HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-12-30; Clean Energy Alliance JPA; ; Consider Adoption of Resolution No. 2021-016 Amending Clean Energy Alliance Debt Policy~
Staff Report
DATE: December 30, 2021
TO: Clean Energy Alliance Board of Directors
FROM: Marie Marron Berkuti, Interim Chief Financial Officer
ITEM3: Consider Adoption of Resolution No. 2021-016 Amending Clean Energy Alliance Debt
Adopt Resolution No. 2021-016 amending Clean Energy Alliance Debt Policy.
At its regular meeting January 21, 2021, the Clean Energy Alliance Board approved Resolution No. 2021-
002 establishing a Debt Policy (Policy). Section XIX of the Policy states the Chief Financial Officer shall
review the policy on a periodic basis and recommend any changes to the Board for consideration.
The Policy has been reviewed by CEA's general counsel and special legal counsel, Nixon Peabody LLP, and
that review has identified updates to clarify and assure internal consistency; ensure consistency with
applicable Federal and State laws, rules and regu lations; and reflect best practices related to debt issuance
and management practices.
The following edits are recommended for Board consideration:
• Adds detail addressing purposes for which debt proceeds may be used; types of debt that may be
issued; relationship of the debt to and integration with, the issuer's capital improvement program
or budget, if applicable; policy goals related to the issuer's planning goals and objectives; and
internal control procedures that the issuer has implement ed, or will implement, to ensure that
the proceeds of the proposed debt issuance will be directed to the intended use -in compliance
with California Government Code Section 8855(i) as amended by Senat e Bill 1029;
• Adds clarifying language in section V. Purposes for Debt and V.A New Money Debt related to debt
for working capital and start up related costs;
• Adds clarifying language in Section VI.B Short-Term Debt related to working capital or start up
related costs; and
• Other minor edits as identified in Resolution No. 2021-016 Exhibit A.
There is no fiscal impact as a result of this action.
Resolution No. 2021-016 Amending Clean Energy Alliance Debt Policy
December 30, 2021
CEA Debt Policy
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WHEREAS, Clean Energy Alliance ("CEA") is a joint powers authority established on
November 4, 2019, and organized under the Joint Exercise of Powers Act (Government Code
Section 6500 et seq.); and
WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of California (the "State") has adopted S.B. 1029
("S.B. 1029"), amending Section 8855 of the Government Code of the State, and effective in part
as of January 1, 2017, which, among other things, requires local agencies within the State, such as
CEA, to establish and implement a formal policy governing the methods by which the CEA issues
debt obligations ("Debt") and the internal controls over the issuance of Debt; and
WHEREAS, at a Board meeting on January 21, 2021, the Board previously approved a
debt issuance policy (the "Prior Policy") pursuant to Resolution 2021-002; and
WHEREAS, Section XIX of the Prior Policy provides that the Chief Financial Officer
shall periodically review such policy and shall recommend changes to the Board for consideration;
WHEREAS, the Interim Chief Financial Officer and the Chief Executive Officer have
conferred with General Counsel and Bond Counsel to CEA and have made certain clarifying
changes to the Prior Policy, and a red line of the Prior Policy reflecting such changes is appended
to this Resolution as Exhibit A; and
WHEREAS, the Board hereby determines the updated Debt Policy appended hereto as
Exhibit B (the "Updated Debt Policy") reflecting the changes set forth in Exhibit B meets all the
requirements of Government Code Section 8855(i), as amended by S.B. I 029; and
WHEREAS, the Board hereby determines that the Updated Debt Policy shall be effective
for all Debt issuances approved by the Board following the adoption of this Resolution, which
shall occur upon the majority vote of the Directors of the Board; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of Clean
Energy Alliance, as follows:
Section I. The foregoing recitals are true and correct.
Section 2. The Updated Debt Policy attached hereto as Exhibit B is hereby approved and adopted,
and staff is directed to comply therewith, for all future issuances of Debt approved by the Board
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following the adoption of this Resolution; provided, however, that staff may review the Updated
Debt Policy and repmt to the Board any suggested amendments to the Updated Debt Policy, based
either upon further State legislative action or upon staff experience in implementing the Updated
Debt Policy. In the event such recommendations are made to the Board, the Board reserves the
right to approve or decline to approve such amendments; any amendments will be made by further
Resolution of the Board.
Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption.
The foregoing Resolution was approved and adopted this 30th day of December 2021, by
the following vote:
Inscoe, Druker, Bhat-Patel, Becker
ABSTAIN: Musgrove
l,DocuSlgned by:
Kristi Becker, Chair
DocuSlgned by:
D87CF7B87878476 ...
Sheila Cobian, Interim Board Secretary
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Exhibit A
(See attachment)
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E>atedUpda.red as of January 21 December 30, 2021
I. Purpose
The purpose of this Debt Policy (the "Debt Policy") is to establish comprehensive
guidelines for the issuance and management of debt (herein referred as "Debt") issued by
the Clean Energy Alliance (the "Issuer"). This Debt Policy is intended to help ensure that:
(i) the Issuer, the governing body of the Issuer (the "Board of Directors" or the "Board"),
and Issuer management and staff adhere to sound debt issuance and management
practices; (ii) the Issuer achieves the most advantageous cost of capital within prudent risk
parameters; (iii) the Issuer preserves future financial flexibility; and (iii) the Issuer
preserves and enhances the credit ratings assigned to its debt.
II. Scope of Debt Policy
This Debt Policy shall provide guidance for the issuance and management of bonds and
other forms of indebtedness of the Issuer, together with any credit, liquidity and other
ancillary instruments and agreements secured or executed in connection with such
h·ansactions. While adherence to this Debt Policy is recommended in applicable
circumstances, the Issuer recognizes that changes in the capital markets, Issuer programs
and other unforeseen circumstances may produce situations that are not covered by the
Debt Policy or require modifications or exceptions to achieve Debt Policy goals. In these
cases, management flexibility is appropriate, provided specific authorization from the
Board is obtained. The Issuer may approve Debt and other related agreements the terms
or provisions of which deviate from this Debt Policy, upon the recommendation and
approval of the Chief Financial Officer of the Issuer (the "Chief Financial Officer") as
circwnstances warrant. The failure by the Issuer to comply with any provision of this Debt
Policy shall not affect the validity of any Debt that is otherwise duly authorized and
The Chief Financial Officer is the designated administrator of the Debt Policy. The Chief
Financial Officer shall have the day-to-day responsibility and authority for structuring,
implementing and managing the Issuer's debt and financing program. The Debt Policy
requires that each debt issuance be specifically authorized by the Board of Directors.
m. Legal Authority; Compliance with Laws, Resolutions, Debt Documents and
Contracts A) Legal Authority
The Issuer has exclusive authority to plan and issue Debt for Issuer related purposes,
subject to approval by the Board of Directors.
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B) Compliance with Law
All Debt of the Issuer shall be issued in accordance with applicable Federal and State
laws, rules and regulations, including without limitation the Internal Revenue Code of
1986 (the "Code") with respect to the issuance of tax-exempt Debt, the Securities Act
of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, in each case as supplemented and
amended, and regulations promulgated pursuant to such laws.
C) Compliance with Issuer Resolutions and Debt Documents
Debt of the Issuer shall be issued in accordance with applicable resolutions and debt
documents of the Issuer, in each case as supplemented and amended.
D) Compliance with Other Agreements
Debt of the Issuer shall be issued in compliance with any other agreements of the Issuer
with credit or liquidity providers, bond insurers or other third parties.
E) Compliance with SB 1029
48 I 5-8209-0710.2
This Debt Policy complies with California Senate Bill 1029 (2016). As amended by
S__ena.te,,.Bi_U~lQ-2.9, California Government Code Section 8855(i) _r_egµjr_es issuers to
adopt debt policies addressing each of the five items below:
ll Ih.eyurposes for which_J}Je debt proceeds may be ~
Section V (Purposes for Debt) and Section VI (Types of and Limitations on Debt)
address the u oses for which debt roceeds ma be used.
21 The tvpn_Qfdebt that may be is,rugd,_
Section VI <Types of and Limitations on Debt) provides informati.on_regarding the
,types of debt that may be issued.
l) The relationship of the debt to. and integration with. the issuer's capital
µ;nprovement program or budget. if applicable.
Section XV (Budgeting and Capital Planning) provides information regarding the
rclfiliQ_nshi _b~~n the Issuer's debt and bud etin roce_ss incJJJ_d_io its bud etino
process for capital expenditures.
il Policy goals re.la1ed ({)_Jhe issuer's planning goals and objectives.
As described in Section I (Pumose). Section XVI CCreditRating Objectives), Section
XVll Debt Affordabili and other sections this Polic has been ado ted to ass.i..s.t
with the Issuer's goals of adhering to sound debt issuance and management practices,
achieving the most advantageous cost of capital within prudent risk 2
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parameters, preserving futw-e financial flexibility, andpreserving and enhancing the
c ·editrn.lin s assi ned to its debt.
~ The internal control procedures that the issuer has implemented. or will
implement. to ensure that the proceeds of theJ2Ioposed_de_hJ_i£SJKmJ;e will be
directed to the intended use.
Section IV A.6 (Administration of Debt Policy) provides information regarding the
Issuer's internal control procedures designed to ensure that the proceeds of its debt
is_s.lli!~ s _ent as intended,_
IV. Administration of Debt Policy A)
The Issuer shall be responsible for:
1) Approval of the issuance of all Debt and the terms and provisions thereof;
2) Appointment of municipal advisors, bond counsel, disclosure counsel, Issuer
consultants, underwriters, feasibility consultants, trustee and other professionals
retained in connection with the issuance of Debt;
3) Approval of this Debt Policy and any supplements or amendments;
4) Periodic approval of the Issuer's expenditure plans;
5) Periodic approval of proposed Issuer annual and supplemental budgets for
submission to the Board of Directors, including without limitation provisions for
the timely payment of principal of and interest on all Debt; and
6) Maintaining internal control procedures with respect to Debt proceeds. Debt
proceeds will be held either by a third-party trustee, which will disburse such
proceeds to the Issuer upon the submission of one or more written requisitions, or
by the Issuer to be held and accounted for in a separate fund or account, the
expenditure of which will be carefully documented by the Issuer.
B) Chief Financial Officer
The Chief Financial Officer shall have responsibility and authority for the structure,
issuance and management of the Issuer's Debt and financing programs. These
responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
1) Determining the appropriate structure and terms for all proposed debt transactions;
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2) Undertaking to issue Debt at the most advantageous interest and other costs
consistent with prudent levels ofrisk;
3) Ensuring compliance of any proposed Debt with any applicable additional debt
limitations under State law, or the Issuer's Debt Policy, resolutions and debt
4) Seeking approval from the Board of Directors for the issuance of Debt or other
debt obligations;
5) Coordinating with other public agencies in connection with necessary approvals
associated with Debt issuance;
6) Recommending to the Board of Directors the manner of sale of any Debt or other
debt transactions;
7) Monitoring opportunities to refund outstanding Debt to achieve debt service
savings, and recommending such refunding to the Board, as appropriate;
8) Providing for and participating in the preparation and review of all legal and
disclosure documents in connection with the issuance of any Debt by the Issuer;
9) Recommending the appointment of municipal advisors, bond counsel, disclosure
counsel, Issuer consultants, underwriters, feasibility consultants and other
professionals retained in connection with the Issuer's debt issuance as necessary or
1 O)Distributing information regarding the business operations and financial condition
of the Issuer to appropriate bodies on a timely basis in compliance with any
applicable continuing disclosure requirements;
I !)Communicating regularly with the rating agencies, bond insurers, investment
providers, institutional investors and other market participants related to the
Issuer's Debt; and
12)Maintaining a database with summary information regarding all of the Issuer's
outstanding Debt and other debt obligations.
C) Procedures for Approval of Debt
Any proposed issuance of Debt by the Issuer shall be submitted to and subject to
authorization and approval by the Board of Directors.
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D) Considerations in Approving Issuance of Debt
The Issuer may take into consideration any or all of the following factors, as
appropriate, prior to approving the proposed issuance of Debt:
1) Whether the proposed issuance complies with this Debt Policy;
2) Source(s) of payment and security for the Debt;
3) Projected revenues and other benefits from the projects proposed to be funded;
4) Projected operating costs and other costs related to the proposed projects;
5) Impacts, if any, on Issuer and Debt credit ratings;
6) Period, if any, over which interest on the Debt should be capitalized;
7) Extent to which debt service on the Debt should be level or non-level;
8) Appropriate lien priority of the Debt; and
9) Adequacy of the proposed disclosure document.
V. Purposes for Debt
The Issuer may issue Debt for the purposes of financing and refinancing the costs of capital
projects undertaken by the Issuer. The Issuer may also issue Debt for workin ca ..irn.l
purposes/startup related costs and expenses and to pay other extraordinary unfunded costs,
including, but not limited to, termination or other similar payments due in connection with interest
rate swaps (if any) and investment agreements entered into in connection with Debt. Proceeds of
Debt may be applied to pay costs of issuance, to fund capitalized interest and debt service reserves
and to pay costs incurred in connection with securing credit enhancement, including, but not
limited to, premiums payable for bond insurance and reserve fund sureties.
A) New Money Debt
New money issues are typically those financings that generate additional funding to
be available for expenditure on capital projects. New money proceeds may not be used
to fund non-capital operational activities other than working__capital or startup related
costs. Workinu anita1 or startup related costs may be financed by short term Debt, as
provided in Section VI.B.
B) Refunding Debt
The Issuer may issue Debt to refund the principal of and interest on outstanding Debt
of the Issuer in order to (i) achieve debt service savings; (ii) restructure scheduled debt
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service; (iii) convert from or to a variable or fixed interest rate structure; (iv) change
or modify the source or sources of payment and security for the refunded Debt; or (v)
modify covenants otherwise binding upon the Issuer. Refunding Debt may be issued
either on a current or advance basis, as permitted by applicable Federal tax laws. The
Issuer may also utilize a tender offer process to refund Debt that is not otherwise
subject to optional call by the Issuer.
Refunding Debt should be issued to achieve debt service savings in most cases.
Refundings which do not produce savings are permitted if justified based on the need
for restructuring to remove covenants/pledges that are restrictive and/or no longer
required by the market and/or to make other changes in debt documents that would
benefit the current, short-term, or long term capital cost of the Issuer.
VI. Types of and Limitations on Debt
A) Long-Term Debt
The Issuer may issue Debt with longer-term maturities to amortize Issuer capital or
other costs over a period commensurate with the expected life, use or benefit provided
by the project, program or facilities financed from such Debt. Long-term Debt will
generally have a final maturity of five ( 5) years or more. Long-term debt is appropriate
for financing essential capital projects and certain capital equipment where the project
being financed will provide benefit over multiple years and the Issuer considers the
project to be of vital, time-sensitive need and there are no plausible alternative
financing sources after considering other alternatives, such as pay-as-you-go funding
or existing funds on hand.
B) Short-Term Debt
The Issuer may issue Debt with shorter-term matu1ities to provide interim funding for
capital projects and expenditures that will ultimately be funded from another source
such as a grant, a long-term Debt issue, or the receipt of Federal or State grants, other
revenues, and/or for cash flow management (including but not limited to working
capita! or startup related costs). Short-term Debt generall,y__shall consist of Debt of an
issue with a ftnal maturity ofless than five (5) years or less and may include, but is not
limited to, Debt in the form of Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes, Bond
Anticipation Notes, Grant Anticipation Notes, and/or Commercial Paper.
C) Power Revenue Debt
If and to the extent authorized in accordance with applicable provisions of State law,
the Issuer may issue Debt payable in whole or in part from power revenues. It is
expected that power revenue debt will represent the principal form of Debt of the
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D) Other Revenue Debt
If and to the extent authorized in accordance with applicable provisions of State law,
the Issuer may issue Debt payable in whole or in part from other types of revenues.
E) Other Federally Supported Programs
The Issuer may also participate in federal loans administered or provided by the United
States as well as federally subsidized taxable and tax-exempt bond programs, and may
secure credit enhancement and/or credit support provided under Federal programs,
provided such loans, bonds or programs provide an attractive funding cost or other
desirable features such as, but not limited to, deep subordination of the repayment
obligation, an unusually long repayment term, or no payment due until a certain period
after substantial project completion.
F) Fixed-Rate Debt
The Issuer may issue Debt that bears a fixed-rate rate of interest.
G) Variable Rate Debt
The Issuer may also issue Debt that bears a variable rate of interest, including, but not
limited to, variable rate demand obligations, commercial paper and floating rate notes.
VII. Terms and Provisions of Debt
A) Debt Service Structure
The Issuer shall design the financing schedule and repayment of debt so as to take best
advantage of market conditions, provide flexibility and, as practical, to recapture or
maximize its debt capacity for future use. Annual debt service payments will generally
be structured on a level basis; however, principal amortization may occur more quickly
or slowly where permissible, to mirror debt repayment streams and/or provide future
financing flexibility.
B) Amortization of Principal
Long-term Debt of the Issuer shall be issued with maturities that amortize the principal
of such Debt over a period commensurate with the expected life, use or benefit
(measured in years) provided by the projects, programs and/or facilities financed from
the proceeds of such Debt. The weighted average maturity of such Debt (if issued as
tax-exempt Debt) should not exceed one hundred and twenty percent (120%) of the
reasonably estimated weighted average life, use or benefit (measured in years) of the
projects, programs and/or facilities financed from the proceeds of such Debt.
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Amortization of principal may be achieved either through serial maturities and/or
through term Debt subject to mandatory sinking fund payments and/or optional
C) Capitalized Interest
The Issuer may fund interest on Debt from proceeds of Debt for legal, budgeting or
structuring purposes.
D) Call Provisions for Debt
1) Optional Call Provisions. The Issuer shall seek to include the shortest practicable
optional call rights, with and/or without a call premium, consistent with optimal
pricing of such Debt. Call premiums, if any, should not be in excess of then
prevailing market standards and to the extent consistent with the most
advantageous borrowing cost for the Issuer. Non-callable maturities may be
considered and used to accommodate market requirements or other advantageous
benefits to the Issuer.
2) Extraordinary Call Provisions. The Issuer, at its option, may include extraordinary
call provisions, including for example with respect to unspent proceeds, damage to
or destruction of the project or facilities financed, or other matters, as the Issuer
may determine is necessary or desirable.
E) Payment of Interest
1) Current Interest Debt may be issued. It is anticipated that the interest on most, if
not all, Debt issued will be paid on a current interest basis.
2) Deferred Interest Debt may also be issued. Debt of the Issuer may be issued with
the payment of actual or effective interest deferred in whole or in part to the
maturity or redemption date of each debt instrument, or the conversion of such debt
instrument to a cunent interest-paying debt instrument (known, respectively, as
capital appreciation bonds, zero coupon bonds and convertible capital appreciation
bonds). Deferred Interest Debt may be issued to achieve optimal sizing, debt
service structuring, pricing or other purposes.
F) Determination of Variable Interest Rates on Debt
The interest rate from time to time on Debt the interest of which is not fixed to maturity
may be determined in such manner that the Issuer detem1ines, including without
limitation on a daily, weekly, monthly or other periodic basis, by reference to an index,
prevailing market rates or other measures, and by or through an auction or other
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G) Tender Options on Debt
The Issuer may issue Debt subject to the right or obligation of the holder to tender the
Debt back to the Issuer for purchase, including, for example, to enable the holder to
liquidate their position, or upon the occurrence of specified credit events, interest rate
mode changes or other circumstances. The obligation of the Issuer to make payments
to the holder upon any such tender may be secured by (i) a credit or liquidity facility
from a financial institution in an amount at least equal to the principal amount of the
Debt subject to tender, (ii) a liquidity or similar account into which the Issuer shall
deposit and maintain an amount at least equal to the principal amount of the Debt
subject to tender, or (iii) other means of self-liquidity that the Issuer deems prudent.
H) Multi-Modal Debt
The Issuer may issue Debt that may be converted between two or more interest rate
modes without the necessity of a refunding. Such interest rate modes may include,
without limitation: daily interest rates, weekly interest rates, other periodically variable
interest rates, commercial paper rates, auction rates, fixed rates for a term and fixed
rates to maturity (in each case with or without tender options).
I) Debt Service Reserve Funds
The Issuer may issue Debt that is secured by amounts on deposit in or credited to a
debt service reserve fund ot account in order to minimize the net cost of borrowing
and/or to provide additional reserves for debt service or other purposes. Debt service
reserve funds may secure one or more issues of Debt, and may be funded by proceeds
of Debt, other available moneys of the Issuer, and/or by surety policies, letters or lines
of credit or other similar instruments. Surety policies, letters or lines of credit or other
similar instruments may be substituted for amounts on deposit in a debt service reserve
fund if such amounts are needed for capital projects or other purposes.
Amounts in the debt service reserve funds shall be invested in accordance with the
requirements of the applicable Debt documents in order to (i) maximize the rate of
return on such amounts; (ii) minimize the risk of loss; (iii) minimize volatility in the
value of such investments; and (iv) maximize liquidity so that such amounts will be
available if it is necessary to draw upon them.
J) Lien Levels
The Issuer may create senior and junior lien pledges, as well as pledges at various lien
priority levels, for each fund source which secures Debt repayment in order to optimize
financing capacity.
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VIII. Maintenance of Liquidity; Reserves
The Issuer may maintain unencumbered reserves in amounts sufficient in the
detennination of the Issuer to cover unexpected revenue losses, extraordinary payments
and other contingencies, and to provide liquidity in connection with the Issuer's
outstanding Debt.
IX. Investment of Debt Proceeds and Related Moneys
Proceeds of Debt and amounts in the Issuer's debt service, project fund and debt service
reserve funds with respect to outstanding Debt shall be invested in accordance with the
terms of the applicable Debt documents and other applicable agreements of the Issuer.
X. Third Party Credit Enhancement
The Issuer may secure credit enhancement for its Debt from third-party credit providers
to the extent such credit enhancement is available upon reasonable, competitive and cost-
effective terms. Such credit enhancement may include municipal bond insurance ("Bond
Insurance"), letters of credit and lines of credit (collectively and individually, "Credit
Facilities"), as well as other similar instruments.
A) Bond Insurance
All or any portion of an issue of Debt may be secured by Bond Insurance provided by
municipal bond insurers ("Bond Insurers") if it is economically advantageous to do so,
or if it is otherwise deemed necessary or desirable in connection with a particular issue
of Debt. The relative cost or benefit of Bond Insurance may be detennined by
comparing the amount of the Bond Insurance premium to the present value of the
estimated interest savings to be derived as a result of the insurance.
B) Credit Facilities
The issuance of certain types of Debt requires a letter of credit or line of credit (a
"Credit Facility") from a commercial bank or other qualified financial institution to
provide liquidity and/or credit support. The types of Debt where a Credit Facility may
be necessary include commercial paper, variable rate Debt with a tender option and
Debt that could not receive an investment grade credit rating in the absence of such a
The criteria for selection of a Credit Facility provider shall include the following:
1) Long-term ratings from at least two nationally recognized credit rating agencies
("Rating Agencies") preferably to be equal to or better than those of the Issuer Ji
any :
2) Short-term ratings as appropriate for the type of Debt being issued;
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3) Experience providing such facilities to state and local government issuers;
4) Fees, including without limitation initial and ongoing costs of the Credit Facility;
draw, transfer and related fees; counsel fees; termination fees and any trading
differential; and
5) Willingness to agree to the terms and conditions proposed or required by the Issuer.
XI. Use of Derivatives
Derivative products include but are not limited to interest rate swaps, interest rates caps
and collars and forward or other hedging agreements. Derivative products will be
considered in the issuance or management of debt only in instances where it has been
demonstrated that the derivative product will either provide a hedge that reduces risk of
fluctuations in expense or revenue, or, alternatively, where it will reduce total debt service
cost in a manner that exceed the risks. Derivative products will only be utilized following
the adoption of derivative product policy and with prior Board approval. In addition, an
analysis of early termination costs and other conditional terms must be completed by the
Issuer's municipal advisor prior to the approval of any derivative product by the Board.
Such analysis will document the risks and benefits associated with the use of the particular
derivative product.
XII. Methods of Sale and Pricing of Debt
There are three principal methods for the sale of Debt: (i) competitive; (ii) negotiated and
(iii) private placement. In addition, Debt may be incurred as a direct loan. The Issuer shall
utilize the method of sale that (a) is reasonably expected to produce the most advantageous
interest cost with respect to the Debt and (b) provides the Issuer with the flexibility most
desirable in connection with the structuring, timing or terms of such Debt. The Issuer shall
utilize such method that is likely to provide the most advantageous borrowing costs and
execution on behalf of the Issuer.
Debt may be sold at such prices, including at par, a premium or a discount, as the Issuer,
in consultation with its municipal advisor, may determine is likely to produce the most
advantageous interest cost under then prevailing market conditions, subject to compliance
with applicable State law and Federal securities laws.
A) Competitive Sale
The competitive method of sale is appropriate when:
1) Bond prices are stable and/or there is strong demand for the bonds;
2) Market timing and interest rate sensitivity are not critical to the pricing;
3) Issuer has a strong credit rating and is well known to investors;
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4) The Issuer has straightforward political and organizational structure, and the
project, funding, and credit quality are easy to understand and market to potential
investors; and
5) The Debt type and structure are conventional and the transaction size 1s
B) Negotiated Sale
A negotiated sale is appropriate when:
1) There is market volatility and/or weak demand and high supply of competing
2) The Debt structure is complex;
3) Issuer has lower or weakening credit rating and is not well known to investors;
4) The Debt has non-standard structural features, such as a forward delivery, issuance
of variable rate bonds, use of derivative products, or possesses a specific
structuring feature that benefits from a negotiated sale;
5) Early structuring and market participation by underwriters are desired and there is
strong projected retail demand for the Debt; and
6) The Debt size is significantly larger and would limit competition.
For a negotiated bond sale, the Issuer, with the assistance of its municipal advisor, will
conduct a competitive underwriter selection process for either a specific Debt issue or
through the establishment of an underwriter pool from which to choose over a defined
period of time.
C) Private Placement
A private placement is structured for one purchaser or a group of purchasers, who are
typically qualified institutional buyers, in a non-public offering conducted by an
underwriting firm serving as placement agent. Since no public offering is involved,
securities disclosure requirements are not as heavy. If a private placement is
considered as the optimal sale method for the Issuer, the municipal advisor will
conduct a competitive selection process to recommend the placement agent.
D) Direct Purchase; Direct Loan; Revolving Obligations A direct purchase or direct
loan is structured specifically for one bank (or a syndicate of banks), putting the Issuer
and bank in a bilateral borrower-lender relationship. Examples include a direct
purchase agreement or revolving credit facility. Securities disclosure requirements are
the least burdensome for this structure. A direct purchase or direct loan may be
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advisable if the Issuer is unable to access the municipal capital markets or for other
reasons. If a direct purchase or direct loan is contemplated, the~municipal advisor
will, if any'=slL<mld conduct a competitive selection process to recommend the bank.
Selection criteria will include:
I) A term sheet to be provided along with the request for qualifications, with any
requested modifications to be highlighted by the bank and taken into consideration
in the evaluation process;
2) A representative list of clients for whom the bank has provided similar agreements;
3) Evaluation of fees, specifically, cost of the agreement including index, spread, and
other administrative charges. The evaluation of fees, terms and conditions wi 11 be
compared to other alternative financing methods.
XIII. Debt Redemption Programs
The Issuer may establish from time-to-time a plan or program for the payment and/or
redemption of outstanding Debt and/or interest thereon from revenues and/or other
available funds pursuant to a recommendation from the Chief Financial Officer. Such plan
or program may be for the purposes of reducing outstanding Debt, managing the amount
of debt service payable in any year, or other suitable purposes, as determined by the Issuer.
XIV. Professional Services
The Issuer may retain professional services providers as necessary or desirable in
connection with: (i) the structuring, issuance and sale of its Debt; (ii) monitoring of and
advice regarding its outstanding Debt; and (iii) the negotiation, execution and monitoring
of related agreements, including without limitation Bond Insurance, Credit Facilities,
Derivatives and investment agreements; and (iv) other similar or related matters.
Professional service providers may include municipal advisors, bond counsel, disclosure
counsel, Issuer consultants, bond trustees and Federal arbitrage rebate services providers,
and may include, as appropriate, underwriters, feasibility consultants, remarketing agents,
auction agents, broker-dealers, escrow agents, verification agents and other similar parties.
The Issuer shall require that its Municipal Advisors, bond and disclosure counsel and other
Issuer consultants be free of any conflicts of interest, or that any necessary or appropriate
waivers or consents are obtained.
A) Municipal Advisors
The Issuer may utilize one or more municipal advisors to provide ongoing advisory
services with respect to the Issuer's outstanding and proposed Debt and related
agreements, including without limitation Bond Insurance, Credit Facilities,
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Derivatives, investment agreements and other similar matters. Municipal advisors
must be registered with the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board and as a municipal
advisor as such term is defined in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and shall be
required to disclose any conflicts of interest.
B) Bond Counsel, Disclosure Counsel and Other Legal Counsel
1) Bond Counsel. The Issuer may utilize one or more bond counsel firms to provide
ongoing legal advisory services with respect to the Issuer's outstanding and
proposed Debt and related agreements, including without limitation Credit
Facilities, Derivatives, investment agreements and other similar matters. All Debt
issued by the Issuer shall require a written opinion from the Issuer's bond counsel,
as appropriate, regarding (i) the validity and binding effect of the Debt, and (ii) the
exemption of interest from Federal and State income taxes.
2) Disclosure Counsel. The Issuer may utilize a disclosure counsel firm to provide
ongoing legal advisory services with respect to initial and continuing disclosure in
connection with the Issuer's outstanding and proposed Debt. Such firm may be one
of the Issuer's bond counsel firms.
3) Other Legal Counsel. The Issuer may encourage or require, as appropriate, the
retention and use oflegal counsel by other parties involved in the issuance of Debt
and the execution ofrelated agreements which are approved by the Issuer.
C) Issuer Consultant
The Issuer may utilize one or more outside Issuer consultants to provide ongoing
advisory services with respect to the Issuer's outstanding and proposed Debt, Issuer
fares, strategic business and financial decisions and such other matters as the Issuer
D) Trustees and Fiscal Agents
The Issuer may engage bond trustees and/or fiscal agents, paying agents and tender
agents, as necessary or appropriate, in connection with the issuance of its Debt.
E) Underwriters/Remarketing Agents/Broker-Dealers
The Issuer may engage an underwriter or a team of underwriters, including a senior
managing underwriter, in connection with the negotiated sale of its Debt. The Issuer
also may engage one or more underwriters, as necessary or appropriate, to serve as
remarketing agents, broker-dealers or in other similar capacities with respect to
variable rate, auction, tender option, commercial paper and other similar types of Debt
issued by the Issuer.
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F) Feasibility Consultants
The Issuer may retain feasibility consultants in connection with proposed project,
programs, facilities or activities to be financed in whole or in part from proceeds of
Debt. The criteria for the selection of such feasibility consultants, in addition to those
set forth above, shall include their expertise and experience with projects, programs,
facilities or activities similar to those proposed to be undertaken by the Issuer.
G) Arbitrage Rebate Services Providers
Because of the complexity of the Federal arbitrage rebate statutes and regulations, and
the severity of potential penalties for non-compliance, the Issuer may retain an
arbitrage rebate services provider in connection with its outstanding and proposed
Debt, and may also solicit related legal and tax advice from its bond counsel or separate
tax counsel. The responsibilities of the arbitrage rebate services provider shall include:
(i) the periodic calculation of any accrued arbitrage rebate liability and of any rebate
payments due under and in accordance with the Code and the related rebate
regulations; (ii) advice regarding strategies for minimizing arbitrage rebate liability;
(iii) the preparation and filing of periodic forms and information required to be
submitted to the Internal Revenue Service; (iv) the preparation and filing of requests
for reimbursement of any prior overpayments; and (v) other related matters as
requested by the Issuer.
The Issuer shall maintain necessary and appropriate records regarding (i) the
expenditure of proceeds of Debt, including the individual projects and facilities
financed and the amounts expended thereon, and (ii) investment earnings on such Debt
proceeds. The Issuer shall maintain such records for such period of time as shall be
required by the Code.
H) Other Professional Services
The Issuer may retain such other professional services providers, including without
limitation verification agents, escrow agents, auction agents, as may be necessary or
appropriate in connection with its Debt.
XV. Budgeting and Capital Planning
The Issuer's budgeting process, including its budgeting process for capital expenditures,
shall provide a framework for evaluating proposed Debt issuances.
XVI. Credit Rating Objectives
The Issuer shall seek to preserve and enhance the credit ratings with respect to its
outstanding Debt, if any. to the extent consistent with the Issuer's current and anticipated
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business operations and financial condition, strategic plans and goals and other objectives,
and in accordance with any developed credit strategies.
XVII. Debt Affordability
The Issuer shall periodically review its debt affordability levels and capacity for the
undertaking of new financing obligations to fund its expenditure plans. Debt affordability
measures shall be based upon the credit objectives of the Issuer, criteria identified by
rating agencies, comparison of industry peers and other internal factors of the Issuer.
XVIll. Relationships with Market Participants
The Issuer shall seek to preserve and enhance its relationships with the various participants
in the municipal bond market, including without limitation, the Rating Agencies, Bond
Insurers, credit/liquidity providers and current and prospective investors, including
through periodic communication with such participants.
The Issuer shall prepare or cause to be prepared appropriate disclosures as required by the
Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 15c2-12, the federal government, the State of
California, rating agencies and other persons or entities entitled to disclosure to ensure
compliance with applicable laws and regulations and agreements to provide ongoing
XIX. Periodic Review
The Chief Financial Officer shall review this Debt Policy on a periodic basis, and
recommend any changes to the Board for consideration.
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Exhibit B
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(See attachment)
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I. Purpose
Updated as of December 30, 2021
The purpose of this Debt Policy (the "Debt Policy") is to establish comprehensive
guidelines for the issuance and management of debt (herein referred as "Debt") issued by
the Clean Energy Alliance (the "Issuer"). This Debt Policy is intended to help ensure that:
(i) the Issuer, the governing body of the Issuer (the "Board of Directors" or the "Board"),
and Issuer management and staff adhere to sound debt issuance and management practices;
(ii) the Issuer achieves the most advantageous cost of capital within prudent risk
parameters; (iii) the Issuer preserves future financial flexibility; and (iii) the Issuer
preserves and enhances the credit ratings assigned to its debt.
II. Scope of Debt Policy
This Debt Policy shall provide guidance for the issuance and management of bonds and
other forms of indebtedness of the Issuer, together with any credit, liquidity and other
ancill ary instruments and agreements secured or executed in connection with such
transactions. While adherence to this Debt Policy is recommended in applicable
circumstances, the Issuer recognizes that changes in the capital markets, Issuer programs
and other unforeseen circumstances may produce situations that are not covered by the
Debt Policy or require modifications or exceptions to achieve Debt Policy goals. In these
cases, management flexibility is appropriate, provided specific authorization from the
Board is obtained. The Issuer may approve Debt and other related agreements the terms or
provisions of which deviate from this Debt Policy, upon the recommendation and approval
of the Chief Financial Officer of the Issuer (the "Chief Financial Officer") as circumstances
warrant. The failure by the Issuer to comply w ith any provision of this Debt Policy shall
not affect the validity of any Debt that is otherwise duly authorized and executed.
The Chief Financial Officer is the designated administrator of the Debt Policy. The Chief
Financial Officer shall have the day-to-day responsibility and authority for structuring,
implementing and managing the Issuer's debt and financing program. The Debt Policy
requires that each debt issuance be specifically authorized by the Board of Directors.
III. Legal Authority; Compliance with Laws, Resolutions, Debt Documents and
Contracts A) Legal Authority
The Issuer has exclusive authority to plan and issue Debt for Issuer related purposes,
subject to approval by the Board of Directors.
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B) Compliance with Law
All Debt of the Issuer shall be issued in accordance with applicable Federal and State
laws, rules and regulations, including without limitation the Internal Revenue Code of
1986 (the "Code") with respect to the issuance of tax-exempt Debt, the Securities Act
of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, in each case as supplemented and
amended, and regulations promulgated pursuant to such laws.
C) Compliance with Issuer Resolutions and Debt Documents
Debt of the Issuer shall be issued in accordance with applicable resolutions and debt
documents of the Issuer, in each case as supplemented and amended.
D) Compliance with Other Agreements
Debt of the Issuer shall be issued in compliance with any other agreements of the Issuer
with credit or liquidity providers, bond insurers or other third parties.
E) Compliance with SB 1029
This Debt Policy complies with California Senate Bill 1029 (2016). As amended by
Senate Bill 1029, California Government Code Section 8855(i) requires issuers to
adopt debt policies addressing each of the five items below:
1) The purposes for which the debt proceeds may be used.
Section V (Purposes for Debt) and Section VI (Types of and Limitations on Debt)
address the purposes for which debt proceeds may be used.
2) The types of debt that may be issued.
Section VI (Types of and Limitations on Debt) provides information regarding the
types of debt that may be issued.
3) The relationship of the debt to, and integration with, the issuer's capital
improvement program or budget, if applicable.
Section XV (Budgeting and Capital Planning) provides infonnation regarding the
relationship between the Issuer's debt and budgeting process, including its budgeting
process for capital expenditures.
4) Policy goals related to the issuer's planning goals and objectives.
As described in Section I (Purpose), Section XVI (Credit Rating Objectives), Section
XVII (Debt Affordability), and other sections, this Policy has been adopted to assist
with the Issuer's goals of adhering to sound debt issuance and management practices,
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achieving the most advantageous cost of capital within prudent risk parameters,
preserving future financial flexibility, and preserving and enhancing the credit ratings
assigned to its debt.
5) The internal control procedures that the issuer has implemented, or will implement,
to ensure that the proceeds of the proposed debt issuance will be directed to the
intended use.
Section IV A.6 (Administration of Debt Policy) provides information regarding the
Issuer's internal control procedures designed to ensure that the proceeds of its debt
issues are spent as intended.
IV. Administration of Debt Policy
A) Issuer
The Issuer shall be responsible for:
l) Approval of the issuance of all Debt and the terms and provisions thereof;
2) Appointment of municipal advisors, bond counsel, disclosure counsel, Issuer
consultants, underwriters, feasibility consultants, trustee and other professionals
retained in connection with the issuance of Debt;
3) Approval of this Debt Policy and any supplements or amendments;
4) Periodic approval of the Issuer's expenditure plans;
5) Periodic approval of proposed Issuer annual and supplemental budgets for
submission to the Board of Directors, including without limitation provisions for
the timely payment of principal of and interest on all Debt; and
6) Maintaining internal control procedures with respect to Debt proceeds. Debt
proceeds will be held either by a third-party trustee, which will disburse such
proceeds to the Issuer upon the submission of one or more written requisitions, or
by the Issuer to be held and accounted for in a separate fund or account, the
expenditure of which will be carefully documented by the Issuer.
B) Chief Financial Officer
The Chief Financial Officer shall have responsibility and authority for the structure,
issuance and management of the Issuer's Debt and financing programs. These
responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
1) Determining the appropriate structure and terms for all proposed debt transactions;
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2) Undertaking to issue Debt at the most advantageous interest and other costs
consistent with prudent levels of risk;
3) Ensuring compliance of any proposed Debt with any applicable additional debt
limitations under State law, or the Issuer's Debt Policy, resolutions and debt
4) Seeking approval from the Board of Directors for the issuance of Debt or other debt
5) Coordinating with other public agencies in connection with necessary approvals
associated with Debt issuance;
6) Recommending to the Board of Directors the manner of sale of any Debt or other
debt transactions;
7) Monitoring opportunities to refund outstanding Debt to achieve debt service
savings, and recommending such refunding to the Board, as appropriate;
8) Providing for and participating in the preparation and review of all legal and
disclosure documents in connection with the issuance of any Debt by the Issuer;
9) Recommending the appointment of municipal advisors, bond counsel, disclosure
counsel, Issuer consultants, underwriters, feasibility consultants and other
professionals retained in connection with the Issuer's debt issuance as necessary or
10) Distributing information regarding the business operations and financial condition
of the Issuer to appropriate bodies on a timely basis in compliance with any
applicable continuing disclosure requirements;
11) Communicating regularly with the rating agencies, bond insurers, investment
providers, institutional investors and other market participants related to the Issuer's
Debt; and
12) Maintaining a database with summary information regarding all of the Issuer's
outstanding Debt and other debt obligations.
C) Procedures for Approval of Debt
Any proposed issuance of Debt by the Issuer shall be submitted to and subject to
authorization and approval by the Board of Directors.
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D) Considerations in Approving Issuance of Debt
The Issuer may take into cons,ideration any or all of the following factors, as
appropriate, prior to approving the proposed issuance of Debt:
l) Whether the proposed issuance complies with this Debt Policy;
2) Source(s) of payment and security for the Debt;
3) Projected revenues and other benefits from the projects proposed to be funded;
4) Projected operating costs and other costs related to the proposed projects;
5) Impacts, if any, on Issuer and Debt credit ratings;
6) Period, if any, over which interest on the Debt should be capitalized;
7) Extent to which debt service on the Debt should be level or non-level;
8) Appropriate lien priority of the Debt; and
9) Adequacy of the proposed disclosure document.
V. Purposes for Debt
The Issuer may issue Debt for the purposes of financing and refinancing the costs of capital
projects undertaken by the Issuer. The Issuer may also issue Debt for working capital
purposes/startup related costs and expenses and to pay other extraordinary unfunded costs,
including, but not limited to, termination or other similar payments due in connection with interest
rate swaps (if any) and investment agreements entered into in connection with Debt. Proceeds of
Debt may be applied to pay costs of issuance, to fund capitalized interest and debt service reserves
and to pay costs incurred in connection with securing credit enhancement, including, but not
limited to, premiums payable for bond insurance and reserve fund sureties.
A) New Money Debt
New money issues are typically those financings that generate additional funding to be
available for expenditure on capital projects. New money proceeds may not be used to
fund non-capital operational activities other than working capital or startup related
costs. Working capital or startup related costs may be financed by short term Debt, as
provided in Section VI.B.
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B) Refunding Debt
The Issuer may issue Debt to refund the principal of and interest on outstanding Debt
of the Issuer in order to (i) achieve debt service savings; (ii) restructure scheduled debt
service; (iii) convert from or to a variable or fixed interest rate structure; (iv) change or
modify the somce or sources of payment and security for the refunded Debt; or (v)
modify covenants otherwise binding upon the Issuer. Refunding Debt may be issued
either on a current or advance basis, as permitted by applicable Federal tax laws. The
Issuer may also utilize a tender offer process to refund Debt that is not otherwise subject
to optional call by the Issuer.
Refunding Debt should be issued to achieve debt service savings in most cases.
Refundings which do not produce savings are permitted if justified based on the need
for restructuring to remove covenants/pledges that are restrictive and/or no longer
required by the market and/or to make other changes in debt documents that would
benefi t the current, short-term, or long-term capital cost of the Issuer.
VI. Types of and Limitations on Debt
A) Long-Term Debt
The Issuer may issue Debt with longer-term maturities to amortize Issuer capital or
other costs over a period commensurate with the expected life, use or benefit provided
by the project, program or facilities financed from such Debt. Long-term Debt will
generally have a final maturity of five (5) years or more. Long-term debt is appropriate
for financing essential capital projects and certain capital equipment where the project
being financed will provide benefit over multiple years and the Issuer considers the
project to be of vital, time-sensitive need and there are no plausible alternative
financing sources after considering other alternatives, such as pay-as-you-go funding
or existing funds on hand.
B) Short-Term Debt
The Issuer may issue Debt with shorter-term maturities to provide interim funding for
capital projects and expenditures that will ultimately be funded from another source
such as a grant, a long-term Debt issue, or the receipt of Federal or State grants, other
revenues, and/or for cash flow management (including but not limited to working
capital or startup related costs). Short-term Debt generally shall consist of Debt of an
issue with a final maturity of five (5) years or less and may include, but is not limited
to, Debt in the form of Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes, Bond Anticipation Notes,
Grant Anticipation Notes, and/or Commercial Paper.
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C) Power Revenue Debt
If and to the extent authorized in accordance with applicable provisions of State law,
the Issuer may issue Debt payable in whole or in part from power revenues. It is
expected that power revenue debt will represent the principal form of Debt of the Issuer.
D) Other Revenue Debt
If and to the extent authorized in accordance with applicable provisions of State law,
the Issuer may issue Debt payable in whole or in part from other types of revenues.
E) Other Federally Supported Programs
The Issuer may also participate in federal loans administered or provided by the United
States as well as federally subsidized taxable and tax-exempt bond programs, and may
secure credit enhancement and/or credit support provided under Federal programs,
provided such loans, bonds or programs provide an attractive funding cost or other
desirable features such as, but not limited to, deep subordination of the repayment
obligation, an unusually long repayment term, or no payment due until a certain period
after substantial project completion.
F) Fixed-Rate Debt
The Issuer may issue Debt that bears a fixed-rate rate of interest.
G) Variable Rate Debt
The Issuer may also issue Debt that bears a variable rate of interest, including, but not
limited to, variable rate demand obligations, commercial paper and floating rate notes.
VII. Terms and Provisions of Debt
A) Debt Service Structure
The Issuer shall design the financing schedule and repayment of debt so as to take best
advantage of market conditions, provide flexibility and, as practical, to recapture or
maximize its debt capacity for future use. Annual debt service payments will generally
be structured on a level basis; however, principal amortization may occur more quickly
or slowly where permissible, to mirror debt repayment streams and/or provide future
financing flexibility.
B) Amortization of Principal
Long-term Debt of the Issuer shall be issued with maturities that amortize the principal
of such Debt over a period commensurate with the expected life, use or benefit
(measured in years) provided by the projects, programs and/or facilities financed from
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the proceeds of such Debt. The weighted average maturity of such Debt (if issued as
tax-exempt Debt) should not exceed one hundred and twenty percent (120%) of the
reasonably estimated weighted average life, use or benefit (measured in years) of the
projects, programs and/or facilities financed from the proceeds of such Debt.
Amortization of principal may be achieved either through serial maturities and/or
through term Debt subject to mandatory sinking fund payments and/or optional
C) Capitalized Interest
The Issuer may fund interest on Debt from proceeds of Debt for legal, budgeting or
structuring purposes.
D) Call Provisions for Debt
1) Optional Call Provisions. The Issuer shall seek to include the shortest practicable
optional call rights, with and/or without a call premium, consistent with optimal
pricing of such Debt. Call premiums, if any, should not be in excess of then
prevailing market standards and to the extent consistent with the most advantageous
borrowing cost for the Issuer. Non-callable maturities may be considered and used
to accommodate market requirements or other advantageous benefits to the Issuer.
2) Extraordinary Call Provisions. The Issuer, at its option, may include extraordinary
call provisions, including for example with respect to unspent proceeds, damage to
or destruction of the project or facilities financed, or other matters, as the Issuer
may determine is necessary or desirable.
E) Payment of Interest
l) Current Interest Debt may be issued. It is anticipated that the interest on most, if not
all, Debt issued will be paid on a current interest basis.
2) Deferred Interest Debt may also be issued. Debt of the Issuer may be issued with
the payment of actual or effective interest deferred in whole or in part to the
maturity or redemption date of each debt instrument, or the conversion of such debt
instrument to a current interest-paying debt instrument (known, respectively, as
capital appreciation bonds, zero coupon bonds and convertible capital appreciation
bonds). Deferred Interest Debt may be issued to achieve optimal sizing, debt service
structuring, pricing or other purposes.
F) Determination of Variable Interest Rates on Debt
The interest rate from time to time on Debt the interest of which is not fixed to maturity
may be determined in such manner that the Issuer determines, including without
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limitation on a daily, weekly, monthly or other periodic basis, by reference to an index,
prevailing market rates or other measures, and by or through an auction or other
G) Tender Options on Debt
The Issuer may issue Debt subject to the right or obligation of the holder to tender the
Debt back to the Issuer for purchase, including, for example, to enable the holder to
liquidate their position, or upon the occurrence of specified credit events, interest rate
mode changes or other circumstances. The obligation of the Issuer to make payments
to the holder upon any such tender may be secured by (i) a credit or liquidity facility
from a financial institution in an amount at least equal to the principal amount of the
Debt subject to tender, (ii) a liquidity or similar account into which the Issuer shall
deposit and maintain an amount at least equal to the principal amount of the Debt
subject to tender, or (iii) other means of self-liquidity that the Issuer deems prudent.
H) Multi-Modal Debt
The Issuer may issue Debt that may be converted between two or more interest rate
modes without the necessity of a refunding. Such interest rate modes may include,
without limitation: daily interest rates, weekly interest rates, other periodically variable
interest rates, commercial paper rates, auction rates, fixed rates for a term and fixed
rates to maturity (in each case with or without tender options).
I) Debt Service Reserve Funds
The Issuer may issue Debt that is secured by amounts on deposit in or credited to a debt
service reserve fund or account in order to minimize the net cost of borrowing and/or
to provide additional reserves for debt service or other purposes. Debt service reserve
funds may secure one or more issues of Debt, and may be funded by proceeds of Debt,
other available moneys of the Issuer, and/or by surety policies, letters or lines of credit
or other similar instruments. Surety policies, letters or lines of credit or other similar
instruments may be substituted for amounts on deposit in a debt service reserve fund if
such amounts are needed for capital projects or other purposes.
Amounts in the debt service reserve funds shall be invested in accordance with the
requirements of the applicable Debt documents in order to (i) maximize the rate of
return on such amounts; (ii) minimize the risk of loss; (iii) minimize volatility in the
value of such investments; and (iv) maximize liquidity so that such amounts will be
available if it is necessary to draw upon them.
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J) Lien Levels
The Issuer may create senior and junior lien pledges, as well as pledges at various lien
priority levels, for each fund source which secures Debt repayment in order to optimize
financing capacity.
vm. Maintenance of Liquidity; Reserves
The Issuer may maintain unencumbered reserves in amounts sufficient in the determination
of the Issuer to cover unexpected revenue losses, extraordinary payments and other
contingencies, and to provide liquidity in connection with the Issuer's outstanding Debt.
IX. Investment of Debt Proceeds and Related Moneys
Proceeds of Debt and amounts in the Issuer's debt service, project fund and debt service
reserve funds with respect to outstanding Debt shall be invested in accordance with the
terms of the applicable Debt documents and other applicable agreements of the Issuer.
X. Third Party Credit Enhancement
The Issuer may secure credit enhancement for its Debt from third-party credit providers to
the extent such credit enhancement is available upon reasonable, competitive and cost-
effective terms. Such credit enhancement may include municipal bond insurance ("Bond
Insurance"), letters of credit and lines of credit (collectively and individually, "Credit
Facilities"), as well as other similar instruments.
A) Bond Insurance
All or any portion of an issue of Debt may be seemed by Bond Insurance provided by
municipal bond insurers ("Bond Insurers") if it is economically advantageous to do so,
or if it is otherwise deemed necessary or desirable in connection with a particular issue
of Debt. The relative cost or benefit of Bond Insurance may be determined by
comparing the amount of the Bond Insurance premium to the present value of the
estimated interest savings to be derived as a result of the insurance.
B) Credit Facilities
The issuance of certain types of Debt requires a letter of credit or line of credit (a "Credit
Facility") from a commercial bank or other qualified financial institution to provide
liquidity and/or credit support. The types of Debt where a Credit Facility may be
necessary include commercial paper, variable rate Debt with a tender option and Debt
that could not receive an investment grade credit rating in the absence of such a facility.
The criteria for selection of a Credit Facility provider shall include the following:
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1) Long-term ratings from at least two nationally recognized credit rating agencies
("Rating Agencies") preferably to be equal to or better than those of the Issuer, if
2) Short-term ratings as appropriate for the type of Debt being issued;
3) Experience providing such facilities to state and local government issuers;
4) Fees, including without limitation initial and ongoing costs of the Credit Facility;
draw, transfer and related fees; counsel fees; termination fees and any trading
differential; and
5) Willingness to agree to the terms and conditions proposed or required by the Issuer.
XI. Use of Derivatives
Derivative products include but are not limited to interest rate swaps, interest rates caps
and collars and forward or other hedging agreements. Derivative products will be
considered in the issuance or management of debt only in instances where it has been
demonstrated that the derivative product will either provide a hedge that reduces risk of
fluctuations in expense or revenue, or, alternatively, where it will reduce total debt service
cost in a manner that exceed the risks. Derivative products will only be utilized following
the adoption of derivative product policy and with prior Board approval. In addition, an
analysis of early termination costs and other conditional terms must be completed by the
Issuer's municipal advisor prior to the approval of any derivative product by the Board.
Such analysis will document the risks and benefits associated with the use of the particular
derivative product.
Xll. Methods of Sale and Pricing of Debt
There are three principal methods for the sale of Debt: (i) competitive; (ii) negotiated and
(iii) private placement. In addition, Debt may be incurred as a direct loan. The Issuer shall
utilize the method of sale that (a) is reasonably expected to produce the most advantageous
interest cost with respect to the Debt and (b) provides the Issuer with the flexibility most
desirable in connection with the strncturing, timing or terms of such Debt. The Issuer shall
utilize such method that is likely to provide the most advantageous borrowing costs and
execution on behalf of the Issuer.
Debt may be sold at such prices, including at par, a premium or a discount, as the Issuer,
in consultation with its municipal advisor, may determine is likely to produce the most
advantageous interest cost under then prevailing market conditions, subject to compliance
with applicable State law and Federal securities laws.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 5AB20026-8B88-4E45-B85D-9E4A 1 E8AS00F
A) Competitive Sale
The competitive method of sale is appropriate when:
1) Bond prices are stable and/or there is strong demand for the bonds;
2) Market timing and interest rate sensitivity are not critical to the pricing;
3) Issuer has a strong credit rating and is well known to investors;
4) The Issuer has straightforward political and organizational structure, and the
project, funding, and credit quality are easy to understand and market to potential
investors; and
5) The Debt type and structure are conventional and the transaction size is
B) Negotiated Sale
A negotiated sale is appropriate when:
1) There is market volatility and/or weak demand and high supply of competing
2) The Debt structure is complex;
3) Issuer has lower or weakening credit rating and is not well known to investors;
4) The Debt has non-standard structural features, such as a forward delivery, issuance
of variable rate bonds, use of derivative products, or possesses a specific structuring
feature that benefits from a negotiated sale;
5) Early structuring and market participation by underwriters are desired and there is
strong projected retail demand for the Debt; and
6) The Debt size is significantly larger and would limit competition.
For a negotiated bond sale, the Issuer, with the assistance of its municipal advisor, will
conduct a competitive underwriter selection process for either a specific Debt issue or
through the establishment of an underwriter pool from which to choose over a defined
period of time.
C) Private Placement
A private placement is structured for one purchaser or a group of purchasers, who are
typically qualified institutional buyers, in a non-public offering conducted by an
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underwriting firm serving as placement agent. Since no public offering is involved,
securities disclosure requirements are not as heavy. If a private placement is considered
as the optimal sale method for the Issuer, the municipal advisor will conduct a
competitive selection process to recommend the placement agent.
D) Direct Purchase; Direct Loan; Revolving Obligations
A direct purchase or direct loan is structured specifically for one bank ( or a syndicate
of banks), putting the Issuer and bank in a bilateral borrower-lender relationship.
Examples include a direct purchase agreement or revolving credit facility. Securities
disclosure requirements are the least burdensome for this structure. A direct purchase
or direct loan may be advisable if the Issuer is unable to access the municipal capital
markets or for other reasons. If a direct purchase or direct loan is contemplated, a
municipal advisor, if any, should conduct a competitive selection process to
recommend the bank. Selection criteria will include:
1) A term sheet to be provided along with the request for qualifications, with any
requested modifications to be highlighted by the bank and taken into consideration
in the evaluation process;
2) A representative list of clients for whom the bank has provided similar agreements;
3) Evaluation of fees, specifically, cost of the agreement including index, spread, and
other administrative charges. The evaluation of fees, terms and conditions will be
compared to other alternative financing methods.
:xm. Debt Redemption Programs
The Issuer may establish from time-to-time a plan or program for the payment and/or
redemption of outstanding Debt and/or interest thereon from revenues and/or other
available funds pursuant to a recommendation from the Chief Financial Officer. Such plan
or program may be for the purposes of reducing outstanding Debt, managing the amount
of debt service payable in any year, or other suitable purposes, as determined by the Issuer.
XN. Professional Services
The Issuer may retain professional services providers as necessary or desirable in
connection with: (i) the structuring, issuance and sale of its Debt; (ii) monitoring of and
advice regarding its outstanding Debt; and (iii) the negotiation, execution and monitoring
of related agreements, including without limitation Bond Insurance, Credit Facilities,
Derivatives and investment agreements; and (iv) other similar or related matters.
Professional service providers may include municipal advisors, bond counsel, disclosure
counsel, Issuer consultants, bond trnstees and Federal arbitrage rebate services providers,
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and may include, as appropriate, underwriters, feasibility consultants, remarketing agents,
auction agents, broker-dealers, escrow agents, verification agents and other similar parties.
The Issuer shall require that its Municipal Advisors, bond and disclosure counsel and other
Issuer consultants be free of any conflicts of interest, or that any necessary or appropriate
waivers or consents are obtained.
A) Municipal Advisors
The Issuer may utilize one or more municipal advisors to provide ongoing advisory
services with respect to the Issuer's outstanding and proposed Debt and related
agreements, including without limitation Bond Insurance, Credit Facilities,
Derivatives, investment agreements and other similar matters. Municipal advisors must
be registered with the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board and as a municipal
advisor as such term is defined in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and shall be
required to disclose any conflicts of interest.
B) Bond Counsel, Disclosure Counsel and Other Legal Counsel
1) Bond Counsel. The Issuer may utilize one or more bond counsel firms to provide
ongoing legal advisory services with respect to the Issuer's outstanding and
proposed Debt and related agreements, including without limitation Credit
Facilities, Derivatives, investment agreements and other similar matters. All Debt
issued by the Issuer shall require a written opinion from the Issuer's bond counsel,
as appropriate, regarding (i) the validity and binding effect of the Debt, and (ii) the
exemption of interest from Federal and State income taxes.
2) Disclosure Counsel. The Issuer may utilize a disclosure counsel firm to provide
ongoing legal advisory services with respect to initial and continuing disclosure in
connection with the Issuer's outstanding and proposed Debt. Such firm may be one
of the Issuer's bond counsel firms.
3) Other Legal Counsel. The Issuer may encourage or require, as appropriate, the
retention and use of legal counsel by other parties involved in the issuance of Debt
and the execution of related agreements which are approved by the Issuer.
C) Issuer Consultant
The Issuer may utilize one or more outside Issuer consultants to provide ongoing
advisory services with respect to the Issuer's outstanding and proposed Debt, Issuer
fares, strategic business and financial decisions and such other matters as the Issuer
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D) Trustees and Fiscal Agents
The Issuer may engage bond trustees and/or fiscal agents, paying agents and tender
agents, as necessary or appropriate, in connection with the issuance of its Debt.
E) Underwriters/Remarketing Agents/Broker-Dealers
The Issuer may engage an underwriter or a team of underwriters, including a senior
managing underwriter, in connection with the negotiated sale of its Debt. The Issuer
al so may engage one or more underwriters, as necessary or appropriate, to serve as
remarketing agents, broker-dealers or in other similar capacities with respect to variable
rate, auction, tender option, commercial paper and other similar types of Debt issued
by the Issuer.
F) Feasibility Consultants
The Issuer may retain feasibility consultants in connection with proposed project,
programs, facilities or activities to be financed in whole or in part from proceeds of
Debt. The criteria for the selection of such feasibility consultants, in addition to those
set forth above, shall include their expertise and experience with projects, programs,
facilities or activities similar to those proposed to be undertaken by the Issuer.
G) Arbitrage Rebate Services Providers
Because of the complexity of the Federal arbitrage rebate statutes and regulations, and
the severity of potential penalties for non-compliance, the Issuer may retain an arbitrage
rebate services provider in connection with its outstanding and proposed Debt, and may
also solicit related legal and tax advice from its bond counsel or separate tax counsel.
The responsibilities of the arbitrage rebate services provider shall include: (i) the
periodic calculation of any accrued arbitrage rebate liability and of any rebate payments
due under and in accordance with the Code and the related rebate regulations; (ii)
advice regarding strategies for minimizing arbitrage rebate liability; (iii) the
preparation and filing of periodic forms and information required to be submitted to the
Internal Revenue Service; (iv) the preparation and filing of requests for reimbursement
of any prior overpayments; and (v) other related matters as requested by the Issuer.
The Issuer shall maintain necessary and appropriate records regarding (i) the
expenditure of proceeds of Debt, including the individual projects and facilities
financed and the amounts expended thereon, and (ii) investment earnings on such Debt
proceeds. The Issuer shall maintain such records for such period of time as shall be
required by the Code.
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H) Other Professional Services
The Issuer may retain such other professional services providers, including without
limitation verification agents, escrow agents, auction agents, as may be necessary or
appropriate in connection with its Debt.
XV. Budgeting and Capital Planning
The Issuer's budgeting process, including its budgeting process for capital expenditures,
shall provide a framework for evaluating proposed Debt issuances.
XVI. Credit Rating Objectives
The Issuer shall seek to preserve and enhance the credit ratings with respect to its
outstanding Debt, if any, to the extent consistent with the Issuer's current and anticipated
business operations and financial condition, strategic plans and goals and other objectives,
and in accordance with any developed credit strategies.
XVII. Debt Affordability
The Issuer shall periodically review its debt affordability levels and capacity for the
undertaking of new financing obligations to fund its expenditure plans. Debt affordability
measures shall be based upon the credit objectives of the Issuer, criteria identified by rating
agencies, comparison of industry peers and other internal factors of the Issuer.
XVIII. Relationships with Market Participants
The Issuer shall seek to preserve and enhance its relationships with the various participants
in the municipal bond market, including without limitation, the Rating Agencies, Bond
Insurers, credit/liquidity providers and current and prospective investors, including through
periodic communication with such participants.
The Issuer shall prepare or cause to be prepared appropriate disclosures as required by the
Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 15c2-12, the federal government, the State of
California, rating agencies and other persons or entities entitled to disclosure to ensure
compliance with applicable laws and regulations and agreements to provide ongoing
XIX. Periodic Review
The Chief Financial Officer shall review this Debt Policy on a periodic basis and
recommend any changes to the Board for consideration.