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6211 EL CAMINO REAL; ; FPC2021-0029; Permit
PERMIT REPORT 4bty of Carlsbad Print Date: 06/21/2021 Job Address: 6211 EL CAMINO REAL, CARLSBAD, CA 92009-1604 Permit Type: FIRE-Construction Commercial Work Class: Fire Sprinklers Parcel #: 2131001500 Track #: Valuation: $0.00 Lot #: Occupancy Group: Project #: #01 Dwelling Units: Plan #: Bedrooms: Construction Type: Bathrooms: Orig. Plan Check #: Plan Check #: Permit No: FPC2021-0029 Status: Closed - Finaled Applied: 03/11/2021 Issued: 03/30/2021 Finaled Close Out: 06/21/2021 Inspector: Final Inspection: Project Title: Description: MILLIPORE SIGMA -REVISED PLANS FOR SPRINKLER TI (33 HEADS, RACK STORAGE ESFR UPDGRADE SPRINKLERS IN WAREHOL AREA) Applicant: FPContractor: COSCO FIRE PROTECTION COSCO FIRE PROTECTION INC MICHAEL LOVELY 1075 W LAMBERT RD 4990 GREENCRAIG LN BREA, CA 92821-2944 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123-1673 (858) 444-2000 (858) 444-2000 x1727 FEE AMOUNT FIRE NFPA 13 or 13R System 7 - 100 heads $553.00 FIRE Plan Review Per Hour - Office Hours $170.00 Total Fees: $723.00 Total Payments To Date: $723.00 Balance Due: $0.00 Fire Department Page 1 of 1 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314'1 760-602-4665 1 760-602-8561 f I www.carlsbadca.gov FPC2021-0029 Millipore Sigma High-Piled Combustible Storage Report Included Hydraulic Calculations by HydracAL.0 Cosco Fire Protection, Inc. 4990 Greencraig Lane C-16 577621 San Diego, CA 92123 858-444-2000 Job Name : Millipore Sigma Racks - ESFR K25 Add Main Drawing : FP1 Location : 6211 El Camino Real, Carlsbad CA 92008 Remote Area : ESFR-K25 Contract : 2101-1840 Data File : Millipore Sigma Racks ESFR K25 Add Main.WXF Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Revision: 50.5520.727 Cosco Fire Protection, Inc. Page 1 Millipore Sigma Racks - ESFR K25 Add Main Date 03-08-21 HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS for JOB NAME Millipore Sigma Racks - ESFR K25 Location 6211 El Camino Real, Carlsbad CA 92008 Drawing# FP1 Contract# 2101-1840 Date 03-08-21 DESIGN Remote area # ESFR-K25 Remote area location Warehouse Occupancy classification Extra Hazard Density 20 psi mi - Gpm/SqFt Area of application 9 heads - SqFt Coverage/sprinkler 100 - SqFt Type of sprinkler calculated ESFR K25 Pendent # Sprinklers calculated 9 In-rack demand N/A - GPM Hose streams 250 - GPM Total water required (including hose streams) 1327.99 - GPM @ 74.909 -Psi Type of system Wet Volume of system (dry or pre-action) -Gal WA TER SUPPLY INFORMATION Test date 2-23-21 Location H20203 Source of info City of Carlsbad CONTRACTOR INFO Cosco Fire Protection, Inc. Address 4990 Greencraig Lane / C-16 577621 / San Diego, CA 92123 Phone # 858-444-2000 Name of designer M. Lovely Authority having jurisdiction City of Carlsbad NOTES: textl(35) - invisible Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Revision: 50.5520.727 Water Supply Curve Cosco Fire Protection, Inc. Page 2 Millipore Sigma Racks - ESFR K25 Add Main Date 03-08-21 City Water Supply: Demand: Cl - Static Pressure : 103.5 Dl - Elevation : 13.210 C2 - Residual Pressure: 79.5 . D2 - System Flow :1077.99 C2 - Residual Flow : 3100 D2 - System Pressure : 74.909 Hose ( Demand) : 250 D3 - System Demand :1327.99 Safety Margin : 23.590 150 140 130 120 R° 1T E 100 S 90 CIO S 80 U 70 D2 / D3 R60 E50 - 40 30 20 10 --D4— U 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 FLOW (N A 1.85) Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Revision: 50.5520.727 Fittings Used Summary Cosco Fire Protection, Inc. Page 3 Millipore Sigma Racks - ESFR K25 Add Main Date 03-08-21 Fitting Legend Abbrev. Name 1/2 % 1 1/4 11/2 2 2',4 3 31,4 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 Bvcb B Fly Vic 705W 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 12 12 8 11 12 14 0 0 0 0 0 E NFPA 13 90' Standard Elbow 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 18 22 27 35 40 45 50 61 G NFPA 13 Gate Valve 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 L NFPA 13 Long Turn Elbow 0.5 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 8 9 13 16 18 24 27 30 34 40 T NFPA I39O'FlowthruTee 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 50 - 60 71 81 91 101 121 Zfc Febco 856 Fitting generates a Fixed Loss Based on Flow Units Summary Diameter Units Inches Length Units Feet Flow Units US Gallons per Minute Pressure Units Pounds per Square Inch Note: Fitting Legend provides equivalent pipe lengths for fittings types of various diameters. Equivalent lengths shown are standard for actual diameters of Sched 40 pipe and CFactors of 120 except as noted with * The fittings marked with a * show equivalent lengths values supplied by manufacturers based on specific pipe diameters and CFactors and they require no adjustment. All values for fittings not marked with a * will be adjusted in the calculation for CFactors of other than 120 and diameters other than Sched 40 per NFPA. Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Revision: 50.5520.727 FläwSummary - NFPA Cosco Fire Protection, Inc. Page 4 Millipore Sigma Racks - ESFR K25 Add Main Date 03-08-21 SUPPLY ANAL YSIS Node at Static Residual Available Source Pressure Pressure Flow Pressure Total Demand Required Pressure TEST 103.5 79.5 3100.0 98.498 1327.99 74.909 NODE ANALYSIS, Pressure Discharge Node Tag Elevation Node Type at Node at Node Notes Si 27.5 25.2 20.0 112.7 0.1 100 S2 27.5 25.2 22.35 119.13 0.1 100 S3 27.5 25.2 22.77 120.25 0.1 100 S4 27.5 25.2 22.74 120.18 0.1 100 S5 27.5 25.2 22.75 120.21 0.1 100 S6 27.5 25.2 23.14 121.22 0.1 100 S7 27.5 25.2 23.02 ' 120.91 0.1 100 S8 27.5 25.2 23.09 121.09 0.1 100 S9 27.5 25.2 23.55 122.28 0.1 100 1 27.0 31.54 2 27.0 31.55 3 27.0 32.13 4 27.0 31.93 5 27.0 ' . 31.95 6 27.0 ' 32.47 7 27.0 32.31 8 27.0 32.41 9 .27.0 33.03 33 27.0 39.29 34 27.0 40.12 20 25.5 46.51 21 25.5 46.53 22 . 25.5 46.59 23 25.5 46.66 24 25.5 47.26 TOR 25.5 50.36 BOR 1.0 62.65 UG1 -3.0 , 65.18 UG2 -3.0 67.01 BFI . 2.0 ' 65.55 BF2 2.0 70.49 UG3 -3.0 73.36 UG4 0.0 72.62 TEST -3.0 , 74.91 250.0 30 27.0 32.49 31 27.0 32.59 32 27.0 33.22 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Revision: 50.5520.727 Fihal Calculations: Hazen-Williams Cosco Fire Protection, Inc. Page 5 Millipore Sigma Racks - ESFR K25 Add Main Date 03-08-21 Nodel Elevl K Qa Nom Fitting Pipe CFact Pt to or Ftngs Pe ******* Notes Node2 EIev2 Fact Qt Act Eqiv Len Total Pf/Ft Pf 51 27.500 25.20 112.70 1.25 T 6.0 4.500 120 20.000 to E 3.0 9.000 0.217 1 27 112.7 1.38 13.500 0.8384 11.319 VeI= 24.17 0.0 1 112.70 31.536 KFactor= 20.07 82 27.500 25.20 119.13 1.25 1 6.0 0.670 120 22.350 to E 3.0 9.000 0.217 2 27 119.13 1.38 9.670 0.9292 8.985 Vel = 25.55 0.0 2 119.13 31.552 KFactor 21.21 S3 27.500 25.20 120.25 1.25 T 6.0 0.670 120 22.772 to E 3.0 9.000 0.217 3 27 120.25 1.38 9.670 0.9454 9.142 Vel = 25.79 0.0 3 120.25 32.131 KFactor= 21.21 S4 27.500 25.20 120.18 1.25 T 6.0 0.500 120 22.745 to E 3.0 9.000 0.217 4 27 120.18 1.38 9.500 0.9443 8.971 Vel = 25.78 0.0 4 120.18 31.933 KFactor 21.27 S5 27.500 25.20 120.21 1.25 T 6.0 0.500 120 22.754 to E 3.0 9.000 0.217 5 27 120.21 1.38 9.500 0.9447 8.975 Vel = 25.79 0.0 5 120.21 31.946 KFactor 21.27 S6 27.500 25.20 121.22 1.25 T 6.0 0.500 120 23.140 to E 3.0 9.000 0.217 6 27 121.22 1.38 9.500 0.9595 9.115 Vel = 26.00 0.0. 6 121.22 32.472 K Factor= 21.27 S7 27.500 25.20 .120.91 1.25 T 6.0 0.500 120 23.022 to E 3.0 9.000 0.217 7 27 120.91 1.38 9.500 0.9549 9.072 Vel = 25.94 0.0 7 120.91 32.311 KFactor= 21.27 S8 27.500 25.20 121.09 1.25 T 6.0 0.500 120 23.091 to E 3.0 9.000 0.217 8 27 121.09 1.38 9.500 0.9577 9.098 Vel = 25.97 0.0 8 121.09 32.406 KFactor= 21.27 S9 27.500 25.20 122.28 1.25 T 6.0 0.500 120 23.546 to E 3.0 9.000 0.217 9 27 122.28 1.38 9.500 0.9751 9.263 Vel = 26.23 0.0 9 122.28 33.026 KFactor= 21.28 1 27 28.74 2.5 5.500 120 31.536 to 0.0 2 27 28.74 2.635 . 5.500 0.0029 0.016 Vel = 1.69 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Revision: 50.5520.727 Final Calculations: Hazen-Williams Cosco Fire Protection, Inc. Page 6 Millipore Sigma Racks - ESFR K25 Add Main Date 03-08-21 Nodel Elevi K Qa Nom Fitting Pipe CFact Pt to or Ftngs Pe Notes Node2 EIev2 Fact Qt Act Eqiv Len Total Pf/Ft Pf 2 27 119.14 2.5 9.750 120 31.552 to 0.0 3 27 147.88 2.635 9.750 0.0594 0.579 Vel = 8.70 3 27 120.25 2.5 2T 32.948 43.916 120 32.131 to 32.948 0.650 20 25.500 268.13 2.635 76.864 0.1786 13.727 Vel = 15.78 0.0 20 268.13 46.508 K Factor= 39.32 4 27 20.12 2.5 9.000 120 31.933 to 0.0 5 27 20.12 2.635 9.000 0.0014 0.013 Vel = 1.18 5 27 120.21 2.5 9.750 120 31.946 to 0.0 6 27 140.33 2.635 9.750 0.0539 0.526 Vel = 8.26 6 27 121.22 2.5 2T 32.948 45.670 120 32.472 to 32.948 0.650 21 25.500 261.55 2.635 78.618 0.1706 13.410 Vel = 15.39 0.0 - 21 261.55 46.532 K Factor= 38.34 7 27 32.39 2.5 2E 16.474 10.000 120 32.311 to 16.474 0.0 8 27 32.39 2.635 26.474 0.0036 0.095 Vel = 1.91 8 27 121.09 2.5 9.750 120 32.406 to 0.0 9 27 153.48 2.635 9.750 0.0636 0.620 Vel = 9.03 9 27 122.28 2.5 E 8.237 43.916 120 33.026 to T 16.474 24.711 0.650 22 25.500 275.76 2.635 68.627 0.1881 12.910 Vel = 16.22 0.0 22 275.76 46.586 K Factor= 40.40 1 27 83.96 2.5 2E 16.474 12.750 120 31.536 to T 16.474 32.948 0.0 30 27 83.96 2.635 45.698 0.0208 0.952 Vel = 4.94 0.0 30 83.96 32.488 K Factor= 14.73 4 27 100.06 2.5 T 16.474 6.400 120 31.933 to 16.474 0.0 31 27 100.06 2.635 22.874 0.0288 0.659 Vel = 5.89 0.0 31 100.06 32.592 KFactor= 17.53 7 27 88.53 2.5 21 32.948 6.400 120 32.311 to 32.948 0.0 32 27 88.53 2.635 39.348 0.0230 0.905 Vel = 5.21 0.0 32 88.53 33.216 K Factor= 15.36 33 27 136.73 2.5 2E 16.474 81.500 120 39.286 to 21 32.948 49.422 0.650 23 25.500 136.73 2.635 130.922 0.0514 6.726 Vel = 8.04 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Revision: 50.5520.727 Fihal Calculations: Hazen-Williams Cosco Fire Protection, Inc. Page 7 - Millipore Sigma Racks - ESFR K25 Add Main Date 03-08-21 Nodel Elevi K Qa Nom Fitting Pipe cFact Pt to or Ftngs Pe Notes Node2 EIev2 Fact Qt Act Eqiv Len Total Pf/Ft Pf 0.0 23 136.73 46.662 K Factor= 20.02 34 27 135.81 2.5 2E 16.474 78.500 120 40.123 to 2T 32.948 49.422 0.650 24 25.500 135.81 2.635 127.922 0.0507 6.491 Vel = 7.99 0.0 24 135.81 47.264 KFactor=. 19.75 20 25.500 268.13 6 9.583 120 46.508 to 0.0 21 25.500 268.13 6.357 9.583 0.0025 0.024 Vel = 2.71 21 25.500 261.55 6 6.250 120 46.532 to 0.0 22 25.500 529.68 6.357 6.250 0.0086 0.054 Vel = 5.35 22 25.500 275.76 6 4.083 120 46.586 to 0.0 23 25.500 805.44 6.357 4.083 0.0186 0.076 Vel = 8.14 23 25.500 136.73 6 24.000 120 46.662 to 0.0 24 25.500 942.17 6.357 24.000 0.0251 0.602 Vel = 9.52 24 25.500 135.82 6 2E 35.205 61.250 120 47.264 to 35.205 0.0 TOR 25.500 1077.99 6.357 96.455 0.0321 3.101 Vel = 10.90 0.0 TOR 1077.99 50.365 K Factor = 151.90 TOR 25.500 1077.99 6 Bvcb 10.059 24.500 120 50.365 to E 17.603 27.662 10.611 BOR 1 1077.99 6.357 52.162 0.0321 1.677 Vel = 10.90 BOR 1 0.0 6 E 20.084 8.000 140 62.653 to 20.084 1.732 UG1 -3 1077.99 6.16 28.084 0.0282 0.791 Vel = 11.60 0.0 UG1 1077.99 65.176 K Factor = 133.53 UG1 -3 1077.99 6 L 13.875 56.000 150 65.176 to 13,875 0.0 UG2 -3 1077.99 6.09 69.875 0.0262 1.832 Vel = 11.87 UG2 -3 0.0 6 E 20.084 5.000 140 67.008 to 20.084 -2.166 BF1 2 1077.99 6.16 25.084 0.0282 0.708 Vel = 11.60 BFI 2 0.0 6 Zfc 0.0 5.000 140 65.550 to 4.797 * * Fixed Loss = 4.797 BF2 2 1077.99 6.16 5.000 0.0280 0.140 Vel = 11.60 BF2 2 0.0 6 E 20.084 5.000 140 70.487 to 20.084 2.166 UG3 -3 1077.99 6.16 25.084 0.0281 0.706 Vel = 11.60 UG3 -3 0.0 8 2E 54.365 35.000 150 73.359 to 54.365 -1.371 UG4 0 1077.99 7.98 89.365 0.0070 0.628 Vel = 6.92 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Revision: 50.5520.727 Final Calculations: Hazen-Williams Cosco Fire Protection, Inc. Page 8 Millipore Sigma Racks - ESFR K25 Add Main S Date 03-08-21 Nodel Elevi K Qa Nom Fitting Pipe CFact Pt to or Ftngs Pe ******* Notes Node2 EIev2 Fact Qt Act Eqiv Len Total Pf/Ft Pf UG4 0 0.0 8 E 27.183 45.000 150 72.616 to T 52.855 86.077 1.371 TEST -3 1077.99 7.98 G 6.041 131.077 0.0070 0.922 Vel = 6.92 250.00 Qa = 250.00 TEST 1327.99 74.909 K Factor = 153.44 30 27 83.96 2.5 5.000 120 32.488 to 0.0 31 27 83.96 2.635 5.000 0.0208 0.104 Vel = 4.94 31 27 100.06 2.5 7.000 120 32.592 to 0.0 32 27 184.02 2.635 7.000 0.0891 0.624 Vel = 10.83 32 27 88.53 2.5 2E 16.474 16.500 120 33.216 to 16.474 0.0 33 27 272.55 2.635 32.974 0.1841 6.070 Vel = 16.04 33 27 -136.74 2.5 16.500 120 39:286 to 0.0 34 27 135.81 2.635 16.500 0.0507 0.837 Vel = 7.99 0.0 34 135.81 .40.123 K Factor = 21.44 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Revision: 50.5520.727 Hydraulic Calculations by HydraCALC Cosco Fire Protection, Inc. 4990 Greencraig Lane C-16 577621 San Diego, CA 92123 858-444-2000 Job Name Millipore Sigma Racks - ESFR K25-12 heads Drawing : FP1 Location 6211 El Camino Real, Carlsbad CA 92008 Remote Area : ESFR-K25 Contract : 2101-1840 Data File : Millipore Sigma Racks ESFR K25 - 12 headsAdd Main.WXF Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Revision: 50.5520.727 Cosco Fire Protection, Inc. Page 1 Millipore Sigma Racks - ESFR X25-12 heads Date 5-7-21 HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS for JOB NAME Millipore Sigma Racks - ESFR K25 - 12 heads Location 6211 El Camino Real, Carlsbad CA 92008 Drawing# FP1 Contract# 2101-1840 Date 05-07-21 DESIGN Remote area # ESFR-K25 Remote area location Warehouse Occupancy classification Extra Hazard Density 15 psi mi - Gpm/SqFt Area of application 12 heads - SqFt Coverage/sprinkler 100 - SqFt Type of sprinkler calculated ESFR K25 Pendent # Sprinklers calculated 12 In-rack demand N/A - GPM Hose streams 250 - GPM Total water required (including hose streams) 1502.49 - GPM @ 75.8754 - Psi Type of system Wet Volume of system (dry orpre-action) -Gal WA TER SUPPLY INFORMATION Test date 2-23-21 Location H20203 Source of info City of Carlsbad CONTRACTOR INFO Cosco Fire Protection, Inc. Address 4990 Greencraig Lane / C-16 577621 / San Diego, CA 92123 Phone # 858-444-2000 Name of designer M. Lovely Authority having jurisdiction City of Carlsbad NOTES: textl(35) - invisible Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Revision: 50.5520.727 Water Supply Curve Cosco Fire Protection, Inc. Page 2 Millipore Sigma Racks - ESFR K25-12 heads Date 5-7-21 City Water Supply: Demand: Cl - Static Pressure : 103.5 Dl - Elevation : 13.210 C2 - Residual Pressure: 79.5 D2 - System Flow :1252.49 C2 - Residual Flow : 3100 D2 - System Pressure : 75.875 Hose ( Demand) : 250 D3 - System Demand :1502.49 Safety Margin : 21.340 150 140 130 p120 R11° CT E 100 S 90 s 80 C 12 U 70 R6° -- ___ _____ E5° 40 30 - ;7Z 20 (11 10 --04— -- _l_ •- I I I I I I 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 FLOW( N A 1.85) Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Revision: 50.5520.727 Fittings Used Summary Cosco Fire Protection, Inc. Page 3 - Millipore Sigma Racks - ESFR K25-12 heads Date 5-7-21 Fitting Legend Abbrev. Name 1/2 3/4 1 1% 11/2 2 2V2 3 31/ 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 Bvcb B Fly Vic 705W 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 12 12 8 11 12 14 0 0 0 0 0 E NFPA 13 90 Standard Elbow 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 18 22 27 35 40 45 50 61 G NFPA 13 Gate Valve 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 L NFPA 13 Long Turn Elbow 0.5 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 8 9 13 16 18 24 27 30 34 40 I NFPA139O' Flow thruTee 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 50 60 71 81 91 101 121 Zfc Febco 856 Fitting generates a Fixed Loss Based on Flow Units Summary Diameter Units Inches Length Units Feet Flow Units US Gallons per Minute Pressure Units Pounds per Square Inch Note: Fitting Legend provides equivalent pipe lengths for fittings types of various diameters. Equivalent lengths shown are standard for actual diameters of Sched 40 pipe and CFactors of 120 except as noted with . The fittings marked with a * show equivalent lengths values supplied by manufacturers based on specific pipe diameters and CFactors and they require no adjustment. All values for fittings not marked with a * will be adjusted in the calculation for CFactors of other than 120 and diameters other than Sched 40 per NFPA. Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Revision: 50.5520.727 Flow Summary - NFPA Cosco Fire Protection, Inc. Page 4 Millipore Sigma Racks - ESFR K25-12 heads Date 5-7-21 SUPPLYANALYSIS Node at Static Residual Available Source Pressure Pressure Flow Pressure . Total Demand Required Pressure TEST 103.5 '79.5 3100.0 97.215 1502.49 75.875 NODE ANAL YSIS Pressure Discharge Node Tag Elevation Node Type at Node at Node Notes Si 27.5 25.2 15.0 97.6 0.1 100 S2 27.5 25.2 16.78 103.24 0.1 100 S3 27.5 25.2 17.04 104.03 0.1 100 S4 27.5 25.2 17.84 106.43 0.1 100 S5 27.5 25.2 16.96 103.78 0.1 100 S6 27.5 25.2 16.95 103.75 0.1 100 S7 27.5 25.2 17.09 104.18 0.1 100 S8 27.5 25.2 17.62 105.77 ' 0.1 100 S9 27.5 25.2 17.39 105.09 0.1 100 S10 27.5 25.2 17.39 105.09 0.1 100 Sil 27.5 25.2 17.62 105.77 0.1 100 S12 27:5 25.2 18.29 107.76 0.1 100 1 27.0 23.89 2 27.0 23.89 3 27.0 24.25 4 27.0 25.22 5 27.0 24.02 6 27.0 24.0 7 27.0 24.19 8 27.0 24.92 9 27.0 24.61 10 27.0 24.61 11 27.0 24.92 12 27.0 25.83 33 27.0 33.92 34 27.0 35.04 20 25.5 43.33 21 25.5 43.36 22 25.5 43.43 23 25.5 43.53 24 25.5 44.32 TOR 25.5 48.42 BOR 1.0 61.24 UG1 -3.0 64.02 UG2 -3.0 66.44 BF1 2.0 65.2 BF2 2.0 70.73 UG3 -3.0 73.83 UG4 0.0 73.36 TEST -3.0 75.88 250.0 30 27.0 24.91 31 27.0 25.03 Computer Programs by Hydratec inc. Revision: 50.5520.727 Flow Summary - NFPA Cosco Fire Protection, Inc. Page 5 Millipore Sigma Racks - ESFR K25-12 heads Date 5-7-21 NODE ANALYSIS (cont.) Pressure Discharge Node Tag Elevation Node Type at Node at Node Notes 32 27.0 25.84 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Revision: 50.5520.727 Final Calculations: Hazen-Williams Cosco Fire Protection, Inc. Page 6 Millipore Sigma Racks - ESFR K25-12 heads Date 5-7-21 Nodel Elevi K Qa Nom Fitting Pipe CFact Pt to or Ftngs Pe ******* Notes Node2 EIev2 Fact Qt Act Eqiv Len Total Pf/Ft Pf *ESFR PEND* SI 27.500 25.20 97.60 1.25 T 6.0 4.500 120 15.000 to E 3.0 9.000 0.217 1 27 97.6 1.38 13.500 0.6425 8.674 Vel = 20.94 0.0 1 97.60 23.891 KFactor 19.97 S2 27.500 25.20 103.24 1.25 T 6.0 0.670 120 16.783 to E 3.0 9.000 0.217 2 27 103.24 1.38 9.670 0.7129 6.894 Vel = 22.15 0.0 2 103.24 23.894 KFactor= 21.12 S3 27.500 25.20 104.03 1.25 T 6.0 0.670 120 17.041 to E 3.0 9.000 0.217 3 27 104.03 1.38 9.670 0.7230 6.991 Vel = 22.31 0.0 3 104.03 24.249 KFactor= 21.13 S4 27.500 25.20 106.43 1.25 T 6.0 0.500 120 17.838 to E 3.0 9.000 0.217 4 27 106.43 1.38 9.500 0.7542 7.165 Vel = 22.83 0.0 4 106.43 25.220 KFactor= 21.19 S5 27.500 25.20 103.78 1.25 T 6.0 0.500 120 16.961 to E 3.0 9.000 0.217 5 27 103.78 1.38 9.500 0.7199 6.839 Vel = 22.26 0.0 5 103.78 24.017 KFactor= 21.18 S6 27.500 25.20 103.75 1.25 T 6.0 0.500 120 16.950 to E 3.0 9.000 0.217 6 27 103.75 1.38 9.500 0.7194 6.834 Vel = 22.25 0.0 6 103.75 24.001 KFactor= 21.18 S7 27.500 25.20 104.18 1.25 T 6.0 0.500 120 17.090 to E 3.0 9.000 0.217 7 27 104.18 1.38 9.500 0.7249 6.887 Vel = 22.35 0.0 104.18 24.194 KFactor= 21.18 S8 27.500 25.20 105.77 1.25 T 6.0 0.500 120 17.618 to E 3.0 9.000 0.217 8 27 105.77 1.38 9.500 0.7456 7.083 Vel = 22.69 0.0 8 105.77 24.918 KFactor= 21.19 S9 27.500 25.20 105.09 1.25 1 6.0 0.500 120 17.392 to E 3.0 9.000 0.217 9 27 105.09 1.38 9.500 0.7367 6.999 Vel = 22.54 0.0 9 105.09 24.608 KFactor= 21.18 S10 27.500 25.20 105.09 1.25 T 6.0 0.500 120 17.392 to E 3.0 9.000 0.217 10 27 105.09 1.38 9.500 0.7367 6.999 Vel = 22.54 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Revision: 50.5520.727 Final Calculations: Hazen-Williams Cosco Fire Protection, Inc. Page 7 Millipore Sigma Racks - ESFR K25-12 heads Date 5-7-21 Nodel. Elevi K Qa Nom Fitting Pipe CFact Pt to or Ftngs Pe ******* Notes Node2 Elev2 Fact Qt Act Eqiv Len Total Pf/Ft Pf 0.0 10 105.09 24.608 KFactor= 21.18 Sill 27.500 25.20 105.77 1.25 T 6.0 0.500 120 17.617 to E 3.0 9.000 0.217 11 27 105.77 1.38 9.500 0.7456 7.083 Vel = 22.69 0.0 11 105.77 24.917 kFactor= 21.19 S12 27.500 25.20 107.76 1.25 1 6.0 0.500 120 18.286 to E 3.0 9.000 0.217 12 27 107.76 1.38 9.500 0.7718 7.332 Vel = 23.11 0.0 12 107.76 25.835 KFactor= 21.20 *BLINE* 1 27 10.32 2.5 5.500 120 23.891 to 0.0 2 27 10.32 2.635 5.500 0.0005 0.003 Vel = 0.61 2 27 103.23 2.5 9.750 120 23.894 to 0.0 3 27 113.55 2.635 9.750 0.0364 0.355 Vel = 6.68 3 27 104.03 2.5 8.000 120 24.249 to 0.0 4 27 217.58 2.635 8.000 0.1214 0.971 Vel = 12.80 4 27 106.43 2.5 2T 32.948 35.916 120 25.220 to 32.948 0.650 20 25.500 324.01 2.635 68.864 0.2535 17.457 Vel = 19.06 0.0 20 324.01 43.327 K Factor = 49.22 * 5 27 -22.18 2.5 9.000 120 24.017 to 0.0 6 27 -22.18 2.635 9.000 -0.0018 -0.016 Vel = 1.30 6 27 103.75 2.5 9.750 120 24.001 to 0.0 7 27 81.57 2.635 9.750 0.0198 0.193 VeI= 4.80 7 27 104.18 2.5 8.000 120 24.194 to 0.0 8 27 185.75 2.635 8.000 0.0905 0.724° Vel = 10.93 8 27 105.77 2.5 2E 16.474 35.916 120 24.918 to 2T 32.948 49.422 0.650 21 25.500 291.52 2.635 85.338 0.2085 17.792 Vel = 17.15 0.0 21 291.52 43.360 KFactor= 44.27 * 9 27 0.23 2.5 2E 16.474 9.830 120 24.608 to 16.474 0.0 10 27 0.23 2.635 26.304 0 0.0 Vel = 0.01 10 27 105.09 2.5 9.750 120 24.608 to 0.0 11 27 105.32 2.635 9.750 0.0317 0.309 Vel= 6.20 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Revision: 50.5520.727 Final Calculations Hazen-Williams Cosco Fire Protection, Inc. Page 8 Millipore Sigma Racks - ESFR K25-12 heads Date 5-7-21 Nodel Elevl K Qa Nom Fitting Pipe CFact Pt to or Ftngs Pe ******* Notes Node2 Elev2 Fact Qt Act Eqiv Len Total Pf/Ft Pf 11 27 105.77 2.5 8.000 120 24.917 to 0.0 12 27 211.09 2.635 8.000 0.1148 0.918 VeI= 12.42 12 27 107.76 2.5 2T 32.948 35.916 120 25.835 to 32.948 0.650 22 25.500 318.85 2.635 68.864 0.2461 16.946 Vel = 18.76 0.0 22 318.85 43.431 K Factor = 48.38 *ADD* 1 27 87.28 2.5 2E 16.474 12.750 120 23.891 to T 16.474 32.948 0.0 30 27 87.28 2.635 45.698 0.0224 1.024 Vel = 5.14 0.0 30 87.28 24.915 KFactor= 17.49 5 27 125.96 2.5 T 16.474 6.400 120 24.017 to 16.474 0.0 31 27 125.96 2.635 22.874 0.0442 1.010 Vel = 7.41 0.0 31 125.96 - 25.027 K Factor = 25.18 9 27 104.86 2.5 21 32.948 6.400 120 24.608 to 32.948 0.0 32 27 104.86 2.635 39.348 0.0314 1.237 Vel = 6.17 0.0 32 104.86 25.845 K Factor = 20.63 33 27 159.63 2.5 2E 16.474 81.500 120 33.924 to 2T 32.948 49.422 0.650 23 25.500 159.63 2.635 130.922 0.0684 8.958 Vel = 9.39 0.0 23 159.63 43.532 K Factor = 24.19 34 27 158.48 2.5 2E 16.474 78.500 120 35.038 to 2T 32.948 49.422 0.650 24 25.500 158.48 2.635 127.922 0.0675 8.637 Vel = 9.32 0.0 24 158.48 44.325 K Factor = 23.80 *MAIN* 20 25.500 324.01 6 9.583 120 43.327 to 0.0 21 25.500 324.01 6.357 9.583 0.0034 0.033 Vel = 3.28 21 25.500 291.52 6 6.250 120 43.360 to 0.0 22 25.500 615.53 6.357 6.250 0.0114 0.071 Vel = 6.22 22 25.500 318.85 6 4.083 120 43.431 to 0.0 23 25.500 934.38 6.357 4.083 0.0247 0.101 Vel = 9.45 23 25.500 159.63 6 24.000 120 43.532 to 0.0 24 25.500 1094.01 6.357 24.000 0.0330 0.793 Vel = 11.06 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Revision: 50.5520.727 Final Calculations: Hazen-Williams Cosco Fire Protection, Inc. Page 9 Millipore Sigma Racks - ESFR K25-12 heads Date 5-7-21 Nodel Elevi K Qa Nom Fitting Pipe CFact Pt to or Ftngs Pe ******* Notes Node2 Elev2 Fact Qt Act Eqiv Len Total Pf/Ft Pf 24 25.500 158.48 6 2E 35.205 61.250 120 44.325 to 35.205 0.0 TOR 25.500 1252.49 6.357 96.455 0.0424 4.093 Vel = 12.66 0.0 TOR 1252.49 48.418 K Factor = 180.00 *RISER* TOR 25.500 1252.49 6 Bvcb 10.059 24.500 120 48.418 to E 17.603 27.662 10.611 BOR 1 1252.49 6.357 52.162 0.0424 2.213 Vet = 12.66 BOR 1 0.0 6 E 20.084 8.000 140 61.242 to 20.084 1.732 UG1 -3 1252.49 6.16 28.084 0.0372 1.045 Vel= 13.48 0.0 UG1 1252.49 64.019 K Factor = 156.54 *UNDERGROUND* UG1 -3 1252.49 6 L 13.875 56.000 150 64.019 to 13.875 0.0 UG2 -3 1252.49 6.09 69.875 0.0346 2.418 Vet = 13.80 UG2 -3 0.0 6 E 20.084 5.000 140 66.437 to 20.084 -2.166 BF1 2 1252.49 6.16 25.084 0.0372 0.933 Vet = 13.48 BFI 2 0.0 6 Zfc 0.0 5.000 140 65.204 to 5.341 * * Fixed Loss = 5.341 BF2 2 1252.49 6.16 5.000 0.0374 0.187 Vet = 13.48 BF2 2 0.0 6 E 20.084 5.000 140 70.732 to 20.084 2.166 UG3 -3 1252.49 6.16 25.084 0.0372 0.932 Vet = 13.48 UG3 -3 0.0 8 2E 54.365 35.000 150 73.830 to 54.365 -1.299 UG4 0 1252.49 7.98 89.365 0.0093 0.829 Vet = 8.03 UG4 0 0.0 8 E 27.183 45.000 150 73.360 to T 52.855 86.077 1.299 TEST -3 1252.49 7.98 G 6.041 131.077 0.0093 1.216 Vel = 8.03 250.00 Qa = 250.00 TEST 1502.49 75.875 K Factor = 172.49 *ADDED MAIN* 30 27 87.28 2.5 5.000 120 24.915 to 0.0 31 27 87.28 2.635 5.000 0.0224 0.112 Vet = 5.14 31 27 125.96 2.5 7.000 120 25.027 to 0.0 32 27 213.24 2.635 7.000 0.1169 0.818 Vet = 12.55 32 27 104.87 2.5 2E 16.474 16.500 120 25.845 to 16.474 0.0 33 27 318.11 2.635 32.974 0.2450 8.079 Vet = 18.72 33 27 -159.63 2.5 16.500 120 33.924 to 0.0 34 27 158.48 2.635 16.500 0.0675 1.114 Vet = 9.32 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Revision: 50.5520.727 Final Calculations: Hazen-Williams Cosco Fire Protection, Inc. Page 10 Millipore Sigma Racks - ESFR K25-12 heads Date 5-7-21 Nodel Elevi K Qa Nom Fitting Pipe CFact Pt to or Ftngs Pe Notes ****** Node2 Elev2 Fact Qt Act Eqiv Len Total Pf/Ft Pf 0.0 34 158.48 35.038 K Factor = 26.77 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Revision: 50.5520727 -p ç,c Zol.' 7oo1 f Fle 2ou -6o -,2 SYSTEMS ACCEPTANCE 13-807 Contractor's Material and Test Certificate for Aboveground Piping PROCEDURE Upon completion of work, inspection and tests shall be made by the contractor's representative and witnessed by the property owner or their authorized agent. All defects shall be corrected and system left in service before contractor's personnel finally leave the job. A certificate shall be filled out and signed by both representatives. Copies shall be prepared for approving authorities, owners, and contractor. It is understood the owner's representatives signature In no way prejudices any claim against contractor for faulty material, poor workmanship, or failure to comply with approving authority's requirements or local ordinances. Property name IDate&.- Property address (,Z// ç? ,f?/ &rr/s&ad Ca ZOC.8 New Installation? Yes C) No Modification? If yes, complete applicable portions of the form. Yes C) No Provide a description of the scope of work on page 3. Accepted by approving authorities (names) Plans Address ,,y i,a,rn.e,i-~- Installation conforms to accepted plans J1 Yes C) No Equipment used Is approved Yes C) No It no, explain deviations Has person in charge of fire equipment been instructed-as Yes C)No to location of control valves and care and maintenance of this new equipment? If no, explain Instructions Have copies of the following been left on the premises? Yes Li No System components Instructions C) Yes Li No Care and maintenance instructions C) Yes C) No NFPA 25 El yes (JNo Location of system Supplies buildings Year of Orifice Temperature Make Model manufacture size Quantity rating 14, az/ Sprinklers Pipe and Type of pipe fittings Type of fittings Alarm - I EX1t' '') Alarm device Maximum time to operate through test connection valve or flow Type Make Model Minutes Seconds indicator Dry valve Q.O.D. Make Model Serial no. Make Model Serial no. Time to trip Time water Alarm Dry pipe o test perating through test conneciiona.b Water pressure Air pressure Trip point air pressure reached test outletab operated property Minutes Seconds psi psi psi Minutes Seconds Yes No Without Q.O.D. With 0.0.0 . If no, explain © 2018 National Fire Protection Association NFPA 13(p. 1 of 3) a Measured from time inspector's test connection is opened. b NFPA 13 only requires the 60-second limitation in specific sections. FIGURE 28.1 Contractor's Material and Test Certificate for Aboveground Piping. 2019 Edition 13-308 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYEMS Operation U Pneumatic (3 Electric QHydrauflcs Piping supervised UYes El No Detecting media supervised UVes L) No Does valve operate from the manual trip, remote, or both control stations? D Yes lJ No 1V Isthere an accessible facility in each circuit for testing? If no, explain Deluge and pleaction DYes U No valves Does each circuit operate Does each circuit operate Maximum time to Make Model supervision loss alarm? valve release? operate release Yes No Yes No Minutes Seconds Location Make and Residual pressure reducing and floor model Setting Static pressure (flowing) Flow rate - Inlet (psi) I Outlet (psi) Inlet (psi) Outlet (psi) Flow (gpm) Backf low device lndi&4d for forward flow test of backllow device: forward How test When means to test device was opened, was system flow demand created? U Yes U No UN/A Hydrostatic: Hydrostatic tests shall be made at not less than 200 psi (13.8 bar) for 2 hours or 50 psi (3.4 bar) above static pressure in excess of 150 psi (10.3 bar) for 2 hours. Differential dry pipe valve clappers shall be left Test open during the test to prevent damage. All aboveground piping leakage shall be stopped. description Pneumatic: Establish 40 psi (2.7 bar) air pressure and measure drop, which shall not exceed 1½ psi (0.1 bar) in 24 hours. Test pressure tanks at normal water level and air pressure and measure air pressure drop, which shall not exceed 11/2 psi (0.1 bar) in 24 hours. All piping hydrostatically tested at .00 psi (—bar) for 2e... hours If no, state reason Dry piping pneumatically tested U Yes U No Equipment operates properly U Yes U No Do you certify as the sprinkler contractor that additives and corrosive chemicals, sodium silicate or derivatives of sodium silicate, brine, or other corrosive chemicals were not used for testing systems or stopping leaks? JYea UNo Tests Drain Reading of gauge located near water Residual pressure with valve In test test supply test connection: psi (............ bar) connection open wide: psi (............ bar) Underground mains and lead-in connections to system risers flushed before connection made to sprinkler piping Verified by copy of the-Contractor's Material and Test U Yes U No Other Explain Certificate for Underground Piping. Flushed by installer of underground sprinkler piping U Yes U No If powder-driven fasteners are used in concrete, Y N es 0 If no, explain has representative sample testing been satisfactorily completed? Blank testing gaskets Number used Locations Number removed Welding piping U Yes U No U yes Do you certify as the sprinkler contractor that welding procedures used complied with Yes U No the minimum requirements of AWS B2.1, ASME Section IX Welding and Brazing Qualifications, or other applicable qualification standard as required by the AHJ? Do you certify that all welding was performed by welders or welding operators l Yes U No Welding qualified in accordance with the minimum requirements of AWS 132.1, ASME Section IX Welding and Brazing Qualifications, or other applicable qualification standard as required by the AHJ? Do you certify that the welding was conducted In compliance with a documented Yes U No quality control procedure to ensure that (1) all discs are retrieved; (2) that openings in piping are smooth, that slag and other welding residue are removed; (3) the Internal diameters of piping are not penetrated; (4) completed welds are free from cracks, Incomplete fusion, surface porosity greater than 'lie in. (1.6 mm) diameter, undercut deeper than the lesser of 25% of the wall thickness or ½ in. (0.8 mm); and (5) completed circumferential butt weld reinforcement does not exceed %s in. (2.4 mm)? © 2018 National Fire Protection Association NFPA 13 (p.2 of 3) FIGURE 28.1 Continued 2019 Edition SYSTEMS ACCEPTANCE - 13-309 Cutouts Do you certify that you have a control feature to ensure that Yes I No (discs) all cutouts (discs) are retrieved? Hydraulic Nameplate provided If no, explain data nameplate Yes L No Sprinkler contractor removed all caps and straps? 0 Yes [ No Date left in service with all control valves open Remarks Name of sprinkler contractor Cn5CO Tests witnessed by Signatures The property owner or their authorized agent (signed) Title Date For sprinkler Title Date 7ad) _ ? Zdz/ Additional explanations and notes © 2018 National Fire Protection Association NFPA 13 (p.3 of 3) FIGURE 28.1 Conthiued 2019 Edition I r No. 245 CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Prevention Division 1635 Faraday Avenue - Carlsbad, CA 92008 760.602.4665 WATER AVAILABILITY FORM SECTION A: TO BE COMPLETED BY CUSTOMER PROJECT NAME: Millipore Sigma Mezzanine SR#: (Assigned upon plan submittal) PROJECT ADDRESS: 6211 El Camino Real CITY: Carlsbad PHONE: (619 ) 913.2079 (miIovely@coscofire.com) FAX NUMBER: (858) 444.2056 Largest Building (ft.2): Sprinkled? Yes Construction Type: Ill-B SECTION B: TO BE COMPLETED BY LOCAL WATER COMPANY. CUSTOMER TO PROVIDE RESULTS TO CFD. Water Purveyor: City of Carlsbad Location of test (reference map required): west of El Camino Real north of Town Garden Road TEST INFORMATION IS VALID FOR 6 MONTHS FROM DATE PERFORMED Flow Test Results Static pressure: 115 PSI Hydrant Number (if applicable): H20203 Elevation of test: 285 _Feet Main Size: 8 _INCH Pressure Zone: 550 Feet Date/Time of Test: - Pitot Tube Reading orresponding Flow: GPM Total Flow: 3,100 GPM Residual Pressure91 PSI At peak demand, this water system is capable of providing a fire flow discharge at 20 psi of 6,800 gpm. However, this exceeds the City's 10 fps maximum velocity criteria. The maximum fire flow that would be required is 3,100 gpm which results in pressures and velocities within criteria. Note that the City estimates static pressure based on the LWL of the tank in that zone. Therefore, the residual pressure can potentially be higher than static, even during a fire flow event. Name:Jennifer R. Mael, P.E. Eng. Lic. No. (if applicable):___________________________ Signature: Title/Org: ui ,ct Manager Date: 02/23/2021 0' 12" 12" 8" 49. B" Legend w_Hydrant Pipe N 5 ZONE -550 I Project Site 00 Test r co H202 7/L Fire Flow Test r Location / A er cO 10" 8' #245 Millipore Sigma Mezzanine (6211 El Camino Real) - Fire Flow Analysis TABLE 1 SPRINKLER GENERAL INFORMATION ptuoji Sprinkler Identification VK51O Number (SIN) K-factor, gpm/psP (lpm/bar) 25.2 (363) Thread Size 1" NPT (25mm BSPT) Sprinkler Orientation Pendent Maximum Working Pressure 175 psi (12 bar) PSI (bar) WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm- www.P65Warnings.ca.gov Page 1 of 7 ® ESFR PENDENT \1IKI I1G SPRINKLER VK510 (K25.2) The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page: www.vikinggroupinc.com 1. DESCRIPTION Viking Early Suppression Fast Response (ESFR) Pendent Sprinkler VK5I0 in- corporates the capability to suppress specific high-challenge fires. The addition of a larger K-Factor allows ESFR performance at lower end-head pressures than ESFR K14 sprinklers. K25.2 ESFR sprinklers can: Eliminate the use of in-rack sprinklers when protecting high-piled storage of certain specified materials up to specific heights.* Reduce or eliminate the need for a system fire pump. Provide flexibility when sizing system piping. Viking VK510 ESFR Pendent Sprinklers are primarily intended to protect the fol- lowing types of storage, which tend to produce severe-challenge fires: palletized and solid pile storage and single, double, multiple row, and portable open rack storage (no open-top containers or solid shelves). Viking ESFR Pendent VK5I0 Sprinklers provide protection of most common stor- age materials, including: Encapsulated or unencapsulated Class I, II, Ill, and IV commodities*. cULus Listed for protection of cartoned unexpanded plastic commodi- ties and FM Approved for protection of cartoned and uncartoned unex- panded plastic commodities*. FM Approved.for protection of exposed expanded polystyrene and ex- posed expanded polyurethane commodities*. In addition, some storage arrangements of rolled paper, flammable liquids, aerosols, and rubber tires may be protected by Viking ESFR Pendent Sprinkler VK510. 2. LISTINGS AND APPROVALS cULus Listed: Category VNWH (Listed as a Specific Application ESFR Sprinkler) FM Approved: Class 2026 VdS Approved: Certificate G4040015 LPCB Approved: Ref. No. 096g/01 China Approval: Approved according to China GB Standard The 10280 VK510, ESFR Pendent Sprinkler Assembly conforms to the provision of CUAP11.03/03 standard. CUAP11.03/03 approvals are provided by: FM Approvals Ltd. 1 Windsor Dials Windsor, Berkshire, UK. SL4 1 RS Approval Certificate No. issued December 20, 2010. Note: Other International approval certificates are available upon request. * Refer the Approval Chart and Commodity Selection and Design Criteria Overview for cULus Listing and FM Approval requirements that must be followed. 3. TECHNICAL DATA Specifications: Minimum Operating Pressure: Refer to NFPA 13 or FM Global Loss Prevention Data Sheets. Maximum Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar). Factory tested hydrostatically to 500 psi (34.5 bar). Thread size: 1" NPT for Sprinkler 12080, 25 mm BSPT for Sprinkler 12200 Nominal K-factor: 25.2 U.S. (363 metric*) * Metric K-factor measurement shown is in bar. When pressure is measured in kPa, divide the metric K-factor shown by 10.0. Form No. F_100102 20.01.23 Rev 20.1 Replaces Form No F_100102 Rev 19.2 (Revised FM Specification) Page 2 of 7 ® ESFR PENDENT "\111(1I4.1 l.I:II[1u.yM.. SPRINKLER VK510 The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings Ml 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page: www.vikinggroupinc.com Overall Length: 3-3/16" (81 mm) Deflector Diameter: 1-3/4" (44.5 mm) Covered by one or more of the following patents: US5,829,532; US6,059,044; US6336509; US6,502,643; US6,868,917; AU722593; GB2336777 Material Standards: Frame Casting: Brass UNSC84400 Deflector: Phosphor Bronze U NS-051 000 Seat: Copper UNS-C11000 and Stainless Steel UNS-530400 Belleville Spring Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy, coated on both sides with Teflon Tape Compression Screw: Stainless Steel UNS-S31603 Trigger and Support: Stainless Steel UNS-S31600 Fusible Element Assembly: Beryllium Nickel, coated with black acrylic paint. Ordering Information: (Also refer to the current Viking price list.) Order ESFR Pendent Sprinkler VK510 by first adding the appropriate suffix for the sprinkler finish and then the appropriate suffix for the temperature rating to sprinkler base part number. Finish Suffix: Brass =A Temperature Suffix: 165 °F (74 °C) = C, 205 °F (96 °C) = E For example, Sprinkler VK510 with 1" NPT threads, Brass finish, and 165 °F (74 °C) temperature rating = Part No. 12080AC. Accessories: (Also refer to the Viking website.) Sprinkler Wrenches: A. Part No. 13635W/B (double-ended wrench - Use Side B. Side A is for use with K14.0 ESFR Pendent Sprinkler VK500) Available since 2006. Sprinkler Cabinet: Six-head capacity: Part No. 01731A (available since 1971) 4. INSTALLATION Sprinklers must be handled with care. They must be stored in a cool, dry place in their original shipping container. Never A WARNING Viking sprinklers are manufactured and tested to meet rigid requirements of the approving agencies. The sprinklers are designed to be installed in accordance with recognized installation standards or FM Global Loss Prevention Data Sheets. System design must be based on ESFR design guidelines described in the latest edition of the applicable FM Global Loss Prevention Data Sheets, the latest NFPA Standards, the latest standards of Verband der Sachversicherer (VdS), Loss Prevention Council (LPCB), the Authorities Having Jurisdiction, and also with the provisions of govern- mental codes, ordinances, and standards whenever applicable. Deviation from the standards or any alteration to the sprinkler after it leaves the factory including, but not limited to: painting, plating, coating, or modification, may render the sprinkler inoperative and will automatically nullify the approval and any guarantee made by The Viking Corporation. install sprinklers that have been dropped or damaged in any way. Such sprinklers should be destroyed immediately. NOTE: Wet pipe systems must be provided with adequate heat. The sprinklers must be installed after the piping is in place to prevent mechanical damage. Before installing, be sure to have the appropriate sprinkler model and style, with the correct orifice size, temperature rating, and response characteristics. With the sprinkler contained in the plastic protective cap, apply a small amount of pipe-joint compound or tape to the male threads only, while taking care not to allow a build-up of compound in the sprinkler orifice. Use ONLY sprinkler wrench 13635W/B (shown in Figure 1) for installing ESFR Sprinkler VK5101 With the sprinkler contained in the protective cap, install the sprinkler onto the piping by applying the sprinkler wrench to the sprinkler wrench flats only, while taking care not to damage the sprinkler operating parts. DO NOT use any other type of wrench, as this could damage the unit. - DO NOT use the sprinkler deflector or fusible element to start or thread the sprinkler into a fitting. DO NOT exceed 20-30 ft. lbs. of torque (hand tight plus I to 1-1/2 tuirns with the wrench; over-tightening may distort the sprinkler inlet with consequent leakage or impairment of the sprinkler. E. After installation, the entire sprinkler system must be tested. The test must be conducted to comply with the Installation Standards. Make sure the sprinkler has been properly tightened. If a thread leak occurs, normally the unit must be removed, new pipe-joint compound or tape applied, and then reinstalled. This is due to the fact that when the joint seal is damaged, the sealing compound or tape is washed out of the joint. Immediately replace any damaged units, using the special sprinkler wrench only. Form No. F_100102 20.01.23 Rev 20.1 Page 3 of 7 ® ESFR PENDENT '%J I Ki SPRINKLER VK5I0 (K25.2) The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings Ml 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page: www.vikinggroupinc.com F. After installation and testing and repairing of all leaks, remove the protective caps from the sprinklers. Do NOT use any type of tool to remove the cap. Remove the cap by hand: turn it slightly and pull it off the sprinkler. When removing caps, use care to prevent dislodging or damaging sprinkler fusible element. THE CAPS MUST BE REMOVED FROM SPRINKLERS BEFORE PLACING THE SYSTEM IN SERVICE! 5. OPERATION During fire conditions, the heat-sensitive fusible element assembly disengages, releasing the seat and belleville spring assembly to open the waterway. Water flowing through the sprinkler orifice strikes the sprinkler deflector, forming a uniform spray pattern to suppress the fire. 6. INSPECTIONS, TESTS AND MAINTENANCE The owner is responsible for maintaining the fire protection system and devices in proper operating condition. For minimum maintenance and inspection requirements, refer to the NFPA standard that describes care and maintenance of sprinkler systems. In addition, the Authorities Having Jurisdiction may have additional maintenance, testing, and inspection requirements that must be followed. A. The sprinklers must be inspected on a regular basis for corrosion, mechanical damage, obstructions, paint, etc. The frequency of inspections may vary due to corrosive atmosphere, water supplies, and activity around the device. B. Sprinklers that have been painted or mechanically damaged must be replaced immediately. Sprinklers showing signs of corrosion shall be tested and/or replaced immediately as required. Installation standards require sprinklers to be tested and, if necessary, replaced after a specified term of service. For Viking ESFR Pendent Sprinklers, refer to the Installation Standards (e.g., NFPA 25) and the Authorities Having Jurisdiction for the specified period of time after which testing and/or replacement is required. Sprinklers that have operated cannot be reassembled or reused, but must be replaced. When replacing sprinklers, use only new sprinklers. C. The sprinkler discharge pattern is critical for proper fire protection. Therefore, nothing should be hung from, attached to, or otherwise obstruct the discharge pattern. All obstructions must be immediately removed or, if necessary, additional sprinklers installed. D. When replacing existing sprinklers, the system must be removed from service. Refer to the appropriate system description and/ or valve instructions. Prior to removing the system from service, notify all Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Consideration should be given to employment of a fire patrol in the affected area. Remove the system from service, drain all water, and relieve all pressure on the piping. Using the special sprinkler wrench, remove the old sprinkler and install the new unit. Care must be taken to ensure that the replacement sprinkler is the proper model and style, with the correct orifice size, temperature rating, and response characteristics. A fully stocked spare sprinkler cabinet should be provided for this purpose. Place the system back in service and secure all valves. Check the replaced sprinklers and repair all leaks. E. Sprinkler systems that have been subject to a fire must be returned to service as soon as possible. The entire system must be inspected for damage and repaired or replaced as necessary. Sprinklers that have been exposed to corrosive products of combustion, but have not operated, should be replaced. Refer to the Authorities Having Jurisdiction for minimum replacement requirements. 7. AVAILABILITY The Viking Model VK510 Sprinkler is available through a network of domestic and international distributors. See The Viking Corporation web site for the closest distributor or contact The Viking Corporation. 8. GUARANTEE For details of warranty, refer to Viking's current list price schedule or contact Viking directly. Form No. F_100102 20.01.23 Rev 20.1 Page 4 of 7 ESFR PENDENT 4.111(1 F1G SPRINKLER VK510 (K25.2) The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings Ml 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page: www.vikinggroupinc.com AVAILABLE SPRINKLER TEMPERATURE RATINGS AND FINISHES -1 Sprinkler Temperature Sprinkler Nominal Maximum Ambient Classification -- Temperature Rating' Frame Paint Color Ceiling Temperature' - - ------- - Ordinary 165 °F (74 °C) 100 °F (38 °C) None Intermediate 205 °F (96 °C) 150 °F (65 °C) White Sprinkler Finish: Brass Footnotes 1 The sprinkler temperature rating is stamped on the deflector. 2 Based on NFPA-13. Other limits may apply, depending on fire loading, sprinkler location, and other requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Refer to specific installation standards. A s..—. 1-9/16" 1: (40 mm) Dimensions are 1-3/4" approximate. (45 mm) Figure 2: ESFR Pendent Sprinkler VK510 Dimensions Form No. F_100102 20.01.23 Rev 20.1 Page 5of7 ESFR PENDENT 4J IF(A1141G SPRINKLER VK5I0 (K25.2) The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcsvikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page: www.vikinggroupinc.com Approval Chart Temperature KEY ESFR Pendent Sprinkler VK5I0 $X4--Esculcheon(ifapplifFinish Maximum 175 PSI (12 bar) WWP cable) Nominal Overall Length g Listings and ApprovaIs3'4 Base Part SIN Thread Size K-Factor (Refer also to Tables 2 & 3.) Number' China U.S. metric' Inches mm cULus5 NYC VdS LPCB FM Approval 12080 VK510 1" NPT 25.2 363 3-3/16 81 Al See Footnote 6. Al Al Al -- 12200 VK510 25mmBSPT 25.2 363 3-3/16 81 Al See Footnote 6. Al Al Al -- 203738 1 VK510 25 mm BSPT 25.2 363 3-3/16 81 Bl 1 -- -- -- Bi Bi Approved Temperature Ratings Approved Finish A - 165 °F(74 °C) and 205 °F(96 °C) 1-Brass B-165 °F(74 °C) Footnotes 1 Base part number shown. For complete part number, refer to the price list. 2 Metric K-Factor measurement shown is when pressure is measured in bar. When pressure is measured in kPa, divide the metric K-Factor shown by 10.0. This chart shows listings and approvals available at the time of printing. Other approvals may be in process. Refer to the latest standards of NFPA 13, FM Global Loss Prevention Data Sheets, LPCB Loss Prevention Standards, and the latest VdS standards. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. for use in the U.S. and Canada as a Specific Application ESFR Sprinkler (refer to the deflector position requirements on page 7). 6 Meets New York City requirements, effective July 1, 2008. FM Approved as a quick response pendent Non-Storage sprinkler and also FM Approved as a quick response pendent Storage sprinkler. Refer to Tables 2 & 3. Approved according to China GB Standard. IMPORTANT: Always refer to Bulletin Form No. F_091699 - Care and Handling of Sprinklers. Viking ESFR Pendent Sprinklers are to be installed in accordance with the latest edition of Viking technical data, the latest standards of NFPA, FM Global Loss Prevention Data Sheets including 2-0 and 8-9, VdS, LPCB, and any other Authorities Having Jurisdiction, and also with provi- sions of governmental codes, ordinances, and standards whenever applicable. Form No. F_100102 20.01.23 Rev 20.1 Page 6 of 7 ® ESFR PENDENT N41KJNG4 l:IIEu.7M SPRINKLER VK510 (K25.2) The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings Ml 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page: www.vikinggroupinc.com COMMODITY SELECTION AND DESIGN CRITERIA TABLE 2 OVERVIEW I Storage Type NFPA FM Sprinkler Type ESFR Storage Response Type ESFR QR System Type Wet Pipe system only Wet Pipe system only Temperature Rating(s) IF (°C) 165 IF (74 °C) and 205 (96 °C) 165 IF (74 °C) and 205 (96 °C) Open Frame Single, Double, Multiple- Row, or Portable Rack Storage of Class l-IV Refer to NFPA 13. Refer to FM 2-0 and 8-9. and Group A or B Plastics Solid Pile or Palletized Storage of Class l-IV and Group A or B Plastics Refer to NFPA 13. Refer to FM 2-0 and 8-9. Idle Pallet Storage Refer to NFPA 13. Refer to FM 2-0, 8-9, and 8-24. Rubber Tire Storage Refer to NFPA 13. Refer to FM 2-0 and 8-3. Rolled Paper Storage (Refer to the standard.) Refer to NFPA 13. Refer to FM 8-21. Flammable Liquid Storage (Refer to the standard.) Refer to NFPA 30. Refer to FM 7-29 Aerosol Storage (Refer to the standard.) Refer to NFPA 30B Refer to FM 7-31 Automotive Components in Portable Racks Refer to NFPA 13. N/A (Control mode only, refer to the standard.) IMPORTANT: Always refer to Bulletin Form No. F_091699 - Care and Handling of Sprinklers. Viking ESFR Pendent Sprinklers are to be installed in accordance with the latest edition of Viking technical data, the latest standards of NFPA, FM Global, VdS, LPCB, and any other Authorities Having Jurisdiction, and also with provisions of governmental codes, ordinances, and standards whenever applicable. Form No. F 100102 20.01.23 Rev 20.1 Page 7 of 7 ® 'i,J 11(1 l:II[.ru.7M ESFR PENDENT SPRINKLER VK5I0 (K25.2) The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings Ml 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page: www.vikinggroupinc.com COMMODITY TABLE 3: SELECTION AND DESIGN CRITERIA OVERVIEW FORMODEL 4.1I' SPECIFIC APPLICATION ESFR, QUICK RESPONSE Ii DI& alt, I &te1APPROVALSAI(J Description Specification, UL - - Specification, FM Sprinkler Type ESFR OR Storage Temperature Rating 165°F (74 °C) and 205 (96 °C) 165°F (74 °C) and 205 (96 °C) Response Type ESFR OR Sprinkler Position Pendent, frame arms aligned with pipe, deflectors Pendent, frame arms aligned with pipe, deflectors parallel with ceiling or roof parallel to floor. System Type Wet Pipe System only Wet Pipe System only Maximum Area of Coverage 100 ft2 (9.3 m2) 100 ft2 Refer to FM 2-0, Table 17 Minimum Area of Coverage 64 ft2 (5.9 m2) 64 ft2 (5.9 m2) Refer to FM 2-0, Table 17 Maximum Ceiling Slope 2 in 12 Up to 10 Refer to FM 2-0, Section Upto30ft.: 12 ft. (3.7 m) Maximum Spacing 10 ft. spacing (3.0 m) For building over 30 ft.: 10 ft. (3.0 m) Refer to FM 8-9, Section Minimum Spacing 8 ft. spacing (2.4 m) Refer to FM 8-9, Section Deflector Distance from Minimum of 4 in. (102 mm) from walls but no more than Refer to FM 2-0, Section Walls 1/2 the allowable distance permitted between sprinklers Minimum of 36 inches (914 mm) Deflector to Top of Storage Minimum of 36 in. (914 mm) Refer to FM 2-0 Section and FM 8-9, Section 2.2.6 Ceiling/roof heights up to 40 ft. (12.2 m): Deflector** to Ceiling 6-18 in. (152-457 mm) Distance Ceiling/roof heights of 40-45 ft. (12.2-13.7 m): Refer to FM 2-0 6-14 in. (152-356 mm) Maximum Ceiling Height 45 ft. (13.7 m) 50 ft. (15.2 m) Maximum Storage Height 40 ft. (12.2 m) 45 ft. (13.7 m) Storage Arrangement Palletized, solid piled, open frame; single row, double Refer to FM 8-9, Tables 2 through 11 row, or multiple row and portable rack arrangement Commodity Class l-IV, Cartoned unexpanded plastic Refer to FM 8-1 and 8-9 NFPA 13 for ESFR Sprinklers based upon 40 psi Sprinkler System Design (2.8 bar) design pressure 159.4 gpm (603.4 1pm) with 12 Refer to FM 8-9, Tables 2 through 11 sprinkler remote area Obstruction Criteria Refer to NFPA 13 Chapter 8. Refer to FM 2-0 Section 2.2 Minimum Aisle Width 3 ft.-6 in. (1.07 m) Over 2 ft. (.61 m) Hose Stream Allowance and 250 gpm (946 1pm) for 60 minutes or as determined by 250 gpm (946 1pm) for 60 minutes or as determined by Water Supply Duration the approval the approval * The maximum coverage area must not exceed 100 ft2. ** For FM, the measurement is from the centerline of the thermal sensing element to the ceiling. Form No. F100102 20.01.23 Rev 20.1 Replaces Form No F_100102 Rev 19.2 (Revised FM Specification) Millipore Sigma, 6211 El Camino Real, Carlsbad High Pile Storage (HPS) Required Information The following information shall be completed and copied onto the HPS plans: Commodity Classification: 0 I 0 II 0 III 0 IV 0 High Hazard 0 Group A plastic Commodity detailed description: Cardboard Boxes With Plastic Items In Them (Bottles In Plastic Bags, Limited Packaging Foam) (Class I-IV, cartoned unexpanded Group A Plastics) For Group A Plastics where the commodity classification is not High Hazard complete the following: Expanded plastic: Percent by volume: <40%. Percent by weight: % Non-expanded plastic: Percent by weight: % Packaging consist of: cartons El Cartoned 0 Free flowing 0 Non-expanding Q Encapsulated 0 Non-encapsulated DOther The maximum storage height (solid pile _____________rack 20 ft The following storage methods are employed at this facility (mark all that apply): []Solid pile storage DPalletized llSingle row rack 000uble row rack OMulti-row rack DOther Rack storage shelf: 0 N/A 0 Load beam only Q Wire mesh []Wood slates 0 Plywood 0 Other (Describe):______________________________________________ The area designated in the building and used for high piled storage is 2086 square feet. CLASS commodity, sq ft. CLASS I-IV, CARTONED UNEXPANDED CLASS commodity, sq ft. GROUP A PLASTICS COMMODITIES CLASS commodity, sq ft. Smoke vents required Eu No 0 Yes Fusible link degree F. HPS area < 2500 sf O Draft Curtains Required? 0 Yes El NO The overhead fire sprinkler system utilizes the following heads: per FM Global regulations, see HPS report El ESFR: K 25.2 at 12@15 PSI with165 or 212F° heads []Standard Coverage Heads: K_ IXI Pendant 0 Upright _____ degree with a density ofgpm over square feet spaced at a maximum of square feet per fire sprinkler. NFPA 13 Design Table: Curve: N/A Minimum distance between top of storage and sprinkler deflector: Feet In-rack sprinklers required 0 Yes El No 0 There is/are level(s) of in-rack fire sprinkler protection. Aisle width: > 4 feet. Fire access doors required? 0 Yes (Maximum distance of 100 lineal feet) ElNo HPS area < 2500 sf Flue spaces required? El Yes ONo Flue space between racks shall be maintained a minimum of: Transverse 3 "clear. 0 Must be vertically aligned (for storage >25') Longitudinal N/A "clear El Column protection required? 0 Yes ElNo ESFR O Pallet Stops Required? DYes ElNo Longitudinal pallet stop configuration: Chain Link 0 Roll Form 0 "C" Channel 0 Other:_____________________ Transverse Flue Pallet Stop configuration: Mechanical means (flue keepers, etc.) El Load beam markings "Keep Clear" Hand Stack? El No 0 Yes # of tiers: Chain link required 0 No 0 Yes kr7city of Carlsbad April 23, 2021 Kalusbruckner & Associates 2495 Truxtun Road San Diego, CA 92106 Attn: Elley Klausbruckner, PE Subject: ,Alternate Materials and Methods Request Millipore Sigma 6211 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92009 Dear Mr. Klausbruckner: We have reviewed your alternate materials and methods request and have 1èñi6dyour request as submitted. A summary of our findings is outlined below and includes your request, proposal, justification, and Carlsbad Fire Department's (CFD) conditions of approval. Request Review the sprinkler protection criteria and associated flue space requirement based on FM Global insurance requirements, as specified in the respective FM Global Datasheets listed in the high-piled storage report V1. 1. Code Requirement: In accordance with the 2016 CFC Section 3206.8 and Table 3206.2, smoke and heat vents are required for high-piled storage greater than 2500 sf of high hazard commodities when ceiling level CMDA type sprinkler systems are installed. Code Intent: The California Fire Code, Section 104.9 permits the fire code official to approve an alternative material, design or method of construction if deemed satisfactory and complies with the intent of the provision of this code. See attached report for specific design criteria on FM Datasheets, since the sprinkler criteria associated flue spaces for the two high piled rack storage areas (<2500 ft2) is a substantial portion of the report. Proposal: Design and install the required sprinkler protection designs and associated flue space requirements based on FM Global insurance requirements where specified in the report. Fire Department Fire Prevention 1635 Faraday Ave. I Carlsbad, CA 92008 1760-602-4660 1 www.carlsbadca.gov Millipore Sigma 04-23-2021 Justification: Millipore Sigma's insurance carrier is FM Global. The insurance carrier has slightly different fire protection requirements for high-piled storage as compared to NFPA 13. However, we reference fire protection requirements based on NFPA 13 in the report conservatively and provide additional justification s for use of FM Global requirements instead. It must be noted that since the facility is FM Global insured, the sprinkler protection and designs will also be reviewed and approved by FM Global insurance. CFD's Response The above stated proposal and justification has been evaluated' against requirements held in the California Fire Code and local amendments by the City of Carlsbad. After consideration, the above proposal does not provide any justification as to why you can't comply with the requirements of NFPA 13 and the California Fire Code. The fact that the facility is insured by FM Global does not override the requirements of the codes and standards adopted by the State of California and the City of Carlsbad. You must demonstrate which specific sections of NFPA 13 that you want to propose an FM Datasheet in lieu' of, why the data sheet provides' and equal to or greater level of protection for the specific code requirements found in NFPA 13. We will not accept a blanket substitution of NFPA 13 for FM Global Datasheets, based solely on the premise that the property is insured by FM Global. FM Global's review and approval and approval of the fire protection design also can't be taken into consideration during the City of Carlsbad review process. It is the opinion of CFD that the proposed substitution has been adequately beenjustified to provide life safety and property protection in lieu of strict code compliant fire protection for high-piled storage. Respectfully, Randall L. Metz Fire Marshal KLAUSBRUCKNER 2495Tnjun Road )JJ AND ASSOCIATES San Diego, CA 92106 May 4th 2021 Tel: (619)677-2004 Fax: (619) 677-2444 Dennis Grubb and Associates LLC 6560 Van Buren Blvd, Suite B Riverside, CA 92503 RE: Carlsbad Permit #CBC202I-0086, plan review comments for Millipore Sigma, at 6211 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA Dear Mr. Grubb: In reference to plan review comments for Carlsbad Permit #CBC2021-0086 and Millipore Sigma, item #6, we changed the ESFR ceiling sprinkler density for the warehouse on the Carlsbad HPS form and in the HPS report V1.2. Item 6: Previously we applied FM Global Datasheet 8-9 regulations in specifying the ceiling density (ESFR) for the Millipore Sigma warehouse. Millipore Sigma decided that it is not necessary to apply FM regulations in lieu of NFPA 13 standard specifications. Therefore we changed the ceiling density to ESFR, 12 sprinklers flowing at 15 psi, K- 25.2 pendent heads based on NFPA 13. This change is reflected in the updated HPS. report V1.2, as well as in the updated Carlsbad HPS Form. If you have any questions or need additional information, do not hesitate to call us. Your consideration in this matter is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Elley Klausbruckner, PE Fire Code Consultant KLAUSBRUCKNER 2495 Truxtun Road. Suite 205 )JY AND ASSOCIATES San Diego, CA 92106 Tel: (619) 677-2004 Fax: (619) 677-2444 MILLIPORE SIGMA 6211 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA High-Piled Combustible Storage Report Rev 1.2 April 30, 2021 RECEIVED MAY 10 2021 CARLSbAD FIRE DEPARTMENT . Additional Information Revision Comments Date By 1.0 Preliminary research February 25 2021 MK 1.1 Reviewed report March 7 2021 EK 1.2 1 Deleted secondary FM sprinkler requirements April 291h 2021 1 MK DISCLAIMER' This report is the property of Klausbruckner & Associates, Inc. and was prepared exclusively for use by MILLIPORE SIGMA (alternatively known as "the owners" or "the business owner" throughout this report) for the storage & occupancy conditions described in this report. MILLIPORE SIGMA conditions and operations addressed herein are based on information provided to the report by MILLIPORE SIGMA. Discrepancies between the information presented herein (including existing sprinkler system information) and actual conditions and conditions presented on plans are the sole responsibility of MILLIPORE SIGMA. Verification of compliance with the Code requirements and provisions addressed herein is outside the scope of this report. Copies of this report retained by MILLIPORE SIGMA shall be utilized only by MILLIPORE SIGMA for the storage and occupancy conditions and the 2019 California Fire Code conditions and requirements addressed in this report. This report shall not be used as, or in lieu of, construction documents or plans for this project or any other project or for any other purpose or conditions not specifically addressed in this report. Any non-high-piled storage related code information provided in this report is for background information only to the high-piled storage report, and should not be considered as a complete report on the subject. Discrepancies between the sprinkler system information presented herein and actual conditions and/or conditions presented on plans are the sole responsibility of MILLIPORE SIGMA. Confirmation of compliance with the adopted edition of NFPA 13 for existing, new and/or tenant improvements to sprinkler systems is outside the scope of this report. Rev 1.2 - MILLIPORE SIGMA 6211 El Ri AUSNRLJCKNI PJ_ Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA ANO A90CA1'C Page iii Table of Contents SUMMARY TABLE ..................................................................................................................... 1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................6 RUILDING CONSTRUCTION. DESIGN. AND OCCUPANCIES .............................................7 V 3.1 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION & DESIGN ........................ 3.2 OCCUPANCIES ........................................................ HIGH-PILED STORAGE REQUIREMENTS........... 4.1 AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM..................... 4.1.1 Rack Storage Areas #1 and #2.................... 4.1.2 Above Mezzanine Shelf Storage Area (Non 4.1.3 Below Mezzanine Storage Area (Non High-F 4.1.4 Non High-Piled Equipment Storage Area..... 4.1.5 Non High-Piled Cold Room Storage............. 4.1.6 Additional Protection Requirements............. 4.1.7 Other Areas -OUTSIDE THE SCOPE....... 4.2 ALARM/MONITORING .............................................. 4.3 BUILDING ACCESS - DOORS & ROADS.................... 4.3.1 Access Doors ............................................... 4.3.2 Access Roads............................................... 4.4 SMOKE AND HEAT REMOVAL................................... 4.5 DRAFT CURTAINS................................................... 4.6 PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ............................ 4.7 AISLE WIDTHS ....................................................... 4.8 HOUSEKEEPING & MAINTENANCE............................ 4.9 FLUE SPACES FOR RACK STORAGE ........................ 4.10 HOSE CONNECTIONS.......................................... MEANS OF EGRESS ............................................. 5.1 STORAGE [S-I OCCUPANCY] .................................. 5.2 OTHER AREAS —OUTSIDE THE SCOPE .................... EXPOSURES.......................................................... 6.1 OCCUPANCY SEPARATION ...................................... 6.2 SEPARATION OF HIGH-PILED STORAGE AREAS........ 6.3 SEPARATION OF MULTIPLE CLASSES OF HIGH PILED 6.4 ALLOWABLE AREA AND SIDEYARDS......................... APPROVED STORAGE LAYOUT ......................... CONCLUSION ........................................................ Q t&DDFMflIY . ATTMHMFNTS............................ 7 7 8 19 19 19 20 20 20 TORAGE AREAS .....................................20 20 21 22 23 Rev l.2—MILLIPORE SIGMA 6211E1 Page iii Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA T~ List of Tables Table 1. High-Piled Storage Configurations in Designated Storage Areas...................................... Table 2. Occupancy Classification And Associated Areas............................................................... Table 3. High-Piled Storage Specifications By Storage Area .......................................................... Rev 1.2 - THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC Page I iv 5781 Van Allen Way, Carlsbad, CA AP40 ASSOCI*CS 1. Summary Table TOPIC CODE SECTION CRITERIA/REQUIREMENTS. Construction See Architectural Existing Building - No Proposed Changes. Type (Section Plans Fully Sprinklered, 2-Stories Above Grade 3.1 on Page 7) Approximate See Architectural Entire Building: 20,907 ft2 Square Footage Plans Warehouse Total: 3,624 ft2 [S-i, Storage] (Section 3.2 on Storage Area: 2,086 ft2 [S-i, High-Piled Storage] Page 7) Remainder: Unknown ft2 & Outside the Scope Other Uses: Unknown ft2 & Outside the Scope Additional Applicable to: "Approval of this plan in part is based on the technical High-Piled Required Plan Racking Plan, Combustible Storage Report prepared by Klausbruckner & Annotations Sprinkler Plan, Xssociates, dated April 29th 2021, Rev 1.2. MILLIPORE SIGMA Architectural Plan agrees to comply with the requirements set forth in the referenced report. A copy of the reference report shall be maintained and immediately available for Fire Department Inspection for the duration of the requested high pile storage" Occupancy CBC Sections Mixed Use Groups: B (Offices) and S-i (Storage), unless (Section 3.2 on 302, 304, 311, otherwise specified by the Architect of Record. Page 7) Table 508.4 (see Attachments No occupancy separation required between B and S-i. for more details) Storage CFC Section Class I-IV, Group A Racks: Cardboard Boxes With Plastic Commodity 3203.1-3203.7, /High Hazard: Items In Them (Bottles In Plastic Bags, (Section 4 on Table 3203.8 Limited Packaging Foam) Page 8) Shelves: Various Plastic Items (Cartoned And Exposed, Expanded And Unexpanded Group A Plastics) Non-High Piled Any exposed expanded Group A Plastics Storage will be stored on the floor away from racks to maximum height of 5 ft with no other storage above. (see Attachments Protection based on highest hazard commodity. for more details) Approved CFC, Section A floor plan, of legible size, shall be provided, mounted on a Storage Layout 3201.3.2 wall and protected from damage. The floor plan shall be mounted in an approved location. It shall show the information listed in Section 7 of this report. Structural Rack CBC Not within the scope of this report. Structural (seismic) rack Calculations calculations are required for high-piled storage permit approval. Automatic CFC, Sections Sprinkler System Upgrades Are Required. Sprinkler 202, 315.3.1, (Storage Area Layout per Attachment #1 on page 23) 6211 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA o ASSOCIATL Page 1 Rev 1.2—MILLlPORE SIGMA KLAUSRUCKNR Protection (Section 4.1 on Page 9) 3207.2, 3208.1, Rack Storage Areas #1 & #2 - Sprinkler Protection: 3208.2, 3208.4, CLASS I-IV, CARTONED UNEXPANDED GROUP A PLASTICS Table 3206.2 COMMODITIES Maximum Storage Height: :5 20-0" NFPA-13 Maximum Ceiling Height: :5 30'-0" General Sections Aisle Widths: ~! 4-0" (typ. 7'-7" & 9'-6"), Single Row Racks for Rack Areas #1 and #2, Open Shelving > 50% open, Note: Freezer Cabinets Located at Floor Level of Rack Area, #2 (see Attachment #1 for Location),, Ceiling Sprinkler Design Required per NFPA 13:, Early Suppression Fast Response (ESFR), K-25.2, pendent sprinklers, Minimum 12 flowing sprinklers at 15 psi, In-Rack Sprinklers: Not required. Table, Maximum coverage area 100 ft2, Maximum spacing between sprinklers 12'-0" 8.12.1, Minimum spacing between sprinklers 8'-0", Minimum 36" clearance from deflector to top of storage Table, Hose allowance of 250 gpm, Water supply duration of 60 minutes,, Existing ceiling sprinkler system designed to 0.45 gpm/ft2 8.12.6, over 3000 ft2 (as shown on the sprinkler placard) does not meet 12.1.2, the requirement for protection above. Additional upgrades ., and/or calculations are required. 12.8.6, Table 12.8.6 Above Mezzanine- Shelf Storage Area Sprinkler Protection: CLASS l-IV, CARTONED AND EXPOSED, EXPANDED AND NFPA 13 UNEXPANDED GROUP A PLASTICS COMMODITIES (2016 Edition) Maximum Storage Height: :5 5-0" (Plastics) Specific Sections Maximum Ceiling Height: :5 20'-0" Rack Storage Aisle Widths: > 30",, Ceiling Sprinkler Design Required:, Control Mode Density Area (CMDA), minimum K-Factor: K- Table 5.6, not required to be listed for storage, ordinary (1650f) or high (2860f) temperature, pendent sprinklers Above Mezzanine Minimum density of 0.20 gpm/ft2 over 1,500 ft2 remote area Shelf Storage Maximum coverage area 130 ft2 12.6.7, 13.2.1, Maximum spacing between sprinklers 15'-0" Table 13.2.1, Minimum spacing between sprinklers 6'-0" Figure 13.2.1 Minimum 18" clearance from deflector to top of storage Hose allowance of 250 gpm Water supply duration of 90 minutes Existing ceiling sprinkler system designed to 0.45 gpm/ft2 over 3000 ft2 (as shown on the sprinkler placard) does not meet the requirement for protection above. However the proposed ESFR in Area #1 will be extended throughout the warehouse, including above the mezzanine. Below Mezzanine Below Mezzanine - Non High-Piled, Office/Lab & Floor Storage Storage Area Sprinkler Protection: (Miscellaneous OFFICE, CLASS l-IV, CARTONED AND EXPOSED, Storage) EXPANDED AND UNEXPANDED GROUP A PLASTICS 12.6.7, 13.2.1, COMMODITIES Rev 1.2 - MILLIPORE SIGMA 6211 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA AND ASSOC,ArCS I Page 2 Table 13.2.1, • Maximum Storage Height: <5'-O" (Plastics) Figure 13.2.1 • Maximum Ceiling Height: <10,-a" Ceiling Sprinkler Design Required: Control Mode Density Area (CMDA), minimum K-Factor: K- 5.6, not required to be listed for storage, ordinary (1651) or high (2860f) temperature, upright or pendent sprinklers Minimum density of 0.20 gpm/ft2 over 1,500 ft2 remote area Maximum coverage area 130 ft2 Maximum spacing between sprinklers 16-0" Minimum spacing between sprinklers 6'-0" Minimum 18" clearance from deflector to top of storage Hose allowance of 250 gpm Water supply duration of 90 minutes Proposed Mezzanine ceiling sprinkler system (below Mezzanine) will meet the requirement for protection above. Sprinkler contractor to confirm sprinklers are installed per NFPA 1 Floor Storage Staging Area - Non High-Piled Equipment Storage Sprinkler (Miscellaneous Protection: Storage) CLASS l-IV, CARTONED AND EXPOSED, EXPANDED AND, UNEXPANDED GROUP A PLASTICS COMMODITIES 13.2.1, Area: 'Medium Equipment In/Out Area' Table 13.2.1, Maximum Storage Height: :5 5-0" (Plastics) Figure 13.2.1 Maximum Ceiling Height: <30'-O" Ceiling Sprinkler Design Required: Control Mode Density Area (CMDA), minimum K-Factor: K- 5.6, not required to be listed for storage, ordinary (1651) or high (2860f) temperature, pendent sprinklers Minimum density of 0.20 gpm/ft2 over 1,500 ft2 remote area Maximum coverage area 130 ft2 Maximum spacing between sprinklers 15-0" Minimum spacing between sprinklers 6'-0" Minimum 18" clearance from deflector to top of storage Hose allowance of 250 gpm Water supply duration of 90 minutes Existing ceiling sprinkler system designed to 0.45 gpm/ft2 over 3,000 ft2 (as shown on the sprinkler placard) meets and exceeds the requirement for protection above. No additional upgrades are required. However the proposed ESFR in Area #1 will be extended throughout the warehouse. Cold Room Cold Room: Non High-piled Sprinkler Protection: Shelf Storage CLASS l-IV, CARTONED UNEXPANDED & EXPOSED, UNEXPANDED GROUP A PLASTICS COMMODITIES, Cold Room (131) :5 72 ft2 Pre-Fabricated) 13.2.1, Cold Room (153) :5 153 ft (Pre-Fabricated) Table 13.2.1, W Maximum Storage Height: :5 6-0" Figure 13.2.1 Maximum Ceiling Height: :5 10,-0" Aisle Widths: 'e 30" Shelves (Wire Rack) Open Shelving > 50% open Ceiling Sprinkler Design Required per NFPA 13: Control Mode Density Area (CMDA), minimum K-Factor: K- Rev 1.2 - MILLIPORE SIGMA Page 3 6211 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA AN ASSOCIATES 5.6, dry pendent, ordinary (165°f) temperature sprinklers Minimum density of 0.20 gpm/ft over 1,500 ft2 remote area Maximum coverage area 130 ft2 Maximum spacing between sprinklers 15'-0" Minimum spacing between sprinklers 6'-0" Minimum 18" clearance from deflector to top of storage Hose allowance of 250 gpm Water supply duration of 90 minutes Existing sprinkler system does not meet the requirements for protection above. See Section 4.1 of this report for additional requirements. (see Attachments Other Areas for more details) Not Within the Scope Adjacent CFC 3206.2 and High Piled Storage Area is smaller than the warehouse area. Hazards, Extent NFPA 13, Section Extent and type of protection (including automatic sprinkler of Protection 12.3(1) design densities) shall extend the lesser of 15 feet beyond the (Section high-piled storage area(s) or to a permanent partition. on Page 8) (see Attachments The ESFR proposed will extend throughout the warehouse for more details) including above the Office Mezzanine. Smoke and Heat CFC Table 3206.2 Smoke and heat removal is not required in sprinklered high-pile Removal storage areas High Hazard/Group A Plastics commodities and (Section 4.4 on less than 2,500 ft Page 15) Flue Spaces CFC Section Storage Areas #1 & #2 Only (Section 4.9 on 3208.3, Single Row Racks*: Transverse - 3-inches required * Page 17) Table 3208.3 (per NFPA 13) (not to exceed 20 sf of shelf area) Longitudinal - Not required Footnote (b) * Random transverse flue variations in size are allowed, provided that the configuration does not obstruct water penetration. (see Attachments See Section 4.9 of this report for additional details on flue spaces for more details) and required flue space protection devices. Building Access CFC Table Access Roads: Road & Doors 3206.2, Sections Access roads required by CFC Section 503 (Section 4.3 on 503.1.1, 503.2-8, Access roads are existing and have been approved as part of Page 14) 3206.6, 3206.7 the shell building plans. Access Doors: Access Doors are not required in sprinklered high-piled storage areas of Group A Plastics/High Hazard Commodities less than 2,500 ft2. Final location and number of access doors is pending fire department approval. (see Attachments See Section 4.3 of this report for additional details on access for more details) doors. Rev 1.2 - MILLIPORE SIGMA I ~Ss KLAUSORUCKNCR I Pane 4 6211 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA AND ASSOCIATES Aisle Width CFC 3206.10 Aisles of at least 44" are required in sprinklered buildings with (Section 4.7 on high-piled storage exceeding 500 square feet Page 16) Cross aisles used only for employee access between aisles shall be a minimum of 24" wide Aisles separating shelves classified as shelf storage shall be at least 30" wide. Millipore Sigma agrees to maintain a minimum of 44" aisle widths within the rack storage area in order to comply with the sprinkler requirements stated in Section 4.1 of this report. CFC 3206.10.3 Dead-end aisles shall not exceed 50 ft in length NOTE: Any floor/palletized storage cannot obstruct the minimum width of the aisles. (see Attachments See Section 4.7 of this report for additional details on aisle for more details) widths. Fire CFC Section High-piled Storage Areas: 4-A:20-B:C; Extinguishers 3206.11, 906 and Maximum travel distance 75 ft*; (Section 4.6 on Tables 906.1, Maximum area per extinguisher 4,000 ft2 Page 15) 906.3 (1) & (2), 906.9 * If no flammable liquids are stored, otherwise travel distance :5 50 Feet (see Attachments See Section 4.6 of this report for additional details on fire for more details) extinguishers. Hazardous N/A N/A. Not part of the scope of this report Materials Allowable Area CBC Table 503 Not within the scope of this report. Existing building. No proposed (see Attachments changes to type of construction, building square footage or for more details) occupancy unless otherwise specified by the Architect of Record. I Rev 1.2— MILLIPORE SIGMA KLAUSØRUCKNCR Pane 5 I 6211 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA AND ASSOCIA1S 2. Introduction The following is a high-piled combustible storage code compliance report for MILLIPORE SIGMA, located at 6211 El Camino Real in the city of Carlsbad, CA. This report is intended to help both the owners and the fire department in expediting plan review and effectively determine the requirements necessary to meet the Fire Code. This report is based on the 2019 Edition of the California Fire Code, the 2019 Edition of the California Building Code, and the 2016 Edition of NFPA-1 3, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems. The scope of this report is limited to the high piled storage areas within the proposed warehouse. The scope of this report does not include protection of other areas including manufacturing, hazardous materials analysis, etc. Rev 1.2 - MILLIPORE SIGMA KLAUSORUCKNCR I Pane 6 6211 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA AND ASSOCIA1S 3. Building Construction, Design, and Occupancies 3.1 Building Construction & Design MILLIPORE SIGMA will occupy a building of approximately 20,907 ft2. The building is of Type Ill-B construction, fully sprinkiered and is two-story above grade. No expansion or modification to the building is planned at this time unless otherwise specified by the Architect of Record. (Attachment #1) 3.2 Occupancies The facility will be used for office space and warehousing. High piled storage in single row racks with open shelves and aisles of at least 44" is planned in the rack storage areas. Non high-piled storage on shelves and aisles of at least 30" is planned in the storage area above the Mezzanine. Non high-piled storage is planned in the floor storage area below the Mezzanine, in the floor storage area 'Medium Equipment In-Out Area', and in the shelf and floor storage areas of the two Cold Rooms (Attachment #1) High-piled storage is planned in the designated storage areas as follows: Table I. High-Piled Storage Configurations in Designated Storage Areas STORAGE AREA STORAGE CONFIGURATION OPEN/CLOSED SHELVES AISLE WIDTH [FT-IN] One Single Row Racks Open 9'-6" Two Single Row Racks Open 7'-7" MILLIPORE SIGMA will be classified overall as B and S-I occupancy, unless otherwise specified by the Architect of Record. (Attachment #2) Table 2. Occupancy Classification And Associated Areas USE OCCUPANCY APPROXIMATE AREA SQ._FT. Office Area - Outside the Scope B 11,323 Warehouse Area S-I 3,624 High Piled Storage Area 5-1 1 2,086 Other Uses Unknown Unknown Total Building B and S-I 20,907 Rev 1.2 - MILLIPORE SIGMA Page 7 6211 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA AND ASSOCIA1l! 4. High-Piled Storage Requirements The highest hazard commodities for the Rack Storage Areas #1 and #2 (high-piled) are classified as cartoned unexpanded Group A/High Hazard commodities on wood and plastic pallets on open shelving in single row racks. The highest hazard commodities for the Shelf Storage Area #3 (non high-piled) above the Mezzanine are (conservatively) classified as cartoned and exposed, expanded and unexpanded Group A/High Hazard commodities. The highest hazard commodities for the Cold Room and Floor Storage Areas (non high-piled) are (conservatively) classified as cartoned and exposed, expanded and unexpanded Group A/High Hazard commodities. The highest hazard commodities for the Below-Mezzanine Floor Storage Area (non high-piled) are (conservatively) classified as cartoned and exposed, expanded and unexpanded Group A/High Hazard commodities. Additionally offices and lab space are planned. The following commodity classification per CFC Section 3203.2 through 3203.7, 3203.8 and Table 3203.8 is designated as Class l-IV and Group A/High Hazard: (Attachment #4) Table 3. High-Piled Storage Specifications By Storage Area Products (Attachment #4) Method of Storage Storage Height Open Shelving Pallet Type Cartoned Encap- sulated Commodity Class* Cardboard Boxes With Plastic Items In Them Warehouse GROUP (Bottles In Plastic Single Row :5 20'-0" 20'-O" Yes Plastic Yes Yes Bags, Limited Racks " HAZARD, Packaging Foam) UNEXPANDED based on the highest riazara commodity. Freezer cabinets located on floor in Rack Area #2 Protection is for cartoned unexpanded Group A plastics, any expanded Group A Plastics (uncartoned or cartoned with > 40% expanded Group A plastics by volume) stored in the warehouse needs to be stored away from the racks on the floor to 5 ft with no other storage above or in the shelves above the Mezzanine. Rack Storage: Per CFC Section 3204.1, a high-piled combustible storage area shall be based on the highest hazard commodity class stored except as provided in Section 3204.2. Therefore, the highest commodity class stored within the high-piled storage/rack storage area is cartoned unexpanded Group A/High Hazard. (Attachments #3 and #5) Floor Storage to 5 ft: Per CFC 202 (Attachment #3), the definition of high-piled combustible storage does not include high-hazard/Group A plastics where the top of storage is less than 5 feet in height, nor does it include all other commodities (Class l-IV) where the top of storage is 12 feet or less in height; therefore the requirements of CFC Chapter 32 is not applicable to MILLIPORE SIGMA's floor storage area. Based on Table 3206.2, the following fire protection requirements will be provided by MILLIPORE SIGMA to meet the requirements of CFC Chapter 32 and NFPA 13 for the entire storage area (Attachment #6, #6A). Rev 1.2 - MILLIPORE SIGMA KLAUSBRUCK.CR Page 8 6211 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA AND ASSDCArCS High Piled Storage is planned to extend througout the warehouse area. Therefore, extent and type of protection (including automatic sprinkler design densities) shall extend throughout the warehouse. 4.1 Automatic Fire Sprinkler System The following requirements are based on NFPA 13 (2016 Edition): 4.1.1 Rack Storage Areas #1 and #2 (Attachments #6 and #6A) Type of Storage: Single Row Racks, Freezer Cabinets * * Located at Floor Level of Rack Area #2 (see Attachment #1 for Location) Type of Shelving: 50% or greater open Commodity Stored: CLASS l-IV, CARTONED UNEXPANDED GROUP A PLASTICS Flue Spaces for Standard Racks See Section 4.9 for more details on single row rack flue space requirements Aisle Widths: ~ 44" (typ. 9'-6" for Rack Area #1, 7'-7" for Area #2) Storage Height: :5 20'-0" Ceiling Height: 5 301-011 Ceiling Sprinkler: Early Suppression Fast Response (ESFR) K-25.2, pendent sprinklers Minimum 12 flowing sprinklers at 15 psi Maximum coverage area 100 ft2, minimum spacing between sprinklers 8'-0", maximum spacing between sprinklers 12'-0", minimum 36" clearance from deflector to top of storage, hose allowance of 250 gpm (60 minutes). In-Rack Sprinklers: Not required. Existing ceiling sprinkler system designed to 0.45 gpm/ft2 over 3,000.00 ft2 does not meet the requirement for protection above. Additional upgrades and/or calculations are required. Rev 1.2 - MILLIPORE SIGMA Page 9 6211 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA AND ASSDCIA1C. 4.1.2 Above Mezzanine Shelf Storage Area (Non High-Piled) (Attachments #6 and #6B) Type of Storage: Shelf Storage (Above Mezzanine Level) Commodity Stored: CLASS l-IV, CARTONED EXPANDED AND UNEXPANDED, EXPOSED EXPANDED AND UNEXPANDED GROUP A PLASTICS Flue Spaces for Shelf Storage: Not rack storage, no flue space requirements. See Section 4.9 for more details. Storage Height: :5 5'-O" Ceiling Height: <20'-O" Aisle Widths: ~t 30" Ceiling Sprinkler: Control Mode Density Area (CMDA), minimum K-5.6, ordinary (165°f) or high (2860f) temperature, upright or pendent sprinklers. Minimum density of 0.2 gpm/ft2 over1500 ft2 remote area, maximum coverage area 130 ft2, maximum spacing between sprinklers 15-0", minimum 18" clearance from deflector to top of storage, and hose allowance of 250 gpm (90 minutes) Existing ceiling sprinkler system designed to 0.45 gpm/ft2 over 3000 ft2 (as shown on the sprinkler placard) does not meet the requirement for protection above. Additional upgrades and/or calculations are required since the warehouse ceiling level protection is used for the (above) Mezzanine ceiling protection. 4.1.3 Below Mezzanine Storage Area (Non High-Piled) (Attachments #6 and #6C) Type of Storage: Lab, Offices, Non-High Piled Floor Storage Area Commodity Stored: CLASS l-IV, CARTONED AND EXPOSED, EXPANDED AND UNEXPANDED GROUP A PLASTICS COMMODITIES Storage Height: 5-0" Ceiling Height: S 101-0" Ceiling Sprinkler: Control Mode Density Area (CMDA), minimum K-5.6, ordinary (165°f) or high (2860f) temperature, upright or pendent sprinklers. Minimum density of 0.2 gpm/ft2 over1500 ft2 remote area, maximum coverage area 130 ft2, maximum spacing between sprinklers 15-0", minimum 18" clearance from deflector to top of storage, and hose allowance of 250 gpm (90 minutes) Rev 1.2— MILLIPORE SIGMA I ~S~ .,A 3BRUCKNER T Page 10 6211 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA ANO ASSOC,A1CS Proposed Mezzanine ceiling sprinkler system (below Mezzanine) to meet the requirement for protection above. Sprinkler contractor to confirm sprinklers are installed per NFPA 13. 4.1.4 Non High-Piled Equipment Storage Area (Attachments #6 and #6C) Type of Storage: Non-High Piled Floor Storage Area * * Equipment In/Out Area Next to Rack Storage Area #1 Commodity Stored: CLASS l-IV, CARTONED AND EXPOSED, EXPANDED AND UNEXPANDED GROUP A PLASTICS COMMODITIES Storage Height: :5 51-0" Ceiling Height: :5 30'-0" Ceiling Sprinkler: Control Mode Density Area (CMDA), minimum K-5.6, ordinary (165°f) or high (286°f) temperature, pendent sprinklers. Minimum density of 0.2 gpm/ft2 over 1500 ft2 remote area, maximum coverage area 130 ft2, maximum spacing between sprinklers 16-13", minimum 18" clearance from deflector to top of storage, and hose allowance of 250 gpm (90 minutes) Existing ceiling sprinkler system designed to 0.45 gpm/ft2 over 3000 ft2 (as shown on the sprinkler placard) meets the requirement for protection above. No additional upgrades are required, because the sprinkler system installed in the warehouse will exceed these floor storage sprinkler requirements, per NFPA 13 Section However the proposed ESFR in Area #1 will be extended throughout the warehouse. 4.1.5 Non High-Piled Cold Room Storage (Attachments #6 and #6C) Cold Room (131) :5 72 ft2 (Pre-Fabricated) Cold Room (153) :5 153 ft2 (Pre-Fabricated) Type of Storage: Non-High Piled Floor Storage Area Commodity Stored: CLASS I-IV, CARTONED AND EXPOSED, EXPANDED AND UNEXPANDED GROUP A PLASTICS COMMODITIES Storage Height: :5 51-0" Ceiling Height: 5 101-01, Ceiling Sprinkler: Control Mode Density Area (CMDA), minimum K-5.6, ordinary (165°f) temperature, dry pendent sprinklers. Rev 1.2—MILLIPORE SIGMA I KLUSØRUCK NCR 6211 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA AND ASSOCIATCA Page 11 Minimum density of 0.2 gpmlft2 over 1500 ft2 remote area, maximum coverage area 130 ft2, maximum spacing between sprinklers 15'-0", minimum 18" clearance from deflector to top of storage, and hose allowance of 250 gpm (90 minutes) Existing cold room ceiling sprinkler system designed to 0.2 gpmlft2 over 1950 ft2 (as shown on the sprinkler placard) meets the requirement for protection above. No additional upgrades are required. Note: Discrepancies between the sprinkler system information presented herein and actual conditions and/or conditions presented on plans are the sole responsibility of MILLIPORE SIGMA. Confirmation of compliance with the adopted edition of NFPA 13 for existing, new and/or tenant improvements to sprinkler system is outside the scope of this report. Sprinkler contractor to confirm existing and proposed sprinkler system design specifications and installation requirements per NFPA 13. 4.1.6 Additional Protection Requirements Extent of Protection Per CFC 3206.2 and NFPA-13 Section 12.3 (Attachment #7), the extent and type of protection (including automatic sprinkler design densities) shall extend the lesser of 15 feet beyond the high-piled storage area or to a full height wall, where portions of high-piled storage areas have different fire protection requirements because of commodity, method of storage or storage height, the fire protection features required by Table 3206.2 within this area shall be based on the most restrictive design requirements. The ESFR proposed will extend throughout the warehouse including above the Office Mezzanine. Protection of Steel Columns Per CFC 3208.4 and NFPA-13 Section and Table (Attachment #7), where fireproofing of building columns located wholly or partially within the rack footprint (inclusive of flue space or within 12 inches of the footprint) is not provided and storage heights are in excess of 15 ft, protection of building columns within the rack structure shall be provided by the installation of ceiling only ESFR (Quick Response) sprinklers. Fixed Obstruction Per NFPA-13 Sections (Attachment #7), fire sprinklers are not required under fixed obstruction or open grate flowing unless their width is in excess of 4 ft. Ceiling Slope Per NFPA-1 3 Section 12.1.2 (Attachment #7), the sprinkler system criteria specified are intended to apply to buildings with ceiling slopes not exceeding 2 in 12 (16.7 percent). ESFR Sprinkler System Separation Per NFPA-13 Section (Attachment #7), where ESFR sprinkler systems are installed adjacent to sprinkler systems with standard-response sprinklers, a draft curtain of noncombustible construction and at least 2 feet in depth shall be required to separate the Rev 1.2 - MILLIPORE SIGMA I Page 12 6211 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA AND ASSOIATCS two areas. A clear aisle of at least 4 feet centered below the draft curtain shall be maintained for separation. Millipore Sigma agrees to comple with the requirements of Section An ESFR sprinkler system are proposed throughout the warehouse. ESFR Construction Types Per NFPA-13 Section and Table (Attachment #7), protection using ESFR sprinkler systems are not allowed in areas with obstructed combustible construction. If combustible obstructed construction exists, insulation shall be installed at roof deck per NFPA-13 Section to revise construction type to unobstructed. Sprinkler contractor to confirm roof construction is unobstructed and/or non-combustible construction. Open Top Containers & Solid Shelves Per NFPA-13 Sections 17.1.6 and and (Attachment #7), ESFR (Quick Response) protection shall not apply to open-top containers, or racks with solid shelves. Millipore Sigman agrees only install and maintain open/grated (>50% open) rack shelving. 4.1.7 Other Areas -OUTSIDE THE SCOPE Unknown and outside the scope of this report. 4.2 Alarm/Monitoring Per CFC 903.4, all valves controlling the water supply for automatic sprinkler systems, pumps, tanks, water levels and temperatures, critical air pressures and waterflow switches on all sprinkler systems (if serving > 6 sprinklers) shall be electrically supervised by a listed fire alarm control unit. Monitoring: Alarm, supervisory and trouble signals shall be distinctly different and shall be automatically transmitted to an approved supervising station or, when approved by the fire code official, shall sound an audible signal at a constantly attended location. Alarm: One exterior approved audible device, located on the exterior of the building in an approved location, shall be connected to each automatic sprinkler system. Such sprinkler water-flow alarm devices shall be activated by water flow equivalent to the flow of a single sprinkler of the smallest orifice size installed in the system. Where a building fire alarm system is installed, actuation of the automatic sprinkler system shall actuate the building fire alarm system. Visible alarm notification appliances shall not be required except when required by Section 907. (Attachment #8) Rev 1.2 - MILLIPORE SIGMA AND ASSOCIAIC kLAUDRUCKNcRS Page 13 6211 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 4.3 Building Access - Doors & Roads Per CFC 3206.6 (Attachment #9), fire apparatus access roads in accordance with Section 503 shall be provided within 150 feet of all portions of the exterior walls of buildings used for high-piled storage. EXCEPTION: Where fire apparatus access roads cannot be installed because of topography, railways, waterways, nonnegotiable grades or other similar conditions, the fire code official is authorized to require additional fire protection. 4.3.1 Access Doors Access Doors are not required in sprinklered high-piled storage areas of Class l-IV Commodities less than 12,000 ft2 or Group A Plastics/High Hazard Commodities less than 2,500 ft2 4.3.2 Access Roads Per CFC 503.1.1 (Attachment #9), approved fire apparatus access roads shall be provided within 150 feet of all portions of the facility and all portions of the exterior walls of the first story of the building as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building or facility. Per CFC 503.2 (Attachment #9), fire apparatus access roads shall be installed and arranged in accordance with the following: Dimensions: Fire apparatus access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 20 feet, exclusive of shoulders, except for approved security gates in accordance with Section 503.6, and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches. Authority: The fire code official shall have the authority to require or permit modifications to the required access widths where they are inadequate for fire or rescue operations, or where necessary to meet the public safety objectives of the jurisdiction. Surface: Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and shall be surfaced so as to provide all-weather driving capabilities. Turning Radius: The required turning radius of a fire apparatus access road shall be determined by the fire code official. Dead Ends: Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with an approved area for turning around fire apparatus. Bridges and Elevated Surfaces: See CFC Section 503.2.6 Grade: The grade of the fire apparatus access road shall be within the limits established by the fire code official based on the fire department's apparatus. Angle of Approach and Departure: The angle of approach and departure for fire apparatus access roads shall be within the limits established by the fire code official based on the fire department's apparatus. (Attachment #9) Access roads are existing and have been previously approved as part of the shell building. Rev 1.2 - MILLIPORE SIGMA I ss~ .,AUMDRUCKNeR T Page 14 6211 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA AND ASSOCIATES 4.4 Smoke and Heat Removal Based on CFC Table 3206.2 smoke and heat removal is not required in sprinklered high- pile storage areas of Class l-IV and less than 12,000 ft2 or Group A Plastics/High Hazard Commodities less than 2,500 ft2 (Attachment #10). There are two (2) existing smoke and heat vents in the warehouse. 4.5 Draft Curtains Draft curtains are no longer required per the California Fire Code for storage areas equipped with an approved fire sprinkler system. However, ESFR (Quick Response) sprinkler systems need to be separated from CMDA (Standard Response) sprinklers by installing a draft curtain of at least 2 ft in depth of non-combustible construction. See section of this report for additional draft curtain requirements 4.6 Portable Fire Extinguishers Per CFC Sections 906 and 3206.11 (Attachment #11), portable fire extinguishers shall be installed in the following locations: In existing Group B and S-I occupancies Where required by the sections indicated in Table 906.1. Per CFC Table 906.3(1) & 906.3(2) (Attachment #11), the following is the proposed fire extinguisher type and layout: Storage Areas: 4-A:20-B:C @ Travel Distance 75* Feet * If no flammable/combustible liquids are stored, otherwise travel distance :5 50 Feet MILLIPORE SIGMA agrees to comply with the requirements for fire extinguishers. One extinguisher may provide coverage to a maximum of 4,000 Fire extinguisher types and locations will be provided by MILLIPORE SIGMA or fire extinguisher vendor and approved by the fire department. Portable fire extinguishers shall be located in conspicuous locations where they will be readily accessible and immediately available for use. These locations shall be along normal paths of travel, unless the fire code official determines that the hazard posed indicated the need for placement away from normal paths of travel. Portable fire extinguishers shall not be obstructed or obscured from view. In rooms or areas in which visual obstruction cannot be completely avoided, means shall be provided to indicate the location of extinguishers. Rev 1.2 - MILLIPORE SIGMA Page 15 6211 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA AND ASSOCIAS 4.7 Aisle Widths Per CFC 3206.10 (Attachment #12), aisles in sprinklered buildings not accessible to the public with high-piled storage areas exceeding 500 ft2 shall comply with the following: Aisles shall be a minimum of 44 inches * Cross aisles used only for employee access between aisles shall be a minimum of 24 inches in width Aisles separating shelves classified as shelf storage shall be a minimum of 30 inches wide Millipore Sigma agrees to maintain a minimum of 44" aisle widths within the rack storage area in order to comply with the sprinkler requirements stated in Section 4.1 of this report. Required aisles widths shall extend from floor to ceiling. Rack structural supports and catwalks are allowed to cross aisles at a minimum height of 6'-8" above the finished floor level, provided that such supports do not interfere with fire department hose stream trajectory. Dead end aisles shall not exceed 50 feet. MILLIPORE SIGMA agrees to meet the above requirements for aisle widths and dead ends. Additionally, MILLIPORE SIGMA agrees to arrange their floor/palletized storage (if any), such that it does not obstruct the minimum required width of the aisles. 4.8 Housekeeping & Maintenance Per CFC Sections 901.6 and 3205 (Attachment #13), the following are general maintenance and safety requirements: . Rack Structures. The structural integrity of racks shall be maintained Smoking. Smoking shall be prohibited. Approved "NO SMOKING" signs shall be conspicuously posted. Ignition sources. Clearance from ignition sources shall be provided. Aisle Maintenance. When restocking is not being conducted, aisles shall be kept clear of storage, waste materials and debris. Fire department access doors, aisles and exit doors shall be unobstructed. During restocking operations using manual stocking methods, a minimum unobstructed aisle width of 24 inches of the required aisle width shall be maintained in 48 inch or smaller aisles, and a minimum unobstructed aisle width of one-half of the required aisle width shall be maintained in aisles greater than 48 inches. During mechanical stocking operations, a minimum unobstructed aisle width of 44 inches shall be maintained. Flue Spaces. Flue spaces shall be maintained for rack storage. (Attachment #14). See Section 4.9 of this report. Fire Protection Systems. Fire protection systems shall be maintained in an operative condition at all times and shall be replaced or repaired where defective. Additionally, any existing non-required fire protection systems (i.e. extinguishing systems, smoke and heat vents, etc.) shall be inspected, tested and maintained or removed. Rev 1.2 - MILLIPORE SIGMA KLAusl3RucKNcR Page 16 6211 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA AND ASSOCIATES Per CFC 901.6 (Attachment #13), non-required fire protection systems (i.e. extinguishing systems, smoke and heat vents, etc.) shall be inspected, tested and maintained or removed. 4.9 Flue Spaces for Rack Storage Per CFC 3208.3 and Table 3208.3 (Attachment #14), flue spaces shall be maintained for rack storage. Where required by the fire code official, required flue spaces in rack storage shall be equipped with approved devices to protect the required flue space above the first tier of storage. Such devices shall not be moved or modified. Per CFC Table 3208.3 (Attachment #14), the required flue spaces for rack storage shall be in accordance with the following (for definition of flue spaces see NFPA 13, Figure A. Single Row Racks*: Transverse - 3inches* & Longitudinal - None Required * Transverse Flue Spaces: Random variations (in flue space size) are allowed, provided the distribution of water is not obstructed per CFC Table 3208.3, sub-note (b). Location of transverse flue spaces, such that enclosed shelf area does not exceed 20 sf. Space taken by rack uprights not to be included in transverse flue spaces. A Load depth C Pallet B Load width H Rack depth E Storage height L Longitudinal flue space F Commodity T Transverse flue space FIGURE A. Double-Row Racks Without Solid or Slatted Shelves. City of Carlsbad requires that flue spaces to be spaced such that products on shelving do not cover more than 20 sq ft between approved flue spaces. City of Carlsbad requires flue space protection per CFC 3208.3.1 for flue spaces required by CFC Table 3208.3 in single row rack storage. Rack installations shall be Rev 1.2 - MILLIPORE SIGMA KLAUGGRUCKNER Page 17 6211 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA ANO ASSOCIATC equipped with approved devices to protect the required flue spaces and which shall not be removed or modified. A mechanical means shall be provided to maintain the transverse flue spaces at the uprights at each level: The device and its installation method shall be identified on the plan. Transverse flue spaces between uprights shall be marked with a 3-inch or 6-inch yellow strip on the load beam with words in red that read, "Keep Clear." Durable vinyl tape, paint, or other methods as approved by the fire code official may be used. Note, transverse flue space is measured as the distance between the loads, not the distance between the racks. A flue space's net width is a measure of its gross width minus any horizontal obstructions, such as rack uprights, located within the flue space. Definition of Flue Spaces: Longitudinal Flue Space: The flue space between rows of storage perpendicular to the direction of loading. Transverse Flue Space: The space between rows of storage parallel to the direction of loading. NOTE: Per CFC flue spaces are not required at the floor level of the rack. Flue spaces are required above the first tier of storage. Final approval of flue space protection devices is pending fire department approval. 4.10 Hose Connections Per CFC 3206.8, hose connections are not required unless exit passageways are required by the California Building Code for egress within the high piled storage areas. In this case a Class I standpipe system shall not be provided in accordance with CFC Section 905, as exit passageways are not proposed. (Attachment #15) Rev 1.2 - MILLIPORE SIGMA ANO Page 18 6211 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA ss~ ASSOCIArUS 5. Means of Egress A complete exit analysis is outside the scope of this report and, when required, will be provided by the Architect of Record. The following general egress requirements apply to the proposed sprinklered occupancies. (Attachment #16) 5.1 Storage [S-I Occupancy] Per CBC 1005.3.2, egress width components other than stairways shall be 0.2 inch/occupant. Per CBC Table 1006.2.1, spaces with only one exit or exit access doorway shall have a maximum occupant load of 29 and the common path of egress travel shall not exceed 100 feet. Per CBC Table 1017.2 and CFC Table 3206.2 Footnote 'h', exit access travel distance shall not exceed 250 feet, where ESFR sprinkler systems are installed and Smoke and Heat Removal is not required (or not installed). o Per CBC 1017.2.2, exit access travel distance can be increased to 400 feet when the portion of the building classified as Group S-i is limited to one story in height, the minimum height from the finished floor to the bottom of the ceiling or roof slab or deck is 24 feet and the building is equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system. NOTE: If ESFR sprinkler system is installed and smoke and heat removal is not present, then exit access travel distance cannot be increased and cannot exceed 250 feet per CFC Table 3206.2 footnote W. Per CBC 1020.4, Exception 2, dead ends through common path of egress shall not exceed 50 feet. 5.2 Other Areas - Outside the Scope Unknown and outside the scope of this report. See architectural plans. MILLIPORE SIGMA agrees to meet the above requirements for travel distance. Rev 1.2 - MILLIPORE SIGMA 6211 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA AND ASsoCI KLAUSORUCKNCR Page 19 As 6. Exposures 6.1 Occupancy Separation MILLIPORE SIGMA is classified as a B and S-I occupancy, unless otherwise specified by the Architect of Record. Occupancy separation is not required between B and S-i occupancies. Based on CBC Table 508.4, there are no requirements for mixed occupancy fire barrier walls between B and 5-1 occupancies. (Attachment #17) 6.2 Separation of High-Piled Storage Areas Per CFC 3206.3.2.1 (Attachment #18), the aggregate of all high-piled storage areas within a building shall be used for the application of Table 3206.2 unless such areas are separated from each other by 1-hour fire barrier walls constructed in accordance with the California Building Code OR by a distance of 100 feet or more. Openings in such walls shall be protected by opening protective assemblies having a i-hour fire protection rating. As MILLIPORE SIGMA occupies the entire building, no separation from adjacent tenant spaces is required. 6.3 Separation of Multiple Classes of High Piled Storage Areas High-piled storage areas classified as Class I through IV not separated from high- piled storage areas classified as high hazard shall utilize the aggregate of all high- piled storage areas as high hazard for the purposes of the application of Table 3206.2. Multiple class high piled storage areas meeting the separation requirements in Section 3206.3.2 shall be considered as separated. The fire safety features in Table 3206.2 shall be extended beyond the higher-hazard storage area in accordance with Section 3206.2.1. Exception: Multiple class high-piled storage areas do not need to be separated where in accordance with Section 3204.2 (i.e. based on the worst-case commodity). As mentioned in Section 4.0 of this report, protection for the High Piled Storage Area is planned to extend througout the warehouse area. Therefore, extent and type of protection (including automatic sprinkler design densities) shall extend throughout the warehouse. 6.4 Allowable Area and Sidèyards The building is existing. No proposed changes to type of construction, building square footage or occupancy unless otherwise specified by the Architect of Record. Rev 1.2 - MILLIPORE SIGMA ISSS.'AUSSRUC NCR T Page 20 6211 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA AND ASSOCIATES 7. Approved Storage Layout Per CFC 3201.3.2 a floor plan, of legible size, shall be provided (by others), mounted on a wall and protected from damage. The floor plan shall be mounted in an approved location and show the following (Attachment #19): Locations, dimensions and rack layout of high-piled storage areas. Design storage height for each storage area*. Types of commodities. Commodity clearance between top of storage and the sprinkler deflector for each storage arrangement*. Aisle dimensions between each storage array*. For palletized and solid-piled storage, the maximum pile volume for each storage array*. Location and classification of commodities in accordance with Section 3203 (Commodity Classification, see Section 4). Location of required fire department access doors. Location of valves controlling the water supply of ceiling and in-rack sprinklers. * For high-piled storageonly, non high-piled storage arrangements are excluded. The proposed approved storage layout is outside the scope of Klausbruckner & Associates Inc. at this time. MILLIPORE SIGMA agrees to comply with the requirements of CFC Section 3201.3.2. Rev 1.2 - MILLIPORE SIGMA Page 21 6211 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA AND ASSOCA1S 8. Conclusion It is the opinion of Klausbruckner & Associates that the above will meet the requirements, and/or intent of the 2019 Edition of the California Fire Code, the 2019 Edition of the California Building Code, and the 2016 Edition of NFPA-1 3, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems,for the type of occupancy and storage. By way of my signature, MILLIPORE SIGMA agrees to meet the storage conditions required and specified in this report. L~A*VZ4 Z~ I - MILLIPORE SIGMA Representative - Sign Name Date /2 MILLIPORE SIGMA Representative - Prin ame I Rev 1.2 —MILLIPORE SIGMA L US I 6211 El Camino Real. Carlsbad, CA Page 22 9. Appendix A: Attachments Attachment #1: CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING DESIGN, AREA OF WORK Attachment #2: OCCUPANCIES Attachment #3: DEFINITION OF HIGH-PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE Attachment #4: COMMODITY CLASSIFICATION Attachment #5: DESIGNATION OF HIGH PILED STORAGE Attachment #6: GENERAL FIRE PROTECTION & LIFE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Attachment #6A: AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM - RACK STORAGE AREAS #1 AND #2 Attachment #613: AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM - SHELF STORAGE AREA #3 (NON HIGH-PILED) Attachment #6C: AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM - EQUIPMENT FLOOR STORAGE AREA (NON HIGH-PILED) Attachment #6D: AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM - COLD ROOM STORAGE AREAS (NON HIGH-PILED) Attachment #7: ADDITIONAL PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS Attachment #8: ALARM/MONITORING Attachment #9: BUILDING ACCESS - DOORS & ROADS Attachment #10: SMOKE AND HEAT REMOVAL Attachment #11: PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Attachment #12: AISLE WIDTHS Attachment #13: HOUSEKEEPING & MAINTENANCE Attachment #14: FLUE SPACES FOR RACK STORAGE Attachment #15: HOSE CONNECTIONS Attachment #16: MEANS OF EGRESS Attachment #17: OCCUPANCY SEPARATION Attachment #18: SEPARATION OF HIGH-PILED STORAGE AREAS Attachment #19: APPROVED STORAGE LAYOUT & DOCUMENTS Rev 1.2— MILLIPORE SIGMA 6211 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA AND ASSOCIATES Page 23 ATTACHMENT #1 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION& DESIGN GENERAL NOTES VICINITY MAP - SHEET INDEX GOVERNING CODES: FIRE SAFETY NOTES: ,L - C'MHmOOl 'S. V ..' 3: 3 LOCATIONS AND CLASSIFICATIONS OF EXTINGUISHERS SHALL BE IN MATE RIAL HANDLING SHEETS SHEE" DESCRIPTION ALL WORK INCLUDING MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP, SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL CODES, LAWS, ORDINANCES. AND THE 2019 EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE ICBC). 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RMI ANSI MH 10.1 AND ASCE 7-16. 1 ALL REQUIRED PERMITS MUST BE OBTAINED FROM FIRE PLAN CHECK BEFORE THE BUILDING IS OCCUPIED 2 AT LEAST ONE FIRE EXTINGUISHER WITH A MINIMUM RATING OF 4-A 20-B C SHALL BE PROVIDED WITHIN 55' MAXIMUM TRAVEL DISTANCE FOR EACH 4,000 SQUARE FEET OR PORTION THEREOF ON EACH FLOOR. (CFC 9061 MH-001 TITLE SHEET SITE PLAN MH-053 STORAGE RACKING LAYOUT MH-054 STORAGE RACKING ELEVATIONS oIl .BED STORAGE RACK ENGINEERING DETAIL SHEET BUILDING DEPT. NOTES: ACCORDANCE WITH CFC 956 AND CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS )CCR). TITLE 19 1 THE OWNER SHALL MAINTAIN THE STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY BY ASSURING PROPER OPERATION, HOUSEKEEPING AND MAINTENANCE 4 BUILDINGS UNDERGOING CONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION OR DEMOLITION OF THE RACKS BY: SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CFC CHAPTER 14 PROHIBITING OVERLOADING THE RACK SYSTEM REGULARLY INSPECTING FOR DAMAGE S ADDRESS IDENTIFICATION SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR ALL NEW AND EXISTING -. MAINTAINING ALL PALLETS IN A GOOD. SAFE CONDITION BUILDINGS IN A LOCATION THAT IS PLAINLY VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE ENSURING PALLETS ARE PROPERLY PLACED STREET OR ROAD FRONTING THE PROPERTY WHERE ACCESS IS BY WAY ALL GOODS ARE PLACED ON THE PALLETS OF A PRIVATE ROAD AND THE BUILDING ADDRESS CANNOT BE VIEWED PROHIBITING PALLET DOUBLE-STACKING UNLESS THE RACK IS FROM THE PUBLIC WAY, AN APPROVED SIGN OR MEANS SHALL BE USED TO DESIGNED FOR THIS (RACK MANUFACTURERS INSTITUTE SEC 1 4.1) IDENTIFY THE STRUCTURE PREMISES IDENTIFICATION SHALL CONFORM TO DEFERRED SUBMITTALS 2. UPON ANY VISIBLE DAMAGE THE PERTINENT PORTIONS OF THE RACK CBC SECTION 5012. SHALL BE UNLOADED IMMEDIATELY BY THE USER AND THE DAMAGED 6. EXITS, EXIT SIGNS, FIRE ALARM PANELS, HOSE CABINETS, FIRE PORTION SHALL BE ADEQUATELY REPAIRED OR REPLACED (RACK EXTINGUISHER LOCATIONS, AND STANDPIPE CONNECTIONS SHALL NOT BE THERE ARE NO DEFERRED SUBMITTALS FOR THIS PROJECT MANUFACTURERS INSTITUTE SEC 1A 9) 3. THE MAXIMUM OUT OF PLUMBNESS SHALL BE 0.5 INCHES PER 10 FT. OF CONCEALED BY CURTAINS. MIRRORS, OR OTHER DECORATIVE MATERIAL 7. DECORATIVE MATERIALS SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A FLAME-RETARDANT ,-. HEIGHT CONDITION (TITLE 19. SEC 308,3.21 ;CFC 804) NORTH 4. THE DESIGN OF THE STORAGE RACKS/SHELVING UNDER THIS PERMIT S FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CBC SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE 2019 CBC AND ITS REFERENCED DESIGN STANDARD "RMI ANSI/MH16.1-58 9033 DOOR NOTES SCOPE OF WORK DEFERRED SUBMITTAL NOTES S NOTICE TO THE APPLICANT/OWNER/OWNER'S AGENT/ ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD BY USING THESE PERMITTED CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS FOR CONSTRUCTION/ INSTALLATION OF THE WORK SPECIFIED HEREIN, YOU AGREE TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS 9 ALL VALVES CONTROLLING THE WATER SUPPLY FOR AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS AND WATER-FLOW SWITCHES ON ALL SPRINKLER SYSTEMS SHALL BE ELECTRONICALLY MONITORED WHERE THE NUMBER OF SPRINKLERS SERVED IS 20 OR MORE. CBC 9034 1. PLANS FOR THE DEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS SHALL BE SUBMITTED IN A TIMELY MANNER, BUT NOT LESS THAN 30 BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION FOR CITY REVIEW AND APPROVAL 1. EVERY REQUIRED DOORWAY SHALL BE OF A SIZE TO PERMIT THE INSTALLATION OF A DOOR NOT LESS THAN 3 FEET IN WIDTH AND NOT LESS THAN 6 FEET, S INSTALLATION OF PRE-MANUFACTURED PALLET RACK IN EXISTING WAREHOUSE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR SPECIAL INSPECTIONS, STRUCTURAL OBSERVATIONS, CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TESTINGS OFF-SITE FABRICATION OF BUILDING COMPONENTS. CONTAINED IN THE 10 INSTALLATION OF FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CFC 907. INCHES IN HEIGHT WHEN INSTALLED IN EXIT DOORWAYS, EXIT DOORS SHALL BE CAPABLE OF OPENING AT LEAST 90 DEGREES AND SHALL BE MOUNTED SO THAT CLEAR WIDTH OF THE EXIT WAY IS NOT LESS THAN 32 INCHES ON GRADE LEVEL. NO ON-SITE WELDING 2. THE DEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED UNTIL THEIR DESIGN AND SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN APPROVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. STATEMENT OF SPECIAL INSPECTIONS AND. AS REQUIRED BY THE 11 ONE APPROVED AUDIBLE DEVICE MUST BE CONNECTED TO EVERY CALIFORNIA CONSTRUCTION CODES. 6. THE OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DISPLAYING IN ONE OR MORE AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM IN AN APPROVED LOCATION ON THE EXTERIOR OF THE STRUCTURE CBC 903.42. 2 NO DOOR LEAF DEAN EXIT DOOR SERVING AN OCCUPANT LOAD OF MORE THAN 10 SHALL EXCEED 4'-OP 3. THE REGISTERED AND RESPONSIBLE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL SHALL REVIEW THE DEFERRED SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS AND SUBMIT THEM TO THE BUILDING OFFICIAL WITH ANNOTATION INDICATING THAT THE CONSPICUOUS LOCATIONS A PERMANENT PLAQUE(S). EACH PLAQUE SHALL HAVE AN AREA OF NOT LESS THAN 50 SQ. INCHES PLAQUE 12.ESIT SIGNS MUST BE INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED 3 EXIT DOORS IN THE MEANS OF EGRESS TO BE OPENABLE FROM INSIDE WITHOUT USE OF A KEY OR ANY SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE OR EFFORT HAND ACTIVATED DOOR DEFERRED SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN REVIEWED AND FOUND TO BE IN GENERAL CONFORMANCE TO THE DESIGN OF THE BUILDING. SHALL SHOW IN CLEAR, LEGIBLE PRINT (A) THE MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE 13 PROVIDE TWO SEPARATE SOURCES OF POWER FOR EXIT SIGNS OPENING HARDWARE SHALL BE CENTERED BETWEEN 30' AND 44' ABOVE THE UNIT LOAD AND /OR MAXIMUM UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LOAD PER CONFORMING TO CURRENT CFC. FLOOR. LATCHING AND LOCKING DOORS THAT ARE HAND ACTIVATED AND IN THE LEVEL, (8) THE AVERAGE UNIT LOAD, IF APPLICABLE AND (C) MAXIMUM TOTAL LOAD PER BAY THE UNIT LOAD IS USUALLY A SINGLE PALLET 14 THE EGRESS PATH SHALL REMAIN FREE AND CLEAR OF ALL OBSTRUCTIONS PATH OF TRAVEL SHALL BE OPERABLE WITH A SINGLE EFFORT BY LEVER TYPE OF PANIC HARDWARE DESIGNED TO PROVIDE PASSAGE WITHOUT REQUIRING THE SPECIAL INSPECTIONS OR CONTAINER AND ITS CONTENTS MECHANICALLY TRANSPORTED. AT ALL TIMES NO STORAGE IS PERMITTED IN ANY EGRESS PATHS ABILITY TO GRASP THE OPENING HARDWARE STORAGE LEVELS HAVING MULTIPLE STACKING OF UNIT LOADS SHALL BE 50 IDENTIFIED IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER TO ENSURE THAT THE RACK SYSTEM IS NOT ALTERED SO THAT THE 15 AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM(S) AND ALL CONTROL VALVES, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THOSE LISTED IN CBC 9034 SHALL BE MONITORED BY A 4 MAXIMUM EFFORT TO OPERATE DOORS SHALL NOT EXCEEDS LBIL FOR EXTERIOR DOORS AND 5 LBS. FOR INTERIOR DOORS. WHEN FIRE DOORS ARE REQUIRED, NO MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, OR ELECTRICAL WORK TO BE PERFORMED UNDER THIS SUBMITTAL. ANCHORING 1 PERIODIC SPECIAL INSPECTION REQUIRED DURING THE ANCHORAGE OF PLAQUE'S INFORMATION IS INVALIDATED. UL LISTED CENTRAL ALARM STATION THE MAXIMUM EFFORT TO OPERATE DOORS MAY INCREASE TO 16 LBS STORAGE RACKS 5 FEET OR GREATER IN HEIGHT IN STRUCTURAL ASSIGNED TO SEISMIC DESIGNATION CATEGORY D, E AND F PER CBC 7. NOTICE TO THE CONTRACTOR/BUILDER/INSTALLER' SUB-CONTRACTOR/OWNER-BUILDER BY USING THESE PERMITTED CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS FOR CONSTRUCTION/INSTALLATION OF 16.1I8O EXIT OR EXIT ACCESS DOORS REQUIRED FOR A.B.E.F,M.0 WHEN OCCUPANT LOAD GREATER THAN 49 (CBC 1015.1) S CLEARANCE SHALL BE PROVIDED EXTENDING 24* PAST THE STRIKE EDGE OF ANY DOOR FOR EXTERIOR LOCATIONS AND 1W AT PULL SIDE FRONT APPROACH AT INTERIOR LOCATIONS. AT PUSH SIDE FRONT APPROACH TO DOORS WITH /707.60 TABLE 1704.3 (STEEL) ITEM 24. 2 THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR MUST BE CERTIFIED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD . , SERVICES. IN THE CATEGORY OF WORK REQUIRED TO PROJECT DATA THE WORK SPECIFIED HEREIN, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND ARE AWARE 17.DOORS MUST SWING IN THE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL WHEN SERVING AN CLOSERS. 12 CLEARANCE IS TO BE PROVIDED HAyS SPECIAL INSPECTION OF THE REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THE STATEMENT OF SPECIAL INSPECTIONS, STRUCTURAL OBSERVATIONS, CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TESTING AND OFF-SITE FABRICATION OF BUILDING OCCUPANT LOAD OF 50 OR MORE OR A GROUP H OCCUPANCY (CFC 1008 t2) 6. THE BOTTOM 10" OF ALL DOORS SHALL HAVE A SMOOTH UNINTERRUPTED SURFACE ON THE DOOR TO ALLOW THE DOOR TO BE OPENED BY A WHEELCHAIR 3 THE CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TESTING LABORATORY MUST BE APPROVED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES FOR TESTING OF MATERIALS, SYSTEMS, COMPONENTS AND, EQUIPMENTS -. -. -. -. - TENANT: MILLIPORE SIGMA COMPONENTS, CONTAINED IN THE STATEMENT OF SPECIAL INSPECTIONS AND. AS REQUIRED BY THE CALIFORNIA CONSTRUCTION CODES 18.EGRESS ILLUMINATION REQUIRES A SOURCE OF EMERGENCY POWER (CFC 10063) FOOTREST WITHOUT CREATING A TRAP OR HAZARDOUS CONDITION ADDRESS: 6211 EL CAM(NO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92000 4. A PFDPERTY OWNER'S FINAL REPORT FROM FOR WORK REQUIRED TO HAVE SPECIAL INSPECTIONS AND STRUCTURAL TESTS MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER, PROPERTY OWNER'S AGENT OF 19.PROVIDED ILLUMINATED EXIT SIGNS READILY VISIBLE FROM ANY DIRECTION RECORD. ARCHITECT OF RECORD OR, ENGINEER OF RECORD AND THE RACK DESIGN LOADS WILL BE POSTED ON A 50 SQ. IN PLAQUE SHOWING THE MAXIMUM UNIT LOAD AND/OR UNIFORM LOAD PER OF EGRESS TRAVEL (CBC 10111) SHOW LOCATIONS ON PLANS. EXITING NOTES APN. 213-100-15 SUBMITTED TO THE INSPECTION SERVICES DIVISION. 5 THE SPECIAL INSPECTIONS IDENTIFIED ON PLANS ARE, IN ADDITION TO, LEVEL. THE AVERAGE UNIT LOAD, AND MAXIMUM LOAD PER BAY. THE UNIT LOAD IS USUALLY A SINGLE PALLET OR CONTAINER AND ITS 20 ANYTIME A BUILDING IS OCCUPIED. THE MEANS OF EGRESS SHALL BE ILLUMINATED AT AN INTENSITY OF NOT LESS THAN 1 FOOTCANDLE AT THE LEGAL DESC,: LOT 3 OF MAP NO. 14377 CT01-08 IN THE AND NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR, THOSE INSPECTIONS REQUIRED TO BE PERFORMED BY A CITY'S BUILDING INSPECTOR 1 MEANS OF EGRESS IDENTIFICATION USING EXIT SIGNS WILL BE PROVIDED THAT ARE INTERNALLY OR EXTERNALLY ILLUMINATED ALONG THE PATH OF EXIT TRAVEL WITHIN THE MEANS OF EGRESS SYSTEM THE EXIST SIGNS SHALL MEET THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS WHICH ARE EXIST SIGNS SHALL BE READILY VISIBLE FROM ANY DIRECTION OF APPROACH AND EXIT SIGNS SHALL BE CONTENTS MECHANICALLY TRANSPORTED IT IS THE OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO INSURE THE RACK SYSTEM IS NOT ALTERED TO INVALIDATE THE PLAQUE (RMI SEC 14.2) 9 WAREHOUSE AND PALLET RACKING AREA IS NOT ACCESSIBLE TO THE PUBLIC WALKING SURFACE )CFC 1006.1, 1006.2) 21 SPRINKLERS REQUIRED IF BUSINESS IS OVER 5000 SQ. FT. FIRE AREA HAS AN OCCUPANT LOAD OF 100 OR MORE, FIRE AREA IS LOCATED ON A FLOOR OTHER THAN THE LEVEL OF EXIT DISCHARGE (CBC SEC 903.2 1.2) CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ZONE: CM SPECIAL INSPECTIONS AND STRUCTURAL TESTS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 17 OF THE 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE. NOTICE TO THE APPLICANT/OWNER/OWNER'S AGENT/ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORDED BY USING THIS PERMITTED CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS FOR CONSTRUCTION/INSTALLATION OF THE WORK SPECIFIED 22 MAIN EXIT CAN HAVE A DEADBOLT IF SIGN ATTACHED 'THIS DOOR MUST LOCATED TO CLEARLY INDICATE THE DIRECTION OF EGRESS TRAVEL AND SUCH OCCUPANCY: B. S-i (UNCHANGED) HEREIN. YOU AGREE TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY 10 COMPLETE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. CFC 9071.1. REMAIN UNLOCKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS- (CBC SEC. 10081.9). A MAIN EXIT OF A GROUP A OCCUPANCY IN COMPLIANCE WITH CBC SEC. 1008.1.3 ITEM 2 IN BUILDINGS IN 0CC GROUP A, OCCUPANT LOAD OF 300 OR LESS, GROUPS B,F,M AND S. AND PLACES OF RELIGIOUS WORSHIP. THE MAIN THAT NO POINT SHALL BE MORE THAN lOS FEET FROM THE NEAREST VISIBLE SIGN )CBC 1011.1) 2 EXIT SIGNS SHALL BE CONNECTED TO AN EMERGENCY ELECTRICAL POWER CONSTRUCTION TYPE: Ill-B OF CARLSBAD FOR SPECIAL INSPECTIONS, STRUCTURAL OBSERVATIONS, CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL TESTING AND OFF-SITE FABRICATION OF BUILDING COMPONENTS, CONTAINED IN THE STATEMENT OF SPECIAL INSPECTIONS AND, AS REQUIRED BY THE CALIFORNIA CONSTRUCTION 11 COMPLETE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL FIRE EXTERIOR DOOR/DOORS PERMITTED TO BE EQUIPPED WITH KEY OPERATED SYSTEM STORAGE BATTERIES, UNIT EQUIPMENT, OR AN ON SITE GENERATOR SPRINKLER: YES, FULLY SPRINKLED CODES EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS, INCLUDING AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER AND STANDPIPE SYSTEMS AND OTHER SPECIAL FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS AND RELATED APPURTENANCES SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO LOCKING DEVICES FROM EGRESS SIDE. 21-LOCKING DEVICE IS DISTINGUISHABLE AS LOCKED. 22-THE SIGN IS POSTED WITH LETTERS HIGH ON CONTRASTING BACKGROUND SET) OR AN APPROVED SELF LUMINOUS SYSTEM THAT PROVIDES CONTINUOUS ILLUMINATION INDEPENDENT OF THE EXTERNAL POWER SOURCE TO ENSURE THAT THE EXIT SIGNS ARE ILLUMINATED AT ALL TIMES. )CBC 1011,5 3) NO. STORIES 2 STORIES (UNCHANGED) R STRUCTURAL OBSERVATIONS FOR SOC 0, E, AND F STRUCTURES, STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED AND NOTED ON THE PLANS BECAUSE OF ONE OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS (SECTION THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO THE CFC 901.2. 23.DURING CONSTRUCTION. AT LEAST ONE EXTINGUISHER SHALL BE PROVIDED ON EACH FLOOR LEVEL AT EACH STAIRWAY, IN ALL STORAGE 3. WHEN 2 EXITS ARE REQUIRED, THE MEANS OF EGRESS ILLUMINATION LEVEL SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 1 FOOT-CANDLE 11 LUX/ AT THE WALKING SURFACES BUILDING HEIGHT: 32' -0" (UNCHANGED) 1704 6) SEE NOTE REGARDING STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION A THE OBSERVATION IS DESIGNATED BY THE REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. 12 PLANS FOR THE DEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS SHALL BE AND CONSTRUCTION SHEDS, IN LOCATIONS WHERE FLAMMABLE OR LEVEL (CBC 1006.2) YEAR BUILT: 2002 B THE OBSERVATION IS SPECIFICALLY REQUIRED BY THE BUILDING SUBMITTED IN A TIMELY MANNER THAT ALLOWS A MINIMUM OF 30 WORKING DAYS FOR INITIAL PLAN REVIEW. ALL COMMENTS RELATED TO THE DEFERRED SUBMITTAL MUST BE ADDRESSED TO THE COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS ARE STORED OR USED, AND WHERE OTHER SPECIAL HAZARDS ARE PRESENT PER CFC SECTION 33101. 4 THE POWER SUPPLY FOR MEANS OF EGRESS ILLUMINATION SHALL NORMALLY BE PROVIDED BY THE PREMISES' ELECTRICAL SUPPLY IN THE EVENT OF POWER BUILDING AREA: 20,907 S.F. (UNCHANGED) OFFICIAL SATISFACTION OF THE PLAN REVIEW DIVISION PRIOR TO APPROVAL OF 24 DUMPSTERS AND TRASH CONTAINERS EXCEEDING 1.5 CUBIC YARDS SHALL SUPPLY FAILURE, AN EMERGENCY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SHALL AUTOMATICALLY OFF SITE FABRICATION THE SUBMITTAL ITEMS (APPENDIX CHAPTER 1 SEC 106.3 4.2/ NOT BE STORED IN BUILDINGS OR PLACED WITHIN 5 FEET OF COMBUSTIBLE ILLUMINATE THE EGRESS SYSTEM )CBC 1006.3) STORAGE RACK AREA: 245 S.F. (PROPOSED) 1 FABRICATOR MUST BE APPROVED BY AN APPROPRIATE CERTIFIYING WALLS. OPENINGS OR COMBUSTIBLE ROOF EAVE LINES UNLESS AGENCY FOR THE FABRICATION OF MEMBERS AND ASSEMBLIES ON THE 13 IF IT SHOULD BE DETERMINED SUBSEQUENTLY BY THE CITY THAT PROTECTED BY AN APPROVED SPRINKLER SYSTEM OR LOCATED IN A TYPE I 5 NOTE ANY EXITING UPGRADES REQUIRED ARE BY OTHERS IN 101 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -" PREMISES OF THE FABRICATOR'S SHOP. CHANGES IN THE PROJECT'S DESIGN ARE NECESSARY AFTER OR IlA STRUCTURE SEPARATED BY 10 FEET FROM OTHER STRUCTURES COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION, AVEI ASSUME FULL CONTAINERS LARGER THAN 1 CUBIC YARD SHALL BE OF NON-OR RESPONSIBILITY AND ALL RISK OF LOSS WHICH MAY RESULT BY REASON OF SUCH CHANGES I/WE AGREE THAT THE PROJECT SHALL LIMITED-COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS OR SIMILARLY PROTECTED OR SEPARATED CFC 304.3. FLUE SPACE REQUIREMENTS CONFORM TO THE APPROVED FINAL PLANS AS AMENDED. WITHOUT FLUE SPACE FOR RACK STORAGE TO COMPL'T WITH C,FC TABLE 32063 REGARD TO THE STAGE OF COMPLETION 2,5 OPEN FLAMES. FIRE, AND BURNING ON ALL PREMISES IS PROHIRITED EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND CFC STATEMENT OF SPECIAL INSPECTIONS 14 ALL COMPLETE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS, INCLUDING SPRINKLER AND STANDPIPE 358. SINGLE ROW TRANSVERSE-3' & LONGITUDINAL - NOT REQUIRED SYSTEMS AND OTHER SPECIAL FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS AND RELATED APPURTENANCES SHALL BE TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. CFC DOUBLE ROW OPTION UI TRANSVERSE-FT 6 LONGITUDINAL - N/A OPTION 92' TRANVERSE-D' & LONGITUDINAL' 6 IN ACDITION TO THE REGULAR CITY INSPECTIONS, THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ALSO REQUIRE 'SPECIAL INSPECTION' BY A CITY CERTIFIED INSPECTOR 901.2 MULTIPLE ROW TRANSVERSE-A"& LONGITUDINAL . N/A SEE SHEET TO 'SPECIAL INSPECTIONS' SECTION FOR ADDITIONAL NOTES) DESCRIPTION REQUIRED TYPE 16 IF STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION IS REQUIRED - THE OWNER SHALL EMPLOY A REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL TO PERFORM STRUCTURAL OBSERVATIONS. DEFIIENCIES SHALL BE REPORTED IN WRITING TO THE OWNER AND BUILDING OFFICIAL. AT THE CONCLUSION WHERE ESFR SPRINKLER PROTECTION IS PROVIDED, A MINIMUM THREE INCH TRANSVERSE FLUE SPACE MUST BE MAINTAINED AT LEAST EVERY 15-5' IN DOUBLE ROUT RACKS ANCHCRAGE OF STORAGE RACKS TO FLOOR FOR ALL RATKS PER NOTE #4 ON SHEET SED 1 of YES PERIODIC OF THE WORK INCLUDED IN THE PERMIT, THE STRUCTURAL OBSERVER SHALL SUBMIT TO THE BUILDING OFFICIAL A WRITTEN STATEMENT THAT THE SITE VISITS HAVE BEEN MADE AND IDENTIFY ANY REPORTED DEFICIANCIES WHICH. TO THE BEST OF THE STRUCTURAL OBSERVER'S TENANT AGREES TO MAINTAIN REQUIRED FLUE SPACES AT ALL TIMES. OFF SITE FABRICATION OF NEW RACK COMPONENTS YES OFF SITE HIGH S IRENGTHS BOLTS NO N/A KNOWLEDGE, HAVE NOT BEEN RESOLVED. SECTION 1704,6) FIELD WELDING NO N/A CONFIDENTIAL WAREHOUSE SOLUTIONS INC. RESERVES THE PROPRIETARY EIGHTS TO THIS DRAWING AND THE DATA SHOWN THEREON SAID DRAWING ANDLOR DAEA ARE CONFIDENTIAL AND ARE NOT TORE USED OR REPRODUCED FOR ANY PURPOSE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF WAREHOUSE SOLUTIONS INC 0 0 0 0- 1 j 12662 HIGHWAY 67 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 PHONE (619) 073-4410 FAX (619) 449.1710 WAREHOUSESOLUTIONS.COM WAREHOUSE SERVICES WAREHOUSE SPACE PLANNING BUILDING PERMIT SERVICES PROJECT MANAGEMENT SITE SURVEY AND LAYOUT DESIGN FIXED ASSET RECOVERY PALLET RACK REPAIR SEISMIC SAFETY INSPECTIONS WAREHOUSE INSTALLATION SERVICES WE BUY PALLET RACKING INSTALLATION REQUEST BY SIGNING BELOW, THE CUSTOMER REQUESTS INSTALLATION OF MATERIAL PRIOR TO OBTAINING ALL PERMITS REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL JURISDICTION AND THEREFORE, ACCEPTS ALL RESPONSIBILITY PERTAINING TO STRUCTURAL. FIRE, ANY ADDITIONAL FEES THEREOF AND INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS. ANY CHANGES MADE AFTER INSTALLATION PER APPROVED LAYOUT/ELEVATIONS WILL BE AT AN ADDITIONAL CHARGE SIGNATURE DATE PLAN AND DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE: o APPROVED f1 APPROVED AS NOTED [-]NOT APPROVED - REVISE AND RESUBMIT SIGNATURE COMPANY DOTE 54 FABRICATION WILLED SCHEDULED UT BEGUN UNTIL A SIGNED COPY OF OBESE DRAWINGS MARKED 'APPROVES" OR 'APPROVED AS NOTED' ARE RECEIVED UT WAREHOUSE SOLUTIONS INC ALL DRAWINGS MUST RESIGNED BY WAREHOUSE SOLUTIONS ISV'S CUSTOMER REQUESTED SHIP DATE FINAL SHIP DATE WILL BE CONFIRMED EV WAREHOUSE SOLUTIONS INC. UPON RECEIPT DY 'APPROVED' TM 'APPROVED AS NOTED' DRAWINGS - B) w F- of 0 LU DO ED _J SJ 0: s 6 00 DI- OSSU'ITSSS' 12/01)2020 I.-AT 02/09/2021 SPOIL AS NOTED - SR OSIISORRS ML -. MH-OO1 C.\Users\EstimatorSR\Box Sync\ML\Millipore\6211 El Camino Real CB CA 92009\Mezz\Drawings\PMTD2a_Millipore - Me7z_6211 El Camino Real 2021-01-12dwg, SITE PLAN MH-002, 2/11/20217 15:59 AM I CD 0 0 —S I ----_--_-_ DESCRIPTION °fO!;L:= H MILLIPORE H 6211ELCAMINO REAL 9 EO 8 8 0 0 8 -O - C -, !1HHUu zm 1 .. SEV DATE BY •• I _______ ___________________________ mg o ____________ Rack Storage Area #2 Cold Room Storage I & Freezer Storage i2J Ordinary Hazard Group 2 (Floor Level of Racks) 115 S.F. Proposed ESFR Protection Proposed ~i LII - 66 "BURDEN -.. CR0 H / S.F.30 44 3 SF El 1 l STABILITY AS LAB L EXPANSION 175SF I 1521 Wall 170 S.F. H N • I I FAC3 IPi FAC4 R FAC5 IN 211xille IP FAC6 I . Staging Area: (Equipment) Hoar Storage. ESFR Protection Proposed =P /144 STORAGE 143 S.F 1191 100 S.F. OFFICE I I 111 S.F. PCR2 136 0FFIC' 117 .F. in VALICAL II_!J MGR OFFICE 1117 I 125 S.F. HALLWAY 11541 Mezzanine: Office (Below), Shelf Storage Area #3 (Above) - ESFR Protection Proposed for Above the Mezzanine Freeze 'Fridge Freeze 3-6 pallets !Friige totO above - (PD'1 Freeze /Fridge Freeze !F ridge Freeze j 1011 ROOM( '1 150 S.Fj COLD ROOM U'mPL 11311 F 132 72S . F r-73 S. ]AL ______ii FACENC-'VAL 1 VAL 2 3 VAL 4 VAL 5 lLI CAL 1 JU CAL 2 MGR L- •• • . • . OFFICE El ------------ - I 150 149 9 pellets 9 pallets 6 pallets 2-8/-20/-80 CTUS Ct / U total FOR . 90 S.F. 115 S.F. total o a IJ MATS P POWERED ' çe- LIFT JACK STORAGe CHARGE Medium <lure AREA 48 pallets of space Euipnient 3 pellets 60 Pr/Out Area EQUIPMENT Fl CALIBRATION/MAINTENANCE Ii] c47 CZ P N S w 9 palets blat -I-_ -I-I UT - ICARTI CARtART}cART STORAGE AREA LAYOUT (FREEZER CABINET LOCATION S)! COLD ROOMJ V:S 1W ARE WORK a .4 - a 'AWL AS I1ffl5p.jiW 41 ,g OVERALL BUILDING VIEW fl SCALE: NTS COLD ROOM CONFIDENTIAL WAREHOUSE SOLUTIONS INC. RESERVES THE PROPRIETARY RIGHTS TO THIS DRAWING AND THE DATA SHOWN THEREON SAID DRAWING AND OR DATA ARE CONFIDENTIAL AND ARE NOT TO BE USED OR REPRODUCED FOR ANY PURPOSE WITHOUT T WRITTEN CONSENT OF WAREHOUSE SOLUTIONS INC. z 0 UT 0 a U- UT 0 > It 12562 HIGHWAY 67 LAKESIDE CA 92T40 PHONE (619)873-4410 FAX (619)449(710 WAREHOUSESOLUTIONS.COM WAREHOUSE SERVICES WAREHOUSE SPACE PLANNING BUILDING PERMIT SERVICES PROJECT MANAGEMENT SITE SURVEY AND LAYOUT DESIGN FIXED ASSET RECOVERY PALLET RACK REPAIR SEISMIC SAFETY INSPECTIONS WAREHOUSE INSTALLATION SERVICES WE BUY PALLET RACKING INSTALLATION REQUEST BY SIGNING BELOW, THE CUSTOMER REQUESTS INSTALLATION OF MATERIAL PRIOR TO OBTAINING ALL PERMITS REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL JURISD CTION AND THEREFORE, ACCEPTS ALL RESPONSIBILITY PERTAINING TO STRUCTURAL FIRE, ANY ADDITIONAL FEES THEREOF AND INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS ANY CHANGES MADE AFTER INSTALLATION PER APPROVED LAYOUT ELEVATIONS WILL BE AT AN ADDITIONAL CHARGE SIGNATURE ATE PLAN AND DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE: LIII APPROVED E APPROVED AS NOSED 9 NOT APPROVED. REVISE AND RESUBMIT SIGNATURE COMPANY DATE NO FABRICATION WILL BE SCHEDULED OR BEGUN UNTIL A SIGNED COPY OF THESE DRAWINGS MARKED APPROVED OR -APPROVED AS NOTED ARE RECEIVED BY WAREHOUSE SOLUTIONS INC ALL DRAWINGS MUST BE SIGNED BY WAREHOUSE SOLUTIONS INC S CUSTOMER REQUESTED SHIP DATE FINAL SHIP DATE WILL BE CONFIRMED BY WAREHOUSE SOLUTIONS INC UPON RECEIPT OF APPROVED OR 'APPROVED AS NVrEIY DRAWINGS w I- a. <0 0 U—i UJ ,- -o A < S (GO T VAI(U(I( 12/01/2020 O(TNSI 02/09/2021 WI AS NOTED SR lAIRS ML 003 FIVE FREEZER CABINETS THERMO FISHER, TSX SERIES, OPERATING TEMPERATURE -20C DIMENSIONS 28"L x 33"D x 79"H :j ri Freeze /Fridge PAAk STORAGE / Freeze / PROPOSED—' L Li STORAGE - RACK Freeze DEL] FRIDGE CABINET THERMO FISHER, REL4504A SERIES, OPERATING TEMPERATURE -80C DIMENSIONS 57"L x 32"D x 78"H \51 SiB SUB 4TOLLE OWE FREEZER CABINETS THERMO FISHER, 957 SERIES, OPERATING TEMPERATURE -80C DIMENSIONS 42"L x 36"D x 79"H FREEZER CABINETS THERMO FISHER, FFGL SERIES, OPERATING TEMPERATURE -20C DIMENSIONS 28"L x 33"D x 79"H PROPOSED STORAGE = RACK . c.o EQUIPMENTI N RACK STORAGE —'STORAGE PROPOSED P AREA #1 STORAGE "\\ I / Freeze RACK I / /Fridge H RACK LAYOUT SCALE: NTS CONCEPTUAL ELEVATION ONLY PLEASE REFER TO ENGINEERING FOR EXACT DETAILS & SPECIFICATIONS. 52'-6" 192' UPRIGHT 186%" FLOOR TO TOP BEAM 01 Ce 01 N) ¶ 11 Fn 0 0 z 0 m -e -I C r m I m -4 0 z 0 z M m H 0 z CD 192 UPRIGHT -186/ FLOOR TO TOP BEAM ¶ ¶ 510 5 5 5 0 0 z 0 01 .5 -4 C 7, m m 7, -1 0 z 0 z r > M .171 TM i 8 , .Q0 M I7J 0 0 DO M > 'Q C:\Users\EstimatorSR\Box Sync\ML\Milltpore\6211 El Camino Real CB CA 92009\Mezz\Drawin9s\PMTD2a_Millipore - Mezz, 6211 El Camino Real_2021-01-12,dwg, ELEVATIONS MH-004, 2111120217:16:02 AM ('1 0 z ED M -u -4 C m r 1' -4 0 z 0 z r 192' UPRIGHT 13 186Y8" FLOOR TO TOP BEAM :- 31L::::::::::. 0. N 8 01 : d 8L m o Z —1 0 — - 0r' em , Cr) M r-> Fn L.......... MILLIPORE 0 0 0 8 $ 0 0 - -. REV, DATE BY DESCRIPTION 0 _____________________________ a 0 C 0 • 088000 Z N oo 6211 ELCAMINOREAL CARLSBAD_CA92009 eDO"O 5CZ >Or,, >Or ZO cO_r- C ee >5 ee m I o C 01 0 10 0 Plili I-i . iii iii _____________________________ Q 5 0 0CC 0 C z 7j K,o0O0 oO0V00 RACK ELEVATIONS • 0I 80oO ____________________________ °0n- r 0 lOr-IN rF.ZO 0 8 o o ____________________ ______ ATTACHMENT #2 OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION CHAPTER 3 OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION AND USE User note: About this chapter: Chapter 3 provides the criteria by which buildings and structures are classified into use groups and occupancies. Through the balance of the code, occupancy classification is fundamental in the setting of features of construction; occupant safety require- ments, especially building limitations; means of egress; fire protection systems; and interior finishes. SECTION 301 SCOPE 301.1 General. The provisions of this chapter shall control the classification of all buildings and structures as to occu- pancy and use. Different classifications of occupancy and use represent varying levels of hazard and risk to building occu- pants and adjacent properties. SECTION 302 OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION AND USE DESIGNATION 302.1 Occupancy classification. Occupancy classification is the formal designation of the primary purpose of the building, structure or portion thereof. Structures shall be classified into one or more of the occupancy groups listed in this section based on the nature of the hazards and risks to building occu- pants generally associated with the intended purpose of the building or structure. An area, room or space that is intended to be occupied at different times for different purposes shall com- ply with all applicable requirements associated with such potential multipurpose. Structures containing multiple occu- pancy groups shall comply with Section 508. Where a structure is proposed for a purpose that is not specifically listed in this section, such structure shall be classified in the occupancy it most nearly resembles based on the fire safety and relative haz- ard. Occupied roofs shall be classified in the group that the occupancy most nearly resembles, according to the fire safety and relative hazard, and shall comply with Section 503.1.4. 1. Assembly (see Section 303): Groups A-i, A-2, A-3, A-4 and A-5. Business~(seection 304): Group B. I I 3. [SFM] Organized Camps (see Section 450). Group C. Educational (see Section 305): Group E. Factory and Industrial (see Section 306): Groups F-i and F-2. High Hazard (see Section 307): Groups H- 1, H-2, H-3, H-4 and H-S. >1 1 7. Institutional (see Section 308): Groups 1-2, 1-2.1, 1-3 and 1-4. I I 8. [SFM] Laboratory (see Section 202): Group B, unless classified as Group L (see Section 453) or Group H (see Section 307). I I 9. [SFMj Laboratory Suites (see Section 453): Group L. Mercantile (see Section 309): Group M. Residential (see Section 310): Groups R-1, R-2, R-2.1, I I R-3, R-3.1 and R-4. 1 12. Storage (see Section 311): Groups 5-1 and S-2.j Utility and Miscellaneous (see Section 312): Group U. ISFMJ Existing buildings housing existing protective social care homes or facilities established prior to 1972 (see California Fire Code Chapter 11 and Cali- fornia Existing Building Code). 302.1 .1 Reserved 302.1.2 Reserved 302.1 .3 Pharmacies; veterinary facilities; barbering, cos- metology or electrolysis establishments; and acupunc- ture offices. See Chapter 12. 302.2 Use designation. Occupancy groups contain subordi- nate uses having similar hazards and risks to building occu- pants. Uses include, but are not limited to, those functional designations listed within the occupancy group descriptions in Section 302.1. Certain uses require specific limitations and controls in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 4 and elsewhere in this code. SECTION 303 ASSEMBLY GROUP A 303.1 Assembly Group A. Assembly Group A occupancy includes, among others, the use of a building or structure, or a portion thereof, for the gathering of persons for purposes such as civic, social or religious functions; recreation, food or drink consumption or awaiting transportation; motion picture and television production studio sound stages, approved pro- duction facilities and production locations; or for the show- ing of motion pictures when an admission fee is charged and when such building or structure is open to the public and has a capacity of 10 or more persons. 303.1.1 Small buildings and tenant spaces. A building or tenant space used for assembly purposes with an occupant load of less than 50 persons shall be classified as a Group B occupancy. 303.1.2 Small assembly spaces. The following rooms and spaces shall not be classified as Assembly occupancies: 1. A room or space used for assembly purposes with an occupant load of less than 50 persons and accessory 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE 97 I HBO 1 1Ii Copy,ighi C 2019 CC. ALL RESERVED. Aoc,wod by EDo Kloo,bnwko,, ),k@(d000bn,do,e,onn,), (.) O,d,r (Sombo, '100004,10 on Dec 16.201903:0 PM (PSI) plcr004fli 0 IJoonno Ag000noono With I • 4 k! 4 liii Ii ICI No S,nhc.o ron,ndcnnn. ,,,, (.,Ahrr,onon,lrr,ion. hvonv,hi,,I ,rlv. r, .11,,nho,io,, ,Whn,i,r,I Stool.. ow, onto .,,oioo nod norcco,kioo ,,,nhihoo.I ANY IJNAIIT'HOOIZP.I) RFPOflI111(1Il1N (10 OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION AND USE to another occupancy shall be classified as a Group B occupancy or as part of that occupancy. 2. A room or space used for assembly purposes that is less than 750 square feet (70 m2) in area and acces- sory to another occupancy shall be classified as a Group B occupancy or as part of that occupancy. 303.1.3 Associated with Group E occupancies. A room or space used for assembly purposes that is associated with a Group E occupancy is not considered a separate occu- pancy. 303.1.4 Accessory to places of religious worship. Accessory religious educational rooms and religious audi- toriums with occupant loads of less than 100 per room or space are not considered separate occupancies. 303.2 Assembly Group A-i. Group A-1 occupancy includes assembly uses, usually with fixed seating, intended for the production and viewing of the performing arts or motion pic- tures including, but not limited to: Motion picture and television production studio sound stages, approved production facilities and production locations. (with live audiences). Motion picture theaters Symphony and concert halls Television and radio studios admitting an audience Theaters 303.3 Assembly Group A-2. Group A-2 occupancy includes assembly uses intended for food and/or drink consumption including, but not limited to: Banquet halls Casinos (gaming areas) Nightclubs Restaurants, cafeterias and similar dining facilities (including associated commercial kitchens) Taverns and bars 303.4 Assembly Group A-3. Group A-3 occupancy includes assembly uses intended for worship, recreation or amusement and other assembly uses not classified elsewhere in Group A including, but not limited to: Amusement arcades Art galleries Bowling alleys Community halls Courtrooms Dance halls (not including food or drink consumption) Exhibition halls Funeral parlors Greenhouses for the conservation and exhibition of plants that provide public access. Gymnasiums (without spectator seating) Indoor swimming pools (without spectator seating) Indoor tennis courts (without spectator seating) Lecture halls Libraries Museums Places of religious worship Pool and billiard parlors Waiting areas in transportation terminals 303.5 Assembly Group A-4. Group A4 occupancy includes assembly uses intended for viewing of indoor sporting events and activities with spectator seating including, but not limited to: Arenas Skating rinks Swimming pools Tennis courts 303.6 Assembly Group A-S. Group A-S occupancy includes assembly uses intended for participation in or viewing out- door activities including, but not limited to: Amusement park structures Bleachers Grandstands Stadiums 303.7 Fixed guideway transit systems. [SFM] Fixed guide- way transit system buildings shall conform to the require- ments of this code for their occupancy classification in addition to the provisions set forth in Section 443. 303.8 Subterranean spaces for winery facilities in natural or manmade caves. [SFM] For fire and life safety require- ments, see Section 446. SECTION 304 BUSINESS GROUP B 304.1 Business Group B. Business Group B occupancy includes, among others, the use of a building or structure, or a portion thereof, for office, professional or service-type transactions, including storage of records and accounts. Business occupancies shall include, but not be limited to, the following: Airport traffic control towers Ambulatory care facilities serving six or fewer patients (see Section 308.3.3, 1-2.1 for facilities serving more than five patients) Animal hospitals, kennels and pounds Banks Barber and beauty shops Car wash Civic administration Clinic, outpatient [SFMJ (not classified as Group 1-2.1) Dry cleaning and laundries: pick-up and delivery stations and self-service Educational occupancies for students above the 12th grade Electronic data processing Food processing establishments and commercial kitchens not associated with restaurants, cafeterias and similar dining facilities not more than 2,500 square feet (232 m2) in area. Laboratories: testing and research and ISFMI instruction Motor vehicle showrooms Post offices Print shops Professional set-vices (architects, attorneys, dentists, physicians, engineers, etc.) Radio and television stations Telephone exchanges 98 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE I ll • 1 1 1 1 1 II I I Copy' ght C 20 9 ICC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Accessed by Eli, awhn,kw,, (,k@ ,,br,,ck,w,.Aom). (.)Order Number oOKoo7O 0,, Dec 6. 201903W PM (PET) por,00nt N License Agreement wEb t 4 A I I I I Ii Ii I I IT. En )i,rb,., r.nn,dn,,inn. ,n, )i,h,, ,nn,n.bn,inn, ho ,nvlhjo) n,,,v. n, li,,,lhn,inn ,n,ho,i,...I Sin, ,.,nnh. o,E,,, On.) n...o,bino n,nhihino) ANY IJNAIITH0RI7.F.I) RF.PSCSDIWTI(SN OR OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION AND USE > Congregate residences (transient) with 10 or fewer occupants [HCD 11 Efficiency dwelling units Boarding houses (transient) Adult care facilities that provide accommodations for six or fewer clients of any age for less than 24 hours. Licensing categories that may use this classification include Adult Day Programs. Alcoholism or drug abuse recovery homes (ambulatory only) - Child care facilities that provide accommodations for six or fewer clients of any age for less than 24 hours. Licensing categories that may use this classification include, but are not limited to: Day-Care Center for Mildly Ill Children, Infant Care Center, School Age Child Day-Care Center. Family Day-Care Homes that provide accommodations for 14 or fewer children, in the provider's own home for less than 24-hours. Adult care and child care facilities that are within a single family home are permitted to comply with the California Residential Code. Lodging houses (transient) with five or fewer guest rooms and 10 or fewer occupants 310.4.1 Residential Group R-3.1. This occupancy group may include facilities licensed by a governmental agency for a residentially based 24-hour care facility providing accommodations for six or fewer clients of any age. Clients may be classified as ambulatory, nonambulatory or bedrid- den. A Group R-3.1 occupancy shall meet the requirements for construction as defined for Group R-3, except as other- wise provided for in Section 435 Special Provisions For Licensed 24-Hour Care Facilities in a Group R-2.1, R-3.1 or R-4 Occupancy. This group may include: Adult residentialfacilities Congregate living health facilities Intermediate care facilities for the developmentally disabled habi/itative Intermediate care facilities for the developmentally disabled nursing Nurseries for the full-time care of children under the age of six, but not including "infants" as defined in Chapter 2 Residential care facilities for the elderly Small family homes and residential care facilities for the chronically ill Exception: Group Homes licensed by the Department of Social Services which provide nonmedical board, room and care for six or fewer ambulatory children or children two years of age or younger, and which do not have any nonambulatory clients shall not be subject to regulations found in Section 435. Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 13143 with respect to these exempted facilities, no city, county or pub- lic district shall adopt or enforce any requirement for the prevention offire or for the protection of life and properly against fire and panic unless the requirement would be applicable to a structure regardless of the special occu- pancy. Nothing shall restrict the application of state or local housing standards to such facilities if the standards are applicable to residential occupancies and are not based on the use of the structure as a facility for ambula- tory children. For the purpose of this exception, ambula- tory children do not include relatives of the licensee or the licensee's spouse. 310.4.2 Lodging houses. Owner-occupied lodging houses with five or fewer guest rooms and 10 or fewer total occu- pants shall be permitted to be constructed in accordance with the California Residential Code. 310.5 Residential Group R-4. Residential Group R-4 occu- pancy shall include buildings, structures or portions thereof for more than six ambulatory clients, but not more than 16 persons, excluding staff, who reside on a 24-hour basis in a supervised residential environment and receive custodial care. This group shall include, but not be limited to, the fol- lowing: Group R-4 occupancies shall meet the requirements for construction as defined for Group R-3, except as otherwise provided for in this code. This occupancy classification may include a maximum six nonambulatory or bedridden clients (see Section 435, Special Provisions for Licensed 24-Hour Care Facilities in a Group R-2.1, R-3.1 or R-4). Group R4 occupancies shall meet the requirements in Section 420. 310.6 Large family day-care homes. See Section 455. SECTION 311 STORAGE GROUP S 311.1 Storage Group S. Storage Group S occupancy includes, among others, the use of a building or structure, or a portion thereof, for storage that is not classified as a hazard- ous occupancy. 311.1.1 Accessory storage spaces. A room or space used for storage purposes that is accessory to another occu- pancy shall be classified as part of that occupancy. 311.2 Moderate-hazard storage, Group S-i. Storage Group S-1 occupancies are buildings occupied for storage uses that are not classified as Group S-2, including, but not limited to, storage of the following: Aerosol products, Levels 2 and 3 Aircraft hangar (storage and repair) Bags: cloth, burlap and paper Bamboos and rattan Baskets Belting: canvas and leather Books and paper in rolls or packs Boots and shoes Buttons, including cloth covered, pearl or bone Cardboard and cardboard boxes Clothing, woolen wearing apparel Cordage Dry boat storage (indoor) 106 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE II COP yIgbt C 20191CC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Aco.nwd by Ellie Klaunhmuk,m, )flk@kluu,b,flk,,om). (-)Order Numb., 01o060716 on Dec 16.2019 009 PM (PSI) puo,uuni to Uuo,. Agreement with 4 4 IC( No fionh,, rn,nd,th,n. nn (orh., ,..n,n,l,u.,inn, by ,,,vthi,d n,,,v. n, lionihy,iyn oohy,i,r) Sinrly ,,.r only. o,nymno nod nrrwy,kino n,ohjhj..l ANY 1INAIl1H0RIZFI) Rl'PROIlllrrlltN (SR OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION AND USE Furniture Furs Glues, mucilage, pastes and size Grains Horns and combs, other than celluloid Leather Linoleum Lumber Motor vehicle repair garages complying with the maximum allowable quantities of hazardous materials listed in Table 307.1(1) (see Section 406.8) Photo engravings Resilient flooring Self-service storage facility (mini-storage) Silks Soaps Sugar Tires, bulk storage of Tobacco, cigars, cigarettes and snuff Upholstery and mattresses Wax candles 311.3 Low-hazard storage, Group S-2. Storage Group S-2 occupancies include, among others, buildings used for the storage of noncombustible materials such as products on wood pallets or in paper cartons with or without single thick- ness divisions; or in paper wrappings. Such products are per- mitted to have a negligible amount of plastic trim, such as knobs, handles or film wrapping. Group S-2 storage uses shall include, but not be limited to, storage of the following: Asbestos Beverages up to and including 16-percent alcohol in metal, glass or ceramic containers Cement in bags Chalk and crayons Dairy products in nonwaxed coated paper containers Dry cell batteries Electrical coils Electrical motors Empty cans Food products Foods in noncombustible containers Fresh fruits and vegetables in nonplastic trays or containers Frozen foods Glass Glass bottles, empty or filled with noncombustible liquids Gypsum board Inert pigments Ivory Meats Metal cabinets Metal desks with plastic tops and trim Metal parts Metals Mirrors Oil-filled and other types of distribution transformers Parking garages, open or enclosed Porcelain and pottery Stoves Talc and soapstones Washers and dryers SECTION 312 UTILITY AND MISCELLANEOUS GROUP U 312.1 General. Buildings and structures of an accessory char- acter and miscellaneous structures not classified in any specific occupancy shall be constructed, equipped and maintained to conform to the requirements of this code commensurate with the fire and life hazard incidental to their occupancy. Group U shall include, but not be limited to, the following: Agricultural buildings Aircraft hangars, accessory to a one- or two-family residence (see Section 412.4) Barns Carports Communication equipment structures with a gross floor area of less than 1,500 square feet (139 m2) Fences more than 6 feet (1829 mm) in height Grain silos, accessory to a residential occupancy Livestock shelters Private garages Retaining walls Sheds Stables Tanks Towers 312.1.1 Greenhouses. Greenhouses not classified as another occupancy shall be classified as Use Group U. SECTION 313 LABORATORIES GROUP L [SFM] 313.1 Group L Laboratories. [SFM] Group L occupancy includes the use of a building or structure, or a portion thereof, containing one or more laboratory suites as defined in Section 453. SECTION 314 ORGANIZED CAMPS GROUP C (SFMJ 314.1 Organized Camps Group C. [SFM] An organized camp is a site with programs and facilities established for the pri- mary purpose of providing an outdoor group living experience with social, spiritual, educational or recreational objectives, for five days or more during one or more seasons of the year. ON 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE 107 I I ' , Cny,ghI 20 9 ICC. ALl. RIGHTS RESERVED. Accessed by MeKhAsbn,ck,,r (,k@M ,br,wk,w,.om). (-)Order Number OO8O7O on Dec IA. 0010 000 PM (PST) pursuant 10 LICOOw Ago,00lOflI with 4 4 ICC Nn I h.rn.,nIw,io,,. ,r fr,r,h,rr.,rn.iu.,irr,. ho ,,r'rhr,I n,rnv. or ii,r,ihori,rr, rho,N,.l (inn, o, nob. nni,,, o,rd nn,wn,kinn ,rr,hihir.,I ANY IINAIJTHORZF.D RF.PRflflhiCTIflN (SR HIGH-PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE 3203.10.1 Unreinforced plastic pallets. For Class I through IV commodities, where unreinforced polypropyl- ene or unreinforced high-density polyethylene plastic pal- lets are used, the commodity classification shall be increased one class. To be considered unreinforced plastic pallets, the pallets shall be marked with a permanent sym- bol indicating the pallet is unreinforced. 3203.10.2 Reinforced plastic pallets. For Class I through IV commodities, where reinforced polypropylene or rein- forced high-density polyethylene plastic pallets are used, the commodity classification shall be increased two classes except for Class IV commodities, which shall be increased to a high-hazard (Group A plastic, cartoned, unexpanded) commodity. 3203.10.3 Other pallets. For Class I through IV commod- ities stored on plastic pallets other than polypropylene or high-density polyethylene plastic pallets, the commodity classification shall be increased two classes unless specific testing is conducted by a testing laboratory. SECTION 3204 DESIGNATION OF HIGH-PILED STORAGE AREAS 3204.1 General. High-piled storage areas, and portions of high-piled storage areas intended for storage of a different commodity class than adjacent areas, shall be designed and specifically designated to contain Class I, Class II, Class Ill, Class IV or high-hazard commodities. The designation of a high-piled storage area, or portion thereof intended for stor- age of a different commodity class, shall be based on the highest hazard commodity class stored except as provided in Section 3204.2. 3204.2 Designation based on engineering analysis. The designation of a high-piled combustible storage area, or por- tion thereof, is allowed to be based on a lower hazard class than that of the highest class of commodity stored where a limited quantity of the higher hazard commodity has been demonstrated by engineering analysis to be adequately pro- tected by the automatic sprinkler system provided. The engineering analysis shall consider the ability of the sprin- kler system to deliver the higher density required by the higher hazard commodity. The higher density shall be based on the actual storage height of the pile or rack and the mini- mum allowable design area for sprinkler operation as set forth in the density/area figures provided in NFPA 13. The contiguous area occupied by the higher hazard commodity shall not exceed 120 square feet (11 m2) and additional areas of higher hazard commodity shall be separated from other such areas by 25 feet (7620 mm) or more. The sprin- kler system shall be capable of delivering the higher density over a minimum area of 900 square feet (84 m2) for wet pipe systems and 1,200 square feet (ill m2) for dry pipe sys- tems. The shape of the design area shall be in accordance with Section 903. SECTION 3205 HOUSEKEEPING AND MAINTENANCE 3205.1 Rack structures. The structural integrity of racks shall be maintained. 3205.2 Ignition sources. Clearance from ignition sources shall be provided in accordance with Section 305. 3205.3 Smoking. Smoking shall be prohibited. Approved "No Smoking" signs shall be conspicuously posted in accor- dance with Section 310. 3205.4 Aisle maintenance. When restocking is not being conducted, aisles shall be kept clear of storage, waste mate- rial and debris. Fire department access doors, aisles and exit doors shall not be obstructed. During restocking operations using manual stocking methods, a minimum unobstructed aisle width of 24 inches (610 mm) shall be maintained in 48- inch (1219 mm) or smaller aisles, and a minimum unob- structed aisle width of one-half of the required aisle width shall be maintained in aisles greater than 48 inches (1219 mm). During mechanical stocking operations, a minimum unobstructed aisle width of 44 inches (1118 mm) shall be maintained in accordance with Section 3206.10. 3205.5 Pile dimension and height limitations. Pile dimen- sions and height limitations shall comply with Section 3207.3. 3205.6 Designation of storage heights. Where required by the fire code official, a visual method of indicating the maxi- mum allowable storage height shall be provided. 3205.7 Arrays. Arrays shall comply with Section 3207.4. 3205.8 Flue spaces. Flue spaces shall comply with Section 3208.3. SECTION 3206 GENERAL FIRE PROTECTION AND LIFE SAFETY FEATURES 3206.1 General. Fire protection and life safety features for high-piled storage areas shall be in accordance with Sections 3206.2 through 3206.11. 3206.2 Type of protection. Where required by Table 3206.2, fire detection systems, smoke and heat removal and auto- matic sprinkler design densities shall be provided to protect 3206.2.1 Extent of protection. The fire safety features required in Table 3206.2 shall extend to the lesser of 15 feet (4572 mm) beyond the high-piled storage area or a full height wall. Where portions of high-piled storage areas have different fire protection requirements because of commodity, method of storage or storage height, the fire protection features required by Table 3206.2 within this area shall be based on the most restrictive design requirements. 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 449 ILII 0 COPXnIU 02019 ICC. ALL RiGHTS RESERVED. Acnnond by SHin Eloobronko,, (ok@kl.onbronlo,er.noo,). I-) Order Number .r0080.710 on Dm 6.201903:09 PM (PST) pornonl to Lkoon3 AgrOonneol with A 9Y No itnher ren,orltorinn. no A:nb,r ,en,n4:olino, hvonv lhi,d enov. ne tinnihn,inn ,,:,hn6o..I Sinri.. nrc, only. novino rod nAwyrkine o,nhihllwi ANY IINAIITUO0IZPJI RF.PRI1I9UCI1I1N (90 ATTACHMENT #3 DEFINITION OF HIGH-PILED STORAGE DEFINITIONS [BS] GYPSUM BOARD. Gypsum wallboard, gypsum sheathing, gypsum base for gypsum veneer plaster, exterior gypsum soffit board, predecorated gypsum board or water- resistant gypsum backing board complying with the standards listed in Tables 2506.2 and 2507.2 and Chapter 35 of the Cal- ifornia Building Code. [BG] HABITABLE SPACE. A space in a building for liv- ing, sleeping, eating or cooking. Bathrooms, toilet rooms, closets, halls, storage or utility spaces and similar areas are not considered habitable spaces. HALOGENATED EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM. A fire- extinguishing system using one or more atoms of an element from the halogen chemical series: fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine. HANDLING. The deliberate transport by any means to a point of storage or use. [BE] HANDRAIL. A horizontal or sloping rail intended for grasping by the hand for guidance or support. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. Those chemicals or sub- stances which are physical hazards or health hazards as defined and classified in this chapter, whether the materials are in usable or waste condition. HAZARDOUS PRODUCTION MATERIAL (HPM). A solid, liquid or gas associated with semiconductor manufac- turing that has a degree-of-hazard rating in health, flammabil- ity or instability of Class 3 or 4 as ranked by NFPA 704 and which is used directly in research, laboratory or production processes which have, as their end product, materials that are not hazardous. HEALTH HAZARD. A classification of a chemical for which there is statistically significant evidence that acute or chronic health effects are capable of occurring in exposed persons. The term "health hazard" includes chemicals that are toxic, highly toxic and corrosive. HEAT DETECTOR. See "Detector, heat." [BG] HEIGHT, BUILDING. The vertical distance from grade plane to the average height of the highest roof surface. HELIPORT. An area of land or water or a structural surface that is used, or intended for use, for the landing and taking off of helicopters, and any appurtenant areas which are used, or intended for use, for heliport buildings and other heliport facilities. HELISTOP. The same as "Heliport," except that fueling, defueling, maintenance, repairs or storage of helicopters is not permitted. HI-BOY. A cart used to transport hot roofing materials on a roof. HIGHLY TOXIC. A material which produces a lethal dose or lethal concentration which falls within any of the follow- ing categories: 1. A chemical that has a median lethal dose (LD50) of 50 milligrams or less per kilogram of body weight when administered orally to albino rats weighing between 200 and 300 grams each. A chemical that has a median lethal dose (LD50) of 200 milligrams or less per kilogram of body weight when administered by continuous contact for 24 hours (or less if death occurs within 24 hours) with the bare skin of albino rabbits weighing between 2 and 3 kilograms each. A chemical that has a median lethal concentration (LC50) in air of 200 parts per million by volume or less of gas or vapor, or 2 milligrams per liter or less of mist, fume or dust, when administered by continuous inhala- tion for one hour (or less if death occurs within 1 hour) to albino rats weighing between 200 and 300 grams each. Mixtures of these materials with ordinary materials, such as water, might not warrant classification as highly toxic. While this system is basically simple in application, any haz- ard evaluation that is required for the precise categorization of this type of material shall be performed by experienced, technically competent persons. HIGHLY VOLATILE LIQUID. A liquefied compressed gas with a boiling point of less than 68°F (20°C). HIGH-PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE. Storage of combustible materials in closely packed piles or combustible materials on pallets, in racks or on shelves where the top of storage is greater than 12 feet (3658 mm) in height. Where required by the fire code official, high-piled combustible stor- age also includes certain high-hazard commodities, such as rubber tires, Group A plastics, flammable liquids, idle pallets and similar commodities, where the top of storage is greater than 6 feet (1829 mm) in height. HIGH-PILED STORAGE AREA. An area within a build- ing which is designated, intended, proposed or actually used for high-piled combustible storage, including operating aisles. [BG] HIGH-RISE BUILDING. In other than Group 1-2 occupancies, 'high-rise buildings" as used in this code: Existing high-rise structure. A high-rise structure, the construction of which is commenced or completed prior to July], 1974. High-rise structure. Every building of any type of con- struction or occupancy having floors used for human occupancy located more than 75 feet above the lowest floor level having building access (see Section 403), except buildings used as hospitals as defined in Health and Safety Code Section 1250. New high-rise building. A high-rise structure, the con- struction of which is commenced on or after July 1, 1974. For the purpose of this section, construction shall be deemed to have commenced when plans and specifications are more than 50 percent complete and have been pre- sented to the local jurisdiction prior to July 1, 1974. Unless all provisions of this section have been met, the 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 47 I II p CopyAgbt C 2O9 ICC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Ac,,,,d by FJIt, RIausbnwku,r (k@Iduu,b,uukuw.uom). (-)Order Numb,, .toogou7,o on Dm16, 2010 03:00 PM (PST) pu,,uont to Li,n,, Agomowot with k 4 4 6 ICt' No E:ohm r.,wndmtinn ,o E,ohm,,n,wlurtion. ho ,,v t}6n4 ,,uov. ,,, ,II,t,ihntjoo ,othnA,.ot 0i,,I, ow, o,k. -on,1n.u,,t ,,twotht,, nhjhft,,l ANY ItNAItTHI)RIZP.tt REPRI)flttClION (10 ATTACHMENT #4 COMMODITY CLASSIFICATION HIGH-PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE I COMMODITY CLASSIFICATION I IFURE CODE] mined at the time of permit application for review and approval. A copy of the approved fire safety and evacuation plan shall be maintained on the premises in an approved location. SECTION 3202 DEFINITIONS 3202.1 Definitions. The following terms are defined in Chap- ter 2: ARRAY. ARRAY, CLOSED. AUTOMATED RACK STORAGE. BIN BOX. COMMODITY. EARLY SUPPRESSION FAST-RESPONSE (ESFR) SPRINKLER. EXPANDED PLASTIC. EXTRA-HIGH-RACK COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE. HIGH-PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE. HIGH-PILED STORAGE AREA. LONGITUDINAL FLUE SPACE. MANUAL STOCKING METHODS. MECHANICAL STOCKING METHODS. SHELF STORAGE. SOLID SHELVING. TRANSVERSE FLUE SPACE. SECTION 3203 COMMODITY CLASSIFICATION 3203.1 Classification of commodities. Commodities shall be classified as Class I, II, ifi, IV or high hazard in accordance with Sections 3203.2 through 3203.10.3. Materials listed within each commodity classification are assumed to be unmodified for improved combustibility characteristics. Use of flame-retarding modifiers or the physical form of the mate- rial could change the classification. 3203.2 Class I commodities. Class I commodities are non- combustible products in ordinary corrugated cartons with or without single-thickness dividers, or in ordinary paper wrap- pings with or without wood pallets. The amount of Group A plastics shall be limited in accordance with Section 3203.9. 3203.3 Class II commodities. Class 11 commodities are Class I products in slatted wooden crates, solid wooden boxes, multiple-thickness paperboard cartons or equivalent combustible packaging material with or without wood pallets. The amount of Group A plastics shall be limited in accor- dance with Section 3203.9. 3203.4 Class Ill commodities. Class HI commodities are products of wood, paper, natural fiber cloth, or Group C plas- tics or products thereof, with or without wood pallets. The amount of Group A plastics shall be limited in accordance with Section 3203.9. 3203.5 Class IV commodities. Class IV commodities are Class 1, II or III products containing Group A plastics in ordi- nary corrugated cartons; Class I, II and III products with Group A plastic packaging; Group B plastics; and free-flow- ing Group A plastics with or without wood pallets. The total amount of nonfree-flowing Group A plastics shall be limited in accordance with Section 3203.9. 3203.6 High-hazard commodities. High-hazard commodi- ties are products presenting special fire hazards beyond those of Class I, II, 111 or IV. Group A plastics not otherwise classi- fied are included in this class. 3203.7 Classification of plastics. Plastics shall be designated as Group A, B or C in accordance with Sections 3203.7.1 through 3203.7.3. 3203.7.1 Group A plastics. Group A plastics are plastic materials having a heat of combustion that is much higher than that of ordinary combustibles, and a burning rate higher than that of Group B plastics. 3203.7.2 Group B plastics. Group B plastics are plastic materials having a heat of combustion and a burning rate higher than that of ordinary combustibles, but not as high as those of Group A plastics. 3203.7.3 Group C plastics. Group C plastics are plastic materials having a heat of combustion and a burning rate similar to those of ordinary combustibles. 3203.8 shall be used to determine the commodity classifica- tion for various products and materials. Products not found in the list shall be classified based on the classification descriptions in Sections 3203.2 through 3203.6 and the products they most nearly represent in Table 3203.8. Table 3203.8 considers the product and the packaging if listed with the item. Products with additional packaging consist- ing of Group A plastics shall be classified in accordance with Section 3203.9. The commodity classifications are based on products with, or without, wood pallets. Where plastic pallets are used, the commodity classification shall be modified in accordance with Section 3203.10. 3203.9 Limited quantities of Group A plastics in mixed commodities. Figures 3203.9(1) and 3203.9(2) shall be used to determine the commodity classification based on the quan- tity of Group A plastics in the following situations: The product is not listed in Table 3203.8 and contains Group A plastics. The commodity contains Group A plastics and is not classified as high-hazard in Table 3203.8. The product listing in Table 3203.8 does not specifi- cally include packaging, and the packaging material includes Group A plastics. 3203.9.1 Classifying mixed commodities with limited Group A plastics. The percentage of Group A plastics determined in accordance with Section 3203.9.2 shall be used in Figures 3203.9(1) and 3203.9(2). Results from Figure 3203.9(1) must be compared to results from Figure 3203.9(2) and the commodity will be classified with the highest commodity classification. Figures 3203.9(1) and 3203.9(2) shall not be used to reduce the commodity classification shown in Table 3203.8. 438 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE I n • I 1 1 1 Copy.iht 020191CC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Acoo,00d by Elite Klwtobrwrkoer (ek@ldoltobrrtrlorer.00n,). (.)Order Numbers 100009710 on De 6. 2016 03:06 PM (PSI) pttrolool 0 IlOenne Agreement with 4 k A I iii Ii ICC Nt, )t,tht,eeenrorin-,jon on )nhe,,rnn.Intrjrtn. horoorhiol ,,n#vo, lj,t,-ihurjoo .,,rho0o.d StooL. nee000lv. nonino,orl o..,wn,klrrr orohihitwi ANY IJNAIIT000I7.F.O RPPRISDIICTION (20 HIGH-PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE TABLE 3203.8 EXAMPLES OF COMMODITY CLASSIFICATION PRODUCT CATEGORY PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION Level 1 Class ifi (See Chapter 51) Aerosols Level 2 Class IV (See Chapter 51) Level 3 High-hazard (See Chapter 51) Dry cells (excludes lithium, lithium-ion and other similar exotic metals or combustible electrolyte); without blister packing (if blister packed, refer to Class I the commodity classification definitions) Dry cells (nonlithium or similar exotic metals); in blister packing; cartoned Class II Vehicle; any size (for example, automobile or truck); empty plastic casing High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) Batteries Vehicle; large (in other words, truck or larger); dry or wet cells (excludes High-hazard lithium-ion and other cells containing combustible electrolytes) (Group A unexpanded) Vehicle; small (for example, automobile); wet cells (excludes lithium-ion and other cells containing combustible electrolytes) Class I Circular baled corn stover Class IV Biomass Rectangular baled corn stover Class III I CARTiONEDiI] Rectangular baled switchgrass High-hazard Noncombustible Class I PET Class IV Empty containers Rigid plastic (not including PET) High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) Wood; solid sided (such as crates, boxes) Class II Polypropylene, polyester, polyethylene; rolled on any reel type High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) 35 mm metal film cartridges in polyethylene cans; cartoned Class ifi Motion picture or bulk rolls in polycarbonate, polyethylene or in metal cans; polyethylene bagged; cartoned Class II Film rolls, including photographic Rolls in polycarbonate plastic cassettes; cartoned Class IV Photographic paper; sheets; bagged in polyethylene; cartoned Class ifi Glycol in combustible containers (50 percent or greater) High-hazard Lacquers, which dry by solvent evaporation, in metal cans or cartons High-hazard Lighters; butane; blister-packed; cartoned High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) Over 20- and up to 50-percent alcohol (such as alcoholic beverages, hair spray); up to 1-gallon glass bottles or jars; in racks; cartoned Class Ill Over 20- and up. to 50-percent alcohol (such as alcoholic beverages, hair spray); up to 1-gallon glass bottles or jars; palletized; cartoned Class IV Flammable and combustible liquids Over 20- and up to 50-percent alcohol (such as alcoholic beverages, hair spray); up to 1-gallon plastic bottles or jars; cartoned Class IV Up to 20-percent alcohol (such as alcoholic beverages, flavoring extracts); greater than 5-gallon plastic containers with wall thickness greater than 0.25 inch High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) Up to 20-percent alcohol (such as alcoholic beverages, flavoring extracts); metal, glass or ceramic containers Class I (continued) 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 439 I II • 1 1 1 1 1 I Copyigbt C 2O9 ICC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Aoo,stod by Eli, KJou,h09cko, t,k@hJo sbmkt.00n). (-) Order Number .100804710 on D.o 6. Onto 03:09 PM (PET) pontoont to bo,n,o Agn09nn,ot with 4 A liii Ii I W.C.No )i,oh, rnnntho-6onn. .o S ,h..no,. .to.no, hvonvnh:,1 ,,000. o, .I,o,ihotio,, ,h,.o,.l Sinnin on, n.owto., ,,t ,,.two,kto hth,t.i ANY ttNAIJTHORI7.F.fl REPROflIICTION OR HIGH-PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE TABLE 3203.8—continued EXAMPLES OF COMMODITY CLASSIFICATION PRODUCT CATEGORY PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION Liquids or semiliquids; PET containers greater than 5 gallons having a nom- mal wall thickness greater than /4 inch - Class W Liquids or semiliquids; PET containers up to 5 gallons having a nominal wall thickness less than '/4 inch Class I Liquids or semiliquids (such as crushed fruits and vegetables); plastic con- tainers up to 5-gallon capacity Class I Liquids or semiliquids; plastic (except PET) containers greater than 5-gallon capacity having a nominal wall thickness greater than '/4 inch High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) Liquids or semiliquids; plastic (except PET) containers greater than 5-gallon capacity having a nominal wall thickness up to /4 inch Class IT Noncombustible liquids Liquids; cardboard drink boxes, plastic coated, wax coated, and/or alumi- num lined; uncartoned or on corrugated carton trays with plastic sheeting Class I Liquids; cardboard drink boxes, plastic coated, wax coated, and/or alumi- num lined; stored in plastic containers High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) Liquids; glass bottles or jars; cartoned Class I Liquids; less than 5-gallon plastic containers Class I Liquids; pharmaceuticals (nonflammable); glass bottles or jars; cartoned Class II Liquids; plastic bottles or jars; stored in open or solid plastic crates High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) Book signatures (paper part of book without hard cover) Class H Cartons (such as cardboard flats); corrugated; partially assembled Class IV Cartons (such as cardboard flats); corrugated; unassembled in neat piles Class ifi Cartons; wax coated, single-walled corrugated High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) Cellulosic paper products; nonwax coated (such as books, cardboard games, cartoned tissue products, magazines, newspapers, paper cups, paper plates, paper towels, plastic-coated paper food containers, stationary) Class HI Cellulosic paper products; wax coated (such as paper plates, cups); loosely packed; cartoned High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) Cellulosic paper products; wax coated (such as paper plates, cups); nested; Class lass IV Paper products Matches; paper-type; cartoned Class IV Matches; wooden; cartoned High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) Rolled; lightweight; in storage racks Class IV Rolled; medium or heavyweight; in storage racks or onside Class ifi Rolled; in horizontal storage or vertical storage that is banded or protected with an approved wrap Class III Rolled; in vertical storage that is unbanded or not protected with an approved wrap High-hazard Tissue products; plastic wrapped; cartoned Class III Tissue products; plastic wrapped; uncartoned High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) (continued) 442 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE (flflF ui •i 1 i CopytightC 2019 iCC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Accessed by Rho RIoAshrcnw(ok@ki006b, knoroono). (-)Order Number* t009047l090 Dec 6,2019 0h09 Phi (PIT) 9t1A0flI to license Agreement with - A liii Ii IL I(C Nnlitoh.., ronrn4no',jon no Oho, ,o.I,,linn.hv nnv.hinl ,o9v. o,4j0,ih,oion n,,lhon,o,l Sin,. ,o.rnnlv.,onvinonn4 ,wtwo,bi,,. n,olohi,wi ANY IINAIJTHIORI?Fr) RFPROflIIC11OW OR HIGH-PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE TABLE 3203.8—continued EXAMPLES OF COMMODITY CLASSIFICATION PRODUCT CATEGORY PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION ABS (Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymer) High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) Acetal (polyformaldehyde) High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) Acrylic (polymethyl methacrylate) High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) Automobile bumpers and dashboards High-hazard (Group A expanded) Butyl rubber High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) Cellulose acetate Class IV (Group B plastic) Cellulose acetate butyrate High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) Chloroprene rubber Class N (Group B plastic) Containers; Nonexpanded plastic gridded or solid; collapsed or nested High-hazard with no air spaces (Group A unexpanded) ECTFE (ethylene-chlorotrifluoro-ethylene copolymer) Class IV (Group B plastic) EPDM (ethylene-propylene rubber) High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) ETFE (ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene copolymer) Class N (Group B plastic) Plastic, rubber Ethyl cellulose High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) FEP (fluorinated ethylene-propylene copolymer) Class N (Group B plastic) FRP (fiberglass-reinforced polyester) High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) Melamine (melamine formaldehyde) Class III (Group C plastic) Nitrile rubber (acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber) High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) Nylon (nylon 6, nylon 6/6) High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) PCTFE (polychlorotrifluoroethylene) Class III (Group C plastic) PET (Polyethylene terephthalate-thermoplastic polyester) High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) Phenolic Class III (Group C plastic) Plastics; stored in fully closed and solid (no openings) metal containers Class I Polybutadiene High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) High-hazard Polycarbonate (Group A unexpanded) High-hazard Polyester elastomer (Group A unexpanded) (continued) 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 443 I II • i 1 1111211111III j Conish 02091CC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Awwood by Etilo l,bnwkoo, (ok@Idoo,bwcbwr.A0m), (4 Ode, Number, 0000070 on Dec 6. 20 0009 PM (PST) P00022fll 0 U60000 Ag000men with - - I Ir.c Nnfi,nho, r,nwwlo.-,ion. w, ,,h.,,.n,n,I inn.h000vhlo1 nn,nv. n,,Iiw,ih,,,ioo on,hn,i,o,I Sioolo w,00lv. ,nnwn000,l ,ww,o,t,ioon,ohjhj,wi ANY IINAIITHISSI7.FI) RRPRODIJCTI(SOA OR HIGH-PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE TABLE 3203.8—continued EXAMPLES OF COMMODITY CLASSIFICATION PRODUCT CATEGORY PRODUCT ASIFICATIOW Polyethylene High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) Polypropylene High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) Polystyrene; foam products (such as plates, cups) High-hazard (Group A expanded) Polystyrene; rigid products High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) Polyurethane High-hazard (Group A expanded) PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) Class III (Group C plastic) PVC (polyvinyl chloride) products; plasticizer content 20 percent or less Class III (Group C plastic) PVC (polyvinyl chloride) products; plasticizer content greater than 20 percent High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) PVC resins; bagged Class III (Group C plastic) PVDC (polyvinylidene chloride) Class III (Group C plastic) (polyvinylidene fluoride) Class IIIPVDF (Group C plastic) Plastic, rubber PVF (polyvinyl fluoride) High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) Pyroxylin High-hazard Rubber; natural in blocks; cartoned High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) Rubber; natural; expanded High-hazard (Group A expanded) Rubber; natural; Nonexpanded High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) Rubber; synthetic (santoprene) High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) Rubber tires High-hazard SAN (styrene acrylonitrile) High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) SBR (styrene-butadiene rubber) High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) Silicone rubber Class IV (Group B plastic) Urea (urea formaldehyde) Class III (Group C plastic) Plastic containers Bottles or jars greater than 1 gallon containing noncombustible solids High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) Bottles or jars up to 1 gallon containing noncombustible solids High-hazard (Group A unexpanded) (continued) 444 11,111VEM111110MU11 11 full II FI IN 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE Copyrg}i C 209 ICC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. by EEl, Klausbmckner (k@kl600bmobwwoom). (.)Order NAmb.6 l0O807lo on Doo 16.201903:09 PM (PSI) por0000l to Lk000, Agnoonwol with ICC No 1119h,o r,wrodo,onn. no Anoho,nonno,lo,',ion, ho nov hiwI vov. ,110nh,,lioo wohn,in,l Sinolo v,.n only. ynnvino ,n,( n.'wn,bi,,o orohihilyS ANY IINAIJTHI1RIZFfl RFPRODIII'TION OR HIGH-PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE LIMITED QUANTITIES OF GROUP A PLASTICS IN MIXED COMMODITIES I IFRE CODEI mined at the time of permit application for review and approval. A copy of the approved fire safety and evacuation plan shall be maintained on the premises in an approved location. SECTION 3202 DEFINITIONS 3202.1 Definitions. The following terms are defined in Chap- ter 2: ARRAY. ARRAY, CLOSED. AUTOMATED RACK STORAGE. BIN BOX. COMMODITY. EARLY SUPPRESSION FAST-RESPONSE (ESFR) SPRINKLER. EXPANDED PLASTIC. EXTRA-HIGH-RACK COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE. HIGH-PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE. HIGH-PILED STORAGE AREA. LONGITUDINAL FLUE SPACE. MANUAL STOCKING METHODS. MECHANICAL STOCKING METHODS. SHELF STORAGE. SOLID SHELVING. TRANSVERSE FLUE SPACE. SECTION 3203 COMMODITY CLASSIFICATION 3203.1 Classification of commodities. Commodities shall be classified as Class I, II, III, IV or high hazard in accordance with Sections 3203.2 through 3203.10.3. Materials listed within each commodity classification are assumed to be unmodified for improved combustibility characteristics. Use of flame-retarding modifiers or the physical form of the mate- rial could change the classification. 3203.2 Class I commodities. Class I commodities are non- combustible products in ordinary corrugated cartons with or without single-thickness dividers, or in ordinary paper wrap- pings with or without wood pallets. The amount of Group A plastics shall be limited in accordance with Section 3203.9. 3203.3 Class II commodities. Class II commodities are Class I products in slatted wooden crates, solid wooden boxes, multiple-thickness paperboard cartons or equivalent combustible packaging material with or without wood pallets. The amount of Group A plastics shall be limited in accor- dance with Section 3203.9. 3203.4 Class III commodities. Class III commodities are products of wood, paper, natural fiber cloth, or Group C plas- tics or products thereof, with or without wood pallets. The amount of Group A plastics shall be limited in accordance with Section 3203.9. 32035 Class IV commodities. Class IV commodities are Class I, II or ifi products containing Group A plastics in ordi- nary corrugated cartons; Class I, H and III products with Group A plastic packaging; Group B plastics; and free-flow- ing Group A plastics with or without wood pallets. The total amount of nonfree-flowing Group A plastics shall be limited in accordance with Section 3203.9. 3203.6 High-hazard commodities. High-hazard commodi- ties are products presenting special fire hazards beyond those of Class I, II, III or IV. Group A plastics not otherwise classi- fied are included in this class. 3203.7 Classification of plastics. Plastics shall be designated as Group A, B or C in accordance with Sections 3203.7.1 through 3203.7.3. 3203.7.1 Group A plastics. Group A plastics are plastic materials having a heat of combustion that is much higher than that of ordinary combustibles, and a burning rate higher than that of Group B plastics. 3203.7.2 Group B plastics. Group B plastics are plastic materials having a heat of combustion and a burning rate higher than that of ordinary combustibles, but not as high as those of Group A plastics. 3203.7.3 Group C plastics. Group C plastics are plastic materials having a heat of combustion and a burning rate similar to those of ordinary combustibles. 3203.8 Examples of commodity classification. Table 3203.8 shall be used to determine the commodity classifica- tion for various products and materials. Products not found in the list shall be classified based on the classification descriptions in Sections 3203.2 through 3203.6 and the products they most nearly represent in Table 3203.8. Table 3203.8 considers the product and the packaging if listed with the item. Products with additional packaging consist- ing of Group A plastics shall be classified in accordance with Section 3203.9. The commodity classifications are based on products with, or without, wood pallets. Where plastic pallets are used, the commodity classification shall be modified in accordance with Section 3203.10. 3203.9 Limited quantities of Group A plastics in mixed commodities. Figures 3203.9(l) and 3203.9(2) shall be used to determine the commodity classification based on the quan- tity of Group A plastics in the following situations: The product is not listed in Table 3203.8 and contains Group A plastics. The commodity contains Group A plastics and is not classified as high-hazard in Table 3203.8. The product listing in Table 3203.8 does not specifi- cally include packaging, and the packaging material includes Group A plastics. 3203.9.1 Classifying mixed commodities with limited Group A plastics. The percentage of Group A plastics determined in accordance with Section 3203.9.2 shall be used in Figures 3203.9(1) and 3203.9(2). Results from Figure 3203.9(1) must be compared to results from Figure 3203.9(2) and the commodity will be classified with the highest commodity classification. Figures 3203.9(1) and 3203.9(2) shall not be used to reduce the commodity classification shown in Table 3203.8. 438 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 11 ' I I [ Copy.iht C 2019 CC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. A0000d by Me RIoulbYlOkoOr (rk@kJ.orbrookorr.00n,(, (-)Order Number 2100002710 ofl Dro 6. 2019 0Y09 PM (PSI) purrun110 L102062 A51220,rnI with 4 4 liii Ii is I I1'f. En Eo,br., rnooln.0nA. rn S h.r,nnnrir hn. rn.nvrhir.l -1iorib,rnnn ,nrhnrinr,I Si..--nnlv. n1nr,nI .nrkinr n,nhihi,.rI ANY IlNAllTHflRl7P.l) 917P00r111CT111N (16 ci': 111 HIGH-PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE FIRE CODEI IMIXED COMMODITIES - BY VOLUME OF EXPANDED PLASTICS, 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 PERCENT BY VOLUME OF GROUP A EXPANDED PLASTIC (EVE) A = CLASS I OR II COMMODITY, AS APPROPRIATE B = CLASS III COMMODITY C = CLASS IV COMMODITY D = HIGH-HAZARD COMMODITY FIGURE 3203.9(1) EVALUATION BY VOLUME OF GROUP A EXPANDED PLASTICS IN MIXED COMMODITIESab This figure is used to determine the commodity classification of a mixed commDdity with Group A plastics in a package or carton, or on a pallet. The following is an example of how to apply Figure 3203.9(1): A pallet load consists of a Class 111 commodity with components of unexpanded Group A plastic and packing material of expanded Group A plastic. Using Equation 32-i, the weight of unexpanded Group A plastic is 5 percent. Using Equation 32- 2, the volume of expanded Group A plastic is 15 percent. This commodity is classified as a Class IV commodity. If the volume of the expanded Group A plastic is increased to 20 percent, the classification changes to a high-hazard commodity. Compare this result with the result from Figure 3203.9(2), and the highest classification will apply. Where the load is stored on a plastic pallet, the requirements in Section 3203.10 apply. 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 447 ir I Copylibl C 2019 CC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Aoowwd by ESie KIO.lobr knee (ek@ Iosbnwkne,.cono). I-) Orde, Nom (1 be, 00100 eo 71006 D 16.2019 0Y 7000 09 P91 (PST) p061 to Lkeoe Agroenreot with I • 4 .N 4 I iii I i i i i ICC No R,ohoo renonrin,.r,o,,. fl. E,6h.e In boo rhiol ,',o.. o, ,liooh,ri ho,i,M ANY III'AIITHOOIZFI) RAPROI)1V11flN (tO HIGH-PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE FIRE CODE JMIXED COMMODITIES — BY WEIGHT OF EXPANDED PLASTI(D-J-0011 0 3 6 9 PERCENT BY WEIGHT OF GROUP A EXPANDED PLASTIC (P WE) A = CLASS I OR II COMMODITY, AS APPROPRIATE B = CLASS III COMMODITY C = CLASS IV COMMODITY D = HIGH-HAZARD COMMODITY FIGURE 3203.9(2) EVALUATION BY WEIGHT OF GROUP A EXPANDED PLASTICS IN MIXED COMMODITIESOb,c This figure is used to determine the commodity classification of a mixed commodity with Group A plastics in a package or carton, or on a pallet. The results from this figure must be compared to the results from Figure 3203.9(1). The highest classification will apply. The following is an example of how to apply Figure 3203.9(2): A pallet load Consists of a Class Ill commodity with components of unexpanded Group A plastic and packing material of expanded Group A plastic. Using Equation 32-1, the weight of unexpanded Group A plastic is 5 percent. Using Equation 32-3, the weight of expanded Group A plastic is 6 percent. This commodity is classified as a high-hazard commodity. Where the load is stored on a plastic pallet, the requirements in Section 3203.10 apply. 448 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE II • Copyrlgbs 020191CC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Accessed by Ellis Klausbrockner (ek@ldausbruckner.com). (-)Order Number .10090010 on Dec 16.2019 03:09 PM (PET) Pursuant In License Agreement with L I I I lcC Nn I he,,enrn,rr,nn. Asethe, wsw4,,rsior. huv shjI o,)jsrih,,,jn utttho,i,ed Sirr)e,,se,un)v r,,onire .5,9 n.0.n,kisr ,,snhjhjlesl ANY IJNAIlTHO0lZFfl RPPROflhllTIflN (90 NFPA 13: CLASSIFICATION - EXPANDED VS UNEXPANDED GROUP A PLASTICS I CLASSIFICATION OF OCCUPANCIES AND COMMODITIES 13-27 Placed directly on wood pallets Placed in single-layer Corrugated cartons, with or without single-thickness cardboard dividers, with or without pal- lets Shrink-wrapped or paper-wrapped as a unit load with or without pallets* Class II. A Class II commodity shall be defined as a noncombustible product that is in slatted wooden crates, solid wood boxes, multiple-layered corrugated cartons, or equiva- lent combustible packaging material, with or without pallets. Paragraphs and were revised by a tenta- tive interim amendment (TIA). See page 1.* Class III. A Class III commodity shall be defined as a product fashioned from wood, paper, natural fibers, or Group C plas- tics with or without cartons, boxes, or crates and with or with- out pallets.* A Class III commodity shall be permitted to contain a limited amount (5 percent or less by weight of unexpanded plastic or 5 percent or less by volume of expanded plastic) of Group A or Group B plastics. Class HI commodities containing a mix of both GroupAexpanded and unexpanded plastics shall comply with Figure where they are within cartons, boxes, or crates or with Figure where they are exposed.* Class IV. A Class IV commodity shall be defined as a product, with or without pallets, that meets one of the following criteria: Constructed partially or totally of Group B plastics Consists of free-flowing Group plastic materials Cartoned, or within a wooden container, that contains greater than 5 percent and up to iS percent by weight of Group A unexpanded plastic Cartoned, or within a wooden container, that contains greater than 5 percent and up to 25 percent by volume of expanded Group A plastics Cartoned, or within a wooden container, that contains a mix of Group A expanded and unexpanded plastics and complies with Figure Exposed, that contains greater than 5 percent and up to 15 percent by weight of Group A unexpanded plastic Exposed, that contains a mix of Group A expanded and unexpanded plastics and complies with Figure The remaining materials shall be permitted to be metal, wood, paper, natural or synthetic fibers, or Group B or Group C plastics. 5.6.4* Classification of Plastics, Elastomers, and Rubber. Plas- tics, elastomers, and rubber shall be classified as Group A, Group B, or Group C.* Group A. The following materials shall be classified as Group A: ABS (acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymer) Acetal (polyfoimaldehyde) Acrylic (polymethyl methacrylate) Butyl rubber Cellulosics (cellulose acetate, cellulose acetate butyrate, ethyl cellulose) EPDM (ethylene-propylene rubber) FRP (fiberglass-reinforced polyester) Natural rubber Nitrile-rubber (acrylonitrile-butadiene-rubber) Nylon (nylon 6, nylon 6/6) PET (thermoplastic polyester) Polybutadiene Polycarbonate Polyester elastomer Polyethylene Polypropylene Polystyrene Polyurethane PVC (polyvinyl chloride - highly plasticized, with plas- ticizer content greater than 20 percent) (rarely found) PVF (polyvinyl fluoride) SAN (styrene acrylonitrile) SBR (styrene-butadiene rubber)* Group A plastics shall he further subdivided as ei- ther expanded or unexpanded. A Group A expanded plastic commodity shall be defined as a product, with or without pallets, that meets one of the following criteria: Cartoned, or within a wooden container, that contains greater than 40 percent by volume of Group A expanded plastic Exposed, that contains greater than 25 percent by volume A Group A unexpanded plastic commodity shall - be defined as a product, with or without pallets, that meets one of the following criteria: Cartoned, or within a wooden container, that contains greater than 15 percent by weight of Group A unex- panded plastic Cartoned, or within a wooden container, that contain greater than 25 percent and up to 40 percent by volume of Group A expanded plastic Cartoned, or within a wooden container, that contains a mix of Group A unexpanded and expanded plastics, in compliance with Figure Exposed, that contains greater than 15 percent by weight of Group A unexpanded plastic Exposed, that contains greater than 5 percent and up to 25 percent by volume of Group A expanded plastic Exposed, that contains a mix of Group A unexpanded and expanded plastics, in compliance with Figure The remaining materials shall be permitted to be noncombustible, wood, paper, natural or synthetic fibers, or Group A, Group B, or Group C plastics. Group B. The following materials shall be classified as Group B: Chloroprene rubber Fluoroplastics (ECTFE - ethylene-chlorotrifluoro- ethylene copolymer; ETFE - ethylene-tetrafluoro- ethylene-copolymer; FEP - fluorinated ethylene- propylene copolymer) Silicone ru bber Group C. The following materials shall be classified as Group C: 2016 Edition 25 CLASSIFICATION - EXPANDED VS UNEXPANDED 13-28 GROUP A PLASTICS FOR MIXED COMMODITIES JCARTONED I Group A Group A Expanded _ lV _____ Ill 35 40 FIGURE Commodities Containing a Mixture of Expanded and Unexpanded Group A Plastics. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Percentage by Volume of Group A Plastic Ill - Class Ill Commodity. Refer to 5.6.2 if a plastic pallet is used. IV - Class IV Commodity. Refer to 5.6.2 if a plastic pallet is used. 25 - 20 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Percentage by Volume of Group A Expanded Plastic Ill - Class Ill Commodity. Refer to 5.6.2 if a plastic pallet is used. IV - Class IV Commodity. Refer to 5.6.2 if a plastic pallet is used. FIGURE Exposed Commodities Containing a Mixture of Expanded and Unex-panded Group A Plastics. Fluoroplastics (PCTFE - polychiorotrifluoroethylene; PTFE - polytetrafluoroethylene) Melamine (melamine formaldehyde) Phenolic PVC (polyvinyl chloride - flexible - PVCs with plasti- cizer content up to 20 percent) P\TDC (polyvinylidene chloride) PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride) Urea (urea formaldehyde) 5.6.5* Classification of Rolled Paper Storage. For the pur- poses of this standard, the classifications of paper described in through shall apply and shall be used to deter- mine the sprinkler system design criteria. Heavyweight Class. Heavyweight class shall be defined so as to include paperboard and paper stock having a basis weight [weight per 1000 ft2 (92.9 m2)] of 20 lb (9.1 kg). Mediumweight Class. Mediumweight class shall be de- fined so as to include all the broad range of papers having a basis weight [weight per 1000 ft2 (92.9 m2)] of 10 lb to 20 lb (4.5 kg to 9.1 kg). 2016 Edition INFPA 173:] - cest( W,st< I HAN0 cAgr 7 I 00 44 -47 rvoov- - f *( ' CLASS CARTONEu /Y NEXPANDED GROUP A PLASTICS PALLETS P , U _ - - P I- Thet Fisher Ther rnosh:r -: Theri"° Fisher rmO j1I '- I F ____ iLLf &.iLi- A PLASTICS ON P1 ASTIC PALl FTS r v. cK5 p 11 F - I'-- - - - - MEZZANNL (ABOVE) SHELF STORAGE : F CABINET STORAGr ATTACHMENT #5 DESIGNATION OF HIGH-PILED STORAGE AREAS HIGH-PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE 3203.10.1 Unreinforced plastic pallets. For Class I through IV commodities, where unreinforced polypropyl- ene or unreinforced high-density polyethylene plastic pal- lets are used, the commodity classification shall be increased one class. To be considered unreinforced plastic pallets, the pallets shall be marked with a permanent sym- bol indicating the pallet is unreinforced. 3203.10.2 Reinforced plastic pallets. For Class I through IV commodities, where reinforced polypropylene or rein- forced high-density polyethylene plastic pallets are used, the commodity classification shall be increased two classes except for Class IV commodities, which shall be increased to a high-hazard (Group A plastic, cartoned, unexpanded) commodity. 3203.10.3 Other pallets. For Class I through IV commod- ities stored on plastic pallets other than polypropylene or high-density polyethylene plastic pallets, the commodity classification shall be increased two classes unless specific testing is conducted by a testing laboratory. SECTION 3204 DESIGNATION OF HIGH-PILED STORAGE AREAS 3204.1 General. High-piled storage areas, and portions of high-piled storage areas intended for storage of a different commodity class than adjacent areas, shall be designed and specifically designated to contain Class I, Class II, Class III, Class IV or high-hazard commodities. The designation of a high-piled storage area, or portion thereof intended for stor- age of a different commodity class, shall be based on the highest hazard commodity class stored except as provided in Section 3204.2. 3204.2 Designation based on engineering analysis. The designation of a high-piled combustible storage area, or por- tion thereof, is allowed to be based on a lower hazard class than that of the highest class of commodity stored where a limited quantity of the higher hazard commodity has been demonstrated by engineering analysis to be adequately pro- tected by the automatic sprinkler system provided. The engineering analysis shall consider the ability of the sprin- kler system to deliver the higher density required by the higher hazard commodity. The higher density shall be based on the actual storage height of the pile or rack and the mini- mum allowable design area for sprinkler operation as set forth in the density/area figures provided in NFPA 13. The contiguous area occupied by the higher hazard commodity shall not exceed 120 square feet (11 m2) and additional areas of higher hazard commodity shall be separated from other such areas by 25 feet (7620 mm) or more. The sprin- kler system shall be capable of delivering the higher density over a minimum area of 900 square feet (84 m2) for wet pipe systems and 1,200 square feet (111 m2) for dry pipe sys- tems. The shape of the design area shall be in accordance with Section 903. SECTION 3205 HOUSEKEEPING AND MAINTENANCE 3205.1 Rack structures. The structural integrity of racks shall be maintained. 3205.2 Ignition sources. Clearance from ignition sources shall be provided in accordance with Section 305. 3205.3 Smoking. Smoking shall be prohibited. Approved "No Smoking" signs shall be conspicuously posted in accor- dance with Section 310. 3205.4 Aisle maintenance. When restocking is not being conducted, aisles shall be kept clear of storage, waste mate- rial and debris. Fire department access doors, aisles and exit doors shall not be obstructed. During restocking operations using manual stocking methods, a minimum unobstructed aisle width of 24 inches (610 mm) shall be maintained in 48- inch (1219 mm) or smaller aisles, and a minimum unob- structed aisle width of one-half of the required aisle width shall be maintained in aisles greater than 48 inches (1219 mm). During mechanical stocking operations, a minimum unobstructed aisle width of 44 inches (I 118 mm) shall be maintained in accordance with Section 3206.10. 3205.5 Pile dimension and height limitations. Pile dimen- sions and height limitations shall comply with Section 3207.3. 3205.6 Designation of storage heights. Where required by the fire code official, a visual method of indicating the maxi- mum allowable storage height shall be provided. 3205.7 Arrays. Arrays shall comply with Section 3207.4. 3205.8 Flue spaces. Flue spaces shall comply with Section 3208.3. SECTION 3206 GENERAL FIRE PROTECTION AND LIFE SAFETY FEATURES 3206.1 General. Fire protection and life safety features for high-piled storage areas shall be in accordance with Sections 3206.2 through 3206.11. 3206.2 Type of protection. Where required by Table 3206.2, fire detection systems, smoke and heat removal and auto- matic sprinkler design densities shall be provided to protect the high-piled storage area. 3206.2.1 Extent of protection. The fire safety features required in Table 3206.2 shall extend to the lesser of 15 feet (4572 mm) beyond the high-piled storage area or a full height wall. Where portions of high-piled storage areas have different fire protection requirements because of commodity, method of storage or storage height, the fire protection features required by Table 3206.2 within this area shall be based on the most restrictive design requirements. 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 449 II • I I I k Copy,ight C 201,1CC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Anw,wd by EEl, ohn,nko,, (k@Idaobroko,,.00nt), I-) O,d,, Numb,, .I000007lo on Dec 6.20190309 PM (PST) pursuant to License Agreement with 0 IIT NofoOho ,,n,nAmnoo. on I h.wmn.In.-tino, hoonv,hiol ouno. n,dio,ihn,ino ,,nhnow.I Sinol, no, nob. ,nnvioo,nol n n,kioon,nhihiunt ANY IINAIITH(5017P.fl OPPR(SDIICTION (SR ATTACHMENT #6 GENERAL FIRE PROTECTION & LIFE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS HIGH-PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE TABLE 3206.2 GENERAL FIRE PROTECTION AND LIFE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS ALL STORAGE AREAS SOLID-PILED STORAGE, SHELF SIZE OF HIGH-PILED (See Sections 3206, 3207 and 3208)b STORAGE AND PALLETIZED STORAGE (see Section 3207.3) COMMODITY CLASS STORAGE AREA (square feet) Automatic fire- Fire detection Fire _________ Smoke and _________ Maximum (see Sections 3206.2 and extinguishing system department heat removal Maximum pile permissible Maximum 3206.3) system (see Section (see S ection access doors (see Section (see Section dimension' (feet) storage height" pile volume (cubic feet) 3206.4) 3206.7) 3206.8) (feet) 0-500 Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Required' Required Required Required Required Required Required 501-2,500 Not Required' Not Required Not Required 120 40 100,000 2,501-12,000 Open to the public Yes Not Required Not Required Not 120 Required 40 400,000 2,501-12,000 I-Iv Not open to the public Yes Not Required Not Required' Not Required 120 40 400,000 (Option 1) 2,501-12,000 Not Not open to the public Required' Yes Yes Yes" 120 30' 200,000 (Option 2) 12,001-500,000 Yes Not Required Yes Yes 120 40 400,000 Greater than 500,000 Yes Not Required Yes Yes 120 40 400,000 0-500 Not Not Not Not 60 Not Not Required' Required Required' Required Required Required 501-2,500 Open to the public Yes Not Required Not Required' Not Required 60 30 75,000 501-2,500 Not open to the public Yes Not Required Not Required' Not Required 60 30 75,000 High _(Option 1) hazard 501-2,500 Not open to the public Not Required' Yes8 Yes Yes',' 60 20 50,000 (Option 2) 2,501-300,000 Yes Not Required Yes Yesh 60 30 75,000 Greater than 300,000 Yes Not Required Yes Yes',' 60 30 75,000 For SI: 1 foot = 304.8 mm, 1 cubic foot = 0.02832 m3, 1 square foot = 0.0929 m2. Where automatic sprinklers are required for reasons other than those in Chapter 32, the portion of the sprinkler system protecting the high-piled storage area shall be designed and installed in accordance with Sections 3207 and 3208. For aisles, see Section 3206.10. Piles shall be separated by aisles complying with Section 3206.10. For storage in excess of the height indicated, special fire protection shall be provided in accordance with Note f where required by the fire code official. See Chapters 51 and 57 for special limitations for aerosols and flammable and combustible liquids, respectively. For storage exceeding 30 feet in height, Option 1 shall be used. L Special fire protection provisions including, but not limited to, fire protection of exposed steel columns; increased sprinkler density; additional in-rack sprinklers, without associated reductions in ceiling sprinkler density; or additional fire department hose connections shall be provided where required by the fire code official. Not required where an automatic fire-extinguishing system is designed and installed to protect the high-piled storage area in accordance with Sections 3207 and 3208. Not required where storage areas with an exit access travel distance of 250 feet (76 200 mm) or less are protected by either early suppression fast response (ESFR) sprinkler systems or control mode special application sprinklers with a response time index of 50 (m s)"2 or less that are listed to control a fire in the stored commodities with 12 or fewer sprinklers, installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. Not required in frozen food warehouses used solely for storage of Class I and II commodities where protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system. 450 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE IIA Copy,ighO 209 ICC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Ac,,w,d by EllieKJo,,hrockw,, (ol@kl,o,bro,kw,,.,om). (.1 Order Number loo8o27oo,, Dec 16.209 0Y09 PM (PST) pursuant to Lkooto Agreement with 4 4 I I I IIC Nnfit,,h,, r,.nrwi,00nn ,,n ,tho,ro,,, oono,hv ,,hjol n0v o, i oohmiw, ooho,i,M SiooI,00.,nolv n,Moo ,o.l o,ohihItwi ANY I3NAIJTH,)917.Fr) REPRIIflIICTION (ill ATTACHMENT #6A AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS RACK STORAGE HIGH-PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE IFIRE C=ODE 3206.7.6 Door size and type. Fire department access doors shall be not less than 3 feet (914 mm) in width and 6 feet 8 inches (2032 mm) in height. Roll-up doors shall not be considered fire department access doors unless approved. 3206.7.7 Locking devices. Locking devices on fire department access doors shall be approved. 3206.7.8 Key box. Where fire department access doors are required, a key box shall be installed in accordance with Section 506.1. The key box shall contain keys or devices to allow for entry through the fire department access doors. 3206.8 Smoke and heat removal. Where smoke and heat removal is required by Table 3206.2 it shall be provided in accordance with Section 910. 3206.9 Fire department hose connections. Where exit pas- sageways are required by the California Building Code for egress, a Class I standpipe system shall be provided in accor- dance with Section 905. 3206.10 Aisles. Aisles providing access to exits and fire department access doors shall be provided in high-piled stor- age areas exceeding 500 square feet (46 m2), in accordance with Sections 3206.10.1 through 3206.10.3. Aisles separating storage piles or racks shall comply with NFPA 13. Aisles shall comply with Chapter 10. Exception: Where aisles are precluded by rack storage systems, alternate methods of access and protection are allowed where approved. 3206.10.1 Width. Aisle width shall be in accordance with Sections 3206.10.1.1 and 3206.10.1.2. Exceptions: Aisles crossing rack structures or storage piles, that are used only for employee access, shall be not less than 24 inches (610 mm) wide. Aisles separating shelves classified as shelf stor- age shall be not less than 30 inches (762 mm) wide. 3206.10.1.1 Sprinklered buildings. Aisles in sprin- kiered buildings shall be not less than 44 inches (1118 mm) wide. Aisles shall be not less than 96 inches (2438 mm) wide in high-piled storage areas exceeding 2,500 square feet (232 m2) in area, that are accessible to the public and designated to contain high-hazard commodi- ties. Aisles shall be not less than 96 inches (2438 mm) wide in areas open to the public where mechanical stocking methods are used. Exceptions: Aisles in high-piled storage areas exceeding 2,500 square feet (232 m2) in area, that are open to the public and designated to contain high-hazard commodities, and that are pro- tected by a sprinkler system designed for mul- tiple-row racks of high-hazard commodities, shall be not less than 44 inches (1118 mm) wide. 2. Aisles that are in high-piled storage areas exceeding 2,500 square feet (232 m2) in area, not open to the public and protected by a sprinkler system designed for multiple-row racks, shall be not less than 24 inches (610 mm) wide. 3206.10.1.2 Nonsprinklered buildings. Aisles in non-' sprinklered buildings shall be not less than 96 inches (2438 mm) wide. 3206.10.2 Clear height. The required aisle width shall extend from floor to ceiling. Rack structural supports and catwalks are allowed to cross aisles at a minimum height of 6 feet 8 inches (2032 mm) above the finished floor level, provided that such supports do not interfere with fire department hose stream trajectory. 3206.10.3 Dead-end aisles. Dead-end aisles shall not exceed 20 feet (6096 mm) in length in Group M occupan- cies. Dead-end aisles shall not exceed 50 feet (15 240 mm) in length in all other occupancies. Exception: Dead-end aisles are not limited where the length of the dead-end aisle is less than 2.5 times the least width of the dead-end aisle. 3206.11 Portable fire extinguishers. Portable fire extin- guishers shall be provided in accordance with Section 906. SECTION 3207 SOLID-PILED AND SHELF STORAGE 3207.1 General. Shelf storage and storage in solid piles, solid piles on pallets and bin box storage in bin boxes not exceed- ing 5 feet (1524 mm) in any dimension, shall be in accor- dance with Section 3206 and this section. 3207.2 Fire protection. Where automatic sprinklers are required by Table 3206.2, an approved automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout the building or to 1-hour fire barriers constructed in accordance with Section 707 of the California Building Code. Openings in such fire barriers shall be protected by opening protectives having a 1-hour fire protection rating. The design and installation of the automatic sprinkler system and other applicable fire protection shall be in accordance with the California Building Code and NFPA 3207.2.1 Shelf storage. Shelf storage greater than 12 feet (3658 mm) but less than 15 feet (4572 mm) in height shall be in accordance with the fire protection requirements set forth in NFPA 13. Shelf storage 15 feet (4572 mm) or more in height shall be protected in an approved manner with special fire protection, such as in-rack sprinklers. 3207.3 Pile dimension and height limitations. Pile dimen- sions, the maximum permissible storage height and pile vol- ume shall be in accordance with Table 3206.2. 3207.4 Arrays. Where an automatic sprinkler system design utilizes protection based on a closed array, array clearances shall be provided and maintained as specified by the standard used. 452 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 1 1 1 III i u Copy.lgbt 0 zoto ICC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Aocwozd by EEl, Elootbotokow (,k@Idzosbotckow.00m). ('I Order Number t000O47l0 on Don to. 20t9 03:00 PM (PSI) poo.ont to Liw000 Agtootnoot with I I I I ICC No fi h000,00nA:,.t'wo on, oh n,o,Io,tiw,, honnvthj,,l 'nv, on .Ijw,jh,,,i,,,, ,n,hn,i,I SiooI,,,,,.rnnlv. onl,wnnd ,wtwonbin, owbihitwi ANY I3NAllTHORt7,Pj) RF,PRODICTION Ito IFIRE CODE I HIGH-PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE SECTION 3208 RACK STORAGE 3208.1 General. Rack storage shall be in accordance with Section 3206 and this section. Bin boxes exceeding 5 feet (1524 mm) in any dimension shall be regulated as rack stor- age. 3208.2 Fire protection. Where automatic sprinklers are required by Table 3206.2, an approved automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout the building or to 1-hour fire barriers constructed in accordance with Section 707 of the California Building Code. Openings in such fire barriers shall be protected by opening protectives having a 1-hour fire protection rating. The design and installation of the automatic sprinkler system and other applicable fire protection shall be in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 and the California Building Code. 3208.2.1 Plastic shelves. Storage on plastic shelves shall be protected by approved specially engineered fire protec- tion systems. 3208.2.2 Racks with solid shelving. Racks with solid shelving having an area greater than 20 square feet (1.9 m2), measured between approved flue spaces at all four edges of the shelf, shall be in accordance with this section. Exceptions: 1. Racks with mesh, grated, slatted or similar shelves having uniform openings not more than 6 inches (152 mm) apart, comprising not less than 50 percent of the overall shelf area, and with approved flue spaces are allowed to be treated as 2. Racks used for the storage of combustible paper records, with solid shelving, shall be in accor- dance with NFPA 13. 3208.2.2.1 Fire protection. Fire protection for racks with solid shelving shall be in accordance with NFPA 13. 3208.3 Flue spaces. Rack storage areas protected with an automatic sprinkler system shall be provided with flue spaces in accordance with Table 3208.3. Required flue spaces shall be maintained. 3208.3.1 Flue space protection. Flue spaces required by Table 3208.3 above the first tier of storage in single-, dou- ble- or multiple-row rack storage installations shall, where required by the fire code official, be equipped with approved protection devices. Such devices shall not be removed or modified. 3208.4 Column protection. Steel building columns shall be protected in accordance with NFPA 13. 3208.5 Extra-high-rack storage systems. Approval of the fire code official shall be obtained prior to installing extra- high-rack combustible storage. 3208.5.1 Fire protection. Buildings with extra-high-rack combustible storage shall be protected with a specially engineered automatic sprinkler system. Extra-high-rack combustible storage shall be provided with additional spe- cial fire protection, such as separation from other build- ings and additional built-in fire protection features and fire department access, where required by the fire code offi- cial. TABLE 3208.3 REQUIRED FLUE SPACES FOR RACK STORAGE RACK CONFIGURATION FLUE DESIGN AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER PROTECTION Sprinklers at the ceiling with or without minimum in-rack sprinklers In-rack sprinklers at every tier Storage height !~ 25 feet Storage height> 25 feet Any height Single-row rack Transverse flue space Size' 3 inches 3 inches Not required Vertically aligned Not required Yes Not required Longitudinal flue space Not required Not required Not required Double-row rack (Option 1) Transverse flue space Size'6 inches' 3 inches Not required Vertically aligned Not required Yes Not required Longitudinal flue space Not required 6 inches Not required Double-row rack (Option 2) Transverse flue space 1 size, 3 inches Not required 6 inches I Vertically aligned Not required Yes Not required Longitudinal flue space 6 inches Not required Not required Multiple-row rack Transverse flue space Size'6 inches 6 inches Not required Vertically aligned Not required Yes Not required Longitudinal flue space Not required Not required Not required For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 304.8 mm. Three-inch transverse flue spaces shall be provided not less than every 10 feet where ESFR sprinkler protection is provided. Random variations are allowed, provided that the configuration does not obstruct water penetration. 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 453 II k • 'Copyo.ht 020161CC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A9009sod by LI)), K1oobrodo,,, )k@k1ottb,otkor,om). (.) OrderNumber 11-710 on Dec 16.2019 0L09 Phi (PSI) p069006110 License Agreement with 4 A I I I CC. Nfl (noho, ,nrnd,n,ion. hvonvthjI onov. 0 djw,iho,io,, ooth,i,I Si, nvino no.) notwothi,., owhihit.nl ANY I;NA111411111111111111111 111IN (10 ,sang iiJA ss io (iuui oci) Ut 9 Jo sn'.Dq ppuisi Si 1d qi qnoap iutuou iie 1I4M i 8uEuE aiois y (v.u' pasoj !IT6 Cauy 16 '°S JP'ls pilE 'XOfl Ui 'p-pO 'P .1Pd Z6 'SJUISEJ IEiW LIJIM pooM;o Xiiiu ppniisuo i!IEdV J2l1VdPM L16 iuwdmb &iqpuEq -I1)Et1 (q pTodsuEn ,(Euuou puE juur.iu awos iii iqioi pq io pEoiEdy •puo'jpufl 916 sprjs puii 'sIoi1Eds 'iuunp 'sjed SE ipns 's)iAp E1Oi5 XitpOU1111O) spiVdVJOJS' 16 (ott 6 'vain2w aaS) uisAs uqpuq E 01 iI1Ed 1EiDds \i •Jdl/Pd aav 16 E.1E 32,e.tols iql utipiM )pp jooi atli JO ptS.ipUfl qi UE lOOJ DL11 uAsiq Duistp IHJ0o?f 16 111Ed DqI U!411M (ssE2.iqJ sE pns) puiEw uwoJuil JEpuos 1i Supru -odjoDut ijIEd DnsEld y jvj njsvjj paaAojuw,J *16 Ii" Di1SEjd E JO UliSiSUOD UOIDTLflSUO) sit jo uotuod i(uE 8uiq i11Ed y inz 'o/d 1ZT6 iU1ElUOD .10 1 utuoiqs11D 'uiddeit XiipowwoD y zn.znpvf o16 flE 2eiois QLp qnoiqi 8utpDSED .I1EM ipjuuds ui.zpsip JO UOL1DIJOD QLp ioj MORE 01 SE os putu UE doi np uo udo Aj1Eunid io p.mu Si ieqi diqs XuE JO Ju!E1uo) V 43UWJU0) 401-W)40 *6IT6 (rn g) IJ qg ist iv Aq 5E1E Eiois nqio wo.1j p4iE.1Eds st puE 'E1E io uO UI (u 6) iJ 0001 IOU sop 'J1 Si JAI4DiqM 'E.1E p.tpuuds qi jo (w ) ij 000 io uipinq aLp Jo IuD1d 01 uqi -iow InhiIsuoD iou sop 'dnoi sn -nxo .iqIoust 01 jEIupiDui si 'Iqiq ut (w 990 ij -X3 IOU sop lEqi EioI ?2DAOS' SflOdZWflJSZJAJ *8116 Ut (u-i t) ij g I oi dn 2EIOISJqS pue 'xoq uiq 'EiOiS pi 'pztI1IEd 'piid-piio "JS P1ZdO7 *41'16 Iqiq Ut (ui L) I; Zjjo SSX UI JOISJ4S pu 'xoq uiq 'E.10IS psi 'pzii1r.d 'pIid-pIioS PvJ-Y'-'H 91T6 .32e.iois pid-qiq qiisnqwo U! sig Xq pnpoid IE4iJO tEDIdX1 P•'t'I V P"H "tt 1T6 [siioq (S 49 oi zo g oi zo I 'sisudstp pjq .rozsi.i sID1qo itws pDEd-uJopuEi io 'sej 'sijpd 'JpMod Pn1DUI sjdwEx .qj aqi uo ijp 2uuqiouis E puE 'sDEds Qnlj Ijj '.1J E uunp s1UtE1uoD .iqI JO itlo (IEJ lEqi sDiISEd sOqJ 116 (psodx pipisuo q pnoqs 'qioq .io io pddEJM .idEd) Xipow -woo Qqi JO pizq uiuinq aLp p.IEIJ (qEiDaIddE mtAua io .141EM q-iosqr lEqi SUiJAO .10 UIE)pEd Ut iou sn -SEId asoqj,salzpouiuo azsvy v 1no.sj pasot'frj 116 sssu-u iiqi inoqnonp psidsip 'iou to uTiDUUOD.IlIui '(sjI) sii1AED liEu-IS SflO.I)U.IflU Jo us.zd iji (q pnp.i Si qDiqMJo (I!suP qi 'SiiiSEld soq 7171d (.wjnjjaj .io pnuuoJ) papunq'.g 1I6 puol i3tpadu ui pasodx3 paiois puiz Bullaaqs DflsEld ui pddvit Ajr.np1Aipui swpowrno qI1snqwoD jo sisisuo io 's2EpEd }qi1Snqwo3 iO siiipowl.u03 alclp -snqlnoDJo dnoA u .io 'EpEd qIIs11qUJoD E 'XlipouiwoD qt15flqwoD ii ThliUfl'.IUOD Pro[ i[pld P. jo doi puci spis qi uIsopu Xjiidiuo iqs DilsEid E JO siS(SUOD .iqi -i lEqi 8ui2rnpd Jo poqiu y uoiwjns4vau' *11T6 (otT 6 1V 1flW a2s) SDIAp uIjpuEq-tE!.1iEtU .IOJ 5SD -DE piAo.Id 01 suiudo 411M PEOI IIUU E iioddns 01 purs -p pi uipuEq-jEuIEw V J11Vd 1°3 *011 6 ul8EpEd .1qinj inoqii ApjEs pddiqs q oi 'uoipn.iisuo pint 'uisp 'jEi.IIEW jo UOSEaI Xq 'qnou &io.ns pdDJ V 64auwJuo .sapz JO 'AJSP*J 'Ui1yS) .LdUlPJUO *6-1-6-9 'sUonipuoD .1pufl hUn qEis E W.1OJ IEqI SipIAip Aq .1UiEIUO E U! -pod qi JO UoIIE.IEdS pi&1 qj •pa7ualuJ.w4luO) *816% uoi1l!.Ido UI DU1l) .10 jEIlUEtU q UE) snpoin E.1OIS 1:)Edu10 -hun uppqs qi U!AOU1 (q pIP.).1D )JE SjS1y Shun uMiq sDEdS iEWu!W .10 Sfl[j OU 411M hUn aE.10IS E 2unE1D iqiaoi pqsnd 3q 01 aE.1ohS .ioj MOjjE 01 AO1.1 511Ufl 3qi Aq.iqM Aujois I3EdWOD JO &IUSISUOD IIUU 8uIAjqs Jo dAh V 3171OJAJ VJO;lS PV410 LT6 SuOiiDS U1Apqs iilnp!Alpui ulMhq )Soqi UE4I .Lqio siDEds ;)nU jsiDn.IA IEUJDIUI OU I4IIM pUE AllEDii1A spqs u%tiq (win Øg) 'UT Ø UEqI Diow OU q1M '1nP0u- 8E.1O1S ))EdtU0) E JO liEd SE UE11E 'qidp jEIOI in (win 006) ui g uip -X3 IOU spqs PIIOS UO Dsalols aswols PI 9T6 - UOnE:MJISSEID (l1p0u1rn0 SUiIUiIlp IEI-jl .1l.11EIUOD PUP. 'jEL1IEu-! But -pEd 'simpo.id jo uonstutqwoD qj 6ipowwo F6 -AOqE UiliD 4I 01 aE.IOIS jo doi aqi rno.q 3awelsip qj •2uzpaj Oj a3IlnADaj uipjInq E Jo SJOOII 1E.1Id5 IOU i1E pur S.IIEIS &IiSfl iSSDDE iJE SIjjEMII P"i P1EP hE 8E.10IS 01 SSE .tOJ XEtjjEM E SE pziiIn Si hE4h Wh -sAs E.1OiS jDE1 I? UJOJJ pi.ioddns siLL1Eq IEWOZT.10L1 P1105 .10 BuilwB lEIW Lido JqIiJo &1iIStSU0 piE DBelois E 'E -lOIS Sp.1O).1 u0hiE) JO ssodiiid atli .io 41nnw) 16 SUoh.1E p.lEoqp LED ui spioai .tDdEd jo {p1ntUnuOp.1d &rnSiS -UOD i(I!poWUIOD III S5Ej y 2P4OJg Sp4O3J UOJ4V *Z I 6 /IIpOuI1noD qi UiSOlDU AHnJ 5.1DUiElUOD plEoqldEd .io p.iEoqpiE pIE2 -IUIOD JO 2UiISiSUOD 2ElOiS JO POII1DU1 V •paUOi4V 1-1 -61; SuOqruJ E101S WE [91og11] 1iiflO Wi pini MjEA Ii 4h1M pp1AoJd si ipno 4DE J4M 'iqiEM Uiz.1J JO jAuep OU Si I4h Sfl .IO ppUI -Ui Si IEI l'P'i J V J1WJP6H JM 91T8 {i0 'I1 hSi MOU E UI1np SinsSDJd 1E1lP5.1 UE DuElS &1!.IflSED1U .uoj psn Si iqi iuuupAq ;)qj jiwp4j jvnpt cITr S}'J11SAS Ji1'D11flTdS dO N011VTIV.LSH 1 CI.VddN I LNFPA13 I - DEFINITIONS 13-23* Open Array. A storage arrangement where air movement through the pile is enhanced because of vertical flues larger than 6 in. (150 mm). Bin Box Storage. Storage in five-sided wood, metal, or cardboard boxes with open face on the aisles in which boxes are self-supporting or supported by a structure so designed that little or no horizontal or vertical space exists around boxes. Palletized Storage. Storage of commodities on pal- lets or other storage aids that form horizontal spaces be- tween tiers of storage.* Pile Stability, Stable Piles. Those arrays where col- lapse, spillage of content, or leaning of stacks across flue spaces is not likely to occur soon after initial fire develop- ment.* Pile Stability, Unstable Piles. Those arrays where collapse, spillage of contents, or leaning of stacks across flue spaces occurs soon after initial fire development.* Shelf Storage. Storage on structures up to and in- cluding 30 in. (750 mm) deep and separated by aisles at least 30 in. (750 mm) wide.* Back-to-Back Shelf Storage. Two solid or perfo- rated shelves up to 30 in. (750 mm) in depth each, not exceeding a total depth of 60 in. (1.5 m), separated by a longitudinal vertical barrier such as plywood, particle- board, sheet metal, or equivalent, with a maximum 0.25 in. (6 mm) diameter penetrations and no longitudinal flue space and a maximum storage height of 15 ft (4.6 m). Solid-Piled Storage. Storage of commodities stacked on each other. Solid Unit Load of Unexpanded Plastic (Either Car- toned or Exposed). A load that does not have voids (air) within the load and that burns only on the exterior of the load; water from sprinklers might reach most surfaces avail- able to burn. 3.9.3 Rack Storage.* Aisle Width. The horizontal dimension between the face of the loads in racks under consideration. Automotive Components on Portable Racks. Instru- ment panels, windshields, metal and plastic gasoline tanks, heater housings, door panels, interior trim, bumper facia, wiring harnesses, sheet metal, body components, engines, driveline components, steering mechanisms, auxiliary mo- tors, and lighting - all with or without expanded Group A plastic dunnage. This definition does not include the stor- age of air bags, tires, and seats on portable racks. Bulkhead. A vertical barrier across the rack. 3•93•4* Face Sprinklers. Standard sprinklers that are lo- cated in transverse flue spaces along the aisle or in the rack, are within 18 in. (450 mm) of the aisle face of storage, and are used to oppose vertical development of fire on the ex- ternal face of storage. HorizontalBarrier. A solid barrier in the horizontal position covering the entire rack, including all flue spaces at certain height increments, to prevent vertical fire spread. Longitudinal Flue Space. The space between rows of storage perpendicular to the direction of loading with a width not exceeding 24 in. (600 mm) between storage. 3•937* Rack. Any combination of vertical, horizontal, and diagonal members that supports stored materials. [1, 20151 Double-Row Racks. Racks less than or equal to 12 ft (300 mm) in depth or single-row racks placed back to back having an aggregate depth up to 12 ft (300 mm), with aisles having an aisle width of at least 3.5 ft (1.1 m) between loads on racks. Movable Racks. Racks on fixed rails or guides that can be moved back and forth only in a horizontal, two-dimensional plane. A moving aisle is created as abut- ting racks are either loaded or unloaded, then moved across the aisle to abut other racks. Multiple-Row Racks. Racks greater than 12 ft (300 mm) in depth or single- or double-row racks sepa- rated by aisles less than 3.5 ft (1.1 m) wide having an overall width greater than 12 ft (300 mm). Open Rack. Racks without shelving or with shelv- ing in racks that are fixed in place with shelves having a solid surface and a shelf area equal to or less than 20 ft2 (1.9 m2) or with shelves having a wire mesh, slatted surface, or other material with openings representing at least 50 percent of the shelf area including the horizontal area of rack members and where the flue spaces are maintained. Portable Racks. Racks that are not fixed in place and can be arranged in any number of configurations. Rack ShelfArea. The area of the horizontal sur- face of a shelf in a rack defined by perimeter aisle(s) or nominal 6 in. (150 mm) flue spaces on all four sides, or by the placement of loads that block openings that would oth- erwise serve as the required flue spaces. 3•9•3•7•7* Single-Row Racks. Racks that have no longitudi- nal flue space and that have a depth up to 6 ft (1.8 m) with aisles having a width of at least 3.5 ft (1.1 m) between loads on racks. Slatted Shelf Rack. A rack where shelves are fixed in place with a series of narrow individual solid supports used as the shelf material and spaced apart with regular openings. Solid SheifRack. A rack that is not defined as an open rack where shelves are fixed in place with a solid, slatted, or wire mesh barrier used as the shelf material and having limited openings in the shelf area.* Solid Shelving. Shelving that is fixed in place, slat- ted, wire mesh, or other type of shelves located within racks. The area of a solid shelf is defined by perimeter aisle or flue space on all four sides or by the placement of loads that block openings that would otherwise serve as the re- quired flue spaces. Solid shelves having an area equal to or less than 20 ft2 (1.9 m2) are defined as open racks. Shelves of wire mesh, slats, or other materials more than 50 percent open and where the flue spaces are maintained are defined as open racks. Transverse Flue Space. The space between rows of storage parallel to the direction of loading. (See Figure 2016 Edition 13-54 INFPAi3 I INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS ICMDAI For ceilings that have insulation installed directly against underside of the ceiling or roof structure, the deflec- tor distance shall be measured from the bottom of the insula- tion and shall be in accordance with or For insulation that is installed directly against the ceiling or roof structure and is installed flat and parallel to the ceiling or roof structure, the deflector distance shall be mea- sured to the underside of the insulation. For insulation that is installed in a manner that causes it to deflect or sag down from the ceiling or roof struc- ture, the deflector distance shall be measured as half of the distance of the deflection from the insulation high point to the insulation low point. If the deflection or sag in the insulation exceeds 6 in. (150 mm), the deflector distance shall be measured to the high point of the insulation. The deflector shall not be positioned above the low point of the insulation.* Heat collectors shall not be used as a means to assist the activation of a sprinkler. Deflector Orientation. Deflectors of sprinklers shall be aligned parallel to ceilings, roofs, or the incline of stairs. 8.5.5 Obstructions to Sprinkler Discharge.* Performance Objective. Sprinklers shall be located so as to minimize obstructions to discharge as defined in and, or additional sprinklers shall be provided to en- sure adequate coverage of the hazard. (See Figure A.* Obstructions to Sprinkler Discharge Pattern Develop- ment. Continuous or noncontinuous obstructions less than or equal to 18 in. (450 mm) below the sprinkler deflector that prevent the pattern from fully developing shall comply with Sprinklers shall be positioned in accordance with the minimum distances and special requirements of Sec- tion 8.6 through Section 8.12 so that they are located suffi- ciently away from obstructions such as truss webs and chords, pipes, columns, and fixtures.* Obstructions that Prevent Sprinkler Discharge from Reaching Hazard. Continuous or noncontinuous obstructions that interrupt the water discharge in a horizontal plane more than 18 in. (450 mm) below the sprinkler deflector in a man- ner to limit the distribution from reaching the protected haz- ard shall comply with* Sprinklers shall be installed under fixed obstruc- L ti0 over 4ft (1.2 m) in width. Sprinklers shall be located below the obstruction and not more than 3 in. (75 mm) from the outside edge of the obstruction. Where sprinklers are located adjacent to the ob- struction, they shall be of the intermediate level rack type. The deflector of automatic sprinklers installed un- der fixed obstructions shall be positioned no more than 12 in. (300 mm) below the bottom of the obstruction. Sprinklers shall not be required under noncom- bustible obstructions over 4 ft (1.2 in) wide where the bottom of the obstruction is 24 in. (600 mm) or less above the floor or deck. Sprinklers shall not be required under obstructions that are not fixed in place, such as conference tables. Sprinklers installed under obstructions shall be of the same type (spray, CMSA, ESFR, residential) as installed at the ceiling except as permitted by Spray sprinklers shall be permitted to he utilized under overhead doors.* Sprinklers installed under open gratings shall be of the intermediate level/rack storage type or otherwise shielded from the discharge of overhead sprinklers. Closets. In all closets and compartments, including those closets housing mechanical equipment, that are not larger than 400 W(11.3 m3) in size, a single sprinkler at the highest ceiling level shall be sufficient without regard to ob- structions or minimum distance to the wall. 8.5.6 Clearance from Deflector to Storage.* Unless the requirements of,,, or are met, the clearance between the deflector and the top of storage or contents of the room shall he 18 in. (450 mm) or greater. Where other standards specify greater clearance to storage minimums, they shall be followed. A minimum clearance to storage of 36 in. (900 mm) shall be permitted for special sprinklers. A minimum clearance to storage of less than 18 in. (450 mm) between the top of storage and ceiling sprinkler deflectors shall be permitted where proven by successful large- scale fire tests for the particular hazard. The clearance from the top of storage to sprinkler deflectors shall be not less than 36 in. (900 mm) where rubber tires are stored. 8.5.7 Skylights. Sprinklers shall be permitted to be omitted from sky- lights not exceeding 32 ft2 (3.0 m2) in area, regardless of haz- ard classification, that are separated by at least 10 ft (3.0 in) horizontally from any other unprotected skylight or unpro- tected ceiling pocket. When a sprinkler is installed directly beneath a sky- light not exceeding 32 ft2 (3.0 in 2), the distance to the ceiling shall be measured to the plane of the ceiling as if the skylight was not present. Skylights not exceeding 32 ft2 (3.0 m2) shall be per- mitted to have a plastic cover. 8.6 Standard Pendent and Upright Spray Sprinklers. 8.6.1 General. All requirements of Section 8.5 shall apply to standard pendent and upright spray sprinklers except as modified in Section 8.6. 8.6.2 Protection Areas per Sprinkler (Standard Pendent and Upright Spray Sprinklers). Determination of Protection Area of Coverage. Except as permitted by, the protection area of coverage per sprinkler (As) shall be determined in accordance with 2016 Edition 13-56 I NFPA13 I INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS ICMDAI Table Protection Areas and Maximum Spacing of Standard Pendent and Upright Spray Sprinklers for Ordinary Hazard Maximum Protection Area Spacing Construction System Type Type ft2 m2 ft m All All 130 12.1 15 4.6 Table Protection Areas and Maximum Spacing of Standard Pendent and Upright Spray Sprinklers for Extra Hazard Maximum Protection Area Spacing Construction System Type Type ft2 m2 ft m All Pipe 90 8.4 12* 37* schedule All Hydraulically 100 9.3 12* 37* calculated with density 2!0.25 All Hydraulically 130 12.1 15 4.6 calculated with density <0.25 *In buildings where solid structural members create bays up to 25 ft (7.6 ni) wide, maximum spacing between sprinklers is permitted up to 12 ft 6 in. (3.8 m). Table Protection Areas and Maximum Spacing of Standard Pendent and Upright Spray Sprinklers for High-Piled Storage 'in buildings where solid structural members create bays up to 25 ft (7.6 m) wide, maximum spacing between sprinklers is permitted up to 12ft6in. (3.8 iii). Maximum Distance from Walls. The distance from sprinklers to walls shall not ex- ceed one-half of the allowable distance between sprinklers as indicated in Table (a) through Table The distance from the wall to the sprinkler shall be measured perpendicular to the wall.* The requirements of shall not apply where walls are angled or irregular, and the maximum horizontal distance between a sprinkler and any point of floor area pro- tected by that sprinkler shall not exceed 0.75 times the allow- able distance permitted between sprinklers, provided the maximum perpendicular distance is not exceeded.* The requirements of shall not apply within small rooms as defined in 3.3.22. Sprinklers shall be permitted to be located not more than 9 ft (2.7 m) from an)' single wall. Sprinkler spacing limitations of 8.6.3 and area limitations of Table shall not be exceeded. Under curved surfaces, the horizontal distance shall be measured at the floor level from the wall, or the intersec- tion of the curved surface and the floor to the nearest sprin- kler shall not be greater than one-half the allowable distance between sprinklers. Minimum Distances from Walls. Sprinklers shall be lo- cated a minimum of 4 in. (100 mm) from a wall. Minimum DistancesBetween Sprinklers. Unless the requirements of,, or are met, sprinklers shall be spaced not less than 6 ftl Sprinklers shall be permitted to be placed less than 6 ft (1.8 in) on center where the following conditions are sat- isfied: Baffles shall be arranged to protect the actuating ele- ments. Baffles shall be of solid and rigid material that will stay in place before and during sprinkler operation. Baffles shall be not less than 8 in. (200 mm) long and 6 in. (150 mm) high. The tops of baffles shall extend between 2 in. and 3 in. (50 mm and 75 mm) above the deflectors of upright sprinklers. The bottoms of baffles shall extend downward to a level at least even with the deflectors of pendent sprinklers. In-rack sprinklers shall be permitted to be placed less than 6 ft (1.8 m) on center. 8.6.4 Deflector Position (Standard Pendent and Upright Spray Sprinklers). Distance Below Ceilings. Unobstructed Construction. Under unobstructed construction, the distance between the sprinkler deflector and the ceiling shall be a mini- mum of liii. (25 mm) and a maximum of 12 in. (300 mm) throughout the area of coverage of the sprinkler. ..onstrucuon system Type Type Maximum Protection Area Spacing In ft2 m2 ft - All Hydraulically 100 9.3 12* 37* calculated with density ~!0.25 All Hydraulically 130 12.1 15 4.6 Old-style sprinklers protecting fur storage vaults calculated shall he permitted to be placed less than 6 f (1.8 m) on center. with density <0.25 2016 Edition I NFPA13 I IESFRI INSTALLATION REOUIREMENTS 13-85 (3) The obstruction extension shall meet the following re- quirements: The obstruction shall not extend more than 12 in. (300 mm) to either side of the midpoint between sprinklers in accordance with Figure Where the extensions of the obstruction exceed 12 in. (300 mm), one or more lines of sprinklers shall be installed below the obstruction. (4) At least 18 in. (450 mm) clearance shall be maintained between the top of storage and the bottom of the obstruc- tion in accordance with Figure In the special case of an obstruction running par- allel to or directly below a branch line, the following shall occur: The sprinkler shall be located at least 36 in. (900 mm) above the top of the obstruction in accordance with Fig- ure The obstruction shall be limited to a maximum width of 12 in. (300 mm) in accordance with Figure The obstruction shall be limited to a maximum extension of 6 in. (150 mm) to either side of the centerline of the branch line in accordance with Figure 8.11.6 Clearance to Storage (CMSA Sprinklers). The clear- ance between the deflector and the top of storage shall be 36 in. (900 mm) or greater. 8.12 Early Suppression F Sprinklers. 8.12.1 General. All requirements of Section 8.5 shall apply except as modified in Section 8.12. 8.12.2 Protection Areas per Sprinkler (Early Suppression Fast-Response Sprinklers). Determination of Protection Area of Coverage. The protection area of coverage per sprinkler (As) shall be deter- mined in accordance with Maximum Protection Area of Coverage. The maximum allowable protection area of cover- age for a sprinkler (As) shall be in accordance with the value indicated in Table Unless the requirements of are met, the maximum area of coverage of any sprinkler shall not exceed 100 ft2 (9.3m2). g.I2.2* flevi2ti0ns from the maximum snrinkler snacin shall be permitted to eliminate obstructions created by struc- tural elements (such as trusses, barjoists, and wind bracing) by moving a sprinkler along the branch line a maximum of 1 ft (300 mm) from its allowable spacing, provided coverage for that sprinkler does not exceed 110 ft (10.2 m2) per sprinkler where all of the following conditions are met: The average actual floor area protected by the moved sprinkler and the adjacent sprinklers shall not exceed 100 ft2 (9.3 m2). Adjacent branch lines shall maintain the same pattern. In no case shall the distance between sprinklers exceed 12 ft (3.7 m). Deviations from the maximum sprinkler spacing shall be pennitted to eliminate obstructions created by struc- tural elements (such as trusses, barjoists, and wind bracing) by moving a single branch line a maximum of 1 ft (300 mm) from its allowable spacing, provided coverage for the sprinklers on Ceiling 24 in. (600 mm) maximum N Obstruction >24 in. (600 mm) 011 _F Not less than 18 in. (450 mm) 12 in. l Centerline ½S I(300mm)I ½S Top of storage FIGURE Obstruction More Than 24 in. (600 mm) Below Sprinklers (CMSA Sprinklers). 2016 Edition I NFPA13 ESFR I 13-86 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS (2) Unless the requirements of or are Ceiling met, where the storage height exceeds 25 ft (7.6 m) and ceiling height exceeds 30 ft (9.1 m), the distance between shall be limited to not more than 10 ft (3.0 ni) T __T sprinklers between sprinklers. (3)*Regardless of the storage or ceiling height arrangement, Not less Not less than 36 in. I than 36 in. deviations from the maximum sprinkler spacing shall be 6 in. I (900 mm) (150 mm) (900 mm) permitted to eliminate obstructions created by structural maximum I elements (such as trusses, barjoists, and wind bracing) by 1,1 I moving a sprinkler along the branch line a maximum of Obstruction Obstruction 1 ft (300 mm) from its allowable spacing, provided cover- ___________ age for that sprinkler does not exceed 110 ft2 (10.2 m2) where all of the following conditions are met: 12 in. I 12 in. I The average actual floor area protected by the moved sprinkler and the adjacent sprinklers shall not exceed (300 mm) F (300 mm) 1 100 ft2 (9.3 m2). maximum maximum Adjacent branch lines shall maintain the same pat- FIGURE Obstruction More Than 36 in. (914 mm) tern. In no case shall the distance between sprinklers ex- Below Sprinklers (CMSA Sprinklers). ceed 12 ft (3.7 m). (4) Where branch lines are parallel to trusses and bar joists, that branch line and the sprinklers on the branch line it is deviations from the maximum sprinkler spacing shall be moving away from does not exceed 110 ft2 (10.2 rn2) per sprin- permitted to eliminate obstructions created by structural kler where all of the following conditions are met: elements (such as trusses, barjoist.s, and wind bracing) by moving a single branch line a maximum of 1 ft (300 mm) (1) The average actual floor area protected by the sprinklers from its allowable spacing, provided coverage for the on the moved branch line and the sprinklers on the adja- sprinklers on that branch line and the sprinklers on the cent branch lines shall not exceed 100 ft2 (9.3 m2) per branch line it is moving away from does not exceed 110 ft2 sprinkler. (10.2 m2) per sprinkler where all of the following condi- (2) In no case shall the distance between sprinklers exceed tions are met: 12 ft (3.7 m). (3) It shall not be permitted to move a branch line where The average actual floor area protected by the 5pm- there are moved sprinklers on a branch line that exceed klers on the moved branch line and the sprinklers on the maximum sprinkler spacing. the adjacent branch lines shall not exceed 100 ft2 (9.3 m2) per sprinkler. Minimum Protection Area of Coverage. The mini- In no case shall the distance between sprinklers ex- mum allowable protection area of coverage for a sprinkler (As) ceed 12 ft (3.7 m). shall not be less than 64 ft2 (5.92) It shall not be permitted to move a branch line where 8.12.3 Sprinkler Spacing (Early Suppression Fast-Response there are moved sprinklers on a branch line that ex- ceed the maximum sprinkler spa ing. Sprinklers). Maximum Distance Between Sprinklers. The maxi- Maximum Distance from Walls. The distance from mum distance between sprinklers shall be in accordance with sprinklers to walls shall not exceed one-half of the allowable the following: I distance permitted between sprinklers as indicated in Table (1) Where the storage height is less than or equal to 25 ft (7.6 m) and the ceiling height is less than or equal to 30 ft Minimum Distance from Walls. Sprinklers shall be (9.1 m), the distance between sprinklers shall be limited located a minimum of 4 in. (100 mm) from a wall. to not more than 12 ft (3.7 m) between sprinklers as 8 1234 Minimum Distance Between Sprinklers Sprinklers shown in Table -, [s~al;bespacednotless than 8 ft (2.4 m) on center. Table Protection Areas and Maximum Spacing of ESFR Sprinklers Ceiling/Roof Heights Up to 30 ft (9.1 m) Ceiling/Roof Heights Over 30 ft (9.1 m) Protection Area Spacing Protection Area Spacing Construction Type ft2 m2 ft m ft2 m2 ft m Noncombustible 100 9.3 12 3.7 100 9.3 10 3.0 unobstructed Noncombustible obstructed 100 9.3 12 3.7 100 9.3 10 3.0 ComhustibIeun.obsrnictesL. 100 9.3 12 3.7 100 9.3 10 3.0 Combustible obstructed N/A N/A N/A N/A 2016 Edition 13-88 I NFPA13 I INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS I ESFR I Sprinklers shall be installed below continuous obstruc- tions, or they shall be arranged to comply with Table for horizontal obstructions entirely below the elevation of sprinklers that restrict sprinkler discharge pattern for two or more adjacent sprinklers such as ducts, lights, pipes, and conveyors. Additional sprinklers shall not be required where the ob- struction is 2 in. (50 mm) or less in width and is located a minimum of 2 ft (600 mm) below the elevation of the sprinkler deflector or is positioned a minimum of 1 ft (300 mm) horizontally from the sprinkler. Additional sprinklers shall not be required where the ob- struction is 1 ft (300 mm) or less in width and located a minimum of 1 ft (300 nim) horizontally from the sprin- kler. Additional sprinklers shall not be required where the ob- struction is 2 ft (600 mm) or less in width and located a minimum of 2 ft (600 mm) horizontally from the sprin- kler. Ceiling sprinklers shall not be required to comply with Table where a row of sprinklers is installed un- der the obstruction. Bottom Chords of Bar Joists or Open Trusses. ESFR sprinklers shall be positioned a minimum of 1 ft (300 mm) horizontally from the nearest edge to any bottom chord of a barjoist or open truss. The requirements of shall not apply where upright sprinklers are located over the bottom chords of bar joists or open trusses that are 4 in. (100 mm) maximum in width.* For pipes, conduits, or groups of pipes and con- duit to be considered individual, they must be separated from the closest adjacent pipe, conduit, cable tray, or similar ob- structions by a minimum of three times the width of the adja- cent pipe, conduit, cable tray, or similar obstruction. Open Gratings. Sprinklers installed under open gratings shall be of the intermediate level/rack storage type or otherwise shielded from the discharge of overhead sprinklers. Overhead Doors. Quick-response spray sprinklers shall be permitted to be utilized under overhead doors. Special Obstruction Allowance. Sprinklers with a special obstruction allowance shall be installed according to theiclis.ting. 8.12.6 Clearance to Storage (Early Suppression Fast- Response Sprinklers). The clearance between the deflector and the top of storage shall be 36 in. (900 mm) or greater. 8.13 In-Rack Sprinklers. 8.13.1 System Size. The area protected by a single system of sprinklers in racks shall not exceed 40,000 ft2 (3720 m2) of floor area occupied by the racks, including aisles, regardless of the number of levels of in-rack sprinklers. 8.13.2 Type of In-Rack Sprinklers. Sprinklers in racks shall be ordinary-temperature standard-response or quick-response classification with a nominal K-factor of K-5.6 (80), K-8.0 (115), or K-11.2 (160), pendent or upright. Sprinklers with intermediate- and high-temperature ratings shall be used near heat sources as required by 8.3.2. 8.13.3 In-Rack Sprinkler Water Shields. In-Rack Sprinkler Water Shields for Storage of Class I Through Class P1 Commodities. Water shields shall be provided directly above in-rack sprinklers, or listed intermedi- ate level/rack storage sprinklers shall be used where there is more than one level, if not shielded by horizontal barriers. (See Section C.3.) In-Rack Sprinkler Water Shields for Plastic Storage. Where in-rack sprinklers are not shielded by horizontal barri- ers, water shields shall be provided above the sprinklers, or listed intermediate level/rack storage sprinklers shall be used. 8.13A Location, Position, and Spacing of In-Rack Sprinklers. The location, position, and spacing of in-rack sprinklers shall comply with the requirements in Chapters 12 through 20 as applicable. Minimum Distance Between In-Rack Sprinklers. In- rack sprinklers shall be permitted to be placed less than 6 ft (1.8m) on center. 8.13.5 Obstructions to In-Rack Sprinkler Discharge. In-rack sprinklers shall not be required to meet the obstruction crite- ria and clearance from storage requirements of Section 8.5. 8.14 Pilot Line Detectors. 8.14.1 Pilot line detectors and related components including pipe and fittings shall be corrosion resistant when installed in areas exposed to weather or corrosive conditions. 8.14.2 Where subject to mechanical or physical damage, pilot line detectors and related detection system components shall be protected. 8.14.3 Where spray sprinklers are used as pilot line detectors, they shall be installed in accordance with Section 8.14 and the spacing and location rules of Section 8.6, except that the ob- struction to water distribution rules for automatic sprinklers shall not be required to be followed. Where located under a ceiling, pilot sprinklers shall be positioned in accordance with the requirements of Sec- tion 8.6. 8.14.4 The temperature rating of spray sprinklers utilized as pilot line detectors shall be selected in accordance with 8.3.2. 8.14.5 Maximum horizontal spacing for indoor locations shall not exceed 12 ft (3.7 m). 8.14.6 Pilot line detectors shall be permitted to be spaced more than 22 in. (550 mm) below a ceiling or deck where the maximum spacing between pilot line detectors is 10 ft (3.0 m) or less. Other maximum horizontal spacing differing from those required in 8.14.5 shall be permitted where installed in accordance with their listing. 8.14.7 Pilot line detectors located outdoors, such as in open process structures, shall be spaced such that the elevation of a single level of pilot line detectors and between additional lev- els of pilot line detectors shall not exceed 17 ft (5.2 m). 8.148 The maximum distance between pilot line detectors installed outdoors shall not exceed 8 ft (2.4 m). The horizontal distance between pilot line detectors installed outdoors on a given level shall be permitted to be 2016 Edition I NFPA13 I 13-146 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Chapter 12 General Requirements for Storage 12.1 General. The requirements of Section 12.1 shall apply to all storage arrangements and commodities other than miscel- laneous storage (see Chapter 13) and as modified by specific sections in Chapter 14 through Chapter 20. 12.1.1 Roof Vents and Draft Curtains. See Section C.6.* Manually operated roof vents or automatic roof vents with operating elements that have a higher temperature classification than the automatic sprinklers shall be permitted. Early suppression fast-response (ESFR) sprinklers shall not be used in buildings with automatic heat or smoke vents unless the vents use a high-temperature rated, standard- response operating mechanism.* Draft curtains shall not be used within ESFR sprin- kler systems. Draft curtains separating ESFR sprinklers at system breaks or from control mode sprinklers or between hazards shall be permitted. (See 12.1.2 Ceiling Slope. The sprinkler system criteria specified in Chapter 12 and Chapters 14 through 20 are intended to apply to buildings with ceiling slopes not exceeding 2 in 12 (16.7 percent) unless modified by a specific section in Chap- ter 12 and Chapters 14 through 20. 12.1.3* Building and Storage Height. The maximum building height shall be measured to the underside of the roof deck or ceiling or in accordance with through For corrugated metal deck roofs up to 3 in. (75 mm) in depth, the maximum roof height shall be mea- sured from floor to the bottom of the deck. For decks deeper than 3 in. (75 mm), the maxi- mum roof height shall be measured to the highest point on the deck. For ceilings that have insulation installed directly against underside of the ceiling or roof structure, the maxi- mum roof height shall be measured to the bottom of insula- tion and shall be in accordance with or For insulation that is installed directly against the ceiling or roof structure and is installed flat and parallel to the ceiling or roof structure, the maximum roof height shall be measured to the underside of the insulation. For insulation that is installed in a manner that causes it to deflect or sag down from the ceiling or roof struc- ture, the maximum roof height shall be measured as half of the distance of the deflection from the insulation high point to the insulation low point. If the deflection or sag in the insu- lation exceeds 6 in. (150 mm), the maximum roof height shall be measured to the high point of the insulation.* Where the building height changes within a com- partment, the sprinklers directly over the storage shall be ca- pable of protecting storage directly beneath. Where a barrier to heat and smoke in accor- dance with 12.3(2) or 12.3(3) is not present, the sprinkler criteria 15 ft (4.6 m) into the perimeter of the lower ceiling area shall be the same as the sprinkler protection for the high ceiling area. ESFR sprinklers shall be used only in buildings equal to, or less than, the height of the building for which they have been listed. The sprinkler system design shall be based on the storage height and clearance to ceiling that routinely or peri- odically exist in the building and create the greatest water demand. Where storage is placed above doors, the storage height shall be calculated from the base of storage above the door. Clearance to Ceiling.* The clearance to ceiling shall be measured in ac- cordance with through For corrugated metal deck roofs up to 3 in. (75 mm) in depth, the clearance to ceiling shall be measured from the top of storage to the bottom of the deck. For corrugated metal deck roofs deeper than 3 in. (75 mm), the clearance to ceiling shall be measured to the highest point on the deck. For ceilings that have insulation attached di- rectly to underside of the ceiling or roof structure, the clear- ance to ceiling shall be measured from the top of storage to the bottom of the insulation and shall be in accordance with or For insulation that is attached directly to the ceiling or roof structure and is installed flat and parallel to the ceiling or roof structure, the clearance to ceiling shall be measured from the top of storage to the underside of the insulation. For insulation that is installed in a manner that causes it to deflect or sag down from the ceiling or roof structure, the clearance to ceiling shall be measured from the top of storage to a point half of the distance of the deflection from the insu- lation high point to the insulation low point. If the deflection or sag in the insulation exceeds Gin. (150 mm), the clearance to ceiling shall be measured from the top of storage to the high point of the insulation. For spray sprinkler criteria where the clearance to ceiling exceeds those identified in this section, the require- ments of through shall apply. Where the clearance to ceiling exceeds 20 ft (6.1 m) for Chapters 14 and 15, protection shall be based upon the storage height that would result in a clearance to ceiling of 20 ft (6.1 m). Where the clearance to ceiling exceeds 20 ft (6.1 m) for Section 16.2, protection shall be based upon the storage height that would result in a clearance to ceiling of 20 ft (6.1 m) or providing one level of supplemental, quick- response in-rack sprinklers located directly below the top tier of storage and at every flue space intersection. Where the clearance to ceiling exceeds 10 ft (3.0 m) for Section 16.3 or Section 17.2, protection shall be based upon the storage height that would result in a clearance to ceiling of 10 ft (3.0 m) or providing one level ofsupplemen- tal, quick-response in-rack sprinklers located directly below the top tier of storage and at every flue space intersection. Where the clearance exceeds 10 ft (3.0 m) for Sec- tion 17.3, protection shall be based upon providing one level 2016 Edition I NFPA 13 I I ESFR I GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR STORAGE 13-147 of supplemental, quick-response in-rack sprinklers located di- rectly below the top tier of storage and at ever)' flue space intersection. When applying the supplemental in-rack sprinkler option, the ceiling density shall be based upon the given stor- age height with an assumed acceptable clearance to ceiling. If in-rack sprinklers are required for the actual storage height with an acceptable clearance to ceiling, in-rack sprinklers shall be installed as indicated by that criteria. 12.1.4 High Volume Low Speed (HVLS) Fans.* The installation of 1-PTLS fans in buildings equipped with sprinklers, including ESFR sprinklers, shall comply with the following: The maximum fan diameter shall be 24 ft (7.3 m). The HVLS fan shall be centered approximately between four adjacent sprinklers. The vertical clearance from the HVLS fan to sprinkler deflector shall be a minimum of 3 ft (900 mm). All FI\TLS fans shall be interlocked to shut down immedi- ately upon receiving a waterfiow signal from the alarm system in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 72. 12.2* Hose Connections. 12.2.1 Small hose connections [11/2 in. (38 mm)] shall be provided where required by the authority having jurisdiction in accordance with 8.17.5 for first-aid fire-fighting and over- haul operations. 12.2.2 Small hose connections shall not be required for the protection of Class I, II, III, and IV commodities stored 12 ft (3.7 in) or less in height. 12.3* Adjacent Hazards or Design Methods. For buildings with two or more adjacent hazards or design methods, the following shall apply: Where areas are not physically separated by a barrier or partition capable of delaying heat from a fire in one area from fusing sprinklers in the adjacent area, the required sprinkler protection for the more demanding design basis shall extend 15 ft (4.6 in) beyond its perimeter. The requirements of 12.3(1) shall not apply where the areas are separated by a draft curtain or barrier located above an aisle, horizontally a minimum of 2 ft (600 mm) from the adjacent hazard on each side, or a partition that is capable of delaying heat from a fire in one area from fusing sprinklers in the adjacent area. The requirements of 12.3(1) shall not apply to the exten- sion of more demanding criteria from an upper ceiling level to beneath a lower ceiling level where the difference in height between the ceiling levels is at least 2 ft (600 mm), located above an aisle, horizontally a mini- mum 2 ft (600 mm) from the adjacent hazard on each side. 12.4* Wet Pipe Systems. 12.4.1 Sprinkler systems shall be wet pipe systems 12.4.2* In areas that are subject to freezing or where special conditions exist, dry pipe systems and preaction systems shall be permitted to protect storage occupancies. 12.5 Dry Pipe and Preaction Systems. For dry pipe systems and preaction systems, the area of sprinkler operation shall be increased by 30 percent without revising the density. 12.6* Storage Applications. 12.6.1 For storage applications with densities of 0.2 gpm/ft2 (8.1 mm/mm) or less, standard-response sprinklers with a K-factor of K-5.6 (80) or larger shall be permitted. 12.6.2 For general storage applications, rack storage, rubber tire storage, roll paper storage, and baled cotton storage being protected with upright and pendent spray sprinklers with re- quired densities of greater than 0.2 gpm/ft2 to 0.34 gpm/ft2 (8.1 mm/min to 13.9 mm/mm), standard-response sprinklers with a nominal K-factor of K-8.0 (115) or larger shall be used. 12.6.3 For general storage applications, rack storage, rubber tire storage, roll paper storage, and baled cotton storage being protected with upright and pendent spray sprinklers with re- quired densities greater than 0.34 gpm/ft2 (13.9 mm/min), standard-response spray sprinklers with a K-factor of K-i 1.2 (161) or larger that are listed for storage applications shall be used. 12.6.4* Unless the requirements of 12.6.5 are met, the re- quirements of 12.6.2 and 12.6.3 shall not apply to modifica- tions to existing storage application systems, using sprinklers with K-factors of K-8.0 (115) or less. 12.6.5 Where applying the requirements of Figure and Figure utilizing the design criteria of 0.6 gpm/ft2 per 2000 ft2 (24.4 mm/min per 186 n-i2) to existing storage applications, the requirements of 12.6.3 shall apply. 12.6.6 The use of quick-response spray sprinklers for storage applications shall be permitted when listed for such use. 12.6.7 CMSA and ESFR sprinklers shall be permitted to pro- tect storage of Class I through Class IV commodities, Group A plastic commodities, miscellaneous storage, and other storage as specified in Chapter 12 through Chapter 20 or by other ESFR sprinklers designed to meet any criteria in Chapter 12 or Chapter 14 through Chapter 20 shall be permit- ted to protect any of the following: Light hazard occupancies Ordinary hazard occupancies Any storage arrangement in Chapter 13 referencing Quick-response CMSA sprinklers designed to meet any criteria in Chapter 12 or Chapter 14 through Chapter 20 shall be permitted to protect any of the following: Light hazard occupancies Ordinary hazard occupancies Any storage arrangement in Chapter 13 referencing OH1, 0H2, EH1, and EH2 design criteria Standard-response CMSA sprinklers designed to meet any criteria in Chapter 12 or Chapter 14 through Chap- ter 20 shall be permitted to protect an)' of the following: Ordinary hazard occupancies Any storage arrangement in Chapter 13 referencing OH1, 0H2, EH1, and EH2 design criteria 12.6.8 The design figures indicate water demands for ordinary- tempem-ature-i-ated and nominal high-temperature-rated sprin- klers at the ceiling. 2016 Edition I NFPA 13 I 13-148 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS The ordinary-temperature design densities corre- spond to ordinary-temperature-rated sprinklers and shall be used for sprinklers with ordinary- and intermediate- temperature classification. The high-temperature design densities correspond to high-temperature-rated sprinklers and shall be used for sprinklers having a high-temperature rating. 12.6.9 Ordinary- and intermediate-temperature sprinklers with K-factors of K-11.2 (161) or larger, where listed for storage, shall be permitted to use the densities for high- temperature sprinklers. 12.7 Discharge Considerations. 12.7.1 The water supply for sprinklers only shall be deter- mined either from the density/area requirements of Chap- ter 12 through Chapter 20 or shall be based upon the room design method in accordance with Section 12. 10, at the discre- tion of the designer. 12.7.2* Systems with Multiple Hazard Classifications. For sys- tems with multiple hazard classifications, the hose stream al- lowance and water supply duration shall be in accordance with Section 12.8 as well as one of the following: The water supply requirements for the highest hazard classification within the system shall be used. The water supply requirements for each individual hazard classification shall be used in the calculations for the de- sign area for that hazard. "For systems with multiple hazard classifications where the higher classification only lies within single rooms less than or equal to 400 ft2 (37.2 m2) in area with no such rooms adjacent, the water supply requirements for the principal occupancy shall be used for the remainder of the system. 12.7.3 The calculations shall satisfy any single point on ap- propriate density/area curves. 12.7.4 The minimum water supply requirements shall be de- termined by adding the hose stream allowance from Sec- tion 12.8 to the water supply for sprinklers as determined by Chapter 12 through Chapter 20. 12.7.5 The minimum water supply requirements determined from 12.7.4 shall be available for the minimum duration speci- fied in Section 12.8. 12.7.6 Total system water supply requirements shall be deter- mined in accordance with the hydraulic calculation proce- dures of Chapter 23. When using the density/area method, the design area shall meet the requirements of When using CMSA, the design area shall meet the requirements of When using ESFR sprinklers, the design area shall consist of the most hydraulically demanding area of 12 sprin- klers, consisting of four sprinklers on each of three branch lines, unless other specific numbers of design sprinklers are required in other sections of this standard. 12.7.7 Multiple Adjustments. Where multiple adjustments to the area of operation are required to be made, these adjustments shall be com- pounded based on the area of operation originally selected. If the building has unsprinklered combustible con- cealed spaces, the rules of Section 12.9 shall be applied after all other modifications have been made. The minimum design density for any sprinkler sys- tem installed in a storage occupancy shall be not less than 0.15 gpm/ft2 (6.1 mm/mm) after all adjustments are made. 12.8 Hose Stream Allowance and Water Supply Duration. 12.8.1* Tanks shall be sized to supply the equipment that they serve. 12.8.2* Pumps shall be sized to supply the equipment that they serve. 12.8.3 Water allowance for outside hose shall be added to the sprinkler requirement at the connection to the city main or a yard hydrant, whichever is closer to the system riser. 12.8.4 Where inside hose connections are planned or are required, the following shall apply: A total water allowance of 50 gpm (190 L/min) for a single hose connection installation shall be added to the sprinkler requirements. A total water allowance of 100 gpm (380 L/min) for a multiple hose connection installation shall be added to the sprinkler requirements. The water allowance shall be added in 50 gpm (190 L/ mm) increments beginning at the most remote hose con- nection, with each increment added at the pressure re- quired by the sprinkler system design at that point. 12.8.5 When hose valves for fire department use are attached to wet pipe sprinkler system risers in accordance with, the following shall apply: (I) The water supply shall not be required to be added to standpipe demand as determined from NFPA 14. Where the combined sprinkler system demand and hose stream allowance of Chapter 12 and Chapters 14 through 20 exceeds the requirements of NFPA 14, this higher de- mand shall be used. For partially sprinklered buildings, the sprinkler demand, not including hose stream allowance, as indicated in Chapter 12 and Chapters 14 through 20 shall be added to the requirementsgiven in NFPA 14. 12.8.6 Unless indicated otherwise, the minimum water sup- 1 ply requirements for a hydraulically designed sprinkler system shall be determined by adding the hose stream allowance from Table 12.8.6 to the water demand for sprinklers. 12.9 Unsprinldered Combustible Concealed Spaces. 12.9.1* When using the density/area method or room design method, unless the requirements of 12.9.2 are met for build- ings having unsprinklered combustible concealed spaces as described in and 8.15.6, the minimum area ofsprin- kler operation for that portion of the building shall be 3000 ft2 (280 m2 ). The design area of 3000 ft2 (280 m2) shall be applied only to the sprinkler system or portions of the sprinkler system that are adjacent to the qualifying combustible concealed space. The term adjacent shall apply to any sprinkler system protecting a space above, below, or next to the qualifying con- cealed space except where a barrier with a fire resistance rat- ing at least equivalent to the water supply duration completely separates the concealed space from the sprinklered area. 2016 Edition I NFPA13 I GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR STORAGE 13-149 Table 12.8.6 Hose Stream Allowance and Water Supply Duration Number of Ceiling Size of Hose Stream Allowance Water Sprinklers Design Supply Sprinkler in Design Area at Duration Commodity Sprinkler Type Spacing Type Area* Ceiling gpm L/min (minutes) Up to 1200 ft2 (110rn2) 250 950 60 Over 1200 ft2 (ill m2) up to Control mode 1500 ft2 density/area Standard and NA (140 m2) 500 1900 90 (CMDA) extended-coverage ___________________________________________ ()v r Class 1-TV Commodities, Group A plastics, idle wood pallets, idle plastic pallets and miscellaneous storage Control Mode Specific Application 1500 ft2 (139 m2) up to 2600 ft2 (240 rn2) 500 1900 120 Over 2600 ft2 (240m2) 500 1900 150 Standard Un to 12 NA 250 950 60 Over 12 to 15 NA 500 1900 90 Over 15 to 25 NA 500 1900 120 Over 25 NA 500 1900 150 Upto6 NA 250 950 60 (LIV11t) Up to 8f NA 250 950 60 Extended-coverage Over 6to8 NA 500 1900 90 Over 8 to 12 NA 500 1900 120 Over 12 NA 500 1900 150 [ESFR i o12NA 250 950 601 Over 12 to Early Suppression 15 NA 500 1900 90 Fast Response Standard (ESFR) Over 15 to 25 NA 500 1900 120 Over 25 NA 500 1900 150 On-floor rubber tire Standard and storage up to 5 ft CMDA & CMSA (1.5 in) in height extended-coverageAny Any 250 950 120 (continues) 2016 Edition ATTACHMENT #6A AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS RACK STORAGE: ESFR RACK STORAGE AREAS #1 & #2 I NFPA13 I 13-214 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS In-Rack Sprinkler Requirements Where CMSA Sprin- klers Are Used at Ceiling. In-rack sprinklers shall be installed at the first tier level at or above one-half of the storage height. The minimum of 6 in. (150 mm) vertical clear space shall be maintained between the sprinkler deflectors and the top of a tier of storage. (A) Sprinkler discharge shall not be obstructed by horizontal rack members.* In-rack sprinklers shall be located at an intersec- tion of transverse and longitudinal flues. The maximum horizontal distance between in- rack sprinklers shall be 5 ft (1.5 m). Where distances between transverse flues exceed the maximum allowable distances, sprinklers shall be installed at the intersection of the transverse and longitudinal flues, and additional sprinklers shall be installed between transverse flues to meet the maximum distance rules. Where no transverse flues exist, in-rack sprinklers shall not exceed the maximum spacing rules. In-Rack Sprinkler Water Demand. The water de- mand for sprinklers installed in racks shall be based on simul- taneous operation of the most hydraulically remote eight sprinklers. In-Rack Sprinkler Discharge Pressure. Sprinklers in racks shall discharge at not less than 15 psi (1.0 bar) for all classes of commodities. (See Section C.19.) 17.2.3* Early Suppression Fast-Response (ESFR) Sprinklers for Rack Storage of Group A Plastic Commodities Stored Up to and Including 25 ft (7.6 m) in Height. Protection of single-, double-, and multiple-row rack storage of cartoned or exposed unexpanded Group A plastic and cartoned expanded Group A plastic shall be in accor- dance with Table ESFR protection as defined shall not apply to the following: Rack storage involving solid shelves, except as permitted by Rack storage involving open-top cartons or containers ESFR sprinklers shall not be permitted to protect storage on solid shelf racks unless the solid shelf racks are protected with in-rack sprinklers in accordance with 17.1.5. Where solid shelves are used, in-rack sprinklers shall be installed in every level below the highest solid shelf. ESFR sprinkler systems shall be designed such that the minimum operating pressure is not less than that indi- cated in Table for type of storage, commodity, storage height, and building height involved. The design area shall consist of the most hydrauli- cally demanding area of 12 sprinklers, consisting of four sprin- klers on each of three branch lines. In-Rack Sprinkler Requirements Where ESFR Sprin- klers Are Used at Ceiling. Where required by Table, in-rack sprin- klers shall be installed at the first tier level at or above one-half of the storage height. In-rack sprinklers shall be K-8.0 (115) or K-11.2 (160) quick-response, ordinary-temperature sprinklers. The minimum of 6 in. (150 mm) vertical clear space shall be maintained between the sprinkler deflectors and the top of a tier of storage. (A) Sprinkler discharge shall not be obstructed by horizontal rack members. The maximum horizontal distance between in- rack sprinklers shall be 5 ft (1.5 m).* In-rack sprinklers shall be located at an intersec- tion of transverse and longitudinal flues while not exceeding the maximum spacing rules. Where distances between transverse flues exceed the maximum allowable distances, sprinklers shall be installed at the intersection of the transverse and longitudinal flues, and additional sprinklers shall be installed between transverse flues to meet the maximum distance rules. Where no transverse flues exist, in-rack sprinklers shall not exceed the maximum spacing rules. The water demand for sprinklers installed in racks shall be based on simultaneous operation of the most hydrau- lically remote eight sprinklers. Each of the in-rack sprinklers described in shall discharge at a minimum of 60 gpm (227 L/min).* Protection of Exposed Expanded Group A Plastics. Protection of single-, double-, and multiple-row rack storage of exposed expanded Group A plastics shall be permitted to be in accordance with through The maximum storage height shall be 25 ft (9.1111). The maximum ceiling height shall be 40 ft (12.2 m). Sprinklers shall be intermediate temperature— rated ESFR pendent sprinklers with a nominal K-factor of K-25.2 (360). The design area shall consist of the most hydrauli- cally demanding area of 12 sprinklers. Subsection was revised by a tentative interim amendment (TIA). See page 1. The minimum operating pressure shall be either 30 psi (2.0 bar) or 60 psi (4.1 bar) based upon the applicable storage and ceiling height for the installation as follows: 30 psi (2.0 bar) for storage heights up to 25 ft (7.6 m) with a maximum ceiling height of 30 ft (9.1 in) 60 psi (4.1 bar) for storage heights up to 25 ft (7.6 in) with a maximum ceiling height of 40 ft (12.2 in) The minimum aisle width shall be 8 ft (2.4 m). The rack shall have a solid vertical barrier of % in. (9.5 mm) plywood or particleboard, 22 gauge sheet metal, or equivalent, from face of rack to face of rack, spaced at a maxi- mum of 16.5 ft (5.0 m) intervals. The vertical barrier shall extend from a maxi- mum of 4 in. (102 mm) above the floor to the maximum stor- age height. The plan area of storae between vertical barri- ers and aisles shall not exceed 124 ft (11.52 m2). 2016 Edition I NFPA13 I PROTECTION OF RACK STORAGE OF PLASTIC AND RUBBER COMMODITIES 13-215 [table !7.Z.3.1 ESFR Protection of Rack Storage of Group A Plastic Commodities Stored Up to 'and Including 25 ft (7.6 m) in Height Maximum Storage Arrangement .. Commodity Maximum Storage Height Ceiling/Roof Height Nominal K-Factor Orientation Minimum Operating Pressure In-Rack Sprinkler Requirements ft In ft In psi bar Single-, double-, Cartoncd unexpanded 20 6 . and 14.0 (200) Upright/ pendent 50 3.4 No 16.8 Upright/ 35 2.4 No multiple-row racks (no open-top containers) 25 7.6 (240) pendent 22.4 (320) Pendent 25 1.7 No 25.2 Pendent (360) 15 1.0 No 14.0 Upright/ 50 3.4 No (200) pendent 16.8 Upright,' 35 2.4 No 30 9.1 (240) pendent 22.4 Pendent 25 1.7 No (320) 25.2 Pendent 15 1.0 No (360) 14.0 Upright/ 75 5.2 No (200) pendent 16.8 Upright/ 52 3.6 No 35 11 (240) pendent 22.4 Pendent 35 2.4 No (320) 25.2 Pendent 20 1.4 No (360) 16.8 Pendent 52 3.6 No (240) 22.4 Pendent (320) 40 2.7 No 40 12 25.2 Pendent 25 1.7 No (360) 14.0 Pendent 90 6.2 Yes (200) 16.8 Pendent 63 4.3 Yes (240) 45 14 22.4 Pendent 40 2.7 No (320) 25.2 Pendent 40 2.7 No (360) 25 76 14.0 (200) Upright/ pendent 50 3.4 No 16.8 Upright,' 35 2.4 No 30 9.1 (240) pendent 22.4 Pendent 25 1.7 No (320) ______ 25.2 Pcndcnt 15 1.0 No (360) (continues) 2016 Edition Basis of Desigi:... I I DENSITY 2. DESIGNED AREA OF System Deman ' . GPM UISCI4RGE 971 Poe to .11 1. RESIDUAL PRESSURE Al THE . BASE of 1Ht HISER A A qc ATTACHMENT #6B MEZZANINE: SHELF STORAGE AREA #3 STORAGE HEIGHT < 5 FT NON HIGH-PILED (TREATED PER NFPA 13) IF00R STORAGE (MISCELLANEOUS STORAGE) I 13-153 Table ESFR Sprinkler Protection for Indoor Storage of Idle Plastic Pallets Maximum Storage Maximum Minimum Operating Height Ceiling/Roof Height Pressure Type of Sprinkler (Orientation) Location of Storage Nominal K-Factor ft In ft m psi bar 14.0 25 7.6 30 9.1 50 3.4 25 7.6 32 10 60 4.1 (200) On floor or rack ESFR (pendent) without solid 25 7.6 30 9.1 35 2.4 shelves 16.8 240 25 7.6 32 10 42 2.9 35 11 40 12 52 3.6 Where plastic pallets are stored without cutoffs from other storage, the following shall apply: Maximum storage height of 10 ft (3.0 m) Maximum ceiling height of 30 ft (9.1 in) Sprinkler density 0.6 gpm/ft2 over 2000 ft2 (24.4 mm/ min over 186 m2) Minimum sprinkler K-factor of 16.8 (240) Plastic pallets shall have no impact on the re- quired sprinkler protection when stored as follows: Storage shall be piled no higher than 4 ft (1.2 m). Sprinkler protection shall employ high temperature- rated sprinklers. Each pallet pile of no more than two stacks shall be sepa- rated from other pallet piles by at least 8 ft (2.4 in) of clear space or 25 ft (7.6 m) of stored commodity. Minimum ceiling design of 0H2 shall be used. Idle plastic pallets shall be stored only in racks where protected in accordance with the requirements of Table When specific test data and a product listing are available, the data shall take precedence in determining the required protection of idle plastic pallets stored in racks. 12.12.3 Idle Pallets Stored on Racks, on Shelves, and Above Doors. Idle pallets shall not be stored on racks or shelves, except where permitted in,, and Idle pallets shall be permitted to be stored on the lowest level of storage only where no storage or shelves are lo- cated above the stored pallets and the applicable protection cri- teria referenced for on-floor storage in Section 12.12 are applied. Where idle pallet storage is above a door, the idle pallet storage height and ceiling height shall be calculated from the base of storage above the door using the applicable protection criteria referenced in Section 12.12. 12.12.4 High-Expansion Foam - Reduction in Ceiling Den- sity. A reduction in ceiling density to one-half that required for idle pallets shall be permitted without revising the design area, but the density shall be no less than 0.15 gpm/ft2 (6.1 mm/mm). Chapter 13 Protection of Miscellaneous and Low-Piled Storage 3.1 General. 13.1.1 This chapter shall apply to any of the following situa- tions: Miscellaneous storage of Class I through Class IV com- modities up to 12 ft (3.7 m) in height Miscellaneous storage of Group A plastics up to 12 ft (3.7 in) in height Miscellaneous storage of rubber tires up to 12 ft (3.7 m) in height Miscellaneous storage of rolled paper up to 12 ft (3.7 m) in height Storage of Class I through Class IV commodities up to 12 ft (3.7 m) in height as directed by and Storage of Group A plastics up to 5 ft (1.5 m) in height as directed by 15.2.1 and 13.1.2 Hose Connections. Hose connections shall not be re- quired for the protection of miscellaneous storage. 13.1.3 Solid Shelf Racks. For storage of Class 1 through Class IV 12 ft- (3.7 in) or less in height that does not meet the definition of Miscella- neou.c Storage that is on solid shelf racks, in-rack sprinklers shall be provided in accordance with 16.1.6, and ceiling sprinkler protection shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 13. For storage of Group A Plastics 5 ft (1.5 in) or less in height that does not meet the definition of Miscellaneous Stor- age that is on solid shelf racks, in-rack sprinklers shall be pro- vided in accordance with 17.1.5, and ceiling sprinkler protec- tion shall be provided in accordance with Chpter 13. 13.2 Design Basis. 13.2.1 The protection criteria shall be selected from Table 13.2.1 and Figure 13.2.1. 13.2.2 Installation criteria as permitted by NFPA 13 and de- sign criteria and modifiers as permitted by the density/area method of Chapter 11 for ordinary hazard Group 1, ordinary hazard Group 2, extra hazard Group 1, and extra hazard Group 2 occupancies shall be applicable. I NFPA 13 I 2016 Edition 13-154 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Table 13.2.1 Discharge Criteria for Miscellaneous Storage Up to 12 ft (3.7 m) in Height Total Combined Maximum Inside and Outside Storage Height Ceiling Height Design Curve Inside Hose Hose Duration ft m ft I m gpm I L/min gpm L/min Commodity Type of Storage Figure 13.2.1 Note (minutes) Class I to Class IV Class! !~12 5:3.7 - - OH! 0,50, 0,190, 250 950 90 Solid-piled, 100 380 Class H 510 ~3.0 - - OH1 0,50, 0, 190, 250 950 90 palletized, bin box, shelf, single-, 100 380 Class 11 >10 to >3.0 - - 0H2 0,50, 0, 190, 250 950 90 double-, 1512 to 100 380 multiple-row rack, and back-to-back :512 shelf storage :53.7 Class 111 0.7 0H2 0,50, 0,190, 250 950 90 100 380 Class IV ~10 ~3.0 - - 0H2 0,50, 0, 190, 250 950 90 100 380 Class IV Palletized, bin box, >10 to >3.0 32 10 0H2 0,50, 0, 190, 250 950 90 shelf, and 512 to 100 380 solid-piled Single-, double-, >10 to ~53.7 >3.0 32 10 EH1 0,50, 0,190, 500 1900 120 multiple-row rack :512 to 100 380 and hack-to-back 53.7 shelf storage Groun A Plastic Storae 55 51.5 - - 0H2 0,50, 0, 190, 250 950 90 100 380 Solid-piled, >5 to >1.5 15 4.6 EHI 0,50, 0, 190, 500 1900 120 palletized, bin box, 1510 to 100 380 shell; single-, 53.0 double-. >5 to >1.5 20 6.1 EH2 0,50, 0,190, 500 1900 120 multiple-row rack, <10 to 100 380 and back-to-back 53.0 shell storage 1 >1010 >3.0 17 5.2 EH2 0,50, 0, 190, 500 1900 120 Unexpanded Carsoned and expanded ~12 to 100 380 53.7 Solid-piled, >10 to >3.0 32 10 El-I2 0,50, 0,190, 500 1900 120 Palletized, bin box, 512 to 100 380 shelf, and 53.7 hack-to-back shelf storage Single-, double-, >10 to >3.0 32 10 0H2 + 1 0,50, 0, 190, 250 950 90 multiple-row rack 512 to level 100 380 53.7 of in-rack I NFPA13 I 2016 Edition PROTECTION OF MISCELLANEOUS AND LOW-PILED STORAGE 13-155 I I Table 13.2.1 Continued NFPA13 Total Combined Maximum Inside and Outside Storage Height Ceiling Height Design Curve Inside Hose Hose Duration Commodity Type of Storage ft I m ft I in Figure 13.2.1 Note gpm I L/min gpm I L/min (minutes) Solid-piled, 55 51.5 - - 0H2 0, 50, 0, 190, 250 950 90 palletized. bin box, 100 380 shelf, single., double-, multiple-row rack, and hack-to-back shelf storage Solid-piled, >5 to >1.5 28 8.5 Unexpanded palletized, bin box, 58 to and expanded shelf, and 2.4 back-to-back shelf storage Solid-piled, >5 to >1.5 15 4.6 palletized, bin box, 1510 to shelf, single-, 53.0 double-, multiple-rose rack, and back-to-back shelf storage Solid-piled, >5 to >1.5 20 6.1 palletized, bin box, !~lO to Exposed shelf, single-, :53.0 Unexpanded double-, multiple-rose rack, and hack-to-hack shelf slordge Single-, double-, >5 to >1.5 20 6.1 Expanded multiple-row rack 510 to 53.0 Solid-piled, >10 to >3.0 17 5.2 palletized, bin box, 1512 to shelf, antI hack-to-back shelf storage >10 to >0 17 5.2 Unexpanded and expanded :512 to 0.7 Single-, double-, >10 to >3.0 32 10 multiple-row rack <12 to 53.7 EH2 0,50, 0, 190, 500 1900 120 100 380 EH2 0,50, 0, 190, 500 1900 . 120 100 380 EH2 0,50, 0, 190, 500 1900 120 100 380 0H2 +1 0,50, 0, 190, 250 950 90 level 100 380 of in-rack EH2 0,50, 0, 190, 1 500 1 1900 120 100 380 EH2 0, 50, 0, 190, 500 1900 120 100 380 0H2 +1 0, 50, 0, 190, 250 950 90 level 100 380 of in-rack Tire Storage On floor, on side >5 to >1.5 32 10 0,50, 0, 190, 500 1900 120 :512 to EHI 100 380 153.7 On floor, on tread, 55 !91.5 - - 0H2 0,50, 0,190, 250 950 90 or on side 100 380 Single-, double-, or 55 i5l.5 - - 0, 50, 0,190, 250 950 90 multiple-rose racks 01-12 100 380 on tread or on side Tires Single-row rack, >5 to >1.5 32 10 0,50, 0,190, 500 1900 120 portable, on tread 512 to EHI 100 380 or on side :53.7 Single-rose rack, >5 to >1.5 32 10 0, 50, 0,190, 500 1900 120 fixed, on tread or !~12 to EHI 100 380 on side 153.7 >5t0 >1.5 32 10 +1 0,50, 0,190, 250 950 90 512 to H2 level 100 380 <37 of in-rack Rolled Paper Storage Heavyweight and On end !~10 53.0 30 9.1 01-12 0, 50, 0,190, 250 950 90 mediunm'eight 100 380 Tissue and lightweight On end 510 53.0 30 9.1 EHI 0, 50, 0,190, 250 950 120 100 380 2016 Edition 13-156 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS ")INARY HAZARD 2 (SHELF STORAGE) I 372 0 (U a) CL 0 279 232 (I) 186 CZ SU 139 < 0.40 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 Density (gpm/ft2) ' 4000 0 (U ci) 0. 0 3000 C 2500 co 2000 < 1500 FIGURE 13.2.1 Miscellaneous Storage Up to 12 ft (3.7 m) in Height - Design Curves (see Table 13.2.1). 13.2.3 Where K-11.2 (160) or larger sprinklers are used with EH1 or EH2 design curves from Figure 13.2.1, the design area shall be permitted to be reduced by 25 percent but not below 2000 ft2 (186 m2), regardless of temperature rating. 13.3 In-Rack Sprinklers. 13.3.1 General. In-rack sprinklers required by Table 13.2.1 shall meet the requirements of this section and the applicable storage protection and arrangement sections of this chapter. 13.3.2 Discharge Criteria. In-rack sprinklers shall have a K-factor of 5.6 (80) or larger and operate at a minimum of 15 psi (1 bar). 13.3.3 Water Demand. Where one level of in-rack sprinklers is installed for miscellaneous storage, water demand shall be based on simultaneous operation of the hydraulically most de- manding four adjacent sprinklers. 13.3.4 In-Rack Sprinkler Locations. 13.3.4J In-rack sprinklers for miscellaneous storage shall be located at the first tier level at or above one-half of the storage height. Horizontal spacing of in-rack sprinklers shall not ex- ceed 8 ft (2.4 m). In-rack sprinklers shall be located in the longitudi- nal flue at the intersection of the transverse flues while not exceeding the maximum spacing rules. If no longitudinal flue is provided in single- and double-row racks, in-rack sprinklers shall be located within 12 in. (300 mm) of the center of the rack while not exceeding the maximum spacing. Where distances between transverse flues exceed the maximum allowable distances, sprinklers shall be installed at the intersection of the transverse and longitudinal flues and additional sprinklers shall be installed between transverse flues to meet the maximum distance rules. Where no transverse flues exist, in-rack sprinklers shall not exceed the maximum spacing rules. Chapter 14 Protection for Palletized, Solid-Piled, Bin Box, Shelf, or Back-to-Back Shelf Storage of Class I through Class IV Commodities 14.1 General. 14.1.1 This chapter shall apply to palletized, solid-piled, bin box, shelf, or back-to-back shelf storage for a broad range of combustibles. 14.1.2 The requirements of Chapter 12 shall apply unless modified by this chapter. 14.1.3 Protection criteria for Group A plastics shall be permit- ted to he used for Class I, II, III, and IV commodities with the same storage and height configuration. 14.2* Control Mode Density/Area Sprinkler Protection Crite- ria for Palletized, Solid-Piled, Bin Box, Shelf, or Back-to-Back Shelf Storage of Class I Through Class IV Commodities. 14.2.1 Protection for Class! through Class IV commodities in the following configurations shall be provided in accordance with this section: Nonencapsulated commodities that are solid-piled, pal- letized, or bin box storage up to 30 ft (9.1 m) in height Nonencapsulated commodities on shelf storage up to 15 ft (4.6 m) in height (3)*Encapsulated commodities that are solid-piled, pallet- ized, bin box, or shelf storage up to 15 ft (4.6 m) in height Back-to-back shelf storage up to 15 ft (4.6 m) in height Encapsulated storage of solid-piled and palletized Class I through IV commodities permitted in accordance with 14.2.5 for storage heights over 15 ft (4.6 m) up to and including 20 ft (6.1 m) 14.2.2 The area and density for the hydraulically remote area and the water supply shall be determined as specified in 14.2.3 for storage up to and including 12 ft (3.7 m) and 14.2.4 for storage over 12 ft (3.7 m). 14.2.3 Protection Criteria for Palletized, Solid-Piled, Bin Box, Shelf, or Back-to-Back Shelf Storage of Class I Through Class IV Commodities Stored Up to 12 ft (3.7 m) in Height. The protection criteria for storage up to and includ- ing 12 ft (3.7 m) shall be the same as for miscellaneous storage selected from Chapter 13. 2016 Edition I NFPA 13 I ATTACHMENT #6C AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS NON HIGH-PILED FLOOR STORAGE MEZZANINE STORAGE AREA COLD ROOM STORAGE AREAS (WET SYSTEM WITH DRY- PENDENT HEADS) (TREATED PER NFPA 13) y-axis 3.0 m 6.1 m 9.1 m 00) 40 10 a) 0 a) a- x-axis 10 20 30 Ceiling height (ft) Note: y= :+ 55 for U.S. Customary Units INFPAi3I 13-144 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS IF DRY PIPE, BUT ASSUMED WET SYSTEM WITH DRY- PENDENT HEADS Quick-Response Sprinklers. Where listed quick-response sprinklers, includ- ing extended coverage quick-response sprinklers, are used throughout a system or portion of a system having the same hydraulic design basis, the system area of operation shall be permitted to be reduced without revising the density as indi- cated in Figure when all of the following condi- tions are satisfied: Wet pipe system Light hazard or ordinary hazard occupancy 20 ft (6.1 m) maximum ceiling height No unprotected ceiling pockets as allowed by 8.6.7 and 8.8.7 exceeding 32 ft2 (3.0 in2) No unprotected areas above cloud ceilings as allowed by 8. 15.24 Note: y = -4.8x + 54.6 for S. I. Units For ceiling height a10 ft and s20 ft, y = + 55 For ceiling height <10 ft, y=40 For ceiling height >20, y= 0 For SI units, 1 ft = 0.31 m. FIGURE Design Area Reduction for Quick. Response Sprinklers. The number of sprinklers in the design area shall never be less than five. Where quick-response sprinklers are used on a sloped ceiling or roof, the maximum ceiling or roof height shall be used for determining the percent reduction in design area. Sloped Ceilings. The system area of operation shall be increased by 30 percent without revising the density when the following types of sprinklers are used on sloped ceilings with a pitch exceeding 1 in 6 (a rise of 2 units in a run of 12 units, a roof slope of 16.7 percent) in nonstorage applications: Spray sprinklers, including extended coverage sprinklers listed in accordance with 8.4.3(4), and quick-response sprinklers CMSA sprinklers Fo~ Dry Cand Double Interlock Preaction Systems. a p of tems and double interlock preaction systems, th inkler operation shall be increased by 30 per- vising the density. High-Temperature Sprinklers. Where high- temperature sprinklers are used for extra hazard occupan- cies, the area of sprinkler operation shall be permitted to be reduced by 25 percent without revising the density, but not to less than 2000 ft2 (186 1112).* Multiple Adjustments. Where multiple adjustments to the area of opera- tion are required to be made in accordance with,,, or, these adjustments shall be compounded based on the area of operation originally se- lected from Figure If the building has iinsprinklered combustible concealed spaces, the rules of shall be applied after all other modifications have been made. Room Design Method.* The water supply requirements for sprinklers only shall be based upon the room that creates the greatest de- mand. The density selected shall be that from Figure corresponding to the occupancy hazard classifica- tion and room size. To utilize the room design method, all rooms shall be enclosed with walls having a fire-resistance rating equal to the water supply duration indicated in Table If the room is smaller than the area specified in Figure, the provisions of and shall apply. Minimum protection of openings shall be as fol- lows: Light hazard - Nonrated automatic or self-closing doors. Light hazard with no opening protection —Where open- ings are not protected, calculations shall include the sprinklers in the room plus two sprinklers in the commu- nicating space nearest each such unprotected opening unless the communicating space has only one sprinkler, in which case calculations shall be extended to the opera- tion of that sprinkler. The selection of the room and com- municating space sprinklers to be calculated shall be that which produces the greatest hydraulic demand. For light hazard occupancies with unprotected openings in walls, a minimum lintel of depth of 8 in. (200 mm) is required for openings and the opening shall not exceed 8 ft (2.4 in) in width. It shall be permitted to have a single opening of 36 in. (900 mm) or less without a lintel, provided there are no other openings to adjoining spaces. Ordinary and extra hazard - Automatic or self-closing doors with appropriate fire resistance ratings for the enclosure. Where the room design method is used and the area under consideration is a corridor protected by a single row of sprinklers with protected openings in accordance with, the maximum number of sprinklers that needs to be calculated is five or, when extended coverage sprinklers are installed, all sprinklers contained within 75 linear feet (23 linear meters) of the corridor. 2016 Edition IFOOR STORAGE (MISCELLANEOUS STORAGE) I 13-153 Table ESFR Sprinkler Protection for Indoor Storage of Idle Plastic Pallets Maximum Storage Maximum Minimum Operating Height Ceiling/Roof Height Pressure Type of Sprinkler Location of Nominal (Orientation) Storage K-Factor ft m ft in psi bar 140 25 7.6 30 9.1 50 3.4 25 7.6 32 10 60 4.1 (200) On floor or rack ESFR (pendent) without solid 25 7.6 30 9.1 35 2.4 shelves 16.8 (240) 25 7.6 32 10 42 2.9 35 11 40 12 52 3.6 Where plastic pallets are stored without cutoffs from other storage, the following shall apply: Maximum storage height of 10 ft (3.0 m) Maximum ceiling height of 30 ft (9.1 m) Sprinkler density 0.6 gpm/ft2 over 2000 ft2 (24.4 mm/ min over 186 m2) Minimum sprinkler K-factor of 16.8 (240) Plastic pallets shall have no impact on the re- quired sprinkler protection when stored as follows: Storage shall be piled no higher than 4 ft (1.2 m). Sprinkler protection shall employ high temperature- rated sprinklers. Each pallet pile of no more than two stacks shall be sepa- rated from other pallet piles by at least 8 ft (2.4 m) of clear space or 25 ft (7.6 rn) of stored commodity. Minimum ceiling design of 0H2 shall be used. Idle plastic pallets shall be stored only in racks where protected in accordance with the requirements of Table When specific test data and a product listing are available, the data shall take precedence in determining the required protection of idle plastic pallets stored in racks. 12.12.3 Idle Pallets Stored on Racks, on Shelves, and Above Doors. Idle pallets shall not be stored on racks or shelves, except where permitted in,, and Idle pallets shall be permitted to be stored on the lowest level of storage only where no storage or shelves are lo- cated above the stored pallets and the applicable protection cri- teria referenced for on-floor storage in Section 12.12 are applied. Where idle pallet storage is above a door, the idle pallet storage height and ceiling height shall be calculated from the base of storage above the door using the applicable protection criteria referenced in Section 12.12. 12.12.4 High-Expansion Foam - Reduction in Ceiling Den- sity. A reduction in ceiling density to one-half that required for idle pallets shall be permitted without revising the design area, but the density shall be no less than 0.15 gpm/ft2 (6.1 mm/mm). Chapter 13 Protection of Miscellaneous and Low-Piled Storage 13.1 General. 13.1.1 This chapter shall apply to any of the following situa- tions: Miscellaneous storage of Class I through Class IV com- modities up to 12 ft (3.7 m) in height Miscellaneous storage of Group A plastics up to 12 ft (3.7 m) in height Miscellaneous storage of rubber tires up to 12 ft (3.7 m) in height Miscellaneous storage of rolled paper up to 12 ft (3.7 m) in height Storage of Class I through Class IV commodities up to 12 ft (3.7 m) in height as directed by and Storage of Group A plastics up to 5 ft (1.5 m) in height as directed by 15.2.1 and 13.1.2 Hose Connections. Hose connections shall not be re- quired for the protection of miscellaneous storage. 13.1.3 Solid Shelf Racks. For storage of Class 1 through Class IV 12 ft (3.7 m) or less in height that does not meet the definition of Miscella- neous Storage that is on solid shelf racks, in-rack sprinklers shall be provided in accordance with 16.1.6, and ceiling sprinkler protection shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 13. For storage of Group A Plastics 5 ft (1.5 m) or less in height that does not meet the definition of Miscellaneous Stor- age that is on solid shelf racks, in-rack sprinklers shall be pro- vided in accordance with 17.1.5, and ceiling sprinkler protec- tion shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 13. 13.2 Design Basis. 13.2.1 The protection criteria shall be selected from Table 13.2.1 and Figure 13.2.1. 13.2.2 Installation criteria as permitted by NFPA 13 and de- sign criteria and modifiers as permitted by the density/area method of Chapter 11 for ordinary hazard Group 1, ordinary hazard Group 2, extra hazard Group 1, and extra hazard Group 2 occupancies shall be applicable. NFPA 13 I 2016 Edition 13-154 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Table 13.2.1 Discharge Criteria for Miscellaneous Storage Up to 12 ft (3.7 m) in Height Total Combined Maximum Inside and Outside Storage Height Ceiling Height Design Curve Inside Hose Hose _________________ Duration ft m ft m gpm L/min gpm L/min Commodity Type of Storage Figure 13.2.1 Note (minutes) Class Ito Class IV Class I !~12 53.7 - - OH! 0,50, 0,190, 250 950 90 100 380 Solid-piled, palletized, bin box, shelf, single-, Class!! ~10 ~3.() - - OHI 0,50, 100 0,190, 880 250 950 90 Class II >10 to >3.0 - - 0H2 0,50, 0,190, 250 950 90 double-, 512 to 100 380 multiple-row rack, !~3.7 and back-to-hack shelf storage Class HI jj 0H2 0,50, 100 0,190, 380 250 950 90 Class [V - 1510 53.0 - - 0H2 0,50, 0,190, 250 950 90 100 380 Class IV Palletized, bin box, >10 to >3.0 32 10 01-12 0,50, 0,190, 250 950 90 shelf, and 512 to 100 380 solid-piled :53.7 Single-, dotihlc-, >10 to >3.0 32 10 EH1 0,50, 01.190, 500 1900 120 multiple-row rack :512 to 100 380 and back-to-back 53.7 shelf storage Group A Plastic Storare :55 51.5 - - 0H2 050, 0, 190, 250 950 90 100 380 Solid-piled, EH1 120 >5 to >1.5 15 4.6 0, 50, 0, 190, 500 1900 palletized, bin box, 510 to 100 380 shell, single-, 53.0 >5 to >1.5 20 6.1 EH2 0,50, 0, 190, 500 1900 120 double-, multiple-row rack, i <_10 to 100 380 and back-to-back <-3.0 shelf storage >10 to >3.0 17 5.2 EH2 0,50, 0, 190, 500 1900 120 Cartoned Unexpanded and expanded .7 100 380 Solid-piled, >10 to >3.0 32 10 El-12 0,50, 0,190, 500 1900 120 palletized, bin box, i5I2 to 100 380 shelf, and 5S.7 hack-to-hack shelf storage Single-, dotihle-, >10 to >3.0 32 10 0H2 + 1 0, 50, 0, 190, 250 950 90 multiple-row rack !912 to level 100 380 53.7 of in-rack I NFPA13 I 2016 Edition '-S.... PROTECTION OF MISCELLANEOUS AND LOW-PILED STORAGE 13-155 Table 13.2.1 Continued [NFPA13 I Total Combined Maximum Inside and Outside Storage Height Ceiling Height Design Curve Hose _Inside Hose Duration It in ft in gpm L/min gpm L/min Commodity Type of Storage Figure 13.2.1 Note (minutes) Solid-piled, 5 !~1.5 - - 01-12 0,50, 0, 190, 250 950 90 palletized, bin box, 100 380 shelf, single-, double-, multiple-row rack, and back-to-hack shelf storage Solid-piled, >5 to >1.5 28 8.5 EH2 0, 50, 0,190, 500 1900 120 Unexpanded palletized, bin box, :58 to 100 380 and expanded shelf, and 52.4 back-to-back shelf storage Solid-piled, >5 to >1.5 15 4.6 EH2 0, 50, 0, 190, 500 1900 120 palletized, bin box, 510 to 100 380 shelf, single-, 53.0 double-, multiple-row rack, and back-to-back shelf storage Solid-piled, >5 to >1.5 20 6.1 EH2 0,50, 0,190, 500 1900 120 Exposed pallctizcd, bin box, 510 to 100 380 shelf, single-, !0.0 Unexpanded double-, multiple-row rack, and hack-to-back shelf storage Single-, double-, >5 to >1.5 20 6.1 0H2 +1 0, 50, 0, 190, 250 950 90 Expanded multiple-row rack 510 to level 100 380 :53.0 of in-rack Solid-piled, >10 to >3.0 17 5.2 EH2 0, 50, 0,190, 500 1900 120 pallctired, bin box, 512 to 100 380 shelf, sod 53.7 back-to-back shelf storage Unexpanded >10 to >3.0 17 5.2 EH2 0, 50, 0,190, 500 1900 120 and expanded 512 to 100 380 53.7 Single-, douhle-, >10 to >3.0 32 10 01-12 +1 0, 50, 0, 190, 250 950 90 multiple-row rack :512 to level 100 380 53.7 of in-rack Fire Storage On floor, on side >5 to >1.5 32 10 0, 50, 0, 190, 500 1900 120 512 to EHI 100 380 :53.7 On floor, on tread, 155 :51.5 - - 0H2 0, 50, 0,190, 250 950 90 or on side ioo 380 Single-, double-, or :55 51.5 - - 0,50, 0,190, 250 950 90 multiple-row racks 0112 100 380 on tread or on side Tires Single-row rack, >5 to >1.5 32 10 0,50, 0,190, 500 1900 120 portable, on tread 512 to EHI 100 380 or on side 53.7 Single-row rack, >5 to >1.5 32 10 0,50, 0,190, 500 1900 120 fixed, on tread or 512 to EHI 100 380 on side 53.7 >5 to >1.5 32 10 +1 0,50, 0, 190, 250 950 90 512 to level 100 380 53.7 of in-rack Rolled Paper Storage Heavyweight and On end 510 53.0 30 91 01-12 I 0,50, 0,190, 250 950 90 niediumweight ' 100 380 Tissue and lightweight On end 510 50 30 91 0,50, 0,190, 250 950 120 EHI 100 380 2016 Edition " rn flINARY HAZARD 2 (FLOOR STORAGE) I rnm••uu••iu____ ......••..u____ u•..u.uiu NEENEENMR, ----------- NEEMENNEEN •••uu•ui•uu____ !!!!!!fl!!! 139 < 0.30 0.35 0.40 4000 0 a) 0 0 3000 C 2500 co 2000 < 1500 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 Density (gpm/ft2) 13-156 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS FIGURE 13.2.1 Miscellaneous Storage Up to 12 ft (3.7 m) in Height - Design Curves (see Table 13.2.1). . 13.2.3 Where K-11.2 (160) or larger sprinklers are used with EH orEH2 design curves from Figure 13.2.1, the design area shall be permitted to be reduced by 25 percent but not below 2000 ft2 (186 m2), regardless of temperature rating. 13.3 In-Rack Sprinklers. 13.3.1 General. In-rack sprinklers required by Table 13.2.1 shall meet the requirements of this section and the applicable storage protection and arrangement sections of this chapter. 13.3.2 Discharge Criteria. In-rack sprinklers shall have a K-factor of 5.6 (80) or larger and operate at a minimum of 15 psi (1 bar). 13.3.3 Water Demand. Where one level of in-rack sprinklers is installed for miscellaneous storage, water demand shall be based on simultaneous operation of the hydraulically most de- manding four adjacent sprinklers. 13.3.4 In-Rack Sprinkler Locations. In-rack sprinklers for miscellaneous storage shall be located at the first tier level at or above one-half of the storage height. Horizontal spacing of in-rack sprinklers shall not ex- ceed 8 ft (2.4 m). In-rack sprinklers shall be located in the longitudi- nal flue at the intersection of the transverse flues while not exceeding the maximum spacing rules. If no longitudinal flue is provided in single- and double-row racks, in-rack sprinklers shall be located within 12 in. (300 mm) of the center of the rack while not exceeding the maximum spacing. Where distances between transverse flues exceed the maximum allowable distances, sprinklers shall be installed at the intersection of the transverse and longitudinal flues and additional sprinklers shall be installed between transverse flues to meet the maximum distance rules. Where no transverse flues exist, in-rack sprinklers shall not exceed the maximum spacing rules. Chapter 14 Protection for Palletized, Solid-Piled, Bin Box, Shelf, or Back-to-Back Shelf Storage of Class I through Class IV Commodities 14.1 General. 14.1.1 This chapter shall apply to palletized, solid-piled, bin box, shelf, or back-to-back shelf storage for a broad range of combustibles. 14.1.2 The requirements of Chapter 12 shall apply unless modified by this chapter. 14.1.3 Protection criteria for Group A plastics shall be permit- ted to be used for Class I, II, III, and IV commodities with the same storage and height configuration. 14.2* Control Mode Density/Area Sprinkler Protection Crite- ria for Palletized, Solid-Piled, Bin Box, Shelf, or Back-to-Back Shelf Storage of Class I Through Class IV Commodities. 14.2.1 Protection for Class I through Class IV commodities in the following configurations shall be provided in accordance with this section: Nonencapsulated commodities that are solid-piled, pal- letized, or bin box storage up to 30 ft (9.1 m) in height Nonencapsulated commodities on shelf storage up to 15 ft (4.6 in) in height (3)*Encapsulated commodities that are solid-piled, pallet- ized, bin box, or shelf storage up to 15 ft (4.6 m) in height Back-to-back shelf storage up to 15 ft (4.6 m) in height Encapsulated storage of solid-piled and palletized Class I through IV commodities permitted in accordance with 14.2.5 for storage heights over 15 ft (4.6 m) up to and including 20 ft (6.1 in) 14.2.2 The area and density for the hydraulically remote area and the water supply shall be determined as specified in 14.2.3 for storage up to and including 12 ft (3.7 m) and 14.2.4 for storage over 12 ft (3.7 in). 14.2.3 Protection Criteria for Palletized, Solid-Piled, Bin Box, Shelf, or Back-to-Back Shelf Storage of Class I Through Class IV Commodities Stored Up to 12 ft (3.7 m) in Height. The protection criteria for storage up to and includ- ing 12 ft (3.7 m) shall be the same as for miscellaneous storage selected from Chapter 13. 2016 Edition I NFPA 13 I ATTACHMENT #7 ADDITIONAL PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS HIGH-PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE 3203.10.1 Unreinforced plastic pallets. For Class I through IV commodities, where unreinforced polypropyl- ene or unreinforced high-density polyethylene plastic pal- lets are used, the commodity classification shall be increased one class. To be considered unreinforced plastic pallets, the pallets shall be marked with a permanent sym- bol indicating the pallet is unreinforced. 3203.10.2 Reinforced plastic pallets. For Class I through IV commodities, where reinforced polypropylene or rein- forced high-density polyethylene plastic pallets are used, the commodity classification shall be increased two classes except for Class IV commodities, which shall be increased to a high-hazard (Group A plastic, cartoned, unexpanded) commodity. 3203.10.3 Other pallets. For Class I through IV commod- ities stored on plastic pallets other than polypropylene or high-density polyethylene plastic pallets, the commodity classification shall be increased two classes unless specific testing is conducted by a testing laboratory. SECTION 3204 DESIGNATION OF HIGH-PILED STORAGE AREAS 3204.1 General. High-piled storage areas, and portions of high-piled storage areas intended for storage of a different commodity class than adjacent areas, shall be designed and specifically designated to contain Class I, Class II, Class III, Class IV or high-hazard commodities. The designation of a high-piled storage area, or portion thereof intended for stor- age of a different commodity class, shall be based on the highest hazard commodity class stored except as provided in Section 3204.2. 3204.2 Designation based on engineering analysis. The designation of a high-piled combustible storage area, or por- tion thereof, is allowed to be based on a lower hazard class than that of the highest class of commodity stored where a limited quantity of the higher hazard commodity has been demonstrated by engineering analysis to be adequately pro- tected by the automatic sprinkler system provided. The engineering analysis shall consider the ability of the sprin- kler system to deliver the higher density required by the higher hazard commodity. The higher density shall be based on the actual storage height of the pile or rack and the mini- mum allowable design area for sprinkler operation as set forth in the density/area figures provided in NFPA 13. The contiguous area occupied by the higher hazard commodity shall not exceed 120 square feet (11 m2) and additional areas of higher hazard commodity shall be separated from other such areas by 25 feet (7620 mm) or more. The sprin- kler system shall be capable of delivering the higher density over a minimum area of 900 square feet (84 m2) for wet pipe systems and 1,200 square feet (111 m2) for dry pipe sys- tems. The shape of the design area shall be in accordance with Section 903. SECTION 3205 HOUSEKEEPING AND MAINTENANCE 3205.1 Rack structures. The structural integrity of racks shall be maintained. 3205.2 Ignition sources. Clearance from ignition sources shall be provided in accordance with Section 305. 3205.3 Smoking. Smoking shall be prohibited. Approved "No Smoking" signs shall be conspicuously posted in accor- dance with Section 310. 3205.4 Aisle maintenance. When restocking is not being conducted, aisles shall be kept clear of storage, waste mate- rial and debris. Fire department access doors, aisles and exit doors shall not be obstructed. During restocking operations using manual stocking methods, a minimum unobstructed aisle width of 24 inches (610 mm) shall be maintained in 48- inch (1219 mm) or smaller aisles, and a minimum unob- structed aisle width of one-half of the required aisle width shall be maintained in aisles greater than 48 inches (1219 mm). During mechanical stocking operations, a minimum unobstructed aisle width of 44 inches (1118 mm) shall be maintained in accordance with Section 3206.10. 3205.5 Pile dimension and height limitations. Pile dimen- sions and height limitations shall comply with Section 3207.3. 3205.6 Designation of storage heights. Where required by the fire code official, a visual method of indicating the maxi- mum allowable storage height shall be provided. 3205.7 Arrays. Arrays shall comply with Section 3207.4. 3205.8 Flue spaces. Flue spaces shall comply with Section 3208.3. SECTION 3206 GENERAL FIRE PROTECTION AND LIFE SAFETY FEATURES 3206.1 General. Fire protection and life safety features for high-piled storage areas shall be in accordance with Sections 3206.2 through 3206.11. 3206.2 Type of protection. Where required by Table 3206.2, fire detection systems, smoke and heat removal and auto- matic sprinkler design densities shall be provided to protect the high-piled storage area. 3206.2.1 Extent of protection. The fire safety features required in Table 3206.2 shall extend to the lesser of 15 feet (4572 mm) beyond the high-piled storage area or a full height wall. Where portions of high-piled storage areas have different fire protection requirements because of commodity, method of storage or storage height, the fire protection features required by Table 3206.2 within this area shall be based on the most restrictive design requirements. IFIRE CO EXTENT OF PROTECTION 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 449 II• 1 1 Copyight 02019 ICC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Aoo,ssod by Elli, Klouobnw(o,,r (ok@kj009bmcko,,2on,), (-I Ord,, Number, toosovio on Dec 16.20190309 PM (PSI) p000000llo U0011.0 Agreement with 4 k! 4 liii Ii IT' No lbohoo oon,ndn.joo. R,r,ho,wno-.hnlion.hv novthinl oov 0 dio,ihojon ,,2hoAn.,I Sio00 ,00nnlv -A- -J now.', inon,ohjhiwol ANY IJNAIITI-IlIRIZF.O REPRI1I1IJCTIflN OR GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR STORAGE 13-447 of supplemental, quick-response in-rack sprinklers located di- rectly below the top tier of storage and at every flue space intersection. When applying the supplemental in-rack sprinkler option, the ceiling density shall be based upon the given stor- age height with an assumed acceptable clearance to ceiling. If in-rack sprinklers are required for the actual storage height with an acceptable clearance to ceiling, in-rack sprinklers shall be installed as indicated by that criteria. 12.1.4 High Volume Low Speed (HVLS) Fans.* The installation of HVLS fans in buildings equipped with sprinklers, including ESFR sprinklers, shall comply with the following: The maximum fan diameter shall be 24 ft (7.3 in). The HVLS fan shall be centered approximately between four adjacent sprinklers. The vertical clearance from the HVLS fan to sprinkler deflector shall be a minimum of 3 ft (900 mm). All HVLS fans shall be interlocked to shut down immedi- ately upon receiving a waterfiow signal from the alarm system in accordance with the requirements of MTPA 72. 12.2* Hose Connections. 12.2.1 Small hose connections [11/2 in. (38 mm)] shall be provided where required by the authority having jurisdiction in accordance with 8.17.5 for first-aid fire-fighting and over- a o raoi EXTENT OF PROTECTION for the stored 12 ft 12.3* Adjacent Hazards or Design Methods. For buildings with two or more adjacent hazards or design methods, the following shall apply: Where areas are not physically separated by a barrier or partition capable of delaying heat from a fire in one area from fusing sprinklers in the adjacent area, the required sprinkler protection for the more demanding design basis shall extend 15 ft (4.6 m) beyond its perimeter. The requirements of 12.3(1) shall not apply where the areas are separated by a draft curtain or barrier located above an aisle, horizontally a minimum of 2 ft (600 mm) from the adjacent hazard on each side, or a partition that is capable of delaying heat from a fire in one area from fusing sprinklers in the adjacent area. The requirements of 12.3(1) shall not apply to the exten- sion of more demanding criteria from an upper ceiling level to beneath a lower ceiling level where the difference in height between the ceiling levels is at least 2 ft (600 mm), located above an aisle, horizontally a mini- mum 2 ft (600 mm) from the adjacent hazard on each side. 12.4* Wet Pipe Systems. 12.4.1 Sprinkler systems shall be wet pipe systems. 12.4.2* In areas that are subject to freezing or where special conditions exist, dry pipe systems and preaction systems shall be permitted to protect storage occupancies. 12.5 Dry Pipe and Preaction Systems. For dry pipe systems and preaction systems, the area of sprinkler operation shall be increased by 30 percent without revising the density. 12.6* Storage Applications. 12.6.1 For storage applications with densities of 0.2 gpm/ft2 (8.1 mm/mm) or less, standard-response sprinklers with a K-factor of K-5.6 (80) or larger shall be permitted. 12.6.2 For general storage applications, rack storage, rubber tire storage, roll paper storage, and baled cotton storage being protected with upright and pendent spray sprinklers with re- quired densities of greater than 0.2 gpm/ft2 to 0.34 gpm/ft2 (8.1 mm/min to 13.9 mm/mm), standard-response sprinklers with a nominal K-factor of K-8.0 (115) or larger shall be used. 12.6.3 For general storage applications, rack storage, rubber tire storage, roll paper storage, and baled cotton storage being protected with upright and pendent spray sprinklers with re- quired densities greater than 0.34 gpni/ft2 (13.9 mm/mm), standard-response spray sprinklers with a K-factor of K-i 1.2 (161) or larger that are listed for storage applications shall be used. 12.6.4* Unless the requirements of 12.6.5 are met, the re- quirements of 12.6.2 and 12.6.3 shall not apply to modifica- tions to existing storage application systems, using sprinklers with K-factors of K-8.0 (115) or less. 12.6.5 Where applying the requirements of Figure and Figure (c) utilizing the design criteria of 0.6 gpm/ft2 per 2000 ft2 (24.4 mm/min per 186 m2) to existing storage applications, the requirements of 12.6.3 shall apply. 12.6.6 The use of quick-response spray sprinklers for storage applications shall be permitted when listed for such use. 12.6.7 CMSA and ESFR sprinklers shall be permitted to pro- tect storage of Class I through Class IV commodities, Group A plastic commodities, miscellaneous storage, and other storage as specified in Chapter 12 through Chapter 20 or by other NFPA standards. ESFR sprinklers designed to meet any criteria in Chapter 12 or Chapter 14 through Chapter 20 shall be permit- ted to protect any of the following: Light hazard occupancies Ordinary hazard occupancies Any storage arrangement in Chapter 13 referencing OH11 0H2, EM, and EH2 design criteria Quick-response CMSA sprinklers designed to meet any criteria in Chapter 12 or Chapter 14 through Chapter 20 shall be permitted to protect any of the following: Light hazard occupancies Ordinary hazard occupancies Any storage arrangement in Chapter 13 referencing OH1, 0H2, EM, and EH2 design criteria Standard-response CMSA sprinklers designed to meet any criteria in Chapter 12 or Chapter 14 through Chap- ter 20 shall be permitted to protect any of the following: Ordinary hazard occupancies Any storage arrangement in Chapter 13 referencing OH1, 0H2, EH1, and EH2 design criteria 12.6.8 The design figures indicate water demands for ordinary- temperature-rated and nominal high-temperature-rated sprin- klers at the ceiling. INFPA13 I 2016 Edition HIGH-PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE SECTION 3208 RACK STORAGE 3208.1 General. Rack storage shall be in accordance with Section 3206 and this section. Bin boxes exceeding 5 feet (1524 mm) in any dimension shall be regulated as rack stor- age. 2. Racks used for the storage of combustible paper records, with solid shelving, shall be in accor- dance with NFPA 13. 3208.2.2.1 Fire protection. Fire protection for racks with solid shelving shall be in accordance with NFPA 13. 3208.2 Fire protection. Where automatic sprinklers are 3208.3 Flue spaces. Rack storage areas protected with an required by Table 3206.2, an approved automatic sprinkler automatic sprinkler system shall be provided with flue spaces system shall be installed throughout the building or to 1-hour in accordance with Table 3208.3. Required flue spaces shall fire barriers constructed in accordance with Section 707 of be maintained. the California Building Code. Openings in such fire barriers 3208.3.1 Flue space protection. Flue spaces required by shall be protected by opening protectives having a 1-hour fire Table 3208.3 above the first tier of storage in single-, dou- protection rating. The design and installation of the automatic W - t . e;- r e Ilations shall, where sprinkler system and other applicable fire protection shall be be equipped with in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 and the California vices shall not be Building Code. 3208.2.1 Plastic shelves. Storage on plastic shelves shall 3208.4 Column protection. Steel buildiiig columns shall be be protected by approved specially engineered fire protec- 1prot ected in accordance with NFPA 13. tion systems. 3208.5 Extra-high-rack storage systems. Approval of the 3208.2.2 Racks with solid shelving. Racks with solid fire code official shall be obtained prior to installing extra- shelving having an area greater than 20 square feet (1.9 high-rack combustible storage. m2), measured between approved flue spaces at all four edges of the shelf, shall be in accordance with this section. Exceptions- 1 . Racks with mesh, grated, slatted or similar shelves having uniform openings not more than 6 inches (152 mm) apart, comprising not less than 50 percent of the overall shelf area, and with approved flue spaces are allowed to be treated as racks without solid shelves. TABLE 3208.3 REQUIRED FLUE SPACES FOR RACK STORAGE RACK CONFIGURATION FLUE DESIGN AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER PROTECTION Sprinklers at the ceiling with or without minimum in-rack sprinklers In-rack sprinklers at every tier Storage height !~ 25 feet Storage height> 25 feet Any height Single-row rack Transverse flue space Size' 3 inches 3 inches Not required Vertically aligned Not required Yes Not required Longitudinal flue space Not required Not required Not required Double-row rack (Option 1) Transverse flue space T Size' 6 inches' 3 inches Not required f Vertically aligned Not required Yes Not required Longitudinal flue space Not required 6 inches Not required Double-row rack (Option 2) Transverse flue space Sizeb 3 inches 6 inches Not required Vertically aligned Not required Yes Not required Longitudinal flue space 6 inches Not required Not required Multiple-row rack Transverse flue space Size" 6 inches 6 inches Not required Vertically aligned Not required Yes Not required Longitudinal flue space Not required Not required Not required For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 304.8 mm. Three-inch transverse flue spaces shall be provided not less than every 10 feet where ESFR sprinkler protection is provided. Random variations are allowed, provided that the configuration does not obstruct water penetration. IFIRE CODE-] 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 453 ' 1 I 'y Copyright 02019 [CC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Aoo,,wd by EEl, KIoobn.cko,r (,k@Idoo,bn,,Iw,r.00m). (-)Order Number X100804710 on D 16,201903:W PM (PST) pursuant to Lko,,, Agreement will, A L - iii Ii 161 III. Nnf h,rr99.9th0910,,.,,o h., wl inn, hvo,nlhiwl,09 li,l,ih,.jo.,,,lhn,i,l S.,I,,,,,,nnIv.onoi,n,,,,i .,,,... ..oh,h,..l ANY IlNAlITHORIZED REPRODIIITION OR 3208.5.1 Fire protection. Buildings with extra-high-rack combustible storage shall be protected with a specially engineered automatic sprinkler system. Extra-high-rack combustible storage shall be provided with additional spe- cial fire protection, such as separation from other build- ings and additional built-in fire protection features and fire department access, where required by the fire code offi- cial. PROTECTION OF RACK STORAGE OF PLASTIC AND RUBBER COMMODITIES 13-201 Extend the protection prescribed by horizontally one pallet load in all directions beyond the commodity storage area requiring the higher level of protection. Install a vertical barrier to segregate the commodities re- quiring the higher level of protection from any adjacent commodities. Commodities that can be protected by the ceiling- level sprinkler system shall be permitted to be stored vertically above and horizontally adjacent to the portions of the storage rack equipped as prescribed by Horizontal Barriers. Horizontal barriers shall be installed at every tier level of the dedicated storage rack where the rack is equipped with solid shelves. Where the dedicated storage rack is open-frame, horizontal barriers shall be installed at vertical increments not exceeding 12 ft (3.6 m). The barriers shall span horizontally so that all flue spaces within the rack bay are covered. A maximum 3 in. (75 mm) wide gap shall be permitted at rack uprights. The solid barrier shall be installed on a horizon- tal plane within a rack, beneath which in-rack sprinklers shall be installed, as follows: The barrier shall be constructed of minimum 22 gauge (0.7 mm) sheet metal or of minimum Y8 in. (10 mm) plywood. The barrier shall extend to both ends and both aisle faces of the racks covering up both the longitudinal and transverse flue spaces of the rack bays in which they are installed. The barrier shall be fitted to within 3 in. (75 mm) of any vertical rack member or other equipment that would create an opening, such as vertical in-rack sprinkler pipe drops. In-Rack Sprinklers. Minimum K-8.0 (K-115) quick- response sprinklers (ceiling-level or in-rack) shall be installed beneath each horizontal barrier. The deflector of the sprin- kler shall be located as close to the underside of the horizontal barrier as possible. Single-Row Racks. For single-row racks, sprinklers shall be installed at each rack upright and at each rack mid-bay as shown in Figure (A). The maximum linear spacing between sprinklers shall not exceed 5 ft (1.5 m). Double-Row Racks. For double-row racks, sprinklers shall be installed at each rack upright within the longitudinal flue space and at the face of the rack and at the mid-bay face of each rack bay as shown in Figure The maximum linear spacing between sprinklers shall not exceed 5 ft (1.5 in) at the rack face and 10 ft (3.0 ni) within the longitudinal flue space. Multiple-Row Racks. (A) For multiple-row racks, an alternating sprinkler arrange- ment shall be installed within adjacent transverse flue spaces, as shown in Figure, with sprinklers at the face of each flue space. INFPA13 1 5ft(1.5 m) max Horizontal barrier xExE: U 1:1 i Plan View 3 in. (75 mm) max gap at rack upright x x x x - 12 ft (3.7 m) max 12 ft (3.7 m) max LJ ///////////,,7,,./////////,,,. -7,//////////, .' Elevation View FIGURE Alternative Protection Single-Row Racks. (B) The maximum linear spacing between sprinklers at the face and each alternating bay shall not exceed 5 ft (1.5 m) and shall not exceed 10 ft (3.0 m) between sprinklers at every other bay. The design of an in-rack sprinkler system shall be based on a minimum flow of 60 gpm (230 L/min) from the most remote six sprinklers for single-row racks or the most remote eight sprinklers for both double-row and multiple-row racks. The in-rack sprinkler demand shall not be re- quired to be hydraulically balanced with the ceiling-level sprinkler system. Ceiling Sprinkler System. The ceiling-level sprin- kler system shall be designed based on the highest commodity hazard not protected by the criteria prescribed by 17.1.3 Movable Racks. Rack storage in movable racks shall be protected in the same manner as multiple-row racks. 17.1.4 Fire Protection of Steel Columns - Columns Within Storage Racks. See Section Gb.* Where fireproofing of building columns is not pro-, vided and storage heights are in excess of 15 ft (4.6 in), pro- tection of building columns located wholly or partially within the rack footprint inclusive of flue space or within 12 in. (305 mm) of the footprint shall be protected in accordance with one of the following: COLUMN PROTECTION 2016 Edition ...- . 13-202 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Plan View 3 in. (75 mm) max gap at rack upright 0_0 0 12 ft (3.7 m) max U 101 _______ _______ 12ft(3.7m) ________ ________ max L PROTECTION OF STEEL COLUMN In-rack sprinklers Sidewall sprinklers at the 15 ft (4.6 m) elevation, pointed toward one side of the steel column Provision of ceiling sprinkler density for a minimum of 2000 ft2 (186 in 2) with ordinary temperature— or high temperature—rated rinklers as shown in Table for storage heights ab'kve 15 ft (4.6 m) up to and includ- Jng,2Qfç(.1m)__-4__________________ [(4) Provision of CMSA or ESFR ceiling sprinkler protection Where storage heights are in excess of 15 ft (4.6 m) and vertical rack members support the building structure, the vertical rack members shall be protected in accordance with one of the options in The flow from a column sprinkler(s) shall be permit- ted to be omitted from the sprinkler system hydraulic calcula- tions. 17.1.5 Solid Shelving. Where solid shelving in single-, double-, and multiple- row racks exceeds 20 ft2 (1.9 ni2) but does not exceed 64 ft2 (5.9 m2) in area, sprinklers shall not be required below every she1f, but shall be installed at the ceiling and below shelves at intermediate levels not more than 6 ft (1.8m) apart vertically. (See Section CII.) Plan View /3 in. (75 mm) max gap at rack upright 0_0 0_ 0 0 1 12 ft (3.7 m) F-1 max 06 0 6 ________ 12 ft (3.7 m) F-1F_F_ m ax L Elevation View FIGURE Alternative Protection Multiple-Row Racks. Table Ceiling Sprinkler Densities for Protection of Steel Building Columns Aisle Width 4ft(1.2m) 8ft(2.4m) Commodity Classification UM/ft2 I (L/min)/m2 gpm/ft2 I (L/min)/m2 Group A 0.68 27.7 0.57 23.2 plastics 2016 Edition , INFPA1 3 I 13-54 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS For ceilings that have insulation installed directly against underside of the ceiling or roof structure, the deflec- tor distance shall be measured from the bottom of the insula- tion and shall be in accordance with or For insulation that is installed directly against the ceiling or roof structure and is installed flat and parallel to the ceiling or roof structure, the deflector distance shall be mea- sured to the underside of the insulation. For insulation that is installed in a manner that causes it to deflect or sag down from the ceiling or roof struc- ture, the deflector distance shall be measured as half of the distance of the deflection from the insulation high point to the insulation low point. If the deflection or sag in the insulation exceeds 6 in. (150 mm), the deflector distance shall be measured to the high point of the insulation. The deflector shall not be positioned above the low point of the insulation.* Heat collectors shall not be used as a means to assist the activation of a sprinkler. Deflector Orientation. Deflectors of sprinklers shall be aligned parallel to ceilings, roofs, or the incline of stairs. 8.5.5 Obstructions to Sprinkler Discharge.* Performance Objective. Sprinklers shall be located so as to minimize obstructions to discharge as defined in and, or additional sprinklers shall be provided to en- sure adequate coverage of the hazard. (See Figure A.* Obstructions to Sprinkler Discharge Pattern Develop- ment. Continuous or noncontinuous obstructions less than or equal to 18 in. (450 mm) below the sprinkler deflector that prevent the pattern from fully developing shall comply with Sprinklers shall be positioned in accordance with the minimum distances and special requirements of Sec- tion 8.6 through Section 8.12 so that they are located suffi- ciently away from obstructions such as truss webs and chords, pipes, columns, and fixtures.* Obstructions that Prevent Sprinkler Discharge from Reaching Hazard. Continuous or noncontinuous obstructions al 31ane more ~OBSTR*U~tor in a man-* Sprinklers shall be installed under fixed obstruc- tions over 4 ft (1.2 m) in width. Sprinklers shall be located below the obstruction and not more than 3 in. (75 mm) from the outside edge of the Where sprinklers are located adjacent to the ob- struction, they shall be of the intermediate level rack type. The deflector of automatic sprinklers installed un- der fixed obstructions shall be positioned no more than 12 in. (300 mm) below the bottom of the obstruction. Sprinklers shall not be required under noncom- bustible obstructions over 4 ft (1.2 m) wide where the bottom of the obstruction is 24 in. (600 mm) or less above the floor or deck. Sprinklers shall not be required under obstructions that are not fixed in place, such as conference tables. Sprinklers installed under obstructions shall be of the same type (spray, CMSA, ESFR, residential) as installed at the ceiling except as permitted by Spray sprinklers shall be permitted to be utilized under overhead doors.* Sprinklers installed under open gratings shall be of the intermediate level/rack storage type or otherwise shielded from the discharge of overhead sprinklers. Closets. In all closets and compartments, including those closets housing mechanical equipment, that are not larger than 400 ft-" (11.3 m3) in size, a single sprinkler at the highest ceiling level shall be sufficient without regard to ob- structions or minimum distance to the wall. 8.5.6 Clearance from Deflector to Storage.* Unless the requirements of,,, or are met, the clearance between the deflector and the top of storage or contents of the room shall be 18 in. (450 mm) or greater. Where other standards specify greater clearance to storage minimums, they shall be followed. A minimum clearance to storage of 36 in. (900 mm) shall be permitted for special sprinklers. A minimum clearance to storage of less than 18 in. (450 mm) between the top of storage and ceiling sprinkler deflectors shall be permitted where proven by successful large- scale fire tests for the particular hazard. The clearance from the top of storage to sprinkler deflectors shall be not less than 36 in. (900 mm) where rubber tires are stored. 8.5.7 Skylights. Sprinklers shall be permitted to be omitted from sky- lights not exceeding 32 ft2 (3.0 in2) in area, regardless of haz- ard classification, that are separated by at least 10 ft (3.0 in) horizontally from any other unprotected skylight or unpro- tected ceiling pocket. When a sprinkler is installed directly beneath a sky- light not exceeding 32 ft2 (3.0 in2), the distance to the ceiling shall be measured to the plane of the ceiling as if the skylight was not present. Skylights not exceeding 32 ft2 (3.0 m2) shall be per- mitted to have a plastic cover. 8.6 Standard Pendent and Upright Spray Sprinklers. 8.6.1 General. All requirements of Section 8.5 shall apply to standard pendent and upright spray sprinklers except as modified in Section 8.6. 8.6.2 Protection Areas per Sprinkler (Standard Pendent and Upright Spray Sprinklers). Determination of Protection Area of Coverage. Except as permitted by, the protection area of coverage per sprinkler (As) shall be determined in accordance with 2016 Edition INFPA1 3 I 13-146 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Chapter 12 General Requirements for Storage 12.1 General. The requirements of Section 12.1 shall apply to all storage arrangements and commodities other than miscel- laneous storage (see Chapter 13) and as modified by specific sections in Chapter 14 through Chapter 20. 12.1.1 Roof Vents and Draft Curtains. See Section C.6.* Manually operated roof vents or automatic roof vents with operating elements that have a higher temperature classification than the automatic sprinklers shall be permitted. Early suppression fast-response (ESFR) sprinklers shall not be used in buildings with automatic heat or smoke vents unless the vents use a high-temperature rated, standard- response operating mechanism.* Draft curtains shall not be used within ESFR sprin- kler systems. ng ESFR sprinklers at system CEILING SLOPE inklers or between hazards 12.1.2 Ceiling Slope. The sprinkler system criteria specified in Chapter 12 and Chapters 14 through 20 are intended to apply to buildings with ceiling slopes not exceeding 2 in 12 (16.7 percent) unless modified by a specific section in Chap- ter 12 and Chapters 14 through 20. 12.1.3* Building and Storage Height. The maximum building height shall be measured to the underside of the roof deck or ceiling or in accordance with through For corrugated metal deck roofs up to 3 in. (75 mm) in depth, the maximum roof height shall be mea- sured from floor to the bottom of the deck. For decks deeper than 3 in. (75 mm), the maxi- mum roof height shall be measured to the highest point on the deck. For ceilings that have insulation installed directly against underside of the ceiling or roof structure, the maxi- mum roof height shall be measured to the bottom of insula- tion and shall be in accordance with or For insulation that is installed directly against the ceiling or roof structure and is installed flat and parallel to the ceiling or roof structure, the maximum roof height shall be measured to the underside of the insulation. For insulation that is installed in a manner that causes it to deflect or sag down from the ceiling or roof stru6 ture, the maximum roof height shall be measured as half of the distance of the deflection from the insulation high point to the insulation low point. If the deflection or sag in the insu- lation exceeds 6 in. (150 min), the maximum roof height shall be measured to the high point of the insulation.* Where the building height changes within a com- partment, the sprinklers directly over the storage shall be ca- pable of protecting storage directly beneath. Where a barrier to heat and smoke in accor- dance with 12.3(2) or 12.3(3) is not present, the sprinkler criteria 15 ft (4.6 m) into the perimeter of the lower ceiling area shall be the same as the sprinkler protection for the high ceiling area. ESFR sprinklers shall be used only in buildings equal to, or less than, the height of the building for which they have been listed. The sprinkler system design shall be based on the storage height and clearance to ceiling that routinely or peri- odically exist in the building and create the greatest water demand. Where storage is placed above doors, the storage height shall be calculated from the base of storage above the door. Clearance to Ceiling.* The clearance to ceiling shall be measured in ac- cordance with through For corrugated metal deck roofs up to 3 in. (75 mm) in depth, the clearance to ceiling shall be measured from the top of storage to the bottom of the deck. For corrugated metal deck roofs deeper than 3 in. (75 mm), the clearance to ceiling shall be measured to the highest point on the deck. For ceilings that have insulation attached di- rectly to underside of the ceiling or roof structure, the, clear- ance to ceiling shall be measured from the top of storage to the bottom of the insulation and shall be in accordance with 1213413(A) or For insulation that is attached directly to the ceiling or roof structure and is installed flat and parallel to the ceiling or roof structure, the clearance to ceiling shall be measured from the top of storage to the underside of the insulation. For insulation that is installed in a manner that causes it to deflect or sag down from the ceiling or roof structure, the clearance to ceiling shall be measured from the top of storage to a point half of the distance of the deflection from the insu- lation high point to the insulation low point. If the deflection or sag in the insulation exceeds 6 in. (150 mm), the clearance to ceiling shall be measured from the top of storage to the high point of the insulation. For spray sprinkler criteria where the clearance to ceiling exceeds those identified in this section, the require- ments of through shall apply. Where the clearance to ceiling exceeds 20 ft (6.1 m) for Chapters 14 and 15, protection shall be based upon the storage height that would result in a clearance to ceiling of 20 ft (6.1 m). Where the clearance to ceiling exceeds 20 ft (6.1 m) for Section 16.2, protection shall be based upon the storage height that would result in a clearance to ceiling of 20 ft (6.1 m) or providing one level of supplemental, quick- response in-rack sprinklers located directly below the top tier of storage and at every flue space intersection. Where the clearance to ceiling exceeds 10 ft (3.0 m) for Section 16.3 or Section 17.2, protection shall be based upon the storage height that would result in a clearance to ceiling of 10 ft (3.0 m) or providing one level of supplemen- tal, quick-response in-rack sprinklers located directly below the top tier of storage and at every flue space intersection. Where the clearance exceeds 10 ft (3.0 m) for Sec- tion 17.3, protection shall be based upon providing one level 2016 Edition . . INFPA13 I PROTECTION OF MISCELLANEOUS AND LOW-PILED STORAGE 13-153 Table ESFR Sprinkler Protection for Indoor Storage of Idle Plastic Pallets Maximum Storage Maximum Minimum Operating Height Ceiling/Roof Height Pressure Type of Sprinkler (Orientation) Location of Storage Nominal K-Factor ft In ft In psi bar 14.0 25 7.6 30 9.1 50 3.4 25 7.6 32 10 60 4.1 (200) On floor or rack ESFR (pendent) without solid 25 7.6 30 9.1 35 2.4 shelves 168 240) 25 7.6 32 10 42 2.9 35 11 40 12 52 3.6 Where plastic pallets are stored without cutoffs from other storage, the following shall apply: Maximum storage height of 10 ft (3.0 m) Maximum ceiling height of 30 ft (9.1 in) Sprinkler density 0.6 gpm/ft2 over 2000 ft2 (24.4 mm/ min over 186 m2) Minimum sprinkler K-factor of 16.8 (240) Plastic pallets shall have no impact on the re- quired sprinkler protection when stored as follows: Storage shall be piled no higher than 4 ft (1.2 m). Sprinkler protection shall employ high temperature- rated sprinklers. Each pallet pile of no more than two stacks shall be sepa- rated from other pallet piles by at least 8 ft (2.4 in) of clear space or 25 ft (7.6 m) of stored commodity. Minimum ceiling design of 0H2 shall be used. Idle plastic pallets shall be stored only in racks where protected in accordance with the requirements of Table When specific test data and a product listing are available, the data shall take precedence in determining the required protection of idle plastic pallets stored in racks. 12.12.3 Idle Pallets Stored on Racks, on Shelves, and Above Doors. Idle pallets shall not be stored on racks or shelves, except where permitted in,, and Idle pallets shall be permitted to be stored on the lowest level of storage only where no storage or shelves are lo- cated above the stored pallets and the applicable protection cri- teria referenced for on-floor storage in Section 12.12 are applied. Where idle pallet storage is above a door, the idle pallet storage height and ceiling height shall be calculated from the base of storage above the door using the applicable protection criteria referenced in Section 12.12. 12.12.4 High-Expansion Foam - Reduction in Ceiling Den- sity. A reduction in ceiling density to one-half that required for idle pallets shall be permitted without revising the design area, but the density shall be no less than 0.15 gpm/ft2 (6.1 mm/mm). Chapter 13 Protection of Miscellaneous and Low-Piled Storage 13.1 General. 13.1.1 This chapter shall apply to any of the following situa- tions: Miscellaneous storage of Class I through Class IV com- modities up to 12 ft (3.7 m) in height Miscellaneous storage of Group A plastics tip to 12 ft (3.7 m) in height Miscellaneous storage of rubber tires up to 12 ft (3.7 m). in height Miscellaneous storage of rolled paper up to 12 ft (3.7 in) in height Storage of Class I through Class IV commodities tip to 12 ft (3.7 m) in height as directed by and Storage of Group A plastics up to 5 ft (1.5 m) in height as directed by 15.2.1 and 13.1.2 Hose Connections. Hose cFSolid Shelving quired for the protection of misce Piled Storage 13.1.3 Solid Shelf Racks. For storage of Class I through Class IV 12 ft (3.7 m) or less in height that does not meet the definition of Miscella- neous Storage that is on solid shelf racks, in-rack sprinklers shall be provided in accordance with 16.1.6, and ceiling sprinkler protection shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 13. For storage of GroupAPlastics 5 ft (1.5 m) or less in height that does not meet the definition of Miscellaneous Stor- age that is on solid shelf racks, in-rack sprinklers shall be pro- vided in accordance with 17.1.5, and ceiling sprinkler protec- tion shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 13. 13.2.1 The protection criteria shall be selected from Table 13.2.1 and Figure 13.2.1. 13.2.2 Installation criteria as permitted by NFPA 13 and de- sign criteria and modifiers as permitted by the density/area method of Chapter 11 for ordinary hazard Group 1, ordinary hazard Group 2, extra hazard Group 1, and extra hazard Group 2 occupancies shall be applicable. INFPA1 3 j 2016 Edition PROTECTION OF RACK STORAGE OF PL&STIC AND RUBBER COMMODITIES 13-203 Where solid shelving in single-, double-, and multiple- row racks exceeds 64 ft2 (5.9 rn2) in area or where the levels of storage exceed 6 ft (1.8 m), sprinklers shall be installed at the ceiling and below each level of shelving. Where multiple-row racks of any height have no lon- gitudinal flue or where double-row racks with storage up 25 ft (7.6 m) in height have no longitudinal flue, the situation shall not be considered solid shelves where transverse flues exist at maximum 5 ft (1.5 m) intervals and additional in-rack sprin- klers shall not he required in accordance with and The maximum horizontal spacing between in-rack sprinklers shall be 5 ft (1.5 m). Ceiling design criteria for CMDA, CMSA, and ESFR sprinklers shall be an applicable option for open racks com- bined with in-rack sprinklers installed in accordance with the criteria for solid shelving. Where the criteria in are not met, the water demand for the in-rack sprinklers shall be based on a mini- mum flow of 30 gpm (115 L/min) discharging from the fol- lowing number of sprinklers balanced to the ceiling sprinkler demand in accordance with Section 23.8: Eight sprinklers where only one level of in-rack sprinklers is installed Fourteen sprinklers (seven on each of the top two levels) when more than one level of in-rack sprinklers is installed The water demand for in-rack sprinklers shall not be required to be balanced to the ceiling sprinkler demand where additional face sprinklers are installed under each solid shelf at rack uprights and the in-rack sprinklers are calculated to discharge at least 60 gpm (230 L/min) from eight sprin- klers. Where solid shelves obstruct only a portion of the rack, in-rack sprinklers shall be installed horizontally, within the flue a minimum of 4 ft (1.2 m) beyond the end of the solid shelf, and vertically as follows: for CMDAsprin- Open Top Containers highest solid shelf for CMSA 17.1.6 Open-Top Containers. The protection of open-top containers is outside the scope of Chapter 17. (See Sec- tion C.12.) 17.1.7 In-Rack Sprinklers. The number of sprinklers and the pipe sizing on a line of sprinklers in racks shall be restricted only by hydraulic calculations and not by any piping schedule. When in-rack sprinklers are necessary to protect a higher hazard commodity that occupies only a portion of the length of a rack, in-rack sprinklers shall be extended a mini- mum of 8 ft (2.4 m) or one bay, whichever is greater, in each direction along the rack on either side of the higher hazard. The in-rack sprinklers protecting the higher haz- ard shall not be required to be extended across the aisle. Where a storage rack, due to its length, requires less than the number of in-rack sprinklers specified, only those in-rack sprinklers in a single rack need to be included in the calculation.* Where in-rack sprinklers are installed in longitudi- nal flues, they shall be located at an intersection of transverse and longitudinal flues while not exceeding the maximum spacing rules. Where distances between transverse flues exceed the maximum allowable distances, sprinklers shall be installed at the intersection of the transverse and longitudinal flues, and additional sprinklers shall be installed between transverse flues to meet the maximum distance rules. Where no transverse flues exist, in-rack sprinklers shall not exceed the maximum spacing rules. For storage over 25 ft in height, in-rack sprinklers in longitudinal flues shall be installed with the deflector lo- cated at or below the bottom of horizontal load beams or above or below other adjacent horizontal rack members, and such in-rack sprinklers shall be a minimum of 3 in. (76 mm) radially from the side of the rack uprights. 17.1.8* Horizontal Barriers and In-Rack Sprinklers. Horizontal barriers used in conjunction with in-rack sprinklers to impede vertical fire development shall be con- structed of sheet metal, wood, or similar material and shall extend the full length and depth of the rack. Barriers shall be fitted within 2 in. (50 mm) horizon- tall)' around rack uprights. 17.1.9 flue Space Requirements for Storage Up to and In- cluding 25 ft (7.6 m). See Section C.13. In double- and multiple-row open racks, a longitudi- nal (back-to-back clearance between loads) flue space shall not be required. Nominal 6 in. (150 mm) transverse flue spaces be- tween loads and at rack uprights shall be maintained in single-, double-, and multiple-row racks. Random variations in the width of flue spaces or in their vertical alignment shall be permitted. 17.1.10 Flue Space Requirements for Storage Over 25 ft (7.6 m). Nominal 6 in. (150 mm) longitudinal flue spaces shall be provided in double-row racks. Nominal 6 in. (150 mm) transverse flue spaces between loads and at rack uprights shall be maintained in single-, double-, and multiple-row racks. Random variations in the width of the flue spaces or in their vertical alignment shall be permitted. 17.2 Protection Criteria for Rack Storage of Group A Plastic Commodities Stored Up to and Including 25 ft (7.6 m) in Height. 17.2.1 Control Mode Density/Area Sprinkler Protection Cri- teria for Single-, Double-, and Multiple-Row Racks for Group A Plastic Commodities Stored Up to and Including 25 ft (7.6 m) in Height.* Storage 5 ft (1.5 m) or Less in Height. For the stor- age of Group A plastics stored 5 ft (1.5 m) or less in height, the sprinkler design criteria for miscellaneous storage specified in Chapter 13 shall be used. For storage 5 ft (1.5 m) or less in height that does not meet the definition of Miscellaneous Storage that is on solid INFPA1 37 2016 Edition ANNEX C 13-449 Table C.9 Summary of Relationship Between Sprinkler Discharge Density and the Extent of Fire Damage and Sprinkler Operation Fire Damage in Test Array Sprinkler Operation Density [gpm/ft2 (Lpm/m2)] % ft 2(M2) [165°F (74°C)] Area [ft2 (m2)] 0.30 (12.2) (ceiling only) 22 395 (37) 4500-4800 (418-446) 0.375 (15.2) (ceiling only) 17 306 (24) 1800 (167) 0.45 (18.3) (ceiling only) 9 162 (15) 700 (65) 0.20 (8.1) (ceiling only) 28-36 504-648 (46-60) 13,100-14,000 (1217-1300) 0.20 (8.1) (sprinklers at ceiling and in racks) 8 144 (13) 4100 (380) 0.30 (12.2) (sprinklers at ceiling and in racks) 7 126 (12) 700 (65) For Si units, 1 ft = 0.3048 in; °C = %(°F -32); 1 gpm/ft2 = 40.746 mm/mm indicate little effect of point of ignition in the particular con- figuration tested. Test 125, when compared with Test 133, indicates no sig- nificant difference in result between approved low-profile sprinklers and standard sprinklers in the racks. C.10 [16.1.4 and 17.1.4] Temperatures in the test column were maintained below 1000°F (538°C) with densities, of roof ceiling sprinklers only, of 0.375 gp1n/ft2 (15.3 mm/mm) with 8 ft (2.4 m) aisles and 0.45 gpm/ft2 (18.3 mm/mm) with 4 ft (1.2 m) aisles using the standard commodity. C.11 [ and] Test 98 with solid shelves 24 ft (7.3 m) long and 71/2 ft (2.3 in) deep at each level produced total destruction of the commodity in the main rack and jumped the aisle. Density was 0.3 gpm/ft2 (12.2 mm/mm) from the ceiling sprinklers only. Test 108 with shelves 24 ft (7.3 m) long and 3½ ft (1.0 m) deep and with a 6 in. (150 mm) longitudinal flue space and one level of sprinklers in the rack resulted in damage to most of the commodity in the main rack but did notjump the aisle. Density from ceiling sprinklers was 0.375 gpm/ft2 (15.3 mm/mm), and rack sprinklers dis- charged at 15 psi (1.0 bar). These tests did not yield sufficient information to develop a comprehensive protection standard for solid shelf racks. Items such as increased ceiling density, use of bulkheads, other con- figurations of sprinklers in racks, and limitation of shelf length and depth should be considered. Where such rack installations exist or are contemplated, the damage potential should be considered, and sound engi- neeringjudgment should be used in designing the protection system. Test 98, with solid shelving obstructing both the longitudi- nal and transverse flue space, produced unsatisfactory results and indicates a need for sprinklers at each level in such a rack structure. Test 147 was conducted with ceiling sprinklers only. Density was 0.45 gpm/ft2 (18.3 mm/mm) with a sprinkler spacing of 100 ft2 (9.3 m2). A total of 47 sprinklers opened, and 83 per- cent of the commodity was consumed. The fire jumped both aisles and spread to both ends of the main and target racks. The test was considered unsuccessful. Test 148 was conducted with ceiling sprinklers and in-rack sprinklers. In-rack sprinklers were provided at each level (top of first, second, and third tiers) and were located in the longi- tudinal flue. They were directly above each other and 24 ft (7.3 m) on center or 22 ft (6.7 m) on each side of the ignition flue. Ceiling sprinkler discharge density was 0.375 gpm/ft2 (15.3 mm/mm). In-rack sprinkler discharge pressure was 30 psi (2.1 bar). A total of 46 ceiling sprinklers and three in- ercent of the commodity was of the material between both aisles. C.12 [16.1.7 and 17.1.6] Fire tests with open-top containers in the upper tier of storage and a portion of the third tier of storage produced an increase in sprinkler operation from 36 to 41 sprinklers and a more pronounced aisle jump and in- crease in firespread in the main array. The smooth underside of the containers closely approximates fire behavior of slave pallets. C.13 [16.1.10 and 17.1.9] Test 80 was conducted to determine the effect of closing back-to-back longitudinal 6 in. (150 mm) flue spaces in conventional pallet racks. Test results indicated fewer sprinklers operating than with the flue space open, and, as such, no minimum back-to-back clearance is necessary if the transverse flue space is kept open. Tests 145 and 146 were conducted to investigate the influ- ence of longitudinal and transverse flue dimensions in double-row racks without solid shelves. Results were compared with Tests 65 and 66. Flue dimensions in Tests 65, 66, 145, and 146 were 6 in. (150 mm), 6 in. (150 mm), 3 in. (75 mm), and 12 in. (300 mm), respectively. All other conditions were the same. In Tests 65 and 66, 45, and 48, sprinklers operated com- pared with 59 and 58 for Tests 145 and 146, respectively. Fire damage in Tests 145 and 146 was somewhat less than in Tests 65 and 66; 2100 ft3 (59 in3) and 1800 ft' (51 m3) in Tests 145 and 146, respectively, versus 2300 ft" (65 m3) and 2300 ft' (65 m3) in Tests 65 and 66, respectively, of combustible mate- rial were consumed. Test results indicate narrow flue spaces of about 3 in. (75 mm) allow reasonable passage of sprinkler water down through the racks. Tests 96 and 107, on multiple-row racks, used 6 in. (150 mm) transverse flue spaces. The water demand recom- mended in the standard is limited to those cases with nominal 6 in. (150 mm) transverse flues in vertical alignment. C.14 [] Tests 65 and 66, compared with Test 69, and Test 93, compared with Test 94, indicated a reduction in areas of application of 44.5 percent and 45.5 percent, respectively, with high temperature-rated sprinklers as compared with or- dinary temperature-rated sprinklers. Other extensive Factory Mutual tests produced an average reduction of 40 percent. INFPA1 3 1 2016 Edition INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS 13-51 igh- B = 0.5774 x A temperature zone C= 1.1547 x A (2.1 m) Unit heater 1 \ Airflow 11 ft 611/16 in. I (3.52 m) FIGURE High-Temperature and Intermediate- Temperature Zones at Unit Heaters. 8.4.1 Standard Upright and Pendent Spray Sprinklers. Upright and pendent spray sprinklers shall be permit- ted in all occupancy hazard classifications and building con- struction types unless the requirements of apply. Quick-response sprinklers shall not be permitted for use in extra hazard occu ancies under the densi /area de- sign &4.2SidewallSpr ESFR SPRINKLER & be installed as foll CONSTRUCTION TYPE Light hazard sloped, flat ceilings Ordinary hazard occupancies with smooth, flat ceilings where specifically listed for such use To protect areas below overhead doors 8.4.3 Extended Coverage Sprinklers. Extended coverage sprinklers shall only be installed as follows: (') in tinob eilin of 2 uniEESFR SPRINKLER SYSTEM U1O ARA!IO (3) Within t greater than 1 in. (25 mm) maximum dimension or where trusses are spaced greater than 71/2 ft (2.3 m) on center and where the ceiling slope does not exceed a pitch of 1 in 6 (a rise of 2 units in a run of 12 units, a roof slope of 16.7 percent) Extended coverage upright and pendent sprinklers in- stalled under smooth, flat ceilings that have slopes not exceeding a pitch of 1 in 3 (a rise of 4 units in a run of 12 units, a roof slope of 33.3 percent), where specifically listed for such use Extended coverage sidewall sprinklers installed in accor- dance with in slopes exceeding a ceiling pitch of 2 in 12 In each bay of obstructed construction consisting of solid structural members that extend below the deflector of the sprinkler Extended coverage sprinklers installed to protect areas below a single overhead door(s) 8.4.4 Open Sprinklers. Open sprinklers shall be permitted to be used in del- uge systems to protect special hazards or exposures or in other special locations. Open sprinklers shall be installed in accordance with all applicable requirements of this standard for their auto- matic counterpart. 8.4.5 Residential Sprinklers.* Residential sprinklers shall be permitted in dwelling units and their adjoining corridors, provided they are in- stalled in conformance with their listing. Residential sprinklers shall be used only in wet sys- tems unless specifically listed for use in dry systems or preac- tion systems. Where residential sprinklers are installed in a com- partment as defined in 3.3.6, all sprinklers within the compart- ment shall be residential sprinklers. 8.4.6 Early Suppression Fast-Response (ESFR) Sprinklers. ESFR sprinklers shall be used only in wet pipe systems unless specifically listed for use in dry systems. ESFR sprinklers shall be installed only in buildings where roof or ceiling slope above the sprinklers does not ex- ceed a pitch of 2 in 12 (a rise of 2 units in a run of 12 units, a roof slope of 16.7 percent).* ESFR sprinklers shall be permitted for use in build- ings with unobstructed and noncombustible obstructed con- struction. Where depths of the solid structural members (beams, stem, and so forth) exceed 12 in. (300 mm), ESFR sprinklers shall be installed in each channel formed by the solid structural members. Minimum sprinkler spacing and area of coverage shall comply with the requirements of 8.12.2 and 8.12.3. Draft Curtains. Where ESFR sprinkler systems are installed adjacent to sprinkler systems with standard-response sprinklers, a draft curtain of noncombustible construction and at least 2 ft (600 mm) in depth shall be required to separate the two areas. A clear aisle of at least 4 ft (1.2 m) centered below the draft curtain shall be maintained for separation. Temperature Ratings. Sprinkler temperature ratings for ESFR sprinklers shall be ordinary unless 8.3.2 requires intermediate- or high-temperature ratings. INFPA13 I 2016 Edition 13-86 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Ceiling 7-\ J Not less than 36 in. (900 mm) Obstruction 12 in. 4 (300 mm) maximum FIGURE Obstruction More Than 36 in. (914 mm) Below Sprinklers (CMSA Sprinklers). that branch line and the sprinklers on the branch line it is moving away from does not exceed 110 ft2 (10.2 rn2) per sprin- kler where all of the following conditions are met: (1) The average actual floor area protected by the sprinklers on the moved branch line and the sprinklers on the adja- cent branch lines shall not exceed 100 ft2 (9.3 m2) per sprinkler. (2) In no case shall the distance between sprinklers exceed 12 ft (3.7 m). (3) It shall not be permitted to move a branch line where there are moved sprinklers on a branch line that exceed the maximum sprinkler spacing. Minimum Protection Area of Coverage. The mini- mum allowable protection area of coverage for a sprinkler (A.,) shall not be less than 64 ft2 (5 .92). 8.12.3 Sprinkler Spacing (Early Suppression Fast-Response Sprinklers). Maximum Distance Between Sprinklers. The maxi- mum distance between sprinklers shall be in accordance with the following: (2) Unless the requirements of or are met, where the storage height exceeds 25 ft (7.6 m) and ceiling height exceeds 30 ft (9.1 m), the distance between sprinklers shall be limited to not more than 10 ft (3.0 m) between sprinklers. (3)*Regardless of the storage or ceiling height arrangement, deviations from the maximum sprinkler spacing shall be permitted to eliminate obstructions created by structural elements (such as trusses, barjoists, and wind bracing) by moving a sprinkler along the branch line a maximum of 1 ft (300 mm) from its allowable spacing, provided cover- age for that sprinkler does not exceed 110 ft2 (10.2 m2) where all of the following conditions are met: The average actual floor area protected by the moved sprinkler and the adjacent sprinklers shall not exceed 100 ft2 (9.3m2). Adjacent branch lines shall maintain the same pat- tern. In no case shall the distance between sprinklers ex- ceed 12 ft (3.7 m). (4) Where branch lines are parallel to trusses and barjoists, deviations from the maximum sprinkler spacing shall be permitted to eliminate obstructions created by structural elements (such as trusses, barjoists, and wind bracing) by moving a single branch line a maximum of 1 ft (300 mm) from its allowable spacing, provided coverage for the sprinklers on that branch line and the sprinklers on the branch line it is moving away from does not exceed 110 ft2 (10.2 m2) per sprinkler where all of the following condi- tions are met: The average actual floor area protected by the sprin- klers on the moved branch line and the sprinklers on the ad,jacent branch lines shall not exceed 100 ft2 (9.3 m2) per sprinkler. In no case shall the distance between sprinklers ex- ceed 12 ft (3.7 m). It shall not be permitted to move a branch line where there are moved sprinklers on a branch line that ex- ceed the maximum sprinkler spacing. Maximum Distance from Walls. The distance from sprinklers to walls shall not exceed one-half of the allowable distance permitted between sprinklers as indicated in Table A _T Not less 6 in than 36 in. (150 mm) (900 mm) maximum 4 ) Obstruction 12 in. 4 (300 mm) maximum (1) Where the storage height is less than or equal to 25 ft Minimum Distance from Walls. Sprinklers shall be (7.6 m) and the ceiling height is less than or equal to 30 ft located a minimum of 4 in. (100 mm) from a wall. (9.1 m), the distance between sprinklers shall be limited to not more than 12 ft (3.7 m) between sprinklers as Minimum Distance Between Sprinklers. Sprinklers shown in Table shall be spaced not less than 8 ft (2.4 m) on center. Ceiling/Roof Heights Up to 30 ft (9.1 m) Ceiling/Roof Heights Over 30 ft (9.1 m) Protection Area Spacing Protection Area Spacing Construction Type ft2 m2 ft in ft2 m2 ft in Noncombustible 100 9.3 12 3.7 100 9.3 10 3.0 unobstructed Noncombustible obstructed 100 9.3 12 3.7 100 9.3 10 3.0 Combustible unobstructed 100 9.3 12 3.7 100 9.3 10 3.0 Combustible obstructed N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 2016 Edition PROTECTION OF RACK STORAGE OF PLASTIC AND RUBBER COMMODITIES 13-215 Jand Including 25 ft (7.6 m) in Height Maximum Storage Arrangement Commodity Maximum Storage Height Ceiling/Roof Height Nominal K-Factor Orientation Minimum Operating Pressure Sprinkler Requirements ft m ft in psi bar I ingle-, Cartoned 20 6.1 double-, unexpanded and 14.0 (200) Upright/ pendent 50 3.4 No 16.8 (240) Upright/ 35 pendent 2.4 No multiple-row racks (no open-top containers) 25 7- 22.4 (320) Pendent 25 1.7 No 25.2 Pendent (360) 15 1.0 No YY ('C Y'r\ ESFR SPRINKLER NO ___ ( 14.0 200) Upright/ 50 3.4 No OPEN-TOP CONTAINERS pendent 16.8 Upright/ 35 2.4 No 30 9.1 (240) pendent 22.4 Pendent 25 1.7 No (320) 25.2 Pendent 15 1.0 No (360) 14.0 Upright/ 75 5.2 No (200) pendent 16.8 Upright/ 52 3.6 No 35 11 (240) pendent 22.4 Pendent 35 2.4 No (320) 25.2 Pendent 20 1.4 No (360) 16.8 Pendent 52 3.6 No (240) 22.4 Pendent (320) 40 2.7 No 40 12 25.2 Pendent 25 1.7 No (360) 14.0 Pendent 90 6.2 Yes (200) 16.8 Pendent 63 4.3 Yes (240) 45 14 22.4 Pendent 40 2.7 No (320) 25.2 Pendent 40 2.7 No (360) 14.0 (200) Upright/ pendent 50 3.4 No 25 76 16.8 Upright/ 35 2.4 No 30 9.1 (240) pendent 22.4 . Pendent 25 1.7 No (320) _________ 25.2 Pcndcnt F 15 1.0 No (360) (conlinlus) INFPA13 I 2016 Edition 13-214 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS In-Rack Sprinkler Requirements Where CMSA Sprin- klers Are Used at Ceiling. In-rack sprinklers shall be installed at the first tier level at or above one-half of the storage height. The minimum of 6 in. (150 mm) vertical clear space shall be maintained between the sprinkler deflectors and the top of a tier of storage. (A) Sprinkler discharge shall not be obstructed by horizontal rack members.* In-rack sprinklers shall be located at an intersec- tion of transverse and longitudinal flues. The maximum horizontal distance between in- rack sprinklers shall be 5 ft (1.5 m). Where distances between transverse flues exceed the maximum allowable distances, sprinklers shall be installed at the intersection of the transverse and longitudinal flues, and additional sprinklers shall be installed between transverse flues to meet the maximum distance rules. Where no transverse flues exist, in-rack sprinklers shall not exceed the maximum spacing rules. In-Rack Sprinkler Water Demand. The water de- mand for sprinklers installed in racks shall be based on simul- taneous operation of the most hydraulically remote eight sprinklers. In-Rack Sprinkler Discharge Pressure. Sprinklers in racks shall discharge at not less than 15 psi (1.0 bar) for all classes of commodities. (See Section C.19.) 17.2.3* for Rack to and In =CONTAINERS O storage o and cart dance wi a e ESFR protection as defined shall not apply to the following: Rack storage involving solid shelves, except as permitted by Rack storage involving open-top cartons or containers ESFR sprinklers shall not be permitted to protect storage on solid shelf racks unless the solid shelf racks are protected with in-rack sprinklers in accordance with 17.1.5. Where solid shelves are used, in-rack sprinklers shall be installed in every level below the highest solid shelf. ESFR sprinkler systems shall be designed such that the minimum operating pressure is not less than that indi- cated in Table for type of storage, commodity, storage height, and building height involved. The design area shall consist of the most hydrauli- cally demanding area of 12 sprinklers, consisting of four sprin- klers on each of three branch lines. In-Rack Sprinkler Requirements Where ESFR Sprin- klers Are Used at Ceiling. Where required by Table, in-rack sprin- klers shall be installed at the first tier level at or above one-half of the storage height. In-rack sprinklers shall he K-8.0 (115) or K-11.2 (160) quick-response, ordinary-temperature sprinklers. The minimum of 6 in. (150 mm) vertical clear space shall be maintained between the sprinkler deflectors and the top of a tier of storage. (A) Sprinkler discharge shall not be obstructed by horizontal rack members. The maximum horizontal distance between in- rack sprinklers shall be 5 ft (1.5 m).* In-rack sprinklers shall be located at an intersec- tion of transverse and longitudinal flues while not exceeding the maximum spacing rules. Where distances between transverse flues exceed the maximum allowable distances, sprinklers shall be installed at the intersection of the transverse and longitudinal flues, and additional sprinklers shall be installed between transverse flues to meet the maximum distance rules. Where no transverse flues exist, in-rack sprinklers shall not exceed the maximum spacing rules. The water demand for sprinklers installed in racks shall be based on simultaneous operation of the most hydrau- lically remote eight sprinklers. Each of the in-rack sprinklers described in shall discharge at a minimum of 60 gpm (227 L/min).* Protection of Exposed Expanded Group A Plastics. Protection of single-, double-, and multiple-row rack storage of exposed expanded Group A plastics shall be permitted to be in accordance with through The maximum storage height shall be 25 ft (9.1111). The maximum ceiling height shall be 40 ft (12.2 m). Sprinklers shall be intermediate temperature— rated ESFR pendent sprinklers with a nominal K-factor of K-25.2 (360). The design area shall consist of the most hydrauli- cally demanding area of 12 sprinklers. Subsection was revised by a tentative interim amendment (TIA). See page 1. The minimum operating pressure shall be either 30 psi (2.0 bar) or 60 psi (4.1 bar) based upon the applicable storage and ceiling height for the installation as follows: 30 psi (2.0 bar) for storage heights up to 25 ft (7.6 m) with a maximum ceiling height of 30 ft (9.1 m) 60 psi (4.1 bar) for storage heights up to 25 ft (7.6 in) with a maximum ceiling height of 40 ft (12.2 m) The minimum aisle width shall be 8 ft (2.4 m). The rack shall have a solid vertical barrier of 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) plywood or particleboard, 22 gauge sheet metal, or equivalent, from face of rack to face of rack, spaced at a maxi- mum of 16.5 ft (5.0 m) intervals. The vertical barrier shall extend from a maxi- mum of 4 in. (102 mm) above the floor to the maximum stor- age height. The plan area of storage between vertical barri- ers and aisles shall not exceed 124 ft (11.52 m2). 2016 Edition INFPA1 3-1 ATTACHMENT #8 ALARM/MONITORING FIRE PROTECTION AND LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS 903.3.6 Hose threads. Fire hose threads and fittings used in connection with automatic sprinkler systems shall be as prescribed by the fire code official. 903.3.7 Fire department connections. Fire department connections for automatic sprinkler systems shall be installed in accordance with Section 912. 903.3.8 Limited area sprinkler systems. Limited area sprinkler systems shall be in accordance with the standards listed in Section 903.3.1 except as provided in Sections 903.3.8.1 through 903.3.8.5. 903.3.8.1 Number of sprinklers. Limited area sprin- kler systems shall not exceed six sprinklers in any sin- gle fire area. 903.3.8.2 Occupancy hazard classification. Only areas classified by NFPA 13 as Light Hazard or Ordi- nary Hazard Group 1 shall be permitted to be protected by limited area sprinkler systems. 903.3.8.3 Piping arrangement. Where a limited area sprinkler system is installed in a building with an auto- matic wet standpipe system, sprinklers shall be sup- plied by the standpipe system. Where a limited area sprinkler system is installed in a building without an automatic wet standpipe system, water shall be permit- ted to be supplied by the plumbing system provided that the plumbing system is capable of simultaneously supplying domestic and sprinkler demands. 903.3.8.4 Supervision. Control valves shall not be installed between the water supply and sprinklers unless the valves are of an approved indicating type that are supervised or secured in the open position. 903.3.8.5 Calculations. Hydraulic calculations in accordance with NFPA 13 shall be provided to demon- strate that the available water flow and pressure are adequate to supply all sprinklers installed in any single fire area with discharge densities corresponding to the hazard classification. 903.3.9 Floor control valves. Floor control valves and wateiflow detection assemblies shall be installed at each floor where any of the following occur. Buildings where the floor level of the highest story is located more than 30 feet above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access. Buildings that are four or more stories in height. Buildings that are two or more stories below the highest level offire department vehicle access. Exception: Group R-3 and R-3.1 occupancies floor control valves and waterfiow detection assemblies snail not be 903.4 Sprinkler system supervision and alarms. Valves controlling the water supply for automatic sprinkler systems, pumps, tanks, water levels and temperatures, critical air pres- sures and waterfiow switches on all sprinkler systems shall be electrically supervised by a listed fire alarm control unit. Exceptions: Automatic sprinkler systems protecting one- and two-family dwellings. Limited area sprinkler systems in accordance with Section 903.3.8. Automatic sprinkler systems installed in accordance with NFPA 13R where a common supply main is used to supply both domestic water and the auto- matic sprinkler system, and a separate shutoff valve for the automatic sprinkler system is not provided. Jockey pump control valves that are sealed or locked in the open position. Control valves to commercial kitchen hoods, paint spray booths or dip tanks that are sealed or locked in the open position. Valves controlling the fuel supply to fire pump engines that are sealed or locked in the open posi- tion. Trim valves to pressure switches in dry, preaction and deluge sprinkler systems that are sealed or locked in the open position. 903.4.1 Monitoring. Alarm, supervisory and trouble sig- nals shall be distinctly different and shall be automatically transmitted to an approved supervising station or, where approved by the fire code official, shall sound an audible signal at a constantly attended location. Exceptions: Underground key or hub valves in roadway boxes provided by the municipality or public utility are not required to be monitored. Backflow prevention device test valves located in limited area sprinkler system supply piping shall be locked in the open position. In occupancies required to be equipped with a fire alarm system, the backflow preventer valves shall be electri- cally supervised by a tamper switch installed in accordance with NFPA 72 and separately annun- ciated. 903.4.2 Alarms. One exterior approved audible device, located on the exterior of the building in an approved loca- tion, shall be connected to each automatic sprinkler sys- tem. Such sprinkler waterfiow alarm devices shall be activated by water flow equivalent to the flow of a single sprinkler of the smallest orifice size installed in the sys- tem. Where a fire alarm system is installed, actuation of the automatic sprinkler system shall actuate the building fire alarm system. Visible alarm notification appliances shall not be required except when required by Section 907. 903.4.3 Floor control valves. Approved supervised indi- cating control valves shall be provided at the point of con- nection to the riser on each floor in high-rise buildings and Group 1-2 occupancies having occupied floors located more than 75 feet above the lowest level offire department vehicle access. 903.5 Testing and maintenance. Sprinkler systems shall be tested and maintained in accordance with Section 901. 903.6 Where required in existing buildings and structures. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided in existing buildings and structures where required in Chapter 11. 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 171 q • 1 1 1 i CopyAght C zoto ICC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Aoowood by Ellie Kluthrock,r ),k@kioo,brodw,er.00m), (-)Order Number 4100804710 on Dec IA, 201903:W PM (PSI) p0000001 to License Agreement with 4 i I I I I ICC Nfl fi,oh,, rto ndo.noo. on Sohon ,on,o.Iortinn, ho ,hhd nno,o'. ti,tAhOion o:,thnA,M Ainolfi or onto, 0nnnio oni nwn.-orMno nrohihitol ANY IINAIJIHORI7.F.I') RIIP000IJCTIflN OR ATTACHMENT #9 BUILDING ACCESS - DOORS & ROADS HIGH-PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE TABLE 3206.2 GENERAL FIRE PROTECTION AND LIFE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS ALL STORAGE AREAS SOLID-PiLEDSTORAGE; SHELF SIZE OF HIGH-PILED (See Sections 3206, 3207 and 3208)1 E AND PALLE1IZED STORAGETORAG S (see Section 3207.3) COMMODIT CLASS = -== STORAGE:AREA (square feet) Automatic lire- Fire detection _________ Fire _________ Smoke and _________ Maximum (see Sections 3206.2 and 3206.3) extinguishing system system department access doors heat removal Maximum pile dimension' permissible storage Maximum pile volume (see Section (see Section (see Section (see Section (feet) helghtd (cubic feet) 3206.4) 32065) 3206.7) 3206.8) (feet) 0-500 Not Not N t Not Not Not Not Required' Required Reqi red Required Required Required Required 501-2,500 Not Required' yest Not Reqt ired Not Required 120 40 100,000 2,501-12,000 Open to the public Yes Not Required Ni t Reqt ired Not Required 120 40 400,000 2,501-12,000 Not open to the public Yes Not Required Nt Requred' Not Required 120 40 400,000 (Option 1) 2,501-12,000 Not Not open to the public Required' Yes Y s Yes'-' 120 30' 200,000 (Option 2) 12,001-500,000 Yes Not Required Y1 s Yes',' 120 40 400,000 Greater than 500,000 Yes Not Required Yes Yes" 120 40 400,000 0-500 Not Not N t Not 60 Not Not Required' Required Reqi red' Required Required Required 501-2,500 Open to the public Yes Not Required N Re qi t ted' Not Required 60 30 75,000 501-2,500 Not open to the public Yt Not Not Not 60 30 75,000 Require High (Option 1) Required' Required hazard 501-2,500' Not open to the public Not Required' y 58 Yes Yes',' 60 20 50,000 (Option 2) 2,501-300,000 Y Notes Required Yes Yes 60 30 75,000 Greater than 300,000 Yes Not Required Yes Yes 60 30 75,000 For SI: 1 foot = 304.8 mm, 1 cubic foot = 0.02832 m3, 1 square foot = 0.0929 m2. Where automatic sprinklers are required for reasons other than those in Chapter 32, the portion of the sprinkler system protecting the high-piled storage area shall be designed and installed in accordance with Sections 3207 and 3208. For aisles, see Section 3206.10. Piles shall be separated by aisles complying with Section 3206.10. For storage in excess of the height indicated, special fire protection shall be provided in accordance with Note f where required by the fire code official. See Chapters 51 and 57 for special limitations for aerosols and flammable and combustible liquids, respectively. For storage exceeding 30 feet in height, Option 1 shall be used. f. Special fire protection provisions including, but not limited to, fire protection of exposed steel columns; increased sprinkler density; additional in-rack sprinklers, without associated reductions in ceiling sprinkler density; or additional fire department hose connections shall be provided where required by the fire code official. Not required where an automatic fire-extinguishing system is designed and installed to protect the high-piled storage area in accordance with Sections 3207 and 3208. Not required where storage areas with an exit access travel distance of 250 feet (76 200 mm) or less are protected by either early suppression fast response (ESFR) sprinkler systems or control mode special application sprinklers with a response time index of 50 (m. s)"2 or less that are listed to control a fire in the stored commodities with 12 or fewer sprinklers, installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. Not required in frozen food warehouses used solely for storage of Class I and II commodities where protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system. 450 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE (flfl III• i 1 1 1 I Copyright C 20 9 ]CC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. A,,,,,,d by EllEn hrokw,, (ek@b1,bnwk,e,,an,), (.) Order Number 1100804710 on D,c IA. 201n OnOA PM (PST) pursuant 10 Li00000 Ag000nneol with I • 4 4 liii Ii I I IT No R,flhn,onrn1nno,, no R hon,onn.l Iio,.hv,nv,hinl n,ov, n,,ik,,ih,Oinn ,uho,i,,d Sinol, w,nonlv. nnni,,o .n1 n.,wnthjnon,nhihionI ANY IJNAlTrHflRlZFfl 11PPR(1flIU'TICIN OR Part Ill—Building and Equipment Design Features CHAPTER 5 FIRE SERVICE FEATURES User note: About this chapter: Chapter 5 provides requirements that apply to all buildings and occupancies and pertain to access roads, access to building openings and roofs, premises identification, key boxes, fire protection water supplies, fire command centers, fire department access to equipment and emergency responder radio coverage in buildings. Although many safety features are part of the building design, features such as proper fire department access roads and radio coverage are necessary in case of emergency and are important fools for emergency responders for public safety and their own safety. SECTION 501 GENERAL 501.1 Scope. Fire service features for buildings, structures and premises shall comply with this chapter. 501.2 Permits. A permit shall be required as set forth in Sec- tions 105.6 and 105.7. 501.3 Construction documents. Construction documents for proposed fire apparatus access, location of fire lanes, security gates across fire apparatus access roads and construction doc- uments and hydraulic calculations for fire hydrant systems shall be submitted to the fire department for review and approval prior to construction. 501.4 Timing of installation. Where fire apparatus access roads or a water supply for fire protection are required to be installed, such protection shall be installed and made service- able prior to and during the time of construction except where approved alternative methods of protection are provided. Temporary street signs shall be installed at each street inter- section where construction of new roadways allows passage by vehicles in accordance with Section 505.2. SECTION 502 DEFINITIONS 502.1 Definitions. The following terms are defined in Chap- ter 2: AGENCY. FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROAD. FIRE COMMAND CENTER. FIRE DEPARTMENT MASTER KEY. FIRE LANE. KEY BOX. TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES. SECTION 503 FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROADS 503.1 Where required. Fire apparatus access roads shall be provided and maintained in accordance with Sections 503. 1.1 through 503.1.3. 503.1.1 Buildings and facilities. Approved fire apparatus access roads shall be provided for every facility, building or portion of a building hereafter constructed or moved into or within the jurisdiction. The fire apparatus access road shall comply with the requirements of this section and shall extend to within 150 feet (45 720 mm) of all por- tions of the facility and all portions of the exterior walls of the first story of the building as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building or facility. Exceptions: The fire code official is authorized to increase the dimension of 150 feet (45 720 mm) where any of the following conditions occur: 1.1. The building is equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, 903.3.1.2 or 903.3.1.3. 1.2. Fire apparatus access roads cannot be installed because of location on property, topography, waterways, nonnegotiable grades or other similar conditions, and an approved alternative means of fire protec- tion is provided. 1.3. There are not more than two Group R-3 or Group U occupancies. Where approved by the fire code official, fire apparatus access roads shall be permitted to be exempted or modified for solar photovoltaic power generation facilities. 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 107 I II • 1 1 1 1 II! Copyrighi C 10191CC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Ac—.d by EIJj Kjoo,b,ocko,, l,h@hJAo,bnNko,r.00m), (-) Order Number lOo8O7I0 on Doc In. 0010 0000 PM (PST) polsoofll 10 Lk,oN Agreement °'' r. • 4 ,- 4 liii Ii I A I c No PoOh.., ,,n,o,Iu.,io,.. ,o. A,,,h.., ,..,,,o.h.Ojo,,, ho ,,,o,hj,.I ,o,ov. .., ,Ij,,,ihu,h.n ,,.hoA,.,I Ajool, ,o,, o.k ..,M,,o o,ol ,oO,,,hi,o n,nhihi,oI ANY IINAIITH(SSIZF.I) SEPRODIIITIONOR FIRE SERVICE FEATURES 503.1 .2 Additional access. The fire code official is autho- rized to require more than one fire apparatus access road based on the potential for impairment of a single road by vehicle congestion, condition of terrain, climatic condi- tions or other factors that could limit access. 503.1.3 High-piled storage. Fire department vehicle access to buildings used for high-piled combustible stor- age shall comply with the applicable provisions of Chapter 32. 503.2 Specifications. Fire apparatus access roads shall be installed and arranged in accordance with Sections 503.2.1 through 503.2.8. [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §3.05(a)] Fire Department Access and Egress. (Roads) (a) Roads. Required access roads from every building to a public street shall be all-weather hard-suifaced (suitable for use by fire apparatus) right-of-way not less than 20 feet in width. Such right-of-way shall be unobstructed and maintained only as access to the public street. Exception: The enforcing agency may waive or modify this requirement if in his opinion such all-weather hard-surfaced condition is not necessary in the interest ana 503.2.1 Dimensions. Fire apparatus access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 20 feet (6096 mm), exclusive of shoulders, except for approved security gates in accordance with Section 503.6, and an unob- structed vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches (41 15 mm). 503.2.2 Authority. The fire code official shall have the authority to require or permit modifications to the required access widths where they are inadequate for fire or rescue operations or where necessary to meet the public safety objectives of the jurisdiction. 503.2.3 Surface. Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and shall be surfaced so as to provide all- weather driving capabilities. 503.2.4 Turning radius. The required turning radius of a fire apparatus access road shall be determined by the fire code official. 503.2.5 Dead ends. Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet (45 720 mm) in length shall be pro- vided with an approved area for turning around fire appa- ratus. 503.2.6 Bridges and elevated surfaces. Where a bridge or an elevated surface is part of a fire apparatus access road, the bridge shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with AASHTO HB-17. Bridges and elevated surfaces shall be designed for a live load sufficient to carry the imposed loads of fire apparatus. Vehicle load limits shall be posted at both entrances to bridges where required by the fire code official. Where elevated surfaces designed for emergency vehicle use are adjacent to surfaces that are not designed for such use, approved barriers, approved signs or both shall be installed and maintained where required by the fire code official. 503.2.7 Grade. The grade of the fire apparatus access road shall be within the limits established by the fire code offi- cial based on the fire department's apparatus. 503.2.8 Angles of approach and departure. The angles of approach and departure for fire apparatus access roads shall be within the limits established by the fire code offi- cial based on the fire department's apparatus. 3.3 Marking. Where required by the fire code official, proved signs or other approved notices or markings that Jude the words NO PARKING—FIRE LANE shall be )vided for fire apparatus access roads to identify such roads prohibit the obstruction thereof. The means by which fire res are designated shall be maintained in a clean and legible ridition at all times and be replaced or repaired when neces- y to provide adequate visibility. 3.4 Obstruction of fire apparatus access roads. Fire paratus access roads shall not be obstructed in any manner, luding the parking of vehicles. The minimum widths and arances established in Sections 503.2.1 and 503.2.2 shall maintained at all times. 503.4.1 Traffic calming devices. Traffic calming devices shall be prohibited unless approved by the fire code offi- cial. 3.5 Required gates or barricades. The fire code official is thorized to require the installation and maintenance of tes or other approved barricades across fire apparatus :ess roads, trails or other accessways, not including public eets, alleys or highways. Electric gate operators, where )vided, shall be listed in accordance with UL 325. Gates ended for automatic operation shall be designed, con- ucted and installed to comply with the requirements of ;TM F2200. 503.5.1 Secured gates and barricades. Where required, gates and barricades shall be secured in an approved man- ner. Roads, trails and other accessways that have been closed and obstructed in the manner prescribed by Section 503.5 shall not be trespassed on or used unless authorized by the owner and the fire code official. Exception: The restriction on use shall not apply to public officers acting within the scope of duty. 503.5.2 Fences and Gates. School grounds may be fenced and gates therein may be equipped with locks, provided that safe dispersal areas based on 3 square feet (0.28 m2) per occupant are located between the school and the fence. Such required safe dispersal areas shall not be located less than 50 feet (15 240 mm) from school build- ings. Every public and private school shall conform with Sec- tion 32020 of the Education Code which states: The governing board of every public school dis- trict, and the governing authority of every private school, which maintains any building used for the instruction or housing of school pupils on land entirely enclosed (except for building walls) by fences of walls, shall, through cooperation with the local law enforcement and fire-protection agencies having jurisdiction of the area, make 108 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE o Copyright OzoiglCC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Acceswd by MeKlausbrucko,r ),k@klausb,uckn,,.com). (-I Ord,r Number *100000100 Dec 16, 2019 03:09 PM (PET) pur,uuni to Lic,ow Agreement with V 4 4 4 0 I1C No oherreoonri,,,.ru ohr,,,,,w.Io-,inn,hr ,ru'thi,,I o,ov.r,di9rho,iu,.,othuo,.'d 91,rt,,,,..,rnlv. -urv.no on.) ,,elwnthInnr*hjhit..I ANY ttNAtfl'HORt7.Ft1RP.P0OfltI1TIflNOR FIRE SERVICE FEATURES provision for the erection of gates in such fences or walls. The gates shall be of sufficient size to permit the entrance of the ambulances, police equipment and fire-fighting apparatus used by the law enforcement and fire-protection agencies. There shall be no less than one such access gate and there shall be as many such gates as needed to assure access to all major buildings and ground areas. If such gates are to be equipped with locks, the locking devices shall be designed to permit ready entrance by the use of the chain or bolt-cut- ting devices with which the local law enforcement and fire-protection agencies may be equipped. 503.6 Security gates. The installation of security gates across a fire apparatus access road shall be approved by the fire code official. Where security gates are installed, they shall have an approved means of emergency operation. The security gates and the emergency operation shall be maintained operational at all times. Electric gate operators, where provided, shall be listed in accordance with UL 325. Gates intended for auto- matic operation shall be designed, constructed and installed to comply with the requirements of ASTM F2200. SECTION 504 ACCESS TO BUILDING OPENINGS AND ROOFS 504.1 Required access. Exterior doors and openings required by this code or the California Building Code shall be main- tained readily accessible for emergency access by the fire department. An approved access walkway leading from fire apparatus access roads to exterior openings shall be provided where required by the fire code official. [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §3.05(b)] Fire Department Access and Egress. (Roofs) (b) Roofs. No person shall install or maintain any security barrier such as barbed wire fencing, razor wire fencing, chain link fencing, or any other fencing material, cable, aerial, antenna, or other obstruction on the roof of any com- mercial establishment in such a manner as to obstruct or ren- der egress or access hazardous in the event of fire or other emergency. Exception: Guy wire, rods and aerial antenna masts may be attached to a roof structure having a slope of less than 30 degrees provided there is full clearance of seven feet or more between the roof and said obstruction. Guy wire or rods required to support aerial or antenna masts may be attached to a roof structure a lateral distance from the mast not in excess of one-sixth the height of the mast. 504.2 Maintenance of exterior doors and openings. Exte- rior doors and their function shall not be eliminated without prior approval. Exterior doors that have been rendered non- functional and that retain a functional door exterior appear- ance shall have a sign affixed to the exterior side of the door with the words THIS DOOR BLOCKED. The sign shall con- sist of letters having a principal stroke of not less than 3/4 inch (19.1 mm) wide and not less than 6 inches (152 mm) high on a contrasting background. Required fire department access doors shall not be obstructed or eliminated. Exit and exit access doors shall comply with Chapter 10. Access doors for high-piled combustible storage shall comply with Section 3206.7. 504.3 Stairway access to roof. New buildings four or more stories above grade plane, except those with a roof slope greater than four units vertical in 12 units horizontal (33.3- percent slope), shall be provided with a stairway to the roof. Stairway access to the roof shall be in accordance with Sec- tion 1011.12. Such stairway shall be marked at street and floor levels with a sign indicating that the stairway continues to the roof. Where roofs are used for roof gardens or for other purposes, stairways shall be provided as required for such occupancy classification. 504.4 Roof access. No person shall install or maintain any security barrier such as barbed wire fencing, razor wire fenc- ing, chain link fencing, or any other fencing material, cable, aerial, antenna, or other obstruction on the roof of any com- mercial establishment in such a manner as to obstruct or ren- der egress or access hazardous in the event of fire or other emergency. Exception: Guy wire, rods and aerial antenna masts may be attached to a roof structure having a slope of less than 30 degrees provided there is full clearance of 7 feet or more between the roof and said obstruction. Guy wire or rods required to support aerial or antenna masts may be attached to a roof structure a lateral distance from the mast not in excess of one-sixth the height of the mast. SECTION 505 PREMISES IDENTIFICATION 505.1 Address identification. New and existing buildings shall be provided with approved address identification. The address identification shall be legible and placed in a position that is visible from the street or road fronting the property. Address identification characters shall contrast with their background. Address numbers shall be Arabic numbers or alphabetical letters. Numbers shall not be spelled out. Each character shall be not less than 4 inches (102 mm) high with a minimum stroke width of '/, inch (12.7 mm). Where required by the fire code official, address identification shall be pro- vided in additional approved locations to facilitate emergency response. Where access is by means of a private road and the building cannot be viewed from the public way, a monument, pole or other sign or means shall be used to identify the struc- ture. Address identification shall be maintained. 505.2 Street or road signs. Streets and roads shall be identi- fied with approved signs. Temporary signs shall be installed at each street intersection when construction of new road- ways allows passage by vehicles. Signs shall be of an approved size, weather resistant and be maintained until replaced by permanent signs. SECTION 506 KEY BOXES 506.1 Where required. Where access to or within a structure or an area is restricted because of secured openings or where immediate access is necessary for life-saving or fire-fighting 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 109 I iIl ' Copyright C IIMALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Aoon,sod by Ruin 09bn,ck,,,r ),k@ o,brook,tw.,om). (-)Order Number .100002710 0,, Dec 16.201909:09 PM (PSI) pursuant to license Agreement with k 4 k A I I I , ('C No (nob,', ,.nn,d,orinn. no 6,oh.., ,._,h,rrinn. hnun,lhjnt nwnn. .lI,ihu,inn ,nrhn,in,,l Sod.,,,, only. ,nnninn sod n..,w.wki,, ,,nh,hj09l 2NY JWAtJTHORI7.EO RSPOOI1t3CTION (10 ATTACHMENT #10 SMOKE & HEAT REMOVAL HIGH-PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE TABLE 3206.2 GENERAL FIRE PROTECTION AND LIFE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS I ALL STORAGE AREAS SOLID-PILED STORAGE, SHELF STORAGE AND PALLETIZED STORAGE SIZE OF HIGH-PILED (See Sections 3206, 3207 and 3208)b (see Section 3207.3) côMMôiW CLASS - STORAGE-AREA' (square feet) Automatic fire- extinguishing Fire detection Fire department Smoke and M aximum pile Maximum permissible Maximum (see Sections 3206.2 and 3206.3) system system (see Section access doors Section heat removal (see Section dimension' (feet) storage helghtd pile volume (cubic feet) (see Section 3206.4) 32065) (see 3206.7) 3206.8) (feet) Not Not Not - N t Not Not Not 0-500 Required' Required Required Reqt ired Required Required Required 501-2,500 Not Required' yest Not Required Not Reqt ired 120 40 100,000 2,501-12,000 Yes Not Not N 120 40 400,000 Open to the public Required Required Reqt ired 2,501-12,000 Not open to the public Yes Not Required Not Required' Nt Reqi ired 120 40 400,000 (Option 1) 2,501-12,000 Not open to the public Not Yes Yes Ye h.i 120 30' 200,000 Required' (Option 2) 12,001-500,000 Yes Not Required Yes Ye;','120 40 400,000 Greater than Yes Not Yes Ye;'-' 120 40 400,000 500,000 Required 0-500 Not Required' Not Required Not Required" N Req t Tired 60 Not Required Not Required 501-2,500 Yes Not Not N t 60 30 75,000 Open to the public Required Required' Req6recl 501-2,500 Not open to the public— ___________ Not Not Required 75,000Required 60 30 Yc3 Required High (Option 1) 501-2,500 Not hazard Not open to the public Required' y 5t Yes Yes'-' 60 20 50,000 (Option 2) 2,501-300,000 Yes Not Yes Yes), 1 Required 60 30 75,000 Greater than 300,000 Yes Not Yes Yes hj60 Required 30 75,000 For SI: 1 foot = 304.8 mm, 1 cubic foot = 0.02832 m3, 1 square foot = 0.0929 m2. Where automatic sprinklers are required for reasons other than those in Chapter 32, the portion of the sprinkler system protecting the high-piled storage area shall be designed and installed in accordance with Sections 3207 and 3208. For aisles, see Section 3206.10. Piles shall be separated by aisles complying with Section 3206.10. For storage in excess of the height indicated, special fire protection shall be provided in accordance with Note f where required by the fire code official. See Chapters 51 and 57 for special limitations for aerosols and flammable and combustible liquids, respectively. For storage exceeding 30 feet in height, Option 1 shall be used. Special fire protection provisions including, but not limited to, fire protection of exposed steel columns; increased sprinkler density; additional in-rack sprinklers, without associated reductions in ceiling sprinkler density; or additional fire department hose connections shall be provided where required by the fire code official. Not required where an automatic fire-extinguishing system is designed and installed to protect the high-piled storage area in accordance with Sections 3207 and 3208. Not required where storage areas with an exit access travel distance of 250 fee: (76 200 mm) or less are protected by either early suppression fast response (ESFR) sprinkler systems or control mode special application sprinklers with a response time index of 50 (m. s) or less that are listed to control a fire in the stored commodities with 12 or fewer sprinklers, installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. Not required in frozen food warehouses used solely for storage of Class I and II commodities where protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system. 450 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE I n • 1 1 1 1 1 r Copyth C 2Ot ICC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. A,twwd by Elli KI,,,b,,xk,t,, (,k@kl,,,bn,,k,,,.,om). (-)Ord" Number ,tooao.7,O on Dec16, 2019 owoo PM (PST) pnttwn to Ltc,,wo Agreement with - A I I Ii I I I I er. Sin fn,,bo, ,.nn,th,,io,,. ,,n ,,ho,wn,n,l,w,inn,bn o,,v,hi,d ow,v. n,.t,w,ih,,,inn Si,,,I,o,,,n,.h,. nnwnon,..l ,,.twn,bjnonnnh,h,t,nl ANY ItNAITFH0R17F.F) REPROflII(T1C1N (IS FIRE PROTECTION AND LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS Exception: Group F-i aircraft manufacturing build- ings and Group S-i aircraft repair hangars. 910.2.2 High-piled combustible storage. Smoke and heat removal required by Table 3206.2 for buildings and por- tions thereof containing high-piled combustible storage shall be installed in accordance with Section 910.3 in unsprinklered buildings. In buildings and portions thereof containing high-piled combustible storage equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accor- dance with Section 903.3.1.1, a smoke and heat removal system shall be installed in accordance with Section 910.3 or 910.4. In occupied portions of a building equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accor- dance with Section 903.3.1.1 where the upper surface of the story is not a roof assembly, a mechanical smoke removal system in accordance with Section 910.4 shall be installed. 910.3 Smoke and heat vents. The design and installation of smoke and heat vents shall be in accordance with Sections 910.3.1 through 910.3.3. 910.3.1 Listing and labeling. Smoke and heat vents shall be listed and labeled to indicate compliance with UL 793 or FM 4430 or ICC ES AC 331. 910.3.2 Smoke and heat vent locations. Smoke and heat vents shall be located 20 feet (6096 mm) or more from adjacent lot lines and fire walls and 10 feet (3048 mm) or more from fire barriers. Vents shall be uniformly located within the roof in the areas of the building where the vents are required to be installed by Section 910.2, with consid- eration given to roof pitch, sprinkler location and struc- tural members. 910.3.3 Smoke and heat vents area. The required aggre- gate area of smoke and heat vents shall be calculated as follows: For buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Sec lion 903.3.1.1: AVR = V/9000 (Equation 9-3) where: AVR = The required aggregate vent area (ft'). V = Volume (ft) of the area that requires smoke removal. For unsprinklered buildings: AVR = AFA/SO fEquation 9-4) where: AVR = The required aggregate vent area (ft'). AFA = The area of the floor in the area that requires smoke removal. 910.4 Mechanical smoke removal systems. Mechanical smoke removal systems shall be designed and installed in accordance with Sections 910.4.1 through 910.4.7. 910.4.1 Automatic sprinklers required. The building shall be equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. 910.4.2 Exhaust fan construction. Exhaust fans that are part of a mechanical smoke removal system shall be rated for operation at 221°F (105°C). Exhaust fan motors shall be located outside of the exhaust fan air stream. 910.4.3 System design criteria. The mechanical smoke removal system shall be sized to exhaust the building at a minimum rate of two air changes per hour based on the volume of the building or portion thereof without contents. The capacity of each exhaust fan shall not exceed 30,000 cubic feet per minute (14.2 m3/s). 910.4.3.1 Makeup air. Makeup air openings shall be provided within 6 feet (1829 mm) of the floor level. Operation of makeup air openings shall be manual or automatic. The minimum gross area of makeup air inlets shall be 8 square feet per 1,000 cubic feet per minute (0.74 m2 per 0.4719 m3/s) of smoke exhaust. 910.4.4 Activation. The mechanical smoke removal sys- tem shall be activated by manual controls only. 910.4.5 Manual control location. Manual controls shall be located where they are able to be accessed by the fire service from an exterior door of the building and separated from the remainder of the building by not less than 1-hour fire barriers constructed in accordance with Section 707 of the California Building Code or horizontal assemblies constructed in accordance with Section 711 of the Califor- nia Building Code, or both. 910.4.6 Control wiring. Wiring for operation and control of mechanical smoke removal systems shall be connected ahead of the main disconnect in accordance with Section 701.12E of the California Electrical Code and be pro- tected against interior fire exposure to temperatures in excess of 1,000°F (538°C) for a period of not less than 15 minutes. 910.4.7 Controls. Where building air-handling and mechanical smoke removal systems are combined or where independent building air-handling systems are pro- vided, fans shall automatically shut down in accordance with the California Mechanical Code. The manual con- trols provided for the smoke removal system shall have the capability to override the automatic shutdown of fans that are part of the smoke removal system. Y1U. Maintenance and testing. Maintenance and testing of smoke and heat vents and mechanical smoke removal sys- tems shall be in accordance with Sections 910.5.1 and 910.5.2. A written record of inspection, testing and mainte- nance that includes the date, identification of personnel involved, any unsatisfactory result, corrective action taken and replaced parts shall be maintained on the premises. 910.5.1 Smoke and heat vents. Smoke and heat vents shall be maintained in an operative condition. Inspection, testing and maintenance shall be in accordance with NFPA 204 except as follows: Mechanically operated smoke and heat vents shall be inspected annually and operationally tested not less than every 5 years. Gravity dropout smoke and heat vents shall be inspected annually. 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 211 liii • I i CopyrIhi C 2019 ICC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Ac—.d by Ell:, Elnoobronko,, (nk@kl,09bnlckn,,00rn), (.)Order Number -090,1710 on Dec 6.201903:09 PM oo (PST) poornt to Unnon, Agreement with - 4 liii WON, tIC Nn So )w,r.nondn.-t,on. ,, rtho, onnl:otjnn,lw,nvthinl ordjo,ihwio, owho,i,..,I Mom r ,, o,Iv.on,oinn ,,I n.nwn,kjnn onohihitol ANY lINAlITHORtZPfl RFPROIIIY11(992 OR FIRE PROTECTION AND LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS [ 3. Fused, damaged or painted fusible links shall be ] I replaced. 910.5.2 Mechanical smoke removal systems. Mechani- cal smoke removal systems shall be maintained in accor- dance with NFPA 204 and the equipment manufacturer's instructions except as follows: Systems shall be inspected and operationally tested annually. Testing shall include the operation of all system components, controls and ancillary equipment, such as makeup air openings. A written schedule for routine maintenance and operational testing shall be established and testing shall be conducted in accordance with the schedule. SECTION 911 EXPLOSION CONTROL 911.1 General. Explosion control shall be provided in the following locations: Where a structure, room or space is occupied for pur- poses involving explosion hazards as identified in Table 911.1. Where quantities of hazardous materials specified in Table 911.1 exceed the maximum allowable quantities in Table 5003.1.1(1). Such areas shall be provided with explosion (deflagration) venting, explosion (deflagration) prevention systems or barri- cades in accordance with this section and NFPA 69, or NFPA 495 as applicable. Deflagration venting shall not be utilized as a means to protect buildings from detonation hazards. TABLE 911.1 EXPLOSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS' EXPLOSION CONTROL METHODS MATERIAL CLASS Barricade construction lExpioslon (deflagration) venting or explosion (detlagration)_ prevention _systems Hazard Category Combustible dusts' - Not required Required Cryogenic fluids Flammable Not required Required Division 1.1 Required Not required Division 1.2 Required Not required Division 1.3 Not required Required Explosives Division 1.4 Not required Required Division 1.5 Required Not required Division 1.6 Required Not required Gaseous Not required Required Flammable gas Liquefied Not required Required IA" Not required Required Flammable liquids IBC Not required Required Unclassified detonable Required Not permitted Organic peroxides I Required Not permitted Oxidizer liquids and solids 4 Required Not permitted Pyrophoric Gases Not required Required 4 Required Not permitted Unstable (reactive) 3 detonable Required Not permitted 3 nondetonable Not required Required 3 Not required Required Water-reactive liquids and solids 2' Not required Required Special Uses Acetylene generator rooms - Not required Required Grain processing - Not required Required Liquefied petroleum gas distribution facilities - Not required Required Where explosion hazards exist' Detonation Deflagration Required Not required Not permitted Required Combustible dusts that are generated during manufacturing or processing. See definition of "Combustible dust" in Chapter 2. Storage or use. In open use or dispensing. Rooms containing dispensing and use of hazardous materials where an explosive environment can occur because of the characteristics or nature of the hazardous materials or as a result of the dispensing or use process. A method of explosion control shall be provided where Class 2 water-reactive materials can form potentially explosive mixtures. Explosion venting is not required for Group H-5 Fabrication Areas complying with Chapter 27 and the California Building Code. 212 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE copyright I I ' L 02019CC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Accessed by Ellie <iwllbolckllo, (,k@kJltlobrodl6,r.lom). (-)Order Number 0100006710 On 6.2019 0309 PM (PST) p010020119 License Agreement with 4 k A I I I it No0,,,h..,r.n,lnli,,.n., ,,lhi,.I n,dt,flih,0k,n o,h.,,i,,,I 111,,,i ,..n,,ki,00wh,h,w.l ANY ItNAllVHI0917.F.O 011000IIIICII0N OR ATTACHMENT #11 PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS HIGH-PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE 3206.7.6 Door size and type. Fire department access doors shall be not less than 3 feet (914 mm) in width and 6 feet 8 inches (2032 mm) in height. Roll-up doors shall not be considered fire department access doors unless approved. 3206.7.7 Locking devices. Locking devices on fire department access doors shall be approved. 3206.7.8 Key box. Where fire department access doors are required, a key box shall be installed in accordance with Section 506.1. The key box shall contain keys or devices to allow for entry through the fire department access doors. 3206.8 Smoke and heat removal. Where smoke and heat removal is required by Table 3206.2 it shall be provided in accordance with Section 910. 3206.9 Fire department hose connections. Where exit pas- sageways are required by the California Building Code for egress, a Class I standpipe system shall be provided in accor- dance with Section 905. 3206.10 Aisles. Aisles providing access to exits and fire department access doors shall be provided in high-piled stor- age areas exceeding 500 square feet (46 m2), in accordance with Sections 3206.10.1 through 3206.10.3. Aisles separating storage piles or racks shall comply with NFPA 13. Aisles shall comply with Chapter 10. Exception: Where aisles are precluded by rack storage systems, alternate methods of access and protection are allowed where approved. 3206.10.1 Width. Aisle width shall be in accordance with Sections 3206.10.1.1 and 3206.10.1.2. Exceptions: Aisles crossing rack structures or storage piles, that are used only for employee access, shall be not less than 24 inches (610 mm) wide. Aisles separating shelves classified as shelf stor- age shall be not less than 30 inches (762 mm) wide. 3206.10.1.1 Sprinklered buildings. Aisles in sprin- kiered buildings shall be not less than 44 inches (1118 mm) wide. Aisles shall be not less than 96 inches (2438 mm) wide in high-piled storage areas exceeding 2,500 square feet (232 m2) in area, that are accessible to the public and designated to contain high-hazard commodi- ties. Aisles shall be not less than 96 inches (2438 mm) wide in areas open to the public where mechanical stocking methods are used. Exceptions: 1. Aisles in high-piled storage areas exceeding 2,500 square feet (232 m2) in area, that are open to the public and designated to contain high-hazard commodities, and that are pro- tected by a sprinkler system designed for mul- tiple-row racks of high-hazard commodities, shall be not less than 44 inches (1118 mm) wide. 2. Aisles that are in high-piled storage areas exceeding 2,500 square feet (232 m2) in area, not open to the public and protected by a sprinkler system designed for multiple-row racks, shall be not less than 24 inches (610 mm) wide. 3206.10.1.2 Nonsprinklered buildings. Aisles in non- sprinklered buildings shall be not less than 96 inches (2438 mm) wide. 3206.10.2 Clear height. The required aisle width shall extend from floor to ceiling. Rack structural supports and catwalks are allowed to cross aisles at a minimum height of 6 feet 8 inches (2032 mm) above the finished floor level, provided that such supports do not interfere with fire department hose stream trajectory. 3206.10.3 Dead-end aisles. Dead-end aisles shall not exceed 20 feet (6096 mm) in length in Group M occupan- cies. Dead-end aisles shall not exceed 50 feet (15 240 mm) in length in all other occupancies. Exception: Dead-end aisles are not limited where the length of the dead-end aisle is less than 2.5 times the least width of the dead-end aisle. 3206.11 Portable fire extinguishers. Portable fire extin- guishers shall be provided in accordance with Section 906. SECTION 3207 SOLID-PILED AND SHELF STORAGE 3207.1 General. Shelf storage and storage in solid piles, solid piles on pallets and bin box storage in bin boxes not exceed- ing 5 feet (1524 mm) in any dimension, shall be in accor- dance with Section 3206 and this section. 3207.2 Fire protection. Where automatic sprinklers are required by Table 3206.2, an approved automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout the building or to 1-hour fire barriers constructed in accordance with Section 707 of the California Building Code. Openings in such fire barriers shall be protected by opening protectives having a 1-hour fire protection rating. The design and installation of the automatic sprinkler system and other applicable fire protection shall be in accordance with the California Building Code and NFPA 13. 3207.2.1 Shelf storage. Shelf storage greater than 12 feet (3658 mm) but less than 15 feet (4572 mm) in height shall be in accordance with the fire protection requirements set forth in NFPA 13. Shelf storage 15 feet (4572 mm) or more in height shall be protected in an approved manner with special fire protection, such as in-rack sprinklers. 3207.3 Pile dimension and height limitations. Pile dimen- sions, the maximum permissible storage height and pile vol- ume shall be in accordance with Table 3206.2. 3207.4 Arrays. Where an automatic sprinkler system design utilizes protection based on a closed array, array clearances shall be provided and maintained as specified by the standard used. 452 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE I 11 • I I A 1 1 1 II ° CO3hI 0 2l ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. A000n,od by SIR, El uba.ckoe @k (ek 806broAk1lor.0010), (-)Order Womb,, .I0000lo on Dec 6. 2019 0309 PM (PIT) 10010201 to Lion Agomn,,nl with - - I I 9 IC.0 Nnf th..rr.nrn,lo.t,o,00A. h0120b I. o..lo,h .,thoo,.11 o..n.-orl., o,oh,ho..l ANY I3NAIrrHoRIZF.fl R0PRflfl1IlrIflN OR FIRE PROTECTION AND LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS 905.6.1 Protection. Risers and laterals of Class III stand- pipe systems shall be protected as required for Class I sys- tems in accordance with Section 905.4.1. 905.6.2 Interconnection. In buildings where more than one Class III standpipe is provided, the standpipes shall be interconnected in accordance with NFPA 14. 905.7 Cabinets. Cabinets containing fire-fighting equipment, such as standpipes, fire hose, fire extinguishers or fire depart- ment valves, shall not be blocked from use or obscured from view. 905.7.1 Cabinet equipment identification. Cabinets shall be identified in an approved manner by a permanently attached sign with letters not less than 2 inches (51 mm) high in a color that contrasts with the background color, indicating the equipment contained therein. Exceptions: Doors not large enough to accommodate a writ- ten sign shall be marked with a permanently attached pictogram of the equipment contained therein. Doors that have either an approved visual identi- fication clear glass panel or a complete glass door panel are not required to be marked. 905.7.2 Locking cabinet doors. Cabinets shall be unlocked. Exceptions: Visual identification panels of glass or other approved transparent frangible material that is easily broken and allows access. Approved locking arrangements. Group 1-3 occupancies and in mental health areas of Group 1-2 occupancies. 905.8 Dry standpipes. Dry standpipes shall not be installed. Exception: Where subject to freezing and in accordance with NFPA 14. 905.9 Valve supervision. Valves controlling water supplies shall be supervised in the open position so that a change in the normal position of the valve will generate a supervisory signal at the supervising station required by Section 903.4. Where a fire alarm system is provided, a signal shall be trans- mitted to the control unit. Exceptions: Valves to underground key or hub valves in road- way boxes provided by the municipality or public utility do not require supervision. Valves locked in the normal position and inspected as provided in this code in buildings not equipped with a fire alarm system. 905.10 During construction. Standpipe systems required during construction and demolition operations shall be pro- vided in accordance with Section 3313. 905.11 Locking standpipe outlet caps. The fire code official is authorized to require locking caps on the outlets on dry standpipes where the responding fire department carries key wrenches for the removal that are compatible with locking FDC connection caps. 905.12 Existing buildings. Where required in Chapter 11, existing structures shall be equipped with standpipes installed in accordance with Section 905. SECTION 906 PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 906.1 Where required. Portable fire extinguishers shall be installed in all of the following locations: In new and existing Group A, B, E, F, H, I, L, M, R- 1, R-2, R-2.1, R-2.2, R-3,1, R-4 and S occupancies. Exception: In Group R-2 occupancies, portable fire extinguishers shall be required only in locations specified in Items 2 through 6 where each dwelling unit is provided with a portable fire extinguisher having a minimum rating of 1-A:10-B:C. Within 30 feet (9144 mm) of commercial cooking equipment. In areas where flammable or combustible liquids are stored, used or dispensed. On each floor of structures under construction, except Group R-3 occupancies, in accordance with Section 3315.1. Where required by the sections indicated in Table 906.1. Special-hazard areas, including but not limited to labo- ratories, computer rooms and generator rooms, where required by the fire code official. Large and small family day-care homes shall be equipped with a portable fire extinguisher having a minimum 2-A .10-B :C rating. Where required by California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1. Within 30 feet (9144 mm) of domestic cooking equip- ment located in a Group 1-2. [California CoAe of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §3.29(a) through Al Portable Fire Extinguishing Equip- ment. General. Portable fire extinguishers conforming to the requirements of California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, Chapter 3, shall be installed and maintained in accordance with guides established therein. Special Coverage. Additional Class A, B and C units of adequate extinguishing potential shall be provided for any other hazard, as determined by the enforcing agency. Group A Occupancies. (1) One additional Class 2-A unit shall be provided in Group A Occupancies as follows: On each side of the stage or platform. Exception: Platforms 1000 square feet or less in area need have only one such extinguishing unit. On each side of every fly gallery. In basements beneath the stage or platform. 178 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE I I • Copyright C 2019 CC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Acoottod by SUb Kjot)rntckoor (ok@kloosbrodo,or.00m). (-) O,deo Number 0100909710 on Dec 6. 2019 o-PM (PSI) p90099nt to license Agreement w)th 4 4 i ICC Nnl,9h.rr ,o tioo.00foho,,o,00,bn-tioo,h000vthi,d o9'.o,.1bo,iholioomhoA,l not, ,.,onI.000inonnd tnn,kbnnn,obbhil,ol ANY IbNAllYHORI7F.I) RF.PRCIIIIICTIION(99 FIRE PROTECTION AND LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS In every hallway or passageway leading to a dressing room. In every property room, carpenter shop, or simi- lar workroom. (2) Not less than one 10-B:C unit (not less than 4-B:C for existing extinguishers in existing occupancies) shall be provided: For each motor and fan room. Adjacent to each switchboard on the stage or platform. For each motion picture machine in projection rooms. Exception: One 20-B:C unit (not less than 8-B.0 for existing extinguishers in existing occupancies) in each projection room may be accepted as pro- viding substantially equal protection. (3) The enforcing agency may allow modifications or deviations relative to the number and location of porta- ble fire extinguishers as required by this section pro- vided such authority finds that the basic intent of this section and the ease of accessibility to extinguishers is otherwise achieved. (d) Group R-2.], R-3.1 and R-4 Occupancies. In Group R- 2.1, R-3.1 and R-4 occupancies, a continuously attached garden hose, equipped with a water flow control nozzle, may be provided in lieu of one or more required fire extin- guishers when acceptable to the enforcing agency. The location and length of such hose shall be as designated or approved by the enforcing agency. NOTE: It is recommended that, wherever possible, porta- ble fire extinguishers be located adjacent to manual fire alarm sending stations. [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §565(a)] Selection of Fire Extinguishers. (a) The selection of extinguishers for a given situation shall be determined by the authority having jurisdiction in accordance with adopted codes or ordinances. The character of the fires anticipated, the construction and occupancy of the individual property, the vehicle or hazard to be protected, ambient-temperature condi- tions, and other factors shall be considered. The num- ber, size, placement, and limitations of use of extinguishers required shall be determined by using California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, Sections 567 through 573. 906.2 General requirements. Portable fire extinguishers shall be selected, installed and maintained in accordance with this section and California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, Chapter 3. Exceptions: The distance of travel to reach an extinguisher shall not apply to the spectator seating portions of Group A-5 occupancies. Thirty-day inspections shall not be required for por- table fire extinguishers that are supervised by a TABLE 906.1 ADDITIONAL REQUIRED PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS SECTION SUBJECT 303.5 Asphalt kettles 307.5 Open burning 308.1.3 Open flames-torches 309.4 Powered industrial trucks 2005.2 Aircraft towing vehicles 2005.3 Aircraft welding apparatus 2005.4 Aircraft fuel-servicing tank vehicles 2005.5 Aircraft hydrant fuel-servicing vehicles 2005.6 Aircraft fuel-dispensing stations 2007.7 Heliports and helistops 2108.4 Dry cleaning plants 2305.5 Motor fuel-dispensing facilities 23 10.6.4 Marine motor fuel-dispensing facilities 2311.6 Repair garages 2404.4.1 Spray-finishing operations 2405 .4.2 Dip-tank operations 2406.4.2 Powder-coating areas 2804.3 Lumberyards/woodworking facilities 2808.8 Recycling facilities 2809.5 Exterior lumber storage 2903.5 Organic-coating areas 3006.3 Industrial ovens 3104.12 Tents and membrane structures 3206.10 High-piled storage 3315.1 Buildings under construction or demolition 3317.3 Roofing operations 3408.2 Tire rebuilding/storage 3504.2.6 Welding and other hot work 3604.4 Marinas 3703.6 Combustible fibers 5703.2.1 Flammable and combustible liquids, general 5704.3.3.1 Indoor storage of flammable and combustible liquids 5704. Liquid storage rooms for flammable and combustible liquids 5705.4.9 Solvent distillation units 5706 2 7 Farms and construction sites-flammable and com- bustible liquids storage 5706.4.10.1 Bulk plants and terminals for flammable and com- bustible liquids 5706.5.4.5 Commercial, industrial, governmental or manufac- turing establishments-fuel dispensing 5706.6.4 Tank vehicles for flammable and combustible liquids 5906.5.7 Flammable solids 6108.2 LP-gas / 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 179 I i 1 1 1 II Copy1hI ICC. Mi RIGHTS RESERVED. Accessed by Sill, KJ,u,b, x1ww (,I@Wwwbn,ck,,,r.on,). (-)Order N,n,b,, 1000 710 .rn Dec 16.201, 00:06 PM (PST) porl000l 10 U0,ll0 Ago,woow With - I I Ii Ii Ii IlT N, fnol,, r,nminw,,n .,. , ,.lwtl, ho w,v ,l,ol ,,Ww. ,, ,llw, ow:., ,:,thi.l 6j,.,I.wo,h, w-ww,., owl nwwwkj,,, ,,whihjw.I ANY I7NAII0HORIZIIO RF.PROOIUTION OR FIRE PROTECTION AND LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS Travel distances for portable extinguishers shall not exceed 50 feet (15.25 rn) as shown in California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, Section 569, Table 3. Scattered or widely separated hazards shall be individ- ually protected. An extinguisher in the proximity of a haz- ard shall be carefully located to be accessible in the presence of afire without undue danger to the operator. [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §571(a)] Fire Extinguisher Size and Placement for Class C Hazards. (a) Fire extinguishers with Class C ratings shall be required where energized electrical equipment can be encountered which would require a nonconducting extin- guishing medium. This requirement includes situations where fire either directly involves or surrounds electrical equipment. Since the fire itself is a Class A or Class B haz- ard, the fire extinguishers shall be sized and located on the basis of the anticipated Class A or Class B hazard. Note: Electrical equipment should be de-energized as soon as possible to prevent reigniting. 906.3.1 Class A fire hazards. The minimum sizes and distribution of portable fire extinguishers for occupancies that involve primarily Class A fire hazards shall comply with Table 906.3(1). TABLE 906.3(1) FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FOR CLASS AFIRE HAZARDS LIGHT ORDINARY EXTRA (Low) (Moderate) (High) HAZARD HAZARD HAZARD OCCUPANCY OCCUPANCY OCCUPANCY Minimum-rated 2Ac 2-A 4-A' single extinguisher Maximum floor area 3,000 1,500 1,000 per unit of A square feet square feet square feet Maximum floor area 11,250 11,250 11,250 for extinguisher' square feet square feet square feet Maximum distance of 75 feet 75 feet 75 feet travel to extinguisher For SI: 1 foot = 304.8 mm, I square foot = 0.0929 m2, 1 gallon = 3.785 L. Two 2V2-gallon water-type extinguishers shall be deemed the equivalent of one 4-A rated extinguisher. California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, Chapter 3 concerning application of the maximum floor area criteria. Two water-type extinguishers each with a 1-A rating shall be deemed the equivalent of one 2-A rated extinguisher for Light (Low) Hazard Occupancies. 906.3.2 Class B fire hazards. Portable fire extinguishers for occupancies involving flammable or combustible liq- uids with depths less than or equal to 0.25 inch (6.4 mm) shall be selected and placed in accordance with Table 906.3(2). Portable fire extinguishers for occupancies involving flammable or combustible liquids with a depth of greater than 0.25-inch (6.4 mm) shall be selected and placed in accordance with California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, Chapter 3. TABLE 906.3(2) FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FOR FLAMMABLE OR COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS WITH DEPTHS OF LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 025 INCH BASIC MINIMUM MAXIMUM DISTANCE TYPE OF HAZARD EXTINGUISHER OF TRAVEL TO RATING EXTINGUISHERS (feet) Light (Low) 5-13 30 10-B 50 Ordinary (Moderate) 10-B 30 20-B -- 50 Extra (High) 40-B 30 80-B 50 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 304.8 mm. a. For requirements on water-soluble flammable liquids and alternative sizing criteria, see California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, Chapter 3. 906.3.3 Class C fire hazards. Portable fire extinguishers for Class C fire hazards shall be selected and placed on the basis of the anticipated Class A or B hazard. 906.3.4 Class D fire hazards. Portable fire extinguishers for occupancies involving combustible metals shall be selected and placed in accordance with California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, Chapter 3. 906.4 Cooking equipment fires. Fire extinguishers provided for the protection of cooking equipment shall be of an approved type compatible with the automatic fire-extinguish- ing system agent. Cooking equipment involving solid fuels or vegetable or animal oils and fats shall be protected by a Class K-rated portable extinguisher in accordance with Sections 906. 1, Item 2,906.4.1 and 906.4.2 as applicable. [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §573(a) through (c)] Fire Extinguisher Size and Placement for Commercial Cooking Operations. Fire extinguishers with a Class K rating shall be pro- vided for hazards where there is a potential for fires involving combustible cooking media (vegetable or animal oils and fats). Maximum travel distance shall not exceed 30 feet (9.15 in) from the hazard to the extinguishers. Additional fire extinguishers, required for the control of other classes offires, shall be provided for commercial cooking areas as required by California Code of Regula- tions, Title 19, Division 1, Section 567. 906.4.1 Portable fire extinguishers for solid fuel cook- ing appliances. Solid fuel cooking appliances, whether or not under a hood, with fireboxes S cubic feet (0.14 m3) or less in volume shall have a minimum 2.5-gallon (9 L) or two 1.5-gallon (6 L) Class K wet-chemical portable fire extinguishers located in accordance with Section 906.1. 906.4.2 Class K portable fire extinguishers for deep fat fryers. Where hazard areas include deep fat fryers, listed Class K portable fire extinguishers shall be provided as follows: 1. For up to four fryers having a maximum cooking medium capacity of 80 pounds (36.3 kg) each: one 184 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE I ii • 1 1 1 Copyright C 2019 iCC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Acwowd by £51, KJ000bnwk, (,k@Idau,b,00k,,w.00m). (-)Order Number .,0000,,o on Dec 6.201903:09 PM (PSI) purouonl ,o Uo,00, AgwomflI with 4 liii Ii Ii II W ICC No A,,),,, ,o, ,,w.,},jnl n,o, ,, R9Ahojo,, ,n,ho,j,wl 9,00l, ,,, nob, ,Anod ow.'n,Iwn, n,,,hjhj,,I ANY IINAlITHORIZSO £FPROflhICTION OR FIRE PROTECTION AND LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS Class K portable fire extinguisher of a minimum 1.5-gallon (6 L) capacity. For every additional group of four fryers having a maximum cooking medium capacity of 80 pounds (36.3 kg) each: one additional Class K portable fire extinguisher of a minimum 1.5-gallon (6 L) capacity shall be provided. For individual fryers exceeding 6 square feet (0.55 m2) in surface area: Class K portable fire extinguish- ers shall be installed in accordance with the extin- manuracrurer, 5 recommenoations. 906.5 Conspicuous location. Portable fire extinguishers shall be located in conspicuous locations where they will have ready access and be immediately available for use. These locations shall be along normal paths of travel, unless the fire code official determines that the hazard posed indi- cates the need for placement away from normal paths of travel. [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §567.5] Physical Damage Protection. Extinguishers installed under conditions where they are sub- ject to physical damage, (e.g., from impact, vibration, the environment) shall be 906.6 Unobstructed and unobscured. Portable fire extin- guishers shall not be obstructed or obscured from view. In rooms or areas in which visual obstruction cannot be com- pletely avoided, means shall be provided to indicate the loca- tions of extinguishers. 906.7 Hangers and brackets. Hand-held portable fire extin- guishers, not housed in cabinets, shall be installed on the hangers or brackets supplied. Hangers or brackets shall be securely anchored to the mounting surface in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §567.31 Installation. Portable fire extinguishers other than wheeled types shall be securely installed on the hanger or in the bracket supplied or placed in cabinets or wall recesses. The hanger or bracket shall be securely and properly anchored to the mounting sur- face in accordance with the manufacturer's instruc- tions.Wheeled-type fire extinguishers shall be located in a designated location. [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §567.41 Brackets. Extinguishers installed under conditions where they are sub- ject to dislodgement shall be installed in brackets specifically designed to cope with this problem. [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §567.6] Mounting. Fire extinguishers having a gross weight not exceeding 40 pounds (18.14 kg) shall be installed so that the top ofthefire extinguisher is not more than 5feet (1.53 m) above the floor. Fire extinguishers having a gross weight greater than 40 pounds (18.14 kg) (except wheeled types) shall be so installed that the top of the fire extinguisher is not more than 3 "2 feet (1.07 m) above the floor. In no case shall the clearance between the bottom of the extinguisher and the floor be less than 4 inches (10.2 cm). 906.8 Cabinets. Cabinets used to house portable fire extin- guishers shall not be locked. Exceptions: Where portable fire extinguishers subject to mali- cious use or damage are provided with a means of ready access. In Group 1-3 occupancies and in mental health areas in Group 1-2 occupancies, access to portable fire extinguishers shall be permitted to be locked or to be located in staff locations provided that the staff has keys. [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §567.2] Cabinets. Cabinets housing extinguishers shall not be locked. Exception: Where extinguishers are subject to malicious use, locked cabinets may be used provided they include a means of emergency access and are approved by the authority having jurisdiction. [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §567.7] Sealed Cabinets. Where extinguishers are installed in closed cabinets that are exposed to elevated temperatures, the cabinets shall be pro- vided with screened openings and drains. 906.9 Extinguisher installation. The installation of portable fire extinguishers shall be in accordance with Sections 906.9.1 through 906.9.3. 906.9.1 Extinguishers weighing 40 pounds or less. Por- table fire extinguishers having a gross weight not exceed- ing 40 pounds (18 kg) shall be installed so that their tops are not more than 5 feet (1524 mm) above the floor. 906.9.2 Extinguishers weighing more than 40 pounds. Hand-held portable fire extinguishers having a gross weight exceeding 40 pounds (18 kg) shall be installed so that their tops are not more than 3.5 feet (1067 mm) above the floor. 906.9.3 Floor clearance. The clearance between the floor and the bottom of installed hand-held portable fire extin- guishers shall be not less than 4 inches (102 mm). 06.10 Wheeled units. Wheeled fire extinguishers shall be conspicuously located in a designated location. SECTION 907 FIRE ALARM AND DETECTION SYSTEMS 907.1 General. This section covers the application, installa- tion, performance and maintenance of fire alarm systems and their components in new and existing buildings and struc- tures. The requirements of Section 907.2 are applicable to new buildings and structures. The requirements of Section 907.9 are applicable to existing buildings and structures. 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 185 I I • o Copy ,ighl 030191CC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Accessed by Elite Kjau,bntckn,r (,k@klau,b,ucluurcom), (-)Order Number .100004710 on Dcc 6. 2019 03:09 PM (PSI) pursuant to Ucenee Agreement with 4 t 4 ICC NnI!nrch,er,nm,1,,e,ioe. . Rob., ,.n,wI,s,ino.hu ,,o,,hi,.I eunv.,,,Iio,ihotio,, ,tho,ine,l ,ouw,wlo,,00,ohihitwt ANY I1NAIJTHORI7PI) RF.PRI)rlttt11GNOR ATTACHMENT #12 AISLE WIDTHS HIGH-PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE 3206.7.6 Door size and type. Fire department access doors shall be not less than 3 feet (914 mm) in width and 6 feet 8 inches (2032 mm) in height. Roll-up doors shall not be considered fire department access doors unless approved. 3206.7.7 Locking devices. Locking devices on fire department access doors shall be approved. 3206.7.8 Key box. Where fire department access doors are required, a key box shall be installed in accordance with Section 506.1. The key box shall contain keys or devices to allow for entry through the fire department access doors. 3206.8 Smoke and heat removal. Where smoke and heat removal is required by Table 3206.2 it shall be provided in accordance with Section 910. 3206.9 Fire department hose connections. Where exit pas- sageways are required by the California Building Code for egress, a Class I standpipe system shall be provided in accor- dance with Section 905. 3206.10 Aisles. Aisles providing access to exits and fire department access doors shall be provided in high-piled stor- age areas exceeding 500 square feet (46 m2), in accordance with Sections 3206.10.1 through 3206.10.3. Aisles separating storage piles or racks shall comply with NFPA 13. Aisles shall comply with Chapter 10. Exception: Where aisles are precluded by rack storage systems, alternate methods of access and protection are allowed where approved. 3206.10.1 Width. Aisle width shall be in accordance with Sections 3206.10.1.1 and 3206.10.1.2. Exceptions: Aisles crossing rack structures or storage piles, that are used only for employee access, shall be not less than 24 inches (610 mm) wide. Aisles separating shelves classified as shelf stor- age shall be not less than 30 inches (762 mm) wide. 3206.10.1.1 Sprinklered buildings. Aisles in sprin- klered buildings shall be not less than 44 inches (1118 mm) wide. Aisles shall be not less than 96 inches (2438 mm) wide in high-piled storage areas exceeding 2,500 square feet (232 m2) in area, that are accessible to the public and designated to contain high-hazard commodi- ties. Aisles shall be not less than 96 inches (2438 mm) wide in areas open to the public where mechanical stocking methods are used. Exceptions: 1. Aisles in high-piled storage areas exceeding 2,500 square feet (232 m2) in area, that are open to the public and designated to contain high-hazard commodities, and that are pro- tected by a sprinkler system designed for mul- tiple-row racks of high-hazard commodities, shall be not less than 44 inches (1118 mm) wide. 2. Aisles that are in high-piled storage areas exceeding 2,500 square feet (232 m2) in area, not open to the public and protected by a sprinkler system designed for multiple-row racks, shall be not less than 24 inches (610 mm) wide. 3206.10.1.2 Nonsprinklered buildings. Aisles in non- sprinklered buildings shall be not less than 96 inches (2438 mm) wide. 3206.10.2 Clear height. The required aisle width shall extend from floor to ceiling. Rack structural supports and catwalks are allowed to cross aisles at a minimum height of 6 feet 8 inches (2032 mm) above the finished floor level, provided that such supports do not interfere with fire department hose stream trajectory. 3206.10.3 Dead-end aisles. Dead-end aisles shall not exceed 20 feet (6096 mm) in length in Group M occupan- cies. Dead-end aisles shall not exceed 50 feet (15 240 mm) in length in all other occupancies. Exception: Dead-end aisles are not limited where the length of the dead-end aisle is less than 2.5 times the least width of the dead-end aisle. - 3206.11 Portable fire extinguishers. Portable fire extin- guishers shall be provided in accordance with Section 906. SECTION 3207 SOLID-PILED AND SHELF STORAGE 3207.1 General. Shelf storage and storage in solid piles, solid piles on pallets and bin box storage in bin boxes not exceed- ing 5 feet (1524 mm) in any dimension, shall be in accor- dance with Section 3206 and this section. 3207.2 Fire protection. Where automatic sprinklers are required by Table 3206.2, an approved automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout the building or to 1-hour fire barriers constructed in accordance with Section 707 of the California Building Code. Openings in such fire barriers shall be protected by opening protectives having a 1-hour fire protection rating. The design and installation of the automatic sprinkler system and other applicable fire protection shall be in accordance with the California Building Code and NFPA 13. 3207.2.1 Shelf storage. Shelf storage greater than 12 feet (3658 mm) but less than 15 feet (4572 mm) in height shall be in accordance with the fire protection requirements set forth in NFPA 13. Shelf storage 15 feet (4572 mm) or more in height shall be protected in an approved manner with special fire protection, such as in-rack sprinklers. 3207.3 Pile dimension and height limitations. Pile dimen- sions, the maximum permissible storage height and pile vol- ume shall be in accordance with Table 3206.2. 3207.4 Arrays. Where an automatic sprinkler system design utilizes protection based on a closed array, array clearances shall be provided and maintained as specified by the standard used. 452 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE I I • liii i i 1 Copyright C ICC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. M,od by EEl. ,.bn1ckrnr (,k@k 1,b(ooko,,.000l). (-)Order Number I00000710 on Dec 16. 0010 0309 PM (PST) pors000l 0 Uor,r withAg000ment ,th - Ii i 1 I r t'. Nob b.,r,n,nd i... no ffiob-r..nro.lo.r.o,,ho ,ov,hird n o..o,.Iirtrihn,lon oothori,..,l Sioolrorrrnolv orwioonnI orbinroloho..6 ANY I(NAIJTHI)SIS.P.O 6P.000flIJCTIONflO ATTACHMENT #13 HOUSEKEEPING & MAINTENANCE: SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE HIGH-PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE 3203.10.1 Unreinforced plastic pallets. For Class I through IV commodities, where unreinforced polypropyl- ene or unreinforced high-density polyethylene plastic pal- lets are used, the commodity classification shall be increased one class. To be considered unreinforced plastic pallets, the pallets shall be marked with a permanent sym- bol indicating the pallet is unreinforced. 3203.10.2 Reinforced plastic pallets. For Class I through IV commodities, where reinforced polypropylene or rein- forced high-density polyethylene plastic pallets are used, the commodity classification shall be increased two classes except for Class IV commodities, which shall be increased to a high-hazard (Group A plastic, cartoned, unexpanded) commodity. 3203.10.3 Other pallets. For Class I through IV commod- ities stored on plastic pallets other than polypropylene or high-density polyethylene plastic pallets, the commodity classification shall be increased two classes unless specific testing is conducted by a testing laboratory. SECTION 3204 DESIGNATION OF HIGH-PILED STORAGE AREAS 3204.1 General. High-piled storage areas, and portions of high-piled storage areas intended for storage of a different commodity class than adjacent areas, shall be designed and specifically designated to contain Class I, Class II, Class Ill, Class IV or high-hazard commodities. The designation of a high-piled storage area, or portion thereof intended for stor- age of a different commodity class, shall be based on the highest hazard commodity class stored except as provided in Section 3204.2. 3204.2 Designation based on engineering analysis. The designation of a high-piled combustible storage area, or por- tion thereof, is allowed to be based on a lower hazard class than that of the highest class of commodity stored where a limited quantity of the higher hazard commodity has been demonstrated by engineering analysis to be adequately pro- tected by the automatic sprinkler system provided. The engineering analysis shall consider the ability of the sprin- kler system to deliver the higher density required by the higher hazard commodity. The higher density shall be based on the actual storage height of the pile or rack and the mini- mum allowable design area for sprinkler operation as set forth in the density/area figures provided in NFPA 13. The contiguous area occupied by the higher hazard commodity shall not exceed 120 square feet (11 m2) and additional areas of higher hazard commodity shall be separated from other such areas by 25 feet (7620 mm) or more. The sprin- kler system shall be capable of delivering the higher density over a minimum area of 900 square feet (84 m2) for wet pipe systems and 1,200 square feet (111 m2) for dry pipe sys- tems. The shape of the design area shall be in accordance with Section 903. SECTION 3205 HOUSEKEEPING AND MAINTENANCE 3205.1 Rack structures. The structural integrity of racks shall be maintained. 3205.2 Ignition sources. Clearance from ignition sources shall be provided in accordance with Section 305. 3205.3 Smoking. Smoking shall be prohibited. Approved "No Smoking" signs shall be conspicuously posted in accor- dance with Section 310. 3205.4 Aisle maintenance. When restocking is not being conducted, aisles shall be kept clear of storage, waste mate- rial and debris. Fire department access doors, aisles and exit doors shall not be obstructed. During restocking operations using manual stocking methods, a minimum unobstructed aisle width of 24 inches (610 mm) shall be maintained in 48- inch (1219 mm) or smaller aisles, and a minimum unob- structed aisle width of one-half of the required aisle width shall be maintained in aisles greater than 48 inches (1219 mm). During mechanical stocking operations, a minimum unobstructed aisle width of 44 inches (It 18 mm) shall be maintained in accordance with Section 3206.10. 3205.5 Pile dimension and height limitations. Pile dimen- sions and height limitations shall comply with Section 3207.3. 3205.6 Designation of storage heights. Where required by the fire code official, a visual method of indicating the maxi- mum allowable storage height shall be provided. 3205.7 Arrays. Arrays shall comply with Section 3207.4. 3205.8 Flue spaces. Flue spaces shall comply with Section 3208.3. SECTION 3206 GENERAL FIRE PROTECTION AND LIFE SAFETY FEATURES 3206.1 General. Fire protection and life safety features for high-piled storage areas shall be in accordance with Sections 3206.2 through 3206.11. 3206.2 Type of protection. Where required by Table 3206.2, fire detection systems, smoke and heat removal and auto- matic sprinkler design densities shall be provided to protect the high-piled storage area. 3206.2.1 Extent of protection. The fire safety features required in Table 3206.2 shall extend to the lesser of 15 feet (4572 mm) beyond the high-piled storage area or a full height wall. Where portions of high-piled storage areas have different fire protection requirements because of commodity, method of storage or storage height, the fire protection features required by Table 3206.2 within this area shall be based on the most restrictive design requirements. 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 449 I I •k A A I CT N Copy igbI ooto ICC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Atoottod by EEl, Kl.usbn,ckrno (ok@ld.o,bntokntr.00nt). (-)Order Number 0100004010 on Dec 16, 2019 0W09 PM (PET) pursuAnt to License Agreement With I nfl,rrh., rrnnolr.-,ioo. rr,ohrrrro,usl,,.-,Ino.hosso,hir4oun.o,dlo,ihunsou,,,ho,inl o,rlsj000rohlhltl ANY IINAIJTHflRIZRI) ORPROlsIJlflIC1N SR FIRE PROTECTION AND LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS sprinkler system riser room, the door shall be permitted to be locked provided that the key is available at all times. 901.4.6.2 Marking on access doors. Access doors for automatic sprinkler system riser rooms and fire pump rooms shall be labeled with an approved sign. The let- tering shall be in contrasting color to the background. Letters shall have a minimum height of 2 inches (51 mm) with a minimum stroke of /8 inch (10 mm). 901.4.6.3 Environment. Automatic sprinkler system riser rooms and fire pump rooms shall be maintained at a temperature of not less than 40F (42C). Heating units shall be permanently installed. 901.4.6.4 Lighting. Permanently installed artificial illumination shall be provided in the automatic sprin- kler system riser rooms and fire pump rooms. 901.5 Installation acceptance testing. Fire detection and alarm systems, emergency alarm systems, gas detection sys- tems, fire-extinguishing systems, fire hydrant systems, fire standpipe systems, fire pump systems, private fire service mains and all other fire protection systems and appurtenances thereto shall be subject to acceptance tests as contained in the installation standards and as approved by the fire code offi- cial. The fire code official shall be notified before any required acceptance testing. 901.5.1 Occupancy. It shall be unlawful to occupy any portion of a building or structure until the required fire detection, alarm and suppression systems have been tested and 901.6 Inspection, testing and maintenance. Fire detection and alarm systems, emergency alarm systems, gas detection systems, fire-extinguishing systems, mechanical smoke exhaust systems and smoke and heat vents shall be main- tained in an operative condition at all times, and shall be replaced or repaired where defective. Nonrequired fire pro- tection systems and equipment shall be inspected, tested and maintained or removed. All fire alarm systems, fire detection systems, automatic sprinkler or extinguishing systems, communication systems, and all other equipment, material or systems required by these regulations shall be maintained in an operable condi- tion at all times in accordance with this code and California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division]. Upon disruption or diminishment of the fire protective qualities of such equip- ment, material or systems, immediate action shall be insti- tuted to effect a reestablishment of such equipment, material or systems to their original normal and operational condi- tion. [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §1.141 Maintenance. Every fire alarm system or device, sprinkler system, fire extinguisher, fire hose, fire-resistive assembly or any other fire safety assembly, device, material or equipment installed and retained in service in any building or structure subject to California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division] regula- tions shall be maintained in an operable condition at all times in accordance with California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division] regulations and with their intended use. [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §3.241 Maintenance of Equipment. All fire alarm systems, fire detection systems, automatic sprinkler or extinguishing systems, communication systems, and all other equipment, material or systems required by Cal- ifornia Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division I shall be maintained in an operable condition at all times. Upon dis- ruption or diminishment of the fire protective qualities of such equipment, material or systems, immediate action shall be instituted to effect a reestablishment of such equipment material or systems to their original normal and operational condition. [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §904(a)] Required Inspection, Testing and Maintenance Frequencies. All automatic fire extinguishing systems, including sys- tems installed as an alternate to other building require- ments, shall be inspected, tested and maintained in accordance with the following frequencies. Local authori- ties may require more frequent inspection, testing and maintenance and additional procedures. [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §904(a) (1)] Required Inspection, Testing and Maintenance Frequencies. (1) Water-based fire protection systems shall be inspected, tested and maintained in accordance with the frequencies required by NFPA 25 (2011 edition) including Annexes A, B, C, D, E, F and G as amended by the State of California. (Published as NFPA 25, 2013 California Edition.) [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §904(b)] Required Inspection, Testing and Maintenance Frequencies. When proof of the installation date of standpipe sys- tems or automatic fire sprinkler systems cannot be fur- nished, such systems shall receive initial testing and maintenance by July 1, 1985. [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §904.2(a)] Testing and Maintenance Requirements. (a) All testing and maintenance on automatic fire extin- guishing systems in accordance with Health & Safety Code Section 13195 shall be performed by those licensed in accordance with Health and Safety Code Section 13196.5. Exceptions: The State Fire Marshal may waive, in writing, licensing offire departments which conduct fire sprin- kler and standpipe system testing and maintenance. Service on fire alarm systems and industrial sys- tems as specified in Health and Safety Code Sections 13196.5(b) and (c) may be conducted without a license. Testing and maintenance on automatic fire extin- guishing systems exempted in writing by the State Fire Marshal, when the building owner or occupant has the staff and equipment to conduct testing and maintenance. 158 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE I I • , ,, Copy.iyb C zo ICC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Aoo,,wd by ERie KI ,,b,,wk,,e, (eki6klao,bnwkoer.00m). (-1 Order Nornbe, .io090oelO on DrA 6.2019 0Y09 PM (PST) porwlonl 0 Lire,,,e Agree,o,oI with 4 4 I IT. Mn 6,nh,., ,en,ndnr,io,,. ,, h.nv,hj,d n,,,o. or 1j,,jhrri, ,,thnn,M lj,,ol, ,,, ,,,, ,,, ,,rnhjhj,e,I ANY IlNAIJT}41)RIZRG REPRODIJ(T1(1N OR FIRE PROTECTION AND LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §904.2(b)] Testing and Maintenance Requirements. (b) Any testing and maintenance of automatic fire extin- guishing systems shall be performed in accordance with these requirements. Exceptions: The State Fire Marshal may waive, in writing, the requirement that testing and maintenance be performed in accordance with these requirements when a licensee can demonstrate that a system cannot functionally be tested and maintained in accordance with the California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, Chapter 5. If at any time a licensee encounters a specialized or modified system which cannot be tested and maintained in accordance with California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, Chapter 5, the licensee shall con- tact the State Fire Marshal and test and maintain the system as directed. (A) The intent of this section is to cover automatic fire extinguishing systems as originally designed, installed and approved by the Authority Having Jurisdiction. It is not, however, intended to require that such systems be upgraded to current adopted standards. [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §904.2(h)] Testing and Maintenance Requirements. At the time of testing and maintenance, building man- agement shall be consulted to avoid unnecessary distur- bance of normal building operation. [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §904.2(i)] Testing and Maintenance Requirements. The licensee shall contact the local fire authority hav- ing jurisdiction prior to testing and maintenance of a sys- tem when required by the local fire authority having jurisdiction to do so. 901.6.1 Standards. Fire protection systems shall be inspected, tested and maintained in accordance with the referenced standards listed in Table 901.6.1 and Califor- nia Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, Chapters 3 and 5. [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §904.1(a)] Inspection Requirements. (a) A license shall not be required to perform inspections. Inspections may be conducted by any person designated by the building owner or occupant who has developed competence through training and experience. [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §904.2(g)] Testing and Maintenance Requirements. (g) Prior to activating any fire alarm component of an automatic fire extinguishing system, the licensee shall insure that the licensee is capable of restoring the fire alarm system. TABLE 901.6.1 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE STANDARDS SYSTEM STANDARD Portable fire extinguishers Ca4f6rnia Càde of Regulations, Title 19, Division I, Chapter 3 Carbon dioxide fire-extinguishing system NFPA 12 Halon 1301 fire-extinguishing systems NFPA 12A Dry-chemical extinguishing systems NFPA 17 Wet-chemical extinguishing systems NFPA 17A Water-based fire protection systems California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division I, Chapter 5 Fire alarm systems NFPA 72 Smoke and heat vents NFPA 204 Water-mist systems NFPA 750 Clean-agent extinguishing systems NFPA 2001 Aerosol fire-extinguishing systems NFPA 2010 901.6.2 Integrated testing. Where two or more fire pro- tection or life safety systems are interconnected, the intended response of subordinate fire protection and life safety systems shall be verified when required testing of the initiating system is conducted. In addition, integrated testing shall be performed in accordance with Sections 901.6.2.1 and 901 .6.2.2. 901.6.2.1 High-rise buildings. For high-rise buildings, integrated testing shall comply with NFPA 4, with an integrated test performed prior to issuance of the certif- icate of occupancy and at intervals not exceeding 10 years, unless otherwise specified by an integrated sys- tem test plan prepared in accordance with NFPA 4. If an equipment failure is detected during integrated test- ing, a repeat of the integrated test shall not be required, except as necessary to verify operation of fire protec- tion or life safety functions that are initiated by equip- ment that was repaired or replaced. 901.6.2.2 Smoke control systems. Where a fire alarm system is integrated with a smoke control system as outlined in Section 909, integrated testing shall comply with NFPA 4, with an integrated test performed prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy and at intervals not exceeding 10 years, unless otherwise specified by an integrated system test plan prepared in accordance with NFPA 4. If an equipment failure is detected during integrated testing, a repeat of the integrated test shall not be required, except as necessary to verify operation of fire protection or life safety functions that are initi- ated by equipment that was repaired or replaced. 901.6.3 Records. Records of all system inspections, tests and maintenance required by the referenced standards shall be maintained. [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §904.1(b)] Inspection Requirements. (b) Records of all inspections shall be retained on the premises by the building or system owner for a period of five years after the next required inspection. 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 159 I I • Cupynb,O 2019 ICC. ALl. RIGHTS RESERVED. Accessed by EEl. Kjau,bn,ckne, (ek@klausb,uckner.com). (-I Order Number .1000047,0 on Dec 10.201903:09 PM (PST) pursuant 10 License Agreement with 4 - 4 I I ie0 No (i,nber renm,joc,j .,n0,rthe,,e,,.l,,ricn.hvn.hio1,,,0onr,li,t,ih,0ico ,,chonw.l Si e,,,e,.k.cnvirru.,d ne,wc.kinrr,chihite,t ANY ItNATrH00ZEO REPR(SflIICTII3N(I0 ATTACHMENT #14 FLUE SPACES HIGH-PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE SECTION 3208 RACK STORAGE 3208.1 General. Rack storage shall be in accordance with Section 3206 and this section. Bin boxes exceeding 5 feet (1524 mm) in any dimension shall be regulated as rack stor- age. 3208.2 Fire protection. Where automatic sprinklers are required by Table 3206.2, an approved automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout the building or to 1-hour fire barriers constructed in accordance with Section 707 of the California Building Code. Openings in such fire barriers shall be protected by opening protectives having a 1-hour fire protection rating. The design and installation of the automatic sprinkler system and other applicable fire protection shall be in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 and the California Building Code. 3208.2.1 Plastic shelves. Storage on plastic shelves shall be protected by approved specially engineered fire protec- tion systems. 3208.2.2 Racks with solid shelving. Racks with solid shelving having an area greater than 20 square feet (1.9 m2), measured between approved flue spaces at all four edges of the shelf, shall be in accordance with this section. Exceptions: 1. Racks with mesh, grated, slatted or similar shelves having uniform openings not more than 6 inches (152 mm) apart, comprising not less than 50 percent of the overall shelf area, and with approved flue spaces are allowed to be treated as racks without solid shelves. 2. Racks used for the storage of combustible paper records, with solid shelving, shall be in accor- dance with NFPA 13. 3208.2.2.1 Fire protection. Fire protection for racks with solid shelving shall be in accordance with NFPA 3208.3 Flue spaces. Rack storage areas protected with an automatic sprinkler system shall be provided with flue spaces in accordance with Table 3208.3. Required flue spaces shall be maintained. 3208.3.1 Flue space protection. Flue spaces required by Table 3208.3 above the first tier of storage in single-, dou- ble- or multiple-row rack storage installations shall, where required by the fire code official, be equipped with approved protection devices. Such devices shall not be removed or modified. 3208.4 Column protection. Steel building columns shall be protected in accordance with NFPA 13. 3208.5 Extra-high-rack storage systems. Approval of the fire code official shall be obtained prior to installing extra- high-rack combustible storage. 3208.5.1 Fire protection. Buildings with extra-high-rack combustible storage shall be protected with a specially engineered automatic sprinkler system. Extra-high-rack combustible storage shall be provided with additional spe- cial fire protection, such as separation from other build- ings and additional built-in fire protection features and fire department access, where required by the fire code offi- cial. TABLE 3208.3 REQUIRED FLUE SPACES FOR RACK STORAGE RACK CONFIGURATION FLUE DESIGN AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER PROTECTION - Sprinklers at the ceiling with or without minimum in-rack sprinklers In-rack sprinklers at every tier Storage height f~-25féi Storage height > 25 feet Any height Single-row rack Transverse flue space Size' 3 inches 3 inches Not required Vertically aligned Not required Yes Not required Longitudinal flue space Not required Not required Not required Double-row rack (Option I) Transverse flue space Size' 6 inches 3 inches Not required Vertically aligned Not required Yes Not required Longitudinal flue space Not required 6 inches Not required Double-row rack (Option 2) Transverse flue space Size 3 inches 6 inches Not required Vertically aligned Not required Yes Not required Longitudinal flue space 6 inches Not required Not required Multiple-row rack Transverse flue space 1 Sizeb I 6 inches 6 inches Not required j Vertically aligned Not required Yes Not required Longitudinal flue space Not required Not required Not required For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 304.8 mm. Three-inch transverse flue spaces shall be provided not less than every 10 feet where ESFR sprinkler protection is provided. Random variations are allowed, provided that the configuration does not obstruct water penetration. IFIRE CODE I 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 453 I II • i I j Coppigb( C 2O ICC. ALL RIGHTS RESER\'ED. Aco,wd by Eli, Elwwbnwk000 (,k@kloo,broobwe,.00no). (-I O,dor Nwobo, o0000A7W on Dec nO. AnnA 0309 PM (PST) poonnan, to license Agreement with - 4 liii Ii I ('f. No lir,heo r,nnnloo,ioo. , O,o)w, wo,n,b',00. by yyy ,hiyi ow,v. y, .liA,ihy(iyy ,o,h,A,ed Sionleyw, yoly. yoyiyy,yd ,,e,wy,biyy,yhihiyyI ANY I7NA(ITHORI7.F.O RF.P0OflIUTI(iN OR DEFINITIONS FLUE SPACES. Longitudinal flue space. The flue space between rows of storage perpendicular to the direction of loading. . The longitudinal flue space is a continuous open area between a double row- or multiple-row-type rack stor- age system. The flue space is to be clear for a set dimension, as required in Table 3208.3, from the floor to the top of the highest commodity for the entire length of the rack system. The flue spaces are an important feature for automatic sprinkler systems to effectively suppress and potentially control the fire. Reducing or eliminating such spaces will potentially reduce, if not eliminate, sprinkler effectiveness (see Commentary Figure 202-F5). Transverse flue space. The space between rows of stor- age parallel to the direction of loading. -*.-The transverse flue space is a continuous open area between commodities in single-row-, double-row- and multiple-row-type rack storage systems. The flue space is to be clear for a set dimension, as required in Table 3208.3, from the floor to the top of the high- est commodity for the entire width of the rack system. The flue spaces are an important feature for auto- matic sprinkler systems to effectively suppress and potentially control the fire. Reducing or eliminating such spaces will potentially reduce, if not eliminate, sprinkler effectiveness (see Commentary Figure 202- 175). _n_ LONGITUDINAL }TRANSVERSE PLAN VIEW L!PACE; Figure 202-F5 FLUIDIZED BED. A container holding powder coating material that is aerated from below so as to form an air-sup- ported expanded cloud of such material through which the preheated object to be coated is immersed and transported. -*.-A fluidized bed differs from an electrostatic fluidized bed in that the fluidized bed uses an air stream instead of electrostatic charge. The air stream behaves like a fluid as the object is passed through it. Additionally, the object is preheated. In an electro- static fluidized bed, the object is heated/cured in an oven after the coating process. FOAM-EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM. A special system discharging a foam made from concentrates, either mechani- cally or chemically, over the area to be protected. :• Foam-extinguishing systems must be of an approved type and installed and tested to comply with NFPA 11, 11 A and 16. All foams are intended to exclude oxygen from the fire, cool the area of the fire and insulate adjoining surfaces from heat caused by the fire. Foam systems are commonly used to extinguish flammable or combustible liquid fires (see commen- tary, Section 904.7). While water applied by an auto- matic sprinkler system can only act horizontally upon the surface that it reaches, foam-extinguishing agents have the ability to act vertically in addition to horizon- tally; and, unlike gaseous extinguishing agents, foam does not dissipate rapidly where there is no confined space. Thus, foam systems are also used where there is a need to fill a nonconfined space with extin- guishing material as in the case of certain industrial applications. [BE] FOLDING AND TELESCOPIC SEATING. Tiered seating having an overall shape and size that is capable of being reduced for purposes of moving or storing and is not a building element. •• Bleachers, folding and telescopic seating and grand- stands are essentially unique forms of tiered seating that are supported on a dedicated structural system. All types are addressed in ICC 300, the safety stan- dard for these types of seating arrangements. Folding and telescopic seating are commonly used in gymna- siums and sports arenas where the seating can be configured in a variety of ways for various types of events. 'Building element" is a defined term in the IBC which is primarily used in conjunction with the structural elements regulated in Table 601 of the IBC. While telescopic seating may be attached to a wall, the system when pulled out or folded includes its main support system. Such seating is not considered a building element of the building or structure in which it is located (see Section 1029.1.1). [BG] FOSTER CARE FACILITIES. Facilities that provide care to more than five children, 2'/2 years of age or less. + Foster care facilities are group homes where children live, not day care facilities. By being under 21/2 years of age, children are assumed not capable of self- preservation, thus there is a need for higher levels of active and passive protection in the building (see the W Co ighl - W, I 'CC. All GHTS RESERVED. Accessed by Eflic 10ausbmckner on Oct 12, 2035 4:51:56 PM pursuant LH_ _HL F~ 2015 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE®COMMENTARY 2-49 IIMlmJVi1lIa1Mt1I1l111i1II'rkJ to License ATTACHMENT #15 HOSE CONNECTIONS HIGH-PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE I NO HOSE CONNECTION REQUIRED 3206.7.6 Door size and type. Fire department access doors shall be not less than 3 feet (914 mm) in width and 6 feet 8 inches (2032 mm) in height. Roll-up doors shall not be considered fire department access doors unless approved. 3206.7.7 Locking devices. Locking devices on fire department access doors shall be approved. 3206.7.8 Key box. Where fire department access doors are required, a key box shall be installed in accordance with Section 506.1. The key box shall contain keys or devices to allow for entry through the fire department access doors. 3206.8 Smoke and heat removal. Where smoke and heat removal is required by Table 3206.2 it shall be provided in 3206.9 Fire department hose connections. Where exit pas- sageways are required by the California Building Code for egress, a Class I standpipe system shall be provided in accor- dance with Section 905. 3206.10 Aisles. Aisles providing access to exits and fire department access doors shall be provided in high-piled stor- age areas exceeding 500 square feet (46 m2), in accordance with Sections 3206.10.1 through 3206.10.3. Aisles separating storage piles or racks shall comply with NFPA 13. Aisles shall comply with Chapter 10. Exception: Where aisles are precluded by rack storage systems, alternate methods of access and protection are allowed where approved. 3206.10.1 Width. Aisle width shall be in accordance with Sections 3206.10.1.1 and 3206.10.1.2. Exceptions: Aisles crossing rack structures or storage piles, that are used only for employee access, shall be not less than 24 inches (610 mm) wide. Aisles separating shelves classified as shelf stor- age shall be not less than 30 inches (762 mm) wide. 3206.10.1.1 Sprinklered buildings. Aisles in sprin- kiered buildings shall be not less than 44 inches (I 118 mm) wide. Aisles shall be not less than 96 inches (2438 mm) wide in high-piled storage areas exceeding 2,500 square feet (232 m2) in area, that are accessible to the public and designated to contain high-hazard commodi- ties. Aisles shall be not less than 96 inches (2438 mm) wide in areas open to the public where mechanical stocking methods are used. Exceptions: 1. Aisles in high-piled storage areas exceeding 2,500 square feet (232 m2) in area, that are open to the public and designated to contain high-hazard commodities, and that are pro- tected by a sprinkler system designed for mul- tiple-row racks of high-hazard commodities, shall be not less than 44 inches (1118 mm) wide. 2. Aisles that are in high-piled storage areas exceeding 2,500 square feet (232 m2) in area, not open to the public and protected by a sprinkler system designed for multiple-row racks, shall be not less than 24 inches (610 mm) wide. 3206.10.1.2 Nonsprinklered buildings. Aisles in non- sprinklered buildings shall be not less than 96 inches (2438 mm) wide. 3206.10.2 Clear height. The required aisle width shall extend from floor to ceiling. Rack structural supports and catwalks are allowed to cross aisles at a minimum height of 6 feet 8 inches (2032 mm) above the finished floor level, provided that such supports do not interfere with fire department hose stream trajectory. 3206.10.3 Dead-end aisles. Dead-end aisles shall not exceed 20 feet (6096 mm) in length in Group M occupan- cies. Dead-end aisles shall not exceed 50 feet (15 240 mm) in length in all other occupancies. Exception: Dead-end aisles are not limited where the length of the dead-end aisle is less than 2.5 times the least width of the dead-end aisle. 3206.11 Portable fire extinguishers. Portable fire extin- guishers shall be provided in accordance with Section 906. SECTION 3207 SOLID-PILED AND SHELF STORAGE 3207.1 General. Shelf storage and storage in solid piles, solid piles on pallets and bin box storage in bin boxes not exceed- ing 5 feet (1524 mm) in any dimension, shall be in accor- dance with Section 3206 and this section. 3207.2 Fire protection. Where automatic sprinklers are required by Table 3206.2, an approved automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout the building or to 1-hour fire barriers constructed in accordance with Section 707 of the California Building Code. Openings in such fire barriers shall be protected by opening protectives having a I-hour fire protection rating. The design and installation of the automatic sprinkler system and other applicable fire protection shall be in accordance with the California Building Code and NFPA 13. 3207.2.1 Shelf storage. Shelf storage greater than 12 feet (3658 mm) but less than 15 feet (4572 mm) in height shall be in accordance with the fire protection requirements set forth in NFPA 13. Shelf storage 15 feet (4572 mm) or more in height shall be protected in an approved manner with special fire protection, such as in-rack sprinklers. 3207.3 Pile dimension and height limitations. Pile dimen- sions, the maximum permissible storage height and pile vol- ume shall be in accordance with Table 3206.2. 3207.4 Arrays. Where an automatic sprinkler system design utilizes protection based on a closed array, array clearances shall be provided and maintained as specified by the standard used. 452 . 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 11,111lg Copyigh 0 2o ICC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACto,00d byEllio Klootbntdto,o ok@Idotbm oon,). tko,r (-) Order Number 0t000047t0 on Do 6, 20t0 03:09 PM (PST) pttonrtonl to Litonne Agroomont with I I I III' No fnnhoo rnrodn.rion no A,rrhoo C.., ,dortioon ho ron rhi,d 0000 o, ,Iiorihurinn torhnAonl Sinolo o. -oh. oonino ond nr.t000rl,in, n,ohjh,r.,l ANY ItNAIITHORI7.Ffl RP.pnOnhitrinw OR ATTACHMENT #16 MEANS OF EGRESS MEANS OF EGRESS access or exit stairways where the entire path for means of egress from the seating to the exit dis- charge is open to the outdoors. 4. For Group H-], H-2, H-3 and H-4 occupancies the total width of means of egress in inches (mm) shall not be less than the total occupant load served by the means of egress multiplied by 0.7 10 inches (7.62 mm) per occupant. 1005.3.2 Other egress components. The capacity, in inches, of means of egress components other than stair- ways shall be calculated by multiplying the occupant load served by such component by a means of egress capacity factor of 0.2 inch (5.1 mm) per occupant. Exceptions: For other than Group H and 1-2 occupancies, the capacity, in inches, of means of egress compo- nents other than stairways shall be calculated by multiplying the occupant load served by such component by a means of egress capacity factor of 0.15 inch (3.8 mm) per occupant in buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system installed in accorl0l.4.7dance with Sec- tion 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 and an emergency voice/alarm communication system in accor- dance with Section 907.5.2.2. Facilities with smoke-protected assembly seating shall be permitted to use the capacity factors in Table 1029.6.2 indicated for level or ramped aisles for means of egress components other than stairways where the entire path for means of egress from the seating to the exit discharge is provided with a smoke control system complying with Section 909. Facilities with open-air assembly seating shall be permitted to the capacity factors in Section 1029.6.3 indicated for level or ramped aisles for means of egress components other than stairways where the entire path for means of egress from the seating to the exit discharge is open to the outdoors. For Group H-i, H-2, H-3 and H-4 occupancies the total width of means of egress in inches (mm) shall not be less than the total occupant load served by the means of egress multiplied by 0.4 inches (5.08 mm) per occupant. 1005.4 Continuity. The minimum width or required capacity of the means of egress required from any story of a building shall not be reduced along the path of egress travel until arrival at the public way. 1005.5 Distribution of minimum width and required capacity. Where more than one exit, or access to more than one exit, is required, the means of egress shall be configured such that the loss of any one exit, or access to one exit, shall not reduce the available capacity or width to less than 50 per- cent of the required capacity or width. 1005.6 Egress convergence. Where the means of egress from stories above and below converge at an intermediate level, the capacity of the means of egress from the point of convergence shall be not less than the largest minimum width or the sum of the required capacities for the stairways or ramps serving the two adjacent stories, whichever is larger. 1005.7 Encroachment. Encroachments into the required means of egress width shall be in accordance with the provi- sions of this section. 1005.7.1 Doors. Doors, when fully opened, shall not reduce the required width by more than 7 inches (178 mm). Doors in any position shall not reduce the required width by more than one-half. Exceptions: In other than Group 1-2 occupancies, surface- mounted latch release hardware shall be exempt from inclusion in the 7-inch maximum (178 mm) encroachment where both of the following condi- tions exist: 1.1. The hardware is mounted to the side of the door facing away from the adjacent wall where the door is in the open position. 1.2. The hardware is mounted not less than 34 inches (865 mm) nor more than 48 inches (1219 mm) above the finished floor. The restrictions on door swing shall not apply to doors within individual dwelling units and sleep- ing units of Group R-2 occupancies and dwelling units of Group R-3 occupancies. 1005.7.2 Other projections. Handrail projections shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 1014.8. Other nonstructural projections such as trim and similar decora- tive features shall be permitted to project into the required width not more than 11/2 inches (38 mm) on each side. Exception: Projections are permitted in corridors within Group 1-2 Condition 1 in accordance with Sec- tion 407.4.3. 1005.7.3 Protruding objects. Protruding objects shall comply with the applicable requirements of Section 1003.3. SECTION 1006 NUMBER OF EXITS AND EXIT ACCESS DOORWAYS 1006.1 General. The number of exits or exit access doorways required within the means of egress system shall comply with the provisions of Section 1006.2 for spaces, including mezza- nines, and Section 1006.3 for stories or occupied roofs. 1006.2 Egress from spaces. Rooms, areas or spaces, includ- ing mezzanines, within a story or basement shall be provided with the number of exits or access to exits in accordance with this section. 1006.2.1 Egress based on occupant load and common path of egress travel distance. Two exits or exit access doorways from any space shall be provided where the design occupant load or the common path of egress travel distance exceeds the values listed in Table 1006.2.1. The cumulative 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE 377 I ii • i MIN I i copyrigbi C zo,o [CC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Aooe,,od by EllA RIao,brookoor (ok@kl .,brod,o,,.00m), (-)Order Number rI0000A7l0 on Dec 16. 2019 03Y9 PSI (PST) p0001rA0I to U000N Agreement with I I I IA I icc No h,h9, r,.orndortinn. no ,h rrnrn.I,orino.hvonvrhint nonv. o, IlAribution oo,hnrAot llinol,,o,,ontv. nnoi,.o,oI n,,r.o,Sin. ornhih,.I ANY UNAIJTHORIZFI) RF.PROflIII1lflN (tO MEANS OF EGRESS occupant load from adjacent rooms, areas or spaces shall be determined in accordance with Section 1004.2. The number of exits from foyers, lobbies, vestibules or similar spaces need not be based on cumulative occupant loads for areas discharging through such spaces, but the capacity of the exits from such spaces shall be based on applicable cumulative occupant loads. Rooms and care suites in Group 1-2 and 1-2.1 occu- pancies complying with Section 407.4. In detention and correctional facilities and holding cells, such as are found in courthouse buildings, when the occupant load is more than 20 see Section 408.3 .11. 1006.2.1.1 Three or more exits or exit access door- ways. Three exits or exit access doorways shall be pro- vided from any space with an occupant load of 501 to 1,000. Four exits or exit access doorways shall be pro- vided from any space with an occupant load greater than 1,000. 1006.2.2 Egress based on use. The numbers of exits or access to exits shall be provided in the uses described in Sections 1006.2.2.1 through 1006.2.2.7. 1006.2.2.1 Boiler, incinerator and furnace rooms. Two exit access doorways are required in boiler, incin- erator and furnace rooms where the area is over 500 square feet (46 m2) and any fuel-fired equipment exceeds 400,000 British thermal units (Btu) (422 000 KJ) input capacity. Where two exit access doorways are required, one is permitted to be a fixed ladder or an alternating tread device. Exit access doorways shall be separated by a horizontal distance equal to one-half the length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the room. 1006.2.2.2 Refrigeration machinery rooms. Machin- ery rooms larger than 1,000 square feet (93 m2) shall have not less than two exits or exit access doorways. Where two exit access doorways are required, one such doorway is permitted to be served by a fixed ladder or an alternating tread device. Exit access doorways shall be separated by a horizontal distance equal to one-half the maximum horizontal dimension of the room. TABLE 1006.2.1 SPACES WITH ONE EXIT OR EXIT ACCESS DOORWAY OCCUPANCY MAXIMUM OCCUPANT LOAD OF SPACE MAXIMUM COMMON PATH OF EGRESS TRAVEL DISTANCE (feet) - Without Sprinkler System (feet) With Sprinkler System (feet) Occupant Load OL!530 OL>30 AC,E,M 49 75 75 75' B 49 100 75 -9 100° F 49 75 75 ioo° H-i, H-2, H-3 3 NP NP 25b H-4, H-5 10 NP NP 75" 1-2', 1-2.1, 1-4 10 NP NP 75° 1-3 10 NP NP 100° R-1 10 NP NP 75° R-2 20 NP NP 125° R-2.1 10 NP NP 750 R-2.2 20 NP NP 125° R3R, R3.1e 20 NP NP 125 R-4" 20 NP NP 125° Sf 29 - 100 75 . U 49 100 75 75° L See Section 453.6.1 NP NP For SI: 1 foot = 304.8 mm. NP = Not Permitted. Buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2. See Section 903 for occupancies where automatic sprinkler systems are permitted in accordance with Section 903.3.1.2. Group H occupancies equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.2.5. For a room or space used for assembly purposes having fixed seating, see Section 1029.8. For the travel distance limitations and number of exit and exit access requirements for rooms and spaces in Group 1-2 or 1-2.1, see Section 407.4. The common path of egress travel distance shall only apply in a Group R-3 occupancy located in a mixed occupancy building. The length of common path of egress travel distance in a Group S-2 open parking garage shall be not more than 100 feet. For the travel distance limitations in Groups R-3 and R-4 equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.3, see Section 1006.2.2.6. I.. For holding cells, see Section 408.3 .11. 378 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE 1I • I i r CopyrihI 02019CC. ALLRIGHTS RESERVED. AcowdbyEllIo KJ,bnwkn,, (,k@k1RR,bn,okl,,,.Aow), (-)Order Number 9100802710 on Dec 6.2029 o&O PM (PST) pursuant to License Ag,00n,,nl with I I • 1 4 1 4 liii Ii Ii I ('C Mn 6,01w, r,n,otho,i,,,.. n., 6,,,h#, ,.n,n,lor,i.,.,. 670w,lhj,d ,w,,v. n, ,lj,,,ih,,8j.w, ,,hN..,i SAwi. ,, .w,Iv. .,,win, owi 0,hjhiwl ANY IINAIITHORIZISI1 RF.P000IICTION OR MEANS OF EGRESS 2. Means of egress are not prohibited through stockrooms in Group M occupancies where all of the following are met: 2.1. The stock is of the same hazard classification as that found in the main retail area: 2.2. Not more than 50 percent of the exit access is through the stockroom. 2.3. The stockroom is not subject to locking from the egress side. 2.4. There is a demarcated, minimum 44- inch-wide (1118 mm) aisle defined by full- or partial-height fixed walls or similar construction that will maintain the required width and lead directly from the retail area to the exit without obstructions. 6. The means of egress shall not pass through any room subject to locking except in Group 1-3 occupancies classified as detention facilities and psychiatric treat- ment areas in Group 1-2 occupancies. 1016.2.1 Multiple tenants. Where more than one tenant occupies any one floor of a building or structure, each tenant space, dwelling unit and sleeping unit shall be pro- vided with access to the required exits without passing through adjacent tenant spaces, dwelling units and sleep- ing units. Exception: The means of egress from a smaller tenant space shall not be prohibited from passing through a larger adjoining tenant space where such rooms or spaces of the smaller tenant occupy less than 10 percent of the area of the larger tenant space through which they pass; are the same or similar occupancy group; a discernible path of egress travel to an exit is provided; and the means of egress into the adjoining space is not subject to locking from the egress side. A required means of egress serving the larger tenant space shall not pass through the smaller tenant space or spaces. 1016.2.2 Basement exits in Group 1-2 occupancies. For additional requirements for occupancies in Group 1-2 or 1- 2.1, see Section 407. SECTION 1017 EXIT ACCESS TRAVEL DISTANCE 1017.1 General. Travel distance within the exit access por- tion of the means of egress system shall be in accordance with this section. 1017.2 Limitations. Exit access travel distance shall not exceed the values given in Table 1017.2. 1017.2.1 Exterior egress balcony increase. Exit access travel distances specified in Table 1017.2 shall be increased up to an additional 100 feet (30 480 mm) pro- vided that the last portion of the exit access leading to the exit occurs on an exterior egress balcony constructed in accordance with Section 1021. The length of such balcony shall be not less than the amount of the increase taken. TABLE 1017.2 EXIT ACCESS TRAVEL DISTANCES OCCUPANCY WITHOUT SPRINKLER SYSTEM (feet) WITH SPRINKLER SYSTEM (feet) A, E, F-I, M, R, S-i 250b 200' R-2.1 Not Permitted 250b B 200 H 300c F-2, S-2, U 300 400' H-i Not Permitted 75d H-2 Not Permitted 100" H-3 Not Permitted 150" H-4 Not Permitted 175" H-5 Not Permitted 200' 1-2,1-2.1, 1-3' Not Permitted 200" 1-4 150 200' L Not Permitted 200' For SL 1 foot = 304.8 mm. See the following sections for modifications to exit access travel distance requirements: Section 402.8: For the distance limitation in malls. Section 404.9: For the distance limitation through an atrium space. Section 407.4: For the distance limitation in Group 1-2 or 1-2.1. Section 408.3.10: For increased limitation in Group 1.3 Sections 408.6.1 and 408.8.1: For the distance limitations in Group 1-3. Section 411.3: For the distance limitation in special amusement buildings. Section 412.6: For the distance limitations in aircraft manufacturing facilities. Section 1006.2.2.2: For the distance limitation in refrigeration machinery rooms. Section 1006.2.2.3: For the distance limitation in refrigerated rooms and spaces. Section 1006.3.3: For buildings with one exit. Section 1017.2.2: For increased distance limitation in Groups F-I and S-I. Section 1029.7: For increased limitation in assembly seating. Section 3103.4: For temporary structures. Section 3104.9: For pedestrian walkways. Buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2. See Section 903 for occupancies where automatic sprinkler systems are permitted in accordance with Section 903.3.1.2. Buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. Group H occupancies equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.2.5.1. Group R-3 and R-4 buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.3. See Section 903.2.8 for occupancies where automatic sprinkler systems are permitted in accordance with Section 903.3.1.3. Not permitted in nonsprinklered Group 1-3 occupancies. 1017.2.2 Groups F-i and S-i increase. The maximum exit access travel distance shall be 400 feet (122 m) in Group F-i or S-i occupancies where all of the following conditions are met: The portion of the building classified as Group F-i or S-I is limited to one story in height. The minimum height from the finished floor to the bottom of the ceiling or roof slab or deck is 24 feet (7315 -mm). 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE 405 III• i i 1 CopyioJo 02019 ICC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Aoo,,o,d by Effie Klau,brockn,r ).k@kIoo,b,ockoroom). (-)Order Number .I008047I0 on Dm 16,201903:W PM (PSI) p2r9o901 to Uoonto Ag,,om,nl with I • 1 4 1 A I I I I ICC Nfl both,, rr 3100. no S ho,on Iootinn, ho,nohioI not,,. o,.I':o,ih:oinn ohon,,I Sinol,nnoonlv. oonninootol n,twn,kj,,on,nhjhjot.I ANY I,NAIrrHnnI7.F.rl nyPnnnhlrrlciw OR MEANS OF EGRESS TABLE 1020.2 MINIMUM CORRIDOR WIDTH OCCUPANCY MINIMUM WIDTH (inches) Any facility not listed in this table 44 Access to and utilization of mechanical, plumbing or electrical systems or equipment 24 With an occupant load of less than 50 36 Within a dwelling unit 36 In Group E with a corridor having an occupant load of 100 or more 72 In corridors and areas serving stretcher traffic in ambulatory care facilities 72 Group 1-2 in areas where required for bed movement 96 Corridors in Group 1-2 and 1-3 occupancies serving any area caring for one or more nonambulatory persons. 96 opment (OSHPD), see the California Mechanical Code. 1020.5.1 Corridor ceiling. Use of the space between the corridor ceiling and the floor or roof structure above as a return air plenum is permitted for one or more of the fol- lowing conditions: The corridor is not required to be of fire-resistance- rated construction. The corridor is separated from the plenum by fire- resistance-rated construction. The air-handling system serving the corridor is shut down upon activation of the air-handling unit smoke detectors required by the California Mechanical Code. The air-handling system serving the corridor is shut down upon detection of sprinkler water flow where the building is equipped throughout with an auto- matic sprinkler system. The space between the corridor ceiling and the floor or roof structure above the corridor is used as a com- ponent of an approved engineered smoke control system. 1020.6 Corridor continuity. Fire-resistance-rated corridors shall be continuous from the point of entry to an exit, and shall not be interrupted by intervening rooms. Where the path of egress travel within a fire-resistance-rated corridor to the exit includes travel along unenclosed exit access stairways or ramps, the fire-resistance rating shall be continuous for the length of the stairway or ramp and for the length of the con- necting corridor on the adjacent floor leading to the exit. Exceptions: Foyers, lobbies or reception rooms constructed as required for corridors shall not be construed as inter- vening rooms. Enclosed elevator lobbies as permitted by Item 1 of Section 1016.2 shall not be construed as intervening rooms. [SFM] In fully sprinklered office buildings, corri- dors may lead through enclosed elevator lobbies if all areas of the building have access to at least one required exit without passing through the elevator lobby. For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm. 1020.4 Dead ends. Where more than one exit or exit access doorway is required, the exit access shall be arranged such that dead-end corridors do not exceed 20 feet (6096 mm) in length. Exceptions: 1. In in Group 1-3, Condition 2, 3 or 4, occupancies, the dead end in a corridor shall not exceed 50 feet (15 240 mm). > 2. In occupancies in Groups B, E, F, M, R-1, R-2, R-2. 1, R-2.2, S and U, where the building is equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, the length of the dead-end corridors shall not exceed 50 feet (15 240 mm). 3. A dead-end corridor shall not be limited in length where the length of the dead-end corridor is less than 2.5 times the least width of the dead-end corri- dor. 1020.5 Air movement in corridors. Corridors shall not serve as supply, return, exhaust, relief or ventilation air ducts. Exceptions: Use of a corridor as a source of makeup air for exhaust systems in rooms that open directly onto such corridors, including toilet rooms, bathrooms, dressing rooms, smoking lounges and janitor clos- ets, shall be permitted, provided that each such cor- ridor is directly supplied with outdoor air at a rate greater than the rate of makeup air taken from the corridor. Where located within a dwelling unit, the use of cor- ridors for conveying return air shall not be prohib- ited. Where located within tenant spaces of 1,000 square feet (93 m2) or less in area, utilization of corridors for conveying return air is permitted. Incidental air movement from pressurized rooms within health care facilities, provided that the corn- dor is not the primary source of supply or return to the room. For health care facilities under the jurisdiction of the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Devel- 408 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE I II • MY Ii 1 1 1 I 0 COPTORIO C 20t9 CC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Accessed by EDi KIotbrocknr (,k@kloo,brooko,r.00n,). (-)Order Number I0000270 00 Dec 6.203903:00 PM (PSI) pursuant to Lrmr Ag,roo,,nt wok, - I I Ii Ii ICf No E,rrh.r r,nr l,wr,. .nofl,o}w, ,oi no.h0000rhiol ,000,,,djo,ih too, hoAo.d Stool.., ,.o ,k.000whjhirol ANY I3NAIITHORIZEO RP.PRODIJCTIISNOR ATTACHMENT #17 OCCUPANCY SEPARATION GENERAL BUILDING HEIGHTS AND AREAS TABLE 508.4 REQUIRED SEPARATION OF OCCUPANCIES (HOURS)h S = Buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. NS = Buildings not eqpped_throughout with an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. IN = No separation requirement. I NP = Not Permitted. See Section 420. The required separation from areas used only for private or pleasure vehicles shall be reduced by 1 hour but not to less than 1 hour. See Section 406.3.2. Separation is not required between occupancies of the same classification. See Section 422.2 for ambulatory care facilities. Occupancy separations that serve to define fire area limits established in Chapter 9 for requiring fire protection systems shall also comply with Section 707.3.10 and Table 707.3.10 in accordance with Section 901.7. ISFMJ Group I and Fl occupancies and Group R-2.1 and F-i occupancies s/ia!l have a 3 hour separation. Ii. [SFM] Commercial kitchens not associated with cafeterias and similar dining facilities in Group 1-2 and Group R-2.1 shall have a 2-hour separation and s/ia!l he protected by an automatic sprinkler system. 508.4.3 Allowable building height and number of sto- ries. Each separated occupancy shall comply with the building height limitations and story limitations based on the type of construction of the building in accordance with Section 503.1. Exception: Special provisions of Section 510 shall per- mit occupancies at building heights and number of sto- ries other than provided in Section 503.1. 508.4.4 Separation. Individual occupancies shall be sepa- rated from adjacent occupancies in accordance with Table 508.4. 508.4.4.1 Construction. Required separations shall be fire barriers constructed in accordance with Section 707 or horizontal assemblies constructed in accordance with Section 711, or both, so as to completely separate adjacent occupancies. SECTION 509 INCIDENTAL USES 509.1 General Incidental uses located within single occu- pancy or mixed occupancy buildings shall comply with the provisions of this section. Incidental uses are ancillary func- tions associated with a given occupancy that generally pose a greater level of risk to that occupancy and are limited to those uses listed in Table 509. Exception: Incidental uses within and serving a dwelling unit are not required to comply with this section. 509.2 Occupancy classification. Incidental uses shall not be individually classified in accordance with Section 302.1. Incidental uses shall be included in the building occupancies within which they are located. 509.3 Area limitations. The aggregate floor area of inciden- tal uses shall not occupy more than 10 percent of the building area of the story in which they are located. 509.4 Separation and protection. The incidental uses listed in Table 509 shall be separated from the remainder of the building or equipped with an automatic sprinkler system, or both, in accordance with the provisions of that table. 509.4.1 Separation. Where Table 509 specifies a fire- resistance-rated separation, the incidental uses shall be separated from the remainder of the building by a fire bar- rier constructed in accordance with Section 707 or a hori- zontal assembly constructed in accordance with Section 711, or both. Construction supporting 1-hour fire barriers or horizontal assemblies used for incidental use separa- 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE 193 i • i Copy,lght (20191CC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Acoo,00d by ETh, u,boxkwo, (ok@)dau,b,ucko,r.00n,). (-I Order Number 0100004710 on Dec 6,201903:09 PM (PSI) pwr0940l to Ucrnnr Agrorrorni with - liii Ii Ii llC No EwE,', rnnn ,,,iwn, ,w S Er, n,n,ir,,'trnn. by n,, 51,4 ynwy, n, 41rr,ih,,liwn ,,0hw1y,.,I Sinol ,,,n,1y. .nnni,,w owl n,.,wy,ki,w ,,yhjhjyyl ANY Ifl4AITUO0l7.P,, nyvpc)r,I;crInN (30 ATTACHMENT #18 SEPARATION OF HIGH-PILED STORAGE AREAS HIGH-PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE 3206.3 High-piled storage areas. For the application of Table 3206.2, the size of the high-piled storage areas shall be determined in accordance with Sections 3206.3.1 through 3206.3.2.1. 3206.3.1 Size of high-piled storage area. The size of each high-piled storage area shall include the footprint of the actual high-piled storage racks, shelves or piles and the following aisles: Interior aisles within the footprint of the storage area. An aisle around the perimeter of the footprint with a minimum width as required in Section 3206.10.1 or the dimension to a wall or full height wall, which- ever is less. 3206.3.2 Multiple high-piled storage areas. Where a building contains multiple high-piled storage areas, the aggregate of all high-piled storage areas shall be used for the application of Table 3206.2 unless the high-piled stor- age areas are separated in accordance with one of the fol- lowing: I. High-piled storage areas separated by fire barriers with a minimum fire-resistance-rating of 1 hour con- structed in accordance with Section 707 of the Cali- fornia Building Code. 2. In buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, high-piled storage areas separated by 100 feet (30 480 mm) or more. The area providing the separation shall not contain high-piled combustible storage. 3206.3.2.1 Multiple class high-piled storage areas. High-piled storage areas classified as Class I througjl. IV not separated from high-piled storage areas.hl(si fled as high hazard shall utilize the aggregate of all high-piled storage areas as high hazard for the purposes of the application of Table 3206.2. Multiple class high- piled storage areas meeting the separation requirements in Section 3206.3.2 shall be considered as separated. The fire safety features in Table 3206.2 shall be extended beyond the higher-hazard storage area in accordance with Section 3206.2.1. Exception: Multiple class high-piled storage areas do not need to be separated where in accordance with Section 3204.2. 320 Automatiijinklers. Automatic sprinkler systems shall be provided in accordance with Sections 3207, 3208 and 3209. 3206.4.1 Pallets. Automatic sprinkler system require- ments based on the presence of pallets shall be in accor- dance with NFPA 13. 3206.4.1.1 Plastic pallets. Plastic pallets listed and labeled in accordance with FM 4996 or UL 2335 shall be treated as wood pallets for determining required sprinkler protection. 3206.5 Fire detection. Where fire detection is required by Table 3206.2, an approved automatic fire detection system shall be installed throughout the high-piled storage area. The system shall be monitored and be in accordance with Section 907. 3206.6 Building access. Fire apparatus access roads in accor- dance with Section 503 shall be provided within 150 feet (45 720 mm) of all portions of the exterior walls of buildings used for high-piled storage. Exception: Where fire apparatus access roads cannot be installed because of topography, railways, waterways, nonnegotiable grades or other similar conditions, the fire code official is authorized to require additional fire protec- tion. 3206.7 Fire department access doors. Where fire depart- ment access doors are required by Table 3206.2, fire depart- ment access doors shall be provided in accordance Sections 3206.7.1 through 3206.7.8. 3206.7.1 Exterior walls without fire department access doors. Fire department access doors are not required in an exterior wall that does not face a fire apparatus access road provided that all of the following conditions occur: The opposite exterior wall faces a fire apparatus access road. The opposite exterior wall is provided with fire department access doors. The entire interior surface of the exterior wall is less than 150 feet (45 720 mm) away from a fire depart- ment access door. The building is equipped throughout with an auto- matic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. 3206.7.2 Where located. Where exterior walls surround- ing high-piled storage areas face fire apparatus access roads, such walls shall be provided with fire department access doors. 3206.7.3 Access to doors. Fire department access doors shall be able to be accessed without the use of a ladder. 3206.7.4 Marking on fire department access doors. Fire department access doors shall be labeled on the exterior side with the following sign or other approved sign: FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS DOOR DO NOT BLOCK The lettering shall be in a contrasting color to the back- ground. Letters shall have a minimum height of 2 inches (51 mm) with a minimum stroke of inch (10 mm). 3206.7.5 Number of doors required. The required fire department access doors shall be distributed such that the lineal distance between adjacent fire department access doors does not exceed 125 feet (38 100 mm) measured center to center. Exception: The linear distance between adjacent access doors shall not exceed 200 feet (60 960 mm) in existing buildings where change in occupancy is not proposed. 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 451 I I Copy right c aotg ICC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Accessed by EllA (joothotokor, (rk@klort,bruokorr.00ro). (-)Order Non,hro 010000471000 Dec 6,2019 0Y09 PM (PST) pursuant to LI00004 AgNontofli with 9.11 1 FA I IN kI FA K I I W.C. No E,oh.r ,rnroohution. no I oh,,,,o,l,o'tion. ho on,, hint noOn. ,,,,Iio,Ihojnn ,nthoA,,I Stool, on, 00)0. ,,,nu0n ,,nl n,kin n,nh,hilI ANY I3NAIITU0RIZIiI) 0F.P0OflttCTlClN OR ATTACHMENT #19 APPROVED STORAGE LAYOUT, APPROVED CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT CHAPTER 32 HIGH-PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE User note: About this chapter: Chapter 32 provides guidance for reasonable protection of life from hazards associated with the storage of combustible materials in closely packed piles or on pallets, in racks or on shelves where the top of storage is greater than 12 feet in height, or 6 feet for high-hazard commodities. It provides requirements for identifying various classes of commodities; and general fire and life safety features including storage arrangements, smoke and heat venting, fire department access and housekeeping and maintenance. This chapter attempts to define the potential fire severity and, in turn, determine fire and life safety protection measures needed to control and in some cases sup- press a potential fire. This chapter does not cover miscellaneous combustible material storage as regulated in Section 315. SECTION 3201 8. Location of commodities that are banded or encapsu- GENERAL lated. 3201.1 Scope. High-piled combustible storage shall be in 9. Location of required fire department access doors. accordance with this chapter. In addition to the requirements 10. Type of fire suppression and fire detection systems. of this chapter, the following material-specific requirements shall apply: 11. Location of valves controlling the water supply of 1. Aerosols shall be in accordance with Chapter 51. ceiling and in-rack sprinklers. Flammable and combustible liquids shall be in accor- 12. Type, location and specifications of smoke removal and curtain board systems. dance with Chapter 57. 13. Dimension and location of transverse and longitudinal Hazardous materials shall be in accordance with Chap- flue spaces. ter 50. Storage of combustible paper records shall be in accor- dance with NFPA 13. Storage of combustible fibers shall be in accordance with Chapter 37. General storage of combustible material shall be in accordance with Chapter 3. 3201.2 Permits. A permit shall be required as set forth in I Sections 105.6 and 105.7. 3201.3 Construction documents. At the time of building permit application for new structures designed to accommo- date high-piled storage or for requesting a change of occu- pancy/use, and at the time of application for a storage permit, plans and specifications shall be submitted for review and approval. In addition to the information required by the Cali- fornia Building Code, the storage permit submittal shall include the information specified in this section. The con- struction documents shall include all of the following: I. Floor plan of the building showing locations and dimensions of high-piled storage areas. Usable storage height for each storage area. Number of tiers within each rack, if applicable. Commodity clearance between top of storage and the sprinkler deflector for each storage arrangement. Aisle dimensions between each storage array. Maximum pile volume for each storage array. Location and classification of commodities in accor- dance with Section 3203. 14. Additional information regarding required design fea- tures, commodities, storage arrangement and fire pro- tection features within the high-piled storage area shall be provided at the time of permit, where required 3201.3.1 Approved construction documents. Following approval of the construction documents, a copy of the approved plans shall be maintained on the premises in an approved location. 3201.3.2 Approved storage layout. A floor plan, of legi- ble size, shall be provided, mounted on a wall and pro- tected from damage. The floor plan shall be mounted in an approved location and show the following: Locations, dimensions and rack layout of high-piled storage areas. Design storage height for each storage area. Types of commodities. Commodity clearance between top of storage and the sprinkler deflector for each storage arrangement. Aisle dimensions between each storage array. For palletized and solid-piled storage, the maximum pile volume for each storage array. Location and classification of commodities in accor- dance with Section 3203. Location of required fire department access doors. Location of valves controlling the water supply of ceiling and in-rack sprinklers. 3201.4 Fire safety and evacuation plan. Where required by the Section 403, a fife safety and evacuation plan shall be sub- 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 437 I I' 1 1 1 r Copyright 0 20l9 ICC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. A99,,6d by Elite IS ,brocko,r (,k@Idoo,bn,ckrnroon,). () Order Nun,b,, 01' Dec 16. 2010 O00 PM (PSI) pUlou2fll 0 Ijc,n, Ag000non will, - L - i jr.r. Nnhnhor,,,,,nth n h,,.nn.i .bv,nv,h%i,,ll,ihlwn,n,hon,.i S,,nn n)v.onn0,n,l nbnonnE,9.0,,I ANY (114