Hummer Dealership Building
Weseloh Chevrolet Hummer
5335 Paseo del Norte
Carlsbad, California
JOB NO. 03-8538
19 January"2006
Prepared for:
Weseloh Hummer Dealership
Attn: Mr. John Morgan
Weseloh Hummer Dealership
Carlsbad, California
Job No. 03-8538
Page 4
where feasible. The grading contractor had the heavy grading equipment
staying away a few feet from the existing adjacent building wall.
3. The exposed ground surface was uniformly recompacted prior to placement
of compacted soil.
4. Areas to receive compacted fill were, in general, observed and evaluated by
our field representative prior to placing compacted fill.
5. Soils approved for use in the compacted fill were placed in horizontal layers
not exceeding approximately 8 inches in loose thickness.
6. Fill material was watered or dried at or near optimum moisture content, and
mixed prior to compaction.
7. The soils utilized in the grading operation were from on-site and imported
and consisted primarily of dark brown, silty fine to medium sands.
8. Fill materials were tested at specific test locations and found to be compacted
to at least 90 percent of Maximum Dry Density.
9. Compaction was achieved by drying or wetting the soil, mixing it and rolling it
with heavy construction equipment such as a loader and an excavator.
10. Field density tests were taken at the approximate locations shown on the plot
plan (Figure No. II).
Weseloh Hummer Dealership
Carlsbad, California
Job No. 03-8538
Page 10
18. Proper subdrains should be installed behind any retaining and restrained
retaining walls, in addition to proper waterproofing of the back of the walls.
The drainage of said subdrains should be directed to the designed drainage
for the project or the natural drainage for the area.
19. It should be noted that changes of surface and subsurface hydrologic
conditions, plus irrigation of landscaping or significant increases in rainfall
over the "accepted average-annual" rainfall for San Diego County in past
years, may result in the appearance of minor amounts of surface or near-
surface water at locations where none existed previously. The damage from
such water is expected to be minor and cosmetic in nature, if corrected
immediately. Corrective action should be taken on a site-specific basis if, and
when, it becomes necessary.
20. Planter areas, flower beds, and planter boxes should be sloped to drain away
from the foundations, footings, and floor slabs. Planter boxes should be
constructed with a sealed bottom, and be provided a subsurface drain
installed in gravel, with the direction of subsurface and surface flow away
from the foundations, footings, and floor slabs, to an adequate drainage
facility. Flowerbeds and planters should be provided with sufficient area
drains to help prevent water ponding.
21. Any backfill soils placed adjacent to or close to foundations, in utility
trenches, or behind retaining walls, that support structure and other
improvements (such as patios, sidewalks, driveways, pavements, etc.), other
than landscaping in level ground, shall be compacted to at least 90 percel"1t of
Maximum Dry Density. It is recommended that Geotechnical Exploratio·n,
Inc. observe and test the backfill during placement.
Weseloh Hummer Dealership
Carlsbad, California
of Carlsbad Grading Ordinance.
Job No. 03-8538
Page 12
It is to be understood that our test results and
opinion of general acceptance do not guarantee that every cubic yard of compacted
fill has been compacted to specification since not every cubic yard has been
observed or tested. Our test results indicate the measured compaction degree
obtained at the specific test location. We can only attest that our tests and
observations have been made in accordance with the care and current professional
standards in our field.
All observed or tested work done during the grading operation appears, in general,
to have been performed in accordance with the soil investigation report for this site,
issued by our firm and dated January 8, 2004 (Job No. 03-8538). The grading
described herein was observed and/or tested between December 21, 2005, and
January 6, 2006.
All statements in the report are applicable only for the grading operation observed
by our firm, and are representative of the site at the time of our final site visit
before the report was prepared. The firm of Geotechnica/ Exploration, Inc. shall
not be held responsible for fill soils placed without our observations and testing at
any other time, or for subsequent changes to the site by others, which directly or
indirectly cause poor surface or subsurface drainage, water erosion, and/or
alteration of the strength of the compacted fill soils.
In the event that any changes in the nature, design, or location of the building or
improvements are planned, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this
report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and the
conclusions of this report modified or verified in writing.
Professional opinions presented herein have been made based on our tests,
observations, and experience, and they have been made in accordance with