HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-08-26; Clean Energy Alliance JPA; AgendasACTION AGENDA Board of Directors Amended Meeting Agenda August 26, 2021, 2 p.m. City of Solana Beach I Virtual Meeting Members of the public can watch the meeting live by clicking the Live Stream Link at: https://thecleanenergyalliance.org/agendas-minutes/ or https:ljwww.youtube.com/channel/UCGXJILzlTUJOCZwVGpYoC8Q Per State of California Executive Order N-29-20, and in interest of public health and safety, we are temporarily taking actions to prevent and mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic by holding Clean Energy Alliance Joint Powers Authority meetings electronically or by teleconferencing. All public meetings will comply with public noticing requirements in the Brown Act and will be made accessible electronically to all members of the public seeking to observe and address the Clean Energy Alliance Joint Powers Authority Board of Directors. You can participate in the meeting by e-mailing your comments to the Secretary at secretary@thecleanenergyalliance.org 1 hour prior to commencement of the meeting. If you desire to have your comment read into the record at the meeting, please indicate so in the first line of your e-mail and limit your e-mail to 500 words or less. These procedures shall remain in place during the period in which state or local health officials have imposed or recommended social distancing measures. CALL TO ORDER: 2:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Board Member Druker, Vice Chair Bhat-Patel, Chair Becker FLAG SALUTE: Chair Becker led the flag salute. BOARD COMMENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS: None PRESENTATIONS Presentation by San Diego Gas & Electric on Flex Alerts PUBLIC COMMENT: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the Regular Meeting held July 29, 2021 ACTION: Approved unanimously, 3/0. City of Carlsbad I City of Del Mar I City of Solana Beach ACTION AGENDA Consent Calendar Item 1: Clean Energy Alliance Treasurer's Report RECOMMENDATION Receive and File Clean Energy Alliance Interim Treasurer's Report. ACTION: Approved unanimously, 3/0. New Business Item 2: Clean Energy Alliance Interim Chief Executive Officer Operational, Administrative and Regulatory Affairs Update RECOMMENDATION 1) Receive and file Community Choice Aggregation Update Report from Interim CEO. 2) Receive and file Community Choice Aggregation Regulatory Affairs Report from Special Counsel. Interim CEO Barbara Boswell updated the Board on activity regarding County of San Diego considering joining Clean Energy Alliance or San Diego Community Power indicating that the results of the analysis will be presented to the County Board of Supervisors at its meeting August 31, 2021; call center activity; and possible offer of programs to customers with no outflow of cash to CEA including a partnership with OhmConnect that provides smart thermostats to residential customers free of charge and CEA issuing a request for proposal (RFP) seeking interested parties to provide solar/battery facilities to commercial and municipal customers at no cost to the customer or CEA. Board Members commented regarding outreach to the BOS and other possible opportunities for CEA expansion including San Clemente and other cities that would be a good fit. Special Counsel Ty Tosdal updated the Board on the following regulatory affairs: the issuance of an executive order by Governor Newsom proclaiming a state of emergency due to climate change indicating that the order recognizes dangers to power generation and delivery from extreme heat and fire and Instructs CPUC to take action to increase clean energy supply and reduce demand; changes to Financial Security Requirements (FSR) that protect the utility against a mass involuntary return of CCA customers. Mr. Tosdal indicated that the bankruptcy and failure of Western Community Energy has triggered a mass involuntary return for the first time in CCA from Western to SCE. SCE is seeking $14.7 million from Western for customer reentry fees in addition to millions owed under separate contracts and Utilities and Public Utilities Commission staff are reevaluating some of the inputs and methods used to determine FSR amount. Interim CEO Barbara Boswell commented regarding SCE collection of exit fees for energy that was stranded and now attempting to collect reentry fees for energy that is now seemingly unavailable and the disconnect between the two. Clean Energy Alliance Board Meeting Action Agenda August 26, 2021 2 ACTION AGENDA Mr. Tosdal updated the Board on Covid-19 customer bill debt indicating IOUs are required to enroll eligible residential and commercial customers in a 24-month amortization plan by September 30 for payment arrears; and lastly the SDG&E 2022 rate setting forecast and the amended scoping order for 2022 to include updated sales forecast this year and in future years that incorporate departing load. an updated sales forecast will be provided in November by SDG&E and additional work remains to examine the methodology used and determine whether it is reasonable. ACTION: Reports received. Item 3: Approve Entering into a Long-Term Renewable Energy Agreement with Powerex RECOMMENDATION Approve entering into a long-term renewable energy agreement with Powerex for Portfolio Category 1 renewable energy and authorize the Interim Chief Executive Officer to execute all documents, for an amount not to exceed $8,554,000 for the delivery term October 1, 2021-September 30, 2031, in a form substantially as attached to the report, subject to Special Transactions Attorney approval. Interim CEO Barbara Boswell presented the item and there were no questions of the Board. ACTION: Approved unanimously, 3/0. BOARD MEMBER REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Chair Becker commented regarding placing and item on the agenda to remove the word Interim preceeding CEO of the Clean Energy Alliance and indicated that the location of the next meeting stated on the agenda be corrected to Carlsbad. ADJOURN: Chair Becker adjourned the meeting at 3:05 p.m. NEXT MEETING: September 30, 2021, 2 p.m., hosted by City of Carlsbad (Virtual Meeting) Reasonable Accommodations Persons with a disability may request an agenda packet in appropriate alternative formats as require by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Reasonable accommodations and auxiliary aids will be provided to effectively allow participation in the meeting. Please contact the Carlsbad City Clerk's Office at 760-434-2808 (voice), 711 (free relay service for TTY users), 760-720-9461 (fax) or clerk@carlsbadca.gov by noon on the Monday before the Board meeting ta make arrangements. Written Comments To submit written comments to the Board, please contact the Clean Energy Alliance Board Clerk at secretary@thecleanenergyalliance.org. Written materials related to the agenda that are received by 5:00 p.m. on the day before the meeting will be distributed to the Board in advance of the meeting and posted on the Authority webpage. Clean Energy Alliance Board Meeting Action Agenda August 26, 2021 3 Sf Flex Alert Overview Joe Britton Public Affairs Manager Joe Gabaldon Public Affairs Manager Agenda 1. What is the CAISO? 2. What is a Flex Alert? 3. Cycle of Curtailment 4. CAISO Notifications 5. SDG&E's Grid Resiliency Efforts soG,. ~lEU California Independent System Operator soqf_ • Created in 1998 as part of the state's energy market restructuring ~--ff!l -£: "' • Manages the flow of electricity on California's grid -IE! ,..., ...... .. . e/ ~,~•---': • .. i,..,~._ • Operates the wholesale energy marketplace • Operates 24/7 -~--" .• f ~··"~ -.. ~~ .. \\ ,; ~-I ;1~· .. -w~"~ II · ... JI! .. • ,,.-... ¼ i Im • Led by a five-member Board of Governors with Federal Energy Regulator Commission oversight • 30 million customers in California California ISO www.caiso.com What is a Flex Alert? Voluntary call for conservation across the state. Issued by the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) when there is an anticipated shortage of energy supply Contributing factors • Humid, hot weather and heat storms drive up electricity use • Unplanned power plant outages • Fires that threaten or affect transmission lines Customer notifications • Statewide marketing campaign to drive awareness and urge conservation when Flex Alert is called • Sign-up for notifications at flexalert.org Save soG ,. ~/EM a'1 .,. ~(2S·· • I":! • .. 'I,;; • ,.'=,I,.,. ... ,,_t) •• our power. ACTNOW ii / : . c't,' ~ . ':~~1~,;'.:""' . . ,. ' . --'- ~- Statewide marketing campaign creative. Cycle of Curtailment • Alert issued by 1500 the day prior Flex Alert ~~ Stage 1-2 • Conservation efforts and voluntary curtailment for large business customers • Load interruption is immanent Stage 3 ~ Curtailment • CAISO issues notice to curtail for rolling 1- hr blocks* • Reserve shortfall no longer exists Termination '-.___/ '-.___/ *Each block is curtailed for a maximum of 1-hr. Number of blocks is determined by how many megawatts are included in the CAISO order. Once the order is given, curtailment is required within 10 mins. Blocks are listed on www.sdgenews.com when a Flex Alert is issued, and GIS maps are shared with public safety partners who have access the PSPS secure map portal. CAISO Notifications Based anticipated scope Reserve Deficiency Alert • City, County, Tribal, and State EM officials • Elected officials for potentially impacted jurisdictions and CCA's Warning -0 Stages 1-3 (Any stages declared) • • Potentially Affected Customers • CPUC • Work with large commercial customers to encourage load shed Curtailment Restoration Alert Termination ·•------<r------u --... • Potentially Affected Customers • CPUC • Potentially Affected Customers • CPUC soqf • It is possible, in such cases as a CAISO declared System or Transmission Emergencies, that CAISO could order an IOU or multiple IOUs to shed load immediately whether or not the ISO has previously issued any alert or warning. In this scenario: • The priority is to shed the required load to preserve the security of the Electric System in -the State • IOUs will notify county and state emergency management entities as soon as possible • Elected officials in impacted jurisdictions will be notified as soon as possible • Customers will be notified as soon as possible Grid Resiliency Efforts Grid Reliability Expanded local energy generation resources and capacity Procured resources • 260 MW of new energy storage resources Demand Response Programs New for the summer of 2021 • California State Emergency Load Program • Emergency Load Reduction Pilot Residential and Commercial program • SDGE.com/dr Customer Outreach Summer campaign to reinforce energy saving tips and 4 -9 pm on-peak period • Save energy and money • Make better use of cleaner, renewable energy sources EDWARDS WITH THC C.NE:RCY s~~! -' .7 > ~ soa~ /EN Customer Action Sign-up for notification at flexalert.org • Set thermostats to 78, health permitting • Avoid using large appliances • Turn off unnecessary lights • Block the sun with drapes/blinds • Use fans C: 0 "C -"' .c "' (!) 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