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DWG 492-8L; PRE 15-01; 895 TAMARACK AVENUE; 01-12
GENERAL NOTES RECYCLED WATER NOTES I. ALL WORK SI 11\I.L BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CARLSBAD MUNlCIPAL WATER DISTRICT'S RULES AND REUULAT!ONS. 2. DRINKING WATC:R POUNTAINS AND DESIUNATC:D OUTDOOR FATING AREAS SllALL BE PROTECTED AGAINST CONTACT WITH Rr:CYCLED WAH•:R SPRAY, MIST OR MISTING. 3. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTlCES SllALL BE USED TO ELIMINATE OK CONTROL TO THE BEST EXTENT POSSlllLE PONDING, RUN-OFF, OVER-SPRAY, AND MISTING. 4. HOSE BIBS ARE STRICTLY PROI JllllTFD. 5. CROSS-CONNECTIONS lllcTWEEN RECYCLED WATER LINES AND POTABLE \V A0l ER LINES ARES IRICTL Y PROHIRITFD. 6. 1\0 SUBSTITU noN OF PIPE MATERIALS WILL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL OF TIIE CITY OF CARLSBAD MUN!ClPAI. WATER DISTRICT. 7. i\l.L MAINLINE PIPES SH1\I.I, HAVE WARNING TAPE PER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICTS RUJ.F,S AND REGULATIONS. 8. HOURS FOR IRRIGATION WllH RECYCLED WATER ARE FROM 10: 00 P.M. TO 6: 00 A.Iv!. TTIE HOURS FOR IRRlGA TlON WITH DISINFECTED TERTIARY RECYCLED WATER MAY BE MODIFIED FlY THE LOCAL AUTHOR! rY. IRRIUATION DURING PlJIJLIC USc PERIODS Wl1H DISINFECTED TERTIARY RECYCLED WATER SHALL BE UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE D[SIGNATEI) USER SUPERVISOR. IRRIUATION WITH WATER or A LESSER QUALITY THAN DISINFECTED TERTIARY RECYCLED WATER SHALL BE BETWEEN THE HOURS OF l0:00 P.M. TO 6:00 A.M. 9. BURIAi. OF ALI. WIRINC AND PIPING SHALL MFF.T CARL.S13AD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICTS RUI.P.S AND REGULATIONS. 10. NON-DESIGNATED USE AREAS SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM CONTACT WIT! I RECYCLED WATER, WHETHER 13Y WIND BLOWN SPRAY OR BY DIRECT APPi .!CATION THROUGH IRRIGA0I ION OR OTHER USE. LACK or PROTECTION, WHETHER BY DESIGN. CONSTRUCTION PRACTICE OR SYSTEM OPElu\TION IS STRICTLY PROHIBIT[D. 11. IRRIGATION HEADS SHALL BE RELOCATED OR ADJUSTED TO MINIMIZE OR ELIMINATE OVER-SPRJ\ YINU ON SIDEWALKS, STREETS AND NON-DESIGNATED USE AREAS. 12. RECYCLED WATER Qll!CK COUPLING V Al .YES SHALL BE OF A TY\'E DESIGNED FOR TIIE USE ON RF.CYCLED WATER DISTRrnUTION SYSTEMS PER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAi. WATER DISTRICT'S RULES AND REGULATIONS. 13. ON RECYCLED \V1\TER SYSTEMS, All APPURTENANCES (SPRINKLERIIEADS, VAL VE BOXES, ETC.) SI !ALI. IJE COLOR-CODED PURPLE PER A WIVA GUIDELINES AND SECTION 116815 OF I HE CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE. 14. ALL IRRIGATION PIPE SHALL BE STENCILED WITII WARNING, "NON-POTAflLR OR RECYCLED WATER", COLOR-CODED (PURPLE) AND LAID WITH WARNING TAPE AND STENCILING ORlcNTLD TOWARD Tl!E TOP or THE TRENCH PER Tl 111 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT'S RULES AND REGULATIONS. 15. ON NEW ON-SITE SYSTEMS (POST-METER), POTABLE WATER, CONSTANT PRESSURE RECYCLED WATER AND SEWER LTNF'S SI IOULD BE PLACED A MINIMUM OF FOUR FLl'.T APART OR AS DIRECTED BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER AND/ OR REGUI .;\TORY AGhNCY. MEASUREMENTS SHALi, llF. BETWEEN FACING SURFACES, NOT PIPE CENTER.I .JNES. 16. CONSTANT PRESSURE RECYCLED WATER LINeS SFIALL CROSS AT !,EAST TWF'I.VI' INCHl'S HELOW POTARLE WATERLINES AND MAINTAIN AT LEAST TWELVE INCi !ES CROSSING SEPARATION 13ETWEEN OTHER UTILITIES. 17. IF A CONSTANT PRESSURE RECYCLED WATERLINE MUST flE INSTALLED ArlOVE A POTAl31.E WATER LINE OR LESS TIIAN TWEI. VE INCHES BELOW A P(JIABLE WATER LINE. THEN TIIF RECYCLED \VATEI{ LINC SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN AN APPROVED PROTECTIVE SLEEVb AS PER Tl-IE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT'S RULES AND REGULATIONS. 18. THE REQUIRED CROSS-CONNECTION SHUTDOWN l°EST SHAU. RE DONE BY THF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WA7ER DISTRJCT 1\ND THI·: SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OP ENVIRONMENTAL IIEALTI-I. 19. THE REQUIRbD CROSS-CONNECTION INSl'ECTION SHALL IJE DONE FlY Tl IERF. ·1 HE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL IV ATER DISTRICT AND/ OR THE SAN D\EUO COUNTY DEPARTMENT or ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH. COPIES 01° INSPECTION REPORIS WILL BE FORWARDED TO TllE NON-INSPECTING PARTY. 20. Tl IE DESIGN AND LOCATIONS PROPOSED FOR RECYCLED WATER "DO NOT DRINK" SIGN SHALL IJF, CALLED OU r ON THE PLANS. 21. WIIEN RECYCLED WA !°ER BECOMES A VMLAIJLE, AN ON-S!TL USER SUPERVISOR SI !ALL BE DESIGN/\ TED IN WRITING. THIS INDIVIDUAL SHALL BE FAMILfAR WITH Pl.lJM81NG SYSTEM WITHIN THE PROPERTY. WITH THE BASIC CONCEPTS OF 13ACKFLOW/ CROSS-CONNECTION PROTECTION, THE RECYCLED PURVEYOR'S RULES AND REGULATIONS AND THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF A RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM. COPIES OF Tl IE DESIGNATION. WITH CONTACT PHONE NUMBERS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO Ille CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CONT,~CT .IA VIER SERl!AN AT (858)454-7755 OR AFTER HOURS CONTACT JAVIER SERHAN AT (858)454-7755 22. ALL PUBLIC AND PRIVATE POTABLE WATER MAINS INCLUDING FIRE MAlNS AND ANY WATER WELLS AND WATER COURSES WITHIN THE RECYCLED WATER PROJECT SHALL llE SHOWN ON TIIE Pl.ANS. 23. C,\I.L OUT ON THE PLANS IF THERE ARR OR ARE NOT DRINKING FOUNTAINS AND/ ORDESIUNATED OUTDOOR EA TING AREAS ON Tl-IE SITE. 24. A 1'1-JYSICAL SEPARATION SHALL BE PROVIDED BETWEEN ADJA(T'.NT AREAS IRRIGATED WITII RECYCLED WAT[R AND POTABLE WATER. SEPARATION SHALL BE PROVIDED BY DISTANCE. CONCRP.TR MOW STRIPS OR OTHER APPROVED METHODS. 25. AI.L IRRIGATION llACKFLOW PREVENTER SHALL BE TESTED BY A CERTIFIED TESTER AND RESULTS MUST BE UIVEN ·10 THE CITY AND THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. PlPE llETWEEN TflE METER AND llACKFI.OIV PREVENTER SHAI.L llE "SCIIFDULE K IIARD COPPER". APPROVED CONT!{ACT llACKHO\V TESTERS CAN BE FOUND ON Tl IE CITY WEil SITE AT HTTP://\VWW.C ARLSIJADCA.GOV/SER VICES/DEPARTMENTS/IV A TER/DOCUMF:NTS! RECYCLEDWATERBACKFLOWTESTERLIST.PIW FOR Rl:CYCLED OR HTTP://WWW.CARLSIJADCA.GOV/SERVICES/ Dl:PARTMEN.1-Si\V ATCR/DOCU McNTS/\V ATERBACKFLOWTESTERL1s·1·. PDl0 FOR POTABLE OR CALL 438-2722. 26. Al,L PROJECT SIGNAGE AND MONUMENTS SIIALL REQUIRE A SEPARATE PERMIT UNDER Tl IE CITY 01' CARI.SIJAD SIGNAGE REVIEW PROCESS. 27. A SEPARATE CITY REVIEW AND APPROVAL lS REQUlRED FOR ANY PORTIONS OF THESE Pl.ANS REQUIRING A BUILDING PERMIT. CITY APPROVAL OF THCSI: PLANS IS FOR LANDSCAPE PLANTINO AND IRRIUATION ONJ.Y. 28. f!N1\L AS-□IJlLTPLANS WILL IJE REQUIRED TO BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY AND FINAL PLANS WILL BE REQUIRED TO BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED RY THE CITY AND rlNAL PLANS WILL BE REQUIRED TO IJE APPROVED AND SIGNED llY THE Cl IY PRIOR TO RELEASE OF SECURITILS. r BLACK LOGO ;-PURPLE BACKROUND I 36" I·· /---1" BLACK LETTERS (N.T.3.) -----+-----r---------f-----------' WARNING RECYCLED WA T[R DO NOT DRINK RtCYCLED WATER WI.SH HANDS AFTER CONTACTING ~----------L_A_v_E_<'S-"E\ -~S MAN~S DESPUES DE USAR 12" X 36" SIZE '\_ "-· 1'' BLACK LETTERS -2" BLACK LETTERS .032 ALUMINUM, .060 ABS PLASTIC OR STICK-ON VINYL SICNS TYPICAL, SIGNS C: \DRAWING FILES\TITLE SHEETS\RECYCLED WATER TITLE SHEET,DWG 3/1/2016 SlGNAGE NOTES RECYCLED THE FOLLOWING UUIDELINES FOR THE lJSf' OF RECYCLED WATER AIU'. TO BE PERMANENTLY POSTED INSIDE THE DOOR OF EACH CONTROLLER WHERE THC:Y ARE EASILY VISlllLE. PLACE ON 8-1/2" X 11 "SIZED SIUN. COLOR: PURPLE BACKGROUND WITH flLACK LETTc'.RING GUIDELINES FOR RECYCLED WATER USE A. IRRIGATE BETWlcEN Tl IE HOURS rn· 10: 00 P.M. AND 6: 00 A.M. ONI. Y. WATER SYSTEM (PRIVATE) amarac ve. SHEET TITLE TITL[ SH[[T PLANTING L[GENO /PLAN /RR/GA TION L[G[NO/NOT[S /RR/GA TION PLAN PLANTING O[TAILS /RR/GA TION DETAILS SHEET NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 -7 N ~ LO HYDROZON[ MAP 8 I WATERING OUTSIDE Tl !IS TIME FRAME MUST BE DONE MANU ALLY \VITI! QUALIFIED SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL ON-SITE. NO SYSTEM SHALL AT ANY TIME BE LEFT UNAT!ENDED DURING USE OUTSIDE THE NORMAL SCHEDULE. B. IRRIGATE IN A MANNERTIIAT WILL MINIMIZE RUN-OFF, POOi.iNG, AND l'OND!NU. !HE APPLICATION RATE SIIALL NOT EXCEED TllE INFILTRATION RATE OF THE SOIL. T!Mc:Rs MUST BE ADJUSTED so AS TO BE COMPATIBLE WIT! I TI IE LOWFST SOIi. INl'ILTRA TlON RAT!' PRESENT. THIS PROCEDURE MAY BE FACILITATED llY Tl IE EFFICIENT SC! !EDU LING or Tl-IE AUTOMi\ TIC CONTROL CLOCKS. (I.le., E,MPLOYINU THE REPf'AT FUNCTION TO BREAK UP THE TOTAL IRRIGATION TIME INTO CYCLES THAT WILL PROMOTE MAXJMU,vl SOIL ABSORPTION). Carlsbad, GRADLNG & SOILS NOTES CA 92008 PLANTING SP[CIFICA TIONS 9 -10 /RR/GA TION SPECIF/CATIONS 11 -12 co AFTER ROUGH GRADING, SOIL SAMPLES SHALL BE ·1AKEN FROM ENOUGH LOCATIONS ON THE SITE TO REPRESENT AN NOTf:S: 0 • < C. ADJ CST SPRAY HEADS TO ELIMINATE OVERSPRA YON TO AREAS NOT UNDc'.R THE CONTROL OF THE CUSTOMER. FOR EXAMPLE, POOL DECKS. PRIVATE PATIOS AND LOTS, AND STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. D. MONITOR AND MAINTAIN TIIE SYSTFM TO MINIMIZE EQUIPMENT AND MATEIUAL l0AILURE. 13ROKEN SPRINKLER HEADS, LEAKS, UNRELIABLE VALVES. ETC .. SHOULD BE REPAIRED AS SOON AS THEY 13ECOME APPARENT. ADEQUATE CROSS SECTION OF CONDITIONS. SOIL rnsr SHALL BE PERFORMED 13Y A SOIL TESTING LABORATORY (PRE-APPROVED BY THE CITY). Tl IE TEST SI IALL INDICATE lllJT NOT BE LIMITED TO TUE FOLLOWING: a) ORGANIC MATTER CONTENT "DO NOT DRINK SIGNS" WILL BE INSTALLED ONCE THE RECYCLED WATER LINE HAS BEEN ESTAl3LISHED. FUTURE RECYCLED WATER USE AREA I FUTURE RECYCLED \V ATER USE ARl:A 0 N E. Tl IE LANDSCAPF: CONTRACTOR JS RESPONSlllLE FOR ~DUCA rING EACH EMPLOYEE AND ALL MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL ON A CONTINUOUS BASIS, REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF RECYCLED WATER, MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL MUST BE INFORMED THAT WATER IS FOR IRRIGATION PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT APPROVED FOR DRINKING OR FOR I !AND AND TOOL WASHING, ETC. F. OBTAIN PRIOR APPROVAL OF ALL PROPOSLD CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS TO ANY PRIVATE ON-SITE FACll.!Tlr:S. SUCH CHANGES MUST BE SUBlvtr!TED TO, ,\ND APPROVED BY, Tile. DISTRICT I. ALL RECYCLED WATER SPRINKLER CONTROL VALVES SHALL RE TAGGED WITH IDENTIFICATIO'I TAGS. A. TAGS SHALi, flE WEATHERPROOF PL.ASTIC, 3" X 4", PURPLE IN COLOR. B. 1. 2. 3. 2. G. WITII TIIE WORDS "WARNING RECYCLED WATER-DO NOT DRINK" IMPRINTED ON ONE SIDE. AND" AVISO -AGUA IMPURA-NO 01 OMAR" IMPRINTED ON TIIE OTFlER SIDE. IMPRINTINCi SHALL HE Pl'RMANF.t-lT AND BLACK IN COLOR. USE TAUS AS MANUFACTURED llY T. Cl IRISTY ENTERPRISr,S OR APPROVED E()LIAL. ONF TAG SHALL llE ATTACHED TO EACH VALVE AS FOLLOWS: ATTACH TO VALVE STEM DIRECTLY OR WITH PLASTIC TIE-WRAP OR ATTACH TO SOLENOID WIRE DIRECTLY OR WITII PLASTIC TIE-WRAP Ole ATTACH TO VAL VE COVER WITH EXISTING VAL VE COVER BOLT. ALL SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED AS RECYCLED WATER SPRINKLER HEADS. EACH AU l OMATJC CONTROLLER AND ITS ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT SIIAI.L BE IDENTIFIED WITH A SIGN BEARING Tl IE WORDS "RFCYC'LFD WATER USED roR IRRIGATION" IN ENGLISH AND SP ANIS! I, \VITI I BLACK LETTERS I" HIGH ON A PURPLE BACKGROUND. THE SIGN SHALL llE PLACED SO TIIAT IT CAN BE READII.Y SEEN DY ANY OPERATIONS PERSONNEL UTILIZING THC: EQUll'Ml-:NT. DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE: I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM MICHAEL R MORTON OF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT, THAT I HA VE EXERCISED RESPONSIHLE CHARGE OVER THE DESIGN OF TI-IJS PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 6703 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE AND TllAT TIIE DESI UN IS CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND TIIAT Tl IE CHc'.CK OF PROJECT DRII WINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND SAN DIEUO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL I IEALTI I IS CONFINED TO A REVIEW ONLY AND DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, AS OF WORK. OF MY RESPONSJBILrlicS FOR PROJECT DESIGN. THESE PLANS IIA VE IJEF,N PREPARED IN Slll3STANTIAL CONFORMATION WITH THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN, WATER CONSERVATION PL,IN. FIRL PROTECTION PLAN, AND ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL REl.6J}h T~SCai-'2\JG. -=--- BY C 1\ · ~ _ DA TE_ ,Jt/1',c/ ~17/ I_,,, PREPARER FIRM NAME & ADDRESS: a) N. P, K b) l'H c) EC d) SOIL TEXTURE (SILT, CLAY, SAND) e) RECOMMENDATIONS FOR AMENDMENTS, LEACHING. ANLl MAINTENANCE FERTILIZATIONS. THE RES UL TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF TIU, SOIL TES l°ING LAflORATOR Y SHALL BE SUBMr!TED TO AND ,\PPROVED llY THE CITY. THE APPROVED RbCOMMENDATIONS FOR AMLNDMENTS AND BACKFILL SHALL RE INCORPORATED INTO THE LANDSCAPE PLANS PRIOR TO Tfff START OP CONSTRUCTION AND SIIALL BECOME PART or THE APPROVED PLANS. FOR LANDSCAPE INSTALLATIONS, COMPOST AT A RATE Of A MINIMUM OF FOUR CUBIC YARDS PER I, 000 SQUARE FEET OF PERMC:ABLE AREA SHALL BE INCORPORATED TO A DEPTH OF SIX INCHES INl'O THE SOIL. SOILS WIT!! GREATER THAN 6% ORGANIC MAT rnR IN Tl IE TOP 6 INCHES OF SOIL ARC EXEMPT FROM ADDING CO.';IPOST AND TILLING. PRIOR TO PLANTING OF ANY MATERIALS. COMPACTED SOILS SHA!.!. IJR TRANSFORMED TO A FRIAl3LE CONDITION. ON ENGINEERED SLOPES, ONLY AMENDED PLANTING HOI.HS NEED MEET THE REQUIREMENT or Tl l[S SECTION. THE APPLICATION OF ORGANIC MULCH MATERIALS MADE FROM RECYCLED OR POST-CONSUMER MATERIALS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER INORGANIC MATERIALS UNLESS RECYCLED OR POST CONSUMER ORGANIC PRODUCTS ARE NOT LOCALLY A VAILAIJLE. WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM UPON COMLETION OF ALL FINE GRADING WORK AND SOIL PREPARATION, PERFORM WEED CONTROL McASLIRES AS FOLLOWS; LEGEND ® POTABLE WA1ER ME1ER ® RECYCLED WA 1ER ME1ER ~ BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE INSTALL PER CM~ 1H n POTABLE WA1ER LINE R"' RECYCLED WA 1ER LINE II I RECYCLED WA 1ER RS PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE 7 FS FIRE SERVICE LINE ~ RECYCLED WA 1ER USE AREA ! I b,, DO NOT DRINK SIGN _J -~U1D.pfJ?TlftA TING ARfA PRO D AGAINS CON- ACT '111TH RECYCLED WA 1ER) WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE DECLARATION: I AM FAMILIAR WITH 'I I IR REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PLANS CONTAINED IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL & WATER EFFICILNT LANDSCAPE REGULA TlONS. I HA VE PREPAR!oD THIS PLAN IN COMPLIANCE WITH THOSE REGULATIONS AND THf, LANDSCAPE MANUAL. l CERTIFY Tl IAT THE !'LAN IMPLEMENTS THOSE REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE EFFICIENT USE OF WATER. IJY: ;,,/;du; ,r<. /1&?7if,U A-),A,- PHONENO:-ff'Sfj, LI'S"'/ "=t,1(/J ~f/J_';;A°!IONNO:_ C,13..'£1) ____ _ EXPIRATION DATP.: INSPECTJON PROCEDURES I. DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION SHAI.I, INCLUDE: A. REQUIRED SEPARATION llPTWREN POTAFlLE AND RECYCLED WATER LINES (I-IORii'.ONTALL Y AND VERTICALLY) ,, _; ,:,c t--=::c~,~:/ -u. ---" ' -__ ,J . L_7,:'__ ___ --,~--------------I.-.-.,, lNSPECTION PROCEDURES: INSPECTION OF THE PROJECT SHALL 13E Pr-:EZFORMED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OP THE WORK, OR HIS DESIGNATED AGENT. RErER TO THE SPECIFICIITIONS FOR THE SCHEDULE OF REQUIRED INSPECTIONS, AND RE(,)!JlRED SlJBMITTALS. FOi J .OWING COMPLETION OF THE WORK, THE LANDSCAPE /\RCI IITECT OE' THI' WORK WILL CERTIFY TI-L'\T THE INSTALi.A TION IIAS HEC:N COMPLETED IJY SUBMI !TED THE "CERTIFICATION OP COMPLETION" FORM. A RE<)UEST FOR A FINAL LANDSCAPE INSPECTION BY Tl-I[ CITY MUST ALSO BE MADE BY CALLIN(i Tl-IE INSPECTION REQUEST J.INE. EMAIL THE "CERTIFICATION OF COMPU'TION" FORM TO lvllKEELLIUIT2(<_ilCOX.NET LANDSCAPE INSPECTION REQUEST PHONE LINE. (760) 6JJ2-4602 CITY OF OCEANSIDE ?a MARENGO MORTON ARCI-IITIJCTS 7724 GIRARD A VENUE. SUIT 200 LA JOLLA, CA 92037 PHONE NO: (_Jl_5_11_) 459-3769 A. IRRIGATE ALL AREAS DESIGNATED TO Flr'. PLANTED FOR A MINIMUM OF 10 MINUTES PER SETTING, TWO SETTINGS PER DAY FOR SEVEN DAYS TO GERMINATE ALL WEED SEED POSS! ll I.E. ll. APPLY A CONTACT WEED KILLER AND ALLOW SUFFICIENT TIME TO OOTAIN COMPLETE Kill OF ALL WEEDS GERMINATED. B. PIPE IDENTirlCA TION C. SLEEVING AT CROSSINGS D. APPROPRIATE MATERIALS AND MARKINGS, INCLUDING PROPl'.R QUICK COUPLERS NOT TO SCALE APPROVED FOR lf~RIGA TION Af~D Pl_AhlTING 01\JL_Y, INCLUDli''1G pf;;ECISE LOCATION OF PLAI\ITING ___ .,_ _____ , __ .:_4.R EA-····-·----1 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO I REG I STRATI ON NO: -'C'-'-.ccl 9-'-3_7 l'--------- EXPIRATION DATE: 4/3(Ji2017 --------~ LANDSCAPE DESLGN NOTES C. REPEAT STEP A AIJOVE D. REPEAT STEP B AllOVE I. ALL PROJECT SIGNAGE AND MONUME'sTS SHALL RU)UIIU: A SEPARATE PERMIT UNDER Tl IE CITY OF CARLSBAD SIGNAGc REVIEW PROCESS. 2. PLANTINGS LOCATED IN BIO-SWALE SIIALL BE FULLY KNITTED IN AND PROVIDE COMPLETE COVERAGE OF THL SWALE AREA IN ORDER TO PROVIDE A WORKING FILTER PRIOR TO 13111LDING OCCUPANCY PERMITS BEGIN SIGNED. 3. ANY Cl IANGES TO IN lllO-SWALE LAYOUT/DESIGN SI !ALL BE REVIEWED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCI-IITECI PRIOR TO IRRIGATION AND PLANTING INST1\LL!ITIONS SO Tl !AT THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITtC I° CAN REVIS[' PLANS ACCORDINGLY IN INSURE IJESIUN QUALITY. 4. l'OSITIVE SURFACI: DRAINAGE (2% GRADE IN PLANTING AREAS) AWAY FROM THE STRUCTURES AND TERMINATING IN AN ,ll'PROVED DRAINAGt' SYSTEM. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING LANDSCAPE WORK SO THAT THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT CAN REVIEW TIIF PROJECT UTILITY LOCATIONS AND REVISE PLANS ACCORDINGLY TO FULLY SCREEN ALL UTILITIES FROM VIEW. 6. CIIECK VALVES SHALL llE INSTALLED AS REQUIRED TO PREVENT ALL LOW IIEAD DRAINAGE. In Order to Conserve Water, .. DIGA RT DIAL TOLL FREE AN APPROVAL LEITER REGARDING TIIE INSPECTION OF THE PROJECT SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE CITY AND THE DISTRICT, AND BE FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY HLALT!-1 DEPA!UMENT PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION APPROVAL. 2. DISTRICT FINAi. INSPECTION SI !ALL INCLUDE: A. SIUNAGE INSTALLED PER PLAN B. CONTROL STICKERS C. TAGGING or VAi.YES D. COVERAGE ·1 EST AFTl,:R COMP! El'ION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEM TO ENSURf' PROTECTION or AREA NOT APPROVED !'OR RECYCLED WATER USE E. ALL ASPECTS OF THf: IRRIGATION CONDITIONS INCLUDING WINDRl,O\VN SPRAY, RUNOFF, AND PONDING. F. REQUIRED PROTECTION OF ALL RESIDENTIAL AREAS CJ. REQUIRED PROJECT OF WELLS. STREAM, RESERVOIRS, ETC. H. CROSS-CONNECTION TEST, IF REQUIRED I. COLOR CODED, LAMINATED Cl !ARTS INSIDE EACI I CONTROLLER 3. ANNUAL JNSPEC !'ION SI IALL INCLUDE: A COIV!l'LLTE INSPECTION T!IAT WILL COVER A-I 01 ·1 I IE DISTRICT FINAi. INSPECTION. 6/23/16 PROJECT LOCATION PACIFIC OCEAN CITY OF VISTA ALGA AVE CITY OF ENCINITAS VICINITY MAP DEPARTMENT OF EN VIHON/\IENlAL HEAL TH LAND AND WATrn QUALITY Di•/iSION ~~ GLENN LEEKS DA.TE ENVIRONMENTAL HEALfll SPECIALIST "AS B IJ IL T" TITLE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOf< DAfE ··----·--·----··--··-·-------· CARLSBAD lvl.UNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT c;R Rb VISIONS PER CITY !UiVJ!:,W COMMENT · PL.ANNING DiVl'.;:oN SHE:C:TS RECYCLED WATER IN USE 1 -800 -422 -4133 AT LEAST TWO DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG -SH~ir"J"ciT_Y_O F;-C1\RLSBA-D ·c--~-~-"_···-·- REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED 13Y PURLIC HEALTH ENGINEER. CITY GR ,--··--·-···'·' ·--······-··-·-----··--- ENGINEc:R & DISTRICT ENUJNEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN HELD. 8102,~-1~6-t-~=+-~2~N~D_C~'~n~·y~R~E~V~I~E~W~----------t---t-----t---t-----l PRIV/1 TE ( Oil SITE) R[CYCLED DO NOT DRINK NO TOME EL AGUA WASH HANDS AFTER CONTACTING J.._ LAVESE SUS MANOS DESPUES DE U$AR 18" X 18" SIZE .032 ALUMINUM, .060 ABS PLASTIC OR STICK-·ON VINYL SIGNS 10/05/[6 GR 3RD CITY REVIEW WA T[R SYSTEM FOR: UNDERGROUND SERVICE 'ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ----'"rp;o...,..,,.,1--r.t:..,--c_A_R-LS-~'ADMU~Jl~I-~ AL_~_A_T_E_R _D_l,STR7~~-___________ , !JEVELOPERS NAME: ______________ _ ,_,.l.:cli-"'0""7/_,_16:+---'G""'R~_4;..cic:.11"-ClTY REVfEW 895 TAMARACK AVENUE i-----1---f------------------1----+--+---+-----l CARLSBAD, CA 92008 <c,. , ;,, ADDRESS: .~ ?t. C-19371 RE \'. !J4/3 0/W I 7 --·-··,--·---f----f-----------------f----+---+---+---+ -----------·--_----t-· --------------t---t----t---J--J_Ar_r_Rc_:v_Ei'J_J-·~~ ~~----__ l, f·I~ ----< TELEPHONE: ________ --+---------------------t---+---+----+---1_P_L_A_N~----,·-·-~---DATE ,/' /~/,. I --,,(' (~~'// -,---·--·-··---•-·'------··-···-l--□-A-lE-,-1--IN-lf-lA-L-I--DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DflWN BY: /' __., ~ "' f "--DA TE PLAl'1 PREPARED: __________ ----'---+--'-----"--'--'---"--1::cHcKDEiT"'·"·-·-,--· CB 160170/ ! DISTRICT E CIMEEF< . A°IE BY: ENGINEER OF WOflK REVISION DESCRIPTIO~I OlliER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL CAM PRE lS-Ol 492-8L -------------~,....._.. .................... ........ ...... ..-~ ...... ....,,.,~ .... -..,,,,.....,...., __ _.... __ =· ===··-=--==-=====--=··=-·=···=· ====-===-= ,._ ___ .,_..,_, ,.,.......,..,,,......,., ....... _--...... ----·-···-------... ~-"'"' ----'--· ----··--~-......,,,,,,. .................... ..,.,....,... ............ ...,.,,,...,=...,--.... ""'-'""-"--~- I UNDERPLANT ALOE WITH SENECIO, TYP. I \ RE-CYCLED WATER WARNING SIGN (TYP) \ \ \ \ 0 M PROPOSED BUILDING FOOTPRINT \ \ __ -· ---• ---· --· --• -• -------· ---• -• -~ fil n ::'.1/ / VINES TO SCREEN TRASH ENCLOSURE, TYP. I '----TRASH ENCLOSURE, 7' HT. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL SITE L1N AND DETAILS ' ' LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONS LANDSCAPE NOTES LOT AREA PROPOSED BUILDING FOOTPRINT PROPOSED HARDSCAPE AREA PROPOSED PARKING AREA 21,173.25 SF THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING LANDSCAPE WORK SO THAT THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT CAN REVIEW THE PROJECT UTILITY LOCATIONS AND REVISE PLANS ACCORDINGLY TO FULLY SCREEN ALL UTILITIES FROM VIEW PROPERTY Lll'iE (N 61'51'56"E 231.60') N 6l0 51'56"E 158.95' ,-) ' V \'. \) A, ' '/-'<.N a 'v * i C-9371 • I I \ / j \ \ \ CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT I I I \ ' \\,_" AREA DEDICATED ".,'>. TO CAL TRANS '•,, PER CAL TRANS ".,, ,, RIGHT OF WAY '·~., MAP S0054802 ·, \ PLANTING & MULCHING NOTES 1. 2. 3. 4, SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR ITEMS NOT COVERED ON THESE PLANS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RECONCILE THE CALLOUT QUANTITIES WITH THE GRAPHIC QUANTITIES AND SHALL PROVIDE PLANTS EQUAL TO THE GRAPHIC QUANTITIES SHOWN ON THE PLANS ALL PLANT MATERIAL IS TO BE SUPPLIED AND INSTALLED BY THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR •, l -----•. , THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHALL RETAIN THE OPTION TO TAG BOXED TREE MATERIAL AT A WHOLESALE NURSERY OF THEIR CHOICE AFTER THE BID HAS BEEN AWARDED I \ \ / \ 1 6/23/16 GR 1 5, 6, 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. PLANTS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO INSPECTION AND APPROVAL OR REJECTION BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UPON DELIVERY TO THE SITE PLANT MATERIAL LOCATIONS ON THE PLANTING PLAN ARE APPROXIMATE AND SHALL BE ADJUSTED AS DIRECTED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT ALL GROUNDCOVER PLANTS SHALL BE FULLY ROOTED PLANT MATERIAL IN FLATS, PLUGS OR POTS BUDS AND BLOOMS ON ALL PLANTS MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL TIMES, INCLUDING TRANSPORTATION AND INSTALLATION STAKE AND/OR GUY ALL TREES AS DIRECTED IN THE LEGEND AND PER THE PLANTING DETAILS TREES AND SHRUBS SHALL BE SHAPED AND PRUNED DURING THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD ONLY AS DIRECTED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL GUARANTEE SHRUBS, GROUNDCOVERS AND PERENNIALS FOR A PERIOD OF THREE MONTHS AND TREES FOR ONE YEAR FROM DATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE ALL PLANTING AREAS {EXCEPT LAWN) SHALL RECEIVE A 3" LAYER OF ORGANIC MULCH, SEE DETAILS ALL PLANTING WITHIN THE VACATED ALLEYWAYS ARE DROUGHT-TOLERANT, NATIVE OR NON-INVASIVE, WITH A MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 2 FEET AT MATURITY PLANTINGS LOCATED IN BIO-SWALE SHALL BE FULLY KNITTED IN AND PROVIDE COMPLETE COVERAGE OF THE SWALE AREA IN ORDER TO PR VI E W R ING FILTER PRIOR TO BUILDING OCCUPANCY PERMITS BEGIN SIGNED. PLANT SCHEDULE TREES BOTANICAL NAME/ COMMON NAME CONT QTY WU 0 0 CASSIA LEPTOPHYLLA / GOLD MEDALLION TREE TRISTANIA CONFERTA/ BRISBANE BOX BOTANICAL NAME I COMMON NAME 15GAL 15GAL 12 MOD 5 MOD SHRUBS VINE/ESPALIER GROUND COVERS ;,,;,,;, ,;n;,,' VVVV._,,V"v' VVVV'1'V VVV?VVV "J"<l "' ., " '] SJ!".,'?? 'IV V ?"77'1/VV 0 5 AGAVEATTENUATA 'NOVA'/ BLUE CLONE ALOE VERA/ MEDICINAL ALOE DODONAEA VISCOSA 'GREEN' / GREEN LEAFED HOPED BUSH LEYMUS CONDENSATUS 'CANYON PRINCE'/ NATIVE BLUE RYE PHORMIUM TENAX 'GREEN'/ GREEN NEW ZEALAND FLAX WESTRINGIA FRUTICOSA / COAST ROSEMARY WESTRINGIA 'WYNYABBIE GEM' I WYNYABBIE GEM WESTRINGIA BOTANICAL NAME/ COMMON NAME FICUS PUMILA / CREEPING FIG BOTANICAL NAME/ COMMON NAME CAREX PRAEGRACILLIS / CALIFORNIA FIELD SEDGE IVA HAYESIANA / POVERTY WEED GAZANIA LEUCOLAENA 'WHITE'/ GAZANIA TRAILING GRAY LEAF SENECIO MANDRALISCAE / BLUE FINGER SIZE 5 GAL 5GAL SGAL 1 GAL 5GAL 5GAL 5GAL SIZE 5 GAL CONT SPACING 1 GAL 12" o.c. 1 GAL 36"0.C. 1 GAL 24" O.C. 1 GAL 36" O.C. QTY 5 LOW 20 LOW 12 LOW 47 LOW 10 LOW 14 LOW 13 LOW QTY 5 MOD QTY 75 MOD 114 LOW 273 LOW 10 LOW APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING i' NORTH 10 20 30 ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. ''AS-BUILT" Hi~ !{, P-jfPl(<."?'ptl f.?/£,J/&tJ~ r ,- RCE: t:,•/t:;~7! EXP: 4-• ?/et, 'Z~lt:; DATE SCALE: 1" = 10' R~°(BY: -~l INSPECTO~ {q: 4: REVISIONS PER CITY REVIEW COMMENTS 8/02/16 GR I 0/05/16 GR 2NDCITYREVIEW rsHffi'l CITY OF CARLSBAD '-'--"-l-'-'-'-'---1--.:::.:...:."'--""""-.:..:.:""-'--'="-----------l---+--+----+---f L.:.__J PLANNING DIVISION '-'-"'-l---'"~--l--""'3R=D~C~TT;,,.Y~R;,,F.V,.:,,T;,,,F.==,W;.-_______ --,1 __ -+ __ +----+---f 11/07/16 GR 03/16/17 GR 4TH CITY REVIEW I 2017-02-09 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM FOR: DEVELOPERS NAME: ________ _ 895 TAMARACK AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 ADDRESS: 1----.1----1----------------1---i---i---1----1 1----1---1-----------------11----1----1----l----1 APPROVED: TELEPHONE: _______ 1-----1--------.1-----------------+---+---+--+---I <.;,-~-(f;, PROPOSED PARKING AREA LANDSCAPE PROPOSED LANDSCAPE AREA DEDICATED EASEMENT AREA 2,701.20 SF (12.7% OF LOT AREA) 2,682.15 SF (12.6% OF LOT AREA) 9,193.3 SF {43.42% OF LOT AREA) 5,018.17 PERVIOUS AREA 4,175.13 IMPERVIOUS AREA 9,193.3 '.03 = 275.8 SF REQUIRED 541. 75 SF PROVIDED 3,495 SF (15.71% OF LOT AREA) 3,014.60 SF (14.23% OF LOT AREA) 9,558.5 SF ".:,, REN. 04/30/20 If 77, <'' ____________ -----1-----------------r--t---t----------------j!---t---t---t--1 :;P:;L;;;AN;:;N;;l;:NG:::=:;::;;:;=;-;::=:::;;:;;::;;::;:;;;;:;;;::;:;:;:::=::;;:;;;::;;::;:::DA;;:;T;:;:E;;:;:;:;;::! DATE DATE PLAN PREPARED: _________ l-----1--------.1-----------------+---+---+--+---I OWN. BY: ---"'·'=---• PROJECT NO: DRAWING NO: TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA CA\.-\ DISTRICT ENGINEER EXP. DATE INITIAL ...,.,D,,,A,,,,TE,,.,.,:>=IN,,,IT-,,IA-.L-+_D,,,A=T-.E,.,,.,,,,,IN"'IT,,,IAL,--1 CHKD. BY: CAM BY: DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD. BY: CB 160170/PRE 15-01 492-SL M,\TAI.IARACK\CDS\ACTI\£\GP 1-2 GRD.OWG March 16, 2017 -12'25pm SCANNED BY: DATE: IRRIGATION SCHEDULE SYMBOL 1402 1408 t. C .6. ■ 1401 1404 SYMBOL ~ (Q (/SJ ~ ----------- ----------- --------------------------------- SYMBOL EB I]] MANUFACTURER/MODEUDESCRIPTION QTY RAIN BIRD 1806-SAM-PRS-NP-1400 FLOOD 30 FLOOD BUBBLER 6.0" POPUP WITH CHECK VALVE, PRESSURE REGULA TOR AND NON-POTABLE PURPLE CAP. FLOW: 0.25 TO 2.00 GPM (0,06 TO 0,46 m3/h; 0,02 to 0, 12 1/s) MANUFACTURER/MODEUDESCRIPTION QTY NETAFIM LVCZS8010075-HF 5 PRE-ASSEMBLED CONTROL ZONE KIT, WITH 1" SERIES 80 CONTROL VALVE, 314" DISC FILTER, AND HIGH FLOW PRESSURE REGULATOR4.5GPM TO 17.6GPM. RECLAIMED WATER ID NETAFIM TL050MFV-1 6 AUTOMATIC FLUSH VALVE, 112" MALE PIPE THREAD. NETAFIM 65ARIA075 6 314" MALE PIPE THREAD GUARDIAN AIRNACUUM RELIEF VENT. INSTALL IN SUBSURFACE SYSTEMS. ON SLOPING TERRAIN TO PREVENT COLLAPSING OF PIPES. UV RESISTANT. MAXIMUM PRESSURE: 150 PSI. AREA TO RECEIVE DRIPLINE NETAFIM 08WRAM-04-18 (18) 2,256 S.F. BIOLINE PRESSURE COMPENSATING LANDSCAPE DRIPLINE W/PURPLE COLOR TUBING FOR NON-POTABLE WATER APPLICATIONS. 0.4GPH EMITTERS AT 18.0" O.C. DRIPLINE LATERALS SPACED AT 18.0" APART, WITH EMITTERS OFFSET FOR TRIANGULAR PATTERN. RECLAIMED WATER USE ONLY. AREA TO RECEIVE DRIPLINE NETAFIM 08WRAM-09-24 (24) 987.5 S.F. BIOLINE PRESSURE COMPENSATING LANDSCAPE DRIPLINE W/PURPLE COLOR TUBING FOR NON-POTABLE WATER APPLICATIONS. 0.9GPH EMITTERS AT 12 O" O.C. DRIPLINE LATERALS SPACED AT 24.0" APART, WITH EMITTERS OFFSET FOR TRIANGULAR PATTERN. RECLAIMED WATER USE ONLY. MANUFACTURER/MODEUDESCRIPTION QTY HUNTER ICV-G-BSP TREE BUBBLER 2 1", 1-1/2", 2", AND 3" PLASTIC ELECTRIC REMOTE CONTROL VALVES, GLOBE CONFIGURATION, WITH BSP THREADED INLET/OUTLET, FOR COMMERCIAL/MUNICIPAL USE. ACCU SYNC. PRESSURE REGULATOR. RECLAIMED WATER ID HUNTER HQ-44LRC-AW-R 3 QUICK COUPLER VALVE, PURPLE RUBBER LOCKING COVER FOR RECLAIMED WATER USE. RED BRASS AND STAINLESS STEEL, WITH 1" NPT INLET, 2-PIECE BODY. ACME KEY WITH ANTI-ROTATION WINGS. LASCO FITTINGS TUBV-SC 1", 1-1/2", 2", AND 3" PLASTIC FULL BLOCK TRUE UNION BALL VALVE. SHUT OFF/ISOLATION VALVE TO ELIMINATE WATER HAMMER. INSTALL SAME SIZE AS MAINLINE. HUNTER IBV-DC-R 1" 1", 1-112", 2", AND 3" BRASS ELECTRIC MASTER VALVE, GLOBE CONFIGURATION, WITH NPT THREADED INLET/OUTLET, FOR COMMERCIAL/MUNICIPAL USE. WITH DC LATCHING SOLENOID FACTORY INSTALLED OPTION. WITH RECLAIMED WATER ID PURPLE TAG. FEBCO 825Y 1" REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTER HUNTER IC-1200-PED MODULAR CONTROLLER, 12 STATIONS, OUTDOOR MODEL, METAL PEDESTAL COMMERCIAL USE. WITH ONE ICM-600 MODULE INCLUDED. HUNTER SOLAR-SYNC SOLAR, RAIN FREEZE SENSOR WITH OUTDOOR INTERFACE, CONNECTS TO HUNTER PCC, PRO-C, AND I-CORE CONTROLLERS, INSTALL AS NOTED. INCLUDES 10 YEAR LITHIUM BATTERY AND RUBBER MODULE COVER, AND GUTTER MOUNT BRACKET. WIRED. WM EXISTING WATER METER IRRIGATION LATERAL LINE: PVC CLASS 200 SDR 21 PVC CLASS 200 IRRIGATION PIPE. ONLY LATERAL TRANSITION PIPE SIZES 1" AND ABOVE ARE INDICATED ON THE PLAN, WITH ALL OTHERS BEING 314" IN SIZE. IRRIGATION MAINLINE: PVC SCHEDULE 40 PVC SCHEDULE 40 IRRIGATION PIPE. PIPE SLEEVE: PVC SCHEDULE 40 5 1 1 1 1 1 206.6 L.F. 243.0 L.F 47.5 L.F. PSI DETAIL - 40 J/6 DETAIL 0/6 II 6 H/6 E/7 E/7 DETAIL C/6 GI 6 F/6 C/6 816 A/6 E/6 IRRIGATION GENERAL NOTES 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9, 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. THIS SYSTEM IS DIAGRAMMATIC. ALL PIPE, VALVES, ETC. SHOWN WITHIN PAVED AREAS ARE FOR DESIGN CLARIFICATION ONLY AND SHALL BE INSTALLED IN PLANTING AREAS WHEREVER POSSIBLE. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT INSTALL THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM AS INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS WHEN IT IS OBVIOUS IN THE FIELD THAT UNKNOWN OBSTRUCTIONS OR GRADE DIFFERENCES EXIST. DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN PLANS AND ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE, IN THE EVENT THAT THIS NOTIFICATION IS NOT PERFORMED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR REVISIONS NECESSARY. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT INSTALL ANY ITEMS WHERE IT IS OBVIOUS THAT THEY ARE IN DIRECT CONFLICT WITH UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS OR PEDESTRIAN AND VEHICULAR SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS. SPRAY HEADS ARE NOT TO BE SCALED OFF THE DRAWINGS, BUT LOCATED TO PREVENT OVERSPRA Y ONTO BUILDINGS, WALKS, AND STRUCTURES DO NOT LOCATE TREES OR TALLER SHRUBS IN LOCATIONS WHERE THEY WILL BLOCK IRRIGATION HEADS AND PREVENT ADEQUATE COVERAGE. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN THE LATEST EDITION OF THE LOCAL GUIDELINES AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENTS AT THE SITE AT ALL TIMES. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR TO FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH ALL GRADE DIFFERENCES, LOCATION OF WALLS, RETAINING WALLS, CURBS, FENCES, WOOD STRUCTURES, CONCRETE STRUCTURES, BUILDINGS, ETC IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE HIS WORK WITH THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND OTHER SUBCONTRACTORS FOR LOCATION OF PIPE SLEEVES THROUGH WALLS, UNDER ROADS, PAVING ANO OTHER STRUCTURES. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL PRESSURES ON SITE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND PROVIDE THESE TO THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE IN WRITING. IF AVAILABLE STATIC P.S.L EXCEEDS 75 P.S.I., THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE EXISTENCE OFA PRESSURE REGULATOR ANO IF INADEQUATE OR NONE INSTALL A WILKENS PRESSURE REGULA TOR (OR APPROVED EQ.) DOWNSTREAM OF BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY AND WYE FILTER. MAINLINE FEEDER BETWEEN POINT OF CONNECTION, METER, ANO BACKFLOW UNIT TO BE OF MATERIAL AS REQUIRED BY CURRENT WATER DISTRICT. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY IN THE FIELD WITH THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE, AND THE LOCAL GOVERNING AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE, ALL LOCATIONS OF POINT OF CONNECTIONS, WATER METERS, MAIN WATER SUPPLY LINE, BACKFLOW PREVENTER, AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER RAIN SWITCH, AND VALVES, PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE TRENCHING AND INSTALLATION OF SLEEVES UNDER ALL PAVED AREAS PRIOR TO PAVING INSTALLATION SLEEVING SHALL BE SCH 40 PVC PIPE, TWICE THE LINE SIZE CARRIED(MIN.), AS REQUIRED-VERIFY LOCATIONS AND SIZE WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AS TO LOCATIONS AND SIZES, GROUPED TOGETHER WHERE FEASIBLE AND BURIED MIN. 18" OR PER LOCAL GOVERNING CODES AND REGULATIONS, BELOW FINISH GRADE, WHICHEVER IS MORE STRINGENT. REFER TO IRRIGATION LEGEND/NOTES FOR SPECIFICATIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL THOROUGHLY FLUSH ALL LINES AND ADJUST ALL HEADS FOR OPTIMUM SYSTEM PERFORMANCE AND TO PREVENT OVERSPRA Y ONTO WALKS, STREETS, AND STRUCTURES. THIS SHALL INCLUDE SELECTING THE BEST NOZZLE RADIUS TO ACCOMMODATE UNUSUAL SITE CONDITIONS. ALL SHRUB HEADS ADJACENT TO LAWN AND PAVED AREAS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON POP-UP BODIES AS SPECIFIED IN THE IRRIGATION LEGEND. ALL OTHER SHRUB SPRAY HEADS MAY BE MOUNTED ON RISERS 12" ABOVE FINISH GRADE WITH OWNER'S PRIOR APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFIED IN THE PLANS AND LEGEND. ALL CONTROL EQUIPMENT, SUCH AS REMOTE CONTROL VALVES, BALL VALVES, AND QUICK COUPLER VALVES SHALL BE LOCATED IN SHRUB PLANTED AREAS WHEREVER POSSIBLE. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE LOCATION OF IRRIGATION PIPING WITH THE LOCATION OF TREES (REFER TO PLANTING PLAN) AND SHALL MAINTAIN A MIN. OF 5 FEET CLEARANCE BETWEEN PIPING AND TRUNKS OF TREES WHEREVER POSSIBLE. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL BELOW HEAD CHECK VALVES AND/OR IN-LINE CHECK VALVES (SIZE AS REQ'D) AS REQ'D. TO ELIMINATE ALL LOW HEAD DRAINAGE. POINT OF CONNECTION TO BE AT SERVICE LINE DOWNSTREAM OF WATER METER, VERIFY LOCATION, TYPE AND SIZE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 16. ALL IRRIGATION CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL AND REGIONAL GOVERNING CODES. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS OR AS PER DETAILS LOCATE ALL IRRIGATION HEADS AND LINES 8" FROM SIDEYARD PROPERTY LINES WHERE APPLICABLE. FOR ALL SPRAY HEADS THAT REQUIRE GREATER THAN 30% REDUCTION OF FULL FLOW RADIUS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE THE APPROPRIATE PRESSURE COMPENSATING DEVICE (RAINBIRD PCS-XXX). DRIP IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT MAY BE INCLUDED IN THIS PROJECT. IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT NO SAW OF ANY TYPE BE USED TO CUT PVC PIPE DURING THE INSTALLATION OF THESE SYSTEMS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY PVC SHAVINGS, BURRS OR ANY OTHER DEBRIS PRESENT IN THE SYSTEM. CONTRACTOR/OPERATOR SHALL ONLY APPLY SUFFICIENT WATER TO PROMOTE HEALTHY GROWTH OF THE PLANT MATERIAL. AT NO TIME WILL THE CONTRACTOR/OPERATOR APPLY WATER AT A RATE OR FREQUENCY WHICH CAUSES RUNOFF OR SOIL SATURATION. CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL BALL VALVE ON MAINLINE EVERY 200 LINEAR FEET ON CENTER TO ALLOW FOR ISOLATION OF MAIN LINE AND REPAIRS. NOTATIONS FOR 'AS-BUILTS' ARE TO BE CONSTANTLY MADE AND UPDATED ONT HE FIELD SET OF DRAWINGS SO THE CONTRACTOR CAN PROVIDE THE COST ACCURATE 'AS-BUil T' FOR TURN-OVER TO THE OWNER. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES SHALL BE USED TO MINIMIZE RECYCLED WATER ENCROACHMENT IN DESIGNATED EATING AREA BY USING DRIP IRRIGATION, AND SEPARATION OF SPACE WITH A MOW CURB/FENCE. IMPORTANT SUBMITTAL NOTE: THE LIST BELOW INDICATES TYPICAL ITEMS TO BE SUBMITTED ON ANY GIVEN PROJECT, HOWEVER THIS LIST IS NOT EXHAUSTIVE NOR PROJECT SPECIFIC. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR TO PRESENT ALL NECESSARY SUBMITTALS AS OUTLINED IN THE PROJECT PLANS, DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER(S), STAINLESS STEEL CONTROLLER ENCLOSURE, BACKFLOW PREVENTOR, STAINLESS STEEL BACKFLOW ENCLOSURE, WYE-STRAINER, BALL VALVES, QUICK COUPLER VALVES, MASTER VALVE, REMOTE CONTROL VALVES, VALVE BOXES, IRRIGATION HEADS, CONTROL WIRES, SPLICE UNIT, 1.0. TAGS, PVC PIPING, PVC SCH. 40 + 80 FITTINGS, PVC SCH. 80 NIPPLES, SCH. 80 UNIONS, BRASS PIPE+ FITTINGS, PRIMER+ GLUE AND TEFLON TAPE. PRESSURE LOSS CALCS. DEVICE QTY. PSI LOSS TOTAL PSI LOSS SCH. 40 PVC MAINLINE 193 L.F. 2.63 / 100 L.F. -5.1 SCH. 40 PVC LATERAL 55 L.F. 0.94 100 L.F. -0.52 BACKFLOW DEVICE 1 10 I -10 1" WATER METER 1 0.7 -0.7 1" MASTER VALVE 1 4.0 -4.0 ¾" DRIP VALVE 1 1.0 -1.0 SUBTOTAL 21.32 10% OF SUBTOTAL FOR FITTINGS 2.13 TOTAL PSI LOSS 23.45 AVAILABLE PSI AT POC 70.00 REMAINING PSI 46.55 'WORST CASE PRESSURE LOSS WILL OPERATE AT 20 PSI. PEAK WATER WINDOW CALCS. VALVE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 IRR. METHOD BUBBLER DRIP DRIP (BIOSWALE) DRIP BUBBLER DRIP DRIP RUN TIME (MINUTES) 5 80-120 120 80-120 5 80-120 80-120 'NOTE: DRIP ZONES TO RUN 3 DAYS PER WEEK, TREE BUBBLERS TO RUN 2 DAYS PER WEEK. 'PEAK WATERING WINDOW NOT TO EXCEED 8 HOURS APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. ''AS-Bl/IL T" RCE: __ _ EXP: ----DATE REVIEWED BY: INSP>-1 TOR DATE 6/23; 16 GR REVISIONS PER CITY REVIEW COMMENTS SHE3ET CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ R!l)?/1 r: r.R ?ND <'!TY !IBVIEUI l-1"""'o~;o""'s1.J..l 6'4-l.lo""R--+-'3""R1'-'-)'-'C..J'l .... TY.,__,,,R ... E'.J..V l.!.!E..,'W'----------+----,f---+----+---1 PLANNING DIVISION "' CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT DATE DISTRICT ENGINEER EXP. l-"-"'-="""'"'l-=~+...a='-=..a..a..a=..:.=','-'------------1,----1----t---t----t 11/07/16 GR 4T!I CITY REVIEW PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECYCLED DEVELOPERS NAME: ________ _ t-----t--+-----------------+---+-----t----i-----1 ADDRESS: ___________ _ t-----t--+-----------------t---+-----t---+----1 TELEPHONE: _____ _ DATE PLAN PREPARED: ________ t-----+--+-----------------t---+-----t---+----1 DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL BY: DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL -------------- WATER SYSTEM FOR: 895 TAMARACK AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 I APPROVED: PLANNING !iie\ Cq-A::nA DWN. BY: Ut\. PROJECT NO: CHKD. BY: CAM RVWD. BY: CB 160170/PRE 15-0 I I f-°';>-1"'7 DATE DRAWING NO: 492-8L M, \TAMARACK\CDS\ACTIVE\GP 1-2 GRD -IRRIGA~0N KP,DWG November 09, 2016 -7,08om SCANNED BY: DATE: I i ,,, -~"•--·---~ ·---I -----,,,,,,,,_ -------·-·-·' .,,, ·-------- J --~--w "·•·-.,. I -~ I\ ainline is located 1 in from the \ ~ ,leeve location 8'' from curb si ewalk ~ \, ,/ Mainline is located 7ft from the west wall I.____, fl !~ ~ I, I I 11··.· ii 'I I, ii ,, i mainline located 7' j 11""-l ---·frowWesl'Wan-· --· ·· ,1 ' I i, , i I Iii' :I ~----------l -' '. i ·,' I K : \ :,~ ! , ____ '=···•=-·J\=d 11 i 'j '-----------t Mainline is j; located 7ft l_'_I! from the :l i west wall M+tffi.l and 18" from I! trash I ! j ~.: --Station #4 drip 22:: from curb ' ~ontrbller o led or V val! I ehin ra Rain sens< r loc e, IIJ,.,==i on on trelli of tr ~ enclosure Station #5 t'ees ~ 1 ?" from wail ...---tr 2' fro,~ wall enclosure ~ l+tltt·l+tltlr!-l+H·~= l -,r Mainline change of I direction is located 8ft -, ==-"1--,,.,.. ' ! ! I l I L _ --------..;-:;---------------i ,. lire) \ \ \ \ i ··--... ----·,--~--"- / / \ j , \ / I / \ \ ' I I j / \ I ' \ \ \ I I I / / \ \ \ \ \ \i it ',f jf I I I i I I , V ' j ., V I \ \ \ \ I \ I v / i i I \ I I ' ' \ \ \ \ \ \ / \ ' ' ' I / i ! \ I \ \ \ ' \ \ I \ / \ I / ! \ \ / \ ' \ / \ I I -. __ ,,__ -·-···-- i \ I \ l \ r...;....., "4"\ ! 1 \ \ \ ,l \ + ·+ ---------+ ' I ' i I / I J ' / \ \ \ ' I ' -_,_,_ -····--___ ,. ___ _ \ I \ \ \ ' l \ / I I ' / P.O.C. -WI DEDICATED IRRIGATION METER METER LOCATION: ADJACENT TO CURB ELEVATION OF P.0.C. ·HIGH POINT: 63.5 FT. STATIC PRESSURE AT P.0.C.: 75 P.S.I. MIN. PRES. REQUIRED AT P.O.C.: 60 G PM. PRESSURE REGULA TOR SET POINT: 48 P.S.I. MAX. IRRIGATION DEMAND: 10 G.P.M. MIN. IRRIGATION DEMAND: 1 G.P.M SIZE OF LATERAL --------SEE BELOW CHART CONTROLLER ZONES 7 • 1" METER SIZE • 3/4' BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE ON 1" PLUMBING. LATERAL PIPE SIZING CHART -SCH. 40 PIPE SCH. 40 PIPE SIZE ¾" 1" 2" 2½" GPM 0-9 10-15 16-25 26-35 36-55 57-83 VEL 4.72 4.61 7.70 4.82 4,85 4.82 SLEEVING SCHEDULE -SCH. 40 PIPE SCH 40 PIPE SIZE 1/2'' 3/4' 1" 1-1/4" 1-112" 2" 2-1/2" 3" SLEEVE SIZE 1-1/4" 2' 2-1/2" 3" 4' 4' 6' 6' MINIMUM PIPE COVERAGE PRESSURE LINES • LESS THAN 3" IN DIAMETER-18' COVER • 3" -5 1/2" IN DIAMETER-24" COVER • 6" OR GREATER IN DIAMETER-36" COVER LATERAL LINES • 12" COVER SLEEVES UNDER ROADS • 6" OR LESS IN DIAMETER-36' COVER • GREATER THAN 6" DIAMETER· 48" COVER SCHEDULE 80 PVC SLEEVES UNDER ROADS • 6" OR LESS IN DIAMETER -36" COVER • GREATER THAN 6' DIAMETER -48" COVER SCHEDULE 80 PVC SLEEVES UNDER PAVING (NON-ROADS) • LESS THAN 3" IN DIAMETER -18' COVER • 3" -5 1/2" IN DIAMETER· 24" COVER • 6" OR GREATER IN DIAMETER -36" COVER SCHEDULE 40 PVC SLEEVING NOTE CONTROLLER WIRES LOCATED UNDER STREETS OR OTHER PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN SEPARATE PVC SLEEVES CORRESPONDING TO THE TYPE DEPTH AS SPECIFIED IN THE LANDSCAPE MANUAL SECTION 4, SLEEVING. Va!ve Cal,out I # • -1 Vclve Number #i I #►• .., ____ Valve Fiow '-'I".~~---~ V:.ilve Si~e NORTH 0 4 8 16 2;4 ' WATER METER NOTE METER SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A POTABLE WATER CONNECTION. METER SHALL BE CONVERTED TO A RECYCLED WATER CONNECTION WHEN RECYCLED WATER IS AVAILABLE. APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA, "AS-BUILT" MteJi~J J(. Htt2.cror-J from the south wall , ---·---·· ,.,. __ _.-._·•--·· .,,, -,~~IUU~~IW!~U~~= ~•-4' from wall SCALE: 1/8" =1'-0" acv RCE:4 •l"f?J'7 1 EXP ,t/~/74et REVIEWED ,Y: /7_,,iJ{, I &.,_ t-l\ ~ Station #7 drip CONTROLLER LOCATION CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE 110V AC POWER TO THIS APPROXIMATE LOCATION OUTSIDE OF BUILDING. FINAL LOCATION OF CONTROLLER TO BE APPROVED BY THE PROJECT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. PROVIDE A CONDUIT SWEEP THROUGH THE CONCRETE FOOTING TO PULL THE IRRIGATION CONTROL WIRES INTO THE LANDSCAPE AREAS Mc\TAMARACK\COS\ACTI'il:\GP 1-2 GRD -IRRIGATION KP.DWG March 16, 2017 -12,lJpm CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT DATE DISTRICT ENGINEER EXP. DEVELOPERS NAME: ________ _ IN~p,-, TO • r.;~';;;m/2~?~;7::1~'r,~::;:i,R:-i-:?:::n,';;'mv:-°:,~s~.~~~~;;'!~FP~vE~RTF;::':cw;;IT...,Y'-'RE=V_..IE""W"--"-'CO""MM=..,EN..,T._.S,...._7"_-f __ t-_1 f'sHE'Ei'l CITY OF CARLSBAD 10/05/16 GR 3RDCITYREVIEW L__2_J PLANNINGDIVISION 11/07/16 GR 4TH CITY REVIEW 03/16/17 GR Ii\ 2017-02-09 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM FOR: ADDRESS: 1----1---+---------------t----+--+----t------t 895 TAMARACK AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TELEPHONE: _____ _ DATE PLAN PREPARED: ---------DATE INITIAL BY: ----------------DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION APPROVED: /~ /I &., G fl .::ff- PLANNING • DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OWN. BY:~ 1-:-:,,.,.,,,,-,,-:,!=,.,,.,--t--=::-:-:,==,--1 CHKD. BY: ==-1 CB160170/PRE 15-01 OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD. BY: PROJECT NO: SCANNED BY: DATE: DRAWING NO: 492-&T. ..,--MULCH IN PLANTING AREA ..,--FINISH GRADE AT PLANTING AREA ,,--TOP OF PAVING _,,--FLUSH WITH FACE OF PAVING ,,,,--COMPACTEDSUBGRADE _,,---ROOT BARRIER· 8'-0" X 5'-0" fA>,R=Oss,;O"'T.---B_A_R.;._:R=IE:..:...R-'--------~~.,,..,,...,,... \:::,) SECTION NOTTO SCALE lWO TIMES WIDTH OF ROOT BALL ,,,.-----FOR SLOPE PLANTING, GRADE BACK OF PLANTING PIT TO MAX. 1 :1 SLOPE AND INSTALL EROSION CONTROL FABRIC ROOT CROWN OF SHRUB TO BE 1' ABOVE FINISH GRADE MULCH -TAPER FROM 1" THICK AT CROWN TO 3" THICK AT EDGE OF PLANTING PIT WATERING BASIN 4" ABOVE FINISH GRADE REMOVE ONCE IRRIGATION IS OPERABLE ~-FINISH GRADE ~--FERTILIZER TABLETS (SEE SCHEDULE) ----.._ SCARIFY SIDES OF PLANTING PIT '----BACK FILL MIX - WATER smLE PRIOR TO SETTING SHRUB CROWN BOTTOM OF PLANTING PIT @-.S=H=R=U,_B_P_LA_N_T_f_NG-'--------,-,=~=- sEcT10N NOTTO SCALE EQUAL ~ {~<$(< ~ r.~ ~ ~i ----GROUNDCOVER PLANT/PLUG ON 2" EQUAL1 1 , 1 , T , RAISED MOUND WI H TRIANGULAR, EQUAL SPACING PER PLANT ~ ~ ,__ __ --'--~------HARDSCAPEEDGE PLAN VIEW -' -: · '~'>t I 1-1 · .. <,""""/J,>, ·: -1 11-11 1- i., 11-'. ;._ .,\\; TT m-:i:/<,." .. ::;"·<~ TTT-1' I II' 11111111111 I-'11, 111 I ·-1 11 •-1 1 I-11 __ ,J 11 _j I , , -BACKFILLSOIL GROUNDCOVER/PLUG PLANTING AMENDED SOIL FERTILIZER TABLET SECTION NOTTO SCALE TREE PLANTING SECTION FOR SLOPE PLANTING, GRADE BACK OF PLANTING PIT TO MAX.1:1 SLOPE AND INSTALL EROSION CONTROL FABRIC CINCH TIES (4 REQUIRED) IN FIGURE 8 CONFIGURATION. NAIL TO ST AKE VIA 2" GALVANIZED ROOFING NALS. 10' LONG X 2" DIA LODGE POLE PINE TREE STAKES (2 REQUIRED) SET 24' INTO GRADE ON SIDES OF ROOTBALL ..,,--TREE TRUNK ROOT BALL (ROOT CROWN TO BE 2" ABOVE FINISH GRADE) MULCH· TAPER FROM 1' THICK AT CROWN TO 3"THICK AT EDGE OF PLANTING PIT FINISH GRADE WATERING BASIN 4' ABOVE FINISH GRADE REMOVE ONCE IRRIGATION IS OPERABLE BACK FILL MIX FERTILIZER TABLETS (SEE SCHEDULE) CROWN BOTTOM OF PLANTING PIT NOTTO SCALE APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS-Bl/lLT" RCE: __ _ EXP: ----DATE REVIEWED BY: DATE l-""'6."'"123=-1.:.,:;16+..aaG""R~-'R"'"E""v'"',s"'-,o"""N""'s"'P.a.aE""'R""'c"""IT_Y_RE_•_v_IE_w_c_o_M_M_E_N_1_·s-+---+--+--+---t I sH5EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ 8/02/16 GR 2ND CITY REVIEW 2 10/05/16 GR 3RD CITY REVIEW ;:;;:;;;;::;:;:~~;;;;:::;;=;:;PLA~N~N~IN:::G:::D::IV::IS:::10::N::::::====~====~ I 1/07/16 GR 4TH CITY REVIEW PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM FOR: CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT DEVELOPERS NAME: ________ _ 895 TAMARACK A VENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 DATE DISTRICT ENGINEER EXP. \ \EN'v1RONS2\EN'v1RONS\TAMARACK\CDS\ACTil1':\GP 1-2 GRD.DWG November 08, 2D16 -2: 11pm ADDRESS: 1------1--+-----------------1,----+-----1---1---1 APPROVED: TELEPHONE:______ / /·'>·17 PLANNING DATE DATE PLAN PREPARED: ----------D-AT-E--t-lN-IT-IA-L+------------------t--D-AT-E-t--lN-IT-IA_L __ DA_T_E--,...-IN-IT-IA--1L f[D~W~N[. ~BYr::=:1m:sr==~PR~O~JiE~CfT~N60~: =7l1D~RA~WffilN~GriNmo~: 1----'----,,-------'-------1 CHKD. BY: CAM BY: DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD. BY: CB 160170/PRE 15-01 492-SL SCANNED BY: DATE: 7- 16" 1---+-I 2----'Tr--"r--j/ 3 ----1-1 8" · .. 6---- 1. CONTROLLERS 2. STAINLESS STEEL WALL MOUNT ENCLOSURE 3. POWERED SWITCH/GFI RECEPTACLE 4. TERMINAL STRIP 5. PVC CONDUIT FOR CONTROL WIRES, SIZE AS REQUIRED NOTE: 4 F.G. ~---5 6. 1" PVC CONDUIT FOR 120 VAC FROM METERED POWER SUPPLY AND FLOW SENSOR CABLE AEF 9516-2SP OF APPLICABLE) 7. CONDUIT FOR RAIN SENSOR ATTACHED TO WALL (OPTION) 8.WALL A. CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS FOR MOUNTING & GROUNDING. IRRIGATION CONTROLLER. OUTDOOR WALL-MOUNT SECTION NOTTO SCALE 2 1 13 ,7-1:-14 ____ T ___ 3 ---6 9 7-~ 'r---'-"",--rf 12 BRASS PLUG 11 ILJJI I I .,-~ 8 1 1. REDUCED PRESSURE 'TYPE BACKFLOW 7. PVC SCH 80 OR COPPER SWEAT FEMALE PREVENTION DEVICE ASSEMBLY ADAPTER (DEEP SOCKET) ON SERVICE 2. Y' STRAINER W/ 20 MESH INSERT AND 8. CONCRETE FOOTING (1 CU. FT.) PRESSURE REG. 9. BRASS, 'TYPE K COPPER OR CL315 PVC FROM METER 3. BRASS ELL'S (REDUCING IF NEC.) 10. PVC MAINLINE 4. BRASS UNION (RISER SIZE) 11. PEA GRAVEL SUMP (12"X12"X12") 5. BRASS RISERS: MAINLINE SIZE (L.A.R.) 12. UNDISTURBED OR COMPACTED SUBGRADE 6. BRASS NIPPLES (NO CLOSE NIPPLES) 13. CHAIN & PAD LOCK/ REMOVE HAND WHEELS NOTES: 14. IDENTIFICATION TAGS AS NEEDED 1. BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE ASSEMBLY SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE TO GOVERNING CODES AND ORDINANCE. 2. WRAP SUBSURFACE BRASS PIPING WITH 10 MILL UPC PIPE WRAP. BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE SECTION NOTTO SCALE INSTALL RAIN SENSOR BELOW FLASHING (IF APPLICABLE) MASONRY-- WALL PER DRAWINGS NOTE· HUNTER SOLAR SYNC 1. VERIFY RAIN SENSOR LOCATION IS UNOBSTRUCTED FROM RAIN FALL. 2 INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. ---·------------------- B 3 12 F.G. 1 4' 2 5 6 4 18" MCV 18' 12' RCV ~ 1 :I = = = = =I I I:: 9 8 _ __. 10 --11 1. REMOTE OR MASTER CONTOL VALVE 7. PVC PRESSURE PIPE 2. WATERPROOF WIRE SPLICE 3.VALVEBOX 8. PVC NON-PRESSURE PIPE FOR RCV, 4. CONTROL WIRES; BUNDLE AND TAPE (W/ 4 FEET MIN. EXTRA WIRE) 5. PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE (TOE) L.A.R. 6. PVC SCH 40 45• ELL (TYP 4X) NOTES: PVC PRESSURE PIPE FOR MCV 9. BRICK OR CONCRETE SUPPORTS 10. PEA GRAVEL SUMP, 3" DEEP MIN 11. UNDISTURBED/ COMPACTED SUBGRADE 12. FLUSH IN TURF, 1" IN GROUNDCOVER A. VALVE BOX LID SHALL BE BRANDED TO IDENTIFY VALVE. B. CONTRACTOR SHALL INCLUDE A CHRISTY'S IRRIGATION I.D. (OAE) TAG ATTACHED TO VALVE BONNET BOLT. TAG SHALL INDICATE CONTROLLER AND STATION NUMBER. INCLUDE RW WARNING IF APPLICABLE. REMOTE & MASTER CONTROL VALVE SECTION NOTTO SCALE 2 1 3 10 F " 6 ---~~ -- 97--\-,..-,-H1~-~I 1_,~~ 5-~ 1. GATE VALVE OR BALL VALVE 7. PVC SCH 80 FEMALE ADAPTER 2. VALVE BOX W/EXTENSIONS AS NEEDED (DEEP SOCKET) 3. BRASS UNION W/ BRASS NIPPLE 8. PVC PRESSURE MAIN ('TYP) 4. BRICK OR BLOCK SUPPORTS 9. PVC SCH 80 45 DEGREE ELLS ('TYP) 5. PEA GRAVEL SUMP 3' DEEP 10. AT FINISH GRADE IN TURF, 1" IN SHRUBS 6. PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE (T.O.E.) 11. UNDISTURBED/COMPACTED SUBGRADE NOTES: A. VALVES UP TO 3" DIA. SHALL HAVE BRONZE HAND WHEEL. VALVES LARGER THAN 3" DIA. SHALL HAVE SQUARE OPERATING NUTS. 8. (4) 45 DEGREE PVC ELBOW FITTINGS SHALL BE USED TO RAISE BALUGATE VALVE TO WITHIN 12'' OF FINISH GRADE. C. RW WARNING TAG IF APPLICABLE. 12 3 4 F.G 1. REMOTE CONTROL VALVE 2. FILTER 3. 1' SCH 80 UNION 4 SCH 80 NIPPLE LAR {TYP.) 5. 3/4' PRV OR 1' PRV 6. 1Tx 18' VALVE BOX(SEE NOTE BELOW) NOTES: 1 6 A FOR FLOWS TO 4 GP M, USE 3/4' LFV075. B FOR FLOWS OF 4-8 G.P.M. USE 1' LFV100. 2 5 7 7. FLUSH IN TURF· 1' IN GROUND COVER 8 BRICK SUPPORT (1-EA CORNER) 9. SUBGRADE 10. PEA GRAVEL SUMP 3' DEEP 11. PVC PRESSURE PIPE 12 SCH 80 FEMALE ADAPTER 13 PVC NON-PRESSURE PIPE C. VALVE BOX LID SHALL BE BRANDED TO IDENTIFY VALVE. INCLUDE CHRISTY'S IRRIGATION 1.D. TAG ATTACHED TO VALVE BONNET BOLT_ D TAG SHALL INDICATE CONTROLLER AND STATION NUMBER E. R W. WARNING IF REQ DRIP CONTROL VAL VE SECTION 5 14 12 -- 16 1. QUICK COUPLING VALVE WITH ACME THREAD KEY -PURPLE CAP 2. QUICK COUPLING KEY W/ SWIVEL HOSE ELL 3. RED BRASS NIPPLE (LENGTH AS REQ'O) 4. 2' FROM LID BOTTOM 5. CONCRETE CURB OREDGE(WHERE OCCURS) 6. THREADED RED BRASS ELL 7. 1 CU FT. CONCRETE FOOTING ON COMPACTED SUBGRADE NOTE. 2 4 1 6 8 W/ PRESSURE REGULATOR AND FILTER NOTTO SCALE 15 7 10 8 RED BRASS RISER (LENGTH AS REQ'D) 9. PVC PRESSURE PIPE 10. PVC SCH 40 COUPLING (SxT) 11. UNDISTURBED COMPACTED SUBGRADE 12. THREADED BRASS COUPLING 13 10' VALVE BOXW/UD SET FLUSH WITH PAVING SURFACE. PURPLE COLOR 14 1 CU FT PEA GRAVEL SUMP 15. PAVING/PLANTING SURFACE 16 BRICK/CONCRETE SUPPORTS (ONE ON EACH CORNER/SIDE) QUICK COUPLER VALVES SHALL BE OF A TYPE APPROVED FOR RECYCLED WATER USE. : __ @1---=-::RA=l=N.,....S_E_N_S_O_R ________ ===.,.,-:-- sEcnoN NOT TO SCALE ®1-l==S=O:=,LA;,-;.T.;;..;;l-"-O.;;..:N_V_A_L_V_E _______ ---:-;-;:,===-- sEcT10N NOT TO SCALE QUICK COUPLING VALVE SECTION NOTTO SCALE ,.,!-''-,' .\'~======l1'~"<1T..q;= ---1 :.----2 ·~ -~~tt-i=:--~-: ~ -I .. ·~'-'-']C----! _ ~1(l,.; r.·,' . ' ·~i,;,;.~s;;----_9 I , 10 -·_ --' · 11 11:-. -........,,;.;;:,;i!F.'\-,n::i:,-,-:{Lf I F -, I 1-11 1=1 11-::::11 1 t 1'ABOVEANISHGRAOE 2.NATIVE 80ILPER SPECIFICATIONS 2. FINISH GRADE 7. 112" SCH 00 PVC Nll'PLE (l.ENG11iAS REQUIRED) 8. BR1tKSUPPORTS (2 COMMON BRICKS REQtlllJED) 4. AIRl\l,-CWM RELIEF Vl,i.VE 5, 1/2" PVC COUPLING (Txl) 9. PEA GRAVEL SUMP (6" DEEP) 6. 6" ROUND PLASTIC VALVE BOX - HEAT BRAND "AR" ON LID IN 1• HIGH cw.RACTERS 10. PVC ELL {Sxl) Wffil 112' THREADED ounn - 11. f'VC l'IPlNG NOTE: l, USE ONE.AIRNACUUM RELIEF VAf.VE. FOR EVERY 7 GF'M PER-ZONE. 2, AlfWAC TO BE INSTAilEIJ ATHIGHEST LOCAL ELEVATION. ·_1f DRIP-AIRNACUUM RELIEF VALVE \OJ S~CTION NOT TO SCAf.E • 1 .. '( 1 IT I ---2 -. --3 11-~Hm=h~--4 m™ l!l+l=t----5 ,;_;'T 't,ffli.:;;: . ti1§l"',o.~· .,:l,~!'.fil'" t. 1' ABOVE RNlSH GRIIDE 6. 314" SCH 00 PVC NIPPLE (LENGTH AS 2. NA11VE SOIL PER SPECIACATIONS REQIJlREOJ J. ~ISH GRADE 7. BRICK SlJPl'{)fITS (2 COMMON BRICKS 4. R.JJSH VAi.VE REQLRRED) 6. 6" ROUNDFU.STIC VALVE BOX-HEAT 8. PEA GRAVEL SUMP j6" x 11!') · llRANll "Fir ON LIO IN 1" HJGH 9. f'VCELL (S>l) WITH 3/4'TllR5'.DED Ol/JlET CHARACTERS \O_ PVCPIPING . NOTES: t USE ONE FLUSH VAf.YE FOR EVERY 7 GPI.I PER ZONE. 2. lOCATEAT lOWPOIITTS. ·a. FLUSH PRESSURE IS 2·PSI. ·4 .. FLIJSH RATE lS 0_8 6PM. (j"', PRESSURECOMPENSATING •· FUJ.L.CIRCLE BUBBLER ,,-·, . 1. ~) PLASTIC ADAPTER: RAIN BIRD 0 \ PLANT MATERIAL ;_ ~ '.• FINISH OAADE/TOP OF MULCH - f 5 1 l'ONJP S1'RA Y SPRINKU!R ._, ,·•-. 11'2-1NCHMALE1'1'f 1 -~"' 1t .490-INCH BARB ELBOW ( 1 \ SWING PIPE, 12-INCH LENGTil ,, ,_,, {8 1 PVCLATERALPJPll ,,,, , 9 I PVC SCH 40 TEE OR ELL PRESSURE COMPENSATING Q)-~-_._-L_-_C_IR_C_L_E_B_UB_B_LE_R ________ _ APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS-BUILT" RCE: ---EXP: ----DATE REVIEWED BY: NSPECTOR DATE / GR REVISIONSPERCITYREVIEWCOMMENTS fsHEE'f1 CITY OF CARLSBAD 10/05/16 3RD CITY REVIEW ~ PLANNING DIVISION CD FLUSH VALVE ON PVC ELL l-'1""11""01"'"11""'6+-='::"--l-':4'=TH~C:,;;IT;:;Y,.,;RE~V~IE:e:W-;---------+--i---+---i---t PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECYCLED . :s§EEC§noifuij-N.:...:_:..:...::=..;_:=-=...:..c...'-'--=-c==-----~-IJN<ariffi'miEs:ciCALEil:E"7j"----::;:::;~~=---l----------------r---------------;l-~~~~~i~~'.:_:i::~~:'.:_'.:_~~:'.:'.:_:::::::::::::::::~t::::i::::i::::i:::=1 WATER SYSTEM FOR: [SHffis] ~ CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT DEVELOPERS NAME:_________ 895 TAMARACK A VENUE ADDRESS: 1---t---+---------------;--+--t---i-----. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 ""' 0PROPOSED IRRIGATION DETAILS C-19371 REN. 04/30/201 DISTRICT ENGINEER EXP. DATE TELEPHONE: ______ _ DATE PLAN PREPARED:---------1-D-AT-E-+-IN-IT-IA-L+-----------------+--DA_T_E-+-IN-IT-IA-L +--DA_T_E-t--lN-IT-IA--tl APPROVED: PLANNING DWN. BY: ..,rJ,"4-- CHKD. BY: AM RVWD. BY: I· S-·f1 DATE PROJECT NO: DRAWING NO: CA BY: DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTfON OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL ----------------CBl60170/PRE 15-01 492-8L \\ENl'IRONS2\ENl'IRONS\TAMARACK\COS\ACTIVE\GP 1-2 GRO -IRRIGATION KP.OWG No,.mbo-08, 2016 -2:06pm SCANNED BY: DATE: 12" 1 1 1 12" 1. JUMBO RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX 20"x14", MAX 4 VALVES PER VALVE BOX 2. STANDARD RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX 17"x12", MAX 3 VALVES PER VALVE BOX 3. ROUND VALVE BOX 10' DIA., MAX 1 VALVE PER VALVE BOX 4. PVC PRESSURE PIPE-MAINLINE 5. PVC PRESSURE PIPE -MANIFOLD 6. PVC NON-PRESSURE PIPE -LATERAL NOTES. 1 6 7. PVC SCH 80 TEE-SSS OR EL-SS ON MAINLINE 8. PVC SCH 80 TEE-SSS OR EL-SS ON MANIFOLD 9. EDGE OF AREA (CURB, WALK, WALL) 10. RCV ASSEMBLY WITH DURA MANIFOLD FITTINGS -SEE OTHER DETAILS 11. RCV MANIFOLD ISOLATION VALVE A. CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE INSTALLED TO ALLOW ORDERLY ARRANGEMENT OF VALVE BOXES B LOCATE VALVE ASSEMBLES IN SHRUB OR GROUNDCOVER AREAS WHHI POSSIBLE. C LOCATION OF VALVE ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE STAKED FOR APPROVAL BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. D CENTERVALVE BOXES OVER VALVE ASSEMBLY TO FACILITATE ACCESS & MAINTENANCE, E. SET VALVE BOXES AT EQUAL ELEVATIONS WITH TOP AT FINISH GRADE IN TURF AREAS OR ABOVE FINISH GRADE IN SHRUB/GROUNDCOVER AREAS. F. VALVE BOXES SHALL BE SET PARALLEL TO EACH OTHER AND PERPENDICULAR TO EDGE OF AREA. G. DO NOT DEFORM OR COLLAPSE VALVE BOX BY EXCESSIVE SOIL COMPACTION AROUND VALVE BOX H SEE ALSO INDIVIDUAL VALVE DETAILS VALVE MANIFOLD & VALVE BOX ORIENTATION PLAN 18CR'L"!E lli:E 9El1l\'I R.iJSH \/"1.\E -TORO loc.E:'EX:1/('r.tr/TWlfrlCN' IPI\RtHJ.tl") -T:JltO W~COO!'l..t!G (IIAA$"e.o.R!I) (i'IJi!"-T-Fr:C040CII ttlID!J.l!m1KMY.ROl.ltfE E>:TE~-LENG':11 Ni, NEEDS) NOTTO SCALE 1. PVC NON-PRESSURE PIPE 2. PVC PRESSURE PIPE 3. CONTROL WIRE BUNDLE 4. APPROVED BACKFILL 5. UNDISTURBED SOIL NOTES: 2' 6. IMPROVED BACKFILL WHERE REQUIRED 7. MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM HARDSCAPE 8. FLOW SENSOR CABLE IN CONDUIT (WHERE OCCURS) 9. RW WARNING TAPE (WHEN APPLICABLE) 10. WARNING TAPE A. TRENCH BOTTOM TO BE FIRM, STABLE AND SMOOTH TO SUPPORT PIPE EVENLY. SUITABLE BEDDING BACKFILL MAY BE NEEDED TO PROVIDE THIS REQUIREMENT. B. THERE SHALL BE NO STONES OR OTHER HARD OBJECTS LARGER THAN 1/2" DIA. C. PIPE AND WIRE TO BE INSTALLED IN SLEEVES UNDER ALL PAVING AND EXTEND 12" PAST EDGE OF PAVING. SLEEVES TO BE: 30" TO 36" COVER UNDER ROADS AND DRIVES 18" TO 24" COVER UNDER WALKS fJ\ TRENCHING \_Vr-::S:-;=E-;::Cn""o~N,:---------------------;N-;;:;0:-;,T-:;:TO=sc~A;-;-L;::-E-- ': FV .. ' ---r--lf£.~~~~?-"-''l+--3 ? ;}!;--i?,7'.::):{◄~':~:,..;;. 4--1-++-4 6" MIN. --'---=H--11--........;..,..c..""' 1~::-,:t±;-;--;:--5 ,,,,..,1=t-tt,,--6 ,-1 "---f-::l"tt~r'i-::±:-r-rfl:~1 i 11 l ' 7--3" 3" 1. REMOVE AND REPLACE 3" ASPHALT 4. CLEAN PLASTER SAND 2. 90% CLEAN BACKFILL AS REQUIRED (REFER TO ENGINEER FOR SPECIFIC MATERIAL AND COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS) 3. SOIL SEPARATOR NOTES: 5. PRESSURE MAIN LINE W/ SLEEVE 6. LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRES, SLEEVE SIZE AS REQUIRED 7. LATERAL LINE WITH SLEEVE 8. WARNING TAPE A. ALL SLEEVES UNDER WALKWAYS TO BE PVC SCH 40 PIPE, ALL SLEEVES UNDER ROADS TO BE PVC SCH 80 PIPE. B. ALL SLEEVES TO BE SIZED TWICE THE DIA. OF THE PIPE (2" MIN.). C. ALL SLEEVES TO RUN A MIN. OF 12" BEYOND HARDSCAPE EDGES. TRENCHING UNDER PAVING SECTION NOTTO SCALE @-1·-lf------1 ,, 1. PVC LATERAL UNE FROM DRIP VALVE ASSEMBLY 2. PVC SUPPLY W-NIFO!D a MliNIFOLD-TO-ELBOW COliNEC,10N (TYP.J ~~~~2. 5 .3 --------, ---~---- ~ ~ fil THRUST BLOCK :If'" -~ , I • .,---,-.., ~ CAP NOTES: 1. ALL PRESSURE PIPE TO BE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO THESE DETAILS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED OR DETAILED. 2. THE PORTLAND CEMENT USED FOR CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS SHALL BE 420-C-2000 CEMENT. 3. FOLLOW DIRECTION INDICATED BY ARROW. 4. ALL CHANGES IN DIRECTION OF PIPE SHALL HAVE CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK .. © THRUST BLOCKS FOR PRESSURE PIPING PLAN NOT TO SCALE -'---1 1=::111:;;111§ 11§ 11: ill ill ,- :111~~~~1 ffil,..., S--"-'-'-1 ~-=,--1 ~S~ill311 ._~ -=- """"" -~~1~•lll~TIE $'\l!BXaAA!lllll'Rll)(l'NlT. TVTOIOO) 70R0t11.21Xi:11.,..-Ml-:lsOlNEW''l'EMT!Ell tl'ACINGf""Rti-M01G-l'ffi) 4_ DRIPllNE LATERAL 5. AlRNJ\CUUM RELIEF VAf..VE P!.UMBEDTOPVCJJRNACUUM RHJEF MANIFOI.D AT EACH H1G!-!POINT 4 5. 6 I== =111,11~1 11!1I1 111 1 I ,*mu-: 9 ~m1 i 1r1 "ffiITT i "m~= 11 w~n1Mm~l I 11 lrnk l1W\11~1 -TF 1 2 3 4 5 1•00001Ci.urn {f0 l't.ANTER POT WITH DRIP IRRIGATION "-" ~= ~l"l'CSi.Jl>-ffl.'WIIIENJAIP.¥m! :t<l'SCH41fPI/CRISERmml ~'ll.JtlJ,lEIW.IJNE. l't.lJSH\'jll_Vf.mlll:J lOC,UEX :lH"\fW lll1l-l CN' ~AAT T-1'lll~• BUJRECN'ISIEl.00 -l'lJWEl BJ(£ 1.1> AJ,EJ A.'VJE"M'.I.~ ' _,,,.--T<'l<OW'BL!JE~ ' ,,.,,,. l'Q_~~lll.A'l!(Ul'E -t::,io flf'~'EOOUl'J!'IG fl,>jl9XB.Wl1j"ART T.,cco)IOClj t0l0:J!ZW'1!4'!4CROIM 9faiSQ!,1-l.£N8Tl!,:O NUtf:I} -TORQ1~•1110lt.(J11E7.::E JBAA!,Xll11W!X"SN'$)tpl\Rf-T-FT1U<ll'J] ro:tODl.2000'lil"MCF!CUIEWffB.IFTlER Si'AC'fl&(l'AATT~ NOTTO SCALE ti. lRIANGUIJ\R EMITTER SPACI~ 1-PVCAlR 11!1.!EF MANIFOLD 8. PERIMETER LATERJ.lS 4" FROM EDGE 9. AREA PERIMETER 10. OPERATION INDICATOR 11. AlITOMATIC FLUSH VAL\JE PWM!lEIJ TO FLUSH MANIFOLD ATl.OW POINT NOTE~ A. TI-IE rarAL l..£N3.TH Of ALL JNTERCONNECTEIJ ORIP LINE SHALL NOT EXCEED THE MAXIMUM RUN LENGTH. ---f1 T f-c.OR~l=P-ziE:c.-N=-D-'-FE=ED=-.clA:.cYO'-"-'lJT-'-----------=ca==-.=---1,_S) SECTION NOT m SCAUE 0PROPOSED IRRIGATION DETAILS SIOEWAU(:---~ ,---,--MmR BOX llfll-1 METER CURii---..,_ -----9 I. PVCtATERALUNEFROMDRIPVAl.VE 6. OPERATIONINDICATOR ASSEMBLY 7. 314' SitSXS PVC TEEWITH COMPRESSION 2. AIR-VACUUM REL!Ef V>LVE .ADAPTERS J. IJR-VACUUM RELIEF VALVE ASS Ell.BLY 8. Al/TOMA TIC FLUSH VALVE ptl.;'M8ED TO 4_ SfB'BROWNORIPLINE FLUSHMAN!FOUJATl.OWPCINT 5. EMITTER-SEESCHEDLIIEFOOSPACING 9. FLUSHVALVEASSB/BlY NOTE: t TIE TOTAL LENGTH OF ALL tlTERCONNECIT!l DRIP LINE SHALL NOT EXCEED THE MAXIMUM RUii LENGTH ~ ,_ FINISH Gl!i'DE 111-I 2. NATIVE SOIL BACKALI. =111 PER SPECIFJC>.TIONS - 3.DRfPUNE 11~11 '4 OPERATION ===ii 11 INIJICA TOR - -USEONEPERZONE I I ANIJLOCA1EATFlUSH =-111 END OF ZONE - 5.2"-3"ABOVEFlr-tlSH ' 11 ~DE lf- S.4 ~71 :1 :, 4 I tn--t=-1 11=- I I @ DRIP -IN-LINE LAYOUT \!:V SECTION NOTTO SCALE ® r8.~IP -OPERATION INDICATOR NOTTO SCALE RECLAIMED WATER SIGN PER TYPICAL 11~6lt SIGN DETAILS ON SHEET 1, ATTACH ~ k WITH VANDAL PROOF HARDWARE 1 1/ ,- \0 ' - ' -- : -~ 00 c---2" DIA. GAL V. STEEL TUBE ' ,_ ---l-"'i'i"i"""ri''j!a!a!ff"""--6 ----li-_.3++'-_---7 'Tf:;:;:;Jl, J11=Tf-- -TTj: J1r.·111=' 1. FINISH GP.ADE 2. DRIPL~JE tAlEllJ'L a TOROLOC-EZEaL(FEEl6) 4. TORO BLUE STRIPE POLY TUBING (EHD1645-XXX) 6. PVC TEE (S>Sxl]Wllll 112" fPTOUTI.ET 7. NA TTVE SOIL ll,'.CKFIU.. PER SPECIFICATIONS B.4" 5. TORO lOC-EZE X !a' MPT ADAPra! (FAM16) 9. DEPTii OF PVC MANIFOI.D Pffi SPECIFICATIONS CD DRIP -MANIFOLD ELL CONNECTION SECTION NOTTOSUI.E APPROX. 5• · I 0 \0 00 V ~ ~CONTRACTOR HAS THE OPTION 0 USE A PRE-SET SLEEVE AND FILL SOLID W/ GROUT) APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. POTABLE----~ 15' MINIMUM REQUlRED -=====:::::==:;::t;. 'IERTICAL SEPARATION-12• REC!..AIMEO WA TEil IR.R .l.:.;GA;.;;JJON;;..;..._,,-YAINLINE IN su:t\lE - N01"! ,=:---,. 10' MINIMUl,J WAml lllRIGA"!ION IIAINUNE 1111H st.£t:\IE f!E:CLNMfD WA1t:R IRRHlA1lON MAINLINE MTH SLEEVE------~ NOJE, 12" IN!WM \0 ' -I .... • ... ,. ; . . .-. . ... . .. -~--"•'.· ~? .. ~~Y: • I' ./ FINISH SURFACE CONC. CURB, WHERE OCCURS ''AS-BUILT" 18" DIA. CONC. FOOTING SEE DETAIL RCE: __ _ EXP: ----DATE REVIEWED BY: H•• INSPECTOR DATE ALL R£r:t.AlMOl WATER IRRIGA"!ION PIPE AND S!.EE'IES a1ALL BE PURPLE ANO LABELED · AS SPECIFIED IN THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOO PAJVA1t: IR!OGATION SY!m:MS WA1t:R OISTRJCr RIJLES ANO REGULATIONS FOO CONSTRUCTION Of RECLAIMED WA 1ER MAlNS OCTOBER 1993. \,ERTICA!. CLEARANCE OF U" MINIMIJM IS M,\NOATORY \\1-IE:N C!IOSSlt/G PATH OF A POTABLE WAID! LINlc INSTAU.Al!ON OF R£CUJM!J> WA1t:R IRR~A)]9N MAINLINE 24• FROM FACE Of S,OEWAIX 'MlL PRO'<IOE 11-IE NE=sARY 10 HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE FROM 11-IE POTABLE MAINLINE: IN iHE SlREET, 8 RECLAIMED WATER SIGN POST ~~;wi~~~k~~D~~~ij~i~IT~Y=:RE:VIE~:W~C:O:MMEN::":T:::Si===~==⇒===+===1 ~ c1Tv oF cARLsBAn NTS ·- TABLE SERVICE LINE CROSSING POT ABLE MAINLINE CROSSING CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 0POTABLE LATERAL CROSS SECTION '"-4 fj ~ * i C-19371 * cp REN. 04/30/2017 -,; '-. DISTRICT ENGINEER EXP. P CA.~ \\EN~RONS2\EN~RONS\TAMARACK\COS\AC11VE\GP 1-2 GRO -IRRIGA~ON KP.OWG November 08, 2016 -2:06pm DATE DEVELOPERS NAME: ________ _ l 0/05/16 GR 3RD CITY REVIEW L_2_j PLANNING DIVISION 11/07/16 GR 4TH CITY REVIEW PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM FOR: ADDRESS: J---l---1----------------11--+----+--+--I 895 TAMARACK A VENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 l----+----!1------------+--t----+--+--I IA _P_PR_ov_E_D:_(_~_) __ r _(::::'-t--~=E=-l~l~--8=;\\--~_ I-";.-17 TELEPHONE:-------. PLANNING I "-9-' DATE DATE PLAN PREPARED: 0 TA DATE INITIAL ITDWW;Nf.. ~BYr::=::Q]E=TT==7P~R5oJTEE~C~T]N5o~: =7rTID~RA~w~1ITTN~G]Nijo: DATE INITIAL ATE INI I L CHKD. BY: CAM BY: _______________ DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD. BY: CBl60l70IPRE 15-01 492·8L SCANNED BY: DATE: ' "' i --~ . ..,_;' 1:.1_---., -··--~- <> \ : ' '' ' l l A:----~' I; \ \ 0 L • 11 , " 0 HYDROZONE MAP 1-------- ,. ,,/6 HYDROZONEMAPLEGEND -LOW WATER USE LANDSCAPE AREA (2,093 SF} -MODE RA TE WATER USE LANDSCAPE AREA -TREES AND PARKING (345 SF) ~ ® NORTH 8 16 t • t I I LOW WATER USE -BIOSWALE (989 SF) 32 48 \ I j SCALE: 1/16" =1'-0" APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. '~S-BU/LT" RCE: ---EXP: ----DATE REVIEWED BY: ,--"'"l" ...... """'T ........................................ """"""~~""""""""""".,.---,---r--r---r---&..il.~CTOR DATE t:a R6;fil0213u'.1u,'.~p~IBDR~~~imvu1,s:i,~~□~u~s:i,;~.:;R~:~ITY'.::::R:E~V=IE::W:C:O:MME:::N:T:S:t:===t==::i=~~=I [sHffil CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ 10/05/16 GR 3RD CITY REVIEW L.:._J PLANNING DIVISION L..::_j 11/07/16 GR 4TH CITY REVIEW PRIVATE (ONSITE} RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM FOR: CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT DEVELOPERS NAME: ________ _ 895 TAMARACK A VENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 ADDRESS: t----t1----t-----------------1----t----t---r---; TELEPHONE: _____ _ I APPROVED: ~ [ L+ l::::-j\-eb-l•?·l"T I PLANNING DATE DATE DISTRICT ENGINEER EXP. DATE PLAN PREPARED:--------t-DA_T_E--,1-I-NI-TIA-L-t-----------------,.--DA-TE--tl-lN-IT-IA-L -r--DA-TE--t""'."IN-IT-IA-;L BY: DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL -------------- DWN. BY: • PROJECT NO: DRAWING NO: CHKD. BY: CAM CB160170/PRE 15-01 492-SL RVWD. BY: \\EN~RONS2\EN~RONS\TAMARACK\COS\ACTIVE\GP 1-2 GR0 -IRRIGATION KP.DWG Nowmber D8, 2016 -2'06pm SCANNED BY: DATE: I , i I 1.1 SCOPE: Provide labor, materials, tools, permits, taxes and all other costs considered as necessary to complete planting and site work as indicated and specified within these plans by Environs. The installation shall be complete in every respect to the satisfaction of the owner. 1.2 GENERAL CONDITIONS: . 1 The Contractor shall be licensed or certified by the State of California, for the type of work shown on the plans. .2 The Contractor shall carry all necessary compensation and liability insurance to cover his workers and installation so as to offer full protection to the Owner from any possible damage suite or Lien on the Owner's property. .3 The Contractor shall apply and pay for necessary permits and fees required by Local governing Codes and Municipalities to complete the work. .4 Local, Municipal, and State Codes, Laws, Rules and Regulations governing or relating to any portion of this work are hereby made a part of these plans and specifications. . 5 The planting design as indicated on the plans is diagrammatic. Scaled dimensions are approximate. Verify all site dimensions prior to proceeding with the work. .6 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS: A. American Joint Committee on Horticulture nomenclature ( AJCHN ) -Standardized Plant Names, Latest Edition B. American Association of Nurserymen, Inc .. ( AAN ), American Standard for Nursery Stock, Latest Edition C. Standard Specification for Public Works Construction -Latest Edition D. Agricultural Code of California . 7 Do not proceed with any work should there be any unknown obstructions, grade differences, or discrepancies found on the site or any discrepancies within the plans. Immediately bring discrepancies to the attention of the Owner's Representative. If notification is not performed, the Contractor shall assume full responsibility for necessary revisions. .8 The Contractor shall note all existing finish grades prior to commencing work. Restore finish grades changed during the course of the work to original contours or intended contours where practical. .9 The Contractor shall coordinate installation of planting to avoid conflicts with grading, construction, irrigation, utilities, engineering or architectural features. .10 Upon award of the Contract, the Contractor shall immediately locate, order and purchase, or have held, all specified plant material excluding pre-selected plant material. See Section 1.5 -Plant Selection. .11 The site shall be kept clean and free of excess equipment, materials, and rubbish incidental to the work during the Construction and Maintenance Period. All rock and other growth or debris accumulated during the duration of the project shall be removed from the site. .12 The Owner's Representative shall have the right to make minor changes in the planting design (locations and plant types) and installation at no additional charge. .13 Prior to excavation for planting, or placing of stakes; locate utilities, electric cables, condu·1ts, sprinkler lines, heads, valves and valve control wires, so that proper precautions may be taken not to damage such improvements. In the event of a conflict between such lines and plant locations, promptly notify the Landscape Architect to arrange for relocation of one or the other. Failure to follow this procedure places the responsibility on the Contractor for making repairs at his expense for damages resulting from work hereunder. .14 Notify Landscape Architect in writing of soil or drainage conditions encountered during planting operations which are detrimental to growth of plant material. . 15 Adequately stake, barricade, and protect all irrigation equipment, manholes, utility lines, and other existing property during all phases of the soil amending, planting and grading operations. .16 The term "Planting Area' shall mean all areas to be planted with trees, shrubs, groundcovers. .17 All utilities (water and electricity) used during the installation of the landscaping and irrigation systems for this project shall be paid for by the Owner. .17 Unit prices for all improvements shall be established as a part of the contract with the project owner and prior to beginning work, to accomodate additions and / or deletions of materials and / or labor, 1.3 SITE OBSERVATION VISITS: 1.4 .1 .2 1.5 .1 .1 Site observation visits herein specified shall be made by the Landscape Architect. The Contractor shall request site observation 48 hours ( 2 working days) in advance of the time observation is required. . 2 Site observation will be required for the following parts of the work: A. Incorporation of soil conditioner and fertilizer into the soil. B. Upon the completion of grading prior to planting. C. Approval of plant materials. If trees have been tagged at the nursery, then verification to assure the same trees are being delivered. D. When trees and shrubs are spotted in place for planting, but before planting holes are excavated. E. When planting, and all other indicated or specified work, except the Maintenance Period, has been completed. Upon completion of all 'Punch-List' items, acceptance of the installation and written approval shall establish beginning date of the Maintenance Period. F. Final site observation visit at the completion of the ninety (90) day Maintenance Period. This s·1te observation visit shall establish the beginning date for the guarantee period of plant material. . 3 ACCEPTANCE: Upon completion of the final site observation visit and the work of this section, the Contractor will be notified in writing (1) whether the work is acceptable; (2) of any requirements necessary for completion and acceptance. .4 The Contractor or his authorized representative shall be on the site at the time of each site observation visit by the Architect. SUB MITT ALS: Submit (3) copies of the planting submittal package including 5 x 7 color photographs for each tree, shrub and groundcover taken at their sources for approval within 10 days after the award of contract. Submittals shall be made as follows: A. Product Data: Contractor shall submit a list of all landscape items indicating description, manufacturer/ supplier, and product literature. B. Submit the suppliers chemical analysis for soil amendment for planting areas. C. Submit herbicide and pesticide technician proof of state certification and product compliance. D. Samples: Submit in triplicate, samples and/or manufacturer's guaranteed analysis for the following items prior to installation: a. Soil amendment, 1 quart b. Prepared soil mix, 1 quart c. Tree staking material d. Fertilizer packets E. Planting Schedule: Submit a planting schedule, indicating dates for each type of landscape work during normal seasons for such work in area of site. Correlate with specified maintenance periods to provide maintenance from date of substantial completion. Once accepted, revise dates only as approved in writing, after documentation of reasons for delays. SOILS ANALYSIS: Upon completion of all grading operations, soil samples (3 locations min.) shall be taken by the Contractor and analyzed by a soil laboratory. The results of these tests are to be submitted and reviewed by the Landscape Architect and the Owner's Representative for any required modifications to specified soil preparation. Submit three 1-quart samples from different locations on site to the following pre-approved independent soils testing laboratory made in accordance with methods established by the Association of Official Agriculture Chemists. Soil and Plant Laboratory 1594 North Main Street Orange, CA 92667 fax: (714).282.8575 tel: (714).282.8777 A. The Contractor shall submit the report with the findings and recommendations to the Owner's Representative for review and approval prior to ordering soil amendments or plant materials. B. Take ( 3) samples of site soil at a depth of 6" -12", within proposed planting areas, after completion of grading and prior to weed control and soil preparation. C. Request testing for Agricultural Fertility and Suitability ( Test No. A-05) with written recommendations for soils amendment and procedures, hydrospray, and post-maintenance fertilization programs. D. Submit copies of the report to the Landscape Architect and the Owner's Representative. E. Soils Report recommendations shall take precedence over the amendment and fertilizer rates specified in these plans. 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 .2 Grading and soil preparation work shall be performed only during the period when beneficial and optimum results may be obtained. If the moisture content of the soil should reach such a level that working it would destroy soil structure, spreading and grading operations shall be suspended until the moisture content is increased or reduced to acceptable levels and the desired results are likely to be obtained, .3 Adequately stake, barricade, and protect all irrigation equipment, manholes, utility lines, and other existing property during all phases of the soil amending planting and grading operations . PLANT SELECTION: .1 Submit 5" x 7" color print photographs 90 days prior to installation to the Landscape Architect and the Owner's Representative of each specified tree, shrub, and ground cover taken at their sources for approval. Information on the photo is to include the height, spread and caliper (for trees). Provide a person or object in the photo to establish scale . The photos shall be of the plant material to be delivered to the job site. All plant material delivered shall be of equal or better quality as the photo given as a representative sample . .2 The Contractor shall make all necessary financial arrangements or purchase orders to reserve and procure the trees, palms, specimen plants and other plants specifically for this project. Pre-selected trees, palms and specimen plants are as indicated on the planting plan and at the locations/nursery's indicated. . 3 Contractor may at his option, pay for Environs to go to the nursery source to verify that the selected material is acceptable or to 'tag' the desired trees for the project. This would pertain to all trees 24" box and larger and all palm trees. If Environs has to facilitate the location and selection of the specified trees for the project, the Contractor shall pay for the time expended based on the current hourly rates for staff . .4 If any plant material specified is not obtainable, submit a written substitution request to the Landscape Architect during the Bidding Period. .5 Actual planting shall be performed during those periods when weather and soil conditions are suitable in accordance with locally accepted horticultural practice. .6 Quantities for plant materials are shown for convenience only, and not guaranteed. Check and verify count and supply sufficient number to fulfill intent of drawings. Certify any clarifications with the Landscape Architect. . 7 All plants not conforming to the requirements herein specified and on the drawings shall be considered defective, and such plants, whether in place or not, shall be marked as rejected and be immediately removed from the site of the work and replaced with acceptable plant materials. The plant materials shall meet all applicable inspections required by law. All plants shall be of the species, variety, size, age, flower color and condition as specified herein and/or as indicated on the drawings. Under no condition will there be any substitution of plant species, variety, or reduced sizes for those listed on the accompanying drawings, except with the express written consent of the Architect. STATEMENTS OF CONFIRMATION: The Contractor shall submit to the Owner's Representative, the following items: .1 Submit, at the time of delivery, invoice statements for organic amendments and fertilizers certifying delivery to the site and quantities by bulk and / or weight. .2 Submit Supplier's statements of confirmation recording compliance of organic amendments and fertilizers with these specifications . .3 Submit certificates for the following items upon delivery to the job site: A. Quantity of commercial fertilizer and organic fertilizer B. Quantity of soil amendments C. Quantity of seed (hydroseed application) D. Quantity of other soil additives per agronomic soils test report .4 Submit written certificate of hydroseeding. .5 Submit written certificate of delivery of container or bulk material. .6 Submit written certificate of quantity and quality of plant materials. QUALITY ASSURANCE: Contractor shall meet the following requirements . , 1 Minimum of 5 (five) years successful experience installing and performing landscape work of comparable size and type. .2 Provide at least 1 (one) person who is thoroughly trained and experienced in landscape planting and who shall be present and on-site at all times to supervise all work in this Section. This authorized representative must be able to speak and understand English so that accurate communication and direction will occur. .3 Herbicide and pesticide application shall be performed by a licensed, state certified technician. GUARANTEE: .1 Contractor shall guarantee all shrubs, ground covers and lawn areas as to growth and health for a period of (120) days after final acceptance by the Owner's Representative . . 2 Contractor shall guarantee all 15 gallon and larger sized trees for a period of (1) year after final acceptance by Owner's Representative. .3 Plants which die or loose more than thirty (30) percent of their branching structure shall be replaced under this section. The contractor shall remove and replace all guaranteed plants, which for any reason fail to meet the requirements of the guarantee, within fourteen (14) days of written notification by the Owner's Representative. All plant materials replaced shall be guaranteed for the original period, beginning with the date of replacement. PART 2 -MATERIALS 2.1 GENERAL: .1 . 2 Provide materials of best quality obtainable which comply with the plans. No substitution of specified materials shall be made without written approval of the Owner's Representative . 2.2 WEED CONTROL: .1 Pre -Planting Herbicide: Round -Up or Equal .2 Pre -Emergent Weed Control: Ronstar -G, Treflan, Eptam, Vegitex, or Equal 2.3 SOIL CONDITIONER: .1 Soil conditioner shall be "Pacific Grow" by Pacific Crest Landscape Materials. (951) 326 -5d03 (or approved equal) 2.4 FERTILIZER AND MINERALS: .1 Provide Commercial Fertilizer: Uniform in composition, free-flowing, suitable for application with approved equipment, delivered to the site in un-opened containers, each fully labeled according to applicable fertilizer laws, and bearing the name or mark of the Manufacturer. .2 Fertilizer type shall be based on recommendations given in the soil analysis by 'Soil and Plant Laboratory'. .3 Soil Sulfur -First quality commercial grade. 95% minimum elemental sulfur, .4 Iron Sulphate -[ (FE2 S04)]: First quality commercial grade 20% minimum FE as metallic. .5 Agricultural Gypsum -(Calcium sulfate, CA S04 2HO): First quality commercial grade, 23% CA. .6 Calcium Carbonate Lime: First quality commercial lime. . 7 Fertilizer Packets: Use "Best -Pak~" (2 -10-5 with minors). Available through: Hydroscape Products, Tel. (858)560-6611 .8 Agriform "Osmocote" 15-15-15 NKP 11izer .9 'Super Thrive' growth enhance/ 2.5 PLANT MATERIALS: .1 Nomenclature: The scientific and common names of plants herein specified conform with the approved names given in "A Checklist of Woody Ornamental Plants of California", published by the University of California, College of Agriculture, Publication 4091 (1979). See list of plant material on drawings. .2 Container stock (1 gal., 5 gal., 15 gal., boxes) shall have grown in containers for at least six months, but not over two years, No container plants that have cracked or broken balls of earth, when taken from the container, shall be planted, except upon special approval. No trees with damaged roots or broken balls shall be planted. .3 Pruning shall not be done, prior to delivery, except by written approval by the Landscape Architect. .4 Inspection of Plant Materials, required by City, County or State authorities, shall be a responsibility of the Contractor, and where necessary he shall secure permits or certifications prior to delivery of plants to site. .5 Plants shall be subject to approval or rejection, at the project site at any time before or during progress of work, for size, variety, condition, latent defects and injuries. Rejected plants shall be removed from the project site immediately. .6 Substitutions will not be permitted except that if proof is submitted that any plant specified is not obtainable, a proposal will be substituted subject to Architect's written approval. .7 Quantities shall be furnished as needed to complete work shown on drawings. .8 The Architect reserves the right to check root condition of any species, particularty those grown from seed, and if found defective, to reject the plants represented by the defective sample . .9 Identify plant species or varieties correctly on legible, weatherproof labels attached securely to the plant material. There shall be a minimum of one labeled plant for each 25 plants in a lot. .10 Groundcover plants shall be healthy vigorous rooted cuttings grown in flats, 4" pots or 1 gallon containers until transplanting . .11 Hydroseeding: A. Wood Cellulose Mulch: Clean, natural, wood cellulose fiber, dyed green with uniform suspension in water; allows absorption of moisture, and rainfall to percolate to soil below. B. Organic Soil Amendment: Composted organic fertilizer product with a 6 -3 -0 NPK rating containing trace elements. C. Seed: Clean, fresh, new crop, labeled with supplier's statement of composition and percentage of purity . D. Binder: Ecology 'M -Binder' E. Iron Chelate F. Seed Mixes per plan 2.6 ACCESSORIES: .1 Tree Stakes: Shall be of lodgepole pine. These shall be straight shafts, shaved and cut clean and bare of branches and stubs, of uniform thickness with a minimum diameter of 2 inches, free of loose knots, splits or bends. Stakes shall be no less than ten (10) feet in length. .2 Tree ties shall be "Arbor Tie', Deep Root Products .3 Guying material shall be "Arbor Tie", Deep Root Products 2.7 ROOT BARRIER: .1 "Deep Root" -24" deep, Deep Root Products 2.8 MULCH: .1 Landscape Mulch to be "Eco-Mulch" from Pacific Crest Landscape Materials. (951) 326 -5803. .2 Decorative bark to be 'Small Decorative' bark from Sequoia Horticultural Products. (559) 591 -1177 PART 3 -INSTALLATION PROCEDURES: 3.1 3.2 3.3 PERCOLATION TESTING: .1 Upon completion of the rough grading of the site, the Owner's Representative shall identify a typical location for one of the largest trees, the Contractor shall excavate the pit for the tree per the project specification and details . . 2 With the Owner present, the Contractor shall fill the pit with water to a depth of 12", if possible. The length of time required for the water to percolate into the soil, leaving the pit empty, will be measured by the Contractor and verified by the Owner's Representative. .3 Within 6 hours of the time the water has drained from the pit the Contractor, with the Owner present, shall again fill the pit with water to a depth of 12". If water does not completely percolate into the soil within 9 hours, a determination will be made by the Owner as to whether or not a drainage system to each tree will be required. WEED CONTROL: .1 Manually remove all existing weeds and remove from site. .2 Apply 200 lbs. / acre commercial fertilizer to all planting areas. Irrigate (4) times per day during the summer season and (2) times per day during other seasons for 3 weeks to germinate seeds . .3 Discontinue irrigation for (2) days and apply a non -selective contact herbicide, per Manufacturer's direction. to eradicate germinated weeds and grasses. Allow herbicide to kill weeds and grasses. Manually remove weeds and grasses from the site. Minimize soil disturbance on sloped areas of site. .4 If weeds and grasses still exist, irrigate for (2) times per day, as above, for (2) weeks or until new growth appears. Reapply herbicide to kill weeds and grasses. Manually remove weeds and grasses from the site. ,5 No pre -emergent herbicide shall be used in landscape areas to be seeded. .6 Contractor shall obtain approval by Owner to apply any herbicide, insecticide, fungicide, or other chemicals to be used on-site. Contractor shall abide by all applicable Governmental Standards regulating the application of any chemicals, and shall follow all Manufacturer's recommendations. All workers applying such chemicals shall be licensed as required by law. DELIVERY AND STORAGE: .1 .2 . 3 Contractor shall deliver soil amendments to the site in the original un -opened containers, bearing the Manufacturer's guaranteed chemical analysis, name, trade name or trademark, and statement indicating conformance to State and Federal Law. In lieu of containers, soil amendments may be furnished in bulk. A certificate indicating the above information shall accompany each delivery. Contractor shall arrange for Owner's representative to certify all un-opened fertilizer packages on site. Fertilizer packages shall not be removed from site until after incorporation into soil as per specifications, and only when directed by Owner's Representative. Contractor shall store, protect and maintain/water all plants not installed on the day of arrival at the site . APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS-BUILT" RCE: ----EXP: -----DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DA TE :;~;;:~ g~ ~~I~~~~;~tf/{JTYREVIEWCOMMENTS [SHffil CITY OF CARLSBAD~ 1-1..:aoc..:10'"'5;""1"'61--"G"'-R'--l-=3RD~_,;:c;.:.rT""Y"--'-'RE"-'V-"I-E""w"------------------+---t1 L....:_j PLANNING DIVISION L.2:__J '-'""""'"'-'--"'=-4-"'='-"= ...... ==='-----------4---+---+---+----t 11/07/16 GR 4TH CITY REVIEW PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM FOR: CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT DEVELOPERS NAME: ________ _ 895 TAMARACK AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 ADDRESS: l----l--+----------------ll----+-----1---+----I APPROVED: TELEPHONE: ______ _ PLANNING DISTRICT ENGINEER EXP. DATE DATE PLAN PREPARED: _________ 1----+------i,-----------------+------il----+---1-----t OWN. BY: • rn DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD. BY: , A•"' BY: DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD. BY: ' l·ll:·11 DATE PROJECT NO: DRAWING NO: CBl60170/PRE 15-01 492-8L \\ENVIRONS2\ENVIRONS\TAMARACK\CDS\ACTIV[\CP 1-2 GRD.DWG November D8, 2016 -2:11pm SCANNED BY: DATE: 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 SOIL PREPARATION: 1 . 2 .3 .4 .5 Cross-rip all on grade planting areas to a depth of 1 O" -12" in ( 2 ) directions. Apply the following conditioners at the rates identified -excluding slopes greater than 3:1 . A. Iron Sulphate: 20 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. B. Soil Conditioner: 4 cu. yd. per 1,000 sq. It. C. Pre-plant Fertilizer: 30 lbs. per 1,000 sq. It. D. Gypsum: 200 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. Rate of application is for bidding purposes only. Soil test may reduce or increase total soil amendment yardage. Adjustment (plus or minus may be necessary.) Contractor shall obtain at least three soil tests of final grade at site and submit results to Landscape Architect for interpretation and recommendation. Broadcast the organic soil amendments unifonnly over surface of the area to be treated. Incorporate into the site soil by cultivation, spading, or rota• tilling, to a depth of 6" and fine grade to specified depth below adjacent paving and curbs. Remove from all planting areas, rocks and debris larger than 1" and remove from the site. Clean mineral and amendment stains from paving. Grading and soil preparation work shall be performed only during the period when beneficial and optimum results may be obtained. The soil shall not be worked when the moisture content is so great that excessive compaction will occur, and not when it is so dry that dust will form in the air. If the moisture content of the soil should reach such a level that working it would destroy soil structure, spreading and grading operations shall be suspended until the moisture content is increased or reduced to acceptable levels and the desired results are likely to be obtained. Planting backfill shall be a thoroughly blended mixture of excavated soil from the planting pits and soil conditioner at the following mixture: Soil Conditioner 50% On Site Soil 50% FINISH GRADING: .1 .2 . 3 . 4 .5 .6 .7 ,8 . 9 Finish grades shall be as indicated on the civil engineer's drawings and/ or landscape drawings. Finish grades shall be measured as the final water compacted and settled surface grades and shall be within plus or minus 0.1 foot of the spot elevations and grade lines indicated on the drawing. Finish grades shall be measured at the top surface of surface materials . Molding and rounding of the grades shall be provided at all changes in slope . All undulations and irregularities in the planting surfaces resulting from tillage, rota-tilling and all other operations shall be leveled and floated out before planting operations are initiated. No depressions or 'bird baths' which retain water or results in ponding shall remain. The Contractor shall take every precaution to protect and avoid damage to sprinkler heads, irrigation lines, and other underground utilities during his grading and conditioning operations. Final finish grades shall insure positive drainage of the site with all surface drainage away from buildings, walls, and toward roadways, drains and catch basins. Final grades shall be acceptable to the Landscape Architect before planting operations will be allowed to begin. Planting surfaces shall be graded with no less than 2% surface slope for positive drainage . PLANTING TREES, SHRUBS AND VINES: The Owner's Representative shall approve the placement of all plant material before planting pits are excavated. The Contractor shall layout plant locations for shrubs and vines, or place specified quantities of plants in containers in locations shown on plans -at the direction of the Owner's representative. Contractor shall locate trees 15 gallon and smaller with marker stakes. Contractor shall physically place all trees 24" box size and larger in the field at the locations indicated on the plan. The Owner's Representative will either approve or direct the Contractor as to where each tree shall be planted and the facing of the each tree. Contractor shall have all plant material located prior to the site visit by the Owner's Representative. . 1 Plant materials as soon as site is available and weather conditions are suitable for perfonnance and the sequence of the specifications. Do not plant if the soil is excessively wet. .2 Excavate plant pits two (2) times wider than the plant container and 6" deeper. Edges shall be 6" or more away from curbs or paving. . 3 Set plants in center of pits, in vertical position so that crown of plant is 1" above adjacent finish grade. Backfill plant pit with backfill mix to 1/2 height of the rootball and water. .4 Fertilizer packets shall be placed in each planting hole at the following rates: (1) Pak per 1 gallon container (3) Paks per 5 gallon container (9) Paks per 15 gallon container. (4) Paks per 1/2" diameter of trunk size . 5 Continue backfilling and form a shallow basin around the perimeter of root ball by depressing soil slightly below finish grade. Form basin rims, keeping rim within outer edges of plant pit. Water to saturate root ball. .6 Fine grade areas around plants to specified finish grade and dispose of excess soil . .7 Prune and shape all trees, shrubs and vines as directed by Owner's Representative. .8 Remove stakes and espalier racks and secure vines to adjacent masonry surfaces with screw eyes or metal fasteners, and heavy duty clear plastic ties on wood surfaces. Aluminum nails with heavy duty clear plastic ties may be used in lieu of metal fasteners . . 9 Slopes 3' and higher in vertical elevation shall be planted with groundcover. Slopes 10' and higher in elevation shall be planted with trees, shrubs and groundcovers . . 10 Trees shall be planted at least 5' away from any driveway, drainage flow line, underground utilities such as sewers, waterlines, gas lines, sidewalks, and buildings, etc. .11 Trees shall be planted at least 25' from any street intersections, pedestrian crosswalks, or street light standards. . 12 Plantings shall not be located such that they would cause a line of site problem for vehicular traffic. . 13 Install a 3" layer of mulch over the entire plant pit area. Do not allow mulch to come in direct contact with plant main stem/ trunk. . 14 Immediately after installing all trees and shrubs, build watering basins per planting details and water newly installed plant material with 'Super Thrive'. Rates and meathod of application per manufacturer's recommendations. . 15 Substitutions The landscape contractor shall not substitute any plant material without authorization by the landscape architect. Within 10 calendar days of notice to proceed, landscape contractor shall submit copies of all paperwork to the landscape architect stating location of plant material to be purchased and to be installed on this project. Work shall not proceed without receipt of this paperwork Substitutions for the indicated plant material provided that the landscape contractor being awarded the project notified the landscape architect of lack of availability during the bidding process. The landscape architect may allow these requested substitutions as long as the substitutions are made at no additional cost to the owner. Accept for the variation so authorized, substituted plant material shall conform to the requirements of these specifications. If accepted substitute materials are less value of those indicated or specified, contract price will be adjusted in accordance with the provisions of the contract. Should the landscape contractor fail to procure the required plant material called for in the drawings after submitting the paperwork called for above, indicating the plant material was available and set aside for this project, the landscape contractor shall install the next size up at no additional cost to the owner. GROUNDCOVER: . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 .6 .7 Plant groundcover to cover the designated areas at the specified on center spacing . All groundcover shall extend underneath all trees and shrubs in planting beds . Plant groundcover in straight rows, evenly spaced using triangular spacing unless otherwise noted on plans . Fertilize each groundcover plant with Agriform Osmocote 15-15-15 NPK fertilizer per manufacturer's recommendations . Moisten soil before planting. Retain slight depression around each plant, finishing with neat and uniform finish grades . Hand water immediately after planting. Plants shall not be allowed to dry out before, during or after installation. Continue to hand water as required for 1 month. Immediately alter installing all groundcovers, water newly installed plant material with 'Super Thrive' with spray-on meathod, rate per manufacturer's recommendations. 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 ROOT BARRIER: .1 .2 . 3 MULCH: .1 .2 Root barriers shall be installed@ all trees eithin 5' of any hardscape structures, paving, curbs, utilities or any other structures. Root barriers shall not be wrapped around root ball. Install root barrier per manufacturer's recommendations . Install a 2" layer of 'Small Decorative Bark' in all planting areas adjacent to buildings or pedestrian trafficked areas, as directed by the Project Landscape Architect. Install a 3" layer of 'Eco Mulch' in all other planting areas, as directed by the Project Landscape Architect. SODDING LAWNS: . 1 General: Sodding shall be performed only during the time of day and during seasons when satisfactory results can be expected. Only when authorized in writing by the Architect may sodding be done during unfavorable weather or seasons. With the approval of the Architect, the sod may be set in place during periods of drought, provided the sod bed is thoroughly watered to a depth of at least 8 inches prior to planting the sod. .2 Subgrade for Sod: After the preparation of the soil, the grading and the deep watering specified herein before, the areas to be sodded shall be raked, floated and rolled to the finish subgrade to receive the sod (1/2 inch below finish grade) by any standard method acceptable to the Archttecl, with the finish subgrade left smooth and even, free of ridges and depression, reasonably well firmed and moist to a depth of at least 8 inches . . 3 Pre-plant Fertilizer: Broadcast 16-20-0 fertilizer at 15 lbs. per 1,000 sq.ft. prior to laying soc. .4 Lay of Sod: The sod shall be laid smoothly, in one direction only, edge to edge, with closely fitted staggered butt joints. Sod to be laid perpendicular to slope . . 5 Initial Watering: After laying, but prior to rolling, the sod shall be irrigated lightly with a spray mist within 1 hour after the sod has been exposed to direct sunlight and/or wind . . 6 Compacting: The sod shall immediately be pressed firmly into contact with the sod bed using a light weight turf roller or other approved equipment, so as to eliminate all air pockets, provide a true and even surface and ensure knitting without displacement of the sod or defonnation of the surface of the sodded areas. .7 Filling: Following compaction and when sod area is firm, a blended screened conditioned topsoil shall be used to fill all cracks between the strips of sod. Excess soil shall be worked into the grass with rakes or other suitable equipment. The quantity of fill soil shall be such as will not cause smothering of the grass but will leave the top surface of the sod even. .8 Protection: The lawn areas shall be protected against foot traffic and other use immediately after seeding is completed by placing warning signs and temporary twine and flagging around the areas. Damaged areas shall be repaired immediately by the Contractor. HYDROSEEDING -IF REQUIRED: . 1 GRADING: Fine grade areas to be seeded to a smooth continual grade, confonning to the specified drainage patterns and finish grades. Remove rocks and clods larger than 1" in lawn and shrub areas, and 4" on slopes 3:1 and steeper. .2 EQUIPMENT: Hydroseeder shall have a built-in agitation system and capacity large enough to agitate, suspend, and homogeneously blend a slurry containing 40 lbs. of mulch and 8 lbs. of fertilizer for each 100 gallons of water . . 3 PREPARATION: Fill tank to 1/3 capacity with water. In the order listed, add fertilizer, binder (if req'd.), seed, then mulch to form a slurry before tank reaches 3/4 capacity. Slurry shall be prepared on site with application commencing immediately after tank is full. .4 APPLICATION: Moisten soil to a depth of 2" prior to hydroseeding. Apply the slurry allowing wood fibers to build on each ' other until a uniform coat is achieved and material is spread at the required rate per acre. Clean overspray from areas not designated to receive hydroseeding and from container plant material that was installed prior to hydroseeding application. .5 WATERING: Maintain proper soil moisture level to insure proper germination and plant growth until the end of the Maintenance Period . .6 RE-SEEDING: Re-seed bare areas as long as necessary to obtain full plant coverage. .7 EROSION CONTROL -PER ACRE: Wood Cellulose Fiber 2,000 lbs. Organic Fertilizer (6-3-0) 1,000 lbs . Commercial Fertilizer 300 lbs. Soil Binder 120 lbs . Between the months of November and March, add 120 lbs. per acre, Ecology Control M-Binder (per Manufacturer's recommendations) .8 Prior to the acceptance of hydroseeded areas by the City resident Engineer, a certified report must be submitted by a registered Landscape Architect from this office, stating that the hydroseeding was done according to the project specifications, and that its growth is adequately established to prevent erosion . ACCESSORIES: .1 TREE TIES: TREE STAKES: TREE GUYING MATERIAL: MAINTENANCE: Install per details and manufacturer's recommendations. Install per details and manufacturer's recommendations. Install per details and manufacturer's recommendations. . 1 Maintain project for a period of ninety (90) calendar days, following the correction and I or completion of pre-maintenance walkthrough punch list items identified by the Owner's Representative. Maintenance Period shall not commence until evidence of Owner's representative satisfaction is received in writing . .2 Maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, mowing, trimming, pruning, watering, fertilization, weed control, clean-up, operation/ adjustment and repair of the irrigation system. .3 Apply commercial fertilizer at the rate recommended by 'Soil and Plant Laboratory', as required to establish thriving plants . .4 Protect newly planted areas from foot traffic, vandalism, theft, burrowing or grazing animals, and erosion. Repair and replant damaged areas. Replace dead, damaged or missing plants (at no cost to the Owner) . .5 Fill, re-compact, and replant any areas that have settled and re-establish positive drainage. .6 Completion of the Maintenance Period and plant establishment shall be determined by the Owner's Representative, in writing, following a final Maintenance Walkthrough. CLEAN-UP: . 1 Upon completion of work in this section, Contractor shall remove all rubbish, trash, and debris resulting from the operations; Remove unused equipment and implements of service; Leave entire area involved in a neat and acceptable condition such as to meet the approval of the Owner's Representative. END OF SECTION • APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. ''AS-BUILT" RCE: ----EXP: -----DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE ~:~~::~ g~ ~~J~~~~~~fE~TY REVIEW COMMENTS fSHEEil CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ 1-l..:a0::..:./0:.=5/:..!l""-61-G~R?---+3:"'RD~C~I~T~Y~RE~V-:':'.I~EW~--------+--t--+--t--""1 ~ PLANNING DIVISION L2.:._j "'1"""11"'0:"71""16,-':":G':cR---ll-"::c41;:;·H~C';::IT~Y;--;RE~'V""I';;Ea-:W-;----------;--;-----1i-----r------. PRIVATE (ON SITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM FOR: CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT DEVELOPERS NAME: ________ _ 895 TAMARACK AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 ADDRESS: 1----t--+-----------------lr---t---t---t-----t DISTRICT ENGINEER EXP. TELEPHONE: 1-----+--1---------------t---+---t--r--""1 IA __ PP_R_ov_E_D_: ~'L.:~:!c~===:+-f:r:==½-'-'--"-t""J"'.\ =-=«=-~l--~~--'1-1 -----l--------------_-_-_-_-_-_:,-:,_-:,_-:_-:_-:_:.f----t--T----------------1---1 --1 -1 --1 _ PLANNING DATE • ----------l---t--+-------------t-:----+----+-:-:=:-t-:=::-1 :;:,~~==;:;n=~;=:==;;~~;:;:;;;:=:::::;'r:,;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;~;;=; DATE DATE PLAN PREPARED: DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OWN. BY:~ PROJECT NO: DRAWING NO: CHKD. BY: CAM CB160170/PRE 15-01 492-8L BY: DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD. BY: \\EtMR0NS2\ENl1R0NS\TAMARACK\CDS\ACTIVE\GP 1-2 GRD.DWG November 08, 2016 -2: 11pm SCANNED BY: DATE: SECTION 02810 -IRRIGATION SYSTEM PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE: Provide labor, materials, permits, equipment, supervision, services and transportation and all other items necessary to perform all irrigation work as indicated and specified on plans prepared by Environs, including all record drawings, reduced diagrammatic plans, guarantees, and service manuals. Work shall be completed in an efficient and satisfactory manner to the highest workmanlike standards established for sprinkler installation and operation. 1.2 GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.2.6 1.2.7 1.2.8 1.2.9 1.2.10 1.2.11 1.2.8 1.2.12 1.2.13 1.2.14 1.2.15 1.3 1.4 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.4 The Contractor shall be licensed or certified by the State of California, for the type of work shown on the plans. The Contractor shall carry all necessary compensation and liability insurance to cover his workers and installation so as to offer full protection to the Owner from any possible damage suite or Lien on the Owner's property. The Contractor shall apply and pay for necessary permits and fees required by Local governing Codes and Municipalities to complete the work. Local, Municipal, and State Codes, Laws, Rules and Regulations governing or relating to any portion of this work are hereby made a part of these plans and specifications. Contractor shall verify all conditions indicated on the plans. Contractor shall notify Owner's Representative in writing of any discrepancies in the plans and field conditions prior to the commencement of work. Failure to notify the Owner's Representative in writing exempts the Contractor from gaining compensation for required changes. Contractor shall check all site conditions, and verify the existence, location and size of utilities and services prior to beginning work. The irrigation design as indicated on the drawings is diagrammatic. Scaled dimensions are approximate. Before proceeding with work, check and verify site dimensions. Do not install the irrigation systems when know obstructions, grade differences or discrepancies in areas or dimensions exist. Immediately bring discrepancies to the attention of the Owne(s representative. If notification is not given, the Contractor shall assume all responsibility for required revisions and costs. Contractor shall coordinate installation of irrigation work to avoid conflicts with planting, utilities, engineering and architectural features. Contractor is responsible for coordinating his work with the work and schedules of all other trades. Contractor shall protect installed contract work and the work of others. · Contractor shall apply and pay for all necessary permits and fees required in pursuit of work as required by governing codes. Local, Municipal and State Laws, Rules and Regulations governing or related to a portion of this work are hereby made a part of these specifications. Contractor shall keep the premises clean and free of excess equipment, materials and rubbish incidental to work during Construction and Maintenance Period. Broom clean all paved areas. Contractor shall note all finish grades before commencing work. Restore finish grade changed during course of this work during of this work to original or intended contours where practical. No deviation from plans and specifications is authorized, unless written authorization is obtained from the Owne(s Representative or his appointed Representative in advance. The Contractor shall obtain an Encroachment Permit if required for all irrigation equipment located within the Public right-of-way. SPECIAL NOTES: Contractor shall verify in the field that all irrigation design assumptions indicated below are correct. Contractor shall notify Owne(s Representative in writing of any discrepancies in the specifications, plans and field conditions prior to commencement of work and at any time during work. Failure to notify the Owner's Representative in writing exempts the Contractor from gaining compensation for changes. A. Irrigation meter/Point of Connection is proposed at the following location: • At the southeast corner of the property line adjacent, as shown on plans. Contractor to verify exact location in the field. SUBMITTALS: .1 Submit (3) copies of the irrigation submittal package, edge bound, listing all irrigation equipment to be used, manufacturer's brochures, maintenance manuals, guarantees and operating instructions, 10 days after award of contract. . 2 Contractor's Maintenance Period shall not be terminated until the following conditions are met: Items 1.4.2, 1.4.3, & 1 .4.4 RECORD DRAWINGS: .1 Contractor shall record work as it is actually installed on an erasable Xerox mylar base of the irrigation drawing, make changes to Xerox mylar base in ink (no ball point pen) and maintain current Record Drawings on the site. The final "as-built" Record Drawings shall be drafted employing a competent Draftsman using symbols consistent with the original project Irrigation Plan. .2 Record dimensions from two different permanent points of reference (buildings, monuments, curb returns, etc.) for the following items: a. Water Meter and Backftow Assembly b. Connections to Existing Water Lines c. Ball, Quick Coupling and Automatic Control Valves d. Routing of Pressure Lines e. Source of Electrical Power for Controller, Location of Conduit and Conductors from source to Controller, Routing of Electrical Wires, and Spare Wire Locations I. Pipe and Electrical Sleeves g. Irrigation Heads having a design radius of 25' or more .3 Contractor shall submit one set of completed Record Drawings to the Owner's Representative prior to the beginning of the specified maintenance period and Owne(s Representative shall verify completeness prior to final acceptance. CONTROLLER CHARTS: The Contractor shall prepare the Controller Charts and place them in the Controllers prior to commencing service. Contractor shall verify completeness of Record Drawings with Owne(s Representative prior to preparing the Controller Charts. The Controller Charts shall be prepared as follows: .1 Provide one Controller Chart for each Automatic Controller showing the area covered by the Controller. The Chart must show clearly all areas utilizing reclaimed irrigation water and potable irrigation water. The Chart shall be the maximum size the Controller door will allow. .2 The Chart is to be a reduced drawing of the actual As-Built system. The line weights and lettering on the original Controller chart drawing shall be so drawn that the reduced Chart is clearly legible. .3 The Chart shall be a blackline print with a different color used to show area of coverage for each station. . 4 When completed and approved, the Charts shall be hermetically sealed between two pieces of clear plastic, each piece being a minimum of ten (10) mils thick. SERVICE MANUALS, KEYS, EQUIPMENT, AND GUARANTEES: .1 .2 .3 Contractor shall submit two (2) Service Manuals for Irrigation Equipment to Owner's Representative. Manuals may be loose leaf and shall contain complete drawings of all equipment installed showing components and catalog numbers together with the Manufacturer's name and address. Operation instructions shall be simple enough to be understood without specialized knowledge. Contractor shall submit two (2) sets of keys per each controller. A copy of the equipment guarantees shall be provided to the Owne(s Representative. The Contractor shall supply the following tools: a. Two (2) sets of special tools required for removing, disassembling, and adjusting each type of sprinkler and valve on this project. b. One (1) quick coupler key and matching hose swivel for each type of Quick Coupling valve installed. 1.5 . 1 WATER SUPPLY: GENERAL: See Irrigation Plan for approximate location . WATER SERVICE: .2 City and District approved backflow prevention units are required on all irrigation systems. Installation shall comply with all applicable health and safety codes. 1.6 GUARANTEE: The site sprinkler system, including work done under the contract, shall be guaranteed in writing as to material and workmanship, including settling of backfilled areas below grade for a period of one year following the date ending of the specified ma_intenance period. This date shall be determined by the Owne(s Representative after review of the specified irrigation work. Immediately repair damage to the system and site caused by faulty materials and workmanship at no cost to the Owner. Provide instruction to the Owne(s Representative and future . . maintenance personnel in the operation of the irrigation systems. The Owner retains the right to make emergency repairs without rehev1ng the Contracto(s guarantee obligations. In the event the Contractor does not respond to the Owner's request for repair work under this guarantee within a timely manner, the owner may make such repairs as he may deem necessary at the full expense of the Contractor. 1.7 SITE OBSERVATION VISITS BY THE ARCHITECT: .1 In all cases where site observation visits of the irrigation system work is required and/or where portions of the work are specified to be performed under the direction and/or site observation of the Architect or his representative, the Contractor shall notify the Architect at least two (2) working days in advance of the time such site observation and/or direction is required. .2 Site observation will be required for the following parts of the work: A. Upon installation and testing of main lines; when pipes are laid and are to be submitted to pressure tests. Do not cover any lines until they have been checked and approved. B. Upon installation and testing of quick coupler valves, hose bibs, ball valves, backftow devices, automatic controllers, and control valves and wires. c. When the sprinkler system is completed prior to planting, the Contractor, in the presence of the Architect, shall perform a coverage test to determine if the coverage of water afforded the lawn and planting areas is complete and adequate. The Contractor shall furnish all materials and perform all work required to correct any inadequacies including coverage • adding additional heads as directed by the Architect. D. Final site observation visit by the Architect and performance test shall be at the same time as the final site observation of the specified landscape maintenance period work. 1.8 TESTING: . 1 All P.V.C. mains shall be subjected to a pressure test of 125 PSI for a period of 4 hours. All testing shall be in the presence of the Architect. .2 Approval shall be received before backfilling any trench. Do not cover any lines until they have been checked and approved. Any lines backfilled prior to approval will be re-exposed to allow for verification and approval. PART 2 -MATERIALS 2.1 GENERAL: 2.2 2.2.1 2.3 2.4 2.5 .1 Provide new materials and equipment of best quality obtainable, which comply with drawings and specifications. .2 No substitution of specified materials or equipment shall be made without review by Environs and written approval by the Owne(s Representative . IRRIGATION PIPE AND FITTINGS: PVC PIPE: .1 Pipe shall be PVC material meeting ASTM-D1784, Type 1, Grade 1, PVC -1120 Cell Class 12454 -B. Specifications as manufactured by Pacific Pipe or equal. .2 All plastic pipe shall be continuously and permanently marked with the following information: Manufacturer's Name, Nominal Pipe Size, Schedule or Class, Pressure Rating in PSI, NSF Approval and date of extrusion. . 3 Pressure lines to be installed underground: .1 All pipe up to 11/2" and shall be Sch. 40 .2 All pipe larger than 2' shall be Class 315 .3 Fittings shall be Sch. 40 .4 Non • pressure lines to be installed underground: .1 All pipe shall be Sch. 40 .2 Fittings shall be Sch. 40 .5 FITTINGS: Solvent welded Type PVC Sch. 40, 1-2, II-NSF Approved and shall conform to ASTM test procedure D 2466. .6 Fittings shall bear the Manufacturer's name or Trademark, material designation, size, applicable I.P.S. Schedule and NSF Approval. . .7 All solvent shall be as recommended by Manufacturer of pipe fitting and as approved. Use no solvent from cans which have been left opened overnight. .8 No close nipples or crosses shall be used. PVC nipples shall be black in color. . 9 Thread lubricant shall be Teflon ribbon-type, or approved equal, suitable for threaded installations as per manufacture(s recommendations. BRASS PIPE: Brass pipe shall be I.P.S. Standard Weight, I.P.S. Regular, 85% Red Brass conforming to ASTM B43. Fittings shall be with Standard 125 Pound Cast Bronze Thread Fittings. GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE AND FITTINGS: Galvanized steel pipe shall be Schedule 40 ASTM, a 120 -GIP threaded, coupled, and hot-dip galvanized. Pipe fittings shall be heavy pattern, banded, galvanized malleable iron . COPPER PIPE: Copper pipe shall be seamless, Type K, hard drawn tubing. 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 IDENTIFICATION TAPE: .1 .2 Marker Tape for sleeves shall be metallic backed locating tape marked "IRRIGATION" in 2" capital letters every three feet along the tape. Marker Tape for Direct Burial wires and Main Line shall be Red Colored "Allen Marking Tape" or approved Equal. Tape shall be 3' wide. Tape shall be as manufactured by Thor Enterprises, Inc., P.O. Box 450, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin 53590. Phone: (608). 837. 7197 or Approved Equal. SLEEVING: , 1 .2 VALVES: Pipe sleeves shall be PVC SCH 40 minimum. PVC sleeves shall be twice the line size of the pipe being sleeved, minimum. The sleeving shall extend to a distance 12" beyond the paving that is being sleeved under. A permanent stamp or marking shall be placed on the paving to indicate the location of the sleeve and the sleeve shall also be located on the Irrigation 'As-Built' plans. See 'Installation Section'. .1 Remote Control Valves and Pressure Regulating Remote Control Valves shall be the type, size and performance specified in the Irrigation Legend. .2 Ball Valves shall be the type, size and performance specified in the Irrigation Legend. .3 Check Valves shall be Hunter HGV Series . . 4 Quick Coupling Valves shall be the type, size and performance specified in the Irrigation Legend. VALVE BOXES: .1 Remote Control Valve Boxes for irrigation systems shall be manufactured by Ametek -Part# 170131 or equal. .2 Ball Valve Boxes for irrigation systems shall be manufactured by Ametek -Part# 181113 or equal. .3 Pull Boxes for irrigation systems shall be manufactured by Ametek-Part# 181113 or equal. SPRINKLER HEADS: .1 Shall be of the type, size and performance specified in the Irrigation Legend. CONTROL WIRING: .1 .2 Direct Burial Control Wires: All Control Wires shall be solid copper, 600 Volt, Type UF, conforming to the Standard Specifications and Drawings, 4/64 in. insulation, 4/64 in, neoprene jacket, Style DB (Direct Burial) or equal. Special Provisions and installation requirements. Neutral Wires: White #12 AWG. Do not interconnect neutral wires between Controllers Pilot Wires: #14 AWG -Use as many as necessary. Spare Wires: Red #14 AWG . Valve Number "1' Yellow '10' White w/ Red Stripe "2" Orange "11" Yelloww/ Red Stripe "3" Blue "12" Blue w/ Red Stripe "4" Black "13" Orange wl Red Stripe "5" Brown "14" Purple wl White Stripe "6" Purple "15" Brown w/White Stripe "7" Yellow w/ Black Stripe '16" Yellow w/ White Stripe '8" Orange w/ Black Stripe "17" Blue w/ White Stripe "9" Red wl Black Stripe "18" Red w/ White Stripe Waterproof connectors for wire splices shall be Spears Ori-Splice, Pen-Tite, Scotch-Lok or approved equal. AUTOMATIC CONTROLLERS: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 Each controller shall be of the type, size and performance specified in the Irrigation Legend. Controller shall operate on Single Phase, 110 -120 Volt, 60 Cycle, Alternating Current, 'UL" Listed, and shall contain an "off' and "on" switch to shut off entire automatic watering cycle without interrupting the timing mechanism. Output shall be 24 Volts AC. Controllers shall be enclosed in weatherproof corrosion resistant 16 Gauge Stainless Steel housing having locking cover to protect all equipment from vandalism. Conduit for 120 Volt and 24 Volt wiring shall be as approved by the local Building Code for Electrical Service and distribution. ( PVC pipe will not be acceptable for use as electrical conduit) . Controller shall be furnished and installed complete with all electrical connections, ready for operation. PRESSURE REGULATION DEVICE: .1 Pressure Regulation Device shall be the type, size and performance specified in the Irrigation Legend. BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE: .1 Backftow Prevention Device shall be of the type and size indicated on the plans. Backflow Prevention Device shall meet the Standards set by the State of California, California Administrative Code, Title 17 -"Regulations Relating to Cross Connections". .2 Backftow Prevention Device shall be fitted with resilient seated test cocks, and with resilient seated shutoff valves capable of isolating the device from the rest of the sprinkler system . CONCRETE SUPPORTS: .1 All concrete work shall be 2,000 psi minimum compressive strength at twenty-eight (28) days, 5 sack mix. Form and place concrete for all pads and components above grade. Tool finished on all exposed surfaces. APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS-BUILT" RCE: __ _ EXP: ___ _ DATE REVIEWED BY: ---,--,-------~~ ....... ~~~=-=~--r--,--"T'"-"T":::::::::"':::~,TOR ~6~/2~3/~16P,G~R7~~~V~TS~TO~N7S~P~E~R~C~IT~Y~R~E~V~IE~W~C~O~M~~~N~T~Sr_1_1 __ 11~~c=1~T~Y~O=F~C~A~~~rS~B~A~D~~ l-,.lR!L!ln,t;;7'LJl11.!!j... '..!.ii: r.u,._1-_m 7Nfil0'.l'.L •.i:.v·.!S.!: RP~VTP~W--------+--t--+--f--7 L:.:._J PLANNING DIVISION L.:.:._j 10/05/16 GR 3RD CITY ~VIEW DATE 11/07/16 GR 4TH CITY REVIEW PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM FOR: CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT DEVELOPERS NAME: ---------1----l----1~--------------+----il--+--r--j 895 TAMARACK A VENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 ADDRESS: ___________ J---+--1---------------t--+---t--f-l ~::::;:::::::::=====::;:==========::, ~-+-~-----------r-r-r-r1IA_P_PR_o_vE_D_:~~~=)r~~*~'-~~~~A~--'~·$_-~1,_I ------------_____ L _____ _;T~E:LE:P.:.H:O.::N:E:::::-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:::.~. _-_-_-_---1-t-_-_-_---1-t-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--ii_--=--:::-::----'1-r-:::-=-'.":"--11-t -:: __ -:: __ ::---;_~;~;J ~' P;,LA~N;:;:Nl:;:N=G=nu;=::,.==:::;;;~~~~==,;:~~Dr,;AT~E~~· R ED 1-DWN BY· 1 m PROJECT NO: DRAWING NO: DATE DATE PLAN P EPAR : DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD,. BY ... CAM CB160170/PRE 15-01 492-SL BY: DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD. BY: DISTRICT ENGINEER EXP. \\EN~RONS2\EN~RONS\TAMARACK\aJS\ACTivE\GP 1-2 GRD -IRRIGATION KP,DWG November 08, 2016 -2:06pm SCANNED BY: DATE: PART 3 -INSTALLATION PROCEDURES 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 .2 .3 .4 .5 3.6 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: . 1 Locations on drawings are diagrammatic and approximate only and shall be changed and adjusted as necessary and as directed to meet existing conditions and obtain complete water coverage. Locate and stake all work and obtain approval of the Architect before any installations. .2 Install and ex1end system as shown on the drawings, and as necessary to carry out the intent of the Drawings and Specifications. . 3 Locate lines, valves and other underground utilities before digging trenches. .4 If no detail is provided for work under this contract, install in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendalions or recommended standard practice. Submit recommended procedures to Owner's Representative before proceeding with wane .5 Valves and other irrigation equipment shall be located in planting areas. Piping shall be located along the inside edges except where not feasible to do so. .6 Plants in 24" box size and larger shall be located and planted before main lines and lateral lines are installed. See Landscaping Specifications for procedures. WATER SUPPLY: . 1 Connect irrigation system to Point of Connection ( POC) at approximate locations shown on drawings. . 2 Allow for minor changes at POC caused by actual site conditions. .3 Verify available water pressure at each meter location prior to commencing construction of irrigation systems. Notify the Owner's Representative immediately if pressure is not that which is indicated in the drawings, or is not sufficient to operate the systems as designed. If notification is not performed the Contractor shall assume responsibility for any required revisions. ELECTRICAL SUPPLY: . 1 Connect power and connections to the Automatic Controller as indicated on the drawings. . 2 Contractor shall comply with applicable Codes and Ordinances. .3 Contractor shall coordinate with Owner and other trades to have power available to the Controllers when needed. TRENCHING: . 1 Excavate trenches, prepare sub-grade, and backfill to line and grade with sufficient room for pipe fittings, testing and inspecting operations. Do not backfill until the pipe system has been subjected to a hydrostatic test as specified. . 2 Dig trenched straight and support pipe continuously on bottom of trench. Lay pipe to an even grade. Follow layout indicated on drawings. .3 Depth of trenches shall be sufficient to provide a minimum cover above the top of the pipe as indicated in pipe depth section under the irrigation pipe and fittings heading. .4 Sand bedding will be required, when in the opinion of the Landscape Architect or the Owner's Representative that the excavated material contains rock and/or debris that will compromise the integrity of the system. Sand to be 'masonry sand'. See 'Trenching' detail for depth and installation. IRRIGATION PIPE AND FITTINGS: .1 ASSEMBLIES A. Install no multiple assemblies. Provide each assembly with its own outlet. B. PVC to metal connection shall be by PVC male thread adapter fitting screwed into metal female fitting, or by metal male thread adapter fitting screwed into PVC female fitting. C. Teflon tape shall be used on all threaded PVC to PVC and PVC to metal joints. D. Remove burrs from PVC pipe ends prior to connecting or solvent welding. Use solvent manufacturer's recommendations for cleaning pipe ends prior to making solvent welded connections. E. All PVC pressure pipe 2" and larger, shall have the correct sized concrete thrust block installed at every abrupt change of alignment at Ball Valves, at Tees, at Elbows, and at ends of pipe runs, and wherever field conditions occur which require one. Refer to San Diego Regional Standard Drawings W -17, W -18 W -19. Size as for 4' pipe for the most restrictive soil condition. PIPE DEPTHS: Depth of the pipe shall be sufficient to provide a minimum cover above the top of the pipe as follows unless indicated differently on drawings or as per City or County Codes or Requirements. A REQUIREMENTS: PLANTING AREAS: NON-PRESSURE LINES PRESSURE LINES PAVED AREAS: All piping required to be installed in sleeves NON-PRESSURE LINES IN SLEEVES PRESSURE LINES IN SLEEVES ELECTRICAL WIRES IN SLEEVES LINE CLEARANCE: 12" of Cover 18" of Cover if 3' I.D. Pipe 18" of Cover 24" of Cover if 3" I.D. Pipe 24' of Cover 30" of Cover 30" of Cover A. B. Potable irrigation lines shall have a clearance of 6" or more from each other, and from lines of other trades. Parallel irrigation lines shall not be installed directly over one another, nor against the sides of the trench. FLUSHING AND ADJUSTING SYSTEM: A After irrigation pipelines and risers are in place and connected, and prior to installation of irrigation heads, open the control valves and use a full head of water to flush out the system. After the system is thoroughly flushed, risers shall be capped off and the system pressure tested. B. Adjust valves and alignment and coverage of irrigation heads. Adjustments may include changes in nozzle sizes and degrees of arc. Obtain coverage test approval from Landscape Architect prior to planting or seeding. Systems requiring flushing shall accommodate the water generated by the flushing without erosion or C. disturbance to the planting. Water shall be channeled into adjacent drainage structures (swale, gutter, etc. where possible). HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE TEST: A Notify Owner's Representative 48 hours prior to Hydrostatic Pressure Test. Tes ting shall occur prior to backfilling and installation of any valves. B. No testing shall occur, nor shall any water be allowed into any system before the solvent manufacturer's recommended curing time has elapsed. C. Test all pressure lines under hydrostatic pressure of 125 LBS per square inch for not less than four hours. Test all non -pressure lines under existing static pressure. D. If leaks develop, replace joints and repeat test until system is proven to be watertight. E. Furnish necessary force pump and other test equipment. IDENTIFICATION TAPE: . 1 All methods of color coded identification and/ or tape differentiating the pressure supply water piping from other utility lines shall be consistent throughout the service area. .2 Where the Main Line occurs without wires adjacent to the Main Line additional warning tape is to be provided and installed as per detail. Manufacturer as per section 2.6.2 above. 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 . SLEEVES: . 1 .2 .3 .4 VALVES: Sleeving to be provided for all irrigation lines and control wires under paving. Sleeves shall be a minimum of two times larger than the pipe or wire bundle it encloses. One pipe per sleeve. Pipe size shall be 2" minimum. Pipe sleeve under future or existing paving shall be installed prior to paving or re -paving and shall extend 12" beyond each side of pavement. The letters "E" for electric and "W" for water shall be stamped or chiseled in the pavement directly above the sleeve on both sides ofthe crossing . Sleeve Marker: Metallic backed locating tape shall be installed along the entire length of all sleeves, 12" directly above sleeves. Contractor shall be responsible for sleeves and chases under paving, through walls, etc. , unless otherwise noted . . 1 REMOTE CONTROL VALVES AND PRESSURE REDUCING REMOTE CONTROL VALVES: A. Valves shall be located in shrub planting areas where possible. B. Valves shall be grouped together wherever possible and installed in individual valve boxes. C. Remote Control Valves shall be of slow closing design, and automatically close in the event of a power failure. D. Remote Control Valves shall be sized to provide adequate pressure differential for proper operation. E. Where the pressure at the Remote Control Valve exceeds 80 P.S.I. (due to elevation drops, etc.), a Pressure reducing Valve shall be used to reduce pressure to design levels. F. Valves shall be adjusted so that the most remote sprinkler heads operate at the pressure recommended by the head manufacturer. Valves shall be adjusted so a uniform distribution of water is applied by the sprinkler heads to the planting areas for each individual valve system. H. Provide a PVC union on the downstream side of the valve. Connections shall be made horizontally. .2 BALL VALVES: A. Ball Valves shall be located in shrub planting areas where possible. B. Ball Valves shall be installed to divide the irrigation system into controllable units, and to avoid draining long runs of piping for system repairs . C. Ball Valves shall isolate all looped portions of mainline networks. .3 CHECK VALVES: A. Provide a manufacturer installed Check Valve in each shrub head on riser. When a manufacturer installed check valve is not available, or where the system elevation change exceeds ten feet, provide an in-line Check Valve on the riser of each shrub head according to details. B. Provide a manufacturer installed Check Valve in each pop-up head. When a manufacturer installed check valve is not available, or where the system elevation change exceeds eight feet, provide an in-line Check Valve on the swing joint assembly of each pop-up head according to details. .4 QUICK COUPLING VALVES: A Quick Coupling Valves shall be located in shrub planting areas where possible. B. Quick Coupling Valves shall be set approximately 12" from walks, curbs, headers, or paved areas where applicable. Vertical positioning of Quick Coupling Valves shall be such that the top of the Quick Coupler will be 1/2" above settled finish grade as determined after the turf is established and 3" above settled finish grade in shrub planting areas. C. The Quick Coupling Valve shall be operated only with a special coupler key for opening and closing the valve in order to prevent unauthorized use. D. The Quick Coupling Valve cover shall be locking type and be permanently attached to the Quick Coupling Valve. It shall be yellow rubber or vinyl. VALVE/ PULL BOX: . 1 Valve Boxes shall be set one half inch (1/2') above the designated finish grade in lawn areas and two inches (2") above finish grade in shrub planting areas. .2 Valve Boxes adjacent to walks or paving shall not be installed higher than finish surface of the adjacent walk or paving. . 3 Indicate on Valve Box lid either P.B. for Pull Box, B.V. for Ball Valve, or the identification number of the Remote Control Valve and Controller Clock. Letters shall be 3' high, 1/2" wide and burned into the lid with a soldering iron or engraved into the lid with a router. SPRINKLER HEADS: . 1 Sprinkler Heads and Risers shall be installed according to details. .2 Spacing of Irrigation Heads shall not exceed maximums per the Irrigation Legend. .3 Install Sprinkler Heads 12" from any vertical surface( walls, fences, buildings, etc.) .4 Install pop-up type heads adjacent to walks or paving, headers, glazing, top and bottom of manufactured slopes and top of retaining walls -typically. .5 Top of pop-up type heads adjacent to walks or paving shall not be higher than finish surface of adjacent walk or paving. .6 Contractor shall adjust all irrigation heads to fully cover all planting areas and not throw onto walks, buildings, or windows wherever possible. Irrigation systems shall not spray water across subdivision boundary lines. Where on-site field conditions require changes, heads shall be added or deleted in accordance with the maximum spacing limits established in the Irrigation Legend or the Manufacturers information. Pipe sizing shall be adjusted accordingly. Water velocity in pipes shall not exceed five feet per second, and flow shall not exceed recommended maximum of Remote Control Valve size. .7 Irrigation Heads within a circuit shall have a uniform precipitation rate. Do not intermix different types of brands of irrigation heads on the same circuit. RAIN SENSING DEVICES: Rain Sensing Devices shall be installed as per the Manufacturer's recommendations . CONTROL WIRING: . 1 Install Wiring in same trench as pressure supply lines wherever possible. .2 There shall be eighteen inches (18") coverage of soil over the 24 -Volt Control Wire. Install Wire in trench and tape to Main Lines on side of pipe, where applicable at 10' intervals. .3 No splices shall be made between Controller and Remote Control Valves. .4 All splices shall be encased in waterproof connectors per approved materials. .5 Provide two (2) separate spare Control Wires to each single valve or valve manifolds (a valve manifold is considered any valve grouping where valves are placed no further than 3' apart). Two spare wires which are looped from valve to valve are not acceptable. Spare Wire ends shall be encased in waterproof connectors per approved materials. .6 Each individual Controller's Control Wires shall be bundled and taped together with colored tape at intervals not exceeding ten feet (1 0'). Controller tape identification tape colors shall be as follows: Controller Color AA Black Only • , Controller BB Color Red Only CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT DISTRICT ENGINEER EXP. DATE \\ENvlRONS2\ENvlRONS\TAMARACK\CDS\ACTIVE\GP 1-2 GRD -IRRIGATION KP.DWG November 08, 2016 -~06pm 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 .7 TRENCH MARKER: When Contractor cannot install Control Wires in the same trench as the pressure supply lines, all Direct Burial wires shall be marked with a continuous Red Colored Trench Marker Plastic Tape placed nine inches (9") below finished grade directly above the buried wires . .8 Identify Control Wires with permanent labels which indicate the wire's Controller and Valve Number. Attach Wire Labels at Controller and both sides of any splice. .9 In line Wire Splices shall be made only in Pull Boxes or Valve Boxes. . 1 0 All Wires in Pull Boxes shall be loose and shall not come within three inches (3") from lid. Boxes shall be sized accordingly to accommodate this requirement. . 11 WIRE CONNECTIONS: Neutral, Pilot and Spare Wires shall be installed with a 1" diameter by 2' • 0" long coiled excess wire length at each end enclosure, Wire Splice, and 100' on center. , 12 TESTING: All Wiring shall be tested for continuity, open circuits, and unintentional grounds prior to connecting to equipment. The minimum insulation resistance to ground shall be fifty (50) Megaohms. Any Wiring not meeting this requirement shall be replaced , at the Contractor's expense . BACKFILLING: . 1 Do not backfill the pipe joints until the system has been pressure tested and accepted. .2 Mechanically compact backfill for trenching to dry density equivalent to adjacent undisturbed soil, and meet adjacent grades without sunken areas, humps or other irregularities . .3 Place 6" or more of clean soil, free of debris, rock, etc. as initial backfill on pressure supply lines . .4 Place fine sand backfill material (or approved material) with no foreign matter larger than 112" in size as initial backfill on all non -pressure lines. .5 Place a minimum of 6" of sand on pipes located under areas where paving will be installed. Use specified initial backfill for remaining fill as necessary, .6 Install piping under existing walks by jetting or boring. If cutting or breaking walks is necessary, ii shall be done and replaced as part of this contract. Obtain permission from the Owners Representative before proceeding. AUTOMATIC CONTROLLERS: . 1 The Automatic Controller shall be installed at the approximate location shown on the plan in a manner recommended by the Manufacturer. Contractor shall connect Remote Control Valves to Controller to correspond with the Station Numbers, in sequence shown on plans. .2 Controllers shall be programmed so watering will not interfere with construction or normal use of the property. .3 All Local and other applicable Codes shall take precedence for the connection of the 110 Volt electrical service to the Controller. Contractor shall complete hook. up to the Controller. .4 Control mechanisms for moisture sensing or rain shut-off shall be accommodated within the Controller Enclosure . .5 Unless specifically approved by the Planning Director, All control circuits shall be designed to operate one valve at a time. PRESSURE REGULATION DEVICES: . 1 Pressure Regulation Devices shall be installed on any systems with a static inlet pressure at the Point of Connection greater than 80 PSI, unless specifically approved by the Planning Director. Pressure shall be regulated to a pressure adequate to operate the equipment at designated pressures with all incidental and line losses included. .2 Pressure regulation devices shall be installed above ground, in -line with the Backflow Prevention Device, making one complete assembly. .3 Adjust Pressure Regulation Devices to achieve 10 P.S.I. more than the minimum head operation pressure for each type of head at the highest system and / or highest and largest system. See Irrigation Legend for the lowest operating pressure range for each type of head. BACKFLOW PREVENTION UNITS: . 1 Backflow Preventer Assemblies shall be located in shrub planting areas, Final location shall be approved by Owners Representative prior to installation . CLEAN-UP: .1 Upon completion of work in this Section, Contractor shall remove all rubbish, trash and debris resulting from the operations; remove unused equipment and implements of service; leave entire area involved in a neat and acceptable condition such as to meet the approval of the Owner's Representative. APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. ''AS-BUil T" RCE: ----EXP: -----DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE 6/23/16 GR REVISIONS PER CITY REVIEW COMMENTS ~ o;n7;1,; rm 7Nn, , • "Hv 2 1,l"-"0""/0:,;;5wll.:.:.6+-"G':'-R'--l-':'3"':':RD~C=IT:":'Y.;.+:R:':':E,.,,V':'-IE~W.:,_ _______ --l __ -+--l---+---I CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION 11/07/16 GR 411l CITY REVIEW PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM FOR: DEVELOPERS NAME: ________ _ 895 TAMARACK A VENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 ADDRESS: 1-----11----+-----------------+---+----11----+---t l---t---+-----------+-----1--+---t---t I APPROVED: Ir'., "7, 1 ,...-_ Y""..tr dL I TELEPHONE: -l~J ~ i::::cj,~ {, -;,.-("7 -------PLANNING DATE . DA TE PLAN PREPARED: :,;;D;:;W~N~. B~Y;::: ::::;,;:;;.~:;:::::,;:=::::;;P:;;;RO;:;:J;;;E;:CT;:;:;:NO;;::=~;:;D;:;;R~AW~IN:;;G:;:N~O: DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD. BY: CAM BY: ________________ DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD. BY: CB160170/PRE 15-01 492-SL SCANNED BY: DATE: