HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-04-19; City Council; ; Electrification of New Buildings in CarlsbadCA Review CKM Meeting Date: April 19, 2022 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Sheila Cobian, Legislative & Constituent Services Director sheila.cobian@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2917 Subject: Electrification of New Buildings in Carlsbad District: All Recommended Action Consider a request from Council Member Acosta to engage in a discussion regarding the development of an ordinance addressing electrification of new buildings in the City of Carlsbad. Executive Summary/Discussion On March 14, 2022, Council Member Acosta submitted the attached email (Exhibit 1) to the City Manager requesting that the topic of electrification of new buildings in Carlsbad be placed on an upcoming City Council agenda.1 Fiscal Analysis No city funding is being requested. Next Steps Should the City Council direct staff to proceed with development of an ordinance addressing electrification of new buildings in Carlsbad, staff will return to the City Council at a future meeting with a draft ordinance for consideration. Environmental Evaluation This action does not constitute a “project within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Therefore, does not require environmental review. 1 Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 1.20.060.C states, “Items of business may be placed on the agenda by any member of the council, the city manager or the city attorney, or by council action. Council-originated items must be submitted to the city manager not less than seven days before the date of the council meeting at which the member desires the item to appear on the agenda. Nothing in this section precludes a council member from requesting council action to place an item on the agenda for a future meeting.” April 19, 2022 Item #10 Page 1 of 31 Public Notification This item was noticed in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and it was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. March 14, 2022 request from Council Member Acosta to place an item on a City Council Agenda 2. Information provided to Council Member Acosta from the Sierra Club and the San Diego Building Electrification Coalition April 19, 2022 Item #10 Page 2 of 31 From:Scott Chadwick To:Geoff Patnoe; Sheila Cobian; Celia Brewer Subject:FW: For Council Discussion: Electrification of new buildings Date:Monday, March 14, 2022 1:59:10 PM Attachments:image001.png Please place the below discussion on the city council docket for April 19. Scott Chadwick City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov Facebook | Twitter | You Tube | Pinterest |Enews From: Scott Chadwick Sent: Monday, March 14, 2022 1:51 PM To: Teresa Acosta <Teresa.Acosta@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: RE: For Council Discussion: Electrification of new buildings Good afternoon, Councilmember- April 12 is canceled due to two members will be absent. Would you like the item to occur on the April 19 agenda? Scott Chadwick City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov Facebook | Twitter | You Tube | Pinterest |Enews Exhibit 1 April 19, 2022 Item #10 Page 3 of 31 From: Teresa Acosta <Teresa.Acosta@carlsbadca.gov> Sent: Monday, March 14, 2022 1:04 PM To: Scott Chadwick <Scott.Chadwick@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: For Council Discussion: Electrification of new buildings Good afternoon! Consistent with my authority under Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 1.20.060 C., I am requesting the topic of Electrification of new buildings in Carlsbad be placed on the April 12, 2022, regular meeting agenda for City Council discussion and consideration. Attached is some background information sent to me by Sierra Club and San Diego Building Electrification Coalition about this topic. Thank you, Teresa Teresa Acosta Council Member, District 4 City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov April 19, 2022 Item #10 Page 4 of 31 C ciryof Carlsbad Sierra Club summary of local ordinances:: 50.Encinitas- in accordance with their most recent Climate Action Plan update-- will now require all new residential and commercial buildings to be all-electric, making it the50th municipality and the first city in San Diego County to require all-electric buildings,with situational exemptions for restaurants, essential service buildings, and specialprojects.(actual ordinance) 52.Solana Beach- requires new construction in residential and commercial buildings touse electric appliances for space heating, water heating, dryers, pools and spas. It setsstandards for major renovations to ensure that significant remodels beyond a certainpoint require these electric upgrades as well. The ordinance also requires all-electric readiness, and has provisions for electric car charging, commercial solar, and pre-wiringfor home battery storage. (adopted ordinance, 12/8/21) Exhibit 2 April 19, 2022 Item #10 Page 5 of 31 San Diego Building Electrification Coalition Advocating for Building Electrification: Eliminating fossil fuels from the buildings we live and work inApril 19, 2022Item #10 Page 6 of 31 San Diego Building Electrification Coalition April 19, 2022Item #10 Page 7 of 31G&i1d IS\ The Climate ~ Reality Project San Dit·,;;o Chapter SURFRIDER FOUNDATION SAJIDIROCOUlfTY I IAMMOND ,, ' ••• ,·r rn, l:J IONS SANOIEGO GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL NDl~~9.:~~~ L ~EAGUE OF WOMENVOTERS ~) ~JNEfE~tc~!-Hr~ , • Solutions in A •~ LEADING Ge --Sustainability ~ Palomar B SMART STAY CO0 ~~~ ~ ... EfficiencyF1rst ' Interfaith Coalition ' F~~~~S GREEN NEW DEAL O s anDiego LIMATE JUST! Climate Chang .. Moral Issue ~ar~~ ~ c ~ ~ v 3.ro·"' ~ )iC EMERALD KEEPERS STAND .earth ~ SAN DIEGO ~ COASTKEEPER -- ~ NCCCA A Reach Code (ordinance) allows a city to require All-Electric new building construction sooner than the CEC will require it. 54 cities and counties in California, including Encinitas and Solana Beach, have passed electric reach codes on new construction. (1) (1) https://www.sierraclub.org/articles/2021/07/californias-cities-lead-way-gas-free-future We are advocating for All-Electric Reach Codes April 19, 2022Item #10 Page 8 of 31 Buildings are second only behind Transportation for GHG emissions in California Burning methane gas (aka “natural gas”) in buildings accounts for about 15% of California’s GHG emissions, and that does not take in account leakage from extraction sites and pipelines Methane is 84x more potent than CO2 as global warming agent over a 20 year period Methane is a “short lived” pollutant, so eliminating methane from our buildings has much quicker impact than reducing other GHG sources Climate Emergency April 19, 2022Item #10 Page 9 of 31 Carlsbad Climate Emergency 8. That the City of Carlsbad builds on its sustainability initiatives to emerge as a leader in green development and sustainability by working with the state in developing aggressive standards that support building electrification and alternative transportation modalities.April 19, 2022Item #10 Page 10 of 31 ●Any fossil fuel infrastructure will be a stranded asset in the future ●It will not reach the end of its useful life before we need to take it offline and retrofit for all-electric ●Making changes early is critical We need to stop installing new fossil fuel infrastructure NOW April 19, 2022Item #10 Page 11 of 31r:;-o u 45 40 35 30 ~ 25 "' C 0 ·.;; "' .E 20 w N 0 u 15 10 5 0 1980 / Pathway to 1.5( given given cumulative emissions in 2000. 2000 2020 Pathway to 1.5C given given cumulative emissions through 2019 Benefits of Building Electrification ●Climate Benefits ●Lower Cost ●Increased Energy Efficiency ●Health Benefits ●Public Safety ●Meet Climate Plan Goals April 19, 2022Item #10 Page 12 of 31 Effective Date: Jan 1, 2023April 19, 2022Item #10 Page 13 of 312022 Energy Code Highlights • Heat pump baselines • Solar + storage baselines • Electric-ready requirements • Lighting • Multifamily restructuring • Ventilation requirements 2022 BUILDING ENERGY EFFICIENCY STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL AND NONRESIDENTIAL BUILDiNGS F-OIII UC toll IUIL.DtNG tNCAGY t.FF'tcJCNCY Al' AHDAAO& nnE 1◄,PAAT •-AN!)A\SOCIAT[D --. AO~tHTAATMAfOUI.AT ... _ -~-. N .. Ak11 22 5 2 April 19, 2022Item #10 Page 14 of 31A third of US gas use is in buildings. Ten states are responsible for 56% of direct building emissions nationally, California is #2 Direct building greenhouse gas emissions by state Million metric tons CO2e, 2017 New York I % of US total 53.4 @ ........... ............................................................................................................ ················••IU-JLJUI ••··· : California . ............... Illinois Michigan Pennsylvania Ohio New Jersey Texas Massachusetts Minnesota Source: EIA I 44.1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 I 35.4 I 29.5 I 29.4 I 27.6 ] 23.6 122.2 I 19.7 I 15.2 *Does not include methane leakage @ GD GD GD GD GD GD @ @ . . . April 19, 2022Item #10 Page 15 of 31California is adding more new gas customers faster than any other state New gas customers, 2013-2017 Thousands of customers, residential and commercial sectors • • • Texas New York New Jersey North Carolina Michigan Colorado Illinois Pennsylvania Washington Source: EIA 2017 @ Electric heat pumps common in cooling dominated climates and in environmentally aware states such as Washington and Oregon More efficient than ACApril 19, 2022Item #10 Page 16 of 31Primary Heatiing Fuel (Plurality) so- s- o- 35- 30- 25- t ' -120 ·110 ' . -100 -90 0 -70 EleclflC ■ LPG ■ Fuel Ott I Natural G April 19, 2022Item #10 Page 17 of 31O'I m Methane Gas - safety concerns ● Methane gas pipelines and gas storage facilities pose serious threats to our health and safety - ruptured gas lines, leaks ● Earthquakes: Methane gas is responsible for between 20% to 50% of post-earthquake fire ignitions. Electric homes builds resilience to earthquake hazards. April 19, 2022Item #10 Page 18 of 311994: Ruptured gas line after 1994 Northridge Earthquake destroys two homes on Balboa Boulevard, LA. The Atlantic, Jan 14, 2014. 2010: Ruptured gas line in San Bruno kills 8, destroys 38 homes, PG&E fined for hiding responsibility. KPCC News, 2016. 2015: Aliso Canyon leak sends hundreds of children home from school with mass nose bleeds and vomiting, 12,000 citizens evacuated. EDF, 2015. @ The smaller the space, the more concentrated the air pollution and health hazards will be (equity issue) Buildings Produce Hazardous Indoor Air Quality April 19, 2022Item #10 Page 19 of 31Buildings Produce Hazardous Indoor Air Quality A " Indoor pollutant levels may be 2 to 5 and as much as 100 times higher indoors, where people spend 90% of their lives. Homes with gas stoves have 50-400% higher NO2 emissions than homes with electric stoves--A child living in a home with a gas stove has a 42% increased risk of asthmatic symptoms. Sources: US EPA, Belanger et al., Lin et al., Dedoussf+et al. 2020 @ Jan. 27, 2022April 19, 2022Item #10 Page 20 of 31Did I Turn Off the Stove? Yes, but Maybe Not the Gas New research finds that gas stoves emit methane, a potent greenhouse gas, even when turned off and adds to the debate over electrifying homes. f (5;) "' I!:!! ,H, .. ,+ □ ~ ~be New §ork ~itnes @ Many negative health impacts of home gas usage Source:UCLA 2020 study: Effects of Residential Gas Appliances on Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality and Public Health in CaliforniaApril 19, 2022Item #10 Page 21 of 31Table 2-8: Overview of health effects of main studied pollutants. Pollutant Health Effects Nitrogen oxides (NOX) Carbon monoxide (CO) Fine particulate matter (PM2.s) Ultrafine particles (UFP) Formaldehyde Acute Decreased lung function, asthma exacerbation, respiratory infection, n8,120.1so-1s3 stroke 154 Death, brain damage, seizures, memory loss, dementia, headaches, dizziness, nausea 164-168 Stroke, increased blood pressureI54•I78-180 Increased blood pressure 179,195 Respiratory/eye/skin irritation, sneezing, coughing, nasal congestion, 103.200.201 drowsiness, chest tightness, shortness of breath,103,200,202 asthma exacerbation, 203,204 death (higher doses)205 Chronic Premature mortality,155-159 lung and breast cancer,I56•I59 cough, shortness of breath, asthma, wheezing, respiratory illness in children33,33.91,m,120,1so-163 Brain and heart toxicity,I64·I69-173 heart failure and cardiovascular disease,167,I74-176 low birth weight 177 Premature mortality, 22·181 bronchitis, asthma onset and exacerbation, 185-189 low birth weight and preterm birth 190-194 Cardiovascular disease,I96·197 neurological disorders 198·199 Cancer, 103,112,206-210 asthma and bronchitis in children,200,211.212 damage t o respiratory system, 205.211.213-21s headaches, sleep disorders, memory loss, 202,205 birth defects, low birth weight, spontaneous abortion 205,213,218,220 What does building electrification look like? Residential Gas Consumption by End Use in SD County Water Heaters 59% Source: San Diego County Regional Decarb Framework, 2021 Space Heating 29% Cooking 7% Pools, spas, misc. 4% Clothes drying 3% Electric heat pump dryer Electric heat pump water heater Electric induction stove Electric heat pump space heater Heat + ACApril 19, 2022Item #10 Page 22 of 31 Lower Cost and Increased Energy Efficiency (1) https://www.ethree.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/E3_Residential_Building_Electrification_in_California_April_2019.pdf All-electric buildings generally cost less to build and are more affordable to operate. ◆Gas hookups add anywhere from $3,000 up to $10,000 per unit to the cost of new construction.(1) ◆All-electric homes save from $130 to $540 per year compared to gas.(1) (Recent SDGE gas rates increased over 40%, not included in these numbers.) ◆Pairing an all-electric new home with rooftop solar (state-mandated) provides deeper savings.April 19, 2022Item #10 Page 23 of 31 1. Much cheaper to build with no gas infrastructure installation costs 2. Home owners won’t be living there - these are rental units 3. Health issues - by definition, ADUs have small living space a. burning gas in stoves causes indoor air pollution, so more concentrated in smaller living space b. 4. Equity concerns a. Monthly costs will be cheaper with high efficiency appliances paired with rooftop solar (required) b. As homes state-wide become more electrified, homes which still have gas will be stuck with much higher gas bills Why should ADUs and multi-family and affordable apartment buildings be all-electric?April 19, 2022Item #10 Page 24 of 31 Electric fireplaces, electric BBQ grills April 19, 2022Item #10 Page 25 of 31 Encinitas Building Electrification Unanimously adopted by City Council on October 27: first comprehensive all-electric ordinance for new construction in San Diego county and 50th in CA - All-electric, no gas infrastructure - All building types - commercial, residential (single, multi-family, ADUs) - Must have EV-ready circuits installed (residential); EV chargers installed for multifamily, hotels, non-residential Minimal proposed exceptions: - Restaurants whose cuisine requires gas flame cooking - Emergency buildingsApril 19, 2022Item #10 Page 26 of 31 Solana Beach Building Ordinance Adopted by City Council on November 10 New Construction requires electrification: - Space heating, water heating (including pools and spas), clothes drying; but gas stoves/other appliances ok with e-wiring/panel - Solar PV: 5kW minimum; over 2000 sq’ add at rate of 3 watts/sq’ - All building types - commercial, residential (single, multi-family, ADUs) - EV chargers/infrastructure; wire for future battery storage Major Renovations included in new construction - thresholds are: - Residential: >50% of structural components, or addition >700 sq’ - Non-Residential: >50% of structural components, addition >50%, $400K permit valuationApril 19, 2022Item #10 Page 27 of 31 All-Electric in Carlsbad ●Laguna Row: 13 detached homes in Carlsbad Village ● Article with more info here “Going all electric was an easy decision.”April 19, 2022Item #10 Page 28 of 31 All-Electric in San Marcos ● A developer is in planning for an all-electric development in San Marcos ■ Hundreds of market-rate apartment units ■ Adjacent retail ■ Lots of PV solar ● Doing primarily for economic reasons ○ Also sees this as future-proofing ● They build and operate their developments ○ Likely will save money up front and certainly will for operationsApril 19, 2022Item #10 Page 29 of 31 ●Direct staff to start on all-electric BE ordinances ●Follow Encinitas ordinances as model ●Include additions and alterations Next steps April 19, 2022Item #10 Page 30 of 31 THANK YOU! www.sdbec.orgApril 19, 2022Item #10 Page 31 of 31z 0 C, !::: z ...J -<{ Co ::::! u => z mo Q-C, 1-w <{ -U C U::: -z a: <{ 1-(/) u w ...J w Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: James Wang <tc4312@gmail.com> Saturday, April 16, 2022 5:51 PM City Clerk April 19 Agenda Item 10, Building Electrification Follow up Flagged Honorable Mayor Hall and City Council: All Receive -Agenda Item# JO For the Information of the: . pTY COUNCIL Date t.///9/):),._CA ✓ cc ..:::._ CM .rACM ✓ocM (3) ./' The City of Carlsbad deserves kudos for its environmental progressiveness, with bonus points for achieving the county's first reach code on electric water heaters. That ice-breaking reach code was advanced for its time, but in just a few short years, the environment has changed. In particular: • Our climate crisis is now much more serious • Building Electrification technology has advanced tremendously • The toxicity of indoor air pollution from gas stoves is now well-known • The danger of gas lines and storage is exemplified by the deadly San Bruno explosion and the massive Aliso Canyon leak • Over 50 jurisdictions in California have BE ordinances • All BE ordinances are accompanied by a Cost-Effectiveness Study (CES) demonstrating cost savings These new developments justify a much more comprehensive BE ordinance, much like those of Encinitas and Solana Beach. With new BE technology, old beliefs about gas (electric stoves are slow and hard to control, gas is cheaper, gas is clean, etc.) are now invalid. A Building Electrification ordinance will save residents money, improve their health, and improve the climate, all with one ordinance. Therefore, please approve Councilmember Acosta's request to develop an ordinance mandating electrification of new buildings. Thank you! James Wang CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello, All Receive -Agenda Item#/ 0 For the Information of the: ~ITY COUNCIL Date ~A ~CC ✓ CIOl ....ae:ALl◊i ....IL DCM (Jj > Diana A <dra805@gmail.com> Tuesday, April 19, 2022 9:35 AM City Clerk Agenda #10 ELECTRIFICATION OF NEW BUILDINGS IN CARLSBAD Please approve Council member Acosta's proposal to adopt electrification of new buildings for our city. Keep moving forward with keeping Carlsbad "green". Per Sierra Club San Francisco "Gas appliances like furnaces and water heaters in California's homes and buildings are responsible for over 50 million tons of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions annually. Burning gas in homes and buildings for heating and cooking produces toxic air pollution like nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxides, and formaldehydes that are hazardous to our health. Old, leaky gas infrastructure also increases the risk of fires, especially in earthquake and fire-prone regions spanning across the state. Gas rates are rising as the system ages and requires costly upgrades, making this an important moment to shift from gas to more affordable clean energy. As the electricity sector transitions towards 100 percent clean energy, we must turn our attention to using this clean electricity to drive down tracked-gas use in our homes and buildings. By replacing polluting gas appliances with clean, electric alternatives, we can improve air quality and safety in our communities, lower energy bills, use local clean energy resources, and help mitigate the worst impacts of climate change." Thank you! Diana Aguirre District 3 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 Building Electrification for new construction in Carlsbad Bob Wilcox on behalf of the Carlsbad Sierra Club team, in coordination with the San Diego Building Electrification Coalition April 19, 2022 ~lJ SIERRA Vi/CLUB A Reach Code (ordinance) allows a city to require All-Electric new building construction sooner than the California Energy Commission will require it. 54 cities and counties in California, recently including Encinitas and Solana Beach, have passed electric reach codes for new construction. (1) (1) https://www.sierraclub.org/articles/2021/07/californias-cities-lead-way-gas-free-future The City of Carlsbad should enact an All-Electric Reach Code for new construction If California has any hope of meeting its goal of net-zero GHG emissions by 2045, and 40% reduction by 2030, we need to stop installing new fossil fuel infrastructure now 💧Carlsbad City Council declared a climate emergency, which included support for the concept of building electrification. If California has any hope of meeting its goal of net-zero GHG emissions by 2045, and 40% reduction by 2030, we need to stop installing new fossil fuel infrastructure now 💧Carlsbad City Council declared a climate emergency, which included support for the concept of building electrification. 💧Burning methane gas (aka “natural gas”) in buildings accounts for about 15% of California’s GHG emissions 💧15% does not take leakage into account 💧Methane that leaks is 84X more potent as a greenhouse gas than CO2 over a 20 year period. If California has any hope of meeting its goal of net-zero GHG emissions by 2045, and 40% reduction by 2030, we need to stop installing new fossil fuel infrastructure now 💧Any new fossil fuel infrastructure will be a stranded asset in the future. 💧It will not reach the end of its useful life before we need to take it offline and retrofit for all-electric. 35 Pathway to 1.5C given given cumulative 30 emissions through 2019. N' 0 u ... ~ 25 VI C: 0 / ·;;; .!!! E 20 U.J Pathway to 1.5C given N given cumulative 0 u emissions in 2000. 15 10 5 0 1980 2000 2020 2040 If California has any hope of meeting its goal of net-zero GHG emissions by 2045, and 40% reduction by 2030, we need to stop installing new fossil fuel infrastructure now 💧Any new fossil fuel infrastructure will be a stranded asset in the future. 💧It will not reach the end of its useful life before we need to take it offline and retrofit for all-electric. 💧Making changes early is critical. 💧The longer we wait to make changes, the more dramatic the transition must be to maintain a stable climate 35 Pathway to 1.5C given given cumulative 30 emissions through 2019. N' 0 u ... ~ 25 VI C: 0 / ·;;; .!!! E 20 U.J Pathway to 1.5C given N given cumulative 0 u emissions in 2000. 15 10 5 0 1980 2000 2020 2040 What does building electrification look like? Residential Gas Consumption by End Use in SD County Water Heaters 59% Source: San Diego County Regional Decarb Framework, 2021 Space Heating 29% Cooking 7% Pools, spas, misc. 4% Clothes drying 3% Electric heat pump dryer Electric heat pump water heater Electric induction stove Electric heat pump space heater Heat + AC All-electric buildings generally cost less to build and are more affordable to operate Gas hookups add anywhere from $3,000 up to $10,000 per unit to the cost of new construction.(2) Efficient electric appliances can cost a bit more, but much less than installing gas piping. (2) https://www.ethree.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/E3_Residential_Building_Electrification_in_California_April_2019.pdf All-electric buildings generally cost less to build and are more affordable to operate Gas hookups add anywhere from $3,000 up to $10,000 per unit to the cost of new construction.(2) Efficient electric appliances can cost a bit more, but much less than installing gas piping. All-electric homes save from $130 to $540 per year compared to gas.(2) (Recent SDGE gas rates increased over 25%, not included in these numbers.) (2) https://www.ethree.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/E3_Residential_Building_Electrification_in_California_April_2019.pdf All-electric buildings generally cost less to build and are more affordable to operate Gas hookups add anywhere from $3,000 up to $10,000 per unit to the cost of new construction.(2) Efficient electric appliances can cost a bit more, but much less than installing gas piping. All-electric homes save from $130 to $540 per year compared to gas.(2) (Recent SDGE gas rates increased over 25%, not included in these numbers.) Pairing an all-electric new home with rooftop solar (which is state-mandated) provides deeper savings. (2) https://www.ethree.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/E3_Residential_Building_Electrification_in_California_April_2019.pdf Gas lines to buildings are a significant health and safety hazard 💧Gas is major risk factor during earthquakes and is responsible for 20% - 50% of post- earthquake fire ignitions(3) (3)Improving Natural Gas Safety in Earthquakes, California Seismic Safety Commission: July 11, 2002. 1994: Ruptured gas line after 1994 Northridge Earthquake destroys two homes on Balboa Boulevard, LA. The Atlantic, Jan 14, 2014. 2010: Ruptured gas line in San Bruno kills 8, destroys 38 homes, PG&E fined for hiding responsibility. KPCC News, 2016. 2015: Aliso Canyon leak sends hundreds of children home from school with mass nose bleeds and vomiting, 12,000 citizens evacuated. EDF, 2015. Gas lines to buildings are a significant health and safety hazard 💧Gas is major risk factor during earthquakes and is responsible for 20% - 50% of post- earthquake fire ignitions(3) (3)Improving Natural Gas Safety in Earthquakes, California Seismic Safety Commission: July 11, 2002. 💧Gas can lead to significant leaks like Aliso Canyon (2015-2016) and explosions, as in San Bruno (CA) in 2010, Merrimack Valley (MA) in 2018, and San Francisco in 2019 1994: Ruptured gas line after 1994 Northridge Earthquake destroys two homes on Balboa Boulevard, LA. The Atlantic, Jan 14, 2014. 2010: Ruptured gas line in San Bruno kills 8, destroys 38 homes, PG&E fined for hiding responsibility. KPCC News, 2016. 2015: Aliso Canyon leak sends hundreds of children home from school with mass nose bleeds and vomiting, 12,000 citizens evacuated. EDF, 2015. Gas lines to buildings are a significant health and safety hazard 💧Indoor gas combustion releases unhealthy amounts of NO2 and other gases and particulates and has been linked to significant increases in childhood asthma rates, as well as cardiovascular disease and cancer in adults.(4) (4)https://rmi.org/insight/gas-stoves-pollution-health/ Workers will be displaced by these policies, so we should ensure a just energy transition 💧IBEW has ~500 pipefitters working for SDGE 💧Skilled work that pays a living wage Workers will be displaced by these policies, so we should ensure a just energy transition 💧IBEW has ~500 pipefitters working for SDGE 💧Skilled work that pays a living wage 💧City of Carlsbad should work to make funds available for retraining / career transitions 💧Try to coordinate with County, State agencies for funds 💧We should be bringing workers along with the energy transition, not leaving them behind Carlsbad should move ahead with building electrification ASAP! 💧Direct staff to begin drafting a building electrification ordinance: 💧Follow Encinitas ordinances as a model 💧Include additions and alterations 💧Ensure a just transition for impacted workers Thank you! Building electrification is the right thing to do for our health, for our finances, and for the future of our climate. ~&J SIERRA VI CLUB