HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-01-27; Independent Redistricting Commission; MinutesINDEPENDENT REDISTRICTING COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes Jan. 27, 2022, 4 p.m. Virtual Meeting Council Chamber 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 AMENDED CALL TO ORDER: 4 p.m. ROLL CALL: Fabiano, Stanley, Ashton, Harris, Sardina, Cadwallader, Arndt. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Vice Chair Stanley led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting held Nov. 18, 2021 Minutes of the Regular Meeting held Dec. 16, 2021 Commission Member Sardina requested that the Nov. 18 minutes be amended to reflect her comment on page two of said minutes that she would like to see a map with a beach in every district. Motion by Vice Stanley, seconded by Commission Member Sardina, to approve the Minutes of Nov. 18, 2021 as amended by Commission Member Sardina — 7/0. Motion by Vice Chair Stanley, seconded by Commission Member Harris, to approve the Minutes of Dec. 16, 2021 — 7/0. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. DEPARTMENT REPORTS: 1. PUBLIC INPUT RECEIVED IN THE REDISTRICTING PROCESS — Receive and discuss correspondence received from Jan. 13, 2022 to Jan. 19, 2022 and additional survey results received from Dec. 9, 2021 to Jan. 19, 2022. (Staff Contact: Kristina Ray, Communication & Engagement Department) Communication 8( Engagement Director Kristina Ray and Community Relations Manager Bree Robertoy introduced the item and were available to answer commission members' questions. In response to an inquiry from Commission Member Ashton, Ms. Ray explained that she has noticed the public become more engaged as a result of the enhanced outreach. Commission members thanked the public for their comments and participation in the redistricting process. No public comment was received for this item. Jan. 27, 2022 Independent Redistricting Commission Regular Meeting Page 2 2. APPROVAL OF A METHOD TO NARROW DOWN AND SELECT THE FINAL CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT MAP — By motion, approve a method to narrow down and select a final City Council district map. (Staff Contact: Sheila Cobian, City Manager's Office) Director of Legislative and Constituent Services Sheila Cobian reviewed a PowerPoint Presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Commission Member Arndt left the meeting at 4:13 p.m. due to technical difficulties. Chair Fabian() declared a brief recess at 4:16 p.m. Chair Fabian° called reconvened the meeting at 4:21 p.m. with all members present. Chair Fabiano requested that commission members provide their preference on how to proceed. Commission Member Ashton expressed her support for Option No. 1, provided in the staff report as follows: For narrowing down: •Each Commissioner identifies up to three maps they favor •Based on the maps selected, staff will display the six maps that received the most support from the Commission •The Commission will take a vote on each map to identify the maps that garner majority support to become the maps that will be the focus of the public hearing on Feb. 17, 2022 For selection: •Each Commissioner identifies up to three maps they favor •Based on the maps selected, staff will display the three maps that received the most support from the Commission •The Commission will take a vote on each map to identify the map that garners majority support to become the final City Council district map In response to an inquiry from Vice Chair Stanley, Ms. Cobian clarified that maps that were selected during the Jan. 13, 2022 public hearing that also included minor changes made by NDC were included as the commission would be narrowing its choice. Vice Chair Stanley expressed that a cutoff date for submitting maps should be required. Commission Member Harris expressed his support for Option No. 2, provided in the staff report as follows: For narrowing down: •Any Commissioner may make a motion to identify a map to be included as a focus map for the public hearing on Feb. 17, 2022, and with an appropriate second, a vote will be called •Provided the map receives majority support, the map will be included as a focus map for the public hearing on Feb. 17, 2022 Jan. 27, 2022 Independent Redistricting Commission Regular Meeting Page 3 For selection: •Any Commissioner may make a motion to identify a single map to be adopted as the final map, and with an appropriate second, a vote will be called •Provided the map receives majority support, the map will be adopted Commission Member Sardina expressed her support for Option No. 1. She further requested that once final maps are selected, a summary on the maps indicating how the maps met federal and state criteria would be provided for the public to see. NDC representative Shannon Kelly responded that the maps needed to meet the criteria and there may be a way to provide the summary at a high level that could also include deviation numbers. Ms. Kelly further clarified that the commission met the criteria with the chosen maps. Commission Member Cadwallader expressed that she would like the commission to consider the new maps not viewed during the Jan. 13, 2022 public hearing and determine if any had merit to put onto a short list which would include the recently revised map by NDC and new ones form the public. She additionally reminded the commission that Commission Member Ashton did not provide any map selections during the Jan. 13 meeting and her map selections should be included and considered. Ms. Cobian reminded the commission that the selection process of maps will be considered under the next agenda item. Commission Member Cadwallader requested that the process should acknowledge the commission will perform this procedure. Commission Member Cadwallader explained that she could not choose between Option No. 1 and Option No. 2. She added that she liked the process conducted during the Jan. 13 meeting where everyone spoke up, said which ones they preferred, and anything that had a vote stayed on a list. She added that the commission should focus on maps that are liked by commission members. She further added that the commission should have an opportunity to improve ones that are on the short list. In response to an inquiry from Commission Member Arndt, Ms. Kelly explained that the commission received all the maps submitted before the Jan. 14 deadline. She added that the commission was provided maps that were adjusted by NDC per the requests provided requests to include a map that contained one other adjustment requested by a commissioner that would be discussed during the next agenda item. Commission Member Arndt expressed her support for Option No. 1. She added that she liked the idea of being able to offer suggestions to adjust the final maps chosen and would like to also have a deadline set. Jan. 27, 2022 Independent Redistricting Commission Regular Meeting Page 4 Chair Fabiano expressed his support for Option No. 1. He added that the commission should make a list and narrow down to those maps that have the support of one commissioner and continue until the decision is narrowed down to three or four maps. Commission Member Ashton explained that Option No. 1 was like the process of map selection that took place during the Jan. 13, 2022 public hearing. She suggested that the commission incorporate Commission Member Cadwallader's suggestions into the process. Chair Fabiano clarified that he would like the commission to narrow down the map selection to three or four maps. Vice Chair Stanley inquired if the commission wanted to add more criteria to the process. Assistant City Attorney Cindie McMahon clarified that the consensus of the commission was the support of some version of Option No. 1, and before the narrowing process of maps begins there would be a discussion to ensure there was a universe of preferred maps that was complete and included Commission Member Ashton's selections as well as any interim selection discussed during this meeting. She explained that this universe of maps would be used by the commission during its narrowing process. She further explained that there was a consensus that the commission could vote for its top three but are not necessarily tied to the top six, as it would be dependent on the results of what the top 3 looked like, and what the next voting was like. She added that the commission would keep narrowing down the selection until it selected three or four maps. Ms. McMahon further added that before the final selection is made, the commission requested a summary explaining how the contender maps for the final hearing met the criteria that the commission needs to use to make its decision. Motion by Commission Member Cadwallader, seconded by Commission Member Ashton, to follow the clarification of the process of map selection as stated by Assistant City Attorney McMahon. Motion carried unanimously, 7/0. No public comment was received for this item. 3. REVIEW OF DRAFT MAPS — 1) Receive a presentation from National Demographics Corporation providing an overview of the draft maps submitted by members of the public by Jan. 14, 2022, and the draft maps prepared by National Demographics Corporation based on the feedback provided at the Jan. 13, 2022, meeting; and 2) By motion, identify and select maps to focus on for consideration at the Feb. 17, 2022, public hearing and identify any desired map revisions. (Staff Contact: Faviola Medina, City Clerk's Office) NDC representative Shannon Kelly reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Jan. 27, 2022 Independent Redistricting Commission Regular Meeting Page 5 Commission discussion ensued regarding adjustments NDC made to maps NDC 101, NDC 10113 and NDC 101C, map nos. 96786b and 96977 as well as census block cleanup. Ms. Kelly explained that census block cleanup will be conducted when the final map is chosen. Ms. Kelly also introduced map NDC 105 based on commission discussion from the meeting of Jan. 13, 2022. President of the Carlsbad Equality Coalition Allie Bradenberg explained that based on community input received, it would be best and most representative to keep the lines as similar as possible, and therefore recommended map NDC101. Arnie Cohen expressed that the four districts touching the coast concept is really two categories, the ones like NDC101 and the current map which include a portion of population along the coast, primarily the Ponto area. He added that the other groupings are ones that just have a strip that runs along the south end of Batiquitos Lagoon and have no population. He explained that if the commission uses one of the maps with the narrow strip, the District 4 representative would not have any constituents along the coast, adding that it was important to keep some population for District 4. He reminded the commission that the Ponto area residents were able to be influential in selecting a District 4 representative during the last election and if the residents of the Ponto area were switched to District 3, they would then be involved in selecting a second city council person. He pointed out that there were important issues along the southern beach area and would like the commission to discuss whether this group of people should have a voice in two council seats so quickly. He also added that he was not in favor of quadrant maps, expressing that they violate the federal guidelines as that would switch people all over the city between districts. Vanessa Forsythe explained that she resided in District 4, has lived in Carlsbad for 20 years, and felt it was important to keep District 4 as much as possible to what it was, and include Ponto Beach. She added that she was part of the Encinitas and San Dieguito School districts. She further added that she was opposed to having two districts along the coast and wanted four coastal districts. John User expressed that the quadrant maps were submitted with very little changes, one right after another. He explained that in District 4, the numbers were well within the deviation allowance. He also saw no reason to change the boundary line, adding that District 3 is almost in that same category. He further expressed that he did not understand why, to stay with the minimum changes, the commission was not just paying attention to the four coastal zones as the quadrant maps do not meet the criteria. Chair Fabiano requested the commission members select the three maps they would like to bring forward for commission consideration. Commission Member Ashton explained that based on the criteria alone, she selected map nos. 96973, 80687 and 97774. Jan. 27, 2022 Independent Redistricting Commission Regular Meeting Page 6 Assistant City Attorney McMahon clarified that it was her understanding that the commission was to have agreement on the universe of maps from which to narrow. Discussion ensued among the commission members, Ms. McMahon and Ms. Cobian, clarifying which maps the commission would be considering adding to a list to begin the narrowing process. Commission Member Arndt expressed that she changed her mind and requested the commission consider map nos. 967868, and NDC 1018. She added that all four districts needed to touch the coast. Commission Member Ashton explained that one of the three maps she had chosen could be from an "all maps" pile. Vice Chair Stanley explained that the four districts need to touch the coast. She added that she selected map no. 78343. Chair Fabiano inquired if there were any further commission member map selection changes. Chair Fabiano declared a recess at 5:45 p.m. to allow commission members time to review Commission Member Ashton's selection of maps, the new maps provided by NDC for this meeting (drawn by NDC and the public provided) map no. NDC 101C, and map selection changes made by commission members. Chair Fabiano reconvened the meeting at 5:55 p.m. Ms. Kelly informed the commission that map no. 96786B does have deviation numbers above 10% that will also need to be adjusted again. Chair Fabiano requested the commission members provide their map selection(s). Commission Member Ashton explained that she narrowed down her selection to one based on criteria, and it was map no. 96973. Commission Member Harris selected map no. NDC 101. Commission Member Sardina selected map nos. 96973 and 97774. Commission Member Arndt selected map nos. NDC 101 and 96786B, adding that she would like the map to be adjusted to get the deviation under 10%. Commission Member Cadwallader selected map no. NDC 101C. Jan. 27, 2022 Independent Redistricting Commission Regular Meeting Page 7 Vice Chair Stanley selected map no. NDC101B with a minor adjustment by the coast, and map nos. 96786 and 96876 and added that she would like District 1 to come to Cannon Road. Chair Fabiano selected map nos. 96973 and 96786. In response to an inquiry from Commission Member Ashton, Ms. Kelly explained that it was difficult to tell who submitted a map in either the Maptitude or District R programs. At the request of Chair Fabiano, commission members stated their reasons for their ma p(s) selection(s). Commission Member Arndt explained that she also liked all of the NDC 101 maps. Vice Chair Stanley adjusted her map selection to map nos. 96786B and the NDC 101B. City Clerk Services Manager Faviola Medina clarified with Commission Member Arndt that her choice of maps is NDC 101 and 96786B. Chair Fabiano asked commission members if it was possible to narrow the choice of maps to one four district coast map and one two district coast map. Commission Member Cadwallader requested to discuss map no. NDC 101 and its variants. Commission discussion ensued about map no. NDC 101 and map no. NDC 101C. Consensus of the commission was that they favored map no. NDC 101C. Commission Member Arndt asked if the commission could have two coastal maps and one quadrant map. Chair Fabiano asked to review map no. 96973. Commission discussion ensued on moving specific neighborhoods from District 3 to District 2 and possibly District 4 and the impact such adjustments would cause to the balance of population numbers. Commission Member Ashton asked if changes could be made to map no. 96973 by NDC and be presented at the next commission meeting to be held on Feb. 17, 2022. Chair Fabiano added that the original map no. 96973 should be presented alongside adjusted map no. 96973. The commission continued to discuss possible adjustments to map no. 96973. Jan. 27, 2022 Independent Redistricting Commission Regular Meeting Page 8 Ms. Kelly asked if she could present the adjustments on map no. 96973 to city staff to share with a representative of the commission to verify that NDC made the correct changes. Ms. McMahon responded that Ms. Kelly's request is usually undertaken by a commission subcommittee and that the creation of a subcommittee was not noticed on the agenda, as such, under the Brown Act, it is not possible. Ms. Kelly asked if she could return to the commission with two adjusted map no. 96973 options in case NDC is unable to make all the commission's requested changes and have the map stay in compliance. Commission Member Cadwallader responded that a non-compliant map should not be presented to the commission. Consensus by the commission was for Ms. Kelly to not present a non-compliant adjusted map. Ms. McMahon reiterated the goals the commission wanted Ms. Kelly to meet on the adjusted version of map no. 96973 to include La Costa Glen in District 4 and include the sliver (La Costa Ridge) of the gated community in District 4. Chair Fabian° asked commission members if they wanted to move the La Costa Greens sliver currently in District 3 into District 2. Ms. McMahon suggested the commission determine the priority order of the neighborhood moves for Ms. Kelly in case she is unable to make all three moves she would then know which move has a higher priority. At the suggestion of Commission Member Cadwallader, commission consensus of neighborhood moves to adjust map no. 96973 by priority are as follows: 1)La Costa Glen 2)La Costa Ridge 3)La Costa Greens Following the suggestion of Ms. McMahon, Chair Fabiano provided a synopsis of what the commission would be submitting to the public: Map no. NDC 101C, existing map no. 96973, and either one or two but no more than two adjustments to map no. 96973 that Ms. Kelly is going to make per the priorities and instructions provided by the commission. Commission Member Cadwallader explained that based upon her calculations, existing map no. 96973 could be improved with the suggested adjustments and there was no need to submit and include the existing map. Consensus of the commission was not to include existing map no. 96973 if the adjusted map contained the move of the La Costa Glen neighborhood. Jan. 27, 2022 Independent Redistricting Commission Regular Meeting Page 9 Commission Member Arndt asked if adjustments could be made to map no. 96786B. Commission discussion ensued on this map at which time, Ms. Kelly reminded the commission map no. 96786B was out of balance and not in compliance. Commission discussion ensued on map no. 96786. Motion by Commission Member Ashton, seconded by Commission Member Arndt to present map no. NDC 101C, adjusted map no. 96786b and one or two adjusted maps for map no. 96973. Commission Member Cadwallader asked for clarification about the numbers of maps that will be presented for public comment stating that map no. 96973 could have two adjusted maps and could there be more than one variant map no. 96786. Chair Fabiano and Ms. Kelly confirmed that there would be only one adjusted map no. 96786. Commission Member Cadwallader stated she had additional adjustments for map no. 96786. Additional commission discussion ensued on adjustments to map no. 96786. Ms. Kelly confirmed that all of the suggested adjustments by the commission to map no. 96786 would be undertaken by NDC. Commission Member Ashton and Commission Member Arndt approved the additional changes to map no. 96786 following their motion. The motion carried unanimously 7/0. STAFF AND COMMITTEE MEMBER REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: ANNOUNCEMENTS: None. CITY ATTORNEY COMMENTS: None. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Fabiano adjourned the duly noticed meeting at 7:53 p.m. Sherry Freisinger Deputy City Clerk