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6435 AMBROSIA LN; ; FPC2021-0211; Permit
PERMIT REPORT Fire Permit Print Date: 01/12/2022 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel#: Valuation: Occupancy Group: #of Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: Bathrooms: Project Title: 6435 AMBROSIA LN, CARLSBAD, CA 92011 FIRE-Construction Commercial Work Class: Track#: $0.00 Lot#: Project#: Plan#: Construction Type: Orig. Plan Check#: Plan Check#: Fire Alarm (city of Carlsbad Permit No: FPC2021-0211 Status: Closed -Finaled Applied: 11/09/2021 Issued: 12/08/2021 Finaled Close Out: 01/12/2022 Inspector: Final Inspection: Description: AVIARA COMMUNITY PARK -CELL DIALER ADDITION TO AN EXISTING FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Applicant: STANDARD ELECTRONICS JESUS LEDEZMA 9340 STEVENS RD SANTEE, CA 92071-2810-SAN DIEGO (619) 596-9950 FEE FIRE Tl Fire Alarm System Total Fees: $682.00 Fire Department Total Payments To Date: $682.00 FPContractor: STANDARD ELECTRONICS 613 W MAIN ST EL CAJON, CA 92020-0000 (619) 596-9950 Balance Due: 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 I 760-602-4665 I 760-602-8561 f I www.carlsbadca.gov AMOUNT $682.00 $0.00 Page 1 of 1 ri? r Standard -Electronics Ph: (619) 596-9950 Fax: (619) 596-8850 613 W. Main St. El Cajon, CA 92020 c:J, ao uc. #590876 BSJSACO #AC01903 UL Installer #S3570-1 StandardElectronics.us SUB MITT AL SHEET PROJECT: A viara Comm. Park-Dialer ELEC.CONTR: EQUIPMENT Fire Alarm System -Dialer Addition ITEM QTY DESCRIPTION 1 1 Fire Alarm Document Storage Box 2 1 Cellular Communicator SFM#7300-1157:0136 October 25, 2021 MODELNO. DATA SHEET SSU00690 Space Age CELLCOMF-LTE-V DMP SIGNALING Standard Features: • Installed with a 4 GB digital flash drive with USS B connector • 2 key ring hooks to hold system keys • Business card holder for key contacts • Overall dimensions are 12" x 13" tall and 2 1 /4" deep • 18 gauge steel box and cover for security • Durable powder coat baked on finish other colors available • Standard 3/4" cat 30 key lock. Other lock assemblies available • Solid stainless steel piano hinge • Permanently screened white ink 1" high "SYSTEM RECORD DOCUMENTS" • Legend sheet for documentation, passwords and system information SRD ACE-11 SYSTEM RECORD DOCUMENTS The SRO is the perfect item to help you meet demanding code requirements today. NFPA 72 2013 states that a cabinet must be "prominently labelled 'SYSTEM RECORD DOCUMENTS'." The SRO is the perfect fit to meet todays demanding code requirements. SAE's number one goal is to manufacture code compliant solutions and this product allows you to do just that. NFPA 72 2013 states, "With every new system, a documentation cabinet shall be installed at the system control unit or other approved location at the protected premises." This durable 16 gauge steel enclosure with a solid piano hinge and key lock will keep all of your code required documents in one safe place. With a 4GB USB flash drive it stores your fire alarm software safe and secure eliminating the occurrences of the software not being on site when technicians arrive to service the system. Along with your fire alarm software you can store your test & inspection, service records, manuals & system records. Using a standard USB B connector you may also store you records electronically (See NFPA 72 2013 The SRO has designated hooks to organize key rings and hold important business cards for easy access and reference. Inside the cover it has an organized record for identifying equipment information, required documentation locations (See NFPA 72 2013 7.2.1). [i] NFPJt NENmER 1J,~~,~1i!!iii!i1 ~ Made In U.S.A. ISO R Space Age Electronics, Inc. www.tsae.com 800.486.1723 Toll Free 508.485. 0966 Local 508.485.4740 Fax Space Age Electronics, Inc. 2013 ED0584 L T10641 Rev.A 1/2 No Excuses, Just Solutions! EL~b-r~~N~C~~~ / Specifications: The system record documents box (SRO) shall be UL Listed, constructed of 18 gauge cold rolled steel. It shall have a red powder coat epoxy finish. The cover shall be permanently screened with 1" high lettering "SYSTEM RECORD DOCUMENTS " with white indelible ink. The access door shall be locked with a 3/4" barrel lock and the hinge shall be a solid width 12" stainless steel piano hinge. The enclosure will supply 4 mounting holes. Inside the enclosure will accommodate standard 8 1 /2 x 11 manuals and loose document records that will be protected within the enclosure. A legend sheet will be permanently attached to the door for system required documentation, key contacts and system information. The SRO will have securely mounted inside a minimum of 4 Gigabyte digital flash memory drive with a standard USB B connector for uploading and downloading information. The drive shall not be accessible without tools to any person whom gains access to the records. The enclosure shall also provide 2 key ring holders with a location to mount standard business type cards for key contact personnel. Space Age Electronics, Inc. www.tsae.com 800.486.1723 Toll Free 508.485.0966 Local 508.485.4740 Fax USB Storage Interface ~ Requires Standard USB-B Connector F«-rom.o,do<PtN.EMl31S(Qty10) Property lnfonnatlon Minimum Required Documitntatlon (SIG-FUN) (RettMnteNFM~722013Sectlon7.2.1) Key Ring Hooks =Pft)perty __ _ 1::_:n:~~~~Syslt-m ______ _ Business Card Holder ~nor~=---Otcupencytype. __ _ Certtflcatlons and Approvals 16.1 System Installation Contractor: TlwayDm,nlfJIC&dMreln,hltbHnnt.ledand ltttldKCOf~IIDalNFM9tlndlrdlci.dMfN'I --------o.1e_,_,_ ~"'-·--.,_. __ _ 16.5 Authority Having Jurisdiction: lheve'Nilnnled•Nitfactort~nc.l9st.Oft,il tymmend~IIDbtlnnlledandopera'dngpl'Of»rly lnaccon:llncewit'lllapprcwdplaNandll)KMcaionl. :::.:=c:::o~na,1nddlal •~e:=~=lbnglnac:cordancewlltl788and78.2 Equipment lnfonnatlon E_,,..,_---~=--=----==-14:~-~~:~=mall'bnancelnacc:otdancewilh7.7 -· _,,. Spa<»AgoElocOt>na,lnc. LT1064<4 R ... 1 Legend sheet for storing system information including contacts, sign-off, maintenance & test information, and alternate locations of additional records. Ordering Information: ~ Part# Description .. ~ SSU00689 System Record Documents Cabinet RED SSU00690 Custom screening with your Logo EA0315 10 pack door legend sheet This document is subject to change without notice, see doc# ED0479 for legal disclaimer No Excuses, Just Solutions! ED0584 LT10641 Rev.A 2/2 ~IMIII~ DMP.coM o o e o o c, @DMPALARMS ~-~ CellCom LTE Alarm Communicators ► Provide monitoring center communication over cell for any burglary, commercial fire or residential fire panel ► CellCom-LTE-V and CellComF-LTE-V enable basic remote panel control via Virtual Keypad™ app ► Provides end user alerts of arming/disarming, alarm, and other events ► Add Z-Wave · control of lights, locks, and thermostats with CellComZ-LTE-V FEATURES ► Fully supervised universal alarm communication over LTE ► Program your own account number to easily work around locked panels ► External SMA antenna ► Use Contact ID dialer ► Armed/disarmed status LED capture, four input zones or bell monitoring ► Private labeling available on the rubber logo insert ► Wiring for Ademco ECP Bus ► Two output terminals with ► Communicates with multiple output options DMP SCS-lR and SCS-VR Receivers WORKS WITH MOST PANELS If the existing panel supports Contact ID, then it's a candidate for upgrading with CellCom-LTE-V, CellComZ-LTE-V, or CellComF-LTE-V. There are no issues with lockout codes. Simply add the CellCom-LTE-V unit to the existing installation and program in your own account number. AVAILABLE BURGLARY COMMUNICATION FIELD PANEL UPDATES The Model 400 USB Flash Module allows you to easily field update firmware for panels that would otherwise require the use of a computer and a Model 399 Programming Harness. SYSTEM PROGRAMMING System programming over cell via Virtuallink™ includes zone information and monitoring center communications. CELLCOM SERIES Specifications Dimensions 5.5" W x 3.75" H x 1" D Color White Open-Collector Outputs 2 Zones 4 CellCom-LTE-V Primary Power 12VDC Current Draw The CellCom-LTE-V provides control of basic panel security functions and video. The CellComZ-LTE-V adds the ability to remotely interact with Z-Wave devices, enabling a variety of home automation features including control of lights, door locks, thermostats, and more. MULTIPLE CONNECTION OPTIONS CellCom-LTE-V communicators can Alarm Standby ~ CellComF-LTE-V 99mA 51mA FIRE COMMUNICATION be attached to the existing panel in a variety of ways. It can capture Contact ID messages from the dialer or connect the four input zones from outputs on the panel. Or it can sense the output of the bell of an existing alarm and The CellComF-LTE-V offers cellular fire communicate the appropriate message communication on any fire control panel to the central station. via Contact ID captures or zone inputs. Meets NFPA 72 Standard for Single FOUR ZONES Communication Technology. Each of the CellCom-LTE-V models MOBILE SYSTEM CONTROL With CellComLTE communicators, you can easily update your customers' older residential and commercial systems to the latest cellular communication links. With cellular in place, end users can remotely access their panels via the Virtual Keypad app. This makes it possible to use their mobile device not only to control basic arm/disarm functions and receive alerts, but also to control Z-Wave home automation devices. ENABLE VIDEO ON THE APP With the CellCom-LTE-V communicators, you can easily add up to six video cameras. Via the Virtual Keypad app, end users can remotely view their premises to cancel or verify an alarm or simply check in on children or senior adults. Users can also capture still or video images. FULLY SUPERVISED COMMUNICATION CellCom-LTE-V allows alarm messages to be communicated to an SCS-lR or SCS-VR Receiver over the Verizon LTE network. Sending alarm communication for burglary control panels over the L TE network provides higher speeds. provide four zones for connection to burglary control panel outputs. Zone 4 is intended for connection to the control panel bell output. OUTPUTS Use outputs to connect to an arming zone of an existing panel for control of that panel via the app. EASY UPGRADE FOR DIALER-ONLY PANELS Older, dial-up panels have new life with the addition of cellular communication. Earn customer loyalty by extending the life of their existing panels and build satisfaction with the purchase decision. BUILD CUSTOMER LOYALTY Avoid the possibility of customers seeking mobile intrusion alarm features from a competitor by enabling those features on their existing panel with a minimal additional cost. They are less likely to switch systems and cancel their contract. When the time does come to replace the panel, they are more likely to rely on you. DMP's Virtual Keypad app can be branded with your organization's logo and contact information to provide a daily reminder of your services. Primary Power Current Draw at 12VDC Alarm Standby Current Draw at 24VDC Alarm Standby CellComZ-LTE-V 12-24VDC 99mA 51mA 81mA 30mA Primary Power 12VDC Current Draw Alarm 109 mA Standby 64 mA Ordering Information CellCom-LTE-V Universal Alarm Communicator CellComF-LTE-V Universal Fire Alarm Communicator CellComZ-LTE-V Universal Alarm Communicator with Z-Wave Certifications California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) Underwriters Laboratory (UL) Listed ANSI/UL 1610 Central Station Burglar (Cellular) ANSI/UL 1023 Household Burglar ANSI/UL 985 Household Fire Warning (CID Capture) ANSI/UL 864 Fire Protective Signaling Systems Cellular FCC Part 15: MIVCNN0301 CellComLTE FCC Part 15 ID: CCKPC0163 IC: 5251A-PC0163 800-641-4282 I DMP.com 2500 N. Partnership Blvd, Springfield, MO 65803 Designed, Engineered & Manufactured in Springfield, MO using U.S. & global components © 2018 Digital Monitoring Products, Inc. I LT-ITT4 I 18345 LISTING No. CATEGORY: CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING -BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE 7300-1157:0136 7300 --FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIES/MISC. DEVICES Page 1 of 1 LISTEE: Digital Monitoring Products, lnc.2500 N. Partnership Blvd, Springfield, MO 65803 Contact: Amy Bade (417) 831-9362 Fax (417) 447-9698 Email: abade@dmp.com DESIG~ Models CellComSLC, CellComSLCZ, CellComSLCF, CellCom-L TE-V, CellComZ-L TE-V, CellComF-L TE-V, iComSLF, iCOMSL, iComSLZ, DualComNF-L, *CellComSF, and *CellComDF Communicators. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations and listee's installation instructions for details. RATING: INSTALLATION: MARKING: APPROVAL: 12 voe or 24 voe In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. Listed as alarm communicators for use with separately listed fire and burglary alarm control units. For indoor use only. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. Burglary and other non-fire functions were not examined. *Revision 02-26-20 VWVV This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: Authorized By: July 01, 2021 DAVID CASTILLO,, M.E., F.P.E. Fire Engineering Division Listing Expires June 30, 2022