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Sheet 1 of 16+ Poseidon Channelside Carlsbad Intake PS Phase 1 Job Number: Design Engineer: I Contractor/Client: Design Criteria: Temporary Shoring Design Case 1 12-Dec-19 Rev 1, Added section D and E (Sheets 12 thru 16) 19-241 Woodcrest Engineering 15790 Rancho Viejo Drive Riverside, CA 92506 (951) 780-2843 Zefiro Corporation 1042 N. Mountain Avenue Suite 8348 Upland, CA 91786 Bus: (909) 758-7068 Fax: (909) 303-3328 AISC Manual for Steel Construction, 14th Edition NOS for Wood Construction, 2015 Edition Title 8, Chapter 4, Section 1541.1 of the California State Safety Orders Caltrans Trenching and Shoring Manual NAVFAC Manual 7.1 for Soil Mechanics NAVFAC Manual 7.02 for Foundations and Earth Structures Allowable stresses in steel increased 33% for temporary loading Allowable stresses in timber increased 33% for temporary loading Material Specifications: Design Loads: Steel Timber Beams, A-36 Fy = 36 ksi Plate, A-36, Fy = 36 ksi Lagging, Douglas Fir Grade 2 or Better From: Soils Investigation by Ninyo and Moore Project 107393003 and these calculations Use: Internal Friction Angle Soil Unit Weight Cohesion (conservative) From Sheet 2 Active Earth Pressure, Cantilevered Shoring, Pa = Active Earth Pressure, Braced Shoring, P = Passive Earth Pressure, Pp = Surcharge Pressure (normal construction/traffic), Ps = 30 degrees 120 pcf 0 psf 40 pcf 26 H psf 300 pcf 120 psf DESIGN OF SHORING Woodcrest Engineering C Sheet 2 Date: 11/19/19 Job Name: Poseidon Channelside Carlsbad Intake PS Phase 1 Job No.: 19-241 Earth Pressure Calculation Shoring Case No: 1 Soils Parameters: From Soils Report, Boings and Data _S_o_il_D_e_sc_r..._ip_ti_on_: __ Silty Sand to Sand From Coulomb Earth Pressure Theory: (Caltrans Trenching and Shoring Manual, Pg. 4-15 and 4-16) (Cohesionless Soils, Vertical Wall) Eq. 4-20 w=0 Eq. 4-22 w=0 Active Pressure Above Subgrade: Internal Friction Angle, <I> = Wall Friction Angle, o = Backfill Slope Angle, (J = Soil Weight, w = Ka= cos o [ 1 + Ka= 30.0 degrees 10.0 degrees 0.06 degrees 1,000.00 : 1 Slope 120.0 lbs/cf cos2 <I> 0.524 rad 0.175 rad 0.001 rad (Level) [ sin( <I> + o ) ] [ sin( <I> -(3 ) ] ] 2 ----,--~,,...,--( cos o) (cos (3) 0.750 2 0.985c + 0.309 ! ✓ 0.643 X 0.499 J --0-.-98_5 ___ x ___ 1 ___ 00_0_ !Ka= !Pa= w X Ka= 37.0 pcf Use Horizontal Active Pressure, Pa= Pa cos(o) = 36.5 pcf Use 37.0 pcf 40.0 pct Effective Ka = 0.33 Passive Pressure Below Subgrade: Internal Friction Angle, <I> = Wall Friction Angle, o = Backfill Slope Angle, (3 = Soil Weight, w = Submerged Kp= Kp= !Kp= cos o [ 1 + 0.985c- 4.565 ! 32.0 degrees 10.0 degrees degrees 70.0 lbs/cf cos2 <I> 0.559 rad 0.175 rad rad [ sin( <I> + o ) ] [ sin( <I> + (3 ) ] ] 2 ---,----(cos o) (cos (3) 0.719 2 ✓ 0.669 X 0.530 J --o-.9-B_5 ___ x ____ 1_.o_o_o !Pp =Wx Kp = 319.6 pcf Use 319.6 pcf Horizontal Passive Pressure, Pp= Pp cos(o) = 314.7 pcf Use 300.0 pcf Effective K = 4.29 DESIGN OF SHORING 11/20/19 Job Name: Poseidon Channelside Carlsbad Intake PS Phase 1 Sheet 3 CANTILEVERED SHORING SYSTEM Job No.: 19-241 Section "A" Shoring Case No: 1 Design of Cantilevered Shoring Systems Given: Above Sub <l>= 30.00 degrees 0.333 = Ka, use 0.333 to force Pa= 40.0 pcf y= 120.0 pcf (Ka= tan2(45-cI>/2) (see Sheet 2) Below Subgrade <l>= 32.00 degrees 3.255 = Kp, use 4.286 to force Pp = 300.0 pct y= 70.0 pcf (Kp = tan2(45+cI>/2) (see sheet 2) Retained Earth Height, H = Pile Spacing, L = 16.00 ft. 6.33 ft. 1.17 ft. 3.00 ft. 1.76 ft. Passive Arching Capability Effective Width = Pile Width x e N = 0.08 x cl> Pile Width, b = Total Effective Width = N b = Neglected Passive Height = 1.5b = N = 2.56 Use N = 2.56 Design Pressures Design Loads Pressure Surcharge, Ps = 120 psf for full height times pile spacing, PS = 760 lbs/ft. Active Pressure, Pa = Ka y = 40.0 pcf times pile spacing = 253 lbs/ft./ft. 40.0 pcf times pile effective width = PG per D = 120 D lbs/ft. Press. at Subgrade = Pa x H = 640 psf times pile spacing = PA = 4,051 lbs/ft. 640 pcf times pile effective width = PA' = 1,917 lbs/ft. Passive Pressure, Pp = Kp y = 300.0 pcf times pile effective width, PE per D = 899 D lbs/ft. Passive Pressure at 1.5b = 527 psf times pile effective width, PB = 1,577 lbs/ft. Press. at Pile Tip = Pp x D = 6,462 psf times pile effective width, PE tip = 19,354 lbs/ft. Note: For temporary construction, forces P3 and P4 may be ignored. Ignore forces P3 and P4 (10-38) ? yes Calculate point of zero shear below subgrade: (Sum F h = 0) "x 0"2" term "x D" term Earth Load, P1 = PA x H / 2 = Surch Load, P2 = PS x H = Earth below S.G., P3 = PA' x D = Active bel S.G., P4 = PG x D / 2 = Passive Total, P5 = -PE D / 2 = Neglect 1.5b, P6 = PB x 1.5b / 2 = Quadratic Solution, 0 = 0"2 ignored -449.3 0"2 -449.3 0"2 + D ignored D + Point of Zero Shear, x = D = Maximum Moment at Point of Zero Shear: 10.11 feet below subgrade Earth Load, P1 = Surch Load, P2 = Earth below S.G., P3 = Active bel S.G., P4 = Passive Load, PS= Neglect 1.5b, P6 = Total Load= 32,410 lbs at 12,154 lbs at lbs at lbs at -45,947 lbs at 1,384 lbs at 0 lbs [chk] 15.45 ft.= 18.11 ft.= 5.06 ft.= 3.37 ft.= 3.37 ft.= 8.94 ft.= Mmax= Constant . 32,410 lbs 12,154 lbs 1,384 lbs 45,947 lbs 500,602 ft.-lbs 220,135 ft.-lbs 0 ft.-lbs 0 ft.-lbs -154,884 ft.-lbs 12,375 ft.-lbs 578,228 ft.-lbs (maximum moment) DESIGN OF SHORING 11/20/19 0 Sheet 4 Job Name: Poseidon Channelside Carlsbad Intake PS Phase 1 CANTILEVERED SHORING SYSTEM Job No.: 19-241 Section "A" Shorin Case No: 1 Check Pile: Mr= Vr= Shape: W14x120 Elastic Modulus, E = 29,000 ksi Yield Strength, Fy = 50 ksi Per AISC 13th Edition: (F3-1) Mn = Mp = Fy Zx = 883.3 ft-kips Allowable Ma = LDF x Mn / Ob = 703.49 ft-kips (G2-1) Vn = 0.6 Fy Aw = 256.7 kips Allowable Va = LDF x Vn / Ov = 227.56 kips 578.2 ft-kips < 44.6 kips< 703.5 ft-kips [OK] 227.6 kips [OK] Load Duration Factor, LDF = 1.33 For ASD, Factor of Safety Ob = 1.67 For V, Factor of Safety Ov = 1.50 Plastic Sect. M, Zx = d= tw= Aw= d tw Mod of Inertia, Ix= 1.0000 212.00 in.3 14.500 in. 0.590 in. 8.56 in.~ 1,380.00 in.4 Check Stability about Pile Tip: Trial Pile Penetration Depth, D = 21.54 ft. Calculate Total Overturning Load and Moment about Trial Pile Tip Earth Load, P1 = 32,410 lbs at 26.87 ft.= 870,904 ft.-lbs Surch Load, P2 = 12,154 lbs at 29.54 ft.= 358,999 ft.-lbs Earth below S.G., P3 = lbs at 10.77 ft.= 0 ft.-lbs Active bel S.G., P4 = lbs at 7.18 ft.= 0 ft.-lbs Neglect 1.5b, P6 = 1,384 lbs at 20.37 ft.= 28,186 ft.-lbs Total Overturning Load 45,947 lbs Overturning Moment = 1,258,089 ft.-lbs Calculate Resisting Passive Moment about Trial Pile Tip. Passive Load, PS= -208,423 lbs at 7.18 ft.= M.R. = -1,496,373 ft.-lbs Overturning Ratio, -R.M. / O.T.M. = __ 1_.1_8_9 __ >_= _____ 1_.0_0__.[ .... O_K.a.] __ _ Increase pile penetration depth by 30% for temporary construction factor of safety. Use Penetration Depth, D = 21.54 feet+ 30.0 % F.S. = 28.00 ft. Min. Penetration depth provided provides a factor of safety of 1.5 against overturning. Calculate Moment at Subgrade: Surch Load, P2 = PS x H = Earth Load, P1 = PA x H / 2 = Total Load, Vmax = Calculate Deflection: 12,154 lbs at x1 = 32,410 lbs at xa = 44,563 lbs at h = (equal to maximum shear at subgrade) 8.00 ft.= 5.33 ft.= 6.06 ft. = M1 = 97,229 ft.-lbs 172,851 ft.-lbs 270,080 ft.-lbs (equal to value of moment at subgrade) b (height above point of fixity to load C.G.) Earth Load (from Above) P1 = 32,410 lbs at b = 10.72 ft.= Z-2/3 H 1.43 Surcharge Load, Ps x Hs = P2 = 12,154 lbs at b = 13.38 ft.= Z-1/2 Hs 0.80 where Hs = 16.00 ft. (neglected below this depth) Point of Fixity for Deflection is taken as 1/4 of the trial embedment depth of D = 21.54 ft. Distance from top of pile to point of fixity = H + D /4 = Z = 21.38 ft. below pile top (AISC Beam Table 3-23 #21) Delta= Sum of P b2 (3Z -b) = 2.23 in. < 2.50 in. [OK] 6xExl DESIGN OF SHORING 11/20/19 Job Name: Poseidon Channelside Carlsbad Intake PS Phase 1 Job No.: 19-241 Section "A" Formula Sheet for Cantilevered Soldier Pile Design: Sheet 5 CANTILEVERED SHORING SYSTEM Shoring Case No: 1 W = Soil Unit Weight Ka = Active Earth Pressure Coefficient Kp = Passive Earth Pressure Coefficient Ps = Surcharge Pressure L = Beam Spacing b = Pile Width D Solution is found by calculating the overturning moments (active loads P1, P2, P3, P4 and -P6) about point F and comparing to the resisting moment (passive load provided by PS). The resulting trial depth is then increased 30% for a factor of safety. N = Pile Effective Width Factor ___ Surcharge ( 100 psf for Traffic and Construction equipment up to H20 equivalent 32 kip axle) ~ P2 = Ps H L <I',---- Loads P3 and P4 (the active pressure below subgrade) is only included where shoring is a continuous (sheetpile) wall and/or the shoring is adjacent to railroad traffic. For isolated soldier piles for other temporary construction use, the unused area (L-N b) between piles below grade on the passive side (left) is considered to adequately resist any active loads acting on the beam width below subgrade. DESIGN OF SHORING C 11/20/19 Job Name: Poseidon Channelside Carlsbad Intake PS Phase 1 Sheet 6 CANTILEVERED SHORING SYSTEM Job No.: 19-241 Section "B" Shoring Case No: 1 Design of Cantilevered Shoring Systems Given: Above Sub <l>= 30.00 degrees 0.333 = Ka, use 0.333 to force Pa = 40.0 pcf y= 120.0 pcf (Ka= tan2(45-<I>/2) (see Sheet 2) Below Subgrade <l>= 32.00 degrees 3.255 = Kp, use 4.286 to force Pp = 300.0 pcf y= 70.0 pcf (Kp = tan2(45+<I>/2) (see sheet 2) Retained Earth Height, H = Pile Spacing, L = 14.00 ft. 8.33 ft. 1.17 ft. 3.00 ft. 1.76 ft. Passive Arching Capability Effective Width = Pile Width x e N = 0.08 x qi Pile Width, b = Total Effective Width = N b = Neglected Passive Height= 1.5b = N = 2.56 Use N = 2.56 Design Pressures Design Loads Pressure Surcharge, Ps = 120 psf for full height times pile spacing, PS = 1,000 lbs/ft. Active Pressure, Pa = Ka 7' = 40.0 pcf times pile spacing = 333 lbs/ft./ft. 40.0 pcf times pile effective width = PG per D = 120 D lbs/ft. Press. at Subgrade = Pa x H = 560 psf times pile spacing = PA = 4,665 lbs/ft. 560 pcf times pile effective width = PA' = 1,677 lbs/ft. Passive Pressure, Pp = Kp 7' = 300.0 pcf times pile effective width, PE per D = 899 D lbs/ft. Passive Pressure at 1.5b = 527 psf times pile effective width, PB = 1,577 lbs/ft. Press. at Pile Tip = Pp x D = 6,462 psf times pile effective width, PE tip = 19,354 lbs/ft. Note: For temporary construction, forces P3 and P4 may be ignored. Ignore forces P3 and P4 (10-38) ? yes Calculate point of zero shear below subgrade: (Sum F h = 0) "x 0"2" term "x D" term Earth Load, P1 = PA x H / 2 = Surch Load, P2 = PS x H = Earth below S.G., P3 = PA' x D = Active bel S.G., P4 = PG x D / 2 = Passive Total, P5 =-PED/ 2 = Neglect 1.5b, P6 = PB x 1.5b / 2 = Quadratic Solution, 0 = D"2 ignored -449.3 D"2 -449.3 D"2 + D ignored D + Point of Zero Shear, x = D = Maximum Moment at Point of Zero Shear: 10.34 feet below subgrade Earth Load, P1 = Surch Load, P2 = Earth below S.G., P3 = Active bel S.G., P4 = Passive Load, P5 = Neglect 1.5b, P6 = Total Load= 32,654 lbs at 13,994 lbs at lbs at lbs at -48,032 lbs at 1,384 lbs at 0 lbs [chk] 15.01 ft.= 17.34 ft. = 5.17 ft.= 3.45 ft.= 3.45 ft.= 9.17ft.= Mmax= Constant 32,654 lbs 13,994 lbs 1,384 lbs 48,032 lbs 490,010 ft.-lbs 242,658 ft.-lbs 0 ft.-lbs 0 ft.-lbs -165,544 ft.-lbs 12,689 ft.-lbs 579,813 ft.-lbs (maximum moment) DESIGN OF SHORING 11/20/19 Sheet 7 CANTILEVERED SHORING SYSTEM Job Name: Poseidon Channelside Carlsbad Intake PS Phase 1 Job No.: 19-241 Section "B" Shorin Case No: 1 Check Pile: Shape: W14x120 Elastic Modulus, E = 29,000 Yield Strength, Fy = 50 Per AISC 13th Edition: (F3-1) Mn = Mp = Fy Zx = 883.3 Allowable Ma= LDF x Mn/ Ob= 703.49 (G2-1) Vn = 0.6 Fy Aw = 256.7 Allowable Va = LDF x Vn / Ov = 227.56 ksi ksi ft-kips ft-kips kips kips Load Duration Factor, LDF = 1.33 For ASD, Factor of Safety Ob= 1.67 For V, Factor of Safety Ov = 1.50 Plastic Sect. M, Zx = d= tw= 1.0000 212.00 in.3 14.500 in. 0.590 in. Aw = d tw . 8.56 in.'" Mod of Inertia, Ix= 1,380.00 in.4 Mr = 579.8 ft-kips < 703.5 ft-kips [OK] Vr= ___ 4_6_.6_k~ip_s_< ____ 2_27_._6_k~ip_s~[~O_K..._] Check Stability about Pile Tip: Trial Pile Penetration Depth, D = 21.54 ft. Calculate Total Overturning Load and Moment about Trial Pile Tip Earth Load, P1 = 32,654 lbs at 26.21 ft.= 855,692 ft.-lbs Surch Load, P2 = 13,994 lbs at 28.54 ft.= 399,379 ft.-lbs Earth below S.G., P3 = lbs at 10.77 ft,= 0 ft.-lbs Active bel S.G., P4 = lbs at 7.18 ft.= 0 ft.-lbs Neglect 1.5b, P6 = 1,384 lbs at 20.37 ft.= 28,186 ft.-lbs Total Overturning Load 48,032 lbs Overturning Moment = 1,283,256 ft.-lbs Calculate Resisting Passive Moment about Trial Pile Tip. Passive Load, PS = -208,423 lbs at 7.18 ft.= M.R. = -1,496,373 ft.-lbs Overturning Ratio, -RM./ O.T.M. = __ 1_.1_6_6 __ >_= _____ 1_.0_0__,[._O_K_._] __ _ Increase pile penetration depth by 30% for temporary construction factor of safety. Use Penetration Depth, D = 21.54 feet+ 30.0 % F.S. = 28.00 ft. Min. Penetration depth provided provides a factor of safety of 1.5 against overturning. Calculate Moment at Subgrade: Surch Load, P2 = PS x H = Earth Load, P1 = PA x H / 2 = Total Load, Vmax = Calculate Deflection: 13,994 lbs at x1 = 32,654 lbs at xa = 46,648 lbs at h = (equal to maximum shear at subgrade) 7.00 ft.= 4.67 ft.= 5.37 ft. = M1 = 97,961 ft.-lbs 152,383 ft.-lbs 250,344 ft.-lbs (equal to value of moment at subgrade) b (height above point of fixity to load C.G.) Earth Load (from Above) P1 = 32,654 lbs at b = 10.05 ft.= Z-2/3 H 1.14 Surcharge Load, Ps x Hs = P2 = 13,994 lbs at b = 12.38 ft.= Z -1/2 Hs 0.71 where Hs = 14.00 ft. (neglected below this depth) Point of Fixity for Deflection is taken as 1/4 of the trial embedment depth of D = 21.54 ft. Distance from top of pile to point of fixity= H + D /4 = Z = 19.38 ft. below pile top (AISC Beam Table 3-23 #21) Delta= Sum of P b2 (32 -b) = 1.85 in. < 2.50 in. [OK] 6xExl DESIGN OF SHORING C 11/20/19 Job Name: Poseidon Channelside Carlsbad Intake PS Phase 1 Sheet 8 CANTILEVERED SHORING SYSTEM Job No.: 19-241 Section "C" Shoring Case No: 1 Design of Cantilevered Shoring Systems Given: Above Sub <l>= 30.00 degrees 0.333 = Ka, use 0.333 to force Pa= 40.0 pcf y= 120.0 pcf (Ka= tan2(45-cf>/2) (see Sheet 2) Below Subgrade <l>= 32.00 degrees 3.255 = Kp, use 4.286 to force Pp = 300.0 pcf y= 70.0 pcf (Kp = tan2(45+cf>/2) (see sheet 2) Retained Earth Height, H = Pile Spacing, L = 11.00 ft. 8.33 ft. 1.17 ft. 3.00 ft. 1.76 ft. Passive Arching Capability Effective Width = Pile Width x e N = 0.08 x cf> Pile Width, b = To~al Effective Width =· N b = Neglected Passive Height = 1.5b = N = 2.56 Use N = 2.56 Design Pressures Design Loads Pressure Surcharge, Ps = 120 psf for full height times pile spacing, PS = 1,000 lbs/ft. Active Pressure, Pa = Ka t' = 40.0 pcf times pile spacing = 333 lbs/ft./ft. 40.0 pcf times pile effective width = PG per D = 120 D lbs/ft. Press. at Subgrade =:::: Pa x H = 440 psf times pile spacing = PA = 3,665 lbs/ft. 440 pcf times pile effective width = PA' = 1,318 lbs/ft. Passive Pressure, Pp = Kp t' = 300.0 pcf times pile effective width, PE per D = 899 D lbs/ft. Passive Pressure at 1.5b = 527 psf times pile effective width, PB = 1,577 lbs/ft. Press. at Pile Tip = Pp x D = 5,538 psf times pile effective width, PE tip = 16,589 lbs/ft. Note: For temporary construction, forces P3 and P4 may be ignored. Ignore forces P3 and P4 (10-38) ? yes Calculate point of zero shear below subgrade: (Sum F h = 0) Earth Load, P1 = PA x H / 2 = Surch Load, P2 = PS x H = "x DA2"term "x D" term D ignored Earth below S.G., P3 = PA' x D = Active bel S.G., P4 = PG x D / 2 = Passive Total, PS = -PE D / 2 = Neglect 1.5b, P6 = PB x 1.5b / 2 = DA2 ignored -449.3 DA2 Quadratic Solution, 0 = Point of Zero Shear, x = D = Maximum Moment at Point of Zero Shear: 20, 159 lbs at 10,996 lbsat lbs at lbs at -32,538 lbs at 1,384 lbs at D + 8.51 feet below subgrade 12.18 ft.= 14.01 ft.= 4.26 ft.= 2.84 ft.= 2.84 ft.= 7.34 ft.= Earth Load, P1 = Surch Load, P2 = Earth below S.G., P3 = Active bel S.G., P4 = Passive Load, PS= Neglect 1.5b, P6 = Total Load= (0) lbs [chk] Mmax= Constant 20,159 lbs 10,996 lbs 1,384 lbs 32,538 lbs 245,467 ft.-lbs 154,050 ft.-lbs 0 ft.-lbs 0 ft.-lbs -92,301 ft.-lbs 10, 157 ft.-lbs 317,374 ft.-lbs (maximum moment) DESIGN OF SHORING 11/20/19 Sheet 9 CANTILEVERED SHORING SYSTEM Job Name: Poseidon Channelside Carlsbad Intake PS Phase 1 Job No.: 19-241 Section "C" Shoring Case No: 1 Check Pile: Shape: Elastic Modulus, E = Yield Strength, Fy = Per AISC 13th Edition: (F3-1) Mn = Mp = Fy Zx = Allowable Ma = LDF x Mn/ Ob = (G2-1) Vn = 0.6 Fy Aw = Allowable Va = LDF x Vn / Ov = HP14x89 29,000 ksi 36 ksi 438.0 ft-kips 348.83 ft-kips 183.3 kips 162.54 kips Load Duration Factor, LDF = 1.33 For ASD, Factor of Safety Ob = 1.67 For V, Factor of Safety Ov = 1.50 Plastic Sect. M, Zx = d= tw= Aw= d tw Mod of Inertia, Ix = 1.0000 146.00 in.3 13.800 in. 0.615 in. 8.49 in.'' 904.00 in.4 Mr= 317.4 ft-kips< 348.8 ft-kips [OK] Vr= ___ 3_1_.2_k~ip_s_< ___ ~.-16_2_.5_._k~ip_s~[ .... O_K_] Check Stability about Pile Tip: Trial Pile Penetration Depth, D = 18.46 ft. Calculate Total Overturning Load and Moment about Trial Pile Tip Earth Load, P1 = 20,159 lbs at 22.13 ft.= 446,074 ft.-lbs Surch Load, P2 = 10,996 lbs at 23.96 ft.= 263,471 ft.-lbs Earth below S.G., P3 = lbs at 9.23 ft.= 0 ft.-lbs Active bel S.G., P4 = lbs at 6.15 ft.= 0 ft.-lbs Neglect 1.5b, P6 = 1,384 lbs at 17.29 ft.= 23,928 ft.-lbs Total Overturning Load 32,538 lbs Overturning Moment = 733,473 ft.-lbs Calculate Resisting Passive Moment about Trial Pile Tip. Passive Load, PS = -153,127 lbs at 6.15 ft.= M.R. = -942,322 ft.-lbs Overturning Ratio, -R.M. / O.T.M. = __ 1_.2_8_5 __ >_= _____ 1_.0_0__,[ .... 0_K.._] __ _ Increase pile penetration depth by 30% for temporary construction factor of safety. Use Penetration Depth, D = 18.46 feet+ 30.0 % F.S. = 24.00 ft. Min. Penetration depth provided provides a factor of safety of 1.5 against overturning. Calculate Moment at Subgrade: Surch Load, P2 = PS x H = Earth Load, P1 = PA x H / 2 = Total Load, Vmax = Calculate Deflection: 10,996 lbs at x1 = 20,159 lbs at xa = 31 , 154 lbs at h = (equal to maximum shear at subgrade) 5.50 ft. = 60,476 ft.-lbs 3.67 ft.= 73,915 ft.-lbs 4.31 ft.= M1 = 134,391 ft.-lbs (equal to value of moment at subgrade) b (height above point of fixity to load C.G.) Earth Load (from Above) P1 = 20,159 lbs at b = 8.28 ft. = Z -2/3 H 0.59 Surcharge Load, Ps x Hs = P2 = 10,996 lbs at b = 10.12 ft.= Z -1/2 Hs 0.45 where Hs = 11.00 ft. (neglected below this depth) Point of Fixity for Deflection is taken as 1 /4 of the trial embedment depth of D = 18.46 ft. Distance from top of pile to point of fixity = H + D /4 = Z = 15.62 ft. below pile top (AISC Beam Table 3-23 #21) Delta= Sum of P b2 (32 -b) = 1.04 in. < 2.50 in. [OK] 6xExl DESIGN OF SHORING Woodcrest Engineering C Date: 11 /20/19 Job Name: Poseidon Channelside Carlsbad Intake PS Phase 1 Sheet 10 Job No.: 19-241 Typical for 8.33 ft. c.c. Beam Spacings Check Timber Lagging Shoring Case No: 1 Soil Parameters: Trench Configuration: Active Earth Pressure, Kw = 40.0 pcf H = Total Depth = 16.00 ft. Pressure Diagram: General Formula for Earth Pressure: P = Csf x Kw x H, where: Csf = Soil Factor = 0.6 (for soil arching behind lagging) Earth Pressure: 0.6 x Kw x H = 384 psf Additional Surcharge Pressure, Ps = 1 x Total Active Pressure, P = 120 psf 384 psf Max. 120 psf Soldier Beam and Spacing = Soldier Beam Width= Lagging Clear Span, L = W14x120 spaced at 1.225 ft. bf = . 7.11 ft. Check Timber Lagging, Allowable Design Stresses per: National Design Specifications, 2015 (NDS) Flexural Stress, Fb = 900 psi Shear Stress, Fv = 180 psi Elastic Modulus, E = 1.60E+06 psi Adj Load Duration, Cd = 1.33 Factors: Flatwise Use, Cfu = 1.10 Size Factor, Cf = 1.10 Rep. Member, Cr = 1.15 Allowable Flexural Stress = Fb x Cd x Cfu x Cf x Cr = Allowable Shear Stress = Fv x Cd = M =W L2 /8 = 3,180 ft.-lbs V=WL/2= 1,790 lbs fb=M/S= 1,558 psi< fv = 1.5 V / A= 64 psi< 504 psf= W 8.33 ft. center to center 14.70 in. Timber 4x12 Lagging S4S Douglas Fir Grade Nominal Thickness Actual Thickness Number of Boards 2 4.00 in. 3.50 in. 1 each Section Properties per Foot S = 24.5 in.3 A= 42.0 in.2 I= 42.9 in.4 1,666 psi 239 psi 1,666 psi [OK] 239 psi [OK] DESIGN OF SHORING Woodcrest Engineering Sheet 11 Date: 11/20/19 Job Name: Poseidon Channelside Carlsbad Intake PS Phase 1 Check Steel Plate Lagging Job No.: 19-241 Typical for 8.33 ft. c.c. Beam Spacings Shoring Case No: 1 Soil Parameters: Trench Configuration: Active Earth Pressure, Kw = 40.0 pcf H = Total Depth= 16.00 ft. Pressure Diagram: General Formula for Earth Pressure: P = Csf x Kw x H, where: Csf = Soil Factor = 0.6 (for soil arching behind lagging) Earth Pressure: 0.6 x Kw x H = 384 psf Additional Surcharge Pressure, Ps = 1 x Total Active Pressure, P = 120 psf 384 psf Max. 120 psf 504 psf= W Soldier Beam and Spacing = Soldier Beam Width = Lagging Clear Span, L = W14x120 spaced at 1.225 ft. bf= 8.33 ft. center to center (max) 14.70 in. 7.11 ft. Per Foot of Plate Height: M=WL2 /8= V=WL/2= 3,180 ft.-lbs 1,790 lbs Check Steel Plate Lagging, (A36) per AISC 14th Edition: Load Duraction Factor, LDF = 1.33 For ASD, Factor of Safety Ob= 1.67 For V, Factor of Safety Ov = 1.50 Elastic Modulus, E = 2.90E+07 ksi Yield Strength, Fy = 36 ksi Plate Thickness, t = Number of Plates Analysis Width (per foot) b = Shear Area Av = b x t = Section Modulus S = b x t2 / 6 = Plastic Modulus Z = b x t2t4= Moment of Inertia, I= b t3t12 = Bending Capacity: Mn equals lesser of Mp or 1.6 My Mp= Fy Z = 1.6 My = 1.6 Fy S = Ma= LDF Mn/ Ob= 108.00 115.20 86.01 in-kips in-kips in-kips= Use Mn= 108.00 7.17 ft-kips 1.000 1 12.00 12.00 2.000 3.000 1.00 (F11-1) in-kip 3.18 ft-kips< 7.17 ft-kips [OK] Required Moment Capacity, Mr= ----------- Shear Capacity: Vn = 0.6 Fy Av = 259.2 kips Allowable Va= LDF Vn / Ov = 229.82 kips Required Shear Capacity, Vr = 1.79 kips< 229.8 kips [OK] in. each in. in.2 in.3 in.3 in.4 C 0 DESIGN OF SHORING 12/12/19 Job Name: Poseidon Channelside Carlsbad Intake PS Phase 1 Job No.: 19-241 Section D/E Soldier Beam -with 1 Strut Sheet 12 1-Strut Shoring System Shoring Case No: 1 Check Pile: Soil Parameters: Active Earth Pressure: (Max) Passive Pressure Case : Neglect upper Passive Depth X =2 D / 3 = fp = Pp ( D112 / 2 - X neg112 I 2) = Excavation and Pile Dimensions: Penetration Depth, D = 12.00 ft. Pile Width 1.17 ft. Effective Width Factor 2.00 Pile Effective Width 2.34 ft. Tributary Width = ( 8.33 ft.+ Pressure Diagram: Active Earth Pressure PaxH Surcharge Depth, Hs ft. Surcharge Pressure Pax Hs Additional Surcharge. Pressure Total Active Pressure, P = Loading Diagram: Active Load, W = P x Tributary Width= Passive Capacity, Pc = fp x Effective Width = Beam Force Solution: Reactions kips Shears Top, R = 51.95 V1 Psv, Fp = 19.48 V2 V3 X1 = 9.636 ft. Vax= Pa= Pp= Xneg= L 1 = L2 = Total Depth, H = 8.33 ft. ) / 2 = 416.0 120.0 536.0 lbs/ft kips/ft 4,465 4.465 21,450 21.450 kips Moments (8.93) M1 43.03 M2 (19.48) M3 43.03 Max= 26.0 H psf 300.0 pcf 1.0 ft. 8.000 ft. 21,450 lbs/ft. 2.00 ft. 14.00 ft. 16.00 ft. 8.33 ft. psf psf psf psf kips 71.44 50.19 ft-kips (8.93) 198.37 155.86 198.37 Check Passive Capacity: Fp < Pc: 19.48 kips <= 50.19 kips [OK] Factor of Safety for Beam Embedment: F.S. = Pc/ Fp = 2.58 >= 1.5 [OK] Shape: HP14x89 Load Duration Factor, LDF = 1.33 Elastic Modulus, E = 29,000 ksi For ASD, Factor of Safety Ob= 1.67 Yield Strength, Fy = 36 ksi For V, Factor of Safety Ov = 1.50 Per AISC 13th Edition: Non Compact Adjust, NC = 0.9765 (F3-1) Mn = Mp =Fy Zx NC= 427.7 ft-kips Plastic Sect. M, Zx = Allowable Ma = LDF x Mn / Ob = 340.63 ft-kips d= (G2-1) Vn = 0.6 Fy Aw = 183.3 kips tw= Allowable Va = LDF x Vn / Ov = 162.54 kips Aw= d tw loading Shea, Mr= 198.37 ft-kips< 340.6 ft-kips [OK] w Vr= 43.03 kies< 162.5 kies [OKJ V1 Maximum Strut Reaction, R = 51.95 kips " Refer to sheet(s) 13 (+) for strut/wale stress checks. l D Fp _J 146.00 13.800 0.615 8.49 in.3 in. in. In.~ Momeni M2 MJ DESIGN OF SHORING Woodcrest Engineering Date: 12/12/19 ) Sheet 13 Job Name: Poseidon Channelside Carlsbad Intake PS Phase 1 Job No.: 19-241 Steel Member Check Shoring Case No: 1 Section "D" Pipe Struts Axial Load, Pr = 52.0 kips Unsupported Length, K Lx = K Ly= Strut Dead Weight, W = 0.029 kips/ft. Bending Moment from Dead Load, My= W L2 / 8 = Point Load at Center Span, P = 0.400 kips Bending Moment from Point Load, My = P L / 4 = Total Moment, Mry = Steel Member Capacity per AISC 13th Edition 0.36 ft-kips 1.00 ft-kips 1.36 ft-kips 10.00 ft. 10.00 ft. Elastic Modulus, E = 29,UOO ksi Load Duraction Factor, LDF = 1 Yield Strength, Fy = 35 ksi For ASD, Factor of Safety Ob= 1.67 Shape: Pipe8sch40 A53 For Pc, Factor of Safety Oc = 1.67 Section Area, A = 7.85 in.2 Torsional Mom, J = 136.00 in.4 Mod of Inertia, Ix= 68.10 Plastic Sect. M, Zx = 20.80 Section Mod, Sx = 15.80 Radius of Gyrat, rx = 2.95 Design Thickness, t = 0.300 Calculate Allowable Compressive Capacity: in.4 in.3 in.3 in. in. Mod of Inertia, ly = Plastic Sect. M, Zy = Section Mod, Sy = Radius of Gyrat, ry = Ouside Diameter, D = 68.10 in.4 20.80 in.3 15.80 in.3 2.95 in. 8.63 in. KLx/rx= 40.7 KLy/ry= 40.7 (E3-4) Fe= 1T2 E / (KUr)2 = 172.97 ksi > = Therefore, Use Equation (E3-2) and Fer = Max Kl/r = 15.40 ksi = 0.44 Fy 32.16 ksi (E3-2) Fer= Fy [0.658Fy/Fe ] = 32.16 ksi (E3-3) Fer = 0.877 Fe = 151.70 ksi (E3-1) Nominal Compressive Strength, Pn = Fer Ag= Allowable Compressive Capacity, Pc= LDF x Pn / Oc = Calculate Allowable Moment Capacity (Pipes and Tubes): Per Section F8: D/t = 28.75 < Compact Limit i\p =0.07 E / Fy = Therefore, Use Equation (F8-1) and Mn = 252.4 kips 151.2 kips 372.9 = 0.45 E / Fy 58.00 > = D/t 60.7 ft.-kips 40.7 (F8-1) Nominal Flexural Strength, Mn = Mp = Fy Zy = 60.7 ft-kips Allowable Moment Capacity, Mc= LDF x Mn/ Ob= 36.33 ft-kips Check Combined Loading (Flexure and Axial Load): Mry / Mc = 0.04 Pr/ Pc= 0.34 > = 0.20 therefore use equation (H1-1A) (H1-1A) Pr/ Pc + 8/9 (Mrx / Mex + Mry / Mey ) = 0.38 <= 1.0 [OK] C 0 DESIGN OF SHORING 12/12/19 Sheet 14 Job Name: Poseidon Channelside Carlsbad Intake PS Phase 1 Job No.: 19-241 Check Side Wale Shoring Case No: 1 Wale Option Section E Typical Soldier Beam Load (From Sheet 12 ) = 52.0 kips for or 8.33 ft. c.c. 6.24 kips/ft. Side Wale Length= 25.00 ft. Location of Strut from End Soldier = L 1 = L3 = Strut to Strut Distance, L2 = 1.50 ft. 22.00 ft. 1.50 L 1, ft. 22.00 L2, ft. 1.50 L3, ft. 104.00 R1, kips 104.00 R2, kips Max. Check Bending and Shear per AISC 13th Edition: (52.0) V1 52.0 V2 V3 (52.0) V4 52.0 vs 52.0 kips (78.0) M1, ft-kips 277.3 M2, ft-kips 277.3 M3, ft-kips (78.0) M3, ft-kips 277.3 ft-kips Compact Section, Lb < Lp (Plastic Moment) Compact Section, Lb < Lp (Plastic Moment) ry = 3.53 in. 14.69 ft. Lp = 1. 76 ry sqrt (E/Fy) = Shape: HP14x89 Load Duraction Factor, LDF = 1.33 Elastic Modulus, E = 29,000 ksi For ASD, Factor of Safety Ob= 1.67 Yield Strength, Fy = 36 ksi For V, Factor of Safety Ov = 1.50 Per AISC 13th Edition: (F2-1) Mn = Mp = Fy Zx = 438.0 ft-kips Plastic Sect. M, Zx = 146.00 in.3 Allowable Ma = LDF x Mn / Ob = 348.83 ft-kips d= 13.800 in. (G2-1) Vn = 0.6 Fy Aw = 183.3 kips tw= 0.615 in. Allowable Va = LDF x Vn / 0 = 162.54 kips Aw= d tw 8.49 in.~ Mod of Inertia, Ix = 904.00 in.4 Required Moment Capacity, Mr= 277.3 ft-kips< 348.8 ft-kips [OK] Required Shear Capacity, Vr = 52.0 kips< 162.5 kips [OK] Strut Reaction, R = 104.00 kips Refer to sheet(s) 15 for strut section check. ,,,,..... ' DESIGN OF SHORING Woodcrest Engineering Sheet 15 Date: 12/12/19 Steel Member Check Job Name: Poseidon Channelside Carlsbad Intake PS Phase 1 Job No.: 19-241 Shoring Case No: 1 Struts on Wales Design Loading: Moment, Mrx = 1.8 ft-kips Unsupported Length, K Lx= 10.00 ft. Moment, Mry = 1.8 ft-kips KLy= 10.00 ft. Shear, Vr = 2.0 kips KLx/rx= 22.7 Axial Load, Pr = 104.0 kips K Ly/ ry = 39.7 Max Kl/r = 39.7 Strut Dead Weight, W = 0.065 kips/ft. Bending Moment from Dead Load, My= W L2 / 8 = 0.81 ft-kips Point Load at Center Span, P = 0.400 kips Bending Moment from Point Load, My = P L / 4 = 1.00 ft-kies Total Moment, Mry = 1.81 ft-kips Section Caeacities from Below: Mex= 231.3 ft-kips Mrx/Mcx = 0.01 Mey= 105.4 ft-kips Mry/Mcy = 0.02 Ve= 90.38 kips>= 2.0 kips [OK] Pc= 503.9 kips Pr/ Pc= 0.21 >= 0.20 Check Combined Loading (Flexure and Axial Load): (H1-1a) Pr/ Pc + 8/9 (Mrx /Mex+ Mry /Mey)= therefore use equation (H1-1a) 0.23 <= 1.0 [OK] Steel Member Capacity per AISC 13th Edition For ASD, Factor of Safety Ob = 1.67 Elastic Modulus, E = 29,000 ksi Load Duraction Factor, LDF = 1.33 Yield Strength, Fy = 36 ksi For V, Factor of Safety Ov = 1.5 Shape: W12x65 For Pc, Factor of Safety Oc = 1.67 Section Area, A = 19.10 in.2 Plastic Sect. M, Zx = 96.80 in.3 d= 12.100 in. Plastic Sect. M, Zy = 44.10 in.3 tw= 0.390 in. Radius of Gyrat, rx = 5.28 in. Radius of Gyrat, ry = 3.02 in. Calculate Allowable Shear Capacity: Vn = 0.6 Fy Aw Cv = 101.9 kips Aw= d tw = 4.719 in.2 Cv = 1.00 Allowable Shear Capacity, Ve = LDF x Vn / Ov = 90.38 kips Calculate Allowable Moment Caeacity: Major Axis Bending (F2-1) Nominal Flexural Strength, Mn= Mp= Fy Zx = 290.4 ft-kips (F2-1) Nominal Flexural Strength, Mn= Mp= Fy Zx = 290.4 ft-kips Allowable Moment Capacity, Mc= LDF x Mn/ Ob= 231.3 ft-kips Minor Axis Bending (F6-1) Nominal Flexural Strength, Mny = Mpy = Fy Zy = 132.3 ft-kips Allowable Moment Capacity, Mey= LDF x Mny /Ob= 105.36 ft-kips Calculate Allowable Compressive Capacity: (E3-4) Fe = 1r2 E / (KUr)2 = 181.28 ksi > = 15.84 ksi = 0.44 Fy Use Equation (E3-2) and Fer = 33.13 ksi (E3-1) Nominal Compressive Strength, Pn = Fer Ag= 632.8 kips Allowable Compressive Capacity, Pc = LDF x Pn / Oc = 503.9 kips C 0 DESIGN OF SHORING 12/12/19 Job Name: Poseidon Channelside Carlsbad Intake PS Phase 1 Job No.: 19-241 Sheet 16 WELDED CONNECTIONS Shoring Case No: 1 _C_h_e_c_k_W_e_l_d_S_iz_e_f_o_r C_on_n_e_c_tio_n_s_:_,_(f_ill_e_t w_el_d....,s)'---___ per AISC Steel Manual, 14th Edition For fillet welds using E70 electrodes: Weld Material, Fex = Nominal Weld Stress, 0.60 Fexx = Fnw = Table J2.5 Factor of Safety, Ow= 2.00 Base Metal, Fy = (J4-3) Factor of Safety, Ob= 1.50 70.0 ksi 42.0 ksi 36.0 ksi (J2-3) Capacity of weld metal (per inch), Vw = Fnw x Awe/ Ow= Fnw x T x 0.707 I Ow Fort= 0.375 in., Vw = 5.57 kips/in. Fort= 0.250 in., Vw = 3.71 kips/in. (J4-3) Capacity of base metal (per inch), vb = 0.6 Fy Agv / Ob= 0.60 Fy x TI Ob Fort= 0.375 in., vb= 5.40 kips/in. <=== Controls Fort= 0.250 in., vb= 3.60 kips/in. <=== Controls For 3/8 in fillet welds, Use v = 5.40 kips/inch for allowable weld capacity For 1/4 in fillet welds, Use v = 3.60 kips/inch for allowable weld capacity Struts to Soldiers: Note: To account for struts placed at an angle (not exactly perpendicular) to bearing face: For a max angle A of 5.0 degrees off from perpendicular V = P tan A = 9% of the strut load, P = 52.0 kips V = 4.5 kips 0.375 thick fillet welds, v = 5.40 kips/in Try: 1 each, 4.0 inch long Total Length, L = 4.0 in. Ve= L v = 21.6 kips> 4.5 kips [OK] Struts to Side Wales: Note: To account for struts placed at an angle (not exactly perpendicular) to bearing face: For a max angle A of 5.0 degrees off from perpendicular V = P tan A= 9% of the strut load, P = 104.0 kips V = 9.1 kips 0.375 thick fillet welds, v = 5.40 kips/in Try: 2 each, 8.0 inch long Total Length, L = 16.0 in. Ve= L v = 86.4 kips> 9.1 kips [OK] Side Wale to Soldier beam ( Dead Load of wales and struts, tributary to one side) Wale Ring Weight: Sides 89 lbs/ft x 30 ft = Struts 65 lbs/ft x 10 ft = Total Weight Note: The weight of the side wale and struts is carried by a total of 4 welds: Load per Weld = 3.32 kips = V = 0.83 Use, V= Try: 4 each Welds 10.0 kips 1 each, 4.0 inch long Ve= L v = 21.6 0.375 thick fillet welds, v = kips> Total Length, L = 10.0 kips [OK] kips 2670 650 3320 lbs 5.40 kips/in 4.0 in. GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION NEW INTAKE/DISCHARGE STRUCTURE CARLSBAD SEAWATER DESALINATION PLANT 4600 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR: Poseidon Resources 5780 Fleet Street, Suite 140 Carlsbad, California 92008 PREPARED BY: Ninyo & Moore Geotechnical and Environmental Sciences Consultants 5710 Ruffin Road San Diego, California 92123 November 30, 2016 Project No. 107393003 57i0 Ruffin Road • San Diego, Cal:fornia 9?1?.3 • Pt1onc !858) 576-1000 • Fax (8581576-9600 ~ /tflll!lo'•f(',:oon. San Diego • Irvine ' LOS Angeles • Rarxho Cucarmngii • Qak!ancJ • _San Frc!:!Ci~l() ' ·~n Jo~e • Saaa111tnto I . V.EAR:S Las Vegas • Phoen.'x • Tucson • Fti:-scott ~!ley • Flagstat'f • Denver • U;nnmfieic! • Hnusto:, , • .: . , •. , ... •. .. C 0 New Intake/Discharge Structure November 30, 2016 Project No. 107393003 Carlsbad Seawater Desalination Plant, Carlsbad, California 107393003 Rdoc ever, as a general guideline, overexcavation of approximately 2 feet may be appropriate to develop a stable excavation bottom. If heavy equipment is used to perform the bot- tom stabilization, additional depths of removal and replacement should be anticipated. 9.1.6. Temporary Excavations, Braced Excavations and Shoring For temporary excavations, we recommend that the following Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) soil classifications be used: · Fill and Alluvium Santiago Formation TypeC TypeB Upon making the excavations, the soil classifications and excavation performance should be evaluated in the field by a competent person in accordance with the OSHA .. regulations. Temporary excavations should be constructed in accordance with OSHA recommendations. For trench or other excavations, OSHA requirements regarding per- sonnel safety should be met using appropriate shoring (including trench boxes) or by laying back the slopes to no steeper than 1.5: 1 (horizontal to vertical) in fill and alluvi- um and 1 :1 in the Santiago Formation. The contractor should be aware of and account for seepage, dewatering, and design in his approach to performing temporary excavations. We note that the depth to groundwa- ter/seepage conditions and the depth to the Santiago Formation are expected to vary across the site. The need to account for groundwater and seepage will also depend on the depth of the excavations, particularly when considering the excavation for the pro- posed Intake/Discharge structure. Consequently, excavations encountering seepage should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. On-site safety of personnel is the responsi- bility of the contractor. As an alternative to laying back the sidewalls of temporary excavations, the excavations may be shored or braced. Temporary earth retaining systems will be subjected to lateral loads resulting from earth pressures. Braced shoring systems for excavations may be designed using the lateral earth pressure parameters presented on Figure 6. These lateral 16 S2/ New Intake/Discharge Structure November 30, 2016 Project No. 107393003 Carlsbad Seawater Desalination Plant, Carlsbad, California 107393003 R.doc earth pressures should be evaluated by a structural engineer for the design of the shoring systems. These design earth pressures assume that spoils from the excavations, or other surcharge loads, will not be placed above the excavations within a 1: I plane extending up and back from the base of the excavation. For bracing subjected to surcharge loads, such as soil stockpiles or construction materials/equipment, an additional horizontal uniform pressure of 0.50q may be applie~ to the full height of the excavation, where "q" is the surcharge pressure. 9.1.7. ,Construction Dewatering Groundwater was encountered during our recent subsurface exploration at depths as shal- low as 10 feet. Similar depths to groundwater were observed during our previous subsurface exploration at the site (Ninyo & Moore, 20 J 6). As previously discussed, fluc- tuations in the groundwater levels may occur at the site. Dewatering measures during excavation operations (including those for the proposed Intake/Discharge structure, the fish/debris line and the dilution pipe) should be prepared by the contractor's engineer and reviewed by the design engineer. The need for and type of dewatering systems is antici- pated to depend on such factors as the location and depth of each excavation, as well as the contractor's proposed means and methods. Considerations for construction dewater- ing should include anticipated drawdown, piping, heaving of the excavation bottom, volume of pumping, potential for settlement, and groundwater discharge. As such, it may be prudent to photo-document structures and settlement sensitive improvements that are adjacent to the area of proposed construction prior to dewatering. Disposal of groundwa- ter should be performed in accordance with guidelines of the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). As part of our scope of services for this evaluation, we performed falling head permeabil- ity tests in general accordance with ASTM Test Method 05084. This testing was performed on samples obtained from the alluvium and the Santiago Formation. Results of this testing are presented in Appendix B. It should be understood that variations in the permeability of the subsurface materials may vary from those values presented herein. 17 S3/ -/ CJ I -' 0 i I N ~ A !I SCALE IN FEET l z -' m I 80 160 g' 0 0 gi SOURCES: MALCOLM PIRNIE I ARCA DIS, ~ DATED: 1Q/18/2012.; GOOGLE EARTH, 2016. ~ °'' Agua Hedionda Lagoon ING ,KE .TION ~\ \ ; ~ -7 :[Q=51.5 \ T B-18 .r~ \o "' ,~~-' •, ' ,,.;.-.._ cp· ·4 \ ,, TO~SC NMB-7 T0=90.3 CPT-6 ro':so.o ~ .... NOTE: DIRECTIONS, DIMENSIONS AND LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. l(ln9o_&l(too~e PROJECT NO. DATE 107393003 11/16 (;? r~ .;,,, ..... ...... ; ~ GHD-3 BORING (NINYO & MOORE, 2016) T0=18.0 TD=TOTAL DEPTH IN FEET ■ r.13 CONE PENETRATION TEST. (NINYO & MOORE, 2016) $-NMB-7 BORING (NINYO & MOORE, 2013) TD=90.3 TD=TOTAL DEPTH IN FEET 8_18 EXPLORATORY/GEOTECHNICAL BORING, I\ 0 TD=S 5 (GEOLOGIC ASSOCIATES, 2008) µ, 1 · TD=TOTAL DEPTH IN FEET CPT S CONE PENETRATION TEST, C::: • (NINYO & MOORE, 2013) TD=39.o TD=TOTAL DEPTH IN FEET BORING LOCATIONS NEW INTAKE DISCHARGE STRUCTURE CARLSBAD SEAWATER DESALINATION PLANT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE S4/ 2 1/) w ...J a.. U:::-::i!: ~ (.} ~ c'5 I-f!:, 0 0 ~ ~-0 w ~ ...J 0 I!: 0:: Ill ::c ~ ::::, in ::i!: I-I-z a.. 1/) w >-w :,,t, C: 0 6 0 1/) 0 "5.~ ...J Ill ::i!: >-lllO 0:: 0 0 :: : :: : -:: : : :: : :: : - [f 14 10.4 : :: : - :: : _, 60 4.3 : : :: : - :: : -.... z 0 i= . <( 1/) (.}' -0 LL • -1/) 1/) . 1/)::::, ::5 (.} SP S5/ DATE DRILLED 9/02/16 BORING NO. GHD-1 ------------------ GROUND ELEVATION ____ 19_' -'(,_M_S----'L)'-----SHEET OF 2 --- METHOD OF DRILLING 6" Diameter Hollow Stem Auger (Diedrich D50) (Pac Drill) DRIVE WEIGHT ___ 1_40_I_b_s.~(A_u_t_o-_T_ri~p_H_a_m_m_e~r) __ DROP --------30" SAMPLED BY CAT LOGGED BY CAT REVIEWED BY GTF ---------DES CR IP TIO N /INTERPRET AT 1O N FILL: Brown, moist, medium dense, fine to medium SAND; trace silt. Light olive brown; scattered fragments of Santiago Formation. Reddish brown. Brown and reddish brown (mottled). Brown and grayish brown (mottled); scattered gravel; trace clay. 10-1_ I\NO recovery. mi ;;;; SANTIAGO FORMATION: !iii Gray, moderately cemented, clayey fine-grained SANDSTONE. ,---------tfit----Light gray, moderately cemented, silty fine-grained SANDSTONE; scattered manganese 53 • • • • d ·t fi 1 . . . 'bl ;m epOSI s; some me ammatlons VIS! e. == == _I so/5" 15.4 1111 55!5 Gray; strongly cemented; trace clay. iiU 1111 :::: 20--, 60 18.9 mi IHI :::: Brownish gray, moist, strongly cemented, clayey silty fine-grained sandstone; slightly micaceous; scattered iron-oxide lined root casts. :u: iiii !!!! !iii !!ii uu i!ii I 5ow 18.0 107.8 ii!! --:::: m1 nu == == 555! == :: 30--. 50/3" UH uu 50/5" 4.0 !Ill ml iiii iii! U!S 1111 ii!! un mi Light gray; weakly to moderately cemented; silty fine-grained sandstone; massive. Water added to borehole. Gray; strongly cemented; fine-to medium-grained; trace clay. Light gray; moderately cemented. I BORING LOG NEW INT AKE/DISCHARGE STRUCTURE CARLSBAD SEAWATER DESALINATION PLANT, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA l-----aP==R,..,O'""J=E""CT:-.,-:-NO=-.----rl---D=-A""'T==Ea-----.-1-----:F:,:IG:,U""R==Ea------il . 107393003 11/16 A-1 'al ~ :r: I-a.. w 0 40 50- 60- 70- RO C en w .J a.. U:-::i: ~ (.) z <i: b e:. 0 en 0 i= . --0 w ~ .J c)~ !:!:: 0:: 0 ~ => ii5 ID _(.) ::i: u.. . I-z -en en w >-en . ->< C 0 5 0 en en=> =i -~ .J :5 ID ::i: >-ID 0 0:: (.) 0 ~ 50/4" 12.9 f-- f-- r, 50/5" -= -f-- ¥ -I!"" 50/5" 24.6 -f-- -f-- I!"" 5015" ~f-- ~f-- >--r -f-- -f-- f--- f--- f--- f--- ~f-- ~f-- 0 S6/ DATE DRILLED 9/02/16 BORING NO. GHD-1 --------- SHEET 2 OF 2 GROUND ELEVATION ____ 19_' ~<~M_SL~) __ _ --- METHOD OF DRILLING 6" Diameter Hollow Stem Auger (Diedrich D50) (Pac Drill) DRIVE WEIGHT ___ 1_40_l_b_s._,_(A_ut..:..o-....:T..:..n:.c.·P..:..H.:..;.ac...m..:..m....:e_,r) __ DROP --------30" SAMPLED BY CAT LOGGED BY CAT REVIEWED BY GTF DESCRIPTION/INTERPRETATION SANTIAGO FORMATION: (Continued) Grayish brown, moist, moderately cemented SANDSTONE; scattered strongly cemented/ concretionary layers. Clayey. Trace clay. Wet. Light grayish brown; weakly to moderately cemented; no clay. Light brown. Light gray. Total Depth= 60.5 feet. Groundwater encountered during drilling at approximately 49 feet during drilling. Backfilled shortly after drilling on 9/02/16. Note: Groundwater may rise to a level higher than that measured in borehole due to se_asonal variations in precipitation and several other factors as discussed in the report. The ground elevation shown above is an estimation only. It is based on our interpretations of published maps and other documents reviewed for the purposes of this evaluation. It is not sufficiently accurate for preparing construction bids and design documents. l(IR!JD&Jf\llllrll I BORING LOG NEW INTAKE/DISCHARGE STRUCTURE CARLSBAD SEAWATER DESALINATION PLANT, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 1-----,P<;cR'""O,..,J=cEc""Ta-cN"'o=-.-~l----,D""'A"'T"'E~--..---l----=F'"'1G'"'"u"'Rc:E~---1i . 107393003 11/16 A-2 ~ ~ ::c I-Q. w 0 0 10 20 30 en w ...J Q. :E ~ "" C: "S.~ coo t> 0 la!: ~ 0 ...J co 11 27 15 12 ~ I '-- Ci:' u z ~ ~ 0 0 i== • w ~ ...J <)~ a::: 0 ci5 co -U ::> :E u. . I-z -en en w >-en . 0 0 en en::> :5 :E >-a::: u 0 2.9 110.6 S7/ DATE DRILLED 9/02/16 BORING NO. GHD-2 GROUND ELEVATION 11' (MSL) SHEET OF --- METHOD OF DRILLING 6" Diameter Hollow Stem Auger (Diedrich D50) (Pac Drill) DROP 30" DRIVE WEIGHT ___ I 4_0_l_b_s.~(A_u_t_o-_T_ri~p_H_a_m_m_e~r) __ -------- SAMPLED BY CAT LOGGED BY CAT REVIEWED BY GTF ---------DES CR IP TIO N /INTERPRET AT 1O N ALT CONCRETE: imatel 6 inches thick. FILL: Dark yellowish brown, moist, loose to medium dense, silty fine SAND with gravel up to 2 inches in diameter; cohesionless/hydraulic fill light brown. Light grayish brown; loose. Gravel and cobble layer from approximately 7 to 11 feet; rounded clasts approximately I to 4 inches in diameter. Loose gravel with no matrix caving into borehole around auger. No recovery; on gravel/cobbles. No recovery; on gravel/cobbles. No recovery; on gravel/cobbles. Total Depth= 18 feet. Groundwater not encountered during drilling. Backfilled shortly after drilling on 9/02/16. Note: Groundwater, though not encountered at the time of drilling, may rise to a higher level due to seasonal variations in precipitation and several other factors as discussed in the report. The ground elevation shown above is an estimation only. It is based on our interpretations of published maps and other documents reviewed for the purposes of this evaluation. It is not sufficiently accurate for preparing construction bids and design documents. BORING LOG NEW INT AKE/DISCHARGE STRUCTURE CARLSBAD SEAWATER DESALINATION PLANT, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT NO. DATE FIGURE 107393003 11/16 A-3 C (/) w -I c.. U:-:E ~ u z ti <( I-e:, 0 (/) 0 0 j::: . ~ 0 ~ -I w 0 <( (/) I!:: a:: u· :c :::) en al -U ~ :E LL • I-I-z -(/) c.. (/) w >-(/) . w -" C: 0 6 0 (/) (/):::) 0 "5.~ -I :5 al :E >-alO a:: u 0 0 SC 18 21,8 100.7 SM 10 ¥ 13 10.7 118.1 6 20 30 0 S8/ DATE DRILLED 9/02/16 BORING NO. GHD-3 GROUND ELEVATION JO' (MSL) SHEET OF METHOD OF DRILLING 6" Diameter Hollow Stem Aui:1er (Diedrich D50) (Pac Drill) DRIVE WEIGHT 140 lbs. (Auto-Trie Hammer) DROP 30" SAMPLED BY CAT LOGGED BY CAT REVIEWED BY GTF DESCRIPTION/INTERPRETATION ASPHALT CONCRETE: roximatel 2 inches thick. BASE: Yellowish brown, moist, medium dense, fine to coarse sandy GRAVEL; approximately 6 · nches thick. JFILL: JLight o!ive, moist, medium dense, silty SAND; scattered gravel up to approximately 2 J!!!Ches thick. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ · ________________ Light olive and brown (mottled), moist, medium dense, clayey fine to medium SAND; ew fine ravel. ALLUVIUM: Gray, moist, medium dense, silty fine SAND. Light brown; wet. Dark yellowish brown; scattered small lenses of olive gray. Brown; cohesionless. Total Depth= 16.5 feet. Groundwater seepage encountered during drilling at approximately IO feet during drilling; no groundwater measured in boring after drilling. Backfilled with approximately 5 cubic feet of bentonite grout and patched with concrete shortly after drilling on 9/02/16. Note: Groundwater may rise to a level higher than that measured in borehole due to seasonal variations in precipitation and several other factors as discussed in the report. The ground elevation shown above is an estimation only. It is based on our interpretations of published maps and other documents reviewed for the purposes of this evaluation. It is not sufficiently accurate for preparing construction bids and design documents. BORING LOG NEW INT AKE/DISCHARGE STRUCTURE CARLSBAD SEAWATER DESALINATION PLANT, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT NO. DATE FIGURE 107393003 11/16 A-4 S9/ 9000 8000 7000 " / Ii"' 6000 v~ U:-,/ V en ,/ e:. /"' ' ,,,,, en 5000 ~V 1,11"' en ~· .. w 0::: V .. ~ I-~ en 4000 L/i,,"' .,, 0::: J, .. <( . w ~V ........ I 3000 en V '~..,, ,/ /~ ....... . 2000 V .. ...... .,. ~ V I/, 1000 l/ i, I/ ~ 0 ~ 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 NORMAL STRESS (PSF) Description Symbol Sample Depth Shear Cohesion, c Friction Angle, Soil Type Location (ft) Strength (psf) (degrees) Silty SANDSTONE -GHD-1 25.0-25.9 Peak 490 37 -Formation Silty SANDSTONE --x--GHD-1 25.0-25.9 Ultimate 100 32 Formation PERFORMED IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D 3080 l(ln90&1f..1111-ra DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS FIGURE Nt:VV INI 0 •• JR __ .:,J ,IUt(I: PROJECT NO. DATE CARLSBAD SEAWATER DESALINATION PLANT 8-5 107393003 11/16 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 107393003_DIRECT SHEAR GHD-1 @ 25.0-25.9.xls C 0 S10/ 5000 4000 -/ G:' ~ ("' (J) 3000 ~ ~ (J) (J) ~ L1J -0::: V' I-(J) ~ 0::: 2000 <( ~-L1J ✓ I (J) ./~O ~ ti? ,,, '' 1000 ), ~ .. -. ft' p' Q 0 , 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 NORMAL STRESS (PSF) Description Symbol Sample Depth Shear Cohesion, c Friction Angle, Soil Type Location (ft) Strength (psf) (degrees) Silty SAND -GHD-3 5.0-6.5 Peak 140 35 SM Silty SAND --x--GHD-3 5.0-6.5 Ultimate 50 35 SM PERFORMED IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D 3080 lflRIJD&Jftllllr& DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS FIGURE Nt:VVINlu.!'~" ,~, __ ;::,1 IU~t: PROJECT NO. DATE CARLSBAD SEAWATER DESALINATION PLANT B-6 107393003 11/16 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 107393003_DIRECT SHEAR GHD-3@ 5.0-6.5.xls :) S11/ 7000 6000 5000 U:-Cl) Q;, 4000 Cl) Cl) W-0:: V I-./ Cl) 3000 0:: V: ~.,,,,. ,,. -<( / w -" I v_ ,,...-Cl) I/ ~ 2000 -V" ~ ./ .,,,,,, ~ ,,.... /4 " 1000 w r-- V ,_,,-- 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 NORMAL STRESS (PSF) Description Symbol Sample Depth Shear Cohesion, c Friction Angle, Soil Type Location (ft) Strength (psf) (degrees) Silty SAND -GHD-3 15.0-16.5 Peak 80 26 SM Silty SAND --x--GHD-3 15.0-16.5 Ultimate 80 23 SM PERFORMED IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D 3080 l(ln9o&l(t••~• DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS FIGURE PROJECT NO. DATE "cvv 11, 1 •• ,. __ --'" •IUf"\C CARLSBAD SEAWATER DESALINATION PLANT B-7 107393003 11/16 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 107393003_DIRECT SHEAR GHD-3@ 15.0-16.5.xls C 0 S12/ I· Pa1 .. 1 GROUND SURFACE SHORING h1 + BRACES~ + + h2 H 12 INCHES OR MORE 12 INCHES OR MORE T t NOT TO SCALE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. NOTES: APPARENT LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES, P81 AND P82 P81 =26Hpsf P82 = 13 H psf CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC INDUCED SURCHARGE PRESSURE, P8 P8 • 120 psi WATER PRESSURE, Pw Pw= 62.4 h2 psf PASSIVE PRESSURE, P. Pp a 350 D psf ABO~ GROUNDWATER; 150 D psf BELOW GROUNDWATER SURCHARGES FROM EXCAVATED SOIL OR CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS ARE NOT INCLUDED H, h1 , 11:! AND DARE IN FEET + GROUNDWATER TABLE T D 1 !i, M/nuaa:Maara LATERAL EARTH PREssuREs FoR eRAcEo EXcAvAT1ON •,-"ii' •,• BELOWGROUNDWATER ot-------.----------t----------------1 -co•t-__ P_R_O_J_E_C_T_N_O_._--t-___ D_A_T_E ___ ----1 NEW INTAKE DISCHARGE STRUCTURE CARLSBAD SEAWATER DESALINATION PLANT 107393003 11/16 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 6 S13/13 Geo-Loaic AS 5 0 C I AT E 5;,,J Geologic Associates Boring Log BORING NO.: 8-17 PAGE: 1 OF 1 JOB NO.: 2008-0075 S1TE LOCATION: CARlSeH> ~TION PROJECT DRILUC MElHOO: a• ti HOl10W STEM AUGER CONTR.tCTOR: GEOLOGIC ASSOCIATES LOGGED BY: TMP COMNEHl'S BW< 1 108.7 19.5 40 2.5 2 38 1.4 3 90. t 33.2 57 2.5 4 33 1.4 5 44 1.4 6 45 1.4 7 25 1.4 8 46 1.4 9 81 1.4 85 1.4 85 1.4 DATE STNnEO: 7/14/08 Di\TE FNSHEO: 7/14/08 ELEVATION: t 7 FEET (PBS.I, 2004) GW DEPIH: 15 FEET CAVING DEPIH: 10 TO 15 rn:r TOTAL DEPIH: 51.5 FEET VISUAL FIELD DESCRIPTION .... : ALL: _ _ 3 INCHES Of ASPHALT CONCRETE OVER 4 INCHES OF -AGGREGATE BASE ROCK -:-1 • \; ~L ~~ YELLOWISH BROWN (10YR 6/2) MOIST, HARO ClAYEY ! ..,. ... TERRACE DEPOSITS: ..,. :: ... 2 , : · PALE YELLOWISH BROWN (10YR 6/2) MOIST, DENSE, ANE ... ... SM SILTY SAND WITH INTERBEOOED ClAYEY SILT LENSES • ...... --. ---------------------------------... :: Ml MIDDLE LIGHT GRAY (N4) MOIST, VERY STff, CLAYEY SILT 1,nu.JL...1-+-J WITH INTERBEOOEO ANE ClAYEY SN-ID LENSES. ... ...... ...... ... ...... _. _ ... -.. 1f ... _ = .... ---5 ,__ ... -----------------------------------~I:.= --...... • SM OAAK YELLOWISH ORANGE (tOYR 6/6) WET, DENSE, ANE TO MEDIUM SILTY SN-ID WITH THIN SCATTERED ClAYEY SILT LENSES. ... -... -a .. ...... -... _ --•• --9 _:u-,.-,,....i ... ... -... .. -=-12 ...... --•• ... ., .. SAN1WX) roRMAllON: MEDIUM GRAY (NS) WET, VERY DENSE, FH TO MEDIUM SILTY SNl>STONE 11TH SCATTERED SILT LENSES. A V NOTES: 1. TOTH. DEPTH • 51.5 FEET. 2. GROUNOWAlER ENC0UNT£RED AT 15 FEET AT TIME OF DRUINC. 3. BORING 8ftCl<FUED ON 7/14/2«>8 MD CAPPED WITH CONCRETE PLUG • The dota praented on this 1oQ Is a almplificotlon of actual condition• encountered and opplia only ot the location of thll boring ond ot the time of dn11ing. Sublurfoce conditions moy differ ot other location• ond may change with the ponoge of time. . t· G) 90 Ex1s ing 3+38. [lntake/Disczarge El. 0.50 Structure (3 :T 'l::::'T::/:1 -)(_:~--/I ~+~8oc,g;eol toued f" \ f:i 1 // El 10.5 8'-4 / I I . Section C \ 8 C \,-or D/E) Original Ground} El. 11± Section "B" W14x120# A992 Grade 50 Soldier Beam at 8' -4"c.c. Typ. B \,-(or D/E) Original Ground_/ El. 15± 8" Sch40 Standard Steel Pipe Strut Typ. Original Ground_/ El. 17± PLAN VIEW Scale: 1/8" = 1' Section "C" HP14x89# A36 Soldier Beam at 8'-4"c.c. Typ. 1" Thick Steel Plate or 4x 1 2 Grade 2 Timber Lagging Typ. Using Strut Alternate Sectlon "D" and "E" 8 4 JD ·--'\t-4 JD TYPICAL SECTION D Scale: 1/8" = 1' TYPICAL SECTION E Scale: 1 /8" = 1' Station 1 +25± to 2+90± Station 1 +25± to 2+90± 2' \ ~ r-1~·.-~·~~-7 I Typ. I 3/8 V 4 Original Ground El. 17± to El. 18± r-1~·.-~·~~-7 I Jyp. _ I 3/8 V 4 Original Ground El. 17± to El. 18± 8 Continue as \ Required \ ~ Section "D" HP14x89# £ A36 Soldier Beam at 8'-4"c.c. Typ. 1" Thick Steel Plate or 4x 1 2 • ~Grade 2 Timber / Lagging Typ. E Section "D" HP14x89# £ A36 Soldier Beam at 8' -4"c.c. Typ. 16' 1" Thick Steel Plate or 4x 1 2 Max. 14' • ~Grad~ 2 Timber / Lagging Typ: JE 4 W 12x65# Strut (A36) HP14x89# Side Wale Typ. (A36) 12' 1 Original Ground rEI. 17.5± / 8" Sch40 Standard Steel Pipe Strut Typ. 8" Sch40 Standard Steel Pipe Strut at 8' -4"c.c. Typ. 1" Thick Steel Plate or 4x 1 2 Grade 2 Timber Lagging Typical 63" HOPE SOR 21 Pipe (69" OD) Subgrode El. 1.0± to El. 3.0± HP14x89# A36 Soldier Beam at 8' -4"c.c. Typ. 16' Max. 14' Max. 12' 1 Note: Trench Section "D" and/or "E" may be used (and alternated as required) at the Contractor's option. TEMPORARY EXCAVATION SYSTEM Project: Carlsbad Desalination Plant Intake Pump Station Ph1 Brine Discharge Pipe A9~n_cy:_ Ci!x of Carlsbad/ Poseidon Channelside Engineer: Larry Haase Woodcrest Engineering 15790 Rancho Viejo Drive Riverside, CA 92506 (951) 780-2843 Contractor: Zefiro Corporation 1042 N. Mountain Avenue Suite B348 Upland, CA 91786 Bus: (909) 758-7068 Fax: (909) 303-3328 Case No. 1 Drawing No. 19-241.1 Sheet4 of4 Date: 12/12/19 HP14x89# Side Wale Typ. (A36) W1 2x65# Strut (A3 1" Thick Steel Plate or 4x 1 2 Grade 2 Timber Lagging Typical 63" HOPE SOR 21 Pipe (69" OD) Subgrade El. 1.0± to El. 3.0± HP14x89# A36 Soldier Beam at 8' -4"c.c. Typ. \ \ 4 \ \ \ \ \ \0 6'-4' \ \ \: I \\ 6'-4' \\ 6'-4 \\ 6'-4 \\ 6'-4 164'-8" Sectiqn A \ I \ \ \ I \ I 6'-4 \\ 6'-4 \ ~ 1" Thick Steel Plate or 4x 1 2 /Grode 2 Timber Lagging Typ. ' Original Ground /El. 18± , Section "A" W14x120# A992 Grode 50 Soldier Beam at 6' -4"c.c. Typ. \\ 6'-4 I \0 6'-4' ~ ~ TEMPORARY EXCAVATION SYSTEM Project: Carlsbad Desalination.Prant Intake Pump Station Ph1 Brine Discharge Pipe Ag~11cy: Ci!}'_ of Carlsbad / Poseidon Channelside Engineer: Larry Haase Woodcrest Engineering 15790 Rancho Viejo Drive Riverside, CA 92506 (951) 780-2843 Contractor: Zefiro Corporation 1042 N. Mountain Avenue Suite 8348 Upland, CA 91786 Bus: (909) 758-7068 Fax: (909) 303-3328 Case No. 1 Drawing No. 19-241.1 Sheet 3 of4 Date: 12/12/19 6'-4 \\ 6'-4 I \0 6'-4' I \0 6'-4' I \0 6'-4' 1" Thick Steel Plate or 4x 12 Grode 2 Timber Lo:NJOi;J~:.. Section "A" W14x120# A992 Grode 50 Soldier Beam at 6'-4"c.c. Typ. ~ ~ A~ Section "A" W14x120# A992 Grode 50 Soldier Beam at 6' -4"c.c. Typ. B~ Se '1----------n--------22'-6" 1.5: 1 Slope 22'-6" 1.5:1 Slope Top of Slope _ _-_..\ Existing Brine _----_-_..\ \ roischarge Vault ... -_.,... ..... --', 'I ..... -\ \ -\ I (D \ \ \ \ 1 +00.00 \ \ El. 3.69 \ \ I \ \ ) \ \ --) _----:::----Original Ground '-::-----/El. 18± 1.5:} Slop~\ Existing © rlntake/Diszharge 3+38.90 -/---Structure El. 0.50 :~:~ -----(3 TH -----ff::::-_::--8' -4" ~Original Ground El. 10.5± Section C \ 8 C \,,,,-Section "C" , ' HP14x89# A36 \ \ Soldier Beam at 8' -4"c.c. Typ. C ) 1" Thick Steel . Plate or 4x-r2 Grade 2 Timber Lagging Typ. Original Ground /El.11± Sectiori "B" W14x120# A992 Grade 50 Soldier Beam at • 8'-4"c.c. Typ. )B PLAN VIEW Scale: 1/8" = 1' /Original G / El. 15± rnued Section 8 B\,,,,-\ s A\,,,,-\ ~ 6'-4 \ 6 -q. \ \I I )A /~'ng;;a~ Gcaued 50 Soldier Beam at 6' -4"c.c. Typ. 1" Thick Steel Plate or 4x12 ' ~Grade 2 Timber / Lagging Typ. A\,,,,-\ ~ 6'-, \ 6'-4 ,\ Section "A" W14x120# A992 Grade 50 Soldier Beam at 6' -4"c.c. Typ. 1" Thick Steel Plate or 4x 12 ' ~Grade 2 Timber / Lagging Typ. 6'-4 _\, \ 6'-4 ,\ 6'-4 ,\ 6'-4 ,\ 6'-4 \ 6'-4 ,\ 6'-4 \ \ 6 Section "A" W14x120# A992 Grade 50 Soldier Beam at 6'-4"c.c. Typ. /Original G / El. 17.5± rnued ,\ l ~ TEMPORARY EXCAVATION SYSTEM Project: Carlsbad Desalination Plant Intake Pump Station Ph 1 Brine Discharge Pipe Ag_e_nEx: _City of Carlsbad / Poseidon Channelside Engineer: Larry Haase Woodcrest Engineering 15790 Rancho Viejo Drive Riverside, CA 92506 (951) 780-2843 Contractor: Zefiro Corporation 1042 N. Mountain Avenue Suite 8348 Upland, CA 91786 Bus: (909) 758-7068 Fax: (909) 303-3328 Case No. 1 Drawing No. 19-241.1 Sheet2 of4 Date: 12/12/19 -;.~~.-;-:,-.:.-TYPICAL SECTION A Scale: 1/8" = 1' Station 1 +00± to 2+90± 16' Max. 28' Min. lb f----8'-9"±--j Original Ground El. 17± to El. 18± Section Total Cut "A" 16' "B" 14' "C" 11' Beam Size 1" Thick Steel Plate or 4x 12 Grade 2 Timber Lagging Typicol 63" HOPE SOR 21 Pipe (69''. OD) Sub grade El. 1.0± to El. 3.0± W14x120# A992 Grade 50 Soldier Beam at 6' -4"c.c. Typ. W14x120# A992 Grade 50 W14x120# A992 Grade 50 HP14x89# A36 TYPICAL SECTION B Scale: 1 /8" = 1' Station 2+90± to 3+ 10± 14' 28' Min. Beam Spacing 6'-4"c.c. 8'-4"c.c. 8'-4"c.c. lb f----8'-9"±--j Penetration Depth 28' Min. 28' Min. 24' Min. Original Ground El. 15± 1" Thick Steel Plate or 4x 1 2 Grade 2 Timber Lagging Typical 63" HOPE SOR 21 Pipe (69" OD) Subgrade El. 1.0± W14x120# A992 Grade 50 Soldier Beam at 8' -4"c.c. Typ. 01:::SIGN CRITERIA: NOTES: 1. This shoring plan is to be implemented by the contractors competent person as defined by Title 8, Chapter 4, Section 1504(a) of the State of California Safety Orders adopted 9/25/91. Shoring shall be installed in accordance with Title 8, Chapter 4, Section 1541.1(e). TYPICAL SECTION C 1. Design loads are based on the soils investigation by Ninyo and Moore Project 107393003, the Caltrans Trenching and Shoring Manual, the NAVFAC Manual, and Title 8, Chapter 4, Section 1541.1(c)(4) of the State of California Safety Orders. 2. This case is based on encountering stable soil. If a type of soil is encountered within these reaches which requires the use of a different method of shoring, or if this shoring method is found to be ineffective, then shoring details will be revised and resubmitted for approval as necessary. Scale: 1 /8" = 1' Station 3+ 10± to 3+38± 2. Soil Type: Sand, Silty Sand 3. Earth Pressure (EFP) Kw=40 pd 24' Min. lb f--8'-9"±--j Original Ground El. 11± · 1" Thick Steel Plate or 4x 1 2 Grade 2 Timber Lagging Typical 63" HOPE SOR 21. Pipe (69" OD) Subgrade El. 0± HP14x89# A36 Soldier Beam at 8' -4"c.c. Typ. 4. Maximum Depth of Cut= 16'. 5. All steel members shall be ASTM A-36 and A-992 (see pklan) or better with allowable stresses per the "AISC M_anual of Steel Construction" increased 33% for temporary loading. 6. All timber members shall be Douglas Fir Grade 2 or better with allowable stresses per the "NOS for Wood Construction" increased 33% for temporary loading. Revision 1, 12/12/19, Increased width, added option for sections "D" and "E" braced trench (sheet 4). 3. This shoring plan has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of Title 8, Chapter 4, Section 1541.1(c)(4) of the State of California Safety Orders adopted 9/25/91. 4. Calculations not shown hereon are on file at the office of the accepting agency and/or the office of the shoring design engineer. 5. No-one shall be exposed where shoring has been removed or is ineffective. 6. All construction equipment, stockpiled materials, spoil · piles and other surcharges shall be kept a minimum of 5 feet from the edge of the excavation. 7. The Contractor has reviewed this plan and found it to be compatible with his proposed construction methods. The Contractor shall also review the compatibility of this shoring system with associated prime and subcontractors. 8. Larger members with correspondingly larger section properties may be substituted. 9. Spacings between members may be decreased. 10. Soldier beams shall be installed by vibration per the beam installation notes. 11. Lagging shall be installed as the excavation progresses such that the bottom of the lagging is within 2 feet of the bottom of the excavation at all times. Lagging may be stopped at 2' above subgrade provided there are no indications of a possible loss of soil from behind or below the lagging. .._ __________ _., 12. Lagging may be placed between the webs against the .-----------------------.• front flange or behind the rear flange at the Contractor's INSTALLATION OF BEAMS BY VIBRATORY METHODS 1. Vibration methods shall not be utilized within 50 feet of unreinforced buildings. 2. Pre-drill shafts as required to proposed tip elevation, if required. The nominal pre-drill auger diameter size shall be 14". 3. Soil cuttings shall not be removed from the drilled holes. Drill auger shall be rotated in reverse during auger extraction to keep soil cuttings in hole. 4. Vibrate soldier beams into pre-drilled shafts. 5. Utilize equipment that minimizes unwanted/unacceptable vibration/noise. option. 13. Firm contact shall be maintained between the soldier beams, lagging, and surrounding soils. Any voids created during installation or removal shall be backfilled. 14. The Contractor shall maintain the excavation in a dewatered condition to subgrade. The Contractor shall take preventative measures to route surface runoff away from the excavation. TEMPORARY EXCAVATION SYSTEM Project: Carlsbad Desalination Plant Intake Pump Station Ph1 Brine Discharge Pipe ~g_e_ncy_: City of Carlsbcid / Poseidon_ Channelside Engineer: Larry Haase Woodcrest Engineering 15790 Rancho Viejo Drive Riverside, CA 92506 (951) 780-2843 Contractor. Zefiro Corporation 1042 N. Mountain Avenue Suite 8348 Upland, CA 91786 Bus: (909) 758-7068 Fax: (909) 303-3328 Case No. 1 Drawing No. 19-241.1 Sheet 1 of4 Date: 12/12/19