HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-01-27; Clean Energy Alliance JPA; MinutesDocuSign Envelope ID: EA085BFA-73A6-4CEB-85F2-667599498283 Clean Energy Alliance -Board of Directors Regular Meeting Minutes January 27, 2022, 2:00 p.m. City of Carlsbad I Virtual Meeting Teleconference Locations Per Government Code Section 54953(3) (Assembly Bill 361) CALL TO ORDER: Chair Becker called to order the regular meeting of the Clean Energy Alliance at 2:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Board Members: Druker, Inscoe, Musgrove, Bhat-Patel, Chair Becker FLAG SALUTE: Altern ate Board Member Bhat-Patel led t he flag salute. BOARD COMMENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS -None PRESENTATIONS -None PUBLIC COMMENT -None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the Special Meeting -Oct ober 28, 2021 Minutes of the Regular Meeting -October 28, 2021 Minutes of the Special Meeting-November 18, 2021 Motion by Board Member Druker, second by Board Member Inscoe, to approve the minutes of the special meeting held October 28, 2021, the minutes of the regular meeting held October 28, 2021, and the special meeting held November 18, 2021, as submitted. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0. Item 1: Clean Energy Alliance Board Elect Vice Chair to Serve for 2022 Term RECOMMENDATION Clean Energy Alliance Board Elect Vice Chair to serve for 2022 term. Motion by Chair Becker, second by Alternate Board Member Bhat-Patel, to elect Member Druker to serve as Vice Chair for the 2022 term. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0 Consent Calendar Item 2: Reconsideration of the Circumstances of the COVID-19 State of Emergency to Determine Whether the Legislative Bodies of Clean Energy Alliance will Continue to Hold M eetings Via Teleconferencing and Making Findings Pursuant to Government Code Section 54943(e) DocuSign Envelope ID: EA085BFA-73A6-4CEB-85F2-667599498283 Item 3: Item 4: Item 5: RECOMMENDATION To continue meetings by teleconferencing pursuant to Government Code Section 54943(e), finding that: (1) the Board has reconsidered the circumstances of the state of emergency created by the COVID-19 pandemic; and (2) the state of emergency continues to directly impact the ability of the members to meet safely in person. Clean Energy Alliance Treasurer's Report RECOMMENDATION Receive and file Clean En ergy Alliance Treasurer's Report. Clean Energy Alliance Chief Executive Officer Operational, Administrative and Regulatory Affairs Update RECOMMENDATION 1) Receive and file Community Choice Aggregation Update Report from Chief Executive Officer. 2) Receive and file Community Choice Aggregation Regulatory Affairs Report from Special Counsel. Review and Approve 2022 Clean Energy Alliance Legislative and Regulatory Policy Platform RECOMMENDATION Approve 2022 Clean Energy Alliance Legislative and Regulatory Policy Platform. Chair Becker requested and Special Counsel Tosdal updated the Board on the Net Energy Metering 3.0 (NEM) proceedings commenting that California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is considering drastic changes to the NEM tariffs currently administered by Investor-Owned Utilities (IOUs). The CPUC was scheduled to take a vote this day, January 27 but has delayed action with no indication when that might occur. A press release indicated that Governor Newsome advocated changes to the proposed decision. In addition, a letter has been submitted on behalf of CEA to the CPUC expressing CEA position on the proposed decision. No date has been scheduled for decision. Motion by Chair Becker, second by Board Member Musgrove, to approve Consent Calendar Items 2-5. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0. New Business Item 6: Consider Providing Direction to Amend Clean Energy Alliance Joint Powers Agreement Regarding Chair and Vice Chair Term Limits DocuSign Envelope ID: EA08SBFA-73A6-4CEB-8SF2-667599498283 RECOMMENDATION Provide direction related to amending Clean Energy Alliance Joint Powers Agreement regarding Chair and Vice Chair term limits. CEO Barbara Boswell commented the JPA agreement states an election of a Chair and Vice Chair annually with no term limits at this time. Should the Board wish to make changes General Counse l would advise on the specific steps required to amend t he JPA agreement. Motion by Vice Chair Druker, second by Board Member Musgrove, to limit the term of the Chair and Vice Chair to two years of consecutive service, review the JPA for other needed amendments, and return to the Board for initiation of amendments by September 2022. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0. Item 7: Discuss and Provide Direction Related to In Person Board Meeting Location RECOMMENDATION Discuss and provide direction related to in person Board meeting location. CEO Boswell presented the item stating that the regular meeting schedule shall be fixed annually by resolution of the Board and location may rotate, subject to Board approval and ava ilability of appropriate meeting space. Should the state of emergency change and the Board wish to change the regularly scheduled meeting through June 2022 to accommodate in person schedu le, this would require regular meetings be canceled and special meetings noticed for the new location. Staff will confirm with preferred locations for meeting schedule and location for July 2022 -June 2023 for technology and availability. Direction of Board for CEO to inquire with the cities of Carlsbad, Del Mar, and Solana Beach regarding live meeting streaming options to continue the current meeting rotation schedule until final in person meeting location(s) is determined. Item 8: Declare Openings and Direct Application Process for Clean Energy Alliance Community Advisory Committee for the Cities of Escondido and San Marcos RECOMMENDATION Declare openings and direct application process for Clean Energy Alliance Community Advisory Committee for the cities of Escondido and San Marcos. CEO Barbara Boswell presented the item commenting that per the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) Policy two members are appointed from each member agency to serve three-year staggered terms with one member serving two years and one serving three years. Requirements to serve include resi dency or business owners within the city being represented and filing of Form 700 Statement of Economic Interest subject to CEA's Conflict of Interest Code. Members must have relevant background and maintain good attendance. DocuSign Envelope ID: EA085BFA-73A6-4CEB-85F2-667599498283 Escondido and San Marcos Board members will receive applications for their community and return nominations to the full Board for consideration at the March 31, 2022, Board meeting. Motion by Vice Chair Druker, second by Board Member Inscoe, to declare openings and direct application process for CEA Community Advisory Committee for the cities of Escondido and San Marcos. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0. Item 9: Consider Approval of Community Advisory Committee 2022 Workplan and Meeting Schedule RECOMMENDATION Approve Community Advisory Committee 2022 Workplan and meeting schedule. CEO Boswell presented the CAC 2022 Workplan and Meeting Schedule explaining that Board sets the CAC schedule and workplan annually. Ms. Boswell indicated the CAC wished to excel from quarterly meetings to every other month to address the current goals of the CAC including providing input on an Outreach Strategy for the Escondido and San Marcos launch; providing input on CEA's 2022/23 budget and goals and updates to the CEA website to include topics related to achieving Climate Action Plan goals and supporting clean energy programs. CAC Member addressed the Board regarding including incentives for building electrification and energy efficiency in the CAC 2022 Workplan. CEO Boswell indicated that this item would be included in the budget workshop. Addressing the Board was Hillary Hebert, Policy Consultant Cleantech San Diego offering to the Board on hearing about their working group projects around the region. Motion by Board Member Musgrove, second by Board Member Inscoe, to approve the Community Advisory Committee 2022 Workplan and meeting schedule. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0. Item 10: Receive Update and Provide Direction Regarding Clean Energy Alliance Green Impact Champions Program RECOMMENDATION Receive update and provide direction regarding Clean Energy Alliance Green Impact Champions Program. CEO Boswell gave an overview of the item including selecting the logo and approving the Green Impact Champions Program which is the 100% renewable program. DocuSign Envelope ID: EA085BFA-73A6-4CEB-85F2-667599498283 Motion by Chair Becker, second by Board Member Musgrove, to approve the marketing program name Green Impact Champions; select Option A as presented for the Green Impact Champions logo; and approve the Business and Residential Green Impact Champions programs. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0. BOARD MEMBER REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Vice Chair Druker requested that discussion and formal review of the Chief Executive Officer's salary and contract be placed on a future agenda. ADJOURN: 3:22 p.m . NEXT MEETING: Regular Board Meeting February 24, 2022, 2pm, Del Mar, Virtual Susan Caputo, MMC Interim Boa rd Clerk