HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-03-15; City Council; ; 2021 Housing Element Annual Progress ReportCITY COUNCIL Staff Report CA Review RK Meeting Date: March 15, 2022 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Corey Funk, Associate Planner corey.funk@carlsbadca.gov, 760-434-4645 Subject: 2021 Housing Element Annual Progress Report District: All Recommended Action Adopt a resolution accepting the 2021 Housing Element Annual Progress Report. Executive Summary The Housing Element Annual Progress Report (Attachment A to Exhibit 1) is an informational report prepared each year that details the status of the city's progress in meeting its share of regional housing production goals and implementing the programs of the Housing Element of the city's General Plan. California Government Code Section 65400(a)(2) requires the City Council to consider this report at a public meeting and submit the document to the state by April 1st each year. Discussion The Housing Element is the part of the city's General Plan that sets policies and goals intended to meet the housing needs of all members of the community, as required by state law. The attached 2021 Housing Element Annual Progress Report has been prepared to fulfill the reporting requirements of the state (Government Code Section 65400(a)(2)) as well as Program No. 2.16 of the city's Housing Element. This is the first report to the state Department of Housing and Community Development describing the status of the city's implementation of the 2021-2029 Housing Element. The city's updated Housing Element was approved by state Housing and Community Development July 13, 2021, in the middle of the calendar year to be covered by this report, so most of the Housing Elements programs reported on are still ongoing. Most of the programs scheduled for early implementation involve the preparation of public informational material, integrating housing sites inventory into GIS, or informing and/or educating utility providers. March 15, 2022 Item #3 Page 1 of 35 Some of the more significant updates that are being reported to the state are: •All programs listed in the housing element that are scheduled for completion in 2022 are on track to meet specified deadlines except for one: Program 3.5(a) Rehabilitation of Owner-Occupied Housing. Because of the unanticipated amount of work required to implement this program, the target completion date has been moved from April 2022 to December 2023. This is a lower priority program in the Housing Element and moving the date will not impact the city's Housing Element certification. •Implementation is underway for programs scheduled to be completed in 2023 and 2024, and they are expected to be completed prior to their due dates. •The city will continue its efforts to implement programs that have an ongoing timeframe. The state's Housing and Community Development Department requires the report to include: •A list of housing development applications deemed complete in the reporting year, along with the number of units included, approved, and disapproved in each application (Table A of the report) •A list of housing projects, and their respective number of units, that were issued a completed entitlement —that is, the legal right to build a project — a building permit and/or an approved final inspection in the reporting year (Table A2) •The income category for each new housing unit, i.e., very low, low, moderate, and above-moderate income categories, as defined by Housing and Community Development and the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (Also Tables A and A2) •The status of housing production in the city and the city's progress in meeting its share of regional housing needs during calendar year 2021. (Table B) •The status of the city's progress toward implementing the City of Carlsbad 2021-2029 Housing Element programs during calendar year 2021. (Table D) The report can be found as Attachment A to Exhibit 1. Also included with this staff report is Exhibit 2 — Description of terms and methods, which provides additional information about how the region's needs are assessed and allocated among the jurisdictions, and on the housing income levels. Fiscal Analysis Accepting this informational report has no fiscal impact. Next Steps Staff will submit the report to the California Office of Planning and Research, the California Department of Housing and Community Development, the San Diego Association of Governments, and the city's Planning Commission and Housing Commission. March 15, 2022 Item #3 Page 2 of 35 Environmental Evaluation This report is categorically exempt from environmental review under California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15306, which states that information collection activities are exempt from the provisions of the act. Public Notification This item was noticed in keeping with the state's Ralph M. Brown Act and it was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date Exhibits 1.City Council resolution 2.Description of terms and methods March 15, 2022 Item #3 Page 3 of 35 EXHIBIT 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-069 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE 2021 HOUSING ELEMENT ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT WHEREAS, the Annual Housing Element Progress Report has been prepared to comply with Government Code Section 65400(a)(2), meet the grant funding requirements of certain San Diego Association of Governments, and California Department of Housing and Community Development programs, and implement Housing Element Program 2.16: Housing Element Annual Progress Report. The purpose of the report is to provide information to the City Council, the State Office of Planning and Research, the State Department of Housing and Community Development, San Diego Association of Governments and the public as to the status of the Housing Element programs, as well as mark the City's progress in meeting its share of the region's housing needs. WHEREAS, on March 1, 2022, pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 19.04.030, the City Planner determined that the report is categorically exempt from environmental review under California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15306, which states that information collection activities are exempt from the provisions of the act. No appeals of this determination were received in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.54.140. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.That the report (Attachment A) is accepted, and the City Planner is directed to submit the report to the California Office of Planning and Research, the California Department of Housing and Community Development, and the San Diego Association of Governments. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 15th day of March, 2022, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Norby. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. MATT HALL, Mayor I/ FAVIOLA MEDINA, City Clerk Services Manager (SEAL) Jrrisaorsron Csittrit ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Housing Element Implementation (:;5:R .IIIIP 20 L6202) Housing Development Note: "." Indicates an optional held ce. b Rey =vain autessilealeden townies RepoDing Veer 0021 Lon. I -Dm.. 311 Planning Period 611.. Cycle 0011.1021 . 04/15.2031 Table A Applications Submitted Project Identifier Unit Types Date Application SutFmitted Proposed Units -Affordability by Household Incomes Total Approved Units by Project Total Units by Project DisapprovedStreamlining Density Bonus 2 3 I 4 3 6 7 7 17 Prior APW Curvent ups street foldrOSS Noject Name' Local Juits.lictioe Lo., ,, .n. '''—ng — Unit Category IF.FA SF 0 2 W 4,5 t ADU.501,1 Tenure „....., „j„, ---ce-- 0= 'n" MN Applicatton Subniltled• fore Insuociroes) Very LOW- Income Deed Resins's 4 Very LOW- Incone Non bead Restricted Lowincurne Dare Restricted Low-Income Nen Deed Resideled Modoralo- Weenie Deed Restricted M'''''''''. Inc.. D , R,s,,,,,L Al'''''' Medea.. thcome Total PROPDSCD , Total P.PRMFD Tool 0 SAPPROVED Was APPLMATION 1Vas a Density Bon. requested , ,, ., ...t5 c....,0 developnwel7 SUR parr D Putsuant to GC „,„„, ''''''''''" MB 35 Streambnin01 I PWIRm Unite by project Urn. by Project SurnInnty ROvr. Sta't Data Entry Below 6 6 7; a 0 „.3 ._:::,—...,..... 207:004703 4920 NEDLINA 26 .D6001014 ADO 0 MEN 01021 0014 Mal Kerte 1012612021 1 1 1 0 No No 21011205113 53130 LOS ROBLES DR NM REMENCF CDF22200010 SFR Senior 12/20/2011 1L I Fr 0 No No 20127013101 3745 ADAMS SI ADAMS STREET 1 iomrs ADSIS CDP202, 0042 ADO Rer ter 9/7/2021 a 6 6 o NO No 203270/3E0 3745 AOAMSST ADAMSFREE1 HOMES ADDS 7003020.0243 SIR Renter 0/21/2021 4 4 ' 0 No No 2061501550 2062322600 4209 HILLSIDE DR 3960 STELA MARGIN GB.SON FAMILY RERDENCE TAMAR. AM/ COP2020.0044 SFR 0.11Or 3/10/2021 1 1 1 0 No Plc COPO321.0204 00.1 Renter 3/2/2011 1 1 I c NO NT 1051004520 1060 BUENA 533r3 WAY COMAL'MEE PROPERTIES DETACHED ADU CDP2021.10.05 403 Renter 2/10/2021 1 1 1 c NO No 120733309:0 4977 VA SAMNA CAINANOADU COP2021.0011 AOU Oerrer 7/23/2021 5 1 1 a No ND 20/01031C0 STONE MK 812 SF ADU *00 50 Oa/ACHED GARAGE ADDITION CDP2021.0315 ADU Renter 4/74/2551 1 ' . 1 0 No ra 2157610700 1340 OREM DR 1410041241 CDP2021 7020 AM Renter 4/20/2021 a 1 o No No 2041201120 3259 Urinals Street RlAUVELT RESIDENCE COP 1021.0324 SFR Owner 1111712021 1 o o No No 2041311100 3259 Unado Street NALIVEIT REMENCE COP 20214)024 ADL/ Renter 11/10/2021 1 . o 0 No No 2033031E00 2943 JEFFERSON ST Fl AMMF 3 ADU COP20214:02.3 ADO Renter 6/05/2021 4 ' 1 o No No 20131023200 .i0GS ASHSERRYRD DIVINEY AbUi OETACHEO GARAGE CONVERSION TO 233 SF ADU COP2021-3040 AOU Renter 8/16/2021 1 I o o No No 2073301700 4821 AEO LI NA OR SHEA [NOV/ AC41 CO920214045 AOU Renter 11/19/204 1 I 1 0 No No 2070710300 613505trrohil Dr,. ARBULU AM CIM 20214050 AM Rooter 10/21/202: 1 I c 0 No No 1560010300 1420.0 VOURLL. AVE SULMAR AM MM20210058 40U Renter 11/15/2021 6 I 1 D No No 2217000007 1034 Mergarser I ane IWANO IlkSIDLNCL ABU COP2021-00E. ADO 3emer 12/13/2021 8 1 C 0 NO No 2163700502 400 018110171VIST LA COSTA VILIAS NORTI I Cl 3011.1001 SFA Owner 7/01/2053 9 9 0 3 No No 21212001161 WEST OAKS GPA16004 In Renter 2/0/2021 42 130 102 152 o NC, No 2050300100 4CO3 GARFIELD ST GARFIELD HOMES PU02021-0021 srA Owner 5/28/2071 a 9 3 0 No No BJ4240320:1 195 JUNIPER AVE JUNIPER BC/01110M P1102021-111412 SPR OW.' 0/35/1021 3/31/2021 1 4 4 0 No No 2040420100 33SPiNFAVE 635 PINE AYE CONDOS 50P2018.001.4 SFA Owner 4 4 4 0 NO No V ;uewq0e1IV Table A2 Annual Building Activity Report Summary - New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed Units Unit Types Affordability by Household Incomes -Completed Entitlement 2 3 4 5 0 Current APN Street Address Project Name' Local Jurisdiction ID. 'lollCASP:ItY ISFASFO.2 to 4 5 r AOLL MH) Tenure ‘, „" • •„--;:,11::', Very Low- Income Deed Restricted Very Lem- Income N . Deed Restricted Low- Income Dood Restricted Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Moderate- In.me Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Non Deed Restricted Above Moderato- Income Entitlement Date Approved 4 ot Units Issued Entitlements 0 0 63 0 0 18 281 362 2100702303 113110N ST SLATTERY MS - TRITON STREET CDP2020-0519 SED 2 021,3071 2. 2031013507 2569 ROOSEVELT ST ROOSEVELT TOVINNOMES 012017-3000 SFA s 5/21/7071 5 2101101403 5511 LOS NOBLES CR MATTHEW RESIDENCE CDP2020-51727 SFr/ 1 311.7531 1 2163600507 403 GIBRALTAR ST U1 COSTA VILL4S NORTH C120194)001 SFA Ore, 3 10/25/2021 C 2230507300 LA COSTA AVE LA CCSTA TOWN SQUARE PARCEL 3 RESIDENTIAL OT2017-0033 SPA 19 76 3012021 95, Goner 2042403200 399 JUNIPER AVE . JNIFER BEACH HOMES PUD2021-0232 SFD Onner 4 0/20/2021 4. 2071302000 3953 HIGHLAND DR I ' IGHUiND JAMES 0042017.0224 SED Omer 1 2/17/2021 17 2071307003 337,3 HIGHLMID DR I- IGHLAND JAMES 0042017-0225 SFD Om er 1 2/17/2021 1' 2042404660 323 HEMLOCK AVE I'EMLOCK COAST HOMES PUD200040)31 SEA Om er 4 4/7/7071 4! 2001601007 4269 HILLSIDE DR GIBSON FAMILY RESICF_NCE -CDF2020.0344 SFD CAm er 1 5119/2021 11 2000800100 4035 GARFIELD ST GARFIELD FOMES P1.102021-0201 SFA Onner 3 9/112021 3: 2001920260 4464 ADAMS ST FORESTER RESIDENCE 0134202C'.0216 SFD Om er 1 5/1542021 1 2052701360 3745 ADAMS s-r ADAMS STREET HOMES ACUS 011420204043 SF° Oscar Om 4 9/112021 4. 2052701365 3745 ADAMS ST ADAMS STREET HOMES AOLS CW20204042 ADU Renter a 30112021 s 1552514356 069 KNOWLES AVE 068 KNOWLES AVENUE CI)P2017-0042 AD) Renter 1/2712021 1 20408201CC 4254151 AVE 635 PINE AVE CON DOS S042318-0014 SEA Come, 4 4 20.3020110C 336 (:!-IINC1!..!APIN AVE 330 CHINDUAF1N AVENUE C72019-0034 210 4 Cv.n er 1 5 1/2012021 7 2031021500 361: Ii2OSIiVELT ST 2690 ROOSEVELT 072010-0036 210 4 i Over, I 5/4/2021 10 20= 620800 36 E0 S I i . I •,, MARIS LN TANAEL ADU CDP2021-0604 P135 , U Reer I 1 512612021 1 1551604800 ICED EL i NI VISTA WAY CORAL TREE PROPERTIES DETACHED ABU CO142021-0006 ADU Re—e r I 3/17/2021 1 2373330900 49/7 VIA MARTA CATALANO AOU CDP202143014 ADO Re-In,I 10/26/2021 1 2070100100 STONE ADU 812 SF AEU ABOVE DETACPED G./ CDP202143015 ADO Reozei I 910/2021 2073330700 4910 NE8LINA OR JOHNSTON ADU AMEND2021-0314 ADO Renter I 11/6.12321 2157610700 7348 GREBE DR KIDD ACU CDP2021-6020 MU Renter I 9/1512321 5223031800 2843 JEFFERSON ST FLAMMER ADU COP2021-0028 ADO Renter 1 8/2512021 2073501700 4622 NEBUNA DR S,IEA CHOW ACU CDP2021-0045 ADO Reeler 1 12/142021 1 1560510300 1430.5 YOURELL AVE SULLIVAN AD) 6042021-0058 ADO Renter I 12/7/2021 1 2121100100 'NEST OAKS 12/618004 5+ Renter 42 mu 51412721 192 Table A2 Annual Building Activity Report Summary - New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed Units Project Identifier Unit Types Affordability by Household Incomes - Building Permits 2 3 7 a 9 Current ANN Street Address Project Name' Local Jurisdiction tracking ID' Unit Category .:SFA. 6E8.2 to 4.5+ ADU .1.0-0 Tenure R=Renter C-Owner Very Low- Very LOW- Income Deed Income Non Restricted Deed Restricted LOW m - Income Deed Restricted Non Deed Restricted Lau - Income Moderate- Income Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Non Deed Restricted Al.vc Modwate- Income Building Permits 0314144tusi 14 of Units Issued Building Perin its ADU Renter 3 2 4 3 3 (35 76 150 20-0236703 1155 PINE AVE 15.44 PINE NV 551 .1' . C3RA2010-0141 1 3/512021 1 20502,Z703 1264 PINE ,. 1284 PINE AV •._2"- SPLIT CBRA20194140 SFO Owner 1 315121121 1 2057511103 3291 HIGFLAND DR 3291 1-,G! ILAND DR CSR2020-207 WO 011/110.7 1 3118/2021 1 2050504203 3304 JAMES DR 3304 ...ALIEs DR CaR2021-1X4 SFD Owner 1 9/2072021 1 2143651902 936 DAISY AVE #2 108 CAJSY AVENUE ADU MR2070-1379 ADU Renter I 1/15/2021 1 7100630103 5170 CARLSBAD BLVD ALI ANSON-SELVIDGE CARLSBAD RESIDENCE CBR2010-2146 SFD Own. 1 5/18/2021 1 1570406445 3214 ROCA WAY BLUI- SAGE CONDOS CBRA2026C041 SFA Owns 12 2162721 12 15615206103 2S99 CREST DR CASTILLO ADO CEIR2D21-11377 ADU Renter 11 9/13/2021 1 1551004803 1000 BUENA VISTA WAY, as CORAL TREE PROPERTIES DETACHED ADU COR2021-0744 ADU Renter 1 51412721 1 21436130602 917 ORCHID WAY, 82 1,, ,-.„I AmPLAIN ACU CaR2020.2644 ADU Renter I 7/16/2021 1 2652623002 3932 SYME DR GLYNN ALYJ: 600 S.F. EXISTING DETACHED GOES' 1-OUSE CONVERSION TO AD') C8R2020-1087 ADU Renter 1 21261n21 I 2154017807 2653 ACUELA CT GOERIZEN I iL7S113FNCE CBRA2019-0362 ADU Renter 7/17/2021 1 2154910000 2651 ACUNA C r GOERTZEN RESIDENCE CfniA201.9-11361 !SFID Owner 1 2/17/2021 1 2033020480 782 GRAND AVE Gl?ANO JEFFERSON CBRA2021343202 5* Owner 6 a 3050802780 1643 BASSWOOD AVE HARMS RESID.ICE CBR2021-2128 S. 0 Owner 1 122,112021 1 2071308000 3953 HIGHLAND CR HIGHLAND JAMES 2892520.2050 SED Owner 1 7/2812021 I 20713070W 3970 HIGHLAND CR HIGHLAND JANES COR2320-2081 SFD Owes i 7/2812021 1 20522109W 3794 HIGHLAND CR HIGHLAND velo HOLIES CBRA2319.0094 5F1) Otwer 4 3817/2021 4 2052210900 3788 HIGHLAND DR HIGRANDVIEW HOMES CBRA2318-01392 ADU Renter 2 3/2212021 2 2073004700 4910 NEBLINA DR, #2 JOHNSTON ADU CBR2023-2605 ADIJ Rents I 5/3/2021 1 22317136500 3144 LEVANTE ST. 112 MATHIS LEVANTE SUBDIVISION CBR2021-12/9 ADU Renter I 5/1412021 1 2231705500 3194 LEVANTE ST. #1 MATHIS LEVANT6 St113DIVISION CBR2319-3594 SED Owner 1 5162021 1 21011500130 5,162 CARLSBAD BLVD, Ote PATEL RESIDENCE iCBRA2020-0194 ADU Renter 1 77212021 1 21211110600 5462 CARLSBAD BLVD. #A PATEL RESIDENCE .CBRA2020-0193 SFD Omer 1 7/22071 I 2150530138 5606 AGAVE C1R POINSETTIA GI .CBRA2021-0012 ADU Renter 4 1/252021 4 2153530135 6687 AGAVE CIR POINSETTIA 61 CBRA2021-0001 SED Omer 41 1/2512021 41 2162407700 2451 TORREJON PL REAGAN ADU CBR2020-3770 ADU Renter I 9/14/2021 2070540200 3932 SUNNYHILL DR S..OWIK AOU CeR2020-03134 ADU Renter 1 6/13.2021 1. 2140211100 6479 SURFSIDE LA TERRA BELLA CIEVELJORMS,T CBR2020.3435 are c.T.r 1 8/412521 2159211700 1740 ORIOLE CT WASHINGTON AOU CHR2021-0.35/ ADU Renter 1 421/2021 iSCasiasee 130% CYNTHIA LN WICKHAMNENNEN £158 SF SEC II 696 SE GARAGE If WA 97 PECK OFR20202393 SED Owner i arearzo21 1673701900 3379 GARIERN DI PL, 42 CORA2021-0335 801.1 Renter 1 4/5/2021 1 072E54100 3/1/ LONGVIEW DR COR213214:425 ADU Renter 1 4/9/2021 1. 1672801200 3012 SIE-IRRA MORENA AVE CBR2021-0676 /GU Renter I 8/12/2021 1671551000 2422 GARY CIR CBRA2021-0557 ADLI Renter 1 9/22021 1672704530 3547 SIERRA MORENA AVE CBR2021-1197 ADU Renter 1 917/2021 1673=330 3503 AMES PL, 12 CBR2021-2710 ADU Renter I 1173012021 1, 2041710930 3473 JEFFERSON ST CBR2020-,854 ADO Renter 1 1/52021 1i 20820100 3997 SMIJ_A MARIS LN CBR2020-2838 ADU Renter 1 1/132021 1, 2074122630 4447 SUNNYHIL L OR c1307020-2261 ADO Renter 1 1/26/2021 • 2051801700 3307 DONNA DR, #201 CaR2020.2980 ADU Renter 1 1/27/2021 1562313300 KNOW 372 LES AVE CSR2020-2540 ADU Renter 1 2122,12002 2 11 2050311200 321 02 MCKINLEY ST CBR2020-2906 ADU Renter 1591900100 2812 ELM//COO ST C5R2020-2875 AOU Renter 1 2/242021 1670703200 2202 CHESTNJ r AVE 121R2070-24M ATV Renter 2/25/2021 2041920702 3542 HARDING ST CERA.20260196 ADU Renter 1 1E713212503 34 02 CHARIF-R OAK R C2R2020-1SCS ADU Renter 2 3/1 5 1 1 20 0 2 2 1 1 7051276002 1642 SANDALWOOD LN CBRA2021-0525 ADU Renter 1 3/30/2021 1.503500000 2311 PIO PICO DR CR42020-1920 IADU Renter 1 4/52021 2070225700 4115 PARK DR CBRA2021-131335 'ADU Renter 1 4/21/2021 1063477670 2743 MONROE ST CBR2020-21130 ADU Renter 1 5/5/2021 2002620600 3..':LM STELLA MARIS LN CBR2020-2964 ADU Renter 6/2/2021 2041110000 3159 HARDING ST CBR2021-0174 A011 Renter 5/14/2021 2081832000 5124 OELAN:IY CT CHR2321-0598 A.OU Renter 71512021 2051122000 3379 ADAMS ST CBR2321-0920 ADU Rents 1 77232021 30/1201100 1799 ANDREA AVE CBRA2321-00913 ADU Renter i 812/2021 2070533000 3006 7..G.STHAVEN OR CBRA2321-0092 AOL1 Renter 8.43/2221 1551302200 2727 VolLSON ST CBR2023-1178 ADU Renter 8/18/2021 1552712300 2854 JEFFERSON ST CBR2021-0858 ADU Renter 1 9/72021 2041920900 3678 HARDING ST CBRA2021-0103 ADU Renter 1 9/102021 2051122100 33S9 AIWAS ST CBRA2021-0350 AD'J Renter 1 10/7/2021 2042431100 3542 GARFIELD ST CBR2021-3058 AD) Renter 1 12/19/2021 2073330030 4977 VIA MARTA. *2 C6R2021-3220 AD) Renter 1 12/1712021 2780411390 3902 11NMAR LN CFRA2021-0138 ACLJ Reeler I 12/17/2021 2152801300 6504 AVENIDA DEL PARAISO CBRA2021-0034 ALM Renter 1 31S/2021 Table A2 Annual Building Activity Report Summary - New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed Units Project Identifier Unit Types Affordability by Household incomes - Building Permits 2 "d Current APN Street Address Prefect Nome' Local Jurisdiction Trecaing ID' Unit Cut egory 1SFASF02 m 1.6...ADU titi-b Tenure R.Rent, OnOwner Very Low- ncome Deed lie rioted Very Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Low- Income Deed Restricted Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Non Deed Restricted Above Moderate- Income Building Permits Osta 'scum a of Units Issued Building Permits 5 1 0 1 2551441:CO3 7919 CORTE CF,,oi Ill. C8R2021-11C82 ADLI Renter 1 311872021 2011554091110 2635 COI Mitt _‘:. .Q. ADD itenu, 41512321 1 2633 ACURA CT c ce e R2 F2a2 02 0 1:0 0 1 1 9 7 4 1 AOU Renter 7 4115/2021 1 2102401102 2444 TORREJON PI_ or2 CBR2021-0303 AOU Renter 4/2012921 21545001310 7166 ARGONAUTA WAY CE1R2720-3319 ADU Renter 514/2021 2231401100 3019 PLANAR CT, firt2 CBR2.121-0999 ADU Renter 612/202 2167002400 2610 PIRINEOS wAY,s15 CBRA2U21 0013 ADU Renter 611617021 2162002400 2610 PIRINEOS WAY, 016 RA22.7-,-0314 ADU Renter 67162021 ii 2221510280 3497 CAMINO VALENCIA *2 R2020,3187 ADO Renter 812112021 2553570500 7839 QUEBRADACIR CBR2021-1043 ADU Renter //27/2021 1. 2233712400 3536 CAL,.e GAVAN20, 02 CBR2021-1118 ADC1 Renter 7f252021 V54371700 2732 AROONAUTA ST CBR2020-28C6 HOU Renter 815/2021 2162433100 2413 TORREJON PL 82 CBR2021-1448 ADU Renter 10(1412021 21622133530 2708 GALICIA WAY CBR2021-1658 ADU Renter 1027/2021 2143,41100 913 BEGONI,--=‘ C7,82 CBRA2021-0O3 AUU Reeler 1113/2021 214504100 1070 SEAHORSE CT Cl3R2021-0243 ADU Renter 41130021 2169200100 1774 DOVE LN 09,52021-0902 ADU Renter 412C/7021 715620803 7307 BLACK SWAN PL, 842 CBR2021-0846 ADU Renter 5/21/2021 2155031203 7037 FERN PL CBR2021-0883 lADU Renter 873,2021 2150213-03 1756 SIMMER CT CEIR2021-0585 'AL% Ranter 11/988771 2157010700 7344 GREBE DR CBR2021-0550 [ADD Rent, 1 117357021 2073052000 4015 TELESCOPE AVE CW*32343973 SFD Cmr: 476r1.021 ZZOZ St 4..IN Table A2 Annual Building Activity Report Summary - New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed Units Project Identifier Unit Types Affordability by Household Incomes -Certificates of Occupancy 2 3 to 11 12 Current 41004 Street Address Project Name' S „.1 J.I.iicti,,r. Tracking 10' Unit Cat egory !SFASED,2 to 4,5•ADU,Mii T enure R=Renter Om°. net Very Low- Income Deed Restricted Very Low.. Deed Restricted Low. Income Deed Resiticiod Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Deed Restricted Moderate. Income Non Deed Restricted Above Moderate- Income Certificates of Occupancy or other forms of readiness tom Instructions/ D a 1. L ___ieLl 8 of Units issued Certificates of Occupancy or other forms of readiness .._....... 0 1 48 2 0 70 288 100 3501 CORT e ESP/RAN/A 3559 CORTE ESPERANZA ADOMON C1392019-1357 007 Renter I 012002020 1 2332021832 800 GRAND AVE 4310 8,30 GRANO AVENUE CI3RA2010-0128 5+ Goner 13 8/1112021 13 167040-M38 3113 $ALINA RD ACACIA AT THE PRESERVES CBRA2018-0170 SFA Crane 4 4/80021 4 .6331013001 2676 ROOSEVELT ST SEACHWALK AT ROOSEVELT CBRAM18-3223 SFA Dime, 9 575/7021 11 i2070533000 3852 WES1HAVEN DR KANO DETACHED ADU C002073-076/ 01.7.1 Rents( 1 832712921 1' i 1670406442 3210 ROCA WAY BLUE SAGE CONDOS ci error/2241262 SEA Ooner 43 11/80021 43. I 2033204900 1040 CARLSBAD VILIAOE DR cARLsoAD VII 1 AGE LOFTS 01381271230070 5.. Renter 16 GO 11/40021 105 ID:6210E600 1161 CHESTNUT AVE CHESTNUT AVENUE RESIDENCE cL3R20 5-2283 SFD Goner 1 4/28/2021 1' 116760=550 523e CANDELAS ST CYPRESS AT THE PRESERVE CBPA20' 7-0263 SED Ooner 9 70/2021 5- 2662623022 3932 $YNE DR GLYhIN ADU: 603 S.F. EXISTING DETACHED GUEST HOUSE CONVERSION TO ADU CBR2020-1087 ADU Renter 6/26/2021 2040843503 3159 MADISON ST. #I3 GOMEZ RENOVATION CBR2019.0343 SFD Goner 1 8/130021 1. 2052204103 3516 HIGHLAND DR HANSEN RESIDENCE ADU CBR2019-2740 ADU Renter 1 9/130021 2042320403 3677 GARFIELD ST HERNANDEZ RESIDENCE C8920194529 SFO Conte 1 8121/2021 2032020303 855 HOMI AVL. 10ME AVEWE CERAM-15-0329 SED Coiner s 5/50021 1. 1001420800 2735 ARLAND RD 1NRESIDEt4CE CBR2018-3034 SED Owner 1 21120221 26621:C0303 44657,50280,1 MARTIN RESIDENCE 05142333 SED Omer 1 8/31/2021 10517075C0 2637 JEFFERSON ST MrD-01 C1382618-3281 2104 Renter 4 671172021 4 215053075 6311 AGAVE CIA POtl4SET13A61 CBRA2021-0022 ADU Renter 5 8131/2021 5 21.56520123 6631 AGAVE CIR POINSITUA61 CBRA2021-0017 SFD Owner 32 8/31/2021 32. 206113C4003 4392 ADAMS ST POLZIN RESIDENCE CBRA2C18-0239 ADU Renter I 17612021 2061804000 4390 ADAMS S 1 POLZIN RESIDENCE CBR2017-2. 78 SID Owner 1 1/5/2021 2150706200 1587 TRITON ST RAUB,: HOUSE C6122019-0/73 SFD Owner 1 16412021 2042530100 3867 GARFIELD ST REDWOOD BEACH HOMES CBRA20160181 SID Owner 4 6/222021 1001601E00 2515 CANNON RD CASA ALDEA CBR20170218 5+ Renter 20 35 43 5/6,2021 ea 2132622251 arA COLT FL, 5202 UPTOWN MESS! RANCH CBRA2016-0)23 SFA boner 5 77 51592021 2 20702257C0 -4115 PARK 3R CBRA2021-0036 ADU Reme, I 11/8/2021 1552520600 2507 DAVIS AVE CBEA20760197 ADS Renter 107216021 2050809700 3217 MAEZEL LI,: CEIR20163688 ADU Ranter 1 10/6/2021 7551601766 3307 DONNA DR, 0201 08102020.2980 ADU Renter 1 16/512021 2050603606 267 CHINQUAPIN AVE CBRA20200192 ADU Renter 1 130112021 218200240C 2610 PIRINEGS WAY, 515 CBRA2021-6613 115313 Renter 2 5040621 2153601906 28551. NI CO RNIO ST. 10 C1312/44/10-0135 ADS Renter 2 211317021 2551445000 7919 CORTE CAROLINA CDR2321-0082 ADU Renter 1 0/207021 2159200100 1774 DOVE Lid 1:ER2021-0502 ADU Renter 1 8,2212021 2272501100 1890ALONCRA WAY. #2 CE3R2320-2368 ADU Renter 1 81612021 2341710900 3473 JEFFERSON ST CER2370-1854 ADU Renter 1 8E0021 2550810800 7414 MAJAND PL. 42 :MR23213-1377 ADU Renter 1 8/30021 2350522500 1310 BASSWOOD AVE CW723260765 ADU Renter 1 701/2021 1553400500 2743 MONROE ST CB/1232E21130 ADU Renter 1 70172021 3072301200 4816 KELLY Olt CBRA2318-0183 MU Rent*. 1 7113/2021 1670703200 2202 CHTSINUT AVE CUR2020-2488 ADO Renter 1 711/2021 2154600800 7510 ARGONAUT', ST CUR702041001 ADS) Renter 1 6/26/21121 2172210300 1229 MARIPOSA RD CBRA2020-0175 ADO Renter 1 672572021 1663370300 3489 PLEASANT VALE OR CBRA20260137 AD) Rent. 1 517/2021 20Ss31:13500 2073 LEE CT CBR2019-1438 Al)) Renlea 1 5/13/2021 167,243550 3497 ChthiliTER ON< DR CBR2023417413 MU Renter I 4/270021 21351672100 2123 BASSWOOD AVE 0002023.0457 ADU Renter 1 4/2812021 2073530300 4706 NEBUNA DR, 0103 013R2020-0785 ADU Renter 1 4/260021 21360523030 1317 PINE AVE CBR2020-3280 ADU Relict 1 4125/2021 1551501403 2437 TUTTLE ST C 11°850 CBBR 2 ADU Renter 1 4/280021 207052)303 3021 ALDER AVE R200-1 ADU Renter I 40612021 1562313303 1372 KNOWLES AVE 01397070-2540 ADU Renter 1 4000321 4/8/2021 2574177)03 4447 SUNNYHILL DR C13020202261 ADO Renter 1 2061524900 4575 PARK CR OB62019-1257 SFD Owner 1 3/1/2021 2/24/2271 2150640507 1858 TULE CT. 6110 CBR2020.2043 AGO Renter 1 2042401622 6328 GARFIELD S7 6ARFIELDCONODS C8102017,055 2to 4 Owner 2 11 2054303200 3832 MARGARET WAY CISR20190427 ADU Renter 1 11260051 2041191900 3380 HARDING ST, *25 CBRA20200151 ADU Renter 1128,2021 Table A2 Annual Bolialrea Activity Report Surninaay-Nevi Constiue lao, Entiltrad. Permitc and Completed IMO PioJeel Identifier Streatnening !rail /lousing with Financial Assiclarce andfor Deed Rest ittilOnt Housing without Financial 1630 or A36 1311 Deed Revile/Ions Toren of Affordability or Deed Reeldellm 5,1sned,o,,m,,yed U ,,, 010 1/k Rome 13 15 IS t 1It 13 20 N . 23 .., It•.. '• It sr.ot AdttiM. Pro:4.111am.. How many of lac '..... eN 434/ LtAre 3,3onter P1t. 04.,11 ,, PROV23 mina ..I'' ye .SIVItulto PregNO/C N1.......,.... (May Niot3 mulll 03 - itn• 1.51,33114,11 01.1 R.1114ian TA, Owl dact ma 313 le- s cc 13,1toolonsl Pat 3.3 attortIoN. aohlroul Ono n 3.13-.04.4333 tx 4,‘,1 roclolcIlocv.,:q.14, h./ 11, ,“„,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, e ,,,,,,,„, (...Inaltunlorfal N4,,,,,,ityor 7, V:,,,,,,t1;,-0,,,, ,,,,,111,1N)... 344 13301' 11.1111,01 0.,,,,,,,,,,,o, 133,1 UnIta 34,3013lied or D3-3157,33 Prins 0,erp1,4,.1C, atroN3 Ms 0.334,4 RiarN/ !Total 143•33,t Bonus AN... me protad(Pco‘tn/ag• Incr.,. In Tolal N., A.. Unllt ot Total RIat4ntan A...AN ....-0,11 Oros, motor., "•.'"'• . ' t"•43,•••,:•• 031,3..0-tat, Watiets, . 01Itt,4119,1,10,00n, Gik't/1 to !he Prokot 1.(100Ing PatK.0 kVaPtus of P44 i HA, 1•13,24/11ont) LIM 43 Ina:a/3,33r '''' 13,1144. Yot.,, 3,31 04 CM PrON..-C.,4, . rnadltIvalinnt. tedvattatt 01 vectar al 0.36,:tana 3114:33 3341no a ctn. NO 1,11) 3- -.113.colloati ' 0 ,,,,,,to .... . NO an AretentreIng) 11/4 C If 0 P133710.113 -3rolt, 11,1 1,0 /.1, • 01511 P-RE Et 0 24/1•313333 23 '141133 1111513330 tat, P203E,ELT ST 3311 LOP. PCP. FP 14 t330105neink 01 g,..3.1i.c.r.ii 10331, 1,33I -1 LW P.1.313•33.C, 1.4C05-3,1., .33143-1 N N N a a 0_ Cktn•els333 Corral t3e1 223350:233 2014E0213 1 A 031711 91 I 31-.03-3.-,/14.311,13PC 143111 - 3 1.311041100 teireti PC0-3•1.00CS N 0 INC 0 a Derreiseas 2C713CfCCO 2C7130:110 39.14101...1,000 2701 lc,I,,NDL14 .4 'NU:O./NES .11014,43,WES N C 7 57.504 02 3000an.ccfc 1 CP MARTI CNC" 4 • eamairnal 4;107103 ..).-3, 40102001633 ..nafrrLD S" 4131Nr313:1 NCSICL,143 50•41i1.1.111-011413 N C 3 ne.....iti..d 1:33144313 41313000531 tcPPATP3 33311F1,110 II I 1:334151=1 202272132 37.600:41211 arAlat erREET iiWCS WAN •. Crinelehei 23 2301333 1714.31144,3T N.INIF:-.707 , 0.03 11,1.0 N Cinelaint :V= 0 1523•1423.1 243=3,33 33101:371.31AVE .33P143 PA SfP101/103.P.CP/011.0 p PAC 34C3x:Fier.. N c,Pc4=-434-a 0 I 63,63117214 atanneI33 tVCIIK0J11114313- 320 C31431.1.4PA =NNW iii Ile I e 2,351001533 23=22533 23,0110.6.31-- Fr 13=0171 A 1.111117LA 11511120311121aT -3,33%,13•13 N NC ; •14173 23.1,3933 11r0 RJR. 0STA WAY 41"01, MR A F CG141,,,IMPRZFEN7IS patfl, L0 NJ./ 4,01A1.1.1,00:1 (17,,i,41700531 15,1CC N 01 CeelaNrZuntay Crwleart 46D<1! • 3 3 237011310) 231233401 ,011 14,4 1463.0 STONE... 3123,31111 ANNE DCT621103110.01 neemeN ..14..4,1SICk Sly N N 1,..1,..3 Pariwy C.o•Innef 03733 3 0 215.11103 7313 3,-UL 1.4: 0113400 N cemacerouivet a er.oacuiocio ?Menlo)) it.t.c NFeenaColaT aeZI Mullin., P.3310C11C0 3374 :lean. ar, N N n0..4,43.00, Cr•VC0C18,1,....• a 0 1.1:013X0 1,2C • 0.1 Etl. F 7ll(534434MSi 14 0C.00(1361310 0 21 103110 MC335.30 3111,Ar 1.0 131.07 33 133 '.241P01313/ LOT SPLIT 14 14 IVO fl30071#54174 0 0 P4313,-1.11.____ =5311130 1234 INNA.05 3211 73171 041 13 -.2111 114334111T STUT A h. n i 0,311431 01002437, $013,413:0'n 3333 JAPES= A 0 i4,1271420 N310011,..40 333 111311 0504.13 3-14 la 3,..3053181550 0 2130330100 S'03CANIRRAII ft :00 A.J.PISGli4L-VIMN 7,47 TJNDREnCCE NI 1.11,111,1 1011101.440 1331140170 11'4 75000107 ^103.rn,a.LY: 50220 7121449111'11303 cntruoneu ti _N Cesdevi Orme 1t.040100.1. 1333 51-Ptia. VISTA WAY. ne CeileLTRGERRUttlii es 11,33143D.3311 N r..1.P.s.we 21430.06 017 ,A171-11,1M47 .11 CraitaMANAL,U N 113 N.' 313,a/ 0 702,37401 41324•3111 um CL,N11404•6330.F. DISTING 0310571010351431 11:AMFC.1,07.11:11:1, TO ..1.9 i ii 041033 3350 0 115431013 ilif.3.,11.14,1 WEN, .1114.101.0E 14 1,0:40.4*. Are. 0 zWiyoic 2511 604.10001 207177031304100300 0 0 2333=133 icilatien 73 3930704. 34F set eivie ti.,.I.• 3.31 -0311L .1.31.1:1...001 ••.*.••.• ! .." I /I a 7 t peiroianna 333332001 405113510 ,33.N*441,030 41411 5431 1,40007 N 3 2311207133 33701-10-1•14000 NCJILNACJANkS II 6 415,211303 3,04 3133-1-31,000 410111.4434111//113114,1 9 • P33311313.4 515,1311113 37561442.1-ANOCR -41:1111..CIVIR01,161'S 31 I 0.1102ff SI.F.) C 1113=133 43100FT. IN 1., 172 ..,134112'001301.. N eciclaaa since C 1111.E31 31431170/It: Pt. 82 1/011-13LEVANTe 3CDVAMLN 0.,711.Skrai C 0231:33333 319116.4TP FC. 41 L, . 4311.141-CPANT 31:11111,331= rt 301 ertirriirn 4 N ce.elarrSungv U I 21.115033 5402 CARLSBAD PPM 30 ei, 1,01),...N.33 al 312/00134 450530AVE 1:13 303.3ETTL3 31 N INC. 3. 213=3133 5330/ Asn34.014 TOANF1TP 61 N 3 210=2733 227111131103.:111P_ 1164.431 31•1: 31 Caort.,11....4v 3 23114.15,03 7%62 VS4N1041.1.3N ELCIN5 ACC N Liemeoerdunev 2110211103 NTS 21,3471312E 1-N -074A 03.3.3. 324104701-0€r N 0 2103211730 Il34Col5C11433 W313-1033CN 3.33 N 07.1633,32710 0 130131401 13GT CYNT1-1.111: V10101331-14034ili. 05/1151: StC 05362113013=PA139 §:7-=0 N 0 1333131010 33.1110-0111130101. ale hi De.43311 04130 16720,4100 13117 LCNOVIEW OR N 02.0p613.1.04 0 1112(13.0 2322131.PPANNIEN3.34.: A 00000M11 Silo.' 0 167,510. I140216047120 N UrnicrerS.mr, . 1113433=3 14739.CD 334/.311.33.1.0610.094 2E113 0.478 et. 02 N .6.4., ___S____re.* 0 urialcoarsaste 0 2331313C33 'ff 'WHIT CPA -1,111-1111111. NI ^997 T:LLA,..11.,G 01 N N mieitie. 03 iwe 6Mieloge. *Asty o 0 20,41=33 -411,311143.111 Ill N rAvglano, Nowi 0 7331 011733 A,Vje.,.ANA UN .0' N IWPIPM:4-313/ 0 1332312233 23532131311 '312NNOWLES 303 3232 PCKALLY NT N N 134Mom-13.333, M.A... 4reTi 0 0 291261../00O3ZT N DemlooragraV 0 '3.0. 203 ar Met 3 2,3,13.PRTALT 00 ittei .0.3.3N- rt N N IX.:13.. S. env i4)31321133$301 -___-g 41/14033 3414 CKAR , . 0.0 . 0 N Ovecla.-9.r.. 6 23, 003313 1331,3 6 • VLI, . 11-...... 0.071,,,Anna c iStaireala 033101070064 N 1,71233,33.3.41 C 23/0.3703 41167164 03 71 L,3133e131.11.1 C Table A2 Arouse! BoIteling Activity Report Summary - Neor Construction, Permits and templet's:I Units Project Identifier Streamlining !al Housing with Financial AssiStanso weir's, Deed Frestriellons Housing ithout Financial -w Assislance or Deed Restrictions Term or Al reirl abilitY or Deed Restrktion Demolished( Destroyed Untts Density Songs 13 la IS 18 18 18 20 - C804012.231 Nu.,., 44,0,, ',vivo 112m, 1.1404 many 4411. Lt.. ..0.0. Oltren.01y1.73 , ,,,,,,„sit 1,, I00.441 . 111.10, " 1011310.1142 ,,,,,r ...,,,,„„, r",„,.. Ns Eath frovoloprooN (may s1/222 020101) - 00 In210/elia,4 0,.., R,..,,,,,,,., 7.4, 421434.01Ntn.u1114444 47,140.1.0013401 ;: , ;::'.:'-'7:':-...*"%",'40:,:l rc 0143034.044314n1.4.413. totally 5a714,1005 11,2 734 000,4(or412312 (7...1,7,772,77N, 04041 DP41,07 . 1,1,41 ,-„,..::::,,,, ,v7 II•41401..112.0 p04.0,0, '''''''•"' 074010,0110c u ..„..,..__ 17,000114.440 0401104441 WA* Taal 00242 Donu2 A2442.1 le 0000114340.1:14 130 rroRe12•7444444 4002011.0413 Irtcrer4212 T01210004. 0000 pc / 0332 54 Total 1320073 11.mlet 1 Mov.zble ersocialiN Ness 3140. 40.01 110040 ol Dm. 424044•4, Dencess1234. 0.1.7444, or °inn 1.10040434 ORR, 10 1243 310244/ 1544.1u803 Nuking 044.0444.40 Pachn, 4101301071 LI2ttne 134.07.-44, 4442144 c•••fl ' '''''•"•'• '". rno.:142•12 3 •' R...•.'.., 0.41404 4.1031471 3424113441,341 ....,"*'''''" ' 4422143 01 023.44 of ..•'•'.5 ."'""Vi'", 0 C 55011.4045 „. , 35....040031.7301 NO 255250.0.0 2.151 •21 ELIA 20,131 4 71 3,111001•04%t, 051111COCC MN 1,01-roms.r U 012410, R000 0 0331531015 3.124.71:14,1:•44:1 11 lie.... Over o U 0407 0 12 1,3.:1 .1'41c5/ '4 ';74'1,...'CR51 51.YF II ecialacr ante 0 25.13.441 011111W(1:51A,,s CIS 14 0:0010.1. 01,0 0 •0113141C 2434•71.734 SI H Nvetey.01.2.471 0 140/1.2CC 155.435143513314 DT H 4.1440807 aral 0 202102LCCC 1lyU,telsr4ll000 H Oseeltier Server 0 /16112YRC MN/ ALANS ST H 0-04164.7 007, 0 kla2011(0 asa20Nesicer ri IL r240430.00.04 0 2013311010 43 . 122012l 5 N 01021020. 9040 G 210411211 333411111111111.11 N 00213144 F3400 11 2152.200 5'15 A4F115A CC% PARMSO N 0415105037.01 0 2151415001 441301.1440 CANARIA N I I N40.1274510474 D 323530410 1525001 FRI ..21 NI N •ostisleerare- 0 a.54511140 2633 /4,41A.R CI II n.w.g. FlAwer D 75201113 NM -04440.1123 IN sia /.1 L1001227 32041 C 7547470 2130.41R,C3/111/. WAY II 00.51074 Nam D 71310-33 371942410R C. 11,22 11 Deielowara2 C V 50...23 noneervserstt II) N Deverepeistoce eiserdcia 2510141+1*400/17. 015 N 020001 12.004 C 2T:1011143 34/tC.42130741.330., £ 11 00.11120 2.0071 C 3553575133 72701111C0RAINCIR 24 13004300 21.009 C 5033711233 35NCSest: teNNAO. re 1,I Ceveb zq ant.: C 72407433 7590,11 2.433.0130144.11.47. N72172- • 14 ri V 12 C0012200.00 .mb,a.r., C I I'5,5C531 31.147• 33 .2.015Q0)1.14t24Y 30 DE413rN11. CT 0 3I 51 44.012234 22.3.04 005123.0 AI 1.40, 8 3 741001'33 131,50,11(01Ar CT 5 ',Mr,' 31 177,50,21: ,..1 1 11.'llarrtrase P 2157445333 700213-14K &NAN IN. 331 01 42013440 A, 17.7, 3 21747211 FM ItRA 1- 31 Dc712,440.001/ I 11527303 _If. 215,4021750 511.12140C.1 N 13001 0 .341204 3 73. ORFPF OR N ceterverttunier 3 337045230 N15 T-I F.-14117 Nor N 3 211072191 Nit, CO 41e L.22•000.44/1 21330MRTED3125447-5 RDDITIR61 PI 4002124141344 0 37.5121127 740040.04:. 0110 eccNoitic AVONJ, N 0 1475.150065 3115 S2L1NAI. 7747.71.0., N. PRESIENV. N 410175431 .0TO RCCRE051 - 3- FRADRVI•41 4 NT TICIMENC,..- N 04 3 1:111.3111V.0 2725033333 N. 0105771.40F4,0/ 01040 CC1/4311X231.3) N 12.0004.54170/ a 1171'358412 INU 1.7,,,77/4 EL.1311403CCHCOD N 9 30.3400 104 DA.. 0400 01 100.C1111 ceeesesg VI....607 I 5033 N 01), ND ,e.1% 02.127331 Nestor& 34213301N, 715 302011300 11, RRFN,..rt .04.7 C1 C5110,1- 3.042.1.k R3R1144, N 1011(32500 see. 1 )_ . in r.‘7440R4, AT Tilt FRCS ' Id 0 7.452370 1542151111200 0,104 30140003.4. FNI71,41 on,cucnoucs, R0.2. cusmeRsiowro r4 3400$4033,304. 0 Aeon.* .7.11 I.V.01443N0.N0 C2N4.10R23437740, 1, 1 3070141.40 C103239110 MIR 11141.1 011 OR 1.4.43LN Nt.312e444.743.1 I. 32•01Crer112NDU 0 traexero 1117 00111‘40 31 1.53,101.62 SESCeltE I. 1 Denelitrea 2073311 KG 410•IF .1.I.0 1.04C 300.0 II 0 10)400011140 251 A. I. 0 NR2OSAC0 ems LVAIS g 11.112'1331.'N)0-S401-4LNDF 44 0 13743010 1141 .01077501, ST 'rt.(' A i greistsras 211253)125 411• le/SAVE C.N PC51551-115 7, 1,1 1,0 0 2153230123 1111 0.02VE 07 roperrilkf, H0 1.1530(55 2252 ^COW 0 Iv.02.1.11:12651050.GF N ciarsecarNretri 0 11111032011 093 .3E010 9- I2.1171N RFRINNOIr N 0 51037500.51 -.557 7nrrcH sl HOMY HOME 12 0 551054,100 ineasiateec NM/ G,.:77IELD WI 15700.5/715FArelIiaL1Pli 5 2 DartIctal 5515 CA1A001 75 :WAN 112 II NC Deeelerei WWI o 1147711171 1134 CCU' ',L., 044 411402,1.305311.00201 N 4111 0 I- 2023202011 411017.41DR II dub,. RAW, 0 1131331C1C 25024.4114 303 II Deedow 3,07, 0 015100111 3217 041CZCI. 1,0 II 11240.00. 902y 0 2151141NX .733412.014114 35.0E1 11 (10.01.00 00410 0 2053923110 357 C4INCO2.201 AMR N Developr 0074 0 702.4111 2310 FININONS WRY. Mb N cis-Nice:a. Newt D 2.5)NoNis 3301.NXONNVJ IR. 0, N IN....31.40. 224,44 0 3E51.133 4213 CCIN•344.A, NA N Lieteloor areas 5 75/30/,33 .22.1 40,111 N De.esorei Nee. D 7t72N,I) .01031..W244. WAY. W., oserioes awe, 0 2141411533 3.243.1343ENEONER II Dessitaaerante C 25104111113 Y2 II 134(132117.371 C 0111,50500 131050.10721,00U .E SI 400117.4 41.303 C 15534(533 nelrarsaittE CT 24 Cetelaae arm c 11751)231 45101101,A4 01 00010,:r51.5,2, C :117071(1735 MR 01.4511112r A05 A mews. Neser il I 215.01133 3311.37.10131.1171131 11 Cete1224431.400 D 21074331 1294 3,141;10064 RD 31 caciazercence I 114711353) 30:014.011,21.61311 230213133 20121. . . I AI C3NIN41.510•07 U I Al Ce71070071 I I 1 Table A.2 Annual 13ullellng Acttvely Report Satnniaty New Construction, Entitled, Perrnns and Completed Units Project Identilier Streamlining Housing with Salamis' Assistance Mita ' andlor Deed Resttictions Housing without Financid Assistance or Deed RestrictIons T ernsof Affordability . r Deed Restriction DentellshcceDestrcycd Unite Demily Cones , 115 16 Ifs 1, 20 , . 20 Corn:NO. Slue 9.1.9. , Pt of id 1/... 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Past Jurisdiction Carlsbad ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT year information comes from previous APRs. Reporting Year 2021 (Jen. 1 - Dec. 31) Housing Element Implementation Please contact HCD if your data is different than the material supplied here Planning Period 6111 Cycle 04115/2021 - 047, 5:2029 (CCR Title 25 §6202) Table B Regional Housing Needs Allocation Progress Permitted Units Issued by Affordability Income Level RHNA Allocation by Income Level 2021 2022 2021 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total Units to Dale fall years) "°'/ ""'''''" 09110 by Income Level Very Low Deed Restricted 1,311 - - - - - 2 1,309 Non-Deed Restricted Low Deed Restricted 784 7 771 Non-Deed Restricted 3 - - - Moderate Deed Restricted 749 - - - - 66 004 Nan-Deed Restricted 65 Above Moderate 1 029 76 - 76 95 Total RHNA 3,873 Total Units 150 - - 150 3.723 o e. units serving extremely ow-income households are included in the very low-Income permitted units totals and most be reported as very low-Income units. Please note: For the last year of the 51h cycle, Table 8 will only include units that were permitted during the portion of the year that was in the 5th cycle. For the first year of the 61h cycle, Table B will include units that Wef0 permitted since the start of the planning period. Please note: The APR form can only display data for one planning period. To view progress for a different planning period, you may login to HCD's online APR system, or contact HCD staff at aprQhcd.ca.gov. ZZOZ ST LIDieVsl ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Housing Element Implementation (CCR Title 25 §6202) Jurisdiction Carlsbad Reporting Year 2021 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) Table D Program Implementation Status pursuant to GC Section 65583 Housing Programs Progress Report Describe progress of all programs including local efforts to remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing as identified in the housing element. 1 2 3 4 Name of Program Objective Tirneframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation 1.1(a) Provide Adequate Sites to Accommodate the RHNA Maintain adequate residential sites to accommodate the 2021-2029 RHNA. Ongoing The Housing Element approved on April 6, 2021 includes an evaluation of the RHNA. Consistent with Government Code it incorporates a rezone program [1.1 (b)] that will be completed within three years to ensure adequate residential sites. 1.1(b) Provide Adequate Sites to Accommodate the RHNA Provide Adequate Sites to Accommodate the RHNA (Includes Program 1.7). Identify and rezone as necessary to meet the RHNA Remaining Need identified on Table10-48. Sites needed are: .1,397 lower-income units •327 moderate-income units April 2024 This program is underway and anticipated to be completed by the end of 2023. In August 2021 the City Council evaluated potential sites and on Feb. 15, 2022 the City Council directed alternatives to be prepared in an environmental document to rezone 1,397 lower-income units, 327 moderate-income units, and a buffer to ensure compliance throughout the planning period. 1.1(c) Provide Adequate Sites to Accommodate the RIINA Develop R-35 and R-40 General Plan and Zoning designations. April 2024 This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. 1.1(d) Provide Adequate Sites to Accommodate the RHNA Develop R-35 and R-40 General Plan and Zoning designations. April 2024 This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. 1.1(e) Provide Adequate Sites to Accommodate the RHNA Amend city Real Estate Strategic Plan, as necessary, to enable homes on city-owned sites. April 2024 This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. ZZOZ 'ST LID-leiN 1 2 3 4 Name of Program Objective Timebrame in N.,E Status of Program Implementation 1.1(f) Provide Adequate Sites to Accommodate the RHNA Promote the residential development of city-owned sites within the planning period. December 2024 / Ongoing This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. If city-owned sites are relied on for the housing element inventory during implementation of Program 1.1, additional promotion will be undertaken. 1.1(g) Provide Adequate Sites to Accommodate the RHNA Work with North County Transit District on the redevelopment of Carlsbad Village Station that includes construction of housing adjacent to transit services. Ongoing This program is ongoing and coordination with NCTD is underway. In February 2021 city staff participated in a developer's workshop with NCTD. 1.1(h) Provide Adequate Sites to Accommodate the RHNA Integrate 6th cycle sites inventory into GIS. December 2021 This program is completed. 1.1(i) Provide Adequate Sites to Accommodate the RHNA Develop online GIS sites inventory for public access. April 2022 / Ongoing This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. 1.1(j) Provide Adequate Sites to Accommodate the RHNA Post development constraints evaluation (including Fire Hazard Severity Zone, hazards, utilities, etc.) and the sites inventory. July 2022 / Ongoing This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. 1.1(k) Provide Adequate Sites to Accommodate the RHNA The City will actively promote sites available for lower- and moderate-income housing development to potential developers, non-profits, and other interested parties. Ongoing The city is complying and continues to implement with this ongoing program. 1.1(l) Provide Adequate Sites to Accommodate the RHNA Coordinate with water and sewer providers and other utilities serving the City of Carlsbad to ensure infrastructure is available to ensure timely residential access. December 2021 This program item is completed. 1.1(m) Provide Adequate Sites to Accommodate the RHNA Provide Housing Element copies to all utilities serving Carlsbad. December 2021 This program item is completed. ZZOZ 'ST (10-1eIN a-7 co 3 at 1 2 3 4 Name of Program Objective Timeframe In KE Status of Program implementation 1.1(n) Provide Adequate Sites to Accommodate the RHNA Evaluate "density" definition to ensure no constraints on the ability to achieve the maximum of the applicable density range. April 2023 This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. 1.1(o) Provide Adequate Sites to Accommodate the RHNA Establish written process to prioritize to affordable housing projects if availability of sewer service is limited. December 2022 This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. 1.2(a) Promote development of ADUs Respond in a timely manner to update the Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance / Municipal Code to integrate changes in State housing law. Ongoing The city is complying and continues to implement with this ongoing program. 1.2(b) Promote development of ADUs Maintain informational brochures to promote, educate and assist the development of ADUs. April 2022 This program item is completed. 1.2(c) Promote development of ADUs Create separate city website for ADUs; provide step by step guide to necessary applications and information. December 2022 This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. 1.2(d) Promote development of ADUs Continue to work with developers to incorporate ADUs into new single-family developments. Ongoing The city is complying and continues to implement with this ongoing program. 1.2(e) Promote development of ADUs Develop at least four pre-approved ADU Plans that provide a variety in terms of size, type and style. April 2023 This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. 1.2(f) Promote development of ADUs Monitor ADU production and affordability on an annual basis to ensure that ADUs are used to satisfy the lower- and moderate- income housing targets. Annually The city is complying and continues to implement this ongoing program. In 2021, building permits were issued for 74 accessory dwelling units. ZZOZ 'ST 1P-IeVI 1 2 3 4 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in H.E Status of Program implementation 1.3(a & f) Alternative Housing Continue to monitor underutilized properties and sites in the community that have potential for alternative housing options and offer the information to interested developers. Utilize the Inclusionary Ordinance and Housing Trust Fund to encourage innovative housing structures. Ongoing The city is complying and continues to implement with this ongoing program. 1.3(b) Alternative Housing Rezone underutilized commercial, office, and or industrial space, as appropriate, to facilitate use for alternative housing types. April 2023 / Ongoing This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. 1.3(c) Alternative Housing Develop, as part of a zoning ordinance update, measures that encourage affordability by design (e.g., smaller, more efficient and flexibly-design living spaces). April 2023 This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. 1.3(d) Alternative Housing Where appropriate, utilize the city's regulatory powers (e.g., land use and fees) to encourage development of alternative housing. April 2023 This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. 1.3(e) Alternative Housing Evaluate and implement, as appropriate, a development fee structure for these units based on a per square foot basis rather than per unit basis. April 2023 This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. zzoz 'Si: Lpiew 1 2 3 4 Name of Program Objective Tirneframe in H.E Status of Program implementation 1.3(g) Alternative Housing Review and amend the Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance to review and amend definitions and allowances of uses for the definition of family, employee housing, residential care facilities, group homes and/or boardinghouses to be consistent with California Law. April 2023 This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. 1.4(a & c) Lot Consolidation The city will continue to make available an inventory of vacant and underutilized properties, and will market infill and redevelopment opportunities throughout the city (including the Village and Barrio), to interested developers. Ongoing The city is complying and continues to implement with this ongoing program. 1.4(b) Lot Consolidation The city will identify sites where potential consolidation can happen based on current site usage and ownership. December 2022 This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. 1.5 Flexibility in Development Standards Monitor application of Municipal Code standards for constraints to development of new housing and recommend changes to remove such constraints. Annually The city is complying and continues to implement with this ongoing program. 1.6(a) Development Streamlining Establish expedited review process for projects exceeding inclusionary requirements. June 2022 This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. ZZOZ `Si 40-miAl Di eq CD (.0 0 -h UJ 1 2 3 4 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in 1-1E Status of Program Implementation 1.6(b, c & e) Development Streamlining Review and amend land use regulations, development standards, permitting procedures, administrative procedures and fees, in order to remove impediments to, and reduce the cost of, affordable residential development. To the extent permitted by State law, use existing environmental documents to limit review of new developments to impacts not considered in the earlier environmental documents. Ongoing The city is complying and continues to implement with this ongoing program. • 1.6(d) Development Streamlining Develop SB35 Application Form and Procedures. December 2021 This program is completed. 211104 SB 35 Permit Streamline Checklist (P-35) (00686219).DOCX (carlsbadca.gov) 1.6(f) Development Streamlining Expand "self-certification" building permit application/inspection options for qualifying projects. June 2022 Draft municipal code language has been prepared and is under review that would allow for different types of professionals to submit inspection reports in leu of actually calling for inspection. Completion is anticipated by the program due date. 1.6(g) Development Streamlining Review permit procedures for Site Development Plans, make changes to improve certainty and remove requirements that could reduce density. April 2022 This program implementation is underway and completion is anticipated by the end of April 2022. 1.7 Sites used in Previous Housing Elements The city shall rezone to allow residential use by right under an R-30 or V-B designation, as appropriate for the site, and require that at least 20 percent of the units are affordable to lower-income households. April 2024 This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. 1.8(a) Mixed Use As part of semi-annual Zone Code Update, review standards and incentives for to encourage mixed use development. December 2023 Semi- annually This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. ZZOZ 'SI LIDJelAl 1 2 3 4 Name of Program Objective Tinieframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation 1.8(b) Mixed Use As part of semi-annual Zone Code .Update, review areas with mixed use potential and inform developers. December 2023 Semi- annually This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. 1.8(c) Mixed Use Update Code to define and allow horizontal and vertical mixed use projects. April 2022 This program implementation is underway and completion is anticipated by the end of April 2022. 1.8(d) Mixed Use Evaluate and consider the expansion of live/work zoning allowances citywide. April 2023 This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. 1.9 Parking Standards Review and update parking standards for high density, mixed use, and projects near transit. April 2023 This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. 1.10 Energy Conservation The city will enforce state requirements for energy conservation, including the latest green building standards, as amended by local ordinance to incorporate the city's Climate Action Plan measures, and promote and participate in regional water conservation and recycling programs. Ongoing The city is complying and continues to implement with this ongoing program. 1.11 Objective Design Standards Adopt objective design standards for mixed use and multi-family housing projects, which will then be allowed by right and approved through a ministerial, staff-level review process. September 2023 / Ongoing This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. 1.12 Smoke-Free Ordinance for Multi-Family Housing Consider adopting a smoke free ordinance for multi-family housing. December 2023 This program implementation will be completed prior to the due date. 2.1(a) Inclusionary Housing Complete a gap analysis of the city's inclusionary housing in-lieu fee. September 2021 The gap analysis was completed as required. 2.1(b) Inclusionary Housing Amend the city's inclusionary housing ordinance to reflect the updated in-lieu fee. April 2023 This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. The Housing Commission on February 10, 2022 will provide an advisory recommendation to City Council. ZZOZ 'SI IP-IelAl 1 2 3 4 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation 2.1(c) Inclusionary Housing For those specific properties identified in Table A of Planning Commission Resolution 7114, provide affordable housing in excess of inclusionary housing ordinance requirements. Ongoing The city is complying and continues to implement with this ongoing program. In 2021, the City Council approved the La Costa Town Square Parcel 3 Residential project, one of the sites identified in Resolution 7114 and which provides 20% of its units as affordable housing as the resolution requires. 2.2 Propose Replacement or Modification of GMP Develop an alternative solution that will replace or modify the City's Growth Management Plan (GMP). December 2024 This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. In September 2021, the City Council authorized formation of the Growth Management Plan Update Advisory Committee, which will begin meeting in early 2022. 2.3(a) Density Bonus Update the Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance / Municipal Code to integrate future changes in State Density Bonus Law, including an update to reflect the requirements of AB 2345. December / Annually The city is complying and continues to implement with this ongoing program. 2.3(b & c) Density Bonus Apply the city's Density Bonus Ordinance, consistent with State law, and ensure that housing developers are informed about the city's density bonus program. Ongoing The city is complying and continues to implement with this ongoing program. 2.4(a) City-Initiated Development Actively work with developers with interest in city-owned properties to negotiate residential or mixed-use development. Ongoing The city is complying and continues to implement with this ongoing program. ZZOZ 'ST 11DielAl 1 2 3 4 Name of Prog rate Objective Timeframe in HA Status of Program Implementation 2.4(b) City-Initiated Development Modify existing programs and develop new programs and funding sources to provide city incentives for affordable housing. February 2022 / Ongoing The Housing Element was adopted by the city and certified by the state in 2021. The element contains new programs that provide city affordable housing incentives. Work completed toward implementing these programs includes: •In 2021, the city completed additional public outreach on potential affordable housing sites as part of its implementation of programs 1.1 and 1.7; these potential sites include city-owned properties. Outreach will continue into 2022. •In 2021, the City Council approved a professional services agreement with a consultant to prepare a permit-ready accessory dwelling unit program, including development of at least four sets of plans. •In 2021 and February 2022, the city worked with North County Transit District on redevelopment plans for its Carlsbad Village and Poinsettia Coaster stations, including affordable housing, as required by Program 1.1(g). •As per Program 2.1(a), the city has completed a gap analysis of the city's inclusionary fee that will be presented to the Housing Commission in February 2022. A gap analysis considers the adequacy of the fee to facilitate affordable housing development. 2.4(c, d, e) City-Initiated Development Actively work with development partners to pursue development of rental and for sale housing on sites and included the RHNA after Program 1.1 is implemented. Sites are listed on Table B-5 in Appendix B. December 2024 / Ongoing This program implementation will be completed prior to the due date. 2.5 Land Banking The city will continue to implement a land banking program to acquire land suitable for development of housing affordable to lower- and moderate-income households. Ongoing The city is complying and continues to implement this ongoing program. zzoz 'si LIDJew D IA) 0 —h 1 2 3 4 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation 2.6 Housing Trust Fund Actively pursue housing activities to encumber and disburse monies within the Housing Trust Fund that are specifically designated for the development of affordable housing for low-income households. Ongoing The city is complying and continues to implement with this ongoing program, as demonstrated through the Housing Trust Fund loan commitments for the affordale components of the following projects: •In December 2021, the City Council approved $1.5 million for construction of the West Oaks apartment project. •In October 2021, the City Council approved $650,000 for construction of the Marja Acres project. •In August 2021, the City Council approved $3.1 million for construction of the Aviara Apartments project. 2.7(a - c) Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers and Similar Housing Cost Offsets Continue to provide Section 8 rental assistance to extremely low- and very low- income households, apply for additional Housing Choice Vouchers when made available by HUD and proactively seek additional funding that can be used to subsidize rents. Ongoing The city is complying and continues to identify and apply for additional funding. 2.7(d) Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers and Similar Housing Cost Offsets Market and expand outreach to increase the distribution of housing vouchers in high opportunity areas. April 2022 / Ongoing The City created a Housing Navigator position to help identify opportunities to utilize housing vouchers. 2.8 Assistance for Homebuyer Down Payment & Closing Cost Continue participation of the HOME Consortium Down Payment and Closing Cost Program to provide loans for low- income households. Ongoing Extended participation in the HOME Consortium; city continues to make this program available to residents. 2.9(a) Assistance for Special Needs Populations The city will continue to provide CDBG funds through the annual Action Plan process to community, social welfare, non- profit, and other charitable groups that provide services for those with special needs in the north San Diego County area with a focus on Carlsbad residents. Annually In the past year the city distributed $537,524 in CDBG funds to social service providers. The city funded $900K in emergency rental assistance to 137 households. ZZOZ 'ST tiilelAl 1 2 3 4 Name of Program Objective Thneframe in ite Status of Program Implementation 2.9(b) Assistance for Special Needs Populations Provide an informational guide regarding reasonable accommodations. January 2022 / Ongoing This program item is completed. 2.9(c) Assistance for Special Needs Populations Provide special needs housing assistance, progress will be assessed and addressed as part of Zone Code Update. December 2023 / Annually This program implementation will be completed prior to the due date. 2.9(d & e) Assistance for Special Needs Populations The city will monitor the needs for farmworker housing within the community, and facilitate and support efforts of individuals, private organizations, and public agencies to provide safe and adequate housing for farmworkers in agriculturally-zoned areas. Ongoing The city continues to monitor the farmworker community within Carlsbad, and beds continue to be available for farmworkers at the La Posada de Guadalupe shelter. 2.10 Senior Housing The city will continue to encourage a wide variety of senior housing opportunities, especially for lower-income seniors with special needs, through the provision of financial assistance and regulatory incentives as specified in the city's Housing for Senior Citizens Ordinance. Ongoing The City continues to financially participate in the development of senior affordable housing. 2.11 Housing for Persons with Disabilities Continue to implement the Reasonable Accommodation Ordinance, evaluate the use and effectiveness of the ordinance. Ongoing / Annually The city continues to offer reasonable accommodations through implementation of the ordinance on an ongoing basis. ZZOZ 'ST PielAl 1 2 3 4 Name of program Objective Timeframe In fi.E Status of Program Implementation 2.12 Housing for Large Households Continue to implement requirements for units with three or more bedrooms as part of the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance. The city shall encourage housing designs that meet the needs of extended, multigenerational, and/or large families. Ongoing Continuing to enforce Ordinance requirement that 10% of inclusionary units be 313R1-. For example, the West Oaks apartment project, approved by City Council in May 2021, has 10 three-bedroom units, exceeding the minimum 10% threshold. 2.13(a — g & k) Housing for Persons Experiencing Homelessness Carlsbad will continue to facilitate and assist with the acquisition, for lease or sale, and development of suitable sites for low barrier emergency shelters and transitional and permanent supportive housing for the homeless population. Ongoing The City is working with Catholic Charities to expand their facility as a low barrier navigation center. 2.13(h) Housing for Persons Experiencing Homelessness Review and amend the zoning ordinance and other documents to comply with Government Code 65651 and 65583(a)(4). October 2022 This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. 2.13(i) Housing for Persons Experiencing Homelessness Identify data sources or procedures to quantify the homelessness population for emergency shelters according to Assembly Bill 139 requirements. October 2022 This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. 2.13(j) Housing for Persons Experiencing Homelessness Evaluate the potential to allow for emergency shelters on properties owned by religious institutions and update zoning ordinance. April 2023 This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. ZZOZ 'Si 113-letAl SEP 9Z a2ed 1 2 3 4 Name of Program Objective TiMeframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation 2.14 Military and Student Referrals The city will assure that information on the availability of assisted or below-market housing is provided to all lower-income and special needs groups. The Housing Services Division will provide information to local military and student housing offices of the availability of low-income housing in Carlsbad. Ongoing / Annually The city continues to provide information to the public about the availability of low- income housing. 2.15 Coastal Zone Monitoring As a function of the building permit process, the city will continue to monitor and record Coastal Zone housing data to ensure the city implements requirements of State law, including Coastal Zone housing replacement requirements under Government Code 65590. Ongoing The city issued building permits for 81 dwellings in the coastal zone, of which 4 were required to be affordable through the inclusionary housing ordinance. There were no units occupied by lower income households authorized to be demolished or converted, or subject to the replacement housing requirements of either Government Code Sections 65590 or 50093. 2.16 Housing Element Progress Report Prepare and submit to HCD, OPR and SANDAG an Annual Progress Report on implementation of the Housing Element by April 1 of each year, Annually This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. 3.1 Pursue State and Federal Funding The City shall actively pursue appropriate federal and State funding sources to support the efforts of non-profit and for- profit developers for new construction and rehabilitation of affordable housing. Ongoing The City actively seeks resources for affordable housing. 3.2 Condominium Conversion Continue implementation of the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance and impose inclusionary housing requirements on condominium conversions. Ongoing The city continues to apply inclusionary requirements to condominium conversions. In 2021, there were no entitlements approved for condominium conversions. ZZOZ 'Sr qpieIN 1 2 3 4 Name of Program Qbjective Timeframe in ELE Status of Program Implementation 3.3 Mobilehome Park Preservation Continue to regulate the conversion of mobile home parks as permitted by state law, provide information to mobile home park tenants regarding potential tenant purchase of parks and other assistance available. Ongoing The city continues to implement this program and the mobilehome zoning ordinance which regulates the conversion of mobilehome parks. 3.4 Acquisition/ Rehabilitation/ Retention of Rental Housing The city will continue to provide assistance on a case-by-case basis to preserve the existing stock of lower- and moderate- income rental housing. Ongoing Included in routine monitoring. 3.5(a) Rehabilitation of Owner-Occupied Housing Update program to expand eligible costs and increase maximum loan amount. April 2022 Will examine and make recommendations by Dec. 2023. 3.5(b & c) Rehabilitation of Owner-Occupied Housing Continue to implement the city's Minor Home Repair Program, and allow dwellings to be rehabilitated that do not meet current zoning standards so long as the non-conformity is not increased and there is no threat to public health and/or safety. Ongoing City continues to distribute informational material and publish the information on the city's website to increase participation. 3.6 Affordable Housing Resale To the extent funding is available, the city will exercise its purchase option to preserve, extend and enhance affordability of these units by reselling them to lower income purchasers. Ongoing As of Oct. 2021 the city has acquired a total of 11 units for resell to lower income purchasers. The city is currently in the process of selling these units and have identified 11 households who are currently waiting to be qualified with the lender. One household will be moving into the escrow phase by Feb. The city anticipates completing the sales of all 11 units by the end of June 2022. 4.1 Fair Housing Services With assistance from the city's fair housing provider, the city will continue to offer fair housing services to its residents and property owners. Ongoing The city will continue to promote and distribute fair housing services to its residents who are in need of counseling and services. zzoz 'Si gaievu 1 2 3 4 Nellie of Program Objective TirriefMmie in HE Status of Program Implementation 4.2(a & b) Affirmatively Furthering Fair Flousing Reduce barriers to housing, including enforcement of housing safety codes, promoting equal access to information as identified in the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing. Ongoing The city continues to review its policies and procedures to ensure barriers that limit fair and equitable housing are either reduce or eliminated through regular program updates. 4.2(c) Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Establish method of measuring progress of fair housing practices. June 2022 The city continues to complete fair housing testing on random units around the city to measure fair housing compliance and the effects of fair housing education, training, and outreach. 4.2(d) Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Expand understanding of current state of fair housing practices and potential areas of discrimination by conducting in-depth study of issues around the City. April 2024 This program implementation is underway will be completed prior to the due date. The city completed an Analysis of Impediments for the 2020 — 2025 time period. The city will continue to administer this program and monitor for any changes. 4.3 Anti-Segregation in Housing Implementation Implement a placemaking program for the Village-Barrio Master Plan. Review and update, as needed, all city land use and housing policies, programs, and plans for their enhancement of fair housing. April 2023 / Ongoing This program implementation will be completed prior to the due date. 5.1 Access to Information Provide community groups that are affected by restrictions to fair and equitable housing greater opportunities for becoming informed and engaged in the City's housing and overall planning process. Ongoing The city continues to ensure that all communities have access to housing information through the posting of documents and information on the city website and at city facilities, social media and notification of actions under consideration in the planning process. 6.1 Environmental Justice Consider environmental justice issues as they relate to the equitable provision of public facilities and services and other beneficial uses that improve the overall quality of life. Identify gaps and enhance connections between disadvantage neighborhoods and amenities and services. December 2024 / Ongoing This program implementation will be completed prior to the due date. In January 2021, the City Council adopted the Sustainable Mobility Plan to, among other things, improve transportation-related safety and increase travel choices city-wide. ZZOZ `Si gileIN SE Jo 6Z a2ed 1 2 3 4 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation General Comments ZZOZ 'ST LIDJeN Jurisdiction Carlsbad Reporting Year Planning Period 2021 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) 6th Cycle 04/15/2021 - 04)15/2029 Entitled Permitted Completed Units by Structure Type 150 409 362 Total Building Permits Issued by Affordability Summary Income Level Current Year Very Low Deed Restricted 0 Non-Deed Restricted 2 Low Deed Restricted 4 Non-Deed Restricted 3 Moderate Deed Restricted 0 Non-Deed Restricted 65 Above Moderate 76 Total Units 150 Note: Units serving extremely low-income households are included in the very low-income permitted units totals SFA 120 12 85 SFD 15 58 58 2 to 4 17 0 6 5+ 192 6 217 ADU 18 74 43 MH 0 0 0 Housing Applications Summary Total Housing Applications Submitted: 24 Number of Proposed Units in All Applications Received: 255 Total Housing Units Approved: 234 Total Housing Units Disapproved: 0 Use of SB 35 Streamlining Provisions Number of Applications for Streamlining 0 Number of Streamlining Applications Approved 0 Total Developments Approved with Streamlining 0 Total Units Constructed with Streamlining 0 Units Constructed - SB 36 Streamlining Permits Income Rental Ownership Total Very Low 0 0 0 Low 0 0 0 Moderate 0 0 0 Above Moderate 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0 Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas March 15, 2022 Item #3 Page 31 of 35 EXHIBIT 2 Description of Terms and Methods 2021 HOUSING ELEMENT ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT Regional Housing Needs — The determination of housing need for Carlsbad and all other jurisdictions in California is derived from the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) prepared by the local regional councils of government (SANDAG) before the beginning of each housing cycle. Based upon these assessments of need, the local jurisdictions are required to adopt housing objectives in the housing elements of their general plans. A regional assessment of housing need is an estimate of the total need for new housing construction throughout the region due to population growth forecasted to occur during a specific time period. The overall housing need is then broken out by four income groups: very low, low, moderate, and above-moderate — all as defined by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and the state Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD)1. The regional housing needs are then allocated to the local jurisdictions on a "regional share" basis, according to models and formulas designed by SANDAG. Table 1 shows Carlsbad's share of the current RHNA which applies to the 2021-2029 Housing Element. Table 1 Carlsbad's share of the RHNA Income Group Percent of AMI 6th cycle RHNA 2021 - 2029* (housing units) Very Low 50% or under 1,311 Low 51 — 80% 784 Moderate 81 — 120% 749 Above-moderate Over 120% 1,029 Totals 3,873 * SANDAG, Final 6th Cycle Regional Housing Needs Determination, 2020 Definition of Income Groups — Table 1 defines each of the four income groups as a percentage of the county area median income (AMI). HUD and HCD annually revise the AMI based on cost of living issues such as the relationship of housing prices to income, and have established the 2021 AMI for a four-person household in Carlsbad at $95,1002. In addition to establishing the AMI, HUD also establishes income limits for each of the four income groups which are adjusted for family size so that larger households have higher income limits (see Table 2 below). https://www.hcd.ca.gov/grants-funding/income-limits/state-and-federal-income-limits/docs/income-limits- 2021.pdf 2 City of Carlsbad Household Income Limits 2021, see weblink at: haps://www.carlsbadca.gov/home/showoublisheddocument/6089/637568378560270000 March 15, 2022 Item #3 Page 32 of 35 Table 2: CY 2021 qualifying limits on annual income by household size Income Group Persons per household 1 2 3 5 7 Very Low $42,450 $48,500 $54,500 $65,450 $75,150 Low $67,900 $77,600 $87,300 $104,800 $120,300 Moderate $79,850 $91,300 $102,700 $123,250 $141,500 Above Moderate >$79,850 >$91,300 >$102,700 >$123,250 >$141,500 Source: "Household Income Limits 2021", City of Carlsbad (effective April 26 2021) Prices of Affordable Housing - Generally, the federal and state rule is that housing is affordable to a given family if the family pays no more than 30% of its monthly income for housing expenses that include the rent or mortgage payment, property taxes, insurance, utilities, and the like. A determination of whether a housing unit is affordable can be easily made for assisted public rental housing and other public housing programs because documentation is maintained on both the individual household's income and the actual cost of the unit in question (typically rental). Income group determinations for income restricted (assisted) housing units shown in the tables of Part 1 were made by the Carlsbad Housing and Neighborhood Services Department. To determine affordable housing expenses for rentals the practice is to set thresholds for each income group, using the 30% rule, with adjustments for the number of bedrooms (See Table 3). An additional adjustment is also made for utility allowance, as required by HUD. Table 4 provides the resulting maximum market rate rental expenses (which include rent and a utility allowance that increases with household size) for the very low, low, and moderate-income groups for CY 2020. Table 3: Adjustments for the number of bedrooms per unit Number of bedrooms Persons per bedroom Studio 1 1 bedroom 2 2 bedroom 3 3 bedroom 5 4 bedroom 7 Table 4: CY 2021 qualifying rent and utility expenses by number of bedrooms Income Group Number of bedrooms Studio 1 2 3 4 Very Low $1,061 $1,213 $1,364 $1,636 $1,879 Low $1,698 $1,940 $2,183 $2,620 $3,008 Moderate $1,996 $2,283 $2,568 $3,081 $3,538 Above Moderate >$1,996 >$2,283 >$2,568 >$3,081 >$3,538 Source: "Household Income Limits 2021", City of Carlsbad (effective April 26 2021) With regard to for-sale housing, there is no federal or state required formula to determine the sales price that would be considered affordable. Varying factors impact mortgage amounts, such 2 March 15, 2022 Item #3 Page 33 of 35 as interest rates, closing costs and lending programs. The following assumptions are used to estimate sales prices that are considered affordable to the various income groups. Area Media Income (AMI) 2021 Annual Income Affordable Purchase Price Very Low (30% to 50%) $36,351 to $60,600 $111,952 to $251,960 Low (50% to 80%) $60,601 to $97,000 $251,965 to $448,658 Moderate (80% to 120%) $97,001 to $114,100 $448,663 to $538,227 Above Moderate (below 120%) $114,100 or above $538,228 and above Methodology: •2021 AMI: $95,100 https://www.carlsbadca.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/6089/6375 68378560270000 •Down payment: 10% •Interest: 4.5% (includes private mortgage insurance) •Mortgage term: 30-year fixed-rate •Property Tax: 1.2% •HOA/Insurance: $300/month •Utilities cost: $111/month •Four-person household •Assumes 30% of annual gross income allocated towards housing costs for very low and low incomes. •Assumes 35% of annual gross income allocated towards housing costs for moderate income and above moderate incomes. Other terms — Definitions for terms used in this appendix as well as Part 1 of the report: •Apartment — A multi-family unit that can be rented but not individually owned. •Assistance Programs/Assisted Units — units receiving financial assistance from the city or other and/or other subsidy sources and have affordability deed restrictions. •Condominium — A detached or attached home that can be purchased on commonly owned property irrespective of the unit category (see below). •Deed Restricted Units — units considered affordable due to local program or policy, such as inclusionary housing ordinance. These units may also be assisted units. •Duplex —Two units on a single lot. Units cannot be individually sold. •Non-deed Restricted Units/Market Rate Units — Units that received no financial assistance from the city and have no affordability restrictions. •Unit Category — According to HCD's instructions for Housing Element Progress Reports, unit categories are as follows: 3 March 15, 2022 Item #3 Page 34 of 35 o Single Family-Detached Unit (SFD) - a one-unit structure with open space on all four sides. The unit often possesses an attached garage. o Single Family-Attached Unit (SFA) - a one-unit structure attached to another unit by a common wall, commonly referred to as a townhouse, half-plex, or row house. The shared wall or walls extend from the foundation to the roof with adjoining units to form a property line. Each unit has individual heating and plumbing systems. o 2-, 3-, and 4-Plex Units per Structure (2-4) - a structure containing two, three, or four units and not classified as single-unit attached structure. o 5 or More Units per Structure (5+) - a structure containing five or more housing units. o Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) - means a unit that is attached, detached or located within the living area of the existing dwelling or residential dwelling unit which provides complete independent living facilities for one or more persons. It shall include permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation on the same parcel on which the single- family dwelling is situated pursuant to Government Code section 65852.2. An ADU also includes the following: an efficiency unit, as defined in Section 17958.1 of the Health and Safety Code or a manufactured home, as defined in Section 18007 of the Health and Safety Code. 4 March 15, 2022 Item #3 Page 35 of 35 2021 Housing Element Annual Progress Report Corey Funk, Associate Planner Community Development Department March 15, 2022 PROPOSED ACTION Adopt a resolution accepting the 2021 Housing Element Annual Progress Report. ITEM 3: 2021 Housing Element APR REQUIRED BY STATE LAW •Annual report on progress implementing the General Plan Housing Element •CA Housing and Community Development responsible for the report process •Types of housing data •Tables and report format •Report submitted to HCD ITEM 3: 2021 Housing Element APR REPORT CONTENTS •Housing production •Number of residential units produced •Progress toward state targets •Program implementation •Status of housing element programs ITEM 3: 2021 Housing Element APR NEXT STEPS •Submit the report to: •CA Housing and Community Development •CA Office of Planning Research •San Diego Association of Governments ITEM 3: 2021 Housing Element APR