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1340 POINSETTIA LN; ; AS070075; Permit
5/27/2021 AS070075 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit Permit No: AS070075 1340 POINSETTIA Job Address: Status: ISSUED LN Permit Type: SPRINK Applied 3/28/2007 Parcel No: 21 50703600 Approved: 3/28/2007 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: Issued: 3/28/2007 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: NORTH COAST CALVARY CHAPEL THREE FIRE SPRINKLER INSPECTIONS @ $62/EA Applicant: Owner: J. G. TATE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS. CALVARY CHAPEL NO COAST INC. SUITE E331 1672 MAIN STREET 7188 AVENIDA ENCINAS. CARLSBAD CA RAMONA, CA 760-787-0200 Fees ($,) Add'l Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 186 0 . 186 . 0 1/1 Material Submittal And, Hydraulic Calculations For North .Coast Calv'ary Chapel Building B Specification* Sectio n 15330 0 OrOTO \ RESUBt 0 FOR tfl- ci '-I FOR NI CO \ Submitted By: \ sm-fOR coo J.G. Tate Fire Protection Systems 12600 Stowe Dr. Suite 11 Poway CA. 92064 ,fS•7OO7 Fire Sprinkler Submittal Specification Section 15330 Section Description Page B. Products 1. Acknowledged Underground (not in JG Tate's contract) Underground (not in JG Tate's contract) Acknowledged 2. Arrangement Acknowledged. Acknowledged Acknowledged 3. Sprinklers Acknowledged Tyco TY-FRB Upright Head 4 Tyco TY-FRB Pendant Recessed Head 4 Tyco TY-FRB Pendant Recessed Head 4 Acknowledged 4. Valve Seals, Tags, & Charts Acknowledged Acknowledged Acknowledged Acknowledged 5. Water Motor Alarm Tyco. Model AV-1 -300 Alarm Check Valve, Model WMA-1 Water Motor Alarm, Model RC-1 Retard Chamber . 12 Acknowledged . . . 6. Hangers and Sway Bracing 35 7. Underground (not in.JG Tate's contract) Fire Department Connection(provided by underground contractor)- Sprinkler Cabinet 42 C. Execution . Acknowledged Underground (not in JG Tate's contract) Acknowledged Acknowledged 0 Acknowledged 0 Hydraulic Calculations 0 0 63 tqCD /Fire & Building I Products Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381-9312/ Fax: (800) 791-5500 (ENTRAL Customer Service/Sales: Tel: (215) 362-0700 / (800) 523-6512 Fax: (215) 362-5385 Series TY-FRB - 2S, 4&, 56, and BO K-factor Upright, Pendent, and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers Quick Response, Standard Coverage General Description The Series TY-FRB, 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, and 8.0 K-factor, Upright and Pendent Sprinklers described in this data sheet are quick response - standard cover- age, decorative 3 mm glass bulb type spray sprinklers designed for use in light or ordinary hazard, commercial occupancies such as banks, hotels, shopping malls, etc. The recessed version of the Series TY-FRB Pendent Sprinkler, where ap- plicable, is intended for use in areas with a finished ceiling. It uses either a two-piece Style 10 (1/2 inch NPT) or Style 40 (3/4 inch NPT) Recessed Es- cutcheon with 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of recessed adjustment or up to 3/4 inch (19,1 mm) of total adjustment from the flush pendent position, or a two-piece Style 20 (1/2 inch NPT) or Style 30 (3/4 inch NPT) Recessed Escutcheon with 1/4 inch (6,4 mm) of recessed adjust- ment or up to 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of total adjustment from the flush pen- dent position. The adjustment provided by the Recessed Escutcheon reduces the accuracy to which the fixed pipe drops to the sprinklers must be cut. Corrosion resistant coatings, where applicable, are utilized to extend the life of copper alloy sprinklers beyond that which would otherwise be ob- tained when exposed to corrosive at- mospheres. Although corrosion resis- tant coated sprinklers have passed the standard corrosion tests of the appli- cable approval agencies, the testing is not representative of all possible cor- rosive atmospheres. Consequently, it is recommended that the end user be consulted with respect to the suitability of these coatings for any given corro- sive environment. The effects of ambi- ent temperature, concentration of chemicals, and gas/chemical velocity, should be considered, as a minimum, along with the corrosive nature of the chemical to which the sprinklers will be exposed. An intermediate level versions of the Series TY-FRB Pendent Sprinklers are detailed in Technical Data Sheet TFP356, and Sprinkler Guards are de- tailed in Technical Data Sheet TFP780 WARNINGS The Series TY-FRB Sprinklers de- scribed herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this document, as well as with the applica- ble standards of the National Fire Pro- tection Association, in addition to the standards of any other authorities hav- ing jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the integrity of these devices. The owner is responsible for maintain- ing their fire protection system and de- vices in proper operating condition. The installing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer should be contacted relative to any questions. Model/Sprinkler Identification Numbers ;F-.- 1181 - U,... SUN .1 £.81(, 1/IIWT TY181 rcndcnt 0.61i, 1/1 111rT TV2131 - Up.ljlut 4.211, 1/2I1PT T44 O1 rcndcnt 4.lt, NPIL 1Y3131 - upright 5.61K, 1/211 NPT 1Y3231 - Pendent 5.61K, 1/2'NPT TY4131- tip. ;l1I O.OK,3/4IWT TY4CO1 r..Jcnt 0.01i, 0/4 rirT Technical Data Approvals UL and C-UL Listed. FM, LPCB, and NYC Approved. (Refer to Table A for complete approval information including corrosion resis- tant status.) Maximum Working Pressure 175 psi (12,1 bar) Discharge Coefficient prM,';11' (40,0 L t,. rM,11 ) (oo, LrM,'u") K = 5.6 GPM/psi112 (80,6 LPM/bar112) K —0.0 prM4.,;1.'0 (113, LrM,'l.,QI 1) Temperature Ratings Refer to Table A and B Finishes Sprinkler: Refer to Table A and B Recessed Escutcheon: White Coated, Chrome Plated, or Brass Plated Physical Characteristics Frame ............Bronze Button ........Brass/Copper Sealing Assembly .......... Beryllium Nickel w/Teflont Bulb ..............Glass Compression Screw .....Bronze Deflector .......Copper/Bronze Bushing (K=2.8) .......Bronze .4- Page 1 of 8 APRIL, 2003 (aD TFPI7I "S Page 2of8 TFPI7I "S ESCUTCHEON 7/16 (11,1 mm) PLATE SEATING 1/2 ** NOMINAL SURFACE NPT MAKE-IN I 1 STYLE 10 or 20 RECESSED SSU* ESCUTCHEON DEFLECTOR 6 f 5 2-1/4" 7/1 mm) (57,2 mm) NOMINAL I MAKE-IN L 2-7/8" (73 m) DIA. 1/2" NPT** f 1-9/16" 2-3/16" " (39,7 mm) WREN $ (55,6 mm) ' SSPDEFLECTOR* PENDENT REC ED PENDENT UPRIGHT CROSSSECTION 1 - Frame 3 - Sealing - Bulb 6 -'Deflector * Temperature rating is indicated on deflector or adjacent to 2 - Button Assembly 5 - Compression 7 - Bushing orifice seat on frame. Screw **Pipe thread connections per ISO 7/1 can be provided on special request. FIGURE 1 RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY1131) AND PENDENT(TY1231) SPRINKLERS 2.8 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT ESCUTCHEON 7/16(11,1 mm) STYLE 100r20 . PLATE SEATING , NOMINAL RECESSED . * . SURFACE 1/2, MAKE-IN . ESCUTCHEON . SSU . . . ... NPT DEFLECTOR (55,6 mm) OMINAL 4 WRENC (55,6 mm) SSP DEFLECTOR 2-7/8 (73,0 ) DIA. . 1/2 NPT PENDENT REC D PENDENT UPRIGHT . CROSSSECTION 1 - Frame 3 - Sealing ulb 6 - Deflector * Temperature rating is indicated on deflector or adjacent to 2 - Button Assembly . 5 -Compression orifice seat on frame. Screw **Pipe thread connections per ISO 7/1 can be provided on special request. .. . FIGURE . . UICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY2131) AND PENDENT (TY2231) SPRINKLERS .. . 4.2 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT A, ' TFPI7I Page 3 of 8 F_ 2-3/16" (55,6 mm) f STYLE 10or20 RECESSED SSU* ESCUTCHEON DEFLECTOR (111,11 mm) NOMINAL tIZ MAKE-IN / 7/16" 2-3/16" ____ (55,6 mm) FLATS 1/2" NPT** I ESCUTCHEON PLATE SEATING SURFACE 7/16" (11,1 mm) 1/2" ** NOMINAL MAKE-IN NPT SSP DEFLECTOR * h— 2-7/8" (73,0 mm) DIA. 6* PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT UPRIGHT CROSS SECTION 1 - Frame 3 - Sealing 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector * Temperature rating is indicated on deflector or adjacent to 2 - Button Assembly 5 - Compression orifice seat on frame. Screw **Pipe thread connections per ISO 7/1 can be provided on special request. FIGURE 3 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY3131) AND PENDENT (TV3231) SPRINKLERS 5.6 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT ESCUTCHEON 1/2(12,7mm) STYLE 30 0r40 PLATE SEATING 3/4fl ** NOMINAL RECESSED SSU* SURFACE NPT MAKE-IN ESCUTCHEON DEFLECTOR 6* 1/2" 2-5/16" (1 mm) (58, mm) WRENC (57,2 mm) OMINAL 4 MAKE-IN 1-9/16 7 2-1/4 (39,7 mm) L 2-7/8" (73 m) DIA. 3/4 NPT** SSP DEFLECTOR* PENDENT REC ED PENDENT UPRIGHT CROSS SECTION 1 - Frame 3- Sealing 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector * Temperature rating is indicated on deflector or adjacent to 2 - Button Assembl 5 - Compression orifice seat on frame. Screw **Pipe thread connections per ISO 7/1 can be provided on special request. FIGURE 4 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TV-FRB UPRIGHT (TY4131) AND PENDENT (TY4231) SPRINKLERS 8.0 K.FACTOR, 3/4 INCH NPT Operation The glass Bulb contains a fluid which expands when exposed to heat. When the rated temperature is reached, the fluid expands sufficiently to shatter the glass Bulb, allowing the sprinkler to activate and water to flow. Design Criteria The Series TY-FRB Pendent and Up- right Sprinklers are intended for fire protection systems designed • in ac- cordance with the standard installation rules recognized by the applicable Listing or Approval agency (e.g., UL Listing is based on the requirements of NFPA 13, and FM Approval is based on the requirements of FM's Loss Pre- vention Data Sheets ). Only the Style 10, 20, 30, or 40 Recessed Escutch- eon, as applicable, is to be used for recessed pendent installations. TFPI7I Page 4 of 8 SPRINKLER FINISH (See Note 7) K TYPE TEMP. BULB NATURAL I CHROME I WHITE LIQUID BRASS PLATED POLYESTER 135°F/57°C Orange PENDENT (TY1231) and 7Z11I1i 155°F/68°C Red 175°F/79°C Yellow UPRIGHT 200°F/93°C Green 2.8 (TY1131) 286°F/141°C Blue 1/2° NPT 135°F/57"C Orange RECESSED PENDENT 155°F/68°C Re 175°F/79°C (TY2231)* Figure 5 20O Green 1, 2, 5 #°F/57°C Orange RECESS2 155°F/68°C Red 175°F/79°C 76NT __ Yellow Y2231)** Figure 6 200°F/93°C Green 135°F157°C Orange PENDENT (TY2231) 155°F/68°C Red 1750F/791C Yellow and UPRIGHT 200°F/930C Green 4.2 1/2' NPT (TY3131) 11,2 286°F/141°C Blue 1350F/570C Orange RECESSED PENDENT 155°F/68°C Re 175°F/79°C ellow (TY2231)* 200LQ Green Figure 7 ,4go/57o Orange RECESS2d Ptfli€NT 155°F/68°C Red 175°F/79°C- Yellow FY2231)** Figure 8 200°F/930C Green NOTES: Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. for use in Canada (C-UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers. Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM) as Quick Response Sprin- klers. 5. Approved by the City of New York under MEA 354-01-E. 7. Where Polyester Coated Sprinklers are noted to be UL and C-UL Listed, the sprin- klers are UL and C-UL Listed as Corrosion Resistant Sprinklers. * Installed with Style 10 (1/2° NPT) or Style 40 (3/4' NPT) 3/4° Total Adjustment Re- cessed Escutcheon, as applicable. ** Installed with Style 20 (1/2 NPT) or Style 30.(3/4" NPT) 1/2" Total Adjustment Re- cessed Escutcheon, as applicable. Frame and Deflector only. Listings and approvals apply to all colors (Special Order). N/A: Not Available TABLE A LABORATORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS 2.8 AND 4.2 K-FACTOR SPRINKLERS Installation The Series TY-FRB Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the follow- ing instructions: NOTES Do not install any bulb type sprinkler if the bulb is cracked or there is a loss of liquid from the bulb. With the sprinkler. held horizontally, a small air bubble should be present. The diameter of the air bubble is approximately 1/16 inch (1,6 mm) for the 135°F/57°C to 3/32 inch (2,4 mm) for the 286°F/141°C temperature ratings. A leak tight 1/2 inch NPT sprinkler joint should be obtained with a torque of 7 to 14 ft.lbs. (9,5 to 19,0 Nm). A maxi- mum of 21 ft. lbs. (28,5 Nm) of torque may be used to install sprinklers with 1/2 NPT connections. A leak tight 3/4 inch NPT sprinkler joint should be ob- tained with a torque of 10 to 20 ft.lbs. (13,4 to 26,8 Nm). A maximum of 30 ft.lbs. (40,7 Nm) of torque is to be used to install sprinklers with 3/4 NPT con- nections. Higher levels of torque may distort the sprinkler inlet and cause leakage or impairment of the sprinkler. Do not attempt to make-up for insuffi- cient adjustment in the escutcheon plate by under- or over-tightening the sprinkler. Readjust the position of the sprinkler fitting to suit. The Series TY-FRB Pendent and Up- right Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the following instruc- tions. Step 1. Pendent sprinklers are to be installed in the pendent position, and upright sprinklers are to be installed in the upright position. Step 2. With pipe thread sealant ap- plied to the pipe threads, hand tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Step 3. Tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench (Ref. Figure 13). With reference to Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4, the W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench is to be applied to the sprinkler wrench flats. The Series TY-FRB Recessed Pen- dent Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the following instruc- tions. Step A. After installing the Style 10. 20, 30, or 40' Mounting Plate, as appli- cable, over the sprinkler threads and with pipe thread sealant applied to the pipe threads; hand tighten the sprin- kler into the sprinkierfitting. Step B. Tighten the sprinkler into the TFPI7I Page 5 of 8 SPRINKLER FINISH (See Note 7) K TYPE TEMP. BULB NATURAL I CHROME I WHITE*** LEAD LIQUID BRASS PLATED POLYESTER COATED 135°F/57C Orange PENDENT (TY3231) and 1,2,3,45,6 l2;3,5 155°F/68°C Red 175°F/79°C . Yellow UPRIGHT 200°F/93C Green 5.6 (TY3131) 286°F/141°C Blue 1/2 NPT 135°F/57°C Orange RECESSED PENDENT (TY3231) 1, 2, 4, 5 N/A 155°F/68°C Red 175°F/79°C Yellow Figure 9 200°F/93°C Green 135°F/57°C Orange RECESSED PENDENT (TY3231)** 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Yellow I 1, 2, 4, 5 N/A 1550F/68°C Red 175°F/79°C 200°F/93°C Figure 10 Green 135°F/57°C Orange PENDENT (TY4231) 155°F/68°C Red 175°F/79°C Yellow and 1, 2,3,4,5,6 200°F/93C Green UPRIGHT 8.0 (TY4131) 286°F/141°C Blue NPT 135°F/57°C Green RECESSED PENDENT (TY4231)* 2,4,5 N/A 155°F/68°C Orange 175°F/79°C Red 200°F/93°C Yello Figure 11 135°F/5 range ________ RECESSED PENDEN 1,2,3,4,5 .. N/A .58°C Red 175°F/79°C Yellow Figure 12 200°F/93°C Green NOTES: Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. for use in Canada (C-UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers. Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM) as Quick Response Sprinklers. Approved by the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB) as Quick Response Sprinklers: however, the LPC does not rate the thermal• sensitivity of recessed sprinklers. Approved by the City of New York under MEA 354-01-E. VdS Approved (For details contact Tyco Fire & Building Products, Enschede, Netherlands, Tel. 31-53-428-4444/Fax 31-53-428-3377). Where Polyester Coated and Lead Coated Sprinklers are noted to be UL and C-UL Listed, the sprinklers are UL and C-UL Listed as Corrosion Resistant Sprinklers. Where Lead Coated Sprinklers are noted to be FM Approved,, the sprinklers are FM Approved as a Corrosion Resistant Sprinklers. * Installed with Style 10 (1/2 NPT) or Style 40 (3/4" NPT) 3/4" Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. Installed with Style 20 (1/2" NPT) or Style 30 (3/4" NPT) 1/2" Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. Frame and Deflector only. Listings and japprovals apply to all colors (Special Order). N/A: Not Available TABLE B LABORATORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS 5.6 AND 8.0 K-FACTOR SPRINKLERS sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench (Ref. Figure 14). With reference to Figure 1, 2, 3, and 4, the W-Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench is to be applied to the sprinkler wrench flats. Step C. After the ceiling has been in- stalled or the finish coat has been ap- plied, slide, on the Style 10, 20, 30, or 40 Closure over the Series TY.FRB Sprinkler and push the Closure over the Mounting Plate until its flange comes in contact with the ceiling. Page 6 of 8 5/8±1/4' (15,9±6,4 mm) - 2-7/8" DIA. (73,0 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. I 3/4"(19,1 mm) 1/4" (6,4 mm) FACE OF 57,2mm MOUNTING SPRINKLER f PLATE FITTING 1/8' 4A/ amJ (3,2 mm) MOUNTING / SURFACE,// SERIES I3,3 mm CLOSURE TY-FRB 13/16' (20,6 mm) .J6!URE 5 ERIESjY#B RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWJ1ECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT .tYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 2.8 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT 2-7/8" DIA. (73,0 mm) 5/8±1/4' 3/4"(19,1 m - (15,9:t6,4 mm 2-1/4" DIA. 1/4' (6,4 FACE OF (57,2 mm) M NTING SPRINKLER PLATE FITTING 1/8' (3,2 mm) Dr MOUNTING SURFACE SERIES 1-1/4'(31,8mm) I CLOSURE TY-FRB 3/4'(19,1 mm) FIGURE 7 RIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WI TWO-PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 4.2 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT TFPI7I 1/2±1/8 - 2-7/8' DIA. (73,0 mm) 1/2" m) E (127±32mm) 2-1/4' DIA 4 (6,4 mm) FACE OF (57,2 mm) MOUNTING PLATE FITTING SPRINKLER (3,2 mm) MOUNTING SURFACE CLOSURE SERIES 1-5/16"(33,3 mm) TY-FRB 1-1/16"(27,0 mm) FIGURE 6 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 2.8 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT - 2-7/8' DIA. - (73,0 mm) I 1/2±1/8' I 1/2'(12,7m r (12,7±3,2 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. I 1/4' (6.4 m) I SPRINKLER I I PLATE I FACE OF 1572 mm) M NTING FITTING 1/8" (3,2 MM I MOUNTING l\ /.I -. 1 SURFACE SERIES CLOSURE TY-FRB 1"(25,4 mm). FIGURE 8 ERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WI TWO-PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 4.2 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT Care and Maintenance The Series TY-FRB Sprinklers must be maintained and serviced in accord- ance with the following instructions: NOTES Before closing a fire protection system main control valve for maintenance work on the fire protection system that it controls, permission to shut down the affected fire protection system must be obtained from the proper authorities and all personnel who may be affected by this action must be notified. Absence of an escutcheon, which is used to cover a clearance hole, may delay the time to sprinkler operation in a fire situation. Sprinklers that are found to be leaking or exhibiting visible signs of corrosion must be replaced. Automatic sprinklers must never be painted, plated, coated or otherwise altered after leaving the factory. Modi- fied sprinklers must be replaced. Sprinklers that have been exposed to corrosive products of combustion, but have not operated, should be replaced if they cannot be completely cleaned by wiping the sprinkler with a cloth or by brushing it with a soft bristle brush. Care must be exercised to avoid dam- age to the sprinklers - before, during, and after installation. Sprinklers dam- aged by dropping, striking, wrench twist/slippage, or the like, must be re- placed. Also, replace any sprinkler that has a cracked bulb or that has lost liquid from its bulb. (Ref. Installation Section). Frequent visual inspections are rec- ommended to be initially performed for corrosion resistant coated sprinklers, after the installation has been com- pleted, to verify the integrity of the cor- rosion resistant coating. Thereafter, annual inspections per NFPA 25 should suffice; however, instead of in- specting from the floor level, a random sampling of close-up visual inspec- tions should be made, so as to better determine the exact sprinkler condi- ¼ S TFPI7I - 2-7/8 DIA. 5/8±1/4 (73,0 mm) 3/4' (19,1 mm) (15,9±6,4 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. 1/4 (6,4 mm) FACE OF MOUNTING SPRINKLER PLATE 57,2 FITTING 1/8" .7 MOUNTING SURFACE SERIES 1-1/4'(31,8 mm) CLOSURE TY-FRB 3/4"(19,1 mm) FIGURE 9 SERIES TY.FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 5.6 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT Page 7 of 8 2-7/8" DIA. - (73,0 mm) I 1/2±1/8' I 1/2(12,7mm) r (12,7±3,2 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. 1/4(6,4mm) FACE OF MOUNTING I SPRINKLER I PLATE I FITTING 1/8" \. MOUNTING SURFACE SERIES 1-1/4(31,8mm) - CLOSURE TY-FRB 1" (25,4 mm) FIGURE 10 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 5.6 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT 2-7/8" DIA. - 2-7/8" DIA. 5/8±1/4" (73,0 mm) I 3/4"(19,1 mm) 1/2±1/8" (73,0 mm) 1/2'(12,7 I (15,9±6,4 mm) - 2-1/4" DIA. I 1/4"(6,4 mm) E (12,7±3,2 mm) 2 1/4 DIA 1 ,4 mm) MOUNTING FACE OF PLATE SPRINKLER (57,2 mm) MOUNTING FACE OF SPRINKLER _1rj__L___ PLATE FITTING 1/8 3,2 mm) __ mm) FITTING MOUNTING MOUNTING -FRB SURFACE SURFACE SER ES CLOSURE SERIES 1-5/16" (33,3 mm) CLOSURE (20,6 mm) TY-FRB 1-1/16"(27,0 mm) FI!'"""E 11 Ell FIGURE 12 SERIES TYM1RECESSED PENDENT SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWQPfEàE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT WITH TWO-PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT 9fl'LE 40 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 8.0 K-FACTOR, 3/4 INCH NPT STYLE 30 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 8.0)(-FACTOR, 3/4 INCH NPT tion and the long term integrity of the corrosion resistant coating, as it may be affected by the corrosive conditions present. The owner is responsible for the in- spection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and de- vices in compliance with this docu- ment, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protec- tion Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. The in- stalling contractor or sprinkler manu- facturer should be contacted relative to any questions. It is recommended that automatic sprinkler systems be inspected, tested, and.maintained by a qualified Inspection Service. / WRENCH RECESS 1/2" NPT MODELS) WRENCH RECESS (END "B" USED FOR 3/4" NPT MODELS) FIGURE 13 W-TYPE 6 SPRINKLER WRENCH WRENCH RECESS PUSH WRENCH IN TO ENSURE ENGAGEMENT WITH SPRINKLER WRENCHING AREA FIGURE 14 W-TYPE 7 RECESSED SPRINKLER WRENCH 34 Page 8 of 8 TFPI7I PIN 57-XXX-X-XXX I I MODEL/SIN I I I SPRINKLER _[ 1 NATURAL BRASS 4 WHITE POLYESTER 9 CHROME PLATED 7 LEAD COATED I I TEMPERATURE RATING 135 135F/57°C .l3I( Ufll0I IT(I/flWT) T',I 131 T'1CQ1 155 155°F/68°C 84- C.01( ENDEJT (1,'c"llrT) IT 142131 175 175°F/79°C e- 4.I( UflIOI (1,'C"NPT) T''2231 200 200F/93°C ei- 411( Ef4DENT (1,TFJPT) 370 5.6K UPRIGHT (1/2°NPT) 1Y3131 286 286°F/141C 371 5.6K PENDENT (1/2"NPT) 1Y3231 TABLE C PART NUMBER SELECTION SERIES TY-FRB PENDENT AND UPRIGHT SPRINKLERS Limited Warranty Products manufactured by Tyco Fire Products are warranted solely to the original Buyer for ten (10) years against defects in material and work- manship when paid for and properly installed and maintained under normal use and service. This warranty will ex- pire ten (10) years from date of ship- ment by Tyco Fire Products. No war- ranty is given for products or components manufactured by compa- nies not affiliated by ownership with Tyco Fire Products or for products and components which have been subject to misuse, improper installation, corro- sion, or which have not been installed, maintained, modified or repaired in ac- cordance with applicable Standards of the National Fire Protection Associa- tion, and/or the standards of any other Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Mate- rials found by.Tyco Fire Products to be defective shall be either repaired or replaced, at Tyco Fire Products' sole option. Tyco Fire Products neither as- sumes, nor authorizes any person to assume for it, any other obligation in connection with the sale of products or parts of products. Tyco Fire Products shall not be responsible for sprinkler system design errors or inaccurate or incomplete information supplied by Buyer or Buyer's representatives. IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS BE LIABLE, IN CON- TRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THE- ORY, FOR INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LABOR CHARGES, RE- GARDLESS OF WHETHER TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS WAS INFORMED ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OP'SUCH DAMAGES, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS' LI- ABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE SALES PRICE. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS MADE IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FIT- NESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR- POSE, Ordering Procedure When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Refer to the Price List for complete listing of Part Numbers. Contact your local distributor for avail- ability. Sprinkler Assemblies with NPT Thread Connections: Specify: (Specify Model/SIN), Quick Response, (specify K-factor), (specify temperature rating), Series TY-FRB (specify Pendent or Upright) Sprinkler with (specify type of finish or coating), P/N (specify from Table C). Recessed Escutcheon: Specify: Style (specify) Recessed Es- cutcheon with (specify finish), P/N (specify). 1/2" (15 mm) Style 10 Chrome Plated .........P/N 56-701-9-010 1/2" (15 mm) Style 10 While Color Coated ................P/N 56-701-4-010 1/2" (15 mm) Style 10 Brass Plated ...........P/N 56-701-2-010 1/2" (15 mm) Style 20 hrme Plated .........P/N 1/2p0 56-705-9-010 (15 mm) Style 20 While Color Coated ................P/N 56-705-4-010 1/2 (15 mm) Style 20 Brass Plated ...........P/N 56-705-2-010 3/4" (20 mm) Style 30 Chrome Plated .........P/N 56-705-9-011 3/4" (20 mm) Style 30 White Color Coated ................P/N 56-705-4-011 3/4" (20 mm) Style 30 Brass Plated ...........P/N 56-705-2-011 3/4" (20 mm) Style 40 Chrome Plated .........P/N 56-700-9-010 3/4" (20 mm) Style 40 White Color Coated ................P/N 56-700-4-010 3/4" (20 mm) Style 40 Brass Plated ...........P/N 56-700-2-010 Sprinkler Wrench: Specify: W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-000-6-387. Specify: W-Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-850-4-001. TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 tqco IF/re & Building / Products Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381-9312 / Fax: (800) 791-5500 Model AV-1-300 Alarm Check Valve, 300 psi (20,7 bar) 2-1/2,4,6, & 8 Inch (DN65, DNIOO, DNI50 & DN200) Vertical or Horizontal* Installation General Description The Model AV-1-300 Alarm Check Valves are divided seat ring, rubber faced clapper, waterfiow alarm check valves that are intended for use in wet pipe (automatic sprinkler) fire protec- tion systems. They may be installed vertically or horizontally*, and they are designed to automatically actuate electric and/or hydraulic alarms when there is a steady flow of water into the system that is equivalent to the dis- charge rate of one or more sprinklers. A separately ordered, Model RC-1 Re- tard Chamber (TFP920) is required for installations subject to variable pres- sures. It is used to help prevent false alarms associated with pressure vari- ations in public water supplies. The AV-1-300 Alarm Check Valve Trim includes pressure gauges to monitor system pressure conditions, a by-pass check valve, a main drain valve, and an alarm test valve. The bypass check valve reduces the pos- sibility of false alarms by permitting slow as well as small transient in- creases in water supply pressure to be passed through to the system without opening the waterway clapper. WARNING The Model AV-1-300 Alarm Check Valves described herein must be in- stalled and maintained in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Association, in addition to the standards of any other authori- ties having jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the integrity of these devices. The owner is responsible for maintain- ing their fire protection system and de- vices in proper operating condition. The installing contractor or manufac- turer should be contacted relative to any questions. Page I. of 22 End Connection Available Inlet x_Outlet Nominal Groove Flange Flange Valve Size x Groove x Groove x Flange 2-1/2 Inch • N/A (0N65) 22 lbs. (10,0 Kg) 28 lbs. (12,7 Kg) 4lnch .1 • I (DN100) 45 lbs. (20,4 Kg) 51 lbs. (23,1 Kg) 62 lbs. (28,1 Kg) 6lnch • I (DN150) 68 lbs. (30,9 Kg) 78 lbs. (35,4 Kg) 93 lbs. (42,2 Kg). 81nch I • (DN200) 129 lbs. (58,6 Kg) 148 lbs. (67,1 Kg) 167 lbs. (75,8 Kg) * 4, 6, and 8 Inch (DNI 00, DNI 50, and DN200) Valve Sizes MARCH, 2006 TFP9I0 VALVE PARTS NO. DESCRIPTION QTY. REF 12 Handhole Cover Hex Bolt, 2-1/2 Inch Valves, 1/2-13 UNC-2A x 1-1/4" Long .....4 CH 4 Inch Valves, 1/2-13 IJNC-2A x 1-3/4" Long .....4 CH 6 Inch Valves, 1/2-13(JNC-2A x 1-3/4" Long .....6 CH 8 Inch Valves, 3/4-10 UNC-2A x2" Long ......... 6 CH 13 4,6,&8Inch Valves only: Clapper Hinge Pin Square Head Pipe Plug, 3/8" NPT ....1 CH VALVE PARTS NO. DESCRIPTION QTY. REF. 1 Valve Body .......1 NR 2 Handhole Cover . . . 1 NR 3 Handhole Cover Gasket ..........1 See (a) 4 Seat Ring .......... 1 NR .5 Clapper ..........1 See (b) !6 Clapper Facing . ... 1 See (a) or (b) 7 Clapper Washer ... I See (b) 8 2-1/2 Inch Valve: Lock Nut .........1 See (b) 4, 6, & 8 Inch Valves: Hex Self-Locking Cap Screw .......1 See (b) 9 Clapper Hinge Pin.. 1 See (b) 10 Clapper Hinge Pin Bushing, 2-1/2 Inch Valve . . . 2 NR 4, 6, & 8 Inch Valves ...........4 NR 11 Clapper Spring .... 1 See (b) REPLACEMENT PARTS NO. DESCRIPTION P/N Repair Parts Kit, Includes 3 & 6 2-1/2 Inch Valve ......92-200-1-216 4 Inch Valve .........92-200-1-416 6 Inch Valve ... ...... 92-200-1-620 8 Inch Valve .........92-200-1-816 Clapper Assembly, Includes 5-9, 11 2-1/2 Inch Valve ......92-200-1-218 Includes 5-11 4 Inch Valve .........92-200-1-423 6 Inch Valve ...........92-200-1-623 8 Inch Valve .........92-200-1-823. NOTES: F x Fvalve shown for reference; components for G x C and F x G valves are shared. NR: Not Replaceable CH: Common Hardware Page 2 of 22 TFP9IO CLAPPER ASSEMBLY 2-1/2 INCH VALVE The 2-1/2 Inch (DN65) Valves with NPT threaded ports have a 1-1/4 inch main drain connection. The 2-1/2 Inch (0N65) Valves with ISO threaded ports have a DM40 main drain connection. The 4, 6, and 8 Inch (DN100. 0N150, and DN200) Valves with NPT threaded ports have a 2 inch main drain connection. The 4, 6, and 8 Inch (ON 100. DN150, and DN200) Valves with ISO threaded ports have a DN50 inch main drain connection. FIGURE 1 2-1/2,4, 6 & 8 INCH (DN65, DNIOO, DNI50 & DN200) MODEL AV-1-300 ALARM CHECK VALVE .ASSEMBLY .. . . . TFP9I0 Page 3of22 FLOW RATE IN LITRES PER MINUTE (!j) 4.I ....na....... IIM I •.... ..... lull . .'a .. U. •••••U u•••II••wa••u•uuuulIslll••4u••uu•uu••••U•••u•UUI ••••••••••r4•••uuuuulIa,uuu•uuu•••u•••uua•••••uUI •••••••uii••vuu••u•iiii.imii•i••uuuu•••.•••iri••uuuIUI JsIs .u.uuui si. •••l••UIU_WáUiUIiiiiIiiUiiIVi•UUiiii•UUII'4i•••.UUUlII 'a. ii ii ii 11111 _____ H .F :af . 2.0 ••••• IIIiIIWliIUflhIiiiMUuuIfluIUIAiiI••UIUWl U U •U I ••P ••••U I IIuI••UU Is .11 'uS s•• .551 sI• IL•L Sills U UU A.... uuI .' 00 • IR •••UV4I••URiiIW4iIiiiiUIuiiIi . 4••UiI•VUUUi S SI 02 6 I • UUU'4UIUUIUIlIIR'IIIilhI••UUIIII uuuIyIuIa•uuuuuuuuurIImIuuuuuuuuuIu•TA•iuuuuurAuuuui flhiI•4liiIi , •, ______ • ..u.,4iui..I•iuuIr1iuuIuuui.iuuIuli•W1UUuIIIIiU 111.1 5' • LSUNUU uuiuuAuIuIu•iiuIuIrlIIIIIuIuIuuuuIuuI•r4uuiilhiiA.uuiuui ••WAU•UUlluuul••••UU•••••V4•••UUU ••••uu•uuluuIi•••u•Uuuw......U 070 , Z • • • u•u '•••••UU S S • S • ••A•u••II••••WAUUIIIIIIuIII•UU••I•r•••UUUU•P Vi••UII•••NUUflIUIUIulUhll••lIII•••U•••IIYiU•••U•UUI •••••••II 0.7 •.•..••.u••uurjuiuuuiuiuiuu•u•uuwa...u..uI'....uIII 0,050 SI, guI. 300 400 500 05 •IS Z,IsI,ISI'ISDIS S FLOW RATE IN GALLONS PER MINUTE (GPM) The approximate friction loss, based on the Hazen and Williams formula and expressed in equivalent length of pipe with C=120, is a of Sch. 40 pipe for iValve feet of 4 i lifeet feet of 6 feet of 8 h. 30 pipe for the h AV-1-300 Valve calculated on a typical flow rate of 2500 GPM. GRAPH A V.' 8INCH65, DN100, DN150 & DN200) MODEL A V-1-300 ALARM CHECKV/TIYI —NOMINAL PRESSURE LOSS VERSUS FLOW — Flange Drilling Specification Nominal Dimensions in Inches and (mm) Nominal Valve ANSI B16.1 ISO 2084 ISO 2084 JIS B 2210 AS 2129 Size (Class 125)1 - (PN10)2 (PN16 )3 '10K) - (Table E) - Dim. Dim. Qty. Dim. I Dim. Qty. Dim. Dim. Qty. Dim. Dim. Qty. Dim. Dim. Qty. A B N A B N A B N A B N A B N 2-1/2 Inch 5.50 0.75 4 5.71 0.71 5.51 0.75 5.00 0.71 (0N65) (139,7) (19,0) - USE ISO 2084 (145,0) (18,0) (140,0) (19,0) (1 27,0) (18,0) 4 Inch 7.50 0.75 8 7.09 0.71 8 6.89 0.75 8 7.00 0.71 - 8 (DN100) (1905) (19,0) (PN16) (180,0) (18,0) (175,0) (19,0) (178,0) (18,0) 6 Inch 9.50 0.88 - 8 9.45 0.87 8 9.45 0.91 8 9.25 0.87 8 (DN150) (241,3) (22,2) (240,0) (22,0) (240,0) (23,0) (235,0) (22,0) 8 Inch 11.75 0.88 8 11.61 I 0.87 I 8 11.61 0.87 12 11.42 0.91 12 11.50 0.87 8 (DN200) (298,5) (22,2) (295,0) (22,0) (295,0) (22,0) (290,0) (23,0) (292,0) (22,0) Dim. A 1 Same drilling as for B16.5 (Class 150) and 816.42 (Class 250). Bolt Circle 2 Same drilling as for BS 4504 Section 3.2 (PN10) and DIN 2532 (PN10). Diameter Same drilling as for BS 4504 Section 3.2 (PN16) and DIN 2532 (PN16). B C Dim. Qty. N Number of Bolt Holes TABLE A - FLANGE DRILLING SPECIFICATIONS - Page 4 of 22 Technical Data Approvals: UL and C-UL Listed, as well as FM Approved. Working Water Pressure Range 20 to 300 psi (1,4 to 20,7 bar). Friction Loss Refer to Graph A. Physical Characteristics The body is ductile iron, the handhole cover is ductile iron or cast iron, and the seat ring is bronze. The clapper for the 2-1/2 inch (DN65) valve size is stainless steel. The clapper for the larger valve sizes is either cast or duc- tile iron. All valve sizes utilize an EPOM clapper facing. Flanged connections are available drilled per ANSI, ISO, AS, and JIS specifications as detailed in Table A. Threaded port connections for the AV-1-300 Valves are available NPT threaded or threaded per ISO 7/1 as detailed in the Ordering Procedure section. Valves with NPT threaded ports will readily accept the trim ar- rangements detailed in Figures 4 through 6. Operating Principles TFP9IO WATERFLOW PRESSURE ALARM SWITCH ONCE RETARD CHAMBER OVERFLOWS, WATERFLOW PRESSURE I ALARM SWITCH AND RETARD WATER MOTOR 0 ALARM ACTUATE CHAMBER UPON SPRINKLER WATERFLOW FLOW, WATERWAY TO WATER CLAPPER OPENS MOTOR ALARM WATERFLOW TO SYSTEM 7/32 I (5,6 mm) SYSTEM ORIFICE PRESSURE RESTRICTION INLET '' GAUGE ASSEMBLY 1/8 (3.2 mm) ORIFICE • SUPPLY OUTLET V Li 0 PRESSURE o .-- .. GAUGE WHEN FLOW THROUGH RESTRICTION ASSEMBLY INLET EXCEEDS OUTLET, MAIN - RETARD CHAMBER DRAIN BEGINS TO FILL VALVE WATERFLOW THROUGH SEAT - RING GROOVE AND ALARM PORT FIGURE 2 2-1/2, 4, 6 & 8 INCH (DN65, DNIOO, DNI50 & DN200 MODEL A V-1-300 ALARM CHECK VALVE - OPERATION - SCREEN When the fire protection system is in- itially being pressurized, water will flow into the system until the water supply and system pressure become equal- ized, and the torsion Spring closes the Clapper in the Alarm Check Valve. Once the pressures have stabilized, the Alarm Check Valve is in service and the centrally located groove in the Seat Ring is sealed. Consequently, with the Alarm Check Valve set for service, there is no flow through the alarm port to the alarm devices (i.e., water motor alarm and/or pressure alarm switch). When there is a steady flow of water into the sprinkler system due to a sprinkler operation, the Clapper opens as shown in Figure 2. Water is then permitted to flow into the centrally lo- cated groove in the Seat Ring and out through the alarm port towards the Re- striction Assembly (Figure 3). When the flow through the inlet restriction of the Restriction Assembly exceeds the flow through the outlet restriction, the Retard Chamber (where provided in the case of systems with variable pres- sure), begins to fill. Subsequently, the INLET RESTRTICTION WITH 0.219"(5.6 mm) ORIFICE Water motor alarm and/or the pressure alarm switch will be actuated. The alarms will continue to be actuated as long as the Clapper remains opened. Water in the alarm lines will automat- ically drain out through the 1/8 inch (3,2 mm) drain orifice in the Restriction Assembly (Figure 3) when the Clapper closes (due to a discontinuation in the flow of water into the sprinkler sys- tem). In the case of variable pressure sys- tems, slow as well as small transient increases in water supply pressure may continue to be built up in the sys- tem (via the bypass check valve) with- out opening the Clapper. A transient surge in supply pressure which is suf- ficient to only momentarily open the Clapper will not cause a false alarm, and a portion of the increase in pres- sure will be trapped within the system, thus reducing the possibility of another opening. Any water in the alarm line is automatically drained, further reduc- ing the possibility of a false alarm due to a successive transient surge in sup- ply pressure. DRAIN RESTRTICTION WITH (3.2 mm) ORIFICE FIGURE 3 RESTRICTION ASSEMBLY (Provided with Alarm Check Valve Trim) '5 TFP9IO Page 5 of 22 Design Criteria In planning the installation, considera- tion must be given to the disposal of the large quantities of water that may be associated with draining the system or performing a flow test. Valves installed in the vertical position must have the flow going up. Valves installed in the horizontal position must be positioned so that the drain connec- tion points down. The sprinkler system designer must be aware that the configuration of the pip- ing network and its tendency to trap pockets of air (such as in the case of a peaked-roof gridded system) can af- fect the performance of the alarm sys- tem. Although a slight amount of trapped air is desirable to prevent sig- nificant pressure increases due to thermally induced expansion of the water, a large quantity of trapped air in a system may result in the possibility of an intermittent alarm. The possibility of an intermittent alarm condition is a consequence of the fact that the flow out of the system through the test valve or a single sprinkler is very small relative to the flow that can be passed through the valve. This dif- ference increases with valve size. If the system were free of trapped .air, flow in would equal flow out and the Clapper would always stabilize at some open position (as needed to ac- commodate the required flow). With trapped air in the system, however, the Clapper first opens wider since the system initially demands greater flow until the air pockets are compressed (back to nearly the supply pressure), and then it will tend to return closer to the Seat Ring. If the volume of the air pockets is excessive, flow into the sys- tem can be momentarily reduced to nearly zero (once the air pockets are compressed) and the Clapper may close, causing flow to the alarms to be shutoff. Once the Clapper has closed, suffi- cient water must flow out of the system before the Clapper will again open. A repetition of the above described con- dition is termed an intermittent alarm. Using a vent (which can also serve as an end-of-line Inspector's Test Con- nection) piped from the top of a cross main or end of a branch line at the point most remote from the alarm valve, and filling the system slowly in accordance with the steps described in the Setting Procedure section, can prevent an excessive amount of air from being trapped. Installation NOTES Proper operation of the Model AV-1- 300 Alarm Check Valves depends upon the (rim described in this data sheet being installed in accordance with the following instructions. Failure to follow the appropriate trim installa- tion instructions may prevent the de- vice from functioning properly as well as void listings/approvals, and the manufacturer's warranties. The Alarm Check Valves must be in- stalled in readily visible and accessible locations. It is recommended that provision be made for viewing the alarm line drain water by locating the main drain outlet in a readily visible area. Wet pipe fire protection systems must be maintained at a minimum tempera- ture of40°F/4°C. Step 1. Trim the Alarm Check Valve in accordance with Figure 4, 5, or 6, as applicable. Apply pipe thread sealant sparingly to male threads only. Step 2. The Alarm Vent Trim illus- trated in Figure 8 must be installed if a water motor alarm is not to be used. Step 3. Plug unused alarm connec- tions. Step 4. Suitable provision must be made for disposal of alarm line and system drainage water. Drainage water must be directed so that it will not cause damage or result in danger- ous conditions. Step 5. The alarm line drain must be arranged so that there will be no dan- ger of freezing. Step 6. The check valve in the exter- nally mounted bypass around the wa- terway Clapper must be installed with its arrow pointed up, and the drain check valve must be installed with its arrow pointing towards the drain. Step 7. It is recommended that a vent connection (which may also be used as an end-of-line Inspector's Test Connection), be piped from a cross main or branch line at the point most remote from the alarm valve. The vent line should be connected to the top of a cross main or to the end of a branch line and be located at the highest level of a multi-level installation. The vent connection can be used to bleedoff excessive air from the sys- tem, and therefore, minimize the pos- sibility of a false alarm due to a tran- sient surge in supply pressure. The contraction/expansion associated with an excessive amount of trapped air could also cause the waterway Clap- per to cycle open and shut during an inspector's test or during a discharge by a single sprinkler. Page 6 of 22 NO. DESCRIPTION OTY. P/N 1 300 psi, 2000 kPa Water Pressure Gauge . .2 92-343-1-005 2 1/4" Gauge Test Valve . . 2 46-005-1-002 3 .1/2W Swing Check Valve .2 46-049-1-004 4 1/2" Globe Valve .......1 46-047-1-004 5 1/2" Y-Strainer .........1 52-353-1-005 6 Restriction Assembly . . . . 1 92-210-2-005 7 1-1/4" Angle Valve ......1 46-048-1-007 8 External By-Pass Tube . . 1 92-304-1-017 9 Alarm Test Tube .......1 92-304-1-047 10 1/2" NPT x 1/2" Tube Connector ............2 92-304-1-015 11 1/2" NPT x5/8' Tube Connector ............2 92-304-1-013 12 1/4" Plug .............2 CM 13 1/2" Union ............1 CH 14 1/4" 90" Elbow .........1 CM 15 1/2" 90" Elbow .........1 CH. 16 1/2" Tee ..............2 CH TFP9IO NO. DESCRIPTION OTY. P/N 17 1/2"xl/4"xl/2"Tee ..2 CH 18 1/2"xl/2x3/4"Tee ....1 CM 19 1-1/4"xl-1/4"xl/2"Tee 1 Ct-I 20 1/4"xl"Nipple ........2 CH 21 1/4" x 2-1/2" Nipple .....I CH 22 1/2" x 1-1/2" Nipple .....7 CM 23 1/2x2Nipple ........2 CM 24 1/2" x 2-1/2" Nipple .....1 CH 25 1/2x3Nippte ........1 CM 26 1/2x4"Nipple ........1 CH 27 1/2"x6Nipple .........CM 28 1-1/4" x 2-1/2" Nipple 1 CM 29 1-1/4"x 3-1/2" Nipple .... 1 CH NOTES: All Fittings and Nipples are galvanized (Standard Order). CH: Common Hardware. 1/2 INCH NPT CONNECTION FOR WATERFLOW PRESSURE ALARM SWITCH 3/4 INCH NPT LOCATION FOR OPTIONAL(I CONNECTION FOR WATER MOTOR EXTERNAL ELECTRICALLY ALARM BY-PASS SUPERVISED TUBE ALARMi N.O.ALARM I 1/2 INCH NPT ALARM 8 TESTTUBE CONTROL VALVE CONNECTION TEST VALVE io (BVS-3/4") FOR WATERFLOW (NORMALLY PRESSUREALARM CLOSED) 23 \ . 1 . 11 SYSTEM PRESSURE MODEL RC-1 SWITCH 20 GAUGE RETARD CHAMBER 3/4 INCH NPT CONNECTION FOR 17 12 25 18 WATER MOTOR 16 2 SUPPLY ALARM 10 22 . PRESSURE ORDERED GAUGE SEPARATELY LOCATION . 23 14 12 (FOR VARIABLE FOR OPTIONAL 5 16 20 21 PRESSURE. . ELECTRICALLY 22 27 24 17 26 2 SYSTEMS) SUPERVISED 22 N.C. ALARM . •. . CONTROL VALVE . 6 MODELAV-1 (BVS-1/2") ALARM VALVE, MAIN 2-1/2 INCH (0N65) DRAIN VALVE 28 GROOVE x GROOVE -. 22 (NORMALLY 7 SHOWN I I ION CLOSED) ASSEMBLY, 29 SEE FIGURE 3 19 INCH NPT 15 22 13 22 3 22 CONNECTION TO DRAIN FIGURE 4— PART IOF3 . ,. VERTICAL CLOSED DRAIN TRIM - STANDARD ORDER - FOR 2-1/2 INCH (DN65) MODEL AV-1-300 ALARM CHECK VALVES (52-204-2-050) - 1 TFP9IO Page 7 of 22 NO. DESCRIPTION QTY. P/N 22 1/2" x 3" Nipple ........2 CH 23 1/2"x 3-1/2" Nipple .....1 CH 24 1/2"x 5" Nipple ........1 CH 25 112"x 5-1/2' Nipple .....1 CR 26 1/2" x 6-1/2" Nipple . . .1 CH 27 Select Nipple per Table . .2 CH 28 Select Nipple per Table . . 2 CH 29 2" x 3" Nipple 2 CH Nipple Number I Select Appropriate Nipple Sizes. I I per AV-1 Alarm Check Valve Size I 4 Inch (DN100) 6 Inch (DN1SO) I 27 1/2" a 1-1/2" I 1/2" x 2-1/2" I 28 . 1/2"x3-1/2" I 12"x4-1/2" I NOTES: Install subassemblies in alphabetical order. All Fittings and Nipples are galvanized (Standard Order). CH: Common Hardware. 1/2 INCH NPT 3/4 INCH NPT CONNECTION CONNECTION FOR FOR WATERFLOW WATER MOTOR PRESSURE ALARM ALARM SWITCH LOCATION 1/2 INCH NPT 1/2"x 1-1/2" ALARM FOR OPTIONAL CONNECTION (4 INCH VALVE) TEST VALVE -. ELECTRICALLY I I FOR WATERFLOW or - 1/2" a 2-1/2" (NORMALLY 1/2" a 3-1/2" 1 SYSTEM SUPERVISED I I PRESSURE ALARM (6 INCH VALVE) CLOSED) (4 INCH VALVE) PRESSURE N.C. ALARM . I I SWITCH —or— GAUGE CONTROL VALVE 11 1/2" x4-1/2" (BVS-3/4") I 3/4 INCH NPT 21 (6 INCH VALVE) 2 8 I CONNECTION FOR 9 4 MODEL RC-1 L. WATER MOTOR 27 ALARM 23 F 18 E -- RETARD 14 15 10 J 28 1 SUPPLY PRESSURE CHAMBER 26 25 GAUGE ORDERED 19 G 0 0 C' 2 o 0 8 SEPARATELY LOCATION 20 22 0 D (FOR VARIABLE FOR OPTIONAL H ii 0 0 17 PRESSURE ELECTRICALLY 12 20 13 /. SYSTEMS) SUPERVISED 3 20 N.C. ALARM . A 10 K CONTROL VALVE 20 22 21 24 ' - (BVS-1/2) L 0 B 6 7 11 0 RESTRICTION 19 c 29 MODELAV-1 ASSEMBLY, . MAIN ALARM VALVE, SEE FIGURE 3 M . DRAIN VALVE 6 INCH (ON 150) N 29 (NORMALLY FLANGE a FLANGE ic — CLOSED) SHOWN 16 11 2 INCH NPT 19 19 3 20 K. CONNECTION TO DRAIN FIGURE 4— PART 2OF3 VERTICAL CLOSED DRAIN TRIM - STANDARD ORDER - SEMI-PREASSEMBLED' -FOR 4 & 6 INCH (DN100 & DNI50) MODEL A V-1-300 ALARM CHECK VALVES (52-204-2-951) - Vertical Closed Drain Trim Dimensions in Inches and (mm) Dimension With RC-1 Without RC-1 A 16-1/2(419) 13-1/2(343) - B 10-1/2 (267) 10-1/2 (267) C 10-1/2 (267) 10 (254) 0 8-7/8(225) 8-7/8(225) E 12-1/4(311) 12-1/4(311) F 16.1/2 (419) N/A C 3 (75) 3 (75) PLAN VIEW D FxG Vertical Open Drain Trim Dimensions in Inches and (mm) Dimension With RC-1 Without RC-1 A 15-1/2(394) 13-1/2(343) B 10-1/2(267) 10-1/2 (267) C 10-1/2(267) 10(254) 0 8-7/8(225) 8-7/8(225) E 12-1/4(311) . 12-1/4(311) F 16-1/2(419) .N/A G 3(75) 3(75) A B J PLAN VIEW D .1: Page 14 of 22 TFP9IO G MIL ELEVATION VIEW ELEVATION VIEW FIGURE 7— PART IOF3 INSTALLATION DIMENSIONS - FOR 2-1/2 INCH (DN65) MODEL AV-1-300 ALARM CHECK VALVES - TFP9IO Page 15 of 22 4 Inch (DN100) 6 Inch (0N150) 4 Inch 6 Inch (DN15O) A 19(483) 19(483) 19(483) 19(483) B 10-1/2 (267) 11-1/4 (286) 10-1/2 (267) 11-1/4 (286) C 10-1/2 (267) 11-1/2 (292) 10-1/2 (267) 11-1/2 (292) (CXC) 10-1/4(260) 12-1/4(311) 10-1/4(260) 12-1/4(311) (F xF) 10(254) 12(305) 10 (254) 12(305) (FxG) 10 (254) 12(305) 10(254) 12(305) E 12-1/2(318) 15(381) 12-1/2 (318) 15(381) F 15-1/2(394) 15-1/2(394) 11-1/2(292) 11-1/2(292) C 3 (75) 2-3/4(70) 3 (75) 2-3/4(70) PLAN VIEW RC-1 ELEVATION VIEW PLAN VIEW ELEVATION VIEW 4 LJ F!GURE7—PART2OF3 INSTALLATION DIMENSIONS —.FOR 4 & 6 INCH (DN100 & DNI5O) MODEL A V.1-300 ALARM CHECK VALVES - (DN100 4L ~ ) RC-1 1 d— al) I T T_(i RC-1 C A C 3-1/4(83) 3-1/4(83) 3-1/4(83) 3-1/4(83) ELEVATION VIEW PLAN VIEW Vertical Open Drain Trim Dimension Dimensions in Inches and (mm) With RC-1 Without RC-1 4 Inch (DN100) 6 Inch (DN150) 4 Inch (DN100) 6 Inch (DN1SO) A 19(483) 19 (483) 19(483) 19(483) B 10-1/2(267) 11-1/4 (286) 10-1/2 (267) 11-1/4 (286) C 10-1/2(267) 11-1/2 (292) 10-1/2 (267) 11-1/2 (292) (CXC) 10-1/4 (260) 12-1/4 (311) 10-1/4 (260) 12-1/4 (311) (FxF) 10(254) 12(305) 10 (254) 12(305) (FxG) 110 (254) 12(305) 10(254) 12(305) E 12-1/2 (318) 15(381) 12-1/2 (318) 15(381) F 15-1/2 (394) 15-1/2 (394) 11-1/2 (292) 11-1/2 (292) C 3 (75) 2-3/4(70) 3 (75) 2-3/4(70) Horizontal Closed Drain Trim Dimension Dimensions in Inches and (mm) With RC-1 Without RC-1 4 Inch (DN100) 6 Inch (DN1SO) 4 Inch (DN100) 6 Inch (DN15O) (CXC) 10-1/4(260) 12-1/4(311) 10-1/4(260) 12-1/4(311) (FxF) 10(254) 12(305) 10(254) 12(305) (FxC) 10(254) 12(305) 10(254) 12(305) B 15(381) 15(381) 10-1/2(267) 11-1/2(292) D 14(356) 15(381) 14(356) 15(381) E 13-3/4 (349) 14-3/4 (375) 13-3/4 (349) 14-3/4 (375) Vertical Closed Drain Trim Dimension Dimensions in Inches and (mm) With RC-1 Without RC-1 TFP9IO Page 17 of 22 DESCRIPTION QTY. P/N 1 3/4' x 1/4' Hex Bushing .............1 CH 2 3/32' Vent Fitting ......1 92-032-1-002 3 1/4' x 5-0 Tubing .....1 CH ' PRESSURE L. TSWITCH c'' (ROUTE TO MODEL RC-1 (GREEN RETARD TINT) CHAMBER FIGURE 8 ALARM VENT TRIM (52-201-2-012) - Ordered separately when a Water Motor Alarm is not installed - Setting Procedure Steps 1 through 11 are to be per- formed when initially setting the Model AV-1-300 Alarm Check Valve or after system operation due to a fire. Step 1. Open the 1/4 inch Gauge Test Valves for the Supply and System Pressure Gauges. Step 2. Check to see that the Hand- hole Cover bolts are tight. If not, cross- tighten them. Step 3. Close the Alarm Test Valve. Step 4. Open the remote cross main or branch line vent connection (Ref. Step 7 in the Installation section). Step 5. Slowly open the main control valve until the sound of flowing water just begins and then open the valve one more turn. NOTE Filling the system with wafer will result in operation of the associated alarms. Consequently, notification must first be given to the owner and fire depart- ment, central station, or other signal station to which the, alarms are con- nected. Step 6. Close the remote branch line vent connection after the discharge of aerated water ceases, and the outlet has flowed full for at least 15 seconds. Step 7. Fully open the main control valve. Step 8. Open the end-of-line Inspec- tor's Test Connection (or Alarm Test Valve, if acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction) and verify that the system alarms operate. NOTE Notify the proper authorities and all personnel who maybe affected that an alarm test is to be performed. Step 9. Close the end-of-line Inspec- tor's Test, Connection (or Alarm Test Valve). Step 10. Verify that water ceases to flow from the alarm line drain. If water continues to flow, follow the corrective procedure described in the Mainte- nance and Service section. NOTE The Restriction Assembly has a 1/8 inch (3,2 mm) diameter drain orifice. Sufficient time must be allowed for drainage of the Retard Chamber and the piping to the water motor alarm. Step 11. Once it has been verified that the flow of water out of the alarm line drain has stopped, the alarm valve is set and is ready for service. NOTE After placing a fire protection system in service, notify the proper authorities and advise those responsible for moni- toring proprietary and/or central sta- tion alarms. Care and Maintenance The following procedures and inspec- tions should be performed as indi- cated, in addition to any specific re- quirements of the NFPA. Any impairment must be immediately cor- rected. The owner is responsible for the in- spection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and de- vices in compliance with this docu- ment, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protec- tion Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any authority having jurisdiction. The in- stalling contractor or product manufac- turer should be contacted relative to any questions. It is recommended that automatic sprinkler systems be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspection Service. The Model AV-1-300 Alarm Check Valves do not require any regularly scheduled maintenance. It is recom- mended, however, that proper opera- tion of the alarms be periodically veri- fied in accordance with a procedure that is acceptable to the authority hav- ing jurisdiction. Any impairment must be immediately corrected. NOTE Performing the care and maintenance procedures will result in operation of the associated alarms. Consequently, notification must first be given to the owner and fire department, central sta- tion, or other signal station to which the alarms are connected. Before closing a fire protection system main control valve for maintenance work on the fire protection systems that it controls, permission to shut down the affected fire protection sys- tems must first be obtained from the proper authorities, and all personnel who may be affected by this decision must be notified. Inspection Procedure It is recommended that the following inspection procedure be performed at least quarterly by a qualified Inspec- tion Service: Step 1. Notify the proper authorities and all personnel who may be affected that an alarm test is to be performed. Step 2. Open the end-of-line Inspec- tor's Test Connection (or Alarm Test Valve, if acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction) and verify that the system alarms operate in accordance with the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction. Verify that the water motor alarm and/or the pressure alarm switch properly actuate and within the elapsed time required by the authority having jurisdiction. Step 3. Verify that water is flowing out of the alarm line drain at a rate consis- tent with the 1/8 inch (3,2 mm) diame- ter drain orifice in the Restriction As- sembly. Step 4. Close the end-of-line Inspec- tors Test Connection (or Alarm Test Valve). Step 5. Verify that water ceases to flow from the alarm line drain. Step 6. Clean the 1/2 inch Strainer (located in the valve trim) as well as the 3/4 inch Strainer (located at the connection to the water motor alarm, as applicable). Be sure to replace the strainer baskets and tighten the caps securely. NOTE Cleaning of the Strainers after each operation of the alarms is especially Page 18 of 22 TFP9IO important in the case of water supplies (such as lakes and rivers) having a large quantity of suspended matter. A clogged alarm line can prevent opera- (ion of the alarms. Step 7. Notify all authorities responsi- ble for monitoring the installation that the fire protection system has been returned to service. Sprinkler System Drain-Down Draining the sprinkler system must be done in accordance with the following procedure: Step 1. Close the main control valve, if this has not already been done. Step 2. Open the remote cross main or branch line vent connection (Ref. Step 7 in the Installation section). Step 3. Open the Main Drain Valve. Check first to see that the drainage water discharge will not cause damage or result in dangerous conditions. Step 4. Wait until the Supply Pressure Gauge reads zero pressure and the sound of draining water has stopped before performing any maintenance work on the fire protection system. Leakage from Alarm Line Drain Follow the steps indicated below until water ceases to flow from the alarm line drain. Check for the discontinu- ation of the leakage after each step is complete. Step 1. Open the Main Drain Valve. Let the water flow for about 5 seconds and then close the Main Drain Valve. This should flush any loose debris that may have become trapped between the Clapper Facing and the Seat Ring or in the seating area of the Drain Valve. Step 2. Repeat Step No. 1 if the rate of continued flow out of the drain was noticeably reduced. Step 3. Open the Alarm Test Valve and allow water to flow for about 5 seconds before re-closing the valve. This should flush any loose debris that may have become trapped in the seat- ing area of the Alarm Test Valve. Step 4. Repeat Step No. 3 if the rate of continued flow out of the drain was noticeably reduced. Step 5. Determine whether the water is flowing from the Alarm Port (Figure 1) or past the Alarm Test Valve. If the leakage is past the Alarm Test Valve, close the main control valve, and then repair or replace the Alarm Test Valve as necessary. Step 6. If it appears that the leakage noted in Step No. 5 is from the Alarm Port, drain the system in accordance with the prescribed procedure. After the system has been drained, remove the Handhole Cover. Step 7. Using a light, check for and remove any debris that may have be- come lodged within the Seat Ring groove. Inspect the Seat Ring seat for any damage. If the Seat Ring has be- come dented across the seat then the Alarm Check Valve will have to be replaced. It is impractical to re-face a Seat Ring in the field. Step 8. Check for and remove any debris that may have become lodged in the Clapper Facing. If a minor imper- fection remains in the Clapper Facing, then turn it over after thoroughly clean- ing both surfaces with a clean cloth. Replace the Clapper Facing if neces- sary. Be sure to securely re-tighten the retaining fastener for the Clapper Washer. Step 9. Replace the Spring and Clap- per Assembly as shown in Figure 1. While holding the coils of the Spring down, re-insert the Hinge Pin. Be sure that the Hinge Pin is pushed all the way to the rear of the valve. Step 10. Replace the Handhole Cover. Return the Alarm Valve to operation in accordance with the steps described in the Setting Procedure section. Clogged Alarm Line Drain If water either does not flow or only dribbles out of the alarm line drain during an alarm test, then it is likely that the screen protecting the Restric- tion Assembly drain orifice (Ref. Fig- ure 3) has become clogged. NOTE A clogged alarm line drain will increase the likelihood of a false alarm in the case of a variable pressure system. First break the union downstream of the Drain Restriction and remove the Drain Restriction for cleaning by back- flushing the screen. Re-install the Drain Restriction and re-assemble the drain line. Loss of Excess System Pressure In the case of a variable pressure sys- tem, the System Pressure Gauge should normally indicate a pressure greater than that shown by the Supply Pressure Gauge. Also, the value should be close to that of the peak supply pressure that has occurred af- ter the system was placed in service. NOTE Loss of excess system pressure will increase the likelihood ofa false alarm in the case of a variable pressure sys- tem. Step 1. Check for signs of continued leakage from the alarm line drain.. If rust stains and/or water deposits indi- cate that continued leakage has been taking place, take corrective action ac- cording to the procedure described in the sub-section entitled "Leakage From Alarm Line Drain". Step 2. If there are no signs of contin- ued leakage from the alarm line drain, close the rnain control valve, slowly remove the plug from the supply pres- sure gauge test valve to relieve the supply pressure, and then slowly open the union in the externally mounted bypass. Check for leakage past the Bypass Check Valve. If there is leakage, de- bris may have become lodged be- tween its clapper and seat. Drain the system in accordance with the pre- scribed procedure and then clean or replace the Bypass Check Valve as required. Re-assemble the externally mounted bypass, replace the plug into the Gauge Test Valve, and return the fire protection system to operation in ac- cordance with the steps described in the Operating Procedure section. Step 3. If there are no signs of leakage past either the Alarm Check Valve Clapper per Step 1 or the Bypass Check Valve per Step 2, inspect the sprinkler system for leakage. Excess Pressure Due To Thermal Expansion Wet pipe sprinkler systems subject to ambient temperatures in excess of 100°F/38°C can experience signifi- cant increases in system pressure due to the thermal expansion of the water. In particular, a gridded wet-pipe sys- tem with a relatively small air pocket and no relief valve can be subjected to an increase of more than 100 psi (6,9 bar), due to an increase in ambient temperature of approximately 50°F/28°C. As necessary, install a pressure relief valve, in accordance with the require- meñts of the authority having jurisdic- tion, to automatically relieve the ex- cess pressure which could otherwise be created in wet-pipe systems that are exposed to significant increases in ambient temperature. While holding the Spring down by the Follow the procedure indicated below coils, remove the Hinge Pin. Remove to correct a loss of excess system the Spring and Clapper Assembly). pressure condition. TFP9IO Page 19 of 22 False Alarms If repeated false alarms occur in a vari- able pressure system: Step 1. Check for and correct the cause of continued leakage out the alarm line drain. Step 2. Check for and clean a clogged alarm line drain. Step 3. Check for and correct the cause of a loss in excess system pre s- sure. Step 4. Drain the sprinkler system and re-fill it in accordance with the steps described in the Setting Procedure section. Intermittent Alarms If the pressure alarm switch gives a steady signal, but the water motor gen- erates an intermittent alarm, check for binding in,the water motor alarm drive shaft. If the water motor alarm and/or the pressure alarm switch provide an in- termittent alarm, it is likely the conse- quence of an excessive amount of air being trapped within the sprinkler sys- tem. Drain down the sprinkler system and re-fill it in accordance with, the steps described in the Setting Proce- dure section. A discontinuance of an alarm may also be caused by the Clapper closing due to a sudden drop in supply pressure or the shut-off of a pump in the supply line. These types of problems can only be corrected by maintaining a steady supply pressure... . Limited Warranty Products manufactured by Tyco Fire & Building Products (TFBP) are war- ranted solely to the original Buyer for ten (10) years against defects in mate- rial and workmanship when paid for and properly installed and maintained under normal use and service. This warranty will expire ten (10) years from date of shipment by TFBP. No warranty is given for products or com- ponents manufactured by-companies not affiliated by ownership with TFBP or for products and components which have been subject to misuse, improper installation, corrosion, or which have not been installed, maintained, modi- fied or repaired in accordance with ap- pli cable. Standards of the National Fire Protection Association, and/or the standards of any other Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Materials found by TFBP to be defective shall be either repaired or replaced, at TFBP's sole option. TFBP neither assumes, nor authorizes any person to assume for it, any other obligation in connection with the sale of products or parts of prod- ucts. TFBP shall not be responsible for sprinkler system design errors or inac- curate or incomplete information sup- plied by Buyer or Buyer's repre- sentatives. In no event shall TFBP be liable, in contract, tort, strict liability or under any other legal theory, for incidental, indirect, special or consequential 'dam- ages, including. but not limited to labor charges, regardless of whether TFBP was informed about the possibility of such damages, and in no event shall TFBP's liability exceed an amount equal to the sales price. The foregoing warranty is made in lieu of any and all other warranties. ex- Dress or imolied. includino warranties ticular ouroose. This limited warranty sets forth the ex- clusive remedy for claims based on failure of or defect in products, materi- als or components, whether the claim is made in contract, tort, strict liability or any other legal theory. This warranty will apply to the full ex- tent permitted by law. The invalidity, in whole or part, of any portion of this warranty will not affect the remainder. * Page 20 of 22 TFP9IO Ordering Procedure NOTES Refer to Table A (Page 3) for Flange Drilling Specifications. Part Numbers for factory pre-trimmed Model AV-1-300 Valves are provided in the Price Book. Standard AV-1-300 Alarm Check Valve (American Standard Flange Drilling, American Threaded Ports, and American Groove Outside Di- ameter, as applicable): Specify: (specify size inch) Model AV-1-300 Alarm Check Valve with (specify end connections), P/N (spec- ify). 2-1/2 Inch G x G 2.88 inch (73,0 mm) Groove O.D. x 2.88 inch (73,0 mm) Groove 0.0 .......... PIN 52-203-1-110 2-1/2 Inch F x G ANSI Flange x 2.88 inch (73,0 mm) Groove 0.0 .......... PIN 52-203-1-210 4 Inch G x G 4.50 inch (114,3 mm) Groove 0.D.x 4.50 inch (114,3 mm) Groove 0.D .......... PIN 52-203-1-113 4 Inch F x G ANSI Flange x 4.50 inch (114,3mm) Groove 0.D .......... PIN 52-203-1-413 4 Inch F x F ANSI Flange x ANSI Flange .........P/N 52-203-1-013 6 Inch G x G 6.62 inch (168,3 mm) Groove O.D. x 6.62 inch (168,3 mm) Groove 0.0 .......... PIN 52-203-1-115 6 Inch F x G ANSI Flange x 6.62 inch (168,3 mm) Groove 0.0 .......... PIN 52-203-1-615 6 Inch F x F ANSI Flange x ANSI Flange .........P/N 52-203-1-015 8 Inch G x G 8.62 inch (219,1 mm) Groove 0.0 x 8.62 inch (219,1 mm) Groove 0.D .......... PIN 52-203-1-916 8 Inch FxG ANSI Flange x 8.62 inch (219,1 mm) Groove 0.D.... ...... PIN 52-203-1-816 8 Inch FxF ANSI Flange x ANSI Flange .........P/N 52-203-1-016 Standard Order AV-1-300 Valve Trim: Specify: Vertical, Closed Drain Galva- nized Trim for (specify size) Model AV- 1-300 Alarm Check Valve, P/N (spec- ify). Vertical Closed Drain, Galvanized (See Figure 3) 2-1/2 inch ..............P/N 52-204-2-050 4 or 6 inch* .P/N 52-204-2-951 8 inch" ................P/N 52-204-2-952 Provided semi-preassembled. Special Order AV-1 -300 Valve Trim: Specify: )Vertical or Horizontal), (Closed or Open) Drain Galvanized Trim for (specify size) Model AV-1-300 Alarm Check Valve, P/N (specify). Vertical Open Drain, Galvanized (See Figure 4) 2-1/2 inch ..............P/N 52-204-2-053 4 or 6 inch* .............. PIN 52-204-2-954 8 inch" ................P/N 52-204-2-955 "Provided semi-preassembled. Horizontal Closed Drain, Galvanized (See Figure 5) 4 or 6 inch ..............P/N 52-204-2-057 8 inch .................P/N 52-204-2-058 Accessories: Order the following accessories, as applicable: Model RC-1 Retard Chamber (required for variable pressure water supply conditions) ..........P/N 52-211-2-002 Alarm Vent Trim (required when a water motor alarm is not installed) ......... PIN 52-201-2-012 Model PS10-2A Potter Electric Watertlow Pressure Alarm Switch (required for electric signal indicating waterflow) ........... PIN 54-281-1-002 Model WMA-1 Water Motor Alarm (required for a mechanical waterfiow alarm) ..............P/N 52-630-1-001 Replacement Valve Parts: Specify: (description) for use with (specify) size Model AV-1-300 Alarm Check Valve, PIN (see Figure 1). Replacement Trim Parts Specify: (description) for use with Model AV-1-300 Alarm Check Valve, P/N (see Figure 3, 4, or 5). Other AV-1 -300 Alarm Check Valves: NOTES Other AV-1-300 Alarm Check Valves are, valves ordered with any combina- tion of flange, threaded port, or groove outside diameter not offered under "Standard AV-1-300 Alarm Check Valve" offerings. Valves with NPT threaded ports are intended for use with the AV-1-300 Valve Trim described in this data sheet. Valves with ISO threaded ports are intended for use with special order trim that is provided by local distribu- tors to meet the specific needs of cer- tain localities. Please contact your lo- cal distributor regarding valves and valve trim for specific localities. Specify: (specify size) Model AV-1- 300 Alarm Check Valve with (specify) connections with (specify NPT or ISO) threaded ports, P/N (See Page 21). TFP9IO Page 21 of 22 Part Numbers For Other Model AV-1-300 Alarm Valves Other 2-1/2 Inch Valves with NPT Ports ISO (PN16) Flange x 2.88 inch (73,0 mm) Groove O.D ....... . ... PIN 52-203-1-251 ANSI Flange x 3.00 inch (76,1 mm) Groove O.D ........ ..PIN 52-203-1-220 ISO (PN16) Flange x 3.00 inch (76,1 mm) Groove O.D .......... PIN 52-203-1-331 AS Flange x 2.88 inch (73,0 mm) Groove 0.0 ..........P/N 52-203-1-611 AS Flange x 3.00 inch (76,1 mm) Groove 0.0.. ......... PIN 52-203-4-410 JIS Flange x 2.88 inch (73,0 mm) Groove 0.0 ..........P/N 52-203-1-710 JIS Flange x 3.00 inch (76,1 mm) Groove O.D .......... PIN 52-203-1-810 3.00 inch (76,1 mm) Groove 0.0 x 3.00 inch (76,1 mm) Groove O.D .......... PIN 52-203-1-120 Other 2-1/2 Inch Valves with ISO Ports ISO (PN16) Flange x 2.88 inch (73,0 mm) Groove O.D .......... PIN 52-203-1-211 ISO (PN16) Flange x 3.00 inch (76,1 mm) Groove 0.0 ..........P/N 52-203-1-311 3.00 inch (76,1 mm) Groove 0.0 x 3.00 inch (76,1 mm) Groove 0.0 ..........P/N 52-2034-120 2.88 inch (73,0 mm) Groove 0.Dx 2.88 inch (73,0 mm) Groove 0.D ..........PIN 52-203-1-921 Part Numbers For Other Model AV-1-300 Alarm Valves: - Other 4 Inch Valves with NPT Ports ISO (PN16) Flange x 4.50 inch (114,3 mm) Groove O.D ...... PIN 52-203-1-493 ISO (PN16) Flange x ISO (PN16) Flange. .. . PIN 52-203-4-013 AS Flange x AS Flange ...........P/N 52-203-4-313 AS Flange x 4.50 inch (114,3 . mm) Groove O.D ...... PIN 52-203-4-413. JIS Flange x JIS Flange ...........P/N 52-203-4-713 JIS Flange x 4.50 inch (114,3 mm) Groove O.D ...... PIN 52-2034-813 Part Numbers For Other Model AV-1-'300 Alarm Valves: Other 6 Inch Valves with NPT Ports ANSI Flange x 6.50 inch (165,1 mm) Groove 0.0 .....PIN 52-203-1-625 ISO (PN16) Flange x 6.62 inch (168,3 mm) Groove 0.0 .....PIN 52-203-1-695 ISO (PN16) Flange x 6.50 inch (165,1 mm) Groove 0.0 .....P/N 52-203-5-215 ISO (PN16) Flange a . ISO (PN16) Flange . . . PIN 52-2034-015 AS Flange x AS Flange...........PIN 52-2034-315 AS Flange x 6.62 inch (168,3 mm) Groove 0.0 .....PIN 52-2034-415 AS Flange x 6.50 inch (165,1 mm) Groove 0.0 .....P/N 52-203-4-425 JIS Flange x JIS Flange ..........P/N 52-203-4-715 JIS Flange x 6.62 inch (168,3 mm) Groove O.D .....P/N 52-2034-815 JIS Flange x .. 6.50 inch (165,1 mm) Groove O.D .....P/N 52-203-5-815 6.50 inch (165,1 mm) Groove 0.0 x 6.50 inch (165,1 mm) Groove 0.0 .....PIN 52-203-1-124 Other 6 Inch Valves with ISO Ports ISO (PN16) Flange x ISO (PN16) Flange . . . P/N 52-2034-115 ISO (PN16) Flange x 6.62 inch (168,3 mm) Groove 0.0 .......P/N 52-2034-215 ISO (PN16) Flange x 6.50 inch (165,1 mm) Groove 0.0 .....P/N 52-203-4-225 6.62 inch (168,3 mm) Groove 0.0 x 6.62 inch (168,3 mm) Groove 0.0 .....PIN 52-203-1-925 6.50 inch (165,1 mm) Groove 0.0 x 6.50 inch (165,1 - mm) Groove 0.D .....P/N 52-203-1-125 Part NumbersFor Other Model AV-1-300 Alarm Valves: Other 8 Inch Valves with NPT Ports ISO (PN10) Flange x 8.62 inch (219,1 mm) Groove 0.0 ......PIN 52-203-1-896 ISO (PN16) Flange x 8.62 inch (219,1 mm) Groove 0.0 ......P/N 52-2034-266 ISO (PN10) Flange x ISO (PN10) Flange .. . . P/N 52-2034-016 ISO (PN16) Flange x ISO (PN16) Flange .... P/N 52-2034-118 AS Flange x AS Flange ............P/N 52-2034-316 AS Flange x 8.62 inch (219,1 mm) Groove O.D ...... PIN 52-203-4-416 JIS Flange x JIS Flange ...........P/N 52-203-1-716 JS Flange x 8.62 inch (219,1 mm) Groove O.D ...... PIN 52-203-4-816 Other 8 Inch Valves with ISO Ports ISO (PN10) Flange x ISO (PN10) Flange .... P/N 52-203-4-116 ISO (PN16) Flange x ISO (PN16) Flange.... P/N 52-2034117 ISO (PN10) Flange x 8.62 inch (219,1 mm) Groove O.D ...... PIN 52-203-4-216 ISO (PN16) Flange x 8.62 inch (219,1 mm) Groove 0.0 ...... PIN 52-2034-226 8.62 inch (219,1 mm) Groove O.D. x 8.62 inch (219,1 mm) Groove O.D ...... PIN 52-203-1-926 Other 4 Inch Valves with ISO Ports ISO (PN16) Flange x ISO Flange ..........P/N 52-203-4-113 ISO (PN16) Flange x 4.50 inch (114,3 mm) Groove O.D ...... PIN 52-203-4-213 4.50 inch (114,3 mm) Groove O.D x 4.50 inch (114,3 mm) Groove O.D ...... PIN 52-203-1-923 Page 22 of 22 TFP9IO TYCO FIRE & BUILDING PRODUCTS, 451 North Cannon Avenue; Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 tqCo /Fire & Build/hg / Products Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381-9312/Fax: (800) 791-5500 Model WMA- I Water Motor Alarm Hydraulically Operated Mechanical Sprinkler Alarm General Description The Model WMA-1 Water Motor Alarm is a hydraulically operated outdoor alarm designed for use with fire protec- tion system waterflow detection valves. It is lightweight yet rugged, and it can be used in conjunction with alarm check, dry pipe, deluge, and preaction valves to sound a local alarm. The Water Motor Alarm is suitable for mounting to any type of rigid wall and can accommodate a wall thickness range of 2 to 18 inches (50 to 450 mm). It is provided with a listed and ap- proved Model WM-1 V-Strainer for use in the alarm line. The WMA-1 utilizes a lightweight, im- peller design which can produce a very high sound pressure level. The Gong, Gong Mount, and Water Motor Hous- ing are fabricated from corrosion resis- tant aluminum alloys. The polymer drive bearings do not require lubrica- tion, and the Gong is closely fitted to the Gong Mount to eliminate the need for a separate cover. The Model WMA-1 Water Motor Alarm is a redesignation for the Central Model F-2, Gem Model F630, and Star Model S450. WARNING The Model WMA-1 Water Motor Alarm described herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this document, as well as with the applica- ble standards of the National Fire Pro- tection Association, in addition to the standards of any other authorities hav- ing jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the performance of this de- vice. The owner is responsible for maintain- ing their fire protection system and de- vices in proper operating condition. The installing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer should be contacted with any questions. Page 1 of 4 Technical Data Approvals UL and LJLC Listed. FM, LPCB, and VdS Approved. Gong Finish Red or Aluminum Working Water Pressure Range 7 to 300 psi (0,5 to 20,7 bar) Nozzle K-Factor 0.7 GPM/psi112 (10,1 LPM/bar1/2) V-Strainer 3/4 inch, cast iron, 20 mesh screen Trim Components Galvanized steel nipples and cast iron fittings. Design Data The Model WMA-1 Water Motor Alarm must be used in accordance with the following design criteria: Item 1. The Y-Strainer is to be located at the 'alarm outlet" of the waterflow detection valve trim. Item 2. The Water Motor Alarm must only be mounted to a rigid wall surface, which will not permit the Striker/Gong Mount to loosen and fall out of align- ment. Item 3. In order to obtain the highest possible sound level, the Water Motor Alarm should be located as close as possible to the waterflow detecting valve. (Refer to NFPA 13 for guidance.) Item 4. The alarm line piping from the alarm outlet of the waterflow detection valve trim to the Water Motor Alarm must be 3/4 inch size throughout and it must be galvanized steel, brass, or other suitable corrosion resistant ma- terial. Item 5. The alarm line piping must be JULY, 2004 positioned such that it can be drained back to the water flow detection valve trim. Item 6. The Clean-Out Sump Plug is to be located vertically below the Inlet to the Water Motor. Item 7. Piping from the Water Motor Drain must be a minimum of 1 inch in size throughout and directed to an open drain, in order to ensure proper drainage for obtaining the maximum sound pressure level. NOTE The Water Motor Alarm Drain may be connected to the main drain of a water flow detection valve if a non-spring loaded swing type check valve is in- stalled in a horizontal portion of the water motor alarm drain piping (before its connection to the main drain). Item 8. In order to minimize any wall staining that can be created by drain water, it is recommended that the drain piping from the Water Motor be galva- nized steel, brass, or other suitable corrosion resistant material. Item 9. Drain water must be directed such that there will be no accidental damage to property or danger to per- sons when the alarm is operating or thereafter. Item 10. The alarm line drain (at the TFP92I 27 Page 2 of 4 TFP92I STRIKER ARM NO. DESCRIPTION OTY. PIN 1 Water Motor 1 92-630-1-012 COUPLING 2 2 Support Washer 1 NR 3 Drive Shaft Sleeve 1 NA 4 Drive Shaft 1 NR SPACER COUPLING 5 Gong Mount 1 NR ________ 3/4" NPS 6 Striker 1 See (a) 7 Gong 1 See (a) STRIKER 8 Cap Nut 1 See (a) SHAFT STRIKER BEARING I - (a) Repair Parts Kit Includes Items 6_7 (red), and 8 1 92-630-1-025 RING (a) Repair Parts Kit CROSS-SECTION VIEW Includes Items OF STRIKER (ITEM 6) 6, 7 (alum.), and 8 1 92.630-2.025 NA: Not Replaceable I \ 6 4 IMPELLER NOZZLE I. LLP 'kL\ INLE T 8 DRAIN INTERNAL VIEW OF WATERMOTOR (ITEM 1) FIGURE 1— MODEL WMA-1 WATER MOTOR ALARM waterflow detection valve) must be maintained at a minimum temperature of 40°F/40C. Item 11. A single Water Motor Alarm may be connected to the alarm lines from a maximum of three separate fire protection systems. However, when two or three alarm lines are intercon- nected, each alarm line must be pro- vided with a 3/4 inch (P/N 52-271-1- 001) Model WM-1 Y-Strainer and a 3/4 inch (P/N 52-403-1-005) Check Valve with 3/32 inch orifice. The strainers must be located at the "alarm outlet" in the trim of each of the waterflow detec- tion valves. The check valves must be located between each strainer and the interconnection with the alarm line from another system. alarm line will automatically drain back Operation through the orifice which is also pro- vided in the trim of the waterflow de- Upon operation of the alarm check, dry tection valve. pipe, deluge, or preaction valve to which the Model WMA-1 Water Motor The Water Motor Alarm does not have Alarm is connected, water will flow to to -be reset after an operation. How- the Water Motor and through the Inlet ever, if the alarm was silenced during Nozzle. As water flows through the In- operation by closing of an alarm con- let Nozzle, a high velocity jet is formed trol valve, the alarm control valve must which impinges on the Impeller, caus- be reopened after the fire protection ing the Impeller and the Striker to ro system is restored to service. tate. With each rotation, the free swing- ing Striker Ring hits the Gong and sounds the alarm. The spent water is S then drained through the 1 inch outlet. . The alarm will sound as long as water is flowing into the system and flowing . to the Water Motor Alarm. Water in the ,. . TFP92I Page 3 of 4 7/8 3/4 NPT 3/4 NPS 1-3/8 (222) 2-3/4 (34.2) WATER (69.9) MOTOR I I ALARM I I 2-9/1 6T 2-1/2T10 I (65.0) [(63.5) 2-7116 (61.9) I 3/4 NPT 1 NPT 1-13116 - DRAIN DRAIN (46.0) H . (215.9) LOCATION FOR N.O ALARM STEEL OR I I STEEL OR I MINIMUM SEPARATELY 3/4 (19) NIPS 1(25) I I I NPS OREDERED GALVANIZED I I I GALVANIZED (254.0) CONTROL VALVE; BRASS PIPE PE BRASS P1 WHEN INSTALLED, AN ELECTRONICALLY SUPERVISED BVS-3/4" IS RECOMMENDED (SEE NOTE 4) 3/4 Y-STRAINER 2.1/16 . CLEAN-OUT . CLEAN-OUT I 18 (457.2) MAXIMUM CAP SUMP PLUG I I 2 (50.8) MINIMUM NOTES: . STANDARD INLET TRIM OPTIONAL DRAIN TRIM NO. DESCRIPTION QTY. NO. DESCRIPTION QTY. DESCRIPTION All installation dimensions are shown at nominal value. - - All dimensions are in inches and (mm). 1 3/4° x 3' Nipple 2 A 1° 90° Elbow . 1 Pipe shown in dotted lines is not included with the WMA1. 2 3/4° 90° Elbow 1 B 1'45* Elbow 1 Consult with the Authority Having Jurisdiction as to local 3 3/4° x 1/4° x 3/4° Tee C Wall Plale 1 requirements for isolating valves for local mechanical alarms. WI 1/4° Plug 1 D 1° x 1'- 6° Pipe, All trim components are galvanized. 4 3/4° Union 1 T.O.E. 1 FIGURE 2— TYPICAL INSTALLATION OF MODEL WMA-1 WATER MOTOR ALARM Installation The Model WMA-1 Water Motor Alarm must be installed in accordance with the following instructions: Step 1. Mark the through-wall loca- tions for the centerlines of the Sleeve and Drain Outlet. The Drain Outlet must be located at least 10 inches (250 mm) below the Sleeve per Figure 2. Step 2. Make 1-1/2 inch (38 mm) di- ameter holes straight through the wall at both locations. Step 3. Cut the non-threaded end of the Sleeve to a length equal to that of the wall thickness plus 0 to 1/8 inch (0 to 3 mm). Thread the cut end to 3/4 inch NPT per ANSI B1.20.1. Step 4. Install the alarm line piping up to and including the union half, Item 4 - Fig. 2. NOTE Use thread sealant sparingly on male threads only. Step 5. Prior to initiating installation of the Water Motor Alarm, mount the Drain Trim (less the Wall Plate and 45° Elbow), as well as the balance of alarm line piping (including other union half) to the Water Motor. Step 6. Tighten the NPT threaded end of the Sleeve into the Body hand tight plus .1/8 turn. Step 7. Slip the Support Washer over. the Sleeve and place the assembly in position against the wall. Step 8. Tighten the 3/4 inch Union. Install the Wall Plate and tighten the. 450 Elbow. NOTE Apply pressure against the outside edge of the Water Motor Body and verify that the Body and Support Washer sit square against the wail. If not, adjust the alarm line and/or drain.. piping to suit. Step 9. From the outside wall, insert the Drive Shaft through the Sleeve and fully insert it into the Impeller. (When fully inserted, the Shaft should pro- trude beyond the face of the wall by approximately 20" minus 2" minus wall thickness.) Mark the Drive Shaft at a point of ap- proximately 1/8 to 1/4 inch inside the face of the wall; remove the Shaft; cut the Shaft where previously marked; file off burrs from the cut end of the Drive Shaft; and, re-insert Jhe Drive Shaft. through the Sleeve and fully insert it into the Impeller. Step 10. Hold the Gong Mount in posi- tion against the wall, engage the Cou- pling with the Drive Shaft and then carefully thread the Striker Shaft Bear- 29 Page 4 of 4 TFP92I ing onto the Sleeve. Securely tighten the Striker Shaft Bearing using a pair of channel locks on the 1-1/2 inch (38 mm) hex end. Step 11. Spin the Striker by hand and verify that it spins freely (without any sign of binding). If not, make the nec- essary adjustments. Step 12. Install the gong and securely tighten the Cap Nut. The identification sign lettering must be orientated hori- zontally, Step 13. Test the Water Motor Alarm by opening the alarm test valve in the trim of the water flow detection valve. The alarm must be clear and steady. If not, make the necessary adjustments. NOTE Testing of the Water Motor Alarm may result in operation of other associated alarms. Consequently, notification must be given to the owner and the fire department, central control station, or other signal station to which the alarms are connected. Care and Maintenance The following procedures and inspec- tions should be performed as indi- cated, in addition to any specific re- quirements of the NFPA, and any impairment must be immediately cor- rected. The owner is responsible for the in- spection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and de- vices in compliance with this docu- ment, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protec- tion Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any authority having jurisdiction. The in- stalling contractor or product manufac- turer should be contacted relative to any questions. It is recommended that automatic sprinkler systems be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspection Service in accordance with local requirements and/or national codes. NOTES Before closing a fire protection system main control valve for maintenance work on the fire protection system that it controls, permission to shut down the affected fire protection systems must first be obtained from the proper authorities and all personnel who may be affected by this decision must be notified. Testing of the Water Motor Alarm may result in operation of other associated alarms. Consequently, notification must be given to the owner and the fire department, central control station, or other signal station to which the alarms are connected. If the alarm was silenced during opera- tion, the alarm control valve must be reopened immediately after the fire protection system is restored to serv- ice. The Model WMA-1 Water Motor Alarm must be maintained and serviced in accordance with the following instruc- tions: Step 1. The Model WMA-1 Water Mo- tor Alarm does not require any regu- larly scheduled maintenance. Rotating parts do not require lubrication. It is recommended, however, that fire alarms be periodically operated, i.e., inspected, to verify that they generate a clear and steady sound. Any impair- ment must be be immediately cor- rected. Step 2. The inspection should be made quarterly or more frequently, as may be necessary in the case of loca- tions subject to vandalism. The Y- Strainer and Sump are to be cleaned out after each operation of the Water Motor Alarm and after the alarm line piping has been drained. Limited Warranty Products manufactured by Tyco Fire Products are warranted solely to the original Buyer for ten (10) years against defects in material and work- manship when paid for and properly installed and maintained under normal use and service. This warranty will ex- pire ten (10) years from date of ship- ment by Tyco Fire Products. No war- ranty is given for products or components manufactured by compa- nies not affiliated by ownership with Tyco Fire Products or for products and components which have been subject to misuse, improper installation, corro- sion, or which have not been installed, maintained, modified or repaired in ac- cordance with applicable Standards of the National Fire Protection Associa- tion, and/or the standards of any other Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Mate- rials found by Tyco Fire Products to be defective shall be either repaired or replaced, at Tyco Fire Products' sole option. Tyco Fire Products neither as- sumes, nor authorizes any person to assume for it, any other obligation in connection with the sale of products or parts of products. Tyco Fire Products, shall not be responsible for sprinkler system design errors or inaccurate or incomplete information supplied by Buyer or Buyer's representatives. IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS BE LIABLE, IN CON- TRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THE- ORY, FOR INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LABOR CHARGES, RE- GARDLESS OF WHETHER TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS WAS INFORMED ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS' LI- ABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE SALES PRICE. MADE IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. INCLUDING WARRAN- TIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR- POSE. Ordering Information Orders for the WMA-1, Optional Drain Trim, and replacement parts must in- clude the description and Part Number (P/N). The Complete Model WMA-1 Alarm Assembly includes the Model WMA-1 Water Motor Alarm, Model WM-1 Strainer, and Standard Inlet Trim. WMA-1 Alarm Assemblies: Specify: Model WMA-1 Alarm Assem- bly with Red Finish Gong, P/N 52-630-1-001. or Specify: Model WMA-1 Alarm Assem- bly with Aluminum Finish Gong, P/N 52-630-2-001 Optional Drain Trim: Specify: Optional Drain Trim for Model WMA-1 Water Motor Alarm, P/N 52-630-2-002. Separately Ordered Alarm Control Valve: Specify: UL/FM 3/4 Inch Ball Valve, P/N 92-300-1-006. Separately Ordered Parts for Multiple Systems: Specify: Model WM-1 Y-Strainer, P/N 52-271-1-001. (1 required for two sys- tem, 2 required for 3 systems.) Specify: 3/4 Inch Check valve with 3/32 Inch Orifice, P/N 52-403-1-005 (2 required for two system, 3 required for 3 systems.) Replacement Parts for Water Motor Alarm: (Specify description) for use with Model WMA-1 Water Motor Alarm,, P/N (see Figure 1). TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS, 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 tjlCa Fire & Building Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381-9312 I Fax: (800) 791-5500 Model RC-1 Retard Chamber For Variable Pressure Wet Pipe Sprinkler Systems 300 psi (20,7 bar) General Description The Model RC-1 Retard Chamber is required in installations that will be subject to pressure variations, as are generally associated with public water supplies in order to help prevent false alarms. The RC-1 is specifically in- tended for use as a separately ordered item for the Model AV-1-300 (TFP910) and AV-1-175 (TFP912) Alarm Check Valves. It can, however, also be used as a separately ordered item for changing out older style Retard Cham- bers used with the Central Model F/G, Gem Model A, or Star Model ElF Alarm Check Valves. The Model RC-1 Retarding Chamber is a redesignation for the Gem Model F211 for use with Gem Model F20/F200/F2001 Alarm Check Valves, as well as the Star Model S310 for use with Star Model S30/S300/S3001 Alarm Check Valves. WARNING The Model RC- I Retard Chamber de- scribed herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this document, as well as with the applica- ble standards Of the National Fire Pro- tection Association, in addition to the standards of any other authorities hav- ing jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the integrity-of this device. The owner is responsible for maintain- ing their fire protection system and de- vices in proper operating condition( The installing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer should be contacted relative to any questions. Page 1 of 4 Technical Data Approvals UL and ULC Listed, as well as FM, LPCB, and VdS Approved for use with the following Alarm Check Valves: Model AV-1 -175 Gem Model F20/F200/F2001 Gem Model A Star Model S30/S300/53001 UL and ULC Listed, as well as FM Approved for use with the Model AV- 1-300 Alarm Check Valves. Working Water Pressure 300 psi (20,7 bar) Construction The Model RC-1 Retard Chamber shown in Figure 1 is cast iron, and a 3/4' x 1/2' x 3/4" Tee is provided at the outlet (top) for connection of a pres- sure alarm switch and/or water motor alarm. The Restriction Assembly shown in Figure 2 i comprised of brass restrictions assembled to a cast iron or malleable iron threaded tee fit- ting. The screen is stainless steel. Operation When there is a steady flow of .water into the sprinkler system due to a sprinkler operation, the Clapper in the Alarm Check Valve opens as shown in Figure 3. Water is then permitted to flow into the centrally located groove in the Seat Ring and out through the alarm port towards the Restriction As- sembly '(Figure 2). When the flow through the inlet restriction of the Re- striction Assembly exceeds the flow out through the outlet restriction, the Retard' Chamber begins to fill. Sub- sequently, the water motor alarm and/or the pressure alarm switch will be actuated. The alarms will continue to be actuated as long as the Clapper in the Alarm Check Valve remains open. Water in the alarm lines will auto- JANUARY, 2004 matically drain out through the 1/8" (3,2 mm) drain orifice in the Restriction Assembly (Figure 2) when the Alarm VãWe Clapper clbses (due to a discon- tinuation in the flow of water into the sprinkler system). In the case of variable pressure sys- tems, a transient surge in supply pres- sure that is sufficient to only momen- tarily open the Alarm Valve Clapper will not cause a false alarm, since the volume of the Retard Chamber is suf- ficiently large enough that it will not have filled to operate the connected alarm devices. Any water in the alarm line is then automatically drained, fur- ther reducing the possibility of a false alarm due to a successive transient surge in supply pressure. TFP92O - Page 2of4 TFP920 DRAIN -. RESTRTICTION FITTING WITH 0.125(3.2 mm) ORIFICE FIGURE 2 RESTRICTION ASSEMBLY WATERFLOW PRESSURE ALARM SWITCH ONCE RETARD CHAMBER OVERFLOWS, WATERFLOW PRESSURE I. . ALARM SWITCH AND WATER MOTOR 0 ALARM ACTUATE CHAMBER UPON SPRINKLER WATERFLOW FLOW, WATERWAY TO WATER CLAPPER OPENS MOTOR ALARM WATERFLOW TO SYSTEM 7/32" I (5,6 mm) SYSTEM ORIFICE PRESSURE RESTRICTION INLET .. GAUGE ASSEMBLY 1/8" - (3,2 mm) ORIFICE 4 . SUPPLY OUTLET V , PRESSURE O "-' GAUGE WHEN FLOW THROUGH . RESTRICTION ASSEMBLY INLET EXCEEDS OUTLET, MAIN RETARD CHAMBER DRAIN BEGINS TO FILL VALVE WATERFLOW THROUGH SEAT RING GROOVE AND ALARM PORT FIGURE 3 MODEL RC-1 RETARD CHAMBER - OPERA TION— 1/2" NPT WATERFLOW PRESSURE ALARM SWITCH CONNECTION 314• NPT WATER 1 3/4 .. 1/2" x 3/4 MOTOR ALARM l REDUCING TEE CONNECTION 3/4'x 1-1/2 9-1/8" NIPPLE (232,0 mm) END-TO-END 1 GAL. (3,8L) NOMINAL CAPACITY 1/2" NPT INLET CONNECTION 8-1/8" - (206,0 mm) DIA. FIGURE 1 MODEL .RC-1 RETARD CHAMBER Installation The Model RC-1 Retard Chamber must be installed in accordance with the specific instructions provided with the Tyco Fire Products Model AV-1- 300 (TFP910) or Model AV-1-175 (TFP912) Alarm Check Valves. The standard trim for these Alarm Check Valves includes all of the necessary components including the Restriction Assembly shown in Figure 2. In the case of retrofitting Central Model FIG Alarm Check Valves refer to Fig- ure 4; In the case of retrofitting Gem Model A Alarm Check Valves refer to Figure 5; and, in the case of retrofitting Star Model E/F Alarm Check Valves refer to Figures 6 and 7. NOTE When ret rdfitting per Figures 4, 5, 6, or 7, the Restriction Assembly, Y- Strainer, and associated pipe nipples and fittings must be ordered sepa- rately to complete the installation. Apply pipe thread sealant sparingly to male threads only. Care and Maintenance The owner is responsible for the in- spection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and de- vices in compliance with this docu- ment, as well as with the applicable standards of the.National Fire Protec- tion Association (e.g., NFPA 25), addition to the standards of any authority having jurisdiction. The in- stalling contractor or product manufac- turer should be contacted relative to any questions. It is recommended that automatic sprinkler systems be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspection Service. Specific consideration must be given to cleaning the Screen within the Re- striction Assembly, as well as the Y- Strainer. More frequent cleaning than that required by NFPA 25 may be nec- essary as determined after the first inspection and is a function of the water quality with respect to water borne debris. NOTES Before closing a fire protection system control valve for inspection or maiñte- nance work on the fire protection sys- tem that it controls, permission to shut down the affected fire protection sys- tem must first be obtained from the proper authorities, and all personnel INLET SCREEN RESTRTICTION FITTING WITH 0.219"(5.6 mm) ORIFICE NIPPLES & FITTINGS ' NO. DESCRIPTION OT' 1 3/4'x 1/2"90* Reducing Elbow........1 2 1/2"x1-1/2"Nipple .....3 3 i/2"x2"Nipple ........1 4 Select per Table 1 MODEL RC-1 ' Nipples & fittings RETARD CHAMBER may be acquired P/N 5221110022 from sources other than TFP. 1/2"Y-STRAINER 2 Includes nipple and P/N 52-353-1-005 tee per Figure 1. 1/20 NPT WATERFLOW PRESSURE ALARM SWITCH CONNECTION 3/4' NPT WATER MOTOR ALARM CONNECTION RESTRICTION ASSEMBLY P/N 92-210-1-005 (SEE FIGURE 2) iIk'!a! Valve Nipple 4 Size 4"(DN100) 3/4"x6" 6" (DNi50) 3/4" x 4-1/2" 8" (0N200) 3/4" x 1-1/2" TFP92O FIGURE 4 MODEL RC-1 RETARD CHAMBER WITH CENTRAL MODEL FIG ALARM CHECK VALVES Page 3 of 4 1/2" NPT WATERFLOW PRESSURE WITCH ALARM S CTION CONNECTION 3/40 NPT WATER MOTOR ALARM CONNECTION REMOVE GEM MODEL A-3 RETARD CHAMBER WITH ALARM TRIM GEM MODELA REFER TO DATA SHEET TDI-1 ALARM CHECK VALVE . 1/2' NPT WITH BASIC TRIM . . WATERFLOW (6"/DN150 SHOWN) PRESSURE REFER TO DATA MODEL RC-1 ALARM SWITCH SHEET TD1 RETARD CHAMBER CONNECTION P/N 52-211-1-002 (INCLUDES NIPPLE & TEE PER FIGURE 1) 3/4" NPT WATER ° MOTOR ALARM CONNECTION RESTRICTION ASSEMBLY P/N 92-210-1-005 (SEE FIGURE 2) GEM MODEL A ALARM CHECK VALVE REMOVE WITH BASIC TRIM ORIGINAL DRIP FUNNEL• (6"/DN150 SHOWN) ALARM TRIM (IF REQUIRED) REFER TO DATA TO THIS SHEET 101 POINT 1/20 YSTRAlNER P/N 52-353-1-005 FIGURE 5 MODEL RC-1 RETARD CHAMBER WITH GEM MODEL A ALARM CHECK VALVES ROTATE EXISTING RETARD CHAMBER DRAIN TRIM TO ACCOMMODATE NEW RETARD CHAMBER TRIM CENTRAL MODEL F/G ALARM CHECK VALVE WITH ALARM TRIM (6"/DN150 SHOWN) REFER TO DATA SHEET 7-3.0 who may be affected by this action must be notified. After placing a fire protection system in service, notify the proper authoritie and advise those responsible for moni- toring proprietary and/or central sta- tion alarms. Limited Warranty Products manufactured by Tyco Fire Products are warranted solely to the original Buyer for ten (10) years against defects in material and work- manship when paid for and properly installed and maintained under normal use and service. This warranty will ex- pire ten (10) years from date of ship- ment by Tyco Fire Products. No war- ranty is given for products or components manufactured by compa- nies not affiliated by ownership with Tyco Fire Products or for products and components which have been subject to misuse, improper installation, corro- sion, or which have not been installed, maintained, modified or repaired in ac- cordance with applicable Standards of the National Fire Protection Associa-. tion, and/or the standards of any other Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Mate- rials found by Tyco Fire Products to be defective shall be either repaired or replaced, at Tyco Fire Products' sole option. Tyco Fire Products neither as- sumes, nor authorizes any person to assume for it, any other obligation in connection with the sale of products or parts of products. Tyco-Fire Products shall not be responsible for sprinkler 33 Page 4 of 4 I NIPPLES & FITTINGS' I INO. DESCRIPTION QTY. I 1 3/4° x 1/2° 90' I Reducing Elbow........1 1/2°NPT . 2 1/2°xl-1/2"Nipple .....3 I WATERFLOW 3 3/4'x 3-1/2° Nipple 1 PRESSURE ALARM SWITCH MODEL RC-1 ' Nipples & fittings RETARD CHAMBER may be acquired P/N 522111002 2 from sources other than TFP. 3/4 NPT WATE MOTOR ALAR 3531005 1/2"Y-STRAINER 2 Includes nipple and CONNECTIONJ R CONNECTION tee per Figure 1. REMOVE AND RESTRICTION 3 DISCARD EXISTING ASSEMBLY 2 92-210-1-0 2 3/4'x2NIPPLE P/N (SEE FIGURE apt SEPARATE EXISTING 1/2° UNION HALVES TO FACILITATE ASSEMBLY OF NEW RETARD CHAMBER TRIM STAR MODEL ROTATE EXISTING ALARM CHECK VALVE RETARD CHAMBER. DRAIN TRIM WITH ALARM TRIM TO ACCOMMODATE NEW . REFER TO DATA RETARD CHAMBER TRIM SHEET 2-1.1.20 FIGURE 6 MODEL RC-1 RETARD CHAMBER WITH STAR MODEL EALARM CHECK VALVES TFP920 NIPPLES & FITTINGS' NO. DESCRIPTION OTY. 1 314"x 1/2"90' Reducing Elbow........1 2 1/2'x1-1/2°Nipple ......3 1/2°NPT 3 3/4° x 3-1/2° Nipple 1 WATERFLOW PRESSURE ALARM SWITCH Nipples & linings MODEL RC-1 CONNECTION may be acquired RETARD CHAMBE1 ) from sources other P/N 2 than TFP. 3/4° NPT WATER 2 Includes nipple and 1/2° v-STRAINER MOTOR ALARM tee per Figure 1. P/N 52-353-1-005 CONNECTION REMOVE AND DISCARD EXISTING 3 2 RESTRICTION 3/4' x 2° NIPPLE . . . 2 ASSEMBLY 2 P/N 92-210-1-005 (SEE FIGURE 2) o 0 o SEPARATE o EXISTING 1/2° UNION HALVES TO FACILITATE ASSEMBLY OF NEW RETARD CHAMBER STAR MODEL F TRIM ALARM CHECK VALVE WITH ALARM TRIM ROTATE EXISTING (6°/DN150 SHOWN) RETARD CHAMBER DRAIN TRIM REFER TO DATA TO ACCOMMODATE NEW SHEET 2-1.1.10 RETARD CHAMBER TRIM FIGURE 7 MODEL RC-1 RETARD CHAMBER WITH STAR MODEL F ALARM CHECK VALVES system design errors or inaccurate or incomplete information supplied by Buyer or Buyer's representatives. IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS BE LIABLE, IN CON- TRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THE- ORY, FOR INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LABOR CHARGES, RE- GARDLESS OF WHETHER TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS WAS INFORMED ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS' LI- ABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE SALES PRICE. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS MADE IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FIT- NESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR- POSE. Ordering Information Orders for the RC-1 and additional components, as applicable, must in- dude the description and Part Number (PIN). RC-1: Specify: Model RC-1 Retard Chamber w/galvanized steel fittings, P/N 52-211-2-002. NOTE When retrofitting per Figures 4, 5, 6, or 7, the' Restriction Assembly, Y- Strainer, and associated pipe nipples and fittings must be ordered sepa- rately to complete the installation. TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS, 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 31k 1/2 THRU 2 INCH PIPE Fig. 200 - "Trimline" Adjustable Band Hanger C& US LISTED Size Range - 1/2" thru 8' pipe Material - Carbon Steel, Mu. Galvanized to G90 specifications Function - For fire sprinkler and other general piping purposes. Knurled swivel nut design permits hanger adjustment after installation. Features - (1/2 thru 2") Flared edges ease installation for all pipe types and protect CPVC plastic pipe from abrasion. Captured design keeps adjusting nut from separating with hanger. Hanger is easily installed around pipe. (21/2 ' thru 8' Spring tension on nut holds it securely in hanger before installation. Adjusting nut is easily removed. Approvals '- Underwriters' Laboratories listed (1/2" thru 8") in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL) for steel and CPVC plastic pipe and Factory Mutual Engineering Approved (3/4" thru 8"). Conforms to Federal Specifications WW-H-171E, Type 10 and Manufacturers Standardization Society SP-69, Type 10. Maximum Temperature - 650°F Finish - MU. Galvanized. For Stainless Steel materi- als, order TOLCOTM Fig. 200WON. Order By - Figure number and pipe' size Dimensions -Weights Pipe Rod Size Max. Rec. Approx. Size Inch Metric A B Load Lbs. Length 1/2 3/8 8mm or 10mm 31A 25A 400 11 '3/4 3/8 8mm or 10mm 31A 2½ 400 11 1 3/8 8mm or 10mm 33A 2% 400 .12 11/4 ' 3/8- 8mm or 10mm 3:Y4 2/8 400 ' 13 1½ 3/8 8mm or 10mm 37/s 2/8 ' 400 ' 14 2 3/8 8mm or 10mm 41h 3 400 15 21/2 3/8 10mm 55/8 41/8 600 27 3 3/8 ' '10mm ' 57A 4 600 29 3½ 3/8 10mm 73A 51/4 600 34 4 3/8 10mm 73A 5 1000 35, 5 1/2 12mm 91A 61/4 1250 66 6 1/2 12mm 101/8 ' 63/4 1250 73 8 , 1/2, 12mm 131/8 83/4 1250 136 OFFICE/MANUFACTURING FACILITY . 1375 SAMPSON AVE. CORONA, CA 92879. PH: 951.737.5599 FAX: 951,737.0330 CUSTOMER SERVICE . 800.786.5266 www.tolco.com 1 f. r •, APPROVED LISTED -'-r ' - F BX P/N woorf UL UL Max Ptpe UL Tis1 FM FM Max Fri Tost Wood Siz Wood e; in. Load . . Pjie'$lze Ltad' .. 8007957 GST 10 X• CPVC 11/2 300 1.5 8020957 .SWG 10 X CPVC 1-1/2 300 1.5 8008957 GST 20 X 2-1/2. 850 1.5 .X 4 . 1475 1.5 8068925 GST 20 SS X 2-1/2 . 850 1.5 8010957 GST3O X ' '.'. 4 .. . 1500 . 1.5 X .4.. 1475 . 1.5 8009925 GST 25-380 X ' 4 . '1500 :'.' d.5 8022925 SWG 25-380 X 3-1/2 - 4 ' " 1500, . 1.5 8021957 SWG 20 X 2-1/2 3** 1250 ' 1.5 ....... . . . . . 8073925 SWG20 SS ' X ... ' 2-1/2 1250 " 1.5 , . . . . 8139957 SH GST 20 ' X 3 ' 1050 . .1.5 X- 4 ' 1475 ' ' 1.5 8141957 SH GST 30 ....1500 1.5 X 4 . 1475 ' 1.5 - - -- - Inirnurn Mni UL Max Pipe UL Test FM Max FM Test B P/N STEEL UL Steel FM ' Steel Size, in. Load .,. . Ripe Size Load . - . . . . Th!cknejn. J g. i!.es'L 8038957 DSTR1 ' X 1500 .' ' .0.035 . X 4 ' 1475. . 0.1050 8037957.. DSTR 1-1/2. .". X.. '. .. .4 .' ', 1500 0.035 '. ,. X ....1475 0.1050' 8039957 DSTR516.,' ,' X. 4 ' 1500 ' 0.037 X ' 4 1415 0.1050 8045957: DST-516 . ' ' X ' .. 4 . '1500 .0:188' ' X .4 1475 0.1875 8046957 TEK50 X 4' " '1500' 0.250 . X 4 1475' 0.1875 8055957 SWDR 1. ' X 4 . 1500. 0.037 . ' X 4 1475 0.0600 8056957 SWDR 516 . X 4 1500 0.037 X 4 1475' 0.0600 8054957 SWDR 1-1/2 ' X 4 1500 0.037 X 4 . 1,475 , 0.0600 8137957' SH DSTR 1 X 4 . '1500 ' 0.035 .X 4 1475 0.1050 8150922 .XP 20 ' X . 2 750 0.027' X 4 1475 0.1050 8153922 XP 35 X ' 3-1/2 .1250' .0.043 ' ' X . 4 1475 . 0.1050 - - ' , .'.',--------------, ' -,---- ----c-,-- - FrIrMax FM Test [.,13 P/N CONCRETE FM Matérial Pipe Size Load - ", - - - .• . .. . ". - ....................- --,, - ak' - - 8059957 CST 20 . . . ' X• '. .4. 1475 3000 PSI 8061957 SWC 20 ' ' , . . X ' 4 1475 3000 PSI * SWG 25-380 Maximum pipe size in composite wood joist allowed by UL is 3-1/2" SWG 25-380 Maximum pipe size in wood timber or joist allowed by UL'is,4" . ' . • • ' • ** SWG 20 Maximum pipe size in composite wood joist allowed by UL is 2-1/2 • . ** SWG 20 Maximum pipe size in wood timber 'or joist allowed by UL is 3" • , . .' ' • . UL and FM tests were performed in compliance with NFPA-13 Standards. Fastening requirement 5 times weight of water filled schedule 40 pipe plus 250 pounds // • • • . .: ' • • • 'wNw.itwbuildex.corn • 800-284-5339 • • • • • , , • SSS26 0506 Use #14 Nut Driwr (Item#100) . ltem# Model. Shk Lgth Shk Dia Box Qty Weight 00) Case Qty GST.750 (per 1 20 3/4 1/4 100 4.75 1000 21 GST 100 1 1/4 lOt) . 5.00 1000 22 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ GST 200 2 1/4 100 6.50 1000 23 CST300 3 . . 1/4 . 100 7.50 1000 24 . CST600 6 . 1/4 50.. 9.00 500 #14 (1/em#100-black) Sammys 1)4.318" rod -Ilk W010D.-, Sammys . .. ' WOOD •Mount) - Use #14 NutDriwr (item #'100) .Approvals Item # Model Shk Lgth Shk Din FM Test UL Test Loadlb, UL/FM Actual Pullout Box Qty GST.75 Load, I b. 10 3/4 1/4 564#6 Ply 100 1 NFPA 11 GSTIO 1 1/4 . . . 2109-7/I6OSB 6704 - 3/4. Ply 100 UL-FM.-NFPA 12 GST20 . 2 1/4 .9404 . 850# 3/4-2 1/2 17604- Fir 160 UL-NFPA * 27 GST25-380 2 1/2 3/8 - 15004 4 21134 - Fir 50 UL-FM-NFPA 13 GST30 3 1/4 1475fi 150011 3/4-4 206011 - Fir . 100 NFPA 403 1/4 . -.. 21804- Fir . 50 F7E771 14. GST40 _______4 IGST60 '6 . 1/4 22304 -Fir 50 #I4SW (Item #101-red) Sidewinders & Sammys 1/2" rod WOOD - 1/ Item # Model Shk Lgth Use #I4SW Nut Driver (Item #10.1) Weight Shk Din Actual Pullout Box Qty (per 100) Case Qty 8 GS'f2 2 1/4 176011- Fir 50 7.00 500 * 06 GST2.5-380 2 1/2 . 3/8 21134- Fir 50 10.00 500 15 ' GST3 3 1/4 22754- Fir 50 10.50 500 16 GST4 4 1/4 218011-Fir 50 -.10.60 500 1 17 GST6- 6 1/4 22304-Fir . 50 10.95 500 Not less than 2" nomInal width (11/2") 0 / Wood Flooring . . . V_i,- .. 0 . TJlJoistlTruss . . Consutttruss manufacturer/or . H . recommended Installation point. . , I r-' q WOO Joist JL *pre drilli,,g may be required , Ii for items #27 and 406. - -' -. - . Tools available on page 9. . . . . . ' Double SheefrockalhInt Min imum 2dmt Into For vertical use material for NFPA 13 rompliance Install In center oft erface~. Page 4 . mmllaq .Qfr• Screws n,,.s'l Sr installed with appropriate en, driver to comply with warranty . . . . • . • WOOD —Sidewinders lAd IiTTvl1Iln L I Use#14SWNutDriwr(ltem#101) ltem# Model Shk Lgth1 Shk Dia Actual l Box Qty I Weight I Case QI I Shear/Pullout I (per 100) 4016 ISWG100I 1 1/4 , too 7.50 I 1000 I 300 SWG 200 2 114 1725# - Fir 100 8.00 100(1 ..i.J lYk3lRod r(Horizontal fl riirnn Use #I4SW Nut Driver (Item #101) Approvals Item Model Shk Lgth Shk Dia ULTest Load lb. WFM Pipe Size ActualBox Shear/Pullout Qty Weight (per 100) 18 SWGIO 1 1/4 1011 6.00 IJL•NFPA 19 SWG2O 2 1/4 1250# 3 1725ff- Fir ' 100 7.00 UL.NFPA * 26 SWG25-380 2 1/2 3/8 15004 4 22494 - Fir 50 10.25 25 ISWG30 1 3 1 1/4 1 i i ' 50 1 8.50 1- [3 . #I4SW (Item #1O1.ed) Sidewinders & Sanlmys 112" rod 'Use #14 Nut Driver (Item#100) Item# Model Shk Lgth Shk Dia Actual Pullout Box Q, Weight Case.Qty (per IOU) 71 SST300 3 1/4 450ff Lath & Plaster 50 12.00 500 4044 2 Layers 5/8 Rock Minimum 2 112" from bottom for branch lines. Minimum 3" from bottom for mainlines. Exception: This requirement shall not apply to 2" or thicker nailing ships resting on top of steel beams. Floor Joist r TJI Joist / Truss Consult truss manufacturer for recommended installation point. *pre_drilling may he required for ilen: #26. Tools available on page 9. ! InstaIlation" erNFPA 13 SHEETROCK—Toggle Not less than 2" nominal width (1112") up to 3112" pipe; not less than 3" nominal width 4" & 5" pipe ii :1 r i iii Rodr&nti I rrniiri I Use #14 Nut Driver (Item #100) ltem# I Model Shk Lgth Shk Dia Actual Pullout Pkg Qty Weight Case Qty (per 100) 70 SST30 3 1/4 450# Lath & Plaster 50 12.00 500 40411 2 Layers 5/8 Rock #14 (Item #1 OO.$) Sammys 114,318" rod Prestressed Concrete Note: Screw.,' 100.51 be installed with appropriate nut driver to comply will, warranty Page 5 18S Fig. 1000 - "Fast Clamp" Sway Brace Attachment ®C®. Size Range - Pipe size to be braced: 1" thru 6" Schedule 10 thru 40 IPS.* Pipe size used for bracing: 1' and 1¼" Schedule 40 IPS. * Additionally (UL) approved for use to brace Schedule 7 sprinkler pipe up to 4" (maximum horizontal design load 655 lbs.) Torque requirement 6 - 8 ft. lbs. Material - Carbon Steel Function - For bracing pipe against sway and seismic disturbance. Features - Field adjustable, making critical pre-engineering of bracing pipe unnecessary. Unique design requires no threading of bracing pipe. Can be used as a component of a 4-way riser brace. Can be used as longitudinal brace with Fig. 907. Comes assembled and individually packaged with illustrated installation instructions - sizes are clearly marked. Steel leaf spring insert provided to assure installer and inspector necessary minimum torque has been achieved. Installation —The Fig. 1000 is the "braced pipe" attachment component of a lateral sway brace assembly. It is intended to be combined with the 'bracing pipe" and TOLCO structural attach- ment component, Fig. 980, 910 or 909 to form a complete brac- ing assembly. Follow NFPA 13 and/or OSHPD guidelines. - To Install - Place the Fig. 1000 over the pipe to be braced, insert bracing pipe through opening leaving a minimumof 1" extension. Tighten hex nuts until leaf spring is flat. It is recom- mended that the brace angle be adjusted before hex nuts are fully tightened. Approvals - Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL). Included in our Seismic Restraints Catalog approved by the State of California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). For additional load, spac- ing and placement information relating to OSHPD projects, please refer to the TOLCO Seismic Restraint Systems Guidelines. Finish - Plain Note - Available in Electro-Galvanized and HDG finish or Stainless Steel materials. Order By - Order first by pipe size to be braced, followed by pipe size used for bracing, figure number and finish. Component of State of California OSHPD Approved Seismic Restraints System Maximum Design Load 1" thru 4" pipe size - 2015 lbs. 6" size - 1265 lbs. TOLCO® brand bracing components are desgiried to be compatible ONLY with other TOLCO® brand bracing components, resulting in a Listed seismic bracing assembly. DISCLAIMER - NIBCO does NOT warrant against the failure of TOLCO® brand bracing components, in the instance that such TOLCO® brand bracing components are used in combination with products, parts or systems which are not manufactured or sold under the TOLCO® brand. NIBCO shall NOT be liable under any circumstance for any direct or indirect, incidental or consequential damages of any kind, including but not limited to loss of business or profit, where non-TOLCO brand bracing components have been, or are used. OFFICEIMANUFACTURING FACILITY• 1375 SAMPSON AVE. . CORONA, CA 92879. PH: 951.737.5599. FAX: 951.737.0330 CUSTOMER SERVICE 800.786.5266 www.tolco.com 3c Fig. 909 - No-Thread Swivel Sway Brace Attachment Size Range - 1" bracing pipe. For brace pipe sizes larger than 1", 0 use TOLCO Fig. 980. 0 Material —Carbon Steel, hardened cone point engaging screw Function — The structural component of a sway and seismic bracing system . 0 0 Features —This product's design incorporates a concentric <j attachment opening which is critical to the performance of structural seismic connections. NFPA 13 (2002) Figure indicates clear- ly that fasteñêr table load values are based only on concentric loading. ..-.< Open design allows for easy inspection of pipe engagement. Application Note - The required .type number and size of fasteners used for the structure attachment fitting shall be in accordance with A NFPA 13 and/or OSHPD. 0 SCS Component of State of California OSHPD Approved Seismic Restraints System H B Approvals - Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and 0 Canada (cUL). Included in our Seismic Restraints Catalog approved by the State of California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). For additional load, spacing and placement information relating to OSHPD projects, please refer to the TOLCO Seismic Restraint Systems Guidelines. Installation - The Fig. 909 is the structural or transitional attach- ment component of a longitudinal or lateral sway brace assembly. It is intended to be combined with the "bracing pipe' and TOLCO "braced pipe" attachment, Fig. 1000, 1001, 4A, 413 or 4L to form a complete bracing assembly. NFPA 13 and/or OSHPD guidelines should be followed. To Install - Place the Fig. 909 onto the bracing pipe. Tighten the - set bolt untiJ head. bottoms out on surface. Attachment can pivot for adjustmert to prope( brace angle.. Finish —:Plain . Note - Available in Electro-Galvañized and HDG finish.. Order By - Figure number, pipe size and finish, Lateral Brace Dimensions 'Weights Max. Design. Max. Design Load Approx. Pioe Size A.. B H*. Load Lbs. Lbs. wlWasher wt./100 1 6 1% 17/32 2015 2765 91 * Available with hole sizes to accommodate up to 3/4 fastener. Consult Factory. TOLCO® brand bracing components are desgined to be compätiblé Q.N.LI with other TOLCO® brand bracing components, resulting in a Listed seismic bracing assembly. DISCLAIMER - NIBCO does NOT warrant against the failure of TOLCO® brand bracing components, in the instance that such TOLCO® brand bracing components are used in combination with products, parts or systems which are not manufactured or sold under the TOLCO® brand. NIBCO shall NOT be liable under any circumstance for any direct or indirect, incidental or consequential damages of any kind, including but not limited to loss of business or profit, where non-TOLCO brand bracing components have been, or are used. . OFFICE/MANUFACTURING FACILITY • 1375 SAMPSON AVE. . CORONA, CA 92879. PH: 951.737.5599. FAX: 951.737.0330 CUSTOMER SERVICE • 800.786.5266 www.tolco.com Fig. 4L Longitudinal "In-Line" Sway Brace Attachment Size Range - 21/20 through 8" IPS. Material - Carbon Steel Function - For bracing pipe against sway and seismic disturbance. Features - This product's design incorporates concentric loading of the "brace pipe", connection components and fasteners which is critical to the performance of seismic bracing assemblies. Approvals— Underwriter's Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL)21/2" through 8". Installation - The Fig. 4L is the "braced pipe" attachment component of a longitudinal sway brace assembly. It is intended to be combined with the "bracing pipe" and TOLCO structural attachment component to form a complete bracing assembly. NFPA 13 and/or OSHPD guidelines should be . followed. To Install - Place the Fig. 4L over the pipe to be braced and tighten bolts. Then engage "bracing pipe" into jaw opening and tighten set bolt until hex head snaps off. Jaw attachment can pivot for adjustment to proper brace angle. Finish - Plain Note - Available in electro-galvanized and HDG finish. Order By - Figure number, pipe size and finish. 4-Way Riser Brace (Plan view) Longitudinal Brace Dimensions -Weights Bolt Max. Rec. Approx.' Sizes A C D Size Load Lbs. .Wt./100 2½ 67A6 21/2 2Y4 1/2 2015 253 3 7 2Y4 31A6 1/2 2015 268 4 8½ 33/8 311/16 1/2 2015 348 5 9Y4 37/s 4Y8 1/2 2015 380 6 11½ 5 51/8 1/2 2015 640 8 13¼ 615/16 6½ 1/2 2015 728 TOLCO® brand bracing components are desgined to be compatible ONLY with other TOLCO® brand bracing components, resulting in a Listed seis- mic bracing assembly. DISCLAIMER - NJIBCO does NOT warrant against the failure of TOLcO® brand bracing components, in the instance that such TOLCO® brand bracing components are used in combination with products, parts or systems which are not manufactured or sold under the TOLCO® brand. NIBCO shall NOT be liable under any circumstance for any direct or indirect, incidental or consequential damages of any kind, including but not limited to loss of business or profit, where non-TOLcO brand bracing components have been, or are used. OFFICEIMANUFACTURING FACILITY . 1375 SAMPSON AVE. . CORONA, CA 92879 PH: 951.737.5599. FAX: 951.737.0330 CUSTOMER SERVICE 800.786.5265 www.tolco.com Signs For sprinkler systems & devices Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 Product Description Centrars Identification Signs are designed to provide information to the end user about the sprinkler system and it's components. They are available with a variety of wording combinations to meet the signing requirements of NFPA 13. The five basic types of signs are as follows: Type A - Control Valve Sign Type B - Multi-purpose Text Signs Type C - Cold Weather Sign Type D - Fire Alarm Sign Type E - Hydraulic Calculation Sign The Signs are constructed of 18 gauge steel or aluminum with a porcelain enamel or printed mylar facing respectively. The signs have corner holes or slots for easy attach- ment in the field. Sign Type B is available with the following text options: Air control Air control valve Air line Alarm test Alarm line Antifreeze system Auxiliary drain Control Control valve Drain Drain valve Entire system From city main In this building In this section Inspectors test Main control Main drain Open sprinkler control Open sprinkler drain Test valve Triangular main drain Water motor Water motor line Technical Data Model: Sign Style: Flat, rectangular Standard Finish: porcelain or mylar Size: Type A -9" x 7" Type B - 6" x 2" Type C-7%"x1¼" Type D - 9" x 7" Type E-5"x7" Weight: Type A - 4.5 oz. Type B - 0.5 oz. Type C - 2.0 oz. Type D-4.0oz. Type E -1.5 oz. Installation The Identification Signs are pro- vided with 1,4w diameter or larger holes (or slots) in the corners-for easy attachment using standard hardware chain, wire, plastic lock ties, or light gauge metal strap (not included). Identification Signs No. 28.9.0 Sign - TypeE Sign -Type D Sign -Type A The blank spaces on this sign may be utilized to provide message flexibility. Simply add combinations of sign Type B and Type C as desired. Sign - Type B AUXILIARY DRAIN Sign - TypéC FRONT BACK fl Ordering Information When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please specify the quantity and type. Hardware for hanging is not supplied with the Sign. It must be ordered separately. Availability and Service: Central sprinklers, accessories, and other products are available throughout the U.S. and Canada, and internationally through a network of Central Sprinkler distribution centers. You may write directly to Central Sprinkler Company, or call (215) 362-0700 for the distributor nearest you. Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Company will repair and/or replace any products found to be defective in material or workmanship within a period of one year from date of shipment. Please refer to the current Price List for further details of the warranty. Conversion Table: 1 inch = 25.400 mm 1 foot = 0.3048 M 1 pound = 0.4536 kg Conversions are approximate. CENTRAL ©1995 Central Sprinkler Company Printed in U.S.A. Central Sprinkler Company 451 N. Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, PA 19446 Phone (215) 362-0700 FAX (215) 362-5385 Signs.1 Sprinkler.. Head Cabinet Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 DProduct Technical Description Data Central Sprinkler Head Cabinets are constructed of a metal enclosure with a hinged cover designed to provide on-site storage of an emergency supply of sprinkler heads and a sprinkler head wrench. NFPA 13 requires a representative number of each type of sprinkler head used in a sprinkler system to be stored in a cabinet on-site to allow for immediate removal and replacement of sprinklers which may have operated or become damaged. Central Sprinkler Head Cabinets are manufactured of heavy gauge steel with knock-outs to accommodate either 1/2" or %" N.P.T. threaded sprinkler heads and are painted an attractive red enamel. They are available in three (3), six (6) or twelve (12) head capacity. Model: Sprinkler Head Cabinet Style: 3, 6 or 12 head Standard Finish: Red enamel Mfgr. Source: Non-domestic Capacity: 3 sprinkler heads 6 sprinkler heads 12 sprinkler heads Dimensions: 3 head - 5" high x 7W' long x 21/2' deep 6 head - 5" high x 14" long x 3Y4"deep 12 head -5" high x 14%" long x 5" deep Weight: 3 head - 1.5 lbs. 6 head - 2.3 lbs. l2 head -4 lbs. 3, 6 & 12 Head Sprinkler Head Cabinet No. 28.6.0 nstaiIation ifli' Care 'F Central's Sprinkler Head Cabinet is designed with two 3A6" diameter holes fbTWall mounting or direct attachment to the system riser with a strap-type hanger. The Cabinet should be installed at or near the system control valve and must be stocked with an adequate supply of spare sprinklers and a sprinkler wrench., 'The stock of spare sprinklers should include sprinklers of each type and temperature rating as are installed in the sprinkler system, in the following quantities: Sprinklers Spare Sprinklers In System Required under 300 6 300-1000 12 over 1000 24 The Cabinets are designed to accept both W' and 3/4 N.P.T. threaded sprinklers. For W' N.P.T. sprinklers, leave the removable knockout in the hole. For %" N.P.T. sprinklers, insert a screwdriver blade from the front top of the shelf and under the near bottom part of the knockout annular ring. Press the screwdriver handle down to remove the knockout ring. The hole, with the knockout ring removed, will accept a 3/40 N.P.T. sprinkler. The Cabinet, wrench, and stock of spare sprinklers should be inspected at least quarterly. The following items should be checked: The Cabinet should be readily accessible, and not exposed to a corrosive atmosphere or temperatures in excess of 100°F/380C. The stock of spare sprinklers should include an adequate number of each type and temperature rating. The stock of sprinklers must be in good condition. A sprinkler wrench of the appropriate type must be included in the Cabinet. When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please specify the quantity, model, style, capacity, and size. Sprinklers, wrenches, and hard- ware for hanging are not supplied with the Cabinet. They must be. ordered separately. Availability and Service: Central sprinklers, accessories, and other products are available throughout the U.S. and Canada, and internationally through a network of Central Sprinkler distribution centers. You may write directly to Central Sprinkler Company, or call (215) 362-0700 for the distributor nearest you. Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Company will repair and/or replace any products found to be defective in material or workmanship within a period of one year from date of shipment. Please refer to the current Price List for further details of the warranty. Conversion Table: 1 inch = 25.400 mm 1 foot = 0.3048 M 1 'pound = 0.4536 kg Conversions are approximate. ©1994 Central Sprinkler Company Printed in U.S.A. CENTRAL 'Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, PA 19446 Phone (215) 362-0700 FAX (215) 362-5385 Hd.Cab.2 Ai- steel pipe for fire protection .A-7$5 standard dimensions, weights and test pressures (schedule 40) nominal pipe size in. P.D. in. wall thickness% in. . . plainend weight (lb./it:) test pressures (psi) -'--' -'------ furnace weld seamless and EAW ½ . . .840, ' .109 .85 700 700. .. 11'3 1.13 700 700 ' . ' 1.315 .133 1.68 700 ' 700 ' 1Y4•' , : .........1.050, 1.660 .140 . 227 1000 ' 1000. 111/2 ' ' 1.9.00 .145 2.72 ' 1000 1000 2' 2.375 , .1.54 3.65 1000 1000 21/2 ' ' ' 2.875 2O3 5.79 '1000 ' '1000 '3 3.500 '.216 7:58 ' 1000 . 1000 3'/2 , 4.000 .226 ' 9.11 1200 , 1200 4 4.500 ' :237 10.79 1200 1200 5 '5.563 . .258 ': ' 14.62 ' . . . - ,' , , , 120.0 6 6.625 .280 18.97 - 1200 8 8.625 .322 28.55 - 1570 10 10.750 ' .365 40.48 , - 1430 light weight pipe..dimensions, weights and test pressures '(schedule 10) nominal pipe size , ' ' O.D. •. . in. wall thickness in. . weight (lbJft.) 'test pressures (psi) plain end furnace-weld seamless andERW 3/4' 1:050''' '.083.! .86 ''SO.Ol' .70 1 1315 .109 1.40 500 700 11/4 ' 1:660 .109 1.81 500 1000 11/2 1.980 .109 2.08. 500 1000 2 2375 ' .109. 2,64 500' 1000 21/2 2:875 .120 3:53 500 1000 3 ' 3.500 .120 4.33 500 1000 31/3 4.'900 .120 497 500 1200 4 4.500 120 5.61 560 1200. 5 5:56,3 .134 ' 7.77 - 1200 6 6:625 1'34' 9.29 - 1200 '8 8.625 '.188' 13.40 - 1200 10 , 10.750 , *.188 18.70 - 1200 'NotSchèdulè 10 W. <@> SMITH -COOPER <~>C j I N T R N AT I 0 N A L Ductile Iron Threaded Fittings * ALL FITTINGS 100% AIR TESTED *ANSI B16.3 cy)us * ISO 9002 MANUFACTURER * ASTM A536 < FM LISTED * LISTED/APPROVED AT 500 PSI * ANSI B 1.20.1 APROVEO Ductile Iron 900 Elbow Ductile Iron Counlin Figure 35E Size A Wgt c:II 1 1/2 1.13 0.24 1 1.50 0.64 4t75095 1-1/2 1.94 1.24 2 2.25 1.74 2-1/2 1 2.70 3.28 Ductile Iron Reducing 90° Elbow Figure 35RE Size A B Wgt I I 3/4x1/2 1.22 1.20 0.33 1 x 1/2 1.36 1.26 0.44 1x3/4 1.45 1.38 0.53 1-1/4x1/2 1.53 1.34 0.64 1-1/4x3/4 1.63 1.45 0.75 1-1/4x1 1.67 1.58 0.77 1-1/2 x 1/2 1.75 1.52 0.90 1-1/2x3/4 175 1.52 0.95 1-1/2x1 1.80 1.65 0.99 1-1/2x1-1/4 188 1.82 1.14 2x1/2 1.97 1.60 1.35 2x3/4 1.97 1.60 1.39 2 x 1 2.02 1.73 1.58 2x1-1/4 2.10 1.90 1.62 2 x 1-1/2 2.16 2.02 1.67 2-1/2 x 1-1/2 2.51 2.16 2.32 2-1/2 x 2 2.60 2.39 3.01 Ductile Iron Rrisc Seit IJninn Figure 35U Size •• Wgt 1I 1/2 1.88 0.47 Ii I I ]A Lk 3/4 20 0.66 1 2.19 1.08 II I 1-1/4 2.50 1.54 I 1-1/2 1 2.62 2.03 ___ 2 3.12 3.15 Ductile Iron Tee Figure 35T Size A Wgt 0-A -0-4--A---0- _ _ Lr 1/2 1.13 0.33 4 1.31 0.50 1 1.50 0.85 1-1M 1.75 130 2 1.94 t63 2 2.25 .63 2.70 E5] 2-1/2 _ Figure 35CP Size A Wgt A 1/2 1.38 0.18 3/4 1.63 0.26 1 1.75 0.44 1-1/4 200 0.54 1-1/2 2.19 0.71 2 2.62 1.15 2-1/2 3.00 2.29 Ductile Iron Can Figure 35C Size A Wat 1/2 0.87 0.15 3/4 0.97 0.22 1 1.16 0.33 1-1/4 1.28 0.54 1-1/2 1.33 0.68 2 1.45 0.96 2-1/2 1.70 1.80 Ductile Iron Hey Ruqhincr Figure 35HB Size A Wgt I 1 A 1 x 1/2 1.06 0.22 x 3/4 1.06 0.18 1-1/4x1 1.19 0.31 1-1/2 x 1 1.25 0.53 1-1/2x1-1/4 1.25 0.35 2 x 1 1.38 0.75 2x1-1/4 1.38 069 2x1-1/2 1.38 0.62 Ductile Iron 4° Flhnw Figure 35F Size •••X Wgt A ' 1/2 0.88 0.22 3/4 0.98 0.33 1 1.13 0.48 1-1/4 1.29 0.73 1-1/2 1.44 0.93 2 1.69 1.55 2-1/2 I 1.95 2.70 Ductile Iron Ream Clamns r Figure Size A Wgt 3/8 0.75 0.31 1/2 0.75 0.54 4-1 SMITH. -'COOPER <.S::c J> IN TERN AT I ON A L Ductile Iron Threaded Fittings C ® us * ALL FITTINGS 100% AIR TESTED *ANSI B16.3 * ISO 9002 MANUFACTURER * ASTM A536 * LISTED/APPROVED AT 500 PSI * ANSI B 1.20.1 LIoIgu Ductile Iron Bull Head Tee Ductile Iron Reducing Tee APPROVED Figure 35RT Figure 35BT Tf - Size TC Wgt 3/4 x 3/4 x 1 1.45 1.45 1.37 0.68 1 x x 1-1/4 1.67 1.67 1.58 0.97 1x1x1-1/2 1.80 1.80 1.65 1.14 1-1/4x1x1-1/2. 1.88 1.80 1.82 1.43 1-114x1-1/4x1-1/2 1.88 1.88 1.82 1.52 1-1/4x1-1/4x2 2.10 2.10 1.90 2.00 1-1/2x1-114x2 2.16 2.10 2.02 1.94 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 x 2 1 2.16 2.16 2.02 2.00 2 x 2 x 2-1/2 1 2.60 2.60 T-3-9F3 _6T Ductile Iron Hex Reducing Cotinling Figure 35RC Size A Wgt 'i I iH 4 A 1x1/2 1.69 0.40 1x3/4 1.69 0.38 1-1/4x3/4 2.06 0.53 2x1(not hex) 2.81 0.53 Ductile Iron Cross & Reducing Cross Figure 35X Size A B Wgt 1 1.50 1.50 0.97 'A-- 1-1/4 1.75 1.75 1.59 1-1/2 1.94 1.94 1.89 2 2.25 2.25 2.93 ---- 4 Figure 35RX Size A B Wgt 1-1/4 x 1 1.67 1.58 1.25 1-1/2 x 1.80 1.65 1.48 2 x 1 2.02 1.73 2.64 Ductile Iron Plugs Figure 355P Size A Wgt I j + 1/2 0:94 0.10 3/4 1.12 0.18 1 1.25 0.28 1-1/4 •. 1.37 0.50 1-1/2 1.44 0.70 2 1.50 0.90 Size A B C Wgt 3/4x3/4x1/2 1.20 1.20 1.22 0.46 1x1/2x1 1.50 1.36. 1.50 0.70 1x3/4x3/4 1.38 1.31 1.45 0.68 1x3/4x1 1.50 1.45 1.50 0.77 1 x x 1/2 1.26 1.26 1.36 0.66 1x1x3/4 1.38 1.38 1.45 0.73 1-1/4x1/2x1-1/4 1.75 1.53 1.75 1.04 1-1/4x3/4x1-1/4 1.75 1.62 1.75 1.09 1-1/4x1 x,1/2 1.34 1.26 1.53 0.81 1-1/4x1x3/4 . 1.45 1.38 1.63 0.90 1-1/4 xix I 1.58 1.50 1.69 1.03 1-1/4x1x1-1/4 1.75 1.69 1.75 1.10 1-1/4x1-1/4x1/2 1.34 1.34 1.53 0.87 1-1/4x1-1/4x3/4 1.45 1.45 1.62 0.96 1-1/4x1-1/4x1 1.58 1.58 1.67 1.10 1-1/2x1/2x1-1/4 1.81 1.56 1.88 1.37 1-1/2x1/2x1-1/2 1.94 1.66 1.94 1.42 1-1/2x3/4x1-1/4 1.94 1.66 1.88 1.42 1-1/2x3/4x1-1/2 1.94 1.75 1.94 1.47 1-1/2x1x1/2 1.44 1 1.25 1.69 0.97 1-1/2x1x3/4 1.50 1.44 1.75 1.14 1-1/2x1x1 1.65 1.50 1.80 1.1 1-1/2x1x1-1/4 1.82 1.67 1.88 1.47 1-1/2x1x1-1/2 1.94 1.80 1.94 1.52 1-1/2x1-1/4x1/2 1.41 1.34 1.66 1.03 1-1/2x1-1/4x3/4 1.52 1.45 1.75 1.10 1-1/2x1-1/4x1 1.65 1.58 1.80 1.31 1-1/2x1-1/4x1-1/4 1.82 1.75 1.88 1.52 1-1/2x1-1/4x1-l/2 1.94 1.88 1.94 1.50 1-1/2x1-1/2x1/2 1.41 1.41 1.66 114 1-1/2x1-1/2x3/4 1.52 .1.52 1.75 1.23 1-1/2x1-112x1 1.65 1.65 1.80 1.38 1-1/2x1-1/2x11/4 lt..82 1.82 1.88 TU 2 x 1 x2 : 2.25 2.02 2.25 2.18 2 x 1-1/4 x 2 2.25 2.10 2.25 2.31 2x1-1/2x1/2 . 149 1.41 1.88 1.50 2x1-1/2x3/4 1.60 1.52 1.97 1.61 2x1-1/2x1 1.73 1.65 2.02 .1.65 2x1-1/2x1-1/4 1.90 1.82 2.10 2.03 2x1-1/2x1-1/2 2.02 1.94 2.16 2.37 2 x 1-1/2 x 2 225 2.16 2.25 2.53 2x2x1/2 1.49. 1.49 1.88 1.50 2x2x3/4 1.0 1.60 1.97 17 2 x 2 x 1 . 1.73 1.73 2.02 1.91 2x2x1-1/4 1.90 1.90 2.10 2.05 2.x2x1-1/2 2.02 2.02 2,16. 2.11 4 DUCTILE IRON RJ i!IsIDEG. EL NOMINAL SIZE (INCH) rrErul CODE MAX. WORKING P.S.I. DIMENSIONS WEIGHT - A - . B . . EACH PIECE 1X1/2 D890031 500 1.26 1.36' 0.44 1X3/4 0B90032 500 1.37 1.45 0.52 1 1/4X1/2 0890041 500 1.34 1.53 0.64 1 1/4X3/4 0890042 500 1.45 1.62 Or-72 1 1/4X1 0690043 500 1.58 1.67 . .0.75 1 1/2X1 0890053 500 1.65 1.80 0.92 1 1/2X1 1/4 0890054 500 1.82 1.88 1.08 2X1/2 0890061 500 1.49 1.88 1.08 2X3/4 0890062 500. 1.60 1J.97 1 1.24 2X1 0B90063 500 1.73 2.02 1.40 2X1 1/4 0890064 500 1.90 2.10 152 2X1 1/2 D890065 500 2.02 2.16 1 1.65 DUCTILE IRON NOMINAL SIZE (INCH) ITEM CODE # MAX. WORKING P.S.I. DIMENSION WDGIcr EACH PIECE A 1 DCLO33 500 1.67 0.40 11/4 DCLO44 500 1.93 0.57 11/2 DCL055 1 500 1 2.15 0.75 2 DCL066 1 500 1 2.53 1.15 DUCTILE IRON 4iDEG. ELBOW. NOMINAL SIZE (INCH) ITEM CODE # MAX. WORKING P.S.I. DIMENSIONS MUM A B EACH PIECE 1 0845033 500 1.12 1.12 0.46 11/4 0845044 500 1.29 1.29 0.73 11/2 1 B450551 500 1 1.43 1.43 1 0.92 2 1 0645066 1 500 1 1.68 1 1.68 1 1.50 ------------------- DUCTILE IRON STRAIGHT TEE -. NOMINAL SIZE (INCH) ITEM CODE # MAX. WORKING P.S.I. DIMENSIONS WEIGHT . A B EACH PIECE 1 DT333 500 1.50 1.50 0.85 11/4 0T444 500 1.75. 1.75 1.22 11/2 0T555 - 500 1.94 1.94 1 1.55 2 DT666 500 1 2.25 1 2.25 1 2.45 DUCTILE Ii .i.i RED. COUPLI NOMINAL SIZE (INCH) ITEM CODE MAX. WORKING P.S.I. DIMENSION WBGIrr EACH PIECE A 1X1/2 DRC031 500 1.69 0.39 1X3/4 0RC032 500 1.69 0.53 D.I. THREADED FITTINGS FITTINGS .4 L}jri,i, A1 , LISTED LISTED APPROVED For fire protection services request submittal GRS 1.3 DUCTILE IRON THREADED FITTINGS ARE UL, ULC LISTED AND FACTORY MUTUAL I APPROVED FOR 500 PSI SERVICE. DUCTILE IRON PER ASTM A 536 GRADE 65-45- - 12. DIMENSIONS CONFORM TO ANSI B16.3 CLASS 150. THREADS ARE NPT PER / ANSI/ASME B1.20.1 / / ( NOTICE: DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS HAVE HIGHER TENSILE STRENGTH THEN THAT . OF STEEL PIPE. THEREFORE, OVER TIGHTENING CAN CAUSE DAMAGE TO PIPE DUCTILE IRON 90IDEG. ELBOW NOMINAL SIZE (INCH) ITEM CODE # MAX. WORKING P.S.I. DIMENSIONS WEIGHT I A B EACH PIECE 1 D890033 500 1.50 1.50 0.62 11/4 0690044 500 1.75 1.75 0.90 11/2 0890055 500 1.94 1.94 1.20 2 0890066 500 . 2.25 2.25 1.85 THREADS VVMIUII MAY CAUSE LrAL,t. UUL I ILL IF'cUIN FITTINGS SHOULD BE TIGHTENED THREE TURNS BEYOND HAND TIGHT, BUT NO MORE THAN FOUR TURNS. ' > Page 40 DUCTI LE IRON REDUCING TE -- NOMINAL (INCH) ' ITEM CODE X. EWORIUNG S I. IWOG1ff SIZE DIM G1SIONS PIECE .EACH A B C 1X1X1/2 DT33100 1.26 1.26 1.36 0.64 1X1X3/4 DT332 500 1.37 1.37 1.45 0.73 1X1/2X1 DT313 500 1.50 1.36 1.50 0.71 1X3/4X1 DT323 500 1.50 1.45 1.50 0.76 1X1X1 1/4 DT334 500 1.67 1:67 1.58 0.98 'lXlXl 1/2 DT335 500 1.80 1.80 1.65 1.16 1 1/4X1 X1/2 DT431 500 1.34 1.26 1.53 0.82 1 1/4X1X3/4 DT432 500 1.45 1.37 1.62 0.90 1 1/4X1 X1 0T433 500 1.58 1.50 1T 1.00 1 1/4X1X1 1/4 DT434 500 1.75 1.67 i7 1.08 1 1/4X1X1 1/2 DT435 500 1.88 1.80 1 - 1.42 1 1/4X1 1/4X1/2 D1441 500 1.34 1.34 0.86 1 1/4X1 1/4X3/4 D1442 500 1.45 1.45 0.92 1 1/4X1 1/4X1 0T443 500 1.58 1.58 1.67 0.95 1 1/4X1 1/4X1 1/2 DT445 500 1.88 1.88 1.82 1.45 1 1/4X1 114X2 0T446 500 2.10 2.10 1.90 1.75 1 1/2X1 X1/2 DT531 500 -1:4T- 1.34 1.66 0.95 1 1/2X1X314 DT532 500 1.37 1.75 1.14 1 1/2X1X1 DT533 500 1 5 1.50 1.80 1.17 1 1/2X1X1 1/4 DT534 500 1.82 1.67 1.88 1.34 1 1/2X1X1 1/2 0T535 500 1W 1.80 1.94 1.45 1 1/2X1 1/4X1/2 D1541 500 iT 1.34 1.66 1.05 1 1/2X1 1/4X3/4 01542 500 1 - 1.45 T. 1.15 1 1/2X1 1/4X1 DT543 500 1.65 1.58 1.80 1.25 1 1/2X1 114X2 D1546 500 2:1 2.10 2.02 1.90 1 1/2X1 1/2X1/2 DT551 500 1.41 1.41 1.16 1.15 1 1/2X1 1/2X3/4 DT552 500 1.52 --f -32 1.75 1.24 1 1/2X1 1/2X1 01553 500 1.65 1.65 1.80 1.30 772W1/2x1 1/4 DT554 500 1.82 1.82 1.88 1.48 1 1/2X1 1/2X2 01556 500 2.16 2.16 2:02 '---2-.T5- 1.98 2 DT636 500 2.25 2.02 2.25 2X1 114X2 . DT646 500 2.25 2.10 2.25 2.30 2X1 1/2X1/2 51651 500 1.49 1.41 1.88 1.50 2X11/2X3/4 01652 500 1.60 1.52 1.97 1.62 2X11/2X1 DT653 500 1.73 1.65 2.02 --T.-6T-- 2X1 1/2XI 1/4 DT654 500 1.90 1.82 2.10 1.80 2X1 1/2X11/2 D1655 500 2.02 1.94 2.16 2.00 2X11/2X2 DT656 500 2.25 2.16 2.25 2.35 2X2X1/2 DT661 500 149 1.49 1.88' - ,2X2X3/4 DT662 500 1.60 1.60 1.97 -1.68 2X2X1 DT663 .500 . 1.73 1.73 2.02 - 2X2X11/4 DT664 .500 1.90 1.90 2.10 24 2X2X11/2 DT665 500 2:02 2.02 2.16 2.18 2X2X2112 01667 .500 2.60 2.60 2.39 3.61 21/2X2X3/4 DT762 500 1.74 1.60 2.32 2.28 DUCTILE IRON CAP - NOMINAL SIZE (INCH) CODE # _ITEM 'MAX. WORKING P.S.I. IDIMENSION IWOGHT I EACH PIECE A 1 DCP003 .500 1.16 0.32 11/4 DCP004 500 1.28 0.43 11/2 I DCP005 1 500 1 1.33 0.60 2. 1 DCP006 1 500 1 1.45 1 0.91 DUCTILE IRON CROSS NOMINAL SIZE (INCH) ITEM CODE WORKING P.S.I A B EACH PIECE 1 DX033 500 1.50 1.50 0.98 11/4 DX044 _MAX.IDIME0 500 1.75 1.75 _WBGHT1 1.50 11/2 DX055 500 1.94 1.94 1.90 2 DX066 500 2.25 2.25 2.95 11/4X1 DX043 500 1.58 1.67 1.27 1 1/2X1 DX053 500 '1.65 1.80 .1.48 2X1 'DX063 500 1 1.73 1 2.02 2.10 Is j_ INSIDE HEAD OUTSIDE HEAD ,DUCTILE NOMINAL SIZE (INCH) IRON ITEM CODE # BUSHING DIMENSIONS I. STYLE EACH - A - B - C 1x1/2 DBUSH31 0.75 0.25 1.42 OUT 0.22 1x3/4 DBUSH32 0.75 0.25 1.42 OUT 0.17 1 1/4x1 DBUSH43 0.80 0.28 1.76 1.112x1 DBUSH53 0.83 0.31 2.00 1 1/2x1 1/4 DBUSH54 0.83 0.31 2.00 JIN0.66 2x1 . DBUSH63 0.88 0.41 1.95 2x1 1/4 DBUSH64 0.88 0.34 2.48 2x1 1/2 DBUSH65 0.88 0.34 2.48 D FITTINGS .4 t)iri,, /Sr Pipe t 0A, LISTED LISTED APPROVED For fire protection services request submittal GRS 1.3 sO Page 41 tqc17 /F/re & Building I Products Techniöal Services: Tel: (800) 381-9312 / Fax: (800) 791-5500 www.tyco-fire.com Grinnell Grooved Fire Protection Products Figure 705 Flexible Coupling General Description Listing/Approval Intormatlon The Figure 705 Flexible Coupling is capable of pressures up to 300 psig (2068 kPa) depending on pipe size and wall thickness when used in fire protection services. It provides a dependable method of joining pipe and is suitable for use in a variety of applications. Rigid Couplings are recommended for dry pipe and freezer applications. WARNING The Figure 705 flexible Coupling described he rein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Association, in addition to the standards of any otherauthorities ha ving jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the performance of this device. The owner is responsible for maintaining their fire protection system and devices in proper operating condition. The installing contractor or sprinkler manufacturershould be contacted with any questions. Technical Data Figure: 705 Sizes: 11/4"- 12" Approvals: UL, FM, ULC, VdS, and LPCB; See Fire Protection Submittal Sheet for exact Listing /Approval information. Housing: Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-536, Grade 65-45-12 Page 1 of 2 Protective Coatings: Non-lead orange paint Fire brigade red (optional) non-lead paint Hot dipped galvanized conforming to ASTM A-153 Bolt/Nuts: Track Head Bolts - conforming to ASTM A-183, Zinc Plated, (Mm. Tensile = 110,000 psi/758,422 kPa) Metric - conforming to ASTM F568M Gasket: (specify when ordering) Grade "A" EPDMA violet color code ambientto +150°F (+66°C) forfire protection systems. Not recommended for hot water systems. Tr-seal (Grade "E" EPDM), green colorcode. Prelubricated (Grade "A" EPDMA) (See Data Sheet 1FP1895 for aid in selecting proper gasket) Ordering Procedure When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please specifythe quantity, figure number, type of gasket, Grade "A" EPDMA, Prelubricated (Grade "A" EPDMA) or Grade "E" EPDM Tr-Seal, and size. Grinnell Grooved Piping Products, valves, accessories and other products are available throughout the U.S., Canada, and internationally, through a network of distribution centers. You may write directly or call 215-362-0700 for the distributor nearest you. Care and Maintenance The owner is responsible for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and devices in accordance with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any authority having jurisdiction. The installing contractor or product, manufacturer should be contacted relative to any questions. Any impairment must be immediately corrected. July 2004 It is recommended that automatic sprinkler systems be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspection Service. Limited Warranty Products manufactured by Tyco Fire Products are warranted solely to the original Buyer for ten (10) years against defects in material and workmanship when paid for and properly installed and maintained under normal use and service. This warranty will expire ten (10) years from date of shipment by Tyco Fire Products. No warranty is given for products or components manufactured by companies not affiliated by ownership with Tyco Fire Products orfor products and components which have been subject to misuse, improper installation, corrosion, or which have not been installed, maintained, modified or repaired in accordance with applicable Standards of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), and/or the standards of any otherAuthorities Having Jurisdiction. Materials found byTyco Fire Products to be defective shall be either repaired or replaced, at Tyco Fire Products' sole option. Tyco Fire Products neither assumes, nor authorizes any person to assume for it, any otherobligation in connection with the sale of products or parts of products. Tyco Fire Products shall not be responsibleforspnnklersystem design errors or inaccurate or incomplete information supplied by Buyer or Buyer's representatives. IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS BE LIABLE, IN CONTRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, FOR INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES,INCLUDING BUTNOT LIMITED TO LABOR CHARGES, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS WAS INFORMED ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS' LIABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE SALES PRICE. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS MADE IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTiES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. TFPI 820 5' Page 2of2 TFP1820 Figure 705 Grooved Coupling (HI a Pipe Max. End Gap Max.t Pressure Max.t End load Nominal Dimensions Deflection Bolt Net Wt. O.D. A B C Inches! "Per Size** Size Inches Inches psi Lbs. Inches Inches Inches Coupling Foot Lg.Kg- Lbs. mm mm kPa N mm mm mm mm/rn 1.660 0.13 300 649 2.56 11/4 4.19 1.81 0.90 /8" x 21/4 1.5 42.4 3.3 2,068 2,887 65.0 106.4 46.0 4° 19 75.0 M10x57 0.7 1.900 0.13 300 850 2.75 4.44 1.81 3° -46 0.79 /8" x 21/4 iT 1½" 48.3 3.3 2,068 3,781 69.9 112.8 46.0 65.8 M10x57 .0.7 2.375 0.13 300 1,328 3.25 4.88 1.88 0.63 3/8"X2'!4° 1.7 2" 60.3 3.3 2,068 5,907 82.6 124.0 47.8 30 Ill 52.5 MiOx 57 Of. 2.875 0.13 300 1,947 3.69 5.50 1.88 2° 0.52 3/8"X21/4' 2.0 2'/2" 73.0 3.3 2,068 8,660 93.7 139.7 47.8 -29'43.3 M10x57 0.9 76.1 mm 3.000 0.13 300 2,120 4.00 5.75 1.88 2° -23' 0.50 M12x76 3.1 76.1 3.3 2,068 9,430 101.6 146.1 47.8 41.7 1.4 3.500 0.13 300 2,885 4.38 6.50 1.88 2° -3' 0.43 V2"x3" 3.0 88.9 3.3 2,068 12,832 111.3 165.1 47.8 35.8 1 M12x76 1.4 108.0mm 4.250 0.25 300 4,256 5.50 7.50 2.06 3°-22' 0.70 . M12x76 4.2 108.0 6.4 2,068. 18,931 139.7 190.5 52.3 58.3 1.9 4.500 0.25 300 4,769 5.69 7.75 2.06 3° -il' 0.67 1/2"i 3" 4.0 114.3 6.4 2,068 21,213 144.5 196.9 52.3 55.8 M12x76 1.8 133.0mm 5.250 0.25 300 6,494 6.56 9.50 2.06 2°44' 0.56 M16 x 83 3.3 7.2 133.0 6.4 2,068 28,885 166.6 241.3 52.3 46.7 139.7mm 5.500 0.25 300 7,127 6.81 9.75 2.06 2° -36' 0.56 M16 x 83 3.3 7.2 139.7 6.4 2,068 31,701 173.0 247.7 52.3 46.7 5.563 0.25 300 7,288 6.88 9.75 2.06 0.54 /8" x 31/4" 141.3 6.4 2,068 32,417 174.8 7.0 247.7 52.3 2° -35' 45.0 M16x83 3.2 159.0mm 6.250 0.25 300 9,204 7.56 10.31 2.06 2° - 17' 0.48 M16 x 83 3.4 7.4 159.0 6.4 2,068 40,939 192.0 261.9 52.3 40.0 165.1mm 6.500 0.25 300 9,950 7.75 10.69 2.06 2° -12' 0.46 M16x83 7.1 165.1 6.4 2,068 44,258 196.9 271.5 52.3 38.3 3.2 6" 6.625 0.25 300 10,336 7.94 10.69 2.06 0.45 /8" x 31/4" Ti 168.3 6.4 2,068 45,975 201.7 271.5 52.3 2°- 10'1 37.5 M16x83 3.2 216.3mm 8.500 0.25 300 17,024 10.07 13.50 2.31 1°-40' 0.35 M20x 121 12.4 216.3 6.4. 2,068 75,723 255.8 342.9 58.7 29.2 5.6 8.625 0.25 300 17,519 10.19 13.56 2.50 0.35 3/4" x 43/4" 14.5 8" 219.1 6.4 2,068 77,925 258.8 344.4 63.5 1° - 40' 29.2 M20 x 121 6.6 10" 10.750 0.25 250 22,679 12.69 16.38 2.63 1° - 20' 0.28 1" x 61/2 28.0 273.0 6.4 1,724 100,876 322.3 416.1 66.8 23.3 M24 x 165 12.7 12.750 0.25 250 31,903 14.94 18.881 2.63 1° -7' 0.23 1" x 61/2 36.5 12" 323.9 6.4 1,724 141,905 379.5 479.6 66.8 19.2 M24 165 16.6 ° Maximum available gap between pipe ends. Minimum gap = 0. t Maximum pressure and end load are totaifrom all loads based on standard weight steel pipe. Pressure ratings and end loads may differ on other pipe materials and/or wall thickness. Contact Tyco Fire Products for details. See Fire Protection Equipment Submittal Sheet for Listing and Approval pressure ratings. Gold color coded metric bolt sizes are available upon request. t Max End Gap and Deflection is for cut grooved standard weight pipe. Values for roll grooved pipe will be ½ that of cut grooved. General Notes: It is the Designer's responsibility to select products suitable for the intended service and to ensure ISO that pressure ratings and performance data is not exceeded. Always read and understand the installation 9001 instructions (I1-1-1000). Never remove any piping component or corrector modify any piping deficiencies without first depressurizing and draining the system. Material and gasket selection should be verified to be compatible for the specific application. Certified Company TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS, 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19946 Printed U.S.A. 5Z. tqCU Fire & Building liProducts Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381-9312 / Fax: (800) 791-5500 www.tyco-fire.com Grinnell Grooved Fire Protection Products Figure 577 Rigid Coupling - Patented General Description 1J'cB IL Q U. L See Fire Protection FM Submittal Sheet for Pressure Rating and Listing/Approval Information The Figure 577 Rigid Coupling pro- vides a rigid joint by firmly gripping along the circumference of the pipe grooves. Rigid couplings are preferred for dry pipe and freezer applications. Figure 577 Rigid Couplings are a proven dependable method of joining pipe and are an economical alternative to welding, threading, or using flanges. It is capable of pressures up to 300 psig (2069 kPa) depending on pipe size and wall thickness when used in fire protection services. Rigid Couplings are recommended for dry pipe and freezer applica- tions. WARNING The Figure 577 Rigid Coupling de- scribed herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this document, in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdic- tion. Failure to do so may impair the integrity of this device. The owner is responsible for maintain- ing their system and devices in proper operating condition. The installing contractor or manufacturer should be contacted with any questions. Technical Data Figure: 577 Sizes: 1-1/4 - 8" Approvals: UL, FM, ULC VdS, and LPCB; See Fire Protection Submittal Sheet for exact Listing/Approval in- formation. Housing: Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-536, Grade 65-45-12. Protective Coatings: Non-lead orange paint. Fire brigade red (optional) non-lead paint. Hot dipped galvanized conforming to ASTM A-153. Bolts/Nuts: Track Head Bolts - con- forming to ASTM A-i 83, Zinc Plated, (Mm. Tensile = 110,000 psi/758,422 kPa). Metric - conforming to ASTM F568M. Gasket: Prelubricated Grade "A" EPDMA violet color code ambient to +150°F (+66°C) for fire protection systems. Not recommended for hot water sys- tems. Tr-seal (Grade "E" EPDM), green color code for use in dry pipe or freezer system. (See Data Sheet TFP1865 for aid in selecting proper gasket.) Ordering Information When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please specify the quantity, figure number, type of gas- ket, Grade "A" EPDMA, Prelubnicated (Grade "A" EPDMA) or Grade 'E" EPDM Tr-Seal, and size. Grinnell Grooved Piping Products, valves, accessories, and other prod- ucts are available throughout the U.S., Canada, and internationally, through a network of distribution centers. You may write directly or call 215-362-0700 for the distributor nearest you. Care and Maintenance The owner is responsible for the in- spection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and de- vices in compliance with this docu- ment, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protec- tion Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any authority having jurisdiction. The in- stalling contractor or sprinkler manu- facturer should be contacted relative to any questions. It is recommended that automatic sprinkler systems be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspection Service in accordance with local requirements and/or national codes. Limited Warranty Products manufactured by Tyco Fire & Building Products are warranted solely to the original Buyer for ten (10) years against defects in material and work- manship when paid for and properly installed and maintained under normal use and service. This warranty will ex- pire ten (10) years from date of ship- ment by Tyco Fire & Building Products. No warranty is given for products or components manufactured by compa- nies not affiliated by ownership with Tyco Fire & Building Products or for products and components which have been subject to misuse, improper in- stallation, corrosion, or which have not been installed, maintained, modified or repaired in accordance with applica- ble Standards of the the standards of any other Authorities Having Jurisdic- tion. Materials found by Tyco Fire & Building Products to be defective shall be either repaired or replaced, at Tyco Fire & Building Products' sole option. Tyco Fire & Building Products neither Page 1 of 2 JULY, 2005 TFP1854 Page 2 of 2 TFP1854 assumes, nor authorizes any person to assume for it, any other obligation in connection with the sale of products or parts of products. Tyco Fire & Building Products shall not be responsible for sprinkler system design errors or inac- curate or incomplete information sup- plied by Buyer or Buyers repre- sentatives. IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE & BUILDING PRODUCTS BE LIABLE, Figure 577 Grooved Coupling IN CONTRACT, TORT, STRICT LI- ABILITY OR UNDER ANY OTHER LE- GAL THEORY, FOR INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSE- QUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LABOR CHARGES, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER TYCO FIRE & BUILDING PRODUCTS WAS INFORMED ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND IN NO EVENT 00 00 Slis"i SHALL TYCO FIRE & BUILDING PRODUCTS' LIABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE SALES PRICE. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS MADE IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRAN- TIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR- POSE. Pipe Max." j End Gap Max. t Pressure Max. t End Load O.D. Nominal Dimensions Bolt Size Weight Net A B C Size Inches Inches psi Lbs. Inches Inches Inches Dia. x L g. Lbs. mm mm kPa N mm mm mm Kg 11/4' 1.660 0.06 300 649 2.68 4.21 1.65 3/8" x 2 1/4 1.3 42.4 1.5 2,068 2,888 68 107 42 M10x57 0.6 1 1/2" 1.900 0.06 300 851 2.91 4.45 1.65 3/8" x 2 1/4' 1.5 48.3 1.5 2,068 3,783 74 113 42 M10x57 0.7 2" 2.375 0.06 300 1329 3.39 5.00 1.69 3/8" x 2 1/4" 1.8 60.3 1.5 2,068 5,912 86 127 43 M10x57 0.8. 2 1/2' 2.875 0.06 300 1947 3.90 5.43 1.77 3/8" x2 1/4" 2.0 73.0 1.5 2,068 8,663 99 138 45 M10x57 0.9 761 mm 3.000 0.06 300 2121 3.98 5.59 1.77 3/8' x2 1/4" 2.0 76.1 1.5 2,068 9,433 101 142 45 M10x57 0.9 3.500 0.06 300 2886 4.49 6.14 1.77 3/8 x2 1/4' 3.3 88.9 1.5 2,068 12,839 114 156 45 M10x57 1.5 4" 4.500 0.19 300 4771 5.71 7.52 1.85 3/8' x 2 1/4 3.3 114.3 4.8 2,068 21,223 145 191 47 M10x57 1.5 1 9.7 mm 5.500 0.19 300 7127 6.81 8.74 1.93 1/2" x3" 5.3 139.7 4.8 2,068 31,704 173 222 49 M12x76 2.4 51, 5.563 0.19 300 7291 6.85 8.82 1.93 1/2' x 3" 5.3 141.3 4.8 2,068 32,434 174 224 49 M12x76 2.4 165.1 mm 6.500 0.19 300 9955 7.80 9.76 1.93 1/2" x 3" 5.7 165.1 4.8 2,068 44,280 198 248 49 M12x76 2.6 6" 6.625 0.19 300 10341 7.91 9.88 1.93 1/2" x 3" 5.9 168.3 4.8 2,068 46,000 201 251 49 M12x76 2.7 81. 8.625 0.19 '300 17527 10.24 12.80 2.40 5/8' x 3 1/4' 11.7 219.1 4.8 2,068 77,966 260 325 61 M16x83 5.3 * Maximum available gap between pipe ends. Minimum gap = 0. t Maximum pressure and end load are total from all loads based on standard weight steel pipe. Pressure ratings and end loads may differ on other pipe materials and/or wall thickness. Contact Tyco Fire & Building, Products for details. See Fire Protection Equipment Submittal Sheet for Listing and Approval pressure ratings. Gold color coded metric bolt sizes are available upon request. f Max. End Gap is for cut grooved standard weight pipe. Valves for roll grooved pipe will be 1/2 that of cut grooved. Figure 577 Rigid Couplings have an Anti-Rotation Feature of "gripping teeth" along the coupling keys, which make the Figure 577 perfectly suited for 'arm over" installations where the likelihood of rotátión is greatest. This feature may eliminate the need of extra hangers to support the arm over due to increased rigidity and gripping force saving time and cost. General Notes: It is the Designer's responsibility to select products suitable for the intended service and to ensure that pressure ratings and performance data is not exceeded. Always read and understand the so installation instructions (11-1-1000). Never remove any piping component or correct or modify any piping 9001 ) deficiencies without first depressurizing and draining the system. Material and gasket selection should be verified to be compatible for the specific application. Certified Company TYCO FIRE & BUILDING PRODUCTS, 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 tqCo /Fire & Building / Products Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381-9312 /Fax: (800) 791-5500 www.tyco-fire.com Grinnell Grooved Fire Protection Products Figure 716 Flexible Reducing Coupling General Description LIstIng/,LPprOVaI iniormation The Figure 716 Flexible Reducing Coupling allows a direct transition between two different pipe sizes, and replaces two couplings and a reducing fitting. It is capable of pressures up to 350 psig (2413 kPa) depending on pipe size and wall thickness when used in fire protection services. Note: Reducing Couplingsare not recommended for dry pipe and freezer applications. WARNING The Figure 716 Flexible Reducing Coupling describedhereinmustbeinstalledandmaintained in compliance with this document, as we/las with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Association, in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the performance of this device. The owner is responsible for maintaining their fire protection system and devices in proper operating condition. The installing contractor or sprinklermanufacturershouldbe contacted with any questions. Technical Data Figure: 716 Sizes: 2"x1W-8x6" Approvals: UL, FM, ULC, VdS, and LPCB; See Fire Protection Submittal Sheet for exact Listing / Approval information. Housing: Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-536, Grade 65-45-12 Protective Coatings: Non-lead orange paint Fire brigade red (optional) non-lead paint Hot dipped galvanized conforming to ASTM A-153 Bolt/Nuts: Track Head Bolts - conforming to ASTM A-183, Zinc Plated, (Mm. Tensile = 110,000 psi/758,422 kPa) Metric - conforming to ASTM F568M Gasket: (specify when ordering) Grade "E" EPDM, green color code (See Data Sheet TFP1895 for aid in selecting proper gasket) Ordering Procedure When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please specify the quantity, figure number, type of gasket, Grade "E" EPOM, and size. Grinnell. Grooved Piping Products, valves, accessories and other products are available throughout the U.S., Canada, and internationally, through a network of distribution centers. You may write directly or call 215-362-0700 for the distributor nearest you. Care and Maintenance The owner is responsible for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and devices in accordance with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any authority having jurisdiction. The installing contractor or product manufacturer should be contacted relative to any questions. Any impairment must be immediately corrected. It is recommended that automatic sprinkler systems be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspection Service. Limited Warranty Products manufactured by Tyco Fire Products are warranted solely to the original Buyer for ten (10) years against defects in material and workmanship when paid for and property installed and maintained under normal use and service. This warranty will expire ten (10) years from date of shipment by Tyco Fire Products. No warranty is given for products or components manufactured by companies not affiliated by ownership with Tyco Fire Products orfor products and components which have been subject to misuse, improper installation, corrosion, orwhich have not been installed, maintained, modified or repaired in accordance with applicable Standards of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), and/or the standards of any otherAuthories Having Jurisdiction. Materials found by Tyco Fire Products to be defective shall be either repaired or replaced, at Tyco Fire Products' sole option. Tyco Fire Products neither assumes, nor authorizes any person to assumeforit, anyother,obligation in connection with the sale of products or parts of products. Tyco Fire Products shall not beresponsibleforsprinklersystem design errors orinaccu rate or incomplete information supplied by Buyer or Buyer's representatives. IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS BE LIABLE, IN CONTRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, FOR INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUTNOT LIMITED TO LABOR CHARGES, REGARDLESS OF WHETHERTYCOFIRE PRODUCTSWAS INFORMED ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL rico FIRE PRODUCTS' LIABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE SALES PRICE. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY MADE IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Page 1 of 2 July 2004 TFPIS3O Page 2of2 TFP1830 Figure 716 Grooved Coupling !iI! liii liii lull Ii Pipe Max. 't End Gap Max.t Pressure Max.t End Load Nominal Dimensions Deflection t Bolt Size** Net Wt. 0.D. A B C 'Pe r Inches! Size Inches Inches psi Lbs. Inches Inches Inches Coupling Foot Dia. x Lg. Lbs. mm mm kPa N mm mm mm mm/rn Kg 2.375 x 1.900 0.13 350 992 3.50 5.06 1.88 0.39 3/8" x 21/4" 2.0 2"x11/2" 60.3x48.8 3.3 2,413 4,412 88.9 128.5 47.8 1°-53' 32.5 M10x57 0.9 2.875x2.375 0.13 350 1,550 4.00 5.50 1.88 0.32 3/8°x21/4" 2.5 21/2" x 2" 1° - 33' 73.0x60.3 3.3 2,413 6,894 101.6 139.7 47.8 26.7 M10x57 1.1 76.1X60.3mm .375 0.13 350 1.550 4.19 5.88 1.88 1°-34' 0.32 M12x76 3.1 60.3 3.3 2,413 6,894 106.4 149.4 47.8 26.7 1.4 .375 0.13 350 1,550 4.69 6.50 1.88 0.27 1/2• x 3" 4.5 3"x2" 0.3 3.3 2,413 6,894 119.1 165.1 47.8 1'-17' 22.5 M12 x 76 2.0 .875 E3.50Ox 0.13 '350 2,271 4.69 6.50 1.88 0.27 1/2' x 3' 4.6 3'x21/2' 1°-17' 73.0 3.3 2.413 10,101 119.1 165.1 47.8 22.5 M12 x 76 2.1 88.9X76.lrnm .000 0.13 350 2,474 4.69 6.50 1.88 1°-17' 0.27 M12x76 4.5 76.1 3.3 2,413 11,004 119.1 165.1 47.8 22.5 2.0 4.500x.375 0.19 350 1,550 6.00 8.13 2.00 0.55 /8" x3V4" 7.0 4'x2" 114.3x60.3 4.8 2,413 6,894 152.4 206.5 50.8 2°-38 45.8 M16x83 3.2 4.500 x 2.875 0.19 350 2,271 6.00 8.13 2.00 0.55 /e" x 31/4 6.1 4' x 21/2" 114.3x73.0 4.8 2,413 10,101 152.4 206.5 50.8 20 -38' 45.8 M16x83 1 2.8 114.3x76.1mrn 4.500 x 3.000 0.19 350 2,474 6.00 8.13 2.00 2°-38' 0.55 M16x83 6.2 114.3x 76.1 4.8 2,413 11,004 152.4 206.5 50.8 45.8 2.8 4.500x3.500 0.19 350 3,366 6.00 8.13 2.00 0.55 !8" X31/4" 6.2 4"x3" 114.3x88.9 4.8 2,413 14,972 152.4 206.5 50.8 2°-38' 45.8 M16x83 2.8 139.7 x 114.3 5.500 x 4.500 0.25 350 5,564 7.06 9.50 2.06 2° - 38' 0.55 M20 x 121 11.0 139.7x 114.3 6.4 2,413 24,749 179.3 241.3 52.3 45.8 5.0 5.563 x 4.500 0.25 350 52564 7.13 9.56 2.06 - 2° 5' 0.44 3/4" x 43/4" 10.1 5"x4" 141.3x 114.3 6.4 2,413 24,749 181.1 242.8 52.3 36.7 M20x121 4.6 165.1X114.3mm 6.500 x 4.500 0.25 300 4,771 8.18 10.81 2.06 10 50 0.38 M20x121 12.5 165.1x 114.3 6.4 2,068 21,221 207.8 274.6 52.3 31.7 5.7 6"x4" 6.625 x 4.500 0.25 300 4,769 8.38 10.88 2.06 10 -44' 0.36 3/4" x 43/4" 12.5 168.3x 114.3 6.4 2,068 21,213 212.9 276.4 52.3 30.0 M20 121 5.7 6.625 x 5.563 0.25 300 7,288 8.38 10.88 2.06 1°- 44' 0.36 3/4" x 43/4" 11.7 6"x5" 168.3x 141.3 6.4 2,068' 32,417 212.9 276.4 523 30.0 M20 121 5.3 8.625 x 6.625 0.25 300 10,336 13.75 2.25 10 -15' 0.26 /8" x 61/2 23.5 8"x6" 219.1x 168.3 6.4 2,068 45,975 1 10.69 , 271.5 349.3 1 57.2 21.7 M22 165 10.7 Maximum available gap between pipe erlds. Minimum gap = 0. t Maximum pressure and end load are total from all loads based on standard weight steel pipe. Pressure ratings and end loads may differ on other pipe materials and/or wall thickness. Contact Tyco Fire Products for details. See Fire Protection Equipment Submittal Sheet for Listing and Approval pressure ratings. 1 Max End Gap and Deflection is for cut grooved standard weight pipe. Values for roll grooved pipe will be 1/2 that of cut grooved. Gold color coded metric bolt sizes are available upon request. General Notes: It is the Designer's responsibility to select products suitable for the intended service and to ensure ISO that pressure ratings and performance data is not exceeded. Always read and understand the installation 9001 instructions (IH.1000). Never remove any piping component or correct or modify any piping deficiencies without first depressurizing and draining the system. Material and gasket selection should be verified to be compatible for the specific application. Certified Company TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS, 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19946 Printed U.S.A. tLICJ7 Fire & Building I,Products- Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381-9312 / Fax: (800) 791-5500 www.tyco-fire.com Grinnell Grooved Fire Protection Products Grooved Fittings. General Description ripcBi [vd!] See Fire Protection Submittal Sheet for Pressure Rating and Listing/Approval Information The grooved fittings provide an economical and efficient method of changing direction, adding an outlet, reducing, or capping grooved piping systems. Grooved fittings are available in durable ductile iron or fabricated steel as indicated. Note: Figure 510S and 519S fittings are special short radius fittingswith smaller center to end dimensions than standard grooved fittings. Depending on the size and coupling used, there may be interferences at the bolt pads that require repositioning of the coupling orientation. The use of flange adapters is not recommended with Figures 510S and 519S fittings. Contact Tyco Fire Products for details. WARNING The Fittings described herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Association, in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the performance of this device. The owner is responsible for maintaining their fire protection system and devices in proper operating condition. The installing contractor or sprinklermanufacturershouldbe contacted with any questions. Technical Data Approvals: UL, FM, ULC, VdS, and LPC,B; Note: See Fire Protection Submittal Sheet for exact Listing /Approval information. Material: Cast: Figures: 201,210,219,250,260,501,510, 519, 51 ODE, 501 S, 510S and 5195 - Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-536, Grade 65-45-12 Fabricated Steel: Figures 391, 392, 393, 312, 313, 321, 327, 341 and 350 - Carbon Steel, (Sizes 11/4" -6" are Schedule 40); (Sizes 8"- 12" are Schedule 30), conforming to ASTM A-53 Grade B Protective Coatings: Non-lead orange paint Fire brigade red (optional) non-lead paint Hot dipped galvanized conforming to ASTM A-153 Ordering Procedure When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please specify the quantity, figure number, wall thickness, and size. Grinnell Grooved Piping Products, valves, accessories and other products are available throughout the U.S., Canada, and internationally, through a network of distribution centers. You may write directly or call 215-362-0700 for the distributor nearest you. Care and Maintenance The owner is responsible for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and devices in accordance with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any authority having jurisdiction. The installing contractoror product manufacturer should be contacted relative to any questions. Any Impairment must be immediately corrected. It is recommended that automatic sprinkler systems be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspection Service. Limited Warranty Products manufactured by Tyco Fire Products are warranted solely to the original Buyer fOr ten (10) years against defects in material and workmanship when paid for and properly installed and maintained under normal use and service. This warranty will expire ten (10) years from date of shipment byTyco Fire Products. No warranty is given for products or components manufactured by companies not affiliated by ownership withTyco Fire Products orfor products and components which have been subject tomisuse, improper installation, corrosion, orwhich have not been installed, maintained, modified or repaired in accordance with applicable Standards of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), and/or the standards of any other Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Materials found byTyco Fire Products to be defective shall be either repaired or replaced, at Tyco Fire Products' sole option. Tyco Fire Products neither assumes, nor authorizes any person to assume for it, any other obligation in connection with the sale of products or parts of products. Tyco Fire Productsshall not be responsibleforsprinklersystem design errors orinaccurateorincomplete information supplied by Buyer or Buyers repiesentatives. IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS BE LIABLE, IN CONTRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, FOR INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES, INCLUDING BUTNOT LIMITED TO LABOR CHARGES, REGARDLESS OF WHETHERIYCO FIRE PRODUCTS WAS INFORMED ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS' LIABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE SALES PRICE. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS MADE IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTiCULAR PURPOSE. Page 1 of 6 (" September 2004 . TFPISIO Figure 210 Figure 219 Friction Resistance* (Expressed as Equivalent Straight Pipe) Elbow Tee Size 90° 45° Branch Run Inches Feet Feet Feet Feet mm Meters Meters Meters Meters 11/4 1.9 1.0 4.8 1.9 42.4 0.6 0.3 1.5 0.6 1½ 2.3 1.2 5.8 2.3 48.3 0.7 0.4 1.8 0.7 2 3.2 1.6 8.0 3.2 60.3 10 0.5 2.5 1.0 21/2 3.9 2.0 9.8 3.9 73.0 1.2 0.6 3.0 1.2 4.1 2.1 10.3 4.1 76.1 1.2 0.6 3.1 1.2 3 4.9 2.4 12.2 4.9 88.9 1.5 0.7 3.7 1.5 6.5 3.3 16.3 6.5 108.0 2.0 1.0 5.0 2.0 4 6.5 3.3 16.3 6.5 114.3 2.0 1.0 5.0 2.0 8.0 4.0 20.0 8.0. 133.0 2.4 1.2 6.1 2.4 8.0 4.1 20.0 8.0 139.7 2.4 1.3 6.1 2.4 5 8.2 4.1 20.5 8.2 141.3 2.5 1.3 6.3 2.5 9.5 4.8 23.8 9.5 159.0mw 2.9 1.4 72 2.9 9.5 4.8 23.8 9.5 165.1 2.9 1.4 7.2 2.9 6 9.9 5.0 24.8 9.9 168.3 3.0 1.5 7.6 3.0 13.1 6.6 32.8 13.1 216.3mm 4.0 2.0 10.0 4.0 8 13.1 6.6 32.8 13.1 219.1 4.0 2.0 10.0 4.0 10 16.5 8.3 41.3 16.5 273.0 5.0 2.5 12.6 5.0 12 19.9 9.9 49.7 19.9 323.4 6.1 3.0 15.1 6.1 Figure 201 Figure 210 Figure 219 Figure 260 45° Elbow 90° Elbow Tee EndCap Appx. . Appx. t. Appx. I. E to E Appx. Wt. Nominal Inches Lbs. Inches bs. Inches Lbs. Inches Lbs. Size mm Kg. mm Kg. L mm Kg. mm Kg. ° 1 h/4 1.75 0.9 2.75 1.0 275 1.4 0.88 0.4 44.5 0. 69.9 0. 69.9 0. 22.4 0.2 ° 1.75 1. 2.75 1. 275 1. 0.86 0.6 1'/2 44.5 0. 69.9 0 69.9 0 22.4 0.3 2.00 1 2 3.25 2 0.88 0.9 2° 50.8 8 82.6 1.9 82.6 2 22.4 0.4 2.25 .2 7 .0 3.75 .8 0.88 0.9 21/2 57.2 .0 95.3 .4 95.3 .6 22.4 0.4 .2 3.75 .0 .8 0.94 1.1 76.1 mm 57.2 1.0 95.3 1.4 95.3 2.6 23.9 0.5 2.50 3.5 4.25 4.5 4.25 7.0 08 1.1 63.5 1.6 108.0 2.0 108.0 3.2 22.4 0.5 288 5.5 T 8.5 11.5 108.0mm 73.0 2.5 120.7 3.9 120.7 5.2 - - 3.00 5.2 50 8.5 5.00 11.8 1.00 2.6 76.2 2.4 127.0 3.9 127.0 5.4 25.4 1.2 133.0mm 3.25 7.7 11.3 10.6 82.6 3.5 133.4 5.1 133.4 4.8 - 3.25 7.7 50 11.3 5.50 15.3 0.92 4.7 139.7mm 826 3.5 139.7 5.1 139.7 6.9 23.4 2.1 25 8.5 5.50 13.5 5.50 17.0 1.00 5.0 82.6 39 139. 6.1 139. 7.7 25.4 2.3 3.5 12.0 6.0 14.6 6.0 13.9 159.0mm 88. 5.4 1524 6.6 152 6.3 - 3.5 12.0 6. 18.5 6. 26.0 7.5 165.1mm 889 5.4 161.1 8.4 16 .1 11.8 25.4 3.4 3. 0 12.0 6. 0 18.5 6. 0 26.0 1.00 7.5 6 8.9 5.4 115.1 8.4 1 5.1 11.8 25.4 3.4 4125 23.0 75 36.5 75 45.0 216.3mm 1P8.0 10.4 1P6.9 16.6 1 6.9 20.4 - - .25 23.0 .75 36.5 .75 45.0 1.19 12.8 8° 08.0 10.4 96.9 16.6 96.9 20.4 30.2 5.8 .75 31.0 9.00 60.0 9.00 72.1 1.25 20.0 10 120.7 14.1 228.6 27.2 228.6 32.7 31.8 9.1 5.25 40.0 10.00 67.0 10.00 92.5 1.25 36.0 12° 133.4 18.1 254.0 30.4 2540 42.0 31.8 16.3 Available with tapped plugs, contact Tyco Fire & Building Products. EtaE1 b _(D Figure 260 Page 2ot6 TFP1810 Figures20f, 2*95 and 260 For reducing tees and branches, use the value that is corrosponding to the branch size. Example: for 8 5 8 5 2° tee, the branch value 2° is 8.0 feet. Friction resistance for all elbows and tees except Figures 510S and 519S. (E) _______ I Note: Figure 510S and 5195 fittings are special short radius fittings with smatter center to end dimensions than standard grooved fittings. Depending on the size and coupling used, there may be interferences at the butt pads which requires repositioning of the coupling orientation. The use of flange adapters is not recommended with Figures 510S and 519S fittings. Contact Tyco Fire Products for details. Figure 501S Figure 510S Figure 5192' \. \ _____ 45° Elbow 90° Elbow Tee Appx WI. Appx. WI. CtoE Øp x. WI. Inches Lbs. Inches Lbs. Lbs. Size Kg. mm Kg. in Kg. 0 1.8 2.75 1.5 5 2.1 2" 50. , 0.8 69.9 0.7 69.9 1.0 2.25 2.2 3.00 3.00 3.0 21/20 57.2 \40 76.2 76.2 1.4 225 2S. 00 2.3 00 3.1 76.1 57.2 i.o'\ 762 d 1.0 76.2 1.4 15 3.5 V.3K 3.0 3.38 4.1 63.5 1.6 X9 1.3 85.9 1.9 3.00 5.2 4.0 5.6 4.00 7.7 76.2 2.4/ 101.6 26 101.6 3.5 --. 7J 488 12.0 139.7 82.6 /3.5 124.0 SN,. 124.0 5.4 8.5 4.88 8.8 4.88 12.0 3.9 12.0 . 124.0 3.9 °424 0 5.4 0 T5 11.00 15.0 165.1 88.9 5.4 139.7 .5.0 139Y 6.8 350 12.0 5.50 11.2 .550 5.2 60 _______ 88.9 5.4 139.7 5.1 139.7 .9 4.25 23.0 ä 23.4 31 1080 10.4 1748 10.6 174.8 14 2N \\ Page 3 of 6 TFP 1810 Figures 501, 5109 519 and 51 ODE to L A VB Figure 501 Figure 510 Figure 519 Figure 51 ODE Figure 501 Figure 510 Figure 519 Figure 51 ODE 45° Elbow 900 Elbow Tee 0 Drain Elbow 90 C to E Appx. Wt. C to E Appx. WI. C to E Appx. WI. C to E A B Appx. Wt. Nominal Inches Lbs. Inches Lbs. Inches Lbs. Inches Inches Inches Lbs.. ,. Size mm Kg. mm Kg. mm Kg. mm mm mm Kg. 1 /4 1.75 0.9 2.75 1.0 2.75 1.4 0.6 44.5 0.4 69.9 0.5 69.9 1/2 1.75 1.1 2.75 1.2 2.75 1.8 - - - 44.5 0.5 69.9 0.5 69.9 0.8 2 2.00 1.8 3.25 2.0 3.25 2.7 - - - 50.8 0.8 82.6 0.9 82.6 1.2 21/2" 2.25 2.2 3.75 3.0. 3.75 5.8 3.75 2.00 2.75 2.T- 57.2 1.0 95.3 1.4 95.3 2.6 95.3 50.8 69.9 1.2 2.50 3.5 4.25 4.5 4.25 7.0 4.25 2.34 2.75 3.7 '-' 63.5 1.6 108.0 2.0 108.0 3.2 108.0 59.4 69.9 1.7 3.00 5.2 5.00 8.5 5.00 11.8 5.00 2.85 2.75 7.0 76.2 2.4 127.0 3.9 127.0 5.4 127.0 72.4 69.9. . . 3.2 3.25 8.5 '5.50 13.5 5.50 17.0 5.50 3.38 2.75 13.0 82.6 3.9 139.7 6.1 139.7 7.7 139.7 85.9 ' 69.9 5.9 3.50 12.0 6.50 18.5 6.50 26.0 6.50 3.92 2.75 13.4 6 88.9 5.4 165.1 8.4 165.1 11.8 165.1 99.6 69.9 6.1 8° 4.25 23.0 7.75 36.5 7.75 45.0. 7.75 4.95 2.75 26.3 108.0 10.4 196.9 16.6 1969 20.4 196.9 125.7 69.9 11.9 501 S, 510S. and C Clot CluE C to E CluE Figure 501S Figure 510S° Figure 519S° Friction Resistance 501S, 510S & 51951 1 xpressed as Equivalent Straight Pipej Elbow Tee / Si 90° 45° Branch kun Inche Feet Feet Feet Feet mm Meters Meters Meter Meters 2 \3.2 1.6 8. 3.2 60.3 .0 0.5 1.0 21/2 3. 2.0 .8 3.9 73.0 1. 0.6 3.0 1.2 761 010 4.1 2. 0. 1 10.3 4.1 1.2 3.1 1.2 3 4.9 4 . 12.2 4.9 88.9 1.5 3.7 1.5 4 6.5 3.3 16.3 6.5 114.3 2.0j 1.0 5.0 2.0 139.7-1 &V 4.1 0.0 8.0 ZA 1.3 .1 2.4 5 A. 4.1 2 8.2 141.3 (2.5 1.3 6. 2.5 165.1 gs 4.8 23.8 9.5 .7 2.9 1.4 7.2.. 2.9 61 9.9 5.0. 24.8 9 1 8.3 .3.0. 1.5 7.6 3. 8 13.1 6.6 32.8 13. 219.1 4.0 2.0 10.0 4.0 Figure 250 Cast -EtoE-1 D- Figure 350 Fabricated Sizes 3" to 6" to -Bq Figure 350 Fabricated Sizes 8" to 12" Pi e - Nominal Dimensions Net 0. D. Takeout Center to End Size Outlet Wt. A B C D Inches NPT" Inches Inches Inches Inches Lbs. Inches mm mm mm mm Kg. /2 1.25 1.75 1.89 0.77 31.8 44.5 48.0 0.3 1.900 1.25 1.75 1.89 0.77 1'/2 3/4 48.3 . 31.8 44.5 48.0 -0.3 1.37 2.00 2.02 0.88 1 34.8 50.8 51.3 0.4 1/2 1.25 1.75 1.89 0.92- 31.8 44.5 48.0 . 0.4 3/4 1.25 1.75 1.89 0.92 2 2.375 60.3 31.8 44.5 48.0 0.4 1.37 2.00 2.02 1.06 1 34.8 50.8 51.3 0.5 1.47 1.97 - 1.89 1.28 'Is 37.3 50.0 48.0 0.6 3/4 '147 - 1.97 1.89 1.28 21/2 2.875 73.0 37.3 50.0 48.0 0.6 1.37 -2.00 2.02 1.50 34.8 50.8 51.3 0.7 ISO-7 threaded outlets are available upon request. I Page 4 of 6 TFP 1810 Figures 250 and .350 Figures 250 and 350 Concentric Reducer - Groove x Groove Nominal E to F Appx. Wt. Nominal E to E Appx. Wt. Nominal E to E Appx. Wt. Size Inches Lbs. Size Inches Lbs. Size Inches Lbs. Inches mm Kg. Inches mm Kg. . . Inches mm Kg. 2.50 1.0 3.50 4.2 4.00 5.8 "2 X 11/4 63.5 0.5 "139.7,x 88.9 1.9 "6 x 101.6 2.6 2.50 1.3 3.50 4.4 5.00 12.2 "2 x 1/2 63.5 0.6 "139.7,,,x 88.9 2.0 8 x 2 127.0 5.5 2.50 1.2 3.50 4.6 5.00 12.1 "2½ x 2 63.5 05 5 x 1½ 88.9 2.1 8 x 21/2 127.0 5.5 2.50 1.5 3.50 4.6 5.00 12.0 "76.1 x 1½ 63.5 0.7 5 x 2 88.9 2.1 8 x 127.0. 5.5 2.50 1.6 3.50 4.5 5.00 11.9 *761 x 2 63.5 0.8 5 x 2½ 88.9 2.0 8 x 127.0 5.4 2.50 1.3 3.50 4.4 5.00 11.3 3 x 11/4 63.5 0.6 x 3 88.9 2.0 8 X 5 127.0 5.1 2.50 1.3 3.50 4.5 - 5.00 10.8 3x1½ 63.5 0.6 "5x4 88.9 2.0 8 x 6 127.0 4.9 2.50 1.3 4.00 5.5 6.00 21.9 "3 x 2 63.5 0.6 "165.1mm X 101.6 . 2.5 lOx 4 152.4 10.0 3.00 1.5 4.00 6.0 6.00 21.6 "3 X 21/2 76.2 0.7 165.1mm X 4 101.6 2.7 lOx 5 152.4 9.8 3.00 2.0 4.00 5.6 6.00 21.1 *3 x 76.1mm 76.2 0.9 "165.1,,.x139.7,,, 101.6 2.5 lOx 6 152.4 9.6 3.00 2.2 4.00 6.0 600 19.5 4 x 11/4 76.2 1.0 "6 x 2 101.6 2.7 10x8 152.4 8.9 3.00 2.3 4.00 6.0 7.00 28.0 4x1½ 76.2 1.0 6 x 2½ 101.6 2.7 12 x 177.8 12.7 3.00 2.3 4.00 6.0 7.00 30.0 4 x 2 76.2 1.0 *6 x 76.1 101.6 2.7 12 x 6 177.8 13.6 3.00 2.3 4.00 6.0 7.00 28.0 "4 x 2½ 76.2 1.0 6 x 101.6 2.7 12 x 8 177.8 12.7 3.00 3.2 4.00 . 5.9 7.00 33.0 "4 x 76.1 76.2 1.5 "6 x 101.6 2.7 12 X 10 177.8 1 15.0 3.00 2.6 4.00 6.3 x 76.2 1.2 "6 x 139.7, 101.6 2.9 Note: Sizes marked with an asterisk () are only available in Figure 250 Cast. Sizes without an astensk are only available in Figure 350 Fabricated. ADA CAP® Patented Page 50f6 TFP1810 Figures 381 9 312 and 313. CtoE Figure J 312 CtoE C 313 ~OECloE Figure es Figure 312 Figure 313 93 L Nip1.. 22V2°.EIbOW 11V" Elbow E to E Appx. Wt. C to E Appx. Wt. C to E Appx.Wt. Nominal Inches Lbs. Inches Lbs. Inches Lbs. Size mm Kg. mm Kg. mm Kg. 4.00 0.8 1.75 0.4 1.38 0.4 1'/4" 101.6 . 0.4 44.5 0.2 35.1 0.2 4.00 0.9 1.75 0.5 1.38 0.5 1/2" 101.6 0.4 44.5 0.2 1 35.1 0.2 4.00 1.2 1.88 0.6 1.38 0.6 2" 101.6 0.5 478 0.3 35.1 0.3 4.00 1.9 2.00 0.7 1.50 1.1 21/2' 101.6 0.9 50.8 0.3. 38.1 0.5 4.00 2.5 2.25 1.4 1.50 1.2 101.6 1.1 572 0.6 38.1 0.5 6.00 5.5 2.63 2.4 1.75 2.2 152.4 2.5 66.8 1.1 44.5 1.0 6.00 7.4 2.88 4.1 2.00 3.3 152.4 3.4 73.2 1.9 50.8 1.5 6.00 9.5 3.13 5.6 2.00 4.6 6" 152.4 4.3 79.5 2.5 50.8 2.1 6.00 14.2 3.88 11.1 2.00 8.7 8" 152.4 . 6.4 98.6 5.0 50.8 3.9 8.00 27.0 4.38 14.0 2.13 9.1 10"203.2 12.2 11.3 6.4 54.1 4.1 8.00 33.0 4.88 22.0 2.25 16.7 12" 203.2 15.0 124.0 10.0 57.2 76 Figures 327 and 341 Figure 327 Figure 341 / Cross 150 lbs. / Flange Ada pr C to E Appx. WI. E to E Apt. WI. aI nches Lbs. Inches (Lbs. Size'\ mm kg. mm kg. 2 75 2.0 4.00 / 2.8 1v 0.9 101/ 1.3 2.2 440 3.2 1h/2 69. 2.0 /01.6 1.5 3.25 2.7 4.0 5.2 2 82.6 12 .101.6 2.4 3.75 4.00 8.0 21/2 953 . 101.6 3.6 4.25 . 4.00 10.2 108.0 3.2 101.6 4.6 5.00 11.9 6.00 17.2 " 127.OZ 5.4 152.4 . 7.8 17.1 00 21.4 5. 7.8 1'54 9.7 kl&7 27.5 6.0s. 26.0 6" 12.5 152.4\ 11.8 7.75 . 47.0 6.00 . 38.4 8 / 196.9 21.3 152.4 \j74 9.00 68.0 8.00 0 228.6 30.8 203.2 2? 10.00 107.0 8.00 91.0\ 254.0 48.5 203.2 41.3 \ Page 6 of 6 TFP 1810 Figure 321 Figure 321 Reducing Tee Nominal C to E Appx. wt: Nominal C to E Appx. Wt/ Inches Lbs. Size Inches I hes mm Kg. Inches mm K 11/2 X11 1¼ \ 3.25 2.0 6 x 6 x 4. 6.50 .6 /41 82.6 0.9 165.1 1 2x2x1 3.25 2.7 6x6x5 6.50 / 27.0 826 1.2 165.1 12.2 3.75 4.2 8 x 8 x 2 7.751 36.2 95.3 1.9 194 16.4 2½ x 2½ x 11/2 4.2 8x8x3 7/15 36.5 3 1.9 /96.9 16.6 2½x21/2 X2 37 4.3 8x8x4 7.75 36.6 95. \ 2.0 ___ ____________ 196.9 16.6 3x3x1½ 4.25 8 x 8 x 5/ 7.75 36.8 108.0 \_ 2.4 ____ ___ ___ 196.9 16.7 3 x 3 x 2 4.25 t5 8 7.75 37.0 108.0 5 196.9 16.8 3 x 3 x 2½ 4.25 1 10 x2 9.00 57.1 108.0 2.\ 228.6 25.9 4X4X11/4 500 9.8 \lo x 10x3 9.00 57.4 127.0 4.4 228.6 26.0 4 x 4 x liz 5.00 9.9 \lox 10x4 9.00 57.6 127.0 4.5 1 228.6 26.1 4x4x2 5.00 k10 x 5 9.00 57.8 127.0 4 228.6 26.2 4'x4x2½ .3 9.00 58.0 5.00 14.8 127.07 P0x 228.6 263 4x4x3 5.00 .5 x\ 9.00 58.4 127.0 228.6 26.5 5x5x2 14.5 l2xl2x3' 10.00 80.2 139 6.6 254.0 36.4 5x5x2½ 5 0 14.8 12x12x4 \0.00 80.5 9.7 6.7 .0 36.5 5 x 5 x 3 5.50 15.2 12x12x5 10 80.7 139.7 6.9 254. 36.6 5.50 15.8 12 x 12 x 6 10.00 80.9 139.7 7.2 254.0 36.7 6 x 6 2 6.50 26.5 12 x 12 x 8 10.00 165.1 11.9 254.0 .5 7/ 6 x 2½ 6.50 26.5 12 x 12 x 10 10.00 91. 165.1 12.0 254.0 41. 6x6x3 6.50 26.5 165.1 12.0 General Notes: It is the Designer's responsibility to select products suitable for the intended service and to ensure 150 that pressure ratings and performance data is not exceeded. Always read and understand the installation instructions 9001 (I1-1-1000). Never remove any piping component or correct or modify any piping deficiencies without first depressurizing and draining the system. Material and gasket selection should be verified to be compatible for the specific application. . Certified Company .. TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS, 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19946 . . Printed U.S.A. - - - Fire Protection by Computer Design JG Tate Fire Protection, Inc 12600 Stowe Drive Suite #11 Poway, CA 92064 858-486-0900 Job Name BUILDING B FIRST FLOOR Building : Children & Youth Bldg Location : 1340 Poinsettia Lane, Carlsbad, CA 92009 System : First Fir Contract 06-465 Data File : 465-1.WX2 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 JG Tate Fire Protection, Inc BUILDING B FIRST FLOOR Page 1 Date 02/08/07 Hydraulic Design Information Sheet Name - North Coast Calvary Chapel Date - 02/09/07 Location - 1340 Poinsettia Lane, Carlsbad, CA 92009 Building - Children & Youth Bldg System No. - First Flr Contractor - JG Tate Fire Protection Contract No. - 06-465 Calculated By - M Johnson Drawing No. - FP2 Construction: (X) Combustible ( ) Non-Combustible Ceiling Height - Varies Occupancy - E-3 S (X) NFPA 13 (X) Lt. Haz. Ord.Haz.Gp. ( ) 1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) Ex.Haz. Y ( ) NFPA 231 ( ) NFPA 231C ( ) Figure 7- Curve S Other 30% REMOTE AREA INCREASE FOR SLOPE GREATER THAN 2/12 T Specific Ruling Made By Date E M Area of Sprinkler Operation - 1950 System Type Sprinkler/Nozzle Density - .10 (X) Wet Make TYCO D Area Per Sprinkler - 225 max ( ) Dry Model TY-FRB E Elevation at Highest Outlet - 22.83' ( ) Deluge Size 1/2" S Hose Allowance - Inside - ( ) Preaction K-Factor 5.6 I Rack Sprinkler Allowance - ( ) Other Temp.Rat.155 G Hose Allowance - Outside - 100 N Note Calculation Flow Required - 454.08 Press Required - 77.671 @BOR Summary C-Factor Used: 120 Overhead 150 Underground W Water Flow Test: Pump Data: Tank or Reservoir: A Date of Test - 09/18/06 Cap. - T Time of Test -. 11:0AN Rated Cap.- Elev.- E Static Press. - 105 @ Press - R Residual Press - 95 Elev. - Well Flow - 1400 Proof Flow S Elevation - 304 1 -0 U P Location - AVIARA & CANINO DE LAS ONDAS HYDRANT ON 12" CIRCULATING CITY WATER P MAIN L Source of Information - JO TATE FIRE PROTECTION & CARLSBAD WATER Y C Commodity Class Location O Storage Ht. Area Aisle W. M Storage Method: Solid Piled % Palletized % Rack M Single Row ( ) Conven. Pallet ( ) Auto. Storage ( ) Encap. S R ( ) Double Row ( ) Slave Pallet ( ) Solid Shelf ( ) Non T A ( ) Mult. Row (.) Open Shelf O C R K Flue Spacing Clearance:Storage to Ceiling A Longitudinal Transverse G E Horizontal Barriers Provided: Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Water Supply Curve (C). JG Tate Fire Protection, Inc . . Page 2 BUILDING B FIRST FLOOR . Date 02/08/07 City Water Supply: . . Demand: Cl - Static Pressure : 105 . . . . Dl - Elevation : 9.888 C2 - Residual Pressure: 95 . . D2 - System Flow : 454.079 C2 - Residual Flow : 1400 . D2 - System Pressure : 85.851 Hose (Adj City) Hose ( Demand) : 100 D3 - System Demand : 554.079 Safety Margin : 17.349 150 140. 130 p120 R11° e - .. E 100 - . -_. C2 S - O Rd ______________ u 70 R6° 40 . . 30 .20 10 • - ....l I I I I 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 FLOW (NA1..85) Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Flow Diagram JG Tate Fire Protection, Inc . . . ..Page 3 BUILDING B FIRST FLOOR . Date 02/08/07 17.9 P19<-8 . 17.6 . . . . . P18<-8 <-9 . . 35.6 . 17.7 58.3 108.1 P6<-P7<-P8<-P9<-PI0<--6 <-3 . . 36.7. 81.7 10811 . . 220.8 . .. 17.8 60.1 110.6 I . . P11<- P12*- P13<- P14<-- P15<- 7 <- 4 - . . •. 38.3 83.8 11016 . . . I 331.4 . . . . 18.4 74 122.7 P16<- P17<- 9 <_ P20<- P21<-.10 <- 5 38.4 96.2 122.7 . 18.7 61.3 112.7 . 112.7 331.4 454.1 454.1 454.1 454.1 554.1 554.1 PI<-P2<-P3<-P4 <-P5<-I <-2 <-3 <-4 <-5 <-TOR_ACV<-BOP<- DIP <_UG1+-BF1<-BF2<-UG2-UG3<-UG4<-UG5<-TEST 38.7 85 112.7 220.8 454.1 454.1 454.1 454.1 454.1 554.1 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route .111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 . Fittings Used Summary JG Tate Fire Protection, Inc Page 4 BUILDING B FIRST FLOOR Date 02/08707 Fitting Legend . . Abbrev. Name % % 1 1% 11/2 2 2% 3 31/2 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 A Generic Alarm Valve 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.7 21.5 0 17 17 27 29 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 E 90' Standard Elbow . 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 18 22 27 35 40 45 50 61 G Generic Gate Valve 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 . 7 8 10 11 13 T 90' Flow thru Tee 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 50 60 . 71 81 91. 101 121 Zic Wilkins 350A0A Fitting generates a Fixed Loss Based on Flow . . . Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Pressure I Flow Summary - STANDARD JG Tae Fire Protection, Inc . Page 5 BUILDING B FIRST FLOOR S ,. Date 02/08/07 Node . Elevation K-Fact . Pt Pn . Flow Density Area Press No. . Actual Actual Rea. P19 17.83 5.6 10.26 na . 17.94 0.1 64. 7.0 P18 17.83 5.6 9.93 na 17:65 0.1 64......... 7.0 8 17.83 11.04 na P6 22.83 5.6 10.03 na 17.73 0.1 177.34 7.0 P7 22.83 5.6 11.49 na 18.98 0.1 . 177.34 7.0 P8 19.83 5.6 14.83 na 21.57 0.1 177.34 7.0 P9 19.83 5.6 17.43 na 23.38 0.1 177.34 7.0 P10 19.83 5.6 22.28 na 26.43 0.1 177.34 7.0 6 10.41 47.73 na P11 22.83 5.6 10.15 na 17.84 0.1 177.34 7.0 P12 18.83 5.6 13.36 na 20.47 0.1 177.34 7.0 P13 19.83 5.6 • 15.14 na 21.79 0.1 • 177.34 7.0 P14 19.83 5.6 17.89 na 23.68 0.1 177.34 7.0 P15 19.83 5.6 22.98 na 26.84. 0.1 177.34 7.0 7 10.41 : • • 48.1 . na • P16 18.83 5.6 10.84 na 18.43 0.1 . • 177.34 7.0 P17 15.83 5:6 12.75 . na 20.0 0.1 177.34 7.0 9 15.83 12.95 na P20 15.83 5.6 • 15.72 na 22.2 0.1 177.34 7.0 P21 15.83 5.6 22.29 na 26.44 0.1 177.34 7.0 10 9.33 47.84 • na P1 18.83 5.6 11.16 na 18.71 0.1 177.34 7.0 P2 18.83 5.6 • 12.77 na • 20.01 0.1 • 177.34 7.0 P3 15.83 5.6 16.33 na 22.63 0.1 • 177.34 7.0 P4 18.83 5.6 17.89 na • 23.68 0.1 • 177.34 7.0 P5 15.83 5.6 • 24.41 na 27.67 0.1 177.34 7.0 1 10.41 47.57 na 2 9.33 51.9 na 3 9.33 52.02 na • 4 9.33 52.5 . na 5 9.33 54.07 na TOR 8.68 : 70.68 na ACV 4.0 73.68 na BOR 0.5 77.67 na DIP 0.0 78.16 • na UG1 0.0 80.15 . na BF1 4.0 78.57 na BF2 4.0 • 81.71 na tJG2 0.0 • 83.6 na. UG3 0.0 83.91 na 100.0 UG4 0.0 84.0 • na • UG5 0.0 85.4 na TEST 0.0 85.85 na The maximum velocity is 20.64 and it occurs in the pipe between nodes P20 and P21 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route.111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Hazen-Williams JG Tale Fire Protection, Inc . . Page 6 BUILDING B FIRST FLOOR . Date 02/08/07 Hjd. Qa Dia. . Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv Notes Point Qt P1/Ft Eqv. Ln. Total P1 Pn P19 17.94 1.049 iT 5.0 2.290 10.261 K Factor= 5.60 to 120 0.0 5.000 0.0 . . 8 . 17.94 0.1064 0.0 7.290 0.776 Vet = 6.66 0.0 . 17.94 11.037 K Factor = 5.40 P18 17.65 1.049 iT 5.0 5.700 9.932 KFactor= 5.60 to 120 0.0 5.000 0.0 8 17.65 0.1033 0.0 10.700 1.105 Vet= 6.55 8 17.94 1.38 iT 6.0 4.500 11.037 to 120 0.0 6.000 0.866 9 35.59 0.0993 0.0 10.500 1.043 Vet = 7.63 0.0 35.59 12.946 K Factor = 9.89 P6 17.73 1.049 0.0 14.000 . . 10.028 K Factor= 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 P7 17.73 0.1042 0.0 14.000 1.459 Vet = 6.58 P7 18.98 1.38 2E 6.0 13.410 11.487 K Factor= 5.60 to 120 0.0 6.000 1.299 P8 . 36.71 0.1053 0.0 19.410 2.044 Vet = 7.87 P8 21.57 1.38 0.0 10.500 14.830 K Factor= 5.60 to . 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 . P9 58.28 0.2475 0.0 10.500 2.599 Vet = 12.50 P9 23.38 1.38 0.0 10.500 17.429 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 P10 81.66 0.4620 0.0 10.500 4.851 . Vet = 17.52 PlO 26.43 1.61 4E 16.0 42.330 22.280 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 16.000 4.080. 6 108.09 0.3664 0.0 . 58.330 21.370 Vet = 17.03 6 0.0 2.067 2T 20.0 15.200 47.730 to 120 0.0 20.000 0.468 3 108.09 0.1085 0.0 35.200 3.820 Vet = 10.33 0.0 108.09 . 52.018 KFactor= 14.99 P11 17.84 1.049 0.0 14.000 10.152 K Factor =5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 1.732 P12 17.84 0.1054 0.0 14.000 1.475 Vet = 6.62. P12 20.47 1.38 2E 6.0 13.410 13.359 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 6.000 -0.433 P13 38.31 0.1139 0.0 . 19.410 2.211 Vet = 8.22 P13 21.79 1.38 0.0 10.500 15.137 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0. P14 60.1 0.2620 0.0 10.500 2.751 Vet = 12:89 P14 23.68 1.38 0.0 10.500 17.888. K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 P15 83.78 0.4845 0.0 10.500 5.087 Vet = 17.97 P15 26.84. 1.61 4E 16.0 39.040 22.975 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 . . 0.0 16.000 4.080 7 110.62 0.3824 0.0 55.040 21.048 Vet= 17.43 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard JIG Tate Fire Protection, Inc Page 7 BUILDING B FIRST FLOOR Date 02/08/07 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. I.G.or Ftngs Pe Pv ******* Notes Point Qt Pf/Ft Eqv. Ln. Total . Pf Pn 7 0.0 2.067 2T 20.0 14.660 48.103 to 120 0.0 20.000 0.468 4 110.62 0.1132 0:0 34.660 3.925 Vel = 10.58 0.0 110.62 52.496 K Factor= 15.27 P16 18.43 1.38 2E 6.0 14.950 10.836 K Factor= 5.60 to 120 0.0 6.000 1.299 P17 18.43 0.0295 0.0 20.950 .0.617 Vel = 3.95 P17 20.00 1.38 0.0 1.700 12.752 . K Factor= 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 9 38.43 0.1141 0.0 1.700 0.194 Vel = 8.24 9 35.59 1.38 0.0 . 7.200 12.946 to 120 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 P20 74.02 0.3853 .0.0 7.200 2.774 Vel = 15.88 P20 22.20 1.38 0.0 10.500 15.720 .. K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 P21 96.22 0.6259 0.0 10.500 6.572 . Vel = 20.64 P21 26.44 1.61 4E 16.0 33.110 22.292 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 16.000 2.815 . . . 10 122.66 0.4629 0.0 49.110 22.735 . Vel = 19.33 10 0.0 2.067 iT 10.0 20.430 47.842 to 120 3E 15.0 25.000 0.0 5 122.66 0.1371 0.0 45.430 6.229 Vel = 11.73 0.0 . 122.66 54.071 KFactor= 16.68 P1 18.71 1.049 0.0 14.000 11.162 K Factor = 5.60 to . 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 P2 18.71 0.1150 0.0 14.000 1.610 Vel= 6.95 P2 20.01 1.38 2E 6.0 . 13.410 12.772 . . K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 6.000 1.299 P3 38.72 0.1162 0.0 19.410 2.255 Vel = 8.31 P3 22.63 1.38 0.0 10.500 16.326 K Factor= 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 -1.299 . P4 61.35 0.2722 0.0 10.500 2.858 Vel = 13.16 04 23.68 1.38 0.0 10.500 17.885 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 1.299 P5 85.03 0.4980 0.0 10.500 5.229 Vel = 18.24 PS 27.67 1.61 4E 16.0 36.580 24.413 . K Factor =5.60 to 120 0.0 16.000 2.347 1 112.7 0.3958 0.0 52.580 20.812 . Vel = 1.76 1 0.0 2.067 2T 20.0 12.950 ...47.572 to 120 0.0 20.000 0.468 2 . 112.7.. 0.1172 0.0 32.950 3.862 Vel = 10.78 2 0.0 3.26 0.0 9.080 .51.902 . to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 3 . 112.7 0.0128 0.0 9.080 0.116 Vet = 4.33 108.09 3.26 0.0 10.830 52.018 . . to 120 :. 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 220.79 0.0441 0.0 10.830 0.478 Vel = 8.49 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route. 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard JG Tale Fire Protection; Inc . . Page 8 BUILDING B FIRST FLOOR Date 02/08/07 Hd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftngs Pe Pv Notes Point .Qt Pf/Ft Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 4 .110.63 3.26 0.0. . 16.790 52.496 to 120 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 331.42 0.0938 0.0 16.790 1.575 Vel = 12.74 5 122.66 3.26 4E 37.631 39.450 54.071 to . 120 1 20.159 57.790 0.282 TOR 454.08 0.1679 0.0 97.240 16.323 Vel = 17.45 TOR 0.0 3.26 0.0 5.830 70.676 to 120 0.0 0.0 2.027 ACV 454.08 0.1679 0.0 5.830 0.979 Vel 17.45 ACV 0.0 4.26 2E 26.334 5.500 73.682 to 120 1A 22.384 48.718 1.516 BOR 454.08 0.0456 0.0 54.218 2.473 Vel = 10.22 BOR 0.0 6.16 2E 40.168 8.000 77.671 to 140 0.0 40.168 0.217 DIP 454.08 0.0057 0.0 48.168 0.273 Vel = 4.89 DIP 0.0 5.86 3E 53.679 257.290 78.161 to 150 0.0 53.680 0.0 UG1 454.08 0.0064 0.0 310.970 1.987 Vel = 5.40 UG1 0.0 5.89 1E 16.146 6.000 80.148 to 140 0.0 16.146 -1.732 . BF1 454.08 0.0070 0.0 22.146 0.156 Vel = 5.35 BFI 0.0 6.16 1E 20.084 4.000 78.572 to . 140 iZic 0.0 20.084 3.000 * Fixed loss = 3 BF2 454.08 0.0057 0.0 24.084 0.137 Vel = 4.89 BF2 0.0 5.89 1E 16.146 6.000 81.709 to 140 0.0 16.146 . 1.732 UG2 454.08 0.0071 0:0 22.146 0.158 Vel = 5.35 UG2 0.0 5.86 1E 17.893 27.750 83.599 to 150 1G 3.834 21.727 0.0 UG3 454.08 0.0064 0.0 49.477 0.316 • Vel 5.40 UG3 100.00 7.98 1E 27.183 10.750 83.915 • Qa = 100 to 150 1G 6.041 . 33.222 0.0 UG4 554.08 0.0020 • 0.0 43.972 0.090 Vel = 3.55 U64 0.0 7.98 2E 54.365 617.700 84.005 to 150 1G 6.041 60.405 0.0 • UGS 554.08 0.0021 0.0 678.105 1.391 Vel = 3.55 UG5 0.0 7.98 • iT 46.522 143.200 85.396 • to 140 1G 5.317 51.839 0.0 • TEST • 554.08 0.0023 0.0 195:039 0.455 • Vel = 3.55 0.0 •• . • • • 554.08 . 85.851 K Factor= 59.80 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087. - - Fire Protection by Computer Design JG Tate Fire Protection, Inc. 12600 Stowe Drive Suite #11 Poway, CA 92064 858-486-0900 Job Name : Building B-Second Floor Building : Children & Youth Bldg Location : 1340 Poinsettia Lane, Carlsbad, CA 92009 System : Second Fir Contract 06-465 Data File : 465-2wx2 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 1.11 Windham N.H. USA 03087 JG late Fire Protection, Inc Page 1 BuiIdin B-Second Floor. Date 02/09/07 Hydraulic Design Information Sheet Name - North Coast Calvary Chapel Date - 02/09/07 Location - 1340 Poinsettia Lane, Carlsbad, CA 92009 Building - Children & Youth Bldg System No. - Second Flr Contractor - JG Tate Fire Protection Contract No. - 06-465 Calculated By - M Johnson Drawing No. - FP3 Construction: (X) Combustible ( ) Non-Combustible Ceiling Height - Varies Occupancy - A-3 S (X) NFPA 13 (X) Lt. Haz. Ord.Haz.Gp. ( ) 1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) Ex.Haz. Y ( ) NFPA 231 ( ) NFPA 231C (X) Figure 7- Curve S Other REMOTE AREA REDUCTION FOR QUICK RESPONSE HEADS lo'-O" CEILING T Specific Ruling Made By Date E M Area of Sprinkler Operation - 1170 System Type Sprinkler/Nozzle Density . - .10 (X) Wet Make TYCO D Area Per Sprinkler - 225 max ( ) Dry Model TY-FRB E Elevation at Highest Outlet - 30.58' ( ) Deluge Size 1/2" S Hose Allowance - Inside - ( ) Preaction K-Factor 5.6 I Rack Sprinkler Allowance - ( ) Other Temp.Rat.200 G Hose Allowance - Outside - 100 N Note 30% REMOTE AREA INCREASE FOR SLOPE -GREATER THAN 2/12 Calculation Flow Required - 222.74 Press Required - 59.814 @BOR Summary C-Factor Used: 120 Overhead 150 Underground Water Flow Test: Date of Test - 09/18/06 Time of Test - 11:05AN Static Press. - 105 Residual Press - 95 Flow - 1400 Elevation - SANE Loôation - AVIARA & CANINO DE LAS ONDAS HYDRANT ON 12" CIRCULATING CITY WATER MAIN Source of Information - JG TATE FIRE PROTECTION & CARLSBAD WATER C Commodity Class Location O Storage Ht. . Area Aisle W. M Storage Method: Solid Piled % . Palletized % Rack M Single Row ( ) Conven. Pallet ( ) Auto. Storage ( ) Encap. S R ( ) Double Row ( ) Slave Pallet ( ) Solid Shelf ( ) Non T A ( ) Mult. Row ( ) Open Shelf O C . R K Flue Spacing Clearance:Storage to Ceiling A Longitudinal Transverse G E Horizontal Barriers Provided: Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 W A T E R S U P P L Y Pump Data: Tank or Reservoir: Cap. - Rated Cap.- Elev.- @ Press - Elev. Well Proof Flow Water Supply Curve (C) JG Tate Fire Protection, Inc . Page 2 Building B-Second Floor Date 02/09/07 City Water Supply: . . Demand: Cl - Static Pressure : 105 : Dl - Elevation : 13.244 C2 - Residual Pressure: 95 D2 - System Flow : 222.738 C2 - Residual Flow : 1400 D2 - System Pressure : 65.633 Hose (Adj City) Hose ( Demand) : 100 D3 - System Demand : 322.738 Safety Margin : 38.704 150 140 . 130 p120 -- ' R11° ' - E 100 90 - 09 80 - e2 - ------------ 0 Undf r 0 - 70 ' 0 D60 )3 ' 0 ' E5° 40' 30 --D4-- 20 010 0 200 400 600 800' .1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 0, FLOW (NA1.85) Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N:H. USA 03087 Flow Diagram JG Tak Fire Protection, Inc . Page 3 Buii'dir B-Second Floor ., . Date 02/09107 '16.3 32.9 69.4 P204- 18 P21.- P224- P234- 20 +.. 21 16.3 50.4 t 69. I 69.+ 133.2 15.3 48.1 I I P284- P294- P304-. P314- 22- I I 31.4 66.4 23.2 I P324-23 14.8 30.2 63.f I 199.6 222.7 222.7 222.7 222.7 222.7 322.7 322.7 P244- 19 P26 - P27-. 21. - 22 - 23 _ TR24- 24 +- TOR4- ACV4- BOP4-- DIP 4- UG1 SF1 - BF2 UG2- UG34- U644- UG54- TEST 14.8 46.2 . 133.2 . 222.7 222.7 222.7 222.7 222.7 222.7 322.7 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 1.11 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Fittings Used Summary JG Tate Fire Protection, Inc Page 4 Building B-Second Floor Date 02/09/07 Fitting Legend Abbrev. Name 1/ 1% 11/2' 2 21/2 3 31/2 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 AN Generic Alarm Valve 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.7 21.5 0 17 17 27 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E 90' Standard Elbow 2 2 2 . 3' 4 5 .6 7 8 10 12 14 18 22 .27 35 40 45 50 61 G Generic Gate Valve 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 '6 7 8 10 11 "13 T 90' Flow thru Tee 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 50 60 71 81, 91 101 121 Zic ' Wilkins 350A0A Fitting generates a Fixed Loss Based on Flow, . . Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Pressure I Flow Summary.- STANDARD JG T.te Fire Protection, Inc Page 5 BuildinB-Second Floor Date 02/09/07 Node Elevation K-Fact Pt Pn Flow Density. Area Press No. Actual Actual Req. P20 27.16 5.6 8.42 na 16.25 0.1 106.5 7.0 18 27.16 8.77 na P21 27.16 5.6 8.88 na 16.69 0.1 106.5 TO P22 27.16 5.6 9.71 na 17.45 0.1 106.5 7.0 P23 27.16 5.6 11.54 na 19.02 0.1 106.5 7.0 20 26.16 15.98 na P28 29.66 5.6 . 7.51 na 15.34 0.1 106.5 7.0 P29 29.66 5.6. 8.2 na 16.03 0.1 106.5 7.0 P30 29.66 5.6 8.96 na 16.76 0.1 106.5 7.0 P31 29.66 5.6 10.63 na 18.26 0.1 106.5 7.0 P32 26.33 5.6 17.12 •. na 23.17 0.1 106.5 7.0 P24 30.58 5.6 7.0 na 14.82 0.1 106.5 7.0 19 30.58 7.47 na P25 30.58 5.6 7.52 na 15.36 0.1 106.5 7.0 P26 30.58 5.6 8.23 na 16.06 0.1 106.5 7.0 P27 30.58 5.6 9.79 na 17.52 0.1 106.5 7.0 21 26.16 16.13 na 22 26.16 16.64 na 23 26.16 17:69 na TR2 21.5 41.44 na 24 9.33 53.43 na TOR 8.68 55.35 na ACV 4.0 57.64 na BOR 0.5 59.81 na DIP 0.0 60.1 na UG1 0.0 60.64 na BF1 4.0 58.95 na BF2 4.0 63.06 na UG2 0.0 64.84 na UG3 . . 0.0 64.92 na 100.0 UG4 0.0 6495 na UG5 0.0 65.47 na TEST 0.0 65.63 na The maximum velocity is 14.89 and it occurs in the pipe between nodes P23 and 20 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Hazen-Williams JG Tate Fire Protection, Inc . S Page 6 BuildrB-Second Floor Date 02/09/07 H7d. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe •• Pt Pt Ref. "C' or Ftngs Pe Pv ******* Notes Point Qt Pf/Ft Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn P20 16.25 1.049 0.0 3.930 8.423 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 18 16.25 0.0888 0.0 3.930 0.349 . Vel = 6.03 18 0.0 1.38 0.0 4.720 8.772 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 P21 . 16.25 0.0233 0.0 4.720 0.110 Vel= 3.49 P21 16.69 1.38 0.0 9.660 8.882 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 P22 32.94 0.0861 0.0 9.660 0.832 Vel = 7.07 P22 17.46 1.38 0.0 9.660 9.714 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 P23 50.4 0.1892 0.0 9.660 1.828 Vel = 10.81 P23 19.02 1.38 1E 3.0 2.700 11.542 K Factor= 5.60 to 120 iT 6.0 9.000 0.433 20 69.42 0.3421 0.0 11.700 4.003 Vel = 14.89 20 0.0 2.635 0.0 10.410 15.978 to 120. 0.0 0.0 0.0 21 69.42 0.0146 0.0 10.410 0.152 Vel = 4.08 0.0 69.42 5 . . 16.130 K Factor = 17.28 P28 15.34 1.049 0.0 8.660 7.505 K Factor =5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 P29 15.34 0.0797 0.0 8.660 0.690 Vel = 5.69 P29 16.03 1.38 0.0 9.660 8.195 K Factor= 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 P30 31.37 0.0788 0.0 9.660 0.761 Vel = 6.73 P30 16.76 1.38 0.0 9.660 8.956 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 P31 48.13 0.1737 0.0 9.660 1.678 Vel= 10.32 P31 18.26 1.38 1E 3.0 5.250 10.634 K Factor= 5.60 to 120 iT 6.0 9.000 1.516 22 66.39 0.3151 0.0 14.250 4.490. Vel = 14.24 0.0 66.39 5 16.640 K Factor= 16.28 P32 23.17 1.38 1E 3.0 2.080 17.119 K Factor =5.60 to 120 iT 6.0 9.000 0.074 23 23.17 0.0449 0.0 11.080 0.497 Vel = 4.97 0.0 23.17 17.690 K Factor = 5.51 P24 14.82 1.049 0.0 6.350 7.000 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 19 14.82 0.0746 0.0 6.350 0.474 Vel = 5.50 19 0.0 1.38 0.0 2.310 7.474 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 P25 14.82 0.0199 0.0 2.310 0.046 Vel = 3.18 P25 15.35 1.38 0.0 9.660 7.520 . K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 P26 30.17 0.0732 0.0 9.660 0.707 Vel = 6.47 Computer Programs by Hydratec inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard JG Thte Fire Protection, Inc . Page 7 BuiIdih\B-Second Floor . Date 02/09/07 Hyi. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt ' Pt Ref. "C' or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes Point 'Qt Pf/Ft Eqv. Ln. Total Pf . Pn P26 16.07 1.38 0.0 9.660 8.227 ' K Factor =5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 . P27 46.24 0.1613 0.0 9.660 '1558 Vel = 9.92 P27 17.51 1.38 1E 3.0 6.160 9.785 K Factor= 5.60 to 120 iT 6.0 9.000 1.914 21 63.75 0.2923 0.0 15.160 4.431 Vél = 13.67 21 . 69.42 2.635 0.0 10.410 16.130 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 . .... 22 133.17 0.0490 0.0 10.410 0.510 Vel 7.83 22 66.40 2.635 0.0 10.160 16.640 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 23 199.57 0.1033 0.0 10.160 . 1.050 . . Vel = 11.74 23 23.17 2.635 5E 41.186 80.910 17.690 to 120 3T 49.423 90.609 2.018 TR2 222.74 0.1267 . 0.0 171.519 21.737 Vel = 13.10 . TR2 0.0 2.635 2E 16.474 20.000 41.445 . . to 120 , iT 16.474 32.948 5.271 24 222.74 0.1267 0.0 52.948 6.710 Vel = 13.10 24 0.0 3.26 2E 18.815 17.660 53.426 to 120 0.0 18.815 0.282 TOR 222.74 0.0449 0.0 36.475 1.639 Vel = 8.56 TOR 0.0 3.26 0.0 5.830 55.347 to 120 0.0 0.0 . . 2.027 . . ACV 222.74 0.0449 0.0 5.830 . 0.262 , Vel = 8.56 ACV 0.0 4.26 1Alv 22.384 5.500 57.636 to . 120 2E 26.334 48.718 1.516 BOR 222.74 0.0122 0.0 54.218 0.662, Vel=. 5.01 BOR 0.0 6.16 2E 40.168 8.000 59.814 ,. to 140 0.0 40.168 0.217 DIP 222.74 0.0015 0.0 48.168 0.073' Vel = 2.40 DIP 0.0 5.86 . 3E 53.679 257.290 60.104 to 150 0.0 53.680. .. 0.0 UG1 222.74 0.0017 0.0 310.970 0.532 Vel = 2.65 UG1 0.0 5.89 1E 16.146 , 6.000. 60.636 . . . 'to 140 0.0 16.146 -1.732 BF1 222.74 0.0019 0.0 22.146 0.041 Vel 2.62 BFI 0.0 6.16. IE 20.084 4.000. 58.945 to , 140 iZic 0.0 ' 20.084 4.080 ' * Fixed loss = 4.08 BF2 222.74 0.0015 0.0 ' 24.084 0.037 Vel = 2.40 BF2 0.0 ' 5.89 . 1E. 16.146 6.000 63.062 to 140 0.0 16.146 ' 1.732 UG2 222.74 0.0019 0.0 22.146 0.042 Vel = 2.62 (JG2 0.0 ' 5:86 1E 17.893 27.750 64.836 to 150 1G 3.834 ' 21.727 0.0 UG3 222.74 0.0017 .. 0.0 . 49.477 ,. 0.085 . , Vel = 2.65 UG3 100.00 7.98 1E 27.183 10.750 64.921 Qa = 100 . . to . 150 . .. 1G 6.041 33.222 ' 0.0 UG4 322.74 , 0.0008 . 0.0 43.972 0.033 Vel = 2.07 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations -Standard . JG Tje Fire Protection, Inc Bu ldT B-Second Floor. . .Page Date 8 02/09/07 Hid. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. .1c"or Ftngs Pe Pv ******* Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/Ft. ... Eqv. Ln. . Total Pf Pn UG4. 0.0 7.98 2E 54.365 617.700 64.954 to 150 1G 6.041 60.405 0.0 UG5 322.74 0.0008 0.0 678.105 0.512 . Vel = 2.07 UG5 0.0 7.98 . iT 46.522 143.200 . 65.466 . . . to. 140 1G 5.317 51.839 0.0 TEST 322.74 0.0009 . 0.0 195.039 0.167 Vel = 2.07 0.0 . . . 322.74 65.633 K Factor= 39.84 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Ft' JG Tate Fire Potecijon 12OO &am Dv., Iway, CA OM 1• Flow Test Record Test Hyctrptit A L\1 ,/i)-t Location ) ,AitA CA4 II0Q L* MI (A4 $ /C) Hydrant ID No. (2E.) Size vlain____________ Static ............. toc L1H - Residual -- 0 Pressure Drop.. j.o _(PDt 1).....K factor for PD! 1_•. Flow Hydrant /. j IA-/I i4 Hydrant I location (It) R.c"- tt2iY (çIY> Hydrant 2 location Hydrant 3 location . .... ... Hydint 1 Pitot 10 - PSI OPM:4cO Size of Orifice Hydrant 2 ?itot PSI GPM:_ - Size of Orifice__________ Hydrant 3 Pitot PSI (3PM: Size of Orifte Total:_______ (Qi) Calculated test and flow data - 9 x PD2 k - Q2 PIDI*k Static..................... Desired Residual ....... 20 Pressure Drop (P1) 2)., - .................................K factor PD 2: x -- _d.ivided by . equals GPM at 20 psi residual Qi PD2k PD 1k Q2 Commcnts:Ll11JSO Si.._47 Ø 4u1 Test conducted for: _F-_P:c.ut (i lJ Conducted by; ',_-c _2&_/-Ji$.7:i Date; ) Time: CO 30Vd èIId RLI EF 060980898 It,:it 9003/83/31 Carlsbad Municipal Water District Potable Water Discharge Event Report Date: C Location: 4 —r-& /riL.1( Reason for Discharge Event: Type of Event: Initial Dewatering Water Mains Estimated Discharge Flow: +b 7 t Note: includes flow testing and flushing Dewatering Reservoirs Start Time Unscheduled Water Discharge End Time I107 Pre-Dechiorinatlon Residual: 2 0 Clear flow path of debris, surface contaminants andlor hazardous Post-Dechlorination Residual: materials. Do not remove native /4 (less than 0.1 mg/L) vegetation. ', I pH within limits of 6.0 and 9.0 Erosion control, i.e. sandbags, silt fencing, hay bales, gravel bags, decreasing the velocity J of discharge water. Upon completion of dewatering, ensure that the flow path Is free of all temporary erosion prevention materials. Upon completion of dewatering, ensure that any sediment or silted areas are cleared. 1 Water Sampling Performed by: i 1 2 Comments: Submitted by:fa.J- ') Reviewd by. (Name & Date) (Name & Date)