HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-02-10; Housing Commission; ; 2021 Housing Commission Work Plan Annual Report and 2022 Housing Commission Work PlanMeeting Date: Feb. 10, 2022 To: Housing Commission From: Todd Henderson, Housing Services Manager Staff Contact: Todd Henderson, Housing Services Manager Todd.henderson@carlsbadca.gov, 760-434-2935 Subject: 2021 Housing Commission Work Plan Annual Report and 2022 Housing Commission Work Plan Recommended Action Accept the 2021 Housing Commission Work Plan Annual Report, authorizing its transmittal to the City Council, and recommend that the City Council approve the 2022 Housing Commission Work Plan. Executive Summary Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) Section 2.15.020 (C) requires that each board or commission provide to the City Council for its approval an annual work plan of activities to be undertaken and to provide a subsequent report of its accomplishments. Attached for the Housing Commission’s consideration is a report of the 2021 Work Plan accomplishments and a draft 2022 Work Plan. Discussion In 2018, the City Council revised the CMC to create uniform policies and procedures related to boards and commissions, including a requirement for annual work plans. The purpose of the work plan is to encourage increased dialogue between the Commission and the City Council. It is also intended to ensure that the Commission is working in line with the priorities of the City Council. On May 11, 2021, the City Council approved the Housing Commission work plan for calendar year 2021. In carrying out its duties under the Municipal Code and consistent with the Work Plan, the Housing Commission met a total of six times in 2021. Impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic affected the number of meetings held by the Housing Commission. Despite this, the Housing Commission did accomplish a number of the tasks in the 2020 Work Plan, as described in the attached report (Attachment A). The draft 2022 Housing Commission Work Plan is provided as Attachment B. A number of the tasks in the 2021 Work Plan are still in process, or are recurring or ongoing in nature. Staff suggests it is appropriate to carry such tasks forward to the 2022 Work Plan. Tasks not Feb. 10, 2022 Item #2 Page 1 of 13 HOUSING COMMISSION Staff Report accomplished in 2021 are also appropriate to be carried over to 2022. One-time tasks that were completed in 2021 have been removed from the Work Plan for 2022. Staff requests that the Commission review and discuss the draft work plan, modify as necessary, and make a recommendation to City Council for its approval. Next Steps After the Commission's review and acceptance, the 2021 Housing Commission Work Plan Annual Report and 2022 Housing Commission Work Plan will be forwarded to the City Council for their review and approval. Fiscal Analysis There is no direct fiscal impact associated with approving the annual report and work plan. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a “project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. Public Notification and Outreach This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. Housing Commission Resolution A. 2021 Housing Commission Work Plan Annual Report B. Draft 2022 Housing Commission Work Plan Feb. 10, 2022 Item #2 Page 2 of 13 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-002. A RESOLUTION OF THE HOUSING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE 2021 WORK PLAN ANNUAL REPORT, AUTHORIZING ITS TRANSMITTAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL, AND RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE 2022 HOUSING COMMISSION WORK PLAN. WHEREAS, Chapter 2.15 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) requires that each board or commission provide to the City Council for its approval an annual work plan of activities to be undertaken by the board or commission and a subsequent report of its accomplishments; and WHEREAS, CMC Section 2.40.060 delineates the functions of the Housing Commission (Commission); and WHEREAS, the Housing Commission considered the 2021 Work Plan Annual Report and draft Work Plan for the 2022 calendar year at their February 10, 2021 regular meeting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Housing Commission of the City of Carlsbad, as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. B) That the Housing Commission accepts the 2021 Housing Commission Work Plan Annual Report, attached hereto as Attachment A, and authorizes its transmittal to the City Council. C) That the Housing Commission recommends that the City Council approve the 2022 Housing Commission Work Plan, attached hereto as Attachment B. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a meeting of the Housing Commission of the City of Carlsbad on the 10th day of February 2022, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Nguyen-Cleary, Cole, Manzano NAYS: None ABSENT: Cortes-Torres JOHN NGUYEN-CLEARY, CHAIRPERSON CARLSBAD HOUSING COMMISSION ATTEST: Mandy Mills Housing & Homeless Services Director ATTACHMENT A 2021 Housing Commission Work Plan Annual Report I.Mission Statement The mission of the Housing Commission is to promote housing security and affordability for all segments of our community, including lower income families and people with special housing and supportive service needs. II.Composition The Housing Commission consists of five members who are appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the city council. Members shall serve four-year terms. III.2021 Goals & Tasks The Housing Commission will focus on the following goals and tasks: GOAL/TASK STATUS COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATION Goal 1: Support and advise the City Council regarding efforts to address affordable housing. a.As needed throughout the year, perform the functions of the Housing Commission consistent with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 2.40.060, including responsibilities for the Carlsbad Public Housing Authority. The Housing Commission met six times in 2021 to consider a range of items within the scope of their function, including review, input and recommendations on: •The 2020 Housing Commission Work Plan Annual Report and approving the 2021 Housing Commission Work Plan •2021-2029 Housing Element update •Housing Trust Fund loans to further affordable housing developments In addition, the Housing Commission received various informational reports and updates on housing and homelessness-related matters. The Housing Commission will continue to carry out their functions in 2022, consistent with the Carlsbad Municipal Code. b.Review and recommend for approval to City Council the Public •At the January 2021 meeting, the Housing Commission approved the Each year, the Carlsbad Public Housing Agency is required to prepare, adopt and submit to HUD Feb. 10, 2022Item #2 Page 5 of 13 2021 Housing Commission Work Plan Annual Report GOAL/TASK STATUS COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATION Housing Agency Annual Plan for Fiscal Year 2021. Carlsbad Public Housing Agency Annual Plan for 2021. an Annual Plan consistent with the goals and objectives of the 5-Year Plan. The Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Plan is the first annual update of the 5-Year Plan. The purpose of the 5-Year PHA Plan is to identify goals and objectives to serve the needs of low income (under 80% of the area median income - AMI), very low- income (under 50% of the AMI), and extremely low-income (under 30% of the AMI) families for the next five years. c.Review the inclusionary housing in- lieu fee study and make a recommendation to City Council. The inclusionary housing in-lieu fee study and analysis is scheduled to be heard by the Commission in the 1st Quarter of 2022. d.Examine housing policy questions as may be referred by the City Council. At the November meeting, the Housing Commission was asked to nominate two commissioners to serve on the Growth Management Update Advisory Committee. A City Council goal for fiscal year 2021-2022 is to “engage the community through a citizens committee to create a new plan to manage growth in Carlsbad in a way that maintains an excellent quality of life.” In September of 2021, the City Council adopted a resolution approving the charter for the Growth Management Update Advisory Feb. 10, 2022Item #2 Page 6 of 13 2021 Housing Commission Work Plan Annual Report GOAL/TASK STATUS COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATION Committee. Each city commission and board was asked to nominate members to serve on the advisory committee. The mission of the advisory committee is to promote balanced consideration of a range of perspectives on issues affecting the future growth and quality of life in Carlsbad and to identify the key elements of a new plan to manage growth in Carlsbad in a way that maintains an excellent quality of life while also complying with state law. Goal 2: Support and advise the City Council regarding efforts to address homelessness. a.Receive a presentation about homelessness in the north county region, the character of homelessness within Carlsbad (i.e., demographic data from the annual Point-in-Time Count and other data about our homeless), efforts to address homelessness, and regional resources and facilities that support those who are homeless and efforts to transition out of homelessness. At the January 14, 2021 meeting, the Housing Commission received an informational staff report on the City’s recent activities to address homelessness. Additionally, at the June 15, 2021 meeting, the Commission received a staff report on the City Council’s priority goal to reduce homelessness. Earlier in 2021, the City Council finalized their bi-annual goal setting process by identifying four priority goals, including one to address homelessness: Reduce the homeless unsheltered population, among those who want help, by 50% within five years, with quarterly reports until we decrease the unsheltered These reports included information on the 2020 Point-in-Time data and homeless demographics from the City of Carlsbad Police Department and regional resources in North County. Staff described the City’s efforts in responding to COVID concerns with the homeless community and gave details on efforts of the North County Ad Hoc Committee in their coordinating with neighboring jurisdictions. Feb. 10, 2022Item #2 Page 7 of 13 2021 Housing Commission Work Plan Annual Report GOAL/TASK STATUS COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATION homeless population or five years. The City Council directed staff to develop work plans for each of the priority goals for their consideration and approval. The City Council adopted the work plan to reduce homelessness on May 4, 2021. b.Receive a status update on the Homeless Response Plan and provide recommendations for prioritization of actions or plan amendment, if warranted. At the January 14, 2021 meeting, the Housing Commission received a status update on the Homeless Response Plan. Status update on the Homeless Response Plan included steps the City is taking in responding to COVID concerns with the homeless community. Recommend this task to be a recurring item for 2022. c.If the City Council determines to participate, support the development of a North County Homeless Action Plan, and assist the city in meeting its objectives and commitments within such an Action Plan. At the January 14, 2021 meeting, the Housing Commission received a status update on the Homeless Response Plan, including a status of North County regional efforts. d.Hold at least one joint meeting of the City Council Homeless Action Subcommittee and the Housing Commission to discuss local and regional homelessness issues. As one of the key focuses, City Council will be handling homeless issues at the full council thus eliminating the need for a separate subcommittee. Feb. 10, 2022Item #2 Page 8 of 13 2021 Housing Commission Work Plan Annual Report Goal 3: Participate in the 2021-2029 Housing Element Update. a.Conduct a public hearing on the 2021-2029 Housing Element and make a recommendation to the City Council. The draft Housing Element was put out for Public Review from Jan. 12 to Feb. 11, 2021. A public Hearing was conducted on March 4, 2021 at the Special Meeting of the Carlsbad Housing Commission. This task is complete. Goal 4: Improve understanding of housing programs, policies, and laws. b.Participate in a legislative and policy update offered or arranged by the City of Carlsbad. A policy update has not yet been prepared for the Housing Commission. Recommend carrying this task forward to 2022. c.Receive a status report of current Housing Element programs. During the March 4, 2021 Special Meeting of the Carlsbad Housing Commission, the Commission received a full briefing on the status of current Housing Element programs. This task is complete. d.Become educated on and pursue best practice models in addressing housing and homelessness. The Housing Commission received informational reports and presentations that improved understanding of housing-related policies and laws. Feb. 10, 2022Item #2 Page 9 of 13 2021 Housing Commission Work Plan Annual Report Goal 5: Facilitate communication with the City Council and the broader Carlsbad community regarding matters which fall within the Commission's functions. a.After each Housing Commission meeting, provide a summary memo to the City Council reporting on meeting attendance, items considered by the commission, and actions taken or recommendations made to the City Council. Actions of the department and Housing Commission are reported to the City Manager routinely. Recommend the task be clarified as communication to the City Manager in 2022. b.Prepare an annual work plan and present to City Council for approval. The 2021 Work Plan was approved by the Housing Commission on January 14, 2021 and the City Council reviewed and approved the 2021 Housing Commission Work Plan on May 11, 2021. Approve 2022 Work Plan during the first quarter of 2022. c.Report to City Council and public on annual work plan accomplishments. The Housing Commission is reviewing the 2021 Work Plan accomplishments at their Feb. 10, 2022 meeting. Provide 2021 Work Plan accomplishments report to City Council in first quarter 2022. d.Provide an annual report to the City Council on the status and progress of affordable housing and homelessness programs. An annual status report to City Council on affordable housing and homelessness programs has not yet been prepared due to staff vacancies and turnover. Recommend carrying task forward to 2022. e.Promote efforts to maximize public participation in city-organized information forums, workshops and The city utilizes various tools to inform and communicate with the public on city-sponsored activities including print publications (such as A City Council goal for fiscal year 2021-2022 is to “engage the community through a citizens Feb. 10, 2022Item #2 Page 10 of 13 2021 Housing Commission Work Plan Annual Report public hearings related to Goals 1-4 above. direct mailers, bill inserts, and newspaper notices, city website notifications, subscription lists, social media channels, media releases and stakeholder surveys. One or more of these methods were used in notifying the public about items related to the Work Plan goals above. A notable example for the Housing Element update: In addition to using electronic outreach methods to inform the public about the draft plan availability and Housing Commission and HEAC meeting dates to consider the draft plan, approximately 2,700 informational mailers were sent to an extensive number of people that included Section 8 program participants, residents at low-income apartment communities, and other interested parties. In response to the COVID-19 emergency, the City continued to hold City Council, board and commission meetings utilizing a virtual format in 2021 which provided a means for public participation in City business. The Housing Commission held six virtual meetings throughout 2021. committee to create a new plan to manage growth in Carlsbad in a way that maintains an excellent quality of life.” On Sept. 28, 2021, the City Council adopted a resolution approving the charter for the Growth Management Update Advisory Committee. The advisory committee will be comprised of 19 primary members and 19 alternates. Each city commission and board are asked to nominate members to serve on the advisory committee. The mission of the advisory committee is to promote balanced consideration of a range of perspectives on issues affecting the future growth and quality of life in Carlsbad and to identify the key elements of a new plan to manage growth in Carlsbad in a way that maintains an excellent quality of life while also complying with state law. Feb. 10, 2022Item #2 Page 11 of 13 Attachment B City of Carlsbad Housing Commission Work Plan Calendar Year 2022 I.Mission Statement The mission of the Housing Commission is to promote housing security and affordability for all segments of our community, including lower income families and people with special housing and supportive service needs. II.Composition The Housing Commission consists of five members who are appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the city council. Members shall serve four-year terms. III.2022 Goals & Tasks The Housing Commission will focus on the following goals and tasks: 1.Support and advise the City Council regarding efforts to address affordable housing. a.As needed throughout the year, perform the functions of the Housing Commission consistent with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 2.40.060, including responsibilities for the Carlsbad Public Housing Authority. b.Review and recommend for approval to City Council the Public Housing Agency Annual Plan for Fiscal Year 2022-23. c.Review the inclusionary housing in-lieu fee study and make a recommendation to City Council. d.Examine housing policy questions as may be referred by the City Council. 2.Support and advise the City Council regarding efforts to address homelessness. a.Receive a presentation about homelessness in the north county region, the character of homelessness within Carlsbad (i.e., demographic data from the annual Point-in-Time Count and other data about our homeless), efforts to address homelessness, and regional resources and facilities that support those who are homeless and efforts to transition out of homelessness. b.Receive a status update on the Homeless Response Plan and provide recommendations for prioritization of actions or plan amendment, if warranted. c.If the City Council determines to participate, support the development of a North County Homeless Action Plan, and assist the city in meeting its objectives and commitments within such an Action Plan. Feb. 10, 2022 Item #2 Page 12 of 13 3.Improve understanding of housing programs, policies, and laws. a.Receive legislative update offered or arranged by the City of Carlsbad. b.Participate in best practices session on addressing affordable housing needs and homelessness. 4.Facilitate communication with the City Council and the broader Carlsbad community regarding matters which fall within the Commission's functions. a.Prepare an annual work plan and present to City Council for approval. b.Report to City Council and public on annual work plan accomplishments. c.Provide an annual report to the City Council on the status and progress of affordable housing and homelessness programs. d.Promote efforts to maximize public participation in city-organized information forums, workshops and public hearings related to Goals 1-4 above. Feb. 10, 2022 Item #2 Page 13 of 13