HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-11-08; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesApproved: l-/t1 -2z. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Minutes MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Monday, November 8, 2021 PLACE OF MEETING: Virtual Meeting CALL TO ORDER: 4:07 p.m. ROLL CALL: Chair Majer, Commissioner Ly, Commissioner Prosser, Commissioner Dfaz, Commissioner Schreibman, Ex-Officio Planning Commissioner Lafferty STAFF PRESENT: Sheila Crosby, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Library & Cultural Arts Director Jennifer Davidson, Administrative Secretary Jennifer Jesser, Senior Planner Community Development Shelley Glennon, Associate Planner Community Development Mike Strong, Assistant Director of Community Development APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Minutes of the Historic Preservation Commission Meeting held July 12, 2021. 9J')-- Motion by Commissioner Schreibman, seconded by Commissioner Prosser, to approve the Minutes of the regular meeting held on July 12, 2021 as presented. Motion carried 5/0/0/0. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. NOMINATE MEMBERS TO THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE: The commission received a presentation from Senior Planner Jennifer Jesser on the Growth Management Update Advisory Committee. Chair Majer was elected primary member and Commissioner Prosser was elected alternate member unanimously, 5/0/0/0. NOMINATE A MEMBER TO THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE: The commission received a presentation from Associate Planner Shelley Glennon on the formation of a Design Review Committee to review & provide recommendations on the Village and Barrio Master Plan Objective Design Standards. Commissioner Dfaz was elected unanimously, and Commissioner Schreibman volunteered to be a member of the committee if Commissioner Dfaz is unable to serve, 5/0/0/0. Page 2 of 2 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes of the November 8, 2021 Meeting INFORMATION ON THE MILLS ACT: The commission received a presentation from Assistant Director of Community Development Mike Strong on the Mills Act, a state law enacted to help local governments preserve historic structures, and what it would take to create a local program. PROPERTIES OF CONCERN: Chair Majer informed the commission the Culver/Myers/Capp House property has sold . Chair Majer is interested in meeting the new owners to discuss possible restoration and participation in the Mills Act. Commissioner Dfaz inquired if the commission has any information on a recently demolished adobe property on Adams Avenue. Commission Liaison Sheila Crosby will inquire with other city . departments and provide an update to the commission. Commissioner Prosser requested any new information about the Culver/Myers/Capp House property be shared with the commissioners. PROPOSED 2022 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING SCHEDULE: The Historic Preservation Commission approved the meeting schedule for 2022. The commission discussed returning the Historic Preservation Commission meetings to Council Chamber at the pre-pandemic meeting time of 6 p.m. The commission discussed the option of holding special meetings at an earlier time if the commission continues to meet virtually. Commissioner Dfaz asked about the possibility of hybrid participation when meetings return to an in-person format. Commission Liaison Sheila Crosby conveyed the city is reviewing that option. Motion by Commissioner Ly, seconded by Commissioner Dfaz to approve the 2022 Historic Preservation Commission Meeting Schedule. Motion carried, 5/0/0/0. LIAISON TO THE CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Commissioner Prosser reported the city's Facilities Department has created an action list of repair items for numerous historic sites in Magee Park. A contractor will be visiting the sites in late summer and submitting recommendations and cost of repairs that will be reviewed and submitted with next year's budget process. Commissioner Prosser reported the Carlsbad Police Department's Homeless Outreach Team (HOT) has been a positive and effective presence at Magee Park COMMISSION LIAISON ANNOUNCEMENTS: Commission Liaison Sheila Crosby updated the commissioners on the historic resources inventory. The inventory was scheduled to go to City Council to reaffirm the list but was pulled from the agenda due to actions surrounding the Mills Act and the necessity to update ordinances before moving forward. The city will move forward with researching the possibility of a Mills Act program and updates to the municipal code. Page 2 of 2 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes of the November 8, 2021 Meeting COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: Commissioner Diaz asked about the proper procedure for sharing information he received about how the City of San Diego selects which buildings they include on their historical list. Commission Liaison Sheila Crosby informed the commissioners that information can be forwarded to her and she will distribute out to the commissioners in accordance with the Brown Act. Ex-Officio Planning Commissioner Lafferty updated the commission on the Planning Commission Village and Barrio Master Plan Amendment package going to City Council on Nov. 16. Many of the properties the Historic Preservation Commission discusses are part of the Village and Barrio. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Majer adjourned the meeting at 5:01 p.m.