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2177 SALK AV; ; AS060244; Permit
10/21/21, 9:26 AM AS060244 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit Permit No: AS060244 Job Address: 2177 SALK AV Status: ISSUED Permit Type: SPRINK Applied 10/10/2006 Parcel No: Approved: 10/16/2006 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: Issued: 10/16/2006 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: VENTANA REAL FIRE SPRINKLER PLAN CHECK & INSPECTIONS Applicant: Owner: SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION CO INC 4760 MURPHY CANYON RD SAN DIEGO, CA 921.23 858-279-6122 Fees ($) Add'I Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 180 0 180 0 1/1 PLANS WITH THIS PERMIT: . . VE.NTANA REAL- LOT 2-BLDG A . VE,NTANA REAL- LOT 3-BLDG C A So (~ o 2AA- LI chmidt Fire Protection Ea.jnc, 4780 MURPHY CANYON RD • SAN DIEGO, CA 92123• (858) 279-6122 • FAx (858) 279-3583 Equipment Submittal and Hydraulic Information for Ventana Real - Lot 3- Bldg C 2117 Salk Ave. Carlsbad, CA. Sprink]er.Heads and Escutcheons Sprinkler Pipe and Fittings Valves and Accessories Alarms and Supervisory Switches Hangers and Seismic Brace Material Hydraulic Data Design Sheets Miscellaneous Items eth dE: rearLe; cithjrtz [IJ F~?J APPROVED 4,3 a)JWITTED CARLSBA le 6 \ C C I Ilk \\ o ç) L)NO S Sprinkler 51 a November 18,2005 4. TECHNICAL DATA Screw: Brass UNS-C36000 LISTINGS AND APPROVALS Pip Cap and Insert Assembly: Copper Refer to the Approval Chartonpage51 b. UNS-C11000 and Stainless Steel Glass-bulb fluid temperature rated to uNS-S30400 -65 'F (-55 'C). Sprinklers with Teflon® Coating Minimum Operating Pressure: 7 psi Belleville Spring: Nickel Alloy, exposed (48,3 kPa). Screw. Nickel plated RATED WATER WORKING PRESSURE Pip Cap: Teflon® Coated Sprinklers VK315 and VK340 are Sprinklers with Polyester Coating rated for use with water working Belleville Spring Sealing Assembly: pressures ranging from the mini- Exposed mum 7 psi (48.3 kPa) up to 250 psi AVAILABLE FINISHES 1. PRODUCT NAME (1 724 kPa) for high-pressure brass. Chrome-nIor patents pena- ing), White Polyester (White Poly finish Viking MicrofastO and MicrofastHP® tems. High-pressure (HP) sprin- for Part Nos. 06661 B. 06665B, 06764B, Quick Response Upright and Conven- klers can be identified by locating 07060, and 12281), Black Polyester tional Sprinklers the number "250" on the deflector. (Black Poly finish for Part No. 06661B), - 2MANIJFACTURER .JLOther Sprinklers: Maximum 175 fld-B1aCk1eflOn® THE VIKING CORPORATION psi (1 207 kPa) p Factory tested hydrostatically to 500 psi ACCESSORIES (order separately) 210 N. Industrial Park Road (3 448 kPa). Sprinkler Cabinets: Hastings, Michigan 49058 U.S.A. Testing: U.S.A. Patent No. 4,831,870 Six-head capacity: Part No. 01724A Telephone: (269) 945.9501 SPRINKLER MATERIALS Twelve-head capacity: Part No. (877) 3845464 Frame: Brass Castings UNS-C84400 01725A (available since 1971). Fax: (269) e-mail: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Deflector: Copper UNS-C 19500 for Sprinkler Base Part Nos. 06661B, Sprinkler Wrenches: Standard Sprinkler Wrench: Part PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 3. P 5 06665B4O6764B4O7060,and12281. No. 10896W/B (available since 2000) or O5000CW/B no longer Viking Microfast® and MicrofastHP® Brass UNS-C26000 for all other Part available). Quick Response Upright and Conven- Nos. B Wrench for coated and recessed tional (Old Style) Sprinklers are small Bushing (for Sprinkler Base Part Nos. sprinklers: Part No. 07398W° (avail- thermosensitive spray sprinklers avail- 06719B, 06717B, and 12286): Brass able since 1990). able with various finishes, temperature UNS-C36000 • A W ratchet is required (not available ratings, and orifice sizes to meet design Bulb: Glass, nominal 3 mm diameter from Viking). requirements. The special Polyester Belleville Spring Sealing Assembly: Refer to the 'SPRINKLER ACCESSO- and Teflon® coating can be used in dec- Nickel Alloy, coated on both sides RIES" section of the data book. applications orative where colors are de- with Teflon Tape sired. In addition, the Polyester and Tef- lon® coatings are corrosion resistant, providing protection against many cor- rosive environments. During fire conditions, when the temper- ature around the sprinkler reaches its operating temperature, the heat- sensitive liquid in the glass bulb ex- pands, causing the bulb to shatter, re- leasing the pip-cap and sealing spring assembly. Water flowing through the sprinkler orifice strikes the sprinkler de- flector, forming a uniform spray pattern to extinguish or control -the fire. L] Sprinkler Temperature Nominal Sprinkler Temperature Max. Ambient Bulb Classification Rating (Fusing Point) Ceiling Temp.1 Color2 Ordinary 155°F (68 'C) 100°F (38 'C) Red Intermediate 175 'F (79 'C) 150°F (65 'C) Yellow Intermediate 200 'F (93 'C) 150 'F (65 'C) Green High 286 'F (141 'C) 225°F (107 'C) Blue Sprinkler Finishes: Brass, ChromeEntoy® (patents pending). White Polyester (White Poly finish for Part Nos. 06661B, 06665B, 06764B, 07060, and 12281), Black Polyester (Black Poly finish for Part No. 06661B), and Black Teflon® Corrosion-Resistant Coatings3: White Polyester (White Poly finish for Part Nos. 06661 B, 06665B, 06764 B, 07060, and 12281). Black Polyester (Black Poly finish for Part No. 06661B), and Black Teflon® Footnotes 1 Based on NFPA-13. Other limits may apply, depending on fire loading, sprinkler location, and other requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Refer to specific installation standards. 2 The temperature rating is stamped on the deflector. The corrosion-resistant coatings have passed standard corrosion tests required by particu- lar approving agencies. Refer to the approval chart on page 51 b. These tests cannot and do not represent all possible corrosive environments. Prior to installation, verify through the end-user that the coatings are compatible with or suitable for the proposed environment. The coatings indicated are applied to the exposed exterior surfaces only. NOTE: The spring is exposed on sprinklers with Polyester Finishes and Teflon® coating. Table I Note: Units of measure in parentheses may be approximations. Replaces page 51 a-b, dated Oct. 21, 2005 (added MED Approval). Form No. F 080488 Refer to technical data page QRI-2 for general care, installation, - and maintenance information. Sprinkler 51 b November 18, 2005 Approval Chart I Temperature KEY Microfast and MicrofastHPQuick Response Finish 1 1 Upright and Conventional Sprinklers AIX4— Escutcheon (if applicable ) Maximum 175 PSI WWP Standard Orifice Thread Size Max. Sprinkler Description Nominal Overall Listings and Approvals2 Pressure K-factor jLength NPT BSP PSIG Sprinkler Base Part No.11 SIN U.S. I metric8 Inches I mm cULus5 EM NYC9 jVdS LPCB CE 0 W 15 mm 175 Upright I 06661B fVK300 5.6 8,1 2-3/16 56 A6 A7 A6 - - - - - 15 mm 175 Upright ] 07060 I VK3.45 5.6 811 2-3/16 56 Al A7" A713 W 15 mm 175 Conventional 06766B IVK310 5.6 8,1 2-3,16 56 A5 - AS - AS A51' A513 Larg Orifice %° 20 m— 175 Upright 066658 1 VK35018.0 1 11,5 2-5/16 59 A4 I A3 I A4 BI - - - W 20 mm 175 -Upright 06764B VK350[8.0 1 11,5 2-5/16 59 A4 I - A4 - - - - 20 mm 175 Conventional 06768B VK354E8.0 1 11,5 2-5/16 59 AS -- AC ...... - Small Orifice4 54! i-mm 5 _A2 I Al I A2 Wl15mm 175 —175_Upright3_JjJ _Upright3 I_06719BTVK32714.2 6.0 2-3/16 56 A2 - A2j_ _1 L..Ii0mm 175 _Upright I_06931BIVK327I_4.2 6,0 2-3/161 56 1 - - - 12 Maximum 250 PSI WWP Standard _Orifice _________ Thread Size Max. I Sprinkler Description Nominal Overall Listings and Approvals2 Pressure t K-factor Length NPTI_BSP Part No.1!SIN li.S.[metric8 lncheslmm cULusIFMINYCb01 VdS1LPCB 19 15mmI_250 I_Upright _PSIG I_Style _Base _12281 IVK315 i1[ 8,1 2-3/16!_56 A2 A2 _CE 1 Small_Orifice4 _________________ Va_115mm! _250 I_Upright3 I_12286 VK3401_2.8 I_4.012.3/16!_56 I_A2 I_-_I_A2 I_-_I Approved Finishes 1 - Brass and Chrome.Enloy® Approved Temperature Ratings 2 - Brass, ChromeEnloy®, White Polyester6, Black Polyester6, and Black Teflon" 3 - Brass, Chrome-Enloy, and White Poly Finish 'C), A - 155 'F (68 'C). 175°F (79 200 'F (93 'C), and - Brass, Chrome-Enloy, White Poly Finish6, Black Polyester6, and Black Teflon46 286 'F (141°C) 5 - Brass, Chrome-Enloy, White Polyester6, and Black Potyester6 B - 155 'F (68 'C) Brass, Chrome-Enloy®, White Poly Finish6, Black Poly Finish6, and Black Tefton Brass, Chrome-Enloy®, White Poly Finish, and Black Poly Finish Footnotes 1 Base part number is shown. For complete part number, refer to Viking's current price schedule. 2This chart shows the listings and approvals available at the time of printing. Other approvals may be in process.Check with the manufacturer for any additional approvals. The sprinkler orifice is bushed. Listings and Approvals are limited to Light-Hazard occupancies with hydraulically calculated wet systems only. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. for use in the U.S. and Canada. 6 cULus Listed and NYC Approved as corrosion-resistant. FM Approved for use in wet pipe sprinkler systems (or preaction systems qualifying as wet systems) for protection of occupancies described in the Factory Mutual Global Loss Prevention Data Sheets and Technical Advisory Bulletins. 8Metiic K-Factor shown is for use when pressure is measured in kPa. When pressure is measured in BAR, multiplythe metric K-Factor shown by 10.0. 9 Accepted for use, City of New York Board of Standards and Appeals, Calendar Number 219-76-SA. 10Accepled for use, City of New York Department of Buildings, MEA 89-92-E, Vol. 16. 11((Cèrtified, Standard EN 12259-1, EC-certificate of conformity 0832-CPD-2001 and 0832-CPD-2003. 12( ( Certified, Standard EN 12259-1, EC-certificate of conformity 0786-CPD-401 31. 13 MED Certified, Standard EN12259-1,EC-cerlificateof conformity 0832-MED-1003 and 0832-MED-1008. L I Replaces page 51 a-b, dated Oct. 21, 2005 (added MED Approval). Refer to technical Form No. F_080488 data page ORI-2 for general care, installation, and maintenance information. 0 November 18, 2005 Sprinkler 41 a RATED WATER WORKING PRESSURE Sprinklers VK317 and VK342 are rated for use with water working pressures ranging from the mini- mum 7 psi (48,3 kPa) up to 250 psi (1 724 kPa) for high-pressure sys- tems. High-pressure (HP) sprin- klers can be identified by locating the number "250" on the deflector. All Other Sprinklers: Maximum 175 psi (1 207 kPa) wwp. Factory tested hydrostatically to 500 psi (3 448 kPa). Testing: U.S.A. Patent No. 4,831,870 SPRINKLER MATERIALS Sprinklers with Teflon® Coating: Belleville Spring: Nickel Alloy, exposed Screw: Brass UNS-C36000, Nickel plated Pip Cap: Teflon® Coated Sprinklers with Polyester Coating or Poly Finish: Belleville Spring: Nickel Alloy, exposed AVAILABLE FINISHES Brass, ChromeEnIoy® (patents pend- ing), White Polyester (White Poly finish for Sprinkler 06662B), Black Polyester (Black Poly finish for Sprinkler 06662B), and Black Teflon® II H 1. PRODUCT NAME Viking Microfast® and MicrofastHP® Quick Response Pendent Sprinklers __•• ......- ACCESSORIES (order spnrteIv ACCESSORIES 2. MANUFACTURER Frame: Brass Castings UNS-C84400 ' Sprinkler Cabinets: THE VIKING CORPORATION D€J1eGtor-Brass-4JNS-054.000-or—Cop- Six-head capacity: Part No. 01724A 210 N. Industrial Park Road per UNS-C19500 for Sprinkler Base Twelve-head capacity Part No. 01725A Hastings, Michigan 49058 U.S.A. Part Nos. 06662B, 06666B, 06765B, Available since 1971. Telephone: (269) 945-9501 12104. Copper UNS-C19500 for (877) 384-5464 Sprinkler 12282. Brass UNS-C26000 Sprinkler Wrenches: Fax: (269) 945-9599 for all other Part Nos. A. Standard Wrench: Part No. e-mail: techsvcsvikingcOrp.com Bushing (for Sprinkler Base Part Nos. 10896W/B (available since 2000) or 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION . Viking Microfast® and MicrofastHP® 06718B, 06720B, and 12290): Brass 05000CW/B (no longer available). UNS-C36000 Bulb: Glass, nominal 3 mm diameter B. Wrench for coated and recessed: Part No. 07398W' (available since Quick Response Pendent Sprinklers are small, thermosensitive spray sprinklers Belleville Spring Sealing Assembly: 1990), or Part No. 12144W/B' (avail- available with various finishes, tempera- Nickel Alloy, coated on both sides with able since 2003). NOTE: Recessed lure ratings, and orifice sizes to meet de- Teflon Tape pendent sprinklers with protective sign requirements. The special Poly fin- Screw: Brass UNS-C36000 caps must use wrench 12144W/B. ishes and Teflon® coatings can be used Pip Cap and Insert Assembly: Copper *A Y2' ratchet is requited (not available through in decorative applications where colors UNS-C11000 and Stainless Steel Viking). Refer to the 'SPRINKLER ACCES- are desired. In addition, these two fin- ishes are corrosion resistant and pro- UNS-S30400 Pip Cap Attachment: Brass UNS-C36000 SORIES" section of the data book. vide protection against many corrosive Ejector Spring (Part No. 12104): Stain- environments, less Steel [T During fire conditions, when the temper- ature around the sprinkler reaches its operating temperature, the heat-sensi- tive liquid in the glass bulb expands, causing the bulb to shatter, releasing the pip cap and sealing spring assembly. Water flowing through the sprinkler ori- fice strikes the sprinkler deflector, form- ing a uniform spray pattern to extinguish or control the fire. 4. TECHNICAL DATA LISTINGS AND APPROVALS Refer to the Approval Chart on pg41 b. Glass-bulb fluid temperature rated to -65 'F (-55 'C). Minimum Operating Pressure: 7 psi (48,3 kPa) Note: Units of measure in parentheses may be approxirr.alion Form No. F_081296 Replaces page 41 a-b. dated October 21, 2005 (added MED Approvals). Refer to technical data page QRI-2 for care, instal- lation, and maintenance information. Sprinkler Temperature Nominal Sprinkler Temp. Maximum Ambient Bulb Classification Rating (Fusing Point) Ceiling Temperature1 Color2 Ordinary 155 'F (68 'C) 100 'F (38 'C) Red Intermediate 175 'F (79 'C) 150 'F (65 'C) Yellow Intermediate 200 'F (93 'C) 150 'F (65 'C) Green High 286 'F (141 'C) 225 'F (107 'C) Blue Sprinkler Finishes: Brass, Chrome.Enloy® (patents pending), White Polyester (White Poly finish for P/N 066628). Black Polyester (Black Poly finish for P/N 066628), and Black Teflon® Corrosion-Resistant Coatings3: White Polyester (White Poly finish for P/N 06662B), Black Polyester (Black Poly finish for PIN 06662B). and Black Teflon® Footnotes 1 Eased on NFPA-13. Other limits may apply, depending on fire loading, sprinkler location, and other requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Refer to specific installation standards. 2 The temperature rating is stamped on the deflector. The corrosion-resistant coatings have passed standard corrosion tests required by particu- lar approving agencies. Refer to the approval chart on page 41 b. These tests cannot and do not represent all possible corrosive environments. Prior to installation, verify through the end-user that the coatings are compatible with or suitable for the proposed environment. The coatings indicated are applied to the exposed exterior surfaces only. NOTE: The spring is exposed on sprinklers with Teflon® Coating or Poly finishes. Table 1 __ ___ Quick Response _______ __________ Pendent Sprinkler Ceiling Opening Size: 2-5/16' (59 mm) Minimum, 2-1/2' (64 mm) Maximum. L 2-1/e (54 mm) 4(45 mm) 1 'Mmn1Um Moximum Quick Response Pendent Sprinkler Installed with the Viking Micromatic® Model E-1 Recessed Escutcheon Sprinkler 41 b November 18, 2005 ft 0 AND N 1KJ MICROFAS-r 4 .:II[Ii\IiiM QUICK RESPONSE = 'm PENDENT SPRINKLERS Approval Chart I Temperature KEY Microfast® and MicrofastHP® Quick Response j,j— Finish - Pendent Sprinklers AIXi- Escutcheon (if applicable) Maximum 175 PSI WWP Stan ard Orifice Thread Size I Max. Pjg51_uLeJ Base Partl SIN Nominal K-Factorl Overall Lengthl Listings and ApproyaIs2 NPT BSP PSIG Number' I I U.S. I metric7 I Inches I mm I cULus5 I FM8 I NYC3 lVdSILPCBI CE is W 1 15 mm 1 175 06662B VK302 5.6 8,1 2-1/4 58 A1X,B1YA4X,B4YA1X,B1Y C2 A4X MA4)( Large Orific W 120 mm 175 06666B VK352 8.0 11.5 J 2-3/8 60 A3X. B3Y A2X. B2YA3X..B3Y - - - 34 20 mm 175 12104 IVK3521 8.0 1 11.5 1 2-1/4 1 58 1 - - - C2 I - - 15mm 175 067655 IVK3521 8.0 1 11.5 1 2-3/8 1 60 IA3X. B3Y - A3X:B3Y - - - - Small Orifice8 ';' 115 mm 175 I 06718 IVK29I 2.8 4.0 2-3/16 56 A3X. Y A2X A3X. B3Y - - - - /2 115mm 175 072Q84 lVK31 4.2 6.0 2-1/4 59 A3X. B3Y - A3X. B3Y - - - - — ho mm1 175 1 09326 IVK331 4.2 1 6.0 1 2-318 I 60 1 - - - C2 I C213 I - Maximum 250 PSI WWP Standard Orifice Thread Size Max. PressuleI Base Part SIN Number1 Nominal K-Factorl Overall tengthl Listings and ApproyaIs2 NPTI ESP PSIG U.S. metric" Inches I mm I cULus5 I FM I NYC11 IVdSILPCBI CE I 0 /.--ti mm 250 12- Small_Orifce6 _________ 'A" 15 mml__ 250 I 12290 VK3421 2.8 I 4.0 I 2-3/16 i I 56 IA3X. B'YI - I A3X I - - - - Approved Finishes Approved Escutcheons Approved Temperature Ratings 1 - Brass. Chrome-Enloy, White Poly Finish10, X - Slandardsurface-mountedescutcheonorthe A- 155 'F (68 'C), 175 'F (79 'C), 200 'F Black Poly Finish10, and Black Teflon010 Viking Microfast® Model F-i Adjustable Es- (93 'C), and 286 °F (141'C) 2- Brass and Chrome-Enloy® cutcheon9 B -155 'F (68 'C), 175 'F (79 'C), and 3- Brass, Chrome-Enloy®, White Potyester10,Black Y- Standard surface-mountedesajttheonortheVi- 200 'F (93 'C) Polyester", and Black Teflon®10 king Microfast® Model F-i Adjustable Escutth- C - 155 'F (68 'C) 4 - Brass, Chrome-Enloy®, White Poly Finish, eon9, or recessed with the Viking Micromatic® I Model E-1 or E-2 Recessed Escutcheon Footnotes 1 Base part number is shown. For complete part number, refer to Viking's current price schedule. 2This chart shows the listings and approvals available at the time of printing. Other approvals maybe in process. Check with the manufacturer for any additional approvals. Accepted for use, City of New York Board of Standards and Appeals, Calendar Number 219-76-SA. The sprinkler orifice is bushed. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. for use in the U.S. and Canada. cULus Listings and NYC Approvals limited to Light-Hazard Occupancies with hydraulically calculated wet systems. ' Metric K-Factor shown is for use when pressure is measured in kPa. When pressure is measured in BAR, muttiplythe metric K-Factor shown by 10.0. B FM Approved for use only in wet-pipe sprinkler systems (or preaction systems qualifying as wet systems) for protection of occupancies do- scribed in the Factory Mutual Engineering and Research Loss Prevention Data Sheets and Technical Advisory Bulletins. 9 The Viking Microfast® Model F-i Adjustable Escutcheon is considered a surface-mounted escutcheon because it does not allow the fusible ele- ment of the sprinkler to be recessed behind the face of the watt or ceiling. 10cULus Listed as corrosion resistant. 'Accepted for use, City of New York Department of Buildings, MEA 89-92-E, Vol XVI. 12 ((Certified, Standard EN 12259-1, EC-certificate of conformity 0832-CPD-2001 and 0832-CPD-2003. 13 ((Certified, Standard EN 12259-1, EC-certificate of conformity 0786-CPD-40130. 0 MED Certified, Standard EN 12259-1, EC-certificate of conformity 0832-MED-1003 and 0832-MED-1008. Quick Response Pendent Sprinkler 21/8 with a Standard 1/8' (3,1 mm) (54 mm) A Surface-Mounted Escutcheon 1/I . 1-1/2' (32 rr 1mm) Minimum Quick Response Pendent Sprinkler Installed with the Viking Microfast® Model F-i Adjustable Escutcheon Figure 1 Replaces page 41 a-b, dated October 211. 2005 (added IVIED Approvals). Refer tolechni- cal data page QRI-2 for care, installation, and maintenance information. Form No. F_081296 November 18, 2005 Sprinkler 11 a PRODUCT NAME Viking Micromatic® and MicromaticHP® Standard Response Sprinklers Available Styles: Upright, Pendent, and Conventional MANUFACTURER THE VIKING CORPORATION 210 N. Industrial Park Road Hastings, Michigan 49058, U.S.A. Telephone: (269) 945-9501 (877) 384-5464 Fax: (269) 945-9599 e-mail: techsvcsvikingCorp.Com PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Viking Micromatic® and Micromatici-IP® Standard Response Sprinklers are small thermosensitive spray sprinklers available in various finishes, temperature ratings, ad-orificesizes10-meet-design-Tequire ments. The special Poly finishes and Teflon coatings can be used in decorative applications where colors are desired. In addition, these two finishes are corrosion resistant and provide protection against many corrosive environments. During fire conditions, the heat-sensitive liquid in the glass bulb expands, causing . the bulb to shatter, releasing the pip cap and sealing spring assembly. Water flow- ing through the sprinkler orifice strikes the sprinkler deflector, forming a uniform spray pattern to extinguish or control the fire. Viking standard response sprinklers may be ordered and/or used as open sprinklers (glass bulb and pip cap assembly removed) on deluge systems. TECHNICAL DATA LISTINGS AND APPROVALS Refer to the charts on pages 11 b-d. Spacing Requirements: Max. spacing 15 ft. (4,6 m), mm. spacing 6 ft. (1,8 m). Glass bulb fluid temperature rated to -65 'F (-55 °C). Spring: U.S.A. Patent No. 4,167,974 Mm. Operating Pressure: 7 psi (48,3 kPa). RATED WATER WORKING PRESSURE Sprinklers 09992, 09993, 09994, and 09995 are rated for use with water working pressures ranging from the minimum 7 psi (48,3 kPa) up to 250 psi (1 724 kPa) for high-pressure sys- tems. High-pressure (HP) sprinklers can be identified by locating "250" stamped on the deflector. All other Part Nos.-not mentioned above are rated to a maximum 175 psi (1 207 kPa) wwp. Factory tested hydrostatically to 500 psi (3 448 kPa). SPRINKLER MATERIALS Frame: Brass Castings UNS-C84400 Deflector: Brass UNS-051000 or Copper UNS-C19500 for Sprinklers 10139, 10142, 10170, 10173, 10223, and Upright . Pendent Conventional Sprinkler Temperature Nominal Sprinkler Temperature Max. Ambient Bulb Classification Rating (Fusing Point)2 Ceiling Temperature1 Color2 Ordinary 155 'F (68 'C) 100 'F (38 'C) . Red.. Intermediate 175°F (79 °C) 150 'F (65 'C) Yellow Intermediate 200°F (93 'C) 150 'F (65 'C) Green Intermediate 212 'F (100 'C) 150 'F (65 'C) Green High 286 'F (141 'C) 225 'F (107 'C) Blue -Extralliqtr-- 360-°f-(182-°Cj -300-F-(149-C)- -Mauve- Ultra High4 500 'F (260 'C) 465 'F (240 'C) Black Sprinkler Finishes: Brass, Chrome-Enlo'®, White Polyester (White Poly finish for Sprinkler Base Part Nos. 10138, 10139, 10141, 10173, and 10220), Black Polyester (Black Polyfinish for Sprinkler Base Part Nos. 10138, 10139, and 10173), and Black Teflon® Corrosion-Resistant Coatings3: White Polyester (White Poly finish for Sprinkler Base Part Nos. 10138, 10139, 10141, 10173, and 10220 only), Black Polyester (Black Poly finish for Sprinkler Base Part Nos. 10138, 10139, and 10173), and Black Teflon® in all temperature rat- ings. Wax-Coated Brass and Wax over Plyester finish for sprinklers with the following temperature ratings: 155°F (68'C) Lt. Brown Wax 200°F (93 'C) Brown Wax 286°F (141 'C) Dk. Brown Wax 175 'F (79'C) Brown Wax 212 'F (100 'C) Brown Wax Based on NFPA-13. Other limits may apply, depending on fire loading, sprinkler location, and other requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Refer to specific installation standards. 2 The temperature rating is stamped on the deflector. 3The corrosion-resistant coatings have passed the standard corrosion test required by the ap- proving agencies indicated on pages 11 b-d. These tests cannot and do not represent all possible corrosive environments. Prior to installation, verify through the end-user that the coatings are compatible with or suitable for the proposed environment. For automatic sprin- klers, the coatings indicated are applied to the exposed exterior surfaces only. Note that the spring is exposed on sprinklers with Poly finishes and Teflon® coatings. For Teflon® coated open sprinklers only, the waterway is coated. Sprinklers of Ultra-High temperature rating are intended for use inside ovens, dryers, or simi- lar enclosures with normal operating temperatures above 300°F (149'C). Where the ambi- ent temperature around the Ultra-High temperature rated sprinkler is significantly reduced below 300 'F (149 'C), response time may be severely retarded. 5 Wax Over Polyester is unavailable for Sprinkler Base P/Ns 09992, 09993,09994, and 09995. Ejector Spring (Part Nos. 12105 and 12106): Stainless Steel Sprinklers with Teflon® Coating: Belleville Spring: Nickel Alloy, exposed Screw: Brass UNS-C36000, Nickel plated Pip Cap: Teflon® Coated Sprinklers with Poly Finishes: Belleville Spring: Nickel Alloy, exposed AVAILABLE FINISHES Brass, Chrome- Enloy® (patents pending), White Polyester (White Poly finish for Sprinkler Base Part Nos. 10138, 10139, 10141, 10173, and 10220), Black Polyes- ter (Black Poly finish for Sprinkler Base Part Nos. 10138, 10139, and 10173), and Black Teflon® in all temperature ratings: Wax-Coated Brass or Wax over Polyes- ter' for sprinklers with temperature rat- ings through 286 'F (141 °C). Wax Over Polyester unavailable for Sprinkler Base Part Nos. 09992, 09993, 09994, and 09995. S 12105. Copper UNS-C19500 for Sprin- kler Base Part Nos. 10138, 10141, 10169, 10174, 10187, 10190, 10193, 10220, 10233, and 12106. Brass UNS-C26000 for all other Part Nos. Bushing (for Sprinkler Base Part Nos. 09994, 09995, 10188, 10189, 10191, 10192, 10218, 10219, 10221, and 10222): Brass UNS-C36000 Bulb: Glass, nominal 5 mm diameter Belleville Spring Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy, coated on both sides with Teflon Tape Screw: Brass UNS-C36000 Pip Cap for Sprinklers 09992, 09993, 09994, 09995, and 10221: Bronze UNS-C31400 or UNS-C31600 Pip Cap and Insert Assembly for all other Sprinkler Part Nos: Copper UNS-Cl 1000 and Stainless Steel UNS-S30400 Pip Cap Attachment: Brass UNS-C36000 Note: Units of measure in parentheses may be approximations. Replaces page 11 a-d, dated Oct. 21, 2005 (added ME Approval). Re- Form No. F 100397 fer to technical data page SRI-2 for general care, installation, and - maintenance information. O Sprinkler 11 b November 18, 2005 7_~ Approval Chart Temperature KEY Micromatic® Standard Response Pendent Sprinklers Finish Maximum 175 PSI WWP i Al Standard Orifice Thread Sprinkler Description Nominal Overall . Listings and Approvals2 Size __ K-Factor Length NPTI BSP Style Base Part Number SIN SIN U.S.metric6 Inch mm cULus4 FM NYC' VdS LPCB k(119 15 mm Pendent 10139 VK102 561 8,1 2-3/16156 B2,D9,Ell,F7lA5,ClO,F5l B2,D9,EllI B5 I B2, D91 B513 I B5 15 - 15 mm Pendent 1017312 1VK102 5.6] 8,1 2-3/161 56 1 B2, D9, Eli, F7 JA5, C10, F5 I 82, 09, Eli I B5 I B2, IJ91 - - Lame Orifice '/° Ii5mmPendent 10223 VK202 8.0 11,5 2-3/8 60 1 Bi,08, Ell, F7 B7,D10,F7 Bi,D8,Ell - - - - 20 mm Pendent 10142 IVK202 I 8.0 11,5 2-5/16 59 Bi, 08, Eli, F7 B7, D10, F7 Bi, D8, Eli - B4, D8 B713 j' - I15mm Pendent 10187 VK202 8.0 Ji 2-3/8 60 Bl,08,E1I,F7 do - - - - - - I20mmPendent 10170 VK202 8.0 11,5 2-3/8 60 B1,D8,Ell C10 A7 - -B7, D3 B7'3 8715 120 mm Pendent 12105 I VK202 I 8.0 _flL 2-3/16 56 - - - A4 - B714 - Small Orifice9 15 mm Pendent 1022110 VK003 2.8 I 4.0 2-3/16 56 Bi, 08, Eli B7, 010 - - - - W 15-mm enden 1-022210- -VKCN- -4.2 I 6,0- 2r114 - -B1-D&-E-11- - - -=- 10 mm Pendent 10175 VK004 4.2 I 6,0 2-1/4 58 - - - 84 LQ3 15 mm Pendent 1018810.12 VK004 4.2 I 6,0 2-1/4 58 BI, 08, ElI - - - - 15 mm Pendent 101891012 VK003 2.8 I 4,0 2-3/16 56 Bi, 08, Eli B7, 010 - - - - - Installed with the Viking Micromatic® Model El or E-2 Recessed Escutcheon11 W 15 mm Pendent 10139 IVK102 56 8,1 2-3/16 56 02 C58 02 05 D2 - - W 15 mm Pendent 10223 VK202 80 11,5 2-3/8 60 Di D7 Dl - - W 15 mm Pendent 102219,10 VK003 28 4,0 2-3/16 56 Dl C78 Dl - Dl - - W 15 mm Pendent 102229,10 VK004 42 6,0_ 2-1/4 58 01 - Di - Dl - - 20 mm Pendent 10142 VK202 80 11,5 2-5/16 59 Dl 078 Dl - D4 - - 15 mm, Pendent 1017312 VK102 _!Li_ 2-3/16 56 Dl C78 - -20mm %11_.-120mm Pendent 10170 VK202 80 J 2-3/8 60 Dl 078 Di - Pendent 12105 VK202 8.0 11,5 12-3/161 56 - - -1 D4 - - Installed with the Vikinaj rofast® Model F-I Adjustable Escutcheon - - W 15 mmlPendent 10139 VK102 56 j_ 2-3/16156 02 - 02 ES D2 W 15 mmPendent 10223 VK202 80 11,5 2-3/8160 Dl - Dl - -]- - W l5mmlPendent 102219.10 1 VK003 12.8 4,0 2-3/16[56 1 Dl I - Di - Dl]- - Approved Temperature Ratings Approyed Finishes 1 - Brass, Chrome-Enloy®, White Polyester', Black Polyester5, and Black Teflon®5 °C), °C), °C) A -155°F (68 175°F (79 200°F (93 212°F (l 00 °C), 286 °F (141 °C), and 36 0°F 2 - Brass, Chrome-Enloy®, While Poly Finish5 Black Poly Finish5, and Black Teflon (182 °C) 3-White Polyester, Black Polyester, Black Teflon® Wax-Coated Brass, and Wax over Polyester B -155°F (68 °C), 175°F (79 °C), 200°F (93 C), 4- Brass, ChromeEnloy®, White Polyester, and Black Polyester - Brass, Chrome-Enloy®, White Poly Finish, and Black Poly Finish °C), °F °C) 286°F (141 and 360 (182 C -155 °F(68 °C), 175 °F(79 °C), 200 °F(93 °C) 6- White Poly Finish, Black Poly Finish, and Wax-Coated Brass (corrosion resistant) and 212°F (100 °C) 7 - Brass and ChromeEnloy® 8- Wax-Coated Brass and Wax Over Polyester5 °C), 0-155°F (68-C), 175°F (79 and 200°F (93 9 - Wax-Coated Brass and Wax Over Poly Finish5 °C) E -286°F (141 °C, 10 - Wax-Coated Brass (corrosion resistant) - (93 (corrosion resistant); maximum ambient F -500°F (260 °C) 11 High Temperature 200 °F °C) Wax Coating °C) temperature allowed at ceiling = 150°F (65 1 Base part number shown. For complete part number, refer to Vikings current price schedule. 2 This table shows the listings and approvals available at the time of printing. Other approvals may be in process. Accepted for use, City of New York Department of Buildings, MEA Number 89-92-E, Vol. XII. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. for use in the U.S. and Canada. cULus Listed as corrosion-resistant. 6 Metric K-factor shown is for use when pressure is measured in kPa. When pressure is measured in BAR, multiply the metric K-factor shown by 10.0. Sprinklers of Ultra-High temperature rating are intended for use inside ovens, dryers, or similar enclosures with normal operating temperatures above 300'F (149 °C). Where the ambient temperature around the Ultra-High temperature rated sprinkler is significantly LeduqA below 300°F (149 °C), the response time of the Ultra-High temperature rated sprinkler may be severely retarded. 8 FM Approval of Viking Micromalic® Standard Response Recessed Pendent Sprinklers installed with the Viking Micromatic® Model E-1 or E-2 Recessed Escutcheon is limited to wet systems and preaction systems qualifying as wet systems, for hazard occupancies up to and including Ordinary Hazard, Group II. Listings and Approvals limited to Light-Hazard Occupancies where allowed by the installation standards being applied, with hydraulically cal- culated wet systems only. 10The sprinkler orifice is bushed. "Escutcheons must be ordered separately from sprinklers. Refer to Viking's current price schedule. 12Sprinklers 10173, 10189, and 10188 are available on special order. 13(( Certified, Standard EN 12259-1, Ed-certificate of conformity 0832-CPD-2001 and 0832-CPD-2003. 14 CE Certified, Standard EN 12259-1 EC-certificate of conformity 0786-CPD-40141. € MED Certified, Standard EN 12259-1, EC-certificate of conformity 0832-MED-1003 and 0832-MED-1008. Spacing Requirements: Maximum spacing 15 ft. (4,6 m), minimum spacing 6 ft. (1,8 m). 0 November 18, 2005 Sprinkler 11 c S Approval Chart Temperature KEY Finish LY MicromaticHP® Standard Response Pendent Sprinklers Maximum 250 PSI WWP Standard Orifice Thread Size Max. Sprinkler Description Nominal K-Factor Overall Length Listings and Approvals2 Pressure NPT BSP P516 Style Base Part Number' SIN U.S. I metric5 Inch mm cULus3 FM NYC VdS l/ 1 15 mm 250 Pendent 09992 1 VK122 5.6 1 8,1 2-1/4 58 Al - - - Small Orifice6 1/i" 15 mml 250 I Pendent 1 099947 VK023 1 2.8 1 4,0 2-1/4 58] Al — — — Installed with the Viking Micromatic® Model E.1 or E-2 Recessed Escutcheon9 15mm 250 Pendent 09992 VK122 1 5.6 1 8,1 2-1/4 1 58 Bl — — - 1/fl 1 15 mm 250 1 Pendent 1 099946.1 1 VK023 1 2.8 1 4,0 1 2-1/4 1 58 1 Bl. — - — Installed with the Viking Microfast® Model F-I Adjustable Escutcheon" 09992 VKl22 5.6 _&L 2-1/4 58 F mm J Y4F-15mmf.25n._.4 ndent 250 Pendent I Al 4° 099946.7 VK023 2.8 4,0 2-1/4 58 Al — - - Approved Temperature Ratings Approved Finishes A - 155 °F (68 °C) 175 °F (79 °C), 200 °F (93 °C), and 286 °F (141 °C) 1 - Brass, Chrome-Enlo, White Polyester4, Black Polyester4, B - 155 °F (68 °C), 175 °F (79 °C), and 200 °F (93 °C) and Black Teflon 04 Footnotes Base part number shown. For complete part number, refer to Viking's current price schedule. 2 This table shows the listings and approvals available at the time of printing. Other approvals may be in process. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. for use in the U.S. and Canada. cULus Listed as corrosion-resistant. Metric K-factor shown is for use when pressure is measured in kPa. When pressure is measured in BAR, multiply the metric K-factor shown by 10.0. 6 Listings and Approvals limited to Light-Hazard Occupancies where allowed by the installation standards being applied, with hydraulically calcu- lated wet systems only. The sprinkler orifice is bushed. 8 TheMicrofast® Model F-i Adjustable Escutcheon is considered a surface-mounted escutcheon because it does not allow the fusible element of the sprinkler to be recessed behind the face of the wall or ceiling. Refer to the "Sprinkler Accessories" section for technical data on approved escutcheons and other accessories. Escutcheons must be ordered separately from sprinklers. Refer to Viking's current price schedule. Spacing Requirements: Maximum spacing 15 ft. (4,6 m), minimum spacing 6 ft. (1,8 m). Sprinkler Base Part No. 10139 with a standard 1/8"(3,1 mm) surface-mounted escutcheon. Sprinkler Base Part No. 10139 Ceiling Opening Size: 2-5/16"(59 mm) Minimum, 2-1/2"(64 mm) Maximum. 2-1/8• (54 mm) 2-1/8 (54 mm) mm) Sprinkler Base Part No. 10139 Sprinkler Base Part No. 10139 installed with a Microfast® installed with a Micromatic® Model F-i Adjustable Escutcheon. Model E-1 Recessed Escutcheon. S ACCESSORIES (order separately) Sprinkler Cabinets: (available since 1971) Six-head capacity: Part No. 01724A Twelve-head capacity: Part No. 01725A Sprinkler Wrenches: A. Standard wrench: Part No. 10896W/B (available since 2000) or 05000CW/B (no longer available). Standard wrench is also to be used for wax coated sprin- klers. B. Wrench for Polyester and Teflon® coated and recessed: Part No. 07398W" (available since 1990), or Part No. 12144W/B'" (available since 2003). "A 'A' ratchet is required (not available from Vi- king). NOTE: Recessed pendent sprinklers with protective caps must use wrench 12144W/B. Refer to the "Sprinkler Accessories" sec- tion of the Viking data book. Sprinkler 11 d November 18, 2005 0 Ll MICROMATIC" AND RESPONSE SPRINKLERS Approval Chart Temperature KEY Finish Micromatic® and MicromaticHP€ Standard Response Al Upright and Conventional Sprinklers Maximum 175 PSI WWP Standard Orifice Thread Size Sprinkler Description Nominal K Overall i. Listings and Approvals2. - NPT BSP Style Base Part SIN U.S. metrics Inch mm Numb& cULus4 FM NYC VdS LPCB CE 0 15 MM g!igb J_013& VKaO 5.6 ....t.. 2Li .56 B14. Eli, F13. G9 15. 012. Glf B14, Eli. F133 IT - - - j5 lgb 10233 VK14 .,Ii L1 - AS. 07. GB - .B6 . 139, E3 B61T 6 1inir I I Jgrjgh 10174 ViiA _It 2L1 _5L A8. D7. G8 -BE E3 - jjj lUpright 10193 VK100 5.6 JJ ,j Bi. E1O, Fi3. G9 A8. D7. GB Orifice _Large J5jjj I,(gngtji,[ 10220 VJZQQ Q 2L B2. Ell -1 B9 VK200 8.0 11.5 2-5/16 59 B2. Eli, F13. G91L B8,El2,ZG8 - 10141 B2, Eli, F13, G9T 82.Eli,F133 B6 12 B9 B9 12 B914 10190 'i~2Q 1 J11 Bi. E1O. F13. G9 - 8914 10169 VI2QQ 1 Ji 25L1i Bi.E1O.Fi3 I - - Small Orifices isnir 10218 'LK01 12.81_40I3.11 Bi, ElO. F13 I E9. E12 - . trnii b (pg 102l9° 42 J2j 5 B1E*OrF43 __ jgt 10191 V102 £2 6. _. ...I2 -3L1 t Bi. gjgt' 101929 VK 21 _4 _1211 . Bi. F- inr ggg1i' l0l76 Conventional W Y2" 15 mm Cony. 10227 VK118 5.6 8,1 2-3/16 56 Bl,El0,Fl3 - Bl,El0,Fi311 B5 , B512 B5' %° 20 mm Cony. 10228 VK120 8.0 11,5 2-5/16 59 Bl,E1O,F13 - Bl,Ei0,Fl3 - B912 B9 14 - 15 mm Cony. 1017210 VK118 5.6 8,1 2-3/16 56 Bl,El0,Fl3 - - - B5, - 20mm Cony. 1 1016810 VK120 8.0 11,5 2-5/16 59 Bi, ElO, F13 - - . - B9 12 B914 0m 12l06V12 11.52 - - - Maximum 250 PSI WWP Standard Or Cl if ice 'A" 115 mmlUprightl 09993 JVK12415.61 8.1 12-1/4158 I - - - - - - Small Orifices 'A" 115 mmlUoriahtl 09995 IVK0211 2.8 I 4.0 2-1/4 1 58 I Cl I Approved Finishes 1 - Brass, Chrome-Enloy®, White folyester5, Black Polyesters, and Black Teflon65 2 - Brass, Chrome-Enloy®, White Poly Finish5 Black Polyesters, and Black Teflon®S Approved Temperature Ratings 3 - White Polyester, Black Polyester, Black Teflon®, Wax-Coated Brass, and Wax over A - 155 OF (68 °C), 175 OF (79 °C), 200 OF (93 °C), (141 and 360 (1~4 Polyester - White Poly Finish, Black Polyester, Black Teflon®, Wax-Coated Brass, and Wax over OF -C), OF 212 OF (100 -C), 286 2 Polyester ° B - 155 OF (68 °C), 175 F (79 °C), 200 °F (93 °C), 5 - Brass, Chrome-Enloy® White Polyester, and Black Polyester 6- Brass, Chrome-Enloy, White Poly Finish, and Black Polyester OF °C) °C), 286 OF (141 and 360 (182 C - 155 OF (68 °C), 175 OF (79 °C), 200 OF (93 °C), 7 - White Poly Finish and Wax-Coated Brass (corrosion resistant) Brass, Chrome-Enloy® and White Poly Finish and 286°F (141 °C) Brass and Chrome-Enloy® OF 'C), OF °C), D - 155 OF (68 °C), 175 (79 200 (93 10- Wax-Coated Brass and Wax over Polyester5 and 212 OF (100 °C) E- 155°F(68°C), 175°F(79°C),and200°F(93°C) ii - Wax-Coated Brass and Wax over Poly Finish5 F -286°F (141 'C) G 500 °F "C)7 (260 12 - Wax-Coated Brass (corrosion resistant) 13-200°F (93 °C) High-Temperature Wax Coating (corrosion resistant); maximum ambi- - ent temperature allowed at ceiling = 150 OF (65 °C) 14 - Brass, Chrome-Enloy® White Poly Finish5, Black Poly Finish5, and Black Tefton05 15- Brass, Chrome-Enloy®. White Poly Finish, and Black Poly Finish Base part number shown. For complete part number, refer to Viking's current price schedule. 2 This table shows the listings and approvals available at the time of printing. Other approvals may be in process. Accepted for use, City of New York Department of Buildings, MEA Number 89-92-E, Vol. XII. ' Listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. for use in the U.S. and Canada. cULus Listed as corrosion-resistant. 6 Metric K-factor shownis for use when pressure is measured in kPa. When pressure is measured in BAR, muttiplythemetricK-factor.shownby-lOO.-. Sprinklers of Ultra-High temperature rating are intended for use inside ovens, dryers, or similar enclosures with normal operating temperatures above 300°F (149 °C). Where the ambient temperature around the Ultra-High temperature rated sprinkler is significantly reduced below 300 'F (149 'C), the response time of the Ultra-High temperature rated sprinkler may be severely retarded. Listings and Approvals limited to Light-Hazard Occupancies where allowed by the installation standards being applied, with hydraulically cal- culated wet systems only. The sprinkler orifice is bushed. "Sprinklers 10168 and10172 are available on special order. "Accepted for use, City of New York Department of Buildings, MEA Number 89-92-E, Vol. III. 12 CE Certified, Standard EN 12259-1, EC-certificate of conformity 0832-CPD-2001 and 0832-CPD-2003. 13 (K Certified, Standard EN 12259-1, EC-certificate of conformity 0786-CPD-40142. 14 0 MED Certified, Standard EN 12259-1, EC-cerlificate of conformity 0832-MED-1003 and 0832-MED-1008. Spacing Requirements: Maximum spacing 15 ft. (4,6 m), minimum spacing 6 ft. (1,8 m)for upright sprinklers. Conventional (old-style) sprinklers must be spaced in accordance with the latest standards of NFPA, LPCB, and VdS, and any other applicable standards. Replaces page 11 a-d, dated Oct. 21. 2005 (added MED Approval). Refer to technical Form No. F_100397 data page SRI-2 for general care, installation, and maintenance information. S May 2, 2003 Sprinkler 43 a S 1. PRODUCT NAME Viking Microfast® and MicrofastHP® Quick Response Model M-5 Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers Sprinkler SIN VK305t (Sprinkler Base Part Number 12121) HP Sprinkler SIN VK319t (Sprinkler f The SIN is stamped on the sprinkler deflector. MANUFACTURER The Viking Corporation 210 N. Industrial Park Road Hastings, Michigan 49058, U.S.A. Telephone: (269) 945-9501 (877) 384-5464 Fax: (269) 945-9599 e-mail: techsvcsvikingcorp.com PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Viking Microfast® and MicrofastHP® Quick Response Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are small, thermosensitive spray sprinklers available with several different finishes and temperature rat- ings to meet varying design require- ments. The special Polyester and Tel- Ion® coatings are available for use in decorative applications. In addition, these two finishes are listed as corro- sion-resistant finishes for protection against many corrosive environments. The pip cap and sealing assembly of the sprinkler is held in place by a 3 mm glass bulb. During fire conditions, when the temperature around the sprinkler reaches its operating temperature, the heat-sensitive liquid in the glass bulb expands, causing the bulb to shatter, releasing the pip cap and sealing spring assembly. Water flowing through the sprinkler orifice strikes the sprinkler de- flector, forming a uniform spray pattern to extinguish or control the fire. TECHNICAL DATA LISTINGS AND APPROVALS Refer to the Approval Chart on page 43 b. Thread Size: ½ NPT (15 mm) Nominal K-Factor: 5.6 U.S. (8,1 metric*) Metric K.Factor shown is for use when pressure is measured in kPa. When pressure is measured in BAR, multi plythe metric k.Factor shown by10.O. Overall Length: 2-11/16' (68 mm) Glass-bulb fluid temperature rated to -65 °F (-55 °C). Minimum Operating Pressure: 7 psi (48,3 kPa). RATED WATER WORKING PRES- SURE Sprinkler VK319 is rated for use with water working pressures ranging from the minimum 7 psi (48,3 kPa) up to 250 psi (1 724 kPa) for high- pressure systems. High-pressure (HP) sprinklers can be identified by locating the number "250" on the deflector. Sprinkler VK305 is rated to a maxi- mum 175 psi (1 207 kPa) wwp. Factory tested hydrostatically to 500 psi (3 448 kPa). Spring: U.S.A. Patent No. 4,167,974 Deflector: U.S.A. Patent No. 4,296,816 Testing: U.S.A. Patent No. 4,831,870 SPRINKLER MATERIALS Frame: Brass Castings UNS-C84400 Deflector: Copper UNS-C19500 Bulb: Glass, nominal 3 mm diameter Belleville Spring Sealing Assem- bly: Nickel Alloy, coated on both sides with Teflon Tape Screw: Brass UNS-C36000 Pip Cap and Insert Assembly: Copper UNS-C11000 and Stainless Steel UNS-530400 Pip Cap Attachment: Brass UNS- C36000 Teflon® Coated Sprinklers Belleville Spring Sealing Assembly: Ex- posed Screw: Nickel plated Pip Cap: Teflon® Coated Polyester Coated Sprinklers Belleville Spring Sealing Assembly: Ex- posed ACCESSORIES Sprinkler Wrenches: Standard Wrench: Part Number 10896W/B (available since 2000) or 05000GW/B (no longer available) Wrench for coated and recessed sprinklers: Part Number 07398W** (available since 1990). "A '/r' ratchet is required (not available from Vi- king). Refer to the 'SPRINKLER ACCES- SORIES" section of the Viking Engi- neering and Design Data book. Sprinkler Temperature Nominal Sprinkler Temperature Maximum Ambient Bulb Classification Rating (Fusing Point)2 Ceiling Temperature' Color Ordinary 155°F (68 °C) 100°F (38 °C) ....Red L Intermediate 1 175 °F (79 °C) 150°F (65 °C) Yellow Intermediate 200 °F (93 °C) 150°F (65 °C) Green High 286°F If 41 °C) 225°F (107 °C) I Blue Sprinkler Finishes: Brass, Bright Brass, ChromeEnloy® (patents pending), White Polyes- ter, Navajo While Polyester. Black Polyester, and Black Teflon Corrosion-Resistant Coatings3: White Polyester, Navajo White Polyester, Black Polyes- ter, and Black Teflon® Footnotes Based on NFPA-13. Other limits may apply, depending on fire loading, sprinkler location, and other requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Refer to specific installation stan- dards. 2 The temperature rating is stamped on the deflector. 3 The corrosion-resistant coatings have passed standard corrosion tests required by particu- lar approving agencies. Refer to the approval chart. These tests cannot and do not repre- sent all possible corrosive environments. Prior to installation, verily through the end-user that the coatings are compatible with or suitable for the proposed environment. The coat- ings indicated are applied to the exposed exterior surfaces only. NOTE: The spring is exposed on the Teflon® coaled and Polyester coaled sprinklers. Table 1 S Note: Units of measure in parentheses may be approximations. Replaces page 43 a-b: dated February 28, 2003 (new sprinkler Form No. F 030103 base part number and SIN). Refer to technical data page OR1-2 - for general care, installation, and maintenance information. Sprinkler 43 b May 2, 2003 Approval Chart Temperature KEY Microfast and MicrofastHP® Quick Response Finish A1Xi— Escutcheon (if applicable)l I Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers Maximum 175 PSI WWP For Light or Ordinary Hazard Occupancies. peflectors must be located 4" to 12° (102 mm to 305 mm) below the ceiling. Thread Size I Max- Press. Sprinkler I PSIG Base Part No.' SIN Nominal. K-Factor I Overall Length Listings and Approvals3 Inch I mm U.S. L metric2 Inch I mm cULus7 I FM I NYC4 ½ 15 175 12121 VK305 5.6 [ 8.1 2-11/16 68 AiX. B1W I - AiX Maximum 175 PSI WWP For Light Hazard Occupancies Only. Deflectors mus elocaied tpi..(j.2.jii(n to 152 mm) below the ceiling. Thread Size I Max. Pie.SiJre I Sprinkler Part No. 11 SIN K- or I ____N9m1 Overall Length Listings and Approvals3 Inch mm I PSIG iBase U.S. metric2 Inch mm cULus I FM6 I NYC ½" I 15 I 175 12121 1 VK3OS L 5.6 1 8.1 I 2-11/16 1 68 - I A2X I - Maximum 250 PSI WWP For Light or Ordinary Hazard Occupancies. Pet lectors must be located 4" to 12" (102 mm to 305 mm below the ceiling. Thread Size I Max. Pressure I Sprinkler Base Part No.' SIN Nominal K-Factor Overall Length Listings and Approvals3 I mm I ,jnch pSj U.S. meJrLc....... Inch I mm I cULus7 I FM NYC4 ½" I 15 I 250 I 12285 VK319 I 5.6 I 8.1 2-11/16 I 68 I AiX. B1W I - AiX Approved-Escutcheons Approved Temperature Ratings Approved Finishes w - Standard surface-mounted escutcheons A - 155°F (68 °C), 175 "F (79 "C), 200°F (93 "C), 1 - Brass, Bright Brass, Chrome.Enloy®, White Polyester5, Navao White Poly- or the Microfast® Model F-i Adjustable Es- cutcheon5, or recessed with the Micromatic® and 286°F (141°C) B.155°F(68°C),175 °F(79°C), and 200°F(93 ester, Black Polyester', and Black Teflon®8 Model E-1 or E-2 Recessed Escutcheon X - Standard surface escutcheons or the "C) 2 - Brass Microfast® Model F-i Adjustable Escutch- eons Footnotes Base part number is shown. For complete part number, refer to Viking's current price schedule. 2Methc K-Factor shown is for use when pressure is measured in kPa. When pressure is measured in BAR, multiply the metric K-Factor shown by 10.0. 3This table shows the listings and approvals available at the time of printing. Other approvals may be in process. Check with the manufacturer for any additional approvals. Accepted for use, City of New York Department of Buildings, MEA 89-92-E, Vol. 16. 5 The Microfast(5 Model F-i Adjustable Escutcheon is considered a suriace-mounted escutcheon because it does not allow the fusible element of the sprinkler to be recessed behind the face of the wall or ceiling. 6 FMApproved for use in wet pipe sprinkler systems (or preaction systems qualifying as wet systems) for protection of occupancies described in the Factory Mutual Global Loss Prevention Data Sheets and Technical Advisory Bulletins. Listed by Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. for use in the U.S. and Canada. cULus Listed as corrosion resistant, NOTE: Must be installed with deflector located between 4' and 6(102mm and 152 mm) from walls. Exception: Deflector may be located less than 4" (102 mm) from the wall in which the sprinkler is installed. Always install with the top of t he deflector aligned parallel with the ceiling or roof. 2-11/16" 168,3 mm) 1/7" (52.' mm) I4P1 .( Minimum Microfast®OR Horizontal f" n- Sidewall Sprinkler VK305 or VK319 2-5/32 (54.7 n-rn 2-7/16_I (66,7 m Mcimum E1 Sprinkler VK305 or VK319 Installed with a Microlast® Model F-i Adjustable Escutcheon Sprinkler VK305 or VK319 installed with a Standard 1/8" (3,1 mm) Surface-Mounted Escutcheon Figure 1 Replaces page 43 a-b, dated February 28,2003 (new sprinkler base part number and SIN). Re- Form No. F_030103 ler to technical data page OR1-2 for general care, installation, and maintenance information. If Schedule-1O/Schedule-40 product can be "hot-dip" galvanized to meet FM requirements for dry systems in accordance with the zinc coating specifications of ASTM A-123. S Superior'ThI Our advanced formula mill coating of- fers a clean, durable surface. It is also paint-ready for custom color applications without special preparation. The internal surface of all black Allied Tube & Conduit Fire Sprinkler pipe products up to 4.5000" in diameter is coated with our new Antibacterial For- mula, "ABF'. In scientific laboratory test, ABS proved to have superior resis- tance to microbial colonization of pipe walls, thereby delaying or possibly pre- venting the onset of Microbiologically Influenced corrosion (NBC) when the First Sprinkler System is first installed. . TTT.miMade I Meets "Buy American" requirement and is available through distributors in the USA, Canada and Mexico. 5pecifications E Approvals Schedule-] 0/Schedule-40 pipe are in compliance with the following: ASTM A-135, and NFPA 13. Both pipe products have a working pressure rating of 300 psi maximum and also meet the stringent requirement for the following tests: S Schedulemil0@/Schedule1111400 Fully Listed and FM Approved Sprinkler Pipe When you specify Schedule-]O/Schedule-40 sprinkler pipe you get a UL listed and Rv1 approved product. Although these products do not require separate approvals, Schedule-10/Schedule-40 gives you the extra quality assurance you Jemand. Our Sch-lO (1"- 8") pipe 'and Sch-40 (1"- 2'4") pipe have passed the same t , MNuØ*ab tptin ur o rjisted pipe products, and receive periodic n-0 inspections from both UL and FM agents t e onst q UPS Nominal I.D. WI. WI. (H20 Fined) Pcs/ Wt/Lift (21') WULIII (241) WUUft (25' In; mm In; mm Lbs/Fl; Kg/rn Lbs/Fl; Kg/rn Lilt Lbs; Kg Lbs; Kg Lbs; Kg 1.049 1.680 2.05 70 2,470 2,822 2,940 25 26.6 2.5 3.05 70 1,120 1,280 1,334 1W 1.380 2.270 2.93 51 2,431 2,778 2,894 32 35.1 4.36 4.36 51 1,103 1,260 1,313 1W 1.610 2.720 3.61 44 2,513 2,872 2,992 40 40.9 4.0 5.37 44 1,140 1,303 1,357 2.067 3.650 5.13 30 2,300 2,628 2,738 52.5 5.4 7.63 30 1,043 . 1,192 1.242 21, 2.469 5.790 7.86 19 2,310 2,640 2,750 65 62.7 8.6 11.73 19 1,048 1,197 1,247 ifications NPS Nominal I.D. WI. WI. (H20 Filled) Pc WVLitI (21') WULlfI (24*1 WI/Utt (25' In; mm In; mm Lbs/Fl; Kg/rn Lbs/Fl; Kg/rn Lilt Lbs; Kg Lbs; Kg Lbs: Kg 1.097 1.400 1.81 91 2,675 3,053 3,185 25 27.9 2.1 2.70 91 1,213 1,385 1,445 11/4' 1.442 1.810 2.52 61 2,319 2,664 2,760 32 36.6 2.7 3.75 61 1,052 1,208 1,252 1W 1.682 2.080 3.04 61 2,664 3,045 3,172 40 42.7 3.1 4.52 61 1,208 1,381 1,439 2.157 2.640 4.22 37 2,051 2,344 2,442 50 54.8 3.9 6.28 37 930 1,063 1,108 2112' 2.635 3.530 5.89 30 2,224 2,542 2,648 65 66.9 5.3 8.77 30 1,009 .1,153 1,201 3.260 4.330 7.94 19 1,728 1,975 2,057 80 82.8 6.4 11.82 19 784 896 933 4.260 5.610 11.78 19 2,238 2,558 2,665 90 108.2 8.3 17.53 19 1,015 1,160 1,209 5 5.295 7.77 17.33 10 1,632 1,865 1,943 125 134.5 11.56 25.80 10 740 846 881 6' 6.357 9.290 23.03 10 1,951 2,230 2,322 150 161.5 13.8 34.27 10 885 1,012 1,053 6' 8.249 16.490 40.15 7 2,424 2,770 2,885 200 209.5 24.5 59.75 7 1,100 1,256 1,309 U/CD/F/ow Control Pr ottied lUBE & CONDUni Listed Approved Listed 16100 S. Lathrop• Harvey, IL 60426 Customer Service: 11350 Norcom Rd. . Philadelphia, PA 19154 (800) 882-5543 2525 N. 27th Ave. • Phoenix, AZ 85009 Fax 708-339-1806 S5 -3 S Welded Outlets Hydrostatic Pressure Side Wall Rupture Vibration Test Dyna-Flow® High Strength Steel Pipe The original high-strength light wall sprinkler pipe with hydraulics superior to Schédule-10. Dyna-Flow pipe is the "original" high- strength lighiwall sprinkler pipe. Dyna- Flow has outstanding hydraulic capabilities and is recognized as the most popular alternative to Schedule-JO pipe. Lightweight, easy to cut and easy to handle for installation. Dyna-Flow is a valuable addition to any fire protection system. 11T.Ti7TT2a IT. f7Tfl IT With an inside diameter of up to 11% larger than Schedule-40 and up to 7% larger than Schedule-JO, Dyna-Flow NPS Nominal I.D. In; mm In; mm 1.191 25 30.3 1W 1.536 32 39.0 1'/2' 1.728 40 43.9 2' 2.203 50 56.0 2W 2.703 65 68.7 WI. 'WI. (H20 Filled) Pcs/ WI/Lift (21') WI/Lift (24') Lbs/Ft; Kg/rn Lbs/Ft; Kg/rn Lift Lbs; Kg LOs; Kg 0.830 1.31 91 1,586 1,812 1.2 1.95 91 719 822 1.059 1.87 61 1,356 1,550 1.6 2.78 61 615 73 1.667 2.71 61 2,135 .2,440 2.5 4.03 61 968 1107 2.104 3.79 3 1,634 1,868 3.1 5.64 J 147. 2.564 5.10 3.8 7.59 30j 115 30 L 872 L4M 11, 923 WI/Lift (25' LOs; Kg 1,888 856 1,615 733 2,542 1153 1,946 883 Ll J.D.s enable Dyna-Flow, and related components, to be down-sized within the system, thus increasing the potential for job cost savings. For complete Hazen- Williams charts, refer to "Dyna-Flow Hydraulic Data Tables." 80 84.2 5.0 10.69 4' 4.310 4.473 10.86 90 109.5 6.7 16.16 19 613 700 729 19 1,784 2,039 2,124 19 809 925 , 963 Dyna-Flow products are coated with an environmentally approved and specially formulated modified-acrylic or water-based coating. This durable coating is paintable. The black coating acts as an excellent primer and is resistant to weathering and U.V. degradation from outdoor storage. Metallurgical properties provide excellent fabrication characteristics for end prep finishes, welding and roll grooving. There is no special process or equipment needed for fabrication and installation. The internal surface of all black Allied Tube & Conduit Fire Sprinkler pipe products up to 4.5000" in diameter is coated with our new Antibacterial Formula, "ABF'. In scientific Jaboraton' test, ABS proved to have superior resistance to microbial colonization of pipe walls, thereby delaying or possibly preventing the onset of Microbiologically Influenced corrosion (M]C) when the First Sprinkler System is first installed. Dyna-Flow/Super Flo pipe is manufac- tured to meet ASTM A-795 Type E, Grade A and is in compliance with NFPA-13 and NFPA-14. All sizes of Dyna Flow/Super Flo are UL Listed, FM Approved and ULC Listed. (@ <S> Listed Approved Listed Dyna-Flow/Super Flo is UL/ULC Listed for use with roll grooved, plain-end couplings, and welded joints for wet, dry, preaction and deluge systems. 11 is FM Approved for roll grooved, plain-end, and welded joints for wet systems. Refer to appropriate documentation for up-to-date listing and approval information. Dyna- Flow/Super Flo is now available "hot- dip" galvanized and has been specifically approved by FM for dry systems uses. Lightweight and easy to install, resulting in more efficient use of your freight and labor dollars. Provides stability, needed to comply with standard hanger spacing (15 ft O.C.) per NFPA. Available in Standard lengths for your convenience, or can be ordered in custom lengths upon approval. Fast culling and welding, as well as easy roll grooving and end preparation. Available in Factory roll grooved form for quicker shop turnaround. Clean, durable mill coating provides longer "shelf life" and acts as an excellent primer for custom paint applications. tt/CQ/Flow control (') alli ed 11350 S. Lathrop• Harvey, IL 60426 Customer Service: 11350 Norcom Rd. Philadelphia, PA 19154 (800) 882-5543 lUBE & CONDUn 2525 N. 27th Ave.• Phoenix, AZ 65009 Fax 708-339-1806 S2 -3 0 MERIT MANUFACTURING CORPORATION 319 Circle of Progress. Pottstown, Pennsylvania 19464-3811 Tel 610-327-4000 • Fax 610-970-9282 Fax Toll Free 800-543-7013 ' www.meritmfg.com IT® SUBMITTAL SHEET Merit Weld-MiserTM Tee-Let® Welding Outlet Fittings Merit Weld-MiserTM Tee-Lets Welding Branch Outlet Fittings offer the user a high strength, low cost forged threaded and grooved line of fittings specifi- cally designed and manufactured to be installed on schedules 5 thru 10, proprietary thin wall flow pipe and standard wall pipe. Merit Tee-Lets are forged steel welding outlet fittings. The material used in manufacture meets the chemical and physical requirements of ASTM A 53, Grades A or B, Type E, Tee-Lets employ a low weld volume design to provide for either a partial or full penetration weld employing a single pass with mini- mum burn-through and pipe distortion. Weld Miser Tee-Lets are recommend- ed for use on proprietary thin wall, schedules 5, 10 and 40 pipe. Threads comply withANSra1T2OfoflSO771They are UE11ëWä11WFM AWoed for use conforming to the requirements of Bulletin 13 1999 of the National Fire Protection Association. When used in fire sprinkler systems, Tee-Lets are rated for 300 psi. When used in mechanical systems, maximum pressures are calculated using criteria developed for ASME B31 piping code. Send for details if required. 1. Iii mulluffill ' Iftataaw LISTED APPROVED PRODUCT APPROVALS Tee-Let Welded Outlet Fitting (UL VIZU - EX3788, FM Approval Guide Chapter 1 - Pipe Fittings) Outlet Model Outlet Pipe Size (Inch) Header Pipe Size (Inch) Rated Pressure (psig) Tee-Let Type A (F-Threaded End) ½, 3/., 1 ½ - 8 (Sch. 10, 40) 300 6 (EZ-Flow) 11/., 1112, 2, 2112, 3, 4 ½ -4 (Sch. 5, DynaFlow) 2 4 (EZ-Flow) 2,4 Tee-Let Type C (Grooved End) 11A-8 11/4 -8 (Sch. 10, 40) 300 21h - 8 ½ - 4 (Sch. 5, DynaFlow) Tee-Let Type C/R (Roll Grooved End) 1¼ - 6 11/4 - 8 (All Schedules) 300 1) Size on size (ie 2 x 2) Tee-Lets are not FM Approved 2) FM raled working pressure when welded on Sch. 5 or nonlhreadable lightwell pipe is 175 psi. PROJECT: ARCHITECT /ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: NOTES: PHONE: APPROVAL: PAGE 1 OF 4 S PAGE 2 OF 4 Merit Weld-Miser Tee-Let Welding Outlet Fittings Type A Female Thread OR: EQUAL Part Number SSPT Nominal Outlet Size Nominal Header Size B Outlet length Size Inside Diameter Size In. /mm Make up Size Weight Each Lb. /kgs Pail Number BSP1 Nominal Outlet Size Nominal Header Size Outist Length. SINC ' moldS Dlamitut SliD:., ILJnm Make op .Slz.M Weight Each Lb. /kgs 1002002 1/4 x 1-114-8 0.080 1015040 2-1/21 4 1.625 . 1.610 0.875 0.477 - - & x 6-200 004- -134.5040 1100 4L3.........40.9 221 .022_ 1005012 112 x 1-1/4 - 11/2 1.063 0.700 0.500 0.171 1015050 5-8 1.625 1.610 0.875 0.477 - 13 x 32 -40 27.0 17.8 12.7 0.08 1115050 125 - 200 41.3 40.9' 22.2 .022 1005015 1-1/2-2 1.063 0.700 0.500 0.171 1020020 2 x 2. 1.750 2.061 0.875 .0.857 - 40-50 27.0 17.8 12.7 0.08 1120020 50 x 50 44.5 525 22.2 0.38 1005020 2 -2-112 1.063 0.700 0.500 0.171 1020025 2-1/2 1.750 2.061 0.875 0.829 - 50 -65. 27.0 17.8 12.7 0.08 1120025 65 44.5 52;5 22.2 0.38 1005025 2-112 -8 1.063 0.700 0.500 0.169 1020030 3 1.750 2.067 0.875' 0.829 . - 65 - 200 27.0 17.8 , 12.7 0.08 1120030 80 44.5 52.5 22.2 0.39 1007012 3/4 x 1-1/4 - 1-1/2 1.125 0.900 0.500 0.260 1020040 4 1.750 2.061 0.875 0.800 - 19 x 32 -40 28.6 22.9 12.7 0.12 1120040 100 44.5 52.5 22.2 0.36 1007015 1-112-2 1.125 ' 0.900 0.500 0.260 1020050 5 1.750 2.067 0.875 0.743 - 40-50 28.6 22.9 12.7 0.12 1120050 125 44.5 52.5 22.2 0.34 1007020 2 -2-112 1.125 0.900 0.500 0.260 1020050 6 1.750 2.067 0.875 0.743 - 50-65 28.6 22.9 12.7 0.12 1120060 150 44.5 52.5 22.2 0.34 1007025 2-1/2 -8 1.125 0.900 0.500 0.256 1020080 8 1.750 2.067 0.875 0.743 - 65 -200 28.6 22.9 12.7 0.12 1120080 200 44.5 52.5 22.2 0.34' 1010012 1 x 1-1/4 - 1-1/2 1.250 1.145 0.500 0.331 1025025 2-1/2 x 2-1/2 2.215 2.469 1.125 1.250 1110012 25x 32-40 31.8 29.1 12.7 0.15 1125025 65 y 65 54.0 62.7 28.6 0.55 1010015 1-1/2-2 1.250 1.145 0.500 0.331 1025030 3 2.215 2.469 ' 1.125 1.200 1110015 40-50 31.8 29.1 12.7 0.15 1125030 80 54.0 ' 62.7 28.6 0.55 1010020 2 - 2-1/2 1.250 1.145 0.500 0.320 1025040 4 2.215 2.469 , 1.125 1.150 1110020 50- 65 31.8 29.1 12.7 0.15 1125040 100 54.0 62.7 28.6 0.52 1010025 2-1/2-3 1.250 1.145 0.500 0.314 1025050 5 2.215 2469 1.125 1.150 1110025 65 - 80 31.6 291 12.7 014 1125050 125 54.0 '62.7 28.6 0.52 1010030 3.4 1.250 1.145 0.500 0.309 1025060 6 2.215 2.469 1.125 1.150 1110030 80-100 31.8 29.1 12.7 0.14 1125060 150 54.0 62.7 28.6 0.52 1010050 5- 8 1.250 1.145 0.500 0.291 1025080 8 2.215 2.469 1.125 1.150 1110050 125 -200 31.8 29.1 12.7 0.13 1125080 200 54.0 62.7 28.6 0.52 1012012 1-1/4 x 1-1/4-1-1/2 1.375 1.490 0.500 0.432 1025030 3 x 3 2.500 3.068 1.500 3.100 1112012 32 x 32 - 40 34.9 37.6 12.7 .019 - 80 x 80 63.5 77.9 38.1 1.41 1012015 1-1/2-2 1.375 1.490 0.500 0.421 1025040 4 2.500 3.068 1.500 3.100 1112015 40-50 34.9 37.8 12.7 .019 - 100 63.5 77.9 381 141 1012020 2-2-1/2 1.375 1.490 0.500 0.421 1025050 5 2.500 3.068 1.500 3.100 1112020 50- 65 34.9 37.8 12.7 .019 - 125 63.5 77.9 38.1 1.412 1012025 2-1/2-3 1.375 1.490 0.500 0.411 1025060 6 2.500 3.068 1.500 ' 3.100 1112025 65- 80 34.9 37.8 127 019 - 150 63.5 77.9 38.1 1.412 1012030 3-4 1.375 1.490 0.500 0.389 1025080 8 2.500 3.068 1.500 3.100 1112030 80- 100 34.9 37.8 12.7 .018 - 200 635- 779- 38.1- 1.41 1012050 5-8 1.375 1.490 0.500 0.389 1040040 4 x 4 3.000 4.026 2.000 5.000 1112050 125- 200 34.9 37.8 12.7 .018 - 4 100 76.2 102.3 50.8 2.27 1015015 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 1.625 1.610 0.875 0.477 1040050 5 3.000 4.026 2.000 5.000 1115015 40 x 40 41.3 40.9 22.2 .022 - 125 762 102.3 508 2.27 1015020 2 1.625 1.610 0.875 0.477 1040060 6 3.000 4.026 2.000 5.000 1115020 50 41.3 40.9 222 .022 - 150 76.2 102.3 50.8 2.27 1015025 2-1/2 1.625 1.610 0.875 0.477 1040080 8 3.000 4.026 2.000 5.000 1115025 65 41.3 40.9 22.2 .022 - 200 76.2 102.3 50.8 2.27 1015030 3-4 1.625 1.610 0.875 0.477 1115030 60-100 41.2 40.5 22.2 .022 S S Type B Type C Male Thread Cut Groove Standard Weight Standard Weight A -)-rA-- F Merit Weld-Miser Tee-Lej Welding Outlet Fittings PAGE 3 OF 4 S Male Thread Cut Groove o Nominal Groove Outlet Nominal Header Len Outlet In. /mm inside Outside F Wall welgM, Each' Std. WI. Std. WI. Sch. 10 Site A Size B size C Diameter Size D Diameter Size E - Thickness Sid. Wt. Lb. lkgs 1310012 2010012 2210012 1 a 1-1/4 - 1-1/2 3 1.049 1.315 0.133 1.500 25 a 32 - 40 80 26.6 33.4 3.4 30 1310015 2010015 2210015 1-1/2-2 3 1.049 1.315 0.133 1.500 40 -50 80 26.6 33.4 3.4 30 1210020 2010020 2210020 2 - 2-1/2 3 '' 1.049 1.315 0133 1.500 .50-65 80 26.6 33.4 3.4 30 1310025 2010025 2210025 2-1/2-4 3 1.049 1.315 0.133 1.500 65 -100 80 26.6 334 3.4 30 1310050 .2010050 2210050 5-8 3 .. 1.049 1.315 0.133 1.500 125 200 80 26.6 334 3.4 30 1312012 2012012 2212012 1-1/4 a 32 x 1-1/4 32 3 SD 1.368 343 1.660 42.2 0.140 3.6 1.500 30 S 1312015 2012015 2212015 1-1/2 3 1.368 1.660 0.140 1.500 40 .80 34.7 42.2 3.6 30 1212020 2012020 2212020 2-2-1/2 3. 1.368 1.660 0.140 1.500 50 - 65 80 34.7 42.2 3.6 30 1312025 2012025 2212025 3.4 3 1.368 1.660 0.140 1.500 80-100 80 '34.7 42.2 3.6 30 1312050 2012050 2212050 5-8 3 1.368 1.660 0.140 1.500 125 - 200 80 34.7 42.2 3.6 30 1315015 2015015 2215015 1-1/2 a 1-1/2 3 1.610 1.900 0.145 1.500 40 a 40 80 40.9 48.3 3.7 30 1215020 2015020 2215020 2 . . 3 1.610 1.900 0.145 1.500 50 80 40.9 48.3 3.7 30 1315025 2015025 2215025 2-1/2 3 1.610 1.900 . 0.145 1.500 65 80 40.9 48.3 3.7 30 1315030 2015030 2215030 3 -4 3 1.610 1.900 0.145 1.500 80- 100 80 40.9 48.3 3.7 30 1315050 2015050 2215050 5-8 3 1.610 1.900 0.145 1.500 125 - 200 80 40.9 48.3 3.7 30 1320020 2020020 - 2x 2 3 2.067 2.375 0.154 1.500 50 a 50 80 52.5 60.3 3.9 30 1320025 2020025 - 2-1/2 3 2.067 2.375 0.154 1.500 65 80 52.5 60.3 3.9 30 1320030 2020030 - 3 3 2.067 2.375 0.154 1.500 80 80 52.5 60.3 3.9 30 1320035 2020040 - 4 3 2.067 2.375 0.154 1.500 100 80 52.5 60.3 3.9 30 1320050 2020050 - 5 3 2.067 2.375 0.154 1.500 125 80 52.5 60.3 3.9 30 1320060 2020060 - 6 3 2.067 2.375 0.154 1.500 1513 80 52.5 60.3 3.9 30 1320080 2020080 - 8 3 2.067 2.375 0.154 1.500 200 813 52.5 60.3 3.9 30 Tee-lets are manufactured to fit size-On-size that is the contoured shape on a given Tee-Let is made to lit perfectly on the first listed header size. S Note: If installed on the second header size marked on the tilting, a slight gap of approximately 1/32 will appear along the longitudinal centerline of the head- er. For example, a 1 1 x 2- 2-1/2 Tee-Let, is a 1' outlet titling manufactured to fit perfectly on the 2' header size listed, while leaving a 1/32 gap along the longitudinal centerline of the 2-1/2 size, If a perfect fit is required for a 2-1/2" header pipe, then a 1" x 2-1/2 - 3 Tee-let would be ordered. Size con- solidations are employed to reduce inventory and provide for greater flexibility. Male Threaii Slit. WI. 1325025 1325030 1325035 1325050 1325060 1325080 1330025 1330030 1330035 1330050 1330050 1330080 1340040 1340050 1340060 1340080 S Merit Weld-Miser Tee-Let Welding Outlet Fittings PAGE 0F4 L I Type B Male Thread Standard Weight Type C Cut Groove Standard Weight OR E Q UA L A B'' cut Groove Slit. WI. Metric Roll Groove 5th. 10 Nominal Outlet She A Nominal Header Size B Outlet Length Size C Inside SW. WI. Size D Inside Schedolt Size 0 In. /mm Inside Diometer Size F w n a Std. Sch. 10 Weight Lb./k 2025025 2225025 2-1/2 x 2-1/2 3 2.469 2.635 2.875 .0.203 0.120 1.500 1125-02 65-x 65 80-627 67-0 7-62 5.0 .3.0 30- 2025030 2225030 3 3 2.469 2.635 2.875 0.203 0.120 1.500 2125030 80 80 62.7 67.0 76.2 5.0 3.0. 30 2025040 2225035 4 3 2.469 2.635 2.875 0.203 0.120 1.500 2125040 100 80 62.7 67.0 76.2 5.0 .3.0 30 2025050 2225050 5 3 2.469 2.635 2.875 0.203 0.120 1.500 2125050 125 80 62.7 67.0 76.2 5.0 3.0 30 2025060 2225060 6 3 2.469 2.635 2.875 0.203 0.120 1.500. 2125060 175 80 62.7 67.0 76.2 5.0 3.0 30 2025080 2225080 8 3 2.469 2.635 2.875 0.203 0.120 1.500 2125080 200 80 62.7 67.0 76.2 5.0 3.0 30 2030025 2230025 3 x 3 3 3.068 3.260 3.500 0.216 0.120 1.500 80 x 80 80 78.0 83.0 88.0 5.0 3.0 30 2030030 2230030 3-1/2 3 3.068 3.260 3.500 0.216 0.120 1.500 85 80 78.0 83.0 88.0 5.0 3.0 30 2030035 2230035 4 3 3.068 3.260 3.500 0.216 0.120 1.500 100 80 78.0 83.0 88.0 5.0 3.0 30 2030050 2230050 5 3 3.068 3.260 3.500 0.216 0.120 1.500 125 80 78.0 83.0 88.0 5.0 . 3.0 30 2030060 2230060 6 3 3.068 3.260 3.500 0.216 0.120 1.500 150 80 78.0 83.0 88.0 5.0 3.0 30 2030080 2230080 8 3 3.068 3.260 3.500 0.216 0.120 . 1.500 200 80 78.0 83.0 88.0 5.0 3.0 30 2040040 2240040 4 x 4 4 4.026 4.260 4.500 0.237 .....120 1.500 100 x 100 100 102.0 108.0 114.0 6.0 3.0 30 2040050 2240050 5 4 4.026 4.260 4.500 0.237 0.120 1.500 125 100 102.0 108.0 114.0 6.0 3.0 30 2040060 2240060 6 4 4.026 4.260 4.500 0.237 0.120 1.500 150 100 102.0 108.0 114.0 6.0 3.0 30 2040080 2240080 8 4 4.026 4.260 4.500 0.237 0.120 1.50 200 100 102.0 108.0 114.0 6.0 3.0 30 2060060 2260060 6 x 6 4 6.065 6.357 6.625 0.280 0.134 1.500 150x 150 100 155.0 161.5 168.3 7.1 3.0 30 2060080 2260080 8 4 6.065 6.357 6.625 0.280 0.134 1.50 200 100 155.0 161.5 168.3 7.1 3.0 30 2080080 2280080 8 x 8 4 7.981 8.329 8.625 0.322 0.148 1.50 200 x 200 100 203.0 212.0 213.0 8.0 3.0 30 L] Note: Tee-lets are manufactured to fit size-on-size, that is the contoured shape on a given Tee-Let is made to fit perfectly on the first listed héadth size. It installed on the second header size marked on the lilting, a slight gap of approximately 1/32' will appear along the longitudinal centerline of the head- er. For example, a i x 2- 2-1/2 Tee-Let, is a 1' outlet fitting manufactured to fit perfectly on the 2 header size listed, while leaving a 1/37 gap along the longitudinal centerline of the 2-1/2" size. If a perfect fit is required for a 2-1/2" header pipe, then a 1,' x 2-1/2 3' Tee-let would be ordered. Size con- solidations are employed to reduce inventory and provide for greater flexibility. fl 'SMITH - COOPER I N T R N AT I 0 N A L Cast Iron Threaded Fittings C ® us *ALL FITTINGS WO% AIR TESTED ANSI B16.4 FM * ISO 9002 MANUFACTURER * ASTM A126 LISTED * LISTED/APPROVED AT 300 PSI * ANSI -B 1.20.1 APPROVED S Cast Iron 90° Elbow Figure 37E S1ze - A Wt7lbs. 1/2 1.26 0.40 3/4 1.31 0.60 1 1.50 0.92 1-1/4 1.75 1.44 1-1/2 1.94 1.95 2 2.25 3.13 2-1/2 2.70 4.94 Cast Iron Reducing 90° Elbow Figure 37RE A -a- Size A B Wgtilbs. 1 x 1/2 1.36 1.26 0.67 1 x 3/4 1.45 1.38 0.76 1-1/4 x 1/2 1.53 1.34 1.07 1-1/4x3/4 1.63 1.45 1.02 1-1/4x1 1.67 1.58 1.21 1-1/2x112 1.75 1.52 1.53 1-1/2x3/4 1.75 1.52 1.55 1-1/2x1 1.80 1.65 1.44 1-1/2x1-1/4 1.88 - 1.82 1.74 2x1/2 1.97 1.60 2.22 2x3/4 1.97 1.60 2.20 2 x 1 2.02 1.73 2.08 2x1-1/2 2.16 1 2.02 2.59 Cast Iron 45° Elbow Figure 37F *A Size A -WgtIths 1 1.26 0.83 1-1/4 1.29 1.,33 1-1/2 1.44 1.79 2 1.69 2.89 Cast Iron Tee Figure 37T Size A Wgtilbs. 1/2 1.13 0.56 3/4 1.31 0.84 1 1.50 1.25 1-1/4 1.75 2.03 1-1/2 1.94 2.70 2 2.25 4.23 Cast Iron Hex Reducing Coupling Figure 37RC Size A Wgtilbs. 1 x 1/2 1.69 0.54 1 x 3/4 1.69 0.63 2 x 1(not hex) 2.81 1.83 (r SMITH-Odp1grL <@> 0 SO INTERNATIONAL Cast Iron Threaded Fittings c us *ALL FITTINGS 300% AIR TESTED *ANSI B16.4 * ISO 9002 MANUFACJ'URER * ASTM A121 FM LISTED * LISTED/APPROVED AT 300 PSI *ANSI B 1.20.: APPROVED S Cast Iron Reducing Tee Figure 37RT u-A -u--u--B -u- Size A 1x1/2x1 1.501 1.36 1.50 1.08 I x 3/4 x 1 1.50 1.45 1.50 1.13 1x1x1/2 1.26 1.26 1.36 1.01 1x1x3/4 1.38 1.38 1.45 1.11 1-1/4x1/2x1-1/4 1.75 1.53 1.75 1.64 1-1/4x3/4x1-1/4 1.75 1.62 1.75 1.73 1-1/4 x 1x 1/2 1.34 1.26 1.53 1.27 1-1/4 x x 3/4 1.45 1.38 1.63 1.36 1-1/4 x x 1 1.58 1.50 1.69 1.53 1-1/4x1x1-114 1.75 1.69 1.75 1.79 1-1/4x1-1/4x1/2 1.34 1.34 1.53 1.47 1-1/4x1-1/4x3/4 1.45 1.45 1.62 1.57 1-1/4x1-1/4x1 1.58 1.58 1.67 1.73 1-1/2x1/2x1-1/4 1.81 1.56 1.88 1.93 1-1/2x1/2x1-112 1.94 1.66 1.94 2.14 1-1/2x3/4x1-1/4 1.94 1.66 1.88 2.11 1-1/2x3/4x1-1/2 1.94 1.75 1.94 2.18 1-1/2x1x1/2 1.44 1.25 1.69 1.75 1-1/2x1x3/4 1.50 1.44 1.75 1.70 1-1/2x1x1 1.65 1.50 1.80 1.72 1-1/2x1x1-1/4 1.82 1.67 1.88 2.08 1-1/2x1x1-1/2 1.94 1.80 1.94 2.29 1-112x1-1/4x1/2 1.41 1.34 1.66 1.67 1-1/2x1-114x3/4 1.52 1.45 1.75 1.79 1-1/2x1-1/4x1 1.65 1.58 1.80 1.97 1-1/2 x 1-1/4 x 1-114 1.82 1.75 1.88 1 2.28 1-1/2x1-1/4x1-1/2 1.94 1.88 1.94 2.50 1-1/2x1-1/2x1/2 1.411 1.41 1.66 1.84 Cast Iron Reducing Tee Con't Figure 37RT Size A B• C 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 x 3/4 1.52 1.52 1.75 1.95 1-1/2x1-1/2x1 1.65 1.65 1.80 2.13 1-1/2x1-1/2x1-1/4 1.82 1.82 1.88 2.44 2 x 1 x 2 2.25 2.02 2.25 3.46 2 x 1-1/4 x 2 2.25 2.10 2.25 1 3.71 2-x-14/2-x4/.2 _l.4.9 141. -1-88- -2.34 2 x 1-1/2 x 3/4 1.60 1.52 1.97 2.46 2x1-1/2x1 1.73 1.65 2.02 2.66 2x1-1/2x1-1/4 1.90 1.82. 2.10 2,98 2x1-1/2x1-1/2 2.02 1.94 2.16 3.24 2 x 1-1/2 x 2 2.25 2.16 2.25. 3.70 2 x 2 x 1/2 1.49 1.49 1.88 2.74. 2 x 2 x 3/4 1.60 1.60 1.97 2.86 2 x 2 x I 1.73. 1.73 2.02 3.05 2 x 2 x 1-1/4 1.90 1.90 2.10 3.38 2 x 2 x 1-1/2 2.02 2.02 2.16. 3.59 Cast Iron Bull Head Tee Figure 37BT -u- Size A B C 1 x 1 x 1-1/4 1.67 1.67 1.58 1.49 1-1/4 x 1 x 1-1/2 1.88 1.80 1.82 2.07 1-1/4 x 1-1/4 x 1-1/2 1.88 1.88 1.82 2.29 1-1/2x1-1/4x2 2.16 2.10 2.02 3.07 1-1/2x1-1/2x2 2.16 2.16 1 2.02 3.23 2 x 2 x 2-1/2 2.60. .2.60 1 2.39 .5 .17 All Weights in Pounds S Smith-Cooper International 1057 So. Vail Ave., Montebello, CA 90640 Tel: (323) 890-4455 (800) 766-0076 Fax: (323) 890-4456 www.smithcooper.com the Style 77, the Style 75 coupling is recommended for service up to 500 PSI (3450 kPa) depending on size. Housings we cast in two identical pieces in all sizes. Hot-dip galvanized and special coatings are available for all sizes S \j(taUIic An Go 9001 certified company OR....EQUAL Style 75 Coupiinç PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Style 75 is avai]abie where moderate pressures are expected or weight consid erations are a factor. Up to Vq% 50% lighter in weight than -r t o tLUPOL.• E. Pipe Allow. Deflect. Fr. Dimensions Inches/mm Max. Work Max. End Pipe End j CL j @ Solt/Nut Inches/millimeters Aprx. Wgt. Pres. Load Sep. Per Pipe No. - Size Each Nom. Actual PSI' Lbs.' In Cplg. InJFt. Inches Lbs. Size Size kPa N mm Deg. mm/rn mm X V 2 kg 1½ 1.900 500 1.420 0-0.06 ,. 1 -56 0.40 . .. 2-~X 74 2.91 4.50 75 '.5 40 48.3 3450 6320 0.16 2 2.375 500 2.215 0-0.06 , 1' -31 0.32 2 -~X 3.38 4.94 1.88 1.6 50 60.3 3450 9660 0-1.6 26 211. 2.875 500 3.245 0-0.06 0. 1.6 , . 115 0.26 2,4X2 3.75 5.44 1.88 20 65 73.0 3450 140 22 30.0. 3.000 500 3.535 0-0.06 . 1 -12 0.26 -. 2-%X 3.86 5.69 1.88 3.6 76.1 3450 15730 0-16 22 3 3.500 500 4.800 0 -0.06 1 -2 0.22 -. 2- h X 2. 4.50 6.44 1.88 2 5 80 86.9 3450 21360 . . . 314 4.000 500 6,300 0-0.06 ,. 0 _54 0.19 2 hX2 500 7.00 188 29 50 101.6 3450 28035 0-16 17 4 4 4.500 500 7.950 0-0.13 ,. 1 -36 0.34 2- ,X2/ 5.81 7.56 200 3.5 100 . 1143 3450 35380 0-3.2 28 "35 199 51 4 /4 0.0. 4.250 450 6.380 0-0.13 , 1 -41 0.35 - . 7 ,-. 5 43 7.38. 2.00 37 106.0 3100 26395 0-32 29 - 13 1b 6 - 4½ 5.000 450 820 0-0.13 - 1 -26 0.25 . . 2- /iX 6.25 9.13 2.00 55 120 127.0 3100 ~392501 0-3.2 21 i 5 5.563 450 .935 0-0.13 . 0.27 . 6.86 9.75 2.00 55 125 1413 3100 46660 0-3.2 1 -18 23 2-irX3/. 176 2'6 5.250 450 9.735 0- 0.13 - 0.28 - . . . 644 8 75 200 60 5/40.0. 1334 3100 439 032 1 -21 2' ' "• .2; 5.500 450 10.665 0-0.13 1 0.28 ,. 669 0C 200 6.3 5h O.D. 1297 3100 '7'60 0• 32 1 - 18 - 229 6.000 450 12.735 0-0.13 - 0.21 ,. 747 1012 188 62 6 0.0.4 1524 3100 56670 032 12' 1 - '2 -itX 1/ - 6 6.625 450 15.525 0-0.13 - 0.23 ... , - 600 10.E.T 200 67 350 i6€ 310: "-c .: 6.250 450 i38000 -013 0.24 7C- 99 200 6¼0D i&blE ccnl,r'ueo on pack 2 1.51yk 74 cojpkn3s -- hl C 'Olkl or. 0k9E S DIMENSIONS Ise VCIrL'IC ComEry of AmerIc2 • F 0 boy 31. £sior. PA 18f'44-00 • .90 vi0 Fo Ess:or. PA I EG40 • b10,'E533 • E0'250-6E • w L C DIMENSIONS UA L Of f- 1 A It I will I Pipe Allow. Deflect. Fr. Dimensions Inches/mm Max. Work Max. End Pipe End CL f @ EoItJNut Inches/millimeters Aprx. Wgt. . Pres. Load Sep. Per Pipe No.. Size Each Nom. Actual PSI* Lbs.' in. CpIg. inJFt. Inches ' Lbs. Size Size kPa N MM Deg. mm/rn mm X. V 2 kg 6.500 450 14.940 0 -0.13 023 7.75 10.50 2.00 7.2 6½0.D. 165.1 3100 66483 0-32 — 1' 6' 19 2-%X3¼ 197 7 5 8.000 450 22:635 0-0.13 0.16 T' iT TT 8O.D. 203.2 3100 100725 0-3.2 - 0° 54 13 2-~X4¼ 248 32 5 112-6 8 8.625 450 26,260 0-0.13 8 25 50 38 124 1 200 2191 3100 116945 0-32 0°50' 2-~X4¼ 260 323 6C 10.00 350 27.500 0-0.13 - 0° 43 0.15 2-7/rX5½ 12.19 14.94 253 208 254.0 2400 122375 0-32 11 _________ 310 379 & 12O.D J12.000 350 39.500 0-0.13 , 0 -36 0.13 2-74X5½ 1419 94 2.53 236 304.8 2400 175775 0-3.2 .360 . . Style 74 Couplings t@ Refer to notes below. 7_~ MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Housing: Ductile iron conform- ing to ASTM A-536 Housing Coating: Orange enamel D Optional: Hot dipped galva- nized and others. Gasket: (specify choice') 0 Grade "E" EPDM EPDM (Green color code). Temperature range -30°F to +230°F (-34°C to +110°C). Recommended for hot water service within the specified temperature range plus a variety of dilute acids, oil-free air and many chemical ser- vices. UL classified in accor- dance with ANSI/NSF 61 for cold (30°C) and hot (82°C) potable water service. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PETROLEUM SERVICES 0 Grade "T' nitrile Nitrile (Orange color code). Temperatuie range -20°F to 4180°F(-29°C to +82°C). Rec- ommended for petroleum products, art w:th oil vapors. vegetable and mineraJ oils within the specified ernoera- lute range; except hot, dry a:r over I40°F (+60°C) and water over 4150°F (+66°C). NOT RECOMMENDED FOP HOT WATER SERVICES Services listed are General Ser- vice Recommendations only. It should be noted that there are services for which these gaskets are not recommended. Refer- ence should always be made to the latest Victaulic Gasket Selection Guide for specific gas- ket service recommendations and for a listing of services which are not'recommended. Bolts/Nuts: Heat treated car- bon steel, zinc plated to ASTM B-633, track-head conforming to physical properties of ASTM A-I 83 minimum tensile 110.000 PS! (758340 kPa). NOTES Working Pressure and End Load are total from all internal and external loads, based or, standard weigh: (ANSI) l&eI pipe. sranoardroll or cut grooved ir. Scco'- dance witn Victaulic specifications Contact Viclaulic for performance on Otfler pipe WARNING: FOR ONE lIME FIELD TES1 ONLY, the Maximum Joint Working Pressure may be increased to 11,t times Ire figurEs Shown Allcwaoie Pipe End Separation and Deflection figures show the maximum nominai range of movement ava150,e at eacn joint for standarc roll grooved pios F-cures to, standard cut oroovec pipe may be doubled lhexE ;iour€5 are maximumS to, desigr, SG iristalla:,or curpcses these figures Should be -ecuced t 501-1 for ;'.- 3rp (20 - 90 mm). 25% for " 1100 mm) and larger Number of bolts reO,uireO COuSIS number o housing segments Metric thread size bolts are available lcolo, coded gold) for at: coupling sizes upon reouesl. Contact Victaulic to- ce:a'ls t'/P!4ING Pioig systems muSt aI.'ayS 05 OE0rES5uii2eC and C'air-ec before atifrmc.lir.0 diSES5emclv SriC removal ct 5r.y Victaulic pping products l ,'t r"C'OUCI t',Sil ui rm,ar,rtsciuiec t-v V.Cizu"c Cc,rr,rxr':. Li' n':C..C5 r.. 'i& " a:c,-xrcv •,'.:r c.,re-.r 'v:v_'..: •'.xlx.:a'ior,Iasser'rbry ins 'Ic;,onx V.i5yht rrr-ver If I.g, 7:- 05i&' CrC'3vC' t Ox! C't 5':C!'A"OL' :_."r 5r'.' , i,.ui r,c,;,: i ',.,".c,' i.:..ring 06 CE. - 2 Paienreo 4 \J(ctaUli.0 An G9001 certtfied company PRODUCT DESCRIPTION i- txj Style 00.5 FireLock OR .EQUAL Rigid Coupling FireLock Style 005 rigid coupling has a unique, pat- ented angle-pad design which allows the housings to offset while clamping the grooves. By permitting the housings to slide on the angled bolt pads, rigidity is obtained. The FireLock couplings provide rigidity for valve connections, fire mains and long straight runs. Sup- port and hanging require- ments correspond to NFPA 13 Sprinkler Systems. Angle- pad design permits assem- bly by removing one nut/ bolt and swinging the housing over, the gasket. This reduces components to handle during assembly: speeds and eases installa- tion on pipe grooved to Victaulic specflcations. Style 005 FireLock cou- plings.are designed and recommended for use ONLY on fire protec- tion systems. LPC and VCS Approved, see notes on page 2. O R Ly=' "A L I I Pipe Max. •' Max. Allow. Dimensions Inches/mm Work. Press. End Load Pipe End Sep..t . @ Bolt/Nut . No.- Size Aprx. Wgt. La. Nominal Actual Size Size PSI'fkPa Lbs./N lnimm Inches/mm . X Y 2 LbSikg 1¼ 1.660 350 755 0.05 2- 3A x 2 2.69 4,14 1.86 1.2 32 42.2 2413 3370 1.2 68 105 '7 0 1½ 1.900 350 . 990 0.05 4.34 1.86 1.2 40 48.3 2413 4415 1.2 2-~ X 2 75 1 110 47 05 2 2.375 350. 1550 0.07 2-~ X 2/2 450 1.86 1.6 50 603 2413 6900 1.7 114 4 07 21h 2.875 350 2270 0.07 2 - /2 X 2/2 .3.91 5.06 RE 1.9 65 730 2213 10110 1.7 90 129 47 09 3.D. 3.000 350 2475 0.07 2-10 X 630 410 5.25 1.80 1.9 78.1 2413 11010 1.7 104 133 47 09 3 3.500 350 3365 0.07 2- 3/a X 2/21 4.54 568 1.86 2.1 80 86.9 2413 ' 14985 1.7 115 1" '7 1 C. 4 4.500 350 5565 0.16 571 690 2.07 3 1 100 114.2 2412 24770 4 1 2- 3/s X 2/2 145 175. 53 41/f11\ ' 4.250 300 4255 0.16 2.10X 60 5.50 €90 2.07 31 1080 2068 18940 4 1 140 175 53 5 5.563 300 7290 0.16 65 8.66 2.07 4.5 125 141.3 2068 32445 4.1 1 2 - /2 X 2~ 172 223 320 53 5.250 300 6495 0.16 2.12 x 700 6.60 8.66 2.07 4.5 1330 2068 28900 41 16t 220 s: 20 5.500 300 7125 0.Th 2-12 X 7CO 48 1397 2068 31715 41 173 220 53 22 6 6.625 300 10340 0 18' 7.91 972 2.07 5.0 150 1683 2068 46020 21 -112 X 23/- 20 2.17 53 23 6Y €250 300 9200 0 1€ ' - . 1 X 73 3 ' - j 1593 2058. 43955 41 193 2' 53 25 6/2O.D. 6.500 300 9955 0.1€ - 2-'/2X2/ 7.7€ 972'207 5.1 1651 2068 '4295_J 247j'3 8 8.625 300 17525 0.19 1041 13.2C j 2.50 11.3 200 212 2068 76000 4 2-%X4/ 51 1 Feter to notet or. oape 2 DIMENSIONS Rated for wet and dry sprinkler. systems at 350 PSI (2413 kPa) for 1114 - 4 (32- 100 mm) sizes and 300 PSI (2068 kPa) for 41/4 - 8 (108.0- 200 mm) sizes; Schedule 10 roll grooved or Schedule 40 cut or roll grooved steel pipe. Style 005 is rigid and does not accommodate expansion, contraction or angular deflection. iit , i 6'-0 M \':tuiic Corroxn o Anetica. • P.O. Box 31. Eston, FA i&"-0D3 • 4,001 P.c.. Excior. F.L 18040 • 610/559-3300 • FAX: 610,25048817 • w vt:;aui: corr 1 G ecs;eeC 'oea' V.:Ia,: C''a.. c' '-'- c OOC'v-';' 5' \'z:: '0' 4.e.:a OR EQUAL irnum tensle I 10.000 psi (758340 kPa); F)anqed hex nut conformino to ASTM A-563. Grade A. Casket: Grade "E" EPDM - Type A (Violet color code). FireLock products have been Listed by Underwriters Laboratories inc. and Approved by Fac- tory Mutual Research for wet and dry (oil free air) sprinkler services up to-the rated work- ing pressure using the Grade - Type A gasket. For dry services, Victaulic continues to recommend the use of Grade E Type A or Grade L" (Silicone) FlushSea)' gas- kets EL refers to Listed/Approved Eddylite steel sprinkler pipe manufactured by Bull Moose Tube Co. EZ refers to Listed/Approved EZ-Flow steel sprinkle: pipe manufactured by Northwest Pipe & Casing Co. SF refers to L:sted/Approved Super-Flo steel sprinkler pipe manufactured by Allied Tube and Conduit Corporation. SL refers to Listed/Approved steel sprinkler pipe manufactured by Western Tube and Conduit Corporation. Super 40/XL refers to Listed/ Approved Super 40 or Super XL steel sprinkler pipe manufactured by Allied Tube and Conduit Corporation. WLS refers to 'Listed/Approved steel sprinkler pipe manufactured by Wheatland Tube Company. XL/XL-11 lefers to Listed/Approved XL or XL-l] steel sprinkler pipe manuiacttied by Allied Tube and Conduit Corporation. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Housing: Ductile iron conform- ing to ASTM A-536 , Housing Coating: Orange enamel 0 Optional: Hot dipped galva- nized Bolts/Nuts: Heat treated car- bon steel, zinc electroplated to ASTM B-633: Track head bolt conforming to ASTM A-183 mm- OR E.0Q'A' The information provided below is based on the latest listing and approval data at t e time publication. Listings/Approvals are subject to change and/or additions by the approvals agencies Contact Victaulic for performance on other pipe.and the latest listings and approvals. S Rated Working Pressure Rated Working Pressure Pipe Schedule Size Inches UL ULC FM Pipe Schedule Size Inches UL ULC FM 5 11/4-3 175 175 175 EZ 4 300 300 300 10. 4n 1'/-4 350 350 350 6 175 175 . 175 5-8 300 300 300 SF 11A-4 300 . 300 300 BIT VA -2 300 300 300 Super 40 111-2 300 . 300 300 OF 114.4 300 300 300 IL 1¼-2 300 . 300 300 6 175 175 175 WLS 1¼-2 300 300 300 DI 111-2 300 300 300 XL/XL-11 114-3 300 300 300 EL 1 1¼-2 300 300 1 300 NOTES: 5 refers to Listed/Approved Schedule S steel sprinkler pipe. 10 refers to Listed/Approved Schedule 10 steel sprinkler pipe.' 40 refers to Listed/Approved Schedule 40 steel sprinkler pipe. ELT refers to Listed/Approved steel sprinkler pipe manufactured by AmerIcan Tube Company. DF refers to Listed/Approved Dyne-Flow steel sprinkler pipe manufactured by American Tube Company. DT refers to Listed/Approved Dyne Thread steel sprinkler pipe manufactured by American Tube Company. NOTES Working Pressure and End Load are tore', from at internal ano external loads, based or standard weight (ANSI) steel pipe. srandardroll or cut grooved in accor- oance with Vicraulic specifications. Contact Victaulic for performance on other pipe. WARNING: FOR ONE TIME FIELD TEST ONLY. the Maximum Joint Working Pressure may be increasea to 11/1 limes the figures shown. 1 For field installation only. FireLock Style 005 couplings are essentially rigia and do not accommooa;e exparsion/conrraclion ' Numter of bolts required equals number of housinc segmenrs. MetriC Thread 517e bolts are available Color cooec gold) icr all coupling SiZeS upon rEOuCSi Contact Victaulic for oerails. Style 005 Couplings are VdS and LPC Approveo to 12 Bar (175 PSI). WAqr.jtNG- Piping systems must always be oepressurlzeo and drained before artemplino dsassembiv and removal of any Vicraulic piping products. mr 000.1Cr rrratl bE manuractuiEC r. Vicrurl.c Cmoa',r Al poccrs sr.al be InE:aNec r. ECCO'cEr.cI wrr. cu,,&r.t \'iciau!ic inrraflaiiorilsrsembiy InSTru:tlOri5 V,clauiic erere5 n.E r.gr'i IC crarpE r.'c.c..rcr Eoec::.caitons aesgnr arc r:a-.arc Cic",rr .r'rou: flOiCE anc w:r.oJr incurring obhgal.ont 10.02-2 ing fitting, the Style 750 features a special reducing gasket for pressure respon- sive sealing. A steel washer which prevents telescoping of the smaller pipe inside the larger pipe during verti- cal systems assembly is available upon request. \/tauli'O1 An 9001 certified company c:::::EQUAL PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The Style 750 Reducing Coupling permits direct reduction on the piping run. Designed to replace two couplings and a reduc- Style. 750 Reducing Couplinç DIMENSIONS Y S Max. Max. Allow. Deflect. Fr. - Dimensions Aprx Nominal Work End Pipe CL @ IncheskniIlmej Per Pipe Size Pres. Load End f Bolt/Nut Each Inches PSI' Lbs.'. Sçpin. Cplg. lnJFt. No.. Size Lbs. MM kPa N. ;mm . Deg. mm/rn Inches X V Z kg 2 )( 1 350 1.000 0-0.07 , . 0-57 0.20 2- I/.X 2 3.38 5.00 1.68 20 50 X 25 2410 4450 0-18 56 127 46 2 X 1112 350 1.000 0-0.07 . 0.20 3.38 5.00 1.88 2.1 50 X 40 2410 1 4450 0- 1 01- 57 2-%X* 2 BE . 2112 )( 2 350 1.550 0-0.07 . 0'- 47 0.16 2 - 3/r, X 2 4.13 588 1.58 3.0 65 X 50 2410 690 0- 15 14 105 149 46 1 4 X 2 .O.D. 350 1.550 0-0.07 . 0-47 0.16 2- /X2 4.13 5.88 1.88 3.0 2410 €900 0-16 14 105 149 46 1. 3 X 2 350 1.550 0-0.07 . 0.13 4.75 6.75 1.88 4.6 80 X 50 2410 6900 0- 1.8 0-39 , 121 171 48 2 3 X 21h 250 2.275 0-0.07 . 0.13 4.75 6.75 1.88 4.2 BOX 65 2410 10125 0-1.6 0-39 , 1 2 /X2~ n in 48 19 3 X 30.0. 350 2.275 0-0.07 . 0-39 0.13 1/ X 2- 2~ 4.75 6.75 1.88 42 241C . 10125 0-18 11 2i 17; '6 1.9 4 )( 2 350 1.550 0-0.13 . 1-19 0.28 2-4X3/. 6.13 8.50 2.19 6.6 bOX 50 2410 6900 . 0-3.2 25 15€ 21€ 5 4 X 21)1 350 2.275 0-0.13 . 1-19 0.28 .,/ 2- ,4X 6.13 8.50 2.19 54 100 X 65 2410 10125 0-3.2 25 . 21€ Sb 3 4h X 30.0. 350 2.275 0-0.13 . 1,- 19 0.28 2- /eX3¼ 6.13 8.50 2.19 84 2410 10125 0-3.2 25 156 21 4 X 3 350 3,365 0-0.13 . 0.26 613 6.50 2.19 66 100 )( 80 2410 14975 0-3.2 11-19, 25 1 24X3/. 156 216 56 : 5 )( 4 350 5.565 0-0.13 . 0.22 7 13 9.86 2 13 106 125 X 100 2410 24765 0-3.2 1-3 19 2 /X4/ ; 25' 54 49 6 )( 4 350 5.565 0-0.13 . 0.16 8.50 11.25 2.25 16.6 150X 100 2410 7'765 0-3.2 0-52 e-3/X4¼ 71€ 26 57 75 6 X 5 350 6.500 0-0.13 0.15 6.50 1113 213 126 150 X 125 2410 37525 0 -32 0-.52'15. 257 - 6½0.D. X 6 565 241f C. 1.0.19 0'-55' ' 2-4X4'/ 850 1125 219 12 8 X 6 T 350 12.000 I 0- 013 . 0.13 -, 10.75 14.00 238 22:- 200 X 155 7415 1 53: 036 -7/it NEI* 10 role or. p Style 750 F.€cucr.ç couprç; r,cusc rc 0€ J&O w0i enc C*0; *60) .n lyolern; wret- C c,r'-. may 0€ Oevelop€-c Conieci VuciCulic lot de;eui; u/:uIir Comony o Arneruc • P C' 31. Easior. PA i604-0O31 • ss . Easior. PA 18040 • £10. 23o: • FAX 610,250-8817 • www.vc;au;l:.:c' ul un t-:VUAL FLOW DATA Ll Head Loss The head loss across Style 750 Reducing coupling is very small and is essentially the same as for standard short body reducing pipe fittings. Equivalent lengths of stan- dazd weight steel pipe are shown in the tables. All data is based on water flowing at ambient temper- ature. In the table C = HL (V2) Where.- HL = Head loss in feet Flow Reducing Equiv. Size Pipe Length Inches Sm. Dia. mm Feet/rn 2 X 1 . 5.9 50 X H 1€ 2X1½ 2.0 50X40 0€. 2½X2 1.9 65X50. 06 3 X 2 5.5 eoxsc. 1.7 3X2½ 3.8 60 X E5 1.2 4 X 2 6.0 100X50 1€ 4X2½. 6.0 100X65 1€ 4 X 3 6.0 100x60 16 5 X 4 3.0 125 X 100. 0.9 6 X 4 6.0 150 100 16 6 X 5 4.5 150X 125 14 —6½-X-4----- 60T 165 X 100 1.6 8 X 6 7.3 200 X 150 22 8X6½ 7.3 200X 16f I 72 Flow Expanding Equiv. Size Pipe Length Inches Sm. Die. mm . Feet/rn 1 X 2 27 25X50 . CE 1½X2 19 403(50 06 2X2½ 10 5065 11 3 2 X 3 35 50X80 2½X3 25 65 X 80 2 X 4 30 50 X 100 2½X4 • 65 X 1 3 X 4 . 25 80 X 100 4 X 5 33 bOX 125 4 X 6 46 1011) X 150 4X6½ 46 100 X165 1.. —5-X--6-- —2-3--- 125X_150 6 X 8 60 150X200 6½X8. 6.0. 165X200 V_odyin.smalleipe_ in ft/sec. g = Acceleration due to gravity = 32.2 ft/sec.2 16MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Housing: Ductile iron conform- ing to ASTM A-536. Housing Coating: Orange enamel -3 Optional: Hot dipped galvanized and others Gasket: (Specify choice'): 0 Grade "E" EPDM EPDM (Green color code). Temperature range -30°F to 4230°F (-34°C to 4100°C). Recommended for hot water service within the specified temperature range plus a variety of dilute acids, oil-free air and many chemical ser- vices. UL classified in accor- dance with ANSI/NSF 61 for OR EQUAL cold (30°C) and hot (82°C) potable water seovice. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PETROLEUM SERVICES 0 Grade "T" nitrile Nurile (Orange color code). Temperature ;ange -20°F to 4180°F(-29°C to 482°C). Rec- ommended for peuoeum p!ooucts. air wrth oil vapors. vecetabe and mrneral oils within the specified tempera- ture range. Not recom- mended for hot water services over --150°F 466°C) or for hoe dry air over 4140°F (+60°C). 'Services listed are General Ser- vice Recommendations only. It should be noted that there are services for which these gaskets are not recommended. Refe: ence should always be made to the latest Victaulic Casket Selection Guide for specific gas- ket service recomrnendazror.s and for a listing of services which are not recommended. 0 Optional: Assembly Washer: Calve- nized,carbon steel Bolts/Nuts: Heat uebted co:- bon steel, track-head. zinc: plated to ASTM B-633 conform- ing to physical propert:es of ASTM A-383 minimum censtre 110.000 PSI (758340 kPa' NOTES Working Pressure and End Load are total. frorr, all internal and external loads. cased on -standard weigh; (ANSI) steel pipe. srandarcroH or cul grooved In acc-- dance with VicrauliC specifications. Contact Victaulic for performance on oth&r pipe Maximum working pressure rCirnC basso on laroer pipe Sze. Maximum End Load raring based or, smaller pioe size. WARNING: FOR ONE IIME FIELD 'TESI ONLY. the Maximum Joint Wo'kino Pressure may be increased to 1½ trnel ine figures shown I Allowable Pipe End Secararior and Deliecton Iguier srov ire mamu'r, nominal ranoc of mo'e'renl avalatie al each 1oin; 10' siandardroll g'ocved poe. F.o- ures to, stancarc cut croovec ope may be aouted 'Trace Iguies are ma rrurrit rot ass or- ario r5iaiar,O ree figures snould oe reduced by 50t. Jo . 314' (20-90 mm): 25% :Cr 4' (100 mm) and laloet Number of bolts recurred ecuals number of housing segments Metric thread size bolts are avalable (color cooed ood( to, all Coupirc Sims upor. 'SCuESt Contact Vctaulc or oeraur WARNING Ficring syStemS must awayt be oepiessurizec ano c:ariec n6IC,1,E Eliembi:rC csasSemti. ano iemcvCl o: Cry Vc;auiic oiping products lrrt O'ocric' S'ei Ci 'r.CnjiCc:uic vv 'cCJ,c Cc"-ca v C.rm .yi 1' -,:ei.r: r 5c,'ca',yv v.: r,'e r. r: : iar.c-.a'semoy ir.r;u::orrt -C,,r': ee -er ;r 'C' C. mcci c:J' S nec i: cic.- CE --01-r 'C.,"-'-,'-. v: .r• rn - C . :-:-y; r:v'rrç QC-.oar,3n5 06.08 -2 Sre 920 C'ots IPSCARBON STEEL PIPE HOLE CUT PRODUCTS Hole Cut Piping System eveloped by. Victaulic to provide a fast, easy mid-pipe outlet without welding. ri'Th cncn Ci .:LL.xCj:r-.c A rui+ is or :::.0 :ne pIr)E to :'v:e:ve tri- uuet Positioning rn role rianced with either StVs 920. 921 929. u: a toe anu heel lStyes 23 :r 224 aru p:ov:oes a ,,rro(.ir ou:iet area or maximum crac:isr.rcs Thi caiket t mrjl1ea to cor.iorrn to the ;trpe 0 D and is or Rs.sure - rcsp0n5rve design Casloi: sea. :s :trer .a r.cec Dy prs5Ur or VaCUUTT. S-,-,:Ies 920 32i and 929 are cea rcr a var:ety Cl DranC. c)nrec:;crs Styres 925 and 924 provide a weidless connection .of a variety c oauaes. crams and .treometers vmcauic role cut procucts must be ns:aued on the true centerrine of the pipe Vic Hole Cut-inc Tools are recommended or preparmrc pipe to :ece:ve all Victaulic hole cut products NOTE: Vir::aulir- fa- :nre-aded :- ro accomrn -i.:-,'- mole pipe thi'ac'- male threaaec r- em piovrng spe':i as. probes. drvpenuin: .:....... heads. thermcmeo-: should be che'cKei Vjccatthc product t&mr :hev are to be ts0c.:t---?::. they are. in facr. sw:a:t- to verrvswtabthr'.' in may result in d: itles :n asserr.b,.' or it'ot:ae Vmc:aijfrc Met.r.anica!-T Outlet a c:rec'. branch :ornemmor at any location a hole 'mr :e .:it r prpe The hole is cut oversize to receive a noieimnder locating collar which secures the outlet in position permanently A pressure responsive crasket seals on the pipe 0 0 Cross- type corrections can be nieved ..rth Style 920 Mechanca-T by utilrzing two upper housrncs of the same size. wmth the same or differing branch size cornecticns All sizes of Style 921 are rated at 300 PSI (206E kPaj or, steel pipe Contact V:ctaunc for :ecommendations on others types of pipe Style 921 is not recommended for use on PVC iastic pipe Style 520 Mechanical-T Outlet is available with grooved or femare threaded outlet Specify choice on order Units are supplied parrited with plated bolts Galvanized housings are available. supplied with plater,' bolts All sizes of Style 920 are rated at 500 PSI (3450 kPa) working pressure on steel pipe Style 920 n-ay also be used or high density polyethylene or poiybutvlene iHDPEf pipe Pressure ratmncs or. HDPE are dependent or the pipe rating Contact Victauhc for ratings on other pipe Style 920 is not recommended for use or PVC plastic pipe Style 921 Mecnarirc,-T suppired w:th a femue ranen outlet only. pa:n:ec: n.. rj:.: .: a plater' U shanec ct serves as the lowe: Because of this aesmg St,. 32 is not :ecommer.ced fc: us 'is; cross connection Oalar.;ze-.: housings are avaifarie Standard piping practices dictate that the Mechar.ica:-T Style 920 and/or Style 921 mut be installed so that the main anc branch connections are a true 90'angle when pemanently attached to the pipeline sr.irlace Request 11.02. Styles 920 & 921 Mechanical-T' Bolted Branch Outlet 46 4 # Style 920 Style 921 Styles 920 & 921 Mechanical-T' Bolted Branch Outlet Performance C,,, Values C values or flow of water at -60F .1C1 are sr,owr in the tarje a: nor: ECu,v. Feet.-, - Eue. Feet--- Nom of pipe Nom of Pipe Female Female Outlet Size C. Outlet Size C. lncfles -- Values Gro 1h, Inches,,-- Values Grvd. ThØ. 1.- 2.0 2 .T 87 90 16 - U 2½ 117 11.0 12t 22 - 173 t.t 6.0 20.0 220 7U E.C. UPS CARBON STEEL PIPE HOLE CUT PRODUCT*: Y" Y Y styles 920 A 4OBolted Branch Outlet S UL Style 920 wGrooved Outlet Style 920 wFemale Threacec Outlet Style 921 Max Dimensions -.lnches-.._..J . - Dimensions - inches - max I Nominal Size Work. Hole WqI.. NominalSize Won,. Hole . Run x5rancn Press. Da. rem. Each Run X branch a Press. Da Ferr Eac Inches Style PSI .0.13 Thd. Gr. Lbs. Inches Style PSI .0 3 Tnc Gry LOs No -0.00 T V § V § V . No. . -0.00 7 V . V v 2Xi '300 1 502.06263 - 5.00 2.5 4X31 500275920 - x ' 921 300 1 50 2.06 2.63 - 5.00 2.2 x 31 920 500 350 350 - - - X 1 300 150 i.94 2.63 - _00 24 4r/..X3, 20 0O 2751_ - 92. . . - - . .• 9 ... .• . xi'. - 300 1.75 2.06 275 3.25 5.00 5X1½ - 500 921 . .. . . - . . . 920 -- -. x1½ 300 1.75 2.06 2.75 - 5.00 0( 09 406 375 7592, E3E., 22X½ 300 j5 921 140 75 0 AT- . I . -- 300 1.50 2.19 2.75 - 5.00 2 x2½ 1 920 500 275 1 351 4 575;ë3 X 300 150 206 275 - 500 21 - X3: 500 3501 63 C921 -li 921 300 2.00 2.31 300 - 550 3.0 X 3 1920 500 3.50 4' 0 Cl 00 .162 538 300 2.00 2.31 1 3.00 -. 5502.9 5½X1½7 920 500 200406475 -538;7. r g i 300 1.50 2.31 2.75 - 513 2.0 X 21 920 500 250 406 75 - 535 53 X •ö 1.50 2.31 5.13 2.0 X 500 3.5 : 921 920 Xl(c) X31 500350 -cc 5 X 1Ia) 500 2.00 2.69 3.50 3.50 6.28 4.4 6 X 1'k' 500 2.00 3 44 513 513 935 7 920 . . -- -- •., ... 2: ...•x ---920 . xi'. - 300 1.63 2.00 3.50 - 5.13 3.0 . X1½1 20 2001444 513 035 921 ... . - .. x. -: . 1 920 300 2.00 269 3 50 6.38 4.4 X 2 -1 920 500 27Z,0 .. 0 4 4 c 31: 3 38 X lIz - 300 1.63 2.00 3.00 - 5.63 2.9 X 2½ 1 20 500 275 4 19 5 13 513 936 83 3x 2(a) -300 X3, -: -;o - - 300 1.50 2.44 300 - 4.88[2.3 x31 500 3.50 4 50 55015 13 935 O 92 920 : .- Xila) 300 150 2.31 3.00 - 4.88 2.0 X41 SOC 4.50 450 5-7S535 938 101 921 .. -; 920 Xla 500 200 269 338 363 625 44 6½*)( 1½(a) - 500 200 441S53 938 79 92u . . . -; .. . 920 I )( iIzit 920 500 2.00 2.69 3.38 3.63 1 6.25 4.4 X 2 920 599 53 513 936 50 X2 1 500 2.50 2.81 3.50 - 6.25 4.6 X2½(a) 500 12.75 1 419 1 513 513 935 55 920 920 2 300 1 50 •-- --- 3 - - -- 500 5 13 938 __________ 921j 300 15924 3.50 (a) 920 :'1.5P 4.50 550 1 513 93E 102 92' 300 150281 3.50 - 6.00 2.4 .. 500 1 920 4.50 1 4 5C 575 i E38938 X 1 500 2.00 3.31 4.00 40017.25 51 6 X 2 500 t2.75 519 625 €25 12 00IE 920 - I . . j . >. : 920 X .'z 920 500 2.00 3.31 0 4.00 7.25 5.0 2½i 920 .75 5 19 1 625 5-25' 12251116 X 2 500 2 50 1Y 4 00 400 725 58j x 500 275 - c 1,2 Do: 920 - 920 X2I;i i920j ~00J2 396j400oO XE - 920I99 559 1 E 50 I 25' 11200j12.6 :D.'-ensor, 50 531 €75!€36 12001E920 "Cr,le or 'c e :acec Doe eno Crr,SIE Uric Oul;er only iDr.e.rtont ec.ro F*Cr€ 'fr. X 6• DoC .vnCr, 5CC in S 11055 cOflligu?atiOr C.e- 'j. c eric ci c'ocec 01 5rTae treeceC OUtISi 5oec Cnoce or, oce at Br;sr- 5troarc. e'iae 31)5 nCeC 3.nle: 5lSC. 5v55i5 49 SW Cerritos, California Union, New Jersey Atlanta, Georgia Wood Dale, Illinois Fir. Protection Product. MIND CR 0 Call Fotter-Roemer for current listings and approvals. Dimensions are subject to manufacturers tolerance and change without notice. We assume no responsi- bility for use of superseded or void data. EXPOSED FIRE DEPT. INLET CONNECTIONS-CLAPPER TYPE TWO-WAY WITH SINGLE CLAPPER. REGULARLY FURNISHED: Cast brass two-way inlet body, swing clapper and pin lug swivel. Back or angle outlet as selected by Figure Number. Lettering as selected. Size 4"x 21/2"x21/2". OPTIONAL FINISHES: - B Polished Brass - C Rough Chrome Plated - D Polished Chrome Plated LETTERING: cn MJTO. SPKR. 10.— .4 I- 10 0 DNST 0 Fig. 5710 ... Beck Outlet 0 Fig. 5715 ... Angle Outlet 0 Other U/L Listed U/L Usted FM Approved FM Approved TWO-WAY WITH DOUBLE CLAPPERS REGULARLY FURNISHED: Cast brass two-way inlet body, drop clappers and pin lug swivels. Size and outlet as selected by Figure Number. Lettering as selected. C OPTIONAL FINISHES: 0-9 Polished.Brass - C Rough Chrome Plated - D Polished Chrome Plated LETTERING: AUTO. SPKR. O STANDPIPE THREADS: 0 NST O Other Fig. 5720 Series Back Outlet Fig. 6730 Series 900 Angle Outlet - Outlet - App:ovai ' et Approvals - Size A B C '- 0 Angle Fig. No. listed '!' Appvd 'ie ;An -No. ® litted - Yes Yes Appv'd 5721 1 Yes Yes 4 x 21/7 21/2 7'/2 111/2 81!: 111/4 5722 No No 5732 No No 6x2'/: x21/: 9/: 101/2 9 103/4 5723 No Yes 5733 No Yes 4 x 3 x 3 91/2 111/: 91!: 11 5724 Yes No 5734 No No Lx 3 x 3 10 11 101/2 11 ALL DIMNON IN INUHL REVISED REVIEWED 2-1-96 1 2-1-96 1~6/9 ictaulid' An 9 9001 certified company PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Series 717 FireLock Check Valves \L!;/ (~~ See ViclauliC publication 10.01 Sizes 21h -3" or details. See VictsullC publication 10.01 Series 717 FireLock' check valve is a CAD- developed design that is hydrodynamically efficient. A totally rubber encapsu- lated disc on 4 - 12" (114.3 - 323,9 mm) sizes provides superior corrosion resis- tance. This single disc design incorporates a spring assisted feature for non-slamming operation. For systems requiring a Riser Check option refer to section 10.09. The 4" (114,3mm) and with upstream and down- stream drains and a welded-in nickel seat design. All sizes of Series 717 can be installed in the vertical or horizontal posi- tion to provide leak-free sealing under conditions as low as five feet of head. Each valve is factory tested to 500 PSI (3440 kPa). The 21/2 and 3" (73.0 and 88,9 mm) sizes are UL/ULC Listed and 4" (114.3 mm) sizes and larger are IJL/ULC Listed and FM Approved for services up to 250 PSI (1725 kPa). Sizes 4 - 8"/ 114,3-219.1mm (except 165,1 mm size) are VdS approved. Grooved ends allow fast. easy Installation with just two Victaulic couplings or the valve may be.mounted to flanged (ANSI CL. 150) equipment using either to. Victaulic Sjle 741 Vic-Flange Or Style 744 FireLock flange adapters on either end. L71 DIMENSIONS. 1 9'0' ~-K . L~ OW NPT Upstream Drain ® ½" NPT Downstream Drain © 2 NPT (Drain Optional) ,r A P 1 ¶ n -1n IILU qK-J -a-J:..- øw NPT Upstream Drain () ½" NPT Downstream Drain Typical 10'. 12" 1O.1A Typical 2½- 3" Typical 4 - 8" L-1 SIZE Dimensions- Inches/mIlmerere . Approx. Nominal Wgt. Ea.. Inches EIoE . Lbs. Actual mm A B C D E .1 K P R kg 21h 3.88 4.26 3.57 - - - - - - 3.6 88 26 57 3.6 76,1 mm - - - 3 4.25 5.06 4.17 - - - - - 4.5 4 1 9.63 6.00 3.88 2.75 3.50 2.00 4.50 3.50 3.35 20.0 1i S 5 1 10.50 6.80 4.50 - 4.17 2.15 5.88 4.08 3.98 27.0 0, 141 1Q 1()1 10.50 6.80 4.50 - 4.17 2.15 5.88 4.08 3.98 27.0 139,7 mm I f! _ i.; .. i ., i . 61 11.50 8.00 5.00 - 4.50 2.38 6.67 4.73 3.89 38.0 16! 11.50 8.00 5.00 - 4.50 236 6.67 4.73 3.89 38.0 165.1 mm -. fl: 15 12(1 r. 81 14.00 9.88 6.06 5.05 5.65 2.15 8.85 5.65 5.75 64.0 10 17.00 12.00 7.09 5.96 6.69 215 10.92 6.73 100:0 12 1950 14.00 806 691 764 251 1281 773 - 1400 1 VCS Approveo Viclaulic" wotld Hcadqunet . P.0 5oY 31. taslon. PA18044-0031 . £901 K e.ierviIIeRd., [sIon. PA 18040 1.800.PICK VIC • F AX: 610/250- 8817 • www.viclaulic.com 147 t',ev.0 0, F.eosreec 1,aoerr. 01 Vcie. tCopyfl: 44 \'C1au1c Piniec in U.S.A KT-65-UL' NPT x, NFl 5 1751b.'WWP Bronze Globe Valves S -nc;c8tion ' Fire Protection Valve • Threaded Ends • Rubber Disc • Screw Over Bonnet 175 PS 1/12.1 Bar Non-shock Cold Water UL LISTED* MATERIAL LIST PART SPECIFICATION Handwheel Aluminum KT-65-UL Handwheel Screw Carbon Steel Threaded Stainless Steel (1) Stem Bronze ASTM 8 584 Alloy C84400 or ASTM B 505 Alloy C84400 4r-Packing-Nut 8ronze-A-STM-B-584-AI4oy-C83600 or ASTM B16 Packing Graphite Impregnated (Non Asbestos) Bonnet Bronze ASTM B 584 Alloy C84400 Body Bronze ASTM B 584 Alloy C84400 - B. Seat Disc EPOM Rubber 9. Seat Screw Stainless Steel Sheet Brass S 10. Pack Washer S N cip OR EQLL4, DIMENSIONS-WEIGHTS----OUANTITIES Dimensions Size A B Weight Box Master In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. tbs. Kg. Oty, Cm. My. 14 8 2.00 50 2.75 70 .48 .22 10 100 % 10 2.00 50 2.75 70 .45 .20 10 100 1h 15 2.28 58 3.12 79 .68 .31 10 60 3/4 20 2.28 58 3.12 79 .74 .34 10 60 1 25 3.12 79 4.50 114 1.68 .76 5 25 UL Listed for Trim and Drain use - sizes ½. 3, 1.. Size /. and W supplied as 1(1.65. S® 1418CO INC. WORLD HLADOUbF.1EF . MIDDtEBURY 51, • FIKHAR1. IN 616.'D • US • PH: i.800.234.0227 1(CHSERVIC(5 PH: 1.88€4€..'2€ • AX i.lW OS • INlIRNAlIONAL OFFICE PH: i.L,2E,32i • FAX: 457295.3455 wwnibco.com KT61-UL Threaded r I T KT-67-UL NPT.x NFl 5 175 lb. WWP Bronze Angle Valves - Dezincification Resistam Fire Protection Valve • Threaded Ends • Rubber Disc • Screw Over, Bonnet < > 175 PSI/12.1 Bar Non-Shock Cold Water UL LISTED* MATERIAL LIST PART SPECIFICATION Handwheel Aluminum Handwheel Screw Carbon Steel (112'& -Y41 Stainless Steel (V) Stem Bronze ASTM B 584 Alloy C84400 Packing Nut Bronze ASTM B 584 Alloy C83600 or ASTM B16 Packing Graphite Impregnated (Non Asbestos) Bonnet Bronze ASTM B 584 Alloy C84400 Body Bronze ASTM B 584 Alloy C84400. Seat Disc EPDM Rubber Seat Screw Stainless Steel Pack Washer Sheet Brass DIMENSIONS—WEIGHTS—QUANTITIES Dimensions Size A B C Weight Box Master In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. Lbs. Kg. Oty, Ctn. Oty. 16 15 .94 24 3.25 83 1.06 27 .62 .28 10 60 3/4 20 1.02 26 3.12 79 1.20 30 .70 .32 10 60 1 25 1.80 46 4.50 114 1.62 41 1.57 .71 5 25 *UL Listed for Trim and Drain Use. S® NIBCO INC. WORLD HE (DDEJAF.i IP.S • 1516 MIDDLE BURY Si, • EL KNAR1, IN 6517'( • USA • PH: 1.800.234.022 1ECH SERVICES PH: 1.86E. 44E. 427F. • FL' .800.234.0557 • INi ERNA1IONAL OFFICE PH: .2S221 • F: 41.574.295.345 w.nibO.COrfl L] \jtaulic 1~6/ An SO9001 certified company Series 705W FireLockTM Butterfly ValvF16 With Weatherproof Actuat For 300 P I Service PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The Series 705W butterfly valve features a weatherproof actuator housing approved for indoor or outdoor use. It has a ductile iron body and disc with EPDM disc coating. The body is coated with a heat fused polypheny]ene sulfide blend to meet FM requirements and the new coating requirements for the 5th edition of UL- 1091. For fire protection services, Series 705W valve is UL Listed and FM Approved for 300 PSI (2065 kPa) service. Flow per- formance exceeds UL Spr..:ifi cation 1091 and FM AppvaI Standard 1112. Weatherproof Actuator Supervisory switches for valves are available 21/2 - 12. (73.0 - 323.9 mm) pre-wired (PW). Supply-side Tap Series 705W valves we avail- able with a W NPT supply side tap designed to allow direct water supply coranec- tion to Victauhc FireLock actu- ated fire protection valves See separate drawings below This rsan optional feature and must be clearly noted on a1 orders. Contact Victaulic for additional information on tapped valves. DIMENSIONS L] 'IDii, 1 11 -9 '1 -"1 E J -) A Series 705W Series 705W with Tap 10 ¼NFT -A 11, S SIZE ______ ______ Dimensions - Inc hes/millimelers ______ - - - Aprx. Nominal In. E to E Hgt. . . Wgt. Ea. Actual mm A B C D E F 6 H J K 1 0 M . P P Lbsikg 21h 3.77 9.80 1.80 3.92 - 2.88 6.97 5.45 7.02 0.97 2.31 4.50 '1.44 0.60 1.03 9.1 73.0 96 249 46 100 - 73 177 136 176 25 59 114 37 15 26 41 /6.1 mm 3.77 9.80 1.80 3.92 - 2.88 6.97 5.45 7.02 0.97 2.31 4.50 1.50 0.60 1.03 9.1 96 249 46 100 - 73 177 138 178 25 59 114 36 15 2b 4 1 3 3.77 10.48 2.14 4.22 0.08 3.50 7.61 5.45 7.33 0.97 2.31 4.50 1.75 0.00 0.80 9.8 869 96 266 1 5' 107 2 1 89 193 138 186 25 59 114 45 0 20 44 4 4.63 11.89 2.71 5.09 0.07 6.01 9.05 5.45 8.59 0.97 2.79 4.50 2.60 0.73 1.22 15.3 114.3 116 302 69 129 2 153 230 136 218 25 71 114 66 19 i E9 - 5.88 12.82 3.12 5.61 0.43 6.01 9.98 5.45 8.59 0.97 3.92 4.50 - - - 20.0 139.7 mm 149 326 79 143 11 153 257 136 218 25 106 114 - - - 5 5.88 12.82 3.12 5.61 0.43 6.01 99E 5.45 8.59 0.97 3.92 4.50 - - - 20.0 141.7 149 326 79 147 11 153 253 136 218 25 100 114 - - - I 165.1 mm 5.88 13.74 3.61 6.06 11.00 7.20 10.92 5.45 9.05 0.97 3.96 4.50 3.25 1.25 1.50 25.0 149 349 92 154 j 25 183 277 136 230 25 101 114 63 32 38 11 2 6 5.88 13.74 3.61 6.06 1.00 7.20 10.92 5.45 9.05 0.97 3.96 4.50 3.32 1.25 1.50 25.0 168.3 149 349 92 154 25 183 277 138 230 25 10 114 6' 32 38 11 7 6 5.33 16.92 4.86 7,94 1.27 10.20 1406 8.26 13.30 2.05 266 6.00 5.1.0 0.18 091 52.0 2191 135 430 12' 202 32 259 357 210 338 52 66 '57 130 73 104 640 19.14 564 8.69 1.72 12.20 15.77 10.09 16.19 2.05 3.20 9.00 - - - 80.0 163 48C i.E 221 ' 3C' '0 2S 11 52 124 6.50 21.54 7 04 10.00 2.66 1425 18 7 1009 17.22 2.05 3.25 9.00 - - - 1020 65 5.7 '7r 75.a 66 307 (jr cer,;elna I ConlaCI V,CauhC LCrflCAfly 01 CAnCOC to; ULC LiSlfl 1 Ic l),e-,En1 OIAIonot vAIAy itI ecornrer,oeo Ira; See! 705w be r!;5he0 wit, V,cla..,n Si'a C7 2e'oI€, -. Slvie 005 FreLoca' 0' Ste H7C ao Couplings It Vatuht Ie,,ble C0jC" Ale usco, aooiora' support may be Feclulfcc '-'" mast not be r.sia,:lea w,I osc 1'. uI 00Cr '110;' Dyc mu!; be partly closec sc Ira; rc :.a'I 1 C'oluC,nC beycrc enc o Va'ye bD 7 vc:cuoc pooec era cutlety aCne! CC Ce'.;ec 0' !e w;t. o;ooneo eno ooe lIPS, orjy "it' bCrr,,lc•c. IC, use with pla,r, Arc (IP5) , ocuec enc cast O,.Cld€ 'or.00e L Sr-;ei 7(5W 'Aa'f, Ce OE!,D,CC 0' Cr'.br' w€C ,C Coro'Ior,s A! 00005CC Ira sub"e'I '05 vic;zubco VVo.,10 h€aou8rl6rs • P 0 Eu 1 Easo'. 18044-00i • 401 KEE3Iu'rh5 kc fir PA 18040 • 610'59-33' • FAX' &10/25c,-8817 • WWWVIC2LIIIC 0011 ;a( ,. a e;';er,c Coc.a•r:a..'; hot +18°F (+82°C) pctbI'- water service. NOT RECOM- MENDED FOR PETROLEUM SERVICES Stem Bearings: Teflon impreg nated fiberglass with stainless steel backing. Stem Bearing Nuts: Carbon steel, nickel plated Tap Plug: Carbon steel, atcd Bracket: Carbon steel. painted Actuator: U 21/2 - 6° (73.0- 168.3 mm): Bronze traveling nut on a steel lead screw, in a steel housing 0 8 - 12° (219.1 - 323.9 mm): Steel worm and cast iron quad- rant gear. in a cast non housing. Formulas for C,, Values: AP .CV - Q = CyxJTi' Where: 0= flow (GPM) Pressure Drop (PSI) C = Flow Coefficient MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Body: Ductile iron conforming -f 230°F (-34°C to 4110CC). to ASTM A-536, coated with Recothmended for cold and sulfide blend. hot water service within the .polyphenylene Disc: Ductile iron to ASTM specified temperature range A-536, EPDM coating PIUS a variety of dilute acids, Disc Coating oil-free an and many cherni- 0 Grade "E" EPDM cal services. UL classified in EPDM (Green color code). accordance with ANSIJNSF Temperature range -30°F to .61 for cold +86°F (+30°C) and L:- PERFORMANCE 10. I8-2A SIZE-SIZE Nom. Equiv. Nom. Equiv. --An-- leet/.m -4th---- Le.e..t/iri Actual Of Actual of MM Pipe mm Pipe -;- 73.0 5 1.6 165.14 8 2.5 ;-; • 5 1.6 168.3 8 2.5 -i- 5 8 11 88.9 1.6 219.1 3. 12 10 12 114.3 3.7 273.0 3.7 139.71 12 . 3.7 12 323.9 14 4.3 b 12 141.3 1 3.7 * miflimete;s For additional details contact Victaulic. SIZE SIZE SE Nominal Inches C Nominal Inches C Nominal Inches C 11 Actual mm (Full Open) Actual mm (Full Open) Actual mm (Full Open) 2½ 73.0 325 139.7 mm 1150 8 219.1 3400 76.1 mm 325 5 141.3 1150 10 273.0 5750 3 88.9 482 . 165.1 mm . 1850 12 3239 8300 4 114.3 600 6 168.3 1850 The chart expresses the C, Values frictional resistance of C values for flow of water at Victaulic Series 705W in +60°F(+16°C)with a tuUy open equivalent feet/meters of valve are shown in the table straight pipe. below. SWITCH AND WIRING Supervisory Switch 2½- 12° (73.0- 323.9 mm) sizes: Series 705W PW - Two, single pole, double throw, pie- wired switches. Switches are rated IOA @ 12501 250 VAC 60 Hz and 0.25A @ 250 VDC. 0.50A @ 125 VDC Supervisory Switch Wiring A. Pie-wired Switches Switches Supervise Open Valve One switch has two 4118 MTW wiles per terminal. Permits complete supervi sion of leads (see dia- grams below). Second . switch has one 41I8MTW wrie per terminal. This double circuit provides flexibility to operate two electrical devices at sepa- rate locations such as an indicating light and an audible alarm in the area at the valve installation. Switch 411 SI Switch 412 S2 Normally Closed: (2) Blue Si Normally Open: (2) Brown Common: (2) Yellow { Normally Closed: Blue with Stripe £2 Normally Open: Brown with Stripe Common: Yellow with Stripe A cround lead. 4114JviTW :s provided (preen) UI 1151CC 0C BO- CONOUI1 '\ I COCOlJ CON1 Cl 1 WISI NU'S NOTE: Conneclng Ic Comrnor. 1rnir,' Yellow Si anc Yellow with O,i'ice SIID5 52) anc No'naiiy Closed le,rnr5 liIF t CflO B'ue w!f SlIlpU . 5 CUiC,l 11Cr1i UriC a'arrr. slay" of, 'llvl. fully oOefl&O lr,er. nolcUlo'.Cr.:UcCU 2C Out Car 01 u'uSeO Wile C c Brow. U'IQ Euv.. wir. 0ano€ S:!or. Actuator Repair In the unli(ely event of an actua- tor failure, complete actuation replacement is required ALL REPLACEMENT PARTS MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE MANUFACTURER TO ASSURE PROPER OPERATION OF THE VALVE. illS loouc: 5',l bs r,Sr$:l.2e c., ClU.JnC Cc.mpry Ai- o-ccctr £'al :1 .....li.0 .'. UC'CS'1CC wIt CurCr.V.: ..... " U iU5$rflOy InsIluctor VCtUUic st--UEt 1€ 0'. It (.t,k ,OC oCcuc: 5fclC5iO',t 9tl05l3fl5 10-18 -2 O POTTER OR E Q 6~AL The Symbol of Protection UL Listed Sizes Available: 6(150mm), 8° (200mm) and ion (250mm) Voltages Available: 24VAC 12OVAC 12VDC (10.2 to 15.6) Polarized 24VDC (20.4 to 31.2) Polarized Service Use: Fire Alarm General Signaling Burglar Alarm Environment: Indoor or outdoor use (See Note 1) -40° 10150°F (-400 to 66°C) (Outdoor use requires weatherproof backbox.) Termination: 4 No. 18 AWG stranded wires 6" BELL SHOWN Finish: Red powder coating Optional: Model BBK-1 weatherproof backbóx . These vibrating type bells are designed for use as fire, burglar or general signaling devices. They have low power con- sumption and high decibel ratings. The unit mounts on a standard 4" (101 mm) square electrical box for indoor use or on a model BBK-1 weatherproof backbox for outdoor applications. Weatherproof backbox model BBK-1, Stock No. 1500001. ALL DC BELLS ARE POLARIZED AND HAVE BUILT-IN TRANSIENT PROTECTION: Notes: SIZEI INCHES (mm) VOL1AGE MODEL NO. S1OCKNO. CURRENT MAX.' TYPICAL dB AI1O FT. (3m)(2) MINIMUM d8 AIIOFf. (31n)($) 6(150) 12VDC P80126 1706012 .12A 85 76 1, (200) 12VDC P00128 1708012 .12A 90 77 10(250) 12VDC P801210 1710012 .12A 92 76- 6(150) 24VDC P80246 1706024 .06.8 87 77 8(200) 24VDC P80248 1708024 .06.8 91 79 10(250) 24VDC P802410 1710024 .06.8 94 80 6(150) 24VAC - P8A246 1806024 .17.8 91 78 8(200) 24VAC PBA248 1808024 .17.8 94 77 10 (260) 24VAC P8.82410 1810024 .17.8 94 78 6(150) 120VAC PBA1206 1806120 .05.8 92 83 8(200) 120VAC P8.81208 1808120 .05.8 99 84 10(250) 120VAC { PBA12010 1810120 .05.8 99 86 Minimum dB ratings are calculated from integrated sound pressure measurements made atU idêrWiitërsl..aboratories as specified in UL Standard 464. UL temperature range is -300 to 150°F (-340 1066°C). Typical dB ratings are calculated from measurements made with a conventional sound level meter and are indicative of output levels in an actual installation. is Potier E)eclric Signal Company • 2081 Craig Road, Si. Louis, MO, 63146-4161 • Phone: 800-325-3936/Canada 888-882-18330 www.ponersignal.com --------------- PAINTED IN USA MICE. #8850001 . REV 5 PAGE 1 OF 2 MFG. #5400776- 5/05 ®Pouu OR EOUA~ BELLS The Symbol of Protection - PBA-AC & PBD-DC, DIMENSIONS INCHES (mm) FIG. 1 BELLS FIG. 2 WEATHERPROOF BACKBOX BOX HAS ONE THREADED 1I2CONDUII ENTRANCE II I 3/8 (86) 4 1/4 DWG. 0776-2 FIG. 3 WIRING (REAR VIEW) D.C. BELLS (OBSERVE POLARITY) A.C. BELLS . A(m)R(0 (OUT) wHrT5 a(IN)BL#= W)A11 (OUT) rR01I CONTROL OIl OR :U-' -lJNE 10 ELL rRo*. CONTROL PNICL (0111) PRECCDINC BE PREC(DP BELL &ACR ( BLACK CALMOM EA'flN WHEN (LLCIRCAL SUPERVISION IS REOUIRED USE IN D OUT LEADS AS SlOAN. WHEN ELECTRICAL SUPERVISION IS REDUIRED USE KI AND OUT LEADS AS s.. NOTES: NOTES-. OBSERVE POLARITY 10 RING D.C. BELLS. I. WHEN USING A.C. BELLS. TERMINATE EACH EXTRA WIRE SEPARATELY RED WIRES posrrivt (4) AFTER LAST BELL BLACK WIRES NEGAIIVE (-) 2. END-OF-LINE RESISTOR IS NOT REOUIRED ON A.C. BELLS. DWG. #76-3 INSTALLATION The bell shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 72 or local Ahj. The'lop of the device shall be no less than 90" Aft and not less than 6" below the ceiling. Removethegong. Connect wiring ('see Fig. 3). Mount bell mechanism to backbox (bell mechanism must be mounted with the striker pointing down). Reinstall the gong (be sure that the gong positioning pin, in the mechanism housing, is in the hole in the gong). 0 6, Test all bells for proper operation and observe that they can be heard where required (bells must be heard in all areas as designated by the authority having jurisdiction). - PRINTED IN USA ' MKT. A8850001 - REV S PAGE 2 OF 2 MFG, A5400776- 5/05 S OR Pn POTTER VANE TYPE WATERFLOW The Symbol of Protection ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD S U.S. Pat. No. 3921989 Canadian Pat. No. 1009680 Other Patents Pending Potter Electric, Rd., 1990 UL, ULC and CSFM Listed, FMandLPCBApproved,NYMEA Accepted, CE Marked Service Pressure: Up to 450 PSI (31. BAR) Minimum Flow Rate forAlarrn: 10 GPM (38LPM) Maximum Surge: 18 FPS (5,5 m/s) Contact Ratings: Two sets of SPDT (Form C) 15.0 Amps at 125/250VAC 2.0 Amps at 30VDC Resistive Conduit Entrances: Two knockouts provided for lIZ conduit Environmental Specifications: Suitable for indoor or outdoor use with factory installed gasket and die-cast housing: NEMA 411P54 Rated Enclosure- use with appropriate conduit fitting. Temperature Range: 40°F1120°F, 4,5CI49C Non-corrosive sleeve factory installed in saddle. Caution: This device is not intended for applications in explosive environments. Sizes Available: Steel Pipe schedules 10 thru40, sizes Z thru & BS 1387 pipe 50mm thru 200mm Note: For copper or plastic pipe use Model VSR-CF. Service Use: Automatic Sprinkler NFPA-13 One or two family dwelling NFPA-13D Residential occupancy up to four stories NFPA-1 3R National Fire Alarm Code NFPA-72 Optional: Cover Tamper Switch Kit, Stock No. 0090018 GENERAL INFORMATION The Model VSR-F is a vane type waterflow switch for use on wet sprinkler systems. It is UL Listed and FM Approved for use on steel pipe; schedules 10 through 40, sizes 2 thru 8' (50mm thru 200mm). LPC approved sizes are Z thru 8' (50mm thru 200mm). The unit may also be used as a sectional watertiow detector on large systems. The unit contains two single pole, double throw, snap action switches and an adjustable, instantly recycling pneumatic re- tard. The switches are actuated when a flow of 10 gallons per minute (38 LPM) or more occurs downstream of the device. The flow condition must exist for a period of time necessary to overcome the selected retard period. ENCLOSURE: The unit is enclosed in a general purpose, die- cast housing. The cover is held in place with two tamper resis- tant screws which require a special key for removal. A field in- stallable cover tamper switch is available as an option which may be used to indicate unauthorized removal of the cover. See bulletin no. 5400775 for installation instructions of this switch. INSTALLATION: See Fig.2 These devices may be mounted on horizontal or vertical pipe. On horizontal pipe they should be installed on the top side of the pipe where they will be accessible. The units should not be in- stalled within 6 (15cm) of a fining which changes the direction of the walerfiow or within 24 (60 cm) of a valve or drain. Drain the system and drill a hole in the pipe using a circular saw in a slow speed drill. The Z (50mm) and 2 lIZ (65mm) devices require a hole with a diameter of I 1/4 + 1/8" - 1/16" (33mm 4-2mm). All other sizes require a hole with a diameter of Z ±1/8 (50mm ±2mm). Clean the inside pipe of all growth or other material for a dis- tance equal to the pipe diameter on either side of the hole. Roll the vane so that it may be inserted into the hole: do not bend or crease it. Insert the vane so that the arrow on the saddle points in the direction of the waterfiow. Install the saddle strap and tighten nuts alternately to an eventual 50 ft-lbs. (68 n-m) of torque (see Fig. 2). The vane must not rub the inside of the pipe or bind in any way. Specifications subject to change without notice. S Potter Electric Signal Company* 2081 Cig Road, St. Louis, MO, 6316-4 161 • Phone: 800-325-3936/Canada 888-882-1833 www.pottersignal.com PRINTED IN USA MKI. 95600001 . REV W PAGE 1 OF 2 MFG. 5400761 - 7/02 FIG. 4 To remove knockouts: Place screwdriver at edge of knock- outs, not in the center. DAt. #701..' ®POTTER The Symbol of Protection VSR-F VANE TYPE WATERFLOW ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD FIG. I SWITCH TERMINAL CONNECTIONS CLAMPING PLATE TERMINAL DAt. 00.23-3 CAUTION: An uninsulated section of a single conductor should not be looped around the termi- nal and serve as two sepa- FIG2 r DO NOT LEAVE COVER OFF FOR OPTIONAL TAMPER SWITCH EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIME 0 ti . .. RETARD ADJUSTMENT: TIGHTEN NUTS A LI TO CHANGE TIME TURN (WOE (EITHER DIRECTION) FOR DESIRED TIME DELAY. USE THE MINIMUM ALTERNATELY TO AN AMOUNT or RETARD NECESSARY TO PREVENT EVENTUAL 5OFT.L8S (68 n-m) FALSE ALARMS. A 8 SETTING IS USUALLY Or TOROUE ADEOUATE FOR THIS. FACTORY IS SET TO W. TO INSTALL, DRILL HOLE AS INDICATED: I PIPE SIZE HOLE SIZE 2 to 2 1/2 I 1/4 41/8 -1/16 MOUNT ON PIPE SO ARROW ON SADDLE (50mm to 65mm) (33mm 12mm) POINTS IN DIRECTION 3 to 6' I 2 ±T/6 Or WATERFLOW (80mm to 200mm) 50mm *2mm) ROLL PADDLE IN OPPOSITE DIRECTION Cover Tamper (with cover in place) OF WATERFLOW must be severed, thereby J DIRECTION Or WATERFLW providing supervision of the C NO NC I connection in the event that (ANT) (NW). (ak) the wire becomes dislodged DWG• 1761-30 from under the terminal. APPROX. RETARD SETTINGS (IN SECS.) o o 1 A 10-25 B 20-40 C 35-55 50-70k -90 FIG. 3 TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS NOTES: S 1. The Model VSR-F has two switches, one can be used to operate a central station, pro- AMLI OPEN cfl.C15 am 0. LAW prietary .TN'( 7 IO.P 0" At i'''1 or remote signaling I unit, while the other contact is used to operate a local audible or visual annunciator. A condition of LPC Approval of this product is that the electri- 0" TAt TAflC' RN 0" 00 -07 OC scu cal entry must be sealed to AJRA CO'Ol0". WWK ____, exclude moisture. nn e . c c,ta n For supervised circuits see Switch Terminal Connec- tions' drawing and caution note (Fig. 1). APPLICATION WARNINGI - Due to the possibility of unintended discharges caused by pressure surges, trapped air, or short retard times, waterfiow switches that are monitoring wet pipe sprinkler systems should not be used as the sole initiating device to discharge AFFF, deluge, or chemical suppression systems. TESTING The frequency of inspection and testing for the model VSR-F and its associated protective monitoring system should be in accordance with applicable NFPA Codes and Standards and/or the authority having jurisdiction (manufacturer recommends quarterly or more frequently). If provided, the inspector's test valve, that is usually located at the end of the most remote branch line, should always be used for test purposes. If there are no provisions for testing the operation of the flow detection device on the system, application of the VSR-F is not recommended or advisable. A minimum flow of 10 gpm (38 Lpm) is required to activate this device. S IMPORTANT NOTICE: Ploase advise the person responsible for testing of the fire protection system that this system must be tested in accordance with the testing instructions. __.- - --wu PRINTED IN USA MWT. Yt.EODDDT - REV W PAGE 2 OF 2 MEG. P 5400761 -7/02 L-1 .OR (EP)POTTER The Symbol of Protection OSYSU-1 Stock No. 1010106 OSYSU-2 Stock No. 1010206 EQUAL OSYSU-1,-2 OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH UL and CSFM Listed, FM Approved, NYMEA Accepted, CE Marked Dimensions: 6.19"L X 2.25"W 9 5.88"H 15,7cm L X 5,7cm W X 14,6cm H Weight: 2 lbs. (0,9 kg.) Enclosure: Cover - Die-Cast Finish - Red Spatter Enamel Base - Die Cast Zinc All parts have corrosion resistant finishes. Cover Tamper: Tamper resistant screws, Optional cover tamper kit available. Contact Ratings: OSYSU-1: One set of SPDT (Form C) OSYSU-2: Two sets of SPDT (Form C) 15T0Wmps at 1257250VAC 2.50 Amps at 30VDC resistive Environmental Limitations: NEMA 4 and NEMA 6P Enclosure (lP67) when used with appropriate watertight conduit fittings. Indoor or Outdoor use (Not for use in hazardous locations. See bulletin no. 5400705 OSYS-U-EX for hazardous locations.) Temperature Range: -40°F to 140°F (-40°C to 60°C) Conduit Entrances: 2 knockouts for 1/2" conduit provided Service Use: Automatic Sprinkler NFPA-13 One or two family dwelling NFPA-13D Residential occupancy up to four stories NFPA-13R National Fire Alarm Code NFPA-72 GENERAL INFORMATION The OSYSU is used to monitor the open pcsition of an OS & Y (outside screw and yoke) type gale valve. This device is available in two models; the OSYSU-1, containing one set of SPOT (Form C) contacts and the OSYSU-2, con- taining two sets of SPOT (Form C) contacts. These switches mount conveniently to most OS & Y valves ranging in size from 2' to 12' (50mm to 300mm). They will mount on some valves as small as 1/2" (12,5mm). The cover is held in place by two tamper resistant screws that require a special tool to remove. The tool is furnished with each device and should be left with the building owner or responsible party. Replacement or additional cover screws and hex keys are available. See ordering informa- tion on page 4. OPTIONAL COVER TAMPER SWITCH A field installable cover tamper switch is available as an option which may be used to indicate removal of the cover. See ordering information on page 4. TESTING The OSYSU and its associated protective monitoring sys- tem should be inspected and tested in accordance with applicable NFPA codes and standards and/or the authority having jurisdiction (manufacturer recommends quarterly or more frequently). Poltei Eleclric 5icraI Company , 2081 Craig Road, St. Louis. 1%40, 63146-4161 • PhonE: 500-325-936/canada 888-882-1833° www.potIersignal.com PRINTED IN USA MKT. 98820004 . ".J P PAGE 1 OF 4 12/01 (DPOTTER' The Symbol of Protection OSYSU-11 -2 OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH FIG. I SMALL VALVE INSTALLATION - 1/2" THRU 2 1/2" (12,5mm THRU 63,5mm) SIZES THESE SWITCHES MOUNT CONVENIENTLY TO MOST 2' TO 12" OS & Y VALVES. THEY WILL MOUNT ON SOME VALVES AS SMALL AS 1/2" (12,5MM). J-HOOKS MAY BE REQUIRED ON VALVES WITH LIMITED CLEARANCE. SLOTTED MOUNTING HOLES MAY BE USED FO FINE ADJUSTMENT OF SWITCH ON BRACKET CLAMP BAR -., I ....- BRACKET 'mr' rf'N CARRIAGE BOLT wl('t Q-1- I U, 11 '..L— L) r DWG. #979-3 SMALL VALVE INSTALLATION S Remove and discard C" washer and roller from the trip rod. With the valve in the FULL OPEN position, locate the OSYSU across the valve yoke as far as possible from the valve gland, so that the trip rod lays against the non- threaded portion of the valve stem. Loosen the locking screw that holds the trip rod in place and adjust the rod length (see Fig. 4). When adjusted properly, the rod should extend past the valve screw, but not so far that it contacts the clamp bar. Tighten the locking screw to hold the trip rod in place. NOTE: If trip rod length is excessive, loosen the locking screw and remove the trip rod from the trip lever. Using pliers, break off the 1" (25mm) long notched section (see Fig. 5). Reinstall trip rod and repeat Step 3 procedure. Mount the OSYSU loosely with the carriage bolts and clamp bar supplied. On valves with limited clearance use J-hooks supplied instead of the carriage bolts and clamp bar to mount the OSYSU. Mark the valve stem at the center of the trip rod. Remove the OSYSU. File a 1/8" (3,2mm) deep groove centered on the mark on the valve stem utilizing a 3/16" (4,8mm) round, non-tapered file. Round and smooth the edges of the groove to prevent damage to the valve packing and to allow the trip rod to move easily in and out of the groove as the valve is operated. Mount the OSYSU with the trip rod centered in groove. Final adjustment is made by loosening 2 screws (see Fig. 1) and sliding the OSYSU on the bracket. Adjustment is correct when switches are not activated with the trip rod seated in the valve stem groove and that the switches activate when the trip rod moves out of the groove. Tighten the adjustment screws and all mounting hardware. Check to insure that the rod moves out of the groove easily and that the switches activate within one turn when the valve is operated from the FULL OPEN towards the CLOSED position. NOTE: CLOSE THE VALVE FULLY TO DETERMINE THAT THE STEM THREADS DO NOT ACTIVATE THE SWITCH. THE SWITCH BEING ACTIVATED BY THE STEM THREADS COULD RESULT IN A FALSE VALVE OPEN INDICATION. _ . PRINTED IN USA MKT. #8820004 - REV P PAGE 2 OF 4 12101 OR , F 0sys" (E)POTTFR 0 6TSIDE SCREW AND YOKE VALVE The Symbol of Protection SUPERVISORY SWITCH FIG. 2 LARGE, VALVE INSTALLATION -3" THRU 12" (76mm THRU 300mm) SIZES 3" THR.0 12" (76mm THRU 300mm) VALVES BRACKET USE CARRIAGE BOLTS. BOLTS MOUNT ON INSIDE OF YOKE, IF THERE CLAMP BAR IS SUFFICIENT CLEARANCE CARRIAGE BOLTS' SLOTTED MOUNTING (2 REQUIRED) HOLES. MAY BE USED ROLLER FOR FINE ADJUSTMENT GROOVE OF SWITCH ON BRACKET YOKE. VALVE STEM TRIP ROD DWG. #979-4 -..L-- , '- GLAND LARGE VALVE INSTALLATION With the valve in the FULL OPEN position, locale the OSYSU across the valve yoke as far as possible from the valve gland, so that the trip rod lays against the non- threaded portion of the valve stem. Mount the OSYSU loosely with the carriage bolts and clamp bar supplied. Loosen the locking screw that holds the trip rod in place and adjust the rod length (see Fig. 4). When adjusted properly, the rod should extend past the valve screw, but not so far that it contacts the clamp bar. Tighten the locking screw to hold the trip rod in place. NOTE: If trip rod length is excessive, loosen the locking screw and remove the trip rod from the trip lever. Using pliers, break off the one 1" (25mm) long notched section (see Fig. 5). Reinstall trip rod and repeat Step 3 proce- dure. Mark the valve stem at the center of the trip rod Remove the OSYSU. File a 1/8" (3,2mm) deep groove centered on the mark of the valve stem utilizing a 3/8" (9,5mm) round, non-tapered file. Round and smooth the edges of the groove to prevent damage to the valve packing and to allow the trip rod to move easily in and out of the groove as the valve is operated. Mount the OSYSU loosely with the trip rod centered in groove. Final adjustment is made by loosening 2 screws (see Fig. 2) and sliding the OSYSU on the bracket. Adjustment is correct when switches are not activated with the trip rod seated in the valve stem groove and that the switches activate within one turn when the valve is operated from the FULL OPEN towards the CLOSED position. Tighten the adjustment screws and mounting hardware. Check to insure that the rod moves out of the groove easily and that the switches activate within one turn when the valve is operated from the FULL OPEN towards the CLOSED position. NOTE: CLOSE THE VALVE FULLY TO DETERMINE THAT THE STEM THREADS DO NOT ACTIVATE THE SWITCH. THE SWITCH BEING ACTIVATED BY THE STEM THREADS COULD RESULT IN A FALSE VALVE OPEN INDICATION. PRINTED IN USA MKI. EE20004 - REV P PAGE 3 OF 2I0 BREAKING EXCESSIVE ROD LENGTH FIG. 5 OPEN VALVE POSITION cou. SW 01 COM. I SW 02 l • CLOSED VALVE POSITION COM- , SW of C. CfO SW 02 DWG. //979-2 OSYSU-1,-2 P POTTER , OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE VALVE The Symbol of Protection SUPERVISORY SWITCH FIG. 3 DIMENSIONS FIG.4 PARTS . OR E0,.1.1AL I" CIALM Scam Im Fm LnCK.0 UP" It C-OW"M am c. IPI-O II 1:1 SWITCH TERMINAL CONNECTIONS CLAMPING PLATE TERMINAL CAUTION: An An uninsulated section of a single conductor should not be looped around the terminal and serve as two separate connections. The wire must be severed, thereby providing supervi- sion of the connection in the event that the wire becomes dislodged from under the terminal. TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS LOCAl. CIRCUIT N.O. tNDICA1ING 10 POWER FOR COTZN.C. DEViCE INDICATING DEVICE 10 SUPERVISORY cipcuti I ! 1 END OF OF CONTROL PANEL JM. L LINE co N.C. c RESISTOR I DWG. p979-1 Contacts shown in normal (valve open) condition. TYPICAL SWITCH ACTION ORDERING INFORMATION MODEL DESCRIPTION STOCK NO. OSYSU-1 Outside Screw-6 Yoke-Supervisory Switch (Single switch) 1010106 OSYSU-2 Outside Screw 8 Yoke-Supervisory Switch (Double switch) 1010206 - Cover Screw 5490344 -- Hex Key for Cover Screws and Installation Adjustments 5250062 -- Optional Cover 1mper Switch Kit 0090131 For pressure reducer type valve irs5l!alion kits (if required) contact valve manufacturer. --• - PRINTED IN USA tlI<1. g6E20004 - REV P PAGE 4 OF a 12101 fl In 0 Length Identification Mark Kwik Bolt II Expansion Anchor Unique Wedge Design Satisfies Wide Range of Fastening Applications ob Nut Washer Anchor Body Collar Wedge Dimple Prevents wedges from Prevents spinning sliding up anchor body in the hole Product Details Kwik Bolt /I anchor sizes range from 1/4" to 1"in diameter and are supplied with washers and nuts or rod couplings. Impact Section (Dog Point) Prevents thread damage during installation Wedges — Expansion Cone Improved wedge design ensures more consistent and Provides consistent expansion of wedges Opt EQUAL reliable fastening Advantages Can be installed through the fixture, Impact section (Dog Point) prevents improving productivity thread damage during installation Comprehensive product offering includes Independent 3-piece wedge with dimples many head styles, sizes, carbon steel and stainless steel materials for a variety prevents anchor from spinning during of applications installation _LengthidentUication -code iaciJi1a1es Anctioi.Jjoram quality control and inspection after Standard Kwik Bolt II installation Long Thread Kwik Bolt II Anchor size is same as drill bit size for easy installation 304 and 316 Stainless Steel Kwik Bolt II Comprehensive performance testing (all component parts of same stainless steel grade) demonstrating high and consistent performance in concrete, light-weight Countersunk Post Nut gj~co ncrete and grout filled block base (Carbon and 304 Stainless Steel) aterials Eyelet Anchor Mechanical expansion allows Rod Coupling Kwik Bolt II immediate load application Custom special orders available in Can be installed in bottomless hole, various lengths and materials which allows the anchor to be driven Hilti Tamper Proof Nut (HTN) flush with the surface after use, eliminat- ing the need 10 cut bolt heads Kwik Bolt II Length Identification System Listings/Approvals Meets the description in Federal Specification FF-S-325, Group II, Type 4, Class 1 UL (Underwriter Laboratories) Listed Std. No 203, "Pipe Hangers" (3/8'to 3/4" diameters), FM (Factory Mutual) Listed "Pipe Hangers" (3/8" KBlI with Rod Coupling) ICBO (International Conference of Building Officials) Evaluation Report No 4627 SBCCI (Southern Building Code Congress International) Report No 9930' COLA (City of Los Angeles) Research Report No 24946 Metro-Dade County Approval 93-0224,04 Stamp on Anchor lA B C 0 F F C H I J K L M N o P 0 R S T U V W X V 2 Anchor But Not 2 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 4 4-1/2 5 5-112 6 6-1/2 7 7-1/2 8 8-1/2 9 9-1/2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 (inches) Including StamponAnchorlA B C 0 F F 6 H I J K L M N o P 0 R ST U V W X V 2 Anchor But Not 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 (inches) including V71r,71F, /175 mrner drill a hole the same nominal 2. clean hole. 3.Drive inc Kwik Bolt 11 /at enough into 4. Tighten to die recommended torque meter as the Kwik Bolt II, with or the hole so that at least six Threads value with a torque wrench or, if ithout the fixture in place- the Kwik are below the top Surface, of toe fix- torque wrench is not available, 2 or 3 801111 works in a "bottomless' hole. lure. A 2 lb. hammier is iecommended turns from the finger tight position to Note: Hole in basepiate must be to drive anchor into toe concrete, achieve proper anchor setting. 1/16" to 1/8" lame, than nominal anchor diameter.- Customer Service 1-800-67-000!V,-F. €:OO am- :OO pm CST) I www.ue.hilti.com [ I - I Kwik Bolt Anchor Program Kwik Bolt Specification Table Anchor Size Setting Details KB 111/411 KB 113/8" KB 111/2" KB 115/80 KB 11 3/40 KB' Ill" BD = 0 drill bit size = anchor diameter 1/4" 3/8" 1/2, 5/8" 3/4" E depth of embedment (minimum/standard) 1-1/8' /2" 1-518/2-1/2 2-1/4"/3-1/2" 2-3/4" 1 4" 3-1/4" /4-3/4", 4-1!2 16" HO hole depth E + D (minimum/standard) 1-3/8' I 2-1/4 2' / 2-7/8' 2-3/4' / 4" 3-3/8" / 4-5/8' 4" /5-1/2" , 5-1/2 / 7" DC wedge clearance hole 5/16' 7/16' 9/16" 11/16 13/16' I anchor length (minimum/maximum) 1-3/4" /4-1/2' 2-1/4 i 7" 2-3/4" / 7" 3-3/4" / 10" 4.3/4" / 12" 6": 12" TI. thread length (standard/extra) 3/4" / 3" 7/1-1/8" / 4" 1i/4" /4" 1-1/2"/3-1/2/4-1/2" 1-1/2" / 3-1/2/4-1/2" 2-1/4 4.1/2' M Installation stainless mm. F 4 20 40 85 150 235 torque (ft. lb.) steel std. F 7 30 75 110 200 guide values carbon mm. E 4 20 40 85 150 253 steel std.E 7 25 65 110 '235 BrAT minimum base material thickness (in.) 3" or 1.36 whichever number is greater Carbon Steel Kwik Bolt 11 Qjm f' - t t WEI Item No Description 00045359 KB 111/4-1-3/4 Bit dia AnChor I Length Mm 1mb Depth Thread I Length Hith Drill Bit in 4000 1mb Depth Ultimate loads psi Concrete' lension (lb) Shea, Pb)j 1mb Depth Allowable in 4000psi VA Loads Concrete 1ension lib) I Dty Shear (lb) Boe]Ctjr 430 10000 1/4" 1-3/4" 1-1/8" 3/4" TE-CX 1/4-6 1-1/8" 1430 1600 11/8" 380 00045360 KB 111/4-2-1/4 1/4" 2-1/4" 1-1/8" 3/4" TE-CX 1/4-6 2' 2350 2000' 2" 630 530' 100/900 JL4 1j4' i.riJ" 3/4" TE-CX 1/4-6 2" 2350 2000 3900 2" 'i:58 630 530' !ioo.'soo 00045362 KB 113/8-2-1/4 3/8" 2-1/4" 1-5/8" 7/8" TE-CX 3/8-6 1-5/8" 2825' —750-:-- 1110 4T001500'' 00045363 KB 113/8-3 3/8" 3" 1-5/8" 1-1/8" TE-CX 3/8-6 2-1/2" 5150 5500' 2-1/2" 1370 1470' 11001400 00045364 KB 113/8-3-3/4 . 3/8" 3-3/4" 1-5/8" 1-1/8" TE-CX 3/8-6 21/2" 5150 5500 2-1/2"., 1370 1470 100400 00045365 KB 113/8-5 3/8" 1-5/8" 1-1/8" TE-CX 3/8-12 2-1/2" 5150 5500' 2-1/2" 1370 1470 50.250 00045366 KB 111/2-2-3/4 1/2" 2-3/4" 2-1/4" 1-1/4" TE-CX 1/2-6 2-1/4" 5450 7360 2-1/4" 1450 , 1970 50'200 00045367 KB 111/2-3-3/4 1/2" 3-3/4" 2-1/4" 1-1/4" TE-CX 1/2-6 2-1/4" 5450 7360 2-1/4" 1450 1970 50/200. 00045368 KB 111/2-4-1/2 . 1/2" 4-1/2" 2-1/4" 1-1/4" TE-CX 1/2-12 3-1/2" 9000 9200' 3-1/2" 2400 2450° 50,200 00045369 KB 111/2-5-1/2 ' 1/2" 5-1/2" 2-1/4" 1-1/4" 1E-CX 1/2-12 3-112" 9000 9200' 3-1/2" 2400 2450° 25/125 00045370 KB 115/8-3-3/4 5/8" 3-3/4" 23/4" 1-1/2" T(-C4 5/8-8 2-3/4" 8000 11500 2-3/4" 2130 3070 25/100 00045371 KB 115/8-4-3/4 ' 5/8" 4-3/4" 23/4" 1-1/2" TE-C4 5/8-8 4" 12350 14200 4' 3290 3840: 251 if 00045372 KB 115/8-6 5/8" 23/4" 1-1/2" TE-C4 5/8-12 4" 12350 14200" 4" 3290 3840 25/7 00045373 -KB 115/8-7 5/8" 23/4" 1-1/2" TE-C. 5/8-12 4" 12350 142W 4" 3290 3840° 25,75 '00045374 KB 113/4-4-3/4 3/4" 4-3/4" 3-1/4" 1-1/2" TE-C-.S 3/4-8 3-1/4" 10000 15500 3-1/4" 2670 4140 1 20;80 00045375 KB 113/4-5-1/2 3/4" 5-1/2" 3-1/4" 1-1/2" TE-C-S 3/4-8 4-3/4" 18000 19200' 4-3/4" 4800 5120 20/60 .00045376 KB 113/4-7 3/4" 7" 3-1/4" 1-1/2" TE-C-S 3/4-12 4-3/4" 18000 19200 4-3/4" 4800 5120 10/40 00045377 KB 113/4-8 3/4" 3-1/4" 1-1/2" 16-C-S 3/4-12 4-3/4" 18000 19200".14-3/4' 4800 5120 10/40 00045412 KB 111-6 1" 6" 4-1/2" 2-1/4" 16-V 1-13 4-1/2" 17500 30500 4-1/2" 4670 8190 525 00045413 KB 111-9 1" 4-1/2" 2-1/4" 16-V 1-13 6" 22000 34500 6" 7070 9200 5/20 Long Thread Carbon Steel Kwik Bolt II &—L — Item No Description Bit Cia Anchor I Length MITI 1mb Depth Thread Lenoth Hilli Drill Bit Ultimate loads in 2000 psi Concete' 1mb EiepTh 1nsion (lb) Shear )Ib) Allowable WI Loads in 4000 psi Concrete' I 1mb Depth Tension (lb) Shear lli Dry BofCtn 00045378 KB 111/4 4-1/2 Long Thread 1/4" 4-1/2" 1-1/8" ' TE-CX 1/4-8 2" 2350 2000 2" 630 530 100600 00331952 KB 113/8x3 Long Thread 3/8" 3" 1-5/8" 1-3/4" TE-CX 3/8-6 2-1/2" 5150 5500° 2-1/2" 1370 1470° 100'400 00331953 KBII 3/Be 3-3/4 Long Thread 3/8" 3-3/4" 1-5/8" 2-1/2" TE-CX 3/8-6 2-1/2" 5150 5500' 2-1/2" 1370 1470' ji00,400 00331954 KB 113/8 x 5 Long Thread 3/8" 5" 1-5/8" 3-1/4" TE-CX 3/8-12 2-1/2" 5150 5500' 2-1/2" 1370 1470° 1 50/250 00242538 KB 113/8 x 7 Long Thread 3/8" 7" 1-5/8" 4" TE-CX 3/8-12 2-112" 5150 5500 2-1/2" 1370 1470 50/200 00331955 KB 111/2 a 3-3/4 Long Thread 1/2" 3-3/4" 2-1/4" 2-1/4" TE-CX 1/2-6 2-1/4' 5450 7360' 2-1/4" 1450 1970° 50/200 00331956 KB 111/2 a 4-1/2 Long Thread 1/2" 4-1/2" 2-1/4" 3" TE-CX 1/2-12 3-1/2" 9000 9200' 3-1/2" 2400 2450' 50/200 00331957 KB II 1/2x5-1/2 Long Thread 1/2" 5-1/2" 2-1/4" TE-CX 1/2-12 3-1/2' 9000 9200' 3-112" 2400 2450 25.'12 30045379 KB 111/2 a 7 Long Thread 1/2" 7" 2-1/4" TE-CX 1/2-12 3-1/2" 9000 9200 3-1/2' 2400 2450 2512 30331958 KB 11 5/8 a 4-3/4 Long Thread 5/8" 4-3/4" 2-3/4" 2-1/2" TE-C 5/8-8 4" 12350 14200' 4" 3290 3840 25/100 30331959 KB 115/8 a 7 Long Thread 5/8" 7" 2-3/4" 4" TI-C 5/8-12 4" 12350 14200' 4' 3290 3840: 25/75 30045380 KB II 5/8a8-1/2 Long Thread 5/8" 8-1/2" 2-3/4" 3-1/2" TE-C- 5/8-12 4" 12350 14200 4" 3290 3840 2575 30045381 KB 115/8a 10 Long Thread 5/8" 10" 2-3/4" 4-1/2" TI-C-. 5/8-12 4" 12350 14200 4" 3290 3840 25,75 30331960 KB 113/4 a 4-3/4 Long Thread 3/4" 4-3/4" 3-1/4" 2-1/2" 11-C-S 3/4-6 3-1/4" 10000 15500: 3-1/4' 2670 4140° 20111 30331961 KB 113/4 a 5-1/2 Long Thread 3/4" 5-1/2" 3-1/4" 3-1/2" IF-C-S 3/4-8 4-3/4' 18000 19200 4-3/4" 4800 5120 20/60 30332044 KB II3/4a7 Long itlread 3/4°' 7" 3-1/4" 4-1/2" IF-C-S 3/4-12 4-3/4" 18000 19200 43/4' 4800 5120 10/" )0332045 KB 113/4 a 10 Long Thread 3/4" 10" 3-1/4" 4-1/2" 11-C-S 3/4-12 4-3/4 j 18000 19200 4-3/4" 4800 5120 10/11 )0045415 KB 113/4 a 12 Long 7h eat 3/'' 12" 3-114' 4-1/2" 1 1E-C-S 3/4-18 2-312" 18000 19200 4.3/4" 2800 5120 10.'3L )0045416 KB Ill a 12 Long Thread 1" 12" 4-1/2" 4-1/2" IF-V 1-21 F. 22000 34500 6" I 70701 9200 5/15 t'41U&E snow:'. 2ff to' a sr.aa' D,2n1 2i,no 1fl'C_'; ttf 4ff" (a': Sta", W,',Er tPF Sf42' 014'* : aClir' Th'c,jp itj a',:'i' 00'f !'1440! I lr sr,' ,jt c : 5fl(,IV' 212 If' a Sr.64' t2"/ i.',i' '! 2'(C" Y S4' •V,'- !.,' 51,42 42',r a:'"; I'CjY .'r a.-,:-,o' : ft,5205 tfOu It'; SW6,, Ia,:,i S-i nil ':Oj:: 'r?1r2' G.,i/ i' 'i"f:/ '°°J Customer Ser4CC 1-800479-8000 lM-F €00 am 6:00 OTT' CST; i wwwus.hiltjcom TAME 'Y'T TM APPROVED 8007957 GST 10 X CPVC 1-1/2 300 1.5 8020957 SWG 10 X CPVC 1-1/2 300 1.5 8008957 GST 20 X 2-1/2 850 1.5 X 8068925 GST 20 SS X 2-1/2 850 1.5 8010957. GST-30 X 4 1500 1.5 X 8009925 GST 25-380 X 4 1500 1-.5 - 8022925 SWG 25-380 X 3-1/2 - 4* 1500 1.5 8021957 SWG 20 X 2-1/2 - 3** 1250 1.5 8073925 SWG 20 SS X 2-1/2 1250 1.5 8139957 SH GST 2O X 3 1050 1.5 X 8141957 SHGST30 X 4 1500 1.5 X 8140957 SH GST 2OSS X 3 1050 1.5 . 8142957 SH GST 30 SS X 4 1500 1.5 Minimum t.BXP/N.. STEEL UL Max Pipe UL Test Steel, FM Max FM Test Size, in. Load . FM Pipe Size Load - Thickness, in. 8038957 DSTR 1 X 4 1500 0.035 X 4 1475 8037957 DSTR 1-1/2 X 4 1500 0.035 X 4 1475 8039957 DSTR 516 X 4 1500 0.037 X 4 1475 8045957 DST 516 X 4 1500 0.188 X 4 1475 8046957 TEK50 X 4 1500 0.250 X 4 1475 8055957 SWDR 1 X 4 1500 0.037 X 4 1475 8056957 SWDR 516 X 4 1500 0.037 X 4 1475 8054957 SWDR 1-1/2 X 4 1500 0.037 X 4 1475 8137957 SH DSTR 1 X 4 1500 0.035 X 4 1475 8138957 SH DSTR 1 SS X 4 1500 0.035 8150922 XP 20 X 2 750 0.027 X 4 1475 8153922 XP 35 X 3-1/2 1250 0.043 X 4 1475 BX J'/N CONCRETE FM FM Max FM Test Pipe Size Load 8059957 CST 20 X 4 1475 8061957 SWC20 X 4 1475 4 1475 4 1475 4 1475 4 1475 4 1475 4 1475 1.5 1.5 Minimum Steel Thickness, in. 0.1050 0.1050 0.1050 0.1875 0.1875 0.0600 0.0600 0.0600 0.1050 0.1050 0.1050 Material 3000 PSI 3000 PSI * SWG 25-380 Maximum pipe size in composite wood joist allowed by UL is 3-1/2' SWG 25-380 Maximum pipe size in wood timber or joist allowed by UL is 40 LM SWG 20 Maximum pipe size in composite wood joist allowed by UL is 2-1/2" . . ** SWG 20 Maximum pipe size in wood timber or joist allowed by UL is 3' 7, /011 UL and FM tests were performed in compliance with NFPA-13 Standards. www.itwbuildex.com Fastening requirement: 5 times weight of water filled schedule 40 pipe 250 pounds. 800-284-5339 SSS22 FIG. 70R FIG. 70S S Fig. 70 - Steel Rod Coupling Fig. 70R - Steel Reducing Rod Coupling Fig. 70S - Short Pattern Steel Rod Coupling Fig. 71 - Steel Window Rod Coupling Li S Size Range - 1/4" thru 1h/2 rod Material - Carbon Steel Function - Used for coupling two threaded rods together of equal or reduced rod sizes, with or without inspection hole. Finish - Electro-Galvanized Note - Available in HDG finish or Stainless Steel materials., Fig. 70 Dimensions 'Weights Rod MaxRec. Approx. Size - Length Load Lbs. WtJ100 1/4 7/8 240 2 5/16 ' VI. 300 13 3/8 ' 1/.. 610 11 1/2 1/. 1130 11 5/8 216 1810 16 3/4 21/. ' 2710 27 7/8 2V2 3770 57 1 2/. ' 4960 70 1'/." - 1 'h" - Consult factory for specifications Fig. 70R Dimensions 'Weights Rod Max Rec. Approx. Size Length Load Lbs. WtJ100 3/8 x 1/4 7/8 240 4 1/2x3/8 VI. 610 7 5/8 x 1/2 216 1130 14 3/4 x 5/8 21/. 1810 21 7/8x3/4 2'/2 2710 40 Fig. 70S/Fig. 71 Dimensions 'Weights Rod Max Rec. Approx. Size Length Load Lbs. WtJ100 3/8 1'/. 610 4 1/2 1'/. 1130 6 Office/Manufacturing tacility• 13,71. Sampson Av€. Colon, CA 92879 - Ph: 9O9.737.599. F.: 909.737.0330 Customer Service 800.786.5268 www.lolco.com Fig. 25 - Surge Restrainer Size Range - One size fits 3/4° thru 2° pipe. Material - Steel Function - Designed to be used in conjunction with TOLCOIM Band Hangers to restrict the upward movement of piping as it occurs during sprinkler head activation or earthquake type activity. The surge restrainer is easily and efficiently installed by snapping into a locking position on the bank hanger. This product is intended to satisfy the requirements as indicated in the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 13, 1999 Edition), 6-2.3.3, 6-2.3.4 and A-6i-2.3.3 Can be used to restrain either, steel pipe or CPVC plastic Pipe. Approvals - Underwriters' Laboratories Listed Qniy when used with TOLCO band hangers Fig. 2, 2NFPA and 200, in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL). Finish - Pre-Galvanized r:.._.. ............t-...._ ..__1rC\ fl# L.........,.J L _.__ £_,.._ flAil thru 2°. Patent #5,344,108 OR EQU AL .. 011icelManulacturino Facility. 1375 Sampson Ave. Corona. CA 92879. Ph: 909.77.5599 Fey: 909.737.0330 Customer Service 800.786.5266 wwwtolco.Com 2 1/2 THRIJB INCH PIPE Fig. 200 - "Trim line" Adjustable Band Hanger Size Range - 1/2" thru 8' pipe Material - Carbon Steel., MIL Galvanized to G90 specifications . . . . Function - For fire sprinkler and other general piping purposes. Knurled swivel nut design permits hanger .....•( adjustment after installation. Features — (1/2" thru 2") Flared edges ease installation for all pipe types and protect CPVC plastic pipe from I abrasion. Captured design keeps adjusting nut from separating with hanger. Hanger is easily A .. 1. installed around pipe. (21/20 thru 8' Spring tension on nut holds it securely in hanger before installation. Adjusting nut is easily removed. - I .'-.''- ..- thru 80) in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL) for steel 1(2 THRU 2 INCH PIPE and CPVC plastic pipe and Factory Mutual Engineering p r Approved (3/40 thru 8k). Conforms to Federal . ) jaaa Specifications WW-H-171 E, Type 10 and Manufacturers Standardization Society SP-69, Type 10. Maximum Temperature - 650°F Finish - Mil Galvanized For Stainless Steel materi- als, order TOLCOTM Fig 200WON Jr Order By - Figure number and pipe size Dimensions • Weights Pipe Rod Size Max. Rec. Approx. Size Inch Metric A B Load Lbs. Length 1/2 3/8 8mm or 10mm 31/8 2/, 400 11 3/4 3/8 8mm or 10mm 31/, 2141 400 11 1 3/8 8mm or 10mm 33/, 2/, 400 12 1'/ 3/8 8mm or 10mm 33/i 2/, 400 13 11/2 3/8 8mm or 10mm 31/0 21/, 400 14 2 3/8 8mm or 10mm 41/ 3 400 15 21/3 3/8 10mm 5'/, 41/e 600 27 3 3/8 10mm 57/, 4 600 29 3'/ 3/8 10mm 73/, 51/i 600 34 4 3/8 10mm 71/, 5 1000 35 5 1/2 12mm 91/, 61/ 1250 66 6 1/2 12mm 101/, 6/. 1250 73 8 1/2 12mm 13'/, 8i. 1250 136 U Main 011ice/Manufacluiing Facility . 1.375 Sampson Ave. Corona, CA 92E79 . Ph: 909.737.5599 . Fax: 909.737.0330 Customer ServiceS 800786526€ www.tolco.com Fig. 65 Patent #4,570,885 Fig. 65 Dimensions Weights Rod Size Max. Rec. Approx. A B C D E F Load Lbs. WtJ100 3/8 V/ 3/4 1 7/16 1 610 28 1/2 11/2 3/4 1 9/16 1'h 1130 55 5/8 1V2 3/4 1 9/16 11/. 1130 55 * Max. loads for clamp with set screw in up or down position. Fig. 66 Dimensions • Weights Rod Size Max. Rec. Approx. A B C D E F Load Lbs. WtJ100 3/8 1/16 11 /. 1 7/16 1 610 28 1/2 1 1h l'/. 1 9/16 11!1 1130 55 5/8 1 V2 11. 1 9/16 1 V. 1130 55 Max. loads for clamp with set screw in up or down position. Fig. 65 and Fig. 66 Reversible C-Type Beam Clamps 3/4" and.11/4" Throat Openings Component of State of Calitornia OSHPD Approved Seismic Restraints System (j)(j) Size Range - (Fig. 65 and Fig. 66) 3/8", 1/2' and 5/8' rod Material - Carbon Steel with hardened cup point set screw and jam nut Function - Recommended for hanging from steel beam where flange thickness does not exceed 3/4" (Fig. 65) or 11/4 (Fig. 66). Features - All steel construction eliminates structural deficiencies associated with casting type beam clamps. May be used on top or bot- tomflange of the beam. (Beveled lip allows hanging from top flange where clearance is limited.) May be installed with set screw in up or down position. Offset design permits unlimited rod adjustment by allowing the rod to be thieaded completely through the clamp. Open design permits inspection of thread engagement. Approvals - Underwriters' Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and CanadajdUL)factoiy Mutual Engineering aD roved. Conforms to Federal Specification WW-H-1 71 E, Type 23 and Manufacturers Standardization Society SP-69, Type 19. Exceeds requirements of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Pamphlet 13, 3/8" rod will support 1/2" thru 4' pipe, 1/2" rod will support 1/2" thru 8" pipe. Included in our Seismic Restraints Catalog approved by the State of California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). For additional load, spacing and placement relating to OSHPD projects, please refer to the TOLCO Seismic Restraint Systems Guidelines. Finish - Plain Note - Available in Electro-Galvanized and HDG finish. Order By - Figure number, rod size and finish iI- A, (C)" R EQUAL U 01I1CLIMANuFAc1uRING FACILIIY- 1375 SAMPSON AV[. -CORONA. CA 92879. PH: 951.737.5599 FAX: 951.737.0330 CuSlOMER s[RVICE -800766.5266 www.tolco.com Fig. 69 - Beam Clamp Retaining Strap Size Range - 3/8" thru 7/8" rod by 4" thru 16' length.* Function - To offer more secure fastening of various types of beam clamps to beam where danger of movement might be expected. NFPA 13 requires the use of retaining straps with all beam clamps installed in earthquake areas. Satisfies requirements of NFPA 13 (1999) 6-4.7.1. Important Note - Good installation practice of a retaining strap requires that the strap be held tightly and securely to all component parts of the assembly. Therefore a locking mecha- nism of some kind such as a hex nut or the beveled locking slot on the TOLCOIM Fig. 69R will provide a more secure reliable installation. Approvals - Underwriters' Laboratories listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUl). Approved for use with any listed beam clamp. Included in our Seismic Restraints Catalog approved by the Slate of California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). Finish— Pre-Galvanized ?" £'t.. Order By - Figure number, type, length "B" and rod size being used with beam clamp Note - Minimum return on Strap: 1 0 Dimensions Weights Type Rod Size A Hole Size B 1 3/8 7/16 Specify 1/2 9/16 Specify 2 5/8 11/16 Specify 3/4 13/16 Specify 3 3/8 -7/8 Specify Specify * Longer lengths are available, consult factory. L'fl Ottice/Manutaciuiing Facility. iTh S,mpsor AvE. Corona. CA 92879 - Ph: 909737.5599. Ivy: 909.737.0330 Customer Service 800.786.5266 www.lolco.com 10 Fig. 130 -. Beam Clamp with Bolt and Nut Size Range - Fig. 130-1 = TJI 35 Fig. 130-2 = - Fig. 130-3 = TJI 25 Fig. 130-4 = TJI 55 & 65 Fig. 130-5 = TJI 75 Fig. 130-6 = TJI 96 Material - Carbon Steel Function - Effective and economical method of hanging from "Trus Joist" type beams. Use with Fig. 102 Eye Rod. Approvals - Sizes 1, 2, 3 and 4 Underwriters' Laboratories listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL) listed through 4" pipe. All Fig. 130 Beam Clamps meet requirements of Factory Mutual Engineering and NFPA 13, through 4 pipe. Finish - Electro-Galvanized Note - Available in HDG finish or Stainless Steel materials. by H&W of beam and finish. W H 1/8" 3/8" S S Dimensions • Weights Size Beam Dimensions Approx. 130- A H W WtJ100 1 31/4 1½ 2s 65 2 31 13/4 21h 70 3 31/4 1½ 13/4 58 4 3l/ 1½ 3½ 83 5t 35 13/4 31/2 86 6t 41h 21h 3/8 101 Max. Rec. Load 500 lbs. "Safety Factor of 5 t Larger bolts and I-rods are required for 5 and 6 pipe sizes OFFICE/MANUFACTURING FACILITY - 1375 SAMPSON AVE. . CORONA. CA 92879. PH: 951.737.5599 • FAX: 951.137.0330 CUSTOMER SERVICE • 800.786.5266 www.tolco.com S Fig. 113 - Standard Hex Nut Size Range - Sizel/4" thru 11/28 Material - Carbon Steel Finish - Plain Note - Available in Electro-Galvanized and HOG finish or Stainless Steel materials. Order By - Figure number size and finish Fig. 114 - Heavy Hex Nut Size Range - Size1I48 thru 172" Material - Carbon Steel Finish - Plain Note - Available in Electro-Galvanized and HDG finish or Stainless Steel materials. ( N • Dimensions Weights Dimensions • Weights Width Width Width Width Rod Across Across Approx. Rod Across Across Approx. Size Flats Points Thickness wuioo Size Flats Points Thickness Wtjj 00 1/4 7/16 1/2 7/32 .7 1/4 1/2 37/64 15/64 1.2 5/16 1/2 37/64 17/64 11 5/16 9/16 21/32 19/64 1.7 3/8 9/16 21/32 21/64 1.6 3/8 11/16 51/64 23/64 3.1. 1/2 3/4 55/64 7/16 37 1/2 7/8 11/ 31/64 . 6.5 5/8 15/16 1 2/32 35/64 7.3 5/8 1h/, 116/0. 39/64 12.0 3/4 11Ie 1/I6 41/64 12.0 3/4 1'/ 1"Ie 47/64 19.0 7/8 1"/. 1 Ie. 3/4 19.0 7/8 1'/, 1 55/64 30.0 1 1 '/2 1/. 55/64 28.0 1 184 116 63/64 43.0 ' 11,. 17/ 211I. 211I 11/I6 1 9/w 54.0 94.0 VI, 11/2 2 2°/i 211,e 2/, 1 I/V 1'"6 79.0 131.0 11/2 28/. Fig. 115- Flat Washer. Fig. 117- Lock Washer Size Range - Sizel/4" thru 1 1/20 Size Range - Sizel/48 thru 3/4" bolt Material - Carbon Steel Material - Carbon Steel Finish - Plain Finish - Plain Note - Available in Electro-Galvanized and HOG Note - Available in Electro-Galvanized and I4DG finish or Stainless Steel materials, finish or Stainless Steel materials. Order By - Figure number size and finish Order By - Figure number size and finish ................. ...................... Dimensions • Weights Dimensions Weights Rod Size Outside Diameter Approx. WIJ100 Rod Size Outside Diameter Approx.Wt./100 1/4 3/4 .7 3/8 11/16 .6 5/16 1 1.5 1/2 7/8 1.3 3/8 13/. 3.9 5/8 11/ 2.4 1/2 1/. 77 3/4 1/. 4.0 5/8 16/86 7.3 3/4 2 11.0 7/8 21/. 19.0 1 2/. 22.0 1'/. 3 26.0 . 18/ 316 39.0 Ottice/Manulactuling Facility. 375 Sampson Ave.. Coma. CA 92E7 • Ph: 909.731.559 Fax: 909.731.0330 12 Customer Service . 800.786.?6€ www.folto.com Fig. 98 -Rod, Stiffener Size Range - Secures 3/8 thru 7/8" hanger rod Material - Carbon Steel Function - Secures channel to hanger rod for vertical seismic bracing I Finish - Electro Galvanized Note - Available in HDG finish or Stainless Steel materials I Order By - Figure number ,.,... .. .. .. N Fig. 99 - All Thread Rod Cut to Length . Size Range - Secures 3/8° thru 7/8° rod in . Dimensions • Weights 1" increments Material — Carbon Steel LI 11 LVA Vice Temps x.Rec.Load Lbs. Maximum Temperature - 750 F 3/4B540 Finish - Plain N ... 1130 1010 Note - Available in Electro-Galvanized and 5/8 1810 1610 HDG finish or Stainless Steel materials. 3/4 2710 2420 Order By - Figure number, rod diameter, rod 7/8 . 3770 3360 length and finish S Fig. 100 - All Thread Rod Full Lengths Size Range - Secures 3/8' thru 7/8 rod in 10' lengths Material - Carbon Steel Maximum Temperature - 750°F Finish - Plain Note - Available in Electro-Galvanized and HDG finish or Stainless Steel materials. Order By - Figure number, rod diameter and finish Dimensions • Weights Max Rec. Load Lbs. Rod For Service Temps Approx. Size 650°F 750°F WtJ100 1/4 240 215 12 3/8 610 540 29 1/2 1130 1010 53 5/8 1810 1610 84 3/4 2710 2420 123 7/8 3770 3360 169 1 4960 4420 222 17. 8000 7140 360 5 1 '/2 11630 10370 510 Main OIIice/Manut,cIu:ing iacility. 1375 Sampson Ave., CoIon, CA 92E79. Ph: 909.737.5599 • Ivy: 909.737:0330 Cuslome, Service 800.786.526 www.folcc.com S Fig. 980 - Universal Swivel Sway Brace Attachment Component of State of Size Range - One size fits bracing pipe 1, thru 2, TOLCO 12 seismic Restraints System gauge channel, and all structural steel up to 1/4' thick. California OSHPD Approved Material - Carbon Steel xl= ~ Function, - Multi-functional attachment to structure or braced pipe fitting. UH. Features - This product's design incorporates a concentric attachment opening which is critical to the performance of structur- al seismic connections. NFPA 13 (1999 Edition) Table 6-4.5.9 indicates clearly that fastener table load values are based only on concentric loading. Fits-multiple sizes of bracing pipe, strut or structural steel. Mounts to any surface angle. Break off bolt head assures verification of prpper installation. S Application Note - Install per NFPA 13 and/or TOLCO State of California (OSHPD) Approved Seismic Restraint Manual. Installation - Place bracing component into jaw fully and tighten b,oiLuntil head breaks off. Approvals - Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL). Included in our Seismic Restraints Catalog approved by the Slate of California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). Note - The Fig. 980 Swivel Attachment and the Fig. 1001, Fig. 1000, Fig. 2001 or Fig. 4A Pipe Clamp make up a sway brace system of UL Listed attachments and bracing materials which satisfies the require- ments of Underwriters' Laboratories and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) . Finish - Plain Note - Available in Electro-Galvanized finish. Order By - Figure number and finish. Important Note - The Fig. 98= is precision manufactured to perform its fur of a complete bracing assembly. To ensure performance, the UL Listing must be used only with other TOLCO bracing products. NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL PATENT APPLICATION IN PROCESS. V Dimensions • Weights Max. Design Approx. A B Load Lbs. Wt./100 S 51/ 14 17/32 2765 132 Available with hole sizes to accommodate up to 3/4W fastener. Consult factory. Main Ottice/Manutacturing facility. 1271j Sampson Ave. 'Corona. CA 92979. Ph: 909.737.5599. tax: 909.737.0330 I Customer Service 800.786.526 www.iolco.com OR EQjp1j Component of State of vtm r..lL. rst.Unr, SHOWN WITH FIG. 980 BRACE FITTING TO PIPE BRACE (ACROSS BEAM) SHOWN WITH FiG. 980 BRACE FITTING TO PIPE BRACE (ALONG BEAM) 0 Fig. 800 - Adjustable Sway Brace Attachment to Steel &V 1~1 Size Range - 4 thru 18' beam width Material - Carbon Steel Function - Seismic brace attachment to steel. Features - This product's design incorporates a concentric attach- ment point which is critical to the performance of structural seismic connections. NFPA 13 indicates the importance of concentric loading of connections and fasteners. Permits secure connection to steel where drilling and/or weldingof brace connection could present struc- tural issues. Comes completely assembled ready for installation. The Fig. 800 must be used with one of the TOLCOIM Fig. 900 series brace fittings (ordered separately). Installation Instructions - Tighten set bolts against flange until bolt head breaks off. Tighten hex head bolts into clamp body until lock washers are fully flat. Application Note - Allows bracing in either lateral or longitudinal direction. Canada (cUL). Included in our Seismic Restraints Catalog approved by the State of California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). Finish - Plain Note - Available in Electro-Ga Ivan ized and HDG finish. Order By - Figure number, type number and size number. Important Structural Note: TOLCO Steel Fig. 65/66 components were used during structural test- ing and are required to achieve the listed results. Malleable iron cbm- ponents must never be substituted because of their serious potential for fracture and failure. Dimensions • Weights Max. Design Loads/Lbs. Flange Thickness Along Across Size Max. (In.) Beam Beam 1 3/4 1265 2015 2 1'/. 1265 2015 Dimensions 'Weights Max. Design Loads/Lbs. Fits Beam Along Across Size Range (In.) Beam Beam 1 4-6 1265 2015 2 6-8 1265 2015 3 8-10 1265 2015 4 10-12 1265 2015 5 12-14 1265 2015 6 14-16 1265 2015 7 16-18 1265 2015 Main OtticelManulactuilna I actity . 775 Sampson Ave. - Coiona. CA 92679. P5: 909.737.5599 - Fax: 9097310330 Im Customer ServiceS 800.786.5266 www.toico.com Fig. 4A - Pipe Clamp for Sway Bracing Size Range - 4" thru 8" pipe: For sizes smaller than 4" use TOLCOIM Fig. 4. Material - Carbon Steel., Function - For bracing pipe against sway and seismic disturbance. Approvals - Underwriters' Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL) 4" thru 8". Included in our Seismic Restraints Catalog approved by the State of California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). Installation Instructions - Install Fig. 4A Pipe Clamp on pipe to be braced. Attach Sway-Brace Fitting to 1/2" Clamp bit (Sway- Brace Fitting to be on outside ears of clamp). Tighten securely. (mm. torque requirement - 50 ft. lbs.) Sway Brace Assemblies are intended to be installed in accordance with NFPA 13 and the Manufacturers Installation Instructions. Finish - Plain Note - Available in Electro-Galvanized and HDG finish or StainIessSteeLma1esialS. Order By - Figure number, pipe size and finish @ CS compdnent of State of California OSHPD Approved Seismic Restraints System B A / / i• ------ I' / 0 C Fig. 4A - Longitudinal Brace Fig. 4A - Brace Dimensions . Weights Pipe Max. Horizontal Approx. Sizes A B C D Bolt Size Design Load WtJ100 4 8'/ 9/16 3/, 311/,, 1/2 2015 221 5 9I, 9/16 31!, 45/, 1/2 2015 253 6 11'h 5/8 5 51!, 1/2 2015 513 8 131/ 3/4 611I,, 6/, 1/2 2015 601 0IIice/ManuIcIuing Facility. 1375 Sampson Ave . Co:ona. CA S21579 -Ph: 909.737.5599• Fax: 909.737.0330 Customer Service 800.7136.5266 www.lolco.com S Fig. 1000 - "Fast Clamp"Sway Brace Attachment Size Range - Pipe size to be'braced: 1° thru 6 Schedule 10 thru 40.' Pipe size used for bracing: 1 and 11/4° Schedule 40 I PS. * Additionally (UL) approved for use to brace Schedule 7 sprinkler pipe up to 40 (maximum horizontal design load 655 lbs.) Torque requirement 6 - 8 ft. lbs. Material - Carbon Steel Function - For bracing pipe against sway and seismic disturbance. The pipe attachment component of a sway brace system: Fig. 1000 is used in conjunction with a TOLCOTM Fig. 900 Series Fitting and joined together with bracing pipe per NFPA 13' or TOLCO OSHPD Approved Seismic Manual, forming a complete sway brace assembly. Features - Can be used 10 brace Schedules 7 thru 40 IPS. Field adjustable, making critical pre-engineering of bracing pipe uoriecessary. Unique desigpjquires no threading of bracing pipe. Can be used as 4-way riser brace. Can be used as longitudinal brace with Fig. 907. All steel construction eliminates structural deficiencies associated with casting type sway brace fittings. Comes assembled and individually packaged with illustrated installation instructions - sizes are clearly marked. Steel leaf spring insert provided to assure installer and inspector necessary minimum torque has been achieved. Application Note - Position Fast Clamp and lighten two hex nuts until leaf spring flattens. A minimum of 1" pipe extension beyond the Fig. 1000 is recommended. Approvals - Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL). Included in our Seismic Restraints Catalog approved by the State of California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). Finish — Plain Note - Available in Electro-Galvanized and HDG finish or Stainless Steel materials. Order By - Order first by pipe size to be braced, followed by pipe size used for bracing, figure number and finish. Important Note - The Fig. 1000 is precision manufactured to perform its function as a critical component of a complete bracing assembly. To ensure performance, the UL Listing requires that the Fig. 1000 must be used only with other TOLCO bracing products. Component of State of California OSHPD Approved Seismic Restraints System \ \ I I / OR E, J! A Im Maximum Design Load 1° thru 4' pipe size - 2015 lbs. 6' size - 1265 lbs. Main 011ice/Manufaciuring Facility. 1275 Sampson Ave. Corona, CA 92879' ph: 009.737.5599. Isa: 909.737.0330 13 Cusiome, Service ' 800.786.5266 www.lolco.com 9, Fig. 58 -Threaded Side Beam Bracket Size Range - 3/8 rod, pipe sizes 1/2' thru 4' Material - Carbon Steel Function - Practical and economical bracket used to support piping from wood, concrete or steel beams. Features - Unique design allows rod to be easily threaded into bracket. Offset design permits unlimited rod adjustment. Center mounting hole will accept 3/8' and 1/2" fastener bolts. Per NFPA 13: 1/2' thru 2" pipe requires 3/8" fastener, 21/2" thru 4' pipe requires 1/2" fastener.* Approvals - Underwriters' Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL), and Factory Mutual Engineering approved thru 4" pipe. *Note — Additionally UL has listed the Fig. 58 with fasteners as shown in table below. Finish - Plain Order By - Figure number and finish Dimensions • Weights Pipe Size Oty. Fastener Type Material 2 2 21/a - 4 2 1 1 Al16 x 2 Drive Screws 3/8 Lag Bolt 1/2 Lag Bolt Wood Wood Wood 3'/2 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 1/4 x 1'/2 Lag Bolt 1/4 x 2 Lag Bolts" 1/4 x 1 lek screws 1/4 x 1 tek screws Wood Wood 14 gauge 16 gauge No pre-drilling required Dimensions • Weights Pipe Rod Size Size A Max. Rec. Approx. B C Load Lbs. WtJ100 1/2 thru 4 3/8 2/. 1/2 11/8 300 14 N' Pic.dtiUjrgi Up. -. c 4 OM P1)( JpTo4irt h Pipe I 2-l.2 . DF 5crw — -.. ..-..-. 1. Thru 2 inch PIPE ....... \. 'p•-. -• Tc: Type Scrw .......-. IrtEp MIII. itiGa Steel Up 104 rIch Pipe Boll S H,.. Nul Up Tr) 4irth .-.- Pipe S Office/Manufacturing Facility. 1375 Sampsorl Ave. . Coiona, CA 92679. Pr.: 951.737.5599 . lax: 951.737.0330 Customer Service . 800.786.5266 www.tolco.com Fig. 51 - Side Beam Bracket for NFPA Rod and Fastener Sizing Size Range - 3/8' and 1/2' rod, 1/2" thru 8" pipe Material - Carbon Steel Function - Recommended for attaching hanger rod to side of beams or walls. Designed to accommodate current rod schedule and fastener requirements per National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Pamphlet 13. Approvals - Underwriters' Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL), and Factory Mutual Engineering approved. Finish - Plain Note - Available in Electro-Galvanized and HDG finish or Stainless Steel materials. Order By - Figure number, rod size and finish - B A I Dimensions Weights S Pipe Rod A B C Hole Size Max. Rec. Approx. Size Size H -i H-2 Load Lbs.* WtJiOO 1/2-2 3/8 2 3/4 2 7/16 7/16 700 35 2'I2-4 3/8 2 3/4 2 9/16 7/16 700 34 5 -6 1/2 2'/2 3/4 2'/ 9/16 9/16 1250 71 8 1/2 2'/2 3/4 2'/ 11/16 9/16 1250 70 S D Main Office/Manufacturing Faci lily . 1315 Sampson Ave. Corona. CA 92679 -Ph: 909.737.5599 Fax: 909.737.0330 Customer Service • 800.786.5266 www.iolco.com 0 Fig. 825 - Bar Joist Sway Brace Attachment c®usuSTEo Size Range - One size accommodates all TOLCO Fig. 900 Series sway brace attachments. Component of State of Maximum Horizontal Design Load 2015 lbs. California OSHPD Approved Seismic Restraints System Material - Carbon Steel 3/8" Function - *To attach sway bracing and hanger assemblies to steel open web structural members. Features - This product's design incorporates a concentric attachment point which is critical to the performance of structural seismic connections. NFPA 13 indicates the importance of concentric loading of connections and -. fasteners. Permits secure non-friction connection without drilling or welding. I Unique design reinforces point of connection to joist. Break off head bolt I . design assures verification of proper installation torque (mm. 31 ft.-lbs.). ( (j Approvals - Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada / (cUL). Included in our Seismic Restraints Catalog approved by the State of California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). For additional load, spacing and placement information relating to OSHPD projects, please refer to the TOLCO Seismic Restraint Systems Guidelines. Install nstructibns---Tha-Fi-g.-825-is-ttTa-structurai-attachment-com- ponent of a longitudinal or lateral sway brace assembly. It is intended to be Maximum Design Load 2015 Lbs. combined with a TOLCO transitional attachment, "bracing pipe" and a TOLCO Weight/100 237.5 Lbs. "braced pipe" attachment, to form a complete bracing assembly. NFPA 13 and/ or OSHPD guidelines should be followed. UL Listed as Hanger Attachment To Install - Place the Fig. 825 on the steel beam, tighten the cone point set 6" Pipe Max. bolts until bolt heads break off. Attach other TOLCO transitional attachment fitting, Fig. 909, 910 or 980. Transitional fit- • ting attachment can pivot for adjustment to proper brace angle. Important Structural Structural Note: .' I.L The TOLCO Fig. 825 has significant UL established design loads, however, struc- tural issues related to the steel joist mem- ' - I . , ber require restricted location installation ' for all bracing. Steel Joist Manufacturers :i'. require that all earthquake bracing connec- Fv tions be within 6" of the cord panel point. .... Installation of the Fig. 825 must be limited to the outer third sections of the joist span. L For installations within the center third r,e L.. I F. section of the joist span, use UL Listed . :.. Fig TOLCO Fig. 825A. Finish - Plain, Electro-Galvanized and HDG Order By - Figure number and finish -. US Patent 46,098,942, Canada Patent - #2,286,659 - TOLCOO brand bracing components are desgined to be compatible ONLY with other TOLCO brand bracing components, resulting in a Listed seismic bracing assembly. DISCLAIMER - NIBCO does NOT warrant against the failure of TOLCOO brand bracing components, in the instance that such TOLCO® brand bracing components are used in combination with products, parts or systems which are not manufactured or sold under the TOLCOO brand. NIBcO shall IQI be liable under any circumstance for any direct or indirect, incidental or consequential damages of any kind, including but not limited to loss of business or profit, where non-TOLCO brand bracing components have been, or are used. OFFICE/MANUFACTURING FACILITY • 1375 SAMPSON AVE. - CORONA, CA 92879 • PH: 951.737.5599 - FAX: 951.737.0330 CUSTOMER SERVICE • 800 786.5266 www.toko.com Component of State of California OSHPD Approved Seismic Restraints System [1 Fig. 1001 - Sway Brace Attachment C@ US liSTED Size Range - Pipe size to be braced: 21/2' thru 8 IPS.* Pipe size used for bracing: 1 ' and 11/4" Schedule 40 IPS. Material - Carbon Steel Function - For bracing pipe against sway and seismic disturbance. The pipe attachment component of a sway brace system: The Fig. 1001 is used in conjunction with a TOLCOTM 900 Series fitting and joined together with bracing pipe per NFPA 13, forming a complete sway brace assembly. Features - *Can be used to brace schedules 7 through 40 IPS. Field adjustable, making critical pre-engineering of bracing pipe length unneces- sary. Unique design requires no threading of bracing pipe. Can be used as a component of a four-way riser brace. Comes assembled and ready for installation. Fig. 1001 has built-in visual verification of correct installa- tion. See installation note below. Installation Note - Position Fig. 1001 over the pipe to be braced and tighten two hex head cone point set bolts until heads bottom out. A minimum of 1" pipe extension is recommended. Approvals - Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL). Included in our Seismic Restraints Catalog approved by the State of California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). For additional load, spacing and placement information relating to OSHPD projects. please refer to the TOLCO Seismic Restraint Systems Guidelines. Finish - Plain Note - Available in Electro-Galvanized and HOG finish. Order By - Indicate pipe size to be braced followed by pipe size used for bracing, figure number and finish. Important Note - The Fig. 1001 is precision manufactured to perform its function as a critical component of a complete bracing assembly. IQ ensure performance, the UL Listing requires that the Fig. 1001 must be used only with other TOLCO bracing products. The Fig 1001 is not intended for use with the Fig. 907 4-Way Longitudinal Brace Attachment. NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL PATENT APPLICATION IN PROCESS OFFICE/MANUFACTURING FACILITY • 1375 SAMPSON AVE. - CORONA, CA 92879 • PH: 951.737.5599 - FAX: 951.737.0330 CUSTOMER SERVICE • 800.786.5266 www.rolco.com S S Maximum Design Load Sch 7 - 1600 lbs. Sch 10 & 40w/1" Brace Pipe -2015 lbs. Sch 10 & 40 w/11/4" Brace Pipe - 2765 lbs. S t 0 ES-A-3000SS 00' Series 3000SS A A M E S Double Check Detector Assemblies FIRE&WATERWORKS Sizes: 21/2 - 12° (65 - 300mm) Features Patented Cam-Check Assembly valve provides low head loss Short lay length is ideally suited for retrofit installations Stainless Steel body is half the weight of competitive designs reducing installation and shipping cost Stainless steel construction provides long term corrosion protection and maximum strength Series30U0SSDoubleCheckDetectorssembliesardesigned4orjspacrjan Single top access cover witfftWöThtt grooved style coupling for ease of with water utility non-health hazard containment requirements. It is mandatory to maintenance prevent the reverse flow of fire protection system substances, i.e., glycerin wetting No special tools required for servicing agents, stagnant water and water of non-potable quality from being pumped or Compact construction allows for siphoned into the potable water supply. smaller vaults and enclosures Specifications Furnished with /e° x 3/4° bronze meter (gpm or cfm) A Double Check Detector Assembly shall be installed on fire protection systems when Detects underground leaks and . connected to a potable water supply. Degree of hazard present is determined by the unauthorized water use local authority having jurisdiction. The main valve body shall be manufactured from Maybe installed horizontal or vertical 300 Series stainless steel to provide corrosion resistance, 100% lead free through the "flow up" position waterway. The double check detector assembly consists of two independently operating. spring loaded check valves, two UL, FM, OSY resilient seated gate valves, and bypass assembly. The bypass assembly consists of a meter (cubic ft. or gallons), a double check including shutoff valves and required test cocks. Each cam-check shall be internally loaded and provide a positive drip tight closure against reverse flow. Cam-check includes a stainless steel cam arm and spring, rubber faced disc and a replaceable seat. There shall be no brass or bronze parts used within the cam-check valve assembly. The check valve seats shall be of molded thermoplastic construction. The use of seat screws as a retention method is prohibited. All internal parts shall be accessible through a single cover on the valve assembly. The valve cover shall be held in place through the use of a single grooved style two-bolt coupling. The bypass line shall be hydraulically sized to accurately measure low flow. The bypass line shall con- sist of a meter, a small diameter double check assembly with test cocks and isolation valves. The bypass line double check valve shall have a single access cover, two independently operating modular poppet check valves, and top mounted test cocks. The assembly shall be an Ames 3000SS. Materials All internal metal parts: 300 Series stainless steel, Main valve body: 300 Series stainless steel, Check assembly: Noryl& Flange dimension in accordance with AWWA Class D. Noryll is a registered trademark of General Electric Company. Contractor Approval Contractor's P.O. No. Available Models Suffix: LG - less shutoff valves OSY - ULJFM outside stem and yoke resilient seated gate valves 'OSY FxG - flanged inlet gate connection and grooved outlet gate connection OSY GxF - grooved inlet gate connection and flanged outlet gate connec- tion OSY GxG - grooved inlet gate connection and grooved outlet gate Connection CFM -cubic feet per minute GPM - gallons per minute meter Available with grooved NRS gate valves - consult factory' Post indicator plate and operating nut available - consult factory' Consult factory for dimensions Job Name Job Location Engineer I* Approval Representative Ames product specifications in U.S. customary units and metric are approximate and are provided for reference only. For precise measurements, please contact Ames Technical Service. Ames reserves the right to change or modify product design, construction, specifications, or materials without prior notice and without incurring any obligation to make such changes and modifications on Ames products previously or subsequently sold. www.amesfirewater.com Pressure - Temperature Temperature Range: 33°F - 110°F (5°C - 43CC) Maximum Working Pressure: 1 75psi (12.06 bar) Capacity Flow curves as tested by Underwriters Laboratory per UL 1469, 1996. Rated flow **UL Tested F=11111111111 MM .a. !• ._.I___ _____. ._. .____• Standards AWWA C510-92, UL 1469 Approvals For 12 approvals consult factory. G ApM"d C"@ us 1048 (sizes 21/21 - lOu, (OSY Only) OSY Only) kPa pIt 6° (150mm) * ** MWOMMEMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMOMMMEMMMaMMME MmMaRMOMMMENOMM I ; 1 — • ____I l_g I__ ---•i 1 i•u _______R I__. ______I I 1. kN 0 4' (100mm) 103 15 - - 83 12 - 62 9 - 41 6 213 O oo- 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 gpm 171 380 570 760 950 1140 1330 1520 1170 1900 2090 2280 2470 26602850 1pm 5 10 15 tp 1.5 3 4.6 MPS C (Open) i A— 1....... i_u 11 :¼1 1•1 ••u I MMMMMMMIEN21 _u I rn••u ••• i — — — —----- — in. mm A in. mm C (OSY) in. mm in. D mm Iu1hI:iIt(.1iL G in. mm L in. mm P in. mm iI:ltI wlGates lb. kg. I*t'I:(rI w/o Gates lb. k9- 2'12 65 37 965 16/ 416 31/; 89 10 250 22 559 121/2 318 155 70 68 31 _3 80 38 965.... 18/e 479 3/ 95 10 250 22 559 13 330 230 104 70 32 4 100 40 1016_ 22/i 578 41h 114 1 10 250 22 559 14V2 368 240 109 1 73 33 6 150 481/2 1232_ 30'/s 765 5'!: 140 15 381 271/2 699 151/2 394 390 177 120 54 8 200 521/; 1334_ 373/4 959 52/i 171 15 381 291/2 749 181/2 464 572 259 180 82 10 250 55'12 1410_ 453/4 1162 { 8 200 15 381 291/2 749 19h/ 495 774 351 190 86 12 300 571/2 1461 - 53'h 1349 91k 241 15 381 29'!; 749 21 533 1044 474 220 100 A IMPORTANT: Inquire with governing authorities for local installation requirements. _ A M E S II']9ooi FIREWA1EPWOPKS A Division of Watts Regulator Company www.amesflrewater.com ( CERTIFIED 1427 North Market Blvd. • Suite 49 ° Sacramento, CA 95834 • Phone: 916-928-0123 • Fax: 916-928-9333 ES-A-3000SS 0513 ©Ames Co. 2005 rr F Schmidt Fire Protection Co., Inc. 11 4760 MURPHY CANYON ROAD. SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92123- (619) 279-6122 SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC 4760 MURPHY CANYON RD. SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 858-279-6122 Job Name : VENTANA BLDG C AREA 1 REVISED Building : BUILDING C Location : 2177 SALK AVE CARLSBAD, CA. System Contract : SFP-705 Data File : VENTANA BLDG C J3 NODE AREA 1 REVISED.WX2 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 1 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 1 REVISED Date 080806 • Hydraulic Design Information Sheet Name - VENTANA REAL LOT 3 BLDG C Date - 8/30/06 Location - 2177 SALK AVE CARLSBAD, CA. Building - BUILDING C System No. - Contractor - SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION Contract No. - SFP-705 Calculated By - Drawing No. - Construction: (X) Combustible ( ) Non-Combustible Ceiling Height - 118' Occupancy - ORDINARY S (X) NFPA 13 ( ) Lt. Haz. Ord.Haz.Gp. ( ) 1 (X) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) Ex.Haz. Y ( ) NFPA 231 ( ) NFPA 231C ( ) Figure Curve S Other T Specific Ruling Made By Date E M Area of Sprinkler Operation - 1500 System Type Sprinkler/Nozzle Density - .20 (X) Wet Make VIKING D Area Per Sprinkler - 126 ( ) Dry Model SSU E Elevation at Highest Outlet - 113 ( ) Deluge Size 1/2' S Hose Allowance - Inside - 50 ( ) Preaction K-Factor 5.6 I Rack Sprinkler Allowance - ( ) Other Temp.Rat.155 G Hose Allowance - Outside - 200 N Note Calculation Flow Required - 413.11 Press Required - 49.810 AT NODE BOR Summary C-Factor Used: 120 Overhead 140 Underground low Water Flow Test: Pump Data: Tank or Reservoir: A Date of Test - 8/08/06 Cap. - T Time of Test - NA Rated Cap.- Elev.- E Static Press - 64.55 @ Press - R Residual Press - 63.07 Elev. - Well Flow - 2753 Proof Flow S Elevation - +0-9' U P Location - J-3 NODE SEE PROVIDED WATER MODEL TABLES P L Source of Information - WATER STUDY BY PARTNERS AND PLANNING ENGINEERING Y C Commodity Class Location O Storage Mt. Area Aisle W. N Storage Method: Solid Piled Palletized Rack M Single Row ( ) Conven. Pallet ( ) Auto. Storage C ) Encap. S R ( ) Double Row C ) Slave Pallet ( ) Solid Shelf ( ) Non T A C ) Mult. Row ( ) Open Shelf O C R K Flue Spacing Clearance:Storage to Ceiling A Longitudinal Transverse G E Horizontal Barriers Provided: Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Water Su Curve (C) • SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 2 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 1 REVISED Date 080806 City Water Supply: Cl - Static Pressure : 58 02 - Residual Pressure: 56.76 C2 - Residual Flow : 2753 150 140 130 P 120 R 110 E 100 S90 S80 U 70 R E 50 40 30 20 10 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 FLOW (NA 1.85) Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Dl - Elevation : 4.548 D2 - System Flow : 363.109 D2 - SrAdj stm Pressure : 54.906 Hose City) Hose Demand) : 250 D3 - System Demand : 613.109 Safety Margin : 3.017 60 Fittings *Summary 0 0 SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 3 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 1 REVISED Date 080806 Fitting Legend Abbrev. Name ½ 3/4 1 114 11/2 2 2/2 3 31/2 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 E 90 Standard Elbow 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 18 22 27 35 40 45 50 61 G Generic Gate Valve 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 H 45 Eli Grvd-Vic #11 0 0 1 1.5 2 2 3 3 3.5 3.5 4.5 5 6.5 8.5 10 18 20 23 25 30 90, Eli Grvd-Vic #10 0 0 2 3 4 3.5 6 5 8 7 8.5 10 13 17 20 23 25 33 36 40 I 90 Flow ThruTee 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 50 60 71 81 91 101 121 Z Generic Flow Switch 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 18 22 27 35 40 45 50 61 Zaf Ames 3000SS Fitting generates a Fixed Loss Based on Flow Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Pressure / Flow Summary - STANDARD SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 4 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 1 REVISED Date 080806 Flow Density Area Press Actual Rea. SNode Elevation K-Fact Pt Pn No. Actual M26 11.25 36.8 na M26R 11.25 36.85 na M40R 11.25 37.14 na M27 11.25 36.8 na M27R 11.25 36.85 na M41 11.25 37.14 na M28 11.25 36.77 na M28R 11.25 36.8 na M42R 11.25 37.16 na M29 11.25 36.75 na M29R 11.25 36.8 na M43R 11.25 37.19 na M30 11.25 36.73 na M30R 11.25 36.78 na M44R 11.25 37.21 na M31 11.25 36.72 na M31 11.25 36.78 na M45R 11.25 37.26 na M2 11.25 26.95 na M2R 11.25 25.25 na 10 11.25 5.6 21.39 na 9 11.25 5.6 20.73 na 8 11.25 5.6 20.55 na 7A 11.25 5.6 20.55 na 7 11.25 5.6 20.63 na 6 11.25 5.6 21.32 na AftM14R 11.25 25.44 na 3 11.25 27.19 na M3R 11.25 26.79 na 11 11.25 5.6 25.88 na 12 11.25 5.6 25.87 na M15R 11.25 27.22 na M4 11.25 27.54 na M4R 11.25 27.56 na M16R 11.25 27.7 na M5 11.25 27.88 na M511 11.25 27.9 na M1 7R 11.25 28.04 na M6 11.25 28.19 na M6R 11.25 28.21 na M18R 11.25 28.41 na M7 11.25 28.48 na M7R 11.25 28.51 na M1 9R 11.25 28.79 na M8 11.25 28.74 na M8R 11.25 28.79 na M20R 11.25 29.21 na M9 11.25 28.96 na M9R 11.25 29.1 na M21 11.25 30.1 na M10 11.25 29.13 na M10R 11.25 29.41 na M22R 11.25 31.06 na Mil 11.25 29.23 na M11R 11.25 29.74 na M23R 11.25 32.18 na or1 R 11.25 25.27 na 25.9 .2000 126.00 7.000 25.49 .2000 126.00 7.000 25.38 .2000 126.00 7.000 25.38 .20 126 7.000 25.44 .2000 126.00 7.000 25.86 .2000 126.00 7.000 28.49 .2000 126.00 7.000 28.48 .2000 126.00 7.000 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Flow Summary - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC VENTANA BLDG C AREA 1 REVISED Node Elevation K-Fact Pt Pn No. Actual Ml 11.25 26.88 na M12 11.25 29.27 na M12R 11.25 30.23 na M24R 11.25 32.93 na M46 11.25 37.39 na M46R 11.25 37.34 na M32R 11.25 36.88 na M47 11.25 37.48 na M47R 11.25 37.48 na M33R 11.25 37.52 na M48 11.25 37.56 na M48R 11.25 37.6 na M34R 11.25 37.87 na M49 11.25 37.63 na M49R 11.25 37.72 na M35R 11.25 38.74 na M50 11.25 37.68 na M50R 11.25 37.78 na M36R 11.25 38.97 na M51 11.25 37.7 na M51 11.25 37.87 na M37R 11.25 39.18 na TM 10.66 36.96 na M25 11.25 36.8 na M25R 11.25 36.84 na M39R 11.25 37.15 na 39 11.25 37.19 na 40 Wm 11.25 37.19 na 41 11.25 37.19 na M42 11.25 37.21 na M43 11.25 37.23 na M44 11.25 37.27 na M45 11.25 37.32 na M52 11.25 37.71 na M52R 11.25 37.9 na M38R 11.25 39.45 na 1 11.25 5.6 21.6 na 2 11.25 5.6 20.4 na 3 11.25 5.6 20.25 na 4A 11.25 5.6 20.25 na 4 11.25 5.6 20.34 na 5 11.25 5.6 21.07 na M13R 11.25 25.31 na M13 11.25 27.05 na M14 11.25 27.13 na M15 11.25 27.38 na M16 11.25 27.71 na M17 11.25 28.06 na M18 11.25 28.43 na M19 11.25 28.83 na M20 11.25 29.26 na M21 11.25 30.24 na M22 11.25 31.33 na M23 11.25 32.68 na M23A 11.25 33.63 na M24 11.25 33.86 na 32 IV 11.25 36.83 na Page 5 Date 080806 Flow Density Area Press Actual Rea. 26.02 .2000 126.00 7.000 25.3 .2000 126.00 7.000 25.2 .2000 126.00 7.000 25.2 .20 126 7.000 25.26 .2000 126.00 7.000 25.7 .2000 126.00 7.000 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Flow Summary - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 6 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 1 REVISED Date 080806 Node Elevation K-Fact Pt Pn Flow Density Area Press No. Actual Actual Req. M33 11.25 37.52 na M34 11.25 37.9 na M35 11.25 38.82 na M36 11.25 39.07 na M37 11.25 39.34 na M38 11.25 39.64 na TOR 10.83 44.83 na BOA 1.5 49.81 na 50.0 FLG 1.5 50.34 na UG -4.5 53.07 na BF3 1.5 51.27 na BF4 1.5 54.24 na TEE 1.5 54.43 na J3 0.75 54.91 na 200.0 The maximum velocity is 12.37 and it occurs in the pipe between nodes M13R and M13 S n Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 7 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 1 REVISED Date 080806 Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt • Hyd. Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv Notes Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn M26 11.09 1.61 iT 8.0 0.580 36.800 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M26R 11.09 0.0054 0.0 8.580 0.046 Vel = 1.75 M26R 0.0 1.728 1E 5.645 59.160 36.846 to 120 iT 11.29 16.935 0.0 M40R 11.09 0.0039 0.0 76.095 0.293 Vel = 1.52 M40R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 0.830 37.139 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M40 11.09 0.0054 0.0 8.830 0.048 Vel = 1.75 0.0 11.09 37.187 KFactor= 1.82 M27 11.22 1.61 iT 8.0 0.580 36.798 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M27R 11.22 0.0056 0.0 8.580 0.048 Vel = 1.77 M27R 0.0 1.728 1E 5.645 59.160 36.846 to 120 iT 11.29 16.935 0.0 M41 R 11.22 0.0039 0.0 76.095 0.299 Vel = 1.53 M41 0.0 1.61 1 8.0 0.830 37.145 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M41 11.22 0.0055 0.0 8.830 0.049 Vel = 1.77 0.0 11.22 37.194 KFactor= 1.84 M28 10.41 1.61 1E 4.0 0.580 36.775 to 120 0.0 4.000 0.0 M28R 10.41 0.0048 0.0 4.580 0.022 Vel = 1.64 M28R 0.0 1.728 1E 5.645 90.660 36.797 to 120 iT 11.29 16.935 0.0 M42R 10.41 0.0034 0.0 107.595 0.368 Vel = 1.42 M42R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 0.830 37.165 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M42 10.41 0.0049 0.0 8.830 0.043 Vel = 1.64 0.0 10.41 37.208 K Factor = 1.71 M29 10.73 1.61 iT 8.0 0.580 36.753 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M29R 10.73 0.0051 0.0 8.580 0.044 Vel = 1.69 M29R 0.0 1.728 1 E 5.645 90.660 36.797 to 120 iT 11.29 16.935 0.0 M43R 10.73 0.0036 0.0 107.595 0.389 Vel = 1.47 M43R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 0.830 37.186 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M43 10.73 0.0051 0.0 8.830 0.045 Vel = 1.69 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 8 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 1 REVISED Date 080806 .Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 0.0 10.73 37.231 K Factor= 1.76 M30 11.67 1.61 iT 8.0 0.580 36.732 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M30R 11.67 0.0059 0.0 8.580 0.051 Vel = 1.84 M30R 0.0 1.728 2E 11.29 90.660 36.783 to 120 0.0 11.290 0.0 M44R 11.67 0.0042 0.0 101.950 0.431 Vel = 1.60 M44R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 0.830 37.214 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M44 11.67 0.0059 0.0 8.830 0.052 Vel = 1.84 0.0 11.67 37.266 KFactor= 1.91 M31 12.42 1.61 iT 8.0 0.580 36.718 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M31 12.42 0.0066 0.0 8.580 0.057 Vel = 1.96 0.0 1.728 2E 11.29 90.660 36.775 S M31 to 120 0.0 11.290 0.0 M45R 12.42 0.0047 0.0 101.950 0.483 Vel = 1.70 M45R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 0.830 37.258 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M45 12.42 0.0068 0.0 8.830 0.060 Vel = 1.96 0.0 12.42 37.318 K Factor= 2.03 M2 -76.22 1.61 iT 8.0 0.830 26.947 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M2R -76.22 -0.1920 0.0 8.830 -1.695 Vel = 12.01 M2R 0.0 1.728 1E 5.645 22.750 25.252 to 120 0.0 5.645 0.0 10 -76.22 -0.1360 0.0 28.395 -3.863 Vel = 10.43 10 25.90 1.728 0.0 10.500 21.389 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 9 -50.32 -0.0631 0.0 10.500 -0.663 Vel = 6.88 9 25.49 1.728 0.0 10.500 20.726 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 8 -24.83 -0.0170 0.0 10.500 -0.179 Vel = 3.40. 8 25.39 1.728 0.0 6.000 20.547 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.56 0.0 0.0 6.000 0.0 Vel = 0.08 .7A 7A 25.38 1.728 0.0 4.500 20.547 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 7 25.94 0.0187 0.0 4.500 0.084 Vel = 3.55 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 9 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 1 REVISED Date 080806 Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt • Hyd. Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv Notes Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 7 25.44 1.728 0.0 10.500 20.631 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 6 51.38 0.0655 0.0 10.500 0.688 Vel = 7.03 6 25.85 1.728 1 E 5.645 23.910 21.319 . K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 5.645 0.0 M14R 77.23 0.1394 0.0 29.555 4.120 Vel = 10.57 M14R 0.0 1.61 1 8.0 0.580 25.439 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M14 77.23 0.1967 0.0 8.580 1.688 Vel = 12.17 0.0 77.23 27.127 KFactor= 14.83 M3 -34.85 1.61 iT 8.0 0.830 27.188 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M319 -34.85 -0.0451 0.0 8.830 -0.398 Vel = 5.49 M3R 0.0 1.728 1E 5.645 22.750 26.790 to 120 0.0 5.645 0.0 ii -34.85 -0.0320 0.0 28.395 -0.908 Vel = 4.77 11 28.49 1.728 0.0 10.500 25.882 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 12 -6.36 -0.0014 0.0 10.500 -0.015 Vel = 0.87 12 28.48 1.728 5E 28.224 69.580 25.867 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 28.224 0.0 M15R 22.12 0.0138 0.0 97.804 1.349 Vel = 3.03 M15R 0.0 1.61 1 8.0 0.580 27.216 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M15 22.12 0.0196 0.0 8.580 0.168 Vel = 3.49 0.0 22.12 27.384 KFactor= 4.23 M4 5.49 1.61 1 8.0 0.830 27.542 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M4R 5.49 0.0015 0.0 8.830 0.013 Vel = 0.87 M4R 0.0 1.728 6E 33.869 103.500 27.555 to 120 0.0 33.869 0.0 M16R 5.49 0.0010 0.0 137.369 0.144 Vel = 0.75 M1 619 0.0 1.61 1 8.0 0.580 27.699 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M16 5.49 0.0015 0.0 8.580 0.013 Vel = 0.87 0.0 5.49 27.712 K Factor= 1.04 M5 6.57 1.61 1 8.0 0.830 27.877 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M5R 6.57 0.0020 0.0 8.830 0.018 Vel = 1.04 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 10 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 1 REVISED Date 080806 Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt • Hyd. Ref. 'C" or Ftng's Pe Pv Notes Point at Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn M5R 0.0 1.728 2E 11.29 88.910 27.895 to 120 0.0 11.290 0.0 M17R 6.57 0.0015 0.0 100.200 0.147 Vel = 0.90 M17R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 0.580 28.042 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M17 6.57 0.0020 0.0 8.580 0.017 Vel = 1.04 0.0 6.57 28.059 K Factor = 1.24 M6 7.63 1.61 iT 8.0 0.830 28.190 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M6R 7.63 0.0027 0.0 8.830 0.024 Vel = 1.20 M619 0.0 1.728 2E 11.29 88.910 28.214 to 120 0.0 11.290 0.0 M18R 7.63 0.0019 0.0 100.200 0.193 Vel = 1.04 M18R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 0.580 28.407 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M18 7.63 0.0027 0.0 8.580 0.023 Vel = 1.20 • 0.0 7.63 28.430 K Factor = 1.43 M7 9.38 1.61 iT 8.0 0.830 28.477 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M7R 9.38 0.0040 0.0 8.830 0.035 Vel = 1.48 M719 0.0 1.728 2E 11.29 88.910 28.512 to 120 0.0 11.290 0.0 M1 SIR 9.38 0.0028 0.0 100.200 0.283 Vel = 1.28 M19R 0.0 1.61 1 8.0 0.580 28.795 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M19 9.38 0.0040 0.0 8.580 0.034 Vel = 1.48 0.0 9.38 28.829 K Factor = 1.75 M8 11.68 1.61 iT 8.0 0.830 28.735 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M8R 11.68 0.0060 0.0 8.830 0.053 Vel = 1.84 M8R 0.0 1.728 2E 11.29 88.910 28.788 to 120 0.0 11.290 0.0 M20R 11.68 0.0042 0.0 100.200 0.424 Vel = 1.60 M20R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 0.580 29.212 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M20 11.68 0.0059 0.0 8.580 0.051 Vel = 1.84 • 0.0 11.68 29.263 KFactor 2.16 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 11 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 1 REVISED Date 080806 Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt .Hyd. Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv Notes Point Qt PfIUL Eqv. Ln. Total Pt Pn M9 19.96 1.61 iT 8.0 0.830 28.959 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M9R 19.96 0.0161 0.0 8.830 0.142 Vel = 3.15 M9R 0.0 1.728 2E 11.29 76.620 29.101 to 120 0.0 11.290 0.0 M21 19.96 0.0114 0.0 87.910 1.003 Vel = 2.73 M21 0.0 1.61 1 8.0 0.580 30.104 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M21 19.96 0.0161 0.0 8.580 0.138 Vel = 3.15 0.0 19.96 30.242 K Factor = 3.63 M10 28.74 1.61 1 8.0 0.830 29.129 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M10R 28.74 0.0316 0.0 8.830 0.279 Vel = 4.53 M10R 0.0 1.728 3E 16.935 56.830 29.408 to 120 0.0 16.935 0.0 2R 28.74 0.0224 0.0 73.765 1.652 Vel = 3.93 •M2 M22R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 0.580 31.060 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M22 28.74 0.0316 0.0 8.580 0.271 Vel = 4.53 0.0 28.74 31.331 K Factor= 5.13 Mil 39.86 1.61 iT 8.0 0.830 29.233 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 Ml 1 A 39.86 0.0579 0.0 8.830 0.511 Vel = 6.28 M11R 0.0 1.728 2E 11.29 36.790 29.744 to 120 iT 11.29 22.580 0.0 M23R 39.86 0.0410 0.0 59.370 2.435 Vel = 5.45 M23R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 0.580 32.179 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M23 39.86 0.0578 0.0 8.580 0.496 Vel = 6.28 0.0 39.86 32.675 K Factor = 6.97 M1R -74.18 1.728 1E 5.645 22.750 25.270 to 120 0.0 5.645 0.0 1 -74.18 -0.1294 0.0 28.395 -3.674 Vel = 10.15 0.0 -74.18 21.596 K Factor = -15.96 -74.18 1.61 iT 8.0 0.830 26.882 S Ml to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M1R -74.18 -0.1826 0.0 8.830 -1.612 Vel = 11.69 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 12 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 1 REVISED Date 080806 S Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C' or Ftng's Pe Pv Notes Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 0.0 -74.18 25.270 K Factor -14.76 Ml 74.18 3.314 0.0 12.000 26.882 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M2 74.18 0.0054 0.0 12.000 0.065 Vet = 2.76 M2 76.22 3.314 0.0 12.000 26.947 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M3 150.4 0.0201 0.0 12.000 0.241 Vet = 5.59 M3 34.85 3.314 0.0 12.000 27.188 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M4 185.25 0.0295 0.0 12.000 0.354 Vet = 6.89 M4 -5.49 3.314 0.0 12.000 27.542 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M5 179.76 0.0279 0.0 12.000 0.335 Vet = 6.69 M5 -6.57 3.314 0.0 12.000 27.877 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 173.19 0.0261 0.0 12.000 0.313 Vet = 6.44 • M6 M6 -7.64 3.314 0.0 12.000 28.190 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M7 165.55 0.0239 0.0 12.000 0.287 Vet = 6.16 M7 -9.37 3.314 0.0 12.000 28.477 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M8 156.18 0.0215 0.0 12.000 0.258 Vet = 5.81 M8 -11.68 3.314 0.0 12.000 28.735 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M9 144.5 0.0187 0.0 12.000 0.224 Vet = 5.37 M9 -19.96 3.314 0.0 12.000 28.959 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M10 124.54 0.0142 0.0 12.000 0.170 Vet = 4.63 M10 -28.74 3.314 0.0 12.000 29.129 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mil 95.8 0.0087 0.0 12.000 0.104 Vet = 3.56 Mu -39.87 3.314 0.0 12.000 29.233 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M12 55.93 0.0032 0.0 12.000 0.039 Vet = 2.08 M12 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 0.830 29.272 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M12R 55.93 0.1083 0.0 8.830 0.956 Vet = 8.81 M12R 00 0.0 1.728 120 1E 5.645 iT 11.29 18.330 16.935 30.228 0.0 M24R 55.93 0.0767 0.0 35.265 2.706 Vet = 7.65 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 13 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 1 REVISED Date 080806 Oa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt S Hyd. Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv Notes Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pt Pn M24R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 0.580 32.934 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M24 55.93 0.1084 0.0 8.580 0.930 Vel = 8.81 0.0 55.93 33.864 K Factor= 9.61 M46 -11.39 1.61 iT 8.0 0.830 37.388 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M46R -11.39 -0.0057 0.0 8.830 -0.050 Vel = 1.79 M46R 0.0 1.728 4E 22.58 91.160 37.338 to 120 0.0 22.580 0.0 M32R -11.39 -0.0040 0.0 113.740 -0.459 Vel = 1.56 M32R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 0.580 36.879 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M32 -11.39 -0.0057 0.0 8.580 -0.049 Vet = 1.79 0.0 -11.39 36.830 KFactor= -1.88 M47 Oto 3.12 1.61 120 iT 8.0 0.0 0.830 8.000 37.479 0.0 M47R 3.12 0.0006 0.0 8.830 0.005 Vet = 0.49 M47R 0.0 1.728 1 E 5.645 82.790 37.484 to 120 0.0 5.645 0.0 M33R 3.12 0.0004 0.0 88.435 0.032 Vet = 0.43 M33R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 0.580 37.516 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M33 3.12 0.0006 0.0 8.580 0.005 Vet = 0.49 0.0 3.12 37.521 K Factor= 0.51 M48 9.42 1.61 iT 8.0 0.830 37.565 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M48R 9.42 0.0040 0.0 8.830 0.035 Vel = 1.48 M48R 0.0 1.728 2E 11.29 82.790 37.600 to 120 0.0 11.290 0.0 M34R 9.42 0.0028 0.0 94.080 0.267 Vet = 1.29 M34R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 0.580 37.867 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M34 9.42 0.0041 0.0 8.580 0.035 Vet = 1.48 0.0 9.42 37.902 K Factor= 1.53 Oto M49 15.10 1.61 120 iT 8.0 0.0 0.830 8.000 37.633 0.0 M49R 15.1 0.0096 0.0 8.830 0.085 Vet = 2.38 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 14 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 1 REVISED Date 080806 Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt • Hyd. Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ***** Notes Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pt Pn M49R 0.0 1.728 8E 45.159 105.410 37.718 to 120 0.0 45.159 0.0 M35R 15.1 0.0068 0.0 150.569 1.024 Vet = 2.07 M35R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 0.580 38.742 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M35 15.1 0.0097 0.0 8.580 0.083 Vet = 2.38 0.0 15.10 38.825 K Factor = 2.42 M50 16.43 1.61 iT 8.0 0.830 37.679 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M50R 16.43 0.0112 0.0 8.830 0.099 Vel = 2.59 M50R 0.0 1.728 8E 45.159 104.790 37.778 to 120 0.0 45.159 0.0 M36R 16.43 0.0080 0.0 149.949 1.193 Vel = 2.25 M36R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 0.580 38.971 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M36 16.43 0.0113 0.0 8.580 0.097 Vet = 2.59 O 0.0 16.43 39.068 K Factor= 2.63 M51 21.42 1.61 iT 8.0 0.830 37.705 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M51 21.42 0.0183 0.0 8.830 0.162 Vel = 3.38 M51 0.0 1.728 2E 11.29 89.660 37.867 to 120 0.0 11.290 0.0 M37R 21.42 0.0130 0.0 100.950 1.311 Vet = 2.93 M37R 0.0 1.61 1 8.0 0.580 39.178 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M37 21.42 0.0184 0.0 8.580 0.158 Vel = 3.38 0.0 21.42 39.336 K Factor = 3.42 TM 77.52 4.31 0.0 5.830 36.964 to 120 0.0 0.0 -0.256 M31 77.52 0.0017 0.0 5.830 0.010 Vel = 1.70 M31 -12.42 4.31 0.0 12.000 36.718 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M30 65.1 0.0012 0.0 12.000 0.014 Vet = 1.43 M30 -11.67 4.31 1E 13.937 12.000 36.732 to 120 0.0 13.937 0.0 M29 53.43 0.0008 0.0 25.937 0.021 Vet = 1.17 M29 -10.72 4.31 iT 27.874 12.000 36.753 to 120 0.0 27.874 0.0 M28 42.71 0.0006 0.0 39.874 0.022 Vet = 0.94 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 15 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 1 REVISED Date 080806 Oa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt S Hyd. Ref. 11C11 or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes Point Qt PfIUL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn M28 -10.41 4.31 2E 27.874 43.500 36.775 to 120 0.0 27.874 0.0 M27 32.3 0.0003 0.0 71.374 0.023 Vel = 0.71 M27 -11.22 4.31 0.0 12.000 36.798 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M26 21.08 0.0002 0.0 12.000 0.002 Vel = 0.46 M26 -11.10 4.31 0.0 2.120 36.800 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M25 9.98 0.0 0.0 2.120 0.0 Vel = 0.22 M25 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 0.580 36.800 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M25R 9.98 0.0044 0.0 8.580 0.038 Vel = 1.57 M25R 0.0 1.728 3E 16.935 69.040 36.838 to 120 iT 11.29 28.225 0.0 M39R 9.98 0.0032 0.0 97.265 0.308 Vel = 1.37 M39R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 0.830 37.146 Sto M39 9.98 120 0.0045 0.0 0.0 8.000 8.830 0.0 0.040 Vel = 1.57 M39 0.0 3.314 0.0 12.000 37.186 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M40 9.98 0.0001 0.0 12.000 0.001 Vel = 0.37 M40 11.10 3.314 0.0 12.000 37.187 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M41 21.08 0.0006 0.0 12.000 0.007 Vel = 0.78 M41 11.22 3.314 0.0 12.000 37.194 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M42 32.3 0.0012 0.0 12.000 0.014 Vel = 1.20 M42 10.41 3.314 0.0 12.000 37.208 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M43 42.71 0.0019 0.0 12.000 0.023 Vel = 1.59 M43 10.72 3.314 0.0 12.000 37.231 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M44 53.43 0.0029 0.0 12.000 0.035 Vel = 1.99 M44 11.67 3.314 0.0 12.000 37.266 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M45 65.1 0.0043 0.0 12.000 0.052 Vel = 2.42 M45 12.42 3.314 0.0 12.000 37.318 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 77.52 0.0058 0.0 12.000 0.070 Vel = 2.88 S M46 M46 11.39 3.314 0.0 12.000 37.388 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M47 88.91 0.0076 0.0 12.000 0.091 Vel = 3.31 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 16 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 1 REVISED Date 080806 • Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C' or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes Point 01 Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn M47 -3.12 3.314 0.0 12.000 37.479 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M48 85.79 0.0072 0.0 12.000 0.086 Vel = 3.19 M48 -9.42 3.314 0.0 12.000 37.565 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M49 76.37 0.0057 0.0 12.000 0.068 Vel = 2.84 M49 -15.09 3.314 0.0 12.000 37.633 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M50 61.28 0.0038 0.0 12.000 0.046 Vel = 2.28 M50 -16.43 3.314 0.0 12.000 37.679 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M51 44.85 0.0022 0.0 12.000 0.026 Vel = 1.67 M51 -21.42 3.314 0.0 12.000 37.705 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M52 23.43 0.0006 0.0 12.000 0.007 Vel = 0.87 M52 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 0.830 37.712 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M52R 23.43 0.0217 0.0 8.830 0.192 Vel = 3.69 M52R 0.0 1.728 2E 11.29 89.660 37.904 to 120 0.0 11.290 0.0 M38R 23.43 0.0153 0.0 100.950 1.548 Vel = 3.21 M38R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 0.580 39.452 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M38 23.43 0.0217 0.0 8.580 0.186 Vel = 3.69 0.0 23.43 39.638 K Factor = 3.72 1 -48.16 1.728 0.0 20.500 21.596 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 -48.16 -0.0581 0.0 20.500 -1.192 Vel = 6.59 2 25.30 1.728 0.0 10.500 20.404 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 -22.86 -0.0147 0.0 10.500 -0.154 Vel = 3.13 3 25.20 1.728 0.0 6.000 20.250 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 4A 2.34 0.0002 0.0 6.000 .0.001 Vel = 0.32 4A 25.20 1.728 . 0.0 4.500 20.251 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 27.54 0.0207 0.0 4.500 0.093 Vel = 3.77 4 25.26 1.728 0.0 10.500 20.344 K Factor = 5.60 *to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 52.8 0.0690 0.0 10.500 0.725 Vel = 7.22 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 17 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 1 REVISED Date 080806 S Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv *** Notes Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 5 25.70 1.728 1E 5.645 23.910 21.069 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 5.645 0.0 M13R 78.5 0.1437 0.0 29.555 4.246 Vel = 10.74 M13R 0.0 1.61 1 8.0 0.580 25.315 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 M13 78.5 0.2027 0.0 8.580 1.739 Vel = 12.37 M13 0.0 3.314 0.0 12.000 27.054 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M14 78.5 0.0061 0.0 12.000 0.073 Vel = 2.92 M14 77.24 3.314 0.0 12.000 27.127 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M15 155.74 0.0214 0.0 12.000 0.257 Vel = 5.79 M15 22.12 3.314 0.0 12.000 27.384 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M16 177.86 0.0273 0.0 12.000 0.328 Vel = 6.62 M16 5.49 3.314 0.0 12.000 27.712 .to M17 183.35 120 0.0289 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.000 0.0 0.347 Vel 6.82 M17 6.57 3.314 0.0 12.000 28.059 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M18 189.92 0.0309 0.0 12.000 0.371 Vel = 7.06 M18 7.64 3.314 0.0 12.000 28.430 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M19 197.56 0.0332 0.0 12.000 0.399 Vel = 7.35 M19 9.37 3.314 0.0 12.000 28.829 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M20 206.93 0.0362 0.0 12.000 0.434 Vel = 7.70 M20 11.68 3.314 1H 4.368 20.040 29.263 to 120 0.0 4.368 0.0 M21 218.61 0.0401 0.0 24.408 0.979 Vel = 8.13 M21 19.96 3.314 0.0 23.120 30.242 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M22 238.57 0.0471 0.0 23.120 1.089 Vel = 8.87 M22 28.74 3.314 0.0 23.120 31.331 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M23 267.31 0.0581 0.0 23.120 1.344 Vel = 9.94 M23 39.87 3.314 1H 4.368 8.330 32.675 to 120 0.0 4.368 0.0 307.18 0.0752 0.0 12.698 0.955 Vel = 11.43 •M23A M23A 0.0 4.31 1H 4.878 6.290 33.630 to 120 0.0 4.878 0.0 M24 307.18 0.0210 0.0 11.168 0.234 Vel = 6.76 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 18 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 1 REVISED Date 080806 . Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv Notes Point Qt PfIUL Eqv. Ln. Total Pt Pn M24 55.93 4.31 41 39.024 28.040 33.864 to 120 1 27.874 71.776 0.256 TM 363.11 0.0285 1H 4.878 99.816 2.844 Vel = 7.98 TM -77.52 4.31 0.0 6.660 36.964 to 120 0.0 .0.0 -0.256 M32 285.59 0.0183 0.0 6.660 0.122 Vet = 6.28 M32 -11.39 4.31 31 29.268 11.500 36.830 to 120 0.0 29.268 0.0 M33 274.2 0.0169 0.0 40.768 0.691 Vel = 6.03 M33 3.12 4.31 0.0 22.000 37.521 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M34 277.32 0.0173 0.0 22.000 0.381 Vel = 6.10 M34 9.42 4.31 31 29.268 20.870 37.902 to 120 0.0 29.268 0.0 M35 286.74 0.0184 0.0 50.138 0.923 Vel = 6.31 M35 15.09 4.31 0.0 12.000 38.825 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sto M36 301.83 0.0202 0.0 12.000 0.243 Vel = 6.64 M36 16.43 4.31 0.0 12.000 39.068 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M37 318.26 0.0223 0.0 12.000 0.268 Vel = 7.00 M37 21.42 4.31 0.0 12.000 39.336 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 M38 339.68 0.0252 0.0 12.000 0.302 Vet = 7.47 M38 23.43 4.31 51 48.779 99.250 39.638 to 120 1 27.874 76.653 0.182 TOR 363.11 0.0285 0.0 175.903 5.013 Vel = 7.98 TOR 0.0 4.31 ii 9.756 9.170 44.833 to 120 1Z 13.937 23.693 4.041 BOR 363.11 0.0285 0.0 32.863 0.936 Vet = 7.98 BOR 50.00 4.026 11 7.0 3.500 49.810 Qa = 50 to 120 0.0 7.000 0.0 FLG 413.11 0.0505 0.0 10.500 0.530 Vet = 10.41 FLG 0.0 6.16 1E 20.084 6.500 50.340 to 140 0.0 20.084 2.599 UG 413.11 0.0047 0.0 26.584 0.126 Vet = 4.45 UG 0.0 6.09 1E 21.583 159.000 53.065 to 150 0.0 21.583 -2.599 413.11 0.0045 0.0 180.583 0.804 Vet = 4.55 S BF3 BF3 0.0 6.16 3E 60.252 21.000 51.270 to 140 iZaf 0.0 61.582 2.574 *Fixed loss = 2.574 BF4 413.11 0.0048 1 Eqt 0.0 82.582 0.394 Vel = 4.45 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 19 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 1 REVISED Date 080806 is Hyd. Oa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn BF4 0.0 6.09 1E 21.583 16.000 54.238 to 150 1G 4.625 26.208 0.0 TEE 413.11 0.0045 0.0 42.208 0.188 Vel = 4.55 TEE 0.0 9.79 1E 29.689 317.000 54.426 to 150 1G 6.747 36.435 0.325 J3 413.11 0.0004 0.0 353.435 0.155 Vel = 1.76 200.00 Qa = 200.00 613.11 54.906 KFactor= 82.74 S S Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 AutoPeaking Summary SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC VENTANA BLDG C AREA 1 REVISED 0 Auto Peaking Summary - List of Pipes for Area Calculated Left Right Side Side From To Length From To Length Page 20 Date 080806 M2R 10 22.750 M3R 11 22.750 M1R 1 22.750 1 2 20.500 6 M14R 23.910 12 M15R 69.580 M12R M24R 18.330 5 M13R 23.910 S Flow Pressure Pressure Required Required Differential Left 11.000 613.402 56.095 -0.237 Area Calculated I 613.109 56.332 0.000 Right 11.000 611.456 55.774 -0.558 S Typical Distance Between Heads = 11.000 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 F Schmidt Fire Protection Co., Inc. 4760 MURPHY CANYON ROAD. RAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92123- (619) 279-6122 SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC 4760 MURPHY CANYON RD. SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 858-279-6122 Job Name : VENTANA BLDG C AREA 2 REVISED Building : BUILDING C Location : 2177 SALK AVE CARLSBAD, CA. System Contract SFP-705 Data File : VENTANA BLDG C J3 NODE AREA 2 REVISED.WX1 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 S S SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 1 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 2 REVISED Date 080806 Hydraulic Design Information Sheet Name - VENTANA REAL LOT 3 BLDG C AREA 2 Date - 8/30/06 Location - 2177 SALK AVE CARLSBAD, CA. Building - BUILDING C System No. - Contractor - SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION Contract No. - SFP-705 Calculated By - Drawing No. - Construction: (X) Combustible ( ) Non-Combustible Ceiling Height - 286' Occupancy - ORDINARY S (X) NFPA 13 ( ) Lt. Haz. Ord.Haz.Gp. ( ) 1 (X) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) Ex.Haz. Y ( ) NFPA 231 ( ) NFPA 231C ( ) Figure Curve S Other T Specific Ruling Made By Date E M Area of Sprinkler Operation - 1500 System Type Sprinkler/Nozzle Density - .20 (X) Wet Make VIKING D Area Per Sprinkler - 96 ( ) Dry Model SSU E Elevation at Highest Outlet - 280' ( ) Deluge Size 1/2" S Hose Allowance - Inside - 50 ( ) Preaction K-Factor 5.6 I Rack Sprinkler Allowance - C ) Other Temp.Rat.155 G Hose Allowance - Outside - 200 N Note Calculation Flow Required - 366.72 Press Required - 42.609 AT NODE BOR Summary C-Factor Used: 120 Overhead 140 Underground Water Flow Test: Pump Data: Tank or Reservoir: Date of Test - 8/08/06 Cap. - Time of Test - NA Rated Cap.- Elev.- Static Press - 64.55 @ Press - Residual Press - 63.07 Elev. - Well Flow - 2753 Proof Flow Elevation - +0-9" Location - J-3 NODE SEE PROVIDED WATER MODEL TABLES Source of Information - WATER STUDY BY PARTNERS AND PLANNING ENGINEERING W A T E R S U P P L Y C Commodity Class Location O Storage Ht. Area Aisle W. N Storage Method: Solid Piled % Palletized Rack N Single Row ( ) Conven. Pallet C ) Auto. Storage ( ) Encap. S R ( ) Double Row ( ) Slave Pallet ( ) Solid Shelf ( ) Non T A ( ) Nult. Row ( ) Open Shelf O C R K Flue Spacing Clearance:Storage to Ceiling A Longitudinal Transverse G E Horizontal Barriers Provided: S Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Water SuCurve (C) 0 SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 2 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 2 REVISED Date 080806 City Water Supply: Cl - Static Pressure : 58 02 - Residual Pressure: 56.76 02 - Residual Flow : 2753 150 140 P 120 R1° E 100 S 90 S 80 U70 R6° F 50 40 30 20 10 300600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 FLOW (N A 1.85 ) Di - Elevation : 11.802 D2 - System Flow : 316.717 D2 - SrAsdj tm Pressure : 47.363 Hose City Hose Demand) : 250 D3 - System Demand : 566.717 Safety Margin : 10.570 130 p /03 -0- 01 - ......I.I.I.I... .... I. .. _____ Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Fittings USummary 0 . 0 SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 3 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 2 REVISED Date 080806 Fitting Legend Abbrev. Name '/2 3/4 1 1Y4 1'/2 2 2'/2 3 31/2 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 E 90 Standard Elbow 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 18 22 27 35 40 45 50 61 G Generic Gate Valve 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 H 45 Ell Grvd-Vic#11 0 0 1 1.5 2 2 3 3 3.5 3.5 4.5 5 6.5 8.5 10 18 20 23 25 30 90 'Ell Grvd-Vic #10 0 0 2 3 4 3.5 6 5 8 7 8.5 10 13 17 20 23 25 33 36 40 I 90 Flow Thru Tee 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 50 60 71 81 91 101 121 Z Generic Flow Switch 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 18 22 27 35 40 45 50 61 Zaf Ames 3000SS Fitting generates a Fixed Loss Based on Flow Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Pressure / Flow Summary - STANDARD SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 4 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 2 REVISED Date 080806 Elevation K-Fact Pt Pn Flow Density Area Press SNode No. Actual Actual Req. N14 28.0 18.8 na N15 28.0 18.83 na N15R 28.0 19.68 na N30R 28.0 21.72 na N32 28.0 22.61 na N32R 28.0 22.68 na N48R 28.0 23.02 na N33 28.0 22.61 na N33R 28.0 22.68 na N49R 28.0 23.02 na N34 28.0 22.58 na N34R 28.0 22.64 na N50R 28.0 23.05 na N35 28.0 22.57 na N35R 28.0 22.64 na N51 A 28.0 23.07 na N36 28.0 22.57 na N36R 28.0 22.64 na N52R 28.0 23.11 na N2 28.0 16.19 na N 21 28.0 15.1 na 32 28.0 5.6 12.28 na 19.62 .2000 96.00 7.000 31 28.0 5.6 12.03 na 19.42 .2000 96.00 7.000 30 28.0 5.6 11.97 na 19.37 .2000 96.00 7.000 29 28.0 5.6 11.97 na 19.38 .2000 96.00 7.000 28 28.0 5.6 12.09 na 19.48 .2000 96.00 7.000 28.0 5.6 12.47 na 19.77 .2000 96.00 7.000 W7 17R 28.0 14.61 na N3 28.0 16.32 na N3R 28.0 15.64 na 33 28.0 5.6 13.88 na 20.87 .2000 96.00 7.000 34 28.0 5.6 13.78 na 20.79 .2000 96.00 7.000 35 28.0 5.6 13.78 na 20.79 .2000 96.00 7.000 36 28.0 5.6 13.86 na 20.85 .2000 96.00 7.000 N18R 28.0 15.54 na N4 28.0 16.55 na N4R 28.0 16.54 na N1 9R 28.0 16.48 na N5 28.0 16.8 na NSA 28.0 16.8 na N20R 28.0 16.76 na N6 28.0 17.06 na N6R 28.0 17.06 na N21 28.0 17.03 na N7 28.0 17.33 na N7R 28.0 17.32 na N22R 28.0 17.29 na N8 28.0 17.6 na N8R 28.0 17.6 na N23R 28.0 17.55 na N9 28.0 17.89 na N9R 28.0 17.91 na N24R 28.0 18.02 na N10 28.0 18.16 na N10A 28.0 18.22 na N25R 28.0 18.48 na 0 11 28.0 18.4 na Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Flow Summary - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 5 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 2 REVISED Date 080806 Elevation K-Fact Pt Pn Flow Density Area Press SNode No. Actual Actual Req. N11R 28.0 18.52 na N26R 28.0 18.98 na N12 28.0 18.59 na N12R 28.0 18.81 na N27R 280 19.48 na N13 28.0 18.72 na N13R 28.0 19.0 na N28R 28.0 - 19.85 na N1R 28.0 15.14 na Ni 28.0 16.15 na N14R 28.0 19.27 na N29R 28.0 20.21 na N53 28.0 23.24 na N53R 28.0 23.17 na N37R 28.0 22.73 na N54 28.0 23.32 na N54R 28.0 23.27 na N38R 28.0 22.88 na N55 28.0 23.42 na N55R 28.0 23.42 na N39R 28.0 23.41 na N56 28.0 23.51 na N56R 28.0 23.52 na N40R 28.0 23.55 na N57 28.0 23.61 na N57R 28.0 23.67 na R 28.0 24.09 na .41 58 28.0 23.68 na N58R 28.0 23.76 na N42R 28.0 24.23 na N59 28.0 23.73 na N59R 28.0 23.82 na N43R 28.0 24.39 na N60 28.0 23.77 na N60R 28.0 23.87 na N44R 28.0 24.56 na N61 28.0 23.79 na N61 28.0 23.92 na N45R 28.0 24.75 na MT 26.0 23.44 na N30 28.0 22.57 na N31 28.0 22.61 na N31 28.0 22.67 na N47R 28.0 23.02 na N47 28.0 23.08 na N48 28.0 23.08 na N49 28.0 23.09 na N50 28.0 23.11 na N51 28.0 23.14 na N52 28.0 23.18 na N62 28.0 23.79 na N62R 28.0 23.95 na N46R 28.0 24.96 na 21 28.0 5.6 12.49 na 19.79 .2000 96.00 7.000 22 28.0 5.6 11.8 na 19.24 .2000 96.00 7.000 23 28.0 5.6 11.76 na 19.2 .2000 96.00 7.000 & 4 28.0 5.6 11.76 na 19.21 .2000 96.00 7.000 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Flow Summary - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 6 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 2 REVISED Date 080806 Elevation K-Fact Pt Pn Flow Density Area Press SNode No. Actual Actual Req. 25 28.0 5.6 11.9 na 19.32 .2000 96.00 7.000 26 28.0 5.6 12.29 na 19.64 .2000 96.00 7.000 N16R 28.0 14.51 na N16 28.0 15.96 na N17 28.0 16.01 na N18 28.0 16.18 na N19 28.0 16.47 na N20 28.0 16.76 na N21 28.0 17.03 na N22 28.0 17.29 na N23 28.0 17.54 na N24 28.0 18.04 na .N25 28.0 18.54 na N26 28.0 19.11 na N27 28.0 19.7 na N28 28.0 20.13 na N29 28.0 20.68 na N37 28.0 22.67 na N38 28.0 22.82 na N39 28.0 23.41 na N40 28.0 23.55 na N41 28.0 24.15 na N42 28.0 24.31 na N43 28.0 24.48 na N44 28.0 24.67 na N45 28.0 24.88 na N46 28.0 25.12 na 10.83 33.69 na TOR 10.83 37.84 na BOR 1.5 42.61 na 50.0 FLG 1.5 43.03 na UG -4.5 45.73 na BF3 1.5 43.78 na BF4 1.5 46.76 na TEE 1.5 46.91 na J3 0.75 47.36 na 200.0 The maximum velocity is 10.05 and it occurs in the pipe between nodes N16R and N16 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 7 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 2 REVISED Date 080806 . Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv Notes Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn N14 47.95 3.314 0.0 12.000 18.800 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N15 47.95 0.0024 0.0 12.000 0.029 Vet = 1.78 N15 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 18.829 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N15R 47.95 0.0814 0.0 10.500 0.855 Vet = 7.56 N15R 0.0 1.728 3E 16.935 18.280 19.684 to 120 0.0 16.935 0.0 N30R 47.95 0.0577 0.0 35.215 2.032 Vet = 6.56 N30R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 21.716 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N30 47.95 0.0814 0.0 10.500 0.855 Vet = 7.56 0.0 47.95 22.571 KFactor= 10.09 N32 12.04 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 22.610 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N32R 12.04 0.0063 0.0 10.500 0.066 Vet = 1.90 N32R 0.0 1.728 1E 5.645 59.160 22.676 to 120 iT 11.29 16.935 0.0 N48R 12.04 0.0045 0.0 76.095 0.341 Vet = 1.65 N48R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 23.017 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N48 12.04 0.0064 0.0 10.500 0.067 Vet = 1.90 0.0 12.04 23.084 KFactor= 2.51 N33 12.18 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 22.608 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N33R 12.18 0.0065 0.0 10.500 0.068 Vet = 1.92 N33R 0.0 1.728 1 5.645 59.160 22.676 to 120 iT 11.29 16.935 0.0 N49R 12.18 0.0046 0.0 76.095 0.348 Vet = 1.67 N49R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 23.024 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N49 12.18 0.0064 0.0 10.500 0.067 Vet = 1.92 0.0 12.18 23.091 K Factor= 2.53 N34 11.34 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 22.581 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N34R 11.34 0.0056 0.0 10.500 0.059 Vet = 1.79 N34R 0.0 1.728 2E 11.29 90.660 22.640 to 120 0.0 11.290 0.0 N50R 11.34 0.0040 0.0 101.950 0.408 Vet = 1.55 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 6 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 2 REVISED Date 080806 Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt S Hyd. Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn N50R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 23.048 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N50 11.34 0.0057 0.0 10.500 0.060 Vet = 1.79 0.0 11.34 23.108 K Factor= 2.36 N35 11.74 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 22.573 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N35R 11.74 0.0060 0.0 10.500 0.063 Vet = 1.85 N35R 0.0 1.728 2E 11.29 90.660 22.636 to 120 0.0 11.290 0.0 N51 R 11.74 0.0043 0.0 101.950 0.436 Vet = 1.61 N51 0.0 1.61 1 8.0 2.500 23.072 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N51 11.74 0.0061 0.0 10.500 0.064 Vet = 1.85 0.0 11.74 23.136 K Factor= 2.44 12.24 1.61 1 8.0 2.500 22.570 .N36 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N36R 12.24 0.0066 0.0 10.500 0.069 Vet = 1.93 N36R 0.0 1.728 2E 11.29 90.660 22.639 to 120 0.0 11.290 0.0 N52R 12.24 0.0046 0.0 101.950 0.470 Vet = 1.67 N52R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 23.109 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N52 12.24 0.0065 0.0 10.500 0.068 Vet = 1.93 0.0 12.24 23.177 KFactor= 2.54 N2 -54.47 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 16.187 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N2R -54.47 -0.1030 0.0 10.500 -1.082 Vet = 8.58 N2R 0.0 1.728 1E 5.645 33.000 15.105 to 120 0.0 5.645 0.0 32 -54.47 -0.0731 0.0 38.645 -2.824 Vet = 7.45 32 19.63 1.728 0.0 8.000 12.281 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 31 -34.84 -0.0320 0.0 8.000 -0.256 Vet = 4.77 31 19.42 1.728 0.0 8.000 12.025 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 -15.42 -0.0070 0.0 8.000 -0.056 Vet = 2.11 S 30 30 19.37 1.728 0.0 6.660 11 .969 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 29 3.95 0.0005 0.0 6.660 0.003 Vet = 0.54 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 9 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 2 REVISED Date 080806 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C1' or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 29 19.38 1.728 0.0 8.000 11.972 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 28 23.33 0.0152 0.0 8.000 0.122 Vet = 3.19 28 19.47 1.728 0.0 8.000 12.094 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 27 42.8 0.0468 0.0 8.000 0.374 Vet = 5.86 27 19.78 1.728 1 E 5.645 17.000 12.468 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 5.645 0.0 N17R 62.58 0.0945 0.0 22.645 2.139 Vel = 8.56 N17R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 14.607 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N17 62.58 0.1332 0.0 10.500 1.399 Vet = 9.86 0.0 62.58 16.006 K Factor= 15.64 N3 -42.17 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 16.316 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 -42.17 -0.0642 0.0 10.500 -0.674 Vet = 6.65 • N3R N3R 0.0 1.728 1E 5.645 33.000 15.642 to 120 0.0 5.645 0.0 33 -42.17 -0.0455 0.0 38.645 -1.759 Vet = 5.77 33 20.87 1.728 0.0 8.000 13.883 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 34 -21.3 -0.0129 0.0 8.000 -0.103 Vet = 2.91 34 20.79 1.728 0.0 8.000 13.780 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 35 -0.51 0.0 0.0 8.000 0.0 Vet = 0.07 35 20.79 1.728 0.0 6.660 13.780 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 36 20.28 0.0117 0.0 6.660 0.078 Vet = 2.77 36 20.84 1.728 1 E 5.645 33.000 13.858 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 5.645 0.0 N18R 41.12 0.0434 0.0 38.645 1.679 Vet = 5.63 N18R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 15.537 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N18 41.12 0.0613 0.0 10.500 0.644 Vet = 6.48 0.0 41.12 16.181 K Factor= 10.22 N4 -4.08 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 16.553 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N4R -4.08 -0.0009 0.0 10.500 -0.009 Vet = 0.64 N4R 0.0 1.728 2E 11.29 88.660 16.544 to 120 0.0 11.290 0.0 N19R -4.08 -0.0006 0.0 99.950 -0.060 Vet = 0.56 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 10 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 2 REVISED Date 080806 Oa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt .Hyd. Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn N19R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 16.484 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N19 -4.08 -0.0009 0.0 10.500 -0.009 Vel = 0.64 0.0 -4.08 16.475 K Factor= -1.01 N5 -3.11 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 16.803 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N5R -3.11 -0.0006 0.0 10.500 -0.006 Vel = 0.49 N5R 0.0 1.728 2E 11.29 88.660 16.797 to 120 0.0 11.290 0.0 N20R -3.11 -0.0004 0.0 99.950 -0.036 Vel = 0.43 N20R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 16.761 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N20 -3.11 -0.0006 0.0 10.500 -0.006 Vel = 0.49 0.0 -3.11 16.755 K Factor= -0.76 -2.66 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 17.062 .N6 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N6R -2.66 -0.0004 0.0 10.500 -0.004 Vel = 0.42 N6R 0.0 1.728 2E 11.29 88.660 17.058 to 120 0.0 11.290 0.0 N21 -2.66 -0.0003 0.0 99.950 -0.028 Vel = 0.36 N21 0.0 1.61 1 8.0 2.500 17.030 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N21 -2.66 -0.0004 0.0 10.500 -0.004 Vel = 0.42 0.0 -2.66 17.026 K Factor= -0.64 N7 -2.85 1.61 1 8.0 2.500 17.329 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N7R -2.85 -0.0005 0.0 10.500 -0.005 Vel = 0.45 N7R 0.0 1.728 2E 11.29 88.660 17.324 to 120 0.0 11.290 0.0 N22R -2.85 -0.0003 0.0 99.950 -0.031 Vel = 0.39 N22R 0.0 1.61 1 8.0 2.500 17.293 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N22 -2.85 -0.0004 0.0 10.500 -0.004 Vel = 0.45 0.0 -2.85 17.289 K Factor= -0.69 N8 . o -3.61 1.61 1 8.0 2.500 17.605 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N8R -3.61 -0.0007 0.0 10.500 -0.007 Vel = 0.57 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 11 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 2 REVISED Date 080806 S Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C' or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn N8R 0.0 1.728 2E 11.29 88.660 17.598 to 120 0.0 11.290 0.0 N23R -3.61 -0.0005 0.0 99.950 -0.048 Vel = 0.49 N23R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 17.550 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N23 -3.61 -0.0008 0.0 10.500 -0.008 Vel = 0.57 0.0 -3.61 17.542 K Factor= -0.86 N9 5.84 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 17.893 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N9R 5.84 0.0016 0.0 10.500 0.017 Vet = 0.92 N9R 0.0 1.728 3E 16.935 76.370 17.910 to 120 0.0 16.935 0.0 N24R 5.84 0.0012 0.0 93.305 0.109 Vel = 0.80 N24R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 18.019 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N24 5.84 0.0017 0.0 10.500 0.018 Vel = 0.92 S 0.0 5.84 18.037 K Factor = 1.38 N10 10.78 1.61 1 8.0 2.500 18.162 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N10R 10.78 0.0051 0.0 10.500 0.054 Vet = 1.70 NiOR 0.0 1.728 3E 16.935 56.620 18.216 to 120 0.0 16.935 0.0 N25R 10.78 0.0036 0.0 73.555 0.268 Vel = 1.47 N25R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 18.484 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N25 10.78 0.0051 0.0 10.500 0.054 Vel = 1.70 0.0 10.78 18.538 K Factor = 2.50 Nil 17.04 1.61 1 8.0 2.500 18.398 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N11R 17.04 0.0120 0.0 10.500 0.126 Vet = 2.69 NiiR 0.0 1.728 3E 16.935 36.790 18.524 to 120 0.0 16.935 0.0 N26R 17.04 0.0085 0.0 53.725 0.458 Vet = 2.33 N26R 0.0 1.61 1 8.0 2.500 18.982 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N26 17.04 0.0120 0.0 10.500 0.126 Vet = 2.69 S 0.0 17.04 19.108 K Factor= 3.90 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 12 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 2 REVISED Date 080806 .Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn N12 22.97 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 18.587 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N12R 22.97 0.0209 0.0 10.500 0.219 Vel = 3.62 N12R 0.0 1.728 1E 5.645 28.330 18.806 to 120 1T 11.29 16.935 0.0 N27R 22.97 0.0148 0.0 45.265 0.670 Vel = 3.14 N27R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 19.476 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N27 22.97 0.0209 0.0 10.500 0.219 Vel = 3.62 0.0 22.97 19.695 K Factor= 5.18 N13 26.20 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 18.720 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N13R 26.2 0.0266 0.0 10.500 0.279 Vel = 4.13 N13R 0.0 1.728 1E 5.645 28.330 18.999 to 120 iT 11.29 16.935 0.0 26.2 0.0189 0.0 45.265 0.854 Vel = 3.58 •N28R N28R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 19.853 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N28 26.2 0.0267 0.0 10.500 0.280 Vel = 4.13 0.0 26.20 20.133 K Factor= 5.84 N1R -52.63 1.728 1E 5.645 33.000 15.137 to 120 0.0 5.645 0.0 21 -52.63 -0.0685 0.0 38.645 -2.649 Vel = 7.20 0.0 -52.63 12.488 K Factor =-14.89 N1R 52.63 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 15.137 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 Ni 52.63 0.0968 0.0 10.500 1.016 Vel = 8.29 Ni 0.0 3.314 0.0 12.000 16.153 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N2 52.63 0.0028 0.0 12.000 0.034 Vel = 1.96 N2 54.47 3.314 0.0 12.000 16.187 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N3 107.1 0.0108 0.0 12.000 0.129 Vel = 3.98 N3 42.16 3.314 0.0 12.000 16.316 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 149.26 0.0198 0.0 12.000 0.237 Vel = 5.55 •N4 N4 4.08 3.314 0.0 12.000 16.553 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N5 153.34 0.0208 0.0 12.000 0.250 Vel = 5.70 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 13 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 2 REVISED Date 080806 Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt • Hyd. Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn N5 3.11 3.314 0.0 12.000 16.803 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N6 156.45 0.0216 0.0 12.000 0.259 Vel = 5.82 N6 2.66 3.314 0.0 12.000 17.062 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N7 159.11 0.0223 0.0 12.000 0.267 Vel = 5.92 N7 2.85 3.314 0.0 12.000 17.329 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N8 161.96 0.0230 0.0 12.000 0.276 Vel = 6.02 N8 3.61 3.314 0.0 12.000 17.605 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N9 165.57 0.0240 0.0 12.000 0.288 Vel = 6.16 N9 -5.84 3.314 0.0 12.000 17.893 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N10 159.73 0.0224 0.0 12.000 0.269 Vel = 5.94 N10 -10.77 3.314 0.0 12.000 18.162 Sto Nil 148.96 120 0.0197 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.000 0.0 0.236 Vel = 5.54 Nil -17.04 3.314 0.0 12.000 18.398 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N12 131.92 0.0158 0.0 12.000 0.189 Vel = 4.91 N12 -22.98 3.314 0.0 12.000 18.587 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N13 108.94 0.0111 0.0 12.000 0.133 Vel= 4.05 N13 -26.19 3.314 0.0 12.000 18.720 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N14 82.75 0.0067 0.0 12.000 0.080 Vel = 3.08 N14 -47.95 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 18.800 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N14R 34.8 0.0450 0.0 10.500 0.472 Vel = 5.48 N14R 0.0 1.728 1E 5.645 12.330 19.272 to 120 iT 11.29 16.935 0.0 N29R 34.8 0.0319 0.0 29.265 0.934 Vel = 4.76 N29R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 20.206 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N29 34.8 0.0450 0.0 10.500 0.472 Vel = 5.48 0.0 34.80 20.678 KFactor= 7.65 N53 -11.83 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 23.237 00 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N53R -11.83 -0.0061 0.0 10.500 -0.064 Vel = 1.86 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 14 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 2 REVISED S Date 080806 Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt .Hyd. Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes Point Ot Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn N53R 0.0 1.728 2E 11.29 90.660 23.173 to 120 0.0 11.290 0.0 N37R -11.83 -0.0043 0.0 101.950 -0.442 Vel = 1.62 N37R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500. 22.731 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N37 -11.83 -0.0061 0.0 10.500 -0.064 Vel = 1.86 0.0 -11.83 22.667 K Factor = -2.48 N54 -10.42 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 23.316 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N54R -10.42 -0.0048 0.0 10.500 -0.050 Vel = 1.64 N54R 0.0 1.728 4E 22.58 91.160 23.266 to 120 0.0 22.580 0.0 N38R -10.42 -0.0034 0.0 113.740 -0.390 Vel = 1.43 N38R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 22.876 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N38 -10.42 -0.0049 0.0 10.500 -0.051 Vel = 1.64 • 0.0 -10.42 22.825 K Factor= -2.18 N55 -0.35 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 23.415 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N55R -0.35 0.0 0.0 10.500 0.0 Vel = 0.06 N55R 0.0 1.728 2E 11.29 82.790 23.415 to 120 0.0 11.290 0.0 N39R -0.35 0.0 94.080 -0.001 Vel = 0.05 N39R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 23.414 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N39 -0.35 0.0 0.0 10.500 0.0 Vel = 0.06 0.0 -0.35 23.414 K Factor = -0.07 N56 2.87 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 23.515 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N56R 2.87 0.0004 0.0 10.500 0.004 Vel = 0.45 N56R 0.0 1.728 2E 11.29 82.790 23.519 to 120 0.0 11.290 0.0 N40R 2.87 0.0003 0.0 94.080 0.030 Vel = 0.39 N40R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 23.549 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N40 2.87 0.0005 0.0 10.500 0.005 Vel = 0.45 • 0.0 2.87 23.554 KFactor= 0.59 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 15 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 2 REVISED Date 080806 S Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C° or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn N57 11.54 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 23.609 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N57R 11.54 0.0058 0.0 10.500 0.061 Vet = 1.82 N57R 0.0 1.728 2E 11.29 89.660 23.670 to 120 0.0 11.290 0.0 N41 11.54 0.0041 0.0 100.950 0.418 Vet = 1.58 N41 0.0 1.61 1 8.0 2.500 24.088 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N41 11.54 0.0058 0.0 10.500 0.061 Vet = 1.82 0.0 11.54 24.149 KFactor= 2.35 N58 12.77 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 23.682 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N58R 12.77 0.0070 0.0 10.500 0.074 Vet = 2.01 N58R 0.0 1.728 1E 5.645 89.660 23.756 to 120 0.0 5.645 0.0 N42R 12.77 0.0050 0.0 95.305 0.476 Vet = 1.75 N42R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 24.232 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N42 12.77 0.0070 0.0 10.500 0.074 Vel = 2.01 0.0 12.77 24.306 K Factor = 2.59 N59 14.04 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 23.734 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N59R 14.04 0.0084 0.0 10.500 0.088 Vet = 2.21 N59R 0.0 1.728 1 E 5.645 89.660 23.822 to 120 0.0 5.645 0.0 N43R 14.04 0.0060 0.0 95.305 0.568 Vet = 1.92 N43R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 24.390 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N43 14.04 0.0084 0.0 10.500 0.088 Vet = 2.21 0.0 14.04 24.478 KFactor= 2.84 N60 15.57 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 23.768 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N60R 15.57 0.0102 0.0 10.500 0.107 Vel = 2.45 N60R 0.0 1.728 1E 5.645 89.660 23.875 to 120 0.0 5.645 0.0 15.57 0.0072 0.0 95.305 0.687 Vet = 2.13 • N44R N44R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 24.562 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N44 15.57 0.0101 0.0 10.500 0.106 Vet = 2.45 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 16 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 2 REVISED Date 080806 . Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C' or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 0.0 15.57 24.668 K Factor= 3.13 N61 17.31 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 23.786 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N61 17.31 0.0123 0.0 10.500 0.129 Vel = 2.73 N61 0.0 1.728 1E 5.645 89.660 23.915 to 120 0.0 5.645 0.0 N45R 17.31 0.0088 0.0 95.305 0.835 Vel = 2.37 N45R 0.0 1.61 1 8.0 2.500 24.750 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N45 17.31 0.0124 0.0 10.500 0.130 Vel = 2.73 0.0 17.31 24.880 K Factor = 3.47 MT 22.75 4.31 0.0 5.000 23.436 to 120 0.0 0.0 -0.866 N36 22.75 0.0 0.0 5.000 Vel = 0.50 -12.24 4.31 0.0 10.000 22.570 S N36 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N30 10.51 0.0001 0.0 10.000 0.001 Vel = 0.23 N30 47.95 4.31 0.0 2.000 22.571 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N35 58.46 0.0010 0.0 2.000 0.002 Vel = 1.29 N35 -11.74 4.31 0.0 12.000 22.573 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N34 46.72 0.0007 0.0 12.000 0.008 Vel = 1.03 N34 -11.34 4.31 2E 27.874 43.500 22.581 to 120 0.0 27.874 0.0 N33 35.38 0.0004 0.0 71.374 0.027 Vel = 0.78 N33 -12.18 4.31 0.0 12.000 22.608 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N32 23.2 0.0002 0.0 12.000 0.002 Vel = 0.51 N32 -12.04 4.31 0.0 2.120 22.610 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N31 11.16 0.0 0.0 2.120 0.0 Vel = 0.25 N31 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 22.610 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N31 11.16 0.0055 0.0 10.500 0.058 Vel = 1.76 N31 0.0 1.728 4E 22.58 69.040 22.668 to 120 0.0 22.580 0.0 N47R 11.16 0.0039 0.0 91.620 0.356 Vel = 1.53 N47R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 23.024 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N47 11.16 0.0055 0.0 10.500 0.058 Vel = 1.76 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 17 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 2 REVISED Date 080806 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C° or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn N47 0.0 3.314 0.0 12.000 23.082 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N48 11.16 0.0002 0.0 12.000 0.002 Vel = 0.42 N48 12.04 3.314 0.0 12.000 23.084 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N49 23.2 0.0006 0.0 12.000 0.007 Vel = 0.86 N49 12.18 3.314 0.0 12.000 23.091 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N50 35.38 0.0014 0.0 12.000 0.017 Vel = 1.32 N50 11.34 3.314 0.0 12.000 23.108 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N51 46.72 0.0023 0.0 12.000 0.028 Vel = 1.74 N51 11.74 3.314 0.0 12.000 23.136 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N52 58.46 0.0034 0.0 12.000 0.041 Vel = 2.17 N52 12.24 3.314 0.0 12.000 23.177 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sto N53 70.7 0.0050 0.0 12.000 0.060 Vel = 2.63 N53 11.83 3.314 0.0 12.000 23.237 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N54 82.53 0.0066 0.0 12.000 0.079 Vel = 3.07 N54 10.42 3.314 0.0 12.000 23.316 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N55 92.95 0.0082 0.0 12.000 0.099 Vel = 3.46 N55 0.35 3.314 0.0 12.000 23.415 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N56 93.3 0.0083 0.0 12.000 0.100 Vel = 3.47 N56 -2.87 3.314 0.0 12.000 23.515 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N57 90.43 0.0078 0.0 12.000 0.094 Vel = 3.36 N57 -11.54 3.314 0.0 12.000 23.609 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N58 78.89 0.0061 0.0 12.000 0.073 Vel = 2.93 N58 -12.77 3.314 0.0 12.000 23.682 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N59 66.12 0.0043 0.0 12.000 0.052 Vel = 2.46 N59 -14.05 3.314 0.0 12.000 23.734 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 52.07 0.0028 0.0 12.000 0.034 Vel = 1.94 •N60 N60 -15.57 3.314 0.0 12.000 23.768 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N61 36.5 0.0015 0.0 12.000 0.018 Vel = 1.36 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 18 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 2 REVISED Date 080806 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn N61 -17.30 3.314 0.0 12.000 23.786 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N62 19.2 0.0004 0.0 12.000 0.005 Vel = 0.71 N62 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 23.791 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N62R 19.2 0.0150 0.0 10.500 0.157 Vel = 3.03 N62R 0.0 1.728 1E 5.645 89.660 23.948 to 120 0.0 5.645 0.0 N46R 19.2 0.0106 0.0 95.305 1.011 Vel = 2.63 N46R 0.0 1.61 iT 8.0 2.500 24.959 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N46 19.2 0.0150 0.0 10.500 0.158 Vel = 3.03 0.0 19.20 25.117 KFactor= 3.83 21 -32.84 1.728 0.0 24.000 12.488 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 -32.84 -0.0287 0.0 24.000 -0.688 Vel = 4.49 S 22 22 19.24 1.728 0.0 8.000 11 .800 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 23 -13.6 -0.0056 0.0 8.000 -0.045 Vel = 1.86 23 19.20 1.728 0.0 6.660 11.755 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 24 5.6 0.0011 0.0 6.660 0.007 Vel = 0.77 24 19.21 1.728 0.0 8.000 11.762 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 25 24.81 0.0171 0.0 8.000 0.137 Vel = 3.39 25 19.31 1.728 0.0 8.000 11.899 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 26 44.12 0.0495 0.0 8.000 0.396 Vel = 6.04 26 19.64 1.728 1 E 5.645 17.000 12.295 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 5.645 0.0 N16R 63.76 0.0978 0.0 22.645 2.214 Vel = 8.72 N16A 0.0 1.61 1 8.0 2.500 14.509 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 N16 63.76 0.1379 0.0 10.500 1.448 Vel = 10.05 N16 0.0 3.314 0.0 12.000 15.957 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N17 63.76 0.0041 0.0 12.000 0.049 Vel = 2.37 . N17 62.57 3.314 0.0 12.000 16.006 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N18 126.33 0.0146 0.0 12.000 0.175 Vel = 4.70 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 19 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 2 REVISED Date 080806 .Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pt Pn N18 41.13 3.314 0.0 12.000 16.181 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N19 167.46 0.0245 0.0 12.000 0.294 Vel = 6.23 N19 -4.08 3.314 0.0 12.000 16.475 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N20 163.38 0.0233 0.0 12.000 0.280 Vel = 6.08 N20 -3.11 3.314 0.0 12.000 16.755 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N21 160.27 0.0226 0.0 12.000 0.271 Vel = 5.96 N21 -2.67 3.314 0.0 12.000 17.026 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N22 157.6 0.0219 0.0 12.000 0.263 Vel = 5.86 N22 -2.84 3.314 0.0 12.000 17.289 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N23 154.76 0.0211 0.0 12.000 0.253 Vel = 5.76 N23 -3.61 3.314 1H 4.368 20.040 17.542 I to N24 151.15 120 0.0203 0.0 0.0 4.368 24.408 0.0 0.495 Vel = 5.62 N24 5.84 3.314 0.0 23.080 18.037 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N25 156.99 0.0217 0.0 23.080 0.501 Vel = 5.84 N25 10.77 3.314 0.0 23.200 18.538 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N26 167.76 0.0246 0.0 23.200 0.570 Vel = 6.24 N26 17.04 3.314 1H 4.368 15.620 19.108 to 120 0.0 4.368 0.0 N27 184.8 0.0294 0.0 19.988 0.587 Vel = 6.87 N27 22.97 3.314 0.0 12.000 19.695 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N28 207.77 0.0365 0.0 12.000 0.438 Vel = 7.73 N28 26.20 3.314 0.0 12.000 20.133 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N29 233.97 0.0454 0.0 12.000 0.545 Vel = 8.70 N29 34.80 3.314 1H 4.368 6.000 20.678 to 120 iT 21.838 26.206 0.866 MT 268.77 0.0587 0.0 32.206 1.892 Vel = 10.00 MT -22.75 4.31 0.0 7.000 23.436 to 120 0.0 0.0 -0.866 N37 246.02 0.0139 0.0 7.000 0.097 Vel = 5.41 IN37 -11.83 4.31 0.0 12.500 22.667 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N38 234.19 0.0126 0.0 12.500 0.158 Vel = 5.15 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 20 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 2 REVISED Date 080806 0 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. or Ftngs Pe Pv Notes Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pt Pn N38 -10.42 4.31 31 29.268 21.370 22.825 to 120 0.0 29.268 0.0 N39 223.77 0.0116 0.0 50.638 0.589 Vel = 4.92 N39 -0.35 4.31 0.0 12.000 23.414 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N40 223.42 0.0117 0.0 12.000 0.140 Vel = 4.91 N40 2.87 4.31 31 29.268 20.870 23.554 to 120 0.0 29.268 0.0 N41 226.29 0.0119 0.0 50.138 0.595 Vel = 4.98 N41 11.54 4.31 0.0 12.000 24.149 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N42 237.83 0.0131 0.0 12.000 0.157 Vel = 5.23 N42 12.77 4.31 0.0 12.000 24.306 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N43 250.6 0.0143 0.0 12.000 0.172 Vel = 5.51 N43 14.04 4.31 0.0 12.000 24.478 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 V N44 264.64 0.0158 0.0 12.000 0.190 Vel = 5.82 N44 15.58 4.31 0.0 12.000 24.668 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N45 280.22 0.0177 0.0 12.000 0.212 Vel = 6.16 N45 17.30 4.31 0.0 12.000 24.880 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 N46 297.52 0.0198 0.0 12.000 0.237 Vel = 6.54 N46 19.20 4.31 31 29.268 22.120 25.117 to 120 0.0 29.268 7.436 R 316.72 0.0221 0.0 51.388 1.137 Vel = 6.96 R 0.0 4.31 61 58.535 129.040 33.690 to 120 0.0 58.535 0.0 TOR 316.72 0.0221 0.0 187.575 4.151 Vel = 6.96 TOR 0.0 4.31 11 9.756 9.170 37.841 to 120 1Z 13.937 23.693 4.041 BOR 316.72 0.0221 0.0 32.863 0.727 Vel = 6.96 BOR 50.00 4.026 11 7.0 3.500 42.609 Qa = 50 to 120 0.0 7.000 0.0 FLG 366.72 0.0405 0.0 10.500 0.425 Vel = 9.24 FLG 0.0 6.16 1E 20.084 6.500 43.034 to 140 0.0 20.084 2.599 Li 366.72 0.0038 0.0 26.584 0.102 Vel = 3.95 V UG 0.0 6.09 1E 21.583 159.000 45.735 to 150 0.0 21.583 -2.599 BF3 366.72 0.0036 0.0 180.583 0.644 Vel = 4.04 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 21 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 2 REVISED Date 080806 Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt .Hyd. Ref. licit or Ftng's Pe Pv Notes Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn BF3 0.0 6.16 3E 60.252 21.000 43.780 to 140 iZaf 0.0 61.582 2.666 *Fixed loss= 2.666 BF4 366.72 0.0038 lEgI 0.0 82.582 0.317 Vel = 3.95 BF4 0.0 6.09 1E 21.583 16.000 46.763 to 150 1G 4.625 26.208 0.0 TEE 366.72 0.0036 0.0 42.208 0.150 Vel = 4.04 TEE 0.0 9.79 1E 29.689 317.000 46.913 to 150 1G 6.747 36.435 0.325 J3 366.72 0.0004 0.0 353.435 0.125 Vel = 1.56 200.00 Oa = 200.00 566.72 47.363 K Factor= 82.35 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 AutoPeaking Summary SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 22 VENTANA BLDG C AREA 2 REVISED Date 080806 Auto Peaking Summary - List of Pipes for Area Calculated Left Right Side Side From To Length From To Length N2R 32 33.000 27 N17R 17.000 N3R 33 33.000 36 N18R 33.000 N1R 21 33.000 N14R N29R 12.330 21 22 24.000 26 N16R 17.000 Flow Pressure Pressure Required Required Differential Left 8.000 I 566.678 48.510 -0.187 Area Calculated 566.717 48.697 0.000 Right 8.000 I 566.265 48.659 -0.038 11 Typical Distance Between Heads = 8.000 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Internationally tested and approved I • Pit4'JIl11'11 I - - FS-ONE High Performance Intumescent Firestop Sealant Product description Intumescent (expands when exposed to tire) firestop sealant that helps protect combustible and non-combustible penetrations for up to 4 hours fire rating Areas of application Steel copper and EMT pipes Insulated steel and copper pipes Jacketed cables and cable bundles Closed or vented plastic pipes For use with Concrete. masonry. drywall and wood floor assemblies Wall and floor assemblies rated up to 4 hours 'ED BY 'Sealing around plastic pipe penetrations in lire rated UR LABORATORIES. INC FOR VSE IN TAOkPGN'PENETAATK)N e> construction FIRESIOP SYSTEMS APPROVED TO SEE UL FIRE RE5I51*tDRECOP ...:- 66Y7 System/Product advantages Protects more than 95% of all typical firestop applications Om Membtr - Easy to work with and fast : cleanup Ouickseah coun cJ sealing q r n W • Can be repenetrated when laying new cables FS-ONE Intumescent Firestop Sealant CIor Pac.ag€ contents Volumt Item No. . FS-ONE, tube red 10.1 oz (300 mQ 18 In' 00259579 -• FS-ONE, toil red ((fly 20) 20.2 oz. (600 ml) 36 in' 00311387 FS-ONE, pail red 5 Gallons (19 lIter) 1155 In' 00259578 CB 200 P1-3001310 ml Dispenser 600 ml Foil Dispenser 00024669 - - Simplicity Confidence Value I I... 4 1-500-879-6000 O S FS-ONE Nigh Performance Intumescent Firestop Sealant Product description Intumescent expands vhen exposed to tire) firestop sealant that helps protect combustible and non-combustible penetrations for up to 4 hours fire rating Product features Smoke. gas and water.resistant Contains no halogen, solvents or asbestos High lire rating properties Water based. easy to clean -. . - . .. .. Technical Data FS-ONE Intumescent Firestop tat 73°F )23°C) and 501 relative hurnioitv) Chemical basis: Water-based intumescent acr.c aspersion Density: Approx. 1 5.g;cm Color: Red Workino time: Approx. 20-30 mm Curino time: Aoprox .14-2; days Shore A Hardness: Approx 35 Movement capability: Approx. 51 Intumescent Activation: Approx 250°F 1121 °Cl Expansion rate (unrestricted): Up to 3-5 times origmnaivolurne Temperature resistance lcuredl: -40°F (-40°C) to 212°F Application temperature: 35°F (2°Cl to 100°F 138°C!. Surface burning characteristics: Flame Spread: 0 ASTM E 84-961 Smoke Development: 5 Tested in accordance with '- Approvals UL 1479 lC80 Evaluation Service. Inc. Report No. 5071 - ......... ASTM E 814 California State Fire Marshal Listing No. 1200:108 -............. UL 2079 City of New York . MEA 326-96-M -- City of Los Angeles Research Report 25188 Installation instructions for FS-ONE 0 . 1. Clean opening. 2. Pack mineral 3. Apply ES-ONE. wool. (II required) 4. Smooth FS-ONE. 5. Leave completed 6. Fasten identification seal undisturbed for plate (if required). 48 hours. Opening Clean the opening. Surfaces to which ES-ONE will be applied should be cleaned of loose debris, dirt. oil, moisture, frost and wax. Structures supporting penetrating items must be installed in compliance with local building and electrical standards Application of firestop sealant 2 Install the prescribed backfilling material type and depth to oolain me desired rating (if required). Leave sufficient depth for applying FS-ONE. Application of firestop sealant: Apply ES-ONE to the required depth in order to obtain the desired fire rating. Make sure ES-ONE contacts all surfaces to provioe maximum adhesion. For application of ES-ONE use a slanoard caulking gun. foil pack gun, bulk loaoer and bulk gun. With ES-ONE buckets. Graco type sealant pumps may be used. Contact pump manufacturer for proper selection.) Smoothing of firestop sealant: To complete the seal, tool immedi- ately to give a smooth appearance. Excess sealant. prior to curing, can be cleaned away from aoacent surfaces and tools ruth water. Leave completed seal undisturbed for 45 hours. For maintenance reasons. a penetratior, seal could be permanently marked with an identification plate. In such a case. mark the iden- tificalion plate and fasten it in a vioie position next to the seal. Notice about approvals Check that the penetration has been sealed according to the specified drawing in the UL Fire Resistance Directory or Hilti Firestop manual. For further advice, please contact Hilti customer service. Refer to Hilti product literature and UL fire resistance *directory for specific application details. Not to be used... For high movement expansion joints----- Underwater On building materials which bleed oil, plasticizers or solvents (impregnated wood. oil-based seals. green or partially vulcanized rubber) In any penetration other than those specifically described in the Hilti Firestop Manual or the test reports Safety precautions Before handling, read the product and material safety data sheet for detailed use and health information. Keep out of reach of children Wear suitable gloves and eye protection Storage Store only in the original packaging in a location protected from moisture at temperatures between 40°F (5°C) and 86°F (30°C). 41 Observe expiration aate on the packaging. I Oflfl 0'rl OVIflfl SECTION A-A ATh V U.L. SYSTEM NO. CAJIISS METAL PIPE TOUGH A SLEEVE IN CONCRETE FLOOR OR WALL F RATJN6 : 3- I RATING : 0-HR. L RATING AT AMBIENT : LESS THAN I CFM/SQ. FT. L RATING AT 400F : 4 CTM/5O. FT. TOP VIEW I. FLOOR OR TALL ASSEMBLY A. MINIMUM 4-1/2 THICK LIGHITEJGHT OR NORMAL WEIGHT CONCRETE FLOOR. B. U.L.. CLASSIFIED CONCRETE BLOCK TALL (MiNIMUM BeBLOCK). 2. PENETRATING ITEM TO BE ONE OF THE FOLLOEN6: & MAXIMUM 20 DIAMETER STEEL PIPE. B. MAXI 6' DIAMETER COPPER PIPE. C. MAXIVUW 6' DIAMETER STEEL COIOUrI. 0. MAXIMUM 4 DIAMETER EMT. OPTIONAL.: MAXIMUM Zr DIAMETER STEEL PIPE SLEEVE (SCHEDULE 10 OR HEAVIER). MINIMUM 4' THICKNESS MiNERAL TOOL (WIN. 4 PCF DENSITY) RECESSED /2' FROM TOP Of SLEEVE. MINIMUM I/2 DEPTH HILT] FS-ONE FIRESTOP SEALANT. A GENEROUS BEAD Of HXTI FS-ONE FIRESTOP SEALANT AROUND OUTER PERIMETER OF STEEL SLEEVE. NOTES : I. MAXIMUM DIAMETER Of OPENING 22'. 2. ANNULAR SPACE MINIMUM 0', MAXIMUM I-Il?'. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR UL NO. CAJI155 STEP I . PREPARATION: All surfaces must be clean, sound, dry and frost free prior to application of firestop materials. STEP 2 . BACKING MATERIAL Firrrily, pack mineral wool around the penetrating item recessing it 1/2 below surace of the sleeve (or both ends of sleeve in wail). STEP 3. F1RESTOP SE.&L&NT: Apply the Firestop Sealant over the backing rr.atenaJ to a min. depth of 112 flush with the end(s) of the sleeve. Wail penetrations require Firesiop Sealant installed on both sides. Leave completed seal undisturbed for 4 hours. i : 1:5L, oil 1 4 U.L. SYSTEM NO. Wt..1054 METAL PIPE THROUGH GYPSUM WALL ASSEMBLY F RATING : I-HR. OR 2-HR. I RATING 0-HR. L RATING Al AMBIENT LESS THAN I CFWSO. FT. L RATING AT 4000F : LESS THAN 4 CFWSO. FT. FRONT VIEW SECTION A-A - I Iii. 4 L.A I. GYPSUM TALL ASSEMBLY (I-HR. OR 2-HR. F]RE-RATING)(2-HR. SHOWN). 2. PENETRATING ITEM 10 BE ONE OF THE FOLLOT']NG: MAXJVJM 20' DIAMETER STEEL PIPE (SCHEDULE 10 OR HEAVIER). MAXiMUM 6' DIAMETER COPPER PIPE. MAXIMUM 6' DIAMETER STEEL CONDUIT. MAXIMUM 4' DIAMETER STEEL El!.. 3. o. V]N]VUM 5/B' DEPTH KILT] FS-ONE FIRES10P SEALANT : 1-HA. FIRE-RATING. b. V1N]Wl. 1-1/4' DEPTH KILT] FS-ONE FIRESTOP SEALANT : 2-HR. FIRE-RATING. 4. MINIMUM 1/20 BEAD KILT] FS-ONE FTRES1OP SEALANT FOR POINT OF CONTACT. [óEs : I. MAXIMUM DIAMETER OF OPENING : 22-1/4'. L 2. ANNULAR SPACE : MINIMUM 0', MAXIMUM 2-1/4'. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR UL NO. WL1054 S '!EP I - PREPARATION: All surfaces must be dean, sound, dry and frost free prior to application of fireslopping malenats STEP 2- FIREZTOP SEALANT: Apply a minimum E/E or 1-1/4' depth of FS-ONE in the annular space around the pene- tratng nern. Tool excess seaianl beyond pe rne1e of the opening 1/2' on-to wait surface. Leave completed seal undis- turbed for S S OR E-Qui-q.L TWO PIECE UNIVERSAL DECRIFTON CASE QTYPNT F _PARTj_ 45-30-150 RED; 1/2" PS 100/31$ 45-30-153 BAFFLE PLATE. RED 45-30-157 RED; 3!4 IP$ 90129$ ARGCO) FIRE SPRINKLER SPECIALTIES HEAb'GUARbS rotection of sprinkler he in industrial opplic ons (storage roc .. ow drops. etc.) ONE PIECE bOUBLE PART LN CPJPTO!t CASE Q'lWT 45-30-100 RED 100/15* 45-30-101.. HROME 100/150 45-30-102. E 100/15* 45-30103 RED WLBAFFL TE 100/26* 7j IIflIIfl. IS I 1-1S 4 0or -LATCH HOOKS ARE EXPOSED FOR EASY INSTALLATIONtI 45-30-153 HEAT COLLECTOR 800-854-1015 4 FAX 760727-3270 [J tEILOBE® FIRE SPRINKLER CORPORATION SPRINKLER CABINETS. FOR REPLACEMENT A U TOMA TIC SPRINKLERS EQUAL S-I-X—S-P-RINK-L-E-R-eA-BINET FOR '/2" OR 3h" SPRINKLERS . .: P/N 312390 OR.--EQ1UA L TWELVE SPRINKLER CABINET FOR '/2" OR %" SPRINKLERS P/N 312392 Also available - Six Sprinkler Cabinet for Large / £SFR Sprinklers - PIN 312394. When storing concealed sprinklers, Twelve Sprinkler Cabinet holds six units and Six Sprinkler Cabinet. holds three units. 'S 4077 AIRPARK DRIVE, STANDISH, MICHIGAN 48658 S 17-846-41583 • FAX 5 17-846-9231 OCTOBER 1995 8-5 BULLETIN SPRCAB