HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-05-10; City Council; ; Fiscal Year 2022-23 Annual Action Plan for the City of Carlsbad’s Community Development Block Grant ProgramCA Review __RK__
Meeting Date: May 10, 2022
To: Mayor and City Council
From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager
Staff Contact: Nancy Melander, Senior Program Manager
nancy.melander@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2812
Subject: Fiscal Year 2022-23 Annual Action Plan for the City of Carlsbad’s
Community Development Block Grant Program
District: All
Recommended Action
Hold a public hearing and adopt a resolution approving the final fiscal year 2022-23 Annual
Action Plan for Community Development Block Grant funding and authorizing submission to the
Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Executive Summary
The primary objective of the Community Development Block Grant program is the development
of viable urban communities by providing improved living environments, economic opportunity
and decent housing. Grant funds are intended to principally serve people of low and moderate
income. The city’s draft fiscal year 2022-23 Annual Action Plan (Exhibit 1, Attachment A) has
been developed to meet the requirements of the federal Community Development Block Grant
program and covers the period of July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023.
The plan identifies goals, projects and funding allocations to utilize the city’s annual entitlement
grant of $527,154 for the 2022-23 fiscal year. To assist in the planning process, the Community
Development Block Grant Advisory Committee was tasked to review applications and make
funding recommendations. The City Council must adopt the annual plan, which is then
submitted to the Department of Housing and Urban Development for its review and final
The FY 2022-23 Annual Action Plan covers the third year of the city’s five-year Consolidated
Plan, which assesses community development needs, identifies six priority goals and outlines
strategies to help the city meet those goals.
May 10, 2022 Item #9 Page 1 of 25
The City Council approved these plan priorities on Jan. 14, 2020:
• Priority 1: Increase and preserve affordable housing opportunities for low- and
moderate-income households
• Priority 2: Prevent and reduce homelessness
• Priority 3: Strengthen support services for residents with special needs
• Priority 4: Improve and provide facilities to serve lower-income persons
• Priority 5: Provide fair housing services to residents
• Priority 6: Plan and administer the Community Development Block Grant program
Allocation and application
The City Council approved the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Funding Plan on Jan. 18, 2022, and
authorized the distribution of a notice of funding availability, the first step in the development
of the Annual Action Plan. The purpose of the funding plan is to confirm the consolidated plan’s
priorities and provide an estimated amount of funds available for the program year.
The estimated budget is $527,154, based on the city’s entitlement for the current year. Should
the final allocation be 20% higher or lower than anticipated, staff will return to the Community
Development Block Grant Advisory Committee and/or the City Council to revise the funding
levels for the public service providers, in accordance with HUD regulations. Should the final
allocation be less than 20% higher or lower than anticipated, staff will evenly distribute funding
to all of the public service providers receiving funding.
Of the total allocation amount, the city is limited to spending a maximum of 15% of the grant
funds for public service activities; up to 20% for program administration, which includes fair
housing services; and the remaining funds for affordable housing, facility improvements and
other eligible activities. The following is a breakdown of the funding allocation:
Public services* $79,073
Program administration and fair housing* $105,430
Public facilities, affordable housing $342,651
FY 2021-23 entitlement grant $527,154
*Maximum allowed under grant regulations
Applications were completed and submitted in mid-February, with Community Development
Block Grant Advisory Committee interviews and deliberations completed on April 14, 2022.
Applicants were able to apply for public-service and facility improvement funds. The city
received nine eligible applications from nonprofit organizations for a variety of activities. The
grant applications were reviewed according to several factors, including:
• Feasibility
• Budget reasonableness
• Administrative capacity
• Level of impact and alignment to local priorities
All applicants were given the opportunity to clarify aspects of their proposals through the
interview process.
May 10, 2022 Item #9 Page 2 of 25
With a focus on the two highest consolidated plan priorities, the advisory committee
recommended the following activities for funding in FY 2022-23:
Activity and recipients Recommended funding
Brother Benno (prevent and reduce homelessness) 10,073
Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego (prevent and reduce homelessness) 14,000
Interfaith Community Services (prevent and reduce homelessness) 25,000
Community Resource Center (prevent and reduce homelessness) 20,000
WRC (prevent and reduce homelessness) 10,000
Public Services total $79,073
Community Development Block Grant Program operations 82,430
Fair housing services 23,000
Program administration total $105,430
Casa de Amparo (facility improvements) 40,000
Affordable Housing Fund (increase and preserve affordable housing) 302,651
Public facilities and affordable housing total $342,651
Fiscal year 2022-23 entitlement grant $527,154
Rapid Response Housing Solutions, formerly known as the Friends of La Posada, and Feeding
the Soul are not being recommended for funding by the committee. Rapid Response Housing
Solutions requested funds to support existing programs at the La Posada Men’s Shelter and the
committee’s recommendation is to instead assist La Posada directly with the $14,000 to
Catholic Charities who owns and manages the shelter. Feeding the Soul requested funds to
provide meals to low income and homeless individuals. The committee did not find the
proposed budget by Feeding the Soul to be comparable to other meal delivery services. The
committee also did not find the application to be in line with the Consolidated Plan’s priorities
or strong enough to support at this time.
The committee’s recommendation includes funding for:
• The Community Resource Center and Interfaith Community Services, to provide
continued homeless prevention and diversions services, including wrap-around social
• WRC (formerly known as the Women’s Resource Center), to accommodate Carlsbad
clients in the shelter with basic needs and wrap-around services
• Catholic Charities, to support their staff salaries that allows the shelter to further
accommodate extended operational hours and programs
• Brother Benno, for program expenses to support the nonprofit’s Substance Abuse
Recovery Program
1 The state defines wrap around services in social work as a shift from the traditional service-driven, problem-
based approach to care to one based on strengths and driven by needs. The intent is to build on individual’s and
family’s strengths to help them achieve positive goals and improve their well-being.
May 10, 2022 Item #9 Page 3 of 25
In the category for public facility improvements and affordable housing, the committee’s
recommendation is to fund the city’s Affordable Housing Fund at $302,651 for future affordable
housing opportunities, including the purchase of existing affordable units at-risk of converting
to market rate units.
The committee recommends Casa de Amparo receive $40,000 to assist in facility enhancements
of its Casa Kids Campus, which provides comprehensive trauma-informed care for severely
abused and neglected children in the county.
As noted in federal guidelines, a maximum of 20% of the funding, not to exceed $105,430, is
recommended for Community Development Block Grant program operations, which includes
$23,000 for a contract with the Legal Aid Society of San Diego to assist residents with fair
housing services, as required by HUD.
Staff provide the following options for the City Council’s consideration:
1. Approve the advisory committee’s funding recommendation as presented.
• Acknowledges the review and recommendations of the City Council appointed CDBG
Advisory Committee
• Allows for the timely submittal of the plan and receipt of funds by Sept. 2022
• Limits City Council’s flexibility to allocate funding
2. Revise the funding allocations to subrecipients. All organizations and funding requests
have met the requirements of the city’s Community Development Block Grant program.
If desired, the City Council may modify the advisory committee’s recommendations
within the program’s funding limits to provide more or less funding to various activities,
including funding for activities not recommended by the committee.
• Provides City Council an opportunity to provide further direction
• Does not follow the consensus recommendation of the City Council appointed CDBG
Advisory Committee
3. Do not approve the advisory committee’s funding recommendation, or modified
• None identified
• The city will not receive funding for the FY 2022-23 program year. Approval and
submittal of the annual action plan is required for participation in the program.
• Creates a delay or disruption of services to residents due to lack of funding for
programs provided by subrecipients
May 10, 2022 Item #9 Page 4 of 25
Fiscal Analysis
The Community Development Block Grant Program is a fully funded federal program and there
is no fiscal impact on the city’s General Fund.
Next Steps
Staff will submit the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Annual Action Plan to HUD for its review and approval.
Environmental Evaluation
This action does not constitute a project within the meaning of the California Environmental
Quality Act under Public Resources Code section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause
either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical
change in the environment and, therefore, does not require environmental review.
Public Notification and Outreach
To allow interested residents the opportunity to review and comment on the plan, the city
published a public notice in The San Diego Union-Tribune on April 26, 2022, informing residents
of the availability of the draft Fiscal Year 2022-23 Annual Action Plan for public review and
comment for a period from April 23 to May 7, 2022. As of the date of this, no public comments
have been received.
1. City Council resolution
May 10, 2022 Item #9 Page 5 of 25
Exhibit 1
WHEREAS, the primary objective of the federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
Program is to develop viable urban communities through the provision of improved living
environments, expansion of economic opportunity and decent housing. Grant funds received through
the program are intended to principally serve persons of low and moderate income; and
WHEREAS, the CDBG program is a fully funded federal program and does not impact the General
WHEREAS, to be eligible for CDBG funds, the jurisdiction must adopt an Annual Action Plan,
which must be reviewed and approved by the Department of Housing and Urban Development; and
WHEREAS, on April 14, 2022 the CDBG Citizen Advisory Committee reviewed applications and
developed funding recommendations for the fiscal year 2022-23 Annual Action Plan projects; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has considered the Annual Action
Plan for the period July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023, as required for the city's CDBG program; and
WHEREAS, the draft Plan was released for a 15-day public review period which began on April
23, 2022 and concluded on May 7, 2022; and
WHEREAS, public comments from the public review period and the public hearing on May 10,
2022, if any, have been addressed through written response and included in the fiscal year 2022-23
Annual Action Plan; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has taken all testimony into
account in considering the fiscal year 2022-23 Annual Action Plan, as required for the city's CDBG
program; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, approves and authorizes the
submittal of the fiscal year 2022-23 Annual Action Plan for the city's CDBG program to the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development; and
WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is committed to continuing to provide a suitable living
environment and to expand economic opportunities for the city's low-income residents as is outlined
in the Plan.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as
1. That the above recitations are true and correct.
2. That the fiscal year 2022-23 Annual Action Plan is hereby approved by the City Council
(Attachment A).
3. That, on the city's behalf, the City Manager, or designee, is authorized to submit the
city's fiscal year 2022-23 Annual Action Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development for approval and to execute all appropriate related documents for
the submission .
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of
Carlsbad on the 10th day of May, 2022, by the following vote, to wit:
Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Norby.
~YFAVIOLA MEDINA, City Clerk Services Manager
(City of
Fiscal Year 2022-23
Annual Action Plan
Carlsbad, CA
Prepared By:
Housing Services Division
City of Carlsbad
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008
0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
May 10, 2022
Annual Action Plan
Attachment A
Item #9 Page 8 of 25
Expected Resources
AP-15 Expected Resources -91.420{b), 91.220{c){l,2)
A number of housing and community development resources are currently available in the city. They
• Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds
• Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus federal funds (CDBG-CV)
• General funds
• HUD Section 108
• HUD Housing Choice Voucher Program (through the Carlsbad Housing Authority)
• State Housing and Community Development (HCD) housing funds
• State transportation funds
• Carlsbad Affordable Housing Trust Fund
• American Rescue Plan
• Anticipated Resources
Annual Action Plan
0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
May 10, 2022 Item #9 Page 9 of 25
Q) -< ...... ,o
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Program Source Uses of Funds Expected Amount Available Year 3 Expected Narrative Description
of Funds Annual Program Prior Year Total: Amount
Allocation: Income: Resources: $ Available
$ $ $ Remainder
of ConPlan
If the city continues to receive
approximately $500,000 annually in CDBG
funds it estimated that the city will have
approximately $2,500,000 available for the
five years covering the Consolidated Plan
not including program income.
public -Admin/ Planning
CDBG Public lmprov. $527,154 0 0 $527,154 $909,170 In FY2020 the city received $536,522 and in
federal Public Services FY 2021 the city received $527,154. It is
Acquisition anticipated that the city will again receive
the same amount of $527,154 in CDBG
funds. Should the city received the
$527,154 the remaining amount for the
remainder of the Consolidated Plan will be
approximately $909,170.
Table 1 -Expected Resources -Priority Table
Explain how federal funds will leverage those additional resources (private, state and local funds), including a description of how
matching requirements will be satisfied
While CDBG program does not require matching funds, CDBG funds offer excellent opportunities to leverage private, local, state, and other
federal funds to allow for the provision of public service activities. For example, many state housing programs have scoring criteria that reward
applicants who have matching funds. In the past, Carlsbad has been extremely successful in garnering matching infrastructure and
transportation funds and it will continue to seek such opportunities in the future. The city is currently looking at HCD's Permanent Local Housing
0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Annual Action Plan
Q) -< ......
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Allocation funding and how CDBG can be leveraged with the PHLA program.
If appropriate, describe publicly owned land or property located within the jurisdiction that may be used to address the needs
identified in the plan
As the housing crisis has worsened in California, utilizing publicly owned land for affordable housing development has become an increasingly
popular policy solution. In recent years the State of California has taken several actions to make state and local lands available for affordable
housing development, including:
• An executive order to make excess state land available for affordable housing (Executive Order N-06-19)
• Connecting affordable housing developers to local surplus land and strengthening enforcement of t he Surplus Lands Act (AB 1486, Ting,
• Requiring cities and counties to inventory and report surplus and excess local public lands to include in a statewide inventory (AB 1255,
Robert Rivas, 2019)
For its part, the city regularly reviews its real estate portfolio and assesses if properties are being put to best use. The city's recent ly-adopted
General Plan Housing Element includes a program to evaluate and re-designate city-owned sites appropriate for residential use to address the
housing needs of lower and moderate income residents over the next eight years.
0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Annual Act ion Plan
DJ <
t--" ,o
Annual Goals and Objectives
AP-20 Annual Goals and Objectives -91.420, 91.220(c)(3)&(e)
N 0 N
N Goals Summary Information
_ Priority • D
; Low
" DJ
t--" N
0 ....,
Goal Name Start
Increase and 2022
preserve affordable
Prevent and reduce 2022
Supportive Services 2022
for LMI and Special
Needs Groups
Improve Facilities 2022
Provide Fair Housing 2022
Program 2022
0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Special Needs
Geographic Needs Addressed
citywide Increase
benefit Affordable
citywide Prevent and
benefit Reduce
citywide Social Services
benefit for LMI and
Special Needs
citywide Public
benefit Improvements
citywide Fair Housing
citywide N/A
Table 2 -Goals Summary
Annual Action Plan
Funding Goal Outcome Indicator
CDBG: $302,651
CDBG: $79,073
CDBG: $0
CDBG: $40,000
CDBG: $23,000 Persons
CDBG: $82,430 N/A
S: Goal Descriptions QJ -<
I-' p
N 0 N
:it ID
I-' w
0 .....,
1 Goal Name
Goal Description
2 Goal Name
Goal Description
3 Goal Name
Goal Description
4 Goal Name
Goal Description
5 Goal Name
Goal Description
Increase and preserve affordable housing
Increase and preserve affordable housing opportunities for low-and-moderate income households
Prevent and reduce homelessness
Prevent and reduce homelessness
Supportive Services for LMI and Special Needs
Strengthen support services for the residents with special needs
Improve Facilities
Improve and provide facilities to serve lower income persons
Provide Fair Housing
Provide fair housing services to residents
Annual Action Plan
0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
AP-35 Projects -91.420, 91.220(d)
For FY 2022-23, the City of Carlsbad is anticipated to received $527,154 in CDBG funding. The total
projects listed in the table equal $527,154
# Project Name FY 2022
CDBG Funding
1 Catholic Charities $14,000
2 Interfaith Community Services $25,000
3 Community Resource Center $20,000
4 WRC $10,000
5 Brother Benno $10,073
6 Legal Aid Society of San Diego $23,000
7 Casa de Amparo $40,000
8 Carlsbad Housing Fund $302,651
9 City Administration $82,430
Table 3 -Project Information
Describe the reasons for allocation priorities and any obstacles to addressing underserved
The City of Carlsbad is limited in its ability to meet all of the housing needs of lower income households.
However, a sincere effort will be made to combine various city resources to meet as much of the top
needs as financially feasible within the Action Plan time period, as well as the overall needs identified in
the FY 2020-25 Consolidated Plan.
During this time while the COVID-19 pandemic is moving towards an endemic, the FY 2022 subrecipients
listed above have indicated that they are also serving the populations the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention have indicated are at a higher risk of contracting COVID-19. Those populations include
persons experiencing homelessness, seniors over the age of 60, and persons with disabilities. The city's
CDBG subrecipients are experiencing increased needs related to food insecurity, emergency financial
assistance for housing, and short-term shelter. Within these needs, there has been an increase in case
management required, crisis intervention, and helping clients navigate various systems to connect to
benefits. Additionally, the city's fair housing services provider has seen an increase in requests for fair
housing assistance due to confusion regarding the rights of tenants and homeowners with mortgages in
relationship to the new eviction moratoriums.
0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
May 10, 2022
Annual Action Plan
Item #9 Page 14 of 25
AP-38 Project Summary
Project Summary Information
1 Project Name
Target Area
Goals Supported
Needs Addressed
Target Date
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
Location Description
Planned Activities
2 Project Name
Target Area
Goals Supported
Needs Addressed
Target Date
Catholic Charities
Citywide benefit
Prevent and reduce homelessness.
Prevent and Reduce Homelessness
CDBG: $20,000 staff salaries
La Posada De Guadalupe is a 7-day, 24-hour alcohol-and drug-free
facility in Carlsbad. The program is designed to provide services for
homeless men in San Diego County. La Posada provides SO emergency
shelter beds for men and SO farmworker beds. In the winter months La
Posada increases its emergency shelter beds from SO to 60 beds.
70 individuals
2476 Impala Drive Carlsbad, CA 92010
FY 2022 CDBG funds will be spent on salaries/wages (supervision of
clients at the shelter).
Interfaith Community Services
Citywide benefit
Prevent and reduce homelessness.
Prevent and Reduce Homelessness
CDBG: $2S,000 rental/utility payments and social services
Low-income Carlsbad residents will benefit from the range of
supportive programs at the Ca rlsbad Service Center including
emergency rental assistance, basic needs and employment assistance
Annual Action Plan
0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
May 10, 2022 Item #9 Page 15 of 25
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
Location Description
Planned Activities
3 Project Name
Target Area
Goals Supported
Needs Addressed
Target Date
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
Location Description
Planned Activities
4 Project Name
Target Area
Goals Supported
Needs Addressed
15 families for rental assistance, 200 individuals with basic needs, and
75 individuals with employment assistance
Carlsbad Service Center, 5731Palmer Way Suite A, Carlsbad, CA 92010
Rental assistance and diversion to prevent or immediately reverse
homelessness, basic needs such as emergency food and hygiene kits to
Carlsbad residents and their families, and employment assistance.
Citywide benefit
Prevent and reduce homelessness.
Prevent and reduce homelessness.
CDBG: $10,000 shelter and basic needs supplies
WRC shelter offers a safe, non-isolating environment for survivors and
their children to rest, recuperate, and plan next steps with the support
of WRC case management program. Case managers work individually
with clients, to assess their needs and guide them in receiving the
resources and support necessary to rebuild and find accessible and
affordable transitional or permanent housing
53 persons
1963 Apple Street, Oceanside, CA 92054
Funds will be used to provide direct program materials to clients such
as food, hygiene products, linens, diapers, transportation.
Brother Benno
citywide benefit
Prevent and reduce homelessness.
Prevent and reduce homelessness.
CDBG: $10,073 recovery program for homeless and LMI
Annual Action Plan
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Target Date
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
Location Description
Planned Activities
s Project Name
Target Area
Goals Supported
Needs Addressed
Target Date
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
Brother Benno's serves the poor and neediest in North County San
Diego, including Carlsbad residents. The agency operates two shelters
for women, a twelve-step residential recovery program-for men, a hot
meal and emergency food distribution program for the working poor.
10 individuals
3260 Production Avenue Oceanside, CA 92058
The proposed program will assist direct program costs and case
management services
City of Carlsbad, Carlsbad Housing Fund
Citywide benefit
Increase and preserve affordable housing
Affordable Housing
CDBG: $302,651
The City of Carlsbad has established a Housing Fund for the purpose of
developing affordable housing for lower -income households and/or
purchasing affordable housing units for lower income families. The
activities will include the purchase of existing affordable units as they
become available in existing developments and other property
acquisition for low income affordable housing purposes, including
housing for the homeless (such as acquisition of vacant land or
underutilized land for new development, existing rental units with
rehabilitation efforts, market rate condominiums to be resold to low
income households, and/or partnerships with an affordable housing
developer for property acquisition for low income afford able housing
Households to be determined based on the housing activity described
Annual Action Plan
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May 10, 20 22 Item #9 Page 17 of 25
Location Description
Planned Activities
6 Project Name
Target Area
Goals Supported
Needs Addressed
Target Date
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
Location Description
Planned Activities
7 Project Name
Target Area
Goals Supported
Needs Addressed
Carlsbad, Citywide
Utilize funds to acquire existing affordable units such as vacant land or
underutilized land for new development, existing rental units with
rehabilitation efforts, market rate condominiums to be resold to low
income households, and/or partnerships with an affordable housing
developer for property acquisition for low income affordable housing
Program Administration
Citywide benefit
Increase and preserve affordable housing
Prevent and reduce homelessness.
Supportive Services for LMI and Specia l Needs
Improve Facilities
Provide Fair Housing
Planning and Administration
CDBG: $82,430
The Housing Services Division is responsible for administering the city's
CDBG funded programs.
admin, planning, record keeping, monitoring, financial tracking
Legal Aid Society of San Diego
Citywide benefit
Provide Fair Housing
Fair Housing
CDBG: $23,000
Annual Action Plan
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May 10, 2022 Item #9 Page 18 of 25
Target Date
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
Location Description
Planned Activities
8 Project Name
Target Area
Goals Supported
Needs Addressed
Target Date
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
Legal Aid Society of San Diego will provide fair housing services to all
Carlsbad residents. LASSO promotes housing opportunities for all
persons regardless of race, religion, sex, family size, familial status,
ancestry, national origin, color, or disability. LASSO staff will provide
direct assistance to those in need in particular during the pandemic
when residents are in need of advice and guidance on eviction
moratoriums and recent changes to the law.
145 persons
216 S. Tremont Street , Oceanside, CA 92054
Funds will be used to provide fair housing services for residents
including advocacy, education, and
Community Resource Center
Citywide benefit
Prevent and reduce homelessness
Prevent and reduce homelessness
CRC works to end hunger, homelessness and domestic violence in
North County San Diego. As a provider of integrative services, CRC's
programs include a domestic violence emergency shelter, hotline and
prevention/education outreach, a Therapeutic Children's Center,
professional counseling, legal advocacy, food and nutrition distribution
center, homelessness prevention and rental and housing assistance. All
of CRC's programs are designed to assist participants to successfully
navigate their paths of safety, stability & self-sufficiency.
20 persons
Annual Action Plan
0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
May 10, 2022 Item #9 Page 19 of 25
Location Description 1065 Carlsbad Village Drive
Planned Activities Homeless prevention and diversion through emergency rental
10 Project Name
Target Area
Goals Supported
Needs Addressed
Target Date
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
Location Description
Planned Activities
assistance and wrap around services
Casa de Amparo
Citywide benefit
Prevent and reduce homelessness
Prevent and reduce homelessness
Facility improvements to enhance the Casa Kids Campus
Approx. 2% of the total clients served
325 Buena Creek Road, San Marcos, CA 92069
Security equipment for the Casa Kids Campus
Annual Action Plan
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May 10, 2022 Item #9
Page 20 of 25
AP-50 Geographic Distribution -91.420, 91.220(f)
Description of the geographic areas of the entitlement (including areas of low-income and
minority concentration) where assistance will be directed
Through the city's lnclusionary Housing program, the city intends to develop lower-income affordable
housing units throughout Carlsbad, thereby reducing the impact of housing on any one area. City staff
will be responsible for initiating or facilitating the development this housing through agreements with
local for-profit and non-profit housing developers (including agreements to provide city assistance) and
through managing/monitoring the affordability of these housing units in future years. City resources for
the provision, construction, or improvements to public services or facilities to meet the community
development needs will also be distributed throughout the city. Carlsbad will consider the allocation of
resources to public service organizations located outside of the city limits in those instances where such
public services provide adequate access to Carlsbad residents.
Geographic Distribution
Target Area Percentage of Funds
Table 4 -Geographic Distribution
Rationale for the priorities for allocating investments geographically
There are currently no targeted areas within the city where CDBG funds are focused towards. CDBG
funds are targeted towards Carlsbad residents who are low income meeting eligibility requirements of
the program. Recipients of these federal funds reside throughout the city.
0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
May 10, 2022
Annual Action Plan
Item #9
Page 21 of 25
AP-85 Other Actions -91.420, 91.220(k)
Priority Needs established in the FY 2020-2025 Five-Year Consolidated Plan, which form the basis for
establishing objectives and outcomes in the FY 2022-2023 One-Year Action Plan, are as follows:
High Priority
• Increase and Preserve Affordable Housing
• Prevent and Reduce Homelessness
Medium Priority
• Provide Supportive Services to Low Income and Special Needs Groups
• Facility Improvements
• Provide Fair Housing Services to Residents
Low Priority
• Planning and Administration
Actions planned to address obstacles to meeting underserved needs
Limited financial resources are the biggest obstacle to meeting underserved needs in Carlsbad. The city's
policy is to leverage, to the maximum extent feas ible, the use of funds available in providing public
services and affordable housing. The city supports the use of CDBG and Housing Trust funds for
development activities and "gap financing" by private and non -pro fit entities in their efforts to develop
affordable housing.
Actions planned to foster and maintain affordable housing
In order to foster and maintain affordable housing for lower income households, the city will use CDBG
funds to assist with the development of affordable multi-family housing. The city also fosters
development of affordable housing through implementation of its lnclusionary Housing Ordinance,
which requires that 15 percent of all housing units constructed in city be affordable to lower and
moderate-income households. For projects proposing seven units or less, a fee is collected and
deposited into the city's Housing Trust Fund to be used to foster and maintain affordable housing. •
Actions planned to reduce lead-based paint hazards
The Residential Lead Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992 (Title X) emphasizes prevention of
childhood lead poisoning through housing-based approaches. This strategy requires jurisdictions to
focus on implementing practical changes in older housing· to protect children from lead hazards. The city
has identified two primary strategies to reduce lead-based paint hazards in Carlsbad to be carried out
Annual Action Plan
0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
May 10, 2022 Item #9 Page 22 of 25
during the FY 2020-2025 Consolidated Plan period.
Strategy 1: Integrate lead hazard evaluation and reduction activities into all housing programs.
Currently, many federal programs have requirements for evaluating and reducing lead hazards. For
those State and local housing and community development programs, the city will pursue the following
activities to evaluate and reduce lead hazards:
• Require inspection for and abatement of lead-based paint hazards as a requirement of all
residential rehabilitation programs when children under the age of seven reside in the dwelling
unit and have been identified with elevated blood levels;
• Include lead-based paint hazard abatement as an eligible activity for funding under the city's
CDBG program and include minimum lead-based paint abatement requirements to housing
quality standards which must be met; and
• Provide all eligible applicants of housing programs, with information regarding lead-based
Strategy 2: Support the development of comprehensive health programs for the screening of children
for lead Poisoning and a follow-up on those identified as lead poisoned. In accordance with Center for
Disease Control (CDC} guidelines, all children found to have elevated blood levels (above 20 micrograms
per deciliter) should both be provided with public health management services and be tested every
three months. The County of San Diego's Department of Health Services currently provides this service.
The city encourages the abatement of lead-based paint hazards once a child under the age of seven is
identified as having elevated blood levels. CDBG funds may be used to help the city or other
organizations in developing a comprehensive approach to lead-poisoning prevention.
Actions planned to reduce the number of poverty-level families
The city currently has various programs and policies in place to help reduce the number of households
with incomes below the poverty line. These policies and programs aim to improve coordination and
collaboration among city departments; and nonprofit agencies which provide health and social services,
employment training, legal assistance, and other support services for low income persons. The city will
pursue the following programs during FY 2022-23 to reduce poverty in Carlsbad:
1. lnclusionary Housing Ordinance
2. Housing Reserve Fund
3. Affordable Housing Trust Fund
4. Section 8 Vouchers
5. Village Revitalization Partnership Program
0MB Control No: 2S06-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
May 10, 2022
Annual Action Plan
Item #9 Page 23 of 25
6. Economic Development Strategic Plan
Actions planned to develop institutional structure
There are many organizations within the County of San Diego that provide housing or supportive
services to Carlsbad residents. These agencies tend to be smaller organizations with many using
volunteers. The city will continue to encourage greater efforts to make use of available housing, social
service and mental and other health care resources. The city can also help strengthen the housing and
service delivery system by helping to educate such organizations and agencies regarding the resources
that are available.
Actions planned to enhance coordination between public and private housing and social
service agencies
The city proposes to strengthen, coordinate and integrate the governmental institution, non-profit and
private delivery systems discussed in the FY 2020-25 Consolidated Plan and FY 2022-23 Action Plan
through on-going "strategy and development" meetings between city staff, private developers, non-
profit organizations and various financial institutions. Through these meetings, the city will continue to
identify the constraints to affordable housing and develop/implement programs to mitigate them. The
key to successful development of affordable housing for lower-income households in Carlsbad is
communication, flexibility, and adequate funding. The city will communicate openly with private
developers and service providers as well as make every effort to maintain the flexibility in policies
and/or ordinances necessary to create public/private housing development partnerships.
0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
May 10, 2022
Annual Action Plan
Item #9
Page 24 of 25
Program Specific Requirements
AP-90 Program Specific Requirements -91.420, 91.220(1)(1,2,4)
Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG)
Reference 24 CFR 91.220(1)(1)
Projects planned with all CDBG funds expected to be available during the year are identified in the
Projects Table. The following identifies program income that is available for use that is included in
projects to be carried out.
1. The total amount of program income that will have been received before
the start of the next program year and that has not yet been reprogrammed N/ A
2. The amount of proceeds from section 108 loan guarantees that will be
used during the year to address the priority needs and specific objectives
identified in the grantee's strat egic plan N/ A
3. The amount of surplus·funds from urban renewal settlements N/A
4. The amount of any grant funds returned to the line of credit for which the
planned use has not been included in a prior statement or plan. N/A
5. The amount of income from float-funded activities
Total Program Income N/A
Other CDBG Requirements
1. The amount of urgent need activities N/A
Annual Action Plan
0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City of Carlsbad will release the draft FY 2022-23 Annual Action
Plan for a 15-day public review period beginning on April 23, 2022, and ending on May 7, 2022.
The primary objective of the CDBG program is the development of viable urban communities
through the provision of improved living environments, expansion of economic opportunity and
decent housing. Grant funds are intended to serve principally persons of low and moderate
income. The city's draft FY 2022-23 Annual Action Plan has been developed to meet the
requirements of the federal CDBG program and covers the period of July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023.
The city's FY 2022-23 Annual Action Plan provides Carlsbad with the city's annual entitlement
amount of $527,154 and identifies goals, projects, and funding amounts for the fiscal year.
The FY 2021-22 Annual Action Plan will be available for public review beginning on April 23, 2022,
on the city's website at www.carlsbadca.gov and by searching for CDBG. Hard copies will also be
available by special request to Nancy Melander by phone 442-339-2812 or by email
All interested persons are encouraged to submit written comments on, or before, May 7, 2022,
on the city's FY 2022-23 Annual Action Plan to the Housing & Homeless Services Department,
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008, or to Nancy Melander, Senior Program Manager
(Contact information: Phone -442-339-2812 or email -nancy.melander@carlsbadca.gov).
Order ID: 7832655
Printed: 1/4/20221:51 :49 PM
Page 2 of 3
* Agency Commission not included
Product(s): San Diego Union Tribune, CApublicnotice.com, mobile.sduniontribune.com
AdSize(s): 3 Column, 1 x 1
Run Date(s): Friday, January 7, 2022
Color Spec. 8/W
Printed: 1/4/2022 1 :51 :49 PM
Page 3 of 3
Order ID: 7832655 * Agency Commission not included
GROSS PRICE * : $321.12
NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN that the Oty of Carlsbad will
conduct a vlrtual public hearing on Tuesday, January 18, 2022 at 3
p.m . for the FY 2022.-23 Funding Plan and Notice of Funding
AvaUablllty for the city's Commuolt~ Devetopment Block Grant
{CDBG) program. Those persons with interest are invited to submit
comments and/or qvestlons or watch the meetJr,g on the city's
website: https:/{www1carlsbadca.9ov/news/cityty.asp.
For the FY 2022-23 COBG Funding Plan, the estimated total amount
of CDBG funds available to the Oty of Carlsbad Is s527 154; an
estimated s79,073 will be available for public service activfties and
up to no5,430 will be available for program administration. Jt ls
esUmated that up to n7-1,3~6 will be avail~ble for affordabte
housing and up to n.71,325 may be available for facility
Improvements or other eligible projects. The retea$e of the
associat,ed Notice of Funding AvailabUity (NOFA} is scheduled fo,
Jan. 19, ::2022 and appllcatJons for funding are due befof'e the cl.ose of
buslnes,s on February~ 2022.
The City of Carlsbad is ellglble to receive funding, on an annual basis
from the federal CDBG program to finance projects, which serve the
needs of lower lncome person.s. The funds are to be used to develop
viable urban communities through the provision of decent housing
and a su•table ltvlng environment and by expanding economic
opportunities for lower income persons.
To develop a CDBG program that meets the needs of the lower
Income population, the CJty of Carlsbad requests assistance from
members of the community. The City enc.our1.19es all comll'lunity
organlzatjons to consider the needs of tower Income persons within
Carlsbad and to submit a proposed projeet, or projects, for
consideration by the City Council at a future public hearing.
The FY 2022-23 CDBG Funding Plan wlll be available for public
review beginning on Friday, Jan. 1, 2022, on the city's website at
All il'lt:ere$ted persons are e11cour;,9ed to submit written ~omments
on the FY 2022-23 Funding P1an on, or before, the Tuesday, Jan. 18,
2022, publlc hearing to the Housing & Homele$S Servi'ces
Department, :i.200 Carlsb~d Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008, or to
Nancy Melander, Program Manager (Contact Information: Phone -
760-343-2:an ol' ema1r -oancy.melander(jH;arlsbadc;a,goy)
CASE NAME: FY 2022-23 Community Development Block Granl
Funding Plan
PUBLISH: January 7, 2022
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City of Carlsbad will release the draft FY 2022-23 Annual Action
Plan for a 15-day public review period beginning on April 23, 2022, and ending on May 7, 2022.
The primary objective of the CDBG program is the development of viable urban communities
through the provision of improved living environments, expansion of economic opportunity and
decent housing. Grant funds are intended to serve principally persons of low and moderate
income. The city's draft FY 2022-23 Annual Action Plan has been developed to meet the
requirements of the federal CDBG program and covers the period of July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023.
The city's FY 2022-23 Annual Action Plan provides Carlsbad with the city's annual entitlement
amount of $527,154 and identifies goals, projects, and funding amounts for the fiscal year.
The FY 2021-22 Annual Action Plan will be available for public review beginning on April 23, 2022,
on the city's website at www.carlsbadca.gov and by searching for CDBG. Hard copies will also be
available by special request to Nancy Melander by phone 442-339-2812 or by email
All interested persons are encouraged to submit written comments on, or before, May 7, 2022,
on the city's FY 2022-23 Annual Action Plan to the Housing & Homeless Services Department,
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008, or to Nancy Melander, Senior Program Manager
(Contact information: Phone -442-339-2812 or email -nancy.melander@carlsbadca.gov).
Printed: 4/21/2022 11:20:13 AM
Page 2 of 2
Order ID: 7854598 * Agency Commission not included
GROSS PRICE * : $241.52
Product(s): San Diego Union Tribune, CApublicnotice.com, mobile.sduniontribune.com
AdSize(s): 3 Column, 1 x 1
Run Date(s): Saturday, April 23, 2022
Color Spec. B/W
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , that the Clty of Carlsbad will release the
draft. FY 2022-23 Annual Action Plan for a 15 day publtc review
period beginning on Aprll 23, 2022, and ending on May 7, 2022.
The primary objective of the CDBG program ,s the development of
viable urban comtnunltles through the prov1,1on •Of Improved Uvlng
environments, expansion of economic opportunity and decent
housing. Grant funds are Intended to serve pl'lnc.lpally peJ'Son.s of
low and moderate Income. The city's draft FY 2022.-23 Annual
Action Plan has been devetoped to meet the requirements of the
federal CDBG program and covers the pel"iOd of July 1, 2022 to June
30, 2023. The ctty·s FY 20:2.2-:23 Annual Action Plan provides
Carlsbad w ith the city's annual entitlement amount of !$527•:154 and
Identifies goals, proje_cts, and funding amounts for the fiscal year.
The FY -:zo:n.-2-:z Annual Action Plan w ill be available for public review
beginning on April .23, 2022 on the city's website at
www.carfsbadca.9sv and by searching for CDBG. Hard copies wtll
also be avallable y special request to Nancy M elander by phone
44:a.-339-2812 or by email nancy,melander@catlsbadca.goy.
All Interested persons are encouraged to subm t written comments on, or before, May 7, 2022, on the city's FY 2022-23 Annual Action
Ptan to the Housing & Homeless Services Department "1200
Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008, or to Nancy Me1ander,
Senlor Program Mena9er (Contact Information: Phone -442-339-
2812 or email • nancy.melander@cartsbadca.gov).
PUBLISH: APRIL 23, 202.3
Nancy Melander, Senior Program Manager
Housing & Homeless Services Department
May 10, 2022
CDBG FY 2022-23 Annual Action Plan
{city of
•Consolidated Plan Priorities
•Action Plan Allocation
•Committee Recommendations
•Requested Action
ITEM 9: CDBG Annual Action Plan
{ City of
•Primary Objective
•Annual Action Plan
•CDBG Advisory Committee
ITEM 9:CDBG Annual Action Plan
{ City of
Increase and preserve affordable housing
Prevent and Reduce Homelessness
Strengthen support services
Improve and provide public facilities
Improve and provide fair houses services
ITEM 9: CDBG Annual Action Plan
~ =---~
ooo c=3
( City of
Public Services $ 79,073
Program administration/fair housing $105,430
Public facilities/ $342,651
affordable housing
ITEM 9: CDBG Annual Action Plan
Activity and recipients Recommended funding
Brother Benno (prevent and reduce homelessness)10,073
Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego (prevent and reduce homelessness)14,000
Interfaith Community Services (prevent and reduce homelessness)25,000
Community Resource Center (prevent and reduce homelessness)20,000
WRC (prevent and reduce homelessness)10,000
Public Services total $79,073
Community Development Block Grant Program operations 82,430
Fair housing services 23,000
Program administration total $105,430
Casa de Amparo (facility improvements)40,000
Affordable Housing Fund (increase and preserve affordable housing)302,651
Public facilities and affordable housing total $342,651
ITEM 9: CDBG Annual Action Plan
Requested Action
1.Approve the final FY 2022-23 Annual Action
Plan and the CDBG Committee funding
2.Authorize the submittal of the final FY 2022-23
Annual Action Plan to HUD
ITEM 9: CDBG Annual Action Plan
( City of