HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 479-9L; SDP 96-14G; LEGOLAND WATERWORKS; 01-30' i r .,__,.._ .. .. 'GENERAL NOrfES RECYCLED WATER NOTES l, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER 0/STRICT's RULES AND REGULATIONS. DRINKING WATER FOUNTAINS ANO DESIGNATED OUTDOOR EA TING AREAS SHALL BE PROTECTED AGAINST CONTACT WITH RECYCLED WATER SPRAY, MIST OR MISTING. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES SHALL BE USED TO ELIMINATE OR CONTFWL TO THE BEST EXTENT POSSIBLE PONDING, RUN-OFF, OVER-SPRAY, ANO MISTING. HOSE BIBS ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED. CROSS-CONNECTIONS BETWEEN RECYCLED WATER LINES AND POTABLE WA TEF/ LINES ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED. NO SUBSTITUTION OF PIPE MATERIALS WILL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. ALL MAINLINE PIPES SHALL HA VE WARNING TAPE PER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER 0/STF/ICT'S RULES ANO REGULATIONS. HOURS FOR /RR/CATION WIT/-/ RECYCLED WATER ARE FROM 10: 00 P.M. TO 6: 00 A.M. THE HOURS FOR /RR/GA TION WITH DISINFECTED TERTIARY RECYCLED WATER MAY BE MODIFIED BY T/-/E LOCAL AU THOR/ TY. /RR/GA TION DURING PUBLIC USE PERIODS W/ Tl-I DISINFECTED TEF/TIARY F/ECYCLEO WA TEF/ SHALL BE UNDER Tl-IE SUPERVISION OF THE DESIGNATED USER SUPERVISOR. /RR/GA TION WITH WATER OF A LESSER QUALITY TI-IAN DISINFECTED TERTIAt<Y RECYCLED WATER SHALL BE BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 10: 00 P.M. TO 6: 00 A.M. 9. BUF<IAL OF ALL WIRING AND PIPING SHALL MEET CAF/LSBAO MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT'S RULES ANO REGULATIONS. 10. NON-OESIGNA TEO USE AREAS SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM CONTACT WITH RECYCLED WATER, WHETHER BY WIND BLOWN SPRAY OR BY DIRECT APPL/CATION THROUGH /RR/CATION OR OT/-IER USE. LACK OF PROTECTION, WHETHER BY DESIGN, CONSTFWCTION PF/ACT/CE OR SYSTEM OPERATION /S STRICTLY PROHIBITED. 11. IRR/GA TION HEADS SHALL BE FIELOCA TED OF/ ADJUSTED TO MINIMIZE OR EL/MINA TE OVER- SPRA YING ON SIDEWALKS, STF/EETS AND NON-DESIGNA TEO USE AREAS. 12. RECYCLED WATER QUICK COUPLING VALVES SHALL BE OF A TYPE DESIGNED FOR Tl-IE USE ON RECYCLED WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS PER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WA TEF/ DISTRICT'S RULES ANO F/EGULA TIONS. 13. ON RECYCLED WATER SYSTEMS, ALL APPUF/TENANCES (SPRINKLER HEADS, VALVE BOXES, ETC.) SHALL BE COLOF/-COOEO PURPLE PER AWWA GUIDELINES AND SECTION 116815 OF THE CALIFORNIA /-/EAL TH AND SAFETY CODE. 14. ALL /RR/GA TION PIPE SHALL BE STENCILED WITH WARNING, "NON-POTABLE OR RECYCLED WATER", COLOR-CODED (PURPLE) ANO LAID WITH WARNING TAPE ANO STENCILING ORIENTED TOWARD THE TOP OF Tl-IE TRENCH PER Tl-IE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT'S RULES AND REGULATIONS. 15. ON NEW ON-SITE SYSTEMS (POST-METER), POTABLE WATER, CONSTANT PRESSURE RECYCLED WATER AND SEWER LINES' SHOULD BE PLACED A MINIMUM OF FOUR FEET APART OR AS 0/F/ECTED BY Tl-IE PFIOJECT ENGINEER AND/OR F/EGULATORY AGENCY. MEASUREMENTS S/-IALL BE BETWEEN FACING 'SURFACES, NOT PIPE CENTERLINES. 16. CONSTANT PRESSUF/E FIECYCLED WATEF/ LINES SHALL CF/OSS AT LEAST TWELVE INCHES BELOW POTABLE WATER LINES AND MAINTAIN AT LEAST TWELVE INCHES CROSSING SEPARATION BETWEEN OTHER UTILITIES. 17. IF A CONSTANT PRESSURE FiECYCLED WATER LINE MUST BE INSTALLED ABOVE A POTABLE WATER LINE OFi LESS THAN TWELVE INCHES BELOW A POTABLE WATEF/-LINE, THEN THE RECYCLED WATER LINE S}/ALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN AN APPF/01/ED PF/OTECTIVE SLEEVE AS PER THE CAFiLSBAD MUNICIPAL WA TEFI DISTRICT'S RULES AND FIEGULA TIONS. 18. Tl-IE REQUIF/ED CFiOSS-CONNECT/ON S/-/UTDOWN TEST SHALL BE° DONE BY THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATEFI DISTRICT AND THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL /-/EAL TH. 19. Tl-/£ REQUIRED CROSS-CONNECTION INSPECTION SHALL BE DONE BY EIT/-IER THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AND/OR THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALT/-1. COPIES OF INSPECT/ON REPORTS WILL BE FORWARDED TO THE NON-INSPECTING PARTY. 20. THE DESIGN AND LOCATIONS PROPOSED FOF/ F/ECYCLEO WATER "DO NOT DRINK" SIGN S/-IALL BE CALLEO OUT ON THE PLANS. 21. WHEN RECYCLED WATER BECOMES A VA/LABLE, AN ON-SIT£ USER SUPEF/VISOR SHALL BE DESIGNATED IN WF/ITING. THIS INDIVIDUAL S/-IALL BE FAMILIAR WIT/-/ PLUMBING SYSTEM W/T/-1/N THE PROPERTY, WITH THE BASIC CONCEPTS OF BACKFLOW/CROSS-CONNECTION PROTECTION, TH£ RECYCLED PUREYOFl'S RULES AND REGULATIONS AND THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF A RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM. COPIES OF Tl-IE OES/GNA TION, WITH CONTACT PHONE NUMBERS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATEFI DISTFI/CT. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CONTACT MR. CHRIS ROMERO, LEGOLAND DIRECTOR OF MAINTENANCE AT TELEPHONE (760) 918-5300 (OFFICE). OR AFTER HOURS CONTACT MR. CHRIS ROMERO AT (760) 846-0842 (MOBILE). 22. ALL PUBLIC AND PF/IVA TE POTABLE WATER MAINS INCLUDING FIRE MAINS ANO ANY WATER WELLS AND WATER COURSES WITHIN THE RECYCLED WATER PROJECT SHALL BE SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 23. CALL OUT ON THE PLANS IF' THERE ARE OF/ ARE NOT DRINKING FOUNTAINS AND/OR DESIGNATED OUTDOOR EA TING AREAS ON THE SITE. 24. A PHYS/CAL SEPARATION SHALL BE PROVIDED BETWEEN ADJACENT AREAS IRRIGATED WIT/-/ RECYCLED WATER AND POTABLE WATEFI. SEPARATION SHALL BE PF/OVIOED BY DISTANCE. CONCF/ETE MOW STRIPS OF/ OTHER APPROVED METHODS. 25. ALL /RR/GA T/ON BACKFLOW PFIEVENTERS S/-IALL BE TESTED BY A C£RTIFIED TEST£R AND RESULTS MUST BE GIVEN TO THE CITY AND THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATEF/ DISTRICT. PIPE BETWEEN Tl-IE METER ANO BACKFLOW PREVENTER SHALL BE "SCHEDULE K /-/ARD COPPER". APPF/OVED CONTRACT BACKFLOW TESTEF/S CAN BE FOUND ON THE CITY WEB SITE AT http: //www.carlsbadca.gov/services /cieportmen ts/water /Dacumen tsl recycleciwaterbackflawtesterlist.pdf FOR RECYCLED OR http: //www.carlsbadca.gov/services / departrnen ts/water /Docurnen ts/ waterbockflowtesterlist.odf FOR POTABLE, OR CALL 438-2722. (N.T.S.) WARNING RECYQED WA IDl DO NOT [l(llHK RECYCLED ATER WASH Hl,HDS AflER C CTING LA\lSE SUS Ml,HOS DESPUES USAR 1" BLACK LETTERS 12" X 36" SIZE .032 ALUMINUM, .060 ABS PLASTIC OR STICK-ON VINYL SIGNS LETTERS 2" BLACK LETTERS In Order to Conserve Water ... RECYCLED WATER IN USE DO NOT~NO TOME DRINK \.JJ>/EL AGUA WASH Hl,HDS AflER CONTACTING LA~SE SUS MANOS DESPUES DE USAR 10" X 14" SIZE .032 ALUMINUM, .060 ABS PLASTIC OR STICK-ON VINYL SIGNS TYPICAL SIGNS RECYCLED WA 1fER SYS'fEl\;f (PRIVATE) LEGOLAND WATERWORKS EXPANSION 1 LEG~OLAND Dr0 ive CA SIGNAGE NOTES Carlsbad, Sf-IT. 24 THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES FOR THE USE OF RECYCLED WATER ARE TO BE PERMANENTLY POSTED INS/DE THE DOOR OF EACH CONTROLLER WHERE THEY AF/[ EASILY VISIBLE. PLACE ON 8-1/2" X 11" SIZED SIGN. COLOR: PURPLE BACKGROUND WIT/-/ BLACK LETTERING. 1. GUIDELINES FOR F/ECYCLED WATEF/ USE A. IRRIGATE BETWEEN T/-IE /-/OURS OF 10: 00 P.M. AND 6: 00 A.M. ONLY. WATERING OUTSIDE THIS TIME FFiAME MUST BE DON£ MANUALLY WIT/-/ QUALIFIED SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL ON-SITE. NO SYSTEM SHALL AT ANY TIME BE LEFT UNA TTENOED DURING USE OUTSIDE THE NOF/MAL SCHEDULE. 8. /RR/GA TE IN A MANNER THAT WILL MINIMIZE FiUN-OFF, POOLING. ANO PONDING. Tl-IE APPL/CAT/ON RA TE SHALL NOT EXCEED T/-IE INF/L TRA TION FiATE OF THE SOIL. TIMEFiS MUST BE ADJUSTED SO AS TO BE COMPATIBLE WITH Tl-IE LOWEST SOIL INFILTRATION FIA TE PFiESENT. THIS PROCEDURE MAY BE FACILITATED BY Tl-IE EFFICIENT SCHEDULING OF THE AU TOMA TIC CONTF/OL CLOCKS, (I.E., EMPLOYING THE REPEAT FUNCTION TO BREAK UP THE TOTAL /FiRIGATION TIME INTO CYCLES THAT WILL PF/OMOTE MAXIMUM SOIL ABSOFiPT!ON) C. ADJUST SPRAY HEADS TO ELIM/NATE OVEFiSPF/A Y ONTO AREAS NOT UNOEFi THE CONTROL OF Tl-IE CUSTOMER. FOR EXAMPLE, POOL DECKS, PRIVATE PATIOS AND LOTS, ANO STFiEETS AND SIDEWALKS. 0. MONITOR ANO MAINTAIN THE SYSTEM TO MINIMIZE EQUIPMENT AND MATEF/IAL FAILURE. BROKEN SPFIINKLER HEADS, LEAKS, UNRELIABLE VALVES. ETC., SHOULD BE REPAIRED AS SOON AS THEY BECOME APPARENT. E. Tl-IE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS FIESPONSIBLE FOR EDUCATING EACH EMPLOYEE ANO ALL MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL ON A CONTINUOUS BASIS, REGARDING THE PFiESENCE OF RECYCLED WATEFI. MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL MUST BE INFORMED THAT WA TEF/ IS FOF/ /FiRIGA TION PUFIPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT APPF/OVED FOFi DRINJ<ING OR FOR r/ANO AND TOOL WASHING, ETC. F. OBTAIN PR/OF/ APPROVAL OF ALL PROPOSED CHANGES ANO MOD/FICA TIONS TO ANY PRIVATE ON-SITE FACILITIES. SUC/-1 CHANGES MUST BE SUBMITTED TO, AND APPROVED BY, THE DISTRICT ENGINEERING OFFICE AND DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WIT/-/ D/Sff!ICT STANOAF/DS. 1. ALL RECYCLED WATER SPRINKLEF/ CONTROL VALVES Sr/ALL BE TAGGED WIT/-/ !DENT/FICA TION TAGS. A. TAGS SHALL BE WEATI-IERPROOF PLASTIC, 3"x 4", PUFWLE IN COLOFi, WIT/-/ Tl-IE WORDS "WAF/NING RECYCLED WATER -DO NOT DRINK" IMPFIIN TED ON ONE SIDE, AND "A VISO -AGUA IMPUF/A-NO TOM AR" IMPRINTED ON THE OTHEFI SIDE. IMPRINTING SHALL BE PERMANENT ANO BLACK IN COLOR. USE TAGS AS MANUFACTUF/ED BY T. CHFIISTY ENTERPRISES OR APPROVED EQUAL. B. ONE TAG SHALL BE ATTACHED TO EACH VAL VE AS FOLLOWS: 1. ATTAC/-1 TO VALVE STEM 0/FiECTLY OR WITH PLASTIC T/£-WRAP OR 2. ATTAC/-1 TO SOLENOID WIRE 0/FiECTL Y OR WITH PLASTIC TIE-WRAP OF/ 3. ATTACH TO VALVE COVER WIT/-/ EXISTING VALVE COVER BOLT. 2. ALL SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED AS RECYCLED WA TUI SPFi/NKLER HEADS. G. EAC/-1 AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER AND ITS ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT SHALL BE IDENTIFIED WITH A SIGN BEARING THE WOF/OS "RECYCLED WATER USED FOFI /RFIIGATION" IN ENGL/SI-I AND SPANISH, WITH BLACK LETTEFiS 1" r/lC/-1 ON A PURPLE BACKFIOUND. THE SIGN SHALL BE PLACED SO Tl-IA T IT CAN BE F/EADIL Y SEEN BY ANY OPERATIONS PEFISONNEL UTILIZING THE EQUIPMENT. I, i II ' 0:: 0 0 z '.:'i 0 ('.) w '...J /. SI-IT. 7, 21 SHT. 6, 20 SITE MAP PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD LOCATION PROJECT LOCATION rn Not to Scale MAP WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE DECLARATION SHT. 5, 19 I AM FAMILIAR WIT/-/ THE REQUIREMENTS FOFi LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PLANS CONTAINED IN THE CITY OF CAF/LSBAD'S WATEF/ EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS. I UNDERSTAND THAT CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS ARE TO BE PF/EPAREO IN COMPLIANCE WITH THOSE REGULATIONS ANO THE LANDSCAPE MANUAL. I CEF/TIFY THAT THE PLANS /-IA VE BEEN PF/EPARED IMPLEMENTING THOSE REGULA T/ONS TO PROVIDE EFFICIENT uc;E OF WATER. )V BY: RICHARD W. APEL &)L<µ...,1"---<"----------- PHONE NO: ( 760 ) -=9=-=4-=3_-cc0_:_76=--'0=--------- SHEET INDEX SHEET TITLE SHEET NUMBER RECYCLED WATER /RR/GA TIO/\/ COVER S/-/EET INNER PARK RECYCLED WATER MAP OUTER PARK RECYCLED WATER MAP F([CYCL[D WA T[R MAP-PROJECT SITE /RR/GA TIO/\/ PLANS 5 to /RR/GA TIO/\/ LEGEND /F(R/GA TIO/\/ DETAILS 12 to /RR/GA TIO/\/ SPEC/F'ICA TIONS 16 to PLANTING PLANS 19 to /-IYDROZONE PLAN PLANT LEGEND PLANTING DETAILS PLANTING SP[C/F'ICA TIONS 28 to PROJECT INFORMATION OWNER: APPLICANT: PROJECT ADDRESS: A.P.N.: LEGAL DESC: MERLIN ENTERTAINMENTS GROUP U.S. HOLDINGS, INC. 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 TEL: 760-918-5300 R. W. APEL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC ATTN: MR. RICHARD APEL 571-B HYGEIAAVE. LEUCADIA, CA 92024 (760) 943-0760 1 LEGOLAND DR. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 211-100-09 LOT 18 OF CITY OF CARLSBAD TRACT #94-09, CARLSBAD RANCH UNITS 2 & 3. MAP #13408, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO. RELATED DRAWINGS & PERMITS: 1 2 J 4 10 11 15 18 24 25 26 27 JO DISCRETIONARY SDP 96-14(G) I CDP 13-26, LEGOLAND 2014 WATER PARK EXPANSION. APPROVAL: GRADING PLANS: CITY OF CARLSBAD DRAWING# 479-9A, GRADING PLAN LEGOLAND WATER PARK EXPANSION. GRADING PERMIT: GR 130029. BUILDING PERMIT: CB 13-2320. NOTE: PERMIT PLANS INCLUDE LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION (PAVING, WATER FEATURES, ETC.) INSPECTION PROCEDURES '( 0 N en $ 0::: _J INSPECTION OF T/-/E PF/OJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF Tl-IE WOF/J<, OR HIS DESIGN A TEO AGENT. REFER TO Tl-IE SPECIF/CATIONS FOR THE SCHEDULE OF REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND FffQU/FIED SUBMITTALS. FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF THE WORK, THE LANDSCAPE ARCH/TACT OF THE WORK WILL CERTIFY T/-IAT Tl-IE INSTALLATION HAS BEEN COMPLETED BY SUBMITTING Tl-IE "FINAL LANDSCAPE CEFITIFICATION FORM". A REQUEST FOR A FINAL LANDSCAPE INSPECTION BY THE CITY MUST ALSO BE MADE BY CALLING Tl-IE INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: "FINAL LANDSCAPE CEFITIFICA TION FORM" FAX TO: 760-944-8943 LANDSCAPE INSPECTION FiEQUEST PHONE LINE: 760-602-4602 DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE: REG/STRATION N0:_2=8=2=5~ __ _ £XPIRA TION DA TE: __::9:,_/.=3..::0L/::.20:::_1:..::6:..._ ___ _ CITY OF OCEANSIDE 78 I HEF/EB Y DECLARE THAT I AM THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF WORK FOFi THIS PROJECT, THAT I HA VE EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OVER THE DESIGN OF THIS PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 6 703 OF THE BUSINESS AND PFIOFESS/ONS CODE AND THAT THE D[S/GN IS CONSISTENT WITH CUF/FIENT STANDARDS. I UNOEF/STANO THAT Tl-IE CHECK OF PF/OJECT OFIAWINCS AND SPECIF'ICATIONS BY Tl-IE CITY OF CAFILSBAD AND SAN DIEGO COUNTY OEPAFITMENT OF ENVIF/ONMENTAL HEALTH IS CONFINED TO A REVIEW ONLY AND DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, AS THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF WORK, OF MY F/ESPONSIBILITIES FOFi PROJECT DESIGN. THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN PFIEPARED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN, WA TEFi CONSERVATION PLAN, FIRE PFiOTECTION PLAN , ANO ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RELA T5 TC LANDSCAPING. BY: RICHARD W. APEL PREPAFIEFI FIRM NAME & ADDRESS: R. W. APEL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC. 571-B HYGEIA AVENUE LEUCADIA CA 92024 PHONE NO: ( 760) _9,,_4-'-'3'---....,0'-'-7-'"-6"-0 ____ _ F/EG!STFIA T/ON NO: 2825 EXP/FIA TION DA TE: ~9~/~3~0~/=2~01~6~---- DI RT DIAL TOLL FREE 1 -800 -422 -4133 AT LEAST nvo DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG INSPECTION PROCEDURES 1. DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE: A. REQUIRED SEPARA T/ON BETWEEN POTABLE AND RECYCLED WATER LINES. (1-IOR/ZONTALL Y AND VU/TICALL Y) B. PIPE /OEN TIFICA TION. C. SLEE\/£ AT CROSSINGS. 0. APPROPFIIA TE MA TERI A LS AND MAFIKINGS, INCLUDING PF/OPEFI QUICK COUPLERS. AN APPROVAL LETTER REGARDING Tl-IE INSPECTION OF THE PF/OJECT SHALL BE OBTAINED FF,OM T/-IE CITY AND T/-IE DISTRICT, ANO BE FOFIWARDED TO Tl-IE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION APPF/01/AL. 2. 0/Sffi/CT FINAL INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE: A. S/GNAGE INSTALLED PER PLAN. SITE B. CONTROLLEFi STICKERS. C. TAGGING OF VALVES. D. COVEF/AGE TEST AFTEFi COMPLETION OF Tl-IE SPRINKLER SYSTEM TO ENSURE PROTECTION OF AF/EA NOT APPF/OVEO FOF/ FIECYCLED WATEF/ USE. E. ALL ASPECTS OF THE /RR/GA TION CONDITIONS INCLUDING WINDBLOWN SPF/A Y, RUNOFF, AND POND/NG. F. REOUIRED PROTECTION OF ALL RES/DENT/AL AREAS. G. REOU/f/ED PROTECTION OF WELLS, STREAMS, RESEF/VO/RS, ETC. H. CROSS-CONNECTION TEST IF REOUIF/ED. I. COLOFi CODED, LAMINA TEO CHARTS INSIDE EACH CONTF/OLLER. 3. ANNUAL INSPECTION Sr/ALL INCLUDE: A. A COMPLETE INSPECTION THAT WILL COVEFi A-/ OF Tl-IE DISTRICT FINAL INSPECTION. FiEVIS/ONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER, CITY ENG/NEEF/ & DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO /MPLEMENTA TION IN FIELD. PACIFIC OCEA~I NOT TO SCALE : CITY OF VISTA 1'"1/J lf~~ CITY OF ENCINITAS VICINITY MAP . <:) o"' I\/' CITY OF IL SAN MARCOS APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH LAND AND WATER QUALITY DIVISION ~~ GLENN LEEKS ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL TI-I SPECIALIST "AS BU IL T" TITLE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR Z-'j~/S- DATE DATE DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHEET 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD 30 PLANNING DIVSION SHEETS PREPARED BY: UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 1-----+--l------------------le-----+----l---l-----l PRIVATE ( ON SITE) RECYCLED 1----+--+-----------------l----l----1------1.----1 WATER SYSTEM FOR: r-wApel landscape architects inc 571-B Hygeia Avenue Leucadia, CA 92024 (760) 943-0760 rwapel2@cox.net CA license #2825 Expiration Date: 9/30/2016 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ,~;{;;2~',L,._.,.J~(l/J~ __ f~~~ DISTRICT ENGINEER DA TE DEVELOPERS NAME: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC ADDRESS: 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TELEPHONE: (760) 918-5300 DA TE PLAN PREPARED: _1ce2a1-/:,;.D1'-'/..,2~DCJ.:14"------- BY: RICHARD APEL, R. W. APEL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC. LEGOLAND WATERWORKS EXPANSION 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE, CARLSBAD. CA 92008 1----+---+-----------------+---+---+---+----IAPPROVED DA TE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL DATE INITIAL CITY APPROVAL PLANNING DRWN BY: R. W. APEL CHCKD BY: R. W. APEL PROJECT NO. SOP 96-14 (G) z. 101.:;- DATE DRAWING NO. 479-9L SHEET -1..DF 30 SHEETS LEGOLAND INNER PARK RECYCLED WATER USE MAP PROJECT LOCATION SEE SHEET 4 FOR ' PLAN ENLARGEMENT. Not to Scale EXISTING POINT OF CONNECTION "C" RECYCLED WATER p o.c· (2) 3" METERS, (1) 6" BFP. 95 PSI. POTABLE WATER p O.C: (2) 2" METERS, (1) 8" BFP (1) 6" FIRE ASSEMBLY 88 PSI ' · r-w-Apel landsc.ape architects inc 571-B Hygeia Avenue Leucadia, CA 92024 (760) 943-0760 rwapel2@<.;ox.net CA license #2825 LEGOLAND PROPERTY LINE 'y,/-- LEGEND POTABLE WATER METER (EXISTING) RECYCLED WATER METER (EXISTING) BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE POTABLE WATER LINE -BLDG & FIRE SERVICES POTABLE WATER WASHDOWN MAINLINE ~'rlJRR--POTABLE WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE -----1/V-----RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE I I I I ' I ' I ' I ' \ I ' I ' I I \ ' -,------ ~',- I I \ I ~ \ ~ REFER TO CITY OF CARLSBAD DRAWING NUMBER 333-2Z FOR DETAILS OF EXISTING POTABLE AND RECYCLED WATER POINTS OF CONNECTION TO CITY MAINLINES. EXISTING POINT OF CONNECTION "A" RECYCLED WATER P.0.C: (2) 3" METERS, (1) 6" BFP. 95 PSI. POTABLE WATER P.O.C.: (2) 3" METERS, (1) 8" BFP (1) 6" FIRE ASSEMBLY. ' """"""""' RECYCLED IRRIGATION WATER USE AREA POTABLE IRRIGATION WATER USE AREA A LOCATION OF "DO NOT DRINK" SIGNS v --- / / --"' ~(/ ~,, ~ ~ ~ ENLARGED PLAN OF P.O.C. "B" '~, ~~ REC¥C.~ED , _____ ~ '";, :-----_ '"' POT ABLE ~. I '.::,/"~~~zi_, ~ 'I/[,, ' R ~ ~ • I -, "-'-. I ',, '-.,,._ : 1?0,, ,_ • ~ -.-. :::~----------r:~~ ·~r-~, ___ : ----' ' ..._ ~ ,-._ -. I ...__ • . / ...__ --------• -1/v, __J ' -----, ;x. f:-... I fi'0,, • • / --{, ~ ' -~ ~ " -..._ ------' ...___, .. '....__ . -..._ . -I -...__ -' . '----.: APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "AS BU IL T" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE .... CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHEET REVISIONS MUST BE APPR , 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD 30 ENGINEER PLANNING DI O /ED BY PUBLIC HEAL TH ~ SCALE· 1"=100' PRIOR To' IMPLEMENTAT~l~T~~f\~~DF1g~1TR1cr ENGINEER o 50· 100· 200· PLANNING D1v1s10N SHEETS ~~,~~=-==~=-==~=-=~~~~~~~~~_:ri~ill~~~~~ _[~_g_ _fG~~~j\~~~;~~;~l}~~~:::tf~~~~~~~~~\l~ ~~~~~~1 ____ J :~6 A~iND( OSNCASIPTEE) PRLAECNYSCLFEODR: WATER SYSTEM FH cCJ FIRE HYDRANT DISTRICT APPROVED CHANGES I , NO. DESCFllPTION L APPROVED DATE DEVELOPERS NAME·. EGOLAND WATERWORKS EXPANSION LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC. 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE 1 LECOLAND DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 ESS: CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TELEPHONE: (760) 918-5300 DATE PLAN PREPARED: 12/01/2014 BY: F~lCHAfW APEL \ ,-(2ND PLAN CtlK) , R. N. APcL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC. APPROVED PLANNING DRWN BY· . RICHARD W. APEL CHCKD BY, RICHARD W. APEL PROJECT NO. SDP 96-14(G) SHEET £OF 30 SHEETS C.M.W.D. JOB NO -• -· --. DATE DRAWING NO. 479-9L 7 I -!I I I ' ' ·--.__ ---............_ ·-~~ ---------------,...._ __ ~----~..... '~ -------......... ___ -~ ~ -"-~ EXISTING POINT OF CONNECTION "B" ---'-c-----' -. POTABLE WATER P.O C (2) 2" METERS, (1) 8" BFP, (1) 6" FIRE~ ASSEMBLY ' REFER TO SHEET 2 FOR ENLARGEMENT. ------- ' N 8588 61i E1l0%1f,_-.,,,. __ ,, M 7 04.C696 E 1 146.9320 LEGOLAND OUTER PARK RECYCLED WATER USE MAP --, \ \ -I I rn 0 ;o 0 (j) -----(/) LEGOLAND ~ KEY MAP (/l 0 ?' m r-wApel landscape architects inc 571-B Hygeia Avenue Leucadia, CA 92024 (160) 943-0160 rwapel2@cox.net CA license #2825 ~~\OSCAp 1N. AP cJ ' )~ -re ,t ......J Slgri~ 9/30/2016 * 1~,'· Oot• OF CA\..\ ~10. LEGEND <SJ) POTABLE WATER METER (EXISTING) ® RECYCLED WATER METER (EXISTING) ~ BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE 'w POTABLE WATER LINE -BLDG & FIRE SERVICES '10 POTABLE WATER WASHDOWN MAINLINE -VIRR POTABLE WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE -----RV-----RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE FH = FIRE HYDRANT REVISIONS fAUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAL TH ENGINEEF,, PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEME~ITATION IN THE FIELD. DISTRICT APPROVED CHANGES EXISTING POINT OF CONNECTION "A" RECYCLED WATER P O.C: (2) 3" METERS, (1) 6" BFP. 95 PSI ~ RECYCLED IRRIGATION WATER USE AREA m@OOfil POTABLE IRRIGATION WATER USE AREA ... LOCATION OF "DO NOT DRINK" SIGNS SCALE: 1"0 100' 0 50' 100' 200' ~~,-~, DESCRIPTION APPROVED DATE DEVELOPERS NAME: LEGOLAND CALIFOF,NIA LLC. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "AS BU IL T" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD 30 3 PLANNING DIVISION SHEETS PRIVATE (ON SITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR: LEGOLAND WATERWORKS EXPANSION 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 >--+---------+----+----tADDRESS: -~1 ~LE=GO~LA~~ID~DR~IVE~--1-----~---------< ----~----APPROVED ,---/, /, c..r,_,.:;-1.L CARLSBAD, CA 92008 'tcd::'., q -<1:.--tt-}1_ TELEPHONE: (760) 918-5300 DATE PLAN PREPARED: _12~/01~/20_14_~(2ND_PLAN~CHK) BY: RICHARD APEL, R. W. APEL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC. PLANNING DRl'IN BY, RICHAfm W. APEL PROJECT NO. CHCKD BY, RICHARD W. APEL SOP 96-14(G) DATE DRAWING NO. 479-9L SHEET 2...0F 30 SHEETS C.M.W.D. JOB NO. __ _ 'i I ' < • ' . -.... :: ! I WATER PARK MECHANICAL BUILDING c:.:s:i IRRIGATION UMIT OF-----.__ , ORK '- OAS RISfR-• IRRIGATION WATER LEGEND AREA OF RECYCLED WATER USE AREA OF POTABLE WATER USE ACTIVl1Y POOL MECHANICAL BUILDING ACTIVl1Y POOL PROJECT SITE POTABLE & RECYCLED IRRIGATION WATER USE MAP ·- ' ' ' .<>~-=-<a~-' ------," \' 11 ! ~--.. SERVICE ROAD CONCRETE PATHWA n'.b=::::===SEPARATES RECYCLED FROM· d' C POTABLE WATER AR ooG 0;7 / - DQ / ,,-:;;;. oO , A'iL , F WORK ,1 /, -V --'''-'"""-.P's:'9il ' oC> •.•.•. ' ",/~,~~,:-✓--. 0 0 ,. ~ ··_2•· . ',, --· ; .-.. •, " ' ... _ ,·, .. . -· . ' .. ·., . . ·., .,· I MIDWAY ~,,,~!\ ~@ ~IRRIGATION UMIT OF WORK ·-.I· .. .-.,.-·,:·_-·., ... ,.tJ\ ... ·_·/·_· _, .. •," . ,; .. ·.: . ' . ; : . . ··_·;·_ · .. •. . . . . . . -:. . . ; .. 8" WIDE CONCRETE CURB SEPARATES RECYCLED FROM POTABLE WATER AREAS WAVE POOL ~ -..::::=--- e----; --c;Z:,~;~x~;/:~~;,,,,..;::"'!! PIRATE ISLAND ATTRACTION r-w-Apel landscape architects Inc 571-8 Hygeia Avenue Leucadia, CA 92024 (760) 943-0760 rwapel2@cox.net CA license #2825 'I, . A -l Slgn<1 =I""=:\,-* 9 30 Rene L'St OF CAL REVISIONS MUST BE APPFsOVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER, PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN THE FIELD. DISTRICT APPFWVED CHANGES I y 0 SCALE 1 "0 20' V N 1 0' 20' 40' EB NO. DESCRIPTION APPROVED DATE DEVELOPERS NAME: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC. l-'-'-'-+------=-="--'-'-"'--'-'-"'-'------+'-"--'-'-'-'-'='-+-=-'-'-'-=--1 t---+--------------+----t---+ ADDRESS: 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TELEPHONE: (760) 918-5300 t----t----------------t----t---l DATE PLAN PREPARED: _1_2~/0_1~/_20_1_4 __ ~(~2ND_P_LA_N O~IK) BY: RICHARD APEL, Ft W. APEL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC. WAVE POOL MECHANICAL BUILDING I .. ,. .. ·: -ru· -~-. --~· '. '· ... ~ . . .· .. ,,• .: ·;' ... I I / SERVICE ROAD ASPHALT ROAD & DRIVEWAY SEPARATES RECYCLED FROM POTABLE WATER AREAS "' --\\ ' APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "AS BU IL T" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHEET 4 CITY OF CARLSBAD 30 PLANNING DIVISION SHEETS PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR: LEGOLAND WATERWORKS EXPANSION 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 APPROVED PLANNING DRWN BY, RICHARD W. APEL CHCKD BY: RICHARD W. APEL PROJECT NO. SOP 96-14(G) Z·f2-· r.::; DATE DRAWING NO. 479-9L SHEET ..i.OF 30 SHEETS C.M.W.D. JOB NO. ____ _ ;1==: -. " 212------------~- --k I ~1 ::c----, ~~ ')---._ ) ~~> - E I (0 1-w w I (f) w w (f) w z _J I u 1-<l:'. ~ , ~=· '~" .:::-~--;3'' ."C ~ "-l ,:--~ ... --> > -ci;~---,, ;_.,___>> > ~>)~~ a. ' > ..J............ ~ _.. -,_ I > > > > ~ :__-~ > > FAUX ROCK ~ALL & FENCE SEPARATES RECYCLED FROM POTABLE ~ATER AREAS 1~• ~ASHDO~N MAINLINE NOTE: ALL IRRIGATION EQUIPt.lENT SHOWN IN GRAY TONE INDICATES EXISTING CONDITIONS. ALL EXISTING IRRIGATION EQUIPt.lENT SHOWN IN GRAY SHALL REt.lAIN OPERATIONAL. PROTECT IN PLACE. ALL SYt.lBOLS INDICATED ON PLAN SHEETS FOR SPRINKLER HEADS AND IRRIGATION EQUIPt.lENT SHOWN IN SOLID TONE INDICATE NEW CONDITIONS. VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO START OF WORK. FOR IRRIGATION LEGENDS, NOTES, DETAILS AND SPECS, REFER TO SHEETS 11-18 THE NEW IRRIGATION t.lAINLINE AND VALVES SHALL BE HIGHLINED AND CONNECTED TO A POTABLE WATER SOURCE PENDING SUCCESSFUL COt.lPLETION OF A CROSS-CONNECTION TEST PERFORt.lED BY Ct.lWD AND DEH. FINAL CONNECTION TO THE EXISTING RECYCLED IRRIGATION t.lAINLINE IS TO BE PERFORt.lED ONLY AFTER APPROVALS FROt.l Ct.lWD AND DEH. KEY MAP r-wApel landscape architects Inc 571-8 Hygeia Avenue Leucadia, CA 92024 (760) 943·0760 Mapel2@cox.net CA license #2825 J .J * \\-~~~~~oh ~=--< --,, OF CA X SCALE 1"=10' . D 5' 10' NEV I D-9-18 1" 1 12 184.5 REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAL TH ENGINEER, PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEEF< PRIOR TO IMPLEfAENTATION IN THE FIELD. I ~ DISTRICT APPROVED CHANCES f-N.:cOe..:·f------'D'"E°"S:..::Cc.:Rc::.I P_:T.:..:I Oc:.:.N:__ ____ +A'-P'-P'-'R 0.::.'.:..:IE"'D'+""'D Ac:.T.:..:Ec..-DEVEL OP ER S NAME: LE GOLAN D CALIFORNIA LL C. t---t----------------t-----t----, ADDRESS: 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TELEPHONE: (760) 918-5300 SPECIFIC IRRIGATION CONSTRUCTION NOTES: [I] DOMESTIC WArER IRRIGATION POINT OF CONNECTION: CONNECT NEW 3" DOMESTIC WATER PRESSURE MAINLINE TO 4" DOMESTIC WATER IRRIGATION SERVICE LINE STUB-OUT SHOWN ON CIVIL PLANS, SHEET I 0, DWG 479-9A. IRRIGATION SLEEVE SIZES: PIPE SIZE 3/4" 1" 1-1 / 4" 1-1/2" 2" 2-1/2" 3" 4" 6" SLEEVE SIZE 3" 3" 3" 4" 4" 4" 6" 8" 1 O" NOTE: IRRIGATION CONTROL WIRE CONDUIT SIZE SHALL BE 4" SLEEVES ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL IRRIGATION PIPING INSTALLED UNDER PAVING AREAS. REFER TO IRRIGATION SLEEVE SIZING CHART SHOWN ON THIS SHEET . FOR IRRIGArlON SLEEVE SIZE. (lYPICAL) NOTE: FOR DRAWING CLARITI' ALL IRRIGATION SLEEVES ARE NOT SIZED, BUT SHALL BE INSTALLED AND INCLUDED AS A PART OF THE CONTRACTOR'S BID. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO FAMILIARIZE ITSELF 111TH ALL GRADE DIFFERENCES, LOCATION OF WALLS, RETAINING WALLS, FOOIINGS, ETC AND COOF<DINATE ITS WORK 111TH OTIHER TRADES FOR THE LOCATION AND THE INSTALLA !ION OF PIPE SLEEVES THROUGH WALLS, UNDER FOOTINGS, UNDER ROADWAYS, UNDER PAVING, STRUCTURES, ETC. EQUIPMENT LOCATION NOTES: I. INSTALL ALL IRRIGATION EQUIPMENf, PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPING, CONTROL VALVES, ETC. WITHIN PLANTING AREA -ANY IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHOWN OUTSIDE OF PLANTING AREA IS FOR DRAWING CLAHIT'( (TYPICAL). 2. FIELD SATELLITES AND ALL OTHER IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING ARE APPROXIMArE. S fAKE Olff ABOVE Gfsi\DE IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LOCAflONS FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY OWflER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. FINAL LOCAflON ANO EXACT POSITIONING ABOVE GRADE IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE OWNER. MINOR MODIFICAflONS OF ABOVE GRADE IRRIGAflON EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS AS REQUESTED BY THE OWNER SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR Af NO ADDITIONAL cosr TO THE OWNER. FAILURE TO OBTAIN OWNER'S APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLAflON SHALL CAUSE CONTRACTOR TO MAKE OWNER DIRECTED REVISIONS Ar NO ADDITIONAL COST JO OWNER. 3. ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE, QUICK COUPLING VALVE AND GATE VALVE, EiC. LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING ARE APPROXIMATE. THE CONTRACTOR. SHALL STAKE OUT EACH ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE, QUICK COUPLING VALVE AND GArE VALVE, EiC. LOCATION FOR REVIEW ANO APPROVAL BY OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF VALVES. SEE DETAILS FOR ADDITIONAL VALVE INSTALLATION INFORMATION. FINAL LOCATION ANO EXACT POSITIONING OF IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE OWNER. MINOR MODIFICAflONS OF IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS AS REQUESTED BY fHE OWNER SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST JO THE OWNER. FAILURE TO OBTAIN OWNER'S APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION SHALL CAUSE CONTRACTOR TO MAKE OWNER DIRECTED REVISIONS AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO OWNER. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "AS BUILT" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHEET 5 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION 30 SHEETS PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR: LEGOLAND WATERWORKS EXPANSION 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 APPROVED PLANNING -z,. JZ., 1.:;- DA TE '---t----------------t-----t---lt----------------------tDRWN BY, RICHARD W. APEL PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. , -DA TE PLAN PREP AR ED: _1.:..:2""/-"0c.,1 /cc2~0'-'-1 -'-4 ___ ..,c(2N=Dc:.P=LAN~rn,) g g L 1---1----------------+-----+-----l BY: RICHAFW APEL, R. W. APEL LANDSCAPE AF<CHITECTS, INC. CHCKD BY: RICHARD W. APEL SOP 96-14(G) 47 - SHEET _Q_OF 30 SHEETS CM Wr'J .IOR NO I j / I R-\',-.. -,. C 33 D-9-2 NE'v/ NE'v/ D-9-3 1" 30 1" 14 4" ;;-~ _E -,,-'-I_ -FS__!.§_ _.z=::::FS_FS I I I J I I I \ I - . / / .. / / / / / / / . . / / / / / . / / / / / / / NOTE: ALL IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN GRAY TONE INDICATES EXISTING CONDITIONS. ALL EXISTING IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN GRAY SHALL REMAIN OPERATIONAL. PROTECT IN PLACE. ALL SYMBOLS INDICATED ON PLAN SHEETS FOR SPRINKLER HEADS AND IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN SOLID TONE INDICATE NEW CONDITIONS. VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO START OF WORK. FOR IRRIGATION LEGENDS, NOTES, DETAILS AND SPECS, REFER TO SHEETS 11-18 THE NEW IRRIGATION MAINLINE AND VALVES SHALL BE HIGHLINED AND CONNECTED TO A POTABLE WATER SOURCE PENDING SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF A CROSS-CONNECTION TEST PERFORMED BY CMWD AND DEH. FINAL CONNECTION TO THE EXISTING RECYCLED IRRIGATION MAINLINE IS TO BE PERFORMED ONLY AFTER APPROVALS FROM CMWD AND DEH. - - 6" 'E-- / KEY MAP " ' > " > > > _> 6" ' RW ---~ ••noc,~•-•-1 ee y ' 33 ,,-> v4~, ~·,,J ~1¼ > D+8=-NE:'v/ 1" 27 D-9-7 NE'v/ 1" 15 D-9-6 NE'v/ 1" 9 D-9-5 I NE'v/ 1' I 10 " --E-----===~=----E~ '- '' r-w-Apel landscape architects inc 571·8 Hygeia Avenue Leucadia, CA 92024 (760) 943-0760 PNapel2@cox.net CA license #2825 -BO - EXISTING SERVICE ROAD ' -------- D-9-11 1" )JV D-~-10 NE'v/ 1" / 11 NOTE• INSTALL MAINLINES & 'v/lRE ON SOUTH SIDE OF 'v/ALL REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER, PLANNING DIRECTOR A~ID DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN THE FIELD. DISTF"CT APPROVED CHANGES SCALE 1 "=1 O' 0 5' 10' 2 ,, 'v/ASHDO'v/N MAINLINE 3" IRRIGATION MAINLINE E---- ··>--,· ·•· . . : . . ' ·. ' . -. . . ·. ···~ I I.() 1-w w I (J) w w (J) w z ....J I u I- <( ~ SPECIFIC IRRIGATION CONSTRUCTION NOTES: [I] POINT OF CONNECTION: CONNECT NEW RECYCLED PRESSURE MAINLINE TO EXISTING STUBOUT ON PRESSURE MAINLINE ORIGINALLY INSTALLED AS A PART OF THE LEGOLAND PIRAfE ISLAND PROJECf. [I] INSTALL TWO NEW GATE VALVES AND TEE IN EXISTING RECYCLED PRESSURE MAINLINE PIPING ORIGINALLY INSTALLED AS A PART OF THE LEGOLAND PIRATE ISLAND PROJECT. CONNECT NEW RECYCLED WATER PRESSURE MAINLINE. [II PROVIDE AND INSTALL (I) NEW RAINBIRD ESP-40-SAT-TW 40 STAflON FIELD SATELLITE "D-9/10" MOUNTED WITHIN A JOHN DEERE GREEN TECH "STRONG BOX" MODEL NUMBER SA6-RB1-40/LPP/MSP/MVR WITHIN A STAINLESS STEEL 'TOP ENTRY" VANDAL RESISTANT ENCLOSURE ASSEMBLY WITH LINE POWER PROTECTION, MAXICOM SURGE PROTECTION, DATA INDUSTRIAL 1500 SERIES FLOW TRANSMITTER, MASTER VALVE RELAY AND CABLE READY FOR "RANMASTEF( RADIO REMOTE. ROUTE NEW CONTROL WIRES, ONE COMMON AND TWO SPARE WIRES WITHIN 2" CONDUIT TO NEW ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVES LABELED "D-9-x" ON PLANS. ROUTE NEW COMMUNICATION CABLE FROM EXISTING CCU "D" TO NEW FIELD SATELLITE "D-9/10". CONNECT AS REQUIRED FOR AUTOMATIC OPERATION FROM CENTRAL COMPUTER. PROVIDE POWER TO NEW SATELLITE BY EXTENDING EXISTING 120 VOLT POWER SUPPLY AT ADJACENT EXISTING FIELD SATELLITE. ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE IRRIGAflON CONTRACTOR. [±] EXISTING FIELD SATELLITE "D-7 /8" TO REMAIN . IRRIGATION SLEEVE SIZES: PIPE SIZE 3/4" 1 " 1-1/ 4" 1-1/2" 2" 2-1/2'' 3" 4" 6" SLEEVE SIZE 3" 3" 3" 4" 4" 4" 6" 8" 1 o" NOTE: IRRIGATION CONTROL WIRE CONDUIT SIZE SHALL BE 4" SLEEVES ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL IRRIGATION PIPING INSTALLED UNDER PAVING AREAS. REFER TO IRRIGATION SLEEVE SIZING CHART SHOWN ON THIS SHEET FOR IRRIGATION SLEEVE SIZE. (TYPICAL) NOTE: FOR DRAWING CLARITY ALL IRRIGATION SLEEVES ARE NOT SIZED, BUT SHALL BE INSTALLED AND INCLUDED AS A PART OF THE CONTRACTOR'S BID. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO FAMILIARIZE ITSELF \'ilTH ALL GRADE DIFFERENCES, LOCATION OF WALLS, RETAINING WALLS, FOOTINGS, ETC AND COORDINATE ITS WORK \'ilTH OTHER TRADES FOR THE LOCATION AND THE INSTALLATION OF PIPE SLEEVES THROUGH WALLS, UNDER FOOTINGS, UNDER ROADWAYS, UNDER PAVING, STRUCTURES, ETC. EQUIPMENT LOCATION NOTES: I. INSTALL ALL IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT, PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPING, CONTROL VALVES, ETC. WITHIN PLAN rlNG AREA -ANY IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHOWN OUTSIDE OF PLANTING AREA IS FOR DRAWING CLARITY (TYPICAL). 2. FIELD SATELLITES AND ALL OTHER IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING AF<E APPROXIMATE. STAKE OUT ABOVE GHADE IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. FINAL LOCATION AND EXACT POSITIONING ABOVE GRADE IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE OWNER. MINOR MODIFICATIONS OF ABOVE GRADE IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS AS REQUESTED BY THE OWNER SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. FAILURE TO OBTAFN OWNER'S APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION SHALL CAUSE CONTRACTOR TO MAKE OWNER DIRECTED REVISIONS AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO OWNER. 3. ELECJRIC CONTROL VALVE, QUICK COUPLING VALVE AND GATE VALVE, ETC. LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING ARE APPROXIMATE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STAKE OUT EACH ELEC"fRIC CONTROL VALVE, QUICK COUPLING VALVE AND CATE VALVE, ETC. LOCATION FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF VALVES. SEE DETAILS FOR ADDITIONAL VAL'IE INSTALLAflON INFORMATION. FINAL LOCATION AND EXACT POSITIONING OF IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE OWNER. MINOR MODIFICAflONS OF IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS AS REQUESTED BY THE OWNER SHALL BE Pf<OVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. FAILURE TO OBTAIN OWNER'S APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION SHALL CAUSE CONTRACTOR TO MAKE OWNER DIRECTED REVISIONS AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO OWNER. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS " AS B U I LT" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY• INSPECTOR DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHEET 6 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION PRIVATE (ONSITE) FlECYCLED WATER SYSTEM AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR: 30 SHEETS LEGOLAND WATERWORKS EXPANSION DESCRIPTION APPF,OVED DATE DEVELOPERS NAME: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC. i----t----------------j------t----'--1 NO. 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 t---+---------------t-----+----1 ADDRESS: 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 APPROVED TELEPHONE: (760) 918-5300 PLANNING 1---t----------------t------t----'--lt-D-A-TE_P_L_A-~I-P_R_E_P_A_fl_E_D_: =1=2=/=0=1 /=2=0=14========(2=N□=P=LA_N=~,=H,=) =.._jDRWN BY, RICHARD W. APEL '---+---------------t-----+----1 CHCKD BY: , BY: WCHARD APEL, R. W. APEL LANDSCAPE Af!CHITECTS, INC. RICHARD W. APEL SHEET _§__QF 30 SHEETS PROJECT NO. SOP 96-14(G) -Z-1 z.., 1.:; DATE DRAWING NO. 479-9L C.M.W.D. JOB NO. _____ ~ 11 I I ' . I '' " ' '' ' ' ! I I I I NOTE: ALL IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN GRAY TONE INDICATES EXISTING CONDITIONS. ALL EXISTING IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN GRAY SHALL REMAIN OPERATIONAL. PROTECT IN PLACE. ALL SYMBOLS INDICATED ON PLAN SHEETS FOR SPRINKLER HEADS AND IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN SOLID TONE INDICATE NEW CONDITIONS. VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO START OF WORK. FOR IRRIGATION LEGENDS, NOTES, DETAILS AND SPECS, REFER TO SHEETS 11-18 THE NEW IRRIGATION MAINLINE AND VALVES SHALL BE HIGHLINED AND CONNECTED TO A POTABLE WATER SOURCE PENDING SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF A CROSS-CONNECTION TEST PERFORMED BY CMWD AND DEH. FINAL CONNECTION TO THE EXISTING RECYCLED IRRIGATION MAINLINE IS TO BE PERFORMED ONLY AFTER APPROVALS FROM CMWD AND DEH. \I I KEY MAP 27 I, ¾ 27 □ 23 ' I I '4 ' \I 23 r-wApel landscape architects inc 571-B Hygeia Avenue Leucadia, CA 92024 (760) 943~0760 rwapel2@cox.net CA license #2825 \'5% b 170.00 FF " 169.20 PAD ::, '· i-l I EX. I 7 ELECT. " EQUIP. )a w ~ • • ;,Jj>1'">. J J J ; FIRE - 7~ 1 7 I I I 14t5 '" I /. ./ 0 0 W LL ~ "-..,_ . LI.. (L LI.. rn ./ F .. -• ·-,. -- ,f_).) u / .. ' . / . / ,---'----'-/I/~ ' / / 7mwmfnmffi SPECIFIC IRRIGATION CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 111 POINT OF CONNECTION FOR DOMESTIC WATER POOL DECK WASH DOWN L'J SYSTEM: FIND EXISflNG DOMESTIC WATER WASH DOWN I.JAINLINE ORIGINALLY INSTALLED AS PART OF THE LEGDLAND WATER PARK PROJECT AND INSTALL NEW TEE. CNNECT NEW PRESSUf{E MAINLINE SHOWN. [I) CONNECf NEW LATERAL LINE PIPING TO EXISTING ZONE. IRRIGATION SLEEVE SIZES: PIPE SIZE 3/4" 1 " 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2" 2-1/2'' 3" 4" 6" SLEEVE SIZE 3" 3" 3" 4" 4" 4" 6" 8" 10" NOTE: IRRIGATION CONTROL WIRE CONDUIT SIZE SHALL BE 4" SLEEVES ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL IRRIGAflON PIPING INSTALLED UNDER PAVING AREAS. REFER TO IRRIGATION SLEEVE SIZING CHART SHOWN ON THIS SHEET FOR IRRIGATION SLEEVE SIZE. (TYPICAL) NOTE: FOR DRAWING CLARITY ALL IRRIGATION SLEEVES ARE NOT SIZED, BUT SHALL BE INSTALLED AND INCLUDED AS A PART OF THE CONTRACTOR'S BID. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACfOR TO FAMILIARIZE ITSELF WITH ALL GRADE DIFFERENCES, LOCATION OF WALLS, RETAINING WALLS, FOOTINGS, ETC ANO COORDINATE ITS WORK 155.00 FF @ PU~;1P PIT EX. POOL HEATFRS (OUTDOOR CONG SLAB) I WITH OfHER TRADES FOR THE LOCATION AND THE INSTALLATION OF PIPE SLEEVES THROUGH WALLS, UNDER FOOTINGS, UNDER ROADWAYS, UNDER PAVING, STRUCTURES, ETC. NOTE• SPACE NETFIM TUBING 18' ON CENTER. ,. '-I s -I -~"-'.L'="..'.''---. II * 1-==~w • CA'c.1' REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAL TH ENGINEEF,, PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT E~IGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN THE FIELD. DISTRICT APPROVED CHANGES SCALE 1"=10' 0 5' 10' 1-1 ... -------~,~ I t-N_O-t. ------"D-=E.::..SC::c.R.::cl P....:Tc.:I O:.:.N'----------1-'-'APc..:P..:.R:.::0:.:.V:::c:ED"--l-""D A..:.T'=-JE D E\/EL OP ER S NAME: LEG OLAND CALIFORNIA LL C. t---t----------------1-----1-----1 ADDRESS: 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TELEPHONE: (760) 918-5300 EQUIPMENT LOCATION NOTES: I. INSTALL ALL IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT, PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPING, CONTROL VALVES, ETC. WITHIN PLANTING AREA -ANY IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHOWN OUTSIDE OF PLANTING AREA IS FOR DRAWING CLARITY (TYPICAL). 2. FIELD SAfELLITES AND ALL OTHER IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING ARE APPROXIMATE. STAKE OlJf ABOVE GRADE IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. FINAL LOCATION ANO EXACT POSITIONING ABOVE GRADE IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE OWNER. MINOR MODIFICATIONS OF ABOVE GRADE IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS AS REQUESTED BY THE OWNER SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR Af NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. FAILURE TO OBTAIN OWNER'S APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLAflON SHALL CAUSE CONTRACTOR TO MAKE OWNER DIRECTED REVISIONS AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO OWNER . . 3. ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE, QUICK COUPLING VALVE AND GATE VALVE, ETC. LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING ARE APPROXIMATE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STAKE OUT EACH ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE, QUICK COUPLING VALVE AND GATE VALVE, ETC. LOCATION FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF VALVES. SEE DEfAILS FOR ADDITIONAL VALVE INSTALLATION INFORMATION. FINAL LOCAIION AND EXACT POSITIONING OF IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE OWNER. MINOR MODIFICATIONS OF IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS AS REQUESfED BY IHE OWNER SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. FAILURE TO OBTAIN OWNER'S APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION SHALL CAUSE CONTRACTOR TO MAKE OWNER DIRECTED REVISIONS AT NO ADDIIIONAL COST TO OWNER. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "AS BU IL T" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD 7 PLANNING DIVISION 30 SHEETS PRIVATE ( ON SI TE) F!ECYCLED WATER SYSTEM AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR: LEGOLAND WATERWORKS EXPANSION 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 APPROVED PLANNING '2 . I '2-' 1,.:, DATE t---t----------------1-----1---1o_A_T_E_P_L-AN_P_R_E-PA_R_E_D_: =:1=:21:=o=:1=;2;::o=:1 =:4 =====:::<;:211,;::,::;:LAN=:c~H,-1 ---l□RwN BY, RICHARD w. APEL t---t----------------1-----1-----1 CHCKD BY: PROJECT NO. SOP 96-14(G) DF,AWING NO. 479-9L BY: f,ICHAfW APEL, R. W. APEL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC. RICHARD W. APEL SHEET .l..OF 30 SHEETS C.M.W.D. JOB NO. \ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ¾ X X X X X X X X X X X X X _y;1. X X X X X X ~.....-< X X ) D-7-39 • 1-1/2" 46 I /~AR 2" X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X-<x0xxxxxx X > X X X X X X X X X X 23' I x x ;,,: x x x x x x x I ! '-1, X X X X X X X X I I I I I\ ,6 •• , ~~~~ : ¾ . i I" • ' 12~ 23 I Vi , ' ¾ !1 I" ~ 7 t· 1 " ~3 1 " 1½ ' ' "' ll I I NOTE: ALL IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN GRAY TONE INDICATES EXISTING CONDITIONS. ALL EXISTING IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN GRAY SHALL REMAIN OPERATIONAL. PROTECT IN PLACE. ALL SYMBOLS INDICATED ON PLAN SHEETS FOR SPRINKLER HEADS AND IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN SOLID TONE INDICATE NEW CONDITIONS. VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO START OF WORK. . FOR IRRIGATION LEGENDS, NOTES, DETAILS AND SPECS, REFER TO SHEETS 11-18 THE NEW IRRIGATION MAINLINE AND VALVES SHALL BE HIGHUNED AND CONNECTED TO A POTABLE WATER SOURCE PENDING SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF A CROSS-CONNECTION TEST PERFORMED BY CMWD AND DEH. FINAL CONNECTION TO THE EXISTING RECYCLED IRRIGATION MAINLINE IS TO BE PERFORMED ONLY AFTER APPROVALS FROM CMWD AND DEH. I I I I I I "r\" < X X X : X X X X KEY MAP I X X X X X X Iv TP Ill ,J r-wApel landscape architects inc 571-B Hygeia Avenue Leucadia, CA 92024 (760) 943-0760 rNapel2@cox.ne1 CA license #2825 0 ~~\DSCAP <J 0 rn -0 _, ·>---'--=c----+-'c--I Slgnatu * 9 {2?N<~~t~6 * L'C 0 t, -,,_~~-, -----, --,_ '-, -~~ ,,_____ \ __ -- 0' ,,, --~'' ~~ ✓:--i,_<._ REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER, PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN THE FIELD. DISTRICT APPROVED CHANGES SCALE 1"=10' 0 5' 10' 0 I ,~ ,- ,_ I/ I v I I I/ V'----€ ,_ ,,-- 1 ·--8 I --1-- ~~~ \ N \ \ \ 20 EB $ \ 0 \ DESCF'1PTION APPROVED DATE DEVELOPERS NAME: LECOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC . t--+--------------+----+--l ADDRESS: 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92005 TELEPHONE: (760) 915-5300 SPECIFIC IRRIGATION CONSTRUCTION NOTES: [I] RECYCLED WATER POINT OF CONNECTION: INSTALL NEW TEE IN EXISTING PRESSURE MAINLINE ORIGINALLY INSTALLED AS A PART OF THE LEGOLAND PIRATE ISLAND PROJECT. INSTALL NEW PRESSURE MAINLINE AND VALi/ES SHOWN. EXACT LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD. IRRIGATION SLEEVE SIZES: PIPE SIZE 3/4' 1" 1-1 / 4" 1-1 /2" 2" 2-1/2" 3" 4" 6" SLEEVE SIZE 3" 3" 3" 4" 4'' 4" 6" 8" 10" NOTE: IRRIGATIOfl CONTROL WIRE CONDUIT SIZE SHALL BE 4" SLEEVES ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL IRRIGATION PIPING INSTALLED UMDER PAVING AREAS. REFER TO IRRIGATION SLEEVE SIZING CHART SHOWN ON THIS SHEET FOR IRRIGATION SLEEVE SIZE. (TYPICAL) NOTE: FOR DRAWING CLARITY ALL IRRIGATION SLEEVES ARE NOT SIZED, BUT SHALL BE INSTALLED AND INCLUDED AS A PART OF THE CONTRACTOR'S BID. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO FAMILIARIZE ITSELF WITH ALL GRADE DIFFERENCES, LOCATION OF WALLS, RETAINING WALLS, FOOTINGS, ETC AND COORDINATE ITS WORK WITH OTIHER TRADES FOR THE LOCATION AND THE INSTALLATION OF PIPE SLEEVES THROUGH WALLS, UNDER FOOTINGS, UNDER ROADWAYS, UNDER PAVING, STRUCTURES, ETC. EQUIPMENT LOCATION NOTES: I. INSTALL ALL IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT, PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPING, CONTROL VALVES, ETC. WITHIN PLANTING AREA -ANY IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHOWN OUTSIDE OF PLANTING AREA IS FOR DRAWING CLARITY (TYPICAL). 2. FIELD SATELLITES AND ALL OTHER IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LOCAflONS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING ARE APPROXIMA[E. STAKE OUT ABOVE Gl,ADE IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. FINAL LOCAflON AND EXACT POSITIONING ABOVE GRADE IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE OWNER. MINOR MODIFICATIONS OF ABOVE GRADE IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS AS REQUESTED BY THE OWNER SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. FAILURE TO OBTAIN OWNER'S APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLAl10N SHALL CAUSE CONTRACTOR TO MAKE OWNER DIRECTED REVISIONS AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO OWNER. 3. ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE, QUICK COUPLING VALVE AND GATE VALVE, EiC. LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING ARE APPROXIMATE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STAKE OUT EACH ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE, QUICK COUPLING VALVE AND GAIE VALVE, ETC. LOCATION FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF VALVES. SEE DEfAILS FOR ADDITIONAL VALVE INSTALLATION INFORMAIION. FINAL LOCATION AND EXACT POSITIONING OF IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE APPROVED BY [HE OWNER. MINOR MODIFICATIONS OF IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS AS REQUESTED BY THE OWNER SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. FAILURE TO OBTAIN OWNER'S APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION SHALL CAUSE CONTRACTOR TO MAKE OWNER DIRECTED REVISIONS AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO OWNER. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "AS BUil T" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHEET 8 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION 30 SHEETS PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR: LEGOLAND WATERWORKS EXPANSION 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 APPROVED PLANNING -z · l"Z-1,.::, DATE t--+--------------+----+--11--------------------tDRWN BY: RICHARD W. APEL DATE PLAN PREPAF,ED: _1=2~/~01~/~2~01~4~--~(2N_O_P_LA_N C~HK) CHCKD BY: PROJECT NO. SOP 96-14(G) DF,AWING NO. 479-9L 1--+--------------+----+--l BY: RICHARD APEL, R. 'II. APEL LANDSCAPE Af<CHITECTS, INC. RICHARD W. APEL SHEET __8__oF 30 SHEETS C.M.W.D. JOB NO. _____ _ D-1-31 1" 32 ------------ USE EX, SPARE \./IRE (165) w ~ 1" NOTE: ALL IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN GRAY TONE INDICATES EXISTING CONDITIONS. ALL EXISTING IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN GRAY SHALL REMAIN OPERATIONAL. PROTECT IN PLACE. ALL SYMBOLS INDICATED ON PLAN SHEETS FOR SPRINKLER HEADS AND IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN SOLID TONE INDICATE NEW CONDITIONS. VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO START OF WORK. FOR IRRIGATION LEGENDS, NOTES, DETAILS AND SPECS, REFER TO SHEETS 11-18 THE NEW IRRIGATION MAINLINE AND VALVES SHALL BE HIGHLINED AND CONNECTED TO A POTABLE WATER SOURCE PENDING SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF A CROSS-CONNECTION TEST PERFORMED BY CMWD AND DEH. FINAL CONNECTION TO THE EXISTING RECYCLED IRRIGATION MAINLINE IS TO BE PERFORMED ONLY AFTER APPROVALS FROM CMWD AND DEH. ooo I KEY MAP r~J •• r-wApel landscape architects inc 571-B Hygeia Avenue Leucadia, CA 92024 (760) 943,0760 rwapel2@cox.net CA license #2825 r p~ ~- r ' . ---• B-7-8 1-1/2" 48 EXISTING PIRATE REEF ATTRACTION 6', '%,~ ~ B-7-7 ' 1-1/2" 27 -~ ' 6' PVC PIPE - I REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEEF,, PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN THE FIELD. DISTRICT APPROVED CHANGES ¾ 1 " ¾ ¾ I ¾ ) ~ " SCALE 1"c10' N · 0 5' 10' 20· ED l-'N~0=·1------~□=ES~C~R=I P_T~IO=N~----+A_P_P_R_O_\/_ED-+_DA_.~[E7 DEVELOPERS NAME: LE GOLAN D CALIFORNIA LLC. t---+---------------+----+--1 ADDRESS: 1 LEGOLAND ORI VE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 -----ll~. 1·' ~ TELEPHONE: (760) 918-5300 SPECIFIC IRRIGATION CONSTRUCTION NOTES:. [I] DOMESTIC WATER IRRIGATION POINT OF CONNECTION: FIND EXISflNG DOMESTIC IRRIGATION MAINLINE ORIGINALLY INSTALLED AS A PART OF THE LEGOLAND WATER PARK PROJECT AND INSTALL NEW TEE AND GATE VALVE. CONNECT NEW PRESSURE MAINLINE AND ROUTE AS SHOWN. EXACT LOCATION SHALL BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD. [I] DOMESTIC WATER POOL DECK WASH DOWN SYSTEM POINT OF CONNECTION: FIND EXISTING DOMESTIC WATER WASH DOWN SYSfEM MAINLINE ORIGINALLY INSTALLED AS A PART OF THE LEGOLAND WATER PARK PROJECT AND INSTALL NEW TEE AND GATE VALVE. CONNECT NEW PRESSURE MAINLINE AND ROUTE AS SHOWN. EXACT LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD. [lJ INSTPLL NEW MAINLINE PIPING TO RE-ESTABLISH CONTINUIW OF EXISflNG MAINLINE REMOVED DUf,ING DEMOUflON. CONNECf TO EXISTING MAINLINE Af APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS SHOWN. IRRIGATION SLEEVE SIZES: PIPE SIZE 3/4" 1 " 1-1/ 4" 1-1/2" 2" 2-1/2" 3" 4" 6" SLEEVE SIZE 3" 3" 3" 4" 4" 4" 6" 8" 10" NOTE: IRRIGATION CONTROL WIRE CONDUIT SIZE SHALL BE 4" SLEEVES ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL IRRIGAflON PIPING INSTALLED UNDER PAVING AREAS. REFER TO IRRIGATION SLEEVE SIZING CHART SHOWN ON THIS SHEET FOR IRRIGAflON SLEEVE SIZE. (TYPICAL) NOTE: FOR DRAWING CLARITY ALL IRRIGATION SLEEVES ARE NOT SIZED, BUT SHALL BE INSTALLED AND INCLUDED AS A PART OF THE CONTRACTOR'S BID. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CON fRACfOR TO FAMILIARIZE ITSELF \\ITH ALL GRADE DIFFERENCES, LOCATION OF WALLS, RETAINING WALLS, FOO flNGS, ETC AND CO ORD IN A TE ITS WORK \\ITH OTHER TRADES FOR THE LOCATION AND THE INSTALLATION OF PIPE SLEEVES THROUGH WALLS, UNDER FOOTINGS, UNDER ROADWAYS, UNDER PAVING, STRUCfURES, ETC. EQUIPMENT LOCATION NOTES: 1. INSTALL ALL IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT, PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPING, CONTROL VALVES, ETC. WITHIN PLANTING AREA -ANY IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHOWN OUTSIDE OF PLANTING AREA IS FOR DRAWING CLARIW (TYPICAL). 2. FIELD SATELLITES AND ALL OTHER IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING ARE APPROXIMATE. STAKE OUT ABOVE GRADE IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. FINAL LOCATION AND EXACT POSITIONING ABOVE GRADE IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE OWNER. MINOR MODIFICATIONS OF ABOVE GRADE IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS AS REQUESTED BY THE OWNER SHALL BE PROVIDED BY fHE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL cosr TO THE OWNER. FAILURE ro OBTAIN OWNER'S APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION SHALL CAUSE CONTRACTOR TO MAKE OWNER DIRECTED REVISIONS AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO OWNEft 3. ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE, QUICK COUPLING VALVE AND GATE VALVE, ETC. LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING ARE APPROXIMATE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STAKE OUT EACH ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE, QUICK COUPLING VALVE AND GATE VALVE, ETC. LOCATION FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF VALVES. SEE DETAILS FOR ADDITIONAL VALVE INSTALLAflON INFORMATION. FINAL LOCATION AND EXACT POSITIONING OF IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE OWNER. MINOR MODIFICATIONS OF IRRIGAflON EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS AS REQUESTED BY THE OWNER SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. FAILURE TO OBTAIN OWNER'S APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION SHALL CAUSE CONTRACTOR TO MAKE OWNER DIRECTED REVISIONS AT NO ADDlflONAL COST TO OWNER. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "AS BU IL T" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY INSPECTOR DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHEET 9 CITY OF CARLSBAD 30 PLANNING DIVISION SHEETS PRIVATE (ON SITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR: LEGOLAND WATERWORKS EXPANSION 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 APPROVED PLANNING 1--1---------------+-----+-----t°~---------------------,DRWN BY: RICHARD W. APEL DATE PLAN PREPARED: _1~2~/~01~/~2~0~14~--~("1_D_P_"-" ~CHK) CHCKD BY, PROJECT NO. SOP 96-14(G) DRAWING NO. 479-9L t---+---------------+----+--1 BY: RICHARD APEL, R. W. APEL LANDSCAPE Af,CHITECTS, INC. RICHAfsD W. APEL SHEET ~OF 30 SHEETS C.M.W.D. JOB NO. _____ _ ' ' ~r NOTE: ALL IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN GRAY TONE INDICATES EXISTING CONDITIONS. ALL EXISTING IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN GRAY SHALL REMAIN OPERATIONAL. PROTECT IN PLACE. ALL SYMBOLS INDICATED ON PLAN SHEETS FOR SPRINKLER HEADS AND IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN SOLID TONE INDICATE NEW CONDITIONS. VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO START OF WORK. FOR IRRIGATION LEGENDS, NOTES, DETAILS AND SPECS, REFER TO SHEETS 11-18 THE NEW IRRIGATION MAINLINE AND VALVES SHALL BE HIGHLINED AND CONNECTED TO A POTABLE WATER SOURCE PENDING SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF A CROSS-CONNECTION TEST PERFORMED BY CMWD AND DEH. FINAL CONNECTION TO THE EXISTING RECYCLED IRRIGATION MAINLINE IS TO BE PERFORMED ONLY AFTER APPROVALS FROM CMWD AND DEH, KEY MAP I -::>LIUt: IUVV!=KH-L ~- ---I 1/,I I·----, ,;:;, ,. 0 ¾, 30 V SLID ~, -I' • • -- / SUR J \ (BEL W GRAD ) \ CABANAS r-wApel 1,_, ~--- 74 ::::: ¾ f>-~\OSCAp ' - REUSE I I I EX, \./IRE D-1-19 I 1-112" 65 REUSE 1-112" 33 )\-;:,/i:c-t--:-1, -~ 1½ EX, \./IRE D-1-20 I "-"", ~ REUSE ~X. \./IRE D-1-21 Ill i __,. 1" 111~1111,1~·1 1 " w;-j\f--3 \ 14 'II~,_ \ I r -=--.• y-_c:et BRIDGE l'VJ.J (J a ¾ •--' ' ") r " 162) I ·-~ J / I REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEEF<. PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN THE FIELD. DISTRICT APPROVED CHANGES SCALE 1 "~1 O' : 0 5' 10' 1· 18 I D-1-22 1" 9 I, ;a ·1--w W TJ/!_ ¼ J , I / I 1/ ;, '(f) 0 t, W fl/EX;, ~" ~ I -zx'.1§ w "-'---1~ z ,iELOC ::<!~ -D-1-: _J D-1-: . -~_Iw1TH I . -~""-~ o -f-- ' . ·. N 20· EB IRRIGATION SLEEVE SIZES: PIPE SIZE 3/4" I" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2" 2-1 /2" 3" 4" 6" SLEEVE SIZE 3" 3" 3" 4" 4" 4" 6" 8" 1 o" NOTE: IRRIGATION CONTROL WIRE CONDUIT SIZE SHALL BE 4" SLEEVES ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL IRfllGArlON PIPING INSfALLED UNDER PAVING AREAS. REFER TO IRRIGATION SLEEVE SIZING CHAR [ SHOWN ON THIS SHEET FOR IRRIGATION SLEEVE SIZE. (TYPICAL) NOTE: FOR DRAWING CLARITY ALL IRRIGAflON SLEEVES ARE NOT SIZED, BUT SHALL BE INSTALLED AND INCLUDED AS A PART OF THE CONTRACTOR'S BID. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO FAMILIARIZE ITSELF WITH ALL GRADE DIFFERENCES, LOCATION OF WALLS, RETAINING WALLS, FOOflNGS, Ere AND COOHDINATE ITS WORK WITH OTHER TRADES FOR THE LOCATION AND THE INSTALLATION OF PIPE SLEEVES THROUGH WALLS, UNDER FOOTINGS, UNDER ROADWAYS, UNDER PAVING, STRUCTURES, ETC. EQUIPMENT LOCATION NOTES: I. INSTALL ALL IRRIGATION EQUIPMENf, PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPING, CONTROL VALVES, EfC. WITHIN PLANTING AREA -ANY IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHOWN OUTSIDE OF PLANTING AREA IS FOR DRAWING CLARITY (TYPICAL). 2. FIELD SATELLITES AND ALL OTHER IRRIGArlON EQUIPMENT LOCAflONS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING ARE APPROXIMATE. STAKE OUT ABOVE GRADE IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. FINAL LOCATION AND EXACT POSITIONING ABOVE GRADE IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE OWNER. MINOR MODIFICATIONS OF ABOVE GRADE IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS AS REQUESTED BY THE OWNER SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. FAILURE TO OBTAIN OWNER'S APPROVAL PRIOR ro INSTALLATION SHALL CAUSE CONTRACTOR TO MAKE OWNER DIRECTED REVISIONS AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO OWNER. 3. ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE, QUICK COUPLING VALVE AND GATE VALVE, ETC. LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING ARE APPROXIMATE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STAKE OUT EACH ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE, QUICK COUPLING VALVE AND GATE VALVE, ETC. LOCATION FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLAflON OF VALVES. SEE DETAILS FOR ADDITIONAL VALVE INSTALLATION INFORMATION. FINAL LOCATION AND EXACT POSITIONING OF IRRIGArlON EQUIPMENf SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE OWNER. MINOR MODIFICAflONS OF IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS AS REQUESTED BY THE OWNER SHALL BE PfWVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. FAILURE TO OBTAIN OWNER'S APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION SHALL CAUSE CONTRACTOR TO MAKE OWNER DIRECTED REVISIONS AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO OWNER. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION O1\IL Y, 11\ICLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "AS BU IL T" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD 10 PLANNING DIVISION PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR: 30 SHEETS LEGOLAND WATERWORKS EXPANSION 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 landscape architects inc :::, ( NO. DESCF!IPTION APPROVED DATE DEVELOPERS NAME: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC. 571•B Hygeia Avenue Leucadia, CA 92024 (760) 943-0760 rNapel2@cox.net CA license #2825 ___J S!gm,tu" * 9/30/2016 Reri<'I al Dot<'I ---=~# ' F CAl.1 t---t----------------+-----l-------1 ADDRESS: 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 APPROVED TELEPHONE: (760) 918-5300 PLANNING i---t----------------+----1--Y--------~'.::'...:..:.::'.'..:.'.:.:...::::::::::'.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::JoRwN BY, RICHARD w. APEL ~-j----------------+----1-------1 PATE PLAN PREPAF!ED: 12/01/2014 (2ND PLAN CH<) , CHCKD BY: BY: f!ICHARD APEL, R. W. APEL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, lflC. RICHARD W. APEL SHEET llioF 30 SHEETS PROJECT NO. SDP 96-14(G) C.M.W.D. JOB NO. -z-/z., 1.:;- DA TE DF,AWING NO. 479-9L _.,.-· ... "' 'u--.-:Pll',;llil,,, GENERAL IRRIGATION NOTES: I. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WlfH THE EXISTING SITE AND PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION AND COORDINi\fE HIS WORK WITH OTHERS FOR THE LOCAflON AND THE INSTALLATION OF PIPE SLEEVES fHROUGH WALLS, UNDER ROADWAYS, PAVING, STRUCTURES, EiC. 2. THIS DESIGN IS DIAGRAMMATIC. ALL PIPING, I/ALVES, EfC. SHOWN WITHIN PAYED AREAS IS FOR DESIGN CLARIFICATION ONLY AND SHALL BE INSfALLED IN PLANTING AREAS WHERE POSSIBLE. AVOID ANY CONFLICTS BETWEEN THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM, PLANflNG AND ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES. 3. fHE SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGN IS BASED ON THE MINIMUM OPrnAflNG PRESSURE AND fHE MAXIMUM FLOW DEMAND SHOWN ON THE IRRIGATION DRAWINGS Af EACH POINT OF CONNECTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY WAfER PRESSURE PRIOR fO CONSfRUCflON. REPORT ANY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE WATER PRESSURE INDICAfED ON THE DflAWINGS AND THE ACfUAL PRESSURE READING AT THE IRRIGATION POINT OF CONNECTION TO THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. IN THE EVENT PRESSURE DIFFERENCES ARE NOT REPORTED PHIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION, THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBlllfY FOR ANY REVISIONS NECESSARY. 4. DO NOf WILLFULLY INSTALL THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS WHEN IT IS OBVIOUS IN THE FIELD THAT OBSTRUCTIONS, GRADE DIFFERENCES OR DIFFERENCES IN THE AREA DIMENSIONS EXISf THAT MIGHT NOT HAVE BEEN CONSIDERED IN THE ENGINEERING. SUCH OBSTRUCTIONS OR DIFFERENCES SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE 0'1/NER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTAflVE. IN THE EVENT THIS NOTIFICATION IS NOT PERFORMED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME FULL f<ESPONSIBILITY FOil ANY REVISIONS NECESSARY. 5. IN ADDITION 10 THE CON fROl WIRE SLEEVES SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS, THE CONTRACfOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INSTALlATION OF CONTROL WIRE SLEEVES OF SUFFICIENT SIZE UNDER All PAVED AREAS. 6. INSTALL All PIPE MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AS SHOWN IN DETAILS. USE TEFLON TAPE OR TEFLON PIPE DOPE ON All PVC TO PVC MALE PIPE THREADS ON All SPRINKLER SWING JOINT AND VALVE ASSEMBLIES. 7. ALL POP-UP TYPE SPRINKLER HEADS INS[AllED IN SHRUB OR GROUND COVER AREAS SHALL BE INSTALLED SO THAI THE TOP OF THE SPHINKLER HEAD IS 1" ABOVE FINISH GRADE. 8. All POP-UP fYPE SPRINKLER HEADS INSTALLED IN LAWN AREAS SHALL BE INSfALLED SO THAI THE fOP OF THE SPRINKLER HEADS ARE FLUSH WlfH ADJACENT SIDEWALK OR CURB. 9. ADJUSTING OF All LAWN HEADS BY THE CONTRACTOR, SO THAT THE TOP OF THE SPRINKLER HEAD IS 1/4" ABOVE FINISH GRADE, SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS AFTER NOTIFICATION BY fHE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. 10. All SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL BE SET PrnPENDICULAR TO FINISH GRADE OF THE AREA TO BE IRRIGAfED UNLESS OfHERWISE DESIGNATED ON THE PLANS. 11. fHE CONTRACTOR SHALL FLUSH AND ADJUST All SPf<INKLER HEADS FOR OPTIMUM PERFORMANCE AND TO PREVEMT OVERSPRAY ONTO WALKS, ROADWAYS AND/OR BUILDINGS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. THIS SHALL INCLUDE USE OF RAINBIRD "PCS" PRESSURE COMPENSAflNG SCREENS, SELECflNG THE BES[ DEGREE OF ARC TO Flf THE EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS AND TO THROTfLE THE FLOW CONTROL Af EACH VALVE TO OBTAIN THE OPflMUM OPEfWING PRESSURE FOR EACH SYSIEM. 12. IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM WITH OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR WHO WILL BE RESPONSIBLE TO PfWVIDE 120 VOLT ELECTRICAL POWER AT THE AUTOMAflC IRRIGATION CONTROLLER LOCATION(S). IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR TO MAKE fHE FINAL HOOK-UP FROM THE ELECTRICAL POWER TO THE AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER. IJ. IRRIGATION S'/SfEM SHALL BE INSfALLED IN ACCOi<DANCE WIIH fHE lATESf EDITION OF THE CMWD SPECIFICAflONS FOR IRRIGAflON SYSfEMS USING RECYCLED WAfER. 14. POP-UP SPRINKLERS Sf~LL BE USED IN THE RIGHT-Of-WAY AND WITHIN 10' OF ANY HARDSCAPE, TURF OR WHERE PEDESfRcl\N TRAFFIC MAY OCCUit 15. ON RECYCLED WAfER SYSfEMS, All APPURfENANCES (SPRINKLER HEADS, VALVE BOXES, ITC.) SHALL BE COLOR-CODED PURPLE PER AVINA GUIDELINES AND SECTION 116815 OF THE CAUFORN~ HEALTH AND WEIY CODE. 16. RECYCLED SYSTEMS SHALL USE PURPLE VALVE BOXES. RECYCLED WATER CONTROL VALVES SHALL HAVE PURPLE VALVE HANDLES AND fAGS Af[ACHEO ro INDICATE RECYCLED WAfER. 17. POTABLE S'/STEMS SHALL USE GREEN OR BROWN VALVE BOXES. PURPLE CODING SHALL NO[ BE USED ON POTABLE SYSTEMS. 18. All IRRIGAflON EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN GRAY [ONE INDICATES EXISTING CONDlflOMS. All SYMBOLS INDICAfED ON PL'/1 SHEEfS FOR SPHINKLER HEADS AND IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN SOLID TONE INDICATE NEW CONDITIONS. VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO STARf OF WORK. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES A. RECONSTRUCTION AND/OR MODIFICATION OF THE EXISTING LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SYSTEM Will BE REQUIRED DUE TO THE CONSfRUCTION OF THE Nm PROJECf. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOfED, All EXISflNG IRRIGATION SYSfEMS SHALL REMAIN OPERAflONAL PROTECT IN PLACE. EXISTING IRRIGATION SYSTEMS WITHIN THE EXPANDED LIMIT AREA SHALL BE REMOVED OR RELOCATED AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS ANO AS DIRECTED BY THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES. B. IT IS THE INfWf THAT THE INSfAllAflON OF THE MODIFIED IRRIGATION SYSTEM BE AS SHOWN ON IHE IRRIGAIION DRAWINGS. CONflECflON OF THE NEW IRRIGATION PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPING SHALL BE MADE TO THE EXISTING IRRIGAflON PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPING Af APPROXl,\IAfE LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THE DRAWING. EXACT LOCATION FOR POINTS OF CONNECflONS, CONNECflON TO AND RELOCATION OF THE EXISTING ELECTRIC CONTROL I/ALVES AND CONTROL 'I/IRE ROUTING SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE OWNER'S AUTHOHIZED REPRESENTATIVE. fHE IRRIGATION DRAWING WAS PREPARED USING THE ORIGINAL IRRIGATION BID DOCUMENTS AS A GUIDE. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY All EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS AND PROVIDE A SfAfEMEN f OF INTENDED CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES FOR APPROVAL BY THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTAflVE PRIOR TO START Of CONSTRUCTION. C. All IRRIGAflON SYSTEMS SHALL REMAIN OPERAflONi\L. CUT AND CAP EXISTING NON-PRESSURE LATEflAL LINE PIPING AS REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE NEW IRRIGATION CONSTRUCflON. DAMAGE fO ANY EXISflNG LANDSCAPING Of< IRRIGATION SYSfEM CAUSED BY THE CONTf!ACTOffS OPERATIONS SHALL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDlflONAl COST TO THE OWNrn. D. UNLESS OTHEf{'IIISE NOTED AS EXISTING TO REMAIN, THE CONTRACfOR SHALL REMOVE All EXISTING IRRIGATION MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT INCLUDING BUf NOT LIMITED TO SPHINKLER HEADS VALVES, PRESSURE MAINLINE PIPING, NON-PRESSURE LAfEf!Al LINE PIPING, CONTROL WIRINC, EfC. INSfALLED DUl<ING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE EXISTING IRRIGATION SYSfEM THAT FALL WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE NEW IRRIGATION CONSTRUCTION AREA. All MATERL!\LS AND EQUIPMENT SCHEDULED FOR REMOVAL (EXCEPT IRRIGAflON PIPING), SHALL OE TURNED OYER TO THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE WITH A TRANSMITfAL LISTING All ITEMS. ANY ITEMS ON fHE LIST NO[ WANTED BY THE OWNER PLUS All OTHER MATERIALS REMOVED, SHALL BE REMOVED FROM fHE SITE AND LEGALLY DISPOSED OF BY THE CONTRACfOR. E UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, All IRRIGATION MODIFICAflONS SHOWN SHALL BE CONSIDERED NEW AND SHALL BE INSTALLED IN SUCH A MANNER THAI THE NEW IRRIGATION SYSTEM WILL BE COMPAflBLE WITH THE EXISTING IRRIGATION SYSTEM AS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE A COMPLETE AND EFFICIENT OPERATING SYSTEM. F. FIELD ADJUSfMENTS MAY BE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE OPTIMUM OPERATION EFFICIENCY. fHE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CON [ACTING THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED f,EPf,ESENTATIVE TO REVIEW FIELD ADJUSTMENTS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. IN THE EVENT NO CONTACT IS MADE WITH THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY REVISIONS NECESSARY. G. PERMISSION TO SHUT OFF IHRICATION WATER FOR DEMOLITION OF EXISTING IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO SHU f -OFF. SO AS TO PROVIDE MINIMUM DOWN TIME FOR THE EXISflNG IRRIGAflON SYSTEM, All NEW IRRIGATION MAINLINE PIPING, IRRIGAflON SLEEVES, CONfROl WIRING CONDUITS, COMMUNICAflON CABLE CONDUITS, EiC. SHALL BE INSfALLED AND READY, INCLUDING PRESSURE fESTING OF IRRIGATION MAINLINE PIPING, FOR OPEllATION PRIOR fO FINAL CONNECTION TO EXISTING IRRIGATION PIPING ANO CONDUITS. H. All IRRIGATION MAfERIAL AND EQUIPMENT SCHEDULED fO BE RELOCATED UNDER fHIS CONTRACT, SHALL BE INSfALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AND BROUGHT UP TO THE STANDARDS SHOWN ON THE IRRIGATION CONSTRUCTION DETAIL SHEET. THIS WORK SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, PROVIDING NEW WIRE CONNECfORS, PROVIDING 3/4" CRUSHED ROCK UNDER VALVES, PROVIDING NEW VALVE BOXES FOi{ HELOCAfED VALVES, POURING NEW CONCRETE FIELD SATELLITE PADS, ADJUSflNG VALVE BOXES TO FINISH GRADE, PROVIDING VALVE I.D. TAG, smlNG VALVE STEM 6" MAXIMUM FROM THE TOP OF VALVE BOX ANO PROVIDING BRICK SUPPORTS UNDEI{ VALVE BOXES. I. REFER TO "AS-BUILT" RECORD DRAWINGS OF EXISTING IRRIGATION SYSTEMS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. J. PRIOI< TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION, THE CONfRACTOR SHALL INVESflGAfE THE CONDITION OF THE EXISTING IRRIGATION SYSTEMS DESIGNATED TO REMAIN. ANY DAMAGE TO fHE EXISflNG IRRIGATION SYTEMS DISCOVERED BY THE INVESTIGATION, SflALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ArfENTION OF THE OWNER. fHE OWf/ER WILL AUTHORIZE THE CONTRACTOR TO PREPARE A BIO FOR fHE REPAIH OF THE DAMAGED IRRIGATION SYSTEMS AS DEfERMINED DURING THE INVESflGAflON. FAILURE TO COMPLEfE AN EVALUATION OF THE EXISTING IRRICATIOfl SYSTEMS, AND HEPORTING DEFICIENCES TO THE OWNER, Will CAUSE THE OWNER TO ASSUME TflAT THE EXISTING IRRIGATION SYSTEMS ARE FULLY OPERATIONAL AND NO REPAIRS ARE NECESSARY. ANY DA.~AGE DISCOVERED AFTER THE EVALUATION REPORT HAS BEEN SUBMITfED TO THE OWNER, OR IN THE EVENT THAI NO EVALUATION REPORT WAS SUBMITfED TO THE OWNER, If SHALL BECOME THE RESPONSIBILirl OF THE CONTRACTOR TO REPAIR THE DAMAGED IRRIGATION SYSTEMS. [HIS SflALL OCCUR WITH NO ADDITIONAL COSf fO THE OWNER. PIPE SIZING CHART SCHEDULE 40 PVC PLASTIC PIPE PIPE SIZE 1/2" o/4'' 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2'' 2" 2 1/2" FLOW (GPM) 0-4 5-8 8-12 13-22 23-30 31-50 51-75 CLASS 315 PVC PLASTIC PIPE PIPE SIZE 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" FLOW (GPM) 15-24 25-30 31-50 51-70 71-100 IRRIGATION SPRINKLER LEGEND (NOTE: NOT ALL EQUIPMENT LISTED fAAY BE USED IN PROJECT) SYMBOL .. C I u &VAN ili VAN "'-VAN <J VAN • • w 0_ &i (',j CD D. 0 • El D w di 0 0 MANUFACTURER RAIN BIRD - NETAFIM MODEL NO. 5006-PL-FC-SAM 5006-PL-PC-SAM 5006-PL-PC-SAM 5006-PL-FC-SAM 5006-PL-PC-SAM 5006-PL-PC-SAM 5006-PL-FC-SAM 5006-PL-PC-SAM 5006-PL-PC-SAM 1806-SAM 1806-SAM 1806-SAM 1806-SAM 1806-SAM 1806-SAM 5012-PL-FC-SAM 5012-PL-PC-SAM 5012-PL-PC-SAM 5012-PL-FC-SAM 5012-PL-PC-SAM 5012-PL-PC-SAM 5012-PL-FC-SAM 5012-PL-PC-SAM 5012-PL-PC-SAM 1812-SAM 1812-SAM 1812-SAM 1812-SAM 1812-SAM 1812-SAM 1812-SAM 1812-SAM 5000-S-PL-FC-SAM 5000-S-PL-PC-SAM 5000-S-PL-PC-SAM 5000-S-PL-FC-SAM 5000-S-PL-PC-SAM 5000-S-PL-PC-SAM 5000-S-PL-FC-SAM 5000-S-PL -PC-SAM 5000-S-PL -PC-SAM 500D-S-Pl-FC-SAM 5000-S-PL-PC-SAM 5000-S-PL-PC-SAM PA-8S PA-8S PA-8S PA-8S PA-BS PA-8S 1812-SAM-PRS 1812-SAM-PRS 1812-SAM-PF!S 1812-SAIA-PRS 1812-SAM-PRS 1812-SAM-PRS 1812-SAM-PRS 181 2-SAM-PF<S 1812-SAM-PRS 1812-SAM-PRS 1812-SAM-PRS 1812-SAM-PRS 1812-SAM-PRS 1812-SAM-PRS 1812-SAM-PRS I812-SAM-PRS 1812-SAM-PRS 1812-SAM-PRS 1812-SAM-PRS 1806-SAM-PRS 1806-SAM-PRS 1806-SAM-PRS 1806-SAM-PRS 1806-SAM-PRS 1806-SAM-PRS 1806-SAM-PRS 1806-SAM-PRS 1806-SAM-PRS 1806-SAM-PRS 1806-SAM-PRS 1806-SAM-PRS 1806-SAM-PRS 1806-SAM-PRS 1806-SAM-PRS 1806-SAM-PRS PA-8S SEE DWG DETAIL DESCRIPTION NOZZLE 6" POP-UP ROTOR -PLUS 5000-MPR-35 5000-MPR-35 5000-MPR-35 5000-MPR-30 5000-MPR-30 5000-MPr,-30 5000-MPR-25 5000-MPR-25 • • 5000-MPR-25 6" POP-UP w/ROTARY NOZZLE R17-24F -C 12" POP-UP ROTOR -PLUS R17-24H R17-240 f<13-18F R13-18H Fl13-18Q 5000-MPR-35 5000-MPR-35 5000-MPR-35 5000-MPR-30 5000-MPR-30 5000-MPR-30 5000-MPR-25 5000-MPR-25 5000-MPR-25 12" POP-UP w/ROTARY NOZZLE R 17-24F R17-24H F,l 7-240 R-I/AN-1724 R13-18F R13-1 BH R13-18Q R-I/AN-1318 FIXED SHRUB ROTOR -PLUS 8.0 8.0 4.0 5000-MPR-35 5000-MPR-35 5000-MPR-35 5000-MPf,-30 5000-MPF,-30 5000-MPR-30 5000-f~PR-25 5000-MPR-25 5000-MPR-25 FIXED SHRUB w/TWTAf,Y NOZZLE R17-24F 12" POP-UP SPRAY HEAD --- 6" POP-UP SPRAY HEAD fREE IRRIGAflON-BUBBLER fREE IRRIGAflON-DRIP R17-24H R17-240 f,13-18F R13-18H R13-18Q U-15F U-15H U-150 U-12F U-12H U-120 U-10F U-10H U-100 U-8F U-8H U-80 XPCN-FUL XPCN-HLF XPCN-QTR HE-VAN-15 HE-VAfl-12 HE-VAN-10 HE-VAN-8 U-15F U-15H U-150 U-12F U-12H u-120 U-10F U-10H U-100 U-8F U-8H U-80 XPCN-FUL XPCN-HLF XPCN-QTF! 15SSl W/ PCS-030 (2) 1401 SEE DETAIL • ADJUST flADIUS OF GEAR DRIVEN f!OTOR AND ROTORY SPRINKLERS FOR HEAD-TO-HEAD COVERAGE. " WHEN RADIUS OF SPRINKLER HEADS, REQUIRED FOR PROPER COVERAGE, IS LESS THAN RADIUS SHOWN ON LEGEND, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EQUIP SPRINKLER HEAD WITH A RAIN BIRD "PCS" PRESSURE COMPENSATING SCREEN FOR FLOW AND RADIUS CON fROL. SELECT SCREEN FROM PCS NOZZLE SCREEN SELECTION CHART FOR APPROPRIATE RADIUS. ... ADJUST RADIUS OF XPCN NOZZLES FOR OPTIMAL covrnAGE AND MINIMAL OVERSPRAY. RADIUS 35-1< FL 35" 35* 30' 30' 30' 25-f- 25• 25 .. 23* 23"' 30' 30* 30' 25' 25• 25+ 17-24' 17-24' 17-24' 17-24' 13-18' 13-18' 13-18' 13-18' 47* 47* 42' 35' 35* 35,f< 30' 30' 30' 25' 25* 25' 23' 23' 23' 18* 18' 18' 15,1(" Ff 15** 15° 12H 12-i<* 12·•* 1 O** 10*"' 10""" 4.+:H 4*•1<-!c 15H 12-i<-f- 1QH 15H 12H 12"'* 12** 10"'"" 1QH 10"* 4*"'* 4.+i-.+:i< 4,;..;c,. - DETAIL G.P.M P.S.I. PATTEF,N NO./SHT. 7.6 3.8 1.9 5.6 2.8 1.4 3.9 2.0 1.0 3.7 1.9 0.9 2.0 1.0 0.5 7.6 3.8 1.9 5.6 2.8 1.4 3.9 2.0 1.0 3.7 1.9 0.9 45 FULL 45 HALF 45 om. 45 FULL 45 HALF 45 QTR. 45 FULL 45 HALF 45 QTR. 45 FULL 45 HALF 45 om. 45 FULL 45 HALF 45 QTR. 45 FULL 45 HALF 45 QTR. 45 FULL 45 HALF 45 QTR. 45 FULL 45 HALF 45 QTR. 45 FULL 45 HALF 45 QTR. .92-3.67 45 VAN 2.0 1.0 0.5 45 FULL 45 HALF 45 QTR. .49-1.96 45 I/AN FULL 8.0 8.0 4.0 7.6 3.8 1.9 5.6 2.8 1.4 3.9 2.0 1.0 3.7 1.9 0.9 2.0 45 45 HALF 45 QTR. 45 FULL 45 HALF 45 QTR. 45 FULL 45 HALF 45 QTR. 45 FULL 45 HALF 45 QTR. 45 FULL 45 HALF 45 QTR. 45 FULL 1.0 45 HALF 0.5 45 QTR. 3.8 30 FULL 1.9 30 HALF 0.9 30 QTR. 2.6 30 FULL 1.3 30 HALF 0.7 30 QTR. 1.6 30 FULL 0.8 30 HALF 0.4 30 QTR. 1.05 30 FULL 0.52 30 HALF 0.26 30 om. 0.4 30 FULL 0.2 30 HALF 0.1 30 QTR. 3.7 30 HALF 2.37 30 HALF 1.26 30 HALF 0.83 3.8 1. 9 0.9 2.6 1 .3 0.7 30 HALF 30 FULL 30 HALF 30 QTR. 30 FULL 30 HALF 30 QTR. 30 FULL 30 HALF 30 QTR. 30 FULL 30 HALF 30 QTR . 30 FULL 30 HALF QTR. 5/13 ~ 5/13 ~ 2/15 ~Le. 3/15 ~Le. 2/15 :,Le_ 1/15 1 .6 0.8 0.4 1.05 0.52 0.26 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.5 30 30 30 ,SIDE STRlf ~ BUBBLER 6/13 7/14 r-wApel landscape architects inc 571-B Hygeia Avenue Leucadia, CA 92024 (760) 943·0780 rwape12@cox.net CA license #2825 IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LEGEND SYMBOL [XI • ■ !XI MANUF. MODEL NO. RAINBIRD ESP-SAT RAINBIRD PESB-PRS-D RAIN Blrm PESB RAIN BIRD 44LRC NELSON 7645 NIBCO NIBCO WILKINS BERMAD T-113 F-619-RW 975 100 SERIES hYfLOW JDL GREEN FSM-XXX TECH DESCRIPTIOfl ' NEW ESP SERIES FIELD SATELLITE MOUNTED WITHIN A "STRONG BOX" STAINLESS STEEL TOP ENTRY VANDAL RESISTANT ENCLOSURE -SEE DEfAIL DRAWING & PLANS FOR ADDITIOflAL INFORMATION. NEW FIELD SATELLITES SHALL BE CONNECTED TO THE EXISTING RAINBIRb MAXICOM CENTRAL CONTROL SYSTEM. COORDINATE CONNECTION WITH LEGOLAND'S lfsRIGATION MANAGErl AMD For, SCHEDULE PRO()f,AMMING. THE CENTRAL CONTROL SYSTEM UTILIZES AN EXISTING ON-SITE WEATHER STATION FOF! REAL TIME ETo BASED SCHEDULING. I SERIES ELECmlC CONTROL VALVE WITH PRESSURE REGULATION-SIZE NOTED"" I 1" DRIP CONTROL ZONE VALVE ASSEMBLY -RAIN BIRD 100 PESB ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE, PRB-QKCHK-100 SERIES 1" PRESSURE REGULATING BASKET FILTER WITH 200 MESH SCREEN AND SPEARS 1" SCHEDULE 80 THREADED BALL VALVE. ALL ASSEMBLY FITTINGS AND NIPPLES SHALL BE 1 ". SEE DETAIL FOR ADDITIONAL ! INFORMATIO~I. i I SERIES QUICK COUPLING VALVE WITH LOCKING RUBBER cov~r, FOR WASHDOWNS USING DOMESTIC WATER -1'' SERIES 1" QUICK COUPLING VALVE FOR F{ECYCLED WATER. ~~R~~SD Gs~J:L:~'<LV~INVtL~;~E WITH BRONZE CROSSHANDLE FOiR SIZES I SERIES FLANGED GATE VALVE WITH 2" OPERATING NUT FO~ SIZES 4" AND LAF!GER. LINE SIZE SERIES IN LINE REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTER ASSE!BLY - SIZE PER PLAN. I SERIES NORMALLY OPEN MASfER VALVE WITH 24 VOLT LOW AMPERAGE IRRIGArlON SOLENOID -USE MODEL BERMAD MODEL I #IR-2"-110-00-Y-P-NP-3W-460-M-6-ASCO-Lo Amp. REFER TO DRAWING FOR SIZE AND REFER TO DETAIL FOR INSfALLAflON INFOrMATION. SERIES TEE FLOW SENSOf! FOR IRRIGATION -SEE FIELD SArELLlf NOTE ON PLAfl FOR SIZE. @ BERMAD 01-AF,A 1" PRESSURE AIR RELEASE VALVE. -eR WkFFS---t~r'ri·sE")-----,f--€:Atl!lRAfE&-PRESURE-RttlEF-VAtl'E-SE+-Af--)25 PSI &/4"-IOT USED E] NETAFIM TLOSOMFV-1 LINE FLUSHING VALVE TO BE CONNECTED TO INLINE DRIP TUBING AS SHOWN ON DRAWING -SEE DETAILS For, ADDITIONAL INFORMAflON. I EJ NETAFIM TLAVRV AIR/VACUUM RELIEF VALVE TO BE CONNECTED TO INLINE DRIP TUBING AS SHOWN ON DRAWING -SEE DETAILS FOR ADDlflONAL INFORMATION. I ----NETAFIM TLDL9-12 fECHLINE DRIP LINE For, DOMESTIC WATER -DF,IPPER FLOW RATE SHALL BE 0.90 GPH AND DRIPPER SPACING SHALL BE 12" ON --- -- --cc-- --FS-- 0---ICW--{] NOT SHOWN CENTER AND ROW SPACING SHALL BE 18" ON CENTER ~~~:Drl~R~;f iT~E :~~NSl~~\.:IPJ~~ :~g gc;i~L~75 ¥:~~IR S;L ~:~/,~~Li~~S;Ol;I~~ ~~t SIZES 2", 2-1/2", 3" AND PVC SCH. 40 WITH SOLVENT WELDED JOINTS FOR SIZES 1-1/2" AND SMALLER. -SIZE NOTED -USE PURPLE COLOF!ED PIPE For, r,ECYCLED WATER J BURIED PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPING FOR DOMESTIC WATER -USE PVC CLASS 315 FOR SIZES 2"-3" AMD PVC SCHEDULE 40 FOR SIZES 1-1/2" AND SMALLER -SIZE NOTED -US WHITE COLORED PIPE FOR IRRIGATION LINES AND WASHDOWN LINES USING DOMESTIC WATER. BURIED NON-PRESSURE LATERAL LINE PIPING -USE PVC SCHEDULE 40 FOR LATERAL LINE PIPING INSTALLED WITHlfl PLANTING AREAS AND FOR LATERAL LINE PIPING INSTALLED UNDER PAVED AREAS -SIZE NOTED -USE PURPLE COLORED PIPE FOR RECYCLED WATER AND USE WHITE COLORED PIPE FOR IRRIGATION LINES USING DOMESTIC WATER. I CONTROL WIRE CONDUIT INSTALLED UNDER PAVED AREAS SHALL BE INSTALLED BY IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR -USE PVC SCHEDULE 40 PIPE FOR CONDUITS UNDER PAVING -SIZE NOTED. I IRRIGATION PIPE SLEEVE INSTALLED UNDER PAVED AREAS SHALL BE INSTALLED BY IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR -USE PVC SCHEDULE 40 PIPE FOR IRRIGATION PIPING INSTALLED UNDER PAVING - SIZE NOTE. I COMMUNICATION CABLE WITHIN 1-1/2" PVC SCHEDULE 40 CONDUIT -PROVIDE PULL BOX AT A MINIMUM OF 200 FE[f ON CENTER, AT FIELD SATELLITE LOCATIOfl, STRAINER LOCATION AND AT EACH CHANGE OF DIRECTION. REFER TO COMMUNICATION CABLE "PULL BOX" CONSTRUCTION DETAIL FOR INSTALLATION INFORMATION. PULL BOXES ARE NOT SHOWN -18" MINIMUM. COVER. FLOW SENSOR CABLE WITHIN 1-1 /2" PVC SCHEDULE 40 CONDUIT -PROVIDE PULL BOX AT A Ml~IMUM OF 200 FEET ON CENTER, AT AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER LOCATION, SENSOR LOCATION AND AT EACH CHANGE OF DIRECTION. REFER TO FLOW SENSOR "PULL BOX" CONSTRUCTION DETAIL FOR INSTALLATION INFORMATION. PULL BOXES ARE NOT SHOWN -18" MINIMUM COVER. I IRRIGATION CONTROL WIRE WITHIN CONDUIT ANO PULL BOXES -USE PVC SCHEDULE 40 CONDUIT: -SIZE NOTED -PROVIDE 30" LOOP WITHIN PULL BOX. CONTROL AND COMMON WIRE CONNECTIONS BETWEEN A FIELD SATELLITE AND ITS CORRESPONDING ELECTRIC CONTROL I/ALI/ES . ~----+-INDICATES CCU NUMBER DESIGNATION. rll--r=:::;-i" INDICATES FIELD SATELLITE / CCU CHANNEL NUMBER . I • -• -•-f--INDICATES FIELD SATELLITE STATION NUMBER. I • I • -j-INDICATES ELECTRIC CONTROL 1/ALI/E SIZE. INDICATES FLOW IN GALLONS PER MINUTE (GPM) ~,==:;--, INDICATES MASTER VALVE CCU DESIGNATION-FIELD SATELLITE/CCU CHANNEL NUMBER-FIELD SAIELLITE STATION NUMBER l•-:-•I • -f--INDICATES PRESSURE SETflNG FOR MASTER I/ALVES WITH PHESSURE F{EGULATION IF APPLICABLE I ; I • -r--INDICATES "MV" FOR MASTER VALVE WITH NO PRESSURE REGULArlON INDICATES MASTER VALVE SIZE I ~----+-INDICATES CCU NUMBER DESIGNATION. r!---i:==;-I INDICATES DECODER CHANNEL NUMBER. I • -• -•-r-+ INDICATES DEVICE TYPE, FLOW SENSOR (FS) ' fHE IRRIGAflON CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST THE PRS DEVICE AT EACH ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE SO THAT THE SPRINKLER HEAD FARTHEST AND HIGHEST IN ELEVATION FROM ITS RESPECTIVE CONTROL VALVE OPERATES WITHIN THE OPERATING PRESSURE SHOWN ON THE IRRIGATION LEGEND. NOT TO EXCEED FIVE (5) PSI ABOVE THE GIVEN OPERATING PRESSURE. REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAL TH ENGINEER, PLANNING DIRECTOR A~ID DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN THE FIELD. DETAIL 4/12 1/12 8/13 2/13 1/13 3/12 2/12 6/15 4/15 5/15 7/12 4/14 3/14 6/14 3/13 & 9/14 4/13 & 9/14 3&4/13 9/12 9/12 9/12 5/12 PCS SELECTION CHART DESCRIPTION MODEL GPM COLOf, PCS-010 0.1 Purple PCS-020 PCS-030 PCS-040 0.4 Orange PCS-06D PCS-090 PCS-125 PCS-175 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.25 1.75 Brown Silver Black Wnite Green Yellow FLAT SPRAY LOW ANGLE SPRAY 15° TRAJECTORY STD. ANGLE SPRAY 30° TRAJECTORY STD. ANGLE SPRAY 30° TRAJECTORY STREAM BUBBLrn sm1P NOZZLES 8F 8H 8Q 10F-LA 10H-LA IOQ-LA 12F 12TQ 12H 12Q 15F 15TQ 15H 150 5F-B 5H-B 5Q-B 5CST-B 15CST 15SST 15EST 4' 2' 5' 8' 3' 6' 2' I' 4' 7' 6' 8' 2· 4' 8' 3' 5' 4X12' 8' 3' I' 8' 10' 2' 3' 6' 11 · 4' g' 2' 5' 5' 4X6' 4X5' 4X15' 8' 4' 10· 5' 6' 1 O' 12· 7' 12' 2' 5' 4X12' 4X10' 8' 7' 8' 12' 4' 6' 11' 15' 3' 4X15' 4X15' 10· 8' 10' 8' 8' 15' 5' 4'X17' 4'X16' 12' 12' 10' 14' 4Xl8' • WHEN RADIUS OF SPRINKLER HEADS, REQUIRED FOR PROPER COVEl{AGE, IS LESS THAN RADIUS SHOWN ON LEGEND, THE CONTRAC rDR SflALL EQUIP SPRINKLER HEAD 111TH A RAIN BIRD "PCS" PRESSURE COMPENSATING SCREEN FOR LOW FLO'// AND RADIUS CONTROL. SELECT SCREEN ON CHART ABOVE FOR PROPER RADIUS. SPRAY HEAD NOZZLE INFORMATION: WHEN INSTALLING SPRINKLER HEADS USING 1800 SERIES NOZZLES fHAT REQUIRE ARC PATTERNS OTHER THAN FULL (360'), HALF (180') OR QUARTER (90"), THE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE THE MOST APPROPRIATE FIXED ARC PATTEfsN AVAILABLE (120'), (240') OR (270'). THE RADIUS OF VAN NOZZLES SHALL BE SELECTED TO MATCH SITE CONDITIONS. EXAMPLE: USE 8-VAN WHEN 8FT RADIUS IS REQUIRED OR A 12-VAN WHEN A 12FT RADIUS IS REQUIRED. OBSTRUCTIONS: WHEN VEffflCAL OBST[{UCTIONS (PROPS, STREET LIGHTS, TREES, ETC.) INTERFERE WITH THE SPRAY PATTERN OF THE SPRINKLER HEADS SO AS TO PREVENT PROPER COVERAGE, THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD ADJUST THE SPRINKLER SYSfEM BY INSTALUNG A QUARTER CIRCLE OR HALF CIRCLE SPRINKLER HEAD ON EACH SIDE OF THE OBSTRUCTION SO AS TO PROVIDE PROPER COVERAGE. ALL ADJUSTMEMTS SHALL BE MADE AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. (TYPICAL) LOW HEAD DRAINAGE: DRAINAGE OF lf!RIGATION WATER THROUGH SPRINKLER HEADS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. SOME SPRINKLER HEADS WILL REQUIRE THE INSTALlAflON OF ANTI-DRAIN DEVICES TO PREVENT LOW HEAD ORANAGE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL A HUNTER HCV ADJUSTABLE CHECK VALVE IN THE RISER NIPPLE OF ANY SPRINKLER WHERE IT IS NECESSARY TO PREVENT LOW HEAD DRANAGE AND WHERE THE BUILT IN "SAM" FEATURE OF THE INSTALLED POP-UP SPRINKLER IS NOT SUFFICIENT TO KEEP THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM FROM DRAINING. DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ADD ADJUSTABLE CHECK VALVES AT ANY SPRINKLER HEAD SHOWING SIGNS OF DRAINING AFfER THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM HAS OPERAfED FROM AN ON TO OFF POSITION. ADDITION OF ADJUSTABLE CHECK VALVES SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE BID PRICE WITHOUT ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER EQUIPMENT LOCATION: 1. INSTALL ALL IRRIGAflON EQUIPMENT, PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPING, CONTROL VALVES, ETC. WITHIN PLANTING AREA -ANY IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHOWN OUTSIDE OF PLANTING AREA IS FOR DRAWING CLARlfY (TYPICAL). 2. FIELD SATELLITES AND ALL OTHER IRRIGAflON EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING ARE APPROXIMATE. STAKE OUT ABOVE GRADE IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS FOR REVlrn AND APPROVAL BY OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. FINAL LOCATION AND EXACT POSITIONING ABOVE GRADE IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE OWNER. MINOR MODIFICAflONS OF ABOVE GRADE IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS AS REQUESTED BY THE OWNER SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CONfRACTOR Af NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. FAILURE TO OBTAIN OWNER'S APPROVAL Pf<IOR TO INSTALLAflON SflAll CAUSE CONTRACTOR TO MAKE OWNER DIRECTED REVISIONS AT NO ADDITIONAL COSf fO OWNER. 3. ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE, QUICK COUPLING VALVE ANO GATE VALVE, EiC. LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING ARE APPROXIMATE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STAKE OUT EACH ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE, QUICK COUPUNG VALVE AND GAfE VALVE, EiC. LOCATION FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY OWNER PRIOR fO INSTALLATION OF VALVES. SEE DETAILS FOR ADDITIONAL VALVE INSTAllATION INFORMATION. FINAL LOCAflON AND EXACT POSITIONING OF IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE OWNER. MINOR MOOIFICAflONS OF IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS AS REQUESTED BY THE OWNER SHALL BE PROVIDED BY fHE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. FAILURE TO OBfAIN OWNER'S APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION SflALL CAUSE CONTRACTOR 10 MAKE OWNER DIRECTED REVISIONS Al NO ADDITIONAL COST TO OWNER. 4. PER CMC 18.50.090.C.8, WHERE SHOWN ON PLANS, LOCATE SPRAY HEADS 24" FROM BACK OF CURB OR PAVEMENT, TO MINIMIZE OVERSPRAY ONTO PAVEMENT. INSTALL THE SPECIFIED SUB-SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION IN THE 24" (MIN.) WIDE ZONE BETWEEN PAVEMENT AND SPRAY HEADS ONLY WHERE SHOWN ON PLANS. AREAS WHERE DRIP IRRIGAflON IS NOT SHOWN Will BE MULCHED AND/OR PLAN[ MATERIAL INSTALLED 24" BACK FROM PAVEMENT EOGES. PAVEMENT WHICH SLOPES BACK TO PLANflNG AREAS DOES NOT REQUIRE THE 24" SETBACK OF SPRAY HEADS. SLEEVING: FOR SLEEVES UNDER ROADWAY 6" OR LESS IN DIAMEfER, USE SCHEDULE 80 PVC WITH 36" OF COVER. FOR SLEEVES UNDER ROADWAY GREATER THAN 6" IN DIAMETER, USE SCHEDULE 80 PVC WITH 48" OF COVER. FOR SLEEVES UNDER PAVING (NON-ROADWAY) 6" OR GREAfER IN DIAMETER, USE SCHEDULE 40 PVC WITH 35·• OF COVER. FOR SLEEVES UNDER PAVING (NON-ROADWAY) J' OR 4" Dl',MEIER, USE SCHEOULE 40 PVC WITH 24" OF COVER. FOR SLEEVES UNDER PAVING (NON-ROADWAY) LESS THAN 3" DIAMETER, USE SCHEDULE 40 PVC WITH 18" OF COVER. IRRIGATION SLEEVE SIZES PIPE SIZE 3/4" 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2" 2-1/2" 3" 4" 6" SLEEVE SIZE 3" 3" 3" 4" 4" 4" 6" 8" 10" NOTE: IRRIGATION CONTROL WIRE CONDUIT SIZE SHALL BE 4". SLEEVES ARE REQUIRED FDR All IRRIGATION PIPING INSTALLED UNDER PA~NG AREAS. REFER TO IRRIGATION SLEEVE SIZING CHARI SHOWN ON TI-IIS SHEEf FOR IRRIGATION SLEEVE SIZE. (TYPICAL) NOTE: FOR DRAWING CLARITY Af.L IRRIGATION SLEEVES ARE NOT SIZED, 8UT SHALL BE INSfAllED AND INCLUDED AS A PAR[ OF THE CONTRACTOR'S BID. IT IS THE RESPONSl8IUTY OF THE CONTRACTOR fO FAMIUARIZE ITSELF WITH ALL GRADE DIFFERENCES, LOCATION OF WALLS, RETAINING WALLS, FOOTINGS, ETC AND COORDINATE ITS WORK WHH OTHER TRADES FOft niE LOCATION AND THE INSTALLATION OF PIPE SLEEVES THROUGH WALLS, UNDER FOOTINGS, UNDER ROADWAYS, UNDER PA\llNG, STRUCTURES, ETC. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION □NL Y, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "AS BUil T" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHEET 11 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNINC DIVISION PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR: 30 SHEETS LEGOLAND WATERWORKS EXPANSION DISTRICT APPROVED CHANGES t-N,-0-. ..--------D-E_S_C_F,-I P-T-IO_N _____ _,,,_A __ P_P_R_O_VE--D--r-D-A-T--tE 6EVELOPERS NAME: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC. 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 t---t-----------------+-----+----i ADDRESS: 1 LEGOLAND ORI 1/E CARLSBAD, CA 92008 APPROVED TELEPHONE: (760) 918-5300 PLANNING i---1----------i---,---i.,.L_ ____ ....:.:::::.::..:.:.::::.:.::.:..:::'.::::::'.:::=:====-.:J DATE PLAN PREPAF,ED: 12/01/2014 (2tto rLAN '"'i DRWN BY: RICHARD W. APEL CHCKD BY: t---t-----------------+-----+---• BY: RICHARD APEL, R. W. APEL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC. RICHARD W. APEL ' PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. SOP 96-14(G) 479-9L ..._ ________________________________________________ ,-,--,., SHEET 11.0F 30 SHEETS C.M.W.D. JOB NO. _____ _ RECYCLED WATER WARNING SIGN SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. THERE SHALL BE ONE AT THE SITE ENTRANCE AND ONE AT THE SITE EXIT AND VISIBLE TO THE PUBLIC PER CMWD STANDARDS. SEE SHEET 2 & 3 FOR SIGN LOCATIONS. 24" 12" 4" RECYCLED WATER SIGN '• .-' -' . =IT • ._,,,._ 1:· ~ ... ~--·-·· 1---8"-~ ~SIGN PANEL SHALL BE PER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT TYPICAL RECYCLED WATER SIGN DETAILS SHOWN ON SHEET 1. NOTE: COLOR AND TYPE OF SIGN SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AGENCY HAVING JURISDICTION. FOR PERMANENT INSTALLATIONS PROVIDE CONCRETE MOWSTRIP IN TURF OR CONCRETE SUPPORT IN SHRUB AREAS, FOR TEMPORARY INSTALLATIONS, INSTALL IN SOIL WITHOUT MOWSTRIP RECYCLED WATER WARNING SIGN 8 SCALE: N.T.S. ,V11l~ / I.Im~; V) z 9-,~ D ~· f-" ffE / u -r .. ~ Le "t; ~· :[; u w " [L / . V) ·J;'_;_,:..r [Z w [L 2 • u "' U 0 • 10 / /, ,;1Wlvl,,_l )fr~fllUF 'mW ;]--4 ,-, , ,-~r " 5 /' , ® '· .,, "·' ..,_ .. ,.·.' 7 2 LEGEND 1. COMMUNICATION/FLOW SENSOR CABLE PULL BOX WITH GREEN BOLT DOWN COVER. HEAT BRAND "CC" OR "FS" ON LID IN 2'' HIGH CHARACTERS. 2. APPROVED RAINBIRD "MAXI" COMMUNICATION CABLE OR FLOW SENSOR CABLE INSTALLED WITHIN CONDUIT. PROVIDE 30" LOOP WITHIN PULL BOX. 3. FINISH GRADE. 4. 3/4" CRUSHED ROCK -6" DEEP. 5. COMMON BRICK -4 REQUIRED. 6. PVC SxS COUPLING (TYPICAL). 7. PVC SCH. 40 CONDUIT. PVC SCH. 40 8. ELECTRICAL SWEEP ELL (TYPICAL). 9. FLUSH IN TURF AREAS, 2'' IN SHRUB AREAS. 10. COMMUNICATION CABLE SPLICE PER SPECIFICATIONS.* * FIELD SPLICES WILL ONLY BE ALLOWED WHERE DESIGNATED ON THE DRAWINGS. COMMUNICATION / FLOW SENSOR CABLE SCALE N.T.S. --.. 12" PLAN VIEW 2 VALVE BOX LAYOUT SCALE: N.TS LEGEND 1. 1 O" DIAMETER CIRCULAR VALVE BOX. 2. EDGE OF LAWN, WALK, FENCE, CURB, ETC. 3. 12" x 18" RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX. 4. 20" x 30" RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX. NOTES A. CENTER VALVE BOX OVER VALVE TO FACILITATE SERVICING OF VALVE. B. SET VALVE BOXES 2" MAXIMUM ABOVE GRADE IN MULCH COVER OR GROUNDCOVER/SHRUB AREAS -SET 1" ABOVE FINISH GRADE IN TURF AREAS. C. SET VALVE BOX AND VALVE ASSEMBLY IN GROUND-COVER/SHRUB AREA WHERE POSSIBLE -INSTALL IN TURF ONLY IF THERE IS NO ADJACENT GROUND-COVER. D. SET VALVE BOXES PARALLEL TO ONE ANOTHER AND PERPENDICULAR TO EDGE. E. AVOID HEAVY COMPACTION OF SOIL AROUND VALVE BOXES TO PREVENT THEIR DEFORMATION/COLLAPSE. IRRIGATION DETAILS 9 10 STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 ~~· I eq I eq I LOCKING FINGERS ~ LEGEND STRIP BOTH WIRES. TWIST STRAND AROUND RIGID STRAND OVER HALF THE LENGTH OF STRIPPED WIRES. FOLD THE OTHER HALF OF THE RIGID STRAND OVER TWISTED STRAND AS SHOWN. INSERT THE TWISTED SPLICE INTO THE "Y" ELECTRICAL SPRING CONNECTION AND TWIST OVER WIRE STRANDS IN A CLOCKWISE DIRECTION. INSERT THE CONNECTOR INTO THE GEL-FILLED DIRECT BURY SPLICE KIT. PUSH PAST THE LOCKING FINGERS TO SECURE CONNECTOR INSIDE TUBE. POSITION ALL THE WIRES THROUGH THE DEDICATED INSULATOR CHANNELS AND SNAP INSULATOR TUBE COVER CLOSED. 3M "DBY-6/DBR-6" WIRE CONNECTOR 5 SCALE: N.T.S. RV PLAN 6 LEGEND 1. 1 O" ROUND HEAT B VE BOX W/COVER "RV" ON VALVE BOX " HIGH CHARACTERS. LID ESSURE RELIEF VALVE. PVC STREET ELL. PVC TxT COUPLING. 6. PVC T x T 90 DEGREE ELL . 7. MAIN LINE FITTING. 3 8. 3/4" CRUSHED ROCK -8" DEEP. 9. FINISH GRADE. 10. COMMON BRICK (4 REQ'D.). w f- D z w w 1/) • PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE 6 SCALE: N.T.S. 2 3 ~ 6 AIR RELEASE VALVE SCALE: N.T.S. LEGEND 1 ' BERMAD # 01-ARA 1" PRESSURE AIR RELEASE VALVE. 2. 12" X 18" RECTANGULAR IRRIGATION VALVE BOX WITH BLACK LID. 3, FINISHED GRADE. 4. 1" SCHEDULE 80 NIPPLE-LENGTH AS NEEDED -4" MINIMUM. 5. (2) SCH. 80 STREET ELLS. 6, STEEL ANGLE STAKE. SECURE W/ (2) STAINLESS STEEL HOSE CLAMPS. 7, PVC SCHEDULE 80 STREEL ELL. 8, PVC MAINLINE AND FITTING. 9, PVC MAINLINE. ' w 10. 3/4" CRUSHED ROCK -8" MINIMUM DEPTH. 11. PVC SxT 90-ELBOW. 12. COMMON BRICK -(2 REQUIRED). 13. 1" PVC SCHEDULE 80 T x T COUPLING. 7 r-wApel landscape architects inc 571-B Hygeia Avenue Leucadia, CA 92024 {760) 943-0760 rwapel2@cox.net CA license #2825 LEGEND 1. ROUND VALVE BOX WITH GREEN BOLT-DOWN COVER -HEAT BRAND GV "GV" ON VALVE BOX COVER IN 2" HIGH LETTERS. 2 2. FINISH GRADE. I 3, GATE VALVE WITH BRONZE PLAN I WHEELHANDLE OR CROSSHANDLE. I I 1"',NN~ I -4Mf7,• ,, / 6" DIA. SCH. 40 PVC PIPE EXTENSION ]]-[~: :✓! 1-IIEI le 4, :J■ml -LENGTH AS REQUIRED. --_/ 'Wll=W 5, 3/4" CRUSHED ROCK -8" DEPTH. , 1-,~fjl-/ -1-. ; 11n1-11- COMMON BRICK (2 REQUIRED). ; lffill 6, ; ; w-, / I-' -, .--;,:'••;•~i 4 7. 12" LONG SCHEDULE 80 TOE NIPPLE. - 10 (TYPICAL) 8, 2" CLEARANCE. 9. PVC SxS COUPLING. , , 1 o. PVC MAIN LINE PIPE. 9 11. "RECYCLED WATER TAG" PER SECTION SPECIFICATIONS. * 1" IN TURF AREAS. 2" IN SHRUB AREAS. GATE VALVE (3" AND SMALLER) 3 SCALE: N.T.S. ,I -1 r 28" ' _, . . ... ' • ' ., • . .... • . .. 9 , • • •. • .' • • • t·. '( ., • ' • • ,, 5 • • • ,:~ • • ·• ' DO • N ~~ '. ~ ' •I _. • LEGEND ,. . ~---,+~---+--.~."--+.... • ~ · .... 1. "STRONG BOX" TOP ENTRY SATELLITE ASSEMBLY NEMA 3R RAINPROOF ENCLOSURE (UL LISTED). • • . .. ., . • • .. 6 7 0 2 3 )---tt--+-o GJ 6" 1 O" ' m,n. f- 6 -t- 8 2. FIELD SATELLITE. 3. POWER SWITCH RECEPTACLE. 4. TERMINAL STRIP. 5. 1" PVC SWEEP ELL AND CONDUIT FOR 120 VAC FROM METERED POWER SUPPLY. 6. 3" PVC SWEEP ELL AND CONDUIT FOR CONTROL WIRES, 7. 3" PVC SWEEP ELL AND CONDUIT FOR COMMUNICATION CABLE TO OTHER SATELLITES AND FLOW SENSOR. 8. 5/8" DIAMETER X 8' GROUND ROD WITH #10 GROUND WIRE AND CLAMP. 9. POURED CONCRETE BASE, SLOPE TO DRAIN. 10. FINISH GRADE. 11. FILL VOIDS WITH CONCRETE SLURRY MIX. 12. PULSE DECODER. 13. FLOW SENSOR. 1 4. MSP-1 SURGE ARRESTOR FIELD SATELLITE IN TOP ENTr~Y ENCLOSURE SCALE: N.T.S. i,.i'\DSCAP,: REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAL TH ENGINEER, PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN THE FIELD. DISTRICT APPROVED CHANGES 4 LEGEND 1. ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE. 2. RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH BROWN/TAN BOLT DOWN COVER. HEAT BRAND VALVE STATION NO. ON UD IN 2" HIGH CHARACTERS. 3, CHRISTY'S LO.TAG -NUMBERED <( TO MATCH DRAWINGS, 4, FINISH GRADE. 5. 12" LONG SCHEDULE 80 TOE 16 NIPPLE. 6, PVC PIPE TO SPRINKLERS - ANGLE PIPE TO SPECIFIED DEPTH WITH 45 DEG. ELLS. 7, COMMON BRICK (4 REQUIRED). 8, COMMON WIRE TO OTHER VALVES ON SAME CONTROLLER. 5 6 9, 3/4" CRUSHED ROCK. 8" DEEP. 10, CONTROL/COMMON WIRES FROM c:, CONTROLLER. 11. PVC SCHEDULE 40 PIPE. 12. PVC SxS 90 DEG. ELL. 13. WIRE CONNECTOR. 9 7 14, MAIN UNE FITTING W/SOLVENT WELD OUTLET. 8 15. COIL WIRES PER SPECIFICATIONS. 16. "RECYCLED WATER TAG" PER SPECIFICATIONS. REMOTE CONTROL VALVE 1 SCALE: N.T.S. I PLAN I ~~/~;,i ~ ' E - 1_ 6 , 10 / SECTION GV 3 9 / 4 LEGEND 1. ROUND VALVE BOX W/BOLT-DOWN COVER. HEAT BRAND "GV" ON VALVE BOX LID IN 2" HIGH CHARACTERS. 2. FINISH GRADE. 3, GATE VALVE WITH 2" OPERATING NUT. 4 . 6" PVC SCH. 40 EXTENSION-LENGTH AS REQUIRED. 5, 3/ 4" CRUSHED ROCK -8" DEPTH. 6, COMMON BRICK -(2 REQUIRED). 7, 2" CLEAR SPACE. 8. PVC SCHEDULE 80 SLIP COMPANION FLANGE WITH GASKET. SAME SIZE AS GATE VALVE. (TYP.) 9. STAINLESS STEEL NUTS AND BOLTS. (TYP.) 10, PVC PRESSURE MAINLINE PIPE. 11 . "RECYCLED WATER TAG" PER SPECIFICATIONS. • 1'' IN TURF AREAS. 2" IN SHRUB AREAS. GATE VALVE ( 4" AN D LARGER) 2 SCALE: N.T.S. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "AS BU IL T" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHEET 12 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR: 30 SHEETS LEGOLAND WATERWORKS EXPANSION ., ..-1 o rn NO. DESCRIPTION APPROVED DA TE DEVELOPERS NAME: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC. 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 -.p;.i,6,t).#~---=-(1 ___, -l * \\-~~e.,c..:_~=·=·~==~~-11 * OF CA 1__\ >-----+----------------+-----+---• ADDF,ESS: 1 LEGOLA~ID DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TELEPHONE: (760) 918-5300 DATE PLAN PREPAF,ED: 12/01/2014 (2ND PCM CH,) f--+---------------+----+--l BY: RICHARD APEL, R. W. APEL LANDSCAPE AF<CHITECTS, INC. APPROVED PLANNING DRWN BY: RICHARD W. APEL CHCKD BY: RICHARD W. APEL SHEET 12.0F 30 SHEETS PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. SOP 96-14(G) 479-9L C.M.W.D. JOB NO. __ _ \ . -· ' i I I I . ' ' ' ' ' i ! I· LEGEND 2 1 . SHRUB ROTOR HEAD. 12" 2. HUNTER HCV CHECK VALVE. (SEE NOTE BELOW) 3 3. FINISH GRADE. 4. PVC SCHEDULE 80 NIPPLE. LENGTH ~V~!JJJJ)i~,J.•.J.J.A .. ,i/),, ,,i,,,)Jw. AS REQUIRED. IT 5. PVC TxT 90 DEGREE STREET ELL. n 6. LATERAL LINE FITTING. 2 7. #4 x 36" REBAR STEEL STAKE. 5 6;---~ 8. PVC TxT 90" STREET ELL. 8 9. V.I.T. PRODUCTS ST9 SPRINKLER TIES. f (2 REQUIRED). NOTE: USE TEFLON TAPE ON ALL PVC MALE PIPE THREADS. NOTE: DRAINAGE OF IRRIGATION WATER THROUGH SPRINKLER HEAD WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. SOME SPRINKLER HEADS WILL REQUIRE THE INSTALLATION OF AN ANTI-DRAIN VALVE IN THE RISER NIPPLE TO PREVENT DRAINAGE. DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL AN ANTI-DRAIN VALVE AS REQ'D. AT ANY SPRINKLER HEAD SHOWING SIGNS OF DRAINING AFTER THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM HAS OPERATED FROM AN ON TO OFF POSITION. INSTALLATION OF ANTI-DRAIN VALVES SHALL BE iNCLUDED IN THE BID. SHRUB ROTOR HEAD SCALE: N.T.S. (WITH ANTI-DRAIN VALVE) 7 15 PLAN VIEW SCHEMATIC 3 4 13 ------111 LEGEND 1, TOP OF MULCH OR FINISH GRADE. 2. JUMBO RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COVER. HEAT BRAND VALVE STATION NO. ON LID IN 2'' HIGH CHARACTERS. 3. 3m OBY WIRE CONNECTORS. 4. CHRISTY'S I.D.TAG -NUMBERED TO MATCH DRAWINGS. 5. RAIN BIRD 100 PESB SERIES 1" ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE. 6. RAIN BIRD PRB-QKCHK-100 SERIES 1" PRESSURE REGULATING BASKET FILTER WITH 200 MESH SCREEN. 7. SPEARS 1" SCHEDULE 80 BALL VALVE. 5 6 3" Min. 6" Max. 2 SECTION AA ~ 15 9 8. COMMON BRICK (4 REQUIRED). 9. 3/4" CRUSHED ROCK. 6" DEEP. 8 10. MAIN LINE FITTING W/SOLVENT WELD OUTLET. 11. COMMON WIRE TO OTHER VALVES ON SAME CONTROLLER. 12. CONTROL/COMMON WIRES FROM CONTROLLER. 13. PVC SCHEDULE 40 PIPE. 14. PVC SxS 90" ELL. 15. 1" SCHEDULE 80 TOE NIPPLE. 16. SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE TO DRIP SYSTEM - ANGLE PIPE TO SPECIFIED DEPTH WITH 45 DEG. ELLS. 1" DRIPLINE CONTROL VALVE ASSEMBLY 8 SCALE: N.T.S. IRRIGATION DETAILS 10 6 6 * lr2 .•• ,..,.J<crcJ II I ,_ : I= • I_ ,r _.__--16 LEGEND 1. AT TIME OF INSTALLATION, SET ROTOR FLUSH WITH ADJACENT WALK OR CURB AND 1 / 4" ABOVE FINISH GRADE IN OPEN AREAS FOR SODDED TURF AND FLUSH WITH ADJACENT WALK OR CURB AND 4" ABOVE FINISH GRADE IN OPEN AREAS FOR SEEDED TURF.• 2. SIDEWALK OR CURB. 3. 12" POP-UP ROTOR HEAD. 4. LATERAL LINE PIPE. 5. PVC SxSx T TEE. 6. PVC TXT go· STREET ELL. 7. PVC SCHEDULE 80 NIPPLE -12" LONG. 8. FINISH GRADE. * 4" MINIMUM. 6" MAXIMUM. NOTE: USE TEFLON TAPE ON ALL PVC MALE PIPE THREADS. ADJUST ANY RAISED SPRINKLER HEADS TO PROPER HEIGHT (1/4" ABOVE FINISH GRADE) PRIOR TO END OF MAINTENANCE PERIOD. 12" POP-UP ROTOR HEAD 5 SCALE N.T.S. DOWN SLOPE DOWN SLOPE 1 FOR 36" AND 48" BOX TREES -USE 2 SPRINKLERS PER TREE. FOR 60" BOX TREES AND ABOVE -USE 4 SPRINKLERS PER TREE. * USE XPCN QUARTER NOZZLE TO PREVENT OVER SPRAY ONTO HARDSCAPE WHEN APPLICABLE SUPPLEMENTAL TREE IRRIGATION SCALE: N.T.S. LEGEND 1. TREE 2. RAINBIRD 1806-SAM-PRS 6" POP-UP TREE SPRAY WITH XPCN HALF NOZZLE*. NUMBER OF SPRAYS REQUIRED IS BASED ON TREE SIZE. SEE ABOVE FOR QUANTllY. REFER TO LEGEND FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 3. PLANT ROOTBALL. 4. FINISH GRADE. 5. LATERAL LINE FITTING. 6. PVC LATERAL LINE PIPE. 7. TRIPLE SWING JOINT ASSEMBLY PER 6" POP-UP SPRAY HEAD DETAIL. 8. PVC SCH. 80 RISER NIPPLE. 9. PVC TxS MALE ADAPTER. 10. 4' SPRAY RADIUS OF SPRINKLER OR AS REQUIRED 6 6 7 POTABLE WATER TRENCH LEGEND 1. NON-PRESSURE LATERAL LINE PIPING. 2. CONSTANT PRESSURE MAINLINE PIPING FOR RECYCLED WATER. 3. PRESSURE MAINLINE PIPING FOR POTABLE WATER, IF ANY. 4. CONTROL WIRE-BUNDLE AND TAPE EVERY 10 FEET. INSTALL ADJACENT TO PRESSURE MAINLINE. 5. PROVIDE CLEAN BACKFILL 2" UNDER AND 4" AROUND PIPE. 6. SEE IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS FOR BACKFILL AND COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS. 6 7 RECYCLED WATER TRENCH 7. FINISH GRADE. 8. PROVIDE REQUIRED MINIMUM SEPARATION BETWEEN ANY POTABLE WATER LINE AND RECYCLED CONSTANT PRESSURE WATER LINE PIPING ACCORDING TO CURRENT CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AND SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS. 9. TWO LAYERS OF RECYCLED WATER WARNING TAPE CONTINUOUS ALONG THE ROUTE OF MAINLINE. ONE SHALL BE LOCATED ON TOP OF MAINLINE AND ONE 12" ABOVE THE TOP OF MAINLINE. *NOTE: MINIMUM BACKFILL DEPTHS FROM GRADE TO TOP OF PRESSURE MAINLINE: 36" FOR PIPE SIZES 6" AND LARGER. 24" FOR PIPE SIZES 3" TO 5 1 /2". 18" FOR PIPE SIZES 2 1 /2" AND SMALLER. TRENCHING FOR RECYCLED WATER PIPING 3 SCALE: fl.lS. 5 6 LEGEND 1. NON-PRESSURE LATERAL LINE PIPING. 2. PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPING. 3. CONTROL WIRES -TAPE AND BUNDLE EVERY 10 FEET. INSTALL ADJACENT TO PRESSURE MAIN LINE. 4. PROVIDE CLEAN BACKFILL 2' UNDER AND 4' AROUND PIPE, 5. SEE IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS FOR BACKFILL AND COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS. 6. FINISH GRADE. *NOTE: MINIMUM BACKFILL DEPTHS FROM FINISH GRADE TO TOP OF PRESSURE MAINLINE: 24" FOR PIPE SIZES 3" AND LARGER. 18" FOR PIPE SIZES 2 1 /2" AND SMALLER. TRENCHING FOR POTABLE WATER PIPING 4 SCALE: N.T.S. PLAN ---------- LEGEND 1. 1 O" ROUND VALVE BOX WITH BLACK BOLT-DOWN COVER -HEAT BRAND "QCV" ON VALVE BOX COVER IN 2" HIGH LETTERS. 2. FINISH GRADE. 11 12"' MAX. l 6' MIN. " l' 1 2 3. 3/4" CRUSHED ROCK. 6" MINIMUM DEPTH. 4. BRASS NIPPLE. (LENGTH AS REQUIRED). i._.,,. __ • .J, ;i..,'ti.i." •• t,. "I,_~ h<..~ Ju._.._ 12 6 SECTION .i~ :• NOTE: DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN BRASS NIPPLE INTO QUICK COUPLING VALVE. USE TEFLON TAPE ON ALL MALE PIPE THREADS. CHECK FOR LEAKS. 7 6 5. BRASS 9D DEGREE ELL. 6. MAINLINE PIPING. 7. MAINLINE FITTING. 8. BRASS 90 DEGREE STREET ELL. 9. BRASS NIPPLE -6" LONG. 10. NELSON 7645 QUICK COUPLING VALVE FOR RECYCLED WATER. QUICK COUPLERS SHALL BE OF A lYPE APPROVED FOR RECYCLED WATER USE. 11 . WALK OR CURB. 12. PVC SxT SCHEDULE 40 9D" ELBOW. • 1" IN TURF AREAS. 2" IN SHRUB AREAS. QUICK COUPLING VALVE (RECYCLED WATER) 1 SCALE: N.T.S. 11 12 6 SECTION PLAN (ocv] '-- 12' MAX. Z X 1 6' MIN. H <t ::;: ::;: 2 • • -(\j • "<t 7= ~ 8 ·:"·_ -. --_, NOTE: DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN BRASS NIPPLE INTO QUICK COUPLING VALVE. USE TEFLON TAPE ON ALL MALE PIPE THREADS. CHECK FOR LEAKS. 7 6 LEGEND 1. 1 O" ROUND VALVE BOX WITH BLACK BOLT-DOWN COVER -HEAT BRAND "QCV" ON VALVE BOX COVER IN 2" HIGH LETTERS. 2. FINISH GRADE. 3. 3/ 4" CRUSHED ROCK. 6" MINIMUM DEPTH. 4. BRASS NIPPLE. (LENGTH AS REQUIRED). 5. BRASS 90 DEGREE ELL. 6. MAINLINE PIPING. 7. MAINLINE FITTING. 8. BRASS 90 DEGREE STREET ELL. 9. BRASS NIPPLE -6" LONG. 10. RAIN BIRD 44 LRC QUICK COUPLING VAVLE FOR POTABLE WATER. 11. WALK OR CURB. 12. PVC Sx T SCHEDULE 40 90" ELBOW. * 1" IN TURF AREAS. 2" IN SHRUB AREAS. QUICK COUPLING VALVE (POTABLE WATER) 2 SCALE: N.T.S. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS " AS B U I LT" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHEET 13 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION 30 SHEETS r-wApel l'-\DSCAp REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAL TH ENGINEER, PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN THE FIELD. DISTRICT APPROVED CHANGES PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR: LEGOLAND WATERWORKS EXPANSION landscape architects Inc 571-B Hygeia Avenue Leucadia, CA 92024 (760) 943-0760 rwapel2@cox.net CA license #2825 u __, * \\ -~==-~c-=---11 NO. DESCRIPTION APPROVED DA TE DEVELOPERS NAME: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC. 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 1---+-----~~~~~-----+~~~-+~=-i t---+---------------+----+----t ADDRESS: 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TELEPHONE: (760) 918-5300 APPROVED PLANNING ~--+----------------+---+---t-;:;-:-;-;:--;::;;--:::;-;-;;~:;-;::;:-;;:--;-'.:;-;;.;;-7,~;;----;::;:::-::::::-1°R1',N BY, RICHARD W. APEL DA TE PLAN PREPARED: ~1-=-2,._/0cc1..,_/.=.20cc1c.c4 ___ -'-'12No=D...cPW<=-cC=""') 1---+---------------+----+----t -CHCKD BY, BY: RICHARD APEL, R. W. APEL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC. RICHARD W. APEL SHEET Ll.OF 30 SHEETS PROJECT NO. SDP 96-14(G) --Z · I -z. · 1,-:;- DA TE DRAWING NO. 479-9L C.M.W.D. JOB NO·----~~ &IFd:1:1 SlffACE POTA61.E SERVICE Llt-E (Sel:R'f'FVvEMENT~) 12' MINll1J1 F!EGIJl!;£0 VERTICAL &EPAAATICN fi!EC"(Cl.ED UIATER ~TICt,I MAIM.It£ UV &LEEVE NOTE: ALL fi!EC"(Cl..ED IIIATER ~TICN PIFE AND &LEEYE5 SMAU ElE Rff1.E AND LAPil FD AS 5FECFIFD N: 3.5 FEET 'STANDARD &FECFICATial& FOR mYATE lfi!RIGATICN &l'&lEM&' 'CAfa.56.6D Fi!ECL.dMATICN FU.ES AND Fi!ECruT~ FOR CCt,l&lRJCTICN Cf fi!EC"(Cl.ED IIIATER HAINS' OCToeER 1993 ~~-----.. ~--~ ,---r-ME I ER t30X 11.V Ml: IER 2-4' APPROX&' POTASI..E SERVICE LINE---~• .. ~• MIN1111'1 TO POTAa.E MAINLINE IN SIREEr REcYCI FD UJATER IR!<kiATION MAINLINE 11.V SLEEVE __ _, NOTE, VERTICAL a.EAAAta Cf 12' MIN111.11 IS l1.6JIIDATOR't' IU-£N CR055~ PATH Cf A POTASI..E WATER LINE. INSTALLATION Cf REC!'CLED WATER IR!<kiATION MAINLINE 24' ffia1 FACE Cf SIDEWALK WILL mv!DE n£ NECE55AA'r 10' HCRTIZOOAL ~ ffia1 FOTA6LE MAINLINE IN STREET. POTABLE & RECYCLED WATER CROSSINGS SCALE: N.T.S. IRRIGATION DETAILS 9 '" z □ H t-<I u H le H u w (L '" "' w (L ----------------~'~'""'" ORI P LINE INSTALLATION SCALE: fl.T.S. 1 -----~ "'· . ~-------~ • 6 7 LEGEND 1. NETAFIM INLINE DRIP TUBING INSTALLED ON GRADE. 2. FINISH GRADE IN PLANTING AREA. 3. ROCK, MULCH OR SAND PER LANDSCAPE PLAN. PROVIDE A 3" MINIMUM DEPTH OVER DRIPPERLINE. 4. NETAFIM TLS6 SOIL STAPLE INSTALLED 4 FEET ON CENTER PLUS TWO STAPLES FOR EACH TEE, ELBOW AND CROSS. 5. UNIFORM SOIL MIXTURE PER LANDSCAPE PLANS. 6. FINISH GRADE OF MULCH, ROCK OR SAND. SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS. 6 LEGEND 1 . AUTOMATIC FLUSH VALVE. 2. AIR/VACUUM RELIEF VALVE INSTALLED AT THE HIGHEST POINT OF EACH GRID. 3. NETAFIM INLINE DRIP TUBING. 4. TREE TRUNK 5. NETAFIM INLINE DRIP TUBING -BLANK TUBE. 6 . INLINE DRIP TUBING START 7. PVC LATERAL LINE PIPE. PALM TREE IRRIGATION IN SAND 7 SCALE N.T.S. IN-LINE DRIP TUBING ' u "' U 0 10 ' 111 "-' 5 ® 7 2 LEGEND 1. COMMUNICATION/FLOW SENSOR CABLE PULL BOX WITH GREEN BOLT DOWN COVER. HEAT BRAND "cc" OR "FS" ON LID IN 2" HIGH CHARACTERS. 2. APPROVED RAINBIRD "MAXI" COMMUNICATION CABLE OR FLOW SENSOR CABLE INSTALLED WITHIN CONDUIT. PROVIDE 30" LOOP WITHIN PULL BOX. 3. FINISH GRADE. 4. 3/ 4" CRUSHED ROCK -6" DEEP. 5. COMMON BRICK -4 REQUIRED. 6. PVC SxS COUPLING (1YPICAL). 7. PVC SCH. 40 CONDUIT. PVC SCH. 40 8. ELECTRICAL SWEEP ELL (1YPICAL). 9. FLUSH IN TURF AREAS, 2" IN SHRUB AREAS. 10. COMMUNICATION CABLE SPLICE PER SPECIFICATIONS.* * FIELD SPLICES WILL ONLY BE ALLOWED WHERE DESIGNATED ON THE DRAWINGS. COMMUNICATION / FLOW SENSOR CABLE SCALE: N.T.S. 8 z ~ ,: • (') LEGEND 1 ' 6" ROUND VALVE BOX W/BLACK BOLT -DOWN AV COVER. HEAT BRAND "FY" ON VALVE BOX LID IN 2" HIGH CHARACTERS. 2. ROCK, MULCH OR SAND PER LANDSCAPE PLAN. PROVIDE A 3" MINIMUM DEPTH OVER DRIPPERLINE. 3. NETAFIM AIR / VACUUM RELIEF VALVE. 4. NETAFIM INLINE DRIP TUBING TO FLUSH VALVE. 5. COMMON BRICK (2). 6. FINISH GRADE. 7. 3/ 4" CRUSHED ROCK. 8" DEPTH. 7 5 AIF~/VACUUM RELIEF VALVE 3 SCALE N.T.S. 4 7 PLAN 6 SECTION (PLUMBED TO INLINE DRIP TUBING) FV 1 LEGEND 1. 1 O" ROUND VALVE BOX WITH BLACK BOLT-DOWN COVER. HEAT BRAND "FV" ON VALVE BOX COVER IN 2" HIGH LETTERS. 2. ROCK, MULCH OR SAND PER LANDSCAPE PLAN. PROVIDE A 3" MINIMUM DEPTH OVER INLINE DRIP TUBING. 3. 3/4" CRUSHED ROCK. 8" DEPTH. 4. NETAFIM INLINE DRIP TUBING TO FLUSH VALVE . 5. AUTOMATIC FLUSH VALVE. 6. COMMON BRICK~). 7. FINISH GRADE. AUTOMATIC FLUSHING VALVE SCALE: N.T.S. (PLUMBED TO INLINE DRIP TUBING) NOTE: ALL THRUST BLOCKS AND MAIN LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED, SIZED AND TESTED ACCORDING TO THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS WHICH SHALL BE A PART OF THE INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS. THRUST BLOCK SCALE: N.lS. 4 5 • z '1) H ,: 7 z 1 . NETAFIM INLINE DRIP :::;; TUBING. ' "' 2. INLINE DRIP TUBING ELBOW. 3. NETAFIM INLINE DRIP TUBING -BLANK TUBE. 4. INLINE DRIP TUBING MALE ADAPTER. 5. PVC TEE (SxSxT). 6. PVC LATERAL LINE PIPE 7. FINISH GRADE. 6 8. ROCK, MULCH OR SAND PER LANDSCAPE PLAN. PROVIDE A 3" MINIMUM DEPTH OVER DRIPPERLINE. DRIPLINE START CONNECTION 1 SCALE: N.T.S. EQUAL SPACE 2' MIN. 15'0.C. MIN 4' MAX. 18'0,C. MAX -r -r l ~"® ? 2' MIN. 4' MAX. FINISH 3 GRADE SUPPLY MANIFOLD SECTION 2 EXHAUST MANIFOLD SECTION 9 9 LEGEND 1 ' ROCK, MULCH, OR SAND PER LANDSCAPE PLAN. 2. PLANT LOCATIONS SHALL BE SPACED PER PLANTING PLAN BETWEEN DRIPLINES. (TYP). 3. NETAFIM INLINE DRIP TUBING TRANSITION TEE FROM DRIP TUBING TO PVC. 4. NETAFIM INLINE DRIP TUBING INSERT TEE OR ELL AS REQUIRED. 5. NETAFIM INLINE DRIP TUBING. 6. CONNECTION TO NETAFIM INLINE DRIP TUBING. 7. PVC SCHEDULE 40 PIPE TO ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE. 8, PVC SCHEDULE 40 PIPE TO AUTOMATIC FLUSH VALVE. 9. CONCRETE PLANTER CURB OR WALL. 10. PVC SCHEDULE 80 RISER. DRIPLINE SUPPLY AND EXHAUST MANIFOLDS 2 SCALE: N.T.S. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "AS BUil T" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD 14 PLANNING DIVISION 30 SHEETS r-wApel ~~\DSCAP1: REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN THE FIELD. DISTRICT APPROVED CHA~IGES PRIVATE (ONSITE) F,ECYCLED WATER SYSTEM AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR: LEGOLAND WATERWORKS EXPANSION landscape architects inc 571·8 Hygeia Avenue Leucadia, CA 92024 (760) 943-0760 rwapel2@cox.net CA license #2825 a "' --u1 0 __J Slgnalur --l * 9/3 * '" I NO. DESCRIPTION APPROVED DATE DEVELOPERS NAME: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC. 1---t-------~~~~~-----t~--'-'-''-='--+-"-'-'-=-J 1---1-----------------+------+---+ ADDRESS: 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TELEPHONE: (760) 918-5300 DATE PLAN PF,EPARED: _1_2/~0_1~/2_0_14 ___ ~(2_ND_P_LAN_C~HK) 1---t---------------+------+--I BY: RICHARD APEL, R. W. APEL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC. 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 APPROVED PLANNING 2-12..1.>=; DATE DRWN BY, RICHARD W. APEL PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHC.KD BY, SOP 96 14(G) 479-9L RICHARD W. APEL - SHEET 14 OF 30 SHEETS C.M.W.D. JOB NO. ____ _ . I IRRIGATION DETAILS DIRECTION OF FLOW 6 LEGEND 1. FLOW SENSOR, MODEL PER LEGEND. 2. RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX W/GREEN BOLT DOWN COVER. HEAT BRAND VALVE "FS" ON LID IN 2" HIGH CHARACTERS. ', 3. CONDUIT BACK TO DECODER AT 7-----l'r-1 ___ ----j CONTROLLER. 4. MASTER VALVE, MODEL PER I . LEGEND, SIZE PER PLAN. 5. TO IRRIGATON POINT OF 5X PIPE DIA. 1 OX PIPE DIA. NO PIPE RESTRICTIONS, FITTINGS, COUPLINGS OR OTHER SPLICES TO OCCUR IN THE PIPE RUNS OF LENGTHS GIVEN 6. FLOW SENSOR -SECTION DIRECTION OF FLOW NON-INTERUPTED PIPE RUN 5x DIA, OF I I 1 Ox DIA. OF PIPE. SAME PIPE. SAME SIZE AS SIZE AS SENSOR. SENSOR, 1 PIPING -PLAN 4 VIEW CONNECTION. FINISH GRADE, FLOW SENSOR / MASTER VALVE SCHEMATIC SCALE: NTS. NOTES: A. STAKE OUT BACKFLOW PREVENTER LOCATIONS FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY OWNER, FINAL LOCATION AND EXACT POSITIONING OF THE BACKFLOW PREVENTER SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES PRIOR TO INSTALLATION, FAILURE TO OBTAIN APPROVAL MAY RESULT IN RELOCATION OF BACKFLOW PREVENTER PER OWNER'S DIRECTION AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO OWNER. B. INSTALL BACKFLOW PREVENTER AS REQUIRED BY LOCAL CODES AND HEALTH DEPARTMENT. VERIFY LOCAL REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. BACKFLOW PREVENTER (MODEL PER LEGEND) I 7 14 4 12" MIN./15" MAX, 1~\d1dtl l.11\1\1\1\i11\,lrdrll\1\1\1\\\~ ·,,1,11/u/rliM Ir 7ljjj . -r~ ~ i~rr 12 ~m -~ ®[!~ EITI~fil!!rl llf,"TE • 10 ·-~rn--= 8 ,_,, ~ -F •' '•.• IT ; '--@ @-':·. ~----LrJ-:_ '!!--;; • ·, . ,.. '.~':'---,'-"--c'~ ,, . . . . . . .. .- LEGEND 1. BRASS 90 DEGREE ELL (TYPICAL). 2. BRASS NIPPLE-4" MIN. LENGTH (TYPICAL), 3. BRASS WYE STRAINER W/60 MESH STAINLESS STEEL SCREEN. 4. BRASS PLUG. 5. BRASS UNION. 6. FINISH GRADE. 7. BRASS NIPPLE (TYPICAL). 8. TYPE K COPPER LINE FROM POINT OF CONNECTION. ADAPT AS REQUIRED, BACKFLOW PREVENTER SCALE: N.TS ' .. 9 9. PVC SxS COUPLING (TYPICAL). 10, SCHEDULE 80 TOE NIPPLE (TYPICAL). 11. 12" x 12" x 12" CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK (TYPICAL). 12. BRASS COUPLING SET FLUSH W/CONCRETE (TYPICAL). 13. PVC MAINLINE DOWN STREAM FROM BACKFLOW PREVENTER. 14. ROUND CONCRETE MOW COLLAR -4" THICK, INSTALL IN TURF AREAS ONLY. MOW COLLAR SHALL EXTEND 4" BEYOND OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF EACH RISER PIPE. 5 5 6 LEGEND 1 . SPRINKLER NOZZLE, MODEL ' ' ' 12" PER PLANS. . 2. RISER ADAPTOR. . ' ' . ,; 3. HUNTER HCV CHECK VALVE. (IF REQUIRED, SEE NOTE . D 9 4 BELOW). . ' . . 4. FINISH GRADE. ...... ,,l . .A 11 ;._,1,f, ,! H lfl ,ul,,., NJI ' ,----5. PVC SCHEDULE 80 NIPPLE -. ' . ' I LENGTH AS REQUIRED. \.~ 'l[a ,· ·'; . 5 6. PVC TxT 90 DEGREE ELL. • ... I ·, -➔: • ' ' '' -'"' 7. MARLEX TxT 90' STREET ELL. 6 8. LATERAL LINE FITTING. 8 7 9. WALL OR FENCE. D = 12" ABOVE FINISH GRADE FOR HEADS IN GROUND COVER. NOTE: DRAINAGE OF IRRIGATION WATER THROUGH SPRINKLER HEAD WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. SOME SPRINKLER HEADS WILL REQUIRE THE INSTALLATION OF AN ANTI-DRAIN VALVE IN THE RISER NIPPLE TO PREVENT DRAINAGE. DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL AN ANTI-DRAIN VALVE AS REQ'D. AT ANY SPRINKLER HEAD SHOWING SIGNS OF DRAINING AFTER THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM HAS OPERATED FROM AN ON TO OFF POSITION. INSTALLATION OF ANTI-DRAIN VALVES SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE CONTRACTOR'S PRICE. SPRINKLER NOZZLE ON FIXED RISER SCALE: N.T.S. 8 11 LEGEND 1. BERMAD 100 SERIES NORMALLY OPEN PRESSURE REGULATING MASTER VALVE WITH 24 VOLT LOW AMPERAGE IRRIGATION SOLENOID -SIZE AS NOTED. 2 3 . ~, 7. TO FLOW SENSOR. DIRECTION OF FLOW 8. 3M OBY WIRE CONNECTOR. 3 2. CARSON #1324 RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH BLACK BOLT DOWN COVER HEAT BRAND "MV" ON LID IN 2" HIGH CHARACTERS. 9, CONTROL AND COMMON WIRE TO DESIGNATED AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER. 3. FINISHED GRADE. 4. FROM POINT OF CONNECTION -ADAPT AS REQUIRED, 5. SCHEDULE 80 TOE NIPPLE -LENGTH AS REQUIRED (TYPICAL). 6. 3/4" CRUSHED ROCK -6" DEEP. MASTER VALVE SCALE: !LT,S, 10. FLOW SENSOR CABLE WITHIN CONDUIT. 11. SINGLE COARSE OF CINDER BLOCK ALONG ENTIRE EDGE OF VALVE BOX. 12. PVC SCHEDULE 40 SxS COUPLING (TYPICAL), 4 1 " IN TURF AREAS. 3" IN PLANTING BEDS. 3 n ~'6/,.M..f,. li.i..A. \m _, --- 6 7 6 6 5 4 LEGEND 1 . 6" POP-UP SPRAY HEAD. 2. WALK OR CURB. 3. FINISH GRADE. 4. LATERAL LINE PIPE. 5. PVC SxSx T TEE. 6. MARLEX 90' STREET ELL. 7. PVC SCHEDULE 80 NIPPLE -12" LONG. NOTE: USE TEFLON TAPE ON ALL PVC MALE PIPE THREADS. 6" POP UP SPRAY HEAD 1 SCALE: N.TS 3 1 6 4 7 6 1" IN TURF AREAS. 3" IN PLANTING BEDS. I l , LEGEND 1 . 12" POP-UP SPRAY HEAD. 2. WALK OR CURB. 3. FINISH GRADE. . · .. • 4. LATERAL LINE PIPE. 5. PVC SxSxT TEE. 6. MARLEX 90' STREET 7. PVC SCHEDULE 80 NIPPLE -12" LONG . 6 NOTE: USE TEFLON TAPE ON ALL PVC MALE PIPE THREADS. ELL. 12" POP-UP SPRAY HEAD 2 SCALE: N,lS, APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "AS BU IL T" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHEET 15 CITY OF CARLSBAD 30 PLANNING DIVISION SHEETS r-wApel REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER, PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATIO~I IN THE FIELD, DISTRICT APPROVED CHANGES PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR: LEGOLAND WATERWORKS EXPANSION, 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE, CARLSBAD. CA 92008 landscape architects Inc 571-B HygeiaAvenue Leucadia, CA 92024 (760) 943-0760 rwapel2@cox.net CA license #2825 NO. DESCRIPTION APPROVED DATE DEVELOPERS NAME: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC. 1---+----------------+-----+----l 1---t----------------+-----t-----l ADDRESS: 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 APPROVED TELEPHONE: (760) 918-5300 PLANNING 1---+----------------+-----+---,1------------------------IDRWN BY: RICHARD W. APEL DATE PLAN PREPARED: 12/01/2014 (2ND PLAN '"'i CHCKD BY: 1----t----------------+-----+----1 BY: RICHAFW APEL, R, W, APEL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC. RICHARD W, APEL SHEET lliOF 30 SHEETS PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO, SOP 96-14(G) 479-9L C,M.W,D, JOB NO. _____ _ 'I:, I' I I ." ':, '' •,. ,: ,• ,· · .. -~• ... l, -.,_. ... ,; ._,:·; ,, SECTION 0281 O IRRIGATION SYSTEM PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL CONDITIONS The requirements of the "General Conditions of the Contract" and of Division 1, "General Requirements", shall apply to all work of this Section with the same force and effect as though repeated in full herein. 1.02 DESCRIPTION A Scope of Work: Provide all labor, materials, transportation, and services necessary to furnish and install the Irrigation System as shown on the Drawings and described herein. 1.03 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A Earthwork: Section 02200. B. Trenching and backfilling: Section 02225. C. Landscaping: Sections 02930 and 02950. D Electrical: Division 16. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE & REQUIREMENTS A. Permits and Fees: The Contractor shall obtain and pay for any and all permits and all inspections required by permits. All pre-construction inspections require seven (7) days advance notice. Pre-construction meetings shall be scheduled with the City inspector at (760) 815-6708. B. Manufacturer's Directions: Manufacturer's directions and detailed drawings shall be followed in all cases where the manufacturers of articles used in this Contract furnish directions covering points not shown in the Drawings and Specifications. C. Ordinances and Regulations: All local, municipal and state laws, and rules and regulations governing or relating to any portion of this work are hereby incorporated into and made a part of these Specifications, and their provisions shall be carried out by the Contractor. Anything contained in these Specifications shall not be construed to conflict with any of the above rules, regulations, or requirements. However, when these Specifications and Drawings call for or describe materials, workmanship, or construction of a better quality, higher standard, or larger size than is required by the above rules and regulations, the provisions of these Specifications and Drawings shall take precedence. D. Explanation of Drawings: 1. Due to the scale of the Drawings, it is not possible to indicate all offsets, fittings, sleeves, etc., which may be required. The Contractor shall carefully investigate the structural and finished conditions affecting all of his work and plan his work accordingly, furnishing such fittings, etc., as may be required to meet such conditions. Drawings are generally diagrammatic and indicative of the work to be installed. The work shall be installed in such a manner as to avoid conflicts between the irrigation system, planting, and architectural features. 2. All work called for on the Drawings by notes or details shall be furnished and installed whether or not specifically mentioned in the Specifications. 3. The Contractor shall not willfully install the irrigation system as shown on the Drawings when it is obvious in the field that obstructions, grade differences, or discrepancies in area dimensions exist that might not have been considered in engineering. Such obstructions or differences should be brought to the attention of the Owner's Authorized Representative. In the event this notification is not performed, the Contractor shall assume full responsibility for any revision necessary. E. Reference specification and standards: 1. ASTM: D1784 Rigid Poly (Vinyl Chloride) Compounds and Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) Compounds. 2. ASTM: D1785 Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40, 80 and CL200. 3. ASTM F441 Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40, 80 and CLZOO. 4. ASTM: 2464 Threaded Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80.f 5. ASTM: F437 Threaded Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80. 6. ASTM: D2466 Socket-Type Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 40.t 7. ASTM: F438 Socket-Type Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 40. 8. ASTM: 2564 Solvent Cements for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe and Fittings. 9. ASTM: F493 Solvent Cements for Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe and Fittings. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Material List: 1. The Contractor shall furnish the articles, equipment, materials, or processes specified by name in the Drawings and Specifications. No substitution will be allowed without prior written approval by the Owner's Authorized Representative. 2. Complete material list shall be submitted prior to performing any work. Material list shall include the manufacturer, model number, and description of all materials and equipment to be used. AlthOL1gh manufacturer and other information may be different, the following is a guide to proper submittal format: Item No. Description 1 Backflow Preventer 2 Field Satellite 3 4 Gate Valve Etc. Manufacturer Model No_ Febco 825Y Rainbird ESP-SAT Nibco Etc. T-113 Etc. Irrigation submittal must be specific and complete. All items must be listed and should include solvent/primer, wire, wire connectors, valve boxes, etc. No copies of manufacturer's literature (catalog cuts) are required as submittal information. 3. The Contractor may submit substitutions for equipment and materials listed on the Irrigation Drawings by following procedures as outlined in Section 1.06 of the Irrigation Specifications. 4. Equipment or materials installed or furnished without prior approval of the Owner's Authorized IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS Representative may be rejected and the Contractor may be required to remove such materials from the site at his own expense. 5. Approval of any item, alternative or substitute indicates only that the product or products apparently meet the requirements of the Drawings and Specifications on the basis of the information or samples submitted. 6. Manufacturer's warranties shall not relieve the Contractor of his liability under the guarantee. Such warranties shall only supplement the guarantee. B. Record Drawings: 1. The Contractor shall provide and keep up-to-date a complete record set of blueline ozalid prints which shall be corrected daily, showing every change from the original Drawings and Specifications and the exact installed locations, sizes, and kinds of equipment. Prints for this purpose may be obtained from the Owner's Authorized Representative at cost. This set of drawings shall be kept on the site and shall be used only as a record set. 2. These drawings shall also serve as work progress sheets and shall be the basis for measurement and payment for work completed. These drawings shall be available at all times for observation and shall be kept in a location designated by the Owner's Authorized Representative. Should the record blueline drawing progress sheets not be available for review or not be up-to-date at the time of any observation (refer to Section 3.10 -Site Observation Schedule), it will be assumed no work has been completed and the Contractor will be assessed the cost of that site visit at the current billlng rate of the Owner's Authorized Representative. No other observations shall take place prior to payment of that assessment. 3. The Contractor shall make neat and legible notations on the record drawing progress sheets daily as the work proceeds, showing the work as actually installed. For example, should a piece of equipment be installed in a location that does not match the plan, the Contractor must indicate that equipment has been relocated in a graphic manner so as to match the original symbols as indicated in the irrigation legend. The relocated equipment and dimensions will then be transferred to the original record drawing plan at the proper time. 4. Before the date of the final observation, the Contractor shall transfer all information from the "record drawing" prints to a sepia mylar or similar mylar material procured from the Owner's Authorized Representative. All work shall be in waterproof India ink and applied to the mylar by a technical pen made expressly for use on mylar material. Such pen shall be similar to those manufactured by Rapidograph, Kueffell & Esser, or Faber Castell. The dimensions shall be made so as to be easily readable even on the final controller chart (see Section C). The original mylar "record drawing" plan shall be submitted to the Owner's Authorized Representative for approval prior to fabricating the controller chart. 5. Submittal of all as-built plans shall be as required by the Engineering and Planning Departments. The final plans shall be prepared by the landscape architect from diminsions provided by the contractor. Final as-built plans shall be drafted clearly to the satisfaction of the City and the original mylars shall be submitted to the city for keeping. Final as-built plans shall be required to be reviewed and approved by the City and final mylars shall be approved and signed by the City prior to the Planning Department signing the permit card. 6. The Contractor shall dimension from two (2) permanent points of reference, such as building corners, sidewalk edges, road intersections, etc., the location of the following items: a. Connection to existing water lines. b. Connection to existing electrical power. c. Gate valves. d. Routing of sprinkler pressure lines (dimension max. 100' along routing). e. Electric control valves. f. Routing of control wiring. g. Quick coupling valves. h. Other related equipment as directed by the Owner's Authorized Representative. 7. On or before the date of the final field observation, the Contractor shall deliver the corrected and completed sepias to the Owner's Authorized Representative. Delivery of the sepias will not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of furnishing required information that may be omitted from the prints. C. Controller Charts: 1. As-built drawings shall be reviewed by the Owner's Authorized Representative before controller charts are prepared. 2. Provide one controller chart for each controller supplied. 3. The chart st1al! show the area control!ed by the automatic controller and shall be the maximum size which the controller door will allow. 4. The chart is to be a reduced drawing of the actual installed system. However, in the event the controller sequence is not legible when the drawing is reduced, it shall be enlarged to a size that will be readable when reduced. 5. The chart shall be a blackline or blueline ozalid print and a different color shall be used to indicate the area of coverage for each station. 6. When completed and approved, the chart shall be hermetically sealed between two pieces of plastic, each piece being a minimum 10 mils. 7. These charts shall be completed and approved prior to the final field observation of the irrigation system. 0. Operation and Maintenance Manuals: 1. Prepare and deliver to the Owner's Authorized Representative within ten calendar days prior to completion of construction, two hard-cover, three-ring binders containing the following information: a. Index sheet which states Contractor's name, address, and telephone number, and which lists each installed equipment and material item, including names and addresses of manufacturers' local representatives. b. Catalog and parts sheets on every material and equipment item installed under this Contract. c. Complete operating and maintenance instructions on all major equipment. d. Guarantee statement. 2. In addition to the above mentioned maintenance manuals, provide the Owner's maintenance personnel with instructions for major eqLiipment and show evidence in writing to the Owner's Authorized Representative at the conclusion of the project that this service has been rendered. E. Equipment to be Furnished: 1. Supply as a part of this contract the following tools and parts: a. Two (2) sets of special tools required for removing, disassembling and adjusting each type of sprinkler and valve supplied on this project. b. A minimum of two (2) five-foot keys for operation of gate valves. Provide two (2) keys for each type of operating device (2" operating nut, cross handle, etc.). c. Two (2) keys for each automatic controller. d. One (1) quick coupler key and matching hose swivel for every five (5) or fraction thereof of each type of quick coupling valve installed. Netafim Spare Parts: 2 Plastic handled punch 500' of dripper tubing for each dripper interval and discharge rate 25 barbed couplings 25 barbed 90° elbows fittings 25 barbed tee fillings 180° 2-way adapter tees 25 male adapters w/ ¾" FPT 5 spare filter element of the mesh size indicated on the irrigation legend 5 line flushing valve 1 O regulator springs of the colored and regulating pressure indicated on the irrigation legend 25 dripper plug rings 3. The above mentioned equipment shall be turned over to the Owner at the conclusion of the project. Before final observation can occur, evidence that the Owner has received these items must be shown to the Owners Authorized Representative. F. Checklist: 1. Complete the following checklist at the end of each segment of the project, using the format shown and on the forms provided: a. Plumbing permits: lf none required, so state. b. Material approvals. c. Pressure line tests: By whom approved and date. d. Materials furnished: Recipient and date. e. Manufacturer's warranties, if required: Recipient and date. f. Written guarantee: Recipient and date. g. Lowering of heads in lawn areas: If not complete, so state and include anticipated completion date. h. Install anti-drain valve protection as required to prevent low head drainage. 2. The signed and dated checklist(s) shall be forwarded to Owner before final acceptance of the project. 1.06 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Handling of PVC Pipe and Fittings: The Contractor is cautioned to exercise care in handling, loading, unloading, and storing PVC pipe and fittings. All PVC pipe shall be transported in a vehicle which allows the length of pipe to lie flat so as not to subject it to undue bending or a concentrated external load at any point. Any section of pipe that has been dented or damaged will be discarded, and if installed, shall be replaced with new piping. 1.07 SUBSTITUTIONS A. If the Contractor wishes to substitute any equipment or materials for the equipment or materials listed on the Drawings and Specifications, he may do so by providing the following information to the Owner's Authorized Representative for review: 1. Provide a statement indicating the reason for making the substitution. Use a separate sheet of paper for each item to be substituted. 2. Provide descriptive catalog literature, performance charts and flow charts for each item to be substituted. 3. Provide the amount of cost savings if the substituted item is approved. B. The Owner's Authorized Representative shall have the sole responsibility in accepting or rejecting any substituted item as an approved equal to the equipment and materials listed on the Drawings and Specifications. 1.08 GUARANTEE A The guarantee for the irrigation system shall be made in accordance with the attached form. The General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions of these Specifications shall be flied with the Owner prior to acceptance of the irrigation system. B. A copy of the guarantee form shall be included in the operations and maintenance manual. C. The guarantee form shall be re-typed onto the Contractor's letterhead and shall contain the following information: GUARANTEE FOR IRRIGATION SYSTEM We hereby guarantee that the irrigation system we have furnished and installed is free from defects in materials and workmanship, and the work has been completed in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications, ordinary wear and tear, unusual abuse, or neglect excepted. We agree to repair or replace any defects in material or workmanship which may develop during the period of one year from date of acceptance and also to repair or replace any damage resulting from the repairing or replacing of such defects at no additional costs to the Owner. We shall make such repairs or replacements within a reasonable time, as determined by the Owner, after receipt of written notice. In the event of our failure to make such repairs or replacements within a reasonable time after receipt of written notice from the Owner, we authorize the Owner to proceed to have said repairs or replacements made at our expense and we will pay the costs and charges therefore upon demand. PROJECT: _______________________ _ LOCATION: --------------------------- SIGNED: ________________________ _ ADDRESS: ________________________ _ PHONE: _______ _ DATE OF ACCEPTANCE: _______ _ 1.09 QUALIFICATION OF IRRIGATION PERSONNEL A. Contractor and on site field superintendent shall have the following minimum qualifications: 1. Not less than five years continuous experience in installation of commercial computer controlled irrigation systems. 2. Demonstrate completion of central control systems manufacturer's installation certification program for computer controlled irrigation systems. 3. Upon Owner's request, supply a list of references listing successfully completed commercial computer controlled irrigation systems. 1.10 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Owner reserves the right to make temporary repairs as necessary to keep the sprinkler irrigation system equipment in operating condition. This in no way alters the requirements of Contract Documents. B. Coordinate Work with that of other trades, all underground improvements, the location and planting of specimen trees and all other planting. Verify location of all planting requiring excavations 24 in. diameter and larger with Owner prior to installation of main Hnes. C. Provide temporary irrigation at all times to maintain plant materials. All temporary irrigation shall remain unless specifically directed to be removed by the Owner. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. General: Use only new materials of brands and types noted on drawings, specified herein, or approved equals. B. PVC Pressure Main Line Pipe and Fillings (Use purple colored pipe for recycled water and use white pipe for potable water): 1. Pressure main line piping for size 4" and larger shall be ring-tite gasket jolnt pipe with Harco Ductile iron ring-tite fittings. a. All bends, reducers, plugs and the opposite side of tee branches shall be bell end ductile iron fittings for PVC pipe. b. Fittings shall be manufactured of ductile iron, grade 70-55-05 in accord with ASTM A536. Fittings shall have deep bell push-on joints with gaskets meeting ASTM F477. Fittings shall be HARCO DEEP BELL as manufactured by The Harrington Corporation of Lynchburg, VA, Tel: (804) 845-7094, or approved equal. 2. Pressure main line piping for sizes 2" through 3" shall be PVC Class 315. 3. Class 315 pipe shall be made from an NSF approved Type I, Grade I, PVC compound conforming to ASTM resin specification 01784. All pipe must meet requirements as set forth in Federal Specification PS-22-70, with an appropriate standard dimension (S.D.R.) (Solvent-weld Pipe). 4. Pressure main line piping for sizes 1-1/2" and smaller shall be PVC Schedule 40 with solvent welded joints. 5. Schedule 40 pipe shall be made from NSF approved Type I, Grade I PVC compound conforming to ASTIVI resin specification D1785. All pipe must meet requirements as set forth in Federal Specification PS-21-70. 6. PVC solvent-weld fittings shall be Schedule 40, 1-2, 11-1 NSF approved conforming to ASTM test procedure D2466. 7. Solvent cement and primer for PVC solvent-weld pipe and fittings shall be of type and installation methods prescribed by the manufacturer. 8. All PVC pipe must bear the following markings: a. Manufacturer's name b. Nominal pipe size c. Schedule or class d. Pressure rating in P.S.I. e. NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) approval f. Date of extrusion 9. All fittings shall bear the manufacturer's name or trademark, material designation, size, applicable LP.S. schedule and NSF seal of approval. C. PVC Non-Pressure Lateral Line Pipe and Fittings (Use purple colored pipe for recycled water and use white pipe for potable water): 1. Non-pressure buried lateral line piping shall be PVC Class 200 with solvent-weld joints when installed in planting areas in outer park landscape. 2. Non-pressure lateral line piping installed in all inner park landscape areas and under all paved areas shall be PVC Schedule 40 with solvent welded joints. 3. Pipe shall be made from NSF approved, Type I, Grade II PVC compound conforming to ASTM resin specification D1784. All pipe must meet requirements set forth in Federal Specification PS-22-70 with an appropriate standard dimension ratio. 4. Except as noted in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 of this section (2.01C), all requirements for non-pressure lateral line pipe and fittings shall be the same as for solvent-weld pressure main line pipe and fittings as set forth in section 2.01 B of these Specifications. D. Brass Pipe and Fittings: 1. Where indicated on the Drawings, use red brass screwed pipe conforming to Federal Specification #WW-P-351. 2. Fittings shall be red brass conforming to Federal Specification #WW-P-460. E. Copper Pipe and Fittings: 1. Pipe: Type K, hard tempered 2. Fittings: wrought copper, solder joint type 3. Joints shall be soldered with silver solder, 45% silver, 15% copper, 16% zinc, 24% cadmium, solidus at 11250 F. and liquidus at 11450 F. F. Galvanized Pipe and Fittings: 1. Where indicated on the Drawings, use galvanized steel pipe ASA Schedule 40 mild steel screwed pipe. 2. Fittings shall be medium galvanized screwed beaded malleable iron. Galvanized couplings may be merchant coupling. 3. All galvanized pipe and fittings installed below grade shall be painted with two (2) coats of Koppers #50 bitumastic. G. Gate Valve: 1. Gate valves 3" and smaller shall meet the following requirements: a. Gate valve shall be 125 lb. SWP bronze gate valve with screw-in bonnet, nonrising stem, and solid wedge disc. b. Gate valve shall have threaded ends and shall be equipped with a bronze handwheel. c. Gate valve shall be similar to those manufactured by Nibco or approved equal. 2. Gate valves 4" and larger shall meet the following requirements: a. Gate valve shall be flanged cast iron body, bronze mounted, doubled discs, parallel seats with pin disc spreader mechanism, and shall conform to the specification of the American Water Works Association. b. Gate valve shall be 2" square operating nut, with arrow cast in metal indicating direction of opening. c. Gate valve shall have ends compatible with pipe in which it is installed. When adapting flanged gate valves to PVC pipe, use cast iron companion flanges, stainless steel nuts and bolts, gaskets and PVC male adapters as required to complete connection. d. Gate valve shall be similar to those manufactured by Nibco or approved equal. 3. All gate valves shall be installed per installation details. H. Quick Coupling Valve: 1. Quick coupling valves shall have a brass, two-piece body designed for working pressure of 150 P.S.I. 2. Quick coupling valve shall be operable with a quick coupler key. Key size and type shall be as shown on the Drawings. I. Backflow Prevention Unit: 1. Backflow prevention unit shall be of size and type indicated on the irrigation drawings. Install backflow prevention unit in accordance with irrigation construction details. 2. Wye strainer at backflow prevention unit shall have a bronzed screwed body with 60 mesh monel screen and shall be similar to Watts 777M 1 or approved equal. 3. All pressure main line piping between the point of connection and the backflow preventer shall be installed as required by local code. The Contractor shall verify with the local governing body as to material type and installation procedures prior to start of construction. Submit shop drawing for approval. 4. Final location and exact positioning of the backflow preventer shall be approved by the Owner's authorized representatives prior to installation. Failure to obtain approval may result in relocation of backflow preventer per owners direction at no additional cost to owner. J. Check Valve: 1. Swing check valves 2" and smaller shall be 200 pound W.O.G. bronze construction with replaceable composition, neoprene, or rubber disc and shall meet or exceed Federal Specification WW-V-51 D, Class A, Type IV. 2. Anti-drain valves shall be of heavy duty virgin PVC construction with F.1.P. thread inlet and outlet internal parts shall be stainless steel and neoprene. Anti-drain valve shall be field adjustable against drawout from 4 to 32 feet of head. Anti-drain valve shall be similar to the Hunter HCV or approved equal. K. Control Wiring: 1. Wire requirements are as follows: a. Unless otherwise noted, connections between an automatic controller and its corresponding electric control valves shall be made with direct burial copper wire AWG-U.F. 600 volt. b. Control wiring installed in control wire conduit within structure shall be made with AWG-TW solid copper wire. c. When more than one controller is installed at the same location, pilot wires shall be a different color wire for each automatic controller. Common wires shall be white with a different color stripe for each automatic controller. d. Install in accordance with valve manufacturer's specifications and wire chart. In no case shall wire size be less than #14. 2. Wiring shall occupy the same trench and shall be installed along the same route as pressure supply or lateral lines wherever possible. 3. Where more than one (1) wire is placed in a trench, the wiring shall be taped together at intervals of ten (10) feet 4. An expansion curl shall be provided within three (3) feet of each wire connection. Expansion curl shall be of sufficient length at each splice connection at each electric control valve, so that in case of repair, the valve bonnet may be brought to the surface without disconnecting the control wires. Control wires shall be laid loosely in trench without stress or stretching wire conductors 5. All splices shall be made with Scotch-Lok #3576 Connector Sealing Packs, Rainbird Snap-Tile wire connectors, or approved equal. Make only one splice with each connector sealing pack. 6. Field splices between the automatic controller and electric control valves will not be allowed without prior approval of the Owners Authorized Representative. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATIOf\l OF PLANTING AREAS "AS BUil T" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHEET 16 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION 30 SHEETS r-wApel REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEEf,, PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOfi TO IMPLEMENTATION IN THE FIELD. PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR: landscape architects Inc 571-B Hygeia Avenue Leucadia, CA 92024 (760) 943-0760 r.vapel2@cox.net CA license #2825 DISTRICT APPROVED CHANGES LEGOLAND WATERWORKS EXPANSION NO. DESCRIPTION APPROVED DATE DEVELOPERS NAME: LECOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC. 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 1----+---------------+-------+--l ADDRESS: 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 APPROVED ~'y 4 !::11-ot\-Z· f7-· /", TELEPHONE: (760) 918-5300 PLANNING DATE l---+----------------+------1----I DATE PLAN PREPARED: _1_2~/_0_1~/_2_0_14 ____ (~2N_D_P_LAN_CH~K) BY: fs!CHARD APEL, R. W. APEL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC. ORWN BY, RICHAFW W. APEL PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHCKD BYc SDP 96-14(G) 479-9L RICHARD w. APEL SHEET llioF 30 SHEETS C.M.W.D. JOB ~10. _____ _ L. Central Computer Control System (Existing -For Information Only): 1. All materials furnished and installed shall be new and shall conform to manufacturer's installation instructions and these specifications 2. The Central Control software package shall be provided and installed under this contract and shall consist of Rain Bird MAXICOM software package with "PTS" Model MAXICOM-60 Warranty up-grade package including automenu drive system, back-up batch files, Script quick access, Procomm, manual and 60 hours on-site training. 3. The Central Control hardware package shall be provided and installed under this contract and shall consist of "PTS" Model #SA-10-CENTCOM computer warranty up-grade package including IBM PS Pentium Pro 200 MZ processor, 2.5 GB hard drive, 32 Meg RAM, 17" VGA Monitor, WindowsJ 95, internal fiber optics modem interconnect, tape back-up system, printer HP LaserJetTM 6P, power director, uninterruptible power source, work center and chair, set-up labor and a 5-yearwarranty. 4. The on-site weather station shall be provided and installed under this contract and shall consist of a Rain Bird #WS-200 weather station with "PTS" #SA-10-WTHR/SFT weather station upgrade package and 5-year warranty. 5. It is the Contractor's responsibility to obtain the necessary warranty inspections and Letter of Certifications from Pacific Technical Services the approved Rain Bird MAXICOM distributor. No installations will be accepted without certification. 6. All incidental parts which are not shown on the plans or specified herein and are necessary to complete or modify the new and/or existing systems shall be furnished and installed as though such parts were shown on plans or specified. All systems shall be in satisfactory operation at the time of cqmpletion. 7. The existing Irrigation system shall be maintained in effective operation by LEGOLAND'S Carlsbad Authorized Maintenance Contractor for the duration of the work. The Contractor shall notify the Owner's Authorized Representative 48 hours prior to performing any work on an existing system. M. CCU-Encoder: 1. The quantity and location of all "CCU" encoders shall be as shown on the Central Irrigation Control layout plans, the construction notes and these specifications. 2. Each "CCU" encoder shall have a fiber optics modem interconnect and separate two-wire path to the controllers under its control. The two-wire communication link shall be of the wire type, installed and tested as herein specified. Use the same colored pair for connection of all CCU's, the other r-No (2) pairs are reserved for future use. N. Communication Cable/Flow Sensor lnterconnect: 1. The r-No-wire path for the communication interconnect as required from each Cluster Control Unit (CCU) to its assigned field satellite shall be three (3) pairs of solid annealed 19 gauge copper, single jacketed filled cable design with solid insulation, core wrapped and shielded in accordance with ICEA #S-56-434-1983 and PE-39. 2. Communication cable conduit shall be as manufactured by Regency Wire and Cable, P.O. Box 925, Sikeston, MO. 0. MAXICOM Communication Cable/Flow Sensor Wire Splices: 1. MAXICOM communication cable wire splices will be allowed only at the approved splice box locations. 2. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to prepare the communication cable for splicing as directed by Pacific Technical Services (PTS), the approved Rain Bird MAXICOM distributor. All splices will be made by the Contractor and tested by PTS's field service representative. 3. Individual wires of the MAXICOM communication cable shall be spliced together using Scotch-Lok Brand Model "ULG" butt connector. 4. Connectors shall be crimped using a Scotch-Lok E-9 series tool. 5. All butt splices shall then be protected within a Hysol Model BC-12010-10" butt splice case. 6. Prior to installing individual butt splices within the Hysol butt splice case, the individual butt splices shall be grouped together and wrapped with 3M putty tape or sealing tape and then final wrapped with 3M vinyl tape to cover sealing tape completely. P. Automatic Controller (Field Satellites): 1. Field Satellite(s) shall be of size and type shown on the Drawings. 2. Final location of field satellite(s) shall be approved by the Owner's Authorized Representative. 3. Unless otherwise noted on the Drawings, the 120 volt electrical power to each automatic controller location is to be furnished by others. The final electrical hook-up shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. 4. Unless noted on the Drawings as being a standard Rain Bird stainless steel pedestal, each automatic irrigation controller shall be included as a component part of the specified stainless steel vandal-resistant controller enclosure assembly. See section 2.01 Q for additional information. Q. Stainless Steel Vandal-Resistant Controller Enclosure Assembly: 1. The top mounted stainless steel vandal-resistant controller enclosure assembly shall consist of a "Strong Box" housing, stainless steel back board, automatic Irrigation controller(s), terminal strip, and a 117 volt outlet. 2. The stainless steel back board shall be bolted to the housing to provide a base for mounting the controller and terminal strip. 3. Enclosure assembly shall be equipped with a 117 volt duplex box with an On/Off switch, and 117 volt receptacle. The Contractor shall provide metal conduit run from the 117 volt supply to the controller assembly. All power within the housing shall be properly phased. 4. Enclosure assembly shall include a prewired terminal strip clearly indicating the proper points of connection of all appropriate wiring (station valves, master valve, common, central control.) 5. Enclosure assembly shall include a terminal strip with clearly marked positions for one rain check device, and three moisture sensing devices. The terminal strip shall be wired through four clearly marked On/Off switches mounted on the face of the controller to provide sensing bypass capability. 6. The vandal-resistant controller enclosure assembly shall be manufactured by Pacific Irrigation Supply, Inc., 23432 South Pointe Drive, Laguna Hills, CA 92653. Phone (714) 837-4460; or approved equal. 7. Upon final inspection of the project, the Irrigation Contractor shall provide for the Owner a "Job Site Equipment Inspection and 5 year Warranty Certification" letter from the enclosure manufacturer. This letter shall include verification of conformance with specifications and installation recommendations, site inspection date and shall list all assemblies covered under the 5 year warranty. IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS R Electric Control Valve: 1. All electric control valves shall be the same size and type shown on the Drawings. 2. All electric control valves shall have a manual flow adjustment. 3. Provide and install one control valve box for each electric control valve. S. Valve Box: 1. Use 10" x 10-1/4" round box for all gate valves, Carson Industries #910-12B with green bolt-down cover or approved equal. Extension sleeve shall be PVC with minimum size of six (6) inches. 2. Use 9-1 /2" x 16" x 11" rectangular box for all electric control valves, Carson Industries #1419-12B with green bolt-down cover or approved equal. 3. Use 10" diameter x 10-1/4" deep round plastic valve box for all quick coupling valves, Carson Industries #910-12B with green bolt-down cover or approved equal. T. Sprinkler Head: 1. All sprinkler heads shall be of the same size, type, and deliver the same rate of precipitation with the diameter (or radius) of throw, pressure, and discharge as shown on the Drawings and/or as specified herein. 2. Spray heads shall have a screw adjustment. 3. Riser units shall be fabricated in accordance with the installation details. 4. Riser nipples for all sprinkler heads shall be the same size as the riser opening in the sprinkler body. 5. All sprinkler l1eads of the same type shall be by the same manufacturer. U. Identification Tag: 1. I.D. tags for electric control valves shall be manufactured from Polyurethane Behr Desopan. Use Christy's standard tag hot-stamped with black letters on yellow background. Tags shall be numbered to match programming shown on the Drawings. Provide one tag for each electric control valve. 2. l.D. tags for quick coupling valves shall be manufactured from Polyurethane Behr Desopan. Use Christy's maxi tag, hot-stamped with black letters on purple background. Tags shall read "Warning - Unsafe Water -Do Not Drink." Tag shall be printed in English on one side and Spanish on the other. Provide one tag for each quick coupling valve. 3. Special order tags from T. Christy Enterprises, 403 West Brenna Lane, Orange, CA 92667. Phone (714) 771-4142 and Fax (714) 771-3029. V. Surge arrestor for 120V power wiring: 1. A surge-arresting duplex outlet as manufactured by Leviton Model #528-l or approved equal, shall be installed as part of the stainless steel vandal-resistant controller assembly. 2. MSP-1 surge arrestor for two-wire communication path. a. current The MSP-1 Surge Arrestor shall be a Rain Bird P/N-D05100) Low Resistance, In-Line, Transient Voltage Surge Protector. The unit shall have low clamping level and high handling capabilities for protection of sensitive electronic devices. W. Flow sensor, flow transmitter, and pulse decoder. 1. An irrigation main-line flow sensor and Rain Bird pulse decoder shall be installed in accord with Drawings and manufacturer's installation instructions. See Drawings for location. Contractor shall be responsible for the installation, hook-ups, materials, components, connections, etc., of the flow sensors, flow transmitter and pulse decoders for the complete automatic operation of the system. 2. The flow sensor shall be manufactured by Data Industrial Company. Install as recommended by the manufacturer and as detailed. a. the Use PTS IR-220P plastic tee mounted flow sensor for sizes 1" through 4" as noted on drawings 3. The Pulse Output Transmitter shall be manufactured by Data Industrial Co., 1500 series. 4. The pulse decoder shall be manufactured by Rain Bird Model #F-69300, and shall be installed according to the manufacturer's recommendations and as detailed. 5. Provide a separate flow sensor cable from each flow sensor to its respective designated pulse decoder Run flow sensor cables within 1-1/2" PVC Schedule 40 conduit. Refer to sensor cable, communication cable conduit, and communication cable pull boxes specified elsewhere for additional information. 6. Up to a maximum of three (2) flow sensor cables from the same point of connection may be installed within the same conduit. In no case shall there be more than three (2) flow sensor cables in any conduit. 7. Flow sensor cables from different points of connection may not be installed within the same conduit. 8. Control and common wires for the automatic master valve immediately upstream from flow sensor shall be installed with different color wires. 9. All splices shall be performed in a 3M "DBY" direct bury splice kit. Make only one splice with each connector. X. Commlmication Cable Conduit 1. As a part of this Contract, the Contractor shall provide and install a communication cable conduit that will be used for the future installation of communication cable(s). 2. Communication cable conduit shall be PVC Schedule 40 with solvent welded joints an,J unless other-Nise noted on the Drawings, shall be ·1-1/2" in size, with 1/4" nylon pull rope installed within entire length of conduit. 3. Except as noted in paragraph number two (above) of this section, all requirements for communication cable conduit and fittings shall be the same as for solvent-weld pressure main line pipe and fittings as set forth in Section 2.018 of these Specifications. 4. Sweep ells shall be fabricated standard electrical type PVC schedule 40 long sweep elbows. Cap sweep ell with tri-plug with the ring for securing nylon pull rope. 5. The communication cable conduit shall be installed where indicated on the Drawings and shall be routed, wherever possible, with the irrigation pressure main line piping. Provide 18" minimum cover over all communication cable conduit. Provide 6" minimum separation between communication cable conduit and irrigation pressure main line piping. 6. Pull boxes shall be located a minimum of r-No hundred (200) feet on center, at each automatic controller location, and at each change of direction. Use 9-1/2" x 16" x 11" rectangular box for all pull boxes, Carson Industries #1419-12B with green bolt-down cover or approved equal. Cover shall be marked "Irrigation Control Cable." Refer to the Drawings for additional information. Y. Master Valve/ Basket Strainer Assembly: (For systems using recycled water for irrigation) 1. Master valves shall be a Bermad 100 Series, normally open solenoid control valve with 24V low amp ASCO solenoid. Refer to irrigation drawings for additional information. Contact the Bermad factory representative for appropriate model number for projects specific needs. 2. Basket strainer shall be a Watts 97FB-CSSIB with flanged stainless steel body and 40 mesh stainless steel 3. Butterfly valves shall be Tuf-Skin LB-TNO-BS lug style with traveling nut operator for buried service. 4. The flanged assembly shall be bolted together using stainless steel nuts and bolts. 5. Install entire assembly within a Carson Model #24 series deep plastic vault and plastic bolt-down cover as follows: a. b. C. Assembly Size 2" 2-1/2" 3" Model No. 2448 2448 2460 Z. Lateral Line Pipe Installed on Grade: Inside Vault Size (LxWxD) 51" X 27"X 30" 51" x27"x 30" 63" X 27"X 30" 1. Lateral line piping installed on-grade shall be ultra-violet resistant poly vinyl chloride (UVR-PVC) pipe and shall be PVC 1120, type 1, grade 1 as manufactured by Pacific Plastics, in accordance with ASTM designation D-1785 and shall be of nominal schedule 4D pipe classifications. 2. UVR fittings shall be PVC 1120, type 1, grade 1, as manufactured by Dura, in accordance with ASTM designation D-2246, schedule 40 socket type, the dimension conforming to and intended for use with IPS outside diameter schedule 40 pipe. 3. Test values of the UVR material are to continue to meet or exceed these values during accelerated ultraviolet exposure test period of no less than 250D hours in an approved weather-a-meter and by the approved test methods as set forth by ASTM designation G-23, type D, or G-53. 4. Solvent cement and primers for PVC solvent-weld pipe and fittings installed on grade shall be of type and installation methods prescribed by the manufacturer. 5. For anchor details of pipe, see the installation details. 6. Provide Recycled water warning labels for all on-grade pipe and risers as required by Carlsbad Municipal Water District. AA. Sub-Surface Drip Irrigation System: 1. Drip tubing shall be of nominal sized one-half inch low density, ultra-violet-resistant, linear polyethylene tubing with internal pressure-compensating, self cleaning, integral drippers at a specified interval. The tubing shall be brown in color for use in Domestic Water Systems and purple in color for reclaimed water systems and shall conform to an outside diameter (O.D.) of 0.66" and an inside (I.D.) diameter of 0.57". The low volume tubing shall be capable of a discharge rate of 0.92 gallons per hour (GPH) between operating pressures of 7 to 70 psi for each individual dripper. Dripper tubing shall be manufactured by Netafim. The individual self-cleaning, pressure-compensating drippers shall be welded to the inside of the tubing wall. The drippers are constructed of three individual pieces: a. Black-colored dripper containing a filtration system on the inlet side, compensation cell, and recessed chamber with a water outlet. b. Hard plastic diaphragm retainer (colored red (0.61) or black (0.92) depending on the discharg rate), with chamfered edges and a recessed groove in the center the full length of the diaphragm. c. Flexible black rubber diaphragm that allows excessive pressure to build up within the chamber to purge sediment or other debris that may not have been captured by the disc filter. d. Dripper spacings shall be 12" on center. 2. All insert barbed fittings shall be constructed of molded, ultra-violet-resistant, brown colored plastic having a nominal inside dimension (I.D.) of 0.57" (17 mm). Each fitting shall have a minimum of two ridges or barbs per outlet. All fittings shall be Netafim and shall be available in one of the following end configuration: a. barbed insert fittings b. male pipe threads (MPT) with barbed insert fittings or female pipe c. threads (FPT) with barbed insert fittings. 3. Non-pressure supply and exhaust headers shall be rigid, un-plasticized polyvinyl chloride PVC 1220, (Type 1, Grade 2), class 200 with schedule 40 PVC fittings conforming to Section 2.01 C of these specifications. 4. The line flushing valve shall be constructed of brown molded plastic and shall be a normally open hydraulic valve which flushes based on volumetric quantities of water. Inlet and outlet configurations shall be ½" MPT. 5. The line flushing valve shall be serviceable by removing a threaded cover from a base, exposing the internal components. The internal components of the line flushing valve shall consist of a molded diaphragm retainer, a high density plastic flush regulator, and a diaphragm 2" in diameter. The line flushing valve shall be capable of automatically operating during initial system pressure build-up to discharge approximately one gallon of water per 15 gpm demand at 50 psi maximum, or 1.5 psi minimum inlet pressure as manufactured by Netafim. 6. Disc filter body shall be molded of black plastic with male pipe threads (MPT) for both the inlet and outlet ports. A threaded cap on one end of the body shall be capable of periodic servicing by unscrewing the cap or releasing the latched band from the main filter body. The filter elements shall be disc-type with 120 mesh similar to Netafim, tech filter, or approved equal. 7. Air/vacuum relief valves shall be constructed of gray plastic with an internal sliding poppet valve that is capable of venting air or vacuum to the atmosphere only. The main body shall have a 1/2" male pipe thread (MPT). Operating pressure range for the air/vacuum relief valve shall be 7 psi minimum to 140 psi maximum as manufactured by Netafim. 8. shall be one "ear' type. This "ear" shall be capable of being pinched with a pinching tool to secure the tubing around the insert barbed fitting. Interior clamp wall shall be smooth to prevent crimping or pinching of tubing. Wall thickness of clamps shall be .0236" (0.6 mm) with an overall band width of¼" (7 mm). r-wApel landscape architects inc NO. M. Miscellaneous Irrigation Equipment: 1. Refer to the Drawings for sizes and types of miscellaneous irrigation equipment. 2. All miscellaneous irrigation equipment shall be as specified or approved equal. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS A. Before work is commenced, hold a conference with Owner, General Contractor, and Owner to discuss general details of the work. B. Verify dimensions and grades at job site before work is commenced. C. During the progress of the work, a competent superintendent and any assistants necessary shall be on site, all satisfactory to Owner. The superintendent shall not be changed, except with consent of Owner, unless that person proves unsatisfactory and ceases to be employed. The superintendent shall represent Contractor in 1ts absence and all directions given to the superintendent shall be as binding as if given to Contractor. D. All work indicated or noted on Drawings shall be provided whether or not specifically mentioned in the Specifications. E. If there are ambiguities between Drawings and Specifications, and specific interpretation or clarification is not issued prior to bidding, the interpretation or clarification will be made only by Owner, and Contractor shall comply with the decisions. In the event the installation contradicts the directions given, the installation shall be corrected by Contractor at no additional cost to Owner. F. Layout of sprinkler lines shown on Drawings is diagrammatic only. Location of sprinkler equipment is contingent upon and subject to integration with all other underground utilities. Contractor shall employ all data contained in the Contract Documents and shall verify this information at the construction site to confirm the manner by which it relates to the installation. G. Coordinate the installation of all sprinkler materials, including pipe, with the landscape Drawings to avoid conflict with the trees, shrubs, or other planting. H. Do not proceed with the installation of the sprinkler system when it is apparent that obstructions or grade differences exist or if conflicts in construction details, legend, or specific notes are discovered. All such obstructions, conflicts, or discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of Owner I. Replace, or repair to the satisfaction of Owner, all existing paving disturbed during the course of this work. New paving shall be the same type, strength, texture, finish, and be equal in every way to the material removed. J. Owner reserves the right to make temporary repairs as necessary to keep equipment in operating condition without voiding Contractor's guarantee or relieving Contractor of its responsibilities during the guarantee shall not be allowed. K. All sprinkler heads will require installation of anti-drain devices to prevent low head drainage. 1. Change-out of sprinkler heads shall be included as needed without additional cost to Owner. L. The flow sensing capability and computer control must be maintained for the duration of the contract. Water for this site is supplied by existing irrigation lines which are flow sensitive. Any damage to existing landscape or mortaHty to new Asia plantings caused by not coordinating installation with the owner or by defeating that flow sensing capability will be the responsibility of the owner. M. Coordinate the installation of all sprinkler materials, including pipe, with the landscape Drawings to avoid conflict with the trees, or other planting. 3.02 OBSERVATION OF SITE CONDITIONS A. All scaled dimensions are approximate. The Contractor s~1all check and verify all size dimensions and receive approval from the Owner's Authorized Representative prior to proceeding with work under this Section. B. Exercise extreme care in excavating and working near existing utilities. The Contractor shall be responsible for damages to utilities which are caused by his operations or neglect. Check existing utilities drawings for existing utility locations. C. Coordinate installation of sprinkler irrigation materials including pipe, so there shall be NO interference with utilities or other construction or difficulty in planting trees, shrubs, and ground covers. D. The Contractor shall carefully check all grades to satisfy himself that he may safely proceed before starting work on the irrigation system. 3.03 PREPARATION A Physical Layout: 1. Prior to installation, the Contractor shall slake out all pressure supply lines, routing and location of sprinkler heads. 2. All layout shall be reviewed by the Owner's Authorized Representative prior to installation. B. Water Supply: 1. The irrigation system shall be connected to water supply point(s) of connection as indicated on the Drawings. 2. Connections shall be made at the approximate location(s) shown on the Drawings. The Contractor is responsible for minor changes caused by actual site conditions. 3.04 INSTALLATION A. Trenching: 1. Dig trenches straight and support pipe continuously on bottom of trench. Lay pipe to an even grade. Trenching excavation shall follow layout indicated on the Drawings and as noted. 2. Provide for a minimum of eighteen (18) inches cover for all pressure supply lines of 21/2-inch nominal diameter or smaller. 3. Provide for a minimum of r-Nenty-four (24) inches cover for all pressure supply lines of 3-inch nominal diameter or larger. 4. Provide for a minimum of twelve (12) inches for all non-pressure lines. 5. Provide for a minimum cover of eighteen (18) inches for all control wiring. 6. Provide for a minimum cover of eighteen (18) incl1es for all communication cable conduit. B. Backfilling: REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEEF,, PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN THE FIELD. DISTRICT APPROVED CHANGES 1. The trenches shall not be backfilled until all required tests are performed. Trenches shall be carefully backfilled with the excavated materials approved for backfilling, consisting of earth, loam, sandy clay, sand, or other approved materials, free from large clods of earth or stones. Backfill shall be mechanically compacted in landscaped areas to a dry density equal to adjacent undisturbed soil in planting areas. Backfill will conform to adjacent grades without dips, sunken areas, humps or other surface irregularities. 2. A fine granular material backfill will be initially placed on all lines. No foreign matter larger than one-half (1/2) inch in size will be permitted in the initial backfill. 3. Flooding of trenches will be permitted only with approval of the Owner's Authorized Representative. 4. If settlement occurs and necessitates adjustments in pipe, valves, sprinkler heads, lawn, plantings, or other installed work, the Contractor shall make all required adjustments without cost to the Owner. C. Trenching and Backfill Under Paving: 1. Trenches located under areas where paving, asphaltic concrete, or concrete will be installed, shall be backfilled with sand (a layer six [6] inches below the pipe and three [3] inches above the pipe) and compacted in layers to 95% compaction, using manual or mechanical tamping devices. Trenches for piping shall be compacted to equal the compaction of the existing adjacent undisturbed soil and shall be left in a firm unyielding condition. All trenches shall be left flush with the adjoining grade. The Contractor shall set in place, cap and pressure test all piping under paving prior to the paving work. 2. Generally, piping under existing walks is done by jacking, boring, or hydraulic driving, but where any cutting or breaking of sidewalks and/or concrete is necessary, it shall be done and replaced by the Contractor as a part of the Contract cost. Permission to cut or break sidewalks and/or concrete shall be obtained from the Owner's Authorized Representative. No hydraulic driving will be permitted under concrete paving. 3. Provide for a minimum cover of eighteen (18) inches between the top of the pipe and the bottom of the aggregate base for all pressure and non-pressure piping installed under asphaltic concrete paving. D. Plastic Pipe: 1. Install plastic pipe in accord with manufacturer's recommendations. 2. Install sprinkler head on plastic pipe as indicated on Drawings. 3. Prepare all welded joints with manufacturer's primer prior to applying solvent. a. Allow welded joints at least 15 minutes set-up/curing time before moving or handling. b. Partially center load pipe in trenches to prevent arching and shifting when water pressure is on. c. Do not permit water in pipe until a period of at least four hours has elapsed for solvent weld setting and curing, unless recommended otherwise by solvent manufacturer. 4. Do backfilling when pipe is cool. a. Pipe can be cooled by operating the system for a short time before backfill, or by backfilling in the early part of the morning before the heal of the day. 5. Curing: a. When the temperature is above 80°F., allow soluble weld joints at least 24 hours during the time before water is introduced under pressure. b. When temperature is below 80°F., follow manufacturer's recommendations. E. Assemblies: 1. Routing of sprinkler irrigation lines as indicated on the Drawings is diagrammatic. lnstall lines (and various assemblies) in such a manner as to conform with the details per the Drawings. 2. Install NO multiple assemblies in plastic lines. Provide each assembly with its own outlet. 3. Install all assemblies specified herein in accordance with respective detail. In absence of detail drawings or Specifications pertaining to specific items required to complete work, perform such work in accordance with best standard practice with prior approval of Owner's Authorized Representative. 4. PVC pipe and fillings shall be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, dust, and moisture before installation. Installation and solvent welding methods shall be as recommended by the pipe and fitting manufacturer. 5. On PVC to metal connections, the Contractor shall work the metal connections first. Teflon tape or approved equal, shall be used on all threaded PVC to PVC, and on all threaded PVC to metal joints. Light wrench pressure is all that is required. Where threaded PVC connections are required, use threaded PVC adapters into which the pipe may be welded. F. Conduit and Sleeves: 1. Coordination: Sleeving will be existing only when installed under another contract. For all other installations, provide materials and coordinate conduit and sleeve instal!ation with other trades as required to facilitate smooth construction sequence. 2. Conduit: Furnish and install conduit where control wires pass under or through walls, walks and paving. Conduits to be of adequate size to accommodate retrieval for repair of wiring and shall extend 12 inches beyond edges of walls and pavement. 3. Sleeving: Install sleeves for all pipes passing through or under walks and paving as shown on the Drawings. Sleeving to be of adequate size to accommodate retrieval of wiring or piping for repair and shall extend 12 inches beyond edges of paving or other construction. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "AS BUILT" Tiill DAIT REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHEET 17 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR: 30 SHEETS LEGOLAND WATERWORKS EXPANSION DESCRIPTION APPROVED DATE DEVELOPERS NAME: LECOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC. 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 t--t----------------+-----t----l ADDRESS: 1 LEG OLAND DRIVE 571-B Hygeia Avenue Leucadia, CA 92024 (760) 943-0760 rNapel2@cox.ne1 CA license #2825 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TELEPHONE: (760) 918-5300 APPROVED \ ,---~f<C;_J;_,_-~· ~G-f:~-_f:l~i...,,=ft~_ Z-lc. · I""> PLANNING DATE t--t-----------------+-----t----l DATE PLAN PREPARED: _1_2-/_0_1~/_2_0_14 ____ ~(2N_D_P_LAN_cf~"I BY: RICHARD APEL, R. W. APEL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, lflC. DHWN BY, RICHARD W. APEL PROJECT NO. Df,AWINC NO. CHCKD BY SOP 96-14(G) 4 79-9L RICHARD W. APEL SHEET 11.0F 30 SHEETS C.M.W.D. JOB NO. _____ _ ':I IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS G. Line Clearance: 1. All lines shall have a minimum clearance of six (6) inches from each other and from lines of other trades. Parallel lines shall not be installed directly over one another. H Communication Cable: 1. Wire conductors for the three pair 2-WIRE path cable shall be installed with NO UNDERGROUND splices, except at approved splice box locations and within field satellites. 2. A minimum of three (3) feet of slack shall be left at each field satellite and within each splice box. Slack shall be sufficient to allow the wire to extend 18" above the top of the splice box. 3. Upon final inspection of the project, the Irrigation Contractor shall provide for LEGOLAND Carlsbad a "Job Site Equipment Inspection and Warranty Certification" letter from Pacific Technical Services the Rain Bird MAXI COM Distributor. This letter shall include verification of conformance with specifications and installation recommendations, site inspection date and shall list all assemblies covered under the warranty. 4. All communication cable splices or connections, either in approved splice boxes or at field satellite units where the connection is NOT being made on the terminal strip, shall be made using approved Rain Bird MAXlCOM communication cable wire splices noted in section 811. of these specifications. Care shall be taken with each wire joint or connection to assure that a completely waterproof connection will result. It is important that ALL wire connections be absolutely watertight and with NO leakage to ground nor shorting from one conductor to the other. All butt splices shall be prepared and completed in accordance with splice manufacturer's directions. K. Interconnect Circuitry: 1. The Contractor shall cause the following warranty tests to be performed by Pacific Technical Services on all electrical circuits, and shall submit a written approval from the equipment supplier to the Owner's Autr1orized Representative prior to the start of the maintenance period. All tests shall be made to the satisfaction of the Owner's Authorized Representative. a. Wire Loop Resistance (Continuity) -Each circuit shall be tested for wire loop resistance. Maximum allowable loop resistance is 200 ohms. A looped resistance greater than 200 ohms wi!l not be accepted. b. Ground Fault -Each circuit shall be tested for leaks to ground with an ohm meter after each interconnect circuit has been installed and connections have been made. No circuit checking lower than 700,000 ohms will be acceptable. Any underground splices must be buried in the soil and be water settled prior to this test. After the test is completed, splices shall be removed from the soil and left exposed in pull box for future access. c. Functional -A functional test shall be made in which it is demonstrated that each and every part of the system functions as specified or intended. The functional test for each new or modified electrical system shall consist of not less than 5 days of continuous, satisfactory operation. If unsatisfactory performance of the system develops, the condition shall be corrected and the est shall be repeated until the 5 days of continuous satisfactory operation are obtained. Functional tests and turn-ons shall not be started on a Friday, or on the day preceding a legal holiday. Shutdown caused by factors beyond the Contractor's control shall not constitute discontinuity of the functional test. d. Faults -Any material revealed by these tests to be faulty in any part of the installation shall be replaced or corrected by the Contractor at his expense in a manner permitted by the Owner's Authorized Representative, and the same test shall be repeated until no fault is evident. e. Results of circuitry tests shall be recorded and submitted to the Owner's Authorized Representative prior to acceptance of the work. 2. A copy of the equipment supplier's written approval shall be included in the Owner's Operations Manual.n L. Electric Control Valves: 1. Install each electric control valve in a separate valve box. erm 2. Install where shown on the Drawings. Where grouped together, allow at least twelve (12) inches between adjacent valve boxes. 3. Each valve number shall be heat branded on valve box lid with 1 ½" tall letters. Branding unit available from Hydroscape Products, Inc., phone number (714) 639-1850. M. Flushing of System: 1. After all new sprinkler pipe lines and risers are in place and connected, all necessary diversion work has been completed, and prior to installation of sprinkler heads, the control valves shall be opened and full head of water used to flush out the system. 2. Sprinkler heads shall be installed only after flushing of the system has been accomplished to the complete satisfaction of the Owner's Authorized Representative. N. Sprinkler Heads· 1. Install the sprinkler heads as designated on the Drawings. Sprinkler heads to be installed in this work shall be equivalent in all respects to those itemized. 2. Spacing of heads shall not exceed the maximum indicated on the Drawings. In no case shall the spacing exceed the maximum recommended by the manufacturer. All sprinkler heads shall be set perpendicular to finish grade of the area to be irrigated unless otherwise designated on the plans. 0. Sub-Surface Drip Irrigation System: 1. Verify existing field dimensions of the area to be irrigated with the irrigation plans for accuracy. Begin dripper tubing layout 2" to 3" away from both hard surfaces; i.e., concrete sidewalks, curbs, asphalt, and/or undefined edges; i.e., shovel-cut headers. Mark tubing intervals on the ground with flags, paint, or some other markings that can be maintained throughout the installation. 2. Dripper tubing can be installed in one of the three (3) following methods: a. Over-excavation: In small areas, where it technically feasible, over-excavate the entire area to a depth of 4" below finish grade. Plant all specimen trees and shrubs, 15 gallon size and larger, then place tubing at the row spacing interval indicated on the plans. b. Pipe Pulling: In larger areas, where ground disruption is to be minimized, pneumatic tire, pipe pulling machinery shall be used. Potholes shall be used at the ends of each run for making connection to supply and exhaust headers of rigid PVC pipe or poly pipe. c. Trenching: Hand or mechanically trench to the pipe depth indicated on the plans or in these specifications and backfill flush with finish grade. Avoid mechanically trenching within the dripline of existing trees. Hand-trench around existing tree roots when roots of 2" and larger are encountered. Remove all rock 1 ½" and larger when excavating and remove from site. Do not backfill trenches with rock that will come in direct contact with tubing or rigid PVC piping. 3. Install underground piping horizontally and as level as possible to a minimum depth of 4" and maximum depth of 6" unless otherwise specified. Optimum pipe depth is 5". 4. As much as possible, supply and exhaust headers shall be installed perpendicular to contours. 5. As much as possible, dripper tubing shall be installed parallel with contours. 6. Dripper tubing can be installed with the water outlets facing upward or downward. Place dripper outlets in such a manner as to form a triangular pattern between parallel tubing laterals. In irregular areas, some water outlets may end up too close to fix improvements and may have to be capped off with a dripper plug ring. 7. Connect dripper tubing to barbed fittings by pushing on and over both barbs until the tubing has seated against another piece of tubing or has butted against another portion of the barbed fitting. For water pressures in excess of the 45 psi, use stainless steel clamps as noted in paragraph 8, "Pipe Clamping" on all barbed fittings. 8. When design operating pressure exceeds 45 psi, stainless steel pipe clamps shall be used. Slip clamps over tubing before slipping tubing over insert barbed fitting. Place clamp between the first and second ridge of the barbed fittings and crimp the "ear" of the clamp tightly. Crimp the "ear" twice to ensure proper seating. 9. Install a pressure regulator below grade, downstream, and in line with the remote control valve. Whenever possible, place the pressure regulator in the same valve box to allow for periodic inspection. Place the regulator with the arrow (molded into the side of the body) pointing in the direction of the flow of water. Provide straight piping on the outlet side of regulator for a dimension not less than three lengths of the overall body dimension. 10. Install the disc filter, horizontally level, below grade and before or after the remote control valve as indicated in the installation details. The position of the disc filter in the valve box shall be off-center to allow for removal of the disc element for periodic servicing. Refer to the installation details for the size of the valve box. 11. Install the air/vacuum relief valve below grade and at the highest elevation within each zone. Depending on the site conditions and tubing layout, more than one air/vacuum relief valve into a½" x ¾" SCH 40 PVC reduction bushing and thread this assembly into a 180" 2-way adapter tee with a¾" (MPT) outlet. Place the valve within a round valve box with a locking cover and a 1 cu. Ft.,¾" gravel sump as noted on the details. Additional blank Techline tubing may be necessary when placing Techline dripper tubing on mounds or berms with more than a 3' elevation difference. Blank Tech line tubing shall be connected perpendicular to the dripper tubing with barbed tees from the lowest elevation of dripper tubing to the highest point of the mound berm where the air/vacuum relief valve is located. This air/vacuum relief lateral serves to collect and transport trapped air bubbles or relieve vacuum in lower elevation dripper tubing parallel to the dripper tubing located at the highest point in the system. Locate an air/vacuum relief lateral for each berm within the system. 12. Prior to backfilling and before connection of the line flushing valves, flush the entire system to remove any dirt or sediment that may have entered the system during the installation. 13. Install the line flushing valve horizontally level and below grade at the hydraulic termination point(s) in each system. Locate in a valve box with the dome-shape of the valve facing upward. Include a minimum of 1 cu. Ft. of ¾" gravel in the bottom of the valve box per construction detail. 14. Prior to backfilling, open the remote control valve and operate each circuit to check for leakage around both barbed and threaded PVC fittings. Make necessary corrections to stop leaks. 15. Re-teSt those systems where leaks were corrected before commencing backfilling operations. 3.04 TEMPORARY REPAIRS The Owner reserves the right to make temporary repairs as necessary to keep the irrigation system equipment in operating condition. The exercise of this right by the Owner shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities under the terms of the guarantee as herein specified. 3.05 EXISTING TREES Where it is necessary to excavate adjacent to existing trees, the Contractor shall use all possible care to avoid injury to trees and tree roots. Excavation in areas where tvvo (2) inch and larger roots occur shall be done by hand. All roots two (2) inches and larger in diameter, except directly in the path of pipe or conduit, shall be tunneled under and shall be heavily wrapped with burlap to prevent scarring or excessive drying. Where a ditching machine is run close to trees having roots smaller than tvvo (2) inches in diameter, the wall of the trench adjacent to the tree shall be hand trimmed, making clean cuts through. Roots one (1) inch and larger in diameter shall be painted with tvvo coats of Tree Seal, or equal. Trenches adjacent to tree should be closed within twenty-four (24) hours; and where this is not possible, the side of the trench adjacent to the tree shall be kept shaded with burlap or canvas. 3.06 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Adjustment of the System: 1. The Contractor shall flush and adjust all sprinkler heads for optimum performance and to prevent overspray onto walks, roadways, and buildings as much as possible. 2. If it Is determined that adjustments in the irrigation equipment will provide proper and more adequate coverage, the Contractor shall make such adjustments prior to planting Adjustments may also include changes in nozzle sizes and degrees of arc as required. 3. Lowering raised sprinkler heads by the Contractor shall be accomplished within ten (10) days after notification by the Owner. 4. All sprinkler heads shall be set perpendicular to finished grades unless otherwise designated on the Drawings. B. Testing of the Irrigation System: 1. The Contractor shall request the presence of the Owner's Authorized Representative in writing at least 48 hours in advance of testing. 2. Test all pressure lines under hydrostatic pressure of 150 pounds per square inch and prove watertight. Note: Testing of pressure main lines shall occur prior to installation of the electric control valves. 3. All piping under paved areas shall be tested under hydrostatic pressure of 150 pounds per square inch and proven watertight prior to paving. 4. Sustain pressure in lines for not less than four (4) hours. If leaks develop, replace joints and repeat test until entire system is proven watertight. 5. All hydrostatic tests shall be made only in the presence of the City Inspector and the Owner's Authorized Representative. No pipe shall be backfilled until it has been observed, tested, and approved in writing. 6. Furnish necessary force pump and all other test equipment. 7. When the irrigation system is completed, perform a coverage test in the presence of the Owner's Authorized Representative to determine if the water coverage for planting areas is complete and adequate. Furnish all materials and perform all work required to correct any inadequacies of coverage due to deviations from the Drawings, or where the system has been willfully installed as indicated on the Drawings when it is obviously inadequate, without bringing this to the attention of the Owner's Authorized Representative. This test shall be accomplished before any ground cover is planted. 8. Upon completion of each phase of work, the entire system shall be tested and adjusted to meet site requirements. 3.07 MAINTENANCE A The entire irrigation system shall be under full automatic operation for a period of seven (7) days prior to any planting. B. The Owner's Authorized Representative reserves the right to waive or shorten the operation period. 3.08 CLEAN-UP Clean-up shall be made as each portion of work progresses. Refuse and excess dirt shall be removed from the site, all walks and paving shall be broomed or washed down, and any damage occurring to the work of others shall be repaired to original conditions. 3.09 FINAL SITE OBSERVATION PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE A The Contractor shall operate each system in its entirety for the Owner's Authorized Representative at time of final observation. Any items deemed not acceptable by the Owner's Authorized Representative shall be reworked to the complete satisfaction of the Owner's Authorized Representative. B. The Contractor shall show evidence to the Owner's Authorized Representative that the Owner has received all accessories, charts, record drawings, and equipment as required before final site observation can occur. 3.10 SITE OBSERVATION SCHEDULE A The Contractor shall be responsible for notifying the City Inspector and the Owner's Authorized Representative in advance for the following observation meetings, according to the time indicated: 1. Pre-Job Conference -7 days 2. Pressure supply line installation and testing -48 hours 3. Field Satellite installation -48 hours 4. Control wire installation -48 hours 5. Lateral line and sprinkler installation -48 hours 6. Sub-Surface drip system -48 hours 7. Coverage test -48 hourserm 8. Final site observation -7 days B. During the final inspection, Contractor shall be responsible for having two-way radio communication and sufficient personnel to provide instantaneous communication between the inspection area and the controller for the system. a. In addition, Contractor shall install a permanent controller connector at each field satellite installed under this contract. b. Supply one (1) Rain Master #RT5/RRAD SET remote control transmitter and receiver as part of this contract. c. The transmitter and receiver shall be operational and ready for use during the final inspection and shall be turned over to owner at the completion of the job. C. When site observations have been conducted by a party other than the Owner's Authorized Representative, show evidence in writing of when and by whom these observations were made. D. No site observations will commence without record drawings. In the event the Contractor calls for a site visit without record drawings, without completing previously noted corrections, or without preparing the system for said visit, he shall be responsible for reimbursing the Owner's Authorized Representative at his current hourly billing rate, portal to portal (plus transportation costs), for the inconvenience. No further site observations will be scheduled until this charge has been paid and received. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "AS BUil T" TITLE DA TE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHEET 18 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION 30 SHEETS r-wApel REVISIONS fAUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAL TH ENGINEEf<, PLANNINC DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN THE FIELD. PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR: landscape architects inc 571-8 Hygeia Avenue Leucadia, CA 92024 (760) 943-0760 rwapel2@cox.net CA license #2825 DISTRICT APPROVED CHANGES NO. DESCRIPTION APPROVED DATE DEVELOPERS NAME: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC. t------t------~~~~=~-----+~~~=+==-1 ,--+---------------+-----+-------1 ADDRESS: 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TELEPHONE: (760) 918-5300 DATE PLAN PREPARED: 12/01/2014 (2NDPLAN CHK) -~-~-----~---~ BY: RICHARD APEL, R. W. APEL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, lflC. LEGOLAND WATERWORKS EXPANSION 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 APPROVED PLANNING DRWN BY, RICHARD W. APEL CHCKD BY: RICHARD 'II. APEL PROJECT NO. SDP 96-14(G) -z .rz-~.:;- DATE Df!AWING NO. 479-9L SHEE r 1Jl.OF 30 SHEETS C.M.W.D. JOB NO. _____ ~ • REC I 5g I 0 N f--w w I (f) w w (f) w z _J I 0 f-<( 2 BUSH lAU NOB 2 15g PHO DAC CON CNE 2 1 g BOU TOR CAL LIT 3 5g 14 5g FOR PLANT LEGEND & NOTES, REFER TO SHEET 26. FOR PLANTING DETAILS & SPECS, REFER TO SHEETS 27-30. ~:··m O , o~: "· , ,... ~N J:1 -/,...:,.:;~ .. ,--....... -'• 1-,;---;-,eJ --.... '-. ,, ~-~ DYM MAR 1,035 SF ---c: -flats 12' O.C. ----..: ) ---~ ' .. 25 5g NAN GUL 17 5g WAVE POOL TEC STA 3 5g FIC GRE 6 24'b 12' O.C. OYM MAR · flats BOU TOR LON JAf' 6 5g ' ' 0 ' -...., . ' ·, . . " '"'7"'''"'" . . .. ", COR ELE ,, --.............. , J • ; ' ' ......_ -......::., < ---.. le :.i.- ·, J ,,1 BUSH lAU NOB ~ ' -.; 6 15g GRAVEL MULCH BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR. REFER TO BLOG PERMIT DWGS. CHO SPE 1 36'b QUE ILE PHO DAC 4 15g 3 Dug KEY MAP ', ' "---....:."-, '·-~ ''¾~ '-~"t>t-:-1 ARB UNE ·,,< ~~ttf~L- 4 15g ~lrrt.l ' . WAVE POOL MECHANICAL BLDG. 500 SF OYM MAR 12" O.C. · flats I :t1~ ..._ --,s(JL-ii' _,.....~ h.;.,.,,"""" -'s,-,L s ,i--0----i--< p,;::~~I r-w-Apel landscape architects inc 571-B Hygeia Averiue Leucadia, CA 92024 (760) 943-0760 rwapel2@cox.net CA license #2825 ..._ i,,00SCAp CJ r" -F::,.__ o __, -I * II -~~'.f.~~::::::,1~;" * OF CA 1__\ NO. WES WYN 13 5g GRAVEL MULCH BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR. REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAL TH ENGINEER, PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOF, TO IMPLEMENTATION IN THE FIELD. DISTRICT APPROVED CHANGES SCALE 1"=10' N 0 5' 10' 20· EB DESCRIPTION APPF,OVED DATE DEVELOPERS NAME: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC. 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "AS BUILT" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHEET 19 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR: 30 SHEETS LEGOLAND WATERWORKS EXPANSION 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 APPROVED TELEPHONE: (760) 918-5300 1---1---------------+----+----ti-________ .'..::,::.::.'.:.~:'.::.:...:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~oRWN BY, RICHARD W. APEL PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. 1---1---------------+----+----t DATE PLAN PREPARED: 12/01/2014 (2ND PC<N CHK) 4 79 9L PLANNING 1--1----------------+----+--J BY: RICHARD APEL, R. W. APEL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC. CHCKD BY, RICHARD W. APEL SDP 96 -14(G) - SHEET lliOF 30 SHEETS C.M.W.D. JOB NO ;, I rl .· . I J ' i I -. -. 7 I . -· __, \ tiJ ACTIVITY POOL g ; HOW FOR MULTI (LLC) 4 36'b g 1~1 AGA TIN 6 5g ~ I FOR PLANT LEGEND & NOTES, REFER TO SHEET 26. FOR PLANTING DETAILS & SPECS, REFER TO SHEETS 27-30. CAL UT 11 5g SCH PUE 3 1~ MULTI (LLC) II) ~ ... DYM MAR · flats 157 SF FAT JAP 4 ~ \ \ .--.---1 ··...., ~ v~ ,'. -. -. . . . 490 SF. DYM MAR 11 · 12' O .. C. · flats -~ -s . KEY MAP r-wApel landscape architects inc 571-8 Hygeia Avenue Leucadia, CA 92024 (760) 943-0760 rwapel2@cox.net CA license #2825 ---------i :illi, ' . ,I J. j ~ ' ' ,.__ • .i. --,,_d.,,aa---,~-,. ___ .--.! (/) ALO PU 3 5g · YUC REC 3 5g . YUC REC BUT CAP 5 5g 1>-1'\0SCAp BRA ARM REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAL TH ENGINEER. PLANNl~IG DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT E~IGINEER PRIOF, TO IMPLEMENTATION l~I THE FIELD. DISTRICT APPROVED CHANGES -, - ~ ; ---· -.!.I.. ---_!_ 0 · .. R .__,_ ' r .·•·. BUT CAP so -1 24'b .. , · . CHO.SPE/- ... ·. ·. · ..... . ;· 1 36'b r· /,-----'----, ... ·. . . ~ • SEN MAL 29 1g I CAL LIT . I 10 5g PHO DAC 7 Dug 1-w w :r: (.f) ,..,_~.;'--SAND BEACH AREA INSTALLED BY w w (.f) . GENERAL CONTRACTOR. REFER TO BLDG . · PERMIT DWGS, SHEET AD1.3. 73 SF DYM MAR 12" O.C. · flats w z .....I :r: 0 I-<( 2 I PHO DAC 2 f-FIC-,-GR_E+-----, I 16 24'b BRA ARM DYM MAR 177 SF 1 I 35• · flats 12' o.c. ---.... --:--.-._ , __ < -........._ . . . ' SCALE 1"=10' N o 5' 10' 20' E9 cl fl"' NO. DESCRIPTION APPROVED DATE DEVELOPERS NAME: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC. -0 __, ---c+---l 1---+--------------1------t--l ADDRESS: 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TELEPHONE: (760) 918-5300 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "AS BUil T" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD 20 PLANNING DIVISION 30 SHEETS PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR: LEGOLAND WATERWORKS EXPANSION 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 APPROVED PLANNING 'Z·lz. ,;; DATE * 11--_~,~::;~::~-~-;" * Of' CA"-1 1--1-----------------t-----t----t-------------------tDRWN BY: RICHARD W. APEL DATE PLAN PREPARED: _1_2~/0_1~/2_0_14 ___ ~(2N_D_Pu.N~CHK) PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. l---+--------------1------t--l BY: RICHARD APEL, R. W. APEL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC. CHCKD BY: RICHARD W. APEL SDP 96-14(G) 479-9L SHEET 20 OF 30 SHEETS C.M.W.D. JOB NO. ____ _ ~-----~ ., I _j____ I I I '.---- ,- > > r-::= i ' I I __ _L _ _[ L_l ___ _:_c . i - , ' ~ ,r ' , ' :re:-! ' , ' t ::..'..J ' -' ' ' ' , ' 'I, ' 1+' , ' , ~ ' -----.:::.-:;;...;;;_~ I / -------~ I ~ LIMIT or Y,\JRK _ _/ r -\{ _, ' /~I : t7 I ~ "" / y IRRIC E Ifill :;_ L LJ ~ / v, BOX~S -CON. " -1·--'._-\-'\\,=~~~~~~~~~~-=---~===~~:1~-~ :--· ~ r~ ::lf,.fkb',,,_...g/ / ~ GRAVliL MULCH BY GENERAL "-_ / / · / / / / / . ',I I CONTRACTOR. REFER TO BLOG PERMITi r-'-.c"-.-t+~ . .L/ ~ ~ / / / / ~ / , , DWGS, SHEET AD1 .2. o>i / / . . . . 7 \.//. 7, lli I ,O' LIMfT OF WORK I /;;. / / u ----~h===il ~ .. we "1 I \I I \FIC BEN I 7 24'b I I I \ 7 5g WATER PARK MECHANICAL BLDG CM PAN 790 SF plug 12" O.C. PIT GOL 1,--., \ ,! ::;ji11 ,, BIO RETENTION BASIN #1 FRA CHI 3,360 SF 00 CHO TEC CAR DIV 27 1 g ll,'----\---\u--l---~l-1--1~ 5 5g · lat 12" O.C. 7 5g =- / 0::: , .. e--1--1--! "/ c::e:··-~.~~,i'J .Le-m_,,\.: '--+----~-"-)/_ ~, -< )< SCH PUE 1 3 15g I GRAVEL MULCH BY GENERAL j CONTRACTOR. REFER TO BLOG PERMfT P DWGS, SHEET AD1 .3. . -y I ), COP REP 8 5g i ~ ,~tr>J.~~~ I GAS RISER-(:;_. ' " " '' \ . "'"' -.1/ :~:~,~ (LLC) SYA MON 3 48"b I MULTI HOW FOR I (LLC) 2 36'b AGA TIN I 23 5g ASP MYE 5 1 g • Ir.-----. ,,. ) l I I I --,rr ._ •. _\\ ' \ \ • ASP MYE 5 1g PHI XAN 1 5g I I PHI XAN I 12 5g FRA CHI 12' O.C. · lat I I ACTIVITY POOL \.---,re;-------::::: CUP HYP APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "AS BUILT" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE 8 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ® PLANTING PLAN r-----------------------------------------=i~~1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~i~:======7 --------------,------------------r;s::c:-:AL:-E::1 .. -::"1'.:'o,--------:;N;------~ s21T CITY P2r1N~!!~~BAD s~EgTs LJI REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH O 5' 210' EB ENGINEEfl, PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIVATE (ON SITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN THE FIELD. AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR: FOR PLANT LEGEND &: NOTES, REFER TO SHEET 26. FOR PLANTING DETAILS &: SPECS, REFER TO SHEETS 27-30. KEY MAP r-w-Apel landscape architects Inc 571-B Hygeia Avenue Leucadia, CA 92024 (760) 943-0760 r.vapel2@cox.net CA license #2825 pJIUSCAp v 1)11-A J ,ff l,_j ,}' (J '~ '" -Q:: () __J --Slgnulur l * _9/30/2016 * Rel'lua !late ,~ OF CA'--\ DISTRICT APPROVED CHANGES rN_O.t------=-D=ES=C=RI P'---'T"-"I O:.:.:.N ___ --1.-.:-AP--'-P_,_,.f,O"-'l/'.cc.ED='...l--cD;:c:Ac!..'TE=--1 DEi/ELOPER S NAME: LE GOLAN D CALIFORNIA LLC. t----+-------------l----_J__..J ADDRESS: 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TELEPHONE: (760) 918-5300 t---+------------1-----1--_j DATE PLAN PREPARED: 12/01/2014 (2ND Pu.N CHK) BY: RICHARD APEL, R. 'II. APEL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC. LEGOLAND WATERWORKS EXPANSION 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 APPROVED ,__0 ( I ~\ C.r:-bl .....;:tt PLANNING DRWN BY• RICHARD W. APEL CHCK0 BY, RICHARD W. APEL PROJECT NO. SOP 96-14(G) 'l •fz. ,.,, DATE DRAWING NO, 479-9L SHEET ~OF 30 SHEETS C.M. W.D. JOB NO. ,;I .... ' . ~-____1_ CAL LIT 11 5g FOR PLANT LEGEND & NOTES, REFER TO SHEET 26. TEC STA 9 5g DYM MAR 963 SF --· flats 12" O.C. \ \ FOR PLANTING DETAILS & SPECS, REFER TO SHEETS 27-30. \ \ I I \ I I \ I \ \ \ \ \~ I ·, ) BIORETENTION -----.-✓ BASIN #4 \ \ LIMIT OF WORK CHAIN LINK FENCE (BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR. REFER TO BLDG PERMIT DWGS, SHEET ADl.3.) t PIRATE REEF ATTRACTION. REFER TO DWG. 39O-4Q FOR LANDSCAPE PLANS. • II I I I I I V 'IV 'JV '1 7 • " '" I I V •J •• -• QUE ILE KEY MAP II CAR DIV 70 lg I ,__I~ 4,2,20 s~j CAR PAN ; 2" 0,. . plug ,830 Sy LON JAP 12" 0/. · f ~-'-r-~/1 I .i, ,,,.---...___ .I,!--CHAIN LINK FENCE (BY GENERAL 7 -~•1 . CONTRACTOR. REFER TO BLDG PERMIT ~['-PVT. 4" GAS / ROS TUS 19 1 g \,' TP 177,J ':-'. . . ( : ~ v:-·.·J ,m DWGS, SHEET ADl.3.) ·----------- 0 2 15g CAL LIT 8 5g ------------ '\ ··---·-..... .._ ~--- --------.. ----"···,.,,, ,.._ --'~ ~ r-wApel :,.l'\OSCAp,: REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAL TH ENGINEER, PLAN~IING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN THE FIELD. DISTRICT APPROVED CHANGES / __ \I ----\ f_ I' I I 11 I.,,,, -I- ~~--~ Jr ----,~v / r- I ~.$'~~~~ ,~ --=-~~-------,= I SCALE 1"~10' 0 5' 10' ,,....--~---1- ~,~~0 4, I I \ \ \ \ I \ 0 \ I/ - \-;~~ ' Kl', -..... '): N 20· EB landscape architects inc <./ .A 5:1 G .Q 'c'\ NO. DESCf\lPTION APPROVED DATE DEVELOPERS NAME: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC. 571 •B Hygeia Avenue Leucadia, CA 92024 (760) 943-0760 rwape12@cox.net CA license #2825 _J S1<;1n □lu~ -j * 9/30/2016 * Rer\<l I Oot~ ,., Op CA \..I t---+---------------+----+-----t ADDRESS: 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TELEPHONE: (760) 918-5300 DATE PLAN PREPARED: _1_2~/0_1~/_20_1_4 __ ~(~2NO_P_LAN~CHS) I-+--------------+----+---+ BY: RICHARD APEL, R. W. APEL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "AS BU IL T" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD 22 30 PLANNING DIVISION SHEETS PRIVATE (O~ISITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR: LEGOLAND WATERWORKS EXPANSION 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 APPROVED PLANNING DRWN BY, RICHARD W. APEL CHCKD BY: RICHARD W. APEL PROJECT NO. SOP 96-14(G) 'Z.-(-Z· I.;' DATE DRAWING NO. 479-9L SHEET 22 OF 30 SHEETS C.M.W.D. JOB NO. ____ _ AGA TIN 11 5g SCH ELE 3 5g ASP MYE 7 1 g ACTIVITY POOL HOW FOR MULTI (LLC) 3 36"b PIT GOL 10 5 . . . CUP HYP . · · · . . . . t---r--+-+--~---c-. . . . . 9 1 g . · .·. ·-. __ ., · · - .-.. -I ARC CUN ,MUIJ~ -;-1/::.____ ---L -1 4ll'b.:. (LLC) -~--. . \I PHI XAN 20 5g ill[}./ s ~ -BIORETENTION \ I\\\ _ BASIN #3 --- 1/' \\ .;ff// .•. / ,JI/ · · .. • _. ---'~r7R'\i-~ 373 SF FRA CHI · · 12" O.C. '---J'---,-j . s~. ~""' r--~~ CUP HYP 26 1g . -..._~~ . ',,. . 157 SF FRA CHI . 12" O.C. · lat ·~ FRA CHI 1,431 SF· . . · · lat 12• O.C. -· (165) I \ \ \ 12" o.c. ,11,f ----~ T OF WORK ~- w "" CHO SPE 3 36'b BOU TOR r~ 6 5g ~ MULTI ARC CUN \ (LL~), 1 4ll'b ! (LLC) UV CHI 2 42'b , . . . -. -----/,.:;.-- I/ I/ / 11/ ,,r1/ /,.;;._1/_ ( 0 .....-"--/ .......,__/ --.,,--/ ff~\.;....,;.:: FOR PLANT LEGEND & NOTES, REFER TO SHEET 26. FOR PLANTING DETAILS & SPECS, REFER TO SHEETS 27-30. IN/',.\/t. S'f.\~AMER G ""o o o CJ ooo C) CJ G ,..) C) I + KEY MAP r. r-wApel land5cape architects inc 571-B Hygeia Avenue Leucadia, CA 92024 (760) 943-0760 rwapel2@cox.net CA license #2825 ' ,, ~ 1>-\\DSCAp •N. I\Pf:(. '°o> 5:1~ ~~ __J -I S1tJnolu * _9/30/2016 * ~ I Datt1 cto F CAl..1 REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAL TH ENGINEER, PLAN~IING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEEF, PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN THE FIELD. DISTRICT APPROVED CHANGES SCALE 1 "= 1 O' 0 5' 10' N 20' E8 NO. DESCRIPTION APPROVED DATE DEVELOPERS NAME: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC. t--+-------------1-----L-___J ADDRESS: 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 APPROVED FOR PLANTING ANO IRRIGATION □NL Y, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "AS BU IL T" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD 23 PLANNING DIVISION PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR: 30 SHEETS LEGOLAND WATERWORKS EXPANSION 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 APPROVED TELEPHONE: (760) 918-5300 t--t-------------+.---____,j--1-!------_:=~=.:_;:'.:=:::::::=:::=:._jjDRWN BY: RICHARD W. APEL DA TE PLAN PREPARED: _,_12c,_/_c_01'.L/=20,_.1 _'_4 __ _'(,...,2ND..._P,,,.Wl'-"Cc""'IK) t--+-------------1----~-___J CHCKD BY: PLANNING PROJECT NO. SDP 96-14(G) z_. I -z.. 1;::;- DA TE DRAWING NO. 479-9L BY: RICHARD APEL, R. 'II. APEL LMIDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC. RICHARD W. APEL SHEET 23 OF 30 SHEETS C.M.W.D. JOB NO. t-XYL-,--CO_N+-:71/ 9 5g '/ QUE ILE LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE SCHEMATIC. COT lAC 10 5g LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE SCHEMATIC. INSTALL NEW SHRUBS IN GAPS BETWEEN EXISTING SHRUBS TO ENHANCE SCREENING. LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE SCHEMATIC. INSTALL NEW SHRUBS IN GAPS BETWEEN EXISTING SHRUBS TO ENHANCE SCREENING. COT lAC 14 5g ~--+~----1 INSTALL NEW TREES IN GAPS BETWEEN 16 15g EXISTING TREES TO ENHANCE SCREENING. ... ... ... .. " • • ' ,-• . . ; ' ; • r • l~ ; . ' ~ -.I " > , > l/'.."r J I • T " J .I r-• > ; I > > > .I "t_ • > > > > l ~ I • r-J .) > " !, ) " ; • r: ; .,.:., ' , 'l+-t-'-,J--H+-'-.,-t ; 1> .) J .. I " cl 1--'- Jj,; >1 J ' .. I r > J J , r J r ,~ > I -' ~ J J • t j > .) • ;. -' i J J' .) ~.) • j, r J > 1-> ) • \> ~ ,I .G 1 :'~. ; " ,..rl-+....,_,_-f-r. l J I ; ,.. .. • ~-----...---f .. ,,..~ J r " ; • > j "' • ( > J. > t T > >? • l • ii > ,1 > I' ,1 • ;. " • ;i .1 f r ,; ~i, > ., ~"--~.1,_,;,~•--L. ., __ : ;. ;. • r " .. G • '11 ~.,,. ~• ,•_,_r __ ~I' .. > _:J -' > __ , 1' ~ t 1 ~ J 1----I ; ~ WR 250 SF flats 12' 0.C. BUSH ' ~, -- 1 --+-__ ~\~ A );,; BOX~S'7 CON ~sz j GE___ ·OWGS, S,HEET ~01.2. D __ -E =~= ;::;;:\;\======;;;;/l=;;;;;;,,~~~~f~ V\J\f CONT11AI CTOR. REFER TO BLDG PERMIT! "-I , / 41v / / (s / (s /I/ ,'. / / / / / / / / / w / / ·1 ·. lrnn n•11I. MIXED ' • _.,.--,_'' ~-. -, • r 7,w,m.,m,7('":Z_-7/ffe/.W@'('ffe '~ • l·-l V V j nwr.~ q-1i:-i:-r An1 ? 1-. , / . " 7 . . , 7 , 7 . , 7 , 7 , 7 ~ , "" Hn UCJr.UTC · . , / • I ,. • T ~ , r-wApel ['.l-lDSCAp -./. NAN GUL 7 BRA. ACE 21 5g 2 24'b NAS TEN 21 1 g FOOD TRAILER REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEEF( PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEEF, PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN THE FIELD. DISTRICT APPROVED CHANGES 8 5g SCALE 1"~10' 0 5' 10' KNI GAL rn I 5g N 20· EB ... ' ; r ; ' landscape architects inc /j "' NO. DESCRIPTION APPROVED DATE DEVELOPERS NAME: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC. !----+--------------+--~-+----=-< -0 ..J -I Sl<Jrrntur11 * 9/30/2016 * ene .. , Dal11 t----+---------------+----+-----t ADDF,ESS: 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 , ' ' I ' ' • FOR PLANT LEGEND & NOTES, REFER TO SHEET 26. 571•B Hygeia Avenue Leucadia, CA 92024 (760) 943-0760 rwapel2@cox.net CA license #2825 TELEPHONE: (760) 918-5300 FOR PLANTING DETAILS & SPECS, REFER TO SHEETS 27-30, DATE PLAN PREPARED: _1_2~/0_1~/2_0_1_4 __ ~(_2ND_P_W<_C~HK) KEY MAP f--t----------------+-----+---1 BY: RICHAFW APEL, R. W. APEL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC. , .. .. '" .. R --4 1 RW ! --~ ' / I ,__ I/\ I ,1 / " I- I I ' ' r y , I ""' r ,,,- \ R I I• I - ~ Y, ; , ' ' ' ·' ' , ....,. ~ ' i ; ' • ' ' , ' ,, ; ' ' , ' ; ' ' f• J " ,, ,, • ' ; ' , 1 ' ./ ' COT COG BRA. ACE FICGRE~ 5 24'b / 3 24'b 3 1 sg SAN Cf!i\ / 1/ I APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "AS BUILT" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD 24 30 PLANNING DIVISION SHEETS PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR: LEGOLAND WATERWORKS EXPANSION 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 APPROVED PLANNING DRWN BY: fslCHARD W. APEL CHCKD BY: RICHARD W. APEL PROJECT NO. SOP 96-14(G) 2-1 ~-1.::. DATE DRAWING NO. 479-9L i, 1_11~ \ SHEET 24 OF 30 SHEETS C.M.W.D. JOB NO. ____ _ ~r. SERVICE ROAD "'"-c:: -~L~~~~~r===~ ~ ~ D " -~ IRRIGATION LIMIT OF ~l( ( __ ,,_.,,-..,,--~~.,,, L ~ • ' WATER PARK MECHANICAL fQ\ ,, BUILDING © LA?'( RrvER \ II ORK ' 1 ' 1 l--1-1\--!,,1---++ .. ·· < : I ' I '1 ~' r RESTROOMS ACTIVITY POOL MECHANICAL BUILDING I • -. I • 156 s.f. LW I' 342 s.f. LW I :.------------ • ·-t-t-+-+-t--,'c, ., 269 s.f. MW·• . ' 'd ~---¾· . . -----, '--;_,' ·, .·. . 954 s.f. MW \\ .• ) 11 ' J' 451 s.f. MW 3,349 s. f. MW ACTMTY POOL (DRIP) // 250 s.f. LW 690 s.f. LW / 489 s.f. LW +--~~-~-1:-(-M_W~ 1 , • . ,1,43q s.f MW "l-'r'1'. / ¼ u· IRRIGATI _ wgRK \ --. -. -~r:::t-t4i-~ ' ; ; '1 ~--/, . = ) .,,.~ ,¾, I, ,-~ WA A.2 ·--~~/1 HYDROZONE PLAN ~~-' c-~~) ,, . ' . '' : ' ~ ._rt-, -t-::t:,',~-H-tf ~-~~ -...._ti-t-tt-\ : . ~-H-+-+-+-r-H --------------------~-+-1-+-t\ ' ----:--~~ -= ~ 111 u-l~ 360 s. f MW. ¾, .Nc+-'1-;;:;::-~ .. · ... ll0"~~~: s.~;w .. -~-(, J / 1'~ 1 / > ~t-~'-"'-, ~ ~ ( Ii l / HYDROZONELEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION II ZONE MW-MODERATE WATER USE PLANTS. IRRIGATION METHOD: SPRAY ~ ZONE MW -MODERATE WATER USE PLANTS. IRRIGATION METHOD: DRIP [lI] ZONE LW-LOW WATER USE PLANTS. IRRIGATION METHOD: SPRAY ~ ZONE SLA -SPECIAL LANDSCAPE AREA FOR RECYCLED WATER USE. IRRIGATION METHOD: SPRAY TOTAL: :--.. '~-..____ --- ~, ~~- '--, ·• '--•·,. '°' .,,,f£:-,,Z-,L;2 ., 'l AREA (S.F) PERCENTAGE 7,679 s.f. 24% 1,800 s.f. 6% 9,801 s.f. 31% 12,513 s.f. 39% 31,793 s.f. 100% ··. 455 s.f. LW PIRATE ISLAND ATTRACTION r-wApel landscape architects inc 571-8 Hygeia Avenue Leucadia, CA 92024 (760) 943-0760 rwapel2@cox.net CA license #2825 963 s.f. SLA REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER, PLANNING Dlt!ECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN THE FIELD. DISTRICT APPROVED CHANCES N SCALE 1 "~20' 40 EB 1--'N-'--'O'-'-I. c-------=D-=E-=-SC"'-R-"'IP-'T"-'I O~N-~-~--t-'AP_P_R~O_V_ED-t-D_A-'T-'--iE DEVELOPERS NAME: LE COLAN D CALI FORNI A LLC. 1 LECOLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TELEPHONE: (760) 918-5300 l--+--------------+----t----1 DATE PLAN Pf,EPARED: _l-=2~/0~1~/-=-20~1~4 __ ~(~2ND_P_C._H C~HK) f--+-------------t----t---1 BY: RICHARD APEL, R. 'II. APEL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC. ---------~-- ---- ~ I '• 2,642 s.f. LW ~:::-_:.7-. j 4,828 s. f. SLA I I I s.f. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "AS BUILT" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD 25 PLANNING DIVISION 30 SHEETS PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR: LEGOLAND WATERWORKS EXPANSION 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 APPROVED PLANNING '2·/:z.-I~ DATE DRWN BY: RICHARD W. APEL PfWJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHCKD BY: RICHARD W. APEL SOP 96-14(G) 4 79-9L SHFFT 25 OF 30 C:HFFTC: ,, , r}"! • . \,'., PLANT LEGEND ZONE MW* -MODERATE WATER USE PLANT LIST ZONE LW* -LOW WATER USE PLANT LIST * REFER TO HYDROZONE PLAN, SHEET 24. • REFER TO HYDROZONE PLAN, SHEET 25. PLANTS NOTED 'LLc' ARE FROM LEGOLAND STOCK ON HAND. PLAN KEY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE QUANTITY SPECS/ NOTES PLAN KEY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE QUANTITY SPECS/ NOTES PALM TREES: PALM TREES: ~ ARC CUN ARCHONTOPHOENIX CUNNINGHAMIANA KING PALM 48' BOX MULTI (LLC) 2 6' -1 O' BROWN TRUNK HEIGHTS 0 W --CCHOCCW"F"=oR=---"H"'°Occ.WEA~FCCORc=STE==Rlo\NA-~==~-----',K,cENTIA~"'Pc,;ALM-cc-------3"6''"B"'oc,-x7.MccUL~Tl-()ccLLcc\C)------cc16c--,c,6,--1'""0''-""BR""ow""N'T~RCCUN"'K"H°"E"'IGH"'TScc----l • -'-P-"-HO'----="DA-"C-'-'==-c==c=..,-==~--~=~=~~---~-~-~--~-- ~SY=A~M~ON~S=YA~G=RU~S~x~M~O=NT=Go=M=E=RY_ANA ____ ~c=oc~o=N=UT~Q~U=EE=N=P~ALM~---=3=5•=B=ox~~[LL~C~l~---1-~8'-10 BROWN TRUNK HEIGHT PHOENIX DACTYLFEAA 'MEDJOOL' MEDJOOL DATE PALM MIN 9' B.T.H. 19 (FIELD DUG) • • • • 0 0 -B•AA_AR•M---------~~~-~----• UV CHI UVISTONA CHINENSIS CHINESE FOUNTAIN PALM 42' BOX (LLC) 2 ~ 48' BOX {LLC) 4 8' -10' BROWN TRUNK HEIGHT • • • • • • • 36' BOX (LLC) 2 BUT CAP BAAHEA ARMATA BLUE HESPER PALM 24' BOX 5 • • • . • 36' BOX 1 BUTIA CAPITATA PINDO PALM 24' BOX 2 rA PHO ROE PHOENIX ROEBELENII PYGMY DATE PALM 36' BOX MULTI ILLCI 2 MEDIUM TO lARGE EVERGREEN TREES: lARGE EVE=RG=R=EE=N=c~AN=o=py~TR=EE=s-, --------------------------------------I ~ --------'-AL"-'T=ER:ccNAccTE=cS,_, ',CAS',-'AP-'-'--'PR-'-'O-"VE""D:'-----~=~~=---------------------1 AGONIS FLEXUOSA PEPPERMINT TREE ~ ~~~~=. ~=.=~-----~.~=.~=. ~----3""0' BOX MULTI (LLC) 1 0 ARB UNE ARBUTUS UNEDO -STANDARD STAAWBERRY TREE 15 GAL 4 O _F~IC~BE=N_F=IC~US~BE=NJ=AM=INA~------=B=EN=JAM=IN~F~IG~-----~43~•.=B~OX"--+(LL=C+:1 ____ ~3------------• GEIJEAA PARVIFLOAA AUSTRALIAN WILLOW • • • • 30' BOX (LLC) 1 LAURUS NOBIUS BAY LAUREL • • • • 24' BOX 7 0 OLEA EUROPEA 'SWAIN HILL' FRUITLESS DUVE 'SWAIN HILL' FIC RUB FICUS RUBIGINOSA RUSTY LEAF FIG 36' BOX 5 ~=~~----------------------------------------I ,._ ~Q~UE~ILE~~QU~E~RC~U=S =ILE=X~-~SI=AN=D=AR=D ____ =HO~LL=Y_O~AK _______ ~15a--=GAL~ ____ 4~9 FLOWERING ACCENT TREES: • • ' ' 24' BOX 7 0 CAS LEP 0 MAR LUT CASSIA LEPTOPHYLLA ALTERNATES: BAUHINIA x VARIEGATA SPATHODEA CAMPANULATA TABEBUIA IPE LAGERSTROEMIA 'NATCHEZ' MARKHAMIA LUTEA ALTERNATES: MICHELIA CHAMPACA, M. DOLTSOPA MAGNOLIA GAANDIFLOAA lARGE SHRUBS (OVER 6' HIGH): SCH PUE SCHEFFLEAA PUECKLERI GOLD MEDALUON TREE ORCHID TREE AFRICAN TUUP TREE PURPLE TRUMPET TREE CAAPE MYRTILE NILE TULIP TREE CHAMPACA SOUTHERN MAGNOLIA 24' BOX 24' BOX 0 (TUPIDANTI-IUS CALYPTAATUS) 15 GAL -----.---.------~--.----,-~--=36' BOX ILLCI MEDIUM SHRUBS (J' -6' HIGH): Q COP REP COPROSMA REPENS 'PINK SPLENDOR' FAT JAP FATSIA JAPONICA PHI XAN PHILODENDRON 'XANADU' PIT GOL PITTOSPORUM TENUIFOUUM GOLF BALL' RHA EXC RHAPIS EXCELSA RUS EQU RUSSELIA EQUISETIFORMIS ALTERNATES, AS APPROVED: MURAAYA PANICULATA HIBISCUS ROSA SINENSIS (HYBRIDS) GREWIA OCCIDENTAUS PITTOSPORUM TOBIAA, P. TENUIFOUUM CALLIANDRA HAEMATOCEPHALA PODOCARPUS HENKEUI BAMBUSA SP., OTATEA SP. PISONIA UMBEWFEAA 'VARIEGATA BAUHINIA GALPINII CARISSA MACROCARPA 'GREEN CARPET' DUAANTA REPENS MEDIUM ACCENT PLANT (3' -6' HIGH): CYC REV CYCAS REVOLUTA PHI SEL PHILODENDRON SELLOUM . . SCH ELE SCHEFFLEAA ELEGANTISSIMA MIRROR PLANT JAPANESE ARAUA PHILODENDRON 'XANADU' KOHUHU LADY PALM COAAL PLANT OAANGE JESSAMINE HIBISCUS LAVENDER STAIR FLOWER TOBIAA PINK POWDER PUFF INDIAN HAWTI-IORN VARIOUS CLUMPING BAMBOOS MAP PLANT RED BAUHINl>\ NATAL PLUM SKY FLOWER SAGO PALM TREE PHILODENDRON • • FALSE ARAUA LOW SHRUBS, PERENNIALS, & WOODY GROUNDCOVERS ( l'-3' HIGH): 5 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL 15 GAL 5 GAL 15 GAL 5 GAL 24' BOX (LLC) 5 GAL 2 20 3 AGA TIN AGAPANTI-IUS AFRICANUS TINKERBELL' ULY OF TI-IE NILE 5 GAL 59 6 7 19 3 25 7 94 53 8 13 SUN GROWN ALT: DIOON EDULE, D. SPINULOSUM 0 ASP MYE ASPAAAGUS DENSIFLORUS 'MYERSll~-~MY~ER='s-AS=P=AAA~Gu=s~F=E=RN~--~1~G=AL-----1=2--------------• CAR DN CAREX DNULSA (C. TUMICOLA), BERKLEY SEDGE (C. TUMUUCOLA), 1 GAL 95 CUP HYS CUPHEA HYSSOPIFOLIA FALSE HEATHER 1 GAL 83 ALTERNATES, AS APPROVED: HEMEROCALUS VARIETIES SCAEVOLA AEMULA 'NEW WONDER' TAACHELOSPERMUM JASMINOIDES TRAUNG GROUNDCOVERS (ROOTED CUTTINGS FROM FLATS): ~ FAA CHI FAAGARIA CHILOENSIS ALTERNATES, AS APPROVED: DAY LILY N.C.N. STAR JASMINE BEACH STAAWBERRY TAACHELOSPERMUM JASMINOIDES STAR JASMINE FALKIA REPENS CREEPING FALKIA ROOTED CUTTINGS 12· o.c. MUEHLENBECKIA AXIULARIS CREEPING WIRE VINE DICRONDAA ARGENTEA ,=cEM7.CEAALD~~c=ALL=s· --c:S~ILVE~R-DICCCOCCN~DAA~cc._------------------------1 ALTERNATE: QUERCUS SUBER CORK OAK 0 -'-F"'-IC__,G""RE~'--'FIC'-'~"-S--"M""IC'-"RO'--".CAR'-'-"--'PA-'-----"'G"'R;=EN-'-"'JE"'~-• --~GRccc;E=N'-'J=;M"---'-'Fl"-'~U"'S ____ ~~'"":r• "':~"':----3c..,1----------I ACCENT & FLOWERING TREES: 0 BAA ACE BAACHYCHITON ACERIFIOLIA FLAME TREE 24' BOX ~~cc._~~.~~~.~~----~.~~.~-----~3'""6• BOX 14 1 ''""""''' (' • ') ~C~HO~SP=E~CH=O=Rl=SIA~SP=EC=IO~SA~-----~FL~OS~S_S~ILK==TR=E=E _____ 3_6_' _BO~X _____ 9 __________ • ,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,, lARGE SHRUBS /OVER 6' HIGH): 0 ALY HUE ALYOGYNE HUEGEUI BLUE HIBISCUS 5 GAL 4 COT COG COTINUS COGGYGRIA 'ROYAL PURPLE' * SMOKE TREE 15 GAL 3 COT LAC COTONEASTER LACTEUS RED CLUSTERBERRY 5 GAL 24 LAU NOB LAURUS NOBIUS BAY LAUREL 15 GAL 25 BUSH FORM TEC STA TECOMA STANS YELLOW BELLS 5 GAL 12 WES WYN WESTRINGIA 'WYNYABBIE GEM' COAST ROSEMARY 5 GAL 17 XYL CON XYLOSMA CONJESTUM SHINY XYLOSMA 5 GAL g ALTERNATES, AS APPROVED: * AGONIS FLEXUOSA 'AFTERDARK' PEPPERMINT TREE DODONAEA VISCOSA HOPSEED BUSH ELEAGNUS PUNGENS SILVERBERRY FEIJOA SELLOWIANA PINEAPPLE GUAVA HETEROMELES ARBUTIFOLIA TOYON LEPTOSPERMUM LAEVIGATUM AUSTRALIAN TEA TREE MEDIUM SHRUBS-(3'=6LHIGH)·:------------------------------------• 0 BOU TOR BOUGAINVILLEA 'TORCH GLOW' BOUGAINVILLEA 5 GAL 114 GAE GIL CAESAUPINEA GIWESII DESERT BIRD OF PARADISE 5 GAL 8 CAL UT CALLISTEMON 'LITTLE JOHN' LITTLE JOHN BOTTLE BRUSH 5 GAL 83 COT GLA COTONEASTER GLAUCOPHYLLUS BRIGHTBEAD COTONEASTER 5 GAL 62 NAN GUL NANDINA DOMESTICA 'GULF STREAM' GULF STREAM HEAVENLY BAMBOO 5 GAL 166 ROS TUS ROSMARINUS OFFICINAUS 'TUSCAIN BLUE' TUSCAN BLUE ROSMARY 1 GAL 19 ALTERNATES. AS APPROVED: MYRSINE AFRICANA AFRICAN BOXWOOD LOW SHRUBS. PERENNIALS, WOODY GROUNDCOVERS, SUCCULENTS, GAASSES: 0 ALO VER ALOE VEAA ANI FLA AINIGOZANTHOS FLAVIDUS (YELLOW) CU MIN CLNIA MINIATA CON CNE CONVOLVULUS CNEORUM KNI GAL KNIPHOFIA GALPINII 'OAANGE FLAME' NAS TEN NASSELLA TENUISSIMA SAN CHA SANTOUNA CHAMAECYPARISSUS SEN MAN SENACIO MANDRAUSCAE lARGE ACCENT PLANTS: 0 COR BAU CORDYUNE BAUERI (C. OBTECTA) COR ELE CORDYUNE BANKSII 'ELECTRIC PINK' DAA DAA DAACEANA DAACO MEDIUM ACCENT PLANT: 0 ALO PU ALOE PUCATIUS YUC REC YUCCA RECURVIFOLIA TRALING GROUNDCOVERS (ROOTED CUTTINGS FROM FLATS) m DYM MAR DYMONDIA MARGEAATAE [II_O LON JAP LONICERA JAPONICA 'HALLIANA' ALTERNATES, AS APPROVED: MEDICINAL ALOE KANGAROO PAW CUVIA BUSH MORNING GLORY RED HOT POKER TEXAS NEEDLE GAASS LAVENDER COTTON KLEINIA BAUER'S CORDYUNE ELECTRIC PINK GAASS TREE DRAGON TREE FAN ALOE SOFT LEAF YUCCA DYMONDIA HALL'S HONEYSUCKLE 1 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL 1 GAL 5 GAL 1 GAL 1 GAL 1 GAL 15 GAL 5 GAL 15 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL 30 25 16 26 10 49 28 87 17 11 3 17 ALT: A. STRl>\TA. ALT: PENNISETUM ORIENTALE 3' -4' TALL SPECIMENS ROOTED CUTTINGS 12' 0.C. SPACING ROOTED CUTTINGS 7,472 SF 12' O.C. SPACING DROSANTHEMUM SPP. ICEPLANT ROOTED CUTTINGS 12' 0.C. SPACING ---=My=op=o=Ru=M~PARV=F=oL~1u=M-----~N.~C.N~.-------~R=o=oT=ED~cu=TT=1N=Gs~---~24' o.c. SPACING ROSMARINUS OFFICINAUS 'PROSTAATUS' PROSTAATE ROSEMARY ROOTED CUTTINGS 12' 0.C. SPACING r-wApel landBC.ape architects inc 'ALTERNATES' ARE USTED TO ALLOW FOR SUBSffilJTIONS AND SHALL BE APPROVED BY TI-IE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. ZONE MW -BIORETENTION BASINS PLAN KEY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME X X X X X X CAR PAN CAREX PANSA CALIFORNIA MEADOW SEDGE X X X ALTERNATES: CAREX P~GAACILIS WESTERN MEADOW SEDGE CAREX SPISSA SAN DIEGO SEDGE 0 CAR DN CAREX DIVULSA (C. TUMICOLA), BERKLEY SEDGE (C. TUMUUCOLA), CHO TEC CHONDROPETALUM TECTORUM CAPE RUSH REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH E~IGINEER, PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEEF, PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION l~I THE FIELD. DISTRICT APPROVED CHANCES SIZE QUANTITY SPECS/ NOTES PLUGS/UNERS 6,020 SF 12' O.C. SPACING PLUGS/UNERS PLUGS/LINERS 1 GAL 135 5 GAL 39 NO. DESCRIPTION APPROVED DATE DEVELOPERS NAME: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "AS BU I LT" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHEET 26 CITY OF CARLSBAD 30 PLANNING DIVISION SHEETS PRIVATE (O~ISITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR: LEGOLAND WATERWORKS EXPANSION 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 >--+----------------+------+-----' ADDRESS: 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE 571-B Hygeia Avenue Leucadia, CA 92024 (760) 943-0760 rwapel2@cox.net CA license #2825 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 APPROVED TELEPHONE: (760) 918-5300 t----------------------lDRWN BY: RICHARD W. APEL l--+---------------+-----+----1 DATE PLAN PREPARED: 12/01/2014 (2NO '"'" CHK) PLANNING CHCKD BY: BY: RICHARD APEL, R. W. APEL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC. RICHARD W. APEL SHEET 26 OF 30 SHEETS "Z-·/1--1.::. DATE PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. SOP 96-14(G) 479-9L C.M.W.D. JOB NO. ______ ~" LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS & NOTES GENERAL: 1. PLANTING AND IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO CONSULT WITH GENERAL CONTRACTOR'S SITE SUPERINTENDENT, APPROPRIATE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES, AND TO REVIEW THE OTHER PROJECT DRAWINGS NOT INCLUDED IN THE LANDSCAPE DRAWING PACKAGE, TO LOCATE AND VERIFY THE PRESENCE OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, PIPES, FOUNDATIONS, STRUCTURES AND OTHER FEATURES. CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT THE ACTUAL AS-BUILT LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND OTHER FEATURES MAY NOT BE WHERE SHOWN ON DRAWINGS. PLANTING AND IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL PAY FOR COSTS TO REPLACE OR REPAIR BOTH ABOVE GROUND AND UNDERGROUND ITEMS DAMAGED BY HIM. 2. DO NOT WILLFULLY PROCEED WITH PLANTING OPERATIONS WHEN IT IS OBVIOUS THAT UNKNOWN OBSTRUCTIONS AND GRADE DIFFERENCES EXIST THAT MAY NOT HAVE BEEN KNOWN THE DURING THE DESIGN PROCESS. BRING SUCH CONDITIONS IMMEDIATELY TO ATTENTION OF OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE FOR RESOLUTION. ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR COSTS INCURRED AND REQUIRED MODIFICATIONS DUE TO LACK OF PROVIDING SUCH NOTIFICATION. 3. BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING OTHER CONTRACTORS WORK RELATED TO PROPER EXECUTION OF YOUR WORK. 4. PRIOR TO BEGINNING PLANTING OPERATIONS, VERIFY THAT GRADES ARE WITHIN 1110TH OF A FOOT PER THE PRECISE GRADING PANS. ENSURE THAT FINISH GRADE ELEVATIONS OF PLANTING AREAS ARE SET AT THE PROPER ELEVATIONS RELATIVE TO PAVING FINISH SURFACE ELEVATIONS, UTILITY COVERS AND CURBS. BRING TO THE ATTENTION OF THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE ANY DISCREPENCIES. PLANTING: 1. PLANT MATERIAL, I.E. TREES, SHRUBS VINES, ESPALIERS AND GROUNDCOVERS, MUST BE APPROVED BY OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. PLANT MATERIAL INSTALLED WITHOUT OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE'S APPROVAL MAY BE SUBJECT TO REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT WITH RELATED COSTS PAID FOR BY CONTRACTOR. 2. SOME PLANT MATERIAL WILL BE TAGGED AND/OR PURCHASED BY THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE AT A NURSERY SELECTED BY HIM. OBTAIN A LIST FROM OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE OF PRE-TAGGED OR PURCHASED MATERIAL PRIOR TO PROCUREMENT OF PLANT MATERIAL. IF PLANTS ARE TO BE TAGGED BY CONTRACTOR IN-LIEU OF OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE, ENSURE THAT PLANTS OF A SIMILAR SPECIES AND VARIETY HAVE MATCHING FORM UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE ON DRAWINGS. 3. FINAL LOCATIONS OF PLANT MATERIALS ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. PERFORM THE FOLLOWING BEFORE BEGINNING PLANTING PIT EXCAVATION: A. SHRUBS -PLACE ACTUAL PLANT CONTAINERS ON-SITE IN "FINAL" LOCATIONS. B. TREES -CHALK OR STAKE CENTER OF TREE. C. CONTAINER POTS -PLANT OUT ONE PROTOTYPICAL CONTAINER POT 4. NOTIFY OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE IN SUFFICIENT TIME TO PERFORM A SITE OBSERVATION TASK. INSUFFICIENT NOTIFICATION TIME GIVEN OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE MAY REQUIRE THE SITE VISIT TO BE CANCELED, OR POSSIBLY, MAKE CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE TO COMPENSATE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE FOR OVERTIME. 5. PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE FREE OF PESTS OR DISEASE, INCLUDING PRE-SELECTED OR "TAGGED" PLANT MATERIAL PROVIDED BY OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. 6. IF THERE ARE DISCREPENCIES BETWEEN ACTUAL SITE CONDITIONS (I.E., SIZE OR LAYOUT OF PLANTING AREAS, GRADES, ETC), AS COMPARED TO WHAT IS INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS, CONTACT OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE FOR RESOLUTION. FAILURE TO MAKE SUCH CONFLICTS KNOWN TO OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE IN A TIMELY FASHION MAY RESULT IN CONTRACTOR'S LIABILITY TO RELOCATE PLANT MATERIALS. 7. TRIANGULARLY SPACE GROUNDCOVERS AND SHRUBS, UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE ON DRAWINGS. MAINTAIN HALF ON-CENTER SPACING WHEN ADJACENT PAVED AREAS, WALLS, OR OTHER FIXED EDGES. 8. REFER TO DRAWING DETAILS FOR REQUIRED TREE STAKING AND GUYING METHODS. PROVIDE A SAMPLE MOCKUP OF TREE STAKING AND GUYING FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO PERFORMING TREE STAKING AND GUYING. ALIGN STAKES PARALLEL WITH THE PREVAILING WIND. 9. DO NOT PLANT TREES CLOSER THAN 4-FOOT TO FIXED EDGES SUCH AS SIDEWALKS AND WALLS, UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE ON DRAWINGS. ROOT BARRIERS ARE REQUIRED FOR TREES PLANTED WITHIN 5' OF PUBLIC SIDEWALKS, CURBS, PAVEMENT, AND OTHER LOCATIONS WHERE INDICATED ON PLANS. SEE ROOT BARRIER DETAIL, THIS SHEET 10. THE TOP OF ROOTBALL OF TREES AND SHRUBS SHALL BE PLANTED AT OR SLIGHTLY ABOVE FINAL FINISH GRADE. 11. INSTALL PLANT MATERIAL WITH ITS BEST SIDE FACING THE PREDOMINATE VIEW OF THE PUBLIC. 12. DO NOT PLANT TREES WITHIN 5 FEET OF GAS, WATER OR SEWER LINES. CONTACT OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE IF MEETING THIS CRITERIA DIFFERS FROM LOCATIONS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS. 13. PLANTS OR TREES MAY BE RESTRICTED WITHIN PUBLIC EASEMENTS. INFORM OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE IF EASEMENTS ARE FOUND THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. 14. REFER TO DRAWING DETAILS FOR REQUIRED PLANTING METHODS. MINIMUM SLOPE REVEGETATION / EROSION CONTROL PLANTING STANDARDS (REQUIRED BY CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL) AREAS OF APPLICATION (PLANTING) 1. SLOPES -6: 1 OR STEEPER AND: A 3' FEET OR LESS IN VERTICAL HEIGHT AND ADJACENT TO PUBLIC WALKS OR STREETS REQUIRE AT A MINIMUM STANDARD #1 (COVER CROP OR EROSION CONTROL MATTING). B. GREATER THAN 3 FEET TO 8 FEET IN VERTICAL HEIGHT REQUIRE STANDARDS #1 (EROSION CONTROL MATTING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN LIEU OF A COVER CROP), #2 AND #3. C. IN EXCESS OF 8 FEET IN VERTICAL HEIGHT REQUIRE STANDARDS #1, (EROSION CONTROL MATTING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN LIEU OF A COVER CROP), #2, #3 & #4. 2. AREAS GRADED FLATTER THAN 6:1 REQUIRE A COVER CROP PER STANDARD #1 WHEN THEY HAVE ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS A SHEET GRADED PADS NOT SCHEDULED FOR IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN SIX MONTHS OF COMPLETION OF ROUGH GRADING. B. A POTENTIAL EROSION PROBLEM AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY. C. IDENTIFIED BY THE CITY AS HIGHLY VISIBLE AREAS TO THE PUBLIC OR HAVE SPECIAL CONDITIONS THAT WARRANT IMMEDIATE TREATMENT STANDARD #1 -COVER CROP I AND EROSION CONTROL MATTING: 1. COVER CROP SHALL BE A SEED MIX TYPICALLY COMPOSED OF QUICK GERMINATING AND FAST GROWING GRASSES, CLOVERS, AND/OR WILD FLOWERS. 2. THE COVER CROP SHALL BE APPLIED AT A RATE AND MANNER SUFFICIENT TO PROVIDE 90% COVERAGE WITHIN THIRTY DAYS. 3. TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL MATTING SHALL BE AS APPROVED BY THE CITY AND AFFIXED TO THE SLOPES AS RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER. 4. ON SLOPES 3 FEET OR LESS IN VERTICAL HEIGHT WHERE ADJACENT TO PUBLIC WALKS OR STREETS: o WHEN PLANTING OCCURS BETEEEN AUGUST 15 AND APRIL 15, EROSION CONTROL MATTING SHALL BE REQUIRED. o DURING THE REMAINDER OF THE YEAR, THE COVER CROP AND/OR EROSION CONTROL MATTING SHALL BE REQUIRED. 5. ON SLOPES GREATER THAN 3 FEET IN HEIGHT, EROSION CONTROL MATTING SHALL BE REQUIRED AND A COVER CROP SHALL NOT BE USED, UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE CITY. STANDARD #2 -GROUNDCOVER. I 100% OF THE AREA SHALL BE PLANTED WITH A GROUNDCOVER KNOWN TO HAVE EXCELLENT SOIL BINDING CHARACTERISTICS (PLANTED FROM A MINIMUM SIZE OF FLATTED MATERIAL AND SPACED TO PROVIDE FULL COVERAGE WITHIN ONE (1) YEAR. STANDARD #3 -LOW SHRUBS: 1. LOW SPREADING WOODY SHRUBS (PLANTED FROM MINIMUM OF 1-GALLON CONTAINERS) SHALL COVER A MINIMUM 70% OF THE SLOPE SURFACE (AT MATURE SIZE). STANDARD #4 -TREES AND/OR LARGE SHRUBS: 1. TREES AND/OR LARGE SHRUBS (PLANTED FROM A MINIMUM 1 GALLON SIZE CONTAINERS) SHALL BE INSTALLED AT A MINIMUM RATE OF 1 PLANT PER 20D S.F. HORTICULTURAL SOIL TESTING AND AMENDMENT: AFTER FINISH GRADES HAVE BEEN SET FOR PLANTING AREAS, TAKE HORTICULTURAL SOIL SAMPLES AT A MINIMUM OF THREE LOCATIONS. SOIL SAMPLES ARE TO BE TESTED BY A QUALIFIED SOIL TESTING LABORATORY (APPROVED BY CITY INSPECTOR) FOR SOIL FERTILITY, BACKFILL RECOMMENDATIONS, AND SOIL PREPARATION RECOMMENDATIONS. SOIL PREPARATION AND BACKFILL MIX REQUIREMENTS SHALL CONFORM TO RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE HORTICULTURAL SOIL REPORT. AMEND EXISTING SITE SOILS ACCORDING TO HORTICULTURAL SOILS TESTING RECOMMENDATIONS. SHOULD IMPORT SOIL BE NECESSARY TO BRING SITE TO SPECIFIED FINISH GRADES, INDICATE SOURCE°LOCATION. ENSURE THAT IMPORT SOIL IS OF A SANDY LOAM NATURE, CONTAINING NO TOXIC CHEMICALS OR ELEMENTS THAT MIGHT INHIBIT OR RETARD NORMAL PLANT GROWTH. SUBMIT SOIL TEST RESULTS OF IMPORT SOIL TO OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO DELIVERING SOIL TO SITE. MULCH REQUIREMENTS: A MINIMUM 3" DEEP LAYER OF BARK MULCH SHALL BE APPLIED TO ALL SHRUB AND GROUNDCOVER AREAS, EXCLUDING SLOPES 3:1 OR STEEPER, TURF AND HYDROSEEDED AREAS. SUBMITTALS: SUBMIT TO OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL THE FOLLOWING PRODUCT SAMPLES AND TECHNICAL DATA: A PRE-PLANT AND POST PLANT FERTILIZERS. B. FERTILIZER TABLETS (TO BE USED IN PLANT PIT BACKFILL). C. TREE STAKES, TIES AND GUYING MATERIALS. D. MULCH (COMPOST, BARK, GRAVEL, DECOMPOSED GRANITE, ETC). F. ORGANIC SOIL AMENDMENT(S). G. INORGANIC SOIL AMENDMENT(S) (I.E. GYPSUM, SOIL SULPHUR, ETC). H. PESTICIDES, HERBICIDES, FUNGICIDES, AND OTHER CHEMICALS PROPOSED FOR USE IN THE PROJECT (SUBMIT TECHNICAL DATA SHEETS ONLY) I ALL PRODUCT GUARANTEES, WARRENTIES AND RELATED DOCUMENTS FROM MANUFACTURER'S AND SUPPLIERS. PLANT GUARANTEES: CONTRACTOR SHALL GUARANTEE THE PLANT MATERIAL TO REMAIN IN A HEALTHY AND THRIVING STATE, FREE OF PESTS OR DISEASE, FOR THE FOLLOWING PERIODS, COMMENCING ON THE DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: A TREES 15 GALLON AND LARGER, AND OTHER PLANT MATERIAL 24" BOX SIZE OR LARGER: ONE (1) YEAR. B. TREES LESS THAN 15 GALLON SIZE, AND ALL SHRUBS, GROUNDCOVERS, TURF AND OTHER PLANT MATERIAL LESS THAN 24" BOX SIZE: NINETY (90) DAYS. CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE ANY DEAD OR SIGNIFICALLY DECLINING PLANT MATERIAL WITHIN 14 DAYS OF DISCOVERY, AND IN ANY CASE, NO LATER THAN THE END OF THE GUARANTEE PERIOD. OWNER MAY STIPULATE A MAINTENANCE PERIOD IN THE CONTRACT WHEREBY CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE TO MAINTAIN THE PLANT MATERIAL FOR A SPECIFIED LENGTH OF TIME AFTER THE DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. THE PLANT GUARANTEE PERIODS STIPULATED ABOVE SHALL NOT EXTEND BEYOND THE END DATE OF THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD, UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE IN THE CONTRACT. INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS: CONTRACTOR SHALL ARRANGE FOR ALL REQUIRED INSPECTIONS DURING THE INSTALLATION OF THE WORK. OBTAIN FROM EACH PARTY THE CURRENT INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO STARTING THE WORK: PLANTING AND IRRIGATION SYSTEM INSPECTIONS: (1) PROJECT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, R.W. APEL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC, TELEPHONE (76D) 943-0760. (2) CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT, TELEPHONE (760) 602-4610. RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION SYSTEMS: (1) CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, TELEPHONE (76D) 438-2722 (2) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH -LAND AND WATER QUALITY DIVISION, TELEPHONE (858) 565-5173. SCREENING OF UTILITIES: CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE PROJECT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING LANDSCAPE WORK SO THAT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT CAN REVIEW THE AS-BUILT LOCATIONS OF ANY UTILITIES THAT MAY HAVE BEEN INSTALLED PRIOR TO LANDSCAPING SO THAT THE PLANS CAN BE REVISED ACCORDINGLY TO FULLY SCREEN ALL UTILITIES FROM VIEW. MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY: ALL LANDSCAPING IS PRIVATE AND WILL BE MAINTAINED BY LEGOLAND IN-HOUSE MAINTENANCE STAFF. __J __J <(I Olf- f-0.. QW 00 0:: ~-CROWN OF PLANT TO BE 1" ABOVE FINISH GRADE. 3" DEEP LAYER MULCH (REFER TO SPECS. FOR TYPE OF MULCH). / FINISH GRADE 1=11=1' -w BACKFILL MIX PER SPECS. PLANTING TABLETS PER SPECS. UNDISTURBED SOIL NOTE #1: THE BACK OF THE PLANT PIT SHALL SLOPE NOT STEEPER THAN 1:1. INSTALL EROSION CONTROL FABRIC ON THIS SLOPE FACE FOR SHRUBS 15 GALLON SIZE OR LARGER (NOT REQUIRED ON SMALLER CONTAINER SIZES. SEE NOTE #1 LINE OF SLOPE ' :m~ 111-, ' u PLANTING TABLETS PER SPECS. 2 X ROOTBALL NOTE: ROUGHEN SIDES OF PLANT PIT TO PREVENT GLAZING AND PROMOTE ROOT PENETRATION INTO SURROUNDING SOIL. BACKFILL MIX PER SPECS. ____ 3" DEEP LAYER MULCH (REFER TO SPECS). ___ CROWN OF PLANT TO BE 1" ABOVE LINE OF SLOPE. CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY WATER BASIN ON SHRUBS 15 GALLON SIZE OR LARGER. NO BASIN ON SMALLER CONTAINER SIZES. UNDISTURBED SOIL -=Ill~ --, 11-1 I I 11 lmli ,w11 ,ill~ 1 2 X ROOTBALL FINAL INSPECTION BY THE ABOVE AGENCIES IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE PROJECT BEING DEEMED SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETE. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE ANY AND ALL CORRECTIONS IDENTIFIED DURING INSPECTIONS. FLAT GRADE CONDITION SLOPE CONDITION (6:1 AND STEEPER) CJ ' ix, ------------CUT OFF DAMAGED END OF STAKE. ~ -------------TREE TRUNK ----~ 'CINCH-TIE' OF< APPROVED EQUAL -+-------fi==7 ~=~=l~ ~ 2" DIA. ROUND LODGEPOLE PINE TREE STAKES (2). DRIVE STAKES FLAT GRADE CONDITION OUTSIDE OF ROOT BALL 'CINCH-TIE' OR APPROVED EQUAL TOP OF ROOT CROWN TO BE 1" ABOVE SURROUNDING FINISH GRADE 3" DEEP LAYER MULCH (REFER TO SPECS FOR TYPE OF MULCH). / / 3" HIGH WATER BASIN (DELETE IN L'~ TURF AREAS). 'iB'il'ElS' FERTILIZER TABLETS PER SPECS. @ SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL No Scale WHEF{E TREES AF,E INST ALL ED ON SLOPES, THE BACK OF LINE OF THE PLANT PIT SHALL SLOPE NOT BE STEEPER THAN 1:1. INSTALL EROSION CONTROL FABRIC ON THIS SLOPE FACE. BACKFILL MIX --~~ FERTILIZER TABLETS PER SPECS. 1-1/2 X DIA. OF ROOTBALL SLOPE CONDITION (6:1 AND STEEPER) STAKING PER DETAILS AT LEFT. TOP OF ROOT CROWN TO BE 1" ABOVE LINE OF SLOPE 3" DEEP LAYER MULCH (REFER TO SPECS FOR TYPE OF MULCH). 3" HIGH WATER BASIN 5' OR LESS • TREE TRUNK ROOT BARRIERS MATERIAL SHALL BE: NOS SHAWTOWN SM-SERIES ROOT BARRIER SHEET MATERIAL, MODEL #SM-1820, OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. 0.060" THICK HIGH-IMPACT POLYSTYRENE (HIPS) WITH RUBBERIZER AND UV INHIBITOR. DEPTH OF BARRIERS SHALL BE MIN. 18". MANUFACTURER: NOS, LINDSAY, CA (800) 726-1994 W1WVNDSPRO.COM ----- INSTALL ROOT BARRIER BEHIND CURB, SIDEWALK OR PAVEMENT. TOP OF BARRIER SHALL BE FLUSH OR SLIGHTLY ABOVE FINISH GRADE. CURB, SIDEWALK OR PAVEMENT • ROOT BARRIERS ARE REQUIRED WHEN TREES ARE INSTALLED WITHIN 5' OF SIDEWALKS. PAVEMENT OR CURBS ® ROOT BARRIER DETAIL 2-----No Scale APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDIJ\IG PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTlt\JG AREAS "AS BUILT" TITLE DATE G) TREE PLANTING DETAIL No Scale REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE r-wApel landscape architects inc 571-8 Hygeia Avenue Leucadia, CA 92024 (760) 943-0760 N1apel2@cox.net CA license #2825 1>-\-\DSCAp '/1. AP (J <" -0 __J \--"--=-Slgnq(u ll -I * 30/2016 * e· I Dute CJ '-.'-.T---C o\, OF CA 1__\ NO. REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER, PLANNING DIRECTOR A~ID DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOF, TO IMPLEMENTATION l~I THE FIELD. DISTRICT APPROVED CHANGES DESCRIPTION APPROVED DATE DEVELOPERS NAME: LEGOLAND CALIFOF,NIA LLC. 1-----t----------------+-----+---< ADDRESS: 1 LEGOLAND Df,I VE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TELEPHONE: (760) 918-5300 1--+---------------+-----+-----l DA TE PLAN PREPARED: _1_2~/_0~1 /~2_0_1_4 ___ ~(2N_D_PLAN __ CH~K) BY: RICHARD APEL, R. W. APEL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC. CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHEET 27 CITY OF CARLSBAD 30 PLANNING DIVISION SHEETS PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR: LEGOLAND WATERWORKS EXPANSION 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 APPROVED lci\ Gr: tl.\A PLANNING DRWN BY, RICHARD W. APEL CHCKD BY, RICHARD W. APEL PROJECT NO. SOP 96-14(G) Z-1~-!,::;- DATE DRAWING NO. 479-9L SHEET 27 OF 30 SHEETS C.M.W.D. JOB NO.______ ·, , ,;, .. ~ ~ SECTION 2800 LANDSCAPING PART 1 -GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Work of this section generally includes the provision of horticultural soil testing, soil preparation, planting, mulching, and associated elements and includes all services, labor, materials, trnnsportation mid equipment necessary to perform the Work indicated 011 the Drnwlngs and as specified herein. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 281 O -Irrigation System 1.03 REFERENCES A. Perform the Work in accordm1ce with the Co11trnct Documents as well all applicable laws, codes, ordinances, rules and regulations. B. Conform to requirements of reference information listed below except where more stringent requirements are shown or specified in the Contract Documents. (I) American Society of Testing Engineers (ASTM) -as specifically referenced in this Section. (2) American Nurseryman Association -product quality standards. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. B. Submit to the landscape Architect the items listed in this section. Submittals shall be prepared and submitted in the manner specified in Sec/io11 IJW-"SUBM/TTALS", and as specified in the sections related to the individual items. Product lists: Prior to their incorporation into the Work, the Contractor shall submit to the landscape Arcl1itect a list of the following products he intends to use in the project: (1) Fertilizers, soil conditioners & amemlments. (2) Herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, bactericides. (3) Mulches & orgclllic soil amendments. (4) Any product or material that may differ in type or brand name from that specified. Following review of the product lists, tile reviewer may require the submissio11 of product samples and/or manufacturer's product literature. These shall be submitted by the Contractor in the form and quantity directed. C. Product and material samples shall be submitted to the Landscape Architect for the following listed items. Refer to PART 2 - PRODUCTS AND MATERIALS for specific submittol require111e11ts of eoch ite111: (1) Root barrier product sample; (2) Bender board product sample: (3) Any sond or gravels (if specified); (2) Bark 111ulches product sample; (3) Imported topsoil sample ond horticultural soils reports. (4) Erosion control 111ulch and/or fabric product sample. D. Plant samples: Plonts sliall be subject to approval by the landscape Architect and Owner' representative. Samples shall be provided. Refer to parJg(i)p/J 2.04 -"PLANT MATERIALS" for requirements. E. Invoices, trip slips or packing labels showing total quantities of materials delivered shall be submitted to the Landscape Architect for the products and materials listed below as evidence of their incorporation into the Work: (I) Seed, per requirements of pa{i)graph2.07 -SEEDS; (2) All fertilizers, soil conditioners & mm:mdrne11ts. (3) Hydromulch and binder. (4) Mulches. (5) Herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, bactericides. F. Test reports: (I) Soil tests, per parag{i)p/r 3.01 -SOIL TESTING; (2) Seed testing, per paragraph 2.07 -SEED. G. Empty packaging containers for fertilizers, soil conditioners, soil amendments, potting mixes and mulches incorporated into the Work shall be stored at the site for inspection by the Landscape Architect. H. The Contractor shall submit to the landscape Architect the total area (sf) to be covered by the above listed products and materials. 1.05 SUBSTITUTIONS A. No substitutions of products and rrwterials or plant species, varieties, colors or sizes shall be mmle without prior written approval from the Landscape Arcl1itect. 1.06 LAYOUT OF WORK A. layout of plant materials shall follow the drawings as closely as possible. The Contractor shall adjust final plant locations as directed by the landscape Architect in the field. Refer to parag{i)ph I.OJ -OBSERVATION AND FIELD COORDINATION WITH THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, and parngraph 3.07 -PLANTING, for procedures. 1.07 OBSERVATION AND FIELD COORDINATION WITH THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT A. landscape Architect's Observations: If so retained and authorized by the Owner, the Landscape Architect will make periodic observations of the Work in progress at the project site. It is the Contractor's responsibility to keep the landscape Architect informed of the progress of the Work and to notify him a mi11imu111 of five (5) working days in advance of when observations are required. Notify the landscape Architect for the following observations: (1) After completion of demolition, cleming mid grubbing, weed abatement, and finish grading, but prior to planting and/or l1ydroseedi11g. (2) After soil arner1drnents are spread on tile site, but prior to their incorporation into the soil. (3) During placement of rocks and boulders. (4) During placement of trees and other specimen plants for approval of locations prior to plant pit excnvation (see special requirements for tree placement below). (5) After compleiion of shrub planting, but before hydroseeding, mulches and groundcovers. (6) After installation of hydroseeding, muld1es mid groumlcovers. (7) Lawn areas, after finish grading and soil preparation, but prior to seeding, stolenizing or sodding. (8) Upon "Substantial Completion" of the Work for a walk-thru and preparation of a "punch list." See Sec/io111700 -'PROJECT CLOSE-OUT" for procedures and required observations by the Landscape Architect. (9) Upon "Finni Completion" of the Work, at the encl of the "Maintenance Period." Tl1e Landscape Architect may waive observations at his option. See Section 2810 -/RR/GA TJON SYSTEM for additional observations that me required for irrigation system installation. B. Tree placement: Exact locations of Imes as shown on the plans are approxi111ate. The landscape Architect will direct the final location of all trees at the project site unless the Contractor is notified by him that this requirement is waived. The procedure for locating trees sl10ll lie as follows: (I) While still in tl1eir containers, the Contractor shall place trees as close as possible to the locations shown on the plans. This shall be done prior to planting holes being dug, or Contractor nmy dig at his own risk. (2) 011 slopes 2:1 and steeper, or, for large box trees where repositioning is difficult, a wood or metal stake shall be driven ir1to the ground at the tree location shown on the drawings. Stakes shall be a minimum of five (5) feet tall and the top of each stake color coded with paint or flagging material indicating the different tree species and container sizes. (3) The Landscape Architect will approve each tree locntion, or direct the Contractor to make adjustments as necessary. (4) Contrncto, shall install trees at the approved locations and allow reasonable repositioning prior to digging planting l10les. (5) Trees planted by Contractor in locations not approved by the landscape Architect are subject to relocation at Contractor's expense. C. The Contractor shall be present at all site observations. D. Field Orders: The Landscape Architect may issue Field Orders which do rrot affect Contract price or time. T11e Contractor shall comply with and carry out all Field Orders promptly. 1.08 MAINTENANCE A. Maintenance responsibility: The Contractor shall continuously maintain all plantings during the progress of the Work and during the Maintenance Period until Final Acceptance is issued by the Owner. B. Maintenance Period: After Substantial Completion of the Work, a post-construction Mai11/e1/iJnce Period shall begin on the date stipulated 011 the Certificate of Substantial Comp!etia11 and shall continue thereafter for no less than sb::ty (60) continuous calendar days, unless specified differently in the Contract. The purpose of this period is to ensure successful plant establishment under the care of the Contractor. C. Maintenance Operations: 1. Regular maintenance operations sliall liegin immediately after each plant is installed. All planting shall be kept in a healthy, vigorous stute, free from disease mid pests. Maintenance shall include wateriny, fertilizing, cleaning, pruning, weed eradication, pest and disease control, edging, restaking, spraying, cleaning up and other necessmy opemtions of maintenance. All plants found to be dead or in a declining condition shall be replaced immediately upon detection at the expense of the Contractor. 1. lawns shall be mowed at a frequency consistent with the growth rate of tlrn grass so as to continuously maintain it within the optimal height range for its type. Do not mow wet grass. Edge lawns along a neat and uniform line. Control all insects, fungi and invasiot1 by weeds or other unintended grnss species. 3. Fertilization: All planting areas shall be fertilized at thirty (30) clay intervols after plontiny with post-plant granular fertilizer at bay recommended rate. Contractor shall notify the landscape Architect five (5) working days in advance of the date of fertilizations so that he may inspect the operntio11. 4. Damage to planting areas shall be repaired immediately, including depressions caused by erosion, vehicles, bicycles or foot traffic. Reseed, plug, stolenize or sod clmnaged areas. D. Cost of Maintenance: The Contractor shal! include in the CorJtract Price the cost of ,ill maintenance duri11g construction and the post-construction Mainterwnce Period. E. Termination of Maintenance Period: Tl1e Co11tractor will be relieved of maintenance work when the final sixty (60) calendar day plant establishme11t work has bee11 satisfactorily completed. If maintenance is unsatisfactory, Contractor sl101l maintain the Work beyond this 60 day period at his expense until all planting is in a healthy thriving conditio11 as determi11ed by the Landscape Architect. Receipt of written Final Acceptance from the Owner shall aot be granted until the satisfuctory completion of the Maintenance Period. 1.09 PROTECTION, GUARANTEES AND REPLACEMENTS A. Protection: The Contrnctor shall be responsible for mair1tair1ing adequate protection of the Work during the Maintenance Period. Damaged portions of the Work due to Contractor's acts or failure to provide reaso11able protection of t11e Work shall be repaired or replaced at no additional cost to tlie Owner. Contractor will not be held responsible fur damage caused by severe weather conditions, vandulism, or 0U1er damage that is clearly beyond the Contractor's control or otl1erwise could not have beell reasorwbly prevented by the Contractor. B. Plant guarantees: 1. All plant material under 15-gallon size, groundcovers and lawns shall be guaranteed to remain healthy arid vigorously growing for ninety (90) days from date of Final Acceptance. 2. All plant material 15-gallon size and larger shall be guarnnteed to remain healthy arid vigorously growing far one (1) year from date of Final Acceptance. 3. Palms: Phoenix canariensis, P. dac/ylifera and P. recli11a/a palm species shall be guaranteed by the grower and/or contractor to remain healthy and vigorously growing for a period of two (2) years from date of Fi11al Acceptance. All other palm species (family pa!nwe) shall be guarariteed for c1 period of one (1) year from date of Final Acceptance. Polms shall be warranted c1gai11st decline and/or mortality due to damage during shipment or disease duri11g the guarantee period following permanent plcmting. Particular attention shall be µaid to preventioll of Penicillium vermoeseoia (commonly known as "pink rot'') infection. To this end, the grower and/or contrnctor may wish to specify his level of involvement during the guarantee period. C. Replacement materials: Plants used for replacement shall be of the same kind, size and quality as originally furnished at no additional cost tu the Owner. Replacement plants shall be guaranteed for the same length of time as the original plant, commencing 011 the date the replacement plant was installed aml accepted by the Owner. D. Hydroseeding Guarantee: The Contractor shall re-hydroseed all seeded areas that have eroded or have not germinated at the end of eacl1 thirty (30) day period, until such time as a solid and uniform stand of healthy seedlings is achieved. Seeded areas where natural rainfall is the sole intended source of irrigation are excluded from tl1is guarantee. PART 2 -PRODUCTS & MATERIALS 2.01 SOIL PREPARATION MATERIALS A. Organic soil amendments for btickfill mix and general soil amending purposes shall contai11 a blend of organic fractions to supply several degrees of breakdown rate, a portion of inorganic amendment that resists furtl1er breakdown, a long-lasting form of iron, pH of 5.5-6.0, maximum salinity of 1.75, organic matter (dry weight) more than 90%, non-ionic wetting agent, and total nitrogen content of approximately 0.5%. Contractor shall submit proposed product(s) for approval by the Landscape Architect. Loilmex, Kellogg's Gromu/ch and Kellogg's Forest Humus are pre-approved products. Bulk delivery composts and/or municipal "greea waste" mulch that has bee11 fully composted may be accopted. Sub111it product samples, information 011 origi11 and composition, a11d any supplier test resnlts for pre-approval by the project Landscape Architect. B. Nitrogen stabilized wood shavings may be accepted only wit11 pre-approval by the landscape Architect. Shavings shall be of line grade containing I% nitrogen. C. Gypsum shall be commercially processed and packaged for horticultural purposes with 90% passing a 50 mesh screen. D. Iron sulphate shall be commercially processed and packaged for horticultural purposes. E. Pre-plant fertilizer for tree, shrub and groundcover areas shall be commercial type, long lasting, non-burning, co11trolled release, Ltniform in composition, suituble for application with approved equipment, with an apµroxinmte N-P-K nutrient ratio of 1-10-10 or 6-20-20. F. Post-plant fertilizer for tree, sl1rub and groundcover areas shall be commercial type, long-lasting, 11011-buming, slow release, free-flowing, uniform in composition, suitable for application witl1 approved equipment, with nn approxinrnte N-P-K rwtrient ratio of 3-2-1 (such as 14-7-3, 11-8-4). T rnce minerals shall include approximately 2% iron (expressed metallic), 7% sulfur (elemental), 0.5% Zinc, and 0.15% Manga11ese. G. Pre-plant fertilizer for turf grass shall be Single Super-Phosphate. H. Po:.t-plant fertilizer for turf grass shall tJe a high nitrogen fertilizer such as AmmoniLtrll Sulfate, Urea, Calcium Nitrate, or a commercial formulation havi11g an approximate N-P-K nutrient ratio of 4-1-2 (such as 21-7-14) with both fast acti11g a11cl slow release 11itroge11. I. Planting tablets shall be tightly compressed, slow-release, commercial grade pla11tiny tablets with an approximate N-P-K 11utrient ratio of 20-10-5. J. Fertilizer for potted plants slmll be a slow release, granular type such as Osmocote 18-6·12 or 17-7-12, nine-month release. K. Pre-approved fertilizer and soil conditioner product manufacturers include Bandioi, J.R. Simplot "Best" Brand, Agri-form, and Osrnocote. L Soil Fumigant shall be for pre-planting treatment to kill soil fungi, nen1atodes, weeds 1rnd weed seed, both annual and perennial and soil insects as approved by the Landscape Architect. r-wAilel landscape architects inc 571·8 Hygeia Avenue Leucadia, CA 92024 (760) 943-0760 rwapel2@cox.net CA license #2825 1.01 POTTING SOIL A. All pots, planter boxes and other planting containers slrnll be backfilled with 100% commercially manufactured potting soil. Such soil shall be sterilized, free of weed seeds, debris or other materials that would be detrime11tal to plant health. Potting soil shall be a mixture of organic materials including pine, redwood and/or fir bark, peat moss, coarse washed sand, horticultLtral perlite and/or vermiculite, a11d mineral and chemical buffers. B. Supersoil ma11ufoctt1red by Rod McClelland Company, and f<.el/ogc/s Planter Mix ure pre-approved products. C. Potting soil sl10II be moistened, but not saturated, before planting. 2.03 IMPORT TOPSOIL A. Approval required: Topsoil imported to the project site from an off-site location sliall be pre-approved by the landscape Architect prior to transport. B. Soil tests conforming to the requirements of paragrap/13.0/ -SOIL TESTING shall be conducted on all topsoil sources proposed for use. Contractor shall forward test results to the Landscape Architect for review and approval prior to purcliasing topsoil. Acceptable test results are specified in the SOIL TESTING section. Topsoil deficient in organic matter, but otherwise passing the other testing parameters, mrJy be amended with a humus based umendment approved by the Lam!scc1pe Architect C. Imported topsoil shall consist of a natural, fertile, friable, sandy loam texture and shall have no chmacteristics which are detrime11tal to normal plant growth of most ornamentrJI species. Topsoil sfmll not hurbor any undesirable µests, diseases, fungal, viral or bc:1cterial agents potentially detrimental to plants a11d sliall be free of weeds, their seeds or vegetative parts. Topsoil shall be natural in origin, c1.nd shall not consist of parent material (subsoil), nor contain stories over one inch (1") irt diameter. "Manufactured soil" or "Planter Soil", typically consistinu of sand and orgm1ic amendments, shall not fulfill the requirements for topsoil. In no case shall topsoil contain more than five percent (5%) by volume of the following: stones large, than one inch (I"), coarse sand, and small clay lumps. D. Import topsoil shall be amended with organic, mineral and fertilizer amend111e11ts as specified in paragraphJ.OG-SO/L PREPARATION. 2.04 PLANT MATERIALS A. Nomenclature: The scientific und common names of plants specified conform to the latest edition of tl\8 Sunset Westem Garden Book, Lane Publishi11g Company, Menlo Park, CA. Scientific names take precedence. Common names are given for convenience only. B. Suppliers: All plants shall be supplied from a reputable co111111ercial nursery approved by the Landscape Architect. All plant material shall be grown at nurseries inspected by the State Department of Agriculture. Inspection of plant materials shall be the responsibility of the nursery of origin. All necessary permits or certificates stmll be secured prior to delivery of plants to the site. C. D, E. F. All plants shall be vigorous, healthy, shapely, well rooted, and free from disease, pests, insects or their eggs. All plant material shall meet the sizes and requirements specified on the plans and !ege11ds and the product quality sta11dmcls of the American NLirseryman Association. Container stock larger than one (1) gallon size shall have grown in their present co11tainers for a minimum of six (6) mo11ths, but not over two years. Roots shall be established and well developed throughout the container but shall 11ot be "rootbou11d." No plants that have cracked or broken rootballs after removal from the container shall be installed, except upon inspection and approval by the Landscape Architect. No trees with dm1iaged or broken rootbal!s shall be planted. No pruning of plants shall be do11e except as directed by the landscape Architect. lateral branches along the t11111ks of trees shall 11ot be removed. G. Palm Trees: Palm trees shall be of the type, variety and size specified. Heigl1t specified 011 the drawings refers to the final planted height measured from the soil line to the heort of the leaf crown (meristem), co111mo11ly known as "brown tru11k height." The Contractor shall determine and make a!!owance for a portion of the trunk to be buried necessary to ensure secure anchorage in the ground. If the Contractor proposes to use field grown pal111s, they must be pre-approved by the Landscape Architect. Field grown palms shall have a rootball large enough to ensure quick re-establishment and shall be planted within 24 hours of diggi11g. All Phoenix species palms (Phoenix carliJriensis, P. dactyli/era, P. rec/ina/a, etc.) shall be inspected by a recognized pathologist/ pest control advisor who shall inspect each tree prior to delivery primarily to determine any iflfection of Penicil!ium vermoesenia (commonly known as "pink rot") which should be controlled prior to shipment. Eve11 if fDLmd to be free from infection, the leuf crown of Qi! Phoenix palms shall be drenched in a bacterial/fungicide solution (such as Be11late) at the manufacturer's recommended rate prior to shipment. H. I. J. Turf Grass Seed: Grass seed shal_! be fresh, clean, new crop of seed, premixed by rnet:hanical mixer to proportions specified. Seeding rate shall be as recommended by the seed supplier. landscape Architect's Approval of Plant Material: The Contractor shall provide o minimum of three samples of each plant variety in each of the sizes specified for review and approval by the landscape Architect. Somples shall be brought to the project site for inspection prior to installation. Plants will be observed for conformance to specified vmiety, size, form, stwpe, condition, pests, disease, latent defects a11d injury. If rejected, plants shall he removed from the site and replaced with the specified materials acceptable to the Landscape Architect at no additional cost to the Owner. Approved samples shall serve as the minimum standard for all pla11t material to be furnished. Approved samples shall remain 011 the site a11d shall be maintained for comparison with all other plant materials to be furnished. Approved samples shall be incorporated into the Work. Plant Materials selected by the landscape Architect: PRIOR TO BIDDING, the Contractor shall 11otify the landscape Architect for direction on what plant material will be selected, or "tagged", by the La11dscape Architect at the nursery or growing grounds. Generally, llm landscape Architect will tag all trees 24" box size a11d larger as well as certain specime11 plant material. The contractor shall purchase all material tagged by llrn Landscape Architect. 2.05 STAKES, TIES & GUYING MATERIALS A. Stakes used for tree and plant supports shall be round lodgepole Pi11e, 2" to 2-1/2" in diameter, no less than ten (10) feet in length, and treated with copper 11aphtlia11ate. Stakes shall be conically pointed at the driving end and chamfered at the other. B. Tree ties shall be "Ci11clr-Tie" by VI. T. Products, San Diego, or other approved product. C. Guy wires shall be 10 gauge, zinc-coated steel wire. 2-ply, reinforced rubber hose, 1/2" diameter, shall fully cover guy wires where they contact tree branches. Guy wires shall be covered their lull exposed length with 1/2" diameter white P.V.C. pipe to enhance their visibility. D. E. Deadman anchors shall be: (1) pressure-treated 2"x4"xl8" douglas fir, or, (2) one 8"x8"xl6" concrete block, Deadman shall be completely buried at depth sufficient to prevent withdrawal of the anchor under l1igh wind loading conditions. Vine ties shall be "Sturdy Vine Supports" by Calif. Plastic Products, Inc, Item #T-012, or approved eqwil for vinos 5 gallon size and smaller. Specimen size or heavy vines may require stronger support in which case galvanized screw eyes of a11 appropriate size shnll be used (with anchors if driven into masomy). Tie stems to screw eyes with plastic nursery tape or other suitable rot and rust resistant material. 1.06 HYDROSEEDING MATERIALS A. Fiber Mulch: Type 2000 as manufactured by Conweb, or approved equal. Hydromulch shall be composed of wood cellulose fiber free from ariy synthetic or plc1.stic materials and contain no germination or growth inhibiting factors. It shall have a consistent texture which disperses evenly ancl re111ains suspended in agitated water. The fiber mulch shall have a te111porary green dye to facilitate visual markiny of application. Fiber mulch sha!I conform to the followlllg property analysis: REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAL TH ENGINEER, PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN THE FIELD. DISTRICT APPROVED CHANGES Moisture content: 9.0% + I -3.0% O.D. basis. Organic matter: 99.2% +/-8.0%. Ash Content: 0.6% +/-0.2%. pH: 4.8 +/-0.5. Water holding capacity: 1,150 grams H20 per 100 grams fiber. Fiber mulch shall be applied at the rate of 2,000 lbs per acre unless noted differently 011 the plans. After application, hydromulch shall allow the absorption of water a11d the percolation of rainfall and irrigation ta the underlying soil. B. Stabilizing Emulsion (Binder): Ecology Control M-Binder Orga11ic Seeding Additive, or approved equal. Sl1all be an organic derivative such as a yum or a semi-refined seaweed extract or other similar product. Binder shall be applied at the manufacturer's recomme11ded rate, but shall not exceed twelve (12) gallons of water per pound of binder solids, or as specifically noted on the plans. C. Fertilizer: A granular pre-plant fertilizer having an N-P-K analysis of 6-20-20, applied at the rate of 20 lbs per 1,000 square feet (871 lbs/acre), shall be included i11 the slurry unless noted differently 011 the plans. This is for bidding purposes only arrd may be superseded by soils report. D. Contractor is responsible for estimating and providing the quantities necessary to completely cover the areas showrr on the plans. 1.07 SEED A. Packaging: each seed variety shall be supplied in individual packages proportioned for a common unit area (ie., one acre, five acre u11·1ts). All seed shall be labeled a11d shall be furnished in sealed containers with signed copies of a statement fro111 the seed supplier certifying that each container of seed is delivered fully labelled in accorda11ce with the California State Agricultural Code and is equal to or better than the requirements of these specifications. B. Submit to the Landscape Architect a statement from the seed supplier listing the following information: C. (I) Seed varieties furnished. (2) Seed quantities furnished of each variety (lbs). (3) Minimum guaranteed live seecl count per pound. (4) Minimum guaranteed germination rate (percentage). (5) Minimum guaranteed purity (percentage). All seeds shall have a minimum pure live seed count of eighty-five percent (85%)--or as indicated on the seed list--as verified by laboratory testing. D. Noxious weeds shall not exceed one-half of one perce11t (0.5%) for any seed variety or for the entire seed mix. E. Inert materials shall not exceed eight percent (8%) by weight. F. laboratory seed testing shall be the responsibility of the seed supplier. Submit test data to the Landscape Architect prior to a11y seed operations. G. Seed mix shall be per the plans. H. Seeds which become wet, 111oldy or otherwise damaged in storage or transit shall not be accepted. 2.08 BARK MULCH A. Bark mulch for use as a top cover in planti11g areas shall be a commercially manufactured mulch for this intended purpose and shall be composed of shredded and chipped bark fro111 Fir, Pine, Cedar or Redwood. Pieces shall fall within a size ra11ge of 1/4" to 1-1/2", with over 50% in the 1 /2" to I" ra11ye. Pre-approved products are Kellogg's Medium Grade Walk-On Bark, Butler's Mill Shredded Bark Mulch. Other similar products proposed for use shall be submitted to the Landscape Architect for approval. Such materials shall not be from vegetative municipal waste. Submit samples from all proposed sources to the Landscape Architect for approval. 2.09 STRAW MULCHING MATERIALS FOR EROSION CONTROL A. Straw mulch used for erosion control shall be dry and free of weed seeds. B. Plastic netting used for covering straw mulch 011 slopes shall be black plastic netti11g with a maximum mesh size of 1 "x2" and shall be approved by the Landscape Architect. C. Wire Staples for anchoring netting and straw shall be aluminum staples, minimum 6" long, having a "U" shape, commonly called "Jute Staples", and shall be approved by the landscape Architect. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 SDIL TESTING A. Horticultural soils tests required: After completion of rough grading and prior to fine grading and soil preparation, the Contractor shall obtain horticultural soils tests thai are representative of all planting areas in the project. All soils proposed for importation from other areas shall also be tested for suitability prior to their incorporation into the project. Contractor shall coordinate with Landscape Architect for direction and approval of test sample locations. B. Collection of soil samples: 1. 2. 3. 4, 5. Contractor sl10II dig test samples as described below, or as recommended by the testing laboratory. Soil samples shall be representative of the varying conditions on tlm site. Take separate samples where the appearance of the soil varies (color, texture, etc.), areas of differing exposure, drainage, cut or fill, etc. Separately sample areas where different plant types will occur (lawns, ornamentals, natives, etc.). Do not mix soils with dissimilar properties together. To make a sample, collect three smaller samples within the representative area (not mixing dissimilar soil types); then mix tl1en1 together into one sample. Collect samples from l" to 4" below the surface. Samples shall be a minimum of 1 pint in volume (verify with testing lab), and placed in a clean, sturdy co11tai11er. Soil should be dry. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "AS BUil T" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHEET 28 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR: 30 SHEETS LEGOLAND WATERWORKS EXPANSION 1-'N=O=.+--------'D:...:E:...:S:...:Cc..cRccl P---'T-"I O'-'-N'-----------+-A'---P'---Pc.:R-=-0-'-'VE=-=D:.+=-D A'--'T-'-'E=--l DEVELOPERS NAME: _L_E_G_O_L_A_N_D_C___;A_L=I F---'O~R=N=I A~L=L=C·~--1 LEGOLAND DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 l--+---------------+-----+-----1 ADDRESS: 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 APPROVED TELEPHONE: (760) 918-5300 PLANNING t==r================================1=========t====-.t----------_:..::::.::~:_::::::_:~::::::'.:~:::'.:~~:::::=-!oRWN BY: RI CHARD W. APEL DA TE PLAN PREPARED: _1~2~/~0~lL/=2-=-0-'--14.:..__ ___ ocl2Nc.c0_c_P.c_LAN"--=cH~K) t------t------------------+------+------1 BY: RICHARD APEL, R. W. APEL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC. CHCKD BY: RICHARD W. APEL SHEET -2.slOF 30 SHEETS PROJECT NO. SOP 96-14(G) --Z·(-z-i.:;-- DATE DRAWING NO. 479-9L C.M.W.D. JOB NO. _____ _ :, ,! j,11 D. E. F. G. H. Minimum test reporting requirements: (1) Soil reaction (pH); (2) Electrical Conductivity (EC); (3) Exchangeable Sodium Percentaye (ESP), if EC test results are 6.0 or higher. (4) Organic Matter Content; (5) Soil Textural Classification; (6) Permeability/percolation rate (extract method); (7) Macro-nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium; (8) Micro-nutrients: iron, manganese, c8Icium; (9) Boron analysis. Test results shall include recommendations by the soil l8b for soil conditioning, fertilization rates, and remedial measures for problem areas. Recommendations should consider the general plant material types that will be planted in tlie subject soils (ie., turf, ornamental trees and shrubs, natives, etc). Approval of test results: All test results shall be submitted to the Landscape Architect for review. No soil preparation or planting shall be performed until the Landscape Architect lrns reviewed the test results and approves the soil preparation recommendations. Acceptable test results are: pH: 6.0-7.5. EC: 0-2.0 millimhos/cm; above 3.0, corrective action req'd. ESP: 0-12.0; above 15.0, corrective action req'd. Nitrate: 300+ lbs/acre. Phosphorus: 25-55 lbs/ acre. Potassium: 50-110 lus/acre. Boron: 1.0-4.0 ppm; less than 1.0, too low for normal growth; above 5.0 may be toxic to certain plants. Organic matter: minimum 6% by weiyht based on the weiyht of the sample dried to a constant weight at 100 to 110 degrees celsius or as deterrninecl by the sulfuric acid test. Adverse test results & soil conditioning: After consideration of soil test results, the Landscape Architect will issue an mnended soil µreparation schedule which shall supersede the amendment and fertilization schedule specified in pii{llyraph 3.0G -SOIL PREPARATION. If test results indicate hiyh soluble salts (EC), high exchangeable sodium percentaye (ESP) readings, or unsatisfactory pH reaction, then appropriate soil conditioners and a leaching program shall be employed prior to application of organic amendments and fertilizers mid pla11ti11y. See parag{llpi, 3.06 · SOIL PREPARATION for procedures. Retest soils after leaching and soil conditioning treatments me made. Do not apply organic soil amendments and fertilizers until problems of hiyh salts and/or sodium are remedied. Payment for tests: The Owner shall pay for testi11y laboratory fees and shall specify the testing laboratory. Contractor is responsible for diggir1g samples and delivering to the testing laboratory. 3.02 This section not used. 3.03 WEED ERADICATION A. Prior to planting, eradicate all weeds within the limits of work in the following manner and sequence: 1. Irrigate one to two times per day for a period of at least fourteen (14) calendar days. Irrigate enough to maintain constantly moist soil to a depth of six inches (6"). 2. After weeds germinate, apply a post-emergent herbicide designed to kill a broad spectrum of weed species. Apply herbicides with extreme caution and strictly in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Take care to protect existing plant material which is to remain as sf10wn on the plans. Do not apply a _Q__t!-emergent herbicide to areas that will be seeded as this would kill the seeds or seedlinys. 3. Wait the required period for the herbicide to take effect (approximately 7-14 days). 4. Physically remove all weeds, dead or alive, within the limits of Work. 5. Repeat this process if necessary, arid to the satisfaction of the landscape architect, until eradication of weeds and their seeds is assured. 3.04 FINISH GRADING OF PLANTING AREAS A. "Rough" grading by others: The project site will be delivered to the Contractor in a "rouyh" yraded coudition, unless provided otherwise in the Contract. "Rouyh" grades will be delivered within plus or minus one tenth of a foot (+/-1/10') of the spot elevations and grade lines shown 011 the drawinys, unless noted otherwise 011 the drawings, the EARTHWORK specifications, or in the Grading Contractor's Contract. The Contrnctor is responsible for verifying in wllat condition the site will be delivered to him. 8. "Finish grading" under this section shall include grading to within plus or minus one quarter of an inch(+/. 1/4") of the spot elevations and grade lines indicated on the drawings. The Contractor providiny the Work of this Landscape section (generally the "landscape Contractor") is responsible for finish grading, unless noted otherwise in the Contract. C. D. E. F. G. Finish yradiny shall include the µrovisio11 of topsoil a11d its placement by the Co11tractor. The source of topsoil shall be from the project site or, if unavailable or of unsatisfactory quality as determined by the Landscape Architect, topsoil shall be imported from a11 off site source. On-site and import topsoil shall met the quality arid testing requirements specified elsewhere in this section. Finish yrades shall be measured after the soil has been water compacted and settled. All undulations and irregularities in the planting surfaces resulting from tillaye and all other operations shall be smoothed and floated out before planting operations are initiated. The Contrnctor shall take every precaution to protect and avoid damage to sprinkler heads, irrigation lines, and other u11deryrou11d utilities during his grading and soil conditioning operations. Fi rial finish grades shall insure positive clrai1rn.ge of the site with all surfaces draining away from buildings. Water slwll be directed to swales, gutters, drains, catch basins, etc. Ground surfaces shall be sloped at a minimum of two percent (2%) to drain. H. Final yrades shall be acceptable to the Landscape Architect before planting operations will be allowed to begin. 3.05 SOIL FUMIGATION A. If indicated in the project Scope of Work, or if directed by the Landscape Architect, fumigate the soil to eradicate weeds, weed seeds, soil fungi, nematodes mid soil pests. Fumigate in strict accordance with regulatory agencies and manufacturer's recommendations. Use proper precaution adjacent to existing planting. The waiting time for new planting after fumigation shall be per tile recommendation of tl1e fumigant manufacturer. 3.06 SOIL PREPARATION A. Fertilizers, soil conditioners and amendments shall be applied to all planting areas as specified by this Section. B. C. D. E. "GENERAL" soil preparation shall apply tu;!!! planting areas i11 the project unless specifically noted otherwise 011 the plans. "General" soil prepmatio11 Work includes the incorporation of organic amendments, mineral or chemical materials ("soil conditioners") and fertilizers to the entire planting mea (100% coverage) in an even distribution and shall be applied just prior to planting. "Plant pit backfill" is in addition to the "ye11eral" soil co11ditio11i11y described here. Unless specified differently in the Plans or Contract, slopes 2:1 or less steep shall receive the application of the organic soil amendments specified for "general" soil conditioning. Otherwise, all other fertilizers, minerals, gypsum, sulphur, or other in-organic soil conditioners shall be applied to slopes as specified. I11-oryanic fertilizers and conditioners may be applied in the slL1rry mix for slopes to be hydroseeded if appropriate and approved by the Landscape Architect. Plant pit backfill shall be conditioned, amended and fertilized for all pla11ts at tire time of planting per the rates specified herein and the detail drawings. The followiny rates of fertilizers, soil conditioners and organic amendments are for bidding purposes only. Contractor shall obtain horticultural soil tests as specified in paragraph 3.01 -SOIL TESTING prior to amending soils and submit soil test reports to the Landscape Architect. Reports shall indicate a recommendation for soil conditioning and amendments. After review of the soil test reports1 the Landscape Architect will issue finnl soil conditioning and amendment instructions. The Contract price will be amended as necessary if the instructions vary from that specified here. Minimum rates for bidding purposes only a~e as follows. See Part 2 - PRODUCTS & MATERIALS for material specifications: F. G. H. I. J. 1. "GENERAL" soil conditioning at initial planting of lawn, shrub and groundcover areas: Organic amendment: 6 cu yds per 1000 sq ft. Gypsum: 80 lbs per 1000 sq ft. Soil Sulfur: 10 lbs per 1000 sq ft. Iron Sulfate: 10 lbs per 1000 sq ft. Pre-Plant Fertilizer: 40 lbs of 1-10-10, or 20 lb ol 6-20-20 per 1000 sq ft. Lawn seed cover: Kelluyg's Top per or Nitrohurnus at 8-12 cu ft per IO00 sf. 2. Plant pit backfill: 50/50 mix of organic amendment and native soil. Gypsum: 8 lbs./cu. yd. Soil Sulfur: 1 lb./cu. yd. Iron Sulfate: I lb./cu. yd. Pre-Plant Fertilizer: 4 lbs of 1-10-10, or 2 lbs of 6-20-20 per cu yd. Planting tablets sliall be placed in each planting hole at the following rates: 1 5-yram tablet per liner and flat size plant 1 21-yram tablet µer yallun container 3 21-gram tablets per 5 gullon container 4 21-gram tablets per 15 gallon container 1 21-wam tablet per each 4 inch of box size PRIOR to application of soil conditioning materials, complete al! clearing and grubbi11g, finish grading and weed eradication operntions. C!ean all plantirHJ ureas, removing woods, debris and large rocks from the upper soil layer. Application of in-organic soil conditioners (gypsum, sulphur, etc.) shall µrecede application of orgm1ic mnendments mid fertilizers if soil tests indicate adverse salt, sodium, or Ph readings. If these tests were within an acceptable rnnge as deterrnifled by the Landscape Architect, application of the non-organic conditioners may take place along with the organic amendments and fertilizers. Correction of excessive salt, sodium or pH factors: 1. If initial soil tests indicated excessive soluble salts, sodium, or adverse pH readings, application of appropriate soil conditioners (gypsum, sulphur, lime, etc.) followed by deep water leacl1irrg may be necessary prior to planting, as determined by the Landsc3pe Architect. 2. Leaching shall take place after the irrigation system is operational and fine grading is complete, but prior to incorporntion of fertilizers, organic soil amendments and planting. Gypsum, sulphur, soil penetrants (surfactmits) and other recommended non-organic conditioners specified to correct adverse soil conditions shall be applied per soils report reconrnrendations immediately prior to lec1ching. Conditioners shall be evenly broadcast over the area to be treated. Scratch the conditioners into tl1e top inch of soil if possible. Use a soil penetrant/surfacant, such es "SARVON" or "WATER-IN", as label directs tu aid moving conditioners into the soil and leaching salts. 3. Application of leach water shall be via the irrigation system and shall be applied in a manner so as to move the soluble salts to a minimurn depth of 24", or per soils report recommendations. As a general rule, approximately nine inches (9") of water are needed to leach 70% to 80% of soluble salts to a twelve inch (12") depth. Apply water via the irrigation system at a slow rate so as to avoid runoff for a mi[]imum of five (5) irrigatio[]s over a fifteen (15) day time span. This may /Je speeded up for fast draining soils, or may require a lonyer period with shorter, repeat irrigation cycles for heavy soils. Dig soil to verify actual water percolation depth after each irrigation. Do not allow soil to dry between waterings. 4. After leaching, soil tests shall be taken again to determine if soluble salt, sodium or pH levels have been corrected. Acceptable test results are as follows: EC: 3.0 max. ESP: 0-12.0 pH: 6.0 -7.5 5. Reapplication of soil conditioners and additional leaching ma.y be necessary if tests me still unsatisfactory. Expense of repeat tests, applicatiorr of additiorral soil corrditioners beyond that specified herein, arrd repeat leaching operations shall be borne by the Owner. Application of organic amendments and fertilizers: After approval of soil test results by the Lm1dscape Architect, and after any soil conditioning and/or leaching to correct salt, sodium or pH problems has been completed, orgariic amendments and pre-plant fertilizers shall be applied. Evenly spread tire amendments over the surface of all planting areas to be amended at the rates specified herein. Contractor shall notify the Landscape Architect to approve the layer of materials on the soil surface prior to tilling the material into the soil. Failure to do so may require the Contractor to reapply additional conditioning materials to the satisfaction of tire Landscape Arcl1itect at Contractor's expense. After approval of the amendment layer, the material shall be thoroughly and evenly tilled into the soil to a depth of six to eight inches (6"-8") by at least two passes of a rototiller or other approved method. The thoroughness and completeness of the rototilli11g and incorporation of the soil co11ditio11ers/ame11dmerrts shall be acceptable to the Landscripe Architect. No planting shall be installed until approval of soil conditioning has been given by the Lm1dscape Architect. K. Post-pla11ti11y fertilization: All planting areas shall be fertilized thirty (30) days after planting (or at the end of tl1e Maintenance Period, which ever is sooner) with post-plant granular fertilizer at bag recommended rate. Fertilization shall be applied at sixty (60) day intervals thereafter. 3.07 PLANTING TREES, SHRUBS & GROUNDCOVERS A. Time of planting: Unless specifically approved by the Landscape Architect, planting sliall not be performed during weather conditions which may adversely stress newly planted material. Planting shall not take place when the forecasted temperatures for Urnt day me higher tha11 900 or lower than 400 fahrenheit; or during a Santa Ana wind condition. B. Location of plant materials: The layout of locations for plants and outlines of groundcover and turf shall be approved on tile site by tire Larrdscape Architect. "Spot" or stake locations of all trees, shrubs and vines prior to diggirrg planting holes for approval by the Larrdscape Architect per the procedures specified in piiragmph 1.07 -OBSERVATION AND FIELD COO RD I NATION WITH THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. Contractor shall check all plant locations for possible interference with existing underground features prior to excavation of holes. If underground construction or utility lines are encoumered in the excavation of planting meas, other locations for the planting may ue selected by tlie Landscape Architect. C. D. Damayed plants: No plant will be accepted if the rootball is broken or cracked, branches broken or leaves mutilated, either before, during, or after the process of installation. Plants shall not be allowed to dry out at any time. Install pkrnts immediately after removing them from their container. Planting trees, shrubs and vines: 1. Planting sequence shall be as follows: (I) Plant and stake all trees and specimen size (boxed) plants. (2) Plant all shnrbs aml vines. (3) Plant all flatted yroundcovers. (4) Install trees, shrubs and vines BEFORE lrydroseeding. (5) Install trees in lawn areas BEFORE fina! soil bed preparation and turf installatiot1. 2, Plant pit excavation: All excavated holes shall have vertical sides with roughened surfaces and shall be of the minimum sizes indicated on detailed drawings. Ho!es shall be, in all cases, large enough to permit handling and planting without itijury or breakage of roots, afld shall be generally square in shape. 3. Storaye of soil: Protect oil areas upon which soil is to be temporarily placed perrdirry its re-use for the filling of plarrtiny holes arrd heels. 4. Excess soil yenernted from plantiny holes shall be spread on the site as directed by tire Landscape Architect. r-wApel land.scape architects inc 571-B Hygeia Avenue Leucadia, CA 92024 (760) 943-0760 rNapel2@cox.net CA license #2825 E. F. 5. Soil preparation: Planting beds and plant pit backfill shall prepared with the soil conditioners, amendnierrts and fertilizers as specified in parngrnphJ.OG · SOIL PREPARATION. 6. Water plant pits: Prior to setting plants in holes, fill each hole to top with water and allow to drain. 7. Position the plant in the center of the hole and set plumb. Unless noted otherwise, all plants shall ue set at such a depth that after settling, they bear the same relt1tionship to tile surrounding finish grade as they bore to the soil line in the container. 8. Backfill: After positioning the plant, the backfill material shall be carefully tamped and setlled armrnd the roothall to fill all voids. 9. Planting tablets shall IJe placed at mid-depth in eact, planting hole per the rates specified in parngraphJ.OG-SOIL PREPARATION. 10. Construct watering basins around all plarits not within lawn areas, Size of basins shall be 1-1/2 times tl1e diameter of the root ball. Form basins by mounding an earth berm approximately three inches (3") above the finished yrade arocrnd the plants (do not create an excav,1tio11). Water plants thoroughly to the full deptl1 of each planting hole immediately after µlantiny. 11. Stakiny: All trees, 15 gallon and laryer, shall he staked per the drawing details. Existing nursery stakes shall be removed. Staking and guying shall be accomplished in scrch a manner as to insure the proper and healthy yrowth and safety of the plants, property, and the public. Stakes shall be driven into the yround outside of the rootball taking care not to damage the rootball. Position at least one stake on the wi11dward side of trees. Drive stc1kes plumb and secure. Tree ties shall be fnste11ed to each tree ancl stake by loopiny fiyure S's with the inside diameter of the tie at 2 or 3 times the diameter of the tree (see detailed clrawinys). 12. Guying: l11stall guy wires in lieLt of stakes for certaifl specimen trees per the planting deta.ils. Ensure guy wires me flagged or otherwise ma.de visible for safety purposes at all times. 13. String trimmer protection: All trees planted in lawn areas shall have plastic string trimmer ("weed whacker") protection devices installed around the base of the tree. "TRIM GUARD" by V.I. T. Products, San Diego, CA (619) 673-1760, or approved equal. 14. Drainage: The Contractor shall be responsible for all surface and subsurface drainage required which may affect his guarantee of the trees, shrubs ,111d vines. Contractor shall notify the Landscape Architect of any 1111satisfactory drainage condition prior to installing plants. Contractor shall install yravel "sump type" plant pit drains as shown on the standard planting details for all trees or boxed plant material in slowly draining soils, the cost of which shall be included in tl1e Contract Price. Specimen trees may require more exte11sive drainage systems which shall be installed under the direction of the Lalldscape Architect. The cost of such systems shall be considered an extra. 15. Pruning: Contractor sliall prune plant materials as necessary to provide the specified or approved shape, form and/or size characteristics. Pruniny may include thinning, topping, "laciny" and/or cutting and shall be performed only under the direction of tlie Landscape Architect. Contractor shall be held liable for replacement of plants or trees pruned without prior approval and direction from the Landscape Architect. Pla11tiny palm trees: 1. See Part 2 -PRODUCTS & MATERIALS for palm tree material requirements. 2. Pa!m skinninCJ: The following pa.Im tree species shall be skinned full height, prior to pla11ting, unless noted otherwise on the planting details, legends or notes: Waslrinytonia robustci, W. filifera, Phoenix canarieosis, P. dt.1ctylifem 3. Install palms per the detail drawings. Palms shall be set vertical and plumb, unless directed differeutly by the Landscape Architect in the field. Set palms at a sufficient deptl1 (burying a portion of the trunk if necessary) to ensure the trees are firmly anchored in the ground to withstand expected wind loads. Contractor shall guara11tee secure anchorage and may be held liable for property damaye caused by fallen trees. Bare-root and specimen sized palms shall be backfilled with plaster sarrd, water jetted in place, for firm anchorage. Install plant pit drait1s in poorly draining soils. 4. Take precautions to prevent infection of palms by pink rot, especially in palms of in the Phoenfr genus. Chemical treatment at the nursery shall be applied as specified for palm trees in Par/ 2 • PRODUCTS & MATERIALS. When pru11ir1y or cutting palms, sterilize the cuttiny tool after each tree to prevent the spread of pink rot. Apply post-planting preventative treatments under the direction of a p!ant pathologist during the Maintenance Period and Guarantee Period. See p8rn()mph l.09-PROTECTION, GUARANTEES AND REPLACEMENTS for palms. Planting groumlcovers from flats: 1. 2. 3. 4. Apply "general" soil prepmatior1 to the entire planting area as specified in pr.1r,1gmphJ.0G-SOIL PREPARATION. Organic and chemical soil amendments shall be applied uniformly to the entire area to be planted in yroundcover and thorouyhly tilled into the soil. Fine grade, float smooth and pre-irrigate to a deµth of twelve inches just prior to planting. Groundcover plants shall be rooted cuttinys grown in flats unless noted otherwise 011 the plans. Plant groundcovers where indicated on the drawings. Plant in a "triangulm" spucing pattern with staggered rows at the intervals called out on the plans. Groundcover shall extend underneath the canopy of trees and slrrubs even if not yrnplrically shown on the plans. Place one 5-gram planting tablet i11 the planting hole of each groundcover plant. Irrigate immediately after planting and ensure continued frequent irrig;;ition while groumlcovers are rooting out. 3.08 INSTALLING LAWNS A. Site preparation: Fine yrade and amend soils as specified in pa{llgraph 3.04 -FINISH GRADING OF PLANTING AREAS and paragrapl1 J.06 · SOIL PREPARATION. For pre-plant fertilization, rototill into the soil Single Super-Phosphate at a rate of 40 lbs per 1,000 s.f. and Iron Sulfate at 1 0 lbs. per 1,000 s.f. 8. C. Pre-plant watering: The irrigation system shall be in place, operational and aµµroved by the Landscape Architect prior to installation of lawns. Run the irrigation system daily for a period of at least two (2) weeks prior to installing turf to leach salts and moisten the soil to a depth of at least eight inches (8"). Solid sodding turf yrass: 1. Time of installation: Sodding shall be performed only during the time of day and during seasons wheir satisfactory results can be expected. Only when authorized in writing by the Landscape Architect may sodding be ,lone dcrrirrg unfavorable weather or seasons. 1. Preparation: After the preparation of the soil, and after tire yrading and the deep watering specified herein, the areas to be sodded shall be raked, floated and rolled to the finish subgrmle to receive the sod (1 /2" below finish yrade) by any standard method acceptable to the Landscape Architect, with the finish subgrade left smooth and even, free of ridyes and depressions, reasonably well firmed and nroist to a depth of at least 8 inches. 3. Layiny sod: The sod shall be laid smoothly, in one direction only, edge to edye, with closely fitted, staggered butt-joints. 4. Irrigate: After laying, bot prior to rolling, the sod slrall be irriyated liylrtly with a spray mist. Irrigation sliall occL1r within 1 hour after the sod has been exposed to direct sunliyht and/or wind. 5. Role: The sod shall immediately be pressed firmly into contact with the soil using a liyht weiyht turf roller or other approved equipment, so as to eliminate all air pockets, provide a true m1d even surface and ensure knitting without displacement of the sod or defornratior1 of the surface of the sodded areas. 6. Top-dress: Following compaction and when sod area is firm, a blended, screened, and conditioned topsoil shall be used to fill all cracks between the strips of sod. Excess suil shall be worked into the grass with rakes or other suitable equipment. The quantity of fill soil shall be such as will not cause smothering of the grass uut will leave the top surface of the sod even. REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAL TH ENGINEER, PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN THE FIELD. DISTRICT APPROVED CHANGES E. F. G. H. 7. Care and watering: Immediately after sodding, irrigate to insure soil moisture to a depth of eight inches (8"), continuously, for a minimum period of three weeks. Daily irrigating may be necessary during warm whether. At no time after planting shal! the sod be allowed to dry out. Once the sod has rooted, a standard irrigation schedule may be implemented, adapted to the variations in soil tyµe and climatic conditions. Seeding turf grass: 1. Turf types: Install the following "cool season" turf yrass types by seed--bluegrass, perennial ryeyrass, annual ryeyrass, tall fescue, red fescue1 hard fescue, creeping bentgrass. 2. Time of installation: Seeding shall be performed only during the time of day and during seasons when satisfactory results can be expected--generally during the spring or fall months. The Landscape Architect shall approve the time of installation deperrdiny 011 turf type and climatic conditions. 3. Seed bed preparation: After the preparation of the soil, and after the gradiny and the deep watering specified herein, the areas to be seeded shall be raked, floated and rolled to the finish grade by any standard method acceptable to the Landscape Architect, with the finish grade left smooth and even, free of ridges and depressions, reasonably well firmed and moist to a depth of at least 8 inches. 4. Installation: Seed shall be distributed in two directions with arr approved mechanical seeder (such as Brillion-type seeder). Exercise care so that no seed is distributed into groundcover or shrub areas. 5. Top-dress the seeded area with 1/8" to 3/16" deep layer of Kellogg's Topper or Nilroh11mus. After topdressiny, spray the area witl1 a fine mist of water to settle the area. 6. Hydroseeding: If approved by the Landscape Architect, Contractor nray apply grass seed via hydroseediny in lieu of that specified above. Apply hydromulch at a rate of 1,000 lbs/acre, binder at 120 lbs/acre, and GRO-POWER brand Hi-Nitrogen 18-3-7 Fertilizer at 350 lbs/acre mixed in the slurry. 7. Care and watering: Irrigate immediately after seeding, and on a schedule thereafter to ensure constant soil moisture until seeds are fully germinated and rooting. Several irrigations per day may be necessary during warm or windy whether. At r10 time after planting shall the seed bed be allowed to dry out. Once the seeds have rooted, a standard irrigation schedule may be implemented, adapted to the variations in soil type and climatic conditions. 8. Reseediny: Reseed as necessary to insure a solid, uniform stand of turf. Stolenizing turf yrass. 1. Turf types: The following turf grass types may be installed by stolenizirrg--Bermudagrass (and its hybrid varieties), Zoysia yrass. 2. Time of installation: Stolens of "warm season" type grnsses shall be installed only when climatic conditions are sufficiently warm to yuarantee quick establishment of a healthy and solid stand of turf--generally duriny the months of April thru July. The sod shall ht1ve broken dormancy prior to stolenizing. The Landscape Architect shall approve the start of stolenizing. Under high heat conditions, stoleris shall be planted in the early morning or late afternoon. 3. Stolen material: Fresh sod of the variety specified on the plans shall be delivered to the site by an approved turf grower. The sod shall be processed into stolens at the time of installation. 4. Installation: Planting shall take place within 24 hours of harvestiny the sod at the growing grounds. Soil must be dry prior to installation. Apply stolens at a rate of five (5) bushels per 1,000 sq. ft. Install stolens with a mechanical planter that will shred tire sod, broadcast, disc and roll the stole11s into the prepared soil to a depth of 1"-3". 5. Care and watering: Immediately after planting, stolens shall be irrigated to insure soil moisture to a depth of eiyht inches (8"), continuously, for a minimum period of three weeks. At no time after planting shall stolens be allowed to dry out. Once tl1e stolens have rooted, a standard irrigation schedule may be implemented, adapted to the variations in soil type a11d climatic conditions. 6. Restolenizing: Replant stolens as necessary to insure a solid, uniform stand of turf. Plugging turf grass: 1. Turf types: The following turf yrass types may be installed by pluyying--St. Augustine. 2. Time of installation: Plugs shall be installed only when the whether is sufficiently warm to guarantee quick establishment of a healthy and solid stand of turf--generally duriny the months of April thru July. The sod shall have broken dormancy prior to plugginy. The Landscape Architect shall approoe tire start of installation. Under high heat conditions, plugs shall be planted in the early morning or late afternoon. 3. Plug material: Fresh sud of the variety specified on the plans shall be delivered to the site by an approved turf grower. The sorl shall be cut into pluys at the site immediately prior to planting. 4. Installation: Planting shall take place within 24 hours of harvestiny the sod at the growing grounds. Soil should be moist and workable during installation. Cut sod with a sharp knife into plugs 2"-3" square in size. Plant pluys twelve inches (12") apart, uniformly spaced. Roll the pluys to insure good contact with the soil. 5. Care and watering: Immediately after pla11ti11y, the lawn bed shall tie irrigated to insure soil moisture to a depth of eiyht inches (8"), continuously, for a minimum period of three weeks. At no time after planting shall the bed be allowed to dry out. Once the plugs have rooted, a standard irrigation schedule may be implemented, adapted to the variations in soil type and climatic conditions. 6. Repluyginy: Replant plugs as necessary to insure a solid, uniform stand of turf. Mowing: During turf establishment (the first ninety (90) days after planting) maintain cool season turf types (bluegrass, fescue, ryeyrass) at two inches (2") heiyht. Maintain warm-season types (berrnudagrass, zoysiagrass, St. Augustine) at one inch (1 ") height. After 90 days, or after turf is well established, maintain cool season types at one and one-half inch (1 1/2") height and warm season types at three quarters inch (3/4") height. In any case, no more than one-third (1 /3) of the turf blade should be removed irr any one mowing. Post-installation fertilization: At thirty (30) days, sixty (60) days, and ninety (90) days after installation, apply a hiyh nitrogen fertilizer such as Ammonium Sulfate(@ 5 lbs per 1,000 s.f.), Urea(@ 3 lbs per 1,000 s.f.), or Calcium Nitrate(@ 4 lbs per 1,000 s.f.). APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "AS BUILT" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHEET 29 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR: 30 SHEETS LEGOLAND WATERWORKS EXPANSION NO. DESCRIPTION APPROVED DATE DEVELOPERS NAME: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC. 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 >---f------------------+-----+----l >---+----------------+-----+-----1 ADDRESS: 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 APPROVED TELEPHONE: (760) 918-5300 PLANNING f--+----------------+-----f----lD-A-TE_P_L_A_N_P_R_E_P_A_R_E_D_: __ -1:;2::1::o::1:1::2~0-~1-4:~~~~~~~~(-2N::□::P~LAN-~-~-,H=K)---tDRWN BY: RICHARD w. APEL CHCKD BY: f--+----------------+-----f----l BY: RICHARD APEL, R. W. APEL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC. RICHARD W. APEL SHEET 2-2.0F 30 SHEETS PROJECT NO. SOP 96-14(G) z -1-z.-t.:, DATE DRAWING NO. 479-9L C.M.W.D. JOB NO. _____ _ I. Protection: Protect all turf meas against damage, including erosion and trespass. The Contractor shall provide wlmtever facilities nm! snfeguards are necessary to accomplish this. All damages shall be the Contractor's responsibility. J. Weed control: Control weeds by hand removal and mowing. Do not apply herbicides for the first year. 3.09 MULCHING A. Bark mulch shall be applied to ALL planting areas except as follows: (1) where specifically noted as excluded on the plans, (2) slopes steeper than 1:1, (3) seeded areas, (4) lawns. B. Bark mulch shall be applied to a uniform depth of three inches (3'), unless noted differently ori the plans, and shall completely cover all bare soil under and between plants. C. All trees on slopes, where mulching would not otherwise be required, shall receive a 3" deep layer of bark mulch within the confines of the watering basin. 3.10 HYDROSEEDING A. The Work of this Section applies to hydroseeding of ornamental, temporary, and other non-native seed mixes. If a part of this project, see the separate NATIVE RESTORA T/ON SPECIFICATIONS for seeding of native revegetation seed mixes in the restoration areas shown 011 the plans. B. Verify requirements for weed eradication for all areas to be hydroseeded with Landscape Architect. Complete required weed eradication procedures per the Specificntions prior to hydroseeding. C. Prior to hyclroseecling, complete soil testing, soil conditioning, finish grading, irrigotion system installation, and planting of contc1iner grown plant materials. Obtain approval of these operations from Landscape Architect prior to hydroseeding. D. Irrigate to field capacity immediately before hydroseeding. Ensure a wetted soil depth to at least twelve inches (11"). E. Seed Pre-treatment and Scarification: Seeds of certain species require special pre-treatment prior to hydroseeding or planting in order to promote germination. Pre-treatment procedures shall be completed just prior to preparation of hydrornulch mixture or dry planting. Seeds of species requiring pre.treatment and procedures are indicated on the seed lists. F. Hydroseeding Operations: 1. Hydroseeding operations shall be performed by competently trained individuals employed by a qualified hydroseeding company in accord(rnce with the best standards and practices related tu the trade and under the continuous supervision of a competent foreman capable of interpreting the plans and specifications. 2. Contractor shall ensure even application of hyciroseed materials by measuring the laml area to be treated and dividing it into sections which correspond to the quantity of seed in each tank load. 3. The hydromulch shall .be applied in the form of a slurry co11sisting of cellulose fiber, seed, stabilizing emulsion (binder), fertilizer and water as specified 011 the drawings and in PART 2 · PRODUCTS & MATERIALS of this section. Wl1e11 liydraulically sprayed on the soil surface, the hydramulch shall form a blotter-like grour1dcover impregnated uniformly wiH1 seed and fertilizer and shall allow the absorption of moisture mid rainfall to percolate to the underlying soil. 4. Preparation: The slurry preparation shall take place at the site of the Work c1nd shall begin by adding water to the tunk when the engine is at l1alf throttle. When the water level has reached the height of the agitator shaft, full recirculation shall be established. Seed sliall then be added to the tank, followed by fertilizer, then by mulch. The mulch shall only be added to the mixture after tlie tank is at least one-third (1 /3) filled with water and seed. All the mulch shall be added by the time the tank is two-third (1/3) to three-quarter (3/4) full. The ratio of total water to the total Stabilizing Emulsion in the mixture shall be as recommended by the manufacturer of the emulsion, but shall not exceed (12) gallons of water to each pound of stabilizirtQ emulsion solids specified. Spraying shall commence immediately when tlie tank is lull. 5. Application: The operator shall spray with a uniform visible coat by using the green color of the mulch as a guide. The slurry shall be applied in a sweeping motion in an arched stream so as to fall like rain, allowing the wood fibers to build on each other until a good coat is uchieved and the material is spread at the required rate per acre. 6. Time Limit All slurry mixture which has not been applied within two (2) hours after mixing will be rejected and removed from the project and disposed of at the Contrnctor's expense. 7. Daily worksheets must be filled out by the nozzlemau. One copy shall be submitted to the Laudscape Architect. The following information shall be recorclecl: (a) Seed type and amount. (b) Fertilization analysis (N-P-K) and amount. (c) Mulch type and amount. (d) Stabilizing emulsion type and amount. (e) Number of loads, amount of water. (f) Area covered (acres). (g) Equipment used, its capacity, license number if applicable. 8. Protection: Special care shall be exercised by the Contractor in preventing any of the slurry being sprayed inside any reservoir basin or onto drainage ditches and channels which may impede the free flow of water. Any slurry spilled into restricted areas shall be cleaned up at the Contractor's expense to the satisfaction of the Owner. 9. Washing: Immediately following the application of the hydromulch, sprinklers shall be operated just long ellough to wash excess material from previously plar1tecl materials and architectural features. Care shall be exercised to avoid washing or eroding rmlich materials from area. 10. Equipment: Hydraulic equipment used for the application of the hydromulch mixture shall have a built-in agitation system and opernting cnpacity sufficient to agitate, suspend mid homogeneously mix a slL1rry containing not less than 40 pounds of fiber mL!lch, plus a combined total of 7 pounds of fertilizer solids for each 100 gallons of water. The slurry distribution lines shall be large enough to prevent stoppage and slwll be equipped with a set of hydraulic spray nozzles which will provide a continuous nonfluctuating discharge. The slurry tank shall have a minimum capacity of 1,500 gallons and shall be mounted on a travelling unit, either self-propelled or drawn by a separate unit, which will place the slurry tank and spray nozzles within sufficient proximity to the areas to be seeded. The hydraulic equipment used for pesticide applications shall consist of a clean 150 gallon minimum capacity fiberglass tank with complete mechanical agitation. The pump volume shall be 10 gallons per minute while operating at a pressure of 100 pounds per square inch. Distribution lines shall be large enougl1 to cmry tl1e volume of water necessary for even chemical distribution. The spray nozzle must cover a fifteen (15') foot swath, with a minimum output of five (5) gallons per minute at 80 PSI. 3.11 STRAW MULCHING FOR EROSION CONTROL A. B. C. Apply straw mulch for erosion control purposes where noted or indicated on the plans. Apply straw mulch after seed application. Spread straw at the rate of two (1) tons per acre (80 bales of 50 lbs each), or two (2) bales per 1,000 square feet. D. Spread straw uniformly by hand to a depth of two inches (1"), or use a mechanical straw blower. E. Straw applied to slopes over 1:4 sliall be anchored to the ground with approved plastic netting with a mesh size of l"x2" or smaller. Mesh shall be rolled up and down the slope perpendicular to the contours. Overlap the mesh a minimum of four inches (4") on each side. Anchor the mesh at the top of slope by burying it in a continuous trench eight inches (8") cleep minimum. Hold the netting in place over the entire surfoce of the slope with minirm1rn six inch (6") long wire jute staples driven perpendicular into the slope spaced five foot (5') on center. Staple overlapped areas at one foot (I') intervals. 3.12 This section not used. 3.13 This section not used. END OF SECTION r-wApel landscape arcllitects Inc 571-B Hygeia Avenue Leucadia, CA 92024 (760) 943-0760 rwapel2@cox.net CA license #2825 .. ________________________________________________________________________________ , __ NO. REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAL TH ENGINEER, PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN THE FIELD. DISTRICT APPROVED CHANGES DESCRIPTION APPROVED DATE DEVELOPERS NAME: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "AS BUILT" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE . --..... _... . .. CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHEET 30 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR: 30 SHEETS LEGOLAND WATERWORKS EXPANSION 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 t-----+-----------------+------+------< ADDRESS: 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 APPROVED TELEPHONE: (760) 918-5300 PLANNING >--+-----------------+-----+----1t-------------------------1DRIII-I BY: RICHARD W. APEL DA TE PLAN PREPARED: _1~2=/~0~1~/=2=0~14~---~(2N=D=P=LA~N ="=") t--+-------------------+------+---< CHCKD BY: BY: RICHARD APEL, R. W. APEL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC. RICHARD W. APEL SHEET .JQ. OF 30 SHEETS PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. SOP 96-14(G) 479-9L C.M.W.D. JOB NO. _____ _