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GEOTECHNICAL | ENVIRONMENTAL | MATERIALS All material herein © 2016 GeoTek, Inc. All Rights Reserved November 10, 2016 PN 3484-SD Mr. Albert Bertha c/o Harding Realty 2834 La Mirada Ste. E Vista, California 92081 Attention: Mr. Albert Bertha Subject: Report of Geotechnical Testing and Observation 1022 Grand Avenue Carlsbad, California Dear Mr. Jacinto, In accordance with your request, GeoTek, Inc. is pleased to provide herewith the results of our geotechnical testing and observation services associated with the rear building addition at 1022 Grand Avenue, Carlsbad, California. Construction Summary This report is limited to grading associated with the subject building pad as indicated on the attached Figure 1. Our testing and observations were provided on an on-call basis. Loose material was present and removals extended to remove loose soils and to provide fairly uniform engineered fill beneath each of the planned structures. Removals were completed in sections starting near the existing house and proceeding to the rear. Removals extended to approximately 3 feet below finish grade through topsoils and into paralic deposits. Removals were completed using a backhoe so that the removal bottoms were scarified with the teeth of the bucket. It should be noted that removals were largely limited to the area of the planned structure and about 3 feet outside. The exception was in the south adjacent to the existing driveway where removals extended only about one foot outside the structure. Density tests were taken on each of the removal areas as fill was being placed. Test results are enclosed as Table 1. GeoTek, Inc. 1384 Poinsettia Avenue, Suite A Vista, CA 92081-8505 (760) 599-0509 (760) 599-0593 www.geotekusa.com Mr. Albert Bertha c/o Harding Realty November 10, 2016 Report of Geotechnical Testing and Observation Project No. 3484-SD 1022 Grand Avenue, Carlsbad, California Page 2 2. Expansion Index testing was previously performed on a soil sample. Testing was performed in general accordance with ASTM Test Method D 4829. The Expansion Index (EI) test indicated very low expansion potential. No additional testing was considered warranted based on observation of soil encountered. Field density and laboratory test results indicate that the fill materials were consistently compacted to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction at the locations tested. Tests locations and approximate limits of fill are shown on Figure 1 No plan was provided to plot test results. Conclusions It is our professional opinion that while the fill is compacted to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction and is acceptable for the intended use of the structure. Recommendations The foundation should be depended to a minimum of 2 feet below grade along the southwest wall of the structure extending approximately where removals did not extend 3 feet outside the structure. Any additional grading or construction on the site should be done in accordance with the currently applicable codes and standards. Recommendations should be sought from the Geotechnical Engineer prior to additional grading. Foundation recommendations previously provided are considered applicable. LIMITATIONS Fills under the purview of this report were selective tested by GeoTek, Inc. and are found to be in reasonable compliance with applicable provisions of the current California Building Code (CBC). Our field density testing and observation services were provided post grading and limited to areas adjacent to the structure. Testing may not represent the entire area. No warranty is implied nor made. This report is subject to review by the controlling authorities for this project. GeoTek, Inc. accepts neither responsibility nor liability for work, testing, or recommendations performed or provided by others. 1. The laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture content for soil types tested were determined in general accordance with test method ASTM D1557. The soil test was a Dark Brown, fine to medium Sand. A maximum dry density of 120.7 pcf at an optimum moisture of 8.4 % was determined. ■ Mr. Albert Bertha c/o Harding Realty November 10, 2016 Report of Geotechnical Testing and Observation Project No. 3484-SD 1022 Grand Avenue, Carlsbad, California Page 3 We appreciate the opportunity to be of service on this project. Please contact the undersigned if you have any questions. Respectfully submitted, GeoTek, Inc. Timothy E. Metcalfe, CEG 1142 Principal Geologist Chris E. Lillback PE 35007 Senior Project Engineer ■ 1384 Poinsettia Avenue, Suite A Vista, California 92081-8505 Figure 1 Field Density Test Location Map 3390 Harding Street Carlsbad, California PN: 3484-SD November 2016 Geotechnical Legend -Approximate Location Field Density Test X-1 Approximate Fill Limits Base Map is a portion of the“Site Plan” dated 3/24/2016 by Joe Barbano, Architect X-2 X-1 X-9 X-8 X-7 X-6 X-5 X-4 X-3 X-10 LIM,....,.. TitC I.MfD -ltiAnm A~-D '1D11 IRUQID II -r. cmo DF CNIUAIIID, ClWIIIV CF SN! DK:GQ, ITATCCIF CA. ili6C II; IZ!ICallllDI AS; F'a.l:OW'SI: ntC IOITWWDTDLY N R:CTOF"l,OT JJ IN ICHIU. MIID lrfU;M>ClfflDM Ttl CNl1.MIID, IN ntCGl'I' DJ~ IN Tia CDtJlfTI' CF" SNI DKl.iO, I TA.ff 01= CALSOANVt,AaDaDNGi 10 IIINI nimaor::.1110.1HQ. nt:D 1111W OA:.l:la CIF t:tH::OCMNn A~IJ"DAlWIYN., 1- ntC IIDA'faQTERLY Laa Of' s.-JD SOVTWWal'DIL'l'm RD IIIINO P,IJllilJ.IL. ._.nee: IOUTWl'laolSJLTl:U&OJ" MC LOT MD Pill .. FDJ .:lfG. 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Rli!OJIECT SHALL ...C:Cl!POIUI. lE lOW IMPACT DEYELOPMEKT STJi!AiEGES rHliOUGltOUI IN ONE Oii' MORE OF TIE FOllOW~GWA.YS: F'aVIOUS PAVE~NIIPAYER5 R.OW-11-1.iCM,K:;.H PLANIER/VEGEIATEO Olt ROCIC DRIP UNE VEGEIATED SWALES OR ROCK INJILTl!ATIOM SW.A.LB DOWNSPOVIS Cl5COtilNECT A.ND CIS.CHAR'GE OVER 1.ANC>5CAPE A GEOTEK 08 -□ iMCCNCIIETEFI.AT'tM:ftt. □ ,rl)f£JMOUl:PJG€MATCR.EWAY SITE PLAN ALBERT BERTHA C/O HARDING REALTY 1022 GRAND Carlsbad, CA GeoTek, Inc. Grading 11/10/2016 Project No.: 3484 -SD Page 1 of 1 DATE Test No.Location Lot No. Sta No. Elev/ Depth MoistureContent (%) DryDensity (pcf) Soil Type MaximumDensity (pcf) Test Type RelativeCompaction (%) 10/28/16 1 House Addition -2' 7.8 115.5 A 120.7 N 96 2 House Addition -2' 8.6 114.6 A 120.7 N 95 11/4/16 3 Garage 1 -2' 8.7 119.2 A 120.7 N 99 4 Garage 1 -2; 8.9 118.1 A 120.7 N 98 5 Garage 2 -2.5' 10.4 112.9 A 120.7 N 94 6 Garage 2 -3' 9.2 111.7 A 120.7 N 93 7 Garage 2 -1' 7.4 117.3 A 120.7 N 97 8 Garage 2 FG 9.3 114.3 A 120.7 N 95 11/10/16 9 Garage 3 NW Corner FG 8.1 117.2 A 120.7 N 97 10 Garage 3 SE Corner FG 8.6 118.9 A 120.7 N 99 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Grading Note: N = Nuclear Guage Test FG = Finished Grade Test All elevations are approximate