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2637 JEFFERSON ST; ; FPR2019-0172; Permit
PERMIT REPORT eccity of Carlsbad Multifamily Fire Sprinkler Print Date: 12/07/2020 Job Address: 2637 JEFFERSON ST, CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1440. Permit Type: FIRE-Construction Residential Work Class: Parcel #: 1551702500 Track #: Valuation: $0.00 Lot #: Occupancy Group: Project U: #of Dwelling Units: Plan U: Bedrooms: Construction Type: Bathrooms: Orig. Plan Check #: Plan Check U: Permit No: FPR2019-0172 Status: Closed - Finaled Applied: 09/03/2019 Issued: 11/15/2019 Finaled Close Out: 12/07/2020 Inspector: Final Inspection: Project Title: Description: ARELLANO 4 UNIT APIS -REVISED PLANS FOR NEW SPRINKLER SYSTEM (82 HEADS, NEW CONSTRUCTION, 3 STORIES) Applicant: FPContractor: SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION INC ANGELA ZUMAYA 12155 PAINE PL 12155 PAINE PL P0 WAY, CA 92064-7154 POWAY, CA 92064-7154 (619) 588-6364 (619) 588-6364 FEE AMOUNT FIRE NFPA 13R System 3-16 units (per building) $858.00 FIRE Plan Review Per Hour - Office Hours $204.00 Total Fees: $1,062.00 Total Payments To Date: $1,062.00 Balance Due: $0.00 Fire Department Page 1 of 1 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 1 760-602-4665 1760-602-8561 f I www.carlsbadca.gov A rEsPNJSI'fE • rESLJ IcEFLJL • ARELLANO 4 UNIT APTS 2637 JEFFERSON ST. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 FIRE SPRINKLERS CALCULATION SUBMITTAL FPR20I9-0172 2637 JEFFERSON ST ARELLANO 4 UNIT APIS - NEW SPRINKLER SYSTEM (82 HEADS. NEW CONSTRUCTION, 3 STORIES) 1551702500 10/15/2019 F!!2019-0172 . 0 Materials of equal design, utility, and performance may be substituted for submitted materials so as to avoid delays in the construction schedule and shall be deemed accepted by the Purchaser. Hydraulic Calculations for Project Name: ARELLANO 4 UNIT APIS. .Location: 2637 JEFFERSON STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008, Drawing Name: 19-0608_ARELLANO 4 UNIT APTS_ALL LVLS_PIPING PLAN Design Remote Area Number: Occupancy Classification: Residential Calculation Date: 9/17/2019 Pressure: Area of Application: Coverage per Sprinkler: Type of sprinklers calculated: No. of sprinklers calculated: No. of nozzles calculated: In-rack Demand: Hose Streams: 0.logpm/ft2 900ft2 (Actual 482ft2) 130ft2 Pendent 4 0 N/A gpm at Node: N/A 0.0 gpm at Node: 39 Type Allowance at Source (Safety Margin = 75.600 psi) (Safety Margin = 12.870 psi) Total Water Required (including Hose Streams where applicable): From Water Supply at Node 39: 0.00 @ 0.000 From Water Supply at Node 1: 68.60 @62.717 Type of System: Volume of Dry or PreAction System: N/A Name of Contractor: SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION Address: 12155 PAINE PLACE POWAY, CA 92062, Phone Number: Name of designer: ANTHONY AMATO Authority Having Jurisdiction: Notes: Automatic peaking results Left: N/A Right: 62.500 1t© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 93AutoSPRINK 2019 9/17/2019 3:35:08PM Page 1 S . Job Name: ARELLANO 4 UNIT APTS. Remote Area Number: 100- 90 80 70 60 40 30 20 10 A Water Supply Summary Sheet Node: 39 —Available Supp?r Static Pressure 75.600 .00 @ 75.600 .00 @ 62.730 System demand c rye 018.00O :i ILUJ.IJJ liii' I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I hi I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . .. Hydraulic Graph N 1.85 Date: 9/17/2019 250 2500 3750 5000 6250 7500 8750 10000 11250 12500 Flow - gpm 1©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. M AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.9.0 9/17/2019 3:35:10PM Page 2 Job Name: ARELLANO 4 UNIT APTS. Remote Area Number: 100 90 80 70 60 U) 50 cn a. 40 30 20 10 A Water Supply Summary Sheet Node: 1 - wailableSuppIy Static Pressure 75.600 8.60 @ 75.600 8.60 @ 62.717 :\ System demand crvc 6550; 001018 000 lILIi.LLU 1111111 111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIII-IIII h.IIIIIlII'IIIII 11111-I II I II II 1 I I I I I I I I . . Hydraulic Graph N 1.85 Date: 9/17/2019 250 2500 3750 5000 6250 7500 8750 10000 11250 12500 Flow -gpm © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. M,;' AutoSPRINK 2019.v15.1.9.0 9/17/2019 3:35:10PM Page 3 12500 10000 11250 6250 7500 8750 Flow - gpm 9250 2500 3750 5000 . Hydraulic Graph N 185 Date: 9/17/2019 Gauge I Summary Sheet -Available SuppIy :Static Pressure 75.600 .00@75.600 - 6550.00© 18.000 - - System demand curve OOtO.00O_LL_J_IIIIIIIII 111111111 111111111 111111111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK 2019 9/17/2019 3:35:10PM Page 4 90 80 70 30 20 10 Job Name: ARELLANO 4 UNIT APTS. Remote Area Number: 100 60 0 50 0 40 • . . Hydraulic Graph Job Name: ARELLANO 4 UNIT APTS. N 1.85 Remote Area Number: Date: 9/17/2019 100- Gauge I Summary Sheet - 90— 80— wailable SuppIy static Pressure 75.600 ;8.60:c 75.600 ::j _________ 8.60 @ 51.812 50 CL Stem demand cue 30 20— 0.00@18O00 - 10— LUJ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11111111 111111111 111111111 11111 II I I I I I I I I I I I 0— 250 2500 3750 5000 6250 7500 8750 10000 11250 12500 Flow - gpm © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.9.0 9/17/2019 3:35:10PM Page 5 Summary Of Outfiowing Devices I Job Number: 19-0608 @ M.E.P.CAD, Inc. ffl AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1 .9.0 9/17/2019 3:35:12PM Page 6 Job Name: ARELLANO 4 UNIT APTS. Remote Area Number: Date: 9/17/2019 Supply Analysis Node Name Static (psi) Residual Flow (psi) (gpm) Available Total Demand (psi) (gpm) Required Pressure (psi) 39 Water Supply 75.600 18.000 6550.00 75.600 0.00 0.000 Water Supply 75.600 18.000 6550.00 75.587 68.60 62.717 Node Analysis Node Number Elevation (Foot) Node Type Pressure at Node (psi) Discharge at Node (gpm) Notes 1 -3-0 Supply 62.717 68.60 100 32-4 Sprinkler 12.157 17.09 101 32-4 Sprinkler 12.527 17.34 102 32-4 Sprinkler 12.283 17.17 103 32-4 Sprinkler 12.037 17.00 2 -3-0 62.679 3 -3-0 53.312 4 -3-0 53.280 25 0-4 51.812 26 10-6 46.745 27 10-6 45.695 28 10-6 42.659 29 10-6 32.475 30 21-8 22.397 31 32-10 14.532 32 23-10 19.626 33 32-10 13.094 34 32-10 13.088 (,© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.9.0 9/17/2019 3:35:14PM Page 7 S Job Name: ARELLANO 4 UNIT APTS. Remote Area Number: Date: 9/17/2019 Node Number Elevation (Foot) Node Type Pressure at Node (psi) Discharge at Node (gpm) Notes 35 32-10 14.247 36 32-10 13.104 37 23-10 20.349 .© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. M AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.9.0 9/17/2019 3:35:14PM Paqe 8 n I Job Name: ARELLANO 4 UNIT APTS. Remote Area Number: Date: 9/17/2019 Pipe Information Node I Elev I (Foot) K-Factor Flow added this step (q) Nominal ID Fittings & Devices Equiv. Length (Foot) Length (Foot) C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (PQand shown as a 'jti"e 519 Fitting (Foot) ___________ Pf Friction Loss Per Unit (psi) Elev(Pe) Node 2 Elev 2 (Foot) Total Flow (Q) Actual ID Total (Foot) ________________ Friction(Pf) 103 32-4 4.9 17.00 i (See Notes) 6 -11 150 12.037 Route I Sprinkler, 2E(7-0), T(5'-O) 19-0 0.050373 -0.217 38 32-10 17.00 1.1010 25-11 1.305 38 32-10 22.93 11/2 (See Notes) 14'1V2 150 13.125 Flow (q) from Route 3 2E(7-0) 14-0 0.039850 35 32-10 - 39.93 1.5980 28-1% 1.121 35 32-10 1 9-0 150 14.247 0.244535 3.902 37 23-10 39.93 1.1010 9-0 2.201 37 23-10 1% (See Notes) 1291/2 150 20.349 E(7'-O), T(8-O) 15-0 0.039850 0.939 30 21-8 39.93 1.5980 27-9% 1.108 30 21-8 28.67 1% (See Notes) 1731/2 150 22.397 Flow (q) from Route 2 2T(8-O), 2E(7-0), cplg(1'-O) 31-0 0.108432 4.841 29 10-6 68.60 1.5980 48-3% 5.237 29 10-6 i'/2 (See Notes) 59111/2 120 32.475 19-9% 0.127669 0.000 28 10-6 - 68.60 1.6820 4E(4'-11'/2) 79-91/2 10.185 28 10-6 11/2 (See Notes) 220 150 42.659 3cp1g(1-0), 3Tr(1'-O) 6-0 0.108432 27 10-6 68.60 1.5980 28-0 3.036 27 10-6 2 (See Notes) 3-1 150 45.695 2Tr(2'-O), 2E(11'-O) 26-0 0.036090 26 10-6 -- - 68.60 2.0030 29-1 1.049 26 10-6 2 (See Notes) 12'9 120 46.745 E(7'-O), Gauge 1 7-0 0.033411 4.407 25 0-4 68.60 2.2150 19-9 0.660 25 0-4 4 (See Notes) 3-4 120 51.812 E(13'-2) 13-2 0.001382 1.445 4 4-0 68.60 4.2600 16-6 0.023 4 4-0 4 (See Notes) 14'7% 150 53.280 E(19'-O) 19-0 0.000958 3 -3-0 68.60 4.2200 33-7% 1 0.032 © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. M AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1 .9.0 9/17/2019 3:35:16PM Page 9 Job Name: ARELLANO 4 UNITAPTS. Remote Area Number: Date: 9/17/2019 Pipe Information OET _____ Node I Elev I (Foot) K-Factor Flow added this step (q) Nominal ID Fittings & Devices Equiv. Length (Foot) Length (Foot) C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (PU and shown as Fitting (Foot) Pf Friction Loss Per Unit (psi) Elev(Pe) Node 2 Elev 2 (Foot) - Total Flow (Q) Actual ID Total (Foot) ________________ Friction(Pf) 3 -3-0 4 (See Notes) 14'0 120 53.312 2LtE(8'-5), BFP(-9.309), E(14'- 01/2) 30-10% 0.001297 2 -3-0 68.60 4.3160 44-10% 9.368 2 4-0 4 (See Notes) 360 150 62.679 GV(3-10), S 3-10 0.000947 1 4-0 - 68.60 4.2300 39-10 0.038 0.00 62.717 Hose Allowance At Source Total(Pt) Route 1 1 68.60 100 32'-4 4.9 17.09 1 (See Notes) 3-8% 150 12.157 Route ..... Sprinkler, 2E(7-0), T(5'-O) 19-0 0.050840 -0.217 33 32-10 17.09 1.1010 22-8% 1.153 or__l 32-10 11.58 i% (See Notes) 42'J1/2 150 13.094 Flow (q) from Route 5 cplg(1'-O), 5Tr(1'-O), 2E(9'-O) 24-0 0.021583 31 32-10 28.67 1.5980 66-7% 1.438 31 32-10 1 9-0 150 14.532 0.132441 3.902 32 23-10 28.67 1.1010 9-0 1.192 32 23-10 11/2 (See Notes) 68'10% 150 19.626 E(7'-O), cplg(1'-O), T(8'-O) 16-0 0.021583 0.939 30 21-8 28.67 1.5980 F8 4-10% 1.832 22.397 Total(Pt) Route 2 102 32-4 4.9 17.17 i (See Notes) 7-11 150 12.283 Route ..... Sprinkler, E(7-0), T(5'-O) 12-0 0.051324 -0.217 34 32-10 17.17 1.1010 19-11 1.022 34 32-10 11/2 (See Notes) 14'2 150 13.088 Tr(1'-O) 0.016 0.001049 36 32-10 5.59 1.5980 15-2 36 32-10 17.34 11/2 (See Notes) 0'6 150 13.104 Flow (q) from Route 4 Tr(1'-0) 11-0 0.014283 38 32-10 22.93 1.5980 1-6 0.02 1 ____ __ __ 13.125 Total(Pt) Route 3 (,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. M AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.9.0 9/17/2019 3:35:16PM Page 10 Job Name: ARELLANO 4 UNIT APTS. Remote Area Number: Date: 9/17/2019 Pipe Information Elev I Flow added Fittings & Length C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Node 1 (Foot) K-Factor this step Nominal ID Devices (Foot) ______________ __________________ Fitting/Device (Equivalent Fitting (Foot) Pf Friction Elev(Pe) (q) uiv. Eq . Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, Elev 2 Total Flow Loss Per unit when applicable, are added Total Friction(Pf) Node 2 (Foot) (Q) Actual ID Length (Foot) (psi) directly to (Pf) and shown as (Foot) 101 32-4 4.9 17.34 i (See 3' 150 12.527 •••Route4•••• 12-0 -0.217 Notes) 36 32-10 17.34 1.1010 0.052267 E(7'-O), 1(5-0) 15'-24 0.794 13.104 Total(Pt) Route 4 34 32-10 5.59 11/2 (See 0-6 150 13088 . Route 5 ..... Flow (q) from Route 3 11-0 Notes), 33 32-10 11.58 1.5980 0.004036 Tr(1-0) 1-6 O.0O6 13.094 Total(Pt) Route 5 ©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. M AutoSPRINK2O19v15.1.9.O 9/17/2019 3:35:16PM Page 11 Job Name: ARELLANO 4 UNIT APIS. Remote Area Number: . Actual Inside Diameter 4.87 I \ =Factor Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Inside Diameter J Date: 9/17/2019 Value OfC 100 130 140 150 MUkyu1g FactOr 0713 j.1.6. 33 1,511 ALV Alarm Valve AngV Angle Valve b Bushing BalV Ball Valve BFP Backfiow Preventer BV Butterfly Valve C Cross Flow Turn 90° cplg Coupling Cr Cross Run CV Check Valve DelV Deluge Valve DPV Dry Pipe Valve F 90° Elbow EE 45° Elbow Eel ll%° Elbow Ee2 22W Elbow f Flow Device fd Flex Drop FDC Fire Department Connection fE 90° FireLock(TM) Elbow fEE 45° FireLock(TM) Elbow fig Flange FN Floating Node IT FireLock(TM) Tee g Gauge GloV Globe Valve GV Gate Valve Ho Hose Hose Hose HV Hose Valve Hyd Hydrant LIE Long Turn Elbow mecT Mechanical Tee Noz Nozzle P1 Pump In P2 Pump Out PIV Post Indicating Valve P0 Pipe Outlet PrV Pressure Relief Valve PRV Pressure Reducing Valve red Reducer/Adapter S Supply sCV Swing Check Valve SFx Seismic Flex Spr Sprinkler St Strainer T Tee Flow Turn 900 Tr Tee Run U Union WirE Wirsbo WMV Water Meter Valve Z Cap . © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. M AutoSPRlNl< 2019 v15.1 .9.0 9/17/2019 3:35:16PM Page 12 Hydraulic Calculations for Project Name: ARELLANO 4 UNIT APTS. Location: 2637 JEFFERSON STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008,, Drawing Name: 19-0608_ARELLANO 4 UNITAPTS_ALL LVLS_PIPING PLAN Design Remote Area Number: Occupancy Classification: Ordinary Group I Calculation Date: 9/17/2019 Pressure: Area of Application: Coverage per Sprinkler: Type of sprinklers calculated: No. of sprinklers calculated: No. of nozzles calculated: In-rack Demand: Hose Streams: 0.l5gpm/ft2 1500ft2 (Actual 505ft2) 130ft2 Pendent 6 0 N/A gpm at Node: 250.00 at Node: N/A 39 Type: Allowance at Source fl Total Water Required (including Hose Streams where applicable): From Water Supply at Node 39: 250.00 @ 62.534 From Water Supply at Node 1: 370.62 @ 62.439 Type of System: Volume of Dry or PreAction System: N/A Name of Contractor: SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION Address: 12155 PAINE PLACE POWAY, CA 92062, Phone Number: Name of designer: ANTHONY AMATO Authority Having Jurisdiction: Notes: Automatic peaking results Left: 63.280 Right: N/A (Safety Margin = 13.028 psi) (Safety Margin = 13.028 psi) M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRlNK 2019 v15.1 .9.0 9/17/2019 3:34:31 PM Page 1 60 In 0. 50 0, 0. 40 30 20 10 Hydraulic Graph N 1.85 Date: 9/17/2019 Water Supply Summary Sheet Node: 39 -Available Supply :Static Pressure 75.600 75.562 120.62 - 370.62 62.534 with Hose Allowance at ource_______ ystem demand curve 6550.00 @ 18.000 _.Wl.LLIJ.LLIIIIIIIIII 111111111 111111111 111111111 111111111 III I I II I I I I I I I I 250 2500 3750 5000 6250 7500 8750 10000 11250 12500 Flow - gpm Job Name: ARELLANO 4 UNIT APTS. Remote Area Number: 100 90 80 70 0 &- © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK 2019 9/17/2019 3:34:33PM Paqe 2 9 . Job Name: ARELLANO 4 UNIT APTS. Remote Area Number: 100- 20 60 40 30 80 70 10 90 IIJ.I.I.I.L 11111111 II I I I I I II r1i 9250 2500 3750 5000 Water Supply I Summary Sheet L_ Node:1 :Available Supply Static Pressure 75.600 70.6 75.562 120.62 - 370.62 62.439 with Hose Allowance at Source_............... System demand curie 000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ILI 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6250 7500 8750 Flow - gpm . . Hydraulic Graph N 1.85 Date: 9/17/2019 10000 11250 12500 ,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRlNK2019v15.1.9.0 9/17/2019 3:34:33PM Page 3 Job Name: ARELLANO 4 UNIT APTS. Remote Area Number: 100 90 80 70 60 U, C. 50 CL 40 30 20 10 0. Gauge I Summary Sheet - vailabIe Supply Static Pressure 75.600 50.00 0 75.562 :\ - 6550.0018.(J00 - System demand curve iiiiiiiip tiiiiiii .iii 111111 II 111111 11111 II I I I I I I I I I I 250 2500 3750 5000 6250 7500 8750 10000 11250 12500 Flow - gpn, Hydraulic Graph N 1.85 Date: 9/17/2019 0 &- ©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. IS AutoSPRINK 2019 9/17/2019 3:34:33PM Page 4 0 . Job Name: ARELLANO 4 UNIT APTS. Remote Area Number: 100- a- 40 90 80 70 60 30 20 10 ....V'iJ.LIJ.LIlIIIIIIII 0- 250 2500 3750 Gauge I Summary Sheet \vailable Static Pressure 370.62 Supply 0 75.562 75.600 120.62 370.62 @r 52527 with Hose Allowan at ce Source______ H ystem demand cue \6 5 -5 0. 0 8. oi000 111111111 111111111 111111111 .II 11111 I II 11111 111111 II I I I I I I I I I I 5000 7500 6250 8750 Flow - gpm . . Hydraulic Graph N 1.85 Date: 9/17/2019 10000 11250 12500 (hI,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. M AutoSPRINK 2019 9/17/2019 3:34:33PM Page 5 INNISummary Of Outflowihg Devices I U15.I Report L)esCriptiOfl: Urainary (ilOUP Actual Flow Minimum Flow K-Factor Pressure Device (gpm) (gpm) (K) (psi) Sprinkler 200 20.87 190 - 13.895 Sprinkler 201 20.73 19.50 5.6 13.707 Sprinkler 202 20.00 19.50 . 5.6 12.757 Sprinkler 203 19.87 19.50 5.6 12.584 Sprinkler 204 19.64 19.50 5.6 12.305 Sprinkler 205 19.50 19.50 5.6 12.125 . -. Most Demanding Sprinkler Data (, ©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. M AutoSPRlNK2019v15.1.9.0 9/17/2019 3:34:35PM Page Job Name: ARELLANO 4 UNIT APTS. Remote Area Number: Date: 9/17/2019 Supply Analysis Node Name Static (psi) Residual Flow (psi) @ (gpm) Available Total Demand (psi) (gpm) Required Pressure (psi) 39 Water Supply 75.600 18.000 6550.00 75.562 250.00 62.534 Water Supply 75.600 18.000 6550.00 75.467 370.62 62.439 Node Analysis Node Number Elevation (Foot) Node Type Pressure at Node (psi) Discharge at Node (gpm) Notes 1 -3-0 Supply 62.439 120.62 200 10-0 Sprinkler 13.895 20.87 201 10-0 Sprinkler 13.707 20.73 202 10-0 Sprinkler 12.757 20.00 203 10-0 Sprinkler 12.584 19.87 204 10-0 Sprinkler 12.305 19.64 205 10-0 Sprinkler 12.125 19.50 2 4-0 62.332 3 -3-0 54.129 4 4-0 54.037 5 10-6 14.030 6 9-8 17.975 7 10-6 14.670 8 10-6 13.838 9 10-6 12.866 10 9-8 16.538 11 10-6 13.457 12 10-6 12.688 1,© M.E.P.CAD. Inc. 'AutoSPRlNK 2019 v15.1.9.0 9/17/2019 3:34:37PM Paqe 7 Job Name: ARELLANO 4 UNIT APTS. Remote Area Number: Date: 9/17/2019 Node Number Elevation (Foot) Node Type Pressure at Node (psi) Discharge at Node (gpm) Notes 13 9-8 16.146 14 10-6 13.156 15 10-6 12.592 16 10-6 12.403 25 0-4 52.527 26 10-6 46.246 27 10-6 43.266 28 10-6 34.642 ,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. M AutoSPRINK 2019 v1 9/17/2019 3:34:37PM Page 8 I I Job Name: ARELLANO 4 UNIT APTS. Remote Area Number: Date: 9/17/2019 Pipe Information Node I Elev I (Foot) K-Factor Flow added this step (q) Nominal ID Fittings & Devices Equiv. Length (Foot) Length (Foot) ____________ C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (Pt) and shown as Fitting (Foot) Pf Friction Loss Per Unit (psi) Elev(Pe) Node 2 Elev 2 (Foot) Total Flow (Q) Actual ID Total (Foot) ________________ Friction(Pf) 205 10-0 5.6 19.50 1 (See Notes) 0'6 120 12.125 Route Sprinkler, T(5'-O) 5-0 0.124177 -0.217 15 10-6 19.50 1.0490 5-6 0.683 15 10-6 1 (See Notes) 3'-8Y2 150 12.592 T(5'-O) 0.564 5-0 0.064928 14 10-6 19.50 1.1010 881/2 14 10-6 19.64 1 (See Notes) 01 10 120 13.156 Flow (q) from Route 2 P0(5-0) 5-0 0.450718 0.361 13 9-8 39.14 1.0490 5-10 2.629 13 9-8 8-8 120 16.146 0.045218 10 9-8 39.14 1.6820 8-8 0.392 10 91-8 39.87 1% 8'8 120 16.538 Flow (q) from Route 3 0.165806 6 91-8 79.01 1.6820 8-8 1.437 6 9-8 41.61 1Y2 (See Notes) 37'O% 120 17.975 Flow (q) from Route 5 2E(4'-11V2) 9-11 0.362657 -0.361 28 10-6 120.62 1.6820 46-11% 17.028 28 10-6 (See Notes) 22-0 150 34.642 3cplg(1'-O), 3Tr(1'-O) 6-0 0.308011 27 10-6 120.62 1.5980 28-0 8.624 27 10-6 2 (See Notes) 3'1 150 43.266 2Tr(2-0), 2E(11'-O) 26-0 0.102518 26 10-6 120.62 2.0030 29-1 2.980 26 10-6 2 (See Notes) 12-9 120 46.246 E(7'-O), Gauge 1 7-0 0.094907 4.407 25 0-4 120.62 2.2150 19-9 1.874 25 0-4 4 (See Notes) 3'-4 120 52.527 E(13'-2) 13-2 0.003927 1.445 4 -3-0 120.62 4.2600 16-6 0.065 4 4-0 4 (See Notes) 147h/2 150 54.037 E(19-0) F313;:: 0.002721 3 -3-0 120.62 4.2200 71/ 0.091 ,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. M AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.9.0 9/17/2019 3:34:39PM Page 9 Job Name: ARELLANO 4 UNIT APIS Remote Area Number: Date: 9/17/2019 Pipe Information Node I Elev I (Foot) K-Factor Flow added this step (q) Nominal ID Fittings & Devices Equiv. Length (Foot) Length (Foot) C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (Pt) and shown as ',.lfl Fitting (Foot) Pt Friction Loss Per Unit (psi) Elev(Pe) Node 2 Elev 2 (Foot) Total Flow (Q) Actual ID Total (Foot) Friction(Pf) 3 -3-0 . 4 (See Notes) 14'0 120 54.129 2LtE(8'-5), BFP(-8.038), E(14- 01,4) 30101,4 0.003685 2 -3-0 120.62 4.3160 44'- 101/2 8.203 2 4-0 4 (See Notes) 360 150 62.332 GV(3'-l0), S 3-10 0.002690 1 -3-0 120.62 4.2300 39-10 0.107 250.00 62.439 Hose Allowance At Source Total(Pt) Route 1 1 370.62 204 10-0 5.6 19.64 1 (See Notes) 0-6 120 12.305 Route 2 Sprinkler, E(2'-O) 2-0 0.125877 -0.217 16 10-6 19.64 1.0490 2'-6 0.315 16 10-6 1 (See Notes) 6-5 150 12.403 T(5'-O) 5-0 ::411-5 0.065817 -0.000 14 10-6 19.64 1.1010 0.753 13.156 Total(Pt) Route 2 203 10-0 5.6 19.87 1 (See Notes) 0-6 120 12.584 Route 3 Sprinkler, E(2'-O) 2-0 0.128515 -0.217 12 10-6 19.87 1.0490 2'-6 0.321 12 10-6 1 (See Notes) 6-5 150 12.688 5-0 T(5'-O) 0.067196 -0.000 11 10-6 19.87 1.1010 11-5 0.769 11 10-6 20.00 i (See Notes) 01 10 120 13.457 Flow (q) from Route 4 P0(5-0) 5-0 0.466240 0.361 10 9-8 39.87 1.0490 5-10 2.720 16.538 Total(Pt) Route 3 202 10-0 5.6 20.00 i (See Notes) 0-6 120 12.757 Route 4 Sprinkler, E(2-0) 2-0 0.130150 -0.217 9 10-6 20.00 1.0490 2-6 0.325 9 10-6 i (See Notes) 381,4 150 12.866 1(5-0) 5-0 0.068051 11 10-6 20.00 1.1010 8'-8/2 0.591 13.457 Total(Pt) Route 4 ©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK 2019 9/17/2019 3:34:39PM Page 10 Job Name: ARELLANO 4 UNIT APTS. Remote Area Number: Date: 9/17/2019 Pipe Information Node I Elev I (Foot) K-Factor Flow added this step (q) Nominal ID Fittings & Devices Equiv. Length (Foot) Length (Foot) C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (Pf) and shown as p ngj+i. Fitting (Foot) Pt Friction Loss Per Unit (psi) Elev(Pe) Node 2 Elev 2 (Foot) Total Flow (Q) Actual ID Total (Foot) Friction(Pf) 201 10-0 5.6 20.73 1 (See Notes) 0-6 120 13.707 Route 5 ..... Sprinkler, E(2-0) 2-0 0.139094 -0.217 8 10-6 20.73 1.0490 2-6 0.348 8 10-6 1 (See Notes) 65 150 13.838 1(5-0) 5-0 0.072727 -0.000 7 10-6 20.73 1.1010 11-5 0.832 7 10-6 20.87 1 (See Notes) 01 10 120 14.670 Flow (q) from Route 6 P0(5-0) 5-0 0.504601 0.361 6 9-8 - - 41.61 1.0490 5-10 2.944 17.975 Total(Pt) Route 5 200 10-0 5.6 20.87 1 (See Notes) 0-6 120 13.895 Route 6 ..... E(2'-O) 2-0 0.140853 -0.217 5 10-6 20.87 1.0490 2-6 0.352 5 10-6 i (See Notes) 3'81A 150 14.030 1(5-0) 5-0 0.073647 7 10-6 - 20.87 1.1010 88h,4 0.640 14.670 Total(Pt) Route 6 ,,© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. M AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.9.0 9/17/2019 3:34:39PM Page 11 Job Name: ARELLANO 4 UNIT APTS. Remote Area Number: Actual Inside Diameter 4.87 I = Factor Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Inside Diameter J Date: 9/17/2019 Value OfC 100 130 140 150 ~Lultiplying f@cto.r _ . .T13 1.16 J3 -. 1.51 [1 ALV Alarm Valve AngV Angle Valve b Bushing BalV Ball Valve BFP Backfiow Preventer BV Butterfly Valve C Cross Flow Turn 900 cplg Coupling Cr Cross Run CV Check Valve DelV Deluge Valve DPV Dry Pipe Valve E 90° Elbow EE 450 Elbow Eel 11140 Elbow Ee2 22%° Elbow f Flow Device fd Flex Drop FDC Fire Department Connection fE 90° FireLock(TM) Elbow fEE 45° FireLock(TM) Elbow fig Flange FN Floating Node fT FireLock(TM) Tee g Gauge GloV Globe Valve GV Gate Valve Ho Hose Hose Hose HV Hose Valve Hyd Hydrant LtE Long Turn Elbow mecT Mechanical Tee Noz Nozzle P1 Pump In P2 Pump Out PIV Post Indicating Valve P0 Pipe Outlet PrV Pressure Relief Valve PRV Pressure Reducing Valve red Reducer/Adapter S Supply sCV Swing Check Valve SFx Seismic Flex Spr Sprinkler St Strainer I Tee Flow Turn 90° Tr Tee Run U Union WirF Wirsbo WMV Water Meter Valve Z Cap ., ,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. M AutoSPRINK2019v15.1.9.O 9/17/2019 3:34:39PM Page 12 ff ArfAFZA 'IA ISr14SI'.3E • • ARELLANO 4 UNIT APTS. 2637 JEFFERSON ST. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 FIRE SPRINKLERS PRODUCT DATA S ** Materials of equal design, utility, and performance may be substituted for submitted materials so as to avoid delays in the construction schedule and shall be deemed accepted by the Purchaser. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 .FIRE SPRINKLERS AND ACCESORIES 2.STEEL PIPE 3.FITTINGS 4.CPVC PIPE AND FITTINGS 5.VALVES 6.ALARM DEVICES 8.HANGERS 11.FIRE STOP 12.SAFETY DATA SHEETS [1 :1 4 h.. ~ 1 0 a 4 e:; I P~. 0. ~ AFAV_ FffFA !/A V/ IESPNJSI',#E • rESLJ E FL) L • 1. ARELLANO 4 UNIT APTS, 2637 JEFFERSON ST. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 FIRE SPRINKLERS PRODUCT DATA ** Materials of equal design, utility, and performance may be substituted for submitted materials so as to avoid delays in the construction schedule and shall be deemed accepted by the Purchaser. TABLE OF CONTENTS I .FIRE SPRINKLERS AND ACCESORIES 2.STEEL PIPE 3.FITTINGS 4.CPVC PIPE AND FITTINGS 5.VALVES 6.ALARM DEVICES 8.HANGERS 9.SIGNS II.FIRE STOP I2.SAFETY DATA SHEETS ).- Sprinklers. I Technical Specifications Style: Flat Concealed Pendent Threads: 1/2" NPT or ISO 7-1R1/2 Nominal K-Factor. 4.9 (71 metric) Max Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Mm. Spacing: 8 ft. (2.4 m) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor Nickel Alloy Solder Link Sprinkler Body: Brass Alloy Levers: Bronze Alloy Yoke: Brass Alloy Cover Plate Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Model RFC cover plate Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Towers: Copper Alloy Sprinkler Wrench Pins: Stainless Steel Model FC (without wrench-able cap) Deflector. Bronze Alloy Model W3 (with wrench-able cap) Bottom View Cup: Steel Listings and Approvals Cover Plate Finishes cULus Listed to UL 1626 (See Table H) cULus Certified for Health Effects to NSF/ANSI Standard 61 Annex G (RFC49LL only) Watermark Certified (RFC49LL only) Model RFC49 & RFC49LL Sprinkler Components and Dimensions 2-5/16° (58 mm) Threads —..... Dia. Body Cup Tower 1-3/4° (44 mm) +/- 1/4° (6 mm) Fusible Link Nominal face of filling to ceiling Deflector (retracted) _E1rJ i,,,,,,,1 1-3116"(5mm i—= Pin (extended) IT Model RFC Cover Plate Deflector (extended) 3-5/16" (84 mm) Dia. Ceiling Model RFC49 & RFC49LL Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure Max. Coverage Area Ordinary Temperature Intermediate Temperature Flow Pressure Flow Pressure ft. x ft. (m x m) gpm psi gpm psi (I/mm) (bar) (I/mm) (bar) 16x16 13 7.0 13 7.0 (4.9 x 4.9) (49.0) (0.48) (49.0) (0.48) 18x18 17 12.0 17 12.0 (5,5 x 5.5) (64.3) (0.83) (64.3) (0.83) 20x20 20 16.7 21 18.4 (6.1x6.1) (75.7) (1.15) (79.5) (1.27) Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in Table D above and (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. Bulletin 006 Page 4 of 8 May 2019 - www.reliablesprinkler.com Sensitivity Fast-response Temperature Rating Ordinary: 165°F (74°C) sprinkler 135°F (57°C) cover plate Intermediate: 212°F (1 00°C) sprinkler 165°F (74°C) cover plate tqcco Worldwide Contacts www.tyco-fire.com Series TYIFRB - 28, 42, 56, and 80 K-Factor Upright, Pendent, and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers Quick Response, Standard Coverage S General Description The TYCO Series TY-FRB 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, and 8.0 K-factor Upright, Pendent, and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers described in herein are quick response, standard coverage, decorative 3 mm glass bulb-type spray sprinklers. They are designed for use in light or ordinary hazard, commercial occupancies such as banks, hotels, and shopping malls. The TY-FRB Recessed Pendent Sprin- kler, where applicable, is intended for use in areas with a finished ceiling. This recessed pendent sprinkler uses one of the following Recessed Escutcheons: A two-piece Style 10 (1/2 in. NPT) or Style 40 (3/4 in. NPT) Recessed Escutcheon with 1/2 in. (12,7 mm) of recessed adjustment or up to 3/4 in. (19,1 mm) of total adjustment from the flush pendent position. A two-piece Style 20 (1/2 in. NPT) or Style 30 (3/4 in. NPT) Recessed Escutcheon with 1/4 in. (6,4 mm) of recessed adjustment or up to 1/2 in. (12,7 mm) of total adjustment from the flush pendent position. The adjustment provided by the Recessed Escutcheon reduces the accuracy to which the fixed pipe drops to the sprinklers must be cut. Corrosion-resistant coatings, where applicable, are utilized to extend the life of copper alloy sprinklers beyond what would be obtained when exposed IMPORTANT Refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP2300 for warnings pertaining to regulatory and health information. Always refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP700 for the "INSTALLER WARNING" that provides cautions with respect to handling and instal- lation of sprinkler systems and com- ponents. Improper handling and installation can permanently damage a sprinkler system or its compo- nents and cause the sprinkler to fail to operate in a fire situation or cause it to operate prematurely. Page 1 of 10 to corrosive atmospheres. Although corrosion-resistant coated sprinklers have passed the standard corrosion tests of the applicable approval agen- cies, the testing is not representative of all possible corrosive atmospheres. Consequently, it is recommended that the end user be consulted with respect to the suitability of these coatings for any given corrosive environment. The effects of ambient temperature, con- centration of chemicals, and gas/ chemical velocity, should be consid- ered, as a minimum, along with the cor- rosive nature of the chemical to which the sprinklers will be exposed. An intermediate level version of the Series TY-FRB Pendent Sprinklers is detailed in Technical Data Sheet TFP356. Sprinkler Guards are detailed in Technical Data Sheet TFP780. NOTICE The Series TY-FRB 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, and 8.0 K-factor Upright, Pendent, and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers described herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this document and with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protec- tion Association (NFPA), in addition to the standards of any authorities having jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the performance of these devices. The owner is responsible for maintain- ing their fire protection system and devices in proper operating condition. The installing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer should be contacted with any questions. NFPA 13 prohibits installation of 1/2 in. NPT sprinklers with K-factors greater than 5.6 in new construction. They are intended for retrofit in existing sprinkler systems only. JULY 2018 Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN) TY1131 . . . Upright 2.8K, 1/2 in. NPT TY1231.. Pendent 2.8K, 1/2 in. NPT TY2131 . . . Upright 4.2K, 1/2 in. NPT TY2231.. Pendent 4.2K, 1/2 in. NPT TY3131 . . . Upright 5.6K, 1/2 in. NPT TY3231.. Pendent 5.6K, 1/2 in. NPT TY4131 ... Upright 8.0K, 3/4 in. NPT TY4231.. Pendent 8.0K, 3/4 in. NPT TY4831 . . . Upright 8.0K, 1/2 in. NPT TY4931.. Pendent 8.0K, 1/2 in. NPT Technical Data Approvals UL and C-UL Listed FM, LPCB, and NYC Approved Refer to Table A and B for complete approval information including corrosion-resistant status. Maximum Working Pressure Refer to Table C TFPI7I Ll 7/16 (11,1 mm) NOMINAL MAKE-IN 2-7/8° (73,0 mm) DIA. -.- PENDENT I hI 2-3/16° (55,6 mm) 1/ 1/2° NPT f WRENCH FLATS UPRIGHT RECESSED PENDENT 2-1/4 (57,2 mm) 1-9/16° (39,7 mm) STYLE 10 or 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON TFPI7I Page 2 of 10 * Temperature rating Pipe thread connections per is indicated on ISO 7-1 can be provided on ESCUTCHEON Deflector. special request. PLATE SEATING SURFACE 1 - Frame 3 - Sealing 5 - Compression 2 - Button Assembly Screw 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector* 7 - Bushing FIGURE 1 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TYI131) AND PENDENT (TY1231) SPRINKLERS 2.8 K-FACTOR, 1/2 IN. NPT * Temperature rating -- Pipe thread connections per 1 - Frame 3 - Sealing 5 - Compression is indicated on ISO 7-1 can be provided on ESCUTCHEON 2 - Button Assembly Screw Deflector. special request. PLATE SEATING 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector* SURFACE 7/16° (11,1 mm) I NOMINAL J16U MAKE-IN f (55,6 mm) t 2. ) I 2-3/16° 1-1/2° (55,6 mm) (38,1 mm) 1/2 . U NPT** WRENCH STYLE 10 or 20 FLATS RECESSED UPRIGHT PENDENT ESCUTCHEON H— 2-7/8° (73,0 mm) DIA. —i RECESSED PENDENT CROSS SECTION FIGURE 2 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY2131) AND PENDENT (TY2231) SPRINKLERS 4.2 K-FACTOR, 1/2 IN. NPT S Discharge Coefficient K=2.8 GPM/psi½ (40,3 LPM/barY2) K=4.2 GPM/p5i½ (60,5 LPM/bar½) K=5.6 GPM/psi¼ (80,6 LPM/bar4) K=8.0 GPM/psi¼ (115,2 LPM/bar½) Temperature Rating Refer to Table A and B Finishes Sprinkler: Refer to Table D Recessed Escutcheon: Signal or Pure White, Grey Aluminum, Jet Black, Chrome Plated, or Natural Brass Physical Characteristics Frame ............................Bronze Button ......................Brass/Copper Sealing Assembly.. Beryllium Nickel w/TEFLON Bulb...............................Glass Compression Screw.................Bronze Deflector ...................Copper/Bronze Bushing (K=2.8) ....................Bronze Poly-Stainless Physical Characteristics Frame ............................Bronze Button ................L316 Stainless Steel* Bulb...............................Glass Compression Screw .....L316 Stainless Steel Deflector ...................Copper/Bronze Sealing Assembly. Gold Plated Beryllium Nickel w/TEFLON Type L316 stainless steel (UNS 31603) per ASTM A479/479M or BS EN 1008 WN1.4404. Operation The glass bulb contains a fluid that expands when exposed to heat. When the rated temperature is reached, the fluid expands sufficiently to shatter the glass bulb, allowing the sprinkler to activate and water to flow. Design Criteria The TYCO Series TV-FRB 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, and 8.0 K-factor Upright, Pendent, and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers are intended for fire protection systems designed in accordance with the stan- dard installation rules recognized by the applicable Listing or Approval agency, such as UL Listing based on the requirements of NFPA 13 and FM Approval based on the requirements of the FM Global Loss Prevention Data Sheets. Use only the style 10, 20, 30, or 40 Recessed Escutcheon, as applica- ble, for recessed pendent installations. * Temperature rating is indicated on Deflector. ** Pipe thread connections per ISO 7-1 can be provided on special request. 1/2° NPT UPRIGHT S UPRIGHT TFPI7I Page 3 of 10 S 1 - Frame 3 - Sealing 5 - Compression 2 - Button Assembly Screw 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector* ESCUTCHEON PLATE SEATING SURFACE 7/16 i 11,11 mm) I ______ L1/2 160 MAKE-IN mm) 2-3/16° (55,6 mm) t WRENCH STYLE 10 or 20 FLATS RECESSED PENDENT ESCUTCHEON CROSS SECTION -..---- 2-7/8° (73,0 mm) DIA. RECESSED PENDENT ALL FINISHES EXCEPT POLY-STAINLESS WRENCH 1/2 ESCUTCHEON 1 - Frame 3 - Sealing 5 - Compression *Temperature FLATS NPT PLATE SEATING 2 - Button Assembly Screw rating indicated \ I SURFACE 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector* on Deflector. 1,1 mm) SL OMINAL 2-3/16° 7/16° 4AKE-IN (55,6 mm) 2-3/16° (55,6mm) t STYLE 10 RECESSED PENDENT ESCUTCHEON RECESSED ME 3 IAiIV = I PENDENT '1;I.1-I1 'iI'] POLY-STAINLESS FINISH ONLY FIGURE 3 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY3131) AND PENDENT (TY3231) SPRINKLERS 5.6 K-FACTOR, 1/2 IN. NPT Installation The TYCO Series TY-FRB 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, and 8.0 K-factor Upright, Pendent, and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with this section. General Instructions Do not install any bulb type sprinkler if the bulb is cracked or there is a loss of liquid from the bulb. With the sprin- kler held horizontally, a small air bubble should be present. The diameter of the air bubble is approximately 1/16 in. (1,6 mm) for the 135°F (57°C) and 3/32 in. (2,4 mm) for the 286°F (141°C) temperature ratings. A leak-tight 1/2 in. NPT sprinkler joint should be obtained by applying a minimum-to-maximum torque of 7 to 14 lb-ft (9,5 to 19,0 N.m). A leak tight 3/4 in. NPT sprinkler joint should be obtained with a torque of 10 to 20 lb-ft (13,4 to 26,8 N.m). Higher levels of torque can distort the sprinkler inlet and cause leakage or impairment of the sprinkler. Do not attempt to com- pensate for insufficient adjustment in the escutcheon plate by under- or over- tightening the sprinkler. Re-adjust the position of the sprinkler fitting to suit. Series TY-FRB Upright and Pendent Sprinklers The Series TY-FRB Upright and Pendent Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the following instructions: Step 1. Install pendent sprinklers in the pendent position. Install upright sprin- klers in the upright position. Step 2. With pipe thread sealant applied to the pipe threads, hand- tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Step 3. Tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench (Ref. Figure 14). With reference to Figure 1 to Figure 5, apply the W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench to the sprinkler wrench flats. Series TY-FRB Recessed Pendent Sprinklers The Series TY-FRB Recessed Pendent Sprinklers must be installed in accor- dance with the following instructions: Step 1. After installing the Style 10, 20, 30, or 40 Mounting Plate, as applica- ble, over the sprinkler threads and with pipe-thread sealant applied to the pipe threads, hand-tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Step 2. Tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench (Ref. Figure 15). With reference to Figure 1 to 4, apply the W-Type 7 Recessed Sprin- kler Wrench to the sprinkler wrench flats. Step 3. After the ceiling is installed or the finish coat is applied, slide on the Style 10, 20, 30, or 40 Closure over the Series TY-FRB Recessed Pendent Sprinkler and push the Closure over the Mounting Plate until its flange comes in contact with the ceiling. RECESSED PENDENT CROSS SECTION 2-7/8° (73,0 mm) DIA. -..-I 2-7/8° (73,0 mm) DIA. RECESSED PENDENT CROSS SECTION TFPI7I Page 4 of 10 I * Temperature rating ** Pipe thread connections per is indicated on ISO 7-1 can be provided on Deflector. special request. 1 - Frame 3 - Sealing 5 - Compression ESCUTCHEON 2 - Button Assembly Screw PLATE SEATING 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector* SURFACE T 1/2° (12,7 mm) I NOMINAL I T(58,7MAKE-IN 2-1/4° mm) 1-9/16° (39,7 mm) (57,2mm) 3/4 NPT* WRENCH STYLE 30 or 40 FLATS RECESSED UPRIGHT PENDENT ESCUTCHEON ALL FINISHES EXCEPT POLY-STAINLESS WRENCH 3/4° ESCUTCHEON 1 - Frame 3 - Sealing 5 - Compression *Temperature FLATS NPT PLATE SEATING 2 - Button Assembly Screw rating indicated SURFACE 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector* on Deflector. S -1 N NOMINAL 1 2-5/16° (12,7 mm) 1/2° MAKE-IN (58,7 mm) 2-1/4° 1-9/16° I (57,2 mm) (39,7 mm) STYLE 40 RECESSED UPRIGHT PENDENT ESCUTCHEON POLY-STAINLESS FINISH ONLY FIGURE 4 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY4131) AND PENDENT (TY4231) SPRINKLERS 8.0 K-FACTOR, 3/4 IN. NPT CEILING PLATE 1 - Frame 5 - Compression SEATING SURFACE 2 - Button Screw 1 Sealing 6 - Deflector * Assembly Bulb 2-1/4° mm) 2 1 1 (57,2 * Temperature rating is 1-9/16° 4 indicated on Deflector. (39,7 mm) 5 ** Pipe thread connections per ISO 7-1 can be -15 .=- 6 * provided on special request. CROSS SECTION Ll 7/16° (11,1 mm) NOMINAL MAKE-IN _ 2-3/16' I (55.6 mm)a q~ - 1/2 NPT** WRENCH FLATS UPRIGHT PENDENT FIGURE 5 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY4831) AND PENDENT (TY4931) SPRINKLERS 8.0 K-FACTOR, 1/2 IN. NPT 0 TFPI7I Page 5 of 10 S 2-7/8° DIA. "I 5/8±1/4° (73,0 mm) I 3/4° (19,1 mm) (15,9±6,4 mm) 2-1/4° DIA. 1/4° (6,4 mm) I I / FACE OF i57,2 mm) MOUNTING SPRINKLER PLATE FITTING 1/8° (3,2 mm) //I_ I I MOUNTING SURFACE CLOSURE SERIES -5/16° (33,3 mm) TY-FRB 13/16° (20,6 mm) FIGURE 6 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 2.8 K-FACTOR, 1/2 IN. NPT - 2-7/8° DIA. 5/8±1/4° (73,0 mm) I 3/4° (19,1 mm) (15,9±6,4 mm) - 2-1/4° DIA. I 1/4' (6,4 mm) / FACE OF (57,2 mm) MOUNTING SPRINKLER PLATE FITTING 1/8° I - (3,2 mm) \% MOUNTI SURFAC E/SERIES 1-1/4° (31,8 mm) CLOSURE TY-FRB 3/4"(19,1 mm) FIGURE 8 SERIES TV-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 4.2 K-FACTOR, 1/2 IN. NPT 2-7/8° DIA. (73,0 mm) - 1/2±1/8° 1/2° (12,7 mm) (12,7±3,2 mm) 2-1/4° DIA. 1/4" (6,4 mm) I I / FACE OF [i572 mm)] MOUNTING SPRINKLER PLATE I FITTING 1/8° I (3,2 mm) \4_ I SURFACE (33,3 mm)t MOUNTING 1-5/16' CLOSURE SERIES TY-FRB 1-1/16"(27,0 mm) FIGURE 7 SERIES TY.FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 2.8 K-FACTOR, 1/2 IN. NPT 2-7/8° DIA. -I (73,0 mm) I 1/2±1/8° 1/2(12,7mm) (12,7±3,2 mm) 2-1/4° DIA. 1/4° (6,4 mm) / FACE OF MOUNTING I SPRINKLER PLATE I FITTING I y7,2 mm 1/8° (3,2 mm) I\;/'I J MOUNTING f SURFACE SERIES 1-1/4° (31,8 mm) CLOSURE 1YFRB 1° (25,4 mm) FIGURE 9 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 4.2 K-FACTOR, 1/2 IN. NPT TFPI7I Page 6 of 10 S 2-7/8 DIA. ______ ..1 (73,0 mm) I 5/8±1/4° 3/4° (19,1 mm) (15,9±6,4 mm) 2-1/4° DIA. I 1/4° (6,4 mm) FACE OF (57,2 mm ) MOUNTING SPRINKLER PLATE FITTING 1 1/8° \,-/,J (3,2 mm) MOUNTING SURFACE iff SERIES 1-1/4° (31,8 mm)J CLOSURE TY-FRB 3/4° (19,1 mm) FIGURE 10 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 5.6 K-FACTOR, 1/2 IN. NPT 2-7/8" DIA. 5/8±1/4° (73,0 mm) 3/4"(19,1 mm) (15,9±6,4 mm) - 2-1/4° DIA. 1/4° (6,4 mm) / FACE OF (57,2 mm) MOUNTING SPRINKLERKLER // 1/8° PLATE FITTING (3,2 mm) AIL MOUNTING SURFACE _________ CLOSURE SERIES 1-5/16° (33,3 mm)I TY-FRB 13/16" (20,6 mm) FIGURE 12 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 40 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 8.0 K-FACTOR, 3/4 IN. NPT WRENCH RECESS (END °A" USED FOR 1/2° NPT MODELS) WRENCH RECESS (END °B° USED FOR 3/4° NPT MODELS) FIGURE 14 W-TYPE 6 SPRINKLER WRENCH 2-7/8" DIA. (73,0 mm) 1/2±1/8" I 1/2"(12,7 mm) (12,7±3,2 mm) 2-1/4° DIA. I 1/4° (6,4 mm) / FACE OF I 57,2 mm) MOUNTING SPRINKLER PLATE I FITTING 11 1/8° (3,2 mm) MOUNTING SURFACE SERIES 1-1/4" (31,8 mm) CLOSURE 1YFRB 1° (25,4 mm) FIGURE 11 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 5.6 K-FACTOR, 1/2 IN. NPT 2-7/8° DIA. 1/2±1/8° (73,0 mm) 1/2°(12,7mm) (12,7±3,2 mm) - 21/4° DIA 1/4° (6,4 mm) / FACE OF (57,2 mm) MOUNTING SPRINKLE _ R PLATE I FITTING / ___ (3,2 mm) t t MOUNTING SURFACE CLOSURE SERIES 1-5/16"(33,3 mm) TV.FRB 1-1/16"(27,0 mm) FIGURE 13 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 30 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 8.0 K-FACTOR, 3/4 IN. NPT WRENCH RECESS PUSH WRENCH IN TO ENSURE ENGAGEMENT WITH SPRINKLER WRENCHING AREA FIGURE 15 W-TYPE 7 RECESSED SPRINKLER WRENCH TFPI7I Page 7 of 10 Sprinkler Finish5 K- Type Type Temperature Bulb Liquid Color Natural Brass Chrome Plated Polyesterc 2.8 1/2 in. NPT Pendent (TY1231) and Upright (TY1131) 135°F (57°C) Orange 1, 2, 3, 4 155°F(68°C) Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green 286°F (141°C) Blue Recessed Pendent (TY1231)a Figure 6 135°F (57°C) Orange 1,2,4 155°F (68°C) Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green Recessed Pendent (TY1231)b Figure 7 135°F (57°C) Orange 155°F (68°C) Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green 4.2 1/2 in. NPT Pendent (TY2231) and Upright (TY2131) 135°F (57°C) Orange 1,2 155°F(68°C) Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green 286°F (141°C) Blue Recessed Pendent (TY2231)° Figure 8 135°F (57°C) Orange 155°F (68°C) Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green Recessed Pendent (TY2231)b Figure 9 135°F (57°C) Orange 155°F (68°C) Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green NOTES Installed with Style 10(1/2 in. NPT) or Style 40(3/4 in. NPT) 3/4 In. Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. Installed with Style 20 (1/2 In. NPT) or Style 30 (3/4 in. NPT) 1/2 in. Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. Frame and Deflector only. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, inc., (UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., for use In Canada (C-UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers. Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM) as Quick Response Sprinklers. Approved by the City of New York under MEA 354-01-E. Where Polyester Coated Sprinklers are noted to be UL and C-UL Listed, the sprinklers are UL and C-UL Listed, the sprinklers are UL and C-UL Listed as corrosion- resistant sprinklers. TABLE A LABORATORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS FOR 2.8 AND 4.2 K-FACTOR SPRINKLERS 0 TFPI7I Page 8 of 10 Sprinkler Finish8 K- Factor Type Temperature Bulb Liquid Color Natural Brass I Chrome Plated Polyesters PolyStainlessC Lead Coited Pendent (TY3231) 135°F (57°C) Orange 155°F(68°C) Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow and 1,2,3,4,5, 6,7 1,2 1,2,3,5 Upright (TY3131) Blue 200°F (93°C) Green 286°F (141°C) 135°F (57°C) Orange 155-F (68-C) Red 56 NPT Recessed Pendent (TY3231)8 Figure 10 1, 2, 4, 5 1,2 N/Ad 175°F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green 286°F (141°C) Blue 135°F (57°C) Orange 155°F(68°C) Red Recessed Pendent (TY3231)b Figure 11 1, 2, 3,4, 5 N/A N/A 175°F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green 286-F (141-C) Blue Pendent (TY4231) and 135°F (57°C) Orange 1, 2,3, 4, 5, 6,7 1,2 1, 2, 5 155°F (68°C) Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow Upright (TY4131) Blue 200°F (93°C) Green 286°F (141°C) 135°F (57°C) Orange 155-F (68-C) Red 8.0 NPT Recessed Pendent (TY4231)8 Figure 12 1, 2,5 1,2 N/A 175°F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green 286°F (141°C) Blue 135°F (57°C) Orange 155°F68° Red Recessed Pendent (TY4231)b Figure 13 1, 2, 3, 5 N/A N/A 175°F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green 286°F (141°C) Blue 8.0 1/2 in. Pendent (TY4931) and 135°F (57°C) Orange 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 N/A 1, 2, 5 155-F (68-C) Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow NPT Upright (TY4831) Blue 200°F (93°C) Green 286°F (141°C) NOTES Installed with Style 10 (1/2 in. NPT) or Style 40(3/4 In. NPT) 3/4 in. Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. Installed with Style 20 (1/2 in. NPT) or Style 30 (3/4 in. NPT) 1/2 in. Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. Frame and Deflector only. Not Available (N/A) Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., (UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., for use In Canada (C-UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers. Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM) as Quick Response Sprinklers. Approved by the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB Ref. No. 007k/04) as Quick Response Sprinklers. However, LPCB does not rate the thermal sensitivity of recessed sprinklers. Approved by the City of New York under MEA 354-01-E. VdS Approved (For details, contact Johnson Controls, Enschede, Netherlands, Tel. 31-53-428-4444/Fax 31-53-428-3377.) Approved by the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB Ref. No. 094a/06) as Quick Response Sprinklers. Where Polyester Coated and Lead-Coated Sprinklers are noted to be UL and C-UL Listed, the sprinklers are UL and C-UL Listed as Corrosion-Resistant Sprinklers. Where Lead-Coated Sprinklers are noted to be FM Approved, the sprinklers are FM Approved as a Corrosion-Resistant Sprinklers. TABLE B LABORATORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS FOR 5.6 AND 8.0 K-FACTOR SPRINKLERS 0 TFPI7I Page 9 of 10 Sprinkler Finish K- Factor 1'e Natural Brass I Chrome Plated Polyester Lead Coated Pendent (TY1231) and 2.8 Upright (TY1I31) 1/2 in. 175 psi (12,1 bar) N/A2 NPT Recessed Pendent (TY1231) Pendent (TY2231) and 4.2 Upright (TY2131) 1/2 in. 175 psi (12,1 bar) N/A Recessed NPT Pendent (TY2231) Pendent (TY3231) and 5.6 Upright (TY3131) 250 psi (17,2 bar) 1/2 in. or 175 psi (12,1 bar)' Recessed NPT Pendent (TY3231) Pendent (TY4231) 175 psi 8.0 and Upright (TY4131) (12,1 bar) 3/4 in. 175 psi (12,1 bar) NPT Recessed N/A Pendent(TY4231) 8.0 Pendent (TY493I) 175 psi 1/2 in. and 175 psi (12,1 bar) (12,1 bar) NPT Upright (TV4831) NOTES The maximum working pressure of 250 psi (17,2 bar) only applies to the Listing by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL); the Listing by Under- writers Laboratories, Inc. for use in Canada (C-UL); and, the Approval by the City of New York. Not applicable (t/A). S Care and Maintenance The TYCO Series TY-FRB 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, and 8.0 K-factor Upright, Pendent, and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers must be maintained and serviced in accordance with this section. Before closing a fire protection system main control valve for maintenance work on the fire pro- tection system that it controls, obtain permission to shut down the affected fire protection systems from the proper authorities and notify all personnel who may be affected by this action. Absence of the outer piece of an escutcheon, which is used to cover a clearance hole, can delay sprinkler operation in a fire situation. Sprinklers which are found to be leaking or exhibiting visible signs of corrosion must be replaced. Automatic sprinklers must never be painted, plated, coated, or other- wise altered after leaving the factory. Modified sprinklers must be replaced. Sprinklers that have been exposed to TABLE C MAXIMUM WORKING PRESSURE corrosive products of combustion, but have not operated, should be replaced if they cannot be completely cleaned by wiping the sprinkler with a cloth or by brushing it with a soft bristle brush. Care must be taken to avoid damage to the sprinklers before, during, and after installation. Sprinklers damaged by dropping, striking, wrench twist/ slippage, or the like, must be replaced. Also, replace any sprinkler that has a cracked bulb or that has lost liquid from its bulb. (Ref. Installation Section). The owner is responsible for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and devices in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Asso- ciation (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. Contact the install- ing contractor or sprinkler manufac- turer regarding any questions. Automatic sprinkler systems are rec- ommended to be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspec- tion Service in accordance with local requirements and/or national codes. Care must be exercised to avoid damage to the sprinklers before, during, and after installation. Sprin- klers damaged by dropping, striking, wrench twist/slippage, or the like, must be replaced. Also, replace any sprin- kler that has a cracked bulb or that has lost liquid from its bulb. (Ref. Installa- tion Section). Initial and frequent visual inspections of random samples are recommended for corrosion-resistant sprinklers to verify the integrity of the corrosion-resistant material of construction. Thereafter, annual inspections per NFPA 25 should suffice. Inspections of corrosion-resis- tant sprinklers are recommended at close range, instead of from the floor level per NFPA. Inspection at close range can better determine the exact sprinkler condition and the long-term integrity of the corrosion-resistant material, which can be affected by the corrosive conditions present. J_ FINISH 1 NATURAL BRASS - POLY-STAINLESS GREY 2 ALUMINUM (RAL9007)1 POLYESTER PURE WHITE - POLYESTER (RAL9010)2 SIGNAL WHITE - POLYESTER (RAL9003) JET BLACK - POLYESTER (RAL9005)S 7 LEAD COATED 9 I CHROME PLATED TFPI7I Page 10 of 10 P/N 57 - XXX- X- )(XX I I SIN SPRINKLER 330 2.8K UPRIGHT (1/2 in. NPT) TY1131 331 2.8K PENDENT (1/2 in. NPT) TY1231 340 4.2K UPRIGHT (1/2 in. NPT) TY2131 341 4.2K PENDENT (1/2 in. NPT) TY2231 370 5.61< UPRIGHT (1/2 in. NPT) 1Y3131 371 5.6K PENDENT (1/2 in. NPT) TV3231 390 8.0K UPRIGHT (3/4 in. NPT) TY4131 391 8.0K PENDENT (3/4 in. NPT) TY4231 360 8.0K UPRIGHT (1/2 in. NPT) TY4831 361 8.0K PENDENT (1/2 in. NPT) TY4931 TEMPERATURE RATINGS I 135 155 I 155-F (68-C) 175 1 175-F (79-C) 200 200°F(93°C) 286 286W(141°C) NOTES Available only on TY3131, TV3231, TY4131, and 1Y4231 Eastern Hemisphere sales only. Available in only 2.8K, 4.2K, and 8.0K, 155F (68CC) and 200F (93C10); requires longer lead time to manufacture. TABLED SERIES TY-FRB PENDENT AND UPRIGHT SPRINKLERS PART NUMBER SELECTION Limited Warranty For warranty terms and conditions, visit www.tyco-fire.com. Ordering Procedure Contact your local distributor for availability. When placing an order, indicate the full product name and Part Number (P/N). Sprinkler Assemblies with NPT Thread Connections Specify: Series TY-FRB (Specify SIN), (specify K-factor), (specify Pendent or Upright) Sprinkler (specify) temperature rating, (specify) finish or coating, PIN (specify from Table D) Recessed Escutcheon Specify: Style (10, 20, 30, or 40) Recessed Escutcheon with (specify) finish, P/N (specify*) Refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP770 Sprinkler Wrench Specify: W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-000-6-387 Specify: W-Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-850-4-001 1400 Pennbrook Parkway. Lansdale, PA 18446 I Telephone +1-216-362-0700 0 Me Johnson Controls. All rIgIfts reserved. All .plfiaUena and other Inlonnatlon shnn,, ,e,a culrent a. otd.ccment racIal... data and a,.. .abtectta thVØ WIthOUt "°. Johnson 01tv Controls IEFI.ON to a i5lotcud tadana,t 01 DOPOOI 2).- STEEL PIPE. fl c®us LISTED cz'APPROVED no NFPA Trust Bull Moose when it comes to protecting your most valuable assets. As the leading manufacturer of steel sprinkler pipe, we understand that there are no second chances in fire suppression. You need products of enduring quality and exceptional strength-plus reliable service. You need Bull Moose. BULL MOOSE ADVANTAGES: UL listed (US & Canada) and FM approved ASTMA135 and A795 Type E, Grade A Certified Complies with NFPA-13, 13R and 14 Industry-leading hydraulic characteristics. CRR of 1.0 and greater All pipe NDT weld tested OTHER BENEFITS/SERVICES: We have the most stocking locations in industry, for best delivery and availability Plain end or roll groove Eddy Guard Il® bacterial-resistant internal coating Custom length options Hot dipped galvanization Compatible for use in wet, dry, preaction and deluge sprinkler systems Bull Moose Fire Sprinkler Pipe Product information IyjI 1? 1 3D WI O.D. (in) 1.660 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.500 I.D. (in) 1.530 1.728 2.203 2.105 3.334 4.310 Empty Weight (lb/ft) 1.222 1.844 2.330 2.809 3.361 4.968 CD water Filled Weight (lb/ft) 2.019 2.860 3.982 5.299 7.144 11.290 U- C.R.R. 1.98 3.44 2.78 1.66 1.00 1.00 Pieces per Lift 61 61 37 30 19 19 LU Lift weight (ibs) 21 lengths 1,565 2,362 1,810 1,110 1,341 1,982 Lift weight (ibs) 24 lengths 1,189 2,100 2,069 2,022 1,533 2,265 Lift Weight (Ibs) 25' lengths 1,864 2,812 2,155 2,107 1,595 2,360 O.D. (in) 1.315 1.660 1.900 2.315 2.815 3.500 4.500 6.625 8.625 I.D. (in) 1.091 1.442 1.682 2.157 2.635 3.260 4.260 6.357 8.249 Empty Weight (lb/ft) 1.410 1.810 2.090 2.640 3.530 4.340 5.620 9.290 16.940 Water Filled Weight (lb/ft) 1.820 2.518 3.053 4.223 5.893 7.957 11.795 23.038 40.086 C.R.R. 15.27 9.91 1.16 6.21 4.92 3.54 2.50 1.158 1.805 Pieces per Lift 91 61 61 37 30 19 19 10 1 LA Lift Weight (ibs) 21' lengths 2,695 2,319 2,677 2,051 2,224 1,732 2,242 1,951 2,490 Lift Weight (ibs) 24 lengths 3,079 2,650 3,060 2,344 2,542 1,919 2,563 2,230 2,848 Lift Weight (ibs) 25 lengths 3,208 2,760 3,187 2,442 2,648 2,062 2,670 O.D. (in) 1.295 1.650 1.900 2.315 I.D.CO (in) 1.083 1.418 1.645 2.123 Empty Weight(Ib/ft) 1.451 2.010 2.547 3.308 LLI Water Filled Weight (lb/ft) 1.860 2.754 3.458 4.842 C.R.R. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Pieces per lift 70 51 44 30 Lift Weight (ibs) 21 lengths 2,148 2,217 2,353 2,084 Lift Weight (ibs) 24 lengths 2,454 2,534 2,690 2,382 Lift Weight (ibs) 25' lengths 2,551 2,639 2,802 2,481 0.0. (in) 1.315 1.660 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.500 I.D. (in) 1.049 1.380 1.610 2.061 2.469 3.068 4.026 Empty Weight fib/ft) 1.680 2.210 2.720 3.660 5.800 7.580 Water Filled Weight (ib/ft) 2.055 10.800 LU 2.918 3.502 5.114 7.875 10.783 15.316 C.R.R. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Pieces per Lift 70 51 44 30 30 19 19 LA Lift Weight (ibs) 21' lengths 2,470 2,431 2,513 2,306 3,654 3,024 4,309 Lift Weight (ibs) 24' lengths 2,822 2,118 2,812 2,635 4,176 3,456 4,925 Lift Weight (ibs) 25' lengths 2,940 2,894 2,992 2,745 4,350 3,601 5,130 S FM Approved and UL Listed Sprinkler Pipe Bull Moose Tube Company is a recognized producer of quality pipe products. Our Schedule 10 and Schedule 40 are FM Approved and UL Listed (for U.S. and Canada), even though these products do not require separate approvals and listings. Bull Moose Tube made the decision to have them approved and listed for your peace of mind. Our Sch. 10 and Sch. 40 have been through the same rigorous testing as our other fine pipe products. Schedule 10 Pipe Bull Moose Tube's Sch. 10 and Sch. 40 pipes are made to ASTM A135 and ASTM A795. These products are typically supplied with our protective coating but can be supplied without the coating so they can be hot-dip galvanized to meet FM requirements for use in dry systems in accordance with the zinc coating specifications of ASTM A795 or ASTM A53. All Schedule 10 and Schedule 40 pipe has a pressure rating of 300 PSI. 11 ii - 1 1.315 1.097 1.41 lbs/ft 91 11/4 1:660 1.442 1.181 lbs/ft 61 1 1/2 1.900 1.682 2.09 lbs/ft 61 2 2.375 2.157 2.64 lbs/ft 37 2 1/2 2.875 2.635 3.53 lbs/ft 30 3 3.500 3.260 4.34 lbs/ft 19 4 4.500 4.260 5.62 lbs/ft 19 Schedule['1Pipe tt 1 1.315 1.049 1.68 lbs/ft 70 11/4 1.660 1.380 2.27 lbs/ft 51 11/2 1.900 1.610 2.72 lbs/ft 44 2 2.375 2.067 3.66 lbs/ft 30 2 1/2 2.875 2.468 5.80 lbs/ft 30 3 3.500 3.068 7.58 lbs/ft 19 4 4.500 4.026 10.80 lbs/ft 19 PIPE PREPARATION For proper operation, all pipe surfaces should be cleaned prior to installation. In order to provide a leak-tight seat for the gasket, pipe surfaces should be free from indentations and projections from the end of the pipe to the groove. All loose paint, scale, dirt, chips, grease, and rust must be removed prior to installation. Failure to take these important steps may result in improper coupling assembly, causing leakage. Also, check the manufacturer's instructions for the specific fitting used. <N, 6 Chesterfield, MO 63017 contact your salesperson C®uS/\ 1819 Clarkson Road For additional information, (800) 325-4467 today at (800) 325-4467 or USTED BULL. MOOSE TUBE CONIPANY FAX: (636) 537-2645 (636) 537-2600 in the USA, ______ www.bullmoosetube.com or from Canada ACRcompany e-mail: salesbullmoosetube.com call (800) 882666 APPROVED All information contained herein is accurate as known at the time of publication. Bull Moose Tube reserves the right to change product specifications without notice and without incurring obligation. 12/09 ® Fully Listed and FM Approved Sprinkler Pipe When you specify Schedule-i 0/Schedule-40 - M-COAT® sprinkler pipe from Allied Tube & Conduit, you get UL listed and FM approved products. Although these products do not require separate approvals, Schedule-10/Schedule-40 - M-COAT gives you the extra quality assurance you demand. Our Sch-10 (1-1/4" -8") pipe and Sch-40 (1" - 2-1/2") pipe have passed the same thorough lab testing as our other listed pipe products, and receive periodic mill inspections from both UL and FM agents to ensure consistent quality. Superior Coating Our advanced formula mill coating offers a clean, durable surface that is also paintready for custom color applications without special preparation. The internal surface of all black Fire Sprinkler pipe up to 4.5000" in diameter shall be coated with Allied Tube & Conduit Antibacterial Formula "M-COAT". American Made 11101Manufactured at one of 3 U.S. Facilities and is available through distributors in the USA, Canada, Mexico, and Latin America. ® Specifications & Approvals Schedule-10/Schedule-40 M-COAT pipe are in compliance with the following: ASTM A135, Type E, Grade A, and NFPA 13. Both pipe products have a working pressure rating of 300 psi maximum and also meet the stringent requirement for the following tests: Welded Outlets, Hydrostatic Pressure, Side Wall Rupture, Vibration Test. I • i' tt1 I NPS Nominal Nominal I.D. Nominal =RR In;mm WI. WI. (H20 Filled) O.D. In; mm In; mm Wallin: mm I Lbs/Ft kqlm Lbs/Fl; k!m I' 1.315 1.049 0.133 1.680 2.05 1 25 33.4 26.6 3.38 2.5 3.05 - 1¼' 1.660 1.380 0.140 2.270 2.93 1 32 42.1 35.1 3.56 3.39 4.36 - - 1½' 1.900 1.610 0.145 2.720 3.61 40 48.3 40.9 - 3.68 4.0 5.37 2 2.375 2.067 0.154 3.656 5.13 1 50 60.3 - 52.5 3.91 5.4 7.63 - 2½' 2.875 2.469 0.203 5.80 7.86 1 65 73 62.7 5.16 8.6 11.73 - NPS Nominal M-COAT Nominal I.D. Specifications Nominal WI. WI. (H20 Filled) CR8 O.D. In; mm In; mm Wall In; mm thslFt kq/m Lbs/Ft k - 114 1.660 1.442 0.109 1.810 2.525 /.0955 32 42.2 36.6 2.77 2.7 3.75 - 1.900 1.682 0.109 2.09 3.04 5.6570 40 48.3 42.7 2.77 3.1 4.52 - 2.375 2.157 0.109 2.640 4.22 4.5827 50 60.3 1 54.8 2.77 3.9 1 6.28 - 2'/s' 2.875 2.635 0.120 3.530 5.89 3.5196 65 73 - 66.9 3.05 5.26 8.77 3.500 3.260 0.120 4.34 7.94 2.5550 75 88.9 82.8 3.05 6.4 11.82 - 4.500 4.260 0.120 5.62 11.78 1.6020 100 1 114.3 108.20 3.05 8.3 17.53 - 5* 5.563 5.295 0.134 7.78 17.33 1.4874 125 141.3 134.5 3.40 1 11.58 1 25.80 1 - 6* 6.625 6.357 0.134 9.3 23.03 1.0251 150 168.3 161.5 3.40 13.8 34.27 - 8* 8.625 8.249 0.188 16.96 40.15 1.8365 200 219 209.50 4.78 25.2 59.75 - *Not available with M-Coat 0 co "~~ APPROVED Project: Sprinkler Contractor: Date: Engineer: Specification Reference: System Type: Locations: Comments: Customer Service: (800) 882-5543 Fax: (800) 659-7730 www.alliedtube-sprinkler.com QHi le CJ • 16100 S Lathrop Ave • 11350 Norcom Rd. • 2525 N 27th Ave. TUBE & CONDUIT Harvey, IL 60426 Philadelphia, PA 19154 Phoenix, AZ 85009 ©2013 Atkore International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. STP-53-4M-1301 I i m naba ijIeiaiAip T Sub 1itta iITSbet FM Approved and Fully Listed Sprinkler Pipe MEGA-FLOW SPECIFICATIONS Wheatland's Mega-Flow steel fire sprinkler pipe is FM Approved for roll-grooved, plain-end and NIPS NOM OD NOM ID UL CRR MEGA-FLOW welded joints for wet systems; and UL, C-UL ----chedule Schedule Schedule Nominal - mega-Flow Mega-Flow Mega-Flow Pcs./Llft and FM Listed for use with roll-grooved, plain- -. - 10 - _40 40 m. - end couplings and welded joints for wet, dry 1114 1.660 1.530 1.442 1.380 1.80 1.00 1.108 61 preaction and deluge systems. Mega-Thread is - FM Approved for use in wet systems and is UL, 11/. 1.900 1.740 1.682 1.610 2.64 1.00 1.556 61 C-UL and FM Listed for wet, dry and preaction 2 2.375 2.215 2.157 2.067 2.14 1.00 1.961 37 sprinkler systems. 21/2 2.875 2.707 2.635 2.469 1.43 1.00 2.504 30 Approvals and Specifications Both products meet or exceed these standards: 3 3.500 3.316 3.260 3.068 1.34 1.00 3.349 19 ASTM A795, Type E, Grade A 4 j 4.500 4.316 4.260 4.026 1.00 1.00 4.331 19 NFPA 13 and NFPA 14 6 6.625 - 6.395 6.357 6.065 .75 1.00 8.000 10 Mega-Thread is approved for Calculated using Standard UL CPR formula, UL Fire Protection Directory, Category VIZY. The CRR Is ratio value used to measure the ability of a pipe to withstand corrosion. standard hanger spacing Threaded Schedule 40 steel pipe Is used as the benchmark (value of 1.0). Manufacturing Protocols Mega-Flow and Mega-Thread are subjected to MEGA-THREAD SPECIFICATIONS the toughest possible testing protocols to ensure the highest quality and long-lasting performance. NIPS NOM OD NOM ID UL CRR MEGA-THREAD egaihread1 e Mega-Thread Schedule L.W.T. Pipe Nominal wt./ft. Pcs./Llft Schedul Finishes and Coatings Mega-Flow black steel fire sprinkler pipe 1 1.315 1.087 1.049 1.00 1.00 .61 1.462 70 receives a proprietary mill coating to ensure a clean, corrosion-resistant surface that outlasts 1¼ 1.660 1.416 1.380 1.00 1.00 .39 1.989 51 standard lacquer coatings. This coating allows 11/2 1.900 1.650 1.610 1.00 1.00 .31 2.370 44 the pipe to be easily painted without special preparation. Mega-Thread is hot-dip galvanized 2 2.375 2.117 2.067 1.00 1.00 .25 3.094 30 to meet FM requirements for dry systems and Calculated using Standard UL CRR formula, UL Fire Protection Directory, Category VIZY. is safer to weld than many zinc-coated, light-wall The CRR Is ratio value used to measure the ability of a pipe to withstand corrosion. threadable products. Threaded Schedule 40 steel pipe is used as the benchmark (value of 1.0). Product Marking ® c:zE Each length of Wheatland fire sprinkler pipe is continuously stenciled to show the APPROVED manufacturer, type of pipe, grade, size and length. Barcoding is acceptable as a supplementary identification method. SI!JBFi1IITITZ N ii11IN PROJECT: CONTRACTOR: DATE: ENGINEER: SPECIFICATION REFERENCE: SYSTEM TYPE: LOCATIONS: COMMENTS: 0 El MEGA-FLOW-BLACK El MEGA-THREAD-HOT-DIP GALVANIZED Wil Tube 700 SoutH Docir< Street Sharon, PA 1616 I info a w.beat14jac1!oorn wHeatland.com t Tube ./MC STEEL GROUP 3).- FITTINGS. JOB/OWNER System No. Location - CONTRACTOR ENGINEER Submitted By Spec Sect Para Date Approved FireLock® Rigid Coupling . STYLE 005 WITH VICPLUSTM GASKET SYSTEM (NORTH AMERICA ONLY) FireLockO Style 005 rigid coupling has a unique, patented angle-pad design which allows the housings to offset while clamping the grooves. By permitting the housings to slide on the angled bolt pads, rigidity is obtained. Support and hanging requirements correspond to NFPA 13 Sprinkler Systems. Angle-pad design permits assembly by removing one nut/bolt and swinging the housing over the gasket. This reduces components to handle during assembly. Style 005 FireLock coupling are designed and recommended for use ONLY on fire protection systems. Vic-PIusTM Gasket System: In North America, Victaulic® offers a gasket system which requires no field lubrication on wet pipe systems that are hydrostatically tested. The VicPIusTM System (patented) is dry, clean, and non-toxic. It reduces assembly time substantially and eliminates the mess and chance of over- lubrication. Please refer to the latest copy of the Victaulic Field Installation Handbook (1-100) for supplemental lubrication requirements and dry pipe fire protection system notes. S LPC and VdS App,oved. see notes on paged SEE VICTAULIC PUBLICATION 10.01 FOR DETAILS PATENTED (LIai System 9 LISTING/APPROVALS The information provided below is based on the latest listing and approval data at the time of publication. Listings/Approvals are subject to change and/or additions by the approvals agencies. Contact Victaulic for performance on other pipe and the latest listings and approvals. Related Working psi Related Working Pressure N/A psi Related Working on Pressure KQ psi GO 5 10,40 BLI OF 01 El 1/5 -3 175 175 175 EL El 1 ¼ -2 300 N/A MT STF Steady IF WLS 1/5-2 300 N/A N/A 1 Y4 - 4 350 350 350 1 Y4 - 2 300 14/A N/A 11/4-4 N/A N/A 300 5 -8 300 300 300 EZ FF GAL - 7 MLT Ml 4 -6 300a N/A 300 1¼-2 N/A N/A 300 14-2 300 300 N/A 1Ys-4 N/A N/A 300 3-8 N/A N/A 300 ¼ - 4 J~l 300 300 300 1 1/4 - 2 300 N/A N/A 1 / - 2 300 300 N/A ¼ - 2 300 300 N/A TT/4---2,' 300 N/A N/A XL 1 Y4 - 3 300 300 300 Y-4 175@ N/A 175 I 'A - -41 300 1 N/A 300° FM approved for service in 11/2 -4" pipe. II UL Listed for service up 104" pipe only. @ UL Listed for service up to 3" only. www.victaulic.com VICTAULIC IS REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. C 2006 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE USA. REV-1 jtaUIic 10.02_i DIMENSIONS Rated for wet and dry sprinkler systems at 350p5i/2413kPa for 1 Yr - 4732 - 100 min sizes and 300 psi /2068kPa for 41/4 - 87108 - 200 mm sizes; Schedule 10 roll grooved or Schedule 40 cut or roll grooved steel pipe. Style 005 is rigid and does not accommodate expansion, contraction or angular deflection. S IPS CARBON STEEL PIPE - FIRE PROTECTION PRODUCTS 10.02 FireLock® Rigid Coupling STYLE 005 WITH VIC-PLUSTM GASKET SYSTEM (NORTH AMERICA ONLY) 17 jMax.End Load * Alto . Pipe Bolt/Nut@ End Sep. t No - Size h=am D imensions - Inches/mm Q~m 0 cla 1'/4 1.660 350 755 0.05 2-~x2A 2.75 4.50 1.88 1.2 32 42.4 2413 3370 1.2 70 114 148 0.5 1½ 1.900 350 990 0.05 2- ~ x 2% 3.00 4.75 1.88 1.2 40 48.3 2413 4415 1.2 i48 0.5 2 2.375 350 1550 0.07 2 - /8 x 2 5 3.50 5.25 1.88 1.6 50 60.3 2413 6900 1.7 89 133 148 0.7 2½ 2.875 350 2270 0.07 2-V832h 4.00 5.75 1.88 1.9 65 73.0 2413 10110 1.7 102 146 148 .09 76.1 mm 3.000 350 2475 0.07 2- /8X 2 ' 4.13 5.75 1.88 1.9 76.1 2413 11010 1.7 105 146 148 0.9 3 3.500 350 3365 0.07 2-/8x2/2 4.63 6.13 1.88 2.1 80 88.9 2413 14985 1.7 118 156 148 1.0 4.500 350 5565 0.16 2- /sx2h 5.75 7.25 2.13 3.1 4 100 - 114.3 2413 24770 4.1 146 184 ___• 1.4 108.0mm 4.250 300 4255 0.16 2-~x2/, 5.63 7.25 2.13 3.1 108.0 2068 18940 4.1 143 184 54 1.4 5 5.563 300 7290 0.16 - 2 ½ 3 6.88 9.00 2.13 4.5 125 141.3 2068 32445 4.1 175 229 54 2.0 33.0mm 5.250 300 6495 0.16 - X 2 ½ 2/ 6.63 9.00 2.13 4.5 133.0 2068 28900 4.1 168 229 54 2.0 139.7 mm 5.500 300 7125 0.16 2 2 / - ½ X 6.88 9.00 2.13 4.8 139.7 2068 31715 4.1 175 _2.2_ 54 2.2 6 6.625 300 10340 0.16 2- /r x 3 8.00 10.00 2.13 5.0 150 168.3 2068 46020 4.1 203 254 53 2.3 1 9.0iimr 5 6.250 300 9200 0.16 - 2 ½ x 2V 7.63 10.00 2.13 5.5 159.0 2068 40955 4.1 194 254 54 2.5 165.1 mm 6.500 300 9955 0.16 - ½ X 2 3 8.15 10.00 .2.13 5.5 165.1 2068 44295 4.1 207 254 54 2.5 8 8.625 300 17525 0.19 r2657 13.14 2.63 11.3 200 219.1 2068 78000 4.8 2- /834/4 334 67 5.1 8 working Pressure and End Load are total, from all internal and external loads, based on standard weight (ANSI) steel pipe, standard roll or cut grooved in accordance with Victaulic specifications. Contact Victaulic for perfor- mance on other pipe. WARNING: FOR ONE TIME FIELD TEST ONLY, the Maximum Joint working Pressure may be increased to 11/2 times the figures shown. t The allowable pipe separation dimension shown is for system layout purposes only. Style 005 couplings are con- sidered rigid connections and will not accommodate expansion or contraction of the piping system. @ Number of bolts required equals number of housing segments. Metric thread size bolts are available (color coded gold) for all coupling sizes upon request. Contact Victaulic for details. § Style 005 couplings are VdS and LPC Approved to 12 Bar/175 psi. www.victaulic.com VICTAULIC IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. 0 26 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE USA. 10.02_2 \4tau1icr REV-1 IPS CARBON STEEL PIPE - FIRE PROTECTION PRODUCTS 10.02 FireLock® Rigid Coupling . STYLE 005 WITH VICPLUSTM GASKET SYSTEM (NORTH AMERICA ONLY) MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Housing: Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-536, grade 65-45-12. Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-395, grade 65-45-15, is available upon special request. Housing Coating: Orange enamel (North America); red enamel (Europe) Optional: Hot dipped galvanized Gasket: Grade "E" EPDM - Type A Vic-Plus'° Gasket System (Violet color code). FireLock products have been Listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. and Approved by Factory Mutual Research for wet and dry (oil free air) sprinkler services up to the rated working pressure using the Grade "E" Type A Vic-Plus" Gasket System, requiring no field lubrication for most installation conditions. Grade "1." Silicone Recommended for dry heat, air without hydrocarbons to +350°F and certain chemical services. For dry services, Victaulic continues to recommend the use of Grade "E" Type A FlushSeal® Gasket. Contact Victaulic for details. Bolts/Nuts: Heat-treated plated carbon steel, trackhead meeting the physical and chemical requirements of ASTM A-449 and physical requirements of ASTM A-183. Standard gasket and FlushSeal gasket approved for dry pipe systems to —40°F/-40°C. Based on "typical" pipe surface conditions, supplemental lubricant is recommended for services installed below 0°F/-18°C and for all dry pipe systems or systems to be subjected to air tests prior to being filled with water. Supplemental lubrication may also be required on pipe with raised or undercut weld seams or pipe that has voids and/or cracks at the weld seams. Victaulic continues to recommend the use of FlushSeal gaskets for dry services. www.victaulic.com Ai vlcTAuuc ISA REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF vIcTAuLIc COMPANY. © 2006 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE USA. tauluC REV-1 10.60_3 FireLock® Rigid Coupling . STYLE 005 WITH VIC-PLUSTM GASKET SYSTEM (NORTH AMERICA ONLY) GENERAL NOTES WARNING: Depressurize and drain the piping system before attempting to install, remove, or adjust any Victaulic piping products. WARRANTY Refer to the Warranty section of the current Price List or contact Victaulic for details. NOTE This product shall be manufactured by Victaulic or to Victaulic specifications. All products to be installed in accordance with current Victaulic installation/assembly instructions. Victaulic reserves the right to change product specifications, designs and standard equipment without notice and without incurring obligations. INSTALLATION Reference should always be made to the 1-100 Victaulic Field Installation Handbook for the product you are installing. Handbooks are included with each shipment of Victaulic products for complete installation and assembly data, and are available in PDF format on our website at www.victaulic.com. . III III IIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIUI II IIIII III II WCAS-697KR4 For complete contact information, visit www.victaulic.com 10.02 1538 REV I UPDATED 9/2006 A~C.taUlic' VIcTAuLIc IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. © 2006 VICTAUUC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE USA. 10.02 Z_ i DIMENSIONS 1°C to El C t o -< tOCE No. 001 No. 003 C .- to E - L_11 E T it 4 No. 002 No. 006 C 10.03 VICTAULIC ISAN ISO 9001 CERTIFIED COMPANY FireLock® Fittings PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FireLock products comprise a unique system specifically designed for fire protection services. FireLock full-flow elbows and tees are a CAD-developed, hydrodynamic design that has a shorter center-to-end dimension than standard fittings. A noticeable bulge allows the water to make a smoother turn to maintain similar flow characteristics as standard full flow fittings. FireLock fittings are designed for use exclusively with Style 005 and Style 009 FireLock couplings. Use of other couplings or flange adapters may result in bolt pad interference. Victaulic FireLock fittings pressure ratings conform to the ratings of Victaulic FireLock Style 005 couplings. Patented See Victaulic publication 10.01 for details. No. 001 No. 003 No. 002 No. 006 Fitting Size 90° Elbow 450 Elbow Straight Tee Cap__________ Actual Aprx. Aprx. Aprx. Thickness Aprx. Nominal Outside C to E Weight C to E Weight C to E Weight 1' Weight Diameter Diameter Inches Each Inches Each Inches Each Inches Each Inches/mm Inches/mm mm LbsJkg mm LbsJkg mm LbsJkg mm LbsJkg 71/4 1.660 - - - - - - 0.82 0.3 32 42.4 - - - - - - 21 0.1 1 '/2 1.900 2.75 1.2 1.75 0.9 2.75 2.0 0.82 0.4 40 46.3 70 0.5 45 4.1 70 0.9 21 0.2 2 2.375 2.75 1.7 2.00 1.8 2.75 2.4 0.88 0.6 50 60.3 70 0.8 51 0.8 70 1.1 22 0.3 21/2 2.875 3.00 3.1 2.25 2.2 3.00 3.6 0.88 1.0 65 73.0 76 1.4 57 1.0 76 1.6 22 0.5 3.000 3.00 3.30 2.25 2.4 - - - - 76.1 mm 76.1 76 1.5 57 1.1 - - - - 3 3.500 3.38 4.0 2.50 3.1 3.38 5.3 0.88 1.2 80 88.9 86 1.8 64 1.4 86 2.4 22 0.5 4.250 4.00 5.7 3.00 5.1 4.00 7.5 - - 108 mm 108.0 102 2.6 76 2.3 102 3.4 - - 4 4.500 4.00 6.7 3.00 5.6 4.00 8.7 1.00 2.4 100 114.3 102 3.0 76 2.5 102 3.9 25 1.1 5 5.563 4.88 12.6 3.25 8.3 4.88 15.7 1.00 4.1 125 141.3 124 5.7 83 3.8 124 7.1 25 1.9 159 mm 6.250 5.50 12.6 3.50 9.2 3.50 17.9 - - 158.8 140 5.7 89 4.2 140 8.0 - - 6 6.625 5.50 18.3 3.50 11.7 5.50 22.7 1.00 5.9 150 168.3 140 8.3 89 5.3 140 10.3 25 2.7 8 8.625 6.81 25.5 4.25 20.4 6.94 38.7 1.13 12.7 200 219.1 173 11.6 108 9.3 176 17.6 29 5.8 ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC - C COPYRIGHT 2006 VICTAULIC - PRINTED IN U.S.A. - SKU #WCAS.67PJUX United Slates • Phone: 1-800-PICK-VIC (1-800-742-5842) • Fax: 610-250-8817 • e-mail: pickvic@viclaulic.cDxi Canada • Phone: 905-884-7444 • Fax: 905-884-9774 • e-mail: viccanada@viclaulic.com Europe • Phone: 32-9-381-1500 • Fax: 32-9-380-4438 • e-mail:viceuro@viclatilic.be UK • Phone: 44(0)1438741100 • Fax: 44(0)1438313883 • e-mail: viceuro@victaulic.be Central and South America • Phone: 610.559-3300 • Fax: 610-559-3608 • e-mail: vical@viclaulic.com Australasia • Phone: 86-21-54253300 • Fax: 86-21-54253671 • e-mail: Vicap@viclaulic.com 1539 REV F xo/ic~tslulia 9 FLOW DATA Frictional Resistance Fitting Size Equivalent Feet/meters of Straight Pipe Actual Straight Tee Nominal Outside No. 002 Diameter Diameter 90° Elbow 45° Elbow Inches/mm Inches/mm No. 001 No. 003 Branch Run 1 'l4 1.660 1.5 0.8 3.7 1.5 32 42.4 0.5 0.2 1.1 0.5 11/2 1.900 2.2 1.1 5.5 2.2 40 48.3 0.7 0.3 1.7 0.7 2 2.375 3.5 1.8 8.5 3.5 50 60.3 1.1 0.5 2.6 1.1 2V2 2.875 4.3 2.2 10.8 4.3 65 73.0 1.3 0.7 3.3 1.3 3.000 4.5 2.3 11.0 4.5 76.1 mm 761 1.4. 0.7 3.4 1.4 3 3.500 5.0 2.6 13.0 5.0 80 88.9 1.5 0.8 4.0 1.5 4.250 6.4 3.2 15.3 6.4 108 mm 108.0 2.0 0.9 4.7 2.0 4 4.500 6.8 3.4 16.0 6.8 100 114.3 2.1 1.0 4.9 2.1 5 5.563 8.5 4.2 21.0 8.5 125 141.3 2.6 1.3 6.4 2.6 6.250 9.4 4.9 25.0 9.6 159 mm 158.8 2.9 1.5 7.6 2.9 6 6.625 10.0 5.0 25.0 10.0 150 168.3 3.0 1.5 7.6 3.0 8 8.625 13.0 5.0 33.0 13.0 200 219.1 4.0 1.5 10.1 4.0 The flow data listed is based upon the pressure drop of Schedule 40 pipe. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Fitting: Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-536, grade 65-45-12 Fitting Coating: Orange enamel Optional: Hot dipped galvanized This product shall be manufactured by Victaulic or to Victautic specifications. All products to be installed in accordance with current Victaulic installation/assembly instructions. Victaulic reserves ttie right to change product specifications. designs and standard equipment without notice and without incurring obligations. FireLock® Fittings FireLock EZTM Rigid Coupling STYLE 009 (UL, FM) STYLE 009V (UL, FM, VdS, LPCB) The FireLock EZ Style 009 and Style 009V couplings are rigid, installation-ready couplings for fire protection pipe joining. The coupling's unique design eliminates loose parts, insures consis- tent installation and provides substantial gains in productivity. IMPORTANT FireLock EZ Style 009 and Style 009V couplings are recommended for use ONLY on fire protection systems. EN TED STYLE 009 LISTINGS/APPROVALS tt STYLE 009V LISTINGS/APPROVALS t The information provided below is based on the latest listing and approval data at the time of publication. Listings/Approvals are subject to change and/or additions by the approvals agencies. Contact Victaulic for performance on other pipe and the latest listings and approvals. 5 1¼-2 175 175 175 EZT 1¼-2 300 300 300 MI 1¼-2 300 300 300 10,40 1¼-4 300 300 300 FF 1 144 300 300 300 MLT 1¼-2 300 300 300 BLT 1 /4 - 2 300 300 300 FLF 1 ¼ - 4 N/A N/A 300 ST 1 ¼ - 2 N/A N/A 300 DF 1¼-4 300 300 300 FLT 1¼-2 N/A N/A 1 300 STF 1¼-4 N/A N/A 300 DT 1/4-2 300 300 300 FLTL 1¼-2 N/A N/A 300 IF 2¼-4 N/A N/A 300 EF 11/4-4 175 175 175 GL 1¼-2 300 300 300 WLS 1¼-2 300 300 300 EL 1¼-2 300 300 300 65 1¼-2 175 175 175 WST 1¼-2 175 175 175 E140 11/4 - 2 300 300 300 67 1/4 - 2 300 300 300 XL 1 1/4 -2 300 300 300 EZF 3-4 300 300 300 MF 1 1/4-4 300 300 300 Size I Pressure Rating . IF 16Bar 168ar § 76.1 mm - - 232 psi 232 psi § 7 ¼ -4, 76.1 mm 168ar 1613ar - - 32-100 232 psi 232p51 11/4 1613ar 20.7 Bar 32 - - 232 psi 300 psi 1½ 16Bar 20.7 Bar 40 - - 232 psi 300p51 - 2 16Bar 20.7 Bar 10,40 50 - -- 232p5i 300p51 3 - 16Bar 20.7 Bar 80 - 232 psi 300 psi 4 - 16Bar 20.7 Bar 100 - 232p51 300 psi S t Listed/Approved for wet and dry pipe systems (> -40°F/-401C). For rigid pipe connections in systems operating below 0F/-18C Victaulic recommends Style 005 FireLock rigid couplings with Grade T silicone gaskets. I Please refer to the Victaulic Field Installation Handbook (1-100) for details concerning when supplemental lubrication is required. § Style 009V couplings are VdS and LPC approved to 16 Bar/232 psi for wet and dry fire protection systems. S JOB/OWNER System No. Location - CONTRACTOR Submitted By Date ENGINEER Spec Sect Approved Date Pa ra www.victaulic.com X'Al-c-taul-le vlcTAuLic is A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF viclAuLic COMPANY. 0 27 vicTAuLic COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE USA. IRS CARBON STEEL PIPE - FIRE PROTECTION PRODUCTS 10.60 FireLock EZTM Rigid Coupling STYLE 009 (UL, FM) STYLE 009V (UL, FM, VdS, LPCB) STYLE 009 DIMENSIONS STYLE 009 PRE-ASSEMBLED (STAB IN CONDITION) STYLE 009 JOINT ASSEMBLED Max. Work Press.'* Max. End Load * Allow. Pipe End @ Bolt/Nut Sep. t No. - Size Dimensions - Inches/mm 1 ¼ 1.660 300 649 0.10 2-1/s x 2 3.13 4.93 2.86 4.83 1.93 1.5 32 42.4 2068 2888 2.54 80 125 73 123 49 0.7 I ½ 1.900 300 851 0.10 2- /8 x 2 3.38 5.16 3.11 5.07 1.86 1.7 40 48.3 2068 3787 2.54 86 131 79 129 47 0.8 2 2.375 300 1329 0.12 2- ¼ x 2/2 3.88 5.81 3.59 5.68 1.86 1.9 50 60.3 2068 5914 3.05 99 148 91 144 47 0.9 2½ 2.875 300 1948 0.12 4.38 6.21 4.08 6.10 1.87 2.0 65 73.0 2068 8668 3.05 2-/8 x 2/2 111 158 104 155 48 0.9 3 3.500 300 2886 0.12 2-/2 x2h 5.06 6.68 4.73 6.43 1.90 4.3 80 88.9 2068 12842 3.05 129 170 120 163 48 2.0 r 4.500 300 4771 0.17 2-¼ x2/2 6.46 8.64 6.00 8.34 2.10 2.3 0 114.3 2068 21230 4.32 164 220 152 212 53 1.0 Refer to notes below. STYLE 009V DIMENSIONS STYLE 009 PRE-ASSEMBLED (STAB IN CONDITION) OX STYLE 009 JOINT ASSEMBLED Press. Work. ess Pipe End ___________________________________ __ ensions @ Bolt/Nut 'III' - Inches/mm r . -- 1¼ -- 1.660 300 649 0.10 2 - M10 x57 3.14 4.84 2.85 4.65 1.91 1.6 32 42.4 2068 2888 2.54 80 123 72 118 49 0.7 1½ 1.900 300 851 0.10 2-Mb x57 3.34 5.06 3.13 4.85 1.92 1.7 40 48.3 2068 3787 2.54 85 129 80 123 49 0.8 2 2.375 300 1 329 0.12 2-Mb x64 3.91 5.66 3.61 5.47 1.94 2.1 50 60.3 2068 5914 3.05 99 144 92 139 49 1 0.9 76.1 min 3.000 300 1948 0.12 2-MIO x64 4.57 6.46 4.17 6.18 1.96 2.3 76.1 2068 8668 3.05 116 164 106 157 50 1.1 3 3.500 300 2886 0.12 2-M1 x64 5.15 7.12 4.73 6.67 1.94 2.6 80 88.9 2068 12842 3.05 131 181 120 169 49 1.2 4 4.500 300 4771 0.17 2-Mb x64 6.39 8.74 6.05 8.46 2.11 4.6 100 114.3 2068 21230 4.32 162 222 154 215 54 2.1 * Working Pressure and End Load are total, from all internal and external loads, based on standard weight (ANSI) steel pipe, standard roll or cut grooved in accordance with Victaulic specifications. See pages 3 and 4 of this document for Listed/Approved ratings on other pipe. WARNING: FOR ONE TIME FIELD TEST ONLY, the Maximum Joint Working Pressure may be increased to 1 ½ times the figures shown. t The allowable pipe separation dimension shown is for system layout purposes only. FireLock EZ couplings are considered rigid connections and will not accommodate expansion or contraction of the piping system. @ Number of bolts required equals number of housing segments. www.victauliC.com X'Ant-slulle viclAuLic IS REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF viclAuLic COMPANY. 0 2007 vlclAuuc COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE USA. S IPS CARBON STEEL PIPE - FIRE PROTECTION PRODUCTS 10.60 FireLock EZTM Rigid Coupling STYLE 009 (UL, FM) STYLE 009V (UL, FM, VdS, LPCB) MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Housing: Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-536, grade 65-45-12. Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-395, grade 65-45-15, is available upon special request. Housing Coating: Orange enamel (North America) Red enamel (Europe) Optional Coatings: Hot dipped galvanized Gasket: Grade "E" EPDM (Type A) FireLock EZ products have been Listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc., Underwriters Laboratories of Canada Limited, and Approved by Factory Mutual Research for wet and dry (oil free air) sprinkler services within the rated working pressure. Bolts/Nuts: Heat-treated plated carbon steel, trackhead meeting the physical and chemical requirements of ASTM A-449 and physical requirements of ASTM A-183. www.victaulic.com \JtauIiC vicTAuLic IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF vlcTAuuc COMPANY. © 2007 vicTAuLic COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE USA. 1~ STYLE 009 (UL, FM) STYLE 009V (UL, FM, VdS, LPCB) GENERAL NOTES NOTE: When assembling FireLock EZ couplings onto end caps, take additional care to make certain the end cap is fully seated against the gasket end stop. For FireLock EZ Style 009 and Style 009V couplings, use FireLock No. 006 end caps containing the EZ" marking on the inside face or No. 60 end caps containing the "QV EZ" marking on the inside face. Non-Victaulic end cap products shall not be used with Style 009/009V couplings. INSTALLATION Reference should always be made to the 1-100 Victaulic Field Installation Handbook for the product you are installing. Handbooks are included with each shipment of Victaulic products for complete installation and assembly data, and are available in PDF format on our website at www.victaulic.com. WARRANTY Refer to the Warranty section of the current Price List or contact Victaulic for details. NOTE This product shall be manufactured by Victaulic or to Victaulic specifications. All products to be installed in accordance with current Victaulic installation/assembly instructions. Victaulic reserves the right to change product specifications, designs and standard equipment without notice and without incurring obligations. C III IIIIIIlIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I WCAS-78KHHG For complete contact information, visit www.victaulic.com 10.60 3999 REV H UPDATED 1112007 . ictaulic VIcTAuLIc IS REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. 0 2007 vIcTAuLIc COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE USA. 450 ELBOW Nominal She 14ox. Working Dimensions Approx. ProssureA A B WI. Loch MkMwM- 1 500 1.12 1.12 0.46 25 3450 28.44 28,44 021 1% 500 1.29 129 0.13 32 3450 32.14 1 32)4 0,33 1 1h 500 1.43 1.43 0.92 40 3450 36.32 3422 041 2 $00 1.68 1.68 1.50 60 3450 42.41 42.41 0,68 1] AN UZTro APPROVEO rutU Ouu iudL eeese Sflmu1S$RIcIISkWJ4. Print Page 1 of Ductile Iron Ductile iron threaded fittings ore UL & ULC Listed & FM Approved for 500 psi service. Ductile iron per ASTMA53Ô Class 654512. Dimensions conform to ASME B 16.3 Threads ore NPT per ANSI/ASME B 1.20.1. NOTICE: Duct8o iron flttins have higher 1em8o efrength than that of etccA —. Therefore, over tightening con cease dornoge to pipe threads whid =use leakage, Ductile iron "s should be lightened three turns beyond hand light, but no more than tour turns. A—mRfl95QrO for 47and bocden&b. 40 p4 For thokies1UL4itC, end FM pressure ratirq, vam p *sctscdjio. please visit oinentl,com or CCntOCtyaw leech Anvil —,o1 e http://www.anv ii intl.com/productsearch/PrintProduct.aspx?lid=4256 5/3/2013 Print Page 2 of 2 vnn,w.anviIintLcom REV. 45.12-U S http://www.anvil intl.com/productsearch/PrintProduct.aspx?Iid4256 5/3/2013 U$ffD APPROVED FthanDOn4 esoLi ne.ewaI - ccmdsnm.estss RIcIISMI0*. Print Page 1 of AR11J11! MR--=~") Ductile Iron Ductile iron threaded fittings ore UL & ULC Listed & FM Approved for 500 psi service. Ductile iron per ASTM A536 Class 654.5.12. Dimensions conform to ASME B 16.3 Threads are NPT per ANSI/ASME B 1.20. 1. NO10E: Duct8e iron lleir have higher 1ens3e skei,glh than that of sled pipe. Therelore, over sssoning can cause damage to pipe thdsIid m'cme hakoge. Dud0e iron Rthrgs should be lightened three turns bcond bond ,gM. but no more than lour xn 900 ELBOYY Homnal Site Max, Working PressureA Dimensions Apron. WI. Each A B hL0nm) PSI(kJW AL Caw k (OW IM.0) 500 1.50 130 0.62 20 3450 38.10 3810 028 1% 500 1.75 1.75 0.90 32 3450 44.45 44.45 0.41 - 11h 500 1.94 IN 1.20 40 3450 49.216 4.214 0,54 2 500 2.25 2.25 1.85 50 3450 51.15 57.15 0.84 * — Rosorrehreno*ond bond cnSdr. 40ptpe.For usiUL/UV- and FM pressure ratings werm pc schødu4a p6mvisitohtrere or cordxtuv local Am1l Represeve http://www.anv ii intl .com/productsearch/PrintProduct.aspx?Iid4257 5/3/2013 Print Page 2 of 2 www.anvilintl.com RV. 45)2 10 - http://www.anv i lint! .com/productsearch/PrintProduct.aspx?l id=425 7 5/3/2013 Print Page 1 of AftIII! lI Ductile Iron BULL H EAD TEE Nominal Size Max. Warkinr Dimensions Appro,L A B C PIOSSUTSL WI. (oth It (e) Lo. (cam) it (ant) -. 1k 1w lx1xl¼ 500 1.67 1.67 1.58 0.98 25x25x32 1 3450 4241 42,41 40.13 0.44 )alxiW 500 1.80 1.80 1.65 1.16 25i25x40 3450 4512 4532 41.91 0,53 1%xlxl½ 500 1.88 1.80 1.82 1.42 32x25x40 3450 41.15 4172 46.22 044 I¼x 1¼ a 1114 500 1.88 1.88 1.82 1.45 3202x40 3450 47.75 47.73 44.22 044 1¼x1¼x2 500 2.10 2.10 1.90 115 32:32 :50 3450 5334 $3.34 48.26 0.79 1¼x1¼x2 500 2.16 2.10 2.02 1.90 40:32:50 3450 54.86 53.34 5120 0.84 1¼x1¼x2 500 2.16 2.16 2.02 1.98 40:40:50 3450 54.84 506 5120 030 £essureRnesore For eForono* and brnedan Sd. 40plpe For the Iaiei LJIPJLC out FM presIe ririgs vevws pip sche66 please visit onvllüsllxem or contact your local Anvil Ri . Ductile iron threaded fittings ore UL & ULC Listed & FM Approved for 500 psi service. Ductile iron per ASIM A536 Class 65-45-12. Dimensions conform to ASME 816.3 Threads ore NPT per ANSVASME 81.20.1. NOTICE Ductie iron Ithrs hove bihov temie efrengib than thct of std pipe. Theretore, over ti,te&ng can couse domoge to pipe 6eodsw1sid may couse kokoge. Ducale iron Filings should be tfhtoned three turns boyond bond list, but no mote than Four turns. g® WeD APPROVED Fotte0v3Oe led Lh dle AM6liSe flipweisi9ø. http://www.anv ii intl.com/productsearch/PrintProduct.aspx?l id4636 5/3/2013 S Print Page 2 of 2 www.anvilintl.com W.4.5,12-15 http://www.anv i lintl.com/productsearch/PrintProduct.aspx?Iid4636 5/3/2013 n Print Page 1 of Ductile Iron I MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Nominal sire Max, Working Pessijroi BUSH I NGS Dimensions sloe Approx. WI Each A C 1C k (ram) PR 11th) A, (rant) k (ram) l.(ram) k jig) I x%4 500 0.75 0.25 1.42 0uo 0.22 25115 3450 19.05 6.35 34.06 OJO I x31 500 0.75 0.25 1.42 0tha 0.17 25z20 3450 19,05 835 34.06 ON 1¼x1 500 0.80 0.28 1.26 0ui0e 0.28 32x25 3450 20.32 TM 44.70 0.13 1½x1 500 0.83 0.31 2.00 0utsi3e 0.45 40r25 3450 21.08 1.814 5080 0.20 1½x 1¼ 500 0.83 0.31 2.00 0use 0.30 40132 3450 21.00 1.814 50.00 0.14 21l 500 0.88 0.41 1.95 We 0.61 50x2$ 3450 22.35 10.414 49.53 0.30 2x1¼ SOD 0.88 0.34 2.48 0u1sa 0.13 SOx 32 3450 22.35 8.436 62.99 0.33 2xli5 500 0.88 0.34 2.48 0u1si3o 0.61 50x40 3450 22.33 &636 62,99 0.28 £ -ViIdr ire Rdin ore for reforenneo*cnd bawd an 5th. 0p1pe. For the fo1er UL/UC and FM pressure roSrig; rarrws pee sdwrdrdo, p6awvhftaeirr1l,00m or ccnlod your local Anvil Ductile iron threaded fittings are UL & UC Listed & FM Approved For 500 psi service. Ductile iron per ASTM A536 Class 65.45-12. Dimensions conform to ASME 816.14 Threads ore NPT per AWSI/ASME 81.20.1. NOTICE; Ductile iron Beings have h4or lennilo strength than that of sted pipe. Thereloce. over Iisiening xrr covie dornoge to pipe threoè wiridi may awne leakage. Ductile iron IlIthigs ehoutd be lightened three turns beyond bend tight, but no more than four turns. c®Le um APPROVEO FMtr,QIeUtE led . trus reuwamenecI ocr5il IndeatSAs issld9e. Inside Head r P-B JA Outside Head http://www.anvil intl.com/productsearch/PrintProduct.aspx?I id=4258 5/3/2013 Print Page 2 of 2 I* www.anvilintl.com REV. 4.5.12-2O http://www.anv ii intl .com/productsearch/PrintProduct.aspx?l id=4258 5/3/2013 Ductile Iron Print Page 1 of [. Nominal size Max. Wor1ng Dimensions Approx, PressureA A WI. Each k (OW ?90.) k 6w (fs.OR) 1 500 1.16 0,32 25 3450 29.44 0J5 1% 500 128 0.43 32 3450 3Z51 0.20 500 1.33 0.60 40 3(50 3118 0.21 2 500 1.45 0.91 50 3450 36.83 (US A -\b4 Ranicrofw re6ronwcrilyond bored on Sdr, lOpipe. Forth. $aisr* ULIULC. and FM prcsstwc rotingi voinis pipe schoduSc, p6awsitcnenitcom or contoct your 6cal AniSI Repmswftfive, L MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS I Ductile iron threaded fittings are UL & UIC Listed & FM Approved for 500 psi service. Ductile iron per ASTM A536 Class 65-4512. Dimensions conform to ASME B 16.14 Threads are NPT per ANSI/ASME B 1.20.1. NOTICE: Ductile iron Flings hove hiier Ieme strength than that of sled -, Therefore. over Iiriening con coure domoge 50 pipe 4weods wbidi rnaycauie leakage. Ductile iron lltrngs should be lightened three turin beyond bond tght but no more than four turns. USTOD APPROVEO rec Ik eve wuve' Ses. RffhIeeis4. rTTf A http://www.anvil Intl .com/productsearch/PrintProduct.aspx?I 1d4259 5/3/2013 Print Page 2 of 2 . www.anvilinti.com REV. 4.532 - 19 S I http://www.anv ii intl.com/productsearch/PrintProduct.aspx?I id=4259 5/3/2013 COUPLI NG Noinhsi She Max. Working Pressurea, Dimensions Approx. WI. (tith A 151(11W k 6W 1 500 1,61 0.40 25 3450 42.42 0.18 1% 500 1.93 0.57 32 3450 47.02 0.24 500 - 2.15 0.75 40 3450 54.41 0.34 2 500 2.53 1.15 50 3450 M.24 032 WtD APHOVEO FOtIMIUirirIIDM 00050 S Print Page 1 of Ductile Iron Ductile iron threaded fittings ore UL & ULC listed & FM Approved For 500 psi service. Ductile iron per ASTM A536 Class 6545-12. Dimensions conform to ASME B 16.14 Threads ore NPI' per ANSVASME B1.20. 1. HOME: Dude iron flthngs has, hghet Ins srength than thai of SW pipe, 11tece4oe. co.ef fi0ftfing can cwse damage ID pipe theodswiiès moy cacao kokoge. Duc1ø iroll firings stsoiM be lightened three turns beyond hand n, but no more than lour Iwns. £ Pressure P4 sari for inc. oniy and based on $dr. 40pspu For the latest UL/UV- and FM prssswo ratings varm pposchsds4ri p6coovsrcn4stLcom or contact your local Mv0 Rrcaenlative, I http://www.anv i lintl.com/productsearch/PrintProduct.aspx?11d4260 5/3/2013 Print Page 2 of 2 www.amnlintl.com REV. &5.)2- 18 http://www.anv ii intl.com/productsearch/PrintProduct.aspx?1id4260 5/3/2013 Print Page 1 of S ELYA Ductile Iron Ductile iron threaded fittings are UL & ULC Listed & FM Approved for 500 psi service. Ductile iron per ASTM A536 Class 65-45-12. Dimensions conform to ASME B 16.3 Threads are NPT per ANSI/ASME B1.20. 1, NOTICE; DuctIle iron Ilerngc have higher tensIle strength than that of steal -. Therefore, over lisiening can casio damage to pipe fweadswtiidi moy casio leakages Duc10 iron Fittings shaM be lightened three turns beyond bond 69M, but no morn than tour turns. We APPROVCO Fut O.c* &W Lk IM wwwaftblc= Cr 1:l.1* tloinlntl Site MeL Woking Preswre& Dimensions Approx, WI. Each A Li. (e 6UIb) k Cain) La. (aim) Lto. ) 1 500 1.50 130 OR 25 3450 3,310 3310 0.44 1V4 500 175 1.75 130 32 3450 44.45 44.45 0.48 500 1.94 1.94 1.90 40 3450 49.21 49.27 OA 2 500 2.25 2.25 295 50 3450 51.15 51.75 1.34 1411 500 1.58 1.67 1.27 3245 3450 40.73 42.47 0.48 1½x1 500 1.65 1.80 1.48 40x25 3450 41.91 45.12 0.47 2x1 500 1.73 2.02 2.10 50x25 3450 4394 57,30 0.25 ,L - VAxWnq Prejwra RAVare For fetaienceo(4'ond b0WanSdl. 40p1pe. For 16laieaiUl/ULC. and FM pre1iwe ratings swius pipe w1odulet pM eviiton4nitaxe a ceeloct your local AiMI http://www.anv ii intl.com/productsearch/PrintProduct.aspx?l id=426 1 5/3/2013 Print Page 2 of 2 S &.— ...... o ... www.arwilintl.com RV. 4i,2- 16 S http://www.anvil intl .com/productsearch/PrintProduct.aspx?l id=426 1 5/3/2013 Print Page 1 of Ductile Iron REDUCING 900 ELBOW Nominal Size Max. Working Pressurea Dimensions Approx. WI. Lath A B AL (mm) PSI (klb) h (mm) th Lk (I.g) 1*16 500 1.26 1.36 0.44 25x 15 3450 32.00 34,54 0.20 1 x3 500 1.31 1.45 0.52 25x20 3450 34.1? 36.83 024 116 a 34 500 - 1.34 153 0.64 DOS 34550 34.03 38.86 0,29 131*16 500 1.45 1.62 0.72 3200 3450 36.83 41.14 0.33 131*1 500 1.58 1.61 0.15 $2*25 3450 4(U3 1 42.41 0.34 134*1 500 1.65 1.80 0.92 40*25 3450 41.91 4512 042 134*131 500 1.82 1.88 1.08 40*32 3450 4612 41.15 0.49 2*34 500 1.49 1.88 1.08 50X 15 3450 31.84 41.15 0.49 2*16 500 1.60 1.91 1.24 50*20 3450 40.64 50,0.1 0.56 20 500 1.13 2.02 1.40 500S 3450 4194 51.30 064 20% 500 1.90 210 1.52 50*32 3450 48.26 53.34 0.10 2*134 500 2.02 2.16 1.65 50s 40 3450 51.30 54.86 0175 a - w*&mq Pressure Rs are for cefmenceo*and basedn Sc*i. 40plpe For the hires Ul/ULC. orid FM prereure ro1Iri versus ptpe sôsedu'io please visit ors1ini1.com or cavilerS )*w level Anvil MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Ductile iron threaded fittings ore UL & ULC Listed & FM Approved For 500 psi service. Ductile iron per ASTM A536 Class 65.45-12. Dimensions conform to ASME B 16.3 Threads ore NPT per ANSI/ASME B1.20. 1. NOTICE: Duct0o iron Clings hove hi1scir 1om6o strength than that of stool -. Therolore, over tis1ening can am damage to pipe threads whids may crone leokoge. Ductile iron llrings shosM be IlgIstenad three tumn beyond hand tight, but no more than four turns. USSD APPRGV*O FavthL**ui d Urya. nvrer$es. Riow*ioo. http://www.anvi I intl.com/productsearch/PrintProduct.aspx?Iid4262 5/3/2013 C Print Page 2 of 2 S www.anvilintl.com RIEV. 4)2. 12 [IJ http://www.anvi I intl .com/productsearch/PrintProduct.aspx?I id=4262 5/3/2013 Ductile iron threaded fittings ore UL & ULC Listed & FM Approved For 500 psi service. Ductile iron per ASTM A536 Class 65.45.12. Dimensions conform to ASME B 16.3 Threads are NPT per ANSI/ASME B1.20.1. NOTICE; Ductito iron fittings have higher ioni0o strength than that of sted —. Therefore. 0'ec tightening con cowe damage to pipe fweoâswhidi nsaycacsse leakage. Dudtio iron fillings should be lightened three turns beyond hand light, but no more than four turns. LWID APPROVED UkAreeeIOSt* .nd ui d~bon'ansneveea, (ss.rev. Print Page 1 of Ductile Iron ilaininal size IREDUCI NG Max. Working PressureA [.is1IflIIi![eI Dimensions Approx. WI. Each A 1x4 75X IS 500 I NO 169 4292 039 1 0.18 I A 920 500 3450 1.69 4292 033 1 0.24 ,L — V&Ajng Prmwm oreteneo*and 6mM an ScK4O pipe, For 16 6tm9U1/UtC and FM prewre rating, mma pço.choduto. ploaio vi3itoinLnt1.cem or contact yew kcal Amni http://www.anv ii intl.com/productsearch/PrintProduct.aspx?1id4263 5/3/2013 I Print Page 2 of 2 I* & A.. - W.- - ag inw,.anviIintI.com REV. &512-17 fl http://www.anv ii intl .com/productsearch/PrintProduct.aspx?l id=4263 5/3/2013 Print Page 1 of L.4 S E REDUCI NG TE Nominal Site Max. Dimensions Working PP DXb Ptessiire A B C lt(ns PSI Apo) k&(rew) in ow kcm &0g) -Tii1- 2SA15x25 - 3450 B0 30.10 1.36 345t 130 38.30 06T 029 - ixx1 25x20x25 500 3450 L50 3810 1.45 ..It 83 . 130 3810 0.13 0.33 1*1 x 25x2Sx 15 500 7450 126 3Z0) 1.26 3200 1.36 34.54 0.11 (132 1x1x3 500 1.37 .37 1.45 016 2Sr25x20 _JS0 34.80 34.) 36.83 LU Ixlx1V3 500 1.67 .61 1.58 252Sz32 3450 42.41 47.41 48.13 0.44 1 ii x1W I0U 1.80 110 T6 11U 25x25x40 3450 45.72 45.72 41.91 (153 116k 1 x½ 500 1.34 1.26 133 0.82 32x25x 15 2450. 38,86 1131 1x116 500 1.45 1.37 1.62 0.90 22x2$120 ..,,j450 36.83. ..31.80 AL1L. OAL Phxlxl 322SIx2L 500 3450 138 40.13 2BJU 1.50 1.67 A2AL 1.00 J14L 114*1 x 1 500 1.15 1.67 1.15 1.08 3450 44,4 42.47 49.45 (6.49 11 IM 116*1x1½ 500 1.80 1.80 182 1.42 h254O 3450 47.75 45)2 46.22 046 1½x1½x½ 500 1.34 1.34 I.3 0.86 32:37*15 3450 34.01 3404 38.96 0.39 16i14 W 145 1.43 12 0.92 32:37:20 3450 34.83 36.8.3 41.15 1142 1W11½x1 I00 1.58 758 1.67 0.95 32:32:25 3450 1 40.13 4013 42.42 0.43 fl4x1½x1½ 500 1.88 1.68 1.81 1.45 32:32:40 1450 41.15 4115 4422 0.46 1½x 115x2 12i32x5U 500 J 2.10 3L 2.10 J0.34 4926 1.90 1.15 0.17 1 RSx 1xS4 500 1.41 1.34 1.66 0.95 40:25,15 3450 35,81 34.04 42.14 1143 1Vz*103i 500 1.52 1.31 1.15 1.14 402Sx20 1 3450 28.61 3484) 41.45 S l½xlxi 500 [65 1.50 1.80 Li 40:25:75 3450 41.91 20.10 4172 033 1i1TW 500 182 167- UU 1W 40:25:32 3450 46.23 42.42 4 7,75 0 4! 1½x 1x1½ 500 1.94 1.00 1.94 [45 40:25:40 3450 49.29 45.12 4828 0.44 1½x114x½ 500 1.41 1.34 1.66 1.05 40:32:15 3450 35.81 34.04 42.36 0.48 I34x1½x'A _14X$22t 500 1450_ 132 38,61_ 1.45 .34.83 1.15 MAI 1.15 11L_ 1½o 1V4x1 40JZ.*2L 500 3450 145 41.91 1.58 40.13 1.80 4S27 1.25 051 1½x114x2 500 2.16 210 2.02 1.90 40:32250 3450 54.86 53.34 5130 ON 1½xlY,xVs 500 1.41 1.41 1.6 1.15 404015 3450 $5.81 35.81 1 29.46 0,52 Ductile Iron Ductile iron threaded fittings ore UL & ULC Listed & FM Approved For 500 psi service. Ductile iron per ASTM A536 Class 6545-12. Dimensions conform to ASME B 16.3 Threads ore NPT per ANSI/ASME B1.20. 1. NOTICE: Dc8Io iron 8urngs have h19btw uemslo strength than that a! stud P4PC. Therefoce, over tstening con cease damage to pipe *sreodswtds may ce hakoge. Duc9lo iron B*ings slsoiM be lightened three turns beyond hand light, but no more Ihon lour turns. liStD APPROVED IJ*b and LM4. or REDUCING TE E Nominal Size Max. Working Dimensions Pressurea A B C 4t (ien) 151 (11k) lit. 6ma) k. (Mw lit (now ile. 4 1W1i 500 F 132 1J 124 404020 I 50 I 3931 30.41 44.45 036 1i1 100 1W i45 11U 1..30 40*25 .3450 41.9) 4).91 4572 0.59 SIX) 1.8f [82 1.88 1.48 40:32 E 3450 46.23 46.23 41.75 0.61 1½x2 500 2.16 2.16 2.02 198 4.0:50 345(6. S4.8L 54.86 JI,30 0.80 2,1,2 _i0x25L50 500 _JISIL 2.25 5715. 2.02 5.13L. 2.25 S1.7L 2.15 03.8. 2*114*2 500 2.25 2.10 2.25 2.30 50,82,50 3450 51.15 I 58,34 5115 104 2x11h*½ 500 1.49 1.41 1.88 150 50,40: Y 3450 31.95 35.81 41.15 0.48 x 1½x'1 300 .60 1.52 1.91 1A2 50,40 0 20 3450 4046 ,j$l 50.04 0)3 . x x 500 T73 1.41 1t12 1W 50:40:25 3450 4334 41,91 51.31 0.74 2i14x 1½ SIX) 190 1.82 2.10 1.80 50z,1042 3450 4814 44.23 58,34 082 2* 114* 11h 5(X) 2.02 1.94 2.16 2.00 50:40:40 3450 51.31 4828 54.86 0.9! 2x1½x2 J0x4Q.5Q 500 M50 2.25 5L 15 2.16 31$L 2.25 57.15 2.35 1 JL 2*2*14 50:50: IS 500 1 34501 1.49 31.85 1.49 31.85 1.88 41.15 160 0,13 2o2o9 500 1.60 1.60 1.91 1.68 50:50:20 3450 40.64 4044 50.04 0,16 2 * lx 1 5(X) 1.73 1.3 ,02 1.85 50:50:25 3450 43.94 4394 5131 0.84 21211½ SIX) 1.90 1.0 2.0 2.04 50:5.002 3450 46.45 42.42 44,45 0.93 212x1½ 500 2.02 2.02 216 2.18 50:50:40 3450 44.45 42.47 44.45 0.99 lx lx 214 300 2.60 2.40 2.39 3.61 50150:65 ... 3450 44.45 .. 42.42 44.45 1.64 214*2*16 500 1.74 1.60 2,32 2.28 65X Q X ?n - 1450. 443L 42.42 44.45 - 1.03. a- ww6ig Pasewo Wngs we hr rs6vnceos4and based on $ch, 4D pipe. For tho latest UIJUI.C, and FM Pressure ratings versus pipe schede, please VW11 anv*udLosm or canines your local Auwil Resentotive. http://www.anv ii intl.com/productsearch/PrintProduct.aspx?1id4264 5/3/2013 Print Page 2 of 2 S I1AP www.arwilintl.com REV. &52 14 - S I http://www.anv I lintl.com/productsearch/PrintProduct.aspx?Iid4264 5/3/2013 Ductile iron threaded fittings ore UL & ULC listed & FM Approved for 500 psi service. Ductile iron per ASTM A536 Class 65-4512. Dimensions conform to ASME B 16.3 Threads ore NPT per ANSI/ASME B 1.20.1. NOTICE: Duclio iron Clings hove higher iomio sfrength than that of sted —. Therelom over tightoning can cane &MOM to pipe thds4id, may cane leakage, Ductile iron filfings shaM be tightened three turns beyond hand tight, but no more than tour lams. LMS APPROVED coeueeneeeeeN RWswM. Print Page 1 of C MM-=-~-))) jSTRAI GHT l1 Nominal Size Max. Working Pressurea. Dimensions Approx. Vit. Each A B kL (own) PS! (kJb) is. (awn) A,. (rn) tk (19) 1 500 150 130 0.85 25 3450 38.10 33.10 039 Ph 500 115 1.75 1.22 32 3450 44.45 44.45 0.55 84 500 1.94 194 1.55 40 3450 49.21 49.21 0.10 2 500 2.25 225 2.45 50 3450 51.15 51.15 1,11 Rafings 6 m6wma*and bond on$di. ADppu Fargo loiot ULIULC. end PM possum rogI vanes ppc schoduAo, p6m visit o ncaro at contact your local AThI Rcptesenlalw ARIJII' Ductile Iron http://www.anv ii intl.com/productsearch/PrintProduct.aspx?1id4393 5/3/2013 r L S Print Page 2 of 2 www.aninlintl.com REV. 4i.12- 13 fl http://www.anvi I intl .com/productsearch/PrintProduct.aspx?I id=4393 5/3/2013 S Lfl= c\ r1 Fil! Pçç4tjçt Dvingt Anvil0 !nmiqnaJ S wi*. an vi Itr,oi* WeIdMiserTM Tee-Let® Welding Outlet Fittings Unified Design TM Series Merits Unified Design Series carries all important design considerations into its entire line of welding branch outlet fittings. Merit® WeldMiserTM Tee-Lets® are designed and Manufactured to reduce the amount of weld required to install the Tee-Lets on thin wall or proprietary flow pipe. Typically only one weld-pass completes the installation. Merit Tee-Lets install with less I weld volume than any other brand of welding outlet fittings for fire sprinkler applications. To accomplish this: - - -- - - The contoured end of the fittings employs a reduced outside diameter. Two major advantages are immediately apparent: I The thinner wall on the contoured end permits welding temperatures to be matched to the thickness of the branch line or I main thereby insuring complete penetration without cold welds, weld roll-off, burn-through or excessive distortion. On smaller sizes a heavier section is maintained on the threaded end of the fitting. This protects the threads from damage during shipping and handling prior to installation as well as from weld distortion. Each outlet size 11/2 and larger, whether male or female threaded, cut grooved or beveled requires the same hole size in the header pipe. This simplifies the installation process. General Specifications Tee-Let welding outlet fittings are manufactured from highly weldable steel which conforms to the chemical and physical requirements of ASTM A-53, Grades A or B, Type E. Ease of installation is assured when automatic welding equipment is used to install Merit Tee-Lets. Threads are cut in accordance with the requirements of ANSI B1.20.1 national standard for tapered pipe threads, or ISO-7-1 threads are available. Tee-Let threaded and grooved welding outlet fittings are UL/ULC Listed and FM Approved for use in the fire sprinkler systems installed in accordance with the requirements of NFPA Bulletin 13. They are rated for 300 PSI operation in fire sprinkler systems, and higher pressures in other non-critical piping systems. Tee-Lets are offered in a wide variety of header sizes. The consolidated header sizes shown in the following charts allow the fittings to be installed on more than one header size, permitting the first size listed to fit the header perfectly, while a small gap along the longitudinal center line of the header will appear for the second size listed. Merit® Weld-Miser1M Tee-Lets® are identified by a lot number that provides full traceability per ISO 9000 specifications. For Your Piping Systems Specify Weld-Miser TM Tee-Let® Branch Outlet Fittings shall be Merit Weld-Miser Tee-Let, Lightweight forged steel, employing low weld volume profile to provide for full penetration welds with minimum burn through and pipe distortion on Schedule 5 thru 10, proprietary thin wall, and standard wall pipe. Threads are to be ANSI 131.20.1, or ISO-7-1, and the bore of the fittings calculated to improve flow. Welding outlets to be UL Listed, FM Approved for use conforming to NFPA, Bulletin 13 and pressure rated for 300 PSI maximum. How to Order - Use either of the following methods for ordering Merit® WeldMiserTM Tee-Let®. Method No. 1 Method No. 2 Specify quantity desired followed by the part Use the following system: number shown in the "dimensions" chart for the type and size of outlet desired. - Type Merit Steel Quantity Part Number Quantity Outlet Size Header Size Weight End Tee-Let Material * * * Always Column A" Insert size Sch. 10 A - Female Thread order a few of Chart consolidation Standard B - Male Thread S more than from Column C - Cut Groove actually B" of chart. C/R - Roll Groove required for the job. —2— A Star Fire Products Division S S WeIdMiserTM Tee-Let® Welding Outlet Fittings For Fire Protection & Other Low Pressure Piping Systems Merit Weld-Miser1M Tee-Lets Welding Branch Outlet Fittings offer the user a high strength, low cost forged threaded and grooved line of fittings spe- cifically designed and manufactured to be installed on Schedules 5 thru 10, proprietary thin wall flow pipe and standard wall pipe. Merit Tee-Lets are forged steel welding outlet fittings. The material used in manufacture meets the chemical and physical requirements of ASTM A 53, Grades A or B, Type E, A-135, A-795, Tee-Lets employ a low weld volume design to provide for either a partial or full penetration weld employing a single pass with minimum burn-through and pipe distortion. Weld Miser Tee-Lets are recommended for use on proprietary thin wall, Schedules 5, 10 and 40 pipe. Threads comply with ANSI 131.20.1 or lSO7/1. They are UL Listed and FM Approved for use conforming to the requirements of Bulletin 131999 of the National Fire Protection Association. When used in fire sprinkler systems, Tee-Lets are rated for 300 psi. When used in mechanical systems, maximum pressures are calculated using criteria de- veloped for ASME B31 piping code. APPROVED For flstln'app,Otal details contact you, AovilSta,' Represantailse. TEE-LET IWELDED iiOUTLET uiiiiiri[IJ!1 p4U*G1 I T1 iiiiIii Outlet Model Outlet Pipe Size Header Pipe Size Rated Pressure (Inch) (Inch) (psig) ½,3/4, 1 ½-8 (Sch.10, 40) 1/2.4 (Sch. 5, DynaFlow) Tee-Let Type A 11/4,114, 2,21/2,3.4 300 2 4 (EZ-Flow) (F-Threaded End) 2,4 6 (EZ-Flow) Tee-Let Type C 11/4.8 11/4.8 (Sch.10,40) (Grooved End) 300 21/2.8 1/2.4 (Sch. 5, DynaFlow) Tee-Let Type C/R 11/4.6 11/4 .8 (All Schedules) 300 (Roll _Grooved _End) Size-on-size (i.e. 2 x 2) Tee-Lets are not FM Approved. FM rated working pressure when welded on Sch. 5 or non-threadable lightwall pipe is 175 psi. ANV Star —3— Fire Products Division WeIdMiserTM Tee-Let® Welding Outlet Fittings Type A Female Threa S WELD -MISER IIIli NUMBERS Nominal Part Nominal Outlet Inside Make Weight Outlet Number N Header Length Diameter Up Each A B C 0 M NPT(BSPT) In (mm) In (mm) In (mm) In (mm) In (mm) Lb. (kg) 1002002 l/4X 1h/48 0.080 - 6x 6 -200 0.04 1005012 11/4 - 1½ 1.063 0.700 0.500 0.171 - 32-40 27.0 17.6 12.7 0.08 1005015 1½-2 1.063 0.700 0.500 0.171 - ½x 13x 40 -50 27.0 17.8 12.7 0.08 1005020 2- 21h 1.063 0.700 0.500 0.171 - 50 -65 27.0 17.8 12.7 0.08 1005025 2½-8 1.063 0.700 0.500 0.169 65 -200 27.0 17.8 12.7 0.08 1007012 11/4 - 1½ 1.125 0.900 0.500 0.260 - 32 -40 28.6 22.9 12.7 0.12 1007015 11/t -2 1.125 0.900 0.500 0.260 - 3/4 x 19x 40-50 28.6 22.9 12.7 0.12 1007020 2- 21A 1.125 0.900 0.500 0.260 - 50-65 28.6 22.9 12.7 0.12 1007025 2½-8 1.125 0.900 0.500 0.256 - 65 -200 28.6 22.9 12.7 0.12 1010012 11/4 - 1½ 1.250 1.145 0.500 0.331 1110012 32-40 31.8 29.1 12.7 1 0.15 1010015 1½-2 1.250 1.145 0.500 0.331 1110015 40-50 31.8 29.1 12.7 0.15 1010020 2 - 21h 1.250 1.145 0.500 0.320 1110020 lx 25x 50-65 31.8 29.1 12.7 0.15 1010025 21h -3 1.250 1.145 0.500 0.314 1110025 65 -80 31.8 29.1 12.7 0.14 1010030 3 -4 1.250 1.145 0.500 0.309 1110030 1 80 -100 31.8 29.1 12.7 0.14 1010050 5 -8 1.250 1.145 0.500 0.291 1110050 125 -200 31.8 29.1 12.7 0.13 1012012 11/4 - 11h 1.375 1.490 0.500 0.432 1112012 32-40 34.9 37.8 12.7 .019 1012015 1½-2 1.375 1.490 0.500 0.421 1112015 40 -50 34.9 37.8 12.7 .019 1012020 2 - 21A 1.375 1.490 0.500 0.421 1112020 11/4 X 32x 50 -65 34.9 37.8 12.7 .019 1012025 21h -3 1.375 1.490 0.500 0.411 1112025 65-80 34.9 37.8 12.7 .019 1012030 3-4 1.375 1.490 0.500 0.389 1112030 80-100 34.9 37.8 12.7 .018 1012050 5-8 1.375 1.490 0.500 0.389 1112050 125 -200 34.9 37.8 12.7 .018 1015015 1½ 1.625 1.610 0.875 0.477 1115015 40 41.3 40.9 22.2 .022 1015020 2 1.625 1.610 0.875 0.477 1115020 11 x 50 41.3 40.9 222 .022 1015025 21A 1.625 1.610 0.875 0.477 1115025 40x 65 41.3 40.9 22.2 .022 1015030 3 -4 1.625 1.610 0.875 0.477 1115030 80 -100 41.3 40.9 22.2 1 .022 1015040 4 1.625 1.610 0.875 0.477 1115040 100 41.3 40.9 22.2 .022 1015050 5 -8 1.625 1.610 0.875 0.477 1115050 125-200 41.3 40.9 22.2 .022 -4- WELD-MISER Tm irm- DIMENSIONS & PART NUMBERS Part Nominal Nominal Outlet Inside Make Weight NumberOutlet Header Length Diameter Up Each A B C 0 M NPT (BSPT) In (mm) In (mm) In (mm) In (mm) In (mm) Lb. (kg) 1020020 2 1.750 2.067 0.875 0.857 1120020 50 44.5 52.5 1 22.2 0.38 1020025 2½ 1.750 2.067 0.875 0.829 1120025 65 44.5 52.5 22.2 0.38 1020030 3 1.750 2.067 0.875 0.829 1120030 2x 80 44.5 52.5 22.2 0.39 1020040 4 1.750 2.067 0.875 0.800 1120040 50X 100 44.5 52.5 22.2 0.36 1020050 5 1.750 2.067 0.875 0.743 1120050 125 44.5 52.5 22.2 0.34 1020060 6 1.750 2.067 0.875 0.743 1120060 150 44.5 52.5 22.2 0.34 1020080 8 1.750 2.067 0.875 0.743 1120080 1 200 44.5 52.5 22.2 0.34 1025025 2½ 2.215 2.469 1.125 1.250 1125025 65 54.0 62.7 28.6 0.55 1025030 3 2.215 2.469 1.125 1.200 1125030 80 54.0 62.7 28.6 0.55 1025040 4 2.215 2.469 1.125 1.150 1125040 2½x 65x 100 54.0 1 62.7 28.6 0.52 1025050 5 2.215 2.469 1.125 1.150 1125050 125 54.0 62.7 28.6 0.52 1025060 6 2.215 2.469 1.125 1.150 1125060 150 54.0 62.7 28.6 0.52 1025080 8 2.215 2.469 1.125 1.150 1125080 1 200 1 54.0 62.7 28.6 0.52 1030030 3 2.500 3.068 1.500 1.750 - 80 63.5 77.9 38.1 0.79 1030040 4 2.500 3.068 1.500 1.700 - 3 x 100 63.5 77.9 38.1 0.77 1030050 5 2.500 3.068 1.500 1.700 - 80x 125 63.5 1 77.9 38.1 0.77 1030060 6 2.500 3.068 1.500 1.650 - 150 63.5 77.9 38.1 0.75 1030080 8 2.500 3.068 1.500 1.650 - 63.5 77.9 38.1 0.75 1040040 4 3.000 4.026 2.000 3.000 - 100 76.2 102.3 50.8 1.36 1040050 5 3.000 4.026 2.000 2.900 - 4 x bOx 125 76.2 1 102.3 50.8 1.32 1040060 6 3.000 4.026 2.000 2.800 - 150 76.2 102.3 50.8 1.27 1040080 8 3.000 4.026 2.000 2.800 - 200 76.2 102.3 1 50.8 1.27 Note: Part #1002002 is not UL Listed or FM Approved. All size-on-size (i.e. 2 x 2) Tee-Lets are not FM Approved. AM1tLStar Fire Products Division Type B Male Thread Standard Weight Type C WeIdMiserTM Tee-Let® Cut Groove Standard Weight . Welding Outlet Fittings WELD-MISER Tm TEE -LET' - DIMENSIONS Iruir.iu Male Thread Cut Groove Nominal Outlet Nominal Header Outlet Length Inside Diameter Outside Diameter Wall Thickness Sid Wt. Std. Wt. A B C D E F NPT(BSPT) NPT(BSPT) In-(Mm) In. (MM) In. (MM) ln.(mm) In-(Mm) In-(Mm) 1310012 2010012 11/4 1½ 3 1.049 1.315 0.133 32-40 80 26.6 33.4 3.4 1310015 2010015 1½-2 3 1.049 1.315 0.133 1 x 40-50 80 26.6 33.4 3.4 1310020 2010020 2- 21/t 3 1.049 1.315 0.133 25x 50-65 80 26.6 33.4 3.4 1310025 2010025 2½-4 3 1.049 1.315 0.133 65-100 80 26.6 33.4 3.4 1310050 2010050 5-8 3 1.049 1.315 0.133 125-200 80 26.6 33.4 3.4 1312012 2012012 11/4 3 1.368 1.660 0.140 32 80 34.7 42.2 3.6 1312015 2012015 1½ 3 1.368 1.660 0.140 V/4X 40 80 34.7 42.2 3.6 1312020 2012020 2-2½ 3 1.368 1.660 0.140 32x 50-65 80 34.7 42.2 3.6 1312025 2012025 3-4 3 1.368 1.660 0.140 80-100 80 34.7 42.2 3.6 1312050 2012050 5-8 3 1.368 1.660 0.140 125-200 80 34.7 42.2 3.6 1315015 2015015 1½ 3 1.610 1.900 0.145 40 80 40.9 48.3 3.7 1315020 2015020 2 3 1.610 1.900 0.145 1½x 50 80 40.9 48.3 3.7 1315025 2015025 21/2 3 1.610 1.900 0.145 40x 65 80 40.9 48.3 3.7 1315030 2015030 3-4 3 1.610 1.900 0.145 80-100 80 40.9 48.3 3.7 1315050 2015050 5-8 3 1.610 1.900 0.145 125-200 80 40.9 48.3 3.7 1320020 2020020 2 3 2.067 2.375 0.154 50 80 52.5 60.3 3.9 1320025 2020025 21h 3 2.067 2.375 0.154 65 80 52.5 60.3 3.9 1320030 2020030 3 3 2.067 2.375 0.154 2x 80 80 52.5 60.3 3.9 1320035 2020035 4 3 2.067 2.375 0.154 50x 100 80 52.5 60.3 3.9 1320050 2020050 5 3 2.067 2.375 0.154 125 80 52.5 60.3 3.9 1320060 2020060 6 3 2.067 2.375 0.154 150 80 52.5 60.3 3.9 1320080 2020080 8 3 2.067 2.375 0.154 200 80 52.5 60.3 3.9 hints Too-[ sk sre msniifsrtiired to fit ci7e-nn-c17p that ic the c.nntniirp.tl shane on a nive.n Tee-Let is made to fit oerfectiv on the first listed header size. If installed on the second header size marked on the fitting, a slight gap of approximately ½z' will appear along the longitudinal centerline of the header. For example, a 1' x 2 - 21,t' Tee-Let, is a 1' outlet fitting manufactured to fit perfectly on the 2' header size listed, while leaving a 142' gap along the longitudinal centerline of the 214' size. If a perfect fit is required for a 21,.'2' header pipe, then a 1' x 2½ -3' Tee-Let would be ordered. Size consolidations are employed to reduce inventory and provide for greater flexibility. ANVkStar Fire Products Division S WeIdMiserTM Tee-Let® Welding Outlet Fittings Type B Male Thread Standard Weight Type C Cut Groove Standard Weight Type C/A Roll Groove Schedule 10 efç WELD- MISER TEE-LET' - D ilil (NOMINALu(j Cut Nominal Nominal Outlet Inside Diameter - D Outside Wall Thickness F Standard Schedule Standard Schedule Male dThread Groove Std. Roll Groove Outlet 10 Header Length Diameter Wt.Sch A B C Weight 10 E Weight 10 NPT(!SO-7-1) NPT (ISO-i-I) NPT(ISO-7-I) in. (mm) ln.(mm) ln.(mm) in. (mm) ln.(mm) In. (mm) ln.(mm) in. (mm) 1325025 2025025 2225025 2½3 2.469 2.635 2.875 0.203 0.120 2125025 65 80 62.7 67.0 76.2 5.0 3.0 1325030 2025030 2225030 3 3 2.469 2.635 2.875 0.203 0.120 2125030 ____ 80 80 62.7 67.0 76.2 5.0 3.0 1325035 2025035 2225035 4 3 2.469 2.635 2.875 0.203 0.120 2125035 2½x 55X 100 80 62.7 67.0 76.2 5.0 3.0 1325050 2025050 2225050 5 3 2.469 2.635 2.875 0.203 0.120 2125050 125 80 62.7 67.0 76.2 5.0 3.0 1325060 2025060 2225060 6 3 2.469 2.635 2.875 0.203 0.120 2125060 175 80 62.7 67.0 76.2 5.0 3.0 1325080 2025080 2225080 8 3 2.469 2.635 2.875 0.203 0.120 2125080 200 80 62.7 67.0 76.2 5.0 3.0 1330030 2030030 2230030 3 3 3.068 3.260 3.500 0.216 0.120 80 80 78.0 83.0 88.0 5.0 3.0 1330035 2030035 2230035 31A 3 3.068 3.260 3.500 0.216 0.120 85 80 78.0 83.0 88.0 5.0 3.0 1330040 2030040 2230040 4 3 3.068 3.260 3.500 0.216 0.120 3x 80x 100 80 78.0 83.0 88.0 5.0 3.0 1330050 2030050 2230050 5 3 3.068 3.260 3.500 0.216 0.120 125 80 78.0 83.0 88.0 5.0 3.0 1330060 2030060 2230060 6 3 3.068 3.260 3.500 0.216 0.120 150 80 78.0 83.0 88.0 5.0 3.0 1330080 2030080 2230080 8 3 3.068 3.260 3.500 0.216 0.120 200 80 78.0 83.0 88.0 5.0 3.0 1340040 2040040 2240040 4 4 4.026 4.260 4.500 0.237 0.120 100 100 102.0 108.0 114.0 6.0 3.0 1340050 2040050 2240050 5 4 4.026 4.260 4.500 0.237 0.120 4x bOX 125 100 102.0 108.0 114.0 6.0 3.0 1340060 2040060 2240067 6 4 4.026 4.260 4.500 0.237 0.120 150 100 102.0 108.0 1 114.0 6.0 3.0 1340080 2040080 2240080 8 4 4.026 4.260 4.500 0.237 0.120 200 1 100 102.0 108.0 114.0 6.0 3.0 - 2060060 2260060 6 4 6.065 6.357 6.625 0.280 0.134 6x 150X 150 100 155.0 161.5 168.3 7.1 3.0 - 2060080 2260080 8 4 6.065 6.357 6.625 0.280 0.134 200 100 155.0 161.5 168.3 1 7.1 1 3.0 - 2080080 - 8 x 8 4 7.981 8.329 8.625 1 0.322 1 0.148 200x 1 200 1 100 1 203.0 212.0 213.0 8.0 3.0 Nntpr The-I etc are manufactured to fit size-on-size. that is the contoured shane on a aiven Tee-Let is made to fit cerfectiv on the first listed header size. If installed . on the second header size marked on the fitting, a slight gap of approximately lj" will appear along the longitudinal centerline of the header. For example, a 1" a 2 - 214" Tee-Let, is a 1" outlet fitting manufactured to fit perfectly on the 2" header size listed, while leaving a gap along the longitudinal centerline of the 214" size. If a perfect fit is required for a 21/T header pipe, then a 1" x 214 -3" Tee-Let would be ordered. Size consolidations are employed to reduce inventory and provide for greater flexibility. -6- - ANVtiStar' Fire Products Division S Threading Practice Weld-Miser Tm Tee-Let® EllocaoeTl0000 L2 W Kaal V le2, UmlITeo4.et Tl000ds 1050 Ppe Peal, 000 Tapered hole P00000 501,Ineol000al, 00050 Wed. MERIT NPT THREAD FORM merd V50sh Female Tr Neaft male Poe &anderd lap doll 5000$ 5,500000 UtloaSo. STANDARD NPT THREAD FORM Installation Welding Outlet Fittings S E TAPERED PIPE THREADS Drop Nipple Li L3 Total L2 or Tee-Let Hand Tight Li - L3 Wrench Tight Ellective Outlet Size Len th Threads In. (mm) "ml Threads fy) Threads Thready" 1 Ji Thread' 14" 0.320 448 0.214 300 0.534 7.48 0.534 7.47 15 SA -13.6 3/4" 0.339 75 0.214 3.00 0.553 7.75 0.546 7.64 20 5.4 - 13.9 0.400 460 0.261 300 0.661 7.60 0.683 7.85 25 10.2 6.6 _ - 17.3 11/4" 0.420 0.261 300 0.681 7.83 0.707 813 32 107 LZ_ _LQ. 1½" 0.420 4.83 0.261 3.00 0.697 7.83 0.724 832 40 10.7 6 - i -18.4 0.436 501 0.261 300 0.706 8.01 0.757 8.70 50 - JL -19.2 21h" 0.682 0.250 2.00 0.932 7.46 1.138 910 65 17.3 _2L - .12.. 3 0.766 6 0.250 2.00 1.016 8.13 1.200 9.60 80 - - - 30.5 4 0.844 675 0.250 200 1.094 8.75 1.300 ito 100 21.4 278 -33.0 Domestic Manufacture Increasingly, federal, state, municipal, and quasi municipal authorities require domestic content for fire sprinkler systems. Merit® Tee-Lets® meet these requirements. The need to maintain dual inventories; one domestic; one import is eliminated. Welding Practice Tee-Let® thread form is consistent with Aeronautical National Form (ANPT) AS71051. The thread is fully formed over both the L-1 hand tight and L-3 wrench tight threads. NPT tapered threads are typically gauged only over the L-1 threads. This makes Tee-Lets more forgiv- ing of field cut threaded pipe that may only marginally conform to the specification. Fewer leaks translate into lower costs. Ease of Installation Merit Manufacturing Tee-Lets are designed to sit higher on the pipe, thereby requiring less weld and eliminating burn through. Tee-Lets sit higher on the header or branch line pipe than competitive fittings. This allows the welding torch to remain in an optimum position for welding. In addition, 11," and larger Type A female threaded and Type C grooved Tee-Lets require the same hole size for installation. This re- sults in fewer change overs when installed using automatic welders. When measured with respect to linear inches of weld required for installation, Tee-Lets require up to 15% less weld than competitive fittings. This reduces time and savings over time are substantial. The diameter of the contoured end of Type A Tee-Lets has been reduced so that the wall thickness more nearly matches the header or branch line pipe wall thickness. Therefore, current and voltage settings required for welding are set to provide for adequate penetration without burn through and cold shutting. Also, weld volume required for installation is lower for Tee-Lets than most other fittings. Typically, Tee-Lets re- quire one-weld pass for attachment. 2.820" 2" Merit Weld-Miser Tee-Let .325" I- 2" Competitive Fitting WELDING PRACTICE Outlet MERIT WELD-MISER TEE-LET COMPETITIVE FITTING WELD VOLUME" LINEAR WELDING WELD VOLUME" LINEAR WELDING Size In. (mm) Cross Sec. Area %Iess In. (mm) %less Cross Sec. Area %more ln.(mm) %Iess 0.051 sq. in. 12% 2.48 0% 0.058 sq. in. 12% 2.48 0% 25 32.9 sq mm 62.9 37.4 sq mm 62.9 11/4" 0.032" 48% 2.88 4% 0.063 48% 3.01 4% 32 20.6 73.1 40.6 76.4 114" 0.036" 40% 3.12 10% 0.060 40% 3. 46 10% 40 23.2 1 79.2 1 38.7 1 87.8 0.040" 62% 3.77 15% 0.106 62% 4.41 15% 50 1 25.8 95.7 68.3 112.0 ANVL.Star Fire Products Division RECOMMENDED TEE-LET HOLE SIZES Tee-Let Size Type Recommended Hole Size IIIIIIIIIIIIIIf Iñimm '/4 Type 5/4 13 18 3/4 Type /6 19 22 1 Type 11/4 25 28 1/4 Type 1/4 31 38 14 Type 1% 31 35 131 Type AorC 1% 38 41 2 Type AorC 2 50 50 21h Type AorC 2'/,6 83 61 3 Type AorC 3 75 75 4 Type AorC 4 100 100 Holes may be cut emolovina mechanical means—includina hole sawim mechanical flame cutting (o'-acetylene or propane), and air plasma cutting (constricted tungsten arc) machines. Merit offers a simple approach to cut- ting the hole. Hand-held templates are sized to match your plasma cutter. WeIdMiserTM Tee-Let® _1RECOMMENDED AMOUNT OF WELD Outlet A B Size In:Imm lnjmm1111111111111111nAmmI1111111111111 31 13 7 5 34 / /6 19 1 7 5 1 31 /l6 25 7 5 11/4 /4 316 31 7 5 131 316 '4 38 8 7 2 /,s 31 50 8 7 2/4 316 4 63 8 7 3 75 10 1 5 4 3/4 /I6 :J 100 1 10 1 5 Merit Weld-Miser Tee-Let Welding Outlet Fittings are designed and manufactured to reduce the cost of installa- tion from both the standpoint of labor required and energy consumed. In addition, by following the recommended in- stallation procedures, many of the problems associated with installing welding outlet fittings on standard weight or light weight pipe are eliminated, including bum through and excessive shrinkage resulting in pipe distortion. Recommended Hole Sizes The hole cut in the branch or header pipe can be cut prior or sub- sequent to attachment of the Tee-Let. One advantage of cutting the hole after welding is that the pipe is left intact during welding thereby reducing shrinkage and possible distortion. If holes are cut prior to welding, as some codes require, then the following hole sizes are recommended. Note that the same hole diameter for a given outlet size is required for both Type A and Type C Tee-Lets 1-1'/2° larger. Installation (cont.) Welding Outlet Fittings Recommended Installation Procedures 1/2,%& 1 Outlet / 11/4 2V2 Outlet Recommended Welding Procedures Merit Weld-Wiser Tee-Lets are designed to be installed on standard weight or light weight pipe with one weld pass on Type A outlet sizes from '/2k through 2'/2' inclu- sive, and on Type C outlet sizes through 4. Moreover, the wall thickness at the weld end of the fitting approximately matches standard weight pipe. Accordingly, heat setting can be made to optimize penetration on both the fitting and the pipe which it is being welded. Aside from reducing the likelihood of burn through and distortion resulting from excessive heat, the amount of weld required for adequate penetration is significantly reduced. Merit Tee-Lets are manufactured from continuous cast aluminum killed steel with a carbon range of from 0.05 to 0.25. Merit specifies that residuals, such as chrome, nickel and other metals resident in the scrap used for production of the steel be reported and kept to a minimum. On the other hand, certain grades of carbon steel pipe are manufactured from skelp whose chemical composition is not speci- fied. When the metal inert gas shield (MIG) welding process is employed, certain residuals may cause excessive porosity, spatter or lack of penetration. Specifically, gases released during the welding process do not escape before the molten puddle sets up. When porosity or lack of penetration occurs, one approach is to slightly increase the heat in order to give the gases time to escape from the puddle. A flux cored wire can also be used. This wire contains scavengers which allow gases in the molten weld puddle to escape before the weld solidifies.The following recom- mended settings for welding therefore may need to be adjusted slightly higher if any of the above mentioned adverse conditions exist. As a general rule, the weld should be only as hot as required to allow the weld to penetrate the materials being welded while concomitantly allowing gases developed in the welding process to escape. Every effort must be made to avoid welding too hot or overheating both the pipe and the Tee-Let. Excessive heat may cause the wrench tight threads (those in the bottom of the Tee-Let near the weld zone) to distort while also causing the branch pipe to bend. It should be noted that Merit Tee-Lets have been subjected to exhaustive testing and evaluation, and only negli- gibly distort when subjected to excessive heat. The threads, on the other hand, may not return to their gauged form after cooling if excessive heat causes them to expand. The following is intended only as a guide, and assumes that the welding equipment is properly calibrated and functioning normally and the operator is qualified. —8— S S ANV Star Fire Products Division S WeldMiserTM Tee-Let® Installation (cont.) Welding Outlet Fittings 1RECOMMENDED WELDING PROCESS, CONTINUED ON NEXTIJUI Header Size Pipe Wail Thickness Tee-Let Types A, B, C Electrode Welding Size Current Arc. Volts Wire Feed Travel Speed In/mm In/mm In/mm AMPS-DC POS. /PM IPM 0.035 100-130 16-20 210 25-30 0.065 13-50 2½-4 0.035 115-150 17-21 270 20-25 2 11A2 63-100 'h-2 0.035 110-140 18-22 220 25-30 31-50 0.109 13-50 2,4 -4 0.035 120-160 19-22 290 20-25 3 63-100 -2 0.035 110-140 17-20 210 20-25 0.083 13-50 21,4 4 0.035 120-150 17-20 270 20-25 2.5 2'h-4 63-100 -2 0.035 120-160 19-22 290 20-25 63-100 0.120 13-50 2,4 -4 0.035 130-160 19-22 240 20-25 3 63-100 - 2 'h 0.035 120-150 17-20 210 20-25 0.109 13-50 2l4 4 0.035 130-150 18-20 270 15-20 3 63-100 4 -2 0.035 130-160 19-22 290 20-25 5-6 125-150 13-50 24 -4 0.035 140-160 20-22 270 15-20 0.134 3.5 63-100 2.4- 4 0.045 180-205 20-24 245 27-32 63-100 1/ 2 0.035 120-150 17-20 240 20-25 13-50 21h 4 0.035 130-150 18-20 260 15-20 0.109 3 63-100 21h 4 0.045 170-220 18-22 290 12-18 8 63-100 _______________ 'h-2 0.035 130-160 19-22 240 20-25 200 13-50 2!,4- 4 0.035 140-160 20-22 260 15-20 0.148 3.5 63-100 21h -4 0.045 180-225 20-24 290 12-18 63-100 1 Shielding Gas Flow (ron ALL SIZES) 20-25 CFH CO2 - Deeper penetration, faster welding, low cost. 25% - Argon, 75% - Go2, Recommended for .134 wall and lighter, high welding speeds without melt through, minimum distortion and spatter, good penetration. INA.Star Fire Products Division Merit assumes no liability for any consequential damages reselling from the improper use of its Tee-Let Welding Outlet Fittings, nor for any recommendations made with respect to installation procedures. Eliminator Adjustable Drop Nipples k~19 APPROVED For IlstinglapgrovaI details contact year ta,vliStar Representative. PRODUCT APPROVALS Eliminator Adjustable Drop Nipple (UL VGSQ - EX6033, FM Approval Guide Chapter 1 - Adjustable Sprinkler Fittings VdS Certificate #64930033 BSA: 886-86-SA) Adjustable Inlets Outlet Adjustment Equivalent Rated Max. Ceiling Ambient Drop Model Size Length Pressure Temperature NPT In. (mm) In. (mm) Ft. (M) psig F(C) MR1.150 1x½ 1 1 or M1.150 25x13 25.4 0.3 M3.150 1x', 3 1 25x13 76.2 0.3 M3.175 1 X3 3 2.6 25x19 76.2 0.8 ME3.150 lxth 3 1 25x13 76.2 0.3 300 148° 3000 F1.150 lxth 1 4.2 25x13 25.4 1.3 F2.150 1x½ 2 1.3 25x13 50.8 0.4 F3.150 1x½ 3 1.5 25x13 76.2 0.5 F3.175 1 x% 3 2.9 25x19 76.2 0.9 Merit Eliminator Adjustable Drop Nipples provide the user with the ability to adjust fire sprinkler assemblies (concealed, recessed, or pendent) to fit flush to the finished ceiling without having to cut a drop nipple or drain the system. Available in two models, female or male thread inlet, with three standard lengths with adjustment up to 3' (7.62 cm) UL Listed, FM Approved, and BSA-NYC Approved for installation to NFPA Bulletin 13 requirements. VdS Approved for the European market. Cold formed from steel conforming to ASTM Grade. Inner nipples employ two (2) "0-Rings" to provide added assurance of sealing. The "F" Model is designed to keep "0-Rings" from im- pinging upon the one inch (1') inlet threads when fully retracted. The bore of the outer nipple is precision formed to a close tolerance while held to a microfinish of 50 to provide for positive sealing of the "0-Rings". Each unit is hydrostatically tested to insure "0-Ring" integrity prior to shipment. Each unit is marked with a lot number to insure full traceability. Qualifying tests on all models are performed at 1500 PSI, while the various models are rated for 300 PSI operation. Threads are cut to be better than or equal to the requirements of ANSI B1.20.1, NPT or ISO-7-1 threads. Model Part# Inlet Outlet Minimum MLaxirnuhm Maximum Maximum Sprinkler Weight Number Length Adjustment Orifice NPT/ISO NPT/IS0 NPT/ISO In. (mm) In. (mm) In. (mm) In. (mm) Lbs.(kg) M1.150° 531150 1" Male Female 4.125 5.125 1.00 0.531 1.00 551150 25mm Male 13mm Female 104.8 130.2 25.4 13.5 0.45 M3.150 533150 1" Male 14 Female 6.125 9.125 3.00 0.531 1.25 553150 25mm Male 13mm Female 155.6 231.8 76.2 13.5 0.57 ME3.150° 543150 1 Male Female 7.875 10.875 3.00 0.531 1.50 563150 25mm Male 13mm Female 200.0 276.2 76.2 13.5 0.68 F1.150 501150 1" Female Female 3.500 4.500 1.00 0.625 0.80 511150 25mm Female 13mm Female 88.9 114.3 25.4 15.9 0.36 F2.150° 502150 1" Female ½" Female 4.500 6.500 2.00 0.625 1.00 512150 25mm Female 13mm Female 114.3 165.1 50.8 15.9 0.45 F3.150 503150 1 Female __T7-,2 Female 5.500 8.500 3.00 0.531 1.25 513150 25mm Female 13mm Female 139.7 215.9 76.2 13.5 0.57 F3.175 503175 1" Female 3/4" Female 7.350 10.350 3.00 0.625 1.40 513175 25mm Female I 19mm Female 186.7 1 262.9 1 76.2 1 15.9 0.64 * Special Order Length Tolerance ± W /J1i...Btar -10- 4 iFire Products Division Installation Eliminator For use in wet and dry pipe automatic sprinkler systems installed in accordance with all appli- cable standards or codes. (See item 4) Before starting the job of making sprinklers into steel threads of the above fittings, count the number of fully developed male threads on the brand of sprinkler to be installed into the fittings. If seven (7) perfect threads are counted, the sprinkler should thread into the ½" or 1/4"thread from three (3) to four (4) threads hand tight. If five (5) to six (6) threads are counted, the sprinkler should thread into the ½" or 3/4"thread from two (2) to three (3) threads hand tight. Use an anaerobic pipe thread sealant for thread make-up. Apply pipe thread sealant only to male threads on the nipple and sprinkler only. 0) If either of the above fails to allow the sprinkler to make-up to a minimum of from five (5) to six (6) full threads, do not overtighten the sprinkler. Instead back the sprinkler Out of the fitting. Clean any debris and/or pipe sealant from both the male and female threads. Gauge both the male threads of the sprinkler and the female threads of the Adjustable Drop Nipple for compli- ance with ANSI 81.2.1. Specification for Tapered Pipe Threads. The same procedure would apply if a leak has been detected. If within tolerance, reapply the anaerobic pipe sealant and make-on to the required length. Allow twenty-four hours for setting. Connect the Adjustable Drop Nipple assembly to the sprinkler system by wrenching on the make-up area on the Drop Nipple. DO NOT WRENCH ON THE BARREL PORTION OF THE UNIT OR SPRINKLER. Damage to the Adjustable Drop Nipple or Sprinkler may result. After the ceiling has been installed adjust the sprinkler to its final position by using the sprin- kler wrench and assemble the escutcheon plate to the inner support ring. It is recommended that the system pressure be relieved when adjusting, however it is not necessary to drain the system. GENERAL DESCRIPTION Merit Eliminator Adjustable Drop Nipples Models "M" and "F' are the screw type consisting of an outer case which has one (1) inch N.P.T. or ISO-7 male or female thread on the inlet, and an inner case which has either a one-half inch (½") or a three-quarter inch (3/4) N.P.T. sprinkler connection. The inner case employs 0-Ring Seals and adjusts either in or Out over the range of the adjustment. Merit Eliminator Adjustable Drop Nipples are designed for use in automatic tire sprinkler systems installed in accordance with all applicable standards or codes. (See item 4). The purpose of these fittings is to allow for the final adjustment of the drop nipple between a branch tine and a pendant sprinkler by eliminating the need to re-cut the existing drop nipple in order to fit-up flush to the ceiling. Merit Eliminator Adjustable Drop Nipples do not require any secondary locking following final adjustment and they will not extend as a result of vibrations or pressure surges in the system. APPROVALS AND STANDARDS Merit Eliminator Adjustable Drop Nipples are listed by the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL Listing Number 57S0) and approved by the Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM). In addi- tion, Model UM and "F' Adjustable Drop Nipples are approved by the New York Board of Materials and Equipment Standard (BSA-886-86-5A) and verband der Schadenversicherer e.V., (Vds). TECHNICAL DATA Merit Adjustable Drop Nipples are rated for use at a maximum temperature of 300° F, and a maxi- mum service pressure of 300 psi. The approximate friction toss based on the Hazen and Williams Formula expressed in equivalent length of one (1) inch, schedule 40 pipe (where C= 120) is 1' for ½" outlet Model "M", 2.6' for 3/4 outlet Model "M", 4.2' for Fl, 1.3' for F2, 1.5' for F3.150, and 2.9' for F3.175. Merit Eliminator Drop nipples maximum sprinkler orifice size for Models M3.150, ME3.150, M1.150, and F3.150 is %° and Models F1.150, F2.150, F3.175 and M3.175 is 5/• The inlet and outlet threads conform to ANSI B1.20.1 / ISO-7RIRC. The 0-Ring seals used in the manufacture are an ethylene propylene elastomer (EPDM). The outer and inner casings are manufactured from high strength carbon Steel. All Model "M" and "F' Adjustable Drop Nipples are hydrostatically tested for 0-ring integrity prior to shipment. WARNING Adjustable Drop Nipples described herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this document as well as the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Association in addition to the standards for any other authorities having jurisdiction. DO NOT USE ANY PETROLEUM BASED LUBRICANTS ON THE 0-RING SEALS. Petroleum based lubricants are incompatible with EPDM and will impair serviceability of the unit. Adjustable Drop Nipples MODEL ' .i1I Ifi I. . .L f - M_ MIN. MAX. I MODEL 'F' LENGTH I CEILING TILE SPRINKLER HEAD— MODEL BRANCH PIPE It' MAX. MODEL 'M' MIN. LENGTH CEILfNG TILE---/ i' - SPRINKLER HEAD DRAWING O MODEL .14 1" NPT OR ISO 1" NPT OR ISO MALE THRD FEMALE THRD INLET— , INLET MIN., I MIN., MAX. I MAX. LENGTH LENGTH W' NPT ½" or 3/4' NPT FEMALE ThRD OUTLET FEMALE THRD OUTLET —11— A Star Fire Products Division LongneckTM Manufactured Drop Nipples APPROVED For IiStInglapprovaI detalts contact your ynvilSta, Representative. I, Provides an integral 1/20 or 3/4" /4 NPT threaded outlet. Eliminates threaded reducing couplings and labor make-up costs. Reduces the hole diameter in the ceiling tile for a neater installation. Available with 1/2rr or 3/4" /4 outlets on both ends for field cutting, threading and installation. Stocked lengths from 6' through 24", longer lengths available. Prompt delivery on special lengths on request. Specifications Manufactured from standard weight pipe conforming to ASTM Grade. UL Listed, FM Approved and VdS Approved - rated for 300 PSI. Tapered threads to ANSI B1.20.1 NPT or 1507-1. V NPT or ISO MALE THREAD INLET /2 or NPT FEMALE THREAD OUTLE DO. M Part Number/Model Nominal Size Length L Actual 0. D. Made Up M Equiv. Length LN/ LNP Only Approx. Ship Wgt. Ea. LN Third. LNP Plain DLN Double Lbs. (kg) I/PT/ISO End End In. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) Ft. (m) LI//LI/P DLN 70100506 71100506 73100506 1 x½x6 6.675 1.315 6.0 4.2 0.9 0.9 72100506 25x13x 152 169.5 33.4 152 1.28 0.4 0.4 70100508 71100508 73100508 1 x½x8 8.675 1.315 8.0 4.2 1.2 1.4 72100508 25x 13x203 220.3 33.4 203 1.28 0.6 0.6 70100510 71100510 73100510 1 X '400 10.675 1.315 10.0 4.2 1.5 1.8 72100510 25x 13x254 271.1 33.4 254 1.28 0.7 0.8 70100512 71100512 73100512 1 x 1/2 x 12 12.675 1.315 12.0 6.5 1.8 1.9 72100512 25x13x305 321.9 33.4 305 1.98 0.8 0.9 70100518 71100518 73100518 1 X 1/2 X 18 18.675 1.315 18.0 2.6 2.7 2.7 72100518 25x13x457 474.3 33.4 457 0.79 1.2 1.2 70100524 71100524 73100524 1 x½x24 24.675 1.315 24.0 3.9 3.5 3.6 72100524 25x 13x610 626.7 33.4 610 1.19 1.6 1.6 70100530 71100530 73100530 1 x½x30 30.675 1.315 30 4.2 4.5 4.6 72100530 25x13x762 779.1 33.4 762.0 1.28 2 2.1 70100536 71100536 73100536 1 x½x36 36.675 1.315 36 4.7 5.3 5.4 72100536 25x13x914 931.5 33.4 914.4 1.43 2.4 2.5 70100706 71100706 73100706 1 X 3/4 x 6 6.675 1.315 6.0 4.2 0.9 0.9 72100706 25x19x 152 169.5 33.4 152 1.28 0.4 0.4 70100708 71100708 73100708 1 x 3/4 x8 8.675 1.315 8.0 4.2 1.2 1.4 72100708 25x 19x203 220.3 33.4 203 1.28 0.6 0.6 70100710 71100710 73100710 1 x 3/4 x 10 10.675 1.315 10.0 4.2 1.5 1.8 72100710 25x 19x254 271.1 33.4 254 1.28 0.7 0.8 70100712 71100712 73100712 1 x 3/4 x 12 12.675 1.315 12.0 6.5 1.8 1.9 72100712 25x 19x305 321.9 33.4 305 1.98 0.8 0.9 70100718 71100718 73100718 1 x 3/4 x 18 18.675 1.315 18.0 2.6 2.7 2.7 72100718 25x 19x 457 474.3 33.4 457 0.79 1.2 1.2 70100724 71100724 73100724 1 x 3/4 x 2 4 24.675 1.315 24.0 3.9 3.5 3.6 72100724 25x19x610 626.7 33.4 610 1.19 1.6 1.6 70100730 71100730 73100730 1 x 3/4 x 3 0 30.675 1.315 30 4.2 4.5 4.6 72100730 25x19x762 779.1 33.4 762.0 1.28 2 2.1 70100736 71100736 73100736 1 X 3/4 X 36 36.675 1.315 36 4.7 5.2 5.4 72100736 __________ 25x19x914 931.50 33.4 914.4 1.43 2.4 2.5 Touble end configure make up varies to installation. **Longer lengths available special order. -12- INVkStar Fire Products Division Flanges Steel Welding Flanges Steel Welding Flanges are manufactured to comply with the American Water Works Association C207, Table 1 Class D specification for steel plate flanges. In those sizes not covered by AWWA C207, design data was extracted from the specification and employed for sizes 3 and smaller. All sizes manufactured are UL Listed and FM Approved for 175 psi at ambient temperature up to and including 12' sizes, while sizes over 12 are rated for 150 psi at ambient temperature. National Steel Plate Flanges have the same diameter and bolt hole drilling as class 125 cast iron flanges per ANSI, 1316.1. For size 24" and smaller, Nation- al Steel Plate Flanges also match ANSI B16.5, 150-pound class. Steel plate flanges, aside from lower initial cost, are generally considered to be easier to install during make-up and final installation. APPROVED For ILsIIngrappraoaI delaSs contact your MvitStar' Representative. Available Slip-On, Reducing and Blind. Pressure rating at ambient temperature for sizes 2"- 12"— 175 psi. Flanges have the same diameter and drilling as Class 125 cast-iron flanges (ANSI 16.1). Priced significantly lower than forged steel welding flanges. UL Listed and FM Approved. Conform to AWWA C207 Class D. -13- A Star Fire Products Division Flanges Steel Welding Flanges A B II I T c )l Slip-On A h-B I Iii RI RI II T I( C Reducing A LI lit C Blind Nominal Reducing Inside Diameter B Bolt Circle Thickness Number Bolt Hole Part Number/Model Size Pipe Size D A ln.(mm) C T 01 Bolts Diameter Required Slip-On Blind Reducing In (mm) In.(mm) in. (mm) Slipon Reducing ln.(mm) in. (mm) in.(a'nm) ln.(mm) 2* - 6 3 2.44 4.75 .5 4 .750 400200 410200 - 50 - 152.4 76.2 62.0 120.7 15.9 19 2½* 21A x 2 7 3 2.44 5.5 .5 4 .750 400250 410250 42025020 65 65x50 177.8 1 76.2 62.0 139.7 1 15.9 - 19 3* 3 x 2 8 3.6 2.44 6 .5 4 .750 42030020 _________ 80 80x50 190.5 91.4 62.0 152.4 15.9 - 19 400300 410300 3* 3 x 2½8 3.6 2.97 -_75.4 6 .5 4 .750 42030025 80 80x65 190.5 91.4 152.4 15.9 - 19 4 4 x 2 9 4.6 2.44 7.5 .625 8 .750 400400 410400 42040020 100 100x50 1 228.65 116.1 62.0 190.5 15.9 19 4 4 x 2½ 9 4.6 2.97 7.5 .625 8 .750 42040025 100 100x65 228.65 116.1 75.4 190.5 15.9 - 19 - - 4 4 x 3 9 4.6 3.6 7.5 .625 8 .750 42040030 100 100x80 228.65 116.1 91.4 190.5 15.9 - 19 5 - 10 5.7 - 8.5 .625 8 .875 125 - 254 143.8 1 215.9 15.9 - 22 5 - 10 5.7 - 8.5 .625 8 .875 400500 410500 - 125 - 254 143.8 - 215.9 15.9 - 22 5 - 10 5.7 - 8.5 .625 8 .875 125 - 254 143.8 - 215.9 15.9 - 22 5 - 10 5.7 - 8.5 .625 8 .875 125 - 254 143.8 - 215.9 15.9 - 22 6 6 x 2 11 6.7 2.44 9.5 .688 8 .875 150 150x50 279.4 170.7 62.0 241.3 17.5 -22 6 6 x 2½ 11 6.7 2.97 9.5 .688 8 .875 t2066003O 150 150x65 279.4 170.7 75.4 241.3 17.5 -22 400600 410600 6 6 x 3 11 6.7 3.60 9.5 .688 8 .875 150 150x80 279.4 170.7 91.4 241.3 17.5 - 22 6 6 x 4 11 6.7 4.57 9.5 .688 8 .875 42060040 150 150x 100 279.4 170.7 116.1 241.3 17.5 - 22 8 8x3 14 8.7 2.97 11.75 .688 8 .875 42080030 200 200x80 342.9 221.5 1 75.4 298.5 17.5 - 22 8 8 x 4 14 8.7 4.57 11.75 .688 8 .875 400800 410800 42080040 200 200x 100 342.9 221.5 116.1 298.5 17.5 - 22 8 8 x 6 14 8.7 6.72 11.75 .688 8 .875 42080060 200 200x 150 342.9 221.5 170.7 298.5 17.5 - 22 10 10x6 16 11 6.72 14.25 .812 12 1 421 00060 _____ 250 250x 150 406.4 276.4 170.7 362.0 20.6 - 25 401000 411000 421 00080 ___ 10 10x8 16 11 8.70 14.25 .812 12 1 250 250x 200 406.4 276.4 221.5 362.0 20.6 - 25 12 - 19 13 -- 17 .938 12 1 401200 411200 300 - 482.6 327.2 431.8 23.8 - 25 -14- AN1ti..Star Fire Products Division 011 Hole Templates Hand-Held Hole Templates Merit® Hand-Held Hole Templates are sized to be used with air plasma cutting systems with standard torch cups measuring 1.1 (28mm) in diameter. If used with other torches, slight variations in the hole diameter required for Merit® Tee_Lets® may occur. Low cost hand-held hole templates fit on a range of branch or header pipes. Templates are sized for Merit Type A Threaded and Type C Grooved Tee-Lets. Unit includes bubble-type level and "V-Block Mounting. Manufactured from non-conductive NEMA C Rated, glass impregnated, impact resistant plastic. HOLE TEMPLATES Part Number Outlet Header NPT In.(mm) In.(mm) 61050710 14 3/4 -1 ALL 13, 19-25 All 611215 11/4 114-2 32 40-50 611225 11/4 2½-4 32 65-100 611520 11A2 2-2½ 40 50-65 611530 1½ 3-4 40 80-100 612025 2 214-3 50 65-80 612040 2 4-8 50 100-200 612530 214 3-4 65 80-100 612560 2½ 6-8 65 150-200 —15— A Star Fire Products Division Awl LO INTERNATIONAL. INC. Corporate Offices 110 Corporate Drive, Suite 10 • P.O. Box 3180 Portsmouth, NH 03802-3180 Tel: 603-422-8000 • Fax: 603-422-8033 E-mail address - Webmaster@anvilintl.com www.anvilintl.com For Sales and Service Information Contact the Regional Service Center Nearest You or Visit Our Website at www.anvilstar.com U.S. Regional Service Centers NORTHEAST REGION Servicing: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, East Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia 2530 Pearl Buck Road Bristol, PA 19007 Tel: 215-788-4056 • Fax: 215-788-4475 Toll Free: 1-800-451-2935 MIDWEST REGION Servicing: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North and South Dakota, Ohio, West Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Wisconsin 750 Central Avenue University Park, IL 60466 Tel: 708-534-1414 • Fax: 708-534-5441 Toll Free: 1-800-301-2701 SOUTHERN REGION Servicing: Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, North and South Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Wyoming 1313 Avenue R Grand Prairie, TX 75050 Tel: 972-343-9206 • Fax: 972-641-8946 Toll Free: 1-800-451-4414 WESTERN REGION Servicing: Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington 1385 Greg Street Sparks, NV 89431 Tel: 775-331-7029 • Fax: 775-331-5075 Toll Free: 1-800-572-0051 EUROPE & MIDDLE EAST REGION Rick van Meesen, Business Director the Netherlands Tel: +31 53 5725570 Fax: +31 53 5725579 U.S. Customer Service Tel: +1 708 534 1414 LATIN AMERICA, PUERTO RICO & MEXICO Art Gutierrez, Sales Manager Tel: 813-300-3721 U.S. Customer Service Tel: 708-534-1414 • Fax: 708-534-5441 LNVIL5tar TM Fire Products Division of Anvil International ANVILSTAR CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER Tel: 708-534-1414 • Fax: 708-534-5441 Toll Free: 1-800-301-2701 #327 / Printed in USN RPI / 2.5M / 4.05 / ©2005 Anvil International, Inc. 3).- FITTINGS. S S fl ENGINEER Pars JOB/OWNER System No. Location CONTRACTOR Submitted By Spec Sect Date Approved 0 Flexible Coupling STYLE 75 ILPCBI SEE VICTAULIC PUBLICATION 10.01 FOR DETAILS Style 75 is available where moderate pressures are expected or weight considerations are a factor. Up to 50% lighter in weight than the Style 77, the Style 75 coupling is recommended for service up to 500 psi/345OkPa depending on size. Housings are cast in two identical pieces in all sizes. Hot-dip galvanized and special coatings are available for all sizes. Exaggerated for clarity MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Housing: Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-536, grade 65-45-12. Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-395, grade 65-45-15, is available upon special request. Housing Coating: Orange enamel. Optional: Hot dipped galvanized and others. Gasket: (specify choice*) Grade "E" EPDM EPDM (Green color code). Temperature range —30°F to +230°F/-34°C to +110°C. Recommended for hot water service within the specified temperature range plus a variety of dilute acids, oil-free air and many chemical services. UL classified in accordance with ANSI/NSF 61 for cold +86°F/+30°C and hot +180°F/+82°C potable water service. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PETROLEUM SERVICES. Grade "T" nitrile Nitrile (Orange color code). Temperature range —20°F to +180°F/-29°C to +82°C. Recommended for petroleum products, air with oil vapors, vegetable and mineral oils within the specified temperature range; except hot, dry air over +140°F/+60°C and water over +150°F/+66°C. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR HOT WATER SERVICES. ° Services listed are General Service Recommendations only. It should be noted that there are services for which these gaskets are not recommended. Reference should always be made to the latest Victaulic Gasket Selection Guide for specific gasket service recommendations and for a listing of services which are not recommended. Bolts/Nuts: Heat-treated plated carbon steel, trackhead meeting the physical and chemical requirements of ASTM A-449 and physical requirements of ASTM A-183. www.victaulic.com VICTAULIC IS REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. 0 2007 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE USA. REV-1 \%taulicr 06.05_i S CARBON STEEL PIPE - GROOVED COUPLINGS 06.05 Flexible Coupling STYLE 75 DIMENSIONS PressureSize I: _ Allow. Pipe End Sep. t 'Tirn Bolt/Nut@ I Size FI 1II Y17T17 Wb 1 1.315 500 680 0-0.06 2 43 0.57 2- /8x2 2.38 4.27 1.77 1.3 25 33.4 3450 3025 0-1.6 48 61 108 45 0.6 - 1¼ 1.660 500 1080 0-0.06 2 -10 0.45 2-/8x2 2.68 4.61 1.77 1.4 32 42.2 - 3450 4805 0-1.6 38 68 17 45 0.6 1½ 1.900 500 1.420 0-0.06 1 - 56 0.40 2 - Vax 2 2.91 4.82 1.77 1.5 40 48.3 3450 6320 0-1.6 74 122 45 0.6 2 2.375 500 2.215 0-0.06 1 -31 0.32 2- /8 x 2 3.43 5.22 1.88 1.7 50 60.3 3450 9860 0-1.6 26 87 133 48 0.8 2½ 2.875 500 3.245 0 -0 ' 06 1 - 15 0.26 2-/8 x 2 3.88 5.68 1.88 1.9 65 - - - 73.0 3450 14440 0-1.6 22 98 144 48 0.9 76.lrnm4 3.000 500 35 0-0.06 135 . -12 0.26 2-~x2 4.00 5.90 1.88 1.9 76.1 3450 15730 0-1.6 22 102 150 48 0.9 3 3500 500 4.800 0-0.06 1 2 0.22 - 2 ½ 25! 4.50 7.00 1.88 2.9 80 88.9 3450 21360 0-1.6 - 18 114 178 48 1.3 3½ 4.000 500 6.300 0-0.06 0 -54 0.19 2-/ix2~ 5.00 7.50 1.88 2.9 90 101.6 3450 28035 0-1.6 16 127 191 48 1.3 4 4.500 500 7.950 0-0.13 1 -36 0.34 2-i5 x 21/4 147 5.80 8.03 2.13 4.1 114.3 3450 35380 0-3.2 28 204 54 1.9 - 108 4.250 450 6.380 0-0.13 1 -41 0.35 -1 X 2 2 70 .0 sss 7.79 2.13 3.7 108.0 3100 28395 0-3.2 29 141 198 54 1.7 41/2 - 5.000 450 8.820 0-0.3 0-3 . 2 1 -26 0.25 2- /8 x 3/a 6.13 9.43 2.13 5.5 120 127.0 3100 39250 21 156 240 54 2.5 5 5563 450 10.935 0-0.13 1 - 18 0.27 2- 5/ x 35! 6.88 10.07 2.13 5.8 125 - 141.3 3100 48660 0-3.2 23 175 256 54 2.6 133.0mm 5.250 450 9.735 0-0.13 1 -21 0.28 - X 82 2 16 5 655 9.37 2.13 6.0 133.0 3100 43325 0-3.2 - 24 166 238 54 2.7 5.500 450 10.665 0-0.13 1 - 18 0.28 2- ¼ x 6.80 9.59 2.13 6.3 139.7 - 3100 47460 0-3.2 24 173 244 54 2.9 524 '1' 6.000 450 12.735 0- 0.13 1 - 12 0.21 2- /8 x 7.38 10.48 1.88 6.2 152.4 - 3100 56670 0-3.2 18 187 266 48 2.8 - 6 6.625 450 15.525 0- 0.13 1 0.23 - 1/8 2 x 3/a I 8.00 11.07 2.13 7.0 150 168.3 3100 69085 0-3.2 18 203 281 54 32 Continued on page 3. t @ t Refer to notes on page 3. www.victaulic.com VICTAULIC IS REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. © 2007 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE USA. 06.052 \ / -C. t _au IiC REV-1 S CARBON STEEL PIPE - GROOVED COUPLINGS 06.05 Flexible Coupling STYLE 75 DIMENSIONS Max. Wor Size Pressure Deflect. Fr. C,t Dimensions - Inches/mm 1590 nm 6.250 450 13.800 0-0.13 0.24 - 16x 2 82 7.63 10.49 2.13 6.8 159.0 3100 61405 0-3.2 20 194 266 54 3.1 165.1 mmt 6.500 450 14.940 0-0.13 1 -6 0.23 2- /8 x ' 7.84 10.66 2.06 7.2 165.1 . 3100 66483 0- 3.2 19 199 271 52 3.3 8.000 22.635 0-0.13 0 -54 0.16 2- 3/4 x ' 9.72 1333 2.31 12.6 2032 mm# . 450 -203.2 3100 100725 - 0-3.2 13 247 339 58 5.7 8 8.625 450 26.280 0-0.13 0 -50 0.18 2-~x4/4 10.34 13.97 2.32 12.4 200 - 219.1 3100 116945 0-3.2 14 263 355 59 5.6 254.0 mm # 10.000 350 27.500 0-0.13 0 43, 0.15 2 -7.x 5!6 12.16 15.81 2.53 20.8 254.0 2400 122375 0-3.2 309 402 64 9.4 304 8mm # 12.000 350 39.500 0- 0.13 1 0'- 36 0.13 2- 7a x516 14.16 17.69 2.53 23.6 304.8 2400 175775 0-3.2 9 360 449 64 10.7 Working Pressure and End Load are total, from all internal and external loads, based on standard weight (ANSI) steel pipe, standard roll or cut grooved in accordance with Victaulic specifications. Contact Victaulic for performance on other pipe. WARNING: FOR ONE TIME FIELD TEST ONLY, the Maximum Joint Working Pressure may be increased to 11/2 times the figures shown. t Allowable Pipe End Separation and Deflection figures show the maximum nominal range of movement available at each joint for standard roll grooved pipe. Figures for standard cut grooved pipe may be doubled. These figures are maximums; for design and installation purposes these figures should be reduced by: 50% for 3/4 -31/2/20-90 mm; 25% for 47100 mm and larger. @ Number of bolts required equals number of housing segments. Metric thread size bolts are available (color coded gold) for all coupling sizes upon request. Contact Victaulic for details. www.victaulic.com viciuic IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF viciuic COMPANY. © 2007 vicTAuLic COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE USA. REV-1 J-i tauIic 06.05_3 Flexible Coupling STYLE 75 WARRANTY Refer to the Warranty section of the current Price List or contact Victaulic for details. NOTE This product shall be manufactured by Victaulic or to Victaulic specifications. All products to be installed in accordance with current Victaulic installation/assembly instructions. Victaulic reserves the right to change product specifications, designs and standard equipment without notice and without incurring obligations. INSTALLATION Reference should always be made to the 1-100 Victaulic Field Installation Handbook for the product you are installing. Handbooks are included with each shipment of Victaulic products for complete installation and assembly data, and are available in PDF format on our website at www.victaulic.com. S • . III 11111111111111111111 III III liii 11111 11111 WCAS-6ZAQS8 For complete contact information, visit www.victaulic.com 06.05 1470 REV I UPDATED 7/2007 Actaulic VICTAULIC IS REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF vicTAuLic COMPANY. © 2007 VICTAUUC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE USA. 06.05 Reducing Coupling S STYLE 750 The Style 750 Reducing Coupling permits direct reduction on the piping run. Designed to replace two couplings and a reducing fitting, the Style 750 features a special reducing gasket for pressure responsive sealing. A steel washer which prevents telescoping of the smaller pipe inside the larger pipe during vertical systems assembly is available upon request. SEE VICTAULIC PUBLICATION 10.01 FOR DETAILS Exaggerated for clarity MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Housing: Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-536, grade 65-45-12. Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-395, grade 65-45-15, is available upon special request. Housing Coating: Orange enamel Optional: Hot dipped galvanized and others Gasket: (Specify choice*): Grade "E" EPDM (All other sizes) EPDM (Green color code). Temperature range —30°F to +230°F/-34°C to +110°C. Recommended for cold and hot water service within the specified temperature range plus a variety of dilute acids, oil-free air and many chemical services. UL classified in accordance with ANSI/NSF 61 for cold +86°F/+30°C and hot +180°F/+82°C potable water service. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PETROLEUM SERVICES. Grade "T" nitrile Nitrile (Orange color code). Temperature range —20°F to +180°F/-29°C to +82°C. Recommended for petroleum products, air with oil vapors, vegetable and mineral oils within the specified temperature range. Not recommended for hot water services over +150°F/+66°C or for hot dry air over +140°F/+60°C. * Services listed are General Service Recommendations only. It should be noted that there are services for which these gaskets are not recommended. Reference should always be made to the latest Victaulic Gasket Selection Guide for specific gasket service recommendations and for a listing of services which are not recommended. Optional: Assembly Washer Galvanized, carbon steel Bolts/Nuts: Heat-treated plated carbon steel, trackhead meeting the physical and chemical requirements of ASTM A-449 and physical requirements of ASTM A-183. JOB OWNER CONTRACTOR ENGINEER System No. Submitted By Spec Sect Para Location Date Approved Date__________________________________ www.victaulic.com \/ltaulic viclAuLic IS REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF vicTAuLic COMPANY. © 2006 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE USA. REV_H 06.08_i S IPS CARBON STEEL PIPE - GROOVED COUPLINGS S Reducing Coupling STYLE 750 SEE VICTAULIC PUBLICATION 10.01 FOR DETAILS DIMENSIONS Size Max. Work Pressure .tEx. EndIrlI Allow. Pipe .1lr j ftiNgrokm R. iii .1Fflfl Ift -01W 2 1 X 350 1000 0-0.07 0 -57 0.20 2-/ex2 3.38 5.28 1.88 2.7 50 25 2410 4450 0-1.8 17 85 134 48 1.2 1 ½ 350 1000 0-0 ' 07 . 0 -57 0.20 2 - /852 3.38 5.28 1.88 2.0 40 2410 4450 0-1.8 17 85 134 48 1.0 2½ 2 X 500 2215 0-0.07 0 -' 0.16 2-/8x2 4.00 5.93 1.88 3.1 65 50 3450 9850 0-1.8 14 102 151 48 1.4 76.1 mm x 2 350 1550 0-0 , 07 - 47• 0.16 2- ½ x 2/ 4.38 6.63 1.88 4.6 50 - - 2410 6900 0-1.8 14 111 168 48 2.1 2 350 1550 0-0.07 - 39 0.13 2- ½ x 2/ 7.13 1.88 4.9 80 50 2410 6900 0-1.8 11 121 181 48 2.2 2½ 500 3250 0-0.07 39 0.13 - 2 ½ 21/ 4.75 7.13 1.88 4.3 65 3450 14460 0-1.8 - 11 121 181 48 2.0 350 2275 0-0.07 - 39• 0.13 2- ½ x 2/ 75 7.13 1.88 4.2 889mm x 761 mm - - 2410 10125 0-1.8 11 121 181 48 1.9 4 2 350 1550 0-0.13 0.28 6.25 8.90 2.25 8.1 100 50 2410 6900 0-3.2 - 1'-191 25 - 8 2 5/ X 31/ 159 226 57 3.7 2½ 350 2275 0-0.13 1 -19. 0.28 2-/853/4 6.25 8.90 2.25 8.6 65 2410 10125 0-3.2 25 159 226 57 3.9 3 500 4810 0-0.13 1 -19. 0.28 2- /8X3/4 6.00 8.90 2.25 6.7 80 3450 21400 0-3.2 25 152 226 57 3.0 - 114.3mm x 76.1 mm 350 2275 0-0.13 . 1 -19 0.28 2- /85 6.25 8.90 2.25 6.9 2410 10125 0-3.2 25 159 226 57 3.1 4 350 5565 0-0.13 - 0.22 2-/ x 4 7.18 10.70 2.13 11.2 125 100 2410 24765 0-3.2 19 272 54 5.1 6 4 350 5565 0-0.13 0-52 0.18 2-4x4A 8.63 11.90 2.25 16.7 150 100 - 2410 24765 0-3.2 15 181 302 57 7.6 5 350 8500 0-0.13 • 0 -52 0.18 2- 4x4/4 8.31 11.90 2.25 12.9 125 2410 37825 0-3.2 15 211 302 57 5.9 165.1 mm x 4 350 5565 0-0.13 0-55 0.19 2- .4x4/4 8.63 11.90 2.25 15.2 100 - 2410 24765 0-3.2 16 219 302 57 6.9 8 6 350 12000 0-0.13 0 -38 0.13 2-/8x5 10.81 14.88 2.50 22.4 200 150 2410 53400 0-3.2 275 378 64 10.2 Refer to notes on back cover. Style 750 Reducing couplings should not be used with end caps (#60) in systems where a vacuum may be developed. Contact Victaulic for details. r1S'I 1011 II www.victaulic.com viclAuLic IS REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. © 2006 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE USA. 06.08_2 \4taulicr REV_H IPS CARBON STEEL PIPE - GROOVED COUPLINGS [.I1iI: Reducing Coupling SEE VICTAULIC PUBLICATION 10.01 FOR DETAILS STYLE 750 FLOW DATA HEAD LOSS The head loss across Style 750 Reducing coupling is very small and is essentially the same as for standard short body reducing pipe fittings. Equivalent lengths of standard weight steel pipe are shown in the tables. All data is based on water flowing at ambient temperature. I FLOW REDUCING Size Equiv. Pipe Length 1½ 2.0 40 0.6 2½ 2 1.9 65 50 0.6 76.1 mm X 2 10.6 50 3 2 5.5 80 50 1.7 3.8 2½ 65 1.2 3.8 88.9mm x 76.1 mm 1.2 4 2 6.0 100 50 1.8 6.0 2½ 65 1.8 6.0 3 80 - 1.8 114.3mm x 76.1 min 6.0 1.8 5 4 3.0 125 100 0.9 6 4 6.0 150 100 1.8 4.5 5 125 1.4 165.1mm X 100 1.8 8 6 7.3 200 150 2.2 FLOW EXPANDING 1 2 2.7 25 50 0.8 1½ 2 1.9 40 50 0.6 2 2½ ii 1.0 50 65 0.3 1.0 76.1 mm 0.3 3.5 3 80 1.1 3.0 4 100 0.9 2½ 3 2.5 65 80 0.8 3.0 4 100 0.9 76.1 min x 88.9mm 2.5 0.8 3.0 1143mm 0.9 3 4 2.5 80 100 0.8 5 3.3 100 125 1.0 4.6 6 150 1.4 4.6 165.1 mm 1.4 6 2.3 125 150 0.7 6 8 6.0 150 200 1.8 www.victaulic.com 4i# 1:::tauiic. vlclAuLlc IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VlCTALI COMPANY. 2006 VlTALIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE USA. REV.H 06.08_3 S Reducing Coupling SEE VICTAULIC PUBLICATION 10.01 FOR DETAILS STYLE 750 GENERAL NOTES * Working Pressure and End Load are total, from all internal and external loads, based on standard weight (ANSI) steel pipe, standard roll or cut grooved in accordance with Victaulic specifications. Contact Victaulic for performance on other pipe. Maximum working pressure rating based on larger pipe size. Maximum End Load rating based on smaller pipe size. WARNING: FOR ONE TIME FIELD TEST ONLY, the Maximum Joint Working Pressure may be increased to 11h times the figures shown. t Allowable Pipe End Separation and Deflection figures show the maximum nominal range of movement available at each joint for standard roll grooved pipe. Figures for standard cut grooved pipe may be doubled. These figures are maximums; for design and installation purposes these figures should be reduced by: 50% for 3/4 - 3 ½'/20 —90 mm; 25% for 4'/100mm and larger. © Number of bolts required equals number of housing segments. Metric thread size bolts are available (color coded gold) for all coupling sizes upon request. Contact Victaulic for details. WARNING: Depressurize and drain the piping system before attempting to install, remove, or adjust any Victaulic piping products. WARRANTY Refer to the Warranty section of the current Price List or contact Victaulic for details. NOTE This product shall be manufactured by Victaulic or to Victaulic specifications. All products to be installed in accordance with current Victaulic installation/assembly instructions. Victaulic reserves the right to change product specifications, designs and standard equipment without notice and without incurring obligations. US & WORLD HEADQUARTERS CANADA CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA P.O. Box 31 905-884-7444 . 1-610-559-3300 Easton, PA 18044-0031 USA 905-884-9774 (fax) 1-610-559-3608 (fax) viccanada@victaulic.com vical@victaulic.com 4901 Kesslersville Road Easton, PA 18040 USA EUROPE ASIA PACIFIC 1-800-PICK-VIC (1-800-742-5842) 32-9-381-15-00 86-21-54253300 1-610-559-3300 32-9-380-44-38 (fax) 86-21-54253671 (fax) 1-610-250-8817 (fax) viceuro@victaulic.be vicap@victaulic.com pickvic@victaulic.com UNITED KINGDOM MIDDLE EAST www.victaulic.com 44 (0) 1438741100 971-4-883-88-70 I I III liii 11111111 11111111 111111111 Il 44 (0)1438313883 (fax) 971-4-883-88-60 (fax) WCAS-6QAQRU viceuro@victaulic.be UPDATED 6/2006 06.08 1536 REV H ictaulice VICTAuLIC IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VIcTAuLIC COMPANY. © 2006 vIcTAuLIc COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE USA. 06.08 Victaulic® Grooved End Fittings An-ta-ulicr 07.01 No. 20 Tee No. 10 Elbow Certifications/Listings c ILPCBI When supplied as "hot dip galvanized" the following fittings are UL Classified in accordance with ANSI/NSF 61 and for use on cold +86°F/+30°C potable water service and ANSI/NSF 372: No. 10 90° Elbow, No. 1145* Elbow, No. 12 22 1/2° Elbow, No. 13111/4° Elbow, No. 10090° Long Radius Elbow, No. 11045° Long Radius Elbow, No. 20 Tee, No. 25 Tee with Grooved Branch, No. 3045° Lateral, No. 60 Cap, No. 50 Concentric Reducers, No. 51 Eccentric Reducers. Note: The following Victaulic fittings are VdS approved: No.10 90° Elbow, No.11 45° Elbow, No.20 Tee and No.60 Cap. Note: The following Victaulic fittings are LPCB approved: No.10 90° Elbow, No.11 45° Elbow, No.12 22 1/20 Elbow, No.13 111/4° Elbow, No.30 45° Lateral, No.30-R Reducing Lateral, No.100 Long Radius Elbow, No.110 Long Radius Elbow, No.20 Tee, No.35 Cross, No.60 Cap, No.25 Reducing Tee, No.33 True Wye, No.50 Concentric Reducer, No.51 Eccentric Reducer and No.29M Tee with Threaded Branch. Fittings are provided in various materials including ductile iron, steel or segmentally welded steel depending on styles and size. Fittings are painted orange enamel with a galvanized finish available as an option, contact Victaulic for details. Victaulic fittings are designed specifically for use in grooved piping systems. Fittings are provided grooved or with shoulders conforming to standard steel pipe outside diameters. When connecting wafer or lug-type butterfly valves directly to Victaulic fittings with 741 or 743 Vic-FlangeO adapters, check disc clearance dimensions with I.D. dimension of fitting. Product Description Victaulic offers a broad line of fittings in sizes through 60"/1500mm in a variety of straight and reducing styles. Most standard fittings are cast of durable ductile iron to precise tolerances. Victaulic standard fittings pressure ratings conform to the ratings of Victaulic Style 77 couplings. All fittings are supplied with grooves or shoulders to permit fast installation without field preparation. The grooved design permits flexibility for easy alignment. These fittings are not intended for use with Victaulic couplings for plain end pipe (refer to publication 14.04 for fittings available for plain end applications). Job/Owner System No. S Location Contractor Submitted By Date Engineer Spec Section Paragraph Approved Date victaulic.corn I Fittings I Grooved End I Publication 07.01 07.01 1449 Rev v updated 05/2014 © 2014 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. htauiicr victaulic.com I Fittings I Grooved End I Publication 07.01 Other Fitting Styles c:' cSD _ AGS - Advanced Groove System Ductile Iron for AWWA size pipe from 14-60 /350 - 1500 mm Publication 23.05 Publication 20.05 Stainless Steel XL fittings for abrasive services Publication 17.16 Publication 07.07 S Galvanized Aluminum Publication 07.01 for Original Groove Fittings Publication 21.03 Publication 20.05 for AGS Fittings CIS Extra Heavy EndSeal "ES" Shouldered Ends Publication 07.03 Publication 07.06 IIP Copper Plain End Publication 22.04 Publication 14.04 S 07.01 1449 Rev v Updated 05/2014 © 2014 victaulic company. All rights reserved. '4. .CtaUlic victaulic.com I Fittings I Grooved End I Publication 07.01 Material Specifications Fitting: (specify choice) Standard: Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-536, Grade 65-45-12. Optional: Segmentally welded steel as shown under nipples Nipples: (specify choice) D 3/4 - 4/20 - 100 mm: Carbon steel, Schedule 40, conforming to ASTM A-53, Type F D 5 - 6/125 - 150 mm: Carbon steel, Schedule 40, conforming to ASTM A-53, Type E or 5, Gr. B 0 8 - 12"/200 - 300 mm: Carbon steel, Schedule 30 or 40, conforming to ASTM A-53, Type E or S, Gr. B Flanged Adapter Nipples: (specify choice) 0 Class 125 Flange: Cast iron conforming to ANSI B-16.1 0 Class 150 Flange: Carbon steel conforming to ANSI B-16.5, raised or flat face 0 Class 300 Flange: Carbon steel conforming to ANSI B-16.5, raised or flat face Fitting Coating: (specify choice) Standard: Orange enamel. 0 Optional: Hot dip galvanized and others. Some fittings supplied electroplated as standard - see product specifications. Flanged Adapter Nipple Coating: (specify choice) Standard: None (Unfinished) 0 Optional: Orange enamel, hot dip galvanized and others. 07.01 1449 Rev v Updated 05/2014 © 2014 victaulic company. All rights reserved. '% .CtaUI.0 S victaulic.com I Fittings I Grooved End I Publication 07.01 Flow Data (Frictional Resistance) The chart expresses the frictional resistance of various Victaulic fittings as equivalent feet of straight pipe. Fittings not listed can be estimated from the data given, for example, a 221/20 elbow is approximately one-half the resistance of a 450 elbow. Values of mid-sizes can be interpolated. Size Dimensions 900 Elbows 450 Elbows Tees No. 100 No. 110 Actual Outside No. 10 1½ D Long No. 11 1½ D Long Nominal Size Diameter Std. Radius Radius Std. Radius Radius Branch Run inches inches feet feet feet feet feet feet mm mm meters meters meters meters meters meters 1 1.315 1.7 0.8 4.2 1.7 25 33.7 0.5 - 0.2 - 1.3 0.5 2 2.375 3.5 2.5 1.8 1.1 8.5 3.5 50 60.3 1.1 0.8 0.5 0.3 2.6 1.1 3.000 4.3 2.1 10.8 4.3 76.1 mm 76.1 1.3 - 0.7 - 3.3 1.3 3 3.500 5.0 3.8 2.6 1.6 13.0 5.0 80 88.9 1.5 1.2 0.8 0.5 4.0 1.5 4.250 6.4 3.2 15.3 6.4 1080 mm 108.0 2.0 - 0.9 - 4.7 2.0 4 4.500 6.8 5.0 3.4 2.1 16.0 6.8 100 114.3 2.1 1.5 1.0 0.6 4.9 2.1 5.250 8.1 4.1 20.0 8.1 1330 mm 133.0 2.5 - 1.2 - 6.2 2.5 5.500 8.5 4.2 21.0 8.5 139.7 mm 139.7 2.6 - 1.3 - 6.4 2.6 5 5.563 8.5 4.2 21.0 8.5 125 141.3 2.6 - 1.3 - 6.4 2.6 6.250 9.4 4.9 25.0 9.6 159.0 mm 159.0 2.9 - 1.5 - 7.6 2.9 6.500 9.6 5.0 25.0 10.0 165.1 mm 165.1 2.9 - 1.5 - 7.6 3.0 6 6.625 10.0 7.5 5.0 3.0 25.0 10.0 150 168.3 3.0 2.3 1.5 0.9 7.6 3.0 8 8.625 13.0 9.8 6.5 4.0 33.0 13.0 200 219.1 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.2 10.1 4.0 10 10.750 17.0 12.0 8.3 5.0 41.0 17.0 250 273.0 5.2 3.7 2.5 1.5 12.5 5.2 12 12.750 20.0 14.5 10.0 6.0 50.0 20.0 300 323.9 6.1 4.4 3.0 1.8 15.2 6.1 14 14.000 24.5' 15.8 18.5' 11.0 70.0 23.0 350 355.6 7.5 4.8 5.6 3.4 21.3 7.0 16 16.000 28.0' 18.0 21.0' 13.0 80.0 27.0 400 406.4 8.5 5.5 6.4 4.0 24.4 8.2 18 18.000 31.0' 20.0 23.51 14.0 90.0 30.0 450 457.0 9.5 6.1 7.2 4.3 27.4 9.1 20 20.000 34.0' 22.5 25.5' 16.0 100.0 33.0 800 508.0 10.4 6.9 7.8 30.5 10.1 24 24.000 42.0' 27.0 29.5' 4.9 _T 19.0 120.0 40.0 600 610.0 12.8 8.2 9.0 5.8 36.6 12.2 AGS fittings available up to 60"I1500 mm. Contact Victaulic for details. AGS - 1 Fitting flow data for 14-24/350-600 mm size No. 10 and No. 11 Elbows is based on fittings for style 07 and 77 couplings. For flow data on AGS fittings (No. W10 and No. Wil Elbows), refer to publication 20.05. 07.01 1449 Rev V updated 05/2014 © 2014 Victaulic company. All rights reserved. ..:.i..... .1:... A ictauIiC victaulic.com I Fittings I Grooved End I Publication 07.01 Dimensions Elbows No. 10 90° Elbow No. 1145" Elbow No. 12 22 '/f Elbow No. 13 11 14° Elbow No. 100 90° Long Radius Elbow No. 10190' Long Radius Elbow -r - CtoE-. C to E CtoE C' f__/4riIll1_ CtoE" <K to fIZZZZZ:Z::9 II Ctol No. 10 No. 11 No. 12 No. 13 No. 100 No. 110 Standard and GSNK No. 100 No. 110 No. 10 No. 11 No. 12 No. 13 90° Long Radius 450 Long Radius Size 900 Elbow 450 Elbow 221/2° Elbow 111le Elbow Elbow Elbow Actual Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx. Outside Wgt. Wgt. Wgt. Wgt. Wgt. Wgt. Nominal Size Diameter C to E Each C to E Each C to E Each C to E Each C to E Each C to E Each inches inches inches lbs. inches lbs. inches lbs. inches lbs. inches lbs. inches lbs. mm mm mm kg mm kg mm kg mm kg mm kg mm kg 3/4 1.050 2.25 0.5 1.50 0.5 1.63 (sw) 1.38 (sw) - 2.50 (sw) 0.4 1.88 (sw) 0.3 20 26.9 57 0.2 38 0.2 41 - 35 64 0.2 48 0.1 1 1.315 2.25 0.6 1.75 0.6 3.25 1 0.6 1.38 (sw) 0.3 2.88 (sw) 0.6 2.25 (sw) 0.5 25 33.7 57 0.3 44 0.3 83 0.3 35 0.1 73 0.3 57 0.2 1 ¼ 1.660 2.75 1.0 1.75 0.9 1.75 0.8 1.38 (sw) 0.5 3.25 (sw) 1.1 2.38 (sw) 0.7 32 42.4 70 0.5 44 0.4 44 0.4 35 0.2 83 0.5 60 0.3 1 ½ 1.900 2.75 1.2 1.75 0.9 1.75 0.8 1.38 (sw) 0.5 3.63 (sw) 2.2 2.50 (sw) 1.3 40 48.3 70 0.5 44 0.4 44 0.4 35 0.2 92 1.0 64 0.6 2 2.375 3.25 1.8 2.00 1.3 3.751 1.4 1.38 1.0 4.38 2.5 2.75 1.8 50 60.3 83 0.8 51 0.6 95 0.6 35 0.5 111 1.1 70 0.8 2½ 2.875 3.75 3.2 2.25 2.2 4.002 2.3 1.50 1.1 5.13 3.4 3.00 2.8 65 73.0 95 1.5 57 1.0 102 1.0 38 0.5 130 1.5 76 1.3 3.000 3.75 3.7 2.25 3.4 2.25 1.50 761 mm 76.1 95 1.7 57 1.5 57 - 38 - - - - - 3 3.500 4.25 4.5 2.50 3.1 4.502 3.1 1.50 2.1 5.88 6.0 3.38 4.9 80 88.9 108 2.0 64 1.4 114 1.4 38 1.0 149 2.7 86 2.2 31/2 4.000 4.50 5.6 2.75 4.3 2.50 (sw) 4.0 1.75 (sw) 2.7 90 101.6 114 2.5 70 2.0 64 1.8 44 1.2 - - - - 4 4.500 5.00 7.1 3.00 5.6 2.88 5.6 1.75 3.6 7.50 12.3 4.00 7.3 100 114.3 127 3.2 76 2.5 73 2.5 44 1.6 191 5.6 102 3.3 4.250 5.00 11.0 3.00 5.6 1080 mm 108.0 127 5.0 76 2.5 - - - - - - - 4½ 5.000 5.25 (sw) 10.0 3.13 (sw) 6.0 3.50 (sw) 6.6 1.88 (sw) 4.2 - 120 127.0 133 4.5 79 2.7 89 3.0 48 1.9 - - - 5 5.563 5.50 11.7 3.25 8.3 2.88 (sw) 7.8 2.00 (sw) 5.0 9.25 (sw) 18.0 4.88 (sw) 14.8 125 141.3 140 5.3 83 3.8 73 3.5 51 2.2 235 8.2 124 6.7 5.250 5.50 11.7 3.25 8.3 1330 mm 133.0 140 5.3 83 3.8 - - - - - - - - 5.500 5.50 11.7 3.25 8.3 2.88 2.00 139.7 mm 139.7 140 5.3 83 3.8 73 - 51 - - - - - 6 6.625 6.50 17.2 3.50 10.8 6.25 2 12.2 2.00 7.0 10.75 30.4 5.50 17.4 150 168.3 165 7.8 89 4.9 159 5.5 51 3.2 273 13.8 1 140 7.9 2 Gooseneck design, end-to-end dimension fittings in this size, contact your nearest Victaulic sales representative. 3 For 14/350 mm and larger roll grooved systems, Victaulic offers the Advanced Groove System (AGS). For pricing and availability of cut groove fittings in this size, contact your nearest Victaulic sales representative. 4 Chinese standard sizes 07.01 1449 Rev 'I Updated 05/2014 © 2014 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. '% .CtaUU.c [] S victaulic.com I Fittings I Grooved End I Publication 07.01 -r C to E I .- CtoE-.1 _ % C toEt _____ EtoE Ct o E <( I '__j C toE(j CtoE _____ ____ I. No. 10 No. 11 No. 12 No. 13 No. 100 No. 110 Standard and GSNK No. 100 No. 110 No. 10 No. 11 No. 12 No. 13 90° Long Radius 45° Long Radius Size 90° Elbow 45° Elbow 221h° Elbow 111/4° Elbow Elbow Elbow Actual Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx. Outside Wgt. Wgt. Wgt. Wgt. Wgt. Wgt. Nominal Size Diameter C to E Each C to E Each C to E Each C to E Each C to E Each C to E Each inches inches inches lbs. inches lbs. inches lbs. inches lbs. inches lbs. inches lbs. mm mm mm kg mm kg mm kg mm kg mm kg mm kg 6.250 6.50 18.6 3.50 10.8 1590 mm 159.0 165 8.4 89 4.9 - - - - - - - - 6.500 6.50 15.5 3.50 9.8 3.13 11.4 2.00 7.4 10.75 (sw) 29.0 5.50 (sw) 19.0 1651 mm 165.1 165 7.0 89 4.4 79 5.2 51 3.4 273 13.2 140 8.6 8 8.625 7.75 29.9 4.25 20.4 7.751 20.0 2.00 10.1 14.25 66.0 7.25 36.0 200 219.1 197 13.6 108 9.3 197 9.1 51 4.6 362 30.0 184 16.3 10 10.750 9.00 63.3 4.75 37.5 4.38 (sw) 30.0 2.13 11.8 15.00 107.0 6.25 57.0 250 273.0 229 28.7 121 17.0 111 13.6 54 5.3 381 48.5 159 25.9 12 12.750 10.00 74.0 5.25 66.7 4.88 (sw) 40.0 2.25 29.3 18.00 156.0 7.50 90.0 300 323.9 254 33.6 133 30.3 124 18.1 57 13.3 457 70.8 191 40.8 141 14.000 14.00 136.0 5.75 65.0 5.00 (sw) 46.0 3.50(5w) 32.0 21.00(s) 164.0 8.75 82.0 350 355.6 356 61.7 146 29.5 127 20.9 89 14.5 533 74.4 222 37.2 14.843 14.84 149.3 6.13 82.0 3770 mm 377.0 377 67.7 156 37.2 - - - - - - - - 161 16.000 16.00 171.0 6.63 88.0 5.00 (sw) 58.0 4.00 (sw) 42.0 1 24.00(s) 210.0 10.00(s) 100.0 400 406.5 406 77.6 168 39.3 127 26.3 102 19.1 610 95.3 254 45.4 16.773 16.75 198.6 7.00 101.3 4260 mm 426.0 425 90.1 178 45.9 - - - - - - - - 181 18.000 18.00 228.0 7.50 108.0 5.50 (sw) 65.0 4.50 (sw) 53.2 27.00(5) 273.0 11.25(s) 135.0 450 457.2 457 103.4 190 50.0 140 29.5 144 24.1 686 123.8 286 61.2 18.898 18.88 291.0 7.83 141.7 4800 mm 480.0 480 132.0 200 64.3 - - - - - - - - 20 20.000 20.00 298.0 8.25 138.0 6.00(5w) 78.6 5.00 (sw) 65.0 30.00(s) 343.0 12.50(s) 174.0 500 508.0 508 135.2 210 62.6 152 36.0 127 29.5 762 155.6 318 78.9 20.866 20.88 355.0 8.63 179.0 5300 mm 530.0 530 161.0 219 81.2 - - - - - - - - 24 1 24.000 24.00 438.0 10.00 221.0 7.00 (sw) 140.0 6.00 (sw) 60.0 36.00(s) 516.0 15.00(s) 251.0 600 609.6 610 198.7 254 100.2 178 63.5 152 27.2 914 234.1 381 113.9 24.803 24.80 545.0 10.25 255.2 630.0 mm 630.0 630 247.2 261 115.7 - - - - - - - For AGS fitting information, see publication 20.05 14-60 AGS 350-1500 2 Gooseneck design, end-to-end dimension fittings in this size, contact your nearest Victaulic sales representative. 3 For 14/350 mm and larger roll grooved systems, Victaulic offers the Advanced Groove System (AGS). For pricing and availability of cut groove fittings in this size, contact your nearest Victaulic sales representative. 4 Chinese standard sizes General Notes Note: All fittings are ductile iron unless otherwise noted with an (sw) or (5). (s) = Carbon Steel Direct Roll Groove (OGS) (sw) = Carbon Steel Segmentally Welded 07.01 1449 Rev V updated 05/2014 0 2014 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. 07.01 1449 Rev V Updated 05/2014 © 2014 Victaulic company. All rights reserved. .1:... -7 victaulic.com I Fittings I Grooved End I Publication 07.01 Reducing Base Support Elbow Is No. R-10G Grv. x Grv. No. R-10F Grv. x Flange CtoE-1 CtoE-.1 -4 7 B Dia. B Dia. No. R-10G No. R-10F No. R-1O Size Reducing Base Support Elbow Approx. Weight Each Nominal Size c to E H B Diameter Grv. x Grv. Grv. x Flange inches inches inches inches lbs. lbs. mm mm mm mm kg kg 6 4 9.00 1.25 1.50 19.0 33.0 150 100 229 32 38 8.6 15.0 5 9.00 1.50 1.50 23.0 38.0 125 229 38 38 10.4 17.2 8 6 10.50 2.13 1.50 33.0 52.0 200 150 267 24 38 15.0 23.6 10 8 12.00 2.40 1.50 61.0 88.0 250 200 305 61 38 27.7 39.9 Adapter Elbow No. 18 90° Adapter Elbow No. 19 45° Adapter Elbow S Cto GE 1 Cto CtTE o No. 18 No. 19 No. 18 No. 19 Size 900 Adapter Elbow 450 Adapter Elbow 5 Actual Outside Approx. Weight Approx. Weight Nominal Size Diameter C to GE c to TE Each c to GE c to TE Each inches inches inches inches lbs. inches inches lbs. mm mm mm mm kg mm mm kg 3/4 1.050 2.25 2.25 0.5 1.50 1.50 0.5 20 26.9 57 57 0.2 38 38 0.2 1 1.315 2.25 2.25 0.5 25 33.7 57 57 0.2 - - - 1 1/4 1.660 2.75 2.75 0.9 32 42.4 70 70 0.4 - - - 1 1h 1.900 2.75 2.75 1.1 1.75 1.75 0.9 40 48.3 70 70 0.5 44 44 0.4 2 2.375 3.25 4.25 2.5 50 60.3 83 108 1.1 - - - 21/2 2.875 3.75 3.75 3.0 2.25 2.25 2.3 65 73.0 95 95 1.4 57 57 1.0 3 3.500 4.25 6.00 5.8 2.50 4.25 5.0 80 88.9 108 152 2.6 64 108 2.3 31/2 4.000 4.50 6.25 8.0 5.25 5.25 8.8 90 101.6 114 159 3.6 133 133 4.0 6 6.625 6.50 6.50 17.6 3.50 3.50 12.7 150 168.3 165 165 8.0 89 89 5.8 5 Available with British Standard Pipe Threads, specify "DSP" clearly on order. victaulic.com I Fittings I Grooved End I Publication 07.01 S Tees, Crosses and True Wyes No. 20 Tee No. 35 Cross No. 33 True Wye No. 29M Tee with Threaded Branch ; C to E - C to E to No. 20 No. 35 cto(\ Cto GE CtoTE l 2':v No. 33 No. 29M S No. 20 No. 35 No. 33 No. 29M Size Tee Cross (sw) True Wye (sw) Tee with Threaded Branch Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx. Actual Outside Weight Weight Weight Weight Nominal Size Diameter C to E Each C to E Each C to LE C to SE Each C to GE C to TE Each inches inches inches lbs. inches lbs. inches inches lbs. inches inches lbs. mm mm mm kg mm kg mm mm kg mm mm kg 3/4 1.050 2.25 0.6 2.25 0.9 2.25 2.00 0.7 2.25 2.25 (sw) 0.6 20 26.9 57 0.3 57 0.4 57 51 0.3 57 57 0.3 1 1.315 2.25 1.0 2.25 1.3 2.25 2.25 1.1 2.25 2.25 1.0 25 33.7 57 0.5 57 0.6 57 57 0.5 57 57 0.5 11/4 1.660 2.75 1.5 2.75 2.1 2.75 2.50 1.5 2.75 2.75 1.5 32 42.4 70 0.7 70 1.0 70 64 0.7 70 70 0.7 1½ 1.900 2.75 2.0 2.75 2.5 2.75 2.75 1.8 2.75 2.75 2.0 40 48.3 70 0.9 70 1.1 70 70 0.8 70 70 0.9 2 2.375 3.25 3.0 3.25 3.8 3.25 2.75 2.5 3.25 4.25 3.0 50 60.3 83 1.4 83 1.7 83 70 1.1 83 108 1.4 21/2 2.875 3.75 4.3 3.75 6.1 3.75 3.00 4.3 3.75 3.75 4.3 65 73.0 95 2.0 95 2.8 95 76 2.0 95 95 2.0 3.000 3.75 5.2 3.75 3.75 (sw) 5.2 761 mm 76.1 95 2.4 - - - - - 95 95 2.4 3 3.500 4.25 6.8 4.25 10.5 4.25 3.25 6.1 4.25 6.00 6.8 80 88.9 108 3.0 108 4.8 108 83 2.8 108 152 3.1 31/2 4.000 4.50 (sw) 7.9 4.50 11.5 4.50 3.50 9.6 4.50 4.50(sw) 7.9 90 1 101.6 114 3.6 114 5.2 114 89 4.4 114 114 3.6 4.250 5.00 15.5 5.00 5.00 (sw) 15.5 1080 mm 108.0 127 7.0 - - - - - 127 127 7.0 4 4.500 5.00 11.9 5.00 15.8 5.00 3.75 9.8 5.00 7.25 11.9 100 114.3 127 5.4 127 7.2 127 95 4.4 127 184 5.4 41/2 5.000 5.25 (sw) 15.0 5.25 18.5 5.25 5.25 (sw) 15.0 120 127.0 133 6.8 133 8.4 - - - 133 133 6.8 5.250 5.50 17.8 5.50 5.50 (sw) 17.8 1330 mm 133.0 140 8.1 - - S - - 140 140 8.1 5.500 5.50 17.8 5.50 5.50(sw) 17.8 139.7 mm 139.7 140 8.1 - - - - - 140 140 8.1 5 5.563 5.50 17.8 5.50 20.0 5.50 4.00 15.0 5.50 5.50(5w) 17.8 125 141.3 140 8.1 140 9.1 140 102 6.8 140 140 8.1 6.250 6.50 27.1 6.50 6.50 (sw) 27.1 1590 mm 159.0 165 12.3 - - - - - 165 165 12.3 6.500 6.50 22.0 6.50 28.0 6.50 6.50(sw) 22.0 165 1 mm 165.1 165 10.0 165 12.7 - - - 165 165 10.0 6 For 14/350 mm and larger roll grooved systems, Victaulic offers the Advanced Groove system (AGS). For pricing and availability of cut groove tittings in tflis size, contact your nearest Victaulic sales representative. 7 Chinese standard sizes 07.01 1449 Rev V Updated 05/2014 © 2014 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. 0 'ItIuuic. I victaulic.com I Fittings I Grooved End I Publication 07.01 ;. C to C to to # ci No. 20 No. 35 cto(\ Cto GE I 2StEo CtoTE TEL L_l__ No. 33 No. 29M S No. 20 No. 35 No. 33 No. 29M Size Tee Cross (Sw) True Wye (sw) Tee with Threaded Branch Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx. Actual Outside Weight Weight Weight Weight Nominal Size Diameter C to E Each C to E Each C to LE C to SE Each C to GE C to TE Each inches inches inches lbs. inches lbs. inches inches lbs. inches inches lbs. mm mm mm kg mm kg mm mm kg mm mm kg 6 6.625 6.50 25.7 6.50 28.0 6.50 4.50 22.3 6.50 6.50 (Sw) 25.7 150 168.3 165 11.7 165 12.7 165 114 10.1 165 165 11.7 8 8.625 7.75 47.6 . 7.75 48.0 7.75 6.00 36.0 7.75 7.75 47.6 200 219.1 197 21.6 197 1 21.8 197 152 16.3 197 197 21.6 10 10.750 9.00 99.0 9.00 121.5 9.00 6.50 69.9 9.00 9.00 99.0 250 273.0 229 44.9 229 55.1 229 155 31.7 229 229 44.9 12 12.750 10.00 133.0 10.00 110.0 10.00 7.00 80.0 10.00 10.00 133.0 300 323.9 254 60.3 254 49.9 254 178 36.3 254 254 60.3 146 14.000 11.00(sw) 145.0 11.00 198.0 11.00 7.50 134.2 350 355.6 279 65.8 279 89.8 279 191 60.8 - - - 11.50 377.0 mm 377.0 145.0 2 - - - - - - - - 166 16.000 12.00(sw) 186.0 12.00 250.0 12.00 8.00 167.0 400 406.4 305 84.4 305 113.4 305 203 75.7 - - - 13.00 7 426.0 mm 426.0 186.0 300 844 - - - - - - - - 18 6 18.000 15.50(sw) 260.0 15.50 350.0 15.50 8.50 234.0 450 457.0 394 117.9 394 158.8 394 216 106.1 - - - 14.63 256.0 7 480.0 mm 480.0 372 116.1 - - - - - - - - 206 20.000 17.25(sw) 336.0 17.25 452.0 17.25 9.00 281.0 500 508.0 438 152.4 438 205.0 438 229 127.5 - - - 15.38(sw) 339.0 7 530.0 mm 530.0 1 8 - - -391 - - - - - 246 24.000 20.00(sw) 592.0 20.00 795.0 20.00 10.00 523.0 600 610.0 508 268.5 508 360.6 508 254 237.2 - - - 17.38(sw) 473.0 630.0 mm 630.0 14 - - -44 - - - - - For AGS fitting information, see publication 20.05 14-60 AGS 350-1500 6 For 14/350 mm and larger roll grooved systems, Victaulic offers the Advanced Groove System (AGS). For pricing and availability of cut groove fittings in this size, contact your nearest Victaulic sales representative. 7 Chinese standard sizes General Notes Note: All fittings are ductile iron unless otherwise noted with an (Sw) or (s). (s) = Carbon Steel Direct Roll Groove (OGS) (Sw) = Carbon Steel Segmentally Welded 07.01 1449 Rev V Updated 05/2014 © 2014 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. ItauIic fl 1 (' 07.01 1449 Rev V Updated 05/2014 © 2014 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. .1:... NL ItauIc S victaulic.com I Fittings I Grooved End I Publication 07.01 Reducing Tee No. 25 Grooved Branch No. 291 Threaded Branch -CtoE-.1 to to No. 25 No. 29T No. 291 No. 25 w/Thd. Size Std. Branch Approx. Weight Nominal Size C to E C to E Each inches inches inches lbs. mm mm mm kg 1 25 1 25 3/4 20 2.25 (sw) 57 2.25 (sw) 57 1.0 0.5 1 ¼ 32 1 ¼ 32 1 25 2.75 (sw) 70 2.75 (sw) 70 1.3 0.6 1 ½ 40 1 1/2 40 3/4 20 2.75 (sw) 70 2.75 (sw) 70 1.5 0.7 2.75 (sw) 2.75 (sw) 1.5 1 25 70 . 70 0.7 2.75 (sw) 2.75 (sw) 1.7 1 ¼ 32 70 70 0.8 2 50 2 50 3/4 20 3.25 83 3.25 83 2.5 1.1 3.25 3.25 2.7 1 25 83 83 1.2 3.25 (sw) 3.25 (sw) 1.8 1 1/4 32 83 83 0.8 3.25 3.25 (sw) 3.0 1 ½ 40 83 83 1.4 21/2 65 21/2 65 3/4 20 3.75 (sw) 95 3.75 (sw) 95 3.9 1.8 3.75 3.75 (sw) 3.8 1 25 95 95 1.7 3.75 3.75 4.2 1 1/4 32 95 95 1.7 3.75 3.75 3.9 1 1/2 40 95 95 1.8 3.75 3.75 (sw) 4.5 2 50 95 95 2.0 3 80 3 80 3/4 20 4.25 (sw) 108 4.25 (sw) 108 5.7 2.6 4.25 4.25 6.1 1 25 108 108 2.8 4.25 4.25 8.0 1 ¼ 32 108 108 3.6 4.25 4.25 (sw) 6.5 1 Y2 40 108 108 2.9 4.25 4.25 (sw) 6.2 2 50 108 108 2.8 4.25 4.25 (sw) 6.4 21/2 65 108 108 2.9 8 For 147350 mm and larger roll grooved systems, Victaulic offers the Advanced Groove System (AGS). For pricing and availability of cut groove fittings in this size, contact your nearest Victaulic sales representative. 9 Cast fitting available, contact Victaulic for details. CtoE-1 C to to No. 25 No. 29T No. 291 No. 25 w/Thd. Size Std. Branch Approx. Weight Nominal Size C to E C to E Each inches inches inches lbs. mm mm mm kg 4 100 4 100 3/4 20 5.00 (sw) 127 5.00 (sw) 127 8.0 3.6 5.00 5.00 7.8 1 25 127 127 3.5 5.00 (sw) 5.00 (sw) 9.6 1 ¼ 32 127 127 4.4 5.00 5.00 10.2 1 ½ 40 127 127 4.6 5.00 5.00 11.2 2 50 127 127 5.1 5.00 5.00 11.4 21/2 65 127 127 5.2 5.00 5.00 11.6 3 80 127 127 5.3 5 125 5 125 1 25 5.50 (sw) 140 5.50 (sw) 140 14.0 6.4 5.50 (sw) 5.50 (sw) 14.3 1 /2 40 140 140 6.5 5.50 (sw) 5.50 (sw) 14.5 2 50 140 140 6.6 5.50 5.50 (sw) 15.2 21/2 65 140 140 6.9 5.50 5.50 (sw) 16.6 3 80 140 140 7.5 5.50 5.50 (sw) 16.7 4 100 140 140 7.6 6 150 6 150 1 25 6.50 (sw) 165 6.50 (sw) 165 23.0 10.4 6.50 (sw) 6.50 (sw) 24.0 1 ½ 40 165 165 10.9 6.50 6.50 21.6 2 50 165 165 9.8 6.50 6.50 21.4 21/2 65 165 165 11.7 6.50 6.50 26.5 3 80 165 165 12.0 6.50 6.50 25.0 4 100 165 165 11.3 6.50 6.50 23.2 5 125 165 165 10.5 61/2 165.1 61/2 165.1 3 80 6.50 165 6.50 (sw) 165 24.0 10.9 6.50 6.50 (sw) 25.0 4 100 165 165 11.3 8 For 14/350 mm and larger roll grooved systems, Victaulic offers the Advanced Groove System (AGS). For pricing and availability of cut groove fittings in this size, contact your nearest Victaulic sales representative. 9 Cast fitting available. Contact Victaulic for details. victaulic.com I Fittings I Grooved End I Publication 07.01 . i.CIoEI I- C to i.CtoE.l to J0 fto 1J0 No. 25 No. 29T No. 25 No. 291 S No. 291 No. 25 w/Thd. Size Std. Branch Approx. Weight Nominal Size C to E C to E Each inches inches inches lbs. mm mm mm kg 8 200 8 200 11/2 40 7.75 (sw) 197 7.75 (sw) 197 33.0 15.0 7.75 (sw) 7.75 (sw) 33.5 2 50 197 197 15.2 7.75 (sw) 7.75 (sw) 39.0 21/2 65 197 197 17.7 7.75 (sw) 7.75 (sw) 33.6 3 80 197 197 15.2 7.75 7.75 41.8 4 100 197 197 19.0 7.75 (sw) 7.75 (sw) 34.0 5 125 197 197 15.4 7.75 7.75 42.3 6 150 197 197 19.2 7.75 (sw) 197 7.75 (sw) 197 48.0 21.8 165.1 10 250 10 250 1 1/2 40 9.00 229 9.00 229 62.0 28.1 9.00 (sw) 9.00 (sw) 62.0 2 50 229 229 28.1 9.00 (sw) 9.00 (sw) 62.4 21/2 65 229 229 28.3 9.00 (sw) 9.00 (sw) 60.0 3 80 229 229 27.2 9.00 (sw) 9.00 (sw) 61.0 4 100 229 229 27.7 9.00 (sw) 9.00 (sw) 52.0 5 125 229 229 23.6 9.00 (sw) 9.00 (sw) 59.0 6 150 229 229 26.8 9.00 (sw) 9.00 (sw) 64.7 8 200 229 229 29.3 12 300 12 300 1 25 10.00 (sw) 254 10.00 (sw) 254 77.0 34.9 10.00 (sw) 10.00 (sw) 80.0 2 50 254 254 36.3 10.00 (sw) 10.00 (sw) 78.0 2 1/2 65 254 254 35.4 10.00 (sw) 10.00 (sw) 82.0 3 80 254 254 37.2 10.00 (sw) 10.00 (sw) 80.0 4 100 254 254 36.3 10.00 (sw) 10.00 (sw) 75.0 5 125 254 254 34.0 10.00 (sw) 10.00 (sw) 75.0 6 150 254 254 34.0 10.00 (sw) 10.00 (sw) 80.0 8 200 254 254 36.3 10.00 (sw) 10.00 (sw) 84.0 10 250 254 254 38.1 No. 291 No. 25 w/Thd. Size Std. Branch Approx. Weight Nominal Size C to E C to E Each inches inches inches lbs. mm mm mm kg 14 350 14 350 4 100 11.00 (sw) 279 11.00 (sw) 279 102.0 46.3 11.00 (sw) 11.00 (sw) 108.2 6 150 279 279 49.1 11.00 11.00 112.0 8 200 279 279 50.8 11.00 11.00 120.0 10 250 279 279 54.4 11.00 11.00 129.1 12 300 279 279 58.6 168 16 4 12.00 12.00 130.0 400 400 100 305 305 59.0 12.00 (sw) 1 12.00 (sw) 133.5 6 150 305 305 60.6 12.00 12.00 145.0 8 200 305 305 65.8 12.00 12.00 149.5 10 250 305 305 67.8 12.00 12.00 154.0 12 300 305 305 69.9 12.00 (sw) 167.0 14 350 305 - 75.8 18 8 18 4 15.50 (sw) 15.50 (sw) 194.0 450 450 100 394 394 88.0 15.50 (sw) 15.50 (sw) 200.0 6 150 394 394 90.7 15.50 (sw) 15.50 (sw) 202.0 8 200 394 394 91.6 15.50 15.50 212.0 10 250 394 394 96.2 15.50 15.50 222.6 12 300 394 394 101.0 15.50 230.1 14 350 394 - 104.4 15.50 247.6 16 400 394 - 112.3 208 20 6 17.25 17.25 240.0 500 500 150 438 438 108.9 17.25 17.25 244.0 8 200 438 438 110.7 17.25 17.25 256.0 10 250 438 438 116.1 17.25 17.25 264.0 12 300 438 438 119.8 17.25 275.0 14 350 438 - 124.7 17.25 288.6 16 400 438 - 130.9 17.25 297.0 18 450 438 - 134.7 8 For 14/350 mm and larger roll grooved systems, Victaulic offers the 8 For 14/350 mm and larger roll grooved systems, Victaulic offers the Advanced Groove System (AGS). For pricing and availability of cut groove Advanced Groove System (AGS). For pricing and availability of cut groove fittings in this size, contact your nearest Victaulic sales representative, fittings in this size, contact your nearest Victaulic sates representative. g cast fitting available, contact Victaulic for details. 9 cast fitting available, contact Victaulic for details. 07.01 1449 Rev V updated 05/2014 © 2014 Victaulic company. All rights reserved. 11 '% S victaulic.com I Fittings I Grooved End I Publication 07.01 iCtoE1 r.CtoE.l to to No. 25 No. 29T No. 291 No. 25 w/Thd. Size Std. Branch Approx. Weight Nominal Size C to E C to E Each inches inches inches lbs. mm mm mm kg 248 24 8 20.00 20.00 340.0 600 600 200 508 508 154.2 20.00 20.00 343.9 10 250 508 508 156.0 20.00 20.00 352.8 12 300 508 508 160.0 20.00 360.0 149 350 508 - 163.3 20.00 378.0 16 400 508 - 171.5 20.00 380.0 18° 450 508 - 172.4 20.00 373.0 20 500 508 - 169.2 For AGS fitting information, see 14-60 publication 20.05 350-1500 AGS* -- 8 For 14/350 mm and larger roll grooved systems, Victaulic offers the Advanced Groove System (AGS). For pricing and availability of cut groove fittings in this size, contact your nearest Victaulic sales representative. g Cast fitting available. Contact Victaulic for details. General Notes No. 29T Threaded Outlet Reducing Tees are supplied NPT and are available with British Standard threads. For British Standard specify "BSP" clearly on order. Note: All fittings are ductile iron unless otherwise noted with an (Sw) or (s). (s) = Carbon Steel Direct Roll Groove (OGS) (Sw) = Carbon Steel Segmentally Welded Bull Plug No. 61 E to I D No. 61 No. 61 Size Bull Plug (s) Actual Outside Approx. Weight Nominal Size Diameter E to E Each inches inches inches lbs. mm mm mm kg 2 2.375 4.00 2.5 50 60.3 102 1.1 21/2 2.875 5.00 3.0 65 73.0 127 1.4 3 3.500 6.00 4.5 80 88.9 152 2.0 4 4.500 7.00 7.5 100 114.3 178 3.4 5 5.563 8.00 12.0 125 141.3 203 5.4 6 6.625 10.00 17.0 150 168.5 254 7.7 General Notes Steel dish caps available through 24/600 mm, contact Victaulic. No. 61 Bull Plugs should be used in vacuum service with Style 72 or 750 couplings Note: All fittings are ductile iron unless otherwise noted with an (Sw) or (5). (5) = Carbon Steel Direct Roll Groove (OGS) (Sw) = Carbon Steel Segmentally Welded n 07.01 1449 Rev v updated 05/2014 © 2014 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. 1'8 ItauIic 0 victaulic.com I Fittings I Grooved End I Publication 07.01 45° Lateral No. 30 No. 30 Size 450 Lateral Actual Outside Approx. Nominal Size Diameter C to LE C to SE Weight Each inches inches inches inches lbs. mm mm mm mm kg 3/4 1.050 4.50 (sw) 2.00 (sw) 1.0 20 26.9 114 51 0.5 1 1.315 5.00 (sw) 2.25 (sw) 1.7 25 33.7 127 57 0.8 11/4 1.660 5.75 2.50 2.5 (d) 32 42.4 146 64 1.1 11/2 1.900 6.25 (sw) 2.75 (sw) 3.5 40 48.3 159 70 1.6 2 2.375 7.00 (sw) 2.75 (sw) 5.0 50 60.3 178 70 2.3 21/2 2.875 7.75 (sw) 3.00 (sw) 9.0 65 73.0 197 76 4.1 3.000 8.50 (sw) 3.25 (sw) 11.0 76.1 mm 76.1 216 83 5.0 3 3.500 8.50 3.25 11.7(d) 80 88.9 216 83 5.4 31/2 4.000 10.00 (sw) 3.50 (sw) 17.8 90 101.6 254 89 8.1 4 4.500 10.50 3.75 22.2 (d) 100 114.3 267 95 10.1 5 5.563 12.50 (sw) 4.00 (sw) 21.8 120 141.3 318 102 9.9 10 For 14/350 mm and larger roll grooved systems, Victaulic offers the Advanced Groove System (AGS). For pricing and availability of cut groove fittings in this size, contact your nearest Victaulic sales representative. Cto LE P// Cto s! No. 30 No. 30 Size 450 Lateral Actual Outside Approx. Nominal Size Diameter C to LE C to SE Weight Each inches inches inches inches lbs. mm mm mm mm kg 6.500 14.00 (sw) 4.50 (sw) 43.6 165.1 mm 165.1 356 114 19.8 6 6.625 14.00 (sw) 4.50 (sw) 43.6 150 168.3 356 114 49.8 8 8.625 18.00 (sw) 6.00 (sw) 72.0 200 219.1 457 152 32.7 10 10.750 20.50 (sw) 6.50 (sw) 105.0 250 273.0 521 165 47.6 12 12.750 23.00 (sw) 7.00 (sw) 165.0 300 323.9 584 178 74.8 14 10 14.000 26.50 (sw) 7.50 (sw) 276.0 350 355.6 673 191 125.2 16 10 16.000 29.00 (sw) 8.00 (sw) 344.2 400 406.4 737 203 156.1 18 0 18.000 32.00 (sw) 8.50 (sw) 429.0 450 457.0 813 216 194.6 20 10 20.000 35.00 (sw) 9.00 (sw) 500.0 500 508.0 889 229 226.8 2410 24.000 40.00 (sw) 10.00 (sw) 715.0 600 610.0 1016 254 324.3 For AGS fitting information, see publication 20.05 14-60 350-1500 _ AGS -- 10 For 147350 mm and larger roll grooved systems, Victaulic offers the Advanced Groove System (AGS). For pricing and availability of cut groove fittings in this size, contact your nearest Victaulic sales representative. General Notes Note: All fittings are ductile iron unless otherwise noted with an (sw) or (5). (s) = Carbon Steel Direct Roll Groove (OGS) (sw) = Carbon Steel Segmentally Welded I 07.01 1449 Rev V Updated 05/2014 © 2014 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. 1) htauuicr No. 30-R No. 30-R '"I A tiuiic 07.01 1449 Rev V Updated 05/2014 © 2014 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. .1:... S I victaulic.com I Fittings I Grooved End I Publication 07.01 450 Reducing Lateral No. 30-R No 30-R Size 45° Reducing Lateral Approx. Weight Nominal Size C to LE C to SE Each inches inches inches lbs. mm mm mm kg 3 80 3 80 2 50 8.50 216 3.25 83 9.8 4.4 8.50 3.25 9.8 21/2 65 216 83 4.4 4 100 4 100 2 50 10.50 267 3.75 95 10.0 4.5 10.50 3.75 10.0 2½ 65 267 95 4.5 10.50 3.75 18.3 3 80 267 95 8.3 5 125 5 125 2 50 12.50 318 4.00 102 24.0 10.9 12.50 4.00 27.0 3 80 318 102 12.2 12.50 4.00 26.5 4 100 318 102 12.0 6 6 3 14.00 4.50 37.0 150 150 80 356 114 16.8 14.00 4.50 36.0 4 100 356 114 16.3 14.00 4.50 44.7 5 125 356 114 20.3 8 200 8 200 4 100 18.00 457 6.00 152 62.0 28.1 18.00 6.00 75.5 5 125 457 152 34.2 18.00 6.00 82.0 6 150 457 152 37.2 10 250 10 250 4 100 20.50 521 6.50 165 104.8 47.5 20.50 6.50 99.0 5 125 521 165 44.9 20.50 6.50 105.8 6 150 521 165 48.0 20.50 6.50 118.0 8 200 521 165 53.5 12 300 12 300 5 125 23.00 584 7.00 178 122.0 55.3 23.00 7.00 137.0 6 150 584 178 62.1 23.00 7.00 147.0 8 200 584 178 66.7 23.00 7.00 167.0 10 250 584 178 75.8 11 For 14/350 mm and larger roll grooved systems, Victaulic offers the Advanced Groove System (AGS). For pricing and availability of cut groove fittings in this size, contact your nearest Victaulic sales representative. No 30.R Size 45° Reducing Lateral Approx. Weight Nominal Size C to LE C to SE Each inches inches inches lbs. mm mm mm kg 14 11 350 14 350 4 100 26.50 673 7.50 191 172.0 78.0 26.50 7.50 187.0 6 150 673 191 84.8 26.50 7.50 205.8 8 200 673 191 93.4 26.20 7.50 235.0 10 250 673 191 106.6 26.50 7.50 250.0 12 300 673 191 113.4 16 11 16 6 29.00 8.00 215.0 400 400 150 737 203 97.5 29.00 8.00 252.5 8 200 737 203 114.5 29.00 8.00 265.0 10 250 737 203 120.2 29.00 8.00 295.0 12 300 737 203 133.8 29.00 8.00 305.0 14 350 737 203 138.3 1811 450 18 450 6 150 32.00 813 8.50 216 274.0 124.3 32.00 8.50 275.0 8 200 813 216 124.7 32.00 8.50 347.0 12 300 813 216 157.4 32.00 8.50 350.0 14 350 813 216 158.8 32.00 8.50 362.0 16 400 813 216 164.2 20 11 500 20 500 12 300 35.00 889 9.00 229 415.0 188.2 35.00 9.00 420.0 14 350 889 229 190.5 35.00 10.00 425.0 16 400 899 229 192.8 24 11 24 16 40.00 10.00 425.0 600 600 400 1016 254 192.8 40.00 10.00 570.0 20 600 1016 254 258.6 For AGS fitting information, 14-60 see publication 20.05 350-1500 AGS %MMJ- 11 For 14/350 mm and larger roll grooved systems, Victaulic offers the Advanced Groove System (AGS). For pricing and availability of cut groove fittings in this size, contact your nearest Victaulic sales representative. victaulic.com I Fittings I Grooved End I Publication 07.01 . Tee Wye No. 32 No. 32 S No. 32 Size Tee Wye (sw) Approx. Nominal Size Weight G H E1 E2 Each inches inches inches inches inches lbs. mm mm mm mm mm kg 2 2 2 2.75 7.00 9.00 4.63 6.4 50 50 50 70 178 229 118 2.9 21/2 21/2 21/2 3.00 7.75 10.50 5.75 11.5 65 65 65 76 197 . 267 146 5.2 3 3 3 3.25 8.50 11.50 6.50 14.3 80 80 80 83 216 292 165 6.5 31/2 31/2 31/2 3.25 10.00 13.00 7.75 22.9 90 90 90 89 254 330 197 10.4 4 4 4 3.75 10.50 13.63 8.13 26.0 100 100 100 95 267 346 207 11.8 5 5 5 4.00 12.50 16.13 10.00 48.0 125 125 125 102 318 410 254 21.8 6 6 6 4.50 14.00 18.25 11.50 60.5 125 125 125 114 356 464 292 27.4 8 8 8 6.00 18.00 23.25 15.25 127.1 200 200 200 152 457 591 387 57.7 10 10 10 6.50 20.50 27.25 18.00 190.0 250 250 250 165 521 692 457 86.2 12 12 12 7.00 23.00 31.00 20.50 240.0 300 300 300 1 178 584 787 521 108.9 General Notes Note: All fittings are ductile iron unless otherwise noted with an (5w) or (s). (s) = Carbon Steel Direct Roll Groove (OGS) (5w) = Carbon Steel Segmentally Welded Adapter Nipple No. 40 12 Grv. x Thd. No. 42 Grv. x Bev. No. 43 Grv. x Grv. .-EtoE-.1 r- EtoE-1 - EtoE -. iii El El No. 40 No.42 No.43 No. 40, 42, 43 Size Adapter Nipple (s) Actual Outside Approx. Weight Nominal Size Diameter E to E Each inches inches inches inches mm mm mm mm 3/4 1.050 3.00 0.3 20 26.9 76 0.1 1 1.315 3.00 0.4 25 33.7 76 0.2 11/4 1.660 4.00 0.8 32 42.4 102 0.4 11/2 1.900 4.00 0.9 40 48.3 102 0.4 2 2.375 4.00 1.2 50 60.3 102 0.5 21/2 2.875 4.00 1.9 65 1 73.0 102 0.9 3 3.500 4.00 2.5 80 88.9 102 1.1 31/2 4.000 4.00 2.1 90 101.6 102 0.9 4 4.500 6.00 55 100 114.3 152 2.5 5 5.563 6.00 7.4 125 141.3 152 3.4 6 6.625 6.00 9.5 150 168.3 152 4.3 8 8.625 6.00 14.2 200 219.1 152 6.4 10 10.750 8.00 27.0 250 273.0 203 12.2 12 12.750 8.00 33.0 300 323.9 203 15.0 12 Available with British Standard Pipe Threads, specify "BSP" clearly on order. General Notes For pump package nipples with 1 ½ "/40 mm hole cut to receive Style 923 Vic-Let or Style 924 Vic-O-Well® request special No. 40, 42 or 43 nipples and specify No. 40-H, 42-H or 43-H on order. NOTE: 4- 12/100 -300mm diameter - 8/200 mm minimum length required. For roll grooved systems, Victaulic offers the Advanced Groove System (AGS). For pricing and availability of cut groove fittings in this size, contact your nearest Victaulic sales representative. Note: All fittings are ductile iron unless otherwise noted with an (sw) or (s). (s) = Carbon Steel Direct Roll Groove (OGS) (sw) = Carbon Steel Segmentally Welded I 07.01 1449 Rev V Updated 05/2014 0 2014 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. htauiiC victaulic.com I Fittings I Grooved End I Publication 07.01 Cap No. 60 S b T No. 60 No. 60 Size Cap Actual Outside Approx. Weight Nominal Size Diameter "1" Thickness Each inches inches inches lbs. mm mm mm kg 3/4 1.050 0.88 0.2 20 26.9 22 0.1 1 1.315 0.88 0.3 25 33.7 22 0.1 11/4 1.660 0.88 0.3 32 42.4 22 0.1 11/2 1.900 0.88 0.5 40 48.3 22 0.2 2 2.375 0.88 0.6 50 60.3 22 0.3 21h 2.875 0.88 1.0 65 73.0 22 0.5 3.000 0.88 1.2 76.1 mm 76.1 22 0.5 3 3.500 0.88 1.2 80 88.9 22 0.5 31/2 4.000 0.88 2.5 90 101.6 22 1.1 4.250 1.00 2.3 108.0 mm 108.0 25 1.0 4 4.500 1.00 2.5 100 114.3 25 1.1 5.250 1.00 4.5 133.0 mm 133.0 25 2.0 5.500 1.00 4.5 139.7 mm 139.7 25 2.0 5 5.563 1.00 4.6 125 141.3 25 2.1 13 For 147350 mm and larger roll grooved systems, Victaulic offers the Advanced Groove System tAGS>. For pricing and availability of cut groove fittings in this size, contact your nearest Victaulic sales representative. b T No. 60 No. 60 Size Cap Actual Outside Approx. Weight Nominal Size Diameter "T" Thickness Each inches inches inches lbs. mm mm mm kg 6.250 1.00 6.8 159.0 mm 159.0 25 1 3.1 6.500 1.00 7.3 165.1 mm 165.1 25 3.3 6 6.625 1.00 6.1 150 168.3 25 2.8 8 8.625 1.19 13.1 200 219.1 30 5.9 10 10.750 1.25 21.0 250 273.0 32 9.5 12 12.750 1.25 35.6 300 323.9 32 16.2 14's 14.000 9.50(s) + 350 355.6 241 1613 16.000 10.00(s) 400 406.4 254 + 1813 18.000 11.00(s) 450 457.0 279 + 20 13 20.000 12.00(s) + 500 508.0 305 24 13 24.000 13.50(s) 600 610.0 343 + For AGS fitting information, see publication 20.05 14-60 AGS 350-1500 _ -- 13 For 147350 mm and larger roll grooved systems, Victaulic offers the Advanced Groove System (AGS). For pricing and availability of cut groove fittings in this size, contact your nearest Victaulic sales representative. General Notes No. 60 cap is not suitable for use in vacuum service with Style 72 or 750 couplings. No. 61 bull plugs should be used. Note: All fittings are ductile iron unless otherwise noted with an (sw) or (s). (s) = Carbon Steel Direct Roll Groove (OGS) (Sw) = Carbon Steel Segmentally Welded + Contact Victaulic for details. S 07.01 1449 Rev V Updated 05/2014 © 2014 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. .:.... .i:... /ctauIic victaulic.com I Fittings I Grooved End I Publication 07.01 Flanged Adapter Nipple No. 41 ANSI Class 125 (Cast Iron) No. 45F ANSI Class 150 Flat Face No. 45R ANSI Class 150 Raised Face No. 46F ANSI Class 300 Flat Face No. 46R ANSI Class 300 Raised Face EtoE -. EtoE EtoE EtoE EtoE 10 ronil rn No. 41 No. 45F No. 45R No. 46F No. 46R No. 41 No. 45F and No. 45R No. 46F and No. 46R ANSI 125 ANSI 150 ANSI 300 Size Flange Adapter Nipple Flanged Adapter Nipple (s) Flanged Adapter Nipple (s) Actual Outside Approx. Weight Approx. Weight Approx. Weight Nominal Size Diameter E to E Each E to E Each E to E Each inches inches inches lbs. inches lbs. inches lbs. mm mm mm kg mm kg mm kg 3/4 1.050 3.00 3.00 2.3 3.00 3.3 20 26.9 76 - 76 1.0 76 1.5 1 1.315 3.00 2.5 3.00 2.7 3.00 3.9 25 33.7 76 1.1 76 1.2 76 1.8 11/4 1.660 4.00 3.0 4.00 3.3 4.00 4.8 32 42.4 102 1.4 102 1.5 102 2.2 1½ 1.900 4.00 3.5 4.00 3.9 4.00 6.9 40 48.3 102 1.6 102 1.8 102 3.1 2 2.375 4.00 5.5 4.00 6.0 4.00 8.2 50 60.3 102 2.5 102 2.7 102 3.7 21/2 2.875 4.00 8.0 4.00 9.9 4.00 11.9 65 73.0 102 3.6 102 4.5 102 5.4 3 3.500 4.00 9.5 4.00 11.7 4.00 16.5 80 88.9 102 4.3 102 5.3 102 7.5 31/2 4.000 4.00 12.0 4.00 15.1 4.00 20.1 90 101.6 102 5.4 102 6.8 102 9.1 4 4.500 6.00 16.7 6.00 18.5 6.00 27.4 100 114.3 152 7.6 152 8.4 152 12.4 5 5.563 6.00 21.5 6.00 . 21.3 6.00 35.3 125 141.3 152 9.8 152 9.7 152 16.0 6 6.625 6.00 26.5 6.00 27.5 6.00 47.5 150 168.3 152 12.0 152 12.5 152 21.5 8 8.625 6.00 39.0 6.00 41.3 6.00 70.3 200 219.1 152 17.7 152 18.8 152 31.9 10 10.750 8.00 57.0 8.00 59.3 . 8.00 100.8 250 273.0 203 25.9 203 27.1 203 45.7 12 12.750 8.00 41.0 8.00 40.0 8.00 146.2 300 323.9 203 18.6 203 40.0 203 66.3 14 14 14.000 8.00 8.00 8.00 + 350 355.6 203 - 203 + 203 16 14 16.000 8.00 8.00 + 8.00 + 400 406.4 203 - 203 203 18 4 18.000 8.00 8.00 + 8.00 + 450 457.0 1 203 - 203 203 14 For 147350 mm and larger roll grooved systems, Victaulic offers the Advanced Groove System (AGS). For pricing and availability of cut groove fittings in this size, contact your nearest Victaulic sales representative. 07.01 1449 Rev v updated 05/2014 © 2014 Victaulic company. All rights reserved. 1.7 ictauIic S S S victaulic.com I Fittings I Grooved End I Publication 07.01 EtoE i.-. EtoE rn EtoE JI * 'V No. 41 No. 45F No. 45R No. 46F No. 46R No. 41 No. 45F and No. 45R No. 46F and No. 46R ANSI 125 ANSI 150 ANSI 300 Size Flange Adapter Nipple Flanged Adapter Nipple (s) Flanged Adapter Nipple (5) Actual Outside Approx. Weight Approx. Weight Approx. Weight Nominal Size Diameter E to E Each E to E Each E to E Each inches inches inches lbs. inches lbs. inches lbs. mm mm mm kg mm kg mm kg 20 14 20.000 8.00 8.00 8.00 + 500 508.0 203 - 203 + 203 24 14 24.000 8.00 8.00 8.00 + 600 610.0 203 - 203 + 203 For AGS fitting information, see publication 20.05 14-60 350-1500 AGS 14 For 14/350 mm and larger roll grooved systems, Victaulic offers the Advanced Groove System (AGS). For pricing and availability of cut groove fittings in this size, contact your nearest Victaulic sales representative. General Notes Note: All fittings are ductile iron unless otherwise noted with an (sw) or (5). (s) = carbon Steel Direct Roll Groove (OGS) (sw) = carbon Steel Segmentally Welded + contact Victaulic for details. 07.01 1449 Rev V Updated 05/2014 © 2014 Victaulic company. All rights reserved. 10 tcttiuIcr victaulic.com I Fittings I Grooved End I Publication 07.01 Ol Swaged Nipple No. 53 Grv. x Grv. No. 54 Grv. x Thd. No. 55 Thd. x Grv. S E to E - E to E .- E to E - F> PA L> No. 53 No. 54 No. 55 No. 53, 54, and 55 Swaged Size Nipples (s) Approx. Weight Nominal Sizes E to E Each inches inches lbs. mm mm kg 2 1 50 25 6.50 165 2.0 0.9 6.50 2.0 1'/4 32 165 0.9 6.50 2.0 11/2 40 165 0.9 21/2 1 65 25 7.00 178 3.0 1.4 7.00 3.0 11/4 32 178 1.4 7.00 3.0 1½ 40 178 1.4 7.00 3.0 2 50 178 1.4 3 1 80 25 8.00 203 4.5 2.0 8.00 4.5 11/4 32 203 2.0 8.00 4.5 1½ 40 203 2.0 8.00 4.5 2 50 203 2.0 8.00 4.5 21/2 65 203 2.0 31/2 3 90 80 8.00 203 6.8 3.1 4 1 100 25 9.00 229 7.5 3.4 9.00 7.5 11/4 32 229 3.4 9.00 7.5 11/2 40 229 3.4 9.00 7.5 2 50 229 3.4 9.00 7.5 21/2 65 229 3.4 9.00 7.5 3 80 229 3.4 9.00 7.5 31/2 90 229 3.4 to E p.- E to - E to E F> F:>d L> No. 53 No. 54 No. 55 No. 53, 54, and 55 Swaged Size Nipples (s) Approx. Weight Nominal Sizes E to E Each inches inches lbs. mm mm kg 5 2 11.00 11.5 125 50 279 5.2 11.00 11.3 3 80 279 5.1 11.00 11.5 4 100 279 5.2 6 1 150 25 12.00 305 17.0 7.7 12.00 17.0 1¼ 32 305 7.7 12.00 17.2 1½ 40 305 7.8 12.00 17.4 2 50 305 7.9 12.00 17.4 21/2 65 305 7.9 12.00 17.4 3 80 305 7.9 12.00 17.4 31/2 90 305 7.9 12.00 17.5 4 100 305 7.9 12.00 17.5 41/2 120 305 7.9 12.00 17.5 5 125 305 7.9 8 6 200 150 + 20.0 9.1 General Notes Note: All fittings are ductile iron unless otherwise noted with an (Sw) or (s). (s) = Carbon Steel Direct Roll Groove (OGS) (Sw) = Carbon Steel Segmentally Welded + Contact Victaulic for details. S 07.01 1449 Rev V updated 05/2014 © 2014 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. 1(1 'It1uIic. S victaulic.com I Fittings I Grooved End I Publication 07.01 Female Threaded Adapter No. 80 EtoE No. 80 Size No. 80 Female Threaded Adapter Actual Outside Approx. Weight Nominal Size Diameter E to E Each inches inches inches lbs. mm mm mm kg 3/4 1.050 2.00 1.0 20 26.9 51 0.5 1 1.315 2.06 1.0 25 33.7 52 0.5 11/4 1.660 2.31 (sw) 1.5 32 42.4 59 0.7 11/2 1.900 2.31 (sw) 1.5 40 48.3 59 0.7 2 2.375 2.50 1.4 50 60.3 64 0.6 21/2 2.875 2.75 1.5 65 73.0 70 0.7 3 3.500 2.75 2.9 80 88.9 70 1.3 4 4.500 3.25 4.5 100 114.3 83 2.0 General Notes Available with British Standard Pipe Threads, specify "BSP" clearly on order. Note: All fittings are ductile iron unless otherwise noted with an (sw) or (s). (s) = Carbon Steel Direct Roll Groove (OGS) (Sw) = Carbon Steel Segmentally Welded Hose Nipple No. 48 Etc E No. 48 Size No. 48 Hose Nipple (s) Actual Outside Approx. Weight Nominal Size Diameter E to E Each inches inches inches lbs. mm mm mm kg 3/4 1.050 3.12 0.3 20 26.9 79 0.1 1 1.315 3.38 0.4 25 33.7 86 0.2 11/4 1.660 3.88 0.6 32 42.4 98 0.3 11/2 1.900 3.88 0.8 40 48.3 98 0.4 2 2.375 4.50 1.1 50 60.3 114 0.5 21/2 2.875 5.38 2.0 65 73.0 137 0.9 3 3.500 5.75 3.2 80 88.9 146 1.5 4 4.500 7.00 4.9 100 114.3 178 2.2 5 5.563 8.75 8.0 125 141.3 222 3.6 6 6.625 10.13 14.3 150 168.3 257 6.5 8 8.625 11.88 24.7 200 219.1 302 11.2 10 10.750 12.50 40.1 250 273.0 318 18.2 12 12.750 14.50 62.0 300 323.9 368 28.1 General Notes Note: All fittings are ductile iron unless otherwise noted with an (Sw) or (s). (s) = Carbon Steel Direct Roll Groove (OGS) (Sw) = Carbon Steel Segmentally Welded S 07.01 1449 Rev V Updated 05/2014 © 2014 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. 'ItIuIic. victaulic.com I Fittings I Grooved End I Publication 07.01 . Concentric/Eccentric Reducer No. 50 Concentric No. 51 Eccentric E ltoE 4- EtoE -'1 14-EtOE -) 9::~~ 1:~ EA No. 50 No. 51 Fabricated Steel Fabricated Steel No. 50 No. 51 toE UflThn [toE No. 50 No. 51 No. 50 concentric Size Reducer No. 51 Eccentric Reduce Approx. Approx. Nominal Size E to E Weight Each E to E Weight Each inches inches lbs. inches lbs. mm mm kg mm kg 1% 3/4 1.9 32 20 + 0.9 - - 1 1.9 25 + 0.9 - - 1½ 3/4 1.4 40 20 + 0.6 - - 2.50 0.8 8.50 (sw) 4.5 1 25 64 0.4 216 2.0 11/4 2.50 1.0 32 64 0.5 - - 2 3/4 2.50 0.9 9.00 (sw) 2.0 50 20 64 0.3 229 0.9 1 2.50 0.7 9.00 (sw) 2.3 25 64 0.3 229 1.0 1¼ 2.50 1.2 9.00 (sw) 4.6 32 64 0.5 229 2.1 11/2 3.50 1.0 3.50 1.1 40 89 0.5 89 0.5 21/2 3/4 1.3 3.3 65 20 + 0.6 + 1.5 1 2.50 1.1 9.50 3.5 25 64 1 0.5 241 1.6 11/4 3.50 3.3 3.50 1.4 32 89 1.5 89 0.6 11/2 2.50 3.6 9.50 (sw) 3.7 40 64 1.6 241 1.7 2 2.50 3.9 3.50 4.3 50 64 1.8 89 2.0 3 3/4 1.5 4.5 80 20 + 0.7 + 2.0 1 2.50 1.3 9.50 (sw) 4.8 25 64 0.6 241 2.2 11/4 2.50 1.4 4.8 32 64 0.6 + 2.2 11/2 2.50 5.1 9.50 (sw) 5.1 40 64 2.3 241 2.3 2 2.50 1.6 3.50 6.0 50 64 0.7 89 2.7 21/2 2.50 1.8 3.50 7.0 65 64 0.8 89 3.2 76.1 2.50 2.1 64 1.0 31/2 3 2.50 2.0 9.50 (sw) 7.0 90 80 64 0.9 241 1 3.2 4 1 3.00 3.0 13.00 (sw) 6.5 100 25 76 1 1.4 330 1 2.9 15 For 14/350 mm and larger roll grooved systems, Victaulic offers the Advanced Groove System (AGS). For pricing and availability of cut groove fittings in this size, contact your nearest Victaulic sales representative. *- [toE E:~ [A Fabricated Steel Fabricated Steel No. 50 No. 51 No. 50 concentric Size Reducer No. 51 Eccentric Reducer Approx. Approx. Nominal Size E to E Weight Each E to E Weight Each inches inches lbs. inches lbs. mm mm kg mm kg 1¼ 4.6 32 + 2.1 - - 1½ 3.00 (sw) 2.6 10.00 (sw) 8.1 40 76 1.2 254 3.7 2 3.00 2.4 4.00 3.3 50 76 1.1 102 1.5 21/2 3.00 2.7 4.00 3.4 65 76 1.2 102 1.5 3 3.00 3.2 4.00 3.5 80 76 1.4 102 1.6 31/2 3.00 2.9 10.00 (sw) 8.0 90 76 1.3 254 3.6 5 2 11.00 (5w) 9.0 11.00 (sw) 5.2 125 50 279 4.1 279 2.4 21/2 4.00 4.3 11.00 (sw) 10.8 65 102 2.0 279 4.9 3 4.00 55.0 11.00 (sw) 11.1 80 102 2.5 279 5.0 4 3.50 4.3 5.00 12.0 100 89 1.9 127 5.4 6 1 4.00 5.0 11.50 (sw) 14.5 150 25 102 2.3 292 6.6 5.5 1Y2 40 + 2.5 + + 2 4.00 6.6 11.50 (sw) 14.5 50 102 3.0 292 6.6 4.00 6.4 11.50 (sw) 14.2 3 65 102 2.9 292 6.4 3 4.00 6.4 5.50 15.0 80 102 2.9 140 6.8 4 4.00 6.5 5.50 17.0 100 102 2.9 140 7.7 5 4.00 6.4 5.50 17.0 125 102 2.9 140 7.7 8 2'/2 16.00 7.9 12.00 (sw) 26.1 200 65 406 3.6 305 11.8 3 5.00 9.3 12.00 (sw) 22.0 80 127 4.2 305 10.0 4 5.00 10.4 12.00 (sw) 23.0 100 127 4.8 305 10.4 5 5.00 11.6 12.00 (sw) 23.0 125 127 5.2 305 10.4 6 5.00 11.9 6.00 24.0 150 127 5.4 152 10.9 15 For 14/350 mm and larger roll grooved systems, Victaulic offers the Advanced Groove System (AGS). For pricing and availability of cut groove fittings in this size, contact your nearest Victaulic sales representative. 07.01 1449 Rev V Updated 05/2014 © 2014 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. .1:... tctuIcr victaulic.com I Fittings I Grooved End I Publication 07.01 ltoE1 cnThn EtoE No. 50 No. 51 4-EtoE-).] .-EtoE-1 Ej [A Fabricated Steel Fabricated Steel No. 50 No. 51 EtoE No. 50 No. 51 Fabricated Steel Fabricated Steel No. 50 No. 51 S No. 50 Concentric Size Reducer No. 51 Eccentric Reduce Approx. Approx. Nominal Size E to E Weight Each E to E Weight Each inches inches lbs. inches lbs. mm mm kg mm kg 10 4 6.00 19.7 13.00 (sw) 32.0 250 100 152 8.9 330 14.5 5 3.3 34.6 125 + 15.6 + 15.7 6 6.00 20.0 13.00 (sw) 36.9 150 152 9.1 330 16.7 8 6.00 22.0 7.00 21.6 200 152 10.0 178 9.8 12 4 440 14.00 (sw) 48.0 300 100 + 20.0 356 21.8 6 7.00 24.6 14.00 (sw) 50.0 150 178 11.2 356 22.7 8 7.00 52.0 14.00 (sw) 53.5 200 178 23.6 356 24.3 10 7.00 39.0 14.00 (Sw) 57.0 250 178 17.7 356 25.9 14 6 13.00 65.0 13.00 60.0 350 150 330 29.5 330 27.2 8 13.00 65.0 13.00 60.0 200 330 29.5 330 27.2 10 13.00 66.0 13.00 65.0 250 330 29.9 330 29.5 12 13.00 68.0 13.00 66.0 300 330 30.8 330 29.9 16 8 14.00 73.0 14.00 73.0 400 200 356 33.1 355 33.1 10 14.00 73.0 14.00 73.0 250 356 33.1 355 33.1 12 14.00 73.0 14.00 73.0 300 356 33.1 355 33.1 14 14.00 73.0 14.00 73.0 350 356 33.1 355 33.1 18 10 15.00 91.0 15.00 91.0 450 250 381 41.3 381 41.3 12 15.00 91.0 15.00 91.0 300 381 41.3 381 41.3 14 15.00 91.0 15.00 91.0 350 381 41.3 381 41.3 16 15.00 91.0 15.00 91.0 400 381 41.3 381 41.3 15 For 147350 mm and larger roll grooved systems, Victaulic offers the Advanced Groove System (AGS). For pricing and availability of cut groove fittings in this size, contact your nearest Victaulic sales representative. No. 50 Concentric Size Reducer No. 51 Eccentric Reduce Approx. Approx. Nominal Size E to E Weight Each E to E Weight Each inches inches lbs. inches lbs. mm mm kg mm kg 20 10 20.00 110.0 20.00 177.0 500 250 508 49.9 508 80.3 12 20.00 120.0 20.00 120.0 300 508 54.4 508 54.4 14 20.00 149.0 20.00 149.0 350 508 67.9 508 67.9 16 20.00 120.0 20.00 120.0 400 508 54.4 508 54.4 18 20.00 136.0 20.00 136.0 450 508 61.7 508 61.7 24 10 20.00 142.0 20.00 142.0 600 250 508 64.4 508 64.4 12 20.00 150.0 20.00 150.0 300 508 68.0 508 68.0 14 20.00 162.0 20.00 162.0 350 508 73.5 508 73.5 16 20.00 162.0 20.00 162.0 400 508 73.5 508 73.5 18 20.00 162.0 20.00 162.0 450 508 1 73.5 508 73.5 20 20.00 1 151.0 20.00 190.0 500 508 68.5 508 86.2 For AGS fitting information, see publication 20.05 14-16 350-1500 15 For 14/350 mm and larger roll grooved systems, Victaulic offers the Advanced Groove System (AGS). For pricing and availability of cut groove fittings in this size, contact your nearest Victaulic sales representative. General Notes Available with male threaded small end No. 52. Cast fitting available for AS size. contact Victaulic for details. Steel eccentric reducers available through 30/750 mm, contact Victaulic for dimensions. Note: All fittings are ductile iron unless otherwise noted with an (sw) or (s). (s) = carbon Steel Direct Roll Groove (OGS) (Sw) = carbon Steel Segmentally Welded + contact Victaulic for details. 07.01 1449 Rev V Updated 05/2014 © 2014 Victaulic company. All rights reserved. .1:.. victaulic.com I Fittings I Grooved End I Publication 07.01 Small Threaded Reducer No. 52 No. 52F E E 5 U No. 52 No 52F No. 52F concentric No. 52 Reducer with BSPT Size Small Threader Reducer Female Threaded End Approx. Approx. Weight Weight Nominal Size E to E Each E to E Each inches inches lbs. mm mm kg mm kg 1½ 1 2.50 0.8 40 25 64 0.4 - - 11/4 2.50 0.9 32 64 0.4 - - 2 3/4 2.50 0.9 50 20 64 0.4 - - 1 2.50 0.7 25 64 0.3 - - 1 ¼ 2.50 1.2 32 64 0.5 - - 1½ 2.50 1.0 40 64 0.5 - - 21/2 1 2.50 1.1 65 25 64 0.5 - - 1¼ 2.50(sw) 1.2 - - 32 64 1 0.5 1½ 2.50(sw) 1.3 - - 40 64 0.6 2.50 1.4 2 50 64 0.6 - - 76.1 x 48.3 64 0.8 64 0.8 60 - - 64 0.9 3 3/4 +(sw) 1.5 80 20 0.7 - - 1 2.50 1.3 25 64 0.6 - - 1 ¼ 2.50 1.5 32 64 0.7 - - 21h 2.50 (sw) 1.5 - 40 64 0.7 - 2 2.50 1.5 50 64 1.7 - - 21/2 2.50 2.4 65 64 1.1 - - 88.9 x 42.4 64 0.9 64 0.8 48.3 64 0.9 64 0.9 60 - - 64 0.9 E E - toE ltoE ID 11 No. 52 No 52F No. 52F Concentric No. 52 Reducer with BSPT Size Small Threader Reducer Female Threaded End Approx. Approx. Weight Weight Nominal Size E to E Each E to E Each inches inches lbs. mm mm kg mm kg 4 1 3.00 2.3 100 25 76 1.0 - - 11/2 3.00 2.7 40 76 1.2 - - 2 3.00 2.6 50 76 1.2 - - 11/2 3.00 2.6 65 76 1.2 - - 3 3.00 2.5 80 76 1.1 - - 108 x 42.4 76 1.3 76 1.3 76 1.3 76 1.4 48.3 60 - - 76 1.4 114.3 x 42.4 76 1.3 76 1.3 48.3 76 1.3 76 1.3 60 76 1.3 76 1.4 5 4 4.5 125 100 + 2.0 - - 133 60 - - 114 2.2 139 60 - - 114 2.3 6 1 4.00 5.5 150 25 102 2.5 - - 2 4.00 5.7 50 102 2.6 - - 4.00 5.8 21/2 65 102 2.6 - - 3 4.00 5.8 80 102 2.6 - - 4 +(sw) 6.5 100 2.9 - - 5 +(sw) 2.0 125 0.9 - - 159 x 42.4 114 2.2 144 2.5 48.3 114 2.2 114 2.5 60 - - 114 2.6 07.01 1449 Rev V Updated 05/2014 0 2014 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. A tauiic victaulic.com I Fittings I Grooved End I Publication 07.01 ED E E I-toE-1 toE1 ID 11 No. 52 No 52F No. 52F Concentric No. 52 Reducer with BSPT Size Small Threader Reducer Female Threaded End Approx. Approx. Weight Weight Nominal Size E to E Each E to E Each inches inches lbs. MITI mm kg mm kg 165.1 x 42.4 102 2.4 102 2.9 48.3 102 2.6 102 3.0 60 - - 102 3.0 8 2 16.00 1.5 200 50 406 0.7 - - 1 16.00 1.7 21/2 65 406 0.8 - - General Notes Available with British Standard Pipe Threads, specify "BSP" clearly on order. Note: All fittings are ductile iron unless otherwise noted with an (sw) or (s). (s) = carbon Steel Direct Roll Groove (OGS) ( sw) = Carbon Steel Segmentally Welded + Contact Victaulic for details. Installation Note to Reference should always be made to the I-tOO Victaulic Field Installation Handbook for This product shall be manufactured by Victaulic or to Victaulic specifications. All products the product you are installing. Handbooks are included with each shipment of Victaulic to be installed in accordance with current Victaulic installation/assembly instructions. products for complete installation and assembly data, and are available in POF format Victaulic reserves the right to change product specifications, designs and standard on our website at www.victaulic.com. equipment without notice and without incurring obligations. - Warranty Trademarks Refer to the Warranty section of the current Price List or contact Victaulic for details. Victaulic. Vic-Flange, Vic-Let and Vic-O-Well are registered trademarks of Victaulic Company. 07.01 1449 Rev v Updated 05/2014 © 2014 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved. .:..a.... .1... Ak XCtauIic 4).- CPVC. .. II [I Assessed to ISO 9001: 2008 / 007 / i visit our weo site; Certificate number 293' . S FlameGuard' CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS TECHNICAL INFORMATION WEIGHTS & DIMENSIONS November/ 20,15 K SUPERSEDES ALL PREVIOUS EDITIONS 1peru LIU F m [ FlameGuard® CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS ) The information contained in this section is based on current information and Product design at the time of publication and is subject to change without notification. Our ongoing commitment to product improvement may result in some variation. No representations, guarantees or warranties of any kind are made as to its accuracy, suitability for particular applications or results to be obtained therefrom. For verification of technical data or additional information not contained herein, please contact SpearsO Technical Services Department [West Coast (818) 364-1611—East Coast: (678) 985-12631. General Information RECOMMENDATIONS FOR INSTALLERS AND USERS: Plastic piping systems should be ENGINEERED, INSTALLED and OPERATED in accordance with ESTABLISHED DESIGN AND ENGINEERING STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES for plastic piping systems. Suitability for the intended service application should be determined by the installer and/or user prior to installation of a plastic piping system. All Installation and maintenance personnel should be trained in the proper handling and installation requirements and precautions of plastic piping systems. PRIOR TO ASSEMBLY, all piping system components should be inspected for damage or irregularities. Mating components should be checked to assure that tolerances and engagements are compatible. Do not use any components that appear irregular or do not fit property. Contact the appropriate manufacturer of the component product in question to determine usability. Consult all applicable codes and regulations for compliance prior to installation. Installation must be made in accordance with SpearsP Manufacturing Company FlameGuard® CPVC Fire Sprinkler Piping Products Installation Instructions - FG-3 NOTE - Individual or group instruction in correct solvent welding procedures is available by contacting your local distributor or your servicing Spears' Regional Distribution Center. SOLVENT CEMENT CONNECTIONS - Spears' Manufacturing Company recommends the use of Spears' FS-5 One Step solvent cement for joining Spears' products. Use of solvent cementing products not approved for CPVC fire sprinkler systems, or failure to follow installation instructions will automatically void the warranty. THREADED CONNECTION - Spears' Manufacturing Company recommends the use of Spears' BLUE 75Tm Thread Sealant. This product has been tested by Spears' and the sealant manufacturer for compatibility with the Spears' CPVC fire sprinkler products. Consult the sprinkler head manufacturer before using this product. WARNING: OTHER PIPE JOINT COMPOUNDS OR PASTES MAY CONTAIN SUBSTANCES THAT COULD CAUSE STRESS CRACKING IN THE CPVC OR OTHER FITTING COMPONENTS. Care must be taken to avoid over torquing - generally 1 t 2 turns beyond finger tight is all that is required to make up a threaded connection. Factory testing has indicated 10-25 ft. lbs. of torque is adequate to obtain a leak free seal. GASKET SEALED THREAD CONNECTIONS - This type of connection can only be made with Spears® TorqueSafe, Sofforquelm or QuickTorqueTm style Gasket Sealed • Female Sprinkler Adapters. DO NOT USE ANY TYPE OF THREAD SEALANT WHEN INSTALLING THIS TYPE OF ADAPTER. Tape or paste may impair proper sealing and function. Testing has shown that hand tight until snug for the TorqueSafeTm adapter and finger tight plus 1-turn is all that is needed to seal this special connection. Sprinkler heads in these specialty fittings can then be additionally tightened clockwise to bring sprinkler frames into desired alignment without stressing the fitting. See specific adapter instructions in package for details. GripLoctm CONNECTIONS - This type of connection can only be made with Spears® GripLocTm Couplings or Repair Couplings. DO NOT USE ANY TYPE OF SOLVENT CEMENT OR SEALANT WHEN INSTALLING THIS TYPE OF CONNECTION. Uses an internal stainless steel gripper ring with an internal elastomer gasket seal. Connection allows immediate system use. See specific instructions in package for details. Installation Training Available - Contact Spears' Technical Services for Details FlameGuard' Products must be installed in accordance with Spears' FlameGuard' CPVC Fire Sprinkler Piping Products Installation Instructions, National Fire Protection Association Standards 13, 13R, 13D, and in accordance with local codes. Code requirements and field conditions may differ. It is the responsibility of the installing contractor to insure that the product is suitable to meet these requirements. Dimension Reference G = (LAYING LENGTH) Intersection of center lines to bottom of socket/thread; 90° elbows, tees, crosses; ± 1/32 inch. M = Outside diameter of socket/thread hub; ± 1/16 inch. H = Intersection of center lines to face of fitting; 90° elbows tees, crosses; ± 1/32 inch. N = Socket bottom to socket bottom; couplings; ± 1/16 inch. J = Intersection of center lines to bottom of socket/thread; 45° elbows; ± 1/32 inch Q = Width of fiats; ±1/16 inch. L = Overall length of fittings; ± 1/16 inch. W = Height of cap; ± 1/16 inch. CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPE SDR 13.5 (ASTM F 442) Part Number Nominal Size Average O.D. Average I.D. Approx. Weight LbsiFt. (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches CP-007 3/4 (19.1) 1.050 (26.7) .874 (22.5) 0.168 CP-010 1 (25.4) 1.315 (33.4) 1.101 (28.2) 0.262 CP-012 1-1/4 (31.8) 1.660 (42.2) 1.394 (35.6) 0.418 CP-015 1-1/2 (36.1) 1.900 (48.3) 1.598 1 (40.7) 0.548 CP-020 2 (50.8) 2.375 (60.3) 2.003 (50.9) 0.859 CP-025 2-1/2 (63.5) 2.875 (73.0) 2.423 (61.5) 1.257 CP-030 3 (76.2) 3.500 (88.9) 2.950 (75.0) 1.867 'Lead Free" low lead certification - unless other wise specified, all Spears' FlameGuard' fittings specified here-in are certified by NSF International to ANSI/NSF. Standard 61, Annex G and is in compliance with California's Health & Safety Code Section 116825 (commonly known as A131953) and Vermont Act 193. Weighted average lead content <=0.25%. Spears' PVC and CPVC Pipe, Fittings and Valves have always been lead-free and Certified by NSF International for use in potable water systems. Spears' offers a wide range of lead-free specialty fittings and transition adapters for plumbing applications. However, certain brass threaded adapter fittings for applications that are not intended to convey water for human consumption through drinking or cooking are still produced and available. SPEARS® MANUFACTURING COMPANY S [ FlameGuard® CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS ] El SOCKET DIMENSIONS SCH 40 - ASTM F438 SCH 80 - ASTM F439 :Z i Socket Socket SCH 40 Minimum SCH 80 Minimum Size Entrance A Bottom B Tolerance Socket Length C Socket Length C 3/4 1.058 1.046 ±.004 .719 1.000 1 1.325 1.130 ±005 .875 1.125 1-1/4 1.670 1.655 ±.005 .938 1.250 1-1/2 1.912 1.894 ±.006 1.094 1.375 2 2.387 2.369 ±.005 1.156 1.500 2-1/2 2.889 2.868 1 ±007 1.750 1.750 3 3.516 3.492 1 ± .008 1.875 1.875 0 - 0 TEE Socket x Socket x Socket Part Number Size G H L M Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4201-007 3/4 9/16 1-1/2 2-31/32 1-5/16 .11 4201-010 1 7/8 1-13/16 3-5/8 1-5/8 .20 4201-012 1-1/4 15/32 2-3/32 4-7/32 2 .29 4201-015 1-1/2 1-5/32 2-9/16 5-3/32 2-11/32 .54 4201-020 2 1-13/32 2-15/16 5-7/8 2-7/8 .86 4201-025 2-1/2 1-23/32 3-1/2 7 3-15/32 1.62 4201-030 1 3 2-1/16 3-31/32 7-15/16 4-5/32 2.53 REDUCING TEE __ Socket x Socket x Socket E!t __ f-' GI GIdIG2 Part Approx. Size G GI G2 H HI H2 L M Ml M2 Wt. (Lbs.) Number 4201-102 3/4x3/4x1 3/4 3/4 3/4 1-11/16 1-25/32 1-11/16 3-13/32 1-5/16 1-21/32 1-5116 .13 4201-125 1x3/4x3/4 23132 7/8 23/32 1-25/32 1-13/16 1-21/32 3-7/16 1-19/32 1-11/32 1-5/16 .16 4201-126 1x3/4x1 23/32 23/32 3/4 1-27/32 1-27/32 1-3/4 3-19/32 1-5/8 1-5/8 1-5/16 .17 4201-131 lxlx3/4 11/16 13/16 11/16 1-13/16 1-13/16 1-13/16 3-5/8 1-5/8 1-5/16 1-5/8 .17 4201-157 1-1/4x1x3/4 11/16 1-1/32 11/16 1-15/16 2-1/32 1-13/16 3-25/32 2-3/32 1-13/32 1-23/32 .32 MADE IN THE U.S.A. [_FlameGuard® CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS mi REDUCING TEE (continued) 10-tMl Socket x Socket x Socket !. b-MF2 Hl M --' G1 IIJ:IG2 GHI Part Number Size G GI G2 H HI H2 L M MI M2 Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4201-158 1-1/4x1x1 27/32 29/32 25/32 2-1/16 2-1/32 1-29/32 3-15/16 1-31/32 1-5/8 1-5/8 .24 4201-159 1-114xlxl-1/4 31/32 31/32 31/32 2-7/32 2-7/32 2.3/32 4-11/32 2-1/8 2-1/8 1-23/32 .36 4201-167 1-1/4x1-1/4x314 21/32 1 21/32 1-29/32 2 1-29/32 3-13/16 2 1-5/16 2 .22 4201-168 1-1/40-1/41 13/16 1 13/16 2-1/16 2-1/8 2-1/16 4-1/8 1-31/32 1-21/32 1-31/32 .24 4201-169 1-1/4x1-1/4x1-1/2 1-1/8 15/16 1-1/8 2-3/8 2-11/32 2-3/8 4-3/4 2-3/32 2-11/32 2-3/32 .51 4201-201 1-1/20-1/4x3/4 11/16 1 1/4 2-1/16 2 1-15/16 4 2-5/16 1-3/8 2-1/16 .41 4201-202 1-1/2x1-1/4x1 27/32 1-1/32 1 2-7/32 2-5/32 2-1/4 4-15/32 2-5/16 1-11/16 2-1/16 .42 4201-210 1-1/2x1-1/2x3/4 11/16 1-1/32 11/16 2-1/16 2-1/32 2-1/16 4-5/32 2-11/32 1-13/32 2-11/32 .39 4201-211 1-1/2x1-1/2x1 13/16 1-3/32 j 13/16 2-3/16 2-1/4 2-3/16 4-3/8 2-11/32 1-3/4 2-11/32 .41 4201-212 1-1/2x1-1/2x1-1/4 1-1/32 1-3/32 1 1-1/32 2-13/32 2-11/32 2-13/32 4-13/16 2-11/32 2-1/8 2-11/32 .49 4201-213 1-1/20-112x2 1-9/32 1-5/32 1-9/32 2-21/32 2-21/32 2-21/32 5-11/32 2-11/32 2-29/32 2-11/32 .64 4201-248 2x2x3/4 11/16 1-13/32 11/16 2-7/32 2-7/16 2-7/32 4-7/16 2-27/32 1-3/8 2-27/32 .52 4201-249 2x2x1 27/32 1-13/32 27/32 2-11/32 2-9/16 2-11/32 4-23/32 2-7/8 1 1-3/4 2-7/8 .58 4201-250 2x2x1-1/4 1-1/32 1-11/32 1-1/32 2-17/32 2-19/32 2-17/32 5-3/32 2-7/8 1 2-3/32 2-7/8 .65 4201-251 2x2x1-1/2 1-5/32 1-7/16 1-5/32 2-11/16 2-13/32 2-11/16 5-3/8 2-7/8 2-13/32 2-7/8 .79 4201-289 2-1/2x2-1/2x1 27/32 1-23/32 27/32 2-5/8 2-27/32 2-5/8 5-1/4 3-17/32 1-23/32 3-17/32 1.01 4201-290 2-1/2x2-1/2x1-1/4 1-3/32 1-23/32 1-1/32 2-13/16 2-31/32 2-13/16 5-21/32 3-9/16 2-3/32 3-9/16 1.13 4201-291 2-1/24-1/2x1-1/2 1-3/16 1/2 1-3/16 2-15/16 1-7/8 2-15/16 5-7/8 3-15/32 2-11/32 3-15/32 1.26 4201-292 2-1/24-1/24 1-13/32 1-5/8 1-13/32 3-3/16 3-1/8 3-3/16 6-3/8 3-1/2 2-7/8 3-1/2 1.37 4201-335 3x3x1 7/8 1-15/16 7/8 2-3/4 3-1/16 2-3/4 5-15/32 4-3/16 1-23/32 4-3/16 1.26 4201-336 3x3x1-1/4 1-3/8 1-3/4 1-3/8 3-5/16 3-1/2 3-5/16 6-5/8 4-1/8 2-7/8 4-1/8 1.94 4201-337 3x3x1-1/2 1-5/32 2-1/16 1-5/32 3-1/32 3-7/16 3-1/32 6-3/32 4-3/16 2-3/8 4-3/16 1.46 4201-338 3x3x2 1-7/16 1-13/16 1-7/16 3-5/16 3-5/16 3-5/16 6-19/32 4-3/16 2-7/8 4-3/16 1.69 4201-339 3x3x2-1/2 1-3/4 1-31/32 1-3/4 3-5/8 3-23/32 3-5/8 7-1/4 4-3/16 3-17/32 4-3/16 2.11 * Branch Outlet Sized with Bushing TorqueSafeTM SPRINKLER HEAD TEE MI -01 Gasket Sealed Brass Thread Insert Style GI Socket x Socket x Gasket Fipt I HI With Elastomer Seal - Use NO Thread Sealant M _-j_ G G2 Part Number Size G GI G2 H HI H2 L M MI M2 Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4202-101 G 3/43/4x1/2 7/16 1-3/16 7/16 1-7/16 1-7/16 1-17/32 2-29/32 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 .22 4202-124 G 104x1/2 7/16 1-11/32 9/16 1-9/16 1-11/16 1-9/16 3-1/8 1-11/16 1-3/8 1-3/8 .26 4202-130G lxlxl/2 7/16 1-11/32 7/16 1-9/16 1-11/16 1-9/16 3-1/8 1-23/32 1-3/8 1-23/32 .28 4202-131 G lxlx3/4 17/32 15/16 17/32 1-11/16 1-5/8 1-11/16 3-11/32 1-23/32 1-9/16 1 1-23/32 .31 4202-166 S 1-1/4x1-1/41/2 7/16 1-5/8 7/16 1-11/16 1-15/16 1-11/16 3-3/8 2-1/16 1-3/8 2-1/16 .34 4202-209 G 1-1/20-1/202 1/2 1-13/16 1/2 1-7/8 2-3/32 1-7/8 3-3/4 2-11/32 1-3/8 2-11/32 .41 4202-2475 2x2x1/2 1/2 2-1/16 1/2 2 2-11/32 2 4-1/32 2-27/32 1-3/8 2-27/32 .54 Not intended to convey or dispense water for human consumption through drinking or cooking SPEARS® MANUFACTURING COMPANY I FlameGuard® CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS El SPRINKLER HEAD TEE Brass Thread Insert Style t Gi Socket x Socket x Fipt . ENj- G _''I' 62 F-'— H—'+'—H2 I, t P Part Number Size I G I GI I 62 I H I HI I H2 1 L I M I MI I M2 I Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4202.010 1 lxlxl 1 21/31 1 1-1/8 1 21/31 1 1-25/32 1 1-29/32 1 1-25/32 1 3-19/32 1 1-23/32 1 1-23/32 1 1-23/32 .37 Not intended to convey or dispense water for human consumption through dunking or cooking SotlorqueTm SR REDUCING TEE Gasket Sealed Special Reinforced Plastic Thread Style Socket x Socket x SR Fipt Ml With Elastomer Seal - Use NO Thread Sealant — 11h1 I 6 Lf pig bi G2 _ I _olo L Part Number Size G GI G2 H HI H2 L M MI M2 Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4202-101GSR 3/43/41/2 7/16 1-1/2 7/16 1-3/8 1-7/8 1-3/8 2-3/4 1-5/16 1-3/8 1-5/16 .16 4202-130GSR lx1x1/2 7/16 1-5/8 7/16 1-1/2 2 1-1/2 3 1-5/8 1-3/8 1-5/8 .20 SPRINKLER REDUCING HEAD TEE Thread Insert Style Socket x Socket x Fipt __Brass i A-j GIjlG2 H L __Hi M2 jGl I H Part Number Size G 61 G2 H HI H2 L M MI M2 Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4202-101 3/43/41/2 7/16 1-1/16 7/16 1-15/32 1-5/8 1-15/32 2-29/32 1-13/32 1-3/16 1-13/32 .20 4202-124 1x3/41/2 7/16 1-11/32 9/16 1-9/16 1-11/16 1-9/16 3-1/8 1-11/16 1-3/8 1-3/8 .26 4202-130 lxlxl/2 7/16 1-7/32 7/16 1-9/16 1-25/32 1-9/16 3-1/8 1-3/4 1-3/16 1-3/4 .26 4202-156 1-114x1x112 7/16 1-7/16 9/16 1-11/16 2-1/32 1-11/16 3-3/8 2-3/32 1-3/16 1-23/32 .30 4202-166 1-114x1-1/41/2 7/16 1-15/32 1 7/16 1-11/16 2-1/32 1-11/16 3-3/8 2-3/32 1-3/16 1 2-3/32 .31 4202-199 1-1/20-1/4x1/2 1/2 1-5/8 9/16 1-7/8 2-3/16 1-13/16 3-11/16 2-11/32 1-3/16 2-1/16 .37 4202-209 1-1/2x1-1/20/2 1/2 1-5/8 1/2 1-7/8 2-3/16 1-7/8 3-3/4 2-11/32 1-3/16 2-11/32 .38 4202-237 2x1-1/2x1/2 1/2 1-27/32 17/32 2 2-7/16 1-29/32 3-15/16 2-7/8 1-3/16 2-11/32 .47 4202-247 2x2x1/2 1 1/2 1-7/8 1/2 _2_ 2-7/16 2 4-1/32 2-27/32 1-3/16 2-27/32 1 .50 Not intended to convey or dispense water for human consumption through drinking or cooking MADE IN THE U.S.A. . m= FlameGuard® CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS mommo SPRINKLER HEAD TEE Special Reinforced Plastic Thread Style Socket x Socket x SR Fipt M Gi M H-- II I I H--±-HM2 I' I G_k '1 G21 k H2-1 Part Number Size G I GI G2 I H I HI I H2 I L I M I MI I M2 Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4202-01OSR lxlxl 21/32 1 3/4 21/32 1-25/32 1 1-5/8 1-25/32 3-19/32 1-23/32 1-11/16 1-23/32 1 .26 SPRINKLER REDUCING HEAD TEE Special Reinforced Plastic Thread Style Socket x Socket x SR Fipt f - Hi M - - - - GI G_4 .1 G2 i L Part Number Size G GI G2 H HI H2 L M MI M2 Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4202-101 SR 3/43/41/2 19/32 25/32 19/32 1-19/32 1-7/16 1-19/32 3-7/32 1-13/32 1-3/16 1-13/32 .15 4202-124SR 14141/2 7/16 29/32 9/16 1-19/32 1-5/8 1-9/16 3-5/32 1-23/32 1-3/16 1-17/32 .19 4202-130SR 1x1x1l2 7/16 29/32 7/16 1-9/16 1-5/8 1-9/16 3-1/8 1-23/32 1-3/16 1-23/32 .20 4202-1565R 1-1/4xlxl/2 15/32 1-5/32 19/32 1 1-23/32 1-7/8 1-23/32 3-13/32 2-3/32 1-3/16 1-23/32 .26 4202-166SR 1-1/41-1141/2 7/16 1-1/8 7/16 1-11/16 1-27/32 1-11/16 3-3/8 2-3/32 1-3/16 2-3/32 .26 4202-168SR 1-1/41-1/41 27/32 1-1/32 27/32 2-3/32 1-29/32 2-3/32 4-7/32 2-3/32 1-11/16 2-3/32 .34 4202-199SR 1-1/2x1-1/4x1/2 9/16 1-9/32 17/32 1-15/16 2 1-25/32 3-23/32 2-11/32 1-3/16 2-3/32 .33 4202-209SR 1-1/2x1-1/2x112 1/2 1-1/4 1/2 1-7/8 1-31/32 1-7/8 3-3/4 2-11/32 1-3/16 2-11/32 .35 4202-211SR 1-1/2x1-1/2x1 27/32 1-7/32 27/32 2-7/32 2-1/8 2-7/32 4-15/32 2-11/32 1-23/32 2-11/32 .44 4202-237SR 2x1-1/2x1/2 23/32 1-9/16 3/8 2-7/32 2-9/32 1-3/4 3-31/32 2-7/8 1-3/16 2-11/32 .45 4202-247SR 2x2x1/2 1/2 31/32 1/2 2 1-11/16 19/32 4 1 2-7/8 1-3/16 2-7/8 1 .48 4202-287SR 2-1/2x2-1/2x1/2 17/32 1-3/4 17/32 2-9/32 2-1/2 2-9/32 4-19/32 1 3-1/2 1-7/32 3-1/2 .78 SOFTORQU ETM SR SPRINKLER HEAD TEE r Gasket Sealed Special H1 Reinforced Plastic Thread Style I I _____ Socket x SR Fipt x Socket i_I______________ Stainless Steel Collar With Elastomer Seal - Use G- __________ NO Thread Sealant H Part Number I Size I G I GI I G2 H I HI I H2 I L I M I Ml I M2 I Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4203-122GSR lxl/2x1 I 13/16 I 13/16 I 1-1/2 i 1-27/32 I 1-27/32 I 1-31/32 I 3-13/16 I 1-5/8 I 1-5/8 I 1-3/8 I .22 5 SPEARS® MANUFACTURING COMPANY IEJ FlameGuard® CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS TorqueSafeTM SPRINKLER HEAD TEE I Gasket Sealed - t ft G1_ t Brass Thread Insert Style - - -I- - - I2 A_k. Socket x Gasket Fipt x Socket With Elastomer Seal - Use NO Thread Sealant 4-H 1.7 H2 Part Number Size I G I GI I G2 H I HI H2 L M MI M2 Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4203-122G 1x1/2x1 1 19/32 1 13116 1 1-13/32 1 1-19/32 1-27132 1 1-3/4 3-11132 1 1-5/8 1 1-5/8 1 1-3/8 .25 Not intended to convey or dispense water for human consumption through drinking or cooking SPRINKLER HEAD TEE Mi Brass Thread Insert Style Socket x Fipt x Socket Gi f T H M M2 Part NumberNumber ISize I G I GI G2 I H HI H2 L M MI M2 Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4203-122 1 1x1/2x1 1 23/32 1 3/4 1-1/4 1 1-5/8 1 1-518 1-15/16 3-1/2 1-23/32 1 1-23/32 1 1-3/16 .25 Not intended to convey or dispense water for human consumption through drinking or cooking SPRINKLER HEAD TEE Special Reinforced Mi—'-1 Plastic Thread Style G1. I t Socket xSR Fipt x Socket -p M - -- M2 L IG 21 H2— L Part Number Size G GI G2 I H HI I H2 I L M MI M2 Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4203-122SR lxl/2x1 27/32 23/32 1-3/32 1 1-23/32 1-5/8 1 1-25/32 1 3-13/32 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-3/16 .21 MADE IN THE U.S.A. IV [_FlameGuard® CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS STREET TEE Spigot x Socket x Socket —Ml— PIPE M2 wG —G2 . GI I4 H2 Part Number Size G GI G2 H HI H2 L MI M2 Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4244-007 3/4 13/16 27/32 27/32 1-13/16 1-7/8 1-7/8 3-5/8 1-13/32 1-13/32 .16 4244-010 1 1-5/32 1-1/32 1-1/32 2-1/8 1-29/32 1-29/32 4-3/16 1-3/4 1.3/4 .27 4244-012 1-1/4 1-1/4 1 1 2-7/16 2-9/32 2-9/32 4-27/32 2-3/32 2-3/32 .42 4244-015 1-1/2 1-13/16 1-1/8 1-1/8 2-7/8 2-9/16 2-9/16 5-11/32 2-11/32 2-11/32 .56 4244-020 2 1-23/32 1-7/16 1 1-13/32 3-1/4 2-15/16 2-15/16 6-5/32 2-7/8 2-7/8 .84 900 ELBOW Socket x Socket R~-MM Part Number Size G H M Approx. M. (Lbs.) 4206-007 3/4 9/16 1-1/2 1-5/16 .07 4206-010 1 3/4 1-5/8 1-5/8 .11 4206-012 1-1/4 15/16 2-3/16 2 .22 4206-015 1-1/2 1-5/32 2-17/32 2-3/8 .41 4206-020 2 1-13/32 2-29/32 2-7/8 .62 4206-025 2-1/2 1-15/32 3-3/8 3-1/2 1.15 4206-030 3 1-5/32 3-3/32 4-3/16 1.83 SPEARS® MANUFACTURING COMPANY C FlarneGuard® CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS C SIDE OUTLET ELBOW Socket x Socket x Socket IG Part Number Size G H M Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4213-007 3/4 27/32 1-19/32 1-5/16 .09 4213-010 1 13116 1-7/8 1-5/8 .18 REDUCING 900 ELBOW Socket x Socket ] fll__ Lj Part Number I Size I G I GI I H HI I M I MI Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4206-131 104 21/32 13/16 1-25132 1-13/16 1-19/32 1-5/16 I 1 TorqueSafeTM 900 SPRINKLER HEAD ELBOW Gasket Sealed Brass Thread Insert Style Socket x Gasket Fipt With Elastomer Seal - Use NO Thread Sealant Part Number Size G GI H HI M MI Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4207-101 G 314112 9/16 1-7/32 1-13/32 1-17/32 1-13/32 1-3/8 .19 4207-130 G lx1/2 7116 1416 1-9/16 1-11/16 1-23/32 1-3/8 .23 4207-166G 1-1/41/2 15/32 1-19/32 1-15/16 1-11/16 2-3/32 1-3/8 .25 Not intended to convey or dispense water for human consumption through drinking or cooking MADE IN THE U.S.A. 8 . 0S FlameGuard® CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS I SPRINKLER HEAD 900 ELBOW Brass Thread Insert Style Hi Socket x Fipt Gi ______ iii ii L— M-. Part Number Size G GI H HI M MI Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4207-101 3/4x112 1/2 1-3/32 1-1/2 1-5/8 1-13/32 1-3/16 .17 4207-130 1x1!2 7/16 1-7/32 1-19/32 1-25/32 1-23/32 1-3/16 .21 4207-131 1x314 17/32 1-11/32 1-21/32 1-31/32 1-23/32 1-3/8 .25 4207-166 1-1/4x1/2 15/32 1-17/32 1-11/16 1-15/16 2-3/32 1-17/32 .33 Not intended to convey or dispense water for human consumption through drinking or cooking SotlorqueTM SR 900 ELBOW SPRINKLER HEAD ADAPTER Gasket Sealed Special Reinforced Plastic Thread Style Socket x SR Fipt Hi With Elastomer Seal - Use NO Thread Sealant 13 ~Lrl jji Part Number Size G GI H HI M MI Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4207-101GSR 3/41/2 7/16 1-17/32 1-3/8 1-27/32 1-11/32 1-3/8 .17 4207-130GSR 1x1/2 7/16 1-11/16 1-1/2 2 1-21/32 1-3/8 .19 4207-166GSR 1-1/41/2 7/16 1-7/8 1-11/16 2-7/32 2 1-3/8 .22 SPRINKLER HEAD 900 ELBOW Special Reinforced Plastic Thread Style Hi Gi Socket x SR Fipt I M1 t 1- Part Number Size G GI H HI M Ml Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4207-101 SR 3/41/2 11/32 13/16 1-15/32 1-1/2 1-13/32 1-3/16 .14 4207-130SR 1x112 7/16 7/8 1-9/16 1-5/8 1-23/32 1-3/8 .20 4207-131SR 1 104 1 1/2 1 7/8 1 1-5/8 1 1-9/16 1 1-23/32 1 1-3/8 1 .16 4207-166SR 1 1-1/4x1/2 1 13/32 1 1-1/32 1 1-21/32 1 1-23/32 1 2-3/32 1 1-7/32 1 .19 SPEARS® MANUFACTURING COMPANY S S FlameGuard® CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS ] 0 900 STREET ELBOW Spigot x Socket Hi G1 . PIPE 0.0. Part Number Size G GI H HI MI Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4209-007 3/4 29/32 19/32 1-15/16 1-11/16 1-13/32 .12 4209-010 1 1-9/32 23/32 2.13/32 1-27/32 1-3/4 .21 4209-012 1-1/4 1-9/16 27/32 2-13/16 2-3/32 2-3/32 .32 4209-015 1-1/2 1-15/32 1-3/16 2-27/32 2-9/16 2.11/32 1 .42 4209-020 2 1-23/32 1-3/8 3-7/32 2-15/16 2-27/32 1 .65 22-1/20 ELBOW Socket x Socket &H Part Number Size H J M Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4216-007 3/4 1-3/16 7/32 1-13/32 .09 4216-010 1 1-3/8 9/32 1-25/32 .14 4216-012 1-1/4 1-1/2 5/16 2-3/32 .20 4216-015 1-1/2 1-7/16 13/32 1-3/8 .19 4216-020 2 1-7/8 3/8 2-27/32 .43 4216-030 3 2-3/8 1/2 4-5/32 1.00 22-1/20 STREET ELBOW Spigot x Socket Ml HI il L H I. '1 PIPE 0.0. Part Number Size H HI J JI Ml Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4242-007 3/4 1-1/4 1-1/2 1/4 1/2 1-3/8 .08 4242-010 1 1-7/16 1-11/32 5/16 7/32 1-23/32 .14 4242-012 1-1/4 1-9/16 1-25/32 17/32 11/16 2-1/16 1 .21 4242-015 1-1/2 1-13/32 1-23/32 1/2 11/32 2-11/32 .28 4242-020 2 1-29/32 2-1/8 7/32 5/8 2-7/8 .42 4242-025 2-1/2 2-1/8 2-1/4 13/32 1/2 3-1/2 .68 4242-030 3 2-13/32 2-13/32 9/16 17/32 4-5/32 .99 MADE IN THE U.S.A. 10 00s [ FlameGuard® CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS ] 450 ELBOW Socket x Socket Part Number Size H J M Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4217-007 3/4 1-5/16 5/16 1-5/16 .07 4217-010 1 1-13/32 3/8 1-5/8 .11 4217-012 1.1/4 1-5/8 3/8 2-5/32 .21 4217-015 1-1/2 1-27/32 15/32 2-11/32 .32 4217-020 2 2.1/8 21/32 2-7/8 .48 4217-025 2-1/2 2-17/32 3/4 3-1/2 .88 4217.030 3 2-29/32 29/32 4-5/32 1.17 Socket x Socket x Socket x Socket CROSS Hl G L Part Number Size G GI H HI L LI M Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4220-007 3/4 5/8 5/8 1-21/32 1-21/32 3-5/16 3-5/16 1-13/32 .22 4220-010 1 3/4 3/4 1-5/8 1-5/8 3-1/4 3-1/4 1-23/32 .20 4220-012 1-1/4 1-1/8 1-1/8 2-3/8 2-3/8 1 4-3/4 4-3/4 2-3/32 .63 4220-015 1-1/2 1-7/32 1-7/32 2-5/8 2-5/8 5-7/32 5-7/32 2-3/8 .80 4220-020 2 1-1/2 1-1/2 3 3 6 6 3 1.43 4220-025 2-1/2 1-11/16 1-11/16 3-7/16 3-7/16 6-7/8 6-7/8 3-17/32 2.16 4220-030 3 2-3/32 2-3/32 3-31/32 3-31/32 7-15/16 7-15/16 4-7/16 3.37 SPEARS® MANUFACTURING COMPANY FlameGuard® CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS ) El 450 STREET ELBOW Spigot x Socket .1 PIPEO.D. Part Number Size H HI i JI MI Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4227-010 1 1-1/2 1-5/16 1/2 1/4 1-5/8 .10 4227-012 1-1/4 1-25/32 1-9/16 9/16 11/32 1-31/32 .15 4227-015 1-1/2 2-1/32 2-1/8 19/32 25/32 2-11/32 .29 4227-020 2 2-5/16 1-15/16 25/32 13/32 2-7/8 .44 Socket x Socket x Socket x Socket REDUCING CROSS HI Ml MT- Hl Li L GI eG Part Number Size G GI H HI L LI M MI Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4220-131 1x3/4 23/32 5/8 1-5/8 1-5/8 3-1/4 3-1/4 1-7/8 1-1/2 .31 4220-167 1-1/43/4 1-1/16 23/32 2-1/16 1-31/32 4-3/32 3-31/32 2-1/16 1-13/32 .35 4220-210 1-1/2x3/4 11/16 1-5/32 2-3/32 1 2-3/16 1 4-3/16 1 4-11/32 1 2-3/8 1 1-13/32 1 .42 4220-248 2x3/4 11/16 1-7/16 2-7/32 2-7/16 4-13/32 4-7/8 2-29/32 1 1-13/32 1 .56 4220-289 2-1/2x1 29/32 1-3/4 2-11/16 2-7/8 5-11/32 5-3/4 3-1/2 1 1-3/4 .98 COUPLING Socket x Socket -- I_N-1L- Part Number Size L M N Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4229-007 3/4 2-1/8 1-5/16 3/16 .05 4229-010 1 2-3/16 1-5/8 3/32 .08 4229-012 1-1/4 2-19/32 2 3/32 .13 4229-015 1-1/2 2-7/8 2-11/32 3/32 .22 4229-020 2 3-1/8 2-7/8 1/8 .33 4229-025 2-1/2 3-11/16 3-15/32 3/16 .48 4229-030 3 4 4-3/16 1/4 .89 MADE IN THE U.S.A. 12 [_ FlameGuard® CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS REDUCER COUPLING Socket x Socket M M1 Part Number Size L M Ml N Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4229-131 1x314 2-3/8 1-23/32 1-13/32 7/32 .10 4229-167 1-1/43/4 2-19/32 2-3/32 1-5/8 11/32 .17 4229-168 1-1/40 2-11/16 2-3/32 1-23/32 5/16 .18 4229-210 1-1/20/4 2-13/16 2-11/32 1-13/32 15/32 .19 4229-211 1-1/20 2-7/8 2-11/32 1-15/16 3/8 .24 4229-212 1-1/20-1/4 2-13/16 2-13/32 2-1/8 5/32 .23 4229-248 2014 3-3/16 2-7/8 1-7/16 23/32 .32 4229-249 2x1 3-1/8 2-7/8 1-23/32 1/2 .31 4229-250 20-1/4 3-3/16 2-7/8 2-1/8 17/32 .33 4229-251 20-112 3-3/16 2-27/32 2-11/32 9/32 .31 4229-291 2-1/20-1/2 3-23/32 3-15/32 211/32 21/32 .51 4229-292 2-1/2x2 3-21/32 3-1/2 2-7/8 13/32 .52 4229-337 30-1/2 3-1/2 4-3/16 2-3/8 7/32 .71 4229-339 3x2-1/2 3-27/32 4-3/16 3-1/2 3/16 .80 GripLocTM COUPLING - LEAD FREE w/EPD 0-Ring Seals L 175 psi MaximumM j Internal Pressure @ 150°F 4 4M ' 1 i4 WARNING: DO NOT INSERT FINGERS. Part Number I Size I L I Ml I N I Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) GL4229-007 I I4 1-15/16 I 1-29/32 I .25 GL4229-010 1 4-5/32 2 2-1/4 .34 13 SPEARS® MANUFACTURING COMPANY [IJ [1 I [ FlameGuard® CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS j GROOVED COUPLING ADAPTER Groove x Socket PIPE O.D. Ml Part Number Size L Ml N Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4233-012 1-1/4 3-5/8 2-3/32 2-11/32 .72 4233-015 1-1/2 3-3/4 2-11/32 2-11/32 .83 4233-020 2 3-27/32 1 2-27/32 1 2-11/32 1.27 4233-025 2-1/2 4-3/16 3-15/32 2-7/16 2.02 4233-030 3 4-5/16 4-1/8 2-7/16 2.76 Not intended to convey or dispense water for human consumption through drinking or cooking FEMALE ADAPTER Brass Thread Insert Style Socket x Fipt MM1 Part Number Size L M Ml N Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4235-007 3/4 2 1-13/32 1-3/8 5/16 .23 4235-010 1 2-3/16 1-3/4 1-11/16 11/32 .25 4235-012 1-1/4 2-3/8 2-3/32 2-1/16 3/8 .36 4235-015 1-1/2 2-17/32 2-3/8 2-7/16 3/8 .47 4235-020 2 2-25/32 2-27/32 3-3/16 7/16 1.05 Not intended to convey or dispense water for human consumption through drinking or cooking FEMALE ADAPTER Special Reinforced Plastic Thread Style Socket x SR Fipt [JI L I Part Number Size L M Ml N Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4235-007SR 3/4 1-7/8 1-13/32 1-3/8 3/32 .08 4235-01OSR 1 2-5/32 1-23/32 1-7/8 3/32 .22 4235-012SR 1-1/4 2-5/16 2-1/8 2-1/16 3/16 .20 MADE IN THE U.S.A. 14 [ FlameGuard® CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS 1 FEMALE SPRINKLER HEAD ADAPTER Special Reinforced Plastic Thread Style Socket x SR Fipt L [ ---- 1]' Part Number Size L M Ml N Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4235-101SR 314x1/2 1-29/32 1-13/32 1.3/16 1/8 .08 4235-130SR 1x1/2 1.31/32 1-23/32 1.3/8 3/32 .16 4235-131 SR 1x314 2-3/32 1-3/4 1-3/8 1/4 .13 FEMALE SPRINKLER HEAD ADAPTER Special Reinforced Plastic Thread Style with Socket Wrench Flats Socket x SR Fipt -I_.. _1 r M = Flat-to-Flat Dimension I Aj L - N ~L~:Lj Part Number Size L M Ml N Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) W4235-101SR 3/4112 2-9/32 1-13/32 1-3/16 17/32 .09 W4235-130SR 1xl/2 2-9/32 1-3/4 1-3/16 13/32 .12 fl 15 SPEARS® MANUFACTURING COMPANY S FlameGuard® CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS I SPIGOT FEMALE ADAPTER Brass Thread Insert Style :4Ifl Spigot x Fipt r 11111111 I PIPE D1!j1 Part Number Size L Ml N Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4278-007 3/4 2.5/32 1-3/8 17/32 .15 4278-010 1 2-9/32 1-11/16 7116 .22 Not intended to convey or dispense water for human consumption through drinking or cooking SPIGOT FEMALE ADAPTER Special Reinforced Plastic Thread Style I I PIPE ----- - Spigot x SR Fipt Ml T1j Part Number Size L Ml N Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4278.007SR 3/4 1-15/16 1-3/8 11/32 .08 4278-010SR 1 2-1/4 1-23/32 13/32 .13 TorqueSafeTM FEMALE SPRINKLER HEAD ADAPTER Gasket Sealed Brass Thread Insert Style Socket x Gasket Fipt With Elastomer Seal - Use NO Thread Sealant _____ Part Number Size L M Ml N Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4235-101 G 314112 1-7/8 1-13/32 1-3/8 9/16 .15 4235-130GS 1x1/2 2-1/32 1-11/16 1-3/8 17/32 .17 4235-131 G 1x314 2 1-11/16 1-9/16 9/16 .18 Not Intended to convey or dispense water for human consumption through drinking or cooking MADE IN THE U.S.A. 16 S 0S FlameGuard® CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS ) FEMALE SPRINKLER HEAD ADAPTER Brass Thread Insert Style Socket x Apt [L M1 so Part Number Size L M Ml N Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4235-101 314x1/2 1-7/8 1-13/32 1-17/32 15/32 .19 4235-130 lxl/2 2-11/32 1-11/16 1-3/16 5/8 .16 4235-131 14/4 2-5/16 1-11/16 1-3/8 17/32 .18 Not intended to convey or dispense water for human consumption through drinking or cooking SotlorqueTM SR FEMALE SPRINKLER HEAD ADAPTER Gasket Sealed Special Reinforced Plastic Thread Style Socket x SR Fipt With Elastorner Seal - Use NO Thread Sealant Part Number Size L M Ml N Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4235-1O1GSR 3141/2 2-5/16 1-5/16 1-3/8 31/32 .11 4235-130GSR 10/2 2-13/32 1-19/32 1-3/8 31/32 .13 4235-131GSR 1x314 2-13/32 1-5/8 1-23/32 1 .16 QuickTorqueTM SR FEMALE SPRINKLER HEAD ADAPTER Gasket Sealed Special Reinforced Plastic Thread Style Socket x SR Metal Fipt With Elastomer Seal - Use NO Thread Sealant • L ------- M1 I____ Part Number Size L M Ml N Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4235-101GMR 3/4x112 1-15/16 1-5/16 1-9/16 13/16 .17 4235-13OGMR lxl/2 2-3/16 1-19/32 1-9/16 15/16 .19 17 SPEARS® MANUFACTURING COMPANY r FlameGuard® CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS =j FEMALE SPRINKLER - HEAD ADAPTER Brass &M, Thread Insert Style M ------ with Long Body L Socket x Fipt N L Part Number Size L M Ml N Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) L4235-130 1x1/2 1 2-3/16 1-23/32 1 1-7/32 1/2 .19 Not intended to convey or dispense water for human consumption through drinking or cooking FEMALE SPRINKLER HEAD ADAPTER Brass Thread Insert Style with Positioning Ring M M11 r7 Socket x Fipt NYJ Part Number I Size I L I M Ml N I Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) R4235-101 3/4x1/2 2-1/32 1.7/16 1-3/16 15/32 .15 Not intended to convey or dispense water for human consumption through drinking or cooking FEMALE SPRINKLER HEAD ADAPTER Special Reinforced Plastic Thread Style with Positioning Ring Socket x SR Fipt Number Size L M Ml N Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) R4235-101SR 3/40/2 1-15/16 1-7/16 1-7/32 7/32 .09 TorqueSafeTM FEMALE SPIGOT SPRINKLER HEAD ADAPTER Gasket Sealed Brass Thread Insert Style Spigot x Gasket Fipt With Elastomer Seal - Use NO Thread Sealant PIPE OR M1 )1P - — A-- L IN Part Number Size L M N Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4238-101 G 3/4112 1-15/16 1-3/8 21/32 .14 4238-130 G 1x112 2-1/16 1-3/8 19/32 .15 Not intended to convey or dispense water for human consumption through drinking or cooking MADE IN THE U.S.A. 18 11`~] L M= [_FlameGuard® CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS I SPIGOT FEMALE SPRINKLER HEAD ADAPTER Brass Thread Insert Style Spigot xFipt Part Number Size L Ml N Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4238-101 314x1/2 1-15/16 1-17/32 17/32 .18 4238-130 1012 2-1/4 1-3/16 11/32 .19 Not intended to convey or dispense water for human consumption through drinking or cooking TorqueSafeTM BUSHING - GASKET SEALED Brass Thread Insert Style Spigot x Gasket FIPT With Elastomer Seal - Use NO Thread Sealant . L Part Number Size L Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4238-130BRG lxl/2 1-7/32 .10 Not Intended to convey or dispense water for human consumption through drinking or cooking BUSHING with BRASS THREAD INSERT Spigot x Fipt -111111111f- rr IjI Rfl Part Number Size I Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4238-1301311 1x112 1 .13 Not intended to convey or dispense water for human consumption through drinking or cooking SPIGOT FEMALE SPRINKLER HEAD ADAPTER Special Reinforced Plastic Thread Style Spigot x SR Fipt PIPE M1 Part Number Size L Ml N Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4238-101 SIR 3/41/2 1 1-29/32 1-7/32 1/8 .07 4238-I30SR 1xl/2 1 2-1/32 1.7/32 7/32 .09 19 SPEARS® MANUFACTURING COMPANY [ FlameGuard® CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS ] MALE ADAPTER With CPVC Lined Thread Brass Insert Mipt x Socket ------ ----- Ml "—N Part Number Size L Ml N Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4236-007 3/4 2-17/32 1-13/32 13/16 .26 4236-010 1 2-15/16 1-23/32 29/32 .43 4236-012 1-1/4 3-1/8 2-3/32 31/32 .66 4236-015 1-1/2 3-9/32 2-11/32 1 31/32 .80 4236-020 2 3-7/16 2-27/32 1 31/32 1.00 ADJUSTABLE SPRINKLER HEAD ADAPTER Special Reinforced Plastic Thread Style Socket x SR Fipt 0 di WWI Part Number Size L N Q Body Width Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) Mm Max Mm Max 42001 SR 3/4x1/2 6-9/32 8 4-7/16 6-1/4 1-7/16 2-3/16 .66 42011SR lxl/2 6-13/32 8 1 4-1/2 6-1/8 1 1-7/16 1 2-1/8 .68 ADJUSTABLE SPRINKLER HEAD ADAPTER Special Reinforced Plastic Thread Style Spigot x SIR Fipt PIPE ..- Part Number Size L N Q Body Width Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) Min Max Min Max 42004SR 3/4x1/2 5-1/32 6-5/16 3-3/16 4-15/32 1-5/16 2-1/8 .36 42014SR 1x1/2 1 6-7/16 8-1/8 4-7/16 6-1/4 1-7/16 2-3/16 .67 MADE IN THE U.S.A. 20 E 90S [ FlameGuard® CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS ] REDUCER BUSHING Flush Style T Spigot x Socket PIPE °L Part Number Size L N Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4237-131 1x3/4 1-1/4 1/4 .04 4237-167 11-11404 1-7/16 7/16 .10 4237-168 1-1/41 1-13/32 9/32 .06 4237-210 1-11204 1-5/8 5/8 .19 4237-211 1-1I20 1-17/32 13132 .13 4237-212 1-1120-1/4 1-9/16 5/16 .07 4237-248 204 1-29132 29/32 .28 4237-249 20 1-23/32 9/16 .23 4237-250 2x1-1/4 1-11/16 7/16 .21 4237-251 2x1-1/2 1-11/16 5/16 .15 4237-290 2-1/2x1-1/4 2-5/32 7/8 .41 4237-291 2-1/20-1/2 2-5/32 3/4 .39 4237-292 2-1/2x2 2-9/32 3/4 .28 4237-338 3x2 2-7/32 11/16 .63 4237-339 3x2-112 2-5/16 1/4 .42 TRANSITION BUSHING IPS Spigot x CTS Socket FFF7 Part Number Size L N Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4240-101 3/4x112 1-1/8 5/8 .03 4240-130 lxl/2 1-1/4 23/32 .05 CAP Socket t —W Part Number Size M W Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4247-007 3/4 1-5/16 1-5/16 .04 4247-010 1 1-5/8 1-9/16 .06 4247-012 1-1/4 2-3/32 1-27/32 .13 4247-015 1-1/2 2-11/32 2 .17 4247.020 2 2-27/32 2-9/32 .39 4247-025 2-1/2 3-17/32 2-5/8 .50 4247-030 3 4-3/8 3 .92 21 SPEARS® MANUFACTURING COMPANY S [_FlameGuard® CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS i El TEST PLUG - 0-ring Sealed Mipt - For Pressure Testing Only, Not For use with Z4235 Series Adapters M1 1/2-14NPT Part NumberNumber Size L M Ml Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) FTP-005 1/2 1.27/32 1-15/16 1-7/32 .03 TEST PLUG for TorqueSafeTM Gasket Sealed Head Adapters Mipt - For Pressure Testing Only. Use ONLY with Gasket Sealed Head Adapters S S Part Number Size L M Ml Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) FTP-005GS 1/2 1-25/32 2-1/32 1-1/4 .05 TEST PLUG (PVC White) Not UL Listed; For Pressure Testing Only, Mipt Part Number Size L Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4250-005 1/2 27/32 .02 MADE IN THE U.S.A. 22 S S Mo= 1 MMMMMEN4 FlameGuard® CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS FLANGE - ONE PIECE 4 Bolt Holes, 175 psi M Socket I L *ftuijL JL N1 I i..- BOLT CIRCLE DIA. -.-1 I Ii MAXO.D. No. of Bolt Bolt Mm. Max. Approx. Wt. Part Number Size L M N R Bolt Circle Size Bolt O.D. (Lbs.) Holes Dia. Length 4251-007 3/4 1-5/32 1-1/2 1/8 17/32 4 2-3/4 1/2 2 3-29/32 .31 4251-010 1 1-5/16 1-13/16 j 1/8 11/16 4 j 3-1/8 1/2 2-1/4 4-9/32 .35 4251-012 1-1/4 1-13/32 2-7/32 5/32 11/16 4 3-1/2 1/2 2-1/4 4-5/8 .44 4251-015 1-1/2 1-19/32 2-1/2 3/16 23/32 4 3-27132 1/2 2-1/2 5-1/16 .61 4251-020 2 1-27/32 3 5/16 27/32 4 4-3/4 1 5/8 3 5-31132 1 .95 4251-025 1 2-1/2 1 2-7/32 3-1/2 7/16 1 1-1/32 4 5-1/2 1 5/8 3-1/4 7 1 1.50 BLIND FLANGE 4 Bolt Holes, 175 psi fLdlt I __ 1-4 BOLT CIRCLE DIA. I 4 MAXO.D. Part Number Size R Bolt No. of Bolt Bolt Size Mm. Bolt Max. O.D. Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) Circle Dia. Holes Length 4253-007 3/4 17/32 2-3/4 4 1/2 2 3-27/32 .30 4253-010 1 23/32 3-1/8 4 1/2 2-1/4 4-1/4 .35 4253-012 1-1/4 21/32 3-1/2 4 1/2 2-1/4 4-5/8 .40 4253-015 1-1/2 23/32 3-27/32 4 1/2 2-1/2 5-1/16 .52 4253-020 2 27/32 4-3/4 4 5/8 3 5-31/32 .86 4253-025 2-1/2 1-1/32 5-1/2 1 4 5/8 3-1/4 6-15/16 1.70 4253-030 3 1-5/16 6 4 5/8 3-1/4 7-5/8 1.72 FLANGE - TWO PIECE Van Stone Style, 4 Bolt Holes, 175 psi Socket .tH N-# k- BOLT CIRCLE DIA.- MAX OR Bolt Circle I No. of Bolt Mm. Bolt I I Part Number I Size L I M I N R I I Bolt Size I I Max. O.D. I Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) I Dia. Holes I I Length I I 4254-030 2-1/8 4-1/4 9/32 11-1/32 6 I 5/8 3-1/4 7-15/32 1.75 23 SPEARS® MANUFACTURING COMPANY C FlameGuard® CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS ] El FLANGE - TWO PIECE Van Stone Style, 4 Bolt Holes, 175 psi Spigot t N dt W-BOLT R] RCLE(Qi1 Bolt No. oft of B Mm. Bolt Max.O.D.Approx. Wt. Part Number Size L N R Circle Die. Holes Bolt Size Length (Lbs.) 4256-007 3/4 1-15/16 13/16 17/32 2-3/4 4 1/2 2 3-27/32 .30 4256-010 1 2-7/32 1-1/32 11/16 3-118 4 1/2 2-1/4 4-1/4 .41 4256-012 1-1/4 2-3/8 1 11/16 3-1/2 4 1/2 2-1/4 4-5/8 .50 4256.015 1.1/2 2-7/16 1-3/32 23/32 3-7/8 4 1/2 2-1/2 4-31/32 .65 4256-020 2 2-3/4 1-5/32 25/32 4-3/4 4 5/8 3 5-15/16 1.00 4256-025 2-1/2 31/16 1-9/32 1-1/32 5-1/2 4 5/8 1 3-1/4 6-15/16 1.62 4256.030 3 1 3-3/8 1 1.13/32 1 1-1/32 6 1 4 1 5/8 1 3-1/4 7-9/16 1.76 TRANSITION UNION Brass Thread Insert Style Socket x Fipt 175 psi NUT ' L NO L Part Number Size L M N Nut O.D. Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4259-01OBR 1 2-13/16 1-7/8 1-1/32 2-7/8 .52 4259-012BR 1-1/4 3 2-3/16 1-1/8 3-9/32 .98 4259-015BR 1-1/2 3-3/4 2-1/2 1-9/16 3-17/32 .93 4259-020BR 1 2 1 3-5/8 1 2-7/8 1 1-1/4 1 4-5/16 1.64 Not intended to convey or dispense water for human consumption through drinking or cooking UNION Socket x Socket 175 psi NUT M0 ---- D. L 1 NN-4-4 Part Number Size L M N Nut O.D. Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4257-007 314 2-3/8 1-17/32 3/8 2-1/2 .38 4257-010 1 2-9/16 1-27/32 3/8 2-7/8 .41 4257-012 1-1/4 2-27/32 2-7/32 11/32 3-5/16 .52 4257-015 1-1/2 3-1/8 2-1/2 3/8 3-17/32 .63 4257-020 2 1 3-5/8 1 31/32 9/16 1 4-3/16 1 1.09 MADE IN THE U.S.A. 24 S C GripLocTm REPAIR COUPLING - LEAD FREE w/EPDM 0-Ring Seals 175 psi Maximum Pressure © 150°F FlameGuard® CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS SofTorqueTM SR FEMALE SPIGOT SPRINKLER HEAD ADAPTER Gasket Sealed Special Reinforced Plastic Thread Style Spigot x SR Fipt With Elastomer Seal- Use NO Thread Sealant PIPE M1 f IT;Iiir Part Number Size L Ml N Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) 4278-101GSR 31402 2-1/4 1-3/8 1 .11 SHORT REPAIR COUPLING Spigot x Socket 175 psi 4 L2 4 LI •4 —L3 ; Part Number Size LI 12 L3 M S Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) SH118-07C0 3/4 4-13/16 5-17/32 3/4 1-3/4 2-3/16 .31 SH118-1000 1 4-3/4 5-5/8 31/32 2-1/16 2-5/32 .40 WARNING: DO NOT INSERT FINGERS. Part Number Size L LI 12 M S Approx. Wt. (Lbs.) SG118-1000 1 1-17132 7-17/32 4-1/4 2-1/4 2-27/32 .73 25 SPEARS® MANUFACTURING COMPANY S S S FlameGuard® CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS j FlameGuard® CPVC Drain & Swing Check Valves for NFPA 13D Applications Only Application: FlameGuarde CPVC Orange Swing Check Valves and PVC/CPVC True Union Drain Valves are for use in configuring CPVC Fire Sprinkler System connection to water supply (riser/drain assembly) in NFPA 13D installations only. These valves are not UL Listed and NOT for use in any other locations within the fire sprinkler system. TRUE UNION INDUSTRIAL DRAIN VALVES CPVC Gray Valve with CPVC Orange End Connector Socket x Socket Part Number Size A B C D E 1822-007CFG 3/4 2-1/4 2-3/4 4-3/4 2-7/8 3-3/8 1822-01OCFG 1 2-1/2 2-7/8 5-1/8 3-1/8 3-7/16 1822-012CFG 1-1/4 3-1116 3-1/4 5-3/4 3-5/8 3-7/8 1822-015CFG 1-1/2 3-1/2 3-1/2 1 6-1/4 14 4-3/16 1822-020CFG 2 4-1/4 4-3/4 7-3/4 4-1/2 5-1/8 Not UL Listed TRUE UNION DRAIN VALVES PVC Valve with CPVC End Connector Socket x Socket Part Number Size A B C D E 3622-007FG 3/4 2-1/4 2-3/4 4-3/4 2 3 3622-01OFG 1 2-1/2 2-7/8 5-1/8 2-5/16 3-7/16 Not UL Listed MADE IN THE U.S.A. 26 S FlameGuard® CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS COMPACT 2000 DRAIN VALVE Socket x Socket E 1 4 ml_, ;~i I — -, L__ Part Number Size A B C D E 6622-007C0 3/4 1-13/16 1-1/2 3-9/16 2 3 6622-01OCO 1 2-1/16 1-3/4 4 2-5/16 3-7/16 Not UL Listed CPVC SWING CHECK VALVES Socket x Socket f Part Number Size A B C D Approx. Wt. (Lbs) S1520-1OCO 1 1-11/16 2-5/16 4-9/16 2-5/8 .33 S1520-12C0 1-1/4 2-1/16 2-15/16 5-1/2 3-3/8 .42 S1520-15C0 1-1/2 2-7/16 3 5-5/8 1 3-3/8 .89 Not UL Listed CPVC SPECIAL REINFORCED THREAD INLET SWING CHECK VALVES SR Fipt x Socket Part Number Size A B C D Approx. Wt. (L.bs) S1520-1OFSRSCO 1 1-11/16 2-15/16 4-9/16 2-5/8 .33 S1520-I2FSRSCO 1-1/4 2-1/16 3-5/8 5-1/2 3-3/8 .42 S1520-15FSRSCO 1-1/2 2-7/16 13-11/16 5-5/8 3-3/8 .89 Not UL Listed 27 SPEARS® MANUFACTURING COMPANY r PRODUCT LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY J ®r= Except as otherwise specified for certain products, mandated by law or herein provided, SpearsP Manufacturing Company ("Company") warrants Standard Catalog Products (Products") which have been directly manufactured by them to be free from defects in material and workmanship for as long as the original intended end user of the Products ("End User") retains ownership and possession of the Products and complies with this Warranty ('Warranty Period"). Each other person or entity acquiring or employing the Products, including buyers, contractors and installers ("Buyer") and End Users ("Buyer/End User") agrees that this Warranty shall be effective only during the Warranty Period so long as the Products are used solely for the normal purposes for which they are intended and in conformance with industry established standards, engineering, installation, operating, and maintenance specifications, recommendations and instructions including explicit instructions by the Company; the Products are properly installed, operated and used, and have not been modified; and all the other terms of this Warranty are complied with. Any violation thereof shall void this Warranty and relieve Company from all obligations arising from this Warranty and the Products. Upon receipt or discovery of any Products that appear questionable or defective each Buyer/End User shall promptly inspect and return any such Prod- uct to the Company at 15853 Olden Street, Sylmar, California 91342, accompanied by a letter stating the nature of any problems. If the Prod- ucts are determined by Company to be defective in materials or workmanship directly provided by Company, Company, at its sole option, may ei- ther repair or replace the defective Products, or reimburse applicable Buyer/End User for the cost of such Products. The applicable Buyer/End User shall bear all applicable shipping costs. THIS SHALL BE BUYERS/END USERS' SOLE REMEDY. EACH BUYER/END USER AGREES THAT COMPANY WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY OTHER OBLIGATIONS RELATING TO THE PRODUCTS, INCLUDING ANY OTH- ER MATERIALS OR LABOR COSTS, LOSS OF USE OR ANY OTHER ITEM OR FOR ANY DELAYS IN COMPLYING WITH THIS WARRANTY BEYOND COMPANY'S REASONABLE CONTROL. COMPANY SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR, DOES NOT ASSUME, AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS, ANY LIABILITY, RESPONSIBILITY AND DAMAGES: DUE TO ANY BUYER/END USER'S FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THIS WARRANTY, INCLUDING IMPROPER INSTALLATION, USE OR OPERATION; USE WITH PRODUCTS FROM OTHER MANUFACTURERS THAT DO NOT MEET ASTM OR OTHER APPLICABLE PRODUCT STANDARDS; IMPROPER CONTROL OF SYSTEM HYDRAULICS, IMPROPER WINTERIZATION PROCEDURES, IMPROPER VOLTAGE SUPPLY, CON- TACT WITH INCOMPATIBLE MATERIALS OR CHEMICALS, EXCAVATION/DIGGING, EXCESSIVE WEIGHT, AND VANDALISM; DUE TO REASONABLE WEAR AND TEAR AND DUE TO ANYACTS OF NATURE, INCLUDING LIGHTNING, EARTHQUAKES, GROUND MOVEMENT, FROST HEAVE, OR FLOODS. COMPANY EXTENDS ONLY THIS WARRANTYAND EXPLICITLY DISCLAIMSALL OTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE EXPRESSED, WHETHER ORAL, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR AFFIRMATIONS FOR SUITABILITY MERCHANTABILITY OR . FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NO AFFIRMATION BY COMPANY OR ANY OF ITS REPRESENTATIVES, BY WORDS, CONDUCT OR OTHERWISE, SHALL CONSTITUTE A WARRANTY. THIS WARRANTY MAY NOT BE TRANSFERRED, EXTENDED, ALTERED OR OTHERWISE MODIFIED IN ANY MANNER, EXCEPT BY WRITTEN AGREEMENT SIGNED BY COMPANY. BY ITS ACCEPTANCE OF THE PRODUCTS, EACH BUYER/END USER EXPRESSLY WAIVES ALL OTHER LIABILITY OR OBLIGATION OF ANY KIND OR CHARACTER OF COMPANY, INCLUDING LIABILITY PREDICATED UPON CONTRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHER LEGAL OR EQUITABLE GROUNDS, AND ALL, IF ANY, DAMAGES AND LOSSES AS A RESULT THEREOF, INCLUDING ALL, IF ANY, COMPENSATORY, GENERAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES. WITH RESPECT TO SUCH WAIVERS, EACH BUYER/END USER EXPLICITLY WAIVES CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE §1542 WHICH STATES "A GENERAL RELEASE DOES NOT EXTEND TO CLAIMS WHICH THE CREDITOR DOES NOT KNOW OR SUSPECT TO EXIST IN HIS FAVOR AT THE TIME OF EXECUTING THIS RELEASE, WHICH IF KNOWN BY HIM MUST HAVE MATERIALLY ADVERSELY AFFECTED HIS SETTLEMENT WITH DEBTOR" AND ALL OTHER SIMILAR STATU- TORY, COMMON AND CASE LAW RIGHTS, DEFENSES AND LIMITATIONS. Having previously independently inspected the Products, or a sample, as fully as desired, or having the opportunity to and having not done so, upon acceptance of delivery of the Products, and except as otherwise herein explicitly provided, each Buyer/End User by acceptance or use of the Products accepts them in their "AS IS" and 'WITH ALL FAULTS" condition without any other warranty, expressed, implied or otherwise, and accepts and assumes the entire risk and cost of all servicing, remediation and consequences thereof. This Warranty shall be governed by California law and any unenforceable provisions severed without affecting the remaining provisions. As used herein, "including" includes "without limitation." 9%_ —_s ^___i_. n_Ie_._ u jii,y It is the policy and objective of Spearse Manufacturing Company to produce a superior quality product suitable for its intended use, with regard to functionality, structural Integrity and conformance to established Industry standards and practices. It is the commitment of this Company to do so in a manner which provides consistency of product quality, optimum availability, and superior customer service, while maintaining efficiency of operations and profitability necessary to perpetuate product improvement and customer satisfaction. Furthermore, It is recognized that the attainment of these objectives Is the responsibility of all Company operations and personnel according to their respective functions. The information contained in this publication is based on current information and product design at the time of publication and is subject to change without notification. Our ongoing . commitment to product improvement may result in some variations. No representations, guarantees or warranties of any kind are made as to its accuracy, suitability for particular application or results to be obtained therefrom. For information not contained herein, please contact SpearsO Technical Services Department [West Coast: (818) 364-1611 - East Coast: (678) 985-12631. Reproduction of this publication in whole or in part is prohibited without the authorized consent of SpearsO Manufacturing Company, Sylmar, California. © Copyright 2014 Speare Manufacturing Company. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America. r - * r - Corporate Office 15853 Olden Street' Sylmar, CA 91342 EA SPEARS® MANUFACTURING COMPANY (818) 3M-1611 'hp:/.speamfg.com P0 Box 9203 ' Sylmar, CA 91392 llnT4,0 — © Copyright 2015 Spears@ Manufacturing Company. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America 11/15. FG-4 Basic Principles of Solvent Cementing The solvent cemented connection in thermoplastic pipe and fittings is the last vital link in a plastic pipe installation. It can mean the success or failure of the system as a whole. Accordingly, it requires the same professional care and attention that are given to other components of the system. There are many solvent cementing techniques published covering step by step procedures on just how to make solvent cemented joints. However, we feel that if the basic principles involved are explained, known and understood, a better understanding would be gained, as to what techniques are necessary to suit particular applications, temperature conditions, and variations in size and fits of pipe and fittings. Be aware at all times of good safety practices. Solvent cements for pipe and fittings are flammable, so there should be no smoking nor other sources of heat or flame in working or storage areas. Be sure to work only in a well ventilated space and avoid unnecessary skin contact with all solvents. More detailed safety information is available from Harvel or IPS (Weld-On) Corporation. To consistently make good joints, the following should be carefully understood. 1 The joining surfaces must be softened and made semifluid. 2 Sufficient cement must be applied to fill the gap between pipe and fitting. 3 Assembly of pipe and fittings must be made while the surfaces are still wet and fluid. 4 Joint strength develops as the cement dries. In the tight part of the joint the surfaces will tend to fuse together, in the loose part the cement will bond to both surfaces. These areas must be softened and penetrated When using the ONE STEP cementing process, penetration and softening can be achieved by the cement itself (read ONE STEP cementing procedures carefully; refer to installation instructions). For certain sizes, under certain conditions, it may be desirable to use the TWO STEP process which utilizes a primer to ensure adequate softening. For example, when working in cold weather with large diameter pipe, more time and additional applications may be required. Cement coatings of sufficient thichness LH/ More than sufficient cement to fill the loose part of the joint must be applied. Besides filling the gap, adequate cement layers will penetrate the surfaces and also remain wet until the joint is assembled. Prove this yourself. Apply on the top surface of a piece of pipe two separate layers of cement First flow on a heavy layer of cement; then alongside it a thin brushed out layer. Test the layers every 15 seconds or so by a gentle tap with your finger. You will note that the thin layer becomes tacky and then dries quickly (probably within 15 seconds) The heavy layer will remain wet much longer. Now check for penetration a few minutes after applying these layers. Scrape them with a knife. The thin layer will have achieved little or no penetration. The heavy one, much more penetration. Surfaces must be assembled while they are wet and soft El If the cement coatings on the pipe and fittings are wet and fluid when assembly takes place, they will tend to flow together and become one layer. Aso, if the cement is wet the surfaces beneath them will still be soft; and these softened surfaces in the tight part of the joint will tend to fuse together. Surfaces Bon Fiice As the solvent dissipates, the cement layer and the softened surfaces will harden with a corresponding increase in joint strength. A good joint will take the required working pressure long before the joint is fully dry and final strength is obtained. In the tight (fused) part of the joint; strength will develop more quickly than in the looser (bonded) part of the joint Information about the development of bond strength of solvent cemented joints is available. The QUALITY Line Hot Weather There are many occasions when solvent cementing Harvel piping products in 95°F temperatures and over cannot be avoided. If a few special precautions are taken, problems can be avoided. Solvent cements contain high-strength solvents which evaporate faster at elevated temperatures. This is especially true when there is a hot wind blowing. It the pipe has been in direct sunlight for any length of time, surface temperatures may be 20°F to 30°F above air temperature. Solvents attack these hot surfaces faster and deeper, especially inside ajoint Thus, it is very important to avoid puddling inside sockets, and to wipe off excess cement outside. S Cold Weather Solvent Cement products have excellent cold weather stability and are formulated to have well balanced drying characteristics even in subfreezing temperatures. Good solvent cemented joints can be made in very cold conditions provided proper care and a little common sense are used. In cold weather, solvents penetrate and soften surfaces more slowly than in warm weather. The plastic is also more resistant to solvent attack, therefore, it becomes more important to pre-soften surfaces. Because of slower evaporation, a longer cure time is necessary. Tips to Follow when Solvent Cementing in High Temperatures 1 Store solvent cements in a cool or shaded area prior to use. 2 If possible, store the fittings and pipe, or at least the ends to be solvent welded, in a shady area before cementing. 3 Cool surfaces to be joined by wiping with a damp rag. Be sure that surfaces are dry prior to applying solvent cement. 4 Try to do the solvent cementing in cooler morning hours. 5 Make sure that both surfaces to be joined are still wet with cement when putting them together. By following Harvel's Installation Instructions, and using a little extra care, as outlined above, successful solvent cemented joints can be made in even the most extreme hot weather conditions. Tips to Follow when Solvent Cementing in Cold Temperatures 1 Prefabricate as much of the system as possible in a heated work area. 2 Store cements in a warmer area when not in use and make sure they remain fluid. 3 Take special care to remove moisture, including ice and snow. 4 Use special care to ensure joining surfaces are adequately softened; more than one application may be necessary. 5 Allow a longer cure period before the system is used. Solvent Cement and Primer Spills Work areas should be protected by using drop cloths in the event of an accidental spill. Cement and/or primer spills can cause irreparable damage depending on the S type of surface affected. Accidental spills should be wiped up immediately before the cement sets. A mild soap and water mixture may aid in removal of a stain; however, the use of solvents or harsh cleansers may do more damage than good. In the event of a spill, consult the manufacturer of the affected surface for possible suggestions. Protecting the work area prior to starting is recommended. S General Thermoplastic piping products have long established their value as a superior material resistant to attack from corrosives, chemicals, and electrolytic action. In many applications, service life is unlimited due to the characteristics of the material, in comparison to metal piping products. It is important to understand that thermoplastic piping products do have a much lower impact strength when compared to metal piping products. Improper of careless handling is often the cause of damage to plastic piping products. Unfortunately, previously unnoticed or undetected damage is often discovered only after the system has been installed and put into service. The following information provides the basic guidelines for the proper handling and storage of thermoplastic piping products. Losses due to damage and expensive replacements of thermoplastic piping components can be avoided through correct handling and storage practices. Storage Thermoplastic pipe and fittings offer excellent resistance to weathering and may therefore be stored outside. Pipe and fittings stored outside must be covered with a light tarpaulin to prevent excessive temperature buildup and possible warpage or color fading. Exposure to sunlight (U.V radiation) will cause a color fade of the pipe, but will not affect the physical properties of the CPVC material. However, piping which exhibits color fade is an indication that the product was not stored properly. Pipe in this condition should be examined carefully for signs of physical abuse due to improper storage and handling. When stored inside, they should be stored in a well ventilated area, away from steam lines or other types of heat sources. Pipe should be stored on a clean, flat surface that provides an even support surface for the entire length of the pipe. Palletized pipe should be stacked no more than three pallets high, with the wooden pallet bracing in full contact with each other. Loose pipe should not be stacked to exceed a height of over three feet; bundled pipe may be stacked twice that. When storing pipe on racks, the racks should have continuous or close support arms to prevent the pipe from sagging. Thermoplastic pipe fittings should be stored in their original cartons, on pallets. Pallets should be wrapped with thin plastic sheeting to prevent moisture from penetrating the cartons, causing them to collapse. Handling Extra care is required when handling thermoplastic pipe and fittings, as they have a much lower impact strength and resistance to abuse than steel. Pipe fittings, whether cartoned or loose, should not be tossed or thrown to the ground; pipe should not be dropped or dragged on the ground - i.e., when being unloaded from a truck. Impact cracks, splits or scratches can weaken or damage the pipe and fitting. Heavy or sharp objects should not be thrown onto or against thermoplastic pipe and fittings. Pipe fittings should never be mixed in storage bins with metal piping products. When handling thermoplastic pipe with fork lift, only one pallet at a time should be carried. When using a hydraulic boom and cable for unloading, chain slings should not be used. Instead, wide canvas or fiberglass slings should be used, with adequate placements on the pallet load to prevent sagging. Caution: Very cold weather will make thermoplastic pipe and fittings more susceptible to damage caused by impact. Extra care should be taken during handling to prevent damage. The use of ratchet type cutters should be avoided, especially during cold weather. These types of cutters tend to compress the pipe prior to cutting which can result in hairline fracturing. Blades on this style of cutter tend to dull quickly. The use of dull blades can fracture the pipe prior to making a clean cut. Inspection Before Use Pipe and fittings should always be inspected for damage before actual installation. Pipe or pipe fittings with cuts, gouges, scratches, splits, or other signs of damage from improper handling or storage should not be used. Damaged sections on lengths of pipe can easily be cut out, using proper techniques for cutting thermoplastic pipe. Painting of Pipe Harvel CPVC Fire Sprinkler Piping Products can be painted as necessary for aesthetic purposes. ONLY WATER-BASED LATEX PIAJNTS ARE RECOMMENDED. The use of oil-based paints are not recommended with CPVC piping and can result in damage. The piping can be cleaned with a mild soap and water mixture prior to painting. Over a period of 30 years, millions of solvent cemented joints have been made with only rare cases of mishap. However, since these products are flammable and contain chemical solvents, appropriate safety precautions should be taken. Virtually all solvent cements and primers for plastic pipe are flammable and should not be used or stored near heat, spark or open flames. Do not smoke during use. Cement should be stored in closed containers at temperatures between 40°F and 110°F They should be used only with adequate ventilation. In confined or partially enclosed areas, a ventilating device should be used to remove vapors and minimize their inhalation. Respirators especially designed to minimize the inhalation of organic vapors can also be used. They are commercially available. S Containers should be kept tightly closed when not in use and covered as much as possible when in use. Use of an applicator can with applicator attached to a lid is especially recommended. Avoid frequent contact with skin and eyes. May be absorbed through the skin. May cause eye injury. In case of contact, flush with plenty of water for 15 minutes. If irritation persists, get medical attention. If swallowed, call a physician immediately and follow precautionary statement given on side panel of cement container. Keep out of reach of children. Use Caution with Welding Torches At construction sites where plastic pipe is being installed or has recently been solvent welded, special caution should be taken when using welding torches or other equipment where sparks might be involved. Flammable vapors from cemented joints sometimes linger within or around a piping system for some time. Special care must be taken when using a welding torch in these applications: Well casing installations Installing pumps in irrigation water lines Installation of plastic pipe systems in industrial plants In all cases, lines should be purged to remove solvent vapors before welding. Use Caution with Calcium Hypochlorite Do not use a dry granular calcium hypochlorite as a disinfecting material for water purification in potable water piping systems. The introductions of granules or pellets of calcium hypochlorite with solvent cements and primers (including their vapors) may result in violent chemical reactions if a water solution is not used. It is advisable to purity lines by pumping chlorinated water into the piping system - this solution will be nonvolatile. Furthermore, dry granular calcium hypochlorite should not be stored or used near solvent cements or primers. Actually, solvent cementing is no more dangerous than putting gasoline in your automobile. People have learned they must be careful with gasoline. Although solvent cements are not as flammable as gasoline - users must also learn to be careful. Again, accidents and injuries have seldom occurred in the use of our products. Help maintain and improve this excellent record by following the above recommendations. 0 Tools used with Plastic Piping The use of tools that have been specifically designed for use with thermoplastic pipe and fittings is strongly recommended to obtain optimum results when installing thermoplastic piping systems. A variety of tools that are designed for cutting, beveling, and assembling plastic pipe and fittings are readily available through local wholesale supply houses dealing in plastic pipe and fittings. Warning: Improper use of tools normally used with metal piping systems, i.e., hacksaws, water pump pliers, pipe wrenches, etc., can cause damage to plastic pipe and fittings. Visible and non-visible fractures, scoring or gouging of material, and over tightening of plastic threaded connections are some of the major problems associated with the use of incorrect tools and/or procedures. Pipe Cutters Plastic pipe must have square-cut ends to allow for the proper interfacing of the pipe end and the fitting socket bottom. A wheel type pipe cutter, with special blades for plastic pipe, provides easy and clean cutting action. The raised bead left on the outside of the pipe after cutting must then be removed. A miter box saw may also be used to produce square- cut ends. Pipe Cutters for Large Diameter Pipe Blade cutters made for use with large diameter plastic pipe are easy to adjust and operate for square, burrless cuts. Blades with carbide edges will provide longer life. With one style blade cutter, pipe ends may also be beveled for solvent joints while being cut, by using an optional bevel tool in place of one cutter blade. Power Saws Power saws especially for use with plastic pipe are available. These are particularly useful in prefabrication operations where a large quantity of pipe is being cut. Blades designed for thermoplastic pipe MUST be used. Follow manufacturers instructions regarding speed, set and proper use of tool. Pipe Bevelers Pipe ends must be chamfered (or beveled) to allow easy insertion of the pipe into the fitting and to help prevent scraping the solvent cement from the inside of the fitting socket A recommended bevel of 1/16' to 3/32'ata 10'to 15'angle can be quickly achieved using a plastic pipe beveler. Deburring Tools A smooth, beveled pipe end helps spread the solvent easily as the pipe is joined to the fitting. Al burrs should be removed from the inside, as well as the outside, of the pipe ends. Special plastic pipe deburring tools deburr pipe ends quickly and efficiently. Strap Wrenches Strap wrenches with special woven nylon straps are extra strong and are treated for slip resistance. These strap wrenches, designed for use with plastic pipe, provide gripping power for turning, without scratching or deforming the pipe. Chain Vises Chain vises are made with jaws for holding plastic pipe. Jaws engineered for use with plastic pipe provide holding power, without damage to the pipe. Harvel Plastics, Inc. manufactures CPVC fire sprinkler pipe. It does not manufacture the other products, tools, or cements shown in this bulletin. This information has been compiled solely as an aid and general guide for the users of plastic piping products. No warranty, expressed or implied, or endorsement of any kind is made by Harvel Plastics, Inc. for the products shown, or their manufacture. The procedures and information contained herein are based on the best available information and believed to be reliable. It is the users responsibility to determine the suitability of these products for each application, and to contact the product manufacturer for recommendations and instructions for use. For detailed installation information, please refer to Harvel CPVC Fire Sprinkler Piping Products Installation Instructions (HFS-3). FM UKAS 007 us C& rLp] AIU WTWT Harvel Plastics, Inc. Qj*SysjErmCaVc&N=2MW% Assessed to ISO 9001 Member of: AFSA NFPA NFSA The QUALITY Line IL4JCVEL Nkamlll/ PLASTICS, INC. 300 Kuebler Rd., P.O. Box 757, Easton, PA 18044-0757 Tel 610-252-7355 • Fax 610-253-4436 www.HarvelSprinklerPipe.com • e-mail: harvel@harvel.com Harvel® is a registered trademark of Harvel Plastics, Inc. BlazeMaster® is a registered trademark of Noveon. Inc. ©Copyright 2004 Harvel Plastics, Inc. /7\ ILIJIVEL HarveP CPVC Fire Sprinkler Piping Products DON'Ts S Read the manufacturer's installation instructions and install product accordingly. Follow recommended safe work practices. Make certain that thread sealants, gasket lubricants, or fire-stop materials are compatible with Harvel sprinkler pipe. If painting is desired, use only water-based latex paints. Keep pipe and fittings in original packaging until needed. If pipe and fittings are stored outdoors, cover with an opaque tarp. Follow proper handling procedures. Use tools specifically designed for plastic pipe and fittings. Use proper solvent cement and follow application instructions. Use a drop cloth to protect interior finishes. Cut the pipe ends square. Deburr and bevel the pipe end with a chamfering tool before cementing. Rotate the pipe a quarter turn when bottoming pipe in fitting socket when solvent cementing. Avoid puddling of solvent cement in fittings and pipe. Make certain no solvent cement is on sprinkler head and adapter threads. Make certain that solvent cement does not run and plug the sprinkler head orifice. Follow manufacturer's recommended cure times before pressure testing. Fill lines slowly and bleed the air from the system before pressure testing. Support sprinkler head properly to prevent lift up of the head through the ceiling when activated. Keep threaded rod within 1/16" of the pipe or use a surge arrestor. Install Harvel sprinkler pipe and fittings in wet systems only or specially listed dry systems. Use only insulation and/or glycerin/water solutions for freeze protection. Allow for movement due to expansion and contraction. Renew your Harvel sprinkler pipe and fittings installation training every two years. Don't use edible oils such as Crisco® for gasket lubricant. Don't use petroleum or solvent-based paints, sealants, lubricants, or fire-stop materials. Don't install tape, insulated wire, or cable in direct contact with Harvel sprinkler pipe. Don't use glycol-based solutions as anti-freeze. Don't mix glycerin/water solutions in contaminated containers. Don't use Teflorle tape and thread sealants simultaneously. Don't use solvent cement that has exceeded its shelf life or has become discolored or gelled. Don't allow solvent cement to plug the sprinkler head orifice. Don't connect rigid metal couplers to Harvel grooved adaptors. Don't thread, groove, or drill Harvel sprinkler pipe. Don't use solvent cement near sources of heat or open flame, or when smoking. Don't pressure test until recommended cure times have passed. Don't pressure test with air. Don't cut pipe with dull or broken cutting-tool blades. Don't use ratchet cutters below 50°F. Don't use Harvel sprinkler pipe that's been stored unprotected outdoors and is faded in color. Don't allow threaded rod to come in contact with the pipe. Don't install Harvel sprinkler pipe in cold weather without allowing for expansion. Don't install Harvel sprinkler pipe and fittings in dry systems unless specially listed for such use. Note: These lists do not constitute a complete Installation guide. Harvel Plastics, Inc. • 300 Kuebler Rd., Easton, PA 18040-9290 Tel: 610.252.7355 • Fax: 610.253.4436 www.harvelspdnklerpIpe.com Product Specifications MARVE CF Harvel® BlazeMaster5 CPVC Fire Sprinkler Pipe Application: Corrosion resistant fire sprinkler pipe, IPS sizes 3/4" through 3", for use in wet automatic fire sprinkler systems. When installed in accordance with GF Harvel's Installation Instructions, this pipe is Listed by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) for use in: Light Hazard Occupancies as defined in the Standard for Installation of Sprinkler systems (NFPA 13); Residential Occupancies up to and including four stories in height (NFPA 13R); and Residential Occupancies as defined in the Standard for Sprinkler Systems in One and Wo Family Dwellings and Mobile Homes (NFPA 13D). GF Harvel BlazeMaster, pipe is UL Listed for use in Return Air Plenums (NFPA 90A), System Risers per NFPA 13 Light Hazard, 13R and 13D, Exposed installations, Garages per NFPA 13R, and for use as Underground Fire Service Mains (NFPA 24) when installed in accordance with GF Harvel CPVC Fire Sprinkler Pipe Installation Instructions, Scope: This specification outlines minimum manufacturing requirements for Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) standard dimension ratio (SDR) 13.5 series iron pipe size UPS) fire sprinkler pressure pipe. Pipe is intended for use in wet automatic fire sprinkler systems when installed in accordance with Georg Fischer Harvel LLC CPVC Fire Sprinkler Piping Products Installation Instructions. GF Harvel BlazeMaster, pipe carries a maximum working pres- sure of 175 psi @ 150F. Pipe meets or exceeds applicable indus- try standards and requirements as set forth by the American Society for 'Thsting and Materials (ASTM), the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF), and Underwriters Laboratories (UL). GF Harvel BlazeMaster, fire sprinkler pipe is approved by the Factory Mutual Corporation (FM) and the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB). Refer to current approval guide and installation and design manual for installation limitations. CPVC Materials: The material used in the manufacture of the pipe shall be a rigid chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) compound, Type N Grade I, with a Cell Classification of 23447 as defined in ASTM D1784. The compound and the finished product shall be orange in color, and shall be approved by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) for use with potable water. Material used shall be domestically produced BlazeMaster, CPVC material as provided by Noveon, Inc. (formerly the BFGoodrich Company). System Design: The CPVC sprinkler system shall be hydraulically calculated using a Hazen-Williams C factor of 150, and shall be designed in strict accordance with the Standard for Installation of Sprinkler Systems, NFPA 13 Light Hazard, NFPA 13R, and NFPA 13D as applicable. Dimensions: GF Harvel BlazeMaster CPVC fire sprinkler pipe shall be manufactured to Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) 13.5 dimensions in strict accordance to the requirements of ASTM F442 for physical dimensions and tolerances. Each production run of pipe manufactured in compliance to this standard, shall also meet the test requirements for materials, workmanship, burst pressure, flattening, and extrusion quality defined in ASTM F442. Furthermore, this pipe shall consistently meet or exceed the physical performance test requirements of the appropriate approval/listing agency(s) follow-up procedures established for the product. Marking: Product marking shall meet the requirements of ASTM F 442 and the Listing agency. Marking shall include: the phrase GF Harvel® BlazeMaster (or the manufacturers' trademark when privately labeled); the nominal pipe size; the type of material and material designation code; the SDR series and pressure rating for water (SDR 13.5; 175 psi @ 150T); the ASTM designation F 442; the logo of the Listing and Approval agencies (UL, FM, LPCB, etc.); the independent laboratory's seal of approval for potable water usage (NSF-pw); the date and time of manufacture; and the UL assigned control number (2N95). Installation Procedures: All installation procedures such as storage and handling, solvent cement joining techniques, pipe support spacing, bracing, allowance for thermal expansion/contraction, component assembly techniques, and testing etc. shall be in strict accordance with Georg Fischer Harvel LLC Installation Instructions and the UL Listing which includes installation limitations. System Components: Fittings used shall be UL Listed CPVC fittings and shall meet or exceed the requirements of ASTM F437 (Sch 80 threaded), ASTM F437 (Sch 80 socket), or ASTM F438 (Sch 40 socket) as applicable, such as those manufactured by Spears Manufacturing Co. or equivalent. Solvent cements used shall be those referenced in Georg Fischer Harvel LLC Installation Instructions (such as Spears FS-5 or equivalent), which meet or exceed the require- ments of ASTM F656 and ASTM F493, and shall be approved by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) for use with potable water. Socket type joints, sizes 3/4" -3", shall be made up using the One-Step solvent cement joining method. The solvent cement joining method chosen shall be applied in strict accordance with the appropriate procedures as outlined in Georg Fischer Harvel LLC Installation Instructions. Maintenance: Maintenance shall be in accordance with the Standard for Inspection, Thstirig, and Maintenance of Water Based Sprinkler Systems as defined by NFPA 25. ©2012 Georg Fischer Harvel LLC • 300 Kuebler Road, Easton, PA 18040 • 610-252-7355 Fax: 610-253-4436 • Harvel.com I;' Product Specifications IL41(VEL' GF Harvel® BlazeMaster® CPVC Fire Sprinkler Pipe Limitations: CPVC systems are intended for use at a maximum working pressure of 175 psi and ambient temperature of 1500 F CPVC systems shall employ sprinkler heads having a maximum temperature rating of 225 "F or lower, regardless of type. CPVC products shall be installed in wet pipe systems only. Air or compressed gas shall never be used for pressure testing. CPVC sprinkler systems shall be hydrostatically tested for 2 hours at 200 psi, or 50 psi in excess of the maximum working pressure when the maximum working pressure exceeds 150 psi. Lines shall be slowly filled with water and the air bled from the highest and farthest sprinkler heads before test pressure is applied. Only Thflon® tape or a thread sealant specifically approved for use with GF Harvel CPVC Fire Sprinkler Products shall be used in making threaded connections. Where freeze protection is required, only glycerin based anti-freeze solutions shall be used and installed in accordance with NFPA 13. Do not use glycol base anti-freeze solutions or contaminated glycerin solutions. CPVC is not approved for use in combustible concealed spaces where sprinklers are required to protect these areas as defined by NFPA 13, unless certain specific application sprinklers are installed per their listing. Refer to GF Harvel's current Installation Instructions for additional information. GF Harvel CPVC Fire Sprinkler Pipe Dimensions SDR 13.5 (ASTM F442) Nominal Size (in.) Average O.D. Min. Wall Average I.D. Nom.Wt. LbsJFt. 314 1.050 0.078 0.874 0.168 I 1.315 0.097 1.101 0.262 1-114 1.660 0.123 1.394 0.418 1-1/2 .900 0.141 1.598 0.548 2 2.375 0.176 2.003 0.859 2-1/2 2.875 0.213 2.423 1.257 3 3.500 0.259 2.950 1.867 CPVC sprinkler piping may be installed in a plenum space adjacent to, but not over, openings in the ceiling such as open ventilation grills, and require the use of schedule 80 fittings for use on 11/2' and larger pipe sizes. Refer to Installation Instructions for additional detail. Minimum protection when installed "concealed" shall consist of: 3/8" gypsum wallboard or drywall, suspended membrane ceiling panels weighing not less than .35 pounds per square foot, or 1/2" plywood soffits. Minimum protection for NFPA 13R and 13D systems may consist of 1/2" plywood. GF Harvel BlazeMaster, pipe is Listed for use in exposed applications with certain limitations. When installed without protection, "exposed" pipe is to be installed beneath smooth, flat, horizontal ceiling construction. Exposed categories include: standard coverage and residential pendent and sidewall sprin- kler applications, light hazard extended coverage and residential sprinkler pendent and sidewall sprinkler applications, use in unfinished basements with exposed solid wood joists, light haz- ard upright quick response sprinklers, and system risers (in 13R & 13D occupancies). Refer to GF Harvel's installation instruc- tions for specific sprinkler head temperature ratings and spacing requirements. The product must be installed in strict accor- dance with NFPA 13,13D, 13R and GF Harvel's current CPVC Fire Sprinkler Piping Products Installation Instructions (HFS-3). GF Harvel CPVC Fire Sprinkler Products must be installed in accordance with GF Harvel's current installation instructions (HFS-3). Refer to this document for current listing limitations and installation requirements. ASTM STANDARD D1784 MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION EQUIVALENTS: Cell Classification 23447 = CPVC 1rpeW Grade I = CPVC 4120 PIPE SIZES SHOWN ARE MANUFACTURED IN STRICT' COMPLIANCE WITH ASTM F442 O b LPCB S 007 A000000d to ISO 91 LPCS Rat. No 270—Howot PtosScs Esoton LPCB Rat. No. 455—Ha,vol Ptasttoe Bolceosfield Sample Specification: All CPVC fire sprinkler pipe shall be manufactured from a '1,rpe IV, Grade I Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) compound with a Cell Classification of 23447 per ASTM D1784. Pipe shall be manufactured in strict compliance with ASTM F442 to SDR 13.5 dimensions, con- sistently meeting the Quality Assurance test requirements of this standard with regard to material, workmanship, burst pressure, flatten- ing, and extrusion quality. All CPVC fire sprinkler pipe shall be Listed by Underwriters Laboratories for wet pipe systems, and shall carry a rated working pressure of 175 psi @150°F. All CPVC fire sprinkler pipe shall be installed in accordance with Georg Fischer Harvel LLC CPVC Fire Sprinkler Piping Products Installation Instructions. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards 13, 13D, and 13R must be referenced for design and installation requirements in conjunction with the Installation Instructions. All CPVC fire sprinkler pipe shall be manufactured in the USA by an ISO 9001 certified manufacturer and shall be FM and LPCB approved. All CPVC fire sprinkler pipe shall be packaged immediately after its manufacture to prevent damage and shall be stored indoors after production, at the manufacturing site, until shipped from factory. This pipe shall bear the logo of the listing agencies, and shall carry the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) seal of approval for potable water applications. All CPVC fire sprinkler pipe shall be GF Harvel® BlazeMasterg pipe as manufactured by Georg Fischer Harvel LLC. ©2012 Georg Fischer Harvel LLC • 300 Kuebler Road, Easton, PA 18040 ° 610-252-7355 Fax: 610-253-4436 • Harvel.com 5). VALVES. S 0 06-838-00 Ball Valve 1/4" o6-84o-oo Ball Valve w' 06-842-00 Ball Valve 3/4' [06-844-00 - 06-845-00 Ball Valve 11/4" [06-846-00 Ball Valve 11/2 ' 06-848-00 Ball Valve 2" 600 PSI 10 600 PSI- - 10 600 PSI 10 600 PS - - 600 PSI 6 600 PSI 300 PSI 2 ~1 f1mL F p p i Brass Trim Expansion Tank, Valves fl Adjustable Pressure Relief Valve Used in grid" type and residential sprinkler systems or when pressure relief is required. Adjustable from 75 to 175 PSI". 06-835-00 1/2" Adjustable PRV 10 (*System pressure gauge must be used for proper installation and adjustment. Valve is NOT preset.) Angle Globe Valve, Brass UL/ULc Listed 300psi FPPI Angle Globe Valves are specifically designed for use in fire sprinkler systems. Typical use is in a "trim" or "drain" application. Each valve is ULJULc Listed to 300 PSI. 06-820-00 Angle Valve 1/2" 8 [06-822-00 Angle Valve 3/4" 5 06-824-00 Angle Valve 1" 5 [826-00 Angle Valve 11/4" 4 06-828-00 Angle Valve 11/2" 4 [06-830-00 Angle Valve 2" 2 Ball Valves, Forged Brass, UL/ULc/FM Listed and Approved FPPI Full Port Ball Valves are manufactured of forged brass. Designed for use as a TRIM or DRAIN valve. FNPTxFNPT ULJULc/FM E E 17 Brass Trim Valves Globe Valves, with soft seats, Bronze UL/ULc 300p5i FPPI Globe Valves are specifically designed for use in fire sprinkler systems. Typical use is in a rim" or "drain" application. Each valve is ULIULc Listed to 300 PSI. IT1U[.. '1Fhr.i, BOX f4j( 06-798-00 Globe Valve 1/4" 10 L06-800 00 Globe. Valve ½10' 06-802-00 Globe Valve 3/4" 10 t06-804-00 Globe Valve 5 06-806-00 Globe Valve 11/4" 5 106-808-00 Globe Valve 11/2" 06-810-00 Globe Valve 10 Swing Check Valves with soft seats, Bronze (Full Floating Clapper) FPPI small pipe diameter check valves are made from bronze and feature a full floating clapper assembly with soft seat. Clapper design assures proper clapper seating during valve cycle. IflIE[.. Qtyo 06-860-00 Swing Check Valve /2" 10 62-00 Sng Check Valve 1/4" 10J 06-864-00 Swing Check Valve 8 - 1-866-OO Swing Check Valve 11/4" 8 - 06-868-00 Swing Check Valve 11/2" 4 3 - 9870-0O Swing Check Valve Check Valve with Orifice for Pump Systems Check valve with a full-floating clapper and /32" orifice. Typically used in pump systems. Provides adequate drop in the sensing line without allowing unnecessary pump starts due to major pressure fluctuations in the ½" line. 06-860-50 Check Valve 1/2" with /32" orifice 10 Three-way Gauge Valve, Brass UL/ULc Listed 300psi FPPI Three-way Valves are manufactured from high quality brass alloy and are ULJULc Listed. Rated to 300PSl. Part No. P1Ill[e]m Box Qty. 06-600-00 3-Way Gauge Valve, Brass, UUULc 10 18 6).- DEVICES. MODEL 1011 MODEL 10111 TESTAN DRAIN® V*> MODEL 7000 (UL LISTED/FM APPROVED) PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE FACTORY SET AT 175 PSI WITH OTHER SETTINGS AVAILABLE. MODEL 7500 (UL LISTED/FM APPROVED) PRESSURE GAUGE AND THE MODEL 76001/4" 3-WAY GLOBE VALVE This Valve is Shipped in a Semi-Assembled State With the Relief Valve Port and Drainage Port Plugged. DO NOT INSTALL THE MODEL 7000 RELIEF VALVE OR ANY DRAINAGE PIPING BEFORE THE SYSTEM PRESSURE TEST. We Recommend Teflon Tape or Similar Sealant on all Threaded Connections. Step by Step Installation of Model 1011 and Model 10111 After the Model 1011/10111 TESTANDRAIN Valve is Installed, Please Tighten the End Adapter Plug. Perform System Pressure Test. Shut Off the Floor Control Valve and Depressurize System. Model 1011 T- Loosely Assemble 'h' x 11/2" Nipple, 1/2" x /2' x 1/4" Tee and Model 7000 Pressure Relief Valve. Model 1011 T- Loosely Assemble 1/4" x 1' Nipple, Model 7600 3-Way Valve, '/' Plug and Model 7500 Pressure Gauge. Turn the Model 1011/10111 Handle to the "DRAIN" Position. Remove the '/" End Adapter Plug. For Model 1011 Install/ Tighten Model 7000 Pressure Relief Valve. For Model 10111 Install/Tighten 1/3" x 11/2" Nipple, /2" X /2' x '/"Tee and Model 7000 Pessure Relief Valve. B. Model 1011 T- Once Previous Stage is Tight, lnstall/Tiqhten 1/2" x 1" Nipple, Model 7600 3-Way Valve, 1/4' Plug, Model 7500 Pressure Gauge. P. Turn the Handle on the Model 1011/101 IT to the OFF" Position. Remove RED Plug from Bypass Drain Hole Under Valve Body. Install '/2 ' x Barb Elbows- One in Bypass Drain Hole and One in Outlet of Model 7000. Install Nylobraid Tube With Clamps Between Barb Elbows. Squeeze Clamps With Plyers to Seal. Check for Leaks by Flushing Model 7000, Open Model 7600 3-Way Valve 00 NOW A.ulO% to Read System Pressure.Id .'01.1 qTm7ib MATERIAL LIST FRONT VIEW- MODEL 10 11 PART: HANDLE STEM BALL BODY VALVE SEAT INDICATOR PLATE RELIEF VALVE BYPASS FIllINGS BYPASS TUBING MATERIAL: STEEL ROD BRASS C.P BRONZE BRONZE IMPREGNATED TEFLON STEEL BRONZE BRASS NYLOBRAID DIMENSION- INCHES ORIFICE SIZES AVAILABLE- /8", /I6", 1/2", '/e", ELO (/8")", ESFR(3/4" OVERALL LENGTH 1011 lOuT 1011 1011T SIZE 1011 lOuT B C D E F F G H H 3/ " 7 'i" 10 1/4" 1 1/2!' 2 /16" 3 '8U 3 /8" 1 13/1611 8 3/4" 4 Ii" 6 /8" 13 I8" 4 189 MM 256 mm 38 mm 55 mm 91 MM 84mm 45 mm 119mm 114mm 159 mm -134 mm 1 11 7 Ii' 10 1/4" 1 1/2" 2 Il6" 3 I" 3 i" 1 13/16" 8 3/4" 4 I0 6 /8" 13 /8" 189 mm 256 mm 38 mm 55 mm 91 MM 84 MM 45 mm 119mm 114mm 159 mm 334 mm 1 1/411 7 15/16" 10 1/2!' 1 I8" 2 910 4 1/4" 3 I? 1 15/16'! 9 5 /io" 7 1/2!' 14 1/2" 198 mm 1 263 mm 41 mm 64 mm 106 mm 91 mm 48 mm 225 mm 139 mm I 188mm 1 363 mm 1 1/ " 8 15/16!! 11 1/2!! 1 3/4" 3 1/4" 5 1/16!! 3 I8" 2 /8" 9 8 1/4" 10 I8" 17 I8" 2 223 mm 288mm 44 mm 81 mm 127 mm 97 mm 66 mm 242 mm 206 mm 272 mm 447 mm 2" 8 15/1w' 11 1/2!! 1 3/4" 3 14" 5 1/16" 3 /8" 2 /8" 9 11/16!! 8 1/411 10 /8" 17 7/811 223 mm 288mm 44 mm 81 mm 127 mm 97 mm 66 mm 242 mm 206 mm 272 mm 1 447 mm All Metric Measurements Rounded to the Nearest Whole Number. Available on All 11/4" to 2' Size Units Only. I USA PATENT AND OTHER AGF MANUFACTURING INC. I PATENTS PENDING RM I 100 Quaker Lane, Malvern, PA 19355 USA I 2'EIO/ESFRISULUSIUD& I Telephone: (610) 240-4900 Fax: (610) 240-4906 I I I FM APPROVED. 1/4' EIO/ESFR IS UL USIUD. MADE IN U.S.A. www.testandraln.com UL USTING EX4019(N) & EX4533(N) S (g)POTTER The Symbol of Protection BELLS PBA-AC & MBA-DC UL, ULC, and FM Approved Sizes Available: 6' (150mm), 8' (200mm) and 10" (250mm) Voltages Available: 24VAC 120 VAC I2VDC (10.2 to 15.6) Polarized 24VDC (20.4 to 31.2) Polarized Service Use: Fire Alarm General Signaling Burglar Alarm Environment: Indoor or outdoor use (See Note 1) -400 to 150°F (400 to 66°C) (Outdoor use requires weatherproof backbox.) Termination: AC Bells - 4 No. 18 AWG stranded wires DC Bells - Terminal strip Finish: Red powder coating Optional: Model BBK- I weatherproof backbox Model BBX-1 deep weatherproof backbox (U @ < _S ~ > '90, I These vibrating type bells are designed for use as fire, burglar or general signaling devices. They have low power consumption and high decibel ratings. The unit mounts on a standard 4" (10 1mm) square electrical box for indoor use or on a model BBK-1 weatherproof backbox or BBX-1 deep weatherproof backbox for outdoor applications. Weatherproof backbox model BBK-1, Stock No. 1500001. Notes: Minimum dB ratings are calculated from integrated sound pressure measurements made at Underwriters Laboratories as specified in UL Standard 464. UL temperature range is -300 to 150°F (-340 to 660C). Typical dB ratings are calculated from measurements made with a conventional sound level meter and are indicative of output levels in an actual installation. ULC only applies to MBA DC bells. Size inches (mm) Voltage Model Number Stock Number Current (Max.) Typical dB at 10 ft. (3m) (2) Minimum dB at 10 ft. (3m) (1) 6(150) 12VDC MBA-6-12 1750070 .12A 85 76 8(200) 12VDC MBA-8-12 1750080 .12A 90 77 10(250) 12VDC MBA-10-12 1750060 .12A 92 78 6(150) 24VDC MBA-6-24 1750100 .06A 87 77 8(200) 24VDC MBA-8-24 1750110 .06A 91 79 10 (250) 24VDC MBA-10-24 1750090 .06A 94 80 6(150) 24VAC PBA246 1806024* .17A 91 78 8(200) 24VAC PBA248 1808024* .17A 94 77 10(250) 24VAC PBA2410 1810024* .17A 94 78 6(150) I20VAC PBAI206 1806120* .05A 92 83 8(200) I20VAC PBAI208 1808120* .05A 99 84 10 (250) I20VAC PBAI20I0 1810120* .OSA 99 86 All DC bells are polarized and have built-in transient protection. * Does not have ULC listing. I! VT ;hI I te In outdoor or wet installations, bell must be mounted with weatherproof backbox. BBK- I or BBX- 1. Standard electrical boxes will not provide a weatherproof enclosure. If the bell and/or assembly is exposed to moisture, it may fail or create an electrical hazard. Potter Electric Signal Company, LLC • St. Louis, MO, • Phone: 866-572-3005/Canada 888-882-1833 www.pottersignal.com PRINTED IN USA MFG. #5400776 - REV Y-I PAGE I OF 2 01/13 POTTER The Symbol of Protection Bells Dimensions Inches (mm) Fig. I BELLS PBA-AC & MBA-DC Wiring (rear view) Fig. 3 lI,,1 1 (2 0) (200) 6" j (150) H 2 11/16" (68) A.C. BELLS FROM CONTROL C) PANEL OR f/7 WHITE(IN) WHITE(OUT) LAcK:(01U ) PRECEDING BELL BLACK(IN) ___________ CAUTION: WHEN ELECTRICALSUPERVISION IS REQUIRED USE IN AND OUT LEADS AS SHOWN. NOTES: OWES 776.1 I. WHEN USINOAC I1ELLS.TI)RMINATE EACH EXTRA SPIRE SEPARATELYAPTER LAST BELL. 2. END-OF-LINE RESISTOR IS NOT REQUIRED ON AC BELLS. [i Weatherproof Backbox Dimensions Inches (mm) Fig. 2 Box has one threaded /2 conduit entrance r 1 53/4" - (146) L J-- P-1 \IV 33/81, (86) 41/4" (185) ISWES 776.2 Installation I. The bell shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 13, 72, or local AHJ. The top of the device shall be no less than 90" AFF and not less than 6' below the ceiling. Remove the gong. Connect wiring (see Fig. 3). Mount bell mechanism to backbox (bell mechanism must be mounted with the striker pointing down). Reinstall the gong (be sure that the gong positioning pin, in the mechanism housing, is in the hole in the gong). Test all bells for proper operation and observe that they can be heard where required (bells must be heard in all areas as designated by the authority having jurisdiction). WARNING Failure to install striker down will prevent bell from operating. • PRINTED IN USA MFG. #5400776 - REV Y-I PAGE 2OF2 01/13 SYSTL1t7 Ss SSM/SSV See Aam Beft System Sensor's SSM and SSV series alarm bells are low current, high decibel notification appliances for use in fire and burglary systems or other signaling applications. Features 49 • Approved for indoor and outdoor use Low current draw High dB output Available in six-inch, eight-inch, and ten-inch sizes AC and DC models DC models polarized for use with supervision circuitry Mount directly to standard four-inch square electrical box indoors SSM and SSV series come pre-wired Reliable Performance. The SSM and SSV series provide loud resonant tones.The SSM series operates on 24VDC and are motor driven, while the SSV series operates on 120VAC utilizing a vibrating mechanism. Simplified Installation. For indoor use, the SSM and SSV series mount to a standard four-inch square electrical box. For outdoor applications, weatherproof back box, model number WBB, is used. The SSM and SSV series come pre-wired, to reduce installation time. The SSM series incorporates a polarized electrical design for use with supervision circuitry. Agency Listings • 4 > X LISTED approved $4011 C5549 3005255 7135.1653:0217 331.01.E S SSM/SSV Specifications Architectural/Engineering Specifications Model shall be a SSM or SSV Series alarm bell. Bells shall have underdome strikers and operating mechanisms. Gongs on said bells shall be no smaller than nominal 678710 (specify size) with an operating voltage of 24VDC or 120VAC (specify by part number). Bells shall be suitable for surface or semi-flush mounting. Outdoor surface mounted installations shall be weatherproof (using optional WBB weatherproof electrical box). Otherwise bells shall mount to a standard 4 square electrical box having a maximum projection of 2½. Bells shall be located as shown on the drawings or as determined by the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Bells shall be listed for indoor/outdoor use by Underwriters Laboratories and the California State Fire Marshal, and approved by Factory Mutual and MEA. Physical/Operating Specifications Operating Temperature Range —31°F to 140°F Operating Voltage SSM series: 24 VDC SSV series: 120 VAC Termination Provided with 2 sets of leads for in/out wiring Service Use Fire Alarm, General Signaling, Burglar Alarm Warranty 3 years UElectrical 1TiiTPi.i1 Model Gong Diameter Nominal Voltage Operating.Voltage Maximum Current Sound Output (dBA) (inches) Limit SSM24-6 6 Regulated 24VDC 16 to 33VDC DC-31.1mWFWR-53.5mA 82 SSM24-8 8 Regulated 24VDC 16t0 33VDC DC-31.1mWFWR-53.5mA 80 SSM24-10 10 Regulated 24VDC 16t0 33VDC DC-31.1mAJFWR-53.5mA 81 SSV12O-6 6 Regulated 120VAC 96to132VAC 53mA 85 SSV12O-8 8 Regulated 120VAC 96to132VAC 53mA 82 SSV12O-10 10 Regulated 120VAC 96to132VAC 53mA 82 ° Sound output measured at Underwriter Laboratories, as specified in UL464 Ordering Information UL/FM Model No. ULC/Canadian Model SSM24-6 55M24-6A No. Description Bell, 6 24VDC, Polarized, 82dBA SSM24-8 SSM24-8A Bell, 8 24VDC, Polarized, 80dBA SSM24-1 0 SSM24-1 OA Bell, 10, 24VDC, Polarized, 81 dBA SSV120-6 SSVI20-6A Bell, 6 12OVAC, 85dBA SSV120-8 SSV120-8A Bell, 8, 120VAC,82dBA SSV12O-10 SSV120-10A Bell, 10, 120VAC,82dBA WBB Weatherproof back box for SSM and SSV series, when installed outdoors "STEM 3825 SENSOR' Ohio Avenue. St. Charles, IL 60174 ao SYe.Srno,. Pcd spec& od thnoowi w°°'° Phone: 800-SENSOR2. Fax: 630-377-6495 A05-0260-0I0 . 08/11 . 2870 r L Accessories Pressure Gauges FPPI Pressure Gauges and Accessories Each gauge features an impact and corrosion resistant case made from ABS (plastic). Features phosphor bronze bourdon tube movement with white enameled brass dial face with large numbers for easy reading. Dual scale to 300 PSI/2000Kpa. ULJULc Listed and FM Approved. 11-550-00 Water Gauge 0-300 4" UL/FM 60 [11-551-00 Air Gauge 0-3004" UUFM 60 11-552-00 Air Gauge w/Retard 4" UUFM 60 ft 553 oo Air/Water Gauge 0300 UUFM 60 11-555-00 Resid. Spr. Gauge 0-300 2' 100 [0-0O Liquid Filled 0-300 4"10 11-590-00 Replacement Lens 4" 1 Brass Trim Expansion Tank, Valves Expansion Tank N.F.P.A. P13, 13D and 13R requires the use of an expansion chamber on antifreeze systems with backf low preventers. The TrimFit ET25 is a rubber bladder filled expansion chamber designed for use on antifreeze based fire sprinkler systems. 3 06-025-00 Expansion Tank 21/2 gl, UL 1 ThmFit Butterfly Valves TrimFit® Model BFT (Threaded Butterfly Valve) and Model BFG (Grooved Butterfly Valve) close slowly to prevent water hammer. The butterfly valves are designed to be installed in any orientation and monitored to signal if the valve is opened or closed. They are both UL Listed and FM Approved for use in a fire sprinkler system. 06-500-00 Model BFT (Threaded) - UUFM 1 - 50200 Model BFT (Threaded) 1 ¼ UL/FM 06-504-00 Model BFT (Threaded) 1 1/2" UUFM 1 E06-506-00 - Model BFT (Threaded) 2' UUFM - 1 - - 06-508-00 Model BFT (Threaded) - 2 1/2" UL/FM 1 - L06-56-00 - Model BFG (Grooved) - -- UUFM 1 06-528-00 Model BFG (Grooved) 2 1/2" UUFM 1 16 8).- HANGERS. 0 S om P.O. Box 3365 South El Monte, CA 91733 626.444.0541 Fax 626.444.3887 www. Afcon.org 400 RISER CLAMP IRON PIPE SIZE - 1/2 thru 20 inch pipe. MATERIAL - Carbon Steel. FINISH - Plain, E.G., H.D.G. and S.S. LISTING/APPROVAL - EX 255 II/2"- 8" pipe. OSHPD OPA-0601 See Website. CONFORMS WITH: Federal Specification WW-H-171E, type 8,3/4 thru 20 inch, and Manufacturers Standardization Society SP-69, type 8. FUNCTION - Used for supporting vertical piping. ORDERING - Part #, pipe size and finish. PIPE SIZE A B c STOCK SIZE MAX. REC. LOAD LBS. 1 1/2' 103/8" 3/8 11/2' 3/16"xl 1/4" 255 2" 103/4" 3/8" 2" 3/16"xl 1/4' 255 2 1/2" ill, 3/8" 2 1/8" 1/4"xl 1/4" 390 3" 12" 3/8" 3 1/4"xl 1/4" 530 31/2" 13" 1/2" 35/16" 1/4"xl 1/4" 670 4" 131/2" 1/2" 33/8" 1/4"xl 1/4" 810 5" 141/2" 1/2" 4" 1/4"xl 1/2" 1160 6" 151/8" 1/2" 41/2" 1 1/4"x2" 1570 8" 1 18 1/2" 1 5/8" 1513/16'. 1 3/8x2" 1 2500 NOTE: MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE: 650°F 1/08 P.O. Box 3365 South El Monte, CA 91733 626.444.0541 Fax 626.444.3887 www. Afcon.org 410 SWAY BRACE FITTING Port # 077-...... SIZE — SYSTEM PIPE: Nominal Pipe Size Sch. 40 Steel 1" thru 8" Sch. 10 Steel 1 1/4" thru 8" MATERIAL - Carbon Steel FINISH - Plain or E.G. LISTING/APPROVAL - c®U3 203A-EX 2625 203-EX 2551 (4"-8" Only) OSHPD OPA-0601 See Website. FUNCTION - Longitudinal fitting of an AFCON sway brace assembly. Sway brace assemblies are intended to be installed in accordance with NFPA 13 and the manufacturer's installation instructions. INSTALLATION - Per NFPA 13 and these instructions. Load rating - see chart. Align brace pipe parallel to system pipe. ASSEMBLY — See drawing. Combine with proper AFCON components- see disclaimer below. Align brace member parallel through 410 bolt flanges. Tighten bolts to 40 ft. lbs. ORDERING - Part #, size - system pipe and finish. Horizontal Load Ratings Size UL 1"-4" 1000 6-8" 2015 Specific AFCON products are exclusively designed lobe compatible ONLV will, oilier A FCO,V products including pans and fasteners, resulting in a listed sway brace, restrainer or hanger assembly. Be advised lie following warranty restrictini, will apply. DISCLAIMEll -A FCOPs' will NOT warrant against the failure of its products when used in conibscittot, with oilier products, pans or systems not manufactured or sold by AFCOi's A FCOiV shall NOT be liable under any circunmstammces whatsoever for stiy direct or indirect, incidental or consequential damages orally kind, including but lint limited in loss of business or profit, when non.AFCOi\' products have been. or are used. 5/12 I Part # 077-...... 78 P.O. Box 3365 South El Monte, CA 91733 626.444.0541 Fax 626.444.3887 www. Afcon.org 411 SWAY BRACE FITTING SIZE - SYSTEM PIPE: Nominal Pipe Size I" - 12" Steel - Sch. 40 I 1/4" - 12" Steel - Sch. 10 W MATERIAL - Carbon Steel FINISH - Plain or E.G. PATENT - No. 7,140,579 LISTING/APPROVAL 203A-EX 2625 FM Approved - 1950 OSHPD See Website. FUNCTION - Longitudinal fitting of an AFCON sway brace assembly. Sway brace assemblies are intended to be installed in accordance with NFPA 13 and the manufacturer's installation instructions. INSTALLATION - Per these instructions including NFPA 13 or FM 2-8 Load rating - see chart. ® Listed Max. Horizontal Load System NPS Sch. 30044" 45"-59" 600-89" 90" 1" -1 1/2 1383 1,9. 224 12765 - 4" J 5"- 6" 7-40 83 J 8" ioo 83 i A23942765 10' 10-40 1383 1956 12" 10-40 1870 2645 .c& Certified Max. ASO Horizontal Load System NPS Sch. 30"44" 45"-59" 60"-74" 75"-90" 1-1 1/2" 10.40 420 510 570 2-3" 7-40 860 1030 1150 7-40 860 1030 1150 950 1150 1280 —T- 4-0 2220 2220 3040 8" 10-40 1 1 1340 11 1810 AtAVI liLY - ce arawing. Combine with proper AFCON components- see disclaimer below. Align brace member parallel to face of41 I bolt flanges. Tighten 411 bolts until flanges are flat to flat. FEATURES * Patented - design eliminates bending of ears during installation. * Patented - design prevents over tightening on system pipe. * Improved assembly - ears connected for superior strength. * Visual inspection - proper installation when 411 bolt flanges are together. ORDERING - Part #, size - system pipe and finish. Specific .4FCO,V products are exclusively designed In be compatible ONLY with other AFCON products including parts and fasteners, resulting ma listed sway brace, restrainer or hanger assembly. Be advised the Following warranty restriction will apply. DISCLAIMER- .4FCOiV will NOT warrant against the failure of its products ,rlsen used in combination will, otlterproducis, parts orsystents not manufactured or sold by ,lf'CON. AFCON shall NOT be liable under any circumstances whatsoever for any direct or indirect. incidental or consequential damages of any kind. including but not muted to loss of business or profit. ss'lte,t ton-A PCOII' prudacts have been. or are used. 5/13 I Side View - For Drawings Below I Hanger - Wood Stud Hanger - Metal Stud fl iAc!n P.O. Box 3365 South El Monte, CA 91733 626.444.0541 Fax 626.444.3887 www. Afcon.org 511 CPVC — COPPER SIDE MOUNT HANGER SIZE - SYSTEM PIPE: 3/4" thru 2" MATERIAL - Carbon Steel. FINISH - Mil. Galvanized. LISTING/APPROVAL - CU 203 - EX 4231, EX 2551 FUNCTION - Support horizontal piping - CPVC or Copper. Stabilize vertical piping. INSTALLATION - Per these instructions including NFPA 13, 13R, 13D and CPVC manufacturers instructions. Install on vertical mounting surface. FASTENERS - UL Listed per NFPA 13. in WOOD: 3/4' - 2" CPVC pipe - #905 screw - no pre-drill. 3/4" - 2" Copper pipe - #905 screw - no pre-drill. in STEEL - mm. 18 GA. 3/4" - 2" CPVC pipe - 1/4" or #14 Tek Screw. 3/4" - 2" Copper pipe - 1/4" or #14 Tek Screw. FEATURES * Offset edge eliminates abrasion. * Retainer dimples secure hanger to pipe during installation. * Required AFCON #905 screw included - 5/16" hex head. ORDERING - Part # and pipe size. Specific .4FCOtV products are exclusively designed to be compatible ONLY trill, other AFCO,V products including pans and fasteners, resulting in a listed stray brace, restrainer or hanger assembly. Be advised the following warranty restriction ss,ill apply. DISCLAIMER . AFCOV will NOT ss'arrant against the failure of its products when used in combination with other products, parts or systems not manufactured or soid by .4FCO,V. AFCON shall NOT be liable under any circumstances whatsoever for any director indirect, incidental or consequential damages of any kind. including but not limited to loss of business or protil, when non.AFCOA'products have been. or are used. r - 9/08 P.O. Box 3365 South El Monte, CA 91733 626.444.0541 Fax 626.444.3887 www. Afcon.org 514 CPVC — COPPER STEEL OFFSET HANGER SIZE - SYSTEM PIPE: 3/4" thru 3" MATERIAL - Carbon Steel. FINISH - Mu. Galvanized.. LISTING/APPROVAL - #905 :#9O 3.00 77 cUS 203 - EX 4231, EX 2551 PATENT - No. 6,648,278. FUNCTION - Support horizontal piping: 3/4" -3" CPVC or Copper. Support horizontal piping: 3/4" - 2" Steel. Size 3/4" - 2" provides listed vertical/lateral restraint and prevents upward movement of pipe that supplies a pendent sprinkler below a ceiling. Stabilize vertical piping. INSTALLATION - Per these instructions including NFPA 13, 13R, 13D and CPVC manufacturers instructions. Listed Install on horizontal or vertical mounting surface. Snap over pipe then squeeze strap back allowing pipe to slide freely. When #905 threads are exposed in wood, install #906 backing nut. FASTENERS - UL Listed per NFPA 13 WOOD - 3/4" - 3" CPVC pipe - #905 screw- no pre-drill. 3/4" - 2" Copper pipe - #905 screw- no pre-drill. 3/4" -2" Steel pipe - 1/4"x1 1/2" lag screw - no pre-drill. Thru 5/8" gypsum board - 1/4" x 2" lag screw. STEEL -min. 18 GA. - 3/4" - 3" CPVC pipe - 1/4" or #14 Tek Screw. 3/4" - 2" Copper pipe - 1/4" or #14 Tek Screw. 3/4" - 2" Steel pipe - 1/4" or #14 Tek Screw. CONCRETE: Required minimum load each fastener = 5(wt+250/bs. 2 FEATURES * 1 1/2" Offset - loose fit allows pipe to slide. * 3/4" and I" pipe size made with common center-line. * Patented design for superior strength. * Offset edge eliminates abrasion. * AFCON#905 screw included - 5/16" hex head. ORDERING - Part # and pipe size. AFCON #906 backing nut sold separately. 4— —* Listed Restraint 3/4 thru 2 Specilic AFCO,V products are exclusively designed lobe compatible ONLY with uli,erAFCON products including parts and fasteners, resulting ,,, a listed sway brace, restrainer or hanger assembly. Be advised the following warranty restriction will apply. DISCLAIMER . AFCO,V will NOT warrant against the failure of its products when used it, combination with other products. parts or systems no, inant,factured or sold by .4 FCO,V. .4FCON shall NOT be liable tattler any circumstances whatsoever rurally direct or indirect, incjde,,tal or consequential damages of any kind. including but no, I riled to lo .1'business, or prol t Ic,l non-ArCON producis have been. or are used. 10/08 . '~'Vggg'o P.O. Box 3365 South El Monte, CA 91733 626.444.0541 Fax 626.444.3887 www. Afcon.org 904 C.P.V.C. SCREW For use with U.L. Listed AFCON Products #515 and 519. 3/8" Hex Head 905 C.P.V.C. SCREW For use with U.L. Listed AFCON Products #510, 511, 512, 513 and 514. 5/16" Hex Head 906 Pal Nut For use with AFCON #905 screw as required by product installation. co Example: See #514 engineering sheet 1/08 Shown with 1" Sch. 40 Pipe Brace - Shown with Fig. 981 . Fast Attach Universal Swivel Sway Brace Attachment Fig. 200 WON Band Hanger All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. 183 Pipe Hangers & Supports BLiflê Seismic Bracing Fig. 981 - Fast Attach - Universal Swivel Sway Brace Attachment Size Range: Fits bracing pipe 1(25mm) thru 2' (50mm), 12 gauge (2.6mm) channel and all structural steel up to 1/4° (6.3mm) thick. Fig. 981-S fits rod sizes /8' thru /8". Fig. 981-L fits rod sizes 3/4' thru /8'. Material: Steel Function: Multi-functional attachment to hanger rod, trapeze rod, structure or braced pipe fitting. Features: Fits multiple sizes of bracing pipe, strut or structural steel. Swivel allows adjustment to various surface angles. Breakaway bolt heads assure verification of proper installation torque. Unique "fast attach" yoke design fits multiple rod sizes; /8' thru /8" and 3/4' thru /8". "Stackable" design allows 3 installation of both lateral and longitudinal braces to be easily installed on a single hanger rod, with no disassembly. Installation: Fig. 981 is the "braced pipe" attachment component of a lateral or longitudinal brace assembly. It is intended to be combined with the pipe hanger, : all-thread rod, "bracing pipe" and TOLCO transitional and structural attachment component(s) to form a complete bracing assembly. NFPA 13 and or OSHPD guidelines should be followed. To Install: Spin nut on top of hanger counterclockwise to loosen the nut and raise it above the top of the hanger. Attach Fig. 981 by slipping the open side of the 981 yoke onto the all thread rod above the top of the hanger. Tighten /8" cone point set screw on yoke until head breaks-off to ensure proper installation torque. Spin the hex nut clockwise and tighten securely. Insert brace pipe into the jaw of the 981 and tighten the cone point set screw until the head breaks off ensuring proper installation torque. Pivot brace pipe to proper angle and attach to structure using a TOLCO swivel structural attachment. . Approvals: Included in our Seismic Restraint Systems Guidelines, approved by the California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). For additional load, spacing and placement information relating to OSHPD projects, please refer to the TOLCO Seismic Restraint Systems Guidelines. Finish: Electro-Galvanized Order By: Figure number, rod size US Patent Numbers Pat. #6,273,372, Pat. #7,097,141, Pat. #7,654,043, Pat. #7,654,043 B2 Shown with 12 Ga. Channel Brace Shown with Fig. 981 - Fast - Attach Universal Swivel Sway Brace Attachment Shown with Trapeze Hanger Shown with 1" Sch. 40 Pipe Brace Shown with Fig. 1 - 11/ Clevis Hanger with )• + Fig. 1CBS Shown with Fig. 981 - Fast Attach Universal Swivel Sway Brace Attachment Component of State of California OSHPD Approved ®TOLcci Seismic Restraints System Pipe Size Rod Size A B Approx. 3T/j II Part No. in. (MM) in. (MM) in. (MM) Itis. (kg) 200 1/2 1/2 (15) 3/8"-16 31/8 (79.4) 2/8 (66.7) ii L (5.0) 2OO-/4 3/4" (20) /8"-16 31/8 (79.4) 21/2 (63.5) 11 (5.0) 200-1 V. (25) 3/8 -16 3/8" (85.7) 2/8° (66.7) 12 (5.5) 200_1114 11/4" (32) 3/8 -16 33/4" (94.0) 2/8" (73.0) 13 (5.9) 200-1I2 11/2" (40) /8"-16 3/8" (98.4) 2/8" (73.0) 14 (6.4) 200-2 (50) /8"-16 41/2" (114.3) 3" (76.3) 15 (6.9) 200.21/2 21/2" (65) /8"-16 55/8" (142.9) 41/8" (104.7) 27 (12.3) 200-3 3" (75) /8"-16 5/8" (149.1) (101.6) 29 (13.3) 200.31/2 31/2 (90) /8"-16 7 /8" (187.3) 51/4 (133.3) - 34 (15.6) 200-4 4 (100) /8"-16 7 /8" (187.3) (127.0) 35 (16.0) 200-5 5" (125) 1/2"13 91/8 (231.8) 61/4 (158.7) 66 (30.2) -200-6 (150) 1/2"13 101/8 j (257.2) 6/4" (171.4) 73 (33.4) 200-8 8" (200) 1/2"13 131/8 (333.4) 8/4" (222.2) 136 (62.3) I Fig. 200S . Fig. 200 - "Trimline" Adjustable Band Hanger (Cooper B-Line Fig. B317ONF) Fig. 200F - "Trimline" Adjustable Band Hanger with Felt Lining (Cooper B-Line Fig. B317ONFF) Fig. 200C - "Trimline" Adjustable Band Hanger with Plastic Coated (Cooper B-Line Fig. B317ONFC Fig. 200S - "Trimline" Adjustable Band Hanger with Non-Captured Nut ®TOLCO' c®us I USThD Size Range: Fig. 200 - 1/2" (15mm) thru 8" (200mm) pipe Material: Steel, Pre-Galvanized to G90 specifications Function: For fire sprinkler and other general piping purposes. Knurled swivel nut design permits hanger adjustment after installation. Features: (1/2" (15mm) thru 2" (50mm)) Flared edges ease installation for all pipe types and protect CPVC plastic pipe from abrasion. Captured design keeps adjusting nut from separating with hanger. Hanger is easily installed around pipe. For hanger with non-captured nut order Fig. 200S. (21/2" (65mm) thru 8" (200mm)) Spring tension on nut holds it securely in hanger before installation. Adjusting nut is easily removed. Approvals: Underwriters Laboratories listed (1/2" (15mm) thru 8" (200mm)) in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL) for steel and CPVC plastic pipe and Factory Mutual Engineering Approved (FM) (3/4" (20mm) thru 8" (200mm)). Conforms to Federal Specifications WW-H-171 E & A-A-1 192A, Type 10 and Manufacturers Standardization Society ANSI/MSS SP-69 & SP-58, Type 10. Maximum Temperature: 650°F (343°C) Finish: Pre-Galvanized. Stainless Steel materials will be supplied with (2) hex nuts in place of a knurl nut. Order By: Figure number and pipe size Designed to meet or exceed requirements of FM DS 2-0. Fig. 200C / - I, ( Fig. 200-1 to 200-2 Fig. 200F Fig. 200-2I2 to 200-8 Fig. 200 All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. OOHL B-Line Fig. B3373 - Standard Riser Clamp (TOLCO Fig. 6) Fig. B3373C - PVC Coated Standard Riser Clamp (TOLCO Fig. 6PVC) Size Range: (B3373) 1/2" (15mm) thru 30" (760mm) pipe (B3373C) 1/2" (15mm) thru 6" (150mm) pipe Material: Steel Function: Used for supporting vertical piping. Approvals: Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL), Canada (cUL) 3/4 (20mm) - 8" (200mm). Factory Mutual Engineering Approved, 3/4° (20mm) thru 8" (200mm). Conforms to Federal Specification WW-H-171 E & A-A-11 192A, Type 8, and Manufacturers Standardization Society ANSI/MSS SP-69 & SP-58, Type 8. Maximum Temperature: 650°F (343°C) Finish: Plain. Contact Cooper B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. Order By: Figure number, pipe size and finish. Designed to meet or exceed requirements of FM DS 2-0. -®TOLCO c®t USTED Design Load A Bolt Size -' Bolts and Nuts Included B3373C Part No. B3373-1k Pipe Size in. (MM) ½ (15) in. 9.1 L (MM) (228.6) BoltSize 3/8"-16 x 11/4 Approx. , U 101 Wt./10I (45.9) B3373-314 3/4" (20) 91/4' (234.9) 3/8'-16x 11M" 105 (47.7) B3373-1 1" (25) 9/16" (242.9) 3/8"-16x11/4" 109 (49.4) B3373-1/4 11/4" (32) 10" (254.0) 3/8"-16x11/4" 112 (50.9) B3373-11/2 11/2" 1 (40) 101/4" (260.3) 3/8"-16x 11/2" 113 (51.1) B3373-2 2" (50) 103/4" (273.0) 3/8'-16x11/2" 165 (75.0) B3373-2112 21/2" (65) 111/4" (285.7) 3/8"-16X 11/2 ' 180 (81.6) B3373-3 3" (80) 1115/16" (303.2) 3/8'-16x11/2" 195 (88.4) B3373-31I2 31/2" (90) 12/8" (314.3) 1/2"-13X 1/4" 217 (98.5) B3373-4 4" (100) 12/8" (327.0) 1/2'-13x13/4" 228 (103.5) 83373-5 5" (125) 14" (355.6) 1/2"-13x13/4" 480 (217.7) B3373-6 6" (150) 15/16" (385.8) 1/2"-13x2" 526 (238.6) 83373-8 8' (200) 17/4" (450.8) /811-11 X21/2" 957 (434.1) 83373-10 10" (250) 1119/16" (493.7) /8"-11 x21/2" 1101 (499.4) B3373-12 12' (300) 2111/16" (550.9) /8'-11 x3' 1622 (735.7) B3373-14 14" (350) 23/16" (598.5) /8'-11 x3" 1732 (785.6) Notes: For ductile iron (Dl.) pipe use part number B3373C1-pipe size. Contact B-Line Engineering for more information. For larger sizes, consult the full line pipe hanger catalog. All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. cook B-Line S Part No. 82400_1/2 1/2" (15) /16" (7.9) /16" : (11.1) I I 213/16" (71.4) 10 Ga. (3.4) 1/8" (41.3) 132400-314 3/4" (20) I16" (7.9) 7/16" (11.1) 3" (76.2) 10 Ga. (3.4) 1/8" (41.3) B2400-1 (25) /16" (7.9) /16" (11. 1) 317/32" (89.7) 10 Ga. (3.4) 1I8" (41.3) B2400-11/4 11/4" (32) /16" (7.9) /16" (11.1) 33/4" (95.2) 10 Ga. (3.4) 1/8" (41.3) B2400-11/2 11/2" 1 (40) /16" (7.9) /16" (11.1) 41/16" (103.2) 10 Ga. (3.4) 1/8" (41.3) B2400-2 (50) I16" (11.1) 11/16" (17.4) 521/32" (143.6) 1/4" (6.3) 1i8" (41.3) B2400-2112 21/2" (65) /16" (11. 1) 11/16" (17.4) 6/32" (156.3) 1/4" (6.3) i/" (41.3) B2400-3 (80) /16" (11.1) 11/16" (17.4) 625/32" (172.2) 1/4" (6.3) 15/8" (41.3) B2400-3112 31/2" (90) /16" (11.1) 11/16" (17.4) 7/32" (184.9) 1/4" (6.3) 1/8" (41.3) B2400-4 (100) /16" (14.3) 11/16" (17.4) 725/32" (197.6) 1/4" (6.3) 1/8" (41.3) 132400-5 (125) /16" (14.3) 11/16" (17.4) 8/8" (225.4) 1/4" (6.3) 1/8" (41.3) B2400-6 (150) 1 9/16" (143) 11/16" (17.4) 915/16" (252.4) 1/4" (6.3) 1/8" (41.3) B2400-8 8" (200) /16" (14.3) 11/16" (17.4) 1131/32" (304.0) 1/4" (6.3) 1/8" (41.3) Part No. Design Load 1 B2400-1/2 600 (2.67) Design 150 Load 2 Design (.67) 105 Load 3 (.47) Approx. 23 Wt./100 (10.4) B2400-3/4 600 (2.67) 150 (.67) 105 (.47) 26 (11.8) B2400-1 600 (2.67) 150 (.67) 120 (.53) 31 (14.0) B2400-11/4 600 (2.67) 150 (.67) 120 (.53) 36 (16.3) B2400-11/2 600 (2.67) 150 (.67) 120 (.53) 39 (17.7) B2400-2 1200 (5.34) 480 (2.14) 180 (.80) 93 (42.2) B2400-21/2 1200 (5.34) 480 (2.14) 180 (.80) 106 (48.1) B2400-3 1200 (5.34) 480 (2.14) 300 (1.33) 132 (59.9) B2400-31/2 1200 (5.34) 480 (2.14) 300 (1.33) 151 (68.5) B2400-4 1500 (6.67) 600 (2.67) 450 (2.00) 160 (72.6) 82400-5 1500 (6.67) 600 (2.67) 450 (2.00) 192 (87.1) B2400-6 1500 (6.67) 600 (2.67) 450 (2.00) 219 (99.3) B2400-8 2000 (8.90) 800 (3.56) 600 (2.67) 297 (134.7) For larger sizes, consult the full line pipe hanger catalog. Fig. B2400 - Standard Pipe Strap (TOLCO Fig. 2STR) Size Range: 1/2" (15mm) thru 24" (600mm) pipe Material: Steel Function: Designed for supporting pipe runs from strut supports. Approvals: Underwriters Laboratories Listed for B2400-3/4 ' thru B2400-8". Conforms to Federal Specification WW-H-171 E & A-A-1l 92A, Type 26 and Manufacturers Standardization Society ANSI/MSS Design SP-69 & SP-58, Type 26. Load 3 Finish: Electro-Galvanized. Contact Cooper B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. Order By: Figure number, pipe size and finish Note: Ductile iron sizes available. , Special "B" dimensions available on request, consult factory. ®TOL.CO Design Load Design Load 2 All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. coot B-Line Fig. 22 - Hanger for CPVC Plastic Pipe & IPS Steel Pipe Single Fastener Strap (Cooper B-Line B3181) Size Range: 3/4" (20mm) thru 2" (50mm) CPVC pipe Material: Pre-Galvanized Steel Function: Intended to perform as a hanger to support CPVC piping used in automatic fire sprinkler systems. The product acts as a hanger when tab is upward and the fastener screw is in the horizontal position. Fig. 22 can be installed on the top of a beam, but in this situation acts as a guide to the piping which is supported by the beam itself. It is not intended to support CPVC pipe from under a flat horizontal surface, such as a ceiling. Approvals: Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL) to support fire sprinkler piping. May be installed in wood using fasteners supplied with product, or into minimum 20 gauge (0.9mm) steel using (1) 1/4" x 1" tek type screw. Meets and exceeds the requirements of NFPA 13, 13R and 13D. Features: Fig. 22 incorporates features which protect the pipe and ease installation. The flared edge design protects CPVC pipe from any rough surface. It is easily attached to the building structure using the special UL Listed hex head self threading screw* furnished with the product. It is recommended that rechargeable electric drills fitted with a hex socket attachment to be used as installation tools. No impact tools (such as a hammer) are allowed. Damage has been known to result from installations using impact type tools. No pre-drilling of a pilot hole in wood is required. Finish: Pre-Galvanized Order By: Figure number and pipe size. * Hardened hex head self threading screw is furnished with the product and is the minimum fastener size acceptable. ** With reduced spacing, consult factory. c®uS USTED ir'" Ii4 • Pipe Size (20) A 2/16" (61.9) 1/16" B (33.3) 1/16' C (30.2) Max. 51/2 Spacing Hanger (1.67) I Fastener Head /16" Size (7.9) 9 wt./100 (4.1) (25) 2/l6' (68.3) i/16" (36.5) 1/16" (30.2) 6 (1,83) /16" (7.9) 9 (4.1) U'i1I4 23/4" (32) 31/16' (77.8) 1/8" (42.3) 1/16" (30.2) 61/2 (1.98) /16" (7.9) 11 (5.0) I2 11 /2 (I) 35/16' (84.1) 13/4" (44.4) 1/16" (30.2) 7 /16" (7.9) 12 (5.4) 2" 1 (50) 1 33/4" (95.2) 21/8" (54.6) 1/16" (30.2) 8 (2.44) 1 5/16" (7.9) 15 1 (6.8) S All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. OOUL B-Line Fig. 23 - Hanger for CPVC Plastic Pipe & IPS Steel Pipe Double Fastener Strap (Cooper B-Line B3182) Size Range: 3/4" (20mm) thru 3" (80mm) CPVC pipe Material: Pre-Galvanized Steel Function: Intended to perform as a hanger to support CPVC piping used in automatic fire sprinkler systems. Fig. 23 can be installed on the top, bottom or side of a beam. Approvals: Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL) sizes 3/4" (20mm) thru 2" (50mm) to support fire sprinkler piping. May be installed in wood using fasteners supplied with product, or into minimum 20 gauge (0.9mm) steel using (2) 1/4" X 1 tek type screw. Meets and exceeds the requirements of NFPA 13,13R and 13D. Features: Fig. 23 incorporates features which protect the pipe and ease installation. The flared edge design protects the CPVC pipe from any rough surface. It also incorporates snap restrainers allowing easier and faster installation. Easily attaches to the building structure using the two UL Listed hex head self threading screws" furnished with the product. It is recommended that rechargeable electric drills fitted with a hex socket attachment be used as installation tools. No impact tools (such as a hammer) are allowed. Damage has been known to result from installations using impact type tools. No pre-drilling of a pilot hole in wood is required. Finish: Pre-Galvanized Order By: Figure number and pipe size * Hardened hex head self threading screw is furnished with the product and is the minimum fastener size acceptable. ** With reduced spacing, consult factory. 23-/4 Pipe 3/4" CPVC Size (20) A 31/8" (79.4) 1/16" B (39.7) 1/16" C (30.2) Max. Hanger Spacing 51/2 (1.67) Fastener Head /ie" Hex Size (7.9) 9 Approx. wt./100 (4.1) 23-1 1" (25) 3/8" (851) 1116" JL 1/16" JQ 6 (1,83) /16" (7.9) 9 _(4.1)--- 23-11/4 11/4" (32) 4/16" (106.4) 2/32" (53.1) 1/16" (30.2) 61/2 (1.98) /16" (7.9) 11 (5.0) 23_1112 11/2" (40) 4/16" (112.7) 2/32" (56.3) 1/16" (30.2) 7 (2.13) /16" (7.9) 12 (5.4) 23-2 2" 1 (50) 1 4 /8" (123.8) 2/16" (61.9) 1/16" (30.2) 1 8 1 (2.44) /16" (7.9) 15 (6.8) 23_2112 21/2" (65) 5/8" (136.5) 211/16" (68.3) 1/16" (30.2) Consult Factory I16" (7.9) 22 (10.0) 23-3 3" 1 (80) 1 6" (152.4) 3" (76.2) 1/16" (30.2) Consult Factory /16' (7.9) 25 (11.3) All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. pp- OOflL B-Line fl ®TOLCO C&S USTED c®uS USTED S Fig. 24 - Hanger for CPVC Plastic Pipe & IPS Steel Pipe Double Fastener Strap Side Mounted (Cooper B-Line B3183) Size Range: 3/4' (20mm) thru 2" (50mm) CPVC pipe Material: Pre-Galvanized Steel Function: Intended to perform as a hanger to support CPVC piping used in automatic fire sprinkler systems. Can be installed on the top or on the bottom of a beam. Approvals: Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL) to support fire sprinkler piping. May be installed in wood using fasteners supplied with product, or into minimum 20 gauge (0.912mm) steel using (2) 1/4" x 1" tek type screws. Meets and exceeds the requirements of NFPA 13,1313 and 13D. Features: Fig. 24 incorporates features which protect the pipe and ease installation. The flared edge design protects the CPVC pipe from building the any rough surface. Easily attaches to the structure using 3 two UL Listed hex head self threading screws* furnished with the product. It is recommended that rechargeable electric drills fitted with L a hex socket attachment be used as installation tools. No impact tools (such as a hammer) are allowed. Damage has been known to result from installations using impact type tools. No pre-drilling of a pilot hole in wood is required. Finish: Pre-Galvanized Order By: Figure number and pipe size * Hardened hex head self threading screw is furnished with the product and is the minimum fastener size acceptable. ** With reduced spacing, consult factory. PartNo. 24-/4 CPVC Pipe 3/4 Size (20) A 2/16" (58.7) B 1/32" (27.8) 1/16" C (30.2) Max. 51/2 Spacing Hanger (1.67) Fastener Head /16" Hex Size (7.9) 9 Approx. wt./100 (4.1) 24-1 - 1" (25) 2/8" Jfl_ 1/16" 1/16" J2L 6 (1.83) /16" (7.9) 9 (4.1) 24-1/4 11/4 (32) 3" (76.2) 11/2" (38.1) 1/16" (30.2) 61/2 (1.98) /16 (7.9) 11 (5.0) 24_11/2 11/2" (40) 31/4 (82.5) 1/8" (42.3) 1/16" (30.2) 7 (2.13) /16" (7.9) 12 (5.4) 24-2 2" (50) 311/16" 1 (93.7) 1127/32" 1 (43.6) 1 1/16" 1 (30.2) 1 8 (2.44) 1 5/16" 1 (7.9) 15 1 (6.8) Fig. 25 - Surge Restrainer Size Range: - One size fits 3/4" (20mm) thru 2" (40mm) pipe. Material: - Pre-Galvanized Steel Function: - Designed to be used in conjunction with Fig. 200 band hangers to restrict the upward movement of piping as it occurs during sprinkler head activation or earthquake type activity. The surge restrainer is easily and efficiently installed by snapping into a locking position on the band hanger. This product is intended to satisfy the requirements as indicated in the National Fire Protection Association NFPA 13, 2010 edition, and Can be used to restrain either steel pipe or CPVC plastic Pipe. Approvals: - Underwriters Laboratories Listed only when used with band hanger Fig. 200, in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL). Finish: Pre-Galvanized Order By: Figure number and band hanger, size from 3/4' (20mm) thru 2" (40mm). Patent #5,344,108 All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. cooi B-Line n— -n Fig. 27B (1) Required High Side of Hanger Application Hanger Application S Fig. 27B - Speed Nut Size Range: - Fits screws supplied with all CPVC hangers. Material: - Steel Finish: - Pre-Galvanized (Zinc) Function: - To be used anywhere a screw cannot achieve full embedment due to thickness of wood structural material when installed. Fig. 27B allows full pull out load capacity of screws when installed to the standard screws supplied with all CPVC hangers (Fig. 22, 23, 24, 28, 28M, 29, and B3184). ®TOLco Fig. 27B (1) Required High f— -n II II Side of Hanger -.. II II Application 11 IIII II II II II II II II II II II II II II Hanger Application Fig. 27B m-- -n (2) Required :------- sJ 5'LS sr Hanger and Restraint Application / jl I II I( IF— -n II II ' I II II S.... Fig. 27B II SS 5555 A. II II (2) Required 'II I 5 - S III II 5 .11 I S II II II II II II II U_ _U Hanger and Restraint Application All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. coo t B-Line TOLca C@'Lus LISTED, Fig. 28 - "Stand-Off" Hanger & Restrainer for CPVC Plastic Pipe & IPS Steel Pipe Size Range: - 3/4" (20mm) through 2° (50mm) Material: - Steel, Pre-Galvanized Function: - Designed to be used as a hanger and restrainer for CPVC piping where the stand-off" design will ease installation by eliminating the need for wood blocking. Features: Flared edge design protects CPVC pipe from any rough or abrasive surfaces. Unique twist and lock design holds pipe firmly in place and allows retrofit type of installation. The "Stand-Off" design eliminates the need for wood block extension. Can be installed on horizontal or vertical piping regardless of mounting surface orientation. Attaches easily to wood structure with two hex head self-threading screws furnished with product. Installs easily using rechargeable electrical driver with /16" (7.9mm) extension socket eliminating impact tool damage to pipe. Attaches easily to steel, minimum 18 gauge (1.024mm) with (2)1/4" x 1" tek type self drilling tapping screws. UL Listed as a hanger and a restrainer for fire sprinkler piping. H Approvals: - Underwriters Laboratory Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL) to support automatic fire sprinkler systems. May be installed into wood using fasteners supplied with product, or into minimum 18 gauge steel using (2)1/4" x 1" tek type screws. Meets and exceeds the requirements of NFPA 13, 13R and 13D. Fig. 28 satisfies the UL vertical restraint requirement where needed. UL Listed as a hanger and vertical restraint when installed on /8" (9.5mm) composite wood material. Use two Fig. 27B Speed Nuts when used as a hanger and restraint. Use one Fig. 27B Speed Nut on the upper installed screw when used as a hanger only. Order by: - Figure number and pipe size. Pat. # 7,455,268, Pat. # 7,832,248 ** With reduced spacing, consult factory. Fig. 27B [1 (1) Required Hig '?J Side of Hanger Application j Lj Hanger Application Fig. 27B n I H (2) Required Lj Hanger and Restraint Application Li All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. DOB B-Line Fig. 28M - Offset Hanger & Restrainer for CPVC Plastic Pipe and IPS Steel Pipe ** Size Range: 3/4' (20mm) thru 2 (32mm) Material: Steel, Pre-Galvanized Function: Designed to be used as a hanger and restrainer for CPVC piping or steel piping where the "stand-off' design will ease installation by eliminating the need for wood blocking. Features: Flared edge design protects CPVC pipe from any rough or abrasive surfaces Unique snap-on design holds pipe firmly in place and allows retrofit type of installation The "Stand-Off' design eliminates the need for wood block extension Can be installed on horizontal or vertical piping regardless of mounting surface orientation Attaches easily to wood structure with two hex head self-threading screws furnished with product Installs easily using rechargeable electrical driver with /16" (7.9mm) extension socket eliminating impact tool damage to pipe Attaches easily to steel, minimum 18 gauge (1 .024mm) with (2)1/4" x 1" tek type self drilling tapping screws cULus Listed as a hanger and a restrainer for fire sprinkler piping Installation Note: When installed in wood structural members and threads from the #10 x 1 screws are exposed, use Fig. 27B speed nut to secure Approvals: Underwriters Laboratory Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL) to support automatic fire sprinkler systems. May be installed into wood using fasteners screws. Meets and exceeds the requirements of NFPA 13, 13R and 13D. Fig. 28M satisfies the UL vertical restraint requirements where needed. Order By: Figure number and pipe size Patent #7,744,042 ** With reduced spacing, consult factory. Fig. 27B (2) Required I Restraint Hanger and Restraint Application Fig. 27B (1) Required High Side of Hanger Detail A Hanger Application * Required per NFPA 13 for CPVC plastic pipe All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. cOoéL B-Line Fig. 29 - Double Offset Hanger & Restrainer for CPVC Plastic Pipe & IPS Steel Pipe** Size Range: Available in 3/4" (20mm) and 1(25mm) pipe sizes Material: Pre-Galvanized Steel Function: Intended to perform as a hanger and restrainer for CPVC, plastic fire sprinkler pipe. Provides double offset 11/2" (20mm) x 11/2" (20mm) from mounting surface. This design will ease installation by eliminating the need for wood block extension and allow retro-f it attachment of hanger to sprinkler pipe. Features: Thumb tab provides protection to restrain pipe in rough job site conditions. Tab is not required to be bent for listed installation. Offset edge eliminates abrasion. Attaches easily to wood structure with two special #10 x 1" hex head self-threading screws furnished with product. Can be used as a single offset hanger by aligning "dimples" with top of mounting surface and utilizing two fasteners in two of the three holes provided. Approvals: Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL) as a hanger and restrainer to support fire sprinkler systems. Meets and exceeds requirements of NFPA 13,1313 and 13D. Finish: Pre-Galvanized Order By: Figure number and pipe size. Patent Pending i— ** With reduced spacing, consult factory. 1.5" (38.1mm) Double Offset Single Offset . .. Install using a rechargeable electric drill fitted with a 5/16" (7.9mm) socket attachment with the special hex head self-tapping screws provided. Install screws until they bottom out. Pipe can be "snapped" into hanger before or after installation of the screws to the mounting surface. "Thumb tab" may be bent up to provide additional protection to the pipe, but is not required for performance of the hanger / restrainer function. All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. OO B-Line Pine Size @TOLICO USM Fig. 3184 - Offset Hanger for CPVC Plastic Pipe and IPS Steel Pipe Size Range: 3/4" (20mm) thru 2" (32mm) Material: Pre-Galvanized Steel Function: Designed to be used as a hanger for CPVC piping or steel piping where the "stand-off" design will ease installation by eliminating the need for wood blocking. Features: Flared edge design protects CPVC pipe from any rough or abrasive surfaces The "Stand-Off' design eliminates the need for wood block extension Can be installed on horizontal or vertical piping regardless of mounting surface orientation Attaches easily to wood structure with two hex head self-threading screws furnished with product cULus Listed as a hanger for fire sprinkler piping Installation Note: When installed in wood structural members and threads from the #10 x 1" screws are exposed, use Fig. 27B speed nut to secure Approvals: Underwriters Laboratory Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL) 3/4" (20mm) thru 2" (50mm) to support automatic fire sprinkler systems. May be installed into wood using fasteners screws. Meets and exceeds the requirements of NFPA 13, 13R and 13D. Order By: Figure number and pipe size Patent # 7,744,042 This product is cULus Listed as a hanger ONLY. For hanger and restraint applications, please refer to Cooper B-Line Fig. 28 or Fig. 28M. All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. cao B-Line • Fig. 4A - Pipe Clamp for Sway Bracing Size Range: 4" (1 00mm) thru 8" (200mm) pipe. For sizes smaller than 4" (100mm) use B3140. Material: Steel Function: For bracing pipe against sway and seismic disturbance. Approvals: Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL) 4" (100mm) thru 8" (200mm). Installation Instructions: Fig. 4A is the "braced pipe" attachment component of a longitudinal, lateral or riser brace assembly. It is intended to be combined with the "bracing pipe" and Cooper B-LineiTOLCO transitional and structural attachment component(s) to form a complete bracing assembly. NFPA 13 guidelines should be followed. To Install: Place the Fig. 4A over the pipe to be braced. Attach Cooper B-Line11OLCO transitional fitting, either Fig. 980, 910, 909, or any other Cooper B-Line/TOLCO approved transitional fitting. Tighten bolts and nuts; torque requirement is a minimum of 50 ft./lbs. (68Nm). Transitional fitting attachment can pivot for adjustment to proper brace angle. Finish: Plain. Contact Cooper B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. Order By: Figure number, pipe size and finish Note: Please refer to Fig. 4L for longitudinal brace applications for 2" (50mm) - 8" (200mm) pipe sizes. 0 ® TOIL CQ à®us usno nnuz, unu nu nuts Included Fig. 4A - Longitudinal - Brace Cooper B-Line, Inc.'s ("Cooper B-Line") seismic bracing components are designed to be compatible only with other Cooper B-Line bracing components, resulting in a listed seismic bracing assembly. Cooper-B-Line's warranty for seismic bracing components will be the warranty provided in Cooper B-Line's standard terms and conditions of sale made available by Cooper B-Line, except that, in addition to the other exclusions from Cooper B-Line's warranty, Cooper B-line makes no warranty relating to Cooper B-Line's seismic bracing components that are combined with products not provided by Cooper B-Line. All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. pp— coo B-Line Fig. 41 - Longitudinal "In-Line" Sway Brace Attachment Size Range: 2" (50mm) through 8" (200mm) lPS. Material: Steel Function: For bracing pipe against sway and seismic disturbance. Approvals: Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL) 2" (50mm) through 8" (200mm) pipe. For FM Approval information refer to page 47. Installation Instructions: Fig. 4L is the braced pipe attachment component of a longitudinal sway brace assembly. It is intended to be combined with the bracing pipe and Cooper B-Line/TOLCO structural attachment component to form a complete bracing assembly. NFPA 13 guidelines should be followed. To Install: Place the Fig. 4L over the pipe to be braced and tighten bolts. Then engage bracing pipe into jaw opening and tighten set bolt until head snaps off. Jaw attachment can pivot for adjustment to proper brace angle. Finish: Plain. Contact Cooper B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. Order By: Figure number, pipe size and finish. ®TOLCO Uh liSTED, nt Rnit £ I1,rd,rp lneliidpd 4-Way Riser Brace (plan view) Longitudinal Brace Pipe Max. Rec. Part Size A C I BoltISize IkII I 1k U Ik (50) 5/8" (136.5) 21/16" (52.4) 21/16' (52.4) I 1/2"_13 2015 (8.96) 247 (112.0) L4i/2 21/2" (65) 6/16" (163.5) 21/2" (63.5) 2I4" (69.8) 1/2 '-13 2015 8.96) 253 (114.7) (80) (177.8) 2/4" (69.8) 31/16 (77.8) 1/2"13 2015 (8.96) 268 (121.5) 4 (100) 81/2 (2159) 3/8 (857) 311/16 (937) 1/2"-13 2015 (896) 348 (1578) (125) 93/4" (247.6) 3/8" (98.4) 4I8" 1 (1111) 1/2"13 2015 (8.96) 1 380 (172.3) ____ (150) 11V2" (292.1) 5" (127.0) 5½" (130.2) 1/2"3 2015 (86) 640 (290.3) 1 (200) 1 131/4" (336.5) 5/8" (142.8) 5/8" (142.9) 1/2"13 1 2015 1 (8.96) 1 728 (330.2) * The loads listed are axial loads on the brace. The horizontal load capacity, H, of the brace is: H = F x sin?, where ? the installation angle measured from the vertical. Cooper B-Line, Inc.'s ("Cooper B-Line") seismic bracing components are designed to be compatible only with other Cooper B-Line bracing components, resulting in a listed seismic bracing assembly. Cooper-B-Line's warranty for seismic bracing components will be the warranty provided in Cooper B-Line's standard terms and conditions of sale made available by Cooper B-Line, except that, in addition to the other exclusions from Cooper B-Line's warranty, Cooper 13-line makes no warranty relating to Cooper B-Line's seismic bracing components that are combined with products not provided by Cooper B-Line. All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. cooi B-Line Late Bra ®'iOLca Fig. 4LA - Longitudinal "In-Line" Sway Brace Attachment Size Range: 1" (25mm) through 12" (300mm) IPS. I Material: Steel Function: For bracing pipe against sway and seismic disturbance. Approvals: Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL) 1(25mm) through 10" (250mm) pipe. For FM Approval information refer to page 4713. Installation Instructions: Fig. 4LA can be used as the system attachment component of a longitudinal or lateral brace assembly. It is intended to be combined with the bracing member and Cooper B-LineiTOLCO transitional attachment and structural attachment to form a complete bracing assembly. For fire sprinkler applications NFPA 13 guidelines should be followed. To Install: Place the Fig. 4LA pipe clamp component over the pipe to be braced and tighten down the break-off nuts until the hex head portion breaks off to verify correct installation torque. Next engage brace member (pipe or strut) with jaw component and tighten break-off head bolt until the hex head breaks off to verify correct installation torque. Pivot jaw for correct angle and attach to structure using Cooper B-LineiTOLCO brand transitional attachment and structural auacnment. U- Finish: Plain or Electro-Galvanized. Contact Cooper B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. Order By: Figure number, pipe size and finish. r.. pIg , 4LA-1 thru 4LA-4 4LA-5 thru 4LA-12 S Part Pipe Size A I D Bolt Size ' 3/8 -16 UL Max. Rec. Load Approx. Longitudinal & Lateral wt./100 1000 (4A5) 11'' 329/32 (99.3) 1/8" (35.3) 1/8" (35.3) /811-16 1000 (4.45) 123 (55.8) 4LA-1112 11/2" (40) 4/32" (105.7) 11/2" (38.5) 11/2" (38.5) /8"-16 1000 (4.45) 127 (57.6) 41A-2 (50) 511/32" (135.6) 21/32' (51.9) 21/16" (51.9) /811-16 1000 (4.45) 142 (64.4) 41A-2112 21/2" (65) 527/32" (148.7) 2/16" (58.5) 2/16" (58.5) /8"-16 1000 (4.45) 173 (78.5) 4LA-3 (80) 61/2" (164.9) 2/8" (66.6) 2/" (66.6) /8"-l6 1000 (4.45) 187 (84.8) 4LA-31/2 31/2" (90) 7.407" (188.1) 2/o" (73.1) 27/8" (73.1) 3/8 -16 1000 (4.45) 198 (89.8) 41A-4 (100) 713/32" (190.8) 31/8" (795) 31/8" (79.5) /8"-16 1000 (4.45) 209 (94.8) 4LA-5 (125) 8/4" (222.3) 3/8" (92.1) 3/8" (92.1) 1/2"_13 1600 (7.12) 298 (135.2) 4LA-6 (150) 105/8" (269.9) 49/16 (115.9) 4/16" (115.9) 1/2"13 1600 (7.12) 521 (236.3) 41A-8 8" (200) 1213/16" (325.5) 5/16" (143.7) 521/32" (143.7) 1/2"_13 2015 (7.12) 629 (285.3) 41A-10 10" (250) 161/2" (419.1) 1 71/4" (184.2)-j-71/4" (184.2) 1/2"13 2765 (8.96) 1320 (598.7) 41A-12 1 12" (300) 181/2" (469.9) 81/4 (209.6) 81/4' (209.6) 1/2 13 -- -- 1496 (678.6) Cooper B-Line, Inc.'s ("Cooper B-Line") seismic bracing components are designed to be compatible only with other Cooper B-Line bracing components, resulting in a listed seismic bracing assembly. Cooper-B-Line's warranty for seismic bracing components will be the warranty provided in Cooper B-Line's standard terms and conditions of sale made available by Cooper B-Line, except that, in addition to the other exclusions from Cooper B-Line's warranty, Cooper 13-line makes no warranty relating to Cooper B-Line's seismic bracing components that are combined with products not provided by Cooper B-Line. All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. Hardware Included UL Listed Design Load 1" (25mm) thru 2" (50mm) pipe size 655 lbs. (2.91M) ®TOLCO C® US US1ED: • Fig. 1000 - "Fast Clamp" Sway Brace Attachment Size Range: Pipe size to be braced: 1(25mm) thru 40 (1 00mm) 40 IPS. Pipe size used for bracing: 1 (25mm) and 11/4" (32mm) Schedule 40 IPS. For pipe sizes larger than 4" (100mm) please refer to TOLCO Fig. 1001. Material: Steel Function: A restraint device intended for lateral bracing. Features: Field adjustable, making critical pre-engineering of bracing pipe ' unnecessary. Unique design requires no threading of bracing pipe. Steel leaf spring insert provided to assure installer and inspector necessary minimum torque has been achieved. Installation: Fig. 1000 is the 'braced pipe' attachment component of a lateral sway brace assembly. It is intended to be combined with the 'bracing pipe and Cooper B-LinefrOLCO structural attachment component, Fig. 980, 910, 909 or other approved TOLCO component to form a complete bracing assembly. Follow NFPA 13 guidelines. To Install: Place the Fig. 1000 over the pipe to be braced, insert bracing pipe through opening leaving a minimum of 1" extension. Brace pipe can be installed on top or bottom of pipe to be braced. Tighten hex nuts until leaf spring is flat. It is recommended that the brace angle be adjusted before hex nuts are fully tightened. Approvals: Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL). Approved for use with Allied Dyna Flow sprinkler pipe up to 2' as a restraint device. Maximum horizontal design load is 655 lbs. (2.91kN) Torque requirement is 6-8 ft/lbs. (8-10Nm). For FM Approval information refer to page 63. Application Note: Position Fast Clamp and tighten two hex nuts until leaf spring flattens. A minimum of 1" pipe extension beyond the Fig. 1000 is recommended. Finish: Plain. Contact Cooper B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. . Order By: Order by fiure number, pipe size to be braced, followed by pipe size used for bracing (1" (25mm) or 11/4" (32mm)) , and finish. Pipe Part Number & Approx. Wt./100 Design Size 1 " (24mm) Brace Pipe 11/4" (32mm) Brace Pipe Load 1 (25) 1000-1 X 71.6 I (32.5) 1000-1 X 11/4 ' 758 7344) 655 (2.91) 11/4' (32) 1000-1/4 X 1 74.8 (3&9) 100011/4 X 11/4 9) 655 1) 11/2" (40) 100011/2 X 1 77.8 (35.3) 100011/2 X 11/4 82.1 (37.2) 655 (2.91) (50) 1000-2 X 84.1 (381) 1000-2 X 11/4 88.4 (401) 655 (2.91) 21/2" (65) 100021I2 X 90.2 (40) 100021/2 X 1I4 94.6 (42.9) -- H (80) 1000-3 X 97.3 (44.1) 1000-3 X 11/4 101.7 (46.1) -- (--) 31/2" (90) 1000_3112 X 104.0 (47.2) 1000-3/2 X 11/4 108.4 (49.2) -- (--) (100) 1000-4 X 1 1103 (50.0) 1000-4 X 11/4 114.6 (52.0) -- (--) Cooper B-Line, Inc.'s ("Coope B-Line") seismic bracing components are designed to be compatible only with other Cooper B-Line bracing components, resulting in a listed seismic bracing assembly. Cooper-B-Line's warranty for seismic bracing components will be the warranty provided in Cooper B-Line's standard terms and conditions of sale made available by Cooper B-Line, except that, in addition to the other exclusions from Cooper B-Line's warranty, Cooper B-line makes no warranty relating to Cooper B-Line's seismic bracing components that are combined with products not provided by Cooper B-Line. All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. OOUl B-Line ®TOLcO LISTED, Fig. 75 - Swivel Attachment Size Range: - f8-16 Rod Attachment Material: Steel Function: Three recommended applications for this product: May be used as a Branch Line Restraint for structural attachment to anchor bolt, beam clamp, etc. May be used in a pitched or sloped roof application, to meet requirements of NFPA 13 (2010) Approvals: Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (ctiL) to support up to 4 (1 00mm) pipe. Finish: Electro-Galvanized Weight: Approx. Wt./100 - 13.3 Lbs. (6.0kg) Order By: Figure number Patent: #7,887,248 ; St eel Fig. 78 'D Ceiling Plate Fig. 75 Swivel I Attachment Fig. 200 All Threaded Rod Adjustable Band Hanger - i)'/ "- Fig. 25 Surge Restrainer May be used as a structural attachment component of a branch line restraint IWO Fig. 65X1 Reversible -- - Beam Clamp W-Beam Y'- Fig. 75 Swivel - - - Attachment All Threaded Rod May be used with a pitched roof application, to meet requirements of NFPA 13 (2010) Sec. All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. pp— OOBl B-Line S Part No. Threads Recommended Load Approx. Wt./100 Ft. ATR 1/4" x'L' 20 240 (1.07) 12 I (544) AIR I8" x 'L' 16 730 (3.24) 29 (13.15) ATR 1/2" x V 13 1350 (6.00) 53 (24.04) AIR /8" x 'L' 11 2160 (9.60) 89 (40.37) ATR 3/4" X 'L' 10 3230 (14.37) 123 (55.79) AIR 7/8" x '1' 9 4480 (19.93) 170 (77.11) For larger sizes consult full line pipe hanger catalog. !ii Pi Fig. B3205 - Threaded Rod (right-hand threads - both ends) (IOLCO Fig. 103) Fig. B32051 - Threaded Rod (right & left hand threads) ®TOLICO IL Size Range: /8-16 thru 3-4 rod 11 Specify Length Material: Steel Function: Recommended for use as a hanger support in hanger assemblies. Rod is threaded on both ends with right hand threads of the length shown. Also TL available with left and right hand threads - specify Fig. B3205L when ordering. Maximum Temperature: 750°F (399°C) ea Se Finish: Plain. Contact Cooper B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. Order By: Figure number, rod size, length and finish 0000111~ Part1Ii'. B3205-318 x 'L' Thread Size ' /8-16 Thread ' 2/" Standard Length TL (63.5) 650-F ' 730 Design (343-C) (3.25) Load 750oF ' 572 (399-C) (2.54) B3205-112 X '1' I2'-13 21/2 (63.5) 1350 (6.00) 1057 (4.70) B3205-518 x 'L' /8-11 21/2 (63.5) 2160 (9.61) 1692 (7.52) B3205-3/4 X '1' /4-10 3" (76.2) 3230 (14.37) 2530 (11.25) B3205-7/8 X 'I /8-9 31/2 (88.9) 1 4480 1 (19.93) 3508 1 (15.60) For larger sizes consult full line pipe hanger catalog. Fig. ATR - All Threaded Rod (TOLCO Fig. 99 & Fig. 100) Size Range: /8-16 thru 11/2"-6 rod in 10' (3.05m) lengths Material: Steel Maximum Temperature: 750°F (399°C) Finish: Plain. Contact Cooper B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. Order By: Figure number, rod size, length and finish Note: Fig. 99 is cut to length all threaded rod. Fig. 100 is full length. All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. PC'001!& B-Line Fig. 907 - Multi-Angle Attachment Size Range: 1(25.4mm) x 1(25.4mm), 1(25.4mm) x 11/4° (31.7mm) and 11/4° (25.4mm) x 11/4" (25.4mm) bracing pipe. Material: Steel, hardened cone (or cup) point set bolt Function: For attaching two pieces of pipe together at various angles. Can be used as OSHPD Pre-Approved Seismic Bracing assembly. Approvals: Included in our Seismic Restraints Catalog approved by the State of California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). For additional load, spacing and placement information relating to OSHPD projects, please refer to the Cooper B-LineiTOLCO Seismic Restraint Systems Guidelines. To Install: Attach the Fig. 907 over one piece of pipe and adjust to desired position. Tighten set bolt until head bottoms out on surface, then repeat the process for the second pipe. Finish: Plain. Contact Cooper B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. Order By: Figure number, bracing pipe sizes and finish. ®TOLCcr Cooper B-Line, Inc.'s (Cooper B-Line") seismic bracing components are designed to be compatible only with other Cooper B-Line bracing components, resulting in a listed seismic bracing assembly. Cooper-B-Line's warranty for seismic bracing components will be the warranty provided in Cooper B-Line's standard terms and conditions of sale made available by Cooper B-Line, except that, in addition to the other exclusions from Cooper B-Line's warranty, Cooper B-line makes no warranty relating to Cooper B-Line's seismic bracing components that are combined with products not provided by Cooper B-Line. All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. cooi B-Line Fig. 909 - No-Thread Swivel Sway Brace Attachment Size Range: 1 (25mm) bracing pipe. For brace pipe sizes larger than 1' (25mm), use Fig. 980. Available with holes for 3M"-16 thru /4"-10 fastener attachment. Material: Steel, hardened cone point set bolt Function: The structural component of a sway and seismic bracing system. Features: This product's design incorporates a concentric attachment opening which is critical to the performance of structural seismic connections. NFPA 13 indicates clearly that fastener table load values are based only on concentric loading. No threading of the bracing pipe is required. Open design allows for easy inspection of pipe engagement. Application Note: Fig. 909 is used in conjunction with the Fig. 1000, Fig. 1001, Fig. 4A or Fig. 4L or other approved TOLCO attachment to pipe, and joined together with bracing pipe. Sway brace assemblies are intended to be installed in accordance with NFPA 13. The required type, number and size of fasteners used for the structure attachment fitting shall be in accordance with NFPA 13. Approvals: Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada Set Bolt (cUL). Included Installation Instructions: Fig. 909 is the structural or transitional attachment component of a longitudinal or lateral sway brace assembly. It is intended to be combined with the "bracing pipe" and Cooper B-Line11DLCO braced pipe" attachment, Fig. 1000, 1001, 4A, or other approved TOLCO attachment to pipe to form a complete bracing assembly. NFPA 13 guidelines should be followed. To Install: Place the Fig. 909 onto the bracing pipe. Tighten the set bolt until the head bottoms out on surface. Attachment can pivot for adjustment to proper brace angle. Finish: Plain. Contact Cooper B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. Order By: Figure number, fastener attachment size and finish. ®.TOLCO C& USTED Mounting Hardware Is Not Included Other hole sizes are available, consult factory. * Standard size. Cooper B-Line, Inc.'s ("Cooper B-Line") seismic bracing components are designed to be compatible only with other Cooper B-Line bracing components, resulting in a listed seismic bracing assembly. Cooper-B-Line's warranty for seismic bracing components will be the warranty provided in Cooper B-Line's standard terms and conditions of sale made available by Cooper B-Line, except that, in addition to the other exclusions from Cooper B-Line's warranty, Cooper 11-line makes no warranty relating to Cooper B-Line's seismic bracing components that are combined with products not provided by Cooper B-Line. All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. coo B-Line Fig. 980 - Universal Swivel Sway Brace Attachment - /8" to 3/4" is Size Range: One size fits bracing pipe 1 "(25mm) thru 2" (50mm), Cooper B-Line 12 gauge (2.6mm) channel, and all structural steel up to 1/4" (31 .7mm) thick. Material: Steel Function: Multi-functional attachment to structure or braced pipe fitting. Features: This product's design incorporates a concentric attachment opening which is critical to the performance of structural seismic connections. NFPA 13 indicates clearly that fastener table load values are based only on concentric loading. Mounts to any surface angle. Break off bolt head assures verification of proper installation. Installation: Fig.980 is the structural or transitional attachment component of a longitudinal or lateral sway brace assembly. It is intended to be combined with the "bracing pipe" and Cooper B-LineTTOLCO "braced pipe' attachment, Fig. 1000, 1001, 4L, or other TOLCO approved attachment to pipe to form a complete bracing assembly. NFPA 13 guidelines should be followed. To Install: Place the Fig. 980 onto the "bracing pipe". Tighten the set bolt until the head breaks off. Attachment can pivot for adjustment to proper brace angle. Approvals: —Approved by Factory Mutual Engineering (FM). For UL Listed information refer to page 60. Note: Fig. 980 Swivel Attachment and Fig. 1000, 1001, 4L or other TOLCO approved attachment to pipe that make up a sway brace system of UL Listed attachments and bracing materials which satisfies the requirements of Underwriters Laboratories and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Finish: Plain, Electro-Galvanized or Stainless Steel. Contact Cooper B-Line for alternative finishes. aL.coi APPROV!D K Set Bolt Included Mounting Hardware Is Not Included . Order By: Figure number and finish. Pat. #6,273,372, Pat. #6,517,030, Pat. #6,953,174, Pat. #6,708,930, Pat. #7,191,987, Pat. #7,441,730, Pat. #7,669,806 Designed to meet or exceed requirements of FM DS 2-8. Fig. 980 a . a- Fig. 4L ..' * , Longitudinal Brace I. * Standard size. ** Installed with 1" or 11/4" Schedule 40 brace pipe. FM Approved design loads are based on ASD design method. Cooper B-Line, Inc.'s ("Cooper B-Line") seismic bracing components are designed to be compatible only with other Cooper B-Line bracing components, resulting in a listed seismic bracing assembly. Cooper-B-Line's warranty for seismic bracing components will be the warranty provided in Cooper B-Line's standard terms and conditions of sale made available by Cooper B-Line, except that, in addition to the other exclusions from Cooper B-Line's warranty, Cooper B-line makes no warranty relating to Cooper B-Line's seismic bracing components that are combined with products not provided by Cooper B-Line. All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. OOHL B-Line r UL Listed Design Load Sch. 7 - 1600 lbs. (7.11kN) Sch. 10 & 40w/1" (25mm) Brace Pipe 2015 lbs. (8.96kN) Sch. 10 & 40 w/11/4" (32mm) Brace Pipe 2765 lbs. (12.30kN) Fig. 1001 -Sway Brace Attachment Size Range: Pipe size to be braced: 21&" (65mm) thru 8" (200mm) IPS. * Pipe size used for bracing: 1(25mm) and 11/4 (32mm) Schedule 40 IPS. Material: Steel Function: For bracing pipe against sway and seismic disturbance. The pipe attachment component of a sway brace system: Fig. 1001 is used in conjunction with a Fig. 900 Series fitting and joined together with bracing pipe per NFPA 13, forming a complete sway brace assembly. Features: Can be used to brace schedules 7 through 40 IPS. Field adjustable, making critical pre-engineering of bracing pipe length unnecessary. Unique design requires no threading of bracing pipe. Comes assembled and ready for installation. Fig. 1001 has built-in visual verification of correct installation. See installation note below. Installation Note: Position Fig. 1001 over the pipe to be braced and tighten two hex head cone point set bolts until heads bottom out. A minimum of 1(25mm) pipe extension is recommended. Brace pipe can be installed on top or bottom of pipe to be braced. Approvals: Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL). For FM Approval information refer to page 65. Finish: Plain. Contact Cooper B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. Order By: Order by figure number, pipe size to be braced, followed by pipe size used for bracing (10 (25mm) or 11/4 (32mm)), and finish. Important Note: Fig. 1001 is precision manufactured to perform its function as a critical component of a complete bracing assembly. To ensure performance, the UL Listing requires that Fig. 1001 must be used only with other Cooper B-LineT1DLCO bracing products. Pipe Size 21/2 jj Part Number & Approx. Wt./100 1 " (24mm) Brace Pipe 11/4" (32mm) 1001.21/2 X 138.6 (62.8) 1001.21/2 X1/4 Brace Pipe 160.4 (72.7) Design Load UL 3 (80) 1001-3X1 147.2 (66.7) 1001-3X11/4 168.7 (76,5) UL 4" (100) 1001-4 X 160.9 (73.0) 1001-4 X 11/4 182.4 (82.7) UL 6" (150) 1001-6X1 190.0 (86.2) 1001-6X11/4 211.4 (95.9) UL 8" (200) _1001-8Xl 1217.4 1 (98.6) 1 1001-8 X 11/4 238.8 1(108.3)1 UL See load ratings in UL Listed Design Load chart. * The loads listed are axial loads on the brace. The horizontal load capacity, H, of the brace is: H = F x sin ?, where? is the installation angle measured from the vertical. (.. -- (( S All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. OOB B-Line S Fig. 109AF - Concrete Insert - Hanger Application (Cooper B-Line B2501) Size Range: /8"-16 thru /8"-9 rod Material: Steel Function: Designed to be embedded in concrete to provide a point of support. Approvals: Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL) for 3/8" and 1/2" Finish: Plain anchor bolt with Electro-Galvanized hardware and plate. Order By: Figure number, rod size and finish. Note: The hex or jam nut has NO value in determining the loads. Their function is to assist in locking the coupling snug to the bottom of the deck form preventing the concrete from leaking into the coupling threads. Any other suitable locking device may be substituted if desired. Applications Per NFPA 13 (2010): UL Listed as a component of a hanger assembly per Section See dimensions and installation Detail below. Anchor Bolt ASTM A307 Edge of concrete E Rod Coupling Mounting Hole for iV Securing to Form - DE Min. -.-1 Design Load-Vertical All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. Pep OOL B-Line B655 F' B656 • Fig. B655 - Steel Rod Coupling (TOLCO Fig. 70) TOLCO Fig. B656 - Steel Reducing Rod Coupling (TOLCO Fig. 70R) Size Range: 1/4"20 thru 1-8 rod Material: Steel Function: Used for coupling two threaded rods together of equal or reduced rod sizes, with or without inspection hole. Finish: Electro-Galvanized. Contact Cooper B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. Order By: Figure number and finish I PartlL F B655-1/4 r 1/4"20 /8" Length (22.2) Design 300 - 730 Load (1.33) Approx. 1.9 Wt./100 (0.86) B655-318 /8-16 11/8 (28.6) (3.25) 3.6 (1.63) - 8655-I2 1/2"13 1I4 (44.4) 1350 (6.00) 11.3 (5.12) B655-5/8 /8-11 21/8 (54.0) 2160 (9.61) 17.6 (7.98) B655-314 /4-10 21/4 (57.1) 3230 (14.37) 28.1 (12.74) B655-7/8 I8'-9 21/2 (63.5) 4480 (19.93) 57.2 (25.94) B655-1 1-8 2/4 (69.8) 5900 (26.24) 73.7 (33.43) Part I. B656-318 X I4 For Rod /8-16 & 1/4"..20 I Length (25.4) Design 300 Load (1.33) Approx. 3.7 Wt./100 (1.68) B656-112 X 318 1/2'13&3/8 16 11/4 (31.7) 730 (3.25) 6.6 (2.99) B656-518 X 1j I8-11 & 1/2"13 11/4 (31.7) 1350 (6.00) 11.6 (5.26) B656-314 X 5/8 /4'-10&/8-11 11/2' (38.1) 2160 (9.61) - 20.6 -(9.34) -- B656-7/8 X 314 /8-9&I4-10 1/4 (44.4) 1 3230 1 (14.37) 1 39.4 (17.87) Fig. B3220 - Rod Coupling (TOLCO Fig. 71) Size Range: /'-16 thru 1 "-8 rod Hanger Rod Material: Steel Function: Used for coupling two threaded rods together Overall Not Included Length of equal rod sizes, with inspection hole. Finish: Electro-Galvanized. Contact Cooper B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. Order By: Figure number and finish Overall 1Wis. B3220-1/4 I 1/8 Length , (34.9) Design Load Approx. Wt./100 300 (1.33) 6 (2.7) B3220-318 X 1/4 /8-16 to 1/4 '20 1I8' (41.3) 300 (1.33) 11 (5.0) B3220-318 /8-16 1/ (41.3) 730 (3.25) 10 (4.5) B3220-1/2 X /8 1/2 13 to /8-16 21/8" (54.0) 730 (3.25) 20 (9.1) 83220_112 1/2"13 21/8 (54.0) 1350 (6.00) 20 (9.1) B3220-5/8 /8'-11 - 21/2 (63.5) 2160 (9.61) 32 (14.5) B3220-3/4 /4-10 2/8" (66.7) 3230 (14.37) 42 (19.0) B3220-718 - /8-9 3/16 (55.6) 4480 - (19.93) 91 (41.3) B3220-1 1-8 2/4 (69.8) 5900 1 (26.24) 100 (45.3) All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. pp- coo B-Line ® Listed Max. Horizontal Load NPS 5".59" 60".89" 90" 2394 2765 M11/2" JE1383 2394 2765 56 2394 2765 2394 2765 1956 2394 2765 2645 3238 40 Certified Max. ASO Horizontal Loads System NPS Sch. 30"44" 45"-59" 60"-74" 75"-90" 1" -1 1/2" 10,40 1680 2380 2 2-3" 1040 1800 2350 3120 3490 4" 10,40 1370 1930 2370 2640 5,6,8" 10,40 730 1040 1270 1420 * SPECIALLY LISTED PIPE AS i Pipes 'VI Lii) Al J_ Steel Products Co. SAOG Allied lube & Conduit Corp. Ilihar Tithes LTI). Bloesleni Services I. L C ltorstsan Mstusesnuanfl hoot AS C~.!toll Moose Co. ares Metal Supply 1:11). lli Chit, Worldwide LTD I lick-non Pipe & Tube Corp. Jiedong Econonty Development Testiurg Zone Jindol Industries LT) Jotindra Steel & Tubes Lii) Millet Co,,ods Inc. MS Pipe Co. LTD Notshtecsl Pipe Co. Pacific l'ipe Public Co. IN[) Salts Thai Stool pipe Public Co. Lii) Shield l'ire Solely & Security Cr) Satyr Roshi,,i k-TI) Suess(ik Pipes LTI) Tea-Tohe Co. Uttisersol lube & l'lostk Industries Lii) Weilosg East Pipe Inditutty Techujeol Co. Lii) Welded lobe. Berkeley LLC Wheatland Tube Co. Wh Die. hid, Phsi Enterprise Co. Lii) Yotittgstour'tt i5,he Co. Zct,ilh 13ir10 llndiol LII) * COMMONLY KNOWN AS SCH. 7 S P.O. Box 3365 South El Monte, CA 91733 626.444.0541 Fax 626.444.3887 www. Afcon.org 035 SWAY BRACE FITTING MODEL K U I 1 thru 4 Inch pipe 5 thru 12 Inch pipe SIZE -SYSTEM PIPE: Nominal Steel I" thru 12" * Steel Specially listed - see chart. CPVC l'thru3". Brace common O.D. - Copper, Plastic, FRP, Ductile and Cast Iron SIZE - BRACE PIPE: I" thru 2" Sch. 40 Min. 1 1/4" required for 12" system pipe MATERIAL - Carbon steel and ductile iron. FINISH - Plain or E.G. PATENTS - No. 7,516,922 No. 7,523,895 LISTING/APPROVAL - 203A EX 2625 FM Approved -1950 OSHPD See Website. FUNCTION - Lateral fitting of an AFCON sway brace assembly. Sway brace assemblies are intended to be installed in accordance with NFPA 13 and the manufacturer's installation instructions. INSTALLATION - Per these instructions including NFPA 13 or FM 2-8 and CPVC manufacturers instructions. Load rating - see chart. ASSEMBLY - See drawing. Combine with proper AFCON components- see disclaimer below. Insert brace pipe through bores to achieve minimum I" extension. Tighten 035 set screws until heads bottom out. FEATURES * Patented - designed for system pipe of varying material. * Improved assembly - extra large bore for brace pipe. * Visual inspection, verifies proper installation. * Superior load ratings. ORDERING - Part #, size - system pipe, size - brace pipe and finish. Special Note: Thin wall sprinkler pipe has a propensity for damage to its circLmmference resLIlting in egging. When condition exists - shift moLmnting location. 5peci11c .4FCOA' products are exclusively designed lobe compatible ONLY seilh olllerAFCOlV produtels including paris ttnd fasteners. resulting in 0 listed sooty br.tce, restrainer or hanger nssetnbly. Be advised the following warranty restriction will apply. DISCLAIMER- AFCO,Vseill NOT svamotl against (lie failure of its products svlsen ttsed In combination with 0111cr products, pails or systems 1101 tsu,tnttlhtctured or sold by .4FCOtV. ,IFCO,V sltall NO! be liable under any eircutnslzt,uces whatsoever for any hired or indirect. incidental or eonseqtueuttutl damages orally kind, tnclttslitug but not litnitesl to loss of business or profit. sebeti 000-AFCONproslttcls have been. or are used. 3/13 S 1Acn P.O. Box 3365 South El Monte, CA 91733 626.444.0541 Fax 626.444.3887 www. Afcon.org 300 RING HANGER 1 thru 4 Inch pipe LISTED FOR STEEL/CPVC 1/2 & 3/4 Inch pipe 5 thru 8 Inch pipe SIZE - ROD- 3/8' or 1/2" SIZE - SYSTEM PIPE - 1/2" thru 8" MATERIAL - Carbon Steel, Mu. Galvanized to G-90 spec. LISTING/APPROVAL - 203-EX 2551 1"-8" Approval guide - I"- 8" OSHPD OPA-0601 See Website. CONFORMS WITH: Federal Specification WW-1-I-171E, Type 10. Manufacturers Standardization Society ANSI/MSS-SP-58 Type 10. MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE - 650°F. FUNCTION - Pipe hanger component of an AFCON hanger. To support steel, CPVC or copper pipe. INSTALLATION - Per NFPA 13, 13R, 13D, these instructions and the CPVC or copper pipe manufacturers instructions. FEATURES - * Sized and listed exclusively for use with #310 Surge Restrainer. * Band edge is offset for EASY pipe insertion. * Custom fit swivel nut for better retention in ring. ORDERING - Part #, pipe size. NFPA 13 PIPE ROD 1 WT. 5 WT.+250 UL TEST LOAD 1 3/6 30.75 403.75 750 1 1/4 3/8 43.95 469.75 750 11/2 3/8 54.15 520.75 750 2 3/8 76.95 634.75 750 2 1/2 3/8 118.35 841.75 850 3 3/8 162.30 1061.50 1050 4 3/8 246.00 1480.00 1500 5 1/2 349.45 1996.75 2000 6 1 1/2 476.35 2631.75 1 2650 8 1/2 711.00 3805.00 1 4050 11/09 SIGNS. C 0 i4-00_Alarm Line 6" x 2" 100 02-018-00 Alarm Test 6" x 2" 100 922-00 Anti-Freeze System 6"x 2" 100 02-023-00 Anti-Freeze System x 7' 100 2-024-00 Auto _Sprinkler _Shut-Off 12"x 10" 1001 02-026-00 Auxiliary Drain x 2" 100 Control Valve 6__x 2 02-036-00 Control Valve x 6' 100 2W00 Controve x7° 100 02-038-00 Control Valve 9" x 7" 100 042-0O Drain x 2" 1100-1 02-046-00 Drain Valve 6" x 2" 100 -049-00 Drum Drip 6"x2" iool 02-050-00 Dry Standpipe 6" x 2" 100 ~02-0 Are Dept. Connection 6"x2" 100 02-052-00FDC wi Arrow Label 12"x 10" 1000 00 Excess Pressure Pump 6°x2" 100 J 02-054-00 Entire System 6" x 2" 100 F55-00 Fire Alarm Bell 9" x 7" 100 02-056-00 Fire Alarm Bell 7" Round 100 L02-057-00 911 Are Alarm Bell 7" Round 100 02-058-00 F.S. Valve Do Not Close 6" x 2" 100 L02-960-00 S- p rinkler-Riser Inside - ____Fire - 6"x2" 100 02-062-00 From City Main 6"x2" 100 [02-064-00 General nformafion 91,x7" 100 02-066-00 In This Building 6" x 2" 100 Lo2-070-00 in This Section 6"x2" 100 02-074-00 Inspectors Test 6" x 2" 100 102-077-00 Hydraulic System x 7" 100 02-081-00 Hydraulic System 81/2" x 11 100 102-083-00 Low Point 6'x2" -- 1100- 02-082-00 Main Control x 2" 100 [02-086-00 Main Drain 6'x2" 100 02-091-00 Multi-use System, Warning 5" x 7" 100 Accessories Fire Sprinkler Accessories - Sprinkler Identification Signs FPPI's Sprinkler Identification Signs are manufactured of aluminum, SPRRIKLERS painted white then printed with "fade resistant" red ink. Each sign is Iii drilled for easy installation and is plastic coated to prevent scratching of finish during shipment and final installation. Designed in accordance THROUGH OUT with NFPA requirements. UiLi&G Part No. Description Box Qty-~ 02-002-00 Blank Sign w/border 6" x 2" 100 996-00 Air Control 611 x2 100 02-010-00 Air Line 6" x 2" 100 01 12 F P P I Description Manufactured from .020" white coated aluminum. All sign types are screen printed with a fade resistant red ink. Each sign is shipped with a clear protective plastic coating which can be re- moved at time of installation. Each sign type meets or exceeds NFPA13 requirements. All signs (except 7" round) are drilled in four corners to allow for easy installation. All signs (except 7" round) may be installed with sign chain or with any fastener that is suitable for the material that the sign is being attached. The 7" round bell signs are center drilled to allow for installation directly to the bell gong assembly. Type "A" 9" x 7" Control valve signs are drilled with the same four hole pattern as Type "B" 6" x 2" signs to allow for attachment of Type "B" to Type "A". Installation Specifications Installation of aluminum signs is accomplished by several methods. The most common installation procedure is to use #16 Single Jack chain to hang the Material: .020" aluminum with sign on the area being identified. Since all of the above mentioned signs are removable plastic coating predrilled at all four corners, the last link of the chain can be opened and hooked through the top holes on the signs and hung on the appropriate valve or piping. The signs may also be fastened to a flat surface with fasteners appropriate to x 6" the base material. (The 9" x 7" Fire Alarm Bell sign must be drilled with a /8" hole x 7" if it is to be attached directly to the bell gong.) 8.5" x 11" 7" Round See current catalog for a full listing of all available signs. 3198 LIONSHEAD AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92010 TEL +1 760 599-1168 +1800344-1822 FAX + 1 800 344-3775 0 2012 Fire Protection Products, Inc. 11)- FIRE STOP. [1 S 0 System No. C-AJ-1175 March 05, 2007 F Rating-2 Hr T Rating-0 Hr W Rating -Class I (See Item 4) CD I FIRESTOP CONFIGURATION - A :I (DI O SECTION A-A SECTION A-A I. Floor or Wall Assembly - Min 2-1/2 in. (64 mm) thick lightweight or normal weight (100-150 pcf or 1600-2400 kg/m3) concrete. When Configuration A is used or when Configuration B is used in conjunction with the steel sleeve (Item IA), floor may be constructed of -. any min 6 in. (152 mm) thick UL Classified hollow core Precast Concrete Units* . Wall may also be constructed of any UL Classified Concrete Blocks*. Max diam of circular through opening is 10 in. (254 mm). See Concrete Blocks (CAZT) and Precast Concrete Units (CFTV) categories in the Fire Resistance Directory for names of manufacturers. IA. Steel Sleeve - (Optional) - Nom 10 in. diam (or smaller) Schedule 10 (or heavier) steel pipe sleeve cast into concrete floor or wall. Sleeve to be flush with or project max 2 in. from top surface of floor or from both surfaces of wall. As an alternate, nom 10 in. (254 mm) diam (or smaller) sleeve fabricated from nom 0.019 in. (0.48 mm) thick galv steel cast or grouted into floor or wall assembly flush with floor or wall surfaces. 2. Through Penetrants - One metallic pipe, conduit or tubing to be installed either concentrically or eccentrically within the firestop system. Max annular space between pipe, conduit or tubing and edge of through opening not to exceed 1-3/8 in. (35 mm). Min annular space O between pipe or conduit and edge of through opening is in. (point contact). Pipe, conduit or tubing to be rigidly supported on both sides of floor or wall assembly. The following types and sizes of metallic pipes, conduits or tubing may be used: A. Steel Pipe - Nom 8 in. (203 mm) diani (or smaller) Schedule 10 (or heavier) steel pipe. CD B. Conduit-Nom 6 in. (152 mm) diam (or smaller) rigid steel conduit. CD C. Conduit - Nom 4 in. (102 mm) diam (or smaller) steel electrical metallic tubing. CA Iron Pipe - Nom 4 in. (102 mm) diam (or smaller) cast or ductile iron pipe. Copper Tubing - Nom 6 in. (152 urn) diam (or smaller) Type L (or heavier) copper tube. Copper Pipe - Nom 6 in. (152 mm) diam (or smaller) Regular (or heavier) copper pipe. Firestop Configuration A 3. Packing Material - Min I in. (25 mm) thickness of tightly-packed mineral wool batt material used as a permanent form. Packing material to be recessed from top or bottom surface of floor or from either surface of solid concrete wall as required to accommodate the required thickness of caulk fill material (Item 4). When wall is constructed of concrete block, packing material is to be installed on both sides of wall assembly. When precast hollow core floor is used, packing material must be installed on bottom surface of floor. 4. Fill, Void or Cavity Materials* - Caulk or Sealant.- Applied to fill the annular space to a ruin depth of 1/2 in. (13 mm) flush with the top or bottom Surface of the floor or either surface of the solid concrete wall. A mm 1/4 in. (6 mm) diam bead of caulk shall be applied to the floor or wall surface where the pipe, conduit or EMT is installed in point contact with the edge of the through opening. When wall is q constructed of concrete block, caulk to be installed symmetrically on both sides of wall assembly. When precast hollow core floor is used, CD caulk fill material must be installed on bottom surface of floor. CD 3M COMPANY -CP2SWB+orFB-3000WT. (Note: W Rating applies only when FB-3000 WT is used flush with the top surface of floor.) Firestop Configuration B Packing Material - Polyethylene backer rod or nom I in. (25 mm) thickness of tightly-packed mineral wool batt insulation firmly packed into opening as a permanent form. Packing material to be recessed mm 1/2 in. (13 mm) from top surface of floor or from both surfaces of wall as required to accommodate the required thickness of caulk fill material (Item 4). Fill, Void or Cavity Materials* - Caulk or Sealant -Applied to fill the annular space to a min depth of 1/2 in. (13 mm) flush with the top surface of the floor or both surfaces of the wall. A ruin 1/4 in. (6 mm) diam bead of caulk shall be applied to the floor or wall surface where the pipe, conduit or EMT is installed in point contact with the edge of the through opening. . 3M COMPANY -CP2SWB+orFB-3000WT. (Note: W Rating applies only when FB-3000 WT is used.) * Bearing the UL Classification Mark This material was extracted and drown by 3M Fire Protection Products from the 2007 edition of the UL Fire Resistance Diredory. c®us System No. W-L-2264 November 20, 2009 F Ratings— I and 2 Hr (See Item I) I Ratings —0, land 2 Hr (See Item 2) SECTION A-A . 1. Wall Assembly -The I and 2 hr fire rated gypsum board/stud wall assemblies shall be constructed of the materials and in the manner specified in the individual U300, U400 or V400 Series Wall and Partition Designs in the UL Fire Resistance Directory and shall include the following construction features: Studs - Wall framing may consist of either wood studs or steel channel studs. Wood studs to consist of nom 2 by 4 in. (51 by 102 mm) lumber spaced 16 in. (406 mm) OC. Steel studs to be mm 3-1/2 in. (89 mm) wide and spaced max 24 in. (610 mm) OC. Gypsum Board* —Thickness, type, number of layers and fasteners as required in the individual Wall and Partition Design. Diam of opening shall be I in. (25 mm) larger than nom pipe diam. The hourly F Rating of the firestop system is equal to the hourly fire rating of the wall assembly in which it is installed. 2. Through Penetrants - One nonmetallic pipe or conduit to be installed either concentrically or eccentrically within the firestop system. The annular space between the pipe or conduit and periphery of opening shall be rnin of 0 in. (0 mm, point contact) to max 5/8 in. (16 mm). Pipe or conduit to be rigidly supported on both sides of wall assembly. The following types and sizes of nonmetallic pipes or conduits may be used: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe -Nom 2 in. (51 mm) diam (or smaller). Schedule 40 solid core or cellular core PVC pipe for use in closed (process or supply) or vented (drain, waste or vent) piping systems. Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) Pipe - Nom 2 in. (51 mm) diam (or smaller) SDR 13.5 CPVC pipe for use in closed (process or supply) piping systems. Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit+ - Nom 2 in. (51 mm) diam (or smaller). Schedule 40 PVC conduit installed in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NFPA No. 70). Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) Pipe - Nom 2 in. (51 mm) diam (or smaller). Schedule 40 solid core or cellular core ABS pipe for use in closed (process or supply) or vented (drain, waste or vent) piping systems. The hourly T Rating of the firestop system is 0 Hr when pipes are used in vented (drain, waste or vent) piping systems. The hourly T Rating of the firestop system is equal to the hourly fire rating of the wall assembly in which it is installed when pipes are used in closed (process or supply) piping systems. 3. Fill, Void or Cavity Materials* - Caulk or Sealant - Min thickness of 5/8 in. (16 mm) of caulked applied within annulus between pipe or conduit and periphery of the opening, flush with both surfaces of wall assembly. At the point contact location between pipe or conduit and gypsum board, a mm 1/2 in. (13 mm) diam bead of caulk or putty shall be applied at the pipe or conduit/gypsum board interface on both surfaces of wall assembly. 3M COMPANY - FireDam 150+, CP 25WB+, IC I SWB+ caulk or FB-3000 WT sealant. (Note: CP 25WB+ and FireDam 150+ not suitable for use with CPVC pipes.) . *Bearing the UL Classification Mark Reprinted from the Online Certifications Directory with permission from Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Copyright (D 2011 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.® U) a) a) ci) 0 0 0 N E -1 0 C (0 CD CD 0 -I. 0 C/) 0 0 0 (1) CD 2. CD (/) CD -r CD System No. C-AJ-2228 November 20, 2009 F Ratings —2 and 3 Hr (See Item 3) T Ratings - 0,2 and 3 Hr (See Item 2 and 3) W Rating—Class I (See Item 4) SECTION A-A Floor or Wall Assembly -Min 4-1/2 in. (114 mm) thick reinforced lightweight or normal weight (100-150 pcf or 1600- 2400 kg/m3) concrete. Wall may also be constructed of any UL Classified Concrete Blocks*. Diam of opening shall be I in. (25 mm) larger than nom pipe diam. See Concrete Block (CAZT) category in the Fire Resistance Directory for names of manufacturers. 2. Steel Sleeve -(Optional) -Nom 4 in. (102 mm) diam (or smaller) Schedule 10 (or heavier) steel sleeve castor grouted into floor or wall assembly. T Rating is Hr when sleeve is used. Through Penetrants - One nonmetallic pipe or conduit to be installed within opening. The annular space between pipe or conduit and periphery of opening or sleeve and the Ratings for the pipes when no sleeve is used are dependent on the type of pipe and nom pipe sizes as shown in the table below. Pipe or conduit to be rigidly supported on both sides of the floor or wall assembly. The following types and sizes of nonmetallic pipes may be used: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe - Nom 3 in. (76 mm) diam (or smaller) Schedule 40 solid core or cellular core PVC pipe for use in closed (process or supply) or vented (drain, waste or vent) piping systems. Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit++ - Nom 3 in. (76 mm) diam (or smaller) Schedule 40 PVC conduit installed in accordance with Article 347 of the National Electrical Code (NFPA No. 70). Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) Pipe - Nom 3 in. (76 mm) diam (or smaller) SDR 13.5 CPVC pipe for use in closed (process or supply) piping systems. Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) Pipe - Nom 3 in. (76 mm) diam (or smaller) Schedule 40 solid core or cellular ABS pipe for use in closed (process or supply) or vented (drain, waste or vent) piping systems. Fire Retardant Polypropylene (FRPP) Pipe - Nom 3 in. (76 mm) diam (or smaller) Schedule 40 FRPP pipe for use in closed (process or supply) or vented (drain, waste or vent) piping systems. Pipe Type Nom Pipe Diam, In. (mm) Annular Space In. (mm) F Rating Hr I Rating Hr Min Max A,B,C 2(51) 1/8(3.2) 1/2(13) 3 2 A,B,C 3(76) 1/4(6) 1/4(6) 2 0 D 2(51) 1/8(3.2) 1/2(13) 3 3 D 3(76) 1/4(6) 1/4(6) 2 2 E 2(51) 1/8(3.2) 1/2(13) 2 0 E 3(76) 1/4(6) 1/4(6) 2 0 System No. C-AJ-2228 continued 4. Firestop System —The firestop system shall consist of the following: Fill, Void or Cavity Materials* -Wrap Strip - Nom 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) thick intumescent material supplied in 2 in. (51 mm) wide strips. Wrap strip tightly wrapped around nonmetallic pipe with continuous layers and secured with two 1/4 in. (6 mm) wide bands of filament • tape placed 1/2 in. (13 mm) from bottom and top of wrap strip. The layers of wrap strip and its position within the opening are dependent 0.) on the pipe size. For nom 2 in. (51 mm) diam (or smaller) pipes, one layer is required, recessed within the opening 2-1/4 in. (57 mm) from the bottom surface of the floor or both surfaces of the wall. For nom 2-1/2 and 3 in. (64 and 76 mm) diam pipes, two layers are required, recessed recessed within the opening 1- 1/2 in. (38 mm) from the bottom surface of the floor or both surfaces of the wall. 3M COMPANY— Ultra GS Fill,Void or Cavity Materials* - Caulk or Sealant (Optional, Not Shown) - Mm 1/4 in. (6 mm) thickness of caulk or sealant applied 2 within annular space, flush with top of floor. 3M COMPANY - CP 25WB+ caulk, FB-3000 WT Sealant, FB- 1000 NS sealant, IC I 5WB+ caulk or FireDam 150+ caulk. (Note: W Rating applies only when FB-3000 WT or FB- 1000 NS is used. CP 25WB+ and FireDam 150+ not suitable for use with CPVC pipes.) *Bearing the UL Classification Marking ++Bearing the UL Listing Mark rit Reprinted from the Online Certifications Directory with permission from Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Copyright © 2011 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.® . l Ia) Ia) LO lo 10 I(N I :,'.. www 3m corn/f urestop frAJ 2228. 2 or 2 i-800-328-1687 Typically Specified Division Division 7 Section 07 84 00 — Firestopping Related Sections Section 078416—Annular Space Protection Section 07 84 43 — Fire-Resistant Joint Sealants Section 07 86 00 — Smoke Seals Section 0787 00— Smoke Containment Barriers Section 07 27 00 — Air Barriers Section 21 00 00 — Fire Suppression Section 22 00 00 — Plumbing Section 26 00 00 — Electrical FIRE BARRIER SMOKE SEAL I up c L I io4 I I '' eetsOplioriall RmPldedEll Imn5I SOUND BARRIER Il54l In- I wIaer,by I SSIp1 All, VOID OR CAVITY MATERIAL FOR USE IN THROUGH-PENETRATION FIRESTOP SYSTEMS SEE UL ARE RESISTANCE DIRECTORY 3M TM Fire Barrier Sealant CP 25WB+ Product Data Sheet 1. Product Description 3M' Fire Barrier Sealant CP 25WB+ is a high-perfor- mance, ready-to-use, gun-grade, latex-based, intumescent sealant that dries to form a monolithic fire- stop seal that also acts as a barrier to airborne sound transmission. 3M' Fire Barrier Sealant CP 25WB+ helps control the spread of fire, smoke and noxious gasses before, during and after exposure to a fire when installed in accordance with a listed through penetration or fire-resistive joint assembly system. 3M Fire Barrier Sealant CP 25WB+ firestops blank openings and penetrations passing through fire-rated floor, floor/ceiling or wall assemblies and other fire-rated interior building construction. The unique intumescent property of this material allows 3M' Fire Barrier Sealant CP 25WB+ to expand and help maintain a firestop penetration seal for up to 4 hours as penetrants are exposed to fire. 3M" Fire Barrier Sealant CP 25WB+ exhibits excellent adhesion to a full range of construction substrates and penetrants. No mixing is required. - Product Features • Firestop tested up to 4 hours in ----' accordance with ASTM E 814 (UL1479)&CAN/ULCS1l5 Fire Resistance tested for static • -. 1 construction joint systems in accordance with ASTM E 1966 -. (UL 2079) • Re-enterable / repairable - • Meets UL 1479 aging requirements -- • Helps minimize sound transfer* Applied with conventional caulking equipment (excellent caulk rate) Extensive listed systems Sag-resistant Halogen-free Excellent adhesion Paintable Water clean up Meets the intent of LEEDS HOC regulations—helps reduce the quantity of indoor air contaminants that ,n be odorous, irritating and harmful to the comfort and well-being of the installers and occupants. 250 g L HOC contents (less H2O and exempt solvents). Product Color: • Red •A4inin,i=es noise transfer—STC-Rating of54 when tested in STC 54-rated wall assembly 2. Applications High-performance 3M" Fire Barrier Sealant CP 25WB+ is ideal for sealing single or multiple through penetrations in fire-rated construction. 3M" Fire Barrier Sealant CP 25WB+ is typi- cally used in mechanical, electrical and plumbing applications to firestop openings created by the following penetrations in fire-rated floors, floor/ceilings or walls: metallic pipe, plastic pipe (excluding CPVC), conduit, power and communication cable, cable trays, busways, combos, insulated pipe and HVAC duct penetrations. 3M" Fire Barrier Sealant CP 25WB+ is also used to firestop blank openings and static construction joints. High-performance firestop SCOIdIA that also helps minimize sound transfer USTED ALL, 1/00 OR CAVITY MATERIALS 9009 <> APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ASA WALL & FLOOR PENETRATION FIRESTOP WHEN INSTALLED AS DESCRIBED IN THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE FMIC APPROVAL GUIDE LISTED 4QAPQ USTED *IS' Intertek Intertek FIRESTOP SYSTEMS FIRESTOP SYSTEMS SEE INTERTEX DIRECTORY SEE INTERTEl( DIRECTORY 3. Specifications 3M" Fire Barrier Sealant CP 25WB+ shall be a one component, ready-to-use, gun-grade, latex-based, intumescent firestop sealant capable of expanding a minimum of 3 times its dried volume when exposed to temperatures above 1000°F (538°C). The material shall be thixotropic and shall be applicable to overhead, vertical and horizontal firestops. The sealant shall be listed by independent test agencies such as UL, Intertek or FM. 3M" Fire Barrier Sealant CP 25WB+ shall be tested to and pass the criteria of ASTM E 814 (UL 1479) Standard Test Method for Fire Tests of Penetration Firestop Systems, ASTM E 1966 (UL 2079) . Standard Test Method for Fire Resistive Joint Systems and CAN/ULC S115 Standard Method of Fire Tests of Firestop Systems. 3M" Fire Barrier Sealant CP 25WB+ meets the requirements of the IBC, IRC, lFC, IPC, IMC, NFPA 5000, NEC (NFPA 70) and NFPA 101. For technical support relating to 3M Fire Protection Products and Systems, call: 1-800-328-1687 For more information on 3M Fire Protection Products, visit: www.3m.com/firestop [Hardness (ASTM D 2240 Shore A): 45 Tensile Strength: 85 psi (0.59 MPa) I3olume Shrinkage (ASTM C 1241): 28% VOC Less H20 and Exempt Solvents: <I gIL Dry: Under typical conditions of 75°F (23°C) and 50% RH., sealant becomes tack-free in about ten minutes and thy-to-touch in 30 to 60 minutes. Full dry depends upon ambient conditions and volume of sealant. Typical dry rate is approximately 1/8 inch (3 mm) per day. 4. Physical Properties . Color: Red jjilication Temperature Range: 40° to 122°F (4° to 50°C) (ASTM C 1299) Service Temperature Range: -200 to 180°F (-280 to 82°C) STC (ASTM E 90 and ASTM E 413): 54 when tested iiTC 54-rated wall assembly Surface Burning (ASTM E 84): Flame Spread 0 Smoke Development 0 Unit Volume: 10.1 II. oz tube (298.7 mL, 18.2 in), 20 fl. oz. sausage (591.5 mL, 36.1 in), 27 fl. oz tube (798.5 mL, 48.7 in3), 2 gal. pail (7.57 L,462 in. 5 gal. pail (18.9 L, 1155 in) Packaging, Storage, Shelf Life Packaging Product packaged in cartridge or pail is enclosed in HDPE plastic containers, sausage is packaged in aluminum foil wrap Storage 3M" Fire Barrier Sealant CP 25WB+ should be stored indoors in dry conditions between 40°F and 90°F (4°C and 32°C) in the original unopened package. Avoid repeated freeze / thaw exposures of the 310" Fire Barrier Sealant CP 25WB+ prior to installation. Shelf Life 3M" Fire Barrier Sealant CP 25WB+ shelf life is 12 months in original unopened containers from date of packaging when stored above 68°F (2°C). Lot numbering (e.g. 8183AS): First digit = Last digit of year manufactured, Second to fourth digit = Julian Date, Letters = Random to distinguish between lot numbers Installation Techniques Consul! a 3MAuihorized Fire Protection Products Distributor /Dealer or Sales Represent alive for Applicable UL, Intertek or other third-party drawings and system details. Preparatory Work The surface of the opening and any penetrating items should be cleaned to allow for the proper adhesion of the 3M" Fire Barrier Sealant CP 25WB+. Ensure that the surface of the substrates are not wet and are frost free. Sealant can be installed with a standard caulking gun, pneumatic pumping equipment or it can be easily applied with a putt)' knife or trowel. Installation Details Install the applicable depth of backing material, if required, as detailed within the applicable UL, Intertek, FM or other S third-party listed system. Cut the end of the 3M" Fire Barrier Sealant CP 25WB+ tube spout to achieve the desired bead width when applying. Install the applicable depth of 3M" Fire Barrier Sealant CP 25WB+ into the opening flush with the surface of the substrate, or as detailed within the applicable listed system, at the depth for the assembly and rating that is required. Tool within 5 minutes. Clean all tools immediately after use with water. Limitations Do not apply 3M" Fire Barrier Sealant CP 25WB+ when surrounding temperature is less than 40°F (4°C) and in conditions where seals may be exposed to rain or water spray within 18 hours of application. Do not apply 3M" Fire Barrier Sealant CP 25WB+ to building materials that bleed oil, plasticizers or solvent (e.g. impregnated wood, oil-based sealants, or green or partially vulcanized rubber). Do not apply 3M" Fire Barrier Sealant CP 25WB+ to wet or frost-coated surfaces or to areas that are continuously damp or immersed in water. NOTICE: This product is not acceptable for use with chlorinated polyvinylchloride (CPVC) pipes. Maintenance No maintenance should be required when installed in accordance with the applicable UL, Intertek, FM or other third- party listed system. Once installed, if any section of the 3M" Fire Barrier Sealant CP 25WB+ is damaged, the following procedure will apply: remove and reinstall the damaged section in accordance with the applicable listed system, with a minimum 1/2 in. (12.7 mm) overlap onto the adjacent material. Availability 3M" Fire Barrier Sealant CP 25WB+ is available from 3M Authorized Fire Protection Products Distributors and Dealers. 3M" Fire Barrier Sealant CP 25WB+ is available in 10.1 fl. oz. cartridges (12/case), 20.0 fl. oz. sausages (10/case), 27.0 fl. oz. cartridg- es (6/case), 2 gallon pails (1/case) and 5 gallon pails (1/case). For additional technical and purchasing information regarding this and other 3M Fire Protection Products, please call: 1-800-328-1687 or visit www.3m.com/firestop. Safe Handling Information Consult product's Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) prior to handling and disposal. aM S Building and Commercial Services Division 3M Center, Building 223-2N-21 St. Paul, MN 55144-1000 USA 1-800-328-1687 www.3M.com/firestop Important Notice to User: Technical Information: The technical information, recommendations and other statements contained in this document are based upon tests or experi- ence that 3M believes are reliable, but the accuracy or completeness of such information is not guaranteed. Product Use: Many factors beyond 3M's control and uniquely within user's knowledge and control can affect the use and performance of a 3M product in a particular application. Given the variety of factors that can affect the use and performance 01 a 3M product, user is solely responsible for evaluating the 3M product and determining whether it is lit for a particular purpose and suitable for users method of application. Warranty and Limited Remedy: 3M warrants that each 3M Fire Protection Product will be tree from detects in material and manufacture for 90 days from the date of purchase from 3M's authorized distributor. 3M MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. It a 3M product does not conform to this warranty, the sole and exclusive remedy is, at 31`vlb option, replacement of the 3M product or refund of the purchase price. Limitation of Liability: Except where prohibited by law, 3M will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the 3M product, whether direct, Indirect, special, incidental or consequential, regardless of the legal theory asserted. Please Recycle. Printed in USA. © 3M 2010. All Rights Reserved. 3M is a trademark of 3M Company. All other Literature Order Info: 98-0400-5012-6 trademarks are the property of their respective owners. S FIRE BARRIER SMOKE SEAL IuP c11 L I °3 I x. MeetsoptionW Ftinpmtxtjal • • LRepiremolts SOUND BARRIER I54I I I v — ,SSIp, C> ALL, VOID, OR CAVITY FOR USE IN JOINT SYSTEMS THROUGH-PENETRATION ARESTOP SYSTEMS AND PERIMETER CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS SEE UL ARE RESISTANCE DIRECTORY 9069 USTED @ C*" USTEDIntertek FILL, VOID OR CAVITY F1RESTOP SYSTEMS MATERMS SEE INTERIEK DIRECTORY 9069 3M TM Fire Barrier Sealant IC 1 5WB+ Product Data Sheet 1. Product Description 3M"' Fire Barrier Sealant IC I 5WB+ is a cost-effective, one-part, gun-grade, latex-based, intumescent firestop sealant that dries to form a monolithic firestop seal that also acts as a barrier to airborne sound transmission. 3M' Fire Barrier Sealant IC I SWB+ firestops through penetrations passing through fire-rated floor, floor/ceiling or wall assemblies, as well as other fire-rated interior building partitions and assemblies (e.g. static construction joints or blank openings). In addition, the unique intumescent property of this material allows 3M"' Fire Barrier Sealant IC I SWB+ to expand and help maintain a firestop penetration seal for up to 3 hours as penetrants are exposed to fire. 3M" Fire Barrier Sealant IC I SWB+ bonds to most construction substrates, including: gypsum wallboard, concrete, metals, wood, plastic (including CPVC) and cable jacketing. No mixing is required. FBcV Product Features 8yS1EMCOMpAE Firestop tested up to 3 hours in accordance with ASTM E 814 (UL 1479), ASTM E 1966 (UL 2079) & CAN/ULC-S 115 CPVC compatible Expanded fire protection systems Helps minimize sound transfer* Sag-resistant Halogen-free Excellent adhesion Re-enterable/repairable Excellent caulk rate Paintable Water clean up Cost-effective firestop sealant Complies with the intent of LEED® NC-EQ Credit 4.! for Low-Emitting Materials: Adhesives and Sealants, available in tube, pail or sausage. contains <250 gIL VOC contents (less H2O and e.vempt solvents per SAQMD Rule 1168). Product Color: 0 Yellow. *Mjnj,njZes noise transfer—S TC-Rating of 54 when tested in STC 54-rated wall assembly 2. Applications 3M"' Fire Barrier Sealant IC 15WB+ is a general-purpose intumescent firestop ideal for sealing single or multiple through penetrations in fire-rated construction. 3M" Fire Barrier Sealant IC I SWB+ is typically used in mechanical, electrical and plumbing applications to firestop openings created by the following penetrations in fire-rated floors, floor/ceilings or walls: metallic pipe, plastic pipe, conduit, power and communication cable, cable trays, busways, combos, insulated pipe and HVAC duct penetrations. 3M" Fire Barrier Sealant IC 15WB+ is also used to firestop blank openings and static construction joints. 3. Specifications 3M"' Fire Barrier Sealant IC shall be a one component, ready-to-use, gun-grade, latex-based, intumescent firestop sealant capable of expanding a minimum of 3 times at 1000°F. The material shall be thixotropic and be applicable to overhead, vertical and horizontal firestops. The sealant shall be listed by independent test agencies such as UL, ULC, Intertek or FM. 3M"' Fire Barrier Sealant IC I SWB+ shall be tested to and pass the criteria of ASTM E 814 (UL 1479) Standard Test Method for Fire Tests of Penetration Firestop Systems, ASTM E 1966 (UL 2079) Standard Test Method for Fire Resistive Joint Systems and CAN/ ULC-Sl 15 Standard Method of Fire Tests of Firestop Systems, 3M' Fire Barrier Sealant IC I SWB+ meets the requirements of the IBC, IRC, NBCC, IFC, IPC, IMC, NFPA 5000, NEC (NFPA 70) and NFPA 101. Typically Specified MasterFormat (2004) Section 07 84 00 — Firestopping Related Sections Section 072700—Air Barriers Section 07 84 16— Annular Space Protection Section 07 84 43 - Fire-Resistant Joint Sealants Section 07 86 00 — Smoke Seals Section 0787 00— Smoke Containment Barriers Section 07 92 13 - Elastomeric Joint Sealants Section 07 92 19 — Acoustical Joint Sealants Section 2100 00 — Fire Suppression Section 22 00 00 — Plumbing- Section 23 00 00 — Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Section 26 00 00 — Electrical For technical support relating to 3M Fire Protection Products and Systems, call: 1-800-328-1687 For more information on 3M Fire Protection Products, visit: www.3m.com/firestop Ec: 'A 4. Performance & Typical Physical Properties • Color: Yellow [Hardness (ASTM D2240 Shore A): 70 !Application Temperature Range: 40° to 122°F (4° to 50°C) TensileStrength:85 psi(0.59MPa) ASTMcJ9____________________________________ lumeShrinkage.(ASTM,CJ41):_ Service Temperature Range: -200 to I 0_°(° to 820C) VOC Less H20 and Exempt Solvents: <250 g/L Acoustic Barrier: - 54 when tested in SIC 54 rated ASTM E 90 and ASTM E 413) wall assembly Surface Burning (ASTM E 84): Flame Spread 5, Smoke Development 50 Dry: Under typical conditions of 75°F (23°C) and 50% RH., sealant becomes tack-free in about ten minutes and dry-to-touch in 30 to 60 minutes. Full dry depends upon ambient conditions and volume of sealant. Typical dry rate is approximately 1/8 inch (3 mm) per day. Unit Volume: 10.1 fl. oz tube (298.7 nil, 18.2 in), 200. oz. sausage (591.5 ml, 36.1 in. 270. oz tube (798.5 ml, 48.7 in. 4.5 gal. pail (17.03 L, 1039.5 in. Packaging, Storage, Shelf Life Packaging Product packaged in cartridge or pail is enclosed in HDPE plastic containers, sausage is packaged in aluminum foil wrap. Storage 3M' Fire Barrier Sealant IC I SWB+ should be stored indoors in dry conditions between 40°F and 90°F (4°C and 32°C) in the original unopened package. Avoid repeated freeze / thaw exposures of the 3M" Fire Barrier Sealant IC I 5WB+ prior to installation. Shelf Life 3Mm' Fire Barrier Sealant IC I SWB+ shelf life is 12 months in original unopened containers from date of packaging when stored above 68°F (2°C). Lot numbering (e.g. 8183AS): First digit = Last digit of year manufactured, Second to fourth digit = Julian Date, Letters = Random to distinguish between lot numbers Installation Techniques Consult a 3M Authorized Fire Protection Products Distributor / Dealer or Sales Representative for applicable UL, cUL, ULC, Intertek, FM or other third-party drawings and system details. Preparatory Work The surface of the opening and any penetrating items should be cleaned to allow for the proper adhesion of the 3M' Fire Barrier Sealant IC I 5WB+. Ensure that the surface of the substrates are not wet and are frost free. Sealant can be installed with a standard caulking gun, pneumatic pumping equipment or it can be easily applied with a putty knife or trowel. Installation Details Install the applicable depth of backing material, if required, as detailed within the applicable UL, cUL, ULC, Intertek, FM or other third-party listed system. Cut the end of the 3M' Fire Barrier Sealant IC I SWB+ tube spout to achieve the desired bead width when applying. Install the applicable depth of 3M' Fire Barrier Sealant IC I SWB+ into the opening flush with the surface of the substrate, or as detailed within the applicable listed system, at the depth for the assembly and rating that is required. Tool within 5 minutes. Clean all tools immediately after use with water. Limitations Do not apply 3M' Fire Barrier Sealant IC I5WB+ when surrounding temperature is than less 40°F (4°C) and in conditions where seals may be exposed to rain or water spray within 18 hours of application. Do not apply 3M" Fire Barrier Sealant IC I 5WB+ to building materials that bleed oil, plasticizers or solvent (e.g. impregnated wood, oil-based sealants, or green or partially vulcanized rubber). Do not apply 31V1' Fire Barrier Sealant IC I 5WB+ to wet or frost-coated surfaces or to areas that are continuously damp or immersed in water. Maintenance No maintenance is expected to be required when installed in accordance with the applicable UL, cUL, ULC, Intertek, FM or other third-party listed system. Once installed, if any section of the 3M"' Fire Barrier Sealant IC I 5WB+ is damaged, the following procedure will apply: remove and reinstall the damaged section in accordance with the applicable listed system, with a minimum 1/2 in. (12.7 mm) overlap Onto the adjacent material. Availability 3M"' Fire Barrier Sealant IC ISWB+ is available from 3M Authorized Fire Protection Products Distributors and Dealers. 3M"' Fire Barrier Sealant IC ISWB+ is available in 10.1 II. oz. cartridges (3M ID 98-0400-5509-I, 12/case), 20.0 11. oz. sausages (3M ID 98-0400-5512-5, 10/case), and 4.5 gallon pails (3M ID 98-0400-5510-9, I/case). For additional technical and purchasing information regarding this and other 3M Fire Protection Products, please call: 1-800-328-1687 or visit www.3m.com/flrestop. Safe Handling Information Consult country-of-use Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) prior to handling and disposal. Important Notice to User: Technical Information: The technical information, recommendations and other statements contained in this document are based upon tests or experience that 3M believes are reliable, but the accuracy or completeness of such information is not guaranteed. Product Use: Many factors beyond 3M's control and uniquely within user's knowledge and control can affect the use and performance of a 3M product in a particular application. Given the variety of factors that can affect the use and performance of a 3M product, user is solely responsible for evaluating the 3M product and determining whether it is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for users method of application. Warranty and Limited Remedy: 3M warrants that each 3M Fire Protection Product will be free from defects in material and manufacture for 90 days from the date of purchase from 3M's authorized distributor. 3M MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. If a 3M product does not conform to this Building warranty, the sole and exclusive remedy is, at 3M's option, replacement of the 3M product or refund of the purchase price. and Commercial Limitation of Liability: Except where prohibited by law, 3M will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the 3M product, whether Services Division direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential, regardless of the legal theory asserted. 3M Center, Building 223-2N-21 St. Paul, MN 55144-1000 USA Please Recycle. Printed in USA. 1-800-328-1687 © 3M 2012. All rights reserved. 3M is a trademark of 3M. Used under license in Canada. All www.3M.com/firestop 98-0400-5077-9 REV B other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 0 0 0 0 CD 1 CD System No. W-L-1296 February 14, 2008 F Ratings - 1 and 2 Hr (See Item 1) T Ratings —0 and 1/4 Hr (See Item I) SECTION A-A Wall Assembly -The 1 or 2 hr fire rated gypsum board/stud wall assembly shall be constructed of the materials and in the manner described in the individual U300, U400 or V400 Series Wall and Partition Design in the UL Fire Resistance Directory and shall include the following construction features: Studs - Wall framing may consist of either wood studs or steel channel studs. Wood studs to consist of nom 2 by 4 in. (51 by 102 mm) lumber spaced 16 in. (406 mm) OC. Steel studs to be mm 3-1/2 in. (89 mm) wide spaced max 24 in. (6 10 mm) OC. Gypsum Board* -The gypsum board type, thickness, number of layers, fastener type and sheet orientation shall be as specified in the individual U300, U400 or V400 Series Design in the UL Fire Resistance Directory. Max diam of opening is 10-5/8 in. (270 mm). Steel Sleeve — (Optional, Not Shown) - Cylindrical sleeve fabricated from min 0.019 in. thick (0.48 mm) galv sheet steel and having a min 2 in. (51 mm) lap along the longitudinal seam. Length of steel sleeve to be equal to thickness of wall. Sleeve installed by coiling the sheet steel to a diam smaller than the through opening, inserting the coil through the openings and releasing the coil to let it uncoil against the circular cutouts in the gypsum wallboard layers. The hourly F Rating of the firestop system is equal to the hourly fire rating of the wall assembly in which it is installed. The hourly Rating is and 1/4 Hr for I and 2 Hr rated assemblies, respectively. 2. Through Penetrants - One metallic pipe, conduit, tubing or flexible metal pipe installed concentrically or eccentrically within opening. Annular space between penetrant and periphery of opening to be min 0 in. (0 mm point contact) to max 2 in. (51 mm). Penetrant to be rigidly supported on both sides of wall. The following types and sizes of penetrants may be used: Steel Pipe—Nom 8 in. (203 mm) diam (or smaller) Schedule (or heavier) steel pipe. Iron Pipe - Nom 8 in. (203 mm) diam (or smaller) cast or ductile iron pipe. Conduit - Nom 4 in. (102 mm) diam (or smaller) steel electrical metallic tubing (EMT) or nom 6 in. (152 mm) rigid steel conduit. Copper Tubing - Nom 4 in. (102 mm) diam (or smaller) Type L (or heavier) copper tubing. Copper Pipe - Nom 4 in. (102 mm) diam (or smaller) Regular (or heavier) copper pipe. Through Penetrating Product* - Flexible Metal Piping —The following types of steel flexible metal gas piping may be used: I. Nom 2 in. (51 mm) diam (or smaller) steel flexible metal gas piping. Plastic covering on piping may or may not be removed on both sides of floor or wall assembly. OMEGA FLEX INC Nom I in. (25 mm) diam (or smaller) steel flexible metal gas piping. Plastic covering on piping may or may not be removed on both sides of floor or wall assembly. GASTITE, DIV OFTITEFLEX Nom I in. (25 mm) diam (or smaller) steel flexible metal gas piping. Plastic covering on piping may or may not be removed on both sides of floor or wall assembly. WARD MFG INC 3. Fill, Void or Cavity Material* - Caulk or Sealant - Mm 5/8 in. (16 mm) thickness of caulk applied within annulus, flush with both surfaces of wall. Mm 1/4 in. (6 mm) diam bead of caulk applied to gypsum board/penetrant interface at point contact location on both sides of wall. 3M COMPANY - IC I SWB+, CP 25WB+ caulk or FB-3000 WT sealant *Bearing the UL Classification Mark This material was extracted and drawn by 3M Fire Protection Products from the 2008 edition of the UL fire Resistance Directory. c®us W-L1296 • 1 of 1 Chdoseóption4fo FAX ONDEMANC System No. W-L-1450 April 07, 2009 F Ratings - I and 2 Hr (See Item I) T Rating —0Hr SECTION A-A 1. Wall Assembly -The I or 2 hr fire rated gypsum board/stud wall assembly shall be constructed of the materials and in the manner described in the individual U300, U400 or V400 Series Wall and Partition Design in the UL Fire Resistance Directory and shall include the following construction features: Studs - Wall framing may consist of either wood studs or steel channel studs. Wood studs to consist of nom 2 by 4 in. (51 by 102 mm) lumber spaced 16 in. (406 mm) OC. Steel studs to be mm 3-5/8 in. (92 mm) wide and spaced max 24 in. (6 10 mm) OC. Gypsum Board* -The gypsum board type, thickness, number of layers, fastener type and sheet orientation shall be as specified in the individual U300, U400 or V400 Series Design in the UL Fire Resistance Directory. Max diam of opening is 12-3/4 in. (324 mm). The hourly F Rating of the firestop system is equal to the hourly fire rating of the wall assembly in which it is installed. 2. Through-Penetrant -One metallic pipe, conduit or tubing installed within the firestop system. The through penetrant to be installed with continuous point contact. Pipe, conduit or tubing to be rigidly supported on both sides of wall assembly. The following types and sizes of metallic pipes, conduits or tubing may be used: Steel Pipe - Nom 12 in. (305 mm) (diam (or smaller) Schedule 10 (or heavier) steel pipe. Iron Pipe—Nom 12 in. (305 mm) diam (or smaller) service weight (or heavier) cast iron soil pipe or Class 50 (or heavier) ductile iron pressure pipe. Conduit - Nom 6 in. (152 mm) diam (or smaller) galv steel conduit or nom 4 in. (102 mm) diam (or smaller) steel electrical metallic tubing. Copper Tubing - Nom 6 in. (152 mm) diam (or smaller) Type L (or heavier) copper tubing. Copper Pipe - Nom 6 in. (152 mm) diam (or smaller) Regular (or heavier) copper pipe. 3. Fill, Void or Cavity Material* - Caulk - Bead of fill material lapping min I in. (25 mm) onto gypsum board and mm 1/2 in. (13 mm) onto penetrant around outer circumference of through penetrant on both surfaces of wall assembly. 3M COMPANY 3M FIRE PROTECTION PRODUCTS - CP 25WB+ Caulk, IC I 5WB+ Caulk, FB-3000 WI Sealant *Bearing the UL Classification Mark This material was extracted and drawn by 3M Fire Protection Products from the 2009 edition of the UI. Fire Resistance Directory. c®us Product SUPPI 3'm'.-c-oi/fp : W-L-.14 50 • 1 of 1 ., 1 8Ol28'Th87 U, ti) I- ci) (I) 0 0 0 12) - SAFETY DATA SHEETS fl 3M FIRE BARRIER CP 25WB+ & IC 15WB+ S 0 I MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 3M Brand Fire Barrier CP-25WB+ 04/01/10 I Material Safety Data Sheet Copyright, 2010, 3M Company. All rights reserved. Copying and/or downloading of this information for the purpose of properly utilizing 3M products is allowed provided that: (1) the information is copied in full with no changes unless prior written agreement is obtained from 3M, and (2) neither the copy nor the original is resold or otherwise distributed with the intention of earning a profit thereon. I SECTION 1: PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION I PRODUCT NAME: 3M Brand Fire Barrier CP-25WB+ MANUFACTURER: 3M DIVISION: Building & Commercial Services Division ADDRESS: 3M Center St. Paul, MN 55144-1000 I EMERGENCY PHONE: 1-800-364-3577 or (651) 737-6501 (24 hours) I Issue Date: 04/01/10 Supercedes Date: 02/26/10 Document Group: 09-5451-1 Product Use: Intended Use: Fire Protection Specific Use: Used as Firestop in buildings. I SECTION 2: INGREDIENTS I Ingredient C.A.S. No. % by Wt ZINC BORATE 2335 138265-88-0 15 - 40 Polymer Trade Secret 10- 30 Water 7732-18-5 10- 30 Sodium Silicate 1344-09-8 10 - 30 Ethylhexyldiphenyl Phosphate 1241-94-7 3 - 7 Iron Oxide 1309-37-I 1 - 5 Polyethylene Glycol 25322-68-3 I - 5 OXIDE GLASS CHEMICALS 65997-17-3 1- 3 I SECTION 3: HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION I 3.1 EMERGENCY OVERVIEW Specific Physical Form: Paste Odor, Color, Grade: Red with negligible odor General Physical Form: Solid Page 1 of 8 I MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 3M Brand Fire Barrier CP-25WB+ 04/01/10 I Immediate health, physical, and environmental hazards: 3.2 POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS Eye Contact: Moderate Eye Irritation: Signs/symptoms may include redness, swelling, pain, tearing, and blurred or hazy vision. Skin Contact: Moderate Skin Irritation: Signs/symptoms may include localized redness, swelling, itching, and dryness. Inhalation: Respiratory Tract Irritation: Signs/symptoms may include cough, sneezing, nasal discharge, headache, hoarseness, and nose and throat pain. Ingestion: Gastrointestinal Irritation: Signs/symptoms may include abdominal pain, stomach upset, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. May be harmful if swallowed. May be absorbed following ingestion and cause target organ effects. Pi Target Organ Effects: Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause: Kidney/Bladder Effects: Signs/symptoms may include changes in urine production, abdominal or lower back pain, increased protein in urine, increased blood urea nitrogen (BUN), blood in urine, and painful urination. I SECTION 4: FIRST AID MEASURES 4.1 FIRST AID PROCEDURES The following first aid recommendations are based on an assumption that appropriate personal and industrial hygiene practices are followed. Eye Contact: Flush eyes with large amounts of water. If signs/symptoms persist, get medical attention. Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Immediately flush skin with large amounts of water. Get medical attention. Wash contaminated clothing and clean shoes before reuse. Inhalation: Remove person to fresh air. If signs/symptoms develop, get medical attention. ~ -I If Swallowed: Do not induce vomiting unless instructed to do so by medical personnel. Give victim two glasses of water. Never Page 2of 8 I MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 3M Brand Fire Barrier CP-25WB+ 04/01/10 I 9 give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention. I SECTION 5: FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES I 5.1 FLAMMABLE PROPERTIES Autoignition temperature Not Applicable Flash Point Not Applicable Flammable Limits - LEL Not Applicable Flammable Limits - UEL Not Applicable OSHA Flammability Classification: Not Applicable 5.2 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Non-combustible. Choose material suitable for surrounding fire. 5.3 PROTECTION OF FIRE FIGHTERS Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Wear full protective equipment (Bunker Gear) and a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Not applicable. Note: See STABILITY AND REACTIVITY (SECTION 10) for hazardous combustion and thermal decomposition information. I -SECTION 6: ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES I Accidental Release Measures: Evacuate unprotected and untrained personnel from hazard area. The spill should be cleaned up by qualified personnel. Ventilate the area with fresh air. For large spill, or spills in confined spaces, provide mechanical ventilation to disperse or exhaust vapors, in accordance with good industrial hygiene practice. Warning! A motor could be an ignition source and could cause flammable gases or vapors in the spill area to burn or explode. Place in a closed container approved for transportation by appropriate authorities. Dispose of collected material as soon as possible. Observe precautions from other sections. Call 3M- HELPS line (1-800-364-3577) for more information on handling and managing the spill. Collect as much of the spilled material as possible. Clean up residue. In the event of a release of this material, the user should determine if the release qualifies as reportable according to local, state, and federal regulations. I SECTION 7: HANDLING AND STORAGE I 7.1 HANDLING For industrial or professional use only. Avoid eye contact with dust or airborne particles. Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Wash exposed areas thoroughly with soap and water. 7.2 STORAGE Store away from areas where product may come into contact with food or pharmaceuticals. Store in a cool, dry place. r L Page 3 of 8 I MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 3M Brand Fire Barrier CP-25WB+ 04/01/10 I I SECTION 8: EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION I 8.1 ENGINEERING CONTROLS Use in a well-ventilated area. 8.2 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) 8.2.1 Eye/Face Protection Avoid eye contact. The following eye protection(s) are recommended: Indirect Vented Goggles 8.2.2 Skin Protection Avoid skin contact. Select and use gloves and/or protective clothing to prevent skin contact based on the results of an exposure assessment. Consult with your glove and/or protective clothing manufacturer for selection of appropriate compatible materials. Gloves made from the following material(s) are recommended: Butyl Rubber Neoprene 8.2.3 Respiratory Protection Under normal use conditions, airborne exposures are not expected to be significant enough to require respiratory protection. 01 Do Prevention of Swallowing Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Wash exposed areas thoroughly with soap and water. 8.3 EXPOSURE GUIDELINES Ingredient Authority Tvpe Limit Additional Information Iron Oxide ACGIH TWA, respirable 5 mg/m3 fraction Iron Oxide OSHA TWA, as fume 10 mg/m3 OXIDE GLASS CHEMICALS 3M TWA, as dust 10 mg/m3 Polyethylene Glycol AIHA TWA, as particulate 10 mg/m3 SOURCE OF EXPOSURE LIMIT DATA: ACGIH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists CM RG: Chemical Manufacturer Recommended Guideline OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration AIHA: American Industrial Hygiene Association Workplace Environmental Exposure Level (WEEL) I SECTION 9: PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES I Specific Physical Form: Odor, Color, Grade: General Physical Form: Autoignition temperature Flash Point Flammable Limits - LEL Flammable Limits - UEL Paste Red with negligible odor Solid Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Page 4 of 8 I MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 3M Brand Fire Barrier CP-25WB+ 04/01/10 Specific Gravity Melting point Solubility in Water Volatile Organic Compounds VOC Less H2O & Exempt Solvents 1.35 [Ref Std: WATER=]] No Data Available Complete <1 %weight <1 gIl I SECTION 10: STABILITY AND REACTIVITY I Stability: Stable. Materials and Conditions to Avoid: 10.1 Conditions to avoid None known 10.2 Materials to avoid None known Hazardous Polymerization: Hazardous polymerization will not occur. Hazardous Decomposition or By-Products Substance Condition Carbon monoxide Not Specified Carbon dioxide Not Specified Oxides of Phosphorus Not Specified SECTION 11: TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION I Please contact the address listed on the first page of the MSDS for Toxicological Information on this material and/or its components. I SECTION 12: ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION I ECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Not determined. CHEMICAL FATE INFORMATION Page Sof 8 I MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 3M Brand Fire Barrier CP-25WB+ 04/01/10 I I Not determined. I SECTION 13: DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Waste Disposal Method: For quantities <100 lbs. (50kg): dispose of waste product in a sanitary landfill. As a disposal alternative, dispose of waste product in a facility permitted to accept chemical waste. EPA Hazardous Waste Number (RCRA): Not regulated Since regulations vary, consult applicable regulations or authorities before disposal. I SECTION 14:TRANSPORT INFORMATION ID Number(s): 42-0016-4710-8, 42-0016-4715-7, 42-0016-4716-5, 98-0400-5380-7, 98-0400-5381-5, 98-0400-5382-3, 98-0400-5383-1, 98-0400- 5406-0, 98-0400-5456-5, 98-0400-5463-1, 98-0400-5610-7 Please contact the emergency numbers listed on the first page of the MSDS for Transportation Information for this material. I SECTION 15: REGULATORY INFORMATION I US FEDERAL REGULATIONS Contact 3M for more information. 311/312 Hazard Categories: Fire Hazard - No Pressure Hazard - No Reactivity Hazard - No Immediate Hazard - Yes Delayed Hazard - No Section 313 Toxic Chemicals subject to the reporting requirements of that section and 40 CFR part 372 (EPCRA): Ingredient C.A.S. No % by Wt ZINC BORATE 2335 (ZINC COMPOUNDS) 138265-88-0 15 - 40 STATE REGULATIONS Contact 3M for more information. CHEMICAL INVENTORIES The components of this product are in compliance with the chemical notification requirements of TSCA. [I: Contact 3M for more information. Page 6 of 8 I MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 3M Brand Fire Barrier CP-25WB+ 04/01/10 I INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONS Contact 3M for more information. WHMIS: Hazardous This MSDS has been prepared to meet the U.S. OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200. I I SECTION 16: OTHER INFORMATION NFPA Hazard Classification Health: 2 Flammability: I Reactivity: 0 Special Hazards: None National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) hazard ratings are designed for use by emergency response personnel to address the hazards that are presented by short-term, acute exposure to a material under conditions of fire, spill, or similar emergencies. Hazard ratings are primarily based on the inherent physical and toxic properties of the material but also include the toxic properties of combustion or decomposition products that are known to be generated in significant quantities. HMIS Hazard Classification Health: 2 Flammability: I Reactivity: 0 Protection: X - See PPE section. Hazardous Material Identification System (HMIS(r)) hazard ratings are designed to inform employees of chemical hazards in the workplace. These ratings are based on the inherent properties of the material under expected conditions of normal use and are not intended for use in emergency situations. HMIS(r) ratings are to be used with a fully implemented HMIS(r) program. HMIS(r) is a registered mark of the National Paint and Coatings Association (NPCA). Reason for Reissue: Reissued to make corrections in tables. Revision Changes: Section 8: Eye/face protection information was modified. Section 8: Skin protection - recommended gloves information was modified. Section 14: ID Number(s) Template I was modified. Section 2: Ingredient table was modified. Section 10: Materials to avoid physical property was modified. Section 10: Conditions to avoid physical property was modified. DISCLAIMER: The information in this Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is believed to be correct as of the date issued. 3M MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR COURSE OF PERFORMANCE OR USAGE OF TRADE. User is responsible for determining whether the 3M product is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user's method of use or application. Given the variety of factors that can affect the use and application of a 3M product, some of which are uniquely within the user's knowledge and control, it is essential that the user evaluate the 3M product to determine whether it is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user's method of use or application. 0 3M provides information in electronic form as a service to its customers. Due to the remote possibility that electronic transfer may Page 7 of 8 I MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 3M Brand Fire Barrier CP-25WB+ 04/01/10 I have resulted in errors, omissions or alterations in this information, 3M makes no representations as to its completeness or accuracy. In addition, information obtained from a database may not be as current as the information in the MSDS available directly from 3M. 3M MSDSs are available at www.3M.com Page 8 of 8 S I MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 3M FireBarrier(TM) Sealant IC 15 WB+ 09/16/11 Material Safety Data Sheet Copyright, 2011, 3M Company All rights reserved. Copying and/or downloading of this information for the purpose of properly utilizing 3M products is allowed provided that: (1) the information is copied in full with no changes unless prior written agreement is obtained from 3M, and (2) neither the copy nor the original is resold or otherwise distributed with the intention of earning a profit thereon. SECTION 1: PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME: 3M FireBarrier(TM) Sealant IC 15 WB+ MANUFACTURER: 3M DIVISION: Building & Commercial Services Division ADDRESS: 3M Center, St. Paul, MN 55144-1000 I EMERGENCY PHONE: 1-800-364-3577 or (651) 737-6501 (24 hours) I Issue Date: 09/16/11 Supercedes Date: 12/02/10 Document Group: 19-9776-6 Product Use: Specific Use: Fire Barrier Sealant Intended Use: Sealant I SECTION 2: INGREDIENTS Ingredient C.A.S. No. % by Wt Calcium Carbonate 1317-65-3 30- 60 Polymer Trade Secret 10 - 30 Water 7732-18-5 10- 30 Sodium Silicate 1344-09-8 3 - 7 ZINC BORATE 2335 138265-88-0 3 - 7 Fiberglass 65997-17-3 0.5- 1.5 Sodium Nonylphenyl Polyethoxy Ether Sulfate 9014-90-8 0.1- 1.0 Polyoxyethylene Monooctylphenyl Ether 9036-19-5 0.1 - 1.0 Quartz Silica 14808-60-7 <0.5 I SECTION 3: HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION I 3.1 EMERGENCY OVERVIEW Specific Physical Form: Paste Odor, Color, Grade: Light yellow viscous paste with a mild odor General Physical Form: Solid I MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 3M FireBarrier(TM) Sealant IC 15 WB+ 09/16/I1 I Immediate health, physical, and environmental hazards: Contains a chemical or chemicals which can cause cancer. 3.2 POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS Eye Contact: Moderate Eye Irritation: Signs/symptoms may include redness, swelling, pain, tearing, and blurred or hazy vision. Skin Contact: Moderate Skin Irritation: Signs/symptoms may include localized redness, swelling, itching, and dryness. Inhalation: Respiratory Tract Irritation: Signs/symptoms may include cough, sneezing, nasal discharge, headache, hoarseness, and nose and throat pain. Ingestion: Gastrointestinal Irritation: Signs/symptoms may include abdominal pain, stomach upset, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Carcinogenicity: Contains a chemical or chemicals which can cause cancer. fl This product contains quartz silica. Lung cancer and silicosis have been associated with exposure to quartz silica. No user exposure to quartz silica from this product is anticipated during normal intended use. Warnings are provided to comply with US federal and state regulations. 0 Ingredient C.A.S. No. Class Description Regulation Quartz Silica 14808-60-7 Grp. 1: Carcinogenic to International Agency for Research on Cancer humans SECTION 4: FIRST AID MEASURES I 4.1 FIRST AID PROCEDURES The following first aid recommendations are based on an assumption that appropriate personal and industrial hygiene practices are followed. Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with large amounts of water for at least 15 minutes. Get immediate medical attention. Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Immediately flush skin with large amounts of water. Get medical attention. Wash contaminated clothing and clean shoes before reuse. Inhalation: Remove person to fresh air. If signs/symptoms develop, get medical attention. If Swallowed: Do not induce vomiting unless instructed to do so by medical personnel. Give victim two glasses of water. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention. I SECTION 5: FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES 5.1 FLAMMABLE PROPERTIES Autoignition temperature Flash Point Flammable Limits(LEL) Flammable Limits(UEL) OSHA Flammability Classification: No Data Available Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable . . MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 3M FireBarrier(TM) Sealant IC 15 WB+ 09/16/I1 I 5.2 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Non-combustible. Choose material suitable for surrounding fire. 5.3 PROTECTION OF FIRE FIGHTERS Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Wear full protective equipment (Bunker Gear) and a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: No unusual fire or explosion hazards are anticipated. Note: See STABILITY AND REACTIVITY (SECTION 10) for hazardous combustion and thermal decomposition information. SECTION 6: ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES I 6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures Evacuate unprotected and untrained personnel from hazard area. The spill should be cleaned up by qualified personnel. Ventilate the area with fresh air. 6.2. Environmental precautions Place in a closed container approved for transportation by appropriate authorities. Dispose of collected material as soon as possible. Clean-up methods 0 Observe precautions from other sections. Call 3M- HELPS line (1-800-364-3577) for more information on handling and managing the spill. Collect as much of the spilled material as possible. Clean up residue. In the event of a release of this material, the user should determine if the release qualifies as reportable according to local, state, and federal regulations. I SECTION 7: HANDLING AND STORAGE 7.1 HANDLING Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Wash exposed areas thoroughly with soap and water. For industrial or professional use only. Avoid eye contact with dust or airborne particles. Avoid skin contact. 7.2 STORAGE Store under normal warehouse conditions. SECTION 8: EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION I 8.1 ENGINEERING CONTROLS Use in a well-ventilated area. 8.2 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) 8.2.1 Eye/Face Protection Avoid eye contact. The following eye protection(s) are recommended: Safety Glasses with side shields Indirect Vented Goggles . . MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 3M FireBarrier(TM) Sealant IC 15 WB+ 09/16/11 8.2.2 Skin Protection Avoid skin contact. Select and use gloves and/or protective clothing to prevent skin contact based on the results of an exposure assessment. Consult with your glove and/or protective clothing manufacturer for selection of appropriate compatible materials. Gloves made from the following material(s) are recommended: Butyl Rubber Nitrile Rubber 8.2.3 Respiratory Protection Under normal use conditions, airborne exposures are not expected to be significant enough to require respiratory protection. 8.2.4 Prevention of Swallowing Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Wash exposed areas thoroughly with soap and water. 8.3 EXPOSURE GUIDELINES Ingredient Authority Type Limit Additional Information Calcium Carbonate OSHA TWA, respirable 5 mg/m3 fraction Calcium Carbonate OSHA TWA, as total dust 15 mg/m3 Fiberglass Manufacturer TWA, as dust 10 mg/m3 determined POLYETHYLENE GLYCOLS AIHA TWA, as particulate 10 mg/m3 Quartz Silica ACGIH TWA, respirable 0.025 mg/m3 fraction Quartz Silica OSHA TWA concentration, 0.1 mg/m3 respirable Quartz Silica OSHA TWA concentration, 0.3 mg/m3 as total dust SOURCE OF EXPOSURE LIMIT DATA: ACGIH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists CMRG: Chemical Manufacturer Recommended Guideline OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration AIHA: American Industrial Hygiene Association Workplace Environmental Exposure Level (WEEL) SECTION 9: PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 0 Specific Physical Form: Odor, Color, Grade: General Physical Form: Autoignition temperature Flash Point Flammable Limits(LEL) Flammable Limits(UEL) Boiling Point Paste Light yellow viscous paste with a mild odor Solid No Data Available Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable . I I MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 3M FireBarrier(TM) Sealant IC 15 WB+ 09/16/11 I Specific Gravity Melting point Solubility in Water Volatile Organic Compounds VOC Less H20 & Exempt Solvents 1.4 [Ref Std: WATERI] No Data Available Moderate <2 gIl <2 g/l I SECTION 10: STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability: Stable. Materials and Conditions to Avoid: 10.1 Conditions to avoid None known 10.2 Materials to avoid None known Hazardous Polymerization: Hazardous polymerization will not occur. 10 Hazardous Decomposition or By-Products Substance Condition Carbon monoxide Not Specified Carbon dioxide Not Specified I SECTION 11: TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Please contact the address listed on the first page of the MSDS for Toxicological Information on this material and/or its components. SECTION 12: ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Not determined. CHEMICAL FATE INFORMATION Not determined. I SECTION 13: DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Waste Disposal Method: For quantities <100 lbs. (50kg): dispose of waste product in a sanitary landfill. For larger quantities: Dispose of waste product in a facility permitted to accept chemical waste. EPA Hazardous Waste Number (RCRA): Not regulated S . MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 3M FireBarrier(TM) Sealant IC 15 WB+ 09/16/11 I I Since regulations vary, consult applicable regulations or authorities before disposal. I I SECTION 14:TRANSPORT INFORMATION ID Number(s): 42-0016-4768-6, 42-0016-4769-4, 42-0016-4770-2, 98-0400-5509-1, 98-0400-5510-9, 98-0400-5511-7, 98-0400-5512-5 For Transport Information, please visit http://3M.com/Transportinfo or call 1-800-364-3577 or 651-737-6501. I SECTION 15: REGULATORY INFORMATION US FEDERAL REGULATIONS Contact 3M for more information. Section 313 Toxic Chemicals subject to the reporting requirements of that section and 40 CFR part 372 (EPCRA): Ingredient C.A.S. No % by Wt ZINC BORATE 2335 (ZINC COMPOUNDS) 138265-88-0 3 - 7 STATE REGULATIONS Contact 3M for more information. CHEMICAL INVENTORIES The components of this product are in compliance with the chemical notification requirements of TSCA. All applicable chemical ingredients in this material are listed on the European Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances (EINECS), or are exempt polymers whose monomers are listed on EINECS. Contact 3M for more information. INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONS Contact 3M for more information. This MSDS has been prepared to meet the U.S. OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200. I I SECTION 16: OTHER INFORMATION NFPA Hazard Classification Health: 2 Flammability: 0 Reactivity: 0 Special Hazards: None National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) hazard ratings are designed for use by emergency response personnel to address the hazards that are presented by short-term, acute exposure to a material under conditions of fire, spill, or similar emergencies. Hazard ratings are primarily based on the inherent physical and toxic properties of the material but also include the toxic properties of combustion or decomposition products that are known to be generated in significant quantities. Revision Changes: Section 1: Product use information was modified. Section 16: Disclaimer (second paragraph) was modified. Section 10: Hazardous decomposition or by-products table was modified. Section 15: Inventories information was modified. Section 9: Boiling point information was modified. Section 5: Flammable limits (UE) information was modified. Section 5: Flammable limits (LEL) information was modified. S I MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 3M FireBarrier(TM) Sealant IC IS WB+ 09/16/11 II Section 5: Autoignition temperature information was modified. Section 5: Flash point information was modified. Section 9: Property description for optional properties was modified. Section 9: Specific gravity information was modified. Section 9: Melting point information was modified. Section 9: Solubility in water text was modified. Section 9: Flash point information was modified. Section 9: Flammable limits (LEL) information was modified. Section 9: Flammable limits (UEL) information was modified. Section 9: Autoignition temperature information was modified. Section 2: Ingredient table was modified. Section 15: EPCRA 313 information was modified. Section 8: Exposure guidelines ingredient information was modified. Section 3: Carcinogenicity table was modified. Section 6: 6.2. Environmental precautions heading was modified. Section 6: 6. 1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures heading was modified. Section 16: Web address was added. Section 1: Address was added. Copyright was added. Company logo was added. Telephone header was added. Company Telephone was added. Section 1: Emergency phone information was added. Section 1: Emergency phone information was deleted. Company Logo was deleted. Copyright was deleted. Section 16: Web address heading was deleted. Section 1: Address line I was deleted. Section 1: Address line 2 was deleted. DISCLAIMER: The information in this Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is believed to be correct as of the date issued. 3M MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR COURSE OF PERFORMANCE OR USAGE OF TRADE. User is responsible for determining whether the 3M product is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user's method of use or application. Given the variety of factors that can affect the use and application of a 3M product, some of which are uniquely within the user's knowledge and control, it is essential that the user evaluate the 3M product to determine whether it is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user's method of use or application. 3M provides information in electronic form as a service to its customers. Due to the remote possibility that electronic transfer may have resulted in errors, omissions or alterations in this information, 3M makes no representations as to its completeness or accuracy. In addition, information obtained from a database may not be as current as the information in the MSDS available directly from 3M 3M USA MSDSs are available at www.3M.com .6 0 S I THREADFIT THREAD CUTTING OIL . . I tOi F P P I Description ThreadFit® Thread Cutting Oil for Sprinkler Pipe is an excellent heavy duty, dark colored cutting oil for all types of ferrous metal. It's special combination of anti-wear and anti-weld additives provides all the necessary lubricity and cooling modern pipe threading operations require. This balanced combination of additives will help improve die life and thread quality over other cuffing oils and is Chlorine free. Features Heavy Duty Cutting Oil Excellent Tool Life Chlorine Free All types of ferrous metal or pipe Improved Surface Finish Installation ThreadFit® can be used in automatic and hand held applicators. Fill oil reservoir according to equipment manufacturers specifications. Mixing of different types of threading oils is not recommended. DO NOT ALTER. THE CONSISTENCY OF THIS PRODUCT. Use as is directly from the container. Change oil regularly for optimum performance. Contains petroleum oil. Avoid breathing mists or vapors. Avoid eye contact and prolonged or repeated contact with skin. Wear safety glasses or goggles. Use good personal hygeine. Dispose of used oil in accordance with all local, State and Federal ordinances and regulations. Consult Material Safety Data Sheets for additional safety and handling information. DO NOT MIX WITH OTHER THREAD CUTTING OILS OR CONTAMINANTS. Specifications Appearance: Dark brown liquid. Packaging: 1 gl. (6/case) 5 gl. Pail 55-gi drum 275-gl tote CAUTION: Skin contact: wash thoroughly with soap and water. Eye contact: flush eyes with water for at least 15 minutes and seek medical attention. Ingestion: consult a physician immediately. Inhalation: move affected person(s) to fresh air and seek medical attention. See MSDS for first aid instructions. Spill or Leak: Soak up with an oil absorbent compound. Follow all state, local, Federal regulations for disposal. Don't pollute. Conserve our resources-Please recycle this container. See Material Safety Data Sheet for additional safety and disposal information at www.fppi.com This product is registered with CHEMTREC, a 24-hour emergency hot/me. They may wu be reached at 1 800 424-9300. LA MADE IN U.S.A. 3198 LIONSHEAD AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92010 TEL + 1760 599-1168 +1800344-1822 FAX + 1 800 344-3775 © 2012 Fire Protection Products, Inc. FPPI®, ThreadFit® are registered trademarks of Fire Protection Products, Inc. S Fire Protection Products, inc. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET II 3198 Lionshead Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92010 F P P I Phone: (760) 599-1168 Fog poffr1uhmocii lut. Fax: (800) 344-3775 Last Updated: 03/20/2012 - ThreadFit© Cutting Oil Manufacturer Information Emergency Contact Fire Protection Products, Inc. CHEMTREC 3198 Lionshead Avenue 1300 Wilson Boulevard Carlsbad, CA 92010 Arlington, VA 22209-2380 Phone: (760) 599-1168 Phone: (800)424-9300 Fax: (800) 344-3775 International: +1 (703) 527-3887 CAS Registry Number Mixture Chemical Family Petroleum Hydrocarbon Product Type Cutting Oil Preparation/Revision Date 03/20/2012 0 Component Name CAS Number OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV % (Optional) Heavy Paraffinic Hydrotreated Distillate 64742-54-7 5 mg/m, 5 mg/m3 87-93 Sulfurized Decene 72162-15-3 Not Not 7-13 Established Established ____ i1UiE1c Contains petroleum oil. Principal Hazard(s) Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact. Avoid breathing mists or vapors. Oral DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Seek immediate medical attention. Flush eye(s) with water for at least 15 minutes or until irritation subsides. Seek medical attention E Eye if eye irritation develops or persists. Wash with soap and water. Immediately remove contaminated clothing. Get medical attention if irritation develops. Launder contaminated clothing before re-use. If product is injected into or under the skin, or into any part of the body, regardless of the appearance of the wound or its Skin size, the individual should be evaluated immediately by a physician as a surgical emergency. Even though initial symptoms from high pressure injection may be minimal or absent, early surgical treatment within the first few hours may significantly reduce the ultimate extent of injury. Vapor pressure is very low. Vapor inhalation under ambient conditions is normally not a problem. Vapor pressure under ambient conditions is normally not a problem. If adverse effects Inhalation are observed, remove exposed person to fresh air. If breathing is labored, administer oxygen. If breathing has stopped, apply artificial respiration. If overexposed to oil mist, remove from further exposure until excessive oil mist subsides. S S FmAti-105 - t•i:i iiu@ Flash Point 390 °F COC Typical Upper Flammable Limit Not Determined Lower Flammable Limit Not Determined Carbon Dioxide, dry chemical, water spray (fog) and foam. Note: water, water Extinguishing Media fog and foam may cause frothing and spattering. Wear self-contained breathing apparatus. Avoid breathing fumes and vapors. Special Firefighting Procedures Use water spray (fog) to cool containers exposed to high heat or open flames. Empty containers contain residue and/or vapors. DO NOT WELD, CUT, PRESSURIZE, BRAZE, SOLDER, DRILL, GRIND or EXPOSE SUCH CONTAINERS TO Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards HEAT, SPARKS, FLAME, STATIC ELECTRICITY OR OTHER SUCH SOURCES OF IGNITION. Keep empty containers closed and dispose of in an environmentally safe manner and in accordance with all government regulations. Auto Ignition Temperature Not Determined Health: 1 NFPA Flammability: 1 Instability: 0 Evacuate all non-essential personal. Personal Protective Equipment must be worn (See Personal Precautions Personal Protection Section for PPE recommendations). Remove sources of ignition. Ventilate spill area. Prevent entry into sewers and Environmental Precautions waterways. Prevent entry into sewers and waterways. Use of absorbent pads or inert absorbent Methods for Containment materials should be considered. Pick up free liquid for recycle and/or disposal. Residual liquid can be absorbed on inert Methods for Clean Up material. @31M '1 - Keep away from potential sources of ignition. Avoid breathing vapors if present. Keep containers closed when not in use. Wash thoroughly after handling. Make sure proper Handling a g warning labels are affixed in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.1200. Use good personal hygiene around product. Do not smoke or eat around product. Do not store near potential sources of ignition. Store in a well ventilated area. Store in Storage a dry area. Do not store around food or eating areas. - Additional ventilation or exhaust may be required to maintain air concentrations Engineering Controls below recommended exposure limits. Eye/Face Protection: Safety glasses recommended. Use splash goggles or face shield when eye contact may occur. Skin Protection: Use chemical resistant gloves, if needed, to avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact. Wear a chemical resistant apron or other impervious clothing, Personal Protection if needed, to avoid contaminating regular clothing, which could result in prolonged or repeated skin contact. Respiratory Protection: Use NIOSH/MSHA approved disposable dust/mist mask if the recommended exposure limit is exceeded. General Measures Use material in well ventilated areas only. 0 0 S C Physical State: Liquid Vapor Density (Air =1): Greater than 5 Appearance, Color, Odor: Dark amber colored liquid with a characteristic petroleum odor Evaporation Rate: Not Determined Specific Gravity: 0.8735 Pour Point: 0 OF Viscosity: Approximately 36 cSt @ 40 °C Boiling Point: IBP approximately 500 °F Odor Threshold: Not Determined % Volatile: Less than 1% Water Solubility: Not Soluble pH: Not Applicable Vapor Pressure: Not Determined Decomposition Temperature: Not Determined Addition Properties: None special Stability Material is normally stable at room temperature and pressure. See the Handling and Storage Section for further details. Incompatibility Strong oxidizing agents. Conditions to Avoid High heat and open flames. Polymerization Will not occur. Hazardous Decomposition Fumes, smoke, carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides, aldehydes and other decomposition products, in the case of incomplete combustion. Oral Toxicity Not Determined Dermal Toxicity Not Determined Inhalation Toxicity Not Determined Chronic Toxicity Not Determined Respiratory Irritation If material is misted or vapors are generated from heating, exposure may cause irritation of mucous membranes and the upper respiratory tract. Carcinogenicity The components of this product have not been found to be a carcinogen under either NTP, IARC Monographs or current OSHA regulations. Other Under conditions which may generate mists, observe the OSHA PEL of 5 mg/m' Ecotoxicity Available ecotoxicity data indicates that adverse effects to aquatic organisms are not expected from this product. Degradability This product is not considered bio-degradable under current definitions. Mobility When released into the environment, adsorption to sediment and soil will be the predominant behavior. Waste Disposal Method Product is suitable for processing by an approved recycling facility or can be disposed of at an appropriate government waste disposal facility. Use of these methods is subject to user compliance with applicable laws and regulations and consideration of product characteristics at the time of disposal. The unused product is not specifically listed by the EPA as a hazardous waste, nor is it formulated to contain materials which are listed as hazardous waste. After use, it is the responsibility of the user to determine the products status for disposal. US DOT Shipping Name Not regulated by DOT Hazard Class Not applicable DOT Identification Number Not Applicable DOT Shipping Label Not regulated by DOT Canadian Transportation of Dangerous Goods: Not regulated Marine Pollutants Not regulated by IMO 0 S USA TSCA Inventory All components of this product are listed on the TSCA inventory. Sec. 302/304: No RQ for product or any constituent greater that 1.0% or 0.01 % (carcinogen). Sec. 311/312: No RQ for product or any constituent greater than 1.0% or 0.01% SARA Title Ill (carcinogen). Sec. 313: This product contains no chemicals subject to the supplier notification requirements of SARA 313 toxic release program. CERCLA RQ: No chemicals in this product are subject to the reporting requirements of CERCLA. California Prop 65 This product does not contain chemical regulated under California Proposition 65. Canada WHMIS Classification Not controlled under WHMIS (for workplace exposures) New Substance Notification Not controlled Regulations NPRI Substances - None Additional Information When used for its intended purposes, this product is not classified as hazardous in accordance with OSHA 29 CFR 1910. 1200. Prepared By Revised Date 03/20/2012 Although the information and recommendations set forth herein are presented in good faith and believed to be correct as of the date hereof, Fire Protection Products, Inc. makes no representations as to the completeness or accuracy thereof. Fire Disclaimer Protection Products, Inc. makes no warranty whatsoever, expressed or implied, of merchantability or fitness for the particular purpose since the conditions of use are beyond our control. Fire Protection Products, Inc. assumes no responsibility for injury to recipient or to third persons for any damage to any property and recipient. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM (HMIS) Health = 1 Fire = 1 Reactivity = 0 PP = B Rating: 0 = Minimal 1 = Slight 2 = Moderate 3 = Serious 4 = Extreme 0 S I U I PIPEFIT THREAD SEALING PASTE 0 0 F P P I Description Pipefit® Thread Sealing Paste with PTFE is a premium non-hardening PTFE filled pipe thread sealing paste designed specifically for the fire sprinkler industry. Pipefit is suitable for use on all k.- threadable materials commonly used in fire sprinkler systems, including CPVC. Pipefit's unique blend of materials provides superior thread sealing qualities over other similarly priced sealants. The particulate PTFE also helps prevent leaks by accumulating in the voids of damaged or defective threads of the pipe or fittings. Additionally, the lubricating qualities of the PTFE and other materials in the sealing paste improve thread seating during pipe and fitting assembly. _--- Pipefit® also adheres well to hot oily pipe present in "high speed' fabrication operations. Specifications Water Air Refrigerants Natural Gas Mild caustics Steam Kerosene LP Gases Acids Gasoline Diesel Fuel Ammonia Use for threaded connections on steel, aluminum, brass, PVC, CPVC and ABS. Operating temperature ranges -50 f to 500 f. ' Design Criteria/Data Recommended Use FBC5- YTEM cO&WA18LE *FBC System Compatible indicates this product has been tested by Lubrizol Advanced Materials and is monitored on an on going basis to assure chemical compatibility with FlowGuard Gold®, BlazeMaster, and Corzan® pipe and fittings. 3198 LIONSHE.AD AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92010 TEL + 1760 599-1168 +1800344-1822 FAX + 1 800 344-3775 Installation Make sure that the threads are free from burs and other debris. Apply Pipefit® liberally to the male pipe threads. Make sure that the thread sealant is brushed into the "root" of the threads. Do not wipe off excess material until fitting has been "made on" to the pipe thread. The threading action of the fitting to the pipe will allow the proper amount of sealant to remain in the connection. Wipe off excess sealant. Pipefit® will not dry out under normal conditions. Never use dope and tape together. Keep covered when not in use to avoid contamination. Some settling of the product may occur. Occasional stirring may be necessary. Two year shelf life. Disclaimer DO NOT ALTER THE CONSISTENCY OF THIS PRODUCT. Use as is directly from the container. Keep away from your mouth and eyes. If eye contact occurs, flush with water for 5 minutes. If discomfort persists get medical attention. Appearance: Dense, paste-like consistency, off white in color. Packaging: 16 oz. brush in cap 32 oz. 32 oz. BIC 1 gl. 5 gl. 55 gl. CAUTION: See MSDS for first aid instructions. Wash hands thoroughly after each use. See Material Safety Data Sheet for additional safety and disposal information at www.fppi.com © 2012 Fire Protection Products, Inc. FPPI, LubeFif' are registered trademarks of Fire Protection Products, Inc. FBC, BlazeMaster', FlowGuard Gold9 and Co,zan' are registered trademarks of Noveon IP Holdings Corp. S Fire Protection Products, Inc. 3198 Lionshead Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92010 F p p iIs Phone: (760) 599-1168 Fax: (800) 344-3775 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET. Last Updated: 03/12/2012 rn PipeFit® PipeFit Pint BIC PipeFit Qt. Flat top PipeFit Q.t. BIC PipeFit gal PipeFit 5 gal PipeFit 55 gal Manufacturer Information Fire Protection Products, Inc. 3198 Lionshead Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92010 Phone: (760) 599-1168 Fax: (800) 344-3775 Emergency Contact CHEMTREC 1300 Wilson Boulevard Arlington, VA 22209-2380 Phone: (800)424-9300 International: +1 (703) 527-3887 CAS Registry Number Not applicable Chemical Family Mixture Product Type Pipe thread sealant Preparation/Revision Date 2012/03/21 Component Name CAS Number OSHA PEL ACGIH liv % (Optional) Light Naphthenic hydrotreated distillates 64742-53-6 Not listed Not listed 15 -20 Ethanol 64-17-5 1000 ppm 1000 ppm 0.1 —0.2 PTFE 9002-84-0 Not listed Not listed 3 - 7 Principal Hazard(s) Exposure to hazardous substances is not expected when handling this product for its intended use. Extreme heating (>300°C) or during a fire may generate dense smoke, irritating and toxic fumes. S If irritation or discomfort occurs, obtain medical advice immediately. Oral Do not allow victim to rub eye(s). Let the eye(s) water naturally for a few minutes. Have victim look right and left, and then up and down. If particle/dust does not dislodge, flush with lukewarm, gently flowing Eye water for 5 minutes or until particle/dust is removed, while holding the eyelid(s) open. If irritation persists, obtain medical attention. DO NOT attempt to manually remove anything stuck to eye(s). Quickly and gently, blot or brush away excess paste. Wash gently and thoroughly with lukewarm, gently Skin flowing water and non-abrasive soap for 5 minutes. If irritation develops, obtain medical advice. If symptoms are experienced remove source of contamination or move victim to fresh air and obtain Inhalation medical advice. ________ - - --- - 150°C (300°F) (toc) Flash Point Upper Flammable Limit Not applicable Lower Flammable Limit Not applicable Use water spray, dry chemical, carbon dioxide, or an appropriate foam. Use water Extinguishing Media spray to cool fire-exposed containers. Self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing should be worn. Remove Special Firefighting Procedures all unprotected personnel. During a fire, products of combustion may include Hydrogen fluoride, Perfluoro- carbon olefins and oxides of carbon. Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards Irritating and harmful fumes are released when PTFE is heated above 300 C. The decomposition products and the resulting health effects are temperature-dependent. Auto Ignition Temperature Not applicable Health: 0 NFPA Flammability: 0 Instability:0 - Spilled product product may pose a slipping hazard. Personal Precautions Prevent the product from entering sewers or waterways. Environmental Precautions Not applicable Methods for Containment Pick up spilled product and collect for re-use or proper disposal. Dispose of any Methods for Clean Up contaminated, unusable product as described in Section 13 of this SDS. I Handling Avoid contact with eyes and skin; do not breathe fumes. Do not use near sources of extreme heat. Keep out of reach of children. Wash thoroughly with detergent and water after handling, before eating, drinking, smoking or using the toilet. Storage Store in a cool, dry area, away from heat, flames and ignition sources. - Engineering Controls Not required for normal use. If product is overheated, provide adequate ventilation to keep fume concentrations below any applicable exposure limits. Consult local authorities for acceptable exposure limits. Personal Protection Eye/Face Protection: No special requirements. Skin Protection: Wear appropriate gloves when needed to prevent skin contact. Respiratory Protection: Not required for normal use. General Measures Do not ingest. Avoid contact with eyes and skin; do not breathe fumes. Keep out of reach of children. Wash hands after handling. Physical State: Paste Vapor Density (Air =10): Not available Appearance, Color, Odor: White-cream colored paste; mild odor. Evaporation Weight: Not available Specific Gravity: 1.48 Melting Point: Not available Viscosity: Not available Boiling Point: 177°C (350°F) Odor Threshold: Not available % Volatile: 0% w/w Water Solubility: Insoluble in water. pH: Not applicable Vapor Pressure: Not applicable Decomposition Temperature: Not available Addition Properties: Not available S C 0 n Section 10 1 STABILITY IIAND IREACTIVI TY Stable at normal room temperature. Stability Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents. strong acids, strong alkalis, aromatic solvents, Incompatibility chlorinated solvents. Avoid extreme heat and open flames. Conditions to Avoid Hazardous polymerization will not occur. Polymerization Hydrogen Fluoride, Perfluoro- carbon olefins, oxides of carbon. Hazardous Decomposition [Section 11 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Acute toxicity data is not available for the mixture. Light Naphthenic hydrotreated distillates LD50 dermal >2 000 mg/kg (rabbit) Oral Toxicity Ethanol LD50 Oral 1 501 mg/kg (rat) Light Naphthenic hydrotreated distillates LD50 Dermal >5 000 mg/kg (rat) Dermal Toxicity Product contains a substance which may cause an allergic skin reaction in sensitive individuals. There are no test data available for the product. Light Naphthenic hydrotreated distillates LC50 Inhalation >2.18 mg/L (rat) Inhalation Toxicity Ethanol LC50 Inhalation 124.7 mg/L (rat) Light Naphthenic hydrotreated distillates, has less than 3% DMSO extract as measured by IP 346. This product is not required to be labeled according to the European Directive Chronic Toxicity 67/548/EEC. Not available Respiratory Irritation Information not available for the mixture. PTFE and Light Naphthenic hydrotreated distillates are listed in IARC Group 3, Not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity in humans. Carcinogenicity Light Naphthenic hydrotreated distillates, has less than 3% DM50 extract as measured by IP 346. This product is not required to be labeled according to the European Directive 67/548/EEC. Not available Other S S S C C Ecotoxicity is expected to be low due to the product's insolubility in water. Ecotoxicity Not readily biodegradable. Degradability Insoluble in water. Mobility _section _______________________ t(s]1l']1_U[S11i Do NOT discard into any sewers, on the ground or into any body of water. Store material for disposal as indicated in Section 7 Handling and Storage. The conditions of use, storage and disposal of this product are beyond our control and may Waste Disposal Method be beyond our knowledge. For this and other reasons, the supplier does not assume responsibility and expressly disclaim liability for loss, damage or expense arising out of or in any way connected with the handling, storage, use or disposal of this product. - - -TRANSPORT IN ION -FORMAT Section 14 Not regulated as a hazardous material. US DOT Shipping Name Not applicable Hazard Class Not applicable DOT Identification Number Not applicable DOT Shipping Label Canadian Transportation of Not regulated as a dangerous good for transport. Dangerous Goods: Not applicable Marine Pollutants S 0 Lseoon REGULATORY INFORMATION-1 USA All substances are listed on the TSCA 8(b) inventory. TSCA Inventory Sec. 302/304: Not applicable Sec. 311/312: Not applicable SARA Title 11 Sec. 313: Not applicable CERCLA RQ: Not applicable Not applicable California Prop 65 Canada Not controlled WHMIS Classification This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled (for workplace exposures) Products Regulations and the MSDS contains all the information required by the Controlled Products Regulations. New Substance Notification All component substances are listed on Canada's Domestic Substances List (DSL). Regulations Not applicable NPRI Substances Section 16 - OTHER INFORMATION Not applicable Additional Information Fire Protection Products, Inc. 3198 Lionshead Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92010 Prepared By Phone: (760) 599-1168 March 21, 2012 Revised Date Although the information and recommendations set forth herein are presented in good faith and believed to be correct as of the date hereof, Fire Protection Products, Inc. makes no representations as to the completeness or accuracy thereof. Fire Protection Disclaimer Products, Inc. makes no warranty whatsoever, expressed or implied, of merchantability or fitness for the particular purpose since the conditions of use are beyond our control. Fire Protection Products, Inc. assumes no responsibility for injury to recipient or to third persons for any damage to any property and recipient. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM (HMIS) Health = Fire = Reactivity = PP = Rating: 0 = Minimal 1 = Slight 2 = Moderate 3 = Serious 4 = Extreme S