HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-02-08; City Council; ; Consideration of Approval of 2022 Primary and General Election Vote Center LocationsMeeting Date:Feb.8, 2022 To:Mayor and City Council From:Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact:Faviola Medina, City Clerk Services Manager faviola.medina@carlsbadca.gov, 760-434-2959 Subject:Consideration of Approval of 2022 Primary and General Election Vote Center Locations Recommended Action Adopt a resolution authorizing the use of the Calavera Hills Community Center Activity Room and Pine Avenue Community Center Gym as vote center locations and waiving any associated fees for their use in the 2022 Primary and General Elections. Executive Summary/Discussion On Oct. 19, 2021, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors approved the transition to the Voter’s Choice Act model. The California Voter’s Choice Act was intended to modernize elections in the state by letting counties conduct elections under a model that provides greater flexibility and convenience for voters.As part of this change, vote centers will be replacing traditional neighborhood polling places.These vote centers will be open for up to 11 days in a row. Voters can visit these centers to vote, register and vote the same day, drop off their ballots, vote with an accessible voting machine or to vet help and voting materials in multiple languages For the 2022 Primary Election, vote center locations must be made available from Saturday, May 28, 2022,through Monday, June 6, 2022,from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. and on Tuesday, June 7, 2022,from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. California Elections Code Section 12283(b)(2) states, “If a … county elections official specifically requests the use of a … public building for polling places, or vote centers beginning up to 10 days before the election and continuing through election day, as well as during key dates necessary for drop-off, set-up and pick-up of election materials, as determined by the elections official, the governing body having jurisdiction over the particular … public building shall allow its use for the purpose requested.” In keeping with that code section, the County of San Diego Registrar of Voters is requesting the use of the following city facilities as polling places for both the 2022 Primary and General Elections: • Calavera Hills Community Center – Activity Room, 2997 Glasgow Drive • Pine Avenue Community Center – Gym,3209 Harding Street Feb. 8, 2022 Item Page 1 of 8 These facilities are to be used for vote centers for the June Primary Election from Friday, May 27, 2022, through Wednesday, June 7, 2022. This expanded timeframe allows for the Registrar of Voters to drop off materials, conduct training, set up voting devices, breakdown and pick up of all materials. These same facilities are also being requested for the November General Election to be used from Friday, Oct. 28, 2022, through Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2022. In addition, the Registrar of Voters is requesting the use of eight tables, 12 chairs and access to five duplex electrical outlets. Fiscal Analysis California Elections Code Section 12283(b)(1) allows the city to provide these facilities for the Registrar of Voter’s use without cost to the county. Providing use of the Calavera Hills Community Center Activity Room and the Pine Avenue Community Center Gym for the Primary and General Elections will result in a decrease in revenue generated from the day-to-day use of these facilities. Because of the nature of the programming and incidental use, staff is unable to determine an accurate fiscal impact at this time. Next Steps Staff will provide the necessary parks and facilities use application to the Registrar of Voters for completion. Environmental Evaluation This action does not constitute a “project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Public Notification Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and it was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. City Council resolution 2. 2022 Vote Center information request form Feb. 8, 2022 Item #9 Page 2 of 8 EXHIBIT 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-041 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE USE OF THE CALAVERA HILLS COMMUNITY CENTER ACTIVITY ROOM AND THE PINE AVENUE COMMUNITY CENTER GYM AS VOTE CENTERS FOR THE 2022 PRIMARY AND GENERAL ELECTIONS AND WAIVING ANY ASSOCIATED FACILITY USE FEES WHEREAS, on Oct. 19, 2021, the County of San Diego Board of Supervisors approved the transition to the Voter's Choice Act model; and WHEREAS, vote centers will be replacing traditional neighborhood polling places; and WHEREAS, for the 2022 Primary Election, voting center locations must be made available from Saturday, May 28, 2022, through Monday, June 6, 2022, from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. and on Tuesday, June 7, 2022, from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m.; and WHEREAS, in accordance with California Elections Code Section 11283(b)(2), the County of San Diego Registrar of Voters is requesting the use of the Calavera Hills Community Center Activity Room and Pine Avenue Community Center Gym as vote centers for the 2022 Primary Election from Friday, May 27, 2022, through Wednesday, June 7, 2022 to accommodate drop-off, set-up, voting, breakdown and pick up and the 2022 General Election from Friday, Oct. 28, 2022, through Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2022 to accommodate drop-off, set-up, voting, breakdown and pick-up; and WHEREAS, California Elections Code Section 12283(b)(l) allows the city to provide the requested facilities for the Registrar of Voter's use without cost to the county; and WHEREAS, authorizing the use ofthe requested facilities as vote center locations for the 2022 Primary and General Elections and waiving any associated facility use fees serves a public purpose and provides a public benefit because it increases in-person voting opportunities within Carlsbad. Feb. 8, 2022 Item #9 Page 3 of 8 Dear Representative: On behalf of the Registrar of Voters, thank you for your past participation with hosting election voting locations or standing by for future use. We are reaching out again as we look to administer the Gubernatorial Primary Election. On October 19, 2021, the County of San Diego Board of Supervisors approved the transition to the Voter's Choice Act model. Vote centers will be replacing traditional neighborhood polling places. Select sites will be open eleven days, including Election Day, and additional sites will be open four days, including Election Day. The facility listed below will have eleven days of voting, Saturday, May 28, 2022, through Monday, June 6, 2022, from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. and on Tuesday, June 7, 2022 from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. Pursuant to Election Code Section 12283: "If a city or county elections official specifically requests the use of a school building or public building for polling places, or vote centers beginning up to 10 days before the election and continuing through election day, as well as during key dates necessary for drop-off, set-up, and pick-up of election materials, as determined by the elections official, the governing body having jurisdiction over the particular school building or public building shall allow its use for the purpose requested." In accordance with the above-cited Election Code section, we are requesting the use of the location listed below as a Vote Center from Saturday, May 28, 2022 through Tuesday, June 7, 2022. Following the public review period, if the location is not selected then a follow up letter will be provided. To accommodate the voting process, delivery of supplies will begin on Friday, May 20. Access to the room for set-up is needed on Friday, May 27 and voting from Saturday, May 28 through Tuesday, June 7, 2022. Breakdown of the room will conclude on Wednesday, June 8, 2022 and the last of the supplies will be picked up by Friday, June 10. Due to the condensed timeline, we ask that the attached form(s) are completed and returned no later than Tuesday, January 25, 2022 by email at David.Morton@sdcounty.ca.gov or fax at (858) 505-7294. Following the public review period, notices will be provided to each location. The service of providing voting locations to the residents of your community and the continued partnership with the San Diego County Registrar of Voters is greatly appreciated. We look forward to working together again. If you have any questions, please call (858) 505-7389. Thank you! Sincerely, Orlando BermioElection Processing Supervisor Enc. CALAVERA COMMUNITY PARK-ACTIVITY RM 2997 GLASGOW DR CALAVERA COMMUNITY CENTER CITY OF CARLSBAD 2997 GLASGOW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 VC Id: 5101VC Precinct: 409490Community: CARLSBADVC Rating: 31VC Type: REC January 18, 2022 REGISTRAR OF VOTERS County Operations Center Campus 5600 Overland Avenue, Suite 100, San Diego, California 92123-1266 Telephone: (858) 565-5800 Toll-free: 1 (800) 696-0136 TDD: (858) 694-3441 Facsimile: (858) 505-7294 Web Address: www.sdvote.com CYNTHIA L. PAES Registrar of Voters CYNTHIA L. PAES Assistant Registrar of Voters 1 Exhibit 2 Feb. 8, 2022 Item #9 Page 5 of 8 CALAVERA COMMUNITY PARK-ACTIVITY RM2997 GLASGOW DRCARLSBAD CA 92010 IS THE CONTACT AND FACILITY INFORMATION CORRECT? Vote Center Contact Name Phone1 (Home/Bus) Phone2(Cell/Other) Vote Center Representative Name Phone1 (Home/Bus) Phone2(Cell/Other) Email Emergency Contact Information (Name and Phone Number) Vote Center Ph: (760) 602-4680 FAVIOLA MEDINA, MANAGER Vote Center Representative's Signature Date: San Diego County Registrar of Voters Vote Center Information Form Gubernatorial Primary Election Tuesday, June 7, 2022 VC Id: 5101VC Precinct: 409490Community: CARLSBADVC Rating: 31VC Type: REC CALAVERA COMMUNITY CENTER CITY OF CARLSBAD 2997 GLASGOW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 Vote CenterRep: If NO, update as necessary. *Important: Fill out Emergency Contact Information for site access* Vote Center Name and Address: IS THIS ROOM AT LEAST 1,000 SQUARE FEET? If NO, please specify an alternate room which is IS THIS SITE PROVIDED FREE OF CHARGE?  NO  YESCAN YOU PROVIDE AT LEAST 12 CHAIRS AND 8 TABLES? DOES THE ROOM HAVE AT LEAST FIVE DUPLEX OUTLETS ON DIFFERENT CIRCUITS? If unsure, the Registrar of Voters may perform a site survey to determine the location and number of outlets. CITY OF CARLSBAD (760) 602-4680 () -  NO  YES  NO  YES EC: JESSE ALMADA 760-602-4684 (760) 434-5989 () -  NO  YES Faviola.Medina@carlsbadca.gov  NO  YES 5600 Overland Ave, Ste 100, San Diego CA 92123, Phone (858) 505-7389, Fax (858) 505-7294, Website sdvote.com Pursuant to Election Code Section 12288: "A polling place may not be connected by a door, window, or other opening with any place where any alcoholic beverage is sold or dispensed while the polls are open." Pursuant to Election Code Section 18370 (d): "No person, on election day, or at any time that a voter may be casting a ballot, shall, within 100 feet of a polling place or an elections official's office, do any electioneering." Any persons who violates any of the provisions of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor. Please return this form to us no later than January 25, 2022. Thank You! January 18, 2022  UNSURE 2Feb. 8, 2022 Item #9 Page 6 of 8 Dear Representative: On behalf of the Registrar of Voters, thank you for your past participation with hosting election voting locations or standing by for future use. We are reaching out again as we look to administer the Gubernatorial Primary Election. On October 19, 2021, the County of San Diego Board of Supervisors approved the transition to the Voter's Choice Act model. Vote centers will be replacing traditional neighborhood polling places. Select sites will be open eleven days, including Election Day, and additional sites will be open four days, including Election Day. The facility listed below will have eleven days of voting, Saturday, May 28, 2022, through Monday, June 6, 2022, from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. and on Tuesday, June 7, 2022 from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. Pursuant to Election Code Section 12283: "If a city or county elections official specifically requests the use of a school building or public building for polling places, or vote centers beginning up to 10 days before the election and continuing through election day, as well as during key dates necessary for drop-off, set-up, and pick-up of election materials, as determined by the elections official, the governing body having jurisdiction over the particular school building or public building shall allow its use for the purpose requested." In accordance with the above-cited Election Code section, we are requesting the use of the location listed below as a Vote Center from Saturday, May 28, 2022 through Tuesday, June 7, 2022. Following the public review period, if the location is not selected then a follow up letter will be provided. To accommodate the voting process, delivery of supplies will begin on Friday, May 20. Access to the room for set-up is needed on Friday, May 27 and voting from Saturday, May 28 through Tuesday, June 7, 2022. Breakdown of the room will conclude on Wednesday, June 8, 2022 and the last of the supplies will be picked up by Friday, June 10. Due to the condensed timeline, we ask that the attached form(s) are completed and returned no later than Tuesday, January 25, 2022 by email at David.Morton@sdcounty.ca.gov or fax at (858) 505-7294. Following the public review period, notices will be provided to each location. The service of providing voting locations to the residents of your community and the continued partnership with the San Diego County Registrar of Voters is greatly appreciated. We look forward to working together again. If you have any questions, please call (858) 505-7389. Thank you! Sincerely, Orlando BermioElection Processing Supervisor Enc. PINE AVE COMMUNITY CENTER-GYM 3209 HARDING ST PINE AVE COMMUNITY CENTER CITY OF CARLSBAD 3209 HARDING ST CARLSBAD, CA 92008 VC Id: 9862VC Precinct: 408500Community: CARLSBADVC Rating: 51VC Type: REC January 18, 2022 REGISTRAR OF VOTERS County Operations Center Campus 5600 Overland Avenue, Suite 100, San Diego, California 92123-1266 Telephone: (858) 565-5800 Toll-free: 1 (800) 696-0136 TDD: (858) 694-3441 Facsimile: (858) 505-7294 Web Address: www.sdvote.com CYNTHIA L. PAES Registrar of Voters CYNTHIA L. PAES Assistant Registrar of Voters 1Feb. 8, 2022 Item #9 Page 7 of 8 PINE AVE COMMUNITY CENTER-GYM3209 HARDING STCARLSBAD CA 92008 IS THE CONTACT AND FACILITY INFORMATION CORRECT? Vote Center Contact Name Phone1 (Home/Bus) Phone2(Cell/Other) Vote Center Representative Name Phone1 (Home/Bus) Phone2(Cell/Other) Email Emergency Contact Information (Name and Phone Number) Vote Center Ph: (760) 434-5022 FAVIOLA MEDINA Vote Center Representative's Signature Date: San Diego County Registrar of Voters Vote Center Information Form Gubernatorial Primary Election Tuesday, June 7, 2022 VC Id: 9862VC Precinct: 408500Community: CARLSBADVC Rating: 51VC Type: REC PINE AVE COMMUNITY CENTER CITY OF CARLSBAD 3209 HARDING ST CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Vote CenterRep: If NO, update as necessary. *Important: Fill out Emergency Contact Information for site access* Vote Center Name and Address: IS THIS ROOM AT LEAST 1,000 SQUARE FEET? If NO, please specify an alternate room which is IS THIS SITE PROVIDED FREE OF CHARGE?  NO  YESCAN YOU PROVIDE AT LEAST 12 CHAIRS AND 8 TABLES? DOES THE ROOM HAVE AT LEAST FIVE DUPLEX OUTLETS ON DIFFERENT CIRCUITS? If unsure, the Registrar of Voters may perform a site survey to determine the location and number of outlets. CITY OF CARLSBAD (760) 434-2858 (760) 434-2826  NO  YES  NO  YES EC: MIKE PACHECO 760-434-2858 858-336-1692 (760) 434-5989 (760) 602-4682  NO  YES Faviola.Medina@carlsbadca.gov  NO  YES 5600 Overland Ave, Ste 100, San Diego CA 92123, Phone (858) 505-7389, Fax (858) 505-7294, Website sdvote.com Pursuant to Election Code Section 12288: "A polling place may not be connected by a door, window, or other opening with any place where any alcoholic beverage is sold or dispensed while the polls are open." Pursuant to Election Code Section 18370 (d): "No person, on election day, or at any time that a voter may be casting a ballot, shall, within 100 feet of a polling place or an elections official's office, do any electioneering." Any persons who violates any of the provisions of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor. Please return this form to us no later than January 25, 2022. Thank You! January 18, 2022  UNSURE 2Feb. 8, 2022 Item #9 Page 8 of 8