HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-04-05; City Council; ; Introduce an Ordinance Amending Title 6 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to Add Chapter 6.20 - Phased-In Single-Use Plastic Foodware BanCA Review _RMC_ Meeting Date: April 5, 2022 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Jamie Wood, Environmental Management Director jamie.wood@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-7584 Subject: Introduce an Ordinance Amending Title 6 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to Add Chapter 6.20 – Phased-In Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ban Districts: All Recommended Action Introduce an ordinance amending the Carlsbad Municipal Code Title 6, to add Chapter 6.20, to phase in a single-use plastic foodware ban Executive Summary The State of California has found and declared in California Public Resources Code Section 42355 that, “Littered plastic products have caused and continue to cause significant environmental harm and have burdened local governments with significant environmental cleanup costs.” In an effort to reduce litter and waste, the state adopted Assembly Bill 1276: Single-use foodware accessories and standard condiments, commonly referred to as “Skip the Stuff,” which becomes effective June 1, 2022. This law placed restrictions on how food businesses can provide single-use foodware to their customers. Additionally, the City Council approved Carlsbad’s Sustainable Materials Management Plan on Aug. 20, 2019 (Resolution No. 2019-145), and the Sustainable Materials Implementation Plan on Dec. 14, 2021 (Resolution No. 2021-291). These plans provide recommendations and actions to support the city’s environmental and sustainability guiding principles. A key initiative of the implementation plan is the research, development and implementation of policies that reduce waste and support the city’s sustainability goals, including an ordinance to ban the use of single-use plastic foodware and expanded polystyrene. In keeping with direction received from the City Council on Dec. 14, 2021, staff present the City Council with the proposed amendments to Carlsbad Municipal Code Title 6, to add Chapter 6.20, which will phase in a single-use plastic foodware ban, aligning the City of Carlsbad’s local solid waste regulations with the new state law and City Council-approved policy. The City Council’s approval is required to make any such changes to the municipal code. April 5, 2022 Item #7 Page 1 of 12 Discussion What are single-use plastics? The term single-use plastics refers to plastics that are designed to be used once, or for a limited t ime, before being discarded. These items include, but are not limited to, plastic cutlery, disposable plastic straws, plastic stirrers and plastic foodware such as plates, bowls and cups. Additionally, expanded polystyrene, commonly known as Styrofoam, is considered a single-use plastic, and is commonly used by the food-service industry for to-go food and beverage containers. State regulations related to single-use plastics Within the last five years, California has passed various laws to reduce the state's consumption of single-use plastics. Two laws related to this proposed addition to the municipal code are: Assembly Bill 1884 -Food facilities: single-use plastic straws was enacted in 2018. It requires full service dine-in restaurants to provide plastic straws only upon request. The law ne ither prohibits plastic straws nor affects fast-food restaurants. AB 1276 -Single-use foodware accessories and standard condiments was enacted in 2021. This bill, also referred to as "Skip the Stuff," prohibits a food facility from providing any single-use foodware accessory or standard condiment to a consumer unless it is requested by the consumer. Additionally, the bill authorizes a food facility to ask drive-thru consumers whether they want single-use foodware in specified circumstances. The bill requires a food facility using a third-party food delivery platform to list on its menu the availability of single-use foodware accessories and standard condiments and to only provide those items when requested. This bill requires cities or counties to authorize an enforcement agency by June 1, 2022, to enforce these requirements. The bill specifies that the first and second violations of these provisions will result in a notice of violation, and that any subsequent violation is an infraction pun ishable by a fine of $25 for each day in violation, but not to exceed an annual total of $300. By creating a new crime and imposing additional duties on local governing bodies, this bill imposes a state-mandated local program. City of Carlsbad-approved policies related to single-use plastics Th e city adopted its Sustainable Materials Management Plan and its implementation plan to: • Ensure compliance with state solid waste, recycling and organics regulations • Align with the city's environmental and sustainability guiding principles • Provide recommendations and act ions to comply with state laws • Protect the environment and support the long-term sustainability of Carlsbad's natural resources As directed by the City Council at its meeting on Dec. 14, 2021, and included in the adopted implementation plan, there will be: • A single-use plastic foodware ban, to be phased in over time • A plastic bag ban • A plastic bottles ban • A ban on the intentional release of balloons at city facilities or city-affiliated events April 5, 2022 Item #7 Page 2 of 12 Draft ordinance The proposed amended ordinance includes two phases to implement new state regulations and City Council-directed policies: Stage I "Skip the Stuff" -Effective June 1, 2022: Require all food establishments to provide straws, utensils, and items such as condiment packets to customers only upon request. Enforcement is consistent with the requirements in AB 1276. Stage II -Effective July 1, 2022, and enforceable July 1, 2023 Material ban for single-use plastic foodware and expanded polystyrene will be enforceable. The use of single-use plastic foodware and expanded polystyrene are prohibited. The only foodware options allowed are reusable or certified compostable and marine degradable. Between July 1, 2022, and July 1, 2023, the city will conduct targeted education and outreach and technical assistance, including acceptable alternatives, to businesses affected by these new requirements. As described in the Road Map in the approved implementation plan, the ordinance was placed on the city website to allow interested stakeholders to provide feedback before this item was brought back to the City Council for its approval. Most of the responses the city received expressed support for the ordinance, and for the city's ongoing efforts to reduce the amount of sustainable materials that is sent to landfills. Adoption of this ordinance will not only comply with new state regulations but also align city po licy with its environmental and sustainability guiding principles, reduce litter and marine debris and increase the amount of solid waste the city can divert from landfills. Fiscal Analysis Adopting the solid waste ordinance will have no additional fiscal impact to the city. Funding for these activities for the current fiscal year has already been approved by the City Council and ongoing costs will be requested during the annual budgeting process. Next Steps The amended ordinance will become effective 30 days after City Council adoption. Staff will present the ordinances banning plastic bags, plastic water bottles and the intentional release of balloon at city facilities and city-affiliated events to the City Council in May 2022. Environmental Evaluation The City Planner finds that adoption of this ordinance is exempt from environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act under CEQA Guidelines section 15061(b)(3) - Common Sense Exemption, Section 15307 -Actions by Regulatory Agencies for Protection of Natural Resources, and Section 15308 -Actions by Regulatory Agencies for Protection of the Environment. As a separate and independent basis, the City Planner finds that the proposed ordinance would prohibit food-service providers, or others using foodware at all city facilities and city-affiliated events, from providing prepared food in foodware made of polystyrene and, instead, require use of foodware that is reusable or compostable. The ordinance's proposed prohibition would April 5, 2022 Item #7 Page 3 of 12 result in greater use of foodware that is reusable or compostable. Reusable foodware has less environmental impacts than polystyrene in that it conserves natural resources and reduces the amount of material entering the waste stream. Similarly, compostable foodware has less environmental impacts than polystyrene in that it can be composted by the city's organic materials collection program, while polystyrene will be taken to landfills in the city's solid waste collection program. Expanded polystyrene, sometimes called by the brand name Styrofoam, is one form of plastic that is a harmful pollutant. Expanded polystyrene breaks down into smaller pieces, is easily carried by wind onto beaches and waterways, harms wildlife and persists in the marine environment. Polystyrene items and small single-use plastic foodware items, such as straws, are often difficult to recycle and are not accepted in the City of Carlsbad's recyclable materials collection program. Polystyrene has also been identified as one of the most common contaminants in the city's recyclable materials containers. Single-use disposable materials from food and beverage consumption, which include polystyrene items, make up approximately 25% of the waste produced in California. Recognizing these, and other issues with plastics, the state Legislature noted the significant environmental harm that plastic litter has caused in the state, and how it has required local governments to pay the significant costs of environmental cleanup (California Public Resources Code Section 42355). The United Nations Environment Program has declared plastic marine debris, and its ability to transport toxic substances, one of the main emerging issues in our global environment. A study from San Diego Coastkeeper found that 53% of the collected beach litter samples on the San Diego coastline was plastics, much of which was made of polystyrene. Furthermore, according to a 2013 report by the Natural Resources Defense Council, communities on the West Coast with populations ranging from 75,000 to 250,000 spend an average of $8.94 per capita on cleaning up litter and preventing it from entering waterways. In light of similar information, and studies such as these, the state Legislature enacted AB 1884 which prohibited full-service restaurants from providing single-use plastic straws unless requested by the consumer. No known significant effects on the environment have resulted from this state law. The Legislature also enacted AB 1276, which expanded on AB 1884 to require accessory food service ware (e.g., utensils, chopsticks, straws and stirrers) and condiments to only be provided upon consumer request, among other related requirements. No known significant effects on the environment have resulted from this state law. Accordingly, the proposed project will not only comply with new state regulations but also align city policy with environmental and sustainability guiding principles, reduce litter and marine debris and improve the city's solid waste diversion rates. For these reasons, the proposed project would protect the environment and not have a significant impact on the environment. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for viewing at least 72 hours prior to the posting of the agenda. Exhibits 1.City Council ordinance April 5, 2022 Item #7 Page 4 of 12 ORDINANCE NO. CS-420 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 6 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADD CHAPTER 6.20 -PHASED-IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN EXHIBIT 1 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad, California aims to be a leader in sustainability and take action to: protect our natural resources, the environment and wildlife, divert waste from landfills, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and increase city cleanliness and quality of life by reducing litter on city beaches and public areas; and WHEREAS, the State of 91ifornia has found and declared in California Public Resources Code Section 42355 that, "Littered plastic products have caused and continue to cause significant environmental harm and have burdened local governments with significant environmental cleanup costs"; and WHEREAS, expanded polystyrene, sometimes called "Styrofoam," is a harmful pollutant that breaks down into smaller pieces, is easily carried by wind onto beaches and waterways, harms wildlife and persists in the marine environment; and WHEREAS, polystyrene items and small single-use plastic foodware items are often difficult to recycle and are not accepted in the city's recyclable materials collection program; and WHEREAS, polystyrene has been identified as one of the most common contaminants in the city's recyclable materials containers; and WHEREAS, single-use disposable materials from food and beverage consumption make up approximately 25% of the waste produced in California; and WHEREAS, the city adopted a Sustainable Materials Management Plan on August 20, 2019 through Resolution No. 2019-145 and a subsequent Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan on December 14, 2021 through Resolution No. 2021-291, to provide recommendations and actions to support the city's achievement of its sustainability goals; and WHEREAS, a key initiative of the Sustainable Materials Implementation Plan is the research, development and implementation of policies that reduce waste and support the city's sustainability goals, including an ordinance to address single-use plastic foodware and polystyrene; and WHEREAS, the state Legislature enacted Assembly Bill 1884 in 2018 prohibiting full-service restaurants from providing single-use plastic straws unless requested by the consumer; and April 5, 2022 Item #7 Page 5 of 12 WHEREAS, the state Legislature enacted AB 1276 in 2021, which expanded on AB 1884 to require accessory foodware (e.g., utensils, chopsticks, straws, stirrers) and condiments only be provided upon consumer request, among other related requirements; and WHEREAS, AB 1276 does not prevent a city from adopting and implementing an ordinance that would further restrict a food facility or a third-party food delivery platform from providing single-use foodware accessories or standard condiments to a consumer; and WHEREAS, in addition to more sustainable alternatives for single-use foodware, the city wishes to encourage use of reusable foodware in order to emphasize the importance of source reduction and align with the city's Sustainable Materials Implementation Plan goals; and WHEREAS, by providing single-use foodware accessories only upon request and increasing use of reusables, businesses can limit unnecessary inventory reductions; and WHEREAS, as a coastal community, protecting the cleanliness of the city's beaches helps improve quality of life and stimulates the local economy by creating a more attractive environment for tourism; and WHEREAS, the acceptable alternatives to single-use foodware provided under the Ordinance will align with the materials accepted in the city's collection program, which reduces confusion for residents, businesses, and visitors about source separation requirements, and ultimately reduces the risk of contamination; and WHEREAS, reducing contamination benefits waste haulers and facility operators by improving effectiveness of collection and processing, increasing quality of materials, meeting diversion targets, and extending the operating life of landfills; and WHEREAS, in order to support businesses with successful implementation, this ordinance includes a phased implementation approach that prioritizes education prior to enforcement. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, ordains as follows: SECTION I: The above recitations are true and correct. SECTION II: Title 6 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to add Chapter 6.20-Phased- In Ban Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ban, which reads as follows: April 5, 2022 Item #7 Page 6 of 12 Sections: 6.20.010 6.20.020 6.20.030 6.20.040 6.20.050 6.20.060 6.20.070 6.20.080 6.20.090 Chapter 6.20 PHASED-IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN Intent and purpose. Definitions. Prohibition on polystyrene and single-use plastic foodware. City facilities and city-affiliated events. Foodware accessories requirements. Other provisions. Exemptions. Enforcement. Severability. 6.20.010 Intent and Purpose. A.It is the intent and purpose of this chapter to phase in a ban for the use of single-use plastic foodware provided in the city to: 1.Protect wildlife and the environment by reducing harmful litter and marine debris; 2.Divert waste from landfills and reduce contamination of the city's recyclable materials and organic materials collection programs; 3.Conserve resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions; 4.Improve the cleanliness of city public areas and beaches to increase quality of life for residents,businesses, and visitors; and, 5.Align with the goals set forth in other city policies, including the current city council-adopted versionsof the city's Sustainable Materials Management Plan and Climate Action Plan. 6.20.020 Definitions. A.For purposes of this chapter the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectivelyascribed to them by this section, unless it is obvious from the context that another meaning is intended: "AB 1276" means the 2021 bill amending California Public Resources Code Sections 42270 and 42271 and adding California Public Resources Code Sections 42272 and 42273, relating to solid waste and the provision of certain single-use foodware accessories. "City" or "City of Carlsbad" means the entity that governs the incorporated territory of the City of Carlsbad, California. "City-affiliated eve_nt" means any event or activity that is sponsored or co-sponsored by the city, is paid for, in part or full, using city funds, occurs on city-owned property, or requires a special event permit pursuant to Chapter 8.17 of this code or other authorization from the city. "City facilities" means any building, structure, facility, park, or vehicle owned, leased, or operated by the city, its agents, agencies, departments, and authorized designees. For purposes of this chapter, "City facility" does not include city-owned buildings, structures, property, parks, public spaces, or vehicles operated by an entity other than the City pursuant to a lease or other contractual arrangement. "City funds" means all monies or other assets received and managed by, or which are otherwise under the control of the city, and any notes, bonds, securities, certificates of indebtedness or other fiscal obligations issued by the city. For purposes of this chapter, "City funds" do not include funds received and managed by, or which are under the control of, any business improvement district. "Compostable" means materials that meet all of the following conditions: 1)Are accepted for collection in the city's organic materials collection program, as determined bythe city manager or designee; April 5, 2022 Item #7 Page 7 of 12 • 2)Meet the "ASTM standard specification" for compostability, as defined in California PublicResources Code Section 42356, or a subsequent standard if revised by the state inaccordance with Public Resources Code Section 42356.1. 3)Comply with the labeling requirements of California Public Resources Code Section 42357;and 4)Comply with the regulated perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances standards set forth inCalifornia Health and Safety Code Section 109000, as applicable to the types of "foodpackaging" defined under that section. "Consumer" has the same meaning as in California Health and Safety Code Section 113757. "Enforcement agency" means the City of Carlsbad or its authorized agents charged with ensuring compliance with this chapter. "Enforcement official" means the city manager of the City of Carlsbad or designee. "Food service provider" means any person or establishment that provides or sells prepared food or beverages on or off its premises within the city, including: 1)A restaurant, cafe, coffee shop, fast-food restaurant, drive-through service, grocery store,supermarket, convenience store, delicatessen, cafeteria, farmers' market vendor, or similarfacility where prepared food is available for consumption on or off the premises; 2)Any mobile food facility, mobile food vendor, catering operation, food truck, or temporary foodfacility that provides prepared food; 3)Transient lodging facilities, including hotels, motels, and bed and breakfasts that provideprepared food, regardless of whether the prepared food is complementary or available forpurchase by the consumer; and, 4)Entities specified in California Health and Safety Code Sections 113789(a) and 113789(b). For the purposes of this chapter, the definition of food service provider does not include the entities specified under Section 6.20.070. "Foodware" means items used for containing, serving, or consuming prepared food, including containers, cups, bowls, plates, trays, cartons, boxes, and foodware accessories. Foodware does not include polystyrene egg cartons, meat trays, coolers, ice chests, or packing materials. "Foodware accessory" means foodware items, including utensils (e.g., forks, knives, spoons, and sparks), straws, stirrers, condiment cups and packets, cup lids, cup sleeves, cocktail sticks, toothpicks, splash sticks, spill plugs, and other similar accessory items used as part of or alongside prepared food. "Person" means any person, business, corporation, or event organizer or promoter; public, nonprofit, or private entity, agency, or institution; or, partnership, association, or other organization or group, however organized. "Polystyrene" means a thermoplastic petrochemical material utilizing the styrene monomer including, but not limited to, polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene processed by any number of techniques including, but not limited to, fusion of polymer spheres (expandable bead polystyrene), injection molding, foam molding, extrusion-blow molding (extruded foam polystyrene), and clear or solid polystyrene (oriented polystyrene). "Prepared food" means food or beverages that are prepared and served or provided by the food service provider using any cooking or food or beverage preparation technique and that are ready to consume, either on or off the food service provider's premises, without further food or beverage preparation or repackaging. Prepared food includes "beverages" and "ready to eat food" as defined in California Health and Safety Code Sections 113739 and 113881, respectively. Prepared food does not include raw or uncooked whole fruits or vegetables that are not prepared through chopping, squeezing, blending, mixing, or otherwise altered through food preparation; or, uncooked meat, poultry, fish, or eggs that are not intentionally provided for further consumption without food preparation. April 5, 2022 Item #7 Page 8 of 12 "Regulated entities" means food service providers, city facilities, city-affiliated events, or other persons regulated by this chapter. "Reusable" means items manufactured out of durable materials to be used repeatedly over an extended period of time and are able to be washed and sanitized in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. "Single-use" means items designed for one-time or limited use prior to being discarded, and not designed for repeated use and sanitizing. "Standard condiment" means relishes, spices, sauces, confections, or seasonings that require no additional preparation and that are usually used on a food item after preparation, including ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, soy sauce, hot sauce, salsa, salt, pepper, sugar, and sugar substitutes. "Third-party food delivery platform" has the same meaning as in California Health and Safety Code Section 113930. 5. 6.20.030 Prohibition on polystyrene and single-use plastic foodware. A.Food service providers shall not provide prepared food in foodware made of polystyrene and shall only usefoodware that is reusable or compostable. B.Food service providers shall comply with the requirements of this chapter for both on-premises and off­ premises consumption of prepared food; and, for any method of ordering, including in-person, telephone,drive-through, self-serve, web or other digital order, or through a third-party food delivery platform. C.Notwithstanding Section 6.20.030(A), the following foodware types are permissible: 1.A food service provider may use non-compostable foil wrappers if those wrappers are necessary to contain and form the prepared food (e.g., for burritos or wraps), provided that such wrappers areaccepted in the city's recyclable materials collection program; and, 2.A food service provider may maintain a small supply of single-use plastic straws to provide toconsumers with a disability or other medical or health conditions, in accordance with Section 6.20.070. Such straws shall be provided only upon request, in accordance with Section 6.20.050. 6.20.040 City facilities and city-affiliated events. A.The procurement, use, or distribution of foodware that is made of polystyrene or foodware that is not reusable or compostable shall be prohibited at all city facilities, and city-affiliated events. Foodwareaccessories shall be distributed in accordance with Section 6.20.050. B.The city, its departments, agents, employees, or designees acting in their official capacity as representativesof the city, shall not purchase or otherwise procure foodware that is made of polystyrene or that is not compostable or reusable. City funds utilized in any manner, including purchase orders, purchasing cards,and grant money, shall not be used to purchase foodware that does not comply with the requirements ofthis chapter. C.All special event permit applications required by Chapter 8.17 of this code, city facility rental agreements,leases, vendor contracts, or other such approvals for applicable activities or services on city property shallinclude a provision requiring the applicant to assume responsibility for complying with the requirements ofthis chapter. 6.20.050 Foodware accessories requirements. A.Regulated entities shall distribute foodware accessories in accordance with this chapter and AB 1276. To the extent that this chapter is more stringent, this chapter shall govern, as permitted under California PublicResources Code Section 42271 (h). B.Except as provided in subsections 6.20.050(E) through 6.20.050(H) below, regulated entities shall not provide any single-use foodware accessory or standard condiments packaged for single use to a consumerunless the foodware accessory or standard condiment is requested by the consumer. C.Regulated entities shall comply with the requirements of this section for both on-premises and off-premisesconsumption of prepared food; and, for any method of ordering, including in-person, telephone, drive­ through, self-serve, web or other digital order, or through a third-party food delivery platform. April 5, 2022 Item #7 Page 9 of 12 D.Single-use foodware accessories and standard condiments packaged for single use provided by regulatedentities for use by consumers shall not be bundled or packaged in a manner that prohibits a consumer from taking only the type of single-use foodware accessory or standard condiment desired without also havingto take a different type of single-use foodware accessory or standard condiment. E.A food service provider may ask a drive-through consumer if the consumer wants a single-use foodwareaccessory, rather than the consumer initiating the request, if the single-use foodware accessory isnecessary for the consumer to consume prepared food, or to safely transport or prevent spills of preparedfood. F.A food service provider that is located entirely within a public use airport, as defined in Section 77.3 of Title14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, may ask a walk-through consumer if the consumer wants a single­use foodware accessory, rather than the consumer initiating the request, if the single-use foodwareaccessory is necessary for the consumer to consume prepared food, or to safely transport or prevent spillsof prepared food. G.A food service provider may provide lids or cup sleeves for beverages that are provided via drive-throughor delivery by the food service provider or a third-party food delivery platform without consumer request, ifspecifically necessary for the consumer to safely consume such beverages, or for prevention of spills andthe safe transport of beverages. H.A third-party food delivery platform shall provide consumers with the option to request single-use foodwareaccessories or standard condiments from a food service provider serving prepared food. The third-partyfood delivery platform shall provide the food service provider with the option to customize its menu on theplatform and provide technical assistance to the food service provider as needed in order to make suchchanges. I.If a food service provider uses any third-party food delivery platform for prepared food, the food serviceprovider shall customize its menu with a list of available single-use foodware accessories and standardcondiments, and only those single-use foodware accessories or standard condiments selected by theconsumer shall be provided by the food service provider. If a consumer does not select any single-usefoodware accessories or standard condiments, no single-use foodware accessory or standard condimentshall be provided by the food service provider for delivery of prepared food, except as provided for insubsection 6.20.0S0(G) above. J.Nothing in this section shall prohibit a regulated entity from making unwrapped single-use foodwareaccessories available to a consumer using refillable self-service dispensers that dispense one item at a timeto allow for single-use foodware accessories to be obtained. K.Nothing in this section shall prohibit a regulated entity from making standard condiments available to aconsumer using refillable self-service dispensers to allow for standard condiments to be obtained. 6.20.060 Other provisions to reduce use of single-use plastics. A.Regulated entities are encouraged, but not required, to take actions in addition to the requirements of thischapter that support a goal of reducing the use of and waste generated by single-use foodware. B.Regulated entities are strongly encouraged, but shall not be required, to provide refillable or reusablefoodware rather than disposable foodware for consumers, to the greatest extent practicable. C.A regulated entity that offers standard condiments is encouraged to use bulk dispensers for the condimentsrather than condiments packaged for single use. D.Food service providers, at their discretion, may include a charge for foodware provided to consumers orprovide other incentives to encourage use of reusable foodware. E.Within 30 days of the effective date of this chapter, food service providers shall post educational materialsregarding the requirements of this chapter, if such materials are provided by the city. The educationalmaterials shall be posted on or near the food service provider's menu, point-of-sale counter, or other locationthat is clearly visible to the consumer prior to ordering. April 5, 2022 Item #7 Page 10 of 12 6.20.070 Exemptions. The following exemptions and waiver provisions shall apply: A.Entities excluded from the requirements of this chapter include correctional institutions, health care facilities,residential care facilities, and public and private school cafeterias, as defined in California Public ResourcesCode Section 42273. 8.The city manager may temporarily exempt regulated entities from some or all of the provisions of thischapter during an "emergency", as defined in Section 6.04.020, for the immediate preservation of publicpeace, health, or safety consistent with the provisions of Chapter 6.04. C.The city manager or designee may exempt certain item(s) from the provisions of this chapter, if the citymanager or designee determines that no reasonably feasible alternative is available for one or more typesof foodware regulated under this chapter, until the city manager or designee determines that a feasiblealternative is available. D.Nothing in this chapter shall restrict, or be construed to constrict, the availability and provision of single-useplastic straws requested by a consumer with a disability or other medical or health condition orcircumstance. It shall not be a violation of this chapter for a regulated entity to provide a single-use plasticstraw to such individuals that specifically request plastic straws in accordance with this subsection. E.The city manager or designee may adopt rules, regulations, or forms for regulated entities to obtain full orpartial temporary waivers for up to six months from one or more requirements of this chapter. The subjectof such waivers may include feasibility-based exemptions. The city manager or designee may also adoptan administrative fee for waiver applications, as well as a process for waiving administrative fees for certainapplicants. 6.20.080 Enforcement. A.The enforcement agency and enforcement official may exercise any code enforcement powers andprocedures as provided in Title 1 of this code. The enforcement agency and enforcement official shallenforce the requirements set forth in Section 6.20.050 commencing June 1, 2022; and, shall enforce therequirements of all other requirements of this chapter, unless otherwise provided in subsequent sections,commencing July 1, 2023. 8.Each regulated entity shall maintain records demonstrating compliance with the requirements of this chapterand make such records available for inspection upon request of the city manager or designee. C.The first and second violations of this chapter shall result in a notice of violation, and any subsequentviolation shall constitute an infraction punishable by a fine of twenty-five dollars ($25) for each day inviolation, but not to exceed three hundred dollars ($300) annually. D.The city manager or designee is authorized to establish rules and regulations and to take any and all actionsnecessary for the administration and enforcement of this chapter. Such actions may include inspecting thepremises of the regulated entity to verify compliance with this chapter. E.All regulated entities required to have a business license under Chapter 5.04 of this code shall certify inwriting their compliance with the provisions of this chapter as part of their annual business license renewalapplication. F.The city attorney is authorized to pursue all available administrative, civil, and criminal remedies set forth inthis code to enforce this chapter. The city attorney may seek legal, injunctive, or other equitable relief toenforce this chapter. G.The remedies and penalties provided in this section may be cumulative and are not exclusive. 6.20.090 Severability. If any portion of this chapter, or its application to particular persons or circumstances, is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a final decision of a court of competent jurisdiction, the decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this chapter or the application of the chapter to persons or circumstances not similarly situated. April 5, 2022 Item #7 Page 11 of 12 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption; and the City Clerk's Office shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause the full text of the ordinance or a summary of the ordinance prepared by the City Attorney to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a Regular Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 5th day of April, 2022, and thereafter PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the_ day of ___ _, 2022, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CELIA A. BREWER, City Attorney MATT HALL, Mayor FAVIOLA MEDINA, City Clerk Services Manager (SEAL) April 5, 2022 Item #7 Page 12 of 12 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Kathy < kathy@kathyaustin.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :29 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, All Receive -Agenda Item # ]_ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Da~S /1,t, CA J.L. CC ✓ CM ACM / DCM (3) 7 I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Katherine Austin 858-77 5-0407 Sent from Mail for Windows en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Kaylin McCauley From: Sent: William Geibel <billygeibel@gma il.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :26 AM To: City Clerk Subject: Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED 11\j SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank yoi.l for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Bill William Robertson Geibel, Ph.D. Associate Director of Experiential Learning / Lecturer Sixth College University of California, San Diego (UCSD) Connect with me on Linkedln en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 2 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Janis <janisjones@me.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :23 AM City Clerk Agenda Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Coalition Statement .pdf Dear Mayor Hall and City Council Members, As an avid cleaner of Carlsbad beaches, I would first like to thank you for moving forward with the Sustainable Materials Management Plan adopted in December to address both organic and inorganic waste. The single- use plastic measures proposed in the plan are forward thinking and will help prevent harmful debris from littering Carlsbad's neighborhoods, parks, and beaches. I personally advocate for single-use plastic reduction measures because the environment and human health are at risk, and the news is frightening . For example a headline from National Geographic reads "Plastic proliferates at the bottom of world's deepest ocean trench" and another one asks "Why does the Arctic have more plastic than most places on Earth?" It is so prevalent, that microplastics are in the food we eat, the beverages we drink, and it's even in the air we breath, and we recently learned the shocking news that microplastics are now circulating in our blood. In other words, plastic pollution is everywhere, and it's impacting the environment and human health. The statistics are alarming, but I become even more alarmed when I walk along the beach in Carlsbad and see first-hand the amount of plastic debris that washes up on the shoreline (see attached images taken on beaches in Carlsbad). I commonly find single-use foodware items, such as take away cups, straws, and utensils along with plastic take-out containers and Styrofoam™. The broken bits of foam are among the worst pollutants because they are extremely difficult to clean up. In spite of everything, I remain hopeful because I have seen the outpouring of support for plastic pollution mitigation measures in local jurisdictions. In fact, seven cities in San Diego County have already adopted ordinances with Vista and San Marcos recently becoming the first inland cities in the County to take action. In addition to the Surfrider Foundation, over 20 organizations signed the attached document calling for ordinances like the one being proposed for Carlsbad. With that said, Carlsbad has the opportunity to lead the way by adopting the proposed ordinance as written. I deeply appreciate the work that city staff has done to bring this ordinance forward and want to thank you in advance for doing everything you can to protect the environment for today's residents and visitors-and for future generations. With appreciation, Janis Jones 3 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: Jordan/ Kindhumans <jordan@kindhumans.com> Monday, April 4i 2022 11 :24 AM To: City Clerk Subject: Item 7: Phased Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ban Dear sir or madam, Please help stop the use of single use pla stic in carlsbad and onward. There are simple changes that we can make to make a mass ive impact. I am blown away by the amount of plastic and styrofoam that gets used in town. It's unnecessary with all the solutions we have. Being such an ocean-centric community, we need to respect and take care of our beloved sea. Please ban single use plastic in ca rlsbad and onward! Kind thanks and hope this finds you well, Jordan Miller Jordan Miller Kindhumans / Creative Director of Media www.kindhumans.com o 760 487 5191 C 805 217 6184 11 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Maxine Garcia <maxinegarciasd@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :24 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Maxine Garcia-Reilly 12 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: Scott Overland <s.overl and@icloud.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :24 AM To: City Clerk Subject: Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future w ith a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife w ho call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Scott Overland s.overland@icloud.com 760-815-1093 13 Ka tin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Darlene Martineau <darmartineau@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :23 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife w ho call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials M anagement Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Darlene Martineau Sent from my iPad CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 14 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Sha Sha Lynn Hecht <shashaspalace@gmail.com > Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :21 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, nize the sender and know the content i 15 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello, Joe Houde <j oe@ecinstitute.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :21 AM City Clerk 7. PHASED-IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN I urge the city council to adopt 7. PHASED-IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Plastic pollution is a scourge on our planet. Thank you, Joe Houde 904-347-9250 16 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Diana A <dra805@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :20 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, As a resident of Carlsbad I appreciate the council's efforts to move our city towards becoming environmental stewards. It's important that we ban plastic foodware & styrofoam. I already do this today when I order food to go. I request no plastic bags and no plastic utensils. In the long run, this is better for our businesses in saving on costs and it's a phased approach so the businesses have time to adapt. It keeps less plastic and styrofoam off our beautiful beaches. Also it's a health issue as microplastics have been found in our blood stream. • The scientists found microparticles of four common plastics in blood samples from 17 out of 22 healthy adults. I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Diana Aguirre D3 Resident en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 17 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: Richard Zak < rzcheckit@sbcglobal.net> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :21 AM To: City Clerk Subject: Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Richard and Sharon Zak 1730 Rogue Isle Ct. Carlsbad, 92008 18 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Denise Erkeneff <denisedd@cox.net> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :20 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. I supported same measure that passed in Laguna Beach, with even more sweeping verbiage including no plastic sleeves for deli or fast food deli sa ndwiches. Who needs it if they're already wrapped in paper? Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who ca ll it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Denise Erkeneff CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 19 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Hock, Louis <lhock@ucsd.edu> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :19 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council,<BR><BR>I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance.<BR><BR>Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production.<BR><BR>To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance.<BR><BR>Sincerely,<BR> Sent from my iPhone LouisHock.info CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 20 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Ann Fitch <anniefitch007@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :19 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who ca ll it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, 21 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Jen Caruso <jenlcaruso@yahoo.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :19 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across Sa n Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Jen Caruso CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the se nder and know the content is safe. 22 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Kaylee Duncanson <kadunc279@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :19 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusa ble and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who ca ll it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Kaylee Duncanson en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 23 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: juliana almeida <julliduarte@hotmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :18 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future w ith a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the se nder and know the content is safe. 24 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Rachel <rachel.lubich@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :17 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council,<BR><BR>I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance.<BR><BR>Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production.<BR><BR>To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance.<BR><BR>Sincerely,<BR> Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 25 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Courtney Vail <Courtney@lightkeepersfoundation.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11:16 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please su pport our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plast ics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Courtney Vail 26 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Adriana Santo Tomas <adriana.santo.tomas@googlemail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :16 AM City Cl erk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, 27 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Angela Naple <nadogirl5@aim.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11:15 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife w ho call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert wast e. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Angela Naple Sent from my iPhone CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 28 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Angela Naple <nadogirl5@aim.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :14 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHAStD IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 29 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Richard Leeman < rcleeman@att.net> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :13 AM City Clerk Subject: Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOOD WARE BAN. Reusable and com po stable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Richard Leeman 351 Acacia Ave Carlsbad, 92008 30 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Mark Brolaski <mbrosurfer@hotmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :12 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote t o adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the hea lth of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who ca ll it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Mark Brolaski Get Outlook for Android en attachments or click on links unless 31 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Mitchell Green <mlinngreen@yahoo.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11: 12 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021 . Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Mitch Green 32 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: maggielocke@aol.com Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :11 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021 . Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Maggie Locke en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 33 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: juliehowe@sbcglobal.net Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :12 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like t o express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of t he pollut ion found by beach clea nup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife w ho call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert wast e. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Julie M . Howe 34 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: CB <carolbrownsd@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :11 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Carol Brown 35 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Tansy Woods <tansyw73@yahoo.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11:10 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021 . Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Tansy Woods CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless 36 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Candace Ryan <caryan@csumb.edu > Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :09 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable l'y1ayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusa ble and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on t his essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 37 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Chelsea Jones < chelseakjones@yahoo.com > Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :09 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would li ke to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are read ily availa ble and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic food ware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the po llution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 202 1. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Chelsea Luedeke 38 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Amalia Bruning <amalialbruning7@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :08 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, nize the sender and know the content i 39 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Kieran J. Purcell <KPurcell @epsten.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :07 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021 . Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Kieran Purcell Kieran J. Purcell Esq. Shareholder Transactional Department Chair 10200 Willow Creek Road, Suite 100 I San Diego, CA 92131 Phone: 1.858.527.0111 I Fax: 1.858.527.1531 I Extension: 220 I www.epsten.com To opt out of future email communications from Epsten, APC, please visit www.epsten.com/opt-ouU This message contains information which may be confidential or legally privileged. Unless you are the addressee (or are authorized to receive e-mail for the addressee), you may not use, copy or disclose to anyone the message or any 40 information contained in the message or any attachment. If you have received the message in error, please advise the sender by reply e-mail and delete the message and any attachments and destroy all hard copies. Thank you. Federal Law Disclosure -If you are a person receiving this email communication in relation to a debt you owe, please be advised of the following, as required by Federal law: This communication is from a debt collector and is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Important Notice Regarding Courtesy Items -Document templates, forms and/or publications provided as a courtesy should be reviewed with legal counsel to ensure they address legal issues that may be specific to your community or situation. en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 41 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Aaron Griffiths <awgriffey@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :06 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN . Reusa ble and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of t he pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts t he health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Aaron Griffiths en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 42 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: cbarros@gmail.com Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :06 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please su pport our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Chris Barros en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 43 Ka Jin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Whitney MacKenzie <whitney.mackenzie@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :OS AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and co mpostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Pl ease support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Whitney MacKenzie en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 44 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: karma1007 <karma1007@yahoo.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :06 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers o.n beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Matt Story CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 45 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Michael Lynn Filia <kulia1@yahoo.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :OS AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Cou ncil, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SING LE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city%2+.s Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android en attachments or click on links unless 46 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Lucia Rose <luciacrose7@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :05 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Lucia Caroline Rose 47 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello, Harry <harrybubbins@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :05 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware I visit Carlsbad often and shop and recreate. I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vot e to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, HARRY BUBBINS en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 48 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Carolyn Krammer <carolnoceanside@cs.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :OS AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN . Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead . Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021 . Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. I am not a Carlsbad resident but the ocean belongs to everyone. Thank You for protecting our Ocean and its environment. Carolyn Krammer, Oceanside resident. CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless 49 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Dbarbolla <dbarbolla2001 @yahoo.com > Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :05 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to p_olystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting t o approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Diane Everett Barbolla 8183 via Mallorca La Jolla 92037 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 50 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Jill Seagren <jillseagren@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :03 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plast ic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and co mpostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who ca ll it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Since rely, Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 51 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Celia Conover <cc@studioconover.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :02 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and co mpostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily ava ilable and must be used instead. Pl ease support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife w ho ca ll it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Celia Conover STUDIO CONOVER 3131 Reynard Way San Diego CA 92103 T 619.238.1999 x103 F 619.238.1888 www.studioconover.com 52 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Anthony Ostuni <anthonyjostuni@gmail.com > Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :03 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instea d. Please support our shared future w ith a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the se nder and know the content is safe. 53 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Shannon Schneider <schneider.shannon@outlook.com > Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :02 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who ca ll it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for vot ing to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Since rely, Shannon Schneider en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 54 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Michael Deblieck <michaeldeb1ieck415@gmail.com > Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :02 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocea n and the wildlife who ca ll it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Respectfully, Michael Deblieck 619-838-3799 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 55 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Vanessa Paz Navarro <vanpaznav@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :01 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of t he pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Vanessa Navarro 56 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Alexandra Regan <aregan@goldendoor.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 10:57 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I have been a Carlsbad resident for 32 years. I kindly ask that you please accept my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used inst ead. Please support our shared future w ith a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocea n and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Alexandra Regan "This electronic communication, including any attachments, may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information that is only intended for the recipient(s) names above. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the communication and any attachments. Any unauthorized review or use is strictly prohibited." en attachments or click on links unless 57 . Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: Sustainable Shane <shanecoopersmith@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 10:22 AM To: City Clerk Subject: Item 7: Phased Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ban Greetings! As a lifelong Carlsbad resident and Environmental Educator I'm absolutely for the Single-use Foodware Reduction Ordinance. I first hand have witnessed the health and environmental issues of single-use foodware and urge you to pass the ordinance. Best, Sustainable Shane Sustainable Shane Shane Robert Coopersmith @sustainable.shane sustainableshane. com shanecoopersmith@gmail.com 58 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello, Brendan Nicholas <nicholas.brendan@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 8:41 AM City Clerk Carlsbad Plastic Ordinance I am writing to support passing of agenda item 7, the phased-in single use-plastic foodware ban. As a resident of San Diego, a father, surfer, and outdoor enthusiast, I believe these ordinances are an important first step in fighting ocean pollution and climate change. Plastic pollution is a growing threat to the world's oceans, as well as to our health and climate. Each year, an estimated 33 billion pounds of plastic enter the marine environment. This is roughly equivalent to two garbage trucks full of plastic being dumped into the oceans every minute. The top 10 most common waste items found worldwide coastal cleanups in 2020 were single-use plastic products, including grocery bags, takeout containers, beverage bottles, straws and stirrers Thankfully, communities around the globe are taking action, including here in Southern California. Last year alone, the cities of San Marcos, Vista, Oceanside, Laguna Beach, and Los Angeles all passed policies to reduce single-use plastic. It's time Carlsbad joins them. We have a responsibility to protect our communities, our planet, our children, and our future. There's no time to waste. Please vote yes and pass this ordinance tonight. Thanks, Brendan Nicholas 619-994-6055 nicholas.brendan@gmail.com en attachments or click on links unless 59 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: surfpilot1@aol.com Monday, April 4, 2022 8:04 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FQODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Victoria Conlon San Diego County Resident en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 60 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Dawn Casillas <onecleanbeach@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 7:13 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Dawn Casillas Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 61 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Jazmine Stenger-Smith <jazmine.stengersmith@gmail.com > Sunday, April 3, 2022 8:08 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ban To whom it may concern: My name is Jazmine Stenger-Smith and I live and work in Carlsbad. I support the ban of si ngle use plastics. I have participated is several clean ups on beaches and in my neighborhood and it's appalling to see t hat most found trash is single use plastic food ware. It makes me sad to see our bea utiful city littered with the trash that is so easy to replace and that w e've (humans) have lived without before. Dishwashers and bringing your own Tupperware are easy behavior changes that ca n reso lve this issues that do not require additional cost. I support the single use plastic food ware and skip the stuff. Thank you for rea ding. ~Jazmine Stenger-Smith CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 62 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: Karyn Thielen <karynthielen@hotmail.com> Sunday, April 3, 2022 4:18 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Please help reduce plastic in our Oceans. Sincerely, Karyn Thielen 2896 Woodridge circle Carlsbad, CA 92008 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 63 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Ellen Spooner <ellspoon@umich.edu> Sunday, April 3, 2022 2:18 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and co mpostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future w ith a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who ca ll it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Since rely, Ellen Spooner CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 64 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Lewis, Wes <Wes.Lewis@softwareone.com> Sunday, April 3, 2022 11:48 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and co mpostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of t he pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, -Wes lewis SoftwareONE 920 675 9373 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 65 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Morgan Yake <morgan.yake@gmail.com> Sunday, April 3, 2022 11:15 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachment s or click on links unless you recognize the se nder and know the content is safe. 66 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Jenny Stenger-Smith <jennystengersmith@gmail.com> Sunday, April 3, 2022 9:18 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Jenny Stenger-Smith Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 67 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Mackenzie Kelly <mackenzielkelly@gmail.com> Sunday, April 3, 2022 8:36 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and com postable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please su pport our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Mackenzie Kelly CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 68 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Shelly Kramer <shellyjlong@hotmail.com> Saturday, April 2, 2022 11 :38 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction -ordinance. Sincerely, Shelly Kramer Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device Get Outlook for Android en attachments or click on links unless 69 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Brigit Belshin <skyc1imber96@me.com> Saturday, April 2, 2022 10:58 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Co uncil, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vot e to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife w ho call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Si ncerely, Brigit Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 70 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Stephanie Lawrence <its.steph.lawrence@gmail.com> Saturday, April 2, 2022 10:41 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ban Honorable Mayor and City Council, As a former Carlsbad resident, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Our beaches, oceans, and waterways are constantly polluted with single-use plastic. With the pandemic and its uptick in to-go orders, the pollution has only increased. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are read ily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Sincerely, Stephanie 71 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: joelmuzzey@mail.com Saturday, April 2, 2022 9:41 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ban As a 15 year resident & Carlsbad homeowner, I want to see single-use plastics banned in our community for foodware accessories including straws, utensils, condiment packets, and styrofoam/foam containers If any member of the city council has set foot on one of our local beaches in the last decade, it becomes quite obvious that we already have a significant problem with plastic trash & ocean plastics. As a city that prides itself on being progressive, we are already WAY behind on this issue. Must we continue to trail behind the truly future-minded communities that surround us while the local environment continues to be degraded? What is the City Of Carlsbad all about? Certainly it's NOT about supporting outdated & destructive practices that are counter to a healthy, clean, coastal community. We actually could lead instead. And do right by the place we call home. Your kids & their kids might appreciate it. Thanks. Sent using the mobile mail app CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 72 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Karla Gause <karla.gause@gmail.com> Saturday, April 2, 2022 9:38 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a-livable planet forfuture generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Karla Gause CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 73 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: kk McEvilly <keilimcevilly@icloud.com> Saturday, April 2, 2022 9:04 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Keili McEvilly Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 74 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Jon Holstein <jph231@gmail.com> Saturday, April 2, 2022 6:23 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, As a long-time Carlsbad resident, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 75 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Tina Overland <t.overland@icloud.com> Saturday, April 2, 2022 6:10 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Tina N. Overland Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 76 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Beluga <snazybear1650@gmail.com> Saturday, April 2, 2022 5:55 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, As a Carlsbad resident, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Alex Rubenson 77 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: laurelj240@aol.com Saturday, April 2, 2022 5:31 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, From a Carlsbad Resident, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city%2.+s Sustainable Materia ls Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely,Laurel Rubenson en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 78 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Evie <evangeline.airth@gmail.com> Saturday, April 2, 2022 2:48 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compost able alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please su pport our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who ca ll it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance I!! I work in Carlsbad and often get takeout so this would directly effect me! Since rely, Evangeline Kidd CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 79 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Jim Royer <jroyer1@gmail.com> Saturday, April 2, 2022 2:47 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN . Reusa ble and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, James Royer CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 80 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Simone Fraid <simone.fraid@gmail.com> Saturday, April 2, 2022 2:38 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Simone Fraid 81 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Jeffrey Manchester <jbmanchester@yahoo.com> Saturday, April 2, 2022 2:32 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, si ngle-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Si ncerely, Jeff Manchester Carlsbad Resident Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 82 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Marilyn Minnix <jademf@sbcglobal.net> Saturday, April 2, 2022 1 :37 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ban I live in Carlsbad and am so grateful that the Carlsbad City Council is considering a city code ban on single use plastic food ware. Please Vote YES As intelligent human beings it is our responsibility to correct our mistakes when we realize we are doing something to destroy the very earth we survive on. If we don't take that responsibility, we will parish. It is that simple. The strong take responsibility. The weak ignore, struggle and die. Plastics are a convenient but destructive and deadly mistake. WE NEED TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY AND CORRECT THIS MISTAKE. THERE ARE BIO-DEGRADABLE SOLUTIONS Thank you for caring. Marilyn Minnix CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 83 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Ben Rubenson <ben@surfridersd.org> Saturday, April 2, 2022 1 :20 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, As a resident of Carlsbad and someone who loves the local beaches, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet forfuture generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Ben Rubenson 84 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: Jenny Roberts <jenny@surfridersd.org > Saturday, April 2, 2022 12:09 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and co mpostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future w ith a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Jen ny Roberts Jenny Roberts Rise Above Plastics South San Diego County jenny@surfridersd.org 551-265-9176 85 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Billy Steele <bsteele22@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :36 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Billy Steele Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Aysin Neville <aysinneville@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :36 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who ca ll it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Aysin Neville Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Ka tin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Lisa Spinelli <lspin625@yahoo.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :33 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021 . Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, en attachments or click on links unless 3 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: JOHN BARKER <scaudio@flash.net> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :33 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021 . Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless 4 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Casey Contreras <contr082@cougars.csusm.edu > Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :33 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Casey Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 5 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: m h <lajollareefs@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :32 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council,<BR><BR>I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance.<BR><BR>Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production.<BR><BR>To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance.<BR><BR>Sincerely,<BR> Mark Huhn Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 6 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Victor Feodorov <vfeodorov33@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :31 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please su pport our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, 7 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: veedub88 <veedub88@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :31 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our co mmunity, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Ben en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 8 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Diane Nygaard <dnygaard3@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :38 AM City Clerk Comments on # 7 Single Use Plastic Food Items Ban Honorable Mayor and City Council Thank you and city staff for recognizing the harm that comes from single use plastics and taking this important step to do something about it. This phased approach balances the need to eliminate single use food plastics, while allowing the market to make this adjustment-that is a win-win for everyone. We urge you to vote yes on this proposed ordinance. And then consider future actions to address the remaining 75% of plastic debris that harms our coastal waters, marine life, and ultimately all of us. Diane Nygaard On Behalf of Preserve Calavera en attachments or click on links unless Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: MICHAEL GILGUN <mgilgun@cox.net> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :38 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Michael Gilgun 2 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Christine Hurst <hurst.christine@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 12:06 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Susta inable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Christine Hurst Sent from my iPhone CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Tish <simpsontish@yahoo.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :56 AM City Cl erk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cau se pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Tish Simpson Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Du kes Wooters <j.dukeswooters@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :56 AM City Clerk Item 7: Singl e-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Dukes Wooters 3 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Megan Glynn <mcurtis111 1@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11:55 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on t his essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Megan Glynn 4 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Lee Mills <lee.mills@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :53 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Counci l, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily ava ilable and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementat ion Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, 5 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Kerry Siekmann <siekmann1@att.net> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :52 AM City Clerk Subject: Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach clea nup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife w ho call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Kerry and Tom Siekmann Sent from my iPad CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 6 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Greg Thomsen <gregshel79@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :48 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, 7 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: susan salazar <susanmsalazar1961 @gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :32 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Sent from Mail for Windows en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 8 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: John W. McDonough <john@johnwmcdonough.com> Monday, April 4, 20221 1:47 AM City Clerk_ Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who ca ll it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, 9 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Ann H. (she/her) <huangann2003@163.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :46 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ban Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please su pport our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife w ho call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Susta inable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, An.n Hl;!ang (s~e/her) ... . • , • CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 10 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: MINDI MCDONALD <timindi1@aol.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :45 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plast ic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council,<BR><BR>I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance.<BR><BR>Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production.<BR><BR> To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance.<BR><BR>Sincerely,<BR> Sincerely, Mindi McDonald Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe . .. 11 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Tina Overland <t.overland@icloud.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :42 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Tina N. Overland Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 12 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Connie McGovern <conniescoggins32@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :43 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who ca ll it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Connie McGovern 13 Kaylin McCauley From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Janis <janisjones@me.com> Mo nday, April 4, 2022 11 :23 AM City Clerk Agenda Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Coalition Statement .pdf Dear Mayor Hall and City Council Members, All Receive -Agenda Item # .!t For the Information of the: . 'r'TY COUNCIL Date~CA v CC ~ CM .,,.,,ACM ~CM (3) ...:::::-- As an avid cleaner of Carlsbad beaches, I would first like to thank you for moving forward with the Sustainable Materials Management Plan adopted in December to address both organic and inorganic waste. The single- use plastic measures proposed in the plan are forward thinking and will help prevent harmful debris from littering Carlsbad's neighborhoods, parks, and beaches. I personally advocate for single-use plastic reduction measures because the environment and human health are at risk, and the news is frightening. For example a headline from National Geographic reads "Plastic proliferates at the bottom of world's deepest ocean trench" and another one asks "Why does the Arctic have more plastic than most places on Earth?" It is so prevalent, that microplastics are in the food we eat, the beverages we drink, and it's even in the air we breath, and we recently learned the shocking news that microplastics are now circulating in our blood. In other words, plastic pollution is everywhere, and it's impacting the environment and human health. The statistics are alarming, but I become even more alarmed when I walk along the beach in Carlsbad and see first-hand the amount of plastic debris that washes up on the shoreline (see attached images taken on beaches in Carlsbad). I commonly find single-use foodware items, such as take away cups, straws, and utensils along with plastic take-out containers and Styrofoam™. The broken bits of foam are among the worst pollutants because they are extremely difficult to clean up. In spite of everything, I remain hopeful because I have seen the outpouring of support for plastic pollution mitigation measures in local jurisdictions. In fact, seven cities in San Diego County have already adopted ordinances with Vista and San Marcos recently becoming the first inland cities in the County to take action. In addition to the Surfrider Foundation, over 20 organizations signed the attached document calling for ordinances like the one being proposed for Carlsbad. With that said, Carlsbad has the opportunity to lead the way by adopting the proposed ordinance as written. I deeply appreciate the work that city staff has done to bring this ordinance forward and want to thank you in advance for doing everything you can to protect the environment for today's residents and visitors-and for future generations. With appreciation, Janis Jones CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 3 Environmental Groups Ask San Diego Cities To Phase Out Single-Use Plastics The undersigned organizations have joined together to strongly encourage all San Diego County municipalities to phase out single-use plastic products that are the leading cause of pollution -a threat to the world's oceans, as well as our food, health and climate. Many countries around the world have implemented policies governing the production and use of single-use plastic, which are the most effective way to stem the flow of plastic pollution into our ecosystems and streets. Unfortunately, the United States has so far failed to implement any similar nationwide policies. Instead, California, Hawaii and New Jersey are among the states taking action, as are counties and cities across the country. For example, five San Diego County cities have already passed ordinances that restrict plastic bags, polystyrene foam, plastic straws, and other single-use plastic products. We hope all San Diego cities will join them in introducing similar policies. The time to take action on the plastic crisis is now! Nearly 40% of all plastic produced is for packaging, most of which is used once and then discarded. This comes with a tremendous cost to individuals, communities, wi ldlife, and ecosystems. Plastic Production Is Growing ... Plastic pollutes throughout its entire lifecycle, starting with fossil-fuel extraction, and continues through its manufacture, transport, disposal and degradation. Left unchecked, plastic production is expected to increase by more than 40% over the next decade. Unless we make major policy changes to significantly counter this, plastic production will account for 20% of global fossil-fuel consumption by 2050 . ... With Devastating Impact Roughly two-thirds of all plastic ever produced has been released into the environment and remains there in some form. Plastic pollution affects every street, park, stream, river, coast and ocean in California, with single-use products being the top littered items found at cleanups throughout the state. As these items fragment into smaller particles, known as microplastics, they concentrate toxic chemicals and increasingly contaminate our food and drinking water sources. Microplastics have been found in tap water, bottled water, table salt, fish, shellfish, and agricultural soils. Exposure to these plastics and associated toxins has been linked to cancers, birth defects, impaired immunity, endocrine disruption and other serious health problems. Cleanup Is Expensive and Ineffective Throughout California, communities have focused efforts on reducing the burden from single-use packaging since the 1980s. Moreover, taxpayers and local governments spend more than $420 million annually on ongoing efforts to clean up and prevent litter in streets, storm drains, parks and waterways. Not only is cleanup expensive, but it cannot keep pace with the production of single-use disposable items which continues to grow exponentially. Recycling Doesn't Work Existing recycling infrastructure can't keep pace either. Less than 9% of plastic is recycled, and that percentage has been dropping since the implementation of China's National Sword policy, which severely restricts the amount of foreign waste China accepts. For most single-use plastics, the cost of recycling, exceeds the scrap value of the plastic material. This has resulted in the loss of markets for plastic packaging that was previously considered recyclable. These materials are now either piling up in recycling centers, being landfilled, or sent to illegal facilities in Southeast Asia where they are being incinerated or illegally dumped. Plastic Pollution's Impact Is Widespread The impact on our marine ecosystems and wildlife is devastating, as evidenced by facts such as these: An estimated 17.6 billion pounds of plastic enter the marine environment every year. This is roughly equivalent to dumping a garbage truck full of plastic into the oceans every minute. • Scientists have found plastic floating on the surface of the ocean, washing up on the world's most remote coastlines, melting in Arctic sea ice, raining onto the Rocky Mountains, and even sitting at the deepest part of the ocean floor. • In a recently released report on plastic pollution in U.S. waters, Oceana found evidence of nearly 1,800 marine mammals and sea turtles swallowing or becoming entangled in plastic since 2009 -often leading to death from starvation or suffocation. Of those, a staggering 88% were species listed as endangered or threatened with extinction under the Endangered Species Act. Because of the leadership of more than l 00 cities in California, we know that sensible plastic reduction policies can be achieved. We pledge to work to support city leaders and councils to develop and pass municipal policies phasing out single-use plastic items in, with an ambitious implementation timeline that is also fair to local businesses. OCEANA ~mate A CLIMATE ACTION A4 Solana Center -.: -:i, FOR ENVIRONMENTAL INNOVATION ISD*CANI UNITED NATIONS ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA S.,n O,~go Ch•pter 'Preserve Ca .avera Ct'8 ta1 NoM s~n 0~ Cou1 y SAN DIEGO COASTKEEPER SVC SOUTH VISTA COMMUNITIES OCEAN CONNECTORS BUSINESS FOR GOOD Son Diego PROJECT KOLIKA H A PROTECTO R L . OFNORTHCOUNTYSANDIEGO COORDINATE I ~ OUTDOOR 1 ~1EAGUEoFWOMENVOTERS. CITIZENS ~3 e·· FOR CENTURY3 ~ OUTREACH Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Farzan <farzan@lotus-sustainables.com > Monday, April 4, 2022 12:02 PM City Clerk Big support for Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I THINK THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT TOPIC CARSBAD RESIDENTS CARE ABOUT. I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. With us being so close to the water, people DO CARE and we NEED CHANGE. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021 . Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Sustainably, Farzan Dehmoubed CEO and carlsbad residence CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: gianni ferullo <giannif@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 12:02 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Gianni Ferullo Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Thank you for your time. Evelyn Ingraham <evelynvingraham@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 12:03 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ban Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead to protect our ocean, beaches, and planet. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021 . Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Mary Ella Holtam <meholtam@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 12:03 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN . Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead . Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Mary CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Good afternoon, Morris, Melissa <mmorris@oceana.org > Monday, April 4, 2022 12:03 PM City Clerk Item 7: Phased Single-Use Plasti c Foodware Ban Testimony of Melissa Morris-Carlsbad April 5 2022.pdf My testimony for tomorrow's city council meeting is below. Please confirm you have received it. Thank you, Melissa Morris I Field Represe ntative, Southern California O CEANA ~~.~-- san Diego, California Pronouns:She/Her/Hers T +305-333-9646 E mmorris@oceana.org I W usa.oceana.org 1 OCEANA Testimony of Melissa Morris, Southern California field representative, Oceana Thank you, Mayor Hall and council, for taking the initiative to fight plastic pollution. My name is Melissa Morris. I am the Southern California field representative based in San Diego County for Oceana -the largest international advocacy organization dedicated solely to ocean conservation. If you pass agenda item 7, the phased-in single use-plastic foodware ban tonight, you will pass the strongest plastic ordinance in all of San Diego County. Oceana supports policies to reduce single-use plastic and applaud your work to phase out expanded polystyrene foodware in Carlsbad. Now, we urge you to build on this work and ban single-use plastic foodware and condiment packets. Plastic pollution is a growing threat to the world's oceans, as well as to our health and climate. Each year, an estimated 33 billion pounds of plastic enter the marine environment. This is roughly equivalent to two garbage trucks full of plastic being dumped into the oceans every minute. Most marine plastics come from land-based sources -and it's no surprise that much of it is single-use plastic. Companies have been increasingly pumping the market full of new disposable plastic products for decades. We're seeing the consequences of this on coastlines worldwide, where nearly all of the top 10 most common waste items found worldwide coastal cleanups in 2020 were single-use plastic products, including grocery bags, takeout containers, beverage bottles, straws and stirrers The list of marine animals affected by plastic pollution is also growing. In a report released in 2020, Oceana surveyed dozens of government agencies, organizations, and institutions that collect data on the impact of plastic on marine mammals and sea turtles in the United States. We found evidence of almost 1,800 animals from 40 different species swallowing plastic or becoming entangled in it . Eighty-eight percent of these animals were from species listed as endangered or threatened with extinction under the Endangered Species Act. Thankfully, communities around the globe are taking action, including here in southern California. Last year alone, the cities of San Marcos, Vista, Oceanside, Laguna Beach, and Los Angeles all passed policies to reduce single-use plastic. It's time Carlsbad joins them. We have a responsibility to protect our communities, our planet, and our future. There's no time to waste. I ask that you vote yes and pass this ordinance tonight. Thank you. Melissa Morris Field Representative, Southern California OCEANA Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Tina M <smith05597@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 12:05 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Ernestine Mwanasali 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: William Nichols <nichols.w@comcast.net > Monday, April 4, 2022 12:08 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN . Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead . Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Add itionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. William Nichols Sincerely, CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Chris Ing <mistering@hotmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 12:09 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Chris Ing CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: jaduclos@aol.com Monday, April 4, 2022 12:09 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a "yes" vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021 . Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Jeff Duclos 4813 Windjammer Way, Carlsbad CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Kevin May <kamay13@live.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 12:10 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN . Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, -Kevin May Sent from my iPhone CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: ballisonsurfer@gmail.com Monday, April 4, 2022 12:10 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Brett CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: cyndi ringoot <cyndiri@yahoo.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 12:13 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN . Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead . Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Rafal Dobrowolski <rafdobrowolski@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 12:13 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Bridget Gould <bridgetgould1 @yahoo.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 12:13 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODW ARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single- use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Bridget Gould homeowner in Carlsbad for 12 years 6975 Tradewinds Drive 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Tobi & Scott Willson <twill636@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 12:15 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Dr Michael Scott Willson Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: John Svelan <j svelan@san.rr.com > Monday, April 4, 2022 12:17 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead . Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, John Svelan Sent from my iPhone CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Jim Magner <jim.magner@att.net> Monday, April 4, 2022 12:28 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Sent from my iPhone CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Chef Yapo <lnfo@YaposHomeCatering.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 12:29 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our co mmunity, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who ca ll it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, ChefYapo 4744 Otomi Ave CA SD 92117 @chefyapo CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Doris C. <dorway@cox.net > Monday, April 4, 2022 12:32 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Susta inable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Wayne Christopher CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recogn ize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: David Ebel <david.ebel@yahoo.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 12:32 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Pl astic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN . Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily ava ilable and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essent ial plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, David Ebel 2687 Regent Road Carlsbad 92010 Sent from my iPhone CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe . 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Mary F Platter-Rieger < mfpjrieger@cox.net> Monday, April 4, 2022 12:33 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN . Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Mary F Platter-Rieger CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Mary F Platter-Rieger < mfpjrieger@cox.net > Monday, April 4, 2022 12:33 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Mary F Platter-Rieger CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: caseyzunitom@san.rr.com Monday, April 4, 2022 12:34 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who ca ll it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Pamela Cortelyou 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: William Mattull <wmattull@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 12:34 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, William Mattull Carlsbad Resident CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: andrew wright <apwright59@yahoo.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 12:40 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021 . Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Andrew Wright, Long-time Carlsbad surfer & resident CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Roadrunner <surfgal@roadrunner.com > Monday, April 4, 2022 12:41 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I was born in Oceanside 64 years ago, and have resided in Carlsbad the past 22 years. I'm appalled at the plastic waste that I find in the oceans, on the beaches, and around our parks and roadsides. The problem just keeps getting worse!!! It's long part time to do something!! I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Deborah J. Lane 4594 Essex Court Carlsbad CA Sent from my iPhone CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Jerry Hugges <jerrymhughes@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 12:43 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Jerry Hughes 2350 Russell Park Way #605 San Diego, Ca. 92108 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Mike Barnes < mike_barnessd@yahoo.com > Monday, April 4, 2022 12:44 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021 . Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Andrew Becht <andrew.becht2@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 12:44 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Nick Mindel <nmindel@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 12:45 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Nick Please excuse any typos, sent from my iPhone CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Derrick Claar <derrick.claar@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 12:45 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. This will stimulate the economy in ways that match our culture and values. As an example, my family and I are starting to no longer go to restaurants that don't provide compostable options. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocea n and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, si ngle-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Derrick "Waterman" Claar; ) en attachments or click on links unless Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Barb Endicott <barbendicottlmt@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 12:45 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and ca use pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, With warm regards, Barb Endicott, LMT, CPMT, BCTMB 858-252-8636 barbendicottlmt@gmail.com Do all the good you can in all the ways you can, for all the people you can for long as ever you can. Vimala Schneider McClure "Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience." Ralph Waldo Emerson Please consider the environment before you p#Rt thls email do everything. CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Rick Sulier <bleuox@aol.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 12:46 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021 . Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely Rick S Sulier San Marcos Resident and avid Carlsbad Beachgoer and supporter 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Aura-Lee Salmeron <mzsalme@me.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 12:48 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead . Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Aura-Lee Salmeron CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: christie spahr <ccspahr@hotmail.com > Monday, April 4, 2022 12:56 PM City Clerk Item 7: Sing le-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Anne Clopine <abclopine@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 12:57 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily ava ilable and must be used instead. Please support our shared future w ith a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential pla stic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Anne and Alan Clopine Sent from my iPhone CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Yuichiro Suzuki <ysuzuki1929@yahoo.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 1 :04 PM City Clerk Y Suzuki Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN . Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Jeremy Duimstra <jduimstra@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 1 :11 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Sm Johnson <smj2smj2@yahoo.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 1:12 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and ca use pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Shan non Johnson en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: lreneandJohn Vecchio <ijvecchio@yahoo.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 1:12 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Irene & John Vecchio Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Brandon Van Noord <brandon.vannoord@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 1:14 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Sincerely, Brandon A. Van Noord, M.D. Relieve Pain Center lnterventional Pain Physician Diplomat, American Board of Anesthesia Subspecialty Certification in Pain Medicine CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: J K <jkencinitas@hotmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 1:17 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in Dece mber 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. I live in Encinitas, work and surf in Carlsbad. Every community needs this ordinance! Sincerely, John Kerr 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: April 4, 2022 Delivered via Email To: Mayor and City Council Mitch Silverstein <mitch@surfridersd.org> Monday, April 4, 2022 1 :17 PM City Clerk Council Internet Email Item 7: Phased in Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ban (Support) Comment Letter_ Item 7, Phased-In SUP Foodware Ban 4.4.21.pdf Re: Support for Item 7, Phased-In Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ban Honorable Mayor and City Council, The Surfrider Foundation San Diego County Chapter would like to express its full support for the phased-in single-use plastic foodware ban ordinance that will be introduced on Tuesday, April 5. We greatly appreciate the inclusion of several single-use plastic reduction ordinances as part of Carlsbad's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan, which you voted unanimously to approve on December 14, 2021. Please continue to support the plan by voting to introduce the plastic ordinance. It is well known that plastic pollution from single-use plastics pose a significant threat to our ocean, beaches, and planet. They are toxic, do not biodegrade, and enter our ocean from all over Carlsbad and beyond. What was hardly noticeable to Carlsbad residents and visitors 20-30 years ago is now ubiquitous on our streets, in our parks, and worst of all, along our coast. Plastic pollution is everywhere we look. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. Washed up foam foodware bits & plastic accessories at Terramar, 5.23.21 Our 2019 Annual Beach Cleanup Report compiled data from almost 12,000 volunteers across 196 separate cleanups at San Diego County beaches, including beaches in Carlsbad. 78.3% of the debris that volunteers removed was made from plastic, the vast majority consisting of single-use plastics. These totals included 34,104 pieces of EPS foam, which accounted for a whopping 14.4% of all items found. Carlsbad's coast is sadly not immune from EPS foam and other single-use plastics; at a beach cleanup on 10/26/19 at South Ponto, volunteers removed 763 pieces of foam debris. Over 150 cities in California have already prohibited the use of EPS foam foodware, including your three immediate neighbors to the south -Encinitas, Solana Beach, and Del Mar. Foodservice businesses have successfully transitioned away from foam in cities all over the state; reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available in today's marketplace. Prices for compostable foodware are becoming more competitive as their popularity rises, while simple operational adjustments -i.e., opting for reusables whenever possible, offering accessories upon request only, etc. -can significantly reduce restaurant overhead over time. Re : the draft ordinance itself, we commend your staff for including strong language that includes not only EPS foam, but a// single-use plastic foodware. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for including single-use plastic reduction as a key element of the City's sustainability roadmap. Please vote to introduce this ordinance so that Carlsbad continues to lead by example in waste reduction, sustainability, and the protection of our beautiful coastline. Sincerely, Mitch Silverstein San Diego County Policy Coordinator The Surfrider Foundation mitch@su rfridersd. org 619.736.7757 2 April 4, 2022 Delivered via Email SURFRIDER FOUNDATION To: Mayor and City Council Re: Support for Item 7, Phased-In Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ban Honorable Mayor and City Council, The Surfrider Foundation San Diego County Chapter would like to express its full support for the phased-in single-use plastic foodware ban ordinance that will be introduced on Tuesday, April 5. We greatly appreciate the inclusion of several single-use plastic reduction ordinances as part of Carlsbad's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan, which you voted unanimously to approve on December 14, 2021. Please continue to support the plan by voting to introduce the plastic ordinance. It is well known that plastic pollution from single-use plastics pose a significant threat to our ocean, beaches, and planet. They are toxic, do not biodegrade, and enter our ocean from all over Carlsbad and beyond. What was hardly noticeable to Carlsbad residents and visitors 20-30 years ago is now ubiquitous on our streets, in our parks, and worst of all, along our coast. Plastic pollution is everywhere we look. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. Our 2019 Annual Beach Cleanup Report compiled data from almost 12,000 volunteers across 196 separate cleanups at San Diego County beaches, including beaches in Carlsbad. 78.3% of the debris that volunteers removed was made from plastic, the vast majority consisting of single-use plastics. These totals included 34,104 pieces of EPS foam, which accounted for a whopping 14.4% of all items found. Carlsbad's coast is sadly not immune from EPS foam and other single-use plastics; at a beach cleanup on 10/26/19 at South Ponto, volunteers removed 763 pieces of foam debris. Washed up foam foodware bits & plastic accessories at Terramar, 5.23.21 Phone. 858.800 7282 I info(d,surtridersd.org I surfridersd.org 3900 Cle.-eland Ave. Ste 201. S;:,n Die)~o. CA 92103 SURFRIDER FOUNDATION SAN DIEGO COUNTY Over 150 cities in California have already prohibited the use of EPS foam foodware, including your three immediate neighbors to the south -Encinitas, Solana Beach, and Del Mar. Foodservice businesses have successfully transitioned away from foam in cities all over the state; reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available in today's marketplace. Prices for compostable foodware are becoming more competitive as their popularity rises, while simple operational adjustments -i.e., opting for reusables whenever possible, offering accessories upon request only, etc. -can significantly reduce restaurant overhead over time. Re: the draft ordinance itself, we commend your staff for including strong language that includes not only EPS foam, but all single-use plastic foodware. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for including single-use plastic reduction as a key element of the City's sustainability roadmap. Please vote to adopt this ordinance so that Carlsbad continues to lead by example in waste reduction, sustainability, and the protection of our beautiful coastline. Sincerely, &b San Diego County Policy Coordinator The Surfrider Foundation mitch@surfridersd.org 619.736.7757 Pt,one. 8S8.800.2282 I 1nfo@surt11dersd.org I surfridersd.org 3900 Cle.-eland Ave, Ste 201. San Diego. CA 92103 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Spiess, Nicolas <nspiess@powayusd.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 1 :22 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, My name is Nie Spiess and my whole family offive {3 adult children) would like to express our full support for Carlsbad's PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. As avid surfers, residents and voters in Carlsbad, we feel very strongly about this. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, 973 Whimbrel Court carlsbad, CA 92011 Humanities Dept. Varsity Womens Soccer Westvlew Surf Team This email, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain privileged and confidential information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and delete all copies of the original message. The Poway Unified School District (PUSD) is an equal opportunity employer/program and is committed to an active Nondiscrimination Program. PUSD prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on actual or perceived protected characteristics under the law, including but not limited to ancestry, age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, immigration status, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. For more information, please contact the Title IX/Equity Compliance Officer, Associate Superintendent of Personnel Support Services, Poway Unified School District, 15250 Avenue of Science, San Diego, CA 92128-3406, 858-521 -2800, extension 2121 . 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Pierce Flynn < pierceflynn02@gmail.com > Monday, April 4, 2022 1 :24 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. I am a daily user of Carlsbad beaches while surfing, fishing and diving. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Dr. Pierce J. Flynn 3427 Arborview Drive San Marcos, CA 92078 pierceflynn02@gmail.com 760.798.6907 mobile Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: David Rippberger <davidrip@pacbell.net> Monday, April 4, 2022 1 :26 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I have been a homeowner in Carlsbad for 40 years. I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single- use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021 . Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, David Rippberger 3920 Monroe St Carlsbad 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Pamela Reguindin <pamelahr2@yahoo.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 1 :27 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021 . Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Pamela Howard-Reguindin, resident of Carlsbad 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Barbara Vance <bvance14@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 1 :28 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Barbara Vance 2848 Jefferson St Carlsbad 92008 Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Elizabeth Taylor <etaylor7@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 1 :28 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I am writing to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Single use plastic has wreaked havoc on our planet and this is a big step in the right direction. Your constituents want better options when dining out. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support the health of our community with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. I walk our beautiful beaches and parks regularly and without fail I find single-use plastic foodware and EPS foam strewn about. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Elizabeth Taylor 2256 Fairway Lane Carlsbad CA 92009 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Jim Royer <jroyer1@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 1 :29 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Jim Royer 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: junko asano <junkoasano@hotmail.com > Monday, April 4, 2022 1 :33 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodwa re Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage oftheir production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in Dece mber 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Junko Asano 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: nadiaSS0 < nadia550@sbcglobal.net> Monday, April 4, 2022 1 :34 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. We all need to make this change to save our environment. eusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, 7 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: William Nygard <wnygard@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 1 :37 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, William Nygard 1683 Calliandra Road William R Nygard wnygard@gmail.com Cell: 760.815.2180 CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 8 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Michael Esten <michael.esten@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 1 :38 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Michael Esten (619) 501-0120 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 9 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Sirkku P <sirkku26@hotmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 1 :41 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Sirkku Pollari 10 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Mark D'Andrea <mdandrea825@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 1 :SO PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 11 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: brenna churma <brennachurma@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 1 :57 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution and poor health outcomes at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Brenna Churma 12 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Marco Aguilera <marcoaguilera@hotmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 2:02 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, As a Carlsbad resident I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE -USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN . Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the w ildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Marco Aguilera CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 13 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: alberto valenzuela <albertovalenzuela@me.com > Monday, April 4, 2022 2:04 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use pla stics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Alberto Valenzuela CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 14 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Teresa Martinez <ttbbmmmartinez@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 2:06 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely your neighbor, Teresa Barron Martinez P.S you hold the power of change that some of us can only dream of. Please do what is best for us all and set the path to change that we all want yet is out of our reach. Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 15 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: RICK WILSON <rwsurf@aol.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 2:10 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management lmplementati.on Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Rick Wilson 770 Harbor Cliff Way Unit 144 Oceanside, CA 92054 Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 16 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: saRah <sarahwendeline@yahoo.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 2:14 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Sarah Wyckoff 17 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Mavany Verdugo <mavany@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 2:20 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN . Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Mavany Calac Verdugo CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 18 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Lucero Sanchez < lucero@sdcoastkeeper.org > Monday, April 4, 2022 2:23 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead to protect our ocean, beaches, and planet. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Lucero Sanchez I Community Policy Coordinator 714.855.8340 I she/her/hers ~ SAN DIEGO ~ COASTKEEPER· -=-San Diego Coastkeeper® I 3900 Cleveland Avenue, Suite 102 I San Diego, CA 92103 Show your support for protecting and restoring fishable, swimmable, and drinkable waters in San Diego County with a donation today. en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 19 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Krystian Czajkowski <mountainwave75@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 2:25 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, We would like to express our full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, arrd EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Krystian Czajkowski and Marin Tinnerstet 172 Sequoia Ave CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 20 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Jody Ross <jodycarrollross@gmail.com> M onday, April 4, 2022 2:27 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Jo Ann Ross CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 21 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Carl Cecil <e.carl.cecil@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 2:27 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, 22 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Daniel Ankeney-Baird <danankeney@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 2:30 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste . Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 23 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: Cheryl Dine <cdine@designperspective.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 2:31 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, We like to shop, eat, play in Carlsbad! I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN . Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead to protect our ocean, beaches, and planet. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021 . Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Cheryl Dine 2524 Loring St San Diego CA 92109 CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless nize the sender and know .the content i 24 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: christybulskov@gmail.com Monday, April 4, 2022 2:34 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Christy Bulskov Sent from my iPhone CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 25 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Leucadia Lee <leucadialee@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 2:40 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by bea ch cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless nize the sender and know the content i 26 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Jasmine Cadeddu <jasmine.cadedduu@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 2:47 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Jasmine CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Randy Garland <rwgendo@sbcglobal.net> Monday, April 4, 2022 2:48 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN . Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Randy Garland Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Sara Mirza <smirza1995@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 2:50 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN . Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Sara Mirza CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: ADELE JOSEPHO <ajosephomd@aol.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 2:52 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Adele CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Tom Villanueva <tom.villanueva@sbcglobal.net> Monday, April 4, 2022 2:56 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential pla stic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Tom Villanueva CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Barbra Taffe <tafferealestate@yahoo.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 2:58 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Barbra Taffe 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Kendall Cameron <kcameron527@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 3:05 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Kendall Cameron CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Alan Braun <abraun22@hotmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 3:06 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Sent from Mail for Windows 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Hayley Nemeroff <hayleysurf@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 3:10 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Sent from my iPhone CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Kathleen Nygard <kathleen.nygard@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 3:17 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Kathleen CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Kent Oberlin <kent.oberlin@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 3:19 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Sincerely, Kent Oberlin Grace Home Systems 760.525.3799 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: rebecca rodriguez <rebeccarc14@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 3:19 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Pl astic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN . Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Rebecca Rodriguez CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Amanda Schnitzius <aschnitzi@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 3:22 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who ca ll it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Amanda Schnitzius Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: chelsie buckley < buckley.chelsie@gmail.com > Monday, April 4, 2022 3:28 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Chelsie Buckley CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Sara Bernard <saracharlene@yahoo.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 3:29 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN . Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead . Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Add itionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Sara Bernard CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Comcast <saraheade@comcast.net > Monday, April 4, 2022 3:31 PM City Clerk Vote Yes on Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, Please represent my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN by voting Yes on this ordinance. It is imperative for the future of our beautiful land that we take steps now to reduce waste, encourage reuse, and limit pollution. There are alternatives to single-use plastic food ware. Compostable products or bring-your-own containers are viable alternatives that we should encourage. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Sarah Eade CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe . 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: C VANBILLIARD <itsmecv@ msn.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 3:34 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the yvildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Conni VanBilliard Sent from my iPhone CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Patty Gray <prgray8@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 3:35 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Ray Hughes < rayjay3@sbcglobal.net> Monday, April 4, 2022 3:41 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who ca ll it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Sent from Mail for Windows 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Lori Vallen <lalvallen1110@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 3:48 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, si ngle-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. The visitors and our beach community will thank you in the long run. We love Carlsbad! Sincerely, Lori Va llen CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Bruce Pettibone < bruce_pettibone@yahoo.com > Monday, April 4, 2022 3:53 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021 . Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Andre Delaverdac <adelaver@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 3:57 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: callie schwichtenberg <c.schwichtenberg@icloud.com > Monday, April 4, 2022 3:59 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future w ith a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Callie schwichtenberg Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: peter kuhn <peterkuhnxx@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 4:01 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, All Receive -Agenda Item # 1_ For the Information of the: • SIT,{ COUNCIL Date~CA ......--cc....::::: CM L. ACM _::: DCM (3) ...:::::- I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: j essica heery <jheery1@hotmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 4:05 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Jessica Hercz Sent from my iPhone CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Bob Chambers < rjchambers@ucsd.edu > Monday, April 4, 2022 4:11 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Bob Chambers 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Crystal Million <amillion21@me.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 4:25 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN . Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Crystal Million 858-722-6868 CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: involutionary < involutionary@gmail.com > Monday, April 4, 2022 4:40 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Katie Parham HHP P: 619-362-0801 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: MARILYN BEMISS <bemiss.mj@icloud.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 4:45 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Marilyn Bemiss Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Kevin Meyer <kevinmeyer56@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 4:54 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who ca ll it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Dave Lyon <dhlyonarch76@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 5:19 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, David H Lyon Marilyn J Bemiss Lyon 3975 Hibiscus Circle Carlsbad, CA 92008 CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Amanda Martinez <amandakristenm@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 5:32 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I have lived in San Diego for nearly a decade and am always looking for ways to make it a healthier, cleaner, more enjoyable environment. Therefore, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To sec ure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Best, Amanda Martinez CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Cleveland Storrs <clevelandmstorrs@yahoo.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 5:32 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN . Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Cleveland Storrs Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: St ephaniecash < scash 17 42@gmail.com > Monday, April 4, 2022 5:34 PM City Clerk Stephanie Cash Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Stephanie Cash World Peace I Be Mindful CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Laurie Brebrick <lbrebrick@hotmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 5:51 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Laurie 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Heather Tesiero <heathertesiero@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 5:53 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Susta inable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Heather Tesiero Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Nancy Emory <nannerskis@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 5:57 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Nancy Emory Sent from my iPhone CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 7 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Ashley Diedenhofen <ashdeeds@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 6:00 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health·of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Ashley Diedenhofen 8 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Ted Benedict <benedictsfour@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 6:05 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who ca ll it home. Additionally, single-u~e plastics ·are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Edward Benedict 9 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Jamie Jordan < EllaLeesMommy@outlook.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 6:09 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Pl astic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN . Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Jamie Jordan Sent from my iPhone CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Karenne Salter < ktfsalter@yahoo.com > Monday, April 4, 2022 6:19 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead . Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Karenne Salter Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Bradley Lowe <btlowe@cox.net> Monday, April 4, 2022 6:28 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Tha nk you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Bradley Lowe 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: JB <girlfabulous2003@yahoo.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 7:00 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021 . Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Jacqueline Bouquet Carlsbad, CA Resident CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: nikki pappalardo <nikkipappalardo@hotmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 7:04 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN . Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Jennifer Echols < qtpiejennecho@yahoo.com > Monday, April 4, 2022 7:31 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN . Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021 . Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ize the sender and know the content i safe. 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Benjamin Martin <benmartin25@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 7:41 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Benjamin E. Martfn 7 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Thorsten Ostrander <ttostr@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 7:55 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN . Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Thorsten Ostrander CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 8 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Amber Schnitzius <amberschnitzius@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 8:40 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Amber Schnitzius 9 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: lance young <diegoliving1 @hotmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 8:44 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must.do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Get Outlook for Android 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Mayor and City Council, Daniel Gussman <dgussman@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 8:51 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. My family and I wholeheartedly believe in the eliminating unnecessary single-user plastic and this ban is an important step in that direction. We have seen so much of this trash make it's way into the ocean and impact widelife and communities of less wealth around the world, we feel we can be the leaders to exemplify the positive role a community can take to help solve this problem Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Daniel Gussman 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: JILL WHITEBOOK <jilleew@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 8:57 PM City Clerk Item 7: Phased Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ban I urge you to vote yes and support the single use ordinance with a ban on single use plastics and polystyrene. Additionally, I urge you to vote yes to "Skip the Stuff' based on CA AB-1276. As a grandmother of four who also live in North County, I have concerns about the environment we are leaving our future generations. We must act now! I applaud Carlsbad for taking this step and hope it sets a precedent for all other coastal cities in San Diego and North County. Thank you. Jill Whitebook 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: joshua.rey1010 <joshua.rey1010@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 9:11 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction.ordinance. Sincerely, Joshua Rey CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i safe. 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Patricia Doyle <t rishadoylern@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 9:27 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Please help use get away from all the trash, our children need this! Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN . Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the cond it ion of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production.To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Trisha Duff Sent from my iPad CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Sparrow Serrano-McMorran <sserrano_7@hotmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 9:29 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Sparrow McMorran North San Diego County resident CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Mike Guerreiro <chief9toe@hotmail.com > Monday, April 4, 2022 9:37 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my family's full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead to protect our ocean, beaches, and planet. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021 . Please consider expanding the ban of EPS to include foam coolers, meat trays, egg cartons, packing pellets, and other single use EPS items not currently covered in the Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan. There are compostable alternatives to all of these. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Mike Guerreiro and Family 7 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Christopher Gallardo <chrisgallardo27@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 9:52 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 8 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: julie@pubquest.com Monday, April 4, 2022 9:56 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Sing le-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, 9 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Greg Crowley <gregcrowley80@hotmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 10:00 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives t o polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our sha red future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Greg Crowley Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Audrey Wehba <audreywe@hotmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 10:03 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Audrey Wehba Carlsbad resident for 15+ years 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Amanda Lorenzen Gardstrom <apl28@yahoo.com > Monday, April 4, 2022 10:11 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote YES on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance and help our future. Sincerely, Amanda CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Renne Catalano <rennecat5@gmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :01 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Renne Catalano Gussman CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Conor S <csoragha@hotmail.com> Monday, April 4, 2022 11 :47 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics_are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Honorable Mayor and City Council, jamesanderson1123@yahoo.com Tuesday, April 5, 2022 5:01 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city%2.+s Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Jim Anderson 360-535-4450 Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Roger Kube < roger@surfridersd.org > Tuesday, April 5, 2022 5:31 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the hea lth of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Roger Kube 7 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Peter Robson <orsipete@aol.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 5:38 AM City Clerk Item 7: Sing le-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, 8 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Minna <minnaclimatechange@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 6:17 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead to protect our ocean, beaches, and planet. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Laura Minna-Choe 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Amy Davis <505amyd@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 6:27 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used inst ead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Amy Davis Carlsbad Resident, Mom of 2, Ocean Lover 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Lynnette Anderson <jandersonfamily6@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 6:29 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely and Thank you, Joe & Lynnette Anderson CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Personal <devilmike85@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 6:40 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I have grown up in San Diego county and have lived here my whole life. I have been going to the beach while growing up and to be honest the beach is my place to come for peace. When life gets stressful and chaotic or when I'm dealing with loss or grief I come to the beach. When I need to reset and recharge I go surfing. So with all that being said when I see trash on the beach and in the water I do my part and pick it up and dispose of it properly but what I have noticed over the years is that it's majority plastic products such as straws, lids to cups, even styrofoam serving trays, etc. So yes I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Michael Estes San Diego County native Sent from Mike's iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Jessica Logerberg <jlogerberg@sbcglobal.net > Tuesday, April 5, 2022 7:23 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Sent from my iPhone CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: David Bruner < 1jdbruner@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 7:27 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the hea lth of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, David Bruner 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Steve H. <stevehalvorson2@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 7:28 AM City Clerk Steve H. Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN . Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Steve and Carol Halvorson CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 7 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Megyn Rugh <megynrugh@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 7:45 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Food_ware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accesspries, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean.and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Megyn Rugh, Ph.D. Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 8 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello -- Kevin Kitchen < kevinkitchenrulez@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 7:51 AM City Clerk Re: Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Ordinance Today you are scheduled to consider a citywide ban on single-use plastic foodware products. I would like to express my full support for the phased-in ban. As a resident of San Diego County, I have frequently spent weekend mornings cleaning up beaches from Oceanside to Chula Vista as a way to give back to the community I live in. Without exception, styrofoam and single-use plastics are the most common items retrieved from beaches every time. I am sure you have been briefed on the consequences of plastics and other pollutants saturating our oceans and coastal waterways. At times the problem can seem overwhelming, but it is this action like this ordinance that can make significant incremental impacts that will help to make lasting char:ige a possibility. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Kevin Kitchen 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Julia Carlin <j .carlin@sbcglobal.net> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 7:51 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN . Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Julia Carlin CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Joe Anthony Carballo <jcarballo4448@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 8:13 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Hana Grimm <grimmhana@gmail.com > Tuesday, April 5, 2022 8:36 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Ally Senturk <ally@sdcoastkeeper.org> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 8:46 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Web Reputation Builders <webreputationbuilders@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 9:04 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Craig Schreiber San Diego Resident 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: Emma Wright <emma62@me.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 9:32 AM To: City Clerk Subject: Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE -USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to . reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Emma Emma Wright The Wright Touch SanDiegoDecorativePainting.com Tel: 619. 296-3662 CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Heather Hurley <heatherehurley@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 9:35 AM City Clerk Agenda item 7 Single use plastic Dear Mayor and city council members, As a Carlsbad resident, and retired teacher. I urge you to approve the proposed single use plastic food ware ordinance. We must ensure a livable planet for our youth, and plastic pollution is something we can easily reduce by enacting these types of common sense policies. Please vote YEs on this important plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely Heather Hurley 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Gina Wasker <ginawasker@gmail.com> • Tuesday, Aprir 5, 2022 9:47 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management lm_plementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Mayor and City Council, Paul Jones <paul@pauljonesrealty.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 9:55 AM City Clerk Item 7 Single Use Plastic I am a North County resident and frequent visitor to Carlsbad. When I have walked on Carlsbad beaches, I have been surprised by the amount of plastic I see. Please adopt the proposed ordinance to help stop the proliferation of plastic in the environment. Thank you, Paul Jones CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless nize the sender and know the content i safe. 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: To the Clerk of Carlsbad City, Pia Romano <psromano24@ymail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 9:59 AM City Clerk Item 7: Phased Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ban Carlsbad Plastics Ban -Ltr to CCC April 2022.docx The attached is a written statement from me, Pia Romano, on behalf of South Vista Communities in support of a single- use plastic foodware ban in Carlsbad which is being voted on this evening. Would you please distribute this letter to the Carlsbad City Council Members prior to 2 pm today? Thank you very much and have a good day. You are welcome to email me with any questions. Best Regards, Pia Romano SVC Board Member SOUTH VISTA COMMUNITIES To: Carlsbad City Council Members-Mayor Hall, Mayor Pro Tern Blackburn, Councilmember Norby, Councilmember Bhat-Patel, Councilmember Acosta April 5, 2022 Agenda Item #7 -Phased Single-Use Plastic Food-ware Ban Re: Carlsbad City Council adopting a Single-Use plastic food-ware Ordinance Hello, my name is Pia Romano and I am a Board member of South Vista Communities. We at SVC want to express our support for the Carlsbad City Council to pass a single use plastic food-ware ban by July 2023-the most ambitious ban of its kind in San Diego County. As we all are aware, plastic is a significant threat to our county's ecosystems. The equivalent of a truck full of plastic is dumped into the oceans every minute. Plastics and microplastics present significant public health problems including hormone disruption, developmental toxicity and cancer. As the plastic crisis is an increasingly urgent problem, especially during the pandemic, recycling efforts alone will never be an adequate solution. What has worked effectively to reduce plastic pollution in 2021 was the swift adoption of single-use plastic bans or phase outs by incorporated cities acting to protect our national resources. Cities all over California, the country and the world are adopting such ordinances successfully. In Feb. 2019 San Diego adopted a prohibition on any type of polystyrene foam and a reduction of single-use utensils. Some waivers were accepted for feasibility-based hardship or financial hardship. Similar policies are in place in Solana Beach, Del Mar, Imperial Beach, Encinitas, Chula Vista, Vista and Oceanside. It is time for Carlsbad to adopt an ordinance banning single-use plastic food-ware items. It has been shown that the addition of including "single -use plastic food-ware items available upon request" has saved companies millions of dollars. There are many eco-friendly and reasonably priced food-ware items that businesses can purchase and are currently being used by other cities effectively. Please vote "Yes" to adopt a ban on single-use plastic food-ware items and polystyrene effective July 2023. And "skip the stuff/only upon request" implementation date of June 2022. Thank you for your time and voting to adopt a single-use plastics ban in ClU"lsbad. If passed, this ordinance would set Carlsbad out as a leader in San Diego County and beyond in banning single-use plastics. Sincerely, Pia Romano -SVC Board Member Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Kevin Lee <Kevin@drbronner.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 10:27 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and Carlsbad City Council, Thank you for inviting the community to share written comments for consideration related to single use plastic policy. Founded in 1948, Dr. Brenner's today is a family-owned, family-run California Benefit Corporation and Certified B Corporation proudly based in North County San Diego for over 50 years. The top-selling natural brand of soap in North America, we employ over 300 people making socially and environmentally responsible products of the highest quality, and we dedicate our profits to making a better world. We are deeply committed to using business as a force for good and are guided by Six Cosmic Principles -including our Fifth Cosmic Principle, to Treat the Earth Like Home. Dr. Brenner's is one of the largest consumer products manufacturing businesses in San Diego County, and we currently utilize massive quantities of plastic packaging to distribute our products to consumers around the world. We are proud that since 2003 we have sourced 100-percent Post-Consumer Recycled PET plastic for most of our bottles. Using PCR plastic encourages recycling by building an end-of-life market for recycled material, and PET is widely recyclable. In addition, we have set business goals to: . • Send zero waste to landfill; • Provide employee lunches in compostable paper or reusable containers; • Expand packaging options for our products that promote refill; • Develop more plastic-free packaging options for our products; • Support the Plastics Free CA ballot initiative; and • Consider pursuing plastic neutrality certification. As a local business, we would like to see policies and infrastructure investments that would incentivize and support businesses moving away from single-use plastics, promote reuse options for packaging, and expand recycling and composting systems in Southern California and the United States. Therefore, Dr. Bronner's would like to express full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Dr. Brenner's was founded by Emanuel Bronner to spread the message of All-One Love and connection, including our connection with the Earth. Today we know that finding solutions to our planet's plastic pollution crisis is a key issue of our time. We all have a role to play, and we are proud to be a business in North San Diego County working on this issue. We hope to see actionable solutions for our community and our precious oceans. Thank you for your time and consideration of these important issues. Please vote YES on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. As Emanuel Bronner said, "We are All-One or None! All~One!" Sincerely, Kevin Lee Environmental Impact & Compliance Specialist, Dr. Brenner's Kevin Lee (He/Him) Environmental Impact & Compliance Specialist 760-7 43-2211 x446 Dr. Bronner's Family Soapmakers Since 1858 P.O. Box 1958, Vista, CA 920851 F 760-745-6675 ALL-ONE! TA-DA! Introducing Dr. Bronner's Magic All-One Chocolate -70% dark chocolate in six flavors -all vegan, coconut sugar sweetened, and perfectly balanced. Delicious and good, for Earth and Farmers! Learn more at drbronner.com. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Gretchen Gary <gretchengary@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 10:34 AM City Clerk Vote Yes on plastic foodware ban Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN: Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. I clean beaches with my young children in Carlsbad and Oceanside and all too often find discarded polystyrene and plastic foodware from local restaurants on the beach, in the water, or floating in the lagoons arid waterways. Once you see the problem with this kind of pollution, it's impossible to unsee. For every piece of broken foam or shard of hard plastic, I think of the fish, turtle or other marine life I saved. Just think about how many lives you can save by voting yes on this measure. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. Please think of my children as you consider your vote. They go to school at St Patricks here in Carlsbad and are working hard to prepare themselves for a bright future. They understand the importance of stewardship and know they are responsible for protecting this planet to ensure a healthy future for al l. Please show them that the city of Carlsbad also understands their role in this regard as well. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Gretchen Gary Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless nize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Vanessa Forsythe <vforsythe13@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 10:37 AM City Clerk Correspondance City Council Meeting Agenda Item # 7 Aprl 5, 2022 For Inclusion to Public Records Correspondence Received for April 5, 2022 City Council Meeting Honorable Mayor and City Council Members I urge your continued support of the Sustainability Management Plan as approved by the City Council in December 2021. Vote yes and adopt the ordinance as presented and move forward on the plan to phase in the ban for single use plastic foodware. The health impacts (including studies showing plastic particles breaking down and found in our bloodstream) and pollution impacts ( production of petroleum products in the air and discarded items on our walkways and beaches) of disposable plastic foodware is well documented. The proposed phased-in approach allows for businesses and the public to be informed and establishes the city staff to work with them to make the necessary adjustments. Moving forward on the time line set for the Carlsbad Sustainability Plan is required to maintain and promote in the future a healthy and enjoyable quality of life in our city. Thank you for your prior and continued support in this matter. Sincerely Vanessa Vanessa Forsythe RN MSN 2177 Vista La Nisa, Carlsbad, CA 92009 Pronouns: She/Hers Climate Health Now Trusted Health Care Providers for Climate Justice Vot-ER Vot-ER is founded on a core belief that empowered voices and full participation in the democratic process lead to positive health outcomes. CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Kevin Lee <kevinterrylee@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 10:38 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, As a Carlsbad resident who often sees plastic pollution along our precious coastline, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ban. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Kevin Lee Kevin Terry Lee kevinterrylee@gmail.com I Linkedln 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Justin Peglow <jrpeglow@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 10:40 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ban Subject: Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead to protect our ocean, beaches, and planet. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by b~ach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Di~go County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021 . Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Justin R. Peglow, M.Sc. Phone: (+1)910.448.2888 Website: www.linkedin.com/in/jrpeglow 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Susan Burke <luvjobim@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 10:46 AM City Clerk Subject: Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, Make Carlsbad the world-class destination it's meant to be! All Receive -Agenda Item # .!1._ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Datei.//5/)J...CA ✓cc:::::_ CM v ACM ...-OCM (3) _:::::: As a long time 9arlsbad resident and avid beach goer, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Single-use plastic are a detriment to our gorgeous coast and wildlife, and it is EVERYWHERE in our fine city. Please vote to prevent Carlsbad's beautiful beaches, parks, trails, and streets from becoming the irresponsible fast food customers' trash can. Sincerely, Susan Burke Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: City council; Pam Gomez <magellon@cox.net> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 10:49 AM City Clerk , Single use plastic As a North County resident who frequently visits Carlsbad to walk at the beach and dine out, I urge you to adopt the single-use plastic foodware ordinance. I have grandchildren and want to ensure a green and healthy planet for them. Thank you for approving the Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote to approve this important plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Thank you, Pam Gomez Vista, California Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Angel Hafer <angelhafer@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 10:54 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To sec ure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Pla n in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Angel Hafer 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Ryan Vaughn <rkvaughn@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 11 :09 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Ryan Vaughn Carlsbad Resident, 92008, D1 en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: Laura Aung <laung@drbronner.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 11 :18 AM To: City Clerk Subject: Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and Carlsbad City Council, Thank you for inviting the community to share written comments for consideration related to single use plastic policy. Founded in 1948, Dr. Brenner's today is a family-owned, family-run California Benefit Corporation and Certified B Corporation proudly based in North County San Diego for over 50 years. The top-selling natural brand of soap in North America, we employ over 300 people making socially and environmentally responsible products of the highest quality, and we dedicate our profits to making a better world. We are deeply committed to using business as a force for good and are guided by Six Cosmic Principles -including our Fifth Cosmic Principle, to Treat the Earth Like Home. Dr. Brenner's is one of the largest consumer products manufacturing businesses in San Diego County, and we currently utilize massive quantities of plastic packaging to distribute our products to consumers around the world. We are proud that since 2003 we have sourced 100-percent Post-Consumer Recycled PET plastic for most of our bottles. Using PCR plastic encourages recycling by building an end-of-life market for recycled material, and PET is widely recyclable. In addition, we have set business goals to: • Send zero waste to landfill; • Provide employee lunches in compostable paper or reusable containers; • Expand packaging options for our products that promote refill; • Develop more plastic-free packaging options for our products; • Support the Plastics Free CA ballot initiative; and • Consider pursuing plastic neutrality certification. As a local business, we would like to see policies and infrastructure investments that would incentivize and support businesses moving away from single-use plastics, promote reuse options for packaging, and expand recycling and composting systems in Southern California and the United States. Therefore, Dr. Bronner's would like to express full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Dr. Brenner's was founded by Emanuel Bronner to spread the message of All-One Love and connection, including our connection with the Earth. Today we know that finding solutions to our planet's plastic pollution crisis is a key issue of our time. We all have a role to play, and we are proud to be a business in North San Diego County working on this issue. We hope to see actionable solutions for our community and our precious oceans. Thank you for your time and consideration of these important issues. Please vote YES on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. As Emanuel Bronner said, "We are All-One or None! All-One!" Sincerely, Laura Aung (She/Her) Research and Development Manager 760-743-2211 x235 Dr. Bronner's 2 Family Soapmakers Since 1858 P.O. Box 1958, Vista, CA 920851 F 760-745-6675 ALL-ONE! TA-DA! Introducing Dr. Bronner's Magic All-One Chocolate -70% dark chocolate in six flavors -all vegan, coconut sugar sweetened, and perfectly balanced. Delicious and good, for Earth and Farmers! Learn more at drbronner.com. en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Kerri Leslie <kerri @veritycase.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 11 :20 AM City Clerk Julie Tally Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic food ware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Kerri Leslie CEO, VERITY 760-712-6616 Sent from Mail for Windows 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Megan Phelps <megankphelps@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 11 :33 AM City Clerk Item 7: Phased Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ban Dear Honorable Carlsbad City Council Members and Mayor Hall, I am writing to express my support for a PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Carlsbad has the opportunity to lead the way with reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics. Please vote YES to adopt this ordinance and support our shared future. Single-use plastic food ware makes up pollution that volunteers find in beaches throughout San Diego County. These plastics impact the health of humans, the conditions of our beaches, and the health four oceans. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. As a 22-year-old, I am deeply concerned about how plastic pollution will degrade the natural beauty of our community and impact community health. Please help secure a livable planet for me and others in my generation. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Megan Phelps Youth4Climate Program Coordinator, SanDiego350 Staff Research Associate, UC San Diego Climate Psychology and Action Lab 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Trish Fish <gmoroccan@me.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 11 :46 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN . Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Trish Fea Sent from my iPhone CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Aaron Sottile <aaronsottile@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 11 :51 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Aaron Sottile CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 7 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Lillian Burkhart < lburkhar@ucsd.edu > Tuesday, April 5, 2022 11 :54 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead to protect our ocean, beaches, and planet. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021 . Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Lillian Ava Burkhart 8 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Anne Usher <anneusher1@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 12:06 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Dear Honorable Mayor and city council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. If you want to learn more about the impacts of plastic pollution on our sensitive marine environment -and how we can dramatically reduce it -please read this groundbreaking report that I helped to edit, "Breaking the Plastic Wave," by The Pew Charitable Trusts and System IQ. Thanks very much. Sincerely, Anne Usher 9 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Sandy Ordille <sandy.ordille@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 12:11 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Sandy Ordille Phone: 858-276-1441 Email: sandy.ordille@gmail.com CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 10 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Piper Lacy <piper@nonikoskin.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 12:42 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Piper Lacy NONIKO Director of Operations & Sustainability CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 11 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Christopher O'Day <csoday@comcast.net > Tuesday, April 5, 2022 12:54 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead to protect our ocean, beaches, and planet. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021 . Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Christopher O'Day Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Liron Mendelsohn <lhopemendelso hn@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 1 :31 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN . Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Sent from my iPhone CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: sydney ribelin <sydneyribelin@yahoo.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 1 :38 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Sydney Ribelin CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Bridget Murphy < bridgetmurphy@sandiego.edu > Tuesday, April 5, 2022 1 :43 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Savannah Derrick <derricksavannah@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 1 :44 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN . Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Savannah Derrick CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Suzanne Hume <s@cleanearth4kids.org> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 1 :45 PM City Clerk Item 7: Phased Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ban Carlsbad Plastic Comment April 5 2022.pdf Attached is our comment for item #7 on tonight's city council meeting. Thank you! Have a great day! Suzanne Suzanne M. Hume (760)518-2776 S@CleanEarth4Kids.org CleanEarth4Kids.org CleanEarth4Kids.org April 5, 2022 Dear Mayor Hall and City Council, CleanEarth4Kids.org thanks you for your work and commitment to reducing single-use plastic. We thank you for the proposed ordinance to require restaurants and food delivery services to only provide single-use straws, condiments, utensils, etc. upon request, ban single-use plastic foodware and polystyrene, and only allow reusable or compostable foodware by the city's organic materials collection program. We ask you to vote yes to add Chapter 6.20: Phased-In Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ban to the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Plastic pollution, microplastics and marine debris harm public health, water quality, marine mammals, fish, birds and wildlife. Plastic can contain toxic chemicals like phthalates that can change a male frog to a female frog because it disrupts the endocrine system. Phthalates also can damage the liver, kidneys, lungs, and reproductive system. Single-use plastic products (SUPs) are used once, or for a short period of time, before being thrown away. The impacts of this plastic waste on the environment and our health are global and can be drastic. Single-use plastic products are more likely to end up in our waterw~ys than reusable options. The average American tosses 4 pounds of plastic waste every day. Most of that doesn't go into recycling bins, trash cans or landfills .. .it goes into our creeks, ponds, rivers and eventually, the ocean. Thank you and please vote yes. Sincerely, &~~~ S@CleanEarth4 Kids. org (760) 650-2166 CleanEarth4 Kids .org Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Ana marie Velasco <amvprado@yahoo.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 1 :45 PM City Clerk Item 7 : Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council : My name is Ana Marie Velasco,and I'm a 22 year resident of North County. I love our region ,love our hills, I love our proximity to the desert but most importantly,l love our beaches and ocean. It is a privilege to live in a place like North County! We are at a point in which municipalities, and states, need to act. Theres no time to wait. Our planet is in Peril and we must take measures to mitigate green house gases emissions that are heating and causing havoc to our planet. Today,you have an opportunity to do so by passing the Phased in Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ban. There are no reason to continue using and disposing of plastic ware after 1,single use. There's no reason to continue using styrofoam when there are other reusable and compostable alternatives available. We,residents of the 78 corridor are looking forward to have Carlsbad lead the way with and ordinance that will set the standards for other cities to follow. As a retired teacher, mother and grandmother, I urge to past this ordinance today. Thank you for listening!!! 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Ellen Wade <mldwade@sbcglobal.net> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 1 :51 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Lynn mldwade@sbcqlobal.net 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Shelly Anghera <Shelly@latitudeenv.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 1 :59 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordim1nce. Sincerely, 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Zoe Goldstein <goldst einz193@carlsbadusd.net> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 1 :59 PM City Clerk 5/4/22-Agenda item #7 Phased-in Single-use Plastic Foodware Ban Honorable Mayor and City Council, As President of the Carlsbad Cleanup Crew (C3) Club at Carlsbad High School, I would like to express my full support for the Phased-in Single-use Plastic Foodware Ban. As a Carlsbad resident, I often order food to-go and enjoy my takeout in our lovely city; I'll drive down to the beach and eat on the bluffs while watching the sun go down, but I do not see the need for single-use plastic foodware in this ritual. As I said earlier, I am president of my school's cleanup club who puts on community cleanups in the Carlsbad area, almost every weekend. Part of what we do in our cleanup club is waste auditing. Our Vice President, Kenneth Pilco, has created an app-a paperless version of our last system-that tallies and organizes each piece of trash we pick up. Our data shows us how many plastic utensils we pick up, where we found it, and sometimes if there is a brand on it, what store it was from . Much of what we pick up are single use utensils, paper napkins, and straws. At the end of the cleanups in the future, I would like to see less of these items on our spreadsheets and less of these items in the streets of Carlsbad. Please vote "yes" on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Zoe Goldstein and C3 Club 4 Kaylin McCauley From: Sent: To: Subject: Jenna Matus <jen.matus@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 2:03 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, en attachments or click on links unless nize the sender and know the content i Kaylin McCauley From: Sent: To: Subject: Timothy McKee <tim.mckee19@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 2:05 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 2 Kaylin McCauley From: Sent: To: Subject: Mark D'Andrea <mdandrea825@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 2:55 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, si ngle-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Sent from Mail for Windows en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 3 Kaylin McCauley From: Sent: Mark D'Andrea <mdandrea825@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 3:01 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorabl e Mayor and City Council, I wou l d like to express my full sup port for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE P LASTIC FOODWARE BAN . Reusable and c ompostable a lt ernatives to po l ystyr ene foam and other plast ics are rea dily avai l able and must be used ins tead. Plea se s upport our s h ared fut ure with a YES vote to adopt this o rdinance. Sing l e -use pla stic foodware, access or i es, and EPS foam bits account fo r a di sp roportionate amount of the pollu tion found by beach c l ean up vo lun teers on b eac hes acros s San Dieg o County. Pollution from sing l e-use plastics negat i ve l y i mpacts the hea Ith of ou r co mmunity, the condition of our beaches , and the health of o ur ocean a nd the wi ldlife w h o ca ll it home. Additional l y, single-use p lastics are made from petroleum and ca u se pollution at every s tage oft heir production. To sec ure a livable planet for futu re generations, we mu st do everythi ng in our power to r ed u ce a nd diver t waste . Thank you for vot i ng to ap prove the c ity s Susta in ab l e Materi als Management I mple m entatio n Plan in December 2021. Plea se vote yes o n th i s essentia l plastic pol lut io n reduction ordinance. Sincere l y, Sen t from Mail for Windows CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 4 Kaylin McCauley From: Sent: To: Subject: Elizabeth Mosley <elizabethgraceoceanside@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 3:40 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Elizabeth Mosley 606 Persimmon Way Oceanside CA 92058 760-757-7593 en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 5 Kaylin McCauley From: Sent: To: Subject: Eric Speyer <ericspeyer@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 3:41 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, 6 Kaylin McCauley From: Sent: To: Subject: Missjodeee <missjodeee@aol.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 3:54 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021 . Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, en attachments or click on links unless 7 Kaylin McCauley From: Sent: To: Subject: Jessica Harris <jeharris78@yahoo.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 8:34 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, nize the sender and know the content i 8 Kaylin McCauley From: Sent: To: Subject: Paul <promnes@hotmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 8:57 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Sent from my iPad CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 9 Kaylin McCauley From: Sent: To: Subject: Paul <promnes@hotmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 8:57 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Paul Romnes Sent from my iPad CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 10 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Cheryle Besemer <clbesemer@icloud.com > Tuesday, April 5, 2022 9:55 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council,<BR><BR>I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance.<BR><BR>Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production.<BR><BR>To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance.<BR><BR>Sincerely,<BR> CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 11 Kaylin McCauley From: Sent: To: Subject: Cheryle Besemer <clbesemer@icloud.com > Tuesday, April 5, 2022 9:55 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council,<BR><BR>I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance.<BR><BR>Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production.<BR><BR> To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance.<BR><BR>Sincerely,<BR> CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 12 Kaylin McCauley From: Sent: To: Subject: Greg Taglienti <gregtag97@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 9:57 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used inst ead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, 13 Kaylin McCauley From: Sent: To: Subject: Michael Benador <mbenador14@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 10:41 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 14 Kaylin McCauley From: Sent: To: Subject: John Smith <dealsxwheels@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 5, 2022 10:41 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, nize the sender and know the content i 15 Kaylin McCauley From: Sent: To: Subject: Alison Holland <alisonholland24@gmail.com> Wednesday, April 6, 2022 7:11 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Sent from my iPhone CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 16 Kaylin McCauley From: Sent: To: Subject: Adrienne Kercsak <apkercsak@gmail.com> Wednesday, April 6, 2022 7:35 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet forfuture generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Adrienne Montgomery Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 17 Kaylin McCauley From: Sent: To: Subject: Eug ene Hidalgo <ehidalgo@mazdausa.com> Wednesday, April 6, 2022 7:40 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. I live in North County and frequent businesses that are reducing their reliance on single use plastics. This is an important step towards sustainability and will have a considerable impact on our environment. Sincerely, Eugene Hidalgo 18 Kaylin McCauley From: Sent: To: Subject: Scott Harrison <scohar66@gmail.com> Wednesday, April 6, 2022 7:51 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, si ngle-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Scott Harrison Sent from my iPad CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 19 Ka lin McCaule From: Sent: To: Subject: Natalie Doud <natcd1030@gmail.com> Wednesday, April 6, 2022 8:54 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Natalie Doud 20 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: annie omens <annie.omens@gmail.com> Wednesday, April 6, 2022 9:24 AM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wiidlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Annie.omens@gmail.com 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: psantami@aol.com Wednesday, April 6, 2022 4:03 PM City Clerk Item 7: Single-Use Plastic Foodware Ordinance Honorable Mayor and City Council, I would like to express my full support for the PHASED IN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC FOODWARE BAN. Reusable and compostable alternatives to polystyrene foam and other plastics are readily available and must be used instead. Please support our shared future with a YES vote to adopt this ordinance. Single-use plastic foodware, accessories, and EPS foam bits account for a disproportionate amount of the pollution found by beach cleanup volunteers on beaches across San Diego County. Pollution from single-use plastics negatively impacts the health of our community, the condition of our beaches, and the health of our ocean and the wildlife who call it home. Additionally, single-use plastics are made from petroleum and cause pollution at every stage of their production. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for voting to approve the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan in December 2021. Please vote yes on this essential plastic pollution reduction ordinance. Sincerely, Tami Patterson CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 2 Single-Use Plastic Food Ware Phase-in Ban Jamie Wood, Environmental Management Director Robby Contreras, Assistant City Attorney April 5, 2022 (city of Carlsbad BACKGROUND •Sustainable Materials Management Plan adopted in 2019 •Implementation plan adopted Dec. 14, 2021 •Single-use plastic food ware upon-request and material ban •Water bottle ban for city facilities and city- affiliated events •Balloon release ban throughout city •Plastic bag ban throughout city { City of Carlsbad “Littered plastic products have caused and continue to cause significant environmental harm and have burdened local governments with significant environmental cleanup costs.” California Public Resources Code Section 42355 ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS { City of Carlsbad ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS •Reduce consumption of raw materials •Minimize materials reaching the landfill and the environment { City of Carlsbad STAGE 1: AB 1276 “SKIP THE STUFF” •Effective June 1, 2022 •Require all food establishments to provide food service ware (e.g., straws, utensils, condiment packets) to customers upon request only •Enforcement is consistent with requirements included in AB 1276 MisoSoup Our made-to-order classic miso soup includes fresh tofu, green onions and seaweed. Include utensils? Select 1 Q Yes, include utensils. Q No utensils. Entree Choose up to 3 O Medium Build Your Own (3 Scoops) & Required Optional +$19.49 > Add to Order $4.59 STAGE 2: PUBLIC INPUT •Draft ordinance posted to the city website for public review •Over 50 comments received in support of the draft ordinance { City of Carlsbad •Effective July 1, 2022, and enforceable July 1, 2023 •Single-use plastic and expanded polystyrene containers prohibited at food establishments •Reusable or certified compostable and marine degradable containers allowed STAGE 2: SINGLE USE PLASTICS { City of Carlsbad STAGE 2: EDUCATION & SUPPORT •July 1, 2022, to July 1, 2023 •Targeted education and outreach to businesses •Technical assistance, including acceptable alternatives { City of Carlsbad FUTURE ORDINANCES •May 2022 •Plastic bag ban •Water bottle ban (city facilities and events) •Intentional balloon release ban at city facilities and city-affiliated events { City of Carlsbad RECOMMENDED ACTION Introduce an ordinance amending the Carlsbad Municipal Code, Title 6, adding Chapter 6.20, to phase in a single-use plastic food ware ban that includes and expands on the requirements of Assembly Bill 1276: Single-use food ware accessories and standard condiments, commonly referred to as “Skip the Stuff”. { City of Carlsbad RECOMMENDED ACTION Introduce an ordinance amending the Carlsbad Municipal Code, Title 6, adding Chapter 6.20, to phase in a single-use plastic food ware ban that includes and expands on the requirements of Assembly Bill 1276: Single-use food ware accessories and standard condiments, commonly referred to as “Skip the Stuff”.