HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-02-08; City Council Legislative Subcommittee; ; Federal Advocacy OptionsCity Council Legislative Subcommittee Meeting Date: Feb. 8, 2022 To: City Council Legislative Subcommittee From: Jason Haber, Intergovernmental Affairs Director Item 3: Federal Advocacy Options Recommendation: Consider options regarding federal legislative monitoring and advocacy resources to recommend to the City Council. Discussion: This item will provide an opportunity to discuss Subcommittee recommendations and provide feedback to staff regarding potential city budget allocations to secure federal legislative monitoring and advocacy resources. The Subcommittee recommendations would be presented for City Council consideration with the fiscal year 2022-23 budget. Two options the Subcommittee may wish to consider for increasing the city's capacity to monitor and advocate on federal legislative matters are: 1.Membership in the National League of Cities, and 2.Engaging a federal lobbyist. Staff is requesting Subcommittee input and feedback regarding a potential recommendation to include funding in the city budget for these or other legislative monitoring and/or advocacy activities. National League of Cities The National League of Cities is a 90-year-old organization comprised of city, town and village leaders from more than 2,000 cities across the nation whose mission is to strengthen local leadership, influence federal policy and drive innovative solutions. In response to an initial inquiry regarding membership in the National League of Cities, staff received an email from NLC's West Region Member Engagement Manager outlining the benefits of membership for municipalities (Exhibit 1). These benefits include: 1. Access to a national network of municipal agencies with which to share best practices •and ideas to benefit Carlsbad, 2.Access to NLC staff experts, research, and peer learning cohorts, and 3.The opportunity to serve on NLC's advocacy committees and influence the organization's federal advocacy efforts on behalf of municipalities across the country. Feb. 8, 2022 Item #3 Page 1 of 4 Based upon Carlsbad's current population, the city's annual membership dues would be $9,415, and more information can be found on the National League of Cities website: www.n1c.org. Federal Lobbyist The city does not currently contract with a federal lobbyist. Similar to the benefits of engaging a state lobbyist, a federal lobbyist could provide the city with targeted information, strategic advice and advocacy services concerning federal legislative and budget activity directly impacting Carlsbad. A federal lobbyist could assist the city by: 1. Promoting the city's strategic goals, legislative platform and policy objectives at a federal level. 2.Advising the city on matters concerning proposed federal regulations and legislation that may be of interest to the city. 3.Advising the city on strategy development and implementation, assisting in preparing and reviewing written materials and presentations, and communicating city positions to successfully advance city goals and objectives. 4.Undertaking advocacy of the city's positions; arranging, attending and representing the city in meetings and hearings with federal agencies and elected officials. 5.Working in partnership with the city's local and state legislative consultants, as well as with partnering agencies to develop strategic financial plans and to identify and secure grants and other project funding. 6.Leveraging existing relationships and developing new relationships to advance city goals and objectives within federal agencies and legislative committees, and with legislative representatives. From 2017 to 2019, the city engaged a federal lobbyist to serve as a Congressional liaison for the city, to work with administrative agencies and provide strategic advice primarily related to advancing the city's interest in procuring federal funding assistance for major transportation initiatives, such as the Carlsbad Village Railroad Trench Project. At that time, federal lobbying services were provided to the city for a fee of approximately $5,000 per month ($60,000 per year). If recommended by the Subcommittee and desired by the City Council, staff anticipates that such services could be obtained through a competitive bid process at a similar rate for the coming year. Exhibits: 1. National League of Cities email — Feb. 3, 2022 Feb. 8, 2022 Item #3 Page 2 of 4 Exhibit 1 From: Kirk Ross To: Jason Haber Subject: NLC Membership Date: Thursday, February 3, 2022 9:06:19 AM Attachments: imaae001.onq imacie002,onq imaae003.onq imaae004.mq image005.ong imacie006.ong jmape007.onq City of Carlsbad - NLC Membership Invoice.odf Jason, I got your voicemail. Thank you so much for being interested in the National League of Cities! Membership is open to municipalities, with benefits for local elected officials and municipal staff. NLC has so much to offer to help local leaders govern more effectively: municipal action guides on a range of topics, events to learn and connect, cohorts and networks to hone in on specific policy areas, and various partner programs to provide additional services to your community. We pride ourselves on doing three main things to support municipalities locally that complement and enhance your state league membership. 1.We promote national connections for local impact. From our constituency groups to councils, our peer networks are a feeding ground for municipal leaders from small communities and even larger communities to share best practices and garner ideas that they can take back home to implement. 2.We break down silos to solve complex problems. As municipalities try to solve challenges, our members leverage NLC's staff experts, research, and peer learning cohorts not just to get answers but find the best solution for their communities. 3.We advocate nationally to bring resources locally. Sometimes Washington is seen as disconnected from the communities it serves, and we are focused on making sure that we bridge that divide to impact your community directly. The clearest example of NLC's commitment is the passage of the American Rescue Plan Act, which will bring $65 billion in direct funding to the Cities. The ARPA funding calculations in the bill were developed and written by the NLC Federal Advocacy staff. Despite this being the first time the federal government has taken this action, it won't be the last. Our members sit on the seven policy committees to advocate Federal officials to bring more resources back to your community, your state, and other municipalities across the country. To learn more about how membership can serve the City of Carlsbad, I want to to schedule a Membership Consultation. I have attached a membership invoice to this email for your convenience. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. Thank you, Kirk H. Ross, MPAP MEMBER ENGAGEMENT MANAGER — WEST REGION & FIRST TIER SUBURBS COUNCIL Feb. 8, 2022 Item #3 Page 3 of 4 MEMBER SERVICES AND ENGAGEMENT ross@n1c.org e . (202) 626-3093 www. n1c.org f tir in CD CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. a .14111• vim Feb. 8, 2022 Item #3 Page 4 of 4