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·- ftt£. -~~~, r7,/~ f~ ~ CONSTRUCTION TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC. SAN DIEGO, CA 2414 Vineyard Avenue Suite G Escondido, CA 92029 (760) 746-4955 (760) 746-9806 FAX RIVERSIDE; CA 12155 Magnolia Avenue Suite 6C Riverside, CA 92503 (909) 352-6701 (909) 352-6705 FAX VENTURA,CA 1645 Pacific Avenue Suite 107 Oxnard, CA93033 (805) 486-6475 (805) 486-9016 FAX TRACY,CA 242W.Larch Suite F n-acy, CA 95376 (209) 839-2890 (209) 839-2895 FAX SACRAMENTO, CA 3628 Madison Avenue Suite 22 N. Highlands, CA 95660 (916) 331-6030 (916) 331-6037 FAX REPORT OF TESTING OF COMPACTED FILL FOR BUILDING PAD AREA PROPOSED JETSOURCE HANGAR 2118 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CITY OF CARLSBAD DRAWING NO. 420-2B PREPARED FOR: JET SOURCE ATTENTION: MR. FRANK MILIAN 2056 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92088 PREPARED BY: CONSTRUCTION TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC. 2414 VINEYARD AVENUE, SUITE G ESCONDIDO, CA 92029 CTE PROJECT NO. 10-6139 SEPTEMBER 7, 2004 GEOTECHNICAL •ENVIRONMENTAL• CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION AND TESTING• CIVIL ENGINEERING• SURVEYING TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................................ 1 2.0 FILL PLACEMENT .................................................................................................................. 1 3.0 TESTING ............................................................................................ · ...................................... 1 4.0 TREATMENT OF BUILDING PADS ..................................................................................... 2 5.0 ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION ............................................................. 2 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................... 2 7.0 LIMITATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 3 TABLES TABLE I TABLE II FIGURES FIGURE 1 COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY LABORATORY TEST DATA SITE INDEX MAP FULL-SIZE PLAN SHEET APPROXIMATE COMPACTION TEST LOCATIONS E:\10-6139\Rpt_Comp Testing, Bldg Pad.doc Report of Testing of Compacted Fill For Building Pad Area Proposed J etsource Hangar Palomar Airport, Carlsbad, California September 7, 2004 1.0 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Page 1 CTE Job No. 10-6139 The site previously consisted of a distressed airplane hangar located within the Jet Source complex at Palomar Airport. This distressed hangar was located on a relatively flat area within the airport complex. Figure 1 is a map showing the general site location and the topography of the area. 2.0 FILL PLACEMENT Compacted fill was placed during recent grading to prepare the subject building pads for the construction of the proposed hangar and associated structures and/or improvements. Fill material was derived from on site and import sources. Fill was generally placed in uniform compacted lifts at near optimum moisture content. Grading was performed using standard heavy-duty construction equipment. 3.0TESTING Testing was performed to supplement field observations in promoting compliance with the applicable project requirements. Testing of compacted fill addressed by this report was conducted within the previous two months. Field-testing of the compacted fill material was conducted in accordance with ASTM D2922 and D3017 (nuclear method). Results of the field-testing indicate that fill materials were compacted to the appropriate minimum percentage (90%) of the laboratory maximum dry density as determined by test method ASTM D-1557. Tabulated results of the field compaction testing performed are provided in the attached Table I, "Compaction Test Summary." Laboratory determination of the reference compaction values for the E:\10-6139\Rpt_Comp Testing, Bldg Pad.doc Report of Testing of Compacted Fill For Building Pad Area Proposed J etsource Hangar Page 2 Palomar Airport, Carlsbad, California September 7, 2004 CTE Job No. 10-6139 fill materials is provided in Table II, "Laboratory Test Results." The full-size plan sheet submitted herewith shows the approximate location of the compaction tests performed. 4.0 TREATMENT OF BUILDING PADS To prepare the building pads, areas receiving fill were over-excavated to the depth of competent natural material and a minimum three feet below existing and/or proposed grades. Based on the preparatory grading performed and our understanding of the project, we anticipate that all proposed spread-type building foundations will bear entirely in properly recompacted structural fill. 5.0 ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION All additional grading and backfilling should be observed and tested to assure conformance with recommendations presented herein and in the approved project soils report (Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Airport Hangar, 2118 Palomar Airport Road, Carlsbad, California, CTE Job No. 10-6139G, dated April 30, 2003). 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS We conclude that the soil engineering and engineering geologic aspects of the grading are in compliance with the approved geotechnical report and addendum document(s) and the grading and/ or improvement plans ( City of Carls bad Drawing No. 4 20-2B). Proposed improvements shall be design and constructed in accordance with the recommendations of the referenced approved soils report. E:\ 10-613 9\Rpt_ Comp Testing, Bldg Pad.doc Rep01i of Testing of Compacted Fill For Building Pad Area Proposed J etsource Hangar Palomar Airport, Carlsbad, California September 7, 2004 7.0 LIMITATIONS Page 3 CTE Job No. 10-6139 As limited by the scope of the services that we agreed to perform, our opinions presented herein are based on our observations, test results, and understanding of the proposed site development. Our service was performed according to the currently accepted standard of practice and in a way that provides a reasonable measure of the compliance of the grading operations with the job requirements. No warranty, express or implied, is given or intended with respect to the performance of the project in any respect. Submittal of this report should not be construed as relieving the grading contractor of his responsibility to comply with the project requirements. The opportunity to be of service is appreciated. If you have any questions regarding testing conducted, observations made during construction or recommendations presented herein, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Respectfully submitted, CONSTRUCTION TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC. Senior Engineer E:\l 0-6139\Rpt_ Comp Testing, Bldg Pad.doc TABLE I COMP ACTION TEST SUMMARY 8/23/2004 1 South West Portion Pad 1st Lift 2 Feet Fill 5.5 115.5 12.5 91% 1 8/23/2004 2 South West Portion Pad 1st Lift 2 Feet Fill 4.5 117.5 10.5 93% 1 8/23/2004 3 South West Middle Portion 2nd Lift 2 Feet Fill 3.5 116.8 8.3 92% 1 8/23/2004 4 South West Middle Portion 2nd Lift 2 Feet Fill 2.5 11 9.8 9.5 94% I 8/24/2004 5 Buildin° Pad West Portion 2 Feet Fill -1.5 121.7 9.2 96% 1 8/24/2004 6 Building Pad Middle Portion 2 Feet Fill -6.0 120.7 9.0 95% l 8/24/2004 7 Building Pad West Portion 2 Feet Fill -4.0 120.1 8.4 95% 1 8/24/2004 8 Building Pad West Portion 2 Feet Fill -4.0 117.9 11.9 93% 1 8/24/2004 9 Building Pad West Middle Portion 2 Feet Fill -2.0 118.7 10.1 93% 1 8/24/2004 10 Building Pad East Middle Portion 2 Feet Fill -2.0 118.4 11.0 93% 1 8/24/2004 11 Buildin° Pad West Portion 2 Feet Fill -4 .0 118.7 8.3 93% 1 8/24/2004 12 Building Pad West Portion 2 Feet Fill -4.0 120.7 10.6 95% 1 8/24/2004 13 Building Pad West Middle Portion 2 Feet Fill -2.0 118.7 10.1 93% 1 8/24/2004 14 Building Pad East Middle Portion 2 Feet Fill -2.0 119.4 10.0 94% 1 8/24/2004 15 Building Pad West Portion 2 Feet Fill -3 .0 117.4 10.3 92% 1 8/24/2004 16 Building Pad East Middle Portion 2 Feet Fill -3.0 119.0 10.0 94% 1 8/24/2004 17 Building Pad West Middle Portion 2 Feet Fill -1.0 119.2 10.3 94% 1 8/24/2004 18 Building Pad East Middle Portion 2 Feet Fill -1.0 118.8 9.9 94% 1 8/25/2004 19 Building Pad North East Portion -3.0 119.2 8.1 94% 1 8/25/2004 20 Buildin Pad North West Portion -3.0 118.7 8.0 93% 1 8/25/2004 21 Building Pad Middle North West Portion -1.0 119.6 9.9 94% 1 8/25/2004 22 Buildin Pad Middle North East Portion -1.0 119.4 9.6 94% 1 8/25/2004 23 Buildin° Pad North West Comer -1.0 118.6 10.0 93% 1 8/25/2004 24 Building Pad North East Comer -1.0 120.8 10.2 95% 1 8/25/2004 25 Buildin Pad North Middle East Portion -1.0 117.3 9.5 92% 1 8/25/2004 26 Building Pad North West Portion -1.0 118.3 9.0 93% 1 8/25/2004 27 Buildin Pad North East Portion -1.0 116.7 8.1 92% 1 8/26/2004 28 Building Pad North West Middle Portion 0.0 117.9 9.8 93% 1 8/26/2004 29 Building Pad North East Middle Portion 0.0 118.9 10.1 94% 1 8/27/2004 30 Buildin Pad Area's North West Portion 1.0 118.1 12.l 91% 2 8/27/2004 31 Building Pad Area's North East Portion 1.0 118.8 12.3 91% 2 8/30/2004 32 Buildin° Pad North Middle Portion 1.0 117.5 14.0 93% 3 8/30/2004 33 Building Pad South Middle Portion 1.0 117.2 14.2 92% 3 8/3 1/2004 34 West Portion Building Pad Finished Grade FG 115.3 14.0 91% .., ., 8/31/2004 35 West Portion Building Pad Finished Grade FG 115.7 14.3 91% 3 8/31 /2004 36 North Portion Building Pad Finished Grade FG 119.l 10.6 96% 4 8/31/2004 37 South Portion Building Pad Finished Grade FG 118.4 10.3 95% 4 ** TEST FAILED, SEE RETEST 2 3 4 127.0 130.0 127.0 124.5 TABLE II LABO RA TORY TEST DATA 9.5 14.0 14.0 10.0 1 Olive silty medium SAND. Reddish brown clayey SAND Reddish brown silty to clayey SAND Light silty medium SAND. z TNj/MN 11130 117,30000° W f:\I0-4766UNDEX MAP.CNV TOPO! map printed on 02/19/03 from "California. tpo" and "Untitled. tpg" 117,28333° W 117,26667° W 117,28333° W 117.26667° W 0 S 1 MllE ~000 fEH O SOO 1000 MHEllS Printedfrorn TOPOJ ©2000 Wild.flov..-er Product:ions (www.topo.co:m) NAD27 117,25000° W NAD27 117.25000° VV (Y) (Y) z 0 0 0 0 ~ (Y) (") CONSTRUCTION TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC. GEOTECHNICAL AND CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING TESTING AND INSPECTION 2414 VINEYARD AVENUE, STE G ESCONDIDO CA. 92029 (760) 746-4955 SITE INDEX MAP JETSOURCE 2118 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CTEJOB NO: 10-6139 SCALE:AS SHOWN FIGURE: