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AECOM 1255 Broad Street Suite 201 Clifton, NJ 07013 973-883-8500 tel www.aecom.com June 30, 2021 NV5 West, Inc. On behalf of City of Carlsbad Amazon Project Reference AMZL-MR-DGB6 Response to Comments (RTC) from the Review of Geotechnical Report DGB6 3266 Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92010 To whom it may concern: In accordance with your request, AECOM Technical Services, Inc. (AECOM) is providing response to the comments from the NV5 dated 06/07/2021, regarding their Review of Geotechnical Report for the proposed project in Carlsbad, California. The documents used as reference by NV5 West Inc.are listed below: • “Phase II, Geotechnical Report, DGB6 – 3266 Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92010,” dated March 10, 2020 (AECOM Project No. 60646117). • “Grading Plans for: Carlsbad Raceway Lots 13-15 ADJ 06-07 (Lionshead Avenue)”, Sheets 21-29, prepared by AECOM, dated March 10, 2021. • “Technical Guidelines for Geotechnical Reports”, issue by the City of Carlsbad, dated January 1993. • “CGS Note 41, Guidelines for Revieing Geologic Reports”, prepared by State of California, Department of Conservation, California Geological Survey, dated 2017. NV5 commnets are repeated here for your convininence and our responses are presented below each commnet, in italics. Comment 1 Section 3.4 Pavement Design Recommendations or Section 4.5 Subgrade Preparation does not address the pavement subgrade preparation or compaction requirements. This should be addressed in the report. Response to Comment 1 In Section 4.5 the first sentence of the first paragraph has been changed to read, “Subgrade surfaces for flexible and rigid pavements, slabs-on-grade, footings …” In Section 4.6 the following sentence was added to the end of the second paragraph. “Fill and aggregate base for the upper 1 foot below pavement sections should be compacted to 95% relative compaction in accordance with ASTM D1557. Asphalt pavement should be compacted to 95% of the maximum density.” AECOM RTC – DGB6 June 30, 2021 Page 2 2 Comment 2 Section 3.4 Pavement Design Recommendations indicates the subgrade predominantly consists of cohesive material with soil classification of CL/CH (Lean Clay and Fat Clay). Expansion index laboratory tests were not performed. However, a previous report prepared by NOVA for this site dated March 14, 2017 that was provided for our reference, indicated medium potential for expansion of site soils. The geotechnical consultant should review and provide remedial recommendations, if deemed necessary. Response to Comment 2 Additional recommendations for expansive soils are not considered necessary based on the field explorations performed for this investigation. Comment 3 Section 1.1 General indicates the report presents the geotechnical recommendations for "rehabilitation of parking area". But the report only provides new pavement recommendations. Rehabilitation of existing pavements is not addressed. Based on previous NOVA report date of March 14, 2017 and Google Earth aerial images, the pavements were constructed in 2018. Although, we are not sure of the reasons that relatively recent pavements are being replaced with new pavements, if this project also includes 'rehabilitation or repair of existing pavements', it is our opinion that the geotechnical report should address this including any observed distress of existing pavements. Response to Comment 3 Rehabilitation of the pavement refers to removal and replacement of the pavement with a thicker section to support the increased truck loading expected for the new project use. This does not refer to rehabilitation of the pavement due to pavement distress. Sentence changed to read “…rehabilitation of the parking area for additional anticipated truck loading…” Comment 4 Section 3.4 Pavement Design Recommendations indicates the flexible and rigid pavements were designed considering a service life of 15 years. Although, project requirements can dictate design service life, we note that flexible and rigid pavements are generally designed for 20 years and 40 years of service life, respectively. Response to Comment 4 Our discussions with the client was to provide a services life for pavements of 15 years. No changes are proposed. AECOM RTC – DGB6 June 30, 2021 Page 3 3 Comment 5 Appendix B Boring Location Plan, PC-2 boring appears to be in a location where there is an existing concrete pavement based on the image. However, the boring log for PC-2 indicates 4 inches of "Asphalt Concrete" over 4 inches of Class 2 AB. The geotechnical consultant should review their boring log and revise if needed. Response to Comment 5 The boring log for PC-2 has been modified to address the typo of pavement type encountered. Comment 6 The project plans do not appear to be in accordance with the geotechnical report recommendations. For example, the geotechnical report Section 3.4 Pavement Design Recommendations recommends 5" HMA (AC) over 21" Class 2 AB for heavy duty pavement. However, Sheet 24 of 28 of the project plans, Section 2A Truck Route Section shows 4" AC over 1O" Class 2 AB. The geotechnical consultant should review the project plans for conformance with the geotechnical report recommendations. Response to Comment 6 No heavy duty flexible pavement is expected to be installed in this site, even though it was presented as an option in the geotechnical report, it was not included in the drawings. Detail 2 from sheet 25 (previous sheet 24) was revised to clarify that it refers to Light Duty Flexible Pavement. Revised sheet 25 is attached to this document for your convenience. Conclusions A revised Geotechnical Report is attached addressing the reponses provided above, named as: •“Phase II, Geotechnical Report, DGB6 – 3266 Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92010,” dated June 30, 2020 (AECOM Project No. 60646117). We appreciate the opportunity to continue our work on this project. Please call me at (619) 871-7524 if you have any questions. Sincerely, AECOM Technical Services, Inc. Steven M. Fitzwilliam, G.E. 2501 Principal Geotechnical Engineer AECOM A-6" MIN.6"MIN.PIPEO.D.6"MIN.PIPE O.D. 6" 2'-6" MIN. 1'-0"NATIVE SOIL BACKFILLUTILITY PIPENEW SURFACE PER PLAN1'-0"SAWCUTSAWCUT(E) DRIVINGSURFACE(E) DRIVING SURFACET-CUT PER DETAIL 125300 1" DEEPx 12" WIDE COLD-_ EXAC SECTION GRIND AND OVERLAY PROPOSED AC 1/:, SECTION ~-/ .-~--_ {/ //// / ..... / / / I -:.::_;__,,:_::;:;,:_::;__,,:_::o:_::;__,,:_::'-'':_::;:;,:_::o:_::'-'':_::;:;,:_::'-'':_::o:_:: --1 --~ }:.;( }:.;( }:.;( }:.;( }:.;( \.;( \.;( \.;( \.;( \.;( \.;( \.;( 12R I >)-9$-9$-9$-9$-95}!1}-95}-95}-95}-95}-95}-95} /jl ;,y,y,:_~1~~1~ ;~ ;:_ [:,;i:,;;:,;;:,;,EX AB SECTION 7 -,I -CLASS II ABAT MIN 95% RELATIVE COMPACTION SUBGRADE COMPACTED TO MIN 95% RELATIVE COMPACTION PER STANDARD PROCTOR TEST T-CUT COLD GRIND AND OVERLAY DETAIL 111 = 1' #4 DOWEL, 7" LONG. DRILL HOLES, BLOW CLEAN, AND SET DOWELS IN EPOXY (TYP) 3" f---~·--•----+ ---1~ - - - - -----, PROPOSED CUR~~ ' ., ' EXISTING CURB 3" CLR PROPOSED CURB FACE -~ EXISTING CURB FACE #4 DOWEL, 7" LONG. DRILL _j HOLES, BLOW CLEAN, AND SET DOWELS IN EPOXY (TYP) NOTE: 6" CLASS II AB SUBGRADE COMPACTED TO MIN 95% RELATIVE COMPACTION PER STANDARD PROCTOR TEST 1. CONTRACTOR TO REPORT EXISTING PAVEMENT SECTION THICKNESS TO ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 2. IN AREAS WITH EXISTING AB TO REMAIN, RECOMPACT EXISTING AB TO 95% RELATIVE COMPACTION 3. IN AREAS WITH NEW AB, MATCH EXISTING AB THICKNESS AND COMPACT TO 95% RELATIVE COMPACTION . "' O') -' (_) 0 LIGHT DUTY FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT ASPHALT CONCRETE SECTION 1" = 1' NOT USED • -5"AC 21" CLASS II AB NOTE: 1 · ~~1~1~~1°T~ T~N:~:ER; P~~b5J~~;ti;;R~~Tf~;TioN -L SECTION A -2. IN AREAS WITH EX(sTING AB TO REMAIN;RECOMPACT EXISTING PLAN 0 CURB DOWEL DETAIL 1" = 1' RN/SH CRAOE HfOlH VARIES I (NIN .JJ =-:::-----1 : IHOlH/2 I Jl!'OlH_/.21 ti% 411,,Y _ 21 !,/IN 1"-6" C!EAN-WASHED ROCK UNOERt.AIN BY CEOTE'Xll!.E FABRIC I/MESS SPEC/FIEO BY PLANS (All/MA lW £1)UIVAl£Nl} !.O' AB TO 95% RELATIVE COMPACTION ' --3. IN AREAS,WITH NEW AB, MATCH EXISTING AB 1HICKNESS AND COMPAC1 TO 95% RELATIVE COMPACTION ' HEAVY DUTY FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT ASPHALT CONCRETE SECTION 111 = 11 PROVIDE 0.5" OF FALL ALONG FLOWLINE FROM FOC TO BOC v ✓ 1. 5' ll"EMWC ROW UN£ ,Of SWALE lW BOT Of' /XlFNTICW /'ONO ,vE/.OCITY DISSll'A TOli' INS!AliA l!ON R=1/2" (TYP EXPOSED EDGES) -PCCCLASSA e• WALKING SURFACE VEHICULAR SURFACE ~--~~,:JJ; ___ ; ~-PER PLAN l / NOTE: EXPANSION JOINT PER DETAILS AS NEEDED 1. PROVIDE 1/2" EXPANSION JOINTS AT 16'-0" O.C. MAX. AND AT CURVE TANGENTS AND CORNERS. 2. CONCRETE STRENGTH 4000 PSI MIN. 0 ~?1~CRETE VERTICAL CURB DETAIL R=1/2" (TYP EXPOSED EDGES) PCCCLASSA CLASS II AB AT 95% RC NOTE: 6" 18" '° 1. PROVIDE 1/2" EXPANSION JOINTS AT 16'-0" O.C. MAX. AND AT CURVE TANGENTS AND CORNERS. 2. FINISH BACK SIDE OF CURB A MIN. OF 3" DOWN FROM TOP. 0 1"=1' CURB AND GUTTER DETAIL 2' mo£ (CEN!FR£0 lW Cl/RB OPlNINC) INSlALl VFLOC/Tr DISS/PA TOR T' lHICK HflH J"-6• ROCK EX/ENO l'El.OC/fY 0/SSIPATCW 2' PAST 12 OW LINE/TOE' Of' SUJPE OETA/l -VEZOCITY 0/SS/PATOR FlOHUNE NOT TO SC4l£ T'IPICAL OPEN/NC O C&NER T>PICAL l.£l OCITY l)/SSIPATOR INSTALL VARIES (MIN J' ~--~_.k'AX 5) ____ _,J I: 1.5'-~---1.5'----i t;-~--=5.":ct'~M~~L...,.d;,.-...':j~i[~/1,~,lX,__. ---"1----r 0£l4/L ClJRB OPEN/NC ~ J£l.OC/TY OISS/PATOR NOT 10 SCALE 0 NOTES: 9" REINFORCED PCC CONCRETE #5 REINFORCING BARS @6" O.C. BOTH WAYS, MIN. 2" CLR FROM BOTTOM OF CONG. 12" CLASS II AB AT MIN 95% RELATIVE COMPACTION SUBGRADE COMPACTED TO MIN 95% RELATIVE COMPACTION PER STANDARD PROCTOR TEST RIGID CONCRETE PAVEMENT SECTION NTS NOT USED / / -TI'= unlll . -1. FOR TRENCH DEPTHS GREATER THAN 6.5 FEET, ONLY TOP 5-FEETQ_FTRENCH SHALL BE :~~g:~~~;~~ SEL~e'T SAND BACKFILL. THE REMAINDER SHALL BE 90% COMPACTED 2. SEE ELECTRICl\t' SHEETS FOR CONDUITS TRENCH BEDDING DETAIL. 3. FOR CONC_RETE SURFACE REPAIR EXISTING REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB. DRIL.1., INTO EXISTIN(;•SLAB 6" (MIN.) AND INSTALL #5 REBAR AT 12" O.C. EACH WAY TO MATCH · EXISTJNG REINFORCING. OVERLAP 8" AND APPLY EPOXY WITH SIMPSON SET XP OR APP,ROVED EQUIVALENT (TYP.) fs'_P_IP_E_T_RE_N_C_H_D_ET_A_IL __ \!!._) NTS R2E __ _ RF\IF·FD RY: • -" ao?~ , q. . ~ ~ 1-----------------------__j_--i---__J_ _ __J CRADIKC PLANS FOR: .-·_J 5/JO-C-J250;;Cli",i:;;:;C/il;;_;:is=jjlr~::::,,.L_~----:..--~ OETAIL -CONCRElE SWALE (A/0{)/REO SORSlJ OHC C-1.J} NOT TO SCALE 0 ADDITIONAL STORM UTILITY DETAILS NOTTO SCALE Ji.ll II 11\.L /?, ~ /1 k/'•Nll tlY: __ RE S Cl DESSR RTIOI\I u-y ____ _ -, Phase II Geotechnical Report DGB6 – 3266 Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad. CA 92010 Amazon Logistics Project reference: AMZL-MR-DGB6 Project number: 60646117 June 2021. A:COM lmerJneit. Da ,var.=:J. Geotechnical Evaluation Project reference: AMZL-MR-DGB6 Project number: 60646117 Prepared for: Amazon Logistics AECOM Quality Information Prepared by Checked by Verified by Approved by Gabriela de Aragao Abdelhamid Belgaid Steven M. Fitzwilliam, PE, GE Josh Tooker Revision History Revision Revision date Details Rev-0 02/24/2021 Draft Rev-1 03/10/2021 Final Rev-2 06/30/2021 Revised Final – addressed NV5 (on behalf on City of Carlsbad) comments Distribution List Electronic copy PDF Required Association / Company Name 1 Amazon Logistic (AMZL) 1 AECOM USA Ltd. Geotechnical Evaluation Project reference: AMZL-MR-DGB6 Project number: 60646117 Prepared for: Amazon Logistics AECOM Prepared for: Amazon Logistics (AMZL) Prepared by: AECOM 1255 Broad Street – Suite 201 Clifton, NJ 07013 aecom.com Copyright © 2020 by AECOM All rights reserved. No part of this copyrighted work may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of AECOM. Geotechnical Evaluation Project reference: AMZL-MR-DGB6 Project number: 60646117 Prepared for: Amazon Logistics AECOM Table of Contents Executive Summary ........................................................................................................ 1 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 2 1.1 General ................................................................................................................. 2 1.2 Site Description & Proposed Development ........................................................... 2 1.3 Objectives & Scope of Services ............................................................................ 2 1.4 Report Organization ............................................................................................. 3 2 Subsurface Conditions ......................................................................................... 4 2.1 General ................................................................................................................. 4 2.2 AECOM Subsurface Investigation Program.......................................................... 4 2.3 Laboratory Testing ................................................................................................ 4 2.4 Geologic Setting ................................................................................................... 5 2.5 Tectonic and Seismic Setting ................................................................................ 5 2.6 Generalized Subsurface Conditions ..................................................................... 6 2.7 Geologic Hazards ................................................................................................. 7 2.8 Recommended Soil Parameters ........................................................................... 8 2.9 Groundwater Conditions ....................................................................................... 8 3 Foundation Design Recommendations ................................................................. 9 3.1 General ................................................................................................................. 9 3.2 Seismic Considerations ........................................................................................ 9 3.3 Foundation Recommendations ............................................................................. 9 3.4 Pavement Design Recommendations ................................................................ 10 4 Construction Recommendations ......................................................................... 12 4.1 General ............................................................................................................... 12 4.2 Excavation Considerations ................................................................................. 12 4.3 Temporary Groundwater Control ........................................................................ 12 4.4 Support of Adjacent Structures ........................................................................... 13 4.5 Subgrade Preparation ........................................................................................ 13 4.6 Backfill and Compaction Requirements .............................................................. 14 4.7 Pre-Construction Condition Report and Monitoring ............................................ 14 4.8 Construction Inspection ...................................................................................... 15 5 Statement of Qualification and Limitations ......................................................... 16 6 References ......................................................................................................... 18 Geotechnical Evaluation Project reference: AMZL-MR-DGB6 Project number: 60646117 Prepared for: Amazon Logistics AECOM Tables Table 1: Characteristics of Nearby Faults ........................................................................ 6 Table 2: Recommended Geotechnical Engineering Parameters. .................................... 8 Table 3:Recommended Structure for Flexible Pavement .............................................. 10 Table 4:Recommended Structure for Rigid Pavement....................................................11 Appendices Appendix A Project Site Location Plan Appendix B Boring Location Plan Appendix C Boring Logs Appendix D Laboratory Testing Results Appendix E Pavement Design Calculations Geotechnical Report Project reference: AMZL-MR-DGB6 Project number: 60646117 AECOM Prepared for: Amazon Logistics 1 Executive Summary This Phase II Geotechnical report presents the results of a due diligence geotechnical investigation and recommendations for the construction of a canopy structure and new pavement. The Project site is located at 3266 Lionshead Ave, Carlsbad, California. The recommendations presented herein are in general accordance with the California Building Code 2019. A total of five borings were drilled to investigate the subsurface conditions of the project area. The test borings were drilled to a depth of 20.5 feet below existing grade. The subsurface conditions generally consist of approximately 5 feet of fill (Stratum 1), followed by a stiff to very stiff clay (Stratum 2) and a dense to very dense silty/clayey sand (Stratum 3) which extends to the maximum drilling depth of 20.5 feet. Groundwater was not encountered during the subsurface investigation. Based on the data from borings, the seismic site classification is Site Class “D”. If the Risk Category is I, II, or III, the Seismic Design Category is “D”. Our analysis indicates that liquefaction does not need to be considered in the design. We recommend that the proposed structure be supported on shallow foundation bearing on the sand of Stratum 2 with a maximum bearing pressure of 1 ton per square foot (tsf). This report includes additional information regarding the subsurface conditions, foundation design recommendations, any additional recommendations pertaining to excavation considerations, temporary groundwater control, backfill and compaction requirements pre-construction condition documentation and monitoring and construction inspection and monitoring. Geotechnical Report Project reference: AMZL-MR-DGB6 Project number: 60646117 Prepared for: Amazon Logistics AECOM 2 1 Introduction 1.1 General This report presents the results of a due diligence Phase II geotechnical investigation performed by AECOM USA, Inc. (AECOM) and geotechnical recommendations for design and construction of a canopy structure and rehabilitation of the parking area for additional anticipated truck loading at DGB6 site, located at 3266 Lionshead Ave, Carlsbad, California. AECOM previously performed a Phase I desk study and provided a memo which presented conceptual recommendations based on existing data. This Phase II geotechnical evaluation report supersedes the previously provided memo. The geotechnical evaluations and recommendations presented herein are in general accordance with the California Building Code 2019 (Code). 1.2 Site Description & Proposed Development The project site is located at 3266 Lionshead Ave, Carlsbad, CA. The site location is shown in the site location plan, presented as Appendix A. The project involves modification to the existing site including constructing of a new canopy structure and rehabilitation of the parking area. 1.3 Objectives & Scope of Services The objectives of this investigation are to evaluate the subsurface conditions of the project area and to provide geotechnical recommendations to evaluate estimated costs for the design and construction tasks and site suitability for project development. In order to achieve these objectives, the following scope of work was performed: 1. Retained a subcontractor to drill five test borings; 2. Provided full-time on-site inspection of the test boring/drilling operations; 3. Performed engineering evaluations and prepared this Phase II report which includes the following: a) A description of the subsurface investigation performed for this project; b) As-drilled test boring location plan; Geotechnical Report Project reference: AMZL-MR-DGB6 Project number: 60646117 Prepared for: Amazon Logistics AECOM 3 c) An overview of general site and geologic conditions; d) The results of engineering evaluations and recommendations including: ▪ Foundation type, estimated capacity and bearing elevation; ▪ Seismic site classification and liquefaction potential; e) Recommendations regarding construction related issues, including: ▪ Excavation and temporary support of excavation considerations; ▪ Subgrade preparation; ▪ Backfill and compaction requirements; ▪ Pre-construction condition surveys; ▪ Construction monitoring recommendations; f) Appendices that include the site plan, boring location plan, boring logs, laboratory testing results and calculations. 1.4 Report Organization This report is divided into six sections. This section (Section 1) presents an overview of the project and work performed in the report. Section 2 includes a description of the subsurface investigation methods and results. Section 3 summarizes the engineering evaluations and the foundation design recommendations. Construction recommendations are included in Section 4. The limitations of this study are discussed in Section 5. Section 6 presents a list of references. Figures, boring logs, laboratory testing results, and calculations are included in the Appendices. Geotechnical Evaluation Project reference: AMZL-MR-DGB6 Project number: 60646117 Prepared for: Amazon Logistics AECOM 4 2 Subsurface Conditions 2.1 General This subsurface investigation included drilling two test borings and three pavement cores. The subsurface investigation also included a laboratory testing program to further identify soil and groundwater conditions at the site. Details of the subsurface investigation are described in the following sections. 2.2 AECOM Subsurface Investigation Program Five test borings were drilled on February 15, 2021. All test borings, designated LB-1, LB-2, PC- 1, PC-2, and PC-3, were advanced to a depth of 20.5 feet below existing grade. Drilling of the borings was inspected on a full-time basis by an AECOM Geologist (Emma J. Vierra) working under the direction of Anthony S. Crincoli, PE of AECOM. The locations of the test borings are shown in the boring location plan contained in Appendix B. The boring logs are included in Appendix C. The borings were performed by Choice Drilling Inc. using a truck mounted, CME 75 drill rig. Soil samples were obtained using techniques and equipment in general accordance with the ASTM International (ASTM) Standard Specification D1586-Standard Penetration Test (SPT). The SPT consists of driving a 2 inch outside diameter (O.D.) split spoon sampler, with repeated blows of a 140-pound hammer free falling a distance of 30 inches. The standard penetration number (N- value) is quantified as the number of blows required to advance the sampler 12 inches after the initial 6 inches of penetration. The recovered split-spoon samples were placed in bags and labeled with the project name and number, boring number, sample number, SPT blow count, and quantity of recovery. 2.3 Laboratory Testing Laboratory testing was conducted by the AECOM Geotechnical Laboratory in Anaheim, CA on representative soil samples to determine physical indices and engineering properties of the subsurface materials and to confirm field classifications. Tests performed included 12 sieve Geotechnical Evaluation Project reference: AMZL-MR-DGB6 Project number: 60646117 Prepared for: Amazon Logistics AECOM 5 analyses, 11 Atterberg Limits tests, 12 moisture content tests and one R-value test. The laboratory test results are included in Appendix D. 2.4 Geologic Setting The project site is in the Carlsbad area of San Diego and lies within the Peninsular Ranges geomorphic province. The Peninsular Ranges consist of a series of elongated northwest-trending mountain ranges with intervening valleys and structural basins located south of the Transverse Ranges and west of the Colorado Desert geomorphic provinces. The coastal plain sub-province runs parallel to the coastline and forms the western edge of the Peninsular Ranges in San Diego County. The project area is located in the central portion of the coastal range sub-province approximately 6 miles from the Pacific Ocean. The coastal range is underlain by an eastward-thinning wedge of Tertiary and Quaternary age sedimentary deposits (both marine and nonmarine) that overlie crystalline bedrock and then onlap onto crystalline bedrock to the east of the project site. The coastal plain is characterized by gently dipping mesa surfaces incised by westerly trending drainages. The project site is underlain by Tertiary age sedimentary rocks of the Santiago Formation. The mid-Eocene age Santiago Formation is comprised of marine and non-marine deposits that extend to depths of greater than 100 feet below ground surface (bgs) based on our interpretation of geologic mapping and field investigation. The Santiago Formation in the site area consist primarily of interbedded mudstone, siltstone, and sandstone. Relatively thin fill ranging to depths of 5 to 7 ½ feet bgs were encountered in the borings and consisted of clay with sands and gravels. 2.5 Tectonic and Seismic Setting The site is in a tectonically active region of North America influenced by the plate boundary interaction between the North American and Pacific lithospheric plates and characterized by numerous northwest-trending, predominantly right-lateral, strike-slip faults. Major southern California fault systems include the San Andreas, San Jacinto, Elsinore, and Imperial fault zones to the east and north; the Coronado Bank and Rose Canyon fault zones to the west; and the Agua Blanca and San Miguel fault zones to the south. The closest major active fault to the project area is the Rose Canyon fault zone located approximately 7 miles west of the site. Characteristics of nearby faults are presented in Table 1. Geotechnical Evaluation Project reference: AMZL-MR-DGB6 Project number: 60646117 Prepared for: Amazon Logistics AECOM 6 Table 1: Characteristics of Nearby Faults Fault Name Fault Type Distance Maximum Potential Magnitude1 Intensity (MMI2) Rose Canyon fault zone Holocene-Active3,4 7 miles 7.0 6.5-7 Coronado Bank fault zone Holocene-Active 25 miles 7.4 6-6.5 Elsinore fault zone Holocene-Active 35 miles 7.8 6 San Diego Trough fault zone Holocene-Active 38 miles 7.3 5.5-6 San Jacinto fault zone Holocene-Active 47 miles 7.8 5.5 San Andreas fault zone Holocene-Active 73 miles 8.2 5.5 1 – Based on Earthquake Scenario Map, (USGS, 2020a) 2 – The Modified Mercalli intensity (MMI) scale measures severity of earthquakes. MMI 6 and greater shaking can cause structural damage. 3- Based on CGS, 2018 classification of Holocene-Active faults having surface displacement within Holocene time (the last 11,700 years) and pre- Holocene faults whose recency of movement is older than 11,700 years. 4 – Data from USGS, 2020b The faults discussed above are nearby known seismic sources mapped in the area. These faults and all the faults in the region and their characteristics are integrated into the seismic hazard models that predict shaking hazards. The output from these models is used by the pertinent building codes, such as the California Building Code, to evaluate the design level seismic acceleration at the site. 2.6 Generalized Subsurface Conditions The generalized strata descriptions provided below are based on our interpretation of the results of the subsurface investigations: Stratum 1 – Fill: This stratum was encountered in all borings and generally consists of Clay with Sand and Gravel. This layer was mostly hand cleared and blow counts are available only from borings LB-2 and PC-3. The N-values in those two borings ranged from 8 to 13 blows per foot (bpf). The thickness of this stratum varies from 5 to 7.5 feet. Stratum 2 – Lean Clay (CL): This stratum was encountered below Stratum 2 in all borings, except for PC-1. It generally consists of clay with medium to high plasticity with varying amounts of sand. The N values ranged from 8 to 39 bpf, with an average of 20 bpf, indicating stiff to very stiff soil. Geotechnical Evaluation Project reference: AMZL-MR-DGB6 Project number: 60646117 Prepared for: Amazon Logistics AECOM 7 Stratum 3 – Silty/Clayey Sand (SC/SM): This stratum was encountered below Stratum 2 in all borings, except for PC-1 in which it was encountered below Stratum 1. It generally consists of sand with varying amounts of silt and clay. The N values ranged from 8 to 120 bpf, with an average of 34 bpf, indicating loose to very dense soil. 2.7 Geologic Hazards No active faults have been mapped through the project site and the site is not located within an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake fault zone as defined by the State of California (Hart and Bryant, 2007). Based on this information, the surface fault rupture displacement hazard at the site is considered low. Liquefaction is a phenomenon whereby saturated granular soils lose some of their shear strength due to increased pore water pressures, which may be induced by cyclic loading during an earthquake. Soil that is granular (for example, sand, gravel), has a low relative density, and is saturated (shallow groundwater) is susceptible to liquefaction if exposed to ground shaking. The secondary effects of liquefaction include loss of shear strength, settlement, soil boils, and lateral spreading. The site lies outside liquefaction hazard zones delineated by the City of Carlsbad and is underlain by geologically old deposits and a deep groundwater table. These materials are not susceptible to liquefaction, liquefaction-induced settlement at the ground surface or lateral spreading. The potential for liquefaction and liquefication related hazards at the site is very low. Geotechnical Evaluation Project reference: AMZL-MR-DGB6 Project number: 60646117 Prepared for: Amazon Logistics AECOM 8 2.8 Recommended Soil Parameters Based on the results of the field investigation, the recommended geotechnical design parameters for each stratum are presented in Table 2. Table 2: Recommended Geotechnical Engineering Parameters. Stratum No. Soil Type Unit Weight of Soil, γ (lb/ft3) Friction Angle, ϕ (degree) Cohesion, c (lb/ft2) Soil Modulus, k (lb/in3) Strain Factor, e50 1 Fill 115 25 0 - - 2 Lean Clay (CL) 120 - 1500 - 0.007 3 Silty/Clayey Sand (SC/SM) 120 31 0 90 - 2.9 Groundwater Conditions Groundwater was not encountered in any of the borings. Groundwater was not observed over an extended period of time; therefore, seasonal variations in the groundwater level are unknown. Perched water may be encountered within the fill material, due to its clay composition. Geotechnical Evaluation Project reference: AMZL-MR-DGB6 Project number: 60646117 Prepared for: Amazon Logistics AECOM 9 3 Foundation Design Recommendations 3.1 General This section of the report presents our geotechnical analyses and recommendations for the design of the proposed foundations below grade. The evaluations and recommendations are based on the results of the subsurface investigations performed for this project and our experience with other projects. 3.2 Seismic Considerations Based on the soil strata and the SPT N-values, the seismic site classification is Site Class “D”. Therefore, in accordance with the Code, if the Risk Category is I, II, or III, the Seismic Design Category is “D”. The appropriate Risk Category should be determined by the Architect or Structural Engineer. Liquefaction can potentially occur in submerged, poorly sorted, loosely packed, fine granular material subjected to dynamic loads. Based on the relatively dense nature of the materials encountered during the subsurface investigation and the fact that groundwater was not encountered, the potential for damage due to liquefaction-induced seismic settlement and lateral spreading is low and is not considered in the foundation design. 3.3 Foundation Recommendations 3.3.1 Shallow Foundations Based on the subsurface investigation, uncontrolled fill extends to a depth of approximately 5 to 7.5 feet. Therefore, we recommend that the bottom of footing elevation should be at least 8 feet below grade. We recommend that the canopy be supported on a shallow foundation bearing on the Clay of Stratum 2 or the Silty/Clayey Sand of Stratum 3 with a maximum allowable bearing capacity of 0.75 tons per square foot (tsf). If unsuitable bearing materials (e.g., organic soils, topsoil, loose soil, mud or fill such as concrete, brick, wood, debris, etc) are encountered at the bearing depth, the unsuitable material must be excavated until recommended bearing material is exposed (see section 4.5). The excavated Geotechnical Evaluation Project reference: AMZL-MR-DGB6 Project number: 60646117 Prepared for: Amazon Logistics AECOM 10 material must be replaced with either lean concrete, gravel or compacted structural fill placed in a controlled manner (see section 4.6) or the foundation may be extended to the top of competent material. 3.3.2 Lateral Capacity A shallow foundation will resist the lateral load by the friction or cohesion between the base of the footing and the supporting subgrade and by passive resistance from the soils against the footing sides. The recommended cohesion for shallow foundations bearing on the Clay of Stratum 2 is 130 pounds per square foot (psf). Considering the foundations will be embedded in the heterogenous fill of Stratum 1, we recommend a passive resistance of 200 pounds per cubic foot (pcf). The ultimate capacity should be estimated by applying frictional or cohesive resistance to the foundation dead load. The allowable capacity should be determined by structural engineer applying an appropriate factor of safety. A minimum factor of safety of 1.5 is recommended. 3.4 Pavement Design Recommendations Based on the results of the field investigation, the subgrade predominantly consists of cohesive material with soil classification of CL/CH. Based on laboratory testing results, the Resilient Modulus (R-value) of the cohesive subgrade material is 14. Flexible and rigid pavements were designed considering a service life of 15 years. Both frequent truck traffic (Heavy Duty) and infrequent car traffic (Light Duty) conditions were considered. Heavy duty pavement design was based upon 200 truck movements in and 200 truck movements out per day, with a typical tractor-trailer weigh of 75,000 lbs. Light duty pavement was considered for parking lots which assumed to have 1 Equivalent Single Axle Load (ESAL) per day (TI = 5). The summary of the pavement designs is presented in Table 3 and Table 4. The detailed pavement design calculations are shown in Appendix E. Table 3:Recommended Structure for Flexible Pavement Item Unit Light Duty Heavy Duty Traffic Index, TI (---) 5 9.5 HMA (inch) 4 5 Class 2 Aggregate Base (inch) 6 21 Total Thickness (inch) 10 26 Geotechnical Evaluation Project reference: AMZL-MR-DGB6 Project number: 60646117 Prepared for: Amazon Logistics AECOM 11 Table 4:Recommended Structure for Rigid Pavement Item Unit Heavy Duty Traffic Index, TI (---) 10 Plain Cement Concrete (inch) 9 Class 2 Aggregate Base (inch) 12 Total Thickness (inch) 21 Geotechnical Evaluation Project reference: AMZL-MR-DGB6 Project number: 60646117 Prepared for: Amazon Logistics AECOM 12 4 Construction Recommendations 4.1 General This section presents a discussion and recommendations regarding special geotechnical aspects of the proposed construction, which should be addressed in the project specifications and contract documents. 4.2 Excavation Considerations Local temporary soil excavations above and below the groundwater level can have cut slopes as steep as 1.5H:1V and 2H:1V, respectively, unless steeper slopes are approved by the support of excavation (SOE) engineer. The slopes of any excavations adjacent to the existing structures must be no steeper than 2H:1V, unless approved by the SOE engineer. All vertical soil faces will require temporary support. If the bottom of the excavation will be above the groundwater elevation, a feasible support system may consist of drilled soldier piles and timber lagging. If the bottom of the excavation will be below the groundwater elevation, a feasible support system may consist of a sheet pile or secant pile wall, embedded sufficiently to provide groundwater “cutoff”. In any case, lateral restraints (e.g., anchors, rakers, bracing, etc.) must be provided as required. Measurements of vibration levels must be made in any adjacent structures during the installation of the support system (see Section 4.7). The maximum allowable vibration levels must be established as part of the pre-construction condition survey of the adjacent structures. The design and construction of any slopes and/or temporary excavation support systems must be the responsibility of a licensed California Professional Engineer. All excavations and temporary support systems must conform to all applicable OSHA, local, and other applicable safety regulations. 4.3 Temporary Groundwater Control The groundwater level must be maintained below the bottom of the excavation so that the foundation bearing surface can be adequately prepared. Based on the borings, groundwater will Geotechnical Evaluation Project reference: AMZL-MR-DGB6 Project number: 60646117 Prepared for: Amazon Logistics AECOM 13 likely not be encountered within any excavations. Regardless, the contractor should be prepared to control runoff from precipitation by using sump pits and pumps. Discharge of water into the sewer system will likely require permits as required by local law. 4.4 Support of Adjacent Structures Support of adjacent structures is required at locations where a proposed excavation or building is within the influence zone of the foundation of an existing adjacent structure. The influence zone is defined as a line drawn diagonally downward, from the bottom of the foundation of the adjacent structure, toward the proposed excavation/structure, with a one to one (1:1) slope (one vertical unit for every one horizontal unit). Support of the adjacent structures is necessary to avoid undermining their foundations during excavation and to avoid imposing lateral loads from the adjacent structure onto the foundation walls of the new structure. This is accomplished by transferring the foundation loads from their present bearing elevation to an elevation below the lowest excavation elevation of the proposed building. The extent of the required support system cannot be determined at present due to the limited information available regarding the elevations, locations, and bearing grades of foundations of the adjacent structures. It is recommended that information be collected regarding the type and depth of the foundations of any adjacent structures. This information should then be reviewed to determine underpinning needs and should be provided to the Contractor for the preparation of the foundation construction bid. The proposed underpinning system, as designed by the Contractor’s engineer, should be reviewed and inspected by a qualified engineer during construction. 4.5 Subgrade Preparation Subgrade surfaces for flexible and rigid pavements, slabs-on-grade, footings, mat slabs, and other foundation elements must be level and cleaned of loose soil, mud, and other deleterious material (such as concrete, brick, wood, paper, metallic objects, debris, etc.) that could have an adverse impact on the performance of the foundation element. If directed by the Special Inspector, the soil subgrade must be proof rolled with a minimum of 6 passes of a smooth drum roller with a minimum 1500 lb. static weight and minimum centrifugal force of 4,000 lbs., or similar approved equipment. Proof-rolling must not be performed when the subgrade is wet, muddy, or frozen. Any unstable areas encountered which cannot be stabilized by additional compaction Geotechnical Evaluation Project reference: AMZL-MR-DGB6 Project number: 60646117 Prepared for: Amazon Logistics AECOM 14 should be excavated until competent material is encountered. Once competent material has been encountered, either the bottom of footing should be extended to bear on the competent material, or the over-excavated area should be backfilled with compacted structural fill or ¾” stone (see Section 4.6). If concrete for the foundation element is not poured immediately after subgrade approval, a 4- inch thick layer of compacted coarse aggregate, commonly known as ¾” gravel or crushed stone, and/or a “mud-slab” (i.e., 2 inches of lean concrete), must be placed on the approved subgrade so that the subgrade is properly protected from disturbance. Concrete for the footings, slabs or other foundation elements must not be poured if the subgrade is wet, muddy, or frozen. 4.6 Backfill and Compaction Requirements Select backfill or structural backfill must consist of granular soils free of cinder, brick, asphalt, ash, and other unsuitable materials. Such material should not contain any boulders or cobbles larger than 4 inches across and should have a fines content (material passing the No. 200 sieve) of less than 30 percent and a plasticity index less than 15. Materials proposed to be used as structural fill should be submitted to and approved by a licensed California Professional Engineer. If requested by the Special Inspector, the subgrade underneath the backfill should be satisfactorily prepared as specified in Section 4.5. All backfill should be placed in lifts no greater than 8 inches in loose thickness. We recommend that structural backfill or select backfill beneath proposed foundations be compacted to a minimum of 95% of the maximum dry density, as determined by ASTM D1557-88, Method C. Backfill placed beneath slabs-on-grade, behind below-grade walls, and underneath sidewalks should be compacted to a minimum of 90% of the maximum dry density. Backfill placed in landscaped areas should be compacted to a minimum of 85% of the maximum dry density. Fill and aggregate base for the upper 1 foot below pavement sections should be compacted to 95% relative compaction in accordance with ASTM D1557. Asphalt pavement should be compacted to 95% of the maximum density. 4.7 Pre-Construction Condition Report and Monitoring If pile driving or excavation near existing structures is proposed, a pre-construction condition report of any adjacent structures should be performed for the protection of the building owner in the event of a future damage claim. The report must include detailed documentation and a photographic log of the existing condition of the adjacent structures. Based on the survey results, Geotechnical Evaluation Project reference: AMZL-MR-DGB6 Project number: 60646117 Prepared for: Amazon Logistics AECOM 15 a monitoring program should be developed for the purpose of checking the performance of the adjacent structures or utilities and for monitoring construction procedures. This monitoring program should include, at a minimum, recommendations for the location of survey points to monitor vertical and horizontal movements, locations for crack gauges, locations for monitoring vibrations during key construction activities, and groundwater monitoring wells if dewatering is performed. The monitoring program should also include threshold levels for allowable movements and vibrations, and the procedures to be implemented if the threshold levels are exceeded during construction. 4.8 Construction Inspection Our recommendations are contingent upon the proper review and observation during excavation and foundation construction operations by a geotechnical engineer familiar with the subsurface conditions and foundation design criteria. The geotechnical engineer’s role should include the following: • Review and approval of contractor submittals related to foundation construction; • Observation and documentation of all phases of excavation and foundation construction; • Special inspection of underpinning and support of excavation; • Special inspection of foundation subgrades; • Special inspection of fill placement and compaction; and, • Monitoring of vibrations and review of monitoring data. Geotechnical Evaluation Project reference: AMZL-MR-DGB6 Project number: 60646117 Prepared for: Amazon Logistics AECOM 16 5 Statement of Qualification and Limitations The attached Report (the “Report”) has been prepared by AECOM USA Ltd. (“AECOM”) for the benefit of the Client (“Client”) in accordance with the agreement between AECOM and Client, including the scope of work detailed therein (the “Agreement”). The information, data, recommendations and conclusions contained in the Report (collectively, the “Information”): • is subject to the scope, schedule, and other constraints and limitations in the Agreement and the qualifications contained in the Report (the “Limitations”); • represents AECOM’s professional judgement in light of the Limitations and industry standards for the preparation of similar reports; • may be based on information provided to AECOM which has not been independently verified; • has not been updated since the date of issuance of the Report and its accuracy is limited to the time period and circumstances in which it was collected, processed, made or issued; • must be read as a whole and sections thereof should not be read out of such context; • was prepared for the specific purposes described in the Report and the Agreement; and • in the case of subsurface, environmental or geotechnical conditions, may be based on limited testing and on the assumption that such conditions are uniform and not variable either geographically or over time. AECOM shall be entitled to rely upon the accuracy and completeness of information that was provided to it and has no obligation to update such information. AECOM accepts no responsibility for any events or circumstances that may have occurred since the date on which the Report was prepared and, in the case of subsurface, environmental or geotechnical conditions, is not responsible for any variability in such conditions, geographically or over time. AECOM agrees that the Report represents its professional judgement as described above and that the Information has been prepared for the specific purpose and use described in the Report and the Agreement, but AECOM makes no other representations, or any guarantees or warranties whatsoever, whether express or implied, with respect to the Report, the Information or any part thereof. Geotechnical Evaluation Project reference: AMZL-MR-DGB6 Project number: 60646117 Prepared for: Amazon Logistics AECOM 17 Without in any way limiting the generality of the foregoing, any estimates or opinions regarding probable construction costs or construction schedule provided by AECOM represent AECOM’s professional judgement in light of its experience and the knowledge and information available to it at the time of preparation. Since AECOM has no control over market or economic conditions, prices for construction labor, equipment or materials or bidding procedures, AECOM, its directors, officers and employees are not able to, nor do they, make any representations, warranties or guarantees whatsoever, whether express or implied, with respect to such estimates or opinions, or their variance from actual construction costs or schedules, and accept no responsibility for any loss or damage arising therefrom or in any way related thereto. Persons relying on such estimates or opinions do so at their own risk. Except (1) as agreed to in writing by AECOM and Client; (2) as required by-law; or (3) to the extent used by governmental reviewing agencies for the purpose of obtaining permits or approvals, the Report and the Information may be used and relied upon only by Client. AECOM accepts no responsibility, and denies any liability whatsoever, to parties other than Client who may obtain access to the Report or the Information for any injury, loss or damage suffered by such parties arising from their use of, reliance upon, or decisions or actions based on the Report or any of the Information (“improper use of the Report”), except to the extent those parties have obtained the prior written consent of AECOM to use and rely upon the Report and the Information. Any injury, loss or damages arising from improper use of the Report shall be borne by the party making such use. This Statement of Qualifications and Limitations is attached to and forms part of the Report and any use of the Report is subject to the terms hereof. Copyright © 2020 by AECOM Geotechnical Evaluation Project reference: AMZL-MR-DGB6 Project number: 60646117 AECOM 18 6 References • California Building Code 2019 (CBC). • USACE, Design of Foundations, Dated 15 January 1991. (EM 1110‐2‐2906). • CGS, 2020, Data Viewer, accessed December 2020: https://maps.conservation.ca.gov/cgs/DataViewer/ • City of San Diego, 2020, The San Diego Seismic Safety Study, accessed December, 2020: https://www.sandiego.gov/development-services/zoning-maps/seismic-safety-study • USGS, 2020a, Earthquake Scenario Map (BSSC 2014), accessed December, 2020: https://usgs.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=14d2f75c7c4f4619936dac0 d14e1e468 • USGS, 2020b, Quaternary fault and fold database of the United States, accessed December, 2020: https://earthquake.usgs.gov/cfusion/qfault/query_main_AB.cfm?CFID=339683&CFTOKEN= d25e40e2380d1893-DE5B40D3-F385-6BD0-540373B551F96612 Geotechnical Evaluation Project reference: AMZL-MR-DGB6 Project number: 60646117 AECOM Appendix A Project Site Location DGB6 – 3266 Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad, CA I AMZL-MR-D~B6 Project number 60646117 DGB6 -Project Site Geotechnical Evaluation Project reference: AMZL-MR-DGB6 Project number: 60646117 AECOM Appendix B Boring Location Plan DGB6 – 3266 Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad, CA Boring Location Plan Legend 0 Boring (LB) .. Pavement Coring (PC) Boring Designation LB-1 LB-2 PC-1 PC-2 PC-3 Depth (ft) 20.5 20.5 20.5 20.5 20.5 8" Dia. Pavement Core SPT 5' Interval y y y y y • Bulk sample of at least 10 kg was collected for each boring in 5-gallon bucket for proctor and R-value laboratory test. SPT at 2.5' interval for the first 10 feet boring. • Attempted to collect an undisturbed "Shelby tube" where clay was encountered. Installation of monitoring well was not required. Boring Location Plan DGB6 3266 Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92010 A:'COM CLIFTON, NEW JERSEY DR. BY: RVA GDA SCALE: NTS PROJ:6064117 DATE: 02/17/2021 FIGN0.1 Geotechnical Evaluation Project reference: AMZL-MR-DGB6 Project number: 60646117 AECOM Appendix C Log of Borings 11 48 9 12 8 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 LB-1-BULK LB-1-1 LB-1-2 LB-1-3 LB-1-4 LB-1-5 Hand Auger to 5 feet PI = 24 LI = 0.16 PI = 29LI = 0.24 20 22 22 21 11 42 48 18 19 22 17 26 72 33 89 4" Asphalt Concrete over 7" Class 2 Base Fill - Moist, brown to tan CLAY (CL) with Sand Santiago Formation - Moist, hard, pale gray with strongbrown, FeO staining, Lean CLAY with Sand (CL) Moist, dense, pale gray, Silty fine SAND (SM), beddedto poorly bedded - poorly cemented. Becomes orangy brown with shell fragments, no morebedding (SM) Becomes gray with FeO staining (strong brown) (SM) Moist, very stiff, mottled, (red, strong brown, gray) LeanCLAY (CL) Bottom of hole at 20.5 feet. 16 20 12 14 9 DrillingMethod SamplerType(s) N/A 2/15/21 - 2/15/21 Coordinates LoggedBy Total DepthDrilled (feet) Not Encountered Casing HammerWt/Drop N/A Drill RigType Undist.: N/A Core BarrelSize/Type 2" Split Spoon Sampler 20.5 Approximate SurfaceElevation (feet) Hollow Stem Auger Groundwater Leveland Date Measured Core (ft):- HammerWt/Drop - CME-75 Boring Locationand Comments Drill BitSize/Type E. J. VIerra Choice Drilling No. of SamplesDist.: DrillingContractor -N/ACasingSize/Type Drill RigOperator Rock Depth(feet) North:East:33.1337905-117.2308139 8" Bullet Date(s)Drilled 140 Ibs/30"/AutoHammer 5 0 0 Type,NumberDepth,feetREMARKS/ OTHER TESTS Plastic LimitLiquid LimitWater Cont.(%)% FinesGraphicLogPen. Resist.(blows/6 in)RunNumberRecov. (%)RQD (%)Recov. (ft)Soil Samples Rock Coring MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Project: AMZL DGB6 Log of Boring LB-1Project Location: Carlsbad, CA Project Number: 60646117 Sheet 1 of 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Printed: 3/15/21 -~ }~ ~h ~ » ~~ ~ ~ ---t---------1f--------+----+--+--+--------v.:t ~ ~-- I.A½-' ~-~t ;:~~- I f--------+------+----+--+-------+----1"1: Y. 0.· 1 ~------------------------- -+----+---+----+----+-------+-------~ / -+--+-----+-----+-----< -~-- A:COM I 4 5 4 9 PUSH 3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0 1.5 LB-2-BULK LB-2-1 LB-2-2 LB-2-3 LB-2-4 LB-2-5 LB-2-6 Hand Auger to 5 feet PI = 26 LI = 0.03 PI = 24 LI = 0.13 PI = 34LI = 0.29 7 14 9 9 4 45 42 51 19 18 17 20 21 27 59 51 77 4" Asphalt concrete over 12" of class 2AB Fill - Moist, tan, Sandy Lean CLAY with fine Gravel andfine to coarse Sand (CH) Becomes mottled grass and browns (CH) Santiago Formation - Moist, medium dense, tan, Silty toClayey fine SAND (SM/SC) Moist, stiff, gray to tan Sandy Lean CLAY (CL) withlenses of poorly cemented, bedded, sandstone. Moist, very stiff, dark brown Sandy Lean CLAY (CL) Shelby tube - no recovery Becomes medium and mottled (gray and dark brown)Fat CLAY with Sand (CL) Bottom of hole 20.5 feet 6 8 6 11 4 DrillingMethod SamplerType(s) N/A 2/15/21 - 2/15/21 Coordinates LoggedBy Total DepthDrilled (feet) Not Encountered Casing HammerWt/Drop N/A Drill RigType Undist.: N/A Core BarrelSize/Type 2" Split Spoon Sampler 20.5 Approximate SurfaceElevation (feet) Hollow Stem Auger Groundwater Leveland Date Measured Core (ft):- HammerWt/Drop - CME-75 Boring Locationand Comments Drill BitSize/Type E. J. VIerra Choice Drilling No. of SamplesDist.: DrillingContractor -N/ACasingSize/Type Drill RigOperator Rock Depth(feet) North:East:33.134659-117.232101 8" Bullet Date(s)Drilled 140 Ibs/30"/AutoHammer 6 0 0 Type,NumberDepth,feetREMARKS/ OTHER TESTS Plastic LimitLiquid LimitWater Cont.(%)% FinesGraphicLogPen. Resist.(blows/6 in)RunNumberRecov. (%)RQD (%)Recov. (ft)Soil Samples Rock Coring MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Project: AMZL DGB6 Log of Boring LB-2Project Location: Carlsbad, CA Project Number: 60646117 Sheet 1 of 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Printed: 3/15/21 ) » }~ )Y9' ) » ) ) I ~~~~1=-------------------------- t----+----t---+----+------+--------~. ~ ~ --+----+---+------+---->----------+---~ t------+------+----+----+---+----v~ ~ --+-----+---+-----+-----------+----+'~ -- A:COM I 4 10 11 54 7 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 PC-1-BULK PC-1-1 PC-1-2 PC-1-3 PC-1-4 PC-1-5 Hand Auger to 5 feet PI = 18LI = 0.06 PI = 20 LI = -0.27 14 21 16 17 42 36 35 18 15 19 10 51 48 4" Asphalt concrete over 6" of class 2 base Fill - Moist, mottled (green, blue, gray) brown CLAY(CL) with Sand Santiago Formation - Moist, pale gray to pale tan,medium dense, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL) - bedded topoorly bedded and poorly cemented Becomes dense (CL) becomes medium dense (CL) Moist, very stiff, mottled gray and brown Clayey SAND(SC), little gravel-like cementation with very fine Sand Moist, very dense, pale gray (with oxidation strongbrown) Clayey SAND (SC) - bedded to poorly bedded -poorly cemented Bottom of hole at 20.5 feet 10 18 8 11 20 DrillingMethod SamplerType(s) N/A 2/15/21 - 2/15/21 Coordinates LoggedBy Total DepthDrilled (feet) Not Encountered Casing HammerWt/Drop N/A Drill RigType Undist.: N/A Core BarrelSize/Type 2" Split Spoon Sampler 20.5 Approximate SurfaceElevation (feet) Hollow Stem Auger Groundwater Leveland Date Measured Core (ft):- HammerWt/Drop - CME-75 Boring Locationand Comments Drill BitSize/Type E. J. VIerra Choice Drilling No. of SamplesDist.: DrillingContractor -N/ACasingSize/Type Drill RigOperator Rock Depth(feet) North:East:33.133398-117.2313925 8" Bullet Date(s)Drilled 140 Ibs/30"/AutoHammer 5 0 0 Type,NumberDepth,feetREMARKS/ OTHER TESTS Plastic LimitLiquid LimitWater Cont.(%)% FinesGraphicLogPen. Resist.(blows/6 in)RunNumberRecov. (%)RQD (%)Recov. (ft)Soil Samples Rock Coring MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Project: AMZL DGB6 Log of Boring PC-1Project Location: Carlsbad, CA Project Number: 60646117 Sheet 1 of 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Printed: 3/15/21 > > > » }~ >h >~ ~ t-------+---+----+----+----+-------<~ / -+----+---+----+----+---+----VI -+----+--+---------+-------+----V~ - I t----+----t---+----+---+----r~. ;~-------------------------,;.@5.· ~-0.~ - A:COM I 8 6 6 PUSH 7 6 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 PC-2-BULK PC-2-1 PC-2-2 PC-2-3 PC-2-4 PC-2-5 PC-2-6 Hand Auger to 5 feet PI = 23 LI = 0.17 PI = 33LI = 0.16 9 8 10 8 11 40 53 17 20 21 25 51 86 Concrete pavement Fill - Moist, tan to brown, CLAY with trace Sand andGravel (CL) Santiago Formation - Moist, medium dense, pale tanSilty to Clayey SAND (SM to SC) - poorly cemented Moist, stiff, gray to tan, transition from above to a CLAYwith fine Sand (SC to CL) Moist, very stiff, mottled gray and brown, Sandy LeanCLAY (CL) with very fine Sand and shell fragments Shelby tube - tube is bent at bottom at bottom wasunable to go further than 1 foot. No recovery, tried again1 foot below. went down 1 foot. Bottom of tube bent. Moist, very stiff, dark brownish gray Fat CLAY (CH) withSand Becomes mottled pale gray with FeO staining (CH) to asiltstone/claystone Bottom of hole at 20.5 feet 9 7 7 8 8 DrillingMethod SamplerType(s) N/A 2/15/21 - 2/15/21 Coordinates LoggedBy Total DepthDrilled (feet) Not Encountered Casing HammerWt/Drop N/A Drill RigType Undist.: N/A Core BarrelSize/Type 2" Split Spoon Sampler 20.5 Approximate SurfaceElevation (feet) Hollow Stem Auger Groundwater Leveland Date Measured Core (ft):- HammerWt/Drop - CME-75 Boring Locationand Comments Drill BitSize/Type E. J. VIerra Choice Drilling No. of SamplesDist.: DrillingContractor -N/ACasingSize/Type Drill RigOperator Rock Depth(feet) North:East:33.134113-117.232331 8" Bullet Date(s)Drilled 140 Ibs/30"/AutoHammer 6 0 0 Type,NumberDepth,feetREMARKS/ OTHER TESTS Plastic LimitLiquid LimitWater Cont.(%)% FinesGraphicLogPen. Resist.(blows/6 in)RunNumberRecov. (%)RQD (%)Recov. (ft)Soil Samples Rock Coring MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Project: AMZL DGB6 Log of Boring PC-2Project Location: Carlsbad, CA Project Number: 60646117 Sheet 1 of 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Printed: 3/15/21 0-Y. ~h ~ » }~ ~h I -+--+--+----+----1-------+--v~=-------------------------+-+-+-~ t----+----t---+----+------+--------~. t------+------+----+----+------+--------~ +----+---+----+----+----+------f~ / ~ t------+------+----+----+--·+----v~ ~ --+----+-----+-------+-----+----+-----+'~ -- A:COM I 3 4 5 43 50/5" 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 0.4 PC-3-BULK PC-3-1 PC-3-2 PC-3-3 PC-3-4 PC-3-5 Hand Auger to 5 feet PI = 16 LI = 0.026 6 20 33 17 17 3 48 23 3" Asphalt concrete 12" class 2 base Fill - Moist, tan, Clayey SAND (SC) with fine Gravel becomes medium (SC) Santiago Formation - Moist, dark brown, stiff SandyCLAY (CL) with shell fragments Moist, very stiff, grayish brown Sandy CLAY (CL) -poorly cemented zone of white very fine Sand. Moist, very dense, pale tan, Silty fine SAND (SM) with"clasts" of well cemented coarse grained sandstone. Moist, very dense, orangy brown, Silty very fine SAND(SM) to a very fine Sandy Silt (ML) - very poorlycemented Bottom of hole at 20.5 feet 2 4 10 50/6" DrillingMethod SamplerType(s) N/A 2/15/21 - 2/15/21 Coordinates LoggedBy Total DepthDrilled (feet) Not Encountered Casing HammerWt/Drop N/A Drill RigType Undist.: N/A Core BarrelSize/Type 2" Split Spoon Sampler 20.5 Approximate SurfaceElevation (feet) Hollow Stem Auger Groundwater Leveland Date Measured Core (ft):- HammerWt/Drop - CME-75 Boring Locationand Comments Drill BitSize/Type E. J. VIerra Choice Drilling No. of SamplesDist.: DrillingContractor -N/ACasingSize/Type Drill RigOperator Rock Depth(feet) North:East:33.134929-117.232074 8" Bullet Date(s)Drilled 140 Ibs/30"/AutoHammer 5 0 0 Type,NumberDepth,feetREMARKS/ OTHER TESTS Plastic LimitLiquid LimitWater Cont.(%)% FinesGraphicLogPen. Resist.(blows/6 in)RunNumberRecov. (%)RQD (%)Recov. (ft)Soil Samples Rock Coring MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Project: AMZL DGB6 Log of Boring PC-3Project Location: Carlsbad, CA Project Number: 60646117 Sheet 1 of 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Printed: 3/15/21 ~ }* * ~ > ~ > * - * ~ > ~ y ~ -+----+---+----+----+-------+-------~ / ~- I t----+----+---+----+---+----V~ ~-------------------------~·a?3. ~.0.~ - A:COM I Geotechnical Evaluation Project reference: AMZL-MR-DGB6 Project number: 60646117 AECOM Appendix D Laboratory Test Results Anaheim Geotechnical Laboratory Testing Summary Project Name: DGB6 Project Number: 60646117 Project Engineer: GdA Location Initial Condition Limits Boring NumberSample/ Specimen NumberDepth (ft)USCS SymbolWater Content (%)Total Unit Weight (pcf)Dry Unit Weight (pcf)Liquid LimitPlasticity IndexLiquidity IndexGravel (%)Sand (%)Fines (%)LB-1 LB-1-1 CL 21.9 42 24 0.16 0.0 27.6 72.4 LB-1 LB-1-3 SM 17.2 1.4 65.5 33.1 LB-1 LB-1-5 CL 25.9 48 29 0.24 0.0 11.2 88.8 LB-2 LB-2-1 CL 19.9 45 26 0.03 0.2 40.9 58.9 LB-2 LB-2-3 CL 21.1 42 24 0.13 0.5 48.5 51.0 LB-2 LB-2-6 CH 27.0 51 34 0.29 0.6 22.1 77.3 PC-1 PC-1-2 CL 19.0 36 18 0.06 0.0 48.8 51.2 PC-1 PC-1-4 SC 9.7 35 20 -0.27 17.6 34.6 47.8 PC-2 PC-2-3 CL 21.0 40 23 0.17 1.2 47.5 51.3 PC-2 PC-2-6 CL 25.2 53 33 0.16 0.0 14.5 85.5 PC-3 PC-3-1 SC 17.4 33 16 0.02 3.5 48.2 48.3 PC-3 PC-3-4 SM 3.4 12.8 64.7 22.5 Gradation C:\Lab Projects\AECOM San Diego Office\2021\DGB6\Lab Results\Summary DGB6.xlsx AECOM UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION Sieve Dia. % No. mm Finer 3" 75.0 100.0 2" 50.0 100.0 1.5" 37.5 100.0 1" 25.0 100.0 3/4" 19.00 100.0 1/2" 12.50 100.0 3/8" 9.50 100.0 #4 4.75 100.0 #10 2.00 99.5 #20 0.850 97.9 #40 0.425 96.6 #60 0.250 94.6 #100 0.150 90.9 #140 0.106 85.0 #200 0.075 72.4 % Cobbles --- 0.0 27.6 72.4 D85 D60 D50 D30 D15 D10 Boring No. Sample No. Depth (ft) SYMBOL Wn (%) LL PI % 2 mm Description and Classification Cu LB-1 LB-1-1 ---l 21.9 42 24 ---Cc PROJECT NAME:DGB6 PROJECT NUMBER:60646117 % Gravel % SandHydrometer Analysis---- % Fines ----- ---- PARTICLE-SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES ---- Greenish gray Lean CLAY with Sand (CL) 0.106 ---- ---- ---- 50 5 0.5 0.05 0.005 #2003" 2" 1" 3/4" 3/8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.1110100 PERCENT PASSING BY WEIGHTGRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS U. S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES C O B B L E S GRAVEL SAND SILT AND CLAY COARSE FINE COARSE FINEMEDIUM HYDROMETER C:\Lab Projects\AECOM San Diego Office\2021\DGB6\Lab Results\Sieve DGB6 LB-1 LB-1-1.xlsx AECOM I I I I -· - ---------- ---------- -----,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,---------~ .. ---· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· - ---------- ----· ---------------· - ---------- ----· - ----- -· - ------· -------· -------· - ----- -· - ------· -------· -------· - ----- -· - ------· - ------· -------· - ----- -· ------ I ---·-lioiiil"--------------r........._ -----------------~ ·-- ----~- ---~==l ------ -- ------I-·-------.. ---- -----· ----· ~-------· -., ----.. --.. - -.. --.. --.. --.. - t .. -~ .. --~ -- I - -.. --.. --.. --.. - -.. --.. --.. --.. - -.. - 1--------- -----1--------- ----- 1--------- -----1--------- -----1--------- -----1--------- 1---------1---------1---------1--------- 1---------1---------1---------1--------- 1---------1---------1---------1---------1--------- ------------------,----------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------- -· - ---------- ---------------I-·------ - - -----------,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--------,---------~ .. ---· -------------------.. ---- -----· ----· ~-------· -., ------,--------------· - -------------------- ----------------------------------- -- ------~-------- ,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,---------~ .. ---· -------------------.. ---- -----· ----· ~-------· -., ----· - -------------------- ----------------------------------- -- ------~-------- -· - -------------- ------ ----------------------------------- -- ------t-·------,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,---------~ .. ---· -------------------.. ---- -----· ----· ~-------· -., --- -· ---------------· - ---------- ----· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· ---------------· - ---------- ----· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· ---------------· ---------------· - ---------- ----· -------------- ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- ----- --------------- ---,----------------------------------------------,------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION Sieve Dia. % No. mm Finer 3" 75.0 100.0 2" 50.0 100.0 1.5" 37.5 100.0 1" 25.0 100.0 3/4" 19.00 100.0 1/2" 12.50 100.0 3/8" 9.50 100.0 #4 4.75 98.6 #10 2.00 97.5 #20 0.850 96.6 #40 0.425 95.7 #60 0.250 92.6 #100 0.150 66.2 #140 0.106 44.5 #200 0.075 33.1 % Cobbles --- 1.4 65.5 33.1 D85 D60 D50 D30 D15 D10 Boring No. Sample No. Depth (ft) SYMBOL Wn (%) LL PI % 2 mm Description and Classification Cu LB-1 LB-1-3 ---l 17.2 --- --- ---Cc PROJECT NAME:DGB6 PROJECT NUMBER:60646117 % Gravel % SandHydrometer Analysis---- % Fines ----- 0.136 PARTICLE-SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES ---- Brownish yellow Silty SAND (SM), trace shell fragments 0.216 0.116 ---- ---- 50 5 0.5 0.05 0.005 #2003" 2" 1" 3/4" 3/8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.1110100 PERCENT PASSING BY WEIGHTGRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS U. S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES C O B B L E S GRAVEL SAND SILT AND CLAY COARSE FINE COARSE FINEMEDIUM HYDROMETER C:\Lab Projects\AECOM San Diego Office\2021\DGB6\Lab Results\Sieve DGB6 LB-1 LB-1-3.xlsx AECOM I I I I I -· - --------------- -- ------I-·------,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·-----------------· - ------· ------ -· - ------· -------· - ------· - ----- -· - ------· -------· -------· - ----- -· - ------· -------· -------· - ----- -· - ------· - ------· -------· - ----- -----------------:: ~ ~= :::::::: ::~ :::::::: ------------ -.. --.. - -.. --.. --.. --.. - -.. --.. --.. --.. - -.. --.. --.. --.. - -.. --.. --.. --.. - -.. - ~-------- - - ---~-------- ----- ~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- - - --- ~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- - - --- ~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- - - --- ~-------- - - ---~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- - - --- ~-------- ------· ------------.. :\ -· - ---------- --------------I-·------ - - ---,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,---------~ .. ---· -----------------.. ---- -----· ----· ~-------· -., ----· - -------------------- ----------------------------------- -- ------~-------- ,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,---------~ .. ---· -----------· - -------------------- ---------------· --------------------- ---------------------,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,---------~ .. ---· ---------- -· ---------------· - ---------- ----· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· ---------------· - ---------- ----· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· ---------------· ---------------· - ---------- ----· -------------- ' .. ----J ----- -I ---- ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ -----· ----· ~-------· -., ----- ------~---------- ------~ ·-----------· ----· ~-------· -., ---~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- ----- ------------------,----------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------,---------------------------- ---,----------------------------------------------,------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION Sieve Dia. % No. mm Finer 3" 75.0 100.0 2" 50.0 100.0 1.5" 37.5 100.0 1" 25.0 100.0 3/4" 19.00 100.0 1/2" 12.50 100.0 3/8" 9.50 100.0 #4 4.75 100.0 #10 2.00 99.5 #20 0.850 97.7 #40 0.425 95.9 #60 0.250 94.6 #100 0.150 93.2 #140 0.106 91.2 #200 0.075 88.8 % Cobbles --- 0.0 11.2 88.8 D85 D60 D50 D30 D15 D10 Boring No. Sample No. Depth (ft) SYMBOL Wn (%) LL PI % 2 mm Description and Classification Cu LB-1 LB-1-5 ---l 25.9 48 29 ---Cc PROJECT NAME:DGB6 PROJECT NUMBER:60646117 % Gravel % SandHydrometer Analysis---- % Fines ----- ---- PARTICLE-SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES ---- Greenish gray Lean CLAY (CL) ---- ---- ---- ---- 50 5 0.5 0.05 0.005 #2003" 2" 1" 3/4" 3/8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.1110100 PERCENT PASSING BY WEIGHTGRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS U. S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES C O B B L E S GRAVEL SAND SILT AND CLAY COARSE FINE COARSE FINEMEDIUM HYDROMETER C:\Lab Projects\AECOM San Diego Office\2021\DGB6\Lab Results\Sieve DGB6 LB-1 LB-1-5.xlsx AECOM I I I I -· - ---------- ---------- -----,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,---------~ -· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· - ---------- ----· ---------------· - ---------- ----· - ---------- --- -· - ---------- ----· ---------------· ---------------· - ---------- --- -· - ---------- ----· ---------------· ---------------· - ---------- --- -· - ---------- ----· - ---------- ----· ---------------· - ---------- --- -· -------------- I - -------------------- -- ------I-·--------... -----------.. ---- -----· ----· ~-------· -., ----.. --.. --•--.. --.. --.. - -.. --.. --.. --.. - -.. --.. --.. --.. - -.. --.. --.. --.. - -.. - ~-------- - - ---~-------- ----- ~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- - - --- ~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- - - --- ~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- - - --- ~-------- - - ---~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- - - --- ~-------- ----- ------------------,----------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------- -· - ---------- ---------------I-·------ - - -----------,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--------,---------~ .. ---· -------------------.. ---- -----· ----· ~-------· -., ------,--------------· - -------------------- ----------------------------------- -- ------~-------- ,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,---------~ .. ---· -------------------.. ---- -----· ----· ~-------· -., ----· - -------------------- ----------------------------------- -- ------~-------- -· - -------------- ------ ----------------------------------- -- ------I-·------,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,---------~ .. ---· -------------------.. ---- -----· ----· ~-------· -., --- -· ---------------· - ---------- ----· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· ---------------· - ---------- ----· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· ---------------· ---------------· - ---------- ----· -------------- ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- ----- --------------- ---,----------------------------------------------,------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION Sieve Dia. % No. mm Finer 3" 75.0 100.0 2" 50.0 100.0 1.5" 37.5 100.0 1" 25.0 100.0 3/4" 19.00 100.0 1/2" 12.50 100.0 3/8" 9.50 100.0 #4 4.75 99.8 #10 2.00 99.3 #20 0.850 97.9 #40 0.425 95.2 #60 0.250 89.4 #100 0.150 76.5 #140 0.106 66.1 #200 0.075 58.9 % Cobbles --- 0.2 40.9 58.9 D85 D60 D50 D30 D15 D10 Boring No. Sample No. Depth (ft) SYMBOL Wn (%) LL PI % 2 mm Description and Classification Cu LB-2 LB-2-1 ---l 19.9 45 26 ---Cc PROJECT NAME:DGB6 PROJECT NUMBER:60646117 % Gravel % SandHydrometer Analysis---- % Fines ----- 0.079 PARTICLE-SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES ---- Light olive gray Sandy Lean CLAY (CH) 0.210 ---- ---- ---- 50 5 0.5 0.05 0.005 #2003" 2" 1" 3/4" 3/8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.1110100 PERCENT PASSING BY WEIGHTGRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS U. S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES C O B B L E S GRAVEL SAND SILT AND CLAY COARSE FINE COARSE FINEMEDIUM HYDROMETER C:\Lab Projects\AECOM San Diego Office\2021\DGB6\Lab Results\Sieve DGB6 LB-2 LB-2-1.xlsx AECOM I I I I -· - ---------- ----r-:,_ -------~-----,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,---------~ .. --· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· - ---------- ----· ---------------· - ---------- ----· - ---------- --- -· - ---------- ----· ---------------· ---------------· - ---------- --- -· - ---------- ----· ---------------· ---------------· - ---------- --- -· - ---------- ----· - ---------- ----· ---------------· - ---------- --- -· -------------- I ------ -- ------I-·------ : :-r-111 --: ·:::: :::::::: : :: :· -- -----· ----· ~:::::::· : ., : ·: -------~ ~------------.. -,________ - :~ :::::::: : :: : ~-------·-- ::::::\ :::: --------~ -.. ---------~ .. - ---------■ ------------------------------------- ------------ 1---------1---------1---------1--------- 1---------1---------1---------1--------- 1---------1---------1---------1--------- 1---------1--------- - - ---1--------- - - ---~-------- - - --- ~-------- ----- ------------------,----------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------- -· - ---------- ---------------I-·------ - - -----------,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--------,---------~ .. ---· -------------------.. ---- -----· ----· ~-------· -., ------,--------------· - -------------------- ----------------------------------- -- ------~-------- ,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,---------~ .. ---· -------------------.. ---- -----· ----· ~-------· -., ----· - -------------------- ----------------------------------- -- ------~-------- -· - -------------- ------ ----------------------------------- -- ------I-·------,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,---------~ .. ---· -------------------.. ---- -----· ----· ~-------· -., --- -· ---------------· - ---------- ----· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· ---------------· - ---------- ----· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· ---------------· ---------------· - ---------- ----· -------------- ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- ----- --------------- ---,----------------------------------------------,------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION Sieve Dia. % No. mm Finer 3" 75.0 100.0 2" 50.0 100.0 1.5" 37.5 100.0 1" 25.0 100.0 3/4" 19.00 100.0 1/2" 12.50 100.0 3/8" 9.50 100.0 #4 4.75 99.5 #10 2.00 98.5 #20 0.850 96.4 #40 0.425 92.6 #60 0.250 86.7 #100 0.150 73.7 #140 0.106 60.6 #200 0.075 51.0 % Cobbles --- 0.5 48.5 51.0 D85 D60 D50 D30 D15 D10 Boring No. Sample No. Depth (ft) SYMBOL Wn (%) LL PI % 2 mm Description and Classification Cu LB-2 LB-2-3 ---l 21.1 42 24 ---Cc PROJECT NAME:DGB6 PROJECT NUMBER:60646117 % Gravel % SandHydrometer Analysis---- % Fines ----- 0.104 PARTICLE-SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES ---- Light greenish gray Sandy Lean CLAY (CL) 0.234 ---- ---- ---- 50 5 0.5 0.05 0.005 #2003" 2" 1" 3/4" 3/8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.1110100 PERCENT PASSING BY WEIGHTGRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS U. S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES C O B B L E S GRAVEL SAND SILT AND CLAY COARSE FINE COARSE FINEMEDIUM HYDROMETER C:\Lab Projects\AECOM San Diego Office\2021\DGB6\Lab Results\Sieve DGB6 LB-2 LB-2-3.xlsx AECOM I I I I -· - ---------- ------ ------,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,---------· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· - ------· -------· - ------· - ----- -· - ------· -------· -------· - ----- -· - ------· -------· -------· - ----- -· - ------· - ------· -------· - ----- -· ------ I I'll --· -----------~~II;,., -------- - -1-lll'C..------ -"~------------------------------------ ----------- ----:~-------------------- ------ -- ------I-·-------.. ---- -----· ----· 1--------· -., ----.. --.. - -.. --.. --.. --.. - -.. --.. --.. --.. - -.. --.. --.. --.. - -.. -r ··-1" •• - -·--.. - 1--------- - - ---1--------- - - --- 1---------1---------1---------1--------- 1---------1---------1---------1--------- 1---------1---------1---------1--------- 1---------1---------1---------1--------- 1--------- ------------------,----------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------- -· - ---------- ---------------I-·------ - - ----------- ,. ... -· -----· -------· --------•• ---•• -----·--------,---------I-•• - --· -------------------•• ---- -----· ----· 1--------· -., ------,--------------· - -------------------- ----------------------------------- -- ------~--------,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,---------1-.. ---· -------------------.. ---- -----· ----· 1--------· -., ----· - -------------------- ----------------------------------- -- ------~-------- -· - -------------- ------ ----------------------------------- -- ------t-·------,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,---------1-.. ---· -------------------.. ---- -----· ----· 1--------· -., --- -· ---------------· - ---------- ----· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· ---------------· - ---------- ----· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· ---------------· ---------------· - ---------- ----· -------------- ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- ----- --------------- ---,----------------------------------------------,------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION Sieve Dia. % No. mm Finer 3" 75.0 100.0 2" 50.0 100.0 1.5" 37.5 100.0 1" 25.0 100.0 3/4" 19.00 100.0 1/2" 12.50 100.0 3/8" 9.50 100.0 #4 4.75 99.4 #10 2.00 97.4 #20 0.850 95.4 #40 0.425 93.7 #60 0.250 92.0 #100 0.150 88.3 #140 0.106 83.6 #200 0.075 77.3 % Cobbles --- 0.6 22.1 77.3 D85 D60 D50 D30 D15 D10 Boring No. Sample No. Depth (ft) SYMBOL Wn (%) LL PI % 2 mm Description and Classification Cu LB-2 LB-2-5 ---l 27.0 51 34 ---Cc PROJECT NAME:DGB6 PROJECT NUMBER:60646117 % Gravel % SandHydrometer Analysis---- % Fines ----- ---- PARTICLE-SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES ---- Light gray Fat CLAY with Sand (CL) 0.118 ---- ---- ---- 50 5 0.5 0.05 0.005 #2003" 2" 1" 3/4" 3/8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.1110100 PERCENT PASSING BY WEIGHTGRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS U. S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES C O B B L E S GRAVEL SAND SILT AND CLAY COARSE FINE COARSE FINEMEDIUM HYDROMETER C:\Lab Projects\AECOM San Diego Office\2021\DGB6\Lab Results\Sieve DGB6 LB-2 LB-2-5.xlsx AECOM I I I I -· - -----------------,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·-------------· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· - ---------- ----· ---------------· - ---------- ----· - ---------- --- -· - ------· -------· -------· - ----- -· - ------· -------· -------· - ----- -· - ------· - ------· -------· - ----- -· ------ I ------ -- ------I-·------. ----1 ----.. ---- -----· ----· 1--------· -., ----.. ----~ ---------.. -1--------- - - ---1--------- - - --- -~----·---------.. -------------------~ -.. - -.. --.. - -.. --.. --.. --.. - -.. --.. --.. --.. - -.. - 1--------- - - ---1--------- - - ---1--------- - - ---1--------- - - --- 1---------1---------1---------1--------- 1---------1---------1---------1--------- 1---------1---------1---------1--------- 1--------- ------------------,----------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------- -· - ---------- ---------------I-·------ - - ----------- ,. ... -· -----· -------· --------•• ---•• -----·--------,---------I-•• - --· -------------------•• ---- -----· ----· 1--------· -., ------,--------------· - -------------------- ----------------------------------- -- ------~-------- ,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,---------1-.. - --· -------------------.. ---- -----· ----· 1--------· -., ----· - -------------------- ----------------------------------- -- ------~-------- -· - -------------- ------ ----------------------------------- -- ------t-·------,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,---------1-.. - --· -------------------.. ---- -----· ----· 1--------· -., --- -· ---------------· - ---------- ----· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· ---------------· - ---------- ----· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· ---------------· ---------------· - ---------- ----· -------------- ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- ----- --------------- ---,----------------------------------------------,------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION Sieve Dia. % No. mm Finer 3" 75.0 100.0 2" 50.0 100.0 1.5" 37.5 100.0 1" 25.0 100.0 3/4" 19.00 100.0 1/2" 12.50 100.0 3/8" 9.50 100.0 #4 4.75 100.0 #10 2.00 99.5 #20 0.850 99.0 #40 0.425 98.0 #60 0.250 96.2 #100 0.150 92.5 #140 0.106 77.0 #200 0.075 51.2 % Cobbles --- 0.0 48.8 51.2 D85 D60 D50 D30 D15 D10 Boring No. Sample No. Depth (ft) SYMBOL Wn (%) LL PI % 2 mm Description and Classification Cu PC-1 PC-1-2 ---l 19.0 36 18 ---Cc PROJECT NAME:DGB6 PROJECT NUMBER:60646117 % Gravel % SandHydrometer Analysis---- % Fines ----- 0.084 PARTICLE-SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES ---- Light olive gray Sandy Lean CLAY (CL) 0.127 ---- ---- ---- 50 5 0.5 0.05 0.005 #2003" 2" 1" 3/4" 3/8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.1110100 PERCENT PASSING BY WEIGHTGRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS U. S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES C O B B L E S GRAVEL SAND SILT AND CLAY COARSE FINE COARSE FINEMEDIUM HYDROMETER C:\Lab Projects\AECOM San Diego Office\2021\DGB6\Lab Results\Sieve DGB6 PC-1 PC-1-2.xlsx AECOM I I I I I ..: -· - ---------- -----------------,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,---------~ .. ---· ---· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· - ---------- ----· ---------------· - ---------- ----· - ---------- --- -· - ---------- ----· ---------------· -------· - ----- -· - ------· -------· -------· - ----- -· - ------· - ---------- ----· ---------------· - ---------- --- -· -------------- ------ -- ------I-·---------~ ---------.. ---- -----· ----· ~-------· -., ----------......... ----------·--~---- ----~\---------------------_______ , -------~ -------- -------- -.. --.. - -.. --.. --.. --.. - -.. --.. --.. --.. - -.. --.. -.. -, .. - J.._ ---------. - ---------·-- 1--------- - - ---1--------- - - --- 1--------- - - ---1--------- - - ---1--------- - - ---1--------- - - --- 1--------- - - ---1--------- - - ---1---------1--------- 1---------1---------1---------1--------- 1---------1--------- - - ---1--------- - - ---1--------- - - --- ~-------- ----- ------------------,----------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------- -· - ---------- ------------•• -I-·------ - - -----------,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--------,---------~ .. ---· -------------------.. ---- -----· ----· ~-------· -., ------,--------------· - -------------------- ------------------------------·---- -- ------~-------- ,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,---------~ .. ---· -------------------.. ---- -----· ----· ~-------· -., ----· - -------------------- ------------------------------·---- -- ------~-------- -· - -------------- ------ ------------------------------•• --- -- ------I-·------,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,---------~ .. ---· -------------------.. ---- -----· ----· ~-------· -., --- -· ---------------· - ---------- ----· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· ---------------· - ---------- ----· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· ---------------· ---------------· - ---------- ----· -------------- ---------·-----------·-----------·-----------·-- ---------·-----------·-----------·-----------·-- ---------·-----------·-----------·-----------·-- ~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- ----- --------------- ---,----------------------------------------------,------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION Sieve Dia. % No. mm Finer 3" 75.0 100.0 2" 50.0 100.0 1.5" 37.5 100.0 1" 25.0 100.0 3/4" 19.00 100.0 1/2" 12.50 100.0 3/8" 9.50 92.2 #4 4.75 82.4 #10 2.00 72.9 #20 0.850 66.5 #40 0.425 62.3 #60 0.250 58.6 #100 0.150 54.4 #140 0.106 51.4 #200 0.075 47.8 % Cobbles --- 17.6 34.6 47.8 D85 D60 D50 D30 D15 D10 Boring No. Sample No. Depth (ft) SYMBOL Wn (%) LL PI % 2 mm Description and Classification Cu PC-1 PC-1-4 ---l 9.7 35 20 ---Cc PROJECT NAME:DGB6 PROJECT NUMBER:60646117 % Gravel % SandHydrometer Analysis---- % Fines ----- 0.306 PARTICLE-SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES ---- Pale brown Clayey SAND (SC), little gravel-like cementation 5.709 0.093 ---- ---- 50 5 0.5 0.05 0.005 #2003" 2" 1" 3/4" 3/8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.1110100 PERCENT PASSING BY WEIGHTGRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS U. S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES C O B B L E S GRAVEL SAND SILT AND CLAY COARSE FINE COARSE FINEMEDIUM HYDROMETER C:\Lab Projects\AECOM San Diego Office\2021\DGB6\Lab Results\Sieve DGB6 PC-1 PC-1-4.xlsx AECOM I I I I I " .. :: : :. --· ---::::. ===~=-\ .. : .: :: .: .:: ,.::. :::::,.:::::::. ~ .. : : -· --::: .:::: -· - -------------- ------ --------------- --· -- -· - --· ---· - --· - - -· - --· ---· ---· - - -· - --· ---· ---· - - -· - --· - --· ---· - - : : :: : :: ~ ~= ::::::: : ::: --- --===~~:::: ---------------- ---------------- ---r~ ---------------~ ------------------------- ------ -- ------I-·-------.. ---- -----· ----· ~-------· -., ----.. --.. - -.. --.. --.. --.. - -.. --.. --.. --.. - -.. --.. --.. --.. - -.. --.. --.. --.. - 1--------- - - ---1--------- 1---------1---------1---------1--------- 1---------1---------1---------1--------- 1---------1---------1---------1--------- 1---------1---------1---------1--------- ------------------,----------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -· --------------~ • -· --1--------- - - ------------· - ---------- ----------------I-·------ - - -----------,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,---------~ .. ---· -----------.. ---- -----· ----· ~-------· -., ------,--------------· - -------------------- ----------------------------------- -- ------1--------- ,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,---------~ .. ---· -------------------.. ---- -----· ----· ~-------· -., ----· - -------------------- ----------------------------------- -- ------~-------- -· - -------------- ------ ----------------------------------- -- ------t-·------,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,---------~ .. ---· -------------------.. ---- -----· ----· ~-------· -., --- -· ---------------· - ---------- ----· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· ---------------· - ---------- ----· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· ---------------· ---------------· - ---------- ----· -------------- ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- ----- --------------- ---,----------------------------------------------,------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION Sieve Dia. % No. mm Finer 3" 75.0 100.0 2" 50.0 100.0 1.5" 37.5 100.0 1" 25.0 100.0 3/4" 19.00 100.0 1/2" 12.50 100.0 3/8" 9.50 100.0 #4 4.75 98.8 #10 2.00 98.0 #20 0.850 97.1 #40 0.425 95.5 #60 0.250 92.4 #100 0.150 78.2 #140 0.106 61.0 #200 0.075 51.3 % Cobbles --- 1.2 47.5 51.3 D85 D60 D50 D30 D15 D10 Boring No. Sample No. Depth (ft) SYMBOL Wn (%) LL PI % 2 mm Description and Classification Cu PC-2 PC-2-3 ---l 21.0 40 23 ---Cc PROJECT NAME:DGB6 PROJECT NUMBER:60646117 % Gravel % SandHydrometer Analysis---- % Fines ----- 0.102 PARTICLE-SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES ---- Light brownish gray Sandy Lean CLAY (CL) 0.192 ---- ---- ---- 50 5 0.5 0.05 0.005 #2003" 2" 1" 3/4" 3/8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.1110100 PERCENT PASSING BY WEIGHTGRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS U. S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES C O B B L E S GRAVEL SAND SILT AND CLAY COARSE FINE COARSE FINEMEDIUM HYDROMETER C:\Lab Projects\AECOM San Diego Office\2021\DGB6\Lab Results\Sieve DGB6 PC-2 PC-2-3.xlsx AECOM I I I I -· - ---------- ------,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,---------· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· - ---------- ----· -------· - ------· - ----- -· - ------· -------· -------· - ----- -· - ------· -------· -------· - ----- -· - ------· - ------· -------· - ----- -· ------ I \::::::: -'\_------ --~~-.----- ---------------------:~ ------------- ------ -- ------I-·------ -.. --.. - -.. --.. --.. --.. - -.. --.. --.. --.. - -.. --.. --.. --.. - -.. - -.. - 1--------- -----1--------- ----- 1--------- -----1---------1---------1--------- 1---------1---------1---------1--------- 1---------1---------1---------1--------- 1---------1---------1---------1---------1--------- ------------------,----------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------- -· - ---------- ---------------I-·------ - - -----------,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--------,---------~ .. ---· -------------------.. ---- -----· ----· ~-------· -., ------,--------------· - -------------------- ----------------------------------- -- ------1--------- ,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,---------~ .. ---· -------------------.. ---- -----· ----· ~-------· -., ----· - -------------------- ----------------------------------- -- ------~-------- -· - -------------- ------ ----------------------------------- -- ------t-·------,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,---------~ .. ---· -------------------.. ---- -----· ----· ~-------· -., --- -· ---------------· - ---------- ----· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· ---------------· - ---------- ----· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· ---------------· ---------------· - ---------- ----· -------------- ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- ----- --------------- ---,----------------------------------------------,------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION Sieve Dia. % No. mm Finer 3" 75.0 100.0 2" 50.0 100.0 1.5" 37.5 100.0 1" 25.0 100.0 3/4" 19.00 100.0 1/2" 12.50 100.0 3/8" 9.50 100.0 #4 4.75 100.0 #10 2.00 99.3 #20 0.850 98.3 #40 0.425 97.3 #60 0.250 95.3 #100 0.150 91.1 #140 0.106 88.5 #200 0.075 85.5 % Cobbles --- 0.0 14.5 85.5 D85 D60 D50 D30 D15 D10 Boring No. Sample No. Depth (ft) SYMBOL Wn (%) LL PI % 2 mm Description and Classification Cu PC-2 PC-2-6 ---l 25.2 53 33 ---Cc PROJECT NAME:DGB6 PROJECT NUMBER:60646117 % Gravel % SandHydrometer Analysis---- % Fines ----- ---- PARTICLE-SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES ---- Light gray Fat CLAY (CH) ---- ---- ---- ---- 50 5 0.5 0.05 0.005 #2003" 2" 1" 3/4" 3/8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.1110100 PERCENT PASSING BY WEIGHTGRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS U. S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES C O B B L E S GRAVEL SAND SILT AND CLAY COARSE FINE COARSE FINEMEDIUM HYDROMETER C:\Lab Projects\AECOM San Diego Office\2021\DGB6\Lab Results\Sieve DGB6 PC-2 PC-2-6.xlsx AECOM I I I I I -· - ---------- ----------~-------,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,---------~ .. ---· ---· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· - ---------- ----· ---------------· - ---------- ----· - ---------- --- -· - ---------- ----· ---------------· ---------------· - ---------- --- -· - ---------- ----· ---------------· ---------------· - ---------- --- -· - ---------- ----· - ---------- ----· ---------------· - ---------- --- -· -------------- ------ -- ------I-·------ ---r-.;.----------.. ---- -----· ----· ~-------· -., --------~ ...:::------------·--..-----.. --.. - ------~ ~ -.. ---------~ . ----------!I! ------------- ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------ ~-------- - - ---~-------- ----- ~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- - - --- ~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- - - --- ~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- - - --- ~-------- - - ---~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- - - --- ~-------- ----- ------------------,----------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------- -· - ---------- ---------------I-·------ - - -----------,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--------,---------~ .. ---· -------------------.. ---- -----· ----· ~-------· -., ------,--------------· - -------------------- ----------------------------------- -- ------~-------- ,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,---------~ .. ---· -------------------.. ---- -----· ----· ~-------· -., ----· - -------------------- ----------------------------------- -- ------~-------- -· - -------------- ------ ----------------------------------- -- ------I-·------,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,---------~ .. ---· -------------------.. ---- -----· ----· ~-------· -., --- -· ---------------· - ---------- ----· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· ---------------· - ---------- ----· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· ---------------· ---------------· - ---------- ----· -------------- ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- ----- --------------- ---,----------------------------------------------,------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION Sieve Dia. % No. mm Finer 3" 75.0 100.0 2" 50.0 100.0 1.5" 37.5 100.0 1" 25.0 100.0 3/4" 19.00 100.0 1/2" 12.50 100.0 3/8" 9.50 100.0 #4 4.75 96.5 #10 2.00 94.5 #20 0.850 91.6 #40 0.425 88.6 #60 0.250 84.4 #100 0.150 72.6 #140 0.106 58.5 #200 0.075 48.3 % Cobbles --- 3.5 48.2 48.3 D85 D60 D50 D30 D15 D10 Boring No. Sample No. Depth (ft) SYMBOL Wn (%) LL PI % 2 mm Description and Classification Cu PC-3 PC-3-1 ---l 17.4 33 16 ---Cc PROJECT NAME:DGB6 PROJECT NUMBER:60646117 % Gravel % SandHydrometer Analysis---- % Fines ----- 0.110 PARTICLE-SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES ---- Grayish brown Clayey SAND (SC) 0.270 0.079 ---- ---- 50 5 0.5 0.05 0.005 #2003" 2" 1" 3/4" 3/8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.1110100 PERCENT PASSING BY WEIGHTGRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS U. S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES C O B B L E S GRAVEL SAND SILT AND CLAY COARSE FINE COARSE FINEMEDIUM HYDROMETER C:\Lab Projects\AECOM San Diego Office\2021\DGB6\Lab Results\Sieve DGB6 PC-3 PC-3-1.xlsx AECOM I I I -· - ----------I:':! .... ,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. --· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· - ------· -------· - ------· - ----- -· - ------· -------· -------· - ----- -· - ------· -------· -------· - ----- -· - ------· - ------· -------· - ----- -· ------ I I ----·--------~ .. ---· ---------- -------- ------ -- ------I-·-------.. ---- -----· ----· ~-------· -., --------------------------- -.. --.. --.. --.. - -.. --.. --.. --.. - -.. --.. --.. --.. - -.. --.. - ~ ::: 1--------- -----1--------- ----- 1---------1---------1---------1--------- 1---------1---------1---------1--------- 1---------1---------1---------1--------- 1---------1---------1---------1---------1--------- ------------------,----------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------- -· - ---------- ---------------I-·------ - - -----------,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--------,---------~ .. ---· -------------------.. ---- -----· ----· ~-------· -., ------,--------------· - -------------------- ----------------------------------- -- ------1--------- ,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,---------~ .. ---· -------------------.. ---- -----· ----· ~-------· -., ----· - -------------------- ----------------------------------- -- ------~-------- -· - -------------- ------ ----------------------------------- -- ------t-·------,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,---------~ .. ---· -------------------.. ---- -----· ----· ~-------· -., --- -· ---------------· - ---------- ----· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· ---------------· - ---------- ----· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· ---------------· ---------------· - ---------- ----· -------------- ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- ----- --------------- ---,----------------------------------------------,------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION Sieve Dia. % No. mm Finer 3" 75.0 100.0 2" 50.0 100.0 1.5" 37.5 100.0 1" 25.0 100.0 3/4" 19.00 100.0 1/2" 12.50 99.0 3/8" 9.50 95.4 #4 4.75 87.2 #10 2.00 76.6 #20 0.850 68.3 #40 0.425 59.6 #60 0.250 48.1 #100 0.150 34.7 #140 0.106 28.0 #200 0.075 22.5 % Cobbles --- 12.8 64.7 22.5 D85 D60 D50 D30 D15 D10 Boring No. Sample No. Depth (ft) SYMBOL Wn (%) LL PI % 2 mm Description and Classification Cu PC-3 PC-3-4 ---l 3.4 --- --- ---Cc PROJECT NAME:DGB6 PROJECT NUMBER:60646117 % Gravel % SandHydrometer Analysis---- % Fines ----- 0.439 PARTICLE-SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES 0.118 Yellow Silty SAND (SM) 3.969 0.273 ---- ---- 50 5 0.5 0.05 0.005 #2003" 2" 1" 3/4" 3/8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.1110100 PERCENT PASSING BY WEIGHTGRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS U. S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES C O B B L E S GRAVEL SAND SILT AND CLAY COARSE FINE COARSE FINEMEDIUM HYDROMETER C:\Lab Projects\AECOM San Diego Office\2021\DGB6\Lab Results\Sieve DGB6 PC-3 PC-3-4.xlsx AECOM I I I I -· - --------· ~ ,. ... -· -----· -----· --------------- -----------------.. -----·--· -----,--------· ~ .. ---· - --· --"-~------_.,, '-'.' --- -· - --· ---· - --· - - -· - --· ---· ---· - - -· - ---------- ----· ---------------· ---------------· - ---------- --- -· - ------· - ------· -------· - ----- -· - -------- -------------- I -·---------------- -- ------I-·-------.. -· -- -----· ----· ~-------· -., ----.. --.. - -.. --.. --.. --.. - -.. --.. --.. --.. - -------------------------------------------------.. --.. --.. --.. - -.. - 1--------- - - ---1--------- - - --- 1---------1---------1---------1--------- 1---------1---------1---------1--------- 1--------- - - ---1--------- - - ---1--------- - - ---1--------- - - --- 1--------- - - ---1--------- - - ---1--------- - - ---1--------- - - --- 1--------- - - --- ----I-·------ - - ----.. -· -- -----· ----· ~-------· -., --------- -- ------1--------- ,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,--------· ~ .. ---· -----------~~-----:: : : :::: :::::::: : : :: : :: :: ::::: ::::::: ::: :::: :_: ___ -::_:_ ,. ... -· -----· -------· --------.. ---.. -----·--· -----,--------· ~ .. ---· ---------- -.. -· -- -----· ----· ~-------· -., --------- -- ------~-------- ------ -- ------t-·-------.. -· -- -----· ----· ~-------· -., --- -· ---------------· - ---------- ----· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· ---------------· - ---------- ----· - ---------- ----· -------------- -· ---------------· ---------------· - ---------- ----· -------------- ::::::~ -: :: : :::::::: ~ I : ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- - - ---~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- -----~-------- - - ---~-------- ----- ------------------,----------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------,---------------------------- ---,----------------------------------------------,------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- DESCRIPTION / CLASSIFICATION Project Name:PLASTICITY CHART Project Number: Boring Number DGB6 60646117 Water Content (%) Sample Number Depth (ft)LL PI LB-1 LB-1-1 Greenish gray Lean CLAY with Sand (CL)--- 21.9 42 24 CL-ML 4 7 CL or OL CH or OH ML or OL MH or OH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110PLASTICITY INDEX (%)LIQUID LIMIT (%) Atterberg Limits DGB6 LB-1 LB-1-1.xlsx AECOM I/ .' ,,.· / ,,V.· .. ~/ / / / / / ~· I/ . / ?' , V / ,. / .... I/ / / / / / / I/ ,· / / / / I/ 17 vr / / • / ~ I/ / V / / / / ~ l/ ----/ / l7 DESCRIPTION / CLASSIFICATION Project Name:PLASTICITY CHART Project Number: Boring Number DGB6 60646117 Water Content (%) Sample Number Depth (ft)LL PI LB-1 LB-1-5 Greenish gray Lean CLAY (CL)---25.9 48 29 CL-ML 4 7 CL or OL CH or OH ML or OL MH or OH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110PLASTICITY INDEX (%)LIQUID LIMIT (%) Atterberg Limits DGB6 LB-1 LB-1-5.xlsx AECOM DESCRIPTION / CLASSIFICATION Project Name:PLASTICITY CHART Project Number: Boring Number DGB6 60646117 Water Content (%) Sample Number Depth (ft)LL PI LB-2 LB-2-1 Light olive gray Sandy Lean CLAY (CL)---19.9 45 26 CL-ML 4 7 CL or OL CH or OH ML or OL MH or OH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110PLASTICITY INDEX (%)LIQUID LIMIT (%) Atterberg Limits DGB6 LB-2 LB-2-1.xlsx AECOM DESCRIPTION / CLASSIFICATION Project Name:PLASTICITY CHART Project Number: Boring Number DGB6 60646117 Water Content (%) Sample Number Depth (ft)LL PI LB-2 LB-2-3 Light greenish gray Sandy Lean CLAY (CL)--- 21.1 42 24 CL-ML 4 7 CL or OL CH or OH ML or OL MH or OH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110PLASTICITY INDEX (%)LIQUID LIMIT (%) Atterberg Limits DGB6 LB-2 LB-2-3.xlsx AECOM I/ .' ,,.· / ,,V.· .. ~/ / / / / / ~· I/ . / ?' , V / ,. / .... I/ / / / / / / I/ ,· / / / / I/ 17 vr / / • / ~ I/ / V / / / / ~ l/ ----/ / l7 DESCRIPTION / CLASSIFICATION Project Name:PLASTICITY CHART Project Number: Boring Number DGB6 60646117 Water Content (%) Sample Number Depth (ft)LL PI LB-2 LB-2-5 Light gray Fat CLAY with Sand (CH)---27.0 51 34 CL-ML 4 7 CL or OL CH or OH ML or OL MH or OH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110PLASTICITY INDEX (%)LIQUID LIMIT (%) Atterberg Limits DGB6 LB-2 LB-2-5.xlsx AECOM DESCRIPTION / CLASSIFICATION Project Name:PLASTICITY CHART Project Number: Boring Number DGB6 60646117 Water Content (%) Sample Number Depth (ft)LL PI PC-1 PC-1-2 Light greenish gray Sandy Lean CLAY (CL)---19.0 36 18 CL-ML 4 7 CL or OL CH or OH ML or OL MH or OH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110PLASTICITY INDEX (%)LIQUID LIMIT (%) Atterberg Limits DGB6 PC-1 PC-1-2.xlsx AECOM DESCRIPTION / CLASSIFICATION Project Name:PLASTICITY CHART Project Number: Boring Number DGB6 60646117 Water Content (%) Sample Number Depth (ft)LL PI PC-1 PC-1-4 Pale brown Clayey SAND (SC), little gravel- like cementation---9.7 35 20 CL-ML 4 7 CL or OL CH or OH ML or OL MH or OH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110PLASTICITY INDEX (%)LIQUID LIMIT (%) Atterberg Limits DGB6 PC-1 PC-1-4.xlsx AECOM DESCRIPTION / CLASSIFICATION Project Name:PLASTICITY CHART Project Number: Boring Number DGB6 60646117 Water Content (%) Sample Number Depth (ft)LL PI PC-2 PC-2-3 Light brownish gray Sandy Lean CLAY (CL)---21.0 40 23 CL-ML 4 7 CL or OL CH or OH ML or OL MH or OH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110PLASTICITY INDEX (%)LIQUID LIMIT (%) Atterberg Limits DGB6 PC-2 PC-2-3.xlsx AECOM DESCRIPTION / CLASSIFICATION Project Name:PLASTICITY CHART Project Number: Boring Number DGB6 60646117 Water Content (%) Sample Number Depth (ft)LL PI PC-2 PC-2-6 Light gray Fat CLAY (CH)---25.2 53 33 CL-ML 4 7 CL or OL CH or OH ML or OL MH or OH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110PLASTICITY INDEX (%)LIQUID LIMIT (%) Atterberg Limits DGB6 PC-2 PC-2-6.xlsx AECOM DESCRIPTION / CLASSIFICATION Project Name:PLASTICITY CHART Project Number: Boring Number DGB6 60646117 Water Content (%) Sample Number Depth (ft)LL PI PC-3 PC-3-1 Grayish brown Clayey SAND (SC)--- 17.4 33 16 CL-ML 4 7 CL or OL CH or OH ML or OL MH or OH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110PLASTICITY INDEX (%)LIQUID LIMIT (%) Atterberg Limits DGB6 PC-3 PC-3-1.xlsx AECOM I/ .' ,,.· / ,,V.· .. ~/ / / / / / ~· I/ . / ?' , V / ,. / .... I/ / / / / / / I/ ,· / / / / I/ 17 vr / / / ~ I/ / V / ./ / / ~ l/ ----/ / l7 Project Name: DGB6 Project Number: 60646117 Boring No.: LB-1 Sample No.: LB-1-Bulk Depth (ft.): 0-5 Location: N/A Soil Description: Sandy Clay Mold Number A C B Water Added, g 21 25 31 Compact Moisture(%) 18.8 19.3 19.9 Compaction Gage Pressure, psi 75 50 50 Exudation Pressure, psi 482 379 202 Sample Height, Inches 2.5 2.6 2.6 Gross Weight Mold, g 3020 3039 3035 Tare Weight Mold, g 1967 1969 1967 Net Sample Weight, g 1052 1070 1068 Expansion, inchesx10-4 30 25 20 Stability 2,000 (160 psi) 44/112 53/124 58/130 Turns Displacement 3.90 4.08 4.16 R-Value Uncorrected 22 15 12 R-Value Corrected 22 16 13 Dry Density, pcf 107.3 104.5 103.8 Traffic Index 8.0 8.0 8.0 G.E. by Stability 1.50 1.60 1.67 G.E. by Expansion 0.10 0.08 0.07 Gf = 1.34, and 1.1 % Retained on the ¾" *Not ApplicableRemarksBy Exudation: By Expansion: At Equilibrium: (by Exudation)R-VALUE14 *N/A 14 R-VALUE TEST DATA ASTM D2844 Tested By: Computed By: 03/04/21 Date: Date: Date: 03/03/21 03/09/21Checked By: ST KM AP 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0100200300400500600700800 R-VALUEEXUDATION PRESSURE - PSI 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00COVER THICKNESS BY STABILOMETER (FT.)COVER THICKNESS BY EXPANSION (FT.) I AP Engineering and Testing, Inc. ~ DBE IMBEISBE ~~~ 2607 Pomona Boulevard I Pomona, CA 91768 --t. 909.869.6316 I f. 909.869.63 18 I www.aplaboratory.com , , , , , , , I.a. Geotechnical Evaluation Project reference: AMZL-MR-DGB6 Project number: 60646117 AECOM Appendix E Pavement Design Calculations Sheet 1 of 8 Problem Statement: Perform pavement design of AMZL DGB6 Reference: - Assumptions - - Calculation 1. Flexible Pavement Light Duty Heavy Duty Unit Value Value 1 (---)1 227.8 2 (Yrs)15 15 3 (---)5478.75 1E+06 4 (---)1 1 5 (---)5 9.5 6 (---)14 14 7 (---)78 78 8 (ft) 1.4 2.6 9 (ft) 0.4 0.7 10 (---) 2.54 1.84 (ft) 0.14 0.36 (ft)0.33 0.42 12 (---) 2.54 1.84 13 (---)1.1 1.1 (ft)0.48 1.68 (ft)0.50 1.75 California Department of Transportation, Highway Design Manual Seventh Edition (HDM). Dated July 2020. R of Subgrade Gavel Equivalent, GETotal ESAL/day Service Life ESAL Item Land Distribution Factors (LDF) Traffic Index, TI Light duty traffic (parking lot) is assumed to have 1 Equivalent Single Axle Load/day (ESAL/Day) (TI = 5) Heavy duty traffic is based on 100 inboud (fully loaded) and outboud (empty) 5-axle semi trucks per day. The gross weight of semi trucks is 75,000 lbs. Gavel Equivalent of HMA, GEHMA R of Aggregate Base (Class 2 AB) HMA Thickness Req., t0 AB Thickness Req. HMA Thickness Used, t Gravel Factor of HMA, Gf(HMA) 11 Gravel Factor of AB, Gf(AB) Gravel Factor of HMA used, Gf(HMA)1 14 AB Thickness Used AMZL_DGB6_Pavement_Design.xlsx\Summary Last Printed 3/11/2021 Project No.: 60646117 ----------------------Subject : AMZL DGB6 -Pavement Design Computed By : VK Checked By: JT Date: 03/11/2021 -------- ~COM Clifton. NJ Sheet 2 of 8 Note: 1.For heavily traffic, see attached for details. 3.ESAL = ESAL/Day * Service Life * 313 (6days/week) 5. TI = 9.0 * (ESAL * LDF / 106)0.119 HDM 8.GETotal = 0.0032 * TI * (100 - RSubgrade)HDM 633.1.(1).(c) 9.GEHMA = 0.0032 * TI * (100 - RAB) for surface course, ignore 0.2 HDM 633.1.(1).(c) 10.Gf (HMA) = 5.67 / TI0.5 assume thickness of HMA less than 0.5'HDM 633.1.(1).(d) 11.= GEHMA / Gf(HMA) 12.Gf(HMA)1 = 5.67 / TI0.5 if thickness of HMA less than 0.5'HDM 633.1.(1).(d) Gf(HMA)1 = 7.00 * t(1/3) / TI(1/2) if thickness of HMA greater than 0.5' 13.Gf(AB)HDM Table 633.1 14.AB Thickness Req.=(GETotal - Gf(HMA)1 * t) / Gf(AB) AMZL_DGB6_Pavement_Design.xlsx\Summary Last Printed 3/11/2021 Project No.: 60646117 ----------------------Subject : AMZL DGB6 -Pa\€ment Design Computed By: VK ----Checked By: JT Date: 03/11/2021 ---- ~COM Clifton. NJ Sheet 3 of 8 2. Rigid Pavement -Traffic Index is 10 - -Per HDM Figure 615.1, the project site is located in South Coast Climate Regions. - Unit Heavy Duty (---)397.8 See attached for details (Yrs)15 (---)2179447 ESAL = ESAL/Day * Service Life * 365.25 (---)1 (---) 10 TI = 9.0 * (ESAL * LDF / 106)0.119 (ft)0.75 (ft)1.00 Based on the borings, the subgrade consists of CL/CH material, which corresponds to Subgrade Type II per HDM Table 623.1A. Per HDM Table 623.1D, assume there is lateral support, the required rigid pavement structure depth is as follows: Item Plain Cement Concrete Class 2 Aggregate Base Traffic Index, TI ESAL/day Service Life ESAL LDF AMZL_DGB6_Pavement_Design.xlsx\Summary Last Printed 3/11/2021 Project No.: 60646117 ~COM Clifton. NJ Subject : AMZL DGB6 -Pavement Design Computed By : VK Checked By: JT Date: 03/11/2021 ----- -North Coast Central Coast ml.and Val.Icy Low Mmm:tain High Mountain Desert Higb Desert South Coast South Mouat.-iin Table 623.1 E Rigid Pavement Catalog (South Coast/Central Coast, Type II Subgrade Soil) 111. (2}, (3!, !4J, cs> Riaid Pavement Structural Deoth Tl With Lateral Support {ft) W ithout Lateral Support (ft) .'.': 9 0.70 JPCP 0.75 JPCP 1.00 AB 1.00 AB 9.5 to 10 0.75 JPCP 0 .80 JPCP 1.00 AB 1.00 AB 0.75 JPCP BB 0.75JPCP 0.80 JPCP 0.80 JPCP BB 0.80 JPCP 0.85JPCP 10.5 to 11 0.35 LCB 0.25 HMA-A 1.30 AB 0.35 LCB 0.25 HMA-A 1.30 AB 0.60 AS 0.60 AS 0.60 AS 0.60 AS Sheet 4 of 8 Summary: 1. Flexible Pavement Unit Light Duty Heavy Duty (---)5 9.5 (inch)4 5 (inch)6 21 (inch)10 26 2. Rigid Pavement Unit Heavy Duty (---)10 (inch)9 (inch)12 (inch)21 Item Traffic Index, TI Total Thickness HMA Class 2 Aggregate Base Item Plain Cement Concrete Class 2 Aggregate Base Total Thickness Traffic Index, TI AMZL_DGB6_Pavement_Design.xlsx\Summary Last Printed 3/11/2021 Project No.: 60646117 ----------------------Subject : AMZL DGB6 -Pavement Design Computed By : VK Checked By: JT Date: 03/11/2021 -------- ~COM Clifton. NJ Sheet 5 of 8 Problem Statement: Calculate daily ESAL of heavy duty traffic Reference: -AASHTO, Guide for Design of Pavement Structures 1993, 1993. (AASHTO 1993) Assumption: - Full Loaded Empty 8 8 - - Semi truck trailer with the following configuration was used in the calculation. Daily traffic is 100 inboud and outboud. For flexible pavement, per AASHTO 1993 Page D-22, a structural number of 5.0 and terminal serviceability (pt) of 2.5 were used. For rigid pavement, the slab thickness of 9 inch and terminal serviceability of (pt) of 2.5 were used. 7 kips 34 kips 34 kips 7 kips 14 kips 14 kips AMZL_DGB6_Pavement_Design.xlsx\ESAL Calculation Last Printed 3/11/2021 Project No.: 60646117 --------------------Subject : AMZL DGB6 -Pavement Design (ESAL Calculation) Computed By: VK Checked By: JT Date: 03/11/2021 --- TRUCK-TRACTOR 1 2 3 I TRUCK-TRACTOR SEMI-TRAILER ~COM Clifton. NJ 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Sheet 6 of 8 Calculation: Flexible Rigid Axle 1 0.022 0.021 Axle 2&3 (Tandem)1.09 1.92 Axle 4&5 (Tandem)1.09 1.92 ESAL/Truck 2.202 3.861 Truck/day 100 100 ESAL/Day 220.2 386.1 Axle 1 0.022 0.021 Axle 2&3 (Tandem)0.027 0.048 Axle 4&5 (Tandem)0.027 0.048 ESAL/Truck 0.076 0.117 Truck/day 100 100 ESAL/Day 7.6 11.7 Sum ESAL/day 227.8 397.8 Full-Loaded Empty ESAL AMZL_DGB6_Pavement_Design.xlsx\ESAL Calculation Last Printed 3/11/2021 Project No.: 60646117 ----------------------Subject : AMZL DGB6 -Pavement Design (ESAL Calculation) Computed By: VK Checked By: JT Date: 03/11/2021 -------- ~COM Clifton. NJ Sheet 7 of 8 AMZL_DGB6_Pavement_Design.xlsx\ESAL Calculation Last Printed 3/11/2021 Project No.: 60646117 ----------------------Subject : AMZL DGB6 -Pavement Design (ESAL Calculation) Computed By: VK Checked By: JT Date: 03/11/2021 -------- ~COM Clifton. NJ 'lilble D.4.. Axle Load Equilvalency Fact1m1 for Ffeuble Pniveine01U:s, Single A Iles and I\ of 2.5 Ad@Lo.ad. (klips) 12 ]4 16 'labte D.S. Axle Load (Jdp;:) 2 4 6 8 10 12 1'6 18 20 22 2-4 2(; 28 30 32 3';i, 38 .M) 42 44 46 1 :2 ,(X)04 0004 ·003-004 OH 017 0'32 047 168 ]98 328 358 5·91 613 l'llvement stnic.1uirat N imb er (SN) 3 4 0003 0002 004 003 017 OB 051 041 229 .213 399 388 646 645 s 0002 002 010 034 189 360 623 6 176 342 606 Axl~ Load Eq111ivoJency Flidots for t1e'."xible l'aveme:-irt:s, 'Tundemn Axles and Pt of 2.5 Pm-e:ment Structuul Nilltiher (SN) .I l 3 4 s ,, ,0001 0001 000] 0000 000 0000 ·000:5 000'5 0004 0003 ooo, 0002 002 002 002 001 001 OOl 004 006 005 ()(M-000 003 0()8 013 on D09 007 006, ots 024 023 Oi8 014 013 .l 042 D.3 OA ·044 065 070 057 047 043 070 09'7 109 092 077 070 JO? 141 162 141 121 110 160 198 229 180 231 273 315, 260 321 370 420 3:641 451 493 548 495 ,6H 648 70,3. 6.58 813 843 889 :&57 1 38 l 38 l 38 l 3;8 l 38 I 38 1 75 l 73 l 69' l 68 l 70 ] 73 2 21 2 16 2 06 2 [}3 2 08 2 14 2 76 2 6'l 249 2 43 2 51 2 6] 3 4] l 2? 2 99 2 S.8 3 00 3 1-6 4 18 J 98 3 58 3 40 ]5 3 79 Sheet 8 of 8 AMZL_DGB6_Pavement_Design.xlsx\ESAL Calculation Last Printed 3/11/2021 Project No.: 60646117 ----------------------Subject : AMZL DGB6 -Pavement Design (ESAL Calculation) Computed By: VK Checked By: JT Date: 03/11/2021 -------- ~COM Clifton. NJ 'lab e D.13. ~e Lilad Eq1.1Jival'et1¢y Factor,. for Rlgjd Poaveme11ts, Single A les andi Pi c:if 2.5 Ade Load (tips) 7 8 Sl81b Thicknes , D (inches) 10 11 lZ Tubf-D. 14, Axle Load E.quival'ency• Factors fer Ril!id Plwements, Tandem Axles and P.i of 2.5 Axle Slab Thickness, D ,(iinclles) Loa.d ,(k ips) 6 7 8 ' 10 11 12 l3 14 2 0001 0001 0001 ,ooo 0001 ·OOOW 000] 10001 OOOl 4 0006 0006 0005 ,()00 000-5 0005 0()05 0005 000-5 6 002 002 00:Z 1002 002 0012 002 002 002, 8 007 006 (106, 005 005 ,(WJ5 00:5 005 005 JO 015 014 013 013 012 012 OW2 012 012 12 031 028 026, 026 025 025 025 025 025 rn 097 089 084 082 ~l 08~ 080 080 080 18 155 143 ]36 133 132 131 131 3.~ l3ll 20 234-220 2H 206 204 20·3 203 20-3 203 22 340 325 313 308 305 304 303 303 303 24 475 46,2 450 444 4!41 440 439 439 439, 26 644 637 627 622 620 ,61'9 6l8 618 618 2--8 855 854 852 850 850 850 849' 849 849 30 1 11 1 12 1 ]3 l 4 1 14 l ]4 1 14 l 14 1 14 32 J 43 l 44 J 47 I 49 l 50 1 51 1 5 l I. 51 l:51 2 ] ] 2 ] I 7 2 29 2 27 2 35 2 43 2 48 2 51 2 53 2 85 2 80 2 91 3 06, 3 i2 3 16 3 20 3 2,0 3 52 3 42 3 55 3 74 3 87 394 4 00 4 Ol