HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-12-16; Independent Redistricting Commission; ; Public input received in the redistricting processCA Review CKM Meeting Date: Dec. 16, 2021 To: Independent Redistricting Commission Staff Contact: Kristina Ray, Communication & Engagement Director kristina.ray@carlsbadca.gov, 760-434-2957 Subject: Public input received in the redistricting process Recommended Action Receive and discuss public input received from Nov. 14 to Dec. 8, 2021. Discussion As part of the redistricting process, staff is actively seeking input from the community to assist the Independent Redistricting Commission in understanding the community’s needs, values and priorities related to communities of interest and district boundaries. Since Nov. 14, the city received four additional responses to the community survey about communities of interest, which are communities that should stay together for the purpose of electing a City Council member, starting with the Nov. 2022 election. The city received a total of 156 responses from the public, including the four new responses. The new responses can be seen in Exhibit 1. The city also received feedback via established city communication channels, including the project’s email address, redistricting@carlsbadca.gov, and on the city’s social media channels. Fiscal Analysis This action has no fiscal impact. Environmental Evaluation In keeping with California Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a “project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Public Notification and Outreach This item was noticed in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and it was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1.Input received through Dec. 8, 2021 Dec. 16, 2021 Item #3 Page 1 of 28 Redistricting Survey 305 / 312 Q1 What interests and activities do your community or neighborhood share? We are close to the beach and share all the recreational aspects. Q2 If you had to name your community or neighborhood, what would you call it? Mid coastal Q3 What are the geographic boundaries of your community? Examples include cross streets, natural elements like the coastline or landmarks like parks. Palomar Airport Road, Poinsettia and the coast Q4 What brings your community together? What is important to your community? The ocean and access to trails and walking. Q5 What do you like about the current boundaries? All districts have responsibility to the coast line Q6 What would you change about the current district boundaries? Nothing #153#153 COMPLETECOMPLETE Collector:Collector: Web Link 1 Web Link 1 (Web Link)(Web Link) Started:Started: Friday, November 12, 2021 4:48:02 PMFriday, November 12, 2021 4:48:02 PM Last Modified:Last Modified: Friday, November 12, 2021 4:53:14 PMFriday, November 12, 2021 4:53:14 PM Time Spent:Time Spent: 00:05:1100:05:11 IP Address:IP Address: Language:Language: EnglishEnglish Page 1 Exhibit 1 Dec. 16, 2021 Item #3 Page 2 of 28 Redistricting Survey 306 / 312 Q7 Do you represent a group? If so, which one? none Q8 What ZIP code do you call home? 92011 Q9 Would you like to be added to our email list for project updates? Name Email Address Dec. 16, 2021 Item #3 Page 3 of 28 Redistricting Survey 307 / 312 Q1 What interests and activities do your community or neighborhood share? Nightlife, shopping, dining, coastal access Q2 If you had to name your community or neighborhood, what would you call it? Tamarack Point Q3 What are the geographic boundaries of your community? Examples include cross streets, natural elements like the coastline or landmarks like parks. Tamarack Ave to south, Marron Rd. to north, ECR on west, College on east Q4 What brings your community together? What is important to your community? This community enjoys the Village/Barrio and mall and beach. We are very concerned about the future of the Village/Barrio. As a developed neighborhood, we are also concerned about the unfunded state mandates to build housing that will ruin neighborhood character and not provide affordable housing. Q5 What do you like about the current boundaries? We are with the rest of northwest Carlsbad and the coast is included. #154#154 COMPLETECOMPLETE Collector:Collector: Web Link 1 Web Link 1 (Web Link)(Web Link) Started:Started: Monday, November 15, 2021 9:38:46 PMMonday, November 15, 2021 9:38:46 PM Last Modified:Last Modified: Monday, November 15, 2021 9:44:40 PMMonday, November 15, 2021 9:44:40 PM Time Spent:Time Spent: 00:05:5300:05:53 IP Address:IP Address: Language:Language: EnglishEnglish Page 1 Dec. 16, 2021 Item #3 Page 4 of 28 Redistricting Survey 308 / 312 Q6 What would you change about the current district boundaries? Part of Tamarack Point is in D2; the neighborhood should be unified. Q7 Do you represent a group? If so, which one? I do not represent a particular group but belong to quite a few. Q8 What ZIP code do you call home? 92010 Q9 Would you like to be added to our email list for project updates? Name Email Address Dec. 16, 2021 Item #3 Page 5 of 28 Redistricting Survey 309 / 312 Q1 What interests and activities do your community or neighborhood share? Surfing. Walking on the beach & on the trails. Concerns about the airport noise especially during the night. Dining out. Spending time walking our dogs & visiting outside with neighbors. Q2 If you had to name your community or neighborhood, what would you call it? Rancho Carrillo Q3 What are the geographic boundaries of your community? Examples include cross streets, natural elements like the coastline or landmarks like parks. Carlsbad Business Park/El Camino Real/Poinsettia/El Fuerte/Alga/Melrose South/San Marcos city limits/Vista city limits Q4 What brings your community together? What is important to your community? Time outdoors with family & friends. Teaching the kids new activities as they get older like swimming, skateboarding & surfing. Spiritual activities. Q5 What do you like about the current boundaries? I honestly have never found anything that I liked about the current boundaries. Many things are just odd. #155#155 COMPLETECOMPLETE Collector:Collector: Web Link 1 Web Link 1 (Web Link)(Web Link) Started:Started: Friday, November 19, 2021 11:17:00 AMFriday, November 19, 2021 11:17:00 AM Last Modified:Last Modified: Friday, November 19, 2021 12:04:08 PMFriday, November 19, 2021 12:04:08 PM Time Spent:Time Spent: 00:47:0800:47:08 IP Address:IP Address: Language:Language: EnglishEnglish Page 1 Dec. 16, 2021 Item #3 Page 6 of 28 Redistricting Survey 310 / 312 Q6 What would you change about the current district boundaries? I would include Rancho Carrillo with the La Costa group. It makes no sense for us to be in the same district as Calaveras Hills which has it’s northern boundary as Oceanside. Our kids do not surf at the same beaches. If we are Catholic we do not attend the same Catholic Church. There are 2 in Carlsbad. If we are LDS (Mormon) we do not attend the same LDS church. There are also 2 LDS churches in Carlsbad. I would also include Bressi Ranch Q7 Do you represent a group? If so, which one? Respondent skipped this question Q8 What ZIP code do you call home? 92009 Q9 Would you like to be added to our email list for project updates? Name Email Address Dec. 16, 2021 Item #3 Page 7 of 28 Redistricting Survey 311 / 312 Q1 What interests and activities do your community or neighborhood share? I am in D2 on the west side of ECR and north of Cannon. I have always felt an affinity toward D1 since I do my shopping and am north of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. When I go to the beach, I go to the beaches at D1. Q2 If you had to name your community or neighborhood, what would you call it? East D1. We are part of the Kelly Elementary School area and part of the north Agua Hedionda Lagoon community. Q3 What are the geographic boundaries of your community? Examples include cross streets, natural elements like the coastline or landmarks like parks. I am north of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon and west of El Camino Real-both of which are natural AND major roadway boundaries. My neighborhood was divided by small streets in the first redistricting session by two residents of South Carlsbad. Horrible!!! Q4 What brings your community together? What is important to your community? My community is divided by the lagoon and El Camino Real. We have our schools, shopping and parks in the same community which should be D1. Q5 What do you like about the current boundaries? Nothing. #156#156 COMPLETECOMPLETE Collector:Collector: Web Link 1 Web Link 1 (Web Link)(Web Link) Started:Started: Friday, November 19, 2021 1:11:16 PMFriday, November 19, 2021 1:11:16 PM Last Modified:Last Modified: Friday, November 19, 2021 1:23:23 PMFriday, November 19, 2021 1:23:23 PM Time Spent:Time Spent: 00:12:0600:12:06 IP Address:IP Address: Language:Language: EnglishEnglish Page 1 Dec. 16, 2021 Item #3 Page 8 of 28 Redistricting Survey 312 / 312 Q6 What would you change about the current district boundaries? I do not necessarily feel that the coast should be part of each district when small arterial roads are being divided into two separate districts. I mean, small streets with neighbors on one side in a separate district? All decided by south Carlsbad residents???? Q7 Do you represent a group? If so, which one? I am in the same zip code as D1 residents but have been placed in D2. I am a 42 year resident and our older communities and generations of Carlsbad residents live here. Q8 What ZIP code do you call home? 92008 Q9 Would you like to be added to our email list for project updates? Name Email Address Dec. 16, 2021 Item #3 Page 9 of 28 From:redistricting To: Cc:redistricting; Sheila Cobian Subject:RE: Composition of Commission members Date:Wednesday, December 8, 2021 4:03:44 PM Good Afternoon Ms. Amador, The Independent Redistricting Commission is composed of seven members and three alternates. Commission members were selected by random draw. All applicants were placed into groups based off of the district they resided in. The process began by first drawing for the order from which districts would be drawn from. Then the commission and alternates were selected by random draw according to the following criteria: 2 registered as Republican 2 registered as Democrat 3 who list another party affiliation on their voter registration 1 member from each district 3 members citywide (not chosen because they are from a specific district) 3 alternates (1 Democrat, 1 Republican, 1 other) The following are the Commission Members that were selected from District 1: Nancy Arndt Aaron Harris Terese Sardina Thomas Pilcher (Alternate) The Commission selected will serve through the entire redistricting process. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you, Faviola Medina, CMC City Clerk Services Manager Office of the City Clerk P: 760-434-5989 From:Patricia Amador Sent: Monday, December 6, 2021 11:22 AM To: redistricting <redistricting@CarlsbadCA.gov> Subject: Composition of Commission members Dec. 16, 2021 Item #3 Page 10 of 28 Please advise the member or members representing District 1 and how they were selected. Please clarify if the information provided is current year (2021) or for upcoming year. Thank you Patricia Amador D1 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dec. 16, 2021 Item #3 Page 11 of 28 From:Faviola Medina To: Cc:redistricting Subject:RE: 11-18-2021 Independent Redistricting Commission Meeting Date:Thursday, December 2, 2021 2:51:29 PM Attachments:image002.png Good afternoon Kris, I have submitted your request to the demographer. Have a great day! Faviola Medina, CMC City Clerk Services Manager Office of the City Clerk P: 760-434-5989 From:Kris Wright Sent: Wednesday, December 1, 2021 6:45 PM To: Faviola Medina <Faviola.Medina@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: redistricting <redistricting@CarlsbadCA.gov> Subject: Re: 11-18-2021 Independent Redistricting Commission Meeting Thank you for your response Faviola, I submitted two maps that I would like to have removed 1. Equality 1 ID84697-this one divided district 2 with a segment from District 3 so D2 isn't contiguous 2. Equality 1 ID84619-this one had some unassigned segments. Both of these maps are undesirable for those reasons. I do have a map Equality 1 that is okay, ID84698 Thank you for your help with this. Kris On Wed, Dec 1, 2021 at 1:00 PM Faviola Medina <Faviola.Medina@carlsbadca.gov> wrote: Good Afternoon Kris, In response to your questions: 1. You may submit any comments to redistricting@carlsbadca.gov Dec. 16, 2021 Item #3 Page 12 of 28 2. You may request to withdraw your maps by providing us with the names of those maps and we can submit your request to the demographer. 3. The Commission hopes to adopt maps at Public Hearing #4 to be held Feb. 17, 2022. Maps should be submitted prior to that hearing. Thank you, Faviola Medina, CMC City Clerk Services Manager Office of the City Clerk P: 760-434-5989 From:Kris Wright Sent: Monday, November 29, 2021 1:11 PM To: Faviola Medina <Faviola.Medina@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Re: 11-18-2021 Independent Redistricting Commission Meeting Hi Faviola, I have a couple of questions about the maps and public participation in the redistricting process. 1. How do we contact the commissioners if we have a public opinion? 2. I submitted many maps and I'd like to withdraw a few of them. Is it possible to remove a map that I drew and submitted? 3. Now that the site has reopened for map drawing-Maptitude-when is the last day to submit? Thanks! Kris On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 2:26 PM Faviola Medina <Faviola.Medina@carlsbadca.gov> wrote: Good Afternoon, You are receiving this email because you requested to be notified when a particular subject would be discussed at a City of Carlsbad Independent Redistricting Commission meeting. The agenda for the 11-18-2021 Independent Redistricting Commission Meeting is now available on the City website, Meetings & Agendas page (link below). https://www.carlsbadca.gov/city-hall/city-council/redistricting/independent-redistricting- commission Have a great day! Dec. 16, 2021 Item #3 Page 13 of 28 Faviola Medina, CMC City Clerk Services Manager Office of the City Clerk 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 P: 760-434-5989 | F: 760-720-9461 | faviola.medina@carlsbadca.gov | www.carlsbadca.gov Facebook | Twitter | You Tube | Flickr | Pinterest | Enews|P Consider the environment before printing this e-mail Confidentiality Notice: Please note that email correspondence with the City of Carlsbad, along with any attachments, may be subject to the California Public Records Act, and therefore may be subject to disclosure unless otherwise exempt. -- Kris Wright CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. -- Kris Wright CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dec. 16, 2021 Item #3 Page 14 of 28 From: To:redistricting Subject:Re: Why does each District need a piece of the Coast? Date:Monday, November 29, 2021 12:54:47 PM Hello. I did submit a map and named it something like my topic "Why does every District need a piece of the Coast" which I now understand was a waste of my time, unfortunately. I have been told that the committee is following the recommendation of the people who designed the map last time. Not sure why you are asking for input if that was the plan all along. Thank you very much. Erin Nielsen On Wed, Nov 24, 2021 at 12:35 PM redistricting <redistricting@carlsbadca.gov> wrote: Good Afternoon, This is to confirm that we are in receipt of your email. I would also like to clarify if you meant to attach your map to this email or if you submitted it through DistrictR and if so, what did you name it? Please advise, Faviola Medina, CMC City Clerk Services Manager Office of the City Clerk P: 760-434-5989 From: Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2021 4:18 PM Dec. 16, 2021 Item #3 Page 15 of 28 To: redistricting <redistricting@CarlsbadCA.gov> Subject: Why does each District need a piece of the Coast? Hello and thank you for the many hours you are putting into this difficult and emotional task. Your efforts are appreciated. I could not find anything in the guidelines that said that each District must have a piece of the coast. I did read that you are looking for compact Districts and a level population. My map meets this criteria. Please remember that not everyone goes to the beach and although Carlsbad is known as a Beach Town, people who live in closer proximity to the coast have different issues and concerns than those who go to the beach but live further inland. I would like you to consider my map which has compact areas of people with the most in common (schools, shopping, etc.) For example, my many friends that live east of El Camino Real, currently District 2, shop and dine east of El Camino Real, even heading into Vista. They rarely shop or dine in the Village, as you aware. The same with my friends in the La Costa area, currently District 4, who shop, dine, head into San Marcos and go to the beach in Encinitas. For the above reasons, I would like you to give my map, and others with similar boundaries, consideration rather feel tied to the current district boundaries which were created because the school of thought at that time was that each district should contain a piece of the coast. Thank you for taking a fresh and realistic look at our diverse community and considering all points of view. Most sincerely, Erin Nielsen District 1 Dec. 16, 2021 Item #3 Page 16 of 28 Sent from Mail for Windows CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dec. 16, 2021 Item #3 Page 17 of 28 From:Faviola Medina To: Subject:RE: Independent Redistricting Commission - Follow-Up Date:Wednesday, November 24, 2021 12:13:40 PM Attachments:image002.png Hi Steve, Maptitude is an additional tool that is being provided for use to help those wishing to create maps. Regarding the Dec. 1 deadline, that is only to submit maps to be reviewed by the demographer in time to compile the agenda packet for the meeting on Dec. 16th. The public is still allowed to submit after that, however, those maps submitted after the deadline will just not be reviewed in time for the meeting and will be considered at the January meeting instead. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you, Faviola Medina, CMC City Clerk Services Manager Office of the City Clerk P: 760-434-5989 From:Steve Puterski Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2021 11:53 AM To: Faviola Medina <Faviola.Medina@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Re: Independent Redistricting Commission - Follow-Up Hi Faviola, A couple Qs. Is Maptitude the official map design tool? Or is it just another tool, along with Districtr, for the commission to choose finished maps? Also, Dec. 1 is the deadline to submit a map, correct? Or is that just a starting point for the demographer? Sometimes it's a little difficult to follow the commission's thought process. Thanks! Steve Puterski SRPacific Media Dec. 16, 2021 Item #3 Page 18 of 28 On Wed, Nov 24, 2021 at 9:32 AM Faviola Medina <Faviola.Medina@carlsbadca.gov> wrote: Good Morning Independent Redistricting Commission Members and Alternates, This is to provide you with a couple of updates: The first is that the Questions & Answers page on the city’s redistricting webpage has now been updated and includes new Q&As: https://www.carlsbadca.gov/city-hall/city-council/redistricting/about The second is that Maptitude is now available and can be accessed here (users will need to create a login and password): https://maps.redistricting.online/Carlsbad Please let me know if you have any questions. Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving! Faviola Medina, CMC City Clerk Services Manager Office of the City Clerk 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 P: 760-434-5989 | F: 760-720-9461 | faviola.medina@carlsbadca.gov | www.carlsbadca.gov Facebook | Twitter | You Tube | Flickr | Pinterest | Enews|P Consider the environment before printing this e-mail Confidentiality Notice: Please note that email correspondence with the City of Carlsbad, along with any attachments, may be subject to the California Public Records Act, and therefore may be subject to disclosure unless otherwise exempt. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dec. 16, 2021 Item #3 Page 19 of 28 From:redistricting To: Cc:redistricting Subject:RE: Questions about Maptitude Tool Date:Wednesday, November 24, 2021 12:05:07 PM Good Morning Mr. Cohen, Per our conversation, here is the direct link to Maptitude: https://maps.redistricting.online/Carlsbad The video tutorial can be found here: https://www.carlsbadca.gov/city-hall/city- council/redistricting/maps I have forwarded your email to the demographer for further response on the rest. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you, Faviola Medina, CMC City Clerk Services Manager Office of the City Clerk P: 760-434-5989 From:Arnie Cohen Sent: Friday, November 19, 2021 7:22 PM To: redistricting <redistricting@CarlsbadCA.gov> Subject: Questions about Maptitude Tool At Thursday's meeting I once again raised a couple of questions that I brought up at last Saturday's Public Hearing. There was some discussion around my second question below but the first question was not addressed. Here are those questions again in a little more detail. 1. Ms. Kelly has commented on more than one occasion that Maptitude is going to be a more Dec. 16, 2021 Item #3 Page 20 of 28 complicated mapping tool than Districtr. In what ways will that be so? Also, since at this time it is unknown as to exactly when Maptitude will be available, once it is, will there be a public meeting, webinar, workshop or online tutorial about how to use it? That would seem to be necessary if it is, in fact, a more complicated tool. 2. It appears that currently 18 maps have been submitted by the public through Districtr. All of those are based on the earlier estimated population. Shannon Kelly stated last night that NDC will use their version of Maptitude to pull in those maps and update them to show the actual final populations with the revised balances and deviations. Commissioner Ashton raised the question I asked about the map authors having the opportunity to revise their maps after those population revisions. I don't believe Ms. Kelly fully clarified the answer to that. She said that she expects those changes to be minimal but speaking as one of those authors I would appreciate a chance to look at my NDC revised map before it goes to the Commission and perhaps make some alterations. Thank you for your work on this important matter. Arnie Cohen CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dec. 16, 2021 Item #3 Page 21 of 28 From:Faviola Medina To: Cc:redistricting Subject:RE: FAQ updates Date:Tuesday, November 23, 2021 4:10:30 PM Good Afternoon Commissioner, I have forwarded your email to staff for processing. Thank you, Faviola Medina, CMC City Clerk Services Manager Office of the City Clerk P: 760-434-5989 From:Gayle Cadwallader Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2021 12:27 AM To: Faviola Medina <Faviola.Medina@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: FAQ updates I see two FAQs on the Redistricting page that could be updated. How many mapping workshops will be available for the public to attend? The answer is written in terms of future plans. It could be updated to describe what we've already done, along with what we still have planned. What is the 2020 population of each district? I understood that the official 2020 census data has become available. Hasn't it been loaded into the mapping spreadsheet? Can we now post the population counts, or point to where they can be found? By the way, I'd like to see the official data in the NDC presentation we see at each meeting. The preliminary data was in earlier presentations, but the latest slides did not contain the official district totals, only the deviations from ideal. I had to do the math on my own to figure out the totals, which many people will use as the Dec. 16, 2021 Item #3 Page 22 of 28 baseline for making changes to try to rebalance. That slide should be updated: it makes a great reference. Or add a separate slide with the totals. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dec. 16, 2021 Item #3 Page 23 of 28 From:Faviola Medina To: Cc:redistricting Subject:RE: Questions about population data in mapping spreadsheet Date:Tuesday, November 23, 2021 3:32:50 PM Good Afternoon Commissioner, I have forwarded your email to the demographer for review. Thank you, Faviola Medina, CMC City Clerk Services Manager Office of the City Clerk P: 760-434-5989 From:Gayle Cadwallader Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2021 2:49 AM To: Faviola Medina <Faviola.Medina@carlsbadca.gov>; redistricting <redistricting@CarlsbadCA.gov> Subject: Questions about population data in mapping spreadsheet I have a couple of questions for NDC regarding census units 20 and 82. Questions about census unit 20: In the current districting, census unit 20 (just east of El Camino Real) seems to have been divided, with people north of Chestnut placed in District 1 and people south of Chestnut placed in District 2. - How did that happen? E.g., was it previously two separate census units? - Can we divide census unit 20 the same way this time around? - If we divided census unit 20 at Chestnut, how many people would be attributed to the two parts? - In the current calculated imbalances, how was Census unit 20 treated? Questions about census unit 82: It appears that part of census unit 82 north of Poinsettia is currently in District 3, whereas the part south of Poinsettia is in District 4. I recall seeing something about making such a change at the last minute, to keep Terramar together. - Can we divide it up the same way this time around? - If we divided census unit 82 at Poinsettia, how many people would be attributed to the two parts? - In the current calculated imbalances, how was Census unit 82 treated? General question: There seems to be a disconnect in the spreadsheet between the Citizen Voting Age Population vs. Dec. 16, 2021 Item #3 Page 24 of 28 the Nov 2020 Registration totals. (E.g., see census units 79, 82, and 90, where the registrations are greater than the voting age population.) Please explain or update. I remain confused about the population we're supposed to balance. The FAQ page says Federal law requires it be based on total population of voting age residents, but the spreadsheet allots population to districts based on Total Est. Population (Column C), not Citizen Voting Age Population total (Column D). And the NDC presentations use the Total Est. Population to calculate the Ideal Population Per District. Please clarify/reconcile. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dec. 16, 2021 Item #3 Page 25 of 28 From:redistricting To: Cc:Faviola Medina; Shannon Kelly Subject:RE: Census Data Base not current for On-Line Mapping Tool Date:Monday, November 15, 2021 11:15:38 AM Good Morning Mr. Greenwald, As has been shared with the Commission, we are in unprecedented times in terms of Census Data this year. Data that should have been released in April 2021 did not come out until August. Then, the State of California did its new prisoner adjustments of the data. That was not finalized until September 27, 2021. In an effort to help the Carlsbad Independent Redistricting Commission get started and engage the public, we decided to elevate the first available redistricting tools as soon as possible with estimated population data. The demographic elements from the American Community Survey are actuals. We were pleased that the paper mapping kits have been updated with final population data already and expect to have District R updated shortly. Under this plan, members of the public have been able to engage in the process with both tools without delay. Any maps created on District R can be updated once final California-adjusted population data is uploaded. Please feel free to reach out to me directly if I can be of further assistance. Thank you, Sheila Cobian, MMC Legislative & Constituent Services Director 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-1949 760-434-2917 Confidentiality Notice: Please note that email correspondence with the City of Carlsbad, along with any attachments, may be subject to the California Public Records Act, and therefore may be subject to disclosure unless otherwise exempt. Facebook | Twitter | You Tube | Flickr | Pinterest | Enews Dec. 16, 2021 Item #3 Page 26 of 28 From:john greenwald abc Sent: Friday, November 12, 2021 3:26 PM To: redistricting <redistricting@CarlsbadCA.gov> Subject: Census Data Base not current for On-Line Mapping Tool Disappointed that the On-Line mapping tool Census Data Base has not been updated to match the Paper “ Public Participation Kit” Census Data. This raises questions about the competency of the support contractor. It is my opinion this is going to negatively impact citizen participation. John Greenwald CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dec. 16, 2021 Item #3 Page 27 of 28 Dec. 16, 2021 Item #3 Page 28 of 28