HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-10-28; Clean Energy Alliance JPA; Minutes (2)DocuSign Envelope ID: 63D5598F-D716-4BAA-BBEE-831B2CEFDFEF Clean Energy Alliance -Board of Directors Meeting Minutes October 28, 2021, 2:00 p.m. Virtual Meeting Teleconference Locations Per Government Code Section 54953(3) (Assembly Bill 361) CALL TO ORDER: Chair Becker called to order the regular meeting of the Clean Energy Alliance at 2:06 p.m. ROLL CALL: Board member Druker, Vice-Chair Bhat-Patel, Chair Becker FLAG SALUTE: Board member Druker led the flag salute during the special meeting. BOARD COMMENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS: None PRESENTATIONS: None PUBLIC COMMENT: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Board Member Druker, second by Vice Chair Bhat-Patel to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held September 30, 2021. Motion carried unanimously, 3/0. Consent Calendar Item 1: Clean Energy Alliance Treasurer's Report RECOMMENDATION Receive and File Clean Energy Alliance Interim Treasurer's Report. Motion by Vice Chair Bhat-Patel, second Board Member Druker, to approve the consent calendar. Motion carried unanimously, 3/0. New Business Item 2: Clean Energy Alliance Interim Chief Executive Officer Operational, Administrative and Regulatory Affairs Update RECOMMENDATION 1) Receive and file Community Choice Aggregation Update Report from Interim CEO. 2) Receive and file Community Choice Aggregation Regulatory Affairs Report from Special Counsel. DocuSign Envelope ID: 63D5598F-D716-4BAA-BBEE-83182CEFDFEF CEO Barbara Boswell indicated the focus of her comments pertain to the expansion of Clean Energy Alliance and that at the City of Escondido City Council meeting of October 27, 2021, the City Council approved unanimously to join Clean Energy Alliance (CEA) and the second reading and adoption of the ordinance is scheduled for the November Council meeting, anticipating a 2023 launch date. In addition, the City of San Marcos has joining CEA under consideration for a 2023 launch and will be discussing at an upcoming workshop. Ms. Boswell also indicated that the cities of Vista and San Clemente have joining CEA under consideration for a 2024 launch and will keep the Board apprised of any developments. Chair Becker acknowledged and conveyed gratitude to CEA staff for time spent educating prospective city partners and to the Sierra Club, the Hammond Climate Solution, Clean Earth for Kids, the Climate Action Campaign, Advisory Group members and the members of the public that attend meetings and advocate for Community Choice Aggregation (CCA), particularly CEA, and expressed excitement at bringing choice and cleaner energy to north county cities. Board member Druker inquired regarding any possible challenges obtaining the needed energy to serve an expanded customer base. CEO Boswell indicated that no challenges or concerns are anticipated in procuring the necessary products. CEO Boswell encouraged all to subscribe to CEA's YouTube channel and Vice Chair Bhat- Patel reiterated subscribing and expressed gratitude to staff for the work on expansion of CEA. Special Counsel Ty Tosdal congratulated all on the expansion of CEA and updated the Board on the following regulatory affairs: Customer Debt Proceeding indicating that customer charges are typically subject to the waterfall approach and that when a partial payment is made by a customer the payment goes to the utility instead of the CCA program. CPUC issued a proposed decision approving proportional payments between CCAs and Investor-owned Utilities (IOUs) when customer partial payments are made. In addition, the CPUC initiated a pilot program called Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) which sets a customer's bill payment at an affordable percentage of income and that CCA programs are eligible to participate; CPUC Decision 19-11-016 ordered all Load Serving Entities (LSEs) to purchase System Resource Adequacy (RA) to meet a 3,300- Megawatt long-term need. CEA and other CCA programs formed after the decision received no allocation or RA credit and a modified Cost Allocation Mechanism to address cost recovery and other issues was never developed. Advocacy efforts are underway and updates will be brought to the Board; and regarding the Energy Resource and Recovery Account proceedings where SDG&E power rates, Power Charge Indifference Adjustment, and EcoChoice rates are set, the November testimony update is set for November 5 and will provide the best indicator of forthcoming rates. CEA Board received and filed reports. BOARD MEMBER REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Chair Becker requested in-person meeting location(s) discussion be placed on an upcoming agenda. DocuSign Envelope ID; 63D5598F-D716-4BAA-BBEE-B31B2CEFDFEF Chair Becker adjourned the meeting at 2:28 pm. ~;-;-~6 Susan Caputo, MMC Interim Board Clerk