HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-03-08; City Council; ; Mayoral/Mayor Pro Tern and District 1 Appointments of Seven Members to the Design Review Committee for Terms Ending in March 2023, or Upon Completion of the Committee's WCITY COUNCIL Staff Report CA Review CKM Meeting Date: March 8, 2022 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Tammy McMinn, Senior Deputy City Clerk tammy.mcminn@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2953 Subject: Mayoral/Mayor Pro Tern and District 1 Appointments of Seven Members to the Design Review Committee for Terms Ending in March 2023, or Upon Completion of the Committee's Work Districts: 1 Recommended Action Adopt resolutions appointing seven members to the Design Review Committee. Executive Summary/Discussion The Design Review Committee charter was approved on Oct. 19, 2021 by the City Council by the adoption of Resolution No. 2021-241 (Exhibit 5). Its mission is to participate in and provide guidance in developing new objective design standards for multifamily housing and mixed-use development projects within the Village & Barrio Master Plan area. The committee must also review and provide guidance on a potential new palette of architectural design styles for multifamily housing and mixed-use development projects. These committee positions have terms ending in March 2023, or upon the completion of the committee's work. The committee will be comprised of: •Two Village residents •Two Barrio residents •Two professionals with expertise designing and/or developing multifamily housing/mixed-use development in the City of Carlsbad, preferably in the Village and Barrio Master Plan area •One Village or Barrio business owner March 8, 2022 Item #11 Page 1 of 35 The City Clerk's Office received 18 applications from residents wishing to serve on the Design Review Committee. In keeping with City Council Policy No. 88, the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tern and District 1 representative recommended the following 12 residents to advance in the process and interview with the full City Council: Mayoral/Mayor Pro Tern Recommendation — two professionals •Patrick Connolly •Mona Gocan •William David Hagen III •Rachel Ivanovich District 1 Recommendation — two Village residents •Patrick Connolly •Mary Goetz •Debbie Sullivan District 1 Recommendation —two Barrio residents •Nadine Anne Bopp •David McGee •Nicholas Pucci° •Annette Swanton •Kirstin White District 1 Recommendation — one Village or Barrio business owner •Todd Harris •Ginger Rabe Exhibit 4 contains applications for all 12 residents. In addition to the Mayoral/Mayor Pro Tern and District 1 nominations, the following nominations were made from the Historic Preservation Commission and the Planning Commission and are being provided for the City Council to confirm at this meeting by adopting a resolution (Exhibit 3). •Historic Preservation Commission — Raul Diaz •Planning Commission — Alicia Lafferty The Maddy Act (California Government Code Sections 54970-54974) requires that on or before December 31 of each year the legislative body shall prepare a local appointments list that contains the appointive terms of board and commission members which will expire in the next calendar year. The name of the incumbent appointee, the date of appointment and the term expiration date is also included on the list. Based on the prepared list, the City Clerk's Office accepts applications (available on the city's website and in the City Clerk's Office) for any upcoming vacancies. Members of the Design Review Committee are subject to the provisions of the California Political Reform Act and must file statements of economic interests annually and complete two hours of ethics training every two years. March 8, 2022 Item #11 Page 2 of 35 Fiscal Analysis None. Next Steps Following the appointment of seven members to the Design Review Committee, the City Clerk's Office will update the commission roster and coordinate the oaths of office and the filing of the appointees' statements of economic interest and ethics training certificates. Environmental Evaluation This action does not require environmental review because it does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Public Notification This item was noticed in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1.City Council resolution appointing two professionals to the Design Review Committee (Mayoral/Mayor Pro Tern Appointment) 2.City Council resolution appointing two Village residents, two Barrio residents, and one business owner to the Design Review Committee (District 1 Appointment) 3.City Council resolution appointing members of the Historic Preservation Commission and the Planning Commission to the Design Review Committee 4.Applications received from residents advancing to the interview process 5.City Council Resolution No. 2021-241 March 8, 2022 Item #11 Page 3 of 35 Exhibit 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-065 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING TWO MEMBERS TO THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE (MAYORAL/MAYOR PRO TEM APPOINTMENT) WHEREAS, on Oct. 19, 2021 the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2021-241 establishing the Design Review Committee; and WHEREAS, the City Council determined that the composition of the Design Review Committee shall be comprised of two Village residents, two Barrio residents, two professionals with expertise designing and/or developing multifamily housing/mixed-use development in the City of Carlsbad, preferably in the Village and Barrio Master Plan area, and one Village or Barrio business owner representative. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.The above recitations are true and correct. 2.The following Carlsbad residents are appointed to serve on the Design Review Committee for a term ending in March 2023 or upon the completion of the committee's work. Patrick Connolly (Professional) Monica Gocan Professional PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 8th day of March 2022, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Norby NAYS: None ABSENT: Hall 01. CAPI4 1 MATT HALL, Mayor' -kV FAVIOLA MEDINA, City Clerk Services Manager (SEAL) MATT HALL, Mayor Exhibit 2 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-066 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING FIVE MEMBERS TO THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE (DISTRICT 1 APPOINTMENT) WHEREAS, on Oct. 19, 2021, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2021-241 establishing the Design Review Committee; and WHEREAS, the City Council determined that the composition of the Design Review Committee shall be comprised of two Village residents, two Barrio residents, two professionals with expertise designing and/or developing multifamily housing/mixed-use development in the City of Carlsbad, preferably in the Village and Barrio Master Plan area, and one Village or Barrio business owner representative. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.The above recitations are true and correct. 2.The following Carlsbad residents are appointed to serve on the Design Review Committee for a term ending in March 2023 or upon the completion of the committee's work: Debbie Sullivan (Village resident) Mary Goetz (Village resident) Annette Swanton (Barrio resident) Nicholas Puccio (Barrio resident) Todd Harris (Village or Barrio business owner) PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 8th day of March 2022, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Norby NAYS: None ABSENT: Hall 044111111111811% CAfil •":".• F E IC) IAA FAVIOLA MEDINA, City Clerk Services Manager (SEAL) Exhibit 3 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-067 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER EACH FROM THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO SERVE ON THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE WHEREAS, on Oct. 19, 2021, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2021-241 establishing the Design Review Committee; and WHEREAS, the City Council determined that the composition of the Design Review Committee shall be comprised of two Village residents, two Barrio residents, two professionals with expertise designing and/or developing multifamily housing/mixed-use development in the City of Carlsbad, preferably in the Village and Barrio Master Plan area, and one Village or Barrio business owner representative; and WHEREAS, the City Council determined the composition of the committee shall also be comprised of one representative each from the Historic Preservation Commission and the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Historic Preservation Commission nominated Raul Diaz and the Planning Commission nominated Alicia Lafferty. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.That the Historic Preservation Commission Member Raul Diaz and Planning Commission member Alicia Lafferty are confirmed and appointed to serve on the Design Review Committee for a term ending in March 2023 or upon the completion of the committee's work. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 8th day of March 2022, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Norby NAYS: None ABSENT: Hall MATT HALL, Mayor VAAy FAVIOLA MEDINA, City Clerk Services Manager (SEAL) Exhibit 4 RECEIVED Boards, Commissions and Committees Application for Appointment FEB () I 2022 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Ads Commission Housing Commission Planning Commission r --..-: Beach Preservation Committee Library Board of Trustees Senior Commission Historic Preservation Commission I —TParks and Recreation Commission Traffic & Mobility Commission Tourism Business Business Improvement District Golf Lodging Business Improvement District •,- Agricultural Mitigation Fee Committee CDBG Advisory Committee ' Design Review Committee • Growth Management Plan Update Advisory Committee Personal Information If applying for more than one, please indicate order of preference. Name Nadine Anne Bopp Date of Birth: Required for Voter Registration Verification Home Address District No. -I City Carlsbad ZIP 92008 Home Phone Mobile E-mail Occupation retired college professor Employer Employer Address City ZIP Work Phone [Mobile Acknowledgements Yes No I am a resident of the City of Carlsbad, ti41 I am a registered voter in Carlsbad. V Are you currently or have you ever been an officer of or employed by the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please explain below. 4 01 Are you currently or have you ever been under contract with the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please explain below. 110' I am a Citizens Academy graduate. lam familiar with the responsibilities of the boardicommission/committee(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements, if required. I am willing to complete two hours of state mandated ethics training every two years, if required. March 8, 2022 Item #11 Page 7 of 35 Signature i Feb 2022 Date * Only required to sign if submit p per form; if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement. City of Carlsbad City Clerk's Office 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008. Please make sure that your text fits in the box provided or attach an additional sheet if needed. Explanations 1 live in the Barrio, and am interested in the new citizens committee for design Please describe your educational background I have a BA ecology and an MLA landscape architecture' sustainable design _ Please describe relevant experience I taught college level courses in sustainable design in the architecture department and lasses in urbanism and environmental science in Chicago for 19 years Please describe your current or past community involvement I attended the citizens academy when 1 moved to Carlsbad, lam a participant in the Pine community garden Please list all service on boards, commissions or committees, private or public agencies, (including non-profit organizations) Additional information or comments Fin Chicago 1 workled on my alderman's planning commission, was a board member of Ithe Green Building Council Submittal Information Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. if you preferto print, please select "print form" button, sign and mail to: •. . Submit form. March 8, 2022 Item #11 Page 8 of 35 Boards, Commissions and Committees Application for Appointment Arts Commission Housing Commission Planning Commission Beach Preservation Committee Library Board of Trustees Senior Commission Historic Preservation Commission Parks and Recreation Commission Traffic & Mobility Commission Tourism Business Improvement District Golf Lodging Business Improvement District — Agricultural Mitigation Fee Committee CDBG Advisory Committee Design Review Committee 1 Growth Management Plan Update Advisory Committee Personal Information If applying for more than one, please indicate order of preference. Name Patrick Connolly _ Date of Birth: ( Required for Voter Registration VeritIcation'- Home Address District No. 1 V CitY Carlsbad ZIP 92008 Home Phone Mobile . . E-mail Occupation Retired Attorney/FBI Special Agent Supervisor/Professor (Emeritus),MiraCosta College Employer Retired (addresses and points of contact can be provided if necessary) Employer Address City ZIP Work Phone Mobile Acknowledgements Yes I am a resident of the City of Carlsbad. 1 I am a registered voter in Carlsbad. I Are you currently or have you ever been an officer of or employed by the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please explain below. Are you currently or have you ever been under contract with the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please explain below. I am a Citizens Academy graduate. 11. I am familiar with the responsibilities of the board/commission/committee(s) on which f wish to serve. I I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements, if required. 110( I am will.ng to complete two hours of state mandated ethics training every two years, if required. 1 March 8, 2022 Item #11 Page 9 of 35 Please make sure that your text fits in the box provided or attach an additional sheet U. needed. Explanations Retired from FBI 2003; MiraCosta College 2020. Please describe your educational background J.D. Univ. Of Md. School of Law, Baltimore, MD 1979 B.S. Government and Economics, American University, Washington D.0 1975 Please describe relevant experience Active in Village by the Sea HOA (located in Village) since 2005, to include Board membership/Presidency/Government Outreach Coordinator; Active in Village Affairs to include participation In Village/Barrio Master Plan Update Conferences, Homeless Issues, Village R.R.Trenching; and numerous other HOA issues to Include successful petition to have Carlsbad's Planning Department modify decision related to pickleball courts at St. Michael's by the Sea; Attorney/former state Prosecutor (MD); Professor (Emeritus) Administration of Justice, MiraCos:a College; Veteran - US Army. Please describe your current or past community involvement See Relevant Experience and Member Prop P Oversight for funds related to renovating Carlsbad District schools and building Sage Creek High; Supervised FBI's North County Resident Agency (NCRA) located in Car!sped which required close liaison with and knowledge of Carlsbad PD and other Carlsbad (North County) governmental agencies; Served on Carlsbad's Juvenile Justice Panels. Seved as local prosecutor, Howard County, MD. Please list all service on boards, commissions or committees, private or public agencies, (including non-profit organizations) Prop P Committee; Carlsbad Juvenile Justice Panel; Village by the Sea HOA Board; Participation in numerous Carlsbad resident planning conferences to inlcude Village/Barrio Master Plan Update; Homeless Issues, RR Trenching, PD Ride-a-Longs to inlcude most recently with Homeless Outreach Team; Oversaw FBI's NCRA and San Diego's Joint Terrorism Task Force; Professor Emeritus, Administration of Justice, MiraCosta College Additional information or comments This application is for one of the Village Resident positions on the Village/Barrio Design Standards Committee. Please advise if additional info is needed. Thank you for your consideration. Submittal Information Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print, please select "print form" button, sign and mail to: City of Carlsbad City Clerk's Office 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008. Signature Date01/08/2022 * Only required to sign if submitting paper form; if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement Clear form Print form Submit form March 8, 2022 Item #11 Page 10 of 35 Boards, Commissions and Committees Application for Appointment Arts Commission Housing Commission Planning Commission Beach Preservation Committee Library Board of Trustees Senior Commission Historic Preservation Commission Parks and Recreation Commission - Traffic & Mobility Commission Tourism Business Improvement District ' Golf Lodging Business Improvement District Agricultural Mitigation Fee Committee CDBG Advisory Committee Design Review Committee v Growth Management Plan Update Advisory Committee Personal Information If applying for more than one, please indicate order of preference. Name Monica (Mona) Gocan Date of Birth: Required for Voter Registration Verification Home Address District NO. 1 City Carlsbad ZIP 92010 Home Phone nia Mobile E-mail Occupation Owner / Civil Engineer Employer 77 Electrical Services Employer Address . City Carlsbad ZIP 92010 Work Phone . Mobile Acknowledgements Yes Nio I am a resident of the City of Carlsbad. 101/ I am a registered voter in Carlsbad. IV Are you currently or have you ever been an officer of or employed by the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please explain below. V Are you currently or have you ever been under contract with the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please explain below. 10' I am a Citizens Academy graduate. 401 I am -familiar with the responsibilities of the board/commission/committee(s) on which I wish to serve. 1/01 I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council member. v I am willing to file financial disclosure statements, if required. fAll I am willing to complete two hours of state mandated ethics training every two years, if required. V March 8, 2022 Item #11 Page 11 of 35 Please make sure that your text fits in the box provided or attach an additional sheet if needed. Explanations I'm a Village area business owner Please describe your educational background University of Washington - Bachelor in Civil and Environmental Engineer Please describe relevant experience I'm a Civil Engineer with extensive design and construction experience. Please describe your current or past community involvement 5 years - Commissioner -Carlsbad Traffic and Mobility Commission (2 years - Chair) 2 years - Advisory Council Member - District 76th Transportation and Mobility 3 years - PTA (Valley Middle PTA President and other various positions) Please list all service on boards, commissions or committees, private or public agencies, (including non-profit organizations) 5 years - Commissioner -Carlsbad Traffic and Mobility Commission (2 years - Chair) 2 years - Advisory Council Member - District 76th Transportation and Mobility 3 years - PTA (Valley Middle PTA President and other various positions) Additional information or comments Submittal Information Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print, please select "print form" button, sign and mail to: City of Carlsbad City Clerk's Office 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008. Signature 01/06/2022 Date * Only required to sign if submitting paper form; if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement. Submit form Clear form Print form March 8, 2022 Item 411 Page 12 of 35 Boards, Commissions and Committees Application for Appointment Arts Commission Housing Commission - Planning Commission Beach Preservation Committee Library Board of Trustees Senior Commission Historic Preservation Commission Parks and Recreation Commission Traffic & Mobility Commission Tourism Business Improvement District Golf Lodging Business Improvement District Agricultural Mitigation Fee Committee CDBG Advisory Committee Design Review Committee 1 Growth Management Plan Update Advisory Committee Personal Information If applying for more than one, please indicate order of preference, Name Mary Goetz Data of Birth: , Required for Voter Registration VerificationL e Home Address District No. 1 7 City Carlsbad ZIP 92008 Home Phone Mobile E-mail Occupation Treasurer (Treasury/Finance) Employer NA Employer Address NA City NA ZIP NA Work Phone NA Mobile NA Acknowledgements Yes No I am a resident of the City of Carlsbad. 1 I am a registered voter in Carlsbad. Are you currently or have you ever been an officer of or employed by the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please explain below. I Are you currently or have you ever been under contract with the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please explain below. 1 I am a Citizens Academy graduate. r 1 II I am familiar with the responsibilities of the board/commission/committee(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements, if required. 1 I am willing to complete two hours of state mandated ethics training every two years, if required. 1 March 8, 2022 Item #11 Page 13 of 35 Please make sure that your text fits in the box provided or attach an additional sheet if needed. Explanations NA Please describe your educational background San Diego State University - BS Business Administration (Emphasis in Finance) Cal State San Marcos - Six Sigma Black Belt Certification Please describe relevant experience Piuginssive Cooperate Finance and Treasury Management background with two (2) Fortune 500 companion, Quo!corm and SAIC. I hove a passion and eye for identifying and irriplemerting process improvements. The Customer Experience (community) Is important to consider as well as impact on traffic, safety, and optimizing We Carlsbad Village footprint when we are considering design implications. I live in Carlsbad Village on Stale Street and believe I can add value to Inn Design Review Committee. I would also, at the appropriate time, be interested in gt,ing back to the City of Carlsbad and wonting for the City. Please describe your current or past community involvement On the Board of Directors - Seagrove Community - State Street in the Carlsbad Village Previously on the Board of Directors - Brindisi at Aviara (President, Treasurer and Secretary) Please list all service on boards, commissions or committees, private or public agencies, (including non-profit organizations) On the Board of Directors - Seagrove Community - State Street in the Carlsbad Village Previously on the Board of Directors - Brindisi at Aviara (President, Treasurer and Secretary) Additional information or comments I look forward to hearing back from you! If you would like a copy of my resume, please let me know. Mary Goetz Submittal Information Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print, please select "print form" button, sign and mail to: City of Carlsbad City Clerk's Office 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008. Signature Date02/03/2022 * Only required to sign if submitting paper form: if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement. Clear form Print form Submit form March 8, 2022 Item #11 Page 14 of 35 Boards, Commissions and Committees Application for Appointment Arts Commission Housing Commission Planning Commission V Beach Preservation Committee Library Board of Trustees Senior Commission Historic Preservation Commission Parks and Recreation Commission Traffic & Mobility Commission _ Tourism Business Improvement District v , I Golf Lodging Business Improvement District . Agricultural Mitigation Fee Committee CDBG Advisory Committee Design Review Committee I' Growth Management Plan Update Advisory Committee I/ Personal Information If applying for more than one, please indicate order of preference. Name 1 Date of Birth: William David Hagen III I Recruited for Voter Registration Verification Home Address District No. CO Carlsbad ZIP 92008 Home Phone N/A Mobile E-mail OccupaLion Self-Employed Employer Out The Window Advertising & The Mightier 1090am Employer Address City Carlsbad ZIP 92008 Work Phone Mobile Acknowledgements Yes No I arn a resident of the City of Carlsbad. V I am a registered voter in Carlsbad. V Are you currently or have you ever been an officer of or employed by the City of Carlsbad? If yes. please explain below. 11101" Are you currently or have you ever been under contract with the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please explain below. 11, I am a Citizens Academy graduate. V I am familiar with the responsibilities of the board/commission/committee(s) on which I wish to serve. 11 1#9 I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council member. V I am willing to file financial disclosure statements, if required. b i I am willing to complete two hours of slate mandated ethics training every two years, if required. S/ March 8, 2022 Item #11 Page 15 of 35 Signature 1-11-22 Date Please make sure that your text fits in the box provided or attach an additional sheet if needed. Explanations N/A Please describe your educational background . _ Bachelor of Science - Communication/Advertising 1995 !Northern Arizona University Please describe relevant experience We own two business in Carlsbad Village. Successful track record of success for 25 years. Please describe your current or past community involvement •We created the "Visit The Village" radio campaign with Carlsbad Magazine. Have served the past four years as the creative agency and fundraiser for Carlsbad High School Cheerleading Please list all service on boards, commissions or committees, private or public agencies, (including non-profit organizations) Tau Kappa Epsilon Epsilon Rho Alumni Alumni Association Additional information or comments have always wanted to get involved in Carlsbad politics since we moved here in 2015. Submittal information Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you piefer to print, please select "print form" button, sign and mail to: City of Carlsbad City Clerk's Office 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008. Only required to sign if submittin ape rrn: if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement. Submit form Clear form Print form March 8, 2022 Item #11 Page 16 of 35 RE:CEA/EA) Boards, Commissions and Committees Application for Appointment 2021 UT' OF CARL CirY CLERK'S c.,;411:::', Arts Commission Housing Commission Planning Commission Beach Preservation Committee Library Board of Trustees Senior Commission Historic Preservation Commission Parks and Recreation Commission Traffic & Mobility Commission Tourism Business Improvement District Golf Lodging Business Improvement District -IIMIMMIMM Agricultural Mitigation Fee Committee CDBG Advisory Committee Design Review Committee I Personal Information If applying for more than Or e, please indicate order of preference. Name Todd Harris Date of Birth: . ,..;\ Required for Voter Registration Verification Home Address District No, 1 v/ CitY Carlsbad ZIP CA ift.,20(:7-; Home Phone Mobile E-mail Occupation CEO EmployerTyra Biosciences Employer Address 2656 State St. City Carlsbad ZIP 92008 Work Phone Mobile Acknowledgements Yes No I am a resident of the City of Carlsbad. I I am a registered voter in Carlsbad. I Are you currently or have you ever been an officer of or employed by the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please explain below. I Are you currently or have you ever been under contract with the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please explain below. I I am a Clizens Academy graduate. I I am familiar with the responsibilities of the board/commission/committee(s) on which I wish to serve. I I am willing to be Interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council member. I I am willing to file financial disclosure statements, if required. Vf , I am willing to complete two hours of state mandated ethics training every two years. if required. I March 8, 2022 Item #11 Page 17 of 35 Please make sure that your text fits in the box provided or attach an additional sheet if needed. Explanations As a District 1 resident and downtown business owner of Tyra Biosciences Inc., I am applying to join the Village & Barrio Design Review Committee. Please describe your educational background I hold a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Brigham Young, a M.S. in Bioengineering from the University of California, San Diego, and a Ph.D. in Medical Engineering and Medical Physics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Please describe relevant experience As a 10-year District 1 resident and the CEO of Tyra Biosciences, a biotech company headquartered on State St., I am intimately familiar with the Barrio and Village areas and believe there is great potential for sustainable and authentic growth. Please describe your current or past community involvement I currently have children attending Carlsbad High, Valley Middle School, and Magnolia Elementary where I donate and volunteer my time (e.g., Basketball Booster Club). I am also an active donor to local causes (Boys and Girls Club, Carlsbad Art Wall). Please list all service on boards, commissions or committees, private or public agencies, (including non-profit organizations) I'm a founding investor and Board member at Primmune (a Biotech headquartered at 2333 State St.). I serve on the Board of Advisors for Life Science Cares. I'm the treasurer for Basketball Booster Club at Carlsbad High. Additional information or comments I believe in the sustainable and authentic growth of the Barrio and Village areas, reflected by my choice to establish Tyra Biosciences' headquarters on State St. I hope to contribute positively to this vision of growth through participation on this committee. Submittal Information Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application, If you prefer to print, please select "print form" button, sign and mail to: City of Carlsbad City Clerk's Office 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008. Signature Date Oct 28, 2021 * Only required to sign if submitting paper form; if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement. Clear form Print form Submit form March 8, 2022 Item #11 Page 18 of 35 Boards, Commissions and Committees Application for Appointment Arts Commission Housing Commission Planning Commission Beach Preservation Committee Library.Board of Trustees Senior Commission Historic Preservation Commission Parks and Recreation Commission Traffic & Mobility Commission Tourism Business Improvement District Golf Lodging Business Improvement District Agricultural Mitigation Fee Committee CDBG Advisory Committee Design Review Committee /Growth Management Plan Ve Update Advisory Committee Personal Information if applying for more than one, please indicate order of preference. Name Rachel Ivanovich Date of Birth: ,---- Required for Voter Registration Verification Home Address District No. 1 i City Carlsbad ZIP 92008 Home Phone nia Mobile E-mail Occupation Tax Advisor - Employer Easy Life Management Inc Employer Address City Carlsbad ZIP 92008 Work Phone • Mobile • . Acknowledgements Yes No I am a resident of the City of Carlsbad. 1 I am a registered voter in Carlsbad. 110( Are you currently or have you ever been an officer of or employed by the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please explain below. Are you currently or have you ever been under contract with the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please explain below. I am a Citizens Academy graduate. 1 I am familiar with the responsibilities of the board/commission/committee(s) on which I wish to serve. I I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at . the request of an individual Council member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements, if required. 1 I am willing to complete two hours of state mandated ethics training every two years, if required. 1 March 8, 2022 Item #11 Page 19 of 35 Please make sure that your text fits in the box provided or attach an additional sheet if needed. Explanations I love my city very much. I moved to Carlsbad over 20 years ago. I wanted a place to raise my kids and put down roots. This community is exactly what I was looking for. I've seen a lot of changes over the past two decades and am excited for where we are heading. I want to be more involved on all levels. My husband and I are Car(shad homeowners - we chose the Barrio as we love the flavor and culture that it and the Village provide. We are dedicated to this community and want to do what wc can to make it the best place possible to work, live and play. Please describe your educational background graduated from UCSB with a BA degree in German History, Languages and Literature. I then went on to receive a MBA degree from SDSU with an emphasis in finance and taxation. I earned my Enrolled Agent designation in 2007 and am currently studying for the Series 65. Please describe relevant experience As a local business and homeowner, I am acutely aware of the issues facing Barrio and Village residents and businesses. I have a Master's Degree in finance and business administration and have run my own tax & accounting practice for over 15 years. I lived In Europe for 10 years before moving to Carlsbad so have a unique sensitivity to multiculturism, inclusion and diversity. Please describe your current or past community Involvement I've been a Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce member for over 10 years and currently serve as a Director on the Board. I am also an active member of the Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotary and served as the Sponsorship Chair for the 2021 Oktoberfest I am also on the Board for the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation and serve as their Chair. I am very passionate and committed to our community. Please list all service on boards, commissions or committees, private or public agencies, (including non-profit organizations) Board Member, Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Board Member and Current Chair, Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation Board Member, Women of Promise Resource Center Additional information or comments This application is for the New Citizens Committee. Submittal Information Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application, If you prefer to print, please select "print • fon-n" button, sign and mail to: City of Carlsbad City Clerk's Office 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008. Date2/6/2022 Signature * Only required to sign if submitting paper form; if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement. Clear form Print form Submit form March 8, 2022 Item #11 Page 20 of 35 District No. ZIP q,....cosk Date of Birth \v. Required for Voter Registration Verification Home Phone E-mail Mobile Occupation re5, cf.° 4,‘ tre: t Employer C2_ (e,e- cchoiA I ZIP c .),(2.1 Mobile City sbt,c1 pies& G (2.-( Home Address Employer Address Cx Work Phone City Name UI 0 Boards, Commissions and Committees Application for Appointment ct I we. 217(2- z- t2 -, \)\\ uqse Arts Commission Housing Commission %—.—. Planning Commission \X Beach Preservation Committee Library Board of Trustees Senior Commission —, Historic Preservation Commission Parks and Recreation Commission Traffic & Mobility Commission Tourism Business Improvement District Golf Lodging Business Improvement District Agricultural Mitigation Fee Committee \ CDBG Advisory Committee Design Review Committee / \\ Growth Management Plan Update Advisory Committee Personal Information If applying for more than one, please indicate order of preference. Acknowledgements Yes No I am a resident of the City of Carlsbad. X I am a registered voter in Carlsbad. X Are you currently or have you ever been an officer of or employed by the Cly of Carlsbad? If yes, please explain below. X Are you currently or have you ever been under contract with the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please explain below. )(N. I am a Citizens Academy graduate. X :\ I am familiar with the responsibilities of the board/commission/committee(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council member. ›C, I am willing to file financial disclosure statements, if required. I am willing to complete two hours of state mandated ethics training every two years, if required. ..—- K March 8, 2022 Item #11 Page 21 of 35 Please make sure that your text fits in the box provided or attach an additional sheet if needed. Explanations C..NIr-k Ced-A-XTICI tke1 c--ty\c, t I -3 cikil -co r (it Please describe your educational background Nfëf -601m k)c- --Nck°1611 Please describe relevant experience 1,(eard, \ re•St 4zIl l ha k k(f--\(\o. 0S0 e (kcnc-ct-- u\----e,V(k(Mtv\c-Icercil-t" - Please describe your current or past community involvement --(0c Ct CoOr<t) 6C cd Please list list all service on boards, commissions or committees, private or public agencies, (including non-profit organizations) n a tct.t t cv-th k -5 0 C(C.- P(oe-c4 Al • CUSO Lttonit.e,c ( A r ( ,t) v) k (vs C-tot IA f 12ff (1_0 ti) /-1 -20 vu2. Additional information or comments 01_5 I f, • L6 Y‘ "t1IN\1 2.. t Pcr sette e5) C L-60-6 --Vtvz COrtc Submittal Information Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print, please select "print form" button, sign and mail to: City of Carlsbad City Clerk's Office 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008. Signature --Date 2/7( 2-?- Only required to sign if submitting paper form; if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement. Clear form •Print form Submit form March 8, 2022 Item #11 Page 22 of 35 Boards, Commissions and Committees Application for Appointment Arts Commission Housing Commission Planning Commission _ Beach Preservation Committee Library Board of Trustees Senior Commission Historic Preservation Commission Parks and Recreation Commission Traffic & Mobility Commission Tourism Business Improvement District Golf Lodging Business Improvement District Agricultural Mitigation Fee Committee CDBG Advisory Committee Design Review Committee / Personal Information If applying for more than one, please indicate order of preference. Name Nicholas Puccio Date of Birth: al' • Required for Voter Registration Verification Home Address I District No. 1 . City Carlsbad ZIP 92008 Home Phone Mobile E-mall Occupation Dir. of Acquisition Employer Begonia RED Employer Address 980 Roosevelt Suite 110. City Irvine ZIP 92008 Work Pl'one Mobile Acknowledgements Yes No I am a resident of the City of Carlsbad. I I am a registered voter in Carlsbad. Are you currently or have you ever been an officer of or employed by the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please explain below. I Are you currently or have you ever been under contract with the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please explain below. I I am a Citizens Academy graduate. I I am familiar with the responsibilities of the board/commission/committee(s) on which I wish to serve. / I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council member. 1 I am willing to file financial disclosure statements, if required. 1 I am willing to complete two hours of state mandated ethics training every two years, if required. I March 8, 2022 Item #11 Page 23 of 35 Please make sure that your text fits in the box provided or attach an additional sheet if needed. Explanations Please describe your educational background I hold a bachelor's degree from Cal State San Marcos in Psychology and was an active member of the entrepreneurship society while enrolled. I have also held a California real estate license since 2009. Please describe relevant experience Early in my real estate career, I was part of a brokerage that handled both residential and commercial real estate which gave me a unique perspective into the needs of both types of users. I have worked with several companies in the capacity as a Director of Please describe your current or past community involvement Cradles to Crayons, Philadelphia - An organization that was partnered with our corporate office and helped support local children in the Philadelphia area. A few others and I from our team would volunteer at their headquarters preparing age Please list all service on boards, commissions or committees, private or public agencies, (including non-profit organizations) Investor and Board member, Premier Construction Management Group Inc. A California based general contractor. Additional information or comments My wife and I have lived in the Barrio for the past 8 years and want to continue to live here for the foreseeable future. Living in the Barrio I pay attention to the news letters and the changes that have been happening. I think becoming involved in the Submittal Information Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print, please select "print form" button, sign and mail to: City of Carlsbad City Clerks Office 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008. 11/24/21 Signature * Only required to sign if submitting paper form; if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement. Clear form Print form Submit form March 8, 2022 Item #11 Page 24 of 35 Date Explanations Please describe your educational background I hold a bachelor's degree from Cal State San Marcos in Psychology and was an active member of the entrepreneurship society while enrolled. I have also held a California real estate license since 2009. Please describe relevant experience Early in my real estate career, I was part of a brokerage that handled both residential and commercial real estate which gave me a unique perspective into the needs of both types of users. I have worked with several companies in the capacity as a Director of Acquisition, Director of Corporate Development, and Real Estate Manager. In each role I was responsible for working with developers and municipalities to ensure that the company identity was always present no matter what design elements were required by code. I have worked with consultants and architects to align with the needs of the municipality to ensure that our buildings were unique to the area but also recognizable as a branded store. I have lived in one of America's oldest cities, Philadelphia, and I know that all new buildings do not need to standout because the they are new developments. Developers in that city are able to seamlessly incorporate brand new builds that capture the character and essence of buildings that are 200 years old when municipalities require it. During my career I have worked with municipalities all across the United States. I have overseen project applications and approvals in most of the western states as well as select towns on the eastern seaboard. Please describe your current or past community involvement Cradles to Crayons, Philadelphia - An organization that was partnered with our corporate office and helped support local children in the Philadelphia area. A few others and I from our team would volunteer at their headquarters preparing age appropriate packages that included clothing and games to be sent out to children in need. We would also participate in fundraisers for the organization at our office that would allow a participant to wear jeans on Friday to the office. San Marcos Chamber of Commerce Networking events — When I was in college, a group of the entrepreneur society would attend events put on by the Chamber of Commerce to help support the community and meet local entrepreneurs. Surfrider Foundation Beach Clean Ups, North County Beaches —Along with picking up trash from the beach anytime I see it, I would intermittently attend formally organized Surfrider beach clean ups. March 8, 2022 Item #11 Page 25 of 35 Carlsbad Public Hearings — As part of the community and development industry, I would pay attention to local applications including, Shea Homes residential and commercial development in Bressi Ranch, and Rick Caruso's attempt at a shopping center. Carlsbad Village & Barrio Master Plan — Prior to its adoption, the City asked citizens to join them above the Daily News Café to provide input and comments on the master plan prior to it being put into place. After studying the proposed plan, my wife and I went over to voice our options and give suggestions on what people in the village and barrio might appreciate. Habitat for Humanity of Orange County Our current company is becoming more and more involved with this organization. We attended a fundraising event recently and plan to sponsor and participate in many future events. CF Foundation — Having a good friend who's child suffers from cystic fibrosis, we have been drawn to help and participate in their fundraising and events. Prior to the pandemic they would have a surf contest annually to fundraise which I became a judge. We would also attend the many events throughout the year to help promote their foundation. Interfaith Community Services, Escondido, CA — While in college, I would join a few friends that would volunteer and would help stack cans that were donated or help clean up. Please list all service on boards, commissions or committees, private or public agencies, (including non-profit organizations) Investor and Board member, Premier Construction Management Group Inc_ A California based general contractor. Additional information or comments My wife and I have lived in the Barrio for the past 8 years and want to continue to live here for the foreseeable future. Living In the Barrio I pay attention to the news letters and the changes that have been happening. I think becoming involved in the community is the right way to ensure the community grows in a way everyone can enjoy. I think my biggest asset to the committee would be my understanding that we are not a roadblock to new development. The committee would describe the shape and direction of the road that a developer must drive down and let them navigate their path creatively so that they can push their design to a new level. I want our city to have architecture and design that will be timeless. I think our city deserves better than buildings that look like it was generated by AutoCAD with some required elements sprinkled on top. I'm always proud to tell people I live in Carlsbad because we as a whole continue to intrigue and inspire any out of towner with our architecture, food, lifestyle, and community. March 8, 2022 Item #11 Page 26 of 35 RECEIVED NOV -8 ?AU Boards, Commissions and Committees Application for Appointment CITY OF: CARL SBAD CL TY OFFICE Arts Commission Housing Commission V Planning Commission Beach Preservation Committee Library Board of Trustees Senior Commission ,......... Historic Preservation Commission Parks and Recreation Commission • Traffic & Mobility Commission Tourism Business Improvement District I v i _.... Golf Lodging Business Improvement District Agricultural Mitigation Fee Committee CDBG Advisory Committee v# Design Review Committee V ile Personal intarmatiOn If applying for more Than one, please indicate order of preference. Name GINGER RABE Date of Birth: ,---- , Required for Voter Registration Verincation Home Address j District No. _ City VISTA ZIP 92081 Home Phone Mobile E-mail Occupation DESIGN BUILD Employer GINGER RABE DESIGNS LLC Employer Address City CARLSBAD ZIP 92008 Work Phone Mobile Acknowledgements Yes I am a resident of the City of Carlsbad. • V I am a registered voter in Carlsbad. V Are you currently or have you ever been an officer of or employed by the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please explain below. Are you currently or have you ever been under contract with the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please explain below. 1/ I am a Citizens Academy graduate. V I am familiar with the responsibilities of the board/commission/committee(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council member. v I am willing to file financial disclosure statements, if required. V I am will.ng to complete two hours of state mandated ethics training every Iwo years, if required. V March 8, 2022 Item #11 Page 27 of 35 City of Carlsbad City Clerk's Office 1200 Carsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008. Signature Please make sure that your text fits in the box prOvided or attach an additional sheet if ile!! Explanations I WOULD LIKE TO BE ON TH EBOARD AS MY BUSINESS IS LOCATED IN CARLSBAD AND I BUILD AND REMODEL HOMES IN THE CITY. I AM ACTIVE IN THE COMMUNITY AND HAVE EXPANSIVE KNOWLEDGE IN DESIGN BUILD Please describe your educational background BS - INTERIOR DESIGN, MASTERS IN SUSTAINABLE DESIGN AND ARCHITECTURE, RECEIVING MY GC LICENSE, 16 YEARS IN THE INDUSTRY OF DESIGN BUILD Ptilst..>dn 3cribe refewint experience I HAVE BEEN RUNNING MY DESIGN BUILD FIRM FOR 16 YEARS, I GIVE TEDX TALKS ON IT, AM ON THE GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL AND ON 2 ADVISORY COLLEGE BOARDS FOR ARCHICTEURE AND DESIGN, ASLO ON BOARD FOR NKBA PI;ase describe your current or past community involvement I AM INVOLVED IN CHARITY EVENTS IN THE COMMUNITY, AS WELL AS REMODEL AND BUILD HOMES, OFFICES, AND RESTURANTS IN THE COMMUNITY Please list all service on boards, commissions or committees, private or public agencies, (including non•profit organizations) SDGB, NKBA BOARD MEMEBER, PALOAMR COLLEGE ADVISORY BOARD FOR INTERIOR DESIGN AND ARCHITECTURE, ADVISORY BOARD FOR DI, TEDX SPEAKER, PUBLIC SPEAKER ON BUSINESS AND DESIGN, ASID, VISTA WATER POLO / AQUATICS BOARD MEMEBER Additional ii)fwiruition or commeMs I WOULD LIKE TO EVOLVE THIS COMMUNITY TO GROWQ AS WELLA S KEEP THE CHARM THAT CARLSBAD IS KNOWN FOR' Submittal Information Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print, please select "print form" button, sign and mail to: Date 10/27/21 * Only rev eci3 sign if submitting paper form; if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement. Clear form Print form Submit form March 8, 2022 Item #11 Page 28 of 35 Boards, Commissions and Committees Application for Appointment RECEIVED FEB 0'2 2022 CITY OF C.AHLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Arts Commission Housing Commission Planning Commission Beach Preservation Committee Library Board of Trustees Senior Commissior Historic Preservation Commission Parks and Recreation Commission — Traffic & Mobility Commission Tourism Business Improvement District Golf Lodging Business Improvement District Agricultural Mitigation Fee Committee CDBG Advisory Committee Design Review Committee 1 Growth Management Plan Update Advisory Committee Personal Information If applying for more than one, please indicate order of preference. Name Debbie Sullivan Date of Birth: Required for Voter Registration Verification Home Address District No. 01 City Carlsbad ZIP 92008 Home Phone N/A Mobile E-mail Occupation Residential On-site Property Manager for Two Carlsbad Village Communities Employer CASAVIDA, PM Employer Address City San Diego ZIP 92121 Work Phone Mobile Acknowledgements Yes No I am a resident of the City of Carlsbad. 11( I am a registered voter in Carlsbad. I Are you currently or have you ever been an officer of or employed by the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please explain below. I Are you currently or have you ever been under contract with the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please explain below. 11( I am a Citizens Academy graduate. I i I am familiar with the responsibilities of the board/commission/committee(s) on which I wish to serve. I I am willing to be interviewed regarding try qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements, if required. lie( I am willing to complete two hours of state mandated ethics training every two years, if required. lief March 8, 2022 Item #11 Page 29 of 35 Please make sure that your text fits in the box provided or attach an additional sheet if needed, Explanations None needed Please describe your educational background I am a high school graduate, and I completed some college at Mt San Jacinto College in San Jacinto, Ca. in the early 90's. Please describe relevant experience 6 years property management experience. And 40 years volunteer experience in committees/leadership of the groups I am involved with to help make a positive impact. Past volunteer committee/leadership experience with church, motorcycle ministry, civic, social, and mental health advocate groups. Please describe your current or past community involvement La Habra, Ca. city employee 1978-79, Mammoth Lakes, Ca. Chamber of Commerce & Lodging Association 2016-2018 active member/attendee. Please list all service on boards, commissions or committees, private or public agencies, (including non-profit organizations) Sophomore Class President at La Habra High 1978-79, Hemet Chapter President of Peace Officer's Wives of California, Affiliated 1990-93, Hemet Chapter President of Black Sheep Harley Davidson for Christ Motorcycle Ministry 2007-08, St Patrick's Mental Health Ministry Committee Member 2019-present. Additional information or comments This would be my first civic citizen committee member position, but I would love to participate and get to know more about this great city that I have lived in for the last 3 years. Thank you sincerely for your consideration. Submittal Information Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print, please select "print form" button, sign and mail to: City of Carlsbad City Clerk's Office 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008. Pe,64.4. Date 2/1/2022 Signature * Only required to sign if submitting paper form; if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is consdered acknowledgement. Clear form Print form Submit form March 8, 2022 Item #11 Page 30 of 35 I ! 1 DocuSign Envelope ID:13F092714-1E29-44131-8N0-96B7DF601X43 Boards, Commissions and Committees Application for Appointment Arts Commission Housing Commission x Planning Commission X Beach Preservation Committee Library Board of Trustees Senior Commission Historic Preservation Commission Parks and Recreation Commission Traffic & Mobility Commission Tourism Business Improvement District Golf Lodging Business Improvement District -- Agricultural Mitigation Fee Committee CDBG Advisory Committee Design Review Committee x Growth Management Plan Update Advisory Committee x Personal Information /f applying for more than one, please indicate order of preference. Name Annette Swanton Date of Birth: Required for Voter Registration Verification Home Address 1 District No. 1 City Carlsbad ZIP 92008 Home Phone Mobile E-mail Occupation Real tor Employer Homesmart Realty West Employer Address City Carlsbad ZIP 92008 Work Phone Mobile Acknowledgements Yes I am a resident of the City of Carlsbad. x I am a registered voter in Carlsbad. x Are you currently or have you ever been an officer of or employed by the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please explain below. x Are you currently or have you ever been under contract with the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please explain below. X I am a Citizens Academy graduate. X 1----X I am familiar with the responsibilities of the board/commission/committee(s) on which I wish to serve. I am ready and available to learn I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council member. X I am willing to file financial disclosure statements, if required. X I am willing to complete two hours of state mandated ethics training every two years, if required. X March 8, 2022 Item #11 Page 31 of 35 DocuSign Envelope ID: BFD92714-1E29-4481-8M-96B7DF6ODF43 Please make sure that your text fits in the box provided or attach an additional sheet if needed, Explanations As a resident with adult children and grandchildren who cannot afford homes or even rent in the area, as a creative business person with experience, good relationships with local developers, as an idealist, realist and human who wants a beautiful healthy prosperous sustainable and livable village, it is time for me to contribute using my skills ability and creativity to serve our community. Please describe your educational background most recently 35 years active in various aspects of real estate and development, my education in this field is mainly in related courses, licensing related courses, making the effort to educate myself regarding zoning, building related laws and codes.in the last 15 years I completed about 5 years of accredited and non-accredited counseling courses and due to mental illness in the family have educated myself on physiological health and the needs of citizens challenged with mental emotional health and safety Kowa iikalccittforetnant CC • 'MAT with challenges of single parenting. My education is . Y Pr ul t. expei ece n n . Please describe your current or past community involvement I help people and animals individually as they come to me on a case by case basis, both financially and practically. I have housed a single mom, financially assisted another single mom through cancer treatment and paid to have someone's car repaired. There are others who would not want it known they receive assistance.These are not things to advertise except to say that we all hold some responsibility to wive back. In the past I have volunteered extensively via church and co-operated with interfaith seasonal lektasieLlistalissaiico on tioardegtnikandspietil3/ Cuitxenlinaitteesiquivittelocipubllemgencies, finetitarditilaw,ftobrimitrdffliriedisetidfisIhis. It is important to me to make . some little difference and / cc prompted 1 offer o o something more zubsta ti 1 y senior years! Additional information or comments Please see above, I can explain or give references. Submittal Information Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print, please select "print form" button, sign and mail to: City of Carlsbad City Clerk's Office 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008. Signature e.--ObeuSlonsel bye Aott.Mrk SktUrdis L-49C382E920A4467_ 1/10/2022 I 10:54:23 AM PST Date Annette Swanton *Only required to sign if submitting paper form; if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement. Clear form Print form Submit form March 8, 2022 Item #11 Page 32 of 35 Boards, Commissions and Committees 4 a Application for Appointment — 'Fe RECEIVED JAN 3 1 2022 CITY OF CARLSBAD erri CLERK'S omr -r: Arts Commission Housing Commission Planning Commission Beach Preservation Committee Library Board of Trustees Senior Commission Historic Preservation Commission Parks and Recreation Commission — Traffic & Mobility Commission -- Tourism Business Improvement District Golf Lodging Business Improvement District Agricultural Mitigation Fee Committee CDBG Advisory Committee Design Review Committee / V Growth Management Plan Update Advisory Committee Personal Information If applying for more than one, please indicate order of preference. Name Kirstin White Date of Birth: Required for Voter Registration Verification Home Address District No. 1 City Carlsbad ZIP 92008 Home Phone N/A Mobile E-mail Occupation Sup. of Clinical Operations Employer Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. Employer Address 11075 Roselle St. City San Diego ZIP 92121 Work Phone N/A Mobile Acknowledgements No I am a resident of the City of Carlsbad. 1 I am a registered voter in Carlsbad. lit Are you currently or have you ever been an officer of or employed by the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please explain below. Are you currently or have you ever been under contract with the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please explain below_ I am a Citizens Academy graduate. 1 I am familiar with the responsibilities of the board/commission/committee(s) on which I wish to serve. I I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements, if required. 114 I am willing to complete two hours of state mandated ethics training every two years, if required. 1 March 8, 2022 Item #11 Page 33 of 35 Please make sure that your text fits in the box provided or attach an additional sheet if needed. Explanations Please describe your educational background BA in Biological Sciences from UC Santa Barbara and certified as a Clinical Research Associate. Please describe relevant experience None, related to commisions or city council. I am a resident of the Barrio and would like to be a part of any future changes. I have experience deciphering dull and wordy governmenn texts such as the FDA regulations and guidances and have experience drafting objective clinical study reports. Please describe your current or past community involvement None. Our family is new to the Barrio having•purchased our home Summer 2020 and haven't had many opportunities to volunteer or participate in community events due to COVID. Please list all service on boards, commissions or committees, private or public agencies, (including non-profit organizations) Additional information or comments I would like to participate in the committee because in the short time we have lived here my husband and I have fallen in love with the Village and the Barrio. We think of our home as our "forever home" and I want to be a part of any changes to our surroundings as our nelghhnrhnori is where we spend our valuable free time. During free weekerds, our family walks the Village, bikes to our local surf spots and plays at the parks. We treat the Barrio and the Village as an ex:ension of our backyard and I would like to be a part of its future. Submittal Information Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print, please select "print form" button, sign and mail to: city of Carlsbad City Clerk's Office 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008, Signature Date31Jan2022 Only required to sign if submitting paper Om; if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement. Clear form Print form Submit form March 8, 2022 Item #11 Page 34 of 35 Exhibit 5 City Council Resolution No. 2021-241 (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) March 8, 2022 Item #11 Page 35 of 35 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Kirstin White <kirstinnicolewhite@gmail.com> Wednesday, March 2, 2022 9:19 PM City Clerk Design Review Committee applicant - Kirstin White All Receive - Agenda Item #1_,L.. For the Information of the: jl iTY COUNCIL Date..4'7/217,CA V —ACM --bon (3)v Hi, I will be unable to attend this upcoming council meeting on March 8th at 5pm due to a prior commitment. As requested by the email sent by Tammy Cloud-McMinn this Monday I have outlined my qualifications below via email as an alternative to my attendance: •Describe relevant experience for the Design Review Committee: o None, related to commissions or city council. I am a resident of the Barrio and would like to be a part of any future changes. I have experience deciphering dull and wordy government texts such as FDA regulations and guidances and have experience drafting objective clinical study reports. •Describe your educational background: o BA in Biological Sciences from UC Santa Barbara and certified as a Clinical Research Associate. •Describe your current community involvement: O None. Our family is new to the Barrio having purchased our home Summer 2020 and haven't had many opportunities to volunteer or participate in community events due to COVID. •Additional information: o I would like to participate in the committee because in the short time we have lived here my husband and I have fallen in love with the Village and the Barrio. We think of our home as our "forever home" and I want to be a part of any changes to our surroundings as our neighborhood is where we spend our valuable free time. During free weekends, our family walks the Village, bikes to our local surf spots and plays at the parks. We treat the Barrio and the Village as an extension of our backyard and I would like to be a part of its future. Sincerely, Kirstin White 858-472-8544 I kirstinnicolewhite@gmail.com CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Good afternoon, Rachel Ivanovich <rachel@elmtax.com> Tuesday, March 8, 2022 1:18 PM City Clerk; Tammy Cloud-McMinn New Citizen's Committee - Appointment tonight 3/8/22 All Receive - Agenda Item # /I_ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date CM I hope you are doing well. I have been chosen as a finalist for the Design Review Committee and wanted to submit this email prior to tonight's meeting. I am extremely humbled and honored to have been selected. Twenty years ago I chose Carlsbad as my city. I had moved around from town to town, state to state and country to country. I knew Carlsbad was my home from the minute I exited the 5 at ELM Ave in August of 2000. I raised my kids here. They both graduated from CHS. I formed my business here in 2006. I even named it ELM as I loved how locals still called Carlsbad Village Drive, ELM. It stands for Easy Life Management. As a tax practitioner of over 20 years, my goal is to help other business owners succeed. I attended one of the very first Citizen's Academy sessions shortly after moving here. I was a single mom working full time, going to grad school to get an MBA but still took time to give back to the community, start a business in the Village and volunteer every chance I got. My dream was to become a homeowner in Carlsbad. In 2015, this became a reality for me and my new husband. We bought a home in the Barrio and are currently adding an ADU. I serve as the Chair of Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation, am an active member of the Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotary Club, and serve on the board of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce. Carlsbad is part of my heart. I would be honored to be able to serve on a committee. Rachel Ivanovich 1 aoal • EASY LIPP. MANAGEME.NT Rachel Teresa lvanovich, MBA, EA. Running a business can be overwhelming and frustrating, but it doesn't have to be. Our coaches will provide quick diagnostics and deliver a tailored coaching plan for your individual business needs, so you can become the successful business owner you've always dreamed of. Easy Life Management 3088 Pio Pico Drive Ste 201 Carlsbad CA 92008 rachel@elmtax.com www.elmtax.com P 760.730.1817 F 760.512.0902 Mailing Address 300 Carlsbad Village Drive Suite 108A, #380 Carlsbad CA 92008 CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2