HomeMy WebLinkAbout111 TAMARACK AVE; ; 82-242; Permit0 I hereby affirm that I am licensed under o. provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with I Section 7000) of Division ,3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is In full force and effect. L Lic, No. --Class ' - UI— - I =affirm iirm that I am exempt from the Contrac- tars License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Cede: Any city or county which re-quires a permit Is construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior tolls issuance also requires the ap-plicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is - licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9 commencing with Section 7000 at DM0100 301 the Business and Professions Cede) or that is ex- empt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption.- Any violation of Section 7031.5 by an applicant for a permit sub' jects the applicant to a civil penalty oi not more than five hun-dred dollars ($500). i, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, Will do'the work, and the struc- tare is not Intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business - and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does' not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and who does such work himself or, through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intend-ed or offered for sate. If, however, the building or improve-most is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden at proving that he did not build or im- prove tar the purpose at sole). - - I, as owner of the property, am esclustvety contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Cede: The Contractor's License Law dues net apply to an owner at property who builds or im-proves thereon, and who contracts for each projects with a contractor(s) license pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). - As a homeowner tam improving my home, and the follow- ing conditions exist: I. The work is being performed prior to sale. t have lived in my home mr twelve months prier to comptetius of this work. - t have net claimed this exemption during the last three years. 0 tam exempt under Sec. - - - . B$ P.C. for this reason -- I hereby affirm that t have a certificate of consent Co sett-insure. or a certificate of Workers' Compensation insurance. or certified copy thereof (Sec. 3800, Labor Code). - - POLICY NO. -_-_- COMPANY O Copy is filed with the city. O Certified copy is hereby furnished - CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM - WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not be completed it the permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) or less) C] I Certify that in the performance of the work br which this permit is issued. I shalt not employ any person in any manner so as to become subtuCl to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California NOTICE TO APPLICANT. It. alter making this Certi. ticate of Exemption, you should become subject to the Workers' Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shalt be deemed revoked r -0.1 hereby affirm that there is a Construction cc I lending agency 'or the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec 3097, Civil Code) zi ,• I Lender's Name - -ii - - L Lender's Address 0) x Clu,'ti iir Pill PAINT DEN ANI V & oRreit 118DB APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS. CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1200 Elm, Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 (619) 438-5525 APPLICATION & PERMIT JOB ADDRESS' SNAME /31 R0. tA;PJLITIONI AV,-ST,' 08 PHONE CONTRA i i- CONTRACTORS PHONE IOWNER'S -BUSINESS LICENSE #F ONt ION PERMIT NUMBER OWNER'S MAILING ADDRESS ci1 l't& 'ii1ii fi1C/lIClx CONTRACTOR/ ADDRESS LICENSE NO. PLAN I.D. 1' BLDG USE CODE Q BLO (J iON I J(J. A'SSESSOR PARCEL NO. DESIGNER JIiZ(//flCP LICENSE STANDARD PLAN # BUILDING SO. FOOTAGE 99"cRtP1 1n..i OF WW I -DESIGNER'S ADDRESS lAth itAwk , DESIGNER'S PHONE 7rB7 Not Valid Vnless Machind' Certified' - F/P FL vO NO R#.I S I s3 EDU CENSUS TRACT GP LAND USE I PARKING SPACE I RES UN I GRADING PERMIT ISSUED Y O N 0 I REDEVELOPMENT IAREA I I V 0 N I I TYPE I JM 0CC LOAD I Y NO QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT - ISSUE QTY MECHANICAL PERMIT- ISSUE * e - a - , SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER EACH FIXTURE TRAP 14j...x 7 INSTALL FURN. DUCTS UP TO 100,000 BTU- 7 3 H BUILDING PERMIT.; 01-00-00-8220 . '- - ' EACH BUILDING SEWER ' /4 - - - OVER 100,000 BTU - SIGN PERMIT - PLAN CHECK 01-00-00-8221 . EACH WATER HEATER AND/OR VENT — BOILER/COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP ' , - 01-00-00-8806 EACH GAS SYSTEM) T04 OUTLETS (_' BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3-15 HP •, ? - .' TOTAL PLUMBING 01-00-00-8222 , 'EACH GAS SYSTEM 5OR MORE - METAL FIREPLACE - .j"L , ELECTRICAL ' . -' 01-00-00-8223 2r EACH INSTAL.. ALTER, REPAIR WATER PIPE VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT ' MECHANICAL 01-00-00-8i24 - EACH VACUUM BREAKER - -- '4 MECH EXHAUST - HOOD/DUCTS ' ' 3 MOBILEHOME - ' 01-00-00-8225 WATER SOFTNER RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE/HEATER - - MOBILEHOME PARK INSP i2- EACH ROOF DRAIN (INSIDE) SOLAR 01-00-00-8226 TO1AL'PLUMBING . I'-E tH TOTAL MECHANICAL - i = (/_ , v __ - STRONG MOTION -. 80-92-33-0519 ' -' FIRE SPRINKLERS ' - 01-00-00-8227 QTY. - ELECTRICAL PERMIT - ISSUE OTY. SOLAR - ISSUA 10 it I - PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 32-00-00-8923 - BRIDGE FEE - NEW CONST'EA AMP/SWT/BKR COLLECTORS V-11 , SCHOOL FEE - DISTRICT _ 3 PH — — STORAGE TANKS ', : Carlsbad - - 80-92-2-0519 -- EXIST [oG EA AMP/SWT/BKR - ROCK STORAGE ' ;- . - Encinitas 80-92-22-0519 -. - 1 PH 3 PH - pp - ._ - San Dieguito ' - 80-92-23-0519,, -- - - — REMOoE/ALTER:pER CIRCUIT - - PLAN CHECK FEE c\ - V. , - :- San Marcos, f . 80-92-240519 - -TEMP POLE 200 AMPS /0 - L) fv') , — - OVER200AMPS - , - .r- O&)riL-' r -- TEMP OCCUPANCY (30 DAYS) - - -__ - n 1E ---: - TOTAL ELECTRICAL J — — - TOTAL SOLAR \ . '% - - TOT AL- FE PAYABLE 7001 [ I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED 'APPLICATION AND PERMIT" AND DO HEREBY l Expiration. Every permit issued by the Building Official underlhe provisionsoithis * AN 051-IA PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR EXCAVATIONS OVER CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE Code shell expire by limitation and become null and void. If the building or work 5-0' DEEP AND DEMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTION OF I authorized by such permit is not Commenced within 180 days from the date of such STRUCTURES OVER 3 STORIES IN HEIGHT DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT IS I permit, or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or ISSUED: TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY, COUNTY AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON- abandoned any time aftoy the work is commenced for a period of 180 days. STRUCTION. WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND - - NT' SIGNATU OWNER 0 CONTRACTOR 0 APPR(OVED BY J KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE 7 BY PHONE 0 GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT, 0 0 INSPECTION TYPE DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING FOUNDATION REINFORCED STEEL MASONRY GUNITE OR GROUT FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME SHEATHING FRAME ir34 EXTERIOR LATH INSULATION INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL 7 a9j PLUMBING SEWER AND BL/CO PLUMBING UNDERGROUND PLUMBING TOP OUT TUB AND SHOWER PAN GAS TEST ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY POWER ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND ROUGH ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SERVICE BONDING G. F. I. - SMOKE DETECTOR MECHANICAL DUCT & PLEM.. REF. PIPING HEAT - AIR COND. - SOLAR SYSTEMS VENTILATING SYSTEMS FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTORS NOTES INSPECTION REQ. IF INSPECTORS DATE .t3 CHECKED APPROVAL 2.. SOILS COMPLIANCE . O)r j.eci1 PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSP STRUCTURAL CONCRETE OVER 2000 PSI t,2 PRESTRESSED CONCRETE POSTENSIONED .• CONCRETE FIELD WELDING (..UCJJ. pQ HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS SPECIAL MASONRY PILES'CAISSONS CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL' APPROPRI.4TE. ITEMS ABOVE HAVE BEEN APPROVED. JOB _SITE _FINAL PLUMBING Al ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL GAS BUILDING SPECIAL CONDITIONS CERT OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED I VALIDATION City of Carlsbad CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1200 ELM 438.5525 You are required by law to complete and return this form to our office. Address where Business Buildino will be conducted A',7c,ç /'/iit 4,t.'ico) Permit'Wo. f' Business.-, Name of Occupant .29T Phone Address of Home Office of Home Office Occupant if different from above /3L/ 1~L' 1 ,qi*P,€7 ,E4r4' Phone 4 'I Owner of Building f4t/Z3,4 Address , Phone Type of Business Akal /)777, Describe exact use of all portions of each building and lot Previous use of Building '444'77 h'7 ' Type of flammable or explosive liquids to be used, if any I certify that I have read the statements contained in this application; that they are true and correct, and that I make this statement under penalty of perjury. Dated this /9 day of , In the C, of Is ad, State of California 19 Signature of Applicant *Z FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY ZJ AO Occupancy Group 91 Type of Construction r.' nt Date 5.2j. 'S Approved By E42AV~C~ rIng ent FFire Date .~4/j' Approved By n Date 2-W$ Approved By ent Date Approved By Building Department Date .5 Ja Approved By Signature of Building Official White - Building Dept. Yellow - Applicant Pink - Finance Gold - Fire Dept. Howard Anderson & Associates, Architects, A.I.A. 2194 Carmel Valley Road Del Mar, California 92014 December 15, 1983 City of Carlsbad Building Department 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Attn: Emile Plude Dear Emile: DEC19 1983 CITY OF CARLSBAD• Buildin,v Department This letter is to request an address revision on our 18 unit condominium project on Tamarack Avenue. It was our design intent that the building have its main entrance off of Tamarack Avenue. Our resident security communication system is located at this entrance as is our visitor parking. We feel the Tamarack entrance is the most accessible area of the project. In an attempt to limit confusion, we would request that the building be assigned one number rather than a number for each individual unit. As you pointed out, the low 100 numbers would be in conflict with equipment in the immediate vacinity. If the number "111" is available we would appreciate your con- sideration for our address. By assigning the building a single address, you pointed outthat .the individual units would be assigned individual letters. This solution makes the clearest sense for. us. Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Bill Hayer /mm cc: Preston Thurtle (714) 755-1025 . . (714) 276-8790 /1/ f?fbt 1ZdC/( 'PLAN KING, UTILITI FINAL INSPECTION4jjoE Date Addréss#W Plan it_IJ 2 Y) E Type of Construqtion- /6" C T Person to Contact Ph. Engineering " Department Date Approved ••• : Prevention Date pproved ' Planning Departmeflt /Date & Aroved UtiIities - - Department 4 Date Approved ( Comments I ,- r..., IF A RESPONSE IS NOT RECEIVED WITHIN 24 HOURS. IT WILL BE ASSUMED IT IS OKAY TO FINAL -. ..• To ENGINEERING, FIRE, PLANNING, UTILITIES FINAL INSPECTION ___________ Plan S ess - I a • - • • E :pieof c1otZtn_/Y: Person to Contact 1' No.. • Engineering 10 Date • • Approved - N Department • Prevention Date 2--S Appyovéd R Plannind Department Date ApprO;ed E Utilities Q Department Date Approvd • ,• U Comments: •. IT IF A RESPONSE IS NOT RECEIVED WITHIN 24 HOURS, IT WILL BE ASSUMED IT IS OKAY TO FINAL Approved •' I I N 24 HOU,IT WILL BE ASSUMED IT IS OKAY TOFINAL.. f!ERIRE,'PNNINGULlTI!,: LI ~Nljl i Al ....... riliMi. / Date— 1i Address (/1 Lct Plan j .2 C/) Type of Construction rson to ' Contact Ph. uapanmei Date Fire Prevention \ Date Planning Department Date Utilities - Department Date Comment /IS ________ IF A RESPO T RECEIV To:,ENGINEERING, FIRE, / FINAL INSPE TI' t3a/ / 19pe of Constr ctio Person to Contact Engineering Department Date Fire Prevention Date 22_$_S'APPrOVed Planning Department Date Approved. Utilities Department Date Approvd Comments: IF A RESPONSE IS NOT RECEIVED WITHIN 24 HOURS, IT WILL BE ASSUMED IT IS OKAY TO NNING, UTILITIES lION NOTICE Date______ Plan '# er cri.iqef Ph. S P E C T 0 N L;] N S P E T 4 N R E U E S T - - S 4 '• - - . . •.. ..,• - APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONNECT TO CITY SEWER SYSTEM. CITY-OF CPRiSBAD .:7"-... • E'-')AAK . ENGINEERINGDEPARTMENT- ' . , ,43I5541 ISSUED BY-_ FOR APPLICANT TO FILL'flIN\ I DATE ISSUED (1()-Q VALIDATION tOWNER A2,E1/(', /j,'i,5flrr#-' ESS - 57//Ill //,cvK1 f\ - ; . •. : (' s... ..LATERAL CHARGECOMpUTATION CONTRACTOR STANDARD 4 (Max H 30' V 10) ' -S :.6 vER3o.H.: @ FT. a ' - '-.! •. - - . -CONTRACTOR'S ,' s . . / / - 5OVER.10'V. - .,AoDRESS ,.. .".J -.t•..- •' ..•/ f• •'';STANDARD6'(MaxH30V'O') % .. .. 'All .yovER3o'.H.. If FT.________________ NEW BUILDING 1 . - .• .-r.!EXISTING.BUILDING J:-. L.,oVER'10v '@'- FT.___________________ LEGAL-.DESCRIPTION - . liii .-. . TpTALCONSTRUCTION COST_________________ - . •. . — f' f . '7 '7 • _v . . SERVICE CHARGE (REPAVING ETC)___________________ .1: . •i. S. • -, -a . -... a / •;: '' ' .. ' .'- •TOTAL LATERAL CHARGE V,FREMARKS: 5 .•••• '• ;.- . . 'LINECOSTDATAa. -i • 1 a j a Pf ASSESSMENT DIST NO i FRONTAGE -COST PER FT _________TOTAL - -a •• - •-•- - - OTHER____________________________________________ 1- •• •: J\ • - '-. ........................-. .1' • •. .. .' . ,.___'.-_-___i,•_____•:- _______•_',.. ___. _. - — .LATERAL LOCATION. , - . 5• • •• . . CONNECTION FEE P __________________________ I ZOS)PER1JNIT11_ TOTAL -I •' ? ' . •a .4 .' '.P . a I. _j \ :-' • - - •- a- -.'; 'f. .,.'t.ZlPUMP,STATION_FEES 1 i • ki,NO UNITS _______COST PER UNIT TOTAL I'i. ' 'i-' I ••': " I -f 16 ' •a . .ST..aa, :c--.a. '-4' •- ('1 OOC . . - : ':' ;7 -'. JTOTAL- CHARGES (LATERALETC.) • LATERAL NO. _ -" INSTALLATION DATE _2'.1- WHITE: -- . . : -' ' - • S -_________.•_T_•-_._:_____-___• _________r -_-_•fl : -.__' _____'- . _I __•.___•,__( IEngineering _GREEN Finance YELLOW Sanitatu'n PINK Building GOLDENROD Permitter $ —_.I•._..—__.j _• .. r .-_jI•.____. c__*.__..___•_.._•• _— '•__-_-._,,,— —':t------ - .---..--,-.-- ..'-, . - APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONNECT TO CITY SEWER SYSTEM CIj,Y.OF CRiSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT p'4385541' ... ISSUED BY lev A FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN\jTr. DATE ISSUED BUILDING ADDRESS VALIDATION '..OWNER ,4E1 MAILING je:.,j5tctv: ADDRESS CONTRACTOR CON TRACTOR'S - ADDRESS I ., ..-- ____ _____ NEW BUILDING • _.-_EXISTINGBUILDlG I LEGAL*. DESCRIPTION[ '-9. I. • REMARKS LATERAL LOCATION. 1 • •. '1 ' /i . ______ TOTAL .• •1 a•.'•I• LATERAL NO. - - INS. WHIT U /ATERAL CHARGE COMPUTATION STANDARD 4' (Max. H. 30', V. 101 ovy 30' H. FT._____________________ I STANDARD " 6" (Max. H. 30', V. 101 / OVER 30' H. FT.____________________ OVER '10' V. ______ _______ FT. TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST SERVICE CHARGE (REPAVING ETC.)____________________ TOTAL(LATERAL CHARGE___________________ p LINE COST DATA \çMENT DlSLNa TAGE 7Z 'N CONNECTION FEE NO. UNITS ' COST)PR"UNIT TOTAL PUMSTATIONF,&ES NO. UNITS—CO ER IT— .' TOTALCHARGES (LATERAL ETC.)_ AT ON DATE riglñeerinj GREEN: Finance YELLOW: Sanitation' PINK: Building GOLDENROD: Permitter jr I - . - Appliction for Grading Permit PE NO. - - S - S CITY-OF CARLSBAD kv ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1200 -Elm Avenue Validation by Finance .,4385541 Department ZZ42 .• •- . -V Building Permit Plan Check No L/ FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN •. . * Site Address Surety Company Bond No. A w i ni cMJ S 41 _56 -7 Legal Description Map No Surety Address ' r —ft/; . -ok ILL. (,.oc19 Subdivision Name I • I Date Filed" - ) Rec'd by V. ;Vc r B3, . (d2/ wrier Phone Cash deposrt Rby 'Date filed Owner ,'s Address . The folldwing documents are required andiliill becoirt - /41i: of the grading permit when they are ápproied. Plans by Civil Engineer , R C E MA/1 Specifications /('dress Phone ,Grading plans Geologic Report :- - Drruures ___ Other :. Soil..Engineer • Compa6tion report. .R.C.E. - Phone • V ... . ' wading Contractor -.- 'Phone SPECIAL CONDITIONS WHICH ARE MADE A PART OF THIS PERMIT - J Address P - 1 Authorized hours of operation k- - J . ••••. . . - -•• 7:00 AM to Sunset, Monday.Friday. Party responsible for overall supervision i t 1—...., •-.• L444'T' J.fVl ( 2 Haul routes are to be approved by City Engineer. Iroposeduse of gçadejsite, Fo 3 Adequate provisions shall be made for erosion and siltation 'Number of cubic yards r - control Fill Import Waste . . 4 All slopes shall be planted per City Code /z,000 -8' /4OOOM Posed Schedule of V • Start . Finish 5.. All fills to be compacted to at !east 90% of optimum :- iOrVatio (dates) - -' V V - , density urless noted otherwise. I hereby acknowledge that I have read the application and state that the information I have provided is correct and agree to comply with / all City ordinances and State laws regulating excavating and grading Under City Code Sec 11.06 170 this grading is and the provisionsand conditions of any perrnissuedpursuantto. DREGULAR GRADING VCityinspector will make inspections this application. V F. •. .• - listed-below. V , J/'y • • • 0 CONTROLLED GRADING - Private grading engineer shall Signature of -Perm ittee to V - observe Vvork, coordinate tests make reports. Owner or authorized agent INSPECTION DATE INSP. SIGNATURE V -. •. Initial--.site prep. ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE Rough.priortodrains V V •. • - V • • •• - EIA Log No. • . •• •• • V •. * 1 By Final slopes planted Grading 6ermit fee $ .L Plan check 'fee $ Compaction reports rec d Permit Issued A,i Private engr cart rec d by 'Date copies White Office Green Building Peimit Eipiration Daté- 'YeIkw-Inspector Pink.Permittee; Goldenód-Finance - -- THIS FORM WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IS A PERMIT TO DO THE WORK DESCRIBED THIS PERMIT IS VALID FOR A SIX (6) MONTH PERIOD CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES MATERIALS TESTING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION •1 ALL REPORTS ARE SU1ILIED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERLY OF CLIENTS. ALYF}IDRIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORTS, aiNCUJSIONS, OR E]CIRPCI'S F1 OR REGARDIN THEM IS RESERVED MMUG OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A UI1JAL PROTECTION 10 CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. REPORT OF Cr: Tamarack Condominiums ADD 55: 100 equoia, Carlsbad, California alifornia Builders ARCHITECt: Howard Anderson & Associates ENDINEER: Lyons, Warren & Associates CONCRETE TESTS PROJECt' NO: 511 DATE: 3/21/84 1.0CATI0N IN StRUCtURE: Jacuzzi Structure (Lower Mat), Walls OUNCRETE SUPPLIER: Escondidó Ready Mix PLAN'r NO: Escondido TICKET NO: 386461 MIX NO: 15 TYPE OF €NT: II AJ}fDCIURE: Pozz S1fl4P - IN.: 2 OJNCREIE .11P: AIR TEMP: MIXUG TL'E - MINS: 120 WATER ADDED: 10 SPECL'€NS MADE BY: Lee Poet D W: 3/10/84 DAM RECEIVED AT LAB: 3/12/84 FIELD IDENtIFICATION: lAB IDENtIFICATION: 2758 2759 2760 NE DAYS: 9 30 HOLD DATE TESTED: 3/19/84 4/9/84 SIZE - IN.: 6x12 6x12 AREA - SQ. IN.: 28.27 28.27 CRIJSHIND LOAD - LBS.: 93000 122000 COMPRESSIVE STRENGtH - psi: 3290 . 4316 HID: CORRECTION FACTOR: WRREC'IED STRENGtH - psi: SPECIFIED StRENGflI - psi: 4000 Respectfully Submitted: CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES HITØ1r1HAM, iz 19976. LI 4891 MERCURY STREE\ SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 02111 (8 19) 292-9585 445~~e Construction Laboratories REGISTERED INSPECTOR'S 4091 MERCURY STREET SAN D()GO, CA 92111 (714) 292-9565 WEEKLY REPORT JOR Na 510 G WORK PERFORMED 0 REINFORCED CONCRETE 0 STRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY. EQUIRED APPROVALBY 0 PRE-STRESSED CONCRETE 0 REINFORCED GYPSUM QGUJE-LAM.FABRICATION CIAL INSPECTOR OF ] REINFORCED MASONRY 0 PILE DRIVING 0 OThER F 4 Sequoia, Carlsbad NO. FOR WEEK ENDING December 24, 19 83 OWNER OR PROJECT NAME BLDG. PERMIT NO PLAN . FILE NO Tamarack Condominiums 82-242 I CONSTR. MATL (TYPE. GRADE, ECT.) ARCHITECT Concrete Block - Grade N-i Howard Anderson & Associates DESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. ENGINEER I Lyons Warren & Associates DESCRIBE. MATL. (MIX DESIGN. RE BAR GRADE & MFGR. GENERAL CONTRACTOR Mortar Type "S" 1:2-1/2, 1800 psi California Builders CONTR DOING REPORTED WORK Rebar_ Grade _60 LAB RECEIVING A TESTING CONSTR. MATI. SAMPLES Construction Laboratories .ONTRACT NO. INSP N. LOCATIONS OF WORK INSPECTED,TEST SAMPLES TAKEN, WORK REJECTED, JOB PROBLEMS, PROGRESS, REMARKS, ETC. Includes information about- amounts of material placed or work performed, number, type, and identity numbers of test samples DATE taken; structural connections (welds made, hf. bolts torqued) checked, etc. 12-19 Continued masonry inspection this date, layed 1st course of 1st lift on parking level retaining wall Line 1.2 between Lines B and H, Line H between 1.2 and 1.8. 12-20 Continued masonry inspection up 1st lift on elevator pit well, lead at corner of Line H at 2.4. One set of mortar samples taken. 12-21 Continued masonry inspection, layed up 1st lift on parking level retaining wall Line 1.2 between Lines D and H, Line H between 1.2 and 1.8 and Line 1.8 between H and H.5. 12-22 Continued masonry inspection, layed up 2nd lift on parking level retaining wall, Line 2.4 between Lines G and B, layed 2nd lift lead on retaining wall parking level on Line H at Line 1.2, completed 1st lift on retaining wall Line H between Lines 1.9 and 2.4. 12-23 No masonry work done today. __21JLIJAN1O 1983 CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Department CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICA- TIONS, & APPLICABLE SECTIONS OFTHE AGENCY REQUIREMENTS g LI4/ SIGNATURE LOP REGISTERED INSPECTOR J 12-23-83 M-124 DATE OF REPORT REGISTER NUMBER REGISTERED INSPECTOR'S WEEKLY REPORT 4891 MERCURY STREET SAN DEIGO, CA 92111 Construction Laboratories (714( 292 9565 JOB Na 511 COVERING WORK PERFORMED 0 REINFORCED CONCRETE 0 STRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY. WHICH REQUIRED APPROIAL BY 0 PRE-STRESSED CONCRETE 0 REINFORCED GYPSUM O GLUE - LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF REINFORCED MASONRY 0 PILE DRIVING 0 OTHER JOB ADDRESS .100 1-34-Sequoia. Carlsbad NO. FOR WEEK ENDING January 6, 1984 OWNER OR PROJECT NAME OR 8LDG. PERMIT NO. IPLAN FILE NO Condominiums 82-242 I CONSTR. MATL (TYPE,GRADE. ECT.) ARCHITECT Concrete Block - Grade N-i Howard Anderson & Associates DESIGN STRENGTH JSOURCE OR MFGR. ENGINEER FM 1500 I Modern Lyons Warren & Associates DESCRIBE MATL. (MIX DESIGN. RE BAR GRADE & MrGR. GENERAL CONTRACTOR Mortar Type S 1:2-1/2 , 1800 psi California Builders .ONTR DOING REPORTED WORK Rebar Grade 60 Dewey Rowe LAB RECEIVING & TESTING CONSTR. MATL SAMPLES Construction Laboratories CONTRACT NO. INSP N. LOCATIONS OF WORK INSPECTED, TEST SAMPLES TAKEN, WORK REJECTED, JOB PROBLEMS, PROGRESS, REMARKS, ETC. Includes oinformotion about- amounts of material placed or work performed; number, type, and identity numbers of test sames DATE taken; structural connections (welds made, h.t. bolts torgued) checked; etc. 1/3 Continued masonry inspection. Layed up 2nd lift on Line H between Lines 1.4 and 2.4, entry ramp retaining wails, 2nd lift on wing walls located at Line 2.4 between Lines B and H. One set of mortar samples taken. 1/4 Continued masonry inspection this date. Layed up 2nd lift on the following walls Line B between Lines 1.2 and 2.2; Elevator and equipment room; Line 1.2 between Lines B and C, 1st lift. 1/5 Continued masonry inspection this date. Layed up 1st lift on stairs walls and lobby. Topped out wall Line H between Lines 1.2 and 1.8. Topped out wall Line 1.2 between Lines F and H. 1/6 Continued masonry inspection this date. Layed 2nd lift on wall Line 1.2 between Lines C.75 and F. Layed 2nd lift oh wall Line 1.2 between Lines B and C. Layed wall Line A.9 between wall Lines 1.7 and 2.0 full height. 1/7 Continued masonry inspection. Layed up the following wall to full height - utility room and mech. fan walls Line G.9 between 2.0 and 2.4, wing walls at Line 1.2 between Lines C.5 and E.5. ijbi CLTY OF CARLSBPD DePartmt Build' CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS WORKTO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICA- SIGNATURE OF REGISTERED INSPECTOR/ TIONS, & APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE AGENCY REQUIREMENTS 1/6/84 M-/24 DATE OF REPORT REGISTER NUMBER a I- ITSCOISTRUCTION LABORATORIES MATERIALS TESTING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ALL REPORTS ARE SU1I LIED AS THE WNFIDENIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS. ALT1'W)RIZArION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORTS, (DNCUJSIONS, OR E)CRACLS FROM OR REGARDING ThEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MLfl1JAL PIYIECrICN 10 CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. REPORT OF MORTAR TESTS PROJECT: Tamdrack Condominiums PROJECT NO: 511 ADDRESS: 100 Sequoia, Carlsbad, California DAZE: 1/10/84 RACI0R: California Builders ARC)II1ECT: Howard Anderson & Associates ENGINEER: Lyons, Warren & Associates LOCATION IN STRLJC11JRE: Retaining Wall, Parking Level on Line 1.2 (X)NCREIE SUPPLIER: Modern Block PLANT NO: TICKET NO: MIX NO: Type S TYPE OF CEMEN Colton T: Plastic AI}UXIURE: SUJMP - IN..: OCNCRETE I: MR TEMP: MIXING TIME - MINS: . WAlER ADDED: SPECIMENS MADE BY: Winston L. Coffey DAlE MADE: 12/31/83 DATE RECEIVED AT I.AB: 1/4/84 FIELD IDENTIFICATION: I.AB IDENTIFICATION: 1027 .1028 1029 AGE - DAYS: 9 30 HOLD DATE TESTED: 1/9/84 1/30/84 SIZE -IN.: 2x4 2x4 AREASQ. IN.: 3.14 3.14 CRIJS1UNG LOAD - IM.: 5250 1PRESSIVE STRENGTh - psi: 1671 HID: CORRECTION FACTOR: WRRECI'ED STRENGTh - psi: . SPECIFIED STRENGTH - psi: .1800 LCAVE . Respectfully Submitted: CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES JAN 1i983 CITY OF CARLSBAD BuiId'7 Department - D0LLAS IITcHINQ1AM, RCE 19976 4891 MERCURY STREET SANDIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92111 (619) 292-9565 b CONSTRUCTION LABÔRATORIE MATERIALS TESTING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ALL iPors ARE SUfI (LED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS. ALYflK)RIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORTS, CONCLUSIONS, OR EXTRACTS FR4 OR REGARDING 'LH1 IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MLTIIJAL PROtECTION TO CLI.Et'fl'S, THE PUBLIC AND ,OURSELVES. REPORT OF MORTAR TESTS PROJECT: Tamarack Condominiums ADDRESS: 100 Sequoia.' Carlsbad, California OJNTRACIOR: California Builders ARCHITECT: Howard Indersoñ & Associates ENGINEER: Lyons, Warren & Associates PROJECT No: 511 DATE: 1/10/84 LOCATION IN STRLICI1JRE: Line H at 2.2 at 10' CONCRETE SUPPLIER: Job Mixed PLANT NO: TICE€T NO: COlton MIX NO: Type S TYPE OF €NT: Plastic AEMDCI1JRE: SUM - IN.: CONCRETE TEMP: AIR IEMP: 800 MIXING TIME - MINS: 15 WATER ADDED: SPECL'IENS MADE BY: G. W. Pleines DATE MADE: 1/3/84 DAlE RECEIVED AT LAB: 1/4/84 FIELD IDENTIFICATION: LAB IDENTIFICATION: 1024 .1025 1026 AGE - DAYS: 2 28 HOLD DAlE TESTED: 1/10/84 1/31/84 SIZE - IN.: 2x4 2x4 AREA - SQ. IN.: 3.14 3.14 CRUSHING WAD - LBS.: :77!4 ~ Q1PRESSIVE SflEtN - psi:, H/D: CORRECTION FACTOR: WRRECIED STRENCN - psi: SPECIFIED STRENGTH - psi: - 1800 JAN 121983 CITY OF CARLSBAD Buildi-sy Department Respectfully Submitted: C ON S I RU C ti ON. LA B.Q RAT OR I ES 4891 MERCURY STREET SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92111 (819) 292-9565 REGISTERED IN TOR'S WEEKLY REPORT 4891 MERCURY STREET SAN DEIGO CA 92111 Construction Laboratories (714) 2924565 JOB NG Sif COVERING WORK PERFORMED 0 REINFORCED CONCRETE 0 STRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REQUIRED APPROVAL 0 PRE-STRESSED CONCRETE 0 REINFORCED GYPSUM (JGWE-LAMfABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF 10 REINFORCED MASONRY 0 PILE DRIVING 0 OTHER JOB ADDRESS /j L o.r Jd .? IFOR WEEK ENDING j. I9Js/ /3 OWNER OR PROJECT NAME - LDG PERMIT NO P-?g2 PLAN FILE NO CON . MATL C TYPE GRADE. ECT.) mc d3Ia (i-ack iUI ,RCHITECT 14ei,rJ ch',-cv, DESIGN STRENGTH . F- 'Al 15 ISOURCE OR MFGR. ENGINEER ..c - .#-e,, -' ,4isoe. DESCRIBE NAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE BAR GRADE & MGR . GENE L CONTRACTOR ,, • CONTR DOING REPORTED WORK age, 1 t, LAB RECEIVING 6/TESTING CONSTR. MATT SAMPLES Cgm.c,L LA s. CONTRACT NO. INSP'N. DATE LOCATIONS OF. WORK INSPECTED, TEST SAMPLES TAKEN, WORK REJECTED, JOB PROBLEMS, PROGRESS, REMARKS, ETC. Includes information about- amounts of material placed or work 'performed; number, type, and identity numbers of test samples token; structural connections (welds made, hf. bolts torqued) checked, etc. . d6 - ' ,,'/ 1(r'.4" // £(J,2//5 r10 '' 85 rô C..r 6e/ h.ic /c I ',s (91ev, 1ô44, !64 ,.V. mm ff Tff C LIP JMN21983 CITY °CAPLAD CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICA- TIONS, & APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE AGENCY REQUIREMENTS. SIGNATURE OF REGISTERED INSPECTOR ' /-4?-' Cflhl(112'/ - DATE OF REPORT REGISTER NUMBER Air z Construction Laboratories REGISTERED INSPECTOR'S 4891 MERCURY STREET SAN DEIGO. CA 92111 (714) 292-9565 WEEKLY REPORT JOB Nü c c-/f COVERING WORK PERFORMED 10 REINFORCED CONCRETE 0 STRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY. WHICH REQUIRED APPROVAL BY 0 PRE-STRESSED CONCRETE 0 REINFORCED GYPSUM QGWE-LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF 19 REINFORCED MASONRY 0 PILE DRIVING 0 OTHER JOB ADDRESS (#Rf' 11A 81Lk( NO. FOR WEEK '19 lENDING "FIL4 OWNER OR PROJECT NAME . BLDG PERMIT NO PLA CONSTR. MATL )TYFBE.GRADEA # ' 4'x ARCHITECT LeJcdcW C /1 if côve, c%1f çI 41 DESIGN STRENGTH FOR ISOURE OR MFG, ( I i-hi z.ARc1 ENGINEER iyOAJ 1.4RiJ L 5 Jtcjô' DESCRIBE MAVL. (MIX DESIGN. RE BAR GRADE & MFGR. bifs/QN M - ?LOOOP((E GENERAL COPRACTOR ) i f çt. I CONTR DOING REPORTED WORK ZDCS'QAI (# 4Oacf'c 5iofr1'j I LAB RECEIVI G & T TING CONSTR. MATL SAMPLES /3 1/Lsi,,., (cv Ah aLh8 (aWs L14, INSP N. LOCATIONS OF WORK INSPECTED, TEST SAMPLES TAKEN, WORK REJECTED, JOB PROBLEMS, PROGRESS, REMARKS, ETC. DATE Includes information about- amounts of material placed or work performed; number, type, and identity numbers of test samples taken; structural connections (welds mode, h.t. bolts torqued) checked; etc. ej (1c( f' L.tli4 119 1) AAI? F kI t E &6-ffe 1z i,'tJ cnzc i h i'' afirs I " i9iP C.. *r,q Ai ( 1rjf5 wq 1a 1-1 j ç f Ate 77ie ,tiioi fir / u &iiof6 4aVcI So,?tju c 0P itr Except a iv A1 . S g"r0 ?' I) I,' •,/ at d#jciJ — t5 SA w o CAsJ ~,:~c 7.- sffls o 3 .s*,a.ip/t-s4 W,.13. / 11t),, 1' 6,vsAA 15 it /N edegi on (11/8 7/s ,V"A' R kJi i( Li A) L- . i fl9 ti s /'.' Cf B 7 1,4&- - W. (ç?ft C) (If/Al7 £1J A c u 'A) /4 e - / iv &i k .v a tii ,p9iQ tpcfc. '/,z?'2od' (".tf //Jjfc1trc( tiz.c ic eLiiac ..civcl P ? cci.yd'ri J PuiMIf ,inc i—Zak ,1,/4 poz... .iøí J/ Ro&,1/C/ ? CL ,V ç .4 ç) J . - ,aJ.SpLffcJ 1 40 iivd f1d C, r 0Aj 0 f' qeout' 4' u.i,of/s AJOtC/, ,wd 1_0 6 A & 'a (Ls LiJ,q /1 " iV liki /1 Pick 6ifl 1L,,ui C i 4";v&-c, q&c. ct r. 36-ñ vP 33iGkples ,icic CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE t HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPOVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS ;a APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS. ER-4- DATrj &INSPER /f& I'!, C. ?S OF OR REGISTER - NUMBER • CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES MATERIALS TESTING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION: ALL REPORTS ARE S1J(I[IED AS ThE CX)NFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS. Alffll)RIZAIICN FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORTS, CONCLUSIONS, OR EXTRACTS F4 OR REGARDING Th4 IS RESERVED PENDING OUR. WRITIEN APPIUJAL AS A MIJ11JAL PROTECTION 10 CLIENTS, ThE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. REPORT OF MORTAR TESTS PROJECt: Tamarack Condominiums PROJECT *): 511 ADDRESS: 100 Sequoia, Carlsbad, California a&.1: 1/3/84 CUNIRACIOR: California Builders ARLH11ECr: Howard Anderson & Associates ENGINEER: Lyons, Warren & Associates LOCATION IN STRUCI'JRE: Elevator Shaft,' Basement level, Retaining Wall CONCRETE SUPPLIER: MEX NO: SluMP - IN.: MIXING WE - MINS: Modern Block Type S Mortar -. PLANT NO: 1YPE OF €1T: Colton/ cxNGRELE P: Plastic TICKET D: AIfi)flJRE: AIR TEMP: WATER ADDED: SPECIMENS MADE BY: Winston L. Coffey DATE MADE: 12/20/83 DADEREIVEDATLAB: 12/22/83 FIELD IDENTIFICATION: LAB IDENTIFICATION: 6465 .6466 . 6467 AM - DAYS: 7 28 HOLD IE 1ES1ED: 12/27/83 1/17/84. SIZE - IN.: 2x4 2x4 AREA - SQ. IN.: 3.14 3.14 CRUSHING LOAD - LBS.f 8300 12300 COMPRESSIVE STBEN - psi: 2643 .3917 HiD: CORRECTION FACtOR: . . CURRECIED SIRENGI11 - psi: SPECIFIED STRENGTh - psi: 1800 . . JAN24 1983 . Respectfully Submitted: CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES CITY OF CARLSBAD i U4Sj(1HaqIT&I1.b uIdi- Department . Z 19976 4801 MERCURY STREET . SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 (619) 292-9565 CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES MATERIALS TESTING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ALL REPoRIs Am suI riEb AS m coNFjjxvri& PRDPERY OF ciirs. AUflRi7AflON mR PUBLICATION OF WR tars, CONCLUSIONS, OR E)CrRAC1'S F4 OR REGARDING ThEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL P'IECrICN 10 CLIENTS, ThE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. REPOF OF GROUT TESM PI)JECF: Tamarack Condominiums PRDJEC M): 511 ADDRESS: 100 Sequoia, Carlsbad, Califàrnia DAlE: 1/18/84 NTRACI0R: California Builders ARCHIrEcr: Howard Anderson & Associates ENGINEER: Lyons, Warren & Associates LOCATION IN STRUCIURE: Line 2.2 at C-A, 2nd Lift -. CONCRETE SUPPLIER: Escondido Ready Mix PLANE NO: TICKET NO: 69208 MIX ): Design 6 - TYPE OF (€1F: II AL!(IXIURE: POZZ - SWIP - IN.: 8O . . (X)NCRE'IE TEMP: MR TEMP: MIXING TIME - MINS: WAlER ADDED: SPECIMENS MADE BY: Jack D. Bandy DATE MADE: 1/10/84 DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 1/11/84 FIELD _IDENTIFICATION: LAB IDENTIFICATION: 1181 .1182 1183 KE -DAYS: 7 28 HOLD DATE IESIED: 1/17/84 2/7/84 SIZE - IN.: 3x3x6 3x3x6 AREA - SQ. IN.: 9.0 9.0 CRUSHING LOAD - LBS.: 38000 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTh - psi: 4222 H/D: (DRRECf ION FACTOR: RRECIED SI'RENCN - psi: SPECIFIED STREDI - psi: 2000 Respectfully Subcxitted: CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES irEIVE 4891 MERCURY STREET CITY OF CARLSBAD bd(J6W HIMMWM, RCE 9976 BUIld!,, Department SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 (619) 202-9565 CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES J7 MATERIALS TESTING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ALL REPORTS ARE SUE rrso AS NE )NFIDENIIAL PROPERLY OF CLIENTS. AIJflK)RIZATICN FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR I€KRrs, CONCLUSIONS, OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING fl4 IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITIEN APPROVAL AS A MJI1IAL PROTECTION TO cLr.Ewrs, THE suc AND OURSELVES. REPORT OF GROUT TESTS PROJECT: Tamarack Condominiums PROJECT ND: 511 ADDRESS: 100 Sequoia, Carlsbad, California DATE: 1/18/84 OONTRAC[OR: California Builders McHrIEcr: Howard Anderson & Associates ENGINEER: Lyons, Warren & Associates LOCATION IN SrRUCflJRE: Wall, Line 1.2 at I., 2nd Lift CONCRETE SUPPLIER: Escondido Ready Mix PLANT NO: TICKET NO: 69235 MIX NO: Design 6 - TYPE OF CEMENT: II MMbcIURE: Pozz - SLUMP - IN.: ....8" . CONCRETE : AIR TEMP: MIXING TIME - MINS: . . WATER ADDED: SPECIMENS MADE BY: Jack D. Bandy DAM MADE: 1/10/84 DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 1/11/84, FIELD IDENTIFICATION:- LAB IDENTIFICATION: 1178 1179 1180 - DAYS: 7 28 HOLD DATE TESTED: 1/17/84 2/7/84 SIZE - IN.: 3x3x6 3x3x6 AREA - SQ. IN.: 9.0 9.0 CRUSHING WAD - LBS.: 34000 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH - psi: 3778 HID: CORRECTION FACIDR: WRRECIED STRENCN - psi: SPECIFIED STRENGTh - psi: 2000 . " CEP V E Respectfully Submitted: - CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES JIN241983 /7 IA /2 - /7 CITY OF CARLSBAD BuIIdi Department LAS HITQHAM, 19976 4891 MERCURY STREET SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 (619) 292-9565 CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES MATERIALS TESTING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ALL REPORTS ARE SLI1II1ED AS ThE (X)NF1DEFtAL PROPERLY OF CLIENTS. AULW)RIZATICN FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORTS, a)NcwsroNs, OR FXrRACTS FRGI OR REGA00G THEM IS RESERVED PENDDG OUR WRITIEN APPROVAL AS A 4YIUAL PLECflCN 10 CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. REPORT OF GROUT TESTS PROJEcr: Tamarack Condominiums ADDRESS: lUOSIota -eartsaTaLi torn ia a)NrRACLVR: California Builders ARcHrtECr: Howard Anderson & Associates EtNEER: Lyons, Warren & Associates p.JEC NO: 5].]. DM: 1/23/84 LOCATION IN STRIICLURE: West Wall of Elevator, Lobby NCRE1E SUPPLIER: Escondido Ready Mix PLANE NO: TICIF NO: 69370 MIX O: Design 6 TYPE OF ENT: IT ADMIXTURE: POZZ SLIM - IN.: 8" NCLIE JEMP: AIR TEMP: MIXING TDE - MINS: WATER ADDED: SPECLMENSDE BY: Jack D. Bandy DAlE MADE: 1/12/84 DATE RECEIVED Al' 1. 1/13/84 FIELD IDENTIFICATION: LAB IDENTIFICATION: 1223 1224 1225 ME - DAYS: 7 28 HOLD DATE TEStED: 1/19/84 2/9/84 SIZE - IN.: 3x3x6 3x3x6 AREA - SQ. IN.: 9.0 9.0 CRUSHING LOAD - LBS.: 26500 COMPRESSIVE SIVENGM - psit 2944 WD: (X)Ri€CIICN FAELDR: ODE REC1ED SEL€NGUI - psi: - 10 a V~l P I . I I - __ 4100, - SPECIFIED SID( - psi: - 24'3 Respectfully Su1*izitted: CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES ~0)6 DOUGLAS RCE 19976 4891 MERCURY STREET SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 (019) 2029565 C CONSTRUCTION oll LABORATORIES MATERIALS TESTING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ALL P,,cFORTS ARE SU1 flED AS NE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENIS. ALJLB)RIZATION FOR PUBLICATION L NCWSICNS, OR EXTRACtS FROM REGARDEIG THEM ND EM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITtEN APPR&I?AS MIfliJA a PIYIEtflON 10 cLrENrs, DIE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. .01 REPO OF CONCRETE TESTS C17,,, p984 PROJECT: Tamarack condominiums ADDRESS: 100 sequoia, Carlsbad, California OJNTRACEOR: California Builders ARcHnECr: Howard Anderson & Associates ENGINEER: Lyons, Warren & Associates allIditS8Ab PROJECT NO: 511 ePartfl7ent DAZE: 1/23/84 LOCATION LJ S1RUCI1JRE: 16" Column, Line 1.6 at C - D CONCRETE SUPPLIER: Escondido Ready Mix pj.F NO: TICKET NO: 380176 MIX NO: 15 . TYPE OF €Tt: II AL!lDCflJRE: Pozz SUJMP - IN.: :31/2" )NCRE1ETEMP: AIR TEMP: MIXING TIME - MINS: - WAIER ADDED: SPECLMENS MADE BY: Jack D. Bandy 1IE MADE: 1/11/84 DAlE RECEIVED AT LAB: 1/12/84 FIELD IDENrIFICATION: LAB IDENrIFICATICN: 1205 1206 1207 AGE - DAYS: 7 28 HOLD DAM TESTED: 1/18/84 2/8/84 SIZE - IN.: 6x12 6x12 AREA - SQ. IN.: 28.27 28.27 CRUSHING LOAD - IM.: 118500 WWRESSIVE StRENGTH - psi: 4192 HID: (X)RRECTICN FACTOR: RRECLED StRENGTH - psi: SPECIFIED STRENGTH - psi: 4000 Respectfully Submitted: - CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES _ L LAS HIT616~1 RCE 19976 4891 MERCURY. STREET SAN DIEGO; CALIFORNIA 92111- (819) 292-9585 4.I CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES MATERIALS TESTING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ALL REPORTS ARE SLJ1 flED AS THE 0)NFtDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS. AI )RIZATICN FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORTS, o:)NcujslcNs, OR EXTRACTS 1FRa4 OR REGARDD 'fl14 IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MIJIUAL Pl91ECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. REPORT OF GROUT TESTS PROJECT: Tamarack Condominiums PROJECT ND: 511 ADDRESS: 100 Sequoia, Carlsbad, California DATE: 1/23/84 QNTRACIOR: California Builders MCHIIECr: Howard Anderson & Associates ENGINEER: Lyons, Warren & Associates LCCATICN IN STRUCItJRE: East Wall of Elevator Shaft, 2nd Lift CONCRETE SUPPLIER: Escondido Ready Mix PLANT NO: TICF NO: 69367 !flX NO: Design 6 TYPE OF NT: II AIMDCIURE: POZZ SWIP -IN.: all CONCRETE TEMP: AIR lEMP: I'WCING TIME,. ffl4S: : WATER ADDED: SPECIMENS MADE BY: Jack D. Bandy DATE MADE: 1/12/84 DATE RECEIVED ATLAS: 1/13/84 FIELD DENTIFICATICN: LAB IDENTIFICATION: 1226 1227 1228 AGE - DAYS: 7 28 HOLD DATE TESTED: 1/19/84 2/9/84 SUE - IN.: 3x3x6 3x3x6 AREA - SQ. IN.: 9.0 9.0 CRUSHING WAD - IM.: 21000 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH - psi: 2333 HID: CORRECTION FACTOR: CORRECTED STRENGTH - psi: SPECIFIED $IRENCN - psi: 2000 Respectfully Submitted: CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES LASILI , RCE l9976 4891 MERCURY STREET SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 (619) 292-0565 CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES MATERIALS TESTING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ALL REPORTS ARE SU4ILED AS THE (X)NFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS. ALTIW)RIZATICN FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORTS, OJNCWSICNS, OR ECERACUS FRa1 OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITIEN APPROVAL AS A PflJIUAL PlUIECION 10 CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. REPORT OF CONCRETE TESTS PROJECr: Tamarack Condominiums PI1JEC NO: 511 ADDRESS: 100 sequoia, Carlsbad, California : 3/21/84 IrRACLX)R: California Builders RCHIrECT: Howard Anderson & Associates ENGINEER: Lyons, Warren & Associates LOCATION IN STRUCtURE: Jacuzzi Structure (Lower Mat), Walls CONCRETE SUPPLIER: Escondido Ready Mix PLANT NO: Escondido TICKET NO: 386461 MIX NO: 15 TYPE OF (E€Nr: IT ALt1DCflJRE: Pozz SUW - IN.: 2 (X)NCRE'1ElP:• AtR1'F1P: - - MDCINGTIZ€-NS: 120 WATER ADDED: 10 SPECIMENS MADE BY: Lee Poet DATE MAX: 3/10/84 DATE L€CKIVED AT LAB: 3/12/84 FIELD IDENTIFICATION: LAB IDENTIFICATION: 2758 2759 2760 AGE - DAYS: 9 30 HOLD DATE TESTED: 3/19/84 4/9/84 SIZE - IN.: 6x12 6x12 AREA- SQ. IN.: 28.27 28.27 CRUSHING WAD - LBS.: 93000 COMPRESSIVE STREtN - psi: 3290 HID: WRRECTION FACTOR: WRRECIED SL'RENC111 - psi: SPECIFIED STRENGTH - psi: 4000 tECEIVEDj MAR 27 1984 CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Department Respectfully Submitted: CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES HITHAM,RCEE 19976 4891 MERCURY STREET SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 (019) 292-9506 CONSTRUCTION 01 LABORATORIES MATERIALS TESTING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ALL REPORTS ARE SUff (lED AS THE (X)NFIDEIAL PROPERI'Y OF CLIENTS. ALJNORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORTS, O)NCUJSIONS, OR E)CIRACTS FROM OR REGARDING D1 IS RESERVED. PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MIRUAL PlYIECION 10 CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND CIJRSELVES. REPORT OF MORTAR •IESFS PROJECT: Tamarack Condominiums PROJECT NO: 511 ADDRESS: 100 Sequoia, Carlsbad, California 1E: 12/28/83 cDNTRACI0R: California Builders ARCHITECT: Howard Anderson & Associates ENGINEER: Lyons, Warren & Associates LOCATION IN srRLJCnJRE: Parking Level Retaining Wall, Line 2.4 at A.5, 1st Lift, 1st Course O3NCREIE SUPPLIER: Sorrento Sand PLANT NO: TICKET NO: MIX NO: Type S 1:2-1/2 TYPE OF MINT: Plastic AI}UXIURE: SUJMP - IN.: CONCRETE TEMP: AIR TEMP: MIXING TIME - MINS: 10 WATER ADDED: SPECIMENS WIDE BY: Carl Turley DATE MADE: 12/15/83 DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 12/16/83 FIELD IDENTIFICATION: lAB IDENTIFICATION: 6387 -6388 6389 XX -DAYS: 7 28 HOLD DATE TESTED: 12/22/83 1/12/84 SIZE - IN.: 2x4 2x4 AREA - SQ. IN.: 3.14 3.14 CRUSHING LOAD - LM.: 5750 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH - psi: 1831 HID: CX)REECICN FACTOR: CORRECTED STRENGTH - psi: SPECIFIED STRENGTH - psi: l00 .- -I-, ro ov it e 4691 MERCURY STREET SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA Respectfully Submitted: CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES DOUGLAS HITaI1Nl, RCE 19976 92111 (619) 202-9585 REGISTERED INSPECTOR'S WEEKLY REPORT 4891 MERCURY STREET SAN DEIGO, CA 92111 Construction Laboratories (714) 292 9365 110R Na 511 COVERING WORK PERFORMED 0 REINFORCED CONCRETE 0 STRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY. WHICH REQUIRED APPROVAL BY 0 PRE-STRESSED CONCRETE 0 REINFORCED GYPSUM (J GLUE -LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF ES REINFORCED MASONRY 0 PILE DRIVING 0 OTHER JOB ADDRESS 100-84 Sequoia, Carlsbad NO. FOR WEEK J ENDING December 17, 1 983 OWNER OR PROJECT NAME Tamarack Condominiums BLDG. PERMIT NO 82-242 (PLAN FILE NO I CONSTR. MATL (TYPE GRADE, ECT.) ARCHITECT Concrete Block, Grade N-i, Light Weight Howard Anderson & Associates DESIGN STRENGTH (SOURCE OR MFGR. ENGINEER I Modern Block Lyons Warren & Associates DESCRIBE MATL. (MIX DESIGN, RE BAR GRADE & MrGR, CENERAL CONTRACTOR Mortar Tvoe S 1:2-1/2. 1800 psi California Builders CONTR DOING REPORTED WORK Rebar Grade 60 LAB RECEIVING & TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES Construction Laboratories CONTRACT NO. INSP N. LOCATIONS OF WORK INSPECTED, TEST SAMPLES TAKEN, WORK REJECTED, JOB PROBLEMS, PROGRESS, REMARKS, ETC. Includes information about- amounts of material placed or work performed, number, type, and identity numbers of test samples DATE taken; structural connections (welds made, h.t. bolts torqued) checked; etc. 12-15 Provided inspection on laying of 12" concrete masonry units. Inspection included the checking of footing for cleanness, checked rebar for size, type, cleanness, alignment, and the taking of test samples. Work completed this date: Layed up 1st lift on basement level walls, Line 2.4 between E and H Layed up 1st course of 1st lift on Lines 2.4 between A and E Layed up 1st course of 1st lift on Lines A between 1.2 and 2.4 One set of mortar samples taken. 12-16 Continued masonry inspection this date. Layed up the following walls: Line 2.4 between Lines A and E, 1st lift Line B between Lines 2.3 and 2.4, 1st lift Line 2.3 between Lines A and B, 1st lift Line A between Lines 1.2 and 2.3, 1st lift Line 1.4 between Lines A and B, 1st lift One set of mortar samples taken. crTE 1B83 tT" O iV1 CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICA- TIONS, & APPLICABLE SECTIONSOF THE AGENCY REQUIREMENTS. SIGNATURE OF REGISTERED INSPECTOR)' 12/19/83 M-12'4 DATE OF REPORT REGISTER NUMBER CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES MATERIALS TESTING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ALL REPORTS ARE SUHMI [lED AS ThE CONFIDENTIAL PROPER!? OF CLIENTS. ALTfl)RIZATtCN FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORTS, CONCLUSIONS, OR E)CRACTS FRa1 OR REGARDING ThEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MIflUAL PROTECTION 10 CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. REPORT OF MORTAR TESTS PROJECT: Tamarack Condominiums PROJECT NO: 511 ADDRESS: 100 Sequoia, Carlsbad, California DAZE: 12/28/83 NTRACIOR: California Builders McHrtECr: Howard Anderson & Associates ENGINR: Lyons, Warren & Associates LOCATION IN STRUCtURE: Parking Level Retaining Wall, Line H at 1.9, 1st Lift, 2nd Course )NCREtE SUPPLIER: Sorrento Sand PLANT NO: nctr NO: MIX NO: Type S 1:2-1/2 ,TYPE OF NT: Plastic ADMIXTURE: SUIIP -IN.: CONCRETE : AIR TEMP: MIXING T'LME - SINS: WATER ADDED: SPECIMENS MADE BY: Carl Turley DKIE MADE: 12/16/83 DATE RECEIVED Al' LAB: 12/19/83 FIELD IDENTIFICATION: LAB IDENflFICATICN: 6408 6409 6410 PAYS: 7 28 HOLD. DATE TESTED: 12/23/83 1/13/84 SIZE - IN.: 2x4 2x4 AREA - SQ. IN.: 3.14 3.14 CRIJSH.LNG LOAD - IM.: 6400 O)IPRESSIVE STRENGTH - psi: 2264 H/ D: .OJRRECI'ICN FACTOR: WRRECIED STRENGTh - psi: SPECIFIED StRENGTh- psi: 1800 Fj CE ID i933 Respectfully Submitted: Ut ' CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES CiTY 9F DWGLAS IflTOiINQiAM, kX 19976 4891 MERCURY STREET SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 9211-1 • (619) 292-9565 jZ Construction Laboratories REGISTERED INSPECTOR'S ci MERCURY STR((I SAr. D1IGO CA 9 714 955• WEEKLY REPORT Poe Na 4:05 11' COVERING WORK PERFORMED 0 REINFORCED CONCRETE 0 STRuCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY. WHICH REQUIRED APPROVAL BY D PRE-STRESSED CONCRETE 0 REINFORCED GYPSUM [)GLUE-LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF REINFORCED MASONRY 0 PILE DRIVING 0 OTHER JOB ADDRESS iOe—B4--seqtiora, Carlsbad NO !FOE WEEK lENDING December 17, 1983 OWNER OR PROJECT NAME Tamarack Condominiums BLDG PERMIT NO 82-242 IM FILE NO J CONSTR MAY I ITYPE.GRADE ECu ARCHITECT Concrete Block, Grade N-i, Light Weight Howard Anderson & Associates DESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MIGE ENGINEER I Modern Block Lyons Warren & Associates DESCRIBE MATI 1MIX DESIGN R( RAE GRADE S MrGc GENERAL CONTRACTOR Mortar Type S 1:2-1/2 ,. 1800 psi California Builders Rebar Grade 60 CONTE DOING REPORTED WORK .AB RECEIVING & TESTING CONSIK MAT I 5APLE5 Construction Laboratories C ONTRACT NO. INSP'N. LOCATIONS OF WORK INSPECTED, TEST SAMPLES TAKEN, WORK REJECTED, JOB PROBLEMS, PROGRESS, REMARKS, ETC. DATE Includes information obout- amounts of material placed or work performed; number, type, and identity numbers of test samples token; structural connections (welds mode, fri t. bolts torqued ) checked; etc. 12-15 Provided inspection on laying of 12" concrete masonry units. Inspection included the checking of footing for cleanness, checked rebar for size, type, cleanness, alignment, and the taking of test samples. Work completed this date: Layed up 1st lift on basement level-walls,-Line 2.4 between E and H Layed up 1st course of 1st lift on Lines 2.4 between A and E Layed up 1st course of 1st lift on Lines A between 1.2 and One set of mortar samples taken. 12-16 Continued masonry inspection this date. Layed ujj-%C~Ving- walls: Line 2.4 between Lines A and E, lst lift . Line B between Lines 2.3 2.4, 1st lift and Line 2.3 between Lines A and B, 1st lift Line A between Lines 1.2 and 2.3, 1st lift ID Line 1.4 between Lines A and B, 1st lift ci' R09— One set of mortar samples taken. EC r J -j CflY CV7.rfQ3' In t CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE / REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND C" THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICA- SIGNATURE OF REGISTERED INSPEC TOE / TIONS, & APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE AGENCY REQUIREMENTS 12/19/83 M-124'4 REGISTERED INSPECTOR'S WEEKLY REPORT 4091 MERCURY STREET SAN DE 1130, CA 02111 Construction Laboratories 7141 2929565 JOB NQ COVERING WORK PERFORMED 0 REINFORCED CONCRETE 0 STRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY. WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY 0 PRE-STRESSED CONCRETE 0 REINFORCED GYPSUM O GLUE - LAM.FABRICATION 11€ SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF J REINFORCED MASONRY 0 PILE DRIVING 0 OTHER JOB ADDRESS .100-134 Sequoia, Carlsbad IPOR WEEK lENDING December 24, 'p83 OWNER OR PROJECT NAME - Tamarack Condominiums BLDG PER NO 82-242 PLAN PILE NO CONSTI MAT L ITYPE.GRADE. ECT.I Concrete Block - Grade N-i ARCHITECT Howard Anderson & Associates DESIGN STRENGTH I50uRCE OR MFGR I ENGINEER Lyons Warren & Associates DESCRIBE MATL (MIX DESIGN. RE OAR GRADE & MFGE Mortar Type "S" 1:2-1/2, 1800 psi GENERAL CONTRACTOR California Builders CONTR DOING REPORTED WORK Rebar_ Grade _60 LAB RECEIVING & TESTING CONSTE MATL SAMPLES Construction Laboratories CONTRACT NO. LOCATIONS OF WORK INSPECTED, TEST SAMPLES TAKEN, WORK REJECTED, JOB PROBLEMS, PROGRESS, REMARKS, ETC. INSP N. Includes information about- amounts of material placed or work performed, number, type, and identity numbers of test samples DATE token; structural connections (welds mode, h.t. bolts torgued) checked; etc. 12-19 Continued masonry inspection this date, layed 1st course of 1st lift on parking level retaining wail Line 1.2 between Lines B and H, Line H between 1.2 and 1.8. 12-20 Continued masonry inspection up 1st lift on elevator pit well, lead at corner of Line H at 2.4. One set of mortar samples taken. 12-21 Continued masonry inspection, layed up 1st lift on parki'ng level retaining wall Line 1.2 between Lines D and H, Line H between 1.2 and 1.8 and Line 1.8 between H and H.S. 12-22 Continued masonry inspection, layèd up 2nd lift on parking level retaining wall, Line 2.4 between Lines G and B, layed 2nd lift lead on retaining wall parking level on Line H at Line 1.2, completed 1st lift on retaining wall Line H between Lines 1.9 and 2.4. 12-23 No masonry work. done today. CITY C flcrrtment CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND ,:2AAA4, THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICA- SIGNATURE 01 REGISTERED INSPECTOR J TIONS, & APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE AGENCY REQUIREMENTS 12-23-83 M-124 DATE OF REPORT REGISTER NUMBER 444`ZZ: Construction Laboratories REGISTERED INSPECTOR'S WEEKLY REPORT 4891 MERCURY STREET SAN DEIGO, CA 92111 (714) 292-9565 JOR Nn cii COVERING WORK PERFORMED 0 REINFORCED CONCRETE 0 STRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY. WHICH REQUIRED APPROVAL BY 0 PRE-STRESSED CONCRETE 0 REINFORCED GYPSUM DGWE- LAM.FA8RICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF (J REINFORCED MASONRY 0 PILE DRIVING 0 OTHER JOB ADPRESS ]&6—SeuQia.,. Carlsbad, California NO IFOR WEEK lENDING December 31, 1983 OWNER OR PROJECT NAME BLDG, PERMIT NO IPLAN FILE NO American West Development 82-242 I CONSTR. MATL (TYPE GRADE. ECT.) ARCHITECT Howard Anderson & Associates DESIGN STRENGTH ISOURCE OR MFGR. ENGINEER I Modern Block Lyons, Warren & Associates DESCRIBE MATL. (MIX DESIGN. RE BAR GRADE & MVGR, GENERAL CONTRACTOR ASTM C-90 Grade N Concrete Masonry Units California Builders - CONTR DOING REPORTED WORK Type S Mortar, 1800 psi California Builders LAB RECEIVING & TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES ASTM A-615 Grade 60 Reinforcing Steel 1 Construction Laboratories CONTRACT NO. INSP N. LOCATIONS OF WORK INSPECTED, TEST SAMPLES TAKEN, WORK REJECTED, JOB PROBLEMS, PROGRESS, REMARKS, ETC. Includes information about- amounts of material placed or work performed, number, type, and identity numbers of test samples DATE taken; structural connections (welds made, h.t. bolts torqued) checked; etc. 12/28 Continued masonry inspection, layed top bond beam, 2nd lift on Line 2.4 between Lines B and H retaining wall parking level. Layed up 2nd lift retaining wall parking level on Line A between Lines 1.2 and 2.2. Grouted elevator shaft parking level and poured stairwell footings. Made 3 grout samples. 12/29 Continued masonry inspection, layed up 1st lift retaining wall parking level on Line 1.2 between Lines B and C. Layed 2nd lift lead retaining wall on Line H at Line 1.4. Layed 1st course for wings walls against retaining wall on Line 2.4 between Lines B and H. 12/30 Continued masonry inspection laying 1st lift wing walls against retaining wall on Line 2.4 between Lines B and H. Layed 1st course for stairwell, laying 2nd course on Line H between Lines 1.2 and 1.4. 12/31 Continued masonry inspection, layed up 2nd lift on Line H between Lines 1.2 and 1.4. Layed up 1st lift wing walls parking level against retaining wall on Line 2.4, laying 2nd lift retaining wall parking level on Line 1.2 between Lines E and H, laying 1st lift stairwell. Made 1 set mortar samples this date. .tECEIVED /RECEIVCb JAN 6 1984 JA4N6 1983 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Departmeifl Building Department CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICA- TIONS, & APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE AGENCY REQUIREMENTS, SIGNATURE OF REGISTERED INSPEçfOR - 12/31/83 CMq-124 DATE OF REPORT REGISTER NUMBER A~ Construction Laboratories REGISTERED INSPECTOR'S 4891 MERCURY STREET SAN DEIGO, CA 92111 (714) 292-9565 WEEKLY REPORT JOB Na 511 COVERING WORK PERFORMED 13 REINFORCED CONCRETE 0 STRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY. WHICH REQUIRED APPRIAL 0 PRE-STRESSED CONCRETE 0 REINFORCED GYPSUM (J GLUE - LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF 0 REINFORCED MASONRY 0 PILE DRIVING 0 OTHER JOB ADDRESS OQ—Sequ Car1sbad NO.1 of 1 WEEK JENDING Pb. 3, 1984" OWNER OR PROJECT NAME BLDG. PERMIT NO. JPLAN FILE NO Tameraok_Condos CONSTR. MATL (TYPE.GRADE. ECT.) ARCHITECT Howard Anderson DESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. I ENGINEER Lyons, Warren & Assoc. DESCRIBE. MATL. (MIX DESIGN RE BAR GRADE & MFGR. GENERAL CONTRACTOR California Builders CONTR DOING REPORIED WORK Daniels concrete LAB RECEIVING & TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES Construction Laboratories CONTRACT NO. INSP N. LOCATIONS OF WORK INSPECTED, TEST SAMPLES TAKEN, WORK REJECTED, JOB PROBLEMS, PROGRESS, REMARKS, ETC. Includes information about- amounts of material placed or work performed; number, type, and identity numbers of test samples DATE token; structural connections (welds mode, h.t. bolts torqued) checked; etc. 2/1 Reinforced concrete Inspected the placement of approx. 200 yards of concrete topping on spancrete planks and beams. Pbricated samples as follows; TAM A 511 fabricated from 4" slump concrete being placed approx. 30 feet from the north wall and 10 feet from the west wall TAM B 511 fabricated from 4*" slump concrete being placed approx. 60 feet from the south wall and 20 feet from the west wall. ICEiyp. FEB2:' 1984 CITY.OF CARL Buildi ng rtMent CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS WORKTO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICA- SITURE OPZRED INSPECTOR TIONS& APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE AGENCY REQUIREMENTS Feb. 3, 1984 CMW - 218 DATE OF REPORT REGISTER NUMBER CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES MATERIALS TESTING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ALL REPORTS ARE SLJI1ED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS. AIJTW)RIZATICN }DR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORIS, a)NCLUSICNS, OR E)Cl'RACTS 14 OR REGARDLNG 'IHflI IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MIJ1IIAL PJIECION 10 cLrErrrs, THE PUBLIC AND (IJRSELVES. REPORT OF CONCRETE TESTS PROJECT: Tamarack Condou%iniuxn PROJECT No: 511 ADDRESS: ]o-sequo±a,--c-arsbad.--ea1 ifornia 1E: 1/23/84 O3NTRACIOR: California Builders ARCHITECT: Howard Anderson & Associates ENGINEER: Lyons, Warren & Associates LOCATION IN STRUCTURE: 16" Column, Line 1.6 at C - D ONCREIE SUPPLIER: Escondido Ready Mix PLANT ND: TICKET NO: 380176 MIX NO: 15 TYPE OF (E'€NT: II ADMIXTURE: Pozz SUJMP - IN.: 3-1/2" CONCRETE 1'iP: AIR TEMP: MIXING TIt€ - MINS: WATER ADDED: SPECIMENS MADE BY: Jack D. Bandy DATE MADE: 1/11/84 DAlE RECEIVED AT LAB: 1/12/84 FIELD IDENTIFICATION: LAB IDENTIFICATION: 1205 1206 1207 AGE - DAYS: 7 28 HOLD DATE TESTED: 1/18/84 2/8/84 SIZE - IN.: 6x12 6x12 AREA - SQ. IN.: 28.27 28.27 CRUSHING LOAD - LBS.: 118500 139000 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH - psi: 4192 4917 HID: CORRECTION FACmR: WRRECIED STRENGTH - psi: SPECIFIED STRENGTH - psi: 4000 B 14 ISO Respectfully Submitted: IION LABORATORIES 19976 4891 MERCURY STREET SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 (6193-'29 2-9565 CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES MATERIALS TESTING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ALL REPORTS ARE SLJrIED AS NE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS. AIJM)RIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORTS, CDNCWSICNS, OR EXTRACTS F1 OR REGARDING ThEM IS RESERVED PENDING CUR WRII1EN APPROVAL AS A MIflh1AL P1Y1ECtI0N '10 CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND (XIBSELVES. REPORT OF CONCRETE TESTS Pl)JECF: Tamarack Condominiums pJEC ND: 511 ADDRESS: 100 Sequoia, Carlsbad, California DATE: 2/9/84 CUNTRACIOR: California Builders ARCHITECT: Howard Anderson & Associates ENGINEER: Lyons, Warren & Associates WCAT[1 IN STRUCIlJRE: Topping Slab, Approx. 30' from North End, 10' from West Wall CONCRETE SUPPLIER: Pre-Mixed Concrete PLANT NO: Carlsbad TICKET ND: 032702 MIX NO: 50-6000 TYPE OF CEMENT: II AL*WCIURE: Poiz 344 & Fly Ash SUJMP - IN.: 4" - Q)NCRETE 'MP: AtRT1P: MIXING TINE - PtINS: 85 .LALER ADDED: SPECIMENS MADE BY: Ray Begin DAIE MADE: 2/1/84 DM RECEIVED Al LAB: 2/2/84 FIELD IDENTIFICATION: LAB IDENTIFICATION: 1696 1697 1698 AGE - DAYS: 7 28 HOLD IE TESTED: 2/8/84 2/29/84 SIZE - IN.: 6x12 6x12 AREA - SQ. IN.: 28.27 28.27 CRUSHING WAD - LBS.: 85000 COMPRESSIVE STREN - psi: 3007 HID: ODREECtION FACTOR: CORRECTED SL'RENGN - psi: SPECIFIED SI'RENGN - psi: 4000 Respectfully Submitted: CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES HIT9thiAM,RCE• 19976 4891 MERCURY STREET SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 (619) 292-9565 CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES MATERIALS TESTING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ALL REPORTS ARE SUa['IED AS ThE CONFIDLNTIAL PROPERLY OF CLIENTS. ALJM)RIZAflCN FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORTS, aNcwstoNs, OR EXIRACS FRON OR REGARDIG 11 IS RESERVED PENDIND OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A t4flUAL PLULEcrION TO CLIENTS, ThE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. REPORT OF CONCRETE TESTS PROJECr: Tamarack Condominiums PIXJECE ND: 511 ADDRESS: 100 Sequoia, Carlsbad, California DATE: 2/9/84 Q)NTRACIX)R: California Builders ARCHflECF: Howard Anderson & Associates EtNEER: Lyons, Warren & Associates LOCATION IN STPiJCI1JRE: Topping Slab, Approx. 60' from South End, 20' from West Wall CONCRETE SUPPLIER: Pre-Mixed Concrete PtAN1 t0:Carlsbad TICKET NO: 032713 MIX NO: 50-6000. TYPE OF CEP€NT: II ADMIXTURE: Pozz 344 & Fly Ash SUJMP - IN.: 4-1/2" OX4CRETE IEMP: AIWTEMP: MIXING TL'€ - PuNS: 40 WATER ADDED: SPECLMENS MADE BY: Ray Begin DATE MADE: 2/1/84 DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 2/2/84 FIElD IDENTIFICATION: LAB IDENTIFICATION: 1699 1700 1701 AGE - DAYS: 7 28 HOLD DATE TESTED: 2/8/84 2/29/84 SIZE - IN.: 6x12 6x12 AREA - SQ. IN.: 28.27 28.27 CRIJSH1 WAD - LBS.: 83000 COMPRESSIVE STREfl1 - psi: 2936 H/D: CORRECTION FACtOR: RRECIED STRENGflI - psi: SPECIFIED SIRENCN - psi: 4000 Respectfully Sulxnitted: CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES 1997 4891 MERCURY STREET SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA 92111 (0 19) 292-9566 CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES MATERIALS TESTING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ALL REPORTS ARE SU1 (lED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS. AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR, REPORTS, wNcwsIoNs, OR E)CI'RACrS FRO1 OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITtEN APPAL AS A MUtUAL PY1ECFI4 TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. REPORT OF GROUT TESTS PROJECT: Tamarack Condominiums PROJECt' NO: 511 ADDRESS: 100 Sequoia, Carlsbad, California DATE: 1/18/84 cX3NTRACIOR: California Builders ARcHrIEcr: Howard Anderson & Associates ENGINEER: Lyons, Warren & Associates LOCATION IN STRUCtURE: Line 2.2 at"C-A, 2nd Lift CONCRETE SUPPLIER: Escondido Ready Mix PLANT NO: TICKET NO: 69208 MIX NO: Design 6 TYPE OF (MENT: II AI}fl)CIURE: POZZ SIJJMP - IN.: 8" CONCRETE TEMP: AIR IEMP: t'flxLNG TIME - MINS: WATER ADDED: SPECL'€NS MADE BY: Jack D. Bandy DATE MADE: 1/10/84 DAlE RECEIVED AT LAB: 1/11/84 FIELD IDENTIFICATION: LAB IDENTIFICATION: 1181 .1182 1183 ALE - DAYS: 7 28 HOLD DATE TESTED: 1/17/84 2/7/84 SIZE - IN.: 3x3x6 3x3x6 AREA - SQ. IN.: 9.0 9.0 CRUSHING LOAD - LBS.: 38000 47000 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH - psi: 4222 5222 H/D: CORRECTION FACtOR: WR1ECtED STRENGTH - psi: SPECIFIED STRENGTH - psi: . 2000 Respectfully Submitted: CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES A~LA'S HITQM~M, RCE 19976 4891 MERCURY STREET SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 (619) 292-9565 CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES MATERIALS TESTING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ALL REPORTS ARE SU (lED AS ThE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS. ALTI'W)RIZATICN FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORTS, (X)NCWS IONS, OR E)CRACTS FRQI OR REGARDING .fl14 IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A 14111JAL PROTECTION ID cLLErrrs, ThE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. REPORT OF GROUT TESTS PROJECT: Tamarack Condominiums PROJECT NO: 511 ADDRESS: 100 Sequoia, Carlsbad, California DATE: 1/18/84 CXXTI'RACI3R: California Builders ARCHITECT: Howard Anderson & Associates ENGINEER: Lyons, Warren & Associates LOCATION IN STRLJC'RJRE: Wall, Line 1.2 at I, 2nd Lift WNCRETE SUPPLIER: Escondido Ready Mix PLANT NO: TICKET NO: 69235 MIX NO: Design 6 TYPE OF MINT: II AII)C1URE: Pozz SUM - IN.: 8" OUNCRE1E IEMP: AIR TEMP: KDCING rlr€ - MINS: WATER ADDED: SPECIMENS MADE BY: Jack D. Bandy DATE MADE: 1/10/84 DAlE RE(EIVED AT LAB: 1/11/84 FIELD tDEfl'IFICATION: LAB IDENTIFICATION: 1178 .1179 1180 AGE - DAYS: 7 28 HOLD DATE TESTED: 1/17/84 2/7/84 SIZE - IN.: 3x3x6 3x3x6 AREA-SQ. IN.: 9.0 9.0 CRUSHING WAD -. LBS.: 34000 39000 OJMPRESSIVE STRENGTH - psi: 3778 4333 / HID: O.)RRECTION FACTOR: ODRRECI'ED STRENGtH - psi: SPECIFIED STRENGTH - psi: 2000 Respectfully Submitted: CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES LAS HrIxJ.l1AM,RCE 19976 4891 MERCURY STREET SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 (6 19) 292-9566 CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES MATERIALS TESTING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ALL REPORTS ARE sui tiED AS TIE CXNFIDENTIAL PROPERlY OF CLIENTS. A11fl)RIZATLON FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORTS, WNCWSIONS, OR E)CRACS FRON OR REGARDING 'fl1 IS RESERVED PENDL'!G OUR WRIT1EN APPROVAL AS A 1711JAL PnECrIcx1 10 CLIENTS, WE PUBLIC AND WRSELVES. REPORT OF GROUT TESTS PI.JECI' ND: 511 ADDRESS:81 rnia 7777~ . D=: 3/14/84 OWRACIOR: Ca •a Builders ARcHIIEC1: Howard Anderson & Associates ENGINEER: Lyons, Warren & Associates LOCATION IN srpucnJRE: Retaining Wall, Elevator Shaft Footing CONCRETE SUPPLIER: . Escondido Ready Mix PUNT p4): EscOndidOTIQE ND: 377769 MIX ti): Design #6 TYPE OF€NT: Kaiser. II ALMDCIURE: SU.IP - IN.: 8 OJNCRE'IE IEMP: 60 Ajr IFIIP: 68 MIXING TINE - WS: WATER ADDED: 40 SPECLMENS MALE BY: Winston L. Coffey 1lE LE: 12/28/83 DAM €CIVED AT LAB: 12/30/83 FIELD IDENrIFICATIOm. LAB IDENTIFICATION: 6519 6520 6521 AGE -DAYS: 7 28 HOLD lE TESTED: 1/4/84 1/25/84 SIZE - IN.: 3x3x6 3x3x6 AREA - SQ. IN.: 9.0 9.0 CRUSHING WAD - IM.: 16750 26350 WIPRESSIVE STRENGN - psi: 1861 2928 WD: 00RREC1I0N FAC'IVR: RREC1ED SERENGTH - psi: SPECIFIED srimi - psi: 2000 • --_________________ I (' e' ••' Respectfully Subtted: CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES RM 19976 4891 MERCURY STREEf (WdiEGO. CALIFORNIA 92111 (819) 292-0585 REGISTERED INSPECTOR'S WEEKLY REPORT 4591 MERCURY STREET SAN DEIGO CA 92111 Construction Laboratories (714) 292 9565 JOB N COVERING WORK PERFORMED 0 REINFORCED CONCRETE 0 STRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REQUIRED APPROVAL BY 0 PRE-STRESSED CONCRETE 0 REINFORCED GYPSUM (J GLUE -LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF 0 REINFORCED MASONRY 0 PILE DRIVING 0 OTHER JOB ACCUSE /OD 5e,(W,A NP IFOR WEEK ,41 3 19404 PRO) BThPMIj, 1PLAN FILE NO CONSTR. MArt ITYPE.GRADE. ECT.) MRCHIT DESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR NFGR 177 (NG 4 SCRI GSAR .RfrLGRI ,4774 ,yç- ,c ?C_0N4WfL, DOING REPORTED WO d,"- S !43 LAB jAAT'L SAMPLES CONTRACT NO. NSP'N. DATE LOCATIONS OF WORK INSPECTED, TEST SAMPLES TAKEN, WORK REJECTED, JOB PROBLEMS, PROGRESS, REMARKS, ETC. Includes information about-amounts at material placed or work performed; number, type, and identity numbers of test samples token; structural connections (welds made, Ii.?. bolts torqued) checked.; etc. 2-2 7 1/1-TEA po,e. J*4 ZZ / petz A 6 !/A0v d ç ) j2ti.,e,*(. EN G-tA' 1,//g .elE , ip, pOzfr7Ol' A-A U *t,770F ,%O// kic -d eA-u-.A PO &.. 1/.- pROJ4 d')O E7 /#+fi E 9— /A o rraj Dc V'-E d 4f #7 €.'#'t ci., e ftP.E e)7O Frn.' /WC-10- 8 E M 'E CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE Zf 01.0 REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND '%f THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICA- SIGNATURE PR TOR TIONS, & APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE AGENCY REQUIREMENTS 2. -I?- __ TE D EGISTER NUMBER DATE OF REPORT REGISTERED INSPECTOR'S WEEKLY REPORT 4891 MERCURY STREET SAN DElCO CA 92111 Construction Laboratories (714) 292 9565 JOB NO. COVERING WORK PERFORMED REINFORCED CONCRETE 0 STRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REQUIRED APPROVAL BY 0 PRE-STRESSED CONCRETE 0 REINFORCED GYPSUM Q GLUE - LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF REINFORCED MASONRY. 0 PILE DRIVING 0 OTHER JOB ADDRESS . . Np. IF0R WEEK LENDING 3/a, I9p OWNER OR PROJECT NAME 74m',4RAcit o 4//w,.e'..c G. PERMIT NO. — 92 IPLAN FILE NO I CONSTR. MATL (TYPE.GRADE. ECT) . ,. ARCHITECT DESIGN STRENGTH_— . c Voc' so SOU CE OR MPGR. IFS o,vo.'.øc ENGINEER L DESCRIBE MATL. MIX DESIGN, RE4AR GRADE & MFGR Pe i S/c.e -. .4 ef O GENERAL 4tONTRC)c5R C..4 i.' A041vo Bo ,foIc ICONTR / . . . DOING fREPORTED WORK pA All 1gL5 Co#Ic#*4# • LAB RECEIVING & TESTING CONSTR. MATL SAMPLES b.Q,sS • GONTRACT NO. INSVN.cludes DATE CATIONS OF. WORK INSPECTED, TEST SAMPLES TAKEN, WORK REJECTED, JOB PROBLEMS, PROGRESS, REMARKS, ETC. information about- amounts of material placed or work 'performed; number, type, and identity numbers of test samples [Itpoken;,structural connections (welds made, h.t. bolts torqued ) checked.; etc. , L,. liv yfq' .d ,4 S b,c ol' C. c-'I ,al=4rge xe- 041 CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICA- TIONS, & APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE AGENCY REQUIREMENTS SIGNATURE OF REGISTERED INSPECTOR DTE OF"REPdRT REGISTER NUMBER MATERIALS TESTING C Coll ONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ALL REPORTS ARE SU1IflED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS. ALTI}K)RIZA.TION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORTS, a)NCWSICNS, OR FXI'RACTS F1 OR REGARDUG THEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MIIAL P1U1ECtCN 10 CLIENTS, ThE PUBLIC AND aJRSELVES. FORT ,. OF PROJEcr: Tamarack Condominiums ADDRESS: 100 Sequoia, Carlsbad, California a)NTRACIOR: California Builders McHnEcr: Howard Anderson & Associates ENGINEER: Lyons, Warren & Associates CONCRETE TESTS PROJECt' NO: 511 DATE: 2/9/84 LOCATION IN STRUCTURE: Topping Slab, Approx. 30' from North End, 10' from West Wall CX)NCREIE SUPPLIER: Pre-Mixed Concrete PUNt' NO: Carlsbad TICKET ND: 032702 X NO: 50-6000 TYPE OF (EHE1t': II AIMDCIURE: Pozz 344 & Fly Ash SUM - IN.: 4" CONCRETE TEMP: A1R1Er1P: 1IXING TIL'€ - NS: 85 WATER ADDED: SPECI.MENS MADE BY: Ray Begin DATE MADE: 2/1/84 DATE. RECEIVED AT LAB: 2/2/84 FIELD IDENTIFICATION: LAB IDENTIFICATION: 1696 1697 1698 Ag- DAYS: 7 28 HOLD DAlE TESTED: 2/8/84 2/29/84 SIZE - IN.: 6x12 6x12 AREA - SQ. IN.: 28.27 28.27 CRUSHING LOAD - LBS.: 85000 139500 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH - psi: 3007 4935 H/D: OURRECTION FACTOR: CORRECTED Si' NCN - psi: SPECIFIED St'RE1GN - psi: 4000 Respectfully Submitted: CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES 1L/72 HIT9 RCE 19976 4891 MERCURY STREET SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 (619) 2I2-9565 TCO1STRUCTIoN LABORATORIES MATERIALS TESTING CONSTRUCTION IN8PECTION ALL REPORTS ARE S1JtIED AS THE a)NFIDE.'rrIAL PROPERlY OF CLIENTS. ALTM)RIZAflON FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORTS, aNcWst0Ns, OR EXRACFS Ft OR REGARDING IH4 IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A I4I1UAL P1U1ECICN 10 CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. REPORT' OF CONCRETE TESTS PROJECr: Tamarack Condominiums PROJECT NO: 511 ADDRESS: 100 Sequoia, Carlsbad, California DAZE: 2/9/84 aXITRACIOR: California Builders McHrTECr: Howard Anderson & Associates ENGINEER: Lyons, Warren & Associates LOCATION IN StRLJCflJRE: Topping Slab, Approx. 60' from South End, 20' from West Wall CONCRETE SUPPLIER: Pre-Mixed Concrete PLANT :Carlsbad TICKET NO: 032713 MIX P0: 50-6000 TYPE OF (D€NT: II AI)IIXIURE: Pozz 344 & Fly Ash SUM - IN.: 4-1/2" - CONCRETE P: AIR TEMP: MIXING TL'€ - IINS: 40 WATER ADDED: SPECLMENS MADE BY: Ray Begin DATE t41: 2/1/84 DAlE (€(IVED AT LAB: 2/2/84 FIELD IDENTIFICATION: TAB IDENTIFICATION: 1699 1706 1701 AGE - DAYS: 7 28 HOLD DATE TESTED: 2/8/84 2/29/84 SIZE - IN.: 6x12 6x12 AREA - SQ. IN.: 28.27 28:27 CRUSHING LOAD - LBS.: 83000 144000 at1PRESSIVE STREI11 - psi: 2936 5094 H/D: RRECFI0N FACTOR: DRRECIED STRENCN - psi: SPECIFIED SIGN - psi: 4000 Respectfully Submitted: CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES 41 - 2--141L IthJGLAS HIT9&HAM,RCE 19976 4891 MERCURY STREET SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 (619) 292-95e5 CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES MATERIALS TESTING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ALL REPORTS ARE SLJ&II[1ED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERLY, OF CLIENTS.. ALYflK)RIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORES, OUNCUJSIONS, OR E)CI'RACIS FRQI OR REGA0I1G 111 IS RESERVED PENDDG OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A V1JAL PROIECION 10 CLIENTS, 'DIE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. REPORT 'OF GROUT 1ESTS "S PROJECT: Tamarack Condominiums pj *): 511 ADDRESS: lOO—Sequoiai Carlsbad, California DAlE: 1/23/84 OUNTRACIOR: California Builders ARcHflECr: Howard Anderson & Associates ENGINEER: Lyons, Warren & Associates LOCATION IN STRUCLURE: West Wall of Elevator, Lobby OUNCRE1E SUPPLIER: Escondido Ready Mix PlANT p4): TICKET ): 69370 MIX NO: Design 6 TYPE OFCEMENT: II A1I]XIU1E: POZZ SUJIP - flI.: 8" OUNC1E lP: - A1R1ENP: MDCING TD€ - (INS: WAlER ADDED: SPECIMENS MADE BY: Jack D. Bandy DAlE' t1Z: 1/12/84 DAlE RE(ZIVED AT LAB: 1/13/84 FIELD IDENTIFICATION: LAB IDENTIFICATION: 1223 1224 1225 RE - DAYS: 7 28 HOLD DAlE TESTED: 1/19/84 2/9/84 SIZE - IN.: 3x3x6 3x3x6 ABU - SQ. IN.: 9.0 9.0 RLJSHD LOAD - LBS.: 26500 40000 t1PRESSIVE STRE - psi: 2944 4444 H/D: CORRECTION FACTOR: X3RREC1ED STREGN - psi: SPECIFIED SERENCN - psi: 2000 Respectfully Submitted: CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES DOUGLAS at , IE 19976 4891 MERCURY STREET SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 (elO) 292-9585 CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES MATERIALS TESTING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ALL REPORTS ARE SU(IIED AS THE WNFIDENrIAL PROPERTY OF CUENrs. ALTfl)RIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORTS, a)NCUJSICNS, OR EXTRACTS FRQI OR REGARDING I'H4 IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MIiAL P1IECION 10 CUENL'$, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. REPORT OF GROUT IESTS PRDJECr: Tamarack Condominiums PROJECT NO: 511 ADDRESS: 100 Sequoia, Carlsbad, California DATE: 1/23/84 NrRcma: California Builders MLHIlECt: Howard Anderson & Associates ENGINEER: Lyons, Warren & Associates WCATtON IN STRLJCI'URE: East Wall of Elevator Shaft, 2nd Lift CONCRETE SUPPLIER: Escondido Ready Mix PLANT NO: ITOCET NO: 69367 MIX NO: Design 6 TYPE OF CE€r: II A1WCIURE: POZZ SWIP - IN.: 8" O3NCRE1E 1lP: AIR TEMP: MIXING TIME - MINS: WATER ADDED: SPECIMENS MADE BY: Jack D. Bandy WE MADE: 1/12/84 DAlE RECEIVED AT LAB: 1/13/84 FIElD_IDENflFICATICN: LAB IDENTIFICATION: 1226 1227 1228 - DAYS: 7 28 HOLD DATE IES'IED: 1/19/84 2/9/84 SIZE - IN.: 3x3x6 3x3x6 AREA - SQ. IN.: 9.0 9.0 CRUSHING LOAD - lBS.: 21000 29000 COMPRESSIVE ST9E!IU - psi: 2333 3222 HID: RRECTI0N FACIR: CORRECTED STRENGflI - psi: - SPECIFIED STRENG'N - psi: - 2000 Respectfully Submitted: CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES Raw HI , RCE 19976 4691 MERCURY STREET SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 (619) 292-9565 CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES MATERIALS TESTING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ALL REPORTS ARE SU7ED AS ThE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS. AUM)RIZA11ON FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR. REPORTS, CONCLUSIONS, OR E)CIRACI'S FROM OR REGARDING ThEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MLTIIJAL PllECrIcN 10 CLIENTS, DiE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. REPORT OF MORTAR TESTS PRDJECF: Tamarack Condominiums ADDRESS: 100 Sequoia, Carlsbad, California ax4'rRAcI'OR: California Builders ARCHITECT': Howard Anderson & Associates ENGINEER: Lyons, Warren &. Associates PROJECT! NO: 511 7 4DA1E: 1/10/84 LOCATION IN SrRUCL1JRE: Retaining Wall, Parking Level on Line 1.2 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: Modern Block PLANF ND: TICKET ND: Colton MIX NO: Type S TYPE OF CEMENT: Plastic Ai]fiX11JRE: SUJMP - IN.: CONCRETE 1: AIR TEMP: MIXING TIME - 4INS: . . 441ER ADDED: SPECIMENS MADE BY: Winston L. Coffey DAlE MADE: 12/31/83 DAIE RECEIVED AT JAB:. 1/4/84 FIELD IDENTIFICATION: IM IDENTIFICATION: 1027 .1028 1029 AGE - DAYS: 9 30 HOLD IiE TESTED: 1/9/84 1/30/84 SIZE - IN.: 2x4 2x4 AREA - SQ. IN.: 3.14. 3.14 CRUSHING WAD - LBS.: 5250 8200 COMPRESSIVE SfllEN - psi: 1671 2611 H/D: (X)RRECI0N FACTOR: CORRECTED SrRENcm - psi: SPECIFIED SIRENGN - psi: .1800 E C E I YE D Respectfully Submitted: - ONSTRUCTI N ABORATOR ES FEB 04 194--'<- . / - CITY OF CARLSBAD . -,, Building Department LAS in , iE 19976 4891 MERCURY STREET SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 (619) 292-0585 CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES MATERIALS TESTING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ALL REPORTS ARE SU1I flED AS DIE WNFtDENrIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS. AITIW)RIZATION R)R PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORTS, (DNCWSICNS, OR FXI'RACTS FROM OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERVED PF.NDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MIflhJAL PROTECTION ID CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. REPORT OF MORTAR TESTS PROJECT: Tamarack Condominiums PROJECt NO: 511 ADDRESS: 100 Sequoia, Carlsbad, California DATE: 1/10/84 (DNTRACIOR: California Builders ARcHrIECr: Howard Anderson & Associates ENGINEER: Lyons, Warren & Associates LOCATION IN STRUCTURE: Line H at 2.2 at 10' CONCRETE SUPPLIER: Job Mixed PLANT NO: TIQT NO: Colton MIX NO: Type S TYPE OF CEMENT: plastic SUJMP - 114.: CONCRETE 'IMP: . AIR MT:- 800 MIXING ThME - MINS: 15 WAiER ADDED: SPECIMENS MADE BY: , C. W. Pleines DAZE MADE: 1/3/84 - DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 1/4/84 FIELD tDE'flFICATICN: LAB ID€'mFICATION: 1024 .1025 . 1026 AGE - DAYS: 7 28 HOLD DAlE TESTED: 1/10/84 1/31/84 SIZE - IN.: 2x4 2x4 AREA - SQ. IN.: 3.14 .3.14 CRUSHING WAD - LBS.: 4000 6750 aY'IPRESSIVE STRENGTH - psi: 1274 2150 WD: CORRECTION FACTOR: CORRECTED SI'RENGN - psi: . SPECIFIED StRENGTH - psi: 1800 ECE!yED fEB 04 1984 CITY OF CARLSBAD Building. Department Respectfully Submitted: CONSTRUC ON LAB RATORIES. - I' RCE 19976 4891 MERCURY STREET SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 (619) 292-956 4;. $CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES MATERIALS TESTING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ALL REPORTS AM SU LIED AS THE aNFIDENrIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS. AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORTS, Q)NCWSICNS, OR E)CI'RACTS FROI OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MUI1JAL PROIECION '10 CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. REPORT OF MORTAR 'STS PIJECF: Tamarack Condominiums * PROJECT ): 511 ADDRESS: 100 Sequoia, Carlsbad, California DATE: 12/28/83 (X)NTRACIT)R: California Builders ARCHI1ECT: Howard Anderson & Associates ENGINEER: Lyons, -Warren & Associates LOCATION IN STRLJCIURE: Parking Level Retaining Wall, Line H at 1.9, 1st Lift, 2nd Course CONCRETE SUPPLIER: Sorrento Sand PLANT NO: TICKET NO: MIX P0: Type S 1:2-1/2 TYPE OF CEMENT: Plastic ADMIXTURE.. SIJJMP - IN.: WNCR1E I1P: AIR 1EMP: - - - MIXING TD€ - PuNS: . WATER ADDED: - SPECLMENS MADE BY: Carl Turley DAM WE: 12/16/83 DAM RECEIVED AT LAB: 12/19/83 FIELD IDENTIFICATION: LAB IDENTIFICATION: 6408 6409 6410 AGE - DAYS: 7 28 HOLD V - DATE TESTED: 12/23/83 1/13/84 . SIZE - IN.: 2x4 2x4 AREA - SQ. IN.: 3.14 3.14 . CRUSHING WAD - LBS.: 6400 81907 COMPRESSIVE STRENGN - Psi: 2264 •. "80 H/D: / V CORRECTION FACIDR: . CORRECTED SIRENCI14 - psi: SPECIFIED STRENGTh - psi: 1800 - . e - V jR ceiveO~~'~- - Respectfully Submitted: CONSTRUCT N VABORATORIES It IV If IF^ GV O% . RCE 19976 4891 MERCURY STREET SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92111 (619) 292-9666 0 CONSTRUCTION 011 LABORATORIES MATERIALS TESTING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ALL REPORTS ARE SU1I flED AS ThE CXX4FIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS. ALYI'W)RIZAIICN FOR PUBLLCATICN, OF CUR REPORTS, Q)NCUJSICNS, OR FXRACrS F4 OR REGARDING •IH1 IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITtEN APP1WAL AS A MIJIIJAL PYIEC1ICN TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. REPORT OF MORTAR IESTS PJEcr: Tamarack Condominiums PROJECE NO: 511 ADDRESS: 100 Sequoia, Carlsbad, California I1â1E: 12/28/83 a)ffrRAcmR: California Builders ARCHITECT: Howard Anderson & Associates ENGINEER: Lyons, Warren & Associates LOCATION IN STIWCIURE: Parking Level Retaining Wall, Line 2.4 at A.5, 1st Lift, 1st Course CX)NCRETE SUPPLIER: Sorrento Sand PLANT NO: TICKET NO: MIX NO: Type S 1:2-1/2 TYPE OF (E€1T: Plastic ADMIXTURE: SLUMP - IN.: CONCRETE TEMP: AIR MM: MIXING TD€ - MINS: 10 WATER ADDED: SPECIMENS MADE BY: Carl Turley DAlE MADE: 12/15/83 .DAlE RECEIVED AT LAB: 12/16/83 FIEW InENrIncAaIoN: JAB WENFIFICAflON:. 6387 6388 6389 - DAYS: 7 28 HOLD DAM TESTED: 12/22/83 1/12/84 SIZE -IN.: 2x4 2x4 AREA - SQ. IN.: 3.14 13.14 CRUSHING WAD - IM.: 5750 7 COMPRESSIVE STRENCN - psi: 1831 (DRRECFICN FACtOR: - RRECIED SI'RENGN - psi: SPECIFIED STREN(I - psi: 1800. Respectfully Submitted: CONSTRUCT ON LABORATORIES i:z 19976 4691 MERCURY STREET. SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 (elS) 292-955 CON STRUCTION LABORATORIES MATERIALS TESTING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ALL REPORTS ARE SU&MI [lED AS THE a)NFIDEN1'IAL PROPERTY OF CLIENtS. ALTfl)RIZAIICN FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORTS, WNCWSIONS, OR E)CIRACS FRCII OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITIEN APPROVAL AS A MIJI'UAL P1Y1ECFICN TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. REPORT OF MORTAR JESTS PROJECE: Tamarack Condominiums PRDJEC p7): 511 ADDRESS: 100 Sequoia, Carlsbad, California DATE: 1/3/84 QNERACIOR: California Builders ARcHrIEcr: Howard Anderson & Associates ENGINEER: Lyons, Warren & Associates LOCATION IN 9TRLJCI1JRE: Elevator Shaft, Basement Level, Retaining Wall QJNCREIE SUPPLIER: Modern Block pjr NO: TICKET N): MIX NO: Type S Mortar TYPE OF (E€: Colton/ A[MIXIURE: SUJMP - IN.: Q)NCREIE TEMP: Plastic AIR TEMP: MIXING TIME - MINS: . WATER ADDED: SPECLMENS KADE BY: Winston L. Coffey DATE MADE: 12/20/83 DAM RECEIVED AT LAB: 12/22/83 FIELD IDENFIFICATtCt4: 1.AB IDENTIFICATION: 6465 .6466 6467 AGE - DAYS: 7. . 28 HOLD DATE TESTED: 12/27/83 1/17/84 SIZE - IN.: 2x4 2x4 AREA - SQ. IN.: 3.14 3.14 CRIJSHJIG LOAD - LBS.: 8300 QJMPRESSIVE STRENGTh - psi: 2643 H/D: CX)RRECflCN FACTOR: DRRECIED STRENGtH - psi: SPECIFIED STRENGTh - psi: 1800 - Liza Ft!c.a -'•?' cVP( OF Build, 'De Respectfully Submitted: CONSTRUCTION LABORATORIES RCE 19976 4891 MERCURY STREET SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 (619) 292-9566 I, DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008-1989 (619) 438-5525 Javier Diaz Howard Anderson and Associates 2194 Carmel Valley Road Del Mar, Calif 92014 TAMARACK CONDOS, TAMARACK AND CARLSBAD In response to your letter of May 22, all elements of a Type V-1 Hr 3-story building must be one-hour construction. This is confirmed by Table 17-A, 1979 Uniform Building Code. MARTIN ORENYAK DIRECTOR OF BUILDING AND PLANNING xc: Charlie Rowe, California Builders Howard Anderson & Associates, Architects, A.I.A. 2194 Carmel Valley Road Del Mar, California 92014 May 22, .1984 City of Carlsbad Building. Department 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, California 92008 Attn: Mr.. Carter Darnel Re: Tamarack Condominiums Corner of Tamarack & Carlsbad Boulevard Dear Mr. Darnel: This letter,will confirm our telephone conversation, of today. Wewill use 5/8" type "X" Gypsum Board @ all ceilings, unit party walls and exterior walls. Our drawings call for 5/8" type '1 X" @ interior bearing and non-bearing walls which we will be changing to 1/2 gyp. bd. as it is not required.@ those locations. Please call me right away if there is any problem with these changes. , Thank you. Sincerely, A-9-*1 - Jávier Diaz /mm cc: Charlie Rowe, California Builders (714) 755-1025 (714) 276-8790 Howard Anderson & Associates, Architects, A.I.A. 2194 Carmel Valley Road Del Mar, California 92014 June 6, 1984 Esgil Corporation 9320 Chesapeake Drive Suite 122 San Diego, California 92123 Attn: Mr. Jim Gllshen Re: Tamarack Condominiums (Corner of Tamarack Avenue and Carlsbad Boulevard) Dear Jim: This letter will confirm our telephone conversation yesterday regarding the recreation room. We will change one of the two toilets shown on the drawings into a kitchen and toilet R-2 will remain to be used as a uni- sex toilet. I spoke with Paula Tanner at the San Diego County Health Dept. and their only requirement with respect to the toilets is that they should be provided if the units are further than 300 feet from the recreation room, as we are providing a whirlpool tub. No unit is further than 300 feet from the recreation room, therefore the toilets are not required. As soon as our drawings have been revised to reflect this change, I will review them with the Health Depa'rtment and send copies to you and Carter Darnel at the City of Carlsbad. Sincerely, Javier Diaz /mm cc: Carter Darnel, City of Carlsbad Building Department (714) 755-1025 1 (714) 276-8790 ESGIL CORPORATION u rriitr inc., MUZ-Fri i SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (214) 560-140 77iSe/- Qc4 uLda'ut4 ; . I%kl 1~07 V--V~ M APPLICANT COPY JURISDICTION: DATE___________ PROJECT ADDRESS: TO: 1C91V7 PLAN CORRECTION SHEET 4r~El.~PXIR~~(NO_P_Y~ D PLAN CHECKER COPY Submit fully dimensioned plot plan drawn to scale showing location size, and use of all existing and proposed structures on the lot. Identify property lines and show lot dimensions and all easements. Show location of all cut or fill slopes and approximate finish floor elevations for all structures and show elevations at all corners. Sec. 302(b)7. 5 Indicate distance from center-line of street V or alley to property line and distance from curb to property line. Sec. 302(b)7 fr Plans, specifications and calculations shall I be signed by a California State licensed engineer or architect. (California Business and Professions Code) B. FIRE PROTECTION Walls closer than '3 feet to property lines shall be one-hour fire-rated construction, have no openings, and shall have 30 inch parapets when the building floor area exceeds 1,000 square feet on any floor. (Table 5-A Sec. 1709(a) Citp of Car1bab Ci 4 flivo. L t) 'ex, Plan Check No. Date plans received by jurisdiction" 7'? Date plans received by plan checker50/t5 Date initial plan check completed..A'A/1 by______ FOREWORD: PLEASE READ IF cla- Plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the handicapped. The plan check is based on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The items circled below need clarification, modification or change. All circled items have to be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations./) Per Sec. 303 (c), 1979 Uniform Building Code, 4 the approval of the plans does not permit thee' ' violation of any state, county or city law./Y), -. JI Projections, including eaves, may not extend more than 12 inches into the 3 foot setback from the property line. Sec. 1710 and Sec. 504(b) Projections, including eaves, shall be one- hour fire-resistive construction, heavy timber or of non-combustible material if they project into the 3' setback area from the property line. Sec. 1710 Show location of permanently wired smoke detector. Sec. 1210 C. ROOM SIZES, LIGHT. VENTILATIONS AND GLAZING One room must contain a minimum of 150 square feet of superficial floor area. Sec. 1207(b) Habitable rooms, other than kitchens, shall contain at least 70 square feet of floor area. Sec. 1207(b) Window area must be at least 1/10 of the floor area and a minimum of 10 square feet per Sec. 1207(a). Appears to be deficient in Openable window area must be 1/20 of the floor area and a minimum of 5 square feet. In bathrooms, laundry rooms and similar rooms. Minimum is 1.5 sq.ft. (Sec.1205(a) ) Please make all corrections on the One-half of tracings and submit two new sets of prints, ,"çbe openable and any original plan sets that may have ' " I•S h - . to: Provide mechanical ventilation capable of \3 providing five air changes per hour in , 1 bathrooms, water closet compartments laundr To facilitate rechecking, please identify, ° rooms and similar rooms if required win next to each circled item, the sheet of I y are not provided. Sec. 1205(a) the plans upon which each correction on I this sheet has been made and return this No habitable room, other than a kitchen, check sheet with the revised plans. shall be less than 7'0" in any dimension. .- Indicate on plans the name of the legal Sec. 1207(c) cwner and name of person responsible for ,y. Show that ceiling height for habitable C. the preparation of the plans. Sec. 302(b) rooms is a minimum of 7'6'. Sec. 1207(a) PLANS all required window area must in fr Handrails shall satisfy the following: Provide handrail for stairways over 30" high when serving a single dwelling. \ Title 24, Sec. T25-22(b) Handrail shall be 30" to 34" above the nosing of treads. Sec. 3305(j) c Handrail projecting from a wall shall have a space not less than 1 1/2" between the wall and the handrail: The hand grip portion of handrail shall be not less than 1 1/4" nor more than 36. Specify safety glazing for glazing in hazardous 2" in cross-sectional dimension. locations such as glass doors, glazing Sec. 3305(j) (see attached) adjacent to such doors and glazing adjacent to walking surfaces. Sec. 5406 and tub enclosure Jr- ).l- Every stairway landing shall have a dimension, measured in the direction of travel, at n zin in show cuingwThd) shall be tempered,jc least equal to the stairway width. laminated or approved plastic. -rvi c Sec. 3305(g) Sec. 1711 (f)(g) P Ci.D I1IZ.. A door may open over a stairway landing lt. Sleeping rooms shall have a tndQw or (.4" provided the door, in any position, does / exterior door for emergency exit. 11 not reduce the clear area of the landing, height shall not exceed 44 above the fTho1 in the direction of stairway travel to The window must have an openable area of less than one-half the required width of at least 5.7 square feet with the minimum the stairway. Sec. 3305(g) openable width 20" and the minimum openable height 24". Sec. 1204 34. Eaves and cornices may not project into a required yard more than 2 inches for each foot of yard width if required windows open into the yard. Sec. 1206(6) ,4. A mezzanine is an intermediate floor and may not have a floor area exceeding 33 1/3 percent of the total floor area in the room below, and the mezzanine floor must have a clear height of 7 feet, above and below. and must have 65% of the long side open to the room below. The loft you show does not comply as a mezzanine floor and is. by Building Code definition, a story______________________ D. EXITS, STAIRWAYS, AND RAILINGS 1*1"I1oors above the second story shall have not less than 2 exits. Sec. 3302(a) Required exit doorways shall be not less than 36" in width and not less than 6'-8- in height, and shall be capable of opening at least 90 degrees. Sec. 3303(e) J44' Provide 36" high protective railing for porches, balconies, and open sides of landings. Maximum opening between railings shall be less than 9". Sec. 1716 4ft'( Show how guardrail connection details are / adequate to support 20 pounds per lineal foot at a right angle to the top rail. Table 23-B 47('Provide stairway and landing details. / Sec. 3305(b) & (c) a. Maximum rise 8" and minimum run is 9". 5. Minimum head room is 6-6". C. Minimum width is 30". p- Si¼u '4$,U1S cii.' A-10 ¼. 1v V.ZUr.t •ij .c4.i.1e L4fl'.w)t tCVIiJ.i,iju "VA iV) cxrczci -"d' •s i- f_\ -,-..---..--.--.-- ----.----....-------.-----..--.-.-.--.- 3 Show ceiling height for laundry room -.- 7 hallways, corridors, and bathrooms is a minimum of 70°. Sec. 1207(a) Sn'*d- V. Provide 30 clear width for water closet / compartments and 24" clearance in front of water closet. Sec. 1711(b) 3fr No cooking room shall be used for sleeping I' purposes, unless complying as an efficiency living unit. Sec. 1208 A door may open inward at the top step of f' a stairway provided the top step is not more than 7 1/2" lower than the floor level. Sec. 3303(i)2 )fr(Provide details of winding stairway. Minimum tread is 6 inches at any point and minimum 9 inches at a point 12 inches from the side of the stairway. Maximum rise is 9 inches. Minimum width is 30 inches. Sec. 3305(6) (see attached) t'Provide spiral stairway details: Minimum run is 7 1/2 inches at a point from where the tread is the narrowest. Maximum rise is 9 1/2 inches. Minimum headroom is 6 feet 6 inches. Sec. 3305(f) (see attached) Spiral stairways may not be used for required 7 exits when the area served is greater than 400 sq. ft. Sec. 3305(f) 54"Spiral stairways must have a clear walking ,7 space of 26 inches between the column and handrail. Sec. 3305(f) 5/ Provide X.C.8.O. Reasearch Report and Number / for metal stairway, or submit plans and calculations and approved fabricator registered with the Building Department or note that the stairway fabrication shall be done under special inspection per the approved fabrication plans. Sec. 306(a)48 and Sec. 306(f) In buildings over 2 stories in height, provide a' 3/4 hour fire-rated assemblies for all openings in the exterior wall below or within 10 feet horizontally of an exterior stair- way. An exit balcony with 2 separated stairways is exempt. Sec. 3305 Exterior stairways shall not project into the 3 foot setback from the property lines. Sec. 3305(n) fr('rhe walls and soffits of the enclosed usable ';pace under interior stairs shall be protected on the enclosed side as required for one-hour 2 ire-resistive construction. Sec. 3305(m) Minimum construction specifications shall ' be made a part of the approved plans. (See attached) E. ROOFING ,,2d'Specify roof pitch. ,JRoof pitch is not adequate for roof type specified. Specify minimum pitch of__________ pz(Shew I 3/8" solid core self-closing door for openings between garage and dwelling. Sec. 503(d) )nI. Garages are not permitted to open into a room used for sleeping purposes. Sec. 1104 Openings between carport and residence require self-closing doors and stationary windows. Sec. 1214 Show garage framing section, size of header over garage opening, lateral cross bracing at plate line and method of bracing garage front. Chapter 23 NOTE: Minimum plywood diaphragm ratio is 3 1/2 to 1 or 2'8". Table 24-I 72 Specify roof material and applicatfol I'4X • ,J Specify I.C.B.O. approval number for of. J 1 )g materials not covered in USC. )4 Specify roof slope for drainage or desig OC4W& to support accumulated water. Sec. 3207( Show roof drains and overflows. Sec. 3207 ) Provide skylight details to show compliance with Sections 3401 and 5207 or provide ICBO approval number. ,)'Provide plastic roof panel details to show compliance with Section 5206 or provide }CBO number. )4 ihow attic ventilation. Minimum vent area s 1/150 of attic area or 1/300 of attice area if at least 501 of the required vent is at least 3 feet above ceiling joists. Sec. 3205(c) Doors between dwellings and attached garages may swing in either direction provided the difference in floor elevation between he dwelling and garage does not exceed '7 1/2 inches and provided the door is not used as the primary means of egress from the building. If the difference in floor elevation exceeds 7 1/2 inches, or if the door is used as the primary means of egress from the building, additional steps or landing must be provided in accordance with stairway requirements, and the door must not swing over the depressed level. (see 3303(i)2 and 3305 (g). l9(. Provide 18" raised platforms for any FAU, water heater, or any other device which may generate a flame or spark. Note that continuous fire wall protection shall be installed behind raised platform(s) prior to framing platform. MASONRY 85 Provide fireplace construction details or note construction to be per attached fireplace standard drawing. Sec. 3707 Show veneer support and connections comply with Sec. 3002, 4,5,6, and Sec. 2516(a) regarding ties and #9 wire in horizontal joints or note construction to be per attached sheets 30-1 or 30-2. AS. Show height and construction details of all masonry walls. Chapter 24 89. Note that cleanout openings shall be-provided at the bottom of all cells to be grout filled over 4' in a single pour. Cleanout shall be sealed before grouting, after inspection. Sec. 2415 91. Show floor and roof connections to masonry walls. Connection shall resist 200 pounds per lineal foot or the actual design load, whichever is greater. Sec. 2310 42. Provide material specifications for mortar, grout, masonry and reinforcing steel. Sec. 2403 3. Show how masonry house walls retaining earth are to be waterproofed. Provide detail. "4 Note that special inspection of the masonry will be required for_______________________ GARAGE AND CARPORTS ),&O.Garage requires one-hour fire protection on the garage side of walls and ceilings common to the dwelling. Table 5-8 Sec.503(b) ).e(.All elements supporting floor above garage to have one-hour fire-resistive protection on the garage side. Sec. 503. Beams and posts, not within the wall or ceiling con- struction, must comply with USC. Table 43-A, or be minimum 6" dimension beam and minimum 8" by 8' post. B. FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS 9. Note on plans that"A soils engineer shall / evaluate any unanticipated uncompacted fill or expansive soil or other soil problems disclosed during construction". Sec.306(a)12. l2'0 . Submit soils classification determination ( by a licensed engineer or architect based on observation, tests, borings, or excavations, and containing comments on the degree of expansiveness, compressibility and bearing /value. Sec. 2905 )zl. Note on the plan the soils classification, whether or not the soil is expansive, and note the allowable bearing value. Sec. 2905 The foundation plan does not comply with the soil report recommendation for this project______________________________________ 1?.4'. Provide motes on the foundation plan listing . the soils report recommendations for foundations. slab and building pad preparation. 12 . Mote on the foundation plan that "Prior to the Contractor requesting a Building Department foundation inspection, the soils engineer shall advise the Building Official in writing that: I. the building pad was prepared in accor- dance with the soils report: the utility trenches have been properly backfilled and compacted, and: the foundation excavations, forming and reinforcement comply with the soils / report and approved plan." Provide spread footings for concentrated loads designed for 1,000 PSP soil bearing or per bearing value as determined by an engineer or architect. Chapter 29 -__s_ - _••.4 Q M4 lD Th em CAe lCk.4 t -4c. - J,/6. Show height of all foundation walls. Chapter 23 1?. Show height of retained earth on all foundation I walls. Chapter 23 12. Show distance of foundation to edge of cut or fill slopes and show steepness and heights of cuts and fills. Chapter 29 Note on plans that wood shall be 6" above / finish grade. Sec. 2417(c) 7. l3Ø. Note on plans that surface water will drain / away from building and show drainage pattern / and key elevations. Sec. 2905(f) Dimension foundation per Table 29A. TABLE NO. 29.A-FOUNDATIONS FOR STUD BEARING. WALLS-MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS DEPTH OF FOUNDATION WIDTH THICKNESS BELOW NUMBER THICKNESS OF OF OF NATURAL OF FOUNDATION WALl. FOOTING FOOTING SURFACE STORIES (llaMa) (inches) (lieS..) OF GROUND AND FINISH CONCRETE UNIT MASONRY GRADE (haSh) 1 6 6 12 6 12 2 8 8 15 7 18 3 10 10 18 8 24 'VOTES: Where unusual conditions or frost conditions are found. footings and foundations shall be as required in Section 29071a). The ground under the Boor may be excavated to the elevation of the top of the footing. Note cross bridging or blocking. Floor joists and rafters more than 12" in depth and spanning more than 8 feet shall be supported laterally by bridging at intervals not exceeding 8 feet. Sec. 2506(g) lfri. Show blocking at ends and at supports 7 of floor joists, and for rafters at exterior walls. Sec. 2506(g) Show solid blocking at ridge line and at exterior walls on trussed roofs. Sec. 2506(9) 1fr5. Show double joists. Floor joists shall f be doubled under bearing partitions running parallel with the joists. Sec. 2518(d) 5 Show rafter ties. Rafter ties shall be spaced not more than 4 feet on center where rafters and ceiling joists are not parallel. Sec. 2518(h) i7. Show rafter purlin braces to be not less than 45 degrees to the horizontal. Sec. 2518(h) iØ. Show 1/2" minimum clearance between top ,f plate of interior partitions and bottom chord of trusses. (To ensure loading will be as designed.) W/9. Show double top plate with minimum 48" lap splice. Sec. 2518(g)4 1,7. Show nailing will be in compliance with Table 25-P. Provide fire stops between stories, between top story and roof space, at ceilings and floor levels in interior and exterior walls, in mansard roof or eyebrow so no concealed or furred space is greater than 10' horizontally or vertically, between stair stringers at top and bottom and between studs along and in line with stair run adjoining stud walls and partitions, at perimeter of sliding door pockets, ) between chimney and wood frame using metal or incombustibles for the fire stop and at other places that could afford passage of flame. Sec. 2517(f) lJ2'. Show stud size and spacing. Maximum allow- able stud heights: 2"x4"@ 16" is 14'; 3"x4"62"x6"@ 16"o.c. is 20'. Sec. 2518(g)2 Note an A.I.T.C. Certificate of Compliance for glued laminated wood members shall be given to the Building Inspector prior to erection. Sec. 306(f) Detail all post to beam and post to footing connections. Sec. 2517(c) 4 Specify nail size and spacing for all shear walls, floor and roof diaphragms. Indicate required blocking. Maintain maximum diaphragm dimension ratios. (Tables 1,3,1(). j42Show foundation sills to be pressure treated, or equal. Sec. 2517(c) 3. 133 Show foundation bolt size and spacinj. I5LPV&_A0 , Sec. 2907(e) k \ 13 . Specify size, IC80 number and manufacturer of power driven pins. Show edge and distance and spacing. Sec. 306(f) I - 13 Show size, imbednsent and location of hold down anchors on foundation plan. Sec. 2312(f) lj 13 . Note on plan that hold down anchors must (). be tied in place prior to foundation inspection. Sec. 2312(1) Show adequate footings under all shear - walls. Sec. 2311(e) 46. Show stepped footings for slopes steeper f than 1:10. Sec. 2907(c) Show minimum 18" clearance from grade to bottom of floor joists and minimum 12" clearance to bottom of girders. Sec. 2517 1,4'O. Show pier size, spacing and depth into Show 3"x4" or 2'x6" studs in first story , undisturbed soil. Table 29-A of three story building. Sec. 2518(f) Show minimum under floor access of 18"x 24". . Provide truss details and truss calculations. Sec. 2517 Provide roof framing plan. Sec. 302(a)7 >4.---' Showminimum under floor ventilation equal to 1 1/2 sq. ft. for each 25 lineal feet ,3J4 Provide framing sections through_____________ of exterior foundation with openings as close to corners as practicable to provide cross ventilation on at least two approximate- Section 302(a) 7 ly opposite sides. Sec. 2517 Specify all header sizes for opening over I. FRAMING 4' wide. Sec. 2518(g) 7 Provide calculations Show all joists, rafters, beams, and posts P.l ______________________ icr "U2" to 4" thick to be No. 2 Grade Douglas Fir-Larch or better. All posts and beams Stren32TT7 - 5" and thicker shall be No. 1 Grade Douglas In areas subject to water splash and in LG1. Fir-Larch or better. (Table 25-A-1) Show wail bracing. Every exterior wood exterior locations, wood columns and posts shall be supported by piers projecting stud wail and main cross partition shall at least 2' above the finished grade and e braced at each end and at least every shall bear on a metal base plate or treated 25 feet of length with 1x4 diagonal wood unless the columns or posts are foun- let-in brace or equivalent. Sec. 2518(g)S dation grade redwood or cedar. Sec. 2517(c)4 Show location of attic access with minimum Show access to the attic or under floor size 22° x 30". Sec. 3205 furnace to be minimum 30 inches by 30 Show draft separation for attic areas inches. Sec. 708 & 709 (iNC in excess of 3,000 sg.ft. Sec. 3205 3p41 Note that passageway to the attic furnace Show draft separation. for space between shall be unobstructed and have continuous dropped ceilings and floor above in excess solid flooring not less than 24 inches wide. Sec 708 UMC of 1.000 sq.ft. Sec. 2517 186. Specify plywood grade and panel indenti- J4. Show permanent electrical outlet and lighting fixture controlled by a switch fication index. Table 25-J for the attic furnace. Sec. 708 UMC )4. When roof pitch is less than 3:12, design 3)!'. Show details to comply with Section qog ridge as a beam. Sec. 2518 (H for furnace under the floor, Section 708 for attic furnace, or Section 710 for Wood shear walls shall not be used to roof or outside furnace. resist horizontal forces contributed by 21 Note on plan, gas vents and non-combustible masonry in buildings over one story in piping passing through three floors or height. Sec. 2516(b) . less shall be effectively draft stopped Gypsum lath and plaster, gypsum sheathing ' at each floor or ceiling. USC Sec. 1706(a)6 board and gypsum wallboard shall not be used in vertical diaphragms to resist .ELECTRICAL (National Electrical Code) forces imposed by masonry or concrete All wiring shall comply with the National Electrical construction. Table 47-I Code. _---------.. 190. If cripple wall studs are less than 14°, , Ji?. on the plan thamperageøfelecti\ i4 framing shall be solid blocking. Sec.2518(g)6 service, *t.i c...Q uu installation s more )frt. Cripple wall studs exceeding 4 feet in 321. If the electr, height shall be 3 inch by 4 inch or 2 an 200 amperes, show panel location inches by 6 inches when supporting 2 stories, and provide a single line diagram and Sec. 2518(g)6 load calculations including: 1)2. Show plywood sheathing over exposed eaves, a. Wiring method employed. b. Sizes of all conductors, switches, or other weather exposed areas, is exterior circuit breakers, fuses, and conduits. grade. Sec. 2517(g) 3 c. Approximate length of service feeders. Show a weep screed at the foundation plate d. Provide plot plan showing services, line on all exterior stud walls to be all panel locations, circuit arrangement stuccoed. Sec. 4706(e) and load distribution on panel busses. 4. Provide an approved waterproof building e. Provide typical panel schedule(s). paper under wood siding. Sec. 1701(a) )23'. Dwellings require minimum 100 amp service. Specify an approved flashing for exterior ).l( Show location of all electrical receptacles. openings and parapet walls. Sec. 3208 , }s Electrical receptacle locations and/or , 6. Show corridor width to be minimum 36". spacing is not adequate Sec. 3304(b) Specify truss layout for 30" x 30" attic 226. At least one receptacle shall be installed access, outdoors, in basements and attached garages. y4 Ridges, hips, and valleys shall be at other than laundry outlets. Art. 210-25(b) least one size larger than supported 227 Show minimum dwellin li htn 26(a) and inge,bths / rafters. Sec. 2518(h) 3 and rafters. 228 Note "UFER" ground to be provided (NEC). Provide metal straps across ridge beam NEC J. MECHANICAL Art. 250-81 All heating, ventilating, and cooling systems and appliances shall comply with the Uniform Mechanical Code. )9.O. Show the size, location and type of all L. PLUMBING (Uniform Plumbing Code) - heating and cooling appliances or systems. All plumbing shall comply with the Uniform )D1. Show source of combustion air for furnace Plumbing Code. will comply with Chaper 6, U.M.C. )36. Show water heater size, type and location on plans. , Every dwelling unit shall be provided with heating facilities capable of maintain- 1)a1Show method of providing combustion air ing a room temperature of 70° F. at 3 to fuel burning water heater. Sec. 1307 feet above the floor in all habitable Fuel combustion water heater shall not be rooms. Show basis for compliance. UBC installed in bath or bedroom or in a closet Sec. 1211 opening into bath or bedroom. Sec. 1309 7 Show minimum 30" deep unobstructed working Provide adequate barrier to protect water space in front of furnace. heater from vehicle damage. Sec. 13'10 Show T and P valve on water heater and turers listing. Sec. 704 UMC Note on plans,clearances to be per manufac- D . Sec. 1007(e) show route of discharge line to exterior 305. Furnace shall not be installed under any Provide dryer vent to outside. stairway. Sec. 704 UMC ) Furnace shall not be installed in any Sec. 1903 bedroom, bathroom, closet, or in confined Note on the plan that hose bibbs and lawn space with access only through such room, sprinkler systems shall have approved unless specified as direct vent appliance, backf low prevention devices. Sec. 1003 enclosed furnace or electric heating appliance: Sec. 704 UMC 4. Shower stall shall accomodate a 30"circle and have a minimum floor area of 900 sq.in. Show IC3O approval for prefab fireplace UPC 909(d) and provide approved installation instructions at job site. % CiP l\ N. NOISE INSULATION (DUPLEXES) I'w i )${Outdoor pools with fossil fuel heaters I3. Show details of duplex common (party) walls I require pool covers as well as other energy and floor/ceiling assemblies to achieve saving devices such as time clocks, etc. a Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating // T20-1406 in walls of 50 decibles and an Impact MISCELLANEOUS Insulation Class (tIC) rating on floor/ ceiling of 50 decibles. Title 25 301 between planter and building walls. Show a minimum 2" air space and flashing Show how penetration of assemblies for Sec. 2517(e) piping, electrical devices, recessed cabinets, bathtubs, soffits, or heating ventilating, . Specify material to be used under the or exhaust ducts shall be sealed, lined, shower tile. Sec. 1707(a) or insulated to maintain requir$ sound transmission rating. Title 25 Specify lath and plaster to comply with Chapter 47, USC. Provide insulation in walls and ceiling Two to achieve STC of 50 between garage and from water heater location to convenient 3/4" copper pipes must be installed living area if garage use is not controlled location of future solar panels (City Ord.) by resident Title 25. N. ENERGY CONSERVATION 271. All additions to existing residential f buildings must comply with Title 24 energy regulations. Additions exceeding 301 of the existing building requires the existing and addition to have R-19 ceiling insulation if the existing ceiling area is accessible for insulation installation (T20-1401(c) 27 . Specify the insulation R valves for walls, 'roof and ceiling. (R-11 for walls: R-19 92 J'for ceilings, or provide details and analysis for alternate design. T20-1403 Table A 4 23. 27 . Specify the gross floor area or heatedk' portions of the dwelling, and the area of glazed openings on the plan. (T20-1430) 2)4' Provide an analysis justifying increasing i' the single glazed area beyond 16% of the gross floor area. Show method to reduce heat loss to that which would occur with basic glazing. (T20-1402,def.) Provide energy analysis to show that the I bonnet capacity of the gas central furnace does not exceed the building design heat loss by more than 30%. (Exceptions: 48.000 BTU Mr. output furnace. See also California Efficiency Adjustment.) T24-1404 27 . Note on plan that all tranverse ducts, plenums, and fitting joints of HVAC system shall he sealed with pressure sensitive tape or mastic to prevent air loss. T20-1404 7 . Note on plan that insulation of ducts shall conform to UMC Section 1005. (T20-1404) Note on plan that all doors and windows / to the exterior or to unconditioned areas shall be fully weather striped per ANSI Standard. (T20-1403). Note on plan that back draft dampers are required on all fan systems exhausting / air from the building. T20-1403 22 Electrical resistance space heating shall f not be used unless: 601 of heating/cooling is supplied by a nondepletable source. supplements a heat pump system. C. less than 10% of total heating system. d. life cycle cost analysis justifies. T20-1404 8 . Note on plan that all heating and cooling equipment efficiencies shall conform to Title 20-Chapter 2, Subchapter 4, Article 4. (75% for forced air furnaces). 8 . Note on plan that no natural gas, central heating plant may be installed without an Intermittent Ignition Device. T20-1405 2p1'. Electric resistance water heating is not I' permitted unless verfied as cost effective by a life cycle cost analysis. T20-1406 15. Provide sleeves (roof jacks) in roof for ." two future 3/4" copper pipes to cunvenient location of future solar panels (City Ord.) 0 • Note that solar water piping is to be insulated in areas that are not heated or cooled. (City Ord.) See attachment for roofing requirements. i tiZ. wciks CAA -cv+nQGJ.- Cfe.43 TU oC -14,t-% vLo (4t ,uc.-r K3DTC- Atioa5 l- -"— • c.'.jcei I Ca S.4 c w f'o e- "°- CAA 'U 's-• j, *.. V)C ' I. S Vt kX4kc, . 43)(ecb4c..k4). S%,o,.& t cJo 4. SCC N The plans were reviewed based on the information shown on the plans. If the plans are in error, or changed during construction, the permittee shall contact the Building Department for review and prior approval before proceeding with the work: 0 Building plans are substantially correct and complete. By: Date: 0 Building plans would be substantially correct and complete if minor corrections are made at counter. By: Date: Building plans require major corrections and complete plan recheck, by plan check engi e is requ ed. By: Date:___________________________________ If you have any questions regarding this plan check, please call a(1(4)c(oI4& We would also be pleased to meet with you, at no charge, if additional assistance is needed. -CSC2L—, - - PLAN (til:(K No.— OWNER DATE PFC'[) - DATE CHECKED CHECKED BY z77"kl WON PRO rANW1~07 is Wma IPWM ___ - k1 - r - ION 0 - a - 44 - MWOM L A A OR___, _m_4 ~Wmmvjffl • a"M - - a - - - I - - Datei Jurisdiction________________ Prepa VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE PLAN CHECK NO. _S2A-. BUILDING ADDRESS Bldg. Dept. 0 APPLICANT/CONTACT 29J49 hkim- BUILDING OCCUPANCY ""Y -, j. / TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION V_1, PHONE NO. 9/11c S29) DESIGNER PHONE___________ CONTRACTOR PHONE___________ 1 /1f BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION MULTIPLIER VALUE Ap2 fly Air Conditioning Commercial Residential Fire Sprinklers Total Value ------------ - Building Permit Fee q'g Plan Check Fee CO!1TS * -1 • - ;•' 3. !! I L— DJQflj5i ®Fwf rLAN ' ft'. '-0" LroIy/. F(51ki r\ b1° FLK PLAN 110111 '\jft.F1tAN '• III. • ' Chimney Shafts-B fiillU1fli DEPARINENI BUIJ4)LNG ADDRESS: A.P.N:Os-.-/—D/ .'3 T: PAM, 11116 LONE: SCHOOL FEES: SAN DIEGUITO SAN MARCOS_______ tcINI'rAs CARLSBAD I NITS REQ'D: -- PROVIDED: % COVERAGE ALLOWED: •PROVIDED: PARKING SPACES REQ'D: PROVIDED: j BUiLI)ING 1EEIGHTREQ'D:_ PROVIDED: FRONT._SETBACK SIDE SETBACK REARSETBACK V• £%U .1 ----- INTRUSIONS: LB.-DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL REQ'D:___________ lANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION PLAN COMMENTS: A A - RONMENTAL PROTECTION REQ: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: OK TO ISSUE: DATE: INFER I N( flEPARTMENTJM..f.4n OK TO FINAL: 'I _&tJO•• 1:b MM' -- DATE: I PUBLIC FACILITIES FEB:_ - . SEWER CONNECTION: DRIVEWAY LOCATION(S): _OKA6_L-IsjI._Oi)_ GRADING PERMIT:_ _ji T. /€3 EASEMENTS: c DRAINAGE : LGAL DESCRIPTION:Jt'8j-4 Eo. IJXI ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: *CiJECK IF ENV .- G INSPE I INTIC REQ'D. ON FINAL: ox To ISSUE:DATE: %lB1 OK TO FINAL: I * • •..* * IF TI-ITS ITEM IS NOT CHECKED, BUILDING DI1PARTMENT WILL MAKE FINAL-INSPECTION. 110 BUILDING ADDRESS: A. P. N:________ .T: Z L.....( K7 PIANItII:LG_DEP'ARThEfl \ ;ON13: SCHOOL\FEES: SAN DIEGUITO________ CINITAS CARL ~NI \1 jTSREQ'D:..L_. - \ ' PROVIDED: % COVERAGEALLOWED: .PROVIDED:__ J PAiK1NG SPACES REQ'D: .\ PROVIDED: I f BUILDING ItEIGHTREQ'D:;_ \ PROVIDED: FRON?'._SETBACK \ SIDESETBACK WED: rtTI V Y .L • ' I-NDSCAPE TRIJSIONS: \ DEVELOPMENTAFPP.OVAL & IRRIGATION PLAN COMMEN '5: A_I SAN S . SETBACK :IRONMENT4L PROTECTION REQ: ADDITIONAL COMMEN71S:1&, __,L4c4t4 0 V _r.4 .J_&LQg. OK TO ISSUE: DATE: OK T F NAL: DATE:_______ * GINEE iUEEARThU1T//1i..f o I R.O.W: IMPROVEMENTS: _- O IA j M • PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE:' SE ER CONNECTION: - - DRIVEWAY LOCATION(S): GRADING PERMIT:_ 1lJe3 EASEMENTS: RAINAGE K- :L-GAL DESCRIPTION:_ T ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: • - OK TO ISSUE: DA SOS -.21Wk OK TO FINAL Y : * IF' THIS ITEM IS NOT CHECKED, BUILDING J)I3PARTMENT WILL MAKE FINAL. INSPECTION. State of California, Edmund G. Brown Jr., Governor California Coastal Commission COASTAL LEVELOPIVENT PEWIT NO, 6-82-007 San Diego District 6154 Mission Gorge Road, Suite 220 Page 1 Of San Diego, California 92120 (714) 280.6992 ATSS 636-5868 On February 16,1982 , The California Coastal Commission granted to American West Development Company this permit for the development described below, subject to the attached Standard and Special conditions. Description: Demolition of existing single family residence. Construction of a 19-unit, 27,620 sq.ft., 3-story condominium structure over a 40-car subterranean parking garage. Street improvements will be made on the three adjacent streets. Grading includes 7,000 cu. yds. cut and export. Lot area Building coverage Pavement coverage Landscape coverage Parking spaces Zoning Plan designation Project density Ht abv fin grade 35,300 sq.ft. 12,300 sq.ft. (35%) 9,200 sq.ft.(26%) 13,800 sq.ft. (39%) 50 RDM Cert. LUP RH 20-30 dua 23 dua 35 feet Site: East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Sequoia Avenues; Carlsbad, San Diego County. P,PN 206-011-01, 02, 03, 04, 05 & 20 Issued on behalf of the California Coastal Coni II !PP_Q!TMiT THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID UNLESS AND WThL A COPY OF THE PERMIT WITH THE SIGNED ACKNOWLEDGEMENT HAS BEEN RE- TURNED TO THE COMiISSION OFFICE. RECEIVED Executive Director and MW A / I •-r"• ,, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT JUN 16 1982 The undersigned permittee acknowledges receipt of this permit and agrees to abide by all terms and conditions thereof. Date Signature of Permittee 5/81 cOI'TAL tEVELOP1"ENT PERMIT NO, 6-82-007 Page 2 of STANDARDCONDITIONS: NoticeofReceiptandAcknowledgement. The permit is not valid and development shall not commence until a.copy of the permit, signed by the permittee or authorized agent, acknowledging receipt of the permit and acceptance of the terms and conditions, is returned to the Commission office. Expiration. If development has not commenced, the permit will expire two years from the date on which the Commission voted on the application. Development shall be pursued ma diligent manner and completed in a reasonable period of time. Application for extension of the permit must be made prior to the expiration date. Compliance. All development must occur in strict compliance with the proposal as set forth below. Any deviation from the approved plans must be reviewed and approved by the staff and may require-Commission-approval. Interpretation. Any questions of intent or interpretation of any condition will be resolved by the Executive Director or the Commission. Inspections. The Commission staff shall be allowed to inspect, the site and the development during construction, subject to 24-hour advance notice. Assignment. The permit may be assigned to any qualified person, provided assignee files with the Commission an affidavit accepting all terms and conditions of the permit. Terms and Conditions Run with the Land:' These terms and conditions shall be perpetual, and it is the intention of the Commission and the permittee to bind all future owners and possessors of the subject property to the terms and conditions. SPECIALCONDITIONS: 1. Prior to transmittal of the coastal development permit, the applicant shall submit to the District Director a letter from the City of Carlsbad Planning Department verifying that the density of the project does not exceed 23.7 dwelling units per acre based on the acreage for the project site that the City allows for determining density. ; State of California, Edmund G. Brown Jr., Governor California Coastal Commission San Diego District 6154 Mission Gorge Road, Suite 220 San Diego, California 92120 (714) 280-6992 ATSS 636-5868 AMENDMENT TO PERMIT Date: June 14;'1982 Permit Number 6-82-007 issued to nerican West Development Co. has been amended to include the following change:Elimination of one unit to allow a total of 18 residential units, resulting in a total density of 26.4. dwelling units per acre which is consistent with the certified LCP for the City of Carlsbad. This amendment was determined by the Executive Director to be immaterial, was duly noticed, 'and no objections were received. This amendment will become effective upon return of a signed copy of this form to the District office. Please note that the remaining conditions are still in eUect. Sincerely, Michael L. Fischer_ Executive Director Paul B. Webb I have read and understand the above amendment and agree to be bound by its conditions and the remaining conditions of permit number Date__- -. Signature 6/82 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR PRECAST PRESTRESSED MEMBERS K V Lcx. ~~ 110k N 9A±. #12592 / OF Mt DATE: _1 71 II &'' Spancrete Job Ib2- 19 MO DAY YEAR Total Pages 1' 2-;Qi1 ar is '1, I -- .---1 .i 75 -I I . - - - - - - -- -. .41 cr Tj tj _ SPANCRETE OF 1 CALIFORNIA 3131 STREET IRWINDALE, CALIFORNIA 91706 P0 TELEPHONE 12131 962-8751 1 u.iy R.r-1. 1DI.,V ICIClIL ay. LATl1_5e • , S-35 Pr-::,R -'%-IL1 0I,fr1 K we., kJ #1 R..U-11NJ ; 1R18,. U11D =2 19i0pa 4 2cI)e,L , I - 4 bc') + ga 4ie# 24'14.4' ,d x. ie.i 2-1 a 4241 I- e,+4 .II 0'I-4 ' D. I i -i + e 2 49 K1 Z5-5-35 40 I3 + 4i I10 .3/e PEK ..I', , = II II -24.13 I2 13131 LOS ANGELES STREET IRWINDALE, CALIFORNIA 91706 1 Joe N0 I Ms.R.r-i. •10WN.5Y [CICD.IY I DATI 1- . , 10 I 5-35 SE_,&...h1 I6kJ 01 00 r-ryt 1 A e.21 k 417 Lentk. , TFtlel.R-(I-4xI)e 42' L,. L,. -J= I.4- 4.I .c'4-. r1 = I'•ø Lo-4 .81 K,, 1 OF CALIFORNIA 131 f-I 31 LOS ANGELES STREET IRWI I Jllft I NDALE, CALIFORNIA 91706 O TELEPHONE 12131 962-8751 1 Joe 160 1DU8.IY Ri -OWN. By- 1CK0.$Y 1-'- , )O S-35 PUJ.HIk.L P- 7.L.= fl.( Il.(,x I.41I.-4a so 71k1 'F 1H -r L.P. Ti4 4.8 4or tw o c,i-orie.s OOJL 4O-j. (5 ,9A -,-46a (fZee1c..e. L..L.. I3Y 4O7) - - I . I 41 10 I1.(-P't Llt'-4 L.7 RRi.[ R,tr-i -lz OF CALIFORNIA 13131 LOS ANGELES STREET IRWINDALE, CALIFORNIA 91706 TELEPHONE 12131 962.8751 JOB No I sos. gy R . ri. sww. CkD. BY I S-35 PL,,A+.JK N41RI4- IA 0,00 4 Z4-. -i,#43.b3 IO2-.I 401, 1 &990 - 3.3Z 4&O. I X r-1 411 COg ,lI..Co4 1.:: 4t04.%t. t44= lt'4 3131 (iz ' I, 4j0Z. (P eAmce'*t%L. Sfb% B 4 L PL -N. ...Jcutd I OF CALIFORNIA 13131 LOS ANGELES STREET IRWINDALE, CALIFORNIA 91706 TELEPHONE 12131 962.8751 Joe M_ DUS.IT IDwN.IY 1CICD.SY LATE SHY. OP 5-35 (Th TFiR FT! FC:< CJC:C DATE 7/6/::2 RM :; F 6=1 104 C: F: E -r **INPUT DATA** SUPERIMPOSED LOAD DESIGN SPAN FIRE COVER DEPTH OF SPAN.CRETE TOPPING THICKNESS EFFECTIVE WORKING FORCE F'C. TOPPING= 4000 PSI A= 304 LBS/SQ FT E:= 27.33 FEET C= 2 INCHES D= 10 INCHES T3= . INCHES tl= 157 32 KIPS F'C: SPANCRETE= 4000 PSI - L SP- H cnoL..1' <wfqQFRE0 FF:IOF: T0 rDFFI-U3 *::+:flIjTpIjT DATA*: BASED ON UNIFORM LOADING ) SPANCRETE.. LOAD PER FOOT SPANf.RETE.. MOMENT SPANCRETE.. ULTIMATE MOMENT TOPPING ,LORD PER FOOT TOPP I i MOMENT TOPPING.. ULTIMATE MOMENT SUPERIMPOSED LOAD SUPERIMPOSED LOAD MOMENT SUPERIMPOSED LOAD ULTIMATE MOMENT TOTAL ULTIMATE MOMENT WORKING F'JF:C:E ECCENTRICITY STRESS IN TOPPING STRESS. IN TOP OF SLAB STRESS IN BOTTOM OF SLAB., ULTIMATE FORCE DEPTH OF STRAND., ULTIMATE ALLO!.!F!BLE MOMENT REACTION @ SUPPORT SHEAR ® H/2 V (OW) @ H/2 SHEAF: @ 1/4 POINT V (CI ) I'M POINT E= 250.00 LBS/FT H= 280.09 INCH-KIPS 1= 392.13 INCH-KIPS Gt= 166.72 LBS/FT HI= 181.79 INI::H-F:::IpS 11= 261.50 INCH-KIPS J= 1012.33 LBS/FT K= 1135.33 !NCH-KIPS 1930.06 INCH-KIPS L2= 2583.71 INCH-KIPS 157 32 KIPS 2.75 INCHES 0= 10 36.24 PSI P= 976.15 PSI - 377.15. PSI R=• 276.88 KIPS T= 11.84 INCHES 2516.90 INCH-KIPS •:t4 Z±= 31973.7 LBS (.11= 196.78 P5.1 H2= 250.74 PSI Q4= 104.37 p51 F2= 120.36 PSI C:J!-JiE:3:J DATE 7/5/82 -! C: F: -r CL_AL,-ç **: I NFUT DRTFP+:*: A= 302 LBS/SQ FT. e-i- Lep 8= 25.33 FEET ri lDcows MAW 2 INCHES 04P0, -09 ji INCHES T3= j INCHES M= 157.32 KIPS F'C SPANC:RETE= 41:.0 PSI SUPERIMPOSED LOAD DESIGN SPAN FIRE COVER DEPTH OF SPANC:RETE TOPPING THICKNESS EFFECTIVE WORKING FORCE FC: TOPPING= 400u0 PSI :+::+:C!I_ITFIjT DATA* (BASED E:ASEE:' ON UNIFORM LOADING) SFANCRETE + TOPPING, LOAD PER FOOT SFANCRETE + TOPPING.. MOMENT SPANCRETE + TOPPING.. ULTIMATE MOMENT.. c:LIF.Er.?T1POcEri LOAD SUPERI MPOSED LOAD MOMENT SUPERIMPOSED LOAD ULTIMATE MOMENT TOTAL ULTIMATE MOMENT WORKING FORCE ECCENTRICITY STRESS IN TOPPING STRESS IN TOP OF SLAB STRESS IN BOTTOM OF S!_AE.. ULTIMATE FORCE DEPTH OF STRAND.. LILT IMATE ALLOWABLE MOMENT REACTION @ SUPPORT SHEAR @ H.'2 V (C:' @ H..•2 SHEAR @ 1/4 POINT V (CI) @ 1..•'4 POINT 375.04 LBS/FT H= 3E0. 94 INCH--KIPS 1= 505.32 !NCH-KIPS J= 1006. 66 LBS/FT := 968.82 INCH-KIPS L= 1647.01 INCH-KIPS L2= 2152.33 INCH-KIPS M2= 157. 2:2 KIPS 2.75 INCHES 0= 881.26 PSI P= 901.74 PSI - 208.22 PSI R= 276.88 KIPS 1= Ia 84 INCHES Z= 2270. s INCH-K IPS 21= 28771. 1 LBS jIj- 192.93 PSI 1.12= 264.03 PSI 04= 102.46 PSI P2= 116.23 PSI c:c- C DATE 7Y6/82 C: F: T CL. T NPUT DATA.- .v.:+- SUPERIMPOSED LOAD A= 355 LBS/SC! FT. DESIGN SPAN E:= 18. 5 FEET FIRE C:O'.,.'ER C= 2 INCHES DEPTH OF SPANCRETE D= 8 INCHES if TOPPING THICKNESS T:= 3 INCHES EFFECTIVE WORKING FORCE M= 104.88 KIPS / FC TOPPING= 400 PSI F'C: SPANCRETE= 40 PSI - .- - .. -- - -Q-. pt :+::+:IflLTFLT DATA* (BASED E:H,ED ON UNIFORM LOADING) LUHD £ N! SPF!NCRETE + TOPF'ING.. LOAD PER FOOT G= 325.04 LBS/FT SPANC:F:ETE + TOPP I N. MOMENT H= 166.86 INCH-KIPS SPANCF.:ETE + TOPPING, ULTIMATE M':IMENT, 1= 233.61 !NCH-KIPS SUPERIMPOSED LOAD .3= 1183.33 LBS/FT SUPERIMPOSED LOAD MOMENT K= 607.49 INCH-KIPS SUPERIMPOSED LOAD ULTIMATE MOMENT L= 1032.73 !NCH-KIPS TOTAL ULTIMATE F1OF1EJT Li= 1266 .35 INCH-KIPS WORKING FORCE M2= 1''4. :38 KIPS ECCENTRICITY N= 1. 82 INCHES STRESS IN TOPPING 0= 775.63 P51 STRESS IN TOP OF SLAB P= 733. 19 PSI Fs STF:ES. IN BOTTOM OF SLAB.. Q - 356. 14 PSI ULTIMATE FORCE R= 184.5e KIPS DEPT}-1 OF STRAND.. T= 8.84 INCHES ULTIMATE ALLOWABLE MOMENT 2= 1274.24 INCH-KIPS REACTION @ ROT :±= 23310.5 LE5 SHEAR @ H/2 Hl= 165.91 PSI C' @ H/2 N2= 256.48 PSI SHEAR @ 1/4 POINT 04= 89.31 PSI V (Cl) @ 1J4 POINT P2= 107. 51 PSI 6-a T i's FiaRFiRC1< C: Pig :JE DATE 7/8/e.2 RM E F F€ C: F: FEE -r r- co . A **INPUT DATA** SUPERIMPOSED LOAD DESIGN SPAN FIRE f:ciVEF.: DEPTH OF SPANCF.:ETE TOPPING THICKNESS EFFECTIVE WORKING FORCE F'C TOPPING= 4001.3 PSI A= 276 LBS/SQ FT. E:= 29.5 FEET C= 2 INCHES D= 10 INCHES T3= 4 INCHES M= 167.52 KIPS F'C SPAN'::RETE= 4000 PSI co -CF: EO FF:IOF: rC **OUTPUT DATA*(E:ASED ON UNIFORM LOADING) SPANCRETE. LOAD PER FOOT E= 250.00 LBS/FT SPRNc:RETE. MOMENT H= 126.34 !NCH-KIPS SPRNC:F:ETE., ULTIMATE MOMENT . 1= 456.88 INCH-KIPS TOPPIN'l LOAD PER FOOT G1= 166.72 LBS/FT TOPPING, MOMENT Hl= 2i7.63 INCH-KIPS TOPPINa ULTIMATE MOMENT 11= 304. INCH-KIPS SUPERIMPOSED LOAD J= 920.00 LBS/FT SUPERIMPOSED LOAD MOMENT K= 1200.94 INCH-KIPS SUPERIMPOSED LOAD ULTIMATE MOMENT L= 2041.60 INCH-KIPS TOTAL ULTIMATE MOMENT '- 1-2= 2803.17 INCH-KIPS WORKING FORCE . . Fi2= 167. 52 KIPS ECCENTRICITY N= 2. 75 I NCHES STRESS IN TOPPING 0= 1111.84 PSI STRESS IN TOP OF SLAB P= 1117.07 PSI STRESS IN BOTTOM OF SLAB,. f.!= - 457.91 PSI ULTIMATE FORCE R= 294.83 KIPS DEPTH OF STRAND. T= 1:1.84 INCHES ULTIMATE ALLOWABLE MOMENT 2= 2652.67 INCH-KIPS <<** REACTION @ SUPPORT 21= 32102.7 LBS SHEAR @ H/2 WI= 198.67 PSI V (c:W::' @ H'2 W2= 252.64 PSI SHEAR @ 1/4 POINT 04= 104.90 PSI V 'CI:: ® 1/4 POINT P2= 117.98 PSI /Th T!1FF.RC< C:O - EC IF:EF: t!-JCJ. !R1. 6'29/E:2 RN PAGE 1. **INPUT [:IATFI*:+: TRIB. WIDTH = 24 FEET SPAN LENGTH = 30 FEET BEAM HEIGHT = a 57'!KIF'S/FOOT S/C WEIGHT = 1. 720KIPS?FO':iT TOPPING WEIGHT = 1. 9€1KIPS?FOOT SDL=(@104. Ei.LBS. /SQ. .84K/FT ELL=' @ 84. CIOLE.E' I 3J FT F. WIDTH = 24. 0 INCHES.; P/C DEPTH = 27. 0 INCHES SYSTEM DEPTH= 3a @ INCHES NOTCH @ TOP OF BERM IS ía 3 [:'EEF X 5. 11 WIflE BERM IS NOTCHED ON 2 SIDE. DESIGN THICKNESS OF TOPPING = -.0 INCHES DESIGN WIDTH OF TOPPING = 64. INCHES a 40 SQ IN REINF IN TPG @ 28. 5" FROM BUTT 2. 10 SQ IN F:EINF IN BM TOP @ 25. 0" FROM BUTT 18 1/2" 270K STR @ ::. 25" FROM BUTT 2 INCH MIN. COVER., 3 INCH AVG. FIRE COVER ) FC: TPG = 4000. NT. = 150 LBS/CU FT F'C: BEAM = 50011. NT. = 150 LBS./C:U FT +:C_ITFIIT DATA ( BASED ON UNIFORM LORE:' I N3 4#° 5-ç.guPS t.,5TAO a4- i The. ¶i o'T-orsi oy' '-S LILT WEIGHT = ULT REA'::T ION = BEAN MOMENT = P.iC MOMENT = COMP MOMENT = LILT. MOMENT = LILT MOM FLIF:N= STRESS IN TPG= STRESS BM TOP= STRESS BM BOTT= oX ,-!OX(p CJ.W.F 9. 948K I PS'FOOT 149. 2315 KIPS 770. IN-KIPS 3.. 537. IN-K:IFS 4, 730. IN-KIPS 13.. 4i IN -K IPS 16.. 352. IN-KIPS L.1 92 I 54 - L #4 1), ac. LeLa. 41 Scipe '7S Sfmku D 41 )( eet C:C- C IF:L)LF.: FL PAGE 2. SECT Io.N AREA INERTIA YE: CONC ONLY 548.0 0 29 9:9 23 11. 943 P/C FOR P/S 556.77 30 589. 93 12.262 P/C FOR N/C N 53. 3E1 15,346. 93 12.279 C:fiNp FOR COMP N 765.68 71,334. .39 16. 037 TOP BOTTOM P/A a 761 a 761 PE/S -1. 775 i. 47:3 N BM /5 0.358 -0.298 N N••'C/S 1. 473 -1. 22:3 N f:OMP /5 a 726 -1. 063 SUM 1. 543 -. 350 ULT H REQ = 12:430 ULT N FLIRN = 16,352 FC: REQ = 3429. TPG STRESS. = 0.925 STRESS IN TOPPING REINF =. 12.501 :5I STRESS. IN REINF IN TOP OF F'."C = 22. 121 k:51 RELEASE STRESS.. TOP = -0.763 BOTTOM = 2.176 F'CI REQ = 3626. TOP REINF REQ = L24 FROM P...'. ci 77 I E:30 1. 055 2. 162 1. 24E: BEAM -a 087 1. E:?± -a 154 2.259 -a j9:3 SLIM 0.489 0.892 1.049 -a 20E. 1. 559 -. 322 SUM a 5:35 0.727 TPG -a 10E: 1.559 -a 16:3 SUM L 576 a 55: S. C. L. -a 094 2. 129 -a 200 SUN a 432 a 357 L. L. -0. 114 SLIM 0. 243 6'29/S2 RM PA'3E :t. :+:*TP.4p1!T DATA*:+:t- TIE WIDTH = 24 FEET rt- SPAN LENGTH = 211 FEET BERM WEIGHT = . 2711K1P5/FOOT S/C:. WEIGHT = 1.720K IPSZFOOT TOPPING WEIGHT = ci TFc..'Fir;T EDL=' @ EE 1LE.E .E'' T j, 51 T SLL=(Cd 50. LBS. /50. FT) 1. 5211K.'FT P/C WIDTH = 40.0 INCHE5. P.C: DEPTH = 7.0 INCHES SYSTEM DEPTH= 18. 00 INCHES NOTCH @ TOP OF BEAM IS 2.0 DEEP :.: 5.0 NI[:'E BERM IS NOTCHED ON 2 SIDE DESIGN THICKNESS OF TOPPING = 3,0 INCHES DESIGN WIDTH OF TOPPING = 75. INCHES 0.88 SQ IN REINF IN TPG @ 16.5" FROM BOTT 3.00 sc. IN F:EINF IN EM TOP @ 5.0" FROM BUTT 15 1/2" 271K STR ® 3.25" FROM BUTT 2 INCH MIN. i::OVER.. 3 INCH AVG. FIRE COVER F'C: TPG = 400. NT. = 150 LBS/C:U FT F'C BERM = 5000. 1-IT. = 50 LE!S?CIJ FT ECF: F'F:IDF..: -TCD DATA ' BASED ON UNIFORM LOADING )** ULT WEIGHT = ULT REACTION = BEAM MOMENT = N/c: MOMENT = COMP MOMENT = LILT. MOMENT = LILT MOM FURN= STRESS IN TPG= STRESS EM TOP= STRESS EM E:OTT= 9. S2SKIPS/FO.OT 95.28766%6665 KIPS. 162. N-K: I PS U. IN-KIPS 674. IN-KIPS 5. 717. IN-KIPS 7,362. IN-KIPS 0.831 KSI 1.394 KSI 0.011 KSI :'4 El I rI,-rtoN -rEEL RE-UI fr1N1- a C-4.:aCS cIFCeF: !-J.. 6/29/82 Fri PAGE 2. SECTION AREA INERTIA YE P/c: C:ONI:: ONLY 260.00 1,002.05 3.307 P/C FOR 1,048.43 3.414 P/C FOR N/C P1 310.2-9 1,097.00 3.510 COMP FOR COMP M 746.68 37,471.77 9.520 TOP BOTTOM F 1::4 1. 284 PE/S -a ±98 0. 189 P1 EM 'S 0. 555 -a 529 hI N...: /5 0.000 a 000 N c:!P1P 5 -L 247 -a 933 6IjM 1.394 a Oil ULT r,fREQ = 5,717 ULT N FURN 7,362 F'C REQ = 3098. TPG STRESS = 0.831 STRESS IN TOPPING F:EINF & 10.352 KSI STRESS IN F:EINF IN TOP OF P/C = 3.759 KSI F:ELESE STRESS.. TOP = 1.755 BOTTOM = 1.099 F'CI REQ = 1832. TOP REINF REQ = 0.00 FROM P/S 0.122 1.797 0. 220 1.817 0.223 BEAM -0.259 1.836 -a 476 1.860 -a 482 SUM -0. ±35. -€1. 255 -0. 258 S/C -a 038 1.432 -a oss SUM -0. 293 -el. 314 TPCi -0. 020 1. 432 -0. 028 SUM -0.31- -a 342 S. D. L. -0. 035 1. 432 -0. 050 SUM -a 349 -0. 393 -€1. 043 SUM -a 435 TABLE OF CONTENTS VERTICAL ANALYSIS...................1-32 BASEMENT WALL DESIGN ................. 33-36 COLUMNS& FOUNDATION................37-39 LATERAL ANALYSIS-WOOD FRAMING.......40-80 LATERAL ANALYSIS-BASEMENT WALLS.....81-99 LATERAL ANALYSIS-BASEMENT WALLS (REDESIGN).,. .100-113 1 LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting StructUral Engineers STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS DATE: 8/12/82 PROJECT NAME: TAMARACK CONDOMINIUMS HOWARD -ANDERSON & ASSOCIATES ARCHITECT OF WORK: JOB NO. 22903 ENGINEER OF WORK: KEVIN LYONS 10721 Treena Street #219 San Diego, CA 92131 (714) 578-8380 - LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project TAI1AgAk By . Date _____ Sheet No. L o )) Subject 4!L4cc15 Job No. LOAO5 cAVL - .. CL .O -s 40/ PAPA PT DL ADO /Q D;.L. P0 F1JR/lL16q FLCog L.04 0:5 z.O J57 3.0 tl/5C 1.0 . 40 ,r -rL War LL A..C/IY5• 10OF .,AF7ES. iza I. (_mDc_ 7.6' 1• n 754 Rr 7 • - .• '-' • LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and CiWl Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project 7_AMA;Z Ae_K (TOLotniiLJjAU,d7 By 61 Date _-Sheet No. -2,of I 3 Subject Vg1T71.A__AL.J4Lr5iIob No. w,i'r 5. )('? ii7/5 1/7. (33) - 3(3..3)'/ /?O. ' (7.6)Vz #i20-(7.-) - //3 57 /?iS A: .Y4. . ALL.SO ...: . Z. /0 OP/ "I.Lq i "C. iM 4 . grL e/0 3'OO X:- Z 10 /3 C:57' /'1• 310.7) - 3.?)'/z 1(/)//-76(,,-) . .. A —. L/5ii. t iô pt/. '2 C, — - c 04 gTL I ROc.#I_I_= .14 DILL Z?# )(-z7-/n ?' tT 2;7 (6.)- 51 (Y/z /3' /13S (/z) 1146-0 (I. z.c) = 7. S /33): A: /.309)04. ') — 7/9.c(/.zs) 3.6 (I z) 7.0 415 d t1clO AOF/ 11 2 @ /c"O.0 LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714).578-8380 Project Y4r1A g.AJ( COLLtI.111 i.LII LJi'1 S By & Data _____ Sheet No. Of S Subject VL77L4, 4LJti_'r15 Job No. 4IA41r 15 ROOF 6EA!-16 19M ,= 115E h/OtF/. ti a, PTL-7S ear 3.3Qf "-c: .1 4 )( Z.7/.33 t.7(6) -.3(5)z/2 /1- ,"c) .. /1. , /1.4 (it ) /,a (i. zc) . i A /,433)('.7)jZ.. z] U5 /Z 5 R 8 y IC DF/. 55 LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIAT.S Projci /AAgA U-755 Consulting Siruciural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 By & Date _____ Sheet No. 4.. Of fl Subject TJAL AL1AcrI.5Job No. 1Jcirâ 620 610. 5• I, /3)(lZ.)1//$OC(/.5) / 4; 1,3 (I 3)(L -. )/ ?( z - •? u5 &/'- / P:5tO K6- q 1/7/, . ...., .. I' I RTL .2. • g Ti. • Rl,J(_ :, )(f?,7/.// 5z('q) 5 4. ell A= U5 c 4. lo OI/L / = .so ¶ : 25O (i.zs) A= /.5( SSW (- - -7')/S(/.2.c) ,. 71"• LJ5E 4.c~ QF/i E, MCI c'ri. 8ZO'/ s= i.s(oz)(e,$)/icc,oi.asY 471.3 A - (az o) ( - -!- )/f. Al !Z OP/C. / LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural önd Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project 7 1ARACt By &- Date. Sheet No. 113 Subject J/r Job No. LI/Jir 6 ge- ; £L)eA l.Z I t •i 1:.. 5 7.Z(/2)//(/.ZS) 46 1,3 A: IJ5e IxIC DF/.. ; £ 6. -r • tL 7674'f, Coo, KwL 1s (77)(.S)t/,SOO (/.) /1 • • A: I. .5 (7c 7)( 6,5 • U5E.. 4a/0 DP/ E, C i LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Siruciural and civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project IAAZA L..0k4t't1i.LULJf1 By EC Date _____ Sheet No. Of Subject CAL Job No. ./A-flr6 PI-00f, ..iôisr a .c. 1.5.5 &U rL -1' &.'th Z/ 1.z'3 ZQ"3 A- -)/i -• /3 z U4 TD/; 4(z/)(AsS)3/4q//7003/ 41.3 U6 z/z. o/ HZ @ 7.5' 1, - - /7 & IJ '1(. - ' _1 • I 0.1 3i - .3/// ç' r1.s-c(7.5) K7 5) Z.7' c,.:s.sj C) Z. 7 (iz .7sO) . /8.. Z4.c " 37 A It iz DFi'c L 1AX CUT Z" LP 8.4(. Coki rL x:,g 6t1 - I -€ /5_. .g ' r..T 3 lO A /.s(3io)('- i)/7ç. 5 74..(.;•) - is 8s A: OR U5 i.a /. LYONS. WARREN &ASSOCIATES Project 1'1A9_Ak cOJAJ/LJ Consulting Structural and Civil engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 By . Date _____ Sheet No. L Of _1 12-1 _______ Subject V7,Ai ALIALYSIS Job No. ________ F6-Z ..E &S' .10/.... — A 7 13 .:" S /1l ) 117 A 73 8L.Z e.is AZ o/ sr ii' IL g0•. 4ZOO(/Z.)//S00 34. 4: /.-[(3).(3; 3)* 3O]/ 24.-" &l. 4/O i p:3.5# l.c 4,cC FO 5 r 44.ezo S (r. '54 " A - $)/q :3qfL2 4x 10 OF/4 / p& 37J0 r77 - ROOF MFTE5 I) - lM Di4 - U5E 7- 10 DF14.'i 'iz"o.c. LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES consulting St,:uc ,ural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project T4MAAc OLID-1t1lkIIi By 5. Date Sheet No. Of I Subject J'E7-1,!4(.. 4L1.1I IcJob No. U,'..iir 0 poor LOA O. DL DL LL.: zo Ti..: Ja it D(. FLOOR LOAO DL LL 4O' * Li c cLur Z.) pS '' 5E 8 X00F RFr PO4 I6.5I4/I /O OF/(.. /c"O.cz 5E :?1/1/7, 5 RcF Prr FOX 0E514/-i LYONS. WARREN & ASSOC1ATES Coniulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project TA t1AV l (fd00W1IkJIUt1 By 8C Date _____ Sheet No. .2 Of ) )5 Subject 17TIfAL A/_iAcr5I5 Job No. 1Ji,i,r 0. 00F A15 " za')('O. c) z//'s-00 (/z,c) U54 4,T /0 OF/.. N, D& 5 T410 Tg/tit-i l3-Z e S' '5 20 LIp SW 5r 4.5-('820)(8.4)// c(,'.a.c) 48" A U5€ 4 iZ, OP/- / Q& .571JL 7/fTi166 9.3 €' 4(4) WOL -/ZO'/ 74 " A:Ic(CO)(-76 /?s(,,$) zcz 1011 . . I 53.q & /0 Dr-le- 4,r / 2.. .7& : I 7.2 - . R0 LYONS. WARREN ,& ASSOCIATES Project TAMA&c Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 By Date ______ Sheet No. /Q.. Of I Subject VEY. A,..IALr51Job No. X - 10.317 /4,7'.. ? (/z)/2,q(/.zs) oz /3 .- .. .. A? I, s(/o.3- , 7( ))/ic(/.zs) LJ i.s-' C4t18( [II /c'1/ Zt8 1' 2 R ,'. 11- 4 (.$) - ,4 i.s(i,- ,(L5))/7-(,$)-/" USE 4;c 16 QF/ / OR USE CIZ OF/I:. IL I LYONS. WARREN & ASSOC1ATS Project Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 By &- Date _____ Sheet No. U... Of 13 Subject LJ g.T Job No. 4/t.j C FLOOR ..J5T5 SEE FLR J5T DE51.J LIMIT 13 FLOO9 8EAI'i, 5EE DE5k4LI . .c&i £jLJ,T. ~11 U5. a jrJ OF-L • FL 5E D51.(J F6 /L 'USE (/(, D//. 5S • :5- A= f- (JE. 4. /0 OF/L / I PLi I e.'71 r so ' I Itoo,I8e57 jz.s .• P1= .4(2.S) 3S'3 - 5 (. - . - ) /:cs = z U 4rIO DF/ / LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Project TAMAX AC ~QIJDn Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-838() By & Date _____ Sheet No. i of It 3 Subject V.r Job No. L)trD a.JD FLoo iL. /3 70 La 770' - -'r°' I' C4J t_I Is' 7' . R1.I_ . P TL? jCDlO MDL' 75q ,1?iIO(7) - I(7)Vz 5 7 6 (/Z)//7SO c7 3 ô?.-Z " Aa 1.s(/ /O -'c)/is U5 xit O/ /,z "c Ok 4.1 M OP'/.. / Q/ro.z F(OR r1 c FOO 4 FS- I TL: 4O Rr'- 116S Id t Ig a Z. I Rr&S443" OL 43.7.M RD t1 43 (7)-ol(7)Vt - S l..t.IL7 '(,Z )//Coo Lis is &jr /Z. D'/ 5& F6-1 IS' - Sac, 'I = RTL a - /.5(300)(,$)'//scor. i' ' " c USE 4x /Z DPIL. a/ C-ArlGEIZ 4 I, LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Project /A,AkA Consulting Siruciural and cit11 Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 By 1C •Date Sheet No. '.Of 113 Subject VEEr Job No. iJuirD TL-- 65490 31 0_: t5 -3 440 V co /0 1-s IS' Ji'J. -, f .,k - 'r._. . •J r%TL - IC.). 3 M 73k$).. ac.(,sYL/L 5. J 7 7 '(,a)/L400 A: /,..c(/o.3- 4,r- )//a 3 g8l?Z T- 1030 PLO 5 30 M Rr. r VI7' RT' ZOSS 1,_i? Z05$(7)-Ci(71/z. /z.8?o(Iz)//SO A. /(Z-c/())/&S —l3 a ?i 2_i 'I. USE c.K it LP/. f C)0? 473 g: 5- s.c.5(n)/24cx3 :Z77" A - )\ 41 - 7. 'a U5C 57/17L OFA 14F 4113C. 0.12." 4r16e. '/4" LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES . Project TAHARAc..v Okl Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers - San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 . By bc Date _____ Sheet NoP Of I F1 ( (.rJD_ 00 '/ 7?7 9L.. 'S Subject Ui.i'tr 'D Job No. ,€tzT - JQSO(?)'/z. - 3 18 5: (i z ) /z400 A 1. sf(ii6 6 z) - /o5-'.5] //4 S 7O. S' 06 - •LfS c:;,113 s DF/e. 4f1S ," 12Z /7004-44 ~5000 ??00 (c P0.51- # Z.46z] 3TD 57L COL - - LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project " TAMA It A LIOO By RL Date _____ Sheet No. L1 Of Subject VE.IcT Job No. &/klrr C. LIN O0X LOA 05. DL LL .5cc ADD /0 D.4. A09 F1Jfl/LJ4. . ,cXF OEcLK F1-00 LOADS LL LL:O '& 64LJr O0 F. RAF TEA . i) .e ,I &i r 70 21. I S 41-"Lv 30 / 4,(CZ///704cri0 .cz. C • - •UM Zx /Z DF/L le j•: /7.5 pc 1.33 113 (i.z.$) 4.O ,OO • sper &D: -. • • _L4 Rr,: 14 8 w *ci...r417 2' AD, 3O2" LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Project TAtiAr Consulting Structural and civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 By Date ______ Sheet No. Ii. Of l Subject L/.gj Job No. __________ )( uI/3c r 431 1T: /00 e'4) isc : A: /;$c'S(.S)/48)/g Cl. 2S) :34 4q 74L - use iiz /cO.c 1c 5P-1 / J: /..g ' 1/ 4 "3 /7 5_ /IZS A '.cc"')(--- ,'C.5 U6E 4 /Z oF/L / 5 2. j: RTL = Z..4& gDCi,s 5 i..c (.jci ) (,) 1//600 &' z 4 ? z.c A= /sc'Jo)(-- - )/7.(,.z s) 415 C- 4 /0 DP/. / .4. 8' cjr320 '/ c.ip 140 ,3k k - 3zo)cs)1/,,cco (,.z) ' "3 i.4 A: J.s(3w)(--- /Fr, "A 2 U5 FE 4 99 - 4 1 /0' iSO ' ,~• E,, 5/.$(75O)(/)2//300 t&7 ,iO .c z A/.Sc'Zso) )/55 :i" 416 6. /Z OF/C if/44 PcJ.57- S .LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Project TAM A Cow QO Consulting Structural and civil Engineers San Eiiegb. California (714) 578-8380 By &- Date _____ Sheet No. IQ Of Subject Job No. L)kj!rC - FLOOR j5T Cc.1 rL - - 133 A1: ,3(,)(.Z... !)/ç.74-11L = Ti, 41(4rC)(/7$)3 ///7cocoo=ac /l3 110 ., L= 1.3 , R.I7k 3 Di,I.j FL'z.= ,/sr= z. ULJiT . u6 E Z, IZ 01/'.. / c 14X CLI? /4' L& 15ALCOAJY FLCo F8 I /Z. cv= T . /..i(sio)(14Y/1.cco 4?' = I s (Sic) ( f- " ) /,c • .. •. J5I 4x/ZLF// /.4 : /.J0.4)(f)Z// /3z •• A- 3 ')/8.c=as- £J5a x/6 D.1r/. #, LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Project TAt1AA COL-1Qn Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 By ?i Date _____ Sheet No. Li of 112 Subject VT Job No. UwrC j r • Wr 2. 3 Z U5 4x/O v/ & STUDS T1'-1,'1Eg F-4 1- /0'. R7 :4.6 C, 5 A= 1.5 ( /J)( - U5E ox /Z DP/- 'I 4x4 P0.57- L.J/ 4'LJALL In T4_11 64 5DE /61 @ 4'D4/ D. sf 14 i -:--j = Z..3 - - r0 - .1-T 5: /L) /i. io A: I, 5 (2.8 - .8 (Zr)) / 31Z tJE 4g/2. QP/.. Af, LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Enkine'ers San Diego.. California (714) 578-8380 ROOF LOA05. DL 1G LL TL-' lE 01. & PUNSIkJ4 FLOOP. L-c40 IJL? LL? 40"" TI...?61 60 1.1. 5ALc0LI7 Project TA,14RAc OLJCD By Date _____ Sheet No. /8.. Of \13 Subject klEg r Job No. Ll"IT A. P0OF P4FTE-3 I) PS - PS" WDL.i ICo 7I 14' I/.3 • -'5-80'y R /.5 * ROL :445. tD 160 P1.. io(7.$) .. 3'( O's) "A i. I /.33 /91 11 A: j sf(3c ) (is. z )- / 14] /.c (i. zs) 4. .O7 U5E Zx/0 DF / c! /Z"O.C. z) ic.s 36 /(p .3O' 5• Ic.5)2 //4sO(/.z) /c..s- A /.s(3c)( -- )/) r s'q Z 4. If ' Z. iz - 3774 Q5 c/QOF/L azi LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engines San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project TAI4CJeL t3.JO1 By. Date _____ Sheet No. /1 Of I Subject Vr Job No. lJ,j,r A C57A,) 1OF EAr-75 480 5r _4711 4: j, $ C620) - )/i(,. 2 s) s U5E 4K/Z OF/C / D TUO5 ..€ ' 3oO/ /30A, RD. V3 . /.S(SOO)((/CO(/.Z$) 7.ZS A /, 'S (300)( - -;;-- )/s-('. 2.5) .J6E 4, DFA i 2W 300 *1, tnC 1 4 ' .D.J ISTL .1 Ro, 2 ri' zzo() 00 (4 : S- 3. 3(/z)//oc(/.t) = A= /.4(3c&)(53)-3a7/?(/.2S) U 4/O 'I D&. 5TLJO go-QrL 1.5(') '' k R&.. .5,3 7ZS A= £.J5E 4 L LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Project TAtiArAr ILDLiOf Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 By FIC Date _____ Sheet No. Z-0 Of 13 Subject 1'r Job No. 0jir 4 (5TACED) .'~IJP-L w 5 /.(,zo)(,)z/,.co Ci.zs) R0 ...- i0 = I.. . Clo ) - ) A / ?.c& z g) use 4x /O DF/ / LYONS. WARN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and civil Engineers San Diego. California'(714) 578-8380 Project TAr1AP'Ae-- on - By fr Date _____ Sheet No. ! Of Subject Vr Job No. FLOOR .iT5 P:/ZO 61 t S -. tl= /20(7.3). o,(7s)z/z 3.Z' '5 5 3.2. (Iz)//..S -=r-67 4 A i..s(8/)(4')~/zo]/?. /O.4" USE: z. it OF/L t1A( CUT 66E 15 1.J/JlT '. FO k TYP J.5T P1-QIS 5 ri &T..:/S 171 Ic Rol- S- 0,S) (e. S),//. 3 Z. 71#3 DF¼ • F8—Z J_s' 4C3&/ 12 - Il 7i.. I. . 01.. • , 1.JIE. 4.c8 DF/. / P: /.'/_ 4 .4 1< LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Ptoject TAr1AAc.K 4f0AJ00 'Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 . By Date _____ Sheet No. Z&. Of Subject Job No. t/#,,r 4 F5-3 .E: F6- 3 UL/IT U. 4-l0 DP/ - ,.c(i) = 3SO/ k. C. I - '\ag..- 1.0 A= /.5(i0oo)(-- 7)/'..c33.?' 1-15E 4x /0 QP/.. : 4. ej k.,/,/ 4, 6 1-05T LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES . Project TAI1A4 LJOO consuliing Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 By Date _____ Sheet No. 41 Of H Subject Yd_~r Job No. FLCO LOADS. DL Z/ per 1L. 40 • .(( LL e 93,4LcoLjr CUT 'ROOF iseE 11k/IT A (6rAc*o) FOR M514W Of fL J5TS (° LEVEL 0/A PAIR ii) . 100 1)WrL _ 141 -'t g7 .37 ôi .sT 7 s?(s7)/(7)2/t -/2Z .• P1- . O8/ (4 )Z/ .1 (4 ) - •i. / -, S /./ (/z)/14's t8;:.7" 1 A 1.5 8J)(4)'/]/.C)?5 7.?" x /Z DF/L Z IL: 4cY IoL2O rL.. g .ç R 78 R, 538' I7Z !1? 775(3)- c/(3/Z .l ' S? Z./. 'n) //.4s 1.7 " At /.s(77- (i.33) U 5 ciL.I oi/. z @ LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Projecr. TAt.IAEACJt 2k/DO By A Date _____ Sheet No. Z..4. Of 113 Subject Job No. .JIjir ,4 FLOOF 5EAP1 .., .. J: 8. i..ô/ s(/ô-co)- a:.2 R, 115 6 ax/? Dr/i.. • I4 1 t#_jr,..? 4(y3 I 1. J 4, Rr t-1 /.o()-.4(Y/t 5: .8(i)//.J Z'9 A /.s(z-.(4))/.c 4/56. 4-6 4, F- Z :.. P6-4 5 CF8•3 J/.JiT ö 416 4x lO D/ p .. k XrL k - S z.i(i) 5L.., S A: . . • U5 4 i-a LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-838 Project TA tiAgAc z- ro&z.an By Date _____ Sheet No. Of I Subject J/gr Job No. 11iiii' A (T ,-) 9, r' 3,4 I• /0. 5 d4 ,. (z. r) 'l c 'c'i 'liE 4/t 1oP/. * #k PO.5T P7, )T LT L' TL 1 11 i.z(,.$)-.ss(i..$)t/ : j.c(t)/ic A- z.c(/.)/(o7..c) U6E q8 ,OF/L / b * o h 9 so 0 &'QJ I V 354 . 3 !j? 35q(7) - 5r Ir. c(/z )//soo 13.1 11 A /.s (3 ?) / c lx / Z DFIL J/ V& iTt/U S F6(D P11. .3. Z '- LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project 14t14gAc 6OLJO " By &. Date _____ Sheet No. ?C--Of ))3 Subject V&cr Job No. (J#-,r A (sr-eo) FL: Z,S F5- (5 IL • 11?3.3(4) . ?5-('c)/L d:a (iz)/,cO-z.) . S5? A: /.(q, 1Z.-(,3))/0'/.a.) = 45.'I F13-7 . -I.. prl- t. (1= 5 = ',c..s-(iz)/i,s A /.s(//)/aJ /7.4 k 416E 'lx 1'9- 15F/t / 4x PT U5 iz oi'/ i 01 Po- JO L?IO.4' WT 1. Z. A ?Z )/ Rp 3.Zc 416 /2 DF/'L. 'I /IuTF ll Rr. '•• g1: 3 j - . • Ra,•7.'- (4)54)Z/z. sA~ (/z.)//..c(Lzs) •jooL 4 LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES.- Project C-ok-ion Consulting Siruciural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 . By Date _____ Sheet No. Zi Of 3 Subject 1'..r Job No. LJ&j,r A (rPo' fLOR 5r-15 (z° FLOOA O/AP/-,9A4r1) : OEi.j pcg P8-i 390 Fc.00 TL: F6- DL.T f &TL 4O 4' Ir Z.Z R, ,4 1-1- Z.2 (Z.) - .ic'Y/ A= U5E 4r10 D/L 4, P15-3 5€E P-3 LJLJ ir IJ6F. 4.'1O OF/ / P&. 57W0 FS-4 .J IS' DE514I P / Use 9, /Z ' I Vöc.. .STLJQ F6-.g Ic /cI R0.: ?j3' 5- I3 (,z ) //. 3' /2 A- /..5-(3.q)/.08 4/5 /Z QP/(... 55 P- 4.3S.47.7' G c a Fb5T LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project 7A,1ARA. OJbE By ÔC Date _____ Sheet No. 12 Of it 3 Subject ZE Job No. LhJIT A (STzP) ,'•:v 16 'G' Q i ~ :3' 4' [2,5'1 -. -t - g1 Z4 0 . 0- k. 'D4.__ ro_ Z.4(7) - J.() 5 ?.z(/t)//.5 73. A: /.(z.)/.o?r . . . 1/5(: 4x /z. Dr/c I(J 5TzJD5 F8 ? I 8F6 Xr6 It, I pL:/. R o 1 2.8k .8.' 8.4(i Z.)//.S S . . A= 0 91,5- ?-Z, 411 U66' rx 18 D/ / F•8 I.ic..c. c( zcc) 00,c) /,'soo t 7. S_, 3 1,5 /- '/7 " :J5e /c/Z Dfl4 / LYONS,. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Project 7-4nARA Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 By & Date _____ Sheet No. Zf Of \3 Subject ikr Job No. - - F13- ? 4 ff l I.J rl= 4.1('q). 3 i7. (n)//.3 O A' i.(47)/.O8 4JC C.ii Ca PO5 OR J5E ox 17- DFJL ( S LYONS. WAR REN& ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego.4California (714) 578-8380 Project TAF1AgAc...t JVc By & Date _____ Sheet No. WO Of Subject klEgr -Job No. I1I5tz 5t1 risc. §ti tT e I.j4U614tY .g ° :1 f I. •1 I . ; .q(,$) 5 47.?(/)/Z.' A ' TL e/24oIzs 4/5 /& " tj0: .3 .9/360 83 cAT1eE O P1: OO z) ax p ocø': • r...' 3k T-1 57-(4).3ccP4)4/z (iz )//. /66 /13 A: I. 1.3 (33)/ O S. £/5E rx IC DP/ LI c.r co POST - 8tl @ ?.TA,PLJA'r Q ULJl7 1511 I') 2?LO" Wr: GSO Ja l34'/ DO3 4Z.C' • (7)/z(S) 41_.l • 13 is 2(j) ,. - wr'vYf tc1? !(= 733 LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project TA1A.AY zou By . Date _____ Sheet No. L Of 11 3 Subject J.Ar Job No. /li. cr1. ii: 5CAM15 I isri -Lo T4lR.iJAr (-"IT tj 73c (,$) - C 34 C 40 5.4(/7-)//30 3P0 " A: I.f(73C3)Czc('!-)]/&c 4J5 dJc /5 OF/C. / '5tAI90AY 9 uir 6 5: ("7O) (icj/io . OQ RTL 3t O is z. 4- Z,5- (C- 70) )/s oZ ado 4/64 8x ft OF .S$ OR .JSE c /6 O ' P 546 [ I g ..z7oc 11= t700(3,5) - 5 I 7i::' .4: /(Z7)/5 A 477" 85 us ic DF '/ : /3 WILC 730 LOT- ZOO/ 8' FL.. zzcto : zoq&9 R : 13.cS7(/)//300(/.a.g) e 111 ZO8 (5.$) - 16 'le- = /0?0.3 —' 5 Jos-c', )/ioo A= o) - 70(]/cS 0 4J5 e- D 4/ LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. CaIiforiia - (714) 578-8380 ri 5TAIR.k)A'i' e t.J.u,T 11D /I ØI&OI 'r sao/ ,r RrL - S.ZZ. 3l.5 Project TA11AgAc- e COJon By. - Date _____ Sheet No. Of 113 Subject I76.RT Jab No. t1i5c 811 33SS (7.$) - 320(7.r/t / ,J_o 3/6'(7,S) -32o(7$)2/z J = 4 ./.s[(ç,,) - J-40 12- U6 6- dlZ. OP £, II LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 5788380 A57 tQiQC ci 6 6L Project t4A(k COflQt1 By - Date _ Sheet No.Of ______ Subject W9L Job No. eve E7. 1 SC'o )J '4o er = [soJcio,)c/) +zô)ciô)J 'IO r- - Z. ('3'c)(s33) -(o)(s'J,) - = __ =csi z4e.. 7. '5'0 ')= .90 474. ç (Sszo)C,z) - ___SO ____ -= 4000 P14 =4 1100/OI47XIz) =zcts 2 + 474: / ., I -1-o +.(3So)(lO/t)(o/s)j o : [Cac Io>.) (SO)Q%) CZ9)Jv c ç =11590* LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project .714/1469611—' CO,VDOS By Date _____ Sheet No. Of l Subject 014 U- Job No. E4S7 UJ41-. P/2k7v1 Lor - 4-. o. /fl? coc -.2 aS 1? 11 . e. SZ tl.zQ PMZ z c 9Z. r 3320()t) 3.) 24, OO 3$O cdo at LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Siruciural and Civil EngiJeirs San Diego. California (714) 578-830 Project c,vc By Date _____'Sheet No. 3 Subject WIQa Job No. t4JST &&J4LJ. 2.r e,- :C(3SO) (IO/) (io,'j J V10 Sao *17q zJt4 1 */q lyl: (,Tso)c.sag)(!O) Z24d 350 Fz Z4OC%f) - (zZ40) C /4,400 PS S - ______ I3ASEyy\eA'T w;u c. GLEUATOP— SP wu -o e. c sr 4Cl-o= 4W 6'l' c 24. Z4,40 P •' UE Z*S 2 i Ftr 4e?o So LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Project YPFCIt. i'icc Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714)578-8380 By Date ' 9 Sheet No.LOf Subject 3E1Y1'r 4J4/.-LS Job.No. IT5 Y\Y' WALL 2. CemAy. 5'-/t 40cve &)43 LU 2 17 Cos 8 ..r _______ - 7 ()c.?3)c.i) - to , 443O/r= S4':3 W?1170 ,szd* S POQ/4- 4 .93 /2 'ac. .?O (i.s20)üz) T. Z4&'CO .7•;c St ,TOP z- &_J f4: (/40)( 11 40 /1 - LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers, San Diego. California (714)578-8 380 Project TmA2AC cyt By - Date _ Sheet No. 3-1 Of JJ - Subject kflTO1 Job-No. %SttO COLWt\ It WE LIVNG I'(0 pk~• 'i%j (,.4)(I19) - (IM( s) 14 cQ .u/ 4- ? UT :34.3 S'-OT COL$,wy\ I If '7-0 S 0, . tS D P Fi1 v (.U/ -Hws E. kA Ir1EP\ Lmcm Z,0 (el + 1,4 S ;Z -1. %) E2- jo + (-es) (-14-ofl aos RL= sc,z! f4q. c. I ,f It Sc .k Z4 feo-n ,i v-vre'Ore COUkW'v'. . -/,-I-?,O P-w1k 2c7 G'-c LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project TA Ct& By -Date ____ Sheet No. Of ) Subject F Job No. Pwh (ia)(z3.S) Z 301- 140) @ I 'Z. 3 O UJ CRZ—^/ c. 1- H * P(q)C+ ISO) t- 'o ( 1.) 1.8' I' sr i- W10 7T PoeJrl v. C? u v c - (?o)C,oJ: '73 #/# LAZ ; c CL) iOL ,flv1 FOor'Ar ",.v .u= (iJ( /8OruD) + (is)(z,co*/4 j) .+'oX?oJ .11aoa o = .. 7c ' / (AJE —O" 1/ICE t771C rn1.CZ C. 4 w= OS) C / -- &70 (10) $Soø/ /.83 SL (ijsO. !eTflY1tS LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Sirutura/ and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380. Project TW\4 Eb4X C7YC By -(- D ate 7fr Sheet. No. f II Subject k147-IFOA1, Job No. FcThr G c. -v\ s..! Z. W = (5) ( zSfr fQ-O) C,JOXIO): 4810/ / G Z.4." UJ' JflY Forfl\c, Cv H .i. AZ-: 89.1 A .aa UL11T "A" (2:) 900 PLA,J 04-3O5 - 30.S 0-i LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES .Coniulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project TA,-1APAC By f Date _____ Sheet No.40— of 3 Subject £A4Ar1 Job No. 'JLWT 'A" .®- Lü.41T FL FA1-IJLI 1 PL4 '-4 ZO4- 104 :0 @5- LJL1i1 IA" FL.00R F9At1 ZO3 ZLOS 11 W-.LIT "A" FLOOK FAr1I IC3 10.5 I 0 "LE LJ_ LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project /AAAC..Y By 8C Date _____ Sheet No. ILL Of I 13 Subject D144R4P1 Job No. LJkJIT 'A" I LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Siruciural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project TAflAA CLiL By . Date _____ Sheet No. 4Z Of I I 3 Subject D)Ac_.4r1 Job No. LJLur " FLOCA FAr11s..J4 PLA.-1 . k, 0-- 3 11 . LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project .TAr-AAK (k.ioei By & Date _____ Sheet No. Lh Of 1 Subject £3A 19A.t1 Job No. LJ&jir 'cJ ui.jir "ci." ROOF PLALi _____ I ,..-xX iL ' A o— FLOOkFA(1/kk PL4LI LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES , Project TA/IA g.AC. Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers. r. San. Diego. California ,• (714) 578-8380 By &- Date _____ Sheet No. LL4 01 I I 3 Subject DiAAt-1 Job No: UL 1T "0 LJkIIT .(IDk c1iF P..ALJ IL xx" FLooR FgAr1u.J4. II . - •_n IC LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES cohs uliing Sjruciural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project /41iAZAct (fepu no By 5f Date _____ Sheet No. IL5 Of 3 Subject fl/A .4 11 Job No: LJ/.J!T "D IQh Ic PrT - . IL LL I IL- ___ _p. _ HT -- - S . . LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers Sari Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project By.. Date _____ Sheet No. YkOf 113 Subject Job No. SHEAR WALL SCHEDULE MATERIAL 'JA ILING ALLOW SHEAR IRAN. SILL J ANCHOR BOLTISHOT 80 PIN SHOT PIN IN O.C. SHEAR NAIL NAILING SPACING DIA. 3/16" DIA. 7/32" 1/2' GYP SD a 7" 100# 161) 3 12&(Z 160 8 1/2" DIA 8 36" o.c. 36' o.c. .._f ONE SIDE O.C. FT. O.C. 16"o.c. 72" o.. SD 8 4" 125# 160 a 8" 2) 16o a If 24 o.c,- U O.C. FT. O.C. 120o.c. \ 11/20 GYP " J.50# " 2) 16o 8 24" O.C. BLOCKED FT 10"o.c. 5/8' GYP 60 8 4" 175# 160 a 6" 2) 160 a 1/2" DIA 8 BLOCKED O.C. IFT O.C. 9'o.c. 48" o.c. 1/2" GYP So a 7" 200# 16D 3 8" ( 16o 8 " 116" O.C. - J)BD BOTH crris O.C. _______ D FT O.C. 8" o.c. So a 4" 250# 160 8 6" 160 a 5/8" CIA a " 16" O.C. O.C. FT O.C. O.C. 48" o.c. ,- 1/2" GYP " 300# 160 0 4" (2) 16D a " J)BLK 2- FT O.C. ciris o.c. ,- 5/8" GYP 6o 84" 350# " " 5/8" DIA 8 H)BD BLK O.C. FT 2-snc 32" o.c. (j\3/8" PLY 8o a 6" 280# 16o a 6" 10 a 5/8" DIA 0 16" o.c. 16" O.C. JSTR 1 O.C. FT O.C. 6" O.C. 48" o.c. 3/8" PLY 80 04" 430# 161) 8 4"o.?. 16D 8 5/8" DIA 8 - SIR 1 O.C. Fr A35 a 16"o.c 3+"o.c. 32".o.c. " 8D a 3" 570# 16o a 3"o.v 16D a 5/8" DIA 3 O.C. FT A35 a 12"o.c 3" o.c. 24" o.c. 3D 8 640# 16o a 24"o 23"o. c. FT A35 0 11"o.c 8D a 2" 730# 16D 0 2"o. 5/8" DIA EM O.C. FT (1) A35 a 9+"o.c 16' O.C. 1/2" PLY loo a 340# 16o 8 5"o.c. 160 8 5/8" CIA a SIR 1 6" o.c. FT O.C. 48" O.C. 10D a 510# 16D a 3"o.c. 160 8 5/8" CIA a 4" O.C. FT A35 a 10"o.c 3+"o.c. 32" o.c. 101) 3 770# 16o a 2"o.'. ' 5/8" DIA iW 2+"o.C. FT A35 a 9"o.c. 160 o.c. - lOD a 870# 16D a 2"o. " 2" O.C. FT A35 a 8"o.c. EDGE AND BOUNDARY NAILING ARE REQUIRED TO BE IN MINIMUM 3" SILL, 31K AND POST. STAGGER NAILS OR PREDRILL TO PRE'/ENT SPLITTING. TOE NAILING SHEAR TRANSFER BLI( 2 x 4 MINIMUM. J PREDRILL NAIL HOLES SEE SHEAR TRANSFER DETAILS. ' BEARING BASED ON A 02 D.F. SILL PLATE REDUCE SPACING 20 FOR HEM-FIR PLATES. ALL ANCHOR BOLTS MINIMIM 10" IN LENGTH. 3x SILL PLATES '.8) I.C.B.O. APPROVED POWDER-ACTUATED FASTENERS. LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Ci.vil Engineers San Diego. California (714)578-8380 Project TAMARAck. .0LJOO By Fief Date _____ Sheet No. T Of Subject .LATE4L Job No. Ui..j,r 0 F 5I51"11C_ Z0ki 4 V . /5C0 LI ROOF .iD z / to 3/ psr t mc't.i.) k.(1-JL) // . - - . ps . 'z C.!8 r. (&3) /5.44 F5 J Fw ROOF 30'6 30 46 6 . z.4 31°FLO0R to GZO .40 6.14 S V FL0O /0' lO .ZO 3.07 IJIJiT 00" A00F u)(XhI QlCTIOlJ @ LILJE. 0 F- .Z4(S')('//.S)z 4-ZOO P- is(ii..$)(s) =a z , ,'. Z. 4/z '/5A/ ' l'L t56c U5 V 11ariI0(3)(/0) 486c 4 s.500/,3 /ZO0' U& t15T 48 zcoo V k/C UPLIFT dz /..i/.JC F,- G.4 (cs)(i.$) ' a too ls(Is)(s) -ioo ? ic M /Z8 -Z17' L/ TYPE 0— Mr Z17 (8)(/o) V V V i1 340 (8) a /z - - .-, RDIX RE4cTicM Ck /AIL. TO.. J.. k/ALL LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Project T4N4RA OLIQn Consu/iipTr Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 By 99:. Date _____ Sheet No. Of \3 Subject /ATgRAL Job No. (.Ji,ir 0 ULJ (J F? 6.C4(S)(7..S) F,,jz /s(1.4?C..c) c7 ZICO /3ô) z kjo i./PiJr zr JLJ$P&7/o/.J 4/41/ -r 'O 600 - 11yrM D'EC-TioLJ € LIAJE.® .J'2I.5)(3i)- r:'c(z/s)(s-) /Coc lJ 37$o/1Z.-: TYP "or, •z?(G)( io) f-I,.- /zO()2 /z -tco HD - Z ?1: 3Z4(C)2/Z S832'' VMPHIt44r1 1'D/A 3?.50/z3 r /7/1/ /7/ () /5_.s (2 L11J6 F5 6. Z 4 (/o.$)('34) F ) I(io)(S) 7W* z, 5PL1C..E. rcp PLATE kl/t1i&Jj?.- le. d 1-166 TYFE (D Z.300 (,'o) z .5000 3:330 3 ' c 36 Oro - 416 6i4'D-S DI,kPHPA6!-1 SHEAA tfp/A t z5a/34 •68 /z '- L/UF F- c.24(/)(34)Z75?' F€. /J-0$)(5) t73?/ô LJE TYPE 0 Morr z74- (iô) '1g.• /Z0(5)2/z :. V373O'/ö 2- Z1704 U56- wo - z. T 6 Z LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil. Enginee.rs San Diego. California (714) 578-8390 Project TAiA.I41 &jIw By P Date _____ Sheet No. iot _0-3 ______ Subject I ATE .AL Job No. (J/..j,r "D i 0/A PH 27 5 /34. 61 .rSru ô'I(i'i) 0. PL! LJ/ 10- ICd U4(L - L1FJ Cl. Z i ( Pr) ('34) F /.c(/?)(S) 14, T'rP -i zao()(/o) i 7.:S0'. MRZE(c)/. 73lil tT5T W- lie 4f(S)zJZ tlor ZL3(/O)(,O) ZW043' ffg• 4Z.5(/0)/Z 750//3 73' NO &EAcTiokJ OK L 1..J4 ..L LJLJIT "Dl' 34'0 FLWA "XX" DIPFTlO/-.J L//..E cD - . jq (7.$)(4/) 400:6 iOO" Fr 7.)(IS) /700' Zr- c/O0/3 /7OZ LIE TYPE () A.JO IJPL.IFT §Y I/-JSFECTIOkJ JAJE F:/1 CIS) (5O) 'ic,O9c,00 /070S' /.5 (is) (/$) i voo 2J /070S/3/. 345" LJ'E TYP& 4C0 (3)/z 1,3 co 8O -V = US HO - Z. tl'or. 34S(/O)(iO) 04r t17 4 r tle 400 (io)L/z. 27 0000 146'0 IV / 4.s06 '-' /io Ii5c 144-Z 11 = 34-5-C16)(10) z ico -- 09 P1ST 46. z,Oo ' 4,,o '/,e L15( i-ID- Z OR iir 4 LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. Calif.ornia (714) 578-8380 Project TAI'IAJAI . (LDAui By K7 Date ._____ Shet No. 2 Of I Subject LALEXAi Job No. Uu,rD /7e Ii- • S 149 II 7. / ,....... - LA1g5 cTP 5D OK /Jb LJP(.JFT 45Y //P&Lr/O&J .......... ill.fiT a0i F&00. .. . . "Y -)14 Dl Erio.J .. ., . .L/LJC F .14 ( 3Z. •) 3Ô&.' 31610 ' 756 • Fw iS(V.S)('/S) '18SZ Zig 78.O / U5 TYpE t'lor Z4)(/O) I 4O()2 / 43Z0 . • —16 L/C /D-7 11Q? 33Z if 7090 750v 115E 1-10-7 D/APHRA4tI 5IEA . cx ri 45 2T: 3 /30 . iz (e..) • [1 I-IAJZ: 0 :5Pu(:E 73P PLA rC kI/ki-iI F- ,14 (/0-,T) 36) ZSc 4z SO' -Zr,r 1z50/..0' - 7/0 . 110?: I O(/O).23OO(LO) SXi 4 ' MR : ..40 (%5-%5) 1/z. ôì 70"' ' /$c /04Z' 104Z4'1 . . . • U -'/t L.JIOE. 5T9P 4/3 -"ø ti 2..? 551 ,:7I7O' XL 60 AV t-1 z 7l70(7—s)J7700' 5' i7?oo(,z.)/MoO,s3). c43' USE 5x /Z DF 55 UAJQ HL-? SI LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Project rA,141<4C_L L..o.&iüc, Consulting' Structural and Civil Engineers r, San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 By Date ______ Sheet No. - Of I Subject LATR4L Job No. 4fAj,rD Af & 1..//.J ./4 3) (30) 4/5 TYPE I1OT Z. 100 (ic) • 7-7S'1-(Z0) 71/ 0 ' &i (&) /z.. _o coo UE HO - 7 OR 2..-PIST ie 1.156 Cox iZ DF /. L4 (/o)(30) :184z4 -,, 40S' ?f c3?z.//3.3 :43((/ -- U6E T)P Nor 17(c4(/0).' zzo(c,) (zo') 47 (20" 16 4/,30' qD OR. t15T 4. hOT L37:(3)(I0)i zo(s)(ao) i .i.'io TlR. 6S(3)2 /t -.----- - 7.4S58:•/ 3 .4 cDt. t15r I c' S Z0St4'.(/a)/booC1.33) LJ5E 6 14 oi-/. ss 8EoV AID 137,(q..s-)(/0)' zz000 /%e 30(4.45)'/z • Zc 74:-37-M-7' z.jiv LJ/ f- %I t-i LYONS, WARREN 4 ASSOCIATES Project TAMAg4c Ck1DO Consulting Structural and 'Civil Engineers' San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 , By &.. Date Shet No. 5,Qf 13 Sublect LATERAL Job No. uijir "D" ZJD FLOFZ, WX)ci D!fECT140Li . L1IJ.Ø F 3.07(/S)(41) 4 /OO S33Y' -/338 F'.c('.s-)(zs) ?.37fZ5' 11.3383 U6 I E TYPE /5 86 (iO) +. / fob w) 1 4Z (JO) 18 ?OO -1,876(3)t/z ?,ç53q' i(io -UPL/Fr L/Liti F3.O7(iS)() S3JV -/3S30 () L/5' TYPE '(lo UPLIFT br 05 ZEAVA770A4 IJIJIT NO" Z LJ "YY" D!ET/OL1 - c? L./hJE. F 04(1z)(0)-()(7)]= 700 (7s6) i57 fc387/ ?34!/ 1T\ U5& TYPE J,' OrI-! SIDES 1] I1OT r 700(l0) .73(3560)(20) 4 /80(8)2/z 75C s!oo) (SO ) .- is000 a?a izczgz /5 :1.5-75/ " 51-i RE.4TIO1.4 '7Oc) 6/51 U - /a 80LT iU c: CAP 5TL COL.' - ' El-IL) ?ax 6 10057 LlLJ 1 F s.d? [(,-/ 6 ) (10)] 'L4.7.4 ' -785O) 42 S fli 7••iPE 0 l5OT/-1 510ES I1o r: ifl4 (lo) - .zs(3ec)(zc) j'sô(zo), .z(3ioo )(o) * 30o(3ô) /60000 0-1 e 0 ee) Z/z z,o 3'7q.S'" 2l4o 1`1 KE.Ac-TION jr, SOC LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Project TA!AA (QL'Ca Consuliing Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 By &' Date _____ Sheet No. 53- Of 1 E IAM Subject L4TgAL.. Job No. US E •z -7/ 46OLdS I/I • Cc C.AP 6 T CCJL I5 z-iJb-, AT pQEe ELJD ti/ 6 6 I57 F= 3.07(18)('0). 1 !5T,.,'12. .'I2 70 . V tzi /i uie Trpd , &-i I'T- &oo(C)'/z 14 700 U5 /4Q- llor' $/.?C 7' 7'/5' jjse- /sO7 DIA. 514E4a. • • • .Sc (8.$) 1- 70 A-JAIL TOP PLATE IJ/ t-Icc( I. LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES. Consulting Structural and civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project 7AP14.4c. (l-ion By & Date _____ Sheet No. Of __1 1 3 ______ Subject LArAL Job No. - If LJ/.JIT C" RcF & D,E.CflOkJ ROOF .4.14JE - F 6 .14 (7..)(?..$) .(SOd+ Z/6-3 47OJ, F41- 'sc'7)(s) Vs 4703 /4 7.5 . YP 80 0 /-k: UPLIfT 8Y I-iPcTii Q L1LJ F,' / .C.rP 6D 43OT/, 1-1-T 176 ()('o) "/OcOC 400(C)'/7- 7400 3zoc/ so H199 KEAC-TI04J Ok.. IJA,L To L e L//_le.. ®. I4(.')() "g/Oo" (is) a 7S Vs - sico/zi i71JCo OK rior= /47 (5) (io) 73 of -, t-i zso(s)2/z =coft' 3770'/J ?75 YAK gAc.T/oxa .. . = 3 It W5 E /L51 18 t1- izO(&)'/z '3640'' L'/o qd 71 . . 115T FICA S z &4= ,ckj/z..g - - . £7 (. 5) .SOI SPLICE 7P P4Tt AI/ hIM - iI AJA(L5. S LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and civil 'Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project IAf1AAC. t3't2e. By & Date -.Sheet No. of H 3 Subject LArbC. Job No. _jJ4J1r "C" RF 2' rh IJRECT/OLJ Q L 11_ic (D Fs G. / 4 (ia) (D) z &0 -- /s(i)(s) /:Z oo 4 V.s ZIJO/ô . - 1156 TYPE J (3..)(io) /Zc.'O I'Tg: /7a()/z = 10c3' ô.çô /s. %S 3354'' - 115e 11D- 4" /o (4.5)7z /z z0 ' -, U5c I-1574 OlAPH4 (3.3) ,s.00 ST CZL CWEcL: 8r1 SELOW 5H.AR kIAL&. ro P= g4ZO 4.5'J 8.5' SC R 116q* t1 zt3c (4s) r /0070' 3 5= /0070 (,z.)//300 .. 1J€ G. l7 DF/L 'I 54.604.iy .ii/ 4x 4 P037 CC G 4 CAP 2 LILJ.Ø & C. if (4.$) (SO ) =417o , S80 4 : Fw i(zi..s-) ) z_/, 480/lS U5ETYP& M012 SC 4.50'' 'Te 12003.5)z/2 /436' 4166' HO-a i8000' 7i '/o /770 LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714)578-8380 L//...IE® Project TAtiAt4.ç (iiou& By MC Date _____ Sheet No. Of 3 Subject LATEgAL Job No. &JLJ,r c .I360" rUcc0 or, 3 (3) Oo) zôc P1g.? /40 (3)/Z 30 2I0 73 7ZO' - 40 REACT 'Or lkiwc j. WALL /40 (4. .s- Vt 1400 Z77O'/4..S /$ UOR FEAcT- O& LJ4iL J-kI4LL IfLilT 'c' ROOK 'XX" DIA dc 7711L/ L/Li (D F- 307 (7)(s?;s) /Z-60"3 Soo' , 410?ö0 IS( 7) (i.$) i50 zr s'i 41/4 q, J r /:ZO. USE 7YP k(0 UPLIFT 5'i /&J.5PEc.T10k1. &(D - 3.O7 (/s)(.s-. .$) t7O" .. .fSO0" = )? 1• - '1 . I - ••• - rP 8D 307-4 IOE E/i.(a dc4"0,C I1OT : tGG () lie s&ô()t/z - ?/7 /Z7' . LJ5 P4/8 ii oo -5) 11-7- 21000 •' WDR R.EATIO/.J OK /-.ld4IL TO -L kJ4L.(. VIA PHM 'l• SHEAR... LJ. 57(,aZ1 S LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project IA t14 0LJ1D By ?jC Date ____ Sheet No. 50 Of I '3 Subject LArRAL Job No. Uu,r ' Fs= 5.07 (?)(5?) /3O 31CO 473O ' 4 7,30 z z (!) 1107 75(J)(10) /4 7(s)(Z0) z 180O 114 .. 36; 00 7200' - 850 * PDA P4.7io4t J447ø USE R4-/& (lot: 78(5)(I0) /47('8)()=Z1800'' _40(8,)Z/Z 78O' S 2ZC8C'/8 //L-Z. DI4P/-iP..4r1 :3IA. 470/sZ.. 'O(8..c) = 75' IJIJIT "C" FWOR '/YY" DIPETlOki 5PLICE TOP PC.4T6 ki/Pliki 8-/1 ( Uk/I. F - 3.07 (z.$)(30) aicio -sou' S v,- c00/8 = .IJ5E TYPE 1101. ZZ(3.)(I0)4 33)(ZO)S0 0' ?350' - U5E .IW-7. Ho7 r 33(4.)(ic) Ma 130(4.$)2/z Z7O0''/4. LJ5 HD -6 bI4PWRA611. 5lIEAR. z (g L/AIL TOP PLATE W/ 1-11AJ -/0-li LYONS. WARREN &•ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and 'Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project TAt149A. COiL By 5 Date _____ Shët No. 6.or Subject LAT4,L Job No. ÔA..COLI Y- ' i1ue. Fs z &O?(D$'(0) Z7Zo+ /70" 4ôJO.770 Vs 77(-)"//.$ ?308 USE TrPE • . 13,1-03-S)('10)zs(/s.$)('c) = 700a U5e AID -.5 4G800'' t7:z 3(.e)Yz.. 8000' 3&5o''/8 =4ScJ ND LlLJ 0 F-.3.07(7)(WY /300"/1750 FL) /(7)(,$) v-s rnsO//5= 130 7VO O. 1-1 4. () (io) . 3 (s)(z o) 1 CO ti zoô(3Y/t izo"' /?O pA- '8. tTor : 4C(.9)(/O). 0-5) 06) Jzs./c' /100 4-64s, /1 sO' • PA - /ô LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES . Project /iiAz OLJOO Consulting Sirthiural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (7 14) 578-8380 By - Date _____ Sheet No. Of H 3 Subject L4rtL Job No. IJIJIT /tellcrJF ")(X" D!PE.C.TlCkJ . L//.IE F .Z4 (7.6-)(6t) zoo - 1.5-( 7. :f) (.c) a * Zr g IJO UPLIFT J5 r ILi5PT1OL, r 1(/5)(.3) S-6 6-0 FeJ /JOS)(5) .58&/i.s 17c8' I1R Z5(c.S)2/Z. dO °' L/E. AID -Z tlor 'Z7Z(/5)(/0) 408 00 16 OS-6 1676 U66 iii.:,-z 0 D/APN4611 59(4Q -( = //S (.5S) U5 ,5TZZ.4 5PLhE. TOP Pe-ATE All f1/i-I (S- 16 .U.GE.. TYPE .0 Ilo - 210 (-) (Jo)? 75ØI ' -, 91. / /5 UL11T COF 65 d fW 45 OIRETlOLJ : L/IJ& F j 74 33 Z 0 /iO.c (j Tlar = 3 ( )(ic) Z zooc 3/0 (cY/Z 5S0 At 737Z Z 7,20' U5E HD-7- i LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting-Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project T AAc<. By &' I Date _____ Sheet No. L60f 1) 3 Subject Z-ATEAL Job No. LJLIIT Mar .1( 4.)00) i soc tj'R too(4..5)2/z /4400 ''/4.1- IJ5ei Hfr DIA PH1Ai-1 .v..•_ 55W/30 v /Z7(/t) Irr iZ7(/S) 1"t OJ U66 14 -- 13OLT5 EA i!Q& 5(-OCt .D/APP'A&f1 USE 1-1ST rL7 .5PLJCE TOP 11/ 11/6(1 - /d &JAiL.S• LIL1© Fs 3, 7.5-0 ,0 P - /5(/8..5)(S) 14001 v-?sO/I4..c Z7Ov/ LISE 0 7r Pe e 70(/4.)(b0) i'-'/ii. 5 1559 • L./ WD-Z VJ A P14 KA4 rl 514E4R. s/o 5M4 p /32(15) .5co- 6. Z 1 (3 -4 = 37ZO Fw IS- (/7.s') () - ' ,z - 372 /1/ 3Z 4 L/6E T-rpe'--Q) • flor 37W (1O) 37ZOO 4 11g: IZO (,/.SY/L 7?3S' LJSEWO - z D1APHPAt1 5H.A! . 21D,4: 3720/30 /Z4'/, /Z4 (iz.) /88 57 co Z1 LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES ' Project AMA"(- OLJl' Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 By & Date _____ Sheet No 61. Of I 3 Subject LAPAE A 41 Job No. . Lh(-IE c. Z4 ( ?s)(3q) 1 4J ,,•(q)(5) 7/2.3* 2 2020 /J' 4.0 3 416 6 - TYPE 1-10 -r 403 (s)('io) /4W ' £11 RE4CJ/0/J .. - us Ho-a @ 61-1 AID -$ c' FREE' -EUO D/APHP..44t1 514A S . zOzo/z4 3" LEVEL d LILIE 6#.IAR.. LJAU.. ULJIT C.. 50(.J7U SIDE 1- 6. 14 (7)(/S): O -.'2020 Z1 Z7O/'.5 .53Z 4/5: 7YP iE zozo (zo) .. sc('o) 4tTOO tie (3)2/2. ______ 43 ?00 -/S ô 750 - 1 ,EAC.T/o/..J 7340* L/E HD-7 AIO LEVEL LIAJE 5EAg. kJALL L.JL4IT C $OL)1 5106 F S.07(7 )(/$) x 37-Z 3O #_0Z0 = 3000" V 3000/S xj"/ U6 TYPE __- Mr Z07-0 (50) . C. SO(2.0) (10) - 7C 320 -. f'1 O(S)z/a 4' 72.320''/S t/5€ Z-H1-7 1] LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Project Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 V 8Y iC. Date ______ Sheet No. (Qf J 1 3 Subject L4TEiL Job No. CJtj,r h5.. £Jl-JIT ft J5 7WlO FLOOR V "Xx" DlPEC.77OkJ . Ld/JE 0 F lq(7.c)(.) ?284~Z?Co .c7.cov U5E TYP€ UO UPLiFT /LJ.PEcTkkJ a 6/4(/S)(6I) 3ZO 4 -, .c83O :- J/47' p- /.ç05)(/5): 356 114 70 ' / z /. ..s U5 6 rrp t1-4 70($)2/2 4 600 35'1Qt 4'' /c c?io' fr1,- P1AP149AI1 ,uEAg 1117 0 "1-57 z..9 41/ .•. . . . V ç? z2.6( /0 /3 * iT LliJ.Ø F .11 (7. .c)(57) Z3SO'. 2i F - /'7.,c)(i): j' qscj: / LJC flPE i...ic UPLIFT 5r /LJ5PEc7I0/..J UkJIT 4 5"THIP%D FLOOR MyrH D!ETlCi.j. LILJC. : ./4(J8)(3O) = '3ZO' .# 35&'71 4-0 Zrs:* 7140110"5- -: COO L/56 T'TPE. fr?0?: 3+364()(W) GZ640 AL t4 S 7$(C) '/z. / 2 tO V V U HO-? i LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Cunsuliing Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project TAii.cv COkJn1 By Date _____ Sheet No. tOf 1I3 Subject / ATERAt Job No. LJAJfl- 's" 11,r v 1 lc (4.S)(/0) , 36'11(4; s)(c) 8O ' /7,- 4(q 3)Z/ 43/5'' ?48/ * LiE HO - 7 41/4- Ye "0 118 5E 0E741L D1Af'HRA4F"1 Z514EA VIA 83ac7/30 /1/ (/6) t /S' c 235(4..)/h'7 7 ST .62.23 L15 E 5'q k/I - &OCk 0iAPh4RA4PI F..JAIL TOP PLATE i.i/ 7- /d' 1J41s 2 1AJff ? 7350' zrr 7380/ /..5 jZS/ iJ<C TYPZ Z70 (/q.S)(Zc) i/Zco t1, t5O(/4.S)2/z 30' 4'-' /ii.c Efl4P14PA4t1 5i4 EAR i): 3q00/30 /700' L1E 0 27 - c 5z?*///.5 ?55 L15E HO-G Z.807 377-0 7 4' ij5 TYPE (D 8d?(10) 370(0) fOz6-00 4 ' 77J$ :,7Q', 807?o'' -///,.c 7ozs IdO-7 VIA PH M4PI3;4EAA. D/A Z8Off /s(o 3(I5)/4Oq 4'4 • 4/5E 7ZZ4 € LILJE F: ./1(z.I)(.$) 2 izzi-" Zç /22$/c U6E TYPE tlor nz(io) 'lR ZOO(c)7-/t34cc -' 146C me LJ5E /1D- LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Sirueiural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Ir iz.c/i - 7C 7 (,o) Project TAPI4gACK By & Date _____ Sheet No.'424 Of J 3 Subject LArAL Job No. jJ,j/7- J/ah . USE 5T C. ZZi i( SI. 2!Jo FWbA. LXX" DlSCTlO.J f: S.07 (i..g)() = /4. 84T 7SO 7 /70' 7/ 70 / S0. - /4Z -PE UE T7 I.JO UPur y lkJ5PEC..TI04j 49 LIAJE z.so'i . //474 = /4?_79 F /..-(i.c)(Zs) If-6 zs- Z,r5 /41- 77/q*/ 1_I1c- TYPE r10 , 3i (c)(io) 2Z (.$)(zc) z7 Z (.$)(3) 4Z(.S)&/Z ., /4000' 73100'4 1/300 U5E Z.- 140-4; /31 (/s)(/O) ZZ(/3)(zc) , Z7Z(/S)(30) 2 Z.0700 f- 41.5 (i.c)/z. .# 7/O' //ô/&7' . /OZi/1 - USE. /4D - 7 O,APH4 514EA = /st 25oL e L//JE® ,57ZZ4 F5 = 07(7.5-)(c/) =/I7S 1s0" 15r.75 F- 's(7.s-) ,c = Zt =. M 7 U5 E Type- ),lo UPLIFT &Y l/JPEc.T/o&j LYONSr WARREN & ASSOCIATES Project /444c. COLJ - Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers. San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 . By & Date _____ Sheet No. éot 11 5 Subject./ AII~R Az_ Job No. (-J.&JIT" 3 " LJ,&I/T 5 ZJ'° FLOOR. N r r" DiR E.c..T/QkJ 7 / 56' 8 ,500 4 - LJE T7PE SL1 oru s,o&s IS8(c)(iO) s/cc')(20) sq()(so) //Z100'*'' fTg 37S(c)2/Z izz.i0 i 1r0i6' H ?3O1''/c - 8M i?EAr X4 1-:57L 1. j/.c4# i-ia r-i at..io LJALL 43/3 -CCO/ ' -76 0'70 4L.. / -. L5E.t-HO-7 01AP14R4(f,rl 5AR /6 £8 1.3 0 5S; 3 LIIJ Q F 3.07(18.)(3O) 170q f 7560 170e f Sr.?O//4.. U5 T'Pe. 51(,4.S)(zo) 4270(I4.$)(.30) ?zoz3co' MX 10(I4.)/Z ?' ZOO -40000'' /a Z -3373 : //zo' i'7 9 EAC.771OA4 = 434-0 so 415E MD-7 ' 811 (/C ELJD F -3.07(455) = ,'tos", cS5' =7134. 7 93 / IL J7 20 "V USE. Tr-PE 11 146(10) O?(zo) 37zO(30) /81830 ' Mg - W8 (/,)2/2 ., I700 /44c'/J/..c us a- HO--i OR. 4 "57LL 1J/ 3- V9 1! 80L.7 LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Project TAP7ARAC C_O)JO(' Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 By ' Date _____ Sheet No. 6&01 Subject L4rL Job No. €. Llkj F .O7(ZiY(?.S) izzs U6 7rPE. . •.. . j (iô) /ZZ (LO 6.30 ' / z3IZO / ?:r?Os5 8 • . JE Hø- .1-....... ... T LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Project I-AmAuce Louan Consulting Siruciurql and Civil Engineers San Diego. Californtia (714) 578-8380 By BC Date ______ Sheet No. (a.2 Of 1 1 3 -. Subject LATrfAAI Job No. IJ/,jii- A LJ/..JIT 'A" ROOF '1XX " vlPE_-r/oLJ f- L114JE (2/) I- .z4(7..s(s) Fo,/-(7.s-)(s-)= cz.c' 578"/4Z )JO UPL. I I T PECT'O F...) Fw : /.5(1.$)(5) V- 574/i5 - £J6E T'rPE - ?Or. 'vie !LO(IC)z/Z /4OO 4 //c • 11E iID - a Mor so ?C0 09 1157- 4& ci.rc7i.c 4/o I.lD AC..TsQj 01< k/AId.. • J.J4.• DIAPJA6!1 514EAR -. 144 : 3 /48 €LILJ (13 F q(7.'S)(S) z5 78'M F - /5-(7-s)(s) v;v Z..78*/42. klO UPLIFT ö'r //.-JSPECTIOI.J. /J1(J!T '.4" ckP PlgE7,o& L/LJØ p, :Z(f5)(3Q) 0?0" LJ TYPE t1or' 2(4)(10) = 10 -70'_g 54(4)2 /Z 818"/4? ZO4Z L/66 HO-z t1 (4)/ T/z'/4: 4.13 E HD- - 1157 f8 LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Project TAItA.o (—OLJOO Consulting Structural and civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 By Date ______ Sheet No. ITof H3 Subject LATE AL Job No. LJ&iirA or Z1(3)(i0) 3070 ,1, 4 (),/7- ZZO 4.166 WO-Z. /D r75r k .DiAPA6t1 :5HEAR . -- sO c/ io 103 "/ - 103 (is-) /S4.5 •. T Zf - . ios(- zz) z 4 %'i i-i/z-3ø 5o€.75 E4 5lD i FOR RAO ... . IC' Ir. 30 I?32 ri ico() - cS20'' 3 ' 4It DF/L. "1 O - USE cC4q AP i F:s 6 .74 (,z)(go' 247/? lIar: Z47 (ia): t24 70 1g : /ZO(q)2/L: 48O U56 TYPE. (1) bl 1ç4C.IIO?sJ 76 US rl47 48 ? 6/I i,L-Z & FREE /..JD DIA PWA4P7 SHEA 1 - Zt7i30 7S/ • ' LJ 54 3 o1ie.. 0 . 4 (a. a) (so) 1646 k40/5.3 ijg TYPE /40 (io). , 400 no (es)a 433S'. /410' U5E. HD -Z. OR L-/IT48 LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES . Project TAr1AR_ Cô.tjg Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714)578-8380 By Date _____ Sheet No. of- Subject LATAL Job No. - LJi-.i,rA D/APHRAG -r /4i V'4 I4O/C 8W C-qECAC 5 t1 FOR (JPC.JFT 14 ZO V V. • • -V 6=5 - V J 8..6l4 •. V IT os(.$) ?.5cSo" s 523ci(Iz)/L5rxD(I..33) 3/•5" J6 /2 DF/ • J/4.A3.S 8/1 70 It L//J® 6.Z4(8)(30) /83O • V - • V - V v /630/// Pf-r - V ZO40IYL/7L, 1z_c,t'_' 5? JO kIAIL TO .L IJALL D!APi4RA4t1 5H4R V V V VD 18 1/F.iE F cZ.4 (6) (30) /300 4l zrs /SOO//.S..S -- 5TG.Z.t 4 tu 'V • • 5TJ(CO 0*1 - -- - V z/Z 131 CO • • klO UPLIFT V 9?(4.S)(/&) 433' • WDR REAT,OXJ 01< V k14IL TO -L I.JALL. LYONS WARREN &ASSOCIATES consulting SirueivaI and civil Engineers San Diego. California (714),578-8380 Project TAfrA2At By &: Date _____ Sheet No. 720t 1)3 Subject LAr -A1 JOb No. Uk/jr A Vgeo U,JIT A 0/-fLY F 5 = 6.zq(4)(30) 730' V: / /3,5 • / Z. ' TIOT = /o(4.o)(Io 4800'' Cl, I70' -9040 "7'lq 760 4/5E !157 18 710 IZO (4..5)(/O) 'lR /ZO(4...5)/Z ?/$' 4/85/4.3 4I51 tT57 48 t1or lzo(.c)Oo) r- 000 /20(sY/z 4c ?0 4/5E t75T fa. D/AP/M4Pi H6,4R o/A /. 8 = s q 34(T) 5T2Z 1Jui7- "A" 3° FLOOR. IITAc.€CI' " D,gEcTio&J d LI/J(D Fs ./q(7.$)(56) zi F.- i.c(7s)(fc) - /700 Vs 6-z/4z IZ6 4/6 6' 7YP6 /JO UPLIFT 5r /LiPEcT/CLL L/iLI® c ('c)(&) csqz Jo qc '/ zs 4Z0 05 TYPE 71oJ Z14(10)(/0) a zcoo (Tg 33$(i0i'/t 5830''/ Af 3S&c U5E HD -. OR L/6d .15T 42' H0 .4Z(/S)(/0) 63000 410(1S)/7- ?4c00' /6 300 "-'/ /5 a' U5E HD-. 0Z tI5T +8 i LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulling Siruciural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project TAti4R4v CnAjc By & Date _____ Sheet No. 1L of I) E Subject LATEXA4 Job No. LJAJiT A D/4P!A6t1 VA 34Z/.57 14c(s) € LIIJ. F? 6,ii (7.$)(5) Z7C, 41 ,s 7f3 S'300 Ff41 /.-:( 7. 5-) (J ..5) r / 700 IV '33o0"/4Z. /z' 41/; U5E K1 -- WO UPLIFT 8Y //JPEc.TlCk/ Uk/IT 'A" .3R0 FLCo @ L/kI F ..L4(l:5)(3O O46' 3O9O41 130 4 Vi - LJ5ETYPU® ri - (4)(/0)+ Z? (4)(W) - t1p 3(4)z/21 z.cô' -.f74Z' Z6 06 3rl A EA7IOk1 HD- S' t1. WV-? F/EE FJ-IO i1g (4)'/Z 130''352Z' Z6573'/4 7113.' /dco W 6I.,4'TI0E-J /434f U5. /10-7 ri z.s-(3)(,0).. ')(zO)= z400'1 ' flg : 3?3(3)Z/.Z Z,8SC*/3 Zc.Co" 3i1 REATtaL-j W5 H0-4 ' /:-gg. -j /A 4AI - oqo / 30 )o' 5 T 2Lt.4 7. W/-/8' EA 610E LYONS. WARREN & ASSO.CLATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project 7At1Ap1 Cinr By Date _____ Sheet No. 72 Of I Subject LATAL Job No 4kiirA ill /I U/-lIT I4 U SAD FLO c! LILsF. F5? C./' (IZ.)(30) -vZ.IC, 4' Z47 44.7 0 . V-S 44.T 7 /y 420 USE TYPE Mr wo(Io) aZ47(zo -a7cl - flR 240(9)Z/ '772.0 S-7 300 C31O U5 6 w- S ' L3i'l V/A 5I4E4R.; .. . .. - V,A' ZlO/3 7$ 4 .SG i L.!ki /O • -so'/ L.1 5E TYPE cj r IC O (/0)4 IC 45 (w) 400 tTg.: 40(8.5)1 /7 4O 730'/ô. eoo - IJ5C HO-. liiLe ® ci (q.&) (30) 1810 - /530 • 333//, ?330/ - US E 7YP& 11 3C 3S (,.) . 35 •••• izo (ii) Y 72 60' :ZG4t £J6E/dO-Z. -. O'4 (is) = pu jrs / Q L/4JC (D F (a) C3) ,scja /Q r=30O0 4'/ is. 3 /?0'Z 57JCC0 OK. 11or I0(4.6-)(I0) oc zc . /Co(45)2/a 70&0'//SGO" wo. 94c..rIo,-J Og / . I-JAIL.. L k/ALL-. LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Project TAAP-cx &JnO Consulting Siruiural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 By Pr1 Date _____ Sheet No. Of I Subject L4rAL •Job No. tJ'J,rA LiMIT FL "rA.kEb 11 "XX" ,PC.T,OLZ. @ LIL..JE..Ø F? .3.67(7,3)(io) /35'0". io /4 Z. 6/ -. TYPG.. MO UPLIFT 8'( /1LJ5PEC710&I. Li/.J F- 3.0(',S)(s&)Z C .7/4 /0 4 ?0 /3/CO' - Vs 13/0./7- Szf Us 7'rPp_ Mary 107(10)(i0) 1i4(/O)(ZO) 20(io)(sd) llg 1076(/0)'/z. 53SO0*# ciac/ . USE 107 (is)(io) zi (is)(z&) - 17V1.5O ' t- I070(I3)Y7- /Z04OC'' SZ. 375 -'/,'s- 3 SOS /J5E I-ID - Z. LI/-iL® F- S.07(7..)(51) - /3O .53cD0 4 USE 7YP. 1)0 UPLIFT 5r 1kJPEC.7-10kJ Uk/IT FL 'rr" Oigc_TlOLJ. LIkia P 07(/&.)(30) /5ZO' ,-6I30 7C 6-0 7 o/ii.s U56 7P t-1,,- )37- (4)Oo) ' i)co) ... ?S .5-74Z ' 6 ' 41z47O' • '5800 13rl REA.T. u 'z.- wo- @ F"AFEE Eir. HD-7 C& -3ti. c. (1)z/z S1ic ' • /?OO pp 5'l 47 40 USE Z-/4D-6 LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Project TA,-14 Co Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers . San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 By Date _____ Sheet No. 7f Of 113 Subject t47.4L Job No. LJAIr.4 UkilT //,4 II z"I Pcoo 115T,4C/(ED II "YY10/,.rI0LI . 1IME CC.J1 -- - iz ($)('O)i z 6-7 ('&)(o) 44070'' , _-c:3/S 4 ' : '7 ô /3 13 OW 1RAC..7 7zzô 4/5E 1.1/4 - cI5 Z- HD- (2 FiCEe. E!JQ & LI/tilE® 75: 3-07 (17-),(30) -iic.s 47 z.4 frlor 110S CIO) zzic'zô) z 7 q(so) 14c.00 6. "37-,' 131'1 REACT USE UO-7 (2 I-- AID - C. & P/{EE. £Euo F5 r 3.07()(3)5Zff*SZ OO 4/. TYPE , (Ic') Ir. co(to) .. /40(30) ô 70 f1 - 3(O (8.5) £/t 7770C'/5S U5E HO-7 - 3Z' . C3.5 ' 4.538 41 i/s. 1J r'rp tl,r' /'7, :40 (i/)•/z. _______ 77_Qo 4156 LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-380 ProjectTA1Ai By Date _____ Sheet No. 15-Of ) L Subject LArAL JobNo. . LJ.l..ir4 LJ&IlT ll,4 JJO FWO 5TA L.I/-I5... r5 1.07 (8) (30) 73C .7000" - •s 373// 7- 1. - - - L16 d 1107 .t 4i (4,..T 60 46- ML . . I0(45)Yz . lCaW 11"' - .......V . r1Qr• (ic') (//)/z V 83O £L.//,1~5_30 11D- z. ci LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project By Date____ Sheet No.Of Subject I_A T4i Job No. /J//I7• A LJ/..IIT qo FL 1157O IIXX hIDiPC_T/Ck.1. . . . . L/U. 0 rs 6.14(7.$) () -zsoo' 278' . V's -5 U5 TYPe- 6 ILIO UPL..,pr 8Y jPc_Tioki L//.../ F- (I4(I5)(5c) sc&1 /30.$/Z5 US& 7YPe t1 zo ('o)(io) . 146(S6) 413( /e) /z. Z 73 iiiz .7ic 7?!. - V L5( /10-Z CR. P1T 48 4'?... (/5)(/O) Cf80e' Z(0 (/3) 1/ 2. 8 IC.' (J6 i,o-a j5 L/J® p 157" usi n-ps klQ (JP / FT 45 Y ii.J 5 PEC.T!OL. U/.lir 4" 3' V .'YX DIP(_T!OI.J V . 6.( -) (30) 04 N &(30 70). 55/ Z 475 4/56 TYPE • t1G 2C4(4)(10) 8(?C.)()(10) V z ec. ' / * 4070 * -Z coo 61 RAC.-T. V • U t-i3T488t1 V HO-S L3C (4)t/Z 0/6 OIl flA7 V V us 5 r i-7 V .. N0- & LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 57-8380 Projedt IAME4A COA4CO By Date _____ Sheet No; 120f Y13 Subject LAMP-AL. Job No. UIJIT ° FLOOR, IJ!P..EZ..T1O.J ê ii..iz Au7 S 3706),6(t)(3)((0) t1i 3(3)/z Z303 4Z9 z 560 J'1 g.c.r i5E P157- ' (9 5t1 HZ,LT ilA"L. F5 - 6.Jq(,2)(w) -=-zz,O . .z(o'ô) .-3eeZzq 7) - SO2../' 416 TYPt \/ Ilor: Zz10(10) 4. a(30?O)(/O) I .3(2247)(/0) 35Z/ 12O (?)2/2 30/c/'/? T .Z338& Sti k4T 10/3 USE HO-$ CP &M LL 3tT F .iq (?)(36) ioO' . 7('ZZ47) , C.(io) i 'u- 4zi7)/a.s = 4?(/ LJS. Trpe Mr= /O (10) . 7(Z2.47)(/0)4 . (i,)(iô) 4 7.. / 70 id /1g•? /zo(o..)L/L .3 7 93 4 33S 4q5/# U H,0-3 <9 k/AC-C.. 11T 4'5i0 Q L/AJ F .I4 (48) (so) /8/0# .4(/co).t .S(isoo) zIc.4' vs 31..1c /Acs TYPE' /1ar.3ZIG.(1O) •21C' - / 7 Z 6 6 41 , MD-7- k/ALL r157 48 37IQ/ IS. , r Z 4 UTYP l077Z' tlgc:. IC.O(4..S/-z. /CZ.i'' Z034 U6 t1z57 4• 1ENER5ED 1J1-JIT 6/4Cc0(0) ?/(.(O ,sc'O i',. 3Ic;4n//...S rZ3f/ o 11 7 :/Z3(4)(/O) /Z0(4)('70) IV - 1/E Y-2 W LYONS. VARREN•& ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project TAfr1Aft4L1__C.Ok16 By & Date _____ Sheet No. of 13 Subject LAM-PAL Job No. 1,11-lIT ":4" Ri' "--" D,RTJOkJ LLJ.® c;.I4(')(0) FLZiO,, /SOO' 1710' - - L.JIJIT "4" ?-'vv KLOOR 11 5TEM11 It "K ,c" o/c-7i-i. t_ /&f 0 FS - .07(7.S)(.c7 :S rf S-1 rC. 6 5/S" 2f CsiS/43 /5/ USE TYPE l..IO UPLIFT e'r /kJPC.T/oki S LILJE@ F5 3.O7(i.)('$) Z7l?' 2- iôzz z 6- r / 4isr- Type- 5z/8. s 114 qis (io)y = ZC7.3O sss W5 45 /1O-z O/ i15T4, 5/ 1.JO UP.i F 7 8Y /L15PEC TiOki. LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIAT:ES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers . San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 . Project TAAct__LICrj . By 2C Date _____ Sheet No. of Ii Subject L47-4/ Job No. ,I.uir A CikilT "A t° FL.00 "TPPeO" "rr" D,EXJO4L1" Fm - 3.07(1S)(3d) .8(Ss/z.) t). .c?z?///..S s-i: .. •. u5TYP@ No r .S/. (4)(/0) . . .. r11 F /7'8O /4•it 370 zO RAT /77O' 1V0 6- t1a 37.(3)z. I77O' l7O3'/3 4/5t H-Z. 8'I S G &1A LL L-14J6 r, so (Iz)(30) iJ06 . z(.cs/) 1 3 (93cZ) 3Z5S ZS 3Z$/7cZ.Z • LI6 7ype- -3 Z.$ CIO ) 3Z.583' Mg jzo(iY/z / 1soocw Z33e, 3i'-1 RAC-7 74 USE •UO-•2 3f'1 /-IL7-.S k/ALL F3 r 3.07(9)cJ30' 6 Z' #.7(3SOZ).c.(4Z/7) 5310' 2'•• se/o/a.s- 4,156- 7) 1jO? 56I0 (io) - 5-8 . /'T /tO5)t/a:4333/ • c375'/5.5 c 3Z3M 4/5iff AID- LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project C el y By & Date _____ Sheet No.Of Subject L.4TE.P4L Job No. ULII i-A IJLJIT t FLOOK 57EPPE08 Fs r 3.O7 z 4100 dI //s.5 Z71 • U T17E. na,.' 4Z00 (/CJ) - 4 ZQ)C $47/q-/// /5* '5,E /ib-Z -//iiE 0 /38l' ,' S7/C --s-/oO t1or 8(4.)(1O) ' /4 7. I1g JO ()/2. 16 zo L.I UO-t 2/z 4.15 E UD-z.. ' LI/J. r<E.VE95E.0 £J/J/T 4AUCLJ LY 3.01()(30) && i C 0 Zr,: 17 10 /13-5- 1Je;7Ype; J liar c/. - (4 )('10) / (4J(zo) izo Ci o) 7-zC.700" '-i- 3C ('4)/t zee, 0 - • j -:.. •• ,, 2g6S 6 _ 7 C/1 2144O.67 I -I '-...' ': t03,18 -00 Fr 0 U LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES' 'project Tflfl4 vc Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers - Date 7JB. Sheet No..L. Of San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 . BY Subject _hT&. -' Job No. ; .. I q,6730, I-4F 7710,0. %* -1 k,-I? Z,44 Sol .. - 'c. ,yi,q'ss 10 J3.Bq . lot 0 c: U/ • ••- 0 I l.a 1/.33 S-r Z LU 4VIvo Z. S&5 " = (z.S')(ZJo): Uo (SzSx 4Te(. Poec. F=R~ Somwi c- F (z(~)cl ZIlO S LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES roject LO&OC3 San Diego. California onsling Structural and Civil Engineers (714) By ________ Date _____ Sheet No. t 1 3 • Subject Job No. * SHEAR WALL BUILDING Pr1P. 3Ts 4: MODULUS OF ELASTICITY = 100 1(81 TAMARACK CONDOS BASEMENT LAT.. ELEMENT #1 - LEVEL HEIGHT Hx H> WEI GHT NODE X V •. I 210.00 ::-': 1 10.8 .5 .5 3060.0 210.00 14.08 SEGMENT END NODES SEISMIC DATA 1. 1 2 SEGMENT L ANGLE ZONE 4 1 A. 1 90.0 7. K= 1.33 210.00 7.00 X-OIR. x Ix T= 0.03 S C=.120 210.00 V 144.8 I>' Ix> S= 200 7.00 8.13 0.0 b' ' .ib I(EQuIv) V-DIR. ix T= 0.06 29.4 0.0 0.0 C=.120 S= 2.00 ELEMENT *2 CS=.140 NODE x V V =.1862 I 203.00 0.00 BUILDING DIMENSIONS 203.00 18.00 - - Ox = 210 0::' = 65.6 SEGMENT ENO NODES 1 1 2 SHEARS AND MOMENTS - SEGMENT L ANGLE T V 1 18.00 90.8 7.6 LEVEL X-MOMENTS (FT-KIPS) 203.00 9.00 WIND SEISMIC 1 U. 0. Ix 0 5. 5698. '30 307.8 Ix LEVEL X-SHEARS (KIPS) .00 ICEQIJIV) 0.0 8.13 WINO SEISMIC I I:y lxx 1 0.5 569.8 41.1 0.0 0.0 LEVEL V-MOMENTS (FT ELEMENT *3 WIND SEISMIC I 0. 0. 0 5. 5698. NODE X 'V 1 139.50 0.00 LEVEL V-SHEARS (KIPS) -. 2 SEGMENT 139.50 18.00 END NODES WINO EI..MIL 1 1 1 0.5 - 569.8 SEGMENT L ANGLE T CENTROIDAL LOCATION OF WINO -• 1 : ls.08 X V 90.0 7.6 FORCES • 139.50 9.00 .:= 105 Y= 32.83 CENTROIDAL LOCATION OF BUILDING x 13.50 Ix 307.8 WEIGHT I>- lxx := 108 Y = 32.83 9.00 0.01 0.0 RATIO OF SHEAR MODULUS TO I(Ec'IJIv) * 1x Iy lxx MODULUS OF ELASTCITY= .4 -• 0.0 13.8 LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Project Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. Calicornia (714) 578-8380 By L Date _____ Shet No. Of Subject Job No. ELEMENT- #7 ELEMENT *4 . ------ :. . . NODE ::< V NODE X V 1 29.130 44.67 1 60.130 13.011 2 29.00 65.67 2 60.00 18.00 SEGMENT END NODES SEGMENT END NODES 1 1 2 1 1 2 :3EGtiEt4T L ANGLE T SEGMENT L ANGLE T X1.. X y I 21.013 90.0 7.6 1 18.013 90.0 7.6 . 29.013 55.17 60.00 9.00 X Ix 29.130 488.8 V Ix lxx 55.17 0.13 0.13 IEQIJIV) Ix Ix Ixy 49.8 13.0 0.0 ELEMENT *8 NODE X V 1 59.00 50.30 2 59.00 65.67 SEGMENT END NODES 1 . 1 2 SEGMENT .L ANGLE T .1 . 15.37 90.0 (.b 59.013 57.99 x Ix 59.130 191.6 V I::' lxx 57.99 13.0 0.0 I(EQIJIV) Ix Ix Ix:.' 33.5 0.0 0.0 ELEMENT #9 NODE X V 1 79.67 50.30 2 79.67 65.67 SEGMENT . ENO NODES 1 1 2 SEGMENT L ANGLE V V 1 15.37 90.0 (.t 79.67 57.99 Ix 79 .6 7 191.6 V Ix I 1-1 --/ 57.99 13.0 . 13.0 I (EQ$JIV) Ix 1:" lxx 33.5 0.13 0.0 60.00 3137.8 Ts A L T. .' 9.00 0.13 0.13 I(EQUIV) I ::< I Y Ix> 41.1 0.0 0.0 ELEMENT *5 NODE X V 1 29.130 13.00 2 29.00 21.00 SEGMENT END NODES 1 1 2 SEGMENT L ANGLE T V 1 21.013 90.0 7.6- 29.00 10.50 V 29.013 488.8 V I Ix>' 10.513 13.13 13.0 W I(EQUIV) Ix I' Ixy 49.8 0.0 0.0 ELEMENT #6 NODE V 1 0.00 7.00 2 13.00 57.130 SEGMENT END NODES 1 1 2 SEGMENT L HNGLE T x V .50.00 913.13 11.6 0.00 . 32.013 X Ix 0.20 1131369.4. V Ix lxx 32.013 13.0 13.13 I (EQUIV) Ix Ix Ix> 197.4 13.0 0.0 LYONS WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers p San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project I4fJ(2 US. By Date _____ Sheet No± Of Subject Job No. ELEMENT #13 NODE x V 1 @.U€i 7.00 2 29.80 7.00 SEGMENT END NODES 1 1 2 SEGMENT L ANGLE T '1' 1 .29.00 0.0 11.6 14.50 7.00 Y. Ix .14.50 0.0 V I> I:x> 7.00 1964.7 0.0 I cEQuIv::' Ix I> IxY 0.0 110.3 0.0 ELEMENT #14 NODE X V 1 0.00 57.00 2 29.00 57.00 SEGMENT END NODES 1 1 2 SEGMENT L ANGLE x V 1 .29.00 0.0 11.6 14.50 57.00 X Ix 14.50 . 0.8 V Ix lxx 57.00 1964.7 0.0 IC EQIJ IV) Ix Ix Ix::' 0.0 110.3 0.0 ELEMENT #15 NODE x V 1 29.00 65.67 2 59.00 65.67 SEGMENT END NODES 1 1 2 SEGMENT L ANGLE T 1 30.00 0.0 11.5 44.00 65.67 -x Ix 44.00 0.0 V Ix lxx 65.67 2175.0 0.0 I (EQUIV) Ix Ix Ix:' 0.0 114.5 0.0 ELEMENT #10 NODE X V 1 1:34.00 47.67- 2 134.00 . 65.67 SEGMENT END NODES. 1 1 2 SEGMENT L ANGLE x V 1 18.00 90.0 7.6 134.00 Ix 134.00 387.8 V I>' Ix' .56.67 0.0 0.0 S I(EQUIV) I::< I> 41.1 0.0 0.0 ELEMENT #11 NODE X V 1 210.00 48.67 2 210.00 65.67 SEGMENT END NODES 1 1 2 SEGMENT L ANGLE x V 1 25.00 90.0 11.6 210.00 53.17 X Ix 210.00 1258.7 53.17 0.8 0.0 I (EQIJIV) Ix I' Ix 9.3.2 0.0 0.0 ELEMENT #12 NODE X V 1 29.00 0.00 2 210.00 0.00 SEGMENT END NODES 1 . 1 2 SEGMENT L ANGLE t V 1 181.00 0.0 7.6 119.50 0.08 X Ix 119.50 0.0 T• I/ I xy 0.00 312958.6 0.0 I (EQUIV) Ix I> I>c 0.0 476.9 0.0 ELEMENT *16 NOOE 1 SEGMENT 1 SEGMENT L 59.80 50.30 74.00 50.30 END NODES 1 2 ANGLE T x V 15.00 0.0 7.6 66.50 50.30 I::< 56.50 0.8 V I>' Ix>' 50.30 178.1 0.0 I(EQUIV) Ix I>' Ix/ 0.0 .32.4 0.0 ELEMENT *17 NODE x V 1 79.67 65.67 2 210.00 65.6? SEGMENT END NODES 1 1 2 SEGMENT L ANGLE . r x V 1 130.33 0.0 11.6 144.84 65.67 Ix 144.24 0.0 V I>' Ix>' 65.67 178331.8 8.0 I (EQIJIV) i::< I>' . Ix>' 0.0 523.4 0.0 CENTER OF RIGIDITY X(0) 85.02 V(0)= 36.98 EQ. TORSIONAL MOMENT OF INERTIA = 5824968 FT -6 ECCENTRICITY OF LORD (FT) WINO Ex = 19.98 E>' = -4.15 SEISMIC Ex = 22.98 E>' = -4.15 PIIMINMUM SEISMIC ECCENTRICITIES Ex = 113.5 E>' =-3.2835 [1 LYONS. WARREN 4k ASSOCIATES Project 1AC.(_C1NJYS Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 By Date Sheet No.L6 of ) Subject Job No. *X-OIRECTION* )-FORCE FACTORS ELEMENT Fx. F>'a .1 0.0000 8.00 2 8.0000 0.0000 3 0.0080 0.0800 4 0.0000 -.0000 5 0.0000 -.0000 6 0.0000 -.8000 7 0.0080 -.0800 8 0.0000 -.8000 9 0.0000 -.0000 10. 0.0000 0.0000 11 0.0000 0.0000 12 0.3487 0.0000 13 0.0806. 0.0000 14 0.0806 0.0000 15 0.0837 0.8000 16 0.0237 0.0000 17 0.3827 0.0000 WIND ELEMENT Fx F>' 1 0.0000 0.0026 2 0.8000 0.0035 3 0.0000 0.0016 4 0.0000 -.0007 5 8.0000 -.0020 6 8.0000 -.0120 7 0.0000 -.0820 :3 0.8000 -.0006 9 0.8000 -.0001 10 0.0080 0.0014 11 0.0000 0.0083 12 0.3613 0.0800 13 0.0830 0.0000 14 0.0790 0.0000 15 0.0814 0.0000 16 0.0234 8.0800 17 0.3720 0.8000 SEISMIC ELEMENT Fx F>' 1 0.0880 8.0026 2 0.0000 0.0035 3 . 8.0080 0.8816 4 0.0000 -.0007 5 8.0000 7.0820 6 0.0800 -.0120 7 0.0000 -.0020 8 0.0000 -.0006 9 0.0000 -.0001 10 0.8000 0.0014 11 0.0000 0.0083 12 8.3613 0.8880 13 0.0830 0.0000 14 0.0806 0.0000 15 0.0837 0.8008 16 0.0237 0.0000 17 0.3827 8.0800 LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural qnd civil Enginvers San Diego. California 578-8380 p (714) By Date _____ Sheet Subject No. Of I I Job No. ELEMENT 1 . DEFLECTIONS (FT) MOMENTS WINO . WINO LEVEL MOO M(Y) LEVEL Ox Dy 0 0. 0. 1 6.885E-007 3.143E-808 MOMENTS SEISMIC SEISMIC LEVEL MOO M(Y) LEVEL Dx Dy 0 0. 15. 1 6.604E-004 3.411E-1305 SHEARS WINO .. - LEVEL V (X) ELEMENT 4,- 0 0.0 0.0 SHEARS SEISMIC MOMENTS WINO LEVEL V(X) V(Y) LEVEL 11(X) .11(Y) 0 0.0 1.5 0 0. -0. MOMENTS SEISMIC DEFLECTIONS (FT) LEVEL 11(X) 11(Y) WINO 0 0. -4. LEVEL Ox Dy SHEARS WIND 1 6.037E-007 7.211E-008 LEVEL V(X) V(Y) SEISMIC e 0.0 -0.8 LEVEL Ox 0>' SHEARS SEISMIC I 6.617E-004 7.826E-005 LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 8 0.0 -0.4 ELEMENT 2 DEFLECTIONS (FT) MOMENTS WINO WINO LEVEL 11(X) 11(Y) LEVEL Ox Ox O 0. 0. 1 6.885E-007 -1.444E-008 MOMENTS SEISMIC SEISMIC LEVEL 11(X) 11(Y). LEVEL Ox 0>' 0 0. 20.. 1 6.604E-004 -1.567E-005 SHEARS WINO LEVEL V(X) V(Y) ELEMENT 5 0 0.0 0:0 SHEARS SEISMIC MOMENTS WINO LEVEL V(X) V(Y) LEVEL M(X) M(Y) .0 0.0 2.0 0 0. -0. W . MOMENTS SEISMIC DEFLECTIONS (FT)LEVEL M(X) 11(Y) WINO . 8. -11. LEVEL Ox Ox SHEARS WINO . 1 6.085E-007 6.807E-008 LEVEL V(X) V(Y) SEISMIC 0 0.0 -0.0 LEVEL Ox 0>' SHEARS SEISMIC 1 6..604E-004 7.388E-005 . LEVEL V(X) V(V) 0 0.0 -1.1 ELEMENT 3 DEFLECTIONS (Fl) MOMENTS WIND WINO LEVEL 11(X) M(Y) LEVEL Ox Ox 0 0. 0. 1 6.77E-007 -3.232E-008 MOMENTS SEISMIC SEISMIC LEVEL 11(X) 11(Y) LEVEL Ox Dy o 8. 9. . 1 6.595E-004 -3.508E-005 SHEARS WINO . • LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 0 0.0• • 0.0 5-HEARS SEISMIC LEVEL V(X) V(Y ) 0 0.0 0.9 LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES- Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project V-N LNtO By Date ____ Sheet No. L9 of Subject 5se 7112, ELEMENT 6 DEFLECTIONS 'FT MOMENTS WINO WIND LEVEL Ox LEVEL M(X) M(Y) 1 5.803E-087 -1.501E-808 0 SEISMIC MOMENTS SEISMIC LEVEL Ox LEVEL MOO 11(?) 1 6.297E-004 -1.629E-005 0 0. -8. - SHEARS WIND ELEMENT 9 LEVEL V(X) %J(Y) 0 00 00 MOMENTS WINO SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL MOO M(Y) LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 0 0. -0. 0 0.0 -6.8 LEVEL M(X) M(V) DEFLECTIONS (FT) o. WINO LEVEL Ox 0/ SHEARS LEVEL WINO V(X) V(Y) 1 5.953E-007 -4.906E-08 0.0 -8.8 SEISMIC SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL Dx 0/ LEVEL v(x) V(Y) 1 6.460E-084 -5.324E-805 0.0 -0.1 ELEMENT? DEFLECTIONS (Fl) MOMENTS WINO WIND LEVEL Ox Ox LEVEL P1(X) M(V) 1 5.803E-087 -3.888E-009 0 0. 0. SEISMIC MOMENTS SEISMIC LEVEL Ox Ox LEVEL MOO M(Y) i 6.297E-004 -.351E-086 0 0. -11. SHEARS WINO ELEMENT 18 LEVEL V(X) V(Y) U . 0.0 0.0 MOMENTS WINO SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL P1(X) M(?) LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 0 0. o. 0 0.0 -1.1 MOMENTS SEISMIC LEVEL MOO DEFLECTIONS (Fl) M(Y) . WIND LEVEL Ox O - SHEARS LEVEL WINO V(X) . V(Y) 1 5.819E-007 -3.232E-00 0.0 0.0 SEISMIC SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL Ox 0/ LEVEL V(X) 1 6.315E-004 -3.588E-085 0.8 0.8 ELEMENT 8 DEFLECTIONS (FT) MOMENTS WINO WIND LEVEL Ox Ox LEVEL MOO P1(V) 1 5.810E-807 2.826E-008 0 0. -0. SEISMIC MOMENTS SEISMIC LEVEL Dx Ox LEVEL P1(X) P1(V) 1 6.386E-004 3.067E-805 0 8. -4. SHEARS WINO LEVEL V(X) V(V) 0 0.0 -0.0 SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL V(X) V(V) 0 0.0 -8.4 LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Project Tin'ArAi .. Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers Date SheetNolKbif I I 3 San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 By _____ Subject Job No. ELEMENT 11 . . MOMENTS WIND . .. DEFLECTIONS (FT) LEVEL M(X) M(V) WIND 0 0. 0. LEVEL Ox 0>' MOMENTS SEISMIC 1 5.097E-007 -4.069E-008 LEVEL M(X) M(Y) SEISMIC 0 0. 47. LEVEL Ox 0>' SHEARS WIND .. I 6.617E-004 -4.416E-005 LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 0 0.0 0.0 ELEMENT 14 SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL V(X) V(Y) MOMENTS WINO 0 0.0 4.7 LEVEL M(X) M(Y) 0 0. 0. DEFLECT-IONS (Fl) MOMENTS SEISMIC WINO LEVEL M(X) M('?) Ox 0>' 0 459. 0. .LEVEL 1 5.830E-007 7.211E-008 SHEARS WIND SEISMIC: LEVEL V(X) V(Y) LEVEL Ox Ox 0 0.0 0.0 1 6.328E-004 7.826E-005 SHEARS . SEISMIC LEVEL VC)O V(Y) ELEMENT 12 0 45.9 0.0 ---------- MOMEHTS WINO 196, DEFLECTIONS (Fl) LEVEL M(?) WINO 0 2. 0. LEVEL Ox 0>' MOMENTS SEISMIC 1 5.808E-007 -4.069E-008 LEVEL M(X) M(?) -' SEISMIC O 2058. 0. ' LEVEL • Ox 0', SHEARS WIND 1 6.304E-004 -4.416E-005 LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 0 0.2 0.0 , ELEMENT 15 SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL V(X) V(Y) MOMENTS WINO 0 205.8 0.0 LEVEL M(X) M(?) V 0 0. 0. DEFLECTIONS FT: MOMENTS SEISMIC WINO . LEVEL MOO M('?) LEVEL ox 0>' 0 477. 0. I 6.137E-007 1.989E-008 SHEARS WINO SEISMIC LEVEL V(<) V(Y) LEVEL • Ox Dx 0 0.0 0.0 1 6.661E-004 2.159E-005 SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL V(X) ELEMENT 13 0 47.7 0.0 MOMENTS WINO DEFLECTIONS (FT) LEVEL M(X) M(Y) WIND 0 0. 0. LEVEL Dx 0>' MOMENTS , SEISMIC • 1 5.758E-007 -2.367E-008 LEVEL MOO M('?) SEISMIC 0 473. 0. •' LEVEL Ox Ox SHEARS WIND 1 6.249E-004 -2.569E-005 LEVEL V(X) • V(Y) 0 0.0 0.0 SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 0 47.3 0.0 DEFLECTIONS (Fl) WIND LEVEL Dx .1 5.:347E-007 SEISMIC LEVEL Dx 1 6.346E-004 0 > -1.069E-008 -1.160E-805 ELEMENT 17 MOMENTS WINO LEVEL 11(X) 11(V) O 2. 0. MOMENTS SEISMIC LEVEL 11(X) 11(?) 0 2180. 0. SHEARS WINO LEVEL V(X) V(V) 0 0.2 0.0 SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL V(X) V(V) 0 218.8 0.0 OEFLECTIONS (FT) WIND LEVEL Ox Dy 1 5.758E-007 3.451E-008 SEISMIC LEVEL Dx Dy 1 6.249E-004 3 .745E-005 ELEMENT 1 MOMENTS LEVEL M(X)M(X) 0 0 MOMENTS LEVEL M(X) 0 0 SHEARS LEVEL V(X) 0 0.0 SHEARS LEVEL V(X) O 8.0 WINO M (y) SEISMIC 11(?) 348 W IND SEISMIC V (V) 34 .0 LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers ,c) San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project iArrf4?,. L1tLLa.5 By Date ____ Sheet No. t Of Subject Job No ELEMENT 16 10 0.0000 0.0632 MOMENTS WINO 11 8.0080 0.1432 LEVEL 11(X) 11(V) 12 0.8008 0.0000 0 0. 0. -' 13 8.0088 8:0000 MOMENTS SEISMIC 14 -.0000 0.8008 LEVEL 11(X) 11(V) 15 -.0000 0.0000 0 135. 8. 16 -.0008 0.0000 SHEARS WINO -/ 17 -.0008 0.0000 LEVEL V(X) V(V) - WINO 0 0.0 0.0 ELEMENT Fx F SHEARS SEISMIC 1 0.0000 0.0578 LEVEL V(X) V(V) 2 0.0000 0.0798 8 13.5 0.0 3 8.0008 0.0709 4 . 0.0080 0.0597 5 0.0008 0.0669 6 0.8000 0.2456 7 0.0008 0.0669 8 0.0€100 0.0484 9 0.8088 0.0508 18 0.0000 0.0701 11 0.0080 0.1831 12 8.8685 0.0000 13 0.8113 0.0000 14 -.0076 0.8080 15 ..0113 8.0000 16 -.8015 0.0000 17 -.0515 .0.0008 SEISMIC ELEMENT Fx 1 0.8800 2 0.0080 3 0.0000 4 0.0008 5 8.0080 6 0.0008 7 0.0000 0.0764 8 8.0000 9 8.0000 0.0514 10 0.0000 11 0.0080 0.1891 12 8.0696 13 0.8130 14 -.8087 15 -.0130 16 -.0017 17 -.0592 F>' 0.0597 0.8823 0.0720 0.8632 0.0764 0.3032 0.0514 8.0711 0.0800 0.0000 0.0000 0.0808 0.0000 0.8800 #Y-01RECTION# V-FORCE FACTORS ELEMENT Fxa Fya 1 0.8800 8.0452 2 0.8000 0.0632 3 8.0008 0.0632 4 0.0808 0.0632 5 0.0880 0.0764 6 8.0000 0.3032 7 0.0000 0.0764 8 0.0000 0.0514 9 8.0000 0.0514 ELEMENT 2 ---------- MOMENTS LEVEL 11(X) 0 0 MOMENTS LEVEL 11(X) o 0 SHEARS AI .LEVEL V(X) 0 0.0 SHEARS LEVEL V(X) 0 0.0 WINO M(?) -411 0. SEISMIC I1Y) 469. WINO V(V) cjJ .t SEISMIC V(V) 46.9 DEFLECTIONS (FT) WIND LEVEL Ox 1 7.775E-008 SEISMIC LEVEL Ox I 9.705E-005 Dy 1 .572E-006 0" 1.759E-003 '- ELEMENT 3 MOMENTS WINO LEVEL M(X) M (Y) 0 0. 0 MOMENTS SEISMIC WLEVEL 11(X) 11(Y) 0 0. 410 SHEARS LEVEL V(X) .0 0.0 SHEARS LEVEL V(X) 0' 0.0 WINO SEISMIC V(y) 41.0 DEFLECTIONS (Fl) WINO LEVEL Ox 1 7-775E-008 SEISMIC LEVEL Ox 1 9.705E-005 ELEMENT 4 Ox 1 .396E-006 Dy 1.539E-003 MOMENTS LEVEL 11(X) 0 0 MOMENTS LEVEL 11(X) 0 0 WIND M (y) I.. SEISMIC M.( Y) 360. LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES" Consuhing Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 -lip Project Jfl-k.- By -L Date _____ Sheet No. CL'o Of Subject Job No. DEFLECTIONS (FT) . SHEARS WINO WIND LEVEL V(X) V(Y) LEVEL Ox 0>' . 0.0 1 8.330E-008 1.591E-006 SHEARS SEISMIC SEISMIC LEVEL' V(X) V(Y) LEVEL Ox Dy 1 1.040E-084 . 1.784E-003 UFLLILUN. 'rui WINO - LEVEL Ox 1 7.775E-008 1.175E-006 SEISMIC LEVEL Dx Dy 1 9.705E-005 1.263E-003 ELEMENT 5 MOMENTS WINO 4' LEVEL 11(X) 11(Y) 0 0. 0. MOMENTS SEISMIC • LEVEL 11(X) 11(Y) \' A \ •' J. T'.75. ". SHEARS WIND .0 LEVEL V(X) V(Y) O . 0.0 SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL V (X) V(Y) 0 0.0 43.5 DEFLECTIONS 'FT) WINO LEVEL Ox 0>' 1 7.358E-008 1 . '.388E-006 SEISMIC LEVEL Ox 1 9.184E-005 ELEMENT 6 MOMENTS WINO LEVEL 11(X) 11(Y) 0 0. 1 MOMENTS SEISMIC LEVEL MOO M(Y) 0 0. 1727. SHEARS WINO LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 0 0.0 0.1 SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 0 0.0 172.7 DEFLECTIONS (FT) WINO LEVEL Ox Ox 1 1.383E-008 1 .008E-006 SEISMIC LEVEL Ox Dv I 1.727E-005 1.055E-003 LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714)578-8380 ProjectMAA 6br'4005 By Date _____ Sheet No. q_1 Of _______ Subject Job No. ELEMENT 7 . DEFLECTIONS (Fl) WINO MOMENTS WIND LEVEL Ox 0>' LEVEL P1(X) M(Y) 1 -5.837E-008 1.229E-006 Li 0. 0 . SEISMIC MOMENTS SEISMIC LEVEL Dx 0>' LEVEL P1(X) P1(Y) 1 -7:286E-805 1.332E-003 0 0. 435. SHEARS WIND ELEMENT 18 - LEVEL V(X) V(y) 'I 0 0.0 0.0 -' MOMENTS WINO SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL MX: P1(Y) LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 0 0. o. 8 0.0 43.5 MOMENTS SEISMIC LEVEL P1(X) M('?) DEFLECTIONS (FT) 0 0. 485. WIND SHEARS WINO LEVEL Dx 0>' I -5.855E808 1.088E-006 LEVEL e V(X) 0.0 V(Y) 8.0 SEISMIC SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL Ox Dy LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 1 -6.310E-005 1.156E-003 o 0.0 40.5 ELEMENT 8 -- MOMENTS WINO LEVEL P1(X) M('?) 0 0. 8. MOMENTS . SEISMIC LEVEL P1(X) M(Y) 0 0. 293. SHEARS WIND LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 0 0.0 0.0 SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 0.0 29.3 DEFLECTIONS (Fl). WIND LEVEL Dx 0>' 1 -5.837E-008 1.172E-086 SEISMIC LEVEL Ox Dy 1 -7.286E-005 1.260E-003 ELEMENT 9 MOMENTS WIND LEVEL M(X) M('?) 0 0. 0'. MOMENTS SEISMIC LEVEL P1(X) M('?) 0 0. 293. SHEARS WINO LEVEL V(X) V(y) 8 0.0 0.0 SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 0 0.8 29.3 DEFLECTIONS (FT) WI t•1O LEVEL Ox 1 -5.472E-808 SEISMIC LEVEL Ox 1 -6.830E-005 ELEMENT 11 MOMENTS LEVEL P1(X) 0 0 MOMENTS LEVEL P1(X) 0 0 SHEARS LEVEL V(X) 0. •.. 0.0 SHEARS LEVEL . V(X) 0 DEFLECTIONS (FT) WINO LEVEL Ox 1 -4.499E-008 SEISMIC LEVEL Dx 1 -5.616E-005 ELEMENT 12 MOMENTS WINO LEVEL 11X) MC'?) O • 0. 8. MOMENTS SEISMIC LEVEL P1(X) M('?) 0 396. 8. 0>' 1 . 380E-006 Dv 1 .520E-003 WIND M (y) 1. SEISMIC M('?) 1078. WINO V(y) 0.1 SEISMIC V(Y) 107.8 w 0> 1 .591E-006 0>' 1 .784E-003 LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES . Project tLAE.AL_ Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 By . . Date Sheet No. Of _____ Subject Job No. SHEARS WIND . ELEMENT 15 LEVEL V(X) V (y) ci 0.0 0.0 . MOMENTS WINO SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL 11(X) MC?? LEVEL V(X) Vt.'YJ 0 -ci. ci 39.6 0.0 MOMENTS SEISMIC DEFLECTIONS (FT)LEVEL M(?) 11(X) WINO . SHEARS WINO LEVEL Ox D LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 1 1.028E-007 1.340E-006 - SEISMIC SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL Dx 0, LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 1 1.283E-004 1.470E-003 U -7.4 0.0 ELEMENT 13 DEFLECTIONS (Fr) MOMENTS WINO WIND LEVEL Ox Dy LEVEL 11(X) M(?) 1 -7.973E-008 1.130E-006 0 SEISMIC MOMENTS SEISMIC LEVEL Dx Dy LEVEL M(X) M(?) 1 -9.952E-085 1.208E-003 0 74. 0. SHEARS WIND ELEMENT 16 LEVEL V(X) V(y) U 0.0 0.0 MOMENTS WINO SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL 11(X) M(?) LEVEL V(X) V (y) - ci -ci. ci. 0 . MOMENTS SEISMIC LEVEL 11(X) 11Y) DEFLECTIONS (FT) ci -10. ci. WINO SHEARS WINO LEVEL Dx O> LEVEL V(X) V(Y) I 8.330E-008 1.048E-006 ci -0.0 0.0 SEISMIC SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL Dx O> LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 1 1.040E-004 1.106E-003 -1.0 0.0 ELEMENT 14 DEFLECTIONS (FT) MOMENTS WINO WIND LEVEL Ox 0>' LEVEL 11(X) MC?? 1 -3.702E-008 1.193E-006 o SEISMIC MOMENTS SEISMIC LEVEL Dx Dy . LEVEL 11(X) M(?) 1 -4.621E-005 1.286E-003 0 -50. 0. SHEARS WINO LEVEL V(X) V(?) - 0 -0.0 0.0 : SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL V(X) U -5.1.3 0.0 DEFLECTIONS (Fl) WINO LEVEL Ox 0>' 1 -5.564E-008 1.048E-006 SEISMIC LEVEL Dx Ox 1 -6.945E-005 . 1.106E-003 LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES 0 Project H consulting Structural and Civil Engineer! . San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 By D . ate _____ Sheet No. 3Of '- Subject Job No. ELEMENT 17 MOMENTS WIND . . LEVEL MOO P1(V) 0 -0. 8 MOMENTS SEISMIC LEVEL P1(X) M(Y) 0 0 -338. 0.. SHEARS WINO . . LEVEL V(X) V(V) 0 -0.0 0.8 SHEARS . SEISMIC . LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 0 -33.8 8.0 DEFLECTIONS (FT) WINO . .. . LEVEL Ox 0>- . 1 -7.973E-088 1.410E-006 ! . . .. 0 SEISMIC LEVEL Ox Dy 1 -9.952E-805 1.558E-003 LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES D 4'-Project CO,vonc Consulting St'ruciuraland civil Engineers <f By M-- Date 1/28 Sheet No. Of -8 San Diego. California'(714) 578 380 Subject •A€ Job No. F: 44.0 tJc. LA-,ocxXI.) :37g - t'1c71 = 410' V.e: (.)(!8>z) i45' (o - LLSJ (4J?441— c o C.wnY1 L LUALL u.• zSa P" 0 X..,2.)C7,') TVt1C.'V - 44 - _______ - (';)(zô (133) Z#3 UFET. : ?). (43,JoJu.) 34-. '1or Ir3t (.S)(t>) I433 1 k - r.. 4'6: 3ç' 3/,'t 4JfQ ()(i.33) : /13 U. - Vlg 4-Xs):rood - UJTL (s..)z) 2. = I12r7/7S (Z79 ___ 4R 67. S) LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES tunsuliing Structural and Civil Enginees4 to XA San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Präject._T C CCW)C c By Date Sheet No. Of Subject kArAL Job No. LUA(.&. 6*9 5 F-- (I.J_fJ( ('/ (5 /.qJ - oc . - Lmor.33) 3XV)J(tni/-,J L LQ $-C ) c#twv Pe,YT7S a 6 7' '4SP1 WALL I t F (So—!4-)C.6) -f-34 10?s 'Vie (/,SZ4S€): 4-8'- FO3W 34'x z'-c,.c ,1-t" (is) (34.) "- (yz..$)( Z/- S) + (:i. )(J4,') NI .1 I.4 - (66,6)( Z) 07- (27 LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Project Consulting Structural and Civil Engineecs Sn Diego. California.. (714) 578-8380 pJ.I By g. L Date _____ Sheet No. 910 Of I Subject rcALc Job No. LUAJ...L. 13 f= 4'l: (411 300) (Z.9) 6) - iv7r "4e Z?/) 3o ' e 10.87 +j(s)z) 3 to 18 ujioe FTPS1 O'(. W/ z -flY e icj - F IC- 47.7 /": '1Or = 4'7f U.: (477o.friS) (Jo) oz) ( //.) I % / PSI e(/.43oj .1s Lo l2.'-z z 3.8 3 - (;;)!::?Z). <(3. J=z tiB U: 1V?ar Z18o ,V?e (S)(/3o>) 4-2J'O al. V 14 < (.3, S)0-33) /30 LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San DiegoCaIifornia (714) 578-8380 Project: T4(Y)4C CN c By I'. Date __ Sheet No Of Subject &1t2)C €L Job No. I U: I COOCI.) 73 'U a't •Vtp: (I o)O4'.)= ;t '2 L4JALL- ttZ C4c7OO)(t.$) : - 4-/I PSI I/c.. ,vo-r: 4S7 1< 'e rz ()('8.t) t?43 t&P LIFT Z.I I'cE.: I7? . '4c.33x24) •37 Z—~ j. UJLL qi10 CLu.st.\'A O&t.V'C c:K .uc\LL 3-g 4 'l—P - 1 ________ U Zol (V1c)T PLc (\\o-3c )Ys is, FOCY\ 1/4 4= 43.Z/s)c)c,33j 7 r'3 • LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project TFFY)APRC Cc)7ck dy J -t Date 817 Sheet No. Of I I2 Subject & Job No. uLL*?p U: 32S /1e : (.C2/#/): /Y 433 3? 'I kj z3/- 'ç,3 : +•(3, 7S)cbas)c'' II S OE, 'S/4A/ 4c C T LuAu, IL'i- 13 • - F Q 9 V JO / SSE OP-\G bC'A WALL -9 h47 zz. 1&JALL* s4ee cei. ôci'v, *, - D/CTtL?N\ NO C##4VCeS S 6 Qh LYONS. WARREN& ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project T49c! Côry CO .5 By ' bate 8/9 Sheet No. 9fJot __03 _____ Subject Job No. € L\! 1)r I0,S9-33.Z.4 4..c.? I8 'C U:: 'JI_= j $14&e 'I 1G8k. < lv\ t4 Ct-oAQO cce t.s3) 81 S : 17 eg 19 0 (/.'): ,3Oa0 /tLc. l' 130?_O/,2.3 = , LL 4.4Z LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Project CcS ConsulYing Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 By Date 8/7 Sheet No.IQOf 1121 Subject kA1L c2_ Job No. róAvr * SHEAR WALL BUILDING ANALYSIS :4: MIOIJLU OF ELASTICITY = 15013 KSI TAMARACKCONOOS ELEMENT *1 NODE X V LEVEL HEIGHT Hx H:' WEIGHT 1 2113.00 0.00 2 210.00 14.00 1 10.0 34.5 110.0 3060.0 SEGMENT END 'NODES I 1. 2 SEISMIC DATA SEGMENT L ANGLE T X V ZONE 4 1 14.130 90.0 7.6 I= I 2113.00 7.00 K= 1.33 XOIR. X. Ix 1= 0.03 210.130 144.8 C=.120 Y I> Ix> W S= 2.00 7.00 0.13 0.13 C.-.140 I(EQUIV) =.1862 i::< I: Ix> V-DIR. 29.4 0.13 0.13 T= 13.06 C=.120 ELEMENT *2 8= 2.00 ----------- CS= . 140 NODE x V V =.1862 1 203.00 0.00 203.00 18.00 BUILDING DIMENSIONS SEGMENT END NUDES Ox= 210 Oy= 55.57 1 1 2 SEGMENT L ANGLE SHEARS AND MOMENTS X V 1 18.00 90.0 7.6 203.00 9.00 LEVEL X-MOMENTS (FT-KIPS) WIND SEISMIC x Ix 1 0. 0. 203.00 307.8 0 345. 5698. V I' Ix> 9.00 0.13 0.13 LEVEL >-SHEARS (KIPS) . I(EQUIV) WINO SEISMIC I::< Ix lxx 1 34.5 569.8 41.1 0.0 0.0 LEVEL V-MOMENTS (FT-KIPS) ELEMENT *3 WINO SEISMIC 1 0. 0. NODE X V 0 1100. 5698. 1 192.50 0.00 2 192.50 6.130 LEVEL V-SHEARS (KIPS) SEGMENT ENO NODES WINO SEISMIC 1 1 2 1 110.0 569.8 SEGMENT L ANGLE T X V CEHTROIOAL LOCATION OF WINO .1 6.1313 90.13 11.6 FORCES 194.513 3.00 ::<= 105 Y= 32.83 ::. Ix CENTROIOAL LOCATION OF BUILDING 192.50 17.4 WEIGHT V Ix lxx X= lOB Y= 32.83 3.1313 0.13 0.13 I(EQUIV) RATIO OF SHEAR MODULUS TO Ix Ix Ix:y MODULUS OF ELASTCITY= .4 10.1 13.0 13.0 LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Project 1PAA(r- CAN C45 Consulting Structural and civiL Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 By _L . DateSheet No. . Of Subject S Job No. ELEMENT #11 ELEMENT . . NODE Y 1. 0.00 7.130 ::. Ix 2 0.00 57.00 16.013 10.1 SEGMENT END NODES V Ix lxx 1 1 2 3.130 0.0 0.0, SEGMENT L ANGLE T x V ELEMENT #5 1 50.00 90.0 11.7 S 0..00. 32.013 X lx 139.013 10.1 x Ix V Ix lxx . 0.130 10130.2 3.00 0.0 0.0 y ix lxx 32.013 0.0 0.13 ELEMENT #6 I'.EQulv: Ix I::<::' Ix 198.6 0.0 0.0 113.00 V Ix 113.1 Ix::' ELEMENT #12 3.130 0.0 0.13 NOOE x V ELEMENT *7 i 1 59.00 50.30 2 59.00 65.67 Ix SEGMENT END NODES 86.00 10.1 1 1 2 I Ix lxx SEGMENT L ANGLE 3.00 0.13 0.13 x • 1 15.37 913.0 7.6 ELEMENT *8 59 .00 57 .99 X lx X Ix 60.130 10.1 59.00 191.5 V Ix lxx lx.> 3.013 0.0 0.0 57.99 13.0 0.13 I (EQUIV) ELEMENT *9 Ix Ix lxx .s 0.0 0.0 NODE X V 1 29.00 0.00 ELEMENT #13 2 29.00 21.00 - ---- SEGMENT END NODES x ix 1 1 2 79.67 33.5 SEGMENT L ANGLE T y Ix Ix-:, V 57.99 1 21.013 90.0 11.6 29.130 10.50 ELEMENT *14 X Ix NODE X V 29.013 746.0 1 107.00 59.67 V Ix lxx . 2 107.00 65.67 10.513 13.13 . €1.13 SEGMENT END NODES I(EQUIV) 1 1 2 I::< Ix lxx SEGMENT L ANGLE T 76.0 13.0 0.13 . x v 1 6.013 913.0 11.6 ELEMENT *10 107.130 62.67 x Ix x Ix 29.130 76.0 107.1313 17.4 V 1::' I x y- y I Ix::' 55.17 13.13 0.13 62.67 ,- 13.0 13.13 I (EQIJiV) Ix Ix lxx 10.1 13.13 0.13 WARREN &,ASSOCIATES Lco't'n?u; Project IfAL C.OMo3 Str land CM! Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 By _L_ Date _____ Sheet No. i13 Subject - Job No. ELEMENT -#20 ELEMENT #15 NODE x Y X Ix 1 0.00 7.00 134.00 10.1 . . 2 29.0 7.00 y Ty Ix,-SEGMENT JL END NODES 62.57 0.0 0.0 1 1 2 SEGMENT L ANGLE T ELEMENT #16 1 29.00 0.0 11.6 . X ix 14.50 7.00 161.0 10.1 I x V I :" I > 62.67 0.0 0.0 14.50 0.0 V I> Ix ELEMENT #17 7.00 1964.7 0.0 I (EQUIV) X Ix I:< I" Ix, 187.00 10.1 . 0.0 110.3 0.0 V I' Ix 52.67 0.0 0.0 ELEMENT *21 ELEMENT *18 Ix 14.50 0.0 NODE X y V IY Ix,' 1 210.00 40.67 57.00 110.3 0.0 2 210.00 65.67 SEGMENT END NODES ELEMENT *22 1 1. 2 SEGMENT L ANGLE I NODE V x. y 1 29.00 65.67 1 25.00 90.0 11.6 2 59.00 65.67 210.00 53.17 SEGMENT END NODES 1. 1 2 Ix . SEGMENT L ANGLE T 210.00 1258.7 X 1 30.00 0.0 11.6 Y I> lxx 53.17 0.0 0.0 44.00 65.67 W IcEQUIV:- 1 X .Ix lx Ix/ 93.2 0.0 0.0 44.00 0.0 V I' lxx ELEMENT *19 . 65.67 2175.0 0.0 l(EQUIV) NODE X y Ix I x I xx 0.0 114.5 0.0 1 29.00. 0.00 2 210.00 0.00. SEGMENT END NODES * . ELEMENT *23 1 1 2 SEGMENT L ANGLE T ------------ NODE X V x y . 1 59.00 50.30 1 181.00 0.0 75 2 74.00 50.30 119.50 0.00 SEGMENT END NODES 1 1 2 SEGMENT L ANGLE T 119.50 0.0 I, Ix' 1 15.00 0.0 7.6 0.00 312958.6 0.0 66.50 50.30 I (EQIJIV) x r Ix I x I x>- 0.0 .476.9 0.0 -• 66.50 0.0 V Ix lxx 50.30-- 178.1 0.0 I(EQUIV) - Ix Ix 0.0 32.4 0.0 SEISMIC Ex = 24.82 E = -4.15 MIMINMUM SEISMIC ECCENTRICITIES Ex = 10.5 Ex =-3.2835 .*#*#########* * X -01 RE C 110 N * X-FORCE FACTORS ELEMENT Fxa F>'a 1 0.0080 0.0000 2 0.8080 0.0008 .3 0.0000 0.0000 4 0.0080 0.8000 5 0.0000 0.0000 6 0.8000 0.0000 7 0.0800 8.0000 8 0.0000 0.0000 9 0.0000 0.0008 10 8.0000 0.0000 11 0.0000 0.0000 12 8.0800 0.0800 13 0.0080 8.0000 14 0.0080 0.8000 15 .0.0000 0.0880 16 0.0000 0.0000 17 8.0000 0.0000 18 0.0080 0.0000 19 0.3487 0.0000 20 0.8806 0.0000 LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Projedt TAfl'i2Ai'. (rM DÜ.S By Date _____ Sheet No. 1910f 113 Subject Job No. 21. 0.0886 13.0008 ELEMENT #24 22 0.0837 8.0000 23 0.0237 0.0000 - NODE X 24 0.3827 0.0000 1 79.67 WINO 2 210.00 65.67 ELEMENT Fx Fy SEGMENT END NODES 1 0. 0000 0.0025 1 1 2 00008 0007 3 SEGMENT L ANGLE 1 3 . 0.0000 0.0007 x 4 0.0000 0.0006 1 130.33 0.0 11.6 . 0.0000 0.0004 144.84 65.67 . 6 . 0.0000 0.0002 7 0.0080 0.0000 IX 8 0.0000 .0002 144.84 0.0 9 0.0000 -.0028 I). Ix - 10 0.0000 - .0028 65.67 178331.8 11 0.0080 -.0111 I(EQUIV) 12 0.0000 -.0005 Ix 1>' Ixy * 0.0 523.4 0.0 14 0.0000 0.0002 w . 15 0.0000 CENTER OF RIGIDITY 8.0003 16 0.0000 0.0005 X(U)= 83.18 17 0.0000 0.8007 Y(0)= 36.98 18 0.0000 0.8080 19 0.3606 0.0800 EQ. TORSIONAL MOMENT OF INERTIA 20 0.0828 0.0000 = 6158797 FT-6 21 0.0791 0.8000 22 0.0815 ECCENTRICITY OF LORD (Fl) 0.0000 23 0.0234 0.0800 WINO . 24 0.3726 0.0000 Ex = 21.82 E = -4.15 OCTOMTP ELEMENT I £ Fx F> 1 0.0000 0.0825 2 0.01300 0.0033 3 . 0.000 0.0087 4 . 0.0080 0.0006 5 8.0000 0.0004 6 0.8080 0.8002 7 0.0000 8.0080 8 8.0000 -.0002 9 0.0000 -.0028 10 0.0080 -.0028 .11 0.0000 -.0111 12 o:.oeoo -.8005 13 0.0008 -.0001 14 0.0008 0.00132 15 8.8000 0.0003 16 . 0.0800 0.0005 17 8.0000 8.0007 18 0.0000 0.0880 19 0.3606 0.0000 20 0.8828 0.0000 21 0.0806 0.0000 22 0.0837 0.0008 23 0.0237 0.00813 24 0.3827 0.0000 ELEMENT 1 MOMENTS WINO LEVEL M(X) M(Y) 8 . 0. 1. MOMENTS • SEISMIC LEVEL M(X) M(Y) 0 '3. 14. LYONS. WARREN .& ASSOCIATES Project Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 . By Date _____ Sheet No -Of )13 Subject Job No. SHEARS WINO LEVEL V(Y) ELEMENT .4 .0 0.0 0. 1 - • SHEARS SEISMIC . . . ---------- MOMENTS WINO LEVEL V(X) V(V) LEVEL P1(X) M(?) 0 0.0 1.4 U 0. 0. MOMENTS . SEISMIC DEFLECTIONS (Fl) . . LEVEL P1(X) P1(Y) WINO U 0., 3. LEVEL Ox Dy SHEARS WINO 1 4.000E-005 4.540E-006 LEVEL V(X) V(Y) SEISMIC 0 0.0 0.0 LEVEL Ox SHEARS . . SEISMIC 1 6.606E-004 7.498E-005 LEVEL V(X) V(Y) . ci 8.0 0.3 ELEMENT 2 DEFLECTIONS (FT) MOMENTS WINO LEVEL P1(X) MC? WINO LEVEL Ox 0>' 0. 1. 1 4.014E-005 2.965E-005 MOMENTS SEISMIC SEISMIC LEVEL P1(X) M(?) LEVEL Dx - Ox 0 8. 19. 1 6630E-004 4.897E-085 SHEARS WINO LEVEL V(X) V(Y) . ELEMENT 5 0 0.0 0.1 SHEARS SEISMIC MOMENTS WINO LEVEL V(X) V(Y) . LEVEL M(X) MC?) 0 0.0 1.9 0 0. 0. MOMENTS SEISMIC DEFLECTIONS (FT) LEVEL M(X) MC?::' WINO U 0. 2. LEVEL Ox Ox SHEARS WINO 1 3.993E-005 4.290E-006 LEVEL V(X) V(?) SEISMIC ci 0.0 0.0 LEVEL Ox Ox 'SHEARS SEISMIC 1 6.594E-004 7.085E-005 . LEVEL V(X) V(Y) ci 0.0 0.2 ELEMENT 3 DEFLECTIONS (Fl) MOMENTS WINO WINO LEVEL . Ox LEVEL P1(X) M(?) 0 0. 0. 1 4•.014E-005 1.998E-006 MOMENTS SEISMIC SEISMIC Ox LEVEL P1(X) M(?) LEVEL 1 5.630E-084 Ox 3.300E-005 0. 4. . SHEARS WIND LEVEL V(X) :-V(Y) ELEMENT 6 0 0.0 . 0.8 . SHEARS SEISMIC MOMENTS WINO LEVEL V(X) V(Y). LEVEL P1(X) M(?) ci 0.0 0.4 0 U. 0. MOMENTS SEISMIC DEFLECTIONS (Fl) LEVEL P1(X) M(?) WINO . 0 0. 1. I. LEVEL Ox 0', SHEARS WINO 1 4.014E€105 3.914E-006 LEVEL V(X) V(?) SEISMIC 0 0.0 0.0 LEVEL Dx 0>' SHEARS SEISMIC 1 6.630E-004 6.464E-005 LEVEL V (X) V(Y) cici LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Project Ty).Ati__CtNija3 Consulting Siruciural and Civil Engineers • San Diego. California (.714) 578-8380 By Date _____ Sheet No.lCOf Subject Job No. I . SHEARS WINO DEFLECTIONS (Fl) LEVEL V(X) V(y) WINO -.1 LEVEL Dx 0/ - - SHEARS SEISMIC I 4.014E-085 1.U67E-Ii0b LEVEL V(X) V(Y) SEISMIC 0.0.0 -1.6 LEVEL Ox 0/ 1 6.630E-004 . 1.763E-005 DEFLECTIONS (FT) ELEMENT t WIND LEVEL Dx - 0 - - 1 3 .988E_ 988E-005 -1. MOMENTS WINO SEISMIC LEVEL LEVEL 11(X) M(Y) Ox 0 0. 0. 1 6.586E-004 -3.204E-005 MOMENTS SEISMIC LEVEL 11(X) 11(Y) ELEMENT 10 0 0. 0. - --------- SHEARS WINO MOMENTS WINO LEVEL V(X) V(Y) LEVEL 11(X) M('?) 0 0.0 0.0 0 0. -1. W SHEARS SEISMIC MOMENTS SEISMIC LEVEL V(X) VY;' - LEVEL 11(X) M('?) 0 0.0 0 .0 ci ci. . SHEARS WIND DEFLECTIONS (Fl) . LEVEL V(X) V(y) WINO 0.0 -.i LEVEL Ox - Dy - SHEARS SEISMIC 1 4.014E805 1.Li0ELi07 LEVEL V (X) V(Y) SEISMIC ci 0.0 -1.6 LEVEL Ox I 6.630E-004 1.665E006 DEFLECTIONS <Fl::' ELEMENT 8 WIND LEVEL Ox 0/ 1 3 . 828E-005 -1.940E-006 MOMENTS WINO LEVEL 11(X) M('?) SEISMIC LEVEL Ox Dy 0 0. -Li. 1 6.321E-004 -3.204E-005 MOMENTS SEISMIC S LEVEL 11(X) MC'?) ELEMENT 11 cj ci. -1. SHEARS WINO MOMENTS WINO LEVEL V(X) V(Y) LEVEL 11(X) M(V) 11 0.0 0.0 0 0. -4. SHEARS SEISMIC MOMENTS SEISMIC LEVEL V(X) LEVEL 11(X) M(?) ci 0.0 :0.1 0 0. -63. SHEARS WINO DEFLECTIONS (FT) . LEVEL V(X) V(y) WINO. 0 0.0 LEVEL Ox O - SHEARS SEISMIC 1 4.014E-005 78.301E-007 LEVEL V(X) V(Y). SEISMIC . ci 0.0 -6.3 LEVEL Ox Dx 1 6.630E-004 -1.371E-005 DEFLECTIONS (Fl) WIND ELEMENT 9 LEVEL Ox 0 1 3.911E-005 -2.978E-006 MOMENTS WINO SEISMIC LEVEL LEVEL 11(X) M(?) Ox 0 0. -1. 1 6.458E-004 -4.919E-005 MOMENTS SEISMIC LEVEL 11(X) M('?) 0 0. -16. LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Projept JC C0p4D03 By Date ____ Sheet No.IQ1Of 113 Subject Job No. ELEMENT 12 MOMENTS WIND LEVEL P1(X) 11(Y) 0 0. -0. MOMENTS SEISMIC LEVEL 11(X) 11(Y) o 0. -3. SHEARS WIND LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 0 0.0 -0.13 SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 13 0.0 -13.3 .DEFLECTIONS (Fl) WINO LEVEL Ox Dy 1 3.818E-805 -8.659E-007 SEISMIC LEVEL Ox Dy 1 6.305E-004 -1.430E-005 ELEMENT 13 MOMENTS WIND LEVEL 11(X) 11(Y) 0 0. -0. MOMENTS SEISMIC LEVEL 11(X) 11(Y) 0 0. -0. SHEARS WIND LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 0 0.0 -0.0 SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 0 0.0 -0.0 DEFLECTIONS (Fl) WINO LEVEL Dx Dy 1 3.818E-1305 -1.258E-087 SEISMIC LEVEL Ox Dv 1 6.305E-084 -2.078E-006 ELEMENT 14 MOMENTS WIND LEVEL 11(X) P1(Y) 0 0. 0. MOMENTS SEISMIC LEVEL 11(X) P1(Y) 0 0. 1. SHEARS WINO LEVEL. V(X) V(Y) 0 0.0 0.0 SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL V(X) V(y) 0 0.13 0.1 DEFLECTIONS (FT) WIND LEVEL Ox O 1 3.801E-085 . 8.527E-007 SEISMIC LEVEL Ox Dx 1 6.277E-004 1.408E-005 ELEMENT 15 - MOMENTS WIND LEVEL . 11(X) M(?) 0 0. 0. MOMENTS SEISMIC LEVEL M(X) 0 8. 2, SHEARS WINO LEVEL V(X) . WY) 0 0.0 13.0 SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL V(X) V(y) 13 0.0 13.2 DEFLECTIONS (FT) WIND LEVEL Dx Dy 1 3.801E-005 1.819E-006 SEISMIC LEVEL Dx Dx 1 6:277E-004 3.005E-005 ELEMENT .16 MOMENTS WIND LEVEL 11(X) M(?) 0 0. 0. MOMENTS SEISMIC LEVEL M (X) M(?) .13 . 0. 3. ..SHEARS . WINO V(X) V(y) 0.0 0.0 SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 0 0.0 13.3 DEFLECTIONS (Fl) WIND LEVEL Dx 0::' 1 3.801E-005 2.786E-006 SEISMIC LEVEL Dx Dy 1 6.277E-004 4.601E-1305 ELEMENT 17 MOMENTS WINO LEVEL 11(X) M(?) 0 0. 8. MOMENTS SEISMIC LEVEL M(X) M(?) 0 0. 4. LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Project iY'AkPL_COMOo3 Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 By K._L- Date Sheet No. Ii or 03 Subject Job No. SHEARS WINO LEVEL V(X) V(Y) ELEMENT 28 O 0.0 0.0 . SHEARS SEISMIC MOMENTS WIND LEVEL V(X) V(Y) LEVEL 11(X) 11(Y) 0 0.0 8.4 0 0. MOMENTS SEISMIC DEFLECTIONS (Fl) LEVEL'' 11(X) M(Y) WINO. 0 47L;,. 8. LEVEL Ox Dy SHEARS WINO 1 3.801E-005 3.717E-006 LEVEL V(X) V(Y) SEISMIC 0 2.9 0.0 LEVEL Dx Dy SHEARS SEISMIC 1 6.277E-004 6.138E-005 LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 8 47.2 0.0 ELEMENT 18 . DEFLECTIONS (Fl) MOMENTS WINO WINO LEVEL 11(X) 11(Y) LEVEL Ox 0>' 0 0. 3. 1 4.000E-005 -2.459E-006 MOMENTS SEISMIC SEISMIC LEVEL 11(X) 11(Y) LEVEL Ox Dy 0 0. 45. 1 6.606E-004 -4.061E-005 SHEARS WINO LEVEL V(X) V(Y) ELEMENT 21 8 0.0 8.3 SHEARS SEISMIC MOMENTS WINO LEVEL V(X) VY: LEVEL 11(X) 11(Y) 0 0.0 4.5 0 27. 0. MOMENTS SEISMIC DEFLECTIONS (FT) LEVEL 11(X) 11(Y) WINO 0 459. 0. LEVEL Ox Oy SHEARS WIND 1 3.8.35E-80.5 4.548E-006 LEVEL V(X) V('f) SEISMIC 8 2.7 8.0 LEVEL Ox Dy SHEARS SEISMIC 1 6.333E-004 7.498E-005 LEVEL V(X) vcv .0 45.9 0.0 ELEMENT 19 DEFLECTIONS (Fl) MOMENTS WINO . WINO LEVEL 11(X) M(?) LEVEL Dx Dy 0 124. 0. 1 3.821E-885 -2.459E-006 MOMENTS SEISMIC SEISMIC LEVEL 11(X) 11(Y) LEVEL Dx Dy 0 2854. 0. 1 6.311E-804 -4.061E-005 SHEARS WIND LEVEL V(X) V(Y) ELEMENT 22 0 12.4 0.0 - SHEARS SEISMIC MOMENTS WINO LEVEL V(X) V(Y) LEVEL 11(X) 11(Y) 8 205.4 0.8 0 0. MOMENTS SEISMIC DEFLECTIONS (Fl) LEVEL 11(X) 11(Y) WIND 0 477 : 8. LEVEL Ox Dy SHEARS WINO 1 4.025E-885 1.300E-006 LEVEL V(X) vv SEISMIC 0 2.8 0.0 LEVEL Dx Dy SHEARS SEISMIC 1 6.648E-004 2.147E-805 LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 0 47.? 0.0 LYONS, WARREN & ASSQCIATES ' Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 Project T,1eA By KL- Date ____ Sheet No. ID$Of Subject Job No. DEFLECTIONS (FT) WIND #Y-OIRECTION* LEVEL Ox 0', 1 3.790E-805 -1.40E-006 SEISMIC V-FORCE FACTORS LEVEL Dx O' I 6.259E-004 72.317E-005 ELEMENT Fxa Fya 1 0.0000 0.0431 ELEMENT 23 2 8.0800 0.0603 MOMENTS WIND 3 4 0.8000 0.000U 0:0148 0.0148 LEVEL M(X) 11(Y) 5 0.0008 0.0148 O 8. 8. 6 0.0000 0.0148 MOMENTS SEISMIC 7 0.0000 0.8148 LEVEL M (X) M(Y) 8 0.0080 0.0148 0 135. 0. 0.0000 0.1113 SHEARS WINO 10 0.0000 8.1113 LEVEL * 0 V(X) 0.8 V(y) - 0.0 11 0.0000 0.2910 WSHEARS SEISMIC 12 13 0.0000 0.0000 0.0490 0.0490 LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 14 0.0000 0.0148 0 13.5 0.0 15 0.0000 0.8148 16 0.00130 DEFLECTIONS (Fl) 8.0148 17 8.0000 0.0148 WIND 18 0.0000 0.1366 LEVEL Ox 0>' 19 -.0000 0 .0000 1 3.845E-005 -5.974E-007 -.0080 0.0000 SEISMIC 0::'21 0.13000 0.0000 LEVEL Ox - 22 0.00130 0.8080 1 6.350E-004 -9.865E-006 23 13.0800 0.0800 24 8.0000 0.0000 ELEMENT 24 WIND. MOMENTS WINO ELEMENT 1 Fx. o:oeoe F> 00563 LEVEL M(X) M(Y) 2 0.0080 0.0777 13 129. 8. 3 0.0080 0.0187 t1Ot1EHT8 SEISMIC 4 0.0080 0.8178 LEVEL M(X) M(Y) 0.0088 13.0168 0 2180. 0. 6 0.0000 0.0159 :SHEARS WINO 7 0.0000 0.8149 LEVEL V(X) V(y) 8 0.0080 8.0140 0 12.9 0.0 0.0088 0.8968 SHEARS SEISMIC 10 0080 0.0968 LEVEL V(X) V (y) 11 0.0000 0.2326 13 218.0 0.0 12 0.0800 8.0462 DEFLECTIONS (Fl) 13 8.0080 0.00013 8.0486 14 0.0157 WIND 15 0.0088 0.8166 LEVEL Ox 0>' 16 0.13176790E-005 0.00130 1 3 2.20?E-806 17 0.0000 8.0185 SEISMIC . 18 0.0008 0.1784 LEVEL 1 6.259E-004 Ox Dy 3.645E-005 19 0.0624 0.0000 28 0.8117 8.01308 21 -.0878 0.0000 • 22 -.0116 0.0000 23 -.01315 0.80130 24 -.0531 0.8800 LYONS, WARREN .& ASSOCIATES . Project AY'A C.Ct\1D03 Consulting Structural and dvii Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 By .L Date . Sheet No. 100f 1)3 Subject Job No. SEISMIC ELEMENT Fx F>' DEFLECTIONS (FT) 1 0.0000 8.0581 WINO 2 0.0000 8801 LEVEL Ox O 3 0.0000 0.0193 1 1.688E-005 3.206E-004 4 8.0000 0.0182 SEISMIC 5 0.000 0.0171 LEVEL Dx O 6 0.8000. 8.0168 1 9.896E-005 1.712E-003 7 8.8008 0.0149 8 0.0008 0.0148 ELEMENT 3 - 9 0.0008 8.1113 10 0.01300 0.1113 MOMENTS WINO 11 8.0000 8.2910 LEVEL M(X) M(Y) 12 0.0000 8.0490 0 0. 21. 13 0.0000 0.0490 MOMENTS SEISMIC 14 0.0000 0.0158 LEVEL MOO 15 0.0000 0.0169 o 0. 110. 16 0.0000 0.0180 SHEARS WINO 17 0.0000 0.0190 LEVEL V(V) . 18 0.0000 0.1842 0 0.13 2.1 19 0.0709 0.0000 SHEARS SEISMIC 20 0.8133 8.8000 LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 21 -.8089 0.0080 13 0.13 11.0 22 -.0132 0.8000 23 -.8017 8.0000 DEFLECTIONS (Fl) 24 -.0604 0.0000 WIND LEVEL Ox O' ELEMENT 1 1-2.040E-005 3.143E-084 .. SEISMIC MOMENTS WIND . LEVEL Ox O> LEVEL P1(X) M(?) - 1 1.202E-884 1.675E-003 0 0. 62. MOMENTS SEISMIC ELEMENT 4 LEVEL M(X) M(?) 0 0. 331.. MOMENTS WINO SHEARS WINO LEVEL P1(X) M(?) LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 0 o. 28. 13 SHEARS 0.13 6.2 SEISMIC MOMENTS LEVEL SEISMIC P1(X) • M(?) LEVEL V(X) V(Y) • 0 ü. 104. 0 0.0 33.1 SHEARS WINO LEVEL V(X) V(?) DEFLECTIONS (FT) 13 0.0 2.0 WINO SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL Ox Dx LEVEL V(X) V(?) 1 1.888E-1305 3.248E-004 e 0.0 10.4 SEISMIC LEVEL Ox Ox DEFLECTIONS (Fl) 1 1.060E-004 1.737E-003 wnio LEVEL Ox 0', ELEMENT 2 1 2.1340E-005 2.984E-004 SEISMIC MOMENTS WINO LEVEL Ox Dy LEVEL M(X) M(?) 1 1.202E0134 1.581E-003 13 0. 86. MOMENTS SEISMIC ELEMENT 5 LEVEL P1(X) M(?) 0 0. 457. MOMENTS WINO SHEARS WINO LEVEL P1(X) P1(Y) LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 0 0. 19. 0 0.0 8.6 MOMENTS SEISMIC SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL P1(X) LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 0 • 0. 97. 0 0.0 457 LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES .. • Project TA A1€A(..K Cboo Consuliing Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 By KL. Date _____ Sheet NO. I!Of H3 Subject Job No. SHEARS WINO LEVEL V(X) ELEMENT 8 9 SHEARS 0.8 1.9 SEISMIC . MOMENTS WIND LEVEL V(X) V(y) LEVEL P1(X) M(?) 9 0.0 97 9 0. 15. MOMENTS SEISMIC DEFLECTIONS (FT) LEVEL P1(X) M(?) wiio 0 0. 84. LEVEL Dx 0>' SHEARS WINO 1 2.940E-005 2.822E-004 LEVEL V(X) V(y) SEISMIC 9 90 1.5 LEVEL Dx 0>' SHEARS SEISMIC 1 1.202E-004 1.486E-003 LEVEL V(X) WV) 9 0.0 8.4 ELEMENT 6 DEFLECTIONS (FT) MOMENTS WINO WINO LEVEL Ox Ox OLEVEL 9 P1(X) 0. M(?) 17 1 2.940E-005 2.348E-004 MOMENTS SEISMIC SEISMIC LEVEL Ox Dx LEVEL 0 P1(X) 8. M(?) 91. 1 1.202E-004 1.206E-003 SHEARS LEVEL WINO V(X) V(V) ELEMENT 9 0 SHEARS 0.0 1.7 SEISMIC MOMENTS WINO, LEVEL V(X) V(Y) LEVEL P1(X) MC?) 0 0.9 9.1 0 0. 106. MOMENTS SEISMIC DEFLECTIONS (FT) LEVEL 11(X) M(?) WIND 0. 634. LEVEL O::< 0>' SHEARS WIND 1 2.040E-€185 2.666E-004 LEVEL V(X) WV)., SEISMIC 0 0.0 10.6 LEVEL Dx Dy . SHEARS SEISMIC 1 1.202E-004 1.394E-003 LEVEL V(X) V(V) w ELEMENT 7 DEFLECTIONS (FT) MOMENTS WINO WINO LEVEL Ox Dx LEVEL 0 P1(X) 0. M(?) 16. 1 1.590E-005 2.162E-004 MOMENTS SEISMIC SEISMIC LEVEL Dx Ox LEVEL 0 11(X) 0. MC?> 85. 1 9.366E-905 1.097E-083 SHEARS LEVEL WIND V(X) V(V) ELEMENT 10 0 SHEARS 0.0 1.6 SEISMIC MOMENTS WINO LEVEL V(X) WY) LEVEL 11(X) M(?) 0 8.0 8.5 '0 106. MOMENTS SEISMIC DEFLECTIONS (Fl) LEVEL 11(X) M(?) 1'IIHD • 0 634. LEVEL Ox Ox SHEARS WINO 1 2.040E-005 2.504E-004 LEVEL V(X) 0.0 V(?) 10.6 SEISMIC LEVEL Dx , Dy 0 SHEARS SEISMIC 1 1.202E-094 1.298E-80,3 LEVEL V(X) V(y) 1 0 00 634 LYONS WARREN & ASSOCIATES Project A17k.A(t__(?btiOO Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 By L.L.. Date _____ Sheet No. '.!L of 1I Subject Job No. DEFLECTIONS (FT) SHEARS WINO WINO LEVEL V(X) V(Y) LEVEL Ox D> 0.0 5.3 1 -1.092E-005 2.162E-804 SHEARS SEISMIC SEISMIC LEVEL V (X) V(Y) LEVEL Ox Dy 0.0 27.9 1 -6.435E-005 1.097E -0L13 DEFLECTIONS (Fl) ELEMENT 11 WINO - MOMENTS WIND : LEVEL 1 -1.261E-005 Ox 2.466E-004 LEVEL 11(X) 11(Y) SEISMIC 0 0. 256. LEVEL Ox Dy MOMENTS SEISMIC 1 -7.430E-005 1.276E-00.3 LEVEL 11(X) 11(Y) 0 0. 1658. . ELEMENT 14 SHEARS WINO LEVEL V(X) - MOMENTS WINO. 0 0.0 2.b LEVEL 11(X) 11(Y) WSHEARS SEISMIC 17. LEVEL V(X) V(Y) - MOMENTS SEISMIC 0•0 LEVEL 11(X) 11(Y) 0 0. DEFLECTIONS (FT) 90 . SHEARS WINO WIND LEVEL V(X) V(?) LEVEL Dx Dx 0 1.7.988E-004 0.0 1 2.989E-006 i SHEARS SEISMIC' SEISMIC LEVEL V(X) V(Y) LEVEL Dx 0::' 0.0 9.0 .1 1.761E-005 9.941E-004 - DEFLECTIONS (Fl) ELEMENT 12 WINO MOMENTS WINO LEVEL 1 -1.542E-005 Dx 0>' 2.630E-004 LEVEL P1(X) 11(Y) SEISMIC: 0 0. 51. LEVEL Ox ox MOMENTS SEISMIC EVEL M (X) M(Y) 1 -9.887E-005 1.373E-003 0 0. 279. ELEMENT 15 SHEARS WIND LEVEL V(X) V(Y) MOMENTS WINO 0 0.0 5.1 LEVEL 11(X) M(Y) SHEARS SEISMIC e. is. LEVEL V(X) V (y) MOMENTS SEISMIC 0 0.0 27.9 LEVEL 11(X) M(Y) 0 0. 96. DEFLECTIONS (FT) SHEARS WINO WINO LEVEL V(X) V(Y) LEVEL Ox 0>' 1.8 1 -1.261E-005 2.342E-004 SHEARS SEISMIC SEISMIC LEVEL V(X) V (y) LEVEL Dx Ox - 1 -7.430E-005 1.203E-003 - DEFLECTIONS (FT) ELEMENT 13 WINO MOMENTS WINO LEVEL I -1.542E-005 Ox Ox 2.792E-0E14 LEVEL 11(X) M(Y) SEISMIC U 0. LEVEL Ox Ox MOMENTS SEISMIC I -9.087E-005 1.468E-003 M(X) 11 (?) L LEVEL i 0. 279. LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Project Consulting Structural and civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-8380 - By KL.. Date _____ Sheet No. 1LOf H3 Subject Job No. ELEMENT 16 DEFLECTIONS (FT) WINO MOMENTS WINO LEVEL Ox O' LEVEL 11(X) M(?) 1 -9.720E-086 3.248E-004 O 0. 19. SEISMIC MOMENTS SEISMIC LEVEL Ox 0>' LEVEL 11(X) t1(?) 1 -5.727E-0135 1.737E-003 o 0. 102. SHEARS WINO ELEMENT 19 - LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 0 0.0 1.9 MOMENTS WINO SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL 11(X) M(?) LEVEL V(X) V(?) 0 69. 8. 0 8.0 10.2 MOMENTS SEISMIC LEVEL 110<::' M(?) DEFLECTIONS (FT) 0 404.. 0. WIND SHEARS WINO LEVEL Dx 0>' LEVEL V(X) V (?) 1 -1.542E-005 2.954E-004 0 6.9 0.0 SEISMIC SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL Ox .0>' LEVEL V(X) V(?) 1 -9.087E-005 1.564E-003 0 40.4 0.0 ELEMENT 17 DEFLECTIONS (FT) WINO MOMENTS WINO LEVEL Ox 0>' LEVEL 11(X) M(?) 2.220E-005 2.705E-004 O 0. 20. SEISMIC MOMENTS SEISMIC LEVEL Ox 0>' LEVEL MOD M(?) 1 1.388E-004 1.417E-083 0 0. 109. SHEARS WINO ELEMENT 28 LEVEL V(X) V(V) 13 0.0 2.0 MOMENTS WINO SHEARS. SEISMIC LEVEL 11(X) M(?) LEVEL V(X) V(?) o 13. 0. 0 0.8. 10.9 MOMENTS SEISMIC LEVEL 11(X) M(?) DEFLECTIONS (FT) o 76. 8. WIND SHEARS WIND LEVEL Ox 0>' LEVEL V(X) V(?) 1 -1.542E-005 3.110E-004 0 1.3 0.0 SEISMIC SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL Ox 0>' LEVEL V(y) 1 -9.087E-005 1.656E-003 0 7.6 0.0 ELEMENT 18 DEFLECTIONS (FT) WINO MOMENTS WINO LEVEL Ox 0>' LEVEL 11(X) M(Y) 1 1.808E-005 2.075E-084 0 8. 196.. SEISMIC MOMENTS SEISMIC LEVEL Ox DY LEVEL M(X) M(?) 1 1.060E-004 1.045E-003 0 0. 1849. SHEARS WIND ELEMENT 21 LEVEL V(X) V(V) 0 0.0 19.6 MOMENTS WINO SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL 11(X) M(?) LEVEL V(X) V(Y) 0 -9. 0. 0 0.0 104.9 MOMENTS SEISMIC LEVEL 11(X) M(?) 0 51 0 LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES. Consultinji Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego. California (714) 578-838.0 By iL_ Date _____ Sheet No. )i,ot 1 Subject Job No. SHEARS WINO LEVEL V(Y) 0 -0.9 0.0 ELEMENT 24 SHEARS SEISMIC . LEVEL V(X) V(y) MOMENTS WINO 0 -5.1 0.0 LEVEL M(X) M(Y) 0 -58. 0. DEFLECTIONS (Fl) MOMENTS SEISMIC WINO LEVEL M(X) M(Y) LEVEL Ox 0>' 0 -344. 0. I -1.202E-005 2.076E-004 SHEARS WINO SEISMIC LEVEL V IV, ) V(V) LEVEL Ox 0>' 0 -5.8 0.0 1 -7.082E-005 1.045E-003 SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL vO) V(y) ELEMENT 22 0 -34.4 0.0 MOIIENTS WINO DEFLECTIONS (FT) LEVEL M(X) . 0 -13. M(?) WIND 0. LEVEL Ox 0>' MOMENTS SEISMIC 1 -1.722E-005 2.857E-004 LEVEL M(X) MY:, SEISMIC 0 -75. 0. LEVEL Dx 0>' SHEARS WINO I -1.015E-004 1.506E-003 LEVEL V(X) V(V) 0 -1.3 0.0 SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL V(X) V(V) 0 -7.5 0.0 DEFLECTIONS (FT) WIND LEVEL O:.'c 0>' 1 -1.722E-005 2.252E-004 SEISMIC LEVEL Ox Dy i -1.015E-0041.150E-003 ELEMENT 23 :. MOMENTS WINO LEVEL M(X) M(Y) O -2. 0. MOMENTS SEISMIC LEVEL M(>) M(Y) 0 -10. 0. SHEARS WINO LEVEL V(X) V(V) 0 -0.2 0•0. SHEARS SEISMIC LEVEL vo<::' V(V) 0 -1.0 .0 DEFLECTIONS (FT) WINO LEVEL Ox 0>' 1 -7.997E-006 2.387E-004 SEISMIC LEVEL Ox 0>' 1 -4.712E-005 H. 1.229E-003 ... ___________ ?L. r-ILF.t-'z. SOIL INVESTIGATION AND GEOLOGIC RECONNAISSANCE FOR TAMARACK CONDOMINIUM CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA For AMERICAN WEST DEVELOPMENT COMPANY do HOWARD ANDERSON AND ASSOCIATES Del Mar, California By CEOCON, INCORPORATED San Diego, California July, 1982 RECEIVED JUL 15 1982 ~ I I GEOCON I N C 0 R P 0 R A T E D ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS • CONSULTANTS IN THE APPLIED EARTH SCIENCES File No. D-2778-JO1 July 12, 1982 American West Development Company do Howard Anderson and Associates 2194 Carmel Valley Road Del Mar, California 92014 Attention: Mr. David Hawkins Subject: TAMARACK CONDOMINIUM CARLSBAD BOULEVARD AND TAMARACK AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SOIL INVESTIGATION AND GEOLOGIC RECONNAISSANCE Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, our firm has performed a soil investiga- tion and geologic reconnaissance for the subject project. The accompanying report presents the findings of our investigation and includes our conclusions and recommendations relative to geotechnical aspects of the proposed site development. If you have any questions regarding this report or if we may be of further service, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, E CON, INCO ORA L.- CO es E. Likins C 17030 C:JEL:lm (4) addressee Michael V. Hart CEG 706 &I-A7 'a Michael S. Chapin Staff Geologist 9530 DOWDY DRIVE • SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92126 • PHONE (714) 695-2880 I File No. D-2778-JO1 I July 12, 1982 SOIL INVESTIGATION AND GEOLOGIC RECONNAISSANCE I Purpose and Scope The purpose of our investigation was to observe and sample the prevailing I surface and subsurface soil and geologic conditions at the site and, based I on conditions encountered, to provide recommendations for development of the site to receive the proposed condominium complex. I The investigation consisted of a site reconnaissance by our engineering geologist and the excavation of 4 small-diameter borings. Laboratory tests were performed on selected representative soil samples taken at various depths in the borings to evaluate pertinent physical characteristics of the soil types encountered. The "Conclusions and Recommendations" presented hereinafter are based on engineering analysis of the results of our field exploration and laboratory tests, and on our experience with similar soil and geologic conditions. Site and Project Description The L-shaped 0.7 acre site is located along the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard between Tamarack Avenue and Sequoia Avenue in Carlsbad, Cali- fornia. The site slopes gently down toward the west with the exception of the westernmost boundary, which slopes steeply down to Carlsbad Boulevard. An existing single-family residence occupies the southern half of the prop- erty. It is our understanding that the existing residence will be removed. GEOCON INCORPORATED I File No. D-1416-TO6 1 July 12, 1982 I Vegetation at the site consists of sparse to moderate growths of native weeds and grasses and scattered shrubs and trees. I It is proposed to develop the site by grading to receive an 18-unit condo- minium complex consisting of three-story, wood-frame dwelling units over I partially depressed parking. Masonry retaining walls will be incorporated I into the design of the partially depressed parking garage. Although no grading plans for the project were available at the time of this writing, I we assume that grading of the site will consist primarily of the excavation of material from areas where depressed parking is planned and the placement I of minor fills along the western portion of the property. We do not anti- I cipate the construction of fill slopes greater than 10 feet in height. The locations and descriptions referenced herein are based on a "Site Plan" for Tamarack Condominium prepared by Howard Anderson and Associates, A.I.A. and dated April 6, 1982 (Revision No. 1). I Field Investigation The field investigation was performed on June 30, 1982 and consisted of a site reconnaissance by our engineering geologist and the excavation of 4 small-diameter exploratory borings at the approximate locations shown on the attached Site Plan, Figure 1. -2- GEOCON INCORPORATED I 1 I H I I I File No. D-2778-JO1 I July 12, 1982 .10 o \\\ 19-2 00 04 \ T\ \ 0 9-4 '\ I O\\\ \ 'po LEGEND Q...,.APPROX. LOCATION OF TEST BORING I I I I I SITE PLAN TAMARACK CONDOMINIUM CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 1 FIGURE 1 1 GEOCON, INCORPORATED I PAGE GEOCON INCORPORATED I I I I I 1 File No..D-1416-T06 July 12, 1982 The borings were excavated by means of a truck-mounted rotary drill rig equipped with 6-inch diameter continuous flight auger. As drilling pro- ceeded, relatively undisturbed samples were obtained by driving a 3-inch O.D. split-tube sampler into the undisturbed soil mass with blows from a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. A disturbed bulk sample was also obtained. The samples were returned to our laboratory for testing. Logs of the test borings are presented on Figures 2 through 5 of Appendix A. The logs depict the various soil types encountered and include the depths at which the samples were obtained. I I Laboratory Tests Laboratory tests were performed in accordance with generally accepted test I methods of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and other suggested procedures. Selected undisturbed drive samples were tested for I their in situ dry density, moisture content and shear strength. The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of the disturbed hulk sample were I determined in accordance with ASTM Test Procedure D1557-70, A. Portions of I the bulk sample were remolded at selected densities into rings and subject- ed to direct shear tests. I The results of our laboratory tests are presented in tabular form in 1 Appendix B. In situ moisture and density characteristics are also included on the logs of test borings. 1 GEOCON INCORPORATED File No. D-1416-T06 July 12, 1982 Soil and Geologic Conditions Three general soil conditions were encountered at the site: fill, slope- wash and formational soils of Quaternary Marine Terrace deposits. Each of the soil types encountered is discussed below: Fill. Existing uncompacted fill was encountered in Boring 3 to a depth of approximately 2-1/2 feet. It is likely that other areas of fill are present in the vicinity of the existing structure; however, the majority of the fill soils will be removed during excavation of the proposed depressed parking garage. The fill soils encountered in Boring 3 are characterized by medium loose, silty, medium-grained sands derived from the marine terrace deposits. I Slopewash. A 3-foot layer of relatively loose slopewash consisting of I silty, medium-grained sands was encountered in Borings 1 and 2 near the I northwestern portion of the site. In areas where these loose soil are not removed during excavation of the depressed parking garage, removal and I recompaction will be required as recommended under "Conclusions and Recom- mendations" hereinafter. I Marine Terrace Deposits. Quaternary-aged Marine Terrace deposits characterized by medium dense, silty, medium-grained sands underlie the slopewash and fill over the entire site. We anticipate that the majority I -5- GEOCON INCOR PORATED I I I I File No. D-1416-T06 July 12, 1982 I of foundations for the project will be founded in the formational soils. I The Marine Terrace deposits should provide good foundation support charac- teristics. Expansive soils were not encountered at the site. Geologic Hazards I No faults or ancient landslides are known to exist at the site or in the immediate vicinity, and none were encountered during the course of our I Investigation. An offshore trace of the potentially active Rose Canyon I Fault zone has been mapped approximately 4 miles west of the site (Map No. 1, California Division of Mines and Geology). I The nearest active faults are the Elsinore and San Jacinto Faults which lie 1 approximately 24 miles and 47 miles, respectively, to the northeast. It is I our opinion that the site could be subjected to moderate to severe ground shaking in the event of a major earthquake along any of the above-mentioned I faults, however, the site is not considered to be subject to any greater seismic risk than that of the immediately surrounding developments. I l Liquefaction In view of the relatively dense nature of the formational soils underlying I the site and the lack of a near-surface groundwater table, it is our opinion that liquefaction does not present a significant geologic hazard to I the proposed site development. I GEOCON INCORPORATED File No. D-1416-T06 July 12, 1982 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS General It is our opinion that the site is suitable for development of the pro- posed condominium complex consisting of three-story, wood-frame structures over depressed parking, provided that the conditions of this report are carefully followed. The northwestern portion of the site is overlain by relatively loose slopewash to a depth of approximately 3 feet. It is our understanding that excavation for the proposed depressed parking garage will encompass removal of the majority of this slopewash. Wherever the slopewash is not removed during such excavation, it will be necessary to remove and recompact the material as recommended hereinafter. Any fill encountered during grading of the site should be removed and recompacted if not removed during excavation for the depressed parking garage. Grading All grading should be performed in accordance with the City of Carlsbad Grading Ordinance and the and the: City of Carlsbad Grading Ordinance pre- sented in Appendix C. Where the recommendations of this portion of the -7- GE000N INCORPORATED I File No. D-1416-T06 July 12, 1982 I report conflict with those of Appendix C, this section of the report takes precedence. I Grading of the site should commence with the clearing of all vegeta- tion, existing structures and underground utilities from the site. Such materials should be exported from the site and should not be used in fills. Existing loose slopewash and fill is areas to receive fill should be ' removed until dense formational material is exposed. The exposed for- mational material should then be ripped to a depth of approximately 12 inches, moisture conditioned to near optimum moisture content and recoin- ' pacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density. Fill should then he placed and compacted in layers until final elevations are reached. All I fill should be compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density as determined by ASTM Test Procedure D1557-70. I Foundations 1 7. The project is suitable for the use of continuous strip footings, iso- I lated spread footings or appropriate combinations thereof. Continuous strip footings should be at least 12 inches wide and should extend at least 18 I inches below lowest adjacent pad grade. Isolated spread footings should be at least 2 feet square and extend at least 18 inches below lowest adjacent I pad grade. I GEOCON INC ORPORATED I File No. D-1416-T06 July 12, 1982 I 8. We recommend minimum footing reinforcement to consist of two No. 5 steel reinforcing bars placed horizontally in the footings, one near the top and one near the bottom. This recommendation is based on soil support I characteristics only and is not intended to be in lieu of reinforcement necessary for struétural considerations. I . I 9. The allowable bearing capacity for foundations designed as recommended above is 2500 psf for foundations in properly compacted fill and 3000 psf I for foundations in dense formational soils. The above bearing capacities may be increased an additional 750 psf for each additional foot of depth and an additional 500 psf for each additional foot of width, to a maximum I allowable bearing capacity of 4000 psf for footings in properly compacted fill and 6000 psf for footings in dense formational soils. The values pre- I sented above are for dead plus live loads and may be increased by one-third when considering transient loads due to wind or seismic forces. I Concrete Slabs-on-Grade I 10. Concrete slabs-on-grade should be at least 4 inches thick and should I be underlain by 4 inches of clean sand. Where moisture sensitive floor coverings are planned, a visqueen moisture barrier should likewise be I placed below the slab. At least 2 inches of the sand blanket should over- lie the visqueen to allow for proper concrete curing. I I 1 -9- GEOCON INCORPO RATED File No. D-1416-T06 July 12, 1982 Slab reinforcement should consist of 6x6-10/10 welded wire mesh throughout. It has been our experience that, in order to maintain proper positioning of the mesh within the concrete slab, the mesh must be pulled up into the slab after the placement of concrete. The mesh should be positioned within the upper one-third of the concrete slab. Retaining Walls Retaining wall foundations should conform to the recommendations under Items 7 through 9. The footings should be founded only in dense formational material. A review of the site plan for the project indicates that founda- tions for the westernmost retaining wall at the site may be constructed near the top of a proposed cut slope along Carlsbad Boulevard. Foundations for these retaining walls should be excavated such that the bottom outside edge of the foundation is at least 7 feet horizontally inside the face of the slope. Active earth pressures against walls will depend on the slope of back- fill and degree of wall restraint. Unrestrained walls with horizontal, properly drained backfill should be designed to resist an active earth pressure equivalent to that generated by a fluid weighing 35 pef. For rigid, absolutely restrained walls, an additional uniform surcharge pres- sure of 50 psf should be added to the above loading. -10- GEOCON INCORPORATED I File No. D-1416-T06 July 12, 1982 14. Lateral loads may be resisted by a passive pressure equivalent to that generated by a fluid weighing 350 pcf for foundations in dense formational soils. A coefficient of friction of 0.45 may be used to calculate the resistance to sliding along the concrete/soil interface. I 15. The above recommendations assume level, properly drained granular backfill with no surcharge. For 2.0 horizontal to 1.0 vertical sloping I. backfill, an active pressure equivalent to that exerted by a fluid weighing I 42 pcf should be assumed. For restrained retaining walls with sloping backfill, an additional uniform surcharge pressure of 50 psf should also be added to the loading diagram. 16. Retaining walls should be properly waterproofed and provided with gravel and perforated pipe drain systems within the backfill to reduce potential for hydrostatic pressure buildup behind walls. Retaining walls located along the eastern portion of the structure should be provided with gravel backfill for at least two-thirds the height of the wall. We recommend that the gravel be enclosed in a filter fabric envelope. For retaining walls located on the north, west, and south sides of the project, the gravel portion of the drain may extend only 1 foot up from the base of the wall. -11- I GEOCON INCORPORATED File No. D-1416-T06 July 12, 1982 Slope Stability 17. Based on the results of laboratory tests performed on representative soil samples from the site, it is our opinion that cut and properly com- pacted fill slopes constructed of onsite materials should be stable with respect to deep-seated failure to a height of at least 15 feet if con structed at a slope inclination of 2.0 horizontal to 1.0 vertical or flatter. Our analysis is based on Janbu's method and assumes a factor of safety of at least 1.5. Although our calculations indicate that the slopes will be grossly stable with respect to deep-seated failure, it is possible that minor gullying and ruling could occur within the slopes due to the granular and friable nature of the material. We recommend that slopes be planted with a light weight, deep-rooted ground cover to reduce the poten- tial for continued erosion of the slopes. I Drainage I 18. Adequate site drainage is critical to future performance of the proj ect. Under no circumstances should water he allowed to pond adjacent to footings. The site should be fine-graded such that irrigation excess and storm runoff drain away from structures and into swales or other controlled drainages. Roof downdrains, if used, should discharge onto splashblocks and the runoff should be directed into controlled drainages. - 12- GEOCON INCORPORATED File No. D-2778-JO1 July 12, 1982 LIMITATIONS AND UNIFORMITY OF CONDITIONS The recommendations of this report pertain only to the site investigation and are based upon the assumption that the soil conditions do not deviate from those disclosed in the investigation. If any variations or undesirable conditions are encountered during construction, or if the proposed construction will differ from that planned at the present time, Geocon, Incorporated should be notified so that supplemental recom- mendations can be given. This report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner, or of his representative, to ensure that the information and recommendations contained herein are brought to the attention of the architect and engineer for the project and incorporated into the plans, and the necessary steps are taken to see that the contractor and subcontractors carry out such recommendations in the field. The findings of this report are valid as of the present date. However, changes in the conditions of a property can occur with the passage of time, whether they be due to natural processes or the works of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in applicable or appropriate standards may occur, whether they result from legislation or the broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, the findings of this report may be invalidated wholly or partially by changes outside our control. Therefore, this report is subject to review and should not be relied upon after a period of three years. -13- GE000N XNCORPORATED / APPENDIX A GEOCON INCORPORATED I I File No. D-2778-JO1 July 12, 1982 IN-PLACE DOM SAMPLE LOG B PowtWian otscpjpr,ON IN NUMBER LOCATION Rewiftflo DRY MOISTURE Pwr Of Blow*4'I DENSITY COVTENT SAMPLE p.cf % di', BORING NO. 1 SLOPEWASH Medium loose, moist, brown, Silty 2 ::. medium SAND 1-1 Iiiji 47 107.1 3.8 :1/.. MARINE TERRACE DEPOSITS 4. Medium dense, moist, orange-brown, Silty, medium SAND with slightly 1-2 40 Clayey layers 112.9 7.9 .6 8- 10- 1-3 Medium dense, moist, yellow-brown, 102.0 5.7 Silty medium SAND, very friable 12 14 16 BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FEET Figure 2, Log of Test Boring 1 A-i GEOCON INCORPORATED 1 I . File No. D-2778-JO1 July 12, 1982 IN-PLACE P7W SAMPLE LOG a b,,efr?icp DESCRIPTION IN NUMBER LOCATION fiWsftm DRY MOISTURE lET Of 8lowV?1 . DENSITY CONTENT SAMPLE . AC•F % di, 1 BORING NO. 2 o ____ .17 ____ SLOPEWASH : Lose, dry, light brown,. silty medium 2 SAND :,..l..i.:: MARINE TERRACE DEPOSITS 4 Medium dense, humid, light orange-brown, Silty medium SAND 2-1 t:I• 69/ 103.1 3.3 6. :•..911 becomes orange-brown 8 2-2 . . BULK SAMPLE 12, :1.I.I. . . 14 .16 BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FEET Figure 3, Log of Test Boring 2 A-2 GEOCON INCORPORATED I ' File No. D-2778-JOl July 12, 1982 IN-PLACE DEp77 SAMPLE LOG a P&Wrahan DESCRIPTION IN NUMSER LOCATION Repstano DRY MOISTURE FU7 Of DIow41 DENSITY COVTENT SAMPLE AC.' % dry ,1 BORING NO. 2 o ____ ____ ____ MARINE TERRACE DEPOSITS • Medium dense, humid, light brown, Silty 2. medium SAND 3-1 85 111.7 4.2 4. 6 NI 8 Medium dense, moist, light yellow-gray, Silty medium SAND, very friable 10-1I:: 60/ 3-2 9" NOT R COVERED 12 BORING TERMINATED AT 11.0 FEET iigure 4, LOg or lest 15oring 3 A-3 GEOCON INCORPORATED I I . File No. D-2778-JOl July 12, 1982 IN-PLACE CEPTh SAMPLE LOS a ,eiö, OESCRPTION IN NUMBER LOCATION fiWsIq4N DRY - MOISTURE PET OP 810wi.4'I DENSITY COVT(NT SAMPLE P.Cf % d,y .1 o BORING NO. 4 FILL Medium loose, dry, light brown, Silty 2, . . medium SAND 4-1 31 4 MARINE TERRACE DEPOSITS j04.2 Medium dense, humid, light brown, Silty medium SAND 6. 4-2 50/ NOT RE OVERED 911 8. . becomes moist, orange-brown 10 4-3 .j SAMPLE REFUSAL 12- 14 - 16. - BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FEET Figure 5, Lof og Test Boring 4 A-4 GEOCON INCORPORATED APPENDIX B GEOCON INCOR PORATED File No. D-27778-JO1 July 12, 1982 TABLE I Summary of In-Place Moisture-Density and Direct Shear Test Results Angle of Dry Moisture Unit Shear Sample Depth Density Content Cohesion Resistance No. ft. pcf % psf Degrees 1-1 2 107.1 3.8 --- -- 1-2 5 112.9 7.5 350 34 1-3 10 102.0 5.7 --- 2-1 5 103.1 3.3 --- -- *2-2 6-10 114.9 9.4 260 35 3-1 2 111.7 4.2 --- 4-1 2 104.2 3.6 --- TABLE II Summary of Laboratory Compaction Test Results A.S.T.M. D1557-70 Max.Dry Optimum Sample Depth Density Moisture No. ft. Description pcf % dry wt. 2-2 6-10 Orange-brown, Silty 126.9 10.2 medium SAND *Sample remolded B-i GEOCON I NCO B P 0-RA T E D APPENDIX C GE000N INCOR PO RATED I File No. D-2778-JOI 1 July 12, 1982 RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATIONS 1 1. General I 1.1 These specifications have been prepared for grading of the Tamarack Condominium located on Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue 'in Carlsbad, California. They shall be used only in conjunction with I the soil report for the project dated July 12, 1982, prepared by Geocon, Incorporated. 1.2 The contractor shall be responsible for placing, spreading, watering, and compacting the fill in strict conformance with these specifica- tions. A staff member from Geocon, Incorporated, hereinafter called the "Soil Engineer," shall act as the owner's representative. All I excavation and fill placement should be done tinder the observation of the Soil Engineer. Geocon, Incorporated, should be consulted if the contractor or owner wishes to deviate from these specifications. I 1.3 The grading should consist of clearing, grubbing, and removing from the site all material the Soil Engineer designates as "unsuitable"; preparing areas to be filled; properly placing and compacting fill I materials; and all other work necessary to conform with the lines, grades, and slopes shown on the approved plans. 2. Preparation of Areas to be Graded 2.1 All trees and shrubs not to be used for landscaping, structures, weeds, and rubbish should be removed from the site prior to commencing any excavating or filling operations. 2.2 All buried structures (such as tanks, leach lines, and pipes) not designated to remain on the site should be removed, and the resulting depressions should be properly backfilled and compacted prior to any grading or filling operations. 2.3 All water wells should be treated in accordance with the requirements of the San Diego County Health Department. The owner shall verify the requirements. 2.4 All vegetation and soil designated as "unsuitable" by the Soil Engi- neer should be removed under his observation. The exposed surface should then be plowed or scarified to a depth of at least 12 inches until the surface is free from ruts, hummocks, or other uneven fea- tures that would prevent uniform compaction by the equipment used. C-i GEOCON INCORPORATED 2.5 Where the slope ratio of the original ground is steeper than 6.0 horizontal to 1.0 vertical, or where recommended by the Soil Engi- neer, the bank should be benched in accordance with the following illustration. NOTES I I I INISH IGINAL GROUND -5- - SLOPE TO "N.SN FINISHED SLOPE SUCH THAT SURFACE SLIDING OR LIDING DOES NOT OCCUR REMOVE AS I B (NOTE 2) _________ RECOMMENDED BY B it SOIL ENGINEER (NOTE I) "B" should be 2 feet wider than the com- paction equipment, and should be a min- imum of 10 feet wide. The outside of the bottom key should be below the topsoil or slopewash and at least 3 feet into dense formational ma- terials. 2.6 After the areas have been plowed or scarified, the surface should be disced or bladed until they are free from large clods; brought to the proper moisture content by adding water or aerating; and compacted as specified in Section 4 of these specifications. 3. Materials Suitable for Use in Compacted Fill 3.1 Material that is perishable, spongy, contains organic matter, or is otherwise unsuitable should not be used in compacted fill. Material used for compacted fill should consist of at least 40 percent fines smaller than 3/4-inch diameter. 3.2 The soil engineer should decide what materials, either imported to the site or excavated from on-site cut areas, are suitable for use in compacted fills; the Soil Engineer should approve any import material before it is delivered to the site. During grading, the contractor may encounter soil types other than those analyzed for the soil investigation. The Soil Engineer should be consulted to evaluate the suitability of such soils. 3.3 Any material containing rocks or hard lumps greater than 6 inches in diameter should be placed in accordance with Section 6 of these specifications. 3.4 The Soil Engineer should perform laboratory tests on representative samples of material to be used in compacted fill. Such tests should be performed to evaluate the maximum dry density and moisture content of the samples. The tests should be performed in accordance with accepted test methods of the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM). C-2 GEOCON INCORPORATED Placing, Spreading, and Compacting Fill Material 4.1 Unless otherwise specified, fill material should be compacted while at a moisture content near the optimum moisture content and to a relative compaction of at least 90 percent as determined by accepted ASTM test methods. 4.2 Fill materials should be placed in layers that, when compacted, have a relative compaction in conformance with the project specifications. Each layer should be spread evenly and mixed thoroughly to provide uniformity of materials in each layer. 4.3 When the moisture content of the fill material is less than that recommended by the Soil Engineer, water should be added until the moisture content is as recommended. When the moisture content of the fill material is more than that recommended by the Soil Engineer, the fill material should be aerated by blading, mixing, or other methods until the moisture content is as recommended. 4.4 After each layer is placed, mixed, and spread evenly, it should be thoroughly compacted to the recommended minimum relative compaction. 4.5 The fill should be compacted by sheepsfoot rollers, multiple-wheel pheumatic-tired rollers, or other types of compacting rollers that are capable of compacting the fill at the recommended moisture content. Each layer should be rolled continuously over Its entire -area until the recommended minimum relative compaction is achieved throughout the fill. 4.6 The fill operation should be continued in layers, as specified above, until the fill has been 'brought to the finished slopes and grades shown on the approved plans. 4.7 Fill slopes, should be compacted by sheepsfoot rollers, by track- walking with a dozer, or by other suitable equipment. Compaction operations should continue until the slopes are properly compacted (that is, in-place density tests indicate a relative compaction of at least 90 percent at a horizontal distance of 2 feet from the slope face). Observation of Grading Operations 5.1 The Soil Engineer should make field observations and perform field and laboratory tests during the filling and compaction operations, so that he can express his opinion whether or not the grading has been performed in substantial compliance with project recommendations. 5.2 The Soil Engineer should perform in-place density tests in accordance with accepted ASTM test methods; such density tests should be made in the compacted materials below the disturbed surface. When results of tests taken within any layer indicate a relative compaction below that recommended, that layer or portion thereof should be reworked until the recommended relative compaction is obtained. C-3 GEOCON INCORPORATED Oversize Rock Placement 6.1 "Oversize" rock is defined as material that is greater than 6 inches and less than 4 feet in maximum dimension. Material over 4 feet in maximum dimension should not be used in fills; such material should be exported from the site, broken into acceptably sized pieces, used for landscaping purposes, or placed in areas designated by the Soil Engineer and/or approved by appropriate governing agencies. 6.2 The Soil Engineer should continuously observe the placement of over- size rock. I 6.3 Oversize rock should be placed in lifts n0t exceeding the maximum dimension of the rock, and should be placed in a manner that will not result in "nesting" of the rocks. Voids between rocks should be I completely filled with properly compacted (minimum relative com- paction of 90 percent), fine granular material. I 6.4 Oversize rock should not be placed within 5 feet of finish pad grade, within 10 feet of street subgrade, or within 2 feet of the bottom of the proposed utility lines, whichever is deeper. I Protection Work of 7.1 During construction, the contractor should grade the site to provide .I positive drainage away from structures and to prevent water from ponding adjacent to structures. Water should not be allowed to dam- age adjacent properties or finished work on the site. Positive drainage should be maintained by the contractor until permanent drainage and erosion control facilities are installed in accordance with project plans. I 7.2 No additional grading shall be done, except under the observation of the Soil Engineer. I I I H 11 1 I I 1 C-4 GEOCON INCORPORATED ENERGY CONSERVATION ENGINEERING Gene Worscheck (7141,455-0390. r San Diego, 92122 JOB TITLE 7geqcir ''as',o DATE _-Zc-1fL The following items require blueprint revisions to satisfy Title 24 requirements: Q Walls . O Ceiling DRoof__________________________ O Glazing (single) . Sq. Ft. O Glazing (double) Sq. Ft. 0 Floor Over Garage - Floor Overhang R/ O Under Floor- Other R/7 c' ,g. -Vld - ',z' Rcoç ,G £40 O No Blueprint Changes Required_______________ I11 Gene Worscheck M18951 rA uiOJECT DATA SUMMARY Form 1. '-r O - owner _g y ,/. A- --.---________ - orojcct shed ad by system type ilale e._-'Z€-T1----_ - documentation author date SITE INFORMATION Heating Degree Day lfrom Appendix C) ..........................................................HOD 1 CF.cjay Outside Design Temperature (from Appendix C or Appendix G) ...................... Tow 2 PROPOSED BUILDING ENVELOPE INFORMATION Gross Floor Area if Low-Rise (from Calculations) ............................................A1 3 Z Z3 Gross Wall Area if High-Rise (from Calculations) ............................................ Aw 4 2 Designed Glazing Area (from Calculation) .......................................................A9 5 _. it Basic Glazing Area ((6% of Line 3 if low-rise or 40% of Line 4 if high-rise)........Abg 6 9L_? 152 DcSC,iDliofl of Assembly Glazing U91. 7 ,<(_.. Stu! (hr. ft . OF U92 8 _______.. Btu/lhr.ft2.°F) . U93 9 _________ Btu/ lhr.ft2.F) Btu/ thr.ft2.°F) Wall ._. - U1 10 - ______ S U.,2 11 Blu! (hr. ft .°Fl . U3 12 __________ • Btu/ (hr .ft: -.. . U 4 13 ._.________ ......- 3tui (hr • ft 2 . °F) Cciling,Rool U 1 . 14 -4__. 13tu/(hr.ft •Fl Li52 15__ _____ Stu! (hr.lt-.°Fl aF) door -- U 1 _________ -_____ Btu/ (hr .ti - U12 11 _____ .. _____ Btu/ (hr • f,." . OF I PROPOSED SPACE HEATING SYSTEM (Chapter 7) Gas Furnace Building Design Hourly Heat Loss (from Form 2) ..................................... 18_T_. 67._. E3tu/hr Maximum Allowed Bonnet Capacity. .'x Line 18 ...............................................1) , 7_0k Btu/hr Proposes) Furnace ' Make - Model Description Rated Bonnet Capacity Electric Resistance Alone Electric Resustaiice Life Cycle Cost (from Form 5) .................................... 5LCC0 20 _______________________ S LowIt Life Cycle Cost of the Other Systems llrom Form 5) ...................SLCCI 21 Non-Depletable Energy w/Electric Resistance Back-Up Percentage of Annual HCat Loss Met by Non-Depletable Energy - Source (from Calculationcl ...............................................................................22 - Heat Pump with Electric Resistance Supplitmentary Heal Percentage of Annual Heat Loss Met Liv Electric Resistance (from Calculations)- ............................................................................................23 PROPOSED WATER HEATING SYSTEM INFORMATION (Chapter 8) Electric Resistance Alone Electric Resistance Life Cycle Cost (fro mForni 6) ................................ wLCCe 24 S Lowest LifeCycle Cost of the Other Systems (from Form 6) ............ ........:,LCCs.a 25 S PROPOSED SWIMM'NG POOL HEATING SYSTEM INFORMATION (Chatner 9) Solar Life Cycle Cost (from Fofm 11 ....................................................... . ....... 0LCC5 26 _____________________ S Natural Gas Life Cycle Cost (f(om Form 7) ......................................................QLCC 9 27 _____________________ S HOIJRL\' AND ANNUAL 6ULDING HEAT LOSS RATE Form 2 7qA)L '?L owne - g ,4' ____________- rioec: necie0 by system tyoa - . ado Oncumniatior. ai..!hO, date HOURLY HEAT LOSS DESIGN TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE For Al' Conditions Other Than the Following 70°F - °F ATv,i 1 3 / Tow from Form 1 For Insulated Floor Over Vented Unheated Space ..........Line 1 + 2. . = AT 12 7 )S OF For Uninsulated Four Over Vented Unheated Space .....Line 2 - 50F . = tTw3 3 _________________ °F CONDUCTIVE HEAT LOSS U rrnrn Form Area. I:- or 1. or F5 iron, Framing Factor from ATw irom Description of Assembly Lent! r. Ti ! joiL 4 Glazing 4L,/9 —Z' -I— Table 3..6 x _/0 acrave x _3/ /e/3 Is) Btu/hr Wall LLZ?_X.SX.. 10 x_.jj 9Z Ceiling/Roof L12L . :- ____ Floor - ._ 972w : ., : t2cie. iz9 Sf x ___ x I' x 3/ Other x x x x x x x x x = Subtotal 4 2-2.3_/$,__ Btu/r'r INFLITRATION (Enter 0 out LineS if there is positive ventilation) Z623 4C__(t2x ______ ft __ x OF 5 /3/757 Gross Floor Area wegnted I from Taole3.7 AT from Average Line 3 Celiung Height VENTILATION (Enter 0 on Line 6 if there is no positive ventilation) ft3/min x _______________ OF x 1.08 = ...............6 Ventilation Rate from &Tw from Line I Calculations . Subtotal ' _7_77 Btu/hr DUCT H EAT LOSS (Enter 0 on Line 8 if there are no ducts) 0.15 x Line 7.= 8 .._____ TOTAL (Line 7+8) c1h 9 4O1 Btu/hr ANNUAL HEAT LOSS °F.oay;yr x _________________ Btu/hr x____________ mc 24 hr/day -400 from Aooendimc C . Hourly Heat Loss C from from Line 9 - - - - Table 3-2 CF AT.. from L.i,ii I on 10 ______________. Btu HO'JRLY AND ANNUAL BUILDING HEAT LOSS RATE Form 2 Peac 4Alé',eW,t, 4/sy .2e- d owne I CX enVc'o XI' 1/. 441 2fa--' #4oc 1 ____________- r.ic.uec: I (iekea by systeni tybe date 3-q z.. oncum,ritatioi au.liui 0310 HOURLY HEAT LOSS DESIGN TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE For All Conditions Other Than me Following 100F - -? °F T0,, from Form 1 For Insulated Floor Over Vented Unheated Space .........Line 1 — 2. . = AT,.2 For Uninsulated Four Over Versed Unheated Space .....Line 2 - 50F . . = Aw3 CONDUCTIVE HEAT LOSS HEAT 1 3/ OF 2 OF ._____ 3 io,c OF - U from Form Framing ATw Are,. t; or . 1. om F lroiii Fator from irom Uescript ion of Assembly Lenqtt. tl Tapia 4•1 r,..oie 3-6 livcwe Glazing 43/ x i / x _______ x Btujh, Wall Jj_::_7./3 :, x x x Ceiling/Roof L2'/ :._,,,r :-_.tic Floor f77- :Ii9 x /-40 :- lx—/— 4147leeid4,iJ6 'r 1./4r7 x Other x_. x x__________ a a a a a a Subtotal 4 Diii IN FLIT RAT ION (Enter 0 on Line 5 if there is oositive ventilation) Z-6 23 ft2 a it x a F= 5 7'7 Gross Floor Area weiontec (from liabie3-7 AT,, from cveraae Line I Ceiling Heicmflt VENTILATION lEnter 0 on Line 6 if there is no positive ventilation) f13/min a OF x 1.08 = ...............6 Ventilation Rate from AT,, from Line 3 Calculations Subtotal 7 DUCT HEAT LOSS (Enter 0 on Line 8 it there are no ducts) 0.15 a Line 7 = C 39Z9---- 67 B TOTAL (Line 1481 q j - ANNUAL HEAT LOSS dF.Oay!yr a _________________ Btuhr x ____________ a 24 hr/day - i-lO('i from fiooendia C . i-fourlyI-feaf Loss C from from Line 9 Table On 10 . - -- CF £sT. from HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY owner project checked by- system type date documentation author date List of Construction Components R I, JIV 2: 3 "cf Sketch of Construction Assembly 7. R Check one: Inside Surface Air Film - • • heating Wall Outside Surface Air Film '/7 _________ heating Weight ibm/ft2 • - 2c,'8 —Ceiling/Roof Total Thermal Resistance (RT) heating joor Form 3 1/RT. Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient (U) Btu/ (hr .ft2 .°F) HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT '. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY Form 3 C/R-2 List of Construction Components 1. 0.375" built-up roof 2. 0.75" Douglad fir plywood 1.25" unvented air space 6" mineral fiber insulation s. polyethylene vapor barrier 6.0.5" gypsum board Sketch of Construction Assembly 7. 8. R 0.33 0.94 0.80 19.00 0.45 .0.61 heating 0.61 heating Check one: Inside Surface Air Film Wall Outside Surface Air Film Weight 1bm/ft2 X Ceiling/Roof Total Thermal Resistance (RT) ______Floor 1/RT. Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient (U) 22.74 heating 0.044 heating HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY Form 3 Checked by system type date documentation author date List of Construction Components R ,i/ 00 / 3,4 M/1 L /,V?D,I 11.00 3. All owner project Sketch of Construction Assembly 7. 8. Check one: / Wall Weight 1bIft2 Inside Surface Air Film heatin. - p.17 Outside Surface,Air Film —Ceiling/Roof Total Thermal Resistance (RT) 2J. q ______Floor heat it... 1/RT. Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient (U) .0c13 But! (hr. I: . °F) ON H EAT TRANSF ER COEFFICIENT PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY Form 3 owner project checked by system type date documentation author date List of Construction Components R 4,e,0e7- ,9(Q fr,ô.p A 23 34'i7 77 IV M AO ToocOoflOoQ( L )JLJ JU J(J¼JJ 4. d;7/,2 spc 1 5. c /1 6. mia Sketch of Construction Assembly 7. B. Check one: Inside Surface Air Film heating -Wall Outside Surface Air Film ' /7 - heating Weight 1bm/ft2 —Ceiling/Roof /j f4 _Z Total Thermal Resistance (RT) ' • "_Floor heating 1R1. Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient (U) - Btu/ (hr.ft2.°F) 10 C ALTERNATIVE DESIGN SUMMARY Form 4 _/_,cf__x9#i/__4'ér._ own•er project . ciecked cy — system type . (late documentation author date COOLED BUILDINGS WITH EXCESS GLAZING (Chapter 10) Designed Glazing Area (from building plans) ................ ........................................... . ................................ A 1 - ft2 Basic Glazing Area (from Form 1) ............................................................................................................Abg 2 _____________ ft2 Northerly Glazing Area (from building plans) .........................................................................................A,9 3 - ft2 Glazing Area Under Regulation T20-1402(c)(4) ............................................................... . . . . . . . . L i n e 1 - 2 - 3 4 If Line 4 < 0. there is compliance. Otherwise complete Lines 5 and 6. Shaded Glazing Credit ............................................ (Area of glazing meeting shading requirem e n t s . A (.5) x 2 5 --_________ ft2 Area of glazing which must be tinted (If Line 6 < 0. tinted glazing is not required) Line 4-5 6 ____________ ft2 PASSIVE SOLAR EXEMPTION (Chapter 10) Total Thermal Mass. MT (from calculations) ...................................................................................................7 _________ Btul°F Basic Thermal Mass. Mb .................... __________________ ft2 x 7.25 + __________________ ft2 x 2.25 3 ______..... - Btu/0 F floor area of slab on grade remaining floor area - Area of Special Glazing Meeting Mass Requirements. ................................................ (Line 7-8) 30 9 _______- ft' Area of Special Glazing Meeting Shading Requirements. A9 (from calculations) ...........................................10 . - ft2 Area of special glazing exempted is the lesser of Lines 9 and 10. ENVELOPE COMPONENT ADJUSTMENT (Chapter 5) Standard Design Hourly Heat Loss (from Form 2)....................................................................................q 14 41C i2... 8tj/hr Proposed Design Hourly Heat Loss (from Form 2)............................................................................. . . . . . . . 15 62_ Btu/hr If Line 15 Line 14 there is compliance .. NONDEPLETABLE ENERGY SOURCE CREDIT (Chapter 5) Standard Design Annual Heat Loss (from Form 2 using Line 14 above) ............................................. . . . O, 16 _.____ Proposed Design Annual Heat Loss (from Form 2 using Line 15 abov&. ...................................... . . . . . . . . . . 0 n 17 . 13tu/yr Annual Heat Loss Met by Nondepletable Energi Source (from calculations) ............................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 - ._ .. Btu/yr Annual Heat Loss Met by Depletable Energy Source .................................................................................19 _. Btujyr If Line 19 < Line 16, there is compliance. LIFE CYCLE COST DEFICIT ABSORBED BY THE BUILDING ENVELOPE ( C h a p t e r 5 ) Standard Design Hourly Heat Loss (fro m F o r m 2 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . q 1 1 20 ._ - thu/hr Hourly Heat Loss to be Absorbed by The Building Envelope - )x3413 Btu/kWh x...__.x OF sLCCe sLCCiowest LCC wLCCtowe t E from L from from Fc,rrri 5 (.on, Farm 5 from Form 5 from Form S Table 7-1 Form '1 21 _______- Btu/hr ___.°F .d3y/yr x -_______ _ S. yr/kWh x 24 hr/day 1-400 from C from PW tram Apardix C Table 3.8 Table 7-3 Allowable Hourly Heat Loss of Proposed Design .......................................................................Line 20-21 22 _________________ Btu/hr Proposed Design Hourly Heat LOSS .................................................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . q 23 . _. Btu/hr If Line 23 < Line 22. there is c,mliance .