HomeMy WebLinkAbout2810 CARIBOU CT; 130; FPC2021-0012; PermitPERMIT REPORT (ity of C arlsbad Print Date: 04/08/2021 Job Address: 2810 CARIBOU CT, # 130, CARLSBAD, CA 92010 Permit Type: FIRE-Construction Commercial Work Class: Fire Sprinklers Parcel U: 2091200300 Track U: Valuation: $454,737.56 Lot U: Occupancy Group: Project U: Uof Dwelling Units: Plan U: Bedrooms: Construction Type: Bathrooms: Orig. Plan Check U: Plan Check U: Project Title: Description: INNOVATION -SPRINKLER TI (9 HEADS) Permit No: FPC2021-0012 Status: Closed - Finaled Applied: 01/28/2021 Issued: 02/09/2021 Finaled Close Out: 04/08/2021 Inspector: Final Inspection: Applicant: FPContractor: EPIC FIRE PROTECTION INC EPIC FIRE PROTECTION INC ADAM BOISVERT 765 TURTLE POINT WAY 765 TURTLE POINT WAY SAN MARCOS, CA 92069-8126 SAN MARCOS, CA 92069-8126 (760) 310-6122 (760) 310-6122 FEE AMOUNT FIRE NFPA 13 or 13R System 7 - 100 heads -- $553.00 Total Fees: $553.00 Total Payments To Date: $553.00 Balance Due: $0.00 Fire Department Page 1 of 1 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 1 760-602-4665 1 760-602-8561 f I www.carlsbadca.gov Components: a Tesperalrte rating is ** Pipe the oorrnectlarre per ISO 7-1 - Frame 4 - Bulb indicated on Deflector. can be provided an special request. 2 - Button 5 - Compassion EfltE 150,20 3 - Sealing Swam ESCUTCHEON PLATE 1/2' 7/16 (11.1 mm) RECESSED Assembly e- Deflector' DEFLECTOR* SEAliNG SURFACE NPT** NOMINAL MAKE-IN ESCUTCHEON I 01116 miiALVIN 5 j 2 150,8mm1 1/2'NPT 4WRIENC.H DEFLECTO L_- 2-7/8' (73,0 mm) D1P CROSS SECTION UPRIGHT PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT FIGURE 1 SERIES TV-FRB UPRIGHT (r,313) AND PENDENT (TY323) SPRINKLERS 5.6 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPI, QUICK RESPONSE Installation Step 2. With pipe-thread sealant applied to the pipe threads, hand- The TYCO Series TY-FRB, 5.6 K-factor, tighten the sprinkler Into the sprinkler Swng. WRENCH DItCH RECESS (USE ONLY Upright (TY313) and Pendant (TY323) Sprinklers must be installed in accor- Step 3. Tighten the sprinkler into the END -A-) dance with this section. sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type Genera! Instructions 6 Sprinkler Wrench (Figure 2). With ret- FIGURE2 Do not Install any bulb-type sprin- erenceth Figure l, apply the W-Type6 Sprinkler Wrench to the wrench flats. W-TYPE 6 SPRINKLER WRENCH Mar if the bulb is cracked or there Is a loss of liquid from the bulb. With the Torque sprinklers 7 to 14 lb-ft (9,5 to sprinkler held horizontally, a small air 19,0 N-M). TFPI72 Page 2 of 4 WRENCH RECESS 6 t PUSH WRENCH IN TO ENSURE ENGAGEMENT WITH SPRINKLER WRENCHING AREA FIGURE 3 W-TYPE 7 RECESSED SPRINKLER WRENCH buoote should be present. The Olam- Recessed Pendent Sprinldere star of the air bubble is approximately The Series TY-FRB Recessed Pendant 1/16 in 0.6nvn)forthe135'F(570C) and Sprinklers must be Installed In accor- 3/32 In. (2.4mm) for the 2861F (1411C) dance with the following Instructions. temperature ratings. • ,,,, General Description The TYCO Series TY-FRB, 5.6 K-factor, Upright (TY313) and Pendant (Y323) Sprinklers described In this data sheet are quick response, standard coverage, decorative 3 m glass bulb-type spray sprinklers designed for use in light or ordinary hazard, commercial occupan- cies such as banks, hotels, and shop- ping mails. The recessed version of the Series TY-FRB Pendent Sprinkler, where applicable, is intended for use In areas with a finished ceiling. This recessed pendant sprinkler uses one of the following: A two-piece Style 15 Recessed Escutcheon with recessed adjust- ment up to 5/8 in. (15,9 mm) from the flush pendant position. A two-piece Style 20 Recessed Escutcheon with recessed adjust- ment up to .1/2 in. (12,7 mm) from the flush pendant position. The adjustment provided by the Recessed Escutcheon reduces the accuracy to which the fixed pipe drops to the sprinklers must be cut. Intermediate level versions of Series TY-FRB Sprinklers are described in Technical Data Sheet TFP357. Sprin- kler guards and shields are described In Technical Data Sheet TFP780. IMPORTANT Refer to Technical Data Sheet 7FP2300 for warnings pertaining to regulatory and health Information. Always refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP700 for the 'INSTALLER WARNING that provides cautions with respect to handling and instal- laden olsprinklersystenls and com-ponents. improper handling and utstailation can permanently damage a sprinkler system or its compo-nents and cause the sprinkler to fell to operate in a lire situation or cause it to operate prematurely. Page 1 of 4 cam The TYCO Series TY-FRB Sprinklers described herein must be Installed and maintained in compliance with this document, as wail as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Association, in addition to the standards of any other authori- ties having Jurisdiction. Failure to do so may Impair the performance of these devices. The owner is responsible for main- taining their fire protection system and devices in proper operating con- dition. Contact the Installing contrac- tor or product manufacturer with any questions. Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN) TY313.... Upright 5.6K, 1/2 In. NPT TY323 .... Pendent 5.6K, 1/2 in. NPT Technical Data Approvals Rater to Table A Maximum Working Pressure 175 psi (12.1 bar) 250 pal (17.2 bar)' 5•n--4fl3,,fl5 p,.flfl 01250 pa i.r.a rev Whmpeees.. Discharge Coefficient CoefficIent K=5.e GPMflm15 (80,e LPM/beri1) Temperature Rating Refer to Table A Finishes S1xlnldar Rate, to Table 0 Recessed Escutcheon: White Coated. Beck Coated, Clxsma Plated, or Brass Plated Physical Characteristics Fr.r,e ............................aroma a,rton .......................a/copper Sea" aanambty . . .Stersts. Steal WrTEH.ON Gram Cer'.trn00100 Se,.w .................manse OuIl.otar .................. ........B,ofl,O AUGUST 2018 Operation The glass bulb contains a fluid which expands when exposed to heat. When the rated temperature is reached, the fluid expands sufficiently to shatter the glass bulb, allowing the sprinkler to activate and water to flow. Design Criteria The TYCO Series TV-FRB, 5.6 K-factor, Upright (TY313) and Pendant (TY323) Sprinklers are intended for fire protec- tion systems designed in accordance with the standard Installation rules recognized by the applicable Listing or Approval agency (such as. UL Listing Is based on the requirements of NFPA 13, and FM Approval Is based on the requirements of FM's Loss Prevention Data Sheets). Only the Style 15 or Style 20 Recessed Escutcheon Is to be used for recessed pendent Installations. TFPI72 A leak-tight 1/2 in. NPT sprinkler joint should be obtained by applying a minimum to maximum torque of 7 10 14 lb-ft (9,5 to 19,0 Nm). Higher levels of torque can distort the Sprinkler Inlet with consequent leakage or Impairment of the sprinkler. Do not attempt to compensate for Insufficient adjustment in the Escutch- eon Plate by under- or over-tightening the sprinkler. Re-adjust the position of the sprinkler fitting to suit. Upright and Pendent Sprinklers The Series TY-FRB Upright and Pendent Sprinklers must be installed In accordance with the following Instructions. Stop 1. Install Pendent sprinklers in the pendent position. Install upright sprin- klers in the upright position. .rr...-0.n...,ase,..,luuruStyle a or Style 20 Mounting Plate over the sprinkler threads, and with pipe-thread sealant applied to the pipe threads, hand-tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Step B. Tighten the sprinkler Into the sprinkler 1111mg using only the W-Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench (Figure 3). With reference to Figure 1. apply the W-Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench to the sprinkler wrench flats. Torque Sprinklers 7 to 14 lb-It (9,5 to 19,0 Nm). Step C. After ceiling installation and finishing, slide on the Style 15 or Style 20 Closure over the Series TV-FAD Sprinkler and push the Closure over the Mounting Plate until Its flange comes in contact with the ceiling. tqco-. Worldwide Contacts www.tYco.flre.com Series TY.FRB, 56 K-factor Upright, Pendent, and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers Quick Response, Standard Coverage SPRINKLER FINISH (See Note?) K FACTOR TYPE TEMPERATURE mule LIQUID COLOR NATURAL BRASS I CHROME PLATED POLYESTER' 5.6 1/2 In. NPT UPRIGHT (TY313) end PENDENT (TY323) -135°F (57°C) Orange i, 2, 3, 4, 5.6 ias°F (68°C( Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green 286°F 1141°CI ____________ Blue RECESSED PENDENT ('lY323)nd 5' FIgures 4° a 135°F (87°C) I Orange 1.2,3,4 165°F (88°C) Rod 175°F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green Nato,: ucnaauyur.tonemo,,Lunonwtet. na.. PU 00 O.,1c5 900paina sprtolduin. UuadbyundoWtliOraLOborctOTlaa. Inc.. to, too In canada P-IJU enOldateaaPcmastanddan. AppaamdbrF=M Inflect 0.0.0,01, Co,pOrontoc 714 .ao,dd.eotpocenrat'aia... a. Approved syn.a core Now 0b,t under MrA3s4.oI-E. 5. Vii App,omd 10. darnS. conVict Jolson ConinS. En.otodo. Nctnc,londt. Tot. 31-53'l28-da4ajtt 31-54-42840774 a. Ao,noved by the Los. Pr.oenibn Cottcohtn 000nd ItPCO R.I. W. flatolulf.0 00101 Riepora. npck*,a. 7. Wv... Polyetlan Conrad 6— etc W-1 to no Ifl.Gnd "Ltbtod. no WathIdaro 0,0 UL c.d C4JLLIead cc Ccehoolon.Rmhnhoni Sp.ntldetv a. InotcSd With Stybisltlnv,. Nyu 5*5 I,,. Totala4avnaho R.c000.d EacjtoA.on. incppnOatb. 5. l,,va5d00h5t)t020llfl in. ant 110 It Total Adffl0VflVt nac0030d eoc.ocrcos aoapp000sto. Franc and nanacto, oily. LAtlogo cad wpt000l apply to WWI spaclnlO,dal. TABLE A LABORATORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS FOR -- 5.6 K-FACTOR SPRINKLERS - - 1 NATURAL BRASS - PURE /H (RAlantolo POLYESTER - SIGNAL WHITE tR,AL6nn3l POLYESTER - JET BLACK iRALOOnSI POLYESTER 9 CHROME PLATED 0. Ea3tcnoan*5pttooe00000nly TABLE B SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT AND PENDENT SPRINKLERS PART NUMBER SELECTION P/Na 77 SIN SPRINKLER FINISH 370 5.e1K UPRIGHT (112 in.NPT) TY313 371 5.6K PENDENT (1/2 In. r) TY323 NoteS a. 0.0001110 1° to,ISO 7.1 a00c0500; tc,0000tplt 77.375.4.175-I TEMPERATURE RATINGS 135°F (57°C) 155°F (68°C) 175°F (79°C) 200'F (93'C) 286°F (141°C) ( (_. TFP172 1°FP172 Page 3 014 Page 4 of 4 Care and Maintenance The TYCO Series TY-FRB, 5.6 K-factor, Upright (TY313) and Pendent (TY323) Sprinklers must be maintained and Ser- viced In accordance With this section. Before closing a fire protection system main control valve for maintenance work on the fire protection system that It controls obtain permission to shut down the affected fire protection systems from the proper authorities and notify all personnel who may be affected by this action. Absence of the outer piece of an escutcheon, which Is used to cover a clearance hole, can delay sprinkler operation in a fire situation. The owner must assure that the sprin- klers are not used for hanging any objects and that the sprinklers are only cleaned by means of gently dusting with a feather duster, otherwise, non- operation In the event of a tire or Inad- vertent operation may result. Sprinklers which are found to be leaking or exhibiting visible signs of corrosion must be replaced. Automatic sprinklers must never be painted, plated, coated, Or other- wise altered after leaving the factory. Modified sprinklers must be replaced. Sprinklers that have been exposed to corrosive products of combustion, but have not operated, should be replaced If they cannot be completely cleaned by wiping the sprinkler with a cloth or by brushing It with a soft bristle brash. Care must be exercised to avoid damage to the sprinklers before, during, end after InstallatIon. Sprin- klers damaged by dropping, striking, wrench twist/slippage, or the lIke, must be replaced. Also, replace any sprin- kler that has a cracked bulb or that has lost liquid from Its bulb. (Ref. Installa- tion Section.) The owner Is responsible for the Inspection, testing, and maintenance of theirfim protection system and devices In compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Are Protection Asso- ciation (e.g., NFPA 25), In addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. Contact the Install- ing contractor or product manufacturer with any questions. Automatic sprinkler systems are rec- ommended to be Inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified inspec- tion Service In accordance with local requirements end/or national codes. Limited Warranty For warranty terms and conditions, visit www.tyco-fire.com. Ordering Procedure Contact your local distributor for avail- ability. When placing an order, Indicate the full product name and Part Number (P/N). Sprinkler Assemblies with NP1' Thread Connections Specify: Series TY-FRB Upright or Pendent (specify) Sprinkler, SIN (specify). K=5.6, Quick Response. (specify) temperature rating. (specify) finish. P/N (specify, refer no Table A). Recessed Escutcheon Specify: Style 15 Recessed Escutch- eon with (specify*) finish. P/N (specify') Specify: Style 20 Recessed Escutch- eon with (specify°) finish, P/N (specify*) Refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP770 Sprinkler Wrench Specify: W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-000-6-387 Specify: W-Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-850-4-001 2-71W CIA. )73.0 mm( 2-t/4 DIP.. 40F (5i.~2 minI 5/8°Il&9mwI 1 i FLUSH SUR ACE 118 CLOSURE SERIES MOUNTING 1-318° 13.4.9 mini 1'Y-FRB PLATE 3/4'(19.1 rnm) FIGURE 4 SERIES TYFRB RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY (TY323) WITH TWO PIECE 5/8 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 15 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 2-7/8° CIA. (13,0 mm) FACE OF SPRINKLER 2-1/4* DLA. KITING (57.2 Run) r'~L MOUNTING 1 ...E:4 i3I ______ CLOSURE SERIES MOUNTING 1-3/8'(34.9 mini TYFRB PLATE 7/81 122,2 mini FIGURE 5 SERIES TYFRB RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY (TY323) WITH TWO PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON t4aoPaoabao* P010.5W, tunIsIa. PA 19441 iTolopss0 +1.015.102-0100 Johnson 001 Controls As the Leading supplier of steel sprinkler pipe, we understand that there are no second chances in fire suppression. You need products of enduring cuaUty and excptioiaLstrengh—plus etiabte service. You need Bull Moose. 86111mooselFire -sprinkler Pipe Product liformation OR (in) ] 1.660 130C i.375 M151 4.500 10. (in) 1530 1120 2203 2,705 3.334 4310 Empty welgit (ID/11) 1,222 1.844 2.331! 2.809 3.36-- 4.968 1 Water Filled Weight (lout) 2.319 2.838 3. 9 1 re 5.299 7i41 11290 SF OR - 198 3.44 i 2.78 1.66 1.00 tOO Pieces per Lift 11 61 37 30 19 19 l Lift Welghtlos)21lenctfl-; 1.165 2,352 1,B1C t,'FIO 1,34t 1,982 UftWeIgtt Ibs) 24 lengtf 1)89 Z,730 2,069 2,022 1,533 2,265 JftWelglit Ibs) 25 lentrs 1,354 2,812 2,155 2,107 1,594 1 2,360 crii ME MMMUMS: We have the most stocking locations in the industry, for best delivery and aiáilabiliW Plain end or roll groove Eddy Guard II' bacteiiakesistant interrat coating Custom length OplionS . :t dipped. gaLv.ization Reddi-Plipe red or black pipe eiminatesfIeld-pating Compatible for use in wet, dry, preaction and deluge sprinkler systems - The ont" maker with EPDs (to help earn LEED points). Ev MW MULTVIRGH: UL Listed (US & Canada) and FM approved AS 7M A135 and A795 'tipe E, Grade A Certified Complies with NFPA-I3, 1311 and 14 Industry-Leading hydraulic. characteristics CRR of 1.0 and greater All pipe NDT weld tested ceusLISTED APPFM A ONFSA PIFPA 800.325.4461 IesBuIIMco;tndustres.com ot As the Leading supplier of steel sprinkler pipe, we understand that there are no second chances in fire suppression. You need products of enduring quality and exceptional strength—plus reliable service. You need B ull Moose. 1.295 I 1.650 1.900 ia;inI 1.083 1.418 1.654 2.129 EmptyWeightOb/ft) t451 2.070 2.541 3.302 Filled Weight (lb/ft)1.850 2.754 3.458 4.842 - CRR 1.00 too too too Pieces per Lift II Water 10 1 51 1 44 1 30 Uft Weight fibs) 21 lengths 2,148 I 2.217 2.353 2,084 2.454 1 2,534 2,690 2.382 -_Uft Weight (IDs) 24 lengths UftW eight (lbs)25lengths 2.551 1 2.639 2,802 2,481 OTHER BENEFITS/SERVICES: We have the most stocking locations in the industry, for best delivery and availability Plain end or roll groove Eddy Guard ir bacterial-resistant internal coating Custom length options Hot dipped galvanization Reddi-pipeO red or black pipe eliminates field painting Compatible for use in wet. thy, preaction and deluge sprinkler systems The only maker with EPDs to help earn LEED points). A OS4 INIM £4 . .l 1.J- EDDYTH READ 40 ADVANTAGES: UL listed (US & Canada) and FM approved ASTM A135 and A795 Type E. Grade A Certified Complies with NFPA-13. 13R and 14 Industry-leading hydrauLic characteristics CRR of 1.0 and greater All pipe NDT weld tested Exclusive maker of Reddi-Pipe® RED DR 8L411( PAINTED PIPE. Q 3L i _j tqca/ Fre & Building Products Technical Services: Tel: (600) 381-9312/ Fans (900) 791-5500 www,tyco-nm.com Grinnell Grooved Fire Protection Products Figure 772 Rigid Coupling. Patented General HOaita Ductile roe conforming to should be contacted relative to any questions. dSTMA-536, Grade 65-45-12 Myimpairment must belnrmndodetycoreuctad. Description Protective Cuilingo: It Is recommended that automatic sprInkler Non-load orange paint systems be Inspected, tostnd.and normntalrredby Are brigade rod (Optional) non-toad paint a qualified inspection Service. Hot dipped galvanized conforming to AGile A-153 Limited e BoWNotor Track Hoed Bolts - conforming tO Warranty S0 ASTM A-183, Zinc Plated, (Mm. Tensile - 1i0, psi/758.422 kPa) Prvekeas nerutodurret by Tyco Pe Prrabrda are MetrIc - watfonning to PSTM F568M vearerbitOtmor*rd8qtecbelin(1O)pears See Fire protection Gaf (specify when ordering)krottsrtleordvve1ernavAret ocbndo& Shoat for Grade A EPOMA violet color code Iorpobaaindonbendrnberonrol Proeecoe Rating and ut amteenttn+150F(+66C)tnrtlrepmtnctton tcoo01cov1tvetnmlyv&rey*e(ot(1O)ycon systems . Not recommended for hot water brie 01 std5erlid by Tyco Flu Ptedt. be flreA9un772Rlloq01ngprvv*artpibrtbir warranty to gives for products or components firmly gripping along the dvaonbeexa 01 the 01"• Td-seai(GrodeTEP0M(,grnencotercode nmitendbeWalrbyootco01 gronuc Rld couplings are Whinedbe P for use iv dry pipe erlmezersystems. w8nTwFnFbsonbepebiIwegorm1s aretboranapoWn.iron772FCogArga • Pretubdcatzd (Grade A EPDMA) vdedrIrn,ennsd3ictrdeontoqxebfi are a prom dependable nsetoa101byireng (Sea OM Shot 1FP1895 for aid in gatestleg wr4rdrWorsOteenbndoWheck ainercoradatrrdlvetew9.0nes*ngor proper genial) modified or r9odud In nlesowitho aIqt uabng38OpoobloolaomJtnsupto5da Standards of Are Mud Re Ptbeo Association (34471d/a) ms9ng cit tPe a01hi5elltleoom when used In fira protection services. __ Ordering Having MWcfm __ lvMe Iciest by Tyw Pen RtgldDagrth rtorOr7pipOwJI heseii Procedure Picnics to be lve dod be Weesyobod or replaced01TmpArnPieccpdlaL TycoiW iE4 When placing on order, Indicate this rug product Plrobcsadloncsar'ao,REa%d/olemerypolor The lIpton 172 Ripkl CceØgr Oio/ Imole namn.PteaaespedIythequantIty.figurnnumbot temomeono-sostigerfian oeswdo mtodbeedthMrevinna/ntalredivcompd/rcovitO typeet5ashd,GredeW EPDMk, Pretuttdootod Ito u 01 products or pots 01 prnia Tyco Fan 8,enctesuedesedhUrbiste08 (GeoduAbPDMA)or Grade EEPDMTd-Soal, edwronop 01PBWIO 84IMad81On and site. tbenezemsoelaWorflritobrtorrotlo, In PB stseadenth 01 any otto' aathor#bn lovIng riwe byFaprrsoroeetrlresnesdetics othttIcIisu Fs6Jm to ifs so may hrqtafr Pa, arid other products am available ItnongItoo plt Ore ng Fp7ou1s BE perdannsrrea 018W device. U.S.,tarcola,arndknlmroaoealy,theengInormtwhdv iics pi cet rj00T,stret UitsojlyOe Tin owner Is ioqana06 Sr mubrtobtlqe 8W the eldtorOSdioitzenturs:YncnoywdtndkocOyoroaa pude8Wr570tOn aol eSrivan tsprrpezcpa'aliqr 215-yREolgr for 000lvhicsflurnearnsOyou. condition. Ito kta contractor or ngnbelor BG.LB80WTNOTLIOB100T0I.58010WS, nemiomswsintdebeomadaegrodlere Care and WASN.W2950JT1)EF00S6IU1Y&O1 Technical Maintenance •• yg rr ill The owner Is responsible for the Inspection, F1S'LI9BlJlY)N8WOidt0i2.9J. Data tesling, and malnt000rno of their fire protection 0l}ESu126OP Rpm: 772 system and devices In accordance with the I7E WW N 01HYMB1dI Sims: 1W- 13' oppihoklesesndaidauttheNalvatatRrnPrstndimr AUAALL Approvals: iii, FM, ULC, VdS. and LPCB; (e.g.. NFPA 25), In addition to the IMPLIED. INWThI WAP1HNTIFI OF See flreProtection Submtfiai Sheet for exact standards 01 any uutbndty, having )udsdckon. MERCILIIflIiUTY 580 RThESS FOR Usting/Approval Intotmatlon. mebrslalingcontractor orpmduclnnauutaclumr PARlie1ARR. Page lof2 July 2004 TFPIS5O P5002el2 TFPIO5O Figure 772 Grooved Coupling Boll - Mavknsnr aveltoble gap bore000 pipe end. ldinlosirrr gap 0. Meutneurn pen500re end end toed eve total trees all loads booed ore standard weletrt steel pipe. Pesoosre esnngo and end loacto may differ so other pipe nrutoetolo cod/or wet thldcnoea. Coolant ipon Flee Pmdccdo lee delude. See Free ProtectIon Eqatonreot occbmirlei Obese for Usllrr end Approval pressure ,50neo. (sold color coded metric boo sizes ore av000bta upon request O Max End Gaps ten act grooved standard wetgIrr pipe. Wives Is, 68 grooved pipe writ beSs theist out groaned. Plasm 772 AJId Coopseres hove an Anti-RotatIon Footers 01 'iprlppieg leeryr along the cowling kayo be atone 1W - 4'. wIdth erase the Figure 772 perfectly etled tee 'hen over bretatras000 sprees the tlkelaiasd 01 rotation le grsarvsr. This feature men eflesbeoto Ma flOod at sores hangers to coppers rho arm over duo Co Increased rIgIr8y and gltppcen torso easing nine end cost 05nov01 Notes: It Is ore Designers rouponolbety Is oeleci products ordieble ten Ow 160eaded edrvloe end 10 eewcro that preserves rsringe and psrlmnrssco dotes not exceeded. lttoays road end understand Urn InsInuation 01 b,atruclloors IrH-t000). Never renrove wry piping oomponors oreenioce Or rsodtty any pipIng derstenotos nlnrsacr first depressurizing and draining lIre system. Material end gasket oatoctten etseid be vsrltlsd to be compatible Or the opeulite application. Cerlifiad Company TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS. 451 North Canyon Avenue, L000dale, Peneeyrvueln 10908 Printed USA Pipe Max.'* Erect Gap Maui Pressure Moat End Load Nornierat Dimensions Net We. 0.0. A B C Size IncIses Inches psi Lbs. Inches Inches Inches Di O Lg. Lbs. mm rearer kPa N mm mm mm Kg. I'A' 1.060 0.08 300 649 2.75 4.38 1.81 %•02'/•' 1.0 42.4 1.5 2,068 2,887 69.9 111.3 46.0 Ml0n57 0.5 1.900 0.08 500 1,417 3.00 4.62 1.81 Wc2W 1.0 48.3 2.0 3,447 6,303 76.2 117.3 46.0 Mt0a57 0.5 2.375 0.13 500 2,214 3.41 5.12 1.88 Ws2W 1.5 60.3 33 3,447 9.848 86.6 130.0 47.8 Ml0n57 0.7 2W 2.875 0.13 500 3,244 3.91 5.63 1.88 Wo2Vr 2.5 73.0 3.3 3,447 14,430 99.3 143.0 47.8 Mt0x57 1.1 76 lw 3.005 0.13 300 2,120 4.19 5.72 2.00 MID 057 2.6 76.1 3.3 2,068 9.430 108.4 145.3 50.8 1.2 3.500 0.13 500 4,808 4.83 6,25 1.88 Wa 2'/e 2.6 88.9 3.3 3,447 21,387 117.6 158,8 47.8 M10057 1.2 4.500 0.19 500 7,948 5.81 7.50 1,97 We 2'!,' 3.5 114.3 4.8 3,447 35,353 147.6 190,5 50.0 M1 X57 1.6 139.7,, 5.500 0.18 300 7,127 7.02 8.72 2.06 M16063 139,7 4,8 2,068 31,701 178.3 246.9 52.3 3.4 5,563 0.19 300 7,288 7.09 9.71 2.04 Wo3W 7.5 141.3 4.8 2,068 32.417 1801 246.6 51.8 M16x83 4 165.1,, 6.500 0.19 300 9,950 8.09 10.53 2.13 M1O 83 7.6 165.1 4.8 2,068 44,258 205.5 267.5 54.1 3.4 6,625 0.19 400 13.782 8.09 10.53 2.13 W I 0 3'!.' 7.8 168.3 4,8 2.758 61,302 205.5 267.5 54.1 M6a83 3.4 8.625 0.19 450 26,278 10.56 13.56 2.62 We43'. 18.0 219.1 4.8 3,103 116,885 268.2 344.4 66.5 M20 121 8.2 10.750 0.13 250 22,679 12.84 16.41 2.62 1'o6W 24.8 273.0 3.3 1,724 100,876 326.1 416.8 66.5 M24 165 11.2 12' 12.750 0.13 250 31,903 15,41 18.84 2.62 rOOW 323.9 3,3 1,724 141,905 391.4 478.5 66.5 M24 165 19.1 . ;;. ! : r i . i E • 8 k b - - L ! . 2 2 • 2 ;• 88 '8°.• 2 8 S 8 o E IL Is d' I I injr 9 ' n 9'. 1; 19 q CM S '. in in '. 0 in in in in in 9 cJz - flCMinM j CM • MC.P r in SCM 'C CM CM 'CS C. CM CM• ' 0 Page 5oI6 TFPIOIO Figures 391, 3929 3939 312 and 313 FlFigure 391 Figure 382 Es .ljIjf Figure 393 Figure 312 cV Figure 313 FIgures391. Ftgore3l3 392 WW 393 Adamor N1.01.9 Fig' .312 22Ye Elbow 11V. Elbow E to E Apps. WI. C to E App.. WI. C to Appo. WI. Nondrd tnshe$ Lbs. yahoo In Lbs. Sim K9. nue-- Lbs Kg,. -- -- 1/. • 4.03 -- 0.8 -- 1.75 0.4 - 1.38 0.4 101.6 0.4 44.5 0.2 35.1 0.2 • 4.00 101.6 0.8 0.4 1.75 44.5 0.5 0.2 1.38 35.1 0.5 0.2 2• 4.03 1.2 1.88 0.6 1.38 0.8 101.6 0.5 47.8 0.3 35.1 0.3 4.00 1.8 .1 ISO 1.1 2/. • 101.6 0.9 0.3 34.1 0.5 4.00 101.6 2.5 1.1 I.4 (86 1.50 38.1 1.2 0.5 u • 6.00 5.5 .4 1.75 2.2 152.4 2.5 1.1 T.884.1 .u5 1.0 • 8.00 7.4 4.1 u.50 3.3 182.4 3.4 1.9 50.8 1.8 8.03 0.5 5.6 2.00 4.6 6 152.4 4.3 2.5 50.8 14.2 2. 6.00 1.I 2.00 8.7 152.4 6.4 5.0 50.8 3.9 27.0 4.38 14.0 2.13 9.1 IV M. 21732 122 11.3 5.4 54.1 4.1 5.00 33.0 4.88 22.0 2.25 16.7 12 203.2 15.0 124.0 10.0 57.2 7.6 Figures 327 and 341 teE Figure 327 V.E Figure 341 9 Page 8015 TFP18I0 Figure 321 CwI CL Figure 321 Genorot Nolan It Is ISo Deslgner'o responsibility to soled products suitable for Ore Intended semite and to 81151110 that pressure ratings and p040151arnc8 data Is not exceeded. absayoreadorsiurldo15toodthebrstoOulloflhlotruClbslS IS 9001 ((11-1000). Novel lemony any piping component or correct or modify any piping deficiencies withoul first doprsoaurlolng and draining the system. Material oral gasket selection should be notified to ho cotnpatlblo for the Specific oppiealion. Certified Company TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS. 451 North Cannon Avenso. Lanodolo. PennsylvanIa 16546 Printed U.0.A. sting Tee Nornired Inches NmIdoaJ g WI Size Lbs. OIZO Inches Lb.. Inches mm InoSts mm 9. _5 I½olt4el/. 2.0 80604 8.50 20.6 ______ 82.6 0.9 165.1 12.1 2020114 3,22 2.7 _ 6X5.5 8.50 27.0 82.6 1.2 165.1 12.2 21402r50I½ 3,79 4,2 8o8e2 r T __________ 95.3 1.9 166.9 16.4 214e2140 8e803 _________ 95.3 (.8 196.9 16.6 2½o2½e2 8e804 7.79 38.6 _________ 95.3 2.0 198.9 16.6 11h 3030 425 5. 00808 7.75 38.8 __________ 108.0 2.4 198.9 16.7 30302 80808 - 165.0. 2.5 198.9 16.6 3030214 1.25 5.0 1001002 8.00 'T _________ 108.0 2.6 228.8 25.9 4040114 5.00 8.8 1001003 8.00 iT _________ 127.0 4.4 228.6 28.0 4040 114 0 5. 88 1001004 0 6.0D 10.1 9.D0 57.8 127.0 4.5 228.6 26.1 - -- -- -- 1001005 40402 127.0 4.6 228.6 26.2 9.00 58.0 8 " 40214 5, 010.5 0 10.3 1011 100 127.0 4.7 224.6 26.3 1001008 8.00 58.4127.0 4.8 228.8 26.5 r4x4x 3 e2 5° 1481201204 1135.7 0.7 254.036.5 0503 12cr 1205 10.00 •7 05c2 85 6.50 0 'l201283 10-00 Y1397 8.6 254.0 38.4 139.7 8.0 254.0 39.6 50504 5° 1 1201206 10.00 80.8 139.7 7.2 254.0 24.7 80802 8,50 20,8 1201258 1: 11T 165.1 11.9 254.0 41.5 6080214- 20.0 12012010 i •i?Y _______ 185.1 .12.9 254.0 41.6 806n3 6.50 28.5 165.1 12.0 Size Range: 'I..' through 1 '/f Stocked in six, ten, and twelve foot lengths. Other even foot lengths can be furnished to eider. - Material: Carbon steel or Stainless Steel Gr 304 -A Thread,: National Coarse (USS), rod threaded complete length. i/fl 9 Finish: 0 Plain or[:] Zinc Plated (Hot-Dip Galvanized optional) Maximum Temperatww Zinc Plated 4507, Stainless Steel 650' F O Approval.: Compiles with MSS SP-58. Ordering: Specify rod diameter and length, figure number, name and finish. Note: The acceptability of galvanized coatings at temperatures above 459F is at the discretion of the end user. 'Is' through 3' Size Rounded Edge Design Length In A FIG. 146: DIMENSIONS (IN) • LOADS (185) . WEIGHTS (185) Rod Size A Tltr89d0 per lath Max Load 550 F Weight per Ft. V. 20 240 0.12 33 16 730 0.30 33 13 1,350 0,53 33 11 2,160 0.84 3'. to 3,230 1.20 '4 - 4,480 1.70 18 51960 2.311 1½ 9.500 3.60 1½ - 13,800 5.10 21/2*through 0' Size lSlIJI6II•IIIOIIIISIL1IIIIO Prolect 115 tflVst1llW111 DAppmved - AdOrns: ]Approveduflaled Contractor Omit approved Eaglsr. Ramaits: Submittal Date: Natal 1: P9.1.18 Pinject DAPPt0V8d AdOrns: DApproved as tasted CootTectr DNoteppmved Engineer Remaits: Submittal Date: Now 1: Notes 2: P8-1.18 ) RING HANGERS Fig. 69(FOrmeyly Afcon Fig. 300) Adjustable Swivel Ring, Tapped Per NFPA Standards RODS & EYE RODS Fig. 146 (Formerly Afcon Fig. 650) Continuous Threaded Rod Size 6xnge 'If through 8' Material: Carbon steel Finish: Strap Is Pre-Galvanited Zinc Material Nut Is Zinc Plated. Service: Recommended for Suspension of non-insulated stantoniry pipe line. Maximum Temperature: 450 F Approvals: Complies with Federal Specification A-A-1192A (Type 10), WV'/-H-lThE (Type IO and ANSI/MSS SP-58 (Type 10). UL Listed and FM Approved (Sires 'I.' - 81. Featureo - 2. sizes designed for use with steel and CPVC piping and manufactured with FSC System Compatible oil. Threads are countersunk so that they cannot become burred or damaged. Knurled swivel nut provides vertical adjustment after piping lain place. Captured swivel nut In the 1/2" through 6 sizes. The capture is permanent In the bottom portion of the band, allowing the hanger to be opened during installation if desired, but not allowing the nut to Fell completely Out. Ordering: Specify size, figure number and name. Non-captured nut also available upon - F c a A '/,'through 1. pipe I'/-" through 3' pipe 21/f through 8" pipe HG. 69: 01 EN ONS IN) • LOADS (LBS) • WEIGHT (LBS) Pipe Size Max Load Weight Rod Size B c F Width - — 0,10 ii!i_ _ji_ — - '4 —-- 51. --- 21/4 _i 1 29A. _j300 _ lrSt. 1 .-iw— —2 3/, IV, 1½ --- - —-- _i_ 1 __9.22._ T 2% i%. - - 2% j ___ 650 ---1 0.30— - —-- .__L_ 1.000 —— '65 _ 1.00 33 —;— —-- 611A, 8 77WA77 OR: —— --- Bx PIN . WOOD IJL Max Pipe Size, in. ,.. : UL Test Load, Minimum Wood 11iickness1 In. 8007957 GST 10 X CPVC 1-1/2 300 1.5 8020957 SWG 10 X CPVC 1-1/2 300 1.5 8008957 GST20 X 2-1/2 850 1.5 8068925 GST 20 SS X 2-1/2 850 1.5 8010957 GST30 X 4 1500 1.5 -8009925 GST25-380 X 4 1500 1.5 -8022925 SWG 25-380 X 3-1/2 - 4* 1500 1.5 -8021957 SWG 20 X 2-1/2 - 3** 1250 1.5 8073925 SWG 20 SS X 2-1/2 1250 1.5 8139957 SHGST20 X 3 1050 1.5 8141957 SHGST30 X 4 1500 1.5 8140957 SHGST20SS X 3 1050 1.5 8142957 SHGST30SS X 4 1500 1.5 FM FM T6 Mini U, Cl :ThIc1i X 4 145 1.5 X 4 1475 1.5 X 4 14'5 1.5 X 4 14Th 1.5 X 4 1475 1.5 X 4 1475 1.5 APPROVED L.IOI Minimum Minimum Ut. Max Pipe UL Test FM Max FM Test [BX P/N STEEL Size in Load Steel FM Steel T Load hickness,j Apefte Thickness, in. 503957 DSTR 1 X 4 1500 0.035 X 4 1475 0.1050 8037957 DSTR 1-1/2 X 4 1500 0.035 X 4 1475 0.1050 8039957 DSTR 516 X 4 1500 0.037 X 4 1475 0.1050 8045957 DST 516 X 4 1500 0.188 X 4 1475 0.1875 8046957 TEK50 X 4 1500 0.250 X 4 1475 0.1875 8055957 SWDR I X 4 1500 0.037 X 4 1475 0.0600 8056957 SWDR 516 X 4 1500 0.037 X 4 1475 0.0600 8054957 SWDR 1-1/2 X 4 1500 0.037 X 4 1475 0.0600 8137957 SH DSTR 1 X 4 1500 0.035 X 4 1475 0.1050 8150922 XP 20 X 2 750 0.027 X 4 1475 0.1050 8153922 XP 35 X 3-1/2 1250 0.043 X 4 1475 0.1050 : . U9957 UST 20 X 4 1475 3000 PSI 8061957 SWC20 X 4 1475 3000 PSI * SWG 25-380 Maximum pipe size in composite wood joist allowed by UL is 3-1/2" SWG 25-380 Maximum pipe size in wood timber or joist allowed by UL is 4" ** SWG 20 Maximum pipe size in composite wood joist allowed by UL is 2-1/2" ** SWG 20 Maximum pipe size in wood timber or joist allowed by UL is 3" Buildex UL and FM tests were performed in compliance with NFPA-13 Standards. www.itwbuildex.com Fastening requirement: 5 times weight of water filled schedule 40 pipe plus 250 pounds. 630-284-5339 SSS26 12 -.g --l o. -R -o -- 0' 1. ; nr1MMMri j ml - - -- - - - -E s 0' 0' 3 of 3 N S" G II( IIL1u.7W MODEL V-723 SADDLE LET j HOLE CUT SYSTEM MECHANICAL TEE The Vlldng Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings Ml 49058 Telephone: 209-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-3844464 Fax: 268-818-1680 Email: techavcevlklngcorp.com 6. FLOW DATA Flow test data has ahoy,, that the total A Formulas force 'lStueo: head loss between point A and B for the fittings can be expressed In terms .1. P = Where of the pressure difference across 0-Row (GPM) the Intel and branch. The pressure ,P - Pressure Drop (pal) difference can be obtained from the Q=cv x jp— ; - Flew Coefficient relatlerrzhlp below . 8 j Form No. F_110515 18.12.08 Rev 18.1 Replaces Form No. F_110515 Rev 15.1 (Added K-factor limit table and 110w data)