HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-05-10; City Council; ; Introduce Three Ordinances Amending Carlsbad Municipal Code Title 6, adding Chapters 6.22, 6.24 and 6.26, to Reduce the Use of Single-Use Plastic Bottles and Bags and ProCA Review _RMC_ Meeting Date: May 10, 2022 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: James Wood, Environmental Management Director james.wood@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2584 Subject: Introduce Three Ordinances Amending Carlsbad Municipal Code Title 6, adding Chapters 6.22, 6.24 and 6.26, to Reduce the Use of Single-Use Plastic Bottles and Bags and Prohibit the Intentional Release of Balloons in the City Districts: All Recommended Action •Introduce an Ordinance Amending Title 6 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to Add Chapter 6.22 – Plastic Bottled Beverage Reduction; and •Introduce an Ordinance Amending Title 6 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to Add Chapter 6.24 – Plastic Bag Ban; and •Introduce an Ordinance Amending Title 6 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to Add Chapter 6.26 – Intentional Release of Balloons Prohibition. Executive Summary The State of California has found and declared in California Public Resources Code Section 42355 that, “Littered plastic products have caused and continue to cause significant environmental harm and have burdened local governments with significant environmental cleanup costs.” To support the city’s environmental and sustainability guiding principles, the City Council approved Carlsbad’s Sustainable Materials Management Plan on Aug. 20, 2019 (Resolution No. 2019-145), and the Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan on Dec. 14, 2021 (Resolution No. 2021-291). A key initiative of the implementation plan is the research, development and implementation of policies that reduce waste and support the city’s sustainability goals. In keeping with the direction received from the City Council on Dec. 14, 2021, staff present the City Council with the proposed amendments to Carlsbad Municipal Code Title 6, to add Chapter 6.22 – Plastic Bottled Beverage Reduction, Chapter 6.24 – Plastic Bag Ban, and Chapter 6.26 – Intentional Release of Balloons Prohibition. May 10, 2022 Item #6 Page 1 of 24 The City Council’s approval is required to make any such changes to the municipal code. Discussion City policies related to reduction of waste and litter The city adopted its Sustainable Materials Management Plan and the related implementation plan to: • Ensure compliance with state solid waste, recycling and organics regulations • Align with the city’s environmental and sustainability guiding principles • Provide recommendations and actions to comply with state laws • Protect the environment and support the long-term sustainability of Carlsbad’s natural resources The City Council has already approved a phased-in single-use plastic foodware ban that added Chapter 6.20 to the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Ordinance CS-420 was adopted on April 19, 2022. As directed by the City Council at its meeting on Dec. 14, 2021, and in the adopted Implementation Plan, staff now present the following ordinances for the City Council’s consideration: • A plastic bottle ban at city facilities and city-affiliated events • A plastic bag ban • A ban on the intentional release of balloons Plastic bottled beverage reduction Data from the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery, known as CalRecycle, show that approximately 12.8 billion plastic beverage containers were sold in California in 2020, with 8.8 billion being recycled and the remaining 4 billion plastic beverage bottles ending up as litter or in landfills. Additionally, in 2021, the Ocean Conservancy reported that plastic beverage bottles were the second most collected item during the 2021 International Coastal Cleanup. The draft ordinance, adding Chapter 6.22 - Plastic Bottled Beverage Reduction to the Carlsbad Municipal Code, is an initial step intended to reduce the use of single-use plastic beverage bottles going to the landfill and the environment. This is to be accomplished by prohibiting distribution of single-use plastic beverage bottles at city facilities and city-affiliated events and activities. Included in these prohibitions would be any event or activity that: • Is sponsored or co-sponsored by the city • Is paid for using city funds • Occurs on city property • Requires authorization by the city, such as events that require a special event permit Plastic bag ban Plastic bags are lightweight, easily carried by wind and often end up as litter in the environment. They litter streets and public areas and contribute to significant clean-up costs for cities. Studies conducted in jurisdictions that have implemented local bag bans have shown a dramatic reduction in overall use of single-use plastic bags after implementation of the bag ban, as well as a reduction in litter on city streets and the marine environment. May 10, 2022 Item #6 Page 2 of 24 The draft ordinance, adding Chapter 6.24 – Plastic Bag Ban to the Carlsbad Municipal Code, is intended to reduce the use of single-use plastic bags in the city by prohibiting retail establishments or food service providers from providing a single-use carryout bag at the point of sale. Retail and food service providers may provide recyclable or reusable carryout bags at the point of sale for a charge of no less than 10 cents, which is consistent with current state law for grocery stores. Intentional release of balloons prohibition The State of California has laws prohibiting the outdoor release of balloons made of electrically conductive materials, such as foil or Mylar, at certain events or for certain uses. However, state law does not prohibit the release of common balloon types, such as latex balloons. These more common types of balloons can have a detrimental effect on wildlife and the environment, as animals often mistake them for food. Additionally, balloon accessories, such as strings, ribbons or plastic components, pose a risk of entanglement or ingestion for wildlife and are a source of litter. The draft ordinance, adding Chapter 6.26 – Intentional Release of Balloons Prohibition to the Carlsbad Municipal Code, is intended to prohibit the intentional release of balloons in the city by making it unlawful to intentionally release any balloon filled with gas lighter than air. Public outreach As described in the Road Map in the approved implementation plan, these draft ordinances were posted on the city website to allow interested stakeholders to provide feedback before this item was brought back to the City Council for its approval. Most of the responses the city received expressed support for these draft ordinances, and for the city’s ongoing efforts to reduce the amount of sustainable materials that is sent to landfills. The city will conduct targeted outreach to businesses likely to be affected by any of these ordinances to provide education and technical assistance. Public Works staff are currently working with Parks & Recreation Department Special Events staff to update the Special Events reference book and application to account for each of these ordinances. Staff are also collaborating with the Communication & Engagement Department to create outreach material for businesses and residents. Adoption of this ordinance will not only comply with state regulations but also align city policy with its environmental and sustainability guiding principles, reduce litter and marine debris and increase the amount of solid waste the city can divert from landfills. If enforcement is necessary, each draft ordinance contains enforcement measures consistent with the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Each draft ordinance authorizes the City Manager to delegate authority to the appropriate city department to enforce these ordinances. In keeping with information presented to the City Council on Dec. 14, 2021, staff will request that the City Manager delegate this enforcement authority to the Environmental Management Department of the Public Works Branch. Such delegation of authority is consistent with other chapters of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. May 10, 2022 Item #6 Page 3 of 24 Fiscal Analysis Adopting the proposed single use plastics ordinance will have no additional fiscal impact to the city. Funding for these activities for the current fiscal year has already been approved by the City Council and ongoing costs will be requested during the annual budgeting process. Next Steps The ordinances will become effective 30 days after City Council adoption. Staff will work to educate affected city businesses about these new restrictions and try to ease their transition toward compliance with these new ordinances. Public Works staff will also work to educate staff in other departments about these new restrictions and continue to inform the public about applicable new laws. As a general rule for all three ordinances, staff will pursue enforcement measures only as a last resort when education efforts prove unsuccessful. Since longer education and technical assistance is needed to prepare retail establishments and food service providers for the plastic bag ban, enforcement of Chapter 6.24 – Plastic Bag Ban will not occur until July 1, 2023, for retail establishments and July 1, 2024, for food service providers. Environmental Evaluation The City Planner finds that adoption of this ordinance is exempt from environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act, under CEQA Guidelines section 15061(b)(3) - Common Sense Exemption, Section 15307 - Actions by Regulatory Agencies for Protection of Natural Resources, and Section 15308 - Actions by Regulatory Agencies for Protection of the Environment. As a separate and independent basis, the City Planner finds that the following applies to all three proposed ordinances: • The Legislature of the State of California recognized the harmful effect of plastics when it found and declared in California Public Resource Code Section 42355 that “[l]ittered plastic products have caused and continue to cause significant environmental harm and have burdened local governments with significant environmental cleanup costs.” The United Nations Environment Program has also declared plastic marine debris, and its ability to transport toxic substances, one of the main emerging issues in our global environment. • A study from San Diego Coastkeeper found that 53% of the collected beach litter samples on the San Diego coastline was plastics, much of which was made of polystyrene. Furthermore, according to a 2013 report by Natural Resources Defense Council, communities on the west coast with populations ranging 75,000 to 250,000 spend an average of $8.94 per capita on cleaning up litter and preventing it from entering waterways. As a separate and independent basis, the City Planner finds that the following applies to each individually named proposed ordinance: Balloons The proposed project would prohibit any person from intentionally releasing balloons within the city’s limits. The ordinance’s proposed prohibition would result in increased proper and safe disposal of balloons, as well as a reduction in single-use plastic litter and marine debris resulting from released balloons. The City of Ventura, along with the County of Ventura, prohibited the May 10, 2022 Item #6 Page 4 of 24 release of any balloon inflated with gas lighter than air as part of any public or civic event, promotional activity, product advertisement or event requiring a city permit in 2020. None of these jurisdictions have repealed these balloon use restriction ordinances. There have been no known significant effects on the environment resulting from these local ordinances. Water bottles The proposed project would prohibit city facilities and city-affiliated events, from providing water in single-use plastic bottles. The ordinance’s proposed prohibition would result in greater use of reusable or compostable alternatives. Reusable and compostable bottles have less of an environmental impact than single-use plastics because they conserve natural resources. The City of Encinitas prohibited the distribution of plastic beverage bottles at city facilities or city-sponsored events in 2020, and the City of Solana Beach similarly prohibited the sale or distribution of plastic bottled beverages at any city facility or event in 2019. Neither of these jurisdictions have repealed these balloon use restriction ordinances. There have been no known significant effects on the environment resulting from these local ordinances. Plastic bags The proposed project would prohibit food service providers and retail facilities from providing customers with carryout and certain pre-checkout bags made of single-use plastic, and, instead, require use of reusable, paper and/or compostable bags. The ordinance’s proposed prohibition would result in greater use of bags that are reusable, recyclable or compostable. Reusable bags have less environmental impacts than polystyrene in that they conserve natural resources and reduce the amount of material entering the waste stream. Similarly, compostable bags and recyclable paper bags have less environmental impacts than single-use plastic bags in that they can be diverted from landfill by the city’s franchised materials collection program, while single- use plastic bags will be landfilled in the city’s collection program. The state Legislature passed Senate Bill 270 in 2014 and later enacted Proposition 67 in 2016. These measures prohibited most grocery stores, retail stores with a pharmacy, convenience stores, food marts and liquor stores from providing single-use plastic carryout bags to their customers. No known significant effects on the environment have resulted from these state laws. Furthermore, prior to the enactment of these state laws, numerous jurisdictions in California conducted environmental impact reports finding their proposed single-use plastic bans provided protection for the environment and natural resources without adverse impact to the environment. Such jurisdictions include but are not limited to Santa Barbara, Los Angeles and Alameda counties. There have been no known significant effects on the environment resulting from these local ordinances. Accordingly, the proposed project will align city policy with environmental and sustainability guiding principles, reduce litter and marine debris and improve the city’s solid waste diversion rates. For these reasons, the proposed project would protect the environment and not have a significant impact on the environment. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for viewing at least 72 hours prior to the posting of the agenda. May 10, 2022 Item #6 Page 5 of 24 Exhibits 1. City Council ordinance – Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 6.22 - Plastic Bottled Beverage Reduction 2. City Council ordinance – Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 6.24 - Plastic Bag Ban 3. City Council ordinance – Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 6.26 - Intentional Release of Balloons Prohibition. May 10, 2022 Item #6 Page 6 of 24 ORDINANCE NO. CS-423 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 6 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADD CHAPTER 6.22 -PLASTIC BOTTLED BEVERAGE REDUCTION Exhibit 1 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad, California ("city") aims to be a leader in sustainability and take action to: protect our natural resources, divert waste from landfills, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and increase city cleanliness and quality of life by reducing litter on city beaches and public areas; and WHEREAS, the State of California has found and declared in California Public Resources Code Section 42355 that, "Littered plastic products have caused and continue to cause significant environmental harm and have burdened local governments with significant environmental cleanup costs"; and WHEREAS, the city adopted a Sustainable Materials Management Plan on Aug. 20, 2019, through Resolution No. 2019-145, and a subsequent Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan on Dec, 14, 2021, through Resolution No. 2021-291, to provide recommended actions to support the city's achievement of its sustainability goals; and WHEREAS, a key initiative ofthe Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan is the research, development and implementation of policies that reduce waste and support the city's sustainability goals, including reducing single-use plastics such as beverage bottles; and WHEREAS, on Dec. 14, 2021, through Resolution No. 2021-291, the City Council approved the policy "Road Map" for implementing the proposed Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan policies, including drafting an ordinance to prohibit plastic beverage bottles at city facilities and city-affiliated events. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, ordains as follows: SECTION I: The above recitations are true and correct. SECTION II: Title 6 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to add Chapter 6.22 -Plastic Bottled Beverage Reduction, which reads as follows: Chapter 6.22 PLASTIC BOTTLED BEVERAGE REDUCTION Sections: 6.22.010 Intent and Purpose. 6.22.020 Definitions. 6.22.030 City-affiliated events. 6.22.040 City facilities and funds. 6.22.050 Alternative containers. 6.22.060 Exemptions. 6.22.070 Enforcement. 6.22.080 Severability. 6.22.010 Intent and Purpose. It is the intent and purpose of this chapter to reduce the use of single-use beverage bottles to: 1. Protect wildlife by reducing harmful litter and marine debris; 2. Conserve natural resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions; 3. Encourage the use of reusable items and divert waste from landfills; 4. Improve the cleanliness of city public areas and beaches to increase quality of life for residents, businesses, and visitors; and, 5. Align with the goals set forth in other city policies, including the current city council-adopted versions of the city’s Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan and the city’s Climate Action Plan. 6.22.020 Definitions. For purposes of this chapter the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section, unless it is obvious from the context that another meaning is intended: “City” or “City of Carlsbad” means the entity that governs the incorporated territory of the City of Carlsbad, California. “City-affiliated event” means any event or activity that is sponsored or co-sponsored by the city, is paid for, in part or full, using city funds, occurs on city-owned property, or requires a special event permit pursuant to Chapter 8.17 of this code or other authorization from the city. “City facility” means any building, structure, property, park, public space, or vehicle, owned, leased or operated by the city, its agents, departments, or designees. For purposes of this chapter, “City facility” does not include city-owned buildings, structures, property, parks, public spaces, or vehicles operated by an entity other than the city pursuant to a lease or other contractual arrangement. “City funds” means all monies or other assets received and managed by, or which are otherwise under the control of the city, and any notes, bonds, securities, certificates of indebtedness or other fiscal obligations issued by the city. For purposes of this chapter, “city funds” do not include funds received and managed by, or which are under the control of, any business improvement district. “Distribute” means to sell, offer for sale, give, or otherwise provide or offer to provide an item, either as a separate transaction, as part of a transaction for another item, or as a complementary service. “Enforcement agency” means the City of Carlsbad or its authorized agents charged with ensuring compliance with this chapter. “Enforcement official” means the city manager of the City of Carlsbad or designee. “Person” means any person, firm, association, business, organization, partnership, business trust, joint venture, corporation, company, or other public, private, or non-profit entity, and includes the City of Carlsbad and its officers or agents. “Plastic bottled beverage” means drinking water, sparkling water, enhanced water, soda, sport drinks, juice, or other similar product in a rigid plastic bottle having a capacity of one liter or less and intended primarily as a single- service container. May 10, 2022 Item #6 Page 8 of 24 “Rigid plastic bottle” means any formed or molded container comprised predominantly of plastic resin, having a relatively inflexible fixed shape or form, having a neck that is smaller than the container body, and intended primarily as a single-service container. 6.22.030 City-affiliated events. A. No person shall distribute plastic bottled beverages at city-affiliated events, regardless of whether the event is private or public. B. All special event permit applications required by Chapter 8.17 of this code, leases, facility permits, or other such approval granted by city departments for city-affiliated events shall specifically require that the permittee comply with the requirements of this chapter. 6.22.040 City facilities and funds. A. No person shall distribute plastic bottled beverages at city facilities, including use of city facilities through a rental, lease, or other agreement. B. City funds utilized in any manner, including purchase orders, purchasing cards, grant money, reimbursements, or other expenditures shall not be used to purchase plastic bottled beverages, except as otherwise permitted under this chapter. 6.22.050 Alternative containers. Containers used in lieu of rigid plastic bottles to serve beverages, such as cups for use at beverage refill stations, shall comply with the single-use foodware requirements set forth in Chapter 6.20 of this code and any other provisions of this code or other applicable law. 6.22.060 Exemptions. A. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply in the following circumstances: 1. In cases of emergency or other situations where the city manager or designee finds that relying on plastic bottled beverages is necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare, and no reasonable alternative will serve the same purpose. An example of such emergency includes lack of available potable water due to a natural disaster. 2. Where specific hydration requirements exist for employees working outside and no reasonable alternative to plastic bottled beverages will serve the same purpose. B. The city manager or designee may adopt rules, regulations, or forms for regulated entities to obtain full or partial waivers for up to six months from one or more requirements of this chapter. The subject of such waivers may include feasibility-based exemptions. The city manager or designee may also adopt an administrative fee for waiver applications, as well as a process for waiving administrative fees for certain applicants. 6.22.070 Enforcement. A. The enforcement agency and enforcement official may exercise any code enforcement powers and procedures as provided in Title 1 of this code. B. Violation of any provision of this chapter shall constitute an infraction, punishable pursuant to Chapter 1.08 of this code. C. Violation of any provision of this chapter may constitute grounds for retention of all, or a portion of, any deposit paid to the city relating to city-affiliated events or other approved use of city facilities where the violation occurred, such as facility rental deposits. D. A person that violates any provision of this chapter in connection with a special event on three or more instances within a one-year period shall be prohibited from obtaining a special event permit under Chapter 8.17 of this code for a period of one year. E. Each violation of this chapter shall constitute a separate violation. F. Nothing in this chapter shall prevent the city’s enforcement official from obtaining compliance by way of warning, administrative remedies contained in Chapter 1.10 of this code, educational means, or any other civil or administrative remedies available under this code or other applicable law. Such remedies and penalties shall be cumulative and not exclusive. May 10, 2022 Item #6 Page 9 of 24 6.22.080 Severability. If any portion of this chapter, or its application to particular persons or circumstances, is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a final decision of a court of competent jurisdiction, the decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this chapter or the application of the chapter to persons or circumstances not similarly situated. May 10, 2022 Item #6 Page 10 of 24 EFFECTIVE DATE : This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption; and the City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause the full text of the ordinance or a summary of the ordinance prepared by the City Attorney to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a Regular Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 10th day of May, 2022, and thereafter PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the_ day of ___ _, 2022, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CELIA A. BREWER, City Attorney MATT HALL, Mayor FAVIOLA MEDINA, City Clerk Services Manager (SEAL) ORDINANCE NO. CS-424 AN ORDINAN CE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 6 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADD CHAPTER 6.24 -PLASTIC BAG BAN Exhibit 2 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad, California ("city") aims to be a leader in sustainability and take action to protect our natural resources, divert waste from landfills, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase city cleanliness and quality of life by reducing litter on city beaches and public areas; and WHEREAS, the State of California has found and declared in California Public Resources Code Section 42355 that, "Littered plastic products have caused and continue to cause significant environmental harm and have burdened local governments with significant environmental cleanup costs"; and WHEREAS, single-use plastic bags are lightweight and can be easily carried by wind and end up as litter; and WHEREAS, single-use plastic bags have detrimental environmental impacts, including contamination of waterways and risk of death for marine animals and birds through entanglement and ingestion; and WHEREAS, litter from plastic bags pollutes city streets and public areas, clogs storm drains and leads to significant clean-up costs for the city; and WHEREAS, in 2014, the state legislature enacted California Public Resources Code Section 42280-42288, which established a statewide ban on plastic carryout grocery bags at certain stores, and a mandatory ten-cent charge for paper bags provided, and which was upheld by Ca lifornia voter approval of Proposition 67 on Nov. 8, 2016; and WHEREAS, the types of bags and stores regulated under state law are limited, and common providers of plastic bags such as retail stores, restaurants and other vendors are not addressed under state law; and WHEREAS, there are several readily available alternatives to single-use plastic bags, including reusable bags, compostable bags and recyclable paper bags; and WHEREAS, the city wishes to promote source reduction by encouraging use of reusable bags; and WHEREAS, as a coastal community, protecting the cleanliness of the city’s beaches not only protects the environment, but also helps improve quality of life and stimulates the local economy by creating a more attractive environment for tourism; and WHEREAS, plastic bags clog machinery at recycling facilities and have been identified as one of the most common contaminants in the city’s recyclable materials containers; and WHEREAS, plastic bags can clog storm drains, and therefore reducing litter from single-use plastic bags supports the city’s ability to comply with its Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit and related regulations; and WHEREAS, the city adopted a Sustainable Materials Management Plan on Aug. 20, 2019, through Resolution No. 2019-145, and a subsequent Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan on Dec. 14, 2021, through Resolution No. 2021-291, to provide recommended actions to support the city’s achievement of its sustainability goals; and WHEREAS, a key initiative of the Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan is the research, development and implementation of policies that reduce waste and support the city’s sustainability goals, including reducing single-use plastics such as plastic bags; and WHEREAS, on Dec. 14, 2021, through Resolution No. 2021-291, the City Council approved the policy “Road Map” for implementing the proposed Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan policies, including drafting an ordinance to ban plastic bags at food service establishments and retail stores; and WHEREAS, in order to support businesses with successful implementation, this ordinance includes a phased implementation approach that prioritizes education prior to enforcement. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, ordains as follows: SECTION I: The above recitations are true and correct. SECTION II: Title 6 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to add Chapter 6.24 – Plastic Bag Reduction, which reads as follows: May 10, 2022 Item #6 Page 13 of 24 Chapter 6.24 PLASTIC BAG BAN Sections: 6.24.010 Intent and Purpose. 6.24.020 Definitions. 6.24.030 Carryout bag requirements. 6.24.040 Carryout bag charge. 6.24.050 Produce bags. 6.24.060 Other requirements. 6.24.070 Exemptions. 6.24.080 Enforcement. 6.24.090 No conflict with state law. 6.24.100 Severability. 6.24.010 Intent and Purpose. It is the intent and purpose of this chapter to reduce the use of single-use plastic bags in the city, in order to: 1. Protect wildlife by reducing harmful litter and marine debris; 2. Conserve natural resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions; 3. Encourage the use of reusable bags and divert waste from landfills; 4. Improve the cleanliness of city public areas and beaches to increase quality of life for residents, businesses, and visitors; and, 5. Align with the goals set forth in other city policies, including the current city council-adopted versions of the city’s Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan and Climate Action Plan. 6.24.020 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section, unless it is obvious from the context that another meaning is intended: “City” or “City of Carlsbad” means the entity that governs the incorporated territory of the City of Carlsbad, California. “Compostable” means materials that meet the following conditions: 1. Are accepted for collection in the city’s organic materials collection program, as determined by the city manager or designee; 2. Meet the “ASTM standard specification” for compostability, as defined in California Public Resources Code Section 42356, or a subsequent standard if revised by the state in accordance with California Public Resources Code Section 42356.1; and, 3. Comply with the labeling requirements of California Public Resources Code Section 42357. “Carryout bag” means a bag provided at the check stand, cash register, point of sale, or other location for the purpose of transporting food or merchandise out of a retail establishment or food service provider’s premises. For the purposes of this chapter, carryout bags do not include produce bags or product bags. “Food service provider” shall have the same meaning as in Chapter 6.20 of this code. “Distribute” means to sell, offer for sale, give, or otherwise provide or offer to provide an item, either as a separate transaction, as part of a transaction for another item, or as a complementary service. “Enforcement agency” means the City of Carlsbad or its authorized agents charged with ensuring compliance with this chapter. May 10, 2022 Item #6 Page 14 of 24 “Enforcement official” means the city manager of the City of Carlsbad or designee. “Person” means any person, firm, association, business, organization, partnership, business trust, joint venture, corporation, company, or other public, private, or non-profit entity, and includes the City of Carlsbad and its officers or agents. “Prepared food” shall have the same meaning as in Chapter 6.20 of this code. “Produce bag” means any bag without handles provided to a customer to carry produce, bulk food, or other food items to the point of sale inside a store and protects food or merchandise from being damaged or contaminated by other food or merchandise when items are placed together in a carryout bag. “Product bag” means: 1. A bag to hold prescription medication dispensed from a pharmacy; 2. A bag provided to a customer to protect merchandise from being damaged or contaminated by other merchandise when items are placed together in a carryout bag; or, 3. A bag without handles that is designed to be placed over articles of clothing on a hanger, newspaper bags, door-hanger bags, or bags sold in packages containing multiple bags intended for use as solid waste container liners or pet waste bags. “Retail establishment" means any establishment that sells or provides merchandise, goods, or materials primarily intended for consumer or household use, including food, clothing, household items, personal items, supplies, electronics, or other items directly to a consumer. Retail establishments include, grocery stores, department stores, clothing stores, hardware stores, supply stores, pharmacies, liquor stores, convenience stores, outdoor farmers' markets, and any other retail store or vendor. Retail establishment does not include food service providers. “Reusable carryout bag” means a bag that is specifically designed and manufactured for multiple uses and meets the reusable bag requirements set forth in California Public Resources Code Section 42281. “Reusable produce bag” means a produce bag that is specifically designed and manufactured for multiple uses, is machine washable or is made from a material that can be cleaned or disinfected, and is not made from plastic film. “Recyclable paper bag” means a carryout bag that meets all of the following requirements: 1. Does not contain a plastic lining; 2. Is accepted for recycling in the city’s curbside recyclable materials program; 3. Is capable of composting, consistent with the timeline and specifications of the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard D6400; 4. Has printed on the bag the name of the manufacturer, the country where the bag was manufactured, and the minimum percentage of postconsumer content; and, 5. Displays the word “recyclable” on the outside of the bag, to the extent permitted under applicable law regarding recyclability claims. 6.24.030 Carryout bag requirements. A. A retail establishment or food service provider in the city shall not provide a carryout bag to a customer at the point of sale, except as provided for in this chapter. B. Retail establishments may distribute only reusable carryout bags or recyclable paper carryout bags for the purpose of carrying away goods, merchandise, or other items from the point of sale, in accordance with this chapter. Food service providers located within retail establishments shall comply with the requirements of subsection (C) below. C. Food service providers may distribute only reusable carryout bags or recyclable paper bags for the purpose of carrying away prepared food or other goods from the point of sale, in accordance with this chapter. Food service providers shall comply with the requirements of this chapter for both on-premises and off-premises consumption of prepared food; and, for any method of ordering, including: in-person, telephone, drive-through, self-serve, digital order, or through a third-party food delivery platform. Food service providers may May 10, 2022 Item #6 Page 15 of 24 use product bags or produce bags for takeout or delivery orders to hold containers of prepared food items that are liquids susceptible to spilling, such as soups, if specifically needed to prevent spilling during transport. D. Nothing in this chapter prohibits customers from using bags of any type that they bring to a retail establishment or food service provider themselves or from opting to not use a carryout bag for their items. 6.24.040 Carryout bag charge. A. A retail establishment or food service provider that provides recyclable paper bags or reusable carryout bags at the point of sale shall charge the customer no less than ten cents for each bag provided. B. The retail establishment or food service provider shall inform the customer of the ten-cent charge prior to completing the transaction and shall separately itemize such charge on the sales receipt. D. A retail establishment or food service provider shall not require a customer to use, purchase, or accept a carryout bag as a condition of sale of any product. E. All moneys collected pursuant to this section shall be retained by the food service provider or retail establishment and shall be used only for the following purposes: 1. Costs associated with complying with the requirements of this chapter. 2. Actual costs of providing recyclable paper bags or reusable carryout bags. 3. Costs associated with educational materials or educational campaigns encouraging the use of reusable carryout bags. 6.24.050 Produce bags. A. Retail establishments that provide produce bags including grocery stores, markets, and farmers’ markets, shall provide only compostable produce bags, recyclable paper bags, or reusable produce bags to carry produce, bulk food, or other food items to point of sale within the store, market, or outdoor market area. B. Nothing in this chapter prohibits customers from using produce bags of any type that they bring to the retail establishment themselves or from opting to not use a produce bag for their items. C. The requirements of this section shall not apply to product bags. 6.24.060 Other requirements. A. Retail establishments and food service providers shall post educational material regarding the requirements of this chapter if such educational materials have been provided by the city. The education materials shall be posted on or near the point-of-sale counter, menu, check-stand, or other location that is clearly visible to the customer prior to purchasing goods from a retail establishment or food service provider. B. Regulated entities are encouraged, but not required, to take actions in addition to the requirements of this chapter that support the goal of reducing the use of and waste generated by single-use carryout bags. 6.24.070 Exemptions. A. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to carryout bags provided by nonprofit charitable reuse organizations. B. A retail establishment or food service provider that makes reusable carryout bags or recyclable paper bags available for purchase at the point of sale in accordance with section 6.24.040 shall provide a reusable carryout bag or a recyclable paper bag at no cost to a customer using either: 1. A payment card or voucher issued by the California Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children pursuant to Article 2 (commencing with Section 123275) of Chapter 1 of Part 2 of Division 106 of the California Health and Safety Code; or, 2. An electronic benefit transfer (EBT) card issued pursuant to Section 10072 of the California Welfare and Institutions Code. May 10, 2022 Item #6 Page 16 of 24 C. A retail establishment or food service provider may provide a reusable carryout bag at no charge if it is distributed as part of an infrequent and limited time promotion. An infrequent and limited time promotion shall not exceed a total of ninety days in any consecutive twelve-month period. D. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to stores subject to the existing single-use carryout bag requirements of California Public Resources Code Division 30, Part 3, Chapter 5.3 only to the extent permitted by applicable law, as further described in section 6.24.090. E. The city manager may temporarily exempt regulated entities from some or all of the provisions of this chapter during a situation deemed to be an emergency for the immediate preservation of public peace, health, or safety, as determined by the city manager. F. The city manager or designee may exempt certain item(s) from the provisions of this chapter, if the city manager or designee determines that no reasonably feasible alternative is available for one or more types of bags regulated under this chapter, until the city manager or designee determines that a feasible alternative is available. G. The city manager or designee may adopt rules, regulations, or forms for entities to obtain full or partial temporary waivers for up to six months from the requirements of this chapter. The subjects of such waivers may include feasibility-based exemptions. The city manager or designee may also adopt an administrative fee for waiver applications, as well as a process for waiving administrative fees for certain applicants. 6.24.080 Enforcement. A. The enforcement agency and enforcement official may exercise any code enforcement powers and procedures as provided in Title 1 of this code. B. The enforcement agency and enforcement official shall enforce the provisions of this chapter commencing on July 1, 2023, for retail establishments, and on July 1, 2024, for food service providers. B. The city manager or designee is authorized to establish rules and regulations and to take any and all actions necessary for the administration and enforcement of this chapter. Such actions may include inspecting the premises of the retail establishment or food service provider to verify compliance with this chapter. C. Retail establishment and food service providers subject to this chapter shall maintain records demonstrating compliance with this chapter, and make such records available for inspection upon request of the city manager or designee. D. Violation of any provision of this chapter shall constitute grounds for enforcement through issuance of administrative citations, in conformance with Chapter 1.10 of this code. E. All Regulated Entities required to have a business license under this code shall certify in writing its compliance with the provisions of this chapter as part of its annual business license renewal application. F. Each violation of this chapter shall constitute a separate violation. G. Nothing in this chapter shall prevent the enforcement official from obtaining compliance by way of warning, administrative remedies contained in Chapter 1.10 of this code, educational means, or any other civil or administrative remedies available under this code or other applicable law. Such remedies and penalties shall be cumulative and not exclusive. 6.24.090 No conflict with state law. This chapter is intended to work in conjunction with state law related to single-use carryout bags, and entities regulated and defined as a “store” under California Public Resources Code Section 42280 shall continue to comply with the requirements of California Public Resources Code Division 30, Part 3, Chapter 5.3. Stores subject to the requirements of California Public Resources Code Division 30, Part 3, Chapter 5.3 shall comply with the requirements of this chapter, to the extent that such requirements are not preempted by California Public Resources Code Section 42287. May 10, 2022 Item #6 Page 17 of 24 6.24.100 Severability. If any portion of this chapter, or its application to particular persons or circumstances, is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a final decision of a court of competent jurisdiction, the decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this chapter or the application of the chapter to persons or circumstances not similarly situated. May 10, 2022 Item #6 Page 18 of 24 Exhibit 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption; and the City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause the full text of the ordinance or a summary of the ordinance prepared by the City Attorney to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a Regular Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 10th day of May, 2022, and thereafter PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the_ day of ___ ~ 2022, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CELIA A. BREWER, City Attorney MATT HALL, Mayor FAVIOLA MEDINA, City Clerk Services Manager {SEAL) ORDINANCE NO. CS-425 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 6 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADD CHAPTER 6.26 -INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS PROHIBITION EXHIBIT 3 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad, California ("city") aims to be a leader in sustainability and take action to protect our natural resources, divert waste from landfills, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase city cleanliness and quality of life by reducing litter on city beaches and public areas; and WHEREAS, the State of California has found and declared in California Public Resources Code Section 42355 that, "Littered plastic products have caused and continue to cause significant environmental harm and have burdened local governments with significant environmental cleanup costs"; and WHEREAS, current state law prohibits the outdoor release of balloons made of electrically conductive material (foil or "Mylar" balloons) filled with gas lighter than air as part of a public or civic event, promotional activity or product advertisement, and places certain requirements on the condition of sale for such balloons; and WHEREAS, state law does not address the release of other common balloon types, such as latex balloons, that have detrimental effects on wildlife and the environment; and WHEREAS, balloons are often mistaken for food by marine animals and birds, and when ingested can block the digestive tract and lead to loss of nutrition, internal injury, starvation and death; and WHEREAS, balloon accessories, such as ribbons and strings, pose a risk of entanglement for wildlife which can lead to injury, suffocation and death; and WHEREAS, balloons filled with gas lighter than air can travel for miles and end up as litter in the ocean, beaches and wildlife communities; and WHEREAS, reducing balloon litter not only protects the environ·ment, but also improves the cleanliness of the city's beaches and public areas, reduces the city's clean-up costs and stimulates the city's local economy by creating a more attractive environment for tourism; and WHEREAS, the city adopted a Sustainable Materials Management Plan on Aug. 20, 2019, through Resolution No. 2019-145, and a subsequent Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan on Dec. 14, 2021, through Resolution No. 2021-291, to provide recommended actions to support the city's achievement of its sustainability goals; and WHEREAS, a key initiative of the Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan is the research, development and implementation of policies that reduce waste and support the city's sustainability goals, including addressing plastic pollution; and WHEREAS, on Dec. _14, 2021, through Resolution No. 2021-291, the City Council approved the policy "Road Map" for implementing the proposed Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan policies, including drafting an ordinance to prohibit the intentional release of balloons. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, ordains as follows: SECTION I: The above recitations are true and correct. SECTION II: Title 6 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to add Chapter 6.26 - Intentional Release of Balloons, which reads as follows: Chapter 6.26 INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS PROHIBITION Sections: 6.26.010 6.26.020 6.26.030 6.26.040 6.26.050 Intent and Purpose. Definitions. Intentional release of balloons prohibited. Enforcement. Severability. 6.26.010 Intent and Purpose. It is the intent and purpose of this chapter to prohibit the intentional release of balloons in the city to: 1. Protect wildlife and the environment by reducing harmful litter and marine debris; 2. Improve the cleanliness of city public areas and beaches to increase quality of life for residents, businesses, and visitors; and 3. Align with the goals set forth in other city policies, including the city's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan, as most recently adopted by the City Council. 6.26.020 Definitions. For purposes of this chapter the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section, unless it is obvious from the context that another meaning is intended: "Balloon" means a nonporous and flexible bag or sack made from materials including, but not limited to, rubber, latex, polychloroprene, nylon fabric, or Mylar, designed to be inflated or filled with air, gas, or fluid. Balloons are typically used as a toy, decoration, or for other entertainment purposes. "City" or "City of Carlsbad" means the entity that governs the incorporated territory of the City of Carlsbad, California. "Gas lighter than air" means a gas that has a lower density than normal atmospheric gases and rises above them as a result, including helium, hydrogen, methane, oxygen, and nitrogen. "Enforcement agency" means the City of Carlsbad or its authorized agents charged with ensuring compliance with this chapter. "Enforcement official" means the city manager of the City of Carlsbad or designee. "Person" means any person, firm, association, business, organization, partnership, business trust, joint venture, corporation, company, or other public, private, or non-profit entity, and includes the City of Carlsbad and its officers or agents. 6.26.030 Intentional release of balloons prohibited. A. It is unlawful for any person to intentionally release any balloon or balloons filled with a gas lighter than air. No person shall dispose of balloons or balloon accessories in any manner or location other than in a container for discarded materials collection, in accordance with Chapter 6.08 of this code. B. All special event permits required by Chapter 8.17 of this code, leases, facility permits, or other approval granted by city departments for events or other applicable use of city property shall specifically require the permittee to comply with the requirements of this chapter. C. This section shall not apply to attended hot air balloons, or balloons used for governmental or scientific research projects. D. Nothing in this chapter prohibits the sale or purchase of balloons within the city. 6.26.040 Enforcement. A. The enforcement agency and enforcement official may exercise any code enforcement powers and procedures as provided in Title 1 of this code. B. Violation of any provision of this chapter shall constitute grounds for enforcement through issuance of administrative citations, in conformance with Chapter 1.10 of this code. C. Violation of any provision of this chapter may constitute grounds for retention of all, or a portion of, any deposit paid to the city relating to a city-affiliated event or other use of city facilities where the violation occurred, such as facility rental deposits. D. A person that violates any provision of this chapter in connection with a special event on three or more instances within a one-year period shall be prohibited from obtaining a special event permit under Chapter 8.17 of this code for a period of one year. E. Each violation of this chapter shall constitute a separate violation. F. Nothing in this chapter shall prevent the enforcement official from obtaining compliance by way of warning, administrative remedies contained in Chapter 1.10 of this code, educational means, abatement requirements, or any other civil or administrative remedies available under this code or other applicable law. Such remedies and penalties shall be cumulative and not exclusive. 6.26.050 Severability. If any portion of this chapter, or its application to particular persons or circumstances, is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a final decision of a court of competent jurisdiction, the decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this chapter or the application of the chapter to persons or circumstances not similarly situated. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption; and the City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause the full text of the ordinance or a summary ofthe ordinance prepared by the City Attorney to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a Regular Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 10th day of May, 2022, and thereafter PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the _ day of ___ ~ 2022, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CELIA A. BREWER, City Attorney MATT HALL, Mayor FAVIOLA MEDINA, City Clerk Services Manager (SEAL) Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: Sustainable Shane <shanecoopersmith@gmail.com> Sunday, May 8, 2022 6:25 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Item# 6 -Reduce the Use of Single-Use Plastic Bottles and Bags and Prohibit the Intentional Release of Balloons I'm in total favor of item #6. As a long time Carlsbad resident and environmentalist I have first-hand seen the damage to single use plastic due to our environment. Please limit them to protect us, tourists, and Carlsbad. Thank you!-- Sustainable Shane Shane Robert Coopersmith @sustainable. shane sustainableshane. com shanecoopersmith@gmail.com All Receive -Agenda Item # f:e_ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Dat~<J/h_CA VCC ~ CM_~_ACM-.,,--DCM (3}:::::::_ CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Diana A <dra805@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 6:51 AM City Clerk Item # 6 -Reduce the Use of Single-Use Plastic Bottles and Bags and Prohibit the Intentional Release of Balloons Dear Mayor & City Council Members, Thanks for supporting a sustainability plan that helps protect our environment. I appreciate that I live in a city where we are good environmental stewards. Please adopt the ordinances to reduce the use of single use plastic bottles and bags and to prohibit the intentional release of balloons. It's imperative we keep plastic out of our ocean and our streets and protect the wildlife in our area. Let's keep Carlsbad beautiful! The State of California has found and declared in California Public Resources Code Section 42355 that, "Littered plastic products have caused and continue to cause significant environmental harm and have burdened local governments with significant environmental cleanup costs." Thanks, Diana Aguirre District 3 CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Michelle Muilenburg <michellemuilenburg@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:16 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my f ull support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Vicki Conlon <vicki@surfridersd.org > Monday, May 9, 2022 9:16 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional ba lloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers re'!loved 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Vicki Conlon CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Margaret Ann Cresap <anncresap@aol.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:16 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single- use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Vicki Conlon <vicki@surfridersd.org> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:16 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Steve Conlon CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i safe. 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Tansy Woods <tansyw73@yahoo.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:17 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle.options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single- use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Ethan Segovia <ethanlbr@hotmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9: 18 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone, please excuse typos! CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Joseph Marckx <joe@liveinpeace.net> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:19 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving t hese ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i safe. 7 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Dara Pappas <dpappo116@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:20 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' econo_mic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sent from Gmail Mobile 8 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Jenna Richardson Gurka <jengurka@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:21 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Jenna Gurka 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Lindsey Harvey <larvey@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:21 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Yours sincerely, Lindsey Harvey, MSN, FNP-BC Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Ray Hughes <rayjay3@sbcglobal.net> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:21 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sent from Mail for Windows 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Tara Hilliard <tara@lushpalm.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:21 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you, Tara Hilliard 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Web Reputation Builders <webreputationbuilders@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:21 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you, Craig Schreiber CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i safe. 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: gianni ferullo <giannif@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:21 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. · Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click_ on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: AZ <1avieestbelle98@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:22 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, Please take this into consideration!!~~ I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plast ic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you!! CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i 7 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Dani Grady <dsgrady1@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:23 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 8 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Angelina Paquette <gelito221@icloud.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:23 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes t oo many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle opt ions. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Natalie Doud <natcd1030@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:23 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Stephanie Ritter <stephanie@sdcoastkeeper.org> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:24 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Many thanks, en attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Megan Glynn <mcurtis1111@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:25 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support t he citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you, Megan Glynn CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i safe. 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Kent Oberlin <koberlin1@hotmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:26 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Kent Oberlin CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Laurence Altobell Ill <1alto19@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:26 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition,. I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Maxine Garcia <maxinegarciasd@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:26 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Maxine Garcia-Reilly CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 7 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Mark D'Andrea <mdandrea825@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:26 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT TH E INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional ba lloon re leases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilit ies and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addit ion, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i safe. 8 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Stephanie Lee <stephanie@surfridersd.org> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:27 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, As a former Carlsbad resident, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. Ca lifornia's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i safe. 9 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Ben Rubenson < ben@surfridersd.org> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:27 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, As a Carlsbad resident, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Ben Rubenson CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Kerry Siekmann <siekmann1@att.net> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:28 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sent from my iPad CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: cyndi ringoot <cyndiri@yahoo.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:28 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the· loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Amalia Bruning <amalialbruning7@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:29 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i safe. 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: David Rippberger <davidrip@pacbell.net> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:29 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single- use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless safe. 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Celia Conover <cc@studioconover.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:29 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members,<BR><BR>I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases.<BR><BR>California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes.<BR><BR>I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches.<BR><BR>ln addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future.<BR><BR>To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts.<BR><BR>Thank you.<BR> Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Mark D'Andrea <mdandrea825@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:30 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Mark D'Andrea 7772 Rocio St reet, Carlsbad, CA CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 7 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Serena Jenichs <serenajenichs@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:30 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Wishing you well, Serena Jenichs 760.672.4363 Hairstylist & Owner of Studio Siubar 1057 S Coast Hwy 101 Encinitas, Ca 92024 Get TypeApp for Android CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i safe. 8 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Elizabeth Taylor <etaylor7@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:31 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council r,Jiembers, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plast ic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' econom ic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Elizabeth Taylor Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 9 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Ashley Carvalho <ashleycarvalho86@icloud.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:32 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 10 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Kiriana Lawrence <kirianalawrence@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:32 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will lqok forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Rafal Dobrowolski <rafdobrowolski@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:32 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future .. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Paul Herron <ptherron@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:33 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, ·1 am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know t he content is safe. 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Jesse Goldberg <jesseg858@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:33 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Thank You, Jesse Goldberg 7391 Portage Way Carlsbad, Ca 92011 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Jaelene Panza <jaelenepanza@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:33 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless nize the sender and know the content i 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Joe Meiring <jrmeiring@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:36 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Joseph Meiring CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Ellen Wade <mldwade@sbcglobal.net> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:37 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is t he right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Lynn mldwade@sbcqlobal.net en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 7 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: philip turner <philthebrit@yahoo.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:37 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION.OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone CAUTI ON: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 8 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Kathleen < kathleen.nygard@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:38 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. · To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Lillian Burkhart <lburkhar@ucsd.edu> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:38 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. en attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Christy Surprenant <christysurprenant@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:40 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Molly Morabito <mollymorabito@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:40 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Jessica James <j2432j@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:40 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Hana Grimm <grimmhana@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:41 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. ' California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I w ill look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Gina Wasker <ginawasker@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:41 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i 7 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: RANDY LAINE <randylainejetsurf@msn.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:42 AM City Clerk Item 6 -DO NOT BAN SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS OR PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my support only for ordinances that DO NOT BAN or limit plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles. Business's & Residents in Carlsbad need LESS Regulations, less City intrusions, less Big Gov., and more freedoms and support on serious items. Please stick to important issues like lower water prices, lower trash pick up rates, lower Building Permit Fees. Thank you. Best regards, Randy Laine CARDCONNECT Card Processing Specialist C -760-908-3379 0 -760-729-6569 F -760-729-7647 8 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Patty Gray <prgray8@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:43 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless nize the sender and know the content i 9 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Trainer Holly <trainerhollys@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:43 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. 1. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. 2. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. 3. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Sincerely, Holly Stroschine MS, ATC, CSCS USTFCCCA Certified Technical Coach CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless nize the sender and know the content i safe. 10 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Simone Fraid <simone.fraid@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:43 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Emma Wright <emma62@me.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:44 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Emma Wright The Wright Touch SanDiegoDecorativePainting.com Tel: 619. 296-3662 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Carl Kish <ckish4058@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:44 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. en attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Dawn Guendert <dguendert@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:44 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SING LE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Dawn Guendert 1214 Plum Tree Rd, Carlsbad, CA 92011 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i safe. 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Helen Buse <helenbuse@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:45 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways·and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Tina Overland <t.overland@icloud.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:51 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Tina N. Overland CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Mitchell Green <mlinngreen@yahoo.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:52 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single- use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 7 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Mark D'Andrea <mdandrea23@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:52 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 8 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Shawn Shafer <shawn_shafer@yahoo.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:53 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members,<BR><BR>I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases.<BR><BR>California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes.<BR><BR>I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches.<BR><BR>ln addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future.<BR><BR>To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts.<BR><BR>Thank you.<BR> Shawn Shafer General Superintendent 858-414-9438 CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 9 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Steffanie Journey <journey6@sbcglobal.net> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:54 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Steffanie Journey CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Jenny Roberts <jmr0038@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:54 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Jenny Roberts Jenny Roberts C: (551)-265-9176 E: jmr0038@gmail.com en attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Kelly Hill <kelcolehill@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:54 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and. their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Kelly Hill CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: _Nikala Coder <nikala1127@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:55 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. · To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you! Nikala Coder CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i safe. 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Jillian Queri <jqueri17@me.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:58 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances ]jroiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. 1) California's statewide single-use plastic bag law bas effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the rigbt time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. 2) I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. 3) In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank.you. Best, JILLIAN QUERI CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i safe. 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Eaton Holly <heaton@sandi.net> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:58 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. I enjoy going to the beach and hiking in beautiful Carlsbad. The health of our beaches is essential for animals and plants and the ecosystem services they provide as well as revenue from tourism. Let's do everything we can to protect this amazing place. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Mrs. Holly Eaton heaton@sandi.net AP Environmental Science, Biology and Physics Teacher La Jolla High School 750 Nautilus St., La Jolla, CA 92037 CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Anthony Ostuni <anthonyjostuni@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:01 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 7 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Bruce Bekkar <greendoc@me.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:05 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you! Bruce Bruce Bekkar, M.D. Fellow, Climate for Health, ecoAmerica Editorial Board, Journal of Climate Change and Health Chair, Public Health Advisory Council, Climate Action Campaign https:/jwww.linkedin.com/inlbruce-bekkar-m-d-a2468922 Lead author, JAMA Network Open, June 2020: https:/jjamanetworkcom(journals(jamanetworkopen(fullartic/e/2767260?utm source-For The Media&utm medium=r~[erral&utm ca mpaign=ftm links&utm term=061820 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless nize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: John Svelan <jsvelan@san.rr.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:06 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Jen Caruso <jenlcaruso@yahoo.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:09 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons·in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Jen Caruso CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Ravi Bajaj <rbajaj85@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:11 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Cheers, Ravi CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Kevin kitchen <kevinkitchenrulez@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:11 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Lance Schulte < meyers-schulte@sbcglobal.net> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:12 AM City Clerk Mitch Silverstein Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, My wife and I regularly walk our Ponto beach and in many of our walks pickup plastic trash on our beaches. also sail, and see many balloons floating out at sea. Reducing the amount single-use disposable plastic packaging will help maintain the quality of our beaches and ocean environment. We travel a lot, and see how other countries do, or do not do, to address plastic pollution and how it has a direct impact on the local environment/economy and ocean ecology. I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental. Lance Schulte CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Amanda M <apanda1 @gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:13 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city faci lities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is d_oing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you, Amanda Matheson CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Mary Ella Holtam <meholtam@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:14 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. As a student at La Costa Canyon High School and president of the LCC Surfrider Club, the environment and Carlsbad's environmental footprint is very important to me and my fellow club members. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you, Mary CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: audrey wehba <alwcaz279@outlook.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:15 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am a 20+ year Carlsbad resident and taxpayer, writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add add_itional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: William Nichols <nichols.w@comcast.net> Monday, May 9, 2022 10: 15 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Jesse Isola <jessisola@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:15 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. · California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin sh ifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Rai Baeza <rai_baeza@outlook.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:15 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full su.pport for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recog_nize the sender and know the content i safe. 7 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Kristina Vaculik <kristina.vaculik@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:20 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 8 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Drew Devine <andrew.d.devine@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:22 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addit ion, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 9 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: nadiaSS0 <nadia550@sbcglobal.net> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:23 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD- SUPPORT Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I happy to share my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials al d reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Wendy Ochoa <wencryo@yahoo.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:23 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: David McWhirter <davidmcwhirter858@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:29 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plast ic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and t heir caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. David McWhirter REGISTERED VOTER 7918 El Astillero Pl Carlsbad, CA 92009 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Kendall Cameron <kcameron527@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:32 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Kendall Cameron en attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: cathleen obrien <cathyo.sd.ca@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:33 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLS-BAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exempt ions. I believe it is the right t ime for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support t he single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. O'Brien & Assoc. Cathleen O'Brien National Sales Manager Frame it For Less Hospitality & Assisted Living cathyo.sd.ca@gmail.com C 619-517-3323 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Cynthia <tiacynth@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:36 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Brooke McKallor <brookemckallor@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:36 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Brooke Mckallor CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i safe. 7 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Penny Marshall <pennylane.marshall@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:37 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting pla stic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Andrea Hoyt <deedeehoyt@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:37 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Pam Nelson <pamela05n@yahoo.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:38 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members; As a long time resident of Southern CA and a CA native, I've seen population and pollution affect our beaches over 6 decades. The advent of single-use plastic has been a very apparent impact. It's time to be a model for other cities, as LA is doing. Let's get rid of the plastic! I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Pam Nelson CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i safe. 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Jon Holstein <jph231@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:39 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing as a long-time Carlsbad resident to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you, Jon Holstein CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless 4 nize the sender and know the content i Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Bill McLaughlin <local415@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:40 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I appreciate the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I look forward to a total ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to eliminate plastic waste from littering our environment. This work starts by reducing unnecessary single-use plastics. Thank you. Bill McLaughlin CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Melissa Jones <melissairene10@yahoo.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:43 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you, Melissa 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Mark O'Connor < mark@surfridersd.org > Monday, May 9, 2022 10:42 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of t he loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Mark O'Connor 760-500-5631 Surfrider I Rise Above Plastics surfridersd.org CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 7 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Steve and Melinda Scolnik <kripniks@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:42 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 8 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: PAMELA SLATER-PRICE <pcslater@mac.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:42 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." ~or. Seuss CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 9 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Billy Steele <bsteele22@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:46 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. Ca lifornia's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Billy Steele Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 10 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Jim Royer <jroyer1@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:52 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. James Royer CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i 11 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: adoughty <adoughty@protonmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:52 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. en attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Terence Higgins <terence.p.higgins@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:55 AM City Clerk All Receive -Agenda Item # J/2. For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Pare 519{??co Gee ,,,.- CM....,cACM ~ DCM (3) ~ Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution .from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon·releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Terence Higgins 914.960.9841 CAUTION: Do not operi attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: matt guest <meguest@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:56 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lig~ter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Jill Seagren <jillseagren@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:58 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use p'lastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along_ our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunt~ers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Megyn Rugh <megynrugh@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 11 :03 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to-~dd.additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Elizabeth Jeffrey < picturingth_eworld@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 11 :04 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the ~tate law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Cc;1rlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future._To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Ca~l_sbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Beth Jeffrey Photography {760)815-2852 www.bethjeffreyphotography.com CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Tony Versaci <versaci10@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 11 :04 AM City Clerk . . Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a gr_eat place to begin shift_ing toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i safe. 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Maureen Moss < maureen.moss.phd@gmail.com > Monday, May 9, 2022 11 :07 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic_ bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use pl.astic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation _on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. en attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i 7 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Tony Pazelt <tpazelt@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 11 :07 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to expre~s my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use ~lastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. · In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do (lot open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Ally Senturk <allycelones@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 11 :08 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I f ully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure_ a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and ~nyironmental impacts. · Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent:. To: Subject: Raymond Gonzales < raymondgonzales24@yahoo.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 11 :09 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, lam writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to.add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. · To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or <;:lick on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Derrick Claar <derrick.claar@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 11 :11 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you for your service and for your consideration, Derrick Claar CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i 4 · Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Jeffrey Manchester <jbmanchester@yahoo.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 11 :19 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter- than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: julie@pubquest.com Monday, May 9, 2022 11 :20 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Coun_cil Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward· to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. en attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Lorraine Kent <11kent13@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 11 :21 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materiafs and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Please note preferred email address: Llkent13 at gmail dot com Via iPhone -Lorraine CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i safe. 7 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Dave Gilmore <degilmore@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 11 :26 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of ttie loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution fro·m plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I-will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Kaylee Duncanson <kadunc279@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 11 :30 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless nize the sender and know the content i 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Amanda Martinez <amandakristenm@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 11 :31 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members: I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you, Amanda CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Dukes Wooters <j.dukeswooters@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 11 :33 AM C:ity Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Irene Frantz <irenefrantz@yahoo.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 11 :36 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single- use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i · safe. 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Pamela Williams <3blackdog9@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 11 :37 AM City Clerk Single-use plastics (item #6) To the Mayor i3nd Members of the City Council: I support the ordinances limiting single-use plastic bags and bottles and prohibiting all balloon releases. I have worked in the trash and recycling field for over a decade and am passionate about this issue. I have seen the damage done and misinformation spread by the American Chemistry Council, which is the lobbying mouthpiece for the plastics industry, and I've seen the resulting devastation of our environment. It's time to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. We have alternatives, and while change is difficult for many people, reasonable alternatives are within the grasp of all of us. The same is true for balloons --on and off city property --to protect wildlife. Please also phase out single-use plastics in city facilities and at city events. Carlsbad needs to be the leader and demonstrate leadership in its practices. I know that most of us just slumber through life, engaging in practices that harm all of us and that are encouraged by the industries that profit. It's time for us to take a broader look at issues and truly assess what is in everyone's best interest. Reducing waste is unquestionably in everyone's best interest. Single-use plastics and balloons are a good, impactful place to start. Thank you very much. I'm counting on you. Pamela Williams San Diego CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Nanci Oechsle <dishesbite@yahoo.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 11 :39 AM City Clerk Item # 6 -Reduce the Use of Single-Use Plastic Bottles and Bags and Prohibit the Intentional Release of Balloons Dear Carlsbad _City Council members, I'm writing to you today to ask for your support on item #6 to reduce single use plastics and prohibit the intentional release of balloons. As a nearby resident ·of Vista, I enjoy walking the beaches of Carlsbad. Just the other day at Ponto Beach I collected 3 balloons that had washed up on the beach. We all know that this isn't good for our environment and ocean life. A friend of mine recently shared also how dangerous these balloons are to linemen. It's just not a good idea to celebrate or honor people by harming our environment. Thank you for your time. Nanci Oechsle she/her/hers CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 7 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Marian Sedio <marian_sedio@yahoo.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 11 :41 AM City Clerk tern# 6 -Reduce the Use of Single-Use Plastic Bottles and Bags and Prohibit the Intentional Release of Balloons I'm sending this email to encourage City Council Members to support the proposed plastic bag ban, the proposed ban on plastic bottles at City facilities, and the proposed balloon release restriction. These important steps will help protect the environment and, especially in the case with restricting mylar balloons, protect wildlife and people. Sincerely, Marian Sedio 818 648-2349 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 8 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Tobi & Scott Willson <twill636@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 11 :41 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Dr Michael Scott Willson Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Sally J. Pia.<sallyjpla@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 11 :45 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support. for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle res~rictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and (eusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: David Robertson <davcalrob@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 11:51 AM City Clerk Carlsbad Beach City Council: Item # 6 -Reduce the Use of Single-Use Plastic Bottles and Bags and Prohibit the Intentional Release of Balloons Dear City of Carlsbad Mayor and City Coun.cilmembers, I'm writing in support of the City of Carlsbad to implement limits on single-use plastic bottles, bags, and intentional balloon releases. If passed, the City's full suite of ordinances will serve as a new model for cities across -San Diego County and will hopefully motivate other municipalities to do the same. As a beach walker, kayaker, runner and cyclist, I'm in the community a·nd environment a lot and everyday I see the plastic trash in the water, on the sand, on the street and in our canyons. It makes me depressed. We must do more than just ask people to not use these single-use items. The only way to make a dent in the problem is for our government to pass new policies that fix the problem on a collective level. Thank you for reading my message, your service to our community and for supporting these proposals. Sincerely, David Robertson CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: ajosephomd@aol.com Monday, May 9, 2022 11 :56 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to re~uce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Adele Josepho Your Solana Beach·Neighbor CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links un_less ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Christina Marshall <cmarshall760@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 12:01 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic .bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use pl_astic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Christina Marshall CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Bonnie Best <bestbonnie@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 12:02 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Bonnie Best, CEO & Founder Best Face & Body Skincare bestfaceandbody.com en attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: John Bogut <johnbogut@yahoo.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 12:03 PM City Clerk Item 6:-REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego Cou_nty beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank · you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Respectfully, John Bogut 562.541.6365 (cell/text) johnbogut@yahoo.com Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 7 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Vanessa Forsythe <vforsythe13@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 202~ 12:03 PM City Clerk Sumitted for Agenda Item #6 May 10 City Council Meeting Dear Mayor & City Council Members, Please adopt the ordinances to reduce the use of single use plastic bottles and bags and to prohibit the intentional release of balloons. It's imperative we keep plastic out of our ocean and our streets and protect the wildlife in our area. The State of California has found and declared in California Public Resources Code Section 42355 that, "Littered plastic products have caused and continue to cause significant environmental harm and have burdened local governments with significant environmental cleanup costs." Thanks, Vanessa Forsythe 2177 Vista La Nisa, Carlsbad, CA 92009 Pronouns: She/Hers Climate Health Now Trusted Health Care Providers for Climate Justice Vot-ER Vot-ER is founded on a core belief that empowered voices and full participation in the democratic process lead to positive health outcomes. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Rex Burrows < recks@att.net> Monday, May 9, 2022 12:09 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS·IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plast ic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law h~s effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Rex Burrows Vista. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Cleveland Storrs <clevelandmstorrs@yahoo.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 12:13 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single- use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Cleveland Storrs CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Rick Pentella <rvpentella@gmail.com> · Monday, May 9, 2022 12:14 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional ball~on releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too ma·ny exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to · begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider vo_lunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in t he future. To secure a livable planet for future geAerations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you for your consideration and taking this seriously, Rick Carlsbad local Rick V. Pentella (858) 682-8204 en attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn . From: Sent: To: Subject: Danny Grimes -;:mv2asu2000@aol.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 12:16 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San· Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordina.nces and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental i~pacts. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone . CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: Elizabeth Mosley <elizabeth.nccca@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 12:19 PM To: ~ubject: City Clerk Item # 6 -Reduce the Use ofSingle-Use Plastic Bottles and Bags and Prohibit the Intentional Release of Balloons Dear Carlsbad City Council Members, As I walk along the beach and sidewalks I am inundated with the site of plastic bottles and utensils on the ground and sand and see them being picked up by the waves and taken into our beloved ocean. The plastic bags they are using in the stores are thicker now, meant for reuse, but every person I have asked that I see with 10 to 12 bags in their cart, states they just toss them. This is so serious! The concept of people reusing them does not happen, the plan did not work. Just the fumes put into the air to make the bags is bad enough, then piled into our landfills and oceans. It is to my understanding there are only 2 areas on this planet that have helium. We need this helium for medical proce.dures and devices. Worse these balloons are being let go and become dangerous in many ways I am sure you are all aware of. Personally, I think all balloons of any sort should be banned, but more certainly mylar! There are so many paper products that can be used for decorating parties and local flowers. Let's eliminate balloons. Proposed Plastic Bag Ban oA ban on the use of single-use plastic bags at all retail stores beginning summer 2023 oAn expansion of the bag ban to all restaurants by summer 20-24 oProduce bags for grocery stores, markets, and farmers' markets shall be compostable produce bags, recyclable paper bags, or reusable produce bags to carry produce, bulk food, or other food items to point of sale within the store, market, or outdoor market area Proposed Ban on Plastic Bottles at City Facilities oNo person shall distribute plastic bottled beverages at city-affiliated events, regardless of whether the event is private or public. o No person shall distribute plastic bottled beverages at city facilities, including use of city facilities through a rental, lease, or other agreement. · Proposed Balloon Release Restriction o Ban the intentional release of balloons (this is an expansion of the California law that bans the release of electrically conductive balloons (e.g. Mylar) 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Elizabeth Mosley < elizabeth.nccca@gmail.com > Monday, May 9, 2022 12:25 PM Sent: To: City Clerk Subject: Re: Item # 6 -Reduce the Use of Single-Use Plastic Bottles anc;I Bags and Prohibit the Intentional Release of Balloons · Elizabeth Mosley <elizabeth.nccca@gmail.com> to clerk Dear Carlsbad City Council Members, With apologies, this was sent without completion. Please use this email for Carlsbad City Council Members. As I walk along the beach and sidewalks I am inundated with the sight of plastic bottles arid utensils on the ground and sand and see them being picked up by the waves and taken into our beloved ocean. The plastic bags they are using in the stores are thicker now, meant for reuse, but every person I have asked that I see with 10 to 12 bags in their cart, states they just toss them. This is so serious! The concept of people reusing them does not happen, the plan did not work. Just the fumes put into the air to make the bags is bad enough, then piled into our landfills and oceans. !tis to my understanding there are only 2 areas on this planet that have helium. We need this helium for medical procedures and devices. Worse these balloons are being let go and become dangerous in many ways I am sure you are all aware of. Personally, I think all balloons of any sort should be banned, but more certainly mylar! There are so many paper products that can be used for decorating parties and local flowers. Let's eliminate balloons. Proposed Plastic Bag Ban o A ban on the use of single-use plastic bags at all retail stores beginning summer 2023 o An expansion of the bag ban to all restaurants by summer 2024 o Produce bags for grocery stores, markets, and farmers' markets shall be compostable produce bags, recyclable paper bags, or reusable produce bags to carry produce, bulk food, or other food items to point of sale within the store, market, or outdoor market area Proposed Ban on Plastic Bottles at City Facilities o No person shall distribute plastic bottled beverages at city-affiliated events, regardless of whether the event is private or public. o No person shall distribute plastic bottled beverages at city facilities, including _use of city facilities through a rental, lease, or other agreement. Proposed-Balloon Release Restriction 8 o Ban the intentional release of balloons (this is an expansion of the California law that bans the release of electrically conductive balloons (e.g. Mylar) Thank you so much for your time and your kind consideration to the above serious issues. Best regards, Elizabeth Mosley elizabeth. nccca@gmail.com 760-757-7593 . On Mon, May 9, 2022 at 12:18 PM Elizabeth Mosley <elizabeth.nccca@gmail.com> wrote: Dear Carlsbad City Council Members, As I walk along the beach and sidewalks I am inundated with the site of plastic bottles and utensils on the ground.and sand and see them being picked up by the waves and taken into our beloved ocean. The plastic bags they are using in the stores are thicker now, meant for reuse, but every person I have asked that I see with 10 to 12 bags in their cart, states they just toss them. This is so serious! The concept of people reusing them does not happen, the plan did not work. Just the fumes put into the air to make the bags .is bad enough, then piled into our landfills and oceans. It is to my understanding there are only 2 areas on this planet that have helium. We need this helium for medical procedures and devices. Worse these balloons are being let go and become dangerous in many ways I am sure you are all aware of. Personally, I think all balloons of any sort should be banned, but more certainly mylar! There are so many paper products that can be used for decorating parties and local flowers. Let's eliminate balloons. Proposed Plastic Bag Ban o A ban on the use of single-use plastic bags at all retail stores beginning summer 2023 o An expansion of the bag ban to all restaurants by summer 2024 o Produce bags for grocery stores, markets, and farmers' markets shall be compostable produce bags, recyclable paper bags, or reusable produce bags to carry produce, bulk food, or other food items to point of sale within the store, market, or outdoor market area Proposed Ban on Plastic Bottles at City Facilities o No person shall distribute plastic bottled .beverages at city-affiliated events, regardless of whether the event is private or public. · o No person shall distribute plastic bottled beverages at city facilities, including use of city facilities through a rental, lease, or other agreement. 9 Proposed Balloon Release Restriction o Ban the intentional release of balloons (this is an expansion of the California law that bans the release of electrically conductive balloons (e.g. Mylar) CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ize the sender and know the content i safe. 10 Tarrimy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Adam Clements <adm.c.1002@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 12:32 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bo~les and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution froni plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for eve'rything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i 11 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: John W. McDonough <john@johnwmcdonough.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 12:37 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. · California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemption_s. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on sin15le-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future.· To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everyt hing in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. en attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Ryan McNichol <rya.ndmcnichol@gmail.com> · Monday, May 9, 2022 12:46 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from pJastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations; we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn· From: Sent: To: Subject: Jason Fackler <garageboy_3@yahoo.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 12:49 PM City Clerk Item# 6 -Reduce the Use of Single-Use Plastic Bottles and Bags and Prohibit the Intentional Release of Balloons Dear Mayor & City Council Members, Please adopt the ordinances to reduce the use of single use plastic bottles and bags and to prohibit the intentional release of balloons. It's imperative we keep plastic out of our ocean and our streets and protect the wildlife in our area. The State of California has found and declared in California Public Resources Code Section 42355 that, "Littered plastic products have caused and continue to· cause significant environmental harm and have burdened local governments with significant environmental cleanup ·costs." Thanks, Jason CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on Jinks· unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: RICK WILSON <rwsurf@aol.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 12:52 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am a resident of Oceanside and a frequent visitor to Carlsbad's beaches. I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addltion, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Rick Wilson Sent from my iPhone . CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Denise McCulloch <Sierra_girl424@hotmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 12:55 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includ~s too many exemptions. I believe it is the right tjme for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some ofthe loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you, Denise McCulloch en attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subje~: Dear City Council Members, Pam Heatherington San Diego _<contactecosd@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 1 :07 PM City Clerk Item # 6 -Reduce the Use of Single-Use Plastic Bottles and Bags and Prohibit the Intentional Release of Balloons We have a plastic pollution problem that needs to stop now! As microparticles appear in human blood streams, it's now or never. Carlsbad's full suite of ordinances will serve as a new model for cities across the County. Please vote in favor of the proposed Plastic Bag Ban, the Ban on plastic bottles at City facilities, and the Proposed Balloon Release Restrictions. · Being a coastal community should make for a unanimous vote of support. On behalf of the Environmental Center of San Diego, Pamela He~therington Director Environmental Center of san Diego 805-835-1833 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i safe. 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Cody C <codycrowe89@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 1 :19 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROH.IBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, . I am writing to express my full support for the ortlinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San. Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. -Cody Crowe CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i 7 Tammy Cloud-McMir_1n From: Sent: To: Subject: Doris C. <dorway@cox.net> Monday, May 9, 2022 1 :20 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollutipn from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving tt\ese ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Wayne Christopher CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 8 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Jane von Bothmer <vonbothmer@yahoo.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 1 :28 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD We had a condo in San Diego, and I spent many weekends cleaning up the end less flow of trash on our beaches. Most of the tra_sh came from people who had come for the day, and "forgot" to clean up after themselves. I pulled many strings and balloons out of the kelp ... it is not easy, and many, many times, I just gave up! Please ban one-time-use plastics from our beaches! Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduce9 plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting . toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surf rider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 9 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Bob Schneider <rlte68@gmail.com> Monday, May 9," 2022 1 :37 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some_ of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide · limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn F_rom: Sent: To: Subject: Alfonso <surfandturfsd@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 1 :40 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and·for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Rick Suliei-<bleuox@aol.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 1 :47 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single- use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: taramcgrath@yahoo.com Monday, May 9, 2022 2:01 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I live in Carlsbad, near Hope Elementry school. I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plast ic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but _the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban o~ all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to redu~e unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Tara McGrath CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Sarah Louie <sblouie00@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 2:14 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting · toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i safe. 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Tom Villanueva <tom.villanueva@sbcglobal.net> Monday, May 9, 2022 2:17 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Krystian Czajkowski <mountainwave75@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 2:21 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removeq-15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. · In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Krystian Czajkowski and Marin Tinnerstet 172 Sequoia Ave Carlsbad CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Sparrow Serra no-McMorran < sserra no_ 7@hotmail.com > Monday, May 9, 2022 2:39 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help cl<;>se some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. · In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon _releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. S. McMorran CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Good afternoon, Morris, Melissa <mmorris@oceana.org> Monday, May 9, 2022 2:39 PM City Clerk . Item # 6 -Reduce the Use of Single-Use Plastic Bottles and Bags and Prohibit the Intentional Release of Balloons Carlsbad May 10th T~stimony-Melissa Morris PDF.pdf Please find my testimony for tomorrow night's city council meeting. Thank you for your hard work. Best, . Melissa Morris I Field Representative, Southern California San Diego, California Pronouns:She/Her/Hers T +305-333-9646 E mmorris@oceana.org I W usa.oceana.org CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 fiCEANA Protectingthe V World's Oceans 1025 Connecticut Ave., NW Suite 200 Washington, DC 20036 +1.202.833.3900 OCEANA.ORG Testimony of Melissa Morris, Southern California field representative, Oceana Thank you, Mayor Hall, and council, for your ongoing work in the fight against plastic pollution. My name is Melissa Morris and I am the Southern California field representative based in San Diego County for Oceana -the largest international advocacy organization dedicated solely to ocean conservation. If you pass agenda item No. 6, you will take meaningful action to address the plastic pollution crisis in southern ~alifornia. Oceana advocates for policies to reduce single-use plastic and we applaud the council for passing an ordinance last month to phase out expanded polystyrene foodware in Carlsbad. Now, we urge you to build on this work and pass these ordinances to restrict single-use beverage bottles at city-affiliated events and in city facilities, enact a more expensive bag-ban than the statewide law, and ban the intentional release of balloons. Globally, 33 billion pounds of plastic enter the marine environment every year. We're seeing the problem firsthand on our beaches, where single-use plastic foodware and food packaging make up six of the top 10 most commonly collected items at California beach cleanups. This includes plastic food wrappers and containers, caps/lids, bags, cups/plate~/utensils, straws/stirrers, and beverage bottles. Local California jurisdictions spend over $420 million annually in efforts to clean up and prevent plastic waste from entering oceans and waterways.[@] The impact of plastic pollution on the oceans is staggering. From bags and bottle caps to balloons, marine animals are dying at record rates from ingesting or becoming entangled in these items. In a report released in 2.020, Oceana surveyed dozens of government agencies, organi~ations, and institutions that collect data on the impact of plastic on marine mammals and sea turtles in the United States. We foun~ evidence of almost 1,800 animals from 40 different species swallowing plastic or becoming entangled in it. Eighty-eight percent of these animals were from species listed as endangered or threatened with extinction under the Endangered Species Act. Thankfully, communities around the world are acting, including here in Southern California. Last year alone, the cities of San Marcos, Vista, Oceanside, Laguna Beach, and Los Angeles all passed policies to reduce single-use plastic. This year, Solana Beach and Encinitas passed ordinances banning balloons, the state legislature is considering legislation to reduce plastic waste in e-commerce, California Attorney General Rob Bonta just announced an investigation into the fossil fuel and petrochemical industries for their role in causing the plastic p_ollution crisis, and in November, Californians will vote on an initiative requiring producers of single-use plastic packaging and foodware to reduce plastic pollution. Californians increasingly understand that there's no time to waste. I thank you again for your leadership and ask that you vote yes on all three ordinances tonight. BELIZE BRAZIL CANADA CHILE EUROPEAN UNION MEXICO PERU PHILIPPINES UNITED KJNGDOM UNITED STATES ncEANA Protectingthe \J World's Oceans 1025 Connecticut Ave., NW Suite 200 Washington, DC 20036 +1.202.833.3900 OCEANA.ORG Thank you. Melissa Morris Field Representative, Southern California OCEANA San Diego, California T +305-333-9646 E mmorris@oceana.org BELIZE BRAZIL CANADA CHILE EUROPEAN UNION MEXICO PERU PHILIPPINES UNITE> KINGDOM UNITED STATES Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Max Bergen <bergen.max@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 2:40 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in t he future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Ca rlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sent via Superhuman en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Linda Johnson <lindajohnson1912@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 2:44 PM City Clerk . Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD .Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Linda CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Tom Journey <tomjourney@sbcglobal.net> Monday, May 9, 2022 2:47 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the .future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. · Thank you. Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: joan bockman <joanbockman@sbcglobal.net> Monday, May 9, 2022 2:56 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, Please pass this ordinance. Your pollution comes to me. I find all the bags I need on the street. Joan Bockman CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Greg Thomsen <gregshel79@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 3:10 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will loo.k forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable pl;met for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. · Thank you. CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Brian <brianmdadden@hotmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 3:12 PM City Clerk . Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloo·ns in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Brian McFadden Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: qinhong1@gmail.com Monday, May 9, 2022 3:22 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles a~d caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Ca rlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Isabelle Anderson CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Kai Collins <kaicollins@gmail.com > Monday, May 9, 2022 3:26 PM City Cl.erk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Danielle Zuniga <sandiego.danielle@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 3:37 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to exp res~ my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide singl~-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps fror:n San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will.look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Danielle Zuniga 619-980-8600 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: All Receive • Agenda Item # jg For the Information of the: HY COUNCIL Dat~~ CA ......----cc ..,.,,- cAA ..JL beAA (jj ..t:::::: Celebration Of Awakening <celebrationofawakening@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 4:18 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: todd quinn <toddplays@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 4:30 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beach~s. In addition, I fully support the citywide · limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Sid Noonan <sid.noonan@icloud.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 4:37 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorab!e Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surf rider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look fo·rward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everyt hing in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sent from my iPad CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize t he sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Kathy Murphy <kmsally222@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 4:37 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. I am a resident of Solana Beach, and I am supporting these efforts in all North County communities. This issue needs to be resolved throughout the planet!!! To secure a livable planet for future generations; we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Kathleen Murphy CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: · Subject: ballisonsurfer@gmail.com Monday, May 9, 2022 4:38 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE~USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable. bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Brett CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: john [drew] gallahar <drew7372@yahoo.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 4:39 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SING LE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving t hese ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. John A. Gallahar CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Jennifer Thompson <jenthompsonedu@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 4:43 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SING LE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. My kids and I do independent and Surf Rider organized beach clean-ups periodically and are frustrated by all of the plastic waste on our beaches. The ecosystem does not deserve this abuse. Please help us preserve our beaches for our future children and the creatures and plant life they love dearly. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Sean Elliott <sean.contact@fastmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 4:59 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Than k you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Leslie Rapp <leslie_rapp@yahoo.com> Monday; May 9, 2022 4:59 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Mike Dierdorff <snake48@sbcglobal.net> Monday, May 9, 2022 5:04 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single- use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Heather Contreras < hmcontreras@rocketmail.com > Monday, May 9, 2022 5:34 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single- use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless nize the sender and know the content i safe. Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Sue Pepe <susiepepe@yahoo.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 5:54 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, Please take this seriously! We are an educated, progressive society yet our ocean and watersheds are full of plastic and other garbage. I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Simone Maclellan <spmaclellan@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 6:18 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in t he future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: oscar lopez <mikhailgerardo@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 6:19 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i safe. 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello: zaneryan@aol.com Monday, May 9, 2022 6:22 PM City Clerk Reduce the Use of Single-Use Plastic Bottles and Bags and Prohibit the Intentional Release of Balloons Please reduce the Use of Single-Use Plastic Bottles and Bags and Prohibit the intentional release of balloons. Vote in favor of the proposed ordinances. The action listed will further mitigate rapid climate change which will ultimately save our planet. Thanks very much for your consideration. Suzanne Ryan Oceanside, CA 760-271-2229 en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Stephanie Becerra <sb2138@humboldt.edu> Monday, May 9, 2022 6:38 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. 1) California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. 2) I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. 3) In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Best, Stephanie Becerra CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Tessa Ptacek <ptacek.tessa@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 6:43 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: laura mann <endoftheworldfarm@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 6:46 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sent from my I Phone. Please excuse typos 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: . Dana Williams <danagrantwilliams@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 6:47 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Dana Williams (858) 888-2324 linkedin.com/in/danagrantwilliams/ 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Lindsay Arambula <lindsayarambula@yahoo.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 6:57 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single- use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Lindsay Arambula Tsai 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Grace Boyd <graceboyd01@yahoo.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 7:10 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for t he ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we m ust do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing t o reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Grace Boyd CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Rodrigo Motta <rodmotta10@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 7:20 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 6 Tammy Cloud.McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Paul Romnes <promnes@msn.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 7:24 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Paul F Romnes CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 7 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Thorsten Ostrander <ttostr@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 7:30 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SING LE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 8 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Julie Conti <juliel.conti@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 8:19 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city ~acilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Tha·nk you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Amy J. Davis <ajdavis@yahoo.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 8:22 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, As a long-time Carlsbad resident, I have spent more than 20 years picking up trash at the beach. When I started back in 1997, I found more cigarette butts than anything else. Very quickly, that ratio flipped to my finding more plastic bottle caps than anything else. Along with plastics, I have spent many years picking up deflated balloons and pulling their strings out of the sand and untangled them from seaweed. I have done this over the years because I love our community, our county, our state, our beaches, and the marine animals we share our home with. I take pride in being from here. We all know what plastic is doing to our environment, to the ocean, to the sea life, to our own health, and we are all now well aware that recycling doesn't actually happen--5% doesn't really count as recycling. As someone from San Diego who has built a life in Carlsbad and North County, I ask that you take the step to raise awareness and change the trajectory that we are on by voting for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. Thank you. Sincerely, Amy Davis CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Bruce Baxley <bcbphd@yahoo.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 8:28 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: laurelj240@aol.com Monday, May 9, 2022 8:42 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, As a Carlsbad Resident, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Laurel Rubenson 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Alex Rubenson <snazybear1650@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 8:47 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, As a Carlsbad resident, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intent ional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you, Alex Rubenson 7 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Amanda Natsuhara <amanda.natsuhara@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:14 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunte_ers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Mandy Natsuhara University of California, San Diego 2014 8.S. Cognitive Science 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Minna <minnaclimatechange@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:16 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Cheers, Laura Minna-Choe CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless nize the sender and know the content i safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Michael Barnes <mike_barnessd@yahoo.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:19 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: CK <claymking@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 9:55 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Clay King en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Hi Faviola, Paige DeCino <pdecino@hotmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:01 PM City Clerk Public comment -Item #6 5/10/22 City council meeting. PD lettter to Cbad council on plastic ban.docx Please include my attached comment letter as part of the agenda packet for the council on 5/10/22. Thank you. Paige DeCino 1 c"I l"'i SIERRA V;ICLUB ST" ~ ~ c,v..0 COUNTY coASt"'- May 10, 2022 Subject: City Council Agenda Item #6; 5/10/22 Dear Mayor and Council Members, Explore. Enjoy & Protect the Planet I am writing on behalf of the Sierra Club and as a resident of Carlsbad to encourage your support of Agenda item #6, a phased in ban of single-use plastic bags and bottles as well as a prohibition of the release of balloons. We applaud your efforts to reduce the impact of plastics on our environment and hope you implement these actions as quickly as possible. Plastics are t he dominant waste when I do a creek cleanup or am out collecting data from our local watersheds. It is truly disgusting the amount in our environment. And that doesn't even account for the microplastics likely floating down our creeks into the lagoons and ocean. Plastics have permeated all aspects of our environment, unfortunately, including our food supply. They harm our wildlife and human health. Additionally, recycling of these plastics is minimal at best and does not address the fundamental problem with plastic in that the production of plastics is a major contributor to the increase of greenhouse gases and climate change. Your ban of single-use plastics will help limit the detrimental effects on our environment. A next step would be to ban the sale of balloons in Carlsbad, as Encinitas did, to better ensure against the accidental release of balloons and a more consistent policy among coastal cities. Continue building upon Carlsbad's sustainability vision in passing this ordinance and show a commitment to our environment and community. Be bold and aspirational in your path forward to cleaning up the environment in order to leave future generations with a habitable world. Sincerely, Paige DeCino Executive Committee Member, Sierra Club North County Coastal Group Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Michael Lynn Filio <kulia1@yahoo.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:35 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California%2.+s statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Chih-Wu Chang <chihwu.chang@gmail.com> Monday, May 9, 2022 10:51 PM City Clerk Item #6 -Reduce the Use of Single-Use Plastic Bottles and Bags and Prohibit the Intentional Release of Balloons Dear Mayor and City Council Members, As a resident of the City of Carlsbad for over 16 years, I am increasingly concerned about the negative environmental impact of single-use plastic bottles and bags. I am asking you to adopt the ordinances to reduce the use of single-use plastic bottles and bags and prohibit the intentional release of balloons. We must keep plastic out of our ocean and our streets, protect the wildlife in our area and prevent microplastic from getting into our bodies. Your leadership in this endeavor would be greatly appreciated. Chih-Wu Chang, MBA, PMP 6488 Paseo Vuelo Carlsbad, CA 92009 760-497-6859 he/him/his Helping Build a Better World One Baby Step At a Time CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Jim Peugh <peugh@cox.net> Monday, May 9, 2022 11 :01 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. I am not a resident of Carlsbad. I greatly appreciate the City providing such a positive example for other jurisdictions. Let's hope that they catch up soon. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce needless waste and pollution. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Jim Peugh San Diego CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Brian Sohn <briansohn88@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 1:10 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Brian Sohn CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Brandon Van Noord <brandon.vannoord@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 6:21 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approvirig these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sincerely, Brandon A. Van Noord, M.D. Relieve Pain Center lnterventional Pain Physician Diplomat, American Board of Anesthesia Subspecialty Certification in Pain Medicine 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: candcdunning@aol.com Tuesday, May 10, 2022 7:06 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single- use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Christie Dunning 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Janis <janisjones@me.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 7:16 AM City Clerk Item #6-Single-use plastic ordinances to address balloon releases, single-use plastic beverage bottles, and plastic bags Dear Mayor Hall and City Council Members, As an avid cleaner of Carlsbad beaches, I would first like to thank you for moving forward with the single-use plastic foodware ordinance adopted in April. Your actions are helping prevent harmful debris from littering Carlsbad's neighborhoods, parks, and beaches. I personally advocate for single-use plastic reduction measures because the environment and human health are at risk, and the news can be shocking. It seems that almost every day additional research about the harmful impacts are published. It is so prevalent, that microplastics are in the food we eat, the beverages we drink, and it's even in the air we breath.:....ln addition, we recently learned that microplastics are now circulating in our blood and have been found in human lung tissue. In other words, plastic pollution is not only impacting the environment, it's affecting human health. The research is alarming, but I also become alarmed when I walk along the beach in Carlsbad and see first-hand the amount of plastic debris that washes up on the shoreline. I commonly find items, such as balloons, single- use plastic beverage bottles, and plastic bags. · Thank you for continuing to lead the way by adopting the ordinances proposed by staff to address these materials. I deeply appreciate the work that city staff has done to bring these policies forward and want to thank you in advance for doing everything you can to protect the environment for today's residents and visitors-and for future generations. With appreciation, Janis Jones 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subje ct: Dear Mayor and City Council, Paul Jones <paul@pauljonesrealty.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 7:28 AM City Clerk Item #6 Plastic Reduction Ordinances I am a North County resident and frequent visitor to Carlsbad. When I go for walks on Carlsbad beaches, I have been surprised by the amount of plastic I see and clean up. Please adopt the proposed ordinances to help stop the proliferation of plastic in the environment. Thank you, Paul Jones CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless 5 nize the sender and know the content i Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: JEFF DUCLOS <jaduclos@aol.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 7:40 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use playtics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Sophia Holtam <saholtam@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 7:51 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, As the president of the Oak Crest Environmental Club, I would like to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. On behalf of the youth of North County, thank you. Sophia Holtam .CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Margaret Meyncke <m.meyncke@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 7:55 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Margaret Meyncke m.meyncke@gmail.com (951) 551-6231 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: William Nygard <wnygard@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 7:56 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. William R Nygard wnygard@gmail.com Cell: 760.815.2180 CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i safe. 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: saRah <sarahwendeline@yahoo.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 7:57 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Jaqueline Cordero <CorderoJaqui@outlook.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 8:15 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SING LE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. 1) California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. 2) I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. 3) In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Chiwah Slater <awritetoknow@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 8:30 AM Sent: To: City Clerk Subject: Item 6: REDUCE SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES, BAGS, PROHIBIT DELIBERATE BALLOON REL Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. 1. 2. 3. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution 4. in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. 5. 2. 3. 4. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This 5. is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps 6. from San Diego County beaches. 7. 3. 4. 5. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, 6. I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. 7. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Sincerely, Carol Slater Oceanside resident who spends time and money in Carlsbad 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Meghann Young <myoung@cathedralcatholic.org> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 8:41 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything_ Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Katherine Hunter <khuntermvhs@hotmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 9:00 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Kathy Hunter Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Nancy Keating <rdjnak@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 9:01 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: wellsfamul@aol.com Tuesday, May 10, 2022 9:02 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not o nize the sender and know the content i 7 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Chris Pesko <chris.pesko@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 9:07 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. en attachments or click on links unless 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Amanda Schnitzius <aschnitzi@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 9:09 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you, Amanda Schnitzius 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: veedub88 <veedub88@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 9:10 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Ben Warner 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Chase Puentes <chasepuentes@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 9:12 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SING LE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Chase Puentes 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Neil Stanton <nstanton58@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 9:12 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not a en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Marta Riggins < martariggins@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 9:15 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Nick Smith <drengine@yahoo.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 9:18 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Robert and Jan Rogers < 160rogers16@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 9:23 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Robert Rogers CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Joe Houde <joe@ecinstitute.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 9:27 AM City Clerk Sent: To: Subject: Item 6 Carlsbad plastic ordinance support template Due before 2:00 pm on Tuesday 5/10/2022 To: clerk@carlsbadca.gov Subject: Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. 1) California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. 2) I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. 3) In addition, I fully support the ~itywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Sincerely, Joe Houde 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Scott Harrison <scohar66@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 9:29 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my FULL SUPPORT for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable plan~t for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert wast e. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Scott Harrison 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Wayne Golobic <socalestimating@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 9:34 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Ron Askeland <ron.askeland@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 9:42 AM City Clerk; Council Internet Email Item # 6 -Reduce the Use of Single-Use Plastic Bottles and Bags and Prohibit the Intentional Release of Balloons Dear Carlsbad City Council Members, I am writing in support of the proposed amendments to Carlsbad Municipal Code Title 6, to add Chapter 6.22 -Plastic Bottled Beverage Reduction, Chapter 6.24 -Plastic Bag Ban, and Chapter 6.26 -Intentional Release of Balloons Prohibition. As a North County resident who frequently runs at the beach, I would like to thank you for moving forward to reduce plastic pollution. Comments: • I encourage the City Council to accelerate the timeline of the plastic bag ban to January 1, 2023, for retail establishments, and on July 1, 2023, for food service providers. • Please consider following the lead of Encinitas by expanding the intentional balloon release restriction to a ban on the use, sale and distribution of helium-filled balloons in the city. This would address the unintentional release of helium-filled balloons. Thank you, o Balloons are commonly mistaken for food items by fish, birds, and turtles in particular. o Sea turtles have been known to confuse balloon fragments as jellyfish, one of their primary prey items. o Ingestion of balloons can lead to loss of nutrition, internal injury, starvation, and death. o Turtles who ingest balloons have been documented choking on balloon fragments or dying due a blocked digestive tract and starvation. o A National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) study published in 2019 stated, "balloons are the single deadliest form of marine plastic for seabirds11 • o The same study found that birds that ingest balloon fragments are 32 times more likely to die compared to ingesting hard plastics. Dr. Ronald Askeland Chair San Diego Sierra Club Zero Waste Subcommittee CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Marie Diaz <diaz.marie.94@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 9:48 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for t he ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Ray Hughes < rayjay3@sbcglobal.net> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 9:55 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for. future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sent from Mail for Windows 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Greg Griswold <grz619@yahoo.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 9:59 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California%2.+s statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, 1 will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Chris Paccione <cspaccione@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 10:12 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Christine Paccione 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Hock, Louis <lhock@ucsd.edu> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 10:14 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. llll/llllllll/fll Louis Hock louishock.info Facebook 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Francis Dumler <francis.dumler@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 10:21 AM City Clerk Francis Dumler Subject: Item # 6 -Reduce the Use of Single-Use Plastic Bottles and Bags and Prohibit the Intentional Release of Balloons City Clerk: I am writing to express my full support for item #6 -Reduce the Use of Single-Use Plastic Bottles and Bags and Prohibit the Intentional Release of Balloons. I specifically am in agreement with the following items of the proposal: 1. Plastic Bag Ban a. A ban on the use of single-use plastic bags at all retail stores beginning summer 2023 b. An expansion of the bag ban to all restaurants by summer 2024 c. Produce bags for grocery stores, markets, and farmers' markets shall be compostable produce bags, recyclable paper bags, or reusable produce bags to carry produce, bulk food, or other food items to point of sale within the store, market, or outdoor market area. 2. Ban of Plastic Bottles at City Facilities a. No person shall distribute plastic bottled beverages at city-affiliated events, regardless of whether the event is private or public. b. No person shall distribute plastic bottled beverages at city facilities, including use of city facilities through a rental, lease, or other agreement. 3. Balloon Release Restriction a. Ban the intentional release of balloons (this is an expansion of the California law that bans the release of electrically conductive balloons (e.g. Mylar) Respectfully submitted: Francis Dumler MD FACP FASN fdumler@yahoo.com 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Honorable Mayor and Council Diane Nygaard <dnygaard3@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 10:27 AM City Clerk Item # 6 Reduction of Single Use Plastic-.... Thank you for taking t his important step to reducing the amount of plastic pollution on our land and waters. We would ask that you consider your role as leaders and take an even more aggressive approach to reducing the use of these plastics at city sponsored events. Move up the date for implementing this part of the ordinance so the City of Carlsbad truly sets an example for how to do this right. Thank you. Diane Nygaard On behalf of Preserve Calavera CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Cheryle Besemer <clbesemer@icloud.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 10:29 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members,<BR><BR>I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases.<BR><BR>California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes.<BR><BR>I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches.<BR><BR>ln addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future.<BR><BR>To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts.<BR><BR>Thank you.<BR> CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Cheryle Besemer <clbesemer@icloud.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 10:29 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members,<BR><BR>I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases.<BR><BR>California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes.<BR><BR>I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches.<BR><BR>ln addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future.<BR><BR>To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts.<BR><BR>Thank you.<BR> CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 3 Tamm Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Adele Vasquez <adelemv16@gmail.com > Tuesday, May 10, 2022 10:34 AM City Clerk All Receive -Agenda Item# _/Q For the Information of the: ITYCOUNCIL Date:{~b/ · vr ....--- CM _v1KM ~DCM (3)...:::::: Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Adele CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Forrest <forrestdamon@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 10:42 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTiC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Forrest Damon CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Tony Riggins <tonyriggiris@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 11 :00 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Alicia Canizales <canizales17@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 11 :09 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless nize the sender and know the content i 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Nathan Waters <nrwaters78@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 11 :11 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Adriana Santo Tomas <adriana.santo.tomas@googlemail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 11:14 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless nize the sender and know the content i safe. 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Lauren Gibson <lcgiblet@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 11 :44 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Ryan Vaughn < ryanv@surfridersd.org > Tuesday, May 10, 2022 11 :44 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Ryan Ryan Vaughn I Climate Change Committee Co-Lead I Surfrider Foundation San Diego I M: 415.420.5350 I ryanv@surfridersd.org CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: brenna churma <brennachurma@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 11 :45 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Brenna Churma CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless nize the sender and know the content i safe. 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Lauren Morse < lolomorse@gmail.com > Tuesday, May 10, 2022 11 :45 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless nize the sender and know the content i 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Derrick Claar < derrick.claar@gmail.com > Tuesday, May 10, 2022 11 :57 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, Please know that I'm a politically active resident of the county and take these matters very seriously, and would appreciate your time and consideration on this matter. I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank · you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Derrick Claar CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless nize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: teichmanben@gmail.com Tuesday, May 10, 2022 12:10 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you . Sent from my iPhone CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe . 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Marin Vaughn <marin.vaughn@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 12:16 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single- use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Marin Vaughn 92008 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i safe. 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Kabir Thind <kabirthind@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 12:28 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law ha·s effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes'. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless 4 Tammy Cloud -McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Richard Zak < rzcheckit@sbcglobal.net> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 12:35 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single- use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on al l lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Rich Zak 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: PLEASE PLEASE PLEAS!!! JEFF MOTCH Jeff Match <jeff@blindladyalehouse.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 12:34 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i safe. 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: John Bottorff Clea nEa rth4Kids.org 949-439-5459 J@CleanEart h4Kids.org John Bottorff <j@cleanearth4kids.org > Tuesday, May 10, 2022 12:41 PM City Clerk Comment in support of City Council Meeting Agenda Item #6 Carlsbad Plastic Letter May 10 2022.pdf CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 CleanEarth4Kids.org May 10, 2022 Dear Mayor Hall and City Council, Thank you for all your work to protect our health and environment and unanimously supporting the plastic ordinance on April 5th. CleanEarth4Kids.org supports all 3 ordinances under Agenda Item #6: Reduce the Use of Single-Use Plastic Bottles and Bags and Prohibit the Intentional Release of Balloons. Please vote yes on all 3. Plastic pollution, microplastics and marine debris harm public health, water quality, marine mammals, fish, birds and wildlife. Plastic can contain toxic chemicals like PFAS and phthalates that can change a male frog to a female frog because it disrupts the endocrine system. Phthalates also can damage the liver, kidneys, lungs, and reproductive system. The impacts of this plastic waste on the environment and our health are global and are drastic. PFAS are a health hazard that contaminates our water, landfills, etc. PFAS chemicals don't break down in the environment or our bodies, which is why they're known as "forever" chemicals. PFAS have been used for over 50 years and public exposure is widespread. In California, 3,000 water suppliers and 600 systems have detected PFAS. PFAS are found in the blood of 97% of Americans. PFAS are hazardous. They are toxic chemicals linked to birth defects, problems with development, kidney cancer and disease, testicular cancer, thyroid disease, endocrine disorders, immune system dysfunction, organ damage, liver disease, harm to developing fetuses, infants, children & harm to adults, wildlife and water. The EU states "developmental toxicity, effects on lipid metabolism, development of tumors of one or several organs and immunotoxicity as observed effects in laboratory animals after exposure to several PFAS." The European Union classifies PFAS as a group and PFAS must be classified as a group in the United States. According to the .COC "Some studies have shown that PFAS exposure may interfere with the body's natural hormones; increase cholesterol levels; affect the immune system; and increase the risk of cancer." With children's cancer rates increasing significantly from 1975 to 2015, with about 43 children diagnosed with cancer every day, we must reduce their exposure to toxic chemicals. We must protect the places where they run and play. Microplastic particles are now found in placentas. The placenta provides oxygen and nutrients to the baby inside the womb. Plastics break down to microplastic particles and toxic chemicals can harm and disrupt the developing fetus and harm the immune system and development-which forever changes the health, life and future of a child. We must do everything in our power to reduce toxic chemicals, heavy metals and pollution. The average American tosses 4 pounds of plastic waste every day. Most of that doesn't go into recycling bins, trash cans or landfills .. .it goes into our creeks, ponds, rivers and eventually, the ocean. The U.S. spends over $11 billion a year cleaning up litter and the majority of that is single-use plastic. Plastic is 75% of the trash in the ocean with 8 million tons going into our oceans every year. Balloons and strings are commonly found items during beach, waterway and park cleanups. This is of great concern. Balloons end the lives of seabirds and other animals. Passing a balloon ordinance is an important step to protecting the coast, ocean, fish, birds and natural resources. As you know, by 2050, it is predicted that we will have more plastic than fish in the ocean. Additionally, helium balloons can float through the air and run into power lines, causing fires, downed electrical lines and major damage. In San Diego, mylar helium balloons caused approximately 500 power outages in 5 years. We say, "Balloons are no party'' because our wildlife are harmed. Pollution has a high cost. Balloons are either petroleum-based or latex-based with petroleum-based additives which leach dangerous chemicals into our water, land and air. Please see our #BalloonsAreNoParty video . Please vote yes on all 3 ordinances. S@CleanEarth4Kids.org (760) 518-2776 CleanEarth4 Kids.org Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: oliphantfam@outlook.com Tuesday, May 10, 2022 12:43 PM City Clerk Item# 6 -Reduce the Use of Single-Use Plastic Bottles and Bags and Prohibit the Intentional Release of Balloons Dear Honorable Mayor and City Council: At tonight's meeting, I hope that Item 6 is passed. Balloons should be prohibited from being released, plastic bottles should be prohibited from Carlsbad facilities and events, and the ban on single use plastic bags from retail stores and eventually restaurants should go into effect. I would also love to see compostable bags at grocery stores eventually! I love Carlsbad. My family is from there and my brother is moving back there. You have become a model for other cities on what needs to be done to help protect our environment. It is obvious when I visit that you care about your coast line and surrounding environment. Sincerely, Mandy Oliphant CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Lucero Sanchez < lucero@sdcoastkeeper.org > Tuesday, May 10, 2022 12:47 PM Sent: To: City Clerk Subject: Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing on behalf of San Diego Coastkeeper to express our full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. 1. 2. 3. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution 4. in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. We believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. 5. 2. 3. 4. We also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This 5. is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps 6. from San Diego County beaches. 7. 3. 4. 5. In addition, we fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, 6. we will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. 7. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Sincerely, Lucero Sanchez I Community Policy Coordinator 714.855.8340 I she/her/hers 2 A SAN DIEGO ~ COASTKEEPER· ~ San Diego Coastkeeper® I 3900 Cleveland Avenue, Suite 102 I San Diego, CA 92103 Show your support for protecting and restoring fishable, swimmable, and drinkable waters in San Diego County with a donation today. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i safe. 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Marc Tompkins <marc.surf@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 12:51 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Marc Tompkins CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless nize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Carolyn Krammer <carolnoceanside@cs.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 12:59 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single- use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon re leases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Carolyn Krammer, Oceanside Resident en attachments or click on links unless 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Sarah Morawa Harding <smorawa@yahoo.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 1:14 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single- use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps i.s rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sarah Harding CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: josan.dem <josan.dem@att.net> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 1 :15 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Alex Ferron <aferron@sandiego.surfrider.org> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 1 :34 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing representing the San Diego Surfrider Foundation to express Surfrider's full support and gratitude for the ordinances in today's agenda item 6, limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. 1) California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. We believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. 2) We also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. 3) In addition, we fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single- use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. For our ocean, waves & beaches! Alex Ferron (she) I 951.454.9250 Chapter Manager I San Diego Surfrider Fou ndation CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: May 10, 2022 Delivered via Email To: Carlsbad City Council Mitch Silverstein < mitch@surfridersd.org > Tuesday, May 10, 2022 1 :39 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Carlsbad 3-in-1 Comment Letter to Council.pdf Re: Support for Proposed Plastic Bag, Bottle, and Balloon Restrictions Honorable Mayor and City Council, The Surfrider Foundation is a nonprofit grassroots organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of our world's ocean, waves, and beaches, for all people, through a powerful activist network. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed plastic bag, plastic bottle, and balloon release restriction ordinances that will be introduced at tonight's City Council meeting for your consideration. Surfrider strongly supports all three ordinances. We would like to extend our gratitude to you for your unanimous support of the Sustainable Materials Implementation Plan -which included information on all three ordinances -in December 2021. We agree with staff's assertion that alll three ordinances will effectively protect wildlife, conserve natural resources, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, divert waste from landfills, improve the cleanliness of the city and its public spaces, and align with the goals of Carlsbad's Sustainable Materials Implementation and Climate Action Plans. We are especially pleased with the plastic bag ban. California's statewide single-use plastic bag ban has been very effective in reducing plastic bag pollution along our beaches, coastline, and in our waterways. While not every Californian supported the 2016 ballot initiative, it passed with a healthy majority -especially in coastal communities -and it's safe to say that six years later, Californians are accustomed to bringing bags to the grocery store. Therefore, the time is right to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags, with very little foreseeable resistance from Carlsbad residents and businesses. Despite the CA bag ban's success, its loopholes are many, and pollution from single-use plastic bags is still rampant in our environment. In 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed over 10,000 plastic bags and plastic bag fragments from San Diego County beaches. The draft plastic bag ban closes many of the loopholes in the state bag law. We are especially pleased with your staff's inclusion of retail establishments and food service vendors -if grocery stores, pharmacies, and convenience stores can do away with plastic bags, so can these businesses, especially since your staff has included a similar $.1 0 pass-thru fee to help them cover the additional costs of paper and/or reusable bags. We are impressed and grateful for your staff's attention to detail re: the composition of allowable bags. Unlike state law, which qualifies certain thicker plastic bags as reusable, the city ordinance requires shopping bags to be reusable or compostable. Additionally, we fully support the inclusion of plastic produce bags in the ordinance. Reusable and compostable alternatives exist and are readily available. The plastic bottle ban at city events is a great step in the right direction. 1 Surfrider fully supports the replacement of wasteful single-use plastic bottles with reusable containers, or at the very least, with compostable alternatives to throwaway plastic. We agree with staff's logic that city facilities and events are a great place to begin a citywide -and ultimately societal -shift away from single-use plastic beverage bottles. We appreciate the expansive definition employed for city-affiliated events, as well, as it will include even permitted, private events that take place on public property. If enacted by the City Council, the plastic bottle ban will reduce plastic pollution and signify to city residents and visitors that the City of Carlsbad puts priority on the protection of its precious environmental and coastal resources. As you know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. We support the ban on intentional balloon releases, but would ultimately like to see a stronger stance on balloons. Surfrider supports a citywide ban on intentional balloon releases and believes it will serve as a welcome addendum to California's current balloon law, which prohibits release of electrically conductive balloons (i.e. mylar) and also requires them to be weighted when sold full of a lighter-than-air gas (i.e. helium). However, even those in the balloon industry have acknowledged that the California balloon law is ineffective. From BallonHQ.com, "I also live in California and see other companies like chain stores and even CBA's (certified balloon artists) breaking this law ... unfortunately, there isn't any authority around when the crime is being committed." While the law is well-intentioned, it is relatively unknown and has no enforcement budget. Therefore, it is easily ignored by California residents and businesses. While the draft balloon ordinance improves upon the CA balloon law by prohibiting intentional releases of a// balloons, the fact remains that it will be difficult to enforce and almost impossible to measure in terms of effectiveness. More effective would be an outright prohibition on the sale, use, and release of balloons filled with a gas lighter than air. The City of Encinitas took this step recently, with overwhelming support from the public (including North County residents outside of Encinitas). Over 200 comments in support were sent to the Encinitas Environmental Commission in the ordinance's early stages; one commissioner commented that this was the most letters of support they'd ever received on any single issue. Additionally, almost 8,000 San Diegans have signed our friend Sicco Rood's Change.org petition to ban helium balloons in San Diego County. We understand that Carlsbad and Encinitas are unique and have different demographics and styles of governance. However, we would encourage Carlsbad to ultimately consider a similar ban as Encinitas on lighter than air balloons. The majority of found balloons are likely unintentional releases, just like the majority of plastic pollution we find along our coastline and in our ocean is not intentionally littered. Our experience is that regardless of their political affiliations, few issues unite coastal enthusiasts as much as our shared contempt for balloons and the needless death they cause to precious marine wildlife. Carlsbad is a city of people who absolutely LOVE our ocean, waves, and beaches. These draft ordinances, along with the recent foam/plastic foodware ban, exemplify true environmental leadership around the issue of plastic pollution. Thank you for addressing the plastic pollution crisis affecting our ocean, beaches, and planet with the urgency it requires. We greatly appreciate your attention to detail and the inclusion of comprehensive single-use plastic reduction ordinances as part of Carlsbad's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan. It is well known that plastic pollution from single-use plastics pose a significant threat to our ocean, beaches, and planet. They are toxic, do not biodegrade, and enter our ocean from all over Carlsbad and beyond. Additionally, plastic is made from petroleum and causes pollution at every stage of its production. What was hardly noticeable to Carlsbad residents and visitors 20-30 years ago is now ubiquitous on our streets, in our parks, and worst of all, along our coast. Plastic pollution is everywhere we look. 2 To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for including single-use plastic reduction as a key element of the City's sustainability roadmap. We look forward to encouraging the City Council to adopt all three ordinances so that Carlsbad can continue to lead by example in waste reduction, sustainability, and the protection of our beautiful coastline. Sincerely, Mitch Silverstein San Diego County Policy Coordinator The Surfrider Foundation mitch@surfridersd.org 619.736.7757 Jenny Roberts Rise Above Plastics Co-Lead The Surfrider Foundation jennyr@surfrider.org 551-265-9176 Alex Ferron San Diego County Chapter Manager The Surfrider Foundation aferron@sandiego.surfrider.org For our ocean, waves & beaches! Mitch Silverstein I Policy Coordinator I Surfrider Foundation San Diego County I he/him/his 619.736.7757 I mitch@surfridersd.org Support the mission, become a Surfrider member today! CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless 3 May 10, 2022 Delivered via Email SURFRIDER FOUNDATION SAN DIEGO COUNTY To: Carlsbad City Council Re: Support for Proposed Plastic Bag, Bottle, and Balloon Restrictions Honorable Mayor and City Council, The Surfrider Foundation is a nonprofit grassroots organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of our world's ocean, waves, and beaches, for all people, through a powerful activist network. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed plastic bag, plastic bottle, and balloon release restriction ordinances that will be introduced at tonight's City Council meeting for your consideration. Surfrider strongly supports all three ordinances. We would like to extend our gratitude to you for your unanimous support of the Sustainable Materials Implementation Plan -which included information on all three ordinances -in December 2021. We agree with staff's assertion that alll three ordinances will effectively protect wildlife, conserve natural resources, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, divert waste from landfills, improve the cleanliness of the city and its public spaces, and align with the goals of Carlsbad's Sustainable Materials Implementation and Climate Action Plans. We are especially pleased with the plastic bag ban. California's statewide single-use plastic bag ban has been very effective in reducing plastic bag pollution along our beaches, coastline, and in our waterways. While not every Californian supported the 2016 ballot initiative, it passed with a healthy majority-especially in coastal communities -and it's safe to say that six years later, Californians are accustomed to bringing bags to the grocery store. Therefore, the time is right to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags, with very little foreseeable resistance from Carlsbad residents and businesses. Despite the CA bag ban's success, its loopholes are many, and pollution from single-use plastic bags is still rampant in our environment. In 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed over 10,000 plastic bags and plastic bag fragments from San Diego County beaches. The draft plastic bag ban closes many of the loopholes in the state bag law. We are especially pleased with your staff's inclusion of retail establishments and food service vendors -if grocery stores, pharmacies, and convenience stores can do away with plastic bags, so can these businesses, especially since your staff has included a similar $.10 pass-thru fee to help them Phone: 858.800.2282 ! info@surfridersd.org I su rfridersd.org 3900 Cleveland Ave, Ste 201, San Diego, C.4 92703 SURFRIDER FO UNDATI ON SAN DIEGO COUNTY cover the additional costs of paper and/or reusable bags. We are impressed and grateful for your staff's attention to detail re: the composition of allowable bags. Unlike state law, which qualifies certain thicker plastic bags as reusable, the city ordinance requires shopping bags to be reusable or compostable. Additionally, we fully support the inclusion of plastic produce bags in the ordinance. Reusable and compostable alternatives exist and are readily available. The plastic bottle ban at city events is a great step in the right direction. Surfrider fully supports the replacement of wasteful single-use plastic bottles with reusable containers, or at the very least, with compostable alternatives to throwaway plastic. We agree with staff's logic that city facilities and events are a great place to begin a citywide -and ultimately societal -shift away from single-use plastic beverage bottles. We appreciate the expansive definition employed for city-affiliated events, as well, as it will include even permitted, private events that take place on public property. If enacted by the City Council, the plastic bottle ban will reduce plastic pollution and signify to city residents and visitors that the City of Carlsbad puts priority on the protection of its precious environmental and coastal resources. As you know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. We support the ban on intentional balloon releases, but would ultimately like to see a stronger stance on balloons. Surfrider supports a citywide ban on intentional balloon releases and believes it will serve as a welcome addendum to California's current balloon law, which prohibits release of electrically conductive balloons (i.e. mylar) and also requires them to be weighted when sold full of a lighter-than-air gas (i.e. helium). However, even those in the balloon industry have acknowledged that the California balloon law is ineffective. From BallonHQ.com, "I also live in California and see other companies like chain stores and even CBA's (certified balloon artists) breaking this law ... unfortunately, there isn't any authority around when the crime is being committed." While the law is well-intentioned, it is relatively unknown and has no enforcement budget. Therefore, it is easily ignored by California residents and businesses. While the draft balloon ordinance improves upon the CA balloon law by prohibiting intentional releases of a// balloons, the fact remains that it will be difficult to enforce and almost impossible Phone 858.800.2282 I info@surfridersd.org I surfridersd.org 3900 Cleveland Ave., Ste 201, San Diego, CA 92103 SURFRIDER FOUN DATION SAN DIEGO COUNTY to measure in terms of effectiveness. More effective would be an outright prohibition on the sale, use, and release of balloons filled with a gas lighter than air. The City of Encinitas took this step recently, with overwhelming support from the public (including North County residents outside of Encinitas). Over 200 comments in support were sent to the Encinitas Environmental Commission in the ordinance's early stages; one commissioner commented that this was the most letters of support they'd ever received on any single issue. Additionally, almost 8,000 San Diegans have signed our friend Sicco Rood's Chanqe.org petition to ban helium balloons in San Diego County. We understand that Carlsbad and Encinitas are unique and have different demographics and styles of governance. However, we would encourage Carlsbad to ultimately consider a similar ban as Encinitas on lighter than air balloons. The majority of found balloons are likely unintentional releases, just like the majority of plastic pollution we find along our coastline and in our ocean is not intentionally littered. Our experience is that regardless of their political affiliations, few issues unite coastal enthusiasts as much as our shared contempt for balloons and the needless death they cause to precious marine wildlife. Carlsbad is a city of people who absolutely LOVE our ocean, waves, and beaches. These draft ordinances, along with the recent foam/plastic foodware ban, exemplify true environmental leadership around the issue of plastic pollution. Thank you for addressing the plastic pollution crisis affecting our ocean, beaches, and planet with the urgency it requires. We greatly appreciate your attention to detail and the inclusion of comprehensive single-use plastic reduction ordinances as part of Carlsbad's Sustainable Materials Management Implementation Plan . It is well known that plastic pollution from single-use plastics pose a significant threat to our ocean, beaches, and planet. They are toxic, do not biodegrade, and enter our ocean from all over Carlsbad and beyond. Additionally, plastic is made from petroleum and causes pollution at every stage of its production. What was hardly noticeable to Carlsbad residents and visitors 20-30 years ago is now ubiquitous on our streets, in our parks, and worst of all, along our coast. Plastic pollution is everywhere we look. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you for including single-use plastic reduction as a key element of the City's sustainability roadmap. We look forward to encouraging the City Council to adopt all three ordinances so that Carlsbad can continue to lead by example in waste reduction, sustainability, and the protection of our beautiful coastline. Sincerely, Phone: 858.800.22f32 I info@surfridersci.org I surfridersd.org 3900 Cleveland Ave., Ste 201, San Diego, CA 92103 Mitch Silverstein San Diego County Policy Coordinator The Surfrider Foundation mitch@surfridersd.org 619.736.7757 Jenny Roberts Rise Above Plastics Co-Lead The Surfrider Foundation jennyr@surfrider.org 551-265-9176 Alex Ferron San Diego County Chapter Manager The Surfrider Foundation aferron@sandieqo.surfrider.org SURFRIDER FOUNDAT ION SAN DIEGO COUNTY Phone: 858.800.2282 I info@surfridersd org I surfridersd.org 3900 Cleveland Ave., Ste 207, San Diego, CJ,, 92103 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Pamela Dragon < pammalovesjosh@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 1 :44 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Mike Guerreiro <chief9toe@hotmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 2:02 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single~use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you, Mike Guerreiro Sent from Mi Phone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Gina Filipelli <gmfilipelli@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 2:49 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not o nize the sender and know the content i 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Marco Aguilera <marcoaguilera@hotmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 3:25 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I live here in Carlsbad. I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Michael Hogan <mghogan82@yahoo.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 3:41 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single- use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Karoly Tippets < karoly.tippets@gmail.com > Tuesday, May 10, 2022 4:09 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless nize the sender and know the content i 5 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Margot Lowe <margot1owe1@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 5:03 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Ramirez, Briselda <ramirezb8156@my.sduhsd.net> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 5:04 PM City Clerk Item# 6 -Reduce the Use of Single-Use Plastic Bottles and Bags and Prohibit the Intentional Release of Balloons Good evening, Honorable Council Members and Mayor Matt Hall. My name is Briselda Matias Ramirez. I am here to express my support for item #6---the reduction of using ballon, single-use plastic bottles, and single-use bags. If Carlsbad's bag, bottle, and balloon ordinances get passed, Carlsbad would be supporting the local wildlife, residents, and the environment. As an Encinitas resident, it will be joyous to know that Carlsbad is·committed to supporting the world we share. We both share a coast. We both live in San Diego. When I walk home, balloons, plastic bottles, and bags have littered the sections of streets. Once the rain comes, that litter will pollute our ocean. I don't want that to happen, and I hope you don't want that either. I'm in the Environmental club at school, so it's thriving to hear cities addressing the current and important issues, like climate change and pollution. These acts are inspiring to keep fighting for the environment! Action is being done to help Earth!! Sincerely, Briselda Matias Ramirez CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i 7 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Tish Colburn <pcolburn1412@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 5:09 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 8 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Madison Caise <madicaise@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 5:16 PM Sent: To: City Clerk Subject: Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. 1. 2. 3. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution 4. in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. 5. 2. 3. 4. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This 5. is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps 6. from San Diego County beaches. 7. 3. 4. 5. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, 6. I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. 7. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Sincerely, Madison Caise (she/her) 9 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i 10 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: sid noonan <snoonan2@hotmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 5:20 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Get Outlook for iOS CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ize the sender and know the content i safe. 11 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Bridget Murphy < bridgetmurphy@sandiego.edu > Tuesday, May 10, 2022 7:46 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless nize the sender and know the content i 12 Tammy Clo ud-McM inn From: Sent: To: Subject: Barbra Taffe <tafferealestate@yahoo.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 7:48 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single- use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases ; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance fo r approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Ba rbra Taffe CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless nize the sender and know the content i safe. 13 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Mike Picco <mikepicco@yahoo.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 9:28 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may al ready know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Mike Picco Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 14 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Ultra-Violet < ultra.vio1et3115@gmail.com > Tuesday, May 10, 2022 11 :28 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. 1) California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and . along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. 2) I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. 3) In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 15 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Ultra-Violet < ultra.violet3115@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 11 :29 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. 1) California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. 2) I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. 3) In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you . . Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 16 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Ultra-Violet <ultra.violet311 S@gmail.com> Tuesday, May 10, 2022 11 :29 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. 1) California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. 2) I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. 3) In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 17 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: psantami@aol.com Tuesday, May 10, 2022 11 :57 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single- use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you . Tami Patterson CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ize the sender and know the content i safe. 18 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Susan Hart <shart4666@gmail.com> Wednesday, May 11, 2022 5:10 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Susan Hart 19 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Stew Mayer <stewmayer@gmail.com> Wednesday, May 11, 2022 7:12 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sent from Stew's iPhone CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 20 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Lindsay < lindza@cox.net> Wednesday, May 11, 2022 7:51 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. 1} California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. 2} I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Su rfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. 3) In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 21 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Tyler Downs <tyler.downs@icloud.com> Wednesday, May 11, 2022 10:06 AM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. 1) California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. 2) I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. 3) In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. The Downs Family Carlsbad Residents Sent from my iPad CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 22 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Rich Bourne <richkbourne@gmail.com> Wednesday, May 11, 2022 1:18 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not o nize the sender and know the content i 23 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Carol Flynn <shipyard42@gmail.com> Wednesday, May 11, 2022 1:49 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe . 24 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Rafael Patterson <sunsetmesa24@yahoo.com> Wednesday, May 11, 2022 2:03 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single- use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 25 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Principled Thoughts <sheepandthegoat@gmail.com > Wednesday, May 11, 2022 3:34 PM City Clerk Item 6: REDUCTION OF USE OF SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS AND PROHIBIT THE INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF BALLOONS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, I am writing to express my full support for the ordinances limiting plastic single-use plastic bags and beverage bottles and disallowing all intentional balloon releases. California's statewide single-use plastic bag law has effectively reduced plastic bag pollution in our waterways and along our coastline, but the State law includes too many exemptions. I believe it is the right time for Carlsbad to add additional restrictions on single-use plastic bags to help close some of the loopholes. I also support the single-use plastic bottle restrictions for city facilities and events. This is a great place to begin shifting toward alternative materials and reusable/refillable bottle options. As you may already know, pollution from plastic bottles and their caps is rampant; in 2019, Surfrider volunteers removed 15,511 plastic bottles and caps from San Diego County beaches. In addition, I fully support the citywide limitation on intentional balloon releases; however, I will look forward to a ban on all lighter-than-air balloons in the future. To secure a livable planet for future generations, we must do everything in our power to reduce and divert waste. Thank you in advance for approving these ordinances and for everything Carlsbad is doing to reduce unnecessa ry single-use plastics' economic and environmental impacts. Thank you. Toya R. Hasia-Welch 26 Introduction of Ordinances Jamie Wood, Environmental Management Director Robby Contreras, Assistant City Attorney May 10, 2022 ( City of Carlsbad BACKGROUND •Sustainable Materials Management Plan adopted in 2019 •Implementation plan adopted Dec. 14, 2021 •Single-use plastic food ware upon-request and material ban (adopted) •Water bottle ban for city facilities and city- affiliated events •Balloon release ban throughout city •Plastic bag ban throughout city { City of Carlsbad “Littered plastic products have caused and continue to cause significant environmental harm and have burdened local governments with significant environmental cleanup costs.” California Public Resources Code Section 42355 ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS {'city of Carlsbad PLASTIC WATER BOTTLE BAN •Effective and enforceable 30 days after ordinance adoption •Single-use plastic water bottles prohibited at city facilities and city-affiliated events •Reusable or certified compostable and marine degradable water bottles allowed {'city of Carlsbad BALLOON USE RESTRICTION •Effective and enforceable 30 days after ordinance adoption •Prohibits the intentional release of balloons filled with gas lighter than air {'city of Carlsbad PLASTIC BAG BAN •Enforcement for retail establishments begins July 1, 2023 •Enforcement for food service providers begins July 1, 2024 •Targeted education and support provided prior to enforcement •Reusable, recyclable paper, or compostable and marine biodegradable bags allowed {'city of Carlsbad •Targeted education and outreach to businesses and event planners •Technical assistance, including acceptable alternatives EDUCATION & SUPPORT {'city of Carlsbad RECOMMENDED ACTIONS 1.Introduce an ordinance amending the Carlsbad Municipal Code, Title 6, adding Chapter 6.22, to ban plastic water bottles at city facilities and city-affiliated events 2.Introduce an ordinance amending the Carlsbad Municipal Code, Title 6, adding Chapter 6.24, to phase in a single-use plastic bag ban 3.Introduce an ordinance amending the Carlsbad Municipal Code, Title 6, adding Chapter 6.26, to prohibit the intentional release of balloons {'city of Carlsbad THANK YOU {'city of Carlsbad City Regulated Products Regulated Entities Notes Plastic Water Bottles Other Plastic Beverage Bottles City Facilities/ Events Other Entities Carlsbad (Draft)X X Encinitas (2020)X X X Prohibits the distribution of plastic beverage bottles at city facilities or city-sponsored events and prohibits city funds from being used to purchase plastic bottled beverages. Solana Beach (2019)X X X Prohibits the sale or distribution of plastic bottled beverages at any city facility or event and prohibits city funds from being used to purchase plastic bottled beverages. CURRENT EFFORTS –WATER BOTTLES { City of Carlsbad City Regulated Activity Regulated Entities Notes Intentional Release of Balloons Other Restrictions Any Person/ Entity Events Carlsbad (Draft)X X Encinitas (2022)X X X Prohibits the use, sale or distribution of any type of balloon filled with gas lighter than air. Prohibits any manner of disposal of any type of balloon, including release in the air, other than into a trash receptacle. Ventura (Ventura County) (2020)X X X Prohibits the release of any balloon inflated with gas lighter than air as part of any public or civic event, promotional activity, product advertisement, or event requiring a city permit. CURRENT EFFORTS – BALLOONS { City of Carlsbad City Regulated Products Regulated Entities Notes Single-use Plastic Carry- out Bags Other Plastic Bags All Retail/Commercial Businesses Other Entities Carlsbad (Draft)X X X Del Mar (2016)X X X Prohibits any retail establishment (including person at farmers markets) from providing any bag at the point of sale to customer unless it is a recycled paper bag or reusable bag. Prohibits distribution of plastic bags at city (or city managed) facilities/events. Encinitas (2014)X X X Prohibits any retail establishment (including person at farmers markets) from providing any bag at the point of sale to customer unless it is a recycled paper bag or reusable bag. Prohibits distribution of plastic bags at city (or city managed) facilities/events. Imperial Beach (2019)X X Prohibits the distribution of single-use carryout bags at City facilities, City-managed concessions, or City- sponsored events. Oceanside (2016)X X X Prohibits any retail establishment from providing a single- use carry-out bag at point of sale other than a reusable bag or recycled paper bag for a fee. Solana Beach (2012)X X X Prohibits the distribution of single-use plastic carry-out bags at all retail establishments, city facilities/events, and farmers markets. CURRENT EFFORTS –BAGS