4/11/2016 214 parking 155 117.6 16.1 109.5 93 90 272 4/11/2016 214 parking 149 115 7 17.1 10!:iA 91 90 273 4/11/2016 216 parking 155 117,6 16.6 107.3 91 90 TABLE 4 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Log No 18-3104 Test Test Elevation/ Location/ Soii Max. Dry Moisture Dry Relative Required Retest No. Date Depth Station Type Density Content Density Compaction Compaction Number {ft] [pcfj [%J [pcj {%] [%] 274 4/11/2016 216 parking 155 117,6 16.8 109.5 93 90 275 4/11/2016 218 parking 155 117.6 16.5 107.5 91 90 276 4/11/2016 218 parking 149 115.7 16.2 106.3 92 90 277 4/11/2016 209.5 balboa circle 149 115.7 16.9 106.3 92 90 278 4/1112016 211 balbOa circle 149 115.7 17.2 106.3 92 90 '279 4/11/2016 211 balboa circle 155 117.6 16.7 110.7 94 90 280 4/11/2016 208 balboa circle 149 115.7 16.8 105. i 91 90 281 4/11(2.016 208.5 balboa circ!e 149 115.7 16.7 106.0 92 90 282 4/11/2016 207 balboa circle 149 115.7 16.6 106.9 92 90 283 4/12/2016 222 bldg NE hotel 3 122 131.3 10.1 123.4 94 90 284 4/12/2016 222 bldg NE hotel 3 122 131 3 9.7 124.0 94 90 285 4/12/2016 223 bldg NE hotel 3 122 131.3 94 123,7 94 90 286 4/12/2016 223 bidg NE hotel 3 122 131,3 9 1 126.3 96 90 287 4/12/2016 223 bldg NE hotel 3 122 131.3 9.0 122.0 93 90 288 4/12/2016 223 bldg NE hotel 3 122 131.3 93 123.6 94 90 289 4/12/2016 189 keyway villa 77 121 126.6 10.0 117.0 92 90 290 4/12/2016 191 keyway villa 77 124 129.3 10.3 119-9 93 90 291 4/1212016 193 keyway villa 77 121 126,6 10.4 115.4 91 90 292 4/"12/2016 194 keyway villa 77 121 126.6 10.9 116.4 92 90 293 4/12/2016 195 keyway 11rna 77 121 126.6 10-4 117.8 93 90 294 4/12/2016 196 keyway vma 77 121 126,6 10.7 117.5 93 90 295 4/13/2016 194 slopes vilfa 75/76 123 131.0 9.1 124.5 95 90 296 4/13/2016 l93.5 slopes villa 75r/6 123 131 .. 0 89 123.2 94 90 297 4/1312016 193 slopes vii!a 75/76 124 129.3 9.9 120.0 93 90 296 4/13/2016 194 slopes villa 75/76 121 126.6 9.3 116.4 92 90 299 4/1312016 203 slopes vi!!a 75176 123 131.0 9.5 121.3 93 90 300 4/13/2016 205 slopes villa 75/76 121 126,6 10.2 116.9 92 90 301 4/1312016 204 s!ope villa 76 123 131.0 9.1 124.7 95 90 302 4/13/2016 195 slope villa 76 121 126,6 10.1 117.8 93 90 303 4/13/2016 196 slope villa 76 121 126.6 10.5 117.1 92 90 304 4/13/2016 197 slope villa 76 121 126.6 10.8 118.3 93 90 305 4/1412016 197.8 villa 76 124 129-3 9.3 121.7 94 90 306 4/14/2016 197.8 villa 76 123 131.0 8.3 126.0 96 90 307 4/14/2016 197.8 villa 76 124 129.3 9.6 120.2 93 90 308 4/14/2016 197.8 vi!la 76 123 131.0 99 126.9 97 90 309 4/14/2016 197.8 vil!a76 123 131.0 8.5 124.6 95 90 310 4/14/2016 197.8 villa 76 !24 129.3 9.6 120.5 93 90 311 4/14/2016 199 ba!bOa circle 122 131.3 9.9 124,3 95 90 312 4/14/2016 200 balboa circle 124 129.3 10.1 121.9 94 90 313 4/14/2016 201 ba!bOa c1rc!e 122 131.3 9.5 125.8 96 90 314 4/14/2016 202 baiboa circle 122 131.3 10.6 125.1 95 90 315 4/15/2016 2'\6 hotel 3 !obby 124 129.3 10.1 119.9 93 90 316 4/15i2016 218 hotel 3 lobby 124 129.3 10,4 119.1 92 90 317 4/15/2016 218 hotel 3 lobby 124 129.3 10.5 120.6 93 90 318 4/15/2.016 218 ho1el ~ lobby 121 126-6 10.3 118,8 94 90 319 4/15/2016 219 hotel 3 lobby 124 129,3 10.6 119.3 92 90 320 4/"15/2016 219 hotel 3 !obby 124 129.3 10.9 119.9 93 90 321 4/15/2016 219 hotel 3 lobby 121 126,6 11.5 118.1 93 90 322 4/15/2016 220 hotel 3 lobby 121 126.6 10.7 117.2 93 90 323 4/15/2016 220 hotet 3 lobby 121 126.6 10.5 '118.7 94 90 324 4/15/2016 220 hotel 3 lobby 121 126.6 10-8 117.3 93 90 325 4/15/2016 220 hotel 3 lobby 121 126.6 10,6 118.0 93 90 326 4/1512016 221 hotel 3 lobby 122 131.3 9.1 124.6 95 90 327 4/15/2016 221 hotel 3 !obby 124 129.3 10.8 120.2 93 90 328 4/15/2016 222 hote! 3 lobby 124 129.3 9.6 120.7 93 90 TABLE4 MTGL Project No. 1916811 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Log No. 18"3104 Tesi: Test Elevatlon/ Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture D,y Reiative Required Retest No. Date Depth Station Type Density Content Density Compaction Compaction Number [ft) [pcfj [%J [pcfj !%] {%) 329 4/15/2016 222 hotel 3 lobby 121 126.6 9.3 117.6 93 90 330 4/15/2016 222 hotet 3 lobby 121 126,6 9.8 117.5 93 90 331 4/20/2016 198 slope at imp 3 122 131.3 9.5 124,5 95 90 332 4/20/2016 200 slope at imp 3 124 129-3 10,3 123.5 !l6 90 333 4i20/2016 201.7 slope at imp 3 124 129.3 9 1 122.2 95 90 334 4/20/2016 202.8 s!ope at imp 3 124 129.3 96 125.2 97 90 335 4/20/2016 203 slope at imp 3 124 129.3 !0.0 122.9 95 90 336 4/20/2016 204 slope at imp 3 124 129,3 9.3 124.1 !l6 90 337 4/21/2016 224 bldg N hotel 3 124 129.3 10.0 120,0 93 90 338 4/21i2016 224 b!dg N hote! 3 122 131.3 9.4 123.1 94 90 339 4/21/2016 224 bldg N hotel 3 122 131.3 9.7 123,8 94 90 340 4/21/2016 224 bldg N hotel 3 122 131.3 10.1 126.0 96 90 341 4/21/2016 224 bldg N hotel 3 124 129.3 9.9 121.4 94 90 342 4/21/2016 224 bldg N hotel 3 124 129.3 98 119.4 92 90 343 4/21/2016 211.5 hotel 3 152 106.0 16.8 998 94 90 344 4/21/2016 212 hotel 3 152 106.0 ff3 100.2 95 90 345 4/21/2016 212.5 hote!3 \52 106.0 17.0 102.0 !l6 90 346 4/21/2016 213 hotel 3 122 131.3 9.2 123.9 94 90 347 4/21/2016 213 hotel 3 122 131.3 9.3 121.3 92 90 348 4/21/2016 213 hotel 3 122 131-3 98 121.4 92 90 349 4/21/2016 214 hotel 3 122 131.3 93 120.8 92 90 350 4;2112016 214 note! 3 122 131.3 10.3 121.9 93 90 351 4/21/2016 214 hote! 3 122 131.3 9 1 124.6 95 90 352 4/21/2016 214 hotel 3 122 131.3 9.4 124.5 95 90 353 4/21/2016 215 hotel 3 122 131.3 8.9 121.2 92 90 354 4/21/2016 215 hotel 3 122 131.3 9.2 122.6 93 90 355 4/21/2016 215 hotel 3 122 131.3 97 124.3 95 90 356 4i21!2016 216 hole! 3 122 131.3 9.6 123.9 94 90 357 4/21/2016 216 hotel 3 122 131.3 93 119.5 91 90 358 4121/2016 216 hotel 3 121 126.6 10.1 117.8 93 90 359 4/21/2016 217 hotel 3 121 126.6 10.7 118.3 93 90 360 4/21i2016 217 hotel 3 121 126.6 10-5 117.9 93 90 361 4/21/2016 217 hotel 3 121 126.6 10.3 116.1 92 90 362 4/21/2016 217 hotel 3 121 126.6 99 116.8 92 90 363 4/21/2016 217 hotel 3 121 126.6 9.6 117.3 93 90 364 4/22/2016 218 hate! 3 122 131,3 90 ~21.9 93 90 365 4/22/2016 218 hote!3 122 131.3 9.4 120.8 92 90 366 4/2212016 218 hOtel 3 122 131.3 10.2 117.8 90 90 367 4/22/2016 218 hotel 3 122 131.3 10.0 120.2 92 90 368 4-17212016 219 hote! 3 124 129.3 8.7 125.1 97 90 369 4/22(2.016 219 hotel 3 122 131.3 8.8 124.4 95 90 370 4/22/2016 219 hotel 3 122 131.3 9.8 121.1 92 90 371 4/22/2016 219 hote!3 124 129,3 10.1 119.9 93 90 372 4/22/2016 219 hotel 3 124 129.3 10.7 121.5 94 90 373 4/22/2016 220 hotel 3 124 129.3 10.2 120.0 93 90 374 4/22/2016 220 hotel 3 124 129.3 9.8 121.9 94 90 375 4/22/2016 220 hotel 3 124 129.3 10.5 119.3 92 90 376 4/22/2016 220 hotel 3 122 131.3 9.6 123.5 94 90 377 4/22/2016 221 hote! 3 122 131.3 9.0 124.0 94 90 378 4/22/2016 221 hotel 3 124 129.3 10.5 119.6 92 90 379 4/22/2016 221 Mtel 3 124 129.3 10,0 121.6 94 90 380 4/22/2016 221 hotel 3 121 126.6 10.8 116.6 92 90 381 4/22/2016 221 hotel 3 122 131,3 8.9 125.0 95 90 382 4/22/2016 222 hotel 3 124 129.3 9.8 120.4 93 90 383 4/22/2016 222 hotel 3 122 131.3 9.2 122.4 93 90 TABLE4 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Log No. 18~3104 Test Tesi Elevation/ Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Dey Relative Required Retest No. Date Depth Station Type Density Content Density Compaction Compaction Number [fl] [pcf] {%} (pcf] [%] ·on l ,o; 384 4/22/2016 222 hotel 3 121 126.6 1-0.9 116.8 92 90 385 4/2212016 222 hote!3 124 129.3 9.7 12'L2 94 90 386 4/22/2016 222 hotel 3 124 129.3 10.2 123.1 95 90 387 4/25/2016 212 hotel 3 152 106.0 16.2 101.7 96 90 388 4/2512016 213 hotel 3 152 106.0 15.1 99.2 94 90 389 4/25/2016 214 hotel 3 152 106.0 15-4 100.8 95 90 390 4/25/2016 213 hote!3 122 131.3 9.9 125.0 95 90 391 4/25/2016 214 hotel 3 122 131.3 10.3 122.3 93 90 392 4/25/2016 215 hotel 3 124 129.3 11.9 119.6 92 90 393 4125(2016 215 hotel 3 124 129.3 10.5 119.3 92 90 394 4/25/2016 215 hotel 3 124 129.3 11.7 123.9 96 90 395 4/25/2016 216 hotel 3 122 131.3 94 125.6 96 90 396 4/25/2016 216 hotel 3 122 131.3 10.1 122.9 94 90 397 4/25/2016 216 hotel 3 122 131.3 96 126.3 96 90 398 4/25/2016 216 hotel 3 122 131.3 9.8 124.6 95 90 399 4/25/2016 217 hotel 3 122 131.3 98 122.3 93 90 400 4/25/2016 217 hotel 3 122 131.3 8.9 124.1 95 90 401 4/25/2016 217 hotel 3 124 129.3 10.2 119, 1 92 90 402 4/25/2016 217 hotel 3 124 129.3 10.5 118.6 92 90 403 4/2512016 218 hate! 3 122 131.3 9.8 122.0 93 90 404 4/25/2016 218 hotel 3 122 131.3 10.1 123.6 94 90 405 4/25/2016 218 hotel 3 121 126.6 9.S 117.8 93 90 406 4/25/2016 218 hotel 3 124 129.3 9.7 120.3 93 90 407 4/25/2016 218 hole! 3 122 131.3 10.8 123,4 94 90 408 4/25/2016 218 hotel 3 122 131.3 10.1 123.8 94 90 409 -4/26/2016 201 villa 75 121 126.6 10,3 118.7 94 90 410 4/26/2016 202 villa 75 121 126.6 10.7 118.5 94 90 411 4/2612016 202 villa 75 124 129.3 10.5 119.6 92 90 412 4/26/2016 203 vi!!a 75 124 129,3 9.9 119.2 92 90 413 4/26/2016 204 villa 75 124 129,3 97 118.5 92 90 414 4/2612016 205 villa 75 124 129.3 9.7 119.8 93 90 415 4/2612016 199 parking villa 75 124 129.3 10.3 122.1 94 90 418 4/26/2016 200 parking vi!!a 75 124 129.3 10, 1 121.8 94 90 417 4/26/2016 200 parking vil!a 75 124 129.3 10.5 122.0 94 90 418 4/26/2016 201 parking villa 75 121 126.6 10.6 117.7 93 90 419 4/26/2016 201 parking villa 75 121 126.6 11.1 116.1 92 90 420 4/26/2016 201 parking villa 75 121 126.6 10.6 117.3 93 90 421 4/26/2016 202.5 parking villa 75 121 126,6 10.2 116,2 92 90 422 4/26/2016 202.5 parking vil!a 75 121 126.6 10.9 117.7 93 90 423 4r2s1201s 202.5 parking villa 75 121 126.6 10.5 119.1 94 90 424 4/27/2016 219 hotel 3 124 129.3 99 121.0 94 90 425 4/27/2016 219 hotel 3 124 129.3 9.4 121,9 94 90 426 4/27/2016 219 hotel 3 124 129.3 10-4 123.3 95 90 427 4/27/2016 219 hotel 3 124 129.3 10.1 122.7 95 90 428 4/27/2016 219 hate! 3 124 129.3 10.3 121.2 94 90 429 4127/2016 220 hotel 3 124 129.3 10.4 118.6 92 90 430 4/27/2016 220 hotel 3 122 131.3 8.6 123.2 94 90 431 4/27/2016 220 hotel 3 122 131.3 9.1 123.6 94 90 432 4/27/2016 220 hotel 3 122 131.3 9.3 ·122,9 94 90 433 4/27/2016 221 hote! 3 121 126.6 10.6 117.2 93 90 434 4/27i2016 221 hotel 3 121 126.6 10.9 118.1 93 90 435 4/27/2016 221 hotel 3 121 126.6 10.4 118.9 94 90 436 4/2712016 221 hotel 3 124 129.3 9.9 119.0 92 90 437 4/27/2016 222 hotel 3 124 129.3 10.3 119.8 93 90 438 4/27/2016 222 hotel 3 124 129,3 9.8 120.5 93 90 Test No. 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 464 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 Test Date 4/27/2016 4/27/2016 412712016 4/2712016 4/27/2016 4/27/2016 4/27/2016 4/27/2016 4/27/2016 4/28/2016 4/28/2016 4/28/2016 4/28/2016 4i28/2016 4/29/2016 4/29/2016 4/29/2016 4/29/2016 4/29/2016 4129/2016 4/29/2016 4/29/2016 4/29/2016 4/29i2016 4/2912016 4/2912016 4/29/2016 4/29/2016 4/29/2016 4/29/2016 5/212016 5/2/2016 5/2/2016 5/2/2016 5/212016 5/2/2016 5/2/2016 5/2/2016 5/2/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/4/2016 5/4/2016 5/4/2016 5/4/2016 51412016 5/4/2016 5/4/2016 TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elevation/ Depth [ft) Location/ Statlon Soil Type 222 222 222 FG FG 185 186 188 189 -5' -3' -1' FG FG 199.2 198.4 197.6 197.5 199 201 201 202 202 203 204 204 204 204 205 205 206 206 206 207 207 208 208 208 208 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 210 210 -2' -1' FG -2' -1' FG 198 hote! 3 124 hotel 3 124 hotel 3 124 hote! 3 124 hotel 3 124 hotel 3 124 hotel 3 124 hotel 3 122 hote! 3 122 parking 122 parking 122 parking 122 parking 122 parking 124 parking villa 75 149 par'i<ing villa 75 149 parking villa 75 149 parking villa 75 149 parking vil!a 75 149 parking villa 75 125 parking villa 75 121 par'i<ing villa 75 124 parking vma 75 121 parking villa 75 125 parking villa 75 125 parking villa 75 125 parking villa 75 124 parking villa 75 125 parkmg villa 75 125 parking villa 75 125 parking villa 75 121 parking villa 75 125 parking viHa 75 125 parking villa 75 125 parking villa 75 125 parking villa 75 125 parking villa 75 125 parking villa 75 121 parking villa 75 125 future pkng struc!. 122 future pkng struc!. 122 future pkng struct. 122 future pkng struct. 122 future pkng struct 125 future pkng struct 125 future pkng struct. 122 future pkng struct. 124 future pkng struct. 124 sewer lateral trnch 121 sewer lateral trnch 121 sewer lateral !mch 121 sewer lateral trnch 121 sewer !a!era! trnch 121 sewer lateral tmch 121 future pkng struct. 122 Max. Dry Density [pcij 129.3 129,3 129.3 129 3 129-3 129.3 129.3 131.3 131.3 131,3 131.3 131.3 131.3 129,3 115.7 115.7 115.7 115,7 115-7 125.8 126.6 129.3 126.6 125.8 125.8 125.8 129.3 125.8 125.8 125.8 126.6 125.8 125.8 125.8 125.8 125.8 125.8 126.6 125.8 131.3 131-3 131.3 131.3 125.8 125.8 131.3 129,3 129.3 126.6 126.6 126,6 126.6 126.6 126,6 131,3 Moisture Content [%} 9.6 10.1 10.3 11.S 10.6 10.9 10.0 9.6 9.1 92 10.1 10.2 9.2 9 1 13.9 15.0 15.9 17.8 17.0 10.4 10.7 10.4 9.7 10.1 10.5 9.9 10.0 11.7 10.3 9.8 10.6 11.1 10.3 9.7 10.1 10.4 9,9 10,2 9.6 99 9.4 9.5 9.8 89 9.3 9.5 10.2 10.1 9.3 10.6 10.2 10.2 10.1 93 8.5 Dey Density fpcf] 119.9 121.3 120.7 123.3 122.2 125.1 120.7 124.3 123.5 118.2 119.6 121.6 123.7 117.3 107.0 110.0 109.0 108.9 108.4 116.3 118,2 119.1 117.3 115,8 116,8 116.3 119.0 116.2 116.8 114.9 118.4 117.8 115, 7 116.9 117.6 117.3 115.7 119.0 116.7 123.9 124.8 122.8 122.7 118.4 118.6 122, 1 119.4 120.3 118.5 119.1 116.8 i 17.6 118.7 117.5 121.7 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%j (%] 93 94 93 95 95 97 93 95 94 90 91 93 94 91 92 95 94 94 94 92 93 92 93 92 93 92 92 92 93 91 94 94 92 93 93 93 92 94 93 94 95 94 93 94 94 93 92 93 94 94 92 93 94 93 93 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 TABLE4 MTGL Project No. 1916811 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Log No. 18-3104 Tes! Test Elevation/ Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture D,y Re1alive Reqdred Retest No Date Depth Station Type Density Content Density Compaction Compaction Number [ft] lpcij [%l [pcij [%] [%I 494 5/4/2016 200 future pkng struct 121 126.6 9.9 116.5 92 90 495 5/412016 202 future pkng struct. 122 131.3 8.6 1212 92 90 496 5/4/2016 204 future pkng struct. 121 126.6 9.7 117.5 93 90 497 5/4/2016 206 future pkng stru_ct. 124 129.3 10.1 120.5 93 90 498 5/4/2016 191 future pkng struct 121 126.6 9.9 118.5 94 90 499 51912016 FG 2+75 122 131.3 9.9 121.6 93 90 500 519/2016 FG 3+25 124 129.3 9.5 119.0 92 90 501 5/9/2016 FG 3+70 124 129.3 9.7 119.9 93 90 502 519/2016 FG 4+21 124 129,3 10.6 119.3 92 90 503 5/9/2016 FG 4+55 124 129.3 9.3 120.7 93 90 504 5/9/2016 FG 4+90 124 129.3 9.2 117.9 91 90 505 5/9/2016 207 main! bldg pad 218 117.4 13.5 i 10.5 94 90 506 51912016 207 mairit bfdg pad 218 117.4 12.9 109.3 93 90 507 519/2016 208 mair,t bldg pad 218 117.4 13.3 111.1 95 90 508 51912016 208 malnt bldg pad 218 117.4 13.4 113.2 96 90 509 519/2016 208 maint bfdg pad 218 117.4 13.1 112.4 96 90 510 5/9/2016 209 maint bldg pad 218 117.4 12.9 109.6 93 90 511 5/9/2016 209 maint bldg pad 218 117.4 14.0 110.0 94 90 512 51912018 210 maint b!dg pad 218 117.4 13.2 109.2 93 90 513 5/9/2016 210 mairit bldg pad 218 117.4 12.7 109.8 94 90 514 5/9/2016 211 ma·mt bldg pad 218 117.4 13.1 108,9 93 90 515 5/9/2016 211 maint bldg pad 218 117.4 13,3 111.6 95 90 516 511012016 198 s!ormdrain trench 124 129.3 9.3 119.7 93 90 517 5/10/2016 199 stormdrain trench 124 129.3 10 3 120.9 94 90 518 5/10/2016 -5' stormdraln trench 122 131.3 88 125, 1 95 90 519 5/1012016 -3' stormdrain trench 122 131.3 9.9 125.8 96 90 520 5/10/2016 -1' stormdrain trench 122 131,3 8.9 1243 95 90 521 5/10/2016 FG stormdrain trench 122 131.3 9.1 126.8 97 90 522 5/10/2016 ··4' slope villa 75 122 131.3 8.9 120.6 92 90 523 5/10/2016 ·2' slope vWa 75 122 131.3 8.7 123.0 94 90 524 5/10/2016 FG slope villa 75 122 131.3 91 123.3 94 90 525 5/13/2016 179 villa 61 41 132.7 96 124,5 94 90 526 5/13/2016 181 villa 61 41 132.7 9.2 126.2 95 90 527 5/13/2016 183 viila 61 41 132.1 9.9 127.3 96 90 528 5113/2016 184 villa 61 41 132.7 9.3 125.5 95 90 529 5/13/2016 185 villa 61 555 129.8 9.0 122.2 94 90 530 5/13/2016 186 villa 61 41 132.7 8.8 128.4 97 90 531 5/13(2016 186 villa 61 41 132.7 9.8 124.5 94 90 532 5/1312016 186 villa 61 41 132.7 9.4 120.7 91 90 533 5/13/2016 187 villa 61 555 129,8 8.6 117.6 91 90 534 5/13/2016 187 villa 61 555 129.8 8.3 118.3 91 90 535 5/13/2016 187 vilfa 61 41 132.7 8.9 126.0 95 90 536 5/13/2016 188 vi!!a 61 41 132.7 8.2 127,7 96 90 537 5/13/2016 188 viUa 61 41 132.7 8.9 127.1 96 90 538 5/13/2016 188 villa 61 41 132.7 8.6 124.6 94 90 539 5/1312016 188 villa 61 41 132.7 88 126.2 95 90 540 5113/2016 188 vma 61 41 132.7 8.6 125,9 95 90 541 5/16/2016 189 villa 61 555 129.8 8.2 123.7 95 90 542 5/1612016 189 vi!ia61 555 129.8 8.9 123.9 95 90 543 5116/2016 189 villa 61 41 132.7 8.7 125.4 94 90 544 5/16/2016 190 villa 61 41 132.7 9.5 128.7 97 90 545 5/1612016 FG vma 61 41 132.7 9.3 127.1 96 90 546 5/16/2016 FG vma 61 41 132.7 9.' 124.6 94 90 547 5/16/2016 190 vma 61 555 129.8 89 123.0 95 90 548 5/16/2016 181 viUa62 555 129.8 8.6 127.1 98 90 TABLE4 MTG!. ProJect No. 1916811 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Log No. 18~3104 Test Test Elevation/ Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Ory Relative Re(JIJired Retest No. Date Depth Station Type Density Content Density Compaction Compaction Number [fl] [pcij [%! [pci] [%] [%] 549 5/16/2016 183 vWa62 555 129.8 8.5 126.0 97 90 550 5!'[6/2016 186 villa 62 555 129.8 9.0 126.0 97 90 551 5/1612016 185 villa 62 555 129,8 8.9 125.6 97 90 552 5/16/2016 186 v1!!a 62 555 129.8 9.2 123.9 95 90 553 5/16/2016 ~2' 2+61 124 129.3 95 118.1 91 90 554 5/16/2016 -1' 2+61 124 129.3 9.4 118.4 92 90 555 5/16/2016 -2 31+12 122 131.3 9.1 125.7 96 90 556 5/16/2016 -1' 31+12 122 131.3 9.2 123.7 94 90 557 5/16/2016 ~2' 3+90 122 131.3 93 122.6 93 90 558 5/17/2016 FG 1/!lla 61 41 132.7 9.2 123.3 93 90 559 5/17/2016 FG villa 61 41 132.7 94 126.7 95 90 560 5/17/2016 FG vi!!a61 41 132.7 10.5 124.9 94 90 561 5/17/2016 FG vl!!a 61 41 132.7 9.2 126.8 96 90 562 5/17/2016 186 villa 62 61 127.7 8.9 121.5 95 90 563 5/17/2016 186 villa62 61 127.7 90 126.8 99 90 564 5/17/2016 187 vi!!a62 41 132-7 9.5 125.3 94 90 565 5/17/2016 187 vi!la 62 41 132.7 9.8 121.1 91 90 566 5/17/2016 187 villa 62 41 132.7 94 121.4 91 90 567 511 ?!2016 187 villa62 41 132.7 90 124,9 94 90 568 5/17/2016 187 vil!a62 41 132.7 8.9 125.6 95 90 569 5/17/2016 187 vi!!a62 61 127.7 10. 7 119.7 94 90 570 5/17/2016 188 villa 62 41 132.7 88 125.5 95 90 571 511712016 188 viHa62 41 132.7 9.3 124.9 94 90 572 5/17/2016 188 villa62 61 127.7 10.7 119.B 94 90 573 5/17/2016 188 vii!a62 61 127.7 10.8 118.9 93 90 574 5/17/2016 181 villa 62 41 132.7 8.9 1265 95 90 575 5/17/2016 183 villa62 41 132.7 9.3 123.8 93 90 576 5/17/2016 202 3+25 149 115.7 13.3 110.5 96 90 577 5i17/2016 203 3+50 149 115.7 13.7 109.3 94 90 578 5/17/2016 204 3+75 149 115.7 13.5 109.2 94 90 579 5/17/2016 205 4+00 149 115.7 13.9 110.5 96 90 580 5117i2016 -4' sewerfine trench 218 117.4 '!4.1 111.4 95 90 581 5/17/2016 -2' 4+18 218 117A 14,5 110.8 94 90 582 5/18/2016 FG villa 61 41 132.7 9.6 126.8 96 90 563 5/18/2.016 FG vllla 61 41 132.7 9.1 126.6 95 90 584 5/18/2016 FG villa 61 41 132.7 9.3 126.9 96 90 585 5/18/2016 FG vi!!a 61 41 132.7 9.2 126,2 95 90 586 5/18/2016 FG villa 61 41 132] 8.8 126.4 95 90 587 5118/2016 188 vma62 41 132.7 8.7 124.5 94 90 568 5/18/2016 189 vilfa62 41 132.7 8.6 127.5 96 90 589 5/18/2016 189 vH!a 62 41 132.7 8.8 127.3 96 90 590 5/18/2016 189 vi!!a62 41 132.7 9.3 128.2 97 90 591 5/18/2016 189 villa62 41 132.7 8.9 127.2 96 90 592 5/1812016 186 vilta63 41 132.7 8.9 126.4 95 90 593 5/18/2016 186 villa 63 41 132.7 9.4 124.0 93 90 594 5/18/2016 185 vi!la63 555 129.8 9.0 121.9 94 90 595 5/18/2016 186 viHa 63 555 129.8 9.1 122.6 94 90 596 5/18/2016 186 vil!a63 555 129.8 B.9 121-0 93 90 597 5/18/2016 188 vi!!a63 41 132.7 9.0 124.6 94 90 598 5118/2016 187 vi!la63 41 132.7 88 125.5 95 90 599 5/18/2016 187 vma 63 41 132.7 8.9 122.5 92 90 600 5/18/2016 187 villa 63 41 132.7 89 125.4 94 90 601 5/18/2016 187 vi!la63 41 132.7 90 124.8 94 90 602 5/18/2016 188 viJla63 555 129.8 86 119. 1 92 90 603 5/18/2016 188 vii!a63 555 129.8 8.5 121.3 93 90 TABLE 4 MTGL Project No. 1916811 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Log No. 18-3104 Test Test Elevation/ Location/ Soi! Max. Dry Moisture Dey Relafa1e Required Retest No. Da!e Depth Station Type Density Content Density Compaction Compaction Number [ft! fpcfj [%J fpcf] [%] [%] 604 5/18/2016 188 vma63 555 129.8 8.3 120.8 93 90 605 5/18/2016 188 villa 63 555 12,9-8 8.8 122, 1 94 90 606 5/18/2016 ·6' sewerline trench 122 131.3 8.4 124.7 95 90 607 5/18/2016 -5.5' sewerline trench 122 131.3 9.0 122.5 93 90 608 5/18/2016 ·5' sewer!ine trench 122 131.3 8.6 122.1 93 90 609 5/1812016 .7' sewerline trench 122 131.3 8.7 125.2 95 90 610 5/18/2016 ·9' sewerline trench 122 131.3 89 124.4 95 90 611 5/19/2016 FG vHla62 41 132.7 9.2 127.7 96 90 612 5/19/2016 FG vi!la62 41 132.7 9.7 127.2 96 90 613 5/19/2016 FG villa62 41 132.7 88 127.1 96 90 614 5/19/2016 FG vil!a62 41 132:. 7 9.1 128.2 97 90 615 5/19/2016 FG vfl!a 62 41 132.7 88 127.6 96 90 616 5/19/2016 FG villa62 41 132.7 8.6 128-6 97 90 617 5/19/2016 189 vi!!a 63 41 132.7 9.1 128,0 96 90 618 5/19/2016 189 vi!la63 41 132.7 8.9 127.7 96 90 619 5/19/2016 189 vma63 41 132.7 86 122.3 92 90 620 5/19/2015 190 vii!a 63 41 132,7 8,7 125.2 94 90 621 5/19/2016 190 villa 63 41 132.7 86 125.6 95 90 622 5/19/2016 190 vi!fa63 41 132.7 89 126-0 95 90 623 5/19/2016 ,6' 1+50 125 125.8 9.4 115.7 92 90 624 5/19(2016 .4• 2+00 125 125.8 92 114.4 91 90 625 5/19/2016 -2' 3+00 122 131,3 8.9 122.7 93 90 626 5i19/2016 ·2' 2+50 122 131.3 87 120.2 92 90 627 5/20/2016 186 slope key v 64 41 132,7 8.1 125.3 94 90 628 5/20/2016 186 slope key v 64 41 132.7 89 127.8 96 90 629 5/20i2016 187 slope key v 64 41 132.7 87 126.0 95 90 630 5/20/2016 186 vH!a64 41 132.7 8.8 125.5 95 90 631 5i20/2016 187 V!lla64 41 132.7 8.6 125.0 94 90 632 5/20/2016 189 villa 64 555 128.8 8.5 120.8 93 90 633 5120/2016 191 vil!a64 61 127.7 10.9 119.5 94 90 634 5/20/2016 191 villa84 61 127,7 10.3 121 1 95 90 635 5/20/2016 191 vma 64 61 127.7 10.7 117.5 92 90 636 5/20/2016 192 villa64 61 12.7 .7 10.5 119.9 94 90 637 5/20/2016 192 vi!la64 61 127.7 10.1 i20.9 95 90 638 5/20/2016 193 vil!a64 41 132.7 9.1 125.0 94 90 639 5/20/2016 193 villa64 555 129.8 8.4 121.2 93 90 640 5/20/2016 193 vil\a 64 555 129.8 8.2 1 ?.2.2 94 90 641 5/20/2016 193 villa64 555 129.8 8.1 119,8 92 90 642 5/20/2016 194 vi!la64 41 132.7 8.6 124.1 94 90 643 5/20/2016 194 villa 64 41 132 l 93 124.2 94 90 644 5/20/2016 194 vil!a64 41 132.7 93 125.3 94 90 645 5/20/2016 .3• 1+25 122 131.3 8.8 124.6 95 90 646 5/20/2016 FG 1+75 122 131.3 85 124.4 95 90 647 5/20/2016 FG 2+25 122 131 ,3 8.9 125.4 96 90 648 5/20/2016 FG 3+00 122 131.3 87 124.9 95 90 649 5/20/2016 FG 1+25 122 131.3 8.7 125.2 95 90 650 5/23/2016 195 villa64 555 129.8 86 120.5 93 90 651 5/23/2016 195 vi!!a 64 555 129,8 8.4 121.2 93 90 652 5/23i2016 195 vil!a 64 61 127.7 10,5 117.6 92 90 653 5/23/2016 195 vi!la64 41 132.7 9.2 126.2 95 90 654 5/23/2016 195 v-i!!a64 41 132.7 9.4 127.3 96 90 655 5/23/2016 195 villa 64 41 132.7 9.1 122.a 93 90 656 5/24/2016 176 vi!la 79 555 129,8 10.8 121,5 94 90 657 5/24/2016 178 vii!a 79 555 129.8 10.0 120.6 93 90 658 5/24/2016 179 vma 79 555 i29.8 91 119.6 92 90 TABLE4 MTGL Project No. 1916811 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Log No 18-3104 Test Test Elevation/ Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture o,, Relative Required Retest No. Date Depth Station Type Density Content Density Compaction Compaction Number iftl [pd] [%J [Pd] [%J [%] 659 5/24i2016 181 villa 79 555 129.8 85 i23.4 95 90 660 5/24/2016 181 villa 79 61 127.7 11.2 119-5 94 90 661 5/24/2016 181 vi!!a 79 41 132.7 89 126.3 95 90 662 5/24/2016 182 villa 79 555 129.8 9.5 120.2 93 90 663 5/24/2016 182 villa 79 555 129,8 93 i 19.8 92 90 664 5/,?.412016 182 villa 79 61 127, 7 10.7 117,3 92 90 685 5/2412016 182 vi!la 79 41 132.7 9.0 122.8 93 90 688 5!24(,::016 183 vilia 79 41 132.7 9.2 125.2 94 90 667 5/24/2016 183 villa 79 41 132.7 9.0 124.6 94 90 668 5/24/2016 183 villa 79 555 129.8 8.4 121.3 93 90 669 5i24!2016 183 vil!a 79 555 129.$ 8.3 120.8 93 90 670 5/24/2016 222.6 7+50 218 117A 12.8 107.8 92 90 671 5/24/2016 219,8 7+00 218 117.4 14.0 109.8 94 90 672 5/24i2016 219-6 6+50 149 115.7 14.0 105 8 91 90 673 5/24/2016 216 5+50 149 1 i5.7 14_ 1 106.1 92 90 674 5/25/2016 184 viHa 79 555 129.8 8.3 124.0 96 90 675 5/25/2016 184 vilia 79 555 129.8 8.4 124.6 96 90 676 5/25/2016 184 vil!a 79 41 132.7 9.2 125.8 95 90 BT? 5/25/2016 184 viiJa 79 41 132.7 8.7 128.3 97 90 678 5/25/2016 185 villa 79 41 132 7 8.6 126.4 95 90 679 5/25/2016 185 Vina 79 555 129.8 8.3 1;.!5.0 96 90 680 5/25/2016 185 villa 79 41 132.7 87 127.2 96 90 681 5/25/2016 185 vrna 79 41 132.7 8.9 127.6 96 90 682 5/2512016 185 vtl!a 79 41 132.7 90 128.3 97 90 683 5/25/2016 178 villa 79 41 132.7 9.7 122.4 92 90 684 5/25/2016 179 villa78 41 132.7 99 124,9 94 90 685 5/25/2016 181 villa 78 41 132.7 9.1 123.8 93 90 686 5125/2016 182 vH!a 78 125 125.8 9.1 116.2 92 90 687 5/25/2016 182 vil1a 78 125 125.8 90 118.4 94 90 688 5/25/2016 182 villa 78 125 125.8 9.5 119.3 95 90 689 5/25/2016 183 villa 78 555 129.8 8.9 122.3 94 90 690 5/25/2016 183 villa 78 555 129.8 90 122.7 95 90 691 5/25/2016 183 vi!!a '18 555 129.8 8.7 123.1 95 90 692 5/26/2016 184 villa 78 555 129.8 8.7 119.9 92 90 693 5}2612016 184 11il!a78 555 129.8 8.7 121.S 94 90 694 5126/2016 184 vi!!a 78 555 129.8 8.6 123, 1 95 90 695 5/26/2016 183 villa 78 125 125,8 94 · 117.9 94 90 696 5/26/2016 183 vii/a 78 125 125.8 9,6 118.3 94 90 697 5i26/2016 183 vi!Ja 78 125 125.8 10.0 119.0 95 90 698 5/26/2016 184 villa 78 555 129.8 8.3 122.5 94 90 699 5/26/2016 184 vi!!a 78 555 129.8 B6 121.8 94 90 700 5/26/2016 185 villa 78 555 129.8 9.1 123.6 95 90 701 5/26/2016 185 11ma 78 555 129.8 8.5 122.8 95 90 702 5/26/2016 185 vi!\a 78 41 132.7 8.9 126.6 95 90 703 5/26/2016 185 villa 78 41 132.7 8.7 124.7 94 90 704 5/26/2016 186 vi/la 78 41 132.7 98 126.0 95 90 705 5/26/2016 186 villa 78 41 132.7 9 1 128.7 97 90 706 5/26/2016 186 vil!a 78 41 132] 90 128.3 97 90 707 5/26/2016 187 villa 78 41 132.7 9.1 128.5 97 90 708 5/26/2016 187 villa 78 555 129.8 8.7 123, 1 95 90 709 5/26/2016 187 vii!a 78 555 129.8 85 122.8 95 90 710 5/26/2016 219 0+95 555 129.8 90 121.9 94 90 711 5/26/2016 222 1+25 555 129.8 8.6 121.5 94 90 712 5/26i2016 224 1+45 555 129.8 8.3 123.4 95 90 713 5/26/2016 213 -i-~oo 125 125.8 10.2 118 7 94 90 TABLE4 MTGL Project No. 1916811 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Log No. 18-3104 Test Test Elevation/ Loca!ioni Soi! Max. Ory Moisture D,y Relative Required Retest No. Date Depth Station Type Density Content Density Compaction Compaction Number {ft] {pcf] [¾l (pct} [%J 1%] 714 5126/2016 214 0+25 125 125.8 99 118.3 94 90 715 5127/2016 188.1 v1/!a 78 41 132.7 9.0 129.0 97 90 716 5/27/2016 188.1 villa 78 41 132.7 8.7 127-4 96 90 717 5/27/2016 188.1 villa 78 41 132.7 86 127.3 96 90 718 5/27/2016 188.1 vma 78 41 132.7 9.3 126.1 95 90 719 5/27/2016 188.1 villa 78 41 132.7 9.3 128.8 97 90 720 5i27!2016 188.1 villa 78 41 132.7 9.7 126.6 95 90 721 5/27/2016 184 prk!ngEvil!a78 41 132.7 8.9 127.3 96 90 722 5127/2016 185 prkingEvi!la78 41 132,7 8.6 124.9 94 90 723 5/27/2016 186 prkingEvi!la78 41 132.7 8.9 124.2 94 90 724 5/27/2016 188 prkingEvi!!a 78 41 132.7 8.6 125.6 95 90 725 5/27/2016 190 prkingEviUa78 41 132.7 8.8 124.8 94 90 726 5/27/2016 192 prkingEvilla78 41 132.7 8.7 125.5 95 90 727 S/2712016 198 1+56 122 131.3 9.2 124.9 95 90 728 5/27/2016 196 1t70 122 131.3 8.7 121.9 93 90 729 5/27/2016 '!94 1+60 122 131.3 88 123,5 94 90 730 5/27/2016 195 1+00 122 131.3 9.0 125.3 95 90 731 5/27/2016 197 1+00 122 131.3 8.9 124.2 95 90 732 5/27/2016 199 1+00 122 131.3 8.7 125.7 98 90 733 5131/2016 FG villa 78 555 129.8 8.7 125.9 97 90 734 5/31/2016 FG villa 78 555 129.8 8.4 127.0 98 90 735 5-/3-1/2016 FG villa 78 555 129.8 82 125.0 96 90 736 5131/2016 FG villa 78 41 132.7 8.7 128.7 97 90 737 5/31/2016 FG villa 78 41 132.7 86 128.B 97 90 738 5/31/2016 FG vttla 78 41 132.7 8.5 128.7 97 90 739 5/31/2016 FG vi!!a 79 41 132.7 84 127.0 96 90 740 5/31/2016 FG vma 79 41 1 '.32.7 87 129.1 97 90 741 5/31/2016 FG villa 79 41 132.7 8.9 130.3 98 90 742 5/31/2016 FG villa 79 41 132.7 86 128.5 97 90 743 5/31/2016 FG villa 79 41 132.7 8.8 130,2 98 90 744 5/31/2016 FG vma 79 41 132,7 8.5 127.1 96 90 745 6/112016 FG vHla63 41 132.7 8.8 i27.6 96 90 746 6/1/2016 FG vi!la63 41 132.7 8.6 128.5 97 90 747 6/1/2016 FG vif!a 63 41 132.7 8.3 127,0 96 90 748 6/112016 FG villa63 41 132.7 8.5 127.8 96 90 749 6/1/2016 FG vllla63 41 132.7 87 127.1 96 90 750 6/1/2016 F~ .~ vil!a63 41 132.7 8.6 128.9 97 90 751 61112016 FG vi!!a64 41 132.7 8.5 125.6 95 90 752 6/1/2016 FG vilia64 41 132.7 8.2 129.5 98 90 753 6/i/2016 FG villa64 41 132.7 89 128.9 97 90 754 6/1/2016 FG vi!la64 41 132.7 8.6 129.3 97 90 755 6/1/2016 FG villa 64 41 132 7 8.4 126.1 95 90 756 6/1/2016 FG villa64 41 132,7 8.3 127.7 96 90 757 6/1/2016 183,5 pkng vil!a 78 41 132.7 89 127 9 96 90 758 6/1/2016 184.5 pkng villa 78 41 132.7 9-1 128A 97 90 759 6/1/2016 185.8 pkng villa 78 41 132.7 8.9 128.8 97 90 760 6/1/2016 187.2 pkng vi!!a 78 41 132.7 8.7 128-8 97 90 761 6/1/2016 191.4 pkng villa 78 41 132.7 9.0 129.4 98 90 762 6/2/2016 211 5+16 124 129.3 99 123,7 96 90 763 6/2/2016 210 stormdrain trench 125 125.8 10.5 119.5 95 90 764 6/2/2016 210 6+00 218 117.4 13.9 108.3 92 90 765 6/3/2016 -10.5' 1+50 124 129,3 10.5 116,6 90 90 766 6/3/2016 -12.5' 1+25 125 125.8 9.4 113.5 90 90 767 6/312016 -9.5' 1+85 125 125.8 10.3 114,5 91 90 768 6/3/2016 -14.5' 1-~es 124 129.3 10.1 117.1 91 90 TABLE 4 MTGL Project No. 1916811 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Log No. 18-3104 Test Test Elevation/ Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture D,y Relative Required Retest Ne, Date Depth Station Type Density Content Density Compaction Compaction Number [ft] [pcfj [%] {pcfj [%] [%] 769 6/3/2016 -12' sewer!rne trench 125 125,8 9,0 112.6 90 90 770 6/6/2016 205 0+15 122 131.3 9,2 125.3 95 90 771 6/612016 206 0+40 125 125.8 9,7 117,5 93 90 772 6i6/2016 208 0+60 122 131 .3 9.3 125.1 95 90 773 6/6/2016 212 1+80 125 125.8 10.1 116.9 93 90 774 6/6/2016 215 1+10 125 125.8 10.3 117-2 93 90 775 6/6/2016 218 1+00 ~,25 125.8 99 118,4 94 90 776 6/6/2016 219 3+30 122 131.3 8,7 125.4 96 90 777 6/8/2016 220 3+00 122 131.3 89 125.0 95 90 778 6/8/2016 218 2+70 122 131.3 9,0 127.5 97 90 779 6/8/2016 221 2+90 125 125.8 94 119.3 95 90 780 6/8/2016 216 2+20 122 _ 131.3 8,9 124.5 95 90 781 6/8/2016 219 2+00 122 131.3 8,7 125.3 95 90 782 6/8/2016 218.5 1+50 122 131.3 9,6 125.6 96 90 783 6/8/2016 214 1+20 122 131.3 9A 127,0 97 90 784 6/8/2016 216.5 1+10 122 131.3 9,6 122.8 94 90 785 6/9/2016 207 1+50 122 131.3 97 126,9 97 90 786 6/9/2016 209 1+40 122 131.3 9,4 126.5 96 90 787 6/9/2016 208 2+00 122 131.3 8,7 124.9 95 90 788 $/9/2016 210 2+50 122 131.3 8,5 1254 96 90 789 6/9/2016 206 1+20 122 131.3 9,3 121.6 93 90 790 6/9/2016 208 1+30 122 131.3 8,9 124.3 95 90 791 6i9/2016 210 1+25 122 131.3 9,1 120.7 92 90 792 6/9(2.016 211 1+50 122 131.3 9,2 120,3 92 90 793 6/9/2016 212 2+00 122 131.3 8.7 120.5 92 90 794 6/9/2016 213 2+20 122 131.3 99 121.4 92 90 795 6/9/2016 218 2+45 122 131.3 8,6 126.8 97 90 796 6/9/2016 221 2+48 122 131.3 9,2 123.8 94 90 '797 6/14/2016 180 1+10 41 132.7 9,0 121 1 91 90 798 6/14/2016 182 1+40 125 125.8 9,8 118.9 95 90 799 6/14/2016 184 1+50 125 125.8 9,6 117.6 93 90 800 6/14/2016 181 1+00 125 125.8 9,3 117.4 93 90 801 6i14/2016 183 1+05 41 132.7 91 122.3 92 90 802 6/14/2016 185 1+00 41 132.7 8,9 124.7 94 90 803 6/14/2016 187 sewerrattrnch v 78 41 132.7 93 125.4 94 90 804 6/14/2016 188 sewerlattmch v 78 41 132.7 9,6 125.'l 95 90 805 6/16/2016 183.8 2+00 125 125,8 93 119.2 95 90 806 6/16/2016 185 2+50 125 125.8 10.0 121.9 97 90 807 6/16/2016 185 3+00 125 125.8 9,7 121.4 97 90 808 6/16/2016 183.5 1 +50 125 125.8 9.2 118.2 94 90 809 6/16/2016 184 1+25 125 125.8 9,5 119-0 95 90 810 6/16/2016 -3' mh line A6 155 117.6 15.5 110.1 94 90 811 6/16/2016 -1' mh line A6 125 125.8 93 117.0 93 90 812 6/16/2016 -3' mh line C1Q 218 117.4 14.3 110.1 94 90 813 6/16/2016 -1' mh line C10 152 106.0 14.9 102.4 97 90 814 6/16/2016 -3' mh !ine G1 125 125.8 10.7 116.9 93 90 815 6/16/2016 -1' mh line G1 125 125.8 10.6 118.0 94 90 816 6/27/2016 181 wa!ldrain waif FIG 122 131.3 89 120.4 92 90 617 6/27/2016 183 wa/!drain wall FIG 122 131.3 9,3 124.3 95 90 818 6/27/2016 185 waUdrain wall A 125 125.8 9,6 115.7 92 90 819 6/27/2016 187 walfdrain wall A 125 125.8 9,1 114.8 91 90 820 6127/2016 191 walidrain wall C 122 131.3 87 122.7 93 90 821 6/2712016 193 wai!drain wall C 125 125.8 93 115.8 92 90 822 6/29/2016 -4' FG electrical trench 41 132.7 95 127.9 96 90 823 6/29/2016 -2' FG electrical trench 41 132.7 8,8 126.0 95 90 TABLE4 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Log No 18-3104 Test Test Elevation/ Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Dey Relative Required Retest No. Date Depth Station Type Density Content Density Compaction Compaction Number [ft] [pcfJ [%J iPctJ [%1 {%] 824 6/29/2016 FG electrical trench 41 132.7 9.1 127.1 96 90 825 6/29/2016 -4' FG eiec!rical trench 41 132.7 8.9 126.2 95 90 826 6/29/2016 -3' FG electrical trench 41 132,7 9,5 124.5 94 90 827 6/29/2016 -2' FG electrical trench 41 132.7 96 128.2 97 90 828 6i29(2016 -1' FG electrical trench 41 132.7 9.5 129.3 97 90 829 6/29/2016 FG electrical trench 125 125.8 9.4 119.0 95 90 830 7/1/2016 -4' FG electrica! trench 41 132] 9.3 125.6 95 90 831 7/1/2016 --2' FG electrical trench 41 132.7 90 12:7.4 96 90 832 7/1/2016 -1' FG electrical trenc;h 41 132.7 8.9 128.7 97 90 833 7/1/2016 FG e!ectrica! trench 41 132.7 96 129.7 98 90 834 71112016 FG electrical trench 41 132.7 10.0 129.8 98 90 835 7/7/2016 '-4-'FG eiectricaf trench 41 132.7 10.9 125.5 95 90 836 717/2016 -3' FG electrical trench 41 132.7 8.9 125.9 95 90 837 71712016 -2' FG electrical trench 41 132.7 8.4 125.3 94 90 838 71712016 ~1' FG eiectrica! trench 41 132.7 8.5 126.7 95 90 839 7{7{2016 FG electrical trench 41 132] 90 127,0 96 90 840 717/2016 FG electrical trench 41 132.7 9.6 125.3 94 90 841 7/8/2016 -4' FG electrical trench 41 132.7 10.8 123.0 93 90 842 7/8/2016 -3' FG e!ectflcal trench 41 132.7 10.3 125.0 94 90 843 7/8/2016 -2' FG electrical trench 41 132.7 9.2 126.3 95 90 844 7/8/2016 -1' FG electrical trench 41 132.7 9.7 129.3 97 90 845 7/8/2016 FG electrical trench 41 132.7 8.8 127.7 96 90 846 7/8/2016 FG electrical trench 41 132.7 86 127.3 96 90 847 7/8/2016 ~3' FG plumbing trench 41 132.7 9.2 128.2 97 90 848 7/8/20"16 -2' FG plumbing trench 41 132.7 96 128.2 97 90 849 7/8/2016 -1' FG plumbing trench 41 132.7 9.4 127.4 96 90 850 7/8/2016 FG plumbing trench 41 132.7 93 126.7 95 90 851 7/8/2016 FG plumbing trench 41 132.7 9 1 127.4 96 90 852 7/11/2016 FG plumbing trench 41 132.7 8.7 127.1 96 90 853 7/11/2016 FG plumbing trench 61 127.7 10.8 1~7.3 100 90 854 7111/2016 -1' FG plumbing trench 41 132.7 8.9 123,9 93 90 855 7/11/2016 -1' FG plumbing trench 61 127.7 10.2 126_0 99 90 856 7/11/2016 FG plumbing trench 41 132.7 9.6 128.6 97 90 857 7/11/2016 -2' FG plumbing trench 41 132.7 89 131.2 99 90 658 7/11/2016 -1' FG plumbing trench 41 132.7 9.2 125.3 94 90 859 7/11/2016 FG plumbing trench 41 132.7 9.4 125.6 95 90 860 7/12/2016 186.5 stormdrain trench 41 132.7 8.3 122.2 92 90 861 7/12/2016 189 stormdrain trench 61 127.7 9.9 115,5 90 90 862 7/12/2016 190 stormdrain trench 61 127.7 88 122.9 96 90 863 7/12/2016 190 stormdrain trench 61 127.7 8.7 119.4 94 90 864 7/12/2016 190 stormdrain trench 61 127.7 84 119.8 94 90 865 7/13/2016 -3' FG plumbing trench 41 132.7 9.8 127-2 96 90 866 7/13/2016 -3' FG plumbing trench 61 127.7 12.4 119.3 93 90 867 7/13/2016 -3' FG plumbing trench 61 127.7 11.2 117.4 92 90 868 7/13/2016 -3' FG plumbing trench 61 127.7 1 i .4 118.8 93 90 869 7/13/2016 -3' FG plumbing trench 61 127.7 11.8 118.1 92 90 870 7/13/2016 -3' FG plumbing trench 61 127.7 11,5 119.7 94 90 871 7/14/2016 -4' FG electrical trench 41 132.7 90 127.4 96 90 872 7/14/2016 -3' FG electricaf trench 41 132.7 8.6 129.4 98 90 873 7/1412016 -2' FG electrical trench 41 132.7 9.1 127.9 96 90 874 7/14/2016 FG eiectrical trench 41 132.7 8.8 127.6 96 90 875 7/15/2016 4'FG eiectricai trench 41 132.7 8.7 123.5 93 90 876 7115{2016 -3' FG electrical trench 41 132_7 9.2 123.3 93 90 877 7/15/2016 -1' FG electrical trench 41 132.7 8.9 125.3 94 90 878 7/15/2016 <G electrical trench 41 132.7 9.4 127,9 96 90 TABLE4 MTGL Project No. 1916811 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Log No. 18-3104 Test Test Elevation/ Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Dry Relative Required Retest No Date Depth Station Type Density Content Density Compaction Compaction Number [ft] [pcfj [%J [pcfj [%1 f%J 879 7/15/2016 -3' FG plumbing trench 61 127,7 11.3 116.9 92 90 880 7/15/2016 -3' FG plumbing trench 81 127.7 10.8 118.3 93 90 881 7/B/2016 -3'FG electrical trench 41 132.7 88 129.2 97 90 882 7/18/2016 ·2' FG electrical trench 41 132_7 8.5 127.2 96 90 883 7i18/2016 FG electrical trench 41 132.7 8.6 125.4 94 90 884 7/18/2016 FG electrical trench 41 132.7 8.9 127.6 96 90 885 7i18/2016 -4' FG plumbing trench 61 127.7 11,3 118.7 93 90 886 7/18/2016 -4' FG plumbing trench 61 127.7 10.7 117.0 92 90 887 7/19/2016 -1.5' FG gasline trench 41 132.7 8.5 122.1 92 90 888 7/t9/20-16 FG gasline trench 41 132,7 7.3 122.5 92 90 889 7/19/2016 -i' FG gas!ine trench 41 132.7 8.5 119.5 90 90 890 7/19/2016 FG gas!ine trench 41 132.7 6.3 120.1 91 90 891 7/1912016 -1.5' FG gas/me trench 41 132J 8.5 126.5 95 90 892 7/19i2016 FG gas!ine trench 41 132.7 8.2 126.2 95 90 893 7/21/2016 FG gasline trench 41 132.7 10-4 122.4 92 90 894 7/21/2016 -1,5' FG gas!ine trench 41 132.7 8.2 120.6 91 90 895 7/21/2016 ~HfFG gasline !rench 41 132J 9.4 121.3 91 90 896 7/2112016 FG gasline trench 41 132.1 8,3 125.3 94 90 897 7/2212016 FG electrical trench 41 132.7 85 120.0 90 90 898 7/22/2016 FG electrical trench 41 132.7 97 126.7 95 90 899 8/3/2016 -1.5' plumb trnch vi!la61 41 132.7 6.9 130.4 98 90 900 8/312016 FG plumb trnch vma61 41 132.7 8.2 124.0 93 90 901 8/4/2016 FG plumbing trench 41 132.7 8.4 123.3 93 90 902 814/2016 ·3' elecidca! trench 41 132.7 10.3 122:A 92 90 903 8/5/2016 186 fire wline trench 41 132.7 9.0 120.8 91 90 9.04 8/5/2016 -3' fire wline trench 41 132,7 85 120.7 91 90 905 8/5/2016 .1' plumbing trench 41 132.7 11.2 121.5 92 90 906 8/5/2016 -3' plumbing trench 41 132.7 11.8 122.5 92 90 907 8/512016 -1.5' plumbing trench 41 132.7 8.4 123.6 93 90 908 8/812016 FG plumbing trench 41 132.7 89 125.6 95 90 909 818/2016 FG plumbing trench 41 132.7 9.2 123.7 93 90 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Deoth (ft] 910 9/7/2016 199 911 9/7/2016 201 912 9/8i2016 199 913 9i8/2016 201 914 9/8/2016 202 915 9/812016 203 916 9/8/2016 204 917 9/9/2016 203 918 9/9/2016 205 919 9/9/2016 202 920 9i9/2016 204 921 9/9/2016 205 922 9/9/2016 207 923 9/9/2016 207 924 9/9/20'16 209 925 919/2016 209 926 9/1212016 187 927 9/12/2016 189 928 9/12/2016 190 929 9/12/2016 191 930 9/12/2016 192 931 9i13/2016 190 932 9/13/2016 192 933 9/13/2016 191 934 9/13/2016 192 935 9/13/2016 FG 936 9/13/2016 FG 937 9/14/2016 192 938 9/14/2016 193 939 9/14/2016 195 940 9/14/2016 192 941 9/14i2016 196.5 942 9/14/2016 188.5 943 9114/2016 191.3 944 9/14/2016 188,5 945 9/15/2018 182 946 9/15/2018 182 947 9115/2018 184 948 9/15/2018 180 949 9/1512018 182 950 9116/2016 183 951 9i16/2016 184 952 9/16/2016 FG 953 9/16/2016 FG 954 9/16i2016 181 955 9/16/2016 182 956 9/16/2016 183.5 957 9i16/2016 181 958 9/16/2016 182.5 TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soi! Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content (pcij [%] Sta 1+10 125 125,8 9.0 Sta 1+30 125 125.8 94 Wa!! 6-1 Sta 1+03 125 125,8 10.4 Wal! B--1 Sta 1+00 124 129-3 9.6 Wa!I 8-2 Sta 1 +40 125 125.8 9.6 Wa!i 8-2 Sta 1+20 125 125.8 9.0 Wall 8-2 Sta 1 +50 125 125.8 8.9 Wall B-1 Sta 1 +00 124 129-3 9.7 Wall 8-1 Sta 1+35 124 129,3 98 Wal! B-1 Sta 1 +50 124 129.3 93 Wall B-2 Sta 1+15 124 129.3 9.4 Wall B-2 Sta 1 +00 125 125.8 89 Wa!! B-2. Sta i +45 124 129.3 9.5 Wall B· 1 Sta 1 +45 124 129.3 9.7 Wa!l 8-1 Sta 1+15 125 125.8 10.5 Wal! B-2 Sta 1+30 124 129.3 9.8 Keystone Wall A Sta 1+30 124 129.3 9.4 Keystone Wall A Sta1+10 125 125.8 8.9 Keystone Wall A Sta 1+50 125 125.8 10.8 Keystone War! A Sra 1+70 124 129.3 92 Keystone Wall A Sta 1+60 125 125.8 9.7 Wa!! A Sta 1 +90 124 129.3 96 Wali A S!a 1 +50 124 129.3 10.0 Wall A Sta 2+10 124 129.3 9.8 Wall A Sta 1+10 124 129.3 9.5 Wal! A Sta 1+30 124 129.3 97 Wall A Sta i +68 124 129.3 9.3 Wai! C Sta 1 +00 124 129.3 10.5 Wall C Sta 1+25 124 129-3 10.0 Wa!ICSta1+13 124 129.3 9.4 wan c Sta 1 +20 125 125.8 9.1 Wal! C Sta 1+-15 124 129.3 95 Waif A Sta 1+20 125 125.B 9.4 Wall A Sta 1 +50 125 125.8 9.1 Wail A Sta 2+00 125 i25.B 9.3 Wal! G Sta 1+10 61 127.7 10.8 Wan G Sta 1+35 61 127.7 11.7 Wall G Sta 1+25 555 129.8 8.3 Wal! F Sta 1 +20 555 129.8 10_0 Wall F Sta 1+10 555 129.8 10.3 Wall F Sta 1+25 61 127.7 11.1 Wall F Sta 1 +05 61 127.7 10.9 Wall G Sta 1+30 41 132.7 8.7 Wall F Sta 1+15 41 132,7 9.6 Wall G Sta 1 +05 61 127.7 10.4 Wall G Sta 1+36 61 127,7 10.6 Wal! F Sta 1 +03 41 132.7 92 Wall F Sta 1+13 61 127.7 12-4 Wall F Sta 1 +23 61 127.7 11.7 Dey Density [pcij 115.7 118.7 120.3 122.8 117.9 119.2 115.5 118.7 1242 118.1 120.7 118.7 122.8 121 .9 114.8 121.5 121.4 114.5 115.4 123.8 118.2 118.0 121.4 119.9 121.1 122.0 121.0 118.4 119.9 123.2 117.0 122.5 114.0 118.2 113.5 121.1 119.7 121.0 122.7 121-6 120, 1 118.9 127.3 124,1 116.2 118.0 124.1 117.5 118.2 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 Log No. 18~3104 Re!a!lve R uired Retest Compaction Compaction Number f¾J [%] 92 90 94 90 96 90 95 90 94 90 95 90 92 90 92 90 96 90 91 90 93 90 94 90 95 90 94 90 91 90 94 90 94 90 91 90 92 90 96 90 94 90 91 90 94 90 93 90 94 90 94 90 94 90 92 90 93 90 95 90 93 90 95 90 91 90 94 90 00 90 95 90 94 90 93 90 95 90 94 90 94 90 93 90 96 90 94 90 91 90 92 90 94 90 92 90 93 90 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Deoth [ft] 959 12/14/2016 209 960 12/14/2016 204 961 12/14/2016 204 962 12/15/2016 204 963 12/15/2016 206 964 12/15/2016 204.5 965 12/15/2016 204.5 966 12/15/2016 206.5 967 12/15/2016 206.5 968 12/15/2016 206,5 968 12/29/2016 205 970 12/29/2016 208.5 971 12/29/20"16 210 972 12/29!2016 211.8 973 12i29/2016 213 974 12/29/2016 201.5 975 12/29/2016 209.9 976 12/29/2016 210,9 977 12/29(2016 209.5 978 12/30/2016 214.5 979 12/30/2016 214,5 980 12/30/2016 210 981 12/30/2016 208 982 1/4/2017 213.5 983 1/4/2017 213.5 984 1/4/2017 215 985 1/4/2017 214.5 986 1/4/2017 215 987 1/4/2017 217 988 1/4/2017 216 TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soi! Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pcij [%] Fke line Sta 4+60 122 131.3 11.9 Fire line Sta 3+40 122 131.3 13.8 Fire line Sta 3+40 122 131.3 10,8 Fire iine Sta 3+00 121 126.6 10.4 Fire Hne Sta 3+45 121 126.6 8.5 Fire line Sta 3+16 Lat 121 126.6 9.8 Fire !ine Sta 2+51 121 126.6 10.0 fire line Sta 3+16 Lat 122 131.3 7.6 Fire iine Sta 2T51 122 131.3 8.4 Fire line Sta 1 +50 122 131.3 9.1 Fife main line, Balboa Circle 124 129.3 10.7 Fire main iine, Balboa Circle 124 129.3 10.1 Fire main line, Ba!boa Circle 124 129,3 9.9 Fire main line, Balboa Circle 155 117.6 15.0 Fire main line, Balboa Circle 155 117.6 15:1 Fire main line. Balboa Clrde 124 129.3 11.0 Lateral fire line Sta 9+49.9 124 129.3 10.0 Lateral fire Hne Sta 9+49,9 124 129.3 10.2 Main fire line, Lat sta 9+36.7 124 129.3 98 Main fire line fittings, Sta 7+65.6 155 117.6 14.3 Main fire line fittlngs, S!a 7+82.0 155 117.6 14.0 Main fire line fittings, Sta 9+49.9 124 129.3 11.1 Main fire line fittings, Sta 10+07.5 124 129.3 11.5 Main fire line, Sta 7+45 124 129.3 11.6 Main fire !ine, Sta 7+20 124 129.3 11,8 Main fire ll_ne, Sta 6+85 121 126-6 12.6 Main fire line, Sta 7+60 155 117.6 15.4 Main fire fine, Sta 7+30 121 126.6 12.0 Main fire Hne, Sta 6+90 155 117.6 15.1 Main fire !ine, Sta 6+50 155 117,6 14-7 Ory Density fpcfj 124.0 114.4 123.8 116.8 114.4 114.0 117.8 119.6 119,3 119.0 119.5 118.8 118.6 111.5 113.G 120.8 118.3 123.1 120.1 108.9 107,0 120.3 121.2 120.3 119.7 116.2 107, 1 117,3 107.9 107.6 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18~3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%1 [%1 94 90 87 90 94 90 92 90 960 retest 90 90 90 90 93 90 91 90 91 90 91 90 92 90 92 90 92 90 95 90 97 90 93 90 91 90 95 90 93 90 93 90 91 90 93 90 94 90 93 90 93 90 0" ~< 90 91 90 93 90 92 90 91 90 TABLE 4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test Test Elevation/ Location/ Soi! Max. Dry Moisture No. Date Denth Station Type Density Content [ft] fpcfj [%] Main fire !ine, Sta 989 1/4/2017 218 6+10 155 117.6 15,5 12" fire line along 990 1/28/2017 218 east of Hotel 3 155 117,6 16.5 12" fire line along 991 1/28/2017 219 east of Hotel 3 155 117.6 16.5 12" fire line along 992 1/28/2017 220 east of Hotel 3 152 106.0 16.2 12" fire !ine along 993 1/28/2017 222 east of Hotel 3 155 117.6 16.1 12" fire line along 994 1/28/2017 224 east of Hotel 3 125 125.8 10.9 12" fire line along 995 1/28/2017 228 east of Hotel 3 125 125.8 10.6 Fire line, SW 996~ 2/1/2017 SG comer of site 6 124.5 12.4 Fire line, SW 997* 2/1/2017 SG comer of site 6 124,5 11 7 Concrete kicker, 12" fire line, Sta 996 212/2017 217 4+98.4 149 115.7 14.8 Concrete kicker, 12" fire line, Std 997 2/2/2017 217 5+23.2 155 117.6 14.6 Concrete kick~}r, 12" fire line, Sta 998 2/2/2017 218 4+98.4 152 106,0 15.9 Concrete kicker, 12" fire line, Sta 999 2/2/2017 221 3+71.7 152 106.0 i5.7 Concrete kicker, 12'" fire line, Sta 1000 2/2/2017 226 1+62.8 152 106,0 15.1 Repaired 12" storm drain @ south end of 1001 2/4/'2017 231.5 property 218 117.4 14.3 Repaired 12" storm drain @ south er1d of 1002 2/4/2017 231.5 property 125 125.8 10.2 Repaired 12" s!orm drain @ south end of 1003 2/4/2017 233.5 property 125 125,8 11.2 Repaired 12" stormdm!n@ south end cf 1004 2/4/2017 233.5 property 125 125.8 10.2 12" water main & 1005 2/16/2017 FG-1' 8" tie in water line 121 126.6 10.5 12" water main & 1006 2/16/2017 FG 8" tie in water line 121 126.6 10.4 12~ water main & 1007 2116/2017 FG 8" tie in water line 121 126.6 11.3 D,y Density [pcfj 108.5 i08.4 107.3 100.8 106.7 114.6 116.1 113,9 112.1 105.7 110.4 968 97.3 98.5 107.3 114.8 115.3 114.8 117.9 124.6 123.4 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18~3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%J r101 92 90 92 90 91 90 95 90 91 90 91 90 92 90 91 90 90 90 91 90 94 90 91 90 92 90 93 90 91 90 91 90 92 90 91 90 93 90 98 95 97 95 Test Test E!evation/ No Date Denth [ft) 1008 2/16/2017 FB 1009 2/16/2017 FB 1010 2/17/2017 FGAC 1011 2i17/2017 FGAC 1012 2/17/2017 225 1013 2117/2017 227 1014 2/2212017 208 1015 2/22/2017 208 1016 2/22/2017 208 1017 2/22/2017 209 1018 2/22/2017 209 1019 2/22i2017 209 1020 2/22/2017 210 1021 2122!2017 210 1022 2/2212017 210 1023 2/22/2017 208 1024 2/22/2017 208 1025 2/22/2017 208 1026 212312017 209 1027 2/23/2017 209 1028 2i23/2017 210 1029 2/23/2017 210 1030 2/23/2017 211 1031 2/23/2017 211 1032 2/23/2017 211 1033 2/23/2017 212.3 1034 2/23/2017 212.3 TABLE 4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pcQ r'JoJ 12" water main & 8" tie in water tine 72 122,'7 12.2 12" waier main & 8" tie in water l'lne 72 122.7 11.8 Asphalt paving, 12" water line 74 145.8 AspMit paving. 12'' water line 74 145.8 Water !ine @ fire hydrant, SW of Hotel 3 124 129.3 11.9 Water line @ fire hydrant, SW of Hoiel 3 124 129.3 11.3 Poof house pad over-exc. 125 125.8 10.7 Pool house pad over-exc_ 125 125,8 10.4 Pool house pad over-exc. 125 125-8 10.2 Pool hOuse pad over-exc. 125 125.8 10.i Pool hOuse pad over-exc. 125 125.8 99 Poe! hOuse pad over-exc, 125 125.8 10 3 Pool house pad over-exc_ 124 129.3 95 Poot house pad over-exc. 124 129.3 10.0 Pool house pad over-exc. 124 129.3 9.7 Poo! house pad over-exc. '125 125.8 10.5 Poo! house pad over-exc. 124 129.3 102 Pool house pad over-exc. 124 129-3 9.9 Pool hOuse pad over-.exc. 124 129.3 10, 1 Pool house pad over~exc_ 124 129.3 10,7 Pool hOuse pad over-exc. 124 129.3 10 5 Pool hOuse pad over-exc. 125 125.8 97 Pool house pad over-exc. 121 126.6 10.2 Pool house pad over-exc. 121 126.6 10.3 Pool Muse pad over-exc_ 121 126.6 10.3 Pool house pad over-exc. 124 129.3 99 Pool Muse pad over-exc, 124 129.3 9.3 De; Density [pcfj 119.2 118.6 140.6 141.1 120.9 122.3 114.2 118.5 118.0 115.2 118.3 116.8 120.8 121, 1 118.0 117.1 120.1 120.9 119.3 118.5 118.7 115.3 118,5 120.9 120.1 123.8 121, 1 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18~3104 Relative Required Retest CompacUon Compaction Number [%] [%J 97 95 97 95 96 95 97 95 94 90 95 90 91 90 94 90 94 90 92 90 94 90 93 90 93 90 94 90 91 90 93 90 93 90 94 90 92 90 92 90 92 90 92 90 94 90 95 90 95 90 96 90 94 90 Test Test Elevation/ No. uate Deoth [ft} 1035 2i23/2017 212.3 1036 2/23/2017 212.3 1037 2/23/2017 212.3 1038 2124/2017 195 1039 2/24/2017 193 1040 2/24/2017 190 1041 2/24/2017 186 1042 2/24/2017 187 1043 2/24/2017 186 1044 31312017 219 1045 31312017 219.5 1046 3/312017 219.5 1047 3/3/2017 220.5 1048 313/2017 220-5 1049 3/9/2017 220.5 1050 3/9/2017 220.5 1051 3/9/2017 212 1052 3/9/2017 211 1053 3/9/2017 213 1054 3/9/2017 214 1055 3/9/2017 215 TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soi! Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content !pcij [%] Poo! house pad over-exc .. 121 126.6 10.5 Pool house pad over-exc. 121 126.6 10.3 Pool house pad over-exc. 121 126,6 10.8 Fire !ine SE to E of Vina 76 124 129.3 9.6 Fire !ine SE to E ofVi!!a 76 122 131,3 87 Fire tine SE to E ofVma 76 122 131.3 9 1 Fire fine SE to E ofVil!a 76 124 129.3 9.7 Fire !ine SE to E of Villa 76 124 129.3 9.4 Fire line SE lo E of Villa 76 124 129-3 9.5 Sheraton Hotel 3 Lobby@SE comer 121 126,6 13.3 Sheraton Hote! 3 Lobby@SE corner 121 126.6 12.3 Sheraton Hotel 3 Lobby@SE corner 124 129.3 10.1 Sheraton Hotel 3 Lobby@SE corner 124 129.3 11.2 Sheraton Hotel 3 Lobby@SE corner 121 126.6 12.9 Sheraton Hotel 3 pad sou!h end adj. to Hotel 3 121 126.6 12.3 Sheraton Hotel 3 pad south end adj. to Hotel 3 121 126.6 12.1 Sheraton Hotel 3 pad south end adj. to Hotel 3 121 126.6 11.9 Sheralon Hotel 3 pad south end adj. to Hotel 3 121 126.6 12.5 Sheraton Hotef 3 pad south end adj. to Hotel 3 121 126.6 10.6 She;aton Hotel 3 pad south end adj. to Hotel 3 121 126.6 11.3 Sheraton Hotel 3 pad south end adj. to Hote! 3 121 126.6 0 Dey Density [pcf] 119.0 118.4 122.1 121.4 121,5 119.4 117.8 122.8 118.2 118.3 120.8 125.2 122.3 116.8 117.8 117.1 116.9 118.3 116.0 118.0 118.3 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest compaction Compaction Number !%] [%] 94 90 94 90 96 90 94 90 93 90 91 90 91 90 95 90 91 90 93 90 95 90 97 90 95 90 92 90 93 90 92 90 92 90 93 90 92 90 93 90 93 90 TABLE 4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test Test Elevation/ Location/ Soi! Max. Dry Moisture No. Date Deoth Station Type Density Content [ft] [pcij [%] Sheraion Hotei 3 pad south end 1056 3/9/2017 216 adj. to Hotel 3 121 126.6 13.1 Sheraton Hotel 3 pad south end 1057 3/10/2017 217 adj, to Hotel 3 124 129.3 9.9 Sheraton Hotel 3 pad soutr: end 1058 3/10/2017 218 adj. to Hate! 3 124 129.3 12.3 Sheraton Hotel 3 pad south end 1059 3/10/2017 221,5 adj. to Hotel 3 124 129.3 12,5 Sheraton Hotel 3 pad south end 1060 3/10/'2017 222.5 adj. !o Hotel 3 121 126.6 12.5 Shera!on Hotel 3 pad south end 1061 3/10/2017 219 adj. to Hotel 3 121 126.6 12.9 Sheraton Hotel 3 j>ad south end 1062 3/10/2017 219 adj. to Hotel 3 121 126.6 12.8 Sheraton Hotel 3 pad south end 1063 3/10/2017 220 adj. to Hote! 3 121 126.6 13.1 Sheraton Hotel 3 pad south end 1064 3/10/2017 221 adj, to Hate! 3 121 126.6 12.2 Sheraton Hotel 3 pad south end 1065 3/10/2017 222 adj. to Hotel 3 124 129.3 11.5 Sheraton Ho!ei 3 pad south end 1066 3/10/2017 222 adj. to Hotel 3 121 126.6 11.5 Sheraton Hate! 3 pad south end 1067 3/10/2017 223.5 adj. to Hotel 3 121 126.6 10.9 Sheraton Hote! 3 pad sou-th end 1068 3/10/2017 223.5 adj. to Hotel 3 121 126.6 10.6 1069 3/13/2017 222 Water slide 121 126.6 11.1 1070 3/13/2017 22 Water slide 121 126.6 11.2 1071 3/13/2017 224 Water slide 121 126.6 12.1 1072 3/13/2017 224 Water slide 121 126.6 10.7 1073 3/13/2017 226 Waters!ide 121 126.6 12.1 1074 3/13/2017 228 Waterstide 121 126.6 11.8 4" to 3" plumbing line under pool 1075 3/14/2017 FG house 121 126.6 12.9 4" to 3" plumbing line under pool 1076 3/14/2017 FG house 121 126.6 11.9 6" PVC plumbing under bldg along 1077 3/31/2017 FG Hotel 3 121 126,6 10.6 Dry Density [pd] 118, 1 123.1 119.4 119.0 116,9 116 4 117.0 115.8 118.8 119,5 116.8 117.6 118.3 118.3 116.5 118.8 117.8 118.9 120.5 119.4 118.4 117.7 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18-3104 Re!ative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number f%J [%} 93 90 95 90 92 90 92 90 92 90 92 90 92 90 91 90 94 90 92 90 92 90 93 90 93 90 93 90 92 90 94 90 93 90 94 90 95 90 94 90 94 90 93 90 Tesl: Test Elevation/ No Date Oeoth [ft) 1078 3/31/2017 FG 1079 3/31/2017 FG 1080 3/31/2017 FG 1081 3/31/2017 FG 1082 4/18/2017 213 1083 4/18/2017 213 1084 4/18/2017 214 1085 4/18/2017 214 1086 4/18/2017 215 1087 4/18/2017 216 1088 4/1-8/2017 216 1089 4/18/2017 217 1090 4/18/2017 217 1091 4/18/2017 218 1092 4/18/2017 218 1093 4/19/2017 219 1094 4/19/2017 220 1095 4/19/2017 221 TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location! Soi! Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pcf] [%] 6" PVC plumbing under btdg along Hotel 3 121 126.6 10.8 6" PVC p!umbing under b!dg along Hotel 3 121 126.6 10.8 6" PVC plumbing under bldg along Hotel 3 121 126.6 10,9 6" PVC plumbing under bldg along Hotel 3 121 126.6 10.3 Backfill around 3 sides of pool house 125 125.8 11.8 BackflU around 3 sides of pool house 121 126.6 11.8 Backfill around 3 sides of pool house 121 126.6 11.6 Backfill around 3 sides of pool house 121 128.6 11.3 Backfill around 3 sides of pool house 121 126.6 11.5 Backfill around 3 sides of pool house 121 126.6 11.4 Backfill around 3 sides of pool house 121 126.6 11.7 Backfill around 3 sides of pool house 121 126-6 11.4 Backfill around 3 sides of pool house 124 129.3 10.2 Backfill around 3 sides of pool house 125 125.8 10.8 Backfill around 3 sides of pool house 125 125.8 10.9 Backfill around 3 sides of pool house 125 125.8 10.1 Backfill around 3 sides of pool house 125 125.8 10.7 Backfill around 3 sides of pool house 125 125,8 9.8 Ory Density fpcfj 118-7 116.8 120.5 116.2 113.4 118.4 115.9 117.3 117.9 118.7 119.2 116.4 122.3 114.2 115,7 113,9 113.8 114.2 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 Log No. 18~3104 Reiative Reqwred Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] f%J 94 90 92 90 95 90 92 90 90 90 94 90 92 90 93 90 93 90 94 90 94 90 92 90 95 90 91 90 92 90 91 90 90 90 91 90 Test Test Elevation/ No. Da!e Denfh [ft] 1096 4/19/2017 222.5 1097 4/19/2017 FG 1098 4!1912017 FG 1099 5/i9/17 FG-2' 1100 5/19/i? FG-2' 1101 5/19/17 FG 1102 5119/17 FG 1103 5/24/17 FG-1.5' 1104 5/24/17 FG-1.5' 1105 5/24/17 FG 1106 5/24/17 FG-1.5' 1107 5/24/17 FG-1.5' 1108 5/24/17 FG 1108" 5126117 FG-2' 1109 5,'26/17 FG-2' 1110 5/26/17 FG 1111 5/26117 FG-·1.5' 1112 5/26/17 FG-1.5' TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS location/ Soil Max. Ory Moisture Station Type Density Content [pcf! (%J Backfill around 3 sides of pool house 125 125.8 10,4 Backfill around 3 sides of pooi house 125 125.8 10.5 Backfill around 3 sides of pool house 125 125.8 10.3 Electrical trench underneath Sheraton 121 126.6 11. 1 Electrical trench ,mderneath Sheraton 121 126.6 11 E!eclrical trench underneath Sheraton 121 126.6 11.1 E!ectrica! trench underneath Sheraton 121 126.6 11.3 Electrical trench along W side of Hott.>! 4 121 126.6 11.6 Electrical trench along W side of Hotel 4 121 126.6 12.1 Electrical trench along W side of Hotel 4 121 126.6 11.8 Electrical trench along W side of Hotel 4 121 126.6 11.5 Electrical trench along W side of Hotel 4 121 126.6 11 Electrical trench a!ong W side of Hote!4 121 126.6 11.2 Electrical trer1ch NW to N of Hotel 4 121 126.6 11 Electrical trench NW to N of Hotel 4 121 126.6 11.3 Electrical trench NW to N of Hotel 4 121 126.6 10.9 Electrical trench NW lo N of Hotel 4 121 126.6 11.1 Electrical trench NW to N of Hotel 4 121 126.6 10.5 D,v Density [pcij 119,9 117.1 117.8 118.5 117.8 115.9 118 114.1 115.3 120.0 116.0 116.4 119.6 119.7 118.5 121.5 121.0 115.9 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 Log No. 18-3104 Re!ative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%J [%] 95 90 93 90 94 90 94 90 93 90 92 90 93 90 90 90 91 90 95 90 92 90 92 90 94 90 95 90 94 90 96 90 96 90 92 90 Test Test Elevation/ No Date Deoth [ft] 1113 5/26/17 FG 1114 6/1/17 FG-2' 1115 6/1/17 FG-2' 1116 6/1 /17 FG-2' 1117 6/1/17 FG-2' 1118 6/2/17 FG 1119 612/17 FG 1120 612/17 FG 1121 6/2/17 FG 1122 6/5/17 FG-1' 1123 6/5/17 FG 1124 615117 FG 1125 6/5/17 FG 1126 6/5/17 FG 1127 6/5/17 FG 1128 6/5/17 FG 1129 6/5/17 FG TABLE 4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pcfj [%] Electrical trench NW to N of Hate! 4 121 126.6 11.4 Electrical trench from pool house to Hotel 4 125 125.8 10,1 Electrical trench from pool house lo Hotel 4 125 125.8 9.6 Electrical trench from poo! house to Hotel 4 125 125.8 9.8 E!ectrica! trench from pool house to Hotel 4 125 125.8 9.5 Electrical & gas 1ine from pool house to Hotel 4 121 126.6 11.5 Electrlca! & gas line from pool house to Hotel 4 121 126.6 11.3 E!ectricai & gas !ine from pool house to Hotel 4 125 125.8 96 Electrical & gas line from pool house to Hotel 4 121 126.6 10.9 Electrical & gas line from Hotel 4 lobby to NE 121 126.6 12.8 Electrical & gas line from Hotel 4 lobby to NE 125 125.8 96 Electrical & gas !ine from Hotel 4 !obby to NE 121 126.6 10.9 Electrical & gas line from Hotel 4 lobby to NE 121 126.6 10.7 Plumbmg line under Hotel 4 lobby -1/2 pad area 125 125.8 96 Plumbing line urider Hotel 4 lobby -1/2 pad area 125 125.8 10.7 Plumbing line under Hotel 4 lobby -1 /2 pad area 125 125.8 8.9 Plumbing line under Hotel 4 lobby -1/2 pad area 125 125.8 9 D;y Density [pcij 117.7 118.0 118.8 117.9 i 18.8 119.2 119.2 118.4 121,4 119.9 118.9 120.2 120.8 116.6 1 i6.9 115.5 115.6 MTGL Project No. 1916B1i Log No_ 18--3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Nt1mber {%J !%] 93 90 94 90 94 90 94 90 94 90 94 90 94 90 94 90 96 90 95 90 95 90 95 90 95 90 93 90 93 90 92 90 92 90 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Deoth [ft] 1130 615117 FG 1131 6/5/17 FG 1132 6/6/17 207 1133 6/6/17 208 1134 6/6/17 209 1135 6/7/17 207 1136 6/7/17 208 1137 617117 209 1138 6/7/17 209 1139 6/7/17 209 1140 6/12/17 FG-2' 1141 6/12/17 FG-2' 1142 6/12/17 FG-1' 1143 6/12/17 FG-1' 1144 6/'13/17 206 1145 6/13/17 206 1146 6/13/17 208 1147 6/13/17 209 TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soi! Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pct] [%] Plumbing lir,e under Hotel 4 lobby-1/2 pad area 121 126.6 10.4 Plumbing !ine under Hotel 4 lobby -1/2 pad area t21 126.6 10.6 Pad overex. Along E, G/L 1/A-C (Dist Bldg) 218 117.4 13,8 Pad overex. Along E. G/l 1/A-C (Dis!. Bldg) 218 117.4 14.6 Pad overex. Along E. G/L 1/A-C (Dist. Bldg) 218 117.4 14.9 Pad overex. A!ong !;:. G/L 1/A-C (Dist. Bldg) 218 117.4 13.7 Pad overex. Along E. GIL 1/A~C (Dist _Bldg) 218 117-4 14.0 Pad overex. Atong E. GIL 1/A--C (Dist B!dg) 218 117.4 138 Pad overex. Along E. GIL 1/A-C (Dist. Bldg) 218 117.4 13.9 Pad overex. Along E. GIL 1/A-C (Dist. B!dg) 218 117.4 13.5 F!g trench, GIL 4, Cto E 218 117.4 13.2 Ftg trench, GIL 4, Cto E 218 117.4 13.3 Ftg trench, GIL 4, Cto E 218 117.4 14,0 Ftg trench, GIL 4, Cto E 218 117.4 13.5 Ftg bottom, GIL 4 /CtoE.& plumbing line G/L 6/0 to E 218 117.4 13A Ftg bottom, GIL 4 /CtoE& plumbing !ine GIL 6/D lo E 218 117-4 14.6 Ftg bottom, G/l 4 /CtoE& plumbing line Gil 6/D to E 218 117.4 13.3 Ftg bottom, GIL 4 /CloE& plumbing line G/L 6/D to E 218 117.4 14,5 Dry Density fpcfJ 119.3 117.8 107.3 105.8 107.0 105.9 105.8 110.1 113.6 112.7 108.2 110.1 113.5 113.7 107.2 109.7 i08.8 106.8 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] (%1 94 90 93 90 91 90 90 90 91 90 90 90 90 90 94 90 97 90 96 90 92 90 94 90 97 90 97 90 91 90 93 90 93 90 91 90 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Deoth [ft) 1148 6/13/17 FG 1149 6/13/17 FG 1150 6/13/17 FG 1151 6/13i17 FG 1152 6/13/17 FG 1153 6/13/17 FG 1154 6/15/17 209.1 1155 6/15/17 209.1 1156 6/15/17 209.1 1157 6/15/17 210.1 1158 6/15/17 21i 1 1159 6/19/17 FG 1160 6/19/17 FG 1161 6/19117 FG 1162 6/19/17 FG 1163 6/19/17 FG 1164 6/19/17 FG 1165 6/19/17 FG~3' 1166 6/19/17 FG-3' 1167 6/19/17 FG-1' TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Sol! Max. Dry Mo,sture Station Type Density Content [pclj [%] Ftg bottom, GIL 4 /CtoE& plumbing line GIL 6/D 1o E 218 117A 13.5 Ftg bottom, G/L 4 /CioE& plumbing fine GIL 6/D to E 218 117.4 13,3 Plumbing !ine under Dist. Bldg. 218 1H.4 13.5 Plumbing line under Dist. Bldg. 218 117-4 13.5 Plumbing line under Dist Bldg. 218 117A 13.8 Plumbing !ine under Dist. Bldg. 218 117.4 13.3 Electrical trench, Dist. Bldg, across GIL 5-6/A-C 218 117.4 13.5 E!ectrica! trench, Dist Bldg, across GIL 5¥6/A-C 218 117.4 13.3 Electrical trench, Dist Bldg, across GIL 5-6/A-C 218 117.4 13.1 Electrical trench, Dist. Bldg. across GIL 5-6/A-C 218 117.4 13_6 Electrical trench, Dist Bldg, across G/L 5-6/A·C 218 117.4 13,3 Four to six in. area dram, Hotel 4 lobby 125 125.8 10,6 Four to six in. area drain, Hotel 4Iobby 121 126,6 12.8 Four to six in. area drain. Hotel 4 !obby 121 126.6 13.2 Four !o six in. area drain, Hotel 4 lobby 121 126.6 11.0 Four to six in. area drain, Hotel 4Iobby 121 126.6 12.1 Four to six in. area dra\n, Hotel 4 lobby 121 126,6 10.9 Elec!ric duct enc. Hotel 4 outbldg. 149 115.7 14. i Electric duct enc_ Hotel 4 outblctg. 149 115.7 14.7 Electric duct enc. Hotel 4 outbldg. 149 115.7 15.3 O,y Density [pcij 107.0 107.4 106.8 108 2 109.0 108.3 107.1 108,5 107.2 108.7 107.0 114 2 117.4 116.5 118.3 117.4 118.6 104.6 105.1 105.8 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 Log No. 18--3104 Re!atlve Reqwred Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%) [%] 91 90 91 90 91 90 92 90 93 90 92 90 91 90 92 90 91 90 93 90 91 90 91 90 93 90 92 90 93 90 93 90 94 90 90 90 91 90 91 90 Test Test E!evationi No. Date Oeoth [ft] 1168 6/19/17 FG-1' 1169 6/19/17 FG 1170 6119!17 FG 1171 6122/17 FG-3' 1172 6/22/17 FG-1' 1173 6/22/17 FG-3' 1174 6/22/17 FG-1' 1175 6/22/17 FG 1176 6/22/17 FG-4' 1177 6/22/17 FG-2' 1178 6/22/17 FG-1' 1179 6/22/17 FG 1180 6/23/17 FG-2' 1181 6/23/17 FG 1182 Bi23!17 FG-3' 1183 6/23/17 FG-2' 1184 6/23i17 FG-4' TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soil Max. Orv Moisture Station Type Density Content [pc!] [%] Electric duct enc. Hotel 4 outbkig. 149 115.7 13.9 Electric duct enc. Hotel 4 outb!dg. 149 115.7 15.8 Electric duct enc. Hotel 4 outbldg. 149 115.7 14.9 Plurribing line around swimming poo!ltrench east side 121 126.6 10.8 Plumbing line around swimming pool/trench east side 121 126.6 12.4 Plumbing hne around swimming pool/trench east side 121 126,6 11.5 Plumbing line around swimming pool/trench east side 121 126.6 11.4 Plumbing line around swimming pool/trench east side 121 126,6 11.7 Plumbing line around swimming pool/trench east side 121 126.6 10.6 Area drain at W side of Hotel 4 lobby 121 126.6 11.3 Area drain at W side of Hotel 4 lobby 121 126.6 11.9 Area drain at W side of Hotel 4 lobby 121 126.6 11.4 P!t,mbing line around poo! @ S. side of pool 121 126.6 11.9 Plumbing !ine around pool @ S. side of pool 121 126.6 11.8 Plumbing line around pool@ S. side of pool 124 129.3 10, 1 Plumbing line around pool @ S. side of pool 121 126.6 12.5 Plumbing line around pool@ S. side of pool 121 126,6 11.6 D,y Density [pcij 105.3 106.6 106.1 115,6 118.9 . 114.1 11:i,9 119.5 114.8 114.1 115.9 117.1 118,7 121.4 121.3 117.5 117.9 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%1 [%] 91 90 92 90 92 90 91 90 94 90 90 90 92 90 94 90 91 90 90 90 92 90 92 90 94 90 96 90 94 90 93 90 93 90 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Deotn 1ft] 1185 6/23/17 FG-2' 1186 6/23/17 FG-1' 1187 6/23/17 FG 1188 6/23/17 FG-1' 1189 6/23/17 FG 1190 6/27/17 FG-2' 1191 6/27/17 FG·1' 1192 6/27/17 FG 1193 6/27/17 FG-4' 1194 6127117 FG-2' 1195 6/27/17 FG 1196 6/27/17 FG-3' 1197 6/27/17 FG-1' 1198 6/27/17 FG 1199 6127117 FG-1' 1200 6127117 FG 1201 6/27117 FG 1202 6/27/17 FG-1' TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Sol! Max, Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content {pcij [%] P!umbing line around pool@ S. side of poo! 124 129,3 10.5 Electrical trench E. of Hotel 4 outbldg. 121 126.6 11.5 E1ec!rical trench E. of Hotel 4 owtb!dg. 121 126.6 11.7 E!ectricat trench E. of Hotel 4 outb!dg. 121 126.6 11.3 Electrical trench E. of Hotel 4 outbldg. 121 126.6 11.0 Pool plumbing along S. side of pool bldg. 125 125.8 98 Pool plumbing along S. side of pool bldg. 125 125.8 9.9 Pool plumbing along S. side of pool bldg. 125 125.8 10.8 Pool p!umbing along S. side ot pool bldg. 125 125,8 98 Poo! plumbing along S. side of pooi bidg. 121 126.6 10.8 Pool plumbing along S. side of pool bldg. Pool plumbing 121 126.6 10.5 along W. side of pool bldg. 121 126.6 10.8 Pool plumbing along W. side of pool bldg. 121 126.6 11.1 Pool plumbing along W. side of pool bldg. 121 126.6 12.0 Poo! plumbing along W. side of poo! btdg. 121 126.6 11.6 Pool plumbing along W. side of pool bldg. 121 126.6 11.5 Pool plumbing a!ong W. side of pool bldg, 121 126.6 11.3 Electrical duct N. of Hotel 4 & outbldg. 121 126.6 11,3 D,y Density [pcfj 120.3 115.2 117.5 118.1 121.3 116.5 114.8 114.0 115.4 119.8 118.6 119.6 117.4 118.8 116,5 118,5 119.1 118.4 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%J !%J 93 90 91 90 93 90 93 90 96 00 93 90 91 90 91 90 92 90 95 90 94 90 94 90 93 90 94 90 92 90 94 90 94 90 94 90 1est Test E!evaf,on/ No. Date Oenth [ft] 1203 6/27/17 FG-1' 1204 6127117 FG 1205 6127/17 FG-1' 1206 6/27/17 FG 1207 6/27/17 FG 1208 6/28/17 FG-3' 1209 6/28/17 FG-2' 1210 6/28/17 FG-1' 1211 6i28/i 7 FG 1212 6/28/17 FG 1213 6/28/17 FG-2' 1214 6128/17 FG 1215 6/28/17 FG 1216 6/28/17 FG 1217 6/29/17 FG-2' 1218 6/29/17 FG-1' 1219 6/29/17 FG 1220 6/29/17 FG--2' 1221 6/29/17 FG 1222 6/29/17 FG TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Locaflonf Soil Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pcij (%1 Electrical duct N. of Hotel 4 & outbldg. 121 126.6 12.9 Efec!rical duct N. of Hotel 4 & outbidg. 121 126.6 10.7 Electrical duct N. of Hotel 4 & outb!dg. 124 129.3 9.9 Electrical duct N. of Hotel 4 & oufbldg. 124 129.3 10.3 E!ectrical duct N. of Hotel 4 & outbldg. 121 126,6 10.6 Poo! plumbing along W. slde of pool 121 126.6 10.6 Pool plumbing along W. side of pool 121 126.6 11.6 Pool plumbing along W. side of pool 121 i26.6 12.2 Pool plumbing alo_ng W. side of poet 12, 126.6 11.6 Pool plumbing along W. side of pool 12, 126.6 11.0 Pool plumbing along W. side of pool 121 126.6 11. .2 Pool plumbing along W. side of pool 121 126.6 10.3 Pool plumbing along W side of poci 121 126.6 10.8 Pool pl(Jmb[ng along W. side of pool 121 126.6 10.6 Pool lines @ S. side ofpoo! 121 126.6 12.3 Pool lines@ S. side of pool 121 126.6 11 1 Pool lines @ s. side of pool 121 126.6 11.8 Poe! lines@ S. side ofpoo! 121 126.6 11.7 Pool lines @ S. side of pooi 121 126.6 11 .5 Pool lines @ S. side of pool '21 126.6 10.7 Ory Density [pcij 118.2 120.4 121.2 121.0 117.5 119.1 118.6 120.7 117.6 119A 118.6 118.7 116.7 118-9 117.5 116.5 116.3 115.8 117.9 116.8 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 Log No. 18-310-1 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number r1o1 [%] 93 90 95 90 94 90 94 90 93 90 94 90 94 90 95 90 93 90 94 90 90 94 90 92 90 94 90 93 90 92 90 92 90 91 90 93 90 92 90 Test Test Elevation/ No Date Deoth [ft] 1223 6/29/17 FG 1224 6f29l17 FG 1225 6/29/17 FG 1226 6/30/17 FG-2' 1227 6/30/17 FG-1' 1228 6/30/17 FG 1229 6/30117 FG 1230 7/5/17 FG 1231 7i5i17 FG 1232 7/5/17 FG 1233 7/5/17 FG 1234 7/6/17 FG 123!:i 716/17 FG 1236 7/6/17 FG 1237 7/7/17 FG-2' 1238 7/7/17 FG-1' 1239 7/7/17 FG 1240 717117 FG-3' 1241 7(7(17 FG-3' 1242 7/7/17 FG-2' 1243 7/7/17 FG-1' 1244 717117 FG TABLE 4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content {pct] [%j Elect. & gas lines N. ofoutbldg to generator 121 126.6 10.9 Elect. & gas !ines N. of outl'.!ldg to generator 121 126.6 10.5 Elect. & gas lines N. of outb!dg to generator 121 126.6 10.6 Pool lines @ S. side of pool 121 126.6 11-1 Pool !ines@ S. side of pool 121 126.6 11.1 Pool lines @ s. side of pool 121 126.6 10.6 Pool lines@ S. side of pool 12i 126.6 10.4 Area drain N. of Sheraton lobby 121 126.6 11,6 Area drain N. of Sheraton lobby 121 126.6 11.8 Area drain N. of Sheraton lobby 12'1 126.6 12.1 Area drain N. of Sheraton lobby 121 126.6 10.7 Wall ftgs, interior side of Dist Bldg 218 117.4 13.6 Wa!! figs, interior side of Dist B!dg 218 117.4 13.5 Wal! figs, interior side of Dist. Bldg 218 117-4 13.8 Elect. Box@ N. end of Hotel 4 outb!dg. 125 125.8 9.3 Elect, Box@ N. end of Hotel 4 outbldg. 121 126.6 10.7 Elect Box@ N. end of Hotel 4 outbidg. 121 126.6 11.2 Wal! figs along GIL 4/D-E Dist Bldg interior wall 125 125.8 11,5 Wall figs along GIL 4/D··E Dist Bldg interior wall 125 125.8 11.0 Wal! figs along GIL 4/D-E Dist. Bldg interior wa!! 125 125.8 10.7 Wal! figs a!ong GIL 4/Q .. E Dist Bldg interior wall 125 125.8 10.5 Wall -ftgs along Gil 4iD-E Dist. Bldg lnterior wall 125 125,8 10,4 Dry Density [pcij ~ 18.3 117.5 118.6 119.5 115.9 116,8 1 i7.8 116.8 116,2 116A 115.3 110.1 108.5 108.7 113.7 118.9 118.5 115.2 116.0 115.3 116.9 118-5 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%j [%] 93 90 93 90 94 90 94 90 92 90 92 90 93 90 92 90 92 90 92 90 91 90 94 90 92 90 93 90 90 90 90 94 90 92 90 92 90 92 90 93 90 94 90 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Oeo!h [ft] 1245 7i10/i7 FG 1246 7/10/17 FG 1247 7/10/17 FG 1248 7110117 FG 1249 7/10/17 FG 1250 7/10/17 FG 1251 7/10/17 FG 1252 7110/17 FG 1253 7111/17 FG-1' 1254 7/11/17 FG-2' 1255 7/11/17 FG-3' 1256 7/11/17 FG-4' 1257 7tl2/H FG 1258 7112/17 FG 1259 7/12/17 FG 1260 7/12/17 FG-1' 1261 7112/17 FG-2' 126".l 7/12/17 FG-3' 1263 7112/17 FG--1' 1264 7/12/17 FG 1265 7/13/17 FG-1' 1266 7/13/17 FG-2' 1267 7/13/17 FG-1' TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pcfj [%] Eli;ict & gas lines N. of Sheraton outbfdg to generator 121 126.6 12.5 Elect & gas iines N. of Sheraton outb!dg to generator 121 126 6 12.3 Elect & gas lines N. of Sheraton outbldg to generator 121 126.6 12.0 Interior waH GIL C· D/2-4 Dist Box 218 1 '17.4 13.3 Interior wall G/L C- D/2-4 Dist. Box 85 122.8 14.6 Interior wall G/L C- D/2-4 Dist Box 218 117.4 15.1 Interior wa!I G/l C- D/2-4 Dist. Box 121 126.6 12.6 Interior wall GIL C- D/2-4 Dist. Box 121 126.6 11.3 Dist. Bldg E, side of loading dock 121 126.6 1 L9 Dist. Bldg E. side of loading dock 121 126.6 11.8 Dist. Bldg E. side 121 126.6 11 Dist. Bldg E, side 121 126-6 12.1 4" plumbing line @outbldg, Sheraton Hater 125 125.8 9.4 4" plumbing line @ outbldg, Sheraton Hotel 125 125.8 9.8 Dist Bldg E. side of loading dock 125 125.8 11.8 Dist. Bldg E. side of !oading dock 125 125.8 11.2 Dist. Bldg E. side of loading dock 125 125.8 11.0 Dist. Bldg E. side of loading dock 125 125.8 11.5 Dist Bldg E. side of loading dock 125 125.8 11.2 Dist. B!dg E. side of loading dock 125 125.8 11-4 Ftg. W side of Dist Bldg !oading dock 126 125.8 11.0 Ftg. W side of Dist Bldg loading dock 125 125 8 10.7 Fig. W side of Dist Bldg loading dock 125 125.8 10.9 Dry Densi!y [pcfj 119.7 115.4 118.3 108,9 114.1 107.2 120.3 119.4 115.2 113.9 118.7 116.9 117.7 116.9 115.7 115,8 116.6 118,5 115.9 116.9 116.5 114.5 116-1 MTGL Project No, 1916811 Log No. 18-3104 Re!aU11e Required Ketest Compaction Compaction Number (%] [%1 95 90 91 90 93 90 93 90 93 90 91 90 95 90 94 90 91 90 90 90 94 90 92 90 94 90 93 90 92 90 92 90 93 90 94 90 92 90 93 90 93 90 91 90 92 90 TABLE 4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test Test Eleva1ion/ Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture No. Date Deoth Station Type Density Content [~I [pcf] (%] Ftg. W side of Dist Bldg loading 1268 7/13/17 FG dock 125 125.8 10.5 Dlst.Bldg. ex!. wall 1269 7i14!1 7 FG G/L 1/C-D 125 125.8 10,6 Dist.Bldg. ext wall 1270 7/14/17 FG G/L 1/C-D 125 125.8 10.8 Dist.Bldg. ext. wall 1271 7114/17 FG-1' G/L 1/C-D 125 12s.a 10.0 Dist.8!dg. ext wall 1272 7/14/17 FG G/L 1/C-D 125 125.8 9.8 01s!.Bldg. ext wall 1273 7/14/17 FG GIL 1/C-D 125 125.8 10.3 Dist.Bldg. ext wall 1274 7/14/17 FG GIL 1/C-O 125 125.8 10.0 Dist.Bldg. ext waif 1275 7114/17 FG-1' G/L 1/C-D 125 126.8 10.4 Dist.Bldg, ext wall 1276 7/21/17 FG-4' G/L 1/A-C 125 125.8 11.9 Dist.Bldg. ext. wan 1277 7/21117 FG-3' GIL 1/A-C 125 125,8 11.3 Dist.Bldg. ext. wall 1278 7/21/17 FG--2' GIL 1/A-C 125 125.8 10.2 Dist.Bldg. ext wall 1279 7/21/17 FG-1' GIL 1/A-C 121 1266 11.9 Dist.Bldg. ext wall 1280 7/21/17 FG G/L 1/A-C 121 126,6 10A D1st.8!dg. ext. wall 1281 7/21/17 FG GIL 1/A~C 121 126.6 11,2 Elect Trench@ NE comer Grand Pacific Dr.@ 1282 7/21/17 FG-2' Balboa Circle 124 129.3 10.1 Elect Trench@ NE corner Grand Pacific Dr.@ 1283 7/21/17 FG Balboa Circ!e 124 129.3 10,3 Storm drain, south 1· 7/26/17 FG side of pool b!dg, 72 123,2 11.8 Storm drain. south 2· 7/26/17 FG side of pool bldg. 72 123.2 12.0 Storm drain, south 3' 7/26/17 FG s:de of poo! bldg. 72 123-2 11.1 Gas !ine tie-in @ 1 •• 7/26/17 FG-4' Berger Elect. 6 124.5 8.9 Gas line lie-in @ 2-7/26i17 FG-2' Berger Elect. 6 124.5 9.1 12" PVC area 1284 7i27117 FG-3' drain @ pool area 121 126,6 11:7 12" PVC area 1285 7127117 FG-1' drain @ pool area 121 126-6 11.7 12" PVC area 1286 7/27/17 FG drain @ pool area 121 126.6 10.9 Dry Density [pcf] 118.3 116.4 116.2 120.5 121.1 120.1 120.9 114.9 115.1 116.4 116.0 116.7 116.4 117.1 122.9 121.3 113-2 111.9 112.4 118.1 119.1 115.1 117,0 116.2 MTGL Project No. 19i6B11 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction N,imber {0/4,] [%] 94 90 93 90 92 90 96 95 96 95 95 95 96 95 91 90 91 90 93 90 92 90 92 90 92 90 92 90 95 90 94 90 92 90 91 90 91 90 95 90 96 90 91 90 92 90 92 90 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Oenth [ftJ 1287 7.'27117 FG-4' 1288 7/27/17 FG-2' 1289 7/28/17 FG-1' 1290 7128117 FG-1' 1291 7/28/17 FG 1292 8/4/17 FG 1293 814/17 FG 1294 8/4/17 FG 1295 8/7/17 FG 1295R 817117 FG 1296 817117 FG 1297 817117 FG 1298 8/8/17 FG 1299 8/9/17 FG 1300 8/9/17 FG TABLE 4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ So:! Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Denslty Content [pcfi [%} 12" PVC area drain @ pool area 121 126.6 11.3 12" PVC area drain @ pool area 121 126.6 11.5 Elect. Une going W. from Dist Bldg to switch gear 121 126.6 11.1 Elect Une going W. from Dist. Bldg to switch gear 121 126.6 11.2 Elect line going W. from Dist Bldg to switch gear 121 126.6 11.3 Elect. Line to light poies in parking lot 121 126.6 13.7 Elect. Line to light poles in parking !ol 121 126.6 10.7 E!ect. line to light poles in parking lot 121 126.6 13.4 Elect Line to !lght poles in parking lot NW of pool bldg 121 126.6 8.9 E.le(,i. Line to light poles in parking !ot NW of poo! bldg 121 126.6 10.4 Elect line to iight poles in parking lot NW of pool bldg 121 126.6 99 Elect. L.ine to light poles in parking lot NW of pool b!dg 121 126.6 11.9 Elect. line to light poles in parking !ot NW of pooi bldg 121 126.6 10.3 Elect Line to !lght poles in parking lot NW of poo! bldg 121 126.6 13, 1 Elect. Line to l:ght poles in parking iot NW of pool bldg 121 126.6 11.5 Dry Density [pcq 118.5 117.8 121.2 118.3 117.2 122.2 113.9 122.3 110.7 121.7 114.1 114-7 119.0 123.4 123.0 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] [%1 94 90 93 90 96 80 93 90 93 90 97 90 90 90 97 80 87 90 96 90 90 90 91 90 94 90 97 90 97 90 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Denth lftl 1301 819117 FG 1302 8110/17 FG 1303 8/10/17 FG 1304 8/10/17 FG 1305 8/10117 FG 1306 8/11/17 FG 1307 8/11117 FG 1308 8/14/17 FG-1' 1309 8/14/17 FG-1' 1310 8/14/17 FG-2' 1311 8/14/17 FG--1' 1312 8/14/17 FG-1' 1313 8/14/17 FG-1' 1314 8/15/17 FG 131f:i 8/15/17 FG 1316 8/16/17 FG-2' 1317 8/16/17 FG-2' 1319~ 8/16/17 FG-2' 1320 8/16/17 FG-2' TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soi! Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pcij [%} Elect. Line to light poles in parking lot NW of pool bldg 121 126.6 11,7 Elect. Une to light po!es in parking lot NW of pool bldg 121 126.6 11.6 Elect. Line to light poles in parking lot NW of poo! bldg 121 126,6 15.6 Elect Line to light poles in parking lot NW of pool bldg 121 126.6 15.6 Elect Line to light poles in parking !ot NW of pool bldg 121 126.6 14.4 Elect. Line N. of Pool house 121 126.6 14.2 Efect. line N. of Pool house 121 126.6 10.5 Elect !ine W, of lobby 121 126.6 15.0 Elect line W. of lobby 121 126.6 14,8 Drainage line between pool and lobby 121 126.6 17.9 Drainage !ine between pool and lobby 121 126.6 18,9 Drainage line be!ween pool and lobby 121 126.6 14,3 Drainage line between pool and lobby 121 126.6 11.1 E!ect Line W. of lobby 121 126.6 Elect Line W. of lobby 121 126.6 Elect. Line W. of lobby 121 126.6 12.7 Elect. Line N. of lobby 121 126.6 14.2 Drainage !ine between pool and lobby 121 126.6 10.7 Drainage line belween pool and lobby 121 126.6 11.2 Dey Density [pcij 120.1 125.9 114.0 113,6 114.3 117.2 117.7 115.1 115.5 114.0 114.3 114.6 117.3 113.3 116.9 120,6 117.6 126.1 125.9 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] {%] 95 90 99 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 93 90 93 90 91 90 91 90 90 90 90 90 91 90 93 90 90 90 92 90 95 90 93 90 100 90 99 90 TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test Test Elevation/ Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture No. Date Depth Station Type Density Content [ft] [pcij [%] Drainage !ine between poo! and 1321 8117/17 FG lobby 121 126.6 10.7 Drainage line between pool and 1322 8/17/17 FG<' lobby 121 126.6 15.1 Drainage line between pool and 1323 8/17117 FG lobby 121 126.6 12.6 Drainage !ine between pool and 1324 8/17/17 FG lobby 121 126.6 11.4 Drainage line between pool & 1325 8/18/17 FG-2' poo! restroom 121 126,6 12,8 Drainage line between pool & 1326 8/18/17 FG pool restroom 121 126.6 12,6 Drainage line between pool & 1327 8/18117 FG pool restroom 121 126.6 13.4 Drainage line between pooi & 1328 8/18/17 FG poo! restroom 121 126.6 11 .1 Drainage line between pool & 1329 8118/17 FG pool restroom 121 126.6 14.0 Water main from GP Dr to N end of lobby; 100' E of E 1330 8/21/17 FG-2' side of GP Dr 121 126.6 12.3 water main trom GP Drto N end of lobby; 75' N & 15' WofNWcomer 1330• 8/22/17 FG-2' of lobby Water main from 121 126,6 10.5 GP Orto N end of lobby; 65' N & 1 O' WofNWcomer 1331 8/22/17 FG-2' of lobby water marn trom 121 126.6 11.5 GP Orto N end of lobby; 75' N & 1 O' WofNWcomer 1332 8/22/17 FG of lobby 121 126,6 14.6 1:Iect one tietween !obby and pool, along N side of lobby & hotel; from hotel to W 1333 8/7.2/17 FG-1' parking !ot 121 126.6 8.5 Dry Density [pcij 126.1 114.4 118.5 114.0 120.1 114,4 119.7 114.0 118.3 114.5 116.3 114.7 115.1 1092 MTGL Project No.1916811 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] [¾J 100 90 90 90 94 90 90 90 95 90 90 95 90 90 90 93 90 90 90 92 90 91 90 91 90 86 90 TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test Test Elevation/ Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture No. Date Denth Station Tvpe Density Content [ft] [pct} [%] tiect Ime oeiween lobby and pool, along N side of lobby & hotel; from hotel to W 1333R 8/22/17 FG-1' parking lot 121 126.6 11.6 t:iect 1me oetween lobby and pool, along N side of lobby & hotei; from hotel to W 1334 8/22/17 FG parking lot 121 126.6 13.7 vvater ma;n Hom GP Dr to S side of lobby; then N a!ong W side of lobby -?ON x 20' \JV of SW comer 1335 8/23/17 FG of lobby 121 126-6 14.1 water mam rrom GP Dr to S side cf lobby; then N along W side of lobby -30' N x 20' W of SW comer 1336 8/23117 FG-1' of lobby 12i 126,6 10.8 Water main from GP Dr to N side of 1337 8/23/17 FG-1' lobby water main rrom 121 126.6 12.7 GP Dr to S side of lobby; iher. N along W side of lobby-10' N x 100'WofSW 1338 8/23/17 FG-1' comer of lobby 121 126.6 8.2 11varer mam nom GP Dr to S side of lobby; then N along W side of !obby-10' N x 100'WofSW 1338R 8/23/17 FG-1' comer of lobby 121 126.6 14,2 vvarer main Trorn GP Dr to S side of lobby; !hen N along W side of lobby -10' S x 10' W of SW comer 1339 8123/17 FG of lobby 121 126.6 13.6 Water main trom GP Dr to N side of lobby; -20 N' x 20' W of NW 1340 8/24/17 FG corner of lobby 121 126.6 13-7 D,y Density [pcf] 113.8 118, 1 123.6 119.8 117.2 107.4 120.2 119.4 110.3 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] [%] 90 93 90 98 90 95 90 93 9{) 85 90 95 90 94 9{) 87 90 TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test Test Elevation/ Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture No Date Dei:th Station Type Density Content [ft] IPciJ [%J Water main trom GP Dr to N side of !obby; -20 N' x 20'WofNW 1340R 8/24/17 FG corner of lobby 121 126.6 13.7 Elect Line to parking !ol light NE of pool restrooms; 1 O'N x 50'E of NW comer 1341 8/25/17 FG of ;estroom ~21 126.6 14 4 Elect line, parking lot NE of pool restrooms; 1 O'N x 100'E of NE 1342 8/28/17 FG corner of restroom 121 126.6 9.5 Grease trap in front ot lobby, 2' 1343 8/31/17 FG-1' W of Stank 121 126.6 15,6 Grease trap in front of lobby; 2' 1344 8i31/17 FG-i' W of$ tank 121 126.6 13.6 Grease trap in front of lobby; 3' 1345 8/31/17 FG W ofS tank 121 126.6 15.9 Water main trom GP Dr. to SW comer of lobby entrance; S'S x 1346 911/17 FG-1' 6'E 121 126.6 160 Water ma1r1 from GP Dr. to SW comer of lobby entrance; 5'S x 1347 911/17 FG 3'E 121 126.6 11.9 Water mam trom GP Or. to SW corner of lobby entrance; 5'S x 1348 9/1/17 FG 30'W 121 126.6 14.3 Water mam lrom GP Dr. to SW corner of iobby entrance; 5'S x 6' 1349 9/1/17 FG-1' E 121 126.6 15.5 Water mam trom GP Dr. to SW comer of lobby entrance; S'S x 6' 1350 9/1/17 FG E 121 126.6 13.1 Storm drain W. ot pool; 15'N x 60W of NW comer of 1351 9/18/17 FG-4' lobby 121 126.6 17.8 Dey Density {pcfj 117.4 120.8 114,6 114.2 115.1 119,4 114.9 114,7 115.2 114.3 114.8 114.0 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] [%] 93 90 95 90 91 90 90 90 91 90 94 90 91 90 91 90 91 90 90 90 91 90 90 90 Test Test Elevation/ No Date Depth [ft] 1352 9/18/17 FG-4' 1353 9/18/17 FG-2' 1354 9/18/17 FG-2' 1355 9/18/17 FG 1356 9/18/17 FG 1357 9/'18/17 FG 1358 9/18/17 FG 1359 9/19/i 7 FG 1360 9/19/17 FG-1' 1361 9/19/17 FG-1' 1362 9/19/17 FG 1363 9/19/17 FG TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soii Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pcij [%] Storm drain W. of pool; 20'N x 63'W of NW corner of lobby 121 126.6 14.5 Storm drain W. of pool; 15'N x 60'W of NW corner of lobby 121 i26.6 18. i Siorm drain W. of pool; 20'N x 60W of NW comer of lobby 121 126.6 14.2 Storm drafn W. of pool; 15'N x 60'W of NW comer of lobby 121 126.6 15.5 Storm drain W. of pool; 20'N x 63'W of NW corner of lobby 121 126.6 16.2 Drain line NW of poo! & SE of pool restrooms; 5'N x 6'W of pool 121 126.6 8.8 Drain !ine NW of pool & SE of pool restrooms; 10'N x 6'W of pool 121 126,6 12.1 Water main from GP Dr. to SW corner of !obby entrance: S'S x 10'E of corner 121 126.6 12.3 Water main trom GP Dr. to SW corner of lobby entrance; a·s x 90"W of corner 121 126.6 15.1 Water main trom GP Dr. to SW comer of lobby entrance; 10'S x 90'W of corner 121 126.6 15.8 Water ma111 from GP Dr. to SW corner of lobby entrance; 8'S x 90'W of comer 121 126.6 11.9 Water mam trom GP Dr. to SW comer of lobby entrance; 1 O'S x 90'W of corner 121 126,6 14.2 D,y Density [pcfJ 117.9 115.6 121.2 i 17.4 118.6 114.6 114.0 114.6 114.7 114.0 122.0 119.0 MTGL Pro;ect No. 1916811 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] [%1 93 90 91 90 96 90 93 90 94 90 91 90 90 90 91 90 91 90 90 90 96 90 94 90 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Deoth [ft] 1365* 9/20/17 FG-3' 1366 9/20/17 FG-2· 1367 9/20/17 FG-2' 1368 9/20/1? FSG 1369 9121/17 FG-1' 1370 9/21/17 FG-1' 1371 9/21/17 FG-2' 1372 9/21/17 FG-2' 1371R 9/21/17 FG-2' 1373 9/21/17 FG 1374 9/21/17 FG 1375 9/26/17 FG-2' Top 1376 9/26/17 surface 1377 9/26/17 FG-2' 1378 9/26/17 FG-0.5' TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pcfj 1%] Main elect for pool; 10'NE of vault on S side of Balboa Circle 155 117.6 17.4 Main elect for pool; 10'NE of vault on S side of Balboa Circle 155 117.6 16.8 Main elect for pool; 4'N of vault on S side of Bafboa Circle 155 117.6 15.9 Main elec! for pool; 1'N & 4'E of vault on S side of Balboa Circle 155 117.6 15.5 Main elect for pool; 18'W of vault on S side of Balboa Circle ~55 117.6 14.1 Main elect for pool; 2'W of vault on S side of Balboa Circle 155 117.$ 13.0 Main elect for poo!; 15'N x 15'E of vault on S side of Balboa Circle 155 117.6 12.1 Main e!eci: for pool; 12'N x 12'E of vault on S side of Balboa Circie 155 117.6 14.1 Main elect for pool; 15'N x 15'E of vault on S side of Balboa Circle 155 117.6 14.1 Main elect tor poo!; 15'N x 15'E of vault on S side of Balboa Circ!e 155 117.6 13.3 Main elect for pool; 10'N x 12'E of vault on S side of Balboa Circle 155 117.6 13.3 Elect lme from Balboa Cir To Mntc Bldg 121 126.6 10.5 Elect. Line from Balboa Cir. To Mntc Bldg 121 126.6 11.2 Elect Line from Balboa Cir. To Mntc Bldg 121 126.6 11.2 Elect. Line from Balboa Cir. To Mntc Bldg 121 126,6 11.8 Dry Density [pcfj 1 i2.3 112.8 112.9 109.9 109.4 116.6 105.1 112.1 115.1 112 114.1 117.5 118.5 115,5 114.2 MTGL Project No. 1916611 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number !%] [%] 95 95 96 95 96 90 93 90 93 90 99 90 89 95 95 95 98 95 95 95 97 95 93 90 90 91 90 90 90 TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test Test E!evaUon/ Location/ Soi! Max. Dry Moisture No Date Depth Station Type Density Content [ft) [pcij (%] Elect. Line from Top Balboa Cir_ To 1379 9126/17 surface Mntc B!dg 121 126.6 11.5 Between !obby and Hotel 3; al S end of !obby x 25' 1380 9/27/17 FSG E 121 126.6 12,5 Between lobby and Ho!ei 3; center of lobby x 1381 9/27/17 FSG 25' E of lobby Ben.-veen !obby 121 126.6 7.3 and Hotel 3; N end of lobby x 25' 1382 9/27/17 FSG E of!obby 121 126.6 10.0 1383 9127/17 FSG 30' S ofpoo! 121 126.6 9.6 1384 9/27/17 FSG 30' N of pool 121 126,6 10.1 1385 9/27/17 FSG 30' E of pool 121 126.6 9.2 West side of lobby; 20'W of N 1386 9/27/17 FSG end of lobby 121 126,6 12.7 Westside of lobby; :WW of 1387 9/27/17 FSG center of lobby 121 126.6 13.9 West side of lobby; 20'W of S 1388 9/27/17 FSG end of !obby 121 126.6 11.0 Curb & gutter, driveway, roads 1389 10/3/17 FSG and parking stalls 121 126.6 4.7 Curb & gutter, driveway, roads 1390 10i3/17 FSG and parking stalls 121 126.6 37 Curb & guttec drlveway, roads 1391 10/3/17 FSG and parking stalls 121 126.6 97 Curb & gutter, driveway, roads 1392 10/3/17 FSG and parking stalls 121 126.6 5.0 Curb & gutter, driveway, reads 1393 10/3/17 FSG and parking sta!!s 121 126.6 39 Curb & gutter, driveway, roads 1394 10/3/17 FSG and parkiflg stalls 121 126.6 77 Curb & gutter, driveway, roads 1395 10/3/17 FSG and parking stalls 121 126.6 11.2 Curb & gutter, driveway, roads 1396 10/3/17 FSG and parking stalls 121 1266 66 Curb & gutter, driveway, roads 1397 10/3/17 FSG and parking stalls 121 126.6 4.3 Dry Density {pcfj 114,S 120.1 125.4 120.6 122.1 120.4 121.2 120.1 119.9 120.4 117.5 115.3 120.9 124.7 124.9 118,3 117.0 124.7 120,7 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] {%1 91 90 95 95 99 95 95 95 96 95 95 95 96 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 93 95 91 95 95 95 98 95 99 95 93 95 92 95 98 95 95 95 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Depth [ft] 1398 10/3/17 FSG 1399 1013/17 FSG 1400 10/5/17 FG-7' 1401 10/5/17 FG-7' 1402 10/5/17 FG-3' 1403 10/5/17 FG-3' 1404 10/5117 FG~3' 1405 10/5/17 FG 1406 10i5/17 FG 1407 10/5/17 FG 1408 10/5/17 FG-T 1409 10/5/17 FG-5' 1410 10/6/17 FG-3' 1411 10/6/17 FG TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soi/ Max, Dr,:_ Moisture Station Type Density Content [pd) {%] Curb & gutter, driveway, mads and parking s1aHs 121 126.6 6.3 Curb & gutter, driveway, roads and parking sta!ls 12'1 126.6 6.5 S!orm drain W. of pool; 76'W x 36' N of NW comer of lobby 121 126.6 14.8 Storm drain W. ot pool; 76'W x 42' N of NW comer of lobby 121 126.6 14.8 Storm drain W. of pool; ?6'W x 36' N of NW corner of lobby 121 126.6 12.2 Storm drain W. of pool; 76'W x 42' N of NW comer of lobby 121 126.6 15.0 Storm drain W. of pool; 76'W x 82' N of NW comer of lobby 121 126,6 15 1 Storm drain W. of pool; 76'W x 36' N of NW corner of lobby Storm drain W. or 121 126.6 11.9 pool; 76'W x 42' N of NW comer of lobby 121 126.6 12.0 Storm drain W. of pool; 76'W X 82' N of NW comer of lobby 121 126.6 11.9 Storm drain W. of pool; 61'W x 136' N of NW comer of lobby 121 126,6 12,0 Storm dram W. of pool; 61 'W x 136' N of NW comer of lobby 121 126.6 18.0 Storm drain W. ot pool; 61'W x 136' N of NW comer of iobby 121 126.6 16.7 Storm drain W. of pool·, 61'W X 136' N of NW comer of lobby 121 126-6 13.4 D,y Density [pct] 126, 1 117.0 113.8 114.1 117_0 122.1 121.4 115.7 114.2 115.i 114.0 114.2 115.3 119.6 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] f%] 100 95 92 95 90 90 90 90 92 90 96 90 96 90 91 90 90 90 91 90 90 90 90 90 91 90 94 90 TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test Test Ele11atlon/ Location/ Soil Max. Ory Moisture No. Date Deoth Station Type Density Content {ft} [pcfj [%] Storm drain W. of pool; 16'W x 136' N of NW corner of 1412 10/6/17 FG-7' lobby 121 126.6 15.6 Storm drain W. of pool; 4'E x 136' N of NW comer of 1413 10/6/17 FG-3' !obby 121 126.6 13,7 Storm arain W. of pool; 4'E x 136' N of NW corner of 1414 1016/17 FG lobby 121 126.6 14.2 t:>torm ctr-am W. ol pool; test@ W end of Balboa Circle just below 1415 10/6/17 FSG ,ock 121 126.6 88 Sewer N. ot poo! restrooms; 3' NW of center of poo1 1416 10/10/17 FG-2' restroom bldg 121 126.6 12.9 l:.>ewer N. ot poo! restrooms; 2.5' NW of center of pool restroom 1417 10/10117 FG-2' bldg Sewer N. of pool 121 126.6 12.7 restrooms; 3' NW of center of pool 1418 10/10/17 FG-1' restroom bldg Sewer N. or poo! 121 126.6 12.5 restrooms; 25' NW of center of pool restroom 1419 10110/17 FG-1' bldg 121 126.6 10.8 Sewer N of pool restrooms; 3' NW of center of pool 1420 10/10/17 FG restroom bldg 121 126,6 12.2 t-iewer N. ot pool restrooms; 25' NW of center of pool restroom 1421 10/10/17 FG bldg 121 126.6 11.8 Area dram 8. of pool restrooms, 10'S x 15'E of SW comer of 1422 10/11/17 FG restrooms 121 126.6 10.9 Area dram ::;_ ot pool restrooms; 10'S x 5'E of SW corner of 1423 10/11/17 FG-2' restrooms 121 126.6 14,9 Dry Denslty [pcfj 114.8 119.0 118.4 115.5 114.2 119.1 115.1 119.1 117.5 116.4 115.2 114.0 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retes! Compaction Compaction Number l%J [%] 91 90 94 90 94 90 91 95 90 90 94 90 91 94 90 93 90 92 90 91 90 90 90 TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test Test Elevation/ Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture No. Date Depth Station Type Density Content [ft] [pcfj [%] Area e1ra1n s_ of pool restrooms; 10'S x 5'W of SW comer of 1424 10111;17 FG restrooms 121 126-6 11.6 Area drain, :;,;. of pool restrooms; 3'S x 8'W of SW comer of 1425 10/11/17 FG-3' restrooms 121 126.6 14,8 Area dram O. or pool restrooms; 3'S x 15'W of SW comer of 1426 10i11/17 FG restrooms 121 126.6 11.7 Area dram -S, ot pool restrooms: 3'S x 3'E of SW corner of 1427 10/11117 FG restrooms 121 126.6 16.2 Area drain ::,;. 01 pool restrooms; 3'S x 3'E of SW comer of 1428 10111/17 FG restrooms 121 126.6 22A Area Oram :5. 01 pool restrooms; 3'S x 3'E of SW corner of 1428R 10/11/17 FG restrooms 121 126.6 12.5 Area dram between pool and hot tub; 10'$ x 5'W of SW corner 1429 10/11117 FG of pool 121 126.6 12.9 Area dram between pool and hot tub; 1'S x 5'W of SW corner of 1430 10/11/17 FG pool 121 126.6 13.0 Gas & comm lines to transformer E of Hotel 4; 44'W of comm vault N 1431 10/13/17 FG-r of pool restrooms 121 126.6 12.7 Gas & comm !mes to transformer E of Hote! 4; 54'W of comm vault N 1432 10/13/17 FG of pool restrooms 121 126.6 11.8 D,y Density [pcf] 114.5 113,9 114.8 113 7 109.1 115.8 113.9 114.0 120.7 125.3 MTGL Project No 1916B11 Log No, 18-3)04 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] {%J 90 90 90 90 91 90 90 90 86 90 91 90 90 90 90 90 95 90 99 90 TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test Test Elevation/ Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture No. Date Deoth Station Type Density Content [ft] fpcfj [%1 Gas & comm lines to transformer E of Hotel 4; 30' E of int of GP Dr, & Balboa Circle -N side of Balboa 1433 10/13/17 FG Circle 121 126,6 10.8 Heela1m water main, Wside Balboa Circle; 30' S of bend on 1434 10/13/17 FG-1' Balboa Circre 121 126.6 16.8 Gas & comm lines to transformer E of Hotel 4; 2'E of comm vault N of 1435 10/13/17 FG pool restrooms 121 126.6 13.2 Kecla1m water main, Wside Balboa Circle: 30' S of bend on 1434R 10/13/17 FG-1' Balboa Circle 121 126.6 13.9 Gas & comm lines to transformer E of Hotel 4; 76'E of comm vault N of 1436 10/13/17 FG·-1' pool restrooms 121 126.6 13,8 Heclaim water main, W side Balboa Circle; 30' S of bend on 1437 10/13/17 FG Balboa Circle 121 126.6 11.8 Gas & comm lines to transformer E of Hotel 4; 120'E of comm vault N 1438 10/16/17 FG-1' of pool restrooms 121 126.6 12.5 Gas & comm lines to transformer E of Hotel 4; 186'E then 100'S of comrn vault N of 1439 10/16/17 FG-1' pool restrooms 121 126.6 12.1 Gas & comm lines to transformer E of Hotel 4; i 86'E then 1 00'S of comm vau!t N of 1440 10/16117 FG pool restrooms 121 126.6 13.3 o,,, Density [pcij 116.9 109.5 120.3 118.8 113.3 i 19.8 124.5 114.1 118.0 MTGL Project No, 1916811 Log No. 18~3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] [%] 92 90 86 90 95 90 94 90 90 90 95 90 98 90 90 90 93 90 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Deoth ift] 1441 10/16/17 FG-1' 1442 10/16/17 FG-6' 1443 10/16/17 FG-6' 1444 10116/17 FG 1445 10/16/17 FG-4' 1446 10/16/17 FG·-2' 1447 10i16t!7 FG-4' 1448 10/16/17 FG TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pcij [%] Gas & comm lines to transformer E of Hotel 4: 186'E. then 200'S of comm vault N of pool restrooms 152 106,0 19.8 tt::::ir' rrencn wr drain line from e!evator shaft to tie-in at pool area; 28'E x 70'N of NE comer of lobby 121 126.6 13.6 K-:>1·' trencn mr drain !ine from elevator shaft to tie--in at pool area; 24'E X 114'N of NE corner of lobby 121 126.6 12.5 Gas & comm ilnes to transformer E of Hotel 4; 186'E then 200'S of comm vau!t N of pool restrooms 152 106.0 20.5 t<:,i-' trencn ror drain line from elevator shaft to tle-in at pooi area; 28'E x 114'N Of NE corner of lobby 121 126.6 14.3 r::,1-' rrencn ror drain line from elevator shaft to tle-ln at pool area; 28'E x 114'N of NE corner of lobby 121 126.6 13.7 k:St' trencn tor drain line from elevator shaft to lie-in at pool area; 28'E x 94'N of NE comer of lobby 121 126.6 14.0 M:St-' trencn 1or drain line from elevator shaft to tie-in at poo! area; 28'E x 68'N of NE comer of !obby 121 126,6 15.9 Dry Density [pcf] 95A 113.8 115.4 97.6 114.0 113,8 115.4 120,6 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No, 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%,] [%! 90 90 90 90 91 90 92 90 90 90 90 90 91 90 95 90 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Den"th [ft] 1449 10i16/17 FG-2' 1450 10/17/17 FG-2' 1451 10/17/17 FG~1' 1452 10/17/17 FG-1' 1453 10/17/17 FG 1454 10/17/17 FG 1455 10117/17 FG-1' TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soii Max. Dry Mmsture Station Type Density Content [pcQ [%) K~I-' trencn tor drain line from elevator shaft to tie~in at pool area: 28-'E x 94'N of NE corner of lobby 121 126.6 15, 1 K~r' ?rencn tor drain line from elevator shaft to lie-in at poo! area; 28'E x 94'N of NE comer of lobby 121 126,6 12,7 Gas & comm lines to transformer E of Hotel 4; 6'W then 120'N of transformer, W side of Balboa Circle 152 106.0 19.2 Gas & comm lines to transformer E of Hotel 4; 6'W then 70'N of transformer, W side of Balboa Circle 149 115.7 16_2 Gas & comm lines to transformer E of Hotel 4; 6'W then 120'N of transformer, W side of Balboa Circle 149 115.7 14.8 Gas & wmm fines to transformer E. of Hotel 4; 6'W then 70'N of transformer, W side of Balboa Circle 149 115.7 14.1 4tfN X btft. lO Comm vault: tested @ W edge Balboa Circle below rock• removed top 1' 121 126.6 11.1 D,y Density [pcfJ 119.7 119.1 100,'! 104.3 105.5 108.8 116,8 MTGL Project No, 1916811 Log No 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number {%] [%] 95 90 94 90 94 90 90 90 91 90 94 90 92 95 Test Test Eievation/ No. Date Denth [fl] 1456 10/17i17 FG 1457 i0/17/17 FG 1458 10/17/17 FG 1459 10/171'17 FG-1' 1460 10/17117 FG-1' 1461 10/17/17 FG 1462 10/18/17 TOW-10' 1463 10/18/17 TOW-8' 1464 10/18/17 TOW-2' 1465 10/18/17 TOW-6' TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Locafon/ Soi! Max. Ory Moisture Station Type Density Content [pcfj f%J K~r trencn 10r drain line from elevator shaft to tie-in at poo! area; 28'Ex 114'Nof NE comer of lobby 121 126.6 12.7 K~P trencn 1or drain !ine from elevator shaft to tie-in at pool area; 28'E x 94'N of NE corner of fobby 121 126.6 13.1 K::>1-' trencn ror drain line from elevator shaft to tie-in at pool area; 28'E x 68'N of NE corner of lobby 121 126.6 12.9 nom Nt.: corner of Hotel 3 to comm vau!t then across Balboa Circle; E edge of Balboa Circle just below rock 121 126.6 95 1-rom 1~t:. corner of Hotel 3 to comm vault then across Balboa Circle; E edge of Balboa Circle just below rock 121 126.6 16.3 i--rom Nt::; corner of Hotel 3 to comm vault then across Balboa Circle; E edge of Balboa Circle just below rock 121 126,6 14.6 Retaining wall E side of pool restrooms; S end ofwa!t 121 126.6 13_3 Retaining wall E side of pool restrooms; S end ofwa!l. 121 126,6 11,3 Retaining wall E side of pool restrooms; N end ofwa!I. 121 126.6 11.8 Retaining wa!i E. side of pool restrooms; S end ofwalL 121 126.6 12.5 O,y Density {pcij 119, 1 120.4 119.4 109.3 120.5 121.7 123.0 119.9 120.3 119.6 MTG!. Project No. 1916B11 log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] f%] 94 90 95 90 94 90 86 95 95 95 96 95 97 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test Test Elevation/ Locationl Soi! Max_ Dry Moisture No. Date Deoth Station Type Density Content [ft! [pcfj [%J Retaining wall E side of poo! restrooms; N end 1466 10i19/17 TOW*2' ofwaJt. 121 126.6 10.6 Retaining wai! E side of pool restrooms; S end 1467 10/19/17 TOW-2' ofwa!!. 121 126.6 10.9 Berm around poo! slide: W end of 1468 10/19117 227 berm 121 126,6 102 Berm around pool slide; SE side of 1469 10/19/17 227 berm 121 126.6 10.3 Gas & comm lines from intersection of GP Dr and Balboa Circle to transformer pad E of Hotel 4, B'E and 2'N of transformer E of 1470 10/19/17 FG-1' Hotel 4 121 126.6 14.0 Gas & comm lines from intersection of GP Dr and Balboa Circle to transformer pad E of Hotel 4: 8'E and 2'N of transformer E of 1471 10/19/17 FG Hote! 4 121 126.6 16.7 Berm around pool slide; W side of 1468R 10/19/17 227 berm 121 126.6 10.9 Berm around pool slide; E side of 1472 10/19/17 226 berm 121 126.6 15.4 Berm around pool s!ide; N side of 1473 10/20/17 228 berm 121 126.6 9.9 Berm around pool slide; S side of 1474 10/20/17 229 berm 121 126,6 10.6 Gas & comm lines from intersection of GP Dr and Balboa Circle to transformer pad E of Hotel 4; 8'E. and O'N of transformer E of 1475 10i20/17 FG-1' Hotel 4 121 126.6 11.5 Dey Density [pcfj 1156 114,5 107.8 113,8 1135 115,6 114.7 113.9 113.6 114.4 114.4 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 log No. 18-3104 Re!ative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%J !%] 91 90 90 90 85 90 90 90 90 90 91 90 91 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test Test Elevation/ Location/ Seil Max. Dry Moist1,re No. Date Depth Station Type Density Content [ft] (pcfJ [%) Gas & comm lines from intersection of GP Dr and Balboa Circle to transformer pad E of Hotel 4; 8'E and O'N of transformer E of 1476 10/20/17 FG Hotel4 121 126.6 11.5 :::.ewer rrom Hotel 4 and future hate! on W side of Balboa Circle: 24'E x 30'S of tie- in for future line to 1477 10/20/17 FG-2' future hoteL 149 115.7 14.1 be'Ner 1rom t1me1 4 and future hotel on W side of Balboa Circle; 24'E x 30'S of tie- in for future !ine to 1477R 10/20/17 FG-2' future hotel. 149 115.7 14.1 ::">ewer rrom HOtei 4 and future hotel on W side of Balboa Cirde: 24'E x 30'S of tie- in for future llne to 1478 10120/17 FG-4' future hotel. 152 106.0 22.0 ~ewer rrom nmei 4 and future hote! on W side of Balboa Circle; 24'E _x BO'S of tie- in for future line to 1479 10/23/17 FG future hotel. 149 115.7 21.5 :,ewer rrom t1mei 4 and future hotel on W side of Balboa Circle: 24'E x 120'S of tie• in for future line to 1480 10/23/17 FG-2' future hotel. 149 115,7 22.5 ~as o. comm 11m, from comm vault 011 N side of Balboa C1rcle to trans. Pad N of Villa 76 and W of Mntc Bldg; 10'E x 1481 10/23/17 FG-1' 2'N of comm vault 121 126.6 10.8 Dey Density [pcfj 115.1 100.5 104.0 102.0 104.8 104,0 122.0 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%) [%} 91 90 87 90 90 90 00 90 91 90 90 90 96 90 Test Test Elevation/ No Date Denth [ft] 1482 10/23/17 FG 1483 10/24/17 FG-1' 1484 10124/17 FG 1485 10/24/17 FG-1' 1486 10/24/17 FG-iO' 1487 10124/17 FG-8' 1488 10/24/17 FG-6' TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Locafion/ Soi! Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pcf] [%] :,ewer trom nme1 4 and future hotel on W side of Balboa Circle; 46'E x 40'N of tie- in for future line to future hotel. 149 115.7 21.5 Ui:lti Ot \,;UrJill! ll!lt:: from comm vault on N side of Balboa Circ!e to trans. Pad N of Villa 76 and W of Mntc B!dg: 15'E x 95'N of comm vault 121 126.6 16.4 \.:><i::i ¢o. LJ.J!ll!II !!11!:e from comm vault on N side of Balboa Cifcle to trans. Pad N of Villa 76 and W of Mntc Bldg; 15'E x 95'N of comm vault 121 126.6 11 .8 ~cit. 0< \,;{}fl!(!! ll!lt:: from comm vault on N side of Balboa Circle to trans. Pad N of Vitia 76 and W of Mntc Bldg; 18'E x 200'N of comm vauit 121 126.6 13.1 -,ewer 1rom Hotel 4 and future hotel on W side of Balboa Circle; 46'E x 40'N of tie" in for future line to future hotel. 149 115. 7 16.5 ;:.ewer Trom Hotei 4 and future hate! on W side of Balboa Circle; 46'E x 40'N of lie- in for future line to future hotel. 149 115.7 16.2 t.ewer trom Hote1 4 and future hotel on W side of Balboa Circle; 46'E x 40'N of tie- in for future line to future hotel. 149 115.7 13.0 De; Density [pcij 105.2 114.0 114,5 114.0 104.0 104.6 109.2 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] [%] 91 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 94 90 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Denth [ft] 1489 10/24/17 FG 1490 10/24/17 FG-4' 1491 10/24/17 FG·2' 1492 10/24/17 FG 1493 10/26/17 FG-8' 1494 10/26/17 FG+10' 1495 10/26/17 FG-2' 1495R 10/26/17 FG-4' TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pc~ [%] \.;ll:"lS> QI <.;V!l!lll 1!!1<:l from comm vault on N side of Balboa Clrcle to trans. Pad N of vma 76 and W of Mntc Bldg; 15'E x 200'N of comm vault 121 126,6 15.2 ::sewer rrom Hotel 4 and future hotel on W side of Balboa Circle; 40'N x 46'E of NE comer of Hotel 4 149 115.7 14.1 .'!:iewer trom Hotel 4 and future hotel on W side of Balboa Circle; 40'N x 46'E. of NE comer of Hote! 4 121 126,6 14.9 ::sewer rrorn Hotel 4 and future hotel on W slde of Balboa Circie; 40'N x 46'E of NE comer of Hotel 4 121 126.6 15.8 ::;ewer rrom Hotel 4 and future hotel on W side of Balboa Circle; 40'Nx30'E of NW comer of Hotel 4 121 126,6 172 !:::iewer from Hotel 4 and future hotel on W side of Balboa Circle; 40'Nx70'E of NW comer of Hotel 4 121 126.6 15.3 ::;ewer trom t"!ot01 4 and future hotel on W side of Balboa Cin:.!e-, 40'Nx30'E of NW comer of Hotel 4 121 126.6 15.8 ::;ewer rrom Hotel 4 and future hotel on W side of Balboa Circle; 40'Nx30'E of NW comer of Hotel 4 121 126.6 15.9 Dry Density [pcij 113.2 110.5 113.8 113,5 11&.0 114,8 111.4 115.0 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18~3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [¾j f%J 89 90 96 90 90 90 90 90 9', 90 91 90 88 90 91 90 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Deoth [ft] 1496 10/26117 FG-4' 1497 10/26/17 FG-2' 1498 10/26/17 FG-2' 1499 10/26/17 FG 1500 10/26/17 FG 1501 10/26/17 FG-1' 1502 10/26/17 FG 1503 10/31/17 FSG 1504 10/31/17 FSG 1505 10/31i17 FSG 1506 10/31/17 FSG TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soi! Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pcQ !¾J ::;ewer trom Hotel 4 & future hotel, on N side of Hotel 4; 40'Nx70'E of NW corner Hotel 4 121 126.6 13.6 ~ewer trom Hotel 4 & future hotel, on N side of Hotel 4. 40'Nx70'E of NW comer Hotel 4 121 126.6 11.5 :;;ewer rrom Hotel 4 & future hotel, on N side of Hotel 4; 40'Nx30'E of NW comer Hotel 4 121 126.6 14.5 ::;ewer rrom Hate! 4 & future hotel, 011 N side of Hotel 4; 40'Nx70'E of NW corner Hotel 4 121 126.6 13-9 ::;ewer trom Hotel 4 & future hotel. on N side of Ho!el 4; 40%i:30'E of NW corner Hotel 4 121 126.6 14.9 Lano scape reclaim line from NW comer of pool restrooms 30'Nxl2'W to under curb lhen 24'E 121 126.6 10.3 Lanoscape reclaim line from NW corner of pool restrooms 30'Nx12'W to under curb then 24'E 121 126,6 11.4 W & N parking lots: fifth sta!! N of lobby canopy 121 126.6 10.3 W & N parking lots; fourth stall N of lobby canopy 121 126.6 10.1 W & N parking lots; third stall N of lobby canopy 121 126.6 10.1 W & N parking lots; ser,ond stall N of lobby canopy 121 126.6 10.7 D,y Density [pd] 119.9 114.3 115.9 118,7 ~ 18.4 113.8 121.5 123.5 120,6 122.8 122.0 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] [%] 95 90 90 90 92 90 94 90 94 90 90 90 96 95 98 95 95 95 97 95 95 Test Test Elevation/ No Date Oenth lftl 1507 10/31/17 FSG 1508 10/31/17 FSG 1509 10/31/17 FSG 1510 10/31/17 FSG 1511 10/31/17 FSG 1512 10/31/17 FSG 1513 10/31/17 FSG 1514 10/31/17 FSG 1515 10/31/17 FSG 1516 10/31/17 FSG 1517 10/31/17 FSG 1518 10/31/17 FSG TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pcij [%] W & N parking !ots; first stall N of !obby canopy 121 126.6 12.8 W & N parking lots; tested at S of lobby canopy & W driveway to canopy 121 126.6 10.0 W & N parking lots; tested under iobby canopy 121 126.6 10.0 W & N parking lots; first stall N of lobby canopy & alongside pool 121 126.6 10.2 W & N parking lots; second stall N of lobby canopy & alongside pool 121 126.6 11.2 W & N parkrng lets; third stall N of !obby canopy & alongside poof 121 126.6 10.1 w & N parkmg lots; first stall N of poc! restroom & adj to W parking lot 121 126.6 11.9 w & N parking lots; second sta!i N of pool restroom & adj to W parking lot 121 126.6 10.3 w & N parkmg lots; third stall N of pool restroom & adj to W parking lot 121 126.6 10.4 w & N parkmg lots; first stall N of pool restroom & adj. to W parking lot 121 126.6 9.9 w 5. N parKmg lots; second stall N of pool restroom & adj. to W parking lot 121 126.6 10.1 w & N parkmg lots; third s1a!I N of poo! restroom & adj. to W parking lot 121 126.6 10.0 Dey Density [pcf] 120.2 123.4 120.4 123.6 119.6 120.6 123.9 122.2 121 0 119.9 123,2 119.9 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number (%1 [%) 95 95 97 95 95 95 98 95 94 95 95 95 98 95 97 95 96 95 95 95 97 95 95 95 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Depth [ft] 1519 10/31/17 FSG 1520 10/31/17 FSG 1521 10/31/17 FSG 1522 10/31/17 FSG 1523 10/31/17 FSG 1524 10/31/17 FSG 1525 10/31/17 FSG 1526 10/31/17 FSG 1527 10/31/17 FSG TABLE 4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soi! Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content tpcfj [%1 w & N parkmg !ots, fourth stai! N of poo! restroorn & adj. to W parking lot 12! 126.6 10.3 W & N parking lots; fifth stall N of poo! res!room & adj. to W parking lot 121 126.6 14.5 \JV & N parking lots; first stall NW of pool restroom & adj. to intersection ot Balboa Dr. & GP Dr 121 126.6 12.0 W & N parking lots; first stall NW of pool restroom & adj. to intersection of Balboa Dr. & GP Dr 12! 126,6 11.5 W & N parking lots; first stal! NW of pool restroom & adj. lo intersection of Balboa Dr. & GP Or 121 126.6 10.4 w & N par1<.mg lots; NW of pool restroom parking !ot island, first stall NW side of inland stalis 121 126.6 10.1 w & N panung lots; NW of pool restroom parking !ot island, second stall NW side of inland stalls !2! 126.6 9.9 vv & N par1<.mg lots: NW of pool restroom parking lot island, third stall NW side of inland stalls 121 126.6 10.5 w 6 N parnir,g lots; NW of pool restroom parking lot island, first stal! SE side of inland stalls 121 126,6 10.f:i D,y Density [pcij 120.0 120.6 122.4 121.5 120.0 121.3 119.9 122.3 122.0 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] (%] 95 95 95 95 97 95 96 95 95 95 95 95 95 97 95 96 95 Test Test Elevation/ No. Dale Dentt1 [ft] 1528 10/31/H FSG 1529 10131/17 FSG 1530 10/31/17 FSG 1531 10/31/17 FSG 1532 11/1/17 FSG 1533 i1/1tl7 FSG 1534 11/1/17 FSG 1535 11/2/17 FSG 1536 11/2/17 FSG 1537 11/2/17 FSG 1538 11/2/17 FSG TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS l.ocationi Soil Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pcfj [%] vv & N pan1;mg lots; NW of pooi restroom parking lot island, second stall SE side of inland sta!!s 121 126.6 11.4 vv & N pan,mg lots; NW of pool restroom parking lot island, third staU SE side of in!and stalls 121 126.6 10.1 vv & N parKmg lots; NW of pool restroom parking lot is!ar1d, fast stall E end of inland stalls 121 126,6 10.5 vv & N pan-.:mg lots: NW of pool restroom parking lot isiand, first stall Wend of inland stalls 121 126,6 11.5 W parking !ot; first stall W of pool restroom. S side of N parking lot 121 126.6 10_9 W par1<:mg iot; second stall W of pool restroom, S side of N parking lot 121 126.6 13.3 W parkmg lot; third stall W of pool restroom, S side of N parking ioi 121 126.6 11.0 N parking !ot and stalls alongside pool area; S end of parking lot 121 126.6 99 N parking lot and stalls alongside pool area: N end of parking lot 121 126.6 10.0 NW park:ng lot and stai!s alongside pool area; S side and Wend of lot 121 126.6 10.4 NW parkmg lot and stalls alongside poo! area; N side and end of lot 121 126.6 10.5 D,y Density [pcf] 124.3 120.1 121,8 120.6 120.5 123.7 121.0 123,3 123.1 124.7 125.6 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18~3104 Re!ative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] [%] 98 95 95 95 96 95 95 95 95 95 98 95 96 95 97 95 97 95 98 95 99 95 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Denth [ft] 1539 11/2/17 FSG 1540 11/2/17 FSG 1541 11/2/17 BSG 1542 11J2J1 7 BSG 1543 11/2/17 FSG 1544 11/2/17 FSG 1545 11/2/17 BSG 1546 11/2/17 BSG 1547 11/2f17 BSG 1548 1112117 BSG TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Loc.ation/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content fpcfj l%.l NW parkmg lot and sta!!s alongside pool area; N side and E end of lot 121 126 6 9.7 N parking lot and stalls N of pool restroom; W end of parking !ct 121 126.6 10-4 !:'lase on vv parking !o! & stalls alongsid pool area. First lift; S end of driveway to lot 569 114,3 15.3 1:1ase on w parking lot & stalls alongside pool area. First lift; N end of driveway to !ot 569 114.3 15.1 NE parking fo1 & stalls NE of poor restrooms -W end of lot 121 126.6 102 NE parklng lot & stalls NE of pool restrooms -E end of lot 121 126.6 12.5 tlase on vv parking lot & stalls alongside pool area. First lift; first SW stal! in lot 569 114.3 17,0 !::$ase on w parking lot & sta!!s alongside pool area. First lift; middle E stall in lot 569 114.3 15.8 ease on VV parking lot & stalls alongside pool area. First lift NE stall #3 in lot 569 114,3 17.7 !:lase on w parking !ot & stalls alongside poo! area. First tift; NW driveway@ Wend of!ot 569 114.3 16.2 D,y Density [pc!] 126.2 126.1 113.6 113.0 126.9 120,7 112.4 113.1 112.6 113.4 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 Log No. 18-3104 Re!ative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] [%] 100 95 100 95 99 95 99 95 100 95 95 95 98 95 99 95 99 95 99 95 TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test Test Elevation/ Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture No. Date Denth Station Type Density Content (ft] fpcij [%] base on w parking lot & stalls alongside pool area. First lift; NW driveway @ E 1549 11/2/17 BSG end of lot 569 114.3 17.2 t.:lase on vv parking lot & stalls alongside pool area. First lift; island stall on N side of island in 1550 11/2/17 BSG lot 569 114.3 14.1 tjase on vv parking lot & stalls alongside pool area. First lift; island s!ai! on N side of is!and in 1551 1112/1 7 BSG !ot 569 114.3 16.3 ljase on vv parking !ot & stalls alongside poo! area. First lift; middle sta!! on N side of island in 1!i52 11/2/17 BSG lo! 569 114.3 15.0 1:1ase on N\/V parking !ot & stalls alongside pool area. First lift; SW driveway al E 1553 11/2/17 BSG end of !ot 56H 114.3 14.8 l:;)ase on NVV parking lot & stalls alongside poof area. First lift; SW driveway at 1554 11/2/17 BSG Wend of lot 569 114.3 16.0 tiase on NW parking !o! & stalls alongside pool area. Firs! lift; NW stall at W end 1555 1112/17 BSG of parking tot 569 114.3 14.2 !:!ase on NW parking lot & stalls alongside pool area. SW stall #1 to the north of 1556 11/4/17 BSG parking lot 569 114.3 15,4 Dry Density [pcf] 112.4 113.4 112.7 113.8 1'13.3 112.9 113.0 113.8 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 Log No. 18-3104 Re!ative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] [%] 98 95 99 95 99 95 100 95 99 95 99 95 95 100 95 Test Test Elevation/ No Date Denth [fl] 1557 11/4/17 BSG 1558 11/4/17 BSG 1559 i 1/4/17 BSG 1560 1114117 ·ssG 1561 11/4/17 BSG 1562 1114/17 BSG 1563 11/4/17 BSG 1564 11/4/17 BSG TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Sol! Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pcij [%1 t:1ase on NW parking tot & stalls alongside pool area. SW st,IH #2 to the north of parking lot 569 114.3 16.1 t:$ase on NW parking lot & stalls alongside poo! area. SW stall #3 to ihe north of parking lot 569 114.3 13.6 ease on NW parking lot & stalls alongside pool area. S end of driveway 569 114.3 14.6 t,aseon NW parking lot & stalls alongside pool area. N end of driveway 569 114.3 13.0 tsase on NVV parking lot & stalls a!ongside poof area. SW driveway, S side, stall #1 to the east of parking lot 569 114.3 13.6 oase on t'l\lV parking lot & stalls alongside pool area. SW driveway, N side of island stall #1 to the east of parking lot 569 114.3 15.2 t;jase on NVII parking lot & sta!is alongside pool area. SW driveway, N side of island stall #2 to fhe east of par'11:ing lot 569 114.3 14.3 tJase on NVV parking lot & stalls a!ongside pool area. SW driveway, N side of island stall #2 to the east of parking lot 569 114.3 16.2 D,y Density [pcfj 114.6 112.5 110.7 113.8 111.8 113.1 113.3 114.1 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] [%] 100 95 98 95 97 95 100 95 98 95 99 95 99 95 100 95 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Oenth !ftl 1565 11i4/17 BSG 1566 11/4/17 BSG 1567 11/4/17 BSG 1568 11/4/17 BSG 1569 11/4/17 BSG 1570 11/4/17 BSG 1571 11/4117 BSG 1572 11/4/17 BSG TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soll Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pct] [%] (jase on 1\111'.J parking Jot & stalls alongside poo! area. SW driveway, N side of island stall #3 to the east of parking lot 569 114.3 14,0 oase on !\lllV parking lo! & stalls alongside pool area. SW driveway, N side of island, stall #3 !o the E of parking lot 569 114.3 15.1 t)ase on NW parking lot & s!al!s alongslde pool area. SW stall #4 to the N of parking lot 569 114.3 15-1 uase on NW parking lot & stalls alongside pool area. SW dnveway, Wend of island 569 114.3 15.6 1::1ase on vv parking lot & stal!s alongside pool area. SW stall #5 to the N of parking lot 569 114.3 12.4 uaseon NW parking lot & stalls alongside pool area. NW driveway, N slde stall #1 to the east cf !ot 569 114.3 16,7 tiaseon NW parking !ot & stalls alongside pool area. NW driveway, N side stai! #1 to the east of!ol 569 114.3 12-2 t1ase on NVV parking lot & stalls alongside poof area. SW driveway, E end of driveway 569 114 3 16,3 Ory Dens!ty [pcfj 113.3 113.5 113.5 110.5 113.7 112.8 109,7 113.3 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 Log No. 18~3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number !%] [%) 99 95 99 95 99 95 97 95 99 95 99 95 96 95 99 95 Test Test E!eva!ion/ No Date Den!h [ft] 1573 1114/17 BSG 1574 11/4/17 BSG 1575 11/4!17 BSG 1576 11/4/17 BSG 1577 11/4/17 BSG 1578 11/4/1 7 BSG 1579 11/4/17 BSG 1580 11/4/17 BSG TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Sol! Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pcij [%,] t:!ase on NW par'ICing !ot & stalls alongside pool area. SW driveway, Wend of driveway 569 114.3 17.3 uase on NVV patking tot & stalls aiongslde pool area. NW driveway, N side island stall #2 to east of lot 569 114.3 16.6 tsase on NV\i parking lot & sti,l!s alongside pool area. NW driveway, N side island stall #2 to east of lot 569 114.3 14.5 tiase on NW parking lo! & stalls alongside pool area. NW driveway, N side island sta!i #3 to east of lot 569 114.3 13.3 tf8Se on Nvv parking lot & stalls atongside pool area. NW driveway, N side island stall #3 to east of lot 569 114.3 16,0 t:iase on NIJV parking lot & stalls alongside pool area. NW driveway, Wend of lot 569 t 14.3 15.5 1:1ase on NVV parking lot & stal!s arongside pool area. NW driveway, E end of lot 569 114.3 15.9 base on 1wv parking lot & stalls alongside pool area. NW driveway, island stall at E end of lot 569 114.3 16.1 Dry Density [pcfj 114.3 113.1 113.0 108.9 114.9 112.4 110,3 114.7 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] [%] 100 95 99 95 99 95 95 95 100 95 98 95 97 95 100 95 TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test Test Elevation/ Location/ Soi! Max. Dry Moisture No Date Deoth Station Type Density Content [ft] [pcfj [%j case on N parking Jot & stalls alongside pool area. NW driveway, island stall at E end of 1581 11/4/17 BSG lot 569 114.3 16.9 tlase on N parking lot & stalls alongside pool area N side stall #2 from W to E: of 1582 11/6/17 BSG parking lot 569 114.3 14.3 t:lase on N parking lot & stalls alongside pooi area. S side stall #1 from W to E of 1583 1116/17 BSG parking lot 569 114.3 15,8 t1ase on N parking !ot & stalls alongside pool area. N side staU #3 from W to E of 1584 11/6/17 BSG parking lot 569 114.3 15.5 t1ase on N parking lot & stalis alongside pool area. S side stal! #2 from W to E of 1585 11/6/17 BSG parking lot 569 114.3 13.6 tiase on N parking lot & stalls alongside pool area. N side stall #4 from W to E of 1586 11/6/17 BSG parking lot 1:1ase on N 569 114.3 16.9 parking lot & stalls alongside pool area. S side stall #3 from W to E of 1567 11/6/17 BSG par'..;ing lot 569 114.3 15.5 oase on N parking lot & stalls alongside pool area. S side stal! #4 from Wto E of 1588 11/6/17 BSG parking lot 569 114.3 13,7 tsase on N parking lot & stalis alongside pool area, N side stall #5 from Wto E of 1589 11/6/17 BSG parking tot 569 114.3 14,5 Dry Density [pcfj 115.1 114.4 114.0 112.3 114.9 i 15.3 114.6 114.2 114.3 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] {0/41] 100 95 100 95 100 95 98 95 100 95 100 95 100 95 100 95 100 95 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Denth [ft] 1590 11/6/17 BSG 1591 11/6117 BSG 1592 11/7/17 FG~1~1/2' 1ssa 11!7/i7 FG~1~1!2' 1594 1117117 FG-1-1/2' 1595 1 t/7/17 FG-1-1/2' 1596 1117/17 FG-1-1/2' 1597 1117/17 FG-1-1/2' 1598 11/7117 FG-1-1/2' TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pct] (%! ~ase on N parking lot & stalls alongside pool area. W end of parking !of 569 114.3 15, 1 base on N parking lot & stalls alongside pool area. Center of driveway, W side of N entrance to lot 569 114.3 15-4 Asphalt on w. parking lot and stalls alongside pool area; stall #1 W side of driveway 580 14$.4 9.1 ASPh<Ut on VV. parking lot and stalls alongside pool area; stall #2 W side of drNaway 580 148.-4 8.8 Asphalt On w. parking lot and stalls alongside pool area; stall #3 W side of driveway 560 148.4 95 Asphalt on w. parking !ot and sta!ls alongside pool area; stali #1 E side of driveway 580 148.4 99 Asphalt on w, parking lot and stalls alongside pool area: stall #2 E side of driveway 580 148.4 10.1 Asphalt on w. parking lot and stal!s alongside pool area; staH #3 E side of driveway 580 148.4 10.5 Aspna!tonw. parking lo! and sta!!s alongside pool area; Send of driveway, E side 580 148.4 88 Dry Density [pcfj 114.0 114.0 143.2 149.8 143.3 145.4 142.6 142,3 148.8 MTGL Project No. 191681 i Log No. 18~3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] [%] 100 95 100 95 96 95 100 95 97 95 98 95 96 95 96 95 100 95 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Deoth 1ft) 1599 11/7/17 FG,-1 .. i/2:' 1600 11/7/17 FG-1-1/2' 1601 11/7117 FG-1-1/2' 1602 11/7/17 FG-1-1/2' 1603 11m17 FG-1••1f2' 1604 1117/17 FG-1--1/2' 1605 11nt17 FG-1-1/2' 1600 11/7/17 FG-1-112' 1607 11f7/17 FG--1--1/2' TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pcfj [%] Aspna!l on w. parkfng lot and stalls alongside poo! area: center of driveway. E side 580 148.4 8.0 Aspna11on w. parking lot and sta.!!s alongside pool area; S end of driveway, W side 580 148.4 77 Aspnall on vv. parking lot and stalls alongside pool area; center of driveway, W side 580 148,4 7.5 Aspna!t on w. parking lot and stalls alongside poo! area; stall #4 W side ot driveway 580 148.4 g 1 Aspna1t on w. parking lot and stalls alongside poo! area; stall #5 W side of driveway 580 148.4 8.5 Aspna1i on NVV parking lot and sta!!s alongside pool: NW driveway W of island sta!! 580 148.4 8.0 Aspnan on NVV parking lot and stalls alongside pool area; NW driveway N side of island stall #1 580 148.4 10.5 Aspnaa on NW parking !ot and sta!ls alongside pooi area; NW driveway N side of island stall #1 580 148.4 8.5 ASpt'la!t on vv parking lot and stalls alongside pool area; N end of driveway, E side 580 148.4 9.0 Dey Density fpcfj 148.1 148.7 149.1 144.1 144.3 142.8 145-5 144.1 149.0 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] [¾l 100 95 100 95 100 95 97 95 97 95 95 98 95 97 95 100 95 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Depth [ft] 1608 11/7/17 FG-1-1/2' 1609 11/7/17 FG-1-1/2' 1610 11/7/17 FG-1--1/2' 1611 1117117 FG-1-1/2' 1612 1117/17 FG-H/2' 1613 11/7/17 FG-1-1/2' 1614 1117117 FG-1-1/2' 1615 11/7/17 FG-1-1/2' 1616 11/7/17 FG-1-1/2' 1617 1117117 FG-1-1/2' TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soi! Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pct] [¾J ASpl1al! on NW parking lot and &1a!!s alongside pool area: SE driveway S side of island stall #1 580 148.4 10.2 Aspnait on NW parking lot and stalls alongside pool area; SE driveway S side of island stall #2 580 148-4 10.9 Aspnait on NVV parking lot and stalls alongside poo! area; SE driveway S side of istand sta!! #3 580 148A 10.9 Aspnaiton NVV parking lot & stalls a!ongside pool; SE driveway S side of driveway stair #1 580 148.4 9.3 Aspna1t on NVV parking lot & stalls alongside pool; SE driveway S side of driveway stall #1 580 148.4 9.2 Aspnan on NVV parking !ot & stalls alongside pool; SE driveway S side of driveway stall #3 580 148.4 9.0 Aspna!t on NW parking lot & stalls alongside poo!; SE driveway N side, W end of fot 580 148.4 10.5 Asphalt on NW parking lot & stails alongside pool; SE driveway N side, E end of lot 580 148.4 9.0 Aspna!t on NW parking lot & stalls alongside pool; SE driveway S side, Wend of !ot 580 148.4 10.6 Asphalt on NW parking !ot & stalls alongside pool; SE driveway S side, E end of lot 580 148.4 9.2 Dry Density [pct] 148.0 148.0 143.0 145.1 145.5 144.0 146.6 149.9 149.1 149.8 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18-3104 Re!ative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] !%] 100 95 100 95 96 95 98 95 98 95 97 95 99 95 100 95 100 95 100 95 Test Test E!evation/ No Date Denth [ft] 1618 1117/17 FG-1-1/2' 1619 11/7/17 FG-1-1/2' 1620 11/17/17 BSG 1621 11/17/17 BSG 1622 11/8/17 FG-1-1/2' 1623 11/8/17 FG-1-1/2' 1624 11/8/17 FG-1-1/2' 1625 11/8/17 FG-1-1/2' 1626 1118117 FG-1-1/2' 1627 11/8/17 FG-1-1/2' TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pc~ [%] Asphalt on NW parking lot & stalls alongside pool; NW driveway N side, stall #1 580 148.4 89 Asphalt on NVV parking !ot & stalls alongside pool; NW driveway N side, stall #2 580 148.4 86 t,ase on N parking lot & stalls along pool; N entrance off Balboa Circle 569 114.3 15,9 t:lase on N parking lot & stalls along poo!; E entrance off Balboa Circle 569 114.3 13.9 Asphalt on NW parking lot & sta!ls alongside pool; NW driveway N side, stall #2 580 148.4 89 Asphalt on NW parking lot & stalls alongside poof; NW driveway N side, stall #3 580 148.4 88 Aspna1t on NV\/ parking tot & stalls alongside pool; NW driveway N side of island stat! #3 580 148.4 9.8 Aspm,11 on NVV parking lot & stalls alongside pool; NW driveway N side of driveway, west end of lot 580 148.4 9.5 Aspnaaon NW parking !ot & stalls alongside pool; NWdrivewayN side of driveway, east end of !ct 580 148.4 10, 1 Aspnaiton NW parking lot & stalls alongside pool; NW driveway S side, west end of lot 580 148.4 9.1 D,y Density IP~ 149.9 147.9 112.1 113.5 144.0 149.4 142.3 142.3 145.9 146.7 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number !%] [%] 100 95 100 95 98 95 99 95 97 95 100 95 96 95 96 95 98 95 99 95 Test Test Ele11aUonl No. Date Der th !ft] 1628 11/8/17 FG-1-1/2' 1629 11/8/17 FG-1-1/2' 1630 11/8/17 FG-1-1i2' 1631 11/.8/17 FG-1-1/2' 1632 11/8/17 FG-1-1/2' 1633 11/8/17 FG-1-1/2' 1634 11/8/17 FG-1-i/2' 1635 11/8/17 FG-1-1/2' 1636 11/8117 FG-1-1/2' 1637 11/8/17 FG-1-1/2' 1638 11/8/17 FG-1-1/2' TABLE 4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content {pcij [%] Aspnan on NW parking lot & sta!!s alongside pool; NW driveway S side, east end of lot 580 148.4 8.0 Asphalt on NW park!ng lot & stalls alongside pool; N\,\/ driveway E end of island stall 580 148,4 9.1 Aspt1a!t on N parking lot & stalfs alongside pool; N side of driveway stall #1 580 148.4 9.8 Asphalt on N parking lot & stalls aiongside pool; N side of driveway stail#2 580 i48.4 8.4 Asphalt en N parking ioi & stalls a!ongside pooi; S side of driveway, Wend 580 148.4 9 1 Asphalt on N parking lo! & stalls alongside poo!; N side of driveway, Wend 580 148A 9.5 Asphatt: on N parking lot & sta!ls alongside pool; S side of driveway, stall #1 580 148A 9.5 Aspnaiton N parking lot & staiis alongside pool; N side of dtiveway, stali#3 580 148.4 8.7 Asphalt on N parking lot & stalfs alongside pool; N side of driveway, s!all#4 580 148.4 11.9 Asphalt on N parking lot & stalls alongside pool: N side of driveway, s!all#5 580 148 4 11 1 Asptialt on N parking lot & sta!!s .alongside pool; S side of driveway, stall#2 580 148.4 9.4 Dry Density {pcij 149.5 142.4 149,9 149.9 143.6 149.9 142.7 142.4 143.7 143.0 145.2 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18H3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] [%] 100 95 96 95 100 95 100 95 97 95 100 95 96 95 96 95 97 gs 96 95 98 95 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Dtmth lftl 1639 1'118/17 FG-1-1/2' 1640 1118117 FG-1-1/2' 1641 11/8/17 FG-Hi2' 1642 11/8/17 FG-1--1/2' 1643 11/8/17 FG-1-1/2' 1644 11/8/17 FG*1-1/2' 1645 11/8/17 TOW-6' 1645R 11/8/17 TOW -·6' 1646 1 ii10/17 TOW-5' 1647 11/10/17 FSG TABLE 4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soi! Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pcij [%] ASphait on N parking lot & stalls alongside pool; S side of driveway, staf! #3 580 148.4 11.1 Asphalt on N parking lot & stalls alongside pool; S side of driveway, sta!! i14 580 148.4 8.8 Aspnanon N parking !ot & stalls alongside pool; N entrance off Ba!boa Circle, W side of east end 580 148.4 9.6 Aspna11 on N parking lot & stalls alongside pool; N entrance off Balboa Circie, E side of lot 580 148.4 98 Aspnan on 1\1 parking lot & stalls alongside pool; E entrance off Balboa Circle, S side of lot 580 148.4 9.0 Aspnan on N parking lot & stalls alongside poof; E entrance off Balboa Circle, N side of !ot 580 148.4 10.5 Ret. Waif E Sid Of pool restrooms; 6' below center of waif 121 126.6 82 Ret. Wa!I E Sid of poo! restrooms; center of wail, 6' below top 121 126.6 13.1 Ret. wan E side pool restrooms; centerofwalf, 5' below top 121 126.6 10,7 Kec1a1m water main, S side Balboa Circle; E entrance N parking lot -20' W of E entrance 121 126.6 13.3 D,y Density [pcl] 150.0 147.6 '!43.4 146.7 149.2 147.2 119, 1 121.5 120.5 112.9 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Comoaction Number [%1 . ' [%] 100 95 99 95 97 95 99 95 100 95 99 95 94 95 96 95 95 95 89 95 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Deoth {ft] 1648 11/10/17 FSG 1647R 11/10/17 FSG~1' i648R 11/10117 fSG~1' 1649 i 1110/17 TOW-4' 1650 11/10/17 TOW-·3' 1651 11/11/17 FSG-1' 1652 11/11/17 FSG 1653 11/11117 FSG-1' 1654 11/11/17 FSG 1655 11111/17 FSG-1' TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soil Max, Drv Moisture Statiori Type Density Content [pct] [%J KecIaim water main, S side Balboa Circle: E entrance N parking lot -20' E of N entrance 121 126.6 12.0 Hee/aim mam along S side of Ba!boa Circle; 20' W of E entrance to N !ot 121 126.6 14.2 Kec1a1m ma;n along S side of Balboa Circle; 20' E of N e:.trance to lot 121 126.6 14.5 Ret Wall E side of pool restrooms; center of wall, 4' bf"Jow top of wall 121 12.6.6 13,0 Ret. Wal! E side of pool restrooms: center of waif, 3' below top of wall 121 126.6 10.8 t:lect. I rench !:: side of Balboa Cirde; 15'8 of 1s1 light pole E of E entrance to N !ct 566 97.4 25.4 C.lect. ! rench t: side of Balboa Circle; 15'S of 1st llght pole E of E entrance to N lot 586 97.4 25.2 Elect Trench E side of Balboa Circle; 15'S of 2nd light po!e EofE entrance to N lot 588 97.4 25.5 Elect. Trench E side of Balboa Circle; 15'S of 2nd light po!e E of E. entrance to N lot 586 97.4 25.0 KeCJa!m water wr landscaping line across Balboa Circle to Villa 75; 110' E of int of Balboa Circle & GP Drive; S side of road 121 126.6 10,8 Dry Density [pci] 112.6 12i .9 119.8 121.4 120.2 97.6 97.9 97.5 92.7 12:0.1 MTGL Project No. i916B11 log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number f%] r/41 89 95 96 95 95 95 96 95 95 95 100 90 100 95 100 95 95 95 95 95 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Denth [ft] 1656 11/11/17 FSG-1' 1657 11/11/17 FSG 1658 11/11/17 FSG 1659 11/13/17 TOW~5' 1660 11/13/17 FSG 1661 11/13/17 TOW-3' 1662 11/13/17 FSG 1663 11/13/17 TOW-1' 1664 11/14/17 FSG TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pci] [%] Kec1a1m waler ror landscaping line across Balboa Cirde !0 Villa 75; 110' E of int. of Balboa Circle & GP Drive; N side of road 121 126.6 10.9 1..;ec1airn wcuer mr landscaping line across Balboa Circle to Wla 75; 110' E of int. of Balboa Circie & GP Drlve; S side of road 121 126.6 10.5 necia1m wmer ror landscaping line across Balboa Circle to Villa 75; 110'Eoflnf.of Balboa Circle & GP Drive; N side of road 121 126.6 12.3 Ret wall for trans pad for Hotel 4; 2' E ot· wall x center of wall 121 126,6 11.4 l::!ect. Line tor parking lot light, W side of Ba!boa Circle; 60' S-of E entrance for N lot 121 126.6 13.8 Ret wall for trans pad for Hotel 4; 2' EofEwal!x center of wal! 121 126.6 11 .5 c1ecL une rm parking lot light, W side of Balboa Circle; 60' S of E entrance for N fot; 120' S oftrans pad on W side of Balboa Circie 121 126.6 11.4 t:!ect. une tor parking !ot light, W side of Balboa Circle; 60' S of E entrance for N lot 121 126.6 10.9 t::.iect une ror parking lot light, W side of Balboa Circle; 150' S of trans pad E side of Balboa Circie 121 126.6 11 .9 Dry Density [pci] 120.7 126.6 125.7 114.7 114.4 115.2 115.3 114.8 115.5 MTGL Project No_ 1916811 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaclion Compaction Number [%] Ff,] 95 95 100 95 99 95 91 90 90 90 91 91 90 91 90 91 90 TABLE 4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test Test Elevation/ Locationf Soil Max. Dry Moisture No. Date Deoth Station Type Density Content [ft) [pcfj {%] t:.lect une tor parking lot light, W side of Balboa Circle; 1 O' S of trans pad E s!de 1665 11/14/17 FSG of Balboa Circle 121 126.6 12.i Drain line from Hote! 4 and lobby; 26'E x 42' N of NE 1666 11/14/17 FSG-8' corner of lobby 121 126.6 14.8 ura1n one trom Hotel 4 elevator shaft to pool area; 26' Ex42' N of NE comer of 1667 11/15/17 FSG-2' !obby 121 126.6 15 urain une rrorn Hote! 4 elevator shaft to pool area; 30' Ex 34' N of NE comer of 1668 11115/17 FSG-5' lobby 121 126.6 15.3 urain line trom Hotel 4 elevator shaft to pool area; 30'Ex4'SofNE 1669 11/15/17 FSG-5' corner of lobby 121 126.6 17.1 urnm 11ne trom Hotel 4 elevator shaft to poo! area: 26' E x42' N of NE corner of 1670 11/15/17 FSG lobby 121 126.6 13.8 uram 11ne !rom Hotel 4 elevator shaft to pool area; 30' E x34' N of NE corner of 1671 11/15/17 FSG-2' lobby 121 126.6 16.1 t,;um on vv 15,; t: sides of driveway off Balboa Circle; 180' N x 100' E of SE corner of Hote! 1672 11/16/17 FSG 4 155 117.6 13.2 GuroonWl':iit:: sides of driveway off Balboa Circ!e; 100' N x 98' E of SE comer of Hotel 1673 11/16/17 FSG 4 155 117.6 12 Curb on vv & 1:: sides of driveway off Balboa Circle: O' N x98' E of SE 1674 11/16/17 FSG comer of Hotel 4 155 117.6 12.5 Dey Density {pen 114,9 116.5 117.5 117.0 114.0 120.4 116.7 115.4 116 115.8 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%J [%J 91 90 92 90 93 90 92 90 90 90 95 90 92 90 98 95 99 95 98 95 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Derlth fftJ • 1675 11/16/17 FSG 1676 11116/17 FSG 1677 11/16/17 FSG 1678 11/16/17 FSG 1679 11/16/17 FSG-1' 1680 11/16/17 FSG-1' 1681 11/16/17 FSG 1682 11116/17 FSG 1683 11/16/17 FSG TABLE 4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location! Soil Max Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pct] {%] (..:uroonwl'S<t sides of driveway off Balboa Circle; 60'Sx98'Eof SE comer of Hote! 4 155 117.6 12.1 t.;urbon w IS:!:: sides of driveway off Balboa Circle; 50'Sx45'Eof SE corner of Hotel 4 155 117.6 12.5 Gum on w & t:. sides of driveway off Balboa Circle; 20'Nx60'Eof SE corner of Hotel 4 155 117.6 11.3 L"urb on w iSoc t: sides of driveway off Balboa Clrc!e: 20'Nx60'Eof SE comer of Hotel 4 155 117.6 12.4 r.;uroonw&t: sides of drtveway off Balboa Circle; 180' N x 40' E of SE corner of Hotel 4 155 117.6 11.5 KecIaIm main ror landscaping W of N parking !ot alongside S side of Balboa Clrcte: 10'WofN entrance of N lot 121 126.6 13,3 KecIaIm main ror landscaping W of N parking lot alongside S side of Balboa Circte; 100' W of N entrance of N lot 121 126,6 14.2 vuro on vv <'!. t: sides of driveway off Balboa Cirde; 10'WofN entrance for N parking !ot 121 126.6 12.1 t.:uro on w & t: sides of driveway off Balboa Circle; 100' W of N entrance for N parking lot 121 126.6 11.8 D,y Density [pct] 117, 1 11'74 115.'l 117,8 111 9 119.9 120.4 121,6 122.3 MTGL Project No_ 1916B11 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] [%] 100 95 100 98 100 95 95 95 96 97 Test Test Elevation/ --No Date Deoth [ftj 1684 11/17/17 FSG 1685 11/17/17 FSG 1686 11i17/17 FSG 1687 11/17/17 FSG 1688 11/17/17 FSG 1689 11/17/17 FSG 1690 11/17/17 FSG 1691 11/17/17 FSG 1692 11/17/17 FSG 1693 11/17/11 FSG TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soi! Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pcij [%] C.:WbMW&t sides of driveway off BalhOa Clfde; O'N x 132'E of NE corner of Hotel 4 121 126,6 12.9 -.;urn an vv & i::. sides of driveway off Balboa Cirde: 120'N x 130'E of NE corner of Hote! 4 152 106 15.3 GumonW&t: sides of driveway off Baiboa Circle; 120'N x 70'E of NE comer of Hote!4 121 126,6 13.7 vw·o on w & t: sides of driveway off Balboa Circfe; 180'N x 70'E of NE comer of Hotel 4 121 126.6 11.2 L:uro on w & t: sides of driveway off Balboa Circle; 180'N x 98'[ of NE corner of Hotel 4 152 106 15.4 121 126.6 10,6 i.;urc on w & t. sides of driveway off Balboa Circle; 96'N x 76'E of NE corner of pool restroom bldg 121 126.6 1 i.5 Luro on vv & t: sides of driveway off Baiboa Cirde; 96'N x 0'E of NE corner of poof restroom b!dg 121 126.6 10.8 vurn on vv 6 t:. sides of diiveway off Balboa Circle; 96'N x O'E of NE corner of pool restroom bldg 121 126.6 11.2 l;urn on w & t: sides of ariveway off Balboa Circle; 96'N x ?OW of NE comer cf pool restroom bldg 121 126.6 12.4 Dry Density [pci] 120.3 100.7 120.4 125.2 100.5 121.3 123.4 121.9 122.4 123.3 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18-3104 Re!atlve Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] [%1 95 95 95 99 95 96 97 96 97 97 TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test Test Elevation/ Locatlon/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture No Date Deoth Station Type Density Content [ftj [pclj [%] Guro on vv & t. sides of driveway off Balboa Circle; 96'N x 140'E of NE corner of poo! 1694 11/17117 FSG restroom bldg 121 126.6 10.8 t.,;urt::ionw&c sides of driveway off Ba!boa Circle; 76'N x 30W of NE comer of pool 1695 11/20/17 FSG restroom bldg 121 126.6 11-4 vuro on vv & !:: sides of driveway off Balboa Circie; 76'N x 70'W of NE comer of pool 1696 11/20/17 FSG restroom b!dg 121 126,6 10.3 Luro on vv & t: sides of driveway off Balboa Circle; 76'N x 90'W of NE comer of pool 1697 11/20/17 FSG restroom bldg 121 126.6 11.3 L:uroonw&t: sides of driveway off Balboa Cirde; 22'N x 26'W of NE corner of pool 1698 11/20/17 TOW-2' restroom b!dg 121 126.6 11.8 l;uro Of'I VII & t: sides of driveway off Balboa Circle; 22'N x 40W of NE corner of pool 1699 11/20/17 TOW-2' restroom bldg 121 126.6 13.0 L:uro on w 6 1;;; sides of driveway off Balboa C!rde: 22'N x 26'W of NE corner of pool 1700 11/20/17 TOW-0.5' restroom bidg 121 126.6 13.4 Ket. Walls W s;de of Hotel 4 lobby and poo!; 22'N x 40'W of NE corner 1701 11/20/17 TOW-0.5' of lobby 121 126,6 12.8 Ket. wans w side of Hotel 4 lobby and pool; 26'N x 56'W of NE r,0mer 1702 11/20/17 TOW-2' of lobby 121 126.6 11.7 Dr; Density fpcf] 122.9 120.4 119.9 120.1 113.5 117-'7 120.2 121.3 121.4 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] {%] 97 95 95 95 90 90 93 90 95 90 96 90 96 90 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Oeoth lftJ 1703 11/20/17 TOW-0,5' 1704 11/20/17 TOW-2' 1705 11/20/17 TOW-1' 1706 11/21117 FSG-1' 1707 11/21117 FSG-1' 1708 11i21!17 FSG 1709 11/21/17 FSG 1710 11/21/17 TOW-1' 1711 11/21/17 TOW-1' 1712 11/21/17 TOW-2' 1713 11/29/17 TOW-3' 1713R 11129/17 TOW-3' TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soi! Max. Dry· Moisture Station !ype Density Conteni [pcij [%] Ket. Walls w Side of Hotel 4 lobby and pool; 26'N x 56'W of NE corner of lobby 121 126.6 12.0 Fire line N of pool restroom; 20'N x O'E of NW comer of restroom bldg 121 126.6 11.7 Fire line N of poo! restroom; 20'N x 22'E of NW comer of restroom b!dg 121 126.6 10,5 Fire line N o! pool restroom; 20'N x O'E of NW corner of restroom bldg 121 126.6 10.5 Fire line N of pool restroom, 20'N x 22'E of NW corner of restroom bldg 121 126,6 10.9 Fire line N of pool restroom; 20'N x O'E of NW corner of restroom bldg 121 126.6 99 Fire line N of pool restroom: 20'N x 22'E of NW corner of restroom b!dg 121 126.6 98 Ket. Walls w Side of Hotel 4 lobby and pool; 22'N x 5'W of NE comer of lobby 121 126.6 14.0 Ket. wans W side of Hotel 4 lobby and pool; 22'N x 5'E of NE corner of lobby 121 126.6 15.1 Ket. wans w side of Hotel 4 lobby and poof; 36'N x 16'E of NE corner of lobby 121 126.6 10 Stairs NE side of Hotel 4 lobby; 56'N x 1 O'E of NE comer of lobby 121 126.6 12.6 Stairs NE side of Hotel 4 lobby; 56'N x 10'E of NE comer of lobby 121 126,6 13.9 Dry Density [pcij 121.2 119.1 122.0 120.5 120.6 125.7 125.0 122.1 117.4 116.9 117.1 120,2 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] !%l 96 90 94 90 96 90 95 90 95 90 99 90 99 90 96 90 93 90 92 90 92 95 95 95 TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test Test Elevation/ Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture No. Date Depth Station Type Density Content [ft) [pcij [%J Stairs NE side of Hole! 4 lobby: 56'N x 10'E of NE 1714 11129/17 TOW-2' corner of lobby 121 i26 6 10.6 Stairs NE side of Hotel 4 lobby; 56'N x 10'E of NE 1714R 11/29/17 TOW-2' comer of lobby 121 126.6 12.2 J-rre iine Nt:: ot Hotel 4 & N of outbuilding; 10'S x 60'E of NE comer 1715 11/29/17 FSG-3' of hotel 121 126.6 14.69 hre line Nt: ot Hotel 4 & N of outbuliding; 2'S x 34'E of NE corner 1716 11/29/17 FSG-2' of hotel 121 126.6 14.4 Stairs W side of pool restroom; 3'S x10'WofNW 1717 11/29/17 TOW-9' comer of restroom 121 126.6 14.6 Stairs W side of pool restroom; 3'S x 10'W of NW 1718 11/29/17 iOW-8' comer of restroom 121 126.6 14.6 Stairs W side of pool restroom: 3'S x 10'WofNW 1719 11/29/17 TOW-7' corner of restroom 121 126.6 14.2 !-ire >me Nt:: ot Hotel 4 & N of outbuilding; 2'S x 34'E of NE comer 1720 11/29/17 FSG of hotel 121 126.6 14.4 t-ire 11ne NI::. ot Hotei 4 & N of outbuilding; 2'S X 34'E of NE comer 1721 11/29/17 FSG of hotel 121 126.6 13.9 hre line N!::. ot Hotel 4 & N of outbuilding; 1 O'S x 60'E of NE comer 1723" 11/30/17 FSG-1' of ho1e! 121 126.6 12.9 hre 11rie Nt. or Hotel 4 & N of outbuilding; 2'S x 34'E of NE corner 1724 11/30/17 FSG-1' of hotel 121 126 6 13.4 Dry Density IPcfJ 119.3 121.5 113.8 120.6 121.8 121.5 120.8 120.6 122.4 114.8 120.7 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] [%) 94 95 96 95 90 90 95 95 96 95 96 95 95 95 95 95 97 95 91 90 95 95 TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test Test Elevation/ Location/ Soi! Max. Dry Moisture Ne. Dale De::,th Station Type Density Content {ft] {pcQ [%] t-ire line Nt:. ot Hotel 4 & N of outbuilding; 10'S x 60'E of NE corner 1725 11/30/17 FSG of hotel 12! 126.6 14.7 t-,re !1ne Ni:: ot Hotel 4 & N of outbuilding; 2'S x 34'E of NE comer 1726 11/30/17 FSG of hotel 121 126,6 14.1 !-Ire !me NI::: of Hotel 4 & N of outbuilding; 3'S x 1 O'W of NE comer 1727 11/30/17 TOW-6' of hotel 121 126.6 11.1 t·!re ime Nt: ot -Hotel 4 & N of outbuilding; 3'S x 1 O'W of NE comer 1728 11130/17 TOW-6' of hotel 121 126.6 14.7 t·Ire lme NI::. ot Hotel 4 & N of outbuilding; 12'N x 14'E of NE corner 1729 t 1/30/17 FSG-2' of hotel 121 126.6 96 !-ire line N!::: ot Hote! 4 & N of outbui!dlng: 12'N x 0'W of NE comer 1730 11/30/17 FSG-Z of hotel 121 126.6 14.6 1-1re line NC ot Hotel 4 & N of outbuilding; 12'N x 0'W of NE comer 1731 11/30/17 FSG-1' ofho!el 121 126.6 14.5 I-Ire !ine Nt: ot Hote! 4 & N of outbuilding; 12'N x O'W of NE comer 1732 11/30/17 FSG of hotel 121 126.6 13.3 !-ire i!ne N!::: ot Hotel 4& N of outbuilding; 'lO'N X 12'E of NE corner 1733 12/1/17 FSG-3' of hotel 121 126.6 12.7 !-!re !ine Nt: ot Hote! 4 & N of outbuilding; 10'N x 12'E of NE comer 1734 12/1/17 FSG-2' of hotel 121 126.6 13.3 hre !ine Nt: ot Hotel 4 & N of outbui!ding: !O'N x 12'E of NE corner 1735 12/1/17 FSG-1' of hole/ 121 126.6 13,8 D,y Density {pcQ 116.7 123.9 120.5 121.7 113.7 113.5 115.1 117.3 114.3 113.7 114, 1 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18~3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number !%] (%) 92 90 98 95 95 95 96 95 90 90 90 90 91 90 93 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 TABLE 4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test Test Elevation/ Locaiion/ Soi! Max. Dry Moisture No. Date Deoth Station Type Density Content [ft] fpcij [%] 1-ire !me Nt: ot Hotel 4 & N of outbuilding; 1 O'N x 12'E of NE corner 1736 12/1/17 FSG of hotel 121 126 6 14.0 Stairs W side of pool restroom; 3'S x 10'W of NW 1737 12/1/17 TOW-4' corner of restroom 121 126.6 14.4 Stairs W side of pool restroom; 3'S x10'WofNW 1737R 12/1/17 TOW-4' corner of restroom 121 126.6 13.9 Water line to pool slide; 1 O'E of (',olumn 2 under 1738 12/1/17 FSG-3' slide 121 126.6 13.3 Water line to pool slide; 10'E of column 2 under 1739 12/1/1 7 FSG-2' slide 121 126.6 14 Water line to pool slide; 1 O'E of column 2 under 1740 12/1/17 FSG-1' slide 121 126.6 14.2 Curo on vv & t::: sides of driveway to Mtntc Bldg; 32'S x B'W of NW corner of Mtntc 1741 12/4117 FSG Bldg 121 126.6 10.4 vuro on vv & t: sides of driveway to Mtntc B1dg; 104'S x aw of NW r..omer of 1742 12/4/17 FSG Mtntc Bldg 121 126.6 10.5 Stairs W side of pool restroom; 3'S x 10'W of NW 1743 12/4/17 TOW-3' comer of restroom 121 126.6 13.7 Stairs W side of pool restroom: 5'S x 20'W of NW 1744 12/4/17 TOW-11' corner of restroom 121 126.6 14.4 Stairs W side of pool restroom; S'S x 20'W of NW 1745 12/4/17 TOW-9' corner of restroom 121 126,6 15 D,y Density [pci] 114.6 115.6 121.5 114.2 116 115.9 120.3 120.8 123.4 114.7 115.0 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] [%l 91 90 91 95 96 95 90 90 92 90 92 90 95 95 95 95 97 95 91 90 91 90 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Detilh [ft] 1746 12/4/17 TOW-7' 1747 12/4/17 FSG 1748 12/4/17 FSG 1749 12/4/17 FSG 1750 12/4/17 FSG 1751 12/4/17 FSG 1752 12/4/17 FSG 1753 12/4/17 FSG 1754 12/4/17 FSG 1755 12/4/17 FSG 1756 12/4/17 FSG 1757 12/5/17 TOW-15' TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soi! Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pcfj [%] Stairs W side of pool restroom; S'S x 20'W of NW corner of restroom 121 126.6 14,4 Driveway & stalls on N/S Balboa Circle; W parking stall #1 121 126,6 13,8 Driveway & stalls on N/S Balboa Circle; S end of Balboa Circle 121 126.6 11.2 Driveway & s1a!!s on N/S Balboa Circle; E parking stall #1 121 126.6 12.7 Driveway & staUs on N!S Balboa Circle; E parking stall #2 121 126.6 12.3 Driveway & stalls on N/S Balboa Circle; E parking sta!J #3 121 126.6 11.6 Driveway & stails on N/S Balboa Circle; E parking stal!#4 121 126.6 12.1 Driveway & stalls on N/S Balboa Ciwie; W parking stall #2 121 126.6 11 .2 Driveway & stalls on N/S Balboa Circle; W parking sta11#3 121 126.6 11.0 Unveway & stalls on N/S Balboa Circle; center of Balboa Circle's N/S run 121 126.6 12,.0 LJnveway & stalls on N/S Balboa Circle; E parking stall #5 in front of trdnS. Pad 121 126.6 12.3 Stairs W side of pool restroom; 3'N x 3'E of NW comer of restroom 121 126,6 12.4 D,y Density [pcfj 113.8 115.0 114.4 115.7 115.5 114.8 115, 1 114.0 114.6 114,7 114.5 124.9 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%1 [%J 90 90 91 90 90 90 91 90 91 90 91 90 91 90 90 90 91 90 91 90 90 90 99 95 TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test Test Elevation/ Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture No. Date Deoth Station Type Density Content [ft] [pcij [%] Stairs W side of pool restroom; S'S x 20'W of NW 1758 12/5/17 TOW-2' comer of restroom 121 126.6 14,3 Driveway & stalfs on N/S Balboa Circle; W parking 1759 12/5/17 FSG stall #5 121 126.6 13.1 Driveway & stalls on N!S Balboa Circle: E parking 1760 12/5/17 FSG star! #6 121 126.6 12.0 Driveway & stalls on N/S Balboa Circie; E parking 1761 1215/17 FSG stall #7 121 126.6 14.5 Driveway & stalls on N/S Balboa Circle; E parking 1762 12/5/17 FSG stall #8 121 126,6 13.4 lJnveway & sta!!s on N!S Balboa Circle; center of N/S run of Baiboa 1763 12/5/17 FSG Circle 121 126.6 13,4 1Jr1veway &. sta!!s on N/S Balboa Circle; center of N/S run of Balboa 1764 12/5/17 FSG Circle 121 126.6 15.0 Stairs W side of pool restroom; 3'N x 3'E of NW 1765 12/6/17 TOW-13' corner of restroom 121 126 6 14.8 Stairs W side of pool restroom; 3'N x 3'E of NW 1766 12/6/17 TOW-11' corner of restroom 121 126.6 14.0 Stairs W side of pool restroom; 3'N x 3'E of NW 1767 1216!17 TOW-9' comer of restroom 121 126.6 14.2 Stairs W side of' pool restroom; 3'N x 3'E of NW 1768 12/6/17 TOW-7' corner of restroom 121 126.6 14.1 Wet pumping area on FIS driveway from Balboa Circle; S 1769 12/6/1 7 FSG-1' end of repair 632 122.6 11.3 Dry Density [pcij 115.4 114,6 113.9 116.3 114.8 114.1 115.1 124.4 124.8 125.4 124.1 110.8 MTGL Project No, 1916811 Log No. 18~3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%l [%} 91 90 91 90 90 90 92 90 91 90 90 90 91 90 98 95 99 95 99 95 96 95 90 90 TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test Test Elevation/ Location/ Soi! Max. Dry Moisture No. Date Denth Station Type Density Content [ft] [pcfj [%] Wet pumping area on FIS driveway from Balboa Circle; N 1770 12/6/17 FSG-1' end of repair 632 122.6 12.5 Wet pumping area on FiS driveway from Balboa Circle; S 1771 1216/17 FSG end of repair 632 122.6 9.5 Wet pumping area on FIS driveway from Balboa Circle; N 1772 12/6/17 FSG end of repair 632 122.6 10.5 Driveway to Hotel 4 outbu1!ding; 1 O'E x40'S of NW 1773 12/6/17 FSG corner of outbfdg 121 126.6 11.3 t:::mrance 011 (jr' Or, to Balboa Circle; 15'S of Balboa Circle centerline x 10' E 1774 12/6/17 FSG of curb 121 126.6 10.5 Wet p:,mping area on N/S run of Balboa Circle; S 1771R 1217117 FSG end of repair 632 122.6 13.2 Wet pumping area on N!S run of Balboa Circle; 1175 12/7/17 FSG center of repair 632 122.6 14.8 Wet pumping area on N/S run of Balboa Circle; N 1172R 12/7/17 FSG end of repair 632 122.6 12.8 Stairs W side of poo! restroom; 9'N x2'W of NW 1776 12/7/17 TOW-6' corner of restroom 121 126.6 15.5 Stairs W side of poo! restroom; 9'N x4'EofNW 1777 12/7/17 TOW-6' comer of restroom 121 126,6 14.6 Stairs W side of pool restroom; S'N of NW come( of 1778 12/7/17 TOW-4' restroom 121 126.6 14 2 Crossing on driveway for Hotel 4; Send of 1179 12i8/17 FSG crossing 155 117.6 14 8 D,y Density [pcij 110.2 110.7 110.1 119.9 120.1 116.6 119.0 116.5 120.7 120.4 120.5 102.0 MTGL Project No, 1916B11 Log No. ~8-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] {%] 90 90 90 95 90 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 97 95 gs 95 95 90 95 95 95 95 87 95 TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test Test Elevation/ Location/ Soil Max, Dry Moisture No. Date Deoth Station Type Density Content (ft] [pcfj {%j Crossfng on driveway for Hotel 4;Nendof 1780 12/8/17 FSG crossing 155 117.6 15.5 Stairs W side of pool restroom; 2'N x 3'E of NW 1781 12/8/17 TOW-9' comer of restroom 121 126.6 11.2 Crossing or: driveway for Hotel 4;Sendof 1779R 12/8/17 FSG crossing 155 11T6 14.2 Crossing on driveway for Hotel 4: N end of 1780R 12/8/17 FSG crossing 155 117.6 13.6 Stairs W side of pool restroom: 2'N x 3'E of NW 1782 12/8/17 TOW~5,3' comer of restroom !21 126.6 13.6 Stairs W side of pool restroom; 2'N x2'WofNW 1783 1218117 FG corner of restroom 121 126.6 14.5 t-;ubgrade N!t:i Balboa Cirde driveway & stai!s; S end of Balboa 1784 12/11/18 FG Cirde 600 124.1 8.9 t:iubgrade N/S Balboa Circ!e driveway & stalls; 150'N of S end of 1785 12/11/18 FG Balboa Circle 600 124, 1 9 1 Subgrade NI~ Balboa Circfe driveway & stalls; center of S end of 1786 12111/18 FG Baiboa Circle 121 126.6 10.4 ~ubgrade N!:::i Balboa Circle driveway & sta!ls; N end of Balboa 1787 12/11/18 FG Circle 121 126.6 10,0 Subgrade N/S Balboa Circle driveway & stalls; 1788 12/11118 FG E side, stall #1 600 124.1 84 Subgrade N/S Balboa Circle driveway & stalls; 1789 12/11/18 FG E side, stali #2 600 124.1 84 Dry Densitv [pcfj 104.4 120 1 112.3 112.5 125.7 118.6 119.5 123.1 126.8 125.1 117.7 117.5 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] [%] 89 95 95 95 95 95 95 99 95 94 90 96 95 99 95 100 95 99 95 95 95 95 95 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Depth [ft] 1790 12111/17 SG 1791 12/11/17 SG 1792 12/11/17 SG 1793 12/11/17 SG 1794 12/11/17 SG 1795 12/~ 1/17 SG 1796 12/11/17 SG 1797 12/11/17 SG 1798 12/11/17 SG 1799 12/11/17 SG 1800 12/11/17 FSG 1801 12/11/17 SG-0.3' 1802 12/11/17 FSG TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soi! Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content {pcfJ [%! Subgrade N/S Balboa Circle driveway & stalls; E side, stall #3 600 124.1 95 Subgrade N/S Ba!boa Circle driveway & stalls; E side, stall #4 121 126,6 10.6 Subgrade N/S Balboa Circle driveway & stalls; E side, stall #5 121 126 6 0.6 Subgrade N/S Ba!boa Circle driveway & stalls; E side, stall #6 121 126.6 10.5 Subgrade N/S Balboa Cirde driveway & stalls; W side, stall #1 600 124.1 82 Subgrade N/S Balboa Circle driveway & sl.alis; W side, stall #'2 BOO 124.1 10.8 Subgrade NiS Balboa Circle driveway & stalls; W side, stall #3 600 124.1 11.6 Subgracte NJS Balboa Cfrc!e driveway & stalls, W side, stall #4 121 126.6 11.4 Subgrade N/S Balboa Circle driveway & stalls: E side, stall #7 121 126.6 12.2 Subgrade NiS Balboa Circle driveway & stalls; E side, sta!! #8 121 126.6 11.6 Subgrade N/S Bafboa Cirde driveway & s1alls: W side, sta!i #1 569 114.3 14, 1 t>ubgrade Nft> Balboa Circle driveway & stalls; S end of Balboa Circle 569 114.3 13.8 Subgrade N!S Balboa Circle driveway & stalls; E side, stall #1 569 114.3 14.1 Dry Density {pcij 119.5 120.9 121.4 121.4 117.5 119.8 119,9 120.0 121.7 122.6 114.2 113.5 114,8 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%} [%] 96 95 95 95 96 95 96 95 95 95 97 95 97 95 95 95 96 95 97 95 100 95 99 95 100 95 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Deoth [ft] 1803 12/11/17 FSG 1804 12/11/17 FSG 1805 12/12/17 FSG 1806 12/12/17 FSG 1807 12/12/F FSG 1808 12/12117 FSG 1809 12/12/17 FSG 1810 12/12/17 FSG 1811 12/12/17 SG 1812 12/12/17 FSG 1813 i2!12/H FSG 1814 12/12/17 FSG 1815 12/12/17 SG TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soi! Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pcij (%] Subgrade N/S Balboa Circle driveway & stalls; E side, stalf #2 569 114.3 13.9 Subgrade N!S Balboa Circle driveway & stalls; E side, stall #3 569 114.3 14.0 Base on N/S Balboa Circle driveway & stalls: E side, stall #4 569 114,3 13.3 Bese on N/S Balboa Clrcte driveway & stalls·, E side. stall #5 569 114.3 13.6 Base on NtS Balboa Citcle driveway & stalls; E side, stall #6 569 114.3 13.0 Base on N/S Balboa Clfcle driveway & stalls; E side, stall #7 569 114.3 13.0 Base on N/S Balboa Cirde driveway & stalls; E side, stall #8 569 114.3 13.0 suograde tor driveway to Hotel 4 outbldg; E end of driveway to outb!dg 121 126.6 12.9 Sutigrade tor driveway to Hotel 4 ou!b!dg: Wend of driveway to outbldg 121 126.6 13.7 Base on N;s Batboa Circle driveway & stalls; W side, stall #2 569 114.3 13.8 Base on N/S Balboa Circle driveway & stalls; W side, stall #3 569 114.3 14.7 Base on N/S Balboa Circle driveway & stalls; W side, stall #4 569 114.3 14.2 :;;ubgraoe on t:JW Ba\boa Circle driveway & stalls; to Hote! 4 outbldg; E end of Balboa Circle 121 126.6 9.9 Dry Density [pci] 114.7 113 8 114.0 114.5 114.3 114.4 114.3 121.3 120.9 114.5 111.1 112.7 120.1 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] {%J 100 95 100 95 100 95 100 95 100 95 100 95 100 95 96 95 95 95 100 95 97 95 99 95 95 95 TABLE4 MTGL Project No. 191681 ! DENSITY TEST RESULTS Log No. 18-3104 Test Test Elevation/ Location/ Soi! Max. Dry Moisture Dry Re!ative Required Retest No Date Depth Station Typ,; Density Conten! Density Compaction Compaction Number [ft] [pcij i%] lpcij [%] [%] ~ubgraae on t:..IW Balboa Circle driveway & sta!!s; to Hotel 4 outb!dg; Wend of Balboa 1816 12/12/17 SG Cifc!e 121 126.6 9.7 126.4 100 95 Subgrade on N/S Balboa Circle driveway & stalls; 1817 12/12/17 SG W side, stal! #5 121 126.6 11<i 121.5 95 Subgrade on N/S Balboa Circle driveway & stalls; 1818 12/12/17 SG W side, sta!! #$ 121 126,6 14.5 120.3 95 95 ease on NI~ Balboa Circle driveway & stalls; N end of Balboa 1819 12/12/17 FSG-0.3' Circle 569 1:14.3 13.9 113.8 100 95 t:sase on NI~ Balboa Circle driveway & stalls; S end of Balboa 1820 12/13/17 FSG Circle 569 114.3 12.6 109.1 95 95 !:lase on N/8 Balboa Circle driveway & stalls; center of Balboa 1821 12/13/17 FSG Circle 569 114.3 13.0 110.4 97 95 Base on N/S Balboa Circle driveway & stalls; 1822 12113/1'7 FSG W side, sta!! #5 569 114.3 11.4 113.9 100 95 Base on N/S Balboa Circle driveway & stalls; 1823 12/13/17 FSG W side, stall #6 569 114.3 13.1 109A 96 95 Base or. dnveway to Hotel 4 outb!dg; Wend of 1824 12/13/17 FSG driveway 569 114.3 10.5 110.1 96 95 8ase on Nit> Balboa Circle driveway & stalls: E end of Balboa 1825 12/13/17 FSG Circle 569 114.3 12.4 111.8 98 95 tlase on Nrt:i Balboa Circle driveway & stalls; N end of Balboa 1826 12/13/17 FSG Circle 569 114.3 14.6 114,3 100 95 ease on N/8 Balboa Circle driveway & stalls; E end of Balboa 1827 12113/17 FSG-0.3' Circie 569 114.3 10.7 110.2 96 95 i6S! Test Elevation/ No. Date Denth [ft] 1828 12/13/17 FSG-0.3' 1829 12/13117 FSG-0.3' 1830 12113/17 FSG-0,3' 1831 12/14/17 SG 1832 12/14/17 SG 1833 12/14/17 FSG-0.3' 1834 12/14/17 FSG--0.3' 1835 12/14/F FSG-0.3' "!836 12/14/17 FSG-0.3' 1837 12/14/17 FSG 1838 12/14/17 FSG TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soi! Max, Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pcfj [¾J liase on N!S Balboa Circle driveway & sta!ls: center of Balboa Circle 569 114.3 15.2 Base on Nt!:i BalbOa Circle driveway & s1aa.s: W end of Balboa Clfc!e 569 114.3 13.2 Hase on NIO Balboa Cifcie driveway & stalls, Wend aroond manhoies of Balboa Circle 569 114,3 13.4 Unveway subgrade to Mntnc Bldg; W side of bldg, N end 121 126.6 98 unveway subgrade io Mntnc Bldg; W side of b!dg, N eod 121 126,6 9.7 unveway subgrade to Mntnc Bldg; W side of bldg, S end 569 114,3 14.0 unveway subgrade to Mntnc Bldg; W side of bldg, garage door 569 114.3 14.2 unveway subgrade to Mntnc Bldg; W side of bhlg, N end of driveway 569 114,3 13.8 unveway subgrade, W side of Mntnc bldg, driveway to leading dock 569 114.3 13.1 Base on E/W Balboa Circle driveway; W end of Ba!boa Circle 569 114.3 14.3 Hase on t-..tVV Balboa Circle driveway; center ofE/W run of Balboa Circle 569 114.3 15.9 Dry Density [pcfj 114.4 108.5 113.7 122] 120.1 109.8 114.6 114,7 112.2 112.3 114,9 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Requ:red Ke!est Compaction Compaction Number [%] [%1 100 95 95 95 99 95 97 95 95 95 96 95 100 95 100 95 98 95 95 100 95 TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test Test Elevation/ Location/ Soi! Max. Dry Moisture No. Date Depth Station Type Density Content [ft] [pcij [%] Base on E/VV Balboa Circle driveway; E end 1839 12/14/17 FSG of Baiboa Circle 569 114.3 16.0 Base on Mntc Bldg driveway W end of Balboa 1840 12/14117 FSG Circle 569 114,3 15.9 Base on Mn!c Bldg driveway; at 1841 12/14/17 FSG garage door· 569 114.3 14.3 Base on Mntc Bldg driveway, W side of bldg; N 1842 12/14/17 FSG end of driveway 569 114 3 14.5 Base on Mntc Bldg driveway, W side of bldg; at 1843 12/14/17 FSG loading dock 569 i 14.3 15.0 Sidewalk, W side Balboa Circle; at driveway to Hotel 1844 12/14117 FSG 4 outbldg 121 126.6 9.9 Sidewalk, W side Balboa Circle; N 1845 12/14/17 FSG end of sidewlk 121 126.6 12.7 t:!ect & gas Jines under patio, N side of Hotel 4 lobby; 8'N x 4'W of NW comer of 1846 12/14/17 FSG lobby 121 126.6 11.6 1::.iect &. gas unes under patio, N side of Hotel 4 lobby: 8'N x 18'W of NW corner of 1847 12/14/17 FSG lobby 121 126.6 11.9 Asphalt or. W/E Balboa Circle run; 1848 12/15/17 FG-1-112" Wend, N side 580 148.4 8.5 Asphalt on W/E Balboa Circle run: 1849 12/15/17 FG-1-1/2" center, N side 580 148.4 9.0 Asphalt on W/E Ba!boa Circle run: center, E end, N 1850 12/15/17 FG-1-112" side 580 148.4 9.3 Asphalt on WtE Balboa Circle run; 1851 12/15/17 FG~1-1/2" Wend, Sslde 580 148.4 9.7 Asphalt on W/E Balboa Circle run; 1852 12/15/17 FG .. 1--1/2" center, S side 580 148.4 8.3 Dry Density [pc/] 114.0 115.0 114.3 113.9 114.0 114.8 115.7 120.8 120.9 142.2 143,9 142.9 145.0 14-4.7 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compachon Compaction Number [%] f¾J 100 95 100 95 100 95 100 95 100 95 91 90 91 90 95 95 95 95 96 95 97 95 96 95 98 95 98 95 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Denth [ft] 1853 12/15/17 FG-H/2" 1854 12/15117 FG-1-1/2" 1855 12/15/17 FG--1-112" 1856 12/15/17 FG-1·1/2" 1857 12/15/17 FG-1-1/2" 1858 12115/17 FG-1-1/2" 1859 12!15/17 FG-1-1/2" 1860 12/15/17 FG-1-1/2" 1861 12/15/17 FG-1-1/2" 1862 12/18/17 FG-1-1/2" 1863 12/18/17 FG-1-1/2" 1864 12118/17 FG-1-1/2" 1865 12/18/17 FG-1-1/2" 1868 12/18/17 FG-1·1/2" TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Conten! [pcf] !%1 Asphalt on W/E Balboa Circle run: E end, S side 580 148.4 11.0 Asphalt on Mtnc Bldg driveway; N end of driveway 580 148.4 10.0 Asphalt on Mtnc Bldg driveway; garage door entrance 580 148.4 9.7 Asphalt on Mtnc Bldg driveway; S end of driveway 580 148.4 11.7 Asphatt on Mtnc Bidg driveway: W side of driveway at loading dock 580 148.4 10.3 Asphalt on Mtnc Bldg driveway; E side of driveway at loading dock 580 148 4 11.4 Asphalt on N/S Balboa Circte parking sta!!s; west side stall #6 580 148.4 9.0 Asphalt on N!S Balboa Circle parking sta!ls; west side stall #5 580 148.4 98 Asphalt on N/S Balboa Circle parking stairs; west side stall #4 580 148.4 9.1 Asphalt on N/S Balboa Circle parking stalls; wes! side staf! #3 580 148.4 10.4 Asphalt on N/S Balboa Circle parking staUs; west side sta!l #2 580 148.4 10.0 Asphalt on N/S Balboa Circle parking stalls; west side stall #1 580 148-4 9.4 Asphalt on N/S Balboa Circle parking stalls; driveway on W side, Send 580 148,4 9.2 Aspnalt on Nf::i Balboa Circle parking stalls; driveway on E side, Send 580 148.4 94 Dry Density [pc,] 148.5 142.9 141,5 143.:! 148,0 144.2 140.8 140.3 140.2 141.3 141.8 144,5 142.2. 144.2 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 Log No. 18·3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] !%} 100 95 96 95 95 95 97 95 100 95 97 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 97 95 95 95 97 95 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Deoth [ft] 1867 12/15/17 FG-1-1/2~ 1868 12i18/17 FG-1-1/2" 1869 12/18/17 FG-1-1/2" 1870 12/18ii7 FG-1-'1/2" 1871 12/18/17 FG-1-1/2'' 1872 12/18/17 FG-1-1/2" 1873 12/18/17 FG➔1-1/2" 1874 12/18/17 FG-1-1/2'' 1875 12/18/17 FG-1-112" 1876 12/18/17 FG-1-1/2" 1877 12/18117 FG-1-1/2" 1878 12/18/17 FG-1-1/2" TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Sol! Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pcfj [%] Asphalt on Nit> Balboa Circle parking stalls; parking stall #1 on Eside 580 148.4 8.6 ASphatt on Nil;; Balboa Circie parking stalls; parklng stall #2 on E side 580 148.4 9.9 Asphalt on NIS Balboa Circle parking stalls; parking stall #3 on Eslde 580 148.4 84 Asphalt on N/~ Balboa Circle parking stalls; parking sta!i #4 on E side 580 148.4 8.6 Asphalt on N/0 Balboa Circle parking stalls; parking stall #5 on E side 580 148.4 9.2 Asphalt on Nt;;> Balboa Circle parking stalls; parking stall #6 on E side 580 148.4 10.1 Asphalt on N/;';) Balboa Circle parking stalls; parking stall #7 on E side 580 148.4 8.9 Asphalt on N/;';) Balboa Circle parking sta!!s; parking stall #8 on E side 580 148.4 8.5 Aspha!t on Hote! 4 outbldg driveway; Wend 580 148.4 9.1 Asphalt 011 Hotel 4 outb!dg driveway; E end 580 148.4 89 Asphalt on N/S Balboa Circle; center of driveway, E side 580 148.4 8.3 Asphalt on N/S Balboa Circle; center of driveway, W side 580 148.4 9.5 Dry Density [pcfj 145.6 1402 142.1 142.7 147.0 148,0 140.6 141.0 140.3 140.3 141.9 140.2 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 Log No. 18--3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] ['%] 98 95 95 95 96 95 96 95 99 95 100 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 96 95 95 95 Test Test Elevation/ Location/ No. Date Deoth Station [ff] Asphalt Oil N/S Balboa Circle; N 1879 12/18/17 FG-1-1/2" end, E side Asphalt on N/S Balboa Circle; N end of driveway, 1880 12/18/17 FG--1--1/2" Wside Stairs W side of pool restrooms; 3'S x 6'W of NW 1881 12/18/17 TOW-4' corner of bldg Stairs w side of poo! restrooms; 2'N x B'W of NW 1882 12/18/17 TOW-4' comer of bidg Stairs W side of pool restrooms; 2'N x8'WofNW 1883 12/19/17 TOW-4' corner of bldg Stairs w side of pool restrooms; 2'N x 8'W of NW 1884 12/19/17 TOW-3' corner of b!dg Stairs W slde of pool restrooms; 3'S x 6'W of NW 1885 12/19/17 TOW-3' comer of bldg Stairs w side of pooi restrooms; 2'N x 8'W of NW 1886 12/19/17 TOW-2' corner of b!dg Stairs W side of pool restrooms; 3'S x6WofNW 1887 12/19/17 TOW-2' corner of bldg Stairs w side of pool restrooms; 2'N i B'W of NW 1888 12/20/17 TOW•-1' corner of bldg Stairs W side of pool restrooms: 3'8 x3WofNW 1889 12/20117 TOW-1' comer of bldg Stairs w side ot pool restrooms; 2'N x B'W of NW 1888R 12/20/17 TOW-1' comer of b!dg Stairs W side ot poo! restrooms; 3'S x 3'W of NW 1889R 12120117 TOW-1' corner of bldg Stai,s W side of pool restrooms; 2'N x B'WofNW 1890 12/20/17 FSG comer of bldg TABLE 4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Soi! Max. Ory Moisture Type Density Content [pcfj [%] 580 148.4 9.5 580 148.4 97 121 126.6 11.0 121 126.6 11,5 121 126.6 12.2 121 126.6 12.9 121 126.6 12.9 121 126.6 14.6 121 126.6 13.5 121 126.6 14.4 121 126.6 8.4 121 126.6 14.6 121 126,6 14.5 121 126.6 13.5 Dry Density [pcfj 140.4 142.7 123.9 123.9 120.0 120.3 120. 7 122.4 ~22.5 118.3 112.1 119,8 120.1 121.5 MTGl. Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%) [%1 95 95 96 95 98 95 98 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 97 95 97 95 93 95 89 95 95 95 95 95 96 95 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Deolh [ft) 1891 12/20/17 FSG 1892 1/5118 TOW-1' 1893 1/5/18 TOW-2' 1894 1/5/18 TOW-i' 1895 1/5/18 TOW-3' 1896 1/5/18 TOW-3' 1897 1/5/18 TOW-2' 1898 115/18 TOW-2' 1899 1/8/18 TOW-1' 1900 1/8/18 TOW-1' 1901 1/8/18 TOW-2' 1902 1/16/18 FG-2' 1903 1/16/18 FG-1' 1904 1117/18 SG-1' 1905 1/17/18 SG 1906 1/17/18 SG 1907 1118/18 SG TABLE 4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soll Max. Orv Moisture Station Type Density Content [pcQ [%] W side of pool restrooms patio; 3'S x 3'W of NW corner of bldg. Walkway c1rc1e 121 126.6 14.1 block wa!J NW of Hotel 4; 28'N x 26'W of NW corner Hotel 4 121 126.6 14,7 Walkway C!fC/8 block wall NW of Hotel 4; 30'N x 36'W of NW comer Hotel 4 121 126.6 13.4 Waik.way c1rCJe biock wall NW o1 Hotel 4; 30'N x 36'W of N'N corner Hotel 4 121 126,6 13.7 WaU<:way c1rc1e block waif NW of Hotel 4; 52'N x 18'E of SE corner Hotel 4 121 126,6 14.4 Walkway crrc!e block waH NW ot Hotel 4; 72.'N x 18'E of SE comer Hote!4 121 126.6 12.5 Wall<way c1rc!e block wall NW of Hotel 4; 72'N x 18'E of SE comer Hotel 4 121 126,6 14.0 Block ret. wa!I E of Hotel 4, 72'N x 18'E of SE corner Hotel4 121 126.6 102 Block ret. wall E of Hotel 4: 35'N x 22:'E of SE comer Hotel4 121 126.6 13.9 Block ret wan E of Hotei 4; 42'N x 25'E of SE corner Hotel 4 121 126.6 11.5 Block ret. wa!! E of Hotel 4; 72'N x 1ffEofSEcorner Hotel 4 121 126.6 10.3 Fire main 121 126.6 9.8 Fire main 121 126.6 10.8 Fire main 121 126.6 12.3 Fire main 121 126.6 11.5 Fire main 121 126.6 11.8 Fire main 121 126,6 10.7 D,y Denslty fpcfj 120.9 120.6 122.7 122.4 119,6 122.7 119.9 119-6 120.6 121.6 121.3 118.6 117.2 116.5 117.7 116.2 115.5 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number !%] [%] 95 95 95 95 97 95 97 95 95 95 97 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 96 95 96 95 94 90 93 90 92 90 93 90 92 90 91 90 TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test Test Elevation/ Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture No Da!e Deoth Station Type Density Content [ft] [pcfj [%] 1908 1/1/;l/18 SG-1' Fire main 121 126 6 10.5 1909 1/18/18 SG Fire main 121 126.6 11.2 Water !ine subgrade for Hotel 4 lobby; 36'N ofN 1910 1/30i18 FG•1,5' entrance to lobby Water line base 121 126.6 i4J for Hotel 4 lobby; 36'N ofN 1911 1/30i16 FG-0.5' entrance 434 128.4 8.7 Water ltne subgrade for Hotel 4 lobby; 24'N ofS 1912 1/30/18 FG-1.5' entrance to lobby Water line base 121 126,6 13.0 for Hotel 4 lobby: 24'N of N 1913 1/30/18 FG-0.5' entrance 434 128.4 7.4 Subgrade of water line abandbnment in front of S 1914 1/30/18 FG*1.5' entrance to lobby 121 126.6 15.6 Base on water line abandonment in front of S 1915 1/30/18 FG-0-5' entrance to lobby 434 128.4 6.7 Asphalt on water line, 24' N of s i916 1/31/'IB FG entrance to lobby 074 145.8 7,7 Aspha!t on water line, 24' N of S 1917 1/31/18 FG entranr..e to lobby Asphalt on water 074 145.8 7.9 line to Hotel 4 lobby; 36' of N 1918 1/31118 FG-0.3' entrance to lobby 074 145.8 7.4 Asphalt on water !ine to Hotef 4 lobby; 36' of N 1919 1/31/18 FG entrance to lobby 074 145 8 78 Storm drain between sewer in 1920 2/22/18 SG-1.5' lobby and Ho!e! 4 121 126.6 12.4 Storm drain between sewer in 1921 2/22/18 SG lobby and Hotel 4 121 126.6 13.2 Sewer repair @ NW corner of 1922 2122118 SG-3.5' Hotel 4 121 126.6 13.6 6" sewer @ N of Hotel 4 guest 1923 3/14/18 FG-3' room bldg 121 126.6 12.4 Dry Density [pcfj 116-2 117.2 122.1 126.0 123.5 127.7 120.0 128.2 143,6 145.3 139.3 145.8 113.7 123.8 121-7 120.6 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18-3104 Relat:ve Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%J [%J 92 90 93 90 96 95 98 95 98 95 99 95 95 95 100 95 98 95 100 95 96 95 100 95 90 90 98 95 96 90 95 90 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Dei:;th [ft] 1924 3/14/18 FG-3' 1925 3/14/18 FG-2' 1926 3/14/18 FG-1' 1927 3/14/18 FG 1928 3i14/18 FG-3' 1929 3/14/18 FG-2; 1930 3/14/18 FG-1' 1931 3/14/18 FG 1932 3/15/18 FG-3' 1933 3/15/18 FG~2' 1934 3/15/18 FG 1935 3i15/18 FG 1934R 3/16/18 FG 1935R 3/16!'18 FG 1936 3/16/18 FG 1937 3/16/18 FG·Z 1938 3116/18 FG 1939 3122/18 FG-2' 1940 3/22/18 FG-2' 1941 3/22/18 FG-2' 1942 3/22/18 FG-2' TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pcf) [%J 6" sewer@N of Hotel 4 guest room bldg 121 126.6 11.5 6" sewer @ N of Hotel 4 guest room bldg 121 126.6 11.6 6" sewer @ N of Hotel 4 guest room bldg 121 126.6 12.1 6" sewer@ N of Hotel 4 guest room b!dg 121 126.6 11.6 Fire main@ N stde of Pool Blag 121 126.6 12.0 Fire main@ N side ot Pool Bldg 121 126.6 12.3 Fire main@ N side of Pool Bldg 121 126.6 12,7 Fire main@ N side of Pool Bidg 121 126.6 11.6 Fire main @ N of Hate! 4 outbldg 121 126.6 12.8 Fire main @ N of Hotel 4 outbldg 121 126.6 12.5 Fire main @ N of Hate! 4 outb!dg 121 126.6 13.1 Fire main @ N of Hotel 4 outbldg 121 126.6 13.3 6" fire main N of Hotel 4 guest b1dg 121 126.6 10.4 6" fire main N of Hate! 4 guest bldg 121 126.6 11.2 6" fire maln N of Hotel 4 guest bldg 121 126.6 11.3 4" sewerN of Hotel 4 outbldg 121 126.6 12.1 4" sewer N of Hote! 4 outb!dg 121 126.6 11.6 rire mam, '::JW side of lobby entrance; 24'$ x 8'W of SW corner of lobby entrance 218 117.4 17.6 1-ire mam, ~w side of lobby entrance; 18'S x 1 'W of SW corner of lobby entrance 218 117.4 17.3 Base tor lobby turnaround from GP drive; S side, Wend, 5il9 114.3 15. 7 Base for lobby turnaround fr-om GP drive; S side, E end. 569 114.3 14.6 Dry Density [pc!] 116.4 118.9 119.6 122.8 119.2 119.3 116.3 123.3 115.8 117 112.3 111.3 115.1 121.2 120.3 119.2 120 8 115.8 115.2 112.1 109,6 MTGL Project No. 1916B11 Log No. 18-3104 Relative Required Re1est Compaction Compaction Numbet [%l [%1 92 90 94 90 95 90 97 90 94 90 94 90 92 90 97 95 91 90 92 90 89 90 88 90 91 90 96 90 95 90 94 90 95 90 99 90 98 90 98 95 96 95 Test Test Elevation/ No Date Deoth [ft] 1943 3122118 FG--2' 1944 3/22/18 FG-2' 1945 3!26/18 FG 1946 3/26/18 FG 1947 3/28/18 f'BG 1948 3/26/18 FBG 1949 3/27/18 FBG 1950 3/27/18 F6G 1951 3/31/18 FSG 1952 3/31/18 FSG 1953 3/31/18 FSG 1954 3/31/18 FSG TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pcf] [%] Base for lobby turnaround from GP drive; S side, at lobby. 569 114,3 16.2 Base tor lobby turnaround from GP drive; S side, at lobby. 569 114.3 16.5 Fire main, SW side of lobby entrance; 6'S x 16'E of SW comer of lobby entrance 218 117.4 15.7 Fire main, SW side of lobby entrance; 24'S x 6'W\ of SW comer of lobby entrance 121 126.6 12.8 Base for lobby turnaround from GP drive; S side, Wend 569 114.3 16.7 Base for lobby turnaround from GP drive; center, in front of tobby 569 114.3 17.8 Base for lobby turnaround from GP drive; N side, Wend 569 114.3 15.7 Base for lobby turnaround from GP drive: N side, E end 569 114.3 17.8 s and E of !obby near ret Wall: 22'E x 3' S of SW corner of !obby s and E Of lobby 121 126.6 15.1 near ret. Wall; 33'E x 6' N of SW comer of lobby 121 126.6 16.2 !::i and I:; Of lobby near ret. Wall; 42'E x 10' N of SW comer of lobby 121 126.6 12.9 s and E of lobby near ret. Wa!I; 6'S xB'WofSW comer of lobby 121 126.6 14 Dry Density [pcf] 109.1 109.7 117.5 122.4 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 115.7 114.2 117.4 119,8 MTGL Project No. 1916811 Log No. 18~3104 Relative Required Relest Compaction Compaction Number (%] [%] 95 95 96 95 100 90 97 90 96 95 96 95 96 95 96 95 91 90 90 90 93 90 95 90 Test Test Elevation/ No. Date Deoth [ft] 1955 3/31/18 FSG 1956 6/5/18 FG-1.5' 1957 615/18 FG-1.5' 1958 6/5/18 FG-0.5' 1959 6/5/18 FG-0 5' TABLE4 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Location/ Soi! Max. Dry Moisture Station Type Density Content [pcf] [%] "t_. and I:: ot lobby near ret. Wa!!; 14'S x 24' W of SW comer of lobby 121 126.6 14.2 Driveway overnx. Middle of GP Drive 632 123.0 13.4 Driveway overex. Middle of GP Drive 632 123.0 13.0 Driveway overex. Middle of GP Drive 632 123.0 13.7 Driveway overex. Middle of GP Drive 632 123.0 13.2 Dry Density [pcij 116.6 117.8 116.5 116.8 119.0 MTGL ProjectNo.1916811 Log No. 18~3104 Relative Required Retest Compaction Compaction Number [%] [%j 92 90 96 95 95 95 95 95 97 95