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DWG 480-7L; MCUP 13-05; NS0028 OMWD OPS CENTER; L1-L10
,, r---------------------------------------------------------------------------, G ENEl~AL NOrI'ES HECYCLELl WAT.EH NOTES 1. ALL WORK SHALL B[ DON[ IN ACCOROANC[ WITH THE OL/VENHAIN MUNICIPAL WA TE.R DISTRICT'S RUL[S AND REGULATIONS. 2. DRINKING WA TE.R FOUNTAINS AND DESIGN A TE.O OUTDOOR EA TING AREAS S/-IALL BE PROTECTED AGAINST CONTACT WIT/-/ FIECYCLED WATER SPRAY, IA/ST OR MISTING. 3. BEST MANAGEM[NT PRACT/C[S SI-IALL BE USED TO ELI/vi/NA TE OR CONTR OL TO Tl-IE BEST EXTENT POSSIBLE PONO/NG, RUN-OFF, OVER-SPRAY, ANO MISTING. 4. 1-/0SE BIBS ARE STRICTLY PR0/-1/BITE.D. 5. CROSS-CONNECTIONS BETWEEN RECYCLED WA T[R LINES ANO POTABLE WATUI LINES ARE STRICTLY PR0/-118/TE.D. NO SUBSTITUTION OF PIPE MA TE.RIALS WILL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT PFi!OR APPROVAL OF Tl-I[ OLIVENI-IAIN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. 7. ALL MAINLINE PIPES SI-IALL /-JAVE WARNING TAPE PER OL/VEN/-/AIN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT'S RULES AND R[GULA TIONS. 8. /-/OURS FOR /RR/GA TION WIT/-/ RECYCLED WA TE.R AR[ FROM 10: 00 P.M. TO 6: 00 A.M. Tl-IE HOURS FOR /RR/GA TION WIT/-/ DISINFECTED TERTIARY RECYCLED WATER MAY BE MODIFIED BY Tl-IE LOCAL AUT/-/OR!TY. IRRIGATION DURING PUBLIC US[ PERIODS WIT/-/ DISINFECTED T[RTIARY RECYCL[O WAT[R SI-IALL B[ UND[R Tl-I[ SUPUIV/SION OF THE DESIGN A TE.D US[F/ SUPERVISOR. IRFI/GA TION WIT/-/ WA TE.R OF A LESSER QUALITY THAN DISINFECTED TERTIARY RECYCLED WA TE.R SHALL BE BETWEEN Tl-IE HOURS OF 10. 00 P.M. TO 6 00 A.M. 9. BURIAL OF ALL WIRING ANO PIPING SI-IALL MEET OL/VENI-IAIN MUNICIPAL WA TE.R DISTRICT'S RULES ANO REGULATIONS. 10. NON-OESICNA TE.D USE AREAS S/-IALL BE PRO TEC TE.D FROM CONTACT WITH RECYCLED WATER, W/-/ETI-IER BY WINO BLOWN SPRAY OF/ BY DIRECT APPL/CATION T/-/ROUG/-1 !RR/GA T!ON OF/ OTI-IEFI USE. LACI< OF PROTECTION. Wl-!ETI-IER BY DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION PRACTICE OR SYSTEM OPERATION IS STRICTLY PR0/-1/B/ TE.D. 11. !RR/GA TION HEAD S S/-/ALL BE FIELOCA TEO OF/ ADJUSTED TO MINIMIZE OF/ ELIM/NA TE OVER- SPRA YING ON SIDEWALKS, STREETS ANO NON-DESIGN A TEO USE AREAS. 12. RECYCLED WATER OU/CK COUPLING VALVES SHALL BE OF A TYPE DESIGNED FOR THE USE ON RECYCLED WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS PER OL/VENHAIN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTFIICT'S (iULES ANO REGULATIONS. 13. ON RECYCLED WATER SYSTEMS, ALL APPURTENANCES (SPRINKLER HEADS, VAL \/E BOXES, ETC.) SHALL BE COLOFI-COOEO PUFIPLE PER AWWA GUIDELINES ANO SECTION 1168'/ 5 OF THE CALIFORNIA /-/EAL Tl-I ANO SAFETY CODE. 14. ALL IRFI/GA TION PIPE SHALL BE STENCILED WIT/-/ WARNING, "NON-POTABLE OR RECYCLED WA TE.Fi'', COLOR-COOED (PURPLE) ANO LAID WIT/-/ WAFIN/NG TAPE AND STENCILING ORIENTED TOWARD THE TOP OF THE TRENCH PER THE OLIVEN/-/AIN MUNICIPAL WA TE.R DISTRICT'S RULES AND FIEGULA TIONS 15. ON NEW ON-SITE SYSTEMS (POST-METE.R), POTABLE WA TE.R, CONSTANT PFIESSURE RECYCLED WATER AND SEWUI LINES SHOULD BE PLACED A MINIMUM OF FOUR FEET APAF/T OR AS DIRECTED BY THE PFIOJECT ENGINEER AND/OR REGU LATORY AGENCY. MEASUREMENTS S/-IALL BE BETWEEN FACING SURFACES, NOT PIPE CENTERLINES. 16 CONSTANT PRESSURE RECYCLED WATEFI LINES SHALL CFIOSS AT LEAST TWELVE INCHES BELOW POTABLE WATER LINES ANO MAINTAIN AT LEAST TWELVE INC/-/ES CROSSING SEPARATION BETWEEN OTHER UTILITIES. 17. IF A CONSTANT PRESSURE RECYCLED WATER LINE MUST BE INSTALLED ABOVE A POTABLE WATER LINE OR LESS THAN TWELVE INC/-IES BELOW A POTABLE WATER LINE, T/-IEN Tl-IE RECYCLED WATER LINE S/-/ALL BE INSTA LL ED WIT/-1/N AN APPROVED PROTECTIVE SLffl/f AS PER THE OL/VEN/-IAIN MUNICIPAL WATER 0/STFIICT'S RULES ANO REGULATIONS. 18. Tl-IE REOUIFIEO CFIOSS-CONNECTION SHUTDOWN TEST SHALL BE DONE BY THE OLIVEN/-IA/N MUNICIPAL WATEFI DISTRICT ANO Tl-IE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPAFITMENT OF EN VI RON MENTAL /-/EAL Tl-/. 19 . Tl-IE REQUIRED CROSS-CONNECTION INSPECTION S/-/ALL BE DONE BY E/TI-IER THE OLIVEN/-IAIN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AND/OR Tl-IE SAN DIEGO COUNTY OEPAFITMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL /-IEALT/-1. COPIES OF INSPECTION REPORTS WILL BE FORWARDED TO THE NON-INSPECTING PARTY. 20. Tl-IE DESIGN AND LOCATIONS PROPOSED FO(I RECYCLED WA TE.R "DO NOT OF/INK" SIGN SHALL BE CALLEO OUT ON THE PLANS. 21. W/-IEN RECYCLED WATER BECOMES AVAILABLE, AN ON-SITE USER SUPERVISOR SHALL BE OESIGNA TE.O IN WFIITING. THIS /NOIV/OUAL S/-IALL BE FAMILIAR WIT/-/ PLUMBING SYSTEM WIT/-1/N Tl-IE PROPERTY, WIT/-/ T/-IE BASIC CONCEPTS OF BACKFLOW/CROSS-CONNECTION PROTECTION, Tl-IE RECYCLED PUREYOF(S F/ULES AND FIE GULA TIONS ANO THE SPECIFIC REOUIFI EMENTS OF A RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM. COPIES OF Tl-IE DESIGNATION, W/Tf-1 CONTACT Pl-ION[ NUMBERS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO Tl-IE OL/VENf-lAIN MUNICIPAL WA TEii DISTRICT. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CONTACT ROBERT SABB, AT&T AT 858.886.2888 OR AFTER HOURS CONTACT ROBERT SABB, AT&T AT 858.5.31.6931 22. ALL PUBLIC ANO PR/VA TE POTABLE WA TE.R MAINS INCLUDING Fifi[ MAINS ANO ANY WATER WELLS ANO WA TE.R COUFISES WIT/-1/N Tl-IE RECYCLED WATER PFIOJECT Sf-lALL BE SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 23. CALL our ON Tl-/[ PLANS IF THERE ARE OR ARE NOT Orl/NKING FOUNTAINS AND/OR DESIGNATED OUTDOOR EATING AREAS ON Tl-IE SITE. 24. A P/-IYS/CAL Sf PARA TION SHALL BE PROV/OED BETWEEN AOJACEN T AREAS /RR/GA TED WIT/-/ RECYCLED WATER ANO POTABLE WATER. SEPARATION SHALL BE PROVIDED BY DISTANCE, CONCRETE MOW STRIPS OR OT/-/ER APPROVED METHODS. 25. ALL !RR/GA TION BACKFLOW PREVENTEFIS SHALL BE TESTE.D BY A CERTIFIED TE.STEFi ANO RESULTS MUST BE GIVEN TO T/-/E CITY ANO Tl-IE OL/VENHA/N MUNICIPAL WA TE.R 0/Sffl/CT. PIPE BETWEEN Tl-IE METE(/ ANO BACl<FLOW PREVENTER SHALL BE "SC/-IEOULE I< /-/ARD COPPER". APPROVED CONTRACT BACKFLOW TESTERS CAN BE FOUND ON Tl-IE CITY WEB SI TE AT WWW Cl. CARLSBAD. CA. US/PDFOOC/-1 TML ?P/0=.340 LlRA\YING INDEX: RECYCLED (PRIVATE) WATER SYSTEM < co . - S/-l[[T Tl TL[ S/-l[[T NUMBER TITLE SHEET L-1 /RR/GA TION PLAN L-2 IRRIG. NOTES L-3 IRRIG. DETAILS L-4 /RR/GA TION SPECIF/CATIONS L-5 1966 OLIVENHAIN ROAD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 WATER CONSERVATION PLAN PLANTING PLAN L-6 L-7 LL 0:::: SIGNAGE NOTES Tl-IE FOL LOWING GUIDELINES FOR Tl-IE USE OF RECYCLED WA TUI ARE TO BE PEFIMANENTL Y POSTED INSIDE Tl-IE DOOR OF EACH CONTROLLER WHERE THEY ARE EASILY VISIBLE. PLACE ON 8-1 /2" X 11" SIZED SIGN. APPROVED I f\l CLU DI f\l G Ai\lD PLANTING ONLY, OF P LAf\l Tl i\l G AF,; EA FOR IRRIG ATIOi\l PRECISE LOCATION PLANTING NOTES AND DETAIL:: L-8 PLANTING SPECIF/CATIONS L-9 MA/NT. RESP ONSIBILITY PLAN L-10 COLOR: PURPLE BACKGFIOUNO WIT/-/ BLACK LETTERING. 1. GUIDELINES FOR RECYCLED WA TUI USE A. /RR/CA TE BETWEEN Tl-IE 1-/0UFIS OF 10. 00 P.M. ANO 6: 00 A.M ONLY. WATERING LEGEND OUTSIDE THIS TIME FRAME MUST BE DONE MANUALLY WIT/-/ QUALIFIED SUPEFIVISORY PEFISONN[L ON-SITE.. NO SYSTEM 51-/ALL AT ANY TIME BE LEFT UNA TTENOED DURING USE OU TS/DE Tl-IE NORMAL SC/-IEDULE. ® ® POTABLE WA T[R METER PROJECT MAP fire 8. C. 0 F. /RR/GA TE IN A MANNER T/-/A T WILL MINIMIZE F/UN -OFF, POOLING, ANO PONDING. T/-1[ APPL/CATION RATE SI-IALL NOT EXCEED Tl-IE INFILTRATION RA TE OF Tl-IE SOIL. TIMERS MUST BE ADJUSTED SO AS TO BE COMPATIBLE WIT/-/ Tl-IE LOWEST SOIL INFILTRATION RA TE PRESENT. T/-1/S PROCEDURE MAY BE FACILITATED BY Tl-I[ EFFICIUIT SCHEDULING OF THE AUTOMATIC CONTROL CLOCl<S, (IE, EMPLOYING Tl-IE REPEAT FUNCTION TO BREA!< UP Tl-IE TOTA L /RR/GA TION TIME INTO CYCLES Tl-IA T WILL PF/OMO TE MAXIMUM SOIL ABSORPTION). ADJUST SPF/A Y /-/EADS TO EL/MINA TE OVUISPRA Y ONTO AFIEAS NOT UNDER THE CONTROL OF Tl-/[ CUSTOIAER. FOR EXAMPLE, POOL DECKS, PRIVATE PA nos AND LOTS, ANO STl?EETS AND SIDEWALKS. MONITOR AND MAINTAIN Tl-IE SYSTE.M TO MINIMIZE EQUIPMENT AND MA TE.RIAL FAILURE. BROl<EN SPRINKLER /-/EADS, LEAKS, UNRELIABLE VAL \/ES, ETC., SHOULD BE REPAIRED AS SOON AS THEY BECOME APPARENT Tl-IE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOFI IS FIESPONSIBLE FOFI EDUCATING EAC/-1 EMPLOYEE ANO ALL MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL ON A CON {INUOUS BASIS, REGAFIOING Tl-IE PRESENCE OF FIECYCLED WATER. MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL MUST BE INFOflMED Tl-IA T WATER IS FOR /RR/GA TION PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT APPFIOVED FOR OFIINKINC OR FOR HANO ANO TOOL WASHING, ETC OBTAIN PRIOR APPROVAL OF ALL PFIOPOSED C/-IANGES ANO MOO/FICA TIONS TO ANY PRIVATE. ON-SITE. FACILITIES. SUC/-1 CHANGES MUST BE SUBMITTED TO. ANO APPROVED BY, Tl-IE 0/STrl/CT ENGINEERING OFFICE ANO DESIGNED IN ACCOf/OANCE WITH DISTRICT STANOAFIOS. 1. ALL FIECYCLED WATER SPRINKLER CONTROL \/ALVES SHALL BE TAGGED WITH IDENTIFICATION TAGS. A. TAGS S/-IALL BE WEAT/-IERPROOF PLASTIC, 3"x 4", PURPLE IN COLOR. WIT/-/ Tl-IE WORDS "WARNING RECYCLED WATER -00 NOT DRINK" IMPRINTED ON ONE SIDE, ANO "A I/ISO -AGUA IMPURA-NO TOMAR" IMPRINTED ON Tl-IE OT/-IER SIDE. IMPRINTING S/-IALL BE PERMANENT AND BLACK IN COLOFI. USE TAGS AS MANUFACTURED BY T. C/-l(IISTY ENTERPFIISES OR APPROVED EQUAL B. ONE TAC 5/-/ALL BE ATTACI-IEO TO EAC/-1 \/AL \/E AS FOLLOWS: 1. ATTACH TO VALVE STEM OIFIECTLY OR WIT/-/ PLASTIC TIE-WRAP OR 2. A TTAC/-1 TO SOLENOID WIFIE 0/RECTL Y OR WIT/-/ PLASTIC TIE-WF/AP OR 3. ATTAC/-1 TO \/AL\/E COi/ER WIT/-/ EXIS TING \/ALVE COVEFI BOLT. 2 ALL SPRINKLER /-/EADS S/-IALL BE IDENTIFIED AS [/[CYCLED WATU/ SPRINKLER /-/EADS. G. EACH AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER ANO ITS ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT S/-IALL BE IDENTIFIED WIT/-/ A SIGN BEARING Tl-IE WORDS "RECYCLED WA TUI USED FOR IF/RIGA TION" IN ENGL/SI-I ANO SPAN/SI-/, WIT/-/ BLACK LE TTERS 1" I-I/Cl-I ON A PURPLE BACKFIOUNO. T/-IE SIGN S/-IALL BE PLACED SO THAT IT CAN BE READILY SEEN BY ANY OPERATIONS PUISONNEL UTILIZING Tl-IE EQUIPMENT. LlECLAl{ATlON OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE: I HEREBY DECLARE Tl-IA T I AM Tl-IE LICENSED LANDSCAPE AFICHI TECTOF WORK FDR TI-IIS Pf/OJEC T,I Tl-IA T I /-/AVE EXEFICISEO RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OVER THE DESIGN OF THIS PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 6703 OF Tl-IE BUSINESS ANO PROFESSIONS CODE ANO Tl-IA T THE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT STANDARDS. I UNOUISTANO T/-/AT Tl-IE CH ECK OF PROJECT OFIAW/NGS AND SPECIF/CATIONS BY Tl-IE CITY OF CARLSBAD ANO SAN DIEGO COUNTY OEPA(ITMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL /-IEALT/-1 IS CONFINED TO A REVIEW ONLY AND DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, AS Tl-IE LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARC/-II TECT OF WORI<, OF MY RESPONSIBILITIES FDR PROJECT DESIGN. ~ RECYCLED WATER METER BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE INSTALL P[R CMWD ----W-PO TABLE WA TER LIN[ RC FS l//1 6 R[CYCL[D WA T[R LIN[ RECYCLED WA T[R PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE FIR[ S[RVIC[ LIN[ RECYCLED WATER USE DO NOT DRINK SIGN fire h yd rant INSPECTION PROCEDURES 1. 0/Sff/lCT CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION S/-IALL INCLUDE.· A B. C. 0. FIEQUIRED SEPARATION BETWEEN POTABLE AND RECYCLED WATER LINES. (1-IORIZONTALL Y AND \/ERT!CALL Y). PIPE /DENT/FICA T/ON. SLEEVING AT CROSSINGS. APPFIOP(IIA TE MATERIALS AND MARKINGS, INCLUDING PFIOPER OU/CK COUPLERS. ~ 2. 0/Sff/lCT FINAL INSPECTION S/-IALL INCLUDE. A. SIGNAGE INSTALLED PER PLAN. B. CON mOLLUi ST/Cl<ERS. C. TAGGING OF \/ALVES. 0. COVERAGE TEST AFTEFI COMPLETION OF Tl-IE SPRINKLUI SYSTEM TO ENSURE PROTECTION OF AF/EA NOT APPROVED FOR RECYCLED WATER USE .. E. AL L ASPECTS OF Tl-IE /RR/GA T/ON CONDITIONS INCLUDING WINDBLOWN SPF/A Y, RUNOFF, ANO PONDING. F. REQUIRED PROTE."CTION OF ALL FIES/DENT/AL AREAS. G. REQUIRED PROTECTION OF WELLS, STREAMS. RESERVOIRS. ETC. TI-IESE PLANS /-/AVE BEEN PREPARED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFOWAANCE WIT/-/ THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN, WATER CONSERVATION PLAN, FIRE PROTECTION PLAN, ANO ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RELATED TO LANDSCAPING. 1-1. CROSS-CONNECTION TEST IF REQUIRED. 1. COLOR COOED, LAMINA TEO Cl-I ARTS INSIDE EAC/-1 CONTROLLEFI F_,R_,,_A_~_,A_M~E~&-A_O~O~R-ES-'S_·, __________ ..s_14_"'_;;_,_l)jl-l,_-; ~I. c---'1~-----cs Design Group, Inc. -=======! --., , 6190 Puseo Polera 3. ANNUAL INSPECTION S/-IALL /NCLUOF: A. A COMPLETE INSPECTION Tl-IA T WILL CO\/UI A -I OF Tl-IE DISTRICT FINAL INSPRCTION. Corlsbod, CA 92009 P/-IONE NO: ( 760 ) ~2~72~--5~7~4~2~ ____ _ REGISTRA T/ON NO: __ 4~6~·7~9 __ _ EXP/RATION DA TE.· ~l=AA~Y~,~2=0~1~5 ____ _ REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC /-/EAL Tl-I EN GINEER, CITY ENGINEER & DISTRICT ENGINEER PR/OF/ TO IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD. INSPECTIO~J OF THE PFiOJECT SHALL ElE PERFORMED EJY THE LA~IDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF THE WOfil<, OR HIS DESIGNATED AGE~!T. REFER TO THE SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE SCHEDULE OF REQUIRED INSPECTIO~IS A~ID REQUIRED SUBwllTTALS VICINITY CITY OF OCEANS IDE HIGHWAY ?a MAP GI t-lOT TO -H(l,!-SCALE CITY OF VISTA Ro,1n 7 Cl rY OF N CERTIFICATIOI\I I\IOTE PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY A~ID/OR SECURITY F,ELEASE, TH E LA~IDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF WORK SHALL REVIEW/l~ISPECT THE PROJECT AND PROVIDE A CERTIFICATION LETTER FOF, F,ELEASE OF SECURITIES, AND A~I IRRIGATION SCHEDULE A~ID LA~IDSCAPE A~ID IRRIGATION MAINTE~IA~ICE SCHEDULE AS F,EQUIRED BY THE CIT'! WATER OFWl~IANCE WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE DECLAF\ATION I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REOUIREME~ITS FOR LANDSCAPE A~ID IRRIGA TIO~! PLANS CO~ITAl~IED 1~1 THE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MA~IUAL A~IC WATEF, EFFICIE~IT LA~IDSCAPE REGULATIONS. I HAVE PREPARED THIS PLA~I IN COMPLIANCE WITH THOSE REGULATIONS A~ID THE LA~IDSCAPE MANUAL AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL REOUIREM E~I TS WHEN SUBMITTl~IG CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. I CERTIFY THAT THE PLA~I IMPLEMENTS THOSE REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE EFFICIE~IT USE OF WATEF,. ~ o~" V -SAM MARCOS t\l G -' 'v ,, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF ENVI RONMENTAL HEALTH LAND AND WATER QUALI TY DIVISION ~7,-,---Z.<---- GLENN LEEKS DATE PACIFIC 1,), COsr,4 AV[ OCEAN ouv r,. r CITY OF ENCINITAS TELECOM SITE LOCATION ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST "AS BU IL T" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE In Order lo Conserve Waler,,. DI RT OLIVENHAIN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 12" X 36" SIZE (11.T.S.) WARNING RECYCLED WATER DO NOT DRINK SH HANDS AFTER CONTACTING LAVESE US MANOS DESPUES DE USAR 1" BLACK LETTERS 2" BLACK LETTERS .032 ALUMINUM, ,060 ABS PLASTIC OR STICK-ON VINYL SIGNS rfYPICAL SIGNS C \DRAWING FILES\TITLE SHEETS\RECYCLED WATER TI TLE SHEET.DWG 3/17 /09 RECYCLED WATER IN USE ~ !<? t DO NOT ~ DRINK NO TOME EL AGUA WASH HANDS AFTER CCIITAC11NG VESE SIJS MANOS OESl'UES DE USAA 18" X 18" SIZE .032 ALUMINUM, ,060 ABS PLASTIC OR STICK-ON VIMYL SIGNS DIAL TOLL FREE 1 -800 -422 -4133 AT LEASf rwo DAYS BEFORE YOU D!G UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Expiration Date: fA,..,,, ?015 FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF THE WORK, THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF THE WORK WILL CERTIFY THAT THE INSTALLATIO~I HAS BEEN COMPLETED BY SUBMITTING THE "FINAL SHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD 10 LA~IDSCAPE CERTIFICATON FORM". A REQUEST FOR A FINAL LANDSCAPE INSPECTIO~I BY f---+-----1-----------------+---+---H---+----l L-1 PLANNING DIVISION SHEETS THE CITY MUST ALSO BE MADE BY COALLING THE l~ISPECTION REQUEST Ll~IE . "FINAL LANDSCAPE CERTIFICATIO~I FORM" FAX TO: 760.944.8943 LA~IDSCAPE INSPECTIO~I REQUEST PHONE LINE 760.602.4602 OLIVENHAIN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT DEVELOPERS NAME: AT & T ~~~~--------- ADDRESS: 5738 PACIFIC CENTER BOULEVARD 1-----+--+----------------1-----+------<---+----1 PRIVATE ( ON SITE) RECYCLED 1-----+---+-------------------,I----+---+-----+-------< WATER SYSTEM FOR: NS0028 -OMWD OPS CENTER □llvenhuin rood unci Roncho Sun tu Fe Rood 1966 □LIVENHAIN ROAD, CARLSBAD, 92009 1----+---t------------------+---+----+----+---tAPPROVED -?,; / I J.).... SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121 / 1/,0 \ lr-'1?;//-,27L i:;. I ·t...J t&,1,f TELEPHONE: _______ 1----J---+-----------------+----+----l---t---7--P_L_A_NN_I_N_G ___________ ~ __ D_A_T_E_-< ~ DRWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE DATE PLAN PREPARED: ~8~/~1=5~/~20~1~3_______ DATE INITIAL DATE INITI AL DATE INITIAL BY: Gory Chapmon, ASLA #4679 ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL CHCKD BY, MCUP 13-05 480-71 SHEET _OF ___SH EETS ' I ~CENTER LINE OF ~ ~ OLIVENHAIN ROAD ------------ ---------------------- ---- 2 112" I FOR POINT OF CONNECTION, REFER TO DRAWIN G #433-5L PIPE SIZE: 2,Yz" MATERIAL: CLASS 315 PVC 121 .... J ~ RECLAIM SYSTEM ~ 1¼" 1¼" 1¼" PO INT OF CONNECTION. RE FER TO SHEET L-3 FOR REFER TO SHEET L-4 FOR RECLAIM N0-1E S IRRI GATION DE-1AILS N \ CURB-;:.--- _,...,,. EXISTING RECLAIM ___.-___.-VALVE LOCATION ------------ / / / / / L----------t-I; -- I I 0 11 u ----- // / ------------------___ -----EXISTING RECLAIMED ___ _ _ ___ -----,,,,--~------------WATER CONTROL VALVES ----------------------===~6---------t/~~~~~~~ -:. ---------/ ~[8J[8J[8J ) L---7 L __ _ -- cs DG -------CS Design Group, Inc. CUR -- CUf!B PRESSURE LOSS CALCULA TI □NS srArJc PRESSURE Ar MErER PER OMWD STAFF= 95PSI STATIC PRESSUr,E AT P.□.c -FIELD TEST = 94 PSI OPERATIONAL PRESSURE AT QC WITH A-18 ON= 69 PSI NEW 2' JSOLATJ□N BALL VALVE NEW 2 1/2' MAINLINE NEW I' TREE VALVE NEW LATERALS F JTT!NG ALLD\/ ANCE NEW BUBBLERS (! 7 @ ,15) ALL □WENCE FDR EXISTING @5 GPM --- --' . ---'- ---------- NOTE: ALL BUBBLERS TD BE ON l' UP HILL SIDE OF RD □TBALL :, !L, ,,,. •.• ,\. .. ,..J~.'.--·• ,L, _,,_,:,/ •• "'"'' _,,i..:.:_. : ................. ill.. -~---···"-"' L---~ •. ,, 1, .• i:£d.,:...,'--.!_ •• '"'·.£' ,,.,.,~,.,.\,,• 2 '." d~'..>:s.' -~e,:;,'.;.",,,-:_,:·,~c.::-i:•~-' :·, ALL NE'w' ItsztszIGATI □N IS AN EXTENSIDI\I l □F THE EXISTING □M'w'D RECLAIMED ~:;' IRR I GATION AND PART □F CUP REQU IRED .• MITIGATION MEASU RES. I; 'L'·"'''" "'""'·· .~-"· '""''""""===a,,,,.,;;,e,,,,, . .,,.u,.c::,,,,;u."-"''''-'='"-"''"'''''''., ,; CONN EC TION NOTE: ~------r NE'w' IRRIGATION MAINLINE AND VAL \/ES SHALL BE HIGH-LINED AND CONNECTED TD A POTABLE \./ATER SOURCE PENDING SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION □F CROSS CONNECTION TEST AS PERFORMED BY □M'w'D AND DEH. FINAL CONNECTI ONS TD THE EXISTING IRRIGATION RECYCLED MAINLINE ARE TD BE PERFORMED □NL Y AF TER APPROVAL IS PROVIDED BY □M'w'D AND DEH. TOTAL LOSS AT LAST HEAD AVAILABLE PRESSURE AT LAST HEAD 69 -33,9 = 35.1 PSI -DK 30 REQUIRED Irrig ation Legend Symbol Catalogue No. Manuf. Description GPM RADIUS feet ■ RZWS-18-23-R HUNTER ROOT WATERING SYSTEM .25 PGP-ADJ-8.0 HUNTER POP UP ROTOR -360 3.2 37' PGP-ADJ-4.0 HUNTER POP UP ROTOR -180 1.2 32' PGP-ADJ-2.0 HUNTER POP UP ROTOR -90 .7 29' PCB 25 R --rlUNTER TRICKLE BUBBLER 25 I NIBCO 4660-2" NIBCO BALL VALVE • PGV-101G HU NTER CONTROL VALVE w/ PURPLE HANDLE C PR0-300 HUNTER AUTO CONTROLLER W/ MINI CLOCK [BJ RAIN CLIK HUNTER RAIN SENSOR Class 315 PVC R.C. Purple pipe with Warning Tape. Extension to Existing Muin Line Main Line Pipe @ 24" Min. Depth (2" Diameter Unless Otherwise Indicated) Schedule 40 PVC Pu r ple Laterul Pipe @ 18" Min. Depth (3/4" Diameter Unless Otherwise Schedu le 40 PVC Sleeving ( 4 )" Diameter Unless Otherwise Indicated) Maximum Flow (GPM) Through Valve 1 Controller Station 1" Valve Size NOTES: PR Cl PSI Detail No. ··~\ in hr ,. ·-~' ',i' 30 A, SHEET L-4 ,~;: .45 30 B, SHEET L-4 ,, ,,. ~I .23 30 B, SHEET L-4 1"· if: :: :i .1 6 30 B, SHEET L-4 it, ' ,. ~y C, SHEET L-4 t, D, SHEET L-4 f E, SHEET L-4 .. .,i ·'i !'ii ti 30 B SHEET L-4 il ii iii r .,• Indicated) !: t :j• J > ,,'; ;:, ' [· I• CONTROLLER BOX \./ARNING NOTICE: CONTRACTOR TD INCLUDE, IN E\/ERY CONTROLLER BOX □N SITE, A \./ARN I NG NOTE (PROTEC TED 'w'ITH PLASTIC COVERS) IND ICAT I NG THAT ANY •TAMPE RING 'w'ITH DR ADJUSTING □F THE STATION START DR RUN TIME S 'w'ILL ADVE RSLY EFFECT THE ENTIRE SYSTEM. PLE ASE VERIFY 'w'ITH RESPONSIBLE ON-SITE PARTY PRIOR TD ANY ADJUSTMENTS.• MULTI PLE CONTROLLERS OPERATE REMOTE CONT ROL VALVES ON THE SAM E IRRIGATION MAINLINE ' APPROVED FOR /RR/CATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA . "AS BUILT" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE Backflow De vice. Install new backflow device only if one does not exist or existing device does not meet current City standards. f ,, 6965 El Camino Real Suite 105-482 Carlsbad, CA 92009 ( P) 760-272-57 42 ( F) 760-454-3097 I"', f -~':U/11'~'.!lr:q:~~"'~ '.~:J~~l'.it' ·,~til J,J'L.,;.~l'/4ig:'l:1".!J1 ~~'•;: '(, i,:.~,··if.:!Mlli.::',_f~'f:'.iJ~:• .. ,'}':.'.t~.'£.'J:i-~J: ~•r·•:,.,-:' ¾~l!!<.~'!-!:t?,1:u:;,:.;{,\1:,'i.';.~1_; :'.l.::'ii<.:~:m.1-:.t•;s.';;:tl:;..t.'ili; •. ;.;,,.:.,,~!J~.::.'.~::J!!i'i~·~.~mfr.:i&r,:,_;,ili!!.6~.:i:h:~:.J,:11,~;, ~,_:_\':;i~,;\li~--r~~l-¾ ~? ·;•,,,·,;·"'·i.::l..i:.tl''.J .i'frU~ii!" SCALE: IRRIGATIOI\J PLA~I ~ I I 1 "=20'-0" 0 1 o· 20' v'\-IDSCAp<" DEVELOPERS NAME: A T & T {) cha""' 41'0 ~ ~-~~ ADDRESS: 5738 PACIFIC CENTER BOU LEV Arm ti; C' -~ ~ Q,p ?:i 0 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121 -' <? I I-"'~ * /..al: ._* .f'? 1~l~ TELEPHONE: -{ /" ~"" DATE PLAN PREPARED: 8,:".15,:'.2013 DATE INI TIAL [" or C~l\l~ DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION Expiration Dute:.M.u_1-2Ql5 BY: Cur~ Chu~rnun, ASLA /fA679 ~ CITY OF1 CARLSBAD I SH1os I -PLANNING DIVISION LANDSCAPE IMP RO VEMEN'l' PLANS F'OR: NS0028 -OMWD OPS CENTER Olivenhain road and Rancho Santa Fe Road 1966 OLIVENHAIN ROAD, CARLSB AD, 92009 APPROVED: It~~ l;JL.;-tr &j:-0·1-14- PLANNING DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE IN ITIAL CHKD BY: MCUP 13-05 480-71 OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL rNWD BY: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. ATTACHMENT 1 RECYCLED WATER STANDARD PLAN NOTES All 'Norl-< shall be done in accorclance with the OliVenhain Municipal Water District's Rules and Regulations. Drinking water fountains and designated outdoor eating areas shall be protected against contact w[th recycled water spray, mist, or runoff. Be~t management p(actices shall be used to eliminate or control to the best extent possible ponding, run-off, over-sp·ray and misting. Hose bibs are strictly prohibited. Cross-connections between recycled water lines and potable water lines are strictly prohibited. No substitutions of pipe materlals will be allowed without prior approval of the Olivenhain Municipal Water District's All mainline pipes shall have warning tape perOlivent1ain Municipal 'Nater District's Rules and Regulations. Hours for irrig?,tion with recycled water are from 10:00 p.rn. to 6:00 a.m. The hours. for irrigation with disinfected tertiary recycled water may be modified by the local authority, Irrigation ciuring public use periods with disinfected tertiary recycled water shall be under the supervision of the designated user supervisor. Irrigation with water of a lesser quality than disinfected tertiary recycled water shall be between the hours of ·10:00 p.m.anc! 6:00 a.m. Burial of all wiring and piping shall rneet Olivenhain Municipal Water Districi's Rul 0s and Regulations. Non~designated use areas shall be protected from contact with recycled water, whether by windblown spray or by direct application through irrigation or other use. Lack of protection, whether by design, construction practice or system operation, is strictly prohibited . Irrigation heads shall be relocated or adjusted to minimize or eliminate over-spraying on sidewalks, streets and non•designated use are.as. Recycled water quicl< coupling valves shall be of a type designed for the use on recyc led water distribution systems pm Olivenhain Municipal \Nater District's Rules and Regulations. On recycled water systems, atl appurtenances (sprinkler heads, valve boxes, etc.) shall be color-coded purple per AWWA guidelines and Section 11 6815 of the California Health and Safety Code. All irrigation pipes shall be stenciled with the warning, "NON-POTABLE or RECYCLED WATER," color-coded (purple) and laid with.warning tape ancl stenciling oriented toward the top of the trench per ttie Olivenhain Municipal Water District's Rules and Regulations. REFER -,o Sf-IEE-, L-4 FOR IRRIGATION DETAILS 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. On new on-site systems (post-meter), potable water, constant pressure recycled water and sewer lines should be placed a minimum of four feet apart or as directed by the projec;t engineer und /or regulcitory agency. Measurements shall be between facing surfaces, not pipe centerlines. Constant pressure recycled water lines shall cross at least twelve inches belmv potable water lines and maintain at !east twelve inches crossing separation between other utilities. If a constant pressure rec_yclecl water line rhust be installed above a potable water line or less than twelve inct1es below a potable water line, then the recycled water line shall be installed within an approvecl protective ~[eeve as per the Olivenhain Municipal Water District's Rules and Regutations. · Developer/confractor st1all conduct a cross"connection test· and coverage test as directed by Olivenhain Municipal Water District\; and the San Diego County Department of Environmental Health prior to any use of recycled water. The required cross-connection iilspection shall be done by either the Olivenhain Municipal Wdter District and/or the San Diego County Department of Environmental Health, Copies of inspection repori3 will be forwarded to the non·inspecting party. The design and locations proposed for recycled water "Do Not Drink" signs shall be called out on the plans. Wt1en recycled water becomes available, an on-site user supervisor shall be designated in writing. This individual shall be familiar with plumbing systems within the property, wiih the basic concepts of backflow/cross~connection prot~ction, the recycled purveyor's rules and regulations and the specific requirements of a recycled water system. Copies of the clesignation, with contact phone numbers shall be provided to the Olivenhain MLinicipal \f'tciter District and/or th e San Diego County Department of Environmental Health. In case of emergency contact ROBERT SABB, AH.T at BS8.B86,288B Name Phone Number· at ass.s31 6931 Or after hours contact R[JBERT sAnn, An. T Name Phone Number All public and private potable water mains including fire rnains and any water wells and water courses within the recycled water project shall be shown on the p[ans. Call out on the plans if there are or are not drinking fountains and/or designated outdoor eating areas on this site. Educate all maintenance personnel on a continuous basis of the presence of recyclecl water. Personnel must be informed that recycled water is meant for irrigation purposes only, and is not approvecl for drinking purposes, hand washing, cleaning of lools., etc. Given the high turnover rate of employees in the landscape industry it is important this informaiion be disseminated on an almost daily basis. A phys[cal soparntiori stiall be provldec! between adjacent areas irrigated with recycled water and potable waler. Separation shall be provided by distance, concrete mow strips Or other approvec,l methods. cs DG -------CS Design Group, Inc. 6965 El Camino Real Suite 105-482 Carlsbad, CA 92009 ( P) 760-272-5742 ( F) 760-454-3097 RfCLAIMf t7 IRRlliAflO~I 5Y5ff M ~IOff 5 I. P05f 51Ci j\15 0"1 fff PROPE:RfY l"lt?ICA11NCi RfCLAJMft? WAffR 15 IN U:t. 2. WAffR Af NICiHf OR WriE:N fHf POff:j\JflAL-FOR HU/Nl.i\l C01\lf,A[f 15 LOW. 7, PR[;\/[:j\Jf WArl:R FROM P0"lt?INCi OR RUNN INCi Off O"lfO On·fR PROPrlznl:5. 4. A\/Olt? O\/E:R5PRAY 01\lfO ARE:A5 WHfRE: FOOt? 15 PRE:PARl:t? OR fA-rE:N. '7. WA5H WlrH 50/IP Mlt? t?RJj\JKINCi WArtR IF 5KIN COME:5 lj\J CONf/\CfWl,H PfCLAJMft? WAfE:R. 6. U'.Se PURPLf INl?ICAf0R5 ON IRR!CiAflON f0UIPMl:Nf U5lj\lCi RE:CLAJMft? WAffR. 7. At?\/15:: ALL LMlt?5CAPf MJI? IRRICiAnON ~MINrJ';j\J/\NCE: Pl:R50"1"lf!.-·n·IAfRfCL-AIME:t? WAffR 15 U5f:1?. 1. CONTRACTOR TD VERIFY DPErs/AT!□N OF ALL EXISTING f./ECLAIMED IRRIGAT!DN PRIOR TD START OF \./ORK. IRRIGATION NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR TD VERIFY DPERAT!□N OF ALL EXISTING RECLAIMED I RRIGATION PRIOR TD START OF \./ORK. 2. CONTRACTOR TD CONNECT TD EXISTING REC LAIMED VALVES AND PROVIDE ISOLATION BALL VALVES TD ALLD\./ FDR DN-GDING MAINTENANCE BY DM\./D. 3. CONTRACTOR TD PROVIDE PURPLE CODED RE -CLAIMED EQUIPMENT AND MATCH EXISTING EQUIPMENT \./HErs/E EVER POSSIBLE. 4. CONTRACTOR TD INSTALL CHECK VALVES \./HERE NECESSARY TD PFTVENT LO\./ HEAD DRAINAGE. 5. CONTRACTOR TD REVIE\./ FINAL DPERAT l □N \./ITH \./ATER COMPANY STAFF F□r, CORRECT OPERATION AT END OF INSTALLATIDN. SUBSURFACE IRRIGATION NOTE Only low subsurfa-ce lrrlga-tlon sha-11 b usecl to lrrlga-te 0-ny veget0-tlon within 24' of 0-n IMp erMe0-ble surfa-ce unless the 0-clj0-cent IMperMeoble surf0-ces are cleslgnecl 0-ncl constr·uctecl to co.use wo. ter to ciruln en-tlrely Into a. lo.ndsco.peci urea.. GENERAL NOrfES 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FDR BECOMING FAMILIAR \./ITH ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, PIPES AND STRUCTURES. CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY FOR COST INCURRED DUE TD DAMAGE AND REPLACEMENT OF SAID UNDERGROUND ELEMENTS. 2. ALL EXISTING AUTOMATIC IRRIGATI□N SYSTEMS VILL BE PROTECTED, FLUSHED AND CORRECTED AS NECESSARY DD TD ACT!V [TIES ASSOCIATED V ITH NEV VORK. 3. THE EXISTING SLOPE TD THE SOUTH OF THE PROPOSED ENCLOSURE \,I ILL RECIEVE THE F □LLOVING [MPRO VEMENTS VITHIN THE UMITS OF V□RK !N ADDITI□N TD THE ORIGINAL COND!Tl□NED PLANTING, A. ALL TRASH AND VEEDS V ILL BE REMOVED AND THE SURF ACE FINE GRADED B. SURFACE V!LL BE COVERED VITH A Bl□DEGRADABLE REINFORCED FABRIC C. ADDITIONAL L□V SHRUBS & GROUND COVER VILL BE PLANTED PER PLANTING PLAN D. ADDITI□NAL TREES VILL BE PLANTED PER PLANTING PLAN E. NEV VALVES AND CONTROLLER VITH HIGH PDP ROTORS VILL BE PROVIDED FOR FULL COVERAGE PER LAYOUT ON IRRIGATl□N PLAN 4. ANY DAMAGE TD EXISTING LANDSCAPE DR SITE IMPROVEMENTS SHALL EE REPLACED TD ORIGINAL CONDITION. IRRIGATION NOTES v' l\\l SC A Pt f.,,,'v Ch□,,,,, .s/,j>(' DEVELOPERS NAME: AT & T J:! ~-0 1, ADDRESS: 5738 PACIFIC GENTER BOULEVAF<D ~~~i SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121 * a 'o * TELEPHONE: .f',;-± ?J. f ,, ~ -1 I ~..,: DATE INITIAL 'I ' 8/15/2013 ( or c;.LII~ DATE PLAN Pf!EPARED: REVISION DESCRIPTION Gary Chapmon, ASLA //4679 DESIGNER OF WORK BY: Expiration Do te:.M!J.::,r.....2.Q.15 wATER CONSERVATION PLAN A. PLANT MATERIAL 1. PLANTING, QUANT !TY AND SIZE, IS A PLANNING DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENT AS A CONDITION OF APPROVAL FDR A CUP. 2. PLANT SPE CIES ARE TH E DROUGHT TOLERANT PORTION □F THE EXISTING DM\./D IMPf,□VEMENTS AND IS CONSIDERED A 'DRY ZONE T\./D', 3. ALL PLANT ING AREAS \./ILL BE TOP DRESSED \./ITH 3' □F SHREDDED BARK MULCH TD CONSERVE SOIL MOISTER AND BLEND \./ITH THE EXISTING INSTALLATIONS BY DM\./D. 4. ALL PLANTING TD HAVE \./ATER \./ELLS TD RES TRIC T \./ATER TD ROOT BALL AREA DURING ESTABLISHMENT. B. IRRIGATIDN 1. ALL NE\./ IRRIGATION \./ILL BE AN EXTENSIDN OF THE EXISTING DM\./D RECLAIMED SYS TEM. 2. ALL NE\./ OUTLETS AROUND THE ENCLOSURE ARE BUBBLERS TD MINIMJZE EVAP□RATIDN. 3. CHECK VAL V ES ARE USED \./HERE NESSASARY TD PREVENT SDIL EROSION. APPROVED /RR/GA TION ANO ONLY, INCLUDING FOR PLANTING PREC/S'E LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUILT" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF' CARLSBAD LJQJ - PLANNING DIVISION 0 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR NS0028 -OMWD OPS CENTER Olivenhoin rood ond Rancho Sonia Fe Rood 1966 OLIVENHAIN ROAD, CARLSBAD, 92009 APPROVED: 11>-. er bll-a01t" c;.1-1--t PLANNING DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: MCUP 13-05 480-?L OHIER APPROVAL CITY APPIWVAL RVWD BY: N011:'5: D 6" MAX f'<OM BACK flLL -Al.-!.-WIRf 5HAL-i.-Bf J1\15fALLft7 PfR L-OCAL CODf --PROVIDf fXPAN510N COIL-5 Af l::ACH WIRI:: COf\lNfCfl01\J 11'1 VALi/i:: BOX C 10 WP--AP5 AROLND A 1/ 2" DIA. PIPI::). Sff BOXf5 I'' ABOVE: flf\llSH CiPADf OR MUL-CH COl/fR 11'1 CiROUf\!D COVl::R/ 51-lRLlfo AZf AND fLU5H Wl,H flf\1I51-1 CiPADf 11'1 ·11JRf ARfA. ~"-. 1-'' : --.,--., i ' ' ' 7 I : _.' I ----,1,') ( .-.:· _,_;, : Rf M011: CONfROl V Al Vf N.f.5, RrClAIMrt7 WAf'i;R ONl y In Order to Conserve Water ... RECYCLED WATER IN USE DO NOT ~NO TOME DRINK "WE AGUA WASH HANDS ArfER CONTAC'flNC LAVES£ SUS MANOS OESPUES DE USAR ----------t.2 16" ® CH'CK Vf'l-1/e Cf-E'CK Vf'l-lk --o 3e INSUV .. W A5 <1"OUllx0 fO PlxVeHr cOW Hef'O DRf\J~!hAe. © I/ 2-"ICH PO,,'/ 5'."~e!G PIPE' C) I12-NCH 5"IRf\!. !:>f'l<!?E'WOW fm I/ 2-"ICH 5PIR.Al- \;;:J !:'f'Rr-" flHlc!G ® 1/ 2-lt-cCH SWl"IG ASSeM!:>LY, 1W 5A-I200c>O © PVC 5CH •10 ·rE'E' 0~ E'l- ® PVC l-ArE'R.Al-PIPE' ~ 4 11 'vVID!'.: X lf311 L-ONW R!CilO ~ BASK.el 11'£,AV'c CANl5:1;~ F,'\ I/ 2-"ICH 5,!AJGHf 5PIRf\!. \;.I 3/IRI" flHNCi fi4l OPnONf\l-W-/5 SA\117 50CK ~ l'(IN5-50CK) FO'< SAND'✓ 501L-5 @)I"ACKflll MIX ©fRE'E' lRUNK ® ROOfI"Al-l- @cRAVel-/ I"ARK Mll.-CH, E'fC. ® 9..II"GRAl?E' CARSON 1410 PLIRPLI:: VALl/f BOX W/ LOCKINCi COl/fR OR l::OLIAL- M!t? "RC\!" fURf\11::D INfO L-ID C MIN 2" HICil-l) PURPL-1:' CHRISTY l.t?. fAli: f\lLIMBl::Rl::D ro MATCH PLAJ\15 COf\lfROL-VAL-VI::. VAL 1/1:: ro U11LILIZf PURPl--f:: 1-l/'1\lt?LI:: fOR NON-POrA17Lf 5Y5TfM. HMIDLf ro Bf RAINBIRD Pl::B-NP+IANI OR l::OLIAL. PVC Llf\1101\1 PVC SCH. BO 1NIPP!.-f; fYP fl1\ll5H CiRf\Df; COMPACf SOIL AROLlf\lD VAL-VI:: BOX PVC SCH AO 5 ANt? f fLL- :;,/ 4" Pl::A CiRAVl::L PVC SCH. BO NIPP!.-!" PVC 5LIP flffll\lCi PVC MAf\lLNf: ro Bf CLA5S :;,I? BRICK 5LIPPORf5 5ICiNAl1E: PE:R ClfY 5fANl:7ARl:75 L-/,i:::; 11\ifO E:XPMl5I0J\I 5HIE:L-l:75 PE:R MAJ\lllf. 5PE:C5. COMPAC11E:l:7 5LIBCiRAl:7E:. COJ\ICRE:TE: fOOrlNCi. In Order to Conserve Wuter ... RECYCLED WATER IN USE DO NOT~ NO TOME DRINK \WEL AGUA WASJ-1 J-IANDS AFTER CON fAC11NC _J_ LAVESE SUS MANOS DESPUES DE USAR 18" X 18" SIZE .032 ALUMINUM, .060 ABS PLASTIC NON-POf ABlr siaNAar OR STICK-ON VINYL SIGNS \©~5C_Al_r_: ,,-?/_4_""_1_' ----0-I1 __________________ _ 0 ® © c:) fli\llSH CiRADI::/ rap Of MULCH @ POP-LIP 5PRAY SPRli\lKLl::R: RAII\I BIRt7 IB06-5AM-PRS ® 1/ 2--INCH MALI:: NPf :z .490 INCH BARB l::LBOW: RAIN BIRt? MOi?fL SBf-0?0 (1) PVC L.AffRAL PIPf 5WINCi Pl Pf, I2--INCH Lfl\lCifH: RAJN BIRD MOt71::!.-5P-IOO PVC SCH 40 -rel:: OR 1::1.-L NOrf: 5PRAY i\lOZZLf ro li\lCLUDf PURPLf COl/t:R ro INt7ICA-rl:: f\lON--POT f\BLI:: 5Y5ffM. ~.@""'""~--_;---5P_-U_P_r;-c~i-~-~~-,5-;:-:IN_K_lf_R_® _______ _ '•'fi:::.:::,c';/ f\1011:' AL.L l::L-fCfRICAL-INORK SrlAL.L. COMPLY 'v\/ / L-OCAL AND f\lArlONAL-CODE:5. fL.E:CrRICAL-MfffR ro Bf INs·rAL-Lf:D OPP05Iff 5IDf: IRRICiAflON COi\!fROLL-f:R PfR MfCi.' 5 SPE:ClflCAflOI\IS. 0 21-- 0 • t ., ® 0 0 (D 0 ® 0 IRRICiATION COl\lrROL-L-fR MOLli\I11:'t? ro WALL.. RE:ffR ro IRRICiArJOf\l L.l::Cil::1\117, 5HE:f:f L.--:2 fOR COMrROLLl::R 5PfCIF'ICArJ01\l5. JUf\lCTION BOX BY Cifi\I1::RAL-COi\lfP~CfOR. 11 ov WIRI:: ANt7 C0f\117Lllf ro fLl::CrRICAL-COf\11\lfCflOf\l BY CifNf:PAL-CONfRACfOR. 2" COI\IDUlr Af MINIMUM 18" Bl::L0\1\/ CiRADf MID IN5-rAL-L ro 5' 01\1 OUTSIDE' 1/1/ALL.. COf\lfROL. WIRE:5 ro Rf:MOTE: C01\J'fROLLf:R VIA MAf\lL.INf fRl::I\ICH. fll\llSH c:iRADf. re\ WAll MOUN11:t7 CONfROllrR ~:~i-N_.f_,5 _______________________________ _ '''-8!;~ SlHEET SURFACE:------~ Rn~11"- J.5' MINIMUM REQUI~ VERTICAL SEPARAT!ON-=======t;,2• ~=----'I RECLAIMED WATER IRRIGATION / MAINLINE IN SLEEVE~ NOTE: ALL RECLAIMED WAlER IRRIGATION PIPE AND SLEEVES SHALL BE PURPLE AND LABELED AS SPECIFIED IN U-iE ~STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE IRRIOATION SYSTEMS WATER DISTRICT" RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR CONS"IRUCIION OF RECLAIMED WATER MAINS OCT08Ef{ 1993. TABLE SERVICE LINE CROSSING SIDEWALK~ ~-,--METER BOX \\111-1 METEl"l . CURB /2{" l ~ ,,~ APPROX. •: _ ' ,r-6-,----~lc--- POTABLE SERVICE LINE------! 12" I INIMUM --~'o~• =MIN=lll.=,UM~WA=TE~R =IRR=IG=AT=IO~N =M-"='-"=LIN=E ~•M=Ol~S=LE=EYE~-~~ RECLAIMED WATER IRRIGAllON !AAINLJNE Y~lH SLEEVE -----~-v NOTE: VERTICAL_ CLEAl~ANCE OF 12• MINIMUM IS MANDATORY Y.iHEN CfWSSING PA"IH OF A POTABLE WATER LIME, INSTALLA"IION OF RECLAIMED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE 21" FROM FACE OF SIDEWALK 'MLL PROYlDE THE NECESSAHY 10' HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE FROM THE POTABLE MAINLINE ltl THE smEET. POT ABLE MAIN! INE CROSSING l~~luAflON llNe C~0551Nu5 -------------------------------N.f5. SCALE IF~F<IGATION I\IOTES AINO DETAILS ' -' i i I ! i---0 (C) CAR501'-I 910 PLIRPL-E: I/ AL-1/E: BOX \/\/ / LOCKll'-ICi COI/E:R OR E:OUf\L ANl:7 "Ci\/" BURI\Jft7 11\11'0 L-lt? C Mli'-1 2" HICiH) fl1\ll5H CiRAl:7E: BALL-I/ AL-1/E: IN/ PURPL.E: 1\I01\1-- POf ABL-f: CHRI5-rY ff\l1 I/AL-VE: -ro BE: i'-IIBCO -r-fP 600A 0 I/ AL-1/E: BOX E:X-rrl'-15I01\1, L-E:NCi'rH AS RE:OUIRE:t? PVC MAIJ\IL.II\IE: ro [7['; CL-f\55 :'71 S Lli\lE: 5IZE: -n-11<:E:At?l':l:7 PVC 1\1\AL.E: At? APlf:R :'7 / 4'' PE:A CiRAVE:L- BRICK 5UPPORT J\IOrE:: LlflL-IZE: PLIRPL-E: I/AL.VE: BOXE:5 fOR RE:CL-AIME:17 L.11\il':5 2 I/ 211 l3RA55 BAL--l V AL--Vf NJ.5. RrClAIMrt7 1/\/Afl:;R ONl y , _-i---51'-IAKE: AL-L. PL.ASrlC PIPE: N·ro fRE:1\ICHE:5 AS5HOWN. 10' r APE: AJ\117 BLll\lt?L-E: WIRll'-ICi Af 10' O.C. MM .. PL-Ml MAll'-1 5LIPPL-Y, L-f\ff:RAL- Mlt? WIRlI\ICi. \ ALL-~Mli'-IL-11'-IE: 5HAL-L-BE: IJ\15fAL-L-E:t7 PE:R MMILIF' ACfURE:R' 5 5Pl':Clf ICAflOl'-I5. N\Ali\l SUPPL-Y :J::2 1/ 2" MID 5~ML-L-E:R: 16' 1 L-A ff: RAL-. :'7' MID L-ARCif:R: 24" li\15fAL-L-AL-L-120 I/ OL-r WI RE: I1\I COl\ll:7Ulf PE:R L.OCAL-CODE: . I20VOL.f INIRI I\ICi. PRO\/IDf A 20" l-OOP IN WIRe Ar f\l-l-Cl-lf\Nuf'o OP DIRfC-nO~I uR>':Aff"R THAN 50". RE'MO\/E' ·ne5 Afrf"R f\l-l-co~"1ecrI0~15 HAVE' BE:E'~I MAJ7f. Rl':MOl1: COl'-1-rROL- VAL-VE: 1/\/IRIJ\ICi. ;;;[)~:-.l~_f _&_W_IR_f _fR_fN_C_HI_Na_t7_f_f A_ll _____ _ '',,;;,\il:':.. . .;..,'' INSPECTION PROCEDURES 1. CONTRACTOR TO CALL CITY FOR FINAL INSPE:CTION A. FAX "FINAL LANDSCAPE CERTIFICATION FORM" TO 760-944-8943 B. CALL LANDSCAPE INSPECTION REQUEST PHONE LINE: 760-602-4602 C. AN APPROVAL LEffiR REGARDING THE INSPECTION OF THE PROJECT SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE CITY AND THE DISTRICT, AND BE FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION APPROVAL 2. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE: ACCURATE AS-BUILT DRA'MNG TO LANDSCAPE: ARCH/TEST AT TIME: OF FINAL /NSPE:CTION 3. FINAL AS-BUILT PLANS MUST BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY AND FINAL MYLARS WILL BE REQUIRED TO BE APPROVED AND SIGNED BY THE CITY PRIOR TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT SIGNING THE PERMIT CARD TO CLOSE THE JOB. TITLE APPROVED roR /RR/GA TION ANO PLANTING ONLY, INC'LUO/NG' PR[C'/S'[ LOCATION or PLANTING AREA. "AS BU IL T" DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF' CARLSBAD I SHEETS I l------l---+----------------t----t---t----1---I ~-PLANNING DIVISION 1 Q f----+---+----------------+-----11----+---t---l LANDSCAPE JMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: REFER TO DETAILS 1----+----,---------------i-----t----,1----i----i NS0028 -OMWD OPS CENTER cs DG -------CS Design Group, Inc. 6965 El Camino Real Suite 105-482 Carlsbad, CA 92009 ( P) 760-272-5742 ( F) 760-454-3097 DEVELOPERS NAME: A T & T ~~~---------- ADDRESS: 5738 PACIFIC CENTER BOULEVARD SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121 TELEPHONE: ______ _ DATE PLAN PREPARED: _8_/_1_5_/_20_1_3 _____ _ Expiration Date,M.a.x--2.QJ.5 BY: Gory Chapman, ASLA /i4679 DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL DATE INITIAL CITY APPROVAL Olivenhain road and Rancho Santo Fe Road 1966 OLIVENHAIN ROAD, CARLSBAD, 92009 I APPROVED: I~\ ~ -b\L,o"tt c;.-1-1':f PLANNING DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: MCUP 13-05 F,1/WD BY: 480-71 I IRRIGATION SYSTEM PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section includes providing complete Irrigation system, including replacement of unsatisfactory work; clean-up, Inspection and acceptance; tests, record drawings and submlttals; permits, fees and Inspections. B. Final Acceptance for Work of this section Is contingent on completion of planting work as specified. 1.02 SUBMITTALS -Submit 5 copies to Owner's Representative. A. Submit complete materials list. Include manufacturer, model number and description of all materials and equipment. B. Shop drawings: Submit for all assemblies not detailed on the Drawings. Include mounting details for rain shutoff. C. Record drawings: Submit within 10 working days after start of Malntenence Period. 1. Show every change from Contract Drawings and Specifications and exact as-built locations, sizes and kinds of equipment. Dimension concealed equipment, except lateral lines, from 2 permanent points of reference. 2. Delivery of Record Documents shall not relieve Contractor of the responsibility of furnishing required Information that may be omitted from Record Documents. D. Operation and maintenance manuals: Deliver to Owner's Representative at least 10 days before completion of construction, 2 complete sets of the following data. Data shall be on 8 1 /2 Inch by 11 Inch sheets, In 3-rlng binder. Include: 1. Index sheet stating Contractor's address and telephone number, list of equipment with name and adresses of local manufacturer's representatives. 2. Catalogue and ports sheets on all material and equipment Installed under th Is Section. 3. Complete operating and maintenance Instructions for all equipment. 4. Complete and doted manufacturer's warranties for all equipment. 5. Color coded Irrigation plan. E. Special tools: Two sets of special tools as required to operate, adjust, dismantle or repair equipment. Include tools not normally found in posession of maintenance personnel. F. Controller charts: Charts shall be 8 1 /2" x 11" (laminated) showing areas covered by each controller. Color code area of coverage of each valve and enlarge valve sequence to be readable when drawing is reduced. Reduce approved record drawings and seal between two 20-mll plastic sheets. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE -Comply with requirements of the Uniform Plumbing Code, the National Electric Code, Local City Standards, and local agency standards. 1.04 WARRANTY A. Provide 1 year guarantee for Work of this Section, on Contractor's letterhead: 1. Warrant that Irrigation system has been Installed according to Drawings ond Specificotions, and that system wlll be free of defects in products ond lnstallaton for 1 year from Substantial Completion. Manufacturer's warranties shall only supplement special warranty. 2. Agree to repair or replace defective Work, or adjacent work which is damaged by such defects, with the exception of ordinary wear and tear, abuse or neglect. This Includes damage to site Improvements caused by settlement of Improperly compacted trench backfill. 3. Owner reserves the right to make temporary repairs as required. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 PVC PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Polyvln:,i Chloride (PVC) Pipe: NSF approved, Type 1, Grade 1 PVC compound; ASTM D1784, ASTM D1785 and ASTM D2241. Pacific Western Extruded Plastics Co., Eugene, OR, or accepted equal. B. Pressure main line pipe: 1120 PVC plastic pipe schedule 40. Lateral line pipe: 1120, Class 200 PVC C. Sleeves (sizes to be determined by Contractor): 1. Water lines: 1120, schedule 40 PVC. 2. Electrical fines: Gray, schedule 40 conduit. D. Fittings: 1. Solvent weld socket fittings: Schedule 40, (for laterals) Type 1, Grade 1, NSF approved, ASTM D2466-90. Schedule 80, (for Mainline) ASTM D2464. Fittings shall bear manufacturer's name or trademark, material designation, size, applicable IPS schedule and NSF seal of approval. Losco Products, Brownsville, TN, or accepted equal. 2. Solvent cement and primer for PVC solvent-weld pipe and fittings shall be of type and installation methods recommended by pipe manufacturer. IPS Weld-On Corporation, Gordena,CA, or accepted equal. 3. Risers: Schedule 80 PVC threaded nipples and ells. Above grade pipe shall be galvanized metal or wrapped pvc. 2.02 OTHER PIPING MATERIALS A. Pipe upstream of backflow preventer /master valve: Schedule 40 golvinlzed steel. B. Pipe wrapping tape: 1. Metal pipe: 2 inch wide, 20 mils thick, black PVC all weather corrosion-resistance tape with high tack adhesive formulated to resist corrosion. Use same manufacturer's pipe primer to seal pipe and prepare for tape wrapping. 2. PVC pipe: As above, except primer is not required. C. Pipe joint compound: Non-hardening, non-toxic, designed specifically for use on PVC and metal threaded connections In water carrying pipe. As recommended by pipe manufacturer and accepted by Owner's Representative. D. Flexible riser /connector: EPDM hose, PVC ends, with stainless steel bands. Flex-Riser, King Brother's Industries, Valencia, CA, or accepted equal. E. In-line check valve (if required): Sch 40 PVC with stainless steel springs, adjustable from 12 to 32 feet of head. KBI Adjustable Check Valve, King Brothers Industries, or accepted equal. F. Provide dielectric fittings where dissimilar metals come into contact. 2.03 VALVES A. Gate valves: Brass construction, screwed connections, with teflon seats and standard port. Hammond Valve Co., Hammond, IN; Nibco Undustries, Elhart, IN; or accepted equal. B. Plastic electric remote control valve: 1. Heavy-duty plastic, stainless steel fasteners, fabric-reinforced rubber diaphragm. 2. Normally closed with manual internal bleed; self-flushing stainless steel screen and brass flow control system. 3. Rated to 200 psi. 4. 24 VAC solenoid actuated. 5. Model No. 950-DW; Superior Controls Co., Valencia, CA, or accepted equal. C. Electric remote control master valve: 1. Cast iron body, brass bonnet; self-cleaning, In-line servlcable. 2. Normally closed with manual internal bleed; self flushing stainless steel screen and brass flow control stem. 3. Rated to 200 psi. 4. 24 VAC solenoid actuated. 5. Model No. 2160 Griswold Controls, Irvine, CA, or accepted equal. D. Quick coupling valves: Bronze construction, 1-inch connection, two-piece body, purple ylv:,i locking top, single slot and lug. Size: 1 inch. 1 Inch FIPT outlet. Model No. 44NP; Ralnbird Inc., Glendora, CA. or accepted equal. 2.04 VALVE BOXES A. HDPE, green, UV resistant, with stainless steel bolt-down mechanism and heat-branded letters, minimum 2 inch hieght. Carson Industries Inc., La Verne, CA or accepted equal. 1. Remote control valves and gate valves: 12 x 18 Inches, series 1419. Letters: "ICV" and the valve number. 2. Quick coupling valve: Round, 10 Inch diameter, series 910. Letters: "QCV" with stainless steel bolts. 2.05 SPRINKLER HEADS A. Spray sprinkler: 1. Matched precipitation rate, seamless molded plastic, with stainless steel adjustment screw and retraction spring. 2. Pressure activated wiper seal and removeable flushing plug. 3. Pop-up hleght: 6 Inches 5. Nozzle: as shown on Drawings. Provide pressure compensating screen where required to reduce radius. 6. 570 Z Serles, Toro, Riverside, CA, or accepted equal. B. Gear driven rotor: 1. Matched precipitation rate, seamless molded plastic, adjustable arc, with stainless steel adjustment screw, locking rubber cover, and heavy duty retraction spring. 2. Pop-up body shall have integral check vakve capable of preventing low-head drainage up to 10 feet of head. 3. Pop-up height: 12 Inches. 4. Nozzle: 5 interchangeable nozzles as shown on Drawings 5, PGM Serles, Hunter Industries, Son Marcos, CA, or accepted equal. C. Gear driven rotor: 1. Matched precipitation rate, seamless molded plastic, adjustable and full circle arcs, with stainless steel adjustment screw, locking rubber cover, and heavy duty retraction spring. 2. Pop-up body shall have integral check valve capable of preventing low head drainage up to 10 feet of head. 3. Pop-up height: 12 Inches. 4. Nozzle: 12 Interchangeable nozzles, as shown on Drawings. 5. PGH Serles, Hunter Industries, San Marcos, CA, or accepted equal. D. Flood Bubbler: Plastic, 6 Inch pop-up height; pressure compensating, 0.25 GPM, Model No. 570 series-GP-FB-25-PC, The Toro Company, Riverside, CA, or accepted equal. 2.06 PRESSURE REGULATOR A. Pressure regulator: Brass, 500 Serles, WIikins, Paso Robles, CA or accepted equal. 2.07 BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE A. Reduced pressure type, bronze with stainless steel springs, with 2 ball valves, pressure roted to 175 psi, size as shown on Drawings. Model No. 825Y BV, Febco Industries, Fresno, CA or accepted equal. B. Enclosure: Galvanized steel mesh, size to accomodate BFP assembly, with hinged cover and padlock hasps. Le Meur Industries; as available from Ewing Irrigation, San Leandro, CA or accepted equal. C. Paint enclosure with prime coat and 2 coats of acr)iic exterior semi-gloss enamel, corrosion resistant. Kelly Moore Paint #93-224 AN/Per B. Cottier. Cleon, prime and paint enclosure per manufacturer's specifications. D. Insulated cover: Vin:,i coated polyester fabric, green color, lockable; size to fit BFP assembly. "Weatherguard" blanket; available from Ewing Irrigation or accepted equal. 2.08 CONTROLLER (9 Stations or greater) -Shall have the following features: A. Single manufacturer's system, including controller, stainless steel top entry enclosure, junction box and prewlred terminal strip. Provide malfunction warning light as accepted. Controller shall be compatible with radio/telephone control system, rain shutoff, moisture and flow sensors. UL listing; pedestal mount. Controller assembly shall have 5 year warranty. B. Solid state, microprocessor-based; capable of fully-automatic, semi-automatic or manual operation. Review program, fleld wire fault detection. C. Programming; 24 stations. 12 Programs; or Individual station programming. Station timing: At user's option. Non-volatile memory. D. Master valve/pump start circuit. 8 starts per program per day. E. Water budgeting: 0 -999 percent. Standby watering schedule. F. Model No. SA-618-24-03-PH; RainMaster Evoloutlon series controller assembly, as shown on Drawings, or accepted equal; ovolloble from ETS, Pacheco, CA (925) 609-2180. G. Telephone connection equipment: 1. Schedule 80 conduit, n)ion pull rope, conductor cable and connection to telephone company's equipment and operating prior to acceptance. 2. Equipment related to telephone connection shall be approved by the telephone company. (8 Stations or less) -Shall hove the following features: A. Solid state, microprocessor-based, capable of fully automatic, semi-automatic or manual operation. B. Programming: 8 station, 4 programs. Station timing: 1 minute to 24 hours In 1 minute Increments. Non-volatlle memory. C. Master valve/pump start circuit and valve test function. D. Water budgeting: 1 -255 percent. E. 3 starts per program day. F. Standby watering schedule. G. Model No. CA-62-08; lrrltrol MC + series controller assembly, as shown on Drawings, or accepted equal; available from ETS, Pacheco, CA (925) 609-21BO. 2.09 FLOW SENSOR A. Schedule 80 PVC with removeable, non-magnetic sensing mechanism. Rated 100 psi at 140 degrees F.Senslng mechanism: Electronic detector, glass reinforced polyphen:,iene sulfide housing with glass reinforced h:,ion impeller, UHMWPE bearing, tungsten carbide shaft, and EPDM 0-rlngs. B. Model No. EVFM P200 with EV-CAB-SEN cable, Ralnmaster; or accepted eq Available from ETS, Pacheco, CA. 2.10 CONTROL WIRE A. Soft-annealed, uncoated copper, single conductor, with PVC Insulating Jacke UL approved for direct burial, size and color as follows: 1. Common ground: White, size i/12 AWG-UF. 2. Common wire: Color other than white, size i/14-1 AWG-UF. B. Provide separate common ground for each controller C. Connections: Gel-sealed waterproof connector kit, UL listed for direct burial splices, with spring connector, vln:,i Insulator and moisture proof snap top packet. DBY /DBR connector sealing packs, 3M Company, Austin, TX, or accepted equal. 2.11 RAIN SENSOR A. Shall hove stainless steel sensing probes and automatic return to normal watering cycle. Click stop settings shall measure rainfall In quantities of 1 /8 to 1 Inch and shut off watering cycle during rain. Set device to shut off system when rainfall reaches 1 /2 Inch. to uol. t, B. Shall be solid state; UL listed. Provide mounting hardware and wiring to suit Pro Ject conditions. C. Rain Check; Ralnblrd, Inc. or accepted equal. cs DG -------CS Design Group, Inc. 6965 El Camino Real Suite 105-482 Carl sbad, CA 92009 ( P) 760-272-57 42 ( F) 760-454-3097 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Notify Owner's Representative In advance of the following observation meetings, as indicated: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Field layout: 3 days. Pressure supply line Installation and testing: Controller installation: 48 hours. Coverage test: 48 hours. Maintenance period observations: 7 days. Final observation: 7 days. 3.02 COORDINATION 48 hours. A. Inspect, become familiar with, and protect existing site utlltles and Project utllltles. B. Coordinate placement of Items to be lmbedded Into concrete work or Installed under paving. C. Design pressure Is shown on Drawings. Verify static pressure at P.O.C. before starting construction and notify Owner's Representative if it varies more than 10 psi In either direction. D. Irrigation demand Is shown on Drawings. Verify at P.O.C. before starting construction. 3.03 LAYOUT A. Before Installation, stoke layout of pressure supply lines and valves for review. Adjust as directed. B. Provide necessary fittings and offsets to adapt to existing conditions and prevent conflicts with other work and existing improvements. C. Line clearance: Irrigation system lines: 6 Inches, Irrigation lines and other utilities: 12 Inches, lines crossing at angles between 45 and 90 degrees: 2 inch vertical clearance. D. No line shall be parallel to and directly over another Irrigation or utility line. 3.04 TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING A. Dig trenches straight and support pipe continuously on bottom of trench. Keep trenches 18 Inches away from paving. Lay pipe to even grade. Minimum cover over all lines shall be as follows: 1. Pressure molnllnes: 24 inches 2. Lateral lines: 18 Inches 3. Control wires: 18 Inches B. Backfilling: 1. Backfill with specified material after testing pipe. Backfill shall be compacted to a density equal to adjacent soil, or as specified. 2. Correct subsequent settlement of trenches, and correct any damage caused by settlement. C. Sleeves and conduit: 1. Provide sleeves and conduit of sufficient size and quantity to accommodate all pipe and wiring. 2. Install minimum 7 Inches below bottom of pavement base, and at least as deep as required depth of pipe. Install sleeves level and in straight line. 3. Sleeves and caps shall be schedule 40 PVC unless otherwise shown, minimum twice the Irrigation line diameter, and extend minimum 12 Inches beyond edge of pavement. In-line fittings are not permitted In sleeves less than 20 feet long. Cap ends of sleeves hand tight until pipe Is Installed. 4. Backfill with clean sand on all sides of sleeves, and compact by tamping. Backfill and test as specified in Local City Standards. 5. Mark locations of sleeve ends with 2x4 stake extending 6 Inches above finish grade for fu t ure location during construction, Label stake clearly with letter •1•. Remove stake when assembly is completed. 3.05 BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE A. Connect to water supply line. location determined on site .. Final location will be accepted by Owner's Representative. B. Installation shall comply with applicable codes. Arrange and pay for tests and certificates required by governing agencies. 3.06 PIPE A. General: 1. Pipe under existing paving shall be Installed by Jacking or boring. 2. Do not use pipe joint compound on sprinkler bases or remote control valves. 3. Cap open pipe ends as pipe line Is assembled to keep ou t soil or debris. Remove cops only when necessary to continue assembly. 4. Sleeve pipe under paving. Where pipes or control wires pass through sleeves, provide removable non-decaying plug at ends of sleeves to keep soll out. 5. Pipe wrapping: Wrap galvanized pipe and fittings In contact with soil and to 3 inches above soil line. Overlap tape 1 /2 Its width. 6. Provide check valve where required to prevent erosion from low head drainage. B. Solvent-weld PVC: 1. Plastic pipe shall be Installed to accommodate expansion and contraction as recommended by manufacturer. 2. Install PVC pipe In trench with manufacturers markings focing up. 3. Follow pipe and cement manufacturer's Instructions. C. Threaded joints: 1. Field threading of plastic pipe or fittings Is not permitted. Use factory-made threads only. 2. Use factory-made metal nipples wherever possible. Field cut threads In metal pipe may be used only where approved by Owner's Representative. Cut threads accurately on axis with sharp dies, 3. Apply pipe joint compound to male threads and first three female threads. 4. On metal to metal joints, no more than 3 full threads shall show when joint is complete. 5. When assembling threaded plastic fittings, tighten joint no further than 1 full turn beyond hand tight. Use strap type friction wrench only; do not use metal-jawed wrench . IRR IGAT ION SP FC IFICAT IOi\lS v' 1-10 SC,<\ pf <,.,'v Cha% -1,j>C> DEVELOPERS NAME: AT & T ~ >"" 0 1, ADDRESS: 5738 PAC IFIC CENTER BOU LE VARD "' ~ ~-~ ~~ QQ, ~o SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNI A 92121 ~ -=k{ij -;s : TELEPHONE: J',_.. 1 2,,;l. l1 ~ -1 I: <;.'> DATE PLAN PREPAR ED: 8/15/2013 DATE r: or c,1.11~ 3.07 SPRINKLERS A. Thoroughly flush lines before Installing sprinkler heads. B. Locate and install heads, risers and fittings as shown. Notify Owner's Representative where field conditions or obstructions prevent adequate coverage. C. Set heads perpendicular to finish grade unless otherwise shown. D. Install tree bubbler In perforated polystyrene drain pipe filled with drain rock, flush with grade, as shown on Drawings. E. Adjust sprinkler heads for proper distribution and trim, providing complete coverage with minimal overspray. 3.08 CONTROLLER A. Install In location as determined on site. Exact location will be accepted by Owner's Representative. Connect to disconnect switch. B. Controllers shall be factory mounted In manufacturer's enclosure unless otherwise shown. Mount enclosure as directed by local City Standard Details. C. Connect control wires to controller In sequential arrangement according to valve numbers shown. Label each control wire with permanent label showing station number of valve controlled. D. Rain sensor: Mount In location accepted by Owner's Representative and record location on record drawings. Connect according to manufacturer's Instructions and wiring diagrams. E. Control wire: 1. Run lines along mains wherever possible. Tie wires In bundles with 1 inch wide electrical tape at 10 foot Intervals and allow slack for contraction between strapping. Tape Is not required In sleeves. 2. Loop 3 feet of extra control and ground wires In 1 Inch diameter coll, at each valve, at 100 foot intervals along wire runs and at changes of direction. 3. Splicing Is not permitted other than In valve boxes. 4. Install spare control wire of different color, one wire per every six stations of controller, along entire main line for each controller. F. Programming: Programming Is the responsibility of Contractor throughout construction and maintenance period. Provide optimum amounts of water for each plant type to maintain plants In vigorous, healthy condition. Reprogram as required at end of maintenance period. 3.09 TESTING PIPE A. Pipe shall be center-loaded with approved backflll to anchor pipe before testing. Do not cover fittings. Do not cover or enclose work untll tests ore approved by Owner's Representative. B. Before testing, bleed air out of lines at line pressure. Provide vertical pipe at high points during Installation. C. Solvent weld pipe: Test hydrostatically after joints hove cured at least 24 hours. Provide caps, pumps,pressure guages and other equipment required to perform test. 1. Test pressure main line at 150 psi for 4 hours and prove watertight. 2. Cap sprinkler risers and test lateral lines at line pressure. Review system for leaks. D. Repair leaks and repeat tests until system Is proven watertight. E. Remake faulty joints with new materials. Do not use cement or caulking to seal leaks. Repairs shall conform to specifications. 3.10 SYSTEM ADJUSTMENT A. Flush and adjust sprinkler heads for optimum performance. Prevent overspray onto walks, roadways, paving and buildings. Adjust nozzle sizes and degrees of arc, and Install pressure compensating screens, as required to cover planting areas without overspray. Adjust valve flow controls. B. Test and adjust entire system at completion of each phase or section of work. C. Perform coverage test In the presence of Owner's Representative to establish that coverage of all planting areas is complete and adequate. Correct deficiencies and repeat test until approved. 3.11 OPERATION INSTRUCTION A. Provide 6 hours Instruction In operation and maintenance of system to Owner's maintenance personnel, at time accept ed by Owner. Provide instruction by manufacturer's representative when contractor is not expert in operation of equipment. 3.12 MAINTENANCE A. Maintain Irrigation system in working order from beginning of work until Final Acceptance. Maintenance of system includes, but is not limited to: Flushing system and adjusting heads; providing optimum amounts of water to plants; replacing lost, stolen or damaged equipment, reprogramming the controller. 1. Hondwater as required for plant establishment. B. Request observation for commencement of maintenance period after irnga 10n an pan mg wor Is comp e e. am enance perio s a egIn upon f dlf k' ltM·t 'dhllb' written notice of acceptance by Owner's Representative and continue for minimum 90 days or until Final Acceptance. C. Operate system during observation as directed by Owner's Representative. 3.13 FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. Final acceptance of Irrigation system will be made after all work is complete and upon acceptance of planting work. END OF SECTION INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE IN ITIAL RE VISION DESCRIPTION BY: Ca ry Ch ap man, ASLA #4679 DESIGNER OF WORK OTHrn APPR OVAL CITY APPROVAL Expiration Do te:.M.o.y._2ill_5 APPR OVED FOR !RR/GA T!ON AND PLANTING ONL Y, INCL UD ING PRECI SE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA . "AS BUILT" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: IN SPEC TOR DATE LJ CITY OF CARLSB AD SH EETS 5 PLANNING DIVIS ION 10 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: NS0028 -OMWD OPS CENTER Ol ivenh ain rood and Rancho Santa Fe Road 1966 OLIVENHAIN ROAD, CAR LSBAD , 92009 /~~\ APPROVED: 4--E:.-l\ -o 11 ,:;,, \. 1--\- PLANNING OWN BY: PROJEC T NO. DRAWING NO. CHK D BY: MCUP 13-05 4B0 -7L RVWD BY: Maximum Applied Water Allowance A h11dsc:.1pe pr.oject s•Jbje1;t to the W:lkt F,ffir;lcnt Li . .Hd:-;,;:ape Ord11w.nc~ t.kdl ictdudc rhc MI\W1\ fo.c the plans, including ihc: DLlculaLion.s used to tk:lcrmiuc Ll1c MI\WA. I\ 1:.mdscapc project shall noL l.'..xce1o<l tht: MAWA 'Ilt(.c; t-.tA WA for a Wldsai.pc p.roject r;ha.11 be dctcrtuiued Ly the following tXJllallop; MAWA = (ETo)(0.62li(O:t ><LA)+ (0.3 x SL.AIJ 'l 'hi: abb,wiaJions 11sed in the tqualifJ!I haPe the fallowin,~ ml!a1Ji11x1: MAW.A. tvb.xirnum Applied Waler Allowance iu gallons per ye:J.L ETv EvapolL-inspi.cation ill iw.:Le!:i pt:t p.-.u. 0.&2 Conversion factor tr• f,allo11:: per :i<JLla.t"C fuot. 0,7 ET ,nlju5lmi:nl factor (E'l'A.l•) for pfo.nt factors and irrieation efficiency. LA {,:l.tldsc.&petl :u,;:-,1. includes sp-:;cial. .b.Hdscapcd :.m:.a ln :s<.jll:i.tC feet. O.J 'lhc .~w.lition:i.l F:l' ·..t<lju.-;tnv:nt focltJ.r for-a :;pcci:~l bmbcapc<l -a[e:t ('LO-0.7 = 0.3) ~ Special la.nd:m,ptd :1rea in sciuare fret. Shnw Calcllilltiun: MAWA = (4 7)(.62)[(.7 x 5,300) + (.3 x 5,300)] = 29.14 X (3,710 + 1,590) = 29.14 X 5,300 = 154,442 Ma...,imum A1lplied Water Allnw:;J.Jl(:~ = ___ 1'-5'-4~•~4'-4~2~---e•Jk.,1..L!:i per year 2014 A,.-J'IENDIX E, WELO W01tK51HEETS Hydro.tone Tabte f01t Calculating ETWU Plca-:;e compi<::Le the hydr<)ZOne talik(:;). U:c.e w.; rn.:my Utlilt:; a;; llt'l'.~::;ary. Cl'l'Y OF CARLSBAD ESTIMATED TOTAL WA'fER US_[q~·WUl__. __ _ --~-[[)'dunm.!C Nwulx:.r (L -5 •.vith ~LA Zone Udo~-;-me :.I.'.; many ral..,[c:;. r.:.i ucc~;.,1 · Lu ,;;um \.,t,;; all h •1ho:::oru.~;} P1oc,::;:, Step ' :I 4 5 l.~O. Ddov.; 47.0 WELO Worksheets Water !Efficient Landscape Worksheet 'l11is worksheet. i:;. fi\lcd mil liy the profe.LL ;1p_plic1.11.t itnd it. h; :1 n•,t.j_nitcd dl'.rncnl of the I .ambcapc Uocuwcntatiou Package. HYOR02:'0NE U~f'ORNUlTJON T~B'---1;: Please complete th1: hydw:tr.rnc rnble(s) for e-.-tdJ hydro·wne. Use as many tabks ~s nect:ss,:uy to provit..lt:: tin: :;qu;u:e footage of lam1;c:i.pc are.t per hy<lru'.1:ouc. Conltullt:t Hydto:wuc* Zotlc lrtig-.1.t..iou .Pl:ml Hy<ltu:t.on~ ¾ ofTot.-11 --- • --- EXISTING PROPERTY_LI_N_E_n '-- EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY , EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY i -----\ \ \ \ OF WAY) ------------.. \ /EXISTING RIGHT~ ,-- WAY: ---- \_ \ \ . \ , ' ' ~ / I .. ,_ • • I I ' • • • • ,. -. ,.- .- • • E\~1.polsa11spir,Lti~1,L lute (ETo ~ Couvcrsi<Jlt Fm:tor {Skp I x Sti:p 2) l'ku1t FacWt \i,t'Y' (F.i;uJJ\ WUC.:OLS} (VLW-f--iW) 0.1 .o.a 2 J # 0.(i?. -- 29.1 4 or Method~ Va.Ive T/v--r· ,u "'" r IIA1 r Tnu:/ Factut~ Area Q'l_2 j~ l't.l ---q '"O ·, Kb " ') f.' -" ',) J ,1( Lund:,,.;a_peli Arca ~~ % 1r,%___ __ j ___ ----···---I ; --"----LJ__J_L_ll_]j:_:=tt ~lJ_J_L_ll_JJ::ll~lJ_Jtl=ll=JJ==ll=lJ=J=L=ll=JJ~_Ll_lJ=Jc:__:;Ll---· . ------·-. _ ... ---·····-•·-· --------·---~-.... ___ ·-------·" ----------- 5 /Ulv.; of Hydtozou(: (ilf. ft.) H,\ ___ ,. (Step ·I;,; .Swp 5) 6 ------------------1-----1----+----I---I---I--- hrig:irion O:fficicnc:y {IE) H • 7 ·····--.. _ ·-----·•""' (fot:U 1\il Step 8 + 'fotal Si.A St . ft. in Ste 1 (Step 'J .,: Step~) Ustii.rl::.l.!.ct! Toti! Watn lfoe in g,tllom pct yeu (E'l\'1/U) -Total ~h.,U ,,ul \:ll..:c"J.J\lAWA l.!.T<J';:. W,·,u ofl-5 !: 40.0 w H.1¥t'-lfl"-S ;uid W<:"stuf HI C,Hninu kc-al= 14.0 5.,~r off};/ {.jm,iwlt(..':J = 17.D Applii:a.n.t m.q prorri'dr: :1 diffe,cat £-To if ~·,1p.f>'l,Efc:,J /,y J,x·un,c,wuiou 1.uhje.:c to ~ppmv-,./ hy the l.'itr Pl-nninJt Uiv,·,ir:m u Pl,mt F,;,.ctai-& n'1aci-UF;c 0,1 ::::: VLW -V~.ry [.Qw W..-tu Ult! .P!.uJts 0.3 = L W -f..ow W:1te.c Use P/;.1.at1,; tL'i = MW-Madct><U: Wi,'t.::r U~c Phmt.'i 11.8 = f.lW -Il~t:h lf",;,.ter Cl~cPl;w!s 154,442 1'-#JH ldicru••:iPf.il.J':::: .80 Spr.i.y= .5.'i Rr,ttir =-.7fJ Bubbl~r :,: . 7.7 DujJ-';:".80 1lJ1t•lir:"nt "'"J' pmvidc " different I J;.' ir -~npporrcd hy do1_·um<:ul.udo11 subfcct W .1ppwv;,1/ by tlu: Ci'ty Pl.l.nllii,g Vivi.i;iori (I ucf i,UJJ L.m1lar::.1pc ~1.iun Jksl Mvi.wt!.ment Practices, April 2005) Lar1dscape 1-\.rch itect Staterr1ent: •---···--·-·-····. Tutu.I * I lydrozcmc YL~F'-V~· Law IY.:1U'.t U:it: Phm~ L W-I.ow W11~r u~c Plan~ MW-Mod,:nuc W:.u.:r U,c Pbmt.¥ JJW -High Watr::.r U,;t!. Pla11.r. l aei fal'llllo.r with the r·equireeien ts For lo.ndsco.pe crnci lr-rlgo.·tlon plo.ns con to.ineci in -the city of Co.r·lsbo.cl's lo.nclsco.pe eio.nuo.l o.ncl wo.-te r· efficient lo.ndsco.pe r-egulo.tlons. I ho.ve prep o.r ed this plun In cor1pliunce with those regulutions o.nd the lo.ndsco..pe rw.nuul o.nci o.gree to c oP1ply wlth o.l l requirerrients within subMittlng construction docurien-ts. J cer-tify -tho.-t the plo.n lriplerients those r egulo.tions to provide efficient use ocwut r. ~ _________ -I, -----l1-=--------- Gur·y Cho.ph~n RLA tt4679 ' I -- r·· ·-------····--·----··· ·-·--·- ··-····· ·--· ...... ---·-··--·------· #{trig,ftiuu Mt:th.od MS=-Mir.:w-$pc.Jy S--= Spr~y fl= Rotor lJ= JJubbk.r lJ~ Ddp 0 = Ot/11.~,- --·----- i:; -.II 11 I 100"/4 ,U:l<Pfa.r,t .f;fctur £cum iT'UCOLS ill uc fi:st ;u wuccc fi..wtun: us :~pprupri.·ui: HYDROZONE KEY Symbol 1: Hydrozone 1 ' 111111111111111 II II ! Hydrozone 2 ! ' ' Hydrozone 3 ' ----------... :.. Square Footage 650 s.f. 4,430 s.f. 220 s.f. lrrlfhtlon Me od Deep Root Tree Watering System Deep Root Tree Watering System/ Pop-Up Rotors Trickle Bubbler Water Use Moderate Moderate Low • :· f ;l ~~'-<-' . .-'.r.u.:.::;::.::::u:L . ...uJ:k.JLlJ,.,;;;11,_i,::,, --\,·· .,, .. , · ~w1, t:r.·s· .'.'..U.;L::1.i•:2~:~~"'''~!h•·-2~:l!.'.;fil".!1,,.1 ·-.. •II' ?· ; ,-f::,,;:,QU,~~-,.:._,,;t, I~,::•.,:~•.:; .O::!L(.'..,,:;0.,,:~,.!:.' 1.1MJ1•'.•CJ vVA rr .E.R CONSERVArfION - IJAT 1 ER CONSERVATl □N Drought ·tolero.nt SHALL BE ADDRESS IN THE plo.n·ts shull be usecl to DESCf~IP rf ION F□LL □IJING STEPS• o.icl in wo.-ter conservo. tlon. 2 Soils to be ·tested in deter'ei inlng uppr·opr-lo.te soil O.(')enciMent MIX, '.l. o.nd 4. low - 5. Mulc h sho.ll be use d In slopes less tho.n 4•1 o.nci s hC\ll o.ici in wo.ter o.bs orptlon N cs DG CS Design Group, Inc. 6. 7. 8. 9, 10, 11. 12. 6965 El Camino Real Suite 105-482 Carlsbad, CA 92009 ( P) 760-272-5742 ( F) 760-454-3097 to IMprove WC\ ter-holcllng co.po.city. Selected plo.nts a.re to be o.ccllriented to the o.reo. o.ncl proven to be wo.ter use "'" ter-lo.l, Plo.nt grouping to Minlf"1!ze over a.nd/or uncier-wo.terlng of zones. Tw·F not to be used ·thr·oughou·t pr·ojec·t oreo., Trees to rece ive deep-root watering, Ir-rlgo.t ion controller to be set for eo.r-ly rmrning or evening wu i;ering, Irrlgu-t lon contr·oller· -to be seo.sono.lly o.djustecl. Ro.In sensor to be u t ilized p reventing unnecessary wo. tering dur-ing ruin duys. Mulch to b e replo.c ed seo.sono.lly to ensure continued wo.ter o.bsorptlon. Irr Igo. tlon systel"'I to be regul o.r-ly Inspected and rio.lnto.lne cl. SCALE: WATER CONSERVATION PLAI\J I".. I I 1/8"=1 ' 0 4' 8' \)J\DSCAp<' DEVEL OPER S NAME: A T & T 1) Cha,,,,, -1,j>C' .f:! ... 0 1, AD DRESS: 5 7 38 PACI FIC CEN TER BOULEVARD ~~~ SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 921 21 TELEPH ON E: J'_,... %.,. 4t ~"" DATE PLAN PREPARED: 8/15/2013 'or c~1.11 Expiration Dote:.M.Q.y.....2Q.1.S BY: Gort Cha~rnan, ASLA M4679 DATE DESIGNER SOIL AMENDMENT SCHEDULE GENERAL SITE PREPARATION (RATE PER lOOOS.F,) BASED ON RE QUIREMENT FDR ADJACEN T IJORK REMOVE ALL CONSTRUCTION TRASH AND EXISTING Gf,AVEL, TOP DRESS ALI NEIJ AND DISTUR BE D AREAS IJITH 3' BARK - MULCH AFTER PLANTING. GENERAL PLANT PIT BACKFILL (PER CUBIC YARD) 2/3 CUBIC YARD SITE TOP SOIL 1/3 CUBIC YARD KELLOGG GROIJMULCH 1 POUNDS TRI-C ENDO 120 6 POUNDS TPI-C HUMATE PLUS GR □-PD\./ER SL □\./ RELEASE TABLETS PER DETAIL j(__j 5G 15G 24' 36' 7 GRAM 12-8-8 3 6 12 15 18 TAB LETS 21 Gf,AM 20-10-5 1 2 4 5 6 TABLETS RESTORED SLOPE SURFACE TRI-C HUMATE PLU S -5 tt PER 100 S.F. TRI-C ENDO 120 -111 PER 100 S.F. AP PL Y REINFORED SH,AIJ BLANKET INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OF WORK REVISIO~I DE SC RI PTION OTHER APPROVA L CITY APPROVAL APPROVED FOR /RR/GA TION ANO PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PREC'/SE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BU I LT" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF' CARLSBAD LJQJ 6 PLANNING DIVISION 0 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR NS0028 -OMWD OPS CE:NTER Olivenh ain rood and Rancho Santa Fe Rood 1966 OLIVENHAIN ROAD, CARLSBAD, 92009 ,~~\ APPROVED: ~l~-o 11" C+-,.:;-1.1--1- PLANNING DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CH KD BY: MCUP 1:J-05 480-71 RVWD BY: CUR_ SCHEDULE SOIL AMENDMENT PER l000S.F.) □N (RATE PREPARATIR ADJACENT V□RK ENERAL SITE REQUIREMENr F□ EXISTING GRAVEL. G ""' °' "' "' NSTRUCT I □N TRASH D AREAS I✓ ITH 3• B RE MOVE ALL CD D U!STURBE ' ALL NEV AN YARD) TOP DRESS PLANTING. R CUBIC MULCH AFTER BACKFILL (PE LANT PIT GENERAL p '!TE TOP S □IL C YARD S , 'MULCH 2/3 CUB! ELLDGG GR □w C YARD K 1/3 CUB! . I C END □ 120 1 POUNDS rR -HUMATE PLUS Tr,;J-C 6 POUNDS RELEASE PD \ 'ER SLD'v/ 5G 15G 24' GR □-w lG 15 PER DETAIL TABLETS 7 GRAM -12 8-8 M 20-10-5 21 GRA 3 62 1! 5 1 SL OPE SURFACE RESTORED us -511 PER 100 S.F. TRI-C HUMATE_ PL_ 1# PEP 100 S.F. TRI-C END□ 120 STRAI✓ BLANKET REINF □RED APPLY 36' 18 TABLETS 6 TABLETS REFER TO FOR PLANTING F WAY RIGHT o_ EXISTING cs DG CS Design Group, Inc. ~ 6965 El Camino Real Suite 105-6~292009 Carlsbad, 2 57 42 ) 760-27 -i ~ 760-454-3097 PLAI\ITI NG ~1.,'f-. s'\'\ s\v PROPERTY_LINE EXISTl~G - PLAIN SCALE: 1/8"=1' CURB -- ~ 0 ::::: ::::::: ---- OF WAY_ IGH -E iSTIN£ R -- --- I I I I I I I --;-::;~V---===~--~'lllNT ,, I:< 1 KEY COUNT ·1 MATERIAL "" 1: COMMON NAME Torrey Pine 48" Box 3 Torrey Pine BO" Box 3 ·deroxylon 0 Eucalyptus s, Red Iron Burk 15 Gal 17 0 PRU ILi PROPOSED SHRUB Prunus ilicifolia PROPOSED VINE Hollyleaf Cherry 15 Gal 21 •i1 Creeping fig 1 Gal 12 l-\, I \ Ii: 4,430 s. f ·1: F·,cus pcm"" , -•-oco,rn '"" "" 1:. ceoecsrn rnrnrn rn "'°'" '"""' "°''" co,rnrn. s . ,. ccrn, "' IB"~;,:;: """ ""°';'.;:,~~: ern,r • ,· o.c I l7777Ji 2 APPLY NOR rH A BACCHARIS PILULARIA !,! ~~--,.J . FLATS OF • ope ARE C o f "' ' '"" ' ''"'°'"' sc c °'"" @ rn· ,. . c.s "· . ; ' '-'-I th = =~ ( re er .. . ..... , .. ,··== ~ , Groundcover . . · .. , .,~,•.;..·,,:.:!iti£Ei-l,~:i,!)'l·''"··--~ 0 , Bark Mulcn :'.:=::·:::··====·=··=·'"I-J;:.;;;=''•'=li.l::=;,;,:J=:.'."'=''"'"~- 1A='·\,.=,·"··=··· ==~==t== ····=J at a 3" dep ... , .. ,, .... ,,,,.,,:=,c"~"'==•"~·'~~-"=''~==·=======t===t== , ,,:;,.: .. ,.ccu,,, ,,ifrn'cifc•.oJC0ct,.•·oo,11 ''''''""·""·""'•'''·' • ....... ---,-_.(__ __ ---------- ---------- ◊ --::~---_ -----_ . .,-· ---/ -- APPROV[O ~z:NTING /RR/GA TION A~~G PR[C'/S[ ONLY, INCLUgF PLANTING LOCATION AR[A. "As BU IL T" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE . Fl CARLSBAD ~ CITY PL?N~ING DIVISION ~ MSroR ~ L1.QJ LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTW: PLO OPS CE~JER Soo2B -OM · Santa Fe R N ' . ad and Ranch_o LSBAD, 92009 Olivennrnn r~HAIN ROAD, CAR I 1966 OLIVE -(· I. ½-1-'-f I APPROVED: f't:j._ ( 4 t:::_\\-:tAf DATE INITIAL REVISIO~I DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DRAWING NO. PLANNING PROJECT NO. 480-71 OWN BY: _ MCUP 13-05 INITIAL CHKD BY: DATE RVWD BY: DESIGNER OF WORK OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPfWVAL fL-fV ArlOf\1 1'10-ff: f-lO!E: P.~OVlt:if :," MU!..CH L-A'!f:R !?fl-OW f Hf fRE:l:5 ro COVE'R /\L.L- l:XP05f'D 501!... ;:," DffP BA5IN 5HRUB ,___ __ /\Rf-AS ONl Y PL-Ml I S uAL. fRf t:; . 2" t?IAMfll':R Plf\Jf L-Ot7uc:POL-f 5fAKf. 5ff PfRPt::Nt7ICUL.AR -ro PRfVAIL.lf\lu \Nlf\117 RUBBfR -rwI5-r-nE:5 K/\.IOr ANl:7 AffACH -ro 5fAKf IN/ ROOfli'--lu fACK. 0 fRff ROOrBAL-L-, 1\1011:: l 017C1fPOlf 5fAKf RUB BER f\/l/15r nes VVRAPPfi? IN A flC1URI:: "B" AROUND TRU1'1K 5" t?E:f P IPA5I1\I VV / IPARK MULCH C 5" t?f P'fH) li'--1 SHRUIP ARfA5 Of\lL. Y, f lf\115H uR!'vr:. PRf PARE:t? IPACKflL-L., ( "'r) 21 uPAM PL.AN-r fABL.t::5 PfR IS uAL.L.Of\l fRE:f, l/\.lt7ICArf5 fX15'r1Nu 5L.0Pf. fRE'l:5 Pl-MIIED WlfHli\J '>' Of PAVlf-!Ci 5HJ\l-l-J;if IN5f/\L.l-ft:i WlfH l-lNfAl-fYPE ROOf ciARRIER5 l-OCAfl:9 A9JACl:1'1f ro 11-ll: PAVINw 5l-RfACf. 51':f CROW/\.1 Of ROOrBAL-L-I'' ABOVE; uRAOf , @ 5L-OPt:: ro i;,t:; uRADt::17 -ro A MAXIMUM Of I: I SL.OPE:, fRrr 5fAKINu ON 5l0Pr E: RO SI 0/\.1 CO /\.lfROL. f AIPRIC 5H/l-L. BE: IN5f AL.L.l::t? Oi'--1 f H/5 5L.OPE' fO CONTROL. E'R05I0f\1 1/VHIL.f PL.ANfS E:5fABL.I5H, NJ.5. l\/1/ICf ROO-rBAL-L- DIA. ® © 0 (D 0 0 0 ® © (D ® 5f·r CROWi\! I '' A!?O\/f flNl5H C1PA17f . 2" DE:l::P BASIN \/1~,H BARK MUL-CH (')'I DJ:; PfH) OR l::OUAL-. PINl5H C1PAl7c. AMf/\lt7c D !?ACKf lL-L-. 5f:r ROO-rBAL-L-0/\1 U/\IDl5fURBft7 SOIL-. 21 C1RAM PL-AN-r fAl7L-f-r5, I1'1DICAff5 5-0PE:. s,_ort: ro Be aRADE:D -ro A MAXIMUM OP I I 5i-OP1:, E:1<05I0/\1 CONTROL-FABRIC 5HAL-L-Bf l/\l5fAL-L-fD 01'1 lHIS 5-0PE' fO CO/\lfROL- l::R05I0 /\I 'NrllLX PL-A/\lf5 E:SfABL-I51-1. ~ SHRUB PLANflNu ON SLOPr ~~~NJ-5.---------------- · .. )_..,,/'.:;\ .. ,:,, t---+-f-2" -5" (5cm-12.5cin) ~~ © ...........,,._.,~,c----, J:::-'" ~/ ,:.5crn 1. PREPARE SOIL BEFORE INSTALLING RO LLED EROSION CONTROL PRODUCTS (R ECP's), INCLUDING ANY NECESSARY APPLICATION OF LIME, FEffflLIZER, AND SEED. NOTE: WHEN USING CELL-0-SEED DO NOT SEED PREPARED Ar!EA CELL-0 -SEED MUST BE INSTALLED WITH PAPEf< SIDE DOWN. 2. BEGIN AT THE TOP OF THE SLOPE BY ANCHORING THE RECP's IN A 6" (15 CM) DE EP X 6" (15 CM) WIDE TREN CH WITH APPROX IMATELY 12" (30cm) OF f!ECP's EXTE,IDEO BEYOND THE UP-SLOPE PORTION OF THE TREN CH . ANCHOR THE RECP's WITH A ROW OF STAP LES/STAKES APPROXIMATELY 12" (30 CM) APArff 1,1 THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH . BACK FILL AND COfAPACT THE TRENCH AFTEF< STAPLING. APPLY SEED TO cmAPACTED SOIL AND FOLD REMAINING 12" (30 CM) PORTION OF REC P's BACK OVER SEED AND COMPACTED SOIL. SECURE RECP's OVER COMPACTED SOIL WITH A ROW OF STAPLES/STAKES SPACED APPROXIMATELY 12" (30 CM) APART ACROSS THE WIDTH OF THE RECP 's. 3. ROLL THE RECP 's (A .) DOWN OR (B.) HORIZONTALLY ACROSS THE SLOPE. RECP's WILL UNROLL WITH APPR OPRIATE SIDE AGAINST THE SOI L SURFACE ALL RECP's MUST BE SECURELY FASTENED TO SOIL SURFACE BY PLACING STAPLES/STAKES IN APPROPRIATE LOCATIO,IS AS SHOWN IN THE STAPLE PATTERN GUIDE. WHEN USING THE DOT SYSTEM , STAPLES/STAKES SHOULD BE PLACED THROUGH EACH OF THE COLORED DOTS CORRESPONDING TO THE APPROPRIATE STAPLE PATTERN. 4. THE EDGES OF PARALLEL RECP's MU ST BE STAPLED WITH APPROXlfAATELY 2" -5" (5 CM -12.5 CM) OVERLAP DEPENDING ON RECP's TYPE. 5. CONSECUTIVE F!ECP's SPLICED DOWN THE SLOPE MUST BE PLACED END OVER END (SHINGLE STYLE) WITH AN APPROXIMATE 3" (7.5 CM) OVERLAP. STAPLE TH ROUGH OVERLAPPED AREA, APPROXIMATELY 12" (30 CM) APART ACROSS ENTIRE RECP's WIDTH. NOTE: 'IN LOOSE SOIL CONDITIONS, THE USE OF STAPLE OR STAK E LENGTHS GREATER THAN 6" ( 15 CM) MAY BE NECESSARY TO E:L-E:\/ ArlOf\l NOIE NJ,5. fRff5 PL-MIIED WI1l-llN '>' Of PAVNCi 5HAL-L-J;i!" IN5f/\L.L-l:D WITH L-Nl:AL-fYPf ROOr ciA~Rll:R5 l-OCA1fl7 ADJACEf-J·r ro TH[; PAVlf-lCi 5l-RfACl:. ,WICE: ROO-f!?AL-L- DIA. PL.AN 0 ;:,'' t7E:E:P !?ASII\I SHRUB AREAS 01\IL-Y RE:fE'R -ro L-E:urf\11? fOR ® COf\lfAlf\lfR SIZE:, 4" t?E:f:P IPASll\I1/V/ BARK MULCH ( 5" t7f:Pfrl) lf\1 SHRUB ARE:A5 Of\lL. Y. 2' 1 t?IA/V\t::11:R Pli'--lf L.Ol?CiE:POL.f 5fAKE', St::-r PE'RPE'l\lt7ICUL-AR ro PRE'VAIL-lf\lu V\/lf\lt?, flNl5H CiRADE:, PRE:PARE:t? IPACKflL.L.. ( 4) 21 CiRAM PL.Mlf fAIPL.E'5 PfR IS CiAL-L.01\I TRE:f, RUIPBE:R f\Nl5f ·nr:5 Kf\lG-r Mlt? Ar-rACH -ro 5fAKE: IN/ ROOflNCi fACK. -rRE:f R0OrBAL.L.. TRUN K/ BARK CiUARI?, L.A\NI\I ARE:A5 ONL. Y. I\IOrc:: 51':-r CR0\/1/f\l Of R0OrBAL-L. I'' AIP0\/1:: CiRADI:: , f\10-rf: • R0Or IPARRIE:R Rf:OUIRE:t7 fOR AL.L. fRE:f: 5 PL-Mlft:t? VVlfHlf\1 S' -0" Of AL.L. PA\/I1\ICi, s rRUCrlURl::5, PfRIME:11:R VVAL.L.5, t::-rc. 5f:-r CROWr\l I '' ABOVE' fll\11 5H C1RADf. 2" t7fl::P BASIN WITH BARK MUL-CH C ".,'' 171':PfH) OR E:OLIAL-. FINI SH C1PA17f, AMff\lt7E:!7 BACKflL-L-. Sf-r ROO-rBAL-L-01'1 U/\lt7I5f UR17E:t7 SOIL-. 2 1 C1RAA/\ PL-Ml-r -rABL-E:f5, NO-ff• I. 5CARIPY 51DE:5 Of PL-A/\lfll\la Plf, 2, ON SL-OPl::5, PROVIDE: 5ALICl::R RIM 01'1 DOWr\lHIL-L- 5I!7E:5, 40" 5fAf\lt7ARI? 51\IOVV fff\lCI:: L-OC/,TE:t? Af fRE:I:: CL-fARII\ICi l--IM lf5: 0Llf5I17E: Of t?RIPL.INf 5TE:E'L. OR 1N00t7 P05T5 @ 6' O.C, MAX. 5PAClf\lCi 1/1/ITHOUr \A/IRE: 5UPPORr 5f MID ARD ORAl\luf: COf\15rRUCflOI\I fl::f\lCf fL.f:VATIOi'--1 f\lATl\/f uRADE: f\lOll':: AL-L. TRfl':5 -ro Bf 5A\/l::t7 5HAL.L. [;',f /\PP ROPRIArf:L. Y l?f:5ICil\1Arf:t7 lf\1 f lfL.t? M ID PROTE:Cft:t? VVITH A Tl':MPORARY "'r0" HluH 5fANl7ARt7 ORANuf CON5fRUCflON ff:I\ICE: t?URlf\lu PE:RIOl:7 Of COl'-l5fRUC110N, f\10 ME:CHMIICAL-f:XCA\/ A110f\l WILL. BE: AL-L.OVVE:t? \/\/11}1I1\I TH E: DRIP LINE: Of -rHE: TRE:f:'5, MIi? CON 5'rlUCTIOJ'..I 'rlMf V\/IL.L. Bf L.IMITE:I? -ro 0/\.IE: 5fA50f\l, APPL.ICMl-r WILL. lf\15URE: fUL.L. 5UPPL. Y Of AVAIL.ABLE: 1/\/Art::R Bf:fORf COl'-I5llRUCTIOI\I. © ~~t:: MARKING / PROlrCIION <.'...£.~.,/ PLAJ\lf -$- ROO-fft7 cu-r-rINas. 7 1 I flR BARK OR fQLIAL-' 6" -rlL-L-1:D SOIL-w1-rH AME:f\I!7ME:f\lr5, COMPACfft7 5UBaPAt71::. lRl/,J\!GUlAR 5PACl/\la, RE:f f:R -ro PL-AN-rlt--la PL-AN POR f'XAC-r L-OCAnOt--1. In SHRUB PLANflNa i~~-NJ-5-. ---------------- .,.,:1'.l.).,.,••" (£) ~~~N: .S~0~r R PLANIING '•i:J(.l,""'"V GEN ER AL SLOPE NOTES SLOPES Eil DR STEEPER REQUIRING EROS ! SPECIFIED HEREIN SHALL BE TR EATED WI ON CONTROL MEASURES AS TH □NE DR MORE OF THE FOLLOW ING STANDARDS, Cl, STANDA RD #1-C□VE R CRO P /REJNF□RC 'ED s·mAW MATTING• LLY MADE UP OF QUICK COVER CROP SHALL BE A SE ED MIX TYPICA GERMINATING AND FAST C□VEf,ING GRASSES SUBMIT SEED MIX FDR CITY APPROVAL PRID CROP SHALL BE APPLIED AT A RA TE AND M 901/. COVERAGE \./!THIN THIRTY (30) DAYS. - MATTING SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER. , CL □VEf", AND/DR \.I ILD FLOVERS. R TO APPLICATION. THE COV ER ANNER SUFFICIENT TD PROVIDE rYPE OF REINFORCING STRAV b. STANDARD #2-GRDUND COVEF, ONE HUN DRED (1001/.) PERCEN T OF THE AREA GROUND COVER KNO\.IN TO HAVE EXCELLENT (PLANTED FROM A MINIMUM SIZE OF FLATED PROVIDE FULL C□VEl,AGE \./!THIN □NE YEAR c. STANDARD II3-L□W SHRUBS AND STAKED TD THE SLOPE AS SHALL BE PLANTED \./ITH A BINDING CHARACTERIST !CS MATERIAL AND SPECED TD ). ROM A MINIMUM OF 2-3/4' I NCH LO\./ SPREADING \./DODY SHRUBS (PLANTED F LINERS) SHA LL COVER A MINIMUM OF SEVE NTY (70%) PERCENT OF TH E SLOPE FACE ( AT MATURE SIZE>. ci, STANDARD tt4 TREES AND/DR L ARGE TREES AND/OR LARGE SHRUBS SHALL-BE CP GALLON CONTAINERS) AT THE MINIMUM f!ATE SHRUBS LANTED FROM A MINIMUM OF l OF □NE (l) PER TV □ HUNDRED APPROVED FOR SLOPES 611 OR STEEPEr, AND: /RR/GA TION ANO PLANTING c,, 3' DR L ESS IN VERT !CAL HEI GHT AND AR E ADJACENT TD PUBLIC WALKS DR STREES REQUIRE AT MJNIMLIM STANDARD #1. ONLY, INCLUDIA/G PR ECI SE b. 3' TO 8' IN VERTICAL HEIGHT REQUIRE STANDARDS #1 (erosio n contro l matting sha ll be installed in lieu of a cover cro p), LOCATION OF PLANTING //2 AND //3. AREA . c. IN EXCE SS 8' IN VERTICAL HEIGHT REQUIR E STANDARDS //1 (erosion con trol m atting shall be ins talled in lieu of a cove r crop), "AS BUI LT" #2, #3, AND #4, ALL L ANDSCAPE SLOPE AREAS SHALL BE IRRIGATED. TITLE DATE AREAS GRADED FLATTER THAN 6•1 REQUIRE STANDARD REVIEWED BY: Ill (COVER cr,□P) 'J!TH TEMPORA RY IRRIGATl □N WH EN THEY HAVE □NE DR MORE OF THE F OLLOWING C □N DITl □NS: CL SHEET GRADED PADS NO T SCHEDULED FDR IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN " MONTHS □F COMPLETION OF ROUGH GRADING. INSPECTOR DATE b. A PRTENTIAL EROSION PROBLEM AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY. C. !DENT IFIED BY THE CITY AS HIGHLY VISIBLE AREAS TD THE PUBLIC DR HAVE SPECIAL CONDITIONS THAT ',/ARRANT I MM EDIATE TREATMENT, (200> SQUARE FEET. !LSHEsl CITY OF' CARLSBAD Lill SCALE PLANNING DIVISION 0 cs DG -------CS Design Group, Inc. 6965 El Camino Real Suite 105-482 Carlsbad, CA 92009 ( P) 760-272-57 42 ( F) 760-454-3097 PLANT II\IG NOTES v':\\OSCAp<' <..,<:J Cha""' -'l.p0 0 ,... ~ -5.: iS'-\ .~~ ~"jif!i~ J'/' 4 %~ -1,,or c,1.11()"' Expiration Date:.M.a.x ........ 2.Q15 AND DFTA ILS REFER TO DETAILS DEVELOPERS NAME: AT & T ADDRESS: 5738 PACIFIC CENTER BOULEVARD SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121 TELEPHONE: DATE PLAN PREP ARED: 8/15/2013 BY: Gort Chuernun, ASLA /1_4679 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: NS0028 ~ OMWD OPS CENTEf~ Olivenhain road and Rancho Santo Fe Road 1966 OUVENHAIN ROAD, CARLSBAD, 92009 I APPROVED: !~JI I &-t:-1~--=Jt c;....1.-..v PLANNING OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: RE VISION DE SCR IPTION MCUP 13-05 480-71 DESIGNER OF WORK OTHrn APPR OVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: PLANTING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY: Section includes providing planting complete, including maintenance through Final Acceptance and warranty replacement. 1.02 DEFINITIONS: Finish Grade Is top of soil surface after settling. 1.03 SUBMITTALS -Submit 5 copies to Owner's Representative. A. Product data: Submit complete materials list of Items to be provided under this Section, Including source, size and quantity. Include manufacturer's literature. B. Samples: 1/2 cubic foot of wood bark mulch. C. Test reports: Submit results of the following tests to the City of Carlsbad for approval. Test reports shall be test number specified, as provided by soil and plont Laboratory, or accepted equal. 1. Existing site soil: Provide Test A05 for agricultural sultablllty, fertlllty, particle size analysis; Including recommendations for soil ammendment and backfilling, and Fertlllzatlon during Maintenance Period. Number of samples to be as recommended by testing laboratory, minimum 4 samples. 2. Import soil: Submit test reports, to the City of Carlsbad, of representative sample prior to delivery and for every 100 yards delivered to the site. Test A05, for agricultural sultabllty, fertlllty, particle size analysis; Including recommendations for soil ammendments and fertilization during Maintenance Period. 3. All other fertlllzers and ammendments: For standard products, submit manufacturer's analysis to the City of Carlsbad. For all other products, submit analysis by testing laboratory. 4. Submit test results for site soil, import soil and organic ammendment together, as a package to the City of Carlsbad. D. Herbicides: Submit Manufacturer's analysis. Schedule for application of herbicides shall be accepted by Owner's Representative. E. Record Drawings: Prepare record plans indicating plant type, quantity, size and location. Submit to Owner's Representative within 10 working days of start of Maintenance Period. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Testing laboratory: Recognized laboratory for soil and plant disease analysis for ornamental horticulture, approved by Owner's Representative. Acceptable laboratory: Soll and Plant Laboratory, Santa Clara, CA ( 408) 727-0330, Attn: Greg Kitagawa. B. Reference Standards: Comply with applicable provisions of the following: 1. Nomenclature: 'Western Gorden Book', 1988 edition or later; Sunset Publishing Co., Menlo Pork, CA. 2. Plant material standards: 'American Standard for Nursery Stock', 1990 edition; American Association of Nurseymen. 3. Staking and guying procedures: 'Staking Landscape Trees', University of California Extension, Publication #2576. 4. Pnunlng procedures: 'Tree Pruning Guidelines', 1995 edition; International Society of Arborlculture, Savoy, IL. 5. California Department of Transportation (Col Trans), Standard Specifications, 1992 Edition. Where referenced therein. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Fertlllzers, ammendments and other materials: Store protected from damage. Protect site surfaces. B. Plants: Maintain plant material In healthy growing condition at all times. Protect plants from sun and drying winds. Plants that cannot be planted Immediately upon delivery shall be kept In the shade, watered and protected. Owner's Representative reserves the right to reject plants which decline in quality after delivery to site. 1.06 WARRANTY A. Provide 18 month guarantee for planting work, on Contractor's letterhead: 1. Plant material: Warrant that all plant material under this contract will be vigorous, healthy, free from dead or dying branches and branch tips, bearing foliage of normal density and color, and wlll otherwise comply with these Specifications for a period of 18 months from date of Substantial Completion. 2. Replacements: Without cost to Owner, In a timely manner and as directed by the Owner's Representative, will replace all plants not meeting the requirements above during and at the end of the Warranty Period. Replace plants which ore Identified, within 3 years, as not being true to name as specified, with the specified plant. Replacements shall closely match adjacent specimens of the same species ln size at the time of replacement, and shall comply with oil requirements of this specification. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 PLANTS A. General: Plants shall be nursery grown In accordance with good horticultural practices under climatic conditions similar to those of pro Ject for at least one year unless otherwise accepted by Owner's Representative. Do not pnune plants before delivery. B. Plants shall be compact and symetrlcal; sound, healthy and vigorous, well branched and densely foliated when In leaf; free of disease, Insect pests, eggs or larvae, and free from physical damage or adverse conditions that would prevent thriving growth. Plants shall be labeled at the supplying nursery with genus, species and variety. C. Rootball: 1. Do not supply bare root ball or burlap stock unless accepted by Owner's Sizes: As shown on Drawings. Representative. 2. 3. 4. which delivered Root systems shall be healthy and free from twisting or girdling. Containers: All plant material shall have been grown In the containers In for at least six months, but not over two years. 2.12 SOIL A. General: Soil In all planting areas shall be free of rocks over one Inch In diameter, sub -soil, refuse, plants or roots, clods, weed, viable weed seeds, sticks, solvents, petroleum products, concrete.base rock or other harmful substances. B. Imported topsoil: Form 430-C as determined 1. Physical properties: USDA sandy loam. Particle Size Range Coarse sand .5-2.0mm Slit plus clay Slit 0.002-0.05mm Clay 0-0.002mm Gravel 2-13mm Rock 1 /2-<1 inch Organic matter 2. Chemistry: Salinity: less than 3.0 mmhos Sodium absorption: less than 6.0 Boron: Less than 1.0 ppm pH of saturated paste: 5.5 -7.5 by Testing Laboratory. Percent 0-157. 25-507. 10-30% 10-25% 0-157. 0-1 O?. by volume 0-157. 3. Qualitative lime level shall be low In opinion of Testing Laboratory. 4. Fertlllty characteristics shall be modified by the Incorporation of conventional fertlllzers to provide fertlllty levels to sustain normal growth. 2.03 SOIL AMMENDMENTS A. Wood residual soil ammendment: Nitrogen and Iron stabilized redwood, fir or cedar sawdust, 0 x 1/4 Inch, Form 404-A-SC. 1. Particle Size (Dry Weight Basis): Sieve Size Percent Passing 9.51 mm (3/8 Inch) 6.35 mm (1/4 Inch) 4.76 mm (No.4) 2.38 mm (No.8,B mesh) 1.00 mm (No.18) 500 micron (No.35, 32 mesh) 2. Nitrogen: Minimum 0.4% nitrogen based on dry weight. 3. Salinity: Maximum saturation extract conductivity 4.0 mllllmhos 25 degrees centigrade. 4. Iron: Minimum 0.087. dilute acid soluble Fe based on dry weight 5. Organic matter: 220 pounds per cubic yard. 2.04 FERTILIZER 100 95-100 80-100 50-80 20-70 0-30 per cm at A. Fertilizer tablets: 7 gram tablets In the nutrient formulation 12-8-B plus 1 percent sulfonated monodlmethyl napthalene as wildlife repellent; Gro-Power 12-B-B ADS Tablets, Gro-Power, Inc., Chino, CA, or accepted equal. B. Commercial Grade Fertilizer: 1. Complete fertlllzer: Homogenous pellet, containlg major nutrients specified plus Iron, sulfur and zinc. Best's Fertlllzer, J. R. Simplot Co., Lathrop CA or accepted equal . 2. Wlldllfe repellent fertlllzer: Homogenous granule In the nutrient formulation 14-14-14 plus Iron, sulfur and zinc; plus 1 percent sulfonated monodlmethyl napthalene as wlldllfe repellent. Gro-Power ADS Granular, Gro-power Inc., Chino, CA or accepted equal. C. Potassium sulfate: 0-0-52; manufactured for horticultural use. D. Iron sulfate: Ferric sulfate, containing minimum 207. iron expressed as elemental.Cayt1on: Iron sulfate will stain concrete, granite, stucco and tile surfaces. Avoid contact between site surfaces and soil surfaces and soil containing Iron sulfate. After Iron sulfate application, broom or air blow surfaces free of material before any water application, Including Impending rains. E. Soll sulfur: manufactured for horticultural use. F. Agricultural gypsum: manufactured for horticultural use. 2.05 OTHER MATERIALS A. General: All materials supplied shall be free of harmful substances. B. Wood bark mulch: Fir, cedar or redwood bark. 'Walk-on' bark mulch; American Soll Products, San Rafael, CA, or accepted equal. 'Gorrllla hair' mulch Is not acceptable. C. Staking materials: 1. Wooden stakes: Lodge pole pine, 10-foot length, 3-lnch diameter, with 10-inch tapered driving point and chamfered top; treated with wood preservative to heartwood; green color; as available from C and E Lumber Co., Pomona, CA; California Cascade, San Jose, CA; or accepted equal. 2. Tles: Black plastic 'Standard Tree Tles', World Tree Tles, Cupertino, CA; Black nubber 'Gro-Strait', Gro-Stralt, walnut Creek,CA; or equal. Provide ties without wires. Length of tie as required to adequately support tree while secured directly to stakes with 1 1 ;2• roofing nails. D. Water: Potable. E. Herbicide: California State licensed Pest Control Operator shall Identify weeds and propose product, method and rate of application for review and approval by owner. Provide manufacturer's literature. F. Antl-desslcant: Furnish evidence that material can be used safely on plant materials specified. G. Tree Root Barriers: Polypropylene, 0.08 Inch minimum thickness, ribbed Interlocking panels. 24 Inch Universal Barriers (UB24-2) as manufactured by Deep Root Corpratlon., Westminster, CA or accepted equal. H. Erosion control fabric: Heavy jJte mesh, uniform plain weave, treated to be fire retardant; Santa Fe Bag Co .. Los Angeles CA or accepted equal. 1. Staples: #11 guage steel wire, 'U' shape, with 9• legs and 1 Inch crown. PART 3 3.01 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Progress observations: In addition to Installation observations specified below, periodic progress observations may be made by the Owner's Representative. B. Installation Observations: Request at least 3 days In advance: 1. Observation of finish grading. 2. Observation of plant material upon delivery to site. 3. Observation of layout and plant material at time of planting. C. Maintenance Observations: For the purpose of establishing the start of Maintenance period and observing completrlon of Work of this section through Flnal Acceptance. Request at least 7 days In advance: 1. Observation for Maintenance commencement. 2. Observation for Final Acceptance. 3.02 ORDERING, REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE OF PLANT MATERIAL A. Ordering: 90 days before the start of planting work, submit written cert to Owner's Representative of the quantity, species, and source of plant material or Owner's Representative reserves the right to review plant material before shipment. lflcatlon dered. ery. B. Owner's Representative wlll review plant material at project site upon deliv Arrange material so that canopies or branch tips are not touching. Do not Install m aterlal which has not been reviewed and accepted by the Owner's Representative. C. Arrange and pay for permits and inspections required for delivery of plant material. 3.03 SOIL AMMENDMENTS A. Rototll planting areas to 6 Inch depth before spreading ammendments. Loosen soil and Incorporate ammendments by hand within drlpllne of existing trees. B. Spread evenly and thoroughly rototll to 6 Inch depth the following ammendments per 1,000 square feet: 6 cubic yards 25 pounds 5 pounds 10 pounds Wood residual soil ammendment 6-20-20 commercial fertilizer Potassium sulfate Soll suffer as specified. C. A bulletin may be issued upon reciept of test results If change in ammendment program Is recommended by testing laboratory. 3.04 FINISH GRADING A. Provide positive surface drainage of all planted areas. Notify Owner's Representative of obstructions, discrepancies or other conditions which prevent positive surface drainage before preceding with work. B. After ammendment and settlement of soil, grade planting areas to required finish grades. Surfaces shall be smooth and free of depressions or abrupt transitions. Owner's Representative reserves the right to make minor adjJstments In finish grades as work progresses. C. Finish grades after settling shall be 1-1 /2• below adjacent walls and walks, unless otherwise shown. Owner's Representative wlll review finish grades before planting begins. 3.05 HANDLING OF PLANTS A. General: Prevent damage to plant material. Lift and handle plants only from bottom of rootball. B. Access: Inspect project site and become familiar with the accessing requirements and restrictions. At time of submitting bid, provide written notice of any conditions which would prevent Installation of the specified plant material. 3.06 LAYOUT A. General: Owner's Representative will review, for conformance to design Intent, locations of all plants In field prior to planting. Notify Owner's Representative and schedule layout review sufficiently In advance of planting to allow for review and adjJstment without disrupting construction schedule. Owner's Representative reserves the right to make minor adjustments In the layaut of all plant material; adjust irrigation as necessary. B. Trees: Stoke layout of trees in field before installlng irrigation. AdjJst as directed by Owner's Representative. 3.07 EXCAVATION OF PLANT PITS A. Excavate plant pits to 2 times rootball width. Scarify sides and bottom of pit to eliminate glazed surfaces. Backfill bottom of pit with unammended site soil, If required,so that crown of plant will be at specified height at end of maintenance period. Soll under rootball shall be very firmly compacted to prevent settlement. B. Obstructions: If rocks, underground construction work, tree roots or other unknown obstnuctlons are encountered In the excavation of plant holes, alternate locations may be selected by the Owner's Representative. Report all such conditions In writing to the Owner's Representative. Where locations cannot be changed, submit a written proposal and cost estimate for removing obstructions to a depth of not less than 6 Inches below the required hole depth. Obtain Owner's Representative's lnstuctlons prior to proceeding with the work affected. 3.0B DETRIMENTAL SOILS AND DRAINAGE A. Prior to planting, test drain all planting areas as follows: 1. Plants pits: Fifi with 12 Inches of water. Water shall drain completely In 48 hours. 2. Plant beds: Irrigate until soil Is saturated. Saturated condition shall not remain after 24 hours. B. Failure of drainage test: Report In writing to Owner's Representative all areas not passing these tests, and all soil conditions that Contractor considers detrimental to growth of plant material. State condition, and proposal and cost estimate for correcting the condition. Obtain Owner's Representative's instructions prior to proceeding with work affected. Repeat drainage testing and correction of conditions until tests are passed. Failure to perform drainage tests, or to notify Owner's Representative in writing of conditions specified above, renders Contractor responsible for all plant failure that occurs as a result of Inadequate drainage or detrimental soil conditions, as determined by Owner's Representative. SCALE: PLANT I I\IG SPE CIF ICATION S cs DG 6965 El Camino Real Suite 105-482 Carlsbad, CA 92009 ( P) 760-272-57 42 ( F) 760-454-3097 ~\\OSCAp, ,S Cha"'>, "1-,,0 !? ,-· 0 -5' ~fil'" ~" M _fo t~; J')' ~" 4/ ~"' r or CAI.II NTS DEVELOP ERS NAME: A T & T ADDF,ESS: 5738 PACI FIC CENTER BOULEVAr<D SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 921 21 TELEPHONE: DATE PLAN Pf<EPARE D: 8/15/2013 DATE 3.09 PLANTING A. General: Do not plant material that has not been reviewed by Owner's Representative upon delivery to the project site, or that has been rejected for any reason. Do not plant under unfavorable weather conditions. B. Rootballs: Do not Install plants with damaged rootballs. Shnubs and groundcovers: If rootbound, score with sharp knife, making 4 cuts, and gently spread lower 1/3 of rootball. Trees: If rootbound, gently roughen sides of rootball to a depth of 1 to 2 Inches to loosen and spread encircling roots. Cut roots which are too stiff to untangle. C. Backfilling: 1. In top 12 Inches of plant pits, use backfill mix as follows, thoroughly blended. 1 /3 cubic yard nitrogen and iron fortified organic ammendment 2/3 cubic yard pulverized topsoil 8 pounds 14-14-14 wildlife repellent granular fertilizer 11 /2 pounds Iron sulfate 1/2 pound potassium sulfate (0-0-52) a. Below 12 Inch depth, omit organic soil ammendment. 2. Owner's Representative may require substitution of Import topsoil for site soil where site topsail Is not accepted for use, and changes In backfill mix as recommended by Testing Agency. D. Fertilizer Tablets: Place wildlife repellent fertilizer tablets evenly distributed in plant pit when backfilled 2/3, according to the following schedule: 1 gallon (2) 7 gram tablet 5 gallon (6) 7 gram tablet 15 gallon (10) 7 gram tablet 24" Box (14) 7 gram tablet 36" Box (20) 7 gram tablet E. Settlement: Reset plants which shift or settle before end of maintenance period. Crowns of trees shall be at the following minimum 2" above the surrounding finish grade at end of maintenance period: F. Mulch all planting areas with 3 inch deep layer of wood bark mulch. Do not pile mulch around crown of plants. G. Form a watering basin for each plant. Thoroughly water all plants Immediately after planting, eliminating air pockets. Prevent erosion. H. Root barriers: Install as shown and as recommended by manufacturer on all tress within 10 feet of paving, curb, or wall , and continuous at perimeter of street tree wells. 3.10 GROUNDCOVER PLANTING A. Place and ammend soil and do all work to provide finish grades as shown. Provide pre-emergent weed control per manufacturer's recommendations. Install 2• layer wood bark mulch. B. Plant groundcover plants through erosion control fabric and wood bark mulch at the specified triangular spacing. 3.11 EROSION CONTROL FABRIC A. General: Completely cover all areas with a slope of 3: 1 or greater. B. Avoid unecessary traffic across mesh. C. Install 2 Inch layer bark mulch under jJte mesh. 0. lnsallation: 1. According to manufacturer's recommendations. 2. Install fabric rolls without stretching, parallel to direction of fiow. 3. Overlap side edges minimum 4 inches, ends minimum 8 inches. 4. Lap upper edges over lower edges. 5. Check slots: Place ends at top and bottom of slope In 6 Inch deep check slot, firmly backfilled. 6. Staple ends 6 Inches on center; side edges and center of each roll 2 feet on center. 7. Roll fabric covered area after stapling. 8. Cover edges of fabric covered area with 1 Inch layer loose topsoil. Cover entire fabric area with 1 inch layer wood bark mulch. 9. Plant groundcover through fabric and mulch. 3.12 FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. General: Work of this section will be accepted when all work has been completed, lncludlog maintenance period but not Including replacement plants under guarantee. Before requesting observation for Final Acceptance, submit the following: 1. Record planting plan 2. Supplier Invoices and delivery slips for all materials Installed. 3. Maintenance schedule. 4. Notify Owner's Representative before Final Acceptance observation of conditions which Impede plant establishment and growth. of B. Deficiencies noted during maintenance period observation which have not been corrected will terminate the Final Acceptance observation and extend the maintenance period by 30 days. Costs associated with additional observations required as a result of Contractor's failure to correct deficiencies shall be borne by Contractor. END OF SECTION IN ITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INI TIAL -------REVISION DESCRIPTION BY: Carl Cho~rnon, ASLA #4679 DESIGNER OF WORK OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL Expiration Date:Mur 2Ql5 CS Design Group, Inc. APPROVED FOR /RR/GA TION ANO PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BU ILT" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: IN SPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF' CARLS BAD UQJ 9 PLANNING DIVISION 0 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS F'OR: NS002 8 ~ OMWD OPS CENTER Olivenhoin rood and Ra ncho Santa Fe Road 1966 OLIVENHAIN ROAD, CARLSBAD, 92009 APPROVED: ti/Pi E:,(\..o ft IA· ;;; -I -1--r PLANNING DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: MCUP 13-05 480-7L RVWD BY: ~ ~ ~ --··---~···-· ---·, ',,, MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY KEY SYMBOL WJ Maintenance responsibility to be AT&T ~-Maintenance responsibility to be property owner. i I ';_ ,,.,-,,,,,. ,• ,,.,,,,,-,· --,= l--cccc· ,,::_ - N / / / ' \7 ) , ' V / I I -------- C S 6965 El Camino Real Suite 105-482 D G Carlsbad, CA 92009 ( P) 760-272-5742 -------( F) 760-454-3097 CS Design Group, Inc, I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I z I I I I ----- I ----- \ \ I I ~ \ \ I \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ TITLE APPRO \/[0 FOR /RR/GA TION ANO PLANTING ONLY, INC'LUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUILT" DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOf, DATE r------------,----,-----___F~---=---+r=----=i~---=---=---=---=---=---=---=---=---=---=---=---=---=---=---=---=i+-=---=i+-=-7_j -_ -_ 7_j -_ -_J~~~:;-;=;;::;;;::;=;=;=:;:==;::=====:-:====i r---t--t-----------+-----1---1--1--1 LS~E1ETO CIT y OF' CARLSBAD I SHEETS I I PLANNING DIVISION 10 SCALE: 15' 30' t------t--t-----------------l----l--------11-----1--_J LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: r--------::::~:::::------.-------__L_ __ _1_ __ ___J NS0028 -OMWD OPS CENTER DEVELOPERS NAME: A T & T Olivenhain road and Rancho Santa Fe Road ~~~~-------.:--"' '\, <" ADDRESS: 5738 PACIFIC CENTER BOULEVARD 1966 OLIVENHAIN ROAD, CARLSBAD. 92009 ~-() / SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121 ~~Al [\JT. Fs; ESP ON SIB I LITY P LA[\J .__ _ ____, 1 "=30' -0" 0 APPROVED: ,~ . ..-\ i w· ti1=ft c; · I . 1---} M TELEPHONE: ______ ,---t--t---------------l---1---1-----1---1 PLANNING DATE INITIAL Expiration Dole:Muy_2Q15 BY: Gary Chapman, ASLA #4679 DATE PLAN PREPARED: ~8~/~15~/~2=01=3 _____ _ DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCF!IPTION DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO, DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: MCUP 13-05 480-71 OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPfWVAL RVWD BY: