HomeMy WebLinkAbout1336 SHOREBIRD LN; EXPIRED; CBR2020-1549; PermitPrint Date: 09/03/2021 Permit No: CBR2020-1549 PERMIT REPORT Residential Permit Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel #: Valuation: Occupancy Group: 1336 SHOREBIRD LN, CARLSBAD, CA 92011-4884 BLDG-Residential 2157910400 $0.00 Work Class: Lot #: Project #: P/M/E Status: Applied: Issued: 07/11/2020 07/11/2020 Finaled Close Out: #of Dwelling Units: Track #: Plan #: Closed - Expired Plan Check #: Project Title: Inspector:Orig. Plan Check #:Bathrooms: Description:REPLACE FURNACE, A/C, COIL & CONDENSER (E-REVIEW) Final Inspection: Bedrooms:Construction Type: Contractor: GARETT BAIRD 1980 PEACOCK BLVD, # STE C OCEANSIDE, CA 92056-3581 (760) 842-7630 AMOUNTFEE PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, AND MECHANICAL PERMIT $175.00 Total Fees:$175.00 Total Payments To Date:$175.00 Balance Due:$0.00 Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 ï 760-602-2700 ï 760-602-8560 f ï www.carlsbadca.gov Building Division Page 1 of 1 {"Cityof Carlsbad CBR2020-1549 7/11/20 ( City of Carlsbad RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLJCA TION B -1 Pl:)n Check -------- Est. V~luc -------- PC Ooposlt -------- Date -------- JobAdd,oss l33ltl Ghor~blr-t;( Lane, s..;ie: ___ APN: ______ _ CT/Project o:. _______________ lot#:. ___ _ Fire Sprinklers: yes / no BRIEi' OESCRIPTION OF WOR K: Air Cond:itionint: '(CS/ no Replace furnace,, A [c E~rical Panel Upgrade: yes/ no CDi I & CDv,de,n~ 0 Addition/New: _____ lMn& Sf, ___ Deck SF,_ Patio Sr, ___ Garage Sf Is this to aeate an Accessory ()weiring Unit? Yes/ No Nw Fireplace? Yes/ No, if yes how many? _ 0 Remodel; ____ SF of 3ffecte2'd ar~a Is the area a convcu'Sion or change of use? Y~/ No O Pool/Spa: ____ SF AddJtional Gas or Clectrlc.il f<!>atures? __________ _ O Sobr: _ _ r<:w, _ Modules, Mounted: Roof/ G,ouOCI, TIit Yes/ No, RMA: Yes/ No, 8atte,y: Yes/ No Panel Upgrade: Yes/ No LJ R«oofa ______________________________ _ n Plumbin.g/Mecltanic:tl{Electrical Only: ________________ _ r l o""'" ----- APPUCAHT (PRIMARY CONTACT) -. Na_, ,Julia Solcue-z. Address: '/qsz AWJ,a c~o5a City: {;,a y Is !Md St, .,_l¾ Phone: _1((}0' £15· 64 32 Emon,J u 114, r,o!a rrz@ S.c.gloha I - OESIGN PROFESSIONAt CONTRACTOR BUSlNESS , Name: __________ Name: Thom,~ HPah_YJL, & Air- Addross: Add,_; Jq&Q _2.eti.Ct;Y~ l3rJ6i. -!FC., City: ______ Stote:. _ __,z;p: ____ City: Q;e,a Q(Jd e State:O Zip:_&} 2a5la Phone: Phone:~-R.lfZ -7.ftcif)_ Email: Elnoil: conti:i.a @ F6ac-c tiet- Atchitoct State License: State Liconse: ft1'f'/ DO BUS-Lio?nse: Bl OS/2 Lj Q{p/ f (Set. JOlU liusna:s ~ ~ ~A/ltrCbor (OUMJ,_,_. ~•,._ '°(OMtrutl,.-lti::t, iMp,o,if, ~et~ ~SIJuctuf~ ,,_ to lb ~.--~0-e~.Mtletwci.pe,Ntoi;o~~~NC ltd'"-•lic:cmed~toN,wo....,.,.q11&,eccatniww'sUc..-..1.aw ~1, ~ wlhs«tiofl 1000ol 0-Won 3ofttlt tkrSrntU Md ~Coddoc Wt b,t,1-IC ~ ~•Oflt,. and dk"tmb Co,~ a, ..... f?lffn~ lvtv ~tioft of s«tbt 70)L.:; by,-, ,.,.,-C:.nt ~ 11 per""" ~b ~ .ipt11a111 to 11 <Ml ~ltv ot noc f'M,. t"'-' ~ ~ ooc~,s e500». 1635 Faraday Ave CJrlsbJd, CA 92008 Ph: 760 602 2719 rax: 760-602-Ssss (m~il: 8vildine@Glf1S@d<..il,89V B--1 Pago 1 of2 Rev. 06/18 ( OPTION A ): ll,!ORKERS'COMPENSATION OEOAIU',TION: I heorl,y affirm under penalty of perjury ill?£ of the following declarations: 0 1 h11ve :,nd will maint&in i <ettiroCitt ol COl'ISet\l to selt--itls,.,rt IOt wort'.efs' QOmP"(l~l)On provided by s«tion 3100 cl the t :ibot <:ode. for the puform;r,nc:c ohlW\ wo:I: ...tiic:h this o,:rmit iS iS~ 0 '""«oc;~(' of ~tior\: I (\"(l;ly u,..-i,i tho: ~O(l'Non(( oi lh.-WOik for whlth t~ pcfffllC IS.1$.1uccl, I $1'1.'111 flOl ~•ov :,ny ~ ie M'( M(IMC( so ""to~ (o,,tl(' S...b;e(;t tO'-"t: w~ «!ffll)t(IQIIQn l-s.ot<~lltoml;r,. WM!NING: F-r~ to 5or;....cwo•~a,moc,t1~~r"""b ""'~!. •t'ld ,to.II ,v~.., ~10',et tO c:rimi1i11l p,er,e~ ~ <;,.;a fi~ "P tQ $100,000.00, i11o -'ddit;o" Ole to 1h11 CMt of comp,11:~tlori. ~ ;r,s provided b .-i Scdion 3706 of the L:ibof" Code. llltcrct and ~m:y'.li fcc:s. coNTRACTOR SIGNATURE: ~ lli!AGENT oATE: , / c.i I '2-o ( OPTION B ): OWNF,R-8UILDfil\ DEClARAT!QN: I hereby <I/firm <het I om exempt from Contractor's I k·ense Law for the following reason: 0 I, ~ owflcr' or the OtOl)trtv o, mv t ml)loyees WiCI\ ~s. ~s \tlelt sol(> (On'IP('n:.11on, \di dn th~ work ::ind tht" ~ture b. not ln~~od or offeto:I for s:,Ce (Sl-c. JOC.4, a~~~ ;ind Pr~ions c~: 'The C'.omnaor'i 1.ic:eMC t;iw d~ not ::ip,ply to tin owroer of o,o,petty who bPildS Ot >l'nl)r~ ther~n, anth ,tio does. SU<tl wort: ~se,11 ot thrwth 11,;s OWfl eml)IOWts., pt~ tl\.t wtn-lmptQ"ll\"tl'l('At; ;iire Mt lffml'ldcd Of offered for ~•c. tf, h:rW'CYCI', 1hc bui~i~ « iml)l'O'YCfflCM i:. r;old within Cl'II! Vt:11( of COffl~I\, th,: owntt•buildet will ~ the but'IMn Of l)(OYirte Ola( rie (6(1 l'IO( ~•Id OI' ~rove for vie PIPPOff: of~). O i, as ownt:t of ttlc l)t'O'PCftV, am ~v contr.Jctin~ wrth lie~ «11'\Ulict<itS. to cof\Stl\lCl th! pto~-t ("..te. 7()t,l, 6 \IS«'less .ino:s Pn)f~$10t'IS C~: The <;onrniaor'~ ~ t-does t1CK ::ipply to :in owner ol p,o~ who builds()( im1>t~ Ule'eot,, ~nd <OntraclS lot s...c.h OtO§e«S ~ oontr.lc.t<itts-) litttlse<I Ovt~:init (O ~ (;C)Mr:lctor'J: vc~ uw>, O • :,m ~t""IIX ll"IIICf" ~iOl'l -·--~ • __ eus:nes.s .ind Prol(!S$1011s. C:0<ht f-or th~ rca$0!l: 1. I P(lf$0C'.l::llt)' pl::in to prOYiclc: the ~r bbo1 ~d m~ l<ir <"On:>W®" (II ~ O'0oose<I O'0llt'W lmp,QW!M\"11(. 0 Y% n flo 2, I O'lave / "~ 1'1(1\j Sle,'lelj Ml :ipp!~n few ~ b111lclwli pcrmrt f« the proposed work. 3. I tr..rvc ~tn:tct~ with th@ 1¢1~ ~ {lirlll) t<> otc)o,11~ 1'1e p,rop,1)~ canw11ctm {lndude n::imc ::iddtcz /phone/~ liecnsc: nornbf:r): 4. 1 Dbn to pr(Wide ootti.Ot'IS <1t ~wo.1t. ~\IC 11\11.'t rlite<S \fie foolc)wlng P$t.SOn to coorcnn:tc. supc:M:-<: ar:d provide the ,najol-woC-1, (ind!><k ....,m,: / tU.ld•h'> / ption;: / contr~ctor:>' k tnSe IIUff'lbet): S. I wilt provide -t: of I.he work. but I h<IW COl'ltr~ (hi,~ t~ f¢1ic)wftlg p¢('$,CI'(; to pro\llck: tt.c WO!t lndK.:Jtcd (include n:,mc: / ~dd•t:~ / phone/ tvP" of wock): OWNER SIGNATURE: _________________ □AGENT OAT~------ CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCV. IF ANY: 1 h er«!\' ~ffitrn that th,:rt' i!o;;, (Otis.tr~ ~int ~cy lOt (he ,-..rrottr,;.~ of tl'I" WOl'k,th~ pctmrt ~ ,wvco ts«. 309/ (i} CMI Code). l~r'Sf.UIYl,o:, _______ _ _ ~r':>A<klrm: _________________ _ ONL~ COMPLETE TH_u()UOWING SECTION FOi\ N0N-R£S1DENTIA~,8UILQING PERMITS ONLY: I!. the al)S)lk:irit ()( Mure t11.11ldi11t; ocoui»~ tet,vitcd to $1,0bmit :i IN$in<::$$ 91:in,. ;,ia,t(ty ~~ m;tlcrbls •i.'eblr.ltion rotm oc Mk m:i~o..'ffll"rlt and 91t>Yi:fltlior, l)f'Q(l.lffi u"<l(f ~l~ lSSOS, 2S$33 Of 2$534 of tlleP~cy T~nctM:1~1dousSvbffion<.c Ac(Our,t/•,uJ O Yes O No IS ~ ;.p0l~t o, lutllt'e 1)u'ldlne «.cuo::int reqult..a ta ot,t;iln 3 permit from the :iir polNtiOfl control di:.tritt ot :,i, Ql:lllity ITl3~8:Cl'tle,'lt diW ict? 0 Yts O uo IS the f~ility to be (O(I~ Wlthln 1,000 f«t tJl ttie OUtH bo<.111cbry of 3 Wlool .!:itc l O Yc:s O No IF ANY Of l'ttfANS'WEAS A,ft,f YES, A FINA.I. (~Tt OE O<'.OJ"AN(,'Y MAY NOT ae ISSUED UNLESS TI-IE .IJ"PUCANT HAS MET Oil I$ MCf'l'lHG "l'MC Rt:(lUIRfMENTS Of THE ()FflCt OF tMEJtGENCY SPMC£S A.HD THE AIR POtUJTION OONYOOL OlSYR:ICT·, ~UCANT CERTIACATION: I CA!f'll'y· th::,t • ~ ~ the 111>911(:,11on :u'ld s;t::Ote thal tl'lc 111>01H: lnfo«n:itlo11 is c-0tr«t and 1.lu,1 tile lnlo1mhtion en the pla..s Is a<tut:itc, t ~t<' to OQfflpt,, ..._I\ ill City Ofdln--0'.'.> 11nd SU.le I-H$(1f"i6 to bulld1"fS (Otl!-t•W iOfl, I ht:tf:by ;,,,,,hQ(,7)1? ttptts,en(;ll1',,\" of the Clfy ofCl,tb;lld tD Mh:r Upoto the ;ibc,tc n'Oltioncd Of'Ol)Crty for inspet.t,otl 011tl)W!S. I N.S()M;lll;I; T0$A\'f;. INOEMWN /ll'C> KJJ:P WIAAll.fSS TiiE CITY Of CAAI.S8"0AGAINST ,/1,J, L UA61UTIE$, 1ur.G1,10 l1''$, OOS'S'S.V.0 (Xp(NS(S WH)(.lj >,'\AY IN Af« WAY ACCRUt l,(;A,IIJST SAlQ CITY IN<.()l(S~ OF lltltGR.ANY'INGCrn.stcPMT..OSll,,\:MOSW\Oi!l'M'Ais.t~IQt~UQns~rtf~;lllflddcmoi:-.ion.orC011...'tndionol.wwures<M,)SWri!Sinhlii'it;ht. Eli?IJ\A.Tl()N;~~tw.ll':db>/tl!elt.ildq;Off"IO:llundefther,n,1Wor6of~CodeShi1I CIQ:liret,(lm1ult1otl¥10t,«;0mtnl.lll¥1d\ddifthcb&Mdini;orwork~rito:I b\'!.IXl'lpcr,rijtGrwotcommt:l'K-t'<i~inl80dilys.ftOMltledil\E'ofS\,O(hpetmltrAlf~~"wol\avt1'«i:.i:dbv:Nmpo::,:mit ii.~or*11~.i11#f"Vll"'I! :ifu:,r thllW(ltk lrn:mmcnted for a PlfflCld of 180 lf..tys(S!:'(1.it,i, 106.4.4 UnifOfl'l't &,,;(ling COCSO). APPLICANT SIGNATURE: ~r----"---'-,A--------------DATE: / h( '2.o 1635 Farad~y Ave CJ.rlsbUJ Ph: 700,.602-2719 Fmc 760,602-8558 Email: Byilding@tar~badca.gov (M Psge 2of2 Rev.06/18