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Project No. FC-20-02-107 December 20, 2021 7287 Almaden LLC Mr. Jim Baum 140 Belday Drive Pasadena, California 91105 §MS GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 5931 SeaLion Place, Suite 109 Carlsbad, California 92010 Office: 760-602-7815 smsgeosol.inc@gmail.com FINAL REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING OBSERVATIONS AND COMPACTION TESTING, 7287 ALMADEN LANE, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA (PROJECT NO. PD 2018-0011, DRAWING NO. 511-8A) An interim compaction report was prepared and submitted at the completion of rough building envelop pad grading at the above-referenced project site entitled: Interim Report of Geo technical Engineering Observations And Compaction Testing Remedial Building Pad Grading Proposed Single-Family Residence 7287 Almaden Lane, Carlsbad, California Project No. FC-20-02-107, dated March 12, 2020. A copy of the project referenced Interim Report of Geotechnical Engineering Observations And Compaction Testing is attached with this transmittal as an Attachment. Remaining subsequent earthworks and grading operations in the perimeter areas of the previously graded building envelope including on and off-site plumbing/storm drain and utility trench backfills, pavement base and subgrade testing, foundation trenching, and retaining wall back drainage and compaction testing were carried out thereafter under engineering observations and compaction testing services periodically performed by this office. An Updated Approximate Compaction Tests Location Map showing final limits of the remedial grading works and compacted fill areas at the property is included herein as Figure 1. An Updated Laboratory Maximum Dry Density & Optimum Moisture Content List is enclosed as Figure 2. Updated Compaction Test Results table summarizing pertinent test results and approximate test elevations is enclosed as Figures 3 through 5. R18 C1077 D3740 E329 AASH!D ACCREDITED Final Report of Geotechnical Engineering Observations and Compaction Testing, 7287 Almaden Lane, Carlsbad, California December 20, 2021 Page2 Site new fills, pavement base and subgrade and wall/trench backfills were properly processed, moisture conditioned to near optimum moisture levels, manufactured into a uniform mixture, placed in thin (approximately 8 inches thick) horizontal lifts and mechanically compacted to at least 90% ( or 95% in the public right-of-way and for pavement base/subgrade, where tested) of the corresponding laboratory maximum density per ASTM D 1557, as specified or required. Bottom of removals and over-excavations were additionally ripped, processed and recompacted to a minimum depth of 6 inches as a part of initial fill lift placement. Water was provided with a fire hose. Field density tests establishing both the in-place dry densities and moisture contents were performed in accordance with the ASTM D6938 (Nuclear Gauge) test methods. Test locations were placed to provide the best possible coverage. Areas oflow compaction, as indicated by the field density tests, were brought to the attention of the project contractor. These areas were reworked by the contractor and retested. Engineering observations and compaction test results indicated that the new fills, wall/trench backfills and pavement base/subgrade within the project areas, where observed and tested, were properly placed and compacted to at least 90% ( or 95% where required) of the corresponding maximum dry density at the tested locations. Building and site retaining walls foundation trench excavations were also observed and suitable bearing soils, adequate embedment to competent bearing strata, and minimum foundation widths and depths were confirmed. Site earthworks grading and construction works performed in the reminder areas of the project property subsequent to the publication of the referenced interim compaction report ( see Attachment), where observed and tested, were also conducted in substantial conformance with the project soils reports, Chapter 18 (Soils and Foundations) and Appendix "J" (Grading) of the 2019 California Building Code (CBC), applicable codes and current engineering standards, the Grading Ordinances for the city of Carlsbad, as appropriate, and are acceptable for their intended use. All observations and testing were conducted by a representative from this office under direct supervision of the project geotechnical engineering. All remaining conclusions and recommendations provided in the referenced Interim Report of Geotechnical Engineering Observations And Compaction Testing, dated March 12, 2020 (Attachment) stay valid, and should be considered, where applicable and as appropriate. Final Report of Geotechnical Engineering Observations and Compaction Testing, 7287 Almaden Lane, Carlsbad, California December 20, 2021 Page3 If you have any questions or need clarification, please contact this office at your convenience. Reference to our Project No. FC-20-02-107 will help to expedite our response to your inquiries. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you. §M§ Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. SMS/rd Enclosure: Updated Approximate Compaction Tests Location Map, Figure I. Updated Laboratory Maximum Dry Density & Optimum Moisture Content List, Figure 2. Updated Compaction Test Results, Figures 3-5. Attachment: Interim Report of Geo technical Engineering Observations And Compaction Testing, dated March 12, 2020. Distribution: Addressee (1, e-mail) MDD Homes, Mr. Daan Zijlstra (2-email) SMS Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. Updated Laboratory Maximum Dry Densiry & Optimum Moisture Content List PROJECT NO: PROJECT NAME: PROJECT LOCATION: Test Results: Soil Type (1): Maximum Dry Density: Optimum Moisture: Soil Type (2): Maximum Dry Density: Optimum Moisture: Soil Type (3): Maximum Dry Density: Optimum Moisture: Soil Type ( 4): Maximum Dry Density: Optimum Moisture: Soil Type (5): Maximum Dry Density: Optimum Moisture: Soil Type ( 6): Maximum Dry Density: Optimum Moisture: (ASTM Dl557) FC-20-02-107 Baum Residence 7287 Almaden Lane, Carlsbad Tan-Brown Silty Sand 122.9 pcf 11% Medium to Tan-Brown Silty Clayey Sand (On-Site Mix.) 118.3pcf 15% Medium Brown Clayey Silty Sand (Import# 1, Not Used) 127.0 pcf 10% Medium Brown Silty Sand (Import #2) 128.0 pcf 8% Tan-Brown to Medium Brown Silty Sand (Import #3) 128.0 pcf 11% 3/4" Class 21 Base 122.0 pcf 12% FIGURE2 UPDATED COMPACTION TEST RESULTS PROJECT NO: PROJECT NAME: FC-20-02-107 Baum Residence PROJECT LOCATION: 7287 Almaden Lane, Carlsbad FIELD COMPACTION TEST RESULTS (ASTM D6938): Test Approximate Approximate Field Date No. Test Test Moisture Location Elevation (MSL)(ft) (%) 02/19/2020 I Pad Area 32.5'± 13.4 02/19/2020 2 Pad Area 32.5'± 13.0 02/19/2020 3 Pad Area 32.5'± 12.9 02/19/2020 4 Pad Area Rough Finish Grade 16.2 02/19/2020 5 Pad Area Rough Finish Grade 14.9 02/19/2020 6 Pad Area Rough Finish Grade 16.8 02/20/2020 7 Pad Area, Test Pit# 4 30.0'± 16.0 02/20/2020 8 Pad Area, Test Pit# 5 30.0'± 15.4 02/28/2020 9 Pad Area 32.0'± 7.9 02/28/2020 10 Pad Area 32.0'± 7.2 02/28/2020 II Pad Area 32.0'± 9.0 02/28/2020 12 Pad Area 32.0'± 8.2 03/02/2020 13 Pad Area 33.0'± 7.3 03/02/2020 14 Pad Area 33.0'± 7.8 03/02/2020 15 Pad Area 33.0'± 7.9 03/02/2020 16 Pad Area Rough Finish Grade 8.3 03/04/2020 17 Pad Area Rough Finish Grade 7.1 03/04/2020 18 Pad Area Rough Finish Grade 8.0 03/04/2020 19 Pad Area Rough Finish Grade 10.3 03/04/2020 20 Pad Area Rough Finish Grade I I.I Field Soil Dry Type Density(pct) 111.0 I 112.0 I 113.2 I 106.8 2 109.1 2 106.5 2 107.0 2 108.9 2 115.6 4 116.8 4 112.1 4 115.3 4 116. J 4 I 15.2 4 115.4 4 117.5 4 113.0 4 117.0 4 115.7 5 116.0 5 SMSGeotechnical Solutions, Inc. Max. Dry Density(pcf) 122.9 122.9 122.9 118.3 118.3 118.3 118.3 118.3 128.0 128.0 128.0 128.0 128.0 128.0 128.0 128.0 128.0 128.0 128.0 128.0 Relative Compaction Comments (%) 90 Bottom of Over-Ex. @ 31 '± 91 92 90 92 90 90 92 90 Bottom of Over-Ex.@ 30'± 91 88 Failure 90 Retest# 11 91 90 90 92 88 Failure 91 Retest# 17 90 91 FIGURE3 FIELD COMPACTION TEST RESULTS (ASTM D6938): Test Approximate Approximate Field Field Soil Max. Relative Date No. Test Test Moisture Dry Type Dry Compaction Comments Location Elevation (MSL)(ft) (%) Density(pct) Density(pct) (%) 05/21/2020 21 Sewer Trench Backfill Rough Finish Grade 10.4 116.7 5 128.0 91 05/21/2020 22 Sewer Trench Backfill -4'±BGS 10.9 117.1 5 128.0 92 05/21/2020 23 Sewer Trench Backfill -2'± BGS 13.7 112.3 5 128.0 88 Failure 05/22/2020 24 Sewer Trench Backfill -2'± BGS 12.7 115.5 5 128.0 90 Retest# 3 05/22/2020 25 Sewer Trench Backfill Rough Finish Grade 1 I.I 116.7 5 128.0 91 05/26/2020 26 Main Water Trench -4'± BGS 11.9 121.9 5 128.0 95 Almaden Lane 05/26/2020 27 Main Water Trench -3'± BGS 12.6 121.6 5 128.0 95 Almaden Lane 06/01/2020 28 Main Water Trench -1.5'± BGS 9.8 121.7 5 128.0 95 Almaden Lane 06/01/2020 29 Main Water Trench -!'± BGS 10.2 122.1 5 128.0 95 Almaden Lane 06/01/2020 30 Main Water Trench -2'± BGS 10.6 122.4 5 128.0 96 Almaden Lane 06/01/2020 31 Main Water Trench -!'± BGS 10.9 121.9 5 128.0 95 Almaden Lane 06/01/2020 32 Main Water Trench -3'± BGS IO.I 121.6 5 128.0 95 Almaden Lane 06/02/2020 33 Main Water Trench -2'± BGS 13.1 118.0 5 128.0 92 Almaden Lane, Failure 06/02/2020 34 Main Water Trench -2'± BGS 12.1 122.4 5 128.0 96 Almaden Lane, Retest# 33 06/02/2020 35 Main Water Trench -1'± BGS I 1.6 121.6 5 128.0 95 Almaden Lane 06/02/2020 36 Main Water Trench -2'± BGS 11.9 122.1 5 128.0 95 Almaden Lane 06/03/2020 37 Main Water Trench -2.5'± BGS 10.3 121.7 5 128.0 95 Almaden Lane 06/03/2020 38 Main Water Trench -1.5'± BGS 10.9 122.4 5 128.0 96 Almaden Lane 06/05/2020 39 Main Water Trench Finish Base Grade 12.9 116.1 6 122.0 95 Almaden Lane 06/05/2020 40 Main Water Trench Finish Base Grade 12.1 117.0 6 122.0 96 Almaden Lane 06/05/2020 41 Main Water Trench Finish Base Grade 13.6 112.3 6 122.0 92 Almaden Lane, Failure 06/05/2020 42 Main Water Trench Finish Base Grade 12.6 115.9 6 122.0 95 Almaden Lane, Retest # 41 SMSGeotechnical Solutions, Inc. FIGURE4 FIELD COMPACTION TEST RESULTS (ASTM D6938): Test Approximate Approximate Field Field Soil Max. Relative Date No. Test Test Moisture Dry Type Dry Compaction Comments Location Elevation (MSL)(ft) (%) Density(pct) Density(pcf) (%) 06/05/2020 43 Main Water Trench Finish Base Grade 11.8 116.4 6 122.0 95 Almaden Lane 06/08/2020 44 Retaining Wall Backfill -3'± 10.7 116.7 5 128.0 91 06/08/2020 45 Retaining Wall Backfill -3'± 10.1 116.1 5 128.0 91 06/09/2020 46 Retaining Wall Backfill -2'± 12.1 115.6 5 128.0 90 06/09/2020 47 Retaining Wall Backfill -2'± 12.6 112.1 5 128.0 88 Failure 06/09/2020 48 Retaining Wall Backfill -2'± 11.5 115.3 5 128.0 90 Retest# 47 06/10/2020 49 Retaining Wall Backfill Rough Finish Grade 10.4 115.6 5 128.0 90 06/10/2020 50 Retaining Wall Backfill Rough Finish Grade 12.4 112.4 5 128.0 88 Failure 06/10/2020 51 Retaining Wall Backfill Rough Finish Grade 11.3 115.3 5 128.0 90 Retest# 50 S.MS Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. FIGURES ATTACHMENT Project No. FC-20-02-107 March 12, 2020 7287 Almaden LLC Mr. Jim Baum 140 Belday Drive Pasadena, California 91105 §.M§ GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 5931 Sea Lion Place, Suite 109 Carlsbad, California 92010 Office: 760-602-7815 smsgeosol.inc@gmail.com INTERIM REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING OBSERVATIONS AND COMPACTION TESTING, REMEDIAL BUILDING PAD GRADING, PROPOSED SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE, 7287 ALMADEN LANE, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Submitted herewith please find the following summary interim report of our geotechnical engineering observations and compaction testing completed by our firm in connection with the remedial building pad grading at the above-referenced property. The approximate limits of the remedial grading works and compacted fill areas at the property are delineated on the enclosed Approximate Compaction Tests Location Map (Figure 1 ), reproduced from the project Precise Grading Plans (Sheet 2 of 6). Overall, current earthwork operations at the project site chiefly consisted of remedial and import fill grading within the building envelope areas for achieving the final design pad grade. Current grading operation developed minor perimeter temporary false slopes on the order of3 feet high for allowing to tie-in the planned subsequent perimeter fills underneath site improvements/wall backfills into the existing building envelope fills. Remedial and building envelope pad grading operations within the designated limits were performed under engineering observations and compaction testing services provided periodically by this office from February 18, 2020 through March 4, 2020. I. REFERENCES The following pertinent reports and documents were used as a basis of our engineering observations and compaction testing services. 1. "Precise Grading Plans For Baum Residence, 7287 Almaden Lane, Carlsbad," Sheet 2 of 6, prepared by Spear & Associates, Inc., dated November 25, 2019. R18 C1077 D3740 E329 AASHI□ A CCREDITED Interim Report of Geotechnical Engineering Observations and Compaction March 12, 2020 Testing, Remedial Building Pad Grading, 7287 Almaden Lane, Carlsbad, California Page 2 II. 2. "Geotechnical Update And Response to Third-Party Review Comments, Baum Residence, 7287 Almaden Lane, Carlsbad, California (Project No. PD 2018-0011, Drawing No. 511- 8A)," prepared by SMSGeotechnical Solutions, Inc., Project No. GI-16-06-127, dated May 22, 2019. 3. "Geotechnical Grading Plan Review Update, Proposed Single-Family Residential Development, Existing Graded Pad, 7287 Almaden Lane, Carlsbad, California (Drawing No. 511-8A)," prepared by SMSGeotechnical Solutions, Inc., Project No. GI-16-06-127, dated October 3, 2018 4. "Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Residential Development Existing Graded Pad, 7287 Almaden Lane, Carlsbad, California," prepared by SMS Geotechnical Solutions, Inc., Project No. GI-16-06-127, dated July 11, 2016. GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS Geotechnical conditions at the project site were found to be substantially the same as described in the referenced Geotechnical Investigation report (Reference 4). In general, pre-grading conditions consisted of a relatively level pre-graded pad surface chiefly developed by cutting into a modestly sloping ascending hillside underlain at or very shallow depths by formational rock units most commonly designated as Santiago Formation. A shallow fill and topsoil mantle, on the order of 3.5 feet thick maximum, covered the pad throughout, which were regarded as part of the project remedial grading operations. Imported sandy granular soils were also necessary to complete site grading and achieve final building pad grades. Import soils ranged very low to low expansive, while onsite soils vary to medium expansion potential. III. LABORATORY TESTING Pertaining maximum dry densities and optimum moisture contents (ASTM D1557) for the onsite representative soil types were obtained from the project Geotechnical Investigation report, dated July 11, 2016 (Reference 4). Additional maximum dry densities and optimum moisture contents tests were performed on representative samples of import soils. The test results are presented in the attached Laboratory Maximum Dry Density & Optimum Moisture Content List, attached with this report as Figure 2. Interim Report of Geotechnical Engineering Observations and Compaction March 12, 2020 Testing, Remedial Building Pad Grading, 7287 Almaden Lane, Carlsbad, California Page 3 IV. GROUND PREPARATION AND REMEDIAL GRADING OPERATIONS Prior to the remedial grading operations, any surface vegetation, roots and tree stumps, old foundation, surface improvements and buried structures were removed and cleared for the project areas, as appropriate. Surficial loose and compressible soil mantle and upper weathered section of the underlying Santiago Formation within the Approximate Limits of Remedial Grading/CompactedFill areas (see attached Approximate Compaction Tests Location Map, Figure 1) encompassing the building envelope plus a minimum of 5 feet outside the perimeter were then stripped and removed. Removals were extended to a minimum depth of 3 feet below rough finish pad grade, or 12 inches below the bottom of deepest footing, whichever is more, exposing the underlying dense and competent formational rocks throughout. All exposed bottom of removals and over-excavations were visually examined, and probed to assure competent formational rock exposures suitable for receiving new fills. Earth deposits generated from the onsite removals and over-excavations were reused as new fills predominantly consisted of clayey silty sand to sandy clayey silt (SM-SC/ML) ranging to medium expansion potential ( expansion index less than 90 based on ASTM D-4829 classification). Imported soils used to complete grading chiefly consisted of silty sand (SM) deposits ranging very low to low expansion potential. Site new fills were properly processed, moisture conditioned to near optimum moisture levels, manufactured into a uniform mixture, placed in thin (approximately 8 inches thick) horizontal lifts and mechanically compacted with a Wheel Loader (Doosan DL-300), Excavator (Doosan DX 85R), Bulldozer (Dressta TD-9), and a Skip Loader (John Deere 210) to at least 90% of the corresponding laboratory maximum density per ASTM Dl557. Bottom of stripping, removals and over- excavations were additionally ripped, processed and recompacted to a minimum depth of 6 inches as a part of initial fill lift placement. Water was provided with a fire hose. Grading operation, as currently observed/tested and presented in this interim report, covered the building envelope areas only and excluded the perimeter site retaining walls and improvements, which we understand will be subsequently carried out per the approved plans. Minor perimeter temporary false slopes on the order of 3 feet high were developed around the graded areas (as approximately mapped on the enclosed Figure 1) for allowing to tie-in the planned subsequent perimeter fills underneath site improvements. Engineering observation and compaction testing of the remedial pad grading operations carried out within the designated areas of the property were provided periodically by this office from February 18, 2020 through March 4, 2020. Approximate limits of the remedial pad grading works and field compaction test locations, as roughly established in the field by a hand level and pacing/tape measure form staking provided by others, or relative to identifiable features located at the site and noted on the project plans are shown on the enclosed Approximate Compaction Tests Location Map, Figure 1. Interim Report of Geotechnical Engineering Observations and Compaction March 12, 2020 Testing, Remedial Building Pad Grading, 7287 Almaden Lane, Carlsbad, California Page 4 Field density tests establishing both the in-place dry densities and moisture contents were performed in accordance with the ASTM D6938 (Nuclear Gauge) test methods, as the fill placement progressed. Test locations were placed to provide the best possible coverage. Areas of low compaction, as indicated by the field density tests, were brought to the attention of the project contractor. These areas were reworked by the contractor and retested. Field compaction test results including pertinent bottom of over-excavation and test elevations are tabulated on the enclosed Compaction Test Results, Figure 3. Engineering observations and compaction test results indicated that the new fills within the approved areas (see Approximate Limits of Remedial Grading/Compacted Fill on the enclosed Approximate Compaction Tests Location Map, Figure 1) were properly placed and compacted to at least 90% of the corresponding maximum dry density at the tested locations. Site preparations and remedial pad grading were conducted in substantial conformance with Chapter 18 (Soils and Foundations) and Appendix "J" (Grading) of the 2019 California Building Code (CBC), applicable codes, the Grading Ordinances for the city of Carlsbad and current engineering standards, as appropriate. All observations and testing were conducted by a representative from this office under direct supervision of the project geotechnical engineering. V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS In our opinion, all site excavations and remedial building pad grading operations, fill placement and compaction procedures were completed in substantial conformance with the project soils reports (see References), approved plans, city of Carlsbad grading ordinances, applicable codes and current engineering standards, and are acceptable for their intended use. All conclusions and recommendations including soil design parameters, geotechnical foundation/slab designs and improvement sections provided in the referenced reports (see References) stay unchanged, as specified therein and should be considered in the final designs and implemented during the construction phase, where applicable and as appropriate. VI. ADDITIONAL GEOTECHNICAL OBSERVATIONS AND TESTING This office should be notified before any of the following operations begin in order to schedule appropriate testing and/or field observations for confirmation and approval of the completed work: 1. Subsequent Perimeter Remedial Pad Grading: Subsequent grading in the perimeter areas of the currently graded building envelope shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of the project soils report and approved grading plan, observed and tested by the project geotechnical engineer. All subsequent new fills and wall backfills shall be properly benched and keyed into the compacted core of the temporary false slope developed around building pad, as observed and approved in the field. Engineering observations and compaction test results for the subsequent new perimeter fills and wall backfills should be summarized in a Final Grading Report prepared by the project geotechnical engineer. Interim Report of Geotechnical Engineering Observations and Compaction March 12, 2020 Testing, Remedial Building Pad Grading, 7287 Almaden Lane, Carlsbad, California Page 5 2. Foundations and Utility Trenches: Engineering observations or testing will also be required for the following work prior to foundation and slab concrete pours: a) Observe the plumbing and utility trenches after the pipes are laid and prior to backfilling. Backfill soils within trenches 12 inches or more in depth shall be compacted by mechanical means to a minimum of 90% of the corresponding maximum dry density, unless otherwise specified. Jetting or flooding of the backfill is not allowed. Care should be taken not to crush the utilities or pipes during the compaction of the trench backfill. b) Test the plumbing trenches beneath the floor slabs for minimum compaction requirements prior to sand and moisture barrier placement. c) Confirm minimum foundation embedment requirements and observe bottom of the footing trenches for proper compaction levels, including design foundation widths and embedment depths. Foundation trenching should be completed in substantial conformance with the Typical Foundation Formwork Detail included in the attached Figure 4. Where pipes cross under-footings, the footings shall be specially designed. Pipe sleeves shall be provided where pipes cross through footings or footing walls, and sleeve clearances shall provide for possible footing settlement, but not less than I-inch all around the pipe. The enclosed Figure 5 may be considered as a general guideline. d) Confirm footing reinforcement size and placement, slab thickness and reinforcing, sand thickness and moisture barrier placement. 3. Fine Grading and Improvements: a) Observe placement and perform compaction testing for fills placed under any conditions 12 inches or more in depth, to include: • Pad perimeter contour grading for establishing positive (minimum 5%) drainage away from the building. • Utility and storm trench backfills. • Retaining wall back drainage and compaction testing for m1mmum 90% compaction levels within the wall backfills. All retaining walls shall be provided with a back drainage system in general accordance with Figure 11 of Reference 4. • Spreading or placement of soil obtained from any excavation (spoils from footings, underground utilities, etc.). Interim Report of Geotecbnical Engineering Observations and Compaction March 12, 2020 Testing, Remedial Building Pad Grading, 7287 Almaden Lane, Carlsbad, California Page 6 b) Any operation not included herein which requires our testing, observation, or conformation for submittal to the appropriate agencies. VII. DRAINAGE The owner/developer is responsible for insuring adequate measures are taken to properly finish grade the building addition pads after the structures and other improvements are in-place so that the drainage waters from the graded and perimeter surfaces are directed away from the building foundations. Stormwater and surface run off water should not be allowed to pond near the foundations, or occur in a concentrated condition. Saturation of graded surfaces, fills and backfills, foundation bearing and subgrade soils shall also not be permitted. Only the amount of water to sustain vegetation should be provided. Finish ground surfaces immediately adjacent to the building foundations should be sloped away from the building at a minimum 5% for a minimum horizontal distance of 10 feet measured perpendicular to face of the building wall (CBC 1804.4). In the event physical obstructions or property lines prohibit 10 feet of horizontal distance, a 5% slope shall be provided with an alternative method for diverting water away from the foundations. For this purpose, building perimeter concrete swales (sidewalks) with flow inverts at the center of swale or a minimum of 2.5 feet away from the building wall, whichever is more, sloped at minimum 2% may be used. Concrete surfaces (sidewalks) within 10 feet of the building foundations shall also be sloped at minimum 2% away from the building. Roof gutters and downspouts should be installed and all discharge from downspouts should be led away from the foundations and slab to a suitable location. Install area drains in the yards for collection and disposal of surface water. All site retaining walls shall be provided with an adequate back drainage system, as specified. Planter areas should not be allowed adjacent to building foundations. It should be noted that shallow groundwater conditions may develop in areas where no such conditions existed prior to site development. This can be contributed to by substantial increases of surface water infiltration resulting from landscape irrigation which was not present prior to the site development. It is almost impossible to absolutely prevent the possibility of shallow water conditions developed from excessive landscape irrigation over the entire site. Consequently, we recommend shallow water conditions, if any develops, be immediately remedied by implementing appropriate measure, which may include the installation of sub-drain(s) consisting of a 4-inch diameter perforated pipe (SDR 35) surrounded in ¾-inch rocks all wrapped in filter fabric. The property owner(s) should be made aware that altering drainage patterns, landscaping, the addition of patios, planters, and other improvements, as well as over-irrigation and variations in seasonal rainfall, all effect subsurface moisture conditions, which in tum affect structural performance. Interim Report of Geotechnical Engineering Observations and Compaction March 12, 2020 Testing, Remedial Building Pad Grading, 7287 Almaden Lane, Carlsbad, California Page 7 VIII. EXPANSIVE SOIL CLAUSE Onsite bearing and subgrade soils include plastic clayey soils which range to medium expansion potential. These deposits can experience large movements and undergo significant volume changes upon wetting and drying which can be detrimental to the site improvements and structures. Building foundations/slabs and site improvement recommendations provided in our reports (see references) were provided with the intent to alleviate significant adverse impacts of site expansive soils. However, maintaining a uniform as-graded soil moisture during the post construction periods is essential in the future performance and stability of site structures, embankments and improvements. Drainage improvements should be installed and well-maintained, and water intrusions into the site clayey bearing and subgrade soils prevented. Deepened foundations and thickened perimeter slab edges should also be provided to enhance structural performance, as recommended and specified. IX. LIMITATIONS Our description of the remedial grading operations, as well as observations and testing services described herein, are limited to the work periodically performed by this office during the period from February 18, 2020 through March 4, 2020. The recommendations provided herein have been based on our field observations and testing, as noted. No representations are made as to the quality or extent of materials not observed and tested. All geotechnical information, test location and mapping on the enclosed Approximate Compaction Tests Location Map are based on rough field measurements for the purpose of geotechnical presentations only. This report is issued with the understanding that the owner or his representative is responsible for ensuring that the information and recommendations are provided to the project architect/structural engineer and respective contractors so that they can be incorporated into the plans and implemented at the site. Necessary steps shall be taken to ensure that the project general contractor and subcontractors carry out such recommendations during construction. The project geotechnical engineer should also be provided the opportunity to field verify the foundation trenching, and foundations/slab steel reinforcement prior to placing concrete. If the project geotechnical engineer is not provided the opportunity of making these reviews and observations, he can assume no responsibility for misinterpretation of his recommendations. This report should be considered valid for permit purposes for a period of six months and is subject to review by our firm following that time. IF ANY CHANGES ARE MADE IN THE FINAL PAD SIZE,LINESANDGRADES,BUILDINGLOCATION,ELEVATIONS,ETC.,PRIORTOTHE CONSTRUCTION, THIS REPORT WILL BECOME INVALID AND FURTHER ENGINEERING AND RECOMMENDATIONS WILL BECOME NECESSARY. Interim Report of Geotechnical Engineering Observations and Compaction March 12, 2020 Testing, Remedial Building Pad Grading, 7287 Almaden Lane, Carlsbad, California Page 8 If you have any questions or need clarification, please contact this office at your convenience. Reference to our Project No. FC-20-02-107 will help to expedite our response to your inquiries. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you. SMS Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. Attachments: Approximate Compaction Tests Location Map, Figure I Maximum Dry Density & Optimum Moisture Content List, Figure 2 Compaction Test Results, Figure 3 Typical Foundation Formwork Detail Included in the Attached Figure 4 Typical Pipes Through or Trench Adjacent to Foundations, Figure 5 Distribution: Addressee (3, e-mail) SMS Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. Laboratory Maximum Dry Denslty & Optimum Moisture Content List (ASTM D1557) PROJECT NO: FC-20-02-107 PROJECT NAME: 7287 Almaden LLC PROJECT LOCATION: 7278 Almaden Lane, Carlsbad Test Results: Soil Type (1): Maximum Dry Density: Optimum Moisture: Soil Type (2): Maximum Dry Density: Optimum Moisture: Tan-Brown Silty Sand 122.9 pcf 11% Medium to Tan-Brown Silty Clayey Sand (On-Site Mix.) 118.3 pcf 15% Soil Type (3): Maximum Dry Density: Medium Brown Clayey Silty Sand (Import# 1, Not Used) 127.0 pcf Optimum Moisture: Soil Type (4): Maximum Dry Density: Optimum Moisture: Soil Type (5): Maximum Dry Density: Optimum Moisture: 10% Medium Brown Silty Sand (Import # 2) 128.0 pcf 8% Tan-Brown to Medium Brown Silty Sand (Import# 3) 128.0 pcf 11% FIGURE2 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS PROJECT NO: FC-20-02-107 PROJECT NAME: 7287 Almaden LLC PROJECT LOCATION: 7287 Almaden Lane, Carlsbad FIELD COMPACTION TEST RESULTS (ASTM D6938}: ---Test Approximate Approximate Field Field Soil Max. Relative Date No. Test Test Moisture Dry Type Dry Compaction Comments Location Elevation (MSL)(ft) (%) Density(pcf) Density(pcf) (%) 02/19/2020 I Northerly Pad Area 32.5'± 13.4 111.0 I 122.9 90 Bottom of Over-Ex. @ 31 '± 02/19/2020 2 Northerly Pad Area 32.5'± 13.0 112.0 I 122.9 91 02/19/2020 3 Northerly Pad Area 32.5'± 12.9 113.2 I 122.9 92 02/19/2020 4 Northerly Pad Area Rough Finish Grade 16.2 106.8 2 118.3 90 02/19/2020 5 Northerly Pad Area Rough Finish Grade 14.9 109.1 2 118.3 92 02/19/2020 6 Northerly Pad Area Rough Finish Grade 16.8 106.5 2 118.3 90 02/20/2020 7 Southerly Pad Area 30.0'± 16.0 107.0 2 118.3 90 02/20/2020 8 Central Pad Area 30.0'± 15.4 108.9 2 118.3 92 02/28/2020 9 Central Pad Area 32.0'± 7.9 115.6 4 128.0 90 Bottom of Over-Ex. @ 30'± 02/28/2020 10 Central Pad Area 32.0'± 7.2 116.8 4 128.0 91 02/28/2020 11 Central Pad Area 32.0'± 9.0 112.1 4 128.0 88 Failure 02/28/2020 12 Central Pad Area 32.0'± 8.2 I 15.3 4 128.0 90 Retest# 11 03/02/2020 13 Central Pad Area 33.0'± 7.3 116.1 4 128.0 91 03/02/2020 14 Central Pad Area 33.0'± 7.8 115.2 4 128.0 90 03/02/2020 15 Southerly Pad Area 33.0'± 7.9 115.4 4 128.0 90 03/02/2020 16 Southerly Pad Area Rough Finish Grade 8.3 117.5 4 128.0 92 03/04/2020 17 Southerly Pad Area Rough Finish Grade 7.1 113.0 4 128.0 88 Failure 03/04/2020 18 Southerly Pad Area Rough Finish Grade 8.0 117.0 4 128.0 91 Retest# 17, 03/04/2020 19 Southerly Pad Area Rough Finish Grade 10.3 115.7 5 128.0 90 03/04/2020 20 Central Pad Area Rough Finish Grade I I.I 116.0 5 128.0 91 SMS Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. FIGURE3 Notes: Typical Over-Excavation And Recompaction Detail Schematic, No-Scale ~G~--~ SEE NOTE ,1 ---'"""' LINE OF DENSE NATMM.ATERIAL MIN. euILOJNG FOJNDATION WJLOJN6 PAD ELEVATION MIN. M:CO'IPACTED FIU. PER 60Il.S IIEflORT. 5EE ALSO NOTE: 92 1. Minimum depth of over-excavation per soils report, but not less than 2' below the bottom of deepest footing(s) or depth of approved dense native ground, whichever greater. 2. New fills shall be compacted to minimum 90% compaction level per ASTM D1557 at approximately 2% above the optimum moisture content, unless otherwise specified in the soils report or directed in the field. Notes: Typical Foundation Formwork Detail AFTER SET CLEAN TO lli!B10vE UIT ANCE OSCIJ'1 EXCAVATION MUST 6£ KEPT CLEAN ANO FEE CF 0EeRI9 Schematic, No-Scale --- 1. Foundation concrete shall be poured directly against neat trench excavation exposing approved bearing soil strata. 2. Foundation trench walls shall be stable. Sloughing or disturbed trench side walls shall not be allowed. 3. Foundation trenches shall be observed and approved by the project geotechnical consultant to insure clean excavation immediately prior to, and during placing of concrete. 4. Formwork is not permitted below grade unless fully formed. 5. Stakes are not permitted within the footing section. Project No: FC-20-02-107 61/6GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. 5931 Sea Lion Place, Suite 109 Carlsbad, California 92010 Figure: 4 z SE Typical Pipes Through or Trench Adjacent to Foundations SPREADFTG., CONT. FTG., OR GRAOf&EN.i Schematic, No-Scale LOCATE TRENCH SO ---. lHA T FOOTINGS ARE NOT UNDERMINED ' 1L "-... ~~~ 8ACKFlU. TRENCH PER GEOTECHN!CAL REPORT NOTES: 1. 00 NOT Pl.ACE SLEEVES OR CONDUIT IN ISOlATED SPREAD FOOiJNGS • R~ AROUND OR BB.OW~ FOOTINGS. 2. SLEEVES ARE NOT TO PASS THROUGH CONTINUOUS FOOTl>.'GS NOEXCAVAlMlN~ ___:__;>-''- BELOW THIS LINE OR GAAOE BEAMS UNLESS SHOWN OTKERWISE • WHERE SLEEVES ARE PBWITTEO, SEE SEE SECTION eaow Trench Adjacent to Foundation . . . \) . ~ . ~ (J • • A • • 4) • • • • • • ,£, • (: • • • ". ~ SEE NOTI:2 PROVlOI PJPE SLEEVE tl.D. T I.AAGER THAN PIP£ O.D.) WHERE AOJACOO TO C~C. • 'TYPICAi. U\6IT DISTANCE 8£YlNw.J SLEEVES TO NO LESS~ lARGER SLEEVE OUTSIDE DIAMETER OR 6" ELEVATION A-A • • ,0 " ► • • ....._ __ ·EXTEND FOOTING MIN. 6" BELOW SLEEVE (TYP.) A Project No: FC-20-02-107 Pipes Through or Below Foundation 6.116GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. 5931 Sea Lion Place, Suite 109 Carlsbad, California 92010 Figure: 5 UPDATED APPROXIMATE COMPACTION TESTS LOCATION MAP DRAINAGE NOTE: UTILITY NOTE: •lflDM2'.& 5lA'JaS' rmM IO FEET OF 1'E tlJI.Dlf; IDUOJDt SH4lJ.. 11£ SUJPE1)A .... Of'2/JDICBlrMITID»EUlJIG. •n£ alJlMJ MEDMnlY JIJJli'DfT 1D 11£ RU041l111 SWJ. IE !llff1) AltY RIOll 1NE IUU1NC AT A SUlPC or NCf LES$ 1HW S IUaNT FOR A --,,, aswa or 10 FrET il05UE) PDIF'E1DICIJIM ro 11£ FNZ OF 11E MU. •<MS/fC SIEEf flJJlf 10 /JRJW I A IIMI.II OF 1# I. ~JQr 1D Uf'Y HC'I/JlafTM. Nil tarmcl. L«J.JatS OF DflS1N(; U1IJ1IES PRltR ID 'TIE STMT (T c:atsT1IJCmL DOEER IS NOT RCiFCIISBL lfR JIIIEUS£" LDC(b rF DJSW; ~ V1V1l£S. 2. tXWIMCJDII' 1P NJJJST Dl!i1IIC V1I.JTES 10 au« IS Q.llm llOCX lb@'ii' Hl~ EXISTING RESIDENCE ~ EXJSTINGRESIOENc~w IL@'ii'd~ ',,,~, ver-Ex. @,~1'± PROPOSEO BUILDING FT• 31,1$ -J«JO G>)""~r, .. ,' ..,,/ c(('I') ~ i I }MP j 8UltFACE TYPE BREAKDOWN ~ ~MCASlllFJt:£ .mm OW-«MO-', .ti G)~~~~=;r:::,;r.sm a H'tfJIKX.(1l;C b. 7)flt: 11P£ -D @ N$11U. tE.r /flM1C 4• /1',C $DU L,47Dlll AT 1.CW 1M /fJI ,.., S1l1 DICS' I -/IO£F1r7 ~ ,.,.. '''" © ~•;.~-=,(IP,,VA>Q"" '"' S7I>. .... ,_,, jt ~~~ J,110SOFT @ROQf'DJSM:WMMJNSWJ. l"tMlaSDWa"WVfl!Lr/t"MmRPER II DIMJllY~ ~ 1,#10 SO n-@~~~la,,: :,:~':r = ~ i .,-==="""'--===-------! ~ ..... 1,#1.SOff @t:alS1R1Xr.J'.d'1"RIPPCRSIJRSDD-40Trf1£1ft11iMl I~ fltOCt 11D 50 FT 1,0' 1HCK Ola FIIJIIC llJEt ~ S1TC: mt'..: l.lJDl SQ FT © ~:: ::,:"11,':, si:wsi, f>-40 TrPE I flT1f WJ. 2 ~ IMPERVIOUS AREAS (PRE-CONSTRUCTION) ©"""' /fC/Q( ue, _, • ,.,. w,. !SEE «r>< ON SIEIT i " I D1$1111; ~ MD I I o son I ~ 11SW.J.. ,mas IMOS' •.hPm1uZP M Uia1iDWt sa £nil. a1 S1£CT J. l @11£.tlM7tEPi -" • @DmNJ11EEIDl1CAIEMMD: ~ JOr1£ .ll!JMXIS ME-1 {F'C15r t:acmKK:TOi),,. 1,606 .SO FT @ "5W1 ¥' p;c S(U} S'fC1II llWf I a,ar lllt i e IXMl1IIIJCT cw -.., ""'"",,,, {$DI/SD) i,...r. ~ SEWER LATERAL TABLE ~HW-J CONSTRUCTION NOTES R 1/Jf S1'IIE1 SWDI ti lltf1ff II fDlf,fH tJF f1CI' JO UOl lJ.IV. WEM. GIUO lllY. IDIH ll1JJI IWJ 11b. aGalVi' 8'11:S' Ml Ml lR!M'.ATWlt NtC UDf. IMlt Nf/1:C SIJIC6 llfft fA:fft 10£ lfI1 •BJY. W,£.Qt @= cw -.., n,,c..;"" {$DI/SD) i;..;: @ MTNJ. • lf1iJUilMm) PtC /ff FDR StS...oM« OMN4Gl: @_, ... __ _ @NSUU. OFK" TEE•ft•r,c ~ II/SDI •AJRUI QM1E @ COIS1RQC1 mt:'1lP SMt£ .,_. 1M.. FDt DC11L ON SECT l ® 'TRDICH R!5'l,HN;:N; l'f1f ax G-2.f. @IISTIU.-ClICTlfCN.~{,r-Fflfl1J. @CONSTRUCT BIOi atCH. r ~2(J(J(J cact1CTC OR r Z5(JO PSJ AR Nta1JCt:liC1IEJC w/ r 6 r~ .• ,u ..- ®~'~-:«; ffus,,~~::.: J5: ;;t_ ti£ LOO. IHlJtC ,a;:,vm '10 SHEET RM IUlar m J/EST. NS1AI.J. r «IP.~ In'" !l.<mEI> .. (Slf»/C$ POI aw ON ga, .1 @"""'1.IIOO(Ll<EDCLIIUT,!SlI«l>LIIN!HEfi @ «mU. a.l11'Mt !Mt AT aLm' OUTWS /fJf r.i,DtSOJ D-J4 @IISTIU.H/Qi111rX{IIN.}"""""'11D-(!>C)CMJf""""""' SIRl1a l'ER «rJT£DHOltl. EJalEDt'S ~m.s (N utO DSEJD1). ~/ ----ROaax:E.·< .. Note: Tests# 26 to #43 in Almaden Lane are not shown. See Figures 3-5 for details. "-------- ------ MB l -__: --_. _ _J EOTECHNICAL LEGEND .-, I I L _ _, Approx. Limits of Remedial Grading/ Compacted Fill ® Approx. Compaction Test Location Project No : FC-20-02-107 Report Dated : Dec. 2021 Figure 1 SCALE : 1" = 30' PLANS PREPARED BY: ~&~m,t.M\'lh1tllo~1r.Sa 47!i PROOUCTIOH SlREET. SAN MARCOS. CA. g207s PHONE (780) 73e-2.040 FJ,,;)( (760) 7.»-4845 --- 'AS BUILT' RCE__ EXP,---DATI: REVIEVED IV• INSKCTIR ~==t==t===============t==:t==t==:t=~ l:rll CI~ ~~AD IITJ t:::±:::t::::::::::::::::::::t:::t:::!:::j:::j rR&clSE CRAD~~J~Pf ~~!DENCE 7287 ALMADEN LANE, CARLSBAD DRAINAGE NOTE: :~~~~;;;:11---P_PR_O.;;.....X_;.I_M_A_T_E_C_O_M_P_A___,;,C_T_I O_N_T_E_ST_S_L_O....;;_C_AT_I___;,,0---i-,,..........,,._ •Ot$11CSlfURJl/f'1011111M •A ,..,.e, I.OC 11...,,,.. __ .,,_,,,,...,:§=, _______ ...,._\.,_,.,.__."'= [!,@'ii' t .€3~ I w EXISTING RESIDENCE I © ~ EXl8TINO RESIDENCI\W l!.,@'ij' C ~@-'.il Bott. of Over-Ex.@ 31'::I: ' I [!,@'ii' ®® ., @ @© @ Bott. of Over-Ex. @ 30'::I: EOTECHNICAL LEGEND ""™' """' '. 0--.._ ·. · .. , . ,aoauu, NC. .m JQ 1._,.., . ' ./ .,_., "" @CCIISllflrr(JIIJ--r,,c-,,a(""'1J)N'. ® IIS1N1 4" ~ ,re "'1C,,. u,..aa QIWt;£ @)""""'"1'J.IJ'l«IIR1C£/SIJU]tRL @)ltsPU. l"NC1U'W ...... MIOJl:)tlll!D•AillaAIIGIVE @awsaa mnum satE ,1.1111111. 1Elt «w. tJ/11 SJW J @llfDtlJI-,a"""...,. @)"5WL-llmlOW..lElll%{>r.-.:-8 OJl5KCT,.,, 010( r 410-C-1ttJO aN:1E£ a, r J!SDD n Mf Nt:11) £UCIEf' te/ r. ,__,,_.,,,_, • @IISPU. , .. ID'~ 1rJJEDt:rlflQlf'l[a,..,M£T,u~rr. SU 1Qi"' (If Qllf IUISH lt1H .IXK' IIED CMUI ftP Of' e&a SMll 1£ Ula. IIR' ICJ0IB. JO SHEET Rr,, IUIJIT "1 IEST. IIISl1II.L rDtl1',Z-IU'$U117(DUGftJi911C:SfO«w. 0#51Eifl @IISTN.lll«XlMIDDIAID.!ilEt:OILO#!IEErJ. @ ~ a,riw at JIT a.uar Ml'l!S ,a t!019)J o-Ja 8 M$IlitL....,,, no {tlltJIISMBIMI) CIIW7!'~ ~ C0IIMC1m _,a ___ ,,,I.IO_ ® ,-, I I L --' Approx. Limits of Remedial Grading/ Compacted Fill Approx. Location of 3'± High Perimeter Temporary False Slope Approx. Compaction Test Location Project No : FC-20-02-107 Report Dated March 2020 Figure 1 SCALE : 1" = 30' 'AS BUILT' PU.NS PMJ>MtED BY: ~UtU.tJ.\<rutJ'J8~ 475 '11100UCnoH STIUET, SAN ~ CA '2.071 PHONE (7110) 1~~ (780) 7.Je-4889 RC( __ CJCP ___ M~ IIEV][\/[J)ty, IHSl'Et:TDl ~ t:==t==t:==============:l:==:i==:t==:t=::j!::rll CI~ ~AD IITJ t:::t::j::::::::::::::::::::t::jt::i:::t::j PRECISE CRAD:~Jr ~~IOENCE 7287 ALMADEN LANE. CAR!SllAD .. ~) 11/.s/,, .... .,_ ,._ R.CL NO. 1$413 11NND1 ar ._ EXP. 9-30-20 R£',1S10N DESCRIPTION